TXC2: title change!
NightValien28: scared the fuck out me, I was playing a horror game
ShaneLeeAtk: WE'RE HERE!
Incandescent_Zubat: seabatYoga seabatYoga
LurkerSpine: oh right, OOF club today
StarShock2002 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
StarShock2002: 2 months till 11 years
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StarShock2002! (Today's storm count: 3)
lightfut: Wednesday fights! Woo!
thatguysteve2709: Hello everyone, I hope everyone is having a good day so far.
TXC2: hello LurkerSpine and lightfut and thatguysteve2709 welcome
v_nome: Wednesday mornings alright (for fighting)?
LurkerSpine: @TXC2 chenLucia chenLucia chenLucia
thatguysteve2709: Hello @txc2
JinaMahavira: wednesday fightmans
TXC2: here we GO!
TXC2: Hello Nelson
Scarbble: good morning gamer
LMAOkai_: wassup Nelly
NewtyNewts: Hello gamer
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
loufghyslaufey: "OR lrrDOTS ImTyping DID U?"(win?)
LurkerSpine: we can hear you lmao
MehallD: You are NOT muted
loufghyslaufey: Very Pair-S-Tier
AceGun_: SF2? Let's go!
TXC2: Today, on a very special OOFC
malfnord: Hell yeah, let's do some SF2
LurkerSpine: no lie I'd watch y'all play Hyper Fighting
lightfut: Plays street fighter, too
JinaMahavira: street fighter 2 plus 4
NewtyNewts: Street fighter 2 #6
NevermorePainting: howdy y'all
TXC2: hello NevermorePainting welcome
NevermorePainting: I might get on and do some birthday fightins
LurkerSpine: yeah try hitting alt enter on that
TXC2: also no game audio I think
Heefnoff: Alt+Enter baby
LurkerSpine: there's game audio
LMAOkai_: that happens to me after graphics software updates
josh___something: whats up brother, what brings you in today? :p
Heefnoff: Yessirrrrr
AceGun_: "hamburger" button
TXC2: hello Heefnoff welcome
Heefnoff: Hey! Hope you’re doing well today @txc2
ylegm: yeah, capcom screens'll mix ya if you don't know the trick
Heefnoff: It would be content for sure
v_nome: It would be content, but would you be content?
TXC2: DI the mic
NevermorePainting: good! Having a slow birthday morning
Heefnoff: Oh game audio IS there just a lil quite
TXC2: NevermorePainting happy birthday
josh___something: What does "Zangief"-ing an object imply? Are you spinning piledriving it?
DideRobot: LRR: good morning gamers! it's time for Oki Oki Fight Club! https://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113278320498877200
Heefnoff: We cookin ihjGgs
ylegm: no we good
ylegm: *now
Heefnoff: Nice, we good
TXC2: just about
v_nome: sand blasts heard
josh___something: Sandblas!
josh___something: yes
malfnord: I can like sorta hear that but my ears may be shot
Rourke9: chun-li time???
josh___something: So... JP? :p
Heefnoff: Hey that’s how I learn fighting games too
AceGun_: Who are you looking at?
LMAOkai_: if you pick up M.Bison, you won't be disappointed
Heefnoff: Modern controls tbh
BrowneePointz: I momentarily thought I rip van winkle’d myself to Friday and had a whole ass anxiety attack lol
ylegm: capitalizing on your opportunities is the dopamine of fighting games
Heefnoff: Yeah the ability to execute things lets you get to the real game faster
v_nome: Modern is definitely a big help for "can we skip to the good part?"
Heefnoff: Take as much time as you need my friend we will be there
NevermorePainting: hell yeah, get them birthday beats
josh___something: Although I know Modern is easier to get into, I do find personal enjoyment from learning Classic motions
Heefnoff: You’ve been on classic for a while right? Are you having more fun with it than modern?
josh___something: Modern bison is pretty good isn't it?
LurkerSpine: You could probably play Classic Guile now, tbf
josh___something: HEY
josh___something: LOOK
LMAOkai_: i think Bison works a little better on classic. But i have seen modern Bisons out there
BrowneePointz: (I’m biased and say classic but the thought of not having all my options available to me drives me batty)
wiigamer1995: wait why did the swap oki oki to wenday? zhephzSit
JinaMahavira: Frisday is for ~stuff~
TXC2: wiigamer1995 there's fliming on friday
LurkerSpine: I'd say try JP, Bison, or Lily
Rourke9: playing chun-li could be fun if you're looking for a different charge character to try
wiigamer1995: stuff mystirous
AceGun_: Sounds like someone is looking to try some AKI. broski4Akicool
Scarbble: both stuff and things
Heefnoff: Well you’ve played Guile whose a zoner, you’ve played Luke whose more mid-range, maybe someone more aggressive this time around?
Obos_TAB: OkiOki, on a WED!
josh___something: I am extremely unbiased in suggesting JP :)
Rourke9: Cammy?
Heefnoff: Ken, Kim, Juri, Cammy
Iceberg_Man: Cammy, Ken, jamie
Heefnoff: Blanka arguably
BrowneePointz: rashid cammy kimberly
Heefnoff: Rashid for sure
BrowneePointz: jamie
Obos_TAB: What about Terry
BrowneePointz: terry is an all rounder
TXC2: what about Zoidberg?
TXC2: Hello Adam
Scarbble: morning adam
RedNightmare7: Zoidberg makes a great forum avatar, that's about Zoidberg
ZawaAmaz: Cammy has a simple game plan, definitely a good choice for starting rushdown
itsr67: Buenos dias gamers
TXC2: hello itsr67 welcome
malfnord: A wild Adam appears
NevermorePainting: all good to jam a game?
NewtyNewts: Ash and dust
josh___something: no
josh___something: absolutely no
BrowneePointz: when is Irish and the other is Mormon?
Heefnoff: I’m waking up to mash and plus
NewtyNewts: something something brow and rust
BrowneePointz: one*
Obos_TAB: are we announcing a new 2010's era console on OkiOki?
ExtraWubs: I whipe my brow and I sweat my rust, breathing in the chemicals
AceGun_: They haven't announced a release date yet, unfortunately.
LurkerSpine: Emma Watson?
BrowneePointz: it’s worlds soon so probably hear something
wiigamer1995: we dont know when 2xko is coming to da public zhephzSit
TXC2: Jesus tap dancing Christ Nelson :p
BrowneePointz: we might hear something at worlds
zarbit: jesus christ Nelly
Obos_TAB: *checks notes*Sand blast
Heefnoff: Bro Nelly became a MENACE
JinaMahavira: That clip was soooo funny
BrowneePointz: that loop made me cackle
josh___something: God... Time to remember how this game plays after playing SO MUCH DEADLOCK...
HungryTanuki: Oh yeah, that clip is sooo good
AceGun_: Remember what they say: "When Adam's away, DI is okay."
TXC2: the shenanigans that happen when Adam is away: https://clips.twitch.tv/OriginalProudBaconDendiFace-7-8-FQOHPAfTdvwe
josh___something: Aerial... rising uppercut? does that move have an actual name, or is it just the aerial DP?
MilkInBags: hello jabbers
TXC2: hello MilkInBags welcome
josh___something: Who u callin a jobber
wiigamer1995: go ol crmp nothing beats that DinoDance
josh___something: You also didn't like the 2 button 2MP
josh___something: IIRC
HungryTanuki: Sandblast-
Obos_TAB: speaking of jabs, i got mine for flu+covid, so its a 2 hite combo
MilkInBags: nice
HungryTanuki: @Obos_TAB Hoping you don't get burnout, I remember not feeling so well after mine last year
josh___something: Nelly making them watching the cutscene XD
Heefnoff: Bee movie heefnoGlocku
josh___something: LMAO
Heefnoff: Get in the film heefnoGlocku
BrowneePointz: plz Heef Goku wouldn’t have a gun
BrowneePointz: Piccolo would
Obos_TAB: @HungryTanuki So far Ive been lucky with them, but my wife gets knocked out big time
Heefnoff: Glocku
BrowneePointz: Blickolo
josh___something: Goku wouldn't, Glocku would
Obos_TAB: Nelson fights god, this okioki
GGsLive: excuses excuses
Heefnoff: Ah right the missing bones
Heefnoff: That would do it
Mathwyn: Adam needs naps badly
Programmerman1: oh god adam that sounds terrible
josh___something: Damn
Heefnoff: Honda player heefnoDelay
HungryTanuki: @Obos_TAB Yeah, the side effects can be really tiring.
josh___something: hateful, adam. The honda players just wanna live
RedNightmare7: Shots fired!
josh___something: SMH my head
DrakoniteDev: 3 wisdom teeth removed? Did you give up and talk before the fourth?
Heefnoff: All my wisdom gone heefnoDelay
BrowneePointz: Not everyone gets them taken out because they don’t always cause problems
Mathwyn: Personalty I think being able to play as a car is imbalanced
thatguysteve2709: I do appreciate Nelly's not going to the negative
RedNightmare7: They can for a long time not be a problem.
TXC2: 35, once had 6 teeth taken out at once, but I still have my wisdom teeth :p
josh___something: So THAT'S why your brain was so big, you had your wisdom teeth for so long!
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: three for one special? what is this, a furniture store?
JinaMahavira: seabatBRAIN
RedNightmare7: I still have 3 of them left, because my dentist expected they won't really be an issue (haven't so far)
ExtraWubs: you do sedation?
josh___something: Cowards :P
LurkerSpine: It should be cheaper to get it all out at once though
josh___something: But what about deadlock?
MilkInBags: dude you got scammed, the tooth fairy got kidnapped or something?
RedNightmare7: You should have told the dentist, pull 2, get 1 free
Mathwyn: Dentist: "I have altered the deal. Pray I do not alter it further."
josh___something: Deadlock is better than DOTA
Heefnoff: DAMN
undecided44: I had all 4 of mine out at the same time, I was 16. I was under general so they could [redacted cause nobody asked for teeth trauma details]
Snowwraith: The learning curve of a wall in those games.
josh___something: Holy shit nelly
MilkInBags: oof
KBKarma: Oh hey, it's the Oki Oki Blokies.
GGsLive: sick burn
itsr67: did someone say deadlock
LurkerSpine: Nevermore is new, and huge shoutout to them for getting in there
Programmerman1: I had one out earlier this year. Most of the cap was gone so they had to do some work to get it to come out. Somehow I never needed any pain killers after though, which surprised everyone I told that
Heefnoff: The FGC evolution of the Oki Oki crew
BrowneePointz: Deadlock is Art Deco Smite
MilkInBags: the rare double burn
BrowneePointz: err Jazz Era Smite
TXC2: !addquote (Nelson) [now] I mean this in the meanest possible way, but it feels like you learned this game from me.
LRRbot: New quote #9111: "I mean this in the meanest possible way, but it feels like you learned this game from me." —Nelson [2024-10-09]
itsr67: smite if everyone had guns
Heefnoff: !quote
Heefnoff: heefnoDelay
Heefnoff: SCOOPS
NevermorePainting: GG's nelly
HungryTanuki: Jp !
Heefnoff: A scoop is when you throw someone
TXC2: !quote heefnoff
LRRbot: Quote #8984: "I saw nuts hit pavement that's all I needed to see." —Heefnoff [2024-05-03]
TXC2: I didn't Kappa
Mathwyn: Like uppies but with more violence
Scarbble: we need to educate nelly on the classic fgc memes
hyperialguard: VoHiYo
josh___something: it was not
TXC2: !infil
LRRbot: The glossary of fighting game terms can be found here: https://glossary.infil.net
TXC2: we made a command for a reason
Heefnoff: Need an Oki Oki that’s just FGC meme review
BrowneePointz: but yea I wonder how hi rez is taking the fact Deadlock is getting twice the publicity smite has ever had
TXC2: Heefnoff yes!
Heefnoff: !infil scoops
Scarbble: @Heefnoff oh definitely, i'd watch it
josh___something: it was
BrowneePointz: god yes Oki Oki meme review.
Heefnoff: Not memes per se but like
MilkInBags: i got some juicy chicken and mashed potatoes and carrots for lunch Kreygasm
Heefnoff: Yeah like moments
TXC2: go over why EVO moments matter
Heefnoff: We’ve already watched the Ghandi match in here right
BrowneePointz: we got to give this man a happy birthday and a merry Christmas
LurkerSpine: I'm pretty sure we've watched the Gandhi match, yeah
v_nome: Heef can we do a Blanka mirror? I need it for my ghost battle. lol
Heefnoff: Oh sure
BrowneePointz: so, does Ed bully JP back in mid range with flickers? how does that matchup go?
MilkInBags: Luke, I am your grappler
Sydet1: Yeah, I'd say the matchup is basically even
MilkInBags: do you think JP is an accountant for a military weapons factory?
Sydet1: He's an accountant for Shadaloo, so basically
MilkInBags: psychic damage?
Snowwraith: Was Bison's accountant which is just a funny statement to say but makes sense.
BrowneePointz: he is the financial Director for shadaloo
TehAmelie: aah, so he'd be the perfect nemesis for Seth McDebit, Combat Accountant
TXC2: shadaloo's money launderer
BrowneePointz: not JUST accountant. he was CFO
GGsLive: Taxes? Nah...take this spike
TXC2: Smart criminals pay taxes
Snowwraith: @BrowneePointz Yeah but that's less funny a title than "accountant". Unless you want to say The accountant.
TXC2: it's like bribing the govenment
saucemaster5000: too bad JP didn't account for amnesia getting nerfed
DaVeganPolice: woah woah woah woah. .... on a wednesday?
MilkInBags: A WAY (to hide income from government)
BrowneePointz: so Josh is gonna play Mai in CotW right?(this is mostly a joke she doesn’t look like much of a zoner in that game)
MilkInBags: who chose that? don't they know who you are?
Naesiir subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months!
Naesiir: surprise Oki Oki!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Naesiir! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: English is a VERY imprecise language...
Naesiir: woah 130 months PogChamp
MilkInBags: the average lrr viewer is 12 so
TXC2: thing is, a lot of viwers have aged up with lrr :p
JinaMahavira: I am extremely average
Heefnoff: Below average heefnoDelay
GGsLive: I bump the average way up
TXC2: like i was 14 when LRR started, now I'm 35 :p
TehAmelie: we've seen people bring in their kids to the audience. . .but only those who have kids
AFamiliarCalledEl: YouTube should have these kinds of stats, right?
NewtyNewts: ggs Lmaokai
GGsLive: safe jump
TXC2: AFamiliarCalledEl that assumes people don't lie to youtube :p
LMAOkai_: @NewtyNewts ggs ggs
AFamiliarCalledEl: @TXC2 true enough, but that's just a thing you have to take into account when doing stats
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: youtube gives you that fancy age graph that you can note ever so slowly trend in one direction or another
TXC2: AFamiliarCalledEl fair
Naesiir: what is the frame advantage you need to have a "safe jump"?
AceGun_: Depends on the character. Mostly 42f in this game though.
Naesiir: arklNotes
GGsLive: 42-43 i think
TehAmelie: Dhalsim's jump is like 6000 frames so
josh___something: ggs nelly
Benzil666: Oki Oki on a Wednesday? Sick.
BrowneePointz: the age ranges skibidi-25 25-ennui ennui-back pain back pain-65 dinosaur
Ferisar: hey adam, just fyi
josh___something: A bar that clearly has boring drinks
BrowneePointz: Poison is on the menu!? 👀
Ferisar: my PC is VeRY PoWeRFUL
AceGun_: @Naesiir What character do you play? I thought I had seen you mention AKI before? If that is the case, she needs to be +44 because she has a slower than average jump.
josh___something: XD
josh___something: The casting of Frank Stone
BrowneePointz: AKI is another fun one to learn and she’s also pretty good rn
Ferisar: my normals are very powerful
josh___something: This was the negative review about someone having a VeRy PowErFuL PC and having bad performance
JinaMahavira: [x] Arc: Survival Evoloved
MilkInBags: Sauron from game of thrones
149 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
SymphonySolstice: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
LilyOfTheVeil666: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
josh___something: So true
MrSarkhan: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
wench_tacular: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
FromBrainToKeyboard: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Narcuru: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
brieandbacon: The shooooes!!
CaptainSpam: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
MehallD: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
PsychoI3oy: jlrrPunch
Narcuru: you'll find we have lots of fun
BrowneePointz: are there any characters in this that have white women normals?
SymphonySolstice: good james impression nelly
LordZarano: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
measureofhope: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
TheGiantHobbit: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
beowuuf: listen to mods
Heefnoff: Ggs
Ferisar: anything
TXC2: hello Raiders
wench_tacular: we don't make good decisions
MehallD: More like "I don't want to dig chunks, I want to fall into pits!"
TheAinMAP: jlrrPillow jlrrPillow jlrrPillow
v_nome: GGs! That was fun
AceGun_: @BrowneePointz Bison
Heefnoff: For sure!
v_nome: I really liked that you did the L2 into L!
ProcyonFlynn: Brown Panda - no futher context
Brozard: jlrrCai jlrrLlou jlrrNo
JacNol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JacNol! (Today's storm count: 5)
Ferisar: I don’t want to play a variety of games I want to dig a hole?
wench_tacular subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
measureofhope: he also falls into pits
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wench_tacular! (Today's storm count: 6)
Heefnoff: To be confused for Adam
JinaMahavira: I dont want to miss me tee time, I want to....?
BrowneePointz: oh yea! Bison DOES have White Woman Normals!
josh___something: Who's trying to counterfeit pandas with grizzlies?
Heefnoff: Rip
josh___something: and do they understand the difference in size
lochnessseammonster: my mom thought james was you yesterday PrideLaugh
BrowneePointz: cinnamon pandas exist it’s a very rare fur color
saucemaster5000: someone walked up and thought I was the kid who played anakin in episode 1 once. That was rough
GGsLive: I'll call James Adam at Magiccon....just for you
Ferisar: hmmm hmmm
lochnessseammonster: and baptized
josh___something: Wait...
Heefnoff: Is she baptized
Ferisar: lochnessmommonster
josh___something: CONFIRMED
lochnessseammonster: nah not catholic
MilkInBags: dont ask
josh___something: ADAM
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Heefnoff: It is a funny spin on the bit
thatguysteve2709: It started with bens brother
BrowneePointz: I think the baptized thing came about on let’s know the night you all went on live streaming baptisms as a joke
josh___something: It started in alan wake, at least the baptized bit
Darleysam: I think the 'baptised' bit came up on Let's Nope because of Ben
BrowneePointz: let’s nope
Ferisar: adam my office supervisor says another day another dollar
Ferisar: and I think of you every time I
lochnessseammonster: a let's nope bit...
TehAmelie: everyone i knew as a child got confirmed because they got a lot of presents out of it
Ferisar: I should try it lol
saucemaster5000: he's an office supervisor not a pirate
josh___something: Yeah, streaming baptisms, and acting like stereotypical streamer while doing it
TehAmelie: (except me cause my mom was poor)
GreyThey: @saucemaster5000 Why not both?
ProcyonFlynn: Wasn't it during that "streaming baptisms is an under served twitch audience"
Ferisar: she’s a real ‘merican type
MilkInBags: supervisors are the thief of joy, so they're pirates
saucemaster5000: does she say"yee haw?"
BrowneePointz: @tehamelie dang I only got confirmed cause the only time other kids were nice to me Was at youth group mattlrLul
Ferisar: nah like California American @saucemaster5000
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
saucemaster5000: so... "hella yee haw?"
Scarbble: apple pie is good as hell though, let's be honest with ourselves
iconicshadow89: As an American can confirm
BrowneePointz: If Field of dreams is the most American, you can get does that mean by virtue of living in Iowa I am the most American possible?
josh___something: Alan wake was a trip even WITHOUT the unhinged banter that Ben and Adam have
thatguysteve2709: Yeah the baptism thing was a let's nope podcast joke about Ben and his brother
Programmerman1: What else are you going to do in Iowa?
Programmerman1: If not baseball?
TXC2: Programmerman1 leave Kappa
BrowneePointz: it sucks
Narcuru: iowa has corn, hogs, and beans
Narcuru: there aint much else
BrowneePointz: but Des Moines and Iowa city is good
saucemaster5000: Iowa -- State of the Slipknot Album
Ferisar: anyone for some cornhogs
BrowneePointz: also, the state fair is a freaking banger
lochnessseammonster: i had a family friend from iowa and she said it stood for idiots out walking around
josh___something: are there at least 29<x<41 hogs, and are they feral?
itsr67: cornhog gaming
thatguysteve2709: I had a college roommate that was in that slipknot video because it was filmed less than a mile from his highschool
Brozard: “Chunk Punchers” sounds like something you’d get sent to the principal’s office for saying in class
Programmerman1: I'm from Nebraska. Much fun as it is to rag on Iowa, it ain't much different on this side of the river
josh___something: Defense is hard
BrowneePointz: we had like 1.6 mil people visit the State Fair this year
Narcuru: i guess they also have the iowa state fair where they make sculptures out of butter
josh___something: At least you're not being called an idiot for being PP'ed
Scarbble: that is too many people BrowneePointz
NewtyNewts: ggs Nelly
Heefnoff: Things to do in Iowa: - Leave
JinaMahavira: Bless you
Ferisar: @josh___something big pp
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
BrowneePointz: @scarbble the state fair lasts 10 days
Heefnoff: Oh nah Adam got the fake sneeze
BrowneePointz: Adam would actually vibe with the State Fair a lot
Scarbble: that is too many days BrowneePointz (though the oklahoma state fair is probs like two weeks too)
josh___something: Is it time to smurf? Kappa
MilkInBags: costco guy sneezing live on tiktok
Heefnoff: Oh I didn't hear it oops
josh___something: Nelly no
BrowneePointz: achuwu
Heefnoff: Nah I thought Adam got that like
Lobo_Apache: wtf did I get in on haha
Heefnoff: Have you ever felt like you need to sneeze but just can't
josh___something: I don't want catgirl sneezes to be a thing
Heefnoff: I thought he had one of those
MilkInBags: i loved lmfao
TXC2: josh___something oh honey, you're far, far to late
Scarbble: i gotta feelin / that this fight's gonna be a good fight
BrowneePointz: damn cat girls appropriating our furry speak
josh___something: Okay fine, MORE of a thing
saucemaster5000: more like social peedia
JinaMahavira: :3
Heefnoff: Achoowo
MilkInBags: no it's girls with cat ears, totally different
BrowneePointz: Catgirls no, Cat Girls yes
satyropodobny: depends on the cat to girl ratio
TXC2: it's a spectrum you see
Scarbble: yeah the ratio is important
Heefnoff: heefnoDelay
josh___something: Catgirls are merely like 7% animal by volume
MilkInBags: no it's catkeeping
MilkInBags: some would even say catniping
JinaMahavira: Nome's here to blast
josh___something: You forgot nome is a blanka Kappa
Heefnoff: I love when Dhalsim just floats away
thatguysteve2709: Nome is just mashing the keyboard I can hear it from here.
ylegm: I appreciate Nome's "fun time not long time" game plan
BrowneePointz: Catra? no. Kemba Kha Regent yes.
Heefnoff: Nome is very good at setting the tone of a match
MilkInBags: BEAST mode baby
BrowneePointz: I still love that blankas di is a double drop kick
MilkInBags: they're both zoning fun Kappa
saucemaster5000: blanka's 4HK is a great button
BrowneePointz: there’s a reason we almost got a skin with Hoochie daddy short shorts Nelly
BrowneePointz: blanka has a lot of leg visual real estate
NevermorePainting: blanka-chan skin best skin
BrowneePointz: @nevermorepainting I agreed until I saw his skin concepts and we were robbed lol
BrowneePointz: isn’t one of the darkstalkers skins for Blanka?
Heefnoff: Is that not what Yoga is
ylegm: nowadays, not a chance.
itsr67: no blanka didn't get any colors or skins
Incandescent_Zubat: The Darkstalkers skin is for created characters, and out of the battle pass.
Invitare: Yoga is that little green one from Star Wars right?
Greyah: My grandma has been doing yoga for like, 50 years now. You're telling me she's *not* spitting fireballs at people?
itsr67: the john talbain costume is for avatars and they were using blanka's style for the trailer
BrowneePointz: aaaaaaa that’s what it is
itsr67: since he has moves similar to blanka
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v_nome: Nice!
BrowneePointz: but Jon is obvs Chun
itsr67: beast cannon is basically just enhanced blanka ball
BrowneePointz: Sorry, I got distracted, but it’s based on the joke that everyone calls him, baby girl
DaVeganPolice: just block :)
BrowneePointz: Blanka Chan combos are gross
BrowneePointz: have you watched Mena play Blanka at all Nelly? it’s like getting the momentarily view the Matrix.
BrowneePointz: getting to*
DaVeganPolice: seabatYoga
Heefnoff: Adam got robbed there
v_nome: Woof. GGs!
v_nome: You were really calling out my BS xD
DaVeganPolice: NotLikeThis the shoulder
Heefnoff: No one
NewtyNewts: Jamming shoulders
Heefnoff: No one stepped up so I jumped in
TXC2: always the shoulder
josh___something: Nelly in the default coworker with coffee pose
hypergirlie_hyperpop: @josh___something "if you could get me those TPS reports by end of day, that'd be greeaaat"
saucemaster5000: I hate it when three unrelated people in a car are holding up traffic in the left lane through a tunnel
saucemaster5000: carpool tunnel syndrome
josh___something: @saucemaster5000 boooooooooooooooo
Trymantha: @hypergirlie_hyperpop PC load letter what teh f does that mean?
DaVeganPolice: thats more 'hitching a ride'
Lobo_Apache: Then you automatically lose relation to your sister if you carpool with them
Trymantha: Yes and I am also quoting office space?
hypergirlie_hyperpop: trymantha is also making a reference to that film, nelly
hypergirlie_hyperpop: <3 <3 <3
lochnessseammonster: nelly only knows the meme PrideLaugh
Trymantha: hahahaha :P
TXC2: it's all together
TXC2: coming together
josh___something: I think that was self-mix
hypergirlie_hyperpop: big neurodivergence vibes, we love it
thatguysteve2709: Nelly just proving he's seen the movie
josh___something: Ever been mixed by yourself?
Naesiir: so more of a frame-trap I guess
TXC2: josh___something most mornings yeah :p
josh___something: BUSTA WOLF
josh___something: SA1
DaVeganPolice: Power Wave i believe
TXC2: whale plaid
josh___something: Buster 🐺
hypergirlie_hyperpop: I always hear it as "outplayed"
Naesiir: I need an SF6 dlc that is just new voice overs with all the misheard phrases
josh___something: OH, he's saying "POWER WAVE" in a weird way
DaVeganPolice: believe that the SA2
josh___something: You didn't answer if you were okay, adam. Terald was asking you very politely
josh___something: Bustawolf is SA1
Heefnoff: It's his level 1
DaVeganPolice: oh my b my b
josh___something: Heef whiffed a buster wolf, which I was referencing with the last quip
josh___something: since he says "Are you okay?" then if it connects, the full animation plays (where he says "BUSTER WOLF")
hypergirlie_hyperpop: Terry plays rhythm guitar in a rock band
TheMrFriend: "terry" is a decidedly not intimidating name for a street fighter
saucemaster5000: Buster wolf is the nickname for "hey jude"
hypergirlie_hyperpop: @TheMrFriend better than "terrance" to be fair,
josh___something: I am unreasonably hype about seeing terrys land buster wolf, even if overall Terry doesn't interest me as a fighter
itsr67: get on THE BIG BUS
Naesiir: Bus is coming PogChamp
josh___something: It's better, but the advantage of level 3 chunking *at minimum* 20% of someone's health bar on the next life when the matchup is tough is too much to lose.
itsr67: rising taco
TehAmelie: Terry's name and his looks both seem taken from Tekken
Lobo_Apache: Adam is really coming together on Dhalism, but I wanna take a moment to congratz Nelly on how much he's learned and can call out from the beginning of Oki Oki
TXC2: Descending Tamale
Naesiir: oh man I could go for tamales right now
lightfut: A soccer tackle uses only the legs I guess
Benzil666: You tackle with your feet in Football (soccer) so maybe it's from that?
nessiah_aries: At least Terry's quotes sound somewhat comprehensible in modern fighting games...still remember him shouting "Barnacle" instead of "Burn Knuckle' in older Fatal Fury/KoF Titels.
cdgentry1: Tuscon Tamale Company ships for reasonable
PorpoisesUnknown: Yoga FYAAA
Naesiir: Tamales freeze well, so maybe you can order some
saucemaster5000: Tamales are the bad version of taquitos I will fight for this
NEXTGENeric: theyre not the same food at all
itsr67: that's just sauce
MilkInBags: now you see what adam has to put up with, nelson
josh___something: If we set the VAs to have terry to his JPN one, his voicelines are still in english. And "RISING TACKLE" sounds extremely like "RISING TACO"
PorpoisesUnknown: Burritos are really just pizzas rolled up with different toppings
saucemaster5000: it's stuff inside a thing, but a crispy fried tortilla is better than a corn husk ipso facto
Lobo_Apache: I was **just** thinking about how weird to culture shift is between Canada and TX is. Like I got so use to just having an Abuela showing up at my work selling tamales that I miss it now that I movedaway
Heefnoff: ggs boss
MilkInBags: soup is not a sandwich
TheMrFriend: terry looks like he got fired from the jiffy lube for hitting on underage girls that, for some reason, find themselves at jiffy lube
PorpoisesUnknown: Yeah I agree Nelly. I was further expounding on your point lo
TXC2: oh Gods what I have done? :p
Naesiir: oh no not the food categorization discussion
Naesiir: anything but that
josh___something: I like Terry's JP VA delivery of Buster wolf and Rising fang CA better
JinaMahavira: unfortunately that tamale company does not do international shipping
MilkInBags: it's simple, everything is explained on this website: https://cuberule.com/
TheMrFriend: it only counts as a sandwich if you're gambling while you eat it
Programmerman1: The cursory internet search implies there are a few tamale options in Victoria. Are they good? _Texas_ tamales good? Eh... you can't tell that from the internet 😅
josh___something: It's an extremely meaningless discussion that gets very grating if you've heard it too much.
nessiah_aries: Is a Sandwich an Eggplant?
josh___something: But so far, I just find it funny
hypergirlie_hyperpop: I don't know anybody that gets *upset* at the food categories, I just think it's a funny, no-stakes argument to have
TehAmelie: i just wish this country had any kind of Mexican fast food. if you want so much as a taco you'd better go to the Santa Maria brand shelf at the grocery and start cooking
PorpoisesUnknown: Nice grab Adam
MilkInBags: i once traveled to mexico and never found a mexican restaurant, only restaurants NotLikeThis
TehAmelie: it's much more fun than when my stepdad would pretend to think the earth was flat
josh___something: I like being performatively upset at the food topology thing, cause it's silly
MilkInBags: yoga peak
PorpoisesUnknown: Okay Adam tell us how you really feel this round!
MilkInBags: can you order tamales on ali express
saucemaster5000: after covid all the tacos I ordered had lil face masks
Programmerman1: Right? Just haven't been in the same habit of trying restaurants since covid
Programmerman1: Like if I can't easily order online and take it with me, I don't want to risk the time
hypergirlie_hyperpop: I trust restaurants more than I trust my coworkers, tbh
Naesiir: while they are a lot of work to prepare, tamales can be a fun family thing to make since everyone can be involved in wrapping them
PorpoisesUnknown: Adams Sim looks clean
Heefnoff: We are attaining inner peace
Heefnoff: Let go of your thoughts and meter
josh___something: We are just emptying our minds
MilkInBags: first i need to order kids on amazon
NevermorePainting: "why isn't your mind EMPTY yet?!"
TXC2: going full zen as Dhalsim
Heefnoff: Spending 3 bars to break free of Samsara
MilkInBags: are they of poor quality?
saucemaster5000: the only kids I need are sour and from some sort of patch
TXC2: Heefnoff :D
josh___something: @MilkInBags among other reasons, sure
Naesiir: is the jab habit just a holdover from playing other characters?
josh___something: this sim color makes him look PERPETUALLY burnt out
PorpoisesUnknown: GOod mix up
josh___something: that was a good drive rev
MilkInBags: isnt there a giant bar that shows drive?
AceGun_: Eyes can't be everywhere at once.
MilkInBags: i mean for chat, it's easy to see
TXC2: MilkInBags that isn;t enough for some people
josh___something: @MilkInBags I barely look at MY drive meter, what makes you think I look at OP's?
hypergirlie_hyperpop: chat, looking at the screen? no sir
PorpoisesUnknown: 2 punches to the back of the head followed by a slap to the face seems anti-yoga...just me though
MilkInBags: if you're playing right now i get it
Mathwyn: Look all I see is a bunch of coloured bars that fill up and empty
Mathwyn: Who knows what they mean!
TXC2: MilkInBags we could have a banner across the screen that said "playing dhalsim" and people would still ask who are we playing :p
Naesiir: drive gauge is up and as gamers we don't look up
PorpoisesUnknown: GUM GUM JET PISTOL!
Heefnoff: White woman normals
MilkInBags: i wonder why they put the super bar at the bottom and not next to all the other infos
Heefnoff: That jump kick she does is basically Luke jump HP
AceGun_: tradition, I suppose.
saucemaster5000: look manon needs ONE good normals, a j.Hk being good is most of what we got
Heefnoff: Partially tradition, partially to more evenly distribute the meters in a way that "frames" the game
josh___something: screen real estate is too crowded at the top already
josh___something: and also, it's usually located there in other games
Naesiir: I'd like to request a mod where the super bars bounce around the screen like the dvd player screensaver
josh___something: @Naesiir seconded
PorpoisesUnknown: Or in Marvel vs Capcom it should be able ot be used to hit your opponent with Deadpools super
Mathwyn: In fact all the UI should do that. Including menus
josh___something: give me that extreme battle modifier
josh___something: not DI button jail D:
ContingentCat: all DI no DUI
MilkInBags: are ya having fun, son
thatjuantoo: LUL
Heefnoff: In the streets
Heefnoff: Metro City if you want an actual answer
MilkInBags: allegedly very few streets stages
saucemaster5000: dhalsim's temple is a sidewalk to a real temple
josh___something: they're public spaces
Mathwyn: Look the only fighting game I've played in Persona 4 Arena story mode with auto turned on. I'm just here for the pretty graphics and commentary
MilkInBags: so what is a street
lochnessseammonster: like megamind
Heefnoff: Metro City where it's completely legal to initiate a fight on any random citizen
TXC2: a street is crossable on foot
saucemaster5000: roads are streets that didn't get their degree
josh___something: You get to visit all of the stages on world tour
MilkInBags: LUL
thatjuantoo: LUL
Strebenherz: Amazing
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
AceGun_: The most Nelly sentence I've ever heard.
Greyah: Streets are for people, roads for vehicles.
Lobo_Apache: direction, roads go north south streets east west *I think*
Heefnoff: Civil Engineer Tiktok go crazy
josh___something: There's a tiktok for everything
Strebenherz: Nellie don't ever change
lochnessseammonster: unc check failed
Heefnoff: LMAOOOO
PorpoisesUnknown: Watch Oki-Oki where the gang plays ROAD-Side Brawlers
hypergirlie_hyperpop: adam, you're a voter! You need to know!!
MilkInBags: so a street is populated
josh___something: Someone hook me up with the math nerd tiktok, pls btw. I want to be there
thatjuantoo: @lochnessseammonster Nah, it's been surpassed.
TXC2: and then we invented stroads :p
Heefnoff: Why can't I walk in the streets anymore
Heefnoff: Oh I see
saucemaster5000: what's an avenue then, tiktok master?
MilkInBags: street imply address?
Heefnoff: Streets have business/homes whatever
PorpoisesUnknown: So then where do avenues and boulevards fit in
Mathwyn: Workers seize the means of transportation !
MilkInBags: avenues are perpendicular to streets?
TXC2: saucemaster5000 gentrification Kappa
NewtyNewts: oh boy, my punishment approaches
Heefnoff: Amazing
josh___something: semantically, they're different
PorpoisesUnknown: I'm Native American, we just use landmarks lol
MilkInBags: that's for the englishmen, other civilizations don't always do grids
Lobo_Apache: @PorpoisesUnknown Same sibling
Programmerman1: @MilkInBags In my city, "avenues" are the in-betweens for "streets." So you get 13th St, 13th Ave, 14th St, 14th Ave, etc.
saucemaster5000: #notallcities
MilkInBags: @Programmerman1 that's cursed
Heefnoff: You're going into the grid lytUSEGUN
PorpoisesUnknown: @Lobo_Apache Cool name btw!
DaVeganPolice: #NotAllCities
Heefnoff: What is
josh___something: You've forgotten Adam is a gamer, nelly
Programmerman1: @MilkInBags Eh, you get used to it. What's fun is when there are three streets per grid block. Break out the terraces!
PorpoisesUnknown: Adams Sim is clean. NOt gonna lie
AceGun_: Is this beach a street?
Mathwyn: I blame Alexander the Great for grid based cities
MilkInBags: what if they're walkable streets
Naesiir: seabatClap nice!
Mathwyn: Adam's a jabber
MilkInBags: it is well known if you got 7-0 on Arena your deck and draft were perfect
josh___something: Adam is annoyed at the bad habit, not round performance which is understandable
saucemaster5000: @AceGun_ yes. for baby turtles
PorpoisesUnknown: When your arms are 3 streets long jabbing is almost instinctual
MilkInBags: pyrrhic victory
Naesiir: Newt's combos are so clean. I must learn this skill
Lobo_Apache: Oh shit, Newt's plat now? Let's go Sibling!
hypergirlie_hyperpop: @Naesiir lab for 60 hours
josh___something: Jab combo damage is no bueno, and should be avoided if a better combo starter is possible.
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
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josh___something: Yeah, projectiles and DIs
saucemaster5000: it's the easiest way to shut down sim's options, honestly
Naesiir: the AKI combos don't end until an entire super bar has generated
TXC2: isn't "walk them down" how to deal with zoners in general ?
MilkInBags: an artist spent time for this and you will enjoy it
josh___something: Jabs, in general, scale combos HARD, but also sim's route in particular is resource hungy
Naesiir: I don't know if it was planned or not, but using the fireball to protect the dive was awesome, Newt PogChamp
MilkInBags: holy shit aki's crouching jabs are so fast?
hypergirlie_hyperpop: ngl i see aki on ladder and think gg go next
Naesiir: crouching medium kick is the real menace (+1 on block)
hypergirlie_hyperpop: I do love her dress though
josh___something: AKI is very fashionable
Naesiir: AKI's 3rd outfit is so good
TXC2: "mom said it's my turn with the DI!"
itsr67: LUL
josh___something: LUL
Naesiir: no food only The MINES
saucemaster5000: "breakfast doesn't get me into the nether realm DAD!"
ContingentCat: relatable
NewtyNewts: GGs!
MilkInBags: nelson, it will take years until your kids realize you're a person
Mathwyn: The children yearn for the mines(craft)
caetzer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
caetzer: child got priorities
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Lobo_Apache: Are kids just cats then?
MilkInBags: they are
saucemaster5000: you're the computer that is worse at providing minecraft
ContingentCat: less minecraft with cats
josh___something: @Lobo_Apache No, cats know that your place is beneath them
TXC2: cats bury their poop, cats are better then children
josh___something: LUL
MilkInBags: were your kids afraid of their poop in the toilet? that's a funny phase
Strebenherz: PFFFT
saucemaster5000: they put it there? Like, they poop and know to go put it in the toilet?
Naesiir: so what I'm hearing is that we need one of those Litter Robots but for kids
MilkInBags: LUL
TXC2: that's not an UNrational fear....
saucemaster5000: look, unknown experiences are scary. I thought "getting fired" meant they'd burn you alive
Mathwyn: Porcelain milestones in their development
Programmerman1: At least most toilets won't overflow from the _first_ flush
MilkInBags: getting terminated isn't better
josh___something: Blame the people who made it rhyme with hire Kappa
Naesiir: like getting "fired from a gun" I'd imagine. shot away from the company
Programmerman1: Involuntarily separated from your employment
7gorobei: viking funeral is all about ending your run, getting fired is about ending your employment
Naesiir: but honestly the phrase might not have a clear etymology
TXC2: I assume it's "fired" in the sense that your employment papers would get burned afterwards
MilkInBags: english to me is quite funny for many action verbs which are just...objects
MilkInBags: like to fish
saucemaster5000: or to elbow
MilkInBags: to iron a shirt
Mathwyn: I would to object to this object
MilkInBags: yoga peak
TXC2: in English all nouns can also be verbs
Mathwyn: You fire pottery?
josh___something: projectile expulsion
hypergirlie_hyperpop: and verbs can be nouns @TXC2
hypergirlie_hyperpop: language is largely nonsense
Strebenherz: time to fire up the contest
josh___something: I mean, firing in pottery is near literal
saucemaster5000: because you burn them alive, obvs
PorpoisesUnknown: Maybe poetically its because Fire both gives life and takes it
MilkInBags: i mean if we can reach skibidi ohio rizz, surely we can use fire to say the opposite
TXC2: fire is both destructive and creative
josh___something: THere's PROBABLY an easily searchable etymology, but this is more fun
NevermorePainting: sometimes you gotta style on em
Naesiir: @TXC2 that is entirely too poetic for Capitalism
TXC2: josh___something not the way google is these days :p
TXC2: Naesiir indeed
MilkInBags: like why do we say firetrucks that use water
awildshen: maybe it comes from being fired out of a cannon
v_nome: ggs
MilkInBags: i mean when your insurance is tied to your employer, it might be a life and death question
MilkInBags: too real
Mathwyn: I mean it would keep unemployment down
AceGun_: Nelly Sim arc starting now?
MilkInBags: adam you can still be proud of what you learned
PorpoisesUnknown: It looked like you didn't have many out of corner options. I could be wrong there
TXC2: MilkInBags the problem there is less the insureance being tied to employment, and more the need for insurance in the first place :p
josh___something: I assume there's more DI punishable stuff in dhalsim's kit
MilkInBags: @TXC2 totally
AceGun_: I think when you told Bacon that you were going to play Sim, the first thing he said was "prepared to get DI'ed"
saucemaster5000: like any option test, if it works that's a tool you should exploit. Like testing someone's AAs
PorpoisesUnknown: Nice bait and punish by Nell
AceGun_: Hsien-Ko color AKI. broski4Akicool
saucemaster5000: yaknooow
AceGun_: Yeah, this is her new color from the Darkstalkers event.
saucemaster5000: honestly sandblast might've chipped
MilkInBags: i wonder what they used to make her crocodile pants so flexible
bananne: Ooooh the cherry blossoms <3
TehAmelie: crocodile oil?
MilkInBags: LUL
MilkInBags: don't involve Pierre in this
ZawaAmaz: it does look like the palace with the lightning soccer fish man
MilkInBags: we do have Pierre-Luc and Pierre-Olivier
lochnessseammonster: yep
MilkInBags: yeah it's Peter
MilkInBags: Peter is Pierre in English
MilkInBags: like William is Guillaume
ghizmou: My boy Pierre
saucemaster5000: james is jacques
ZawaAmaz: Peter probably isn't the same in the original Greek
MilkInBags: adam....jesus didnt speak english
TehAmelie: i read a book where a main character was called Pierre the other day. but then, it was set in 1952
SylHar: it's pierre as in stone
TXC2: yeah there's only like 6 european male names
MilkInBags: yeah they do
WiJohn: Jesus only spoke American
CowboyOverflow: John is Johannes in german
TehAmelie: they call him Paulus in Swedish
saucemaster5000: the bible was written in American, excuse you
MilkInBags: every named was translated
TXC2: Jesus should really be Joshua
AceGun_: I just looked it up, it is called 'Pierre' in the French bible.
JacNol: For Swedish Paulus is Paul, Petrus is Peter
TehAmelie: Petrus, i mean. Latin all the way
AceGun_: Matthieu, Marc, Luc, and Jean
MilkInBags: every fiction book often gets names translated, like King's Landing in GoT is Port Réal in French
Strebenherz: jesus' real power, not getting mega sunburned
NewtyNewts: @josh___something wanna fight?
saucemaster5000: @MilkInBags Okay that's really funny for some reason
josh___something: @NewtyNewts ye
MilkInBags: not everyone does it
LMAOkai_: Le Bible
MilkInBags: like Winterfell is Winterfell in French if i recall, but Dreadfort is Fort Terreur
saucemaster5000: jesus in french is jeseux
TehAmelie: i get it, Port Real becaUSE French does not have a word for king
LeonaDX: its french for "the Bible"
Mazrae: Hello everyone how are things going
cdgentry1: Wait, is that where we get Jean Luc Picard?!
TehAmelie: lrrBEEJ
Invitare: It's like Pokemon: Different languages get different puns
lochnessseammonster: both
CowboyOverflow: The french wikipedia page has him as Pierre
bananne: Those nails must cost a fortune to maintain who is her artist
saucemaster5000: star trekian
LMAOkai_: he's Earthling
TXC2: TehAmelie "what do they call a king in France?" "a Royal with cheese"
AceGun_: Correct.
ZawaAmaz: there's an episode where he fights in the mud with his brother
saucemaster5000: his brother hates him yeah
cdgentry1: Multiple episodes at the vineyard
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Invitare: he retires to the Vineyard
Programmerman1: French with some handwavey reasons why he has a british accent
Orxolon: did Adam just wrote a book?
TXC2: it's more Picard got made a borg, got freed, then went back to the vineyard to deal the HEAVY PTSD
MilkInBags: it's a nerd's show DansGame
TehAmelie: tbh i think Aki has to forge a new set of nails for every time she sticks them in someone's head
Naesiir: Star Trek never clicked for me
TXC2: (deal with the
MilkInBags: why watch star trek when we have farscape Kreygasm
saucemaster5000: more like star blech
MilkInBags: a very good show
saucemaster5000: why watch star trek when we have reno 9-11
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
ZawaAmaz: Farscape has Claudia Black and Ben Browder
TXC2: Farscape, very aussie, very weird
Invitare: Farscape is season 8.5 of Stargate SG1
Strebenherz: WOW nellie XD
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatBRAIN
ZawaAmaz: they show up in SG1 in the late seasons too
MilkInBags: Claudia Black is Jessica Black's mom Kappa
Invitare: Claudia Black is Morrigan in Dragon Age
TXC2: Claudie black is the voice of Morigan from Dragon age
Omthebox: LuL
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
saucemaster5000: "because that's how it is kid"
MilkInBags: she's the singer of Friday
MilkInBags: "Why does the sun move?" "So you go to sleep at some point"
7gorobei: claudia black was the brunette from riddick pitch black
ZawaAmaz: they show up a lot in scifi in the 2000s which was why I mentioned them
Naesiir: "while I appreciate your boundless curiosity, it is currently inconvenient"
saucemaster5000: my niece asked me why they were fighting in Street Fighter and I said "because I'm tired" without thinking mid match
TXC2: we had to cover pitch black in english class
Orxolon: never saw 1 riddick movie,reccomended?
DandyGeek: they made a kinda interesting Pitch Black video game once
TehAmelie: "Chronicles of Riddick" was the worst named part of the chronicles of Riddick, send tweet
TXC2: Orxolon Pitch black is a fairly basic sci-fi horror
Orxolon: @TXC2 ok,thx
thatguysteve2709: I have the game and the prequel game as well
saucemaster5000: judi dench and vin diesel played a bunch of DnD on the Riddick set
Naesiir: oh right Judi Dench was in that
saucemaster5000: imagine getting to play DnD with judi dench
malfnord: He's Vin Diesel with glowy eyes
thatguysteve2709: The game is actually how he got the ability to see in the dark
TehAmelie: "serial killer? i prefer career murderer"
Mazrae: Is pitch black, the one with "death by tea cup"
MilkInBags: i vaguely recall that riddick might have been a drow character?
MilkInBags: but they made sci fi with it?
Orxolon: isn't he blind?
TXC2: Mazrae no, that's the 2nd one
Orxolon: so Daredevil inn space
Lobo_Apache: @Mazrae that's chronicles of riddick, when he's in prison
thegreatwyrdling: Excuse me, Riddick is Furyan
ZawaAmaz: on a hellworld prison planet
Strebenherz: i thought he was blind batman
Orxolon: MAYBE you will like Daredevil Adam
saucemaster5000: my sister is a lawyer should I be worried?
TXC2: Orxolon not exactly, he has night vision, but normal light overpowers it
DandyGeek: you can kill a man without laying a finger on him with the law, it’s true
v_nome: He's not blind. He has dark vision but needs to wear sunglasses goggles or he can't see in normal light
MilkInBags: hellworld prison planet? time to listen to sardaukar chants
7gorobei: DD has some tendecies
Orxolon: @TXC2 like Daredevil with the sound,got it
Lobo_Apache: @saucemaster5000 depends on if you're carpooling with her or not
Naesiir: yep
TehAmelie: he can see in daylight with welding goggles on, but perfectly in full dark. that's a surgery you can get in the spacefuture
Naesiir: but outfit 3 is the best
hypergirlie_hyperpop: I don't like this outfit, but I love the frilly dress
MilkInBags: women have so much clothing freedom, but us we have to wear cargo shorts and t shirts NotLikeThis
saucemaster5000: she looks like the mushrooms from "Fantasia"
TXC2: costume 3 hair is the best hair yes
hypergirlie_hyperpop: @MilkInBags you also can wear so many pretty dresses if you're not a coward
Naesiir: what if we could toggle the hair for the outfits???
itsr67: TRUE MILK
itsr67: for once I agree
hypergirlie_hyperpop: you don't even have to be trans, you can just be fabulous
Orxolon: aliens like Xenomorphs?
TXC2: ^
NevermorePainting: what's in luke's little thigh pouch?
saucemaster5000: cargo pants are for people doing swing in the late 90s
hypergirlie_hyperpop: TransgenderPride
Orxolon: @hypergirlie_hyperpop yaaaassss,slay queeen!
lochnessseammonster: true
Mazrae: What if I already wear mostly cargo shorts
TXC2: all trans are fabulous, but not all fabulous are trans
hypergirlie_hyperpop: can we say "trans people" tho maybe
ReachW subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ReachW! (Today's storm count: 11)
violetblight: im ngl my fashion hasnt changed much since coming out, i just feel better about this hoodie and jeans
DandyGeek: hey, you aren’t limited to cargo shorts. there are also cargo skirts.
hypergirlie_hyperpop: utilikilts don't count as skirts, in this essay
DandyGeek: they sure aren’t real kilts
TXC2: hypergirlie_hyperpop yeah that's just laziness on my part, sorry
DandyGeek: they’re a cargo skirt, Adam.
siqqsadgurl: ggs nelly!
saucemaster5000: hey nelly what's a utilikilt? "they're actors."
hypergirlie_hyperpop: @TXC2 no worries, I know you weren't being a jerk <3
ReachW is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 12 in the channel!
ReachW gifted a Tier 1 sub to FireWraith00!
ReachW gifted a Tier 1 sub to BeolSae__!
ReachW gifted a Tier 1 sub to Crumpler64!
ReachW gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fawxsy!
ReachW gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lyinginbedmon!
ReachW gifted a Tier 1 sub to SacrificialToast!
ReachW gifted a Tier 1 sub to GreenestCastellan!
ReachW gifted a Tier 1 sub to lilmeaches!
ReachW gifted a Tier 1 sub to Khalstrom!
ReachW gifted a Tier 1 sub to theinvulnerabletide!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, ReachW! Welcome to Fawxsy, Crumpler64, SacrificialToast, GreenestCastellan, lilmeaches, Khalstrom, theinvulnerabletide, FireWraith00, Lyinginbedmon, and BeolSae__! (Today's storm count: 21)
Naesiir: woah
TXC2: ReachW <3
ReachW: Something like that.
MilkInBags: are kilts the opposite of speedos
saucemaster5000: what
TehAmelie: i think Loch Idungee'afuck is a republic
hypergirlie_hyperpop: bellbottoms are the opposite of speedos
DandyGeek: kilts aren’t swimwear
Strebenherz: Already had a sub but thank you Reach, you're awesome
Naesiir: not kilts?
Lobo_Apache: @DandyGeek they can be
MilkInBags: i mean kilts cover everything but the doodoo, speedos only cover that
ghizmou: they re the opposite of tank tops
TehAmelie: ponchos?
JacNol: balaclavas
TXC2: klits are the opposite of assless chaps
ReachW: Wait, does that include the sub I gave me? Thanks, me, just in case
thegreatwyrdling: Subs for Adam in a klit.
DandyGeek: @lobo_apache anything can be swimwear if you’re motivated, I suppose :D
NewtyNewts: GGs Josh!
MilkInBags: wait, isnt dudu the huh, hose?
Diabore: you cant handle adam in a kilt
MilkInBags: oh no, each time you said that i thought it was that
TehAmelie: dudu is poopeh
MilkInBags: english is wild
hypergirlie_hyperpop: ESL moment, it's okay, language is made up anyway
Orxolon: Adam,how you feel about Terry and Mai from KOF joining DF6?
Orxolon: Capcom vs SNK was a very good game imo
TXC2: dodo, caca, poo, poop, faeces, big stinking shit!
TXC2: and their Ables....
Naesiir: Mika for Season 3??
saucemaster5000: The one person FURIOUS they don't bring back Sawada
Orxolon: (i still haven't played 6 except in a friend house)and i found that Terry just moves differently
Naesiir: that would be a strong stance to have
Invitare: would she be S Mika now?
Orxolon: eager to try Helena :D
Lobo_Apache: If they don't put Chun Lee into street fighter, I'll never play again
TXC2: Orxolon SNK has more and freier movement then Street fighter
Orxolon: @TXC2 i agree
TehAmelie: i mainly know SNK for making Neo-Geo, the most decadent game console of all time
Strebenherz: My only experience with fighting games is the smash bros series, it's interesting watching this/listening. Sounds like a lot of depth to it
saucemaster5000: fallible, baptized
DandyGeek: I’m still coping with parry as a button over here
TXC2: Good video I saw the other day that covered how most different fighting games are catagorised
TXC2: like how SF is different from Mortal kombat or Guilty gear or Smash
Mazrae: I enjoy watching this stream because, I could never get into fighting games (button masher here) but I do enjoy watching people who at least know somewhat what they are doing while also learning
drizztnailo: ooooh we getting an early oki oki this week?
TXC2: drizztnailo moved due to filming on friday
saucemaster5000: it's me, the mashed potato
Strebenherz: unbecome monke
Programmerman1: Jabbed the morning away
DandyGeek: @tehamelie Neo Geo AES was such an awesome thing when it landed. Genuine arcade parity, so much so you could use an adapter to play (often cheaper) MVS carts at home. So great.
TXC2: Murshed paterdurs
Naesiir: and Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday
TehAmelie: if you had like 1000 dollars to spend. . .
saucemaster5000: I'd spend it on 1000 dollar store candy bars
saucemaster5000: next question
LMAOkai_: if you had 1000 candy bars....
DandyGeek: please tell me you’re gonna bake or cook with that and not eat it all yourself
TXC2: DandyGeek I'd eat it all, just not all at once :p
TehAmelie: no, i bet it was a sweet machine, but to me it was just a fairy tale out of game magazines
Orxolon: 1 week
Naesiir: absolutely not
Lobo_Apache: Give me a week and they're gone
AFamiliarCalledEl: I might be able to do 3 hours, but it would be truly miserable
Orxolon: Nelly,Nelly,we are talking about a 1000
MilkInBags: give me dr pepper to wash it down
DandyGeek: @tehamelie oh yeah, I couldn’t afford one either - they were legendary, though! (and I feel like it set a standard that Sega tried to match when the Saturn came out)
saucemaster5000: are you allowed to vomit?
Orxolon: just yesterday i saw super size me
Orxolon: XD
AFamiliarCalledEl: Give me 24 hours, and I could do it and really dislike it
Orxolon: nor poop?
Naesiir: okay which candy bars have the most air?
lochnessseammonster: are you allowed water?
Lobo_Apache: 4 hours? I think I'd need milk but I might be able to
TXC2: Nelson with strong "you go through 2 packs a day? I go through 2 LIGHTERS a day" energy
TheMrFriend: are you allowed insulin shots?
Orxolon: i went for a week for health purposes...
Naesiir: am I allowed a blender?
MilkInBags: what if i ask a doctor to extract my intestines and use more people to digest it, like some kind of human insect
TehAmelie: no dipping sauce? i'm out
MilkInBags: can we have ketchup
Orxolon: has anyone here seen the "profesional eater" eat massive dishes?
Strebenherz: Siracha
ReachW: more chocolate
TXC2: dipping dots, natch
Lobo_Apache: @TehAmelie caramel?
AFamiliarCalledEl: Can I use my hands to mash them up to make them easier to chew?
drizztnailo: are we allowed to use tabasco sauce?
malfnord: D:
MilkInBags: there was a hot dog eating contest recently where the record was like 82 in 10 minutes, it's so disgusting, they dip them in water
Orxolon: it makes me hungry,AND disgusts me XD
NewtyNewts: Are they candies, or chocolates?
Orxolon: sure
Orxolon: as long as you eat AALL you were served
MilkInBags: ok so no blending but can you squeeze them?
ghizmou: I think they weight your hands at the end of the competition
iconicshadow89: I love Adam's unhinged hypotheticals. They give me life
MilkInBags: yellow DansGame
TehAmelie: i've seen a man drink 1 liter of milk in 1 second. Guinness doesn't recognize those sorts of records anymore. . .
Orxolon: people people,we are talking about a thousand,can you fathom the amount in front of you?
NewtyNewts: If they have licorice, you don't want to do that. It's a blood thinner and you might nto make it out
Orxolon: i'd rather fight an ostrich
Lyinginbedmon: lyingiLurk
josh___something: POW WAVE
MilkInBags: and then luke used his gun
AFamiliarCalledEl: it was 1000 of the tiny halloween ones, right? i can fathom that for sure
MilkInBags: pffft, nothing is dangerous, i survived the 90s kids food
TXC2: what if it's Salmaki, would the salt kill you ? :p
Orxolon: right?
Lobo_Apache: would you rather do 999 fun sized or 333 full sized thought?
AFamiliarCalledEl: I don't actually eat candy any more, so maybe I don't remember, but they're like an inch square, right?
lochnessseammonster: what is the reward?
Orxolon: i gave you a week
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Orxolon: and you said,like fu**ing no,i can do it in 4 hs
Orxolon: hahaha
Naesiir: there are two sizes of small candy bar
saucemaster5000: they tell their partners they are 3 inches
Juliamon: Fun Size and Miniatures are two different sizes
Invitare: I don't think I could do that and at any given time I'm 80% chocolate
Orxolon: can you ONLY eat the bars?or you can ingest whatever?
hypergirlie_hyperpop: grown men estimate what an inch is challenge
josh___something: Considering the health concerns of EATING a thousand chocolate bars...
TehAmelie: tbh when i wanted dipping sauce i thought it was 1000 chicken nuggets. but maybe hummus, so it feels like you're doing something healthy
Orxolon: a 1000?rocklets XD
Omthebox: Full size Toblerones
lochnessseammonster: i love snickers but it would be tough
Naesiir: which candy bar has the most air in it? 3 Musketeers?
lochnessseammonster: nah mars
Invitare: Hershey's is not chocolate
Invitare: it's vomit flavoured brown wax
saucemaster5000: a thousand mounds wouldn't be too bad
Orxolon: important question:can you ONLY eat the bars?or you can ingest whatever?
TXC2: are snickers bad in North America or something ?
josh___something: 1000 full sized toblerones would kill you a 10th of the way through
thatguysteve2709: Heath bars just because the carmal is going to just sit in your stomach
MilkInBags: ok so Pat Bertoletti has a world record of chocolate eating, he ate 890 g of chocolate in 7 minutes
Orxolon: the sugar
lochnessseammonster: celery
Orxolon: exactly
MilkInBags: and his wiki photo is very funny https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Bertoletti
lochnessseammonster: cucumber
lochnessseammonster: crunchy water
Metric_Furlong: 1,000 grains of rice Kappa
CookieMom: Like, PURE chocolate? Because that is bitter as HELL.
saucemaster5000: mmmm..... butterfinger and celery smoothie.....
Orxolon: @lochnessseammonster i would die just from the mix up xD
lochnessseammonster: it will be mad but that would make it less mad
Lobo_Apache: I would do a jalapeno pepper between ever 50 bars. Make you want that fat
TehAmelie: 1000 Tony's thicc assed chocolate bricks would probably give you enough calories for the rest of your life
TheMrFriend: if a fun size is 1/3 of a bar, you're eating 334 full size candy bars. a box of snickers is 48 candy bars. so, you're eating about 7 display boxes of full sized snickers.
TheMrFriend: for reference
CataclysmicReverb: Not real chocolate, american chocolate
Orxolon: i said "ingest",i mean,pharmaceuticals go
josh___something: Bold of you to assume your body hasn't already revolted at chocolate bar #145
Orxolon: right?
MilkInBags: gotta go home to stream more sim
TXC2: shoulder hurts = legs day Kappa
saucemaster5000: I slept wrong and my neck is killing me
Lobo_Apache: @josh___something I wake up with my body revolting against me. That's nothing new
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
MilkInBags: sauce that's so 30s
saucemaster5000: sure is
WiJohn: 17 g for a snickers
josh___something: I'd be sick at the 4th chocolate bar
saucemaster5000: You'd explode like that monty python sketch
TXC2: the acid reflux would be real
josh___something: I'm fuckin diabetic, I'm DYING after this attempt
TehAmelie: the LD-50 for sugar is i think 2.5 kg
WiJohn: according to their website
saucemaster5000: Even eating 3 candy bars I'd be like "naptime"
MilkInBags: i can eat at least 1.5 lb of peach rings in a day
Omthebox: I had 2 oreos and I thought "damn, i should probably stop"
Naesiir: the lethal dose that kills 50% of the test population
Lobo_Apache: lethal dose I think?
JacNol: Lethal Dose for 50%
MilkInBags: i did it once, with like 4 dr pepper
TXC2: lethal dosage where 50% of people die
MilkInBags: slept like a baby
AFamiliarCalledEl: LD50 is the dose at which a test population will die 50% of the time
Sydet1: ggs
josh___something: @MilkInBags ... has this been tested?
NewtyNewts: LD50 = Lethal Dose to kill 50%
josh___something: 50% of what?
TXC2: thanks for streaming dam and Nelson
ReachW: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
JacNol: 50% of the sample set/everyone
TXC2: *Adam
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Naesiir: @josh___something most LD50 values are determined using cell studies
MilkInBags: bye bye
TXC2: o7 to Heather reading them comments :p
Orxolon: not 1000 for sure
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 01:00 PM PDT (55m from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
MilkInBags: have a nice afternoon
TXC2: no worries Adam
lochnessseammonster: thanks for the stream :)
MilkInBags: go buy a coffee crisp for me
josh___something: Like, die on the spot? like 100. Die from complications resulting in the chocolate? I think after bar 25, I'm perishing even if I stop
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
NewtyNewts: Good stream everyone!
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
MilkInBags: of course i get a dr pepper ad at the end
thatguysteve2709: Thanks
Metric_Furlong: !advice
LRRbot: It has the thing.
Metric_Furlong: !findquote thing
LRRbot: Quote #8430: ""Knowing trivia is great." "Knowing useful things is probably better."" —Beej and Paul [2023-01-16]