TXC2: title change!
Didero: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Didero: Good evening!
Didero: Feelin' kinda bleh, so this stream is exactly what I need right now, thanks Ben
nosole subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 134 months, currently on a 134 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nosole! (Today's storm count: 1)
Didero: Now that is a good going-live toot
jedi_master_zll subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
jedi_master_zll: Nice! (almost)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jedi_master_zll! (Today's storm count: 2)
RocknGrohlNerd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
RocknGrohlNerd: We are SA-BACC, chat , we are so back lrrSIG lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RocknGrohlNerd! (Today's storm count: 3)
Xed_Regulus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xed_Regulus! (Today's storm count: 4)
Desruprot: Sabbac and suddenly running into rocks that were not in the middle of the road when you stared
RocknGrohlNerd: Hi chat, mods and future Ben
TXC2: time for a stream from Ben "Sabacc lagac" Ulmer
TXC2: hello RocknGrohlNerd welcome
Desruprot: @RocknGrohlNerd would be weird to encounter a past Ben
Desruprot: limesShrug
TXC2: Here we GO!
Didero: woo
RocknGrohlNerd: @desruprot yes, it happens only in VODs
Didero: Hi Ben!
TXC2: Hello Ben
paronomasiac042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
paronomasiac042: happy thor's day!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, paronomasiac042! (Today's storm count: 5)
Desruprot: Hello present Ben
Laexeus: Mornin? It's 19:06 CEST - good evening Ben!
Didero: I have not but my day is better now the stream started
Desruprot: been at work and it is quiet so, mostly just been
Didero: Then you probably shouldn't keep doing this :p
TXC2: man was not meant to endure the clopen
RocknGrohlNerd: Yeah, its dinner time for me as well😆
Desruprot: just after Lunch for me
TheMerricat: Was this the same wedding Wiggins was at?
TXC2: and not letting DJ Turn-LRR MC? Kappa
TheMerricat: :D
Didero: "You should be more nervous" is NEVER a good thing to say
RocknGrohlNerd: So no carrot carrot milk than @txc2
TXC2: yeah that sounds like Ashley :D
TXC2: RocknGrohlNerd
Didero: "all over the wedding" is rarely a good phrase :p
TXC2: we can only dream
RocknGrohlNerd: How many pumkins😆?
ekplayscards: woooo starwars card simulator pog
Didero: Now that's skill
TimeToFry: 14????????? That's wild
Invitare: is she a Time Lord?
Didero: Nicole really is a special person, and I mean that in the best way
Juliamon: LUL
TXC2: can I get Nicole to help when I move house ? :p
Critterbot: It begins... :D
xantos69: I got my Sabbacc tokens today. Looking forward to game night with my friends.
TheMerricat: While the party was going, Nicole stole 14 pumpkins, and that's bad... :D Kappa
RocknGrohlNerd: David S. Pumpkins , remember David S Pumpkins?
TheMerricat: Holy shit, David S. Punpkins is almost ten years old now?!?!
TXC2: oh the liver jettisons out of your body at 25
Mollylele: drinking indeed hits different in your 30s
QuixoticScrivener: wasn't Gatorade AM, already Gatorade "hang over"?
dutchmoose: pineapple
Mollylele: cherry? because ICEE.
Commander_Taz: Mystery
TheMerricat: Cherry
Didero: marshmellow :p
Commander_Taz: like airheads
Natimus_Prime: Cherry.
Piratical_tendancies: lemon
Invitare: cloudy white could be anything tbh
Mollylele: restored your mana
sephsays: could've been worse. Could've been milk-flavoured gatorade
Natimus_Prime: Fruit punch stole the red, so cherry gets the white. Lemonade would be yellow
Invitare: I would expect a white ice pop to be pineapple. Lemon would be yellow
RocknGrohlNerd: @sephsays i hope you made that up, please tell me you did make it up NotLikeThis
Kentosaurus: pineapple lifesavers
ekplayscards: at least it's not the cucumber gatorade
xantos69: Watermelon has a flavor and it is great. Cucumber also has a flavor and it is bad.
Invitare: cucumber ice cream is a thing
darkcyril: @ekplayscards I unironically fuck with the Cucumber Lime gatorade.
dutchmoose: nix got nixed
Didero: Oh right! I'd forgotten about that
Didero: Ef 'em all up
Natimus_Prime: Artificial watermelon isn't great, but artificial banana is amazing
TXC2: Cucumber has the flavour of crunch
Invitare: ND-5 slander
sephsays: @RocknGrohlNerd my first reaction to "what flavour would you expect white to be" was milk and it horrified me, so I'm glad you could share in the horror of my imagination with me.
dutchmoose: artificial banana is an extinct banana, right?
filthwizard_1985: Milk flavoured ice lollies are a real thing
TheMerricat: @sephsays I'm assuming that you are aware of the 'trend' of Gilk. Gatorade mixed with milk?
Natimus_Prime: @dutchmoose No, it's just the most prominent flavors, there's lots more flavors in real banana
Didero: @TheMerricat 'Gilk' is a good Star Wars name
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
malsareus: So, Ben, how about that gambling?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I loaded the stream to "Bananas are extinct"... this is gonna be a good one.
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Didero: It's probably because the background image is supersized
sephsays: @TheMerricat imagine how disappointing gilk would be if you used milk-flavoured gatorade
TXC2: little Hobbit Ulmer
Invitare: Mini Milks are a thing young children get in UK. I think one of them is just milkflavour
TXC2: Dollery douwus
RocknGrohlNerd: @sephsays yeah that scared me, sooo yeah good imagination , I have to say
lamina5432: afternoon
TXC2: bless you
ekplayscards: lets vidya game so hard
TXC2: hello lamina5432 welcome
astrosmasher: Ben trying to talk Cutesy with a phyrexian shirt on
TXC2: Invitare used to love those
lamina5432: need some gamba luck.
Invitare: the best party member; Hoss
TXC2: recruiting the one person our boss suggested, so red flag there
malsareus: Can ND-5 be our muscle?
Invitare: ND-5 has no muscle
Invitare: he's a robot
Jillexie: Ank was Jaylen's suggestion
TXC2: I;ve seen ND-5 abs, he all show, no go
Jillexie: Well, 1 out of 3 bad if ND-5 is included
malsareus: are you the new Darth Vader?
Didero: What's 'Shadowpoint'?
malsareus: Shatterpoint
Didero: Oh, sorry, thanks
malsareus: what irritates me is that the various SW minis are NOT compatible
TXC2: upcycle your plastic
Didero: Ooh, that looks cool and also like something I'd never find anybody to play with :p
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I know a lot of Star wars mini players are getting... frustrated.. with how often a "new" game comes out or an old game sun sets.
darkcyril: I've got a few Shatterpoint figures that I need to get paint on. They're solid minis. But pricey.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: *that are getting
Didero: I've still got two sets of X-wing Miniatures game I've played with once
Didero: I've got Disney Infinity Star Wars figurines, though they might be slightly too large :p
TXC2: the kitchen table has it's own laws beyond man and God
xantos69: The only star wars mini game I am into is X-wing. I wrote a long form multi-mission campaign system that tracks resources and pilot injuries along with ship destruction.
jedi_master_zll: Twitch chat is being weird today. The program, not the people.
malsareus: So Ben, this appears to be a no alarms zone
MoxCubitZirconium subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MoxCubitZirconium! (Today's storm count: 6)
kragmabutch: i miss kitchen table magic so much. Godsend on Serra Angel all daaaaay
TimeToFry: Dear god Ben
TimeToFry: !card Hokori
LRRbot: Hokori, Dust Drinker [2WW] | Legendary Creature — Spirit [2/2] | Lands don't untap during their controllers' untap steps. / At the beginning of each player's upkeep, that player untaps a land they control.
malsareus: that's so dry
dutchmoose: "begrungingly made a commander deck" is deff a few mtg players nowadays lol
MoxCubitZirconium: Only got into Commander so I could play my old cards. Lin Sivvi was my 1st. Mono-White Rebels!
TXC2: so you lost that game I assume ? :p
TehAmelie: combine that with Kismet, i guess?
RocknGrohlNerd: Old man Ulmer, playing Stax from day one
Didero: Deckbuilding is very intimidating to me
Finalsora811: Do you prefer Commander now, though?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: James playing commander? A rare treat. I know he doesn't really enjoy the format but it's nice to see him.
lamina5432: I’ve found I don’t like cedh.
Abracadaver23: lost all my money in sabacc, I'm workin jabba's palace doing custodial to make up for the losses
jedi_master_zll: Chat keeps saying failed to send...
RocknGrohlNerd: @moxcubitzirconium LinSivvi is my dream deck!! I never finished it, do you have a list somewhere?
xantos69: Honestly that is one of the reasons I am into heads up commander instead of multi player. (Also it eliminates politics)
Invitare: you cannot
TXC2: jedi_master_zll with your own messages? that seems to be happening a lot the last few months
Didero: Noo, not the Gammoreans :(
Invitare: pig guards are like droids
Jillexie: Gammoreans are tough
jedi_master_zll: @TXC2 Yeah it's weird.
Abracadaver23: dude casually took like 50 shots
MoxCubitZirconium: @RocknGrohlNerd Gotta see if I can scrounge it up. Brewed it in the olden days of 2013, before EDHRec and such lrrAWESOME
Invitare: you also cannot sneak attack them
malsareus: supoer sneaks
dutchmoose: Stealth!
TimeToFry: Stealth means no surviving witnesses, right?
Invitare: since I don't think you have the shock prod
Abracadaver23: DO IT, I'M RIGHT HERE, KILL ME
jedi_master_zll: I love the Tiamat brawl deck I have in Arena, but it would cost $450 irl.
Didero: That's why my mother only wants to play co-op games, she'd feel guilty otherwise
malsareus: Nix first, toys later
Invitare: sadly this is the level where you really want it
Jillexie: @TimeToFry As long as the alarm is not set off, you are fine.
Uzumaki15: Yeah, I'll point out other threats at the table, but I don't politic to keep myself alive, it honestly kind works out in my favor
malsareus: the devil you say
Didero: simply be perfectly stealthy
Kentosaurus: bonk
dutchmoose: I had a newer player at Standard FNM not Duress me turn one when he could because he thought it was rude lol
Abracadaver23: Ben might i offer you some deathsticks?
TXC2: dutchmoose to be fair to them it is :p
QuixoticScrivener: thin adobe?
Didero: please don't let her be Force-sensitive, there's too many of those already :/
TehAmelie: keen rogue senses?
Invitare: it's supposed to be Nix that does that
jedi_master_zll: Is Sam Fisher force sensitive?
Jillexie: I could believe NIx is force sensitive, but not Kay.
TheAinMAP: Good hearing.
NorthstarTex: that worked!?
Abracadaver23: PogChamp
Kentosaurus: because every game has arkham style detective vision
Didero: sweet, well done
TehAmelie: backstab them from the front?
jedi_master_zll: Still want another Bounty Hunter game.
Jillexie: @Didero She is not
Invitare: [Kreia approves]
QuixoticScrivener: Next you're going to ask for more Mushroom Kingdom games without plumbers.
Didero: The main downside of the Ahsoka show is (spoilers I guess?) that Sabine is apparently Force-sensitive, the character REALLY didn't need that
sephsays: @QuixoticScrivener heck yeah, give me more yoshi games
Critterbot: They were... not amazing, imo.
Didero: I really like Ahsoka as a character, but her show was disappointing
Didero: Haven't watched the Acolyte either
Waterscorpion: More Andor!
ph0enix__42: Loved both of them
Didero: Obi-Wan wasn't... necessary, but it also wasn't bad
jedi_master_zll: I haven't finished Acolyte. Ahsoka I like in general, didn't like the ending.
Didero: Obi-Wan was inoffensive, which isn't a compliment
Jillexie: Rebels is my favourite
Didero: Rebels is great!
MoxCubitZirconium: I'm always afraid of saying I'm a Star Wars fan tho I've only seen the movies. I don't know where to start outside of them.
Invitare: have you seen Tartakovsky's Clone Wars?
Didero: The main downside of Rebels is that it's a bit of a coming-of-age story, so Ezra starts out really annoying
Invitare: with the original and best version of Grievous
Didero: @MoxCubitZirconium The Clone Wars animated show is a great place to start
dutchmoose: I'm a Star Wars fan and I refuse to have a Disney+ account
xantos69: @MoxCubitZirconium Star with the Star Wars Holiday Special. It is 100% the best part. <SARCASM>
Didero: Bringing a gun to an axe fight and still losing :p
Didero: @dutchmoose It's very appropriate for Star Wars to... smuggle the shows instead :p
dutchmoose: bingo
MoxCubitZirconium: Thanks Ben! I just hate the gatekeeping is all.
RocknGrohlNerd: @invitare you mean the 2000's cartroon? If yes, than yes I did
RocknGrohlNerd: And I loved it
TXC2: who needs book when you can read the synopsis on TV tropes? Kappa
TehAmelie: you know in Knives Out when Benoit talks about Gravity's Rainbow? "no one has read it, it's impossible"
TehAmelie: watching all of Star Wars seems like that
josh___something: Hey there gambler, how's the gambling?
Desruprot: Gambling for the Gambling God, Chips for the Chips Throne.
Didero: Eh, Rebels does get better if you know Clone Wars, but you're right that it's not mandatory
Jillexie: 5 and 6
malsareus: Oh Ben, did you hear there was an Academic conference about the warhammer 40K setting?
malsareus: It was hosted at the Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies
GoRiLLa87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months, currently on a 118 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GoRiLLa87! (Today's storm count: 7)
Didero: The benefit of Clone Wars is that it's the 'first' show made canon, so it doesn't really have references to anything besides the movies
Desruprot: I think before 6 there is also the Ewok trilogy
malsareus: which is the best name ever
Uzumaki15: Both Rebels and Clone Wars can be slow, but yeah they're great
Desruprot: and the Holiday Special is after 4
Uzumaki15: I love all of star wars especially the old republic stuff, but I can't stand the fandom
Desruprot: Republic Commando is very good
xantos69: Hell yea! KOTOR 1 & 2 are amazing.
Invitare: Fallen Order and Survivor both very good, and more modern
Kentosaurus: ^
Didero: @Invitare Cal Kestis is a bit frustrating though :p
malsareus: I'm waiting to see how good the new Dragon Age is
Desruprot: If your looking on the RTS end, Empire at War covers from Before 4 all the way to after 6
Uzumaki15: And both Kotor 1 and 2 are on Switch if you prefer, though 2 is better on PC cus you can get the cut content mod which sadly got canned for the switch version
xantos69: Also you have a lightsaber. That kills anything instantly.
Didero: I should try playing Squadrons again, that's supposed to be a good game too
Critterbot: They have a lot of similarities with souls likes, but they're not souls likes, not really.
MoxCubitZirconium: LOL Just realized the only Star Wars consumption I've done outside of movies what Soul Calibur IV.
TehAmelie: i liked the SNES Star Wars games without having watched the movies. but i wonder if they hold up
Desruprot: It is easy to lose a lightsaber
MoxCubitZirconium: *was
lamina5432: taking notes is something all media does cause what they use worked well in its original form.
Didero: The main problem with games where you have a lightsaber is that they almost always play as if they're a light-up bat instead of superhot plasma
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I would also recommend Star Wars: The Old Repulic (The MMO) being set so far in the past of the universe you don't need much knowledge and there are some *really* good stories. 4 stories per "Alignment" and then the expansions too
Bobtheninjagoldfish: it 100% is.
malsareus: it has too much MMO stuff for me
jedi_master_zll: @Didero I had to install a mod to make the lightsaber feel like a lightsaber.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: you really don't need to engage in any group stuff for the main stories
Invitare: I played at launch for a few months
xantos69: Can confirm I played The Old Republic 100% solo not interacting with anybody that was a player. It was tons of fun.
MoxCubitZirconium: Ah there we go! That's kind of what I'm looking for... something that can bring me back in but not intimidate
Uzumaki15: The Old Republic has great single player stories, i loved the Bounty Hunter and Sith inquisitor
Bobtheninjagoldfish: they even have Story modes on all of the important Instances.
Didero: Does Old Republic have MMO-like combat? That'd put me off
malsareus: super sneaks
malsareus: @Didero yes
TXC2: like hiding from a dog ;p
TehAmelie: i love it when games let you hide for no possible reason except you count as "in cover"
malsareus: it's very WOW like
Bobtheninjagoldfish: yup
jedi_master_zll: I liked the SWTOR stories but really wish I could have killed off some of the companions.
Natimus_Prime: Gammoreans are known for being tough, not smart
Desruprot: I don't think Jabba hires the best his cartel can buy
lamina5432: terra was fun
TXC2: the Fett man!
QuixoticScrivener: can you fight him?
Desruprot: no disintergration
gualdhar: Ugh, I had Wildstar locked in the back of my memory never to see the light of day
Angnor33: He's in tea now!
SymphonySolstice: bobus!
Alephred: Perhaps Boba is enjoying boba.
jedi_master_zll: I hope it lets you shoot Hoss, I'm predicting it won't though.
TheAinMAP: His backpack's got jets.
gualdhar: Yeah the game was. Not. Good.
dutchmoose: Wow same
ShaneLeeAtk: I have not thought qabout MC CHris is a hot minute
dutchmoose: That Twin Peaks track he did was fire
darkcyril: He's still touring.
Invitare: putting an open ventilation shaft in the ceiling of your freezer, on a desert world, doesn't seem like a good idea
raulghoulia: Ben please stop dealing psychic damage to me with 20 year old references
Desruprot: of course they would hide this small pet in the deepest and darkest part of the place
Didero: I mean, if we didn't get Nix back, everybody would just immediately uninstall the game
TehAmelie: transparisteel? what will they think of next
TehAmelie: aerosteel, i'm betting. it's like aerogel, but steel
xantos69: 0/10 dog dies
malsareus: Nyx is the cute pet, those have the most plot armor
Alephred: transpaerosteel.
AtrusOfMyst: Turned Nyx into a bounty hunting super villain
AtrusOfMyst: That would be wild
Jillexie: Never realized how hard this is without the electro-shock upgrade. Had it when I did it.
TehAmelie: yeah even that terrible guy in Seven Psychopaths knew you can't kill the dog
Jillexie: It stuns them.
TehAmelie: do they not believe in raising alarms on this planet?
Desruprot: third times the charm
malsareus: so, our laser orbs have mass?
Didero: Good thing you sabotaged it though
AtrusOfMyst: Pigs only know axe
Invitare: I believe blaster bolts do have mass in Star Wars
raulghoulia: this was the stealth route
Invitare: or maybe I'm thinking of lightsabers
AtrusOfMyst: Space wizardry
raulghoulia: there's a panel on the other side
Invitare: "pull the level, Nix!"
xantos69: Blaster bolts are just hyper charged plasma. they are not "lasers" as some people think.
darkcyril: "'Eff it, we ball" - Kay Vess
MoxCubitZirconium: Even the future needed holes
Bobtheninjagoldfish: gotta scoop that poop
Desruprot: shoves in SPACE
Invitare: different hands maybe
Bobtheninjagoldfish: imagine a Randor sized poop
TehAmelie: they took the pump action shovel from Scary Movie 3 and made it futuristic
TXC2: shovels in a desert world seem useful to me
malsareus: we require spring loaded shovels Ben
Kentosaurus: They're probably vibroshovels or something
Didero: Screw this heist, let's start a zoo!
lamina5432: they dig with light beams probably
Desruprot: free everyone and let chaos ensue.
Invitare: they're all weird dogs
MoxCubitZirconium: Star Wars Outlaws: FEMA Edition
Natimus_Prime: Star wars blasters are plasma, not photons. Lightsabers are also plasma, which is why they can block blasters. Jedi Hunters use old-fashioned metal slug bullets because those just go right through the saber.
Jillexie: No worry about alarms anymore
northos: oh nooooo
xantos69: He had a family!
TehAmelie: are you though?
TXC2: ow
malsareus: VENGEANCE
Desruprot: that left a mark
Bobtheninjagoldfish: hello highlight reel
Didero: Eh, they probably deserved it
Jillexie: Ouch
raulghoulia: wouldn't be an ubisoft game
Invitare: Star Wars: Inlaws
TXC2: xantos69 everyone has a family
AtrusOfMyst: That one got DoorDash-ed
Jillexie: ND-5 cares!
Didero: Nix IS easier to like than Kay though :p
Desruprot: well
TehAmelie: that's what happens when they steal Nix
malsareus: leave him as a warning to the others
TXC2: AAAA gaming
Desruprot: Frozen in Carbonite
AtrusOfMyst: Han Yolo
northos: eyyyyy I thought this would happen
Desruprot: Ho Ho Ho
Invitare: Jabba's favourite trap
Didero: Gotta include all the references :/
filthwizard_1985: Han popsicle
TXC2: Jabba! you sonofabitch
Desruprot: seems pretty Rancory
Didero: Hey, he's an even bigger asshole than we already thought
Kentosaurus: I mean, the game is called outlaws. Not trustworthy citizens.
Invitare: you cannot take Jabba
raulghoulia: Kay is so in over her head at every turn. I love her so much
TXC2: bye Hoss
QuixoticScrivener: oooh, right in the pathos
TehAmelie: nobody kills Jabba but Leia
northos: yes game, Hutt Cartel bad :P
Didero: Weird how stealing from Jabba makes him angry at you :p
TXC2: we DID break in :p
jedi_master_zll: I kinda dislike it when games have a bad guy die in a accidental kind of way instead of the main character killing them.
niccus: this is more willful inaction
TehAmelie: that's the DIsney effect
jedi_master_zll: Lol, I woulda shot him.
Finalsora811: I feel like Adam would let Hoss live if given the choice.
TXC2: I view it like karma, you didn't need to kill them, the universe did it for you
malsareus: os being shot worse than eaten alive?
Didero: Is the bounty hunter not coming?
TXC2: Finalsora811 oh 10000%
malsareus: oh goody an escort quest
A_Dub888: Hi friends, what kind of Sabbac is this?
Desruprot: its okay Jabba will lose his whole operation soon
Didero: Can you push them?
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 this is the running from Jabba sabbac
Invitare: clearly she's holding off Jabba's goons
malsareus: they're chillin
rentar42: they're not ready to take the next step yet
hammith: Oh did the Ubisoft game Ubisoft?
TXC2: vibbin' in the stairs
malsareus: everyone for themselves I guess
Molladia: I'm not normally away at 5am Aus, so I'll take my chance to ask Ben, any music suggestions similar to Meute?
Didero: Maybe they know there's a secret on the other side of the cage :p
Invitare: she didn't follow me either
Desruprot: she said you run
Invitare: a very non-suspicious room
rentar42: when she said "run" was it in a "run along, you little rascal" tone?
otakubox0: magically appears in the cutscene lol
BusTed: wuh oh
niccus: hey, it's less hungry!
TotallyNotaBeholder: So many rancors get killed in star wars games
xantos69: He isn't a good pet owner
QuixoticScrivener: he must get bulk discounts
Desruprot: they always seem to release the rancor while it is eating
TXC2: my beautiful baby boy!
Didero: If Veil can leave, so can you, Kay
AtrusOfMyst: Video game!
knightWarrior82: @desruprot to be fair it’s probably always eating
jedi_master_zll: @Desruprot Maybe they have to give it an appetizer.
Kentosaurus: I like the rancor's anger meter
A_Dub888: does the Rancor have an official Star Wars name? I’m thinking Kevin…
TheAinMAP: Ole!
raulghoulia: why don't they make storm trooper armor out of rancor bits?
malsareus: oh excellent, distraction mooks
Invitare: and the sounds
hackingducks: @A_Dub888 Randy?
Kentosaurus: Kay's and Vail's voices sound to similar to me
otakubox0: wait are the gun sounds gone now too
hackingducks: randy the rancor has a ring to it
jedi_master_zll: All Star Wars bullets are tracers!
QuixoticScrivener: spicy cannister
pn55: "Pew pew"
Didero: Should probably restart the game in the break then
Didero: Incredibly impressive that Kay lived through that
malsareus: assuming it obeyes the rule of 3
TehAmelie: we have the most Con of any rogue
Bobtheninjagoldfish: complainging about a silent gun? this IS a stealth game... hehe
TehAmelie: they might even call her Con Man Kay
A_Dub888: @didero maybe she’s Force sensitive and doesn’t know it
Finalsora811: The mix-up!
malsareus: so, hug the butt and press R1
Didero: @A_Dub888 Even a Jedi would get dissected from a direct Rancor hit
MWGNZ: big naps time
TXC2: poor Rancor gonna get CTE
TotallyNotaBeholder: I wonder what CTE protocol in Jabba's Palace is
TehAmelie: not many animals can be baited into beating themselves unconscious
niccus: what about... bigger rancor
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown
Didero: Play Sabacc for your freedom!
Kentosaurus: or we promise to cut him in on the heist
xantos69: @TehAmelie Adam can
Invitare: interesting
malsareus: did we do a right an proper crash?
hammith: Oh did the Ubisoft game Ubisoft... again?
TheAinMAP: jlrrDang
TXC2: brokey artachoky
TehAmelie: is it patch day or somethin
MoxCubitZirconium: UbiSAWFT
Desruprot: but does this mission involve Sabbacc?
Didero: Or it means that Kay got frozen in carbonite and this is what she's seeing right now
otakubox0: what if it didn't save and you had to run that back
RocknGrohlNerd: Trippple A gaming
A_Dub888: oh Ubisoft
malsareus: but are they good autosaves
Didero: I feel like saving Kay as Nix would be far easier than saving Nix as Kay was
TXC2: I like how there's THREE MTG arena thumbnails on LRR;s Desktop :p
MWGNZ: come on play as Anhk and his sack of grenades
Invitare: you want a game where you play as a non-Jedi, I want a game where you play as a droid
TotallyNotaBeholder: I was there, when the ancient texts were written
Didero: @Invitare The dream!
AtrusOfMyst: Battle Droid + trenchcoat = Hot Robot
Uzumaki15: I sadly lost that after Mass Effect 3
TehAmelie: playing as Nix would be fun but they're too powerful to make it last long
TXC2: I remember when playing an EA game was hype :p
Kentosaurus: blurgh
Didero: The upgrade system in a game with a droid protagonist would also be very easy, just replace bodyparts
Finalsora811: Ya hate to see it.
MoxCubitZirconium: I want a game simulating as the bartender at Mos Eisley Cantina
malsareus: Rancor 2: Tatooine boogaloo
raulghoulia: "Star Wars Outlaws Voice Actor Responds to Fans Calling ND-5 a 'Hot Droid'"
lamina5432: a roguelite as a droid where you slowly upgrade your body
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I suddenly really want a "Noir" deteective game with an old style "Roger Roger" battel droid in a trenchcoat and a fedora acting like a grizzled detective. and I have no idea why
Desruprot: Rancor 2: Electric beastie
malsareus: I wanna be a mid rim droid mechanic
WiJohn: Cantina manager sim, hutt palace sim
Desruprot: rr Rancor 2: Electic Palace
DrLigmaPhD: Cantina Band - Guitar Hero style
darkcyril: Edge of the Empire/Age of Rebellion/Force & Destiny
malsareus: bring me your Astromech droids
Desruprot: ouch
TehAmelie: @DrLigmaPhD they could call it J*zz Master
TheAinMAP: mattlrDed
malsareus: what is Jabba paying that these mooks will jump into the Rancor pit
jedi_master_zll: Yeah there's different names and they have different classes/backgrounds basically.
DrLigmaPhD: @TehAmelie Jizz Hero
Didero: @malsareus If they don't Jabba will sell their family
TehAmelie: twitch warned me when i tried to send that uncensored. they don't know Star Wars, those philistines
TXC2: TehAmelie auto mod is weird :P
Alephred: A blanket warning on Jizz is probably for the best, really.
TehAmelie: well, you all knew what i meant and that's what matters
WiJohn: Got his bell Elden rung
TotallyNotaBeholder: Chonkpont reached
raulghoulia: itd be funny if the game corrupted and that's just where Kay's story ended
rentar42: they did have to load quite a chunky boy in ...
Invitare: you called it
Finalsora811: You called it.
Natimus_Prime: Jabba never goes to eat seafood without his Bib for Tuna
TXC2: Natimus_Prime booooo Kappa
A_Dub888: I came in late, did we happen to come across a certain former smuggler in Jabba's palace?
otakubox0: I love how there's just a constant [door crashing] in the back
Natimus_Prime: @A_Dub888 yup, still on the wall
TXC2: A_Dub888 we sure did
Didero: Can't we just... leave and not do Jabba's mission now?
TehAmelie: Jabba looks weird in this. shouldn't he be much more slimy?
Didero: I would never trust Salacious Crumb
TheAinMAP: Something's crashing.
JoannaTastic: Jabba's like "oh yeah I've been meaning to get that door fixed for weeks"
TXC2: how Han doin'?
Invitare: that door is still going
Didero: HANging around
malsareus: door crashing
Critterbot: @Didero Boo! :D
TheMerricat: Game is a coward, should have let us save Solo.
darkcyril: <slow heavy metal door crashing plays>
Uzumaki15: It's the Rancor just continuing to smack his head against the door XD
TimeToFry: Hold. This area needs to load in first
Didero: @TheMerricat bUt ThE cAnOn
malsareus: that door is gonna crash all the way to Kimi
RocknGrohlNerd: @didero okey very good wheelerRita
WiJohn: Door crashing is here for ever!
raulghoulia: Door Crashing is the brother of Sam Groans
QuixoticScrivener: Save and reload?
TimeToFry: Door Crashing
malsareus: Dad likes us
TXC2: our glucose papa
A_Dub888: "Also this door keeps crashing"
RocknGrohlNerd: Door crashing is new metal pipe.wav?
Kentosaurus: can we set LRRbot to randomly say "door crashing"
Didero: Maybe there isn't a door crashing and Kay just has hearing damage from all the explosions
rentar42: and a few months down the line, you sleep fast in your ship and think nothing of it ... but suddenly, quite far away you hear it ... door crashing ... it's quiet right now, but it's getting closer
Invitare: you can't leave the planet
TehAmelie: like when the internet breaks and you keep trying different tabs eh
A_Dub888: @rentar42 In space no one can hear your door crash
RocknGrohlNerd: @raulghoulia good one breyaProfChamp
TotallyNotaBeholder: It's across the street from Fort MoonFrost
rentar42: noone ever asks *how* is fort sunfire
Commander_Taz: its next to fort crown vic and for saab
Ninja_DEN: much like star wars as a whole, you are stuck on tatooine.
NathanLonghair: God I love this. 2 min after I join the stream Ben goes “We survived the Rancor! …soooo gambling?”
TXC2: Commander_Taz :D
AtrusOfMyst: Sunfire sounds like a Teentitans character
TXC2: Deserts are cheep to film in
malsareus: surely there are mutliple dessert planets
Invitare: you also missed the meal on Akiva
A_Dub888: Fort "Sunfire" you say, unrelated, guess what web series turned 5 this week
malsareus: there HAVE to be more rocks with sand on them out there
AtrusOfMyst: The Pykes had a bounty on my head for a bit too. Eventually we got away and made nice
Didero: There are also people you can just buy off to increase your reputation just enough that they don't want to kill you, right?
TehAmelie: i hope we don't have to race Speed Racer
northos: oh my god Kay
Bruceski: Less speeder, more spheda
raulghoulia: Here he comes, here comes Pod Racer
TXC2: road quest debuted 5 years ago, it was filmed 6 and half :p
MoxCubitZirconium: Mach GoGoGo!!!
rentar42: fun fact: if you ask a scammer if it's a scam, they have to tell you truthfully!
accountmadeforants: Speeder Racer and Speeder Race, Speed Racer's lesser known cousins.
malsareus: so, when are the tusken raiders shooting at us?
RocknGrohlNerd: @northos I mean all scammers are legaly obligated to tell you
Didero: Now this is shot racing
TheAinMAP: Certainly makes things more exciting.
malsareus: this feels very Tatooine dessertrace
RocknGrohlNerd: Oh Bichael, you ruined it
Kentosaurus: just need a blue shell
shendaras: they could crash too?
Astramentha: steveinGG steveinGG steveinGG
TXC2: rubberbanding to the rescue ?
TehAmelie: i feel like we could ask for a do over
accountmadeforants: Nobody beats Speeder Racer, he's got the power of friendship on his side. Friendship with hooligans.
TXC2: you had one job Bichael
accountmadeforants: Comedy!
MoxCubitZirconium: Damn! GTA3
RocknGrohlNerd: Bichael the
anclag: we’ve looked after Bichael so well and this is how he repays us?
TehAmelie: pff buying stuff? what kind of rogue are we?
rentar42: "No one gets away, but somehow we lost them ..."
0x6772: What happened to "no one gets away", Miss "Loss the Suspect"?
Kentosaurus: that's actually some impressive upper body strength to climb a rope like that
Desruprot: I dont think they would be payed enough to search up the mountain
malsareus: lol
TehAmelie: their vision is based on salary
malsareus: r00d
malsareus: can Vail die on the job?
malsareus: Hoos did
malsareus: she's part of our problems
rentar42: geography is really cool in how it color-codes rocks for climbability like that ...
RocknGrohlNerd: Some rough edges on this game but hey, small indie developer Ubisoft, sooo
rentar42: crazy how nature do that.
malsareus: plenty of problems die in imperial bases
NathanLonghair: not how bounties work tho
RatherLargeToad: But then the bad guy might send someone else component
A_Dub888: chat I was thinking, this is Fort "Sunfire" ... and there's a character introduced in Rebels named "Sabine".... how long until Crown Vic appears in the Star Wars Universe?
Didero: @malsareus And new ones are created!
TehAmelie: is that Vader's shuttle?
0x6772: Lotsa shouting in these Imperial drills.
malsareus: @Didero truly the circle of plot hooks
TehAmelie: sure there's some crook named Vic
Didero: A Crown Vic is a police car, right? Clone Wars and Rebels have police spaceships, no reason this game couldn't have 'em
malsareus: we could name our ship Crown Vic
TXC2: how do we get Ford F150 into the franchise? Kappa
malsareus: it sure is sturdy
malsareus: these people have the LOS of a keyhole
RocknGrohlNerd: You know what that means chat, roadwueat
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 With all the Letter-ships, I'm sure there are F-wings. And one of the pilots/units could be codenamed F150
MoxCubitZirconium: My life for a 93 Toyota Camry
rentar42: "must have been the wind"
TheAinMAP: Really just need a royal Vic wearing a crown.
Didero: Ah, here we go, the 'LAAT/le patrol gunship'
RocknGrohlNerd: Roadquest 2 confirmed
TXC2: accountmadeforants you know what, good point
A_Dub888: @accountmadeforants Maybe its an Astromech...
jessicatheblack: Road Quest was amazing
TehAmelie: "guard vision is based on wages" is really the best explanation i've heard for stealth games. well done, me
MWGNZ: friday nights not a road trip
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Hopefully Cam gets to be invovled. he was great in the "Pilor"
jessicatheblack: I re-watch roadquest from time to time
NathanLonghair: Next year in Mexico!🇲🇽
Finalsora811: What's stopping you guys from doing a Road Quest 2?
Didero: A lot of LRRfolk really like Road Quest, but it's probably far from trivial to make a sequel
TXC2: Finalsora811 time and money
jessicatheblack: @Finalsora811 its a scheduling nightmare, expensive and complicated
MWGNZ: @Finalsora811 time and money
malsareus: you need an entire Serge to handle the planning
RocknGrohlNerd: Oh it must be so tough to plan
Invitare: it took like 2 years to finish didn't it? It's a massive undertaking
mossknight497: Road Quest 2: Desert Bus IRL
jessicatheblack: SHS - Super Hero Serge
TehAmelie: need a kickstarter to fund it to begin with, and that needs a complete plan beforehand. . .
xantos69: With enough money you can buy more time... so give me a kickstarter
rentar42: Also, since the subtitle is contractually required to be "electric boogaloo" that necessarily implies all-ev cars, which is hard to get on a budget ...
raulghoulia: Please tell us more about how cool your coworkers are
Desruprot: having multiple MTG Judges on the team also helps I'm sure
jessicatheblack: Japan would be amazing
anclag: Iceland gets mentioned as an option
Mollylele: probably also the post-processining on alllll that footage was enough to kill a man
jedi_master_zll: Steal a chicken walker!
xantos69: I'm still all in on "Road Quest 2: Boat Quest" The once around the island trip.
A_Dub888: @raulghoulia you're cool
rentar42: that is a much greater achievement than it sounds like
MWGNZ: "people" doesnt include gib
Didero: Oh yeah, I definitely dislike some of my coworkers
MoxCubitZirconium: Roadquest 2: ATL Rush Hour or "How America Broke LRR"
jessicatheblack: @MWGNZ but everyone loves Gib!
raulghoulia: "Fuck Paul"
jessicatheblack: HAHA
Bobtheninjagoldfish: yeah if RQ2 becomes a thing I would like to see Hootie and Olive be a team.
anclag: There’s only one person I dislike….and I’m not going to tell you who it is
RocknGrohlNerd: LUL
rentar42: I'm sure that's one of those low-security imperial bases, it'll probably be fine
dutchmoose: I love that klaxon sound effect so much
malsareus: we are the most sneaky
TheMerricat: why bother with getting a heavy if we ARE the heavy? :D
Didero: Is there some way to turn off the alarm?
A_Dub888: Considering its ya know, THE GALACTIC EMPIRE, isn't everybody wanted to some degree?
Desruprot: there were alarms down there not up here
Desruprot: It was just a very violent rat
RuiFaleiro: nyx is not nobody :(
JoannaTastic: The best time to stop searching is when you lose someone
0x6772: Was he taking a leak?
malsareus: waiting for shift end
TehAmelie: the sneak attack animations could really have used a lot more punch
TehAmelie: (so to speak)
A_Dub888: "Man, this is a neat door..."
raulghoulia: waiting for their elevator. time for shift change and they wanted to get home to their hunny
malsareus: @TehAmelie they feel so slappy
Invitare: there's actually a way in that skips ALL of this interior. You enter right here, from outside
TehAmelie: slappy, sedate, floaty
Didero: Eh, I don't think Tatooine is a priority for the Empire
raulghoulia: there should be an auto destruct in all these bases
TehAmelie: passwords you can guess in three tries aren't secure? what
Invitare: yes, you did
Invitare: you can only get in, not out unfortunately
Didero: @TehAmelie Yeah, most password entry forms don't have an "Ooh, almost correct!" response :p
dutchmoose: Just blow it up already lol
malsareus: no just nuke the place
malsareus: glass it from orbit
TXC2: given Vader is FROM Tatoonie you'd think there'd be SOME interest :p
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
dutchmoose: they HAVE a planet blower uper, just use it
anclag: Ugh Tatooine…if only we had some kind of planet destroying weapon we could use to take that place out
Invitare: you have to unlock that
TheAinMAP: jlrrCreeper
raulghoulia: melee build
Finalsora811: Melee build!
malsareus: because you're the face
malsareus: you're the George Clooney of this outfit
TehAmelie: face, muscle and brains. Kay is a one woman gang
MoxCubitZirconium: Lvl 3 Fist with Knuckle Buff
malsareus: can we grab an AT-SIT?
Desruprot: AT-STs right there dang we can't use them
Andymonium: Twitch's video didn't load for a second so I just heard Skyrim music and was worried I'd clicked on the wrong link, A+ experience all around - what's up everybody
Didero: Aw, droid hiding under the stairs
0x6772: It'd be too much to hope for that we get to drive out in a AT-ST, right?
A_Dub888: What do you mean we can't pilot the AT-STs, they're RIGHT THERE!?
TehAmelie: maybe in a cutscene at best
TXC2: hello Andymonium welcome
TXC2: Stealth is people without a dog
BusTed: what a brawler
Didero: The only downside is that Kay hase more bacta fluid than blood right now :p
ThePerrBearr: harnessing your inner Agatha Fisty
Andymonium: This week, on Oki Oki Fight Club...
Finalsora811: "Stealth is optional for this mission." Me:
RocknGrohlNerd: @andymonium hi wheelerRita we are enjoying so much action today, welcome
TehAmelie: Vail was clever enough just to grab an imperial speeder
Andymonium: @RocknGrohlNerd such stealth, very sneak, wow XD
Invitare: yeah that happened a lot to me in this escape
malsareus: stop shooting, just ram
Didero: good game
0x6772: "You" lost fail
A_Dub888: cool game
0x6772: er, "Vail", but still
Bobtheninjagoldfish: What DOES Stormtrooper armor do? it doesn't protect from blaster fire and it doesn't protect you from punching....
BusTed: stuntin'
malsareus: pfffff
A_Dub888: @Bobtheninjagoldfish intimidation?
Didero: @Bobtheninjagoldfish It's mainly there to look intimidating
BusTed: huh
0x6772: uh
Invitare: yeah don't go too fast
Desruprot: LUL
MoxCubitZirconium: UbiSAWFT!
Andymonium: Gaming™
malsareus: this seems to be an escort mission
Finalsora811: Ope, excuse me.
raulghoulia: storm trooper pit manuevers
SourcePlaysGames: I think this is the first time I've ever tuned into this stream and Ben WASN'T gambling
TXC2: like a sun rise Kappa
Andymonium: are they TRYING to ditch you? rude, tbh
malsareus: gotta love escort quests
TehAmelie: Vail you're supposed to at like a team player
Desruprot: the silly thing is your trying to get away, so if you lose them you should be okay
RuiFaleiro: all you have to do is follow the train
BusTed: Talking to Vail like a wayward pet
BusTed: ope, just gonna..
0x6772: Speeder dancing!
Andymonium: XD
Andymonium: best quality: her wiggles
TXC2: wideo games !
Kentosaurus: pathfinding in 2024
raulghoulia: stop making fun the ubisoft engine it's doing its best
schordash: LUL LUL LUL
malsareus: got her speeder is slow
JoannaTastic: The mating rituals of the speeder are still little understood
TehAmelie: a heavily scripted race but no one gave Kay her lines. . .
TXC2: they just don't have the technology
TXC2: have we seen Vail walk yet?
QuixoticScrivener: is that to keep them out of trouble?
malsareus: well she's watching your back
Didero: pay no heed to the ample explosives
xantos69: They probobly had LOTS of trouble with them getting in the way by following closer. so instead of fixing it they "Fixed It" (tm)
A_Dub888: Anyone watch Outlaw Josey Wales? Getting that kind of vibe right now
raulghoulia: Bibula
Andymonium: bus
malsareus: the jamming bus
TXC2: Metal box
Desruprot: oh look motr
TehAmelie: we only have to "survive". maybe Vail will handle it
Didero: Vail, don't walk in front of a shooting gun...
0x6772: Maybe don't walk in the middle of my firing line, Vail.
RocknGrohlNerd: A deset bus? For a new hope
malsareus: but we have a grenade launcher in our gun
Desruprot: limesBlink
TehAmelie: i guess the reinforcements came
shendaras: You hadn't even gone melee mode yet
raulghoulia: Thelma and Louise ending?
TXC2: Gunship rescue time me thinks
Didero: "Just jam a bacta vial in there, I've done it hundreds of times"
brieandbacon: Just use the force, or something
RocknGrohlNerd: Ooh I like that
A_Dub888: Feels like the fort commander is overcompensating sending this many troopers after TWO people
Didero: What does "New map available" mean?
jedi_master_zll: That's like a moment from Medal of Honor, where we're doing just fine, plenty of ammo, and the game is like "We're out of ammo, we're gonna die!".
TXC2: "what do you mean dead? I have 50 phoenix downs!"
RocknGrohlNerd: @txc2 I'd save them for later, may need them,
Didero: Is this the guy we're robbing?
0x6772: (But, fair warning, Boba Fett's gonna come take it for himself later on.)
0x6772: @Didero It's the guy we already robbed (of the ship), for that matter.
Andymonium: ben you can't say that on twitch
Finalsora811: That's Goku's wife, right?
xantos69: Man I am hungry. I could go for some bacca chichi
Critterbot: Cutscene bullets goes right through plot armor.
Didero: @0x6772 Ah, thanks
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Phoenix downs are weird. cause in some games they rez and in others they "Cure KO"
TehAmelie: Han would shoot her at this point
brieandbacon: Queers in a Disney IP?
ThePerrBearr: in a ubisoft game?
0x6772: Gambling?
TXC2: there's dumbass gays, and then there's Kay Vess :p
Strebenherz: Ben: neurons activate
Bobtheninjagoldfish: the trigger phrase has been uttered
Andymonium: is it like a double negative? does it cancel out and become super queer?
Critterbot: Made him perk right up, huh? :D
raulghoulia: or a Klingon
malsareus: or a space marine
TehAmelie: they're probably half timelords
jedi_master_zll: Was he working on a pit droid?
xantos69: Only one thing to do with that kind of money... to the gambling tables!
Kentosaurus: can we do electro stun baton yet?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: remember you said you wanted better slicing tools
Didero: do NOT hurt the droids!
Astramentha: D:
malsareus: dad needs new glasses
A_Dub888: Clone Wars? Are we gonna fight battle droids?
0x6772: Look, I know the droid's got problems right now, but… Sabacc!
Invitare: this isn't actually as urgent as the context implies, you can get distacted if you want
Desruprot: We might be able to fight droids, I forget if some rogue droids exist post Clone Wars
CMDRNuffin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months, currently on a 63 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CMDRNuffin! (Today's storm count: 8)
TXC2: and were can we afford new glasses? that's right, Sabacc Kappa
TehAmelie: ah, we can sneak attack with gun
Desruprot: looks Jawa
TXC2: ^
jedi_master_zll: I hope this doesn't turn out like ME2's "suicide" mission.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: maybe "Trandoshan ship mechanic" means someone who works on trandoshan ships?
malsareus: gamble?
Desruprot: We were here for Sabbacc after all
Didero: Oh good, I have to go to the bathroom too, thanks
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Skye_Stryke subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Skye_Stryke! (Today's storm count: 9)
dutchmoose: Yo I'm getting a Christmas ad
TehAmelie: speaking of Star Wars, who's watching Shrinking? ol Harrison Ford himself playing a great therapist
TXC2: and we're back
TehAmelie: hi again
malsareus: walk bennie boi
niccus: gotta be in Nevada, it's a state holiday (because it's also when it became a state)
lamina5432: sounds like North America
TehAmelie: but if Halloween was a holiday the internet would take october-december off
malsareus: Can we just agree that the Christmas tunes should be siloed in December?
TXC2: malsareus yes
Desruprot: the Homesteader they send multiple armys after
dutchmoose: Pay and a half on Halloween
bondeulv: this game is kind of jank, huh
0x6772: You did come by this Pike enmity honestly.
TXC2: thanksgiving, now there's a made up holiday :p
malsareus: the Pikes just really like your ass
Didero: Can we increase our Pyke standing here?
bondeulv: yeah, I saw the clips in the highlights and watched the first day
QuixoticScrivener: aren't all holidays made up?
BusTed: made up by big Thank
Desruprot: It is a relic of ancient history a vault from before The Great War
darkcyril: Sebulba
jedi_master_zll: Sebulba
brieandbacon: Sebulba was a Dug, right?
TXC2: sebulba was the pod racer ?
Didero: Anything for the Pykes? I don't know their symbol
Desruprot: Now this is Podracing
Mangledpixel: your reward: a durian
0x6772: Maylon fruit, or however you spell it. They really love that post Rebels.
brieandbacon: An upside-down pineapple. Your reward: Keys in the bowl
0x6772: @brieandbacon Family show!
Didero: Kessel Sabacc is indeed for babies, yes Kappa
TXC2: live big
xantos69: a pair of 3's is going to be the second best hand.
dutchmoose: Getting the numerals to scan to Galactic Standard is real phenomenal work tbh
Desruprot: woah
bondeulv: ez game
Invitare: double draw
Critterbot: lrrWOW
xantos69: they must hate money
BusTed: bold gambit
ThePerrBearr: punished? what's that?
Invitare: oh it was anohter one
Desruprot: played fair
jedi_master_zll: Why would you ever discard the card you just picked up?
Didero: @jedi_master_zll You can also take a card from the draw pile
jedi_master_zll: @Didero Yeah I didn't think about that for some reason.
Didero: @jedi_master_zll I'd forgotten about it too :D
TehAmelie: this IS the baby table
Uzumaki15: Why did he not take the Sylop?!?
xantos69: They must have learned the game from a bantha
Didero: 'Pauan' or something, I think?
0x6772: Upbeat Jizz!
Uzumaki15: Pantoran?
TXC2: isn't that Trawn's race ?
Jillexie: Pantoran
jedi_master_zll: @TXC2 Thrawn was a Chiss
TheAinMAP: No, Thrawn's have red eyes.
Desruprot: superweapons engineer oh right
TXC2: jedi_master_zll ah, I remembered Chiss was something, got confused, thanks
bondeulv: I don't think you're talking loud enough
jedi_master_zll: I want more Kel Dor characters in Star Wars games.
Desruprot: in a planet known for gambling, not much Sabbacc
brieandbacon: Stabbed in the back by a criminal? No...
TehAmelie: sabacc is all politics am i right
Uzumaki15: I will say, you have to be Excellent rep to get back into Jabba's Palace, but I don't think there was a sabacc table in there
TheAinMAP: DoritosChip
dutchmoose: Hapa patupa Mountain Dew Baja Blast gochichu
Desruprot: eh Pykes had it coming
Critterbot: Y-yes, quite.
SourcePlaysGames: Who ha wama indeed
malsareus: one daY we'll send the Pikes some friendship cookies
TehAmelie: hawa nussa debaa nuggies ooh
Desruprot: is that hunter even alive now?
malsareus: Jayen says we're the heavy now
Didero: We ARE going to fix him, right?
Kentosaurus: open world AAAA
Didero: phew
Didero: He said "The Toshara route"
Invitare: it's not a sequence break or anything, they just don't want to lock you into that quest I think
Desruprot: The Kessel Run in however many Parsecs
TehAmelie: we were able to do missions without Nix, but ND is too crucial to the team to have him go offline huh
a_serious_moose subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, a_serious_moose! (Today's storm count: 10)
Invitare: oh yeah this quest is rough
ElektroTal: everything has super armor
Invitare: I think I had full upgrades and it was still hard
RocknGrohlNerd: @desruprot avngrLurk but but parsecs are unit of... Okey I'll see myself out
TXC2: punch it !
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
xantos69: Never betray the Hutts.
TXC2: but money Kappa
Desruprot: but we were intending to be good with Hutts
brieandbacon: It's just good business
ElektroTal: <message deleted>Hey gurl, i hear you're into Hutt Stuff
ElektroTal: ok that was bad, mods please delete i'm embarrassed
bistod subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bistod! (Today's storm count: 11)
TehAmelie: continue to screw the Pykes, sounds good
Didero: Aw, now the VOD watchers won't be able to see your pun
TXC2: ElektroTal I got ya
TehAmelie: now i wonder if anyone ever calls him Jabba the Butt
Didero: All puns are bad, that's their whole point! :p
malsareus: we need like, actual guns
ElektroTal: @TXC2 thankee
jedi_master_zll: Unrealistic wish for a new Star Wars game, Bounty Hunter crossed with Rogue Squadron.
svenning28: the hutts only sent one ship for this?
Raincoast_Bear: Ben "Kenobi" Ulmer. lrrBEN I have a bad feeling about this...
0x6772: Are those flames on the Hutt ships a problem at all
Desruprot: they could repair them, but maybe they dont have astral droids
malsareus: freighters are typically not fast
xantos69: You can totally take a ship into orbit while it is on fire.
0x6772: GTA rules, I guess.
TheAinMAP: mattlrFine bbirbJUSTFINE
TXC2: I question fire looking like that in space
0x6772: @TXC2 It's burning vented oxygen. Don't worry about what they're breathing.
Desruprot: success
TXC2: "that's the neat part, you don't"
TehAmelie: i'd settle for being invited to Jabba's party with Leia
Derekwillis: I think there's this party he'll be throwing soon. Showing off his new art piece.
jedi_master_zll: Get invited to Jabba's birthday, turns out you're the entertainment.
lamina5432: all those stat points you put into sabak instead is really hurting.
Desruprot: fly Casual
Juliamon: you chose..... poorly
0x6772: You're just saving the best for last!
TXC2: how ironic
TjPshine: all i wanna do is have sum fun
Uzumaki15: Look he's been on a real hot sabacc streak ok
TehAmelie: never gone on a ten months bender?
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
Invitare: you need to do the gunner ability quest
Raincoast_Bear: I think I saw Hutt Cartel come up on map near cantina....
Garfy400 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Garfy400! (Today's storm count: 12)
Invitare: yeah the sheriff
anclag: very “Thriller”
Raincoast_Bear: Snazzy
Raincoast_Bear: Axolotl puppy is cute.
TXC2: based on my rough calculation, the speeder goes 90 KmPH
jedi_master_zll: Oh I know what mod I want now, I want to turn Nix into a Nexu.
xantos69: We take those
Marvoleath: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
TheAinMAP: jlrrCoolgame
Bruceski: Kay isn't genre-savvy at all.
0x6772: Kay, that's what we were trying to do!
brieandbacon: Urrdrrr Trrr
TXC2: the under bur
brieandbacon: Oh my
TehAmelie: what if we say we'll help and then we turn on them for the hutts?
0x6772: Could you, like, put on a mask or something? Please, game?
TjPshine: feel like this is the rdr2 system coming in
TjPshine: oh cool
TehAmelie: close only counts in horseshoes and handgre, oh you have a grenade launcher
datastorm17: just got home from work, glad I could catch the stream while eating a Krabby Patty lol
QmonsterGames: The Wambam Thank You Ma'am Blaster
TjPshine: that guys voice is familiar
TXC2: kablamo
WiJohn: Only shoot dudes with red icons
0x6772: What, like, don't point it at Pykes?
datastorm17: Kay has that "my face is tired" syndrome in cutscenes
TheMerricat: You know.... Ben's troubles sorta parallel Kay's own story, keeps trying to get to a goal but everyone pulls them off target. :D
Invitare: she contacts you at some point about it
Invitare: I don't know how you trigger it
Invitare: ah there we go
0x6772: cooooooool
TheAinMAP: Ah Ha!
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
xantos69: god this game is janky
Uzumaki15: I know there's Hutt Cartel Territory in Mos Eisley that has a table... and there's the unlock for the High Roller table XD
TheMerricat: It's Ubisoft gang, what did you expect? :D
Uzumaki15: Veedeeo Games! XD
TjPshine: life is a fetch quest
Didero: "I'm also not going easy on me!"
0x6772: "I'll make this more interesting: I'll paint your speeder for you!"
Invitare: this is High Roller
Didero: @TjPshine Life is an escort quest, but you're your own escort
Invitare: Quint has the gold diamond under her profile
BrowneePointz: is that a Weequay lady in a Nerfboy hat?
Indirnys subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months, currently on a 69 month streak!
Indirnys: nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Indirnys! (Today's storm count: 13)
azureHaights: For every Miyazaki there is a TOTALLY ACCURATE "[...] is a mistake" quote
TXC2: Indirnys ncie
Critterbot: Huh...
Kentosaurus: poodoo\
dzee_szed: Wait is this a surprise Is This Your Card stream
TXC2: 4 aces got beat by a Royal flush :p
0x6772: Even peeking, not sure what you could've done about that.
xantos69: this is not the baby table.
0x6772: ahhh, right
anclag: Now that’s pod racing!
Uzumaki15: Let that be a lesson to you kids: Always Cheat
BrowneePointz: I’m still not over Weequay Lady in a Nerfboy hat
TehAmelie: is this how sleight of hand really works?
azureHaights: @TehAmelie As someone with the manual dexterity of a wet noodle, I can absolutely confirm
TehAmelie: gotta place your nerve muscle signals into the little box?
TehAmelie: wow, at worst you'll be banned from this table. temporarily
TehAmelie: they're never get the double 0s a second time, right
Didero: Is two imposters the best hand, or do you then have to roll twice?
shendaras: Do you get to keep both the cards still?
Marvoleath: Why does the guy who's out, outing you? :P
Didero: @Marvoleath Revenge?
Juliamon: they wanna play spoiler
Kentosaurus: rude
Critterbot: Oofa!
TXC2: mother busser
TehAmelie: lrrJUDGE
Didero: Is this the first time you lost a Sabacc game?
xantos69: run it back!
niccus: hey, you have a budget
TXC2: Didero 2nd time
svenning28: adult table
Juliamon: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 3:04:02.
TheAinMAP: Oh.
Invitare: The Boss of Sabaac
TjPshine: win his ship poggy
Didero: @TXC2 Oh, right, thanks
TehAmelie: funny he only wants to challenge you right after you've proved you can lose
TjPshine: thanks buddy
TXC2: thanks for streaming Ben
lamina5432: Gnight Ben
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Juliamon: We had some plot-heavy sessions, we have earned a Sabacc-heavy one
MoxCubitZirconium: lrrGREED lrrGREED lrrGREED
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (54m from now).
TXC2: Magic the Grahaming
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeTrainn
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Marvoleath: Something's going to happen
Juliamon: No ITYC again until November
anclag: Thanks for the stream Ben, have a great haircut!
TXC2: scroll is fast no?
Didero: Thanks for the stream!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Didero: It was exactly the mood boost I needed :)
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
Didero: Good night everybody!
TXC2: Goodnight everybody