Earthenone: finally got my meds after over two weeks of telling the pharmasists exactly what mistaske they made
Juliamon: FBtouchdown
TehAmelie: victory!
Earthenone: (it was 30 days of pills, meaning 90 pills, they swaped the days amd the pills)
Earthenone: i swear they need to prescribe like 91 or something so that dosent happen
Juliamon: ah they did that to my mom recently
Earthenone: the anoying part is they kept making up fake reasons to get me to go away
Earthenone: eventually my mom went and delt with the chain of supervisors, i am not compatable with people like that, they want me to go away and i want to go away so it results in me going away
Juliamon: yeah...
GateThief subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
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FurthestChunk: windows are man's best friend
TehAmelie: Tappy Beach Wizards, yaay
accountmadeforants: Nor Actual Beach Wizards, fierce competitors to Wizards of the Coast.
TehAmelie: i don't know this game but i've been p. curious about it
TheMerricat: Wizard Xcom?
TehAmelie: that's the pitch
TehAmelie: hello!
thrythlind: I own it but haven't played it yet
thrythlind: might do an unboxing sometime
offbeatwitch: mmm. coffeh
korvys: It's *so* good
JadedCynic: ahhhhhh
thrythlind: I considered it to replace Octopath but a friend reminded me I haven't played an Atelier game yet
FurthestChunk: i need to get around to beating it but the game rips
Barb4rian: mmm coffee
CaptainSpam: Time to chuck some hostiles out windows!
JadedCynic: s'good!
Juliamon: I need to make coffee... but I am too cold to get up
JadedCynic: thanks
TheAinMAP: Hello lrrCAMERON
wizzo1138: Amazing writing, too
thrythlind: I am very excited, my RPG project crowdfunding launched today... and that means the Easter Egg I showed you some months back is out in public
offbeatwitch: the whole time this game was in development i was like "this sounds like a game for Cameron"
Genasi_Gaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
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Earthenone: !xcam
Earthenone: :P
CaptainSpam: And, as usual, Tom Francis is really good at writing a villain who is a COMPLETE asshole. LUL
e_bloc: every game of XCOM only has about a 3% chance of going wrong
Piratical_tendancies subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
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kirbytronic: I enjoyed this game quite a bit. It was fun. Almost felt a bit like a puzzle game
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hi Cam. How's life for you?
FurthestChunk: god i feel that when playing kill team
Creideiki_SE: The rewind mechanic in this game fits my save-scumming XCOM ways perfectly.
TheMerricat: I don't play games to relive life. :D
JadedCynic: "one can make every move correctly, and still lose"
JadedCynic: yay, escapism!
Gekyouryuu: "You can make no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life."
korvys: The creators have said it was designed as micro-xcom, but others have said it's a bit more like Into The Breach
theawesomeonev2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
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mweepigeon: the developer gets to watch you lose live on stream and cackle in victory?
mweepigeon: but yeah, it's more tactics/deterministic than strategy like into the breach vs xcom
thedepthandbreadthofseth: "wait, that's not what happened."
thrythlind: Iron Danger tried that, but I don't recommend Iron Danger... there's a game breaking bug late in the game
FurthestChunk: duck season FIRE
theawesomeonev2: Rabbids?
RatherLargeToad: Rabids
korvys: Yeah, the 0%, 50%, 100% hit chance is a good balance
CaptainSpam: Mario + Rabbids was WAY better than it had any right to be.
tomnar: A Cameron stream, awesome. I love to listen to smart people, it makes me feel smart too hehe :)
GhostValv: Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle I think
thrythlind: Iron Danger tried the rewind thing... anyway... it was neat...
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Mario vs. Rabbis. They don
kirbytronic: Mario and Rabbids was also fun. I did also like Chaos Gate's Damage Fall Off vs. Hit Percentage
thedepthandbreadthofseth: 't fighht on shabbos
thrythlind: It had a game breaking bug
thrythlind: at the end
thrythlind: where a mission wouldn't end
Zephyer: Wario vs. Habits
kirbytronic: Understandable
thrythlind: Difficulty being "number go up" is what makes me annoyed with Owlcat's Pathfinder games
Earthenone: the jrpg im playing right now has a rewind mechanic and i love it
FurthestChunk: not that many of them of the original crew, anyway
FurthestChunk: they still recruit
3 raiders from Luminaire_p have joined!
LordZarano: It's pronounced /tʃaʊs ɡate/ KappaPride
FurthestChunk: i mean maybe it's a hubris thing? you know for a fact you're living forever so you stride into battle
FurthestChunk: but yeah i get you
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Fame, but filled with plague marines?
thrythlind: oh, Cameron, your Easter Egg in my RPG project is out in the open
kirbytronic: Nurgle followers are the Mr. Burns disease meme
ProbablyNotAGod: Plague marines don't hate the emperor enough to jus throw thier lives away to kill his servants
CookieMom: I am here for some defenestration.
CaptainSpam: Tom Francis promises defenestration, and he delivers it. Through a window.
thrythlind: that was a fun quote
ProbablyNotAGod: 10/10 recommend Lords of Silence if you haven't read it, best depiction of plague marines imo
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
kirbytronic: Anyway, back to the Defenestration Dot Game
FurthestChunk: but also change very rapidly once i introduce this horrifying turbo ebola to your system
korvys: @LoadingReadyRun Did you play Gunpoint or Heat Signature, the previous games by this developer?
Bassios: Kicking dudes out the window sounds great
theawesomeonev2: gigaboOtsMEOW let's goooo
TheMerricat: Very.
korvys: They are
offbeatwitch: Yes.
CaptainSpam: Quite good stuff.
offbeatwitch: tom francis is the goat
korvys: They also involve kicking dudes out windows
CookieMom: It depends on how you feel on kicking people out of windows.
nymistrya: Defenestration is my passion.
offbeatwitch: this is technically the third entry in the Defenestration Trilogy
JadedCynic: @korvys oh wait - this is a tom francis gig? I never knew! *adds to wishlist*
Gekyouryuu: I remember SOMEONE playing Gunpoint on this channel way back. Maybe Graham or Alex
TheMerricat: Alex I believe played it.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: #thethirddefenistrationofPOG
JadedCynic: @Gekyouryuu yeah, I feel like it was alex
korvys: You'll get a tutorial, and you can change the difficulty any time
kirbytronic: @Gekyouryuu According to Youtube, it was on House of Stark with Graham and Kathleen
CaptainSpam: The tactical wizard hat is great, too.
TehAmelie: the "appearance change ready to go"?
Zephyer: The Tier 1 beard.
FurthestChunk: the sheer level of tactical wizardry this game gets up to is impeccable
satyropodobny: talk softly and carry a big window
JadedCynic: okay, yeah, it's pretty obvious
FurthestChunk: Zan here is a Navy Seer
RatherLargeToad: Credits Fight!
Earthenone: !card defenestrate
LRRbot: Defenestrate [2B] | Instant | Destroy target creature without flying.
offbeatwitch: defenestration successful
JadedCynic: and there we got Time To Defenstration: less than a minute
FurthestChunk: god the druid mafia
JadedCynic: (note; a real ship wouldn't have full-length windows etc that someone could just fall/be-shot through ;) )
korvys: My review for this was: "Within the first 5 minutes I encountered the phrases "Druid Mafia", "Traffic Warlock" and was given the objective "Defenestrate the Pyromancer". The writing also gets really heartfelt later, and gameplay is basically bite-sized XCom. Phenomenal game, could not recommend more."
CaptainSpam: God, Liv is a jerk. :p
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @JadedCynic you chose your handle well.
FurthestChunk: oh you are going to love to hate the word crimes in this game
thrythlind: my current Strahd game, the random encounters kept throwing druids at us... so now the GM has just made it a thing
thrythlind: such that we basically assume we'll be ambushed by druids when we go walking
thrythlind: well
thrythlind: "ambushed"
thrythlind: they haven't done very well so far
TehAmelie: ambushed by a shrublord
FurthestChunk: the enemy couldn't shoot you because you were in cover
CaptainSpam: The enemy couldn't go, as they had no sight on anyone in the room.
FurthestChunk: not every enemy is interested in moving
Barb4rian: Great Oak in a Ghillie Suit. Neat.
CaptainSpam: No, sometimes windows are not the answer.
FurthestChunk: not everyone but you can sure contrive it to make it everyone
offbeatwitch: there are a suspicious number of windows, that's for sure
Creideiki_SE: If you're playing it right.
wizzo1138: It's certainly a goal
JadedCynic: @thedepthandbreadthofseth I used to go by 'empath' but the internet grew to the point that it became impossible to sign up for a new site/game/service with a even an obscure six-letter dictionary word, and the world did what it did, so... no, it's not 'just a funny name'
NightValien28: technically yes
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Defenestration is Tom Francis' signature, at this point.
kirbytronic: Minor Spoiler, there's even a character that makes her own windows
Luminaire_p: I don't want no shrubs
30teracyte: not everyone but its certainly a Game Mechanic
CaptainSpam: Rewind more.
offbeatwitch: you can keep rewinding
wizzo1138: Rewind all the way
FurthestChunk: you can rewind ALL the way
korvys: Keep clicking rewind
kirbytronic: I was about to get up and have lunch but my cat has decided I'm not allowed to move today
NightValien28: the writing of this game is superb
Luminaire_p: Ah, the greatest magic of them all
FurthestChunk: god i love the wand with a silencer
Greyah: @FurthestChunk Um actually it's an assault staff, thank you very much.
Invitare: should have learned necromancy
Invitare: can undead anything you want then
FurthestChunk: @Greyah no i mean liv's wand
NightValien28: I love Jen
AdamYMHMI: Just Weekend at Bernie's the hostage to save Liv.
korvys: I love the writing in this game
Greyah: I should clarify, I'm goofing. But yes, this game's got excellent aesthetic.
NightValien28: Greyah ain't a goof if it is true, everything about this game oozes charm
NightValien28: from the silly hats to the silly tactical assault staves
thedepthandbreadthofseth: man, I want VA for slow readers LUL
JadedCynic: okay, I'm gonna mute the stream and afk - I really don't wanna spoil myself on this since now I've seen enough to want to play it for myself - thank you for convincing me! <3
Greyah: All the characters are so delightful. Except Steve. Fuck you, Steve.
AttackCowboy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
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CaptainSpam: Fuck you, Steve.
thatguy575: I love the title "traffic warlock"
NightValien28: yeah, tactical navy seer
Angnor33: He's the only guy who can see boats.
TehAmelie: pay extra for temporal curse car resistance, that's hwo they get ya
thrythlind: I think I'll back out now to not spoil myself
thrythlind: but yeah, this looks great
TheMerricat: :D
thrythlind: laterz
TehAmelie: insurance, even
Barb4rian: I love that objective
Greyah: @thatguy575 The title is excellent. Shame the guy sucks.
NightValien28: defenestrated
GhostValv: D:
FurthestChunk: sergeant clark deserves everything that comes to him
TheMerricat: A ghost just walked by Cameron chat!!!!
offbeatwitch: hello ghost
Luminaire_p: Active Camo
Piratical_tendancies: lrrSPOOPY
GhostValv: lrrSPOOP
thatguy575: @greyah fuck'n Steve
korvys: You have 1 action, and 1 mana
Greyah: It says under the portrait, 1 action each.
kirbytronic: "We've tried nothing, what else can we do?"
korvys: When you select and ability, it will tell you all the mechanical details in the top right
korvys: *an
Just_Herby subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
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wizzo1138: You're in the way
korvys: You block LOS
PixelArtDragon: This feels like a "mate in X" chess puzzle
thatguy575: That's the way
Greyah: @PixelArtDragon That's exactly it. That's the game. Except instead of taking chess pieces you're defenestrating jerks.
NightValien28: that's quitter's talk zan, throw all prblems through the window
Greyah: I have yet to meet a problem I couldn't defenestrate.
CaptainSpam: Redeploy. It's a command.
NightValien28: tactical alex
blepharic: lrrSPOOPY
NightValien28: that's okay, this game has a lot of mechanics to learn
kirbytronic: Hey, you're just starting. No need to apologize, learn how to do things
accountmadeforants: Learning? In the tutorial? Sounds fake.
NightValien28: this ain't a short game and it has a lot to it
Greyah: And yet throughout my 20 or so hours of playtime, chucking dudes out of windows never got old. It's impressive!
spicyFerret_: Zan.
NightValien28: this game is 90% charm 10% cat
TehAmelie: how we know videogames is still a novel medium, they often have to teach the player their language up front
offbeatwitch: tom francis used to be a journalist, he's got a lot of writing experience, and it shows
Voidhawk42: @offbeatwitch I read his stuff in PC gamer all the time, ot was pretty good!
korvys: You do
korvys: That's what the red stuff is telling you
NightValien28: that's okay, that's the process of the game
CaptainSpam: It might take a few times but it'll come naturally after a bit.
NightValien28: experiment and defenestrate
offbeatwitch: Or just shoot him to death
Greyah: Or you can do that. That works.
NightValien28: there is no one solution, if it works it works
korvys: It wasn't immediately obvious to me, but Predictive Bolt isn't actually targeting a square, it's an entire cardinal direction line
Greyah: @offbeatwitch Oh no, he's just KO and probably has a headache when he wakes up.
korvys: (but you have to click a square in that line)
offbeatwitch: that's true
CaptainSpam: The predictive bolt is a lot more powerful than you might think.
korvys: Yeah, predictive bolt does... 4? I think?
Greyah: Yep! 4 damage. It's kinda huge.
gameslayer013: Oh I just love this game
Creideiki_SE: You can restart the entire encounter if you want to practice predictive bolt. If so, press escape.
gameslayer013: the writing is great
korvys: 2
gameslayer013: do you have the 3 chain bolt?
FurthestChunk: chain bolt only hits two
mweepigeon: chain isn't infinite
Greyah: Chain Bolt currently has a target limit of 2.
mweepigeon: gottem!
Jillexie: The score is very 80s sci Fi.
korvys: If you seal the door you get a mana (and stop more enemies spawning)
FurthestChunk: is this a !heychat stream generally
Juliamon: spoilers are usually OK here
offbeatwitch: gaming!
gameslayer013: heyyy Banks
Greyah: It's my favorite "healer"!
FurthestChunk: @Juliamon that's not what i was getting at? i was asking if advice was welcomed at all times or if it's only when cameron says "hey chat"
Juliamon: ah, I'd err on heychat
gameslayer013: The slow fall wards!
NightValien28: see they aren't dead
accountmadeforants: Long Term Consequences are for sages and hermits, not for wizards.
Voidhawk42: "Don't be so dramatic" *Instantly Explodes*
Greyah: I love that these nerds don't even drive, and take the train everywhere.
RixtonSnek: Cell shaded?
gameslayer013: like a lineless kinda thing?
HisEvilDomain: lineless cell-shaded
Angnor33: Huh. Good question.
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
Brozard: feels like Slay The Spire
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor! (Today's storm count: 23)
roastbeefsandwitch: Yeah, it does look like Windwaker
bisaflau subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
RixtonSnek: Yeah, it still looks greatt tho, so there is that
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bisaflau! (Today's storm count: 24)
mrMorphius: Gamers hated cel shading, or children. Not sure which
Juliamon: yeah people went hard on "ONLY REALISM"
gameslayer013: WW5 time!
gameslayer013: and now upgrades!
TehAmelie: people thought Wind Waker was "for kids" which maybe says more about the age of Zelda fans at the time than anything else
Angnor33: @mrMorphius Both.
TheMerricat: All of his games are in this style.
spicyFerret_: WW...V? What happened in III and IV?
Juliamon: if you couldn't count the pores on your protag's face, it was a baby game for babies
wildpeaks: The Man, the Van, the Zan
professorpenington: Don't you mean "Close range?"
korvys: Mouse over the actual names to see what they do
mrMorphius: All about them pores
mrMorphius: That's what makes games fun
gameslayer013: Yup!
kusinohki: meows
Gekyouryuu: The Zan, the Zyth, the Yegend
mrMorphius: Oh these outfits are nice
FurthestChunk: i love the drip on zan
TehAmelie: Tactical Chaps Wizards here
kusinohki: does WWV stand for "world war" or "wizard's war" ??
Greyah: The explanation for the outfits is also just, so charming.
wildpeaks: gotta breach in style
FurthestChunk: the coat really works great for jen too
gameslayer013: Mom's house!
Raincoast_Bear: Good afternoon, Cam. Breach Wizards looks interesting. I like a good tactical game. In honor of Orktober I am finally building my Ork Kommandos.
NightValien28: we are a budget operation
azureHaights: @gekyouryuu ZZY? Isn't that the code for nosraeP Intel Airport
gameslayer013: Plot board!
BusTed: Ooo
wildpeaks: nice black square ?
RixtonSnek: owo whats dis
spicyFerret_: Oh hiiiiiii
Strebenherz: Good afternoon 'yall
OminouslyOminous: vinyl! vinyl!
RixtonSnek: huh~
wildpeaks: as a fellow enjoyer of plain geometry, I like it
Strebenherz: Oh snap, nice
TehAmelie: groovy
Gekyouryuu: @azurehaights ┐(゚~゚)┌
korvys: So, I think you missed it, but "Point Blank" means your Static Blast ability (that normally does 2 Knockback) does 4 Knockback if you're adjacent
TehAmelie: i recall an idea of a Corrector's Commentary revival for The Terror. . .
Brozard: ooo
FurthestChunk: i powerfully suggest reading all of this
OminouslyOminous: Ohhhhh. I am jealous. Also they had the soundtrack to Shogun which is Atticus Ross at the local shop but I didn't buy it yet
Strebenherz: Question Cam or Chat, what would you recommend to look into for playing vinyl? any particular brand or type of player?
FurthestChunk: if you click on the pictures on the map there's fun in-character briefs on each thing
RixtonSnek: Oh yeah, a vial of her blood, I'm sure they have that lying around
kusinohki: I'm jealous of cameron for getting to work for LRR (the vinyl less so)
Strebenherz: Gotcha thank you
accountmadeforants: Audio Technica?
Strebenherz: A local thrift store has a lot of records and i've been eyeballing those
BrowneePointz: I unfortunately have one of those(a pricier one) and the audio quality of them are good but like Cam said, if you aren't careful they can scratch your records
TheMerricat: Technica? :D
Strebenherz: Thank you for the tip!
offbeatwitch: the a's and t's
accountmadeforants: It took me a bit to realize, as well :p
Angnor33: Get your tech news from Ars Magika
wildpeaks: I did wonder when did Ars Technica start doing hardware :D
Juliamon: A* Technica
TehAmelie: i remember seeing USB connected record players for about 5 minutes two decades ago, did they vanish or
Brozard: I've definitely been teetering between "I should invest in a moderately alright record player" and "I'll likely inherit one in the next couple years..."
Strebenherz: Google autocorrected my search of "ars technica record player" and showed Audio technica players, so no worries XD
RixtonSnek: welp
Wolfstrike_NL: Been writing to many checkpoints stories lately eh :P ? (not that that's a bad thing)
OminouslyOminous: I got a midrange Fluance for $300 when I set up my system and I've been very happy with it
TheMerricat: @TehAmelie Not only do they make them but audio technica has a few models. :D
gameslayer013: side objectives!
gameslayer013: it's really good
RixtonSnek: Haha cool
DrLigmaPhD: Just arrived and saw the game title sounds like a dream I've had
TheMentalMonk: oh! I love Tactical Breach Wizards!
TehAmelie: sweet, put that vinyl into your HD
Strebenherz: a motivation for FASHION
gameslayer013: and there's more than enough points through the story to get everything
gameslayer013: You have a new thing
RAICx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months!
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TheMentalMonk: or chain bolt
gameslayer013: grenade is not an action
TehAmelie: a storm wizard's gale grenade. . .think it's some kind of concussion grenade?
TheMentalMonk: grenade is a free action
DrLigmaPhD: "Grenade is single use" feels like an almost redundant instruction
kusinohki: resusable grenade would scare me something fierce
MNerenberg: But the Hades Soundtrack...
TheMerricat: So chat, are you saying that for these folk, grenades are like talking? :D
gameslayer013: it's 2 knockback
ArcOfTheConclave subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArcOfTheConclave! (Today's storm count: 26)
TheMerricat: @kusinohki I mean if you don't mind that's it's an airsoft grenade... :D
Jamming_with_Jandalf: MW2. Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while
Voidhawk42: I am particularly enamored by the Homeworld 1 & 2 soundtracks, but do know mechwarrior is very good.
wildpeaks: "The city must survive" though
kirbytronic: The Confidence objectives are optional, but they certainly add to the Puzzle Gameness of this game
korvys: @LoadingReadyRun Chainbolt does 0 damage, but 2 knockback, and remaining knockback is turned into damage if they hit a wall/desk/etc
DrLigmaPhD: Are the wizards breaking into a police precinct? Based.
RonaldMcDownload: You can bounce chain bolt off allies too
TheMentalMonk: can you hit one cop, the the seer then the other?
Awfrigate: are there any penalties to rewinding?
korvys: It can also go around corners (since it's from the last target)
ScrapyardGhostTrain: @Awfrigate No.
Greyah: I love how, at first glance, some of those confidence goals will seem a little outrageous. Like asking you to somehow take out five or six hostiles in one turn.
TheMerricat: He didn't take the +1 target upgrade for Jen, he took pointblank.
gameslayer013: your upgrade is fine
Greyah: And then you spend 20 minutes in the tank, and figure it out with actions to spare.
gameslayer013: need line of sight for grenade
korvys: You might need to move to get a better angle
TheMentalMonk: btw if you move your guys next to stuff you can go into cover to avoid being targeted by some attacks
CaptainSpam: Jen can still move.
CaptainSpam: Sorry, lagged message.
gameslayer013: chat delay
korvys: No, she coudl have when that message was sent, though
gameslayer013: move is a one and done
satyropodobny: we windows gamers
LordZarano: I would think that the game expects you to use the fancy new ability first... Because that's exactly what I would do. Shiny new toy
TehAmelie: grenados are free actions, apaprently
gameslayer013: if Jen ducks you can predictive over her
TheMerricat: Cold.
RonaldMcDownload: Nice
offbeatwitch: bonk
korvys: There is not always a laptop
Strebenherz: dig the music, nice ambiance
CaptainSpam: Still one of my favorite things in this game, using predictive bolt on a spawning door.
gameslayer013: the challenge for this one is real good
TehAmelie: feels wrong to have a game reward you for avoiding encounters, i.e. blocking doors
korvys: Zan got a new ability in this one, I think
gameslayer013: Zan has a new thing
korvys: *give* 1 action
DrLigmaPhD: My mother keeps telling me to get a mana
gameslayer013: need line of sight to give the extra action
kusinohki: mana mana (do do do-do-do)
gameslayer013: grenade is only knockback 1
korvys: Grenade is only 1 knockback, I think
CaptainSpam: Ah, this one. This one took me way too long to figure out how to get both confidence pings on it.
ThorSokar: Xcom but Wizards?
korvys: Those blue boxes can be picked up for mana
Juliamon: Yup
bytecaster: It is a bit more puzzle gamey than XCom given the tailored encounters, but yes
Greyah: This is exactly what I meant with confidence goals seeming completely ridiculous, but when it figure it out it feels fantastic.
korvys: Chain Bold costs mana, and Zan's new action thing costs mana
bytecaster: The confidence goals are great!
gameslayer013: yea right now Zan just uses mana for time boost
CaptainSpam: Oh, and "knock out all enemies", in terms of confidence goals, only means enemies on-site at the time. If there's still enemies waiting to spawn, they don't count.
gameslayer013: ^
Clockwork_Penguin: If it weren't for the goal, it would never have occurred to me that there is a *way* to take out everyone in 1 turn
TheMerricat: You know having played Heat Signature and Gunpoint, this so far really feels like the dev has been not so slowly forging the exact game they want. This is very Heat Signature planning without the randomness so far, and this 100% could be dialog lifted from Gunpoint if it weren't about magic. :D
gameslayer013: that guy in the corner is in cover
TehAmelie: this room doesn't even have windows, so unfair
korvys: He's not in cover, I don't think
bytecaster: Is it even worth breaching if you can't defenestrate?
TheMerricat: Can she run to the door, seal it, and chain bolt from there?
wizzo1138: Sometimes you may not have unlocked everything you need for the bonuses
gameslayer013: You do not need any other upgrades for this one
TehAmelie: have a good next 5 minutes
accountmadeforants: Hm, both Into The Breach and Tactical Breach Wizards challenge you with planning out a cascade of actions on an isometric grid in a single turn, and involve in-lore time powers to serve gameplay romollaThink I think I like these Breach-type games.
accountmadeforants: (Also, in both games, the ability to push enemies around is both very powerful and encouraged)
TehAmelie: forcing the enemy to change positions was always very powerful in XCom
gameslayer013: wb!
Strebenherz: Welcome back
satyropodobny: HE IS RISEN
Coloneljesus: it's a great lil game :)
MilkInBags: did you also play Invisible Inc.?
TheMerricat: Invisible Inc was so good, and way too short.
gameslayer013: you are very right
Raincoast_Bear: Chess problems with Wizards & Guns.
public_key_reveal_party: One of my favorite parts of this game is that it's creator refers to this as the third in the "defenestration trilogy" of games he made
danielOut: the defenestration trilogy is so, so good
CaptainSpam: Fun part about the defenestration trilogy is that all three are vastly different games.
Invitare: Rhythm Cafe when
gameslayer013: what is dodging but a rhythm game
Strebenherz: I mean it's halfway there
Coloneljesus: so, sekiro? :P
DoodlestheGreat: DO-NUT
raulghoulia: Arkham Asylum was originally developed as a rythym game I read
Juliamon: Oh, so a garbage donut
Piratical_tendancies: Donut!
RonaldMcDownload: hell yeah
danielOut: i had no idea how they'd top heat signature but TBW is just a masterpiece.
Strebenherz: microwaving stale doughnuts is a good good magic
TheMerricat: As a weeb, everytime Cameron refers to Miyazaki, I first think of Ghibli Miyazaki and then my brain goes weird trying to merge that into Dark Souls. :D
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: carbon jiggling
ThorSokar: so, it's perfect?
NorthstarTex: mmm gotta love jiggling those bonds
azureHaights: The return of loading time: fun with microwaves 3
MilkInBags: from icing to magmaing
TehAmelie: not the danger i'd expect from reheating donuts
OtherEdgeworth: I enjoy a Kripsy Kreme, but damn man, are they unnatural. Like, almost to an eldritch extent
gameslayer013: they're all line of sight
Jensling: does knocking remove cover?
gameslayer013: they only move after you do all your stuff so if you do it before then it doesn't matter
RonaldMcDownload: if not indicated they won't move until the beginning of next turn
korvys: The guys crouching are in cover, and won't do anything this turn, I believe
korvys: (the others will shoot who they see, and aren't in cover)
korvys: Well, will shoot 1 person they see
gameslayer013: there you got it
gameslayer013: knockback isn't damage
korvys: Jen's abilities only do knockback
Lord_Hosk: How does anyone live Cameron?
korvys: (mostly)
gameslayer013: need another action
korvys: You had it, though, cause Zan can give more than 1 action if he has more than 1 mana
korvys: Or that
RonaldMcDownload: Very nice
CaptainSpam: Nicely done.
dumbo3k: Ooof, rough for that guy, walk through door, immediately domed
RonaldMcDownload: when you replay levels you can (temporarily) respec everyone's perks, so if you want to clear the challenges later that's also a valid way
CaptainSpam: And without the extra target on chain bolt, too! Quite nice.
gameslayer013: need line of sight
3 raiders from DreadQueen_Persephone have joined!
korvys: You get an action back every turn, but not mana
gameslayer013: BLAP
kirbytronic: I walked back in to Cameron calling me "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid" and replied, "Yes, and how can I help you?"
gameslayer013: nice work
CaptainSpam: I also like how a sealed door is represented by a bunch of spectral planks crudely nailed up.
korvys: Still got all the confidence goals
gameslayer013: now for this one
TehAmelie: i mean how would you design a ward spell?
korvys: Oh, this level is fun
Piratical_tendancies: Defenestrations galore!
gameslayer013: side objectives?
NorthstarTex: defenestration++
dumbo3k: Does a character need to do all their actions at once? or can you switch back and forth?
dumbo3k: nvm
kirbytronic: You can switch back and forth
RonaldMcDownload: @dumbo3k swap as you please
TheMerricat: LD
Coloneljesus: nice
TheMerricat: :D
dumbo3k: Oh that Defenestration is satisfying
TehAmelie: i've been wondering, is there an explanation why you can casually rewind time when the scariest villain of all time is that because she's a time mage?
MilkInBags: in this chat: window sickos
Coloneljesus: @TehAmelie yeah
gameslayer013: @TehAmelie Zan can see 1 second into the future and do it repeatedly until he sees a good outcome
SquareDotCube: If it helps, Zan acts before units change direction.
kirbytronic: Oh good, my new Agrus Kos commander deck is here
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korvys: Enemies don't open doors, I think?
gameslayer013: they do not
TehAmelie: i like the reminder text for "defenestrate" there
gameslayer013: yes
korvys: Yes
CaptainSpam: Yep.
gameslayer013: anything moving into it
CaptainSpam: And it's one mighty handy strategy later in the game.
korvys: Or a door opening that's he's overwatching through
gameslayer013: or becoming in it's path
kirbytronic: Predictive I also don't think can see through doors
gameslayer013: @kirbytronic only when closed
kirbytronic: Yes
MilkInBags: is there a reason why your wizards can't turn their guns into kittens
MilkInBags: yeet
gameslayer013: @MilkInBags the kitty comes later
MilkInBags: when the plan goes right and you feel like a genius FBtouchdown
kirbytronic: It's an excellent puzzle game
korvys: Seems like a good plan
CaptainSpam: @gameslayer013 And the kitty doesn't particularly care much about Jen. As expected. He's a cat. :D
Greyah: Yeah this might be my favorite game of this year. It's so much fun.
Coloneljesus: also some pretty fun writing
kirbytronic: @CaptainSpam That's not a polite way to talk about the Doc
korvys: When you breach, you move into the spot right in the doorway
gameslayer013: you might still be able to
gameslayer013: well not now
kirbytronic: It's always there for you to come back to later, if you want
wizzo1138: Turn one was the setup for Zan
korvys: Yeah, you predictive bolt the door, then Jen opens it (is one solution)
TehAmelie: newts have bones?
korvys: not anymore
gameslayer013: blue!
gameslayer013: Fuck off Steve!
Greyah: Yeah fuck you Steve.
accountmadeforants: Hell yeah Traffic Warlock
korvys: "Traffic Warlock" is just a great title
CaptainSpam: Bori is at least reasonable. Fuck you, Steve.
MilkInBags: oh no we traveled back to 5th edition Magic NotLikeThis
TehAmelie: i would think warlocks are to blame for much of traffic
NightValien28: Less Lethal Pyromancer
Greyah: Yeah he's got mildfire.
NightValien28: eugh steve
gameslayer013: Ghost cars!
NightValien28: technically yes
Feriority: Ooh I got here at a good time.
Feriority: And also, get fucked Steve
accountmadeforants: Ah, I see Tactical Breach Wizards has also gone through the "Non-Lethal" -> "Less-Than-Lethal"->"Less Lethal" pipeline
NightValien28: its okay its just Steve
gameslayer013: it is impossible to do this turn 1
RonaldMcDownload: that's not a reaction trigger btw
TheMerricat: I'm not liking all those red squares, chat... :D
RonaldMcDownload: red squares get hit during forsee phase
dumbo3k: @TheMerricat But red is good! It goes faster!
Greyah: You'd rather not get hit by ghost cars? Shocking.
TehAmelie: Steve summons traffic. it's super effective
accountmadeforants: Moving out of the way of oncoming traffic? That's what the Traffic Warlocks want!
TehAmelie: must be a funny feeling when you bust into a room to help your friends and the enemy walks past you and boards up the door behind you before turning your way
dumbo3k: Nice, Steve walked into it himself
korvys: Predictive bolt hits *hard*
gameslayer013: came out the door
accountmadeforants: Apparently the special edition of this game includes in-game developer commentary, and I love that as a special edition incentive.
NightValien28: get fucked, steve
TheMerricat: nope
kirbytronic: Good News: You can replay levels as much as you want
SquareDotCube: doing the boss in one move is great
TehAmelie: knocking him into traffic would have been the ultimate victory
Zu_o: When I played the little demo I got sent for playtest the tactical broom had me laughing for hours
Coloneljesus: Cam, what do you think of the writing so far?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: The boss is summoning the traffic, you can't knock him into it.
TheMerricat: Supportive Fire seems... OP?
dumbo3k: @ScrapyardGhostTrain maybe there was traffic outside the window? Who knows
korvys: It is, but It gets really heartfelt across the game
TehAmelie: i assume you need line of sight to their target and all
korvys: As you learn more about the characters
Greyah: I had an absolute blast with the predictive bolt upgrade that refunds its use.
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CaptainSpam: I had way too much fun with the upgrades to False Prophet, later on.
Johnny_Boots: basically every perk is really good, no wrong choices
gameslayer013: oh the map has little blurbs under each post it note
korvys: Supportive fire is powerful (especially later with another thing) but tricky to use
TehAmelie: i think it makes sense for these characters to try to be funny in a distancing themselves from the fear way
gameslayer013: Mom Zan!
gameslayer013: how about both
TehAmelie: especially if it's a crack pipe
SquareDotCube: now you just reminded me of tobacco teeth witch form that other game.
Zu_o: I know heather is by no means old, but I think if we gave her a pipe she would become too powerful
accountmadeforants: Seems like mom falls under the "both" category
TehAmelie: remember Sophia in The Suffering of Sir Brante, who definitely didn't pull of a pipe?
Zu_o: I mean, she's already too powerful, but imagine her with a pipe
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Punspector: LRR helped me get through OHS successfully through the hilarious youtube vods and various caught streams. Y'all deserve all the love.
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corianderd: how goes?
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corianderd: excellent
TehAmelie: he is in the navy, after all
Coloneljesus: blood type?
MilkInBags: blood type?
dumbo3k: A-? maybe blood type?
Snowwraith: Duck is just a thing people from the north of England call people in general, but him being in the Navy is a funny pun
Transmuted_Elf: two watches so you know what time zone you knock someone into after you hit them
korvys: The dev is british, and I think that colours the game in a way I enjoy
dumbo3k: I'm pretty sure thats usually on dogtags as well, but it's probably wise to have it somewhere very visible when you might need a medic
Transmuted_Elf: but than again they are a time mage so kinda make sence
Snowwraith: Nah, just people in general.
korvys: I think it's just a british thing
SquareDotCube: navy officer
Bassios: It's definitely a british-ism, much like calling someone "love"
Snowwraith: It's a very north-of-England slang term like "mate"
Snowwraith: Mate's more broad
gameslayer013: Dogshit Spirit!
Snowwraith: Duck's very northern
dumbo3k: I think there was a subtitle in one of the loading screens that said something about Navy
TehAmelie: well, his class is Navy Seer
gameslayer013: yea he's a navy seer
Call_me_Kaye: "Just a dogshit spirit" is such a good line
Call_me_Kaye: *Steve*
accountmadeforants: @Snowwraith And so by extension of the navy thing, a ship's mate would be a ship's duck KappaHD
gameslayer013: Story!
RonaldMcDownload: fictional country, hard to tell
kirbytronic: Random question, Cam do you happen to know if there's an Assassitorum kill team?
Snowwraith: @accountmadeforants It is funny I'm so used to "duck" being like a normal term for someone I didn't even notice it's also a fitting pun.
dumbo3k: @accountmadeforants now that just makes me think of the Duck that joined in on several amphibious landings in ww2
ScrapyardGhostTrain: @dumbo3k Love the DUKW.
gameslayer013: and that's how he got magic powerss
gameslayer013: ferry time!
gameslayer013: KITTY
NightValien28: CAT
wildpeaks: nimlotSatan
CaptainSpam: KITTY
NorthstarTex: THE KITTY!, With Pride <3
gameslayer013: CoolCat
CaptainSpam: Because of COURSE Jen has a black cat. She's a storm witch.
gameslayer013: sleepy kitty
kirbytronic: Pride Kitto
gameslayer013: Darrell
NightValien28: DARRELL
NightValien28: best character of the entire game
TheAinMAP: guyjudgePeek
gameslayer013: thankfully you can replay all the chats to get different dialogue trees
NightValien28: I love the writing so much
TehAmelie: bold talk from someone who's probably never ever fought a cat
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Call_me_Kaye: I feel like one-second-precognition is exactly the power you want against a cat tbh
NightValien28: tactical dream
dumbo3k: Oh no! Steve is back!
kaynSD: Game of the year for me this one is. :)
TehAmelie: what are dreams for if not running predictive scenarios?
Feriority: I'm sure this has already come up on the stream but I love that outfits are gated behind the confidence to wear them
MilkInBags: yeet
kaynSD: yeeet
gameslayer013: there's more dream missions with confidence goals
Coloneljesus: there's gonna be a mod that rewords defenestrate to yeet, isn't there?
kaynSD: The Defenestration Trilogy is such a good set of games.
TheMerricat: Hedge Wizard was literally wearing a hedge. :D
Call_me_Kaye: As is noted, he already has it though - just needs confidence
kirbytronic: It's a butterfly effect thing resulting from him buying that jacket
cheshiregleam: The breaching glyphs look so cool
gameslayer013: top door
TehAmelie: sometimes the writing is so snappy it's like Blendo games
Feriority: You can try it and rewind if you can't
Zu_o: I finished the audiobook for Dungeon Crawler Carl and I am now finished my current queue. Sadness abounds.
gameslayer013: just need a little push
kaynSD: Could always gale grenade him? :D
Greyah: I also often wished I was just a little bit faster. Until I learned the power of hitting myself with my own knockback moves.
cheshiregleam: @Greyah Shooting your own guys is really one of the big 'oh now I get it' hurdles for this game
Call_me_Kaye: Jen also gets a ton of upgrades to make her get many extra moves
kaynSD: There's a few upgrades for more moves, but they're tricksy
cheshiregleam: But there's basically nothing for 'move an additional space' it's always 'get a whole other move action'
Call_me_Kaye: I suppose "a ton" is a bit excessive to mean "two, and a third and fourth that upgrade them" mind you
Raincoast_Bear: Break time for me. I've got 6 Ork Kommandos built. I'll be back for more Breach Wizards in a bit.
gameslayer013: there is not
cheshiregleam: Those are windows, sadly
Feriority: Is it possible to knockback turrets? The second one is near a window but I don't know if that works
TheMerricat: Does timeboost let you move twice?
gameslayer013: no, move is its own thing
gameslayer013: and knockback resistance
Micsig: turrets can be pushed, but have a -1 penalty
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Call_me_Kaye: Turrets can be defenestrated, but it's difficult, especially here, yeah.
korvys: Sometimes there really isn't an elegant solution, and you just end up in a pitched battle for a while
Mordin_Solus_Sings: Glad to see you plying this! Probably my personal GOTY
Mordin_Solus_Sings subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
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cheshiregleam: This one CAN be done in the time limit now but you can also come back later with more character upgrades to complete confidence objectives
Marvoleath: I wouldn't want to be parked under that window :D
Marvoleath: we putting the "war" in warlocks, I see
gameslayer013: it is possible
kaynSD: these are such good little puzzles
Call_me_Kaye: Some confidence goals are built with specific perks in mind, I'm not certain if they're *always* possible no matter your perks, but There is a lot you can do for sure, so, do have fun with it still.
Call_me_Kaye: I think thi sis coming together
korvys: You can also do the confidence things goals across more than one attempt
Piratical_tendancies: can you take the intel and still "be in cover" by taking cover? because the box would be in line of siht?
Piratical_tendancies: *sight
Strebenherz: nothing to be sorry on, it tough
cheshiregleam: @Piratical_tendancies Yes, both grabbing intel and taking cover are free
Call_me_Kaye: These puzzles are a lot! By all means take your time.
kaynSD: you've got it
Call_me_Kaye: And yeah anything that doesn't cost a move or an action is free (but it may cost mana, or be once per turn, for some abilities)
kaynSD: so close :) just gotta get the door
kaynSD: hey that chain strategy was a tough one to work out :D
M4RKNUTT: G'evening Cam and chat
korvys: Unless it wasn't knocked back earlier?
kaynSD: Can you knock Jen back with her own grenade?
korvys: No, would need to grenade on the other side *and* it has Stability 1
gameslayer013: yes knockback works on your own characters
TheMerricat: Muted
gameslayer013: muted?
kaynSD: Yeah I mean throwing the grenade at Jen's feet to throw her backwards
TheMerricat: Now we hear oyu but not the game
gameslayer013: we do not hear static
kaynSD: We can only hear you now
Strebenherz: none here that i hear
korvys: Can now hear you, but not the game
korvys: No static
TheMerricat: Now we hear both.
gameslayer013: can hear both
gameslayer013: good call
korvys: Oh, yeah, you can grenade Jen to move her
Strebenherz: game sounds fine, you sound fine
M4RKNUTT: Nice guy cam
kaynSD: there we go! :D
TheMerricat: :D
Piratical_tendancies: Nice!
gameslayer013: nice!
TheMerricat: FF for the win!
cheshiregleam: SICK and completely different from what I did
CaptainSpam: Supportive Fire is a LOT of fun.
cheshiregleam: that rules
korvys: Nice - I would never have thought of that
kaynSD: well deserved dab
Marvoleath: d00mGG
Greyah: But you figured it out, and that's what counts.
kaynSD: its not the most intuitive thing to knock people into your own crew :D
gameslayer013: new ability!
CaptainSpam: And now, False Prophet.
CaptainSpam: This has the capacity to get REAL wacky with upgrades.
TehAmelie: that's right, violate the space time continuum and take information backwards in time for free
kaynSD: Oh. My favourite ability :D
TehAmelie: that's how you use prophecy
kaynSD: so good
LesBeauxPlastiques: hai all
gameslayer013: uh oh, something happened
LesBeauxPlastiques: there's something delightful about a white bearded wizard in tactical gown
kaynSD: A Navy Seer :D
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gameslayer013: knockback and armor yea
Call_me_Kaye: @CaptainSpam One of the best part of Tactical Breach Wizards is that *everything* gets wacky with upgrades.
korvys: The canisters are also targetable, if that helps
Call_me_Kaye: Like truly it's amazing how nearly every upgrade does something wild - even the ones that are as simple as +1 damage make a huge change
TehAmelie: yees i can see +1 damage would be good now we have +1 armor enemies
kaynSD: extra knockback also feels good with these things up
xantos69: So small team magic xcom? Is that what this is all about?
TehAmelie: that and some excellent character writing
Call_me_Kaye: @xantos69 It feels a little more Into the Breach than XCOM but otherwise yup - along with some real good writing
kaynSD: Yep. All agreed there. Third of the Defenestration Trilogy after Gunpoint and Heat Signature
gameslayer013: you got this
cmdrud87: Welcome to WZRD chat
Stormgod519: hello!
gameslayer013: you can still do it
gameslayer013: yup
kaynSD: well the turret's getting him
gameslayer013: correct
korvys: Yep
kaynSD: yeah
TheMerricat: @Call_me_Kaye The non-xcom part of this being that it's not random bullshit with us missing at 99% accuracy? :D
Call_me_Kaye: The determinism is definitely a big part of it yes
Call_me_Kaye: The knockbackiness is the other part
gameslayer013: you had Zan with a predictive bolt
kaynSD: forgot to set up the predictive shot
Micsig: predictive shot
Call_me_Kaye: Barrels only explode if they take damage - hitting them with static blast just knocks them back
Call_me_Kaye: You can knock them back into a wall though
kaynSD: yes! :D
gameslayer013: you got this in the bag next turn
korvys: I never got the hang of Supportive Fire, seems really good
kaynSD: Fantastic
Call_me_Kaye: Supportive fire is real good except when you forget about it and it messes you up
Piratical_tendancies: smooth
gameslayer013: you don't have to seal doors if there are no more enemies left to come from it, still gets you a mana tho
kaynSD: Right at the beginning apparently
korvys: You don't know
gameslayer013: they mentioned odd marks on themselves
TehAmelie: right at that time we got some weird marks for no reason i think
gameslayer013: and feeling funky
gameslayer013: his buddy shot him
kaynSD: this one is a tough one
Call_me_Kaye: Zan can't un-predictive bolt unless it goes off
kaynSD: Not while predictive shot is up
Raincoast_Bear: I'm back from Dog walk. I see a man down. Another around corner. And a hostage in the cell?
gameslayer013: you can't undo a predictive bolt unless it fires
TheMerricat: You are still in predictive bolt mode.
gameslayer013: those electric walls do work
kaynSD: Maybe chain the two explosives next to the peoples?
kaynSD: ooo. that was good!
kaynSD: yeah! Thats the ticket!
TheMerricat: Is it Zan loses health when he moves or each turn?
Call_me_Kaye: Zan being down is fine he'll get better
niccus: turn
gameslayer013: zan will always go down before
korvys: Zan is poisoned, not much you can do
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
kaynSD: this one is a real tough one Cam :)
The_Voices: magic do-over, its all fine
gameslayer013: you were directly in line with it
Call_me_Kaye: It's the angle - you were knocking it into the dude
korvys: You were pushing from a different angle, into the heavy
kaynSD: knocking it into him, so different angle this time
gameslayer013: so it bounced back into the heavy
Call_me_Kaye: The angles are a little funky to work with at times
korvys: Those yellow wall spikes stun them for a turn, btw.
Micsig: life is a resource
gameslayer013: I think there is a way to work this
offbeatwitch: puzzlin'
The_Voices: you got this cam!
Call_me_Kaye: I love how much of this game is "Sure I *could* do this slowly but I want to figure out how to blow through this fast
kaynSD: heheh
TheMerricat: "The ability to test out tactics and see the results came from Francis' frustration with losing team members in XCOM for what seemed like arbitrary reasons. Francis discussed this with the developers of Into the Breach, which relies on its user interface to inform players how actions will play out. Francis initially thought it would be better to forgo using UI elements, but players did not like repeatedly testing tactics without UI feedback."
kaynSD: i've got to get the director's commentary for this game
gameslayer013: if you're in cover the heavy prioritizes not in cover targets
TehAmelie: Esteban? that's just Steve again!
iris_of_ether: Good afternoon, wizards. I trust we are enjoying breaching?
TehAmelie: Steve the traffic warlock comes back with a fake mustache on top of his wizard beard and a fake Mexican accent. . .
kaynSD: What's the confidence objectives with this room?
TheMerricat: @iris_of_ether Tis a fine afternoon for defenestration and puzzles involving defenestration!
kaynSD: four turns? Sounds like some time...
iris_of_ether: @TheMerricat I love that about this game :D
gameslayer013: YES
kaynSD: wonderful :D
offbeatwitch: nailed it
kaynSD: Good work!
gameslayer013: Doctor time!
offbeatwitch: i love this scene btw
gameslayer013: iggymaGun
kaynSD: Bang
Micsig: you had it the first time just didn't point blank shot the last guy
gameslayer013: congrats on being shot in the head
Greyah: Banks is the best.
kaynSD: I love Banks.
lightfut: I cast gun
Greyah: That wasn't a wand. That was a real gun. With real bullets. That shoot someone actually real super dead.
kaynSD: A pistol is a Precision Medical Instrument
gameslayer013: she's great
Greyah: Jen was also poisoned, after all.
gameslayer013: Darrell!
Call_me_Kaye: Liv is incredible
kaynSD: Darrell!
PMAvers: om nom nom
gameslayer013: at the start of the mission, you were supposed to miss it
Greyah: At the start of the mission, real sneakylike.
CaptainSpam: It was mentioned in one of the briefings.
Call_me_Kaye: Like right at the start of the mission - but it was subtle, they didn't notice at first
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kaynSD: Now Jen turns into the Movement monster
korvys: No, you didn't miss it (or rather, in character you missed it, so so did you )
gameslayer013: you can't poison Zan because he sees it coming
TheMerricat: When Jan blew us up grabbing Banks at the poilice station I presume
gameslayer013: so you have to do it quiet like
korvys: You learn more
kaynSD: They noticed bite marks or something, but it gets revealed later
CaptainSpam: You don't know HOW yet, but a couple missions in, Jen noticed a prick on Zan, and Zan the noticed it on Jen.
Strebenherz: Thank you for streaming!
TehAmelie: i thought since they knew they were dealing with the time mage having wounds suddenly appear on their bodies would be very suspicious
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: The Casting of Frank Stone) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (32m from now).
BusTed: Good times
kaynSD: Good time to wrap up
kaynSD: This has been great :D
gameslayer013: This game goes so good
Greyah: I highly recommend doing a full playthrough of this. It's incredible, and only gets better.
thesurfaceofthemoon: it's like puzzle combat
thesurfaceofthemoon: or a combat puzzle
CaptainSpam: This game is great. Tom Francis does not disappoint.
Invitare: "probability"
notthepenguins: it's so good and it just keeps getting better
KeytarCat: XCom is gambling
gameslayer013: exactly
korvys: It is determanistic, but it's not *completely* telegraphed
Greyah: This is my game of the year. It's really that good.
TehAmelie: 30 euros for the special edition. . .come on, be friday faster
Wolfstrike_NL: yea you dont miss 99% shots 99% of the time here
kaynSD: So glad you love it Cam :D Hope to see you play it more
spurius: i disagreee the behavior is determistic, it doesnt change unless you change something
GapFiller: chances of returning to this one w/ Cori in tow Cam?
kirbytronic: Hope you enjoy playing it again, whether that's on another stream or in your own time
GapFiller: cards cards cards
GapFiller: its Live so somethings gonna happen
gameslayer013: Highly recommend playing through TBW either on your own or on another stream
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streraming.
TheAinMAP: streaming.
GapFiller: thanks for streaming Cam