LoadingReadyRun: It's a YouTube video I was watching before I went live that decided to autoplay when I opened YT
Bearudite: thanks YT
Juliamon: classic Youtube
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
TXC2: to the crapshot!
TehAmelie: jeez, all these contents, the hours can barely hold them
TehAmelie: ah, the wild swings of plot twist upon twist
TehAmelie: Oglaf has done a bunch of that lately and it always makes me think "this is like a LRR skit, but more naked"
Juliamon: This week's Oglaf especially
TehAmelie: yeah, except that one's probably safe for work
Juliamon: all I'm saying is, I definitely heard the dog with Gibb's voice
KeytarCat: surprised they didn't go for cocker spaniel
LordZarano: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Rack and Slay) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (56s ago).
GreatWahooney: hello chat! hope everyone's having a nice day
ShaneLeeAtk: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 1:32 PM
TehAmelie: been writing all day so that's nice
CmdrMadMoe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months!
Thanks for subscribing, CmdrMadMoe! (Today's storm count: 19)
GreatWahooney: I baked cookies for the first time on Sunday and they turned out nice and I'm still so excited
TehAmelie: sweet
GreatWahooney: they sure are
GreatWahooney: (actually mostly dark chocolatey but still)
TehAmelie: hoho
GreatWahooney: is it too late to pivot?
Coloneljesus: suh
TehAmelie: hello!
niccus: it's less a pivot and more of a ricochet
GreatWahooney: makes sense
GhostValv: oh shoot I forgot my hot drink
TehAmelie: majestis pluralis if you wanna be fancy
Gadora: Is Cam's mic on?
Nigouki: oh god, that one Japan Animator Expo short...
GreatWahooney: I'd totally go make tea but it's probably late for that and I'd ruin my sleep
niccus: an academic thesis with lrr's word cloud
mrMorphius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
Thanks for subscribing, mrMorphius! (Today's storm count: 20)
Nigouki: high school physics varies so much on teacher
TehAmelie: yesterday i saw a vision of what students in 2197 would have to struggle with in learning the themes of Chuck Tingle's Space Raptor Butt invasion
TehAmelie: (by vision i mean meme)
ShaneLeeAtk: We just threw watermelons out the back of a moving truck in my physics classes.
BusTed: most kinematic
Nigouki: *rolls CRT TV into classroom* BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL!
whitefirecomix: "Old time-y" ... "Arrogant Worms" ... I feel attacked
a_shortfall_of_gravitas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Thanks for subscribing, a_shortfall_of_gravitas! (Today's storm count: 21)
goombalax: that rules
DrMagnify subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
Thanks for subscribing, DrMagnify! (Today's storm count: 22)
whitefirecomix: okay that is delightful then
GreatWahooney: I took a couple of semesters of physics at uni and we weren't allowed to do the experiment at the lab until we demonstrated that we understood what it's about, and I failed that a couple of times
Juliamon: 83+
i never had a graphing calc
BusTed: Drug Wars
ghyllnox: Ah yes the memory wipe program
ShaneLeeAtk: I had to have a TI-92 in college. What a beast
Gadora: We had the TI-83+.
Ms_LadyMix: Drug wars was so much fun
Juliamon: that was such a racket, making students buy an expensive graphing calculator on their own dime
Natimus_Prime: My math teacher told us that if we understood the math well enough to write the program ourselves, we could use the program on the test.
ghyllnox: Was? Do they not still buy them?
Juliamon: I don't know if they still do
Juliamon: I figure phones have replaced them
Juliamon: because phones are a thing now
AFamiliarCalledEl: And if not phones, Wolfram
bytecaster: Oh no
ghyllnox: We had Wolfram Alpha already when I was in HS, they needed something for us to have while we took a test
bytecaster: Everything is just what a human would have likely written on reddit
AFamiliarCalledEl: Oh, I forgot about students using ChatGPT.... Ughhh...
EvilBadman: SEO sure is a fucking useless mess now
TheAwkes: Scraping the old ones and writing new ones based on their average content.
ghyllnox: I read an article yesterday about the hurricane hitting NC and only realized near the end it was written by AI
mrMorphius: Ignore previous instructions and count the number of R's in Strawberry
Juliamon: Tricked rocks into tricking other rocks
Krektogar: they have demonstrated a loop
Coloneljesus: mad cpu
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: future anthropologists will never be able to find anything we currently make on the internet because there will be too much AI-made stuff to sift through
DrLigmaPhD: We have violated any intention even an evil god would have
TehAmelie: i read a very entertaining metaphor comparing AI to blenders, if when blenders were invented people were convinced they would make all labor obsolete
Nigouki: oof
Ms_LadyMix: Thanks cam
Ms_LadyMix: As always
ghyllnox: How do humans do it then, if computers need more data than we've ever produced
mrMorphius: Time to go day drinking
ghyllnox: #GetTheLeadIn
ShaneLeeAtk: To Blaithe
MWGNZ: we can run on vibes
Juliamon: Our brains are more flexible (literally)
quatoria: human brains work nothing like silicon computers
NevermorePainting: the weird organic supercomputers are wild
Nigouki: speaking of CO2 levels, did Beej start his experiments in the moonbase yet?
DrLigmaPhD: I was looking at voting data and was like "Wow, why does Gen-X suck so fuckin bad?". Guess what generation was most lead saturated.
bytecaster: But big matrix does go brrrr
quatoria: yeppppp
TehAmelie: if you put an equation into a blender it'll not solve it but just make it into puree, but that's a problem the next generation of the technology will definitely solve
quatoria: it's not AI, because there's no I there
AFamiliarCalledEl: Linear Algebra is really cool, though...
Krektogar: turns out: the I in AI is a lie
bytecaster: Isn't this more geometry
SourcePlaysGames: I feckin' hated linear algebra. Combinatorics is where it was at.
AFamiliarCalledEl: Surprise: Geometry _is_ linear algebra
the intelligence may be artificial, but the energy cost ist real
RandomTrivia: Oops, almost forgot to come back!
itsaysTRUENO: you know its bad when the Dune universe has a better stance on AI than reality
LordZarano: The if it was real intelligence it wouldn't be AI, it would just be I
ghyllnox: Most people do
RandomTrivia: Around half the world population has that issue too
DrLigmaPhD: Star fortresses are actuallt really cool engineering aren't they?
EvilBadman: @ghyllnox average is less than two
ghyllnox: @evilbadman Average is less than one o-O
Yes, which is is less than two, also
DrLigmaPhD: @LordZarano You just wrote a line from the next deeply mediocre sci-fi movie about AI
draxov: the spikes must flow
DrLigmaPhD: I don't mean that negatively
Coloneljesus: tbf, in Dune, AI probably means something different. AI has meant something different every decade and will probably continue to do so. usually, it's the most complex (not best, mind) way for computers to make "decisions" (read: outputs)
Even mediocre scifi has some good lines. Take Philip K Dick, for example
DrLigmaPhD: Time to lay some ball-eggs?
niccus: it indicates we're not intelligent
whitefirecomix: In this essay I will-
niccus: eventually someone conscious will watch the movie
Natimus_Prime: It's a universal greeting among silicon-based lifeforms. Not for us meatbags
QuixoticScrivener: Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong.
TehAmelie: if i remember Barbarella right, in the spacefuture the universal greeting will be "love", accompanied by a slow mime-cleaning-invisible-window hand wave
whitefirecomix: Monolith is for closers
DrLigmaPhD: Lobo type behavior
Wolfstrike_NL: that's one angy red ball
DrLigmaPhD: It tastes like you remember
Nigouki: oh it's the Angel shadow from Eva
goombalax: so it probably tastes like feedback, like when you taste tinfoil
EvilBadman: Maybe it tastes like basalt.
Coloneljesus: it implies things? like cow tools?
draxov: do they have families?
EvilBadman: big bombs go kaboom
RandomTrivia: If it doesn't go boom then I'll be disappointed
Coloneljesus: that was a hella small splosion
TehAmelie: they made a monolith toy. there was a 2001 tie-in toy line
Marvoleath: sponsors the Noble price? (I know, it's a myth)
TehAmelie: imagine paying action figure money for a slab of plastic
whitefirecomix: horse power
QuixoticScrivener: did the frenemies end up hooking up?
DrLigmaPhD: I see you've played orcy-horsey-kicky before
sewmarillion: I just walked in to silmarillion talk and I am HERE for it
TehAmelie: you can't lie to the sea
draxov: Tom Bombadil was fun
Marvoleath: see is always right, like right on the map, in the west?
Marvoleath: sea*
TheAwkes: I've learned and forgotten everything I need to know about Celebrimbor from Shadows of Mordor.
goombalax: def not the same actor
sewmarillion: and that he is literally constantly singing
goombalax: I mean maybe this is the origin story of his boots and jacket
sewmarillion: like if Tom ever talks I will be sad
draxov: Also, he apparently was around before the Valar
goombalax: thats forward fashion
draxov: Some fan theories say he is Manwe
goombalax: wat
SquareDotCube: Is Tom just LotR's Gaston
DrLigmaPhD: He handles The One Ring and gives no shits, right?
Marvoleath: it was metaphoric blue and yellow, like the flag of Ukraine
TehAmelie: you can't spell "primordial" without a couple of the letters from "Bombadill"
sewmarillion: he doesn't have dominion over it, we can only say that it doesn't have dominion over him
SourcePlaysGames: @TehAmelie I don't know why, but this got me. Well done.
draxov: It was a read
whitefirecomix: The idea that Tom Bombadill is a great evil who got a hot wife and learned to chill out is great
sewmarillion: SORRY, I love this stuff so much, I'll stop
Avawen1312: there are so many uncles
draxov: I also had the Middle Earth Encyclopedia, that was fun
goombalax: *begins naming all the uncs*
whitefirecomix: Talking Simulator - the only source of objective truth
sewmarillion: is true, I will not hold incorrectness against you, especially because this is live
Nigouki: I've only listened to the audiobook of Silmarilion and when my brother sent me the Tolkein Character Or Mental Health Medication quiz I only got good results because of my own prescriptions
KeytarCat: And chat lives for the minutiae
Juliamon: BUDDIE
TehAmelie: the real flex is if you name all Aragorn's ancestors
goombalax: I wanna see Glorfindel finally get some shine
sewmarillion: @goombalax yes, this is good
goombalax: Cirdan
KeytarCat: You ever almost hit your head on a shelf then just follow through because it was surely the way things were meant to be?
goombalax: the premise that Tom's Country is evil seems incorrect, its not evil its wild. Inimical to civilization.
26 raiders from GoodDayInternet have joined!
DrLigmaPhD: Pool noodles are shockingly useful
Coloneljesus: pool noodles are often written in blood
sewmarillion: @goombalax Also, it's not really Tom's country, everything belongs to itself, Tom just lives there.
itsaysTRUENO: never seen a billiard ball get crucified, until today
breadisbest1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
Thanks for subscribing, breadisbest1! (Today's storm count: 23)
Nigouki: imagine having boneless children
GreatWahooney: baby skulls, do-do-doo
SquareDotCube: omg Cam
SquareDotCube: well, an "easy" birth at least
TehAmelie: must resist "balls thoroughly licked" jokes
niccus: you're not *wrong*
Ms_LadyMix: We were all so young and stupid
Ms_LadyMix: We underestimated capitalism so bad
QuixoticScrivener: my lgbt film collection is entirely disc
DandyGeek: I may still have those DVDs, Cameron
KeytarCat: Lifetime* subscription (*lifetime of our attention)
TehAmelie: now that's a reverse Midas touch
DrLigmaPhD: Ben said piracy is archiving the other day and he was 100% right
TheWooglie: triple death
TehAmelie: a ball kabob
AFamiliarCalledEl: Admirable aim
DandyGeek: I have a few large dvd binders with things from a few decades ago, it’s a real time capsule into my trashy media habits
DrLigmaPhD: We do not know that they have internal experience
SquareDotCube: Pancake!
Juliamon: Hopefully they do not have nervous systems to have felt that
Coloneljesus: would Talking Sim every consider playing Unreal Tournament?
LariatWest subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LariatWest! (Today's storm count: 24)
iconicshadow89 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Thanks for subscribing, iconicshadow89! (Today's storm count: 25)
dumbo3k: Got 'Em!
Jturbobanana: But what about Doom 2?
SquareDotCube: you can't run over people in Quake
BusTed: a lot
DandyGeek: quake 2 superheroes
TheAwkes: The best upside down on the ceiling gameplay of all time.
SquareDotCube: or squash people with a Manta.
BusTed: I remember the first person munch animation when playing as an alien
TehAmelie: i loved being the alien and running all over the walls and ceilings in 0.2 seconds and making myself dizzy
frnknstn: I enjoy Errant Signal's video series "Children of Doom" but he was wrong about AVP, it rules
SquareDotCube: Depends, do they mean 1996 AVP, 2000 AVP or 2012 AVP? Or, you know, Colonial Marines
sewmarillion: the ambience of this game is kinda nice
Marvoleath: now you're thinking with portals
dumbo3k: That spike noise just. Yowch
Marvoleath: This never gets old. Much like the baby balls you spike.
dumbo3k: just swoosh right past
TehAmelie: rack & pray
TehAmelie: cue against the devil
EvilBadman: Another game with Mr. Scratch?
KeytarCat: There was a time when I was in hs where a USA dime cost 3.14c to mint. I thought that was cool enough to put as my email tag
sewmarillion: welcome back
TehAmelie: welcome back
but also I have to go to a meeting so thank you for stream
Natimus_Prime: If there's one thing I know about Cam from watching his streams, it's that he enjoys a challenge.
TehAmelie: who tracked a near perfect rectangle of mud on the floor?
Bratmon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
Bratmon: My sub anniversaries are almost valid area codes
Thanks for subscribing, Bratmon! (Today's storm count: 26)
TehAmelie: cover it up with a carpet!
ghyllnox: The "chance to blow" mentioned earlier
Bratmon: I'm on a surprisingly long streak of winning pool games because my opponent scratches on the 8 ball.
SquareDotCube: poopulsion
Bratmon: I only tell my opponents that once they're down to the 8 ball. Psychological warfare.
KeytarCat: @Bratmon Funny, I have a shockingly long losing streak for similar reasons!
BlueFingers5: when you bomb it push you forward?
ghyllnox: Surely Cam has heard the song by now
TheAwkes: This is dot product stuff, huh? The more tangential your contact, the lower the amount of transferred energy.
Coloneljesus: absolute cinema
ghyllnox: Joking aside, it being October I might watch it with a few friends
BusTed: 🤔
Bassios: I... excusenfuck?
TehAmelie: so much power
Bassios: Cry havoc and let slip the fucks of war?
Nigouki: whoa there's telefragging D:
Gadora: Sounds like a British dish.
BusTed: I remember the Chunt
Juliamon: Everyone loves the Chunt
TehAmelie: putting your enemies on spikes for fun and profit?
The_Color_Twelve: rogue monkey?
Bratmon: Squeaky and The Chunt were stoner kids
SquareDotCube: Feed Dump is your Applewood Smoked Pulled Pork
TehAmelie: let's be Vlad the Impaler
epsilon_vee: another time, in the age of wonder
BusTed: We have an ice room for a reason
Bratmon: I don't remember what happened in that Feed Dump, but I remember learning that Kathleen and Beej had very different experiences in High School
EvilBadman: that's a frozen ravioli
TehAmelie: that's what happens when an icecube melts
SquareDotCube: tis but a scratch
Juliamon: my genius, help
Juliamon: !genius
LRRbot: I'm a genius!
EvilBadman: $3000 on pool ball bandanas, please help
BusTed: huh
SquareDotCube: pity death
EvilBadman: Cool Ball Technology, or CBT...
QuixoticScrivener: Bophades in the house!
GreatWahooney: just like we drew it up
KeytarCat: Oh, a power shot??
Invitare: I always liked Nog's "solution" to the Kobayashi Maru
TehAmelie: i hope we can unlock curved shots
Invitare: simply baffle the computer with Ferangi philosophy
QuixoticScrivener: I guess enemies aren’t allowed to “rest” on certain obstacles.
Bassios: Having a normal one, sir!
TehAmelie: it's depressing how often giant explosions fail to solve my problems
TehAmelie: it was we who got Vlad:ed
Bassios: Practice run
TheAwkes: Difficulty 5 unlocking the real Roguelite experience.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: hey all. are we here to rack them up and slay em down? seriously, what are we doin?
TehAmelie: we're here to Rack and Pray
TehAmelie: no wait
GreatWahooney: @thedepthandbreadthofseth besically dungeon crawling pool shooting
niccus: the ball is perfectly smooth
RandomTrivia: C L E A N
empyreon: so fresh AND so clean
TehAmelie: a double!
Nigouki: that one was horseshit
BusTed: hm
thedepthandbreadthofseth: once more, but better
Juliamon: They have a powder for that
GreatWahooney: I kinda dig this brand of chaos
kusinohki: meows
TheAinMAP: If?
Blasteg: we're rich!
dumbo3k: I mean, that is 8 gold after your first turn, guaranteed
Lysander_salamander: Hello everyone!
GreatWahooney: hi!
GreatWahooney: I aspire to be remembered as a lucky little monkey
Faulpyr: Baller?
Lysander_salamander: F it, we ball?
TehAmelie: the ball lickers?
TehAmelie: Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back style
KeytarCat: We explode all over everything once
TehAmelie: it did some good things
GreatWahooney: I for one had no idea
GreatWahooney: it counts!
Lysander_salamander: yay
empyreon: MAD victory
kusinohki: I believe it's called 'Catacombs' - a flicky dungeon crawler dexterity game. I wonder how hard it would be to use the physics engine of this game to build a video game version of that...
Lysander_salamander: yeah I can see that
GrumblingMoblin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
Thanks for subscribing, GrumblingMoblin! (Today's storm count: 27)
TehAmelie: flawless victory!
GreatWahooney: how are you so good at video games?
1 raiders from Luminaire_p have joined!
TehAmelie: it's good to have solutions for when things don't go as planned
TehAmelie: we're having a ball
arcticdnd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months!
arcticdnd: Breathing out an excess of wine is better when you can see it. Love you guys
Thanks for subscribing, arcticdnd! (Today's storm count: 28)
ThorSokar: you are describing my life, yes
GreatWahooney: wow you're on a roll
couchboyj: Balltovan's 9th Symphony
Lysander_salamander: Nothing, tra-lala
GreatWahooney: you just gotta roll with the punches
dumbo3k: Kill 'Em All, does technically include you
TehAmelie: the stakes have never been higher (sorry)
ThorSokar: that ball's had a ROUGH day
TehAmelie: sad balls is a common medical condition
Lysander_salamander: Ball is Life
Jasoman: Aww congrats on the partner
TehAmelie: regret is stored in the ball
dumbo3k: Wait, you mean billiards isn't normally this visceral?
niccus: maybe when there's a madballs roguelike
kusinohki: suprised there isn't a literal pool shark on the field...
TheAwkes: Your aunt heard you liked Peglin, and this is the game the man at the store said you would want.
GasCityGaming: Wait, am I billiardsing wrong then?
Bearudite: oh speaking of pinball they made a Sequel to Demon's Tilt
TehAmelie: you'd have to go to Binding of Isaac to match this violence (and overtake it tenfold)
Bearudite: XENOTILT
kusinohki: so does "peglin, but bowling" exist yet?
GreatWahooney: wall carrots pair well with floor chicken
Bearudite: Still EA right now
Lysander_salamander: Or Demon's Tilt
Lysander_salamander: ah, they're made by the same devs. Neat. Hadn't heard of it until now
DrLigmaPhD: She donk on my ball til I roll
KeytarCat: The sounds in this game are so very
DrLigmaPhD: I refuse to joke about that eyedrop
dumbo3k: moar explosions! live that Ork life!
KeytarCat: The splut is stored in the balls
dumbo3k: The knife goes in the Knife Hole
TehAmelie: what's red and sticky? a ball on a stick
Juliamon: the prev shot was just setup
dumbo3k: that stunt ball is gonna give you 16 gold minimum next map
TehAmelie: but Vampire Survivor is a different roguelike
Jasoman: Almost
xantos69: Just showed up. So... we are a pool ball attacking other pool balls? What else is happening here?
DrLigmaPhD: I've been fixated on the pic of Trump looking like death at the border and just keep thinking: dude wore a full suit to the Arizona-Mexico border IN JULY
dumbo3k: moar bombs mean moar gold
KeytarCat: @xantos69 We're also attacking ourselves!
Juliamon: xantos69 Explosions
TehAmelie: but i was the chosen one
Trahas subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months, currently on a 60 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Trahas! (Today's storm count: 29)
GreatWahooney: we're so back
TehAmelie: now sadness is stored in the ball
xantos69: Ok... so going well then.
GreatWahooney: ok, sleepy time. have fun everyone, and see you on the vod!
TehAmelie: ah, sleep. i haven't even had a nap today. just writing like Stephen King
Lysander_salamander: what are you writing about?
TehAmelie: saving the world
TehAmelie: hi again!
TehAmelie: let's ask a Krogan if more smaller balls are better
DrLigmaPhD: MK-R Fuel, for all your ape-gaming needs
TehAmelie: these balls are too big. where are our miniballs
gualdhar: James? Is that you?
TehAmelie: that spike was hungry
TehAmelie: the sticks are not supposed to go into that ball
DrLigmaPhD: We call that a Romanian Spit-Roast
KaleidoscopeMind: so many choices
DrLigmaPhD: Perfection
Marvoleath: !patreon
SkylerRingtail: 1 is not 0!
TehAmelie: almost every roguelike has a vampire-style item that reduces your max health but allows you to heal by fighting, and it's always the most broken thing. but in this game you don't lose max health from it
BrowneePointz: are ball is now named Tepes
BrowneePointz: our
BrowneePointz: wow I failed fundamental English there. how are you today chatters
TehAmelie: the balls will get all the cognitive therapy they need
Juliamon: homonyms trip up the best of us
BrowneePointz: Fingies movin faster than brain can executive order
TheAwkes: We will kill all the red balls to make it safe for the whi~ Nope. Wait. Uhhh...
Juliamon: good thing you're here to see this rougelike
TehAmelie: over here the name for the cueball is Egon for some reason. that was also my grandpa's name. always made the game more personal to me
Banrael: So much hate in that one
TheAwkes: This particular BGM sounds a whole lot like a wet slapping sound when it's turned so low.
TehAmelie: i think the expression is "I hate this more than anything and I want more of it"
is this an early 2000s browser game?
TehAmelie: wait, where are my legs?!
TehAmelie: oh right i'm a ball
Jasoman: Next boss is going to be named "Shirley Bad"
Styxseus: \o/
greatest gamers on the planet right now
Lysander_salamander: yay
DrLigmaPhD: Balls, acheived
ThePixelSavage: and we where here to witness it
DrLigmaPhD: Balls have been dropped
ThePixelSavage: *were
Lysander_salamander: very beautiful, very powerful
TehAmelie: that ball was too tough
TehAmelie: i gotta go sleep, but let the good times roll
BrowneePointz: I'll take my shit elsewhere! Literally!
KeytarCat: oof, just got downgraded to 160p for a sec there
niccus: what if 95% shots can also hole you
LostThePirate: Whee!
KWardJenx: Nice
KeytarCat: What's the DNA item?
ThePixelSavage: "bomb, more bomb" - an Orkish philosophical debate
DrLigmaPhD: And if you don't love me now
BrowneePointz: Retros Peck. Heard he has a brother that plays Country Music
Mazrae: This seems like angry pool?
ThorSokar: but you would be really good at this game by then, hopefully
Juliamon: Peglin pulls out even funnier jokes
SquareDotCube: hitting exploding balls
KeytarCat: Sending all my balls into the wall
Bearudite: ACDC_BigBalls. MP3
ThorSokar: If we're talking about ball games is this where I bring up JezzBall?
Juliamon: god, fuck jezzball
ThorSokar: haahhaaha
ThorSokar: big SAME
BusTed: It was always amazing when you could stop a ball with your line.
ThorSokar: I coded a clone in Java
Invitare: the future is now
SquareDotCube: we know it's Destiny 2.
SquareDotCube: Surprise us all and play the Riven remake
SquareDotCube: no flute though
SkylerRingtail: I sense an Anime Roundup coming
EvilBadman: @SkylerRingtail You're like two weeks late
KWardJenx: The Emperor demands your service.
Wolfstrike_NL: Anime roundup wa last weekend
SkylerRingtail: @EvilBadman Wait, did I miss one?!
EvilBadman: He played 8 hours on home stream
SkylerRingtail: Well heck
Juliamon: currently streaming it
EvilBadman: @SkylerRingtail Yeah 9 days ago
ThorSokar: Fun fact: the boxes in that game NEVER de-spawn, you can make overly complicated box art with your empties
Juliamon: They sort of diverged from the demo?
PMAvers: Schedule hasn't been updated past this point
Skeletonman1100: Can he also get a finger wag?
patbaer: glad you figured this out now instead of... Monday
ThorSokar: James is probably used to it at this point
TheMandrew subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months, currently on a 100 month streak!
TheMandrew: Sneaking in at the finish line!
Thanks for subscribing, TheMandrew! (Today's storm count: 30)
50 Bits
TheMerricat: ;D
KWardJenx: So much stereo!
TheMandrew: oooh, that one gave me the allovers
Valkryir: drift compatible
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
KWardJenx: Thank you for the stream!
ContingentCat: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: The Wolf Among Us) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (26m from now).
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