dumbo3k: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Horrified: World of Monsters) at Wed 05:00 PM PDT (5m from now).
NotCainNorAbel: @Juliamon done
Getter404: So... what are the chances they have a copy of Greek Monsters lying around to test the cross-compatibility?
kusinohki: meows
Diabore: DALE!
ihlendrax: !quote Dale
LRRbot: Quote #5175: "So are you summoning a demon?" —Dale, looking very hopeful [2018-07-16]
definenull: yay dale!
TehAmelie: woo
Meyari subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 115 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Meyari! (Today's storm count: 83)
chrisvonclause subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
Thanks for subscribing, chrisvonclause! (Today's storm count: 84)
dragonwarrior000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
Thanks for subscribing, dragonwarrior000! (Today's storm count: 85)
Dog_of_Myth: Made it just in time
Monke see Arkham, neuron activated
definenull: spooky intro! spooky intro!
NotCainNorAbel: holidays intro!
Sorator13: is.. is this new? I love it!
PharaohBender27: New intro!
Juliamon: it's new and seasonal
TehAmelie: Ulric is in the house
Orxolon: i loved it
Dog_of_Myth: Dale!
Sarah_Serinde: Oh hi friends
Diabore: @Sorator13 debuted last week, and itll be new again in november (this one is spook themed)
TehAmelie: hallo!
definenull: \o/
GhostValv: wowie
midnightcurryjazz: d a l e
gualdhar: it's Dale! what a surprise!
Getter404: I need to freeze frame to see how many of them drew Weaknesses
NotCainNorAbel: DALE!!!
KWardJenx: Dale!!
Welcome back Dale
Orxolon: hellloooo Dale!
Sorator13: @Diabore sweet!
korvys: Happy Birthday Dale
definenull: oh yeah! happy belated!
Orxolon: today is Dale b day?
NimrodXIV: I'm very interested in this one, I've almost bought Horrified many times
ihlendrax: !chat
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
Sorator13: something something don't challenge chat
Bobtheninjagoldfish: damn I missed Dale.
Getter404: The one thing I saw about the 4th one was Cthulhu's rules were "annoyingly vague"
HadesLeprechaun: surely none of us are obsessive about board games enough to look up new ones!
Azsedcf: Is there a low hum?
saucemaster5000: @Getter404 that's on point
Dog_of_Myth: !store
chaostreader: @azsedcf I think so?
KaiTerranova: @Azsedcf background music
Simonark: Surely, ignorance has been a bar against us in chat speaking up unhelpfully 100% of the time in the past!
Nigouki: yerp, there is ominous background music
Getter404: Mothman
HadesLeprechaun: Fresno Nightcrawler!
Juliamon: Play it safe, go with Pumpkaboo
kumatsu: I'd use Sasquatch Ben in the woods sleeves
Juliamon: the BLUE lagoon
Juliamon: he said
saucemaster5000: Adam actually said the blue lagoon
I'm playing some background music that is supposed to be spooky, but it seems more just a ominous tone
lirazel64: Oh wow, a Dale!
KWardJenx: He first said you'd be the creature from the Blue Lagoon, which is a VERY different vibe.
Getter404: @LoadingReadyRun how very Lynchian
MacbethSeemsSus: @LoadingReadyRun Ominous tones can be spooky
kumatsu: @LoadingReadyRun yeah ominous tone was what I was about to describe it as
TehAmelie: the creature from the Blue Lagoon, that'd be the baby right?
Getter404: The 2nd one was American Cryptids, the 3rd one was Greek Monsters. this one is Some Stuff
LoadingReadyRun: Let me know if the background music is too annoying
NimrodXIV: like they do
kumatsu: So the town is Holy?
Dog_of_Myth: Ah, so Butte, MT.
lirazel64: So, N'sburg.
FarleyF: when you arrive be sure to mention "something sure does Sphinx around here"
TehAmelie: didney worl?
Nigouki: Disneyland is like Vegas - nice to visit but do not stay
lirazel64: That's the entrance to the rum tunnels.
an yeti
FarleyF: Yeti gain we need to remove the Sphinx in the town
definenull: is it really?
Getter404: Surprise it's a Pandemic
kumatsu: "We all just dipped"
Orxolon: have you ever been evacuated?
FarleyF: twirl your moustache
TheMandrew: Legally Distinct Monster Squad?
superdude097: The Enigma Troupe
definenull: maybe they're a lycan
Orxolon: a like E. Nigma
TheAwkes: Strong worldbuilding.
KeytarCat: SotsV
AFamiliarCalledEl: So uh, are your family all Owlmen, or was it a coincidence?
Juliamon: grazing
Getter404: The Big Gulps
definenull: excellent
BusTed: 🤔
Orxolon: new quote for Dale?
kusinohki: bring back the revengers!
FarleyF: @micalovits when your pantry is filled with edible panties
kusinohki: something someting panty raiding a harpy...
Orxolon: do you have like an action counter thingy?
Vilun: goal: prevent ourselves from dying... isn't that just everyday goals?
Mattmitchell45: Watching Ben Re-animate is probably terrifying
Getter404: This is *really* bringing back my desire for a Return to Dark Tower run.
Uhhh, those look so much cooler than the old perk cards
definenull: this overlay is neat!
Orxolon: it kids
saucemaster5000: so... we're gonna kidnap kids?
roticet: "Rescue"
saucemaster5000: maybe we just want to make sure the kids watch
TehAmelie: i'll believe baby yetis are called kids, like baby goats
kumatsu: Tear down the Matterhorn, got it
AFamiliarCalledEl: Have to make sure the kids are witnesses so that they properly learn to hate the town
Bobtheninjagoldfish: challenge it to a spelling bee.
Orxolon: @Bobtheninjagoldfish hahahaha
"too much to go through" appears to be a theme in this game
ThorSokar: #TeamNoHit represent!
kusinohki: ick it is a magic math square...
micalovits: Gotta answer the riddle
spinebustertee: So excited to watch the VOD on this, the original Horrified is one of my favorite games. Good luck have fun y'all!
Sphinx: "You must solve THE SODOKU OF FATE"
Orxolon: kinda off topic: Is X com returning?honest curiosity
TheManaLeek: Monsters have that go juice, going all the time
Chesul: It's also possible for three monsters to go, one of the two going twice.
kusinohki: not the sudoku of fate! I'm better at nonograms!
KaiTerranova: fortune teller, give me your strongest fortunes
definenull: continuous! enthusiastic! consent!
Getter404: Set it up right and Cori-bot could use 3 actions to move someone at warp speed
Orxolon: yeeaaahhh it is!
Juliamon: hah it totally is
Orxolon: wow
Getter404: Agatha Crane? Wait, wrong Cthulhugame
Orxolon: i want Magus scythe
definenull: yeet stuff
Diabore: ben prepared
Sarah_Serinde: !addquote (Heather) [now] I'm gonna Kindness War the shit outta this.
LRRbot: New quote #9112: "I'm gonna Kindness War the shit outta this." —Heather [2024-10-09]
kumatsu: all I know about it is there's a haunted house of it at universal
PharaohBender27: And it was black?
Orxolon: was it black?
Getter404: Heard it's great atmosphere, low actual spooks
Juliamon: Ghost was phone??
ThorSokar: What did Cori watch?
MAPBoardgames: Rotary phone? the horror!
northos: honestly it would be spookier if the phone wasn't black. then you'd be wondering the whole time where the other one is!
Orxolon: is Valgavoth in this game? xD
"Hello? Is that Ghost? This is phone"
Orxolon: Cori,what did you watch?
micalovits: They could make a version with magic monsters
truenamer_01: @LoadingReadyRun No this is patrick
kusinohki: what kind of long distance charges do you get calling the afterlife??
JKBalch: Spirited ones
roticet: 3 soul tokens a minute
Orxolon: recomendation: no one will save you
truenamer_01: @kusinohki They're killer, but you can add it to your last cable bill along with passage on Charon's boart
CaptainSpam: GENTLEMEN! BEHO- oh, just Dr. Weir. My mistake.
SacrificialToast: it's very hard for ravens to quote Nevermore on the typewriter because they can't get the " mark
kusinohki: I heard "dr weird"... totally not strange or fate...
Getter404: "back pack for his apple sauce..."
116 raiders from benjamin_wheeler have joined!
truenamer_01: Hello Wheeler. Thank you for coming. It's great to have you.
TehAmelie: are there doppelgangers in the game? cause we got another Ben!
Orxolon: i am never picky,but can we do something to read the cards better?or am i going blind?
RealGamerCow: I think it's just a bad font
Juliamon: yeah this font sucks
Orxolon: i agree
kusinohki: yeah, can't read the font of dr weir and the monster's text is way too small... *shrug*
RealGamerCow: Dr Weir Start: skybound galleon Notes: His ingenuity and 12 doctorates speak to his versatility in facing the void's many surprises
droodtheozeference: They only roll dice if there's someone to attack.
Getter404: Going grab my copy of Greek Monsters to double check
micalovits: In the older editions they only rolled if there was someone, but is something they could have changed
korvys: The Garden of the Rizzin'
definenull: dale smashed his guitar into the lair entrance
kusinohki: is the guitar gently weeping?
Getter404: Greek Monsters is running 100% the same ruleset as World of Monsters (the big selling point) and yes, no target on the space = no attack is rolled
kusinohki: is there an item limit or weight hindrance or whatever??
Getter404: @kusinohki Not that I can tell since you use them for so much, but double checking to be safe
kusinohki: target (yeto) kids
QuixoticScrivener: My childhood self feels personally called out by that Walmart comment.
micalovits: So many hands o:
Getter404: Short manual a t 11 pages, so even if anything would be badly laid out it doesn't take long to cross reference
PharaohBender27: Is that bag sealed with velcro?
Getter404: Yep. The Universal one used a cloth drawstring bag but all the ones since were basically tarp material with a velcro seal
Cptasparagus: The constant tone background sound is a little grating
QuixoticScrivener: @Cptasparagus Great, now I noticed it.
TehAmelie: it's 2 am, do you have your yeti under control?
kusinohki: I want to make a yeti microphone joke, but I don't know enough about them....
so you mean to say you want to act as Monster Bait
AngelicKnighthood subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Thanks for subscribing, AngelicKnighthood! (Today's storm count: 86)
Getter404: Here comes the ye-tay!
ZephyrousOne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ZephyrousOne! (Today's storm count: 87)
definenull: ruh roh
KeytarCat: The image is the sphynx, which isn't ghostly
Jillexie: Ode to the Lost Buccaneer
FarleyF: cori confirmed to be in league with Big Monster
Getter404: If it matters, says here Power resolves first, then Attacks
Sorator13: Definitely thought that sentence was going a different direction
singinnonsense: or fly off into the sunset
if anyone finds an online copy of the rule book for *this edition* of Horrified (world of monsters) it would be useful to have. I couldn't find one
Chesul: When does the frenzy move between the monsters?
definenull: oh dear
Getter404: Best I could find was a compilation of official Ravensburger responses/rules clarifications on Greek Monsters, sorry
QuixoticScrivener: I f
QuixoticScrivener: I feel like the map needs to be bigger for all this stuff.
Getter404: If you could end your turn adjacent to Cori-bot she could play traffic cop?
Ben is a
Jillexie: Can Ben join the monsters as a ghost?
Getter404: Unfortunately he's merely waiting out his respawn timer
micalovits: "Oh hello!" - "AAARGH!"
Getter404: I. Am. Your singing telegra-
Jillexie: @Getter404 +5 points for the Clue reference.
BusTed: on my top 8
PharaohBender27: "Join me on MySpace" - what is, this, 2006?
TehAmelie: the Sphinx's name is now Tom
Faulpyr: Tom Riddleston?
Getter404: @Faulpyr seconded.
TehAmelie: i was thinking Tom Myspace Anderson
Godeke subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Godeke! (Today's storm count: 88)
micalovits: Worst case
shendaras: Did they add items or did I miss it?
TehAmelie: wow, the background music is giving me an eepy. it could also be because it's 3 in the morning here
micalovits: Good to hear I'm not the only silly European watching
TehAmelie: there are dozens of us
saucemaster5000: there's nothing more calming than death
Getter404: Quick, we need an extremely labored Horrified term for "tap" before Hasbro notices
TehAmelie: "fear", as a verb
Mischievous_Catgeist subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Mischievous_Catgeist! (Today's storm count: 89)
KeytarCat: enstupor
Diabore: dust him
TehAmelie: fear em sideways
Diabore: booo
Nigouki: One Hit Cori to the rescue!
Getter404: 1 item at a time but does it say limit once per turn?
rraawwrrimabear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Thanks for subscribing, rraawwrrimabear! (Today's storm count: 90)
Bobtheninjagoldfish: what do they have left to do to beat the sphinx?
6+ green items on the sphinx
LoadingReadyRun: correction: 6+ power of green items
Bobtheninjagoldfish: thank you
LilyOfTheVeil666: I love the Power Gauntlet. It's so...bad.
Getter404: "Man. The answer was Man."
JusticeJuice: Hanging out with monsters is the Let's Nope stream description.
HadesLeprechaun subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months, currently on a 54 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, HadesLeprechaun! (Today's storm count: 91)
morderschatten subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 25 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, morderschatten! (Today's storm count: 92)
Bruceski: I saw Cthulhu and the Jiangshi open at the Unblinking Eye back in '06. There's still a crater there.
colourspike subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 16 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, colourspike! (Today's storm count: 93)
Getter404: Wait, was Hsein-ko in any of the Vs games? We could recreate this with Shuma-Gorath
niccus: hsien-ko and shuma-gorath have both been in mvc2 and 3
iris_of_ether: Ben. Heather.
Strebenherz: A+
RealGamerCow: 3 yeti moon?
DeChunkandFriends: That's what that new 2nd moon is, the yeti moon.
saucemaster5000: Now you can get an aki skin based on hsien-ko
iris_of_ether: *Ben*
Getter404: Thankfully for young Benjamin the one with the Bee Lady didn't get a US release
Nigouki: Brigadier General Ripper was right, we must protect our precious bodily fluids
LibraryWitchKei: Hah bah babah
Getter404: @LibraryWitchKei Haaaaaaaaaah hagada
RealGamerCow: Heather with the speedrun stats
RealGamerCow: strats
Getter404: Oh no it has Hulk Jumps
Getter404: 9+ iin Purple after Purple gets you the fastest way to finish the sword? Oh that's just cruel.
TehAmelie: not just regular dead?
drkultra: chat this feels like Arkham Horror
Getter404: @drkultra Original or Card Game?
TehAmelie: Arkham North perhaps, or Arctic-ham
drkultra: @Getter404 the OG with the big unfoldable map
drkultra: feels like a fantasy version, it looks a lot newer too lol
Getter404: They put out a 3rd edition a couple years back that's a lot more streamlined and narrative-focused. Kinda divisive but never had the chance to try it
DrLigmaPhD: Emergency void meeting
Chesul: Isn't the sphinx within range of the hole?
In some ways I was thinking that this reminds me a bit of some of the haunts from Betrayal at the House on the Hill
Getter404: Well the good news is you're set up for one hell of a Share action
TehAmelie: if there's a traitor that'll be quite a twist
KaleidoscopeMind: blame james?
TehAmelie: James is the traitor?!
saucemaster5000: ben was the traitor
TehAmelie: oh noes
Juliamon: ah, classic "fuck this player in particular"
Getter404: Has the Sphinx seen anyone this game? Is it just wondering where everyone went?
Getter404: The hat is Jotaro, Josuke has Sean Young''s hair from Blade Runner
Strebenherz: this one?
saucemaster5000: I wonder if this card also was hated by critics and the general public
KeytarCat: @saucemaster5000 Joker movie didn't do well?
saucemaster5000: very badly, got bad reviews, made no money, and general audiences rated it lower than "madame web"
KeytarCat: oofa
Getter404: Made less money than Morbius' opening weekend
KeytarCat: fuuuuu
TehAmelie: i didn't even see the first Joker yet
LavenderCreations: from what I've heard the attitude of the movie was "Fuck you for making us make this" so.. it wasn't really happy to even exist
KeytarCat: I was hoping Gaga would get it something
KeytarCat: Oh dear
QuixoticScrivener: Its K-9!
TheAwkes: I didn't even know the second Joker movie existed until sites started to cover how poorly it did.
Getter404: @LavenderCreations The making of stories made it sound like it was a vanity project that received no notes from WB due to happening during a board reshuffling
TehAmelie: i guess the director went to an even worser place than when he made Joker because "nobody likes comedy anymore"
KeytarCat: I've been seeing ads for it for weeks
LavenderCreations: @Getter404 that could also be, definitely! it's hard to really know what goes on behind the scenes
tehfewl: they did the Mash!
Getter404: Not even a joke, Todd & Joaquin's initial pitch was to have it be a Broadway musical. Not a Broadway *movie*, , not a filmed performance, an actual Broadway play
Getter404: They saw the Spider-Musical and said "Nah I'd win"
saucemaster5000: to be clear, Todd Philips has made the studio billions so they gave him final cut, no notes, and he didn't have to test screen it
SaxPython: "You could just die" is so strong
KeytarCat: At least you can still do tasks
TehAmelie: very "team first" attitude
Getter404: Howard, help!
Getter404: Oddly enough, it stands for "Tentertainment"
TehAmelie: how? is like the sound an owl makes
KeytarCat: I pronounce it Olm'n
SaxPython: Howard Toward Howlman
Getter404: Keep in mind that while Move takes everyone, Guide only targets ONE NPC
TehAmelie: M'powerment
KeytarCat: still weird to me that the card for ghost items doesn't feature a ghost monster
Getter404: @KeytarCat A token attempt at not making the card TOO powerful
PharaohBender27: Welp
Getter404: Shouldn't Sphinx be on the Steam Plant? It moved and killed Heather
chaostreader: @getter404 Yes. but then if needed to move again.
Getter404: Oh right, Sword.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I still can't hear Dale say the word "Stilt" without expecting "Puffer" to come afterwards
The heart of the cards betrayed
KeytarCat: This map reminds me of the Summer Camp Slasher Flick board game
Getter404: @KeytarCat Final Girl?
TehAmelie: two ticks from total terror, that's about the time to save the day
KeytarCat: @Getter404 Last Friday. I had to go find the video I watched
welcome to Boston where North Station and South Station have no connecting bus or train and we will never correct this
lirazel64: Go from North Station to South Station? *laughs hysterically in Boston*
lirazel64: Hi @jennie_fuchsia !
Sorator13: Well, how *else* would it stabilize your neuros?
Getter404: Doc Brown's psychic helmet?
TehAmelie: i want a gyroscope hat
saucemaster5000: I want a hat that protects me from your gyroscope hat
TehAmelie: i think that's a helmet
oh no, you're not tricking me... you the one with the gyroscope hat
TehAmelie: it probably can't have a very big radius, or i'd fall over
1 raiders from ThatOverkillGuy have joined!
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, raiders!
ThatOverkillGuy: hiiii
Getter404: Maybe he fell in the lake BECAUSE he was wearing the suit?
midnightcurryjazz: panic
Getter404: Turns out we really suck at riddles
Heckhoundbolt: time to go home
TehAmelie: Snake? Snaaaake?
Heckhoundbolt: absolutely bodied
crono3453: A canon first two playthroughs of Horrified. Easy win, followed by getting wrecked.
Getter404: Only this time Frankenstein wasn't involved
Sorator13: Off-center, too
crono3453: Horrified feels SO good when you finally beat all the monsters at once.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: please don't wait so long to come back, dale! We miss you!
Chesul: my friends and I once played the og version with all 5 monsters.
Strebenherz: PFT
LoadingReadyRun: @Chesul did you died?
TehAmelie: thanks for the stream!
definenull: Ah I dipped out and lost track of the time D: to the VOD I go!
Chesul: @LoadingReadyRun nope, we all play this kind of game a lot, so while it was a struggle we did win that one.
definenull: it's the ben-tober!
Not clop'en.
TehAmelie: sometimes there's a lot of sidequests you need to unlock more sabacc games
ArcLightningCanuck: I'd love to see LRR play Burgle Bros on a non-spooky night, really fun co-op.
HadesLeprechaun: Murky Divers?!
HadesLeprechaun: really fun!
rogerivany: There's always a bigger fish.
SaxPython: !kt
Bobtheninjagoldfish: oooh bugulons
chaostreader: @arclightningcanuck They have in the past.
Juliamon: It's a Monty Python Hand of God
Hangover in Theros
ArcLightningCanuck: @chaostreader I don't remember it but I'll search for it.
KWardJenx: Thank you so much for the stream
Orxolon: Thank you for the stream
Strebenherz: goodnight
Ooo I'm hosting a Mysterium night at my house next week
ArcLightningCanuck: @chaostreader Hmm, I would say how did I miss that, but it was 2020, so . . .
PharaohBender27: Hey, so, if I might ask any mods present: Have you experienced any weirdness in finding clips or anything? Long story short, I noticed a lot of clips I'd made were at 1 view, and I looked at the past week's clips, and 75 of the 185 shown were at 1 view. Historically, 1 view means no one has looked at it. I posted about this on Mastodon, and Graham replied that something odd's happening all around with clips. I wanted to get a mod perspective on what’s been going on on that front, if that's OK.
PharaohBender27: And to be clear - most of those 75 1-view clips had unique titles. Not too long ago it seemed like even some random untitled clip would get at least 3 views.
Juliamon: Do you have a number I could use to compare to what LRRbot sees? Like, how many clips did you make for Dice Friends this week?
Juliamon: LRRbot sees 19
Juliamon: (of 30 total clips)
PharaohBender27: OK, that's the same number I'm counting. 15 of those are at 1 view.
PharaohBender27: It's just odd to see so many clips at 1 view even after a day or so; that didn't use to be the case.
Juliamon: Also nobody's reviewed the clips for that stream yet
PharaohBender27: Gotcha. But it's still been a break from past trends, thus my query. I almost wish I'd just randomly screenshotted how many views were registered for the past week's clips before they changed their interface.
Juliamon: yeah, it's still possible something's fucky
But good to know LRRbot still sees all
PharaohBender27: Also, mildly related - I've mostly gotten used to the new clipping interface, but goddamn do I not like the way you move the "where you are at" bar if you want to check a moment in your clip - it feels like I'm having to drag the dang bar
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