SaxPython: Hey pre game chat. What's good? Do we know what our next hand-tool is?
mtvcdm: wrench
accountmadeforants: What's good? Starstruck is good, that's what. (I beat the game about an hour ago.)
mtvcdm: wrench is good for pumpkin carving right?
accountmadeforants: I would argue we've already assembled the perfect tools for pumpkin carving. The baseball bat, for one.
Juliamon: The screwdriver would be very good too
mtvcdm: pliers
mtvcdm: tweezers
NotCainNorAbel: serrated kitchen knives, also work on fingers
accountmadeforants: The skelly-hand thing that Graham used for Spooky Commander. From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of blow-molded plastic.
accountmadeforants: Title change 👀
PharaohBender27: lrrSIG !
accountmadeforants: lrrSIG
Riandisa: xivCactuar xivCactuar xivCactuar
PharaohBender27: Oooh, we get countdown music this time - a rarity for the Cafe!
accountmadeforants: Also, that's the second time in a row Twitch has managed to load the video without refreshing, for me
Earthenone: lrrSIG
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
TehAmelie: i don't even try to keep count of twitch being twitch. sometimes it work, most of the time it don't, just enough to keep you guessing
TehAmelie: so, this game is a lot of fun. how would you sell it to someone who's never heard of it?
Juliamon: "Have you heard of Earthbound?"
Stormgod519: ay!
Stormgod519: I made it back!
TehAmelie: i have heard of it
mtvcdm: It's what you imagine old, fun games to have been like back in the day
TehAmelie: probably should play it sometime
Invitare: GANT
BusTed: downshfit!
TehAmelie: hi!
Stormgod519: thanks heather
BusTed: we're redlining
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Stormgod519: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyy lrrIAN and lrrHEATHER !
accountmadeforants: wheelerE wheelerE wheelerEed
mtvcdm: Heather, there is no sound softer than mute I know you were trying
mtvcdm: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
mtvcdm: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
mtvcdm: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
mtvcdm: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
mtvcdm: !bluesky
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Bluesky! You can follow the LRR account here: Or find all the crew accounts here:
PharaohBender27: Unable to clip due to internal site error!? tqsHmph
Stormgod519: welp, got that intro for ya
accountmadeforants: Honestly, you're free to barter with wooden nickels if you want to, be your best self.
PharaohBender27: History!? Boring!? tqsLeave
NotCainNorAbel: I have a lot of wooden free beer 'nickles'
SquareDotCube: no coffee shops
PharaohBender27: (Context: I work as an archivist at a historical society and have been really into history ever since I was a little kid)
PharaohBender27: Slightly?
accountmadeforants: You're slightly soft yeah
Juliamon: PharaohBender27 I'm honestly jealous of that passion. I have trouble understanding/appreciating things I haven't personally experienced so history stuff never really sticks.
SquareDotCube: I know I've seen the movie
PharaohBender27: I read . . . at least the first one?
TehAmelie: do you ever feel unfocused? check your camera
Juliamon: And I feel awful about that because my mom got deeply into genealogy for awhile and I just couldn't give a shit
ArdCollider: count d-d-d-d-duckula
Juliamon: Duckula was rad as hell
TehAmelie: i have spent much time trying to figure out how i would get my younger self to care about history as i do. it's trick
TehAmelie: y
SquareDotCube: this reminds me of the Disney duck ninja game that was on the SNES. I only remember the game, nothing else or how it played
Juliamon: star truckin'
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon TBH, I don't find genealogy super thrilling, if it makes you feel any better. Also: that sound analogous to me anytime my Dad (a mathematician) would get excited about some math thing.
mtvcdm: The truck of stars
accountmadeforants: Star S. Truck
accountmadeforants: Starstruck: HOT
DaxStrife: Manos: the Hands of Time
SquareDotCube: star truck, here to ieskai you into a pop star in a super futuristic world
Stormgod519: hmmmm
PharaohBender27: D:
accountmadeforants: Oh, quick, widen your stream library window, watch the hand
PharaohBender27: Spell check does NOT like most surnames, let me tell you
mtvcdm: I don't need AI for people to misspell my name
Stormgod519: it's probably just because the show has "Cafe" in its name but I thought the game today was called "Starbuck"
PharaohBender27: Ooooh Abe
PharaohBender27: Yeah that was wild
ArdCollider: LOL way to stay off that topic, Ian :D
DaxStrife: My name gets misspelled all the time at work. In MS Teams, where my name is *right there.*
SkylerRingtail: <message deleted>Homemade gun, and the ability to aim >_> *coughcough*
Earthenone: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:20 PM
SkylerRingtail: Oooh, what's in the box?!
mtvcdm: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: spoilers!
PharaohBender27: @DaxStrife You have to use Teams? My condolences
Stormgod519: oh thanks!
accountmadeforants: Want to know what it means? It's not really plot-relevant.
Stormgod519: !advice
LRRbot: You must convert taxmen back into entertainers.
TehAmelie: suddenly, All Star starts playing
LordZarano: heather in Japanese is ギリュウモドキ (giryūmodoki). According to wiktionary
Juliamon: I... don't remember it either
accountmadeforants: That's a Dutch word, and an instrument.
TehAmelie: those aren't the same words at all
mtvcdm: Oh, like that thing on the Banana Splits
accountmadeforants: It basically translates to Turn/winding-organ
PharaohBender27: Yep, the "orgel" makes sense for me, since that's German (and presumably Dutch) for "organ"
Juliamon: A player piano, but fancy
kusinohki: meows
kusinohki: a programming wheel to a marble music machine you say??
PharaohBender27: @accountmadeforants That also makes sense. I'm now seeing the possible link between the draai to the German verb "drehen" (to turn)
PharaohBender27: lrrFINE
hydra_lord92 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hydra_lord92! (Today's storm count: 2)
Stormgod519: oh wow
kusinohki: does the guitar choose the musician??
Stormgod519: this game looks cool
accountmadeforants: @PharaohBender27 Yup, I suspect they have the same etymology, because while they technically have different roots, Dutch and German have a bunch of loan words on account of being right next to one another.
Stormgod519: lol
mtvcdm: Shake all the trees
accountmadeforants: Opening the trashcans has incremental rewards, so it's worth doing no matter how dedicated you are to doing everything.
Stormgod519: Frog Language?
Stormgod519: We found the Bisexual NPC!
accountmadeforants: You're in for a treat.
RatherLargeToad: I approve of frog
PMAvers: Is this like feeding the dog a cheese sandwich?
Stormgod519: love frog
niccus: a frog galloping
Stormgod519: that frog moving like a crocodile
kusinohki: can we play rainbow connection for the frog??
PaperDoopliss: Ian, you recommended Azumanga Daioh for me a while back when I was sick, and it was absolutely lovely. I can see how it could have singlehandedly populated slice of life moe overseas
Stormgod519: pfft
Stormgod519: it's fine Heather, english sucks anyways
RatherLargeToad: Frog jam OSFrog
Stormgod519: what?!?
PharaohBender27: tqsSweat
Stormgod519: ummmmmm
PharaohBender27: The screw
accountmadeforants: It's time 👀
Ignatiuspants: Aw they gave into pier pressure
RatherLargeToad: This is the frog that will pierce the heavens!
Stormgod519: dang
Stormgod519: Raspy
Stormgod519: I wanna be a frog!
RatherLargeToad: This frog makes some very good points
SkylerRingtail: No! Give us more!
Stormgod519: I better see Ian sing that on the next LoadingReadyLIVE
SaxPython: #RedRosesToo
Stormgod519: that's a very solid pond...
Stormgod519: PFFT!
Stormgod519: CHOO CHOOO!
mtvcdm: Gasp
Stormgod519: i was half hoping it would open up like thin ice
Stormgod519: Train...
adept_nekomancer: You can only walk across the lake if you've disbelieved the illusion.
Ignatiuspants: free your mind from the expectation that water is real
mtvcdm: touch fuzzy, get dizzy
Stormgod519: pfft......
Stormgod519: that rim shot
Stormgod519: I heard that too, hang on
mtvcdm: If you're not careful that could turn into Mozart at any moment
PMAvers: The message is "smash more statues"
mtvcdm: Oh no! Mozart has come for us all!
Stormgod519: why so rumbly
Stormgod519: ummmm
Stormgod519: uh oh
PharaohBender27: I rewathed, and heard "German like your throat"
Stormgod519: I agree Ian
adept_nekomancer: Nuke the house from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
mtvcdm: !advice
LRRbot: Frog get big.
RatherLargeToad: sounds quicker
Stormgod519: @LRRbot No way!
Stormgod519: so our characters aren't Jesus...
Stormgod519: please fire...
mtvcdm: It's not even water!
SaxPython: lunarj1Messy
accountmadeforants: The game is surprisingly good about weird out-of-sequence things.
PharaohBender27: I was ABOUT to say, "So, either Strauss or Wagner, but with a plagiarism twist"
accountmadeforants: (Then again, it does explicitly involve time travel)
Quentoxic: Is Beej the man in the chair?
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: @Quentoxic i mean, you can't prove it isnt beej
PharaohBender27: Also, how long did it take folks to figure out the plagiarism?
mtvcdm: VAHG-ner
Quentoxic: @Stormgod519 True
Juliamon: Ian is absolutely doing that on purpose
mtvcdm: @Juliamon ah, sometimes hard to tell
Stormgod519: cloud de-what?
mtvcdm: now it's easier
PharaohBender27: Also he was a bigot, an aldulterer, and a hige prima donna. Great music, but definitely a problematic fave.
mtvcdm: Wagner was a prima donna if I recall
nevyn666: heresyrical lol
PharaohBender27: Also, Ludwig II of Bavaria, the guy who built the "Disney Castle"? He more or less funded Wagner from the 1860s to the 1880s
accountmadeforants: It's plagiarism all the way down
PharaohBender27: OK this is interesting new info
PharaohBender27: I need to look into this
DaxStrife: He fell down a wiki hole
SaxPython: FBtouchdown
PharaohBender27: Cheer150 I need to go cook dinner. See you all in the VOD!
Juliamon: Can't relate
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: is that a compliment?
Stormgod519: "You seem like the person who'd do their taxes early"
Invitare: Aphrodite?
adept_nekomancer: That bird didn't lay that egg. Just by pure geometry
mtvcdm: egg
RatherLargeToad: even eggs!
accountmadeforants: BOP
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs
SkylerRingtail: Thus always to plagiarists!
zerragonoss: @Stormgod519 Their has to be a word to describe something that is both an insult and a complement, but I cannot think of any at the moment.
accountmadeforants: You just need a big enough snake
SkylerRingtail: From the top rope!
mtvcdm: Some utter JoJo shit
accountmadeforants: Jumping attack!
Stormgod519: @zerragonoss statement...
accountmadeforants: (And thus, Mario was born)
Ignatiuspants: whoa... meta!
SaxPython: SabaPing
SaxPython: NotLikeThis
Stormgod519: woah there...
mtvcdm: Time for horns
Stormgod519: how are we breathing...
SaxPython: Moon? lunarj1Messy
Stormgod519: ummmmmmmm
RatherLargeToad: lunar outhouse. always a good sign
Ignatiuspants: ever been so awkward you go to the moon?
jessieimproved: lrrFINE
mtvcdm: Is THIS your card?
SaxPython: @mtvcdm FBtouchdown PogChamp FBtouchdown
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: huh?
adept_nekomancer: Oh no, my wavefunction!
mtvcdm: Sure, that's a thing
Stormgod519: hey google: what the fuck is that?
Stormgod519: IAN
SaxPython: NotLikeThis
TehAmelie: flat what
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
SaxPython: Flatness amplifier
PhorrestGaze: I need a demonstration
RatherLargeToad: You. Shall Not. Paaaaaaaaaass!
SaxPython: Wait wait wait! You guys Don't have a retractable rib cage?
RatherLargeToad: …oh crud
Dog_of_Myth: Ian...
Stormgod519: ummmm
mtvcdm: Donkey's been snowed on
RatherLargeToad: Getting too Pinocchio up in here
Dog_of_Myth: E G G
Stormgod519: pfft
KeytarCat: Could it be a moldy donkey?
RatherLargeToad: That’s Misery
adept_nekomancer: "Thiccy dudes"
accountmadeforants: Fucky-dee-deez
TehAmelie: thicc diddys
couchboyj: Need to check the settings on that 3d printer, maybe clean the nozzle. That burro's got some ISSUES, and I aint talking comics.
Stormgod519: UMMMMMMMMMM
mtvcdm: Is this Moonbase 7?
accountmadeforants: Try to talk to the tower, as well
Stormgod519: i think this is moonbase mk 15 after space colonization
SaxPython: Reclaim your static
Stormgod519: oh, a ghost writer
Stormgod519: it's him?
Stormgod519: @KeytarCat yes...?
Dog_of_Myth: Yes...
Stormgod519: hmmm
Stormgod519: 4-score and - oh wait, wrong one
mtvcdm: Is this the part where this game secretly becomes about depression?
RatherLargeToad: Was Oswald’s first name Lee Harvey?
accountmadeforants: You've met Betty, but she's not very memorable right now.
Stormgod519: stop saying "it's him"
couchboyj: Some people? Probably. People live and work in Antartica.
RatherLargeToad: lrrFINE
accountmadeforants: It's him, he's the guy, he's been him, he will continue to be him
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
SkylerRingtail: That's creepy
RandomTrivia: Uhhhh
RandomTrivia: lrrSPOOP
SkylerRingtail: What a great play on perspective
SaxPython: Where's Adam?!?
RandomTrivia: Nope nope nope nope
RandomTrivia: FFFFffffffuu
PaperDoopliss: It's a rhythm game!
Stormgod519: no no no no no no no
RandomTrivia: Yikes
SaxPython: This is how Dawn removes her skeleton
KeytarCat: right past the titty, into the chest cavity!
RandomTrivia: That was a terrible time to come into the stream
SaxPython: Clap clap clap
Stormgod519: Ian...
SquareDotCube: tis the season
SaxPython: Flawless segue
Stormgod519: aight, break time
Stormgod519: i need some water
Ignatiuspants: I don't entirely understand what just happened, but I am intrigued!
RandomTrivia: I need some water to drink, and some separate water to put in my eyeballs
DideRobot: LRR: Grab your anti-fungal cream, it's time for Starstruck on Rhythm Cafe. Let's break that mold! (has image) |
Juliamon: RandomTrivia I misread the order of the last three words and wondered that people put their glass eyes in a cup of water like with dentures.
Juliamon: And realistically, yeah, you probably do want to soak a glass eye regularly just as you would contacts
Juliamon: break up the proteins clinging to it n stuff
accountmadeforants: @Juliamon Don't want your eyeball to bulk up
Stormgod519: ayyy
Stormgod519: we back
KeytarCat: "secret"
Stormgod519: oh no
Stormgod519: the ADD in me needs to fidget now
accountmadeforants: Related to the stick twiddling. If you use the LB/LT buttons instead of A/B, you use your left hand instead of the right hand.
Stormgod519: yeah
Stormgod519: ummmmm
Juliamon: hey mailman please, not right now
Stormgod519: can we add that to the soundboard?
SaxPython: A Landlord
SaxPython: Lake Shack is a different song by the B-52s
accountmadeforants: (The blonde girl next to the guitar store is Betty, by the way)
accountmadeforants: No more miracles
SaxPython: CurseLit OSFrog
RandomTrivia: Yeah seems about right
accountmadeforants: Zac won't abide them
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
Stormgod519: ummmmmmmm
Stormgod519: what in the-
Stormgod519: IAN
Stormgod519: SALUD!
SaxPython: Mtg card
Stormgod519: SALUD AGAIN!
Stormgod519: Dandan?
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAH
RandomTrivia: GAME GOOD
adept_nekomancer: This painting is generally considered to be more suitable for public display than the painting of the fisherman's wife.
Stormgod519: oh heck yeah!
mtvcdm: 7 years ago, Hyrule was peaceful
Stormgod519: Our shed, comrade
Stormgod519: why is there a rim shot?
Juliamon: I think it's the only thing that kid knows how to do
accountmadeforants: The best part is all of these characters do have legitimate voice actors, they just made them say a bunch of nonsense words because fuck it we ball.
RandomTrivia: D'awwww
SaxPython: Dawn's collar tells us that she was born this cool
Stormgod519: C is still passing
Stormgod519: Ian...
mtvcdm: the one score you've made will be the high score
Stormgod519: this rim shot is getting to me
Stormgod519: ummm
adept_nekomancer: This guitar looks somewhat finite to me.
mistbornhoid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mistbornhoid! (Today's storm count: 3)
mtvcdm: That means we're probably about halfway through the game
kusinohki: if your guitar is flat, it needs re-tuning...
SaxPython: SabaPing
KeytarCat: ew, batteries
accountmadeforants: I gave up on using controllers with batteries years ago, it's just wired now.
warkr0: more of a laurel if you ask me
accountmadeforants: (And yes, I'm still pissed about phone manufacturers ditching 3.5mm jacks)
Juliamon: brass, rosin, wood...
KeytarCat: @accountmadeforants saaaame
RandomTrivia: The smell of rubber cable jacketing, sanded wood and fresh XLR connectors
adept_nekomancer: crimes!
Juliamon: used spit valves...
Stormgod519: the freakingmailman
Stormgod519: HEY!
mtvcdm: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?
Stormgod519: Cop, can you not rn? we're tlaking
SaxPython: Jaywalkers
SkylerRingtail: Last night you say? Would be a shame if we could travel through time!
KeytarCat: Betty!
accountmadeforants: Yeah, dang, shame we can't beat this guy to the guitar
Stormgod519: pfft
adept_nekomancer: That's not a noise guitars should make
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL I forgot about that sound
SaxPython: Sick pedal
RandomTrivia: Ian no! Stop trying to create paradoxes!
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
RandomTrivia: This bird just killed a boy
accountmadeforants: !card mockingbird
LRRbot: Mockingbird [XU] | Creature — Bird Bard [1/1] | Flying / You may have Mockingbird enter as a copy of any creature on the battlefield with mana value less than or equal to the amount of mana spent to cast Mockingbird, except it's a Bird in addition to its other types and it has flying.
accountmadeforants: Right, no flavourtext on card fetches. "Laughing at you? No, no, I'm laughing as you!"
RandomTrivia: Amazing
mtvcdm: hee haw (x12)
loufghyslaufey: bird looks like a cut-out puppet wired to a string lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrHERE lrrFINE
Juliamon: a snake on that drawer...
Stormgod519: ummmmmm
loufghyslaufey: or- some kind of lrrDOTS ImTyping "Hi-Fi Rush" nod?
mtvcdm: Why would you not listen to Sad Man Statue
RandomTrivia: WAT
Stormgod519: HOLY_
Stormgod519: wow
accountmadeforants: I know writers who use subtext, and they're all cowards.
SaxPython: I have 100% lost the plot.
RandomTrivia: @SaxPython There was a plot?!
ArdCollider: oh I don't like that
niccus: man disappears up own ass . avi
mtvcdm: Man thinks he's part of artistic legacy, art history forgot him or something?
RandomTrivia: In a very, VERY round about way, he's telling us to Break the Mold, isn't he
mtvcdm: 'Yeah I didn't understand that either'
Stormgod519: uh oh
Stormgod519: what is that stuff doing here...
mtvcdm: Again: touch fuzzy, get dizzy
adept_nekomancer: Friends don't let friends touch fuzzy
RealGamerCow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months, currently on a 130 month streak!
RealGamerCow: Donkey!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RealGamerCow! (Today's storm count: 4)
RatherLargeToad: There’s an ointment for that
Stormgod519: hmmmm
Stormgod519: A
Stormgod519: oh no...
accountmadeforants: ItsBoshyTime
RandomTrivia: UHH
RandomTrivia: WHAT
Stormgod519: Sorry WHAT?!?
Stormgod519: this is great!
RealGamerCow: I am on either too many or not enough drugs
Stormgod519: holy moly, this song..
Stormgod519: @RealGamerCow ¿Porque no los dos?
Stormgod519: those high notes tho!?! damn!
Stormgod519: Me too, kid
Stormgod519: UMMMMMMMM
RandomTrivia: Oh.... that's probably fine
Stormgod519: I've never been on LSD before. is this what that's like?
RandomTrivia: lrrCOW
SkylerRingtail: The Casting (Mold) of Frank Stone
Stormgod519: well, hang on there
CaptainSpam: We simply need to adopt a language where every distinct word is a UUID. That's how you humans talk, correct?
accountmadeforants: Oh, don't worry, Ian
accountmadeforants: Don't worry at all
Stormgod519: sorry what?
mtvcdm: Time for HAND
accountmadeforants: You gotta hand it to 'em
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
adept_nekomancer: Time for crab... erm... hand
Juliamon: PoNT
SkylerRingtail: Uh oh, end game warning
RandomTrivia: Uh
Dog_of_Myth: End game time
RandomTrivia: Not necessarily endgame, but severe ingame changes at least
SkylerRingtail: The guy said "last night," right?
RatherLargeToad: Frog time is best time
accountmadeforants: Last night was yesterday, yeah.
accountmadeforants: Wee-oo-wee-oo
Sky_Kast: Whenever I get that rewards pop up I'm saying you want me to go into debt I don't care I already have Twitch turbo there's no perks for me
accountmadeforants: GoldPLZ
RealGamerCow: oshi
accountmadeforants: Back to the future, if you will
mtvcdm: yep
Jillexie: A gold mold?
RandomTrivia: :D
CaptainSpam: Well, look, she IS gold, so it makes sense she finds gold rather important.
DaxStrife: Reality is an illusion! The universe is a hologram! BUY GOLD!
accountmadeforants: Talk to her again
RealGamerCow: I have seen a few of these streams now, and I still do NOT understand it.
SaxPython: <3
KeytarCat: Did betty have more to say as a fallen statue?
accountmadeforants: lrrHEART
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs
mtvcdm: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
KeytarCat: ope, thanks for stream
Riandisa: Thanks for the fun stream!
Stormgod519: aw, we're done already?
mtvcdm: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Stormgod519: well, thanks for the strem
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
mtvcdm: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
mtvcdm: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
mtvcdm: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
SkylerRingtail: Oh, did Patreon do another bad thing? Ugh.
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
novrdd: LuvSign
SaxPython: Get'em mtv
mtvcdm: !bluesky
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Bluesky! You can follow the LRR account here: Or find all the crew accounts here:
mtvcdm: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
SaxPython: Lol
RandomTrivia: Solid gameplay loop
Stormgod519: i forget
SaxPython: FBtouchdown HangoverXTherosX"I rolled a 1"
Stormgod519: Ian...
RealGamerCow: 4d golf is so confusing to my brain. Cameron will love it.
DaxStrife: That was Let's Nope.
accountmadeforants: I'm very intrigued by this title
Stormgod519: LRRMTG
SaxPython: FBtouchdown PogChamp FBtouchdown
LordZarano: 4D Golf made by YouTuber CodeParade, who also made Hyperbolica
NotCainNorAbel: spoon a pumpkin
SaxPython: 🟧
SaxPython: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
NotCainNorAbel: @RandomTrivia Everything was totally normal
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
RandomTrivia: @NotCainNorAbel Ah, good, just as I thought
Stormgod519: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Stormgod519: wow
Stormgod519: 130 is a lot
RandomTrivia: Thanks for the stream, Ian and Heather! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Stormgod519: this show is so good
Stormgod519: thanks you two!
mtvcdm: night!
SaxPython: 10 ads?
SaxPython: FrootLoops/Shark vacuums/Fairlife milk/MGM bets/ FC 25/Intel +AI/Reggae on Peacock/Peloton/T Mobile/Turtle beach
SaxPython: Woah
LordZarano: (CodeParade's development videos are great by the way, like talking about how he made 3D volumetric textures to paint the surfaces of the 4D trees he made to serve as background decoration in a golf game)
SaxPython: <3
Stormgod519: aw
Stormgod519: gn yall