accountmadeforants: Watch + Plumb
Strebenherz: fell down dwarf fortress rabbit hole, watch+dwarf here
richard_ermen: Playing a Soulslike where you collect delusions instead of souls, Watch+Mad here.
Manae: @Strebenherz Reminds me I need to give that a try running on my steam deck. I'm wearing my heavy metal-esque DF shirt today.
Strebenherz: @Strebenherz How's the steam deck overall?
Manae: I'm not good to comment. I've not used it enough yet because I've been too busy at work to bring it in
Strebenherz: fair nuff
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the hairiest gherkin
thesurfaceofthemoon: !quote
zerragonoss subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Thanks for subscribing, zerragonoss! (Today's storm count: 22)
richard_ermen: Behold, the time of trash iseth upon us!
TehAmelie: certain audiences? that's me
ArkohTheFuzzybutt: garbage day!
warpstonewarlock: Garbage day has arrived!
JaymicUnyielding: Cardiac people, LOOK AWAY
FelanEntane subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
Thanks for subscribing, FelanEntane! (Today's storm count: 23)
TehAmelie: non-cardiac people rejoice
richard_ermen: @TehAmelie An audience, certainly!
KBKarma: Hallo!
Sandboxgamer27: garbage day? garbage day!
v_nome: I'm definitely more of an uncertain audience myself
L0rdX33n: Here we go!!!
Diabore: twitch auto started when i was already on the page, its a glorious day
Tarbage_Goilets subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Tarbage_Goilets! (Today's storm count: 24)
Crokoking subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Crokoking! (Today's storm count: 25)
LadyLockwood92 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LadyLockwood92: Woo~ Garbage Day Live~
Thanks for subscribing, LadyLockwood92! (Today's storm count: 26)
io_Otter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
Thanks for subscribing, io_Otter! (Today's storm count: 27)
arcaneIllumination subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months, currently on a 103 month streak!
arcaneIllumination: 103 months of glorious garbage day!
Thanks for subscribing, arcaneIllumination! (Today's storm count: 28)
ScrapyardGhostTrain: 30 minutes late? Why, that's exactly the amount of late I am.
ryuhimora: It's time for SUFFERING
ArcadeEngineer: grobj!
Meark subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months!
Meark: wooo
Thanks for subscribing, Meark! (Today's storm count: 29)
nightshadeqx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 32 month streak!
nightshadeqx: Looking forward to garbage - and to getting to go back home to Asheville
Thanks for subscribing, nightshadeqx! (Today's storm count: 30)
sheer_falacy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
sheer_falacy: Garbage time!
Thanks for subscribing, sheer_falacy! (Today's storm count: 31)
AlistorKO: Time for some trash!
ryuhimora is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
ryuhimora gifted a Tier 1 sub to jmchap!
Thanks for the gift, ryuhimora! Welcome to jmchap! (Today's storm count: 32)
Redbassist subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Redbassist! (Today's storm count: 33)
Sheikun07: I'm so stoked to be able to catch one of these live
transcoder_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
transcoder_: welcome to Club Drugs here are some blood drops for your pool cue
Thanks for subscribing, transcoder_! (Today's storm count: 34)
GasCityGaming: Watch+Play live! Another reason to work from home!
FlamingSpipernado subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Garbage day!
Thanks for subscribing, FlamingSpipernado! (Today's storm count: 35)
Inari_Kitsune: Time for the Garbage!
Oberon_Puck subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Oberon_Puck! (Today's storm count: 36)
AlistorKO: Garbage day? Garbage yay!
Bassios: Garbage imminent!
Marvoleath subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
Marvoleath: Garbaggio Dei¡
Thanks for subscribing, Marvoleath! (Today's storm count: 37)
Khalahd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months, currently on a 129 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Khalahd! (Today's storm count: 38)
KBKarma: Aww hells yes.
Sheikun07: yesssssssssssssssssss
QuixoticScrivener: Gabage day!
baltimore_667083: this intro never gets old
avi_miller: Garbage day!
ClodiumSoride subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months, currently on a 82 month streak!
ClodiumSoride: GIGO: Garbage In, Giggles Out
flustered_blue subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
flustered_blue: garbage day!
Thanks for subscribing, ClodiumSoride! (Today's storm count: 39)
Thanks for subscribing, flustered_blue! (Today's storm count: 40)
sethtriggs: Awwwyeah
KBKarma: On this blessed day, we are *all* garbage.
Nigouki: wassssi[
Foxmar320: Hello hello
TheAinMAP: Hello.
lamina5432: garbage day
CaptainSpam: Get your HELTH on
AlistorKO: Just as my Technology Connection video ends, garbage begins!
warpstonewarlock: Hello Graham, hello Alex!
Strebenherz: OH NO
NeoGabi: Hi Graham and Alex!
sethtriggs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months, currently on a 34 month streak!
sethtriggs: My body is ready!
Thanks for subscribing, sethtriggs! (Today's storm count: 41)
Atarra: when the SAW trap happens before the garbage games
AlistorKO: Rawr and hello Graham and Alex!
247Gremlin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Thanks for subscribing, 247Gremlin! (Today's storm count: 42)
korvys: Did a deathmatch breakout in the studio?
Shadowsoflife: o/
Mangledpixel: wait till they find the OTHER pushpin
CastleOtranto: Hello G-Star. Hello A-Train.
Dromos_GHG subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Dromos_GHG! (Today's storm count: 43)
TehAmelie: hello garbagizens (?)
MenomeAlice subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
MenomeAlice: We had the Celebrant yell out "GARBAGE DAY!" at our wedding a couple of weeks ago 😅
Thanks for subscribing, MenomeAlice! (Today's storm count: 44)
Gizmoloid: GARBAGE DAY!
Electrodyne: Bonjour
CouldntPickAUsername: there's one I sent in that I'm really hoping to see one day
SkylerRingtail: We did this!
MAPBoardgames: I'm sorry, Alex. I did this.
ClodiumSoride: Catch you later in the VOD!
sethtriggs: Yeaaahhh
eric_christian_berg: My job is to watch out for new installments of Tomato Way.
L0rdX33n: Alex has a Doctor Forester?
TheMerricat: Selling out to Big LRR.
Mcgwee: Ooo
Chaotically_Random: SPOOP TIMES
richard_ermen: While I'm not happy to be responsible for inflicting pain on Alex, I'm happy to be here and share in the joy of Alex's pain.
jordorowsky subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
jordorowsky: 76 tons of garbage train
Thanks for subscribing, jordorowsky! (Today's storm count: 45)
Nigouki: god i hope there's skeletons
you're asking people to give you money so it's not shilling, it's begging
KBKarma: Aren't most of them horror games?
KBKarma: Oh. Oh no.
OmnipotentTrevor: watching from my phone for once, so I don’t have to run my computer in the hurricane
malfnord: oh dear
Foxmar320: Oh goooood
Drasvin: Spoopy times!
Juliamon: oh boy
Mcgwee: Oh my
Sorator13: Well, that sounds promising
warpstonewarlock: Yaaay....
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Oh no...
wench_tacular: subtle
DandyGeek: I’m sure it’ll be fiiiiiiine
IanAllenBird: oh ok
Diabore: is it a sequel?
accountmadeforants: Wooo, this hospital is *mental* my dudes
Strebenherz: Whelp
Jillexie: uhhhh
GasCityGaming: I mean, I've met some kids.....
richard_ermen: Already the title is amazing
Firewhiskers: Well my expectations are set
BusTed: Have to distinguish between the rest of the Mental Hospitals
stippledotter: Tender and thoughtful, I'm sure
Anaerin: Child of Evilyn?
nartin9: is this a horror game?
Makhiel: so Mental Hospital is the child's name?
AugmentingPath: I hope it's a mental hospital in the sense that someone is just imagining it
MAPBoardgames: Chided by evil
Mcgwee: Oh boy, the Shalebridge Cradle
sheer_falacy: that is a way cooler intro graphic than we normally get in W+P (the dragon, not the meh logo)
Drasvin: Dragon for the splash screen?
nartin9: this is amazing
Strebenherz: I appreciate the warning you have here, and for let's nope, of "hey, this is going to handle these things BADLY"
EvilBadman: Surprisngly english
Anaerin: Ambient Occlusion also off?
Firewhiskers: MHChildOfEvil
richard_ermen: Maybe it 'sjust "Evil"?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Wait, all of the lazy horror visual effects defaulted to off?
Juliamon: Oh, it's literally just Resident Evil, ok
Inari_Kitsune: Quite the title
Chaotically_Random: Outlast at home
arcaneIllumination: Outlast we have at home?
Mcgwee: Why is the forest on fire
EvilBadman: looks like this Ada was...Wrong
Angreed66: How would you feel if someone made a game to advertised as a horror hospital game but turned out to have gameplay of a realistic hospital?
ghizmou: funny that the ... before that weren't connection breaks
Inari_Kitsune: It's the fuzz
betweenmyself: If this is set in Rome, then ALL the roads, I suppose
AugmentingPath: this roadblock sucks, hit the bricks
CaptainSpam: Slip by the police: COMPLETE
BusTed: It's a ghost car...
MAPBoardgames: science facts!
sheer_falacy: that's definitely just the person on the other side of the line making crackling noises and then saying "connection breaks"
Foxmar320: It's true, can confirm
Mangledpixel: it's basically a cloaking device
Knitting_Goblin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Knitting_Goblin: I hate when the police is blocking the road!
Thanks for subscribing, Knitting_Goblin! (Today's storm count: 46)
kumatsu: hide it in the dumpster
TehAmelie: i missed something, why do we have to dodge the police?
ValTheDrake: this one simple trick...
KBKarma: And then you'll BE there.
korvys: This feels like it wasn't written in english, originally
sheer_falacy: the police don't want people coming to this place
Mcgwee: Remember, if you can't see them they can't see you
AugmentingPath: gg
Kazman20a: that is why I keep a pair of NVGs in the car
thatguy575 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
Thanks for subscribing, thatguy575! (Today's storm count: 47)
Firewhiskers: Child of Evil is Cuno from Disco Elysium
L0rdX33n: Wasn’t that right at km 666 ad well?
Carlioo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
Carlioo: finally some good games to watch on twitch
Thanks for subscribing, Carlioo! (Today's storm count: 48)
JadedCynic: it's always stupid journos trying to investigate things that wakes an ancient evil
QuixoticScrivener: we don't always have those
Anaerin: 1 is an unusual option for the flashlight.
KBKarma: So the p'lice are just.. letting you go.
CaptainSpam: Batteree, batteraa, batteree, batterah-hee-hoo-hee-hah-hee
TehAmelie: for once, we need to turn OFF the generator
NeoGabi: Oh good, one of those games where flashlights only last for 3 minutes.
lord_forcekin: hey folks
sheer_falacy: the police may not be doing well
nartin9: Wow new vegas your character had NO LEGS
wench_tacular: pardon?
IanAllenBird: was that dead guy dabbing
AugmentingPath: he's returned to the lifestream
Foxmar320: My mistake, no dead guy
Sorator13: Why did that sound... goopy?
UnknownFriday: I like how the instruction was to "Look around and find something useful" and it went away before you actually picked up the flashlight, meaning you could easily miss it.
KBKarma: Oh neat, self cleaning policeman.
Kazman20a: ok is it just me or did both sides of the power lines spark?
offbeatwitch: a circuit breaker on the power pole
JadedCynic: @KBKarma um...well, I don't think they have much to say on the subject
Gizmoloid: shouldn't only one cut off end of the cable have power?
Bassios: I've never had a man gloop away from me before
Anaerin: All Cops Are Blobby?
Firewhiskers: Amanita!
Carlioo: big mushys
wench_tacular: badger, badger
accountmadeforants: Whoever put the "flashlight with battery mechanic" thing out on the Unity store or Unreal store or made a tutorial, whatever's causing all these other games to use it... I hope your batteries are always drained.
Mcgwee: Man humans sure liquidify fast
Juliamon: It looks like a new account
BraveOthello: Don't do that, plz Alex
Juliamon: freshly registered
Thefluffiestguineapig: Damnit I'm late, was the time on the schedule wrong?
malfnord: Ah, the Klan's in town!
Firewhiskers: That was an amanita muscara I believe, definitely will kill you from amatoxin
Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig I think you misread it
JadedCynic: @Bassios yeah, people avoid me, but that's new to me
Electrodyne: was Dead Guy just a dream, and we play as the embodiment of some characters anxiety
lord_forcekin: that was a different guy I inherited the name
GreatWahooney: The Note? "Dear Doctors LRR..."
bytecaster: Maybe there is other forcekin royalty
Carlioo: hot note gameplay
EvilBadman: @lord_forcekin please, please lord_forcekin was your father?
Gekyouryuu: I hope this email finds you in hell
CaptainSpam: @lord_forcekin Ah, the noble lord_forcekin legacy!
Bassios: Is your cross burning? Call 1-800-Crispy-Christ
KBKarma: I predict zobombies.
TehAmelie: twitch constantly wants to introduce me to the brand new concept of cheers. i hope i don't look like a fresh chatter every time that happens
LadyLockwood92: lord_forcekin, Second of their name.
Anaerin: I hope this email finds you, because that means the tracking device works and the missiles will be soon to follow.
UnboundLaconicness: Oh, is it a heredetary lordship?
betweenmyself: twenty years from now indie horror games will be filled with usb cables needed to recharge flashlights, which will in turn spontaneously combust on occasion
kenohki2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months, currently on a 129 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, kenohki2! (Today's storm count: 49)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KBKarma If this is like Outlast, probably more maniacs than zombolbies
JadedCynic: the moment I heard "I won't be able to get a scoop" I felt like we'd already played this game
Firewhiskers: Hey at least this game doesn't feature Acadia Healthcare
CaptainSpam: We have very strange running jokes in this channel.
KBKarma: doesthedogdie has general content warnings, but the trick is getting people to fill it in.
lord_forcekin: graham that concert vlog was super entertaining
Mangledpixel: yeahhhh
TheDangerWaffle: *heavy sigh*
Kaorti: anything before the 2020s is a minefield
EvilBadman: @Thefluffiestguineapig Nope 130 moonbase time. Did you clock roll back an hour recently?
NeoGabi: Oh geeze, that was awful.
richard_ermen: Isn't this just "Outlast we have at home"?
Kaorti: and after ir suspect
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptainSpam Aren't all inside/running jokes strange when viewed from the outside
itmightbemikey: you can never go back to Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
JadedCynic: oh man, that film was REALLY from a different era
Chaotically_Random: Its a Kitty!
Aenir798: It's a child. Of Evil
kusinohki: meows
Anaerin: It's the dogeman.
AugmentingPath: Sleepaway Camp is in the Ace Ventura category of "plot-central transphobia"
LadyLockwood92: I think Does the Dog Die has a lot of other content stuff.
L0rdX33n: Ace Ventura holds up until it nose dives at the finale
LordZarano: doesthedogdie has a lot of categories
Bassios: Mr Skitters got free again!
Brozard: dun dun dunnnnn
KBKarma: An evil light!
accountmadeforants: A roaming jumpscare noise
Anaerin: If it's over the top, isn't it a Supertitle?
LadyLockwood92: You will be kill by demons
@Thefluffiestguineapig Ah, but that's the best part! They're strange from the inside, too!
NeoGabi: @AugmentingPath 100%
TheDangerWaffle: indeed
Thefluffiestguineapig: @EvilBadman Ah, I may have forgot to reload the schedule since stupid daylight nonsense time change
Firewhiskers: @AugmentingPath Or Dressed to Kill
lord_forcekin: and yes I come from a noble heritage of forceKins
Bearudite: only have seen Nope, but it slapped
nartin9: do you watch Halloween on Halloween?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Which of the 6 sequels?
EvilBadman: @Thefluffiestguineapig Aye. we don't fall back out here til nov 3
Foxmar320: Short game
Anaerin: Killer Korns from Outer Space?
TehAmelie: you could read Children of the Corn in maybe 20 minutes if you don't want to watch 57 movies
Bruceski: Old comedy is such a minefield. You're watching something with amazing delivery and timing and wit, then walk straight into a rake of racist stuff and get to play "is this a one-off or a dealbreaker."
kumatsu: what was that one game about sentient corn
Carlioo: orphans of the wheat is still a really funny name
AlistorKO: Ah, the North American Roaming Jumpscares. They're vital to the ecosystem and feed of your fears and also ticks
Strebenherz: with the climate, how many just fields of crops in the middle of nowhere does canada have?
Anaerin: @kumatsu Maize.
Firewhiskers: Comedy content ages like fine milk
lord_forcekin: would riders of the corn not fit better?
epsilon_vee: what is shai hulud but in the cornfield
MAPBoardgames: Troublesome post, need to edit
epsilon_vee: *what if
ProcyonFlynn: Ya' know. I could see a game where you have batteries for the flashlight - but it also saves the dead batteries to be used as distractions, throw-able physics triggers, and 'temporary' fuses in puzzle doors. Make the lowely battery more than just flashlight-ammo.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Anaerin That game seemed like it would be a joke and stealth turned out to be really good
sheer_falacy: you need your regular daily dose of poison oak
Invitare: pretty sure that's a raven, not a duck
sethtriggs: ewwwwww
Sheikun07: Ah yes, the proud journalistic tradition of phasing through the brush
Strebenherz: So you're british
Carlioo: "hey I like dolls don't be rude"
satyropodobny: parentless youths in potatoes
Catcard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
garbage day!!!
Thanks for subscribing, Catcard! (Today's storm count: 50)
TheDangerWaffle: THAT'S NOT
GasCityGaming: it's a clear sky, we would NOT need that flashlight outdoors
Foxmar320: Doors locked? Welp time to go home
offbeatwitch: hello pinhead baby
Bassios: Check under the welcome mat
RubikDarkwill: KEY TIME!
Catcard: LMAO
lord_forcekin: tell me your secrets
AlistorKO: Ehehehehe!
KBKarma: @TheDangerWaffle It is now!
sheer_falacy: in this game how often will you need to find a key to get a key to get a key
MAPBoardgames: hehehehe
TheDangerWaffle: LMAO
Tom_Bruise: reporters, ghouls, what's the difference
sethtriggs: Oh that must be a Witch
AugmentingPath: teeheehee
Juliamon: hihihihihi
IanAllenBird: hehehehhee
Firewhiskers: I love her
Foxmar320: Outstanding
offbeatwitch: HEHEHEHEHE
Atarra: teeHEEheeHEE
AugmentingPath: second zombie: less fun
tergonis: sorry i was just thinking of something really funny
sheer_falacy: this guy is from a very different genre than it's been so far
EvilBadman: Did Kathleen read for that cackle?
KBKarma: Oh hey. I don't think he's a friend.
korvys: oh, a texaschainsawsm'n
satyropodobny: that's a tall child
alchemistsavant: Was not expecting Mr. RE4 Chainsaw man
DrLigmaPhD: Lois Lane has canonically won the Pulitzer and sucks at spelling
TheDangerWaffle: @KBKarma NO! lmao. I refuse XD
Chaotically_Random: Rope a dope him?
stippledotter: That's my favorite method of transportation, the ehehe
L0rdX33n: chainsaw friend!
Carlioo: omg it's the nemesis
Anaerin: Throw the doll at him?
Bearudite: Mister Y
Firewhiskers: Just need to find him a nice tree
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is asset from a different genre
BITs19_: currently this is feeling like the haunted corn maze I'm acting in
GDwarble: The most generic Leatherface, the Leatherface we have at home
MAPBoardgames: The groundskeeper is very dedicated to his job.
NeoGabi: He's just out doing some night-time tree maintenance!
maxlethebeast: After someone comes at you with a chainsaw, at what point do you leave?
Anaerin: My name is Leatherface, and I, care what you think...
SpoonfullOfSugar: you have to admit, that was a cute giggle
Sheikun07: See, most people would see a large man with a chainsaw and just decide "yeah, I'm going home."
@TheDangerWaffle Not sure this game or A+G will give you a choice.
richard_ermen: Is this like a child had a fog machine and baby's first horror story?
AugmentingPath: just drive casual, it worked on the cops
MAPBoardgames: If you turn off your headlights, he can't see you?
Strebenherz: I'll bet on stealth
satyropodobny: store brand leatherface
sethtriggs: I think there is no actual cone of vision
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'll take the bet on forced stealth
TheDangerWaffle: @KBKarma well drats. There goes my SPJ membership
wait why does a scarecrow have a me?!?!?!
EvilBadman: to be fair there's way less good looking shots at this genre
Yup, indie horror movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre
vingris_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
Thanks for subscribing, vingris_! (Today's storm count: 51)
sheer_falacy: time to walk slightly less slowly than he does
stippledotter: A chainsaw is the sound of vision
Firewhiskers: @Thefluffiestguineapig I mean, technically yes, it was
Anaerin: He sees you when you're sneaking, he knows when you're online...
sethtriggs: Are the steps Chainsaw man's?
korvys: He's got bad knees
korvys: Can't duck
kusinohki: were they dancing with the devil in the pale moon light??
AugmentingPath: I'm sorry Graham, but "pursued by man" is unremovable core gameplay for any horror game
Bruceski: You can only defeat the chainsaw man by ballin'
TheDangerWaffle: XD
Firewhiskers: Who's seen Tobe Hoopers finest disasterpiece Lifeforce?
KBKarma: Oh, he got in.
satyropodobny: it's a well known scientific fact that leatherfaces can't duck
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Firewhiskers (Yes, when it was first made, but unless this game came out in the 1980's that is no longer the status)
sheer_falacy: if only they hadn't stapled the piece of paper to the bench
alchemistsavant: currently feeling like this is a discount jumpscare warehouse
Sheikun07: Well, that was fast
Strebenherz: BZZ
Chaotically_Random: DEATH POKE
sethtriggs: You Are Dead
baltimore_667083: you are dead
Foxmar320: You Are Dead
maxlethebeast: Not even a jumpscare.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @AugmentingPath Right because innovation is not necessary
Bassios: Oh no, your hitboxes intersected
sheer_falacy: oh that's a friendly autosave
Carlioo: you are dead, dead dead
Thefluffiestguineapig: Singular poke to death
krfsm: wonder if that melody was the leitmotif from Suspiria?
BusTed: were you way too young for it like me
GreatWahooney: a propos of nothing, when I first read the Hobbit I didn't realise how big a deal it was culturally, so I took names from it and used them for NPCs in an very bad RPG I ran for some classmates, and was taken aback when they groaned at said names
satyropodobny: is Evil a single parent
Laserbeaks_Fury: Berries and Creme
AugmentingPath: @Thefluffiestguineapig Of course you can innovate! But you mayn't remove the chasing man.
sethtriggs: Spoopy symbol!
I think we could substitute the man part. Escape this room while a grizzly chases you. That is to say: Exit, pursued by a bear
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup
Bearudite: I wonder if you are fast enough you can make it into the giggle ghoul's door?
CodeIndigo: Horror games: dude, dash, dark, distressing, dchainsaw, dead
AlistorKO: Texas Hardware Store Massacre didn't have as good a flow to it
Mangledpixel: yep. one moment that's a person, the next moment it isn't.
TehAmelie: i like Resolution, where the chasing man turns out to be the audience
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's very understated which is part of the horror
SquareDotCube: not Evil Dead 2 levels of gore
GasCityGaming: one that's stayed with me is in house of wax when they try to take the wax off of someone and it goes... poorly
A_Dub888: hi friends, what level of garbage are we?
Nigouki: non-CG ragdoll physics actually pretty disturbing
KBKarma: @A_Dub888 Poorly-expressed mental health issues!
sheer_falacy: we're at the generic horror level of garbage
JaymicUnyielding: Dead by Daylight coded
ggodopaste subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
ggodopaste: Woo 59 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ggodopaste! (Today's storm count: 52)
A_Dub888: !card meathook mass
LRRbot: Did you mean: Meathook Massacre II; The Meathook Massacre; A-The Meathook Massacre
alchemistsavant: man dead alive is so good
TurnedToFrog subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, TurnedToFrog! (Today's storm count: 53)
MAPBoardgames: DbD took the meathook from TCM
DandyGeek: oh it’s pretty bad, Graham
kumatsu: what if the key is inside the doll we picked up
Firewhiskers: Ah yes, little Peter Jackson's most faous film Dead ALive
stippledotter: I was just talking about Junji Ito's Dissolving Classroom. This conversation is...relevant
L0rdX33n: Peter Jackson is great
A_Dub888: !card meathook massacre
LRRbot: Did you mean: Meathook Massacre II; The Meathook Massacre; A-The Meathook Massacre
TehAmelie: i was recently pretty uncomfortable watching the rugby match scene in Monty Python's Meaning of Life, speaking of ragdolls
DandyGeek: I love Dead Alive but it is a lotta gore
Thefluffiestguineapig: WE all wanted to work on a cool thing
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's rad
nartin9: my mom said I am wild
CodeIndigo: cate Blanchette is a real one
sheer_falacy: hey, someone's in here!
TehAmelie: that's why she's the lady Galadrial
Sorator13: She also wanted the pointy ears, as I recall
Bearudite: mmmm shitter gumbo
Atarra: very spooki game
Thefluffiestguineapig: He's having a very bad day to be that bent over the toilet
MAPBoardgames: Tape snacks!
CodeIndigo: seven. days.
Bassios: Ooh, a bowl of texture
KBKarma: Worst poutine?
Foxmar320: Mmmm tasty
Sorator13: I don't think that's a *plate*
Sorator13: more of a bowl
satyropodobny: seven days chilli
nartin9: how much is this game?
TehAmelie: when your food fuses into an imperishable mountain merged with the bowl
AugmentingPath: dirty plate is a dish best served alive
alchemistsavant: "I paid 10 dollars for that asset, better get as much use out of it as I can!"
Firewhiskers: Is that part of the VCR asset?
sheer_falacy: this is a VCR tutorial for the young'uns
Mangledpixel: who turns their VCR off?
IanAllenBird: are they going to make you program the clock too
krfsm: they marketed either Bad Taste or Dead Alive as by "the Director of the Lord of the Rings"
Nigouki: now adjust the tracking
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because Gameplay
GDwarble: Now to learn how to program your VCR!
stippledotter: This is the real horror of the game
sheer_falacy: and at the end you have to be kind and rewind or you'll get the bad end
TehAmelie: well, at least it looks like a real house
kusinohki: how are kids today supposed to know how to turn on a vcr??
BITs19_: this looks like someones urban-ex footage
GDwarble: Now they're trying to do an RE7
Bearudite: high rez vid with bad film grain
CodeIndigo: and now chainsaw scare!
Firewhiskers: Well at least they got the VCR aspect ratio correct
Bearudite: on a crt
krfsm: (and of course he's also Academy Award nominee Peter Jackson)
Laserbeaks_Fury: The far future year of XX01
Nigouki: why are there film effects over the tape? someone went through the trouble of telecine for this?
AlistorKO: ah, the solution a puzzle a room over
KBKarma: That was a very understated jump scare.
Aenir798: It might be half a password
betweenmyself: a great game developer would force you to adjust the tracking for tape
nartin9: @satyropodobny my friend made a food that needed to stay in the fridge for a couple days to develop flavor. he left it on the counter top for a week
Anaerin: Why does this Videotape, recorded on a VTR, have film distortion and frame vignetting?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Maybe second half of password?
Sorator13: do you need to take the dead batteries out first?
AugmentingPath: Nah, XX01 is Shinji's CoD username
Sorator13: ah, no, there you go
CodeIndigo: I was expecting the guy to be right behind you after the tape ended
sheer_falacy: X is going to be delete probably?
Chaotically_Random: I am not sure I want the apples found in a place with roaches
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Anaerin I would bet the developer is young enough to never have experienced a real VHS player
sheer_falacy: just 100 possibilities!
Aelfgernon: why are we picking up so many apples? is there an evil doctor we are trying to ward off?
AlistorKO: Wow, I was only sort of joking about the solution being a room away from the puzzl
MAPBoardgames: 6901
KV1NN4: @nartin9 did ur it..?
If we want a power source that's so good it's illegal, we need one that's branded after a middle eastern ruler. A Sultan Battery.
KeytarCat: The fade in of the light is a lot
nartin9: @KV1NN4 I drove him to the hospital
I think it was * not x on the pad
kusinohki: 0001??
Atarra: this lighting is horrendous
KV1NN4: @nartin9 D8
Chaotically_Random: yeah, the lighting in this game is BAD....
AugmentingPath: @ryuhimora ryuhimora it's jammed in ULTRA mode, that's why it runs through batteries so fast
TehAmelie: don't know why i'd be surprised there are puzzles
Atarra: WAY TOO BRIGHT surrounded by ABSOLUTE DARK
EOstby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months, currently on a 69 month streak!
EOstby: I am here to Watch and/or Play. Mostly Watch, though.
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EvilBadman: Ah, that's a faulty O Ring
Foxmar320: Dude had some Taco Bell and it didn't agree with him
Laserbeaks_Fury: Thats a Stephen King story for sure
KBKarma: Oh, like that episode of X-Files.
Firewhiskers: Blood pudding for dinner
Mangledpixel: whole body prolapse
CodeIndigo: blew out their ass
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Foxmar320 Does Taco bell agree with anyone?
sheer_falacy: can probably turn off the flashlight while you're in the illuminated room, if it's worth caring at all
alchemistsavant: My other thought was maybe the clock?
MAPBoardgames: It's very spooky how the flashlight washes out all color.
Foxmar320: @Thefluffiestguineapig Only my mom
Mangledpixel: which is probably the grossest thing I've ever typed
satyropodobny: @nartin9 what was the food originally before it became fuzzy and or alive
GlennSeto: I just got here and that flashlight seems wrong.
Aenir798: Decorative door
an_archist2: real fake doors
Gizmoloid: did they use Toothy Smiles toothpaste?
Firewhiskers: Can you replace the flashlight texture with the Thundercats logo?
Chaotically_Random: Clumpy McLoudboots
offbeatwitch: You are dead
baltimore_667083: you are dead
KV1NN4: @nartin9 how much ofit did he eat..?
sheer_falacy: if you have limited flashlight battery then that guy should get limited chainsaw gasoline
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Foxmar320 Your mom has a stomach with the durability of a Nokia phone
Izandai: I'm sorry this game's name is Mental Hospital Child of Evil?
sheer_falacy: imagine the horror villain running out and just... going home
ButterBall000: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 26:32.
Anaerin: @Izandai correct.
nartin9: @KV1NN4 I huge spoon full
Mangledpixel: is it earlier on the tape?
alchemistsavant: @Firewhiskers That reminds me of primitive Doom 3 mods, I vividly recall a hello kitty flashlight.
GlennSeto: @sheer_falacy Joke's on us, it's an electric chainsaw.
KBKarma: Hey, makes sense.
Izandai: @Anaerin Jesus crimminy.
nartin9: @nartin9 1
kusinohki: did we get a chance to read the note outside??
sheer_falacy: @GlennSeto Ah, so he uses the same resources you do!
MAPBoardgames: Bekind, rewind!
KeytarCat: There's a baking sheet on the stove?
ButterBall000: Wait, are you seeing through the TV or is that a reflection?
Anaerin: @Izandai Nah, that's the sequel.
sheer_falacy: a lot of effort by someone who then put it in the asset store, presumably
GlennSeto: @sheer_falacy and does it better!
MAPBoardgames: It was the year XX01
Firewhiskers: Alas the password is not 0451
alchemistsavant: Does the tape itself have any numbers on it?
Marvoleath: The true horror - using the WHS
Marvoleath: VHS*
MAPBoardgames: Maybe on the back of the bathroom door?
nartin9: try 69
kumatsu: also a miss that it isn't in the oven
TehAmelie: and the film effects, i'm guessing because they don't know what kind of video istortion actually happens on VHS tape
IanAllenBird: maybe they want you to brute force all 100 options
KBKarma: Could it have been on the VHS tape?
SquareDotCube: Is it just me or is the game getting more and more...contrasted?
111 raiders from SergeYager have joined!
kaynSD: So where does one buy one of these flashlights they have in all these Unity horror games. The ones with a perfect hard shadow bullseye and powered at about ten million lumens?
TehAmelie: distortion even
Foxmar320: Hello raiders
SergeYager: why hello there
KBKarma: It's Yerge Sager!
ButterBall000: It's wild to me to see VHS tapes outlast CDs
sheer_falacy: welcome raiders to mental health!
Marvoleath: Is the contrast that bad for ppl at the studio, when the torch is on?
baltimore_667083: greetings brew crew!
AlistorKO: Sooper spoopy
CodeIndigo: I keep all my passcodes underneath my filthy dishes
measureofhope: toilet viscera?
Firewhiskers: We are experiencing fear and/or Bij
Thefluffiestguineapig: Rapidly escalation from gentle
Catcard: I'm glad for the half hour late start, I forgot it was today and arrived 10 minutes late even so
AlistorKO: chilling mild anxiety
DrLigmaPhD: I'm experiencing existential dread but for non-game reasons
Astra7525: Experiencing tedium?
GlennSeto: I may have ruined a VCR at a time when I was very young and those things still expensive.... but I learned how to program one!
ArtemisHuntress: skibidy toilet hospital
kaynSD: I assume the contrast is horrifyingly bad even on their computers
SquareDotCube: might be on that note
Bearudite: what about the note
Atarra: entirely respectful to mental health, obviously
LadyLockwood92: Graham is only experiencing fear vicariously.
KeytarCat: Woulda been really funny if the door were unlocked
KidAmn: it's no Theme Hospital, I tell you hwat
kristian_fischer: Have we found the wheelchair yet?
kristian_fischer: Evening all.
TehAmelie: i'm experiencing some amount of existential dread at the thought someone made something this profoundly derivative
sheer_falacy: is the child the crawling laughing witch, or the dancer
Carlioo: it means she needs to come to LA, the lakers need her
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I used the "who's this we kimosabe" at work when someone was referencing needing to wrestle a particularly intransigent dog
itmightbemikey: Speed Racer dialog
GlennSeto: Maybe that just means the person writing shouldn't be around kids?
TheShokara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheShokara! (Today's storm count: 55)
Catcard: I do that too!!
ghyllnox: It's more that when I'm writing I don't need to stop for breath
Thefluffiestguineapig: That sounds amazing
KeytarCat: Mental hospital to the tune of Tom Cardy's Human Centipede
zerragonoss: Have we checked the celling?
sheer_falacy: did the murdersman despawn?
NightValien28: oh heck yeah watch and play, what up everyone
stippledotter: You really gotta let put that breath you didn't know you were holding
Brozard: That's so endearing
kristian_fischer: I do the faces and speak the dialogue out loud
KBKarma: @KeytarCat Oh lord, that song.
Catcard: hi @NightValien28 !!
stippledotter: *out
Anaerin: Dear John, I'm writing this slowly, because I know you can't read fast...
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup!
Thisbymaster: lol, being able to read her emotions
NightValien28: hello hello Catcard good to see ya
AlistorKO: His chainsaw needed more gas
Nigouki: went to refuel the chainsaw but then saw the gas prices
Thefluffiestguineapig: On Bambi apparently they had an entire managerie they brought into the studio
Bearudite: 09
sheer_falacy: look at the description
tidehollowcat: That one (and a half) line Kathleen posted was really good
BusTed: aha
TehAmelie: "who's 'we', Kemosabe?" is so last year. the new hotness is "this is in no way a 'we' situation!"
Sheikun07: So it's over 9000
margieargie: Over 9000?!
Hangedman subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Hangedman! (Today's storm count: 56)
kumatsu: it's LOOG backwards
an_archist2: the far future year of 9001
Anaerin: The description also said "09"
Strebenherz: 9001
Laserbeaks_Fury: Technically over 9000
Atarra: "can't see shit sir" is also a classic
Aenir798: It's over nine thousand!?
excessible: ISO standards!
wait.... it's over nine thousand
Mattmitchell45: Goldeneye Door!
KBKarma: Shibari gone wrong.
sheer_falacy: you got a key to get a key
Brozard: advanced physics simulation
baltimore_667083: this is some way to go fishing isn't it
Anaerin: What was the safeword again?
DrLigmaPhD: Rus Tiki
kumatsu: Rusty Key is my favorite Fallout npc
Kasran: please. Mr. Key was my father. call me Rusty
247Gremlin: Please, Rusty Key was my father. Call me Ru Key
Kasran subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Kasran! (Today's storm count: 57)
MAPBoardgames: my cat had typed 90 and I had backed it out
wench_tacular: and the crowd went wild!
TheWriterAleph: i'm gonna take. i'm gonna take my rusty keeeeey
Bearudite: Russel?
MungoDude: Russell
SquareDotCube: Russell
Brozard: How far is that from Key West?
dzee_szed: My favorite rapper, Russ D. Kee
measureofhope: Russel
asthanius: Rustholomew
baltimore_667083: i'm gonna break my rusty keysssss...and ruuuuuun
Strebenherz: Rustoph?
AFamiliarCalledEl: Rusterson, I'm sure
sheer_falacy: Rusticating
DrLigmaPhD: Rustald
NeoGabi: Russel I think, yeah.
jordorowsky: Thadeus
Thefluffiestguineapig: Rusathon
Bearudite: Rustifer
LadyLockwood92: Rus T Key
Marvoleath: Rusticky
MAPBoardgames: Rustimothy
Anaerin: Rustoleum.
L0rdX33n: Thadeus
Thisbymaster: We called our mechanic rusty
raulghoulia: Thadeus is correct
stippledotter: Mmm, Rustopher
KV1NN4: i assumed it was a nickname for redheads
baltimore_667083: finally we can get that financial compensation!
Gekyouryuu: Was it not just a reference to a hair color?
Bassios: Someone shrinkwrapped that corpse's face
Nigouki: Is that Adrian Sheppard?
LilyOfTheVeil666: Rusty Key isn't a half bad drag name
NeoGabi: Rustencrantz
Brozard: @KV1NN4 I was literally typing that
KBKarma: Yer man seems a bit dehydrated.
Strebenherz: DAMPS IT
tidehollowcat: is that guy okay?
kristian_fischer: Rustolomew, from Rust County in Old Country!
A_Dub888: his dampit
KBKarma: Don't you floss me!
TehAmelie: Rustarnaby
jordorowsky: Thadeus "Rusty" Venture
Gizmoloid: Rustputin
margieargie: At least they didn't say "dampen" it...
sheer_falacy: you know, I think there may be a reason cops were stopping people from going here
SquareDotCube: Damp it, the rejected Bop It move
AugmentingPath: I have great news: this protag is unlikely to get mesothelioma, which takes year to develop. I may also have some related bad news
CastleOtranto: Don't damp it. Clip it!
KBKarma: FROTH me. Don't you FROTH me!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why did that message get printed
sheer_falacy: or possibly FEAR
AlistorKO: I looked up the Venture Brothers wiki. Dr Thaddeus "Rusty" Venture XD
A_Dub888: God Dampit
kristian_fischer: Or Outlast
Gekyouryuu: @jordorowsky i thought that was just because of his rust colored hair
Thefluffiestguineapig: The word "hospital" is losing all meaning
phoenixletmeuseadashd: Everything is Fine
warpstonewarlock: Everything is fine!
Featherweight_: good thing you were taking notes during your op
Atarra: only a precaution
Good to see you guys.
sethtriggs: This is great
jordorowsky: @gekyouryuu it's both
Anaerin: Prepare, that's all they're saying, just prepare...
nartin9: Is this game worth buying? looks like a high quality game
TehAmelie: it's like the writer has "heard" of Kafka
Gizmoloid: Who WRITES their after action report DURING mission?
baltimore_667083: that looked like Ulysses S Grant
warpstonewarlock: Lars Gerhard was never here
247Gremlin: Well, see, those are pre-caution. The caution comes later.
nostra83 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
Thanks for subscribing, nostra83! (Today's storm count: 58)
Bassios: George A. Medicine and his peer, Frank M. Bacteria
ProcyonFlynn: Found an ol'reddit thread with people arguing if Rusty is from hair-color or for "Russel"
Aelfgernon: the Shiva of medicine
sethtriggs: Well at least the backgrounds/setpieces do lookvery institution-like, so I will give the devs that too
A_Dub888: the medicine will continue until morale improves
Bearudite: the yang and slightly less yang balance
KeytarCat: But is that WRONG?
kristian_fischer: Looking for the Anti Life Equation
247Gremlin: No those are Adidas
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ani-medicine aka weapons
GlennSeto: And a really rad gun in Doom.
sethtriggs: Mousie!
kristian_fischer: THe wheelchair!
sheer_falacy: will they move or is that beyond this game's technology
Kaorti: anti-medicine (it's just a knife)
phoenixletmeuseadashd: room full of horrors, not going in there
MAPBoardgames: Good question, next question
KBKarma: Jump scares. Obv.
TehAmelie: "room full of nightmares. yeah, not doing that"
Juliamon: Why mannequins, and why do they seem to have nipples
0x6772: "Show us on the mannequin where the bad man touched you."
QuixoticScrivener: roleplay therapy?
sethtriggs: This hospital has a sick gym
AugmentingPath: These are actually unrelated Autons
raulghoulia: They also played SIlent Hill 2
ArtemisHuntress: oh no tourists
AlistorKO: Rusty got a real good deal at garage sale
GlennSeto: For "dress up Wednesdays", obviously.
Catcard: agree
Thefluffiestguineapig: YUP
SK__Ren: oh yeaaaah
Marvoleath: Maniac-kins?
Ristow: this hospital was built on a mannequin burial ground
Foxmar320: Fallout also loves maniquins
GasCityGaming: that TERRIFIED me!
MAPBoardgames: Why is there a highschool gym in a mental hospital?
AFamiliarCalledEl: @GlennSeto Are all the mannequins named Wednesday, then?
Anaerin: So they can prompt you to "Show them on the anatomically correct mannequin where the bad person touched you"
ghyllnox: Is this a hospital for people who are already mental or is this a place for making people mental
Thefluffiestguineapig: It terrified me
alchemistsavant: The intro of RE7. So many manikins.
Aelfgernon: there was a pilot program for letting the inmates put on fashion shows
tabbyphobos: For the fashion enrichment program
SkylerRingtail: Bioshock 1 and Spec Ops: The Line are my two most memorable mannequin moments
Catcard: I hated that, and I wasn't even playing - I was watching someone play, so I could be braver
GasCityGaming: then the lights blink off, come on, and they're surrounding you
Gizmoloid: Condemned store was awesome!
Gekyouryuu: So you're saying you "hated" the first episode of the 9th doctor?
Thefluffiestguineapig: It was rad
GasCityGaming: it really did
ButterBall000: Extending dread as opposed to jumpscare
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nope, FBI agent
SquareDotCube: Femaie mannequins annoy me in video games because it's just so often a flimsy excuse to show a female nude body
KBKarma: The two are quite similar.
GlennSeto: @afamiliarcalledel Yeah, it makes it less scary when they start dancing.
Thefluffiestguineapig: But you're just a normal looking dude
MAPBoardgames: That game had some nifty detective mechanics
measureofhope: How is it that manikins can freak you out with the uncanny valley in a video game where everything is already fake images of humans?
DrLigmaPhD: I love the idea of an IRL reaction to a supernatural threat being "Ugh, fuck!"
kristian_fischer: Condemned gave us a good couple of LPs
Foxmar320: Alone in the Fark
Juliamon: House of the Dead?
and the you have the movie “Mannequin 2: On the Move”… Equal parts scared and aroused
Foxmar320: Dark
arcaneIllumination: Alone in the dark?
GreatWahooney: why do we even need mannequins in general, I very much dislike being around them in stores
GDwarble: Alone in the Dark
Metric_Furlong: Alone in the Dark (the remake)
TehAmelie: Disco Elysium makes it clear, you can't be both a cop and a hobo
QuixoticScrivener: @Gekyouryuu Autons aren't scary, Weeping Angels are.
Juliamon: Alone in the Dark yeah
kristian_fischer: Alone in the Dark, the remake
ValTheDrake: the bad Alone in the Dark
raulghoulia: Step on the gas is PaRappa thr Rapper
GasCityGaming: noep, it's Alone in the Fark now
Gizmoloid: in terms of story Condemned was kinda trash
Metric_Furlong: it had one command bound to print screen
sethtriggs: That is a surprisingly clean bathroom
Foxmar320: It was the Alone in the Dark reboot with all the fire. So anything but Dark
Drasvin: lrrGarbo
GlennSeto: @tehamelie But it felt the need to clarify!
sethtriggs: Also I hate this flashlight
Chaotically_Random: Just for once I want to walk up to a video game toilet and have it have a Lone Turd in it
Thefluffiestguineapig: The true horror is the eugh de toilette
SquareDotCube: Mannequins are meant for displaying clothes, they don't have to be that anatomically accurate
Amentur: Wega Board
sheer_falacy: CODBLOPS
NightValien28: luigi board!!
Marvoleath: Imagine just someone saying "occupied" as you try to open the stall
phoenixletmeuseadashd: This game isn't clever enough for it, but it would be great if the stuff in the air was mannequin bits. Inhaling that is Perfectly Safe No Side Effects
Laserbeaks_Fury: CODBLOPS 2 confirmed
Thefluffiestguineapig: Call of Duty 2?
josh___something: How "usable" do you want a video game toilet?
AlistorKO: I... C... U... P?
baltimore_667083: Weggy Board!
Sheikun07: All the effort on making the VHS player accurate, but you can't flush the toilet?!
stippledotter: If you have the functional VCR and batteries, why not functional bladder?
Invitare: Call of Duty?
Atarra: H.... O... T.... T....
Strebenherz: PFT
GlennSeto: "It's ur board?" ... is Alex being possessed by Ian?
QuixoticScrivener: Legally distinct seance board.
baltimore_667083: waluigi board
247Gremlin: CoD 2, 6/10 IGN
KBKarma: Dang, I was about to make that joke.
LadyLockwood92: Your pizza rolls are done
Bearudite: parker bros
Marvoleath: cod26get
musclewizzard123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
Thanks for subscribing, musclewizzard123! (Today's storm count: 59)
DrLigmaPhD: Hasbro
JaymicUnyielding: They wanna play CoD 2 at 6
TehAmelie: insert two Dark Souls
Thefluffiestguineapig: "Your 10 minute shower has finished" is all that makes me think of
CaptainSpam: Welp, guess we need to pick up 26 cod. Better head out to the lake.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup, in the 1980's
sethtriggs: That's hilarioous
betweenmyself: Ouija Board batteries ran out… You’ve been picking those up haven’t you?
sheer_falacy: D&D was made up within people's lifetimes and yet, satan
Mushbie: @Atarra ...O...G...O....
CaptainSpam: Well, to be fair, the 1980s did give us a lot of terrifying things.
GlennSeto: Is there like a hilarious patent application?
SquareDotCube: It showed up AFTER the Victorian era, despite so many using it in a Victorian setting
Laserbeaks_Fury: Squeegee Board
ProcyonFlynn: I have family that gets upset about modern tarot cards.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: didnt it gain that infamy because of a movie
sethtriggs: Well any old crank can have a microphone after all
KBKarma: Kinda dorkey.
TheAwkes: These exposure curves are... not nice to look at.
DrLigmaPhD: Talk to ghosts by getting extremely high and screaming into the void like a real wizard
MAPBoardgames: Some kind of dorky picture?
sethtriggs: Drawing is...okay, kinda cute
sheer_falacy: I think I see how the gameplay goes here
Foxmar320: Thats cursed
Gizmoloid: that talk of mannequins reminded me of the ones I saw in a store recently - they were pretty standard very thin torsos, but the legs were super long and curved like tentacles
Laserbeaks_Fury: Alyssa and Lisa?
duckace11: my favorite thing thing about Ouija boads is that the age rating to play/use is lower then MTG
Chaotically_Random: Light off?
Marvoleath: 5???
AlistorKO: Ope, he found gas for his chainsaw
Atarra: Alex just shoving his way past the dangling corpses like they're not even there is killing me lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: The maniquin hanging from the ceiling is swaying from the force of his clomping
KBKarma: @DrLigmaPhD Sounds like a plot in Monster Prom.
sethtriggs: Imagine if he had taps on his shoes
Carlioo: vaguely threatening chainsaw noises
Sheikun07: The best thing about Ouija Boards is seeing them show up in media that takes place before the 80s.
lightfut: big Zalto's got tromple serclompy
TheMerricat: Not to be contrary but the Ouija board actually dates back to the 1800's. From the Library of Congress's website: "Ouija is a talking board first manufactured in the United States in 1890. A talking board is a board printed with letters and numbers that uses a sliding pointer to spell out messages in a mysterious way. The board that became Ouija was born in 1886 in Chestertown, Maryland and named in 1890 in Baltimore where it was first manufactured."
itmightbemikey: the name Ouija Hasbro invented, but the boards themselves ("talking boards") date back to the 1890s
sethtriggs: Ohhh
Chaotically_Random: Yeah, Ouija boards date back pretty far,
DrLigmaPhD: @KBKarma Has LRR done a Monster Prom stream?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @itmightbemikey Yeah, spirit boards as a concept go back to the spiritualist movement if memory serves
CastleOtranto: This place has been hit by reavers.
Bearudite: oh no someone locked the storage door behind us
Anaerin: James Q Nasium.
sethtriggs: Ghost orbs havin' a party!
itmightbemikey: I mean, they are still fake bunk, but they are *Victorian* fake bunk
alchemistsavant: So it's more of them misnaming what they're using in those old fashioned movies? interesting
AlistorKO: It's real dusty goddang.
lightfut: Is that the ghost of Paul?
KBKarma: @DrLigmaPhD Yeah, Kathleen did one, and then said she didn't want to do more so people could experience it for themselves.
GlennSeto: So Hasbro took a vaguely voodoo sounding word to make it sound exotic?
sethtriggs: EMERGENCY! in a typed letter?!
Invitare: just hire a witch like a normal person
Thefluffiestguineapig: But they weren't a codified thing, it was homemade and often differed significantly between people
AlistorKO: Spoopy clipping crate!
baltimore_667083: speedrun planning i guess
sheer_falacy: everyone stay in your room unless something weird happens, in which case leave your room and have a chat with us
Bearudite: load bearing crate
QuixoticScrivener: Hasbro actually has the copyright now. Still a Seance Board in Duskmourne.
Akaiatana: Time to crate needed a half-A press.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Candles on top of a very old radio??????
AugmentingPath: CRT tv illuminated with candles, two technologies from the same era
AlistorKO: Those are some good candles to stay lit for so long
sheer_falacy: so far none of the letters have been useful, all the secrets are in VHS and dolls and stuff
but *can* you get pregonate from a Luigi board?
LadyLockwood92: I mean...that crate is immovable, they had to build around it.
alchemistsavant: That song bangs though.
stippledotter: Ouija was chosen, iirc, because it's two non-English words that mean "yes"
IanAllenBird: what
Sheikun07: wait it's WHAT
SkylerRingtail: Wait what
baltimore_667083: huh?
sethtriggs: huh
Metric_Furlong: sorry?
ArtemisHuntress: huh?
kusinohki: random thought - ouija board but the letters are in a qwerty keyboard layout...
Brozard: Hdwa
Catcard: it totally is 😭
asthanius: "good goddamn your uncle sam is a motherfucker"
josh___something: I know of the song, but that's the context?!
sheer_falacy: mental hospital has a school?
TheWriterAleph: pop
sethtriggs: Someone had Taco Bell!
Thefluffiestguineapig: She lit a flare
stippledotter: Oh that's new
kaynSD: okay that was kinda good
KeytarCat: Telekinesthetics
Bassios: I'm not sure "Ooh, neat" is the response the dev was going for, but fuck it, that's what they're getting
sethtriggs: I would run away!
sheer_falacy: did you write this?
SidewinderSky subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SidewinderSky! (Today's storm count: 60)
AlistorKO: "I wonder if it's this evil child I keep seeing."
TehAmelie: maybe this will turn into Spooky's House of Jumpscares
korvys: Also about Canadian-US relations, weirdly
TheMerricat: The popular belief that the word Ouija comes from the French (oui) and German (ja) words for yes is a misconception. In fact, the name was given from a word spelled out on the board when medium Helen Peters Nosworthy asked the board to name itself. When asked what the word meant, it responded "Good Luck."
sheer_falacy: oh wow it actually tracks that you used the weegee board
Thefluffiestguineapig: And they don't make sense to write out
GlennSeto: Nah, just sense if place.
GlennSeto: *of
northos: teehee
AlistorKO: tehehe!
TehAmelie: "the castle of Aaaaaaaargh"
stippledotter: @themerricat oh, neat! That's better!
tidehollowcat: hehehehehe
Thefluffiestguineapig: @loufghyslaufey You're totally right!
TheWriterAleph: can i make my own ouija? or should i buy one from a witch or vegan?
Chaotically_Random: I couldn't even get like 20 minutes into the game, it was BAD... Was disapointed
Bearudite: siiigh
Bearudite: so true
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheWriterAleph Depends, if you have cats than making your own is always going to end up weird
247Gremlin: Oopsie I a crime
TheMerricat: Night City isn't a place for happy endings.
Akaiatana: Fallout 4's in-world writing strictly better, which is a low bar.
CaptainSpam: "Man, I do so like doing crimes! Sure glad my comeuppance won't come up in the near future!"
AlistorKO: "Dear crime diary, today is going great..."
notthepenguins: audio logs work well when it's actually something someone might write down and you're having to piece things together
kusinohki: weird thought - crokinole board the doubles as a ouija board...
richard_ermen: @Akaiatana Interesting. I disagree strongly.
Chaotically_Random: Clumply McLoadboots
OmnipotentTrevor: Cyberpunk got better though, didn't it?
Sheikun07: I enjoyed CP2077
Thefluffiestguineapig: @notthepenguins Right, autopsy notes or things like that make sense, or the actual voice mails
Strebenherz: Legit
Diabore: i unistalled league the second the added vanguard to it, even though i love TFT
lonlycracker: so Cyberpunk not worth playing?
Sheikun07: But only after Phantom Liberty was released
Juliamon: Cyberpunk got better, in that it's "playable" now
accountmadeforants: Just put one note in there that's "Oh dang, I think this job is on the up-and-up after all, maybe I should leave"
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: whenever I go back to League I just play ARAM anymore, the lowest stakes of any gamemode
Juliamon: not that it's "worth playing"
TehAmelie: my cousin who is completely videogame illiterate loves Arcane. the show has liberated itself from the game
richard_ermen: Graham is correct in that those radial quests are bad storytelling, but the intent is what is correct. They're very much showcasing how effed up the world is
accountmadeforants: *I don't t hink
sheer_falacy: and now for our game's new and innovative villain, Icosahedron Head
AlistorKO: I actually have enjoyed my time in CP77. I wanna get back to it but I'm afraid to update it and break my mods
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon That fact that's our bar depresses me
Khalahd: Cyberpunk in 2.0 is incredible now, and Phantom Liberty was great
DrLigmaPhD: Arcane was made for the bisexual community.
SquareDotCube: A thing on his head? What is he trying to do, compete with Paul?
richard_ermen: I enjoyed Cyberpunk. Phantom Liberty is great.
notthepenguins: the one I always think of is Horizon: Zero Dawn's audio logs in the uh, big base thing, where what you're listening to is the people chatting to each other about their lives and the way the ongoing apocalypse is affecting peoples' lives
Aenir798: 5263???
Amentur: 2077 did get better and the story for Phantom Liberty was a wonderful wild ride
TheMerricat: Cyberpunk's _story missions_ rock. But Graham is correct that most of the 'open world' missions are essentially set pieces where you kill a bunch of people and then find a data log about them talking about doing the shit you just killed them for.
sheer_falacy: if you look at your inventory it tells you what the squeejee board hint was
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did he just float?
stippledotter: Ope, the clompening
lightfut: Can't he see you're busy?!
Chaotically_Random: Its an elevator, he's just gonna wait a floor up
Marvoleath: goodbye
notthepenguins: the actual last fight that led to everyone dying is basically not mentioned at all iirc
Thefluffiestguineapig: The model absolutely was not walking
MTGRanger: @stippledotter beware the Clomper
sheer_falacy: go brute force!
accountmadeforants: @Juliamon Yeah, it got recommended a bunch as "significantly improved", and I noticed a bunch of my friends on Steam already owned it (even though I never heard them talk about it really), so I finally gave it a go a few weeks ago... it's still very, very boring.
Akaiatana: Vertical Lies.
TehAmelie: damn, for a minute i thought the game was over
Thefluffiestguineapig: Makes me mad
tidehollowcat: just like those mobile games
GlennSeto: Random: Is there going to be a Play It Forward of the Fantasy Persona thingy?
richard_ermen: Fascinating. I often felt Cyberpunk is very much Deus Ex in its approach and I resolved many missions differently.
Aenir798: Why are unused batteries lying around all over the place?
AlistorKO: Darn, the biosculpted exotics mod didn't see much updating
korvys: Just go play Deus Ex
Marvoleath: Cp77 is a good story game, not a great RPG nor what they said it would be
richard_ermen: But different approaches, different feelings?
Bearudite: basically 80% of the story is solved with violent murder
sheer_falacy: Metaphor: ReFantazio
247Gremlin: I was so disappointed that you couldn't climb with mantis arms
TheMerricat: @richard_ermen Same here.
Master_Gunner: Instead of a wide but shallow open world, give me a game that's just 10 missions like that vertical slice strung together.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Those are words
Wicker_Guide: Snarbleplatt McCheeseAndStuff, yeah
sheer_falacy: One of them is a word, at least
accountmadeforants: Yeah, that sounds like a Kathleen game
@Thefluffiestguineapig I mean...only one of them is
richard_ermen: Oh, right, Graham, if there is ever a Deus Ex 3-3, will you Play It Forward?
TehAmelie: they can be words even if you make them up yourself
an_archist2: kathleen made a checkpoint bit about doing a PiF for it
stippledotter: That was a lot of sounds
GlennSeto: Oh that's why my brain has refused to absorb that title so far.
offbeatwitch: that game looks visually sick, ive heard the writing is uhhh. not looking great though
Juliamon: I imagine most PiFs aren't decided ahead of time, and it's more "who has time and wants to play a game"
RatherLargeToad: Have to get through another three months of Sabac first, though
sheer_falacy: Coroners Hate This
Thefluffiestguineapig: @northos I didn't specify real words
offbeatwitch: oh not not the evil goo
Bearudite: amnesia too
Rhynerd: hello, G+A+chat!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah this girl is giving off big Alyssa vibes
sheer_falacy: why is the floor goo
richard_ermen: Are we sure they didn't just watch the movie of Silent Hill?
TehAmelie: weren't we escaping now?
AugmentingPath: It's the mold, from RE7 and JK Rowling's house
KBKarma: Why's there the sound of someone swallowing?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Scary Game
Anaerin: Siren't Hill
AlistorKO: lol
0x6772: Let's get some fog and a lost spouse in the mix!
MAPBoardgames: The ghost pipes are backed up. I recommend calling Luigi.
Rhynerd: how’s the garbage been tonight?
SquareDotCube: @Master_Gunner I'd love an Elder Scrolls game that's kept to one actual-sized city, instead of a town that's masquerading as a city.
GlennSeto: Feet pixelated in all issues of Coroner's Monthly since 2016.
offbeatwitch: it's whopper wednesday dude
stippledotter: I'm goo, da-ba-dee da-boo-dahh
Thefluffiestguineapig: If done out of love it would be great
DrLigmaPhD: Cabin in the Woods game?
Aelfgernon: polygon head
sheer_falacy: I appreciate how slow all the enemies are in this game
SquareDotCube: Parody horror game where the monster is Paul?
TheWriterAleph: Halo Face
notthepenguins: some sort of... "Scary Game"?
Featherweight_: its pointy face run!
Desruprot: it is Silent Outlast
Akaiatana: Oxenfree + Alan Wake: You have to shine your radio on the shadows.
TehAmelie: Wheel Head! totally original OC
QuixoticScrivener: @SquareDotCube Hello!
betweenmyself: nice schlorping sounds
0x6772: Please, polyHEDRON head.
GlennSeto: @squaredotcube Hello!
MungoDude: polygondwanalandhead
Anaerin: I wonder if you can get him to meet legally distinct leatherface...
Juliamon: Resident Hillast
DrLigmaPhD: Duodeca-dome
Chesul: Nah, it's Polygon Ted./
Polygon Cranium, weirdly also a King Gizz album
Bearudite: Rhomboid noggin
0x6772: Polyheadron, if you will.
Astra7525: Rhombushead
KBKarma: So... where's the evil child?
KBKarma: Or Child of Evil, if you will.
lightfut: This is some unsettling noise of walking
Bassios: They missed a trick not making it Icosa-head-ron
stippledotter: Polygon head, polygon head, doing the things a polygon can
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KBKarma I think it's what keeps giggling maybe?
Gekyouryuu: @drligmaphd wouldn't a cabin in the woods game just be betrayal?
Gizmoloid: After getting used to air raid sirens actually meaning air raid irl, their use in media kinda feels cheap
lightfut: Splish splish sploosh splish
TehAmelie: who left all these cadavers in the butt end of the stairwell? were they trying to hide them?
AugmentingPath: Don't think you can make this copyright infringement case go away just by killing me!
Bearudite: quiet butte
Drasvin: If we put every horror game in a blender, we'll get something good, right?
Catcard: I just learned from the game over screen that this game is called "Mental Hospital: Child of Evil" and how am I not surprised
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Gekyouryuu Or you could have it be lopsided, where a team plays the controllers and one plays the sacrifices
Brozard: I heard a great mashup the other day on the Retronauts podcast. An RPG where you play a member of the Night Watch patrolling Ankh-Morpork, call it Discworld Elysium.
kaynSD: This is where we live now
KBKarma: Game appears on W+P. Hosts of W+P: this game is bad!
zerragonoss: So far the evil child is just having fun and a bunch of random monsters the ones who are actully problems.
Sheikun07: Watch the game end with us finding out we're in a tub plugged into something.
Hi friends! I hope we have some high quality garbage today!
Chaotically_Random: Kinda defeats the purpose of hiding if your flashlight is on
Catcard: @KBKarma and everybody claps!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Loud Valley
TehAmelie: one fun thing would be if a game makes you think you're unarmed and defenseless and then you beat the hell out of them with your giant flashlight
Chaotically_Random: Tomatoe Way was great
Diabore: there have been bangers, but they are the outliers
GlennSeto: Speaking of which, apparently the SH2 didn't shit the bed?
stippledotter: The dev must've saved money by having it almost entirely greyscale
KBKarma: Give apples to the bad guys?
Sheikun07: An apple a day keeps the doctor away?
Strebenherz: Tomato way for example
arcaneIllumination: An apple a day... ?
warpstonewarlock: They keep the doctors way
Astra7525: Can they be used to keep the doctor away?
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is where we found Tomato way
AugmentingPath: Decided not to have a hunger mechanic at the last minute?
Invitare: Beauty Copter?
offbeatwitch: brat remixes autumn, yeah
Akaiatana: Bimmo Quest was amazing
KodeMage: bratumn, nailed it
Strebenherz: Like Tomato way was bad, but fantastic
korvys: charli xcx reference? In my W+P? It's more likely than you think.
SquareDotCube: Octoberfest
TheManaLeek: Brat Fall is just Oktoberfest isn't it?
GlennSeto: Channing Brotatum?
krfsm: there's also a spectrum of ways things can be bad
MAPBoardgames: you have 25 heart in the lower corner. I wonder if some monsters aren't instant death?
baltimore_667083: beautycopter is an easy top 3 all time w+p game
Sheikun07: Can you just hide in a locker?
sheer_falacy: Spud was head and shoulders above Myst
TehAmelie: Bembo Quest, i don't think anyone ever finished that
247Gremlin: From what I understand, we are now in Thotumn
KBKarma: Hide in locker?
KodeMage: he just standing there wiggling
Mangledpixel: in the parody all-horror-games-in-one game I'd have you play as a copyright law investigator
SquareDotCube: maybe we can throw an apple at him
warpstonewarlock: Tonberry?
Anaerin: It's a TONBERRY!
RandomTrivia: Gently shambling towards you
korvys: No!
Juliamon: A KNIFE
Desruprot: There is Bad and then there is Rags to Riches
Sheikun07: that's amazingly bad
GlennSeto: @mapboardgames Enough to pull the Master Sword at least
Drasvin: Is it a tonberry knife?
stippledotter: It's knife to meet you
Carlioo: holy moly
AlistorKO: gloop-gloop-gloop
Anaerin: You CAN, Alex did it earlier, while you were checking your phone.
Akaiatana: Oh, this is Spy vs Spy flavour pyramid head
KBKarma: FFXIV played with Tonberry lore.
KeytarCat: You can get in a locker, but I don't know if you can hide
TehAmelie: Tonberry in a game where you have free movement, maybe less great
RandomTrivia: Graham, that clip lives in my brain rent-free, and it brings me joy every time I recall your delivery
Aenir798: All of my knowledge of Tonberry is from that clip of Graham explaining what it is
ThatBenKidd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ThatBenKidd! (Today's storm count: 61)
Chaotically_Random: Its a Nurse, throw an apple at her
accountmadeforants: Will the apple keep zombie nurses away, as well?
sheer_falacy: kite her to Vael's room
Juliamon: Aenir798 It's an entirely accurate summary
notthepenguins: it will keep at least four doctors away
wench_tacular: or give you a tummy ache
Invitare: oh you could right a sketch about that joke
GlennSeto: Intuitively, I feel Tonberry shouldn't have lore, but FF14 has a solid batting average.
LadyLockwood92: Y'know...that reminds me that Graham's explanation of the tonberry from his FF7 playthrough is stuck in my brain.
richard_ermen: What Alex didn't know at this point in time is that those Apples might keep the doctor away but they were also quest-sensitive...
notthepenguins: for the fifth doctor and on you're SOL
KBKarma: @GlennSeto It's all tied up with the War of the Magi and Nym.
AlistorKO: For once I'd like to see undead monster nurses in like, actual modern scrubs
@Aenir798 In fairness... that's kinda all there is to a Tonberry.
DrLigmaPhD: What critical apple-mass ejects the doctor from Earth's gravity?
Strebenherz: New garbage!
Sheikun07: Game: You have health. Also everything kills you in one hit.
Azralorne: Maybe they thought if they ripped off enough games it's somehow make theirs original
KBKarma: What's the point of health if you die in one hit.
Marvoleath: good thing we healed with the apple
0x6772: HP's a great mechanic when all kills are one-hit.
Juliamon: uh oh
MTGRanger: "You have 30 health" "How much damage does the thing deal?" "30"
wench_tacular: no, no, the parents were evil
Thefluffiestguineapig: @0x6772 Yup, not at all pointless
TehAmelie: importantly, Tonberries can have additional abilities but they always have to be spooky and unique. like how they toy with summons in FFX
GlennSeto: @ladylockwood92 I just remember Cloud being very concussed upon introducing himself to Aerith.
LadyLockwood92: Child can have little an evil as a treat.
Nigouki: a quster?
bytecaster: A questking if you will
0x6772: @Thefluffiestguineapig HIT pointless, amirite?!?!?!!!
richard_ermen: Delamain Car Rental.
TheWriterAleph: i know where this is going i think...
Chaotically_Random: No Reward?
RandomTrivia: Not even closure?
RandomTrivia: Oof
CreedPlaysGames: Oh that quest line continues later on
Akaiatana: It could have been a better storytelling vehicle.
whaleplaid subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
whaleplaid: It's GARBAGE DAY!
bytecaster: Does one sound like Wheatley?
Thanks for subscribing, whaleplaid! (Today's storm count: 62)
TheWriterAleph: hahahaaa yesss
Thefluffiestguineapig: Woooooooooooow
RandomTrivia: Lol
AlistorKO: oh right
ValTheDrake: that questline totally has a resolution after that
richard_ermen: do go inside the core and make a closure choice. Did I play a different game?
korvys: Elaine... something?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sigh
GlennSeto: ugh
matthaus_c: Ellen McLain
NovusUltimus: There is more to that questline
Khalahd: There's a big quest that shows up after finishing those
accountmadeforants: Urrrghhh
matthaus_c: that's disappointing
Foxmar320: Thats lame
Chaotically_Random: OH GOD, when I was in Seattle for PAX the trains have a GLADOS as the voice on them1
ButterBall000: Compare that with Pacific Rim
josh___something: Awwww, maaaaaan
Strebenherz: WOW
Amentur: There is a follow up quest you get a day or week later. The AIs go rogue again and you get to choose if Delamain evolves or not
RandomTrivia: Had the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever... and biffed it
josh___something: Boooo
BraveOthello: Graham missed the follow up, there is a resolution
accountmadeforants: That's just playing .wav files from Portal with extra steps
Aelfgernon: Yeah there is some closure on that quest. Not sure if it was added after Graham played or if he just never found it.
TehAmelie: references are LIKE jokes, right
Thefluffiestguineapig: Now it's just frustrating
Akaiatana: You could be a taste of Portal 3. And you didn't.
ScrapyardGhostTrain: See, your mistake was assuming there was any writing talent in the game.
matthaus_c: look at these keys!
richard_ermen: Ohhhh! Graham missed the actual follow-up quest which closes that one?
KBKarma: Hooray for references!
korvys: "Remember this better game?"
TheAwkes: Wait.. I've done that 3 times and don't remember such a cameo at all?
Gizmoloid: My friend played Cyberpunk a lot and from what he said a lot of quests had great starts of stories but no resolution
richard_ermen: It was, I played it at launch as well
Jigokuro: Yes
Amentur: Yes it was there at launch
TheMerricat: @RandomTrivia There is. I think Graham may have played a really old version or a buggy version. Once you collect all the cars, after a bit you have to go 'save' the AI and make a choice of merging the fragments back into it to make it complete, or let them kill him and be their own.
ekimekim: I feel like the person who pitched that idea WANTED to do it properly, but at the last second a middle manager thought this would be "safer"
MAPBoardgames: She was in Poker Night at the Inventory 2, as GlaDOS. She had new lines there.
Crokoking: pretty sure it was there at launch
kaynSD: I didn't get into Cyberpunk Red. I was one of the two people in the world who liked Cyberpunk v3 where Disney were a playable faction who had giant robots and drones.
dahoneybuns: yeah there is another quest after
matthaus_c: Poker Night 2 GLaDOS was really fun
Sheikun07: Also, the game at launch is a very different game than it is now
dahoneybuns: it takes time to kick in
CreedPlaysGames: you had to wait like 2 game days or something afterwards i don't remember thetrigger
AlistorKO: GLaDOS is one of my favorite characters
Khalahd: Yeah, like a lot, they mattered about in-game time
richard_ermen: I understand the gripe though.
Amentur: Ingame time needs to pass, but there was a follow up quest
bytecaster: How about a platformer?
AlistorKO: and yeah, she was great in Poker Night 2
Thefluffiestguineapig: @AlistorKO Oh I love GlaDOS
KBKarma: Two.
Bearudite: yeah there is one more with a payoff but It was kinda mid
LadyLockwood92: Yeah, but that isn't Graham's fault.
nyoomgoom: gesundheit
bytecaster: Dunc 7
LOVE me 7 DUNC's
MAPBoardgames: What's in teh game? Pain.
GlennSeto: How many months was Cyberpunk actually in development? The actual game didn't have that many right?
Marvoleath: Most agree on 3 Dunes
richard_ermen: Cyberpunk 2077 is strange in that a lot of stuff has a timed- in game trigger which requires you to sometimes go sleep off stuff.
TehAmelie: did you know, she also did the voice of the turrets in Portal. the game is a one-woman VA performance
betweenmyself: SCVCN DUNCS
GreatWahooney: I would've recommended that you stop reading Dune after the fourth one
richard_ermen: Also that looks amazingly terrible.
0x6772: Are there worms?
KBKarma: Is seven dunes a lot? For movies, yes. For a desert, no.
LadyLockwood92: Damn...that's a lot of dune.
sheer_falacy: there are way more than 7 Dune novels
northos: yessss
Drasvin: Are we looking for spice?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Persian Prince
CaptainSpam: Well, six dunes are no problem. We can take that. What's this game again?
matthaus_c: Dune 7 is DEEP in the grundle of Brian Herbert's schmengly output
Kasran: Unsharted
offbeatwitch: you can play conveniently across the game
AugmentingPath: The first 4 dunes were pretty good, 7 is definitely too many
accountmadeforants: Wait, is that a map with a region or country called Seven Dunes?
stippledotter: That's so many fonts
AlistorKO: it wimdy
Carlioo: oh this camera angle suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks
Aelfgernon: that's not a broadsword, that's a widesword
Tempest2097: HRUUUGH
kaynSD: Oh WOW
LadyLockwood92: Why is the menu so loud?
northos: you can play conveniently across the game!
phoenixletmeuseadashd: apparently this place is floorida by the way the trees move
AugmentingPath: HUUUHmp
GlennSeto: oh god
richard_ermen: "That Stance!"
sheer_falacy: your sword is made of... cardboard?
Metric_Furlong: hurgh!
AtakChees: so windy lol
accountmadeforants: Hurgh-uh-hurgh-uh
wench_tacular: so grunty
KeytarCat: The N and D were transparent so you could see the moon
Top-notch VA
KBKarma: Sounds like he's hitting himself with his sword whenever he swings.
Strebenherz: Welcome to runescape
ekimekim: this is pretty impressive for 1990
an_archist2: ok hand
Bassios: Credit where credit is due, they made some of their own assets
YFiddler: Now that's a soundscape!
KBKarma: Also, that sword looks like a cardboard cutout.
Mazrae: Is that Keanu Reeves?
TehAmelie: feel like i've seen this game at least twice before. i mean, i know it's new, it just feels that way
Herbert_Erpaderp: It's frickin' wimdy!
MAPBoardgames: That map!
Strebenherz: PFT
Juliamon: It's way more fun when they're homemade
Redbassist: Fuppin wimdy today
dzee_szed: The funniest thing about the GLADOS va is she also did the voice of Barbie, so there was a Barbie cartoon where Barbie wore a GLADOS cosplay with a potato
kaynSD: Prince of Persia At Home
TomfooleryFox: oh I’m sensing the sub ocean on this one babyyyyy
richard_ermen: That run feels weird.
sethtriggs: This is amazing
wench_tacular: noooooo
Metric_Furlong: amazing
sheer_falacy: find the big green X
Juliamon: yes... YES....
Tempest2097: I love this so much
TheWriterAleph: OMG
Carlioo: yessssssssssssssss
matthaus_c: it's diegetic!
lamina5432: the effort
Tempest2097: Wobbly cactus
NovusUltimus: He does not so much cut with the sword, but spank the air with it
Dezponia: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:00:16.
ekimekim: have you noticed the trees on the map are flat?
GlennSeto: So the map is actually just a second view?
IanAllenBird: if you look straight up is there a blue floating orb
matthaus_c: they are wobbling SO AGGRESSIVELY
Nigouki: wait, do we have ablue dot hovering above us for the map camera?
GapFiller: open qq chat: cant remember did something like what G just described happen in Fallout New Vegas? got a vague memory of a random one shot char out in the wasteland who is basically Odo and is there entirely due to them having Rene Auberjonois in the studio (this really sounds like some kinda self Mandela moment in second thought)
kaynSD: Are there billboards on the minimap?
Chesul: wait, if that's the map indicator, do you have a blue circle above you?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: @Tempest2097 jumping cholla says hi
sethtriggs: Lotta popin
kaynSD: Did... Oh they just put a seperate camera down...
northos: also I think the cactus sway animations don't loop properly
zerragonoss: Game instantly 3X better than the last one.
kaynSD: OH
LordZarano: At least this guy is easy to cosplay, for all the superfans of the game
margieargie: Something about the camera position and this guy's run cycle is making me think of Virtual Hydlide (albeit with a frame rate above 3 at least)
AugmentingPath: protag is just having one of those dreams were you try to run but can't
stippledotter: It's hard to get traction on sand, I guess
TehAmelie: its tiny tree mind
malfnord: You can see the sprites waving in the "map"
MAPBoardgames: well, well, well
Tempest2097: @phoenixletmeuseadashd I stand corrected, Cacti do wobble
GreatGodOm: How many dunes have we seen so far?
KBKarma: Look up! Look for the plus!
SquareDotCube: Hello my baby hello my honey hello my ragtime friend
Thefluffiestguineapig: What is this character design?
KBKarma: Is she?
josh___something: This is... An assault on my eyes
sheer_falacy: and will continue being safe, definitely
kaynSD: Speak up Ande-ryn
0x6772: Is Bowser around?
accountmadeforants: Somehow this looks like walking around in the Pharaoh by Sierra, from 1999. I kinda like it for that reason.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why does she have a pattern sweatshirt and a cap?
TomfooleryFox: are you running on the diagonal?
KBKarma: From whomst?
@Thefluffiestguineapig he must be John Videogame
Thefluffiestguineapig: *cape
matthaus_c: absolutely TTS
LadyLockwood92: She is one of the seven dunes.
MAPBoardgames: The princess HASN'T been kidnapped? I want my money back!
sethtriggs: I would be so impressed if these devs would pick a different font than default Arial
richard_ermen: So apparently this is a sort of desert monarchy and we need to "reclaim the "temple"??
Chesul: Please look straight up, see if there's a blue circle.
richard_ermen: I...I have so many questions
KBKarma: brb, turning off my immune system.
TheAwkes: Your quest may sound like a generic business presentation, but do not worry, it will be a tale of epic proportions.
korvys: I wonder if you look straight up, if there will be a blue dot
sethtriggs: That's one of the most useless minimaps I've seen
AugmentingPath: perfect
Foxmar320: Map not great
an_archist2: the potato continent
RandomTrivia: Is this map made out of plasticine?!
SquareDotCube: oh no, now the posterboard trees are showing up on the minimap
TehAmelie: only today i read a Stephen King story that had an evil cactus attacking a character. better look out
Bearudite: wait... the tree sprites blow in the wind ON THE MAP
accountmadeforants: I KNEW IT, I saw it for like 2 frames in the loading screen
Thefluffiestguineapig: Land of Haezenbec
warpstonewarlock: Where was the Gongor...
accountmadeforants: And "Cave"
Herbert_Erpaderp: GORGE
Mangledpixel: Gongor!
accountmadeforants: Just Cave.
richard_ermen: Is this a 1990s Fantasy RPG Map? It certainly feels like oine
AlistorKO: Visit scenic Cave
Bruceski: if the castle's that big, each of the seven dunes must be like a speed bump.
MAPBoardgames: This is the rest of Thurpston County
lesbianpunkpyromancer22: is that the wow exit menu
sethtriggs: Gongooooooooorrrr
SpacePotato01: Love how the map has no features on it
Bruceski: Seven Moguls
LadyLockwood92: I love scenic [Cave]
Can we check out K - skill menu?
0x6772: Irrelevant side note, but: don't build on dunes! They blow around!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SpacePotato01 yup, totally useful as a thing to have
mrMorphius: Random deciduous tree absolutely having a time
Jigokuro: Sand does not dune like that...
AugmentingPath: Look for the beagon, presumably
kaynSD: I love these perfect sand castles everyone has their houses on top of
TheWriterAleph: one does not simply walk into gongor
Marvoleath: Where was Gongor when Westhold fell?
electric_claire: These people never heard that you shouldn't build a house on sand.
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHY
richard_ermen: That ...that is hurtful
CodeIndigo: one does not simply walk into gongor
kaynSD: Oh thats GLORIOUS
Tempest2097: Oh. Oh NO
sethtriggs: ooooof
SquareDotCube: oh noooo
richard_ermen: Great Scott
NeoGabi: The map markers have been lit! Gongor calls for aid!
RandomTrivia: Holy mother of...
Foxmar320: oh this is a lot to take in
josh___something: My retinas
Carlioo: I love how slow the PC moves for how much he animates
TheMerricat: "Seven Dunes: Curse on the Golden Sand is a game about an operation for rescuing a princess kidnapped by monsters in a fantasy desert kingdom. The hero (user) must solve numerous puzzles and deal with countless monsters to complete the operation. It combines adventure puzzles and RPG elements. Please find the introduction of the story below the following features: - We also had the story written as a novel, which might be available to you."
Bassios: Good christ that's a colour decision
SquareDotCube: wait is strafing faster than walking forward?
Carlioo: also good lord this interior
offbeatwitch: we're playing on a CRT
AlistorKO: It's called Seven Dunes for the Seven Dunes Casino & Resort in scenic Cave.
stippledotter: This is dramatically different visuals from the last game oof
warpstonewarlock: Jesus, is this a sequel to Prayer Warriors?
Juliamon: MIGHT be available to us??
Tempest2097: Who did their interior stained glass, the Mandlebrot set?
offbeatwitch: UI flicker as a nostalgia tool
arcaneIllumination: I must head out. See you all in the VOD!
LadyLockwood92: Hi~ Do you like...textures~?
Aelfgernon: a temple to GOogesh, God of questionable interior design
kaynSD: This game's missing Prayer Warrior's awesome soundtrack
Gekyouryuu: how would you know, Graham? you haven't been in over a year, right? they might've redecorated
YFiddler: Wow. Finally someone brave enough!!!
bytecaster: Let's go-ngor to the polls
Violentfrog: ooh, let's get the novel
sethtriggs: It's like t's a JPG movig
AugmentingPath: offbeatwitch yeah, looks like conflicting refresh rates to me
Sacrenos: We dark souls now
Sheikun07: This game is what I was looking for on W+P
SkylerRingtail: This game is charming in its badness
tidehollowcat: what is this, doctor doom’s temple?
Tempest2097: GNOMES MY GOD
Thefluffiestguineapig: What happened??
AugmentingPath: @offbeatwitch That's why it's hertz to look at
Tempest2097: Gnomes with knives
Aelfgernon: time to smite some gnomes
YFiddler: A temple to Magneto!
wench_tacular: it's a little gonme!
sheer_falacy: Giggin?
TehAmelie: this looks like the proof of concept they'd send in to hope to get publisher money to make a game
sethtriggs: THAT SLOW FALL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Giggin????
Jillexie: I've got another question for you.
Bruceski: Giggin!
KeytarCat: Why does the elevator have stage scaffold on it??
DrLigmaPhD: Is your mission to kill Santa?
Anaerin: They're "Giggin"s apparently.
NeoGabi: That slow motion fall! XD
Anaerin: And Micrins.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Micrin??????
kaynSD: "Type1"
Tempest2097: The VA is killer for them
sethtriggs: He died in midair!
Akaiatana: Their Soul Patch is their weak spot.
Tempest2097: "Mneeer"
sheer_falacy: Giggin, Micryn, Typcl?
Foxmar320: Well im not sleeping tonight
malfnord: ROSS PEROT NO~!
AugmentingPath: typical
wench_tacular: holy genocide batman
MAPBoardgames: I wish this was Tomato Way
sethtriggs: LOL they all fall out of the air when you enter a room
Thefluffiestguineapig: AAAHHHHHH
TehAmelie: Gangnam party!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MAPBoardgames So badly
alchemistsavant: Talk about sensory overload, jesus.
Bassios: Ow my senses
sheer_falacy: mawp
RandomTrivia: My ears
AlistorKO: whaaaat
sethtriggs: RIP headphone users
Sacrenos: MAWP
Scarbble: mawp
YFiddler: I lob
NeoGabi: D:
Thefluffiestguineapig: MAWP
offbeatwitch: i love the way they slowly fall over
offbeatwitch: 5 stars
Xed_Regulus: It is SO loud
MTGRanger: @sethtriggs halp
Sheikun07: 10/10
an_archist2: none of this is good, vector. that's why it's called war.
AlistorKO: are those goat noises pitched up?
Foxmar320: Was this made by Family PC Games???
Tempest2097: BLEH
Blasteg: this sure is a game
josh___something: This IS PAIN on so many levels
ryuhimora: !y
sethtriggs: There's goat noises too
Strebenherz: your health is suprisingly okay espite wandering into willy wonka's factory hellscape
ButterBall000: Did Nathan Drake discover the Wonka factory?
YFiddler: e the bold vision
TehAmelie: wait, did they play Dark Souls 3 and thought they should do that but better?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why are they so shiny?
OmnipotentTrevor: You seem to be regaining health faster than even any damage can hurt you.
niccus: thank you for the aural bath
GreyThey: There are so many animals noises
GreatWahooney: is this the weirding way?
flammenarsch: looks like a normal german techno club to me
Sacrenos: I didn't know they stacked WAVs this high
FarleyF: on the scale of 1 to "it's a little gnome" how bad would you say this game is
Violentfrog: love the 360 death animation
Brozard: These Umpa Lumpas are wildin
GreyThey: I'm hearing goats, frogs, and cats, I think
josh___something: This is a crime against our ears AND our eyes
SkylerRingtail: This is what I come to Watch+Play for. Amazing
sethtriggs: Love the one guy doing the Running Man
ryuhimora: !quote loud
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Thefluffiestguineapig: And also the character models are not the same, these Micrins are not the same as the ones from the previous room
DoctorHutch: Can we turn yall up relative to the game?
Tempest2097: Best death sound
richard_ermen: This looks like Gameplay from an early 2000s MMO, to be honest.
sethtriggs: Oh noooo there's a really interesting relationship with colliders here!
MTGRanger: GOTY?
TheMerricat: infinite respawn I'm guessing.
MAPBoardgames: Ooompah-Loompa loompity islets. I do believe this game is toilets.
sheer_falacy: you seem to be caught in a loop
MTGRanger: 420 mana though
warpstonewarlock: The game presented a loop and we should concede
GlennSeto: Damn, some really eclectic tunes on Brave New Faves this week.
margieargie: This is Dragon Age 2 levels of too many enemy waves per encounter
baskwalla: Tinkets until morale improves
kaynSD: The flurry of activity that immediately cuts to nothing as soon as they die was... something
bytecaster: Giggins have been discontinued
TomfooleryFox: the retching noise when they die is really bothersome
Thefluffiestguineapig: gaaaaaameplaaaaay
TehAmelie: [muffled] helps to have a map
GreatWahooney: more like peat gameplay
YFiddler: Nice fire baskets
Violentfrog: fist bump
Thefluffiestguineapig: Interactable!
warpstonewarlock: A Ferengi?
alchemistsavant: Real hobbitcore, that guy
MAPBoardgames: So taticool!
LurkerSpine: was that a cat noise?
BusTed: typical
KeytarCat: What does the character in the star do or mean?
sheer_falacy: you move so slowly
LadyLockwood92: Guys got some grippers.
Anaerin: It's Typical.
SachielOne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SachielOne! (Today's storm count: 63)
LadyLockwood92: It's a Dark Souls.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why bird?
an_archist2: what a wonderful temple. chew.
sheer_falacy: anyone from the desert except for those fucking giggins, we have to genocide them
Bruceski: They have antibiotics for that
TehAmelie: but in the temble God is like double-ply toilet paper
bytecaster: This place is all giggined up
DrLigmaPhD: This game was 3 Gigginbytes
GlennSeto: Former LRR member, Brad Giggins?
alchemistsavant: Thank god they named the barrel, I wouldn't know what to call it otherwise!
LadyLockwood92: Look at my Barrel asset boy.
sheer_falacy: your block is the ok symbol?
SquareDotCube: Please Graham, they're Cbrids
TehAmelie: we don't seem to take a lot of damage at least
Kasran: "what a wonderful temple" / "what a wonderful temple" said the tinkit to the giggin / "oh yes, but what a shame / what a shame the poor groom's bride is an urn"
Thefluffiestguineapig: And is extremely orange
LadyLockwood92: Micrin's spin after they is their way.
AFamiliarCalledEl: I like that the micrins snap to their default pose and slowly spin when they die
Strebenherz: I swear that bird's a sound loop I've heard in a 1995 game
QuixoticScrivener: legally distinct moblins?
NeoGabi: Ah yes, the two genders. Micrin and Tonit
Kasran: they all have different bad death animations
MAPBoardgames: You know what they say about Tinkits with big feet don't you?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why do they spin in the air before they die?
KBKarma: The fuck is that?!
LordZarano: @Kasran 10/10
phoenixletmeuseadashd: you are on very easy which could explain the health
Kentosaurus: gonna tell my kids this is the next elders scrolls
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the rest...not so much
DrLigmaPhD: The fact there are statures of them here suggests you're engaging in iconoclasm and religious genocide
sheer_falacy: sell me your most colorful potions
Thefluffiestguineapig: I want your strongest potion
DrLigmaPhD: statues*
baskwalla: Have they ever heard of scale?
Shadowsoflife: @Kasran amazing
TheThromborax: This audio is a crime and I want your money back
Angreed66: Why does the war hammer not cost 40000
alchemistsavant: Badplate, as opposed to the Goodplate
SquareDotCube: armor too, even though we haven't taken any damage
Ravensfest: Or a pink cycle
TehAmelie: Devil Daggers!
PTElder: At least the warhammer is on 75% off..
baskwalla: Looks like a yellow lantern construct
offbeatwitch: "wow that thing is big and yellow"
TehAmelie: wait no it was "Hell's Dagger"
Anaerin: They're real bad.
AFamiliarCalledEl: wait, I looked away, why do you have a morningstar made out of cheese?
lightfut: They might be bad blades but we love them equally
MAPBoardgames: "Where have I been? Out killing hobgoblins! Want some rusty shortswords? I got a ton!"
sheer_falacy: ah, crafting
DrLigmaPhD: @AFamiliarCalledEl We were trained in Wisconsin
sheer_falacy: silver mace is not made from a mace, apparently
GreatWahooney: mixtures notably being different than potions
Kasran: the new dark souls game looks really weird
QuixoticScrivener: these enemies look like Star Trek background extras
Ravensfest: Maybe its just a brand name. You know Bill Bad's Badblades?
SquareDotCube: wait... did that say pink cycle?
DanielJennaGrouse: all the models in this game feel vaguely racist but only towards Oblivion characters
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why are there giant coins now?
AFamiliarCalledEl: @DrLigmaPhD fair enough
GreatGodOm: Mobs respawn? This IS dark souls!
Orxolon: good afternoon everyone!
Aelfgernon: do not come
NeoGabi: Why do the mycrins make dying cat noises? D:
Thefluffiestguineapig: Such wonderful acting
KBKarma: Unlike in Minecraft, the gold gear works gooder.
sheer_falacy: race me, commander! race me around the cloister!
alchemistsavant: The more I watch, the more I'm convinced this was on in the background of CSI
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NeoGabi Well why do random things make seabird noises
Nigouki: Fuck, I've had this bot spam call me
AFamiliarCalledEl: lady, I can barely see you, mind turning down the alpha?
GDwarble: "I am a TikTok voice, for...some reason"
Thefluffiestguineapig: She looks like a cursed doll
nartin9: is she an AI?
Anaerin: Thanks Radio Announcer AI voice.
LurkerSpine: is this the same AI voice as the other one?
sethtriggs: Nice AI
Strebenherz: Why is your god speaking in answering machine?
KBKarma: So, the monsters are just standing there watching the hero talking to the air?
asthanius: why is the tiktok lady here
MAPBoardgames: That stance!
sheer_falacy: colanderhead
herph: Press 1 to save the world
malfnord: Please stay on the line
0x6772: How many gallons of water died to generate this AI voice?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why is the statue wearing a collander?
wench_tacular: make me!
lightfut: This voice track is strangely incongruous to the rest of the sound track
Strebenherz: THAT BIRD
Invitare: *EMMI noises*
Kasran: I am Lecryn, the Spirit Guide of this Temple. I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.
ExhaustedElox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months!
ExhaustedElox: Is 11^2 an anniversary?
Thanks for subscribing, ExhaustedElox! (Today's storm count: 64)
sethtriggs: "Para espanol, marquez dos"
SquareDotCube: Widelad is just happy to be here
TehAmelie: feel like one could make a worthy machinama W+P intro with this game
Shadowsoflife: @0x6772 Yes
Mai_Andra: We've been trying to reach you about your star's extended warranty...
sheer_falacy: so these species are hobbits, oompaloompas, and megaminds?
SquareDotCube: put a forc in it
CaptainSpam: Y'know what, in the right context, I would accept an entirely-fake-sounding voice for something intended to be supernatural or otherwise unreal.
AlistorKO: To save this temple, press 1. To know more about the monsters, press 2. To speak to a representative, press 9.
fastlane250: forc em up
sethtriggs: They squish like Goombas
Ravensfest: So this was made by someone who has never played a game, but has had computer games explained to them?
TehAmelie: Forc, more fearsome than the Thorc
sheer_falacy: stealth suit
mozes_rose_weary subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
mozes_rose_weary: I made it, good gaming guys🙏🏻
Thanks for subscribing, mozes_rose_weary! (Today's storm count: 65)
KBKarma: A ferengi!
ExhaustedElox: It's amazing that people release these without any sense of irony.
LordManiMani: You know, it's surprising how long it takes to get to the chainsaw in this game
offbeatwitch: these death animations are world-class
Marvoleath: Are those the hanging gardens of Babylon?
TehAmelie: great stealth bonus on that camo
PulseGun subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
Thanks for subscribing, PulseGun! (Today's storm count: 66)
LilyOfTheVeil666: For some reason I get the impression that they wanted this to be an MMO originally
LordZarano: Maybe they looked for eagle cries and found an accurate sound effect somehow
warpstonewarlock: Iconoclast
MAPBoardgames: Fireball in every slot
KBKarma: Clear out the holy venue for the holy gig.
sheer_falacy: gotta repaint this temple in the blood of the unbelievers
Thefluffiestguineapig: A rat king but feet?
QuixoticScrivener: they're running around looking for their body?
Shadowsoflife: It would agony, of the feet
CodeIndigo: durarara fetish monster
maxlethebeast: Reminds me of the spectrobe that's just a pair of shoes.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uhhhhhhhhh
Bassios: "He keeps kicking me in the dick. Why does he keep kicking me in the dick?"
KBKarma: There's a sweet animation with a pair of shoes.
lamina5432: buggy from one piece
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's a monster?????
Sorator13: FORC
iarethel0ser: Forc
Strebenherz: time to reset the vore counter
MAPBoardgames: That guy was in Maximum Overdrive!
Sorator13: it's a Face Orc
rentar42: You hit it in the Force
stippledotter: What the Shrek
TheAwkes: Get Forc'd
sethtriggs: A parade float?
SquareDotCube: havin' a mindforc
TheWriterAleph: me go face? ME AM FACE
SK__Ren: Andross?
sheer_falacy: you killed calamity Gammondorf
GreatGodOm: Use the forc, ALex.
Spanked42: do you think all these grunts are from the same guy?
vinewood_og: You know Peter, i'm something of a giant head myself
Thefluffiestguineapig: The effort sounds for the gammon sound like those of the player character pitched won
Thefluffiestguineapig: *down
meepsalot: the enemies all seem like rejected things from the original star trek
CodeIndigo: pretty much anything falls over and die when you wang it with a golden quartz mace
ghyllnox: We all eventually fall over and die
MAPBoardgames: Get rid of all the monsters around the Q
Thefluffiestguineapig: Get rid of the monsters around the Q
LadyLockwood92: Don't quote me on this...but this game might be bad.
Thefluffiestguineapig: What is the Q? WHO KNOWS
Aenir798: It's the Blue Man Group!
JadedCynic: Blue Man Group?
offbeatwitch: LARGE BLUE MAN
stippledotter: Oh no he's tall
Thefluffiestguineapig: Heheheheheh
SkylerRingtail: Galladon is Galla-gone
TheAwkes: Gettim with the animation cancel.
JadedCynic: @Aenir798 hivemind high-five! o/\o
rentar42: galladon? more like stunlockon!
margieargie: Get stun locked!
Gaelan_Maestro: stun lock is a fun thing
Carlioo: galladon wasn't ready for the vortex
BITs19_: I feel like this falls into the category of "Make this game, don't distribute it"
lightfut: Ain't shit lololol
TehAmelie: stunlocking the giant, that was impressive
A_Dub888: GallaDOWNED
Simriel: I forgot all about W+Play T_T
Rhynerd: Galladone for
Bassios: Galladon? More like Gallafucked
dude, I didn't even have time to make fun of him! Kill the boss slower next time, Alex
YFiddler: Despite their Lazotep
sethtriggs: This game isn't balanced but at least it's in your favor.
Rhynerd: Galladumpster’d
jwholla: This new elden ring dlc is wild
alchemistsavant: Defending their keep with Hellfeet? They've taken things a step too far!
Bearudite: alex "HEALTHY" voice but "HELLFEET"
TehAmelie: a little soap and hot water will get the hell right off that
stippledotter: Bro's running strat is to hit himself in the face repeatedly
KBKarma: Hi James.
A_Dub888: they showed Hell Feet for free??
rentar42: so is health regen just excessively aggressive in this game?
sethtriggs: Those boots were made for walking
Mnemonicman: Just some particularly evil shoes
MAPBoardgames: @Simriel It's been toilets! You're gonna wanna see the VoD.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @A_Dub888 Including toes
Simriel: @MAPBoardgames That good huh?
KV1NN4: aNGRY Feet
A_Dub888: !secret
LRRbot: That's my secret, I'm always ashamed of my words and deeds.
sethtriggs: LOL
Bearudite: its recolored late game version of Hellfeet is Fiendish Sabatons
itmightbemikey: There's one spot, where if you untransform from a wolf, you get stuck
sheer_falacy: head so smol
sethtriggs: OH NO
RandomTrivia: oh no
baltimore_667083: LMAO
Juliamon: oh my god????
Thefluffiestguineapig: NO
DeM0nFiRe: He licked a lemon
lightfut: Whyyyyy
Shadowsoflife: The shit?
sethtriggs: Is he Gru's ancestor?
KBKarma: The lever was tired.
TehAmelie: Reverence: The Ultimate Combat Simulator was here
Simriel: Is this Purposfully Toilers?
NeoGabi: That was a thing that I just saw with my own two eye vision balls.
rentar42: The lever is not supposed to fall off, I want to make that point!
LadyLockwood92: It just a pair of heels to make Alucard's butt really pop.
Bearudite: can you just roll under?
TheAwkes: I want to believe that these choices were all deliberately as bad as they are, but my heart's not in it.
Thefluffiestguineapig: YEEESS
sheer_falacy: freedoom!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Go home!!!
BusTed: deuces
LordManiMani: Unfortunate cultural body type assumptions strike again
fastlane250: We gone
Sheikun07: heck yeah
baltimore_667083: sub-land!
wench_tacular: toodles
sethtriggs: Alex has gone rogue!
TehAmelie: so quick!
NightValien28: WE GO
JadedCynic: time to oob is.....
KBKarma: Not a subocean, but leading to.
sethtriggs: Become ungovernable!
MAPBoardgames: The promised land! We're going to Gomdor!
Mnemonicman: Freeeeeeee
margieargie: Come ooooon no invisible wall!
RubikDarkwill: I'm surp... WELL THEN
lightfut: To the sub ocean!
KBKarma: Oh, the sound effects have changed.
GasCityGaming: we Nixon now!
malfnord: We quest for the subocean!
lamina5432: gone home
Inari_Kitsune: It's the sub asphalt
iarethel0ser: Subocean get!
warpstonewarlock: Subocean!!!
sethtriggs: He's going for distance, going for speed!
LadyLockwood92: Freedom~
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
baltimore_667083: FREEDOM
margieargie: Yessss!
KBKarma: Huzzah!¬
Scarbble: huzzah!
Sheikun07: We made it!
rentar42: kthbx
wench_tacular: we're home!
Sacrenos: GOT THERE
CaptainSpam: VICTORY
empyreon: o7
fastlane250: Never gets old
The promised land!
KBKarma: It's gooooooooood!
TehAmelie: praise our sacred demon of ungovernableness
sethtriggs: OH NOO
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT
offbeatwitch: visit scenic subocean
mission accomplished
JadedCynic: subocean here i come!
SK__Ren: WOw
Simriel: Oh the sound artifacting is superb
Thefluffiestguineapig: What is the distortion from?
iarethel0ser: Oh this is going to become cursed.
nyoomgoom: ooough it's all scrungled
SquareDotCube: what is this skybox?
CaptainSpam: Now he's gargling?
sethtriggs: Is this a floating point error?
Inari_Kitsune: He's digitizing
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's getting worse
tidehollowcat: the audio getting worse is a new one
Megaparsec256: especially since default engines are more likely to have invisible walls these days
eric_christian_berg: MANIMAL!
Shadowsoflife: THE SUBOCEAN !
dravman: floating point errors maybe?
JadedCynic: Argyle Gargle
accountmadeforants: Slowly starting to sound more and more like Nixon
NightValien28: it broke
KBKarma: Hogle Bogle!
sethtriggs: well done!
sheer_falacy: so, did this game checkpoint as well as sanity? Or did it not checkpoint at all?
Anaerin: Is it doing distortion based on your speed?
theHazeSystem: what is this game?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Game furklempt
wench_tacular: you broke it, you bought it
rentar42: if you break the game, you can keep both parts
Juliamon: fully 100% fucked
Inari_Kitsune: You made it to the void
sethtriggs: Well that's another QA invoice in the bag!
SkylerRingtail: Beautiful
KBKarma: I think she'd ded.
phoenixletmeuseadashd: and that's the other reason you don't skip neck day
KV1NN4: We found the Mariana Subtrench
Coloneljesus: hey friends!
AlistorKO: I leave for a few minutes and the boys have clipped through the world.
SkylerRingtail: Best W+P game since that war of the angels thing
sethtriggs: Hello!
rentar42: I appreciate that subocean was achieved before breakage. Thank you for your service!
To video games?
SquareDotCube: show me your warspace
Thefluffiestguineapig: I fucking love Bionicles
sheer_falacy: it's not for Fake Gamers
baltimore_667083: real gamer
alchemistsavant: REAL GAMER (real gamer)
sethtriggs: Uh oh
phoenixletmeuseadashd: real gamer is not a promising studio
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh boy
SkylerRingtail: Real Gamer* (*AI)
stippledotter: Mmm, not star wars. Very different
KBKarma: "Real Gamer". Oh, not promising.
baltimore_667083: my favorite game: main menu
TehAmelie: all the other devs are fake gamers
LadyLockwood92: #RealGamer
malfnord: We have Warframe at home?
SK__Ren: Is this a warframe knockoff?
KBKarma: Is this made in Unity or UE?
Anaerin: Looks like a knock-off of Warframe.
maxlethebeast: Real Gamer sounds like the name of an Anti-woke account.
CaptainSpam: There should be a studio called Synthetic Gamer.
fastlane250: Warspace: A Space for War
Astra7525: Warspace... so.. a battlefield?
Kasran: my favorite football club, Real Gamer FC
LordManiMani: No True Gamer
New Unskippable: Warspace
phoenixletmeuseadashd: that's not how warning lights work
MAPBoardgames: tell me the ceiling has no texture on it.
sheer_falacy: riveting
GreatWahooney: I wonder if warspace ever changes
SquareDotCube: a ship that's totally not a gun
KBKarma: This cutscene is... Unskippable?
0x6772: Ah: "media res"
AlistorKO: Mmm, real crunchy textures
sethtriggs: Will there be anime waifus then?
Coloneljesus: those footsteps are NOT in sync
rentar42: @Astra7525 it's clearly a space war space
lightfut: Next on unskippables
Simriel: Is that Iron Man?
Simriel: That's Iron man
BusTed: gottem
Anaerin: I love how the step sounds and the walk cycle don't sync up.
TehAmelie: is it Halo?
sethtriggs: Cobra Commander!
KeytarCat: I appreciate the blinking lights for visibility
wench_tacular: top bants
Kentosaurus: is this red vs blue?
Thefluffiestguineapig: How have both Graham and Alex referenced Bionicles on streams in the last month on different streams
MAPBoardgames: He got his highschool buddies to do VA work! good for him!
sheer_falacy: shot/reverse shot in full force
LordManiMani: "You ever wonder why we're here?"
Shadowsoflife: ???
sethtriggs: This is a 4Kids Dub
Featherweight_: “I can do voices!”
Gizmoloid: such writing
Astra7525: ah.. the Starscream we have at home
sheer_falacy: these guys are much more detailed
KBKarma: I think this is an uncritical HFY story.
AugmentingPath: This reminds me of Time Ramesside guy's next game
OmnipotentTrevor: Did the graphics quality just drastically change?
MAPBoardgames: So Smol!
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is indeed all the textures
Sacrenos: mini me
lamina5432: it's a real game with real dialogue
Thefluffiestguineapig: @OmnipotentTrevor Yes
an_archist2: don't talk to me or my son ever again
LadyLockwood92: Just five assholes standing in a circle.
Bearudite: you can't ask that
AlistorKO: Man, Red Vs Blue went way down hill huh
sethtriggs: He brought his classic G.I. Joes!
KBKarma: He's not small, he's far away.
GreatWahooney: you can't just ask why they're small, G
TehAmelie: is this Destroy All Humans, but you're playing as an unfunny edgelord alien?
Marvoleath: Aren't you a little short for a warspacer?
Bearudite: Bread vs. Lou
LilyOfTheVeil666: This kind of looks like a legally distinct Warframe
CodeIndigo: Mumblebee
Darleysam: hey were these textures loading from Doom 3 on an OG Xbox?
Thefluffiestguineapig: These are indeed the alien versions of Zippotricks McEdgelord
LurkerSpine: what's the name of this one?
KBKarma: Yeah, saw that coming.
loufghyslaufey: no VAs? I can't hear dialogue...
GlennSeto: Unreal Tournament
AugmentingPath: (beat) (beat) (beat) blam
KBKarma: @LurkerSpine War Space.
LadyLockwood92: Welp...
LurkerSpine: ty!
Strebenherz: AMAZING
LordManiMani: You see, he needs to kill him so we know he's a badass.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Just don't sell it
stippledotter: Ope, bro's eyes were red for a moment
KBKarma: Oh wow. The robots are jocks.
MAPBoardgames: Oh yeah? You and what army?
GasCityGaming: more like middle school
Juliamon: loufghyslaufey turn up your vol, there is VA
Kentosaurus: oh they're robots
LadyLockwood92: Wait...are they robots or aliens? Maybe Robot Aliens?
AugmentingPath: is this a kink thing?
LordManiMani: And so we know his morals are questionable
wench_tacular: bwahhaha
Simriel: He made 0 of these models right?
Marvoleath: "Not an option. Weren't you listening when I was telling you your options?"
BITs19_: muahaha?
KBKarma: I am Evil McBadRobot
stippledotter: Objective: Stop Him
0x6772: I dunno man, the universe is really big. Ruling it sounds like a big drag.
Thefluffiestguineapig: That seems like not normal gravity
welp rip that guy
TehAmelie: ruling the universe starts with one small step, like randomly shooting your boss
AlistorKO: No one talks about what it takes to rule the universe. You have to walk it, feed it, take it to the vet. Ugh.
loufghyslaufey: ouch. What a meta parody of a in-universe VR-game, right?
AugmentingPath: Real Gamers aren't sensitive, that's why
loufghyslaufey: Is that what this is?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are they helping you?
NeoGabi: Oh wow, I stepped away for a bit and 7 dunes got a mjor update!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm so confused
KBKarma: Follow the army of expendable goons!
Anaerin: Oh, I too have played the opening of Halo.
KBKarma: Red eyes == bad.
Aenir798: It's red eyes vs. blue eyes
Thefluffiestguineapig: We have allies????????
loufghyslaufey: ha
Aenir798: Red vs. Blue if you will
Darleysam: oh no
sethtriggs: So it's an escort mission too
maxlethebeast: Starting off with an escort quest. A bold choice.
LadyLockwood92: Fun
rentar42: "too many you died"
Gizmoloid: so goons are not expendable, yikes!
an_archist2: You died
SK__Ren: oh it has the vertical wipe from doom
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sucks in a way not intended
fastlane250: there is definitely War happening in this Space, though. I'll give them that.
SK__Ren: when you die
loufghyslaufey: silly text screen; somehow implies that you inadvertedly surrendered?
wench_tacular: it sucks and also blows
sheer_falacy: huh, game bad
LilyOfTheVeil666: @neogabi We achieved SubOcean
sethtriggs: For the trifecta, I hope it's not friendly fire
phoenixletmeuseadashd: love the allies running right past your muzzle
KBKarma: Worst scope?
CodeIndigo: "escape from the mothership" is your only objective, but then the game makes up reasons for you to fail
AlistorKO: Ruby vs Cobalt
sheer_falacy: is there friendly fire
TehAmelie: an escort mission where the subject is a squad of rowdy soldiers with no self preservation, seems hard
CodeIndigo: "too many allies died"
Arrowatch: That's why all the allies died, it would seem.
CodeIndigo: "you died"
CodeIndigo: "wrong shade of blue on the curtains"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie And you have a singular weedly gun
Gizmoloid: is there friendly fire?
lightfut: Oh boy, these allies are real dumb
walkwithoutrhythm: I have never heard a more pathetic pew pew noise
AugmentingPath: I think you guys work for Bumblebee?
sethtriggs: I don't even think that scope zooms
KBKarma: I don't think this scenario is winnable.
KBKarma: I think the scope actually reduces your damage.
loufghyslaufey: @Gizmoloid for what lane exactly? top? bottom? mid?
sheer_falacy: this is a good way to avoid making a second mission
NeoGabi: Self preservation? What's that?
Ravensfest: Ok. I don't think the game is more than that corridor and big room. They've just made it so hard you never find out it's the whole game.
Kasran: let's make a squad tactics fps! oh no, ai is hard!
rentar42: it DOES reduce damage, but in return it also makes the gun fire slower and less accurately
TehAmelie: it could be the gun from Walden and the Werewolf
sporksmith: i thought maybe there's a way to give them orders to do something other than run straight towards the enemy, but according to the controls menu, no
AugmentingPath: rentar42 you drive a hard bargain... I'll take it!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @rentar42 So there's no way to win
sethtriggs: This feels like an unwinnable scam
Tempest2097: An escort mission that's fundamentally unwinnable is one way to make sure you never have to make a second level alright
PhanTom_lt: what game is this?
NeoGabi: That is such a slow and unhurried reload.
sheer_falacy: it's really unfortunate that the enemies understand cover and the allies understand running in a straight line through open space
KBKarma: @Ravensfest I concur.
Megaparsec256: aim shoot reload what else could a real gamer possibly need
Thefluffiestguineapig: No way to set their actions huh
Dalrint subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Dalrint! (Today's storm count: 67)
AlistorKO: Rush the bums!
TehAmelie: i believe that guy is behind an invisible wall
LurkerSpine: oh like old halo
KBKarma: I note that opening fire starts before the gun is pointed ahead.
sethtriggs: This really gives me shades of Robert Mensah's Sins of the Father
NightValien28: there is no way
Sheikun07: I see they tested this game so well
Thefluffiestguineapig: What is the way to do this
NightValien28: that is impossible
phoenixletmeuseadashd: travel time on shots is very low. strafe a lot?
malfnord: pew pew pew pew pew pew pew
KBKarma: Hey, does this game have trading cards?
Anaerin: Those damned russian bots...
CodeIndigo: "effort"
Thefluffiestguineapig: What they should have made is just a machinima
MAPBoardgames: I love that animation where your gun is pointed up from running but the shots go at the cross hair
NeoGabi: What even is the strategy of this? D:
sheer_falacy: I can absolutely believe that, given the "effort"
RubikDarkwill: "EFFORT"
Darleysam: you know what sucked about the first level of Halo: Combat Evolved? That it was fun.
sheer_falacy: your scope has some paint on it
BusTed: all done
lightfut: I would like to melee them with bullets harder
asthanius: it's about the futility of space war
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MAPBoardgames Opposite of other games where the bullets are divorced from the crosshair altogether
ranoras: Did the controls say something about a boost?
KeytarCat: effort and resources are different axes
rentar42: can you shoot your own allies so that the enemies don't get to them?
you see, it works perfectly if you play exactly as the dev intended
KBKarma: Oh shit, the Watch has become the Game!
Marvoleath: You forgot to remove the cover, happens to photographers too
Thefluffiestguineapig: I love when it's so bad Alex basically goes "no dude you've got to try this"
sporksmith: lemmingspace
HolyHadouken subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
HolyHadouken: Almost a year old now!
Thanks for subscribing, HolyHadouken! (Today's storm count: 68)
petey_vonwho: pewpew guns! i love pewpew guns!
SkylerRingtail: Think they play tested with god mode on?
Marvoleath: can you crouch to dodge? :d
sethtriggs: LRR also a top-tier QA contractor!
itmightbemikey: I just had a thought
LordZarano: It's for "Real Gamer"s
KeytarCat: Where is the health?
Serifina: I’m sorry, Graham, did you just suggest that playtesting should happen???
Graham, you are obviously not a REAL gamer.
TehAmelie: either they did no playtesting or they spent 5000 hours playtesting it and forgot some people won't play perfectly
itmightbemikey: when will the coming UFO 50 trashheapwares make thier way onto steam
KBKarma: I think there's actually an instakill barrier when you go round the corner.
CodeIndigo: warspace... more like worse pace
Tempest2097: Wow
Aenir798: It's 5% per shot, so you can take 20 hits
HolyHadouken: was that a The Cheat's flash website reference?
SAJewers: or cheat code
KeytarCat: this feels like a PvP ttk
CodeIndigo: can you turn off the suck?
Marvoleath: just git gud, obviously
wench_tacular: as a treat
Ravensfest: I'm not a real gamer. I like fun.
MAPBoardgames: A little zombie war, as a treat!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm excited for this
AlistorKO: doggo!
eric_christian_berg: Nice turn of phrase.
DeM0nFiRe: He's doing his best
Mai_Andra: a Real Gamer would wait for the rest of the squad to go do all the work, and then take credit for being the only survivor.
warpstonewarlock: 2024?
sheer_falacy: dog squished
KBKarma: Uhhhh...
GreatWahooney: wow that dog smooshed
ButterBall000: I swear I've seen that dog before
sethtriggs: That dog has a 3/4 aspect ratio
rentar42: if the dog isn't smoking a cigar, I'm not interested!
SkylerRingtail: Go left!
accountmadeforants: "Try pressing the W key"
Darleysam: Geocities-ass UI design
Brozard: Game says go left
TehAmelie: an unknown virus? don't frontload us with all this lore
BusTed: when you shoot in space
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is the dog on the menu to imply there is a dog and then there is no dog?
accountmadeforants: You don't have to, but maybe give W a shot
phoenixletmeuseadashd: nice dancing zombie
sethtriggs: That's a new way to do the Running Man!
CodeIndigo: you are shotting him in the crotch and doing no damage
Mattmitchell45: EDF Geocities Edition
sheer_falacy: hey, at least it has a tutorial
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are you constantly on a conveyer belt backwars?
Ravensfest: What, the instruction was Go left?
Thefluffiestguineapig: *backwards?
rentar42: why are there on-screen controlls? Is this meant to be playable on the phone?
Brozard: I like that these are just suggestions
BITs19_: you're just sliding backwards?
Darleysam: just... sliding backwards
sethtriggs: Lov ethat JPG fire effect
Featherweight_: when you gun in zombie war it push you back
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think unless you're running you're always going backwards
NimrodXIV: I love the "Try Pressing _" instructions
Brozard: Try pressing this button. If you don't, you won't progress.
sheer_falacy: is the flash bomb invisible
phoenixletmeuseadashd: what is with your hand
fastlane250: recharge food
NeoGabi: You know, part of me is always happy to watch you two game and the other part is so sorry that you have to suffer through these. >_<
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is the gun in your arm????
sethtriggs: Why is it flickering
TheDangerWaffle: cast featherfall
sheer_falacy: your hand and gun are... not friends
KBKarma: Meal and Drinkl
TheAwkes: Mouthy Zombie™ is such an old content pack. This game is phoning it in harder than usual.
TehAmelie: you have a button to turn 180°? haven't seen that since Resident Evil gave up the tank controls
MAPBoardgames: why are you sliding backwards? is there a controller plugged in?
CodeIndigo: why are you gravitating backwards
sheer_falacy: is the game zeroed badly
measureofhope: Epilepsy warning?
EJGRgunner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
EJGRgunner: If I half-a press on the sub button at the right time I can clip through the chat into the sub ocean.
Thanks for subscribing, EJGRgunner! (Today's storm count: 69)
Thefluffiestguineapig: "Get good"
TheDangerWaffle: LMAO
Thefluffiestguineapig: As the subtitle of the level?????
Thefluffiestguineapig: WOOOOOW
MAPBoardgames: You don't want to do Gangam style?
Diabore: New loadingreadylive bit, did you actually whatch what you played? Someone grabs random assets and alex and others get to guess if it was actually in a game played on watch and play
Tempest2097: Oh good, Crows.
Saintnex: oh gooood
KBKarma: Imagine what it was like on Mobile.
TehAmelie: wow, the human terrarium returns
CodeIndigo: it achieved frame rates of maybe
sheer_falacy: there's a bird, good
Thefluffiestguineapig: 0 to real bad in a single loading screen
Tempest2097: I mean, yeah Formal Warfare I guess.
MAPBoardgames: Frame rate: maybe
sethtriggs: I remember those buildings!
morgoth_bauglyr: ambulatory motions
Ravensfest: Zombie apocalypse does not explain those buildings looking like that.
LadyLockwood92: Ah. [City] has seen better days.
zerragonoss: Hey they added trees to the map we have seen before
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Diabore I want that so bad
SquareDotCube: Outbreak at Dashcon
sethtriggs: Weren't these buildings in New Reckoning too?
rentar42: "serious sam at home"
lirazel64: The games today have been *classic*.
TehAmelie: i thought it was an artistic choice to zoom in in time with the rotor blades
KBKarma: Oh hey, it's a miniature giant titan.
TehAmelie: a terrible choice
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SquareDotCube Still less disease than was in that ballpit
sethtriggs: I think they are directly spawning behind you
NeoGabi: How are these things so quiet?!?!
Saintnex: I legit can feel the game chug right now
sethtriggs: Oh they run THROUGH the trees
sethtriggs: so colliders are just a suggestion.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @sethtriggs Our starting pint was the gun goes through your arm
Mai_Andra: rage-infested monkies
LadyLockwood92: Is our suit made of tin foil?
sethtriggs: What do you bet there's a zombie faucet in this game?
morgoth_bauglyr: the rate of fire is rather low for a minigun
TehAmelie: FlameThrower? does it ThrowFlame?
CodeIndigo: all of a sudden, screen goes red, "too many allies died", surprise, it was warspace all along
CouldntPickAUsername: why do people keep basically remaking the slaughtering grounds?
ReachW: oh, wow, The Slaughtering Grounds
offbeatwitch: love the zombie counter in the top left
Thefluffiestguineapig: Boy those flames really look like they are coming from that weapon
Thefluffiestguineapig: Um
morgoth_bauglyr: oho
KBKarma: Game's Korean.
QuixoticScrivener: anyone read Korean?
rentar42: honest question, who DID let the dogs out?
Sheikun07: oh my god the animations in this game
CodeIndigo: yes, we can totally read that, thank you
NeoGabi: Not going to lie, I do love the Naruto-running zombies.
measureofhope: The Naruto-running Venom-zombies are very good.
sethtriggs: What did that even say?
TehAmelie: imagine taking the wrong lesson from Slaughtering Grounds, where the only lesson was "stop doing this"
Saintnex: yea, this really is just the slaughtering grounds 2: electric boogaloo
KeytarCat: ACtually a vampire
rentar42: that's just called "Warzone"
Thefluffiestguineapig: The one armed black and white wearing prisoners are confusing
Darleysam: or spawning more spiders to tank your framerate... wait a minute
TheDangerWaffle: so much zombie asmr
sethtriggs: I hate the way the enemies spawn in these games, it's so cheap
CaptainSpam: Wasn't that part of the final battle in Max Hazard?
CodeIndigo: @sethtriggs it said "we didn't expect anyone to play this far"
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is a baffling sound effect
Inari_Kitsune: The dog barking constantly is weird
sethtriggs: Worship the Lord of the Sky?!!
RandomTrivia: WHAT
Kentosaurus: new game objective
Saintnex: uhhh
morgoth_bauglyr: praize
offbeatwitch: commands for gamers
NightValien28: worship the lord of the sky
Sheikun07: The sky lord, clearly.
Amentur: SURE!
NightValien28: praise the sky
TehAmelie: look at the sky?
richard_ermen: Too many flickering lights. Man this is hard to watch.
RandomTrivia: Wait, does it mean the CROW?!
Brozard: Sky Blorbo!
Kasran: please add that to advice
SkylerRingtail: I'm sorry - proselytizing in MY zombie murder game?
DeM0nFiRe: \[T]/
FarleyF: Praise Belopa
TheDangerWaffle: waaaaaat
Marvoleath: Is this secretly prayer warriors 2? D:
Shadowsoflife: ?
Saintnex: praise the sky Alex
Megaparsec256: most generous interpretation it's a hint to go up one of these buildings?
sheer_falacy: you get gold by worshipping the lord of the sky
MAPBoardgames: Another religious game on W+P
ThorSokar: They got frekin' mormons even here
LadyLockwood92: Stand against the devil
Brozard: Are these Towers of Babel?
NeoGabi: They clip through all the terrin
TehAmelie: Zombie War & Pray
sheer_falacy: "stronger vs weaker" is an optimistic beliefe in this game's enemies
Sheikun07: worship the lords of the elements
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am not convinced any of these things have colliders
KV1NN4: is this the zombie infested Nier Automata we have at home?
sethtriggs: Is this like beef between Lord of Sky and Lord of Earth?
TehAmelie: there's either lore or secret quests
Simriel: Secret Prayer Warriors 2
NeoGabi: Worship or you'll have to keep playing!
Saintnex: man this game really wants us to worship different gods
sheer_falacy: a book with "worship the lord of the sea"?
SquareDotCube: I love that you're just spraying and hitting them all with little effort, like Arnie from Commando
Marvoleath: The real gold is the faith you discovered
singinnonsense: love, pray, murder zombies
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, your hands do not seem to correctly interface with weapons
rentar42: something about a gun
QuixoticScrivener: soemthing M134
JadedCynic: M134
CodeIndigo: oh, i think it's saying you're out of ammo for that weapon or something
rentar42: do you continue as a zombie when you die?
sheer_falacy: the book points had healthy kits, right?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: why does it have voice chat?
Kentosaurus: oh, this game takes place in 2024
Thefluffiestguineapig: A trillion gold bars?
JadedCynic: yeah, the M134 is the military minigun - probably a message that 'your m134 is out of ammo'
Strebenherz: A TRILLION gold bars?
Saintnex: wow this game is terrible
Thefluffiestguineapig: All of this is SO BAD
Darleysam: only zombies are infested? Alright then, sucks for them I guess
TehAmelie: wait, a trillion gold bars? that's like the mass of the sun
MAPBoardgames: Voice chatting?
Thefluffiestguineapig: "Filgers"
UltraVioletVodoo: it makes me want to throw up
sethtriggs: Wow that's like the kind of screed you see on a Dr. Bronner's botle
sheer_falacy: you're going to have a hard time carrying a trillion gold bars
Thefluffiestguineapig: That sounds like an enemy from that one game
sheer_falacy: it's just like the end of Dead Money
why is the world tilted
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I am so nauseous now...
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's a hell of a scaffold
Brozard: Your filgers crossed and your baldders open
sethtriggs: This map asset pack doesn't come with a minimap
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hello @LoadingReadyRun Graham and Alex.
rentar42: I'm so meta even this abbreviation ...
morgoth_bauglyr: the data tech
sethtriggs: Oh I remember that policeman zombie!
SquareDotCube: Does the building look like it's from the 80s?
an_archist2: I'm so meta, even this acronym
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: DataTek is generic cyberpunk as it gets, wow
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the muzzle wander is impressive
sheer_falacy: there is literally a company named Cyberdyne
sheer_falacy: I'm sure at some point someone will found Weyland-Yutani
sethtriggs: This is an OLD asset pack, that might've even been in the infamous Slaughtering Grounds
Thefluffiestguineapig: Some corporations literally name themselves things that are hard to google to make it difficult to figure it out
TehAmelie: i hope the treasure is just a note that says "you believed there could even exist that much gold in the entire Milky Way galaxy? sucker"
CodeIndigo: datatech got bought out by embracer last year and then sold to OCP
Kentosaurus: Universal Exports
Marvoleath: ah yes, the III
LadyLockwood92: Something something the Torment Nexus.
CaptainSpam: Ah, the world of Private Equity Groups.
Drasvin: Datatec doesn't sound like the zombie company. It sounds like the robot upraising company
sarsum33: good to publics transport is still running in the zombie apokalypse
sheer_falacy: I assume that asset pack is free
lightfut: Universal exports got nothin on them
SquareDotCube: *tips fedora* m'groin
duckace11: James bond in my opion has to answer for spys being in the shipping industry as a cover. I just read a book that did that
sethtriggs: Even with the broken instant spawning this is still boring gameplay
Darleysam: I fear that Slaughtering Grounds is one I've only seen when played on here, and I *still* remember the music
an_archist2: would you wear holographic cloting?
DrLigmaPhD: McGroin chain of strip clubs
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptainSpam I hate that the reason I learned about this is because I live in a building where I had to dig through records of 4 shell companies to find records of tenant evictions and complaints when they bought the building I was already living in
MAPBoardgames: Gotta get that "sci-fi" tag somehow.
TehAmelie: [wardrobe malfunctions intensify]
Thefluffiestguineapig: That sounds amazing
Blip2004: I don't like that the world is tilted
NullColaShip: Don't forget to keep your underpants charged!
Drasvin: Holographic clothing sounds like a bad idea. What happens if the emitter crashes?
morgoth_bauglyr: fun times for everyone
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Drasvin Instant indecent exposure tickets for a whole city
thedepthandbreadthofseth: the emperor's poorly rendered clothes!
ryuhimora: The amount of zombies that are rushing up to you from behind before you can even react are breaking EVERY game design good practice in shooters
CodeIndigo: @NullColaShip i do not want to consider the ramifications of a denial of service attack on my panties
Mangledpixel: Drasvin that's what's known as an Emperor's New Clothes scenario
KeytarCat: The Source "ERROR"
CaptainSpam: @Drasvin Depending on the story, that may be the point. Gratuitous eye waggle. Oh, wait, that's a stage direction, sorry.
rentar42: gives an entirely new meaning to the term "wardrobe malfunction"
an_archist2: i thought you were going to say it makes you 16 inches bigger
notthepenguins: She's a spirit inhabiting a doll body yeah
TehAmelie: the emperor is wearing physical clothes! they're not holograms!
Strebenherz: my favorite fiction with a cybernetic eye had them cursing it out as it just started glitching and offering him sales offers
Inari_Kitsune: When I think holographic clothing I think clothing that is linear or scattered Holo
RandomTrivia: "Excuse me! I am TRYING! to SHOP!"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wander your ass around till you get the correct interactable
ReachW: Wardrobe malfunctions? Nah, the real worry is wardrobe sabotage.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @TehAmelie oh, that's even better!
LadyLockwood92: I think it's to represent that her spirit is kinda too big for her body to contain.
MAPBoardgames: The sweet release of the sub-ocean!
sethtriggs: So the damage effect also appears in third-person view!
accountmadeforants: "Global Industrial Company" is another great fake (but very real)company name. They started as "Global Equipment Company", were briefly "Systemax", then went back to "Global Industrial Company". And at one point they spun off a business unit that's just "Global Industrial".
LadyLockwood92: You Dead
AFamiliarCalledEl: Subscribe to my OnlyZombies
DeM0nFiRe: That is like when a company says "A certain percentage of users are experiencing an issue" when their shit is broke
KBKarma: How do you spell that.
CouldntPickAUsername: managed to burn through several today
GreatWahooney: I should replay Celeste actually
AugmentingPath: That's latin for "wicked"
Shadowsoflife: A what now?
KeytarCat: That reminded me of Eye: Cybermancy, a french dystopia with some intense design choices
Marvoleath: Scelest'em? I hardly know 'em!
KBKarma: Like bras?
meaninglessMeg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
Thanks for subscribing, meaninglessMeg! (Today's storm count: 70)
CouldntPickAUsername: wait, is this the medieval version of fixing the fuse box to turn on the light?
accountmadeforants: Apparently Global Industrial Company also bought another company called "Plant Equipment Group" (PEG), I swear I'm not making these names up
sheer_falacy: I always bring a demon staff on my journeys
TehAmelie: is this gonna be a first person kind of They Are Billions?
accountmadeforants: You don't recognize Skyrim?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oh, satan!
sheer_falacy: impressively authentic goat eyes
KBKarma: Do you wish to live deliciously?
measureofhope: Ah yes, the escape goat
cadesguy: Press E to leave prompt on the GOAT
QuixoticScrivener: that's how fire works
Megaparsec256: some sort of extraction game?
AHayes31: I suspect only good things would happen if you drink that
CodeIndigo: no, you're outrunning the flame particles
accountmadeforants: Brother, I am starving
The_Color_Twelve subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months, currently on a 57 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, The_Color_Twelve! (Today's storm count: 71)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Alchemy game?
sheer_falacy: pigs don't need oats, pigs will eat anything and anyone
rentar42: this is literally just skyrim, change my mind
DrLigmaPhD: Fire, notably a transferable object and not a process
Atomic_Marshmallow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
Atomic_Marshmallow: Garbage Day!
Thanks for subscribing, Atomic_Marshmallow! (Today's storm count: 72)
TehAmelie: vaguely house-shaped cottage, C-
LadyLockwood92: May I have some Oats?
Robot_Bones: May I have some game play brother?
korvys: Picking those things up with your mind, I assume? Since your hands are full
rentar42: right mouse button?
Rhynerd: ultimate plate-looking adventure
KBKarma: @Atomic_Marshmallow o/
Inari_Kitsune: So you have telekinesis?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @sheer_falacy No joke, for all the jokes about goats eat anything, pigs are a menace to themselves and others with the nonsense they eat
thedepthandbreadthofseth: can we please just burn it all down?
accountmadeforants: Y'know, I think the sulfur smoke coming off your torch may be a health risk
sheer_falacy: you can barricade the doors but the totally shattered windows are uninteractable?
AugmentingPath: the world sure is full of things
TehAmelie: pigs are a menace to people falling over
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did you do that Alex or did the pot just yeet itself
TehAmelie: Rusty!
sheer_falacy: does it open the chest right there?
rentar42: oh, I was mistaken. This isn't skyrim, it's Myst!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Rus Sticky here
KBKarma: Rusty Key: the new Russell the crow.
sheer_falacy: is this going to let you find the imposter animal
Marvoleath: there was definitely a goat
accountmadeforants: "Just making a note here, I still have no sheep at all"
KBKarma: Yes. This is how you use a book.
AugmentingPath: it's a real pageturner, couldn't put it down
MAPBoardgames: Chick4 Sheep2 Cow0 Pig1
KV1NN4: did they mix up 'goat' and 'sheep'?
LordZarano: The Forrest-like?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @TehAmelie I feel like menace is an error of degree. I feel like hazard or danger are more accurate.
rentar42: If a farmer has no sheep, why does he put an entry into his list saying "Sheep: 0", why's there no "Demons: 0"
Thefluffiestguineapig: A pretty small cow TBH
TehAmelie: do we not have a door that closes normally? is it Hateful Eight door time?
Thefluffiestguineapig: A shiny rock
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh
sheer_falacy: @rentar42 he has no sheep, his number of demons is carefully undefined
Thefluffiestguineapig: Where are the others
accountmadeforants: @rentar42 It's aspirational. Or he's comparing to his neighbour who does have sheep
SquareDotCube: the beacons are lit!
singinnonsense: Gondor calls for aid !
TehAmelie: do the farm animals fear your torch?
Asoxa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Asoxa! (Today's storm count: 73)
warpstonewarlock: Gongor calls for aid
AugmentingPath: singinnonsense as long as it's not Gongor, I'm not taking their calls anymore
CodeIndigo: the olympic torch relay, now with geometry errors
measureofhope: Are we okay with the torch burning blue?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @singinnonsense And Rohan shall answer!
AaronBSam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months, currently on a 129 month streak!
AaronBSam: Stand Against the Devil! x129
Thanks for subscribing, AaronBSam! (Today's storm count: 74)
sheer_falacy: green is a good color for meat to turn
Megaparsec256: this is a phasmophobia holy shit
rentar42: omg!
KeytarCat: A friend of mine was GMing and told us there were brassiers burning in the corners of a room, and that's how he learned the difference between those words
accountmadeforants: Oh shit it is phasmophobia
sethtriggs: Demon staff
AugmentingPath: Skyrim phasmophobia, yeah
MAPBoardgames: Is this like a ghost hunting game, where you have to identfy what kind of monster attacks in the night?
sheer_falacy: oh look at the potion entry, it mentions colors
KBKarma: Ah. So yer man cooked chicken.
sethtriggs: Errybody eatin' pig
RandomTrivia: Wow, night fell with a THUNK
@KeytarCat That's amazing
Foxmar320: Jump scare
rentar42: nighttime is probably perfectly save ...
morgoth_bauglyr: JUMPSCARE
BusTed: knock knock
sheer_falacy: Demons: >0
sethtriggs: This is a good Let's Nope!
KBKarma: Dem'n.
KeytarCat: Oh, it's phasmophobia!
RandomTrivia: Welp, house is compromised
DigitalSeahorse: oh no I slept through most of this
rentar42: but what if it's a demon?
sethtriggs: Loud scream or tea kettle?
AHayes31: I expected zombies... not a 3 foot demon
CodeIndigo: we noticed the scream, thank you
DigitalSeahorse: dang sleep schedule being fucky
TehAmelie: Frontiers, that was the game where you could pick yourself up on an item and fly. this feels a bit like that, but with even less time in the oven
AugmentingPath: The food is green, and goblin is nilbog backwards... I think you're right!
LadyLockwood92: Jesus, that got me too, fuck.
RandomTrivia: Welp
sethtriggs: wha
CodeIndigo: actually, wait, no, that's accessibility, I should not mock that
Thefluffiestguineapig: @sethtriggs Third option: loud rusty machinery
Sheikun07: Is this just phasmaphobia but rustic?
sheer_falacy: @KeytarCat Yup, apparently!
Thefluffiestguineapig: A tutorial? In W+P?
QuixoticScrivener: Where is our goat?
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
accountmadeforants: I love goat]
EvilBadman: please add that to advice
BITs19_: that sounds like some good !advice
Strebenherz: amazing
AaronBSam: Goat! It be a gobbo!
accountmadeforants: Single best menu interface: GOAT
Simriel: Brand New Sentences!
FarleyF: Matt just sitting there waiting for our order
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Well. There's some !advice.
margieargie: I'm always saying that
CodeIndigo: so to win, you have to get goated?
cadesguy: the goat menu
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is that good or bad advice?
Robot_Bones: Like you do
Strebenherz: @EvilBadman seconded
rentar42: where else? do you know how hard it is to find good data entry workers? That guy is the goat!
sethtriggs: Which end of the goat do you input into?
Marvoleath: Do not input your choices at goats in real life, they do not like that and may get aggressive.
CodeIndigo: Tugger Nutts Accepts The Input
accountmadeforants: @sethtriggs The front-end
Graham no! Asking for it means it never happens!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Marvoleath Goats are often massive assholes
Thefluffiestguineapig: I just did a small spit take at Tugger Nutts accepts the Input
sheer_falacy: it's a ghost game where you need to figure out what kind of ghost is haunting the house based on various signs
KV1NN4: anyone in the office right now hwo HAS played Phasmaphobia..? <XD
TheMerricat: "Scelestum is a single or multiplayer mystery game. Solve puzzles and collect evidence of monster attacks, to identify the correct one which has attacked. Use various items and your own wits to uncover the truth of what is happening, and prove you have what it takes to be a monster investigator."
korvys: Phasmaphobia is a haunted house game where you use the bahaviour of the monster to figure out what kind of monster it is
DigitalSeahorse: what do you input at the pig?
CodeIndigo: there were four pig in the prior mission
Kasran: @CodeIndigo 10/10
rentar42: but you don't yet know if the farmer owned 4 pigs before ...
sethtriggs: Is this game like one of those logic grid puzzles?
Thefluffiestguineapig: This seems like it could be an interesting game
Robot_Bones: Could be a dwarf
sethtriggs: WOW
Kentosaurus: gg
sheer_falacy: there may be more than 3 in the real game
AHayes31: Easiest game of clue ever
FarleyF: ok so this is an interesting concept of a game
TheMerricat: "Many potential monsters: Over 10 potential monsters all leaving different evidence of their presence."
Thefluffiestguineapig: So few in the tutorial, more in missions
Foxmar320: Chat what was the exact wording G wanted for advice? Im only half here right now.
rentar42: the bonus objective changed!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I actually think this is an interesting first draft
rentar42: now it's collecting 5 coins
alchemistsavant: They're *trying* at least.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think with a couple more iterations this game could be interesting honestly
sheer_falacy: it was what, "Input your choice at the Goat"?
rentar42: there's innovation in my watch+play that's not just a asset flip, I don't think that's allowed.
AFamiliarCalledEl: A phasmafauxbia?
FarleyF: a fantasy phasmophobia
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Foxmar320 I believe it was "You can input your choice at your goat."
QuixoticScrivener: Dryads eat sheep?
korvys: As usual, I don't know if you should *sell* it, but I encourage any new game dev to copy/riff-on existing games/genres, even if bad
Thefluffiestguineapig: @QuixoticScrivener I don't remember dryads consuming meat at all but that's just me
Thefluffiestguineapig: @korvys Right, put it online for free
Foxmar320: @ScrapyardGhostTrain Added it as that for now
sheer_falacy: Plants are happy to consume meat so I don't see why dryads wouldn't
BITs19_: agree with @korvys ; make this game, don't sell it
DigitalSeahorse: input your clues at the pigs
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh you have starting numbers
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is honestly interesting
Robot_Bones: Sick free wine
FarleyF: this guys rich in milk and manure
andy1503 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Thanks for subscribing, andy1503! (Today's storm count: 75)
no, one clipped throught the terrain
saucemaster5000: missing cows = desperate hamburglar
SpacePotato01: that one cow is travelling without moving. Very sus
gnyrinn: And a partridge in a pear tree. Sorry, wrong animal list
TehAmelie: my goat makes unholy shrieking noises, cannot be moved from the spot, has cross-shaped eyes and climbs on walls. is it possessed by Satan or just being a goat?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Honestly a cow could take the hamburglar
CodeIndigo: to be fair, one cow is enoough for a night
MAPBoardgames: clues?
Sheikun07: Clues or Solve Mission lets you input clues
Sheikun07: I think
AlistorKO: "Ate the cow, drank all the wine, left the hut a disheveled mess. Was it you, DAVE?"
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is honestly a good first draft
MAPBoardgames: Take only cows and leave only scratch marks.
Marvoleath: eating a whole cow a day is an appetite
KeytarCat: Phasmophobia speedruns are usually multiple investigations so random guessing is notably annoying
sheer_falacy: ah, they didn't drink the beer
MAPBoardgames: 'Beer mug is full' seems like a solvable problem.
Anaerin: a +1 ladle of striking.
Saintnex: why is our torch spewing out green gas? is it meant to be smoke?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: unscheduled lets nope
KBKarma: Oh. I think that's a mechanic to prevent you from guessing what's out there,.
rentar42: "for their pray"
Strebenherz: we have phantasmaphobia at home
sheer_falacy: these are very picky Rocs to only eat sheep
Inari_Kitsune: Oh my God! I have that exact lace mat for my pictures on my piano!
Brozard: the tiny hairs?
AHayes31: Sunrise
0x6772: The fangs of Shai Halud
DrLigmaPhD: Some worms have teeth, no?
KV1NN4: I am legit kindda digging this game honestly
KV1NN4: I thinkt hats a pile of bones int he cow pen
KV1NN4: they match the ground a bit?
Inari_Kitsune: It's so weird to see it zoomed and used as a curtain
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KV1NN4 Same
CodeIndigo: but willy eats them?
WiJohn: Me?
KBKarma: Lots.
sheer_falacy: did the chest have a note about someone stealing his animals
FarleyF: Colonel Sanders
KV1NN4: or its a pile of sticks...
something's goblin the animals
KeytarCat: I only saw four chickens yesterday and saw five today 👀
sheer_falacy: I'm glad your torch lasts forever
sheer_falacy: if you add a potion to the meat it changes color to indicate what it is
KBKarma: Use the Discovery potion on the meat.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I hope my cat didn't send anything random, she sat on my keyboard and luckily I have a lot of experience rapidly making sure there aren't any badly screwed up settings
MAPBoardgames: Chimken
Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig Nothing seems to have sent
rentar42: I mean he's a goblin, not a Monster, Graham!"
CouldntPickAUsername: you know, at least this game is trying something different, unlike the various slaughtering grounds wannabes
Marvoleath: Just because its a goblin, it has to gobble the chicken whole? smh, Graham
sheer_falacy: the goblin is their neighbor Fred who comes by to borrow sugar and/or chickens occasionally
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Thank goodness, although it means we miss out on another game of "what does this random cat text mean"
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NO
margieargie: ??
phoenixletmeuseadashd: with a bunch of work this could be interesting
Saintnex: wut
Thefluffiestguineapig: You were correct the first time in your assessment
sethtriggs: LOL
morgoth_bauglyr: possibly the chicken was cooked by the owner?
RunicScribe: Is the pot maybe what the farmer ate, and not the monster?
CodeIndigo: Tugger Nutts Disapproves Of Your Investigation
Electrodyne: Thanks guys
KBKarma: Right, g'night folks. Have a good one.
Kasran: there must have been some misdirection, like a note that says "the dude down the road keeps stealing my chickens!" or something
rentar42: I did enjoy watching, thanks for playing!
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was fun!
Saintnex: oh wait, is it saying the missing chicken was because the owner was eating it?
Foxmar320: !alex
sethtriggs: Thanks for awesome stream!
sheer_falacy: that was the best game of the night, which I admit is a low bar
Driosenth: Will you still be alex tomorrow?
Foxmar320: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
LadyLockwood92: Cheers for the stream~
Megaparsec256: at least it was imitating a different genre than the usual nonsense
Foxmar320: !youtube
BITs19_: !advice
LRRbot: Step one: steal from JoeKim's base.
chaostreader: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Horrified: World of Monsters) at Wed 05:00 PM PDT (1:21 from now).
Foxmar320: !patreon
vinewood_og: G Money and A train, thanks for the trash!
GapFiller: !badadvice
LRRbot: Touch the minecart hoppers.
nartin9: What was that game called?
KeytarCat: Tugger Nutts denies the Worm
ryuhimora: !badadvice
LRRbot: Trust James with your credit card.
JadedCynic: ciao! thanks for the fun!
Strebenherz: !alex
measureofhope: I enjoy your draw things, Alex
Electrodyne: Ooooooo
GapFiller: eyyy Leather Daddy Ian
CodeIndigo: Who's playing Kill Team on Saturday?
Electrodyne: Upholstery
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Ben's PIF just continuing to give Heather trouble transfering it to YT?
Aenir798: That said Saturday not Friday
CodeIndigo: AF40K
Thefluffiestguineapig: An singular bonus stream
BITs19_: wat
JadedCynic: to be fair, I did end up replacing a few office chairs over the years because of the armrests falling apart
sethtriggs: Ian is super handy. Everyone should have a friend like Ian
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2606 in the channel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Esoterus!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Theo3rdAnarchist!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to AramBos!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mai_Andra!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to krypticdreams85!
Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to Esoterus, Mai_Andra, AramBos, Theo3rdAnarchist, and krypticdreams85! (Today's storm count: 80)
Driosenth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Driosenth! (Today's storm count: 81)
bethjch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
Thanks for subscribing, bethjch! (Today's storm count: 82)
CodeIndigo converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
ryuhimora: Hey, Alex got my name right!
KV1NN4: and now i take a nap
Foxmar320: !schedule
sethtriggs: Rest well KV1NN4
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KV1NN4 Have a good nap!
TehAmelie: thanks for the stream!
Fun stream as always
The rare triple Alex this week
TehAmelie: everything today felt so familiar, and i don't think it was just jaded reductionism. such deja vu episode
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Foxmar320: Thanks for streaming
Kasran: thank you!
Aenir798: okbyee
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
fastlane250: sees ya
DigitalSeahorse: okbyeeeeeeeeee
TheMerricat: So post stream warning to folk, the Internet Archive was _just_ hacked an hour ago. If you had an account on it, start the normal mitigation processes.
LoadingReadyRun: @Asoxa I keep worrying I'm mangling your name, how do you say it?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good chats as always! And thank you mods!
Strebenherz: @TheMerricat the wayback machine?
Wonderdoc: oh dang it, I‘m late
@Strebenherz Seems to be working, this is the main site.
TehAmelie: meanwhile, Call of Duty removes streamer's skin after inappropriate comments. i bet that'll be news at the next Checkpoint
Strebenherz: gotcha, thank you for heads up Merricat
Juliamon: There's been a lot of news today
TehAmelie: Anakin and Padme meme: "in the game, right?"
@TehAmelie Like, their real skin?
Juliamon: things I am tired of #n+1: the "You must make an account to use this service" to "this service has been hacked and all accounts compromised" pipeline
TheMerricat: archive only required accounts for uploaders and folk who wanted to save preferences. But....
Juliamon: I mean, in general
TehAmelie: it makes me go "alright then, keep your secrets"
TehAmelie: not as bad as "submit your card number to start your free trial" though
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