LunarJade: whelp you heard him chat. Cameron has turned this into a city skylines stream so we’ll just have to cancel this.
malfnord: @unarmedoracle I'm down. Let's do this.
@Dread_Pirate_Westley okay, so get ready: the greeks? yeah they take the city by building a giant wooden horse and hiding inside it
BrainBetter: @unarmedoracle Can we still have rrrmans once a year?
unarmedoracle: luckily for you I don't remember anything that we did during this campaign because I am no longer forming memories on the recommendation of my doctor.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Metric_Furlong Perfect.
MrVirite: @BrainBetter Wasn't ther a cim city where you could drive around, why's that not in skylines yet? (Unless it is)
Sarah_Serinde: seems sensible
Cinominn: sounds like a good doctor
MrVirite: sim city, even
LunarJade: I will be starting up the stream closer to ten minutes to the hour, just so we can get through the countdown and such.
Laurence72: Perfect scam by the doctor, If you remember to not form memories, you're forming memories, ts need to pay them more to help you. If you don't form memories, then they start charging you for things they didn't do. (Yes, the American medicak system has deepy scarred me)
Dandelion V: Greetings Programs
frankieh: My favourite Canadian vampires in the spooky setting of beautiful Vancouver Island.
T_Peazy: I didnt even know! I'm so unreasonably hyped!
mayalynn: extremely hyped! how did I not hear about this!?
Marc-Olivier Rodrigue: Hyyyype
unarmedoracle: do we have a bsky account yet? follow-up question will we be posting this to it?
Juliamon: yes and no
unarmedoracle: thumbs up
Juliamon: !bluesky
LunarJade: we have a bsky account. we aren’t really using it at the moment.
Juliamon: just parking the name
unarmedoracle: you should let me post normal things from it
KeytarCat: 👀
LunarJade: Cameron. You said you were in charge right now. You should let yourself post normal things from it.
Metric_Furlong: as someone who does not and is not planning to use bluesky I agree with Cameron
MicroManagingMusician: i am way too excited for this
SaxPython: !control
LRRbot: Paul is in control.
DarkMorford: Dangit.
Metric_Furlong: @MicroManagingMusician me too, honestly
Juliamon: being "in charge" and "in control" are two very different things
unarmedoracle: mutiny!
YareNiDaze subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months!
Thanks for subscribing, YareNiDaze! (Today's storm count: 1)
DeM0nFiRe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Chat is moving slowly so no one will see me talk about bite club
Thanks for subscribing, DeM0nFiRe! (Today's storm count: 2)
unarmedoracle: or wait is this barratry?
YareNiDaze: @DeM0nFiRe 0.0
Juliamon: also it would be nice if my lmb would stop double clicking, it is not old enough to have failing switches c'mon
Nathan Yoder: let's goooooooo (not impatient just hyped)
bio boy66: so excitedddd
Juliamon: (literally just got it in april)
accountmadeforants: Is the mouse battery-powered? It might just need a charge
Juliamon: no, wired
accountmadeforants: Welp
Juliamon: Trackballs Hate Her I guess
ihlendrax: !findquote bite
LRRbot: Quote #1362: "City of LA. Make in India. Biting social commentary, I guess?" —Graham [2014-08-01]
EricTheOrange: *start of slow chanting* Thrink.... Thrink.... Thrink.... Thrink....
YareNiDaze: Thrink. Thrink. Thrink.
accountmadeforants: If you can get to the switches, you can try spraying some WD40 contact cleaner in there. That worked for my G603 when that started doubleclicking way back and swapping batteries didn't work anymore. (Though I'm now using a different mouse.)
Metric_Furlong: no refresh? oh I'm blessed by the dark mother today
WiJohn: Thrink! Thrink! Thrink!
Juliamon: I don't know how easy that would be, I haven't opened an Elecom before
DrFromage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
Thanks for subscribing, DrFromage! (Today's storm count: 3)
just_like_aerin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
Thanks for subscribing, just_like_aerin! (Today's storm count: 4)
Diabore: oh, early start
Juliamon: early to account for coundown
BrainBetter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months, currently on a 55 month streak!
BrainBetter: No drops, no drinks, no masters!
Thanks for subscribing, BrainBetter! (Today's storm count: 5)
hallkomp: Yo, new to the series, do I have to know the previous ones or can I just jump onto this one?
Brozard: Thrink! Thrink! Thrink!
Cinominn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Cinominn! (Today's storm count: 6)
Juliamon: It would definitely help to watch the previous ones
animated_fairy: @hallkomp I would recommend watching the others!
Metric_Furlong: @Diabore the early bird gets The Wyrm, after all
CopperAstronaut: Time to rejoin the night!
Metric_Furlong: (yes, I know that's the wrong World of Darkness game)
aur naur staurting earlaurily
Brozard: Do we know if this is a Session 0?
Juliamon: This is session 1
unarmedoracle: honest answer: our characters have one brain cell and /someone/ dropped it in the bath. consider yourself caught up.
hallkomp: Ahh, damn, well ill be back in a week or two then...
Juliamon: 0 will go up separately
tehfewl: starting early?
SmithKurosaki: HYPE in the chat :3
Jesper Henriksson: So HYPE
PharaohBender27: What up Fangsters
airylan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
Thanks for subscribing, airylan! (Today's storm count: 7)
oh no, who dropped Stalks-By-Night in the bath?
Brozard: Neat! Glad there is a 0 for this chronicle as well
Jgirl13245: *SO EXCITE but also wants to rewatch allllll the previous seasons now*
LunarJade: we have plenty of brain cells. we just only use them one at a time.
LadyAiluros: lucky
SpaceBattery: let
I don't have any brain cells left
SpaceBattery: let's goooooooooo!!!!
Diabore: the braincells have to wait their turn, and every braincell gets a turn
Jgirl13245: brain cells? what's that. I am Squirrel.
ihlendrax: Finished my series rewatch as of midnight last night…so it’s all fresh in the brain pan again.
unarmedoracle: that's called courtesy.
Cinominn: brain cells are a limited resource cant spand them all in one place
Ignatiuspants: brain cells are overrated!
PrinceNimzar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
Thanks for subscribing, PrinceNimzar! (Today's storm count: 8)
Juliamon: you can't take the whole braincell for yourself. You have to break a piece off.
Jgirl13245: zoomyzoomyzoomy excite.
Seabats: fuck braincells I want big dumper
Diabore: @Juliamon remember kids, sharing is caring
LunarJade: I mean a brain cell that good you don’t eat all at once
Cinominn: same adam
DrFromage: I'm excited to watch with internet that won't keep freezing!
incslayer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
incslayer: Hows it Fangin?
Thanks for subscribing, incslayer! (Today's storm count: 9)
Sybased: Super excited, although does anyone know why session 0 wasn't up before this if there is one for this season?
groulux: Hello everyone! So Happy this is back!
Jgirl13245: *clappy seal hands of excited joyful spaz*
Chrysoprase: I feel that this coterie has the potential of a lot of common sense. Too bad EVERY roll is a messy critical.
1 raiders from FadedOasis have joined!
lirazel64: Eeeee!
Juliamon: Welcome raiders!
Ignatiuspants: I'm super excited about the return of LRR:DF:NaDtD:VIBN!
accountmadeforants: @Seabats Become a dinosaur per old horribly wrong textbooks, then big brain = big dumper.
TheWriterAleph: Hey chat
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy raiders! Right in time!
EricTheOrange: Thrink time!
Gabriel_Mobius subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 61 months!
Gabriel_Mobius: Past the big 5! Thanks for everything y'all do, and excited for more Not a Drop to Drink
groulux: I really want to tell Jacob that his session 0 for this series is what convinced me to get back into storrytelling after a long break. Thank you!
Thanks for subscribing, Gabriel_Mobius! (Today's storm count: 10)
soramayura: 2 years to vampire time? Nice!
Dice Friends! Not a Drop to Thrink!
incslayer: lets get Thrinkin
NimrodXIV: fangs out
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Heather!
Seabats: @accountmadeforants I thought that was actually true until a very old age
TheWooglie: Hello
incslayer: Hello Heather
Hey Heather!
Good shirt
coffeehuntress: Love the messy crits!
FadedOasis: Hey Heather!
Laurence72: WOOO!!!
SnackPak_: so excited!
the_walking: hello
CopperAstronaut: Hey Heather!
baltimore_667083: hi heather!
lamina5432: evening
Hi Heather!
Ignatiuspants: hello!
TheDevil_Risen: Heya Heather!
JadedCynic: don't talk about Bite Club
Shadowsoflife: o/
Jgirl13245: woopwoop!
soramayura subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
soramayura: *bot you eejit* - vamp time!
Thanks for subscribing, soramayura! (Today's storm count: 11)
Sybased: Hello!!!
Diabore: do we know how many episodes this one is?
So what's the line on Bite Me jokes?
LurkingFarmer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LurkingFarmer! (Today's storm count: 12)
theevermist subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
theevermist: Bite Club!
Thanks for subscribing, theevermist! (Today's storm count: 13)
Jgirl13245: bite club!
EricTheOrange: WHOOO THRINK!
AlexndraArtemis: this is very exciting
gualdhar: Bit3 Club
soramayura: She said the thing!
WiJohn: Jacob's not here to stop the thrinking!
Brozard: Thrink!
AlexndraArtemis: S3 is hype
Metric_Furlong: 3rink, 3rink, 3rink!
Ignatiuspants: Not a 3rop to 3rink
keysaunt: Thrink! Thrink! Thrink!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Jacob just died a little bit and he doesn't know why.
Laurence72: NaDt3
incslayer: Thrink
Brozard: <3rink
Interesting combination
Diabore: one way to find out
saucemaster5000: that classic combo
Jgirl13245: i mean... salty and vinegar caaaan go together
unarmedoracle: the great combination of chocolate and dill
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
SharktoothJack: so cozy
incslayer: @Dread_Pirate_Westley ohh i think he knows
Sarah_Serinde: !store
Chrysoprase: Bad choices go perfect with VtM.
Arclight_Dynamo: I like both those things!
jessieimproved: I have homemade chili and corn salsa so I'm good
Brozard: That is a choice
spethycakes: I like both, so both together MUST be good
I got blood oranges for the premiere.
@Seabats As did I, you're not alone in having learned about thigh brains and never having reason to question that
Sarah_Serinde: Please remember to add the size
Cinominn: i gotta find my shirt
Sarah_Serinde: !youtube
couchboyj: PB and pickles is a surprisingly reasonable combination
DeM0nFiRe: safety point number one: maybe don't be bitten by a vampire?
incslayer: i resolved that by rewatching all of season 1 and 2
Jgirl13245: yes. which is why i might leave and come back later to rewatch this, but yes. memory is wut?
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: I remember there was car chase and a cougar... and that's it
saucemaster5000: who gave an elephant access to modern tools???
unarmedoracle: I have a mind like a steel tarp.
saucemaster5000: We're doomed
Rhylon42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Rhylon42! (Today's storm count: 14)
putz12a: My memory is like a steel trap - Rusty, dull, and barely works
Safety Tip 2 - Always keep a sharpened wooden steak nearby
Eggmojii: holy hell lets go
WiJohn: They burned a church!
TheWriterAleph: Om nom nom
incslayer: @unarmedoracle but there is no tarp budget
Styxseus: Bite into..
TheDevil_Risen: (intentional mis spelling)
Mai_Andra: And if there's one thing elephants remember, it's how to operate a sieve.
HamTechs McCarthy: {\/````\/}
HamTechs McCarthy: {\/````\/}
HamTechs McCarthy: Bite Time+!
Satyropodobny: aww yeah what meats is Olivier gonna eat this season
Simriel: fried chicken is my call
Simriel: maybe a pork chop?
De Nu: hype!!!!
SmithKurosaki: TEEEEEEE Buck! :p
Simriel: gotta respect a man who yells his own name as a battle cry
spo8n: hype
Shadowsoflife: HYPE!
saucemaster5000: sounds straining
DaxStrife: I can hear Jacob cackling from here.
Cinominn: something something elephant never forgets
Oberon_Puck subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Oberon_Puck! (Today's storm count: 15)
CopperAstronaut: It is objectively a banger of a story!
TheWriterAleph: Checks out
Drasvin: Hype is go!
wedge_x: same hat
Ignatiuspants: an elephant never forgets how to ride a bike
Wiliart: Hype for the bite.
x0den: Hello people
PharaohBender27: YT still says "will begin shortly," their countdown hasn't started yet
Brozard: The sieve operator in the room
spethycakes: if an elephant shouts into the void, does it remember to listen for the void to shout back?
SnackPak_: my b
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months!
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: yessssss im so exicted for this
Thanks for subscribing, gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man! (Today's storm count: 16)
Seabats: I ain't following shit
lirazel64: Yes, ma'am
Eggmojii: @Brozard bro
Been following.
Brozard: @eggmojii Bud!
noSmokeFire: I followed twice, does that help?
yes! arrived just in time! hi everyone
accountmadeforants: Countdown is at 1
AlexndraArtemis: Ive been following since yall had the big blue border
JacobBurgessVO: Yeaaaaaaaah!
PharaohBender27: Countdown just started on YT
WiJohn: Thriiiink!!!!!!
Mr_Whyt: push the button!
Eggmojii: @Brozard what a time to be alive
Dread_Pirate_Westley: "What's wrong with YouTube" We need a different stream for that. A long one.
Brozard: wooooo Jacob!
baltimore_667083: THRINK!
MrDrLewis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
MrDrLewis: Almost two years of subs, which is almost as long as it took to thrink!
Thanks for subscribing, MrDrLewis! (Today's storm count: 17)
SnackPak_: good start
Laurence72: LOL
Oscelot: Woohoo it's TIME!
Ignatiuspants: cold open!
noSmokeFire: Lmao
MrPhlip: Show already perfect
Jgirl13245: lolol, yes. good intro
Sarah_Serinde: Good ol' Oliver
incslayer: ahhh Oliver is already in fine form!
TheDevil_Risen: LoL
LunarJade: hey Jacob!
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
gibbousm: lets get dicey and bitey
SaxPython: Ollie
Hey Jacob!
Sarah_Serinde: !dragonshield
CastleOtranto: Lick... toes. Is that also a messy crit?
Shadowsoflife: intro 2
JacobBurgessVO: Hiiiiiiii!
DarkMorford: Hi Jacob!
x0den: Hiii!
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Jacob! You made it!
SnackPak_: nice glamor shot
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO Hey you ^^
Eggmojii: Hey Jacob
Strebenherz: Bite club!
Sarah_Serinde: !dtrpg
Looking for TTRPG books and related products? Support LRR by using this affiliate link with DriveThruRPG:
Laurence72 waves at Jacob
SeiichiSin: Hello Jacob!
Shadowsoflife: Hey JACOB!
Terr0rc0tta subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde Hey Sarah o/
Thanks for subscribing, Terr0rc0tta! (Today's storm count: 18)
incslayer: @JacobBurgessVO omg look your on the screen
baltimore_667083: howdy jacob!
AlexndraArtemis: hello Jacob
Gekyouryuu: hello, Jacob. :3
Kasran: hi jacob! i'm so excited for this!
Sarah_Serinde: Hey Oscelot
cavvdor: I've been so hyped about this! Hey all!
theworldsmith1: Hi Jacob!
AlexndraArtemis: excited to see how you and your players torment each other
kynelwynn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
kynelwynn: Bite Club! Bite Club! Bite Club!
Gekyouryuu: hi Oscelot
Thanks for subscribing, kynelwynn! (Today's storm count: 19)
Hi Jacob!
Oscelot: Heya @Gekyouryuu ! Good to see you friend
accountmadeforants: Screeeeech
Metric_Furlong: banger alert!
SpaceBattery: LETS GOOOOOO
Jgirl13245: aaaaaah the intro screech i MISSED IT
SnackPak_: Let's go Ryan
Ignatiuspants: theme song!
satyropodobny: BWAAAH
Oscelot: Yessssssss let's heckin' go Ryan!
CastleOtranto: This music remains epic
ladylinzington: oh I've missed this theme
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: stuff
happy shreiking noises***
WiJohn: Oliver!
CosmicDuctTape: We back Fang Gang!
coriolis_storm: I’ve missed this theme song so much
Seabats: fanger alert is banned
lochnessseammonster: woo fright club!
Eggmojii: okay sorry
DarkMorford: Oh hi Adam
sheqesi: So ready for this!!!
fanger alert is gold
PharaohBender27: That ending note is *so* good
Gekyouryuu: so, I've missed the whole of Season 2 (and do intend to watch it), so this'll be an interesting time
Alas_Babylon: That trill at the end always, *always* gets me
TheDevil_Risen: Hello Adam!
Alas_Babylon: Gawddang
LunarJade: fang gang fang gang fang gang
cavvdor: Look at that handsome ST
we're not drinkin a SINGLE DROP tonight
incslayer: fang gang fang gang
KinkerbellRose: I AM SO EXCITED I SAW THIS! Hai everyone! My evening is MADE.
SaxPython: Clap clap clap
Laurence72: New seating arranfment!
cyclopsboi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
Thanks for subscribing, cyclopsboi! (Today's storm count: 20)
AlexndraArtemis: the seating arrangements are new
AlexndraArtemis: fear
incslayer: Silas is a Good Boi!
Oscelot: @LunarJade I've been turning a very goofy thing you said during last series into a design. I'll have to show you some time X3
cavvdor: Silas is best boi
Alas_Babylon: Clan and House Little Guy
Eggmojii: wait a minute, isnt that bophades?
spethycakes: fast, thorough, sharp as a tack
LunarJade: @oscelot oooo looking forward to it!
SaxPython: #CompetanceKing
PharaohBender27: @Eggmojii Same actor, different character
snowewolf: this live or prerecord?
Sarah_Serinde: Prerecord
Eggmojii: @PharaohBender27 the magic of theater
Chrysoprase: DID NOT.
Sarah_Serinde: It's premiering on YouTube right now as well
DiscordianTokkan: They FOUND it.
Oscelot: Totally not. Nobody stole blood from anyone. Nope. Totally not.
Seabats: imagine if it was live
fhorrigan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Thanks for subscribing, fhorrigan! (Today's storm count: 21)
Seabats: and i'm yapping here
cavvdor: Absolutely untrue
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Mages? Ridiculous.
Seabats: extremely based
TheBehemothBarn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheBehemothBarn! (Today's storm count: 22)
Sarah_Serinde: I'd be impressed Seabats
kynelwynn: Sam reich is Tremere?
Oscelot: That would be very impressive @Seabats
accountmadeforants: Surely nobody was actually alive back then, we can rewrite history
Sarah_Serinde: Good trick
LunarJade: if it were live… yeah I’d just be hiding under the table
Metric_Furlong: been here the whole time. Salubri? never heard of it
snowewolf: @Sarah_Serinde cool ill catch vod tomorro in work
SaxPython: Is that Otaku Jeff!
CosmicDuctTape: Sam Reich confirmed Tremere
Oscelot: Both fair and relatable @LunarJade lol
cavvdor: @kynelwynn I cackled. Very well done xD
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that's a mood
DarkMorford: Time for a bruhaha
CastleOtranto: @kynelwynn Well now I'll always think about that when I see him, anyway
incslayer: Vandalf!
SnackPak_: Vandalf!
NimrodXIV: ah yes the VAN
Metric_Furlong: Vandalf!
PharaohBender27: In Vandalf the White
TheDevil_Risen: VanDahhmm!
DiscordianTokkan: vanpire
LunarJade: Vandalf will live forever
soramayura: Vandalf!
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
LunarJade: probably
Anaerin: @Simriel Following in the footsteps of greats, like the inimitable LEEROY JENKINS!
PharaohBender27: SOON™
De Nu: some1 give me a quick summary i didnt get to rewatch s1 &2 :v
SmithKurosaki: @De Nu Can't talk about Bite Club :p
WhisperingWinds: @De Nu that's sort of my issue as well. I forgot a lot
HamTechs McCarthy: 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
Simriel: @De Nu Jacob set up a really interesting villain, but the cotterie burned down his house instead and Oliver Did Things
nekobun: From the description it sounds like we'll get at least a partial recap
Anaerin: Why does that premiere countdown have to be *so* *loud*, YouTube?
balrogdahomie: VAMPIRE TIMES IMMINENT 🦇🦇🦇🚨🚨🚨
SmithKurosaki: (First season was them figuring things out, and a van chase. S2 was them trying to solve a mystery that lead to burning down a church)
PharaohBender27: OK, there's going to be a 2-minute desync between Twitch and here (Twtich stream has started)
groffmarr: Let’s goooooooooo
De Nu: @SmithKurosaki LMAO
PharaohBender27: @Anaerin IKR?
HamTechs McCarthy: Okay Vam, fangs out!!
Mollie McClure: fangs out!
SmithKurosaki: Will Oliver get to become a bat this season?
ani laurel: I'm so hyped
winsol: we're here!
HamTechs McCarthy: Ooooo... production values.
Simriel: The instant Adam actually spends any XP, Oliver will become a powerhouse
ani laurel: glad they've gotten back to being sponsored
balrogdahomie: Dragon Shield are good sleeves. Would buy more but I actually already have way too many rn lol
ani laurel: you can buy more ;p
Simriel: Woo. also that Companion thing looks way more portable than my wooden one xD
balrogdahomie: Listen, I’ve downsized from 9 commander decks to 5, I’m not going back to the old me lol
HamTechs McCarthy: Oliver has Animalism and Solerity right?
Grevas13: what luck, perfect timing
SmithKurosaki: @HamTechs McCarthy I think so?
Dumb Dom4 Videos: tragically I'm at 31 decks
De Nu: we are all overjoyed!!!
sandmanlives3: Here for support and engagement. Gotta go. Plan on catching the video later.
Adjective Object: yes!! I had no idea this was happening!
HamTechs McCarthy: *Celerity
balrogdahomie: If they make a World of Darkness Universes Beyond I would explode. I’m normally against UB, but by god I would love that
balrogdahomie: Silas, very good boy, very blood sorcerer
DarkMorford: LMAO
Alas_Babylon: 10/10
Oscelot: I love how the poor mom ALSO ended up being the soccer mom for the coterie
TheWriterAleph: heh
dreamshaper12: XD
ardn93: All van rides are completely uneventful
MrPhlip: Cori,
Oscelot: OW
bite club!!!
phoenixfeather14: Vandalf!
Oscelot: Van DAMN that was a bad pun
Nigouki: that pun-approval cackle
Jgirl13245: xDD vanguard that's yes. man. ahahahaha
SaxPython: Van 2: Electric Boogaloo
cavvdor: Perfect
Oscelot: RIP Carthage
50keyz: this is awesome
TheDevil_Risen: so.. what happens in bite club stays in bite club, and the first rule is don't talk about bite club?
nekobun: pourin' one out for my Carthaginian homies
cavvdor: True Brujah, never heard of em
Oscelot: Actually that's a good question, is Jordan a Brujah or a Trujah?
Jakelope13 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Jakelope13! (Today's storm count: 23)
cavvdor: Jordan feels like a Trujah
Ooooh, new Heather emote!?
Sarah_Serinde: Chat if you want good Bite Club emotes you should sub to Heather at LunarJade
WiJohn: They built this city on rock and roll
LunarJade: Toreadors are perfect and I’ll hear nothing else about it
ardn93: I have so missed Oliver's nonsense.
cavvdor: Speaking as a Toreador, yes, agreed
kynelwynn: Newly Minted
Alas_Babylon: Citation Needed
Sarah_Serinde: Depends who's looking, Oliver
SnackPak_: someday Oliver will turn into a bat
definenull: a lil perfect bean
Nigouki: Oliver just wants a burger
FarleyF: Oliver is our Boi
jdr_42: “Made the Camarilla” is definitely the Toreador version of history
Metric_Furlong: @SnackPak_ but he won't poop
incslayer: Oliver might not be pretty but he is Perfect and Beautiful
PharaohBender27: The audience surrogate
Eggmojii: totally gonna turn into a bat
noSmokeFire: does he have a driver's license? Probably not
Oscelot: Oliver is our cinnamon roll. That may be starting to mold a bit.
TheWriterAleph: BAT
accountmadeforants: He manages to really creep out way scarier vampires, though, by eating burgers.
Laurence72: Oliver has the power of Adam behind him, that alone makes him OP
FarleyF: lets get a photo of Oliver with Big Foot
SaxPython: He'll never miss another TV series ending
satyropodobny: he consumes various meats and cheeses
Oscelot: @accountmadeforants I o love that
fracassio: Oliver is trying his best (his best is not very good)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @farleyf fan art ok?
ladylinzington: Oliver is a Disney Princess
PharaohBender27: @accountmadeforants Or anything, really
Alas_Babylon: No breaks, no brakes
TheDevil_Risen: So, Ronin Vampires?
Alas_Babylon: @TheDevil_Risen More like "Oops Vampires"
Jakelope13: @SaxPython So long as someone else tells him how to record shows, or sets up his streaming services for him
TheDevil_Risen: @Alas_Babylon ahhh
Oscelot: @Jakelope13 I'm sure he can owe a boon to Chancey for that...
rxpalindrome subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
grimshade: how much have i missed?
Thanks for subscribing, rxpalindrome! (Today's storm count: 24)
Oscelot: @grimshade still in the intro
grimshade: oh good
kynelwynn: Oliver will become a bat, I believe
accountmadeforants: Caitiff get the knowledge check advantage.
Sarah_Serinde: I believe in Oliver and his ability to turn into a bat
Oscelot: He'd have to finally take Protean for that @kynelwynn lol
nekobun: this guy can put away a burger like nobody's business
definenull: what? nooo D:
CosmicDuctTape: gasp
Jakelope13: @Oscelot I hope that Oliver winds up earning a lot of Boons from a variety of people, and doesn't understand how that happens
DarkMorford: Nooooooooo
nekobun: and bring it back later
Twilight_Spark: The finale!
Oscelot: Nuuuuuuuuuu ;_;
AdamYMHMI: His animal form will be Bruce Wayne.
PharaohBender27: Ooooh, conclusions!
TheDevil_Risen: LRRTT
Final series
SnackPak_: o7
ardn93: aw dang
Good job, Past Jacob
Ignatiuspants: final season?!?!
Oscelot: @Jakelope13 Gods that would be beautiful
FarleyF: Noooooooo
kynelwynn: Look, if Oliver has to take a lot of protein shakes to get to become a bat, I believe
CopperAstronaut: Aw, sad face
No fournk?
Alas_Babylon: Most good things end on three
SharktoothJack: woo trilogy
Brozard: drat
Mr_Whyt: unlike
They don't know how little Oliver knows about anything else in return
Ryban89: W00t!
LunarJade: lol
dreamshaper12: XD
cavvdor: Noooo
CastleOtranto: I'll be rooting for Oliver to bat it up.
Fruan: Endings are good! Planned endings are a thousand times better than running things into the ground. Yay for endings!
Jakelope13: Yay the Title Drop!
EricTheOrange: WOOO THRINK
Sarah_Serinde: @Fruan ^
FarleyF: thank you Heather
Oscelot: And already breaking Jacob lol
SnackPak_: hard line, not a throp
accountmadeforants: Not A Throp Three Thrink
niccus: jacob looks like he's having a throp
Voldiren subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Voldiren! (Today's storm count: 25)
Chesul: very sad that it's the last season, but hoping these characters come back eventually.
cavvdor: I guess that's true, a good wrap-up is better than anything open-ended.
CosmicDuctTape: oh poor Jacob, already with the glasses off and and facepalming
Already throwing Jacob for a loop and they haven't even started playing yet
nekobun: Troixt a Drop To Drink. Wait that doesn't read well out loud.
Sarah_Serinde: Session 0 available on YT later today
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde As is tradition XD
Alas_Babylon: Google (not the AI bot) says: a Middle English term for a village hamlet farmstead
cavvdor: Not a doo-wop to drink or sing
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde Excellent :3
dreamshaper12: @Sarah_Serinde Hurray!
PharaohBender27: @Sarah_Serinde Damn straight
Shadowsoflife: @Oscelot hype
definenull: definitely not telling oliver
sheqesi: I feel GREAT that you're back!!
SmithKurosaki: @sandmanlives3 Thanks for dropping in
HamTechs McCarthy: we dont know Olivers third discipline tho?
balrogdahomie: No Diablerie Ever Forsureforsureforsure Nodoubtnodoubtnodoubt
Simriel: I feel like Oliver is one of the best RPG characters I have ever seen
De Nu: a great Van
Dumb Dom4 Videos: Oh my god the van
De Nu: PunkTM Brujas
balrogdahomie: I’m so fascinated by Knives as an NPC. The line “longest I’ve ever heard of him doing good by anybody” from Chainz really resounds to me
Simriel: it's Always about Carthage
balrogdahomie: Nova Carthago non Delebitur. Roma Delenda Est.
HamTechs McCarthy: Jessica "The-More-You-Adore" Chadwick
Simriel: Oliver: He's also there
balrogdahomie: Oliver my little meow meow (who smashed someone’s head with a sledgehammer last session IIRC)
Dumb Dom4 Videos: sounds special to me!
Simriel: Oliver is the best boy
balrogdahomie: Oliver is the Ratmaster
balrogdahomie: And dogmaster and birdmaster
blackcoat: Con: my flight was delayed and I'm stuck in an airport.
SmithKurosaki: Final :(((
balrogdahomie: He’s basically a Disney Princess if you think about it
Simriel: Final series!!!? Nooo
blackcoat: pro: I get to watch this live!
blackcoat: aww, last one. :(
SmithKurosaki: Welcome in @blackcoat
Oscelot: Drive it like someone you hate stole it
PharaohBender27: "You have to come out of retirement"
noSmokeFire: Malkavian that knows it's the last campaign
incslayer: if i believe enough there will always be more
NotCainNorAbel: ughhhhh One More...]
ripping hot take from Cam
SaxPython: Pick up your badge and gun
@alas_babylon I believe it was a shortened version of “throuple”
A_Dub888: Hi friends, can Oliver turn into a bat?
Metric_Furlong: the cube!
Sheikun07 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months, currently on a 60 month streak!
Sheikun07: Bite Club Bite Club!
Thanks for subscribing, Sheikun07! (Today's storm count: 26)
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
Oscelot: CUBE! Do do do do do doo!
Final Season, after this we get Sequel Movies
cavvdor: Yes yes yes
satyropodobny: do kindred build cubes
LunarJade: Not a Drop to Cube
nekobun: braise cude
Mr_Whyt: 6 sessions and a movie!
Jakelope13: Not a Cube to Drink?
Alas_Babylon: Not a Cube to Thin
kynelwynn: Cube those noises
NotCainNorAbel: my new ring tone
ButButTheJesus: "myeh nye hyeh heh"
cavvdor: Not a Drop to Cube?
CastleOtranto: Jacob, you are a delight.
@LunarJade By the way, thanks for taking care of all the youtube things and making it so we have VoDs in the first place
Jakelope13: I think a Lead-Acid battery definitely counts as "Not a Cube to Drink"
CosmicDuctTape: time skiiiiiiiip!
Oscelot: Where the island is now: "fucked"
Metric_Furlong: 6 months! the one year!
SaxPython: Jordynne is a tru homie. I was happy to see her name on the edit credit
nekobun: aw man we didn't even get a tournament arc
PharaohBender27 immediately has questions about how the cliffhanger ending of Series 2 resolved
accountmadeforants: Where the island is at: Still on Earth, probably, we haven't checked
Oscelot: I just really hope they ever got [redacted] out of the Giovanni basement
JacobBurgessVO: Thank you @castleotranto !
SaxPython: Just a car?
ladylinzington: @PharaohBender27 YES same
Oscelot: @SaxPython Yep. Just one car. Just one.
Oscelot: @SaxPython (Justicar)
accountmadeforants: @PharaohBender27 Fuck, I didn't rewatch. What was the cliffhanger?
LunarJade: I mean… as long as there’s still some land left… there can technically be an island.
Oscelot: I'll PM you @accountmadeforants
soramayura: Nice Adam XD
Laurence72: All I'm hearing is that the next VtM campaign will have a different name than NaDtD
incslayer: @accountmadeforants Jordan was pushing a robber up against a wall when her daughter came home
PharaohBender27: @accountmadeforants Intruders in Jordan's house, and one of them is her *daughter*
CosmicDuctTape: @Laurence72 that feels like the correct attitude to have
ButButTheJesus: its Lizard Folk
satyropodobny: all my homies hate pentex
almas_zarkona: NaDtD inspired me to run now tow VtM games atm! Love to see it return.
definenull: imagine a vampire on a red-eye flight dang
vinopinguino: adam is playing his true self
A_Dub888: @vinopinguino Adam can turn into a bat!?
Oscelot: @vinopinguino "Me but vampy" is honestly not a terrible way to learn the system
vinopinguino: @A_Dub888 yes
cavvdor: I love how far Adam has come from "I've never played Vampire before"
accountmadeforants: Ikea, to displace actual woodworking, so people don't have ready access to stakes.
Sheikun07: Maybe a Princess Auto.
Laurence72: Prin-cess Au-to Clap Clap clapclapclap
Arclight_Dynamo: Canadians have a sixth sense and always know what sort of thing is and is not purchasable at Canadian Tire. Lumber is a no.
Shadowsoflife: if we say princess auto three times do we summon beej?
AdamYMHMI: @accountmadeforants Ikea sells a 12 pack of stakes for cheap
Oscelot: I have to wonder if there's a Tower stronghold in Alaska. It's a terrible place for Vamps. Which is why it would be great once you manage a foothold.
cavvdor: Also biker werewolves!
Shadowsoflife: ^
Sheikun07: @Shadowsoflife Only one way to find out! Princess Auto Princess Auto Princess Auto
Lily Adel: Final noooo
OVERKiLL!: Whoo HA! I gotcha ALL in check
balrogdahomie: On one hand, I don’t like this being the end. On the other hand, I would rather this series stick the landing with a tight conclusion then go on eternally (as thematic as that would be)
OVERKiLL!: Flipmode is the squidod
SmithKurosaki: @balrogdahomie For sure
balrogdahomie: And, if they end it, we might get other world of darkness campaigns… things that will never happen but I desperately want: Promethean: the Created or Demon: the Fallen
HamTechs McCarthy: noooooo
Ben Hirsh: no! I'm so invested!
SmithKurosaki: Cori's on fire already
balrogdahomie: I imagine the cube visually as like. The hellraiser matrix thing
Simriel: Jacob being like "I am aware that I am a bastard"
SmithKurosaki: Editorial sassing :p
OVERKiLL!: wait what was evil jacob called again?
balrogdahomie: Time for some fun lighthearted vampire times that won’t involve horrifying spirals into inhumanity whatsoever :)
SmithKurosaki: Jaxob
ani laurel: jaxob
blackcoat: aww, no in media res for dealing "mom?"
OVERKiLL!: word up! Jaxob. thats it
balrogdahomie: @blackcoat complete shot in the dark, I bet we’ll get that (along with some other unaddressed bits from S2) as memoriams
balrogdahomie: We still don’t know what happened in The Rat Bathroom™️ while Oliver was ranting about politics
mowdownjoe: Right! Chaunsey the Rock God!
Oscelot: I love the fervent love for Princess Auto in this community from people who have almost certainly never been to one. It's really sweet. X3
Sheikun07: Gasp!
ThingsOnMyStream: @accountmadeforants I do love the idea that Ikea is a vampire plot to increase the use of particle board so there is less chance to make stakes
LunarJade: Don’t worry about any of these names. Pretty sure we never run into any of them ever again. /jk
Sheikun07: Chaunsey was amazing and I hope we meet him again.
Oscelot: @ThingsOnMyStream I love that XD
Seabats: chaunsey was shot off screen in between seasons
A_Dub888: @Sheikun07 His music was hypnotizing
midnightcurryjazz: not the dawgs
vinopinguino: what do vampires do on the weekend?
Sarah_Serinde: @Seabats By Knives
mowdownjoe: @oscelot Autohime-sama noticed us during the Road Quest premieres!
cavvdor: I just want getting Chains and Quinn back together to be a sidequest
Oscelot: I have spent so much time looking at maps and the wiki for this
CosmicDuctTape: and thus, the biker lupines on the highway to the Ferry, this checks out
Oscelot: @mowdownjoe Nice!
Laurence72: As long as they don't walk upstairs at the Cunningham's house at the end of a season, they should be all right
mowdownjoe: @seabats D:
Oscelot: Lupines are violently opposed to the Worm
nooooo are the puppies racist?
kynelwynn: Walking carpets of Rage according to my old VtM games
SaxPython: I think T-Buck would fit in werewolf society
nekobun: woodchippers with pelts
definenull: and silas made friends with one of them!
cavvdor: Silas did make friends with one of them!
Oscelot: Friends is a *strong* term
Firewhiskers: @Nigouki Not really, they see vampires as an indication of bad stuff like global warming
Sheikun07: Well, Silas made "friends"
LunarJade: Silas was tolerated by a werewolf
SaxPython: Nooooo!
iris_of_ether: 8 foot tall chainsaws
Oscelot: @kynelwynn I really want to go remake my Werewolf character ;_;
Sheikun07: 8 foot tall 300-400lbs chainsaws made of sinew and claws and teeth
Metric_Furlong: Silas was not immediately disemboweled on sight by a werewolf
Oscelot: @LunarJade Yeah, that's a good way of putting it lol
cavvdor: I still make the educated guess that it was a Glass Walker, Glass Walkers are a bit more tolerant of vampires because they've got a lot of things on their hands/paws and vampires are a lesser evil
Oscelot: Yeah, wouldn't shock me
phoenixfeather14: Silas and the lupine collectively agreed to pretend they didn't see each other
ThingsOnMyStream: Oliver: "So how does the pooping work?"
SaxPython: I want Ollie and Stalks By Night to be the next Turner and Hooch
CosmicDuctTape: oh, that's a mood
Oscelot: Oh Oliver. The audience is on your side! ... What's the audience? Oh uh. Uh. Don't worry about it.
SaxPython: I believe in you Ollie!
Arclight_Dynamo: Three hundred years from now, Oliver rules the world.
Oscelot: And has no idea how it happened
incslayer: @Arclight_Dynamo but he still has no clue?
@Oscelot The shadows are always watching.
cavvdor: Oliver for Prince of Vancouver?
accountmadeforants: I still remember the S1 gut-punch of Oliver getting offered his dream job and having to reject it because he couldn't go out during the day anymore.
Sarah_Serinde: Aw buddy
definenull: aww
roastbeefsandwitch: oh I'm sorry for Oliver. especially after the retrospectives from Season 2
ButButTheJesus: aww i wuv owiver
aw... Oliver...
Oscelot: @Shadowsoflife Gods we do not want to get this baby enrolled with Obtenebration lol
TheWriterAleph: buddyyy
Oscelot: @accountmadeforants Yeah ;_;
cavvdor: Aw Oliver nooo
grimshade: honestly Oliver is definitely the most moral of the bunch
dreamshaper12: @accountmadeforants Man, I remember this too and it was an incredible scene and yet entirely a gut punch like you said! So good!
ButButTheJesus: so reeeaaall
SaxPython: Did Ollie find Bigfoot?
Shadowsoflife: @Oscelot ehehehe
mowdownjoe: @accountmadeforants I just watched that! It was the season 2 Memorandum that gave us a flashback to Oliver's first days.
gualdhar: jesus fuck why is Adam calling out my highschool self right now
SmithKurosaki: Accurate Cori
PharaohBender27: @blackcoat That was my immediate question
Simriel: Oliver has Hardware store opinions
balrogdahomie: One of them is a Clown, one of the only creatures more terrifying than a Garou
Simriel: Chainz seemed like the better option to me
abe smith: yoooooooo
SmithKurosaki: welcome in :)
balrogdahomie: I know it’s a bit of a taboo, but I do have some more-amenable lupines in my V5 campaign. Although they only became amenable after the coterie stopped their pack leader from becoming a Black Spiral 💃
blackcoat: i wanna see Cam and the big blonde hot gaurou go on a date, as a counter point to Jessica's perfect date.
Oscelot: I finished S2 last night for the first time, so man, the continuity
JacobBurgessVO: @cavvdor That makes me very happy to hear. This game is being run for folks who have never ever heard of Vampire or the WoD. But, even if things aren't said explicitly, there is a reason for everything here. I wanted to make it feel like what I loved about WoD in that you can always dig for more if you want to, but you super don't have to.
A_Dub888: Oliver's having a hell of a time
wildpeaks: aww, Oliver could use a hug
vinopinguino: oliver needs a vampire therapist
@mowdownjoe Ah, I see my memory has reorganized things chronologically
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO Oh you put so much meat on these bones friend, and we are feasting.
Shadowsoflife: Oliver turning to a bat
wildpeaks: @vinopinguino that would be a great premise for a serie
SaxPython: RB Sweet
midnightcurryjazz: duties
JacobBurgessVO: @cavvdor I'm not saying you're right, but you are very welcome and safe to dig away and speculate.
Oscelot: I wonder what Oliver has been doing for cash these last few months
vinopinguino: but what about the vampire weekend Adam?
Oscelot: Or if Quinn has just been taking care of him
Sheikun07: @JacobBurgessVO This series has been my favorite Dice Friends series because of how accessible you've made the game to both the players and the audience (and the messy crits).
cavvdor: @JacobBurgessVO Oh I love digging in deeper! Your enthusiasm for WoD is infectious (your enthusiasm for anything is infectious) and I'm so happy we're here for season 3!
lonestarbl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
Thanks for subscribing, lonestarbl! (Today's storm count: 27)
Alas_Babylon: Yeah, seriously, I was someone who I could not imagine being into anything remotely related to VTM, and you've made it *super* easy to feel integrated into it
Oscelot: Oliver needs all the hugs.
Uroboros_of_Old: When I worked nights all my friends think I left town
Alas_Babylon: I'm still not someone who would play, but listening in, even as someone not into horror, has been fascinating
ButButTheJesus: muh feeeeeels, so reeealll
Me getting ready to switch to Zeta shift for Desert Bus
PharaohBender27: "I did work for you, now it's your turn"
SaxPython: Jaxob gears turning
Oscelot: @ThingsOnMyStream Awwww. Yeah, it's a lonely time until the bus starts rolling
spethycakes: I really appreciate the honesty and fullness that Adam brings to Oliver and his feelings and choices
is Oliver secretly in the Tal'mahe'Ra?
satyropodobny: uh oh death flags
Oscelot: @MilkInBags Pfffff wow
definenull: oh the setting *will* give oliver a purpose
WiJohn: I hear the Sabat have some purpose lying around...
Terr0rc0tta: Oliver villain arc
groulux: @JacobBurgessVO Hey Jacob I just wanted to say that the way you ran your session 0 for this game really clicked for me and got me back into rpg after a long pause. so thanks
sblue333: @jacobburgessvo Just wanna add on and say this series is everything I love when it comes to lore and worldbuilding, everything connects and there's always more to learn. I haven’t yet had the chance to play but I always flip through the books now when I'm at a store 😅
cavvdor: I'm not sure if the Sabbat is ready for Oliver
Sheikun07: I think Chains liked Oliver and was a fellow substitute teacher
Laurence72: So, is the entire season 3 done, or are the group still finishing up the final few episodes?
Seabats: bro why am I talking for so long
Juliamon: shhh
MilkInBags: because you're interesting my dude
Shadowsoflife: @cavvdor no one is, even Oliver
Metric_Furlong: @Seabats there's a lot of ground to cover
JacobBurgessVO: @milkinbags Ah good. Good. You know enough to make you're trolling lore specific. You are a master of your craft. (Sarcasm, save for the compliment)
kid_flashionable: Nah it's good let him cook
WiJohn: Is he wearing mascara?
Arclight_Dynamo: @Seabats I'm loving it.
Mai_Andra: Oh, he's just like me... frfr...
ladylinzington: @Seabats it's interesting!
grimshade: @Seabats your channeling Oliver
SaxPython: Thanks Cori!
Adam, let Adam cook
Alas_Babylon: Not a problem at all my dude
SaxPython: YES!
@JacobBurgessVO only with love (I guess it wasn't a spoiler because, yeah)
DiscordianTokkan: Oh RIGHT, the COUGAR
JacobBurgessVO: @groulux Thank you!
accountmadeforants: Stalks By Night is rad
SaxPython: My SbN buddy cop story
Oscelot: @Seabats Because it's interesting. *boop*
@DiscordianTokkan Which one?
balrogdahomie: It’s sad to hear that Oliver feels like no one’s on his side, even after Quinn had that heart to heart with him. I got the impression that was as vulnerable as Quinn could possibly be
HamTechs McCarthy: what bout marge??
balrogdahomie: Yeah, what about our little box cutter-wielding lamb chop? … I guess we’ll probably hear about it after we go over the PC’s individually
blackcoat: what about stalks at night?
balrogdahomie: I mean if you get Balatro that’ll kill a few years. Though, knowing Oliver, he’d probably download a virus by accident somehow
balrogdahomie: They call him knives because he dresses sharp, I hear
balrogdahomie: I feel bad for Oliver. I feel more bad for all the missing dogs in his neighborhood, though, to be fair
balrogdahomie: That’s adorable
DiscordianTokkan: @PharaohBender27 lol
MilkInBags: I'm glad you make VtM accessible to people who might be put off by it, I love the world
WiJohn: He's feeling lonely so he got a cat!
JacobBurgessVO: @sblue333 Yes. Gooooood. Gooooooooood. (William Defoe gif)
cavvdor: Stalks by Night is making an informed decision
Metric_Furlong: stalks-by-night seems like they're smart enough to work-out they'd be a more powerful hunter by themselves
ButButTheJesus: is Adam in chat? Cause I LOVED all of that. So relatable.
satyropodobny: Stalks by Night is on that predator grindset
JacobBurgessVO: Me too Milk
Jakelope13: SbN and Oliver are going to have the most FASCINATING relationship
Oscelot: @ButButTheJesus That's seabats
calculated_uncertainties: that is a phrase
vinopinguino: he has a pet COUGAR?!
vinopinguino: love that
cavvdor: Yep
Sheikun07: A *friend* cougar
Alas_Babylon: @vinopinguino Yep!
Ignatiuspants: I feel like Oliver's story came from a place of realness
great start let's go!
roastbeefsandwitch: "Tell Dale", or Jason's official channel comment from L.A. By Night, "I have made a note"
accountmadeforants: I love, love, love how Oliver can screw things up, no takesies-backsies. Even this bit where Jacob offers a way to easily convince SbN, and it's just "yeah, but Oliver wouldn't word it that way".
I'm ready for that cliffhanger resolution on Jordan.
ButButTheJesus: @Seabats just wanted to say I loved all of that description
FarleyF: T BUCK
vinopinguino: @Sheikun07 yes *nod*
PharaohBender27: WHAT ABOUT THE DAUGHTER THAT SHOWED UP!? Sorry, but inquiring minds really want to know
LunarJade: no dots in firearms for Jessica
definenull: jordan KKona arc lets go
Chrysoprase: If this is the final seson, i do hope that LRR will keep exploring the world of Darkness. Maybe some other tones, themes or setting.
JacobBurgessVO: @twilight_spark @pharaohbender27 Ehehehehehehehehehehe
Metric_Furlong: Jessica doesn't need guns, she has the power of the moon on her side
Omg, I forgot about Jo's daughter
ladylinzington: I really need to know what happened with the daughter omg, it's been killing memsince the end of s2
PharaohBender27: @JacobBurgessVO I will take that as a sign that that scenario has resolution we will see; thank you
kid_flashionable: I'm slowe
Oscelot: @Seabats Also I wanted to mention, after watching the last of series 2 last night, I adore how you consider your character when you make decision. It was a master class watching you look at things, go "Yeah this would be good, but Oliver wouldn't do it", and just unwaveringly letting the moment slip past. (as one example)
Brozard: I can't get Cori's face and Jacob shouting VINDICATION out of my mind
kid_flashionable: *slowly realizing something, is this a recording?
Brozard: @kid_flashionable yes
Its_VeeBot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months!
Its_VeeBot: *places a cupcake on a plate in the middle of the room, exits room*
Thanks for subscribing, Its_VeeBot! (Today's storm count: 28)
Pinwiz11: Knives: It's on the task
xvaikenx: -dives for the cupcake-
kid_flashionable: Im dumb, I was like HOW is everyone chatting in stream while talking??
Sarah_Serinde: The Rock God!
LunarJade: one of them was a clown
definenull: the clown's a ghoul?
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah this is prerecorded and edited, it's how they'll be doing most/all Dice Friends going forward
confracto: here to say I'm excited this is happening, but gonna go and not watch live because I'm late and gonna watch later!
Sarah_Serinde: Makes things easier in a few ways
Its_VeeBot: Band name? Band name.
kid_flashionable: I love it!
SaxPython: Very busy around Halloween
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde I can only imagine, yeah
SaxPython: Oh no
Also if you want to start this ep from the beginning and don't want to fight Twitch's vod, this is also premiering on right now
definenull: oh right I assume they freed t-buck from the giovanni vault
Shadowsoflife: T BUCK!
cavvdor: t-buck was an experience
Sarah_Serinde: T-Buck was great
Oscelot: @definenull I dunno that I would *assume* that...
Aww Oliver wants to party
A_Dub888: Has Oliver been trying to turn into a bat?
kynelwynn: T-buhUCK!
Mai_Andra: oh, no... the tiles are switched... so Jacob is looking at the wrong people on the wide shot...
groulux: Did T-Buck survive i dont recall
SaxPython: Ollie brings Tupperware
kid_flashionable: That is adorable
Simriel: Oliver is feeling extremely Disconnected
balrogdahomie: I don’t want to jinx it, but I hope Oliver doesn’t find his purpose through, like, heroic sacrifice
SmithKurosaki: Sick
blackcoat: yay kitty!
SmithKurosaki: Something something quote :p
The_BoZoiD: I'd completely forgotten T-Buck
SmithKurosaki: TEEE BUCK
blackcoat: Teeee BUCK
balrogdahomie: I feel like Knives is planning something
balrogdahomie: That’s my called shot. He’s doing something behind everyone’s back.
OVERKiLL!: you can only be indi for so long before the Camarilla try to absorb you or destroy you
SmithKurosaki: Oh probably
blackcoat: several somethings probably
kid_flashionable: He brings that 7 layer dip
A_Dub888: @kid_flashionable You're adorable
@a_dub888 d'awew aroboEye
xvaikenx: Now I want chips and dip -.-
Oscelot: I want to get queso and just add a bunch of red food dye to it now @xvaikenx
accountmadeforants: Hmmm, notes of chocolate and pine.
Dog_of_Myth: Hope I didn't miss much. Just got back from MagicCon Vegas
ohjanji: no appreciation for taste smh
Marethyue subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Marethyue: So happy this is back, started my own VtM chronicle because of this madness!
Thanks for subscribing, Marethyue! (Today's storm count: 29)
xvaikenx: @Oscelot LOL Whaaaat?
Plasterboard: ooOOoo.... Thrink is here!?! woo hoo!
LunarJade: can I get the highly caffeinated blood?
definenull: oh awkward...
Sarah_Serinde: It's been 6 months since the end of last season and we're going over some things that have happened in the interrim
so, no one likes the 600 dollar bottles, they just want the southern comfort
satyropodobny: I still ship them
Sheikun07: That's the best lore drop ever
Oscelot: @xvaikenx It's a good way to get Oliver to actually eat his vegeta--blood
Sarah_Serinde: Along with reintroducing characters
Shadowsoflife: @LunarJade Same
kid_flashionable: Love the lore building!
ohjanji: oliver please
SaxPython: Lovers to enemies to lovers?
DiscordianTokkan: Oliiiiverrrrr.
PharaohBender27: @Dog_of_Myth It's 6 months later, so we're catching up on where everyone is now. Oliver's been not doing great
SnackPak_: oof
vinopinguino: oliver come on
A_Dub888: Oliver...
ButButTheJesus: oliver no
wildpeaks: ohnoo
Dog_of_Myth: @Sarah_Serinde Oh, thank you
xvaikenx: @Oscelot smooth
kid_flashionable: OLIVER
cavvdor: I need them back together
DaxStrife: Jacob and I made the same face.
Dog_of_Myth: @PharaohBender27 Thank you as well.
ladylinzington: Oliver nooooo
ArdCollider: sometimes they talk about mothmen and bus like that, right? he's just there for the cryptid articles.
FarleyF: you know i would love for Oliver to make Plasma Fruit like in Sims 4. Just fill an apple mould with blood to drink
mowdownjoe: Oliver continuing his villain arc...
Oscelot: Oliver needs to expand his worldview lol
Seabats: bro oliver is an idiot why is everyone surprised
roastbeefsandwitch: Oliver talks about Marge's actions: ranting about Trudeau
accountmadeforants: Oliver had a fossilized mindset *before* he became a vampire, that's why he's perfect vampire material!
Anaerin: @Seabats Surprised, no. Disappointed, probably.
ladylinzington: @Seabats because we love him
Oliver is an empathetic idiot though
noSmokeFire: @Seabats this is why you're my favorite, btw
he's our idiot
you love your crap uncles too, I bet
Heefnoff: @Seabats My friend is playing that character shut the hell up
Oscelot: He'll get there
cavvdor: Because he's our good boy!
We just want Oliver to be happy
PharaohBender27: @Seabats We're blinded by our love for Oliver as the audience stand-in
YareNiDaze: As long as he doesn't support fascist Milhouse we're good.
Laurence72: WoD FOX would be closer to an accurate news source than in RL, at least?
Seabats: @Heefnoff damn peep the 99
Heefnoff: Lmao
Uroboros_of_Old: Thats Hunter
DiscordianTokkan: Yesssss
dreamshaper12: I mean....
Heefnoff: We START mashing
KinkerbellRose: He's not wrong.
chanterelleton: Keep going, Cam
Jgirl13245: lololololol
gualdhar: all these ideas
FarleyF: ok Cam time to cube that
KinkerbellRose: Mind boner bactivated.
chanterelleton subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
Thanks for subscribing, chanterelleton! (Today's storm count: 30)
airylan: oh Delta Green...
dreamshaper12: I would watch it.
incslayer: gimme gimme gimme
Oscelot: *cackles*
saucemaster5000: @Heefnoff TRUUEEEE
Sheikun07: Jacob knows us well
Feed us, Cam...
ButButTheJesus: I don't know what he said, I remain bonerless
Uroboros_of_Old: Also Jacob and I ST very similarly
vinopinguino: cam i can only get so aroused stop
Ignatiuspants: woo! next capaign!
Laurence72: As id we didn't have boners the moment the music hit
arkilyd: Too late, Jacob
sindri_nidavellir: Sounds like Cam wants to play Night's Black Agents
JacobBurgessVO: Hahahahahaha!
accountmadeforants: @Laurence72 WoD FOX would 100% be run by vampires or some other external force. NewsCorp is managed by some lich, and in WoD it might be worse.
Oscelot: The mortals can make things happen quickly when needed, too
MilkInBags: tremere bad >:(
SaxPython: Yeah, I'm trying to learn to StoryTell. I didn't realize I had to digest the Vampire Simarillion
ArdCollider: lol Cam in NBA would be a riot
KinkerbellRose: @JacobBurgessVO Thank you for being you.
JacobBurgessVO: I do have the Hunter book
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO HELLO YES
Laurence72: @accountmadeforants My thought was, it
Oscelot: Don't tease me like that!
ArdCollider: I dunno who's the game master who could handle that. Ken Hite might have flashbacks to running Traveler for economists in college.
Oscelot: I LITERALLY sat up for that
Sarah_Serinde: Hah of course he is
ArdCollider: (bonus: add Alex to any Night's Black Agents game.)
definenull: good luck finding that on Vancouver Island
JacobBurgessVO: @saxpython You super don't. The core rule book is all you need.
PharaohBender27: That's quite the task
TheDevil_Risen: or blown up by a megavolcano ?
Laurence72: s already a dark place, so the word shifting towards it means it is by default more accurate
Uroboros_of_Old: @JacobBurgessVO I home brew the humanity system in cuz it makes sense.
Seabats: had the chance to say in a skull island
balrogdahomie: Monica might have some. Objections to that plan from knives lol
balrogdahomie: The Elysium center in my home game is an arcade/hockey rink. They keep political prisoners in the birthday party rooms! How fun :D
SmithKurosaki: Yikes Oliver
PharaohBender27: Adam in Twitch chat: "bro oliver is an idiot why is everyone surprised"
SmithKurosaki: mood]
balrogdahomie: Oliver Watches Pentex News Network
Adam Szandrowski: DELTA GREEN?!
SmithKurosaki: Oh Jacob <3
OVERKiLL!: "Next Campaign" cannon
Simriel: Jacob seems insulted by the idea that he would stop someone reading a Vampire book
Seabats: we all failed
Seabats: nvm
shagodoyle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months!
Thanks for subscribing, shagodoyle! (Today's storm count: 31)
LunarJade: @seabats a skull island with a giant wizard hat on it
dreamshaper12: XD
Seabats: I'm so based
accountmadeforants: Good save, past Seabats
TheDevil_Risen: #Based
definenull: goat
corpocracy: Spent a ton of time looking for the right place.... Goes for the thing that's cool
MilkInBags: Montreal, home base for the good boys of Sabbat
sblue333: Based on what?
Oscelot: Canada. Sabbat. Brain just like short circuited
Arclight_Dynamo: @Oscelot It's the perfect cover.
Oscelot: @Arclight_Dynamo The rare canadians that aren't polite are the ones that are Sabbat, clearly
Sarah_Serinde: I relate to Silas in this...
noSmokeFire: avongelion lady
dreamshaper12: Mood...
kid_flashionable: Noo he's an Avon lady!!
definenull: oh no thats me
Twilight_Spark: Damn why would you wound me like this Cam?
almas_zarkona: Hey don't call me out like this
accountmadeforants: Yuuuup
FarleyF: Mood indeed
Metric_Furlong: reminder: sometimes just check-in with your friends
FarleyF: insert "im in this picture and i dont like it" meme here
ArdCollider: I love that the PCs are just shattering your dreams left and right.
Arclight_Dynamo: @Oscelot Also, Canadian politeness isn't... entirely friendly. It's a mask, one may say.
HaphazardHaberdashery subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 113 months!
Thanks for subscribing, HaphazardHaberdashery! (Today's storm count: 32)
Oscelot: @Arclight_Dynamo yeah, very true
cavvdor: A Canadian Masquerade, one might call it
Oscelot: Hah
iris_of_ether: Michael's OMG
dreamshaper12: XD
Oscelot: Well done @cavvdor
Pinwiz11: Etsy
adept_nekomancer: @cavvdor "Canada: The Moosequerade"
LunarJade: lol
Oscelot: @adept_nekomancer AMAZING.
DiscordianTokkan: A+
JacobBurgessVO: @adept_nekomancer Take an xp
Master_Gunner: TEE-BUCK
ArdCollider: "shit, I put seven pomegranates into the instacart and we got 70, I guess we can really go off this weekend"
noSmokeFire: temu blood ritual paraphernalia
satyropodobny: store brand bespoke silver chalice
cavvdor: Canadian vampires have an extra Tradition. "Thou Shalt Always Say 'Sorry' Even If Thou Hast Not Done Anything Wrong".
ShifuDaxiongmao: kind of like summoning Death on Discworld.. "You CAN do all the fancy stuff, it's great for setting a mood, but you basically only need.."
Oscelot: @cavvdor Boy when they run in to the fae they must be frakked
cavvdor: @Oscelot Oh god true
midnightcurryjazz: lolol
Arclight_Dynamo: Dang it, now I'm overthinking Canadian literature in the context of Vampire, and I'm annoyed so much fits, thematically.
Sheikun07: Silas riding around with a basket on the bike. Ding ding, ding ding!
noSmokeFire: silas and oliver on a tandem bike
ArdCollider: just throw OIiver in the front of a bakfiets.
Arclight_Dynamo: The Garrison Mentality is just... an exact fit.
MilkInBags: I think you're running 5e, but is it NWoD or Old?
ArdCollider: he'll fit.
PMAvers: Reflector Suit
grimshade: im suprised he even has one on
grimshade: like he is a vampire afterall
Pinwiz11: Silas with his nighttime Hologram jacket
WiJohn: Silas and Oliver need to sit down and hug it out
grimshade: and why ruin your hair
SaxPython: Jess shuns him
dreamshaper12: @MilkInBags V5 so Old World of Darkness.
L0rdX33n: mirror?
Oscelot: @Arclight_Dynamo Yessssss. I just spent like an entire day falling in to ancient kabbalic and christian texts and going "oooh this would be good for this, and this would be good for this.. and..."
Master_Gunner: @Arclight_Dynamo oooh, that's a good thought.
ShifuDaxiongmao: Silas - Lawful Vampire
L0rdX33n: or do M:tM vamps reflect?
Marshall Lodge: Night's Black Agents is also a good vampire hunter game
Adam Szandrowski: Impossible Landscapes with this crew? Yes please
TheViperZed: Oh that getting to read a new book when you get back home feeling, soo ogood
SmithKurosaki: @Simriel I think Cam was worried Jacob would think he was metagaming. Jacob is just happy people love the lore
balrogdahomie: The Tremere have big feeling about the Second Inquisition after what happened to Worm Dad™️
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Dangit, missed the start.
Simriel: Some of the crew should come to this chat again :p
SmithKurosaki: @Robbert van Eijndhoven There's always the VOD 🙂 Since it's a premiere, it'll be up immediately after the premiere
SmithKurosaki: Yea :)
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Yeah, I'll watch the part I missed after it's done :)
balrogdahomie: They ley on my lines til I *INCREDIBLY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER*
Sarah: (You don't even have to wait until the premiere is over if you don't want to, you could go back and watch from the start right now)
Sarah: Not the same as watching together with chat though so I get that
OVERKiLL!: 🦍i just finished Road Quest btw. i had been saving it... so fucking good . 🏔🚙🚓🛻⛰️
SmithKurosaki: Right?
Robbert van Eijndhoven: (I could, but then how will I have the joy of reacting to things as they happen with the rest of chat?)
SmithKurosaki: Had a feeling
balrogdahomie: Silas the Very Good Boy
balrogdahomie: Too much of a good boy perhaps
Sarah: Yeah, it's just that some folks don't realize that you can start watching a vod (here or on Twitch) before the stream/premiere is over, so I like to put it out there :)
balrogdahomie: We all have that one friend that won’t stop hitting us up for Silver Chalices 🙄
PharaohBender27: So *many* people in Twitch chat felt attacked by how Cameron described Silas's thinking re relationships
SmithKurosaki: Oh?
OVERKiLL!: lol @homie
L0rdX33n: I only ever dipped into Mage
MilkInBags: only the lasombra have the weakness of not reflecting in a mirror, no idea if it's still a thing in 5th edition
Oscelot: @MilkInBags as far as I know it is
accountmadeforants: I offer to shortsell their boon.
SharktoothJack: oh, but monica has such good taste ...
L0rdX33n: Mostly to hang out with women in corsets
kynelwynn: No love for Monica el sad. Do people just not trust Giovanni? (I love them, myself)
Arclight_Dynamo: @Master_Gunner Right? "We all hate each other, but need to get along or the hostile outside world will obliterate us, so we paper it over with a thin veneer of rules." Come on.
savorycookie: By default the vamps have reflections in V5
Sheikun07: Jessica was dating Monica, I think.
Sarah_Serinde: Love and trust are not the same thing
YareNiDaze: L0rdX33n Vamps reflect unless you're clan Lasombra.
L0rdX33n: @savorycookie Thanks
Oscelot: @kynelwynn They fuck with things that even the kindred are spooked by, so
L0rdX33n: @yarenidaze Thank you
definenull: man I can't wait for the bathroom scene between silas and oliver
Shadowsoflife: @YareNiDaze It's fine we don't need to see our selfs
@Oscelot I said I love them.
Oscelot: Y'all certainly killed him *effectively*
Oscelot: @definenull saaaame
cavvdor: Having played a Toreador in a Cam/Hecata campaign recently, yeah, Hecata are a bit ... much. But my Toreador and the Nagaraja ended up going from death threats to besties over the course of a year which was slow but fun to play.
Oscelot: @cavvdor Niiice
cavvdor: He still can't stand to watch her eat, mind.
Arclight_Dynamo: Less in use since the city grew around it, and the light pollution is too bad for serious work.
LunarJade: soooo busy
grimshade: i wonder if the werewwolf he exchanged info with will ever come up
Oscelot: Yeah I guess Monica is a... Giocatta? Heovani?
kynelwynn: ! Hecavanni
JacobBurgessVO: @milkinbags Lasombra do appear in mirrors, but the reflection is messed up. Viewer instantly knows they are a monster. Lasombra also have trouble using tech. They show up in cameras and such, but again, all scitchy and viewer knows something is wrong with the person. Can also identify them. The blood changed post Week of Nightmares (V5). (Also because not showing up in mirrors and cameras was being abused by players and wasn't really a flaw)
cavvdor: If the werewolf doesn't show up again I riot. Or rage, rather. He had that cool circuit board necklace.
Sarah_Serinde: @grimshade I hope so
definenull: a social butterfly, or bat if you will
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO Ah! Thanks for the clarification
@definenull batterfly
Metric_Furlong: (the werewolf Silas met in the club was called Chance, for anyone in chat who can't remember)
Hi Bite Club fans! I really wish I could stay and watch, but my own RPG is at this time. See you all in the VOD!
Oscelot: Have fun @MAPBoardgames !
JacobBurgessVO: @metric_furlong Chance Daly
Sarah_Serinde: Moving up in the world
kynelwynn: Because he could beast out at any point? It's a Chance, Daily?
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO His newsletter is Chance Daily
Metric_Furlong: JacobBurgessVO right, yes, also had a last name
gualdhar: Marketing copy writer?
Seabats: bars
Oscelot: @kynelwynn Hah, okay that one's way better
Alas_Babylon: damn
@JacobBurgessVO I appreciate notes on spelling despite the fact that I'm often going to forget
definenull: WHAT
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: that’s a good one. I’m gonna right all 1000 words
LunarJade: hahahahahaha
DiscordianTokkan: omg
Metric_Furlong: Tee-buck!
Alas_Babylon: And then we went to 10
midnightcurryjazz: ok thenn
Oscelot: Oh. Oh noooooo
PharaohBender27: This kills the Jacob
TheDevil_Risen: so, can't draw horses but can write prose like shakespeare?
kynelwynn: I love how Heather just drops that
DiscordianTokkan: Teeeeee BUCK
JacobBurgessVO: My face!
Shadowsoflife: ;
dreamshaper12: XD
Sheikun07: That dace
Oscelot: Oh nooooooooooo @LunarJade Bless
DeM0nFiRe: Teeeeee BUCK
Sheikun07: Amazing
SharktoothJack: T-Buck!
ladylinzington: oh no
definenull: i think 80% of chat just sat straight up
Uroboros_of_Old: LOVE IT!
SnackPak_: hell yeah Jessica
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO Your face. XD
cavvdor: Off to a great start
iris_of_ether: Heather oh no
sheqesi: HAHAHAHhahahaa
grimshade: this shit is great
incslayer: @JacobBurgessVO its glorious
Metric_Furlong: Born in a mountain; raised in a cave: bonding and buckin' is all he craves
oh my
TheNerdWonder: I love Heather's vibe here
SaxPython: Brb, need to make 25 rolls
Ignatiuspants: yay! a shocking swerve already!
FarleyF: if you pause at the right moment you can just watch Jacobs face crumble
jessicatheblack: boy did I show up at the Right Time!
Simriel: Do we know how long this session is?
SmithKurosaki: Mightve been mentioned on Twitch?
PharaohBender27: Probably around 2.5-3 hours, based on previous experience
SmithKurosaki: Yea, I'd assume that per EP, but not sure how long the series is in eps
Sarah: I don't believe they've said how long
balrogdahomie: How many times has Silas had his bike stolen, and been like “I could use my blood powers to find and explode the thief… but it’s probably easier to buy a new one”
Simriel: The Hakata is an entirely different kind of trouble
TheNamelessNomad: More than once less than four
Robbert van Eijndhoven: @Simriel I think that all that's guaranteed is that however long it is, it will feel too short.
Sarah: (Hecata, I think)
SmithKurosaki: YT auto subs messed up. Sarah's cprrecty
balrogdahomie: Chainz can get anything (except the hang of saying zed instead of zee)
SmithKurosaki: correct* lol
Sarah: Oh yeah I expect YT's gonna have trouble with all these Nouns :P
balrogdahomie: Silas and Oliver are both super lonely but Silas is too cautious to contact him and Oliver still feels awkward after the building job incident
balrogdahomie: Unfortunate
cavvdor: Better to ask forgiveness than permission, the Toreador way. Jessica gets it.
A_Dub888: If Jordan had a working heart, she'dve had a heart attack wouldn't she...
ButButTheJesus: thank you Adam I'm also lost
Metric_Furlong: everyone gets a thinblood!
kynelwynn: Or a cougar!
yeah make ghouls, humans love it
SaxPython: T-Buck now looks very pretty
Oscelot: The shirt you're wearing in this recording looks really cool (what I can see of it) @LunarJade .
niccus: sometimes the dm has a cube, sometimes a player brings pandora's box
Uroboros_of_Old: HAha Power Dynamics!
SaxPython: T-Buck with a fashion sense is a wild thought
LunarJade: @oscelot thank you! It’s from the game GRIS
A_Dub888: @SaxPython you're very pretty
Oscelot: Oh nice, I keep meaning to play that one @LunarJade
Ignatiuspants: Tiberius Buckingham is now going to be a part of the party!
Oh yeah Gris is excellent, I also have a shirt from it
@A_Dub, in my dreams
DaxStrife: Reverend Brother Sweetwater Romney the Third. Esquire.
EricTheOrange: blood bond refractory period
Yes.. "detox tank" with chains
Oscelot: @DaxStrife "Which one is his first name?" "Yes"
EricTheOrange: so what happened with monica BTW?
PharaohBender27: I should play Gris at some point. A friend from college was talking highly of it to the point of lamenting she couldn't find a game she felt hit the same boxes
DaxStrife: @Oscelot And you have to say it all in one breath or you have to start over.
Oscelot: @DaxStrife *snerk*
SnackPak_: give the dude a Rush tape, at least
WiJohn: He's read all the bobsy twins now
vancouverbynight: AHHHHHH VAMPIRES!
ArdCollider: Jessica just throws him like four volumes of Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian
Brozard: deedodeedo deedo, deeeedodeedodedoo
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @SnackPak_ We're trying to avoid torture.
MilkInBags: listen to the beast, it's your friend!
Oscelot: AAAAAA HOOMANS! @vancouverbynight
ThingsOnMyStream: Humans: Well known good people
SaxPython: Are we finding a stain? Feels like no
corpocracy: I love that interpretation
WiJohn: Poor vanguard
jessicatheblack: lol
LunarJade: If I don’t ask.. no one can say no
sblue333: @thingsonmystream all good people are in fact humans
josh___something: LLU
PharaohBender27: So, I need to leave for a bit for dinner. I'm guessing this won't be a thing, but *if* there's a messy crit within the next 40 minutes, it's on y'all to clip it.
Oscelot: @LunarJade I mean...
Metric_Furlong: easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission
A_Dub888: @ThingsOnMyStream I mean, you're human and you're good people
FarleyF: Poor T-Buck being the main prize in the Pass the Parcel game
JacobBurgessVO: Hey @vancouverbynight !
josh___something: God bless you, Jessica
grimshade: im kind of cruiouse what was gonna happen to t buck if this didnt happen now lol
@LunarJade and its not lying because you eventually tell them
accountmadeforants: @Metric_Furlong Easier still to skip the whole begging for forgiveness
Anaerin: @FarleyF Passing the buck.
FarleyF: @LunarJade that my motto
vancouverbynight: hey @JacobBurgessVO
FarleyF: @Anaerin GDI thats a new shirt
ladylinzington: she doesn't ask forgiveness OR permission
kynelwynn: "Didnt think that far ahead" is a hell of a thing to say for a Vampire game
Seabats: tbuck hitting the gritty in the basement alone
dreamshaper12: XD. Yeah pretty much
vancouverbynight: hey @Oscelot
SaxPython: Monica trades Boons for Dates
Oscelot: @vancouverbynight o7
BusTed: "I"
the immortal creatures didn't consider the near future
@kynelwynn not if you're a Brujah
"I didn't think that far ahead" pencils in the merch store when?
accountmadeforants: "n't"
DaxStrife: Oh my god, add those pencils to the merch store.
MilkInBags: what is SPC?
A_Dub888: Vampire the Masquerade: Short term goals
WiJohn: Consequences? Never met the guy
SaxPython: Fashion!
Oscelot: @Serpens77 Hey! I resemble that remark!
cyclopsboi: dear god let it be fashion
JacobBurgessVO: Storyteller Player Character
sheqesi: He loves glitter now!
SaxPython: Awe
definenull: tbuck now has a etsy store
jessicatheblack: yus!
kynelwynn: @Serpens77 I love playing Brujah who are Mental or Social heavy, but act like theyre toughs. Love being underestimated
MilkInBags: right
Laurence72: SPC = Storyteller Player Character
DiscordianTokkan: A sussy bratty TBuck
dreamshaper12: XD
JacobBurgessVO: Same as NPC but WoD coded
YareNiDaze: @MilkInBags Storyteller Player Character - or just NPC for other systems.
BusTed: This will be good.
iris_of_ether: Brat Summer T-Buck
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO I absolutely heard that as SCP, so thank you for the clarification lo
almost in time for Brat Summer
DeM0nFiRe: Teeee BUCK in his brat era
hahaha Bratty :d
LilyOfTheVeil666: T
ButButTheJesus: "I'm a mouse. Duh."
Pinwiz11: Bra-t-Buck
WiJohn: All his blood alchemy has glitter in it now
Anaerin: T-Brat!
SaxPython: @accountmadeforants amazing
Sarah_Serinde: Beautiful
satyropodobny: Heathers but just 3 T-bucks
this is amazing
I see we're back at the minigame of "who can catch Jacob most off-guard?"..
balrogdahomie: I want to make a ship name for Jessica/Monica but they both end in -Ica so it doesn’t perfectly work lol
balrogdahomie: MonJess, I guess
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Messica?
blackcoat: jessaMon
SmithKurosaki: Oh. OH NO
Treble252: Oh. Oh yes.
Simriel: That broke Jacob a little
SmithKurosaki: So, uhhhh. Jacob's brain just exploded
Simon Hill: Switched tabs back at that one
Simriel: correction: That broke Jacob a Lot
SmithKurosaki: lol
balrogdahomie: T-Buck starts really sharing those listicles
SmithKurosaki: I am kind of remembering someone doing some bloodbonding last season'
blackcoat: heather plays games the way I do. i love it.
balrogdahomie: @SmithKurosaki I think Jordan and Marge? IIRC. I’m sure we’ll address that at some point
Sarah: Jordan bloodbonded Marge, but that's about it in terms of actually going through with it
Simriel: @SmithKurosaki I believe Jordan did that initially
SmithKurosaki: Thank you :)
SmithKurosaki: I have the swiss cheese memory
Sarah: It's easy to forget
Sarah: I remember because I just binged everything over the past few days
SmithKurosaki: Valid
SmithKurosaki: I have been busy hunting Monsters
OVERKiLL!: thats the way @Sarah. i didnt have the time to do the rewatch prehype
Robbert van Eijndhoven: That change is my favourite part of V5.
balrogdahomie: Jessica is very much a “it’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission” person. Which. Isn’t always the case in vampire society lol
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Humanity used to just be 'how good of a person are you (according to modern morality loosely based on the Ten Commandments.)
Sarah: I had entirely too much work to do for my day job this past week but it was the kind of work that let me listen to a bunch of videos
balrogdahomie: Some vampires very much would prefer if you asked permission
SmithKurosaki: Nic4e
OVERKiLL!: hell yeah
Jgirl13245: awwww, that's preciously silly
accountmadeforants: @SaxPython That's a global emote, Twitch was real fast with that one
Oscelot: I wonder, would T-Buck lose the accent as Sweetwater's bond faded? Or is that just sort of something that stays with you forever?
kynelwynn: "Oliver would try" is just like, his vibe and we love him for it
Sarah_Serinde: oh no
incslayer: What if T-Buck met one of Jessica's Roommates
jessicatheblack: LOL
Oscelot: (Not rules lawyering, just curious about mechanics)
DaxStrife: 3 dots, but they only count as 1. Because Fox News.
Simonark: Well then, they found a way to make T-Buck even less comfortable to be around. These people are evil geniuses.
MilkInBags: specialty in reddit politics knowledge
SaxPython: Backcheck, Forecheck, Pay cheque. Am I right!
accountmadeforants: Oliver can sit in on a city council meeting and get something done
Pinwiz11: They'd drive it like an RPG character
accountmadeforants: (Whether that thing is good is irrelevant)
Anaerin: @accountmadeforants There are no amount of dots that make that possible.
Oscelot: Oliver certainly has certain times when he just randomly goes off about politics though... interestingly...
TheDevil_Risen: Rocks a Ford Focus, but has the RS kit installed under a standard body shell "just in case"
Kasran: ah, a sleeper
Oscelot: @Anaerin I mean he could take notes. Until he got distracted.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Anaerin Maybe a small thing if most of the council are ghouls.
accountmadeforants: @Anaerin Oh, but you see, sometimes preventing other people from getting something done counts as getting something done for you.
SaxPython: OooOOOoooh
cavvdor: Oh damn nice
Oscelot: OoooOooOoooooo!
accountmadeforants: Hahaha, perfect
Get em Ollie
Simonark: Oliver’s political opinions would also be from 30 years ago, the last time he almost understood. He’d keep bringing up Preston Manning…
Oscelot: @Simonark Oh gods, yeah
definenull: Oliver actually sees all and knows all the hot goss
sblue333: I like the idea of a Jessica Oliver friendship
LunarJade: hahahaha
@Simonark I mentioned this before, but Oliver's opinions/mindset fossilized before he became a vampire, which is why he's a perfect vampire
Brozard: A lot can happen in 6 months
Brozard: WOW
Sarah_Serinde: Nice
Metric_Furlong: Heather!
TheDevil_Risen: Woooo
ohjanji: haha excellent
Alas_Babylon: Whoa *nelly*
cyclopsboi: vtube = vampire tube
Oscelot: Oh god the maquerade
SaxPython: Clap clap clap
definenull: What a swerve
FarleyF: Heather just keeping up with that major gremlin energy
DiscordianTokkan: Youtubing or V-Tubing
Sheikun07: VTubing!
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: it’s 2018!
cavvdor: Ohhh boy
SkipIives: That's great
almas_zarkona: I had a Vtuber in my game!
Twilight_Spark: On the internet, nobody knows you're a vampire.
Gekyouryuu: @Joy_Stix_DragQueen so she's 3D like Kizuna Ai
Alas_Babylon: @Joy_Stix_DragQueen Who do you think starts the trend in this timeline?
dm818: She's an innovator v-tubing in 2018
kynelwynn: Welp. Fan artists.
kynelwynn: Get to work
LunarJade: Look… she’s been really busy
Sarah_Serinde: She has!
She sounds like she's been doing great
Peanut butter doesn't go with everything,
FarleyF: i mean toreadors are high agi
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to parkour! They have given 2668 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, parkour! (Today's storm count: 33)
cavvdor: Oh sweet
FarleyF: or they have celerity from memory
MilkInBags: she's a yamakasi?
SaxPython: ok but what games? Variety? MTG? League?
gualdhar: Parkour is the new Hot Yoga
missed chance to pick a fursona wolf avatar for the vtubing
Simonark: @accountmadeforants You’re completely right, he fossilized long before he died.
SaxPython: We don't talk about Climb Club
sheqesi: Like Assassin's Creed vampire.
sorry Oliver, Jessica's replaced you as 'biggest masquerade violation threat'
Oscelot: @ShifuDaxiongmao That would be amazing
FarleyF: OMG i would love to see Jessice streaming Vampire Bloodlines
FarleyF: *Jessica
cavvdor: I can see her using a v-tube sona so she doesn't have to blush of life everytime she streams
@LunarJade Well i guess when you're basically immortal you need to find new things to do all the time and things that you haven't done for 100 years probably would seem new-ish
Gekyouryuu: RIP JDF
Oscelot: @cavvdor Yeah, that was what I was thinking too
DarkMorford: Are we doing breaks every hour, or not tonight?
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: I’m not recalling these party motorbike anarch
Simriel: I
SmithKurosaki: Im now curious what Jacob had planned for TeeBuck between sessions
balrogdahomie: He becomes a poet
Simriel: @SmithKurosaki Doesn't matter, Heather happened :p
balrogdahomie: BratTee-Buck
SmithKurosaki: @Simriel Itd be neat to know anyways
Random Factor: Bratty TBuck... what have they unleashes?
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Something glorious.
amative1: 2018 VTuber? She's a pioneer!
SmithKurosaki: Nice. Wonder if she uses Fugi's toolkits
SmithKurosaki: Right, time is relevant here :p
QuixoticScrivener: Tommy Oliver, the best paleontologist race car driving first nations power range.
Oscelot: @Joy_Stix_DragQueen That'd be season 1, so it's been a whiiiile
Sarah_Serinde: @DarkMorford Probably no breaks, going by past DF prerecords
LunarJade: @darkmorford no breaks
DarkMorford: 👍
Juliamon: It's hard to plan breaks in a prerecord
accountmadeforants: No breaks, no brakes
Metric_Furlong: Joy_Stix_DragQueen they showed up briefly in season 1; one of them was also noted as a client of T-Buck's in season 2
JacobBurgessVO: @joy_stix_dragqueen Mentioned in Series 1 and 2. Not interacted with.
Seabats: bro the twitch chat saying you look tired if you were a vamprie streamer
Seabats: extremely cursed
Metric_Furlong: it keeps going!
BusTed: akakak
Oscelot: @Seabats Oh gods, they'd be constantly trying to get you to take iron supplements...
kynelwynn: Blood is the best iron suppliment
ShifuDaxiongmao: Heather just had a list coming into this.. "So, which ways can I mess with Jacob?"
ButButTheJesus: ack! ack! ackack!
Gekyouryuu: @Seabats "hey, Streamer, you ok? you've been "live" for like 9 hours." "nah, I'm fine, the curtains are closed."
accountmadeforants: @Seabats "Lmao you're paler than I am"
Oscelot: @ShifuDaxiongmao I mean I wouldn't put it past her XD
LunarJade: so… technically I didn’t do everything I originally listed out that Jessica could have done.
Ignatiuspants: Jessica is driven to know the truth, she doesn't need any other reason to look into something
definenull: Just murder!
Oscelot: Fair, you had lots planned @LunarJade
TheDevil_Risen: @LunarJade hahaha, how much more was there?
cavvdor: "What's your skin care routine?" "Blood, lol, jk"
DeM0nFiRe: parkour is a well known gateway to murder
Falannt: will there be a break? *dancing from one leg to other*
Eramis8: Woohoo, Season 3!!1
Oscelot: I love the idea of Jessica as a booty guru
Sarah_Serinde: @Falannt Afraid not
accountmadeforants: V-Tubers can get away with murder, that's what Sajam taught me.
Oscelot: (beauty guru)
the etsy thing is now vtuber merch
definenull: monica is still her #1 customer
iris_of_ether: Listen running an Etsy is work
Sarah_Serinde: I'm glad Jessica's been getting out more
DarkMorford: There's this other mermaid vtuber I'm familiar with...
Seabats: charle
Oscelot: Huh. No blood bonding Cathy then I guess
CosmicDuctTape: [insert Patrick Willems reference here]
DeM0nFiRe: "He was" -- Charle's future obituary
corpocracy: "as a cover"
Oscelot: @CosmicDuctTape THANK YOU XD It was killing me
Simonark: @cosmicducttape You beat me to it.
cavvdor: Beat me to it, well done
cavvdor: Apparently beat a lot of us to it
definenull: artists, get on it
cavvdor: "The coconut has a lawyer?!"
Oscelot: (Context: Charl is the name of this evil coconut with googly eyes in a series of videos Patrick Willems did)
SaxPython: Oliver's in Vietnam reenactment gear
DaxStrife: He looks like an airsoft'er from Fortnite.
MilkInBags: Bicolline enjoyer
kid_flashionable: Went all in, wrong horse (poor Oliver)
Rhynerd: What are the chances that Oliver could get involved in HEMA?
Oscelot: I'm so glad that Oliver doesn't have the clan where they straight up see kine as dead and everything in ruins...
Nigouki: @SaxPython Nah, full Juno Beach getup cuz 🍁
ShifuDaxiongmao: fan artists... airsoft battle, with Oliver charging down the middle in full viking gear and an M4 airgun
stevefromdetroit subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
Thanks for subscribing, stevefromdetroit! (Today's storm count: 34)
LunarJade: We took their van and then their larping group
kid_flashionable: Gotta head out for the night, but thank y'all! Looking forward to catching up on the rest!
Anaerin: The Vanmily.
Oscelot: @LunarJade Yesssss
MilkInBags: Van Diesel and family
Marc-Olivier Rodrigue: big masquare breach
Marc-Olivier Rodrigue: masquarade**
SmithKurosaki: Also probably correct, but it's fun
balrogdahomie: Have to go help my dad with car trouble :( will catch up later on the vod
SmithKurosaki: Lets see what Jaxob does with all of Jessica's shenanigans :p
SmithKurosaki: Later bal
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Hol' up, are you telling me that when VTubers refer to their 'Fugi' that's related to OUR Fugi?
Sarah: Yes!
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Holy bus, that's awesome.
SmithKurosaki: Yup. Fugi worked for vShoujo for a while and developed a bunch of stuff for vtubers during that and since he left there
SmithKurosaki: (Also a little while he was at Twitch I think)
amative1: Yeah, he developed the tech for the little dancing figures they use, hence why they call them "Fugis"
SmithKurosaki: lol I didnt know thats what they were called
Marc-Olivier Rodrigue: I love Jessica so much
Robbert van Eijndhoven: So really, Fugi is at least as influential on the English VTuber scenes as, say, K-Son and ProjektMelody.
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Just, you know, in a very different way.
Aidan Cox: They're vampires: airsoft, but with actual low-caliber firearms
saucemaster5000: @MilkInBags Doesn't know how to spell Vin Diesel smh
cavvdor: All the Ch-names kind of makes me headcanon that Chaz from LA by Night (or an alternate universe version of him) exists in this story, he's got his ghouls with the same naming convention as well.
I want Oliver to get a win here somewhere
cavvdor: I just want to imagine Mark Meer in more things honestly
SaxPython: Guys, guys, guys! What if we "hunt werewolves"
Sarah_Serinde: Oliver deserves a win
DiscordianTokkan: Hahahahaha
MilkInBags: @saucemaster5000 but i know how to spell 'nice 10 minutes timeout sauce'
Sheikun07: I love Oliver so much
Quentastic: I just realised we can see behind the DM screen
saucemaster5000: @MilkInBags And yet you can't implement it. Curious. Like a wizard without a staff.
dreamshaper12: XD
iris_of_ether: Oliver oh no
@Sarah_Serinde I think we all want Oliver to metaphorically speaking "have his day in the sun"..
incslayer: this is so perfectly Oliver
DiscordianTokkan: "Finally! ... NO. GODS, NO."
Oscelot: I love this so much
cavvdor: Oh Oliver
definenull: oh honey
MilkInBags: shit how does adam know
satyropodobny: This is punishment for Quinn for daring to have an ember of hope for Oliver XD
Oscelot: @Seabats This is a stroke of brilliance. I adore it.
the_walking: this is great
SaxPython: Quinn paying the Ollie Tax
A_Dub888: Oliver makes Quinn's life more exciting
saucemaster5000: Adam def channeling you, milk
love this
SaxPython: Channeling Neo from the Matrix
sheqesi: Oliver Wick, got it. Don't let anyone do anything to his Cougar!
PadawanTK16: does the cougar go to the LARP as well?
geogio13: HELLO EVERYONE! So happy to see the return of my favorite Dice Friends series!
Metric_Furlong: and just like that, we wrapped-up every loose end from the end of series 2
Oscelot: @PadawanTK16 I love the idea of Oliver starting to bring them and then Jo having to remind them that Stalks would freak out the humans
Oscelot: Welcome @geogio13 !
@oscelot not to mention the airsoft guns
Oscelot: Hehe @sheqesi
Oscelot: I think it would be more of an issue if we had diablerized sweetwater, yes?
they had sabbat weed on them
Oscelot: as far as Camarilla is concerned
Seabats: busted his ass for possession
YareNiDaze: yeah, diablerie is 99% not okay.
Seabats: vampires planting weed in his trunk
MilkInBags: diablerie is only a problem if you get caught
YareNiDaze: there's very few cases where that's justified or allowed.
YareNiDaze: but obviously yeah, if they don't know etc.
accountmadeforants: For all intents and purposes, it looks like Quinn has some incredibly competent and well-prepared deputies, who were able to premediate and execute the murder of an extremely powerful vampire without drawing the attention of any other forces.
Oscelot: @YareNiDaze Ty, that's what I thought
Oscelot: @accountmadeforants Which is *hilarious*
DarkMorford: When is the Disco Elysium?
SmithKurosaki: lol with 22s?
Robbert van Eijndhoven: This is... Awesome.
OVERKiLL!: 🔫🧝🏾♂️👨🏻🚀👸
Eramiserasmus: Airsoft via low caliber is the most Anarch things I've ever heard
Liesel Brock: Oliver is breaking my heart here. He's trying so hard :(
OVERKiLL!: Quin & Oliver dynamic is so fucking funny
Robbert van Eijndhoven: It's peak tragicomedy.
Brozard: The Matt Damon movie?
Seabats: yeah matt damon is there
Brozard: sick
Sheikun07: Heck yeah
gualdhar: is it Matt Damon the actor, or Matt Damon the Team America puppet?
definenull: "plz respond"
Seabats: shit
Seabats: the puppet
Sheikun07: oh dear
Oscelot: The purplest of prose
Brozard: @gualdhar "Matt Damon." - Matt Damon
saucemaster5000: wait, that was a puppet in team america?
LunarJade: left his texts unread
AlexndraArtemis: I'd imagine both actor and puppet
grimshade: glad to know i wasn't the only one thinking about the puppet
Oscelot: The paper has just been getting more and more purple as we go
SaxPython: Chancey is tho
TheNerdWonder: she sincerely hopes not
niccus: your sire dropped 20 subs
Anaerin: Is Jessica vtubing as a Chibi Vampire?
NovaSpecter: Oh he's gotta ba a mod
Oscelot: *snerk*
TheDevil_Risen: lolll
dreamshaper12: XD
LunarJade: If we were not in 2018 I’d be live reacting to The Owl House.
grimshade: tbh there is a part of me that wishes jesica went with a vampire avatar
AlexndraArtemis: @Anaerin shes a mermaid
cavvdor: Someone teach him how to use a computer, I need to see that happen
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to mySire! They have given 2669 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, mySire! (Today's storm count: 35)
Ah. Missed opportunity.
roastbeefsandwitch: @LunarJade OMG, that series is amazing. so many tears at the finale! Need to rewatch
DarkMorford: @AlexndraArtemis I'm assuming she's collabed with Finana at some point
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ursire!
SnackPak_: DeM0nFiRe well done
Thanks for subscribing, ursire! (Today's storm count: 36)
airylan: Demonfire: well done.
incslayer: @LunarJade rewatch of Gravity Falls then maybe?
Felt like it was obligatory at that point
Earthenone: !upsire
good work anon
Oscelot: The boon was something to do with south america, right?
Sarah_Serinde: Ah and DeM0nFiRe
I'm going for an Arcane rewatch soon for season 2
Oscelot: I don't think it was Peru, I think that's just stuck in my head because of "anti-peruvian"
Oscelot: I love the Steak stake chest
SaxPython: great Cori face
Julian_Rogue subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
Julian_Rogue: Cool I can catch the end of it!
Thanks for subscribing, Julian_Rogue! (Today's storm count: 37)
cavvdor: Best description of Elysium ever
SaxPython: Its a residency!
Oscelot: "They've been here the whole time!"
gualdhar: Chancey's got a residence now? good for him!
definenull: uh oh
Oscelot: I wonder if Knives ever got Jessica to teach her Sense the Unseen lol
SaxPython: buy maybe a lil ick
SaxPython: but*
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: OH WAIT! what about Jo’s daughter at the end of season 2?
(returns from dinner) So, any yet?
definenull: yeah we still haven't resolved Jo's daughter and/or marge
Sarah_Serinde: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SaxPython: @Joy_Stix_DragQueen we still don't know
Seabats: @PharaohBender27 patience
Oscelot: No rolls yet @PharaohBender27
JacobBurgessVO: @joy_stix_dragqueen Ehehehehehehe
PharaohBender27: @Oscelot Understood, thanks
DiscordianTokkan: lol
dreamshaper12: lol
Oscelot: rofl
CosmicDuctTape: incredible, Adam
KinkerbellRose: Lmfao
Sheikun07: I've missed this
saucemaster5000: damn that's good
well played
Chesul: that really should be a shirt. XD
Oscelot: "No, that's just etiquette!" rofl
A_Dub888: Never change Oliver, no matter how much Quinn wants you to
cavvdor: Folkloric Bane?
YareNiDaze: @cavvdor It's an option for it, but not in his case clearly.
YareNiDaze: Actually, slight correction - Folkloric Block, the lesser version.
cavvdor: I love the idea that people assume it's a bane and he's really just polite.
Volus_dude: how Quinn hasn't catched Olivers sire yet. surely he would do whatever possible to catch that son of a gun.
Oscelot: @Volus_dude It's pretty low on the priority totem pole
definenull: oh god therapy with quinn is gonna be rough
LunarJade: Quinn has a lot to deal with
sblue333: Wow this is the most formal intervention ever
DiscordianTokkan: S'true
DarkMorford: Streamer, you look tired
DiscordianTokkan: Saaaaad Faaaace
DaxStrife: *Tips hat* M'laise.
Oscelot: @LunarJade He really does. x.x
sblue333: Oh my god
PharaohBender27: @Seabats Helps to know in case I need to clip anything from the VOD
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: you’d think Quinn would know by now to dumb down his language with Oliver.
adam is so good
accountmadeforants: I do love Oliver and Quinn's relationship.
BrainBetter: Therapy with Quinn!
WiJohn: I think Oliver's relationship with Quinn is super sweet and I'm worried Oliver is going to get burned by it
Drasvin: Therapy from the Sheriff? I guess if it's needed for the masquerade
Oscelot: @WiJohn Yeeeah
sblue333: LuL
definenull: damn quinn
saucemaster5000: "You're the problem" "Sure am brother"
roastbeefsandwitch: at least Quinn is assertive enough to actually breach the issue and not let it linger
Oscelot: @roastbeefsandwitch Yeah, important
cavvdor: Quinn oof
DiscordianTokkan: SAN: "Nyaa"
Jakelope13: Yeah, must be kinda bad for Oliver. In mortal life, he wasn't really respected and given much opportunity. In postmortal life, he's not really respected and not found much opportunity, and surrounded by people who would actually kill him if he steps out of line
Oscelot: Yep, pretty much. Even if they are somewhat endeared to him.
TheDevil_Risen: Vampire Kitteh!
Arclight_Dynamo: "I got thirty fuckin' years." HELL yeah, Oliver.
kynelwynn: Yeah. Go off!
Oscelot: Holy heck @Seabats , really bringing it. This is amazing.
you dropped this
roastbeefsandwitch: LET IT OUT! It's healthy
geogio13: Well, I didn't expect to cry during stream, but here we are...
YareNiDaze: Do I have an Anarch Movement to sell you, Oliver.
39 raiders from FischerMagic have joined!
cavvdor: Oh man Oliver
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, raiders!
Oscelot: Welcome raiders!
Dog_of_Myth: Heya Raiders
cavvdor: Hi Raiders!
SmithKurosaki: Oh, OLIVER, you gorramn cinnamon roll
Simriel: Quinn just sits and repeats the word Sad at him
Simriel: "Your face is sad" is just... chefs kiss
SnackPak_: let it out. bud
kynelwynn: Welcome to Adam's Oscar moment
Oh buddy
Oliver this is so great! thank you for voicing this Adam
Oscelot: Anti-peruvians is back XD
DiscordianTokkan: Antiperuvians A+
keysaunt: antiperuvians has killed me
BusTed: something about caramellos
sblue333: Man they hate peru?
matthaus_c: the anti-peruvians vs. black sabbath
Oscelot: I've been giggling at Antiperuvians all day
cavvdor: Oh my god
Hi raiders!
Julian_Rogue: Now I need Gib to name the clans like he does magic card names
SaxPython: #IHaveAJobForYou!
Oscelot: This is truly a type of character this game truly needed
Oscelot: as in WoD as a whole
mechanically, can a caitiff join a clan? just curious
ButButTheJesus: this is just me
satyropodobny: depressed vampires in your area
DarkMorford: Oliver didn't ask for this
andyman144: what if i got really drunk but really love you
kynelwynn: Vegeta begs to differ
LunarJade: gotta watch out for those garlic guns
Oscelot: @definenull They can be adopted at least
MacbethSeemsSus: Two episode later: he's got a garlic gun!
FarleyF: i kind of want there to be a garlic gun
PadawanTK16: oliver is just walking home from poker and gets beaned by a garlic clove
DirectorStephanie: @seabats , you totally owned this. thank you.
wildpeaks: it shoots flavour
Riandisa: Beware the potato vs garlic gun wars
Arclight_Dynamo: "At least that terrible life ends. This one is hell forever."
Ignatiuspants: Oliver finds purpose by inventing a garlic gun
Oscelot: Hooboy. The feels. The feeeeeeeels ;_;
PharaohBender27: This legit a great character moment
Julian_Rogue: @Arclight_Dynamo If hell is forever than heaven must be a lie
SaxPython: bruh, can we put this up for an award
DiscordianTokkan: Fuck Adam's good at this
Oscelot: Yes @SaxPython
jessicatheblack: @DiscordianTokkan THIS!
Jakelope13: Good Lord, @Seabats, you definitely need an award after that (and probably somewhere to lie down for a bit)
Its_VeeBot: Gotdamn can we give Adam several awards
jessicatheblack: sincerely crying a bit now
incslayer: @DiscordianTokkan Soo effing True
Oscelot: Oh my gods I was not crying, and then "I just want to feel needed..."
Seabats: compliments are banned
oh dear
itsr67: impossible
Oscelot: @Seabats Too bad! MWAHAHAHA
Sarah_Serinde: Uh oh
SaxPython: @Seabats wrong channel King
definenull: OH NO
SnackPak_: d'aww
Despoiler98: OH NO
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: is Oliver gonna step into the sunlight?
I am crying dude, holy shit
Oscelot: OH NO
matthaus_c: @Seabats lol. lmao. you ate this scene up.
Jakelope13: Ohno
Arclight_Dynamo: Shiot
Fruan: uh oh
cavvdor: Oh no
SpaceBattery: CONCERN.GIF
gualdhar: oh no
definenull: oh heck
EricTheOrange: he hittin Oliver with teh Wammy?
wildpeaks: Oh Good
Fruan: nope nope nope nope
Jakelope13: I was wondering if this person was going to make an appearance?
saucemaster5000: This is whatr we call "a very good sign"
grimshade: im sure this will end well
TheNerdWonder: everything is FINE
Brozard: Did the audio get ducked?
FarleyF: Shame Oliver isn't Malk - then he would have a network of friends
wildpeaks: "high five brother"
Julian_Rogue: is it the cat?
Arclight_Dynamo: @Brozard Yes
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah it's suddenly quieter
Oscelot: OH NO
definenull: RUN\
PharaohBender27: Oh no . . . "Lamb"
Oscelot: nonononononononononononoo
Marethyue: NOOOOOPE
wildpeaks: new vamp who dis
DiscordianTokkan: Eyyyyyy
sblue333: Oh dear
Oscelot: NOPE
iris_of_ether: Oh no
iris_of_ether: Oh no no no no no no no no
A_Dub888: !panic
Mai_Andra: new psychosis. who dis?
Sogheim: I do not know who this is but I have concerns
definenull: get out mary(?)
SaxPython: Jeff?
DirectorStephanie: NO
grimshade: is this marge
Sheikun07: That's such a good reaction
cavvdor: Hnnfh
iris_of_ether: Mary...
saucemaster5000: Damn good reaction
Jakelope13: The PERFECT Oliver reaction
A_Dub888: Has Sadako fought vampires?
cavvdor: Amazing
ihlendrax: “Mary had a little lamb, little lamb…”
KinkerbellRose: Well I'm creeped out.
Oscelot: Time for salt. So much salt. So so so much salt. Good thing we've got twitch chat.
AlexndraArtemis: Mary out here giving gothic lolita/dead victorian child
DrLigmaPhD: @Jakelope13 Live Oliver Reaction: Screaming an pointing
kynelwynn: "depends, you like the Leafs" the man says to the spooky girl
Oscelot: @grimshade Calliope
Sarah_Serinde: ooh
TheNerdWonder: oh right, that thing that happened in the bathroom
Sheikun07: oh YES
KinkerbellRose: WELP.
jessicatheblack: So GOOD!
definenull: groundhog night lets go
SmithKurosaki: Oliver just laying it all down
Lily Adel: I'm crying.
SmithKurosaki: Let it out, Brother
Random Factor: Good job opening the faucet Quinn.
Blake Willis: Preach king
OVERKiLL!: anti peruvians 🤣
ani laurel: give him a roommate
SmithKurosaki: @OVERKiLL! What's it supposed to be?
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Antediluvians.
SmithKurosaki: thx
Robbert van Eijndhoven: (Which is fancy Latin got 'from before the Flood')
Simriel: Oliver was just waiting to die huh.
SmithKurosaki: Nice :)
OVERKiLL!: diluvian
Simriel: Quinn doesn't seem to be a Bad person, just Busy and Overworked
SmithKurosaki: Oh. OH NO
Simbionis: uh oh
Treble252: I'm sure this is fine
Nullvoid: uhhh. what?
Robbert van Eijndhoven: 👀
Simriel: Oh No
Nullvoid: (also, did the video just get much quieter?)
SmithKurosaki: I mean, important thing just happened, so maybe by mood?
Treble252: OH. Oh no
SmithKurosaki: I did turn my headphones up
cavvdor: Oliver oh god
Oscelot: Oh nooooooooooo
grimshade: omfg
definenull: sorry adam you have to monologue that entire bit all over again
circusofkirkus: Groundhog's Day
Chrysoprase: Yikes.
iris_of_ether: Jacob
Oscelot: Oh frak
WiJohn: Yay new friends!
cavvdor: Hrrrk
wildpeaks: ohno
Jakelope13: Ohgoodnessno
Jacob you meanie
PharaohBender27: Oh dear . . .
KinkerbellRose: So good. SO good.
jessicatheblack: OMG!
TheDevil_Risen: groundhog day?
jessicatheblack: SO GOOD!
DirectorStephanie: no. nonononononononoo
TheNerdWonder: Heather is enjoying this sooo much
SaxPython: OoooOOOooh
cavvdor: Uhhhhhhh
Oscelot: "The vamily has out of town guests, go get cleaned up kids"
Jakelope13: Wait.... was Friendly and Concerned Quinn actually "Mary"?!
DirectorStephanie: good Canadian
Oscelot: @Jakelope13 Calliope, but it would seem so.
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: still trying to eat, huh Oliver?
fracassio: Oh, I DID thought Dream Quinn was being uncharacteristically good at his job
saucemaster5000: The dancing, omg, holy shit
cavvdor: Oh the sunglasses are coming off, that's not good
sblue333: DAMNnnnn my interest is SO piqued
Oscelot: @cavvdor It's like when Rude takes his sunglasses off lol
Oscelot: (FF7)
cavvdor: Yes!
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: fancy suit?
dreamshaper12: @Oscelot XD
v_nome: The Shining?
sblue333: Also random but I love Adam's haircut in this
kynelwynn: Leave a cat a note means like, peeing on the wall
WiJohn: Pee on the door
satyropodobny: In my restless dreams, Oliver sees that town.
grimshade: cam she even read
DaxStrife: "He can use carless whisper." "Don't you mean feral whisper?" "No." *Saxophone plays*
sblue333: 😂
dreamshaper12: @DaxStrife XD
Oscelot: @DaxStrife You deserve an award for htat
nekobun: Extra scoop in the bowl and the water topped off
catch ya later kitty
cavvdor: "Should've known better than to cheat a feline friend"
Anaerin: They turned the dim lights down.
Oscelot: "From a dingy warehouse to a dingier warehouse" fancy.
Jakelope13: @Oscelot I'm still rewatching Season 2, did I miss something?
sheqesi: A glow down?
Oscelot: @Jakelope13 I'll PM you
Oscelot: @Jakelope13 or you'll have to PM me first
Anaerin: Be there or be square.
nekobun: Congrats to grandma, it's never too late
Oscelot: "He looks like a pink nightmare..."
Sheikun07: I just burst out laughing at that
Sheikun07: "I should've brought the GOOD plate!"
Mathonwy: Ah!!! I forgot what day it was today!!!
Oscelot: Eyyy @Mathonwy !
Simriel: what discipline covers Time Powers
OVERKiLL!: there has been a non zero amount of audio flux
SmithKurosaki: mightve been intentional this time
Valraven Apocalypse: @Simriel "Embrace a Mage"
Tresson: I'm sure nothing bad will come from this.
SmithKurosaki: YES
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Feck, I'm blanking on the True Brujah discipline.
Simriel: is this his Sire?
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Temporis?
ani laurel: sorry what?
SmithKurosaki: Oh boy
OVERKiLL!: lol "skeleton powers" cheif wiggum to willy , treehouse of horror
SmithKurosaki: Someone just hit rewind
The_BoZoiD: was hoping for him to ask her her opinion on Trudeau
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Yessss.... This is that good Vampire the Masquerade shit.
SmithKurosaki: Right?
Simriel: That was 1000% in Oliver's head
SmithKurosaki: @Simriel Time shenanigans would be cooler, but yea sounds like a head thing
OVERKiLL!: 🤣👌💯
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Jacob gave Bite Club two seasons of time to get used to the surface level World of Darkness and now it's time for the deeper, weirder stuff to shine.
SmithKurosaki: Heck ya
Whaitiri Tua-Warbrick: how far in are we?
Mathonwy: Hey all! How we doing?
Mathonwy: Who are you wearing?
SaxPython: @Mathonwy Ollie's been really intense
NotCainNorAbel: Adam's eyes
FarleyF: @Mathonwy if your asking a Tzmisce that you dont want to know the answer
definenull: "up" is relative
DiscordianTokkan: "You HAVE the good shit!" "Naw"
DrLigmaPhD: Fashion montage?
Oscelot: It's a good day, it's a vamily gathering @Mathonwy
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: 80’s movie fashion montage at the mall change room
satyropodobny: makeover!
AlexndraArtemis: it was a Sekio
definenull: No call sheet?
Oscelot: That's got to be some whiplash having the ghoul out in the open
Mathonwy: @FarleyF That is exactly why I asked that. Muahaha!
AlexndraArtemis: very important distinction from a Casio obviously
PadawanTK16: Rules question: can powerful vamps have multiple ghouls?
every roll is a chance for a
JacobBurgessVO: @padawantk16 Yes
Metric_Furlong: @PadawanTK16 yes
SaxPython: Bestial Failure. You arrive after the event
Mathonwy: @PadawanTK16 Hell, weak vamps can have multiple ghouls...
definenull: And at this table, that chance is near 100%
cavvdor: Imagine a messy on figuring out when to arrive
WiJohn: Get them cufflinks out!
PadawanTK16: thanks!
PharaohBender27: Dress like the CEO of Bang Energy
DiscordianTokkan: The Tremere Gamer Supps or whatever
matthaus_c: clan merch clan merch
Mathonwy: Do not drink the Tremere Gaming Supps....
Dog_of_Myth: @PharaohBender27 Oh, that IS a visual.
WiJohn: 5 minutes late is Toreador on time
sblue333: One piece costume?
YareNiDaze: @Mathonwy New Slamming Salubri flavour!
Mathonwy: They're trying to rebuild the Pyramid...
sblue333: I have brainrot
definenull: Oliver no
DiscordianTokkan: "Steven Harper? HERE?!"
cavvdor: Oh goddd
DiscordianTokkan: Yes! (He's a ghoul)
Mathonwy: @YareNiDaze Salubri flavor tastes like sin...
NotCainNorAbel: I KNEW IT!
Lets Go
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: @sblue333 Climb aboard and bring along, all your hopes and dreams! WE ARE!
Oscelot: @YareNiDaze I know we call healer salubri snacks, but... XD
matthaus_c: capital s Serving
RuiFaleiro: Yay, the rock god
YareNiDaze: @Oscelot Salubri snacks! PFFT
Mathonwy: "Variation"
SmithKurosaki: ~1h45
The_BoZoiD: about a couple hours
OVERKiLL!: we started at 5 i believe
SmithKurosaki: IF you wanna watch from the start, you can either rewind now or wait until it's does and rewatch it immediately on this channel
Whaitiri Tua-Warbrick: and they've been playing for that long? not just recap? having looked at the description
SmithKurosaki: Got into actual play about 30 mins ago?
Whaitiri Tua-Warbrick: I'll just keep on with this, definitely catch up later
SmithKurosaki: but most of the previous hours to that was set up of 'this is what happened since last time;
Whaitiri Tua-Warbrick: niiiiice, thank ya
SmithKurosaki: np. Welcome in?
Whaitiri Tua-Warbrick: ahhh. awesome, and I presume this is prerecord
SmithKurosaki: Yup
Whaitiri Tua-Warbrick: damn I love these folks
SmithKurosaki: Right?
SmithKurosaki: They also announced this is the last series for this as well, Whaitiri
Robbert van Eijndhoven: This group in this chronicle, not the last Dice Friends VtM ever, right?
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Right?
Mathonwy: Let's talk to Knives!!!
Mathonwy: Heheheh
DiscordianTokkan: Oh RIGHT I forgot about her
Oscelot: I wonder if Marge is here, or if they'd hide them because they're clanless..
Oscelot: AND thinblood
sblue333: Oh wait when did this happen initially?
sblue333: I vaguely remember the Trudeau talk
RuiFaleiro: when they were cleaning up tbuck's place
Mathonwy: Good lord, I need to play in a game again.
WiJohn: Oh no....
iris_of_ether: Oh no
definenull: Happy Halloween y'all
Julian_Rogue: *dial tone noise*
DiscordianTokkan: oooooooohh
grander_pastures: WE THRINKING
Mathonwy: Auspex is just staring real hard...
WiJohn: I feel like seeing spoopy ghost girl may not be a reward
DiscordianTokkan: It's like the Naruto exams. If you get away with it it
Mathonwy: DO EET!!
Akaiatana: Try not to be auspicious
kynelwynn: "Ha ha claws!"
DiscordianTokkan: It is not cheating
Julian_Rogue: "Ha HA claws!" absolutely killed me
Mathonwy: Yeah, Oliver not talking? That's... Strange.
Oscelot: @Mathonwy Yeah X3
gralamin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
Thanks for subscribing, gralamin! (Today's storm count: 38)
grander_pastures: Waaaaait, they boning?
Oscelot: I feel like anyone knowing that they're in a relationship would put both of them in danger
sblue333: I love Monica as a character
Mathonwy: Playing a cello while walking is a talent.
grander_pastures: Or is this just Etsy ++
AlexndraArtemis: the current line is...they smoochin
definenull: It can be both
PharaohBender27: A cellist playing while walking would be a heck of a thing
SaxPython: playing the NaDtD intro theme
gibbousm: the Regent?!
Sarah_Serinde: They're in a relationship, they had a date at the end of last season
iris_of_ether: Hmmmmmm
DarkMorford: Ohhhhhh boy
grander_pastures: Here we GOOO
definenull: Oh that's not good
SharktoothJack: ohhhh
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: BIG effing deal!
Mathonwy: Oh dear.
CosmicDuctTape: ah, okay, last season
grander_pastures: @sarah_serinde appreciated
Chrysoprase: Oh the regent, not the regent.
Mathonwy: NOT reagent. No eating.
LunarJade: creepy
Sarah_Serinde: *cough*
WiJohn: Once again, Oliver's got the wrong LARP costume on!
PadawanTK16: ngl I was half expecting "now presenting mask!" and it's just a corpse in a chair Lady Maria style
cavvdor: Uh oh
DiscordianTokkan: Oh shiiiiii
CosmicDuctTape: oh good
ShifuDaxiongmao: ruh roh
SaxPython: clap clap clap
roastbeefsandwitch: oh, now we're getting to Trailer material!
roastbeefsandwitch: THE PLOT
ladylinzington: oh no
grander_pastures: Here we go, the wonder of the Spotlight
DarkMorford: Um.
Mathonwy: Keep your largess put away...
Nigouki: who wants to get a target painted on their back?
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: oh it’s like Bylaw and Order 2, starting with a celebration for the party!
definenull: More red flags than extreme minesweeper
Oh, this can't possibly backfire
Oscelot: @PadawanTK16 I mean if they were an antedeluvian you could totally see that
DiscordianTokkan: "Count Orlock, amirite?"
Julian_Rogue: I missed the first hour and a half. someone catch me up?
Metric_Furlong: @definenull more red flags than a matador convention
Gekyouryuu: Spongebob, Squidward, and Hash Slinging Slasher voice: "Nosferatu~"
Anaerin: @Julian_Rogue "Six Months Later"
Julian_Rogue: @Metric_Furlong stealing that phrase
grander_pastures: This is just Terrifying
OVERKiLL!: i doubt its the last vTm we will see from LRR
ani laurel: oooh freaky
SmithKurosaki: I'd love to see more VtM, but no idea if theyre planning to
SmithKurosaki: Oh dang
Robbert van Eijndhoven: "It's wicked subtle". Meanwhile every Toreador Elder in the room: "Oh my, they're banging!"
s1ck1y: love these clowns
Despoiler98: ew no
LunarJade: hey Jordynne!
nekobun: oh no he's AI-generated
Despoiler98: ick no ew no
Oscelot: @Julian_Rogue tl;dr Knives has called Elysium, 6 months after, and we've just been introduced to the regent of Vancouver
SaxPython: @s1ck1y Thanks for the tight edit!
Julian_Rogue: The author of the journals!
DiscordianTokkan: Masque & Knuckles
Oscelot: @s1ck1y Hey Jordynne ^^
WiJohn: Oliver made a friends!
Uroboros_of_Old: Dose he play dungeons and DRAGONS?
RuiFaleiro: when did masque become regent, as opposed to siegfried's seneschal?
@Oscelot Thanks!
incslayer: @Julian_Rogue *gasp* stanford pines?
Mathonwy: Masque, Knives, Chains... Get you a noun name.
AlexndraArtemis: first half was where the crew is after 6 months
AlexndraArtemis: Jessica has been busy
grander_pastures: Here we gooooo
JacobBurgessVO: Hi @s1ck1y !
niccus: are clowns toreador or brujah
Oscelot: @Julian_Rogue Oh also, Calliope is fucking with Oliver and has called him her lamb
Anaerin: @Mathonwy Meh, I prefer the Verb names.
gibbousm: oh no
DaxStrife: "Oliver the Succulent."
Nigouki: oh jfc
WiJohn: This guy is growing on me
DeM0nFiRe: hooo boy
dreamshaper12: XD
grander_pastures: This is.... terrible
ohjanji: LMAO
grander_pastures: HINkleMN
Mathonwy: LMAO
gualdhar: uh
matthaus_c: what an incredible weirdo
Oscelot: Dear gods this guy had one year of high school theatre and became insufferable forever more
gualdhar: !adult
LRRbot: Adult currently unavailable, please try again later.
almas_zarkona: I'm uncomfortable in the correct way by this guy
grimshade: i love how akward oliver is
DiscordianTokkan: Aw FUCK the Egret up in here
cavvdor: This guy
dreamshaper12: I love Nosferatu Princes/Regents XD
grander_pastures: This person will explode from consternation
kynelwynn: "You I know" Crap!
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: not gonna announce clan?
YareNiDaze: @Joy_Stix_DragQueen do exactly what the Regent asks, no more, no less.
Julian_Rogue: 6 fingers each with 9 knuckles
DiscordianTokkan: The Crane Game of the Regent
LunarJade: nope this whole scene makes my skin crawl
grander_pastures: Just be Exact
Oscelot: @YareNiDaze Yeeeeeep. Best way to stay alive
Sarah_Serinde: Understandable
Mathonwy: Oh good... Two primogen childer in one coterie. That's already a huge target...
cavvdor: I love how extra this guy is
Oscelot: @LunarJade Can't blame you
Despoiler98: @LunarJade yup yup yup
s1ck1y: little freak (derogatory) (affectionate)
grander_pastures: Is this person a Cam?
Anaerin: "Share Hands"? Well someone's at a distinct advantage here.
gibbousm: A Boon? From the Regent? Thats pretty damn powerful
Jakelope13: Love how Jordan is the child of Knives, the Archon, who set up this entire Elysium, and has NOT been pointed out by the Regent
Gekyouryuu: @grander_pastures Nosferatu, I think Knives said
Sheikun07: That is actually a pretty huge reward
YareNiDaze: @Mathonwy Two primogen childer and a caitiff. Jordan's the only one who's not got eyes.
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: that’s a pretty big gift!
kynelwynn: Dude loves making people uncomfortable
saucemaster5000: there's some great face acting goin on here
YareNiDaze: Oh wait right, she's an Archon's kid. Oh there's so many eyes.
cavvdor: Oh NO
grander_pastures: Jacob is such a good face actor
this is just Jacob doing what Jacob enjoys doing
DrLigmaPhD: Guy has immaculate vibes, can't imagine anything problematic or weird with him
Sheikun07: I love this man so much
Mathonwy: @YareNiDaze Yeah, an Archon. Crap. Forgot that one. Yeah, HUGE targets...
Julian_Rogue: @grander_pastures such a good actor
ladylinzington: I love this person
BusTed: hit it!
grander_pastures: HOLY FU K
Oscelot: I don't know why, but Masks seems like a 5th Element charact
NotCainNorAbel: glad I don't need to breath
grander_pastures: @oscelot THATS SO TRUE THOUGH
dreamshaper12: @Oscelot XD. They really do feel that way, yeah!
WiJohn: Weird fingies....
Oscelot: Glad it's not just me XD
ohjanji: LMAO
LunarJade: lol
definenull: HA
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
Despoiler98: I'm Oliver in this situation
SnackPak_: perfect answer
Julian_Rogue: Best answer
ohjanji: oliver is the best
gibbousm: You can't just ask people about their fingers Oliver
LunarJade: wat
that broke Cam
Its_VeeBot: You can't just ask people why they have long fingers!
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
Nigouki: damnit
Oscelot: roflmao Cori XD
LunarJade: oh god.. I forgot about this part
EricTheOrange: omg Jordan
iris_of_ether: Love that Jordan
GhostValv: wowie
ProcyonFlynn: Oh. That's why the Regent is called Mask! Just got it.
s1ck1y: endlessly hilarious
cavvdor: Jordan omg
grander_pastures: Every day he has to regrow those like people need to re pierce them
ArdCollider: how *isss* his head so *beeg* etc.
Oscelot: *cackle* Poor Knives
nekobun: how else is he gonna pick the long nose on that mask
SmithKurosaki: Right? :p
ani laurel: interesting slip
SmithKurosaki: I missed it
Random Factor: He said the quiet part out loud.
SmithKurosaki: lol
ani laurel: he said he was the prince, then changed to regent
OVERKiLL!: 🩸🩸 i want, Kathleen, Beej, Paul and.... Graham as the next 4 players..
SmithKurosaki: hehe
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Hmmm. The Dutch VtM Larp I used to play in also had a Nosferatu Elder called Mask.
Tresson: I kinda want to see Kathleen, Graham, Alex and Jacob with Cameron as GM
SmithKurosaki: There is an overarching Lore that names specific characters and is maintained enough to be used by players
OVERKiLL!: nice @Tresson
SmithKurosaki: Oh, Jacob playing a character would be /interesting/
OVERKiLL!: Jacob killin it
SmithKurosaki: As always
ani laurel: Primogen?
SmithKurosaki: Creator/converter
Robbert van Eijndhoven: No, no.
SmithKurosaki: (I could be misremembering)
Robbert van Eijndhoven: A primogen is an Advisor to the Prince.
Robbert van Eijndhoven: There's usually one per Clan.
SmithKurosaki: thx
ani laurel: thank you
ani laurel: jacob is a very good actor
OVERKiLL!: sick with it
Oscelot: @nekobun I mean you do have a point
WiJohn: Adam, if you're still here, Oliver is one of my favorite things
ShifuDaxiongmao: "they have a face for radio"
anyavamps: You, a Nosferatu. Me, an intellectual.
Mathonwy: Nosferatu don't often make caitiff... Because you can friggin' TELL which clan they came from.
PharaohBender27: Deeeep
Despoiler98: DANG ADAM
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
Sarah_Serinde: Nice
BusTed: whoa
Oscelot: "Beautiful to someone" Bless
Dog_of_Myth: DAMN
Despoiler98: YOOOO ADAM
DiscordianTokkan: Fuck YEA
sblue333: Damnnnn
TheDevil_Risen: #BASED
Oscelot: @Mathonwy That's a good point
iris_of_ether: Mike drop
Its_VeeBot: *Spongebob voice* Nosferatu~
nekobun: Philosopher King Tyndwell
Sheikun07: Oliver being spontaneously deep
almas_zarkona: I haven't laughed this much in awhile
Julian_Rogue: I love Oliver being hapless and then dropping deep shit
DaxStrife: "Someone walks up to you with a rabbit." "To feed?" "Nah, they just wanted to show you."
Anaerin: Oh look, a noose!
sheqesi: Still laughing about the spider fail 😂😂😂
sblue333: I can relate to both Silas and Oliver
cavvdor: Oh Silas
Julian_Rogue: @DaxStrife Sir there's a hare in my food
gualdhar: first messy crit?
grander_pastures: "Grab a drink" "So, a person?"
PadawanTK16: first roll!
Gekyouryuu: @Julian_Rogue makes me think of Gravity Falls with the "hunky boy" characters who just randomly drop a Chartres quote in their last appearance
Ignatiuspants: ooh
Mathonwy: Actually, I made a Caitiff that was dog-ugly, and kept getting confused for Nossie. He was always angry after the first few months. "I was like this BEFORE."
Julian_Rogue: @Gekyouryuu I could see that
DiscordianTokkan: Giuseppe!
BusTed: giant capri sun
Oscelot: @Mathonwy Poor thing
ohjanji: bloodpri sun
kynelwynn: MUG brand blood
@ohjanji He does like animal blood, so capri bun
ohjanji: LOL
Its_VeeBot: @kynelwynn MUG Moment
Julian_Rogue: @Oscelot *golf clap* thats good
cavvdor: Chekov's Rabbit
matthaus_c: Teeeeee BUCK
Oscelot: @Julian_Rogue Thank you, thank you. X3
TheDevil_Risen: One of Us, One of Us!
Gekyouryuu: ".....fuck it, nothing else is cheering me up."
DiscordianTokkan: "May as well TRY a Beau's"
Jakelope13: Oh no, he's going to go on a blood bender
definenull: "vegan" is a way to do it
definenull: *phrase
Seabats: LOL
DiscordianTokkan: Hahaha
Mathonwy: @Oscelot I love playing characters like that, though. Hate to play the norms. Broke-ass Ventrue. Musician Brujah. Caitiff that was that ugly before the change... That kind of thing. So much more fun.
KinkerbellRose: Lmfao
ohjanji: lul
DiscordianTokkan: "Once"
Diabore: "i smoked a weed once"
MrPhlip: end of sentence
jessicatheblack: hahaha
SnackPak_: Oliver calls it grass
Oscelot: @Mathonwy Yeah, it's fun doing stuff like that.
Its_VeeBot: "Oliver, that's a green crayon"
Mathonwy: And it made sense!
i love this so much
Jazz Cabbage.. man that's old school
ohjanji: he's like "uh huh"
jazz cabbage 🎶
ButButTheJesus: the giggle grass
cavvdor: "I didn't inhale"
iris_of_ether: Jefferson Starship killed me
Mathonwy: I have missed this.
Jefferson Starship
Gekyouryuu: I like to imagine "classier" vampires referring to humans like wines. "this is Steven. he's a delightful 1973 from the Champagne region."
Oscelot: @ButButTheJesus Okay that's good
Sarah_Serinde: Aw buddy
grander_pastures: Oh God, I don't want him to drink those so.
grander_pastures: *so bad
Strebenherz: been unable to keyboard much until now, it's wonderful hearing this back and y'all's performances and characters
xvaikenx: @Gekyouryuu XD
TheDevil_Risen: bit of Buzz Lightyear "D
ohjanji: LOL
Oscelot: @Gekyouryuu "Anything else is sparkling bloodbag"
DarkMorford: LMAO
DiscordianTokkan: lol
jessicatheblack: HAHAHAHA
ShifuDaxiongmao: lol
lilbeezie259: GLASS
dreamshaper12: XD
Mathonwy: GLASS! LMAO I love it!
great reaction
FarleyF: Holy hell that face
ButButTheJesus: GLASS
AlexndraArtemis: I can def see Oliver becoming a blood bagger cause its not directly people
NotCainNorAbel: oh I'm laughing so hard
FarleyF: i want that as a GIF
OVERKiLL!: Nos are dope tho
SmithKurosaki: bruh
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Wow, I love how Adam plays Oliver as, at the same time comedic relief and the most tragic member of the Coterie.
SmithKurosaki: 100%
SmithKurosaki: It's a really great balance
ghyllnox: "Your first time having meat huh? Wanna pick out a cow?"
TheDevil_Risen: I'd imagine they use a Sous Vide machine not a microwave
gualdhar: now I need to know, does blood curdle if it gets too hot? like coffee/tea hot?
wildpeaks: flavour town
ButButTheJesus: mlem
iris_of_ether: I Cream!
spethycakes: oh the skim milk thing is all too relatable
Mathonwy: And now you get choccie milk!!!
DiscordianTokkan: Oh, that WHOLE milk
Oscelot: @gualdhar Mostly if it gets too cold, I believe
Anaerin: @DiscordianTokkan Oh no, going from 1% to 35% cream.
Gekyouryuu: Vampires in the club doing "shots" but it's just taking syringes of blood and spraying them into their mouths
going from skim to unhomogenised farm fresh
Oscelot: I love the Anarchs
Sarah_Serinde: Completely accidentally
Metric_Furlong: "I definitely did not off the previous prince at all, hmm hmm hmm"
iris_of_ether: Oopsie whhopsie
kynelwynn: Jacob liking fucked up guys? Ya don't
Oscelot: Ahahaha. I can picture this far too well @JacobBurgessVO
JacobBurgessVO: @oscelot Hahahahahahaha!
cavvdor: Jacob's knocking it out of the park and I missed him so much
anyavamps: Jacob, how is that any different then how you normally are at home?
Gekyouryuu: "please picture me having to answer awkward questions as my neighbors knock on my door at 8 pm."
spethycakes: "I would be REVILED if you considered me to be the prince, gracious Archon!"
Mathonwy: *signs softly* All seven, and we'll watch them fall...
Its_VeeBot: Jacob's neighbors are unfazed. "Oh, he's got a new role. Needs to practice it a bit, though."
AlexndraArtemis: I understood it as the Prince of Vancouver succumbed to The Call and just...left and disappeared
DaxStrife: Tensions are tense.
Its_VeeBot: They're like critiquing his performance
DiscordianTokkan: Tensions Are
Mathonwy: Uh huh... Always tell the side piece that..
kynelwynn: Jess double agent?
definenull: I can't sit with you at the cafeteria lunch table, but I'll hang out after school
LunarJade: @kynelwynn that would imply she’s thought that far ahead
Oscelot: Poor Quinn ;_;
kynelwynn: XD
grander_pastures: So Jessica is triple playing folks?
Julian_Rogue: the tiktok "I wear sunglass so people can't see where i'm looking" meme
Gekyouryuu: "I like wearing glasses because people can't tell what I'm looking at." *staring at Chains' chest from 2 inches away*
Gekyouryuu: @Julian_Rogue ey!
Julian_Rogue: @Gekyouryuu spiderman point at himself meme
DarkMorford: Woooooow
Oscelot: Hell yeah Chains
cavvdor: Mind blown
AlexndraArtemis: Chainz the true MVP
Mathonwy: Man, Chains, Ollie would make a fun ass Anarch.
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: right! Napoleon Dynamite!
LunarJade: lol
DiscordianTokkan: Chains is a good vamp
definenull: LOL
AlexndraArtemis: Chainz with a zed
Arclight_Dynamo: Hell yeah, Chains.
Sheikun07: Power move
Oscelot: Hell yeah
LilyOfTheVeil666: Anarch Oliver!
almas_zarkona: Chainz: "Have you thought about joining a Union?"
grimshade: i love chains so much
cavvdor: Ooooh
Mathonwy: Hah!!!
jessicatheblack: LOL
Nigouki: hehehe
DiscordianTokkan: Yessssssss
definenull: CHAOS
josh___something: LMAO
jessicatheblack: Hot Anarch summer
Mathonwy: LMAO
EricTheOrange: HA
TheDevil_Risen: LOLL
dreamshaper12: XD
gualdhar: fuck yes
Oscelot: Ahahahaha
grimshade: tbh if i was a player in this i would side with chains
roastbeefsandwitch: LMAO
theevermist: LOL
josh___something: AHAHAHAAHA
Julian_Rogue: LMAO
Sarah_Serinde: To be fair, Quinn has earned this
Mathonwy: Yes, Lover's Quarell!
grander_pastures: I LOVE THIS
ButButTheJesus: HA
cavvdor: This is flawless
Chesul: So good. XD
josh___something: EVIL
SharktoothJack: popcorn time
definenull: is this parent trap?
geogio13: Incredible
OVERKiLL!: 🩸 far better 🩸
SmithKurosaki: LOL
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Hehehe
Simriel: is it Mask or Masque
ani laurel: great timing Sim
SmithKurosaki: lol well timed Sim/Jacob :p
OVERKiLL!: haha word
Simriel: Yessss... I did that on purpose... totally
emanym: Woooo!
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Oh right, they're exes aren't they?
Oscelot: Ooooh the hands
DiscordianTokkan: Aw
shendaras: awh
Oscelot: Awwww
grimshade: ohhhhh fuck thats great
CosmicDuctTape: *chortles*
Julian_Rogue: GAAAAAAYYYYYY (positive)
jessicatheblack: that ... was... Awesome!
ars0ncloudsun24: hi
grimshade: im not sure if thats chains doing a power play or quin being genuin
cavvdor: These two exes oh god
ButButTheJesus: 11/10
PharaohBender27: "It's real salty"
DiscordianTokkan: Also, friggin love these view cuts, A+
@grimshade Yes.
Julian_Rogue: @grimshade why not both?
Gekyouryuu: "oh, no, I can tell I'm gonna get addicted if I keep this up."
wedge_x: Liquid Death
DamienGranz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, DamienGranz! (Today's storm count: 39)
wildpeaks: "now I know"
TheDevil_Risen: he's rocking one of those half decent non alcoholic beers
iris_of_ether: Loving the Chainz Quinn interactions
Julian_Rogue: Best reaction
grimshade: lol
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
RurouniGeo: production value real good on the camera work
Mathonwy: Awww. Ollie needs more cool moments.
DiscordianTokkan: "Oh YEAH? I'm not cool. ... Oh shit am I cool?"
Julian_Rogue: I love how hoplessly serious VTM is and its like 20% slaptsick comedy and it hits me so hard every time
JacobBurgessVO: @rurounigeo All Jordynne
cavvdor: Feeding and feeling concerned at the same time, mood
Oscelot: Nice power move with the sipping @LunarJade
Sarah_Serinde: pfft Cameron
ButButTheJesus: but I do
Mathonwy: @RurouniGeo That camera on Jacob is very nice.
kynelwynn: Grab the appetizer tray and just slam it down your mouth
Julian_Rogue: quick find a giggling person. eat a snickerer
Gekyouryuu: I'm now picturing Vampire James Bond. he enjoys drinking the blood of frightened people. "Martin E. Shaken, not scared."
DarkMorford: Grab a Snickers
Oscelot: @Julian_Rogue Booo XD
ButButTheJesus: @Julian_Rogue ha
Oscelot: @Gekyouryuu Amazing
RurouniGeo: @JacobBurgessVO incredible work. my regards to the chef Jordynne!
DiscordianTokkan: "The Brick went out of business? GOOD."
EricTheOrange: @Julian_Rogue boooo
three replies. i love my people
Julian_Rogue: er four lmao
JacobBurgessVO: @julian_rogue Take an xp
iris_of_ether: Amazing
Oscelot: @RurouniGeo You'll want to direct your adoration to @s1ck1y for that :3
grimshade: the anarchs are the best
"Take an exp" and never do that again
@JacobBurgessVO best night ever
JacobBurgessVO: 😊
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
Gekyouryuu: oh, I'm a fool. Vampire James Bond? how did I miss James Blood Bond? it was RIGHT THERE.
Oscelot: Hehehe
dreamshaper12: @Gekyouryuu XD
Oscelot: James Bond, Blood Bond.
Mathonwy: Ooooh! Building permit!!
Lysander_salamander: oh boy
Lysander_salamander: yay
Rourke9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
Rourke9: that’s so many months
Thanks for subscribing, Rourke9! (Today's storm count: 40)
WiJohn: You could get some Leafs tickets!
Oscelot: There you go @WiJohn
Mathonwy: Oh, waity.
Sheikun07: Oliver: "I want a cellphone. With unlimited data. And Netflix!"
sblue333: Damn I love the direction for Oliver but it's also so real
PadawanTK16: "hey mask can you reopen both the canadian tires that are closing?"
grimshade: oh
Gekyouryuu: the situation is weighty, so we need to waity
Oscelot: Oh boy, he wants a favor from all of them. That's worrying.
Lysander_salamander: I will need to watch the beginning of this later
DiscordianTokkan: I could make an extremely niche Ottawa O-Train joke here. But I won't
josh___something: Oh
Mathonwy: @Sheikun07 You also want 3d?
Sheikun07: Oliver probably would, actually
Sheikun07: "Wait, I can get that?"
SmithKurosaki: Quinn and Chainz yea
Simriel: I wonder if Quinn and Chainz are old Characters
SmithKurosaki: LOL
SmithKurosaki: Could be
Robbert van Eijndhoven: 🤣
Simriel: oh daaaaang
The_BoZoiD: those quick cuts between Jacob and Adam was good camera work damn
Simriel: "Trying to get you to talk to me" goes so hard
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Meanwhile the blood doll is having the time of their life :P
Simriel: Anarchs, always following the leader :p
A_Dub888: I’m back, can Oliver turn into a bat?
Mathonwy: @Sheikun07 Sorry, was quoting something.
Sarah_Serinde: So, trouble
Nigouki: "we have someone else we need set on fire"
Sheikun07: Oh, I understood the quote.
iris_of_ether: *holds breath*
WiJohn: The reward for good work is, as always, more work
Oscelot: Man they're getting boons all over the place
PharaohBender27: "We need to reactivate your team"
Sheikun07: The subversion was Oliver not reacting like Alucard.
@s1ck1y fantastic job on the camera work
grander_pastures: Here we gooooo
Arclight_Dynamo: Shit
Mathonwy: *facepalm*
Lysander_salamander: is this like "ask?" Like, volun-told?
Diabore: discreet? and hes coming to us?
kynelwynn: "discreetly" and asking this crew
SaxPython: Road Trip!
Oscelot: I mean not wrong. obody would belive it.
Jakelope13: They set a church on fire. I don't think 'discrete' is precisely the right word...
Mathonwy: National Park? No no no no no...
DarkMorford: @SaxPython Road Quest?
Lysander_salamander: yay a murder mystery!
iris_of_ether: Fuck
A_Dub888: *Recalls the time the group got into a high speed Donnybrook in season 1*
shendaras: awoo
Lysander_salamander: yay werewolves!
Sarah_Serinde: Yesss werewolves
Oscelot: Which national park?
Mathonwy: Oh no.
JacobBurgessVO: Goldstream
grander_pastures: Oh God. What if it's mages
Oscelot: Thanks @JacobBurgessVO o7
AlexndraArtemis: and cliffhanger
WiJohn: Werewolves and Faeries and Campers oh my!
Lysander_salamander: I wonder what other cryptids they'll try to find?
Fruan: I'm putting my money on chupacabra
Oscelot: Ah okay, so not toooo far out of town.
ProcyonFlynn: oooh, so this is why we established the Elysiums are on the new-moon. Nice.
nekobun: chupacabra north let's gooooo
grimshade: i love that i can google the place and get nice pictures of the scenery
incslayer: Finally we might find bigfoot
Oscelot: Same @grimshade
grimshade: i hope oliver brings his cougar
Lysander_salamander: Will Oliver be looking for a vampiric bigfoot?
Mathonwy: What could be draining people, publically, in Lupine territory? Something we don't wanna screw with!!
Oscelot: @grimshade Yessssss
SaxPython: boonless
Oscelot: @Mathonwy No kidding
WiJohn: Bigfoot's a vampire!
satyropodobny: are they secretly still together?
incslayer: might Silas "friendship" with the IT werewolf provide them with "safeish" passage?
PharaohBender27: *me Immediately Google Maps searches Goldstream Provincial Park
kynelwynn: Oliver's 3 dots of Politics here
Diabore: sounds like we going to war this season
iris_of_ether: Oliver proving their politics score
Mathonwy: Oliver get a dot of politics???
grimshade: omg yes love chains
Julian_Rogue: he's learning!
DiscordianTokkan: Hell Yeah
Sheikun07: Oliver has THREE dots in politics
ohjanji: "told ya" lol
Anaerin: @Mathonwy THREE dots, no less.
DiscordianTokkan: Chains best
YareNiDaze: @Mathonwy He has 3.
Mathonwy: Good lord.
Mathonwy: NOOO!!!
Oscelot: Armored RV for sure
Mathonwy: That's announcing you're hunting!
Lysander_salamander: I am hoping it's the fae
DeM0nFiRe: Oliver got one!
definenull: *anything*
SaxPython: Clap clap clap
I would've loved if it had been the classic handover of money from a bet..
SnackPak_: Oliver got one
iris_of_ether: Hehehe
PadawanTK16: "Three dots!" said with the inflection of "T-Buck!"
LunarJade: woooo camping
RurouniGeo: ahhhhh
BusTed: Wooo
PharaohBender27: Vandalf v3
Oscelot: Hell yeah!
Lysander_salamander: yay camping episode
WiJohn: I. Am. So. Hype!
Sheikun07: camping trip!
BusTed: vamping
DiscordianTokkan: Fuck YEEAAAAAHHHH
DarkMorford: Hooooooo boy
SeiichiSin: Camping trip!
Mathonwy: Camping trip!!! Wooo!
kynelwynn: Camping trip!
Arclight_Dynamo: GOD it's so good.
Oscelot: Eyyyyy. I'm so excited!
ohjanji: ayooo that was great
dreamshaper12: Yay! Incredible! Can't wait for more!
anyavamps: heck yeah vamp hype
Master_Gunner: next up: Beach Episode!
Strebenherz: BUSS YEAH
geogio13: nooooooooooooo
incslayer: Road Trip
Rourke9: that was great!!!
Cinominn: hell yeah camping trip
DeM0nFiRe: This is so fucking GOOD lol
airylan: great session!
Ignatiuspants: yeah!!
Styxseus: \o/
1y1e: Clap Clap Clap
OldManJohnsonMB: woo! Thanks @JacobBurgessVO
corpocracy: Woooooo!!!!
Jakelope13: Camping trip!
sblue333: Hell yeah super exciting!!
grander_pastures: WAHOOOOO
thewafflesareburning: That was so good
A_Dub888: I’ll bring the marshmallows!!
the world building
BrainBetter: Oh no. So many wonderful bad ideas.
PadawanTK16: Road quest 2!
cavvdor: Omggggg
KinkerbellRose: SO good.
AlexndraArtemis: brava
SharktoothJack: hoo boy
geogio13: I NEED MORE
theevermist: We need season 4
Julian_Rogue: YAAAAAA
cavvdor: Yeeeees
JacobBurgessVO: Yaaaaaaaay!
Oscelot: Great job y'all. I can not wait for more
thewafflesareburning: So excited
Metric_Furlong: god it's so good to have this back
lamina5432: great start
Its_VeeBot: *standing ovation*
samb6678: Woo!!
Fruan: That was great
AlexndraArtemis: wonderful session yall
DrFromage: Weeee!
grimshade: what a wonderful session
thewafflesareburning: Can't wait
Jgirl13245: heck yeah! bite club goes camping. Oliver will be thrilled
ShifuDaxiongmao: Encore! Encore!
v_nome: This was a lot of fun.
cavvdor: SO GOOD!! Thank you all!
definenull: It went by so fast!
Jakelope13: Please tell me Oliver is going to bring his fishing gear
GREAT session!! Thank you!
Sarah_Serinde: Hyped for this season
groulux: Yay! 3rink!
incslayer: ohh ohh Fang Quest!
theevermist: I love bite club
everyone behind and in front of the camera is so great!
trainpants: Everyone absolutely killed it
ButButTheJesus: *clappity*
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
Mathonwy: Is your fault!
1000 - So amazing
Ignatiuspants: next episode: they become campires!
Sheikun07: Fangsters!
samb6678: *applause*
matthaus_c: you are all eating this
DiscordianTokkan: I missed this. I love this.
phoenixfeather14: Thank you so much to Jacob and the wonderful players! This series is fangtastic!!
WiJohn: Thrink!!!!
AlexndraArtemis: so glad to see Bite Club return even if I'm a little sad to see its the end
orrie104: teeth! teeth! teeth!
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2679 in the channel!
grimshade: @incslayer yess 100%
Metric_Furlong: yeah, great job everyone
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to DapperKoala2!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to CaddZor!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Alexscottv99!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Xan_The_Quiet!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Silviechan!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Annarf!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to OldBenX!
MyrddintheWizard: So good!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to dragonxcrack!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to DarkWringer!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fayili!
Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to DapperKoala2, Alexscottv99, Xan_The_Quiet, Silviechan, Annarf, OldBenX, CaddZor, Fayili, DarkWringer, and dragonxcrack! (Today's storm count: 50)
Sarah_Serinde: !dragonshield
Sarah_Serinde: !dtrpg
Looking for TTRPG books and related products? Support LRR by using this affiliate link with DriveThruRPG:
nekobun: NIGHT S'MORES
Sarah_Serinde: !store
Mathonwy: I love you all. I have missed this so much.
SnackPak_: got damn that was a good first episode
Thank you so much for this
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Oscelot: Thank you for this
Strebenherz: BLEH!
DiscordianTokkan: HAH
as soon as is back up for podcasts
samb6678: Bleh!!
geogio13: See y'all next week!
Oscelot: Bluhhhhhh!
Jakelope13: Blah!
Mathonwy: Thank you!!!
Oscelot: Oh hi Heather
Gekyouryuu: so, if this is Vandalf 3, then we've had Vandalf the Grey AND Vandalf the white, so we gotta use some of his other names. I propose: Mith-van-dir as a play on Mithrandir
Sheikun07: The cringe on Jacob's face
gibbousm: don't talk about bite club
Brozard: Blah!
Nigouki: so goooooooood
unarmedoracle: not a thought to think
DiscordianTokkan: Bleh!
EricTheOrange: Are theydoingthreefangscuzThrink?
Sheikun07: powerful
AlexndraArtemis: @JacobBurgessVO you've done a wonderful job and I can't commend you enough and I can't wait to see what you do
jessicatheblack: So gooood!
Nigouki: giev more
SmithKurosaki: pfft
Robbert van Eijndhoven: A boon from a really high-up vampire is one of the scariest 'rewards' you can get.
ani laurel: nice to see there wont be a custody battle
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Lupines?
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Oh dear.
Simriel: Exsanguination is... pretty rare overall right?
Simriel: Like Vamps don't Kill very often
Robbert van Eijndhoven: Complete exsanguination? Yeah.
Robbert van Eijndhoven: People die because a vampire drinks too much of their blood occasionally, but complete exsanguination requires the Vampire to keep sucking after the mortal is already dead.
corpocracy: Bluh!
jessicatheblack: OMG!
definenull: That was great!
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
WiJohn: Amazing
CosmicDuctTape: hello Heather
spethycakes: This was so much fun!!
cavvdor: Niiiight!
Anaerin: Bluuuuh!
Oscelot: I forgot that you were running stuff
Sarah_Serinde: So excited
CosmicDuctTape: that was good
Brozard: Suspicious
dreamshaper12: Awesome!
WardsarTheWriter: That was great!
SharktoothJack: incredible!
cavvdor: BLUUH
Fruan: Time for camping!
That was amazing
serramarkov: I live for this, it's why I'm running a vampire campaign.
Rourke9: hello! feeling good
BrainBetter: So good!
MyrddintheWizard: So good!
Strebenherz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
DrFromage: Excited!
Thanks for subscribing, Strebenherz! (Today's storm count: 51)
ohjanji: hi! that was awesome
Ignatiuspants: what a great episode!
gualdhar: oh boy we get to kill some lupines!
Laurence72: Thank you all so much! That was amazing!!
grimshade: tbh kind of hungry might go make super
JacobBurgessVO: Thank you @alexndraartemis
PharaohBender27: Intrigued!
Julian_Rogue: I'm great jacob gave me xp for my pun :3 i'm on cloud 9.
Cinominn: so glad we got a third season
thewafflesareburning: Feeling great
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: gonna be so great
Metric_Furlong: that was great
cavvdor: Hiii!
Riandisa: Great session!
ButButTheJesus: heckin' excite!
Brozard: Auspicious even
lirazel64: Swell.
That was worth staying up for.
Uroboros_of_Old: so good!
DirectorStephanie: that was amazing! great job team!!!
matthaus_c: all fanged /in/
FarleyF: that was absolutely fangtastic - Kudos to everyone involved
Cinominn: cant wait for the next one
Anaerin: Never fanged out.
kynelwynn: Great return to form!
Mathonwy: I need moar!!!
OldManJohnsonMB: need more fang
sheqesi: So happy for bite club!!
Lysander_salamander: tired but feeling better for seeing this show
KeytarCat: All fanged up
Wiliart: We need more!
grander_pastures: MOAR FANG
definenull: Now we have to wait 2 weeks for the next episode D:
It's *so* good already! I cant wait
JacobBurgessVO: Fanged out!
AnjaZeta: is the podcast situation fixed now?
SeiichiSin: Feeling sick, but this has definitely distracted me in a great way. Needed this.
Sarah_Serinde: !youtube
Weagle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 94 months, currently on a 94 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Weagle! (Today's storm count: 52)
couchboyj: Sun's down, fangs out
Lysander_salamander: woot
Oscelot: Feel better soon @SeiichiSin
DiscordianTokkan: yesssss
RurouniGeo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
RurouniGeo: Big Bite 11 fangs out of 10
Thanks for subscribing, RurouniGeo! (Today's storm count: 53)
Strebenherz: How many episodes are coming?
cavvdor: Need more fangs
nekobun: not me checking WoD wikis for "things that drain blood" or anything
Mathonwy: Oooooh! Welp, I'm getting no sleep tonight!
GentroSilva subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
Thanks for subscribing, GentroSilva! (Today's storm count: 54)
Oscelot: @nekobun mood lol
I like the way Adam developed Oliver
Bobtheninjagoldfish: The start was great "What have you been doing for 6 months. Oliver has one or 2 things, Silas the same, Jo being a ahand for her sire.. Jessica: Unfuls a novel...
TheNerdWonder: This continues to be an excellent story. Can't wait for more!
cavvdor: Oooo
more hanging out with bite club!
Oscelot: Sitting on this must have been so hard
Seabats: later gamers
unarmedoracle: spess muhreen
kynelwynn: "Here I am a mermaid"
JacobBurgessVO: I hung out from Japan! This was a delight. Thank you all for being here!
Jgirl13245: *sudden burst of laughter*
DiscordianTokkan: Love me a session zero on an ongoing campaign, as someone that has totally remembered Some things and not Others on ongoing campaigns
Oscelot: Have a good one @Seabats o7
@Seabats later
Jgirl13245: mermaid.
Mathonwy: @DirectorStephanie What? What are you talking about?
WardsarTheWriter: I do want to see Jessica Mermaid Vtuber.
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO I'm still so glad you were able to make it
sblue333: Will Vampire be airing during DB or is there a week break?
Diabore: i said league, he said fuck no, so who knows
Lysander_salamander: every game is a strategy game, if you try hard enough
DirectorStephanie: @mathonwy how dare you
DarkMorford: @JacobBurgessVO This was a ton of fun, thanks! Enjoy Japan!
Gekyouryuu: @JacobBurgessVO it's noon-ish there now, yes? I hope you have a nice lunch
phoenixfeather14: @JacobBurgessVO You are a delight! Thank you so much for an amazing series!
JacobBurgessVO: Break During DB
@JacobBurgessVO And for real this time not a day early
UrbanSamurai_22: If anyone is interested Humble Bundle has a World of Darkness bundle with a bunch of sourcebooks.
matthaus_c: the man has a priority
JacobBurgessVO: @weagle 😂
DiscordianTokkan: yesssss
Mathonwy: @DirectorStephanie We don't talk about that...
@JacobBurgessVO thank you it's lunch time there go eat something yummy you deserve it Jacob!
PharaohBender27: Ooooh
Metric_Furlong: Atmosfear baby, let's go!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to JacobBurgessVO! They have given 1581 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, JacobBurgessVO! (Today's storm count: 55)
Brozard: STOP! What is your number?
DiscordianTokkan: As is Tradition!
matthaus_c: yes my gravekeeper
TheNerdWonder: odds on it working this year?
Go back to having fun in Japan Jacob! Also, welcome to Japan!
Anaerin: Appmosfear?
Chesul: Yes my Gatekeeper.
Mathonwy: Atmosfear!!!
LilyOfTheVeil666: YESSSS
WiJohn: @JacobBurgessVO Thank you for helping make my favorite actual play!
Uh oh
AlexndraArtemis: oh right
spethycakes: Quite Atmosfearic
ButButTheJesus: yes my grapekeeper!
kynelwynn: Jump Scare!
DirectorStephanie: @jacobburgessvo thank you for bringing this all together!
Lysander_salamander: I wonder if there are any fan-made Atmosphears
JacobBurgessVO: @wijohn 💜
AlexndraArtemis: Humble Bundle has like all of WoD 5e for like 3 days
matthaus_c: it's exactly what it sounds like
unarmedoracle: everyone loves magic cards so much right now!
Simriel: absolutely superb. Can't wait for next week. Glad I stayed up for Bite Club
PPR with giveaways
rogerivany: Yo Baron, I can dig it.
Metric_Furlong: it's a series of novels by Isaac Asimov
matthaus_c: @unarmedoracle oh BOY do they
Gekyouryuu: Foundations is a 5 year legal basic set, yes
JacobBurgessVO: @directorstephanie It's my honor
Orxolon: thanks for the stream!
Simriel: @unarmedoracle Oh those are the things with Marvel Characters on them right?
Dog_of_Myth: Foundations does have some powerful magic in it
Diabore: like 2 weeks
Thanks for running this @LunarJade
DiscordianTokkan: Bus... IS coming
kynelwynn: @JacobBurgessVO You are the Storyteller I aspire to be for my tables. Thank you so much for everything you do to bring your characters to life.
ShifuDaxiongmao: bus is... 8th?
DarkMorford: This time next week I will be in Victoria. Oh boy.
Simriel: @jacobburgessvo You have made me finally like WoD. Well done. It's taken 15 years or so.
DirectorStephanie: thank you for hosting @lunarjade!
Diabore: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (10d, 20:26 from now)
JacobBurgessVO: Thanks for hosting this @lunarjade !
Dog_of_Myth: !venga
LRRbot: The National Weather Service in Las Vegas has issued a Severe Venga Bus Warning for Clark County in southern Nevada until 1159 PM PST. At 653 PM PDT, wheels of steel were located along a line extending from New York to San Francisco, moving southwest at 45 mph. HAZARD: Intercity Disco. SOURCE: Party indicated. IMPACT: Collision, Bright Lights, Dancing. Locations impacted include Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff.
Chesul: There will probably be Vampire, just not THIS Vampire.
SnackPak_: so so sad
Sarah_Serinde: tragic
DirectorStephanie: oh no
MyrddintheWizard: b u s i s c o m i n g
matthaus_c: a tragedy
dreamshaper12: What will I do with all this content?!
DiscordianTokkan: orz
DirectorStephanie: how will we deal
darn I'll have to settle for Desert Bus
nullvoid8: what, you mean there's not going to be a live session of VTM? /s
Oscelot: So sadge
WiJohn: It's hard, thank you for recognizing our sacrifice
CosmicDuctTape: it's so sad I want to listen to Crash and the Boys now
JacobBurgessVO: @simriel Ha! Victorrrrrry!
DeM0nFiRe: Won't someone spare a thought for poor chat
sheqesi: Bus bus bus bus!
Oscelot: Looking forward to it Heather ^^
lamina5432: gnight
Mathonwy: Bus?
ButButTheJesus: DER BUS KOMMT!
This already made my week, thank you all so much
DirectorStephanie: *said as I look at my countdown to DB clock on my phone*
we appreciate your honesty with us, Heather
rogerivany: Can I get a T-shirt for DB yet?
gnyrinn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months, currently on a 75 month streak!
gnyrinn: Thrink
Thanks for subscribing, gnyrinn! (Today's storm count: 56)
BlueFingers5: I hope there's a good cliffhanger at the end of episode 2
Oscelot: Eyyy it's behaving itself for once
Simriel: @jacobburgessvo Now I just need to try actually playing it.
JacobBurgessVO: @bluefingers5 What?! No, couldn't be. I hate those.
JacobBurgessVO: 😂
Mathonwy: My sub hasn't come due yet. When it does, I'll save it for the next NaDtD.
@JacobBurgessVO Don't lie you goober, you'll get a stain.
kynelwynn: Close enoug!
100 100 Thank you fangsters!
JacobBurgessVO: I'm very happy folks have liked our little show.
DirectorStephanie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
Thanks for subscribing, DirectorStephanie! (Today's storm count: 57)
Oscelot: It's wonderful
Oscelot: The sire subs XD
Eltanin73 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Eltanin73! (Today's storm count: 58)
kynelwynn: You make it so likeable @JacobBurgessVO
Julian_Rogue: @Simriel I tried playing it with my normal dnd group but even after I thought a good session 0 they still wanted mini's and lots of combat. and I don't think they actually grasped the departure from dnd
DiscordianTokkan: It has been extremely good, I loves it
JacobBurgessVO: Okay all, I am out. Time to go drive to a shrine.
Simriel: @jacobburgessvo Are Quinn and Chainz some people's old characters btw?
amative1: Road Trip!
ani laurel: god that was great
SmithKurosaki: Looking forward to next week 🩸
ani laurel: We're so back
Simriel: silver is Agg against lupines right?
Simon Hill: Oh god, a camper Van!
amative1: Thrink!
Simriel: oh shit Oliver is great at outdoors shit isn't he
OVERKiLL!: v v
Simon Hill: A van, full of outdoor supplies, being driven by these idiots, waiting for a messy crit
ani laurel: no outro music? darn
The_BoZoiD: Hopefully Stalks-at-Night gets to come along
Simon Hill: Oh, and a cougar, you're right.
ani laurel: yeah, a cougar would be perfect for this
Simriel: it hurts Jacob so much to do that xD
Robbert van Eijndhoven: I'm so happy Not a Drop to Drink is back :D
OVERKiLL!: yeah i really wish they would drop that music as they exit too
ani laurel: ok, thanks everyone for chatting
OVERKiLL!: 🔧♥️
Jgirl13245: its lovely and you are amazing Jacob.
Jgirl13245: have fun in japan!
Nigouki: Thanks for the wonderful episode! Glad to have this back!
Oscelot: Ooooh exciting. Take lots of photos! @JacobBurgessVO
Take care!
sheqesi: Shrine on!
Julian_Rogue: @JacobBurgessVO Drive safe!
DiscordianTokkan: Have a good night @JacobBurgessVO !
Its_VeeBot: !upweagle
LRRbot: Nope.
Strebenherz: 10/10
matthaus_c: @JacobBurgessVO good tidings!
SharktoothJack: hearing "we're being open and honest" immediately makes me suspect Quinn and Chainz are hiding something
JacobBurgessVO: @simriel Whaaaaaat? No. I hate doing that.
Oscelot: Well done! X3
DirectorStephanie: Hell yeah Heather!
ohjanji: nicely done!
kynelwynn: Great jorb Heather!
JacobBurgessVO: Way to be!
serramarkov: You rule, Heather!
matthaus_c: yes but we won't say
thank you Fangsters
FarleyF: you rock Heather
You got ALL the things!
Metric_Furlong: chat would definitely do that, yes
I don't think you did
Mathonwy: We would be incensed, don't worry.
You got them all
Simriel: @jacobburgessvo I have a bunch of Shadowrun NPCs who are former PCs. I fully get it xD Have fun at Shrine!
Ignatiuspants: you did great!
AlexndraArtemis: thanks for sharing this with us
lirazel64: LIR-a-zel, but good try!
sheqesi: Awesome job, Heather!
SaxPython: !badadvice
Chat's job is to be a terror
NotCainNorAbel: play it again
BrainBetter: The only thing left is to run the second episode now, right?
spethycakes: !badadvice
LRRbot: Enter the blaggole.
ShifuDaxiongmao: You did it. *nod nod*
MyrddintheWizard: Thank you, Heather! Have a great day/evening/night everyone!
KeytarCat: Don't bite club the talk shirt
DirectorStephanie: They’ll only email you when the shirt is back in stock!
FarleyF: !home
PharaohBender27: !homestreams
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: | Alex: | Ben Ulmer: | Cameron: | Cori and Ian: | Heather: | James: | Kathleen: | Matt Wiggins: | Nelson: | Serge: , | Wheeler:
Metric_Furlong: yes, do not go to twitter
Julian_Rogue: @KeytarCat Don't club the bite talk
AlexndraArtemis: Twitter is a silly place
Mathonwy: Ok, what's Blue Sky, now?
matthaus_c: thanks Heather!
jessicatheblack: hehe
sheqesi: I *need* a Bite Club hoodie to be created ❤️
KeytarCat: Thanks!
See you Heather
Weagle: Don't talk about Bite Club!
Alwyas a pleasure
Styxseus: Thanks for the stream, bye~! o/
Metric_Furlong: bye Heather, thanks for the stream
ohjanji: thanks for fanging out!
WardsarTheWriter: Thanks for a great stream!
DiscordianTokkan: Have a good [timezone] all!
fracassio: Bluesky has been pretty good since Dorsey left
Mathonwy: Thank you for the stream!!! Love you all!
definenull: Fangtasting stream!
MyrddintheWizard: Don't bite about Talk Club
lirazel64: Night, all!
Lysander_salamander: have a good evening, eveyone!
Metric_Furlong: right, I need to be in bed, enjoy the rest of the day, Chat
Oscelot: Rest well! Night folks!
Mathonwy: We don't talk about Bite Club, no no no...
Mathonwy: I have work study and class tomorrow. So, night folks!
AlexndraArtemis: watching the outro ads...I'm doing my part
MyrddintheWizard: @Mathonwy I sang that instinctively...
Mathonwy: @MyrddintheWizard Easy to do when chat shares a brain cell.
DeM0nFiRe: Secret podcast about podcasts!
Oscelot: Oh, good to know Heather
SkipIives: Thanks!
AnjaZeta: Thank you
Oscelot: For those watching ads: Still having some issues with the podcast feeds but they're working on it
SharktoothJack: thanks, good to know
ohjanji: i got no place else ta go
AlexndraArtemis: we're here for you Heather
Oscelot: Because we can be XD
2nd Monitor
SkipIives: We can multitask
matthaus_c: ni ni
Oscelot: Night lol
I haven't closed the tab yet and won't until the stream goes offline
SkipIives: night
AlexndraArtemis: also its too late for me to watch sesh 0 cause I have to be sleep soon
incslayer: but i like it here
QuixoticScrivener: you aren't my mom
DiscordianTokkan: G'niiiiight
ReverseCreations subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
ReverseCreations: 63 months, that's a lot of months
Thanks for subscribing, ReverseCreations! (Today's storm count: 59)
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Space Marine 2) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (17:36 from now).
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