QuixoticScrivener: Bets on which commanders we'll see?
Decaped: The one that didn't get to do anything in the EDSC episode lrrBEEJ
Juliamon: I know the answer so I can give you a very vague spoiler if you want
QuixoticScrivener: no need to spoil, just checking if anyone was actually in chat this early
Juliamon: there's always someone in chat
LoadingReadyRun: !cardview off
LRRbot: Card viewer disabled
QuixoticScrivener: even at 4 am
RockPusher: Chat is always watching. Always.
QuixoticScrivener: for bonus mystery streams
Metric_Furlong: Chat abides
Strebenherz: what does card view do?
Juliamon: That's the card reader
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: one Andrew from the teeming mass of humanity
Metric_Furlong: posts the cards placed on the card reader in chat
Strebenherz: ahhh
Juliamon: I do think it would be funny if they did an 'offline' stream for Halloween where they communicated with chat via the card reader
Juliamon: like a really weird ouija
accountmadeforants: Instead of Good Bye it's Bump In The Night to cap things off
Metric_Furlong: or like that time in the pre-pandemic years were they "streamed" for half an hour, not realising they weren't broadcasting because chat just coincidentally happened to be talking about something related to what they were talking about
Strebenherz: pft
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week, SPOOKY COMMANDER! Oooooooh. Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PDT (0s from now).
accountmadeforants: Though speaking of the occult, I've just started watching the Dan Da Dan anime, and the animation is better than I could've ever hoped for. Science Saru really knows what they're doing.
laikagoat: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Welbog: I, for one, am scared.
accountmadeforants: (They also did Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken)
Juliamon: vague hint anyway: lrrSPOOPY
accountmadeforants: Spooky Commander Night: Nobody has a wincon
KeytarCat: @accountmadeforants Oh shit, That's why!
laikagoat: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
accountmadeforants: lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
micalovits: lrrSIG lrrSIG
Sorator13: lrrSIG
Fruan: Friday Night Paper Cut! I mean Fight!
Juliamon: the real scary bit is that the stream started on its own for me!
superdude097: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
squ3e: Did I miss FNPF last week? I cant find the vod anywhere!
Strebenherz: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
Metric_Furlong: @Juliamon same; it's creepy and weird
accountmadeforants: Yup, same also, maybe a ghost hit the refresh button
Redbassist: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Juliamon: Last week was a filming day
Sorator13: @Juliamon without refreshing? Yeah, Twitch has seemed better about that lately, which is nice
Cannons_are_an_instrument subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months, currently on a 109 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cannons_are_an_instrument! (Today's storm count: 33)
DarknessKingCoH subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DarknessKingCoH! (Today's storm count: 34)
KaleidoscopeMind: twitch is haunted
superdude097: @squ3e No FNPF last week. Filming day
Sorator13: @squ3e You did! But so did everyone else, including LRR, so it's fine.
squ3e: @Juliamon Ah, is that why there doing one every other week? I missed that announcement
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG
Juliamon: squ3e What? No, they only took last Friday off
Sorator13: @squ3e It's not a normal lasting schedule change; that was a one-off
baltimore_667083: internet explorer moment
Metric_Furlong: and is now playing the same ad back-to-back
Juliamon: Any further disruptions are because of travel
Sorator13: or Desert Bus
Juliamon: because Magiccon Vegas
Metric_Furlong: The Bus is Coming
Juliamon: and then Bus
KaleidoscopeMind: @Sorator13 Desert Bus is "travel"
Bruceski: Twick o Tweet!
Sorator13: @KaleidoscopeMind yknow what, true
Juliamon: and also maybe a PPR in there somewhere because, y'know, WotC
phoenixfeather14: !venga
Sorator13: oh yeah, also that
squ3e: Sweet!
definenull: Spoopmander!
noonetoday subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, noonetoday! (Today's storm count: 35)
LithelyUnshod: I hope Ben is playing Gremlin Kindred.
Juliamon: well, tweet's out
Juliamon: toot, rather
Metric_Furlong: @LithelyUnshod I'm not familiar with that Vampire the Masquerade expansion Kappa
Sorator13: Ooh, I can only identify two of the players from the toot pic
WampaX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WampaX! (Today's storm count: 36)
Welbog: S o o n
kristof162028 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
kristof162028: Good afternoon friends how's it going tonight?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kristof162028! (Today's storm count: 37)
RockPusher: For a moment there my twitch stats were reporting negative latency to broadcaster lrrSPOOPY
Sorator13: @RockPusher and what did the future look like?
RockPusher: Sorator13 I dare not say for fear of causality violations
Welbog: It's happening!
Redbassist: lrrSPOOP
GhostValv: D:
whydustin: ahhh
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
thanzo: COSTUMES!
RockPusher: Jumpscare!
TheWriterAleph: AAH!!
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSPOOP
Strebenherz: 10/10
baltimore_667083: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
Welbog: lrrHERE
laikagoat: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
Scarbble: i am fully spooped
MrSarkhan: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
hiFunko: I love Serge's accountant costume
Sorator13: pff
Nigouki: Nice bones Graham
RockPusher: Ben makes an excellent Mogwai
krorkle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, krorkle! (Today's storm count: 38)
MegaDosX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MegaDosX! (Today's storm count: 39)
62MGcobra: get James some TP
midnightcurryjazz: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
jessieimproved: James with the "I got a rock" energy
Strebenherz: everyone's just in character what do you mean these are costumes
circusofkirkus: what costume is Paul wearing?
an_archist2: yes, it's spells
Scarbble: i love serge's matthew lesko cosplay
Sorator13: I see G is borrowing from Kathleen's closet for tonight's costume
definenull: Oo serge's costume is awesome
bobokiddo: graham is going to play in those gloves right?
EldritchProwler subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months!
circusofkirkus: I like how Ben has a nametag
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EldritchProwler! (Today's storm count: 40)
Texan_Reverend: !cardkingdom
LRRbot: Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at http://www.cardkingdom.com/lrr and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
Juliamon: James' deck is literally just named "Ghost James"
Kentosaurus: that's actually a legit riddler costume
accountmadeforants: We got The Rizzler, Ol' Skellyhands, The Ghost With The Most, and Gremlins™
ThePixelSavage: the scary thing is ... if the Riddler would hide in plain sight he WOULD adopt a Serge like character for sure duggerSweat
DideRobot: LRR: Tonight on Friday Night Paper Fight, it's a Halloween Commander Night! https://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun (has image) | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113331164900522789
Mazrae: is that really James or is that the last person to die from this week's AFK
Welbog: Clack
superdude097: @Scarbble Hold on, let me google something. Okay that's funny
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
rosesmcgee: Is that a sheet or are we eating into the tarp budget?
MegaDosX: Hearing those fingers clack is a hell of a thing
definenull: The clacking I can't LUL
anhakha: The Sergeler, a Benwai, a jhost and a Skelegraham.
thanzo: I like the clacky skeleton fingers
RockPusher: oooer
Texan_Reverend: !dragonshield
LRRbot: Want a deal on some sweet Dragon Shield products? Use code LRRMTG5 for 5% off your order at http://www.dragonshield.com
Juliamon: Surprise!
DeM0nFiRe: Fun AND little? In this economy?
tedpro23: Paul's costume is the spookiest because somehow he's dressed just like you, the audience member.
squ3e: If Ben has a snack, is it before or after midnight?
anhakha: A skelegraham is also how you get bones delivered.
Sorator13: oh boy
offbeatwitch: pprdate
GhostValv: :O
laikagoat: wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey
Dog_of_Myth: Sweet
thanzo: :O
definenull: Wait that's so soon
Nigouki: oh good, PPR into DB
accountmadeforants: Good lord that's so soon
Dog_of_Myth: !venga
LRRbot: The National Weather Service in Las Vegas has issued a Severe Venga Bus Warning for Clark County in southern Nevada until 1159 PM PST. At 653 PM PDT, wheels of steel were located along a line extending from New York to San Francisco, moving southwest at 45 mph. HAZARD: Intercity Disco. SOURCE: Party indicated. IMPACT: Collision, Bright Lights, Dancing. Locations impacted include Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff.
GhostValv: oh
northos: :O
Dog_of_Myth: WOW
DeM0nFiRe: WOW
Scarbble: damn
Sorator13: Oh
definenull: WOW
Fruan: HUH
SpaceBattery: WOAH
Sorator13: Well
MrSarkhan: LrrWOW
RockPusher: That's a lot of product
anhakha: Holy hell
DiscordianTokkan: ooo
Welbog: !!!
shendaras: seabatClap
laikagoat: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
thanzo: whoa
couchboyj: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
squ3e: Jesus WOTC
MrSarkhan: lrrWOW lrrWOW
accountmadeforants: That's not foundations, that's BEDROCK!
underhill33: Holy moly
Cannons_are_an_instrument: Woof
baltimore_667083: SHEEEEEESH
phoenixfeather14: sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly
lirazel64: Oooo!
Strebenherz: DANG
QuixoticScrivener: Jump Start?!?
DylPage: Can we get a total pack count on what they sent you?
NotCainNorAbel: that's a whole truck
Sorator13: y'all did make sure you're getting paid in actual dollars too, right? /s
KaleidoscopeMind: just a normal amount of product
circusofkirkus: will Isaac Asimov be there?
Dog_of_Myth: @accountmadeforants Gnesis Joke
lirazel64: *greed intesifies*
YeomanAres: You're going to be busy
MegaDosX: That's absurd
Bruceski: That's a great Matthew Lesko costume
spinebustertee: You can build so many buildings on those Foundations
raulghoulia: James destroyed a perfectly good sheet
phoenixfeather14: sergeHolyMoly sergeSpoopyGift sergeSpoopyGift
Juliamon: They heard TCG Card Shop Sim was the hot new thing so they sent product for everyone to try stocking IRL
DiscordianTokkan: I love the gribbly skele-claws
earlgrey82: Oh so Ben's playing Ewoks.
MegaDosX: So James is playing something WBx running Lingering Souls, my guess
spinebustertee: I can't wait for Graham's sick La Parka deck
Sorator13: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
MegaDosX: Got there!
Juliamon: !cardview on
LRRbot: Card viewer enabled
Cptasparagus: how do we know thats James?!?!?!
Sorator13: lrrFINE
accountmadeforants: It's Ball!
GhostValv: take you Bhaal and go home I guess
an_archist2: Bhaal on tech
RockPusher: gabyLul
BlueMagnusStormCrow: Murdered the card viewer.
SAJewers: jlrrIronball ?
LRRbot: Bhaal, Lord of Murder [2BRG] | Legendary Creature — God [4/4] | As long as your life total is less than or equal to half your starting life total, Bhaal, Lord of Murder has indestructible. / Whenever another nontoken creature you control dies, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature and goad it.
RockPusher: Graham is going to have a Bhaal with this game
MegaDosX: Fun fact: his name is actually pronounced closer to "Bale"
DoodlestheGreat: ball ball?
ThePixelSavage: @Cptasparagus ask him about his opinions of holes or flooding. duggerMmhmm
rosesmcgee: Oh. Skeletons! I get it!
Ukon_Cairns: I'm kinda hoping Graham shuffles his hand aggressively into the mic with those skele hands. I'm willing to regret this thought.
anhakha: Are they spooky and scary though?
lagrangeisbae: Jund 'em
circusofkirkus: LOL
RockPusher: hahahahahahahaa
whydustin: lets gooooooooooo
MegaDosX: WOW
Kentosaurus: get him
Dog_of_Myth: amazing
Sorator13: LUL
micalovits: What a draw!
midnightcurryjazz: WOWOWOW
an_archist2: jumpscare
Juliamon: LUL
rosesmcgee: I thought they banned that
midnightcurryjazz: Stacked. Spoooky
accountmadeforants: And for Graham's second commander: Sol Ring
laikagoat: fionLOL fionLOL fionLOL
MegaDosX: That timing was perfection
singinnonsense: scripted :P
thanzo: sol ring jumpscare
LRRbot: Sol Ring [1] | Artifact | {T}: Add {C}{C}.
underhill33: lrrSACK
laikagoat: zoeyPro zoeyPro zoeyPro
Decaped: Nothing bad ever happened to the Lord of Murder
kragmabutch: but does graham have a skeleton axe one must wonder
Fruan: Why can't I hold all these limes
MegaDosX: Graham, pictured, having played himself
TheWooglie: plays a tapped lands
couchboyj: Are there enough laundry creatures for a commander deck?
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
MegaDosX: Cavern into Sol Ring is wild
lirazel64: But is he TWISTED?
LRRbot: Cavern of Souls | Land | As Cavern of Souls enters, choose a creature type. / {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell of the chosen type, and that spell can't be countered.
whydustin: serge looks great
TheWooglie: didn't you make the deck Ben?
Metric_Furlong: @lirazel64 Don't froth him!
GhostValv: wowie
Scarbble: ooOoOooOh
LRRbot: King of the Oathbreakers [2WB] | Legendary Creature — Spirit Noble [3/3] | Flying / Whenever King of the Oathbreakers or another Spirit you control becomes the target of a spell, it phases out. / Whenever King of the Oathbreakers or another Spirit you control phases in, create a tapped 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying.
Frogasaurus90 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
DoodlestheGreat: "Why, I did not expect this."
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Frogasaurus90! (Today's storm count: 41)
RockPusher: Brewer Ben giving the people what they want benginHeart
ymmmit: how is that ghost holding up the card?!
LRRbot: Concealed Courtyard | Land | Concealed Courtyard enters tapped unless you control two or fewer other lands. / {T}: Add {W} or {B}.
CWaltz86: halloween commander?
MegaDosX: Courtyard enters untapped btw
Decaped: I see this game ending in an alpha strike
LRRbot: Gimbal, Gremlin Prodigy [2GUR] | Legendary Creature — Gremlin Artificer [4/4] | Artifact creatures you control have trample. / At the beginning of your end step, create a 0/0 red Gremlin artifact creature token. Put X +1/+1 counters on it, where X is the number of differently named artifact tokens you control.
raulghoulia: Serge is dressed as Matthew Lesko that guy sho saves you money from the government
couchboyj: Sure I'll be there oh noes Im phasing out...
GhostValv: yeah...
DoodlestheGreat: Quaker Oaths.
Mazrae: Ben that looks super cozy
circusofkirkus: can't even play scurry of gremlins :(
LoadingReadyRun: @raulghoulia I was thinking about that too!
GhostValv: :(
jchinnock: I get it! gimbal almost sounds like Gizmo!
ThePixelSavage: wait a second a Gremlin artificier? is he building the stuff to eat it?
CWaltz86: @raulghoulia pft ya
ThePixelSavage: is he a chef?
Jillexie: NO one spill water on Ben
anhakha: They could have had Graham play this deck... Grahamlins...
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
MegaDosX: Oh boy
accountmadeforants: seabatClap Good flavour, good flavour!
MrSarkhan: Amazing
definenull: Olivia would be proud
rosesmcgee: I had my hopes up for mutate.
Decaped: Don't worry, we're watching from enough time zones so the curse won't activate.
ogier300: Gremlin vehicles is appropriate.
DoodlestheGreat: AMC Gremlins!
snowewolf: a ghost a Spooky Skeleton the Riddler and a gremlin walk into a bar
Mazrae: are we playing the WB smash game?
Gekyouryuu: @raulghoulia that just always makes me think of Stan from American Dad in that outfit going "what, do I look like I'm MADE of money?" when asked to buy something
AugmentingPath: James's land is tapped for F8 value, haven't you ever played commander on MTGO?
CWaltz86: you ever get excited for an event and then get sick at the last second?
LRRbot: Spire Garden | Land | Spire Garden enters tapped unless you have two or more opponents. / {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
LRRbot: Hardened Scales [G] | Enchantment | If one or more +1/+1 counters would be put on a creature you control, that many plus one +1/+1 counters are put on it instead.
jchinnock: can’t wait to see Serges Spider-Man deck!
LRRbot: Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer [1BGU] | Legendary Creature — Snake Wizard [3/3] | The first face-down creature spell you cast each turn costs {3} less to cast. / Whenever a face-down creature you control enters, draw a card.
Khalstrom: YES GRAHAM
midnightcurryjazz: FREE MONEY
definenull: Ooo I love my kadena deck
spinebustertee: Nick Lutsko?
LoadingReadyRun: Slinky Sorcerer!
anhakha: Naga has been errata'd to snake I believe...?
anhakha: In case it's pertinent.
DoodlestheGreat: Matthew Lesko
spinebustertee: wait, no, that's the signer. Matthew Lesko!
RatherLargeToad: love this Commander’s precon. is very powerful
accountmadeforants: Not much of a riddle if it's always Willbender
MegaDosX: Ship of Theseus argument
hd_dabnado: one question? willbender?
Mindfire13: Any cloak?
couchboyj: Riddle me this, Gremlin man, what enters face down and bends wills?
MegaDosX: !card chrome shell crab
LRRbot: Chromeshell Crab [4U] | Creature — Crab Beast [3/3] | Morph {4}{U} / When Chromeshell Crab is turned face up, you may exchange control of target creature you control and target creature an opponent controls.
micalovits: !decks
Veste: the sergeler?????
bo_brinkman: Raise your hand if you fell for it and bought that book
northos: isn't there a new Willbender with disguise too?
raulghoulia: The Riddler loves pickles
LRRbot: Overgrown Tomb | Land — Swamp Forest | As Overgrown Tomb enters, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters tapped.
MegaDosX: Oh that would be endlessly funny
SeiichiSin: Okay, just randomly came in to a great stream. Hello everyone!
j0biwan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 37 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, j0biwan! (Today's storm count: 42)
Silver_Drgn: Oops all will benders
AugmentingPath: I know if Serge is running willbender, but I'll never tell
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to willbender! They have given 1578 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, willbender! (Today's storm count: 43)
accountmadeforants: It's okay, chat doesn't know
Fruan: Graham please
circusofkirkus: this is very true to skeletons
pleonasticTautology: Hello!
an_archist2: the first 5 hour FNPF stream
hotgreenflames: naga errata nerfing ophiomancer T_T
MegaDosX: I don't think anyone would begrudge Graham removing the gloves at this point benginLul
hotgreenflames subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
hotgreenflames: woot woot!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hotgreenflames! (Today's storm count: 44)
Fruan: Kill Graham first
RockPusher: Better than terrible is still not good
Gekyouryuu: first 5 hour FNPF turn
anhakha: Missed a 0. Meant to say 50.
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL A Matthew Lesko group hug "EVERYONE GETS FREE MONEY!!" deck
pleonasticTautology: Is James playing mana rocks? Is that why he's dressed as Charlie Brown?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Ah, nice to see James keeping up his tradition.
raulghoulia: ususally when someone takes a 30 minute turn it's because they're goldfishing their deck
Scarbble: @LoadingReadyRun this is a fantastic idea
jchinnock: please release Gs flesh from his bones
Gekyouryuu: "you opened this can of worms, now lie in it."
NSGReaper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NSGReaper! (Today's storm count: 45)
LRRbot: Persistent Specimen [B] | Creature — Skeleton [1/1] | {2}{B}: Return Persistent Specimen from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
RockPusher: jchinnock sergeJustRight
northos: uncounterable!
Hansk_and_Boo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
Hansk_and_Boo: Wahoo!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Hansk_and_Boo! (Today's storm count: 46)
bobokiddo: it's like 5-point tap (like 3-point turn, i just had to make sure to explain my joke)
accountmadeforants: Let's hope Graham doesn't have any shuffle effects
MegaDosX: !card reassembling skeleton
LRRbot: Reassembling Skeleton [1B] | Creature — Skeleton Warrior [1/1] | {1}{B}: Return Reassembling Skeleton from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
Mazrae: que up the Spooky scary skeleton songs
anhakha: ! Card reassembling skeleton
LRRbot: Reassembling Skeleton [1B] | Creature — Skeleton Warrior [1/1] | {1}{B}: Return Reassembling Skeleton from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
DrLigmaPhD: Skullclamp is apropos
northos: uh oh
LRRbot: Westvale Abbey (back: Ormendahl, Profane Prince) | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {5}, {T}, Pay 1 life: Create a 1/1 white and black Human Cleric creature token. / {5}, {T}, Sacrifice five creatures: Transform Westvale Abbey, then untap it.
midnightcurryjazz: decklist is haunted
ekplayscards: Hello fellow Bengineering enjoyers
LRRbot: Remorseful Cleric [1W] | Creature — Spirit Cleric [2/1] | Flying / Sacrifice Remorseful Cleric: Exile target player's graveyard.
squ3e: Decklist is the spookiest thing in the night
MegaDosX: Wow.
LRRbot: Rejuvenating Springs | Land | Rejuvenating Springs enters tapped unless you have two or more opponents. / {T}: Add {G} or {U}.
Hansk_and_Boo: Really hoping there's Skeletal Swarming in Graham's deck, one of my favourites
KeytarCat: Oh no bazooka bog
James_the_Dabbler: lrrWOW
accountmadeforants: "I'm soooorrry about yooour reanimatoooor deeeeeck" -Remorseful Cleric
LRRbot: Izzet Signet [2] | Artifact | {1}, {T}: Add {U}{R}.
polaris415 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
polaris415: o.O spoky 75 months
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, polaris415! (Today's storm count: 47)
pleonasticTautology: Also, hi, I'm voting while watching this.
Xavbull: is Studio C haunted?
LRRbot: Command Tower | Land | {T}: Add one mana of any color in your commander's color identity.
LRRbot: Manifest Dread [1G] | Sorcery | Manifest dread.
BrowneePointz: Serge, you are a treasure for how hard you went on this. James...I am both giving you applause and deeply judging.
LRRbot: Strionic Resonator [2] | Artifact | {2}, {T}: Copy target triggered ability you control. You may choose new targets for the copy.
jchinnock: I missed James’ intro, is he dressed as an Ortolan enjoyer?
AugmentingPath: I'm also sad that manifest dread's flavor text isn't just: "manifest dread"
Gekyouryuu: it could even be a boat!
DiscordianTokkan: It could be a Boat!
MegaDosX: It's Willbender!
Jadaris: hey Graham I just watched your cardmarket
accountmadeforants: @AugmentingPath Or even, "Dread, manifest."
Veste: whoah, how's this skeleton manipulating cards without a hand???
AugmentingPath: @accountmadeforants Right, manifest dread's formal name
Juliamon: jchinnock He's the tarp budget
raulghoulia: there's no rule in the book that says a skeleton can't play hockey
Gekyouryuu: cast commander? go Bhaal's to the wall?
Scarbble: at least it's not democracy manifest, then you'd have to interrupt your succulent chinese meal
Gekyouryuu: oh
LRRbot: Case of the Stashed Skeleton [1B] | Enchantment — Case | When this Case enters, create a 2/1 black Skeleton creature token and suspect it. / To solve — You control no suspected Skeletons. / Solved — {1}{B}, Sacrifice this Case: Search your library for a card, put it into your hand, then shuffle. Activate only as a sorcery.
Ukon_Cairns: You heard of Bear with set mechanic, but now duskmorne gives us Bear that is set mechanic.
jchinnock: @juliamon oh no! the budget is full of holes
BrowneePointz: Edserge Nygma
raulghoulia: j'accuse
MrAyeAxe: I imagine Myrkul, Lord of BONES is quite sad Bhaal is stealing their bit LUL
BrowneePointz: Print out tiny Amoguses
tedpro23: What's the mechanic for suspected again? Karlov was a long time ago.
BrowneePointz: menace and can't block @tedpro23
drrek0: Wait, if the skeleton is suspected in this case, does that mean we suspect the skeleton stashed itself?
Jadaris: hey Graham I just watched your cardmarket "banned words" video and i don't think i've laughed harder in my life, well done
northos: bold of you to assume it was anywhere in Victoria :P
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
AtomicAlchemical: rdropXD
Dog_of_Myth: Well done Ben
TheWooglie: obviously a wastes
an_archist2: the case of the stashed skeleton can only be solved if you control no sussy bakas
TherapyforNarwhals: Just arived, I wonder what theme Graham is playing...
LRRbot: Haunted Library [1W] | Enchantment | Whenever a creature an opponent controls dies, you may pay {1}. If you do, create a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying.
Strebenherz: @Jadaris may I steal a link please?
midnightcurryjazz: @Strebenherz its on the cardmarket youtube. They do a lot of good videos
Strebenherz: gotcha thank you
anhakha: Summoning the undead armies...
BrowneePointz: I'm SLIGHTLY sad Graham isn't on Myrkul, Lord of Bones (but Bhaal is also fun)
LRRbot: Inventors' Fair | Legendary Land | At the beginning of your upkeep, if you control three or more artifacts, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {C}. / {4}, {T}, Sacrifice Inventors' Fair: Search your library for an artifact card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle. Activate only if you control three or more artifacts.
LRRbot: Cultivate [2G] | Sorcery | Search your library for up to two basic land cards, reveal those cards, put one onto the battlefield tapped and the other into your hand, then shuffle.
BrowneePointz: Did you see the new Tony Stark Expo Inventor's Fair James!?
an_archist2: do skeletons get galvanised fingertips for touch devices
anhakha: More like Inventors unfair
DMGlol: the cards are so cool
BrowneePointz: And the first full Marvel set is confirmed a Spider-Verse set @LoadingReadyRun
couchboyj: Wolverine having regenerate is on point
LithelyUnshod: mean Inventor's UNfair
KeytarCat: Secret inventor's lair
LRRbot: Curse of Opulence [R] | Enchantment — Aura Curse | Enchant player / Whenever enchanted player is attacked, create a Gold token. Each opponent attacking that player does the same.
raulghoulia: James' zombie
micalovits: How did you put the Meathook massacre into G's deck, but not the sequel?
squ3e: gold*
superdude097: Gold not treasure
tehfewl: Gold is mechanically different
superdude097: Gold don't tap
squ3e: doesnt need to tap for mana
tehfewl: gold doesn't tap
Bruceski: Treasure has to tap
anhakha: Gold doesn't tap
couchboyj: Be cursed by the memories of your appearance in life, spirit
LRRbot: Marsh Flats | Land | {T}, Pay 1 life, Sacrifice Marsh Flats: Search your library for a Plains or Swamp card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.
baskwalla: Gold busto
micalovits: Very important in case of improvise or things giving them other abilities
LRRbot: Overgrown Zealot [1G] | Creature — Elf Druid [0/4] | {T}: Add one mana of any color. / {T}: Add two mana of any one color. Spend this mana only to turn permanents face up.
hb8u subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hb8u! (Today's storm count: 48)
Dromos_GHG subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dromos_GHG! (Today's storm count: 49)
northos: Utopia Tree in shambles
thesurfaceofthemoon: ben's costume looks very warm
Khalstrom: G-Glod
tehfewl: Yard Sard
Scarbble: yale sale
BrowneePointz: Graham, by nature of being part British, is obviously Flintheart Glomgold(I know he's scottish but give me a break I walked for this joke)
LRRbot: Bhaal, Lord of Murder [2BRG] | Legendary Creature — God [4/4] | As long as your life total is less than or equal to half your starting life total, Bhaal, Lord of Murder has indestructible. / Whenever another nontoken creature you control dies, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature and goad it.
Decaped: Goaded creatures plus curse of opulence seems like a good way to murde
jchinnock: running to Taco Bell,gotta get some Bhall-ja Blast
Mazrae: that Glod has the cool S
BrowneePointz: Bhaa-ja-l Blast @jchinnock
Alas_Babylon: I remember that sheet from a couple Crapshoots y'all did
mtvcdm: James is the ghost hug. You can't see it but it's there.
Sorator13: the man knows efficiency when he sees it
Kentosaurus: It was already there? Maybe it belongs to an actual ghost.
BrowneePointz: Stussy S
couchboyj: Watch out! That reanimated skelaton, a mockery of life, might be a no good criminal!
ah_fantastico subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months, currently on a 50 month streak!
ah_fantastico: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ah_fantastico! (Today's storm count: 50)
micalovits: Sussy S
an_archist2: stussy baka
Bruceski: Stussy is the brand that gets credited with it.
Silvertunga: Boo! Spoopy <3 Love y'all face, cuties <3 <3 <3
LRRbot: King of the Oathbreakers [2WB] | Legendary Creature — Spirit Noble [3/3] | Flying / Whenever King of the Oathbreakers or another Spirit you control becomes the target of a spell, it phases out. / Whenever King of the Oathbreakers or another Spirit you control phases in, create a tapped 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying.
Blue_Anteater: @BrowneePointz According to the new series, he's actually South African and fakes being Scottish as part of his (largely one-sided) competition with Scrooge
RockPusher: myntyfS
JosephDeath: I always pronounced it stew-sy
CWaltz86: stussy was abrand yes
BrowneePointz: Shawn Stussy tried to say it was part of his Brand,(collaborators said this was a lie)
Bruceski: My mother remembers the Cool S from her childhood in the 60s.
CWaltz86: and ya the way joseph types it is how i pronounced it too
LRRbot: Breeding Pool | Land — Forest Island | As Breeding Pool enters, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters tapped.
BrowneePointz: It looks like Celtic Knotwork
BrowneePointz: Unfinity Shocks are best shocks
DeM0nFiRe: The universe was created because the cool S was lonely
LRRbot: Gimbal, Gremlin Prodigy [2GUR] | Legendary Creature — Gremlin Artificer [4/4] | Artifact creatures you control have trample. / At the beginning of your end step, create a 0/0 red Gremlin artifact creature token. Put X +1/+1 counters on it, where X is the number of differently named artifact tokens you control.
Jadaris: stussy definitely repopularized it in the 90s at least
Veshnikard: artifact tokens
Sorator13: differently named artifact tokens you control, yes
CWaltz86: my nephew of 10 years of age was like DO YOU KNOW THIS S!?
MegaDosX: Wouldn't it only get two counters?
CWaltz86: like yes child that is the old lore
LRRbot: Watery Grave | Land — Island Swamp | As Watery Grave enters, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters tapped.
northos: you're always fetching, Serge
LRRbot: Growing Dread [GU] | Enchantment | Flash / When Growing Dread enters, manifest dread. / Whenever you turn a permanent face up, put a +1/+1 counter on it.
TheWriterAleph: Growling Bread
tehfewl: Glowing Dlead
Veste: that was supposed to only be this year?
MegaDosX: So [current year]?
BrowneePointz: I mean, we're going back to Tarkir and Lorwyn next year sooooooo Good Luck Serge!
Grinnin_Gin: oh my god these costumes are amazing
Strebenherz: graveyard order, spooky
arkilyd: shouldn't the gremlin be a 4/4. 3 artifacts and harden scales
Bruceski: Because that's information other players have about what things could be
squ3e: Cares about different named tokens @arkilyd
Kentosaurus: spookiest card in the game
MegaDosX: @arkilyd Artifact tokens
omdorastrix: Just got here - when did the moonbase turn into a spirit halloween? :P
baskwalla: My glod…
Dog_of_Myth: @arkilyd Different named tokens
Sorator13: Hi Nelly!
arkilyd: got it
MrSarkhan: Hi Nelly!
Dog_of_Myth: Hi Nelly
TherapyforNarwhals: Hi nelly!
Veste: Hi Nelly!
MegaDosX: I mathsed wrong earlier too, it's the Gremlin and the Gold, then plus the Scales
omdorastrix: Hi Nelly
micalovits: Hai Nelly!
Strebenherz: Hi Nelly!
thanzo: Hi Nelly!
Jadaris: Hi Nelly!
whydustin: nelly!
CWaltz86: hi nelly
samb6678: Hi Nelly!
Walla_tv: Ni helly!
RockPusher: Nelson wanders in, gets greeted by a skeleton
BrowneePointz: Nelly came in dressed as an Uber Driver!
shiningelbow: Hi Nelly!
shiningelbow: I just got here and was not prepared for riddler Serge
Sorator13: I love your costume, Nelly!
RockPusher: gabyLul
whydustin: we love wet dads
DeM0nFiRe: Now I wanna know what the wet dad commander is
pleonasticTautology: So excited to leave for a road trip on Sunday.
TherapyforNarwhals: Bye Nelly!
micalovits: Bai Nelly!
MrSarkhan: LUL
Sorator13: LUL
omdorastrix: Bye Nelly!
thanzo: LUL
baskwalla: Wet Dadtober
BrowneePointz: Wet Dad's You Say? mattlrHeck
BrowneePointz: Dads*
an_archist2: the sequel to girls band cry, wet dad fall
GDwarble subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GDwarble! (Today's storm count: 51)
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to wet_dad! They have given 1579 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wet_dad! (Today's storm count: 52)
jchinnock: I don’t normally talk Wet Dad content on main
LRRbot: Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer [1BGU] | Legendary Creature — Snake Wizard [3/3] | The first face-down creature spell you cast each turn costs {3} less to cast. / Whenever a face-down creature you control enters, draw a card.
LRRbot: Defiant Survivor [2G] | Creature — Human Survivor [3/2] | Survival — At the beginning of your second main phase, if Defiant Survivor is tapped, manifest dread.
IvanRussel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IvanRussel! (Today's storm count: 53)
accountmadeforants: Wizards should print a new Willbender that's just "Will, Bender", the only difference is your deck can have any number of cards named "Will, Bender".
northos: spuhchemen
jessicatheblack: oh no!... Graham's a Skeleton!
Mazrae: Each??
squ3e: !card flair of malice
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
squ3e: !card flare of malice
LRRbot: Flare of Malice [2BB] | Instant | You may sacrifice a nontoken black creature rather than pay this spell's mana cost. / Each opponent sacrifices a creature or planeswalker with the greatest mana value among creatures and planeswalkers they control.
Sorator13: !card flare of malice
LRRbot: Flare of Malice [2BB] | Instant | You may sacrifice a nontoken black creature rather than pay this spell's mana cost. / Each opponent sacrifices a creature or planeswalker with the greatest mana value among creatures and planeswalkers they control.
Sorator13: lol
micalovits: That sure also isn't in G's decklist
superdude097: well, he did sac a creature so it's sort of symetrical
Diabore: !card bhaal
chaostreader: so. what decklist did Ben actually make?
northos: it is spell only I'm pretty sure, FWIW
Sorator13: !card king of the oathb
Nagasaki089: !card King of Oathbreakers
LRRbot: King of the Oathbreakers [2WB] | Legendary Creature — Spirit Noble [3/3] | Flying / Whenever King of the Oathbreakers or another Spirit you control becomes the target of a spell, it phases out. / Whenever King of the Oathbreakers or another Spirit you control phases in, create a tapped 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying.
Diabore: graham is giving up on gloves
Sorator13: it is only spells, yes
Decaped: Skeleton Stacks
jessicatheblack: We appreciate Graham's commitment to the bit X3
Mazrae: oh no, that skeleton has a human hand
Bruceski: Skelegraham learns the benefits of flesh
Decaped: Bone pile?
jessicatheblack: lol
jessicatheblack: SKelgraham!? ... love it
couchboyj: Skelaton with gleshy face and hands is pretty spooky
MegaDosX: Graham, pro-tip, he's not pronounced Ball, he's pronounced more like Bale >_>
CWaltz86: graham is slowly becoming not a skilingtonn
DrLigmaPhD: Me groboblin
Grinnin_Gin: Can't believe that Graham defected to the other side of the Skeleton War
jessicatheblack: @CWaltz86 is this like the 'grim fariytales' version of ponocio?
Decaped: he's prounced Cyric
JDMan94: Blaze it
MegaDosX: @Decaped I mean, you're not wrong
Suffix: Wow. Nice Suit Serge! Also, I'm a fan of James' sheet as well (but not because it covers his face) it's a classic!
singinnonsense: Serge will remember this is what you're saying ?
northos: just one of them? Kappa
accountmadeforants: Graham is like The Lich from Adventure Time, they have to encase his skeleton body in flesh to weaken him.
BobTheHomunculus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BobTheHomunculus! (Today's storm count: 54)
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
accountmadeforants: Now riffle shuffle it
raulghoulia: by the end of tonight Graham's going to be piloting a zombie deck
MegaDosX: If not it stays there
Dromos_GHG: If serge were Spider-Man he'd have reach
Laurence72: Serge has bad reach? Attack him with flying!!
BrowneePointz: Halfway through the game Graham's deck morphs into Myrkul
pleonasticTautology: Okay, I'm back, hi I have voted.
MegaDosX: Oh shit
BrowneePointz: !card Death Tyrant
LRRbot: Death Tyrant [4B] | Creature — Beholder Skeleton [4/6] | Menace / Negative Energy Cone — Whenever an attacking creature you control or a blocking creature an opponent controls dies, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token. / {5}{B}: Return Death Tyrant from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
micalovits: Also no Death-Tyrant
MegaDosX: I think I'm gonna just have to accept that they're gonna keep mispronouncing his name >_>
JDMan94: Yeah I think you are, gamer
LRRbot: Black Market Connections [2B] | Enchantment | At the beginning of your first main phase, choose one or more — / • Sell Contraband — Create a Treasure token. You lose 1 life. / • Buy Information — Draw a card. You lose 2 life. / • Hire a Mercenary — Create a 3/2 colorless Shapeshifter creature token with changeling. You lose 3 life.
BalthusHomewood: It appears James is Spooken for
micalovits: Not the same art, but it IS there
jessicatheblack: Its okay Ulmer... we all have weeks like that <3
MegaDosX: So a 3/2 skeleton
atinyspacemarine: oh hello frens
singinnonsense: pay the 6 for Amy
phoenixfeather14: So what did Serge buy from the costume store to add to his outfit?
RaklarLS: but you HAVE to do at least one
RockPusher: escher3THUMBSUP
RechargeableFrenchman: The spectre formerly known as James
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Koshindan: Famous BooTuber James Turner.
atinyspacemarine: Oh I should make those
TheWriterAleph: NYEH
raulghoulia: nah' I've bought bugles before
atinyspacemarine: Graham what are those gloves called?
JDMan94: Grombopoline
atinyspacemarine: lmao thank lrrHEART
LRRbot: Crypt Ghast [3B] | Creature — Spirit [2/2] | Extort / Whenever you tap a Swamp for mana, add an additional {B}.
JDMan94: Oh I'm ghastin
accountmadeforants: @MegaDosX Your Bhaal pronunciation is probably from Diablo. Graham's pronunciation is correct for Baldur's Gate/D&D.
RechargeableFrenchman: The value
AugmentingPath: skeleton hand glove for halloween spooky scary, if I had to guess
MrAyeAxe: I hope the Riddler can solve the puzzle of Wheeler winning so many die rolls
BalthusHomewood: he's a-ghast
atinyspacemarine: Fully unrelated, I'm back on the Arknights, anyone looking for friends?
Sorator13: that's because you chose the "two weeks ago" shipping option, G
MegaDosX: @accountmadeforants I looked it up for D&D and found "beh-hahl", though looking further I've found both
LRRbot: Gimbal, Gremlin Prodigy [2GUR] | Legendary Creature — Gremlin Artificer [4/4] | Artifact creatures you control have trample. / At the beginning of your end step, create a 0/0 red Gremlin artifact creature token. Put X +1/+1 counters on it, where X is the number of differently named artifact tokens you control.
thanzo: well the bone marrow does make blood cells, they just can't go anywhere, so I guess a living skeleton should be leaking blood?
BalthusHomewood: deez nutz?
northos: Serge I didn't know you were in Brides & Berserkers as well Kappa
Sorator13: @thanzo Probably not if the bone marrow is no longer alive, though
raulghoulia: is Untapides featured in the Brides and Berserkers Dice Friends?
MegaDosX: Ben have you considered playing the Grixis curse lady commander?
JDMan94: Curses incentivize attacking when Ghostly Prison doesn't
JDMan94: So curses actually advance the gamestate at least
Suffix: I'm actively resisting the urge to text James.
MegaDosX: @Suffix Do it you won't
RechargeableFrenchman: @MegaDosX from the Forgotten Realms Wiki -- pronounced: /ˈbɔːl/ BAWL or: /ˈbɑːl/ BAHL or: /bɛˈhɑːl/ beh-HAHL and for what it may be worth the first two are the only ways I've heard anyone actually say it
Suffix: I won't.
anhakha: Death is being a ghost, but u still have to keep upto date with stuff.
raulghoulia: @MegaDosX So many curses have upkeep triggers so I made an Obeka version with Lynde as the backup commander
dimensaur: Ghoulsky
LRRbot: Hauntwoods Shrieker [1GG] | Creature — Beast Mutant [3/3] | Whenever Hauntwoods Shrieker attacks, manifest dread. / {1}{G}: Reveal target face-down permanent. If it's a creature card, you may turn it face up.
MegaDosX: @raulghoulia Definitely makes sense!
JDMan94: As an Appalachian, yeah makes sense
JDMan94: You respect outside, or you get hacked up
JDMan94: Hecked even
BalthusHomewood: Goated
accountmadeforants: @MegaDosX BG2 consistently uses Ball (https://youtu.be/AHtGYXOpNuY?t=119) and BG3 does too, if nothing else.
DirectorStephanie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
DirectorStephanie: Love seeing the goofs be Hallowe’en themed! kudos to Serge for the amazing Riddler get up
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DirectorStephanie! (Today's storm count: 55)
LoadingReadyRun: wasn't the Diablo villain spelled "Baal"? is Bhaal different?
MegaDosX: They are different
LRRbot: Ixidron [3UU] | Creature — Illusion [*/*] | As Ixidron enters, turn all other nontoken creatures face down. / Ixidron's power and toughness are each equal to the number of face-down creatures on the battlefield.
MegaDosX: The Diablo one is just "Bale", apparently the D&D one is both "Bale" and "Ball"
RaklarLS: yeah, there's an h. Clearly not the same
JDMan94: I'm sure the Sultai deck has no reanimation :)
RechargeableFrenchman: No H is a Canaanite god that Christianity has enshrined as a "demon" and shows up in Diablo, with an H is a god from D&D
raulghoulia: as of MOM tokens can face down
raulghoulia: if they have another side
Sorator13: only if they have another side, though, so...
MegaDosX: 3/2 skeleton
pleonasticTautology: I'm one of those tautologies!
northos: transforming is not the same as turning face down. AFAIK tokens can now, in some cases, transform, but still can't turn face-down
pleonasticTautology: One of *counts* 39.
dumbo3k: Dang, that is a snazzy RIddler outfit Yager!
Sorator13: I like how Serge answered Graham's grunt with a squeak
tedpro23: 707.2a says that if a permanent is turned face down it becomes a 2/2 with no abilities.
accountmadeforants: @MegaDosX I genuinely can't find any official reference of Bhaal being pronounced as Bale outside of reddit posts
MegaDosX: @accountmadeforants I found it on the Forgotten Realms wiki, so. >_>
Walla_tv: it is the one from dnd to be fair
an_archist2: he is bhaal'in, he is fading
pleonasticTautology: I think a lot about Stargate Ba'al sometimes, because there's this scene where they're like "Every joke has been made."
Sogheim: I pronounce it "ball" like they do on Stargate SG-1
JDMan94: Does Bhall ball?
Scarbble: wanna be a bhaller
DrLigmaPhD: I like Bhaals to the Wall so that one
JDMan94: Does Bhall be ballin
dumbo3k: Someone has probably made a remix song, with the "Curse you Bhayle! in it
Cptasparagus: Can Graham get a bonefinger in every camera at once?
RatherLargeToad: just use Stargate pronunciation OSFrog
accountmadeforants: @MegaDosX But the Forgotten Realms wiki lists Bawl, Bahl and Beh-hahl?
Sorator13: oh, that skeleton hand contemplatively opening and closing felt Weird to witness
MegaDosX: @accountmadeforants Right, which is why I've stopped at "apparently both are accurate but it's probably Ball?"
100viewbots: looks a lot like ixidron
accountmadeforants: @MegaDosX My point is, none of those are Bale.
Walla_tv: yes but is the deck "the deck"
Sorator13: !card altar of the wretched
LRRbot: Altar of the Wretched [2B] (back: Wretched Bonemass) | Artifact | When Altar of the Wretched enters, you may sacrifice a nontoken creature. If you do, draw X cards, then mill X cards, where X is that creature's power. / Craft with one or more creatures {2}{B}{B} / {2}{B}: Return Altar of the Wretched from your graveyard to your hand.
MegaDosX: @accountmadeforants "Beh-hahl" is very close to "Bale", I said that to simplify things for people
atinyspacemarine: I think I was able to find the gloves https://www.amazon.com/Articulated-Fingers-Printed-Extensions-Flexible/dp/B0B4S62H7T
Sorator13: I don't think you can do that, Serge
midnightcurryjazz: Its all one
midnightcurryjazz: Its one block of text serge
Kentosaurus: He's asking us a riddle. We only win by refusing to play his game
northos: if you do, not when you do
MegaDosX: Yes.
Sorator13: kind of?
LRRbot: Kadena's Silencer [1U] | Creature — Snake Wizard [2/1] | When Kadena's Silencer is turned face up, counter all abilities your opponents control. / Megamorph {1}{U}
atinyspacemarine: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4342323 Oh I have a weekend project
Walla_tv: mega stifle
LRRbot: Shadowblood Ridge | Land | {1}, {T}: Add {B}{R}.
MegaDosX: I was about to say, Graham not recognising the TARDIS set symbol would've been something benginSip
ShaneLeeAtk: When a good man goes to was
ShaneLeeAtk: War
Sorator13: remind me what craft is/does?
accountmadeforants: @MegaDosX That's nowhere close to sounding like Bale. But, I should probably stop here.
DrLigmaPhD: BONE!?
accountmadeforants: Exercising that smartphone thumb
LRRbot: Isolated Chapel | Land | Isolated Chapel enters tapped unless you control a Plains or a Swamp. / {T}: Add {W} or {B}.
hiFunko: I hope Isolated Chapel plays Hot To Go
LRRbot: King of the Oathbreakers [2WB] | Legendary Creature — Spirit Noble [3/3] | Flying / Whenever King of the Oathbreakers or another Spirit you control becomes the target of a spell, it phases out. / Whenever King of the Oathbreakers or another Spirit you control phases in, create a tapped 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying.
loufghyslaufey: Hey, wait, wait, Chat?
wilco96: I feel like real thumb and bone fingers is somehow even worse for manual dexterity because of the size difference
DrLigmaPhD: @hiFunko In the depths of Innistrad: H-O-T-T-O-G-O
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to hiFunko! They have given 1580 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hiFunko! (Today's storm count: 56)
loufghyslaufey: "Jigpaw Archemeny Paper Fight" When? lrrJAMES lrrBEN lrrGRAHAM lrrSERGE
LRRbot: Stomping Ground | Land — Mountain Forest | As Stomping Ground enters, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters tapped.
DrLigmaPhD: Bofadeez mana
LRRbot: Reaver Titan [7] | Artifact — Vehicle [10/10] | Void Shields — Protection from mana value 3 or less / Gatling Blaster — Whenever Reaver Titan attacks, it deals 5 damage to each opponent. / Crew 4
loufghyslaufey: I think of want to bear witness one now that I've said it, actually?
atinyspacemarine: oh thicc
BrowneePointz: Space Godless Shrine is goated
BrowneePointz: Reaver Titan is an all star in my Greasefang deck
Sorator13: Wow
atinyspacemarine: I feel like a reaver should be more than 7 mana but
Decaped: Get in the robot, gremlin.
BrowneePointz: Guess how much power Greasefang has :3
midnightcurryjazz: one of the emperors god machines
Kazman20a: and it is one of the little ones
Bruceski: Pretty sure I've seen the Gremlins movie where they drive a Reaver Titan
estebanolvidado: the codex astartes approves of this action
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Sorator13: what... what did you think was going to happen there, James?
MegaDosX: James has reached the "find out" stage
DeM0nFiRe: "What are you gonna do, attack me?" -- Ghost who was attacked
raulghoulia: James is the ghost in the machine
Arboille: it's a 4/4 now no?
LRRbot: Grim Haruspex [2B] | Creature — Human Wizard [3/2] | Morph {B} / Whenever another nontoken creature you control dies, draw a card.
Dog_of_Myth: The spirit compelled him James.
PadawanTK16: @Kazman20a aren't reavers the midsize ones?
ThePixelSavage: @PadawanTK16 they are
DrLigmaPhD: Gwim Uwuspex?
hiFunko: @Dog_of_Myth oh ty!
ThePixelSavage: @DrLigmaPhD no. duggerLeave
MegaDosX: Gimbal is /very/ specific
accountmadeforants: Gr-haruspex. Graharuspex.
Sorator13: !card gimbal
LRRbot: Gimbal, Gremlin Prodigy [2GUR] | Legendary Creature — Gremlin Artificer [4/4] | Artifact creatures you control have trample. / At the beginning of your end step, create a 0/0 red Gremlin artifact creature token. Put X +1/+1 counters on it, where X is the number of differently named artifact tokens you control.
myknorman: Graham's fingies makes me wonder if someone could play commander with chopsticks
LRRbot: Sunken Hollow | Land — Island Swamp | Sunken Hollow enters tapped unless you control two or more basic lands.
DrLigmaPhD: @ThePixelSavage Coward
Decaped: one creature attacking for 25 is pretty sweet.
LRRbot: Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer [1BGU] | Legendary Creature — Snake Wizard [3/3] | The first face-down creature spell you cast each turn costs {3} less to cast. / Whenever a face-down creature you control enters, draw a card.
accountmadeforants: @myknorman Provided you never need to shuffle and have very patient opponents? Sure
KaleidoscopeMind: ghost james is ostensibly already dead
Sogheim: sometimes the best board wipe is just to finish the game
BrowneePointz: Yall, we've got like...6-7 months until we get back to Tarkir and I'm SO EXCITED
myknorman: @accountmadeforants oh shuffling would be the best part!
accountmadeforants: @accountmadeforants Actually, I suppose you could shuffle too if your opponents are *really* patient
SEEKER_MTG: Graham, i am pretty sure I'm the only one amused that your skeleton glove looks like it has the STRONGHOLD set symbol on it.
accountmadeforants: You'd have to pile shuffle
accountmadeforants: I wonder how it stacks up against eating a bowl of rice one grain at a time
MegaDosX: !card death tyrant
LRRbot: Death Tyrant [4B] | Creature — Beholder Skeleton [4/6] | Menace / Negative Energy Cone — Whenever an attacking creature you control or a blocking creature an opponent controls dies, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token. / {5}{B}: Return Death Tyrant from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
MegaDosX: !card bhaal
LRRbot: Did you mean: Altar of Bhaal // Bone Offering; Bhaal's Invoker; Bhaal, Lord of Murder
MegaDosX: !card bhaal, lord of murder
LRRbot: Bhaal, Lord of Murder [2BRG] | Legendary Creature — God [4/4] | As long as your life total is less than or equal to half your starting life total, Bhaal, Lord of Murder has indestructible. / Whenever another nontoken creature you control dies, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature and goad it.
northos: Serge draws two right? both the manifest and the survivor were nontoken creatures that died
Sogheim: Ben must be hot in all that fur under studio lights
northos: not that he needs more cards :P
MalikaiTheRed: Remember to Hydrate folks!
LRRbot: Thieving Amalgam [5BB] | Creature — Ape Snake [6/7] | At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, you manifest the top card of that player's library. / Whenever a creature you control but don't own dies, its owner loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.
MegaDosX: Oh gross
LRRbot: Beast Within [2G] | Instant | Destroy target permanent. Its controller creates a 3/3 green Beast creature token.
Diabore: bad monkey
lamina5432: evening I see the costume choices are looking great.
RatherLargeToad: Ape Snake! Love this guy!
thanzo: kadena is such a fun precon
RatherLargeToad: Noooooo! Ape Snake!
micalovits: Gotta get too 20 for Bhaal afterall
MegaDosX: Graham, folding to peer pressure benginLul
anhakha: Surely james should be drinking spirits
Scarbble: ginger WAIL, oooooohhh
Sorator13: @anhakha eyy
leeblackwood: It's morphing time!
Arboille: a ghost's favorite drink is BOOze
glitched_goddess: figured ghosts would drink boooooze.
Sorator13: Gavin!
loufghyslaufey: @MegaDosX feels like a chat scheme, just a bit lrrSPOT lrrGOAT lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
BrowneePointz: Okay went on a search cuz I knew I had seen it somewhere. From the Descent to Avernus book and Faiths & Avatars, Bhaal is pronounced BAWL, BAHL, or BE-HAHL. so there you go chat
DrLigmaPhD: Ben's car does not pass emission tests
accountmadeforants: Wait, I wonder how Kadena's "Face-down creature spell" thing is evaluated. What if you cast Whetwheel or Branch of Vitu-Ghazi? I guess Morphing and Diguising counts as casting a creature spell, even if the card isn't a creature spell (or even a spell at all)?
anhakha: Between spirits and booooze, we have learnt james has a drinking problem.
MegaDosX: At least it loses it each turn
Sorator13: Gross!
QuixoticScrivener: it can't equip shadowspear
QuixoticScrivener: because protection
DrLigmaPhD: Sram disagrees
MegaDosX: Olivia has a deck that is apparently built around that idea
Sorator13: Props to Serge for sneezing correctly
loufghyslaufey: equipments should be "keys" to vehicles
Cptasparagus: shadowspear has a low barrier to entry for equipping every turn at least
Sorator13: !card stump stomp
LRRbot: Stump Stomp [1{R/G}] (back: Burnwillow Clearing) | Sorcery | Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature or planeswalker you don't control.
micalovits: @BrowneePointz Very sure it is BOOOAL
MegaDosX: !card kadena slinking
LRRbot: Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer [1BGU] | Legendary Creature — Snake Wizard [3/3] | The first face-down creature spell you cast each turn costs {3} less to cast. / Whenever a face-down creature you control enters, draw a card.
pleonasticTautology: Badger badger badger badger.
MrPipboy3000: I was saying Booooourns
DrLigmaPhD: "See ya, babygirl!"?
loufghyslaufey: Or at least, vehicle "jumper-cable" equipments MindManners lrrDOTS ImTyping
PadawanTK16: I want to try reconfigure and vehicles. Use the creature side to crew and then equip the reconfigure
MegaDosX: I think it's two zombies
micalovits: !card death tyrant
LRRbot: Death Tyrant [4B] | Creature — Beholder Skeleton [4/6] | Menace / Negative Energy Cone — Whenever an attacking creature you control or a blocking creature an opponent controls dies, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token. / {5}{B}: Return Death Tyrant from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
Sorator13: I think you get two
Pharmacistjudge: evening
Veshnikard: Did Serge draw when commander died?
MrPipboy3000: @Veshnikard yes
drcthulu: the hips don't lie
Sorator13: lrrWOW
whydustin: shakira is perpetually stuck in my head
MrSarkhan: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Sorator13: LUL
MegaDosX: @whydustin Alchemy cards are getting even more abstract now
WowoT: you have to goad a creature right? you can't goad the vehicle while it's not crewed right?
whydustin: curse of earworm
GasCityGaming: 3 Generic - Jumper Cables Artifact 2 Generic - Attach Jumper cable to target vehicle, activate only at sorcery speed it becomes crewed as long as Jumper Cables is attached to it, at the end of your turn detach Jumper Cables from the vehicle that it is attached to Thoughts?
Pharmacistjudge: correct a vehicle is not a legal target for the ability
micalovits: Do... Do they still exist after they have been crafted?
Pharmacistjudge: when not crewed
MrPipboy3000: You can craft with tokens
LithelyUnshod: Remember the shape Shifter is 3/2
davkmo subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, davkmo! (Today's storm count: 57)
Diabore: tokens arent cards yeah
Pharmacistjudge: yes, exiled tokens don't count
LRRbot: Dread Return [2BB] | Sorcery | Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. / Flashback—Sacrifice three creatures.
InfiniTokens: Hello!
InfiniTokens: GLOD
loufghyslaufey: Progetinus-crafted Bonesmass StinkyCheese lrrDOTS ImTyping
whydustin: death tyrant seems pretty sick
Lord_Hosk: Why are my messages failing to send twitch?
LRRbot: Woodland Cemetery | Land | Woodland Cemetery enters tapped unless you control a Swamp or a Forest. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
SmashTCG: is there a card that makes thing NOT suspected anymore?
Juliamon: because Twitch chat has been super glitchy lately
loufghyslaufey: @Lord_Hosk yous chats on mobile?
Pharmacistjudge: Airtight alibi
Pharmacistjudge: my cosplay for Chicago
micalovits: Remember that you can also use Craft with cards in the graveyard
Sorator13: Oh I hate that, Ben
Lord_Hosk: nope im on desktop
Arboille: crafting exiles no?
micalovits: So a waste to reanimate the death tyrant first
loufghyslaufey: kay, a bit weird
MrPipboy3000: Can't you craft from graveyard?
Diabore: "yup that was definitely a skeleton, nothing else to investigate"
DragonMZ: omg I love Graham's skeleton hand
micalovits: Craft is a weird mechanic
loufghyslaufey: my Twitch mobile app cancels out my connection to chat, specifically
Veshnikard: This is why reminder text is useful
lamina5432: craft was a rarely used mechanic
MrPipboy3000: Yea, magic has a lot of rules, no worries, we're all having fun
wilco96: few things are both funny and practical
loufghyslaufey: I'll see recent comments, but incapacitated from sending new ones for a while
TruPhantomAngel: I feel bad cause I’m sure someone else said it…but I’d Serge here to save us money? XD
TruPhantomAngel: is
Veshnikard: James also hasn't been getting gold every turn
Mazrae: is the James curse only on Arena?
LRRbot: Release to Memory [3W] | Instant | Exile target opponent's graveyard. For each creature card exiled this way, create a 1/1 colorless Spirit creature token.
MrPipboy3000: Yes, Surge is Matthew Lesko
loufghyslaufey: @Mazrae Nah, its just terribly inconsistent
InfiniTokens: 5, ah ah ah
TruPhantomAngel: You got me @mrpipboy3000!
loufghyslaufey: & awfully self-aware in between LRR streams lrrGOAT StinkyCheese lrrJAMES
LRRbot: Hedge Maze | Land — Forest Island | Hedge Maze enters tapped. / When Hedge Maze enters, surveil 1.
MegaDosX: Ben went full Homer Simpson
Mazrae: great poker face there Ben
Gulleko subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Gulleko: nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gulleko! (Today's storm count: 58)
LRRbot: Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh [2UU] | Legendary Planeswalker — Tezzeret [4] | The first activated ability of an artifact you activate each turn costs {2} less to activate. / [+1]: Draw two cards. Then discard two cards unless you discard an artifact card. / [−2]: Target artifact becomes an artifact creature. If it isn't a Vehicle, it has base power and toughness 4/4. / [−6]: You get an emblem with "Whenever an artifact you control becomes tapped, draw a card."
pleonasticTautology: Terezi?
Scarbble: ben sounded like he was about to tell us how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop
MegaDosX: Tereddit
OkCartier: hello!
BrowneePointz: Graham is talking about this lil guy
Pharmacistjudge: I honestly hate that static because it's the *first* activated ability
InfiniTokens: Gosh darn the none card advantage
loufghyslaufey: @MegaDosX But, there's no hedge wall for lrrBEN to lurk back into
Pharmacistjudge: so if you accidentally tap a mana rock, you use it up
WowoT: i woulda just made the vehicle a big creature
LRRbot: Cyberdrive Awakener [5U] | Artifact Creature — Construct [4/4] | Flying / Other artifact creatures you control have flying. / When Cyberdrive Awakener enters, until end of turn, each noncreature artifact you control becomes an artifact creature with base power and toughness 4/4.
drcthulu: I love the cyberdrive artifact overrun
InfiniTokens: I think you mean "GLOD"
pctjoe: Oh the serge ridder costume is great
BrowneePointz: Wait a sec, I just realized the first Marvel set we're getting is Spiderverse....Chat we can get SPIDERS-MAN!
LRRbot: Reliquary Tower | Land | You have no maximum hand size. / {T}: Add {C}.
Sorator13: @InfiniTokens only G has glod; the rest have golod
laikagoat: gremlin?
Sorator13: *gold, terrible time for a typo
OkCartier: !sub
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Just checked and neither Gremlins movie is available on Canadian streaming services lrrAWW
InfiniTokens: @Sorator13 Thought it was part of the joke!
OkCartier subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OkCartier! (Today's storm count: 59)
LRRbot: Bane of the Living [2BB] | Creature — Insect [4/3] | Morph {X}{B}{B} / When Bane of the Living is turned face up, all creatures get −X/−X until end of turn.
Sorator13: Gross!
anhakha: I hope we get mono green goblins in the 1st mtg marvel set.
Dog_of_Myth: Gremlin movie fact: Howie Mandel voiced Gizmo in both movies.
JDMan94: Oh hey a board wipe!
Pharmacistjudge: flavor judge wise,
DeM0nFiRe: I liked the joke Paul lol
loufghyslaufey: @BrowneePointz hm, seems oddly underwhelming, right off the bat lrrAWW lrrSLOTH lrrFRUMP
LoadingReadyRun: If Ben gets both a Gold and a Glod token does that count as different artifact token names for Gimbal?
micalovits: LAst untill your next turn
BrowneePointz: Not Spider-verse the movie, Spiderverse the comic, and going for a focused look at a first outing for a franchise so big seems like a dece idea @loufghyslaufey
micalovits: So... Goad is going to go away before it matters
Sorator13: That does mean it has to attack, mind
Sorator13: oh, or not, alright
pleonasticTautology: Terezi!
Pharmacistjudge: a glod token?
JDMan94: Until your next turn, that creature attacks each combat if able and attacks a player other than you if able.
BrowneePointz: until next turn
ballesta25: If Graham goads, the creature is goaded until Graham's next turn
JDMan94: The exact wording
Sorator13: did Serge get his gold?
midnightcurryjazz: The reminder text of goad says that as well...
Cptasparagus: there ARE some cards which goad permanently, but I don't think any of them are involved here (yet)
Pharmacistjudge: it's " Until the next turn of the controller of that spell or ability, that creature is goaded."
Syphoid7: Tutor
anhakha: Skeletal tutor
InfiniTokens: What if a creature is goaded and the goader-player is removed from the game? Does the creature still have to attack?
LRRbot: Case of the Stashed Skeleton [1B] | Enchantment — Case | When this Case enters, create a 2/1 black Skeleton creature token and suspect it. / To solve — You control no suspected Skeletons. / Solved — {1}{B}, Sacrifice this Case: Search your library for a card, put it into your hand, then shuffle. Activate only as a sorcery.
MegaDosX: Is Skeletal Swarming in there?
Cptasparagus: @InfiniTokens yes
loufghyslaufey: @BrowneePointz No, not that. I only presumed The X-Men would've be a stronger start; with or without correlating comics or '97
Gadora: What kills the problem vehicle?
anhakha: I love skeletal swarming
anhakha: Best skeleton card.
Tingeltangelibach: LUL
MegaDosX: !card gisa the hellraiser
LRRbot: Gisa, the Hellraiser [3BB] | Legendary Creature — Human Warlock [4/4] | Ward—{2}, Pay 2 life. / Skeletons and Zombies you control get +1/+1 and have menace. / Whenever you commit a crime, create two tapped 2/2 blue and black Zombie Rogue creature tokens. This ability triggers only once each turn.
Diabore: gisa is quite unreasonable
anhakha: Vandalblast
micalovits: I mean... Skithiryx is on the decklsit
Pharmacistjudge: @InfiniTokens the game does remember when that player "should exist"
MegaDosX: @micalovits ...excuse me what.
thecampingviking subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
thecampingviking: Booooooo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thecampingviking! (Today's storm count: 60)
Sorator13: !card skeleton swarming
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
SmashTCG: is that a Scar from the Glove?
Sorator13: !card skeletal swarming
LRRbot: Skeletal Swarming [3BG] | Enchantment | Each Skeleton you control has trample, attacks each combat if able, and gets +X/+0, where X is the number of other Skeletons you control. / At the beginning of your end step, create a tapped 1/1 black Skeleton creature token. If a creature died this turn, create two of those tokens instead.
MegaDosX: "If"
HadesLeprechaun: !decks
anhakha: Just realised, shall has indestructible.
anhakha: *bhall has
zagman505: protection includes can't be blocked by, no?
JDMan94: Look, dumplings are doing their best
MegaDosX: Toxic Deluigi?
Pharmacistjudge: @zagman505 yes, can't be blocked
JDMan94: De Luigi
MegaDosX: Oh right hooks
Sorator13: The OG hooks
JDMan94: Truly wish Hooks wasn't a bajillion dollars
LRRbot: Ainok Survivalist [1G] | Creature — Dog Shaman [2/1] | Megamorph {1}{G} / When Ainok Survivalist is turned face up, destroy target artifact or enchantment an opponent controls.
loufghyslaufey: Gyazu/Potstickers > Dumplings maybe ImTyping lrrDOTS
Gaz_L: Ben has almost as much life as all 3 other players
lirazel64: lrrCREEPR lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
Mazrae: Ball? like Ball Hinkley?
LRRbot: Vesuvan Shapeshifter [3UU] | Creature — Shapeshifter [0/0] | As Vesuvan Shapeshifter enters or is turned face up, you may choose another creature on the battlefield. If you do, until Vesuvan Shapeshifter is turned face down, it becomes a copy of that creature, except it has "At the beginning of your upkeep, you may turn this creature face down." / Morph {1}{U}
Larkonus: "What shall I take the form of?" *points at 80 foot tall mech*
JDMan94: @mazrae Bhaal (Hinkley) Lord of Murder sure is an interesting mental image
Sorator13: Bhaal is now destructible again, or would be if he were on the battlefield
InfiniTokens: A "Do you want to play a game?" Dungeon would have been hilarious in Duskmourn
LoadingReadyRun: Bhaal: "I am invincible! Oh no, a meathook! My one weakness!"
Gaz_L: Bhaal, Dead By Daylight
HadesLeprechaun: there are two, skullcrab and an insect skeleton
Pharmacistjudge: in more ways than one
loufghyslaufey: @InfiniTokens Dungeons? Or... "The Initiative?"
whydustin: back face has zero cmc?
Mazrae: @JDMan94 Bhall (Hinkley) Lord of Murder, come smell the scents of this Talc
Texan_Reverend: Is it just me, or has Graham been quieter for the past couple minutes?
loufghyslaufey: LUL lrrWOW lrrGOAT
JDMan94: Flipping Westvale always feels sooooo good
LRRbot: Skeleton Crew [3B] | Creature — Skeleton Pirate [3/3] | Each other creature you control that's a Skeleton or Pirate gets +1/+1. / Whenever one or more creature cards leave your graveyard, create a 2/2 black Skeleton Pirate creature token. / {5}{B}: Return Skeleton Crew from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
Sorator13: @Texan_Reverend Definitely not just you; I think it's cause of how his costume has been moving around also moving his mic
ladyjessica: the from cute to brute arts are so good.
accountmadeforants: @LoadingReadyRun Maybe the Meathook Massacre was actually a workplace accident, and not a murder, and that's why Bhaal was vulnerable.
ladyjessica: only secret lair I’ve ever gotten. so good.
Gaz_L: slipped between 2 ribs
superdude097: I thinkk Ritual just has you put the cards on bottom, not shuffle. Too late for this turn, but if another trigger happens
laikagoat: fwiw, you don't shuffle, they just go on the bottom in a random order
InfiniTokens: Mic is now in 'sultry' mode
BlueMagnusStormCrow: Meat Hook Massacre importantly not a crime.
Sorator13: LUL
Gaz_L: i'm bummed the Marvel stuff is Secret Lairs, tbh
Diabore: 1 person for 15*
Sorator13: hit one person for 15, the other two for 5, yeah
MegaDosX: "I'm dead next turn, which must mean everyone is dead" - Serge, probably
superdude097: I guess it's before 11am?
Larkonus: Goodness gracious, Meathook Massacre 1 is still $50. I want it for a deck, but that is way too expensive.
MegaDosX: Yeah they are still doing a whole Marvel set, just not yet
LRRbot: Ghost Vacuum [1] | Artifact | {T}: Exile target card from a graveyard. / {6}, {T}, Sacrifice Ghost Vacuum: Put each creature card exiled with Ghost Vacuum onto the battlefield under your control with a flying counter on it. Each of them is a 1/1 Spirit in addition to its other types. Activate only as a sorcery.
micalovits: The vacuum is siiiick
JDMan94: Oh the succ?
Sorator13: that is a Very cool card
MegaDosX: Give 'em the succ
InfiniTokens: Is it a Shark or a Dyson?
Gaz_L: yeah, they announced the Spider-Man set as well, which i'm not as hyped about cuz i'd have preferred a more broad set like X-Men or something :/
InfiniTokens: James is not making enough 'ghost' noises
Sorator13: lrrWOW
Gaz_L: hopefully the later products will be cool tho!
loufghyslaufey: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
Fbomb101ers: Yo! What's up party people!!!
TabbyLavalamp: I just got here. Has anyone tried sprinkling some water on Ben yet?
LRRbot: Mechtitan Core [2] | Artifact — Vehicle [2/4] | {5}, Exile Mechtitan Core and four other artifact creatures and/or Vehicles you control: Create Mechtitan, a legendary 10/10 Construct artifact creature token with flying, vigilance, trample, lifelink, and haste that's all colors. When that token leaves the battlefield, return all cards exiled with Mechtitan Core except Mechtitan Core to the battlefield tapped under their owners' control. / Crew 2
w1gum: Graham I'll have you know my youtube is full of king gizzard live streams and i have you and kathleen to thank
62MGcobra: Graham your zipper is down
Gaz_L: it's a Sentai mecha!
anhakha: Do u have the token?
Sorator13: How do they not have the artist also make the token??
UnkeptFlea: gavin
Nigouki: Naochika Morishita has done and ton of mecha artwork including gunpla and other mecha kit boxart
Kentosaurus: I had a jank deck in standard that used mechtitan. so dumb but so fun
Alas_Babylon: https://scryfall.com/card/tneo/14/mechtitan Yep, just seems to only be one version
Alas_Babylon: Victor does amazing work, yeah, but dang, an anime Mechtitan...
62MGcobra: @w1gum I've been getting that too ha
loufghyslaufey: @TabbyLavalamp Well, mostly lrrSERGE is playing Islands, so lrrSPOOP lrrDOTS ImTyping
Gaz_L: i am still salty that the beasts from Breath of the Wild don't combine into a giant Link
frozenphoenix7: Prerelease kits should come with tokens for the set, and I will make this complaint until my last breath, especially with the amount of game objects in 2024.
HadesLeprechaun: for some reason they only ever put 10 tokens in precons, which is real bad when the deck is built to make loads of tokens
LRRbot: Fell the Profane [2BB] (back: Fell Mire) | Instant | Destroy target creature or planeswalker.
Decaped: Just turn the entire packaging into tokens
Gaz_L: @HadesLeprechaun probably a printing costs thing
Sorator13: Nicely done
whydustin: lets go james
Decaped: card packs are now tokens
circusofkirkus: ghost savior!
Decaped: booster boxes are now token
micalovits: Isn't it the other way? G gains a life?
circusofkirkus: wait doesn't meathook gain graham a life
circusofkirkus: not lose opps a life
anhakha: Meatbook trigger
TabbyLavalamp: The Mechtitan token is worth more than the Mechtitan card.
anhakha: *hook
MegaDosX: !card the meathook massacre
LRRbot: The Meathook Massacre [XBB] | Legendary Enchantment | When The Meathook Massacre enters, each creature gets −X/−X until end of turn. / Whenever a creature you control dies, each opponent loses 1 life. / Whenever a creature an opponent controls dies, you gain 1 life.
lamina5432: careful or james will come back from the grave
LRRbot: Underground Mortuary | Land — Swamp Forest | Underground Mortuary enters tapped. / When Underground Mortuary enters, surveil 1.
DrLigmaPhD: What did you call us, Serge?
midnightcurryjazz: you nudnicks
InfiniTokens: @Decaped Spike Feeders Jim once used several shrink-wrapped boxes of InfiniTokens as his tokens in a game.
Alas_Babylon: You silly billies
anhakha: So when Ben's creature died, Graham should gain 1 life.
Dog_of_Myth: Yeah, Meathook trigger
Pharmacistjudge: or infini tokens
BlueMagnusStormCrow: Graham gains a life not everybody loses a life.
Texan_Reverend: @anhakha Indeed. Everyone should be one life higher than they are.
Cptasparagus: @James one of my friends uses a small heat printer from Amazon that was like $30 and makes stickers that are about 75% the size of a normal card
loufghyslaufey: drafts packs have been replaced with tokens NotLikeThis AnotherRecord localBorked
Cptasparagus: its really useful
InfiniTokens: @Pharmacistjudge Seems quicker than searching for the token and waiting for the print :D
Pharmacistjudge: I'll appeal that ruling
LRRbot: Undergrowth Stadium | Land | Undergrowth Stadium enters tapped unless you have two or more opponents. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
LRRbot: Visage of Dread [1B] (back: Dread Osseosaur) | Artifact | When Visage of Dread enters, target opponent reveals their hand. You choose an artifact or creature card from it. That player discards that card. / Craft with two creatures {5}{B}
MegaDosX: Opponents you control, Serge?
micalovits: Yea, why isn't mechtitan a double faced card? Plenty of them in the set
Sorator13: hey, two cards in a row from G that the card reader worked for!
Gaz_L: oh does Mechtitan do the same kind of thing as Dark Depths where it sacs and you make a legendary token, not transforms?
DrLigmaPhD: At least Ben isn't singing Casual because I'm 100% sure that's not family freindly
anhakha: Mechtitan has a funny interaction with Marvin from duskmourn.
MegaDosX: !card mechtitan core
LRRbot: Mechtitan Core [2] | Artifact — Vehicle [2/4] | {5}, Exile Mechtitan Core and four other artifact creatures and/or Vehicles you control: Create Mechtitan, a legendary 10/10 Construct artifact creature token with flying, vigilance, trample, lifelink, and haste that's all colors. When that token leaves the battlefield, return all cards exiled with Mechtitan Core except Mechtitan Core to the battlefield tapped under their owners' control. / Crew 2
LRRbot: Ghastly Conscription [5BB] | Sorcery | Exile all creature cards from target player's graveyard in a face-down pile, shuffle that pile, then manifest those cards.
Cptasparagus: @InfiniTokens I have used Infinitokens for YEARS, but I usually just give them to my GF these days because I can't art and she can
anhakha: You can sac marvin to make a mechtitan token rather than the core.
Dog_of_Myth: Oooo Raptor
LRRbot: Skinthinner [1B] | Creature — Zombie [2/1] | Morph {3}{B}{B} / When Skinthinner is turned face up, destroy target nonblack creature. It can't be regenerated.
lamina5432: but then the mech titan wouldn't be the 5 combining into a giant robot but a transformer that requires sacrifices
Dog_of_Myth: Loved that card
DrLigmaPhD: @LRRbot Principal Skinner?
Gaz_L: @lamina5432 Unicron?
loufghyslaufey: Wait, yeah! Most of the Gunpla tech disclosed in Kamigawa & hardly any Kaiju?
Sorator13: Thanks, I hate it!
LRRbot: Dimir House Guard [3B] | Creature — Skeleton [2/3] | Fear / Sacrifice a creature: Regenerate Dimir House Guard. / Transmute {1}{B}{B}
anhakha: Skinthinner, aka, steroid cream...
Pharmacistjudge: skin thinner also known as prolonged topical corticosteroid use
anhakha: @pharmacistjudge snap
Cptasparagus: @Pharmacistjudge half of my fingertips rn
Grinnin_Gin: skin thinner, also known as epidermal diminisher
MrPipboy3000: With the hood down, Ben looks like a Jedi
InfiniTokens: @Cptasparagus Just words work too, but if she can art then you have a free artist on call!
Juliamon: thank you for the reminder for my daily triamcinolone cream application
DrLigmaPhD: Making replacement tokens would be a great Horse Club
lamina5432: @Gaz_L it's a power ranger mech though
rogerivany: I see James is trying to prove Ghosts exist before Desert Bus starts.
Veshnikard: Did we get the Skeleton Crew trigger?
Veshnikard: Yes we did
LRRbot: Skeleton Crew [3B] | Creature — Skeleton Pirate [3/3] | Each other creature you control that's a Skeleton or Pirate gets +1/+1. / Whenever one or more creature cards leave your graveyard, create a 2/2 black Skeleton Pirate creature token. / {5}{B}: Return Skeleton Crew from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
Pharmacistjudge: tell me skelly
Mai_Andra: Oh, no - the play's hot...
Pharmacistjudge: tell me skelly or there will be no more violence between us.
LRRbot: Drivnod, Carnage Dominus [3BB] | Legendary Creature — Phyrexian Horror [8/3] | If a creature dying causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time. / {B/P}{B/P}, Exile three creature cards from your graveyard: Put an indestructible counter on Drivnod, Carnage Dominus.
JDMan94: Love that effect
loufghyslaufey: Cool, but now I'd like to ask lrrDOTS ?
superdude097: !card birthing ritual
LRRbot: Birthing Ritual [1G] | Enchantment | At the beginning of your end step, if you control a creature, look at the top seven cards of your library. Then you may sacrifice a creature. If you do, you may put a creature card with mana value X or less from among those cards onto the battlefield, where X is 1 plus the sacrificed creature's mana value. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.
micalovits: I think drivnod is in play when the trigger goes on the stack eya
ShaneLeeAtk: lrrJUDGE
ballesta25: It's in play when the trigger goes onto the stack, but not when it triggers, so it won't double
LunaticPandoraVIII subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LunaticPandoraVIII! (Today's storm count: 61)
superdude097: Saccing is part of the ability resolving
Pharmacistjudge: grivnod is not there to see it
MrPipboy3000: there is an "If" clause that presumes the creature has been sacraficed
loufghyslaufey: "Skeleton Coup" when? lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR StinkyCheese lrrSPOT
DrLigmaPhD: I think just one trigger
Sorator13: Drivnod is not there to see the sac, correct
Pharmacistjudge: graham is correct, the triggers resolves when drivnod is there, but it wasn't there when it triggers.
anhakha: Next priority is when Graham makes any action.
Sorator13: but I believe Serge can respond to the Meathook trigger
definenull: James is currently foreshadowing the next few minutes
w1gum: Can anyone check if james is alive under there
w1gum: ok he moved
micalovits: Not even close Serge
squ3e: Guy whos only seen Nadu "Getting some real nadu vibes here"
LoadingReadyRun: Drivnod: "Hey guys, did someone just get sacrificed?"
Nightecho06: Nadu is so close to Godwin's Law its scary
LRRbot: Faithbound Judge [1WW] (back: Sinner's Judgment) | Creature — Spirit Soldier [4/4] | Defender, flying, vigilance / At the beginning of your upkeep, if Faithbound Judge has two or fewer judgment counters on it, put a judgment counter on it. / As long as Faithbound Judge has three or more judgment counters on it, it can attack as though it didn't have defender. / Disturb {5}{W}{W}
anhakha: !card V.A.T.S
LRRbot: V.A.T.S. [2BB] | Instant | Split second / Choose any number of target creatures with equal toughness. Destroy the chosen creatures.
Sorator13: Oh, neat
bucketofmarc: Graham, I have some packs for Crack a Pack to give you at MagicCon. :-)
Mai_Andra: "Don't froth me! I's twizted!"
Pharmacistjudge: not precisely, drivnod looks at death triggers, which are separate from sacrifice
LRRbot: Anguished Unmaking [1WB] | Instant | Exile target nonland permanent. You lose 3 life.
anhakha: You would need something like v.a.t.s to split second it.
Alas_Babylon: Called shot
squ3e: Electric
dumbo3k: Can't he not? He needs to pay 3 life, and he only has 2 life?
Alas_Babylon: @dumbo3k Losing life doesn't mean he's paying it. He just loses it.
dumbo3k: or wait, nvm, he isn't paying life
Mr_Horrible: @dumbo3k he doesn't pay the life, just loses it
dumbo3k: yeah, just reread it
anhakha: Need split second.
Alas_Babylon: S'ok
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
xhjon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, xhjon! (Today's storm count: 62)
DrLigmaPhD: Graham just immediately went click-clack with the skeleton hand without thinking and I respect that
squ3e: Is it two meathook triggers, or one meathook one drivnod to double the trigger?
loufghyslaufey: Kellog's from the other s i d e lrrJAMES SingsNote ImTyping
NotCainNorAbel: james is a ghost now
Gaz_L: "oh but for me it's bad!" - Serge
Mr_Horrible: "At last, my work here is done"
Fruan: My favorite counterspell
MegaDosX: I remember when Paul would make people greyscale when they died in the game
dekutula: !card meathook massacre
LRRbot: Did you mean: Meathook Massacre II; The Meathook Massacre; A-The Meathook Massacre
Alas_Babylon: Whoa, it's James Turner!
Cptasparagus: Oh hey James is here
DeM0nFiRe: Woah the ghost was James the whole time?
dekutula: !card the meathook massacre
LRRbot: The Meathook Massacre [XBB] | Legendary Enchantment | When The Meathook Massacre enters, each creature gets −X/−X until end of turn. / Whenever a creature you control dies, each opponent loses 1 life. / Whenever a creature an opponent controls dies, you gain 1 life.
WiJohn: OMG the spooky ghost was James the whole time?!
DudelidouX: Isn't the 3 life not cost but effect of the spell?
Grinnin_Gin: Graham killed James's ghost so hard he respawned. Impressive.
pleonasticTautology: Hello, James.
superdude097: Does the curse go into the GY or into exile?
twistedsylvan: The evil has been defeated!
frozenphoenix7: The ghost was Old Man Turner the whole time!
JDMan94: Yeah my favorite counterspell is just killing the player
Gaz_L: i do genuinely hope we get Meathook 3D at some point
ballesta25: Usually dying is more likely to turn you into a ghost than the reverse
loufghyslaufey: oh, hacks. lrrJAMES was never here
Alas_Babylon: @superdude097 Ben's graveyard. It's his spell, and it isn't enchanting anything, so it gets sent to the GY.
MegaDosX: They'd be a minority
NotCainNorAbel: james would have succeeded if it wasn't for those meddling kids
Mazrae: what about 5 thumbs and no fingers
Sorator13: Well, most people have at least five fingers, but the thumbs are an issue
superdude097: @Alas_Babylon Right, Ben still controlled it
Mr_Horrible: I have an unreasonable affinity for prop gloves/prosthetics like that
anhakha: @dudelidoux he didn't die to the 3 damage of his spell. He died to being drained with meathook massacre before his spell resolved.
Suffix: Who's got 5 fingers and no thumbs? This... wait.. no.
Gaz_L: Even Count Rugen has 5 fingers AND a thumb!
definenull: Sultai, the colours well known for gaining life
InfiniTokens: What you do is get those black gloves with bones printed on top, but cut holes only where the pads of your fingers are so you can still grab the cards.
loufghyslaufey: But now who is this guy who looks like lrrJAMES ?
ThorSokar: It would have to be one of the VERY few people on the planet born with 5 fingers and a thumb, and one of them would have had to lose a thumb to a tablesaw or something similar
MegaDosX: Drivnod big
InfiniTokens: But from above looks like skelly hand
bunn_tech subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!
bunn_tech: Howdy
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bunn_tech! (Today's storm count: 63)
JDMan94: Smol pinchy
MegaDosX: And Graham can make him indestructible too
Grinnin_Gin: strictly speaking, if you cut off your thumbs, you WOULD have 5 fingers and no thumbs, just not all on the same hand
Sorator13: I peench?
anhakha: He can also make it indestructible, Serge.
twistedsylvan: Those fingies look really cool, can they manipulate anything?
phoenixfeather14: little pinch?
Gaz_L: @definenull i mean, Witherbloom kind of did make that a thing, and black does life drain?
LRRbot: Nantuko Vigilante [3G] | Creature — Insect Druid Mutant [3/2] | Morph {1}{G} / When Nantuko Vigilante is turned face up, destroy target artifact or enchantment.
Mazrae: Skele-hand high fives?
PorpoisesUnknown: What a snazzy riddler costume
Sorator13: Nice
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ThePixelSavage: the meathruk massacre
Scarbble: meat hurk
Sorator13: wooooow
MegaDosX: Ermagerd, Mertherk Merssecre
twistedsylvan: Don't kill the MeatHog!
JDMan94: Meathurk Tuah
whydustin: meat hawk LUL LUL
Alas_Babylon: Meathawk Tuah
InfiniTokens: Meat Hunk?
Cptasparagus: "I wish to destroy your meat" -Serge
Alas_Babylon: @JDMan94 *high-five*
MegaDosX: That is a /mistake/
Dog_of_Myth: Turned up for what? Naturalize.
Mr_Horrible: putting you into the Device
Sorator13: Serge?!?!
underhill33: lrrWOW
Suffix: Serge.
MegaDosX: I mean, that's the joke
couchboyj: Put -X -X on that thang
LRRbot: Bloodstained Mire | Land | {T}, Pay 1 life, Sacrifice Bloodstained Mire: Search your library for a Swamp or Mountain card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.
DrLigmaPhD: Cyclonic Rift, overloaded
MegaDosX: It's Boltbender!
Sorator13: Skin is surprisingly good at gripping
Gaz_L: Chromeshell Crab?! :o
Nimiphi: thats why your fingers get all wrinkly in water; its for added grip
ThePixelSavage: @Nimiphi (X) Doubt.
loufghyslaufey: Manifest Dread when, Morphs?
Sorator13: Bhaal is indestructible again if he gets on the battlefield
midnightcurryjazz: thin that skin
Gaz_L: he got double-killed
Mr_Horrible: if you die as a ghost you resurrect
LRRbot: Reflecting Pool | Land | {T}: Add one mana of any type that a land you control could produce.
Mr_Horrible: the cycle is inescapable, my dude
DrLigmaPhD: Dead Ghost = Alive Man, it's basic biology
PorpoisesUnknown: If you die as a ghost you don't die for real
Sorator13: you could say it was Meathook Massacre II
Nimiphi: ghosts die and enter their first prestige
LRRbot: Skeleton Crew [3B] | Creature — Skeleton Pirate [3/3] | Each other creature you control that's a Skeleton or Pirate gets +1/+1. / Whenever one or more creature cards leave your graveyard, create a 2/2 black Skeleton Pirate creature token. / {5}{B}: Return Skeleton Crew from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
MegaDosX: Rattle rattle
Mr_Horrible: Name? Skeleton Crew. Species? Skeleton Crew. Occupation? Skeleton Crew.
Pharmacistjudge: skeletons can come out whenever they want
Mr_Horrible: yes I know it doesn't work as cleanly as the original, but I'm running with it regardless
DrLigmaPhD: I imagine when a skeleton emerges from the yard everyone hears exactly 0.5 seconds of Mr. Brightside
Mr_Horrible: deathmist WHO?
Mr_Horrible: Graham no you can't do this to me, fear isn't old enough that people are forgetting what it means AAAAAAAAAA
Alas_Babylon: Death Missed Raptor
Mr_Horrible: intimidate is also artifacts
Mr_Horrible: along with their own color
LRRbot: Skinthinner [1B] | Creature — Zombie [2/1] | Morph {3}{B}{B} / When Skinthinner is turned face up, destroy target nonblack creature. It can't be regenerated.
Pharmacistjudge: tell me skelly, or else there will be only pleasantries between us
supriseshurikenn: Serge as the riddler is not something I knew I needed until now
PorpoisesUnknown: Consider your skin THINNED, skeleton man
ShaneLeeAtk: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3
WowoT: !card birthing ritual
LRRbot: Birthing Ritual [1G] | Enchantment | At the beginning of your end step, if you control a creature, look at the top seven cards of your library. Then you may sacrifice a creature. If you do, you may put a creature card with mana value X or less from among those cards onto the battlefield, where X is 1 plus the sacrificed creature's mana value. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.
definenull: LUL
Sorator13: LUL
jchinnock: that’s a cool Gundam you have there James
Fruan: Graham!
LRRbot: Tinybones, the Pickpocket [B] | Legendary Creature — Skeleton Rogue [1/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever Tinybones, the Pickpocket deals combat damage to a player, you may cast target nonland permanent card from that player's graveyard, and mana of any type can be spent to cast that spell.
definenull: just a lil guy!
ContingentCat: !advice
LRRbot: Use every part of the monster!
LRRbot: Cyclonic Rift [1U] | Instant | Return target nonland permanent you don't control to its owner's hand. / Overload {6}{U}
Alas_Babylon: Whooooooosh
Mr_Horrible: this way Skeleton Crew is cheaper tho Kappa
definenull: i wish i could sacrifice gold to just float
Gaz_L: Ben can do between 18 and 21 damage confirmed
johnobriant: That's what you do when you fall off of your pirate ship. You sacrifice your gold so you can float.
Mr_Horrible: @definenull this is essentially just any indoor skydiving with a wind tunnel, so theoretically it's both possible and probably affordable as, like, a luxury entertainment line item in the monthly budget
LRRbot: Mechtitan Core [2] | Artifact — Vehicle [2/4] | {5}, Exile Mechtitan Core and four other artifact creatures and/or Vehicles you control: Create Mechtitan, a legendary 10/10 Construct artifact creature token with flying, vigilance, trample, lifelink, and haste that's all colors. When that token leaves the battlefield, return all cards exiled with Mechtitan Core except Mechtitan Core to the battlefield tapped under their owners' control. / Crew 2
Mr_Horrible: can't pilot with a credenza, Ben
Sorator13: you can't assemble voltron with inanimate objects, Ben!
Gaz_L: need zords to make a megazord!
Alas_Babylon: The fact you can't put a coin into the amalgam to activate a giant robot does kinda honk
Sorator13: LUL
Mr_Horrible: "Wait a second... I *do* hold the power of life and death in my hands still!"
LRRbot: Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith [2R] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Artificer [2/2] | Landfall — Whenever a land you control enters, create a colorless Equipment artifact token named Rock with "Equipped creature has '{1}, {T}, Sacrifice Rock: This creature deals 2 damage to any target'" and equip {1}. / Partner
Mr_Horrible: just as long as you're not le petit mort, can't show that on Twitch
definenull: good rock do thunk
MegaDosX: Love Toggo
johnobriant: It's not Toggo Tuesday, but it'll do.
MegaDosX: He's one of the commanders of my most recent creation
Gaz_L: Toggo is just Killer Croc from that one episode of Batman
LRRbot: Oko, Thief of Crowns [1GU] | Legendary Planeswalker — Oko [4] | [+2]: Create a Food token. / [+1]: Target artifact or creature loses all abilities and becomes a green Elk creature with base power and toughness 3/3. / [−5]: Exchange control of target artifact or creature you control and target creature an opponent controls with power 3 or less.
MegaDosX: Ugh
definenull: oh its brokko oko
Gaz_L: the busto Oko
Mr_Horrible: the One Good Oko
circusofkirkus: stupid sexy *cowboy* oko
DrLigmaPhD: Toggo, next to the extreme high tech of Kamigawa and Kaladesh, invests rock
azureHaights: okOG
PorpoisesUnknown: the Crown thief himself
Gaz_L: which, to be fair, is v good when there's only 2 players left
goombalax: wow that is spooky
Mr_Horrible: it's a die with no weight distribution problems
JDMan94: """Improved"""
Mr_Horrible: but limited to english speakers only
kumatsu: they're not the same cuz it's not the standard die layout
azureHaights: Oko: "oh no"
Sorator13: I appreciate the "Die for English-readers only"
LRRbot: Assassin's Trophy [BG] | Instant | Destroy target permanent an opponent controls. Its controller may search their library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.
DrLigmaPhD: Toggo trigger
JDMan94: I got a rock
Sorator13: That man paid two mana to turn Oko into a rock!
definenull: oko sure does have the ass trophy 😏
DrLigmaPhD: @JDMan94 (Excited)
LRRbot: Sol Ring [1] | Artifact | {T}: Add {C}{C}.
Mr_Horrible: Isperia becomes a lawn ornament
LRRbot: Tinybones, the Pickpocket [B] | Legendary Creature — Skeleton Rogue [1/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever Tinybones, the Pickpocket deals combat damage to a player, you may cast target nonland permanent card from that player's graveyard, and mana of any type can be spent to cast that spell.
kumatsu: say hi to Rocko, chat
WiJohn: Oko's old news, I got a lawn with a rock on it!
LRRbot: Skeleton Crew [3B] | Creature — Skeleton Pirate [3/3] | Each other creature you control that's a Skeleton or Pirate gets +1/+1. / Whenever one or more creature cards leave your graveyard, create a 2/2 black Skeleton Pirate creature token. / {5}{B}: Return Skeleton Crew from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
Gaz_L: RIP Andre Braugher
DrLigmaPhD: Can I Monty Hall someone in Magic?
LRRbot: Access Denied [3UU] | Instant | Counter target spell. Create X 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature tokens with flying, where X is that spell's mana value.
jchinnock: that’s a rock fact!
laikagoat: cavern of souls
MrPipboy3000: Can't counter it with Cavern
Sorator13: double crap!
TheCodeBerry: cavern!
Sorator13: oh! yes, cavern!
MegaDosX: Did Graham use Cavern of Souls?
laikagoat: lrrJUDGECALL
micalovits: He can still get the tokens, but yes, Cavern
MegaDosX: Ben would still get the tokens but Graham would still get the card
Mr_Horrible: the clause comes into effect
ballesta25: It resolves, but ben still gets thopters
Garbonzo42: also isn't that an activated ability?
Mr_Horrible: the 1 in 50
Mr_Horrible: don't make me pour water on you, Ben
Pharmacistjudge: very firmly disagree
Syphoid7: chrisNerd
mtvcdm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months!
mtvcdm: The one year! And one month.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mtvcdm! (Today's storm count: 64)
MegaDosX: Oooooh you got told by Pharmacistjudge
squ3e: In the words of I think adam "Yeah Graham's an idiot!"
Pharmacistjudge: extremely firmly disagree. they specifically added a line to the tournament rules about this situation.
Mr_Horrible: "This kid doesn't give a *shit*"
pleonasticTautology: Oh, we absolutely got report cards like that in New York.
Mr_Horrible: "Mom I'm 10"
MegaDosX: !card birthing ritual
LRRbot: Birthing Ritual [1G] | Enchantment | At the beginning of your end step, if you control a creature, look at the top seven cards of your library. Then you may sacrifice a creature. If you do, you may put a creature card with mana value X or less from among those cards onto the battlefield, where X is 1 plus the sacrificed creature's mana value. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.
definenull: let's not say that phrase ever again
squ3e: The what
JDMan94: Let's not and say we never did
MegaDosX: I think it was Cavern
Sorator13: Cavern of Souls
Pharmacistjudge: "If an object has multiple mana abilities, a player is assumed to be activating the one that most specifically applies to the spell or ability for which that mana is being used, unless they announce otherwise."
MegaDosX: Fairly sure Arena assumes that every time
gixkillerx13: yep
gixkillerx13: same time
LRRbot: Misty Rainforest | Land | {T}, Pay 1 life, Sacrifice Misty Rainforest: Search your library for a Forest or Island card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.
Sorator13: Good changes
Mr_Horrible: yeah, essentially an extended "don't be a crappy pedant" clause
lirazel64: Graham, I was bullied for years for that reason...
johnobriant: The Deck with Rocks In
Pharmacistjudge: this was always the case, they finally added it to the tournament rules in Duskmourn, just so it can be referenced easier.
Cptasparagus: @Pharmacistjudge *clutches my angleshooting pearls*
JDMan94: Y e e t
Pharmacistjudge: because the only other place where this ruling was discuseed was Toby Elliot's Blog.
Diabore: not tinybones!
JDMan94: This rock empty
northos: oof owie my bones
gixkillerx13: I had a judge call for that once. dude was trying to rule shark since I did not say I was tapping it to use the can’t be countered ability
Syphoid7: Less exciting Fling lmao
MrPipboy3000: Its SUPER Effective
Mr_Horrible: @Pharmacistjudge I would assume this is just kind of extension of the idea that you don't have to explicitly declare what color you're getting out of a multiland when you're just straightforwardly paying a cost
dumbo3k: Sticks and Stones may break my bones *Kills skelly with a rock*
MegaDosX: It's a physical Rock move, it probably missed
JDMan94: Yeahhh
JDMan94: Good ol Stone Miss
LRRbot: Mechtitan Core [2] | Artifact — Vehicle [2/4] | {5}, Exile Mechtitan Core and four other artifact creatures and/or Vehicles you control: Create Mechtitan, a legendary 10/10 Construct artifact creature token with flying, vigilance, trample, lifelink, and haste that's all colors. When that token leaves the battlefield, return all cards exiled with Mechtitan Core except Mechtitan Core to the battlefield tapped under their owners' control. / Crew 2
Pharmacistjudge: more or less @Mr_Horrible
MegaDosX: I made a Toggo/Ishai deck to leverage the fact that the rocks are equipment that's been pretty funny
definenull: hulk meme.jpg
zagman505: mechtitan is an artifact creature
Mr_Horrible: Mechtitan Core flicking a quarter at me, killing me instantly
JDMan94: Big Grombopulus
IluvatarHS: you have to pay life for blackmarket connection, you have to choose 1 or more. choosing nothing is not an option
zagman505: oh wait is it just the core
zagman505: nvm
MegaDosX: Yeah Ben only has the core on board right now
Nimiphi: I can't help but smile when Ben looks over at chat and that gremlin costume just stares into my soul
DrLigmaPhD: Toggo love rock and roll so put another gold in the jukebox baby?
tehfewl: Love lightning, Best invention since "rock." -Toggo, weaponsmith. the flavor text from Onslaught Shock
LRRbot: Access Denied [3UU] | Instant | Counter target spell. Create X 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature tokens with flying, where X is that spell's mana value.
LRRbot: Bone Dragon [3BB] | Creature — Dragon Skeleton [5/4] | Flying / {3}{B}{B}, Exile seven other cards from your graveyard: Return Bone Dragon from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
definenull: what an escape cost
Nimiphi: Dragon deez bones, gottem
MrPipboy3000: I have the Mech titan to protect against paper, rock will handle the scissors
Alas_Babylon: !card Ebondeath
LRRbot: Ebondeath, Dracolich [2BB] | Legendary Creature — Zombie Dragon [5/2] | Flash / Flying / Ebondeath, Dracolich enters tapped. / You may cast Ebondeath, Dracolich from your graveyard if a creature not named Ebondeath, Dracolich died this turn.
Alas_Babylon: Zormbul
superdude097: Zombie
JDMan94: No skele
ensiferous3: looks like a skeleton spirit in the art
LRRbot: Gisa, the Hellraiser [3BB] | Legendary Creature — Human Warlock [4/4] | Ward—{2}, Pay 2 life. / Skeletons and Zombies you control get +1/+1 and have menace. / Whenever you commit a crime, create two tapped 2/2 blue and black Zombie Rogue creature tokens. This ability triggers only once each turn.
Alas_Babylon: Black dragons have a very skeletal look by default, and when it's a zombie
DylPage: *very* zombie
northos: I think Lich = Zombie in Magic parlance, for the most part
Dog_of_Myth: *pushes up glasses* It's a Lich
Sorator13: The art is.... nonspecific undead
DrLigmaPhD: That is the most incredulous look I have EVER seen from Serge
wilco96: the wing membranes make it a zombie
Sorator13: like there's definitely wing membrane there, yeayh
LRRbot: Ketria Triome | Land — Forest Island Mountain | Ketria Triome enters tapped. / Cycling {3}
shendaras: I seem to recall someone animating the flesh (as a zombie) and the skeleton of a corpse separately on a previous stream
Nimiphi: Ebondeath is an animated corpse of a dragon, not just the bones put together. Zombie, not Skeleton. IN this Ted Talk I'll....
LRRbot: Clown Car [X] | Artifact — Vehicle [1/1] | When Clown Car enters, roll X six-sided dice. For each odd result, create a 1/1 white Clown Robot artifact creature token. For each even result, put a +1/+1 counter on Clown Car. / Crew 2
definenull: BEEP BEEP
JDMan94: Holy Schmoly
Sorator13: @shendaras I specifically remember the sound effect G made when talking about it, yes
johnobriant: Make sure you roll the weird Alex one.
Fruan: H O N K
Syphoid7: Honk honk
JDMan94: is it Beep Beep or Honk Honk
MegaDosX: Ben casting Fireball over here
JDMan94: Yeah Honk Honk feels more appropriate
Pharmacistjudge: i love how the type of die doesn't matter as long as they have an even number of sides
definenull: !y
Alas_Babylon: Clowntron
johnobriant: Clowntitan!
Fruan: M E G A H O N K
Sorator13: @Pharmacistjudge Well, it would matter for some other specific cards that care
MrPipboy3000: I used to play bass for Clown Titan back in college
LoadingReadyRun: is it weird that Ben is looking out of gizmo's neck?
Sorator13: @LoadingReadyRun Yes, it has been the whole time
Pharmacistjudge: fair, people do play mr. house
JDMan94: GG
johnobriant: I love Clown Titan's older stuff.
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Syphoid7: GG
laikagoat: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Sorator13: Clown Car wins the game!
Fruan: Clown Mech
Strebenherz: HONK HONK
superdude097: Game 2? Kappa
definenull: uhhhh one more?
rogerivany: Hot Dog we have a weiner.
KWardJenx: Man, game 2 is gonna be bonkers.
JDMan94: Get in the mech, Borpo
Strebenherz: @Pharmacistjudge huh, legit
azureHaights: The clown car was a clown APC the whole time
oodwae subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, oodwae! (Today's storm count: 65)
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
MegaDosX: Ben swore on a Magic stream! :O
Syphoid7: Devil horns
Mr_Horrible: he's gonna cosplay Denbo
Fruan: "Sexy James", which is just normal James
Nimiphi: I love Serge's costume.
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Sorator13: Still have the cornhole cutout of Ian? Could wear that...
Syphoid7: lmao
goombalax: Mr. House is a great robot commabder
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2621 in the channel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Therberus!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to fnoggchamp!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Snowmiaux!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to LizzyTPau!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to sweetmalasada!
Khalstrom: Toy vampire teeth
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to Therberus, Snowmiaux, LizzyTPau, fnoggchamp, and sweetmalasada! (Today's storm count: 70)
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
BusTed: LUL
Sorator13: LUL
Strebenherz: PFFFFFT
Veshnikard: We get super hero next year
RatherLargeToad: Optimus Prime makes for a great commander
rogerivany: Just put a fork in your shirt and go as "Done".
circusofkirkus: just wear a witch hat james
mtvcdm: !cardkingdom
LRRbot: Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at http://www.cardkingdom.com/lrr and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
mtvcdm: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
couchboyj: Next year James isn't in the game but just wanders across the background in a cardboard box 20 minutes in
Sorator13: alternatively, wear your normal clothes and go as famous youtuber James Turner
mtvcdm: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
mtvcdm: !dragonshield
LRRbot: Want a deal on some sweet Dragon Shield products? Use code LRRMTG5 for 5% off your order at http://www.dragonshield.com
mtvcdm: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadyrun . For Stream VODs check out https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadylive . MtG vods and other MtG content are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRMtG . Tabletop related videos are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRTT . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRVG
Mr_Horrible: holy hell
mtvcdm: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
Mazrae: when is MTG vegas
superdude097: When I was first learning MTG I thought there was a rule that if you forgot to untap you just couldn't and so weren't able to use your lands or attack with your creatures
GasCityGaming: I'll be there! :D
Pharmacistjudge: I'll be there too
Sorator13: @shendaras yessss
Dog_of_Myth: I'll be there
Pharmacistjudge: say hi. get a ribbon
phoenixfeather14: still wondering what Serge had to buy for that costume
NotCainNorAbel: Hi
mtvcdm: Also if you were wondering about Bluesky for no reason at all:
Vampiricsloth: is lrr on bluesky or just mastodon atm?
mtvcdm: !bluesky
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Bluesky! You can follow the LRR account here: https://bsky.app/profile/loadingreadyrun.bsky.social Or find all the crew accounts here: https://bsky.app/starter-pack-short/V5GPWQg
Diabore: james, who revived by dying
midnightcurryjazz: vegas G vlog?
Vampiricsloth: thanks mtvcdm <3
BusTed: drawfeOnceler
definenull: FROGS = GONE
mtvcdm: (The LRR account has not yet posted but it exists)
Mazrae: that was a good one Paul
tehfewl: I would have been in Vegas, but I'm moving, and thought that money would be better spent on furniture
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ballesta25: lrrHEART
NotCainNorAbel: lrrPAUL
mtvcdm: And for everywhere else:
mtvcdm: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
definenull: XD
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
circusofkirkus: LUL
dumbo3k: xD
BusTed: rekt
Dog_of_Myth: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Sorator13: I am fully lost right now
Diabore: so its live, into vegas, into ppr, into desert bus, all a month, have fun!
Simonark: Wait, did anyone answer the riddle?
superdude097: Question about the set: Did you have to knock down any real spider webs when you put up the fake ones?
NotCainNorAbel: more pie in the nose? or more pie in the eye?
definenull: another loading ready vibe perhaps?
rogerivany: Will anything happen on Live?
Diabore: sounds like loadingreadyvibes
Mr_Horrible: the real question is: one arm, or both arms?
Pharmacistjudge: getting vaccines before Las Vegas is wise
tehfewl: flu and covid vax sure is a combo
RatherLargeToad: Flu-vid is no joke
Ravynn: "Something's" going to happen
Mazrae: maybe Loading Ready Vibe?
mtvcdm: Maybe we vibe
rogerivany: Remember the SNL sketch "Lowered Expectations"?
shurtal: i got the double whammy. and it's SHREK'D me
RatherLargeToad: Another Abbot and Costello movie?
Mr_Horrible: I'm lucky enough that the combo didn't kick my ass back in September
mtvcdm: @rogerivany That was MadTV
code1300: Ben and James could just play a bonus stream of Lorcana
Doctor_Arsone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
Doctor_Arsone: almost a year
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Doctor_Arsone! (Today's storm count: 71)
NotCainNorAbel: tbf, I got one in each arm and I feel like getting both in one arm would have left me with one good arm
rogerivany: @mtvcdm Was it? I'm very old.
definenull: hopefully the dice wont be as haunted
Juliamon: (They will be up on the podcast feed as soon as archive.org gets its shit together)
DeM0nFiRe: 40 golf? That's too much golf, maybe like 27 golf is ok
KWardJenx: So stupid. Lol
Sorator13: good joke, streamer!
Mr_Horrible: @NotCainNorAbel that was mostly my logic - "at least my good arm won't be hecked". The pharmacist was telling me that both arms is a good idea if you haven't had them in recent memory and want to make it easier to determine which is which if you have a localized adverse reaction
Mr_Horrible: we do not pay attention to the Until Dawn remake
drrek0: There is a season 2 of dark picture anthology
drrek0: coming out
30teracyte: the space one is the start of season 2 of dark pictures, the dead by daylight one is a separate thing
Mr_Horrible: "antagonistic co-op" is a good bit for those
ThirdGames: There's also that remaster/remake of Until Dawn that looks sweet
Mr_Horrible: @ThirdGames I have bad news
ThirdGames: Oh no
pleonasticTautology is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 27 in the channel!
pleonasticTautology gifted a Tier 1 sub to deakann!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, pleonasticTautology! Welcome to deakann! (Today's storm count: 72)
ThirdGames: What happened to that?
Mr_Horrible: it's a very GTA Legacy Collection situation
NotCainNorAbel: @Mr_Horrible Yeah, I have been told that too. Since I have had both shots multiple times and no other issues i probably should have picked both in one. It was really only about two days of issue but something to think about in the future
Mr_Horrible: where they did a ton of upscaling without thinking about how it would affect the scenes, and also threw the performance in the toilet
ThirdGames: Ohnoooo, that's too bad
NotCainNorAbel subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 75 months, currently on a 75 month streak!
NotCainNorAbel: Will the joker tell me it is has been 3./4 of a year?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NotCainNorAbel! (Today's storm count: 73)
DeM0nFiRe: nice
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
Mai_Andra: bend her? I barely know her...
AnAnonymousGifter is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to StatlerandWaldorf!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to StatlerandWaldorf! (Today's storm count: 74)
Mr_Horrible: seeing the goat retreat for a moment there was interesting
NotCainNorAbel: yes, yes he will
pleonasticTautology: Thank you for nailing our handle, Ben. :D
Mazrae: what is the most months so far
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the spooktacular stream
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
definenull: byeee
Sorator13: ty for stream, friends!
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the show, gang
DirectorStephanie: thank you
pleonasticTautology: Bye!
definenull: lrrSHINE
superdude097: TY for stream
Suffix: I'm gonna have the LORGE candy bars.
asddsa28: im making stickers they will get candy to