Didero: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Ben "Outlaw, Scoundrel, Cutie" Ulmer is jamming Star Wars Outlaws on PiF! Game: Star Wars Outlaws) at Thu 10:00 AM PDT (2m ago).
Didero: Oh good, it is on the schedule, I started to doubt myself (which I do far too easily)
Didero: Good evening!
Earthenone: lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: that stick that you light on fire and then Dale describes it in a gross way
warpstonewarlock: Gambling? I'm in!
caetzer: yooooo
baltimore_667083: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! The anime was meant to be a cautionary tale.
warpstonewarlock: I could listen to this music the whole day
Didero: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here: https://biggiantcircles.bandcamp.com/music
RocknGrohlNerd: Yo chat avngrHype..hi everybody
TXC2: hello RocknGrohlNerd welcome
Didero: You actually can listen to this music the whole day since you can buy it :)
Didero: This song is on BGC's album "The Glory Days"
RocknGrohlNerd: Actually in my running playlist this banger
QuixoticScrivener: Commence the jamblin'!
Didero: What IS 'jambling', anyway?
iris_of_ether: I'm in!
TXC2: jaming some gambling
TehAmelie: wow, i got back just in time from totally forgetting the stream
DideRobot: LRR: Ben is running into the moonbase with toast as he got distracted by his cat being cute. It's star wars, yay star wars. | https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113284207258484084
RocknGrohlNerd: Next lrr famjam has to be Sabacc
QuixoticScrivener: @Didero Gambling, but you pronounce the G like a J. (Some languages natively switch those letters.)
Didero: @QuixoticScrivener Oh, like 'gif' and 'gif' :p
TehAmelie: or, Family Gam
QuixoticScrivener: @Didero Indeed, "Chooses programmers choose gif."
Didero: 'gif' is also the Dutch word for 'poison', so it seems apt
TXC2: Here we GO!
TehAmelie: did you see the SMBC comic about JFEG?
TXC2: Hello Chair...and Ben
TehAmelie: the P in jpeg stands for photographic, so, phonetically. . .
Didero: Hi Ben! Glad to see you were perfectly on time
TehAmelie: hi ben
iris_of_ether: escher3MEOW
RocknGrohlNerd: Hi Ben
Didero: You're here and that's all that matters
pn55: HypeLUL
TXC2: yeah, Cats'll do that
Didero: Did you lock your bike? Wouldn't wnat it to get stolen
QuixoticScrivener: This vod will be evidence in your quarterly review.
RocknGrohlNerd: But cat breyaProfChamp
Protein_Curry: Adam voice: WE'RE HEEERREEE
iris_of_ether: That time blindness tho
Didero: I keep thinking I'll go to sleep on time too, and then it's suddenly 1 am
KeytarCat: I remember Jambling being an algorithm-safe pronunciation
TXC2: sleep hygiene is a real thing, and it's shocking how bad most people are at it
TehAmelie: sweat mist is the worst glasses mist
Didero: I read before going to sleep, but I made the mistake of picking a fun and interesting book
tyrsredritehand: Gambling? I'm in!
QuixoticScrivener: I get too sweaty if my cat pins my legs down.
azureHaights: first of all, how DARE you, second of all what gives you the RIGHT
sparrowhawksilver subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sparrowhawksilver! (Today's storm count: 1)
Didero: You've got more than one fan :p
tyrsredritehand: You have pets for noise.
TehAmelie: i can't sleep on my back without waking myself up with snoring. sucks
tehfewl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tehfewl! (Today's storm count: 2)
BusTed: rayfkWelp
iris_of_ether: Hahaha yeah saaaaame
TXC2: I don't snore, I wake after not breathing for a few minutes :p
janky_as_heck subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, janky_as_heck! (Today's storm count: 3)
RocknGrohlNerd: @tehamelie I feel you.. I too wake myself and I hate myself for it LUL
iris_of_ether: Sleep apnea D:
Didero: The main argument against Intelligent Design is that very little of this body is designed intelligently
QuixoticScrivener: Having a pet assures me my apartment isn't haunted. I can just assume all strange noises are my cat.
TXC2: the best part is the fucked dreams that occur while it's happening :p
TehAmelie: i mean eyes developed from a design meant to see underwater
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Didero: If everything you do is because of us, does this mean it's our fault you were almost late?
miralalala: I was literally just giggling at your limited tweet
iris_of_ether: Oh nooooooo
gibbousm: Thats.....what?
gibbousm: is October their Inventory month?
TXC2: am GW doing ok?
tyrsredritehand: Yet another reason I use Army Painter or P3 paints.
TXC2: I mean, I tried to go to a bank that was closed on Saturday recently :p
tyrsredritehand: Fair enough.
iris_of_ether: I just use generic all purpose plastic-OK primer:P
iris_of_ether: Hardware & craft stores
Dezponia: Ben! Half of my favourite spooky bois duo!
iris_of_ether: Not even the model stuff
iris_of_ether: Ooooh
gibbousm: do you have a date for when Kill Team returns?
accountmadeforants: Jammed some superglue on there and let it dry, did you? OpieOP
Desruprot: yay time for Bicheal to hit a tree
Didero: I'm always impressed by model painters. It's all so tiny and fiddly, I'd go cross-eyed and get antsy after like 2 minutes
LostThePirate: When's Funko heading back to Victoria?
Angnor33 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months, currently on a 130 month streak!
Angnor33: Hi!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Angnor33! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: so Funko is a migratory bird? Kappa
iris_of_ether: Honestly there's nothing wrong with that
iris_of_ether: Nobody Cares~
Didero: One reason the X-Wing miniatures game looked interesting was that the ships come pre-painted :p
Didero: Until they threw everything out and released a Version 2, then I lost interest completely...
iris_of_ether: Like life is short, eyesight is finite, take shortcuts
tyrsredritehand: Paint, highlight, dry brush, wash. It took me years to learn the easy method.
TXC2: iris_of_ether good luck
Invitare: Gedeek
iris_of_ether: Thank you @txc2 , I'm hoping it's as easy as everyone keeps telling me
tyrsredritehand: Gedeek the droid geek
TXC2: it's a metriodvania! Kappa
Desruprot: Cloud City and get a Flying Speeder
mrjujubeans: ah, mcguffins
accountmadeforants: I remember that part of Ring Fit :)
Gaelan_Maestro: so bright x.x
Didero: Does Lando still run Cloud City? I know we're around Episode 5 on the timeline, but I'm not sure where exactly
Jillexie: No
Desruprot: @Didero He runs cloud city for a while
TXC2: Didero I'd say no, given his working with the rebels
Jillexie: This is after the end of 5
Invitare: He's a Rebel
Desruprot: This offer is getting worse all the time
Didero: @TXC2 Oh yeah, that makes sense
Jillexie: This takes place after Han was frozen and Lando lost Cloud City
Desruprot: well
Didero: Oh no, Bichael's worst enemy: Any kind of obstacle
Desruprot: rip citizen
TXC2: Love IS a battlefield
tyrsredritehand: Love, love is a battlefield.
caetzer: solid reference
Marvoleath: All is fair in love and war
ShaneLeeAtk: What is this combat?? I am here for GAMBA
TXC2: Sabacc has to be earned
ShaneLeeAtk: Ah, we can have a little Sabacc as a treat.
tyrsredritehand: Why doesn't anyone understand cover?
Didero: *while dying* "whelp"
Invitare: I want my last words to be "not again"
BusTed: "oshi-"
Invitare: just to really confuse people
TheMerricat: I'm late chat, what have I missed so far? And are we on... Endor?
TheAinMAP: We would all like to think it would be something cool, but...
tyrsredritehand: "crapshot honk"
Desruprot: always too many bandits
ElektroTal: i was told there'd be sabac
TXC2: hello TheMerricat we;ve bearly started
Kentosaurus: @Invitare John Hurt in Spaceballs?
cobthegreat: I want my last words to be "I can out run that lion"
TXC2: if I know anything about farms being attacked by gangs, it;s that this place is cooking meth :p
measureofhope: I went to the loo and we're in a firefight now?
Invitare: @Kentosaurus Not seen it
TehAmelie: if i'm shot i hope i'm able to quote this whole exchange https://i.imgur.com/lEyvLNJ.jpg
ElektroTal: also i love that it's just a given that everyone in star wars can speak english and huttese
Desruprot: LUL
TehAmelie: "ugh, I'm shot and I don't like it!"
BusTed: we've got a major blockage
ElektroTal: and whatever chewie speaks
BusTed: goodbye
ShaneLeeAtk: BYE
Spluuga: RaccAttack
BusTed: cowards
TheMerricat: @TehAmelie I feel like that has to be photoshopped. :D
Desruprot: can't go over water yet
TehAmelie: nah you can't make up this dialogue trying to be silly on purpose
cobthegreat: Short cut for later
ShaneLeeAtk: HA
Desruprot: there it was
Marvoleath: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
electric_claire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
electric_claire: Mum's the word
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, electric_claire! (Today's storm count: 5)
Desruprot: twas a trap
Desruprot: they were Pyke
KeytarCat: Lady, there's a ROAD
Invitare: where else would it be hidden on the planet that's all jungle?
Marvoleath: phasing through obstacles perchance? :D
Desruprot: seems oh point
Marvoleath: "Pyke Crew, represent"
KeytarCat: This feels like a less featured Witcher 3
Kentosaurus: liar, he hasn't seen you
WiJohn: That's a lie and you know it
Jillexie: Kay "Challenge?" Vess
TXC2: not too bad, we;re very bad Kappa
10of9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months, currently on a 54 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 10of9! (Today's storm count: 6)
Didero: "Is this a trap?" "Nah" "Ok then!"
TXC2: respect the 1 v 1
tehfewl: cheat harder
TehAmelie: is this the final boss of sabacc?
TheAinMAP: Do you need to cheat against one guy?
Jillexie: DOuble draws can be done on the discard piles if they have two or more cards
Jillexie: SO watch discards
malsareus: Ben has called no bully
Jillexie: Also, make sure to double discard when you don;t need the second card
tehfewl: hit and run
TheMerricat: Is this really gambling at this point or just an extended minigame of mugging people?
pn55: This guy was just minding his own business, and in walks Ben. :D
KeytarCat: And they were reading trashy romance!
TXC2: Ashiga, Akvia, ooh I wanna be ya
measureofhope: You do swap blaster modules a lot
malsareus: What Ben needs is a shotgun module
Invitare: huh... interesting
measureofhope: Cool, sarlacc time
QuixoticScrivener: Frenemies
TheMerricat: So the animation for this lady doesn't really sell the whole fortune telling bit. :D
Critterbot: S-sure...
Jillexie: It;s very minimal
northos: many games that have crafting don't need it :P
TXC2: assembling
QuixoticScrivener: @TheMerricat She didn't even spill a space goat's entrails. How can you trust that fortune?
TXC2: games "gotta" compete wit hminecraft
TheMerricat: @TehAmelie btw I looked it up and if you ever want the rest of the story of that comic panel you linked - Flash Comics #13, Creeps. 1941. I wasn't able to find a link to read it but apparently what you linked was the opening scene where he's watching a play. :D
tyrsredritehand: Space gays!
TehAmelie: huh
Desruprot: Off Scrapping
anclag: hey space outlaws, how goes the gambling’
tyrsredritehand: PrideWorld
Kentosaurus: gone scrappin'
TXC2: anclag gabbing good, Bike not so much
TXC2: this is a get you to see the world quest
measureofhope: It didn't seem like there was that much out-of-town stuff on Akiva
TheMerricat: "just follow the road" immediately leaves the road for a shortcut. :D
Didero: @TXC2 So we're doing it at night when it's dark :p
TXC2: Didero exactly, can't let the devs win Kappa
Only_Exception: so what happened after getting the token for lando carisian for the sebak game?
Only_Exception: bad driver
TheAinMAP: bbirbSteer guyjudgeSteer
TXC2: Karma
BusTed: carma
Critterbot: Karma! :D
measureofhope: instant karma
Gaelan_Maestro: whamp whamp
anclag: did Yoda not once say “future road a shortcut is”…
TheMerricat: sergeHubris
KidAmn: good thing we didn't waste upgrades on steering, right? LuL
TXC2: only cowards use subtly, and karma is no coward
TheMerricat: These guys are awfully young to be hardened criminals.
Didero: Because Kay Vess is bad atthis
QuixoticScrivener: limited animations?
Only_Exception: ask if he has a seatbelt
QuixoticScrivener: or maybe gear clipping
TXC2: very late 70's haircut this man
TheMerricat: @TXC2 So.. Star Wars. :D
TXC2: TheMerricat yeah :p
measureofhope: plop
anclag: smooth
TehAmelie: such stunts
BusTed: you can't go over water unless you got power
TXC2: there's always a bigger fish
Marvoleath: Nyx has some powerful grip
Gaelan_Maestro: blub
TXC2: slowclap.wav
malsareus: Isn't chaos driving this Stream?
measureofhope: Can't spawn you in the water I guess
prince_infidel: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
jedi_master_zll: "Just give me forty acres and I'll turn this rig around."
Firewhiskers: HUnter: "I'm disappointed that no one is killing me out here."
TehAmelie: boy he's gonna regret saying that in a minute
TehAmelie: or maybe in two hours when he wakes up
anclag: they were talking about a sabaac table… maybe we spare them
Firewhiskers: Force push?
Desruprot: well there is at least two spots at that table now
Invitare: nah, the Krayts are on Tatooine
TheAinMAP: Great crate.
Invitare: that's Kraid
TehAmelie: are the luggage handlers on the tiny island airport on strike?
Firewhiskers: Bike-ael cannot squeeze through the loading zones
malsareus: drill through the rock to get to you
TheMerricat: The subtitles "Speeder crashing" "Speeder Crashing" "Speeder Crashing"... :D
malsareus: See Ben, what you need to do is give Bichael a drill and then NEVER summon them indoors
malsareus: yet
TehAmelie: criminal syndicates, so judgmental
TheAinMAP: "You hear me baby? Hold together!"
malsareus: don't Pyke your Bichael Ben, it's rude
Invitare: also this is Hutt territory, not Pyke
malsareus: did they ever like you though?
malsareus: I can see it now, Kay covered in 10 billion limited use guns
Jillexie: In the end, your pistol is the best weapon when you can do crazy Dead Eye combos.
TheAinMAP: mattlrWoof
Marvoleath: that doggo wasnt even attacking you D:
Spluuga: the doggo just chilled next to you half the battle
TheMerricat: "It's coming right at us!"
lord_forcekin: hello there
malsareus: their self defense you mean
KeytarCat: I remember this rifle from Outcast!
zephlyn7790 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
zephlyn7790: 64 months, insert Nintendo 64 joke here, lol
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zephlyn7790! (Today's storm count: 7)
TheMerricat: That's not much of a warning
0x6772: *You're* the hero? This is Nix erasure!
malsareus: From Ben's perspective we're the hero
Marvoleath: "The dog shot first!"
MWGNZ: we're Nix's emotional support human
lord_forcekin: munchys insurance would make a fortune in victoria
TehAmelie: Bichael Miehn, you beautiful machine
measureofhope: Oh, was he an expert?
Invitare: definitely want that one
malsareus: are we gonna electrify the smoke?
Didero: Eh, we never lose any health
TehAmelie: new headcanon: Bichael's last name is Miehn, like Michael Biehn
malsareus: aren't we hiding in the ion smoke?
Didero: It's ok, we deactivated friendly fire on each ion particle
Firewhiskers: Tray zure
TehAmelie: i wonder if the ultimate upgrade will just give you more repulsion, i.e. flight
QuixoticScrivener: *waves hand* suspension of disbelief */waves hand*
Firewhiskers: The ultimate weapon in this game should be a defective Kyber crystal that you can use as a laser pointer (and nothing else).
Jillexie: So, every syndicate enclave at the main city on each planet has a vault.
QuixoticScrivener: for this being a game about organized crime, its surprisingly devoid of drugs and murder
prince_infidel: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
TXC2: we're not Mario
Firewhiskers: @QuixoticScrivener And death sticks
Kentosaurus: not a platformer
TheMerricat: @QuixoticScrivener Kay's too innocent to get mixed up in that. :P
Marvoleath: @QuixoticScrivener I mean, it's still Disney
TehAmelie: Bichael is magic
0x6772: I guess Kay did grow up on a desert planet, so never learned to swim…?
Firewhiskers: @Marvoleath Disney owns the death sticks now
TXC2: Bichael super positions until observed by Kay
prince_infidel: @QuixoticScrivener Kay does a lot of murder
TehAmelie: it would even make sense for her to hesitate to go to this swamp biome planet
QuixoticScrivener: @prince_infidel stun blaster, they're just sleeping; also stun grenades, and stun vehicular manslaughter
TehAmelie: murder with blasters is fine since there's no blood. but drugs? no no
TheMerricat: humid. hot. NO.
TXC2: so Louisiana ?
accountmadeforants: ↘️ [Speeder squeezing through the gaps between atoms]
malsareus: how does a hollow sneak?
Didero: Poor A-Wing...
TXC2: we need Yoda to lift this out
prince_infidel: Ben, did you hear that DA: Veilguard will have no spiders?
malsareus: so far it's doing a lot better than entire squads of goons
TehAmelie: i would not be very surprised if Yoda shows up to lift the ship
Firewhiskers: @prince_infidel Yes but will it have spider-taurs?
Invitare: Kay does NOT like rebels
Invitare: they caused the Death Mark
tehfewl: isnt that how every star wars movie goes?
theHazeSystem: where do i sign up to smuggle cool guys?
A_Dub888: What’s up fellow gamers ho- wait a minute, this isn’t Sabbac!!!
TehAmelie: the algorithm would believe Kay likes the empire more since she spends a lot of time interacting with them
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
Firewhiskers: @theHazeSystem I mean it would be kinda cool if you could be a coyote escorting people to safety.
theHazeSystem: yaaa
A_Dub888: I thought the last time she worked with rebels, it was as a job for Landi
A_Dub888: *Lando, thanks autocorrect
RocknGrohlNerd: @a_dub888 there was little of Sabacc. As a treat, the never before seen 1c
Desruprot: They have done it multiple times too
0x6772: He did say they didn't leave their *friends* behind.
terribleplan: You weren't their people,, you were just a tool at the time
RocknGrohlNerd: *1v1 sabacc
raulghoulia: those rebels are sexy
A_Dub888: @raulghoulia you’re sexy
TXC2: you fucking get a move on rebel scum :p
TehAmelie: we never raise alarms. perfect stealth machine
A_Dub888: !card raise the alarm
LRRbot: Raise the Alarm [1W] | Instant | Create two 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens.
0x6772: Clipping that…
Marvoleath: "Stealth" - shoots an explossive
Firewhiskers: I mean, there are different rebel factions like Saw Gerrera's faction who doesn't work with anyone else. Maybe you got between Rebel factions?
asica123456789: hello
A_Dub888: @marvoleath no one spotted us, did they?
TehAmelie: as long as you remember to yell out "stealth" and "sneak attack" at the right times it always works
Invitare: I like how Kay's dislike of the Rebellion is not only justified, it's constantly reinforced
Didero: Very stealthy, yeah, well done
Firewhiskers: "Nix and me, we're the real Rebels here."
Didero: Eh, Nix is smart, he can figure it out
Desruprot: (insert Metal Gear Solid music here)
northos: if Nix could operate a blaster he would easily complete these missions faster without Kay :P
TXC2: empire has REAL shoddy maintenance schedules
Firewhiskers: I still think Nix is a Force user who constantly saves your butt.
Didero: I'm kind of glad they didn't force their artists to make several dozen different fan models :p
anclag: our forces are on high alert…except for doors that open and close with seemingly no one using them, we can ignore those.
TheMerricat: So this is something I've been meaning to ask. Does this game let you hide the bodies or does Kay literally not understand how to avoid detection by leaving bodies laying out in the open?
Didero: @anclag If you report on it, you have to file so much paperwork, and then when things do go wrong, it's your fault
QuixoticScrivener: Do we have to hide bodies in this game?
tyrsredritehand: The Imperials really need to provide better dental and hearing healthcare.
TXC2: TheMerricat you can't hide the bodies
tyrsredritehand: *vision
prince_infidel: @QuixoticScrivener Yes, but you can't
0x6772: @QuixoticScrivener No, but also they rarely seem to care.
Marvoleath: You should at least be able to feed the bodies to Nix. Have it vacuum it in like a Kirby.
Jillexie: I think I blasted through that section. You can kill as long as no one triggers the alarm.
prince_infidel: ISB are bad news
Didero: Highly restricted, you have to push a whole one single button to gain access
Gaelan_Maestro: well sheet The ISB is uhhhh the CIA of the star wars universe
tyrsredritehand: F
TheAinMAP: mattlrHeck
Firewhiskers: Kay! Kay! Kaaaaaaaay@
Didero: They've discovered unbeatable tech: Looking at each other
malsareus: apparantly smoke is seen as a problem around here
0x6772: But it's got yellow on it!
northos: truuuue
TXC2: counterpoint: pong Kappa
SpoonfullOfSugar: punch helmet, grunt, punchee is out cold
TheExactSame: it's like when I used to pretend I couldn't see my kids hiding poorly
Didero: Not your fault they made their cameras myopic
TXC2: for the joke, yes
malsareus: how about tetris
Didero: We? I didn't to anything
0x6772: Do you mean on Voyager 1?
malsareus: look here Ben, I'm not taking the fall for that
TheMerricat: "Tetris was the first video game sent to space, brought by Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr A. Serebrov on his trip to the MIR Space Station in 1993. Serebrov played the game on his Game Boy during his spare time while orbiting the planet."
TehAmelie: there's many toys in space. i recently read about how much stuff they have "lost" on the international space station, like thousands of items
Didero: NASA would be inefficient because I live in Europe :p
Desruprot: so Nintendo was the first Game console sent to space
anclag: @didero You didn’t?? You had one job!
Desruprot: take that Sony and XBox
malsareus: worth it
measureofhope: Can someone please add "I will systematically donk everyone" as a quote?
TehAmelie: that's just how much stuff they have lost. they keep track of many more items
Firewhiskers: The Game Boy used very little juice.
0x6772: @anclag Apparently not...
Marvoleath: I sure hope they put them in flight mode
QuixoticScrivener: The ISS crashes because it gets a virus that mines for bitcoin.
0x6772: So, if they know the vents are a risk enough to put force fields in them, maybe lock the doors?
Didero: @0x6772 Oh shoot, nobody told me!
jedi_master_zll: lrrWOW
tyrsredritehand: Plugging an entire solar panel directly into the Gameboy.
Bruceski: "Okay, systems are down but we're stable. We'll be okay as long as we manage power use." "Bad news, my Game Gear needs recharging."
TheAinMAP: mattlrPika
malsareus: do floans even have an airplane mode?
Jillexie: It wouldn't matter, plane or ISS
TheMerricat: Ben, they made planes that have doors that fall off. :P
electric_claire: It does hurt your battery life since your phone is constantly searching for a connection.
Spluuga: bluetooth doors clearly
anclag: modern planes, no, but older planes in very specific situations actually can be affected…
Desruprot: why is he here?
Jillexie: He said he could get in with his credentials
TXC2: given the amount of solar radiation, the phone probably does less damage to the ISS then a plane
Invitare: he still has Imperial codes
0x6772: He did say he was going in with his credentials at the top of this quest, but kinda in passing.
Firewhiskers: I mean, on modern planes, they don't have a display for every seat. Nowadays they make your phone connect to the plane's WiFi and stream the movies on your phone.
Kentosaurus: this guy calls fries freedom fries
Marvoleath: @TXC2 I sure would expect a plane to do more damage to the ISS than a phone
Marvoleath: ;)
malsareus: freedom spike cawcaw
TXC2: Marvoleath touché
TheExactSame: there will be much donking
Desruprot: freedom spike to go with the fries
A_Dub888: *stabs someone with spike* FREEDOM
RocknGrohlNerd: Freedom spike *spiky eagle noises*
Commander_Taz: God, imagine if this rebel base had CCTV
malsareus: donks: 1
malsareus: donks: 2
Firewhiskers: They heard
Didero: I think they heard rather than saw
Kentosaurus: 1 bonk, 2 bonk, red bonk, blue bonk
Heefnoff: I think they heard you big dog
TheAinMAP: Stealth.
Desruprot: Clearly Kay shot first
0x6772: "You're in our super secret base bonking people, but one more infraction and we'll *arrest* you!"
Commander_Taz: err, imperial base
Heefnoff: What's good!
Heefnoff: This game looks sweet
malsareus: donk: 2 zaps: 1 trionks : 1
Invitare: Cat?
RocknGrohlNerd: Didnt finish the sentence, cant arrest me
Marvoleath: You broke into the secure facility and knocked out an officer of the empire - "one more infraction and I will have to arrest you, miss!"
Firewhiskers: Are you pootin' on your friend?
Desruprot: everything is fine on the detention level
TXC2: we thonked, but dare we to fronk? or even Frink ?
QuixoticScrivener: he hit windows+L while you were punching him
malsareus: so long as we stop before franks
Invitare: not that thing
Invitare: these things
RocknGrohlNerd: Frink might just blow up the whole ship?..station? Where are we? ...where am I
malsareus: you're here
Firewhiskers: If only Stormtroopers lacked object permanence.
Desruprot: was almost Han Solo there, knock out a few then find hundred chasing after
TheMerricat: If you were Kay, would you be confident?
Didero: At least she knows she's bad at this :p
pn55: She's winging it most of the time. The true outlaw way.
Didero: do NOT hurt the droids, game
malsareus: why do we need to escort this droid?
northos: "lol what a silly organic, can't even fly"
Didero: Gedeek is a droidsmith, right? He'll fix ND-5
malsareus: they seem faster than us
TXC2: Didero but will ND LET him?
TheAinMAP: jlrrCreeper lrrCOW
Firewhiskers: It's getting all Dynasty Warriors up in here
TheMerricat: You still ended up killing the most.
anclag: but only sometimes
zeathean: This feels a lot like Dash Rendar’s blaster
TheMerricat: FU
0x6772: Was "don't turn your back on *him*" intended as… foreshadowing? Of… what?
undecided44: Fate of the galaxy, huh. Heard that before.
ShaneLeeAtk: I am here for the GAMBE, not your "cause" or whatever.
KeytarCat: "If they catch you, you don't know me" "mfr, I DON'T know you"
Marvoleath: Vader would defo flip the table after losing at Sabacc
malsareus: welcome to the imperial navy Ben
ShaneLeeAtk: Do a barrel roll!
0x6772: Time to play some Sabacc to earn money to to bribe a corrupt Empire officer.
KeytarCat: This looks hauntingly like Angels Fall First
raulghoulia: remember the Lord of the Rings game with sexy Shelob? What would be the most out of pocket character for them to make a sexy version of for "plot reasons?"
undecided44: Really, Ben? An episode 1 reference?
Desruprot: Pretty sure with the Force Jedi can definitely determine stuff
TXC2: Marvoleath he'd force choke the entire room :p
Desruprot: though using it for gambling I think is more of a Sith thing
Didero: uh oh
Didero: Don't ask Star Wars fans about their opinions, it rarely ends well :p
0x6772: Quick, put on your Outlaw Pants!
Jillexie: Or go back and see if Lando opened his table
Desruprot: Tatooine, with Mos will we be going to
Marvoleath: Ah, our friends, Pykes and Hutts
TXC2: the main problem with Episode 1 is that Terrance Stamp isn't in it enough
Firewhiskers: @raulghoulia I believe Charlie Jane Anders wrote a canon story about a vegetarian Saarlaac. Could be made sexier
A_Dub888: what’s the over/under on seeing Han?
anclag: something something frying
malsareus: peaceful Tantooine
Didero: To be fair, Tatooine is supposed to be a backwater planet
Desruprot: Tatooine the classic outlying planet
baltimore_667083: the nebraska of star wars i swear
northos: hey tbf, most of those important things are secret
0x6772: It's just a quiet desert backwater, I have no idea what you mean.
TehAmelie: i'm not even a Star Wars fan but ep 1, wow
undecided44: Nothing's wrong with it, just doesn't seem to fit... like if sucommented on your speeder jumps with "now this is podracing"
malsareus: tranquil Tatooine even
ShaneLeeAtk: Can we Sabacc in the Sarlac?
Desruprot: There is a lot of Sand
prince_infidel: @A_Dub888 this is between 5 and 6, so low
Didero: Because Star Wars writers aren't original :p
TheMerricat: Wait... did we get our speeder upgraded to be able to walk on water... just TO GO TO A DESERT PLANET? :D
TehAmelie: anything to get to yell out "Sarlac sylop sabacc"
northos: @prince_infidel I mean...if we go see Jabba, then pretty high I think
northos: idk exactly when he wound up in the palace
Firewhiskers: The best blaster shooter in the Galaxy should be a droid
0x6772: They'll work together to put explosives in your droids and droid your explosives. Great?
Marvoleath: I just realized we are doing a heist crew gathering plot
MWGNZ: love Ank's vibes
josh___something: Kay, sweetie... I think it's intellectually correct not to trust you. You frequently double cross factions
malsareus: Ank made their hobby their job
malsareus: respect
Desruprot: @Marvoleath it'll probably have the certain but inevitable that goes along with that too
Didero: I forget, does this stream do breaks?
Firewhiskers: Fashion Souls
brieandbacon: Fashion is the real end-game
Desruprot: heh the less clothes is a superior set? Video game be video gaming
anclag: Is there a “high roller” set?
zeathean: Can the space cat get gear?
brieandbacon: sergeBongo
malsareus: so a coffee machine
prince_infidel: Winter coat on desert planet. Fashion!
Marvoleath: @zeathean Nix? Nah, it's perfect, no need for upgrades
zeathean: neat
Kentosaurus: my immersion
TXC2: it does get very cold at night in deserts
Jillexie: You can transmog you gear
Didero: Do you have another set you can equip?
TheMerricat: Space cat upgrades via the eating minigame.
prince_infidel: Does look cool
Jillexie: Change appearance
Marvoleath: obligatory 'Antarctica is a desert'
josh___something: Survivalist, heroic as a tiger is?
Invitare: oh I didn't know you could do this
Firewhiskers: I mean technically you should be wearing robes like Obi-Wan's to keep the sun off you. But that would add a lot of physics.
hondor64 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hondor64! (Today's storm count: 8)
Marvoleath: Black gets hot very easily, should go with white ;P
Invitare: the set I used for the latter half of the game looked like pyjamas >_>
Didero: No, deserts get cold at night, so you should equip some sort of thick woolen jacket
undecided44: Sure is Tunisia
measureofhope: God, Tatooine is a hole
Desruprot: @Firewhiskers I hear theres a house that old ben used to live in somewhere on this planet
anclag: shouldn’t tattooine be bustling?
0x6772: This going to be the dude from Mandolorian / Boba Fett?
Didero: @0x6772 oh god I hope not
TheMerricat: You just ran by one guy. :D
Desruprot: this might be a trap
TXC2: anclag no, it's an out of the way backwater...supposedly :p
Mangledpixel: just wear a fake moustache and you'll be fine
Firewhiskers: Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise
anclag: oh well they acknowledged it
Mangledpixel: also, boop
brieandbacon: The Empire figures the only way to get you is by an orbital strike?
TXC2: hello Mangledpixel welcome
0x6772: It's gettin' all Western in here.
Kentosaurus: so we're going full red dead now
TXC2: uhoh, this guy's getting introduced feet first
Desruprot: all western on this desert planet
TheAinMAP: Hondo Ohnaka?
KeytarCat: @Desruprot All western on this quiet front
tyrsredritehand: Did we just slip into Fallout?
brieandbacon: Maybe a little bit
Bruceski: European?
brieandbacon: the sybillant S is a bit
niccus: from town?
Desruprot: oh we get to anger Jabba
zeathean: They have a touch of Devine
Desruprot: Ho Ho Ho
malfnord: I think he's just lizardy
ph0enix__42: not quite a straight shooter?
josh___something: standoff?
Firewhiskers: Do we have the Jabba DLC?
josh___something: oh dang
0x6772: Oh, we get to learn more RDR stuff from him?
Mangledpixel: maclunky!
LithelyUnshod: He does sound like Harvey Fierstein
josh___something: I like them
KeytarCat: Level up your RDR shot
TXC2: "What if Mr Feley from Three's company was a sheriff?"
0x6772: Gun shooting advisor: "I advise you to shoot the gun."
LithelyUnshod: *she, sorry
Desruprot: rootin tootin, It was the first mission on the planet, gotta stay easy I guess
measureofhope: She (?)'s cool, I like her
prince_infidel: I like her
Firewhiskers: Is Nix burning his little tootsie feet on the sand here?
josh___something: (I wasn't paying attention, were we given pronouns yet?)
niccus: only in that mission notice
Marvoleath: apparently Quint is voiced by Angela Asher, a Canadian actress
LithelyUnshod: It said "follow back to her office"
prince_infidel: @josh___something The mission called her "her"
josh___something: okee, good
brieandbacon: She seems more deadly than the male, so
josh___something: Yeah, I like her
A_Dub888: you’re cool
LithelyUnshod: The rasp still makes her sound like Harvey Fierstein though
0x6772: Oh, cool, old skeletons will be lying around.
Desruprot: allllll righty then
KeytarCat: gonna be hard to crash at least
josh___something: man, I hate sand
Desruprot: and more sand
TheAinMAP: duDudu duDudu duDudu
measureofhope: Kay grew up on a desert planet and puts "moisture farm" in quotes. City kid much?
TXC2: sand, sand! SAAAAAND!
0x6772: Up side: way fewer rocks to run Bichael into.
prince_infidel: Now find a way to crash
Didero: Gettin' good use out of that water repulsor too
Desruprot: I don't think Tatooine has an marketing department
anclag: a moisture farm on tatooine? Nothing of interest has ever happened on a moisture farm on tatooine.
niccus: bichael's natural habitat
Nigouki: wait a minute, it's not flat fuck friday yet we can't do this terrain yet
Kentosaurus: dewbacks
Firewhiskers: Where's a sand crawler
josh___something: @0x6772 Oh, we'll find a way
TheAinMAP: Dewbacks.
A_Dub888: and Jawas with great deals on parts that they just found lying around
Uzumaki15: The endorsement of Tatooine is brought to you by SAND! : It's Everywhere, Get Used to it
Mangledpixel: can you bullseye some womp rats?
Marvoleath: @A_Dub888 especially parts that you misplaced somewhere and now need, what useful dudes
Jillexie: You can go visit Tosche Station.
vinewood_og: Tatooine "it's all going to shit out here!"
Firewhiskers: Don't hurt Bichael!
Desruprot: LUL
Mangledpixel: Jillexie I hear they have good power converters there
prince_infidel: HAHAHAHAHa
Firewhiskers: Kay's body was never found
undecided44: You entered the scripted section wrong... you die
TXC2: Gravity: the age old force that hubmles us mere mortals
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
TXC2: nah, I've seen birds fall over
josh___something: Birds merely work with gravity
TheAinMAP: HyperGravity
brieandbacon: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Marvoleath: Sudden transition into Let's nope
KeytarCat: Birds can't have real boy bones bc gravity
prince_infidel: I think Nix knocked it
Firewhiskers: Self inflicted jump scare
josh___something: Gravity is still a cold uncaring mistress
Desruprot: this is Tatooine
trainpants: moisture farm's haunted
TXC2: yeah, real lack of moisture farming in new Vegas
terribleplan: Why would he just leave a working transponder?
accountmadeforants: What moisture, specifically, are they farming?
Firewhiskers: I'm sure Hoss wont do to us what he did to that bounty hunter
KeytarCat: Why does the roof open during the day?
TXC2: collecting moisture from the air
Desruprot: collecting moisture from the air to make water
Invitare: condensers
0x6772: I think it means they farm with moisture, not that they farm the moisture.
Marvoleath: you just sweat and spit into a jar, whole day
QuixoticScrivener: they pull moisture out of the air, thus making the worlds even dryer
Didero: They explained it while you were attacked by wildlife: It's extracting moisture from the air
prince_infidel: You manage the machines that collect moisture
josh___something: Maintaining the machinery, I assume
Firewhiskers: It's like sheep herding. Very boring work.
Didero: It probably has to be collected, bottled, shipped, etc
10of9: I imagine you need "power converters" Kappa
LordZarano: Just turning on a dehumidifier?
brieandbacon: They catch the moisture with a net
TehAmelie: maybe they have to breed moisture. work up a sweat every day
measureofhope: A planet with this sand causes a lot of maintenance
Bruceski: lots of grit to clog stuff
0x6772: I think it's those poles up in the are. I don't think a lot of real physics was involved on ep 4.
prince_infidel: Yes
0x6772: Ahem "in the air"
Invitare: no you WANT the humid
josh___something: and scrubbing ALL THE FUCKING SAND OUT OF IT
anclag: you walk around with big gloves catching moisture out of the air
raulghoulia: Threepio mentions the machines using a particular languange he knows
Bruceski: Then there's storage and shipping
Invitare: it's turning on the REhumidifier
accountmadeforants: Ohhhh, I got a brand new Moisture Harvester an' I'll give you the key
TehAmelie: they would call it water farming i think
TXC2: accountmadeforants great reference
niccus: jundland?
niccus: we're going to jundland???
TehAmelie: unless they actually want the moist, and not the fluid
Desruprot: we stole some, and plan to steal more
josh___something: Kay with the SHADE
niccus: what rides do they have at jundland
spethycakes: You must bear this Hoss forever (or at least for a while)
Didero: Didn't they at some point say you could bribe certain people of each clan to increase you reputation enough to not get death squads?
KeytarCat: We're in Jundland
Firewhiskers: If moisture farming was really cool, it would be using chemistry from the local minerals to make water.
Commander_Taz: @niccus Red ones, Black ones, and Green ones
Didero: Or was that just for Empire?
LithelyUnshod: Nah, dehumidifier is accurate. It's pulling moisture out of the air
josh___something: Ben, it doesn't help that you actively murder pikes (granted as self defense, but still)
anclag: surely we must encounter sand people at some point
TehAmelie: squeezing water from rocks is theoretically possible, and yeah that would be cool
KeytarCat: You are wearing a Pyke trophy
Desruprot: @anclag it is pretty much a requirement for being on Tatooine
Firewhiskers: Where do the Sand People find water?
Mazrae: Hello Ben how are you doing?
LithelyUnshod: @firewhiskers underground gourds
Desruprot: I think Sand People are native to Tatooine and don't require much
accountmadeforants: So, with the way Kay talks to Nix... is Nix sapient? Like, is he a pet or more of a miniature Chewbacca
TXC2: hello Mazrae welcome
Didero: I think Book Of Boba Fett shows that
public_key_reveal_party: Probably by drinking it
LithelyUnshod: It's in book of boba fett
prince_infidel: They eat desert fruit
A_Dub888: Maybe banthas are space camrls
Bruceski: If you're built for the desert you get by on what the desert has. It's when you want to live in excess of that that things get difficult and you need ways to scale
tyrsredritehand: Seeps, springs, eating vegetation. Same as on earth probably.
niccus: finally, tuscany
Desruprot: nice of the game to give us pettable creatures
anclag: nix gets jealous and eats them
accountmadeforants: Ah, a AAA corridor
TehAmelie: random trivia, cats evolved to get their water from their food. so don't be confused if they crave wet cat food
Bruceski: moisture farming for example is at an industrial scale. Basic condensation collectors for a few people or a small village are easier to make
A_Dub888: or Seth Rollins’ laugh
LithelyUnshod: Henry Rollins laugh?
tyrsredritehand: Sandpeople seem to be wearing rudimentary stillsuits.
accountmadeforants: [Cries] [Speaks in Tusken] So, they cried first?
Desruprot: how vague
Firewhiskers: Dergon
vinewood_og: We can's use the S work anymore lol
vinewood_og: word
prince_infidel: Do you want to fight a Krayt?
Firewhiskers: It turns out that Nix is a baby Frayt dragon
TehAmelie: they have to question every day which ancient sand people thought it was a good idea to speak on inhale
Desruprot: Banthas are huge
Mazrae: Oh no, those were terrifying in KOTOR
Firewhiskers: Krayt
Didero: Could be a baby
TXC2: maybe that's a baby
trainpants: oh hey your fortune from the other planet is gonna come true
electric_claire: The camera adds 10 pounds
TheAinMAP: Literally as big as an elephant in the movie.
TheAinMAP: HyperGravity
LithelyUnshod: Animals come in varying sizes, Ben
TehAmelie: a baby with horn enhancements?
LithelyUnshod: Yes
TXC2: a human animal
josh___something: Yes, I am an animal, A PARTY ANIMAL!
WiJohn: It's called an animologist
A_Dub888: scientifically speaking, we’re all animals
Didero: 'Oh yeah, if you like animals so much, name 5'
Desruprot: its a consistent way to stop
TXC2: I don't live, I exist :p
Firewhiskers: Don't riff and drive
KeytarCat: Those bones are bigger than the banthas
RocknGrohlNerd: @josh___something FBtouchdown
TXC2: Didero "cats, dogs, crows, cows, spiders"
Didero: @TXC2 'hey this person knows what they're talkin' about!'
Bruceski: Bandits Hoss used to run with
prince_infidel: I love ND-5
Desruprot: just bandits, they are a dime a dozen
novrdd: We gooo Spelunking
Didero: "I might die in a cave" "Okay" is very good
malfnord: Snake, this is a sneaking mission
spethycakes: fistance
A_Dub888: within Fistance
prince_infidel: Fistance?
KeytarCat: Wait for them to be within fisting distance
Firewhiskers: "I'm here for your pearl.... y whites!" *punches dude*
Desruprot: LUL
0x6772: "We gotta have weaps!"
Marvoleath: "If I ignore her, maybe I wont get shot to death"
josh___something: Man, they need to pay for the premium version of their distance cones. These clearly are the free trial
novrdd: SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing
anclag: stealth!
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
prince_infidel: Ummm
kaiseresc: probably the wind
Desruprot: limesBlink
0x6772: @anclag Nobody left to tell the story.
TheAinMAP: mattlrWoof
TehAmelie: the bigger the explosions, the harder it will be to raise the alarm
Didero: Is your tummy rumbling?
Mazrae: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
Firewhiskers: "Heeeeeey, so about your old crew... the good news is they won't be coming for anyone anymore."
novrdd: Our stealth involves explosion LUL
A_Dub888: is it single?
TXC2: Infiltrator Ulmer they call him
novrdd: SabaPing
novrdd: Dwagoon
prince_infidel: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
novrdd: Ouch
0x6772: Havin' a real James day of it.
tyrsredritehand: Snuck up on the floor
vinewood_og: Newton vs Ben, the ultimate rivalry
Firewhiskers: Now we know what not to do
terribleplan: ND-5, I _did_ die in a cave.
TehAmelie: you simply stealthed so hard the floor gave up looking for you
RocknGrohlNerd: *sad bicheal noises*
Invitare: I forgot I had it after the tutorial and never used it again
Didero: Kay Vess in caves
niccus: she's got a real eye for value
Didero: I guess their focus groups get easily confused :p
Mazrae: Zoom in, enhance
measureofhope: How the fuck you fit that in a lightsaber handle?
0x6772: Foreshadowing!
Firewhiskers: Time for everyone to die without surrender
TXC2: welp, time to do it the easy way Kappa
MWGNZ: loud stealth
Firewhiskers: Lesson taught - the student is now the master
0x6772: Why didn't we come IN the back exit?
josh___something: this feels like a trap
josh___something: then again, it ALWAYS feels like a trap
undecided44: Fool of a Took
zeathean: Ahem
Didero: door was locked
josh___something: heheheh
brieandbacon: !phrasing
LRRbot: "Phrasing has never been a thing and I will never do it even once." —Ian Horner, 2021
josh___something: why DIDn't we, ben :)
TXC2: oh dear, I seem to have missed a funny getting water
0x6772: No dragon *yet*.
KeytarCat: Wow, this game is upsetting
Didero: They did say they had to kill a dragon to get the pearl
anclag: the budget ran out before they got to the dragon
Desruprot: never has a place been full of scum and villany as Mos Eisely
Firewhiskers: Even KOTOR gave us a dragon
terribleplan: Not as good as KOTOR: confirmed. XD
measureofhope: Shortest recruitment quest yet
Desruprot: I hope they have Cantina music
Didero: In the Mandalorian they had to get a whole troop of Tusken Raiders together to fight it, I don't think Kay could've survived it
BITs19_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
BITs19_: One more month! One more month!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BITs19_! (Today's storm count: 9)
Desruprot: if not, I would be very disappointed
zeathean: At least there was a dragon in book of boba fet
BITs19_: !socials
BITs19_: !social
Firewhiskers: Droid buying time
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
prince_infidel: Kay isn't really the surviving a Krayt Dragon type of protag
accountmadeforants: And now would be the best time to show a Krayt Dragon anyway, right as you're disappointed and no longer expecting it
0x6772: Do Jawas play Sabacc?
vinewood_og: utinni!
Desruprot: Wutini
TheAinMAP: Gonk!
TXC2: Lets go!
Marvoleath: Do NOT leave Bichael with them
Mazrae: I saw somewhere that someone made a meme saying that the sandcrawler was a Tesla bus
josh___something: ASCOT
josh___something: Let's FUCKIN GO
Kentosaurus: that's racist
vinewood_og: "we'd better investigate"
TXC2: ascot or cravat?
josh___something: Bichael can take care of itself
measureofhope: Surprised they weren't stripping it already
TotallyNotaBeholder: Need an ascot? Okay Fred
Firewhiskers: Jawas will improve Bichael by lowering his weight
RocknGrohlNerd: Giant trading cara..wait a minute breyaProfChamp
Didero: Play nice with the other bikes
Desruprot: remember we are at the Scratchy Lot
TXC2: "remember: we're parked in the itchy lot"
Mazrae: Bichael, behave yourself
Desruprot: so much Mos Eisley in here
Desruprot: (pats city)
brieandbacon: Gamorran
Didero: I thought they were more stocky
RocknGrohlNerd: Chat...Are these the droids we are looking for?
Firewhiskers: "Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so inebriated."
KeytarCat: That gamorran looks like it's a mascot head
Firewhiskers: That Gammorean might have been a Master of Teras-Kasi.
Kentosaurus: Chalmun's? Let's go!
Mazrae: The Hutts selling their clothes, why would they lrrBEEJ
TXC2: we got Jizz in this game?
0x6772: Is it Jizz time?
brieandbacon: Oh man, I love Jizz
anclag: oh, can we got to Jabba’s palace and see if Han is on the wall…maybe free him and screw with continuity?
Mazrae: Selling thief clothes**
0x6772: Wait, if she lost "it all" what is she paying with?
RocknGrohlNerd: @anclag great idea wheelerRita
TXC2: 0x6772 collateral
RocknGrohlNerd: Cut-scene?
TheAinMAP: DinoDance
TXC2: now where's Bea Arthur? Kappa
RocknGrohlNerd: avngrJam avngrJam avngrJam
josh___something: spasoon?
KeytarCat: Contrabass clarinet
0x6772: Is this going to be a Nix Snack stop?
KeytarCat: or some shit\
Spluuga: sounds like royalty free music
raulghoulia: hey it's ponda baba
StatlerandWaldorf: Han shot first
RocknGrohlNerd: Play Wonderwall
Mazrae: Sabaccib here?
Mazrae: Damn phone keyboard
josh___something: occupado, ben D:<
josh___something: smh my head
StatlerandWaldorf: how has the game been so far, enjoyable, great ?
Marvoleath: you snooze, you lose
RocknGrohlNerd: 4sure 4sure does not LUL
raulghoulia: this game rules
measureofhope: There was a listen spot at the bar
undecided44: There was a burn mark on the wall of that booth you past... where Han shot first
0x6772: We're… stealing Spotchka?
undecided44: *passed
0x6772: cool?
Didero: Quest item?
StatlerandWaldorf: Guess the original song is copyrighted
KeytarCat: C'mon kay, ask for a name
TXC2: any one else think it was gonna be Fett, until they said she ? :p
brieandbacon: It's a hive of scum and villainy, of course there's gamba
TXC2: two skins ?
prince_infidel: @TXC2 Yes. 1 less than normal
TXC2: prince_infidel ONE less ?
raulghoulia: Steal to love
KeytarCat: More like BUST Eisley
prince_infidel: @TXC2 How many do you have?
TXC2: prince_infidel fore Kappa
NightValien28: surprised this game doesn't have a minimap
Didero: Don't you have a grappling hook?
Didero: You could get on top quite easily
spethycakes: TXC2 okay that's where I thought you were going with that, whew
Didero: If Kay Vess was smarter ,that is :p
LostThePirate: Just Spiderman it lol
josh___something: When you have a grappling hook, every problem is a... uhhh...
0x6772: TMI, ND!
prince_infidel: It does get everywhere
brieandbacon: Does ND-5 hate sand because it's coarse
Didero: Another elevator that should've been a staircase
StatlerandWaldorf: Clap
TXC2: games pls
StatlerandWaldorf: LUL
brieandbacon: "business" = sabbac
malfnord: womp womp
Jillexie: Yes
0x6772: Instant turnaround!
TXC2: Sabacc is our work Kay
StatlerandWaldorf: outstanding teeth !
Didero: oh they all gon' die
Jillexie: Kill Hoss
TXC2: so we kill Hoss right?
josh___something: Well, we're killing hoss
LostThePirate: Time to rescue baby!
brieandbacon: Lore!
Invitare: so how are you liking Jalen's choice for team member?
prince_infidel: We killin Hoss
TXC2: mom!
spethycakes: There's a joke about 'beating a dead Hoss' in there somewhere
josh___something: We are fucking murdering hoss in cold blood
Didero: disgHossting
TXC2: """Dead"""
Jillexie: Mom is not dead
brieandbacon: Have we seen the corpse on screen?
TehAmelie: this why why chewing cables is bad, Gus
TheAinMAP: Look how cute he is.
josh___something: we are murdering hoss
0x6772: Gee, that wall really takes a beating.
josh___something: Finish the job, kay
Didero: ok, go off Kay
josh___something: Put a blaster shot in that nerd
anclag: we’re going to win Nix back in a game of sabaac against Jabba
0x6772: And, this is important, where's the Sabacc table at Jabba's Palace?
Jillexie: Maybe Ank can use Hoss as the fuse for his bomb.
TXC2: Jabba ain't shit
Firewhiskers: WIll Nix be dressed up in Leia's sexy gear?
Kentosaurus: pet the dewback
TotallyNotaBeholder: Nix gold bikini is dlc
josh___something: We're getting nix back, OR WE'RE FUCKING DYING. I do not care, ND-5
TheAinMAP: bbirbPet
Didero: Can't eat food without Nix, Ben, way to rub it in :p
A_Dub888: over/under on running into Han at Jabba’s?
TXC2: almost got stepped on by an AT-AT? wow some pay for that Kappa
Invitare: oh yeah you missed the Akiva meal too
anclag: are we going to have to play a game of sabaac without Nix to help?!
josh___something: Ank best girl
Didero: Emotional support explosives
prince_infidel: Ank is the best
TXC2: my therapy bombs
TotallyNotaBeholder: 'Gentleman' 'wall'
Didero: X for Xtra fast
raulghoulia: I did Tatooine first so it's interesting seeing what happens if you do a different route
brieandbacon: "X" is the motion potion
Nemosaur: Why is "Speeder landing" subtitled LUL
Didero: Oh, I didn't realise you could pick the order of the planets, fun
josh___something: I mean, in certain contexts, X will be brake once we run into the wall
LostThePirate: It's a PALACE of course it's huge
0x6772: @josh___something "Brake faster"
Kentosaurus: rancor
Didero: Please don't hurt th Rancor, it's only trying its best
TXC2: I hope we get the Rancor master who cries in the movie
Angnor33: Just needs that little 'Photo Stop' sign.
Spluuga: I feel like the rancor trainers keep having the worst day
Kentosaurus: oh no, this means we don't have nix for stealth shenanigans
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
Didero: Yeah, figured. The rocks weren't as detailed
LostThePirate: One of Danny Trejo's best bit parts, rancor wrangler
Didero: ever got punched in the butt so hard you pass out
terribleplan: Who needs stealth? They have your dog!
josh___something: Kay Wick
Valbatross_: Somehow I didn't really follow this game at all - it seems like it's pretty much just an Assassin's Creed
Uzumaki15: Ah yes, Kay's John Wick arc
josh___something: We're still murdering hoss, right?
Didero: @Valbatross_ It's The Ubisoft Game, except Star Wars this time
josh___something: He lost life privileges the moment he sold our dog
TheAinMAP: Maybe we can get a Hosk instead??
brieandbacon: He sold our dog for gambling debt, it's not even something noble
Wolfstrike_NL: sabbac hold ém
Wolfstrike_NL: (?)
KeytarCat: We didn't see the winning hand. Hoss had a five of a kind
0x6772: That looked like the previously standard Sabacc (like you see Lando playing in the Solo movie). No clue if it's playable here.
prince_infidel: There many Sabaac types, so it would be cool to play more than 1
Firewhiskers: Thanks for stram
josh___something: Ben D:
tyrsredritehand: Ben's old nemesis. Gravity
josh___something: But... doge D:
TXC2: thanks for streaming Ben
malsareus: this is wehre the sidekick gets a chance to save the hero
spethycakes: Thanks for stream, Ben!
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Commander_Taz: Good strimm!
jedi_master_zll: I hope it lets you shoot Hosk. That's one of the things I didn't like about SWTOR and the companions.
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
brieandbacon: Hey, I'm watching on the youtube!!
TXC2: frogs are gone
jessieimproved: thanks for strem, been lurking
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (1:07 from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
0x6772: Play It Forward: Star Wars: Outlaws X: the Search for Nix
tyrsredritehand: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (1:07 from now).
anclag: thanks for the stream Ben! have a great day everyone
jessieimproved: ooh leatherwork, i'm in
Didero: Huh, so Lethal Company is a whole genre now?
anclag: ugh, you’ve seen one armchair releathering stream you’ve seen them all
LordZarano: Murky Divers! They've been down too long in the midnight sea!
jessieimproved: @LordZarano thanks I sang that
A_Dub888: you’re very very cute and good
Spluuga: wait.. is that the 3rd iteration of killteam?
Bruceski: Just found out compendium teams aren't getting an update, hope they're at least still compatible. Sometimes I just want to run a dumb little swarm of guys instead of bespoke specialists.
Commander_Taz: tactical breach wizards is GOTY
Didero: Ooh, Tactical Breach Wizards, that's such a good game
TXC2: Spluuga I think it's 2nd edition now ?
0x6772: Gee, wonder who'll have a larger body count…
josh___something: I've heard... things about that game
josh___something: Hopefully you enjoy it
Commander_Taz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
Commander_Taz: hehe
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Commander_Taz! (Today's storm count: 10)
Bruceski: Kill Team is currently second edition, 3rd edition is coming out right now. Or just came out, noit sure exactly when things drop other than "mid october"
JosVanTongeren: bye alll have a lovely day!!!
Didero: Thanks for the stream!
Commander_Taz: ciao!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TXC2: Diving, murkyly
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
LurkerSpine: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (1:03 from now).
TXC2: goodnight everybody
ShaneLeeAtk: Goodnight, TXC2!