TehAmelie: not to mention the unimaginable wealth required to eat one
accountmadeforants: Imagine being wealthy enough to eat one and that's how you find out you're allergic.
accountmadeforants: (Thanks, pineapple, for being eaten by the rich)
TehAmelie: haha
Earthenone: the pineapple is the comunist food that actually eats the rich
Earthenone: we should live by its example
accountmadeforants: Oh, right, pineapples contain enzymes that break down meat, so it works on multiple levels
TehAmelie: but they eat rich and poor alike these days
Earthenone: its true, i love hawaian pizza because i get help processing it
TehAmelie: i should get some pineapple and really tenderize me some meat some day. . .
TXC2: Hello Everybody
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Tuesday, Miners & Crafters!!! jlrrPunch sergeScopeCreep
TXC2: hello Xed_Regulus welcome
Genie_M: Hi everyone
Xed_Regulus: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TXC2: hello Genie_M welcome
lamina5432: good afternoon
SergeYager: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
TXC2: hello lamina5432 welcome
tobcus3114: good evening folks
rogerivany: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TheDevil_Risen: lrrARROWS jlrrDance jlrrDance lrrARROWS
TXC2: hello tobcus3114 welcome
TheDevil_Risen: sergePeek sergePeek
baskwalla: Hello all
pleonasticTautology subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 29 month streak!
pleonasticTautology: holy crap i'm awake for mine o'clock! let's goooooooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pleonasticTautology! (Today's storm count: 1)
TXC2: hello baskwalla welcome
Tandtroll_OG: Ya it sure is. Big that is
ph0enix__42: sergeBongo jlrrDance sergeBongo jlrrDance3 sergeJustRight jlrrFacepalm
SergeYager: Hadouken!
GhostValv: Hadouken RyuChamp
pleonasticTautology: crouch, crouch forward, walk a bit, punch
NerdWithoutName subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NerdWithoutName! (Today's storm count: 2)
TXC2: Here we GO!
TheDevil_Risen: Go For Show, Go For Show :)
undecided44: men in tube's!
TXC2: !uno
LRRbot: RebelliousUno is streaming as well. Be sure to check out his view of the stream and give him a follow! https://www.twitch.tv/rebelliousuno
Narcuru subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 77 months, currently on a 55 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Narcuru! (Today's storm count: 3)
TehAmelie: oh a stream
Creideiki_SE: !dos
LRRbot: RebelliousUno también está transmitiendo. Asegúrate de revisar su vista de la secuencia y darle una continuación! https://www.twitch.tv/rebelliousuno
TXC2: Hello Serge
pleonasticTautology: :O
pleonasticTautology: hi serge!
rogerivany: And Serge.
terribleplan: Jumpscare!
brieandbacon: Nice!
MrSarkhan: sergeHeart sergeHeart
TheDevil_Risen: sergeSpoopyHi
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
ph0enix__42: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
brieandbacon: !tres
LRRbot: Anche RebelliousUno è in streaming. Assicurati di controllare la sua visione del flusso e dargli un seguito! https://www.twitch.tv/rebelliousuno
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
mattyraft44: morning serge.
TXC2: !shi
LRRbot: RebelliousUno Sutorīmingu mo shite imasu. Ogawa no kare no kenkai o kakunin shite, kare ni shitagatte kudasai! https://www.twitch.tv/rebelliousuno
SymphonySolstice: good morning serge
wotc_jordan: A thank you to me
pleonasticTautology: twitch?
Tandtroll_OG: I believe in you, Serge. You can do it!
brieandbacon: !whichcord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: perfect!
wotc_jordan: WOAH I never said that
loufghyslaufey: lrrSERGE : lrrDOTS But it was ME, SNERGE!! StinkyCheese
TheDevil_Risen: Nailed It.
undecided44: I believe in the Jordan that believes in you.
TXC2: Hello Uno
TheDevil_Risen: o7 Uno
pleonasticTautology: hi uno
Tandtroll_OG: Uno?!
brieandbacon: Uno mas?
SymphonySolstice: unos dos tres
Tandtroll_OG: Who've thunk
pleonasticTautology: i'm with uno on this
pleonasticTautology: being awake and alive is *so* much
TXC2: I try not to Serge :p
SymphonySolstice: I'm usually not both
pleonasticTautology: i'm awake and alive, despite skinner's directions
TXC2: the trial chamber know as real life :p
pleonasticTautology: jegus
Narcuru: its basically the same if you fall
brieandbacon: Uno, you can't just describe the UK as a trial chamber, dang
TXC2: like he's in the room
TheDevil_Risen: @TXC2 not so far from the truth
rogerivany: Jarge?
Statist42: Hi friends! lrrSHINE
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
CaptainSpam: jlrrFall
TheDevil_Risen: jlrrFall jlrrFall jlrrFall
terribleplan: jlrrFall
joallthedogs: sergeBongo
brieandbacon: jlrrFall
Narcuru: indistinguishable
Creideiki_SE: But it wasn't into a hole!
TXC2: Hello Statist42 welcome
Narcuru: jlrrFall jlrrFall jlrrFall
Trahas: jlrrFall jlrrFall jlrrFall
Tandtroll_OG: sergeJustRight sergeFall
TXC2: ok Serge is over the in game chat, so that was extra funny for us
brieandbacon: Great sermon.
pleonasticTautology: hough
GhostValv: Okay.
Narcuru: good reverb
Barb4rian: Great Sermon.
lamina5432: the three heads attached to the body of the same dog guarding the trial chamber entrance
TheDevil_Risen: Nice!
wotc_jordan: James is gone for one day and Serge breaks audio
TehAmelie: i believe it took more like ten minutes
rogerivany: Why keep elytras on while in Trial Chamber?
pleonasticTautology: volume sounds good tbh
TXC2: volume is good to me
BrookJustBones: It could be more brittish
brieandbacon: I can't hear James
TehAmelie: you're good lrrSHINE
Angreed66: It's such a treat to se someone use the shield on mine oclock
TXC2: was the last time Serge hosted back when he was In Alberta ?
TehAmelie: how do we make audio more brittish? spell it aoudiou?
pleonasticTautology: traditional prom king led conga line
rogerivany: I'm waiting for something to be torched up. James never does that. ;)
Narcuru: iirc there was something on the second floor that you skipped/didnt have time for... but that was a while ago and i missed a few streams
Forgebold subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Forgebold! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: the official rules that we made up
TheDevil_Risen: Bonus Serge? Not complaining
Angreed66: Having Uno lead is irrelevant since ominous will overwrite a normal spawner
BlueChloroplast: LuvPeekR
TXC2: hello BlueChloroplast welcome
brieandbacon: How would chat know?!
creasehearst: BowBow
TehAmelie: Bowser
brieandbacon: Choco
darkcyril: Bow Derek
TheDevil_Risen: Rocky BalBowA?
rogerivany: Bo know Archery?
Natimus_Prime subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
Natimus_Prime: The mining will continue until the crafting improves
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Natimus_Prime! (Today's storm count: 5)
TehAmelie: Bow Burnham gets my vote
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: Bow Burnham would ned fire aspect
BlueChloroplast: Nice
TheDevil_Risen: Yes :)
BlueChloroplast: Very pretty
TXC2: rearm and resupply
brieandbacon: I think this might be the first time I've realised the back is different to the front
TheDevil_Risen: single line
Narcuru: double still makes the most sense to me still from a scaling perspective
brieandbacon: Yeah, it's just that last world it was straight against a mountain
5 raiders from CookieMom have joined!
jadielady: cookie raid weeee
TXC2: it's minecraft, the scale will always look off
TXC2: hello raiders
Narcuru: but you arent mowing it with a 24/30" wide mower deck. itll be 54+"
TheDevil_Risen: well done Serge! :)
RoyGBivSF: technically you'd have to mow with shears, which are very small :D
TehAmelie: i wonder if you could build a riding lawnmover, with automated shears
Wolfstrike_NL: Ha, seeing the stream title already gave away Serge was hosting :D
Angreed66: If it were me simply don't have lawns as they are awful
Sarah_Serinde: A significant part of my justification is "I don't like how the 1-wide stripes look from a distance"
BlueChloroplast: Are we looking inside the museum for a moment?
CookieMom: I only make payments in cookies, sorry.
Sarah_Serinde: But that's personal taste
Sarah_Serinde: classic James
Narcuru: im pretty sure it was from one of our chat members
Narcuru: but yeah James did like the joke for sure lol
LordZarano: Even up close, even with the default texture pack, I think the 2 wide looks better
creasehearst: you're looking at version 1.20
wotc_jordan: Hey I found Trial Chamber on the screen
wotc_jordan: It was bottom right
TheDevil_Risen: 1646 176
TXC2: the 17th of June, 1646
LordZarano: I found this seed while I was messing around with seed finding software, figuring out how to use it. Then I couldn't find a better one, so my 69420 remains
pleonasticTautology: it's a very pretty fountain
goatprince: the fountain just needs birds now
goatprince: to scream at passerbys
Tandtroll_OG: Clever
BlueChloroplast: Very subtle
TXC2: goatprince and poop
schordash: lrrBartleby
TheDevil_Risen: hire a flock of duckens :D
Angreed66: That's why you need to make fountains out of diorite
SquirrelEarl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SquirrelEarl! (Today's storm count: 6)
mwlsn: serge knows us too well
goatprince: fiiiiine. cover the fountain in goats instead
TheDevil_Risen: i was waiting for Uno to say we are an animal :D
Sarah_Serinde: And a skelly horse
Tandtroll_OG: Yeah we want that
brieandbacon: I mean, chat got our circular canal in front of the museum
pleonasticTautology: can you throw copper ingots into the fountain and make a wish?
Bearudite: needs some coins in the bottom
dragon_pandaDnd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
dragon_pandaDnd: i want brown panda
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dragon_pandaDnd! (Today's storm count: 7)
Tandtroll_OG: I have swum in many a fountain
SymphonySolstice: or, a la the sign at my university, "please do not wash dishes in the fountain"
BlueChloroplast: :D :D :D
Bearudite: please do not steal the ducks was one of ours
Angreed66: avoiding double deckers
TheDevil_Risen: Straight Down !
Statist42: thinking about things? on mine o'clock?
TXC2: we think here ?
Angreed66: This is how you die and lose stuff
TehAmelie: Hil Holeyness James Turner
ContingentCat: or run into a hole and fall and die
TheDevil_Risen: say hi to the ender friend :D
brieandbacon: Damn Uno!
TehAmelie: they're called Enderman, not Frienderman
TheDevil_Risen: Ewe of Ender?
TXC2: the endermen's friends go to an other dimension, you wont know them Kappa
brieandbacon: "Please do not wee in the Ender-Ender."
BlueChloroplast: :D
pleonasticTautology: getting the loot from an ominous trial spawner: welcome to crack a pack here on lrrmoc
TinoDidriksen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TinoDidriksen! (Today's storm count: 8)
TheDevil_Risen: Ominous I'm in us. I feel the World Shake.. Like an Earthquare, Its Hard to see clear Is it me? Is it Fear? \m/
Angreed66: bogs are the easiest trial champer mob
TheDevil_Risen: *earthquake
TXC2: are the spiders also clowns ?
TheDevil_Risen: Flaming Spiders!
TheDevil_Risen: just like the ones down under
lamina5432: at least they don’t jump as far as the satisfactory spiders
TheDevil_Risen: sorry, last day of a 6 day work week, im a little loopy :P
rogerivany: Knockback is annoying, unless it's against creepers.
TXC2: but I've been here the whole time Serge Kappa
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 sam reich!?
TheDevil_Risen: its one step for man, one slow leap for SergeKind
TXC2: pleonasticTautology sure, why not
rogerivany: Serge cosplaying Link and breaking all the pots.
nalha_saldana: havent watched this in a long time, what we doin?
TXC2: nalha_saldana still doing a trial chamber to the last of the items we need
nalha_saldana: a what for the what? :P
LordZarano: Smart spider knows gamers don't look up
TheDevil_Risen: Boo-Urns!
TheDevil_Risen: jlrrFall
momma_tatts subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, momma_tatts! (Today's storm count: 9)
nalha_saldana: is there a wiki page or something about whats going on?
TXC2: nalha_saldana so 1.21 added more items, and since was got all the items before, now we're gonna get all the new ones.
nalha_saldana: what are you doing in MC in general this time
BlueChloroplast: They made a museum to put all the things in
nalha_saldana: aha so this is new, that explains my confusion :D thanks
brieandbacon: No key, only steak
TXC2: open the vault, stop having it be closed
nalha_saldana: are these new features well explained in game or do you kinda have to wiki to understand em?
brieandbacon: I don't think there's any explanation in game, like for most of MC
Statist42: is wind burst the only thing still missing?
TXC2: minecraft took ten years to get a recipe book :p
LordZarano: @nalha_saldana Cartographers sell maps that lead to these places, sometimes
RebelliousUno: Windburst 1 is 5.5 %
Narcuru: looks like ominous vaults only
Wolfstrike_NL: but that's 5 rolls on a 5.5% per player
Wolfstrike_NL: right?
supriseshurikenn: I love how one of the tags is just poutine
Bearudite: its rngeezy
TehAmelie: i wonder if you're supposed to like strip mine a circle of thousands of chunks around the starting point to find out what things you can find
rogerivany: 3? Not 4?
ProcyonFlynn: Those stats don't make sense. You need them cumulatively, not sequentially.
rogerivany: Ah, that explains my confusion.
brieandbacon: Would a combat overhaul suddenly make the game not-Minecraft?
TehAmelie: if good combat makes the game not Minecraft, i'd happily play not Minecraft
BlueChloroplast: They've changed combat before
TXC2: brieandbacon it would be different for sure, but it "not being minecraft" would very much be in eye of the beholder
JoeKim: man sourpatch has some weird ass ads lately
BlueChloroplast: Omnomnomify
JoeKim: good morning nerds
TXC2: hello JoeKim
JoeKim: hows the murder today?
schordash: LUL StinkyGlitch
Angreed66: Also the windburst books and the heavy core are in the same loot slot so you can't get them both from the same vault opening
TXC2: spiders have 8 legs, ergo it takes 8 people to stop them
rogerivany: Leaking spiders has to be a horror movie plot.
Wolfstrike_NL: @JoeKim to one-sided so far
brieandbacon: @TXC2 My only engagement with MC in the last ten years has been watching MoC. To me, this is very far from teh game I played
TehAmelie: is the spider poisonous AND venomous?
JoeKim: tbh it's kinda wild that minecraft doesnt have poison resist yet
TXC2: brieandbacon fair enough
JoeKim: we have fire resist but no poison resist
goatprince: spooter
schordash: LUL LUL LUL guys
JoeKim: according to the wiki
brieandbacon: Milk should be a preventative
JoeKim: honey removes poison
JoeKim: but its annoyiing to constantly drink
TXC2: it's envenomed I think
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
TheDevil_Risen: just some causal emerald block flooring
brieandbacon: The bougiest scaffolding
TXC2: let a man be fabulous Serge Kappa
BrookJustBones: Regen potion will out heal the poison, but not intended
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHORN
brieandbacon: lrrSACK lrrSACK
TheDevil_Risen: CORE!
pn55: seabatClap
Alma_v: kintsuCheer
schordash: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
rogerivany: Just needed to say no whammies.
Melfina__: LUL
pleonasticTautology: wait
goatprince: density's child
SymphonySolstice: gaming!
pleonasticTautology: uno, was that a purposeful back to the future joke
TehAmelie: wow, i think it and Matt says it
NathanLonghair: Density, Density - No escaping Density
TXC2: wind from the Brize block
Quaseymoto subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Quaseymoto! (Today's storm count: 10)
TXC2: oh this is fun, the cat sleeping on my bed is making ghast noises :p
northos: :O secrets!
TXC2: !secret
LRRbot: That's my secret, I'm always pivoting.
brieandbacon: and there wasn't even a waterfall it was behind
brieandbacon: I think there's an invisible one *somewhere*
brieandbacon: Ahh, fair
brieandbacon: it also could've been me seeing the red mushroom in passing
TXC2: "you get nothing! good day sir!"
rogerivany: Thank you for acknowledging the geode.
brieandbacon: It's okay when the player winned, but not the enemies
Narcuru: and baby and larger fishies
TXC2: baby squids = squirts ?
baskwalla: Babies don’t have skeletons
pleonasticTautology: i need to abscond for errands, see you all later!
BlueFingers5: They should make baby creepers
rogerivany: Do we really need more baby enemies? I don't need a baby creeper.
TXC2: so long pleonasticTautology stay safe
TehAmelie: squirts drinking their squilk
BlueChloroplast: Horrifying
pleonasticTautology: what about ender babies
Mazrae: Afternoon everyone, how are things going? Also is James not feeling well or something
TXC2: TehAmelie please, they drink their mom's squilk
Bearudite: enderkids
NathanLonghair: bendermen?
TehAmelie: something something possession is law
TheDevil_Risen: what about flying endermen?
rogerivany: I'm assuming James ate too much Turkey for Thanksgiving yesterday.
TXC2: hello Mazrae indeed James is under the weather
CrazySliver: Baby endermen, just grabbing half of your blocks
Bearudite: only steal half slabs
TehAmelie: ha i would love a baby enderman that takes and makes slabs
TheDevil_Risen: baby enderman, goes after slabs :D
rogerivany: Maybe it's in the geode?
TXC2: baby endermen, putting the "MINE!" in to Minecraft
Narcuru: i think the geode loaded first and then the trial chamber spawned?
rogerivany: Yeah, that was weird.
BlueChloroplast: Cool
TheDevil_Risen: well james did find a dungeon that was formed into the trial chamber he's punching
Mazrae: Deleted what was in the open air spaces??
rogerivany: Should go outside to try to get some skeleton horses in the thunderstorm. ;)
goatprince: what if you modded the honey to be mayo
ProcyonFlynn: It came in over stream too.
Wolfstrike_NL: Can finally cleanse that poison :P
xerjen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
xerjen: B U T T O N ! ! !
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, xerjen! (Today's storm count: 11)
ProcyonFlynn: Is that a function of honey? Clearing poison would be a neat function.
vegetalss4: Hello fellow chatsfolk, I ust joined what are we doing today?
Wolfstrike_NL: Joekim wikid it
JoeKim: never spoils and is antibacterial
northos: yeah, it's too dry and sugary for anything to grow on it
TXC2: hello vegetalss4 welcome
rogerivany: It does go sugary in the bottle
ProcyonFlynn: Ultra-Pure Honey doesn't even go surgary.
JoeKim: cleras poison when drunk
Juliamon: If it goes sugary you didn't store it right
northos: it's arguably "spoilage" in the sense that it's no longer in the form you'd like it to be, but yeah, it's not rotting or becoming inedible
ProcyonFlynn: Accidentally order wrong the sentence there.
vegetalss4: @TXC2 waves o/
Narcuru: "Honey bottles remove Poison when drunk"
Treestand: In minecraft honey gives 5x less saturation than a loaf of bread
TXC2: what I'm hearing is that we should be coating things in honey to preserve them
ProcyonFlynn: That's a great function. I've had my head buried in modded weirdness for ages, I hardly know what's actual vanilla minecraft anymore X'D
BlueFingers5: Camels for the museum right?
Mazrae: Drip stone blocking the lava access?
LordZarano: @TXC2 Like, say, dead bodies. 3000 years ago
TXC2: LordZarano why stop with the dead, slather up some living people and make them immortal :p
Ms_LadyMix: oooh can chat vote on best tree?
Mazrae: Is some of the trash hiding behind some drip stone?
weekendjedi42: Arboreal altercation
omdorastrix: Uno-does-tree?
BlueChloroplast: :D
Ms_LadyMix: Very good
omdorastrix: I got an expulsion of air from uno for thst pun - high prsise
goatprince: this egg can hold so much bird in it
ProcyonFlynn: FBtouchdown Egg Crimes FBtouchdown
BlueChloroplast: Quad chick!
Treestand: I finally finished the exterior of my survival base after weeks of work yesterday
Treestand: Posted a screenshot in the minecraft channel in the LRR discord
JoeKim: less doompiles around
Ivannorr: A great weight was taken out of your ender chest so makes sense
BlueChloroplast: @treestand yaaay!
BlueChloroplast: Shulking Shame
vegetalss4: Then it's just a chest
azureHaights: Do not destroy the cringe, destroy the part of you that cringes. With TNT if necessary.
omdorastrix: Dont be ashamed, get rid of the part of you that is shamed...
Xed_Regulus: Shame, humility and compassion
TXC2: empathy
Xed_Regulus: ^
omdorastrix: Shsme, Hubris, and falling down holes. The MoC trifecta
TXC2: "there could be lake" is my They might be giants cover band
Kraest: 🎶flooooood!🎶
northos: cornerstone?
MrTheWalrus: Cornerstone
Treestand: Keystones are the top stone of an arch
Narcuru: yeah cornerstone
TXC2: the keystone is of an arch yes
Narcuru: keystone for arch
JoeKim: architecture serge
JoeKim: not archaeology
JoeKim: lmfao\
Natimus_Prime: Cornerstone usually
SymphonySolstice: cornerstone
northos: maybe the copy bounds were too tight?
vegetalss4: Maybe it was on a different corner?
Wolfstrike_NL: jlrrTrade
rogerivany: #BlameJames
schordash: lrrFINE
TheAinMAP: escher3CRIMES
SymphonySolstice: monster.....
xerjen: I don't know if I would like to visit a museum where the visitors are lit on fire...
TXC2: this is a snuff stream now :p
chriswr5: D:
malfnord: Tuning into MOC this morning I was *not* expecting animal abuse
mwlsn: and picking up slack?
Stauffy: This museum has a VERY strict policy on solicitors eh
BlueChloroplast: :D
schordash: StinkyGlitch
BrookJustBones: I mean, you where very clear about not doing a zoo at the museum
chriswr5: having vendors on the sidewalk outside of a museum is very New York LUL
Bearudite: the backside needs to be filled with AC units, dumpsters and loading docks
brieandbacon: Heheheh, do-do
chriswr5: Finally: Doodoo 2
BlueChloroplast: :D
TXC2: if you do do the dew, do the dew for two
Kraest: okay but what about giant bonsai looking trees?
Mazrae: Have chat vote for the winner?
BrookJustBones: Time to hunt for seapickles
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
BlueChloroplast: jlrrCool
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG HolidayTree
TXC2: "are you ready for trees?!" said Pipin to Saruman Kappa
TheDevil_Risen: sergeSqueak
Cunobelenos: sergePun
terribleplan: A quarter mile at a time
Snouut subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months!
Snouut: Happy crafting! xlittl1Ghost
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Snouut! (Today's storm count: 12)
malfnord: Free-range bones?
brieandbacon: Were the "resources" delivered by a left-leaning donkey?
Angreed66: All hands are mechanical Uno
Krat_Arona: Everything else is just sparkling bones
PsychoI3oy: boneless bonemeal
TheDevil_Risen: no bones were harmed in the making of this meal
Angreed66: branches are the bones of plants
northos: idk about you but my hands are mostly digital Kappa
TXC2: GMO free and 100 mile
Alma_v: the bones of plants
TheDevil_Risen: certified animal testing free
northos: !findquote bones
LRRbot: Quote #6683: "There's bones inside you.' 'Those don't help me in minecraft.'" —RebelliousUno and Serge [2020-01-07]
brieandbacon: Bones of trees and the skins of beasts
Angreed66: It's flipped for the joke
Natimus_Prime: The bones of trees and the skins of beasts
northos: @LRRbot ...oddly apropos
TXC2: lrrbot on point
Natimus_Prime: That llama was secretly Kuzco
TheDevil_Risen: u wot mate?
terribleplan: The poison. For Kuzco. Kuzco's poison.
ArtemisHuntress: it is an excellent movie
Sarah_Serinde: It's very good
Natimus_Prime: Yes, that's why I made the joke
NorthstarTex: Yzma might have been the antagonist, but she's a great boss
Kraest: did YOU know, Serge,that here wasn’t a script for the movie and they just winged it until it was done?
asddsa28: did you kanow it had no script
SuperMichael777: big trees have a clearance requirement i think
TXC2: sorry, I can only make jokes that only I find funny :p
Kraest: the “script” lives in a literal wheelbarrow and it’s just piles of random paper lol
vegetalss4: Which character did David Spade play?
iconicshadow89 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iconicshadow89! (Today's storm count: 13)
TheDevil_Risen: #LlamaBits #TellJamesWe''reStillWaitingforDonkeyBits FortLlama
TheDevil_Risen: Cheer1000 Cheer100 Cheer100 #LLamaBits
Angreed66: You were there
TXC2: vegetalss4 emperor Kuzco
TheDevil_Risen: Wheeler's plan to hire a donkey for a bit
Wolfstrike_NL: Don't worry Serge :) just don't be surprised if there's a donkey in the office one day (or just one day)
SymphonySolstice: #DonkeyBits
Wolfstrike_NL: for just one day *
Sarah_Serinde: It wasn't very groovy
ArtemisHuntress: and he was also very mean
vegetalss4: Also he lacked empathy
Kraest: his old groove was capitalism
Angreed66: He was a terrible person before
terribleplan: He was a bit of a ddouche at the beginning
TheDevil_Risen: Cheer100 oops, had some left
Tandtroll_OG: Who, James?
ArtemisHuntress: boooo
brieandbacon: and not having one's groove thrown off
azureHaights: a coupzco
vegetalss4: The army usually danced in and around the palace
Bearudite: a Coup-zco
Sarah_Serinde: I haven't watched it in forever, I should fix that
TXC2: Serge just 10000% ignoring that pun from Uno like a champ :p
ArtemisHuntress: apparently at one point it was 2 weeks from being shut down before a rewrite
ArtemisHuntress: Kronk was a late addition
Sarah_Serinde: *I* appreciated them
malfnord: que?
Angreed66: We do
vegetalss4: Chat loves Uno
Ivannorr: Right the coup for Kuzco, the Kuzco coup... That coup?
rogerivany: Absolutely
Natimus_Prime: We can take the pun-oshment
Tandtroll_OG: Puns are perfect jokes no notes
TXC2: some in chat appreciate, others learn to tolerate....
Kraest: Kronk, voiced by the guy who voiced the wheelchair guy in Family Guy, also was in Men in Black 2, who also looks like he would voice Kronk
Natimus_Prime: Only every other day
brieandbacon: Yes, I am also over-30
TXC2: I sneeze and rearrange my face :p
Sarah_Serinde: noooo
Kraest: holy what.
TXC2: and you survived that Uno ?
NorthstarTex: that...royally sucks
TXC2: turns out hospitals have sick people in them
Wolfstrike_NL: Sick people in the hospital like to share a little to much sometimes
terribleplan: Never go to a hospital. They're filled with sick people.
TXC2: what kind of trees CAN we have ?
Kraest: @northstartex of course it royally sucks, there’s a monarchy there kraestDAB
BlueChloroplast: :D
LordZarano: A willowk
Natimus_Prime: A whole hour? That's *tons* of time.
Sarah_Serinde: I like it bending over water
TXC2: many years past, I recall a lrr Server that had someone's base made of a giant tree, I forget who that was, but we should get them in :p
Angreed66: The one vamed after you
Wolfstrike_NL: Sergecraft 1,2,3?
ExachixKitsune subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
ExachixKitsune: *chanting* Blood magic! Blood magic! Blood magic!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ExachixKitsune! (Today's storm count: 14)
Kraest: @txc2 wasn’t that Ben?
lamina5432: sergecraft two I think
BlueChloroplast: Blood for the blood tree
creasehearst: from the wiki, the one after "FTB Pyramid Reborn" was "Paths of Magic 3"
TXC2: Kraest I think it was fugi or someone else like that
TXC2: probably 8 years knowing how times works :p
NorthstarTex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months, currently on a 117 month streak!
NorthstarTex: Oh hey a button
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NorthstarTex! (Today's storm count: 15)
creasehearst: before FTB Pyramid Reborn it was Snorshcraft
TXC2: Snorshcraft, now there's a blast from the past
the_walking: jlrrFall
TXC2: see, NOW Serge is James Kappa
TheAinMAP: foxmarFALL
TheAinMAP: Serge had a fall emote before James did for exactly this reason.
SuperMichael777: How double dog dare you
BlueChloroplast: jlrrFall
ExachixKitsune: sergeFall sergeFall sergeFall
Wolfstrike_NL: jlrrFall
ExachixKitsune: also, I might be biased, but Serge's fall emote is better.
rogerivany: This seems like a Mega Tree.
ExachixKitsune: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
creasehearst: James already knows he's cringe, since a kid called him that
Narcuru: isnt that like three stories tall based on the museum behind it?
TheDevil_Risen: @RebelliousUno the Wood Needs Meat?
far2muchsarcasm: Gravitas
BlueChloroplast: Heft
TheDevil_Risen: isn't it the other way around.. phrasing Kappa
vegetalss4: Trash too, and rubbish
Angreed66: At least English is gender nuetral
Juliamon: (mostly)
BlueChloroplast: It is a new edition uno
Narcuru: too bad you cant make log stairs
TXC2: Angreed66 until Victorian "scholars" tried to cram some gender basis in :p
LordZarano: Not as gender neutral as Finnish, which has no gendered pronouns
ExachixKitsune: Saying "I can't build as good as BDubs" is like saying "I can't run as fast as Usain Bolt" or, "I don't fall off things as much as James/Serge"
LordZarano: (Thanks Hydraulic Press Channel for teaching me that)
BlueChloroplast: Who is the devil of blocks to make a real with?
TXC2: BlueChloroplast the Demon Mephistopheles ?
BlueChloroplast: :D
BlueChloroplast: Maybe Meblocktopheles?
ExachixKitsune: Methis-block-eles
BlueChloroplast: :D
TXC2: was the team name a pun on Sheffield Wednesday ?
brieandbacon: Who?
ExachixKitsune: @brieandbacon Yes that is the noise they make, but that's not important right now
gualdhar: I've never heard of Sheffield Wednesday, are they premier league?
gualdhar: So that's a no
brieandbacon: @ExachixKitsune Thanks Kits!
ExachixKitsune: :D
Angreed66: leave air not error
brieandbacon: So you're saying we should get birds, Serge?
Pharmacistjudge: but birds aren’t real
northos: fill this tree with parrots!
northos: !listen
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
SymphonySolstice: needs more birds imo
TXC2: we don;t need to get the birds, this is more of a if you build they will come situation Kappa
rogerivany: Parrots or we riot. ;)
brieandbacon: Gotta get your weep on!
NorthstarTex: should add more birds
Mazrae: Put a canal in this tree or this tree in a canal
ExachixKitsune: ngl this is why I installed freecam
Natimus_Prime: Minecraft having crows that you could tame, who bring you little shiny presents sometimes, would be really neat.
Greendrag13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
Greendrag13: Howldy! hozzerLove booferWag
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Greendrag13! (Today's storm count: 16)
LordZarano: More droop!
TXC2: Natimus_Prime thanks to dyslexia I read that as Cows and was VERY confused :p
TXC2: hello Greendrag13 welcome
Angreed66: That analogy actually works
Tandtroll_OG: That is a good analogy
ExachixKitsune: serge's patented paint explainations
CookieMom: You need some chips in the middle.
PsychoI3oy: so you're going to make the branches in a star pattern?
Natimus_Prime: hand tighten first, then go around again and torque them down
vegetalss4: Got it - When tightening tires leave room for birds
PsychoI3oy: make sure all the bolts in your tires are tight
TXC2: so righty tighty, lefty losey ?
PsychoI3oy: TXC2, unless it's one of the silly cars with righty losey lefty tighty on one side
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: good advice!
Angreed66: I've seen birds fly through very thick foliage
ExachixKitsune: If you don't make room, there will be bird-geoning problems
Natimus_Prime: Also, serious talk, everyone who owns a car should go watch a youtube video about how to change a tire. It really isn't that hard to do, and can get you out of a bad situation.
TXC2: leave room for birds and the holy ghost
brieandbacon: sergeScopeCreep sergeScopeCreep
Natimus_Prime: sergeScopeCreep sergeScopeCreep
ExachixKitsune: Trees are a lot of work
ExachixKitsune: as someone who's made one or two custom trees.... /flex, gosh they take so long to look good
PsychoI3oy: I have two spare tires, one is in my car...
TXC2: spare tire? look at mr moneybags here Kappa
ExachixKitsune: well, step one Uno
Greendrag13: My car has a false-bottom trunk and a spare under THAT
bobokiddo: mine didn't come with a spare. and it's a 2016. and yep game with pump and goo
brieandbacon: There's plenty of other cars on the road, Uno, just gotta be quick
PsychoI3oy: conversely, my 2009 VW came with a fullsize spare
SymphonySolstice: yeah I have a false bottom trunk with a tire too
UnknownFriday: I also know how to change a tire but can't because my lug wrench is too short to get any actual leverage and I keep snapping lug nuts.
omdorastrix: Better than a dumb spare with an 80km speed limit on it. Especially considering s compact spare on a fwd car should go on the back, whoch means changing 2 tires.
MWGNZ: sadly, the goo makes it legal
SmithKurosaki: Smart cars dont have space to include a spare. not an issue in Ontario
omdorastrix: A little
ExachixKitsune: In the UK you're never too far away from rescue
UltraVioletVodoo: this is weird to me
bobokiddo: i mean it was wild when i first got my car
TXC2: as a non car owner, yeah kinda
UnknownFriday: It was the first time I heard it, but now it's just normal.
rogerivany: My Car only had a dummy tire.
omdorastrix: So either: learn to change a tire OR learn to goo your tire.
SmithKurosaki: but why leaves, serge?
MWGNZ: not having a spare tire make the car lighter, which helps get fuel economy better for marketing
LostThePirate: My cars I've had are '02 and '98. and I don't think either has a spare tire.
MrSarkhan: Yeah my new car didn't come with one and it's from 2020. Just came with a pump. I had to buy one separately.
Dalrint: This has me curious enough that I need to go see if my car has a spare tire. brb
brieandbacon: Nice. Okay. Great
ExachixKitsune: While unsupervised by serge, chat has lit a small bonfire....
TXC2: well it's a change of place from Counting with James, but i'll take it
Diabore: i see we have a poutine tag but ive seen neither gravy nor curd of poutine, have i been lied too?
LostThePirate: There aren't enough fucking zinnias lrrBEEJ
Lord_Hosk: Is this the prince albert tree?
SmithKurosaki: Hosk.... :p
Angreed66: grabby
TehAmelie: a sausage tree?
gualdhar: Lewd
omdorastrix: Is that a piercing question?
brieandbacon: "Prime Minister, does this tree smell lik....~"
SmithKurosaki: We'll tell you when youre older Serge
ExachixKitsune: Sheffield Uno
TotallyNotaBeholder: Just don't google it
Dalrint: what do you know, my car has a spare tire. It's ten years old since it came with the car but...hey. Learn something new every day.
rogerivany: I hope that means something different then I think it does.
SymphonySolstice: also a prince albert SK
malfnord: There's a *lot* of things in the world named Prince Albert
gualdhar: Do they do a lot of tattoos and piercings in Prince Albert, BC?
TheDevil_Risen: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Diabore: @TotallyNotaBeholder prince albert tree is fine, just gotta specify tree
kainboa: Prince Albert is a piercing specifically in the male genitalia
TXC2: it's Lord_Hosk so lets assume it's weird :p
Lord_Hosk: The giant tree in front of the BC governerment building that has a plaque that says it was planted by prince albert.
SmithKurosaki: lol
TXC2: which prince Albert ? :p
gualdhar: This is the internet, of course our minds start in the gutter
ExachixKitsune: In our defense, it was Hosk, 50/50 on it being real and it being high quality artwork
TotallyNotaBeholder: @Diabore well, that's a relief, and glad I learned something today
Juliamon: In chat's defense, Hosk could be entirely making that up
DudelidouX: Serge it's the internet. There's only weirdos here
ExachixKitsune: I would trust hosk more than a few other people
TXC2: looks good to me
NorthstarTex: its a good tree
ExachixKitsune: Huh
ExachixKitsune: Love it
Natimus_Prime: IMHO, some vines would probably help fill that out a bit, but it looks good
ExachixKitsune: vines are always a pain given how much string you need to put underdeath them
vegetalss4: What does Uno's tree look like?
ExachixKitsune: 10/10 Hosk
Wolfstrike_NL: Tree-off! Tree-off! Tree-off!
ExachixKitsune: Ooh a lovely thick trunk
rogerivany: The prevailing winds are definitely easterly.
omdorastrix: T h i c k
LunaLurkz: Big boi reminds me of the tree on my grandparents' property
Natimus_Prime: This is a very neat design, actually. I like it.
Tandtroll_OG: Very nice
Dalrint: The illusion of tree
ExachixKitsune: all it needs is time!
Tandtroll_OG: I like the tree very much
CrazySliver: It's a little naked from the roadside but the design is great yeah
TehAmelie: a tree i'd like to sit under
TheDevil_Risen: flinterBig flinterMale lrrSHINE lrrCrab
Wolfstrike_NL: Thanks Uno!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Uno
brieandbacon: !shi
LRRbot: RebelliousUno Sutorīmingu mo shite imasu. Ogawa no kare no kenkai o kakunin shite, kare ni shitagatte kudasai! https://www.twitch.tv/rebelliousuno
rogerivany: Bye Uno.
TXC2: !vagh
LRRbot: labtaH rebelIyuS'uno! much leghbogh ghaH 'e' yIbej ej' ghaH yItlha'! https://www.twitch.tv/rebelliousuno
vegetalss4: Thanks for the stream
Wolfstrike_NL: That was not a squek, that was a fast forward scratch
ExachixKitsune: You're certainaly at the point of "adding bits here and there to balance it out"
Lord_Hosk: Did you see the picture I posted of the prince albert tree Serge?
TehAmelie: you could add a broken off branch if toy want to justify that bare spot
TehAmelie: *you
malfnord: It could be both!
gualdhar: We didn't think it was a dong
TheDevil_Risen: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GR5V0UXbgAARaCJ?format=jpg&name=large have you seen nico's tree?
Juliamon: Correction, we thought it was a PIERCED dong
brieandbacon: It was a link posted in chat, what were we supposed to assume it was?!
ExachixKitsune: D:
BrookJustBones: Isn't a prince albert also a dong piercing?
Lord_Hosk: There is a historical marker on it any everything
DudelidouX: Can you blame us the internet is 90% dong
vegetalss4: It is taller than it is wide, surely Sigmund Freud would find it Freudian
TXC2: trees with menacing auras
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
vegetalss4: That's a beaut
TXC2: damn, that's impressive
ExachixKitsune: BDubs is an artist and his medium is minecraft
dougma: There are 3 types of leaves too. the outside has leaf blocks with eh highest transparency sprinkled in
ExachixKitsune: literal magician
vegetalss4: Makes sense, the more pixels the more details - and in many ways a block is a pixel
TXC2: are those Pines also custom made? 'cause they looked neat too
Natimus_Prime: When you're building at that scale, it's much easier to make cool details. Smaller scale builds like what you're doing here are honestly just as impressive for the limitations you work under
Juliamon: Every block, deliberately placed
ExachixKitsune: "oh by the way, all these trees are custom" is my favourite trick to play on someone visiting my builds
dougma: But is that the game of minecraft you WANT to play?
BrookJustBones: But did you remember Bdubs' birthday?
TXC2: incredible
ExachixKitsune: Welcome to fawning over BDUbs
vegetalss4: Thanks for stream to you too
TheDevil_Risen: thanks Serge :)
northos: thanks for the stream!
TXC2: small work adds up
ExachixKitsune: somedays little work is still good work
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
lamina5432: Gnight.
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
brieandbacon: Great Serge, man!
omdorastrix: Thank you for being herebits great to have you.
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Tactical Breach Wizards) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (45m from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
TXC2: I just got the joke of that game's name :p
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TXC2: thanks for streaming Serge
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
SergeYager: i think i did good? did i miss anything?
TXC2: SergeYager no, you got it all
SergeYager: heck yea
SergeYager: ty ty
BrookJustBones: I think I should get adds again?
ExachixKitsune: sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart
Stauffy: Great sermon.
SmithKurosaki: You did good buddy
SergeYager: i hit ad button
ExachixKitsune: Great sermon
SergeYager: Great sermon
Juliamon: Great sermon
SergeYager: please clap
Wolfstrike_NL: Great Salmon
SmithKurosaki: shrumClap
TehAmelie: i liked it
SergeYager: nnice
SergeYager: Nice even
ExachixKitsune: 👏
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
ExachixKitsune: Mice stream
TehAmelie: idea: a Minecraft gacha machine
Wolfstrike_NL: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a pelt with reach
TehAmelie: it should probably be possible to make a thing that can spawn any item and have it be operated by tokens of, let's say, sandstone slabs
ExachixKitsune: we coming up with a new lrrcraft mod?
TehAmelie: (plentiful but can't be farmed, sort of coin shaped)
TXC2: Goodnight Everybody
TXC2: to the crapshot!
ExachixKitsune: Goodnight TXC2
SmithKurosaki: @TehAmelie iirc sand -> sandstone is automatible. Unsure if there's a way to farm sand tho
TehAmelie: there isn't
TehAmelie: i was expecting more pushback on the create any item at random part. . .
SmithKurosaki: @TehAmelie lol
TehAmelie: it might even have to run in creative mode, i guess
TehAmelie: but the point is having to farm the machine forever to try and get the blocks you want
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Tactical Breach Wizards) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (31m from now).