Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Adam back? And if so is he eating solid foods yet?
Juliamon: He was streaming earlier
Juliamon: so presumably he's doing Okay
Thefluffiestguineapig: Awesome!! I'm glad he's recovering well, I know wisdom teeth recovery gets less easy every year past 18
Thefluffiestguineapig: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: The Wolf Among Us) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (27s from now).
Thefluffiestguineapig: Damn, I need to redial in my aim
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: The Wolf Among Us) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (0s from now).
Unable_To_Load: !next
Thefluffiestguineapig: Manae's got it
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrSPOOPY lrrSIG
ButButTheJesus: hi folks, under 31 days til Desert Bus! katesHypers
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Going_Medium: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrSIG
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrSIG lrrSIG
TheMerricat: Every time I hear about other people's misery with their wisdom teeth removal I'm grateful that when mine decided it was time to fuck up my life they miscalculated and the tooth was not just growing sideways out of my jaw but apparently was pretty much poised to jump out all on its own so I didn't even have more than a day of sick leave.
Unable_To_Load: I'm not normally someone who catches these streams live but I have become heavily invested in the vods of this game and have been waiting on the edge of my seat for the last 2 weeks
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Unable_To_Load Welcome to the live nonsense!
electra310 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
electra310: Now that's a truly odd number, but it means one thing.... BUS IS COMING
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, electra310! (Today's storm count: 31)
Datnade012: larrQuake larrQuake larrQuake larrQuake larrQuake larrQuake
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm really hoping for a Gus update today
bethy_kins24: this
ButButTheJesus: @electra310 an auspicious number
electra310: I'm also very pleased to be 100% less evacuated than this time last week, though worried about all the people who are now 100% more.
niccus: i don't know, i prefer to watch streamers with above average teeth amounts
terribleplan: Is Twitch being a bit glitchy for anyone else? I am getting weird hiccups and the music varying a little bit in pitch/tempo... very odd
Thefluffiestguineapig: @electra310 lrrSHINE my thoughts are with you and all those in your area
NightValien28 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months!
NightValien28: online stream!!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NightValien28! (Today's storm count: 32)
LoadingReadyRun: @niccus the fuck
Thefluffiestguineapig: @niccus So you must love the weeks the Monterey Bay Aquarium has their sharks on their streams
Unable_To_Load: the average is lower than you think
Bengineering: @niccus got his ass
couchboyj: DinoDance lrrSPOOPY DinoDance
Kuhfeek subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
Kuhfeek: Woohoo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kuhfeek! (Today's storm count: 33)
electra310: @Thefluffiestguineapig Thank you! We're doing pretty well where I live, we were without power for 5 days but it's back now, but plenty of people in my county lost everything.
DiamondMX: @Unable_To_Load Depends on whether you count the extra rows of teeth that children, sharks, and shark children have.
DideRobot: LRR: Get your blankies, warm cocoa and popcorn cause we gettin' cosy. The Nope Boys are back to Wolf Among Us! | |
therepoman__: Howdy gamers
jessieimproved: Ah, the perfect accompaniment to my slow grind for enough mercer spheres to complete the tech tree
Unable_To_Load: @DiamondMX that's true. there are so many shark child streams these days
Thefluffiestguineapig: @LoadingReadyRun Apparently they paused making the Dark Picture Anthology to make the Casting of Frank Stone which is the same mechanics but in the DbD world and it looks awesome
therepoman__: Gonna be a million years behind cuz no WiFi so its lurking time
Shadowsoflife: o/
DiamondMX: @Unable_To_Load Not sure if joke, or vtuber fan.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Unable_To_Load All those nurse sharks
electra310: lrrSPOOP
shendaras: seabatClap
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yoo
baltimore_667083: hello ben and adam!
protojman: welcome back!
kragmabutch: just in time yippee!
silenceaux: Autumn!
electra310: The boys!
definenull: The podcast is back!
Fanklok: Adam it's illegal for you to have any illness ever again
ButButTheJesus: mmm cozy mug
saucemaster5000: Officially generated ass
Thefluffiestguineapig: I've missed my Nopecast
therepoman__: Podcast time
electra310: It's spooky month!
Nigouki: punch snow in the dick
definenull: We missed you Adam!
Astramentha: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
shendaras: And he had to do timing on the speedruns all on his own
bytecaster: C-c-combo
wiganlass: it’s been so quiet without you Adam
bethy_kins24: welcome back adam!
Unable_To_Load: so Adam is the wolf right?
InconsiderateHat: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
electra310: Back and better than ever!
lochnessseammonster: yay back seabatClap
hyperialguard: Howdy
Duwani1: I mean in the last month I have had a root canal, 15 fillings and 2 crowns
bethy_kins24: crunchy
Fanklok: An ounce? How big are your teeth?
DiamondMX: Can Paul set up a teeth counter for the stream? I need to track this metric.
electra310: That bone weight is hard to lose
LostThePirate: Adam's mic sounds soft
definenull: Are they single?
Nigouki: wut
therepoman__: yummy teeth
betweenmyself: they’re lonely pennyWhat
Thefluffiestguineapig: They baptized
kragmabutch: i bet you could fry up one of those teeth birds from new phyrexia pretty nicely
7gorobei: teethHarmony, find a mate
jessieimproved: They told me I had to get my top ones out too, because I don't have bottom wisdom teeth. Jokes on you I'm in my 40s and fine
saucemaster5000: In australia I heard they feed your wisdom teeth to drop bears
Nigouki: My top ones came out no problem but my bottom ones are still hiding and I haven't had any problems so far *knocks on wood*
Duwani1: Vallium
Robot_Bones: what about an Australian Dolphin?
Juliamon: elf
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
xVoxtric: Elf Tranq is strong stuff
Nigouki: Elves need a lot of tranq
hatboozeparty: 🧝
definenull: Elf tranq LUL
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
saucemaster5000: Put that elf down!
WiJohn: Them elves are tough
DiamondMX: Twilight sleep (what they usually do with wisdom tooth removal) prevents long term memory formation, I believe.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Elf tranq, counteract that magic
EMNetwork: put your elfs out
electra310: No wonder elves are so calm
Fanklok: I went under for my wisdom teeth
ButButTheJesus: a nelfefant
Unable_To_Load: well elfs can't be put to sleep
zshunter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
zshunter: Gotta sub for the boys playing my favorite Telltale game while I build my new Hivestorm box
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zshunter! (Today's storm count: 34)
definenull: Why?
Nigouki: that's YOUR teeth
Orxolon: @Unable_To_Load from which lore?
niccus: if you haven't seen the teeth then they're not dead
teeyeezey: wow going hot takes out the gate
raulghoulia: proof of live
Unable_To_Load: they may have been covered in blood
saucemaster5000: they were being taken to area 51
7gorobei: wisdom teeth removal is overrated, i have the bad luck of having a 3rd set after getting the 1st set removed
CastleOtranto: Wooo, the Nope is back!
Robot_Bones: like okay, more for the necklace
KWardJenx: They're hoarding his wisdom!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Probably because they take them apart during extraction
lirazel64: Sometimes they get crushed.
DiamondMX: They sell them to the tooth fairy. It's a scam!
Orlantia: Oh man, I got to keep mine in a little box
hatboozeparty: Some people pass out
WiJohn: Were there ever teeth to begin with?
PMAvers: "Sorry, Tooth Fairy came and picked them up for disposal while you were under."
tehfewl: buddy they wont even let me have the teeth
MacbethSeemsSus: Looks down at tooth necklace. No you can't
SquareDotCube: Gotta feed Cole Gates somehow
ThorSokar: they already fed them to the REAL tooth fairy!
Fanklok: It's because they didn't actually take them out
TheWriterAleph: tooth homonculus? that's got to be a duskmourn card, right?
TheMerricat: 90% they had already tossed them in the garbage and didn't want to dig for fragments. :P
definenull: Oof
lirazel64: My son had his turned into earrings, and his wife wears them on Halloween.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup, sounds about right
saucemaster5000: they HAVE to pick you up
PMAvers: Adam has returned to the wilds
Robot_Bones: Nah James just showed up there, he didn't even have an appointment
Orxolon: my favorite actually
lochnessseammonster: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Fanklok: Was that late 1900 Simpsons or early 2000s?
radioshackraider: I'm lucky my dentist is a straight line, 1 minute walk from my house
spo8n: break his legs so he can't get away!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheMerricat Probably not actually but that's because they need to put them in biohazard and they need to make sure they have all the pieces out before they close
lochnessseammonster: adam built different
saucemaster5000: I remember hearing your teeth in those streams
saucemaster5000: they were screaming
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nope
definenull: No you're not
Fanklok: Wait Adam only had 3? I had 5.
Goombill subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months, currently on a 31 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Goombill! (Today's storm count: 35)
bethy_kins24: Adam had chipmunk cheeks
graal_smith: Adam Face gettin' swole
Thefluffiestguineapig: They had to give me so much drugs for my wisdom teeth removal I had to crawl out of the dentist's office to the car because i kept literally falling over
DiamondMX: The dentist makes you swole!? I should go more often.
ThorSokar: Fun fact: I almost bled to death after I got mine out, my dentist was NOT good (it's OK he's in jail now)
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DiamondMX: @ThorSokar You have some interesting definitions of the word "OK"
saucemaster5000: that's true partership
ButButTheJesus: valid
Juliamon: "it's OK he's in jail now" is not the comforting phrase you think it is Sokar
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ThorSokar lrrEFF That sounds bad, I'm sorry (but my dark humor ass immediately said "oh good story")
LostThePirate: I had my wisdom teeth out a few days before my family was set tot go to the coast for a music festival; if I wanted to join them, I had to be off the strong pain meds. So I only got the good drugs for a little over a day, then went to just ibuprofen and tylenol so I could go to the festival :P Was stuck eating mashed potatoes that weekend, haha, but I still went!
saucemaster5000: nah that means Nicole loves you
LiamK712 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LiamK712! (Today's storm count: 36)
ThorSokar: @Thefluffiestguineapig It IS a good story
Orxolon: hahahah
definenull: You were the last spoon
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I discovered I am allergic to percocet the evening after
saucemaster5000: if someone knows you enough to say "nah dog," that's love
DiamondMX: Has anyone ever tried a toy car?
Fanklok: Damn car centric appeasing fast food
Thefluffiestguineapig: Projectile vomiting when your mouth is still actively bleeding is not fun, so just ibuprofen for me
Lobo_Apache converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
Tweygoh: Zord
Robot_Bones: only bots, no cardiac people
TheManaLeek: That game was so good
e_bloc: hell yeah it was weird af
Kramburger: Noidcore
Ferisar: the boof among us
saucemaster5000: I was told to avoid the noid
betweenmyself: They put me down *hard* to have my wisdom teeth out; I kinda realized where I was halfway home, then my family set me down in front of the tv with Little Shop of Horrors playing while my brain was still buzzing
Fanklok: Among us?
saucemaster5000: the woof amogus
Kramburger: They do have the recaps at the start of the episodes
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheMerricat Cursed
vinopinguino: how you doing wolfman adam?
Unable_To_Load: right you met Tiny Tim
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 woofus amongus?
VrolikSyndrome: Do you pay attention to the video games?
Lysander_salamander: oh, from the poem?
Kramburger: You met bloody mary
saucemaster5000: oofus
Ferisar: it’s true
Ferisar: sorry adam
niccus: wait that means ben is the woodsman
Lysander_salamander: wait, like the radio dj?
Ferisar: you’re a werewolf
shendaras: No Frankenstein?
TrinexxSlayer: werebear
vinopinguino: you're too jacked bro
Fanklok: No no, I know you pay attention. Retaining the information is tricky bit
Kramburger: Adam would be bigfoot
hyperialguard: Igor
Juliamon: Bloody Mary smashed the shit out of our arm, and then Snow White wanted to send pigfriend to the farm
graal_smith: I thought Paul was the mad scientist
ActualFactual: Wolf and bear energy here, if we have to pick animals
VrolikSyndrome: Beej-gor
Unable_To_Load: Beej is Igorr
SquareDotCube: Adam is sexy Solomon Grundy. :p
Gaelan_Maestro: what about paul?
radioshackraider: Ian has a Psych degree. He's Hugo Strange
betweenmyself: learning the LRR crew Spook-sonas riffYeti
lochnessseammonster: no adam is the frankenstein monster (respectful)
Lysander_salamander: I'll be your Igor anyday...
ShaneNeebus: kathleen and cam are obvious vampires
saucemaster5000: Ben is the blob from the movie the blob
Unable_To_Load: Adam is bigfoot but everything below the knee is blacked out
ThorSokar: Are there any vampires besides Kathleen?
spinebustertee: Reminder: The Frankenstein Monster is canonically hot
couchboyj: Ben could be the wolfman, wolfman has big flannel vibes
drp3p3r77: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Gaelan_Maestro: ben has werewolf luberjack vibes
Fanklok: @thorsokar Jacob?
saucemaster5000: from the blue lagoon?????
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
QuixoticScrivener: @Gaelan_Maestro Ben isn't the Woodsman?
saucemaster5000: LMAO
superdude097: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
KWardJenx: Blue Lagoon is a VERY different film. lol
VrolikSyndrome: Opinion on Shape of Water?
spinebustertee: The Shape of Ulmer
Gaelan_Maestro: @QuixoticScrivener he could be both!
SquareDotCube: Ben could be the Mummy, handling all those snakes
Ferisar: the bluegoon
saucemaster5000: okay, you are underage brook shields
radioshackraider: Please, ben's from the Golden Lagoon
Kramburger: Blue lagoon is a... different movie
NoxStryx: Isnt it the black lagoon? Blue lagoon is the movie with all the underage love
ActualFactual: is the blue lagoon the horny lagoon?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh boy
TheMerricat: Blue Lagoon is the one with an underage nude Brooke Shields doing it with her cousin, right?
frank_the_great: Isn't blue lagoon from Spongebob?
Ferisar: look robin it’s blue lagoon juice
PMAvers: Burn the house down if they're playing Monopoly
Thefluffiestguineapig: Munchkin people are no fun
KWardJenx: Brook Shields is a strong pull
LostThePirate: Hey, Munchkin's fun y'all
graal_smith: The game of unLife
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PMAvers Just the house? Boy that's nice
ActualFactual: game of life has that wheel though
Fanklok: Monopoly
lochnessseammonster: i got it for my little sister and the rest of the family refused to play it PrideLaugh
frank_the_great: Munchkin: Where the second best player usually wins
Unable_To_Load: me and my brother as kids would just play Muchkin and we had a bunch of expansions that we kept in a ziplock back because we lost all the boxes
Thefluffiestguineapig: You play Monopoly with people who you never want to speak to again
bytecaster: Have people tried removing the monopoly from monopoly instead?
SquareDotCube: Which Stephen King horror would you be?
ThorSokar: Turns out you can't polish that specific turd
Ferisar: diablopoly
Bobtheninjagoldfish: SO the black Lagoon is the house where Catan is taken SERIOUSLY
Ferisar: (this isn’t real)
definenull: Were the chance cards loot boxes?
Robot_Bones: you improve monopoly by removing monopoly
CaptinOfBeez: new mumbasa
saucemaster5000: monopoly is the reason we can't enjoy fun
silenceaux: The point of Monopoly is running people out of the game by starving them of resources, that's never gonna feel good
graal_smith: A bagel?
vinopinguino: ilios?
Dog_of_Myth: Friends don't let friends play Monopoly
couchboyj: Monopoly is serviceable if you actually follow the rules as written, which no one does. Still a billion better games though.
vinopinguino: or whatever?
wiganlass: we played monopoly loads growing up my sister used to lend my brother money are extortionate interest rates
Shadowsoflife: ilios
saucemaster5000: Lucio player, ben is spitting
TheMerricat: @Bobtheninjagoldfish Black Lagoon is a kick ass, serious as death dark anime - :D
Dog_of_Myth: I can 10 games better than that.
frank_the_great: I like how Monopoly's rules insist you play it properly, b/c your house rules are garbage
Fanklok: My wife insists that Monopoly is fun and I'm not sure if she's being serious or spiteful
PMAvers: You improve Monopoly by playing Lords of Vegas instead. And it's coming back in print too.
vinopinguino: it was so fun
vinopinguino: i miss it, rip
starmute12: totally
SquareDotCube: That was 2016
saucemaster5000: overwatch was SO fun for 2 months
Mal2mad: Ambush Bastion FTW
Orxolon: i loved it
Dog_of_Myth: True
Scy_Anide: Man, Overwatch was great, until.
spinebustertee: RIP that beautiful time
betweenmyself: best Monopoly is Longest Game Ever Edition; twice the number of properties, only get to roll one die riffYeti
Fanklok: Before they nerfed Roadhog into oblivion
Orxolon: i rememver it fondly
Darleysam: I'm having that with Deadlock right now, got a group who are super into it
CaptinOfBeez: so good, i miss it
Nigouki: when Source Film Maker peaked
LowUpsideCJ: I was a senior in college with a house of 7 so yeah
graal_smith: Hot Blizzard Summer
ButButTheJesus: and Doom was that year too
definenull: Dva gremlin hours were great
Kramburger: I sometimes miss my boy lucio
bytecaster: It's always nice when there isn't a meta yet
NightValien28: the first month of overwatch was great, after that it went to hell
Lysander_salamander: when you could play 6 divas at once
Tweygoh: It’s the only online multiplayer game I ever really played
Thefluffiestguineapig: @betweenmyself Best in terms of net body count?
Orxolon: any main Reinhardts?
lochnessseammonster: i only know overwatch from commodore hustle PrideLaugh
ActualFactual: Now we are in the winter of Deadlock.
NoxStryx: I heard road hog and thought they were talking twisted metal for a moment
ThorSokar: Agreeing with the other team to just run 6 rines vs 6 rines
TheMerricat: Speaking of Blizzard fucking up... anyone grab the new book from Jason Schreier on Blizzard?
spinebustertee: I used to jam the absurd deathmatch mode with Reinhardt and NO ONE was prepared for Tanks in that game mode
bytecaster: The actual ocean doesn't have "Content" and yet we still sail it
frank_the_great: PoGo summer best video game summer.
QuixoticScrivener: And then you steal from the kracken.
Juliamon: My family played Monopoly once a year, it always turned into a very fun time because nobody actually wanted to play it seriously so we tended to just goof around and skip all the bad-feels bits. So I guess we did it wrong, but also the only right way.
wiganlass: speaking of oceans any plans to continue Dredge Ben?
Robot_Bones: this update we're adding flying fish
ThorSokar: composOld I remember the golden horse armor composOld
bytecaster: Adam must LOVE Diablo Immortal
Ferisar: it’ll be very funny when they ruin your favorite game adam
vinopinguino: adam loves capitalism
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
frank_the_great: Adam's rattling the cage, getting that engagement
saucemaster5000: @Juliamon as a person who does board game night regularly, I LOVE this. MAKE the game fun, the point is enjoying your company
Ferisar: buy a +5 normal in sf7
NoxStryx: Monopoly was designed to not be fun it is supposed to teach you capitalism is bad
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon That's the literal ONLY good way to play that game but at that point is it Monopoly anymore?
Ferisar: pog
Fanklok: Where's the monopoly battle pass
Thefluffiestguineapig: Funny does not equal good correct
Lithobraker: "Just don't buy the banana chat"
bytecaster: I am utterly immune to those things and yet I still think these companies should stop
Kramburger: adam is an agent of chaos
Robot_Bones: yikes
Lysander_salamander: too much stuff for it
vinopinguino: they should let you get your real money back from sabbac
graal_smith: We have to put out a fully polished turd
RoastedGravy: Was it the Morbius of video games?
saucemaster5000: It fucked ubisoft back to the E.T> nintendo game era
saucemaster5000: it's incredible
bytecaster: Ubisoft? Reusing mechanics? Never
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also you know what would help? Letting them finish their games
Robot_Bones: Need to add more gambling to assassin's creed
Diabore: and then andromeda happened
VrolikSyndrome: Me and Anthem.
VrolikSyndrome: Tale as old as time.
RoastedGravy: Need more time to test those lootboxes.
frank_the_great: OOf
betweenmyself: it performed so poorly they are retroactively preventing the last three Star Wars movies from being released… riffThink
RTwo28: Battlepasses in solo games kinda annoys me
NoxStryx: Wasnt it a theory that the new starwars game started as another game?
PMAvers: Oh wow, Outlaws is finally showing up on Steam.. in late November.
ThorSokar: ooof Mass Effect after 2 is just pain
LowUpsideCJ: Dawg i wish anthem was good so bad
RatherLargeToad: take the money and run!
saucemaster5000: @VrolikSyndrome that one is kinda on you
Lysander_salamander: ah, Horse Armor
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RoastedGravy I want them to take so long that lootboxes become illegal in the EU or other parts of the world and that torpedos it
NotCainNorAbel: gambling: the video game industry
Diabore: @PMAvers maybe itll be optimized by then ... /s
saucemaster5000: Lmao
RoastedGravy: Someday, AAA games will be complete on release.
RoastedGravy: But not today.
Unable_To_Load: you did get all the DLC they released for Andromeda though
Diabore: my preorders are far and few between, like ff7 and legend of zelda, the safe choices (for me)
vinopinguino: preorders used to be "worth" it when you actually get like a cool piece of merch with it
graal_smith: Look at my horse, my horse is amazing!
drizztnailo: Among us?
Juliamon: RoastedGravy Someday we won't have to care about AAA games this much
bytecaster: Which release of Skyrim?
SquareDotCube: Baldur's Gate 3 created expectations that's going to be difficult for any AAA dev to accomplish given how publishers and investors act with money and deadlines these days
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Like that time that TT released the LEGO Hobbit game with only the frist 2 movies in it, and then planned to do the 3rd one as a DLC and then just... didn't so it;s incomplete. as someone who has 100%'s every other LEGO licenced game.. I'll never play it.
NoxStryx: @roastedgravy by someday you mean in 1999
RealGamerCow: I have pre-ordered every Fallout since 3.
saucemaster5000: more like SIgh......rim
GasCityGaming: I got my xbox one at midnight in 2013. That was my last one.
VrolikSyndrome: @drizztnailo raaurr
TheMerricat: Skyrim was made better by mods.
RealGamerCow: Last midnight release I went to was for the Wii. That's how old I am
Orxolon: i like playing Mages and i felt lmited
frank_the_great: Skyrim hits different when you buy it the 5th time
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheMerricat Lots of games are because the mods take the time to make sure it all works and is best
Lobo_Apache: Honestly, yeah Skyrim was a *fine* game. Like fine at best
betweenmyself: I stopped playing Skyrim when I was ten minutes in and my caster was dual-wielding wands pennyWhat
vinopinguino: ill just bet on these space horsies instead, thanks.
drizztnailo: Kotor still holds up as an open world game imo
RoastedGravy: Yeah, but you know what's better than Skyim.
RoastedGravy: Peggle 2! *jumps*
LowUpsideCJ: Every time it re-releases it's just more and more aged
frank_the_great: I'm shocked that they haven't made Skyrim 2
Diabore: because skyrim is already made and still prints money
radioshackraider: I feel like one of the only people who's never played Skyrim and doesn't own it
Lysander_salamander: "announced"
bytecaster: Skyrim 2 Arena
saucemaster5000: skyrim is the "super metroid" of this era
graal_smith: "Open for the sake of being open" Your mom's legs?
ghyllnox: Then there's the "help help we're under attack" "jk you're on rails for a quest"
RatherLargeToad: it’s called Starfield OSFrog
Thefluffiestguineapig: @drizztnailo It holds up in story and high quality characters for sure and as someone who loves legends stuff it's great
vinewood_og: Well actually......
EMNetwork: Skyblivioin
PorpoisesUnknown: Skyrim DAGGERFALL
saucemaster5000: UM...
RoastedGravy: Skryim 2: Electric Boogaloo
Ferisar: when people say they announced a new warcraft
saucemaster5000: ACTUALLY
Ferisar: and I’m like
frank_the_great: They announced it at E3... It's been so long that E3 doesn't exist
TheMerricat: Last Year?
GasCityGaming: 2021?
Lobo_Apache: @EMNetwork SOOOON, it will release
Saintnex: Skyrim: Elder Scrolls
bytecaster: I wonder if the horses work this time
drizztnailo: it was like 5 years ago or something
Juliamon: Like pre-pandemic
Lysander_salamander: They played a thirty second teaser like five years ago
frank_the_great: I think 2016 but that's just a guess
HondoTrigger: it was a long time ago
TheManaLeek: 2018
vinewood_og: Skyrim 2: The Legend of Curly's Gold
ThorSokar: I'm sure that and Silk Song will come out at the same time copium
Unable_To_Load: they announced nothing. they showed a clip of a forested flyby
RoastedGravy: Mr. Rod and Todd
Duwani1: 2016
InconsiderateHat: I remember that the universal hype toward Skyrim at the time was balm for my soul and hope for humanity, whether the game deserved it or not.
rosesmcgee: 2018
Juliamon: a landscape cinematic
bytecaster: The new elder scrolls is just a Skyrim mod pack
Duwani1: I is ok to have bad takes ben
Datnade012: yeah 2018
vinopinguino: wasnt it when they announced fallout 76? that was forever ago
Bobtheninjagoldfish: It was at an e3. So it has been long enough that e3 now is no longer a thing
Fanklok: Everytime they release a new Elder Scrolls they must take out more features from the previous one
DarthRagnar815: My gaming budget is mostly f2p, but I sometimes spend $5 a month on my gacha games. I mostly spend a grand total of $0.
frank_the_great: Google says 2018
Mal2mad: Skyrim has been released SO MANY TIMES they might as well call it Syrim Scrolls now.
bytecaster: Peter is back though!
niccus: except even molyneux is trying to claw back
saucemaster5000: Molynpoo
vinewood_og: We call that Starfield
PorpoisesUnknown: Peter M. from the famous Skyrim Fable franchsie!
RTwo28: After Starfield I gave up on Bethesda, it felt like a nothing sandwich
rosesmcgee: Bethesda only knows how to make one game
TheMerricat: Wait... Bobby has left?
bytecaster: Unless they fix Warcraft 3 Reforged, Blizzard is still dead to me
drizztnailo: i honestly also like obsidian open world games, i actually liked the outer worlds
spinebustertee: Technically Todd said was in the works in 2016
Ferisar: blizzard’s not gonna recover with the rts games for a while
GasCityGaming: Went back to starfield the other day actually. Some improvements have made it better. Not great, but better.
Orxolon: god,i miss Blizzard,now a days i'm playing Warcraft III again :D
NotCainNorAbel: Mario is still cool
HondoTrigger: Hideo Kojima
frank_the_great: Nintendo stays winning
niccus: there's that book on blizzard that just came out
niccus: for a lot of deets
betweenmyself: Valve taking the opposite approach and releasing one game every fifteen years now riffYeti
squ3e: Man, if only I had a news show that highlighted these gaming news segments with short bits on either end. Anybody know where I could find that?
saucemaster5000: MIyazaki
graal_smith: OK, but how much does the test of time count for our final grade?
LowUpsideCJ: Insomniac still crushing it
Unable_To_Load: fromsoft was more recent though
saucemaster5000: Tim Schafer
Thefluffiestguineapig: Microsoft
wiganlass: The joy of Skyrim is just how broken it is, you only have to watch the Spiffing Brit on YouTube to see just how broken
ActualFactual: Fromsoft has made it from like, pre-PSX era to now?
MacbethSeemsSus: Miyamoto
Duwani1: From soft eastern country and I think privately owned
LostThePirate: @TheMerricat Iirc, he was ousted in the Microsoft buyout
Ferisar: from has been around for a long time
Jadaris: Lord British
HondoTrigger: I played Kingsfield
NoxStryx: Fromsoft is a "recently" big game developer
ActualFactual: Armored Core 1 on playstation X
RoastedGravy: But the GRAPHICKS, Adam.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is ubisoft considered old?
PorpoisesUnknown: lmao
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
saucemaster5000: from my childhood? It's miyamoto
Fanklok: Fromsoft doesn't even make office software any more. They fell off
Unable_To_Load: Armored Core was more Niche but consistent I think
RoastedGravy: You seen that spooky skeleton?
patrick_stonecrusher: Operation Metal Wolf
Duwani1: Nintendo is still strong but does their own thing
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
itomeshi: let's go with 'Metal Wolf Chaos', Ben
WriterRaven flops into chat, existing and unsure what to do about it
PorpoisesUnknown: STOP THE MATCH
NoxStryx: Armored core for ps1 was so good (back then)
HondoTrigger: dont talk shit about my scrolls
BusTed: onstaSIP
saucemaster5000: Busted IS the elder scrolls
Ferisar: what was your first console adam
Ferisar: just wondering
graal_smith: Adam needs morphine
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
shendaras: seabatClap
Nigouki: Adam's teeth limiters have been removed!
NotCainNorAbel: id Software
Ferisar: not for any particular reason
Duwani1: Steel Battalion the strongest game
ThorSokar: composNotes Don't bring up how you played nethack
LowUpsideCJ: I'm glad my PS2 era Insomniac/Naughty Dog/Sucker Punch are still powerhouses
bytecaster: Are we talking about some kind of Elder Scrolls
vinewood_og: Adam Savagedan
PMAvers: I mean, Fromsoft is pretty consistent in my books in that I still like the idea of their games but hate actually playing them.
RoastedGravy: Nintendo does its own thing.
RealGamerCow: Never Sale Nintendo
vinopinguino: nintendo just sells you the same 3 franchises over and over
frank_the_great: Oh master of scrolls tell us when Elder Scrolls 6 comes out
ActualFactual: Nintendo is releasing games that don't run right on their own hardware
bytecaster: Yeah, and they really don't like fan works of any kind
RoastedGravy: Untethered by AAA
SquareDotCube: Sword and Shield is more Pokemon Comapny and Game Freak and less Nintendo
niccus: remember when fromsoft made card-based rpgs
SquareDotCube: The Wii U is dogshit
Scy_Anide: Outside of console makers, from the days of yore it's like...Square Enix.
Valbatross_: Nintendo also is like, several different studios some of which hit more consistently than others
Juliamon: The Switch hardware is not the problem
lirazel64: Loving this episode of Chillpoint!
frank_the_great: TotK bought them a few years of good graces from me
Fanklok: King's Field was so successful it's the reason Fromsoft kept making games
PorpoisesUnknown: Pokemon hasn't had that "Main Console" upgrade yet. We're still basically on DS graphics
bytecaster: Xbox Series Something
Ferisar: xdickx
HondoTrigger: I own the newest xbox
RoastedGravy: Nintendo hardware is actually pretty solid.
spinebustertee: Xbox: Serious Sam
LostThePirate: XD
vinopinguino: the switch is running as intended. just that it was too weak like a year after it came out
Diabore: yeah matt has one, matts also getting a ps5 pro
SquareDotCube: Matt got a goddamn PS5 Pro
RoastedGravy: Nintendo's problem has been third party support.
NoxStryx: If Nintendo is a game developer so is Embracer group
RoastedGravy: Which the Switch has been doing good with.
SymphonySolstice: he bought three ps5 pros for no goddamn reason
BusTed: PogChamp
Lysander_salamander: endless roasting tonight
Astramentha: gettim
HondoTrigger: I went to buy Fallen Jedi for the new xbox and the associate at Target made fun of me for not buying it on the PS5
wiganlass: Nintendo hardware is great my old N64 still works
vinewood_og: My ear holes
Diabore: matt had THREE ps5 pro preorders at once, just to be certain he got one
TheMerricat: Matt's on Gundam now Adam, not Transformers. Update your memes. :P
vinopinguino: stop stop its already dead!
definenull: But next year...
PorpoisesUnknown: Crank out ANOTEHR SMASH BROTHERS
BrowneePointz: an old horse that keeps getting kicked, we talking about The Last of Us?
Orxolon: hahahahaha
RoastedGravy: Wasn't Tears of the Kingdom the game that put the Switch to its absolute limit?
Lysander_salamander: :D
Scy_Anide: The Switch was great, and then I got a Steam Deck.
Unable_To_Load: Rise is so good
saucemaster5000: @Ferisar Ninja fighter, tiger electronics, 1988, I will give up manon if I'm wrong
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam just baited Ben
graal_smith: Are we gonna see a murder on stream?
ActualFactual: I remember playing MH Rise with Adam
LithelyUnshod: Switch 2 soon, apparently
SquareDotCube: Hey, the Switch has a bunch of quality games at least, compared to PS5
TinkerTezz: Rise is fortnight mh tho
BrowneePointz: The Switch was great, and then I saw the Steam Deck. And then I went back to my Switch
itomeshi: The Switch didn't have the horsepower to spare that would allow it to age gracefully.
silenceaux: Rise is so lovely, so many excellent monster designs introduced
RoastedGravy: @SquareDotCube The PS5 has games?
RealGamerCow: okay gatekeeper
TheMerricat: Troll Detected. :D
PorpoisesUnknown: 2 easy to get into LMFAO
Unable_To_Load: if Rise stuttered even a little dual blades would be struggling
bytecaster: Why are we gatekeeping Rafalos?
lochnessseammonster: wooooow
drizztnailo: adam gatekeeping monster hunter smh my head
Thefluffiestguineapig: What hipster points?
Valbatross_: If Nintendo was willing to let people actually play games more than 2 years old maybe I'd have a better opinion of them
silenceaux: Calling any iteration Monster Hunter "too easy to get into", I know this is bait and I am still mad
graal_smith: Adam, you're a Canadian Vidja streamer, your hipster ranking is gonna be fine.
frank_the_great: "It was too easy to get into"
HondoTrigger: thats what we call immersion ben
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
betweenmyself: Adam looking for that day-one Concord cred
Unable_To_Load: have you played the Monhun where you can footstool off any monster?
BrowneePointz: Wilds looks great even if it is World 2
RTwo28: LOL
bytecaster: The large sword? What a noob choice!
VrolikSyndrome: Wilds is gonna suck me into a hole.
BrowneePointz: Although they nerfed my weapon so I have to find a new one
Orxolon: stahp
Ferisar: capcom is gonna send assassins to your house for even suggesting it
saucemaster5000: @VrolikSyndrome with consent
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would rather live in Adam's wilds than the modern US midwest sometimes
Fr0Dough: I love yall have a podcast before the show, it helps me not miss anything
saucemaster5000: I'd agree
Fanklok: Adam's not my mayor
LowUpsideCJ: I gotta go cook, someone make sure sauce behaves
BrowneePointz: @Thefluffiestguineapig Rude!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fr0Dough The Nopecast is one of my favorite things
radioshackraider: I would absolutely rather live in a compound run by Adam than anywhere in the USA
vinopinguino: lol
Darleysam: "average watch time: 19s"
RealGamerCow: Hello highlight reel
drizztnailo: gotta split the episode inot 30 youtube shorts
RoastedGravy: @radioshackraider Adam's True Gamehaus
TheMerricat: I would have closed the window but an ad popped up.... :P
graal_smith: Heather puts a link to the start of gameplay in the description
raulghoulia: Adam for comptroller
Ferisar: what’s on it
bytecaster: Social program: Battle Pass
RealGamerCow: light rail system
Ferisar: is it a train
Jadaris: Adam's main platform is PC
Astramentha: he’s got my vite
Ferisar: is it a train to the mainland
ActualFactual: I'd vote for a dog for mayor before I voted for Adam
mvt9: trains eh?
PMAvers: Max it out and they build a monorail
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz To who? The midwest? No one wants the genderqueer pansexual born female who got voluntarily sterilized. I'm the opposite of what they want
MacbethSeemsSus: In March we unlock beer
BrowneePointz: That horrendous from an ecological perspective
silenceaux: Oh don't worry there are 120 levels on this pass
bytecaster: Uuuuuuh
electra310: spooooky
RoastedGravy: omg amogus
betweenmyself: people tuning into Let’s Nope for the ASMR for months on end only to wake up one time and realize the stream involves video games eventually
BrowneePointz: @Thefluffiestguineapig to the nonbinary bi man who is STILL STUCK HERE
Orxolon: nudity warning?
Unable_To_Load: it's spooky not scary
electra310: Spookesque
definenull: Prob some violence too
graal_smith: "There will be bloobies"
BrowneePointz: Heather will kill you, or if you're on YouTube, Unalive you.
Robot_Bones: might be v-tuber hips
Orxolon: hahahah
vinopinguino: lol ben was into boobies since year 1
BusTed: bein' a real square there, daddio
saucemaster5000: I want the content warning when there is poobies
Darleysam: Silent Hill 2?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz Hey, I'm still stuck here too, wouldn't you rather deal with Adam's Monsterhunter Wilds than the election anymore?
ThorSokar: show me the money!
vinopinguino: thats risky business
BusTed: risky business
ckupf: Risky Business
BrowneePointz: SHOW ME THE MONEY!
InconsiderateHat: risky buisness
vinewood_og: Bruh
electra310: Risky Business
BrowneePointz: is jerry maguire
Kramburger: Risky Business
BusTed: show me the money
BrowneePointz: SHOW! ME! THE MONEY!
electra310: Show me the money!
vinopinguino: 'you had me at hello"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz No, they won't kill Adam, but he will Go Away somewhere
bytecaster: Chat, I don't have money to show you
MacbethSeemsSus: Help me help you
graal_smith: Because we were shown the money
BusTed: we're talking pre-Snow Dogs Cuba Gooding Jr.
Ferisar: the top gun himself
KWardJenx: You had me at hello
RoastedGravy: Radio?
raulghoulia: there is a 13 year difference in those movies
Ferisar: as they say
saucemaster5000: he was in rat race
Orxolon: Cruise
Thefluffiestguineapig: @bytecaster I have a temporarily positive bank account while I wait for my rent and bills to be withdrawn
vinopinguino: just cruise
saucemaster5000: does that help
protojman: air bud is a sports movie right
Diabore: he certainly wasnt in a few good movies
vinopinguino: yes
BrowneePointz: a few good men. which was a Play, turned INTO a movie
4AMDonuts: that was a few a good men, yes
gibbousm: Yes
Lobo_Apache: Cuba was in the Navy diving one
raulghoulia: also Kevin Bacon
KWardJenx: A Few good men
itomeshi: yes
Isaac3567: He was in men of honor
TheMerricat: Yes.
gualdhar: yes
Bobtheninjagoldfish: yes and yes
Lysander_salamander: No, he was in that other navy movie about deep-sea diving
wiganlass: yes it was a few good men
vinopinguino: got em!
Bobtheninjagoldfish: a few good men is amazing
cutaos: what about a league of their own? only sports movie that is in my head
frank_the_great: Cool Runnings counts as a sports movie
dumbo3k: also had Jack Nicholson
BrowneePointz: Cool. then watch the Play Ben
electra310: ooooooh
lochnessseammonster: gottem
patrick_stonecrusher: Weirdos have promised to build a pyramid of VHS copies of Jerry Maguire
electra310: I loved The Pelican Brief
frank_the_great: Yes, also there was 0 good men in to besides the guy who died
BrowneePointz: Death Becomes Her. Queer icon film
saucemaster5000: I tend to shy away from dogshit anime and reference filled live action cartoons
ThorSokar: composOld I'm just gonna fade in to a pile of boomer dust over here
graal_smith: OK, but now i want to see a Pelican Briefcase
Valbatross_: I had an incredibly powerful urge to just start sharing blatant Cuba Gooding Jr misinformation for some reason
gualdhar: isn't Pelican Brief the one with Danny Devito and George Clooney?
rammfan9423: Hi Ben and Adam How goes it 😊
HondoTrigger: they said reel big fish and trigun wouldn't work but you showed them
RoastedGravy: I don't remember what movies I've seen growing up.
Orxolon: men of honor from Cuba did Men of honor which is a great film
Fanklok: Ben you're not even that young
Thefluffiestguineapig: @rammfan9423 Adam has reduced teeth
Ferisar: event horizon
NotCainNorAbel: @Valbatross_ Like how he has two pools of dolphins
RoastedGravy: I think I saw all three X-Men movies?
bytecaster: Why would I care if there is no advanced tech or magic?
RealGamerCow: You ever think about holes?
hypperstar2280: wow i went to the bathroom for like 15 minutes and these bvoys still jsut talking away
Valbatross_: He was in Oceans 11 and 13 but not 12
RoastedGravy: Sandlot best movie.
HondoTrigger: have you ever seen most valuable primate? its about a chimp that plays hockey
rammfan9423: Ouch
Unable_To_Load: what about Moneyball?
electra310: Nooo, A League of Their Own
raulghoulia: Major League is the best sports movie
saucemaster5000: @Ferisar I watched it last night. I have THINGS TO SAY about the chari
RoastedGravy: Nah, the best sports film is Space Jam.
Lysander_salamander: Replacements, with Keannu Reeves?
Lobo_Apache: HOnestly, loved The Replacements
KWardJenx: Slapshot - best sports movie
protojman: Baseketball
bombadil117: where is this past Friday’s episode of fight club? I’m not seeing it on the stream channel.
saucemaster5000: chair
saucemaster5000: fuck
superdude097: A League of Their Own is a good sports movie
Ferisar: @saucemaster5000 lol
dumbo3k: Keanu has had some stinkers, but not because of Keanu
rick0chet008: Last Boyscout?
gibbousm: there was that one Keanu was forced to do because it was easier than filing a lawsuit
Fanklok: Is that how Canadians pronounce Hooters?
NotCainNorAbel: field of dreams
BrowneePointz: Field of Dreams, Angels in the Outfield, Miracle
ratprints: ever think about Holes
ThorSokar: The Announcers in Major League were EXTREMELY good
Ferisar: what are they talking about
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Mighty Ducks.
MacbethSeemsSus: Hardball
Orxolon: The replacements
Ferisar: what are these movies
drizztnailo: league of their own is real good
KWardJenx: Hansen Brothers
rammfan9423: Grid Iron Gang and Million Dollar Baby were both pretty good
ladyjojo1987: Cool Runnings
RealGamerCow: Major League was ruined for me by a guy in college who would watch it on repeat, speaking the dialog through the whole thing
frank_the_great: Windmill slam Cool Runnings
BrowneePointz: It's about the worst thing in the world. Indiana Basketball
LostThePirate: Y'all are Canadian and not mentioning Mighty Ducks??
Unable_To_Load: Gene Hackman is like a top 5 actor
Thefluffiestguineapig: @dumbo3k He always does his best and I absokutely love him for it
electra310: I have watched League of Their Own about seven million times
Lysander_salamander: you know, Lex Luthor
vinewood_og: Remember the Titans was good...
dumbo3k: @Thefluffiestguineapig You're breathtaking!
vinewood_og: Wow Ben
KWardJenx: Gene Hackman is goated
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I sadi ti earlier I'll say it again... Mighty Ducks is the goat sports movie
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
vinopinguino: lol yes, narnia
wiganlass: best sports movie is The Running Man
twistedsylvan: @Bobtheninjagoldfish BASED
electra310: It's where they make the sandwiches
raulghoulia: Czarnia is where Lobo's from
drizztnailo: i never saw it, was 42 good?
vinopinguino: Aslan yo daddy?
bytecaster: The moms from Narnia, the father from Middle Earth
undecided44: What scares us... Quicksand man
RoastedGravy: You know Jame McAvoy was in Narnia?
graal_smith: Adam is now Morman and soaking
Thefluffiestguineapig: @dumbo3k [Sorry, I missed a reference there but I'm really tired0
bombadil117: where is fight club from this past week
Astramentha: ye
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
vinopinguino: okay byeeee
Thefluffiestguineapig: No Gus update first!!!!
Ferisar: damn cya until the next podcast
HondoTrigger: gonna go back to my scrolls
rammfan9423: I watched recently the boys in the boat was a good one
WriterRaven: Movie time! Movie time! =D
LithelyUnshod: Ew, Sarnia
Orxolon: "i was born ready"-Blade
saucemaster5000: can we watch Escape from LA?
bytecaster: Nah, I don't like to be rude to rocks
RTwo28: We return, to spookies
frank_the_great: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 40:20.
twistedsylvan: I was gonna watch a movie tonight one way or another - it was either this or Salem's Lot
Fanklok: A movie? Is the new Dark Pictures out?
rammfan9423: gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT gptvCAT
gibbousm: teeth teeth teeth teeth
frank_the_great: Blaze it
NotCainNorAbel: Without even watching it again I'll say that Varsity Blues doesn't hold up
BrowneePointz: Big B Wolf
rammfan9423: gptvNUT gptvNUT gptvNUT gptvNUT gptvNUT gptvNUT gptvNUT gptvNUT
dumbo3k: @Thefluffiestguineapig He came out on stage, for Cyberpunk 2077 anouncement at some show, and someone yelled out "You're breathtaking!" and he was basically like "No, U"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @dumbo3k Right! I forgot
graal_smith: "That's what we could do next, murder someone!"
raulghoulia: or Silent Hill2 remake
Darleysam: or Silent Hill 2?
Orxolon: yyeeeeeyyyy
rammfan9423: Silent Hill 2 remake 😁
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's very good
gibbousm: There's the Silent Hill 2 remake
Fr0Dough: Semper Fi Pumpkin pie?
RTwo28: Right there's a new one!
saucemaster5000: Wait, the new dark pictures happened???
lochnessseammonster: scorched earth seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Ferisar: until dawn remaster
BrowneePointz: or Alien Isolation...or the somehow is good in spite of Bloober Silent Hill 2 remake
RatherLargeToad: also an Until Dawn remaster
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can we get the return of couch coop?
ThorSokar: That sounds AMAZING
frank_the_great: Until Dawn coming out on PC
wiganlass: no plans to play the silent hill 2 remake??
BrowneePointz: it's a BANGER adam
betweenmyself: has Ben investigated the game “Mouthwashing” at all?
Unable_To_Load: they did put Jason in Multiversus but then you have to play Multiversus
Fanklok: "We pay attention to the game"
rammfan9423: gptvYAAAS gptvYAAAS gptvYAAAS gptvYAAAS gptvHYPE gptvHYPE
RoastedGravy: It was three years ago.
bombadil117: where’s last week’s okie okie fight club
BrowneePointz: it's apparently ACTUALLY good in spite of bloober sucking
twistedsylvan: it's fucking TERRIFYING Adam, Isolation is about as scary as the OG movie
drizztnailo: 13 year old me was a coward and didn't finish alien isolation unfortunately
saucemaster5000: more like whinelent pill poo
spinebustertee: Speaking of horror all stars, I'm surprised y'all are playing the new Horrified and the not the Universal one tomorrow. But still very excited!
gibbousm: why you gotta do James dirty like that
RoastedGravy: Unless you played Silent Hill earlier this year.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @bombadil117 They don't know and it's probably slightly delayed
wiganlass: true James is a little lame
rammfan9423: lrrSPOOP
electra310: We want to see the crooked cat
BrowneePointz: Heather is a better protag but 2 still has the better story I think
bytecaster: The soundtrack is great!
gibbousm: lrrJAMES
PMAvers: Just like in real life, Heather > James.
Diabore: are all the silent hill protags in LRR?
kumatsu: last Silent Hill 2 run was March 2020.....
Saintnex: so a quick google says it was about 4 years ago
Lysander_salamander: is it a VHS game?
rammfan9423: gptvDAB gptvDAB gptvDAB gptvDAB gptvDAB gptvDAB
bombadil117: it doesn’t seem like the vibes channel on YouTube is uploading much at all. They haven’t uploaded anything there since last Thursday.
cutaos: well i think cori is the cool one Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Diabore No because there's not a felon who was caught
Fanklok: Is it weird that so many Silent Hill protagonist share names with LRR members?
spinebustertee: The OG one has Dracula, Frankenstein, the Wolfman, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon. But the system rules and it'll be fun!
Kramburger: Yeah
BrowneePointz: i mean, the comic IS called Fables so probably likely
rammfan9423: This gives me boarder lands vibes
saucemaster5000: holy shit these graphics make them younger!
Kramburger: I think?
wastetalent subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months, currently on a 26 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wastetalent! (Today's storm count: 37)
bytecaster: "Mr Wofl"
bytecaster: *Wolf
BrowneePointz: seht doon jerzeh
BrowneePointz: tek a seat
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm trying to remember who the guy with the dice tattoos is
Thefluffiestguineapig: I haven't read Fables in too long, those are fantastic
vinopinguino: georgie porgie fluffiest
rammfan9423: Bull to the chiznet
Saintnex: that’s… not how that works
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Diabore Understatement of the century for sure, up there with the Woodsman
BrowneePointz: georgie porgie!?
BrowneePointz: at the pudding and pie!?
Diabore: dee is forgetting the only reason hes breathing right now is because blood is hard to get off clothes
ghyllnox: "Actually I do mind"
Thefluffiestguineapig: None of the rest of them are smart to keep mouthing off to the Crooked Man
rammfan9423: gptvNOTES gptvNOTES gptvNOTES gptvSILLY
Thefluffiestguineapig: BRO
silenceaux: The children are fighting. :)
vinopinguino: you're a patsy georgie. duh.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Just shut up!!! Crooked Man is bad enough before you sass off
PMAvers: "You know, I hear we have a well..."
twistedsylvan: So what are the odds that this is exclusively a political play on the Crooked Man's part?
Unable_To_Load: this is good shit
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, you're not going with him but you're going to be in pieces
rammfan9423: gptvAHH gptvAHH gptvAHH
PharaohBender27: @twistedsylvan Very high, I would say
Thefluffiestguineapig: UUUUUUHHHHHH
twistedsylvan: wuh oh
lamina5432: oops fell asleep
Unable_To_Load: I love the Jersey Devil's design
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welp
rammfan9423: GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG
Fanklok: Remember when the doctor said take it easy Bigby?
rammfan9423: Windego
vinopinguino: what do doctors even know?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fanklok Ten minutes ago? Nah
spinebustertee: Pie has been served
Thefluffiestguineapig: I do love the character design on Jersey
rammfan9423: Time to watch Magnus Bride lol
twistedsylvan: HOLY HELL BIGBY
vinopinguino: 2 strong 2 furious
tehfewl: breaking the masquerade? thats a paddlin
BusTed: subway surfer PogChamp
BrowneePointz: Subway Surfers?
twistedsylvan: uh are we still in Fabletown? Or is this a Masquerade breach?
OmnipotentTrevor: So much for ever convincing any other Fable to bother with their glamors from now on
Fanklok: Minecraft Parkour?
rammfan9423: Aaaaah wooooo Werewolves in London!
ghyllnox: What do you think
Jadaris: @OmnipotentTrevor feels like this is extenuating circumstances ...
Raincoast_Bear: I though this was Among Us with furries....
silenceaux: Wow she didn't try to run you over
QuixoticScrivener: Brock samson this
frank_the_great: The illusion of choice
ThorSokar: Dang, I thought that was gonna give you a Brock Sampson option there
Raincoast_Bear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months, currently on a 34 month streak!
Raincoast_Bear: Subiverssary Time! lrrBEN lrrADAM lrrHAM lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Raincoast_Bear! (Today's storm count: 38)
Juliamon: We're trying to find the traitor
spethycakes: Fleshy meat sacs
Thefluffiestguineapig: Where did he find a tie?
dumbo3k: Skinsuits piloted by a skeletal mecha
BrowneePointz: those are called fleshsonasx
vinopinguino: meat suits
singinnonsense: Georgie has been ejected
Lysander_salamander: inside everyone is a skeleton waiting to get out
BrowneePointz: fleshsonas*
spinebustertee: We're ghosts piloting flesh mechs
vinopinguino: windowsill
WriterRaven: Ahh, the joys of being a squishy meatsack.
QuixoticScrivener: electric jellyfish piloting zombie mechs
Unable_To_Load: he kept it in his pocket
InconsiderateHat: there was
RoastedGravy: Shirts that were perfectly Bigby sized.
Unable_To_Load: he has a back up
frank_the_great: Magic, duh /jk
Fanklok: I heard The Thing described as "the Among Us movie from the 80s"
TheMerricat: Why are you surprised? YOU stabbed him.
Lysander_salamander: I guess that knife was enchanted?
rammfan9423: gptvLOOK gptvDANCE gptvNOM gptvFIREBALL gptvFIREBALL gptvFIREBALL gptvFIREBALL
ghyllnox: Yeah I don't think Georgie was trying to stab you with a regular knife
saucemaster5000: pulp fiction would be better if it was in order
TheMerricat: Chat, is it just the accent or is the VA for Georgie the same VA as Constanine in the DCAU?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I wish we could listen longer?
RealGamerCow: Time to stab her too
vinopinguino: "a few mistakes"
Unable_To_Load: how does 20% of bigby not wanna pull the ribbon at any given time
SymphonySolstice: oopsie woopsie just a happy little murder or two
Raincoast_Bear: Is this Fables?
frank_the_great: Broo, this is a little "A Few Good Men"-y
squ3e: @TheMerricat Its a more gruff accent, I dont think its the same guy
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Unable_To_Load Isn't there a consequence to removing it possibly?
TheMerricat: @Raincoast_Bear Yep,
Unable_To_Load: @Thefluffiestguineapig that's why
wiganlass: I do love Georgie’s northern accent
TheMerricat: @squ3e Yeah, I thought about it and just googled it. It isn't :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: @wiganlass An actual Northern accent is refreshing
QuixoticScrivener: Cool motivation, still murder.
spinebustertee: cool story, still murder!
ghyllnox: "Just following orders" lmao
PharaohBender27: Georgie trying the Nuremberg defense
HorusFive: "It's not my fault. Somebody told me to do it"
PharaohBender27: "I was following orders."
MacbethSeemsSus: I was just the hitman, why are you blaming me?
wiganlass: @thefluffiestguineapig it’s a lot like my own
vinopinguino: its called a rico charge georgie
ghyllnox: I don't recall you talking about options
TheMerricat: Georgie, you know that gapping wound in your stomach? It happened because you TRIED to kill us. Don't fucking act like you are Mary Poppins.
Fanklok: "God fine, I killed them! But someone told me to do it, why are you still so fucking mad"
Raincoast_Bear: Murder One. And Kissing girls and making them cry.
Lysander_salamander: oh
vinopinguino: take em both
vinopinguino: rico
patrick_stonecrusher: Funkin KNEW IT
Thefluffiestguineapig: Suuuuuuuuuuuuure
Raincoast_Bear: Terminal case of head falls off.
OmnipotentTrevor: "it was supposed to be a perfectly innocent death curse!"
wiganlass: strange that
ghyllnox: Georgie sure is bleeding out for a long time
Lysander_salamander: we put these murder weapons around their necks but I didn't expect anyone to use it?
spinebustertee: Decapitation Ribbon was just supposed to be a fun gimmick
Saintnex: no one’s gonna control us, except for that ribbon
QuixoticScrivener: @Raincoast_Bear maximum dulahan
SymphonySolstice: how is this dude still conscious
Unable_To_Load: do it
Fanklok: No way to avoid this says only establishment where this regularly happens
Juliamon: Georgie is surviving on pure spite
ghyllnox: So, you're under arrest, and you're under arrest, and then I'm taking a little trip
ghizmou: that s... a nice poster
Chaotically_Random: and Geyser of Blood!
Chaotically_Random: Like a Whale!
saucemaster5000: is she okay?
gibbousm: pop
SymphonySolstice: boink
Darleysam: oh damn is she okay
SnackPak_: oops
Lysander_salamander: cool
Unable_To_Load: fuck that was so clean
TheManaLeek: Put it back on put it back on!
gibbousm: someone got Mami'd
RoastedGravy: PIE!
Lysander_salamander: pie!
CaptainSpam: PIE!
Fr0Dough: emoooootianal damage
baltimore_667083: pie!
Fanklok: She won't be in Wolf Among Us 2
Lysander_salamander: guts
vinopinguino: you had to get stabbed?
Raincoast_Bear: Bigby Wolf, found at site of double murder...
WriterRaven: That's messed up.
Chaotically_Random: Wait... wat.... Ben has a Story!?
Going_Medium: What?!
twistedsylvan: Ben? You good?
Juliamon: The pool story?
QuixoticScrivener: @Chaotically_Random Ben has STORIES
silenceaux: Feels kinda weird that this is a lethal wound considering what we've seen, but sure.
dumbo3k: What do you mean Georgie will remember that? He just said he was dying
HorusFive: Georgie will remember that..... for the next 30 seconds
twistedsylvan: @silenceaux magic knife maybe?
vinopinguino: adam, what did you pick right there?
gibbousm: if you're a well known Fable, you're hard to kill. If you're not, well you're fucked
Saintnex: yea, fable invincibility is largely whatever makes the story better
Lithobraker: "Georgie will remember that" (but not for long)
silenceaux: @twistedsylvan Definitely a possibility
NightValien28: the lethality depends on how famous their lore is, the more famous the fable the harder they are to kill
Unable_To_Load: jesus Ben
hatboozeparty: lrrWOW
prince_infidel: In the comic it varies by character
Lobo_Apache: georgie has been dying longer than he was a plot point
hatboozeparty: Ben is in his Adam ark
OmnipotentTrevor: No "call that fable doctor in to at least try" option?
frank_the_great: Batman style
Saintnex: wow
NightValien28: in the comic gold locks takes a shotgun to the face and just walks it off
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm not sure how Bigby being cosmic justice I feel
Saintnex: that was ice cold Ben, love it :D
saucemaster5000: we're such heroes
QuixoticScrivener: they have centaur escorts?!?
Juliamon: How sad for the scumbag pimp
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
Lysander_salamander: nice
RoastedGravy: How would that work?
saucemaster5000: gimme centaur manon
Darleysam: Bojack
frank_the_great: You left a murderer to suffer >:(
CaptainSpam: I would've just silently walked away at that. No quip at all.
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
vinopinguino: lmao
Goombill: I think in the comics, the more popular the story is, the more invincible the character was
rosesmcgee: A man of principle
Goombill: Which makes for easy plot armour
twistedsylvan: if it were any other character, maybe I'd feel bad, but that moron really had it coming
vinopinguino: hahahah
Thefluffiestguineapig: As someone who works with horses, you kind of don't
ghyllnox: The guy who put the murder curse on women who worked for them and then killed them died, oh no
Duwani1: flat teeth
couchboyj: Like that boss in Zelda 2
Unable_To_Load: @Goombill what comic?
Diabore: hey look, the line... why are we passing it?
frank_the_great: Centaurussy
Fanklok: You want a horse body instead of a head?
BusTed: Everyday you wake up like it's Godfather
patrick_stonecrusher: Bojack
Goombill: @Unable_To_Load The Fables graphic novels this is based off of
Thefluffiestguineapig: Horses can have dreams that mean they run like a dog in their sleep
Chaotically_Random: So I had a buddy who had a DnD character who was "Human" and his mom was a centaur and his dad was a minotaur
vinopinguino: "i want a divorce"
Unable_To_Load: @Goombill if it's half as good as this I gotta check it out
TheMerricat: @Chaotically_Random :D
tehfewl: thats not how locks work
Lobo_Apache: @vinopinguino I want a div-horse
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Chaotically_Random His genetic profile would be FUCKED, any genetic diseases and hes done (but that's very funny)
saucemaster5000: that's the pre-dooker uuuh
Fanklok: New meaning to "horse head" eh eh?
WiJohn: deez nuts
Shadowsoflife: Magic
twistedsylvan: magic?
Goombill: @Unable_To_Load I adored the whole series, it runs a little long in the end, but I still enjoyed them
Kramburger: Magic
BrowneePointz: i mean if you're strong enough(like strong enough to stop a car with your bare hands) pressing down on it until it shears could work
dumbo3k: maybe it's how that logo works? with magic
RoastedGravy: It's so you know where Bigby is at all times.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz And rip off the bumper
Chaotically_Random: yes, logic with a talking frog
RoastedGravy: It's like how in 3D platformers the shadow is always underneath the player no matter what.
Lysander_salamander: oh, a foundry
OmnipotentTrevor: This is my favorite part of the game
Chaotically_Random: Mary Mary, Quite Contray.. oh wait no wrong mary.....
Thefluffiestguineapig: Mary mary quite contrary, get down here so I can stab
Heefnoff: If Wolf is bad, why handsome?
shendaras: Admirer?
dumbo3k: @Chaotically_Random Mary had a little Lamb
Saintnex: a star?
vinopinguino: more like, stalker
RoastedGravy: People like bad boys.
BrowneePointz: he's an asshole, not a villain
twistedsylvan: Thanks, Zangief
Diabore: thats a torture wheel
Heefnoff: Thank you based Zangief
Saintnex: also you can be bad and attractive
Heefnoff: You sure are
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's the point of Fables, right? The "villains" aren't always bad guys
MacbethSeemsSus: Very close to the end
gibbousm: There's 5 Chapters I think?
saucemaster5000: the Big Brad Witt
Saintnex: yup
NightValien28: very close
singinnonsense: games love to have big showdown in big industrial spaces
LostThePirate: You're in the final chapter
Duwani1: You can be a good guy and do bad or morally challenging things
ghyllnox: I can't imagine you and Mary both walk out of here
Heefnoff: LMAOOOO
saucemaster5000: no you good
Kramburger: Wolf USED to be bad. All past crimes were forgiven when they came to new york. That's why bluebeard's here
saucemaster5000: there is a thing
Duwani1: Adam looks so sweaty
Heefnoff: Bloody Mary my beloved
Chaotically_Random: I am really looking forward to this games sequal its been in the works forever
saucemaster5000: wtf
twistedsylvan: Hey what? Mary can shadowstep or some shit?
computercolinx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, computercolinx! (Today's storm count: 39)
wiganlass: you could start playing the Batman one
Gaelan_Maestro: which mary is she?
BrowneePointz: rule of twitch 1: do not comment on the streamer's appearance
betweenmyself: maybe they meant “you look hot”?
BrowneePointz: bloody @Gaelan_Maestro
patrick_stonecrusher: Bloody Mary
Duwani1: not a bad thing just thought you might still be feeling bad and need a water break
Chaotically_Random: Adam isn't sweety he's just naturally shiny
twistedsylvan: didn't she sucker punch you four seconds ago?
vinopinguino: she's a ninja
spo8n: anticlimactic,... thats what she said
Thefluffiestguineapig: What actor looks like Bigby's glamour why Am I having such a hard time thinking of this
dumbo3k: @twistedsylvan Rules for Thee and not for Me
Going_Medium: He's glowing
saucemaster5000: holy shit ben looks dry
RoastedGravy: Bigby doesn't use glamour.
Heefnoff: Block the mix
RealGamerCow: you don't need to do shit, people need to shut up
Lithobraker: @twistedsylvan god forbid a woman have hobbies
Heefnoff: Peep the mix chat
Heefnoff: OVERHEAD
Heefnoff: DUMMY
BusTed: ow
Mnemonicman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months, currently on a 74 month streak!
Mnemonicman: Spoops continue until morale improves
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mnemonicman! (Today's storm count: 40)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gotta work on your antiair
twistedsylvan: @Lithobraker listen I support women's wrongs as much as anyone, but I draw the line at hypocaracy
vinopinguino: how do her powers work exactly? just any reflective surface?
Heefnoff: CROSSUPS
Heefnoff: Wife
saucemaster5000: it's bison they are plus
VrolikSyndrome: I'm gonna say it
twistedsylvan: Jesus, is she made of glass?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Her entire body is a sharp weapon
Chaotically_Random: Well she is Bloody Mary, she's got Mirror Shards
Unable_To_Load: damn getting whiff punished
Fanklok: I think we can fix her
spo8n: shes fiending
frank_the_great: Do you think she'd be friends with the magic mirror?
Heefnoff: Command grabs
Heefnoff: No one here is having a good time
Orxolon: agility zombie?
silenceaux: Install applied
Unable_To_Load: you got your install
niccus: oh right, when's adam checking out refantazio
RoastedGravy: He's awakened his Stand, "Hungry Like a Wolf"!
Lysander_salamander: ah
vinopinguino: clone jutsu
Heefnoff: GENEI JIN
Lysander_salamander: cool
Kramburger: Bigby hasn't even gone super sayian
twistedsylvan: WUH OH
Darleysam: is this her ult?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @vinopinguino Mirror clones, is that a fire style?
singinnonsense: ninja rules tho ?
satyropodobny: and we shall huff and puff
Chaotically_Random: Man if this wolf came knocking on my door I'd not let him in either
Heefnoff: Wallahi my goat is washed
Darleysam: okay but like, Meepo rules? Just gotta kill one?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah she touches you and you get stabbed
Unable_To_Load: something about the glass makes this really rough
saucemaster5000: hugo weaving bullshit cgi fight
Raincoast_Bear: She casr Mirror Image. Obviously at least 5th level Wizard.
gualdhar: Gulliver's islanded?
Lysander_salamander: yay
Thefluffiestguineapig: BRO
tehfewl: Fursona!
vinopinguino: he's going full wolf
SnackPak_: awoo
silenceaux: Wolf.
Kentosaurus: Not even his final form
vinopinguino: you never go full wolf
twistedsylvan: CIRNOS BABY
Heefnoff: GET EM
Lysander_salamander: yas!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this super sayan Bigby?
dumbo3k: BiiiiiiiigBy
Chaotically_Random: BIG PUPPER
Thefluffiestguineapig: In your teeth? Glass in your teeth????
Raincoast_Bear: He's not the "the Little Nice Wolf".
LithelyUnshod: Do you mean Gulliver's Traveled?
Kramburger: Big Bad Wolf wasn't just a nickname
Fanklok: He's gone ultra instinct
satyropodobny: Oh wow the wolf among us indeed
dumbo3k: So many chew toys!
twistedsylvan: Hang on, he's all Wolves in stories right? Is he fucking Fenrir?
Heefnoff: Lmao
Thefluffiestguineapig: BRo
Lysander_salamander: huff and puff
NightValien28: huff and puff
Kramburger: Time for the old huff and puff
MacbethSeemsSus: He's huffin and puffin boys
Heefnoff: He's huffin and puffin
WiJohn: He huffin anf he puffin
Heefnoff: Super close though yeah
Unable_To_Load: yo this rips
Thefluffiestguineapig: You were closer than you expected I think
frank_the_great: Some kind of wendigo
Kramburger: Bigby's dad is the literal north wind
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also this whole scene is the best
Darleysam: I'll just say, those three pigs had NO chance
couchboyj: But what if both huff and puff?
satyropodobny: Let's see Goku's huff n puff
Thefluffiestguineapig: So creative
Heefnoff: ANTI AIR
Duwani1: I mean his dad is the northern wind isn't he?
vinopinguino: awoooo
Raincoast_Bear: FATALITY!
BrowneePointz: Fun Fact, in the comics he's the son of Winter and the North Wind Ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: He perfected that anti air
WriterRaven: NOM
Lysander_salamander: awooo
Heefnoff: Stay free
NightValien28: Duwani1 I think its his mom
BrowneePointz: like, WINTER Winter, and THE North Wind
Heefnoff: ihjGgs
WiJohn: He ain't gonna have no pants
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Fanklok: Huff and puff and blow the man down
Chaotically_Random: and NAKEY
RealGamerCow: turns back to a human. "fuckin owww"
Heefnoff: WOOOOO
BrowneePointz: North Wind is his dad, Winter is his Mother
Darleysam: just credits scrolling past dong
vinopinguino: get them demonitized!
ghyllnox: Let's go find a crooked man while nakey
Chaotically_Random: AT least show us the butt
satyropodobny: KNOT'EM
frank_the_great: Executive Producer Dick Wolf
ButButTheJesus: ben. yes.
SymphonySolstice: cowards
ghyllnox: 0 days
saucemaster5000: no peenie no wiiport
ghyllnox: Tired yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ghyllnox I noticed that too
vinopinguino: he's got crooked aim. man cant shoot
Fanklok: Damn Ben got weiner on thr mind
ghyllnox: Pretty sure you're going in the foundry dude
Thefluffiestguineapig: Really? You just unleashed a vengeful assassin on me
BrowneePointz: dude you're an accessory to murder
Thefluffiestguineapig: FUCK OFF
ghyllnox: I'm no murderer, he says, while pointing a gun at you
RoastedGravy: I'm a businessman. I'm in the business of killing.
Raincoast_Bear: Why not both?
RoastedGravy: Wait, shit.
Kentosaurus: yeah, not mutually exclusive
gibbousm: Just business
RoastedGravy: Got me again, Bigby Wolf.
spethycakes: I'm not a killer; I'm just a businessman!
satyropodobny: this is our chance to actually eat the rich
ghyllnox: And here you are still talking
HorusFive: @ghyllnox While holding a gun and having just sent a minion to very much kill you
Fanklok: Exploitation under capitalism is murder
singinnonsense: I was a dick ... but it was only to make money
saucemaster5000: crooked man makes a solid argument, just business, crooked man for US president
gibbousm: JUSTICE
Unable_To_Load: this is why we call it Justus cause it's Just us
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro this sounds like when customers tell me "Oh why don't you smile"
HorusFive: Now he has a crooked nose too
wiganlass: are you in customer service too??
dumbo3k: Crooked Man should probably learn when to shut his mouth
silenceaux: I know Bigby hit him, but I can't tell the difference.
Chaotically_Random: Wait, is shits crooked too?
RoastedGravy: And that's how he became the Crooked Man.
MacbethSeemsSus: You have a right to an attorney. It's a lamp, but it did pass the bar.
Heefnoff: Don't say it
wiganlass: @thefluffiestguineapig the worst part about customer service often is the customers
vinopinguino: wtf snow white
Heefnoff: "Real surprised you didn't kill that guy, Bigby"
Unable_To_Load: 0 things happened. only 2 people died
Thefluffiestguineapig: @wiganlass When you work at a chain it's a tie between that and corporate
Lithobraker: I killed him after he pulled a gun on me after he sicced an assassin on me seems pretty easy to explain
BrowneePointz: COME ABOARD
BrowneePointz: same braincell Ben
wiganlass: @thefluffiestguineapig I hear you
Chaotically_Random: Wait, is the butcher one of the three pigs?
Raincoast_Bear: Convene a kangaroo court.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes you do
twistedsylvan: Considering the circumstances, we're just going to draw and quarter this bastard
Kramburger: The well is a Very Bad Place
ghyllnox: You literally did mean to interrupt her
wiganlass: @thefluffiestguineapig in front facing customer service too
Kramburger: Fucking GET HIM Snow
wiganlass: *I’m
Thefluffiestguineapig: YEAHHH
Darleysam: i'm already angry about when he inevitably gets to walk out of here...
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Darleysam He's a rich white guy
vinopinguino: hit him with the rico
HorusFive: Yeah- get him on tax evasion too
Saintnex: willingly at gun point lol
CaptainSpam: It was WILLINGLY at gunpoint!
Darleysam: @Thefluffiestguineapig "ah, but you see, here's my counter-argument: I was right to do it. Goodbye."
Rhynerd: The crooked man seems good enough at digging his own graves with his words.
vinopinguino: ugh i hate justice, i want revenge!
RealGamerCow: cancel his ass
gibbousm: its me the mob. I want to judge this fool
ghyllnox: No mob judgements, chants the mob
satyropodobny: I love democracy
Fr0Dough: absolutley does, nolstalgia personified
wiganlass: this is like listening to a stump speech
twistedsylvan: Snow, you asked for a jury of peers. The peers say to string him up
Saintnex: ehhh, helpful is a strong word
OmnipotentTrevor: Getting a bit carried away...with knives
RealGamerCow: he tried to kill Bigby how many times?
silenceaux: I'm still curious what the Crooked Man had on Bloody Mary that got her loyalty.
dumbo3k: The acts of your employees, still reflects on you
BrindleBoar: @silenceaux the opportunity to do violence, I'd expect
vinopinguino: yo, just well this fool
Unable_To_Load: Beauty and Beast do suck he's right
LostThePirate: Poor unfortunate souls
ghyllnox: Beauty and Beast being here is not helpful
BrowneePointz: "i'm just a mere opportunistic capitalist"
Fanklok: Yeah there weren't any government handouts that's what's wrong
squ3e: "But think of the quarterly report!"
satyropodobny: mob boss gonna mob boss
vinopinguino: im just an entrepreneur
Banather subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Banather! (Today's storm count: 41)
Ferisar: I got her tree back
ghyllnox: Treeeeee
vinopinguino: a philanthropist
Unable_To_Load: he got her tree back
Unable_To_Load: shut up snow
singinnonsense: he found her puppy !
RealGamerCow: gross
Chaotically_Random: Wait, is she Mother Goose, I forgot
vinopinguino: should have thrown this guy in the well when you had the chance snow
itsr67: man this theme is so good
ghyllnox: I have a feeling this would go differently if Grendel had one arm
Kramburger: Future Sheriff Beast
OmnipotentTrevor: I'm betting the fables threw Adam in the well.
Lysander_salamander: yay
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeaaaahhh!!!!!!
itsr67: Y E A H
twistedsylvan: HELL YEAH
gibbousm: so much for no Mob Rule
wiganlass: <message deleted>anyone else feeling Harris vs Trump vibes??
deinonychus24: The power of friendship
NotCainNorAbel: yeah!!! mob justice
ButButTheJesus: YAAAHHHH
Unable_To_Load: I like to Imagine Adam's playthrough was just Bigby standing alone in this room
vinopinguino: is georgie still alive?
Juliamon: please no politics unless the streamer explicitly asks for it
vinopinguino: should have saved him...
Raincoast_Bear: The grandmother eating?
Chaotically_Random: Nope Georgie Bled out,
vinopinguino: your bloodlust ruined you ben! how could you!
saucemaster5000: this is why adam's playthough is correct
I_Am_Clockwork: yes, crooded man, that is the legal liablility as an employer
NightValien28: grasping at straws there
Thefluffiestguineapig: We didn't do that
Saintnex: protection while under threat to leave lol
squ3e: But it wassnt her employee...
Saintnex: Bluebeard, you are NOT helping here
Isaac3567: So is no one going to mention the ingredient harvesting rooms?
dumbo3k: yes, with the promise for more, and then shackling you
spo8n: you can solve a suprisimg amount of problems with gratitous murder
Lithobraker: Bluebeard saying the quiet part out loud
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro, you're the reason they can't do that initially
Lysander_salamander: ah
Thefluffiestguineapig: You can't be the solution when you create a problem
vinopinguino: deus ex machina
gibbousm: Dramatic Evidence Reveal!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Get him!!!!
QuixoticScrivener: Is it htough?
QuixoticScrivener: I guess she was able to talk about it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hehe
Thefluffiestguineapig: Now he's afraid
Nigouki: please don't be within reach of him...
itsr67: :O
BrowneePointz: YEA! GET HIS ASS!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Step away from him
twistedsylvan: WELL HIM
I_Am_Clockwork: go off queen
Unable_To_Load: what does the witching well do?
Tweygoh: mermaid gets her voice back
vinopinguino: WELL! WELL! WELL!
frank_the_great: Lesson learned: when committing crimes, no witnesses
Ferisar: if it isn’t crookie dookie
NightValien28: how is that better?
twistedsylvan: Ma'sm that isn't better
HorusFive: It's not murder if it's done by the court Grannie
ghyllnox: Oh yes locking people up forever definitely ends well
twistedsylvan: that might in fact be worse
Rhynerd: Ain't the well a prison?
NightValien28: no murder but yes eternal imprisonment
ActualFactual: functionally speaking, what is the difference between death,and eternal imprisonment?
SymphonySolstice: we don't have to kill him, we'll just torture him
Fr0Dough: Blue Beard STFU for one min
I_Am_Clockwork: You must CHOOSE SPIDERMAN!
saucemaster5000: I'm bored when does wolverine and deadpool fight a cgi army?
silenceaux: Eternal imprisonment? Might as well just put him in the hole.
CaptainSpam: Sure, put it all on the player.
gibbousm: You don't make the Sheriff the Judge. Thats just bad practice
Chaotically_Random: Toss him into the Well!!!!!!!
Unable_To_Load: GET IN THE PIT
BrindleBoar: democratically elected tyranny Kappa
MacbethSeemsSus: Death by snu snu
LostThePirate: Kill him!
HorusFive: Eternally imprisoned in the WELL
Unable_To_Load: PIT
frank_the_great: Well, we know what Adam did
OmnipotentTrevor: You're literally judge, jury and excecurioner
NightValien28: took too long
SnackPak_: uh oh
terribleplan: Rip his head off?
patrick_stonecrusher: Judge Dredd
Chaotically_Random: B!
Unable_To_Load: WELL WELL WELL
Nigouki: RIP!
Darleysam: pez!
satyropodobny: RIP AND TEAR
vinopinguino: WELL WELL WELL WELL
itsr67: hell yeah
SurfDownstage: FBtouchdown
Saintnex: good lord Ben
Unable_To_Load: well...well...well...
BrindleBoar: pop goes the weasel
Lysander_salamander: yay
squ3e: YEAHHH
CaptainSpam: HELL YEAH
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
vinopinguino: hahaha
Chaotically_Random: and BAD ending
QuixoticScrivener: spike the volley ball
vinopinguino: clip it
gibbousm: Snow will remember that
ghyllnox: LUL
HorusFive: lrrBartleby
dougma: goooo ben!!!!
RoastedGravy: Ben's heel turn is complete
prince_infidel: Well, well, well
Awfrigate: He's gone mad with power!
niccus: adam will remember that.
SnackPak_: awoo
Gaelan_Maestro: oh my!
Mnemonicman: problem solved
Veshnikard: He is the law
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
CaptainSpam: METAL AS FUCK
vinopinguino: your bloodlust Ben
squ3e: Adam can you tell us what the decision you made that no one else did?
Oreo1369: Deserved
satyropodobny: and he was doing so well. he he. well.
OmnipotentTrevor: Crook basically commited suicide by wolf cop
RealGamerCow: Adam says "goood, good"
BrowneePointz: Welp, there goes anyone ever trusting you ever again
HorusFive: They should be afraid of Bigby
Chaotically_Random: Is that what happened to Matt? Gram popped his head like a coke bottle
vinopinguino: your BLOODLUST
couchboyj: Hello! *bang*
shendaras: You were killing him anyway, right?
KWardJenx: We always knew this about Graham
saucemaster5000: wolf s2 -- this time you are a liar
patrick_stonecrusher: Red lazer beam ending
WiJohn: Never trust a cop, but know they'll rip your head clear off
squ3e: Or did Adam already say what the choice he made was?
vinopinguino: terry boggart?!
Seth_Erickson: who would have guessed
Saintnex: who’d a think it
BusTed: aww
saucemaster5000: game boring, wesley snipes' blade didn't show up
Heefnoff: Bro does NOT care
Saintnex: dang Ben, ya got replaced by Bluebeard
Raincoast_Bear: Everybody wanted it done.
NotCainNorAbel: those hams
vinopinguino: ALL BY MYSEEEEELF
twistedsylvan: I like how Gren was all "Teach him a lesson!" and then got squicked out when you did it
vinopinguino: DONT WANNA BE
RoastedGravy: Look at them hammies.
vinopinguino: ALLL BY MYSEEELF
theneatestburrito: Boston butt on Twitch???
BusTed: moment of truth
Saintnex: I imagine that Adam just killed him before the trial?
OmnipotentTrevor: I assume the crowd turned on Adam and threw him in the well instead. Assuming there were enough of them left alive
saucemaster5000: shoulda been a tax paying citizen toad
saucemaster5000: too bad
QuixoticScrivener: New York already has Spider-Man and Ninja Turtles, how come the Battle Toads aren't allowed?
vinopinguino: aw poor kiddo
Thefluffiestguineapig: Noooooo
vinopinguino: IM BUSY lol
Seth_Erickson: true bad ending, the frogs deserved better man
saucemaster5000: arrest the kid for bribery
RoastedGravy: TJ is Toad Jr
vinopinguino: thats so sweet. aww
Lysander_salamander: aw
EMNetwork: I only just met this kid but if anything happens to him....
Fanklok: Hehe squirter juice
Raincoast_Bear: Whos is Shaggy with the frog hat?
Kramburger: Bigny's not allowed at the farm
Saintnex: @seth_erickson ehhh, jr deserved better, but dads a jerk
QuixoticScrivener: @Raincoast_Bear flycatcher
Kramburger: @Raincoast_Bear The frog prince
squ3e: @Raincoast_Bear Frog prince
cutaos: should watch adams play through @EMNetwork
Raincoast_Bear: Ah.
CaptainSpam: There's ogres at the farm? Oh, crap, Shrek technically IS a fairy tale...
saucemaster5000: hold on the kid is a fan of "STALK thing"
Heefnoff: Damn
Seth_Erickson: @Saintnex I disagree, Dad's a single father trying his damndest to do good by his kid in good faith.
silenceaux: Looked both ways before crossing
Seth_Erickson: in a world that is not exactly hospitable
MacbethSeemsSus: hi
Duwani1: little mermaid has an dumper
ghyllnox: I don't know about you but I'd take it off
empyreon: YOINK
Heefnoff: Oh so only ONE decapitation is fine
Heefnoff: smh
Darleysam: friendship ended with snow white, now nerissa is new best friend
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ghyllnox But that's violating her personal space
frank_the_great: *rips off* she fuckin dies
ghyllnox: @Thefluffiestguineapig If I were wearing it, I'd take it off
saucemaster5000: lily's 2HP killed us all
vinopinguino: she snitched!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ghyllnox Oh same, but someone else can't
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NO
squ3e: Womp womp
vinopinguino: oooof
Lysander_salamander: wow, classic noir
Seth_Erickson: snitcher NotLikeThis
Saintnex: @seth_erickson I dunno, I kinda disagree and never felt in my playthroughs that Toad was acting much in good faith, though I do agree that he was doing his best for jr
vinopinguino: ends justify the means ben!?!?
saucemaster5000: boo ben
saucemaster5000: boooo
Saintnex: Roblox oof
Heefnoff: Get her a ciggy bro she's going through it
Seth_Erickson: I'll meet you there brother
HorusFive: And also some crooked guy's skull
squ3e: Here, im sponsored by Malboroo
gibbousm: the solution is drugs
Rhynerd: Snitches lead to stitches, even if they aren't for themselves.
Lysander_salamander: but she's part fish. Those cigs will mess up her gils
QuixoticScrivener: I want a mod that replaces all the tobacco with lollipops. 4kids style.
spurius: how dare you lie, thats a big deal, unlike taking someones head off
Heefnoff: OOPS
gibbousm: bruh
vinopinguino: BEN
squ3e: "I ripped off his head! you shoulda been fuckin sure!"
vinopinguino: WHAT DID YOU DOOO
twistedsylvan: Honestly, I'm on her side here. What she did was maybe not legal, but it was Just
Darleysam: Crooked Man's getting some company in the well
prince_infidel: I'm kinda on her side
Lysander_salamander: well, yeah
Heefnoff: Get in the well
Heefnoff: lytUSEGUN
goombalax: Well-p
Darleysam: seabatSKYLADY
saucemaster5000: so what I'm hearing is justice was served
Saintnex: Welp time to take your head lol
Saintnex: I dunno bigby, maybe stop ripping heads off?
Robot_Bones: I can't win when I pull peoples heads off
CaptainSpam: "I tore someone's head off right in front of their eyes, I don't know what else I can do to earn their trust!"
Darleysam: alright Sub Zero
ActualFactual: You played the video game, allowing all this to happen
Thefluffiestguineapig: I partly think they don't like Bigby because he disrupts for those they want to forget
BrindleBoar: "I thought they would be impressed!"
vinopinguino: one little decapitation
Rhynerd: so far
rosesmcgee: Rip more heads off. Commit to the bit. Worked for Vlad the impaler
MacbethSeemsSus: It was a cheat day.
RoastedGravy: Jeez, you tear off one guy's head and suddenly everyone thinks you're untrustworthy.
HorusFive: There was also Mary....
BrowneePointz: you also have a history of being a brutal tyrant in the mythical ages lol
Heefnoff: You can do good all your life but you rip ONE guy's head off and suddenly you're "the head ripper" smh
lamina5432: you bit mary to pieces
saucemaster5000: I get it... no head....
Ferisar: oh no you didn’t legally win the fight
Seth_Erickson: big ambigious wolf they're calling him these daysx
NightValien28: if I recall bigby is very cool headed in the comics
Ferisar: how unfair
saucemaster5000: but... no hea?
theneatestburrito: you did lodge an ax in that guy’s head in episode one
vinopinguino: for better or worse isnt a good thing to say
ghyllnox: Nerissa's a meddler
Scy_Anide: I'm gonna regret saying this, but you just have to snap her choker.
Heefnoff: The Woke Among Us
Kramburger: You can build a thousand bridges, but you rip ONE person's head off
WiJohn: The Big Mid Wolf
Unable_To_Load: damn LRR getting got by Woke
ButButTheJesus: Big Bad Woke
MacbethSeemsSus: I love this ending
Lysander_salamander: huh?
Awfrigate: I liked this game, Hoping the sequel gets finished.
Saintnex: this ending certainly beats the comic tie in ending of the wolf among us
niccus: wow
vinopinguino: HAHAHAH
itsr67: LOOOOL
RoastedGravy: LUL
Heefnoff: LMAO
squ3e: You didnt take the gift??
Heefnoff: WTF ADAM
Thefluffiestguineapig: ADAM
shendaras: seabatClap
MrSarkhan: LUL
30teracyte: lmaoooooooooooooo
BusTed: That was the one
NimrodXIV: you monster
ButButTheJesus: ADAM
ghyllnox: LUL
tehfewl: what a jerk!
empyreon: lrrWOW
WriterRaven: Adam...
BusTed: kick rocks, tj
underhill33: lrrWOW
MacbethSeemsSus: ADAM
lochnessseammonster: daaaaaamn
BluJester: wow
Seth_Erickson: unbelievable this guy
dumbo3k: What a monster!
Saintnex: 1.5% BAYBAY
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW lrrWOW
couchboyj: seabatClap
vinopinguino: adam just said, "get good kid"
prince_infidel: Adam Damn
BrowneePointz: did you get that implication there Ben?
MrSarkhan: Adam is the 1.5%
Heefnoff: That's so much ill will lmaoooo
KWardJenx: Adam Savage-Damn!
lochnessseammonster: ice cold PrideLaugh
saucemaster5000: it could've been a BOMB!
twistedsylvan: Congrats Adam, you are the 1.5%
OmnipotentTrevor: So here's a question. Should glamors be provided to fables as a service of the people in charge?
Kramburger: Adam brah, you're making the children cry!
Seth_Erickson: I'm team frog as well personally
ButButTheJesus: EH'S JUST A BOY
Lysander_salamander: Well, after seeing the sequel to the Tales from the Borderlands, I don't have faith the replacement devs will do a good sequel of this.
ghyllnox: Seriously though we need to get Colin on that truck
ratstronomer: HE HAD A COOL BUG
RoastedGravy: I mean, no one important died.
Taaty_00: ADAAM 😭 Poor TJ
Nigouki: Team 🐸
RatherLargeToad: Team Frog! OSFrog
I_Am_Clockwork: game good
BrowneePointz: next year
saucemaster5000: That kid was clearly a bomb bulder
itsr67: :)
NightValien28: uuuuuuuh
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jumpscare
Heefnoff: Second one got announced a while ago
BrowneePointz: or in a couple months?
gibbousm: second one is in development hell
twistedsylvan: Faith was on there, there's no way to save her right?
KWardJenx: That was great!
Awfrigate: "Soon" is relative. There's been a rocky development for it
superdude097: 2 is being worked on. There's a trailer
itsr67: its kinda been in dev hell
satyropodobny: sooo mouthwashing?
Heefnoff: They said this year but it's October so ehhhhh
squ3e: The second one is already out I thought
QuixoticScrivener: I wanted Tiny Tim to secretly be the crooked man.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam commits emotional scaring on kids for fun
frank_the_great: Zero shot some of those characters could die
Lysander_salamander: I have worries
saucemaster5000: wait... really?
Kramburger: Adam is history's greatest monster
BrowneePointz: it's Soon(tm)
Heefnoff: There was a teaser
theneatestburrito: dev hell
Oreo1369: That was great
Seth_Erickson: it would have been very funny at the time for sure
itsr67: dev hell seemingly
dumbo3k: Yep
Seth_Erickson: Correct
RoastedGravy: Adam truly was the Big Bad Wolf.
RoastedGravy: Kappa
tergonis: yes
Ferisar: yes
Unable_To_Load: yeah
squ3e: Exactly
Heefnoff: UH YEAH
twistedsylvan: Ye
Kramburger: Clearly, yes
singinnonsense: I don't think Bluebeard and Coliin can die, they're both in the boks
ButButTheJesus: YES
lochnessseammonster: yes
raulghoulia: you know what you did
empyreon: yes
squ3e: It cost you nothing to be kind
prince_infidel: Yes Adam
frank_the_great: We don't make the rules
gibbousm: they underwent a lot of layoffs but said it won't affect the sequel. I don't think anyone believes that
Seth_Erickson: The road to hell is paved in video game decisions Adfam
Oreo1369: Is there 2nd game?
tergonis: you were mean to cute pixels
OmnipotentTrevor: Telltale went out of business before the sequel came out, now someone else is picking it up, I think.
KWardJenx: That's the line, Adam. You crossed it
Heefnoff: I've seen you take more moral positions before yet we've rob the fuckin frog lmao
Saintnex: I mean if you have to ask Adam… Kappa
saucemaster5000: that's all it takes BUTTERFLY EFFECT Savidan
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Thefluffiestguineapig: This game is SO GOOD
Heefnoff: LMAO
Robot_Bones: Really???
Heefnoff: The trial was cool yeah
InconsiderateHat: I was not following that last twist brainstorm tho, gonna have to look that bit up.
Heefnoff: No I don't think I have haha
gibbousm: Adam takes the Renegade Path every time
BrowneePointz: Adam goes for the Jester route every time
silenceaux: I'm very curious if you can just rush the trial instead of letting him talk
Lithobraker: Was the end supposed to imply that Nerrissa wasn't actually the little mermaid?
30teracyte: New Telltale is basically a completely new studio compared to the old Telltale as far as I know, they just bought the IP when the company went under
lochnessseammonster: sounds great
itsr67: LUL
Seth_Erickson: That's going to be the Case of Frank Stone right?
Heefnoff: Adam Walking Dead playthrough where he bullies Clementine
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, 20 minutes to all death
BrowneePointz: The Quarry
ButButTheJesus: dahk pitchers
BrowneePointz: I think
superdude097: The Quarry
squ3e: It was a dank pictures
Thefluffiestguineapig: He killed both I think
raulghoulia: and the characters KNEW NOTHING
RoastedGravy: It was the dudebro, wasn't it?
Gaelan_Maestro: you should play dredge
Darleysam: had to make sure
Saintnex: YUP and then at the end, Adam’s decisions murdered Bens final character
Sogheim: I was so upset that you killed the guy in the bushes, he had story to go
Seth_Erickson: bullets are pretty fast turns out
frank_the_great: You BROKE that game. THe ending was a mess
BrowneePointz: it's a very good Graphic Novel. You'd like it Ben
Seth_Erickson: Case of Frank Stone
Thefluffiestguineapig: The casting of Frank STone
Seth_Erickson: it's the dbd one right
BrowneePointz: The something of Frank Stone
saucemaster5000: ben shoulda dodged
matthaus_c: The Casting of Frank Stone
Darleysam: casting of
Thefluffiestguineapig: It is very good
Kramburger: The Spooky Bad Man
Seth_Erickson: casting is right
gibbousm: I heard it was pretty bad
matthaus_c: nothing more terrifying than a casting call am I right gamers
Raincoast_Bear: Once Upon a Time TV series was vaguely based on Fables IIRC.
SquareDotCube: Dead by Daylight prequel
saucemaster5000: they've done freddi heef
RealGamerCow: That Mixed review...
AtomicAlchemical: soooooo horror golf next?
BrowneePointz: making you pay for that DBD crossover >.>
squ3e: Wait I thought this was cancelled or something am I out of touch?
Lysander_salamander: oh, it's a movie?
NimrodXIV: it's...not great, from a playthrough I watched
Seth_Erickson: interested to see what you end up thinking of it
Thefluffiestguineapig: All of them are in it
Taaty_00: Frank stone where everyone has a diff character too? Like the Quarry?
Raincoast_Bear: Cthulhu Mythos-y
Darleysam: and always out of power
Thefluffiestguineapig: You can couch coop it and have a bunch of characters per people
Heefnoff: LMAO
Darleysam: start those generators, kids
Scy_Anide: Where did she find him, on Tinder? OkCupid?
Robot_Bones: They call him.... Mr. Frank
frank_the_great: Banger name
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's got the same mechanics as the Dark Pictures, you can do the many people playing
BrowneePointz: I will also posit At Dead of Night like always to put on the list Ben
matthaus_c: do you think Frank is short for Franmothy
squ3e: Dude getting a handy in the sewer?
Lysander_salamander: why choose the most boring of them?
Saintnex: foreva Eva?
Seth_Erickson: I like the enemy design in this one
ghyllnox: Let he who is without sin cast the first Stone
ButButTheJesus: RIP all those people kates7
vinopinguino: lol
VrolikSyndrome: We love GARBAGE
raulghoulia: Dark Picture Season 2 comes out next year with a space game
matthaus_c: Overwhelmingly Mixed
CaptainSpam: "Hi, I'm Troy McLure. You may remember me from playing the part of Frank Stone."
SquareDotCube: oh yeah, we could continue Dredge now
satyropodobny: moutwashing perhaps?
Seth_Erickson: LUL
SnackPak_: 10/10 steam review
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can we have Serge back for couch coop?
ZePinkOne: sounds like my library
NightValien28: stream reviews are so dang dumb
Scy_Anide: Ben "I want the bad ones" Uhlmer.
matthaus_c: tbh if they feel something is preventing them from enjoying the game enough to complete it, that's useful info
Ferisar: LMAO
vinopinguino: lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: That actually is a problem, skill lag is bad
itsr67: very powerful pc
VrolikSyndrome: 50/50
Ferisar: I’m on a VERY POWERFUL PC
Thefluffiestguineapig: 2%
BrindleBoar: literally a smartfridge
VrolikSyndrome: obvs
saucemaster5000: my dick was too big for this game
ButButTheJesus: to be fair, you don't need to finish a game to know its bad
Kramburger: It was powerful five years ago
BrowneePointz: We should show Adam Alien Isolation
NotCainNorAbel: running it on a Switch
Heefnoff: I have a concept of a powerful PC
SquareDotCube: Better than the camera being stuck looking at a wall during a crucial moment
RoastedGravy: My PC has, like, all the gigabits.
CaptainSpam: Uhh, my PC is so very, VERY powerful. So ACHINGLY powerful.
SymphonySolstice: very powerful pc btw
Seth_Erickson: I'm watching Let's Nope on the most powerful of pc's
SnackPak_: you cannot handle my powerful pc
Fanklok: It's like that insane Arena review where someone complains that the UI can't handle 30card hands
MacbethSeemsSus: I speak to you from my POWERFUL PC
Ferisar: my PC is so long…….
Larkonus: "My rig can watch Youtube videos at 480p 30fps without any lag!"
Lysander_salamander: ew
Seth_Erickson: That's Returnal Adam
Lysander_salamander: messy
RoastedGravy: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SnackPak_ PC seller, I want your most powerful PC
NotCainNorAbel: the four gamers
VrolikSyndrome: MY ears are oozing goo
squ3e: Banger reviewer
ButButTheJesus: ew
Heefnoff: Grandma :)
matthaus_c: the four genders
RoastedGravy: The four quadrants
Seth_Erickson: top tier audio designs
SnackPak_: whatup gamer grandma
ZePinkOne: 4 age groups for sure
BrindleBoar: the four horsemen of the reviepocalypse
Scy_Anide: Steam reviews are a wonderful, stupid thing.
Unable_To_Load: Grandpa NEED NOT APPLY
ZePinkOne: i need to find teh grandma games
WriterRaven: Ah yes, the four genders.
30teracyte: NSFG
CaptainSpam: All the best reviews have FORMS!
QuixoticScrivener: Grandma, when you reach 100 and can longer play with Lego.
Raincoast_Bear: Grandma better watch out for the Big Bad Wolf
ZePinkOne: where is the sewing game
Darleysam: good jokes reviewer
matthaus_c: they are trying so hard to be funny
SnackPak_: wtf dude
Seth_Erickson: LUL
matthaus_c: that's for WOW
definenull: There was an attempt
vinopinguino: hahaha
Lysander_salamander: delightful
VrolikSyndrome: Name ONE game
30teracyte: stop it
ActualFactual: in case you don't know what 10% of 1000 is
ButButTheJesus: i love it
Heefnoff: I love "10% of a 1TB hard drive" like they couldn't just give a normal number
RoastedGravy: LUL
SnackPak_: art.
Lysander_salamander: the metric
squ3e: Hell yeah gamers
CaptainSpam: How many other games has this reviewer pasted this into, I wonder.
Juliamon: someone is stuck in the year 2003
Heefnoff: OF COURSE
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam reading these is so good
niccus: is this a meme?
Ferisar: LMAO
Lysander_salamander: sure
GasCityGaming: 2010 called
matthaus_c: this is why parody is dead
saucemaster5000: fucking hell
VrolikSyndrome: This is like a review from someone who doesn't actually play video games.
ActualFactual: so they only review easy games, like dark souls
VrolikSyndrome: But, like, understands the concept of them.
saucemaster5000: I am actually cryiong at "DARK SOULS"
RoastedGravy: God, I'm gonna throw up from all the laughing.
Thefluffiestguineapig: There are leaderboards???????
gualdhar: man, the internet is filled with idiots, isn't it. I'm including myself here
cutaos: i dunno i think this person has a pretty solid review rating
RoastedGravy: I'd subscribe to this guy's methodology.
ghyllnox: Price needs a "super cheap"
BrowneePointz: aw man that means this game is gonna bomb cuz of a 2s gay kiss that's removed in the chinese version...
Thefluffiestguineapig: YEAH
Scy_Anide: Damn
CaptainSpam: This person, so xtreeeme. I bet they were first in line for the launch of Mortal Kombat II.
Saintnex: Man, I love burning money
Seth_Erickson: this is a person looking for reddit upvotes
matthaus_c: ARK is REALLY funny
Thefluffiestguineapig: I that's amazing
empyreon: giving ARK too much credit LUL
MrSarkhan: Yes
Seth_Erickson: it's pretty bad
RoastedGravy: Give that person an award.
Thefluffiestguineapig: "A big terrarium for bugs"
ThorSokar: If anything they are UNDERPLAYING how buggy Ark is
saucemaster5000: difficulty "DARK SOULS!!!!!"
frank_the_great: Frank!
betweenmyself: The Casting of Frank Stallone riffThink
singinnonsense: Miister Stone !
Lysander_salamander: hopefully there's a new game plus
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can we podcast?
MacbethSeemsSus: Make Adam play The Classrooms?
I_Am_Clockwork: Whoooo iiiiiis Merrriiiiiit Stooooooone!
Scy_Anide: Just gotta podcast longer
NimrodXIV: could show Adam The Classrooms
frank_the_great: East coast viewers eating good. It's 10pm here, proper bedtime
vinopinguino: the rooms!
vinopinguino: so good
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's so GOOOODD
Oreo1369: You should show Adam the class room
Seth_Erickson: Adam missed the golfing horror game right?
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
BrowneePointz: could we show adam Alien Isolation's trailer to mayhaps entice him to play it mattlrPuppyeyes
Raincoast_Bear: Can confirm. We saw Ben shit.
shendaras: There are two
vinopinguino: its funny
Thefluffiestguineapig: It was accidental speedrunning
Larkonus: The game scared me good a few times too.
BrindleBoar: they call it GOLFEAR
shendaras: (at least)
patrick_stonecrusher: forgottenFun
BrowneePointz: there's a GENRE of golf horror games apparently
squ3e: it passsed the time
Unable_To_Load: not Cursed To Golf
saucemaster5000: UFO50 is a horror game
lamina5432: I think half was being without adam scared you
Fanklok: I had to dip from The Classrooms
betweenmyself: with Adam’a recent toof problems, maybe make him play “Mouthwashing” if just for the visuals alone
Thefluffiestguineapig: It was very good
CatTreeDreamCar: Speaking of. My partner and I have been singing "Fish With Legs" all week.
CaptainSpam: I remember Gone Golfing from a GDQ in Silly Block once.
ThorSokar: 6 seconds, fit in a clip even!
TomatoKigu: I'm eagerly awaiting Reverse Bengineering.
Heefnoff: WOOOOO
vinopinguino: its spooky month!
Oreo1369: Hell yeah
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TomatoKigu ^^^^^^^^^^
Thefluffiestguineapig: It is
MacbethSeemsSus: Adam will also speed run it, in his own way.
Thefluffiestguineapig: You can get Serge to play characters too
Unable_To_Load: Team Deathmatch
Fanklok: What am I supposed to listen to on my drive home now?
ButButTheJesus: TPK! TPK! TPK!
Seth_Erickson: No Cori for the Quarry
matthaus_c: peanut butter butter pops
vinopinguino: BUSH BUSH BUSH
Oreo1369: Poison ivy
ButButTheJesus: pop pop pop em in your moth
Heefnoff: heefnoDelay
Thefluffiestguineapig: You've not had just the two of you for those games in a while but I'm hoping for other guests
ThorSokar: I'll be in the bush!
VrolikSyndrome: gettemout
Seth_Erickson: Frogs off to the farm
GasCityGaming: yeah, they're at the farm
WriterRaven: <3
betweenmyself: HypeLol
saucemaster5000: if you don't jerk it in the bush you don't make babies
Saintnex: was the quarry or the devil in me the latest one?
Lysander_salamander: oh right, it's tuesday
raulghoulia: Adam does canonically hate frogs
Heefnoff: Wait is it just always Wednesday now or just for this week
kumatsu: Free of Friday
Thefluffiestguineapig: Friday has been cancelled
VrolikSyndrome: Woki Woki
Lysander_salamander: what happened to friday?
definenull: Rip fridays
saucemaster5000: @Heefnoff just this week
Heefnoff: Got it
Robot_Bones: Friday died for our sins
Oreo1369: Hey Ben why is your play it forward not on YouTube?
Seth_Erickson: locking up Nelson's drive rush in Superman's Fortress of Solitude right
Raincoast_Bear: Oki Oki Dokey Oke-ily
VrolikSyndrome: Can't even enjoy OOFC on a Friday anymore.
Heefnoff: LMAO
VrolikSyndrome: Because woke
Heefnoff: Neuch skippers smh
saucemaster5000: god damn it
definenull: Damn I feel called out
saucemaster5000: just play hoenst bison
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can we have a Gus update?
Heefnoff: Perfect Parry ain't real
tehfewl: THE Dale?!
twistedsylvan: Dale!
Raincoast_Bear: Horrified is solid game.
raulghoulia: THE Dale?
ThorSokar: Cool lookin' art
tehfewl: jinx
matthaus_c: are you really surprised, magic player?
Oreo1369: Is Star wars getting posted to YouTube?
Thefluffiestguineapig: !telldale
shendaras: sabacc savant
Raincoast_Bear: Insert special "Ask Dale" cards into Horrified deck.
Robot_Bones: a batarian?
BusTed: not salacious crumb
vinopinguino: crumb
Lysander_salamander: from the Cantina scene
raulghoulia: Salacious Crumb
vinopinguino: lol
ButButTheJesus: some kinda bat man
Raincoast_Bear: He was Kawakian MOnkey. There was a Chadrafawn in OG cantina scene
dumbo3k: Oh right, that's what Ankh is
Lysander_salamander: they showed up for like five seconds in New Hope
Heefnoff: FORCED bat people inclusion smh
Heefnoff: Woke
Heefnoff: Kappa
ghyllnox: Safes, mostly, we're given to understand
Rhynerd: Next thing you know they'll be talling me that game has a female protagonist
Heefnoff: Yoooo re-leathering baby
matthaus_c: we just let this man do whatever
Juliamon: Ank has gone so fully gremlin mode that she's literally become one
HorusFive: Totally normal sentence and activity
Raincoast_Bear: Ian = Leatherman confirmed.
vinopinguino: he contains multitudes
Thefluffiestguineapig: No, it's 90 year old man anime enjoyer
Heefnoff: I will be there no matter what
Heefnoff: HUH
Thefluffiestguineapig: No, on his deck he feeds his murder
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
raulghoulia: 90 year old men know All about Hatsune Miku
ButButTheJesus: ew
vinopinguino: you havent thought of the smell!
Thefluffiestguineapig: No it's the woke murder
matthaus_c: 90 year old men are buying the hatsune miku secret lair
Heefnoff: AYO??
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
Heefnoff: Cool!
Rhynerd: Damn Adam, you sound the people in charge of my state (Florida)
NimrodXIV: Sketchy's? Yessss
ThorSokar: that sounds sweet
Unable_To_Load: tell em you got your second wisdom teeth out
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hell yeah
definenull: Join between filming breaks
matthaus_c: brother
SnackPak_: so rude Adam
VrolikSyndrome: Hurricane, but close enough.
Heefnoff: LMAOOOO
ghyllnox: Tornado
Raincoast_Bear: Wasn't there some KillTeam on the schedule?
terribleplan: "tornado"
Lysander_salamander: neat
Heefnoff: HELLO???
Raincoast_Bear: There it is!
I_Am_Clockwork: yay Kill Team!
HorusFive: Adam- Weather Wizard
Lobo_Apache: New killteam is so good! I love the new rules
Lysander_salamander: There's something new?
VrolikSyndrome: Adam pulling up with the Gief Lvl 2 causing a vortex
Raincoast_Bear: Luck! Mine doesn't come until next week.
matthaus_c: have you ever tried Skill Team
Heefnoff: Heaven or Shell
niccus: that's another crab's treasure
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby dice friends
shendaras: seabatClap
Lysander_salamander: yay
Unable_To_Load: any chance we get more CYOA books?
tehfewl: episode one was really good
definenull: Yo TBW is tight
Rhynerd: heck yeah, Tacticaly Breach Wizards!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes, some are baffling
matthaus_c: some of those games are SPENSIVE
Thefluffiestguineapig: NOPE
plundypops: Mine-o-clock probably has the lowest...
Heefnoff: Lmao
Nigouki: they splurge on $40 trash sometimes
Juliamon: Ben, they bought the Apes game
raulghoulia: They played the new Wukong game
ThorSokar: I remember one being $70 on watch & play
public_key_reveal_party: there's plenty of expensive shit too
HorusFive: They're not all expensive- but they all COST MORE THAN THEY SHOULD
ghyllnox: The asset flips are trying to make money
Unable_To_Load: a lot of the Talking Sim games are cheaper too
shendaras: lrrHEART
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Unable_To_Load Also just good
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
betweenmyself: The Cancelling of Frank Stone for Being Too Woke riffYeti
Lysander_salamander: Have a good evening! Thanks for playing
VrolikSyndrome subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 18 month streak!
VrolikSyndrome: gotta get this in real quick
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, VrolikSyndrome! (Today's storm count: 42)
KWardJenx: Thanks so much, boys. Loved this play-through.
VrolikSyndrome: A check is a check, streamer.
vinopinguino: you can lean!
Oreo1369: Great Stream, everyone; hope y'all have a good night/ day.
vinopinguino: you can clean
lamina5432: have a gnight
protojman: have a great night!
drcthulu: last second subs
Juliamon: real talk tho, it would be great if we misused "woke" enough that it no longer had any meaning for the people who care about things being 'too woke'
drcthulu: I got 3 seconds
NotCainNorAbel: I am home
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
QuixoticScrivener: bike safely
drcthulu: have a good night, thanks for the stream
HorusFive: @Juliamon Preach
lochnessseammonster: i'm on the clock too
spethycakes: Thanks for stream!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Thanks for the stream and I hope you feel better Adam
KWardJenx: Ben! WTF?
lochnessseammonster: night all!
SnackPak_: @Juliamon goals
Ryenji: LUL
VrolikSyndrome: what broke
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Heefnoff: LMAO
MrSarkhan: LUL
vinopinguino: lol bye yall
matthaus_c: acknowledging the problem is the first step
ghyllnox: LUL
Oreo1369: Later boys
shendaras: benginFacepalm
raulghoulia: this is fun
Heefnoff: DUMMY
QuixoticScrivener: BRO!
LiamK712: nah…
MacbethSeemsSus: *alarm goes off*
KWardJenx: Ha!!!
shendaras: benginFine
Thefluffiestguineapig: So good
Tweygoh: brrrro
ButButTheJesus: LUL
niccus: real 1% decisions going on here
dumbo3k: xD
Robot_Bones: Ripping it off like that guys head
matthaus_c: 🅱️ro
vinopinguino: NotLikeThis
prince_infidel: Bro, no
LiamK712: brrrrrro
Oreo1369: Clip it
Heefnoff: Fuckin Magnets, how do they work?
Nigouki: The fuck do you have magnetic plates for?!
ThorSokar: composNotes I will remember this faolkoNotesWeen
tehfewl: thats actually the opposite of how magnets work
ButButTheJesus: nini <3
matthaus_c: @Nigouki fun!
ghyllnox: "Putting kinetic force into the equation"
matthaus_c: and the equation spells doom for us at Sacrifice
Thefluffiestguineapig: @matthaus_c And profit lrrBeej
Earthenone: !advice
LRRbot: Give the berzerker the pants.