TXC2: title change!
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Yorri
baltimore_667083: oh that's where i left it
Been waiting for this TS for a while now, so hyped it's here
raulghoulia: ahoy hoy
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TXC2: Here we GO!
baltimore_667083: hi Cam!
TXC2: Hello Cameron
gehennam_reborn: For the Emperor!
baltimore_667083: uhh, the sky?
ProbablyNotAGod: Good evening
GhostValv: m'gamer o7
satyropodobny: -2
Krillin_fan: heya cam!
e_bloc: hello Cameron, great to see you
Pumadog95: for the alfather
TXC2: warhams !
lemanrussrules: Yay!!!
raulghoulia: nerds (derogatory)
gonna it up
TheAwkes: Large boys smushing larger bugs.
Gekyouryuu: Talking Sim about 40k history, call that Lorehammer
Krillin_fan: SpessMarnie2: MoreSpess
TXC2: does it need to be?
hiFunko: Balatro
hiFunko: It's really good
TXC2: Balatro is a marmite game
Wandering_Goliath: the team did World war Z and it shows. it’s like the next evolution of that.
raulghoulia: No one understands Ashley Judd
hiFunko: It's probably the most number go up game
satyropodobny: that's basically balatro, yea
e_bloc: I won't lie Balatro is uncomplicated but addictive
GhostValv: I didn't get it when I was playing on computer. I then tried on mobile and it really filled in my time at the airport and flying.
hiFunko: it's hit on the scale of 40k like no other game, really
BROTHER! howdy Cam
TheDevil_Risen: heya Funko
hiFunko: hello hi!
TXC2: windows noises
TheAwkes: Heresy, Brother! Did you see that Heresy happen? Brother, the Heresy!
TheDevil_Risen: Heya TXC
TXC2: hello TheDevil_Risen welcome
hiFunko: I have altered the USB devices, pray I don't alter them any further
gehennam_reborn: Tbf, GW does tend to try to give reason for people to buy their big smurfs marines
ProbablyNotAGod: being able to run into humans and they just explode was the perfect space marine thing to do
Rhynerd: it wasn’t a mic, clearly.
a GREAT crusade
lemanrussrules: @TXC2 Meh, it was ok at best.
ProbablyNotAGod: probably go the way of the thunder warriors
TXC2: ^
Wandering_Goliath: Horus was named war master, one thing lead to another and dad is stuck in a chair.
TXC2: Wandering_Goliath to be fair to Horus, emps was a cat 5 tier asshole dad
raulghoulia: would love to see the Space Marine track team
Dragonality: They have a GREAT track record. Seeing as how they keep editing the record.
TXC2: raulghoulia they strike me as more of a wrestling team then track
satyropodobny: Space Marines are basically Pokemon mixed with Barbies in terms of variety and opporuntities for self expression
Wandering_Goliath: @txc2 true. I don’t think you get father of the year for losing all 21 of your children.
TXC2: Wandering_Goliath indeed
BraveOthello: Wuz crakin' Spez Muhrines?! Wait, no, wrong game. I meant *infernal big screeching*
ProbablyNotAGod: based on how Damocles went.. I think the tau could "do a crusade" and probably annihilate marine chapters one at a time
TXC2: biologically immortal yes
hiFunko: trad wives made of pure muscle
Dragonality: They remind me of the EVA's in a way. Sleek armor covering deep body horror.
ProbablyNotAGod: blood angels are long lived even for space marines tbf
TXC2: space marines are child soldiers who each have the power of a modern battle tank
episvont subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
episvont: Yay more sm2
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ProbablyNotAGod: There's the sarcophagi near the end on which a few power armoured figures are depicted, not sure if they're space marines tho
gehennam_reborn: I mean, of course it works as Imperium propaganda. Titus hears the Emperor because he is the idealized warrior according to the codex astartes and their religion
Gekyouryuu: I got the impression that Sontarans from Doctor Who were modeled on them, but I'm not sure if they pre-date them or not
Gekyouryuu: I don't know all of old who
TXC2: Gekyouryuu Sontarans outdate warhammer by a good decade
Dragonality: I think the team of SM2 did a great job of showing the war in the background, showing that you are only a little part. But kind missed showing how horrifying that war over there actually is.
TXC2: *warhammer 40K
ProbablyNotAGod: So a world eater
Dragonality: No shade though, I love the final product
Jturbobanana: You don't remember the brain-washing? That's generally an indicatore of successful brain washing...
Gekyouryuu: @txc2 ah, silly me then
Wandering_Goliath: like a blood angle slowly succumbing to black rage?
gehennam_reborn: @dragonality I'd argue they do if you watch how the world's are impacted by the progression of the missions
ProbablyNotAGod: The recent Angron book depicts literally that at a few points
Gekyouryuu no worries, there's A LOT of doctor who to remember
Wandering_Goliath: *angel
Dragonality: @gehennam_reborn Fair point
Angron AKA what if Sparticus was mad
Rhynerd: the Angels of Death animation depicts it quite a bit.
ProbablyNotAGod: Love the hordes in this game at higher difficulties
Rhynerd: the black rage, I mean.
HubbeKing: it's honestly wack how well this game depicts hordes of enemies? there's just utterly absurd amounts of enemies and you can just shoot them
puh! we're still talking, so i didnt miss anything
satyropodobny: is it just me or does the stream still has the tags from not a drop to drink?
TheAwkes: Like being a fan of Paul after watching Dune part 1 when you don't know where he's headed?
TXC2: satyropodobny yes it does
hiFunko: that whole mission rules
Asrimal: It's sick
HubbeKing: it's rad
Dragonality: How can you not feel supremely awesome at that moment?
ProbablyNotAGod: The first level of this game is honestly one of my favourite intro levels in a game
Asrimal: Also the introduction of Grandpa Dreadnought
MWGNZ: the weird part is Calgars gauntlets only have ammo feeds in the pre-rendered cutscenes
gehennam_reborn: Yeah, that's the one big downside with how the game presents itself. All the videos on the game being the new bastion of "manliness" is something that unfortunately detracts from my willingness to recommend it to people who aren't familiar to 40k
HubbeKing: dudes want two things: to die in glory for something greater, and to be held and be told that everything's going to be okay
gehennam_reborn: That, and the fact that it's also just not super super beginner friendly with all the terms and names
Korolan is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel!
episvont: I mean it started in a dark place and then kept walking
Korolan gifted a Tier 1 sub to lutal0!
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HubbeKing: yeah, SM2 really doesn't... explain itself very well?
HubbeKing: it assumes you're up to speed on the 40k stuff
HubbeKing: and just... Goes
Orlantia: yeah the 300 spartans (700 thespians, 900 helots, and 400 thebians) guarded the pass against Xerxes
SnowBuddy18: press X to eat slop would be Death Stranding
PBlackcoat: I spent this entire game waffling between "this is rad as fuck" and "this is absolutely selling the fash lifestyle as rad as hell"
MWGNZ: blown away by their own plasma gun
Dragonality: You charged the plasmagun too long and exploded. Game over.
Juliamon: that's the danger of fascism, its inherent appeal
Orlantia: those were the ones covering the retreat guarding the pass, it was 7000 who went to fight the 120000-300000 Persians
ggodopaste: This game is an accurate representation of my time as a Tyranids player
Gekyouryuu: Spartan: "300 Spartans bravely defended the pass from Xerxes." Greek: "you, uh... forgetting anyone?" Spartan: "no, i mentioned everyone who mattered."
PBlackcoat: And then *meta*interrogating that with the fact that I didn't do that in SM1
Orlantia: @Gekyouryuu yup
Voidhawk42: Terry Pratchett (as Vimes) said "The problem with people was the tendency to bend at the knees"
PBlackcoat: @ggodopaste RIP
Jturbobanana: STORY TIME!!!
ghyllnox: It's on topic
BraveOthello subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
BraveOthello: Lol why would we play the game on Talking Sim?
Thanks for subscribing, BraveOthello! (Today's storm count: 7)
Juliamon: It hasn't even been 30 minutes, it's fine
Mollylele: launch game and then read over it
Krillin_fan: playing games < talking about games
raulghoulia: lets nope wont start for 40 minutes from start
AugmentingPath: Doing the reading is part of the tutorial
GhostValv: oh that sounds good.
it's tuesday, I think you're obliged to talk about things for at least half an hour before gameplay
Mollylele: if they feel deceived by you reading on a stream with "talking" in the title that is their problem
TXC2: so that right there might be the lesson of the game
Orlantia: the hardmode makes me think of what it would be like as a Space Marine on a world about to fall
Dragonality: Was it Battlefleet Gothic that showed how horrifying the imperium is to its leaders by showing the MC tortured and interrogated before you even get to play?
ghyllnox: Going by Ben and Adam, you won't get a talking to until at least an hour has passed
HubbeKing: to be fair, there are also definitely more of them
macbody2: It also just nails the inherent Over the top of 40k warfare .... simple.. And plays with the "morality" ....
ExtraWubs: whens the talking simulator on webfishing, would be a fun way to talk about things going on in life with chat as a talking simulator bit
Asrimal subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
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TheAwkes: One must always face the screen head-on.
Orlantia: Hey Cam, as a philosophy lover, have you read Judith Jarvis Thomson?
Juliamon: Controllers borked? Guess we'll just have to talk some more
MWGNZ: crank that brightness
MAPBoardgames: He's got the "Cam in the headlights" look
Dragonality: Ok, sadly didn't actually have much time. Enjoy the war hams everyone!
ironic now giving how many more movies WW2 has over WW1
TXC2: so long Dragonality stay safe
TheDevil_Risen: oo sotry time with Cam? Nice!
MolaMolaphant subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months, currently on a 71 month streak!
MolaMolaphant: oh hey, 71 month streak and 73 months total. Twin Primes! See you again in 30 months, I guess?
Thanks for subscribing, MolaMolaphant! (Today's storm count: 9)
Oghara: !schedule
termi385: this was a very nice reading!
AugmentingPath: There is a skull in the middle of our helmet, it does raise some inevitable questions
Orlantia: like the entire thesis of Talking Sim?
MrPipboy3000: Are we the baddies?
tenthtechpriest: we MIGHT be the baddies
Mangledpixel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 134 months!
Mangledpixel: something something heresy
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MAPBoardgames: Propaganda is effective when undetected and laughable when obvious.
Cjcaesar: skulls for the skull god
Jillexie: This is the same thing as playing Clan Smoke Jaguar in MechWarrior 5 Clans.
couchboyj: Skulls for some, Golden Eagles for others! And also more skulls.
Jillexie: Or really any polity in that universe.
Jesper_aka_Mordachai: What? Imperium being fascist? Heresy!
TXC2: as long as you BELIEVE the boltgun will kill the demon, it will
MAPBoardgames: As long as the xenos are coming to kill you, you don't have time to revolt.
Cptasparagus: it works till it dont
AugmentingPath: Can't fight the devil with a gun or a sword? Sounds like a lack of commitment to me
compactdisco: It is literally described as the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. They might not be good people
MrPipboy3000: Can I get a beer with my psychic reflection and play Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 instead?
Mangledpixel: Warhammer is a parody of Thatcher's Britain that kinda got out of hand
ProbablyNotAGod: cant wait to see guilliman and the lion to reunite
macbody2: @Jesper_aka_Mordachai well - The high lords of Terra would not object to being told they were facists. Facism is kinda tame compared to the imperium.
Jesper_aka_Mordachai: Five minutes past midnight.
gehennam_reborn: Cam, do you have any thoughts on the Emperor TTS video series?
TXC2: cruel and brutal, also it works somehow
macbody2: Written by 2000AD punks.
Orlantia: It is canonical that civilian life is literally worth less than the bullet it would take to end it
Rourke9: Hello!
MAPBoardgames: If you want an American 40k, look at HELLDIVERS
Jesper_aka_Mordachai: @macbody2 indeed
Mangledpixel: American idea of Empire is Star Wars
ProbablyNotAGod: Only the british could call something a crusade while specifically being about eradicating religion, dumb shit like that is our speciality
macbody2: And read Judge Dredd and the like.
Rourke9: Oh Cameron, I wanted to tell you that the first talk of this year's Roguelike Celebration had some great Mark Fisher Hauntology talk!
Rourke9: Yeah!! it was sick
corefluxx: Hi Cameron. This past weekend was Scriptus, the Toronto Pen & Writing Show. Picked up a new TWSBI Eco and a few interesting inks.
Voidhawk42: @txc2 An important thing to emphasize: it continues *despite* itself. The evils it does are not truly necessary.
Rourke9: I think that makes sense to me. And certainly feels relevant here
Orlantia: remember kids, the Rebels in star wars were the VC, and the Empire was the US
Rourke9: you know more about hauntology than I do
Rourke9: Chaos Marines are a kind of literal haunting of a present that is not
Voidhawk42: Sometimes I cling to a quote from The Expanse - "That was the trouble with Thousand-Year-Reichs. They came and they went like fireflies.
Orlantia: Lucas also came out and said it in interviews
Cjcaesar: Well in a universe where emotions have become gods, very horrible gods, even the slightest slipup dooms worlds
Boiler_bot: @Orlantia According to Lucas, at least.
ImmortalLen: How does the 40K empire not implode with how often it kills its own for the smallest transgression? To the point of icing entire planets?
ExtraWubs: Im currently reading Dan Abernathies eisenhorn omnibus and every time I hear you talk of warhammer, you really enrich my enjoyment of the books. Thank you
Rourke9: 'fuck off, Christopher Alexander!'
Rourke9: (premively)
Rourke9: (*preemptively)
Orlantia: @Boiler_bot i mean he did write the thing, so...
Mangledpixel: another interpretation of 40K I've seen is that it's Dune without the Golden Path
TXC2: Galaxy big yo
Voidhawk42: @immortallen Humans breed fast and constantly colonise new worlds.
Voidhawk42: Humans are the skaven
Mangledpixel the OG lore back in the 80's was 1:1 just Dune
MAPBoardgames: And here I thought Skaven were skaven.
goombalax: Spehs Muhreen
gehennam_reborn: Thinking about Star Wars, it's kinda funny but more disheartening how it has reached a level of chuddiness in its fan base that it can even compare to 40k
Rourke9: No, 'humans are skaven' is reductive. human technology is nowhere near the level of skaven technology.
Voidhawk42: The Imperium claims ownership of "a million worlds", in a galaxy of billions. The Imperium is both too big to fail, and too small to succeed.
ImmortalLen: That's... terrifying
Mangledpixel: noone can idolize war like a human can
Jesper_aka_Mordachai: @voidhawk42 The best rules in a game ever - ”Lead from behind” and ”Life is cheap”
ProbablyNotAGod: in the imperium, pyrrhic victory still counts as a win
TheAwkes: Looking forward to seeing Titus in action with his best buds Lower Third and Spirit Halloween's Elven Queen.
Cjcaesar: The problem is that anything that could replace the imperium is worse...
Sacrenos: The emperor himself is a personification of the state of the empire I feel.
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WiJohn: Aww, lil' guys!
goombalax: what a section to begin with
macbody2: Then there is the eldar - or the remnants of an eldar civilization watching humanity doing it wrong.
tenthtechpriest: just a little ripper tarpit. as a treat.
Rourke9: The T'au are a kind of interesting foil as a young assimilationist empire in ascent. Young enough to look clean and tidy while still being evil and imperial in it's own way
Rhynerd: oh no you left off during the flamethrower segment?
ProbablyNotAGod: im glad the ripper swarms were only there for 1 mission
BraveOthello: No they *fixed* the Tau
TXC2: T'au are the federation from Star trek, but 40K-ifed
macbody2: I see The Tau as East Germany during the Eastern bloc
macbody2: And the Ethereals as STASI(the secret police)...
ThePixelSavage: yo Cam! need a reliable coop partner?
Gekyouryuu: Contact with humanity results in either death or becoming human, and who's to say which is worse?
ThePixelSavage: you can go back and play previous missions
tenthtechpriest: One of my favorite fluff pieces for Tau is one scanning a "drone" and having an existential crisis because the dreadnaught pilot in it has been waging war for longer than the tau existed
ThePixelSavage: you can select them on the barge
Cjcaesar: It's really the Eldar's fault... The birth of Slaneesh really screwed humanity over
Rourke9: My experience with T'au is mostly the Vespid killteam book - it talks a lot about how willing the vespid are to subject themselves to all these experiments and death for the greater good, and being treated as Respected Lessers. that is, except one quote from someone questioning the truth of that - who is currently being reeducated
simplyegghuman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
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AugmentingPath: Sort of reminds me of people talking about the difficulties of worker coops in broader capitalist economies: the coops end up having to treat their workers as they would if they were capitalists to stay competitive
sephsays: just like the modern environment, humans are a major selection factor and you need to adapt to them or become a problem humanity thinks they have to deal with.
MAPBoardgames: You either die to the humans or you live long enough to become the humans.
goombalax: what if we spent the rest of the stream customizing a homebrew chapter and armor scheme
CaptainSpam: Don't let Adam or Ben know you're muscling in on their pre-game banter turf.
I see stuff like this and I thinkI should watch Astartes again
Rourke9: I find the T'au fascinating because I think looking at how colonized peoples operate within empire is fascinating - I wish we saw more about the Kroot, Vespid, etc. that's the side of the T'au I think is interesting
ZackTheCatKing subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
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Eramis8 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Eramis8: Resub time and a Cameron/Space Marine Day!
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Rourke9: that's a great point!
Duwani1: Would a better humanity ever survive
Duwani1: in this universe
Cjcaesar: "Dark Age" humanity wouldn't have had an issue,
Jillexie: I'm sure Special Circumstances would have some fun with them.
30teracyte: the tau are also not connected to the warp, right?
Sacrenos: I find it interesting that most of 40k lore is told from the perspective familiar to us: the human perspective. In the eyes of most Xenos, humans are either insignificant or food, a nuicance to deal with.
macbody2: the interex .....
Duwani1: The universe was broken before humanity fell out the tree
goombalax: isnt that like the votann
TXC2: 30teracyte they are, in the smallest possible way
Mangledpixel: I'm sure there are plenty of people in the Imperium that love that the Tyrannids have shown up: they're the perfect enemy for them
Rourke9: oooh that would be such a cool arc
macbody2: from horus heresy - The interex.
BraveOthello: Fun fact: Iaan Banks and Iaan M Banks are the same person. The M was for sci Fi works.
dougma subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
dougma: o/ boop
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SquareDotCube: so.... space Canadians.
MAPBoardgames: His hood is 83% starch by volume.
macbody2: fair point.
Duwani1: magnets
Rhynerd: the Votann are a bit like that, but Alas the Votann are also planet eaters so I’m not sure how that’d work.
macbody2: But cool stupid.
Rourke9: lol yes
TXC2: it's all plastic crack
Tehbeard: Unpainted toy soldiers
Rourke9: good perspective
zigboy22: its capitalist propiganda
ThePixelSavage: well the Tyranids dont destroy EVERY bit of the planet. Planets attacked by Tyranids have enough microbes left in the deeper crust that they can be geo-engineered. Votaan literally destroy the entire planet. so ... yeah.
UnboundLaconicness: But selling toy soldiers to people like us.
Gekyouryuu: it's not quite the same thing, but discussing other Sci-Fi civs interacting (or not) with Tyranids reminded me of a thing I saw once where "if you drop a Jedi into the 40k universe, they instantly become crippled from all the psychic pain they'd sense, like when Obi-Wan could feel Alderan get blown up."
Duwani1: I mean communism eventually fails if looked at through long form history or changes forms into an amalgam of capitalism/socialism.
TXC2: Tyranids leave rocks behind
Rhynerd: i’m reminded of a co-op Let’s Play of a Tranformers game where one of the player’s made their catchphrase “buy the toys, buy the toys, but the toys”
Cosmonautilis24 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
goombalax: Deep Rock Galactic is just votann mining a post-nid rock
Thanks for subscribing, Cosmonautilis24! (Today's storm count: 16)
Tehbeard: @goombalax I was just typing out a longer version of that statement...
raulghoulia: someone needs to do the calculations if there is more blood inside these tyranids than their size would allow
Duwani1: My copy of the Warhammer 40k THE ULTIMATE GUIDE came today and it is beautiful
ThePixelSavage: you need to parry two times in quick succession with these
ThePixelSavage: they attack two times with this animation
TXC2: it's funny to me that all the Tyranids have latin-ish names, and then warrior is just named warrior 'cause it's from 1st edition
ThePixelSavage: just "parry" 1, 2 "parry" is the rythm
ThePixelSavage: and you can parry most of the attacks way later than you think, just be relaxed about it
vanillafish22: Going to open a "can of worms" here, but where is the best place to start with 40k lore? ... I was told the Black Library, but where?
ThePixelSavage: see you got this!
tenthtechpriest: activated
vanillafish22: the factions
Cptasparagus: I would like to know more about space dwarves!
goombalax: hey votann book is on preorder next week!
Asrimal: @vanillafish22 Gaunt's Ghosts and Ciaphas Cain are always a good place to start
macbody2: @vanillafish22 Eisenhorn ....
Chronomagistrate subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months!
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tyrsredritehand: Almost like being a Space Wolf player from 3er edition to 6th.
raulghoulia: Dan Abnett wrote some killer Guardians of the Galaxy comics
MikaelFoxy: Volume seems a little low?
tyrsredritehand: Abnett and Dempsky bowden are both great.
TXC2: MikaelFoxy seems fine here
Boiler_bot: Yeah, spycraft rather than "noir"
Desruprot: Talking Simulator go pew pew
goombalax: my first exposure was a white dwarf mag my cousin had
hiFunko: the easiest way in terms of effort would definitely be lore youtube videos
goombalax: Hi Funko!
SolarBlitz1: The Main rule book section before the actual Rules does introduce the world probably the best for giving the outline of whats there
"you want 40K lore? here's the 800 TV tropes pages that cover it"
macbody2: @hiFunko Luetin09
ThePixelSavage: @hiFunko also a lot of them interject a lot of "me thinks" into them, interjecting their personal interpretations into them
goombalax: honestly reading the wiki is better than lore vids
Mangledpixel: I bet as time goes on, we're gonna see a lot more lore videos spat out by genAI
Boiler_bot: Battletech is somewhat similar in this regard
Mangledpixel: because this is the worst timeline
Last1031: @vanillafish22 I found the Isyander and Koda podcast really fun because they do not take it too serious but talk about a topic in enough depth to tease you into looking it up
Rhynerd: one of my friends who’s getting into Warhammer has found ArbitratorIan to be his favorite.
macbody2: For gods sake stay AWAY from Arch Warhammer!!!!!!!! must avoid!
Rhynerd: ^
SolarBlitz1: Bricky has some good "30 second pitch" videos, but he himself has said he was just doing it as 'haha hehe' surface level that includes some memes, so okay to get a glance like you would by looking at them on the shelves but they are a very base looks
TXC2: yikes!
macbody2: literal nazi
ggodopaste: dude isn't even very Neo
ThePixelSavage: but they told the nazis to fuck off
Rhynerd: he also just goes by Arch now because GW hit him with a cease/desist
Rhynerd: if memory serves
tenthtechpriest: he's sometimes wrong but he's got the enthusiasm
vanillafish22: I have noticed that ... some of the 40k youtubers gets a little too "white nationalist" for my taste
SolarBlitz1: Bricky does want to re visit it to be more accurate as he has realsed people keep pointing at them as a starter and they are not accurate
ThePixelSavage: @vanillafish22 there are quite a lot who see the Imperium as a goal not a warning
macbody2: 40k is just so vast - just jump in. You can read it in almost any order.
Rhynerd: i think I hopped in just by reading Lexicanum pages.
Last1031: you can read the Horus Heresy series it light reading of 64 books
goombalax: actually thats a good point the new novels are a great way to get into the modern lore
tyrsredritehand: The infinite and Divine is a Necron adventure comedy tour of 10000 years.
there is a map for the Horus Heresy books
macbody2: one should wait with the horus heresy .... It is honestly better when you know more.
GrumblingMoblin: Dan Abnetts does a great job of capturing the slice of life view of the Imperium
tyrsredritehand: I started with the rulebook fiction then all the Space Wolf novels.
gehennam_reborn: Honestly, from experience with giving recommendations to friends for their first book, it works well to just have them find a book that looks interesting
gehennam_reborn: Much like picking a faction
v_nome: What if I do like the menu?
ThePixelSavage: @v_nome then get you some Adeptus Mechanicus novels
Cptasparagus: The Imperium probably doesn't have UX designers
GrumblingMoblin: Reading Rainbow episode - all 40k novels
Gekyouryuu: "Know no fear? oh, that's a typo. it's No, know fear."
ThePixelSavage: @Cptasparagus there is probably a whole sect of Ad Mech that dedicated their whole lives to UX design
TheDigitalDeer: @Cptasparagus I think Imperium UX is just servoskulls
Krektogar: where do I start if I abhore space marines, and want to read something from a non-eldar xenos
macbody2: I came back to 40k after being away from 20+ years. Imagine my surprise when I discovered the HH books
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Krektogar: *viewpoint
@Krektogar you start on GW naughty list. that much is for sure
Tehbeard: @TheDigitalDeer Skulls, space Latin, and phone minigames for machine diagnostics (atleast on Tertium)
@ThePixelSavage I think I'll feel right at home there
Mangledpixel: To a previous point, the first paragraph of George Lucas's first outline of what would become Star Wars is kinda fascinating and a bit ridiculous: “This is the story of Mace Windy, a revered Jedi-bendu of Ophuchi, as related to us by C. J. Thorpe, padawaan learner to the famed Jedi.”
v_nome: Honestly if I was going to start on Warhammer 40K lore it would either be the Orks or the Farsight Enclave
ExtraWubs: Ive been reading dan abenett (bucher the last name more why dont I) eisenhorn series and so far its been very enjoyable
ThePixelSavage: @v_nome its always Orks.
ExtraWubs: as my first book/s
TheDigitalDeer: @Tehbeard I'm still mad they call space Latin Gothic when there was an actual Gothic language XD
TXC2: right chat I'm off
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Cameron
ExtraWubs: goood night @txc2
TehAmelie: Gothic in tje adjective does mean overwrought, overbearing
ThePixelSavage: welcome back
TehAmelie: sup
Cptasparagus: getting all coked up
Mangledpixel: interestingly, in typeface design Gothic can mean, variously, Blackletter (a caligraphic style), sans-serif (e.g. Century Gothic), or the Gothic alphabet (used to write the aforementioned Gothic language)
macbody2: Just dive in ..... So many entry points. and it is so overwhelmning...
Mangledpixel: three completely different uses for the same word
Krektogar: since my question was well timed to the beginning of the break, I hope it's ok if I repeat it: where do I start if I abhore space marines, and want to read something from a non-eldar xenos viewpoint?
ThePixelSavage: it is a good looking game .. I am well beyond 300hours of playing and I am still in awe of some fo the skyboxes and background action
Mangledpixel: yeh it was very efficient by sacrificing readability
Mangledpixel: which says a lot about their priorities
macbody2: @Krektogar honestly 40k is the story about the imperium of man and it's slow decline... so it will always have that center...
Mangledpixel: quantity over quality style of religion
goombalax: I just watched a docu on the history of the word gothic and was fascinated to learn there is a solid line between the germanic goths and the modern aesthetic
ThePixelSavage: btw Cameron, might i suggest you switch to mouse and keyboard and change the keybindings. this game will get messy at some points and controller/default binding is going to frustrate you needlesly
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Denny40k: Blood for the blood God
Thanks for subscribing, Denny40k! (Today's storm count: 18)
Krektogar: @macbody2 yeah, I am unfortunately aware of that. It's a shame, since there would be so much room to tell interesting stories
Anexmedia: So many servitors are going to have to wash that cloak
@Anexmedia its chapter serfs, not servitors
Anexmedia: I mean they're up there
ThePixelSavage: the whole of 40k? Iron Warriors
MWGNZ: Flesh Tearers?
ThePixelSavage: or Emperors Children
Anexmedia: Non-traitor I might go with blood drinkers
Sogheim: wow its head sorta exploded there
macbody2: @Krektogar Well - it kinda is the point of 40k since the Rogue Trader days... Humanity at the center. So I dunno .... 40k kinda is what it is ...
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macbody2: @Krektogar Maybe 40k just isn't for you ...
Anexmedia: "in my next life, paint me like a smurf"
Krektogar: @macbody2 you're right, maybe wishing for it to be something it isn't is a little absurd and self-centered. Still love the whole setup though, just more interested in the lesser mentioned facets
Dragoonspirits86: so have we gone into a deep dive yet on the MC's chapter and what all that assumes about his background yet?
TimeToFry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
TimeToFry: Rip and tear! ..Wait, wrong game
Thanks for subscribing, TimeToFry! (Today's storm count: 20)
Anexmedia: his daddy got a good book deal, but reviews were mixed
goombalax: and some other numbers as well
raulghoulia: I wish my cape had physics this clean. Also I wish I had a cape
ThePixelSavage: @raulghoulia until you get stuck in a rotating door that is!
malsareus: it's like writing a doctrine and having it be turned into a cult
goombalax: @raulghoulia clean? that things never washing out those gaunt innards
malsareus: military doctrine*
Anexmedia: Ultramar lore is actually really feel goody compared to the rest
macbody2: @Krektogar There are some here and there. But 40k is about selling little figures. So the larger story will always be around those.
Anexmedia: one of the few places where people both know of and want to join up
Anexmedia: with 85% less giant kraken
ThePixelSavage: @Anexmedia its just a shame its in one of the shittiest parts of the Galaxy right about now - surrounded by Chaos AND Tyranids on all sides
Mangledpixel: I wonder how often in the discussions between devs about animations in this game the word 'visceral' was used
goombalax: 100%
Anexmedia: @ThePixelSavage can't have it be too squeaky clean
raulghoulia: Liberty? In The 40 Thousand universe?
ThePixelSavage: well most of the upgraded PvE weapons you cannot find in any SM kit
Dragoonspirits86: sounds about right
goombalax: in fact they've demolished the rules for things that had no associated models to the point that most of my ork army is illegal
macbody2: @raulghoulia rhymes with heresy.
Anexmedia: I also feel like we should be adopting more AdMech practices, I would love to apply holy oil and light my mac on fire to boot it up
v_nome: An honest day's work
@Anexmedia no one is stopping you from setting fire to it
Anexmedia: we appreciate your sacrifice
goombalax: 9yo Cameron : "Hell yeah"
malsareus: and then you shoved a giant steel rod into something
tyrsredritehand: Sounds like a good day.
Rhynerd: and read out an Orwell essay.
Anexmedia: @ThePixelSavage if that battery gets any bigger I won't have to worry about it
bytecaster: I mean, it's a living
MAPBoardgames: only 150? you'll never be a roblox youtubers like that.
Phazon_Kiwi: Is this Cams first playthrough?
ThePixelSavage: no dataslates in the tutorial
Anexmedia: the absolute overkill on the set dressings is one thing I greatly appreciate about this game
Rhynerd: @phazon_kiwi 2nd or 3rd at least
malsareus: and here we see the Cameron looking for hot data slates in his area
Phazon_Kiwi: I think that's because you can't revisit the tutorial without starting a whole fresh game.
Phazon_Kiwi: @Rhynerd Cool. Just didn't want to spoil stuff accidentally
malsareus: Oh Cam, did you see any part of the acamedic conference about the 40k setting?
ThePixelSavage: speaking of catch ... the god damn sticky Krak grenades .. i have killed myself so many times with them. throwing them at a warrior just to have a gaunt jump in the way, getting itself attached to the Krak and returning it to my face immediately
malsareus: 1 moment
Anexmedia: "Chat GPT to men of iron, our current roadmap"
goombalax: I think someone in the lrr cord had a talk there
Man, they really middle manage the heck out of launching virus bombs
ThePixelSavage: @Phazon_Kiwi which is kinda good .... you wouldnt want to have to few people involved in something that is potentially deadly to a whole planet wide ecosystem
Phosfur: Oh right, I meant to check it some of the lecture recordings...
twistedsylvan: is that a damn Hadron Collider railgun?
Rhynerd: we also have an artist for MW/Battletech in Lrrcord. Neat to think of how connected our community is to various tabletops.
@ThePixelSavage It was mostly just a joke about how the Imperium does anything
ThePixelSavage: it goes in the square whole Cam
Anexmedia: I do enjoy the horde wiggle
malsareus: So the 40k conference was hosted at the Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies and all talks are on youtube
MAPBoardgames: !secret
LRRbot: That's my secret, I'm always filled with existential dread.
Angnor33: OK, while I understand it as part of the gameplay, there's just something that feels off about a Space Marine doing a dodge roll...
Anexmedia: depends on the type of nut in the noughat
thesurfaceofthemoon: can't it be both?
Invitare: you have nougat stuck in your teeth. That means you ate nougat. That means you are currently winning
malsareus: aren't we the monkey here?
twistedsylvan: mon'keigh*
Invitare: when will they let us be Necrons?
MAPBoardgames: I want a game similar to this, but you play as Orks
ThePixelSavage: absolutely IS a rhytm game!
ThePixelSavage: not even kidding
twistedsylvan: I like the implication that war is a waltz
raulghoulia: what music do Space Marines listen to?
twistedsylvan: @raulghoulia Sabaton, I'd imagine
That burp while talking orks was purfect
ThePixelSavage: @raulghoulia try Oxygen Destroyer - Guardian of teh Galaxy (Full Album)
baltimore_667083: now i can vividly imagine space marines listening to Rush
malsareus: I want a 40 game using the nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor
malsareus: but you're an ork
DoctorHutch: i love how you take your helmet off and the health bar just goes away
Anexmedia: Also I found out a neat fact about those service studs
Invitare: take off helmet for the power boost
what box?
raulghoulia: @ThePixelSavage I have to relisten to that album
Anexmedia: Sometimes they just hit'em too hard and merc the marine at the ceremony
Sethalidos: @malsareus that'll never happen thanks to Warner Bros copyright fuckery
TimeToFry: I'm not well versed in the intricacies of 40K lore - is it true the Tyranid presence in the galaxy is a vanguard force, and that they're fleeing from something?
@raulghoulia its on rotation the second I start SM2
Anexmedia: @TimeToFry that is the scuttlebutt
Dragoonspirits86: so heres a question. playing through i noticed a lot of folks have a reaction to the chain around his right arm throughout. Whats the source of that being a stigma?
MAPBoardgames: He took his helmet off to protect from head-shots. They aren't allowed to attack unarmored parts. This is why female "armor" protects so well while having so much exposed skin.
Anexmedia: @Dragoonspirits86 same as having a prison tat, usually you don't come home from the Deathwatch
twistedsylvan: yeah it seems like Titus is the only character in the game that knows they're a Hive Mind
DoctorHutch: poor carnifex doesn't know we can't die right now
Invitare: @TimeToFry Well no one knows, because the swarm does not communicate. But they're implied to be scouts, yes
twistedsylvan: uh oh, Distraction Carnifex
PostModernVorthos: Look, it's the manager
Rhynerd: management’s just hungry
Phazon_Kiwi: @twistedsylvan Not the only one, it's just the newer primaris that have only recently awakened don't know.
Dragoonspirits86: I di d get that, was more asking what the chain means and why its tied to the deathwatch
MAPBoardgames: "all troops! Retreat! He's got plot-armor!"
malsareus: you just need some ablative friends
Invitare: Wait this is impossible. He's not wearing a helmet
Cptasparagus: Carnifussy
Invitare: he should be unkillable
goombalax: Carnifex is the janitor
Invitare: oh there we go
dumbo3k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
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AFamiliarCalledEl: It's like Sphinx, right? Carnifeges?
PostModernVorthos: Carnifese dese nuts
munocard: who can say it wasn’t?
sephsays: I still stand that the plural of sphinx should be sphonx
Anexmedia: Oh damn they stuffed a whole Jeep in there?
Sethalidos: pretty sure it was Cam
malsareus: I mean, bolting the head back on worked for Ghranzkhul
MAPBoardgames: We remade you: faster, harder, stronger.
MAPBoardgames: better
ThePixelSavage: "the trauma was fatal, so we subjected your body to WAY MORE trauma to save you"
Invitare: given that it's the Imperium that might be a real skull
Anexmedia: Imagine being the "ceramite teeth guy"
twistedsylvan: @malsareus and Ufdak
macbody2: @ThePixelSavage the imperial way *heart*
TheAwkes: Another, older, space marine.
ThePixelSavage: Ogryn
munocard: a bigger space marine?
PostModernVorthos: A custodes skull
Invitare: another, bigger Space Marine
Tehbeard: Ork Skull? that'd be big enough?
goombalax: failed space marine implants
malsareus: Thunder warrior?
Rhynerd: ogryns?
munocard: it’s the opening to Mass Effect 2
Anexmedia: What is the wi-fi password?
Krektogar: maybe they have a stash of thunder warrior skulls somewhere
malsareus: I hope we also get a dental plan
Anexmedia: Ultramarines are a little more educated
munocard: harder, better…
MAPBoardgames: I was joking earlier.
Anexmedia: they don't just eat the books
MWGNZ: dont need to read if you can learn by eating brains
goombalax: @malsareus the have SO MANY spare teeth they got you
Sethalidos: Ultrasmurf?
ThePixelSavage: want a coop buddy?
Anexmedia: I forgot they just throw gang signs
malsareus: they make a litle birdie
Anexmedia: now the ones that can spell out "emperor" with their hands are the real ones
twistedsylvan: is this the first time we have visually confirmed what the Aquilla sign looks like?
twistedsylvan: I've always thought that was the way you did it, but I was never sure
munocard: Some of them just do the Wakanda Forever pose
Desruprot: For the Emperor
Cptasparagus: its also Napolean Dynamite's gang sign
twistedsylvan: oh that rules, it sort of emulates the 8 spoked Chaos wheel too
TheDevil_Risen: yeah pretty much
Gizmoloid: so kind of like Gendo pose?
goombalax: "He whose voice drowns out all others"
Anexmedia: I feel like a lot of people just learned something
raulghoulia: @ThePixelSavage three songs in and you've Rick Rolled me. Well played
malsareus: you can have this guy on your shelf
twistedsylvan: wow, that's impressive
malsareus: better have a big shelf
twistedsylvan: I'll be real, I thought you were going for a Primaris Lieutenant joke
DoctorHutch: the thunderhawks even move out of the docks like they might be held by someone playing with them
munocard: meet your new boss
DoctorHutch: i'm suprized the game doesn't have little text at the bottom thats like "click here to buy the model"
twistedsylvan: @munocard same as the old boss
TimeToFry: Only 1000? Damn
Anexmedia: Where as the black templar have "Don't ask"
malsareus: and an unspecified number of recruits to replace losses
Gizmoloid: um akshualy, soviet Treasure Island made in Ukraine
Gadriel (despite his character flaws) is such a dreamy hottie
twistedsylvan: I forget, does the 1000 cover the Scout companies they have too?
Anexmedia: previously it was 10,000 but then someone threw a mighty hissy fit
Invitare: Gadriel's fine. He's not like Leandros
TimeToFry: I knew that like as a civillian seeing a space marine was an exceedingly rare occurence
fhorrigan: That Salamander guy from the Pariah Nexus cartoon is also far too pretty
twistedsylvan: unless they were Emperor's Children, or Blood Angels, they're allowed to be pretty
AFamiliarCalledEl: I kind of always imagined space marines are a highly viscous sludge inside of their armor
MWGNZ: what about blood angels tho?
Desruprot: They are also like 8 ft tall
TheRealDawnreaver: Surely there must be space marine boybands?
Anexmedia: Salamandars are beautiful like a well crusted steak
ThePixelSavage: @TheRealDawnreaver its called a Noise Marine
twistedsylvan: @TheRealDawnreaver once again, Emperor's Children lol
Desruprot: @ThePixelSavage and you don't want to go near those
Last1031: I thought Guilliman made a rule a to get around his 1000 limit like the Black Templar
malsareus: hey some BAs survive their many jump pack assaults, look at Dante
TheAwkes: First you survive the training, and probably end up haggard at best. Then you get the gene treatments and implants...
fhorrigan: I love how the models of Noise Marines are goofy guitar guys and speakers and the art is these nightmarish body horror monstrosities.
malsareus: @Last1031 you can have more while on a crusade, the Black Templars just never stop crusading
twistedsylvan: @malsareus despite his best efforts, he still lives
ThePixelSavage: @Last1031 the Black Templars made the exception themselves by deciding that "our crusades are technically not one chapter"
Desruprot: @TheAwkes training may vary, if a World Eater catches you, you may end up thinking your someone else
snowewolf: why cant we ware Lamenter Armor - i want to be a Sad Pretty boy
Desruprot: casual reminder of Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the Skull Throne
munocard: this is the X-Com loading scrren
twistedsylvan: Man I loved when this game came out and people saw the cherubs and went, "Wait, what was that?"
malsareus: So Cam, I linked to the youtube of the 40k academia earlier, I think you'd like Realist Theories of international relations in 40K
MAPBoardgames: Kirk, Spock, Dr.McCoy, and ensign Ricky beam down to the surface. Guess who's not coming back.
Sethalidos: @twistedsylvan ah yes the bewinged baby meat
Well known fact about Lamenter - they cant get the Black Rage that the blood angels get -
fhorrigan: Instead they get wiped out every 10 years or so
ThePixelSavage: man we really need that Space Vietnam Catachans fighting Orks game where simultaneously a Lictor stalks around
malsareus: yup
fhorrigan: Cadia still stands
TheAwkes: Set Cadian calling themselves Cadian counter to 1.
malsareus: they just keep eating other regiments to stay up to strength
twistedsylvan: @fhorrigan X to doubt
ThePixelSavage: also violett pupils
malsareus: Cadia stands so much there's multiple Cadias now
ThePixelSavage: there will probably be a Cadian Crusade story line when they wrap up the current Chaos Invasion.
malsareus: Surely every segmentum can now have its very own Cadia
Gizmoloid: 2:11:01 was that the audio cut out you were asking to time Cam?
KWardJenx: Just wouldn't feel the same without the pylons
fhorrigan: Wish the bolter had more punch to it's sound effect
ggodopaste: My dream 40k fiction is a Tyranid Warrior dealing with being cut off from the hive mind and trying to keep a small hive of bugs together.
the combat knife executes are so raw. love it
malsareus: eh, acceptable losses
TheAwkes: Just should "For the Emperor" while you do it and it's totally fine.
TheAwkes: *shout
ThePixelSavage: he was probably thinking about deserting anyways.
ggodopaste: also, the idea of a Hormagaunt surviving a bolt pistol round is hilarious
raulghoulia: I bet Space Marines really like the band Wham
snowewolf: its fine they where a Xenomorph apologist
Nigouki: man this new Musou game looks neat
malsareus: you're just that good
ThePixelSavage: "guess the game is just easy" famous last words
Desruprot: Guard, one of the Cannon Fodder of the galaxy
snowewolf: you can Tell by how much Armor you have - the less armor sections the harder its set
ThePixelSavage: there is adataslate behind that tree
MAPBoardgames: What is the significance of the Death Watch?
malsareus: The Deathwach are a specialist force made up from veterans of many chapters
malsareus: they specialize in fighting aliens
snowewolf: Dodge
MAPBoardgames: ah, thank you malsareus
Gizmoloid: two in a row even
Desruprot: the waltz of death 1-2-3 Parry
ThePixelSavage: btw Cam do you have the kill 100 enemies with your special ability achievement already? if not there will be a spot in this mission where you can do it in 5 seconds
Desruprot: dip dodge duck dive and dodge
ThePixelSavage: later you will defend a bunker ... when they crawl up the walls just activate and throw 3 grenades into them when they are stacked up
Gizmoloid: why didnhe bewt up that one flower?
Gizmoloid: *why did he beat up that one flower?
ThePixelSavage: spore mines are the real enemies in thsi game ... they eff you up so hard in Lethal PvE missions
gualdhar: So now that we're all in the heads pace for TTRPGs, would 40k make for a good TTRPG?
snowewolf: the 2 most annoying achievements in this game are for Data slates - no check point you can start from and Pinging / highlighting each enemy once - some one of the bosses was bugged and half the time would not count
TheAwkes: Snake, snake, oooh it's a snake.
malsareus: @gualdhar those exist
Valyote: @gualdhar There are a few Warhammer ttrpg books, including 40k
gualdhar: Oh, are they good?
ThePixelSavage: @snowewolf also quite annoying that one of them are the COPIES of Imurah
Lobo_Apache: Wrath and Glory?
snowewolf: @ThePixelSavage yes yes it is
Valyote: @Lobo_Apache I believe that's AoS?
Valyote: Imperium Maledictum is the new-ish 40k one
TheAwkes: Speaking of other ways to play 40k nonsense. After playing Rogue Trader I'd love to see a digital port of Kill Team in it's engine.
ThePixelSavage: there is a dataslate here that is off the path Cam, you will need to back track a little on the other side of the ravine. i can tell you were to go once you are there
MWGNZ: The All Guardsmen Party is a good write up of one 40k ttrpg playtrhough if you want a quick 372,411 word read. The first chapter is called "Darwinian Character Creation"
Lobo_Apache: @mwgnz i named my guard/kasrkin kill teams in honor of that story
ThePixelSavage: wait dataslate cam!
malsareus: like kicking a puppy?
ThePixelSavage: you need to jump down ner the tower to your left
ThePixelSavage: now right
ThePixelSavage: here
ThePixelSavage: right
ThePixelSavage: also defending that bunker door wait till they stack up the walls activate your special ability and throw your grenades, should get you the achievo for the 100 kills if you dont ahve it yet
malsareus: ah the BIG gun
Lobo_Apache: At the start of the stream, you spoke of a commentary (and read it), I wish to inflict it upon those people who i call friends. But now I cannot remember what it was called
malsareus: he ate all his beans
ThePixelSavage: you can evade their shots (you get invincibility frames) they always shoot 3 times then have a pause in between
Desruprot: Rip and tear until it is done
I dont think they have souls so technically they do not go to hell
snowewolf: their with Cadia now
malsareus: went back to Cadia
QuantumTwitch: they are Food
Lobo_Apache: Thank you so much!
Nigouki: would it be heresy to just be a little dude but climb unto the space marine and then act as a gunner from the top?
MAPBoardgames: You know, Guardsmen have some cajones. It takes some stones to go into battle with naught but a flashlight and a lowest-bidder provided flakjacket.
QuantumTwitch: the size difference between a normal man and a space marine is staggering.
ggodopaste: @Nigouki That is downright Orky
ggodopaste: I want the hobbits
Desruprot: @QuantumTwitch and Custodes (the personal guard of the Golden Throne) are even larger
MWGNZ: im looking forward to proxying the ratlings with grotz
Nigouki: all I'm saying is that huge backpack we have has room to seat at least two tiny dudes
Cptasparagus: I remember when everyone was mad that there was a female cadian commander in this game, I thought of your theory that Space Marines are all trans masc
malsareus: Space marines are all pretty sexless
malsareus: think of them as masc beef jerky
Desruprot: at this time of year?
I was just thinking that
Lobo_Apache: Didn't that happen in one of thr early HH books?
Desruprot: I think there was lore about a human that was able wear the Suit.
silenceaux: Space marine dance class is now in session. Everyone please match with a tyranid of appropriate size.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: does it count if you miss four times
that sounds like heresy talk Cam
malsareus: the Meltaguns feel kinda weedy
ThePixelSavage: @malsareus its the second best gun in the game though
MAPBoardgames: We secretly replaced Cam's meltagun with a paint cannon. Let's see if he notices.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: which is the best gun in game?
MAPBoardgames: The one what kills the xenos.
ThePixelSavage: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn for Lethal PvE Boltgun with grenade launcher on the tactical
snowewolf: why did that stomp not breach the Blue explosive container ?
Strebenherz: it looks like a very fun cathartic game
ThePixelSavage: its even cooler friends @chat
ThePixelSavage: *with friends
silenceaux: You're part of a squad for a reason
silenceaux: so you have to coordinate / move with respect to that.
ThePixelSavage: also ... its imperative to use the terrain to your advantage. i see many people just rushin ginto a big swarm and just pushign ahead ... ending up dead
ThePixelSavage: break LOS for the shooty enemies and fall back to terrain you know is empty already
ThePixelSavage: draw them in
snowewolf: it was made by the Game devs who made World War Z game - and that had really good hoards
Strebenherz: where helldivers spoofs it, this plays it straight?
TheAwkes: 300*******
malsareus: it's made of cheese
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MAPBoardgames: We are going to fly around in a cathedral-shaped STONE space ship
silenceaux: If everyone is going to chew the scenery, it might as well taste good
ThePixelSavage: @Strebenherz its much a less a meta critique the universe itself takes itself very serious. Its us looking in from the outside making the differentiation
Invitare: I feel CofE lacks the necessary ostentation for that
Invitare: it's more just catholocism
Invitare: CofE is very plain
Sethalidos: it's bewinged baby meat
gualdhar: Lutherans get kinda close
malsareus: compared to the catholic church? it's hard to match the catholics
Invitare: I suppose I'm thinking relatively.
Invitare: to the Catholics
snowewolf: the problem with the Cherubs in 40K - i can see us doing that - the ICherub does everything an iphone can do but now it can bring you coffee and Praise the Omni Sire
MWGNZ: having a monarch as your head of religion is pretty up there
ThePixelSavage: we have both reactions. its not so much getting used to but allowing the fantasy to become real for a while. its immersion
Invitare: and Ork language is football hoolican
ThePixelSavage: the point is not to get immeresed so far to end up like ArchWarhammer
ButterBall000: I'm liking the muscly war bois more than I thought
MWGNZ: nothing in 40k is aspirational
ThePixelSavage: its not even aspiorational for its founder the Emperor
ThePixelSavage: *aspirational
@ButterBall000 Orks are cool
ButterBall000: Plan epsilon
snowewolf: the Latin and English divide in the game could be based on the UK Classism - think the upper class still learn Latin in school
malsareus: condensed ashes
ButterBall000: We ran out of english letters
MAPBoardgames: Letters are for plans.
malsareus: oh yeah, Guilliman's response to the 40K imperium books shows that clearly
malsareus: Bobby G is SO DISAPOINTED when he sees Tera
Gildan_Bladeborn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months, currently on a 111 month streak!
Gildan_Bladeborn: Warhammer 40K is rad as hell... precisely because it's "everything bad about medieval society (or the cultural perception of it) + modern society, cranked up to 11 and IN SPAAAAACE". You should never ever want to live in 40K or have reality reflect it.
Thanks for subscribing, Gildan_Bladeborn! (Today's storm count: 23)
Invitare: I'm not sure the Imperium is "perpetuated"
Lobo_Apache: The winners of the Horus Heresy could arguably be the Gods of Chaos, but their victory is the loss for all that could be considered good or human
xantos69: So... exactly like how we Americans live every day?
goombalax: I definitely came here for the talk
Strebenherz: americanism in space forever?
Strebenherz: imperialism ish?
Strebenherz: something
Invitare: oh god never use the words "Thatcher" and "Forever" in the same sentence again
Strebenherz: pft
Invitare: the entire North just cried out in terror
wildpeaks: @Invitare oh yeah that's a horror story prompt for sure
ThePixelSavage: Thatcher had a hand in making this world as mean as it is though. that is why we have an obligation to piss on her grave
snowewolf: Thatcher Closed the Space mines and wont let us Clam Job seekers allowance
Gildan_Bladeborn: Or - and it's almost certainly the case - "they don't read much 40K fiction".
Invitare: @wildpeaks actually it just occured to me that you could use them in combination with the words "burning", "in" and "hell"
Mollylele: thank you for both talking and simulating
sephsays: but hopefully not the horrible space future!
MAPBoardgames: Thank you for the stream and discussion.
wildpeaks: @Invitare ohh, good point
Gildan_Bladeborn: So much of the setting is the antithesis of what the "we wish they weren't also interested in this hobby" folks despise.
SnackPak_: Adam getting the drop on Wheeler with UFO 50
wildpeaks: as is tradition
Invitare: I believe it's finally time to battle Lando Calirisian
Gildan_Bladeborn: *I think I used a double negative in that last sentence.
TheMerricat: yet
couchboyj: Adam played afair amount of UFO 50 on his home stream too
ThePixelSavage: Foundations came out of left field, I have not even heard of the cards that will be legal until AT LEAST 2029 until last week
goombalax: Not a top to twink
Cptasparagus: horse club featuring a live horse!
MAPBoardgames: I've almost got enough Elerium together to run the time machine to send another AtmosFEAR game back in time.
Strebenherz: Not a drop to thrink has been exceptional, it's awesome seeing y'all at it again
BusTed: 🧛
terribleplan: Troit a Trop to Trink
Cam, how many takes did you cut out before nailing the pre-pre-release info this time ?
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
first try
silenceaux: ok bye
couchboyj: Yes sir o7
Strebenherz: o/
DoodlestheGreat: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: UFO 50) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (28m from now).
Thefluffiestguineapig subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months, currently on a 19 month streak!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Many months in a community that's great? That's worth celebrating
Thanks for subscribing, Thefluffiestguineapig! (Today's storm count: 24)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Anyone else ready to be disappointed in Adam's continued no-romo policy? (Also just excited for more of this sweet game)
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