DarkMorford: Is this where we crack those sweet sweet packs?
MrVirite: crack a pack smulator
TXC2: title change!
Aceviru: Biggus piggus hype
TXC2: !findquote hog
LRRbot: Quote #2229: "Who's a puffy hog?" —Alex [2016-04-01]
DarkMorford: !findquote pig
LRRbot: Quote #6012: "'Are those cats or pigs?' 'They're mice.'" —TXC2 and Matt Griffiths [2019-04-26]
Earthenone: lrrSIG Capitalism, ho! lrrSIG
DarkMorford: TXC2 getting called out :D
TXC2: DarkMorford so much so I had to add it :p
Didero: Good evening!
TinyAwoo: Watching a Wheeler VOD to watching live let's gooo
keep_it_lobster subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, keep_it_lobster! (Today's storm count: 1)
ShaneLeeAtk: HYPE
TheAwkes: Pausing a TCG VOD to switch to a TCG stream? Couldn't be me. There's so much of it to go around, huh.
Aceviru: Man, just look at the long line of customers already waiting for this stream to go live wheelerKappa
TXC2: !viewers
LRRbot: 0 users viewing the stream. 147 users in the chat.
DideRobot: LRR: Wheeler TCG's on his Simulator until he Card Shops - Rated PG-13 | https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113301183766772135
TXC2: damnit lrrbot, you were meant to say 69 viewers :p
Earthenone: my twitch says 69 veiwers, weird
Earthenone: ahh yours too :P
Earthenone: im glad wheeler decided to play a horror game for spoopy month
just_like_aerin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, just_like_aerin! (Today's storm count: 2)
YeetTheRich_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YeetTheRich_! (Today's storm count: 3)
Meecespieces: Good Morning
Statist42: Hi friends lrrSHINE
TXC2: Earthenone a horror movie were its Jason and Freddy and other horror icons working retail
TXC2: Hello Meecespieces and Statist42 welcome
TehAmelie: greetings, citizens
TXC2: hello TehAmelie welcome
TXC2: Here we GO!
Didero: I keep forgetting how good this intro is
Aceviru: He's unlocking the door! Guys get ready
TXC2: Hello Wheeler
Meecespieces: Oh I've not seen that intro. That absolutely slaps
GhostValv: ahahhahha
Didero: A lack of bit can also be a bit
TXC2: Tea > bit
TheAinMAP: Hello.
TehAmelie: at least you had a bit. . .or tea
TehAmelie: of tea
MrVirite: When does it stop being new?
TinyAwoo: Are we opening a new shoppe
TheJoe743 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheJoe743! (Today's storm count: 4)
DarkMorford: Thanks for having us, it's great to be here!
n3ther: I step away from the mic to breathe
jonnykefka: I'm contemplating a cup of hot chocolate with some kind of alcoholic kicker
GhostValv: nice
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Didero: Being sweaty is fitting for a cardshop
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
rammfan9423: I hope you guys are doing okay
n3ther: sweaty gamers always tryharding Kappa
Didero: US or Canadian?
RocknGrohlNerd: @jonnykefka * cracks open a bottle of white *..... I support that idea
AFamiliarCalledEl: I don't carry cash, will you accept a debit card?
TinyAwoo: New shoppe?
TXC2: Didero Zimbabwean Kappa
n3ther: "a bit"
TXC2: a warm up, a trial run
Earthenone: new card store, this time only sell singles to maximise pack cracking? :P
n3ther: starting a new file seems aight
rammfan9423: Card Shop Simulator
TehAmelie: after all, why not? why shouldn't we max the hog
Falannt: so we can test new things? like anti-smell-machine?
Gekyouryuu: "Is This Your Card Store?"
YeetTheRich_: cardgames turner
0x6772: Hog Cards?
GhostValv: Is this your Card Shop?
rammfan9423: A Shop of Mysteries
xantos69: Cardboard Corner Plus
Suffix subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 134 months!
Suffix: Hubris.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Suffix! (Today's storm count: 5)
josh___something: "What the hell is this card"
TinyAwoo: Dolla Dolla billz
nightsreach: Gavin
Earthenone: GamesTurneralloneword
dmsink: Wheeler's Fortune
AtakChees: no hog money lol
Wiliart: Larding Ready Rave
jonnykefka: This is how I do most management/factory games. First playthrough, or first three, usually get paved once I figure out what I've been doing wrong
BloodnBullets: xxxCardsCardsCardsxxx
IRLFine: gotta be Card James, right?
TehAmelie: Three card monty
TXC2: Yes, I also thought he was In real life
Aceviru: lol
Zael250: TC Plushies
Scy_Anide: I had exactly the same thought.
elistan4: LRR Cards
TXC2: can't blame OOFC this week
SupaTortoiseBoy: Did we have to restart? The save file got overwritten by plushie palace?
TinyAwoo: Why is the trashcan outside that drives me nuts and idk why
SupaTortoiseBoy: Oh cool we trying to speed run it?
GreatGodOm: So we aren't hogging the stream today?
zelukester: my god, the new weekly stream is live!
OmnipotentTrevor: Optimize
SupaTortoiseBoy: Min max
0x6772: $3 even means less making change
SupaTortoiseBoy: ^
TehAmelie: @TinyAwoo that's so we don't pay for thrash removal
Suffix: Hate change, love the Toonie.
lightfut: Can use JPY to just drop the decimal point too
jonnykefka: my dude
YeetTheRich_: oofa
Jillexie: Harsh but true
BloodnBullets: No we cant!
TheAwkes: What kind of sensitivity do you go for? I aim to turn 360 in about 5cm of mouse movement, which I am led to believe is sicko levels.
jonnykefka: Need one of those rollerball sidewise things
n3ther: the checkout always reminds me of my microwave beeps
TristalMTG: I'm glad you're playing this so I don't have to. (I tried, it crashes my ancient computer)
Gekyouryuu: Wheeler's mouse is as sensitive as a conservative boomer thinks "the kids today" are
Aceviru: Tableless run?
TXC2: Mouth movement? has Neil dropped a new album?!
Falannt: maybe its a rat!
n3ther: need a rotating mouse gif
lightfut: Weighty, girthy even
josh___something: are we doing a silly run?
Didero: I once had a Gamer Mouse that had a tray where you could put in little weights to make the mouse heavier
SupaTortoiseBoy: @theawkes I tend to do that too. I think it isn't a good thing though LUL
n3ther: are the game sounds a bit loud or just me?
Didero: Maybe we priced these packs too low :p
Gekyouryuu: maybe she is and she's waiting on her Estrogen prescription?
TehAmelie: that guy ought to just buy from the supplier
TristalMTG: surprised the suit guy didn't have you an unobtainium level credit card
SupaTortoiseBoy: That's a wild compliment
jonnykefka: Game is just a touch on the loud side
n3ther: pj
n3ther: oh lol
vanman229 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vanman229! (Today's storm count: 6)
josh___something: No "card sleeves and deodorant only" run, then? D:
Didero: Wait, is that 'Reviews' option on your phone new? I don't remember it from last week
jonnykefka: sadly chat does not have the audio to jingle keys at you
DarkMorford: @Didero The game has updated since then, yeah
TXC2: we lost him pals, we lost him to the speed :(
TristalMTG: Are you pause buffering the sale for speedrunning purposes
Gekyouryuu: the most unrealistic thing about this game is how you don't just skip straight to the part of the pack that the money card would be in and ignore the rest of the pack, like everyone else at my LGS
Gekyouryuu: no change
BloodnBullets: Apparently card tables are actually bad for profit as the use up customer spawns.
AFamiliarCalledEl: The problem is that every card is generated separately and could potentially be a money card
TristalMTG: Ian is buying packs??
SupaTortoiseBoy: From big business yes, but not from grassroots
TXC2: Friends? oh dear
Falannt: are we going to test the spray-machine?
Aceviru: @BloodnBullets It's passive income that scales
SupaTortoiseBoy: Truth, and the person who gets blammed usually isn't really at fault
Earthenone: just morph in a chromeshell crab
GhostValv: voxyCrabdance voxyCrabdance voxyCrabdance
jonnykefka: "manage event"?
Gekyouryuu: ok, other unrealistic thing: no one's out here buying a single pack and trying to pay with a $50 bill
FurthestChunk: hey y'all, how come we started over?
TristalMTG: Has the game developed to the point where you can store ban Pygmon and Armageddon because they make people sad
TXC2: hello FurthestChunk Wheeler wanted to
Aceviru: Oh right we got god pulls
FurthestChunk: so you took us back to the past, to play the card shop game that's really good
Falannt: we need more packs!!!
TXC2: we;re selling, but we;re not SELLING!
FurthestChunk: so what's the new shop called
Aceviru: What's our reviews like
TehAmelie: how often do you see cashiers who scan every single thing individually when you buy more than like 4 of the same thing?
BloodnBullets: At $3.50 you will have limited change still.
Didero: In-game or real world hour?
Falannt: already broken
Aceviru: Niceee
n3ther: yelp reviewers have no chill
TehAmelie: and considering we're clearly the only LGS in the city
FurthestChunk: you're a third rate merchant with a fourth rate shop
Aceviru: We've successfully rolled well on the stink saves
maxdamnit: can we hire a Nelson and a Serge to work here?
avjamethyst subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, avjamethyst! (Today's storm count: 7)
0x6772: Don't you still get money when they get up regardless of whether they played? (Just not the achievement.)
Earthenone: do they still pay the hourly rate waiting in the que?
SomebodyNowhere: is this crack a pack
SupaTortoiseBoy: Lol passive aggressive homies would rather sit alone together than just play together
Scy_Anide: The pack opening sound is so wet.
CaptainSpam: "Store owner was bunny-hopping all over the store while we were trying to play a game. 2/5 stars"
TXC2: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Pale Bears!
xVoxtric: An employee is never as motivated as the owner with no home to go to
Didero: But isn't the whole goal of capitalism to let other people work while you get rich off of it?
jonnykefka: Is he in the office? Get him to do it live on stream
Aceviru: Yeah, employees seem unnecessary until you've actually got a big rig going
TristalMTG: hire enough employees until you no longer have to be in the store, then it's just an idle game from there on
Booster6 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Booster6! (Today's storm count: 8)
Earthenone: interesting, you raised the prices and sudenly people arent buying things
Aceviru: Plus it defeats the fun of playing it
HoneyJack07: what’s the name of our shop this play through?
n3ther: oh
Earthenone: uhh ohh, pumpies
TXC2: pump up the dump
TehAmelie: people will often protest against price changes by boycotting stuff for 10 minutes
Falannt: shop name: games turner
n3ther: more pump more dump got it
SomebodyNowhere: Ive played the demo but I forget how much the singles card display is
SupaTortoiseBoy: Yeah get the early xp, diversify products then hike prices
FurthestChunk: we got a professional slop roller here
s1ck1y: they hate seeing a successful businessman winning
TXC2: the early game hell
Falannt: task completed
TehAmelie: getting a booster pack to stand on the side seems harder than having a coin flip land on the side
Aceviru: Time to turn off the lights and go degen?
CaptainSpam: It's telling you to build a table out of cards and put it in the shop, clearly.
Aceviru: Yeah it wants you to add the singles table
Didero: It's called investing
MrVirite: @Aceviru for speed dating, right?
Aceviru: @MrVirite Oh you betcha bud
TheAwkes: Nothing's lost if there's still product on the shelves.
Falannt: ikea isn't in early access
0x6772: @MrVirite Don't tempt the universe for *that* game.
MrVirite: "Is this your date?"
TXC2: speedruning a dating game ?
s1ck1y: call it no more singles
Mark_D_Stroyer: Man, this game really is something
Earthenone: A/S/Colour identaty
GhostValv: there is one now
Falannt: like poker or whats cards?
SupaTortoiseBoy: Lol @s1ck1y
Gekyouryuu: @MrVirite no, it's "is this your card?" but in the way that you refer to someone as "a card" like it's the 1920s
TehAmelie: Magic the "Gathering"
SupaTortoiseBoy: Should be able to keep one under the cash register
CaptainSpam: "Excuse me, sir, I suddenly need to stock an entirely new item in my store solely due to your body funk."
Didero: You can sell the deodorant too, right?
Gekyouryuu: you spoke of the devil, Wheeler
TehAmelie: funk is timeless
TXC2: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a boat! We've always wanted one of those...
FurthestChunk: in the local gamed store, straight up "flipping and ripping it". and by "it", haha, well. let's just say. my tormoguyph
TehAmelie: yeah, gamers can't tell a near empty can of deodorant from an unused one
Nickiatori: stinkwatch 2024
spinebustertee: That's my favorite Blizzard game
Earthenone: did you spray people with axe body spray at the register when you worked at YJ?
TheAwkes: I doubt I'm going to ever play this, but if I did, I'd keep one shelf section empty specifically to sell my nearly-empty cans of deodorant.
Mark_D_Stroyer: Wait, so does the actual shelf arrangement matter in this game?
Aceviru: For how chill balatro was, I kinda enjoy you playing this like an FPS
Nickiatori: I ordered the cards for a Hama pashar edh deck and that got me in the mood to brew so i made another deck while i am waiting for those to arrive
RocknGrohlNerd: Stinkwatch 2024, I better get to shower than, before Wheeler chases me from chat
jellyfish0413: that make sents
jonnykefka: Ah, the multigrab is one of the tricks you've learned I take it?
TheMerricat: Just waking up chat... did Wheeler restart? I thought we had already purchased this table last stream.
Yeezy2Cheezy: plushie run again?
bombadil117: good afternoon, Mr. Wheeler
Larkonus: Shiny singles in your area!
TehAmelie: games are about wish fulfillment. in this case, the wish of store clerks to commit a little light assault
TXC2: TheMerricat yes he restarted
Didero: It's also Canadian money, so 1 dollar is basically nothing :p
jonnykefka: @TheMerricat correct. He learned too much that cannot be unlearned and had to start fresh because his first run was now intolerably inefficient
IRLFine: what’s the EV on a pack in this game?
Mark_D_Stroyer: It seems really poor
SomebodyNowhere: in the demo the the profit margin on the plushes was pretty good but take a while to get
Nickiatori: that reminds me, when i was a teen i tried to step out the back door of the lgs to let one rip it came out while i was walking out the door and i felt so bad
Falannt: what are the checkboxes doing for the opening?
TehAmelie: i think we pay 90 cents for these base backs
Earthenone: we are buying the packs for under 2 bucks, i think EV is fine
TheMerricat: Did we ever find a way to bulk sell chaff?
CaptainSpam: And better packs always result in more betterer cards, just like in real life.
TehAmelie: that's advanced technology, apaprently
0x6772: I stumbled into El Funko's stream of this the other night and… well, he has rather a lot going on.
SomebodyNowhere: lift the entire singles station and put it closer LUL
SupaTortoiseBoy: There wasn't table space for him
BloodnBullets: Apparently each store expansion increases the number of customer spawns.
Aceviru: Yeah, sometimes they try to find the table first. and purchase afterwards
TheAwkes: Damn, this card is too expensive... shame they only have one copy.
Aceviru: Trueee
SomebodyNowhere: lightswitch rave
FurthestChunk: aggressively flipping the switch at this ptq grinder shark mf
Scy_Anide: If you leave the lights off do you save money?
TehAmelie: i was wondering, do you have any control over the table rents?
Mark_D_Stroyer: This really feels like getting high on your own supply
SomebodyNowhere: 42 dollar card
ghyllnox: "I saw it online for a dollar cheaper" "Then why did you not buy it from them"
Didero: Is there a reason you're not selling the deodorant?
the_brainfist: The store employee leaping onto the play table to hose down a stinky player is very comical.
Tz_BG: Making 2.5k a day from 10 tables using the EX battle tournament
FurthestChunk: can't wait to see how much we've lost today
Earthenone: its weird to me people buy singles and sealed product in the same order, like what if you just open the single you bought :P
justajester: new game?
IRLFine: compulsorily spraying card gamers with deodorant is absolute peak. that alone, if nothing else, justified the existence of this game
kimmiekoneko: what happened to the plushies store
BloodnBullets: You cant spawn enough customers to occupy 3 tables.
radioshackraider: I wonder how viable it is to just have play tables and singles?
TXC2: Earthenone you clearly don't have the Jambler's brain if you think like that :p
SupaTortoiseBoy: @justajester yeah
myknorman: is the fresh run just for funsies?
nessiah_aries subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
nessiah_aries: A TCG shop simulator...how quaint. Who would ever spend their valuable time and earnings on this kinda cardboard slop? Haha! *nervously eyes his 12-Pocket binder full of ludicrously expensive Pokemon cards*
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nessiah_aries! (Today's storm count: 9)
Gekyouryuu: ah, spaceballs
TXC2: kimmiekoneko if you mean last weeks game, Wheeler felt like staring over
TXC2: *starting
TXC2: myknorman yes
Mark_D_Stroyer: As somebody who’s done small business, my brain is going “but cards in the window display! street visibility! signage!”
Bobtheninjagoldfish: ahhh! I'm late! Okay so a) is this a new save? and what is the name of our store?
Didero: So you're not going to sell any plushies at all?
TheMerricat: Games Turner
TXC2: gotta have that work stream / home stream balance
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Top teir name.
TXC2: upgrade cost was -750
TXC2: so Wheeler was right there
Didero: One doesn't preclude the other
Mark_D_Stroyer: That’s very true, unhappiness says more about the customer!
Gekyouryuu: maybe they're depressed BECAUSE of you?
Mark_D_Stroyer: And they’re playing card games soooo
SupaTortoiseBoy: Should buy a puppy for the store so people leave happy
SomebodyNowhere: when is the first big rent and utilites payment
nessiah_aries: Recently been taking apart a bunch of EDH decks and selling staples I no longer need...only to reinvest said money into Special Illustration Rares...like a responsible adult.
TehAmelie: we can get plushies, they seem to fill about the same function. plus people buy them
kimmiekoneko: is magic twitter still on "x (formerly known as twitter)" or has the community migrated
radioshackraider: Let's see if you're right Wheeler. I've tweeted it.
Gekyouryuu: Wheeler, please don't remind me of my friend who's currently working on what he admits is a bad commander deck he's going to hate when he should be finding a job so he can move out of my apartment where he's been staying for over 6 months now after asking to saty "just 3 days"
FurthestChunk: @nessiah_aries thinking about ben's binder full of koffings
Aceviru: Haha
kimmiekoneko: "i've spent my last money on a foil clefairy, but i can go into debt for this"
RegornLoL: not sure what I hat emore: the 1 pack buy or the bag he needed for it...
Falannt: typical wheeler!
TXC2: but the enter key is the strongest key of all!
Falannt: pc != keyboard
jonnykefka: Just put it in Ian's TTSF pile.
TXC2: Shrimply perish
Falannt: T_T
nessiah_aries: Still resisting the temptation to buy a Moonbreon. That Giratina V tho...now that's worth living on the streets for (pls, send help).
FurthestChunk: paras is a good little guy
Invitare: on the contrary, it's the only type that's good against Psychic
FurthestChunk: it is a game for babies after all (non-pejorative)
Invitare: Bug was at its strongest in Gen 1
SomebodyNowhere: is that canada monies
Creature_Comforts: As TwitchPlaysPokemon taught us, a Venomoth can beat Lance's Dragonite
TXC2: can't butterfree learn hyperbeam in gen 1 ? :p
n3ther: butterfree learns a good moveset
RevolverRossalot: We'll always have paras 🥲
Invitare: if only there were more attacks than Pin Missile and Twinneedle
chriswr5: wheeler were you aware that if a kingler does one swords dance it can ohko a chancey with hyperbeam 100% of the time, a handsome man once told me that
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Psyduck best Gen1. fite me.
TristalMTG: and when you ohko a chansey, it turns into a 3/3 stantler
Didero: I've recognised only like 4 words in the past 10 sentences...
thaigeprime: what if the chancey is built different tho
Gekyouryuu: I thought you had to pay 1GU to Oko something? Kappa
BloodnBullets: Counterpoint: best pokemon ever - scizor, was a gen 2 bug.
RegornLoL: and by oko u mean turn it into an elk?
chillwizard93: open a pack
chriswr5: while you were studying the blade i was studying gen 1 competitive pokemon metas
FurthestChunk: no
Earthenone: oko oko fight club?
Falannt: no, too easy to mention
thaigeprime: stupid sexy oko
nessiah_aries: When it comes to Gen 1...I'm partial to Ninetales more than anything else.
TXC2: nah, I've moved on to hating Nadu Kappa
Mangledpixel: don't get your oko bits out on stream
radioshackraider: I'm never not thinking about Oko's bits
Gekyouryuu: you have one minute before chat becomes Throne of Eldraine standard and Oko is banned Kappa
thaigeprime: Id believe it
Bobtheninjagoldfish: wait.. I"m confused.. what context was Wheeler using oko in then?
chriswr5: man remember when the internet was just ok go music videos
thaigeprime: its just another six pack down there
aww_shiiup subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aww_shiiup! (Today's storm count: 10)
Bobtheninjagoldfish: OH! that make sense.
FurthestChunk: i will say though, everybody calls oko a twink, and i hate that, because he's too hunky, he's a twunk at the very least
ckupf: Move to a rich neighborhood
radioshackraider: Speaking of Pokemon though, I caught a full odds shiny Palkia in Shining Pearl today, after 139 encounters
Earthenone: open up in a more affluent area, like victoria BC
Gekyouryuu: I still remember joking that they made it obvious Kellan was Oko's kid because you can rearrange his name to spell An Ellk
nessiah_aries: Ninetales looks at Delphox and calls it an impostor.
ArcOfTheConclave: be in a different industry?
SupaTortoiseBoy: Gentrify the neighborhood
TXC2: you vote socialist politicians into office so they'll enact universal basic income laws
chriswr5: start selling $19 salads to venture capital bros
ckupf: You asked for clientele that wasn't broke, not clientele that would spend money
Creature_Comforts: Not a fan of store parkour, I guess.
Falannt: we need fast forward button
TehAmelie: maybe you can decorate the sidewalk with a box of sprays. i'm sure nobody will use them, but it'd send a message
nessiah_aries: Maybe they were looking for plushies thinking this is your home stream.
SandbaggerOne: yelp review: “store owner was doing sick bunny hops over a trash can”
Mark_D_Stroyer: I feel like this one of those games that really needs where each person has a name and personality and they track stuff like that.
FurthestChunk: anyway the best gen 1 pokemon is porygon, pikachu needs to go to the gulag for what they did
Mark_D_Stroyer: for “the regulars” etc
Earthenone: if it was like real life, if they saw you open well, they would hold off on packs because that products ratio is already spent :P
RegornLoL: they need to implement u beating ppl in the cardgame so they feel the need to buy more packs to improve their deck :D
Mark_D_Stroyer: I’m sorry!
nessiah_aries: He's D_Stroying your brain....
FurthestChunk: the s word is banned around ben
SupaTortoiseBoy: Track your whales
FurthestChunk: in the same way he's banned from desert bus
Mark_D_Stroyer: Yeahhhh Whale Mechanics
Stormgod519: oh i made it!
Didero: One person that always comes in with the stinky cloud
Aceviru: That's a good touch actually.
Gekyouryuu: @FurthestChunk that must be difficult for him, living in Canada and all
s1ck1y: speaking of regulars when i used to work at an lgs in toronto we used to play the same song on loop for hours at a time. if a customer complained, we'd see what game they play and that person on staff had to buy the rest of the shift beer. shout out to the pokemon regulars for getting me so much free beer in like 2017
nessiah_aries: Call your store "Ahab's greatest Hauls"
Stormgod519: i too have been playing this a lot
SandbaggerOne: shadow of was nemesis system but for customers
TehAmelie: really they'd just need names and a way for you to write notes about them
TristalMTG: sorry, the credit card minimum is $181
SandbaggerOne: *shadow of war
lZodsl: Congratulations, you've earned you tracking chip. (lean into fomo by saying they'll be apart of an exclusive club)
Earthenone: why would pokemon players be against the same song on repeat. was it not the battle theme?
s1ck1y: and complain about spooky scary skeleton being played for 8 hours straight LMAO
Stormgod519: im still trying to figure out what's worth getting
Gekyouryuu: @s1ck1y cowards
Falannt: in canada college costs only 90}?
chriswr5: the winner of my cube drafts get to choose the playlist for the next draft
nessiah_aries: Most pokemon players don't even know what any of the cards do because they put them into binders to look at the pretty pictures.
Aceviru: I feel called out
nessiah_aries: I should know, I'm one of those people.
Didero: What's different between the blue and the orange packs again?
Earthenone: 2 CAD
TXC2: Didero Orange is better vaule
Gekyouryuu: set 1 and 2
TristalMTG: you might have an alcohol problem if you look at that shelf and wonder why the expensive stuff is on the bottom
myknorman: can't get enough of "C'est l'halloween" as an elementary teacher /s
FurthestChunk: one's base, one's jungle
Didero: Thanks. So then there's no reason to keep selling the blue packs?
chriswr5: orange and blue lets go mets love da mets babey
Juliamon: People still like the cheap ones
Aceviru: ^
Falannt: local? where? manhattan?
Aceviru: Lets go mets
nessiah_aries: Maybe if you call your card store 'Amazon'.
BloodnBullets: +20% is a lot smaller amount for a $2 card.
Stormgod519: i will say, im tempted to switch to canadian currency because the u.s. stuff is so bland
SupaTortoiseBoy: We have beautiful currency in south africa
n3ther: LUL
Aceviru: Haha
loufghyslaufey: kay
ckupf: I swear I walked down that street in Brooklyn last week
TXC2: "stop being so broke!" said the man hoarding all the money Kappa
Aceviru: Holy it's been an hour already?!
YeetTheRich_: sir this is a card shop
loufghyslaufey: Job offere where, lrrWHEELER ?
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
FurthestChunk: oh man we only lost 42 bucks
Mangledpixel: "Ah, is your LGS the one where the owner yells at people in the street?"
TehAmelie: our character quit an office job to live this dream. basically we're becoming One Punch Man
radioshackraider: Do gated communities have like, local shops that serve the people who live in those communities needs so they don't have to leave too often?
loufghyslaufey: While were all up on calling out or on our lives...
TristalMTG: no, it's the one where there's always some guy in a Games Turner t-shirt running outside and spraying people with axe body spray
radioshackraider: Because if so, I'd totally open an LGS in one of those
SupaTortoiseBoy: @radioshackraider depends on the gated community
TehAmelie: i figure they only leave by car anyway
Mangledpixel: TristalMTG yeahh that.... sigh.... the same one
nessiah_aries: @TristalMTG At least it's not Penis Man...
DideRobot: LRR: Whatever weirdness you may be encountering with our podcasts at the moment is the result of the DDOS attacks and instability at Archive.org (where we host our podcasts). | They estimate a timeline of days to get things sorted out. | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113301412074980748
Stormgod519: has anyone who's played this game found the way(s) to get on the roof?
nessiah_aries: Then again, this doesn't look like Arizona.
SupaTortoiseBoy: @stormgod519 a glitch? Maybe it's a jump bug glitch like the portal speed runners use. Like jumping with a box into a wall
SupaTortoiseBoy: If it exists
Stormgod519: @SupaTortoiseBoy yes. ive done it a few times
Stormgod519: i was gonna ask wheeler before the break but missed my chance
Stormgod519: Ill ask when he gets back
SupaTortoiseBoy: Can you get off the roof again?
Stormgod519: also, canadian money is much better to look at
Stormgod519: @SupaTortoiseBoy yes, you can walk through the front of the building to land in the street.
TXC2: "I hear aliens land on the roof at night" "that's a fib, there's no such thing as roofs"
Didero: I wonder how euros look in this game...
Stormgod519: there is one way where you get stuck and have to leave the level and reopen it, but mostly you just go to the roof
Stormgod519: you basically spam click to get on the register whilst jumping over the counter
nessiah_aries: The roof...that's where all the good players are.
SupaTortoiseBoy: Can you fall through the floor?
Stormgod519: @SupaTortoiseBoy not that ive seen/tried
nessiah_aries: The bad ones? We keep those in the basement.
TXC2: and we're back
Stormgod519: you can go through the back wall with a similar trick but that's when you have to leave and rejoin the level
nessiah_aries: Welcome back.
Stormgod519: Wheeler, try going through the ceiling...
Stormgod519: also, welcome back
TXC2: "it's a new day, it's a new dawn, and I'm feeling shiiiiiiit"
FortunaeRota subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months, currently on a 118 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FortunaeRota! (Today's storm count: 11)
Gekyouryuu: "Nude Day, Nude Me." "Casual Fridays around here go wild."
Stormgod519: yeah
Juliamon: Because you can, I guess
Stormgod519: you can jump over the counter whilst trying to get on the register and itll put you in the roof, above the storre. you can walk out through the front wall back to the street
Stormgod519: why? Because subocean
nessiah_aries: If you call your shop "The Shadowrealm" do people have to pay for cardboard with their immortal souls?
SomebodyNowhere: do you need another singles table
Stormgod519: when I did it, my register was against the back wall from the door, so maybe it works there
Stormgod519: ive never tried it on this side of the room
LordZarano: LetsGameItOut figured out how to get out of bounds at the end of the street on their stream, because of course they did
Mangledpixel: and yet another LRR stream becomes a speedrun
TXC2: Mangledpixel be hook or by crook we'll get speedrunalloneword back Kappa
Mangledpixel: hehe
TehAmelie: does the speedrun end when you run out of tasks? cause i'm sure we can do that
nessiah_aries: We really need to aim for the moby dick amongst whales...*sees Seto Kaiba cross the street* THAR SHE BLOWS!
TehAmelie: i like the guy sitting alone at the game tables for hours
Stormgod519: @LordZarano that does not surprisee me
TehAmelie: oh, he made a friend
Stormgod519: i think the best time to try it is at night after closing because you wont have the customers to deal with
Peter_Chordash: Cad is great but can we get Canadian Tire Money support?
DarkMorford: @nessiah_aries "My store has no cheap cards, Kaiba!"
Didero: Or card sleeves
GhostValv: yes
Stormgod519: yep
Stormgod519: they can get back there
OmnipotentTrevor: Maybe put the shelves in that corner instead?
BloodnBullets: Each expansion increases customer spawns.
PrivateDream: on both sides of the shop or only in main area?
nessiah_aries: @BloodnBullets Unless it's called Homelands, then the number of customers decreases.
TehAmelie: so there's big benefits to diversifying your product?
BloodnBullets: *shop expansion.
Sodaprodutions: you can force customers to smell good?
Hypocloriphorius: nooooo, this isnt hog money
OmnipotentTrevor: The riddle of the Stinx
Hypocloriphorius: are you gonna get the plushies still?
Didero: Do you really think selling deodorant for cheap is gonna make 'em use it? :p
OldUncleDan: So you also act as one of those people who work perfume counters.
lightfut: Stinx's revelation
Sodaprodutions: they don't seem to like it
TXC2: Hypocloriphorius that's the home stream, Wheleer is starting fresh here
nessiah_aries: Being stinky is only on brand if you're playing Pox.
OldUncleDan: So, if you don't deal with the boxes outside right away, will someone come and steal them?
GhostValv: D:
Creature_Comforts: Knock it off, Nosferatu
Aceviru: @BloodnBullets How many spawns per expansion
Mangledpixel: the system - is down - the system - is down
PharaohBender27: People have just been shoppinh and playing in the dark!?
Juliamon: PharaohBender27 It gets plenty of natural light
TehAmelie: two bottles of deodorant, one for me and one for my friend
ArcOfTheConclave: real talk, how many IRL LGSs sell deodorant
OldUncleDan: Legally distinct Pokemon.
TXC2: (store owner flips lights) (me into dance music) "you have no power here!"
Mangledpixel: how many of them activelly spray customers in the store?
nessiah_aries: Maybe LGS's should implement decontamination chambers at their ingresses.
MrVirite: Deoderent only run when?
Juliamon: I don't think it does, based on Serge's streams
tomnar: they play with foil cards only. they are reflective enough so you dont have to turn on the light
Juliamon: he gets SO MANY stinks even tho he sells it
Sodaprodutions: Imagine going to your lgs to buy deodorant and then leaving
GenericGuy2G: I don't think so.
Jogela: Just get a doorman armed with a deoderant Kappa
TehAmelie: if it was me i'd definitely reduce the stink spawns for every sold deodorant
Didero: Oh, Serge streamed this too?
Alness49: The customers buying deodorant are probably the people who need it the least.
GenericGuy2G: You just need to setup a detox entry path
Juliamon: Didero regularly on his Secret channel
0x6772: Even Funko's dual-auto-de-stinker doesn't "catch 'em all".
w1gum: the hop over the register gets me, EVERY TIME
OmnipotentTrevor: The places customers get sprayed IRL are perfume shops spraying out involuntary free samples
omdorastrix: Serge also only pulls money from packs if we talk about corn, so I wouldn't characterize his streams as *typical*
Falannt: @LoadingReadyRun are we already tested the anti-stinks-machine?
w1gum: PARKOUR
TXC2: Gods how many channels does Serge have? :p
cakes_here: I just have 2 anti-stink base units at the door. No one comes in my store smelling like death
Juliamon: TXC2 Just the 2
Didero: @Juliamon Ah, thanks. That usually runs in the evening or night LRR-time, right? That's too late for me in Europe
TXC2: Juliamon oh Ok
terribleplan: Serge: As the sun rises
nessiah_aries: How many of those are coffee-related?
TheAwkes: If item variety leads to more items per sale, and it's not a bad margin, then selling more different things is more money even if some margins aren't maximized.
Stormgod519: LOL
Stormgod519: way too real
Mark_D_Stroyer: So fucking true
Sodaprodutions: yeah that's how kids work
CaptainSpam: Very tass.
nessiah_aries: Who is the Rizzler of LRR?
Didero: Kids still floss?
Mark_D_Stroyer: And I have a whole fleet of them, can confirm
Aceviru: At least the floss. Good dental hygiene
TXC2: nessiah_aries Paul Kappa
PrivateDream: flossing mentioned in 2024 :)
myknorman: that's how my students greet me
OldUncleDan: "Greetings, Your Knifeship! How many squirrels in the closet today?"
tomnar: I never understood why people in the US seem to care so much about specific words. like having a banlist of words is so wild to me lol
myknorman: "Good morning Mr. Fucker how's your aura?"
radioshackraider: I had a lady go absolutely nuts at me for swearing while calling her kids idiots because they almost got themselves hurt while also getting in my way in the grocery store. She wasn;t mad about the insult, just the swearing
DarkMorford: @OldUncleDan Whose house is this?
OldUncleDan: @DarkMorford It's probably my favorite Crapshot.
Stormgod519: oh no...
nessiah_aries: My Aura? Bad, because it means I'm about to have a migraine.
hd_dabnado: he was more of a juicebox
Stormgod519: I DID IT
Stormgod519: i got in the roof
accountmadeforants: Maybe it's more about the extra channel acting as a condenser for fucks, achieving maximum fuck efficiency by moving them from the main channel (the fuck evaporator side).
TXC2: nessiah_aries big mood there
Sodaprodutions: good thing no thief got that overnight lol
0x6772: Maybe you're the shirt, not the cup.
Mark_D_Stroyer: I honestly do wonder that if we just let kids talk like adults do - swearing and all - we wouldn’t get the stupid slang every generation makes up.
FurthestChunk: i don't know about that, ginyu's dead so i'm smoking a pack
YeetTheRich_: can you be a solid though?
OldUncleDan: Wow... This has completely ruined my immersion! No one stole the boxes you left out?
Sodaprodutions: what does it mean to be "the drink" #?
Juliamon: There is no theft in this game, probably for complexity reasons
Stormgod519: damn, i want to post the image
nessiah_aries: Are these penny sleeves or perfect fits?
Stormgod519: hang on
CaptainSpam: "Store owner left litter in the form of shipment boxes out on the street overnight. 1/5 stars"
DarkMorford: I was unaware of this secondary Serge channel, I need to fix this
Sodaprodutions: of course
radioshackraider: Nah, slang plays a pretty important part in society as it creates in groups and out that understand it or not.
tomnar: people buying singles should really consider getting some sleeves too...
TXC2: DarkMorford it's listed in the homestreams command
FurthestChunk: which tetramon is sweet enough in the cut to be the parfait
Juliamon: sergea138Secret sergea138Secret sergea138Secret
GhostValv: sergea138Secret sergea138Secret sergea138Secret
PharaohBender27: It's the channel where the Snerge emerges
0x6772: Ah: Slerge
omdorastrix: that channel, it's SAD
Mangledpixel: in Minecraft, in Minecraft
CaptainSpam: It's the channel where he cuts off kids' ears with hockey sticks.
TXC2: money!
nessiah_aries: No, it's a channel where Serge exclusively drinks fast food restaurant and gas station coffee.
Mark_D_Stroyer: @radioshackraider Absolutely, but how much of it emerges because adults specifically exclude them by “you can’t talk like that” so they go off
Didero: oh god that pack opening is so fast...
FurthestChunk: it's the channel where he goes gyatt for gyatt
accountmadeforants: @tomnar They might have their own sleeves already, and don't like the basic ones Wheeler sells. (Plus, if everyone at Wheeler's shop has the same sleeves it'd make things real confusing.)
Stormgod519: that's the roof
Didero: Just selling half-empty deodorant cans
SupaTortoiseBoy: Should be a dollar rare binder you can buy for the store
OldUncleDan: It's the channel where Jo goes on and tells chat true things they just don't want to hear.
schordash: does it exist??? 👀
Didero: hey that's james's stream time Kappa
Jogela: Wheeler before dawn is Teletubies, where Wheeler is the sun 4Head
DarkMorford: They need to add colored sleeves to the game, clear ones are so boring
Scy_Anide: I like that you have the option to point the deodorant spray can directly at your face.
RedEmpress_: wheeler before dawn, you mean the stream where you play minecraft with james?
Sodaprodutions: channel where you're only allowed to swear and you can't say anything else
radioshackraider: @Mark_D_Stroyer Some, but less than you think. It's not about trying to just get away with cursing or saying no no words around adults. We use swearing as punctuation at every age in Scotland and we still end up with slang
FurthestChunk: so is this a non-plushie run to contrast with the Hog Money
TehAmelie: why does that cabinet have to stand one bee's dick length away from the wall?
CaptainSpam: "*sigh* I'll get it in a MOMENT, I've got too much runaway success as a successful entrepreneur to take care of FIRST..."
nessiah_aries: Turns out LRR folk actually don't enjoy the games they stream...in truth Adam HATES fighting games, but Graham and Paul force him to play them even on his home stream.
OldUncleDan: Well, it's not like sleeves "go bad."
TheAwkes: 1 order that would have been 3 just saves you $10 in fees.
TehAmelie: can't have too many sleeves, said probably every card game owner
Mark_D_Stroyer: @radioshackraider That’s a really good point. Enough sleep-deprived pondering from me for today
PharaohBender27: :O
Stormgod519: dang
TehAmelie: is this one pizza slice?
Juliamon: I don't think the sign changes with your currency
chorinas: the pizza sign doesn't change
GhostValv: it's pizza from concentrate
TXC2: "is it good?" "it's HOT, and it's READY"
Aceviru: They fill it with bulk cards Kappa
Falannt: thats 3 sleeves!
accountmadeforants: Well, there goes the option of selling pizza in the store, can't compete with that.
Juliamon: but also that's questionable in USD too
Didero: I thought I saw a stinky
radioshackraider: $6 pizza is either going to be garbage or fantastic, no inbetween
Aceviru: Tastes like cardboard
Didero: Or are they just wearing a green shirt?
Scy_Anide: I have paid $6 for a slice, but a whole pizza?
JoannaTastic: Love the implication that this shop is the one CAD business in a US town
BloodnBullets: Bills due?
nessiah_aries: They should have a TCG Shop simulator set in the middle ages, where you have to conceal your operations in order to not get burned at the stake by the inquisiton.
DarkMorford: @nessiah_aries In a time when market value for a pack is under $3. Long, long ago.
TehAmelie: i was thinking $6 for a slice was ridiculous
CaptainSpam: Soon Games Turner will grow enough to take over the entire street, then the block, and soon the world...
OldUncleDan: Little Caesars still occasionally offer $5 one-toppings in my area.
Falannt: the stinker bought sprays?
LordZarano: What happens if you just don't pay bills?
OldUncleDan: You get more profits!
tomnar: what do you do with bulk cards? is it possible to sell them too?
Didero: It kind of feels like this stream is going at 1.25x speed...
DarkMorford: @tomnar Yes, there's a shop upgrade that allows that
Didero: Starting a LGS is already a cry for help :p
Stormgod519: wait, is this store called "Games Turner"?
Mangledpixel: you've got the money for the expansion now
TXC2: Stormgod519 yes
nessiah_aries: "My lord, thou hast activated mine trap card." ...and now I have to imagine a card shop operating in the WH40K universe.
PharaohBender27: Is this Max Clearance's new career?
Jillexie: But where are the plushies
Stormgod519: @TXC2 i love it
tomnar: ah, makes sense, thanks @DarkMorford :]
accountmadeforants: I thought the store was called This Is Your Card
nessiah_aries: "What?! This card is depicting Xenos scum? Heresy!"
TXC2: accountmadeforants that was last week
Juliamon: That was last week's store
accountmadeforants: Ah, I missed the start, didn't realize it was a new run
Didero: So what exactly are we doing differently than in our previous store?
TristalMTG: it's important to keep up your APM at all times
BloodnBullets: Pretty sure those tables are killing customer flow.
accountmadeforants: Shame This Is Your Card went bankrupt due to hog debts. Glad to see someone else took the space
Stormgod519: wheeler, you should try going to the roof once you close
nessiah_aries: And 4-player commander tables where everyone is playing a different variation of the God Emperor of mankind.
Stormgod519: sorry to pester about it
MurphEP: Card Shop Sim is a roguelite
Mark_D_Stroyer: These kinds of games are missing the “It’s a Tuesday, two people are going to come in all day” phenomenon
Stormgod519: @nessiah_aries lol.
radioshackraider: There's some small details I'd really like this game to have. Like having players get stinky if they use a play table at the window during the day
Sudobyte: oh right, the home streams were a different run, too. was wondering why you'd gotten rid of all the plushies
Didero: This card store employee should drink fewer energy drinks :p
Falannt: opening packs?
Didero: Buying more is cheaper,since you save on the delivery fee
TristalMTG: we need to start the Plushie Empire
chriswr5: what night do you guys host kamigawa block constructed pauper tiny leaders
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: yeah, start running canlander tournaments here
nessiah_aries: @chriswr5 I imagine the person asking this question to be shaped like the Kami of the Crescent Moon.
TehAmelie: what if the stink comes from the store?!
Falannt: muffleur? are the cards canadian?
chriswr5: @nessiah_aries caked up and a shredded wide back? hell yeah that's me
TXC2: Falannt we've set money to CAD
Didero: The snapping is a nice feature
OldUncleDan: Don't even have a proper way to recycle cardboard boxes... SMH.
Didero: We made a profit \o/
Mangledpixel: I wonder if the penny trick works in this (that is, pricing things at e.g. $9.99 rather than $10.00 gets a lot more sales)
OmnipotentTrevor: Does a spray run out?
DarkMorford: @Mangledpixel What's a "penny"? Kappa
accountmadeforants: The shop has no air circulation but is 90% air freshener by volume
Mark_D_Stroyer: This stream is a secretly sponsored stream for Axe.
nessiah_aries: Inb4 they add actual Zombies to the game, that you need to shoot before they bite your customers.
Juliamon: The cost of having to spend time dealing with coins probably outweighs it
OldUncleDan: Wow some random person just sprayed me with some aerosol. I should definitely enter their store!
Sodaprodutions: The implication of seeing the stinky aura around customers is that you can smell them from the street
0x6772: Stink spray is flying off the shelves.
TehAmelie: our hands are only built for holding card packs
Hypocloriphorius: you can smell the stinks from a mile away
Didero: You keep putting the box in your own way, of course it's gonna get kicked around
DarkMorford: Hm. Need to mod this game to have LRR-branded card sleeves
TehAmelie: we have the sense of smell of a white shark
nessiah_aries: As long as they're not covered in glistening oil...
TehAmelie: in a way, we are a. . .card shark
0x6772: I'd maybe ask them to stop calling you the "stink goat".
Hypocloriphorius: the automatic stinker as they say
Sodaprodutions: mandatory stinkiness checkpoint
accountmadeforants: I love how your character holds up the air freshener/deodorant right in front of their face, nozzle pointed at you. Like, "it's just you and me buddy, we're in this together"
TehAmelie: i hope a future update will install emotions in the customers
Mark_D_Stroyer: “Stink blowout today, fellow shelf-S.T.O.C.K.E.R.!”
TehAmelie: maybe they'll even have a joke about using a card to buy cards
TXC2: Mark_D_Stroyer good one
Falannt: one? after two days you need more 1k cards!
chriswr5: cant wait for the tetramon reserved list
TehAmelie: having a non-stink party i see
nessiah_aries: Their player model informs you what kinda player they are...surprised I haven't seen anybody in a Fedora yet.
accountmadeforants: The guy who bought 3 canisters is definitely about to enact some vigilante justice
OmnipotentTrevor: 7 cards per pack would probably put me off this game
OmnipotentTrevor: whatever card game it is
Stormgod519: HOLY MOLY
Sodaprodutions: can they buy cards you haven't priced?
Stormgod519: I just opened a $16K card
SupaTortoiseBoy: 9 cards and chaff?
TXC2: didn't mtg start with 7 card packs ?
Lord_Hosk: Have you considered, opening packs after 9 pm, with the lights off, facing the back of your ghost card display, while talking about popcorn? I hear thats the secret tech for big card opens.
nessiah_aries: I mean, Yu-Gi-Oh packs are pretty much 99% unplayable garbage, 1% Staples.
OldUncleDan: 8 card packs with mostly basic lands.
Sodaprodutions: isn't Magic doing a weird common pack thing now?
Didero: Yu-Gi-Oh is playable? Kappa
DarkMorford: I do enjoy popcorn...
spethycakes: Real question: what percentage of the people coming into this store are NOT masc-coded?
Hypocloriphorius: gamba gamba gamba
SupaTortoiseBoy: Or draft
xerjen: Packs are there for drafting...
nessiah_aries: I mean, yeah, but...I can still use trash magic commons and uncommons in Pauper or EDH.
tomnar: For drafting :)?
radioshackraider: Yugioh doesn't even really have Limited to offset the unplayable cards thing
TXC2: spethycakes 15% ?
Sodaprodutions: like 10% are feminine lol which is unfortunately accurate to real life
MurphEP: D:
OldUncleDan: Banned Wheeler's deck specifically.
spethycakes: @TXC2 jesscapYikes
PrivateDream: 'they banned my deck' yugioh in a nutshell
TehAmelie: i hope the game determines what cards are in a pack when it spawns and not when you open it. that's the kind of unnoticeable realism i crave
Aceviru: Was that back in like 2011/12?
Jogela: @OldUncleDan At that point it would be easier to ban Wheeler for being to good
MurphEP: They watched Is This Your Card and said no
Sodaprodutions: yugioh uses bans and power creep like standard uses rotation
Aceviru: Because yeah, I kind dipped after that
Fanklok: Totally normal way of rotating the format, ban 15 cards.
TXC2: big streatch
Sodaprodutions: lol yeah
TXC2: Banning cards is often correct
nessiah_aries: I mean, I played Master Duel for a year, playing Dinomorphia and Fur Hire Runick, primarily
CKlaue: and then they banned Mana Crypt and Dockside Extortionist :P
nessiah_aries: Boy, was Kashtira not a fun archetype to face down for several months.
Hypocloriphorius: you should crack a pack of sleeves, see if you get any good ones
Sodaprodutions: how long do you play this game until you see stink clouds irl
Jogela: God, those deliveries are better than Card Kingdom
SupaTortoiseBoy: Need more fat packs
Didero: Should've combined the orders then :p
Metric_Furlong: I've said it before, but Yugioh is the most "tcg" tcg, in both the positive and negative
Sodaprodutions: lol
Sodaprodutions: true innovator in the field of streaming
Hypocloriphorius: stink jumpscare
schordash: LUL
TehAmelie: the walking dead out here
tomnar: you are describing ASMR haha
TXC2: streamers need to do more tactile interaction Kappa
nessiah_aries: Yu-Gi-Oh is just one of those games where you're the hero, until you're tired of getting smacked upside down the head by all of the 'unfun' combo strategies permeating the game and start building Stun.
Didero: Dude's organising a draft, I see
SupaTortoiseBoy: It's for his wife
BloodnBullets: Hows market price changed on your packs?
TehAmelie: i thought we needed to keep down the price of deodorant as a public service but people can't get enough of it
joejoebear812: you drop your power levels when you shower
TXC2: executive dysfunction is real
nessiah_aries: Jesse needs to come by and pick up Walter.
Sodaprodutions: being hygienic does indeed make everything easier
PharaohBender27: "They're trying to minimize their water bill so they can buy more cards . . ."
revhologram: @TXC2 NODDERS
DarkMorford: Oh here we go
Stormgod519: pfft
Stormgod519: lol
Aceviru: OMG
Stormgod519: is Graham here!
Stormgod519: Hi G!
TXC2: Hello graham
TehAmelie: gasp
Didero: Hi Graham!
Stormgod519: Pog!
Stormgod519: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
nessiah_aries: 'ello G.
TXC2: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Symbiotic Worms!
Juliamon: Pigni
Aceviru: Piggus!
TehAmelie: Pigni
SupaTortoiseBoy: Turn off auto next card
Falannt: pig!
Stormgod519: let's goooo
MurphEP: FBtouchdown
schordash: lrrGRAHAM causeiPoint
nessiah_aries: What plane do Burpigs live on?
Stormgod519: welcome to the longest highlight clip ever
tomnar: this is so meta. love it :D
Aceviru: #
TXC2: yes Kappa
Mangledpixel: yes
SupaTortoiseBoy: Fantastic
GhostValv: :0
0x6772: Gotta tell ya, it's only the $0.27 we care about.
Aceviru: Hahaha
nessiah_aries: What plane are we broadcasting from? Or do Tetramon live in the void?
SupaTortoiseBoy: The answer isnyes
Stormgod519: i love this
schordash smiles hollowly and blinks : D
ghyllnox: This is an actual game that has an app
Earthenone: its an earth element, it combos with itself
Stormgod519: lrrCrab
GhostValv: voxyCrabdance
TheAinMAP: lrrCrab
ghyllnox: But, it is remarkably similar to Pokemon
schordash: causeiTsTimeForCrab
FurthestChunk: !card noggle bridgebender
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
TXC2: !card ridge bender
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
TehAmelie: but random discard is terrible for you
DarkMorford: Of course Wheeler knows the exact Magic card
raulghoulia: !card noggle
LRRbot: Did you mean: Noggle Bandit; Noggle Hedge-Mage; Noggle Ransacker; Noggle Bridgebreaker
Stormgod519: Goblin dance?
Stormgod519: goblin game?
nessiah_aries: !card Noggle Bridgebreaker
LRRbot: Noggle Bridgebreaker [2{U/R}{U/R}] | Creature — Noggle Rogue [4/3] | When Noggle Bridgebreaker enters, return a land you control to its owner's hand.
FurthestChunk: the card's ransacker
Stormgod519: well helloooo
Aceviru: !noggle ransacker
FurthestChunk: !card noggle ransacker
Hypocloriphorius: !card noggle ransacker
Gekyouryuu: Tatramon apparently has an actual app?
Gekyouryuu: Tetramon*
nessiah_aries: Pokemon Vietnamese Crystal did it....
Sodaprodutions: is it a real game?
OldUncleDan: Percentages? Gotta get out a calculator to play this game!
TXC2: Sodaprodutions sorta
Earthenone: minotos is a solid 2 for 1
Stormgod519: sweet
GhostValv: it's pronounced naruto
Stormgod519: ooooo
Aceviru: Its a hit!
Stormgod519: love to see it
Gekyouryuu: maybe it's like the Final Fantasy TCG where "Rare" means Uncommon?
TehAmelie: this one has high skulls, must be good
accountmadeforants: Pupazz has killed 34 men
Aceviru: Goodbye haha
Earthenone: Clamigo to the polls
TehAmelie: i want an Alarmo for my Clamigo
Aceviru: Pot of greed on a stick
Lord_Hosk: the two biggest reasons why "nerds stink" is that 1. we are a bunch of socially awkward loaners so even when we all know someone stinks, we don't have the ability to politly tell them so either its an attack which makes people dig in, or its just ignored because "I don't want to say anything" and 2. We are loners who spend most of our time alone in our rooms, then we go to a convention or other event that has a lot of movement that our body isn't used to, so we sweat a lot and see 1.
Didero: "Draw 2 card", singular
SupaTortoiseBoy: Draw 2 cards, 20 cents
TehAmelie: best pack we've opened all day
blueshiftgaming: Hey now, clamigo has a $2k card variant. Put some respect on it lol
nessiah_aries: Clamigo sounds like a Free Antivirus running on Linux.
Earthenone: gotta be minotos, its a 2 for one on the board, and its a basic
Stormgod519: now show G the subocean!
Gekyouryuu: it might be like Yu-Gi-Oh! with the occasional booster set that's all Super Rares or better?
a_Weakling: isnt there plans to make their tcg actually playable at some point?
TXC2: thanks Graham
jonnykefka: that was a great bit
schordash: lrrGRAHAM causeiPoint (past tense)
Freezerassasin: The packs are either all basic, rare, legendary, etc
Juliamon: You crack packs to fill your singles table
Earthenone: changing to CAD removes pennies too
Stormgod519: there's some crazy card values
Frizzlenill: oh the hypocrisy of Wheeler, to turn the speed up to max /j
TehAmelie: no no that's NGU Idle
Stormgod519: I just opened a card worth $16K
revhologram: and stinkies
Aceviru: See ya !!
Stormgod519: subocean?
TheAinMAP: bbirbClap
sweetmalasada: "Hey everybody, Graham here!"
Larkonus: I'm impressed that this game manages to have an Overwhelmingly Positive score on Steam. I'm glad to see it's doing well.
Gekyouryuu: @Stormgod519 in this or irl?
Stormgod519: @Gekyouryuu this. man, if it was irl i wouldnt be here...
terribleplan: Don't look now, but I think your boss is watching
Stormgod519: that's fair
Didero: Isn't Day 7 tax day?
nessiah_aries: Was that the world famous inventor of Tetramon, Gichard Rarfield?
Snowcookies: are you selling snacks in your shop too now?
TehAmelie: deodorant could be edible
Didero: Oh, I thought it was every 7 days, sorry
Stormgod519: kind of. you can see through the building and out through the back, but yeah, nothing more than just being outside the map
OldUncleDan: You may have the time to pay the billz... But do you have the skillz?
Juliamon: Heavy toy focus
nessiah_aries: FunkoPop Store sim
raulghoulia: do you get a day off? Does your province have blue laws?
PharaohBender27: "Come for the cards, stay for the plushies!"
Sodaprodutions: cards to trick people into buying plushies
Didero: Running around like a cat rubbing its smell on all the furniture
chriswr5: circuit city
Sudobyte: hogstop
accountmadeforants: Hog Topic (with cards)
TehAmelie: now imagine if we could sell lego. people will come form out of town for that
Stormgod519: Hog Topic is so good!
nessiah_aries: Man, if you could sell snacks in this you could just turn this game into Supermarket Simulator.
TehAmelie: soo good
OldUncleDan: Are you able to eventually buy singles?
Didero: Does the market price of booster packs change?
schordash: that “once” got me immediately LUL
raulghoulia: When is Hazbin Hotel going to get its own TCG?
Juliamon: Dimly-lit nostalgia and anime shop
nessiah_aries: Then again...whenever I go to a card store I eat the cards and play with the snacks.
TXC2: "Remember the 90's?!"
accountmadeforants: Hot Topic is like those bots on Twitter that make shirts out of popular pictures, but not as automated.
TehAmelie: what was that one card they tried to slip in between all the sleeves?
Fanklok: I have recently learned i hate the word slop
Stormgod519: lol
nessiah_aries: Is Thragtusk still good in 2024?
Metric_Furlong: gotta get some moist slop
Sodaprodutions: this creature still mongs spirits the old fashioned way
Didero: !card thragtusk
LRRbot: Thragtusk [4G] | Creature — Beast [5/3] | When Thragtusk enters, you gain 5 life. / When Thragtusk leaves the battlefield, create a 3/3 green Beast creature token.
Stormgod519: i'd probably play a thragtusk in standard
Fanklok: Go Yorion a Thragtusk and let us know if it's good
TehAmelie: the word moist consistently polls as most people's least favorite word. you'd think that's not super similar to slop but
SupaTortoiseBoy: Would be a good uncommon
accountmadeforants: @SupaTortoiseBoy That'd be miserable in limited, though
SupaTortoiseBoy: True
TXC2: but reddit told me standard ends on turn 3 now Kappa
Lord_Hosk: Its amazing what changed when Hot Topic's owner/CEO (a clothing retailer with teenage kids) sold out to a investment group when his kids graduated college and were embarrassed by their dad owning hot topic.
nessiah_aries: My favorite playground card as a kid was Laquatus Champion. Torment was my first set, back when I couldn't actually afford good cards.
Fanklok: But there's Scorching Dragonfire
KingCasola: did we start over?
TXC2: KingCasola yes
nessiah_aries: God, there were so many bad Nightmares in Torment...and I played all of them.
brianmars1: time to cradck more packs?
KingCasola: no more hog money 😭
Juliamon: hog money is his homestream game
OldUncleDan: Last time I analyised things in a vacuum, I discovered little more than dust and cat fur.
Stormgod519: oops all sleeves
SupaTortoiseBoy: Does buying in bulk mean lower shipping cost in this game
Juliamon: joke still holds up
SupaTortoiseBoy: Like spend a k get free delivery
revhologram: that's a suspicious quantity of cheap sleeves
accountmadeforants: Just triple sleeving their commander deck
Didero: @SupaTortoiseBoy Yeah, you pay a fee for each order
TehAmelie: how many sleeves are in a pack? does it say?
razorswift subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, razorswift! (Today's storm count: 12)
Sudobyte: i love when i go to the LGS and the owner jumps up on the table. I've lost so many space marines that way
razorswift: 100?
chriswr5: doubled sleeved a cube with kmc inners and outers and i nearly had a stigmata by the end, they're so sharp
Stormgod519: lol
accountmadeforants: 100 perfect fits, looks like
TehAmelie: i see it
nessiah_aries: I also made the mistake of buying heavily into Mercadian Masks as a kid, because I liked the set logo.
KingCasola subscribed with Prime.
Stormgod519: $2 perfect fits...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KingCasola! (Today's storm count: 13)
Stormgod519: i mean, i'd love some $3 boosters where I can get $500 cards
SupaTortoiseBoy: Lol
chriswr5: @nessiah_aries do you have a playset of Snuff Out if so dm me
accountmadeforants: That does explain why people are buying so many of them
nessiah_aries: Should've bought more packs of Odyssey instead.
Lord_Hosk: How much do you pay for perfect fits? they sell them here at grocery stores for like 2 bucks a pack
Fanklok: "I isekai'd myself into TCG Card Shop Simulator just to buy Perfect Fits for 2 dollars (CAD)" is the English title
chriswr5: consecrated sphinx? more like come and spray you stink!
0x6772: Needs a prone so you can de-stink the sandal feet.
TXC2: I feel like a pack of MTG has higher odds of earning you $10 then a lotto ticket :p
Juliamon: Held in his fart until he got through the door
Lord_Hosk: Yeah, perfect fits, pokemon and MTG and baseball cards, do they not sell those ate your grocery stores?
nessiah_aries: Still remember thinking that Avatar of Woe and Phage were utterly busted, because I always lost to a friend playing both.
RocknGrohlNerd: @chriswr5 gottem *dubs"
Stormgod519: what's that?
SupaTortoiseBoy: Does the back door open?
Jundinator: Hey wheeler
Sodaprodutions: some of my local grocery stores sell packs of Magic and Pokemon and that's it
Jundinator: Still all plushies?
Juliamon: SupaTortoiseBoy Eventually
Stormgod519: @SupaTortoiseBoy eventually. you can buy the expansion at lvl 15
TehAmelie: we used to have a hardware store that sold Magic packs. but now it's a gym
Stormgod519: @Jundinator different run
TXC2: hello Jundinator that was home stream, this is a new run
chriswr5: @TehAmelie the most "dude's rock" sentence i've ever read
accountmadeforants: The Lidl over here briefly sold some Pokémon card packs, but they were priced way too high and also in a locked case. I'm not sure what that was about.
TXC2: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: twitch.tv/seabats | Alex: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Ben Ulmer: twitch.tv/bengineering | Cameron: twitch.tv/unarmedoracle | Cori and Ian: twitch.tv/tiltyhouse | Heather: twitch.tv/LunarJade | James: twitch.tv/James_LRR | Kathleen: twitch.tv/BraveNewFaves | Matt Wiggins: twitch.tv/wiggins | Nelson: twitch.tv/coachnelly | Serge: twitch.tv/sergeyager , twitch.tv/sergeafterdark | Wheeler: twitch.tv/benjamin_wheeler
nessiah_aries: He'd clear my board with Visara, Avatar of Woe, cheap removal and then smack me once with Phage.
Aceviru: I remember putting in quarters as a kid into one of those rip off machines that would spit out singles.
Didero: So far we've only plugged Serge's streams :p
Aceviru: The simpler times
raulghoulia: Synergy!
TehAmelie: and crack-a-pack
Lord_Hosk: here they sell them at like Kroger, next to the cheep romance books and gardening magazines.
Jundinator: Who is Wiggins at LRR?
TXC2: I mean, it got a least one more viewer
SupaTortoiseBoy: Rising tides raise all ships
SupaTortoiseBoy: Is that the expression?
josh___something: 10 dollars? That's still in the tens digit
TXC2: Jundinator Matt wiggins, was with LRR for a long time, then moved to Vancouver
Jundinator: Rising tides raise all boats
Stormgod519: had an order total equal $169.69
Didero: Wait, you can manually send people away?
Fanklok: What do you need money for? You have enough perfect fits to feed a family of four for a month
SupaTortoiseBoy: Ty
satyropodobny: where are the plushies?
TXC2: Didero after 9pm at least
raulghoulia: Wheeler's using the Voice! I didn't know he was a bene gesserit
accountmadeforants: @Didero They leave when you close the shop (though they'll first finish whatever they started doing)
Aceviru: Break haha
accountmadeforants: (Just like real customers)
TXC2: satyropodobny at wheeler's home stream
nessiah_aries: Now I want them to see implement a mechanic where your foils start to pringle if you leave them out for too long.
josh___something: @didero yeah, we just talked about how Wiggins was exiled to vancouver Kappa
BloodnBullets: Have you checked pack prices?
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Stormgod519: *mic cut
Didero: @josh___something Hah!
Lord_Hosk: alright lets all go then?
nessiah_aries: New store item: Humidifier
ArtOfStuttering: That's it. I'm leaving! And coming back soon, after this commercial break.
Falannt: wow... lorcana-ad ^^'
jessicaengle: jlrrDance
josh___something: New store item, hydraulic press for foils :p
TehAmelie: game idea: TCG designer, where you have to make up the cards and also make them
nessiah_aries: Will it pringle? *shows a 100 hour video of an Amonkhet Foil sitting on a table*
TehAmelie: and promote them
Kaeyne: @TehAmelie and then you have to test the cards by playing! Nice idea!
nessiah_aries: Do you get to name your character? Or are they called Gavin by default?
TehAmelie: i think there is room for other fictional game designers
TXC2: and we're back
brianmars1: did steam end?
TXC2: brianmars1 no, we were on break
TXC2: hog time!
just__fitz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
just__fitz: Happy Thanks giving
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, just__fitz! (Today's storm count: 14)
ArtOfStuttering: We going to hog so much money Kreygasm
TehAmelie: we're gonna cast Pigni and the world will never be the same
Didero: Didn't you also say you wanted a second card table?
Didero: No, I mean the one where you can sell singles
DarkMorford: Might be worth getting the workbench and offloading the bulk commons
OmnipotentTrevor: When do you get to start selling miniatures
DotDashington subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DotDashington! (Today's storm count: 15)
josh___something: I'd like to think pigni is just Tetramon's incineroar.
DarkMorford: You can sell dice, though
Twilight_Spark: mattlrLick
TehAmelie: i think he's more of the Pikachu
josh___something: Just disgustingly good in the comp scene.
OmnipotentTrevor: Nevermind, get those furry bucks instead. No bigger gold mine than that
Stormgod519: you can sell premade decks, dice, and some other stuff
TXC2: hello Twilight_Spark welcome
ArtOfStuttering: That guy is gonna deca-sleeve his card!
nessiah_aries: Who's the better pig? Tepig or Lechonk?
Juliamon: Tepig easy
ND_Ericson: I bought the game because of your stream last week, already sunk 15 hours into it
TXC2: what was MH2's Hogaak ?
Stormgod519: well, this game has def taken away from some of my homework time
xantos69: I'm slamming Balatro right now and it is your fault.
chriswr5: ben have you seen the deckbuilder game in UFO 50?
Aceviru: Yeah, I also bought this game. I couldn't help myself
raulghoulia: very few streams Promise to ruin your life. That's why I come here
TXC2: right Ragavan, that damn monkey :p
ND_Ericson: my biggest gripe with this game, the thing that breaks my immersion: cracking packs is actually worth it
josh___something: I blame serge for my Balatro hours
just__fitz: Wildfrost was the recent one for me
DarkMorford: Is there a Desert Bus card game? :D
TXC2: DarkMorford maybe from one of the game jams ?
nessiah_aries: Sold one of my Docksides for 24€ today...which is more than what I would've gotten if it hadn't been banned, because I wouldn't have sold it.
ND_Ericson: what format are you playing in your store, wheeler?
Stormgod519: @ND_Ericson you can adjust the format in your phone, but it defaults to standard
brianmars1: commander. Everything is Commander now.
TristalMTG: dockside's still above $30
nessiah_aries: Apparently...sold it shortly after the bans.
Stormgod519: woof
TXC2: turns out people can, in fact, play what they want at their kitchen tables :p
JAGxTERRA: this simulator is too real
Stormgod519: dockside is still sitting at around 30-40 dollars. jl is around 70
ND_Ericson: I keep a single empty big box next to the garbage bin, for rearranging product in the store
Earthenone: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (26d, 3:36 from now)
nessiah_aries: Then again, I'm also gonna keep my sole Mana Crypt because I'm gonna put it in my cube.
TehAmelie: hmm, Pigni increases fire damage and has high attack and low healing and evil as i assume the third and fourth stats on the cards are called. seems to have collector number 1. so it's just Charmander
Earthenone: but collecter 1 is bulbasaur :P
TehAmelie: details
nessiah_aries: Only Decks I had Dockside in were my Korvold CEDH and 4 Mana Krenko.
brianmars1: Might need more store... time to buy another extention?
just__fitz: I was confused where all the hogs went, then i remembered which channel this was
Earthenone: yeah if you want to see wheelers hog, you gotta go to his private streams :P
Falannt: it doesn't even matter. So much time for rearranging.
Sodaprodutions: stinky kinship
TXC2: they're breeding!
Lucien0451: They move in herds
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: they make nests in your closets...
Falannt: its not in the meta
Stormgod519: pfft
TXC2: big stretch
Falannt: level 10 day!
Sudobyte: OnlyHogs
TehAmelie: PigniFans
JandAKgaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
JandAKgaming: Hello top 2 of Bens!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JandAKgaming! (Today's storm count: 16)
the_long_rain: I notice a disturbing lack of plushies
PharaohBender27: @the_long_rain That's Wheeler's homestream
just__fitz: Are you going to enter the dice market
TehAmelie: we're mostly banking of booster boxes today
CaptainSpam: When you see tree, think stink.
TXC2: think TREE: There's Reeky Enemies Entering
TristalMTG: at what point does the CRA come after your store
CaptainSpam: Sadly, not Canadian Tire money.
TXC2: S33bs yes, it's real
S33bs: do the hundies smell like maple syrup
Falannt: can we see the spray-machine in action?
Stormgod519: spray machine is iffy
revhologram: when is the last time you paid bills?
Falannt: see? ^^
ImmortalLen: So... I can do this in real life, right? Spray the stinkest person in the card shop with air freshener?
chorinas: you kinda need 2 of them
Stormgod519: i think the first one probably isnt worth it
ogier300: You need 2 by the door.
ogier300: And it's so nice not to have to chase them.
josh___something: OH GOD
quton: patient zero
just__fitz: Antibiotic resistant stink
TehAmelie: he's beaten the deodorant!
CaptainSpam: The stink won!
Mangledpixel: two spray machines flanking the door apparently deals with most stinkies
TXC2: a Smuckers unstinkable
accountmadeforants: This man is made of Stink
n3ther: StinkyCheese
Alness49: By the gods, the legends were true
TehAmelie: man i hope the deodorant isn't antibiotic
TXC2: real big stretch there
couchboyj: The Oder Undefeated, The Smell from Hell, The Stench Eternal
TehAmelie: the unsinkable stink
Stormgod519: okay Wheeler...
TehAmelie: i'm guessing that just happens if you stop spraying before they're done
couchboyj: Not talking about crypto or casinos enough to be on Kick
47MD: expanding shop makes more customers come
Falannt: no plushies, no traffic
TXC2: gotta expand before you get hog ?
DarkMorford: Is the bulk-box workbench worth it, or not yet?
TehAmelie: if you plush it, they will come
accountmadeforants: Only the big beget the hog
TXC2: TehAmelie sounds like a store in Bob's Burgers
Aceviru: This is what happens when we don't get the two god pulls
TehAmelie: so funny you buy up the neighboring stores about one square meter at a time. and get the walls moved and all
CaptainSpam: Even the best of game stores is merely a 4/5.
Aceviru: Nice save
TehAmelie: in the world of the senses, no game shop can be perfect
n3ther: giving no essay is perfect energy from an English teacher
accountmadeforants: @TehAmelie Just the shittiest landlord. "Yeah, sorry, Games Turner next door gave me a thousand bucks, we're gonna have to take chunk out of your store"
Aceviru: They say I'm a cozy store and still leave a 4 :c
raulghoulia: giving the surgeon who saves your life 4 out of 5 on Rate My Doc
Sudobyte: Worst grocery store ever. Didn't even have any groceries, just trading cards. 7.8/10
quton: 4/5 stars, best store but the owner kept jumping on our table
schordash: Lechonk Lechonk Lechonk
CaptainSpam: So... when do you get to buy posters to cover the store walls?
ZephyrousOne: Imagine you saw some dude run out of a shop and chase some stinko down with a can of febreze.
wiigamer1995: is this hog money? or a diffrent store?
Aceviru: @CaptainSpam Not implemented yet
kaboomjr26: @zephyrousone god I wish
CaptainSpam: @Aceviru Dang.
accountmadeforants: @wiigamer1995 Hog Money is the home stream store
ND_Ericson: do you plan on expanding into board games or is your store a no-furry zone?
TXC2: wiigamer1995 that's home stream, this is different store
47MD: but can you afford not to sell hogs?
schordash: i’d honestly have to pop in in a store where i saw the clerk jumping about in a line LUL
schordash: also Lechonk causeiPoint
wiigamer1995: #blameGames
TehAmelie: Games Turner, the world leading shop for games and game paraphernalia
nalha_saldana: New nick, who dis?
schordash: oh my god LUL LUL LUL
schordash: lrrBartleby
Sudobyte: Hot singles in your area
Stormgod519: lrrBartleby
accountmadeforants: At what point do you get massive cardboard standees to put in some random corner?
TXC2: oink oink!
nalha_saldana: also jump a lot
schordash: Lechonk lrrSIG Lechonk
n3ther: this is sound advice
TXC2: Grima wormtounge your customers
raulghoulia: how do I get my lgs to yell at me like this?
Sudobyte: That's what my LGS does. I never wanted to buy into 40k, now I have 10 armies
CaptainSpam: We're high on the hog now.
TehAmelie: if you whisper very low and quick they'll think it's just a voice in their head and accept the subliminal command
wiigamer1995: have You done that during you time at YJ?
accountmadeforants: "The people think you are week, they think your deck doesn't have staples. Make the decision, prove them wrong."
Stormgod519: wait, I pay them to whisper in my ear and follow me around their store to buy stuff?
accountmadeforants: *think you are weak
schordash: @raulghoulia or whisper sweet nothings, more like
Stormgod519: can someone quote that?
josh___something: Is that a self-report?
ZephyrousOne: Wheeler opening a new location called Hog Wild that just sells the boars.
MurphEP: New cardkingdom button?
Stormgod519: "They play card games. They probably have a humiliation kink." _ Wheeler
Logue_Yne: If this was really games turner the shop would only sell lands and end up closing definitively after falling from high place
nalha_saldana: btw I played Mahjong physically with family for the first time last night, its a blast as a social game :D
PharaohBender27: @Logue_Yne tqsLOL
josh___something: Hot(fire element) singles in your area
TXC2: !addquote (Wheeler) [now] They play card games, they probably have a humiliation kink.
LRRbot: New quote #9115: "They play card games, they probably have a humiliation kink." —Wheeler [2024-10-13]
wiigamer1995: does this register have infnite change?
schordash: you’re killing me with the whispering DIRECTLY over their shoulder 💀💀💀
quton: first hog
raulghoulia: Yea this game also needs mic support. The louder your voice carries, the more customers you attract
accountmadeforants: I see the other stores also just have boxes delivered on the sidewalk
Mark_D_Stroyer: WhaleWatch 2024
Stormgod519: *Wheeler used "purring." it's somewhat effective*
BITs19_: so this is what it feels like to have someone whisper my name in my ear
PharaohBender27: Cheer120 Miiiiichaaaeeellll
Invitare: Ian???
TheAinMAP: jlrrPiggie
TXC2: :D
schordash: NotLikeThis
Mark_D_Stroyer: Eheheh
morgoth_bauglyr: denied
schordash: StinkyGlitch LUL StinkyGlitch
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to michael!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, michael! (Today's storm count: 17)
MrBurrito: hey neat, YJ simulator.
Falannt: more plushies!
wiigamer1995: give everyone a bunch of toonies PogBones
josh___something: don't reward this behavior, twitch chat! :p
Stormgod519: brb
MurphEP: Toonie Town
Blackcross187: as a person with one knee i would be offended by a store called twoonie town
MurphEP: I'm not sure, but I'll say yes for stream value
TXC2: good improv
0x6772: That might be on us for not saying "biiiiiig stretch" enough.
TXC2: you moved and your body said "fuck you old man"
nessiah_aries: Gotta crack some Crown Zenith.
MurphEP: Smalllll, constrained stretch
TXC2: I've been saying it every time, so yeah chat slacking
nessiah_aries: It is Pokemon, yeah.
wiigamer1995: you mean duskmorn house of horrors is not dramatic?
Feriority: It's kind of weird watching this stream and not seeing a wall of plushies
h3rsh3yb4r: duskmorn house of horrors is a comedy set, no?
n3ther: Dark Magician Attack!
wiigamer1995: are the stinker guarenteed to eneter the store?
n3ther: honestly Yugi's VA really sold it
Falannt: any chance to see the TT stuff?
MurphEP: @h3rsh3yb4r Duskmourn, House of Big LOLs
Juliamon: Stream is due for a ghost card
CaptainSpam: This game needs Dollar Store Highlander, where you bundle all your trash commons into bargain packs.
Falannt: what?
wiigamer1995: i thought they cacled that
BITs19_: the what
nessiah_aries: Biggest problem with YGO is the big discrepancy between the card game as it is portrayed in the anime and the ACTUAL card game.
wiigamer1995: *canceled
Stormgod519: @Juliamon very true. im sitting on one right now
Gekyouryuu: massige damave
Elenodul subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Elenodul! (Today's storm count: 18)
LordZarano: You can attack it's weak point for a massage? KomodoHype
nessiah_aries: Historically accurate weakpoint simulator.
couchboyj: Rub its weak point for massage damage?
Mathwyn: Mass-age your brain
raulghoulia: Ello Guvner
nessiah_aries: I wonder what's for Dinner?
Fanklok: The whole crab thing was funny because it read right on the middle of a sentence talking about historical accuracy
spethycakes: This is what mass-age does to your brain
nessiah_aries: This is your brain on Tetramo.
wiigamer1995: has anyone ever calculated the EV of the diffrent sets?
Didero: hey we levelled up
flameburstx: spraying down stanky people in the LGS should absolutely be a thing
nessiah_aries: The famous Shogun Cenataur.
Stormgod519: 9.5/10
Didero: those are the same picture
TXC2: pretty good tbh
Stormgod519: i can almost not hear the difference
Falannt: the BEST impression: 4/5 stars
RAICx: 5/7 perfect, no notes
Aceviru: Best impression. 4/5 stars
Blackcross187: 6/10 needs some T-pain autotuning
ZephyrousOne: It's pretty accurate. But it's not good
Ard_Rhys subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ard_Rhys! (Today's storm count: 19)
TheAwkes: Just like making om-nom noises while someone is eating.
TXC2: "cards are my kids" Kappa
Mathwyn: These are unrealistic number of card sleevs from my FLGS work experience
Lord_Hosk: So I switched my shop up as a personal challenge, and unlocked and stocked everything(available at level 40) priced at or below market value and bought three anti-stink machines just to be sure. And I still got 12 unsatisfied customers at the end of the day. WHAT DO THESE NERDS WANT?
Mathwyn: The stink though? Completely accurate
wiigamer1995: its quite impressive how fast tetra mon can ship product to LGSs DinoDance
nessiah_aries: I say, back in my day irresponsible parents used to park their kids in front of the TV, if they didn't want to deal with them. Now they're buying Commander precons.
Aceviru: @Lord_Hosk Fast checkouts and product availability
Falannt: but the sound... listen to the sound opening!
Stormgod519: LOL
BITs19_: ooooooo big stretch
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrAWW
TXC2: it's 1 o'clock, do you know where your hog is ?
Rourke9: thanks for stream!!
Mathwyn: @txc2 No and I hope I never find out
wiigamer1995: happy cubbing DinoDance
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to sniveling_worm!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sniveling_worm! (Today's storm count: 20)
TXC2: Mathwyn that's the spirt
47MD: final fantasy 8 card game
Gekyouryuu: plus there's gonna be at least one week off in November for Desert Bus
jonnykefka: FF9 card game
wiigamer1995: ff14 triple triad
wiigamer1995: lmao
h3rsh3yb4r: caravan?
MrSarkhan: Love the FF8 one
Falannt: but the stinkers?!
TXC2: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (26d, 2:59 from now)
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
50keyz: thanks for the stream lrrWHEELER
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
DarkMorford: !homestreams
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: twitch.tv/seabats | Alex: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Ben Ulmer: twitch.tv/bengineering | Cameron: twitch.tv/unarmedoracle | Cori and Ian: twitch.tv/tiltyhouse | Heather: twitch.tv/LunarJade | James: twitch.tv/James_LRR | Kathleen: twitch.tv/BraveNewFaves | Matt Wiggins: twitch.tv/wiggins | Nelson: twitch.tv/coachnelly | Serge: twitch.tv/sergeyager , twitch.tv/sergeafterdark | Wheeler: twitch.tv/benjamin_wheeler
Didero: There's also a demo, if you're not sure if you'll like it
Aceviru: Its a build your own world deal. Love it.
KWardJenx: Thank you, Ben!
Mathwyn: Sadly I have too much retail PTSD to play this
0011110000110011 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
0011110000110011: Went to the new LGS downtown, "Games Turner". Before I even got there, the owner sprinted out the front door and sprayed me with deodorant. Weird but ok. There were some guys playing Tetramon at the front and I went to join, but was distracted by the owner jumping around the store (I think he said something about trying to get on the roof?) I went to check out, but at the register the owner spent an hour cracking packs before ringing me up. Anyway sleeves were only $2/pack, 5/5 would recommend.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 0011110000110011! (Today's storm count: 21)
spethycakes: Thank you for stream!
Stormgod519: ayyyyyyyy
TXC2: thanks for streaming Wheeler
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Starstruck: Hands of Time) at Sun 04:00 PM PDT (2:57 from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
nessiah_aries: Now Wheeler's gonna go around Cubecon whispering into people's ear to give him 5 Dollars.
Didero: Oh, so no PiF tomorrow then
schordash: thanks for the stream! lrrSHINE lrrWHEELER
schordash: LUL SeemsGood
BITs19_: lrrSHINE
TXC2: Didero or CDHC
Juliamon: yep
Stormgod519: ye
Didero: @TXC2 Oh yeah. But I can't usually watch that anyway, sadly
TXC2: Life comes at you fast
TXC2: Didero fair enough
Alness49: Wait until you find out about Rhythm Tuesday
Stormgod519: oh heck yeah
Didero: Oh, Mysterium is a good one
Wolfstrike_NL: More Dark Picture games, let's go!
Didero: Thanks for the stream, Wheeler!
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
Falannt: byebye @ll
Stormgod519: cya Wheeler!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Stormgod519: also we had a crack a pack
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
Stormgod519: what's not to like
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
TXC2: boots and cats and boots and cats
schordash: LUL
Aceviru: m i c h a e l
schordash: causeiFrames
BusTed: benginO7
TXC2: Goodnight everybody