MAPBoardgames: IT would be hilarious if Adam uses the ITYC intro tonight.
matthaus_c: Is This Your Adam's Gamehaus
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sometimes I struggle to figure out what is and what isn't planned out of Adam's bits
LoadingReadyRun: I don't plan anything
LoadingReadyRun: vibes
itira: tqsPlume
LoadingReadyRun: nice pokemon nerd
itira: ima tell TQ you said that
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey, some of us are full on dorks and nerds
Bobtheninjagoldfish: So what is Adam "Drive it like you stole it" Savidan planning for this evening?
matthaus_c: there is no plan just like there is no fridge
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this an Adam solo stream? Is Ben ok?
Juliamon: Ben is post-travel quarantine
Bobtheninjagoldfish: ben's likely still on the way back from vegas
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ah, right, I forgot he went to the oven to play MtG
MAPBoardgames: lrrSIG lrrSPOOP lrrSIG
SnackPak_: lrrSIG lrrSPOOP lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrSPOOPY lrrSIG
quasi79fu: u.f.o?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, now I need to google this game because I've got no idea
SmithKurosaki: @Thefluffiestguineapig Its amazing
baltimore_667083: oh hey no refresh needed tonight
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hold on, is this the game with ten billion mini games in it?
MungoDude subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
MungoDude: 52 months? that's almost a year!
SmithKurosaki: yews
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MungoDude! (Today's storm count: 25)
niccus: most of them are not mini games
MungoDude: @Thefluffiestguineapig 50 minigames, but each game is a good game, hardly mini
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MungoDude Don't some of the sub games have sub games?
quasi79fu: sub games?
quasi79fu: Up periscope?
matthaus_c: every time you press a button it resolves shahrazad
itsr67: highly recommend to get this game
itsr67: it rules
MungoDude: @Thefluffiestguineapig yeah I think there's like prototype versions of each game and stuff, and a bunch of secrets
Thefluffiestguineapig: @quasi79fu What was that game from a few weeks ago? With the giant headed divers and police?
quasi79fu: murky divers
Thefluffiestguineapig: Right! Thanks quasi!
matthaus_c: you've been down too long in the midnight sea
Strebenherz: i heard that
Strebenherz: i think
quasi79fu: i feeel as if i should apologize for being silly in chat
Thefluffiestguineapig: @matthaus_c If by "midnight sea" you mean "study hole for parasitology" then yes!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @quasi79fu Nope, you're all good
baltimore_667083: @matthaus_c oh, what's becoming of me?
DudelidouX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DudelidouX! (Today's storm count: 26)
MungoDude: lrrSPOOPY
Nigouki: hallo
BusTed: Evening
baltimore_667083: hi adam!
quasi79fu: now thats a jumpscare lol
itsr67: g'd evning
itira: good evening
SmithKurosaki: Hi Adam :)
itira: oooOOoohhHH NooOOooo
shendaras: seabatClap
matthaus_c: you can if you're not a coward
raulghoulia: I've been stuck with worse
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hello Adam!
hurricanealpaca subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
hurricanealpaca: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrSPOOPY
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hurricanealpaca! (Today's storm count: 27)
e_bloc: Corgo100 Corgo100 Corgo50 lets go UFO50
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I'm out of doubloons. Will you take a piece of eight?
saucemaster5000: Quick, start giving to the posture fund
AutumnRayne92 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AutumnRayne92! (Today's storm count: 28)
SnackPak_: monetary support, not lumbar support
underhill33 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 96 months, currently on a 96 month streak!
thatguysteve2709: Hello spoopy people
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, underhill33! (Today's storm count: 29)
Bobtheninjagoldfish: adam sitting like this is the whole reason I Joined the patreon several years ago
WitchyTQ: who made fun of my pokemon??
matthaus_c: no one
SnackPak_: get his ass, TQ
TheOneCalledStu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months, currently on a 115 month streak!
TheOneCalledStu: spoops time
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheOneCalledStu! (Today's storm count: 30)
itira: it was Adam
Makrosian_Tay: The Classrooms?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Get him TQ!!
itira: fuck off pal LUL
BusTed: tqsHmph
itsr67: LUL
itsr67: DinoDance
quasi79fu: sounds retro
saucemaster5000: god this collection slaps
MungoDude: tanukidanDance
niccus: one of them
Kipstar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kipstar! (Today's storm count: 31)
SmithKurosaki: It's a lot
BusTed: rayfkWelp
itsr67: this game sells itself really easy
matthaus_c: the vibe of 50 games in 1 is so unrivaled
goombalax: 1988! its as old as me
Strebenherz: that bad huh?
quasi79fu: i seee egggg
MAPBoardgames: I've never heard of this game.
quasi79fu: caterpilllar
e_bloc: already bought it
SmithKurosaki: Also, Hoping you play mooncat because you will likely enjoy the weirdness that it is\
Wolfstrike_NL: The spooky thing is CaPaTaLiSM
quasi79fu: snek
Strebenherz: i mean the art's really cute
JusticeJuice: I did.
TheMerricat: I've got a fix for that. i'm broke.
saucemaster5000: it's 50 full games, made by indie devs over the course of 8 years
quasi79fu: tomato?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheMerricat Same!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: !game
LRRbot: Currently playing: UFO 50
raulghoulia: outlaw game as a treat
korvys: Why are some of them dark?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Adam quiet for anyone else?
saucemaster5000: I finally got into grimstone. It takes a minute
niccus: mooncat looks so normal but plays like such a gremlin, you don't get to see it as a watcher
SmithKurosaki: House Party is my favourite
quasi79fu: frog
n3ther: Adam is never quiet Kappa
quasi79fu: feesh
prince_infidel: Adam is not quiet
Orxolon: good evening every1
korvys: No, he's just... subdued
MAPBoardgames: Loud boi is loud and clear.
SmithKurosaki: Purple: Not Played, Cyan: Played, Gold: 'Completed'
itsr67: LOL
itira: Adam will start screaming soon im sure
e_bloc: party house is solid
Orxolon: hello Adam,hello chat
matthaus_c: gotta get up to get down
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sorry, I shouldn't have accused Adam Sassidan of being quiet
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
itsr67: self mawp
NotCainNorAbel: well it was 50-50
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: I just got here. why no Ben? what is other game?
saucemaster5000: I'm a big fan of warptank
quasi79fu: good graphics
quasi79fu: Rocky HOrror Picture show?
hypergirlie_hyperpop: ben's dead and this is how he wanted us to mourn @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
TheMerricat: @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff Ben is probably quarantining since they just got back from Vegas.
itsr67: ooooOOOo
quasi79fu: did you just run over someone?
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
SnackPak_: ooooOOOOooo
n3ther: so spooked
itira: i am
n3ther: much scare
rosesmcgee: I was born scared
saucemaster5000: I'm calling my mom
raulghoulia: is this that Sega CD game?
Mazrae: Too scared might leave now
MAPBoardgames: Not for cardiac people
itira: not the dread
Thefluffiestguineapig: Scenes of dread
matthaus_c: im just a baby
frank_the_great: Can't believe this was made in 1988
quasi79fu: mom he callled me a baby
BurgerGamer: ok bye
KWardJenx: Not ready for this.
quasi79fu: Oh this feeels like Maniac Mansion
quasi79fu: or Day of Tentacle
korvys: Someone's been eating chili
e_bloc: oh I love this already
Kentosaurus: get ye flask
itsr67: lets nope is also in a really weird spot w/ the text if you wanna change it now
matthaus_c: have you ever tried dog food? do you /know/ it's bad?
quasi79fu: bugs
MacbethSeemsSus: That lightbulb's moments from dying.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kentosaurus You cannot get ye flask
raulghoulia: go west
quasi79fu: also reminds me of Shadowgate?
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c Want some recipes?
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 only if you cook them for me PrideUwu
itsr67: LUL
SnackPak_: so smart
matthaus_c: pride off? but it's not even June
itira: natures crowbar?
itsr67: very smart
saucemaster5000: Some?
frank_the_great: LEt me at them
silenceaux: Hateful, incorrect people.
notthepenguins: Spoons, from nature
Strebenherz: those people are incorrect
twistedsylvan: If it's stupid and it works, it aint stupid
matthaus_c: your brain is so large
Thefluffiestguineapig: Those people are provably incorrect
itira: "i grew this spoon in my garden!"
korvys: Nature's crowbar, the spoon
dragonwarrior000: dream big
Mollylele: don't skip brain day
gualdhar: Adam has so many spoons he can't hold them all
LowUpsideCJ: What's up Adam and chat
groulux: I was at the cofee shop earlyer and everyone was saying that
itira: tqsSpoon
quasi79fu: welll that was helpful lol
saucemaster5000: it's that easy
NotCainNorAbel: not with a hairpin
Kramburger: Morning chat, morning Adam
SnackPak_: some locks are that easy to pick
notthepenguins: It could be a very bad lock
itsr67: podcast skipped
30teracyte: no podcast today
Thefluffiestguineapig: You need two hairpins I think
Kramburger: I was expecting a podcast
e_bloc: 1 out of a million shot
Kentosaurus: people need to learn to be punctual
itira: i mean. we can talk about horseshit if you want
Kramburger: What'd I miss
silenceaux: Solo podcast kinda tricky...
matthaus_c: pretty sure that's the meta
Thefluffiestguineapig: No podcast, Adam is wrecking the Let's Nope meta
feet2big: yeah, where was my 45 minute podcast before game?
saucemaster5000: wdym horseshit
dimeadozent: its only horse shit if we didnt like it
therepoman__: Howdy
MAPBoardgames: It's a reward for the true fans.
frank_the_great: Simply call Ben and put him on speaker /jk
Faulpyr: Straight into the spoops
itsr67: heya repo
raulghoulia: I'm spooked
dimeadozent: we gobble it up like oreos
itsr67: aim for his crooked b r o w
therepoman__: da binky?
saucemaster5000: free shrooms?
MacbethSeemsSus: I eat the fungus.
matthaus_c: my favourite new magic card, shroofus sproutsire
Thefluffiestguineapig: @matthaus_c Subtype of next Un-set is shrooms
SnackPak_: we're rich!
matthaus_c: free money
LowUpsideCJ: you think the teal paint has lead in it?
frank_the_great: We're rich!
LowUpsideCJ: pretty scary
e_bloc: deja vu vibes
patrick_stonecrusher: 16c
NotCainNorAbel: breaking and entering and now larceny
niccus: pilz here
Nigouki: yeah that's a murder doll
saucemaster5000: Tag yourself I'm the doll
itsr67: ah shit nuclear family
itsr67: spooky
Thefluffiestguineapig: @LowUpsideCJ If this is in the US and the house was built before 1975? Probably
raulghoulia: are we in Duskmounre?
BusTed: 🤔
GasCityGaming: I'm cushion 2
frank_the_great: The thing above the log?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @raulghoulia Well we did hit something weird in the road and it's storming
goombalax: hes from the city its all electric heating
SmithKurosaki: @GasCityGaming Ready to be rotated?
saucemaster5000: I thought vine ended
Nigouki: wait a minute, this is just Choose Your Own Adventure With Adam!!!
frank_the_great: LUL
MAPBoardgames: Nothing is above the Lawg
saucemaster5000: Stopped by tiktok
GasCityGaming: @SmithKurosaki bus yeah!
matthaus_c: I know plenty of adults stopped by tiktok
LowUpsideCJ: find another hairpin they can do anything
Nigouki: if this was a proper old game it would take the coins away and softlock you
quasi79fu: i like the chandelier
matthaus_c: ngl I didn't get the impression it's very dark
Tangsm: Mildew? Those are mushrooms.
quasi79fu: when do we get to seee Dr Frankenfurter?
saucemaster5000: time for poopies!
matthaus_c: but do you take your shirt off when you go to the toilet
Thefluffiestguineapig: Airplane toilets do
e_bloc: its australia mate
raulghoulia: we are not James Sunderland
MAPBoardgames: If this was MTG you could combine your items to get Nickel-Bowl-es.
DrLigmaPhD: My toilet is a high pressure vaccum
itsr67: its MEEE
BusTed: eeew
saucemaster5000: the toxic avenger?
LowUpsideCJ: It single?
quasi79fu: sorrrry occcupied
meepsalot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, meepsalot! (Today's storm count: 32)
notthepenguins: Musta been a fun guy
frank_the_great: We found twitch chat
MAPBoardgames: This dude seems like a Fun-Guy!
matthaus_c: bet you could just snap that finger off
Xed_Regulus: Asking nicely?
betweenmyself: I consider myself a pretty *fun guy* but I ain’t getting in that tab with mister dead guy here. pennyWhat
frank_the_great: If it were me, I would kick the ring off
Thefluffiestguineapig: @frank_the_great I dispute that, the ring is too valuable for most of us poor chat troglodites
quasi79fu: imagine taking a bath with that mummy
RealDarkAdamo: butter in the kitchen?
quasi79fu: lightning
Level_8_Mudcrab subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Level_8_Mudcrab! (Today's storm count: 33)
groulux subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, groulux! (Today's storm count: 34)
quasi79fu: dammit cheryl
matthaus_c: Jeopardy? airing thursday nights on NBC?
swaggytaco: :|
quasi79fu: lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is the relaxing tea fungus?
frank_the_great: 'relaxation
niccus: yeah, you gift those
saucemaster5000: Southern Comfort -- the relaxation tea
NotCainNorAbel: the permanent relaxing tea
MungoDude: is this kombucha still ok?
quasi79fu: battteries in the bedrooom
matthaus_c: oh no not battery gameplay
quasi79fu: ayo?
MAPBoardgames: Found batteries. We are now just a Key and a Generator from this being a true horror game.
MacbethSeemsSus: Relaxation Tea: add ambien to hot water
groulux: I am goint to go get some relaxation gummies and be right back.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MungoDude If you have to ask the answer is no
spo8n: i bet you keep the relaxation tea in a jar!
NotCainNorAbel: no one likes sticky
matthaus_c: sensing a fungal theme. just a hint.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: where else would one keep the tea ?_?
patrick_stonecrusher: Man car door hook hand
quasi79fu: house has a shroom problem
quasi79fu: is that a hatch in the ceiling?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn In a tupperware container but again, I'm poor
raulghoulia: beat me to it
BusTed: bamboozled by the decorative knob
matthaus_c: we can say that about you, you can't say that about you
quasi79fu: Yay Tea
saucemaster5000: the 90s mario bros movie told me I should trust the fungus
frank_the_great: I've seen Pulp Fiction, so yes
saucemaster5000: (It doesn't matter reading them out of order)
NeoOfTheDark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NeoOfTheDark! (Today's storm count: 35)
BurgerGamer: if they wanted us to read it in order, they'd have given the pages in order
LowUpsideCJ: 3 and 4 are about taking a bath after eating asbestos
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 RE7 told me not do
quasi79fu: uh oh
quasi79fu: Feeed the cold..shroooms
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uhhhhhhhhhhh
PharaohBender27: sparkl171Uhoh
patrick_stonecrusher: Los drogas
MAPBoardgames: Starve a fever, feed a flu drug-laced tea
quasi79fu: yay more tea
betweenmyself: “This relaxation tea is so good it should be illegal!”
quasi79fu: its growing on him
LowUpsideCJ: sippin on my musky tea
NotCainNorAbel: slumming it
e_bloc: this would be so much better as audio logs lrrBEEJ
silenceaux: Oh no having to wipe glass at waist height
PharaohBender27: @MAPBoardgames FYI, the "starve a fever" thing is BS
LowUpsideCJ: give the kids some tea it's pretty good and will relax them
matthaus_c: kids should have been tilling the fields
MungoDude: darn kids in the 80s, always being childish
quasi79fu: The Happening
raulghoulia: kids from my generation didn't do kid things
goombalax: imagine only having one day of housekeeping per week
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PharaohBender27 Dangerous BS, always stay hydrated
PharaohBender27: Um
silenceaux: uh oh
quasi79fu: hello?
betweenmyself: kid things like “not paying taxes” and “not hurting for two weeks because you slept funny one night”
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
MacbethSeemsSus: He's in the naughty corner
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
Thefluffiestguineapig: !adult
LRRbot: Sorry, Beej is unavailable.
Strebenherz: WHELP
Invitare: it's not that large
BusTed: run awaaay
MAPBoardgames: Leave it to Cleaver!
quasi79fu: not fwiend
Astramentha: :0
n3ther: i've seen larger cleavers
matthaus_c: just win
Thefluffiestguineapig: RUHNNN
SnackPak_: cheese it!
PharaohBender27: tqsSweat
BusTed: NES Friday the 13th vibes
30teracyte: what a gamer
saucemaster5000: GAMER
PharaohBender27: FBtouchdown
matthaus_c: gaming
NotCainNorAbel: gamer
LowUpsideCJ: the goart
Thefluffiestguineapig: DBD skill checks?
raulghoulia: the best there ever was
frank_the_great: He's the boshy
quasi79fu: POkeeemonnn
quasi79fu: drink it?
MAPBoardgames: Chug! Chug! Chug!
saucemaster5000: god he's so smart
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do we dissolve the body?
Thefluffiestguineapig: MolDok?
LowUpsideCJ: the drain cleaner actually is the tea
Kipstar: use the drain cleaner to clean the ring off
Thefluffiestguineapig: That seems sus in terms of the name
quasi79fu: birb
MacbethSeemsSus: Freezer note?
neisan2112 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, neisan2112! (Today's storm count: 36)
quasi79fu: mooon
LowUpsideCJ: man even the fungus killer can afford a pool
goombalax: why does the drain cleaner look like baja blast
itsr67: yems?
saucemaster5000: What if we don't lichen them back?
Invitare: surely there are sticks in the bush?
betweenmyself: Surprised Lions! riffYarnLion
quasi79fu: lawnmower
Nigouki: pour the bleech into he pool, get Ypres
quasi79fu: shrooms
Mathwyn: Is this Adam's dream house?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I wonder if we can use the hook to reach into the pool
Invitare: why would you CARRY the lawnmower? It has wheels
Invitare: it's designed to be pushed
quasi79fu: treee
MAPBoardgames: "Hey Adam, how do I get to your bathroom?" "You'll need to arrange the 4 gems in the lion's mouths..."
betweenmyself: @thefluffiestguineapig not with our stubby arms, no
frank_the_great: They got out pretty easily, and the bathroom was unlocked
itira: dream house, maybe with less murder?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @betweenmyself Fair, as a 5'0" person I face this problem constantly
quasi79fu: is this Poison IVys house?
PharaohBender27: Nnnno, not Baxter!
quasi79fu: 07 Baxter
Astramentha: :(
Thefluffiestguineapig: @quasi79fu Too many mushrooms
Strebenherz: Not baxter!
raulghoulia: not Baxter!
MAPBoardgames: lrrSPOT duskvRip
Thefluffiestguineapig: Noooooooo!!!!!!
saucemaster5000: sounds like charlie and becky are cowards
JusticeJuice: Rent that turns only being turned into murder fungi, sounds decent.
betweenmyself: BAXTER! riffGasp
niccus: skill issue
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can we cut the vines off the thing?
quasi79fu: last of us house?
MAPBoardgames: Handprints on the glass, didn't he say in a jounral entry he was going to clean that ?
MacbethSeemsSus: I'm sure it's fine Baxter's grave is covered in mushrooms.
PharaohBender27: "Bouquet of mildew and motor oil" is a heck of a smell image
raulghoulia: how big are your pockets?
quasi79fu: yay crowbar
itsr67: the crowbar, nature's crowbar
saucemaster5000: how are you holding this muc h stuff
SnackPak_: god's perfect tool, the crowbar
PharaohBender27: D:
quasi79fu: uh oh tetnas
quasi79fu: we ded
Nigouki: remember to get your tetanus boosters
Invitare: well here comes tetanus
GasCityGaming: do we have our tetanus shot?
patrick_stonecrusher: Note by window
saucemaster5000: oh my bad
MAPBoardgames: It all fits in his inventory.
betweenmyself: Jansport… top shelf
Mathwyn: Duct tape the ultimate problem solver
saucemaster5000: this is why your the High Emperor of Mensa, and I'm the court jester
itira: shoutout to call the kids that keep all the contents of their locker in their backpack at all times
itira: all*
quasi79fu: oh poor Baxter
quasi79fu: dammit Cheryl
Invitare: why give an animal tea??
SnackPak_: o/
saucemaster5000: My locker had moldy muffins
itira: mine was pristine because i never used it
raulghoulia: I have a dirty locker now
Sethalidos: wow this is reminding me heavily of 7th guest
n3ther: dirty??
Invitare: we didn't have lockers
30teracyte: what qualifies as dirty
spo8n: o7
DrLigmaPhD: Nightmare
hypergirlie_hyperpop: My high school didn't get lockers :)
gibbousm: oh no!
quasi79fu: me
gualdhar: it wasn't dirty, it was "cluttered"
LowUpsideCJ: clean locker disaster backpack
Strebenherz: @Invitare i don't think mushroom man was a smart person
e_bloc: dirty as in five reems of random ass paper
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean, depends, do you count old homework as dirty?
Uzumaki15: I was homeschooled so I didn't have a locker
quasi79fu: hahahahaha
Mathwyn: No locker unless you paid for one in my aussie school
n3ther: lmao
itsr67: LUL
silenceaux: He cut down the drapes!
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Fun Fact: When I was i school, English school didn't have lockers, you had to take books to and from school and lug them around all day rather than store them between classes.
NekomimiNinja: lmoa
saucemaster5000: hell yeah
raulghoulia: he cut the curtains!
quasi79fu: what a way to die
Strebenherz: Gottem
Astramentha: o7
BurgerGamer: o7
betweenmyself: I opened my 8”x8”x6” high school locker all of once
LowUpsideCJ: You got the axe! Darius wins!
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
MAPBoardgames: The curtains! Our flawless strats!
e_bloc: F
matthaus_c: I live, I die, I live again!
gualdhar: groundhog's day baby!
Thefluffiestguineapig: We RE7?
Strebenherz: that's... a really decent way to do it
raulghoulia: you got turned into a Jill sandwich
Sethalidos: yep just like 7th guest. random deaths for no reason
MAPBoardgames: It can. Depending on what's plugging it.
quasi79fu: bye tweeezers
hypergirlie_hyperpop: adroitly, good word
SnackPak_: spooky basement time
itira: uh oh giant fingies
saucemaster5000: Holy shit he's so smart steven hawking is apologizing for getting it wrong
Mathwyn: Detroitly plucked
Nigouki: time for Shrimp Stream
raulghoulia: if you have time to lean you have time to clean
matthaus_c: everyone to gremlin posture
e_bloc: pants off baby
quasi79fu: do we want to cut finger offf?
Invitare: a knife is a tool of perfect angles
Strebenherz: have you triedd the hook?
saucemaster5000: @quasi79fu Gotta eat something
quasi79fu: ahahhahaha
PharaohBender27 disobeys matthaus_c's command
matthaus_c: have you tried gently kissing the finger
MungoDude: ah the crowbar, nature's spoon
Robot_Bones: Got time to lean, you time to stream
gualdhar: but have they thought of why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?
Mathwyn: Kiss the ring
TheAlanHeffley subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheAlanHeffley! (Today's storm count: 37)
Strebenherz: fingers crossed
spo8n: @MungoDude who me?
saucemaster5000: I'm terrified
matthaus_c: quaking in my boots
Strebenherz: it's charming, it's nicely made
Mathwyn: Terrified
BusTed: love to classic game
silenceaux: I'm interested.
saucemaster5000: Call me prof. Pisspants
e_bloc: lovin it
LowUpsideCJ: so scared that i ran back into the room with the killer
betweenmyself: I shat myself three times already… Unrelated riffYeti
quasi79fu: im intrigued
LowUpsideCJ: @saucemaster5000 no
raulghoulia: lightning? they've thought of everything
quasi79fu: burn the house down
MAPBoardgames: lrrSPOOP so very spooped!
matthaus_c: the lightning effect is pretty lit Kappa
saucemaster5000: @LowUpsideCJ Pweeeeeze lrrAWW
frank_the_great: spoopy
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 pissmaster5000
saucemaster5000: matthaus you know I'll do it
spo8n: key on celar dor
quasi79fu: use the spooon
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Kipstar: poppin off!
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 that's why I keep challenging you
matthaus_c: oh that's awesome
MacbethSeemsSus: Oh no, good game.
Strebenherz: that's relally nicely made
quasi79fu: the call is coming from inside the house
Nigouki: is the NES actually capable of such an effect?
Ravensfest subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ravensfest! (Today's storm count: 38)
SnackPak_: you unlock that door after you ring the first bell lrrBEEJ
MungoDude: QOL: the dotted line on the map shows which way you came into the room from
betweenmyself: I imagine the key is for a hidden “key party ending” to determine whether you go home with bathtub mummy or pool guy. riffThink
quasi79fu: the tea
matthaus_c: the tea is ivermectin
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh no
Strebenherz: in the same tone as "THE CLAW"
LowUpsideCJ: tale as old as time
schordash: it’s his windex
quasi79fu: oh helll no
Tangsm: He's probably got a garage full of it he's selling
v_nome: You know what will help me relax? THE TEA
quasi79fu: no manequis
Invitare: and that's the tea
spo8n: give masked figure some tea
Diabore: screw off jason we learning lore
MacbethSeemsSus: Who moves a grand piano into an attic?
Timagio: Death
hieroglyphica: I just got back from a 14.5mi round trip (23.3km) scoot! Feeling very accomplished
Nigouki: why can't we just Gordon Freeman his ass? We got a crowbar, fuck him up
NotCainNorAbel: @hieroglyphica nicely done
hieroglyphica: Tho wow, what bussing counts as a bike lane in this city is pathetic
spissmaster5000: @matthaus_c they didn't let me change it to pissmaster....
matthaus_c: @spissmaster5000 the cowards
hieroglyphica: (:
HadesLeprechaun: the room to the right of the entryway let you hide behind the curtains one time I think, but you might need to be like, more than one room away from the monster to trigger hiding?
matthaus_c: I like the workaround tho lmao
Mathwyn: Time to burn the house down
Timagio: The whole tank? Damn
goombalax: you have gas and matches it seems like you can take care of this whole house real easy
Sethalidos: guzzaleen
matthaus_c: ow owie hot ruby ow
baltimore_667083: @Mathwyn Talking Heads approve this action
Thefluffiestguineapig: This room is weird for a house
NotCainNorAbel: seabatBRAIN
itsr67: DinoDance
hieroglyphica: Well that was nice
matthaus_c: do you think the killer gets attr- ah
serramarkov: you have gas and matches, use those on the baddie!
matthaus_c: we just used those :p
schordash: lrrFINE
itsr67: LUL
quasi79fu: bwhahahaha
ZawaAmaz: bushes outside the greenhouse always work I think
niccus: what if you're in a horror movie and you have no object permanence
matthaus_c: skill diff
Diabore: axe-ing you a question
quasi79fu: i swear that looks like a hatch in the ceiling of that white room
betweenmyself: you juked too hard! riffGasp
aWabbajack: imagine being immortal but you feel pain before you die
saucemaster5000: Banger
spo8n: key
itsr67: LUL
Kramburger: Classic joke. It's like Ben's still with us
quasi79fu: hahahahahaha
itira: they comin for ya
LostThePirate subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LostThePirate! (Today's storm count: 39)
Ravensfest: He heard you playing the piano
spo8n: key
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does this asshole appear more and more frequently as you live longer?
A_Dub888: Hi friends, what level of spoop are we tonight?
raulghoulia: watching HBO?
matthaus_c: you could choke a man with piano wire
goombalax: strangling the killer
itira: the hook? maybe?
JusticeJuice: Pool fishing?
LowUpsideCJ: it's not
Timagio: You and a lot of other people
Uzumaki15: Can you combine the wire with the hook maybe?
MacbethSeemsSus: The Wire's top tier
frank_the_great: I started it about a month ago. Seen S1 and S2, bother bangers
LowUpsideCJ: it's deeply compelling
saucemaster5000: I mean, everything is overrated. But I liked the wire
quasi79fu: hahahaha
serramarkov: the key and the spoon can be handles with the wire to make a garrote!
gibbousm: as a transplant to Maryland, I have twice attempted to watch The Wire. I have never made it more than a couple of episodes in
Cptasparagus: my GF lives in Baltimore and I know more about it because she hasn't seen the Wire
quasi79fu: oooh
betweenmyself: The Wire is fine and all, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the perennial HBO classic Encyclopedia riffThink
adept_nekomancer: If you find another source of fire, you could combine it with the wire and then hotwire the car. Kappa
Orxolon: it's ok,i never seen Breaking bad because everyone i know insisted that is the best series of all time
quasi79fu: dammit cheryl
itira: truebestie
Ravensfest: Can you call something over-rated if you've never seen it?
Invitare: didn't you need a stick?
Invitare: pool cues are sticks
saucemaster5000: this is why monogatrons ain't got shit on my polyarmorous prime
Mathwyn: Rich people problems
frank_the_great: He writing down only when he's frustrated. So he's only been mad like 10 times
quasi79fu: what is brown and sticky
saucemaster5000: (Yeah I'm gonna keep saying it)
silenceaux: I think when he lost the job, she wasn't upset about the money. She was upset he would be home all the time now.
frank_the_great: She baptized?
Cptasparagus: she is also teh one who was putting her fist in her mouth lol
Kentosaurus: only took 45 min of stream to get that joke
Makrosian_Tay: Baptized?
baltimore_667083: baltimore mentioned -activates-
Cptasparagus: we've been over this
Uzumaki15: So like is the husband the psycho that's chasing us? Kind feels that way
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 it's gonna make me laugh every time
BurgerGamer: its popular, therefore its probably overrated Kappa
matthaus_c: best state flag
A_Dub888: Adam, you're nice
gibbousm: Maryland is nice. Mostly.
saucemaster5000: I miss baltimore. Really fucking good food
baltimore_667083: inner harbor is honestly one of the greatest places in the world
Mathwyn: The land of marys
e_bloc: can confirm, live in Maryland. come visit any time
Cptasparagus: NO its poop I lived there
baltimore_667083: second only to the ballpark
Diabore: yeah but texas
LowUpsideCJ: the house tim duncan built
Nigouki: only good Baltimore is Azur Lane Baltimore
malackey: You're right, San Antonio rules
matthaus_c: "nice to visit" is the Texas motto
SnackPak_: with his bare hands
neisan2112: @matthaus_c Facts
Scarbble: sorry texas, you've got potential but a lot of people are screwing you up right now
hieroglyphica: I know people who are cool who live there, but yeah Texas is pretty crap right now. Hopefully it bucks up and cares about human rights in the near future
saucemaster5000: baltimore has Berger cookies
baltimore_667083: Oklahoma City has a walmart-brand san antonio riverwalk lmao
spo8n: does anyone else feel like they are being hunted in maryland?
gualdhar: trust me, we've tried pitching them
betweenmyself: can you give us a list of cities you haven’t visited that you assume are overrated? riffYeti
brainbosh: Houston Def
Scarbble: hey i love our walmart brand riverwalk
matthaus_c: @spo8n hold up
adept_nekomancer: @baltimore_667083 "We have riverwalk at home!"
neisan2112: Really depends on where, cus what people call "Dallas" is like 10 cities.
baltimore_667083: @Scarbble as do i
spo8n: @matthaus_c wired nightmares?
spo8n: weird*
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: next we find out what the san antonio of canada is
Timagio: This guy wasn't a very good dad
quasi79fu: Tea solves everything
Invitare: time for tea
Bobtheninjagoldfish: you know I'm starting to think the guy in this jorunal is kind of a dickhead.
matthaus_c: @spo8n oh so it's not like, in your daily life? bronzeLUL
hieroglyphica: Tea solved my caffeine problem! Wait...
raulghoulia: This coming from the guy who's never tried the tea before
Ravensfest: He's the sort of guy who when he makes a mistake instead of admitting he was wrong doubles down on the mistake.
quasi79fu: oooh gem
Sogheim: oh no you have a ruby why did you pick up a ruby?
matthaus_c: teas nuts
itira: did you try the pool room? :P
Uzumaki15: Maybe back in the office/lounge with the jukebox?
Augerboh: the den?
spo8n: @matthaus_c not since I won
matthaus_c: @spo8n hell yeah
betweenmyself: I would duct tape the hook to bathtub mummy and use him to fish the guy out of the pool
saucemaster5000: suck on this, cat
raulghoulia: @saucemaster5000 thank you for using a comma
ElCoggins subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ElCoggins! (Today's storm count: 40)
matthaus_c: @raulghoulia is it really that much better
James_the_Dabbler subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
James_the_Dabbler: Howdy
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, James_the_Dabbler! (Today's storm count: 41)
hieroglyphica: Yeah sometimes commas save us from things
hieroglyphica: It's definitely better
saucemaster5000: suck, on this cat
matthaus_c: suck! on this cat
spo8n: give the doll the knife?
BrowneePointz: Ah! an amazing and talented stylish fella on my screen! how spooky!
Timagio: suck on, this cat.
raulghoulia: suck on, this cat
hieroglyphica: Jinx
A_Dub888: @saucemaster5000 Have I been poisoned and can only get the antidote by milking it?
SquareDotCube: we did try cutting open the doll?
BusTed: ha ha
Kentosaurus: "tea"
itsr67: LMFAO
quasi79fu: Do you want some Tea
silenceaux: Well, agreed on the creep part
Ravensfest: Rude!
SquareDotCube: that's what I thought, what triggers the killer
betweenmyself: Suck on this. Yours Truly, Cat riffDuffy
patrick_stonecrusher: Occupado
matthaus_c: suck on you! cat emperor
spo8n: you could irl
James_the_Dabbler: Is the key not for that lock?
30teracyte: I think you crowbarred the ground and not the lock there
Ravensfest: So far turning on the jukebox, playing the piano and flushing the toilet have alerted Mr Axe-hole.
matthaus_c: we haven't examined the pool
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c I saw them in concert, but it was at a huge sports bar and there was a direct split between folks really into it and regular who were like "wtf?"
Strebenherz: you're not a dummy, the game's just being a bit obtuse
Nigouki: Streamer plz stop talking shit about Adam Savidan
Astramentha: ^
GasCityGaming: ^^
hieroglyphica: Yeah we're Adam stans in this here establishment
quasi79fu: door x?
Augerboh: upper door to the right?
DarknessKingCoH: You do have a key in your inventory
MungoDude: you used the oil on the toolbox in the garage
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 fuuuck that'd be so priceless
Invitare: Pool room!
spo8n: combine the bowl and spoon to make breakfast!
silenceaux: You did get attacked in here pretty quickly, what with the jukebox.
betweenmyself: Details are for the detail-oriented, and Adam’s orientation is not something a game dev should be trying to change… wait… pennyWhat
SmithKurosaki: Because BenBen isn't here - Adam, try it again with more Self Love :)
HondoTrigger: howdy all
quasi79fu: oooh Tea
Strebenherz: "TEA"
Invitare: dead dog tea
Nigouki: oh good we got sold eldrich shroom tea
schordash: scareddd sleepy, right? >;P
SmithKurosaki: lrrFINE
quasi79fu: rip bambi
Strebenherz: of course you touch it
schordash: o7
30teracyte: I thought it was just sticking its head through from the next room
BusTed: had to know it wasn't going to become animated and bite you
A_Dub888: Hold up, "Baxter"? I came in late, did someone kill Graham's cat?
SquareDotCube: uh oh
quasi79fu: you lit up the tv
BurgerGamer: what if you touched it and it wasnt dead
BusTed: baxter was the family dog
Ravensfest: So it's not a live deer that ran it's head through the wall? Illusion ruined
devilcultivator: the deer: yo bro, heard you're looking for the pool cue need so help?
silenceaux: touching SO much grass
Makrosian_Tay: "Touch grass? I'd rather die!"
YFiddler: understandable, really
MungoDude: prosit
quasi79fu: bwesss you
MAPBoardgames: If the killer was a true gamer, you could hide on the ceiling and he'd never see you.
quasi79fu: quack tape
SnackPak_: wow game
30teracyte: video games
matthaus_c: it's cool that it tells you :p
Thefluffiestguineapig: True enemy in this game: commas
quasi79fu: cheryl?
Saintnex: gasp
hieroglyphica: le gasp
Diabore: another one? jeez they just leave bodies where they drop in this house huh
itira: its the wife!
Kramburger: oh noes!!1 an corspe
LostThePirate: progress!
saucemaster5000: is she single?
quasi79fu: shroooms
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 is she baptized?
matthaus_c: is she embalmed
James_the_Dabbler: Hmm
quasi79fu: infected
goombalax: thats not dust bruv
James_the_Dabbler: There is a THING on the back
Invitare: uh oh knife time
quasi79fu: we about to get Last of us
Saintnex: Can we now shovel the killer?
Ravensfest: So is it some kind of mushroom tea? Because there are lots of mushrooms around.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Ravensfest That's the theory currently
quasi79fu: a game theory lol
quasi79fu: bones
matthaus_c: it'd be so funny if the mushrooms were entirely a red herring
betweenmyself: you slowly reel in the floating mound to discover it is a man practicing his snorkeling technique in the pool as an excuse not to interact with his children, whom he suspects of despising him for the long hours he spends at work! You jump in terror!
matthaus_c: resident evil
ProcyonFlynn: Next Question?
raulghoulia: dog likes to party. come home late
YFiddler subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YFiddler! (Today's storm count: 42)
sephsays: the ants will now not rust! huzzah
silenceaux: You also have a bunch of keys shaped like gardening implements
quasi79fu: vines?
quasi79fu: clock?
quasi79fu: im hungry
matthaus_c: some things are /parts/ of keys
quasi79fu: i wanat Tea
itira: you gotta find the keys in the right order to beat the game
silenceaux: Everything is a key, if you can recognize the lock
love_like_you: Adam, or any Canadians in chat, could you describe the taste of tiger tail ice cream for me, please? I know it's orange and black licorice, but which flavor is more dominant? Is it a soft orange flavor or more zesty and bright? I have to make it for a British Columbia themed special menu at work soon and I want to be as accurate as possible
KeytarCat: Oh, the map shows where you entered with a dotted line
BurgerGamer: they aren't vines, they're tiktoks now
Mathwyn: Honesly you should be able to dismantle every object in the house with the tools you have
schordash: i feel like with this many weapons at hand… we should probably be the feared one is this abode now, right?
KeytarCat: Also hi frens!
Sethalidos: why won't it let you smack the killer in the head with the shovel?
goombalax: @love_like_you orange and black licorice
spo8n: the forever mystery is how you pulled a key our of a drain with tweezers while also dropping those tweezers into the drain
Ravensfest: So really bad homebrewed Kombucha. Got it.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mathwyn I think you could even dismantle the house with enough effort
Kentosaurus: @BurgerGamer rip to a real one
raulghoulia: these matches? a key. this shovel? a key. this journal entry? believe it or not, a key
MacbethSeemsSus: Is someone in the window?
NotCainNorAbel: @raulghoulia This key, it goes to nothing
itira: i am canadian, but i have never tried it. so i cannot help you lolol
hieroglyphica: Is it a creamsicle flavor?
quasi79fu: sorry im i the window...was just peeekin in
silenceaux: The black licorice isn't really strong but it is there and provides contrast
Mathwyn: Tastes like tiger tail duh
betweenmyself: Can you describe the taste of frozen treats you have not tried, and then tell us whether or not they are overrated?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @betweenmyself Why only frozen?
itira: first it was ramen
goombalax: I havent had it in like 2 decades but its like 2orange:1licorice
hieroglyphica: We have rainbow sherbet here, and it just tastes like creamsicle generically and I can never tell what fruit it's supposed to be
JusticeJuice: The licorice parts are mixed in and spread out enough that it doesnt overpower.
A_Dub888: Jim Duggan?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @goombalax 30 go to 10?
NotCainNorAbel: hacks rusty things
love_like_you: Okay, that actually does kind of help, the test batch today did taste like a creamsicle with a licorice undertone
Uzumaki15: That probably gets the ring off
raulghoulia: correct. a rusty key
quasi79fu: oh gahd
love_like_you: So I think I'm in the right neighborhood, thank you
goombalax: @Thefluffiestguineapig commander damage ggs?
matthaus_c: that was ben
Mathwyn: You'd think the hedge shears could take off the finger
hieroglyphica: That sounds nice. I have a passport now, I should visit Canada and eat treats
n3ther: Pog
LostThePirate: LUL
silenceaux: The ultimate weapon (WHY)
quasi79fu: crossbow?
BurgerGamer: LUL
ProcyonFlynn: In fairness, in a horror move you probably don't get punished for "using the crowbar at the wrong time"
matthaus_c: jesus christ this family has problems
schordash: StinkyGlitch
Strebenherz: you have so many ways to beat up that corpse
30teracyte: where else would you keep your crossbow?
loufghyslaufey: Cool
Ravensfest: does it have a bolt?
itira: does it have the bolt?
loufghyslaufey: Snatch it
betweenmyself: I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took a crossbow bolt to the ring finger while enjoying a bath.
Patron_of_the_Moon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Patron_of_the_Moon! (Today's storm count: 43)
matthaus_c: it looks loaded
saucemaster5000: in ur butt
schordash: we’re so gonna win! causeiMDoingMyPart
itira: @saucemaster5000 you would
quasi79fu: have we lost the bathroom..i gotta go peee
MungoDude: to help with navigation, the dotted line on the map shows where you came from
Mazrae: I would leave the crossbow under the front mat, next to the house key
hieroglyphica: Look, sometimes you have a crossbow in your chest. One time, while moving, my friends tipped a chest I told them to absolutely not tip on it's side. It may have been full of a knife collection, and they may have tumbled out cause the lock broke the week before
Ravensfest: hacksaw
YFiddler: I see they also had to cut back due to the vase budget
Strebenherz: Gross
quasi79fu: ewww
BurgerGamer: the navigation does seem a bit questionable at times
saucemaster5000: that worked but the shears didn't?
gibbousm: hexaflexagon
quasi79fu: uh oh brain activated
n3ther: neuron activated
matthaus_c: that was the name of that teacher in the bad wizard movie
schordash: SeemsGood
Mathwyn: Hexagone
schordash: cool technology✨
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c michael jackson
matthaus_c: gfdi bronzeLUL
quasi79fu: im enjoying the stream
raulghoulia: I find put put scary
OmnipotentTrevor: Not enough dismembering corpses for you?
Mathwyn: What is the brown thing hanging from the top of the screen in the backyard?
hieroglyphica: I'm still having fun
Larkonus: Maybe it's just going for atmospheric terror.
MacbethSeemsSus: Late for work: "honey have you seen our priceless gems that open the gate?"
silenceaux: It's very much classic horror game, seems fine.
YFiddler: or a grape and a cherry
BrowneePointz: looks like a body bag
matthaus_c: body bag?
quasi79fu: body?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @raulghoulia Adam did mention a while ago any time someone mentioned that he could delay any potential future stream by a month, I think he got tired of hearing about it
betweenmyself: I waste the Gazebo with my Crossbow!
patrick_stonecrusher: This is basically Shadowgate
quasi79fu: ye like shadowgate
saucemaster5000: see there's this gate
Ravensfest: cut it open with the knife?
LowUpsideCJ: It's like this
schordash: together lrrBartleby
aWabbajack: or Uninvited
SquareDotCube: Actually this is more like Uninvited with the theme.
matthaus_c: ok so you know Sonic the Hedg
aWabbajack: by the makers of Shadow Gate
Uzumaki15: Was there something in the bushes by the green house?
Thefluffiestguineapig: What's on the front of that fountain in the yard?
Mathwyn: The lawn mower?
NotCainNorAbel: china cabinet in the dining room?
MacbethSeemsSus: Crush the doll in the vise?
quasi79fu: why cant we just burn the mansion down?
Augerboh: jewelry box?
matthaus_c: it makes perfect game sense
Mathwyn: Maybe you can take the lawnmower apart?
betweenmyself: @squaredotcube not to be confused with the 1988 major Hollywood motion picture Uninvited riffOneMore
Uzumaki15: The lawnmower said any useful parts were secured by bolts that we might be able to loosen with the wrench
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or oil the lawnmower?
spo8n: spoon the doll
Cptasparagus: you're crushable, Adam
MilkInBags: hello big arms
saucemaster5000: surprisingly, this game has multiple solutions/endings, so you can just fuck around and figure it out
MilkInBags: stonks
GasCityGaming: Your arms are huge *all the time*
groulux: Killer knows you have a crossbow.
quasi79fu: oh hai weve misssed you
Thefluffiestguineapig: Crossbow the guy!
Ravensfest: you made noise again
saucemaster5000: MILK be quiet!
BusTed: tqsSweat
Thefluffiestguineapig: SAUCE shut up!!!
betweenmyself: Killer sees your Crossbow, raises you a cleaver tossing trebuchet.
SnackPak_: gaming
matthaus_c: never punished
quasi79fu: omg
MilkInBags: D: sorry i farted
Diabore: safe!
Mathwyn: Adam large? Big if true
hieroglyphica: Adam will never believe us about his arms. I had to measure my partners and get a chart before he'd believe me, it is the way
LowUpsideCJ: footsies
MilkInBags: new moon power
hieroglyphica: @mathwyn genuine lol
saucemaster5000: have you been drinking sleepytime tea?
MilkInBags: you're a Ragabash
matthaus_c: mercury's in re-trog-rade
SnackPak_: them gains
BrowneePointz: I don't know how to tell you this Adam,'re PRETTY darn buff
Timagio: Acquiring mass
LowUpsideCJ: big tree hours
OmnipotentTrevor: This game is reminding me of Maniac Mansion, but that could just be because that was one of the few games of this type I played in that era. Well, that and Deja Vu, but this is much less like that.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Getting those gains
matthaus_c: we gotta solve the lion puzzle, can't just /leave/
Sethalidos: he's been going to the Temple of Swoledin
MilkInBags: bet
matthaus_c: is this killer stupid
devilcultivator: mr. killer...
JKBalch: Is the crossbow loaded?
BurgerGamer: dude's not very fast, is he
Thefluffiestguineapig: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You're showing too much imagination.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: monster: HANG ON! Who gave this person a crossbow? That wasn't in the rules!
saucemaster5000: killer got caught in his own beautiful reflection
ShaneLeeAtk: Wait Here All Day AMA
betweenmyself: the only point and click adventure I put any time into was a Monty Python and the Holy Grail game… It was a tad obtuse pennyWhat
Mathwyn: @shaneleeatk I have a loaded crossbow AMA mr killer
MilkInBags: mods, get ace
itira: we should ban you for lying Adam
saucemaster5000: I haven't seen ace around in a few days
saucemaster5000: I think we finally gottem boys
MilkInBags: get his ass, itira
Mathwyn: I bet the shakes will make you miss the shot LUL
Timagio: Maybe your character just likes to collect dolls.
Sethalidos: gonna laugh my ass off if you use the crossbow on the killer and just win
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
SquareDotCube: I knew it!
Timagio: Nevermind
itira: so smrt
MacbethSeemsSus: Witness!
Ferisar: hello is this house spooky
GGsLive: Doll murderer
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 bans can't keep me down!
SquareDotCube: There's ALWAYS something hidden in the creepy doll
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mathwyn Is your aim based on how much damage you've taken??? Boy that's point and click nonsense if so
LowUpsideCJ: sup ace
saucemaster5000: @AceGun_ Aw fuck! I mean... heyyyy budddy
Ferisar: that's my 10% generator
SquareDotCube: time to run again
itsr67: mods, hug ace
Juliamon: Get ready to crossbow?
therepoman__: Omg Ace lives
AceGun_: No, my weakness!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SquareDotCube Even if it's only justified vengence for all the nightmares
itsr67: LUL
itira: HA i knew it
Nigouki: LOL
matthaus_c: LMAO
empyreon: LUL
Timagio: LUL
YFiddler: "that's my Moo"
MacbethSeemsSus: *sad trombone noise*
GGsLive: let's see that noocch
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Ravensfest: Knew it.
schordash: StinkyGlitch
itira: LUL
schordash: causeiFrames
saucemaster5000: don't need neutch as a zoner smh
Ferisar: didn't have the fuha store.........
A_Dub888: If it's not loaded, why's it strung like it is?!
betweenmyself: anaglyphic glasses with only red lenses actually make everything appear five-dimensional
Thefluffiestguineapig: @A_Dub888 Only making one model?
raulghoulia: who do you think you are I am
LowUpsideCJ: yeah but you love 60% for that one miss
hypergirlie_hyperpop: 99/100 you mean? 'cause you missed one?
JKBalch: Can you load the crowbar into the crossbow?
LowUpsideCJ: *lose
Ravensfest: This sort of game the bolt is always somewhere else.
Nigouki: load the crowbar in to the crossbow
Timagio: 3D glasses without the 3d
loufghyslaufey: And here we thought the game wasn't spooky no more ImTyping
loufghyslaufey: After finding a crossbow, that is
Nigouki: oh, red glasses are for the red marks on the kid's wall for secret message probably
LowUpsideCJ: I love how many murder weapons you've collected but just have to run from the killer
MacbethSeemsSus: There was tv
matthaus_c: they're just red glasses
Ravensfest: Avatar?
Nigouki: play room with drawing on walls
Mathwyn: That wall covered in blood maybe?
spo8n: the shovel is crossbow bolt shaped to
Thefluffiestguineapig: @LowUpsideCJ Obviously only contextual weapons lrrBeej
ZawaAmaz: there it was
Timagio: Oh hang on
Timagio: Yeah there we go
Nigouki: fucking knew it
devilcultivator: that is so stupid
silenceaux: They are directions
Nigouki: but no idea where to go from there lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT
toturi91: first time catching one of these live
Ferisar: adam............
Ravensfest: looks like maze directions
LowUpsideCJ: family circle ass clues
Ferisar: they are directions.......
MilkInBags: by azura by azura by azura, it's a map!
saucemaster5000: see, arrows indicate where to go next
BurgerGamer: ah yes, the secret shimmy shuffle instructions
itira: oooOOooooo
Nigouki: but yeah color light or filteres are a great way to hide messages but still make them easy to see under very specific conditions
schordash: lrrWOW
spo8n: konami code
Thefluffiestguineapig: @toturi91 Welcome! Ben is quarantining after being at GP Vegas so this is nonsense
Timagio: Does the backyard have a hedge maze?
MilkInBags: and yet
n3ther: yes you do
Makrosian_Tay: Has Adam, the larger of the two, finally eaten Ben to gain his strength?
Ferisar: no please
raulghoulia: double dare
silenceaux: Please do not turn this car around
schordash: causeiDied
Strebenherz: triple dare
Bobtheninjagoldfish: @silenceaux he can;t even start the car
LowUpsideCJ: mods, brine this chat immediately
NotCainNorAbel: I thought we were going to ice cream!
jessieimproved: They never turned the car around, all bluster
quasi79fu: dad is gonna turn the stream around if we misbehave
Kramburger: I'll go watch Gamehaus VoDs, that Adam respected chat
MungoDude: how long has it been since we saw another car?
feet2big: Ians pumpkin carving is a pretty good watch.
matthaus_c: mcdonalds mcdonalds mcdonalds
BurgerGamer: @MungoDude about 5 screens
Ravensfest: That teddy has seen some stuff.
James_the_Dabbler: Wish we could get the power on in here
Cptasparagus: we'll be good daddy savidan
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c Don't say it two more times at a mirror
Thefluffiestguineapig: LRRMans is always fun and has cars needing to turn around
James_the_Dabbler: Did shovel on rocks not work?
silenceaux: Are there any keys we haven't used yet
quasi79fu: uhhhm so have we ever figured out the like hatch thing in the white starting room?
schordash: what if we loaded the hedge clippers into the crossbow?? GlitchCat
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 joke's on you I /want/ to summon grimace
MilkInBags: is this game based on famous song 'One of Us Is the Killer' by The Dillinger Escape Plan?
betweenmyself: apropos of nothing, has anybody else caught the ear worm that is Dan da Dan’s opening theme? It is what the youths might describe as “a banger” pennyWhat
James_the_Dabbler: Basement?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @schordash Use the screwdriver to take them apart and have two bolts!!
James_the_Dabbler: Oh
SquareDotCube: probably the clock
schordash: @Thefluffiestguineapig SeemsGood
spo8n: load me into the crossbow?
quasi79fu: key to my heart
James_the_Dabbler: You're missing something... key?
matthaus_c: obvious like directions?
betweenmyself: Adam missing the plainly obvious “second house” that follows him around everywhere, if only he’d turn around
SquareDotCube: here we go agin
GGsLive: that scared me
iris_of_ether: This game legit scared me when I played it
Nigouki: ceiling hole?
Mathwyn: Oh maybe you can cut down the hanging body thing from the 2nd floor?
IanAllenBird: nice of the killer to leave you all your gadgets and whoozits
quasi79fu: see brown square in cieling?
Mathwyn: You can see it out the window
swampcat12: arrived late to the stream but i am already loving these chunky pixels
Trahas: oh man UFO 50 is so much fun
matthaus_c: maybe this is like silent hill and you get the best ending if you take a lot of damage
Nigouki: did we try hacksawing padlocks?
LowUpsideCJ: I bet you could solve it if you had a nice cup of relaxation tea
KeytarCat: My knob is mostly decorative
silenceaux: I'm still confused where those stairs would even go, tbh
Nigouki: @LowUpsideCJ No tea. Trashy Timmies Coffee Only
James_the_Dabbler: Wait
James_the_Dabbler: Chat did he dig up the dog yet
quasi79fu: ye
30teracyte: Yes
MacbethSeemsSus: @James_the_Dabbler Yes
James_the_Dabbler: Okay I was gon
James_the_Dabbler: I figured he had
SquareDotCube: welp
TheMerricat: Has he broken anything yet...
Mathwyn: Can you reach the hanging brown thing from the 2nd story window?
quasi79fu: he has broken his sanity
schordash: causeiFrames
Thefluffiestguineapig: @silenceaux The entire inside of this house confuses me
Strebenherz: Do you want to play another game?
James_the_Dabbler: I know nothing of this game, only remember the dog
matthaus_c: time to start rubbing items on surfaces
GGsLive: you can't run forever. you have to face your fears
silenceaux: @Thefluffiestguineapig It doesn't help that sometimes the viewpoint rotates
MacbethSeemsSus: Oh no he's moonwalking
schordash: LUL
PharaohBender27: tqsSweat
BusTed: never bet against the kid
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is point and click world so sometimes it doesn't make sense, if you want help let us know
Juliamon: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
HadesLeprechaun: oh, hey, I think your cursor turned into a travel symbol in the shed area?
Nigouki: hacksaw lock?
HadesLeprechaun: in the middle
Wolfstrike_NL: "go left"?
quasi79fu: is pizzza a hint
SquareDotCube: have you tried the silver key on the clock?
Cptasparagus: @GGsLive Usain Bolt can run forever!
e_bloc: you can't run forever, but theres nothing wrong with getting a good head start
TheMerricat: You can break some mirrors with a wrench
Nigouki: some locks are shite enough for hacksaws to get through IRL
empyreon: piano wire on clock? (absolute guess)
GGsLive: this is an authentic 80s point-and-click game experience for sure
raulghoulia: go back to the dining room
MacbethSeemsSus: Ring on clock?
schordash: those lions near the gate seem odd. two have colored orbs in their mouths and two are empty
n3ther: nah this is one of those games where it's easy to get stuck. don't feel bad
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Nigouki But this is a point and click game where logic sometimes just turns off
HadesLeprechaun: move your cursor over the hedges in the middle of the area with the shed, I think I saw it turn into a travel symbol
Strebenherz: You're not a dumbass, the game is legit not saying anything
AceGun_: does the instruction manual have a phone number to call for hints?
James_the_Dabbler: There was also a blue box somewhere
LowUpsideCJ: Remember they used to set up phone number help lines for stuff like this
matthaus_c: story of my life, grandfather clock
saucemaster5000: buh... I beat this game but only remember a few things and don't know what you've done already
Scarbble: have we tried to use the hook pole on that bag lookin thing
silenceaux: @schordash We earlier found two gems and put them in the lions' mouths
PharaohBender27: If it makes you feel any better, you're doing probably better than I would
LowUpsideCJ: It was a literal job to know what to do
Mathwyn: I think you can see the hanging brown thing from the 2nd story?
Timagio: @schordash He put the green and red gems into their mouths
TheMerricat: If you haven't broken the mirrors with the wrench yet you probably want to do that.
LostThePirate: @schordash We put the sparkly things in their mouths
schordash: @silenceaux roger! o7
SquareDotCube: There's also the hole in the ceiling at the room we wake up in
SpleenLord: red glasses on the paintings
GGsLive: @James_the_Dabbler Let me check in my issue of Nintendo Power for tips
Ravensfest: I wouldn't beat yourself up over this. Puzzles in Adventure games like this often have very obtuse answers.
silenceaux: EGG
quasi79fu: oh wow
Juliamon: EGG
saucemaster5000: EGG
Timagio: B L U
itsr67: egg
empyreon: EGG
n3ther: LOL
matthaus_c: fabergé egg
SnackPak_: E G G
Nigouki: EGG
Diabore: EGG
Scarbble: call wheeler
Thefluffiestguineapig: E G G
ghizmou: can I offer you an egg in this trying time?
quasi79fu: Egggg
onarampage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months!
schordash: 🥚
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, onarampage! (Today's storm count: 44)
LowUpsideCJ: EGG
silenceaux: Well when we have time, examine the egg
Tangsm: You appreciate the craftsmanship
PharaohBender27: I'm the type who, when playing a Bethesda RPG, will be like, "Wait does this start a quest" and check the wiki :p
James_the_Dabbler: Wheeler would be so proud
WiJohn: Egg
HorusFive: ThankEgg
IanAllenBird: that's where I'd keep my eggs
Ravensfest: hatch it?
MacbethSeemsSus: Vise the egg!
Timagio: Gem 3 of 4 now
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Egg a gem?
quasi79fu: i advise the eggg
Juliamon: You should smash it out of protest. Or vise crush it.
schordash: what CAN’T you do with an egg, honestly~
couchboyj: Eggs are useful in trying times
raulghoulia: this man needs to trim his hedges
saucemaster5000: omelette
saucemaster5000: wdym
feet2big: open egg?
patrick_stonecrusher: GOOP egg
7gorobei: give me back my breakfast
PharaohBender27: A one-egg omelette sounds terrible
silenceaux: So, Hey Chat is no longer in effect
SnackPak_: it what Sonic would want
matthaus_c: cause it's fancy
Mathwyn: Key!
BrindleBoar: too weak
itira: did you try your thighs?
SquareDotCube: not that strong
NimrodXIV: video games!
itsr67: hard boiled
ghizmou: not everyone is as strong as you Adam
quasi79fu: faberge egg
schordash: we’re built different Kappa
groulux: It was a key!
Strebenherz: SEE? You're not stupid, the game's stupid
feet2big: egg vice.
James_the_Dabbler: Weak wrists
Thefluffiestguineapig: @patrick_stonecrusher NO Gweneth Paltrow is a moron and that will do bad things
HorusFive: He's gaming at an increasing level
e_bloc: ceiling egg
saucemaster5000: (so you can break the eggs with objects too, there's more than one solution)
Ravensfest: Cause it was a jeweled egg>
Nigouki: I also bulge with pressure before a gold key falls out
e_bloc: gotta crush it with your thighs
Tangsm: Don't those decorative eggs usually have hinges?
notthepenguins: This game has deep Fighting Fantasy energy
GGsLive: These are very well thought out puzzles. How dare you try to open an egg without using a vise
silenceaux: I do love Izaro, maybe the skeleton emperor can get us out of this somehow.
Ravensfest: clock key
HorusFive: Great- vise used. Can never need it again
SquareDotCube: key would be brass
LowUpsideCJ: okay but if you have to burst it with a vice how did the key get in it
loufghyslaufey: The game got egg stuck in your hand?
SquareDotCube: seems keys correspond to the lock metal
Ravensfest: the box in the kids room>
quasi79fu: lil box in children room?
matthaus_c: @LowUpsideCJ carefully
itsr67: no elp for rn
betweenmyself: I want to make a reference to the PSone Japan exclusive game “EGG”, but I cannot come up with anything witty so… EGG
zombiewillardgibbs: Have you tried the key on the jewelry box in the bedroom?
PharaohBender27: @GGsLive This is some Sierra Games-level "logic"
Timagio: Guys the music box has been done already
quasi79fu: may i suggst u use key on a lock?
loufghyslaufey: Like a "tarred egg?" LUL NotLikeThis ScaredyCat StinkyCheese
itsr67: :o
SnackPak_: ayyy
silenceaux: Oh that's a different room
Timagio: LUL
James_the_Dabbler: Man the number of mushrooms in here is a lot
Nigouki: ayyyy new page
quasi79fu: bed is lumpy
Kaaosa: hello fellow frankensteins
silenceaux: What if it's a golden lock though
SquareDotCube: remove the chair?
GGsLive: party house!
quasi79fu: Tea
raulghoulia: play sabbac on Ben's Outlaw game
MungoDude: pingolf?
GGsLive: lol
matthaus_c: golf would be kinda sick
Kramburger: Spheda time, hell yeah
frank_the_great: There are 49 other games
uneactrice: I just joined the stream. Did you get stuck playing a game of keys????
JusticeJuice: Bushido Ball?
sephsays: 4D golf did seem horrifying
devilcultivator: you know a normal bed mannequin
LurkerSpine: I have had such a hard time trying to cherry party house
itsr67: the children yearn for party house
niccus: there *is* another game in the collection where you punch zombies
PharaohBender27: What about Pajama Sam, the cousin to Putt-Putt?
quasi79fu: hmmm
betweenmyself: Ballz 3D. Gotta brush up on your skills for the eventual OkiOki stream
quasi79fu: use explosives
SquareDotCube: could be worse, you could be playing Adventures of Dr. Franken
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SquareDotCube Or that Mozart game they played on Rhythm Cafe that broke Ian
Nigouki: password is always Buttz
Bobtheninjagoldfish: if we're not careful chat, this is gonna become a Spehda stream
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Nigouki No, sometimes it's DickButtz
quasi79fu: tea treee
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig That, while entertaining, would be a tall order
ghizmou: ironic
MacbethSeemsSus: When else would you play games.
matthaus_c: rich people
raulghoulia: this is yoiur house
BusTed: we're just the clue house
GGsLive: that where secret passages go
niccus: americans are weird, don't worry about it
Ferisar: not so nuclear anymore are we
30teracyte: gotta keep your private toilet to yourself
SquareDotCube: I dunno, why does the Moonbase have a secret bathroom
ghizmou: books let you travel, it's well known
BurgerGamer: to take secret pisses
brainbosh: Panic room?
PharaohBender27: Because secret passages are COOL
schordash: 👀 normal reasons
itira: its a horror game duh Adam duh
Ravensfest: to the secret bathroom obviously. don't you have one?
IanAllenBird: tired of the kids walking in on them pissing
Eille_k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Eille_k: 54, the scariest number
swampcat12: one of those nuclear family parents has secrets 🕵️
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Eille_k! (Today's storm count: 45)
Transmuted_Elf: Adam this is like the bathroom you want in your puzzle mansion
ylegm: My family had a secret passage from one bedroom to others because they unw2ittingly bought a drug house in a bad part of town for cheap
Tangsm: They call it a secret passage, but it's actually just a big hole in the wall
matthaus_c: here leads to the father's goon cave
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Ravensfest Nope, too poor to even have reliable water
betweenmyself: It wasn’t a *secret* to the family, you home invader pennyWhat
Bobtheninjagoldfish: wait are we not the person in the journals?
matthaus_c: sometimes doubt the kid
LowUpsideCJ: mixed
SquareDotCube: ceiling hole!
schordash: LUL LUL LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is that in the ceiling sometime we can do?
betweenmyself: Just once as a goof I wish they’d have the “stay hidden meter” keep traveling in the same direction after a successful hit
schordash: we have so much shit and nowhere to go with it NotLikeThis
ghyllnox: No wonder the killer always finds you, you must be jangling something fierce
quasi79fu: he found the door
30teracyte: @Bobtheninjagoldfish You start out the game driving on a road at night, then you hit something and wake up in this room
PharaohBender27: Game plz
Thefluffiestguineapig: Game
silenceaux: Well that's rude.
schordash: @ghyllnox LUL
KeytarCat: Welp, back up to the secret bathroom
Thefluffiestguineapig: Rub every object on everything
MacbethSeemsSus: This definitely reminds me of old lucasart adventures.
Eille_k: Isn't tea tree oil a fungicide?
SquareDotCube: there's subtle hints on things
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did the TV just turn on?
Ravensfest: The game where you rub everything against everything and try to fluke your way to an answer sort of game.
MacbethSeemsSus: Glasses?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MacbethSeemsSus He just tried those
LowUpsideCJ: it's like when i brute force wordle by saying nonsense words out loud until i hit
JuniperSkunktaur: crossbow against that dude?
matthaus_c: we learned the crossbow isn't loaded
silenceaux: A plate just fell off the wall, this place is weird
Thefluffiestguineapig: @JuniperSkunktaur We don't have a bolt for it right now
Timagio: @JuniperSkunktaur No ammo, pass me rock! I'll chuck it at 'em!
PharaohBender27: @LowUpsideCJ Wordle has really illustrated how unintuitive English pronunciation is.
Uzumaki15: It seems like the killer shows up when you make noise, like turning on the TV, flushing the toilet, opening the garage door etc
swampcat12: running away in a point and click is so strange
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PharaohBender27 English: the "fuck sense" of languages
saucemaster5000: let us know at what point you want direct instructions to get out of this shit
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 I think "hey chat" was activated as the rule
saucemaster5000: nah that's fair
matthaus_c: what are you on about
hieroglyphica: Oh I absolutely did
Ferisar: hey which way to adam's twitch chat from here
pn55 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
LowUpsideCJ: you don't know that though maybe we all used a walkthrough
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pn55! (Today's storm count: 46)
Ferisar: i'm a little lost
betweenmyself: Turns out the car takes you to the really big house where 95% of the game actually takes place riffYeti
Timagio: @matthaus_c Who are you talking about
saucemaster5000: @Ferisar get back on bart and head to martinez
SquareDotCube: back to the bathroom
Ferisar: @saucemaster5000 omw
Ferisar: ty
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Ferisar Go back into the basement with the rest of us trogs
InconsiderateHat: Was there a red thing in the lion's mouth before?
Uzumaki15: Huh... The X on the tapestry in the entry room, maybe that the X on the directions we have
Nigouki: nooo our flushing lured the monster :(
matthaus_c: killer loves the secret bathroom
Juliamon: we put the things in the lion mouths
JuniperSkunktaur: does flushing the toilet make noise for that guy to find you?
SpootyBiscuit: @JuniperSkunktaur yes
saucemaster5000: for the secret poops
MacbethSeemsSus: When you really want privacy while you poop.
ShaneLeeAtk: Secret Bathroom?
hieroglyphica: A real weirdo
quasi79fu: they live in teh wallllls
JuniperSkunktaur: sometimes you just wanna poop in peace
quasi79fu: the people under the stairs
Uzumaki15: The owner wanted to poop in peace
NotCainNorAbel: sometimes you just want a bathroom that no one else is going to use
KeytarCat: What's beyond the secret bathroom
matthaus_c: brought it back home
Transmuted_Elf: Adam isnt that hidden bathroom what you wan for your mansion?
sephsays: for when you want to have a really long shower without being interrupted
SquareDotCube: oh no
quasi79fu: did the secret bathroom have a x on the mirror?
uneactrice: a boo boo
JuniperSkunktaur: mix things in your inventory?
ghizmou: bleach your hair after a bad break up
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cleaning wounds
Sethalidos: cleaning :p
LurkerSpine: in the 80s? torturing children by pouring it into their wounds
raulghoulia: you did cut your finger earlier
InconsiderateHat: I know hydrogen peroxide interacts with blood IRL
NorthstarTex: cleaning
silenceaux: Hydrogen peroxide is general a disinfectant, but I don't think you want to use it on a person directly
SquareDotCube: house is starting to screw you over
JuniperSkunktaur: clean the shower?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @JuniperSkunktaur If we have to do that I'm so mad lrrEFF lrrEFF
schordash: causeiQuack
goombalax: use gas on matches, burn the mother down
matthaus_c: it was mr plum with the candelabra in the secret goon bathroom
feet2big: break the X mirror?
InconsiderateHat: I'll be so mad if so
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig I will credit modern English on two fronts: Only one, gender-neutral definitive article (even though it's a slightly mixed blessing in terms of playing with word order); no verb conjugation difference between "you" (informal) and "you" (formal). Otherwise, a godawful mess of a language
quasi79fu: oh i just remmbered there wete things in the freezer
JuniperSkunktaur: is there another door there?
LowUpsideCJ: lets just smash everything
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PharaohBender27 Yup, those two things and very little else
Nigouki: wait what was written behind the mirror?
SquareDotCube: You know why that's happening right
Nigouki: did we not get to read it?
silenceaux: The bear will protect you
betweenmyself: he heard something break and came to make sure you didn’t slip and hurt yourself
saucemaster5000: this is the double edged sword of UFO50 -- there are modern QoL stuff, but also stuff that is strictly from the past for posterity
SK__Ren: oh, this game is a vibe. Reminds me of the Friday the 13th game but way less toxic
LowUpsideCJ: we keep interrupting when they're trying to poop so honestly it's on us
JuniperSkunktaur: is there a door left of the mirror?
Uzumaki15: Can we use the wire on the wiring in the bathroom?
ghizmou: Can we finish using the bathroom in peace, donL't mind the noise
JuniperSkunktaur: safe code
InconsiderateHat: FBtouchdown
Mathwyn: Is the book in the study gettable?
betweenmyself: dude clearly suffers from IBS and you’re hanging out in his secret bathroom
silenceaux: Gem progress...
Mathwyn: It stands out
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why the fuck is the safe code written in sharpie BEHIND A MIRROR INSTALLED IN A WALL
PharaohBender27: Hold on - this is a large house. Is out killer just killing folks to keep the rent down? :p
JuniperSkunktaur: more stairs up there in the hallway?
itsr67: nah this one eluded me for a while too
matthaus_c: there is so much room for activities
betweenmyself: the rope has been explained!
Nigouki: Nice Deck 😎
Sethalidos: @Thefluffiestguineapig clearly thhis house was built by Umbrella Construction
OmnipotentTrevor: Part of what makes it annoying is that it seems like it might just be quicker to take the hit. Like, I could see a speed runner getting quickly stabbed intentionally.
SquareDotCube: @Thefluffiestguineapig It's a thing, builders used to leave graffiti behind fixed mirrors over a century ago
Juliamon: shortcut unlocked!
silenceaux: Weird ladder to have
silenceaux: Gem. Progress.
ghizmou: we re rich!
LowUpsideCJ: gemmed up
quasi79fu: how many dead people are in this place
Nigouki: FUK
quasi79fu: oh no maze
squ3e: bruh
Strebenherz: welll balls
feet2big: shoulda put the cigar in a lions mouth
SK__Ren: Lost Woods!
JuniperSkunktaur: not a maze!
empyreon: FBtouchdown
Timagio: Time to use the directions
groulux: The maze!
dougma: you thought you were done?
matthaus_c: lost woods baby
Mathwyn: Time for thise directions you got!
NotCainNorAbel: hedge maze seabatClap
LowUpsideCJ: got his ass
ghizmou: at least it's not winter yet
ZawaAmaz: it's only the idea of a maze
Nigouki: wait we have directions!
quasi79fu: do we have directions
30teracyte: :)
Nigouki: the kid drawing!
Juliamon: You have a map
MacbethSeemsSus: But you do have directions
n3ther: adam's worst nightmare
matthaus_c: there's a map
Faulpyr: Nice
empyreon: burn it down LUL
SK__Ren: Get your grid paper and a pencil
n3ther: come to life
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SquareDotCube Graffiti I get, but a safe code is where it loses me. Also this place being built by Umbrella suddenly makes things make so much more sense
GGsLive: Nintendo mazes are the best
Nigouki: BOLT!
JuniperSkunktaur: WINNER
InconsiderateHat: FBtouchdown
niccus: "use item on maze" is very good
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Crossbow bolt
Timagio: Huh.
JuniperSkunktaur: “use item on maze” WAOW
Timagio: How refreshingly simple!
silenceaux: You could try getting lost in the maze. For the novelty.
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 you've played this game before was that it
itira: wow Adam
Nigouki: and now the hunter has become the hunted!
quasi79fu: fire?
quasi79fu: freezer?
silenceaux: getting rid of leeches?
BrindleBoar: so you can be cool, like every smoker
LowUpsideCJ: looking cool?
squ3e: Gonna call it that the crossbow bolt aint gonna cut it chief
GGsLive: For celebrating victory
swampcat12: so hype for u to crossbow somebody
SquareDotCube: So we know there's a silver, pewter, and brass key/lock somewhere.
squ3e: I have no idea but it seems like it
Ravensfest: go flush the toilet
PharaohBender27: Will Hunting would have figured out this game with MATH
devilcultivator: time to flush the toilet LOUDLY!!
JuniperSkunktaur: did you find the stairs up in the upper hallway
A_Dub888: @squ3e Of course it won't, the bolt's a piercing weapon
Strebenherz: WHAAAAT
JuniperSkunktaur: GOTTEM
SquareDotCube: In the eye!
ghizmou: hell yeah!
sephsays: the secret bathroom summoning!
Nigouki: Get Elvis'd motehrfucker
SquareDotCube: shot his eye out
n3ther: right in the eye hole
Timagio: He what, screams?
squ3e: Gaming!
SnackPak_: blat blat
quasi79fu: it was a mask?
Strebenherz: Amazing
Bobtheninjagoldfish: the man's MASK?..
silenceaux: Oh that wasn't an ending
squ3e: Ill admit I was wrong
7gorobei: bulls eye?
SquareDotCube: it's iron so yes
silenceaux: They've referred to it as a mask before, but I wasn't sure I believed that
Timagio: The outside thing is rusty and iron
hieroglyphica: When you're done, you're done
saucemaster5000: didn't want to spoil that one, but it made me like the game a lot more
raulghoulia: now it's his brother
Ravensfest: He's not dead, of course. Pop up at the end.
matthaus_c: but what about second killer
swampcat12: if he shows up again with a bolt still in his eye...
Sethalidos: slasher logic so you clearly do
JuniperSkunktaur: brutal, savage, rekt, absolutely taken down
betweenmyself: now HE has the crossbow bolt! we are screwed
SK__Ren: Ambiance
PharaohBender27: There's a lot of description given to smells, I notice
SnackPak_: if only we had a spoon
betweenmyself: @pharaohbender27 to pair with the free scratch and sniff card the game comes with… You *do* have yours, don’t you?
matthaus_c: you said the game would rule without the killer :p
saucemaster5000: cereal
DudelidouX: did it say the lever was rusted?
SpleenLord: The car has a gearbox
SK__Ren: Did the switchbox do anyting?
Uzumaki15: Oh that's why we need to get into the clock
MacbethSeemsSus: I'm guessing the clock has gears.
PharaohBender27: @betweenmyself Considering I never bought this game, sure don't sparkl171Smug
MungoDude: have oil, can fry
JuniperSkunktaur: key
SquareDotCube: look at the other wire
LowUpsideCJ: smash it like everything else
Nigouki: could we have smashed the clock the whole time? D:
SquareDotCube: above the box
Bobtheninjagoldfish: how about you yeet the clock off the roof, that should open it
Mathwyn: Use the wire on the cabling above the box?
SnackPak_: we need a clock-sized vise lrrBEEJ
SK__Ren: Sorry that was live?
hypergirlie_hyperpop: that would totally work
SK__Ren: You are dead now
betweenmyself: attach piano wire to electrical wiring: die
DarknessKingCoH: You do have a new note
Timagio: Fractal point and click puzzle bull hockey
SK__Ren: I think #16 is the one you just picked up
LowUpsideCJ: drik tea
GGsLive: Use the red glasses on that wall
quasi79fu: drink tea
Timagio: Mans got that itchy hungry
ZawaAmaz: 4 itchy tasty
quasi79fu: byeee wife
LowUpsideCJ: bye wife
AceGun_: the killer was sol badguy all along?
squ3e: Big wife guy energy
saucemaster5000: wife.... KILL
hypergirlie_hyperpop: baby bye bye bye
saucemaster5000: @AceGun_ ACE NO SPOILERS
quasi79fu: freezer?
couchboyj: Is wife single?
JuniperSkunktaur: did you see the third door on the right upstairs hallway?
GGsLive: Ah ok
PharaohBender27: @couchboyj Only one way to find out: Kappa
Nigouki: fuuuuu
quasi79fu: ahahahhaah
Augerboh: clocked!
dougma: another key!!!
squ3e: Key to get keys
SquareDotCube: A key to get a key
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
A_Dub888: !findquote key
LRRbot: Quote #887: "That's a light, not a key." —Graham [2015-10-16]
silenceaux: We also missed that so...
Nigouki: METAL GEAR!?!?
Kentosaurus: we're gaming now
dougma: a gear shaped key!
saucemaster5000: cause this is how gears work
betweenmyself: can’t wait til we get diary page zero “This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to anybody living or dead are purely coincidence. Copyright 1988.”
matthaus_c: it's all coming up milhouse
JuniperSkunktaur: metal gear
quasi79fu: where is killers body?
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c don't come up milhouse
quasi79fu: Open the naur
ZawaAmaz: there's one more item to find
SnackPak_: one way to find out
matthaus_c: sauce LUL
Timagio: Let's go gambling!
IanAllenBird: oh, ok
SnackPak_: neat
Strebenherz: whellp
betweenmyself: you have a spoon, and a bowl… hows not to make tea?
SquareDotCube: tea tree time?
feet2big: cup, spoon, tea... peroxide?
Makrosian_Tay: Yuck
AceGun_: spoon it.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: would the peroxide kill the mold?
dougma: fire... we need fire
Mathwyn: Chemistry?
quasi79fu: light?
dougma: lots of fire
Nigouki: tea is bad, tea is what started this, we don't want to feed it more tea
Uzumaki15: The tea oil?
DrLigmaPhD: I'm back from dinner, why is the wall undulating balls?
ZawaAmaz: one of the notes should mention something
MacbethSeemsSus: @DrLigmaPhD Your wall doesn't?
Makrosian_Tay: Fungus, you mean
silenceaux: Well this seems like a curse.
DrLigmaPhD: @MacbethSeemsSus Only on special occasions
Nigouki: honestly it feels like this is where we burn the whole house down to get rid of that thing
quasi79fu: so why do we still have a bowl
7gorobei: are we missing any pages?
saucemaster5000: for soup
silenceaux: Oh right, the computer. We never did get into that.
raulghoulia: we cut the thing down, right?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: can we mix stuff in teh bowl, adam?
A_Dub888: !game
LRRbot: Currently playing: UFO 50
7gorobei: where is the computer
ZawaAmaz: I think you need the recipe first
Mathwyn: There was a book on the shelf in the study i think?
itsr67: let us know when they hey chat is initiated
saucemaster5000: yeah this one made me really annoyed
quasi79fu: i just want he freeezer birb
itsr67: I agree with sauce
MacbethSeemsSus: Ship in the bottle?
PharaohBender27: @ZawaAmaz Ah, the sort of "You need to find the recipe in-game" thing that pisses Alex off
ZawaAmaz: dollhouse
saucemaster5000: dollhouse
devilcultivator: somewhere small
SpootyBiscuit: dollhouse in the kid's room
devilcultivator: it is the dollhouse
LaconicLad: yellow book?
ZawaAmaz: that's what I had to do
itsr67: there's only ONE hit in flavor text when you look at it
Strebenherz: can't blame you, that logic is bs
PharaohBender27: This IS a newer version of a Sierra game
SpootyBiscuit: if you look examine the dollhouse it tells you there's writing on the wall in there but it's too small to read
OmnipotentTrevor: They really replicated the experience of an old point and click then
devilcultivator: was legit worried it was too cryptic
squ3e: Who puts a computer password on the inside of a dollhouse?
saucemaster5000: See I got that WAY before I found the computer and when that came together I was genuinely like "reallly????"
Strebenherz: hell it's not a you problem adam
Sethalidos: @PharaohBender27 nah, you don't shave a cat for a fake moustache
silenceaux: @squ3e A child who hears a secret password and doesn't want to forget it, maybe?
itira: LUL
itsr67: LUL
itsr67: it was the 80s
raulghoulia: I know this. It's unix
SnackPak_: it is like 87
Mai_Andra: prodos for the win
matthaus_c: took a computer class over typography
squ3e: @silenceaux isnt it the parents computer?
quasi79fu: your trash is full
betweenmyself: he made his password super secure by replacing the “O” and a “0”… Clever guy riffYeti
MungoDude: lrrGARBO
Timagio: Hey, it's 1989 or 90, not everyone knows how to use a dank 'puter yet.
7gorobei: check the trash can?
DrLigmaPhD: Hey, it's me, the dead guy. Can you clear my internet history while you're there?
silenceaux: @squ3e Yes, so the kids can't let on that they know the password. (I am reaching, here)
Nigouki: really? we just had to jam a bunch of inventory together? truly is old adventure game
Strebenherz: you tried thou
itsr67: nah that shit is impossible
coopdawg_22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, coopdawg_22! (Today's storm count: 47)
A_Dub888: lrrWOW
saucemaster5000: sorry bout that
PharaohBender27: @Sethalidos Fair, but I think my overall point still stands (thinks of the Jon Bois article where he saved after hooking his rope over a tree branch that would break instead of the nondescript rock he was supposed to hook onto, and it was only 1 save)
Timagio: It's an adventure game, they're always like this
itsr67: no
saucemaster5000: nah
30teracyte: no
Nigouki: why couldn't we just use fire to kill the fun guy? :\
quasi79fu: nah
Blakemcm: naw your fine
NotCainNorAbel: no
squ3e: Nah
Strebenherz: it doesn't no
matthaus_c: not at all
MacbethSeemsSus: no
Makrosian_Tay: No way
GGsLive: No one in this world has every earned winning a point and click game from the 80s
silenceaux: Mmm, depends how long they go for
JuniperSkunktaur: nope, it’ siren
OmnipotentTrevor: Depends on the game
squ3e: Im here for bits mostly anyway not games
JuniperSkunktaur: fine
Sarah_Serinde: I would rather see the streamer having fun
Bobtheninjagoldfish: nope. not at all
ZawaAmaz: nah, it's worse if they just get mad and spin in circles
quasi79fu: it kinda makes me feel included in stream if streamer asks for help
Strebenherz: you're a good streamer
raulghoulia: better than spinning your wheels. it's fun to hang out
frank_the_great: Depends entirely on the game. Triggers me w/ Outer Wilds
ghizmou: chat loves nothing more than help the streamer
ghyllnox: It's usually better than having you frustrated for the next hour
devilcultivator: rather you not get stuck then be miserable
PharaohBender27: You're fine. You're talking enough that it's no monotonous
LostThePirate: Nah. Better to see the solution than see someone struggle to the point of being frustrated.
SpootyBiscuit: as far as point and click adventure games from this era *actually* go, this game's actually super intuitive. To be clear, I'm not talking shit about you, I'm talking shit about how rampantly unintuitive bullshit old adventure games were
itsr67: pure frustration is when it gets kinda eh but its rare
Last1031: to a point yes but also if the streamer is slamming their head against a wall for an hour it sucks
itira: "couldnt figure it out, time to end the stream"
betweenmyself: some people like watching a streamer click every square inch of every screen for five hours straight… pennyWhat
SK__Ren: @ZawaAmaz This. After a while, my inner backseat demon comes out and makes the experience bad. Or I just leave
silenceaux: For me there's a balance between the streamer making zero progress, and Twitch chat just telling the streamer everything to do. We're within those bars imo.
raulghoulia: wow
Nigouki: IT WAS FIRE ANYWAY!?!?!?
JuniperSkunktaur: IT BURNS
SnackPak_: fire?
IanAllenBird: oh we did burn it down
quasi79fu: yay hourse burns
Makrosian_Tay: Kill it with fire? Hell yeah
swampcat12: yay
itsr67: cherried btw
MungoDude: sergeGG
Timagio: Victory
goombalax: you coulda done this hours ago
DrLigmaPhD: Your fungicide was... arson?
PharaohBender27: FBtouchdown ... ?
SK__Ren: Does this game have multiple endings?
NotCainNorAbel: lrrBartleby we burned a house down
hieroglyphica: Haha what a flacid ending
Mai_Andra: Adventure games are just like that sometimes. Half the time I look something up and find that it was literally in the first place I looked...
SpootyBiscuit: you did cherry it
itsr67: no you cherried it
saucemaster5000: so.... bushido ball?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: wait.. so can we not escape in the care?
AceGun_: No, you cherried it.
JuniperSkunktaur: the true fungicide was the fire we made along the way
Ravensfest: pop up back seat
SnackPak_: rip
raulghoulia: well that was one ending
30teracyte: f
wildpeaks: *gasp*
ZawaAmaz: the cherry is every item, you're good
BusTed: NotLikeThis
itsr67: you got the full end, you cherried it
matthaus_c: house party time
BrindleBoar: you got shroomed
LittleVesuvius: rip
saucemaster5000: yeah cherry popped
Nigouki: did we learn nothing about being a carrier these past few years?
devilcultivator: there is a BEST ending with no deaths but you did cherry by not leaving in the car halfway through
30teracyte: if you get through without deaths you end up shroomless
SpootyBiscuit: @Bobtheninjagoldfish you can for the gold. The killer is in the back of the car and kills you after the credits, though
sephsays: it’ll be fine, you know a good fungicide recipe
Makrosian_Tay: Lunacid?
JuniperSkunktaur: it had spoopy vibes
LaconicLad: new game+?
ShaneLeeAtk: That was fun
GGsLive: Time for party House
OmnipotentTrevor: Adam, you sawed the fingers off of a corpse
Nigouki: i mean it had a bunch of spooky bodies, that's enough by the Bloodborne standard
frank_the_great: No shrooms?
Kramburger: Unfortunately, you are shroomless
saucemaster5000: I dunno play whatever now I guess
betweenmyself: you are suddenly attacked by a vicious gang of mushrooms! riffRise Look out! They have steel chairs! riffChair
itsr67: LUL
ZawaAmaz: Party House is a deck builder
niccus: it's for wheeler this sunday
itira: sad frog top right corner
MungoDude: it's a deck building game
GGsLive: It's great
hieroglyphica: Yeah you deserve it
therepoman__: LUL
SnackPak_: you can scoop Wheeler and play it first
therepoman__: That is real
Kramburger: Who up building their deck?
itsr67: WEBBED
saucemaster5000: hell yeah
Makrosian_Tay: Tsundere streamer Adam Savidan
6 raiders from Hulyen have joined!
PharaohBender27: Rail Heist sounds intriguing . .
silenceaux: Well definitely don't steal Wheeler's thunder
matthaus_c: time for any of the other 48 games except party house
swampcat12: chat what if we tell him *not* to play party house?
LittleVesuvius: what's the cobwebbing?
saucemaster5000: "Actually the beatles are bad"
SpootyBiscuit: man that'll show us
dougma: hey, Adam, DONT play that game Kappa
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, raiders!
devilcultivator: play grimstone! it has demons in it
LostThePirate: Don'
Hulyen: hulyenWave hulyenHeart
goombalax: rail heist is great
LurkerSpine: depriving yourself of joy for the spite of others seems like a play you could do
hieroglyphica: In my group we call that "Snowcrashed" because of how that book got us
LostThePirate: Don't wanna punk Wheeler and steal his bit? Keepo
ZawaAmaz: Vainger is long but great
squ3e: Fight club?
SpootyBiscuit: go to random order and pick the first game
itsr67: random isnt random
BrindleBoar: did somebody say PUTT-PUTT Kappa
saucemaster5000: mortol 2 then?
itsr67: mortol is comedy
saucemaster5000: mortal fucking rules
squ3e: Are these all spooky games? I am not familiar with UFO 50
MungoDude: pingolf is decent
Bobtheninjagoldfish: why is frog sad?
devilcultivator: @squ3e no night manor is the only one
itira: skrrrrrt
itsr67: DinoDance
saucemaster5000: this game rules
PharaohBender27: What are you shooting?
itsr67: the horrors ofc
MacbethSeemsSus: Paparazzi
frank_the_great: I'm peak noping
Eklinaar: Looks like Pringles cans
hackingducks: candy corns or ice cream cones?
squ3e: Whats your characters motivation? Whats their dreams?
Sethalidos: is that a floating island in the background?
GGsLive: What highway is this
itira: in the background. blimp or floating island
GGsLive: The 401?
JusticeJuice: Shooting Tiger tail Mcflurrys
7gorobei: is there a green floating island in the sky?
PharaohBender27: They look like prescription pill jars, or, as Eklinaar said, Pringles cans
saucemaster5000: @itira I'm annoyed I know the answer to this (I've been playing a ton of UFO50)
frank_the_great: @itira There's not a lot of blimps in the world, so I'm going w/ floating island
hackingducks: @itira you can see the hanging gondola, it's a hot air balloon
Cptasparagus: this feels like FLCL the game
Bobtheninjagoldfish: so the Power rangers Side scrolling beat em up comes up in december. I am excite.
matthaus_c: this is terrifying
TherapyforNarwhals: This isn't spoopy...
matthaus_c: what happened to road safety
Eklinaar: It's got the ocean in it which is scary to Serge
hieroglyphica: Road rage is scary
saucemaster5000: uhhhhhh isn't this supposed to be a scary game?
Makrosian_Tay: Ah, my favorite arcade game: nipple defense
PharaohBender27: The scary part is getting killed! OooooOOOOOoooooo
itira: that island just noped outta there
hieroglyphica: You have three nipples?
matthaus_c: you don't?
Makrosian_Tay: You don't?
goombalax: this game is very boshy
betweenmyself: Ach! Zey are firing upon my Zeppelin’s many pendulous metal nipples! riffScream
itsr67: seabatYoga
TherapyforNarwhals: No because I can't drive
itsr67: once that I remember
squ3e: Yeahhhh
saucemaster5000: yeah
therepoman__: yes
hieroglyphica: I've seen it, but not had it
hypergirlie_hyperpop: I've gotten mad in the car, sure
Eklinaar: I witnessed a road rage incident once
SpootyBiscuit: this track SLAPS
itira: a couple times
PharaohBender27: No, I've had road irritation
NotCainNorAbel: sadly yeah
AceGun_: I've owned several versions of Road Rage.
lamina5432: road annoyance
frank_the_great: My mom swears sometimes, but keeps her cool
LurkerSpine: I mean, I've been nearly killed by folks and it's pissed me off
xdniceguy: Im afraid others might be going through it and i would get stabbed thats why i dont have my license yet
hieroglyphica: My coworker straight up got shot by someone road raging
saucemaster5000: I saw someone intentionally nudge a pedestrian with their car
itsr67: we've inversed it, the podcast is now
Blakemcm: they blocked the box!!!
Mai_Andra: I've had people tailgate me and then try to run me off the road...
Blakemcm: dont block the bocx
matthaus_c: oh my god
BusTed: "Turns out it was just a mirror"
PharaohBender27: Oh dear
Going_Medium: I slapped the side of a car that almost hit me in the crosswalk this week.
baltimore_667083: awkward 100
ARiposte: I mean - I've never gotten out and punched a guy... but I definitely wanted too
IanAllenBird: and you're still there to this day
matthaus_c: Mario and Boo ass gameplay
raulghoulia: adams still waiting there
BrindleBoar: I've had road fear, because some asshole with a lifted truck and those superbright LEDs rode my ass at night for half an hour.
swampcat12: people *always* stop in the crosswalk
Makrosian_Tay: "I have demonistrateddemonstrated a loop"
frank_the_great: They say he's still there till this day
itira: were they turning or going straight?
epsilon_vee: "i can't figure out this boss mechanic" irl
hieroglyphica: I had a car swerve into my bike lane and brake check me once, presumably because I was not a car
Kramburger: Who has to conced in that situation?
Sethalidos: would that be a Canadian Standoff?
LittleVesuvius: I usually have fear not rage (but it comes out as swearing so it's hard to tell from the outside)
swampcat12: nooooo i love boo
Eklinaar: @Sethalidos No that's four people at a four way stop and none of them will go because they think waiting is polite.
baltimore_667083: that's a funny way to spell goomba
saucemaster5000: nah the worst is hammer bros
SquareDotCube: boomerang bros
Makrosian_Tay: Boo is so precious
GasCityGaming: it's blooper
swampcat12: piranha plant is iconic
SK__Ren: Lakitu mage
itsr67: fuzzies or whatever they are in super mario world
theambivalentagender: I've never had road rage but I regularly get road disappointed grumbling
itsr67: those little ahholes on rails
Scarbble: it's def those fish that jump up and just straight kill you
PharaohBender27: Actually, what makes me the closest to "road rage" is being stuck at a traffic light or in congested freeway traffic, and it amounts to me just saying expletives
matthaus_c: he didn't have access to formal education don't be mean
MacbethSeemsSus: Boomerang Bros
Sethalidos: nah the worst Mario enemy is Culex
patrick_stonecrusher: The sun
saucemaster5000: mario still wears velcro
NotCainNorAbel: thwomps
baltimore_667083: @Scarbble cheep cheeps?
itsr67: yes
Kaaosa: super mario world
SK__Ren: Yeah
GasCityGaming: yes!
Makrosian_Tay: 100%
itsr67: pinnacle of technology
SmoreThanAFeelin: yess
saucemaster5000: AND YOU COULD SWITCH THE SIDES!!!!
ARiposte subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ARiposte! (Today's storm count: 48)
betweenmyself: Was at a red light yesterday when somebody started crossing. They got one lane deep when they light turned green and the car in front of them started pulling forward. Instead of walking behind the car after it passed he ran out into the intersection to pass in front of the car pennyWhat
SK__Ren: I love Mario Paint
LittleVesuvius: @betweenmyself nooooo why
PharaohBender27: @betweenmyself lrrSPOOP
saucemaster5000: The fly swatter!
SK__Ren: Flyswatter game?
Manae: Paint was amazing
itsr67: never played, I should
feet2big: Gnat Attack
betweenmyself: like 3/4 of the way to the other crosswalk
SK__Ren: Also Mario Paint Composer
Lord_Hosk: Hey Adam, are there any Terrible American candies, foods or drinks you would like us to bring you? We have that good good High Fructos Corn Syrup and hydrogonated Palm oil.
Kaaosa: the first game my parents got my brother and I for SNES was mortal kombat and my parents were not pleased with their decision
trainpants: I recently got a gameboy camera off ebay and I've been going crazy with it, so fun
hieroglyphica: Reese's sticks are garbage and I love them
theambivalentagender: I've also have had passenger friends get road rage on my behalf, and that's why I keep child locks on my windows
saucemaster5000: hosk trying to poison you
hieroglyphica: They want to bring you American candy
SquareDotCube: Did you do the title secrets in Mario Paint?
LittleVesuvius: A lot of American candies don't use real sugar
ghyllnox: They're asking if you want candy corn
PharaohBender27: I believe Lord_Hosk is low-key trolling you, Adam
itsr67: 90%
MacbethSeemsSus: Yes
silenceaux: Ocarina of TIme & DK 64...
baltimore_667083: yes
saucemaster5000: I saved a 2 dollar allowance a week over a year to get a SNES
SK__Ren: Hersheys is bad
LurkerSpine: no
Seth_Erickson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Seth_Erickson: Ah yes the funny number.
shendaras: Many things are bad, yes
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Seth_Erickson! (Today's storm count: 49)
NotCainNorAbel: My Mom just wanted us to know it was a game
shendaras: But that's what's good
Ravynn: Like 90% yeah it's garbo
TotallyNotaBeholder: Ghiradelli's
MacbethSeemsSus: Locally made basically
theambivalentagender: I was playing Quake with my dad from the time I was 5.
Kramburger: My dad HATED video games. We had to beg just to be allowed to play sonic
saucemaster5000: ghirardelli's
BrindleBoar: milk chocolate is bad, yes, but we do have some decent ones
itira: ghiradelli's is good
hieroglyphica: Weirdly, there's these honey chews that are just honey pretty much and are great
niccus: hershey's cookies and cream
DandyGeek: yeah, Lofty Pursuits
raulghoulia: do not put candy in your SNES
frank_the_great: I have no idea what isn't american only
theambivalentagender: Lindt
Sarah_Serinde: We get that in Canada anyway
Makrosian_Tay: "Oh hay ther bud, you wanna do a fay-ta-li-tee or two today?"
GasCityGaming: we have ghiradelli in canada
baltimore_667083: @raulghoulia how bout i do anyway
goombalax: we have Ghiradellis in canada
Sethalidos: nope Hershey made it illegal to import good chocolate
itsr67: hell yeah
Lord_Hosk: We are moving to the Island next month and im asking if you want us to bring you any of the terrible for you but fun US snackies that you cant get in Canada because you have rules about food
frank_the_great: You got cannolis in Canada?
hieroglyphica: Oh! Do y'all have honeycomb candy?
groulux: My first game I got to own was Ninja Gaiden. My buddies and I spent many weekends to finish it.
ShaneLeeAtk: I get lots of great stuff from Lofty Pressure
patrick_stonecrusher: You want Lemonheads
Mai_Andra: do fireballs still exist? they were spicy cinnamon flavored jawbreakers, and they were my favorite.
Seth_Erickson: Damn I've come just in time for the US chocolate is bad discussion, my favorite discussion.
tehfewl: the Canadian i was hanging out with over the weekend was obsessed with Vanilla Coke
Kramburger: Yeah, my parents turned video games into the forbidden fruit for me
Lord_Hosk: Its on the list
goombalax: we do
baltimore_667083: craft sodas Kappa
30teracyte: they do have all kinds of extra flavours of cereal and pop and stuff in the states
saucemaster5000: baja blasss
SK__Ren: Baha Blast is goated
nevermore913: We do have Baja blast
Lord_Hosk: You are getting baja blast now
Ravynn: We have it
ARiposte: You think Americans would make something good and not export it? #capitalismbitches
YeomanAres: Tootsie rolls
SnackPak_: baja bless
raulghoulia: "do you have anything to declare?" "yeah Baja Blast!"
Saintnex: We have it in Calgary Kappa
Paradachshund: I learned about diet Baja Blast and my consumption skyrocketed threefold
kimmibeans: Baha blast is just Mountain Dew and Blue gatorade
Saintnex: suck it BC lol
Kaaosa: adam have you heard my favorite song from yakuza, baja mitai?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Baja Blast tastes like ballsacks.
30teracyte: baja blast is overrated
Sethalidos: skulls are spoops
feet2big: Spooky ghosts!
goombalax: I bet your corner store has baja blast
itira: you mean you didnt buy the baja blast when they did a promo with WoW??
swampcat12: this level is sufficiently spooky
baltimore_667083: taco bell is kinda hit or miss but baja blast is an all time classic for sure
matthaus_c: this is big chillin
betweenmyself: Chocolate Pez… Oh wait, you want *good* candy?
theambivalentagender: Probably could get some special chocolate made at a local farmer's market/weird themed store on the side of the road
thatguysteve2709: Ghost are spooky
lochnessseammonster: what up spoopy friends PrideUwu
PharaohBender27: @Lord_Hosk Oh! If you got the various varities of Girl Scout Cookies several months ago, that would be a good option
Makrosian_Tay: You could play the early access "The Classrooms" which Ben was saving for you
LurkerSpine: What games we voting on?
couchboyj: Skulls and ghosts, you're good
Mai_Andra: who's laughing now? probably them, with their house and their degrees and their retirement savings and their other savings and...
lochnessseammonster: haha true :P
Eklinaar: The US big candy corporations make terrible chocolate, however the US has many amazing small business chocolatieries.
ghyllnox: There's ghosts and skulls and you die, I don't see how this isn't a horror game
Mathwyn: I managed to get some import baha blast here in Australia
itira: not a real fan
LostThePirate: Baja blast is just extra lime mountain dew
itsr67: seabatNogood
goombalax: as lemmings are known to do
itira: im disappointed in you Adam
hieroglyphica: Oh! It's Bit O' Honey! Bizarrely amazing and simple, old American candy
swampcat12: i could go for some baja blast
Sethalidos: @Eklinaar and Hershey is actively trying to kill thhem
swampcat12: i could stand to get baja blasted
Lord_Hosk: Unfortunately Girlscout season here is Febuary/March
lochnessseammonster: i only know baja blast from tappy toe claws and that makes me wanna try it PrideLaugh
saucemaster5000: I didn't jive with this one
patrick_stonecrusher: Skulls and ghosts, car game oficially spoopy
30teracyte: my favourite product I've found since moving to the states is raisin bran crunch
GasCityGaming: remember what you said at the beginning of the stream? *sigh* where do i buy this?
itira: list for coolest twitch chatters
Bobtheninjagoldfish: You just made the List of Savidan!
Mai_Andra: we had Captain Skyhawk on Nintendo. That was a banger.
Seth_Erickson: As an enjoyer of food I tend to think US chocolate even that made by large businesses tastes just fine. Is it amazing chocolate, no, but is it awful certainly mot
itsr67: wherever you get your locally grown non gmo games
itsr67: !game
LRRbot: Currently playing: UFO 50
jamesinor: Fifty UFO's? You'd think after like 5 we'd figure out what they are
itira: yeah the worst
itsr67: not annoying, but its pretty funny
salamisuperstar: Definitely one of the least true
theambivalentagender: I went to a random roadside weird store on my way back from Vegas and they sold dill pickle frudge
betweenmyself: I’m very impressionable. I played Night Trap then immediately filled my home with fall away stairs and floor that opened into pools of dry ice… To protect myself from zombie vampires with vacuum backpacks
GasCityGaming: no reason screaming is worst
saucemaster5000: trying hard or hardly trying
ButterBall000: I like goofing off in games
itsr67: g e g
ARiposte: @mai_andra Captain Skyhawk WAS a certified banger
saucemaster5000: e g g
therepoman__: g e e
GGsLive: Egg egg egg
chuckyd0203 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chuckyd0203! (Today's storm count: 50)
saucemaster5000: golly
theambivalentagender: So I guess for American specific candy, Dill Pickle Fudge from Charlie Brown Market is one option
OmnipotentTrevor: It is best when "I'm going to try now" is followed immediately by a a death
hieroglyphica: I counter most *American chocolate bad* points with, gosh it's a good thing no one I know eats it except like once a year on Halloween.
ARiposte: Spiritual ancestor of StarFox
catcard: hello I am here
itsr67: heya catcard
hieroglyphica: We mostly eat like, small batch chocolate like I feel most people around the world do?
GasCityGaming: yeah stuff like that
wildpeaks: oh yeah the screaming streamers, I can't
BusTed: reaction streamers
itira: damn youths
PharaohBender27: @betweenmyself Let me guess: And then you got fined for not having the proper permits for that, right? Kappa
itsr67: I mean if you clipped through a wall irl
Eklinaar: My nephew watches streamers who just scream constantly and I can't stand it
Seth_Erickson: Sometimes loud can be funny.
saucemaster5000: goddamn it
itsr67: you'd probably freak out
itira: sorry i dont want my eardrums blasted
jamesinor: To be fair, if I clipped through a wall, I would probably be screaming
Seth_Erickson: But in moderation I think
PharaohBender27: "WHAT UP TWITCH"
frank_the_great: Yooo, you watch WallClipper69? That was a peak stream
jamesinor: My walls are very solid
nevermore913: I don't get a lot of the youth I think
catcard: I am a firm believer of loud = funny but pointless screaming is not!
ARiposte: The youths with their scream streams and rap music and dancing the Charleston on my lawn
GasCityGaming: loud can be funny, but not loud all the time for no good reason
Bobtheninjagoldfish: loud can be funny.. like screaming 'THE BUS IS COMING... HELP!"
betweenmyself: @pharaohbender27 well that and letting the vampires kill Dana Plato too many times
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
itira: iv always been annoyed by the youths. even when iwas one XD
itsr67: love how aggro the little ships are
Strebenherz: I've never been big on screaming streaming, i appreciate it's not something LRR really gets into
saucemaster5000: isn't this supposed to be a scary stream smugface
Strebenherz: at most if LRR does it, it's spooky stuff or laughter
Eklinaar: The only screaming I like is on Love Doctors Kappa
swampcat12: e g g e g g e g g
silenceaux: Does triple E do anything
theambivalentagender: @saucemaster5000 yeah Adam's gameplay is terrifying Kappa
itsr67: DinoDance
itira: its in the E
Ravynn: You stream with Ben.
nevermore913: One of the streamers I watched did scream but she was legit scared
Sethalidos: if you beat Todd's score he releases Skyrim on another console
Eklinaar: The Dutch! Again!
hypergirlie_hyperpop: what happens if you spell EGG
Seth_Erickson: Lrr certainly does loud on occasion. But not meaninglessly.
Strebenherz: you're def a quiet chill vibes guy now i think
PharaohBender27: Watch+Play is still screamy at times
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Loud is... relative..
Kramburger: You don't scream, you just project your voice
GasCityGaming: but you aren't like, *dies in boshy* screams about it for 5 minutes*
itira: oopsie doodle
betweenmyself: turns out Adam is the sensible one riffThink
theambivalentagender: Ben's screams have purpose though. They have a jen se qua or whatever
Seth_Erickson: What Todd game do you want?
saucemaster5000: same thing
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: whats the difference
lochnessseammonster: yeah
Eklinaar: My biggest old person hot take is that boring is good, actually
saucemaster5000: old is great, I just don't care
YeomanAres: I've done both
itira: more things bother you, but youre definitely quieter about it
lexiconjurer: Oo, a shmup! The spookiest of game genres
frank_the_great: Kids be on my lawn
hypergirlie_hyperpop: I'll never get boring, I'm young forever
hieroglyphica: I find mainly I am sometimes struck by a bitter remembrance of times past and treasures lost now
theambivalentagender: Jokes on yall ive always been boring
nevermore913: When I listen to old sidewalk slams there is the "yell" at the start
Sethalidos: better question does people bringing up the Dutch bit still bother you?
hieroglyphica: Otherwise, same as youth was
silenceaux: probably only worth charging when there are no targets available.
betweenmyself: If the bosses can leave, that suggests a Pacifist run is possible
Seth_Erickson: What was the spooky game
PharaohBender27: @Sethalidos Out of curiosity, do you know the backstory to that? (It was explained in the 20th anniversay podcasts(
silenceaux: Ikaruga.
itsr67: ikaruga
SimplyLeggy: time to get into touhou
silenceaux: Oh, hah.
KeytarCat: Oranger
saucemaster5000: ikaruga rules
SK__Ren: Ikaruga us great
DandyGeek: yes
niccus: allegedly divine
itsr67: Caramel Caramel Kappa
Sethalidos: @PharaohBender27 yeah it's a bit from phailhaus
nevermore913: Ikaruga is very good
Rhynerd: Jets’N’Guns is a fun one
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: bullet hell brain is beyond my comprehension
GGsLive: I heard party House is a shoot em up
wildpeaks: would Devil Daggers count as a shootemup ?
Rhynerd: and it had a sequel
itsr67: Ready Your Blaster!
silenceaux: Ikaruga is an all time classic. The other shmup that comes to mind is Jamestown?
niccus: there's that Windblown coming up
GasCityGaming: played brotato?
Seth_Erickson: Crab Champions
itsr67: one step from eden but you've played that
Seth_Erickson: Kind of though it's in early access
saucemaster5000: not that I think you haven't played
itira: its probably easier to list the ones you HAVE played
ghyllnox: I forget if you've played Hades
saucemaster5000: slay the spire has amazing shmoovment
Seth_Erickson: They added more content to Astral Ascent
swampcat12: is hades 2 out of early access yet?
Makrosian_Tay: Hades 2 fuckin LIT
Seth_Erickson: There's a new character
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I hear "I wanna be the Boshy" is pretty good you shoudl check it out
Rhynerd: Beacon’s free on the Internet Archive now if you wanna give it a shot.
Eklinaar: Adam already is the Boshy
GasCityGaming: played the demo of To Kill a God and I really liked it
MAPBoardgames: He's on to us, chat.
Ravynn: Deathsmiles?
PharaohBender27: @Sethalidos But I meant, what is the origin of *that* bit? (TL;DR Jeremy Petter was a tour guide one summer, had to deal with a lot of Dutch tourists, and it was a miserable job for him)
10of9: Have you tried the newest Risk of Rain 2 DLC?
betweenmyself: have you checked out Wild Bastards at all? from the makers of Void Bastards
itira: oh naur
Sethalidos: have you tried Tiny Rogues?
James_the_Dabbler: Did Adam beat Night Mansion? Or was it just too frustrating?
swampcat12: this game seems very difficult
niccus: @James_the_Dabbler cherried
matthaus_c: did they fix RoR2
saucemaster5000: I maintain spelunky is the best roguelike
James_the_Dabbler: @niccus Nice
GasCityGaming: 9 Kings was also good
hieroglyphica: Yup, easily
CatTreeDreamCar: Time to go back to the GOAT. Returnal.
GasCityGaming: oh and Sulfer!
Seth_Erickson: There was, but it was by a different studio than who did original ror2 so opinions are mixed. I thought it was fine
nevermore913: Spelunky 2 is supposed to be good
GGsLive: Yo Cyclops is in the audience. Optic blast!
wildpeaks: is Hades 2 less grindy than the first ? I enjoyed 1 but even with the 20% weapon and mirror maxes, it took to long to grind resources to unlock cosmetics (even in 200 hours I still have a lot remaining)
Seth_Erickson: I played through Returnal again
GasCityGaming: TTBB right there, Returnal
Seth_Erickson: Just to fight Hyperion again
saucemaster5000: spelunky 2 is my fav roguelike straight up
Kramburger: Splunkey has big flash game vibes
CatTreeDreamCar: Returnal is genuinely in my top 5 games of all time.
Saintnex: Im playing through it now, its super good
Makrosian_Tay: Have you tried Have A Nice Death?
wildpeaks: now you're dad of war
betweenmyself: Dad of War 2: The Daddening is pretty solid
Strebenherz: spelunky's really good
Sethalidos: then Dad of Boy should be perfect for yuou
bippityjones: Good thing Kratos got old too
ladyjojo1987: new God of War is very good
rosesmcgee: I used to like God of War but then they changed what God of War is. Now what's God of War is new and scary to me.
Saintnex: I love old Kratos, what a fun character
Pteraspidomorphi: Have A Nice Death was pretty addictive in a Dead Cells kind of way
lochnessseammonster: blame james
Kramburger: Typical james, you deserve better
matthaus_c: it only has to work out once
Sethalidos: have you tried 20 minutes till dawn?
betweenmyself: when you get around to playing Ragnarok be sure to keep playing until the *actual* credits show up pennyWhat
nevermore913: I am your beast isn't exactly a roguelike but that looks pretty cool for movement
wildpeaks: oh yes 20 minutes till dawn is fun
matthaus_c: Balatro has pretty good schmovement Kappa
saucemaster5000: neon white>
Seth_Erickson: You'd like Crab Champions than
Makrosian_Tay: Scourgebringer for shmoovement
ButterBall000: Rogue Legacy
Brozard: Neon White is awesome
IanAllenBird: ooh scourgebringer
Seth_Erickson: It's got great schmovement
tehfewl: sounds like you want some metroidvanias rather than roguelites
Saintnex: I hear Party House has pretty good schmovement Kappa
CatTreeDreamCar: Was just going to suggest Neon White
saucemaster5000: yeah neon white just feels real good to play
GGsLive: Party House has dash jumps
MacbethSeemsSus: Neon White's smooth
Peevvi: Do Campanella
Valbatross_: Oh no don't ~ban~ me
Makrosian_Tay: Neon White speedruns are the highlight of my afternoon
Thefluffiestguineapig: I went and reshaved the sides of my head and suddenly we were playing a rogue like, did the stupidity of point and click get to be too much
ghizmou: so you re saying there s a chance
nevermore913: Neon white does have good movement
e_bloc: have we tried game #25
wildpeaks: oh yeah it's a good one
PharaohBender27: Also, judging from the bit I saw of lrrWHEELER playing it, Balatro *will* attract every backseater on Twitch
Peevvi: Downwell is pretty great
catcard: speaking of well games, wonder how Adam would do with Animal Well
saucemaster5000: both the downwell dev and spelunky dev worked on this collection, so fairy nough
Seth_Erickson: It's like undertale
Seth_Erickson: Do anything and you've done it wrong
lamina5432: cult of the lamb?
wildpeaks: I forgot if you tried Noita ?
TheDeimion: what is yamada's special?
itsr67: schmixed
Valbatross_: bro hasn't noited
nevermore913: This reminds me of windjammers
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Seth_Erickson Those kinds of games are great until you talk to almost anyone who is a superfan
Seth_Erickson: You might like Noita but movement isn't the highlight
ghyllnox: Best movement for me is Hollow Knight, but it's metroidvania/soulslike, not roguelike
electric_claire: Noita is great if you like games about wizards
Seth_Erickson: @thefluffiestguineapig yerp
matthaus_c: Ultrakill has pretty banger movement too
TheDeimion: OH!
thatguysteve2709: Hey thank you for the stream gotta get to bed gotta be up early tomorrow. Have a goodnight everyone
itsr67: damn
niccus: have you tried roblox parkour maps
catcard: @thatguysteve2709 good night!
Juliamon: Noita is great if you like wizards causing their own deaths
AceGun_: Tomoe is cool.
saucemaster5000: wizards are only good when they don't cast spells
PharaohBender27: Welp
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon By accident or on purpose with unintended consequences someone with sense can see?
betweenmyself: good news! GoW Ragnarok’s free DLC is a roguelike mode… Two birds, one stone
Rhynerd: Noita is also great if you hate wizards because you want watch one die in various silly ways.
Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig Yes.
Saintnex: lol
Seth_Erickson: Noita is great when you die and don't know why half the time. The POE classic
SquareDotCube: burritos
wildpeaks: @Rhynerd :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Perfect
Seth_Erickson: Also you're getting cooked right now
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: what SF6 mod is this
salamisuperstar: He's going to try
itsr67: LUL
PharaohBender27: NotLikeThis
itira: welp
TheDeimion: never lost
SnackPak_: o7
saucemaster5000: game cheated
Seth_Erickson: I always trusted tomoe to clutch there
Saintnex: "I never lose" says the man who was about to lose Kappa
TheDeimion: 👁️ 💋 👁️ I saw everything
betweenmyself: not a movement game, but have you tried Streets of Rogue?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Saintnex Same vibes as "I'm a genius! Fuck!"
saucemaster5000: if anyone reports this I'm sending John Wick
Lord_Hosk: Everyone knows Boshitoball games are best of 3
Fancy_frenchman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Fancy_frenchman: Thanks for all the laughs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fancy_frenchman! (Today's storm count: 51)
TheDeimion: HAH
AceGun_: baited
Saintnex: HAHAHAH
itsr67: LMFAO
WiJohn: wrecked
Juliamon: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
catcard: YEOW
n3ther: LMAo
SnackPak_: wow
TheDeimion: 4Head the hubris!!!
MacbethSeemsSus: Haha
Seth_Erickson: Hoisted
itira: lolol
VrolikSyndrome: He said, looking into a mirror at the time.
empyreon: FBtouchdown
Thefluffiestguineapig: Could we entice Adam to play some Toasterball just to see his reaction to the infinite toast?
n3ther: quality content
GasCityGaming: well goodnight!
itsr67: immediately humbled
Philocalist: Aaaaaaand hightlight reel
Earthenone: Pong!
TheDeimion: no charges at any time
TheDeimion: nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are we a samurai playing stickball?
betweenmyself: I’m just biding my time til the inevitable Rhythm-based, Dating Sim, 4X Roguelike comes out pennyWhat
saucemaster5000: adam just made the fish carrot noise
TheDeimion: bushido pong
Thefluffiestguineapig: @betweenmyself I feel like this already exists and we just didn't notice
TheDeimion: gottem
catcard: yoooooooooo
TheDeimion: he's nin nin'ing all over
TheDeimion: nice one
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why did he turn into a stump when Adam scored?
itira: goddamn
TheDeimion: ninja magic 4Head
TheDeimion: invisible fastball
Seth_Erickson: Get tomoe the only gamer here worth their salt
Makrosian_Tay: @Thefluffiestguineapig It's a known common ninja tactic to teleport to a new location, leaving behind a stump or some other object as your decoy
nevermore913: Smoked the ninja
TheDeimion: whiff
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Makrosian_Tay Isn't that called Substitution Ninjutsu or some BS in Naruto? Excuse me, my dork is showing
7gorobei: @Thefluffiestguineapig aka kawarimi no jutsu
TheDeimion: caltropped
Thefluffiestguineapig: Caltrops??
itira: LUL
Seth_Erickson: You're getting farmed right now
Makrosian_Tay: The shutout!
TheDeimion: shut-out imminent
itira: LOL
7gorobei: it is a trope within ninja stories in general in japan
EricTheOrange: fraud alert
catcard: WOW
matthaus_c: yow
swampcat12: "check this out" lmao
WiJohn: The hell was that nonsense
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro
TheDeimion: BULLIED
betweenmyself: I hear she plays a mean Shamisen too riffYeti
TheDeimion: OMFG
itira: youre getting roasted
VrolikSyndrome: Get smoked
TheDeimion: help this man
matthaus_c: ayumi is the fuckin goat
nevermore913: Recked
ylegm: Dig up Adam!
Seth_Erickson: Come back when you're better at the game they said
TheDeimion: killed and bullied
NotCainNorAbel: lrrWOW
itira: im cheering for the lady
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ayumi said "git gud"
matthaus_c: you might be the underdog but ayumi got that dog in her
VrolikSyndrome: Samurais worked for the daimyo of the region. They're tools of the man.
TheDeimion: HAH
Thefluffiestguineapig: Those caltrops are a hell of a tactic
swampcat12: lol
Mattmitchell45: Oh shit, Windjammers!
PharaohBender27: :O
TheDeimion: nice job ai
matthaus_c: ayumi is throwing??
Thefluffiestguineapig: How do you accumulate the super bar up top? By rally length?
itsr67: @Thefluffiestguineapig its by hits
itsr67: 2 hits = 1 half bar
itira: this is very entertaining
Thefluffiestguineapig: @itsr67 Thanks
itira: (not sarcasm)
GasCityGaming: oof catcher in the World Series just got a ball deflected into the perenium
saucemaster5000: this one is very fun
TheDeimion: oh no not again
Thefluffiestguineapig: @GasCityGaming Is he in the hospital? That sounds debilitating
TheDeimion: ahhhhhh
itira: hahahahaa
swampcat12: that was intense
TheDeimion: she toyed with you so hard that's not fair
UtilityPunk: no1NOOO
Seth_Erickson: Ayumi takes another win
SK__Ren: Zoners OP man
Thefluffiestguineapig: She was just messing with you
PharaohBender27: Welp. Well-fought, though
nevermore913: Hell of a last point
WiJohn: She knows neither mercy nor remorse
GasCityGaming: @Thefluffiestguineapig nope took a minute and is fine
swampcat12: clean
file_maker: how many bangers are in this game?
AceGun_: 50
matthaus_c: at least 49
Thefluffiestguineapig: @GasCityGaming That's like that rugby player some years ago who literally lost a testicle, took a moment and played the rest of the half before going to the hospital
Thefluffiestguineapig: @file_maker Quite a few
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig O_o
TheDeimion: that caltrop is annoying cuz no matter what it give them advantage when the ball hits it
itira: tqsToasted
Juliamon: That's how it goes in the World Series. For all the shit he did *after* it, Schilling pitching while bleeding out from experimental ankle surgery was badass.
betweenmyself: @thefluffiestguineapig I always hang mine up on a key rack at night to make sure I don’t lose them riffThink
Stormgod519: Made it just in time for the end
Strebenherz: :concern:
TheDeimion: don't choke
Stormgod519: evening yall
file_maker: nice one!
Lord_Hosk: Never didn't have it
itira: excellent work Adam
KeytarCat: Is yamad's special that he can strike sideways?
TheDeimion: I think so
TheDeimion: strikes forward but also sides
nevermore913: I think it's vertical strikes yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: I've also discovered there's a disturbing number of news stories about rugby players who lost a testicle then returned to play
betweenmyself: and it was his favorite one to boot! riffGasp
TheDeimion: lock in!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I've found 4
TheDeimion: LOCKED IN
TheDeimion: locked......
NightValien28: remember, hesitation is defead
NightValien28: *defeat
TheDeimion: in
Thefluffiestguineapig: @betweenmyself Told his phisiotherapist "just stitch me up"
TheDeimion: oo
itsr67: LMFAO
Thefluffiestguineapig: And went back to play, then got a fucking concussion
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
TheDeimion: locked out
silenceaux: alas.
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAAAMN
itira: did you just stamp your feet
Seth_Erickson: Mind freaked yourself
Thefluffiestguineapig: You're getting shut out by these two
io_Otter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, io_Otter! (Today's storm count: 52)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh he's serious now, he's leaning forward
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig tqsWTF lrrWOW
TheDeimion: BULLIED
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was just rude
TheDeimion: stop
TheDeimion: omg
Seth_Erickson: The near loss to shout out incoming
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can you swap to a different special?
TheDeimion: MingLee
matthaus_c: the sweep?
saucemaster5000: I need you to lock in
nevermore913: Epic comeback?
TheDeimion: at least get one..
TheDeimion: phew
itira: the swirly special is rude
TheDeimion: hahaha
LurkerSpine: I always try to overuse the weapons
GasCityGaming: didnt get shutout
PharaohBender27: No shutout, at least
canadianbac0nz: Real Bushido Ball hours???
Lord_Hosk: Can we get a cup of that hit boxes piss? I think its taking performance enhancing drugs
itsr67: heya bacon
canadianbac0nz: raizo sweep that's my boy over there
10of9: A noble sacrifice, m'lord
itira: "hit the wrong button"
canadianbac0nz: Honest? try throwing your projectile and then tell me Yamada is honest OpieOP
Lord_Hosk: Quick say your controller is broken... your big brother took the good one
itsr67: adam lacks the info
itira: hes playing with you D:
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lord_Hosk No brother unplugged it
PharaohBender27: Let's GOOOO
Hypocloriphorius: CRAZY?? SECOND POINT??
silenceaux: set play??
SnackPak_: a fuckin bomb?
swampcat12: lmao a bomb the whole time
Makrosian_Tay: Sonic BOMB
Juliamon: playing with a handicap
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
itira: hell yes LUL
swampcat12: that bomb slaps
canadianbac0nz: yamada's got unblockables
Hypocloriphorius: you get it this time thoug
shendaras: honest gameplay
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are we Oki Oki analyzing this now?
matthaus_c: yamada mains always want it all for free
swampcat12: YEAH
SnackPak_: yo
itira: LUL
canadianbac0nz: didn't hear nothing from the ref looks legal to me
salamisuperstar: This MFer keeps stepping over the line, how is he not getting a penalty?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fair when you do it, cheating when Raizo does it
LurkerSpine: the second line is the line you can't cross
SnackPak_: big cheats
matthaus_c: raizo is stacked
Seth_Erickson: Raizo's wisened up to your tricks
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Seabats!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Seabats! (Today's storm count: 53)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Duilt bifferent
salamisuperstar: Sword beats spear, confirmed
itsr67: LUL
LurkerSpine: Guile theme plays
swampcat12: these are some beautiful bomb plays
BusTed: NotLikeThis
matthaus_c: lock in lock in
Hypocloriphorius: farmed a few points there
7gorobei: uhh one more?
Hypocloriphorius: just do that again
Seth_Erickson: He can't handle clean honest passing play
ThorSokar: Time to fire up some Jezz Ball next?
Seth_Erickson: Good last attempt
canadianbac0nz: raizo sweep
matthaus_c: raizo is unbelievable dude
canadianbac0nz: that's my goat
Hypocloriphorius: thats enough of that
salamisuperstar: Raizo too powerful
Rourke9: you can do it!!
AceGun_: nerf raizo. buff tomoe.
Makrosian_Tay: Woo
itira: are they ever that spooky? :P
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500 - thank you for the fun night
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good stream, always fun hangs
Strebenherz: thank you for streaming. you're awesome.
Nigouki: get a game with fewer pixels next time to add more mystery to the scares :V
KeytarCat: Thanks for stream!
BusTed: Thanks for the gamin'
therepoman__: FROGS ARE GONE
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
VrolikSyndrome: GONE!
betweenmyself: HypeLol
Redbassist: lrrCrab
matthaus_c: yes my gravekeeper
ThorSokar: Yes my grapekeeper
v_nome: Early punch bois!
LostThePirate: You mean Saturday, not Friday?
lamina5432: the average goat
PharaohBender27: They actually finished Statstruck
SquareDotCube: They finished that last Sunday
Juliamon: James hasn't had time to update the schedule yet
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon Fair
lamina5432: gnight
LostThePirate: Hey Alan!
PharaohBender27: Also, watched the last Starstruck stream as a VOD, and . . . there's a lot to unpack. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't have questions.
BusTed: gg
itira: you win
matthaus_c: fastest sub reader in the west
shendaras: seabatClap
matthaus_c: later gamer, thanks for the stream
BusTed: Good times
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE
matthaus_c: good tuesday night
spethycakes: Thanks for stream! lrrSHINE
Nigouki: it was definitely fun
Redbassist: lrrSHINE
itira: thanks for the stream
Thefluffiestguineapig: Thanks for the steam!!!
Strebenherz: it was. thank you for streamin
itira: goodnight everyone!
Makrosian_Tay: GGs
saucemaster5000: BEPPO
Mai_Andra: OOF
matthaus_c: ggs raizo sweep
Redbassist: 💪
GasCityGaming: GGs
LostThePirate: G'night Adam and Chat!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good time of day chat!