TXC2: title change!
TehAmelie: -·:U
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Tuesday, Miners and Crafters!!! sergeScopeCreep jlrrPunch
TehAmelie: ahoy
TXC2: hello Xed_Regulus welcome
omdorastrix: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Minecraft on their Minecraft show, of course! Game: Minecraft) at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (2m from now).
omdorastrix: I STILL havent gotten used to the twitch mobile interface... Ugh
LoadingReadyRun: to be fair, twitch mobile sucks
Xed_Regulus: ^
EJGRgunner: lrrSIG
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: lrrSIG lrrSIG
malc: James, you should've raided yourself ;-)
ElCoggins: Twitch mobile is just the worst
Cyberegg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cyberegg! (Today's storm count: 1)
LoadingReadyRun: Sigh, OBS crashed and reset back to my personal channel and I didn't notice
kaziel0: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks OBS
omdorastrix: I feel like james might be using twitch mobile to go live this morning
malc: we did :D
pn55: Good ol' OBS jlrrFacepalm
lamina5432: twitch on the ps5 and chromas is worse I think
hieroglyphica: Good morning all!
kaziel0: OBS is having fun lately. My wife streams and OBS decided to just not load her background mid-stream. Wheeeee
TXC2: hello hieroglyphica welcome
anclag: Hey everyone
TXC2: hello anclag welcome
LoadingReadyRun: It's weird, it crashed and got set back to my profile, but the scene was still MoC.
Statist42: Hi friends! lrrSHINE
lamina5432: east coast good afternoon
Narcuru: i have successfully purchased my bricklink designer program castle and chocolate maker sets. now to wait 6 months for them to be shipped
TXC2: hello Statist42 and lamina5432 welcome
LordChrusher subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
LordChrusher: Hello James and company
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordChrusher! (Today's storm count: 2)
Malkmaven1176: I think there was a goof since I had a notice that James went live
SymphonySolstice: morning all
TXC2: hello SymphonySolstice welcome
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
brieandbacon: What up fooools!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BoatyMcBoatfaceJr! (Today's storm count: 3)
TXC2: hello brieandbacon welcome
anclag: Ghost, not goof.
Narcuru: @Malkmaven1176 apparently obs crashed and reverted to James' home stream
TXC2: Here we GO!
TheDevil_Risen: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG jlrrDance
BraveOthello subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
BraveOthello: Here we go ..
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BraveOthello! (Today's storm count: 4)
BraveOthello: Ah
BraveOthello: Again?
TXC2: !uno
LRRbot: RebelliousUno is streaming as well. Be sure to check out his view of the stream and give him a follow! https://www.twitch.tv/rebelliousuno
Sarah_Serinde: Hi James
SymphonySolstice: morning james
TXC2: Hello James
TehAmelie: aloha
Tandtroll_OG: I think this is the best intro to any Minecraft show
TheDevil_Risen: Morning James!
Genie_M: Hi James
TheShokara: G'morning!
TheDevil_Risen: Working, bout to go on lunch break
Gadora: GenderFluidPride illHi
Tandtroll_OG: Hello James
Gadora: Sleeeeepy.
TXC2: it VERY rainy here in the UK today :p
PsychoI3oy: jlrrPunch
bensmith0987 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bensmith0987! (Today's storm count: 5)
TheDevil_Risen: 4am Wed my time Kappa
TheDevil_Risen: i am upside down tho
SymphonySolstice: at work with no work to do
TXC2: Hello Serge
Tandtroll_OG: Old day tuesday
GhostValv: D:
TheDevil_Risen: why hello Serge!
TheDevil_Risen: lrrAWESOME sergePeek lrrAWESOME
Narcuru: absorbed his powers
Arazien: Serguno
omdorastrix: The one power
BraveOthello: So rather than "!uno" it's "not uno"
Sarah_Serinde: gabyFacepalm
HbombAndFriends: Greetings from FL. Hurricane Milton sends his regards.
kainboa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kainboa! (Today's storm count: 6)
TheDevil_Risen: Serge has Tea?
TXC2: hello HbombAndFriends stay safe lrrHEART
TheDevil_Risen: the world is ending Kappa
Volus_dude: shulker farm?
BraveOthello: @hbombandfriends stay safe
TheShokara: Its my birthday!
DideRobot: LRR: Step 1: Go to https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | Step 2: Watch James and Serge play Minecraft | Step 3: ??? | Step 4: Profit! | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113272890945771749
TXC2: TheShokara Happy birthday
hieroglyphica: Happy birthday! 🎈
LordZarano: It's Ada Lovelace Day
anclag: oh you got my hopes up when you said Balatro there
phoenixfeather14: secrets?
HbombAndFriends: Serge drinking tea. Hurricane heading for FL. it truly is the end of the world.
creasehearst: the Brotato update is saved for when Serge is in meetings
BrookJustBones: It's the LRR meeting game :P
Narcuru: balatro
TehAmelie: Blatatro
omdorastrix: Brolatro
omdorastrix: Baltato?
brainbosh: Brolatatro
SAJewers: oh, did you both heear that 1.21.2-pre1 came out?
phoenixfeather14: Balatato?
roefizzlebeef subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, roefizzlebeef! (Today's storm count: 7)
TXC2: chat with strong Majapahit energy today
TehAmelie: aw, the DLC isn't out here yet. way to Internet Valve (?)
undecided44: <obligatory 1.21 gigawatts joke>
creasehearst: James is incapable of not being confused
Tripleyew: ‘morning, James and Serge, and howdy all
tobcus3114 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
tobcus3114: Good evening folks
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tobcus3114! (Today's storm count: 8)
ArcOfTheConclave: minecraft 365/2 dream drop 1.21.2-pre1?
TXC2: I live in a perpetual state of confusion
TXC2: hello Tripleyew welcome
Narcuru: bow, shovel, pick
TXC2: Narcuru "men want 3 things, and it's disgusting" Kappa
Tripleyew: oof
bobokiddo: we o’clock
rogerivany: James was the reason Serge had a key in the first place though.
TXC2: this is very un-comradly behaviour of you Serge Kappa
ArcOfTheConclave: domes!
Statist42: wasnt serge also the reason yall died a whole lot at the start of trial chamber? Kappa
Tripleyew: is the design in the front path symmetrical? it looks like it might be off very slightly <runs away>
LurkerSpine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LurkerSpine! (Today's storm count: 9)
TXC2: he did the thing¬
TXC2: !
phoenixfeather14: He did the thing!
Xed_Regulus: I had 10:19
malc: !addcount falls
rogerivany: jlrrFall
Krat_Arona: FallDamage
Tandtroll_OG: I like grass though :(
SymphonySolstice: it is indeed a whole pig
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: that's the gardner
TXC2: what did you mean used to be, it;s still there
LurkerSpine: Is it a sweetened pig?
lamina5432: hole bacon
Narcuru: the sidewalks dont need to be the full width. you could go wall>grass>sidewalk>grass>building
Narcuru: lol
TehAmelie: that's a Graham problem
Master_Gunner: think of the content for his GVlog!
SAJewers: comeone clip this and send it to graham :P
TXC2: Serge is on a CSIS watch list for all these reference photos Kappa
Master_Gunner: so skinny walkway in a big park?
ritchards: I look forward to you adding spirals
Narcuru: ADA
Narcuru: its for wheelchair access
GhostValv: wheelchair access :O
Boon_33: drawing the watermarks in is gonna be hard to work out in blocks.
phoenixfeather14: yeah, wheelchair ramp
Narcuru: ADA means nothing this is canada lol
kaziel0: I imagine Serge just started sweating hearing that, even knowing that it's a joke.
Narcuru: fwiw the steps in front are roughly the same depth as the flat sidewalk infront of that before the wall
TXC2: you know, it really shouldn;t take a whole ass law to make people put wheelchair ramps in :p
Narcuru: @TXC2 you would think that, but i have had small business owners pissed because we needed to add a wheelchair ramp to get any access to their pizza shop
TXC2: Narcuru yeesh :p
Narcuru: @Narcuru they specifically asked if they had to have one. I tried to frame it as they would be cutting out potential customers and that helped... but still
rogerivany: Does the Museum need a canal?
TehAmelie: maybe a canal exhibit?
lamina5432: always needs a canal
brieandbacon: Is there not a canal room?
Cunobelenos: sergeCanal
wordnerdify: Does the museum need teeth?
MungoDude: sergeCanal
TheShokara: sergeCanal ?
SAJewers: how about a canoe? lrrBEEJ
Master_Gunner: how about a viaduct?
wotc_jordan: November Poutine?
Tripleyew: James “Despiser of Canals” Turner, got it
brieandbacon: And Jeff Bezos thinking that Serge is pretty?
SAJewers: a canal of poutine?
EJGRgunner: As the foremost Canal enthusiast in Serge's chat: nope. note here.
TXC2: James has holes, Serge has Canals, what's MoC's Megastructure ?
lamina5432: just got my mom to try Putin for the first time.
TheDevil_Risen: shwarma poutine?
LathosTiran: enough cannals untill the surrface of the world looks like scaled up farmland
TheDevil_Risen: please explain this new poutine version <3
rogerivany: Hot - temperature or hot - spicy?
TXC2: is Murder Burger ran by Crows ?
wotc_jordan: very thin, crispy
Volus_dude: has anyone enjoyed the burger kings black burger that was on sale during halloween?
Genie_M: That's a version of smash
GhostValv: thin with the edges tend to crisp up yeah
rogerivany: I like burny melty cheese.
TXC2: hello wotc_jordan
Spys212: smash burgers are the best kind of burger
wotc_jordan: helllo
protojman: been practicing my at-home smash burgers!
malc: jlrrFall
TheDevil_Risen: jlrrFall
wotc_jordan: You sure are
kaziel0: jlrrFall
wotc_jordan: I was hoping you'd get further along before seeing it
Cunobelenos: sergeOffByOne
shendaras: The curse is spreading?
brieandbacon: and also to Serge
CanPlayGames: Hello from soon to be hit by a hurricane.
chrono2x: It only happens sometimes to most of us. It always happens to Serge
Narcuru: @CanPlayGames stay safe!
TheDevil_Risen is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 33 in the channel!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to whynottka!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to Xavion333!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, TheDevil_Risen! Welcome to whynottka and Xavion333! (Today's storm count: 11)
creasehearst: maybe James and Serge can trade curses
TXC2: hello CanPlayGames stay safe lrrHEART
LordZarano: Have Serge and James swapped curses?
rogerivany: It's weird that the Atarka curse hasn't spread from James though.
TXC2: LordZarano not until we get Serge on LRRMTG
amative1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months!
amative1: 128 months? That's two stacks of years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, amative1! (Today's storm count: 12)
Tripleyew: @rogerivany Atarka has good target discipline?
TheDevil_Risen: no worries James :)
TXC2: James accumulates the curses within himself
TheDevil_Risen: i heard a zombie down there
lamina5432: I think it’s more of an AOE around James
TheDevil_Risen: got my order of dragon shields form my LGS, sleeving up my DSK decks finally
TheDevil_Risen: wish I could use your promo code but they don't ship direct to consumer down under
brieandbacon: !mcplan
LRRbot: Today on Mine O'Clock: Minecraft is back, in 1.21 form, so the join the bois as we explore a brand new server!
TXC2: brieandbacon the plan is more museum path way
LordZarano: Well, that hasn't been updated in a while
brieandbacon: @TXC2 until morale improves?
TXC2: some day I'll learn how to spell museum on the first try, but not today :p
Narcuru: its not entirely incorrect
malc: !sassplan
TXC2: brieandbacon yes
LordZarano: Meuseum
goatprince: hey guys i just got here and i heard you started up a new server
TheDevil_Risen: also, incase i didn't say it earlier hey @TXC2 sergeModLove
TXC2: TheDevil_Risen thanks
hoveringhalibut: I for one can't believe Serge is Pro-Torch
wotc_jordan: Serge you good?
goatprince: serge that's ageist
wotc_jordan: You know what could improve it? lava river.
TXC2: need an old server and a young server
Sarah_Serinde: Sounds like Jordan
wotc_jordan: Yep
Volus_dude: we are getting spoiled, tream, pac and now placing blocks on row
Wolfstrike_NL: Should go get Jordan back on the server it sounds like
brieandbacon: Flaming dongs and a minefield?
TXC2: an agent of chaos that Jordan
wotc_jordan: I spent an awful long time trying to make TNT Traps work the way I wanted to with my VERY limited Minecraft knowledge
BrookJustBones: Good old super hostile
TheMerricat: Only for them to be deleted one chuck at a time. the slow, inevitable, inescapable pace of punch a chunk.
wotc_jordan: Give me creative mode and a few hours. I'll figure out fun traps
goatprince: looks like you began this show when you started on full time at LRR
brieandbacon: Was the last blow-up the Gigaloo?
wotc_jordan: I promise I'll keep the traps away from manufactured things
goatprince: i was 27 at the time :)
Boon_33: they still exist in the form of episodes
ArtemisHuntress: oh that's a cool pattern
wotc_jordan: I enjoyed blowing up James' original Punch a Chunk world
NimrodXIV: RIP Butter Road
wotc_jordan: I think it was over a thousand TNT bricks
lamina5432: tnt is art according to Naruto.
shendaras: I think I still have the very first minecraft world I played on saved somewhere.
TXC2: NimrodXIV ah the OG
Sarah_Serinde: This is me with my Thror's Map embroidery for DB many years ago. It was *so much work* back then. It took me like...50 hours
Sarah_Serinde: That's a quarter to a sixth of what I spend on them these days
Mazrae: Hello everyone
TXC2: hello Mazrae welcome
ShaneLeeAtk: jlrrDance3 sergeSipp
TheMerricat: @Sarah_Serinde a quarter of the time, and twice as much done in the time. Skills improve, knowledge grows. :D
brieandbacon: James, you skipped a block
anclag: Just move the museum forward a block
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I think it's good like that
kaziel0: Move it forward one block at a time. NBD. XD
TheDevil_Risen: not everything needs symmetry, it can look unnatural
TheDevil_Risen: or... inorganic :) though, in the built environment, that's not always a benifit
Tser1ng: Is this museum the new Butter Road?
TXC2: Tser1ng we haven't blown it up by accident yet, so not yet, no
dougma: sergeOffByOne is the brand
anclag: Well we know what Serge is doing on his next home stream
TheShokara: i cant tell from the sky
TXC2: looks fine to me
dougma: loogs great to me
Narcuru: i can see it but it's not that noticable
vegetalss4: I can tell there's a difference, but I like it
chrono2x: I like the idea of extending the green area there
TXC2: like the Fed Ex logog
TXC2: *logo
TheDevil_Risen: loll
Angreed66: You're not using any of their color combos so you'll be fine
rogerivany: Accidently?
TXC2: I thought Serge was joking, then I remembered that actually happened :p
TXC2: rogerivany Serge thought the person was Adam,
phoenixfeather14: or placing stiars
phoenixfeather14: *stairs
vegetalss4: @TXC2 Despite knowing the story, this part still doesn't register as an explanation
TXC2: vegetalss4 people do dumb things with/to their friends some times
Geisterkarle: one off?
StarShock2002: off by one
shendaras: I think it might be off, too
MungoDude: shouldn't meet at the middle yeah
goatprince: when are you guys starting the herringbone
chrono2x: I'm trying to imagine how they would implement that tool in the flavor of Minecraft and coming up blank. Redstone transposition of blocks maybe, like based on enderman teleport.
goatprince: sigh
GhostValv: D:
LordZarano: There's the debug stick for rotating blocks in vanilla but that's creative+cheats only
TehAmelie: short by 1: the sequel to off by 1
Wolfstrike_NL: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (31d, 4:59 from now)
phoenixfeather14: the herringbone is on the inside of the museum
anclag: first visitor to the museum!
rogerivany: jlrrFall
wotc_jordan: No high fives
vegetalss4: @anclag I'm not sure he's gonna give a great yelp review
Angreed66: One day I want Mojang to allow villagers to rise up against the player if mistreated
LurkerSpine: Should really add a wine cellar to the museum
goatprince: going by DB rules i just call him Daddy-o
rogerivany: Need a second beacon to match
Mazrae: Those are the arrows saying which way is the front
Nigouki: but what if beacon is fountain?
Gadora: I dunno. Might want to center the arrows.
Kentosaurus: pattern looks weird at the extreme ends, but that may be the angle
TheDevil_Risen: you could hide a beacon in the roof of each side of the museum and do some cool architectural lighting
TheDevil_Risen: :)
chrono2x: Even if the path narrows and goes straight back along side the building, it would look more finished.
LostThePirate: pretty
LiamRos: if the ends of the paths end in a garden feature and trees it will look fine
TehAmelie: i was thinking hide a beacon by making a decorative pillar going up to the sky
GhostValv: maybe have the paths go to commuter rail (minecarts)
EJGRgunner: You could put water features at either end. or statues or something.
wordnerdify: or hide multiple beacons under ground to have colored light beams on the front of the museum, like some public buildings do
TXC2: to be fair, they could get shorter as the get smaller
Angreed66: A road that leads nowhere will always look unfinshed
Narcuru: the paths stopping at the ends still look unfinished
goatprince: people die when they are killed.......
Boon_33: *in minecraft
Angreed66: Matt proving ghosts aren't real
TXC2: even if ghosts are real, they can't hurt you
rogerivany: We need a lichen farm now. ;)
Boon_33: it's tuesday so ghosts are real on LRR
Piratical_tendancies: lichen subscribe time!
Tripleyew: lichen subscribe?
Tripleyew: high five, @piratical_tendancies
rogerivany: If only we had a skeleton spawner at our base.
MungoDude: you could use a couple of hoppers and a composter to use up some of those saplings and seeds and things to get more bonemeal
TheDevil_Risen: yeah you encased in in glass :)
TXC2: remember to lichen, shear and sub-dive
Angreed66: bonemeal farm is faster anyway
Boon_33: 2nd bonemeal farm?
TheDevil_Risen: does Serge know of the surprise dungeon?
Piratical_tendancies: @Tripleyew woo! yeah!
Tser1ng: Was half expecting Serge industrial district to just be Satisfactory.
Boon_33: 2025 mod goal
TXC2: that's basically how Frog fractions works :p
TheDevil_Risen: I want to see factorio in MC
rogerivany: I don't think I've seen lichen on grass before...looks odd.
kainboa: @TheDevil_Risen there's one or more mods for that
Boon_33: we have factorio at home
phoenixfeather14: sergeSqueak
TheDevil_Risen: sergeSqueak
TheDevil_Risen: @kainboa really?
TXC2: Nice
TheDevil_Risen: ooo
GhostValv: nice~~
Mazrae: You built a road for the chicken to get to the other side to now
sasschad subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sasschad! (Today's storm count: 13)
goatprince: soyou're saying you're not building the rest of downtown victoria?
TXC2: flawless
Boon_33: 10/10
TXC2: quake had music ?
goatprince: what about the doom song
TehAmelie: the Doom song works better
Genie_M: Doom song is better
malc: jlrrCooltunes
goatprince: james sing the doom song
goatprince: you've done it
Genie_M: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
MungoDude: it's less recognisable than doom, it's all nine inch nails
Wolfstrike_NL: Why leaves?
Boon_33: the arena announcer is all I remember from Quake
Angreed66: I think adding vegetation will make the road that leads nowhere look better by making it lead to the plants
MungoDude: oak, eh
Krat_Arona: But no Doak
goatprince: adding trees means you get the victorian 'urban forest'
UnknownFriday: With your powers combined you're going to get broak leaves?
MungoDude: about 9 or 10 blocks
Boon_33: if there was a Minecraft equivalent to captain planet they would warn about Crypto projects.
Boon_33: or chunk loading
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
TheAinMAP: escher3BEE
Angreed66: That's rigged birch has better rates
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah it definitely should be
TehAmelie: poutine with honey? y/n
Boon_33: incentives
TXC2: Bees good, wasps bad
MungoDude: I think I used to do 10 when I was trying to maximise wood without chonkers in skyblock
LathosTiran: sappling says "feed me"
ContingentCat: Has anyone made a desert poutine like a treatza pizza?
ContingentCat: funnel cake fries, etc?
Mazrae: Instead of chonkers they are going to be shorties
LathosTiran: a candy bar ice cream sunday?
TXC2: I think just chips with honey could work, but with the gravy and cheese it's a no go
LordZarano: If you don't have any flowers around you're gonna get 0 bees
GhostValv: D:
ContingentCat: the bees know the future
ContingentCat: they know the flowers are coming
anclag: underground flowers?
Narcuru: is there a flower in the hole under the grass?
rogerivany: Is James trying to get beehives? Without flowers nearby?
Boon_33: now you need to mow the lawn
ContingentCat: Lol if you're using silktouch you shouldn't call her a hoe James
TehAmelie: it's silk gloves, not silver tongue
Boon_33: I think he might know
MungoDude: hey Serge, guess what? I'm not telling
rogerivany: Can we tell Snerge though?
ContingentCat: this is how we know we have Snerge
Mazrae: Nice wooden wall you are making James
TehAmelie: the museum needs some fortifications
Sarah_Serinde: The tree is so good in both forms honestly
Narcuru: jlrrBreak
Wolfstrike_NL: jlrrBreak
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah love Scar's tree too
Sarah_Serinde: Gorgeous
rogerivany: jlrrBreak
Boon_33: oofa?
Sarah_Serinde: He did it so well
50keyz: what does "unbreaking" do if not prevent it from breaking?
Sarah_Serinde: And made it to look amazing from every angle
50keyz: oooooh
Narcuru: it breaks slower
LurkerSpine: Misnomer
AgentRaz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months!
AgentRaz: Always Be Breaking
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AgentRaz! (Today's storm count: 14)
phoenixfeather14: durable might be better too
TheAinMAP: escher3BEE escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ
LordZarano: escher3BEE escher3BEE
Wolfstrike_NL: PrideFloat
MungoDude: instead of losing 1 durability with each use, it has a 1 in (unbreaking level +1) chance of losing 1 durability with each use, iirc
GhostValv: I can't beelieve it
rogerivany: Bees? Luckily there's no pile of sugar.
Narcuru: axehand
Sarah_Serinde: Axehand?
TXC2: isn't that the axehand crapshot ?
Narcuru: was it a rapidfire?
goatprince: sketch i think
TehAmelie: it was a sketch, a crapshot and a behind the scenes special
Narcuru: and then becake a sketch?
TehAmelie: if not more
UnknownFriday: I thought you were going with the Dave's Lumber and Lumbar Support one for a second there.
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I do not remember, but there are a series of them
50keyz: @UnknownFriday yeah 100% this
wotc_jordan: YEAH
goatprince: i primarily text my friends photos of my dog
wotc_jordan: Uncomfortable James truths are coming out
TXC2: Contacting your friends? monster Kappa
brieandbacon: Only if you text him first, James...
wotc_jordan: Breakfast?
Boon_33: James is the one person still paying 10c for each text, it adds up.
LostThePirate: I'm just an antisocial hermit and never talk to anyone lol
TXC2: LostThePirate same
Sarah_Serinde: relateable
LurkerSpine: Go to HOBAK Korean BBQ
wotc_jordan: I gotta figure out dinners for Vegas
GhostValv: 41 is truly the beginning of 'self care is comfort' era
goatprince: my next one is 35... goodbye early 30s
TXC2: goatprince time REALLY start taking care of your hips and knees
goatprince: from a foe, got it
goatprince: that's called prioritization
Wolfstrike_NL: I got a text today with a link, and login credits and bank account that should be primed with half a million euro's lrrAWESOME (totally not a scam)
goatprince: the bees are the receptionists
Boon_33: this is bee jail
shendaras: interactive exhibit
TXC2: it's a museum, not a zoo
Boon_33: see attached Zoo
Mazrae: Isn't a zoo just a living museum?
50keyz: right next to the epipen exhibit?
sephsays: Museums can have animals. I'm going to the AMNH in a couple weeks, and they have a butterfly room!
JoeKim: museum looks like its coming along well
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TXC2: hello JoeKim
TheAinMAP: Why demand to put animals in the museum when we could demand you build an entirely separate zoo for the animals?
brieandbacon: Can tell I've been watching more VODs lately, I just tried to skip through the ads...
TheAwkes: A zoo? With appropriate habitat and enrichment for every animal in Minecraft!? Sounds easy. lrrBEEJ
TehAmelie: meanwhile, Nasa is preparing to launch a probe to search for giant sea creatures in the frozen waters of Europa
TehAmelie: such fun
KeytarCat: Giant space whales giant space wales GIANT SPACE WHALES!
Juliamon: tik
TehAmelie: yo
Sarah_Serinde: ooh
anclag: @tehamelie I added my daughters name to the message in a bottle on that…by the time it gets there she’ll be old enough to understand…and probably roll her eyes at me
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Jade tqsBORK
TheAinMAP: mattlrBork2
TXC2: let Jade speak!
rogerivany: Oh no the barking is coming from inside the house.
Sarah_Serinde: benginRip
goatprince: when are you adding a petting zoo to the courtyard btw. i desire Goats
goatprince: :(
Sarah_Serinde: "There might be" isn't a lie if there isn't one there
TXC2: exactly, James qualified his statement
50keyz: WOW
50keyz: bold statement from Mr "off by one" himself
goatprince: that's how many dollars you owe james now, serge
rogerivany: Didn't James say he never texts anyone like 10 minutes ago?
TXC2: see that why I would have gone with 4 :p
goatprince: i didn't get a text for my birthday :(
TXC2: so James is like the Queen then ?
JoeKim: neither did i
JoeKim: what the hell
goatprince: probably not
wotc_jordan: I didn't get a text for my Birthday
goatprince: no wait. i did pocket dial you that one time.
goatprince: (it is not)
phoenixfeather14: well, it is within 6 months of either his last birthday or his next birthday
goatprince: my birthday is also a holiday. good luck guessing which
rogerivany: Put another brick in the wall?
brieandbacon: All in all, it's just another brick
DudelidouX: ad some thickness?
ShaneLeeAtk: But, this is an edifice of giants
northos: the Pink Floyd school of architecture and landscaping :P
EJGRgunner: We don't need no vegetation,
Nigouki: I forget does vanilla have stone equivalent of iron bars?
rogerivany: Horsey
Juliamon: Nigouki Not really
goatprince: is there some way to get a statue of an golem? it could take the place of the victoria statue
Angreed66: Swallowing your own spit is not gross
varmintx0: can we pretend he just ate his mac+cheese wrong instead?
KeytarCat: Somebody engaged with his living flesh wroooong~
Xed_Regulus: Choking on spit is the most embarrassing thing you can do. It is your own body trying to kill you.
Natimus_Prime: Someone really needs to report the airway/foodpath confusion bug to the devs. This is getting rediculous
TXC2: you'd think after a few million years of evolution, mammals wouldn't choke on their own spite :p
TXC2: *spit
Krat_Arona: No, no, spite works there too
Angreed66: It does stop humans from reproducing so it's fine evolutionarilly
Xed_Regulus: @TXC2 I've seen a man choke out of spite before. Not pretty
Natimus_Prime: Dolphins and Whales solved this problem, why can't we?
Angreed66: doesn't*
TXC2: Angreed66 damn broody evolution :p
TXC2: Xed_Regulus I'll bet
GhostValv: small port?
goatprince: toddler behaviour
TheMerricat: Please stop talking about peanut butter cups... you are going to make me do something like mix a cup of peanut butter powder and cocoa powder and try to pretend it's a peanut butter cup.
TXC2: what is school but fixing stupid ?
Angreed66: almost 41 year old toddler
Marvoleath: @TXC2 producing obedient workers?
MrBevers: I hear you like reese cups
baskwalla: A text
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
hoveringhalibut: No amount of education can fix stupid
RandomTrivia: jlrrPunch
TXC2: Marvoleath 99% of the time yes, rest of the time a thinker falls through the cracks :p
TXC2: Hello RandomTrivia welcome
TehAmelie: the pork future has arrived at last
TXC2: it's only noon? ....
LostThePirate: D:
goatprince: me
TXC2: Graham ?
GhostValv: D:
Sarah_Serinde: Gibb knows though
TXC2: rogue stream for 10 years
varmintx0: James even has a channel point reward dedicated specifically to just ending his stream early.
Boon_33: that's over 9000
SnackPak_: well done
Narcuru: Shwarm_ the legend
Brutask: Just. touchdown
JoeKim: lmao thats great
Genie_M: Chat was mental
northos: sadly the VOD cut off your reaction
MungoDude: diamond gambling
JoeKim: people spend on yours though
Sarah_Serinde: We have a lot of gambling opportunities over there
SnackPak_: James has betting
Narcuru: we do a lot of betting
LostThePirate: But Serge doesn't gamble
brieandbacon: Gamba gamba
NimrodXIV: Gambling!
SymphonySolstice: big gamba
50keyz: im impressed they were able to keep quiet about it too. like no warning
chrono2x: I have 800k in Serge's channel
GhostValv: the benefits of being a pessimist in James' channel
Boon_33: crimes!
Mazrae: Gamba on diamonds
badpandabear: It’s definitely the gamba
CastleOtranto: Oh, yes, gambling. The answer to everything.
Sarah_Serinde: Some people had 1m channel points more than a year or two ago
TXC2: so gambling causes a concentration of wealth eh? :p
schordash: yeah, i have 0 channel points because of the gamba LUL
Boon_33: they probably have my channel points
CastleOtranto: @TXC2 Technically, yes.
Narcuru: i effectively have never gambled and have under 1 million points
ContingentCat: Sitting on 133k here since I basically never use them
LordZarano: I have 3.5M here
Sarah_Serinde: I have under 400k points there but I've spent several hundred thousand
Bowlsrus2000: I have 147k
LostThePirate: I have 244K channel points here
SymphonySolstice: I have 833k on LRR and 105k on james'
Sarah_Serinde: Here I have over 2M with basically no gamba
chrono2x: I have just over 1mil here
TXC2: I'm sitting on 1.3 mil dolLRRs
CastleOtranto: I'm closing in on 1.5M here, but haven't been able to watch live as much recently.
Narcuru: try a little a fountain, as a treat
Sarah_Serinde: It's complicated here
Gadora: I used to be at 2 million here, but I gambled away half of it and am only back to 1.3M.
GhostValv: 788K dolLRRs here
Sarah_Serinde: Different people with different styles of stream, yeah
BlueFingers5: i thought my 91k was a lot, I am apparently very wrong lrrSPOOP
CastleOtranto: It's also harder to get watch streaks going on this channel with all the shows.
Narcuru: basically have 250k here
Sarah_Serinde: and a real pain to turn things on and off for every stream
Boon_33: clearly you need a feet cam
RandomTrivia: I *used* to have around 1.2M, and then gradually gambled them away and now I have 2k :D
weekendjedi42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, weekendjedi42! (Today's storm count: 15)
50keyz: can you toggle them as available and not?
RandomTrivia: Boon_33 jlrrNo
TheMerricat: sounds like it needs to be something you can farm off to lrrbot or a lrrbot friend.
Boon_33: well it is twitch
TXC2: feet cam, but you have shoes on the whole time Kappa
baskwalla: Booth cam for sure
Angreed66: At this point they're just a badge of how long you've been around
Sarah_Serinde: Then the streamer or mods have to remember to toggle everything on or off every single stream
LostThePirate: They used to do community pool stuff, where if people contribute their channel points to a shared goal, like a bonus stream or something.
50keyz: i would gladly redeem points to ask someone to dab
GhostValv: heh do do
Wolfstrike_NL: Like yesterday!
Marvoleath: Feet cam, but it's only Bartebly's feet lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: WOW Serge
Sarah_Serinde: @LostThePirate And it was so, SO spammy in chat
Wolfstrike_NL: Yesterdays ghost casino was great
Narcuru: wow serge
SnackPak_: sometimes you gotta dab it out
Statist42: but will you dob?
TheMerricat: Use points to add stuff to the overlay, like Pauls Mario flowers.
TXC2: Dignity is a scam
Gadora: During the surprise 2 AM stream, we had gambling over the vaseline or barcode command.
TXC2: be goofy
Juliamon: I miss the flowers
TheAinMAP: bbirbDab
50keyz: @TheMerricat Paul is such a wizard
baskwalla: How much for a dob?
ShaneLeeAtk: How much for a Griddy?
goatprince: a man?
Boon_33: cool dirt fountain
PsychoI3oy: i'm not sure about the color
Sarah_Serinde: It does block the pretty door
Barb4rian: Worried it might melt into mud when you stick water in it Kappa
Boon_33: it fits
RandomTrivia: Amazing
RandomTrivia: Serge nailed the scaling
Sarah_Serinde: It looks like a good size yeah
Sarah_Serinde: Granite or quartz maybe?
SnackPak_: diorite would pop
Sarah_Serinde: Or copper
mathmaticalknight: sand stone to match museum?
RandomTrivia: A big contrast like Dark Prismarine would look cool
Marvoleath: copper? or some green tone?
LostThePirate: Wow rude
rayajose3: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Sarah_Serinde: Could do unweathered copper for contrast
kumatsu: the curry is calling Serge away
RandomTrivia: That is a really good looking effect with the enclosed lava
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Boon_33: in the canal district
RandomTrivia: Wait, this is it! The fabled sergeCanal !
TXC2: THE Canal
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I think it probably shouldn't be the same colours as the museum
RandomTrivia: But we don't have "this" hat
MungoDude: tanukidanDothemario tanukidanDothemario
Angreed66: many people like ice cream. Ask who has chopped off a kid's ear.
LathosTiran: ♫♪ and then again ♪♫
LordZarano: I like how Serge built a big fancy base and his actual home is a hole in the ground beside it
baskwalla: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3
brieandbacon: jlrrCooltunes jlrrCooltunes
RandomTrivia: jlrrCooltunes
brieandbacon: Oh, it looks like a Nether structure
RandomTrivia: Try putting water on it before you decide you hate it?
Angreed66: It might be an aspect where you diverge from the inspiration
weekendjedi42: Maybe some sort of avant-garde fountain
JusticeJuice: Smaller fountains on opposing sides of the walkway?
ExachixKitsune: cool fountain
MungoDude: got shaders?
LordZarano: The top corners look.. too substantial?
TXC2: qwest?
Piratical_tendancies: A Quest!
Sarah_Serinde: Ohhh I can guess which trick this is and it could be really neat
Juliamon: sir
7gorobei: we got a runner
Barb4rian: Escapee!
Sarah_Serinde: wow rude
Genie_M: Pfft
GhostValv: D:
rogerivany: At least toss some beds down there
Piratical_tendancies: !advice
LRRbot: Jam-alam some ding-dongs.
rogerivany: and by toss I mean plc
rogerivany: place*
Barb4rian: Sadly, water is also very "heavy" in minecraft
rogerivany: What if we made the fountain bigger then the museum?
weekendjedi42: I like it
weekendjedi42: Would soul torches hidden behind water make a cool effect
goatprince: ig wet
goatprince: *big
TXC2: large moist
GreyThey: A mountain fountain?
TheMerricat: I think part of the problem with 'small' features like a reasonable sized water fountain is that Minecraft is blocky. Like people are a meter wide. So unless you make it unnaturally tall it just seems too much like it's 'built like a brickhouse'
GreyThey: Brick is an unusual texture for a fountain
SnackPak_: that did so much
GhostValv: much better
TXC2: looks good to me
SnackPak_: safety hole
TXC2: really thought we sub-oceaned there, then I realised it was snow :p
Tser1ng: The Death will be quick at least
ExachixKitsune: @TXC2 the snow is like a sub ocean
northos: @TXC2 sub-snowcean
phoenixfeather14: secret safety hole
weekendjedi42: Famous last wrods
rogerivany: We could'be skimmed of the roof or walls too.
baskwalla: Now we’re punching a Trial Chamber, nice
ritchards: are all the new blocks you need from Trial Chambers?
Genie_M: Accidental punch-a-chamber
RandomTrivia: lrrCOW
ExachixKitsune: James is built differently
Genie_M: Party 🎉
anclag: lrrFINE
ExachixKitsune: you're in the Museum's rum tunnels
TXC2: lava in 3...2....
NimrodXIV: jlrrFacepalm
Genie_M: Into the museum
goatprince: but serge loves to worry
7gorobei: be like fonzi
measureofhope: EVERYTHING IS FINE
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: Amazing
creasehearst: James is channeling his Lars Gerhart energy
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
far2muchsarcasm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
far2muchsarcasm: sergePeek sergePeek
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, far2muchsarcasm! (Today's storm count: 16)
chrono2x: It's a record
TheMerricat: Why is do we have multiple false floors in the basement?
kumatsu: imagine feeling shame
ExachixKitsune: If you wanted there to be a more sensible staircase you should've built it
measureofhope: Wow what a lovely fountain
ExachixKitsune: yeah fair
phoenixfeather14: we still remember the herringbone incident
ExachixKitsune: Serge's perfect museum
Admiralmatt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 104 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Admiralmatt! (Today's storm count: 17)
SnackPak_: murderer
GhostValv: murderer D:
brieandbacon: Bows don't kill fish, rappers do?
Genie_M: Kinetic energy - blame Newton
weekendjedi42: Fish in water maybe?
ExachixKitsune: fish try to swim up water and then they'll die
ritchards: put an axolotl there!
Gadora: Since when do you care about fish death, James?
ExachixKitsune: clearly we need a guppy geyser
brieandbacon: It's a shame that glow-squid are too big / will die
weekendjedi42: Soul torch?
Genie_M: Aquatic critters are quite hard to keep
GreyThey: @Genie_M Particularly when someone is using them for target practice
brieandbacon: Could copper lamps work in the "floor" of the fountain?
RandomTrivia: You're doing a great job!
RandomTrivia: Mow it
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Tser1ng: Would it look better going toward the main viewing point? Rather than 90 to it?
creasehearst: James has been doing fine so far, so clearly he doesn't needed
sirpythias: shouldnt the bands be the same size?
weekendjedi42: Hate to say it....diagonal looks nice
TXC2: we've travelled 2.5 hours to the past
Tser1ng: Diagonals are extra enough in an actual lawn.
Sarah_Serinde: Also I don't think people usually mow lawns diagonally?
DudelidouX: I'd probable do 2 moss 3 grass wide if doing diagonal
Sarah_Serinde: Fair enough
Marvoleath: Clearly, need a sinusoid
Genie_M: Naah
RandomTrivia: Oh that barely shows up
Sarah_Serinde: Yeahhh not really
Sarah_Serinde: Though I would go with equal width for the grass and moss rows
Narcuru: i think a 2 grass 2 moss might be better?
TXC2: I can't see a difference on 480p :p
RandomTrivia: Path blocks might look clearer?
Sarah_Serinde: But I think the colour/texture maybe doesn't quite work
ProcyonFlynn: I think the moss & concrete powder does the trick a lot better, tbh.
sirpythias: yeah i really think the grass and moss should be same width
Genie_M: French garden pattern
Genie_M: Spirals and stuff
Marvoleath: It's a perfectly average tree. Some would say it's actually large.
goatprince: that's just a hyperlocal vendor
goatprince: or perhaps the horse carriage attendant
wotc_jordan: And I'm going to need 10 taxis in front honking
goatprince: is there actually a 'flowerbed' block? like, wet dirt?
Genie_M: With this museum in the background I would imagine a very neatly manicured garden with perfect trees and very symmetrical patterns
Sarah_Serinde: I'm still thinking maybe 2x2
ProcyonFlynn: Lawn-Scape? ... is there a word for that?
Sarah_Serinde: You might need the 2 wide for this scale yeah
Narcuru: i think 2 by 2 makes sense at this scale
TXC2: bless you
GhostValv: salud
Genie_M: Younglings
goatprince: for verisimilitude are you going to have a malfunctionig automatic sprinkle in the lawn?
LordZarano: 2m wide makes sense for a big ride-on mower such as they would use on a large lawn like this
Sarah_Serinde: sergeScopeCreep
brieandbacon: sergeScopeCreep sergeScopeCreep
hatboozeparty: lrrWOW
GhostValv: D:
wordnerdify: wow
KeytarCat: Tbf, Serge did retire from minecraft for a year after the project
Natimus_Prime: That's going in the highlight reel for sure. Someone get on the clip machine
wotc_jordan: Ah so you're a legacy hire
goatprince: you're a grandfather?
brieandbacon: Lingered like a bad smell
TehAmelie: Grandpappy Turner
ShaneLeeAtk: We just fixed the payroll problem.
TXC2: "we need to fire this guy!" "I'd love too, but he has tenure."
Nigouki: is LRR version of being Grandfathered In is if your dad appeared in that sketch where you were all old but played by your dads?
weekendjedi42: Tip to not be fired. Be the only one that knows the passwords
Nigouki: or is James not in that?
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I think the 2x2 makes a lot more sense but I don't think the textures/colours quite work together
Genie_M: Neither looks great for me
Tser1ng: Need green concrete
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: left has better scale
Narcuru: idk if the colors/blocks are correct
wordnerdify: green wool?
Narcuru: but the scale is right i think
goatprince: the moss will always have noise texture.
MungoDude: @Nigouki was that the human pyramid in one season finale?
hatboozeparty: Green sheep everywhere
RandomTrivia: I still genuinely think that the colour contrast of paths would look better
goatprince: it has noise texture withing a 1-thick line
Natimus_Prime: The wider strips look better from the air, but how does it look walking along the path.
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I agree James, it works better close up
Genie_M: 2x2 or 3x3 checkerboard?
SnackPak_: it works much better at ground level
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah right that'll make a difference too
notthepenguins: oh lol
northos: welcome to "it works on my machine" :D
RandomTrivia: *HLORF*
TXC2: good lord
Sarah_Serinde: Can we see this from a distance too?
goatprince: if anything it blends more here?
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah okay honestly the colour/texture probably works better in vanilla
ExachixKitsune: I can't beleive I've never noticed the line in the moss
chrono2x: What about 2 grass then 1 of the moss?
TXC2: I can barely see the difference between the blocks at this range
chrono2x: oops, shouldn't have stepped away from the stream then
Sarah_Serinde: The border seems strange to me as is
Narcuru: the scale of the strips doesnt make sense
Sarah_Serinde: With added details it'll probably work but not empty
Narcuru: and makes it visually noisy
sirpythias: its like someone pushed-mowed 30acres
hatboozeparty: Mowing simulator time
goatprince: i personally would not have a lawn at all
Angreed66: well a ride on mower is 4 wide
Sarah_Serinde: And you'll probably be mowing in a way that leaves equally wide strips, rather than 2 and then 1
TheAinMAP: 2024
protojman: it's James Moose in this server
goatprince: maybe in thisworld John Deer is just someone's fursona
hatboozeparty: Is there a lawnmower section in the museum?
ExachixKitsune: Johnathan Deerie
LordZarano: Maybe someone does it with a sythe
ExachixKitsune: urgh
SnackPak_: does moss carpet have a different texture?
goatprince: 1x1 makes moire effects i think
Angnor33: Checkerboard!
TXC2: Herringbone! Kappa
ExachixKitsune: does it need to be moss? Green Wool?
Angnor33: I'll give you 50 bits.... lol
KeytarCat: Diagonal!
weekendjedi42: Gazebo
Angnor33: Pave it over with artificial turf!
Genie_M: 3x3 board maybe - not 1x1
TXC2: weekendjedi42 Macadamia
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Rack and Slay) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (31m from now).
OminouslyOminous subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OminouslyOminous! (Today's storm count: 18)
DudelidouX: The only solution I can think of is concrete powder
Sarah_Serinde: I do like the hedges along the path
TXC2: ^
vegetalss4: Bye Serge!
brieandbacon: sergeScopeCreep sergeScopeCreep
TXC2: thanks for streaming James and Serge
phoenixfeather14: sergeScopeCreep
MungoDude: HypeGG
protojman: stream security
wordnerdify: thanks James
RandomTrivia: Thanks, Serge and James! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TXC2: another Tuesday defeated
ExachixKitsune: Thanks for the stream!
ExachixKitsune: Desert Bus is like travel
90 raiders from Seabats have joined!
MilkInBags: OOK
TXC2: Hello Raiders
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders! lrrSHINE
MilkInBags: 3 more hours
MilkInBags: please
BusTed: seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN
Sarah_Serinde: They'll just have to stick around for half an hour to catch Talking Sim
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby more minecraft
Krektogar: just start digging a hole, it'll be fine
MilkInBags: what's in 30 minutes
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Rack and Slay) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (25m from now).
ContingentCat: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Rack and Slay) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (25m from now).
RandomTrivia: !next
Sarah_Serinde: Okay James don't do anything that makes counter go up, I'm busy :P
RandomTrivia: HypeLL
otto4729: <message deleted>kill your friend
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
BusTed: we're off the record
mjiig: Don't dig there, dig it elsewhere
Sarah_Serinde: We've tracked things before if you were working on your personal PAC
otto4729: <message deleted>elim your friend
TXC2: otto4729 we don't do that here
Juliamon: the word wasn't the problem, it was the sentiment
RandomTrivia: jlrrPit
MungoDude: jlrrPit
ExachixKitsune: sergeFall
measureofhope: Yay! Pit sweet pit!
TheAinMAP: Yesterday even.
RandomTrivia: The most decadent 256 blocks we've ever had
LordZarano: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Rack and Slay) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (23m from now).
vegetalss4: Yay, layer-treat
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Krektogar: that sounds like a talking sim game
Wolfstrike_NL: For more layers, check out James's homestream tomorrow!
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
RandomTrivia: Thanks for the stream, James!
phoenixfeather14: Thanks for the stream! Have a good rest of your day!
PsychoI3oy: lol
MungoDude: jlrrFall
PsychoI3oy: it did
RandomTrivia: jlrrFall
Sarah_Serinde: See I wasn't gonna worry about that one :D
Sarah_Serinde: Since you finished
PsychoI3oy: punchachunkbot: There has been 1 fall jlrrFall today. Total falls jlrrFall : 395
Krektogar: gnight James!
anclag: Have a great day James and chat
BusTed: seabatClap
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
GhostValv: o7
Nigouki: is it the still secret 2nd batch of Dice Friends? D:
Juliamon: If they told us it wouldn't be a secret
RandomTrivia: Ooooh
TXC2: good old Cramron
PsychoI3oy: and monday morning at 2:15am will be Tream
RandomTrivia: Any scheduled secret bonus overnight streams this week? lrrBEEJ
BusTed: secret cleaner audit
RandomTrivia: Win for effective cleaning I guess
lochnessseammonster: cleaning stream PrideLaugh
Wolfstrike_NL: No james, it was Gibb streaming, we went over this, we don't want simple answers
TXC2: there sure is a new crapshot!
Juliamon: There is indeed
Nigouki: I'm surprised there's just no big red button everyone is required to press at the end of stream
PsychoI3oy: There is, and it's great
TXC2: Bye
Sarah_Serinde: Heather suggested ghost janitor
GhostValv: crapshot was dang good :)
RandomTrivia: The new crapshot is very LRR
Sarah_Serinde: And I mean, they would know
RandomTrivia: I thoroughly enjoyed it
MungoDude: see you next tream
Wolfstrike_NL: New crapshot is good
RandomTrivia: Uhh
LostThePirate: XD
Juliamon: momentary ad
RandomTrivia: lrrSPOOP
LoadingReadyRun: JUMP SCARE!
Juliamon: lrrFINE
TehAmelie: unexpected!
queerlystudley: lrrHERE
Nigouki: plz don't freeze my software, it's too early in the year for it
LoadingReadyRun: Bonus points if anyone can tell me who that was!
RandomTrivia: "software freezing" clearly another explanation for the bonus stream
LordZarano: What's this about From Software?
LoadingReadyRun: No
measureofhope: was that Kathleen?
LoadingReadyRun: No
TehAmelie: i think they said "From Software freezing"
LoadingReadyRun: It's a YouTube video I was watching before I went live that decided to autoplay when I opened YT
Bearudite: thanks YT
Juliamon: classic Youtube
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
TXC2: to the crapshot!
TehAmelie: jeez, all these contents, the hours can barely hold them
TehAmelie: ah, the wild swings of plot twist upon twist
TehAmelie: Oglaf has done a bunch of that lately and it always makes me think "this is like a LRR skit, but more naked"
Juliamon: This week's Oglaf especially
TehAmelie: yeah, except that one's probably safe for work
Juliamon: all I'm saying is, I definitely heard the dog with Gibb's voice
KeytarCat: surprised they didn't go for cocker spaniel
LordZarano: lrrSIG
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
LordZarano: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Rack and Slay) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (56s ago).
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
GreatWahooney: hello chat! hope everyone's having a nice day