TXC2: Hello everybody
v_nome: o/
TehAmelie: all the people who put i think 13 trillion dollars into AI are getting really desperate for a way where it can make any money. it probably won't last very long
TehAmelie: hallo
Invitare: this one for... ServiceNow has Idris Elba in it
TXC2: hello v_nome and TehAmelie
Invitare: that's 3/6 ads in one video for AI
NightValien28: hello txc2 good to see you buddy
TXC2: hello NightValien28 you too
NewtyNewts: Hello people, time for some fightsm'n'ng?
TehAmelie: so they tell us
NewtyNewts: lrrSIG
NightValien28: here we go
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrSHINE
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Friday, punch-enjoyers!!! lrrBartleby lrrFINE
TXC2: hello Xed_Regulus welcome
TehAmelie: time to punch a chump
Alex_Frostfire: I set up a new PC today. It runs so much better it's not even funny.
itira: @Alex_Frostfire seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TXC2: Alex_Frostfire heck yeah buddy
x3ryn: @alex_frostfire nice! what specs?
Alex_Frostfire: I was targeting the recommended specs for Monster Hunter Wilds, though I think I ended up with a CPU that's a bit above that.
lightfut: Oki Oki from mc Vegas!
NewtyNewts: I'm gonna need to look at getting my machine prepped for Wilds pretty soon too...
TehAmelie: mine's from 2016. if i ever get a newer one i bet it'll be like fireworks. . .
x3ryn: @Alex good on ya! hope it brings you much enjoyment 😁
big_blue_man subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months, currently on a 25 month streak!
big_blue_man: happy friday chat
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, big_blue_man! (Today's storm count: 2)
TXC2: Here we GO!
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW guyjudgeFight
NorthstarTex: Good morning everyone!
siqqsadgurl: hello OOF club seroWave I hope y'all are doing well
TXC2: Hello Adam
TehAmelie: greetings
NightValien28: what up big adam
itira: ohhh noooo
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Lysander_salamander: hello every body
TXC2: hello Lysander_salamander welcome
itira: good job youtube watchers, youve done it.
Mai_Andra: Big OOF. (because the little OOFs are out today ) xivGoob
TXC2: !plan
LRRbot: Translator's note: Plan means Keikaku.
Lysander_salamander: Fighting Fantasy is sort of like a fighting game
Wolfstrike_NL: Sounds like a solid plan
itira: sounds like you have a plan
TehAmelie: just watching Dhalsim together
dankmemeter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
dankmemeter: No plan? All DI all the time!
hyperialguard: seabatYoga
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dankmemeter! (Today's storm count: 3)
TXC2: some day, some day we;ll world tour Kappa
Docthorr: Lets press some buttons! (Well, you. I'm a bit preoccupied with other stuff)
TehAmelie: you know it
x3ryn: do it
x3ryn: roll that beautiful bean footage
PatronSaintOfUncertainty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PatronSaintOfUncertainty! (Today's storm count: 4)
itira: so many tootsies on screen
TXC2: how important is that delay before the super ?
jimber_jam subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 11 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jimber_jam! (Today's storm count: 5)
v_nome: In fairness it's first thing in the morning trying it cold.
BorgarWithAShotgun: the long boy is back?
TXC2: the classic now people are watching so you bus up :p
Mai_Andra: The Plan: this 30-second combo on loop for 3 hours. lrrAWESOME
v_nome: There are dozens of us!
itira: i believe in your Adam
itira: you*
itira: you tell me
Mai_Andra: I believe the in the Adam that believes in you.
carstenvondi: You can do it :)
x3ryn: I also believe in you Adam
TehAmelie: i believe in you but also i need to go get tacos
itira: ^ bring enough for the class
x3ryn: mmm, tacos
TXC2: that wasn't it? that still looked good
carstenvondi: 6162 and it's not the full one
BorgarWithAShotgun: when are you ever gonna have full bar and lvl 2 and your opponent is exhausted?
TomokaMT: Heya Oki Oki Gang
NewtyNewts: Infinity's good when you have up to 8 people. A full gang and you need matches to end sometime
TXC2: hello TomokaMT welcome
ItsThugDimmadome: Mornibg y'all
TXC2: hello ItsThugDimmadome welcome
josh___something: Hey there gamer
itira: just imagine how cool youd feel if it worked
Mai_Andra: You have a setup and a finisher, and then as many fillers as you can fit in.
x3ryn: indeed. keep up the practice
itira: i learned about the heeheehoohoo combos on your stream
TomokaMT: mood
TXC2: warmups are a real thing
NorthstarTex: takes some time to warmup
Bearudite: eternal new challenger Luke LAMOkai
itira: nap stream!
itira: youd be suprised how many people would stay LUL
Wolfstrike_NL: We stuck around during ghost stream
NorthstarTex: don't underestimate chat
Wolfstrike_NL: We can entrtain ourselfs
Bearudite: oh shit its prop
Bearudite: love prop
saucemaster5000: Check the signage!
mintjams_: cammy skin hides the bunds too much
TXC2: mintjams_ so? I think it looks cool
TXC2: that was a wild hitbox there :p
Mai_Andra: block block block - "Wait a minute, I win here!" yoga.
Bearudite: we need the fireball wall from rainbow
Bearudite: that was so cursed
saucemaster5000: homing. fireballs.
Bearudite: so cursed
RurouniGeo: Got a new better job im starting next week so this will be the last oki oki ill be able to actively play in so lets get some games in! lrrHEART
Bearudite: fullscreen hyper speed slide
TXC2: homing fireballs sounds like some cursed SSF2T Akuma stuff :p
TXC2: RurouniGeo congrats on the new Job <3
RurouniGeo: @TXC2 ty! lrrAWESOME
Prop_PT: ggs Adam
NewtyNewts: ggs Nome
TXC2: is there some sort Manonissance going on?
Prop_PT: I'm a bit defensive on Cammy, My Divekicks are not part of my BnB yet
NewtyNewts: @TXC2 Someone get Sauce
TXC2: NewtyNewts right?
Prop_PT: -2 if its high I thinkll
Mai_Andra: Manon is the closest character to perfect. xivMorbol
saucemaster5000: @NewtyNewts I'm here, but midday friday is worky timed
NewtyNewts: @saucemaster5000 I know that feel
saucemaster5000: I have some news about manon
Veggiekeks: gotta get in on the manon action
Prop_PT: -4 at worst but up to +5 OB if it hits the grippers
NewtyNewts: Can we get one more Manon so we've got the full room with P2 lineup playing Manon?
TXC2: saucemaster5000 yay you're here, boo you're at work
Prop_PT: @NewtyNewts Ill do it for memes
Prop_PT: but I dont play Manon
NewtyNewts: Don't push it too hard, it'll probably be over by the time stream gets back to lobby
vinopinguino: Are you gonna throw a party at the moon base since everyone is gone?
Mai_Andra: drive rush -> command grab "This is the best character ever." opponent neutral jumps "what a garbage character. I can't do anything!"
Ravynn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ravynn! (Today's storm count: 6)
mintjams_: manon feet SNIFFA
saucemaster5000: go my child, hold the neutral
Obos_TAB subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
Obos_TAB: Here for The 'Sims: Hot Date
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Obos_TAB! (Today's storm count: 7)
mintjams_: i play manon cause it just feels like i have abel back :(
Obos_TAB: omg
Zaneysed: a bell
TXC2: my boy Abel
Obos_TAB: the wealth disparity alone
Obos_TAB: oh wait im thinking of alex
mintjams_: i miss abel.
DoctorHutch: This characters voicelines kinda make it seem like he's a pokemon named yogaflame
doctor_spacheman: Hey Adam will you trying sparkling zero, sorry if you have been asked it a million times
mintjams_: i know its not the same but her vacuum makes me remember step kick
saucemaster5000: one of these days those two monkeys will go to prison for their fruit stealing shenanigans
saucemaster5000: three monkeys, my b
itira: i asked the same question 999,999 times
doctor_spacheman: @itira sheesh
TXC2: who would accuse a sweet innocent monkey of the non crime of steeling food ?
Prop_PT: ggs @NewtyNewts
saucemaster5000: maybe cause you call it zed
NewtyNewts: GGs Prop
doctor_spacheman: What about Frasier vs Capcom is hear its pretty hype
Wolfstrike_NL: What if it was Dragon Ball [ any other letter] ?
TXC2: I didn't even watch the show, yet Dragon ball zed lives rent free in my head :p
v_nome: @Wolfstrike_NL GT for example?
RoundTop7: man, you ever stop to think that Dhalsim got so good at yoga he gained stretchy powers and fire breath, two powers that naturally align and make sense together.
mintjams_: seinfeld vs fraisier
mintjams_: dhalsim is a reference to a bad guy from master of the flying guillotine kung fu movie who has stretchy limbs
Veggiekeks: ggs adam
doctor_spacheman: @mintjams_
RoundTop7: @mintjams_ and the fire breath?
doctor_spacheman: I hear George is cracked
Obsc: D: but we are here
saucemaster5000: we could make a lil nelly doll
vinopinguino: Throw a eager!!
vinopinguino: *rager
mintjams_: that i dont know, the limbs definitely are from it.
mintjams_: @doctor_spacheman ?
gualdhar: We could grab creepydoll and put a picture of Jacob on it
doctor_spacheman: Baki would make a break SF6 guest character
doctor_spacheman: Guest*
Obos_TAB: I haven't caught streams in a while. You try any tournaments with your Sim yet, Adam?
saucemaster5000: "let us begin!"
vinopinguino: Do you even Yoga Adam?
NewtyNewts: Does one even Yogurting?
saucemaster5000: yoga is hard
saucemaster5000: yogurt is easier
saucemaster5000: especially on a waffle with fresh berries
Obsc: Di is divine intervention, right? rawrNotes
NewtyNewts: @Obsc Nah, it stands for Dylan's Insights
TXC2: Obsc sure why not
Prop_PT: Jeebus take the Stick
Obsc: rawrPray
gualdhar: So how often does Dhalsim steal the pic-a-nic baskets?
TXC2: Prop_PT I mean...that's kind what did happen....
saucemaster5000: gonna go ahead and delete that from my brain txc
saucemaster5000: just gonna... cross it out
NewtyNewts: @saucemaster5000 Text message cross-up?
Obsc: had a Ryu jump at me 8 times in a row, anti aired him every time, I still lost the round :) rawrCool
TXC2: saucemaster5000 to be clear "the stick" I was joking about was the whole crucifixion thing, if that makes it any better
saucemaster5000: oh so was I
gualdhar: So is this a 7-3 match up or was it a skill diff?
NewtyNewts: Closest thing to 7-3 is player skill matchups, not character matchups
saucemaster5000: sim is tough for manon, but it's barely a 6-4
Obsc: bison mirror is 8-2 rawrNod
awildshen: I got Diamond a few weeks ago
NewtyNewts: @Obsc More like 8'2, amirite?
saucemaster5000: the closest the game has to a 7-3 is sim/gief, and even that is more a 6-4
TXC2: saucemaster5000 ok now I that re-read your message, I get it, boy am I slow today :p
Diabore: welcome to adams fight haus
Chrysoprase: What would an Oki Oki Bite Club stream look like?
TehAmelie: does Vampire have grappling rules?
TXC2: Chrysoprase we play darkstalkers Kappa
ItsThugDimmadome: @chrysoprase I don't know, but a VTM fighting game sounds sick.
saucemaster5000: any excuse so I can play Q-Bee
ItsThugDimmadome: Darkstalkers has BB Hood right? Time to tap into my inner 'Murican.
Chrysoprase: Maybe the bite club characters fight in the WWE game?
carstenvondi: Lasombra should play like some variation of JP
ItsThugDimmadome: @carstenvondi YES
TehAmelie: aren't like half the vampires wizards? there'd be a lot of castier characters i feel
TehAmelie: caster
carstenvondi: Bruha is straightforward rush Beat Down, Gangrel doesn't have the speed but have the Endurance.
Chrysoprase: Toreador glass cannon
DandyGeek: seabatYoga
TehAmelie: Manon is already a Ventrue right
carstenvondi: Lots of them have mind mentioned manipulation but there are few true wizard with projectile characters other than the Lasombra and Tremer
TXC2: hello DandyGeek welcome
saucemaster5000: officer that man is getting away with murder
couchboyj: Yoga... yoga... YOGA!
carstenvondi: So any advice for how to approach Dhalsim without just being hit in the face?
TehAmelie: Tzimize would be using minions. that's a bit of a challenge to conceptualize
NewtyNewts: @carstenvondi Use DI to absorb the hit in your face?
TXC2: TehAmelie some fighting game do have characters like that, I think guilty gear has one
saucemaster5000: @TehAmelie gargos from killer instinct
Prop_PT: Play Benny Hill Music
carstenvondi: Plenty of fighting games have Summoners like blanka's little doll
2Flower: or Jill Valentine from the Marvel versus games.
NewtyNewts: What about the Guilty Gear girl who just lays down towers to spawn minions?
Sydet1: @NewtyNewts That's Xrd Jack-O'
TXC2: the old flying nothing
TehAmelie: well, it's such a specific character conceit, you'll need to find a way to do it that's not like the ways it's been done
NewtyNewts: Why does it have to be different from everything before? It could be a mix of several of them
TehAmelie: but then it'll look like a mix of those specific characters
saucemaster5000: I mean... that's every fighting
saucemaster5000: game char
NewtyNewts: Only if it's blatant about it. You can still mix and match concepts
TXC2: fighting games are 35 years old, just about every character conceit has been mined out
saucemaster5000: like, the minion/puppet archetype is an archetype for a reason. They aren't all the same just cause the system is there
saucemaster5000: I just wish there was a puppet char in SF, I love them...
nehraa1: hey havent been in the stream in a while, i know marissa hasnt had a great time in S2 Sf. did u drop her
Mr_Horrible subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 124 months, currently on a 124 month streak!
Mr_Horrible: we love a number where the digits are an exponential series
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mr_Horrible! (Today's storm count: 8)
TXC2: time out win baby!
Mr_Horrible: nehraa1 didn't really drop her, just wanted to learn Dhalsim so he's been practicing and doing ranked with him recently
NewtyNewts: Someone name a wholly unique character conceit. I'll start: guy whose moves are all cooking references and you have recipes to follow for your supers
TXC2: NewtyNewts is he also a wrestler? 'cause I have bad news if so Kappa
TXC2: saucemaster5000 I feel like an Evil version of Rose would work for that
therepoman__: Howdy gamers
TXC2: hello therepoman__ welcome
saucemaster5000: check the signage!!!
itsr67 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, itsr67! (Today's storm count: 9)
NewtyNewts: @TXC2 Was kinda also thinking of Nine from BlazBlue in terms of 'crafting' your moves, but not with supers
therepoman__: O Mighty Ra, where tf are we
itsr67: O mighty ra
saucemaster5000: O mighty raaa
itsr67: that stream made me lose my mind
saucemaster5000: everyone yelling at you for 2 hrs? no idea why
itsr67: LUL
LMAOkai_: ggs ggs ggs
LMAOkai_: i'm sweating over here
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: how goes the oki oki
TXC2: hello fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn its going well so far
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: excellent
mintjams_: creamy shits
itira: @mintjams_ pardon
TXC2: Adam really has this Cammy match down it seems
saucemaster5000: the cammys in master have been coming for him
TehAmelie: original character concept. . .how about a Naga with a ball and chain. hilariously long reach and strong grappling. weaknesses, tiny little jumps, slow, easy to counter, huge hitbox
Mr_Horrible: @TehAmelie I could see that being really interesting, maybe a gimmick where you can utilize some of the slower heavy moves as a movement tool (like they use the momentum of the ball & chain to swing themself), but you have to commit to a long animation
TehAmelie: i like it
couchboyj: Sounds like a Soul Caliber character, tbh.
Mr_Horrible: that or one of the more esoteric anime fighters
Zaneysed: nope lol
Mr_Horrible: imagine she says "engaging target" but instead of killing you presents you with a ring
TXC2: the old wake up super
TomokaMT: I actually landed the punish combo I was practicing the past week today, pretty happy about that
TomokaMT: @Mr_Horrible this would work on me
saucemaster5000: what if bomberman planted kisses instead of bombs?
Mr_Horrible: @TomokaMT hell yeah, we love to see work pay off like that
Krillin_fan: @saucemaster5000 what a wonderful world to live in
Mr_Horrible: bomberman has no lips or mouth, this would be difficult
Krillin_fan: I have no lips and I must kiss
TomokaMT: It's the like, big deal chun-li safejump setup combo too which is even better
TehAmelie: maybe the helmet comes off, like Senshi in Delicious in Dungeon
Zaneysed: cfn?
Zaneysed: where art tho
TXC2: ask fish
ELD_Winterlight: Fuck, now I keep hearing "can of sprite"
TehAmelie: use your elbows like lips?
creasehearst: you clack teeth together
Zaneysed: lol just kicked you
Mr_Horrible: Capcom "fighting" network
NewtyNewts: Room's under siqqsadgurl now
saucemaster5000: "you're FINNISH!"
itira: i--
TehAmelie: well, one elbow
TomokaMT: You can douible jump?!
itira: we dont know
Mr_Horrible: the one that I can never get over is Dee Jay saying "AaaadVENTURE!" for his fireballs
saucemaster5000: pfft. Fucking pootube
Mr_Horrible: forget it, Jack. It's Youtube Town
Bearudite: youtube is gonna die anyway
drizztnailo: time to comment on the youtubes to boost algorithm
Krillin_fan: youtube? that retched hive of scum and villainy? it's best not to think of it
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: it's good friday programming tf you mean
Mr_Horrible: I'll be honest I don't watch a ton of vods on the YT in general, it's mostly just what I can catch live
TomokaMT: I'm glad it did though
e_bloc: just wanted to say love you Adam
saucemaster5000: we never thought twitter would go away and yet
ELD_Winterlight: I watch vodt all the time, but on Twitch
TomokaMT: Funnily enough, this is one of the few things I make the effort to catch live rather than watching vods
e_bloc: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Mr_Horrible: I'd say that other shows function kinda like a serial, so folks that watch on YT to keep up with their particular favorites, but this is more of a "live show" kinda vibe
saucemaster5000: drizzt had to go comment on some youtube videos
TehAmelie: we just like this face-to-text contact
PadawanTK16: as someone who is using this as background material right now, I think you're great
e_bloc: craigslist
saucemaster5000: got those money exchange puzzler lats
Chronomagistrate: I will pipe up as someone for whom this is great background noise.
Mr_Horrible: the real heads will learn of them
DaVeganPolice: WHAT
TomokaMT: Yo?
itira: Adam
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: snk v capcom pls
TomokaMT: Yeah I know
Mr_Horrible: phrasing, but yes it's Haggar infinites
itira: you said it
TomokaMT: I was hype for MvC3 lol
Mr_Horrible: bro's got them teardrops
itira: excellent muscle Adam
TomokaMT: Damn, good work
TehAmelie: lookin good
TXC2: look at that tricep meat
e_bloc: alright Gief
DaVeganPolice: 💪
Mai_Andra: xivCactuar
Xed_Regulus: Well done Adam
Bearudite: thems are muscles
TXC2: looking lean too
Mr_Horrible: now now, don't destroy the mic with those powerful shoulders
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: I heard 40 oof
CaptainDaks: he doesnt know his own strength
MWGNZ: seabatClap
Mr_Horrible: you've learned how to hover???
TXC2: I've been working on delts for 15 years, still can't get 'em :p
saucemaster5000: what is that in metric
Mr_Horrible: damn, the gym really is cracked
TXC2: saucemaster5000 98kg ish
saucemaster5000: you know? fair
Mr_Horrible: seabatYoga FBCatch
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: whats that in maple barrels
TXC2: thanks, I'll have to try that
itira: oh no not the nudes!
Mr_Horrible: nude terry? Tiddy Boobguard real?
Mai_Andra: I'm working on the delta between cheeseburgers and buffalo chicken
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible no.
TXC2: problem is I work out at home, and my barbell maxes out at 45Kg so :p
NewtyNewts: @Mr_Horrible Nude. Tayne.
CatTreeDreamCar: @NewtyNewts Give me a hat wobble.
Mr_Horrible: I have not seen the Dhalsim headbutt animation since launch, I feel like
saucemaster5000: he has better options most of the time
TehAmelie: it's like his strongest, shortest range attack, right? and when people are close you probably mostly want fast attacks
Mr_Horrible: yeah as soon as I saw it here I could understand why I don't see it
saucemaster5000: yoga mummy is -18 on hit
NewtyNewts: GGs Zaney
PadawanTK16: anyone else hear "yoga pilot" instead of fire
TehAmelie: i used to think it was Yoga Power
TehAmelie: SF has a long and storied legacy of ambiguous mouth noises
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: ambiguous what now
TXC2: fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn you heard them
NewtyNewts: Not a chicago punish though
violetblight: ggs
violetblight: idk if that matchup is actually bad for terry but its miserable for me i cannot chase ppl down
ShaneLeeAtk: Like the Kansas City Shuffle... There is no real origin
NewtyNewts: "This term was popularized in the Midwest as a self-deprecating joke, but feel free to replace Chicago with your own hometown, since if we're honest, we're all equally bad."
Mr_Horrible: pretty sure a chicago punish is when you put the tomato sauce on top of the cheese, thereby punishing the patrons of your eatery
TXC2: I assume an Evo was held in Chicago or something
itira: @Mr_Horrible LOL i was typing something similar out
CookieMom: @TXC2 Frosty Faustings. EVO was always West Coast.
Mr_Horrible: @itira people harp about malort while the real crimes go unspoken of smh
TXC2: CookieMom ah, ok
violetblight: yeah i kinda just go in with fireball burn knuckle every time, gotta figure out what else lets me get in
NewtyNewts: Big nooch
TehAmelie: Big Neutral sounds like a conspiracy theory made up by Zapp Brannigan
violetblight: also i need to get more off teleport for sure, im used to having a normal i can hit off forced knockdown but terry needs to juggle with smth else
itira: @Mr_Horrible id like some nice golden and bubbly cheese on my pizza. not tomato soup. thanks though seabatUseless
violetblight: mm yeah
Mr_Horrible: @itira so real for that tbh
violetblight: yeah games fuckin hard
ShaneLeeAtk: No one expects the 'Sim arc.
thatguysteve2709: True degen hrs
shendaras: There's still time
CaptainDaks: oh man you were on Marisa?
TXC2: we'd have a super cut of you making Blanka noises :p
itira: id be a wonka player
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: all I did inSF2 blanka is curl up and spam pikachu lightning bolts
CaptainDaks: Im stubborn and afraid of relearning, so sticking with big momma
saucemaster5000: come with me, and you'll be in a world of pure degneration
JusticeJuice: Thorn from One Must Fall 2097 main.
CaptainDaks: agree
itira: with his sick cane, somersaulting all over map
CaptainDaks: player-character synergy matters so much for me. but understandable. very frustrating
CaptainDaks: why you saw Sim as the solution is funny :D
DaVeganPolice: RyuChamp Mentioned
thatguysteve2709: The true Gief character arc
ShaneLeeAtk: Night 'Geif, oo a woo!
saucemaster5000: the moon comes out, "HOORYA"
PrinceLariel: the vibes were simply immaculate
couchboyj: Moon comes out, ya get big and hairy
DaVeganPolice: you gotta have the right brain chem to be a Geif player
violetblight: i mean do you wanna sit there after blocking headbutt
saucemaster5000: blocking headbutt is the worst moment
saucemaster5000: bison is hilarious to play
TXC2: it's Ken vs bizzaro Ken Kappa
violetblight: yeah thats real
CaptainDaks: mmmm well put
TXC2: that's a big mood right there Adam
CaptainDaks: of my internet friend group, 1 dude plays sf6
Zaneysed: It feels bad man lol
CaptainDaks: correct.
saucemaster5000: I mean, I don't watch when I'm on stream
itira: and how cool is it when you win ;)
Krillin_fan: i find that I always feel like a dummy on stream, regardless of win/loss :D
saucemaster5000: yeah fair
awildshen: I'm still really mad they didn't give us the Ken/Terry CvS2 intro
TehAmelie: i don't think the audience cares when they mess up even on like GDQ
FireSpectreZero: I feel bad when I lose to CPU. I disagree. I fight more with the controls than the mind games
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: escher3SAFETY
saucemaster5000: "when"
itira: all day every day right sauce
Bearudite: well we don't use all our butter drive rushing Kappa
violetblight: i mean i just do it so much
NewtyNewts: NIIIICE one Zaney!
violetblight: as a wakeup i do it a bit much for sure but i am also happy with being able to catch strings
FireSpectreZero: Imagine if MMA fighters actually had these Ultra moves...
violetblight: yeah thats just how it be sometimes
itira: just flail through life like me and pretend youre in a bubble and no one can see you
TXC2: "people don't think it be like that, but it do"
FireSpectreZero: Oh as the fat guy at the gym, there are definitely ppl looking at me. Pppl looked at me at the buffet yesterday, but luckily I have learned to not give af
MWGNZ: turn up at the gym and just start mashing a frame 0
saucemaster5000: If you don't point at a stranger and say "everyone look at what they are doing!" once a week you aren't living
ShaneLeeAtk: Once a week?
FireSpectreZero: @saucemaster5000 100% agree Kappa
violetblight: LOL
saucemaster5000: bison arc
Bearudite: I try parrying too much and need to drive rush and EX more
violetblight: rashid arc would be peak
MWGNZ: geif arc incoming PogChamp
CookieMom: So, Bison then.
violetblight: you wanna talk about people not wanting to be here, summon a great desert storm
saucemaster5000: bison ain't got a dp
NewtyNewts: That one video's gonna be playing in the background. "Just pick a top tier!"
Obsc: some reversals incoming!
Bearudite: catch the Mai wave when she comes in?
violetblight: i mean you were playing 2mp drive rush back then :P
violetblight: nah luke's neat
saucemaster5000: LMAOkai still waiting for season 1 luke to call again
Obsc: I heard pick a top tier in Sf4 and ignored it and picked T.hawk rawrNotes
FireSpectreZero: I'm sorry if this is ignorant but are you Terry or Ken?
TehAmelie: remember Honda being the terror of the tiers? i don't know when i last saw him
TXC2: FireSpectreZero nither, we were spectating
LMAOkai_: season 1 luke mentioned?
FireSpectreZero: Oh ok
saucemaster5000: there he is
LMAOkai_: :)
TXC2: Honda is a myth Kappa
FireSpectreZero: Mike Ross plays Honda
LMAOkai_: super_yan plays a sick honda
LMAOkai_: you miss 100% of the shots you don't take
saucemaster5000: every char is viable, even the french
FireSpectreZero: @LMAOkai_ -Michael Scott
Prop_PT: I haven't seen any Kens around recently, did the Devs shoot Kenneth?
TehAmelie: i think we just saw him
Prop_PT: I haven't keep
saucemaster5000: ken is still good, just a lot of shotos like akuma
TehAmelie: though he was wearing green
FireSpectreZero: I always played Guile on Snes SF2
violetblight: cammy bison rashid ed akuma
saucemaster5000: ^
Obsc: the match where neither player wants to go in, but someone has to rawrCool
TehAmelie: the judge is gonna give out some slow play penalties here
saucemaster5000: then there's a ton of chars in the "almost top tier" and like.... 6 in the "we need a bit of love" category
TXC2: the zoner battle, the immovable object vs an also immovable object :p
saucemaster5000: I'd say jamie, kim, marisa, honda, manon, sim are the strugglers, but tweak any of them and they would be fucking miserable to fight
TehAmelie: in SF2, i found the absolutely only thing you could do with Dhalsim against Guile was walk forward and hit medium punch. game balance has come a long way eh
TXC2: TehAmelie it sure has
saucemaster5000: I thought this matchup was slightly in guile's favor? but like not by much?
Prop_PT: Who is room under btw?
CaptainDaks: room under LMAOkai
NewtyNewts: LMAOkai currenjtly
LMAOkai_: ggs ggs
CaptainDaks: i dont know this MU at all
CaptainDaks: gl
LMAOkai_: i would've gotten swept a lot yeag
LMAOkai_: flashkick my beloved,..until i die
NewtyNewts: Adam's getting his Marisa reminder
CaptainDaks: a drop for a drop
TXC2: yoga yoga y y y yoga
saucemaster5000: alright chat, potstickers or egg rolls with lunch?
CaptainDaks: meaty!
hyperialguard: @saucemaster5000 egg rolls
TXC2: !vaselineorbarcode
LRRbot: Barcode!
TXC2: saucemaster5000 lrrbot says egg rolls
saucemaster5000: putting the egg rolls in then
hyperialguard: I hate that marketing works
saucemaster5000: true hyperial
hyperialguard: Also I just like egg rolls
TXC2: hyperialguard sadly humans are very easy to manipulate :p
saucemaster5000: I like all forms of dumplings
hyperialguard: Boy howdy is that the truth
hyperialguard: Anyway, fighting games are cool
saucemaster5000: says the nago main
CaptainDaks: lol ya you knew what i meant to do theree
saucemaster5000: Ace -- "O"
TXC2: "help me Back medium kick, you're my only hope"
CaptainDaks: chokingggg
CaptainDaks: 69 perfect
CaptainDaks: hahaha
JinaMahavira: LUL
TehAmelie: wow, a double
TXC2: "oh it's real, it's DAMN real!"
hyperialguard: Tis an illusion!
saucemaster5000: everything is real if they don't know
saucemaster5000: y'all should see the manon discord I'm in -- every day "check out this great setup.... It's not real of course, but-"
TXC2: being plus is a state of mind
CaptainDaks: i absolutely dojnt know when headbutt is plus or not
CaptainDaks: ggs
CaptainDaks: holy hell
JinaMahavira: bacon is good at game Pogchamp
saucemaster5000: bacon couldn't name georgia on a state map, thus he can bleed
NewtyNewts: @saucemaster5000 Of course, because everyone knows Georgia is in Asia lrrBEEJ
ylegm: It's right between Russia and Turkiye
bombadil117: i’m learning this game pretty quickly, but it’s really difficult as a visually impaired person to play well. There’s no screen reader so I don’t have any tools outside of my very limited vision to help me figure out frame data and combo trials and things like that.
Heefnoff: How’s the Oki Oki going
TXC2: hello Heefnoff Adam's been Siming it up
Heefnoff: Hell yeah the Sim is looking strong
saucemaster5000: Any sim-pletons in chat?
50keyz: i feel like Dhalsim is one of those characters thats got a wide range of off-beat responses that can make it difficult to plan counterplay to. am i misinterpreting there?
Heefnoff: He’s unconventional so it’s tough to play against at first, but he gets overwhelmed easily
hyperialguard: @bombadil117 I'm glad to hear you are learning stuff
Heefnoff: No DP and weird reversals
NewtyNewts: He gets overwhelmed easily, and also easily overwhelms me with too much mental stack
hyperialguard: @bombadil117 I apologize if you hear this a lot, but have you heard of Blind Warrior Sven?
TXC2: I'd say people get flustered by his range and his slow speed giving him off beat timings, but yes once you get in he folds like laundry
fishboi_samurai: gus801Fedora gus801Fedora gus801Fedora
CaptainDaks: fish lol
CaptainDaks: o7
fishboi_samurai: @CaptainDaks I'm not surprised you here as well lol
JinaMahavira: oh no fishboi is here
fishboi_samurai: @JinaMahavira ???
JinaMahavira: :P
fishboi_samurai: @JinaMahavira Lol
NewtyNewts: The rare sliding fistbump
NewtyNewts: Or wait, Dhalsim slides foot-first doesn't he
TXC2: it's dhalsim it could be any body part
Zaneysed: The sim wake up option of jump dive kick?
saucemaster5000: any body part you say
NewtyNewts: Time to play bullet hell
16AngryBears subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 16AngryBears! (Today's storm count: 10)
fishboi_samurai: The sims seems to be coming along nicely. You look much more in control and comfortable now
fishboi_samurai: *sim
NewtyNewts: I think The Sims might be accurate too, but I haven't played it myself
fishboi_samurai: I can see it danmYES danmYES
LMAOkai_: your sim is getting more nasty (positive)
TXC2: I don't know, I don't think this guy has sex with the grim reaper :p
fishboi_samurai: Limiting interactions in sf6 is mad hard, but it's the game we play *shrug*
Heefnoff: Yeah hey it's tough
Heefnoff: You're getting there though good work
TXC2: I'd say your game against Cammy is solid
Heefnoff: Yeah that's super clear to me, you're practicing super actively
Heefnoff: Honestly wish I had your work ethic with fighting games right now haha
Heefnoff: I thought the stream was ending lmao
Zaneysed: They all running from the sim
Heefnoff: I only got home now
fishboi_samurai: I'd come join but I'm working atm
CaptainDaks: dang it emptied haha
Heefnoff: Delayed gratification is something our brains are really bad with
Mr_Horrible: there's daylight between knowing the thing and really internalizing it
Heefnoff: Gotta have some kind of feedback
NewtyNewts: Like a 'sim sieve?
fishboi_samurai: Mental --> 50% or even more to fighting games
saucemaster5000: what the
LMAOkai_: just some more practice with punishing dp's will be helpful for sure
Zaneysed: ???
saucemaster5000: how do you make mac and cheese
BusTed: what is the macaroni in this metaphor
CaptainDaks: this metaphor is illegal
Zaneysed: bet
NewtyNewts: Do you wash the rice when you make it too?
Heefnoff: Dirty ass macaroni eaters
saucemaster5000: wash the dirt off the macaroni....
LMAOkai_: do you also wash soap? :)
Mr_Horrible: in this, and this only, Streamer Kappa
therepoman__: SPITTING
Zaneysed: I wash my rice
BusTed: tru tho
Heefnoff: Fuckin LOVE that quote
Heefnoff: It's so good
TXC2: man has a point
Heefnoff: God I wish he said that on video
fishboi_samurai: All I know is you've improved :)
fishboi_samurai: lol
NewtyNewts: @Heefnoff Which quote was this?
saucemaster5000: anyway sim looking clean, macaroni man
Heefnoff: It's another Chris Hu quote
Heefnoff: The apple and the sink water thing
NewtyNewts: Ah, gotcha
Heefnoff: Hell yeah dude
fishboi_samurai: Peace, go have a good workout my man :)
Zaneysed: More like Chris Who?
CaptainDaks: ggs
LMAOkai_: ggs, fun stream. glad you had fun
Mr_Horrible: Friday Vibesday
NewtyNewts: Until next time
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam
Mr_Horrible: he's engaging thighs
Heefnoff: Thanks for the stream man
fishboi_samurai: Apperciate you streamer :)
Heefnoff: Time for Marvel 3 Kappa
therepoman__: FROGS ARE GONE
NewtyNewts: It's the game I'm into, so I'm still up for it
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Mr_Horrible: Heather please bleep that
therepoman__: NOOOO I JUMPED THE GUN
saucemaster5000: gottem!
Heefnoff: Frogs firmly back on their lilypads
therepoman__: FROGS ARE GONE
LMAOkai_: damn, show's ruined. pack it in
Heefnoff: WOOOO
TXC2: ribbit!
saucemaster5000: O MIGHTY RA!
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (55m from now).
50keyz: :) thanks adam! lrrSHINE
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Mr_Horrible: I want you to know I still have never once heard someone besides you refer to "Youtube Frogs", Adam
Mr_Horrible: but it is nonetheless embedded in my vocab now
Mr_Horrible: okay Agent Mulder
Heefnoff: He's spitting
Bearudite: bars
Heefnoff: Adam's right
Heefnoff: They're youtube frogs bro
Mr_Horrible: Heef is a known deceiver
Heefnoff: Learned that shit day one
Heefnoff: DMMY
TXC2: Reminder for UK viwers, Daylight savings end this sunday, so streams will be early for us next week
Heefnoff: DUMMY
Heefnoff: TYPO
Mr_Horrible: you think Heef gets away with mix by being *honest*?
ShaneLeeAtk: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 10 (new subscribers: 0, returning subscribers: 10, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 0, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 0, new followers: 5, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
Mr_Horrible: fool
50keyz: frog on a log. log = tube. youtube is a tube. QED
Heefnoff: @saucemaster5000 heefnoDelay
Mr_Horrible: Oldge
Bearudite: PROTEST
CaptainDaks: @fishboi_samurai what are the odds we hop to the same channel again
saucemaster5000: PROSTEST
JusticeJuice: Youtube frogs and twitch toads.
Heefnoff: In a fight right
CaptainDaks: o7
Heefnoff: Later gamer
icara_: o/
Heefnoff: o7
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, Boss
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
TXC2: Goodnight Everybody