thegreatwyrdling: HElloo!
thegreatwyrdling: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Foundation PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew for the Magic Foundations Pre-PreRelease. Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 10:00 AM PDT (10m from now).
QuixoticScrivener: What's the hype level right now?
thegreatwyrdling: 5
AverageBaggage: personally i'm a good 8. i think this set looks rad frogba3Fastsillyguy
Sage0fMadness subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
Sage0fMadness: But what about Second Foundation?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sage0fMadness! (Today's storm count: 2)
QuixoticScrivener: @Sage0fMadness, is that Foundations Jumpstart or Foundations Commander?
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a boat! We've always wanted one of those...
Sage0fMadness: @QuixoticScrivener It's a Asimov joke
Pharmacistjudge: I don't think there is a foundations commander
Sage0fMadness: there is not
bytecaster: Just get 5 Jumpstart Packs and bam 100 card deck!
Sage0fMadness: Now you're thinking with portals!
ihlendrax: There are only three Foundations Commander cards: Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, and Command Tower. and those are in the Starter Collection.
QuixoticScrivener: @Sage0fMadness We should LotR more of Asimov's work.
fsforwardsound: is the ppr soon?
bytecaster: Very
mtvcdm: You're just in time
ihlendrax: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Foundation PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew for the Magic Foundations Pre-PreRelease. Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 10:00 AM PDT (3m from now).
fsforwardsound: dolphinBongo
Sage0fMadness: @QuixoticScrivener as long as they don't put Will Smith in a secret lair, I'm all for it
QuixoticScrivener: @Sage0fMadness Got it, 12 Shia LeBoefs
laikagoat: zoeyGoblin zoeyGoblin zoeyGoblin zoeyGoblin
Sage0fMadness: That would be quite the Shia Surprise
TXC2: Hello Everybody
Sage0fMadness: howdy howdy!
TXC2: hello Sage0fMadness
TalkingNonsense2: we're here!
AverageBaggage: frogba3Drink
FromBrainToKeyboard: Yay PPR
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: attack mode socks
red_shoes_jeff: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Foundation PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew for the Magic Foundations Pre-PreRelease. Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 10:00 AM PDT (0s ago).
Manae: !next
NewtyNewts: Well done
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHORN
Manae: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN expexpGG
CaptainSpam: It is time.
baltimore_667083: @LRRbot so that's how formula e attack mode works
benjamin_wheeler: morning angels
TXC2: hello wheeler
thegreatwyrdling: Hello papa
grimkingxx: Father
FromBrainToKeyboard: Morning Wheeler
AverageBaggage: eyyyy
EternalRoxas: hello friends
fsforwardsound: thank you for having us it’s great to be here.
Kentosaurus: ^
thraximore: Meowdy, Herr Wheeler wheelerMuldcb
Mangledpixel: boop
TXC2: hello Mangledpixel welcome
LSRubin: @benjamin_wheeler morning Charlie
TimeToFry: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Foundation PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew for the Magic Foundations Pre-PreRelease. Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 10:00 AM PDT (1m ago).
thegreatwyrdling: Did you know magi is a game?
Opheliaway: is this where the line starts?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @benjamin_wheeler 'morning Engels
dragonryderx69 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dragonryderx69! (Today's storm count: 3)
4AMDonuts subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 4AMDonuts! (Today's storm count: 4)
RyleGrimrick: !panic
cogito_ErgoSam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months, currently on a 36 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cogito_ErgoSam! (Today's storm count: 5)
OldUncleDan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OldUncleDan! (Today's storm count: 6)
EternalRoxas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
EternalRoxas: lrrSHINE lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EternalRoxas! (Today's storm count: 7)
soprettymuchthatsthewayitis: wooo!
BoxedLogic: PPR TIME!
Alex VillaMr: here we go bois
Sarah: Hello friends!
Pharmacistjudge: Hello my youtube chat. As always, please @ me if you have judge questions.
n0Code Gaming: Huzzah content!
thehiddenstump: Let’s gooo
william grendel: hyyyyype!
soprettymuchthatsthewayitis: let's go chat
Lancer: ah dang I'm at work but I want to watch!
Simriel: I am also theoretically a judge :p
YawgmothsBargainStore: Let’s go!
n0Code Gaming: hyped for this set. was there any info on limited archetypes?
Simriel: I would not shop at Yawgmoths Bargain Store, all the products are really poly
Pharmacistjudge: everyone is theoretically a judge, but i'm a judge with access to the private judge chat :P
Simriel: oily*
Jon Grayson: hello everyone
Simriel: Hah, I never bothered applying to that cause it seemed like you had decent numbers, then judge academy collapsed :p
kitsumekajime: fellow medical professionals and mtg plays unite lol
BoxedLogic just became a member!
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, BoxedLogic! (Today's storm count: 8)
Zacharie St-Pierre: I'm in my college's lunchroom between classes. this is a good way to have lunch
Sarah: Thanks for the membership!
kitsumekajime: At my breakroom at the hospital myself
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): oh right this is today
Casual King: Can't wait to make a Foundations Cube
Sarah: LRR will thank YouTube memberships at the end of the stream along with Twitch subs
T_Peazy: let's gooooooo!
Jon Grayson: just sitting back with a beer and getting ready for the show
Sarah: They should also be able to pick up superchats now as well
My Best: I'm up at 3am for this lesgooooo I have work in less than like 10 hours
Will Barge: catching live at the start for the forst time. dope! works gonna be easy!
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): nice super chats active
thehiddenstump: Sitting in my car in a parking lot. Let the good times roll.
argetbrisingr: sad prerelease is gonna be during desert bus
kitsumekajime: im working fmfor a couple hours then going to a board game convention myself
SmithKurosaki: Hey everyone. Hows it going?
Zacharie St-Pierre: go to bed. this will be here tomorrow
argetbrisingr: one more reason they shouldn't have started on Friday :P
mukul kandwal: board game convention! where
Casual King: There's so many good burn cards in here, can't wait to play them in Standard and Pioneer
Jan Eli Padilla: yeeeees
Silvern7552: planning on falling asleep at some point here, super sick today🤮😫
BoxedLogic: thanks for having me, it's great to be here
Phoenix of Melior: hey chatters! happy november
kitsumekajime: over in bellevue wa
William Edge: Hidey ho chat
kitsumekajime: its called dicefest its a convention for flying frog games
John Weaver 81: decided to go pre release next week, it'll be good to see what the archetypes are
SmithKurosaki: Oh, WHAT?
SmithKurosaki: Aww, I was hoping that was a sneaky Friday Nights thing
Phoenix of Melior: HE SAID THE LINE
n0Code Gaming: Happy 50% off Halloween candy day!
soprettymuchthatsthewayitis: oh true
flamfive95: thanks for pre-preleasing, its great to watch here
kitsumekajime: Lol i kinda wish lrrttg would play fortune and glory lol
Jon Grayson: munching on half off candy myself
JerryJeff Haining: Oh we be giving away today
William Edge: Oh snap
Daniel: is this the first set in ages with associated commander decks?
Stormgod: Im here too!
Daniel: without
Sarah: So chat please please pay attention to whether a giveaway is a Twitch giveaway or a YouTube one. Spamming in here during a Twitch giveaway won't do anything
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): I have not seen any, so it might be without commander decks
Stormgod: lol
n0Code Gaming: @daniel yup no commander precons
Oremasta: foundations looks like one of the best draft sets in years based on the spoilers, im excited
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): they figured commander decks may not be a good launching point for beginner players maybe
Famous Stranger: i finally made it to a live! *cough* it's nice to have me, thanks for being here
Phoenix of Melior: lol love you wheeler
SEEDZANDTWIGZ: Membership Prison
Stormgod: Im honestly happy there aren't precons for this one
Jacob Cook: Comment
TooMuchDew: That's an amazing LRR Giveaway!!
BoxedLogic: it'll annoy chat
shurtal: vod
Stormgod: I love it
MinesandMC: ayooooooo nice
Sarah: Making a random comment in this chat does not enter you into a giveaway
DarrelOdin: Oh that’s siiiick
Time4Shenanigans: :D
Stormgod: i need to watch this video for my sake when I judge my prerelease
Bruiser Hammerfist: im so excited
Jon Grayson: gonna have to sign up for Foundations PR next week
Oremasta: :)
Simriel: what did I miss? what is the giveaway? I had a gym set :p
Iam3DHomer: rules?
Sarah: There will be a separate vod for the PPR after this stream is over and you will enter that giveaway by posting in the comments there
Stormgod: so that's mostly why i wanted to be here
Jan Eli Padilla: Judge talking head piece
Stormgod: @Simriel they announced 2 giveaways for twitch, 2 for yt live, and 1 for the vod
Hamcha: the beejlander pack in the background
BoxedLogic: Serge!
n0Code Gaming: I think the combat damage change is the biggest thing?
Stormgod: Idk if there's a judge in chat here
Stormgod: oh right, combat change
Sarah: @Pharmacistjudge is here if you have rules questions
kitsumekajime: there is
Drach: I forgot about combat change
kitsumekajime: pharmacistjudge is here i believe
Jarrett Gipson: share a comment
Stormgod: @Sarah thanks. I was gonna offer to help if needed but I'm sure they've got it
Pharmacistjudge: hello
Stormgod: hya
JerryJeff Haining: Blocking change is so weird
samuraitiger19: Yu Gi Oh needs to do this so bad
Stormgod: yeah, this is a big one
32puma32: that giveaway looks insane
GoblinRoyalty: Wait what?
Kirby_Bitera: Whaaaat
MNerenberg: But can they shorten Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar
Uzumaki15 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Uzumaki15! (Today's storm count: 9)
LowUpsideCJ: what
0011110000110011: I've heard of this change several times, but still have never heard *why* they're changing this
beowuuf: banding gets easier again
D00kqc: ???
flouncy_magooo: Hot take: This is a good change
MarkovDescendant subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
MarkovDescendant: Yay for another PPR
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MarkovDescendant! (Today's storm count: 10)
Kingsgrave: I hope I'm not late.
Wicker_Guide: okay, so blocking got a lot more powerful
hedonistic_mushroom: Oh no, math is no longer just for blockers
GDwarble: @0011110000110011 It's a lot more intuitive to new players
BusTed: Interesting
BrowneePointz: it makes pump spell blowouts on block impossible
frnknstn: @MNerenberg I call her Tina
Sage0fMadness: @Wicker_Guide LESS powerful?
Aitsu111: Ah
qrpth: !advice
Kingsgrave: Ok, it's just the judge video. I'm on time.
Didero: ~lasttoot
DideRobot: LRR: We're live for the Magic: The Gathering Foundations Pre-PreRelease! Prepare yourselves for a day full of Magic, friendship, and FREE STUFF!! #MTGPartner | or (has image) | 10 minutes ago |
TS_Terrapin: @0011110000110011 I beleive the article announcing it also said part of the reason was to reduce defender advantage in multiblocks
MNerenberg: @frnknstn BLASPHOMY!!!
LurkerSpine: man I hate this change so much
grimkingxx: So combat tricks are no longer combat tricks
JerryJeff Haining: here we go
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): oh right the new change
Dandelion V: Unexpected, but welcome.
Stormgod: Attacking is so much better now
kitsumekajime: wait do you work in a pharmacy?
Famous Stranger: i believe there is a judge amongst us
Jake Fersona: This is going to take me so long to unlearn i think haha
frigis: I don't want combat to change. :(
Simriel: the combat damage thing is huge
TTKBlazer97: damage went on the stack?! What?!
SmithKurosaki: Hey Pharma
JerryJeff Haining: all hail chat judge
Andrew Oatway: I wonder how this works with banding
Jon Grayson: oh yeah, this is gonna be tough
Pharmacistjudge: yes, I am a licensed pharmacist in some US states.
William Edge: As a magic boomer this damage rule makes me feel nostalgic
Stormgod: Brazen Scourge!
David Packer: hey
kitsumekajime: ohh im a pharmacy tech myself
SEEDZANDTWIGZ: No mas gachaaa
matthaus_c: yes they are
KhazzyB: "looks like Math is back on the menu boys!" - Blockers
TXC2: make blocking worse, 'cause WotC hates blocking for some reason :p
TXC2: *makes
LowUpsideCJ: This seems like a bad change imo
TehAmelie: ooh was the old change why everyone had such trouble with Banding?
CasualKing21 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
CasualKing21: Can't wait to make a cube of Foundations!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CasualKing21! (Today's storm count: 11)
thaigeprime subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thaigeprime! (Today's storm count: 12)
DeM0nFiRe: lol I love handing over the dice to illustrate that
dungeonmasteralek: This visual aid is excellent
TallynNyntyg: Thank you for the visuals, Kathleen.
shamblingkrenshar: This also makes Damage Double replacement effects better for attackers
frnknstn: @MNerenberg I mean, not to her face ;)
dungeonmasteralek: Great work, all
vinopinguino: great explainer video
Stormgod519: @TXC2 speeding up limited
TimeToFry: Thanks for the video judges!
MNerenberg: Reading the card does WHAT to the card?
TheBattleOfHastings: Oh dear.
Hewdra: This is a REALLY good explanation video!
bennybartez: does arena have the new rules?
UnintentionalFeed: love the cute demonstration
Stormgod519: Thanks for that video yall
flouncy_magooo: I feel like people really overestimate the amount of impact this will have on the game
TheWarbo: how does trample interact with torbran-like abilities?
lirazel64: Good job on the visuals.
niccus: oh - it's also now possible to distribute nonlethal damage among multiple blockers
SimWOT: Forgot it was the PPR. Glad I saw you were live.
Sarah_Serinde: (Thank you @LRRMTG_Judge folks for all your work)
KoboldToken: I love the hand reaching out to take the last 1 point of damage!
squircle709: Oh im gonna mess that up all over the place...
Hewdra: Reading the card exfoliates the card
GhostValv: RELaxed
Kingsgrave: I mean blocking was always favored so making attacking better is just good.
matthaus_c: @flouncy_magooo you're correct there :P
Didero: That plushie in the background is incredibly cute
sfaviator: I like it
zebrashark3 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
zebrashark3: I am here
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zebrashark3! (Today's storm count: 13)
Marvoleath: "Yes, I'd like to take the one, thank you" that was a great presentation with the hand and the die :D
InambaGuum: that honestly seems more confusing than the old system to me
GoblinRoyalty: I feel like limited pump spells are going be a learning curve for everyone.
zelukester subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 20 month streak!
zelukester: aw yeah here we go
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zelukester! (Today's storm count: 14)
Kivipaperisakset: So damage assignment going away will give more advantage to the attacker, right?
KingLostKiller subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
vinopinguino: i use your judge videos for prerelease help for newbies. they're so good
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KingLostKiller! (Today's storm count: 15)
sallomon33: @flouncy_magooo agree, will probably impact limited to a bsizeable degree, but that's it
public_key_reveal_party: I have never read a card in my life, and I don't intend to start now
Aingealwroth: always use yall rules vids to explain to my group, thank you for them
Lysander_salamander: I love that Fblthp plushie
bennybartez: you can be the hamsters/gerbils trying it out for us :)
Stormgod: oooo
Phoenix of Melior: so you cant get got, is that the change?
Akundez: That’s gonna take some getting used to
Simriel: Reading the card explains the card (Except in Legacy/vintage formats)
SmithKurosaki: Good video Serge
Stormgod: mmmm
Stormgod: sort of?
Cecil Hoshino: "Reading the card explains the card"
WhisperingWinds: I simply do not understand Why this change is happening now. It's definitely not to the betterment of the game
flamfive95: does anyone have Serge's number so I can call him if I need to
Allen Gould: Well, someone can get got - it's just now the defender instead of the attacker. 😀
Reach celebrates 11 months of membership: Magic: The Gathering
SmithKurosaki: @Akundez For sure
Stormgod: thanks Judges
Jojo Barrientos: So how does the new rules work with banding?
AverageBaggage: OH
NewtyNewts: So, does that mean all damage alteration effects take place at the same time?
azombiewizard: Foundations seems like they took someone's cube and just printed it
NarfBlinko: welcome back to 1994 😁😁
LRRMTG_Judge: @TheWarbo unchanged. Torbran cares about damage assignment, not damage dealing. pharma2Vial
jeepless subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
jeepless: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jeepless! (Today's storm count: 17)
matthaus_c: @Kivipaperisakset a little bit more. blockers still have way more agency over the outcome of combat
agelessascetic: Happy Post-Halloween
valkyrisprime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, valkyrisprime! (Today's storm count: 18)
TXC2: NarfBlinko no, unless my back stops hurting, then yes!
wattyFathom: oh its preprerelease time FeelsGoodMan
beowuuf: as someone who played the game since 4th edition, this makes the game act like my brain still insists it works
LowUpsideCJ: where is the fblthp from I need it
LRRMTG_Judge: oops Trample cares about damage assignment. Tobran cares about damage dealing
beale_: Its more fun to see the deckbuilding anyways!
flouncy_magooo: @sallomon33 I'm mainly a drafter and even I am barely affected by this. Games with multiple blockers AND a combat trick mattering are rarer than you think.
kimistryclass: @beowuuf same but 7th
TallynNyntyg: Are there limited archetypes, or is WotC foregoing that for this set?
silv3r_54: <3
GoblinRoyalty: I love you too.
NewtyNewts: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
vinopinguino: we love YOU wheeler
thanzo: <3
Stormgod519: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
doubleo21 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, doubleo21! (Today's storm count: 19)
DJayHGaming subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
DJayHGaming: Back to my own Foundations: my first sub was during a pre-prerelease
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DJayHGaming! (Today's storm count: 20)
TXC2: hello Past Graham
HungryTanuki: <3
Kivipaperisakset: There's time to shave during deckbuild, Wheeler!
juzztshay: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
bennybartez: we love you 2
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: "From loadingreadyrun"
bennybartez: too
DarkMorford: Hey chat!
MooCowofDom: from "LoadingReadyRun" :sus:
wattyFathom: serg PogBones
sallomon33: @flouncy_magooo I dunno, recently combat tricks have been pretty good
hesterbyrde: bless yall for that excellent explanation. the judge videos are always super helpful, but I appreciate the clear explanation of the new combat rules
LRRbot: Thanks for being a channel member, Reach! (Today's storm count: 16)
Stormgod: It's gonna be fun for me to explain that to the people at the prerelease...
Stormgod: probably what most questions will be about
JerryJeff Haining: We don't talk about banding
SmithKurosaki: @Jojo Barrientos If you're just memeing, please dont
Alan Charles Jay: god i love this set
Stormgod: @JerryJeff Haining ill talk about it when I want to.
Stormgod: best mechanic...
WhiteWizard42: Jojo Barrientos - Banding is unaffected, because it already ignored damage ordering
Stormgod: lol that is true
Daniel: shouldn't change banding. defender with banding already got to assign damage distribution
Stormgod: Luv ya too Wheeler
Jojo Barrientos: Huh, okay. good to know.
Simriel: I love me too
n0Code Gaming: The blocking change I think affects older players more than newer ones, I think.
William Edge: I love you for being here
PosingAThreat: love you too benjamin
mtvcdm: Noted personality Graham Stark, from that thing
juzztshay: serge!
MurphEP: lrrSHINE wheelerMonkey
gluonquark: Thank you for loving us it's great to be loved
NewtyNewts: Here, from ReadySteadyGo
IgorApp subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IgorApp! (Today's storm count: 21)
TXC2: I am going to have to watch the Vod to catch all these subtitles
Kivipaperisakset: You MAY not have a personal judge
mizic_lota: love you to wheeler
Camthelion subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Camthelion! (Today's storm count: 22)
Atomskin: Love you too, Wheeler! You gotta tell people you care about that you love them, chat.
CaptainSpam: Hopefully you will not have a very impersonal judge.
TallynNyntyg: XD "the judge guy that knows the rules"
TimeToFry: If you don't hold up your hand they can't hear you
Proudboar: Pocket judge
hesterbyrde subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months, currently on a 53 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hesterbyrde! (Today's storm count: 23)
LowUpsideCJ: I hope he gets charizard
Marvoleath: lrrJUDGECALL
TheWarbo: please call judges for real, please do not meme "JUDGE" unless you too have a dedicated personal judge
mtvcdm: Good rip
CasualKing21: Love the bisexual colors!
circusofkirkus: is this the Isaac Asimov set?
Kivipaperisakset: I hope it has the realistic casee of mostly junk rares :DDDDDDD
AverageBaggage: oh it comes with box
LRRMTG_Judge: Please call for a judge. It's what we're there for - to help you out - Natedogg
Aingealwroth: yeah, nice color scheme!
Stormgod519: @LRRMTG_Judge lrrSHINE
Nommii77 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
Sarah: I think I'm pretty okay
My Best: thanks wheeler
Stormgod: Thanks for being here Wheeler
Stormgod: What Serge said
Reach: I am my own personal judge!
Simriel: I can confirm, Judges are bored of banding jokes, and have been for years
kitsumekajime: Lol no one can have a personal serge to help build decks
Jon Grayson: thank you, wheeler
Pharmacistjudge: the blocking change is actually a mini reversion to old rules, i think old players will adjust quickly
JerryJeff Haining: Graham PoV
JerryJeff Haining: love it
Fantusta: Punch your counters, not your opponents
Stormgod: i do miss the pool openings
Stormgod: always loved seeing everyone open the cards
SUPREME CHALUPA SNOKE: deck build yass
Pharmacistjudge: like, did you know that if you had a creature that could block multiple creatures you had to order the attackers under the previous rules?
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): Promo card yes this time, nice
JerryJeff Haining: quite clean looking dice
SmithKurosaki: Thats a nice improvement to the PR bo
CaptainSpam: mst3kHeh
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nommii77! (Today's storm count: 24)
MurphEP: :O
flatluigi: oh no krenko
TallynNyntyg: These counters are much more durable than the junk in the Duskmourn packs.
AverageBaggage: KERNKO
Kentosaurus: dang
Sage0fMadness: @circusofkirkus Yes, you just missed the Three Laws judge vid
TehAmelie: or summoning sickness counters? they can be anything you want
GoblinRoyalty: What a great promo.
Abavus: Spicy
wattyFathom: krenko POG
beowuuf: hello old friend
TimeToFry: Alright who's sniping that arena code
HungryTanuki: Krenko PogChamp
Kingsgrave: There he is
public_key_reveal_party: Krenko!
falingard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
zxcMass: LETS GO KRENKO!!!
KhazzyB: that is, in fact, a good one
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, falingard! (Today's storm count: 25)
shamblingkrenshar: Its David Bowie!
iris_of_ether: We Krenkin
Mumpaaah: My Boy!!!!!
TotalHell: Goblin time
CasualKing21: oh no krenko
0011110000110011: nice
t_peazy: So brutal!
dungeonmasteralek: Krimker!
BlindedOwl: thats good
kynelwynn: That
nifleon: Wow, look out for Grahama today
kimistryclass: get krenked
thanzo: gobblin goblins
luke1x subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
luke1x: Ah the 3rd month
Didero: Infinite Goblins!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, luke1x! (Today's storm count: 26)
vinopinguino: BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
Stormgod519: love krenko
themercenary1987: Oh well Grahams winning then!
kynelwynn: s in Standard for the next 5 years. Great, great
BrowneePointz: so glad Foundations is Bi-Lighting coded
hedonistic_mushroom: My local PPR hasn't been presided over by a lrrJUDGECALL since 2019
Marvoleath: mobb gob D:
TooMuchDew3: Goblin mob representation!!
Mumpaaah subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mumpaaah! (Today's storm count: 27)
frnknstn: I like this backing music
OldUncleDan: Was that a "J-Cut?"
TXC2: the brawl commander not good enough to ban, but good enough to dislike :p
SconeforgeMystic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
SconeforgeMystic: oh look, a PPR!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SconeforgeMystic! (Today's storm count: 28)
Abavus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
Abavus: I like to have 86 cards in my limited decks
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Abavus! (Today's storm count: 29)
ccctonelarone: if sheoldred is in this set im quitting mtg
Pinwiz11: "typically" :)
TotalHell: Love Authority of the Consuls
public_key_reveal_party: Is that a reprint?
flouncy_magooo: I sort all cards by how pretty their picture is
Land_Manatee: My pod runs Consuls way too much. I hate it.
EternalRoxas: oh the enchantments have the framke
Ard_Rhys: so glad that got a reprint
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: a vanilla creature got printed!?!
luke1x: Is this a prerecord?
ardor_edi: RIP aggro in boest of 3
NarukamiKnight: lrrHAM
3schr: @OldUncleDan Where audio starts first, under the video from a previous clip
JerryJeff Haining: love the black
Stormgod: ooo
ChargeAh: lol
Stormgod: Krenko
kitsumekajime: I did
Stormgod: that's fun
Jake Fersona: Classic
TooMuchDew: Niiiice!!
William Edge: That’s a spicy promo
Oremasta: cranking out goblins with krenko
HMFons: good get
PyrenKir: i actually had to look up the old commander creature type the en-kor ability. (which is next damage done to it is instead done to target creature you control)
Simriel: @pharmacistjudge I have had this come up with Hundred Handed One
Stormgod: Krenko is legal instandard for the next 5 years
Stormgod: so is lathril
iSmartMan1: So, the combat change only really comes up for combat tricks interacting with multiple blockers, right?
Jon Grayson: I need to make an all goblin deck
Stormgod: mostly
William Edge: SERRA ANGEL!
n0Code Gaming: Oh the NYX frame on enchantments
Chronomagistrate: And in the Nyx frame, sweet
kumatsu: oh nice, I bought Authority in consul when Copycat combo was a thing and forgot to sell so maybe I'll finally get use out of that
AverageBaggage: I love the sparkles
TXC2: luke1x yes
NewtyNewts: Craig hates that wind
beowuuf: @TXC2 under new rules, you must remember to dislike it before damage is assigned
Jedi_Master_Zell: That's in many of my white life gain decks.
bytecaster: Craig is baig
GoblinRoyalty: @ccctonelarone @ccctonelarone imagine her being legal until 2029 haha
EternalRoxas: thanks Graham for just beating me to that :P
TallynNyntyg: So far no Phyrexians or praetors.
TXC2: beowuuf :D
Kentosaurus: @ccctonelarone good news, she's not!
LRRMTG_Judge: Yarp, all enchantment now use the enchantment creature frame - Natedogg
midnightbrush subscribed at Tier 1.
vinopinguino: hidetsugu's second rite is such a cool card lol
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, midnightbrush! (Today's storm count: 30)
ccctonelarone: @GoblinRoyalty im just so tired of seeing her
StarSurveil: love those enchantment frames
OldUncleDan: @3schr Yep yep! I was taught that from a certain LRR skit!
BrowneePointz: yep all enchants now have the Nyx frame
TotalHell: Graham Goblins is Go
Stormgod519: oh, lovely
luke1x: Ohhh love that lil guy
BrowneePointz: that’s a hell of a goblin
bytecaster: Goblins are back on the menu
fhorrigan: Graham's deck already looking sick
quesog32: I've got this stream going on Twitch and Youtube at the same time for maximum engagement so the PPRs continue
RobustLaser: kinda wish they'd keep the enchantment creature frame for enchantment creatures. made it easy to identify an enchantment creature and know it is not something else
gluonquark: That goes so hard with kranko
shamblingkrenshar: David Bowie's Army the deck is so back
ccctonelarone: @Kentosaurus when i heard "high" power simple cards i was so worried they would but her back in right before she rotated
kynelwynn: Notably, Searslicer need not be the one attacking
3schr: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
NewtyNewts: Graham on Gobbos
midnightbrush: Glad I'm able to catch a preprerelease!
Hansk_and_Boo: Love me a format with Overrun
Revelo1989: Serge has such a calming voice
wattyFathom: oh we're so in red
GoblinRoyalty: Graham has a two goblin rares 👹
Pharmacistjudge: mostly
Igor84: Nyx frame for enchantments is NICE
Stormgod: @iSmartMan1 it does make blocking worse because you can't always garuntee what will happen
Andrew Oatway: hidetsugu's second rite?
Stormgod: love to see those reprints
SUPREME CHALUPA SNOKE: i made a serra angel themed commander deck. its my magnum opus
My Best: love NYX enchantments
Stormgod: i was hoping the hideaway lands got a reprint lol
Jake Fersona: Nice
iSmartMan1: @stormgod But only when blocking with multiple creatures, right?
TooMuchDew: Aggro Pre Pre-release kit!
silv3r_54: welp, this pool is red
Abavus: Excuse=
iris_of_ether: Spicy
sallomon33: @RobustLaser I prefer this new treatment, makes it more in line with enchantment creatures
shamblingkrenshar: Do nothing 6 mana enchantments, my beloved
flouncy_magooo: I feel like Krenko doesn't need any help. It's a combo in itself. :D
Coricket: that card is cool
Kivipaperisakset: seems good in sealed
bennybartez: is it me or is the sound slighty off the mouths?
Darleysam: that's messed up
rosydumpling: So... Red, then?
TheWarbo: Dragon Typhoon?
KnightKadosh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
KnightKadosh: Woooo! Standard Horizons PPR!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KnightKadosh! (Today's storm count: 31)
Farwalker subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Farwalker: Y'all are at least partially responsible for getting me back into MTG after twenty years...
nifleon: gremblin
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Farwalker! (Today's storm count: 32)
Mazrae: Dragons and goblins?
MurphEP: Gromblin
agelessascetic: Some joke about goblin and nuts
TallynNyntyg: Seems dragons are Izzet-themed here.
3schr: Can't wait to hear about the archetypes
sallomon33: @sallomon33 *artifact creatures I mean
fhorrigan: Oh seeit
Kingsgrave: Uh oh! Goblin!
googoltudoris: is that a WALL?
jacqui_lantern234: OH LOOK!!!!! its a beautiful group of stellar friends whomst i love and cherish AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!! <3
Mangledpixel: full goblin mode
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
ClassyDolphin46 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ClassyDolphin46! (Today's storm count: 33)
TehAmelie: lrrSHINE
AverageBaggage: guess grahams playing red in this mock deck build
flaressi: Pretty sure this is the first pre prerelease I have caught live and the starter collection is mighty tempting (I've only played MTG:A)
GoblinRoyalty: I cant wait until he drafts mind goblin.
kynelwynn: Or put seven damage into a 1/1
public_key_reveal_party: It's got trample and goblinlink
flouncy_magooo: Did anyone open a Mind Goblin?
DeM0nFiRe: Cats are good
TXC2: !card lunar insight
LRRbot: Lunar Insight [2U] | Sorcery | Draw a card for each different mana value among nonland permanents you control.
rosydumpling: Goblins are the way
jacqui_lantern234: AHH!!! im surprised :P
NewtyNewts: @public_key_reveal_party Gobtrample really, you don't get the damage as goblins
flatluigi: excess damage is a nice mechanic with the new combat rules
BoxedLogic: not again, I have so many kaladesh printings of consuls. I already know I'm gonna open like 50 in here.
Stormgod: @iSmartMan1 yes. blocking with 1 creature is the same because you wouldnt have to order blockers when one creature blocks anyway
kitsumekajime: graham has got goblins.deck
Kris Huber: I'm so excited to return to Magic roots <3
Stormgod: @BoxedLogic love Kaladesh so much!
WhiteWizard42: an even more offensive Goblin Offensive
Stormgod: LOL
Stormgod: Graham is going into goblins
Stormgod519: This is a goblin deck
3schr: I wish there was some way that packs could come with relevant tokens. I love having the necessary tokens
kimistryclass: helpful hunter, or cattish visionary
phoenixfeather14: @jacqui_lantern234 Oh, hey! It's a Jacqui!! <3
Stormgod519: WOAH!
Plasterboard: Are the counters one sided or double sided?
TallynNyntyg: @flouncy_magooo I did.
praxismakeperfect: goblin deck is gonna be sick to watch
TehAmelie: but also, it's never too late to pivot
flatluigi: yooo genesis wave
Stormgod519: wow, genesis wave...
zxcMass: love genesis wave
SirTrae: @flouncy_magooo Didn't get a reprint, sadly
AverageBaggage: OH LIFELINK BIRB
Walla_tv: do these look glossier than usual?
TheWarbo: this is the land of confusiioooonnnnnn
luke1x: That is a Graham card lol
3schr: @Walla_tv Now that you mention it....
jacqui_lantern234: @phoenixfeather14 oh hey! its the most lovely lrr chat member!!!
HungryTanuki: Naya goblins, let's go !
rosydumpling: Share the spike.
TXC2: burn back on the menu
thraximore: oh
thraximore: I didn't know that existed
googoltudoris: @jacqui_lantern234 texan_reverend? :p
TimeToFry: Oh fun
TheWarbo: someone noted that the "face only" card has flavor text about "you can direct it anywhere you want"
SUPREME CHALUPA SNOKE: these goblins are nuts
Jojo Barrientos: Heyo nice!
Stormgod: that's a sick reprint
Stormgod: genesis wave is sick
My Best: no goblin defensive here
n0Code Gaming: Man this feels like a really powerful core-set.
ChargeAh: yoo
Stormgod: Just play Naya serge
Stormgod: Naya is always open
Stormgod: im interested to see the fixing.
Stormgod: i see a burnished hart
blackcoat: Never splash green for fixing
Reach: splash green for fixing,
Jake Fersona: Lava Spike my beloved
Stormgod: LOL
Stormgod: the dichotomy of chat right there
TallynNyntyg: I'm gonna surge.
praxismakeperfect: graham opening some bombs
MegaTrain: goblins + angels?
DarkMorford: Wow
Stormgod519: Adam is freaking out...
elleshar_hst: Dwynen is uncommon now I see
TotalHell: Angoblins
jacqui_lantern234: @googoltudoris texan_reverend is medium at best Kappa (im sorry, tex, youre actually a delight)
shamblingkrenshar: Back in my day, vanilla 3/3 flyers for 4 were premium!
Brozard: gobgels
Abavus: Good change Clap
luke1x: For a starter core adjacent set there is some real power in this set
TehAmelie: gongels
3schr: That'll save a lot of space
TheWarbo: serge you just said this five minutes ago Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: good change
Revelo1989: Boltwave feels amazing
anumbskull1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
AverageBaggage: YES!
W_Livi: Despite being someone who's played MTG since the '90s, I appreciate the newcomer-friendly approach to this build video
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, anumbskull1! (Today's storm count: 34)
rosydumpling: Ah yes, Gobels, the funniest things with wings
3schr: I wish it was that way from the beginning. It always seemed absurd to say the full name
AverageBaggage: awesome change
ColourFrog subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ColourFrog! (Today's storm count: 35)
Stormgod: back to back "Never splash green for fixing" and "Splash green for fixing"
Stormgod: seems solid
blackcoat: Wow, that's going right in my angels deck
My Best: lava spike that doesn't target lesgoo
Stormgod: it seems not bad
Rachel Zmak: @blackcoat same
Stormgod: I saw Wheeler talking about it in their set review
Thisbymaster: they finally made the right change
shurtal: Always never, sometimes every time.
Stormgod: Goblin Lifegain is gonna be an interesting strat
Stormgod: @shurtal 60% of the time, 100% of the time
Shorterstuff subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Shorterstuff! (Today's storm count: 36)
doormar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, doormar! (Today's storm count: 37)
flaressi: if they say "this creature" from now on does this mean more space for flavour text???
bruiserhammerfist: I've been using the phrase, "this card" for years now
Hershey108 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
Krillin_fan: better divination is exciting to me!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Hershey108! (Today's storm count: 38)
jacqui_lantern234: @flaressi gosh i hope so
Pharmacistjudge: no respect for possible divination with upside
HungryTanuki: Lizard !!!
frogmaster1982: I think legendary creatures still use their name
wattyFathom: double rare PogBones
googoltudoris: obviously all rares are either bombs or trash
TXC2: flaressi yes...."flavour" text Kappa
niccus: "~"
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: @flaressi *rules* text, it's going to be rules text
rosydumpling: The colors have been determined
DeM0nFiRe: fr fr fr fr
Sarah_Serinde: Hey I love the Red Green Show
3schr: @TXC2 Abilities can be so flavorfull
HungryTanuki: The little guy !
UnusuallyLargeMoth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UnusuallyLargeMoth! (Today's storm count: 39)
t_peazy: With that overrun too. I'd play red green
TimeToFry: That rules
RealLegitStreamer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
wattyFathom: that lizard is living its best life
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RealLegitStreamer! (Today's storm count: 40)
SymphonySolstice: ah yes, the duct tape deck
Pinwiz11: oh baby
TallynNyntyg: Heh. Red gReEeEen
BrowneePointz: CanCon mentioned
shamblingkrenshar: Little Guy Tribal, lets go
Lysander_salamander: wow that's an adorable creature
Abavus: Can you stack those effects somehow? anneSus
public_key_reveal_party: Style points I think
nifleon: Hmmm... Splash green at least
hedonistic_mushroom: That is Spicy
Chronomagistrate: Nice kinda callback to Feral Animist
bennybartez: oh jeez GRUUUUUL
Kivipaperisakset: they can boost each other! Teamwork makes the dream work!
gluonquark: This is not that
jacqui_lantern234: omg Ashroot Animists flavour text made me think "look at my horse, my horse is amazing"
GoblinRoyalty: Lizard Druid
AverageBaggage: GRUUL SMASH
CalliopeThorn: You can absolutely stack those effects.
luke1x: Are we gonna Smash?
Scherezad: That's... basically an 8/8 for 4. Holy geez!
beowuuf: @TXC2 i mean sengir vampire's abilitiy was just flavour text for how many times it happened :p
n0Code Gaming: 5-colour good stuff?
Stormgod: ooo
Jeremy Yip: boros time
Stormgod: Nighthawk is back
Stormgod: oh wow
Stormgod: Graham is in Naya for sure
William Edge: Nighthawk hell yeah
bd648: oooooo
blackcoat: Vampire nighthawk! We love him
bd648: love me a good ppr
Stormgod: damn, this set gets better the more I look at it
shurtal: @Stormgod i like the cut of your jib
mythdom: So glad I can catch this live!
SpicyNeoguri: he has to play jund just for vampire nighthawk
thehiddenstump: Double the ash, double the root
Stormgod: @shurtal lol thanks
Stormgod: Gruul punch!
Revelo1989: Naya stompy
flouncy_magooo: I kinda dislike how Ashroot Animist is worded. "this creature's power" seems ambiguous to me.
ExhaustedElox: I mean, GR is looking pretty spicy
TXC2: beowuuf true
Stormgod519: @beowuuf lol
kumatsu: the MTR specificaly calls out giving extra time for build when a set is new
3schr: But Serge, when you're looking at new cards how to you determine what a "Bomb" is? What criteria are you looking for?
maxthefourth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, maxthefourth! (Today's storm count: 41)
LRRMTG_Judge: Honestly I'd say the quality of your uncommons is as important to the success of a prerelease deck as your rares. That and removal! - BlackRose
vetr1c subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vetr1c! (Today's storm count: 42)
gluonquark: No vanilla card though
smoke108: mardu?
Stormgod: probably gonna be naya, i hope
JerryJeff Haining: outside assistance!
Stormgod: lol
KoDOmega: gotta love BREAD, baby
Stormgod: someone call a judge! oh wait...
Pharmacistjudge: yes?
JerryJeff Haining: dangit the judges are in on it too
KoDOmega: nicely played, pharmacistjudge
kamkazi: Foundations time Pog
CaleCareful subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CaleCareful! (Today's storm count: 43)
l0rdrollin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, l0rdrollin! (Today's storm count: 44)
bytecaster: Serra Angel still good
wiigamer1995: deckbuild is live?
HungryTanuki: Serra angel is still very solid in limited
beowuuf: bomb stands for "blue, omg how much rules text, mind golblin, blue" - it's a simple metric
TheWarbo: "imagine not playing Serra Angel" ~serge
legion2814: dose cardkingdom have preorders for singles of this set yet??
luke1x: Gobangels.... Is that something
3schr: @LRRMTG_Judge I've found this to be true too. I tend to go off the signpost uncommons (golds) rather than rares or other bombs
OldUncleDan: Serra approves this message.
TXC2: wiigamer1995 this is a pre-record, gameplay will be live
AverageBaggage: healers hawk is so nostalgic for me
BrowneePointz: Bombs- does this win if unanswered, cause problems even if answered, or cleanly deals with a problem with little effort(good removal)
3schr: @wiigamer1995 I don't think so
vinopinguino: healer's hawk is a bomb common lol
sallomon33: @AverageBaggage it was a very good card in GRN draft!
TehAmelie: Serra Angel started out utterly broken but the power creep has maybe caught up now. . .
nifleon: The hawk more easily triggers his raid triggers too
ardor_edi: lifelink evasive is decent in limited by itself
AutomatonAA: Seems like a pretty sweet red/white pool, very excited to draft Goblins in limited once more!
Hewdra: Healer's Hawk absolute MVP
iSmartMan1: I was worried for a moment by how many tokens are in the set, but then I noticed there are sweepers in red and black at uncommon to control the go-wide decks
JerryJeff Haining: absolute classic
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): Serra Angel, classic
JerryJeff Haining: great art too
Stormgod: is that banishing light?
smoke108: yep
blackcoat: Yeah
JerryJeff Haining: my god, that's serra's music
Oremasta: if it wasnt super greedy naya would be juicy
Stormgod: oh no kidding
Stormgod: I do see a secluded courtyard
undecided44: I'm late... oh noes... was there a rules video at the kickoff?
googoltudoris: i really want to make a gobblin' angels joke, but that seems like a good way to get murdered by an angel
LRRMTG_Judge: @BrowneePointz And if you're still not sure after that, then just listen really closely... if you can hear it ticking then it's a bomb =P
LRRMTG_Judge: I think bombs quantity has mattered more in sealed with the the change to play boosters. pharma2Vial
Ginger_Zinger: I'm so excited for this set! Thanks LLR for explaining this set so well, I have a friend watching who's new to MTG and loving the explanations
FickleMuse: Healers hawk is older than I want to think about lol
cmdrzellgaudis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
cmdrzellgaudis: PPR resub!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cmdrzellgaudis! (Today's storm count: 45)
Didero: I very much appreciate this detailed deck-building video, since the deckbuilding always seems overwhelmingly difficult to me
beowuuf: @undecided44 yes, but just for the new rules change on removing blocker assignment
DeM0nFiRe: hes just a little guy
nifleon: What are angels if not sky goblins?
AmewTheFox: KIBY
Sorator13: Thus far, this feels like a very good introduction to building a sealed deck;we ll done
BrowneePointz: Serra Angel is still incredibly relevant in pretty much every draft format it’s been in Chat
circusofkirkus: the magic of television
public_key_reveal_party: Using the magic of editing
3schr: TV * Magic *
control_rig: Magic: The Editing
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: "Using another deck I prepared earlier..."
Pinwiz11: Yes. Purge Blue from your mind. Yessssssss. :)
Marvoleath: *4 hours later*
KrivKobold: but it's a live stream, how did he do that?
Kivipaperisakset: This just in: Graham hates Blue
undecided44: @beowuuf thanks... I'll catch up on the vodka then... another new way to learn damage
3schr: Do you go into a limited game with an archetype in mind or do you let the cards tell you?
googoltudoris: me: "the blue in ANY pool is just not very exciting"
Omentuva: @BrowneePointz A 5 mana 4/4 flyer is good at finishing out the game, who'da thunk.
adi_pie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, adi_pie! (Today's storm count: 46)
Stormgod: plus the gain lands are in the set, and the temples if a recall correctly
Christopher Peterson: Are the new damage assignment rules in effect for this set?
Stormgod: yes
blackcoat: Yes
Pharmacistjudge: yes
Allen Gould: Three cycles of duals is what I saw - gates, scry, and gain.
Christopher Peterson: Cool, thanks all
Stormgod: yeah
Stormgod: gain lands, scry lands, and guild gates
Stormgod: oof
n0Code Gaming: EDITING!
Pharmacistjudge: i know the rules state it's not starting until the set is legal in standard, but it is in effect duing the prerelease.
Stormgod: doing blue how you should
Hamcha: "thanks to the magic of television"
DrAngryMongoose: what's up party people?
Stormgod: Hya Mongoose
OldUncleDan: @BrowneePointz Wasn't all that relevant in A/B/U draft! lrrBEEJ
bruiserhammerfist subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
bruiserhammerfist: I love these pprs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bruiserhammerfist! (Today's storm count: 47)
rosydumpling: The time skip is the most vital part of any sealed deck construction
beowuuf: @undecided44 :D
public_key_reveal_party: @krivkobold magic
TimeToFry: Disfigure did nothing wrong!
maxthefourth: Paul is a wizard
sallomon33: jesus, all this good removal is in the set?
TheWarbo: good removal? in black!?!?!?
control_rig: Vampire Nighthawk is Player Removal
Sorator13: Bake Into A Pie! I love it
30teracyte: nice to see nighthawk back
jacqui_lantern234: @TimeToFry which figure? :P
undecided44 rechecks.... blames autocorrect
luke1x: Nighthawk is very nostalgic as well
undecided44 sips tea
AverageBaggage: as someone who hates blue this set is the first time i've ever seen the blue cards and said OH MAN I WANNA PLAY BLUE
FPNY41 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months, currently on a 11 month streak!
FPNY41: PrePreFun!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FPNY41! (Today's storm count: 48)
LRRMTG_Judge: @3schr For sealed, you gotta listen to the cards. In draft there's a little more wiggle room for having an idea ahead of time what you'd like to play. - BlackRose
OneironautWrites: i love that nighthawk is back
sallomon33: @AverageBaggage really? not MOM? not Duskmourn?
wattyFathom: @AverageBaggage its great in duskmourne too
Opheliaway: stax? in sealed???
beowuuf: @beowuuf it worked, 10/10 autocorrect
3schr: @LRRMTG_Judge Thanks, BlackRose!
nymistrya: For being an on boarding set everything Ive seen looks so cracked. I hope foundations shapes up to be banger.
googoltudoris: hey cool i remembered what a naya is! i'm remembering shards, y'all!
flouncy_magooo: @AverageBaggage I never understood people who hate a certain color but I respect their strong emotions.
BrowneePointz: but yea in case anyone was wondering, way back in Alpha they made a 5 mana 4/4 flyer that is also amazing on defense, they cooked, and Serra Angel has remained an amazing curve topper over 20 years later
blackcoat: I really love that they're going into more detail about their thought process for picking cards, being as this is a set aimed at new players.
Stormgod: classic nighthawk
PosingAThreat: the temples aren't in the booster, they're in the starter collection only
Stormgod: I see some elves
PosingAThreat: boosters*
Stormgod: Im so psyched to build standard elves
Sarah: Yeah this is a good video to put out there for this set
Pharmacistjudge: as long as WoTC grants LRR the budget to do this kind of stuff
Stormgod: @PosingAThreat that's good to know
Stormgod: @Sarah 100% I would def show people this
jagehtso: vampire nighthawk is just a lovely card
Stormgod: it's very sweet
Stormgod: Lol I just had to do a double take: I thought I saw KCI for a second
Stormgod519: thought I saw KCI for a second lol. i need to get my eyes checked
BrowneePointz: in draft*
AverageBaggage: @sallomon33 i wasn't playing in MOM and i don't think any duskmourn cards really jumped out at me
3schr: I love Graham's sweatshirt. I think the planeswalker logo looks good on clothes
KilrenKrae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 100 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KilrenKrae! (Today's storm count: 49)
jacqui_lantern234: bofa deez creatures, past graham?! :P
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: i just got here, did someone already make the Red Green/Duct Tape joke???
AverageBaggage: i also didn't really look through duskmorns cards... i was more just exicted that it was a horror themed set
3schr: @elgenericosfavoriteorphan Several someones
accountmadeforants: @nymistrya I mean, if the cards are bad, established players won't give a shit and there'll be fewer people at the prerelease.
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: @3schr good
Kronos001 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kronos001! (Today's storm count: 50)
TehAmelie: Inara Serra's whole character was but a breath in the life of Serra Angel
beowuuf: graham has 4-mana creatures, would like four mana-creatures
MrMatternot: Glad to see a Serge-supervised deck build
3schr: Isn't every mechanic kicker?
Kivipaperisakset: Kicker is ALL mechanics
n0Code Gaming: this is a really good segment for people that haven't done sealed/prerealse kudos
Stormgod: it's also good for those who aren't as good at limited
Guevon: excellent tutorial for people esp new players/ love that a standard "core set" is back!
Stormgod: I'm not the best at deckbuilding in limited, especially draft, but sealed I still struggle so this is great for me
Stormgod: Llanowar elves is sick!
Stormgod: Oh, Graham has an Overrun!
Stormgod: oh my god
Simriel: I don't mean to be Controversial but Magic: the Gathering
Oremasta: elvish elves
Stormgod: @Simriel so true, bestie
iSmartMan1: OG Llanowar Elf is in the set? At COMMON?? I was starting to think I would never see a standard-legal common 1-drop mana elf again!
quesog32: No, flying is not kicker
accountmadeforants: Kicker is just Kicker without extra steps.
Stormgod519: @3schr almost; either kicker or horsemanship
Stormgod519: @quesog32 that's just horsemanship
sallomon33: wdym how kicker works? everything is kicker or horsemanship, it's easy
synthalanar: I'm loving the extra drill down on strategy to educate.
rosydumpling: Mono-four drop deck
quesog32: Horsemanship ❤️
BrowneePointz: More Important Chat, this set us to be the Backbone mechanically/Power AND flavor/identity wise for 5 years. this is not your standard “Core Set” power level
HungryTanuki: Synergy !
BrowneePointz: is*
beowuuf: pay 0 additional cost - creature cannot be blocked except by reach and other fliers
undecided44: Every mechanic is secretly kicker... gift: kicker, multi-kicker: kicker, etc.
Opheliaway: I love when synergy comes together
TehAmelie: i'm still surprised they haven't come up with sideways horsemanship, or "burrowing"
LathosTiran: reading the cards confuses this man Kappa
googoltudoris: gruul! gruul! gruul! gruul!
hesterbyrde: I enjoy Serge putting on the "judge video explanation " voice when graham asks a rule question
My Best: with goblins!?
JerryJeff Haining: let's kick it
Reach: @Simriel harsh, but true
Jeffrey A. Thistle: I feel like if ur watching this video u already know how to draft 😏
My Best: overrun goblins!
Carlos Vega: everything is kicker!
Stormgod: almost
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): everything is kicker or horsemanship
Stormgod: everything is either kicker or horsemanship
JerryJeff Haining: @iSmartMan1 this set is full of absolutely classic magic cards
cameron hall: how does kicker work? well, you see, its the one thats not horsemanship
blackcoat: @Stormgod part of the problem is that it's more difficult to get reps at it. You can draft cubes to get better at draft, and it's only 3 packs to buy in.
Harrison Carcione (Harvestmoon): Is there a giveaway?
Jeffrey A. Thistle: I never use kicker 😞
Arkouda Chien: hey yall
Sarah: @Jeffrey A. Thistle Not necessarily, some people are here because they like LRR or maybe are more interested in standard than limited
Sarah: There will be separate giveaways for Twitch and YouTube during this stream yes
Maxwell: hi
SamanthaVess: "I don't have a curve, I have a wall. A wall of 2-drops!"
DarkMorford: I enjoy Serge. Full stop.
jessicaengle: @DarkMorford ^
3schr: @hesterbyrde feels like one of those old-school educational videos
flouncy_magooo: Everyone is welcome on Gruul Turf. Except, you know...
TopHatPeezy: keep the foil one in the deck thou obvs
GwalchmaiOfHouseParadox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GwalchmaiOfHouseParadox! (Today's storm count: 51)
OldUncleDan: Oooooooh! OG Overrun!
TehAmelie: what else are you gonna do, just leave dead cards buried? pff
KrivKobold: wow, he's a fast counter
Archbound: @flouncy_magooo Thats not very dimir
control_rig: Nuuuuu
wattyFathom: not this time genesis FeelsBadMan
sallomon33: yeah
shamblingkrenshar: Rite of the Dragoncaller feels like its not gonna do much here, tbh
HungryTanuki: o7
TheWarbo: time to genesis wave goodbye to that spell
beowuuf: @TehAmelie they had flanking, which was 'get that 1/1 outta here!' ...might have been flanking due to burrowin sideways :p
Opheliaway: Normalize running 24 spells and 16 lands. I find that I don't get hecked as much with flood.
3schr: But Overrun is also GGG
EricTheOrange: not using your Bomb always hurts
maxthefourth: Nooooo :(
control_rig: I mean, yeah, but still :(
sallomon33: overrun wins the game at least
Pharmacistjudge: honestly should cut both of those
Kivipaperisakset: Ah, losing to overrun. Classic core set experience
kiro5505: First time watchings a stream!
3schr: !card Overrun
LRRbot: Overrun [2GGG] | Sorcery | Creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.
silv3r_54: its either genesis or rite
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Apothecary Stomper: Apothecary who Stomps or Elephant that Stops Apothecaries? or both?
Stormgod: @blackcoat very true. I'm working on llooking at other formats, and getting better at limited is something I'm working on. It's been hard because I don't have gems on arena
noah turnmire: red rules
cameron hall: also these types of sets are literally designed for new players
Oremasta: Draft and sealed are super fun but it's hard to commit to going every week
Stormgod: oh dang
Stormgod: 1 cut
Stormgod: that's sick
Rachel Zmak: god i swear this set might get me into play standard
Stormgod: hell, i'd justplay 16 lands
Stormgod: Im greedy that way
Jeffrey A. Thistle: Power level of standard is gonna be the same as Pioneer minus thoughtseize and push 🤔
Stormgod: Nooooooooo
Oremasta: i usually only do pre releases when I can so I miss out on drafts
Stormgod: that's fair
William Edge: Nooooooo
iSmartMan1: @JerryJeff Haining It's not about how classic it is as much as how mana creatures have kept being printed at 2 mana for the last 6 or so standard-legal sets
Sarah_Serinde: kiro5505 Welcome!
TXC2: hello kiro5505 welcome
bloodmoonorbust: …No. genesis wave for 5 is waaaaay better
sallomon33: @EricTheOrange I wouldn't describe genesis wave as a bomb though lol
LRRMTG_Judge: @kiro5505 Welcome in! - BlackRose
wattyFathom: goldvein heck yes
3schr: @LoadingReadyRun Stomps Apothecaries
BrowneePointz: still wild how it took a bit for Mana Curve to exist in game. thanks Jay Schneider
ElektroTal: Goldvein pick is a pet card of mine
TheWarbo: Apo, the Cary Stomper
NarukamiKnight: needs more spells for the enchantment tbh
Mangledpixel: I too like picks, but I'm biased :p
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun elephant epothecary who stars in the musical stomp
NewtyNewts: @Mangledpixel Picks? L. lrrBEEJ
flouncy_magooo: @TheWarbo Poor Cary
Creideiki_SE: "I like the pick." - noted Minecraft player Serge
TopHatPeezy: if i'm playing Hart and Pick, I might like Gen Wave over Dragons as well
shamblingkrenshar: Graham is on the ever respectful Blackless Jund
Grafitivoid: been over a decade since i've done sealed. holy smokes
jagehtso: marshall sutcliffe shaking his fists angrily at the sky with overrun back at uncommon
blackcoat: More outside interference!
EvilJohnCena: hi everybody
Stormgod: Burnished Hart is solid
Stormgod: oof
Reach: solid first Pick right there.
Stormgod: the gain land is only in boros
Pharmacistjudge: Overrun hasn't been in limited since the more recent stat inflation.
Stormgod: YES!
Stormgod: Evolving WIlds is in the set
Stormgod: and that art is sick
Arboreal Blazer: hey gang I just showed up, this bit looks pre-recorded, yeah?
Stormgod: Yes
0011110000110011: @ElektroTal hell yeah! I love Goldvein Pick!!
flouncy_magooo: @shamblingkrenshar Huh, look more like Dry Temur to me
Ukon_Cairns: got it down to 23, found colorless ramp so we can put the G Wave back in pog
beowuuf: if evolving wilds is not in a deck, all the cards should be asking 'where's evolving wilds?'
hunahpu92 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hunahpu92! (Today's storm count: 52)
TehAmelie: i'd trust an elephant apothecary. the 3000 muscles in their trunk gives them enormous fine control over mixing drugs
matthaus_c: windy craig
NewtyNewts: Wind-Scared Craig
TopHatPeezy: poor Criag
cmdrzellgaudis: Creg
bennybartez: boltwave looks cutable. nice deck tho
TheWarbo: so that's 7 cards to trigger the rite
Graham_LRR: Craig’s doing well
nymistrya: Im going to lose so many games trying to force Rise of the Dragoncaller.
G3min3y3: man I lopve learning basic deckbuilding
Pharmacistjudge: I do not trust an elephants ability in an IV hood making sterile compounds
Stormgod: it is prerecorded
JerryJeff Haining: quick chat poll, Evolving wilds or terramorphic
Arboreal Blazer: rad
blackcoat: Evolving wilds
Stormgod: yes
Rachel Zmak: evolving!
LilyFin: terra art usually goes harder
William Edge: Evolving wild, it’s just a better name
Arkouda Chien: the sealed build is a prerecord yeah
blackcoat: Purely for the D&D book art
Stormgod: Evolving Expanse... I mean, Terramorphic Wilds! No, wait!
iSmartMan1: @JerryJeff Haining Why not both?
Arboreal Blazer: oof gotta cheat and say myriad landscape
Jeffrey A. Thistle: 🤔
Reach: oh, that's the fnm promo art on evolving wilds! neat!
PosingAThreat: terramorphic, because it has the full text version
Stormgod: @Arboreal Blazer Im gonna say Colossal Dreadmaw
JerryJeff Haining: Exemplar is wildly strong
undecided44: Craig, my g*d Craig! What happened, your so scarred.
LoadingReadyRun: @TehAmelie also, good memory
TehAmelie: they might need some assistance
flouncy_magooo: Does Boltwave just go face? That seems kinda medium minus in limited.
Archbound: Naya gang!
Blip2004: oh neat, got here for pool discussion. yay for early lunch
matthaus_c: sometimes you just gotta lava spike a chump
TXC2: flouncy_magooo yes, face only
bennybartez: the double RG rares led the deckbuild, and theyre good!
Graham_LRR: I felt this was important to keep in the edit, to show “don’t bend backwards to play your best rare”
JoeLowe2: Hey LRR Fam. I had stepped away from magic for a little more than a year. I don't know anything about this set, so watching the PPR will, I'm sure, bring me right up date!
bytecaster: It's nice that it is a pool presenting some interesting decisions
l0rdrollin: everybody knows that the face is the place SMOrc
Graham_LRR: @joelowe2 welcome! I hope so!
corpocracy: I love this conversation about how to build a sealed pool
wattyFathom: what if I believe in the heart of the cards
KhazzyB: @Graham_LRR counter point, just play 5c and all your rares
Wicker_Guide: @Graham_LRR Glad the pool worked out to talk about it
BrowneePointz: Unless your rare is Oko
InambaGuum: i kinda like the cozy deckbuilding segment
Gekyouryuu: A Canadian man going for Red Green, you say? I'll see you at Possum Lodge, Graham
googoltudoris: @Graham_LRR thanks for leaving it in
DarkMorford: Force mono-rare Kappa
TotalHell: @Graham_LRR it's a mistake we've all made (probably)
Kivipaperisakset: The simplest thing to do is to add ten of all basic lands to your pool and play all your cards! Kappa
Arboreal Blazer: @stormgod hey we don't play power 9 here
leo2791: he's actually Power 6
Jeffrey A. Thistle: hmm fetch lands in standard when? 🤔
Stormgod: @Arboreal Blazer you broke the mold, I'm just adding to it. I could play Storm Crow if you wanted, but I didn't want to be unfair
sandmanlives3: :hand-pink-waving: Hey LRR! Happy to be here!
Stormgod: @leo2791 bus it lol
Sarah: Welcome :)
KoDOmega: "If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you with a few +1/+1 counters"
reaperseeker: Anyone else having the stream blip to a black screen for less than a second every so often?
TXC2: JoeLowe2 basically this set is like a core set that's going to be standard legal for 5 years
beowuuf: calling out wheeler like that :(
corpocracy: I will definitely use this if published as a separate video
fblthpfeiertmit: Lasst euch nicht von den seltenen Karten leiten ...
Opheliaway: Go with as many colors as you like. Live your best life, bestie Kappa
933 raiders from NumotTheNummy have joined!
Lobster_Pot: numotJAM numotJAM numotJAM
TheWarbo: ignore deckbuild advice, force 5c goodstuff
luke1x: I like the approach since this is a foundation set to take our time with he build for any new players that may be here
shtevie3: numotJAM numotJAM numotJAM numotJAM
Graham_LRR: @wicker_guide me too! we were not about to record another one
sallomon33: wdym, DMU limited had real 5 colour decks, it means every limited has them, right? Kappa
Allen3377: numotHELLO numotCOFFEE numotJAM numotHELLO numotCOFFEE numotJAM numotHELLO numotCOFFEE numotJAM numotHELLO
TallynNyntyg: @graham_lrr Yeah, I had to eschew GB during Duskmourn because I couldn't afford my Valgavoth.
Sarah_Serinde: Welcome raiders!
DMGlol: avngrJam
TXC2: hello Raiders!
BrowneePointz: yea this is like a 5 year legal Core Set Deluxe
silv3r_54: numotJAM
JoeLowe2: Thanks @TXC2 - good to know!
Stormgod519: Welcome Raiders
Sarah_Serinde: We're watching a sealed deckbuilding prerecord right now
TehAmelie: hey huge raid team
Stormgod519: Hi Kenji!
Graham_LRR: First round gameplay coming in 5mins!!
Kivipaperisakset: The NumNUMs are coming, the NumNums are coming!
DSAtrav subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DSAtrav! (Today's storm count: 53)
3schr: Are there defined archetypes in Foundations like Duskmourn and Bloomburrow had?
sallomon33: @3schr yes
nukepurp: numotJAM
TheBleachingDude: numotMMM magic numotMMM
ph0enix__42: numotJAM numotJAM numotJAM
3schr: @sallomon33 Do we know them/
Stormgod: @reaperseeker not so far...
Stormgod: ill keep an eye on it
Jomiak: just joined and noticed firebrand archer in the pool? is that standard legal? the only printing I see online is from foundations jumpstart.
Sarah: A+ Red Green reference
Rewind G: love LRR! hope you all have a great PPR!!
Arkouda Chien: I saw that but thought it was me
Stormgod: we love our do-nothing enchantments
Sage0fMadness: Rule of Cool
HungryTanuki: Serge :D
Wicker_Guide: lalala - 6-mana do-nothing enchantments - lalala
Ukon_Cairns: i would be interested to see the GW pool, maybe splashing the gruul rares
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
AwkwordTuttle subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AwkwordTuttle! (Today's storm count: 54)
TXC2: the stakes have never been lower!
lightfut: Yes, do the cool thing
iris_of_ether: Yay dargons!
sallomon33: @3schr yeah, all are classic stuff, a few with small twists
matthaus_c: the job of these little cardboard squares is to make fun juices in the brain
t_peazy: Overrun us nuts. Cut a land.
Jaolen: I approve of this message
Opheliaway: As long as you make 1 dragon from it, you've done well
Mangledpixel: having fun?! in a game?! surely not
PorpoisesUnknown: Serges argument but Graham DRAGONS
silverbulletdevil: This is really well done thanks guys
jessieimproved: One would argue you should always be having fun with it, since it is ya know, a game
beowuuf: serge tanking graham's pool in case of end of stream judge versus winner :p
Kivipaperisakset: play 41 cards :D
Sage0fMadness: Gotta cut spells now that you're running Rite LUL
TallynNyntyg: White and red seem to have some good kindred synergy. White with cats and angels, and red with gobbos and dargons.
DarkMorford: @Kivipaperisakset The ham sandwich!
3schr: @sallomon33 I just started playing, so hopefully there will be a good explainer
ShifuDaxiongmao: Never underestimate versatility picks :)
Opheliaway: 1 less potential dragon to be made
sallomon33: @sallomon33 this is not a place to send a handy graphic, there is one though
Jeffrey A. Thistle: 6 drops in limited 😑 I have lost to 6 drop bombs in limited before lol 😒
Stormgod: oh yeah
EvilJohnCena: I love that enchantment so much lol
Stormgod: a 5-drop ran my pool in the duskmourn PR
Stormgod: jsut play 41
JerryJeff Haining: it is tradition to play the overcosted ridiculous red enchantment in pre release
Stormgod: mmmmmm...
3schr: @sallomon33 Oooh. Good.
TimeToFry: More like WRONG of the Dragoncaller
Kivipaperisakset: Even a transformative sideboard, where you swap into another deck!
TehAmelie: or play 30 spells and 10 lands. it's just like slow rolling in Dark Souls, you can do it, even if you shouldn't
Ukon_Cairns: RG deck with BW transformative sideboard letsgo
RobustLaser: ask me about how often i just build two decks at prereleases
jacqui_lantern234: but creatures ARE spells, past serge Kappa
OldUncleDan: @ShifuDaxiongmao Goldvein is definitely versatile.
Kivipaperisakset: @TimeToFry LUL
Mumpaaah: Mister Mister reference
Graham_LRR: *with flying 😅
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: maybe you should take those?
beowuuf: take these broken wings and learn flying's reminder text
Opheliaway: Destroys artifact, enchantment or creature (with flying)
RaginCaucaJhin: @Graham_LRR Nice save Graham
wotc_jordan: @Graham_LRR Out here rewriting rules
BrowneePointz: @3schr luckily, this set while being a Core Set Deluxe is still entirely designed around introducing new players. this will be a WONDERFUL set to learn how to play
googoltudoris: 0.35 on rite of the dragoncaller plz so i can put it in my niv-mizzet cheap deck
sallomon33: @3schr it will probably appear on DailyMTG on Monday or sth, so if you don't want to look all over the place, you can wait for that
My Best: yeah just play 41 if you're cutting a 1 drop
Scotty P: 41 > 40 it’s a fact!
n0Code Gaming: If you ever want to cut a cool looking card, remember what Noah said to his son; "GO HAM!"
Stormgod: Wheeler's here. It's time for greed
JerryJeff Haining: take that broken wings and learn to play sideboard cards
Stormgod: Hello Ed
Jeffrey A. Thistle: Wonder if the pull pool is going to be too wide to make consistent limited decks in this huge set 🤔
Reach: Hi Ed!
Stormgod: @JerryJeff Haining god dammit. that's so good
jacqui_lantern234: @Graham_LRR listen, talking is hard. you get a pass here :P
LRRMTG_Judge: If you finish a round with some time to spare at prerelease then chatting to your opponent about deck improvements can be a great option. - BlackRose
3schr: @BrowneePointz Yeah. I started on Arena with Bloomburrow and paper with Duskmourn, but I still have a lot to turn - especially with limited formats. I'm excited to try to build a standard collection base from this set
3schr: @LRRMTG_Judge I've learned so much this way
googoltudoris: really appreciating the advice
Hansk_and_Boo: =
bennybartez: good advice
RaginCaucaJhin: @LRRMTG_Judge Definitely! I was absolutely stomped by a guy in 2 games back to back, he spent the rest of the time just chatting about how to play magic and teaching me deck construction!
Hansk_and_Boo: oi
Sage0fMadness: @3schr this is certainly the set for that!
BrowneePointz: check your pips and your curve
Guevon: 41 card special! @Scotty P 😄
Stormgod: ratio
JerryJeff Haining: it being a megaset is gonna be really interesting for draft
Devin Owens: I’m weirdly excited for goldvein pick being in this set
JerryJeff Haining: @Stormgod i'm glad someone got it lol
Stormgod: Edging the forests?
Christopher Peterson: I still think you edge the forests and go 9-7
Stormgod: @JerryJeff Haining always appreciate a Broken wings joke. It's an lrr classic
3schr: @Sage0fMadness Those giveaway packs looked amazing. Fingers crossed for some luck today.
bennybartez: well done guys. great vid
TXC2: by past Graham and Serge
InambaGuum: this deck looks fun...i'd be pretty happy to open this pool
djmikeysaxx: Loved that!
TXC2: *bye
silv3r_54: Clap
MyrddintheWizard: sharkf11CLAP
thanzo: fun and informative video
Harthic: That was a great video
Opheliaway: Everyone loves having a Serge friend with them
TimeToFry: What a good video, will definitely be sharing that with newer players
MyrddintheWizard: Well presented!
jacqui_lantern234: @BrowneePointz ive been hitting the gym lately, i have been looking at my curve more :P
googoltudoris: see you all in the 0/2 bracket!
Kivipaperisakset: Will we see Krenko overrun in Match 1? Place your imaginary bets!
quesog32: @BrowneePointz Why does that sound dirty? 😅
Dromos_GHG: gonna bookmark that vid when it goes up on Youtube
Orxolon: thanks me
DapperKoala2: I jumped slightly.
Stormgod519: les gooooo
flaressi: now for present graham and surge off camera!
Stormgod519: Oh no
Whisle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
djmikeysaxx: Still miss the prerelease pack opening video but I like that too!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Whisle! (Today's storm count: 55)
AverageBaggage: graham and Kathleen swapped places
Stormgod519: Who let Kathleen have this power
iris_of_ether: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
beowuuf: or lrrmen, orr lrrme prison :p
wifi12345678910: Powerful Kathleen!
lislovesscience: proud of you wheeler
Wicker_Guide: lrrSPOOP lrrFINE
Zartnic: It's great for him to be here
sallomon33: @flaressi didn't know surge is back from bfz Kappa
TheBleachingDude: numotJAM
BersonCorps: This was so great, I've been tangential to MtG for nearly a decade but not really played, and I would definitely rewatch this if I was going to do a sealed draft!
Kivipaperisakset: yuuuge
beowuuf: *for wheeler
Featherweight_: I am mega entertained
jiantwitch: o/
DeuceOfClovers: numotJAM
nitrosmob: numotJAM numotJAM numotJAM
BersonCorps: HYPE
gluonquark: Kathleen is better than Elish norn
shtevie3: numotJAM numotJAM numotJAM numotJAM
Stormgod519: was Wheeler just doing the SIngle Lady dance?
Welbog: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: erotic literature (clean)
JerryJeff Haining: I miss set nickname podcast
Stormgod: I want them back so dang bad
Reach: Thanks, Graham and Serge!
Stormgod: I was so ready for Ixalan's but it never came
Stormgod: TY G and S
Oremasta: 😀 game time
iSmartMan1: Blue has Aetherize??? That convinced me, Magic is FINALLY shifting back towards slower games again, and it's not just Duskmourne
JerryJeff Haining: graham's unblinking gaze
RaithReyRay: if he was Graham then... who is he now?!?!
Christopher Peterson: Ixalan never came because Graham was too busy edging the forests
Arkouda Chien: that beginner box looks so good on camera
blackcoat: I think the nickname joke was getting a little played out for the amount of work it had to be.
Stormgod: @Christopher Peterson lol....
Scarbble: woooooo ppr
SimWOT: wheelerRat
Stormgod519: !advice
LRRbot: Scritch the kraken.
Stormgod519: ooooooo
matthaus_c: the Carmen Klomparens special
TehAmelie: famous writer Kathleen De Veere? on this stream? oh my
undecided44: Erstwhile table friend? Better than ersatz table friend, I guess? [is it?]
Kentosaurus: that's rad
aeon_novachrono: tiefMeliWaddle
TheWarbo: JumpsTart
wifi12345678910 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
wifi12345678910: Preprerelease Hype!
raisins77: Karsten says you want 11-13 green sources to cast overrun on turn 5-6
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wifi12345678910! (Today's storm count: 56)
rosydumpling: Holy cow
Stormgod519: oh wow
AverageBaggage: OH
ShadowTigris_: Excited to catch a ppr live for a bit today!!
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: Oh that's rad
Welbog: Firm board
TimeToFry: Oh! That rules
flouncy_magooo: @TehAmelie Huge get for LRR
BorealMage: Those are kinda sick
thanzo: oooooh
Opheliaway: TTMTG
shamblingkrenshar: Oh! Those are nice.
bennybartez: ooh
DeM0nFiRe: Oh dang I love those
fblthpfeiertmit: Are the giveaways worldwide or just northamerica ?
ShifuDaxiongmao: hello kathleen, table acquaintance
Sarah_Serinde: @ShadowTigris_ Welcome!
InambaGuum: oooh i like
Kivipaperisakset: wha-na-hah?
TalpTheScot: They put a lot of work in to making this a great intro in to magic
3schr: Oh, that's really cool!
flatluigi: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
praxismakeperfect: those are pretty cool
87ducksinfedoras: Interesting concept
3schr: Much easier to pack than a soft mat, too
Stormgod519: They should make some left-handed boards
OldUncleDan: I'll admit... That's pretty cool!
TheBloodsparrow: right!
ShadowTigris_: That seems really nice for learning
circusofkirkus: also they have the deck on the right for some reason
beowuuf: rookie mistake wotc :( :p
kimistryclass: oh, i was expecting just paper, that rules
LRRMTG_Judge: Wheeler no - Natedogg
Didero: Is it double-sided?
sallomon33: yes Wheeler, the only correct way
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: they should make one of those for left handed people
MrMatternot: Neato taquito
Aingealwroth: not the lame paper ones they used to do, nice!
jacqui_lantern234: @LRRMTG_Judge WHEELER YES
Sage0fMadness: thicccc
wifi12345678910: No shuffle cat
TheWarbo: i recently played paper for the first time in like a decade and i did indeed put lands in front (without thinking about it)
doomlewa: very fun
Jeffrey A. Thistle: she sounds very enthused 🤣
Stormgod: those are sick
thehiddenstump: That’s nifty
Reach: oh, that's a neat format for a board game night style thing nice
Christopher Peterson: That's actually a really cool set for beginners
Alan Charles Jay: cool
mythdom: That's actually really good
doomlewa: that seems really useful yeah, I wonder if anyone else has done that
Daniel Solis: Howdy y'all! Came in late. Watching at 3x speed until I catch up. See ya in a bit!
Stormgod: is there a lefty one?
tehDoc1: Is there any links or info on the giveaways?
Stormgod: 2 will happen on yt, 2 on twitch, and 1 on the vod
AverageBaggage: I hope that they print that on like regular rubber playmats too
3and4fifths: Way better than the 6th edition playmats, which were glossy paper
Leafeyawn: I learned how to play Magic using a deck like that from the Portal starter set :o
iris_of_ether: Thiccc
Scarbble: thiccccc cardboard
BraveOthello: Is that what those are for?!
rosydumpling: The cardboard is thicc
Vequinox: looks like a cool intro product
vinopinguino: that cardboard thic
KadmosTech: Dang that cardboard looks thiccc
FurthestChunk: quality components get me going too don't worry
Welbog: This is pretty nice. Usually these boxes have been pretty flimsy.
flatluigi: love sliding and nestling
TheMentalMonk: ooooooh organisation!
DeuceOfClovers: WoTC has been missing a product like this for 15 years. This is well needed
Chichen: Ben was staeim
Wicker_Guide: @LRRMTG_Judge lands to the left. Creatures to the right. lrrBEEJ
Chichen: Staring us down
flatluigi: also love having a breakdown
luke1x: I can't wait to see what greed pile Wheeler has
petey_vonwho: Thicc cardboard
Robot_Bones: This is a magic stream, we are all about the cardboard
Chichen: Mobile typing...
Opheliaway: life is a resource
BrowneePointz: @wicker_guide combat in the middle with you
corpocracy: Heck yeah
TXC2: Wicker_Guide stuck in the middle with blue?
TimeToFry: Think Twice is even in the set!
silv3r_54: disruptive yup
Sage0fMadness: !card Think Twice
LRRbot: Think Twice [1U] | Instant | Draw a card. / Flashback {2}{U}
wifi12345678910: hehe think twice
Debatra: Blue: "Nope!"
DoodlestheGreat: Got 'em both accurately.
TopHatPeezy: I'm so here for how they seem to be taking new player experience super seriously this time round
TheRoyalNobody: I feel i read those descriptions 15 years ago
LRRMTG_Judge: @Wicker_Guide but what if there is a rushing river? pharma2Vial
matthaus_c: yeah I want to be the one thinking twice!
mulligansgp: So excited!
Stormgod519: @TXC2 white to the left of me, black is to the right, here I am
blackcoat: Wow. Who would have thought of that idea to have a playmat that lays out where the stuff is.
JerryJeff Haining: scripted games!
Stormgod: thicc cardboard
tomcove: t h i c c c a r d b o a r d
Christopher Peterson: thicc bois
JerryJeff Haining: very well built box
Stormgod: lol
Sarah: They haven't said exactly when the giveaways will happen so you'll have to stay tuned. You'll need to be in chat when they happen (except for the one in the vod later)
Roman Simon: Very exciting times!
Stormgod: Sounds about right...
Stormgod: Where's the lie
Stormgod: Seems accurate
Jeffrey A. Thistle: blue is annoying on purpose 😅
niccus: ooh, that lid fit...
TehAmelie: Black should have more cards where you just sacrifice your creatures to gain mana imo
OldUncleDan: Fun Fact: Think Twice if Phil Collins' pet card!
OldUncleDan: is
Wolfstrike_NL: !advice
LRRbot: Stop gentrifying cryptids.
flouncy_magooo: I don't even think once
TalpTheScot: That's too many things
Kivipaperisakset: Black: sacrifice everything and anything for power Blue: asks you to consider if you want to do that
goateedave86: Are the giveaway's US and Canada only?
googoltudoris: @LRRbot no!
fblthpfeiertmit: Sry for asking again. Are the giveaways open for world wide participation ?
BrowneePointz: The Starter Collection is incredible Kathleen
Opheliaway: Surprise surprise
Scarbble: magic colon the gathering
vinopinguino: some things never change
APrioriOfNothing: Classic Wheeler
WhiteFalcon9_: big shocker, wheeler winning the die role
ExhaustedElox: Wheeler's skills continue I see
KhazzyB: wheeler won a roll? surely not
blue_lotus_designs: So many things
Robot_Bones: He can't keep getting away with it
Loyal_Rook: greatness…. at any cost
irreleverent: Wheeler with the rigged dice as always
praxismakeperfect: such a wild giveaway
carbondragon: Wheeler continues to be the best at dice rolling, as usual.
beowuuf: @TehAmelie so you can cast more creatures? :p
BillTheCat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
BillTheCat: Waow so much give away
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BillTheCat! (Today's storm count: 57)
Lysander_salamander: oh that's a fancy forest
AverageBaggage: yooo worldwide too
Atomskin: He can't keep getting away with it!!
darkora: whorld whide?
Prometheone: !giveaway
ZombieHendrix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ZombieHendrix! (Today's storm count: 58)
Didero: Graham's land cards look very pretty
rosydumpling: How gnarlid
BraveOthello: @robot_bones he can and he will
DoodlestheGreat: Whirled whide.
TehAmelie: @beowuuf or a game ending Drain Life
Cinnabat: oh hell yeah!
LoadingReadyRun: !cardview on
LRRbot: Card viewer enabled
ExachixKitsune: a friend!
SimWOT: Graham's land looks great
thanzo: love the spacic lands
billcobby: crazy
sallomon33: s t a b
Wicker_Guide: pokemon pokemon
Opheliaway: Wheeler winning the die roll is just as underwhelming as Graham rolling low (all those nat 1s from Dice Friends)
BrowneePointz: Carmen broke down what was in the Starter Collection and it’s a LOT. it’s basically a “here’s a good collection to start playing standard” iirc
Scarbble: fantastic pokemon joke wheeler
circusofkirkus: WOOO
Sage0fMadness: yessss
fblthpfeiertmit: Thanks for the answer
beowuuf: @TehAmelie black fireball, no notes
General_Pants: wheeler forcing cats hell yeah
Stormgod: He can't keep winning these...
blackcoat: Another one for the stats
Stormgod: Draw, go
Rebecca Lawrence: Does chat here count or do we need to be in twitch chat?
mythdom: Wheeler on the play? Sounds about right
Waves of Babies: he can't keep getting away with this
Gregory Cafiero: he can't keep getting away with this
bassface1018: Wheeler cheats on the die rolls!
Reach: Wheeler can and will keep getting away with it.
tomcove: Love Wheeler's commitment to never sleeving his cards during PPRs
My Best: every time
Stormgod: oh that's sick
Sarah: There will be separate Twitch and YouTube giveaways
Rebecca Lawrence: Thank you!
Stormgod: removal...
Stormgod: classic
Two number nines: do the giveaways ship worldwide?
Stormgod: Yay!
Stormgod: Kathleen's writing
TallynNyntyg: Goddamnit Wheeler.
LRRbot: Burnished Hart [3] | Artifact Creature — Elk [2/2] | {3}, Sacrifice Burnished Hart: Search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
Chronomagistrate: YAY!
BraveOthello: She did?!
zelukester: had a meeting, I see Wheeler won the die roll?
Wolfstrike_NL: Heck yea Kathleen
Sage0fMadness: go Kathleen regale us
ardor_edi: I'm loving the foundations styling of the UI
jacqui_lantern234: jokes on you, im ALWAYS insufferable
fblthpfeiertmit: And for the ppr
HedgehogKnight: Well that explains a lot
gluonquark: Creatures you control with trample get +1/+1 counter
wotc_jordan: The real surprise is we hadn't printed a card named Stab before
ssg_miller: Love grahams lands
EmoTeddyBear0: This is an awesome setup, got my follow
NazTMann: @Graham_LRR What are those full-art forests?
LRRbot: Billowing Shriekmass [3B] | Creature -- Spirit [2/3] | Flying / When this creature enters, mill three cards. / Threshold — This creature gets +2/+1 as long as there are seven or more cards in your graveyard.
niccus: mana curve, meet mana wall
whiscash_enthusiast: graham would you say your deck is mid at a range of things
flatluigi: hello, you billowing shriekmasses
LRRMTG_Judge: @NazTMann Those look like Unfinity basic lands - Natedogg
accountmadeforants: @NazTMann Those are from Unfinity
TheWarbo: merry shriekmas to you too
zelukester: @NazTMann unfinity
beowuuf: @jacqui_lantern234 insufferably awesome and sufferable! boom, roasted
MurphEP: I personally love knowing when Kathleen works on a set
jacqui_lantern234: @beowuuf im sorry you think this
Konda020946: sorry i was afk to make dinner the giveways havent started yet or am i mistaken
TXC2: Konda020946 not yet
BillTheCat: After this round @konda020946
Marvoleath: @wotc_jordan funnily enough, Stab Wound was before the Stab
Konda020946: thx
Anten96: first ppr I catch live. Super hype
DeuceOfClovers: Spacics, not in Foundation
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: yeah the space lands are great
NazTMann: Thank you @LRRMTG_Judge , @accountmadeforants , and @zelukester rpgHappy
Opheliaway: I need to get a full draft set of the spacic lands
Debatra: Lands! In! Space!
TXC2: hello Anten96 welcome
hanzi_keat: Spacics, why have not heard that before
googoltudoris: billowing shriekmass is going to kill me so many times
LRRbot: Fiendish Panda [2WB] | Creature — Bear Demon [3/2] | Whenever you gain life, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. / When this creature dies, return another target non-Bear creature card with mana value less than or equal to this creature's power from your graveyard to the battlefield.
ohnoes42: big into wheeler's unsleeved unmatched basics real LGS vibes
googoltudoris: ooh!
grimkingxx: Funny looking cat
Gekyouryuu: I wonder if we'll get more spacics in EoE
vinopinguino: a PANDA?!
BrowneePointz: Graham is just giving a flash forward look at Edge of Eternities
Rabidkittens: Spacics!!!! I love it!!!!!
Dandyfloss: friendish panda peepoHappy
sallomon33: oh yeah, the panda boi
AverageBaggage: BEAR DEMON
TehAmelie: so, a bear
Plasterboard: ooOOoo Panda!
Marvoleath: the Pandamonium!
PorpoisesUnknown: Bear Demon is a great type
darkora: shovel cat?
DiscordianTokkan: Bear demon!
matthaus_c: the spanish name of this card is so good. "Pandamonio"
beowuuf: i will die for this white black frand
siberian_rabbit: i'm actually heartbroken it's not called pandamonium
TopHatPeezy: is that... some kind of dog?
Rourke9: pandemon!!
wharra: Did someone say Panda?
QuixoticScrivener: Pandas aren't bears...
Anten96: does it go in bear force one?
3schr: The pander Panda
TheInferno390: Ah yes, the Pandamonium
PorpoisesUnknown: Bear Demon might be > Bird Wizard hot take
Volus_dude: new bear for bear force deck
Pharmacistjudge: Bearshift?
DMGlol: You know it's evil because it's a bear with 3 power
rosydumpling: Soulshift is to hand
OmegaPlatinum: Kicker AND Threshold? What year is it? 2001?!
BrowneePointz: or in Spanish, Pandaemoni Graham
Robot_Bones: by anyother name is just as sweet
SmashTCG subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
SmashTCG: 15 month sub, And a PPR, AND its my birthday? poggers
googoltudoris: panda panda panda panda
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SmashTCG! (Today's storm count: 59)
HiCallMeRusty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
HiCallMeRusty: Did someone say BEAR DEMON!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HiCallMeRusty! (Today's storm count: 60)
AFamiliarCalledEl: bearshift
Marvoleath: unbearable
SagaMonstrum: Cant believe they denied the panda entry into bear force one
BrowneePointz: Pandaemonio*
RobustLaser: @Volus_dude unfortunately doesn't fit the bear deck. synergizes with non-bears specifically
LRRbot: Burnished Hart [3] | Artifact Creature — Elk [2/2] | {3}, Sacrifice Burnished Hart: Search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
Kingsgrave: nonbearshift
sallomon33: @OmegaPlatinum imagine a card with both in this set
goateedave86: Non Bear? Played against Graham...that feels targeted
General_Pants: playing bears against graham is a bold move
darkora: I propose calling it Shovel Cat
OldUncleDan: Panda seems Standard playable.
Stormgod519: lol
rosydumpling: FAlco Spara
Mindfire13: Falco Spara
flatluigi: should we be talking about white demons
KadmosTech: Do politicians count?
UnintentionalFeed: Wheeler
Stormgod519: LOL
TotalHell: Raffine
KhazzyB: does Shilgengar count?
clockworkmenagerie: Raffine
ajackinabox: Falco, the demon bird!
Nenluen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
Stormgod519: Wheeler.......
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nenluen! (Today's storm count: 61)
thraximore: hahaha
RaginCaucaJhin: Johnny Depp
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Stormgod519: Raffine?
Badchop: They're all white
sallomon33: jetmir
AverageBaggage: i don't actually know any white demons
wordnerdify subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
jamwno: Possessed goat can become white
bennybartez: elon musk?
jacqui_lantern234: Margret Thatcher
matthaus_c: Butcher of the Horde
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wordnerdify! (Today's storm count: 62)
TheBleachingDude: LUL
wifi12345678910: Jetmir
beowuuf: gotta be kami demons?
DeuceOfClovers: LUL
rosydumpling: Jetmir, Nexus of Revels
MartonyTho: LUL
zxcMass: falco spara
vinewood_og: During an election year?
Sorator13: LUL
Wicker_Guide: le sigh
vinopinguino: too soon?
TehAmelie: Jim Carrey lrrBEEJ
AgelessAscetic: Noice
Badchop: There, got it in
boddacious: Henry kissinger
ardor_edi: spara too
TheWarbo: wheeler setting chat on the path
General_Pants: thatcher
Transmuted_Elf: Wheeler that was fantastic
RobustLaser: it's always fine to dunk on reagan regardless of context
public_key_reveal_party: Good one wheeler lrrHORN
rosydumpling: Butcher of the Horde
BrowneePointz: Jeffrey Dahmer
Pharmacistjudge: Avian Changeling
LSRubin: Margaret Thatcher
HailtheRNG: I'll allow it
Scarbble: never change wheeler
Marvoleath: That mega-church preacher
EvilBadman: Ace Ventura in Ace Ventura When Nature Calls
NewtyNewts: Henerykissineger
MookGB: Donald Trump
t_peazy: Good joke Wheeler.
ShifuDaxiongmao: wheeler out there insulting demons :P
praxismakeperfect: Butcher of the horde?
notevengood_: Mirror Entity
Kingsgrave: Butcher of the Horede
tobenaitsubame: Rush Limbaugh
RealGamerCow: Wheeler's moustache is looking majestically lush today
GredGredmansson: what the hell have i come back to
Stormgod519: @LSRubin LOL
t_peazy: Kissinger
accountmadeforants: Butcher of the Horde, and like... three of the Capenna legends
Brozard: Jason Lee in Dogma, or was he a devil?
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: yeah Henry Kissinger is a good call
synthalanar: Mirror Entity
t_peazy: Thatcher.
googoltudoris: literally anyone who went out and made themselves a garbage bag costume...
Cromalisc: Daemons babye
lucaloveslrr: vito
sallomon33: also butcher of the horde
hedonistic_mushroom: The preeminent pilot of Bear Force One facing down a bear...
zxcMass: butcher of the horde
TheInferno390: Changeling of the Sixth Pride
lucaloveslrr: butcher of the horde
vinewood_og: ""Ronald Reagan! The actor?""
synthalanar: Though I loved the Rush Limbaugh joke
RyleGrimrick: butcher of the horde
TheWarbo: Nuka Penne, my favorite post-apocalyptic pasta
themercenary1987: Butcher of the Horde
vinopinguino: i agree!!
kumatsu: the double-sided Helvault token
DoodlestheGreat: Richard Nixon
RaginCaucaJhin: @vinewood_og Actually Jerry Lewis
t_peazy: Ben Shapiro
Grinnin_Gin: the game rules say you're wrong wheeler
matthaus_c: we are always happy to disappoint!
nickipedia45: The possessed goat
Xhinope: Adam Sandler in Little Nikki!
gluonquark: Crib swap
TopHatPeezy: @notevengood_ best demon hands down. Best horse too, and best frog
TallynNyntyg: I like the panda being WB. It feels... right.
TehAmelie: tbh i should have said Ace Ventura instead of Jim Carrey, i just forgot the character's name
jacqui_lantern234: Ben Wheeler Kappa
thraximore: t:demon c:w
bruiserhammerfist: Justin Trudeau
MegaTrain: Shilgengar, Sire of Famine has a UB identity, even though its back
fencepostmagpie: Vito from LCI, right?
TheWarbo: is it going to get out of handa
MegaTrain: sorry, WB
Sorator13: yesssss
RaginCaucaJhin: @jacqui_lantern234 Jacqui NO!
azombiewizard: Jetmir is white and a cat demon
Transmuted_Elf: Avacyn after what she did to Innistrad.....
BrowneePointz: Speaking of! Return to Tarkir next year! and return of the Clans!!!
Plasterboard: @Xhinope we eat the meat and then we BURN
PorpoisesUnknown: Sakashima copying any white demon
jacqui_lantern234: @RaginCaucaJhin JACQUI YES >:3
Proudboar: Why DON'T we have a Mono White Demon, when we have Non Fallen Mono Black Angels?
Stormgod519: @RaginCaucaJhin Jacqui, maybe???
dernerntyern: @RaginCaucaJhin Jacqui yes!
Marvoleath: Vito after meeting his god
ardor_edi: ramp payoff, nice
rosydumpling: Are we sure that isn't a bear?
AverageBaggage: MAN foundations is so cool
Stormgod519: hmmmm
kynelwynn: I am so bitter they called it "Fiendish Panda" when "Pandemon" or "Pandemonium" or similar was RIGHT THERE
DeuceOfClovers: Demons all the way down
KadmosTech: Goblin' Negotiation is what I call "dating my ex"
ssg_miller subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ssg_miller! (Today's storm count: 63)
3schr: What's the best way to learn all of the color clan names? That's been the hardest part for me as a new player. I rarely know what color combos people are talking about
sallomon33: that seems very good in limited
TheWarbo: revolving door graveyard over there
goateedave86: You see a pair of goblins...
Tom_Bruise: what a good little demon du- oh they're three mana?
RealGamerCow: oh I like that token
3schr: I've got Gruul, Azorious, and Dimir down, but that's it.
hanzi_keat: Three mana, 1 toughness, checks out as not a bear
JosephDeath: Wait Panda was battlefield and not hand?
NewtyNewts: Goblat
noSmokeFire: @kynelwynn Pandemonium is its Bearscape equivalent
Marvoleath: It's no possessed goat, but cool nonetheless
gluonquark: Gobl gobl gobl
TallynNyntyg: Goblin negotiation. You mean talking with Kathleen
BrowneePointz: @3schr exposure and MTG wiki
narwhalrus7: I'm looking for a third goblin sounds like something you'd put in your goblin tinder bio
DanTheMediocre: So I gave him one of Deeez (goblins)
KhazzyB: do you Mind Untoblin my Goblin?
Omentuva: Getting Wheeler's deck name now, because his creatures seem to have multiple lives.
LSRubin: @kynelwynn i think the Italian-language version of the card is called "Pandamonio" or something like that?
AverageBaggage: @3schr i think looking at the guildgates might help. for me it was just playing each color combo and drilling it into my brain
TehAmelie: Abzan is the only one i'm sure about, and it's not even a guild
3schr: @BrowneePointz No fun pneumonics?
kimistryclass: those are very spiky goblins
public_key_reveal_party: Good thing Graham doesn't have krenko or something
synthalanar: @3schr I like linking the names to the symbols
Kivipaperisakset: did he skip the upkoblin step :P
fishthemfishfish: trust fund. blue eyes. 1’5”
DarkMorford: So Graham has Goblins A, B, and C. But is chat familiar with Goblin D?
RealGamerCow: rad, that's close to the old art
Stormgod519: Wow
noSmokeFire: @narwhalrus7 Me and my goblin saw you from across the bar and we like your rancid vibe
TallynNyntyg: And I mean that in a positive way.
accountmadeforants: @3schr Don't worry about it too much, mostly exposure. Until then, just ask them or look it up. (And you can refer to your own decks as just the colors if you want.)
Stormgod519: that's sick
gluonquark: Where are the cats!
sallomon33: @3schr in my case it was just heaing them enough times, though I have to admit, with Ikoria, Capenna and Strixhaven learning the original names got harder when you have alternatives which nobody uses
LSRubin: @DarkMorford lmao
AutomatonAA: @3schr play some Ravnica, Alara, or Tarkir. But mostly just exposure.
Mumpaaah: Is Wheeler ruining evenings in Sealed?
LRRMTG_Judge: @3schr If you like fantasy fiction, then going back and reading some of the Magic story from the various Ravnica sets, Alara block and Tarkir block may help. - BlackRose
wifi12345678910: Healthy as a Horse
Proudboar: Shilgengar is pleased
TopHatPeezy: does the cleric come back with flying too or no?
justalog96: Wheeler is here to ruin our afternoon
avi_miller: @darkmorford You mean Goblin dee- (a cane pulls me offstage)
Stormgod: @Two number nines yes
LRRbot: Burnished Hart [3] | Artifact Creature — Elk [2/2] | {3}, Sacrifice Burnished Hart: Search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
Sarah: Yes they ship worldwide
bassface1018: Same Type Attack Boost from pokemon
RandoMattz: STAB! :)
mythdom: Hell yeah Kathleen
My Best: Kathleen noooo
Two number nines: cool!
blackcoat: @Two number nines they just said yes to that. :)
Stormgod: Graham just said they will be worldwide
agentorangecb1: Yoooo
Stormgod: Weird flex, wheeler
Christopher Cugini: Thank you for the great explanations on the set, Graham and Serge! I`m having a friend learn MTG and this seems like the perfect set for them to jump in :)
Dustin King: m'elk
LRRbot: Billowing Shriekmass [3B] | Creature -- Spirit [2/3] | Flying / When this creature enters, mill three cards. / Threshold — This creature gets +2/+1 as long as there are seven or more cards in your gr…
Stormgod: seems solid
Pixie_Kelz: :person-turquoise-wizard-wand:
Jeffrey A. Thistle: no sleeves 😅 I can't
Stormgod: cant wait to get those cool basics G has in my foundations pool... oh wait
Michael Woodhead: Graham with the fancy lands
agentorangecb1: 1st time live! Hello community 👋😁 I hope everyone loves the set and has fun ♥️🌍
tomcove: Fancy lands for a fancy lad
Stormgod: Hya Agent
Sarah: Welcome!
LRRbot: Fiendish Panda [2WB] | Creature — Bear Demon [3/2] | Whenever you gain life, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. / When this creature dies, return another target non-Bear creature card with mana va…
Stormgod: LOL
Stormgod: It's a trash panda
Reach: Panda!
blackcoat: The spanish name of this card is *SO* much better: Pandamonia
Alex VillaMr: Pandamonium
Stormgod: @blackcoat this is so true lol
Gregory Cafiero: why does Bear Demon seem a very Wheeler creature type
SketchyDetails: bearshift?
Stormgod: I want to get my hands on more spanish printings of cards
LRRbot: Burnished Hart [3] | Artifact Creature — Elk [2/2] | {3}, Sacrifice Burnished Hart: Search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
Stormgod: @Gregory Cafiero that's so true
Stormgod: Graham's creature type is bear bear
Lawrence Moeller (Capt 2point0): falco spara
BathtubBreeze: taylor swift
jagehtso: mirror entity
WhiteWizard42: Jetmir, Falco Spara, Raffine
Ilaian MacDonald (Ilaian): Falco Spara from SNC
Stormgod: Jetmir and Raffine?
William Edge: Faldo Sparta
Stormgod: all the new cappena stuff
Dustin King: lol
Guevon: lol
My Best: that goat from duskmourne tha becomes a demon
Stormgod: @Dustin King lol
Foxmar “Foxmar”: @Stormgod Legendary Bear Bear
Jed: Andrew Jackson!
Nick S.: elon musk is a white demon
Rin: Henry Kiss-inger
WhiteWizard42: Nelly probably thinking of Butcher of the Horde
Stormgod: Leah Michelle?
Pixie_Kelz: Amodius, last to Fall
Arkouda Chien: good job mods
Dec7m2: Changlings totally count
Jeffrey A. Thistle: 🙃
Andrew Ickes (Ickes009): What about crib swap?
blackcoat: Vito, Fanatic
Arkouda Chien: this card is baller
Jeffrey A. Thistle: 👀
Arkouda Chien: it's not even XX
PosingAThreat: double sided tokens in regular sets is pog as hell, i hope that's not just a foundations thing
Jake Fersona: Flametongue Goblin? 🤔
Arkouda Chien: it's been a regular thing for a while
Caio Verze: is this the first game?
Jeffrey A. Thistle: stark has a great radio voice 😀
blackcoat: yep
My Best: isn't wheeler supposed to be milling?
PosingAThreat: in commander sets, yeah. not as much in boosters
Stormgod: @My Best i think it was just an etb
vegetalss4: @Caio Verze sure is
Arkouda Chien: is he?
Daniel Solis: (Still behind on stream) I really love this deckbuilding walkthrough. Extremely useful for beginners (or some folks returning to the game after 20+ years 👀)
Ard_Rhys: Graham wishing he had Genesis wave now
gluonquark: Wheeler promised cats...
TheWarbo: @3schr have a reference like or but also don't worry much, i know 10-year streamers who are still like "is that Jeskai....?"
zelukester: I'm so stoked about it
DapperKoala2: "Commander mana" made me laugh so hard that I started choking.
Mazrae: Demons AND angels?
maclenrac: Core
DarkMorford: @avi_miller Exactly
AverageBaggage: yeah this is the most coreset set since the coresets and i am SO HAPPY
kamkazi: SwiftRage we LOVE CORE SETS SwiftRage
LRRbot: Abrade [1R] | Instant | Choose one — / • Abrade deals 3 damage to target creature. / • Destroy target artifact.
praxismakeperfect: I've missed core sets so much
BersonCorps subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months!
BersonCorps: Been following you guys since Feed Dump days and unbelievably, for some reason, it didn't occur to me until 3 months ago that I could follow you on Twitch! So glad to be here.
Rourke9: yeah everything feels very fundamental and cool
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BersonCorps! (Today's storm count: 64)
Mediocre_Man5: Core set magic rules. M13 is still one of my favorite draft environments ever
corpocracy: Absolutely love core set magic
InambaGuum: sets have been real complicated lately, it's a nice change
3schr: There are too many to respond to, but thanks for the help, everyone!
OldUncleDan: This could very well get me back into Arena.
LRRbot: Ashroot Animist [2RG] | Creature — Lizard Druid [4/4] | Trample / When this creature attacks, another target creature you control gains trample and gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is this creature's power.
GredGredmansson: you take 3 points of Goblin damage
vinopinguino: i want that 3 a la carte please
finestotter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
finestotter: Now that I'm finally of the age of majority, I think it's time to build my house. Lucky we've got these amazing foundations!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, finestotter! (Today's storm count: 65)
justalog96: Abrade is too mucb
HailtheRNG: dang you removal!!!!!
sallomon33: @TheWarbo as long as they're not ontroduced to all the names like Jeskai Green or Wet Abzan it's fine
Tom_Bruise: Magic went too far 7 years ago(that's when they first printed Abrade)
Sibwow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months, currently on a 40 month streak!
Sibwow: thanks for wheeling me its benjamin to great here
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sibwow! (Today's storm count: 66)
DanTheMediocre: actually can I have some Krut with my 3?
littleunknownn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, littleunknownn! (Today's storm count: 67)
rosydumpling: Killsies or Blocksies?
HailtheRNG: gruul doing gruul things
BrowneePointz: @3schr the Wedges/Clans are unallied Trios. The Shards are Allied(touching) tricolor, and the guilds are all 10 2 color combos. the names come with repetition/exposure
TehAmelie: @justalog96 yeah we should have some sort of bebrade
TheWarbo: also become a hipster and refer to temur as ceta, &c
jacqui_lantern234: @sallomon33 the old name for Abzan was Junk, so im all in on "Moist Junk"
vinewood_og: "Wingus, Dingus, get in here!"
SymphonySolstice: take 4 bonkus
circusofkirkus: you know
Mangledpixel: hrmm
RealGamerCow: "Moist Junk" is the best/worst name
fblthpfeiertmit: "Balsam für die Magicnostalgikerseele" as we would call it in Germany
DapperKoala2: I can't believe he died to Forth Eorlingas!
sallomon33: Wingus? in MY Dingus egg?
vinopinguino: im sure nothing could possible go wrong
theawesomeonev2: Flashing back to the wingus dingus clip from slay the spide
TheWarbo: ana raka ceta necra dega leggooooo
avi_miller: I still like calling sultai BUG
accountmadeforants: Settle the Wreckage, has to be OpieOP
jacqui_lantern234: @RealGamerCow nono, just the best
theawesomeonev2: Spire*
MARPJ: goblins normally dont like lifegain, luckly for him overrun can fix that
justalog96: @tehamelie next they'll print thebrade
rosydumpling: Flunge like you mean it
Tom_Bruise: well it's only one B pip, what's the worst that could happen>
jacqui_lantern234: send ALL of the cursed imagry :D
matthaus_c: BUG and RUG are immortal
StarSurveil: hey 5 open with white is settle mana
TehAmelie: Wingdings is now the nickname for Dingus Egg
LRRbot: Joust Through [W] | Instant | Joust Through deals 3 damage to target attacking or blocking creature. You gain 1 life.
googoltudoris: @LoadingReadyRun thanks to Beej or whoever got the "I guess I'm just dead here" sleeves back in stock, just bought them!
Anten96: are we hype for half of all sets being universes beyond lol
sallomon33: the gain 1 life on this card is so funny
synthalanar: No
Artificer_Evan: this is some good second monitor content
AverageBaggage: OOOOOOOF
Veste: seized from luminous or whatever
sallomon33: now that's a blowout
praxismakeperfect: that's pretty brutal oh man
PorpoisesUnknown: How can wheeler run rebuke when hes on Demons!?!?! i kid
Stormgod519: @PorpoisesUnknown have you met Wheeler?
LRRbot: Elvish Regrower [2GG] | Creature — Elf Druid [4/3] | When this creature enters, return target permanent card from your graveyard to your hand.
Khyrberos: So cool
kimistryclass: seizminous from rebumber
Sage0fMadness: a regrower and a shower
GredGredmansson: solid 8 mana play
Marvoleath: regrow'er? I hardly know'er!
CompleatedPinkie: Those forests are so blue, it's messing with my pre-coffee mind...
Krillin_fan: But G all of Wheeler's hard work!
TopHatPeezy: Eternal Thiccness?
LRRbot: Felidar Savior [3W] | Creature — Cat Beast [2/3] | Lifelink / When this creature enters, put a +1/+1 counter on each of up to two other target creatures you control.
BraveOthello: Oh
PorpoisesUnknown: theres the cats
Mumpaaah: @TopHatPeezy Well done.
AutomatonAA: Really made those removal spells seem bad with that play haha
BrowneePointz: with Tarkir AND the clans returning you’ll learn the Wedges super fast. playing Alara is PROBABLY the fastest for the shards but if you use the Capenna families most folks know what you’re talking about. and Ravnica sets to learn the guilds
Stormgod519: queue "Each?!?"
kimistryclass: support but not named support
Tom_Bruise: DM? Dable Mriend?
Viewers_Like_You: EACH ...of up to two???
Rourke9: oh, nice support callback!
kimistryclass: cute
EmberGeoS: how exactly does one enter the giveaways
bennybartez: nice. wasnt there a similar creature? Basraa something?
AverageBaggage: oof only now getting a 2nd swamp
Tom_Bruise: that's a mountain
maclenrac: Healthy 16 life
Stormgod519: oh wow
LRRbot: Overrun [2GGG] | Sorcery | Creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.
raulghoulia: Graham has such cool looking lands
MNerenberg: @Marvoleath Good Games Morley mentioned
Travilogue: So, about that Broken Wings in the sideboard?
TXC2: actual factual overrun
PorpoisesUnknown: I believe thats the game
CrossXhunteR: judge, he said forest when he played a mountain
rosydumpling: Double trample
zelukester: we love to see it
Opheliaway: beeg stompy
theawesomeonev2: Let's goooooooo
BrowneePointz: @raulghoulia Unfinity Space lands
HailtheRNG: oh, overrun. cool cool cool
funguslore: CHONK
thraximore: overrun wooooooooo
AngryAngryCow: Graham playing my favorite kind of magic.
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: double trample should just work in the rules as double strike
thraximore: old faithful
rosydumpling: 11/11
Kentosaurus: beeg goblins
FurthestChunk: that ol' hoof maths
GiraffeStache: OOF
LurkerSpine: 11 power trampling goblin
superdude097: @EmberGeoS Likely that they will have us type a word in chat and it will randomly select someone who did so
rosydumpling: not a 10/10
BraveOthello: Overrun, swing for 27. Yeah that's some good magic
praxismakeperfect: i think this is it
AverageBaggage: now they just need double strike
shamblingkrenshar: Worlds largest goblin
OldUncleDan: OG Overrun!!!!!!!! lrrSHINE
Proudboar: 26?
APrioriOfNothing: This really is a core set. Just die to Overrun
raulghoulia: 1+1+2+1
MNerenberg: I remember Overrun!!!
Kivipaperisakset: What year is it!?
InambaGuum: actual overrun
Wicker_Guide: magic magic magic magic OVERRUN Game 2
TheBloodsparrow: 25
CrossXhunteR: 29?
Veste: casual 29
EmberGeoS: @superdude097 thank you!
TheInferno390: 29 damage total
phatpack: I'd be lying if I said Overrun for 20+ damage didnt bring a smile to my face
phatpack: And that's coming from a blue player
Anubis169: I vote we call this the Pancake Manoeuvre
MNerenberg: Math is now for attackers lol
corpocracy: Classic Overrun kill
TheBloodsparrow: Math is for everyone. Let's go shopping! (for singles)
rosydumpling: Last minute victory
Mediocre_Man5: Overrrun: Still a great card
Sage0fMadness: takes me back
Mumpaaah: In this economy?
SimWOT: overrun still a good card
Abavus: Overrun'd
Mr_Bitterness: Wow, it's Tempest all over again, Overrun baby
nicochulo_2001: I have now arrived. I'm guessing I missed the deck-building process. Did I miss anything else?
OneironautWrites: overrun still ends games
PorpoisesUnknown: overrun with gobbos seems like real magic to me
TheInferno390: What a vibe
Opheliaway: Classic overrun
superdude097: @EmberGeoS No problem :)
raisins77: Outskilled
vinopinguino: hahaha
Krillin_fan: overrun winning games since tempest!
avi_miller: Makes me happy seeing that
Scarbble: turns out overrun still wins
RaginCaucaJhin: I didn't realize Craterhoof was in this set
thraximore: 100%
thephantomnishoba: classic overrun
silv3r_54: feel young again
pwoo58: we need a math is for everyone button
luke1x: When was the last time overrun was in standard
Neuromancer13: his board runneth over
TXC2: back doesn't hurt for 5 mins
corpocracy: Overrun still good card
Derkatronic: very entertaining game
Stormgod: @Daniel Solis absolutely
jagehtso: core set magic has been sorely missing
LRRbot: Abrade [1R] | Instant | Choose one — / • Abrade deals 3 damage to target creature. / • Destroy target artifact.
Samuel Valentine: Literally the *earliest!*
Stormgod: Love seeing Abrade in standard
Stormgod: that card is so nice
Reach: Flying? In my Limited format?
LRRbot: Ashroot Animist [2RG] | Creature — Lizard Druid [4/4] | Trample / When this creature attacks, another target creature you control gains trample and gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is this creat…
Caio Verze: @vegetalss4 thank you 😊
Jeffrey A. Thistle: is there no sleeves cuz of the camera glare? 🤔
My Best: prolly yeah
Stormgod: now hang on Wheeler
Reach: There's no sleeves because Wheeler.
Stormgod: careful
Christopher Peterson: I feel like this set both has a core set feel, and yet is somehow more robust, less vanilla creatures, more synergy, etc
Arboreal Blazer: no Graham is using sleeves, Wheeler just prefers without
Marcus Van Wie: wheeler being wheeler
Stormgod: Wheeler doing Wheeler things
smoke108: Settle?
Arkouda Chien: Wheeler just likes to play unsleeved
Stormgod: lol
Stormgod: is settle in the set?
Igor84: Wheeler como sempre jogando no pelo
LRRbot: Joust Through [W] | Instant | Joust Through deals 3 damage to target attacking or blocking creature. You gain 1 life.
Stormgod: lol
smoke108: probably not @Stormgod
Pharmacistjudge: Ben Ulmer does a great job with lighting and he is well aware of glare on magic cards.
Stormgod: @smoke108 i was gonna say, I havent seen it so far
Stormgod: oooo
Stormgod: that's a removal spell
Arkouda Chien: afaik settle isn't in the set, but a blue instant bounce attacking creatures is
bourgeoiscaesar: Wasn't the Goblin a 5/5?
LRRbot: Elvish Regrower [2GG] | Creature — Elf Druid [4/3] | When this creature enters, return target permanent card from your graveyard to your hand.
tehDoc1: Wasn't a 5/5 yet.
Jake Fersona: Wheeler cast it in response to the +4/+4
jagehtso: graham is a member of the local animist club
LRRbot: Felidar Savior [3W] | Creature — Cat Beast [2/3] | Lifelink / When this creature enters, put a +1/+1 counter on each of up to two other target creatures you control.
William Edge: wheeler killed the goblin while the abiltiy was on the stack
Stormgod: Each?
Reach: ooh, upgraded Basri's Acolyte!
bourgeoiscaesar: Ah, duh, I need to sleep lol
Saga: The value on both sides is tremendous
Arkouda Chien: this is real magic
LRRbot: Overrun [2GGG] | Sorcery | Creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.
Stormgod: Oh dang
Stormgod: that might be lethal?
Stormgod: is that it?
DrMcGoodTimes: Math is for blockers.
Iam3DHomer: hell yea overrun
Stormgod: Oh wow
Stormgod: that's it
c0mmunicate: math is for attackers now
JesGolbez: nice to enjoy WOTC's last actual Magic set for years.
Jake Fersona: Classic
Steven Gillan: 11 power
bassface1018: 11 power
Stormgod: I didn't know Hoof was in the set...
William Edge: I mgith actually love this set
jagehtso: overrun still doing overrun things
Jeffrey A. Thistle: full swing is dangerous if it's not lethal
JerryJeff Haining: Good clean magic baybee
Arkouda Chien: overrun still ending games in 2024, hell yeah
Reach: Overrun, sudden lethal since tenth ed
Stormgod: dang
Stormgod: Overrun doing overrun things
Christopher Peterson: Died to Overwatch
Stormgod: it's an uncommon
Joshua Weston: This set is so refreshing.
bassface1018: *SMACK*
My Best: Overrun game 1 let's goo
Sterosz: Good stuff
Stormgod: Yeah!
tehDoc1: magic is healing
Stormgod: classic magic right here
Alan Charles Jay: trampled by goblins
Stormgod: that's so nice
Carlos Vega: crunch
Poiri: Overrun is still maybe a powerlevel mistake for limited
Jed: He got to do the thing!
maclenrac: Classy
flatluigi: @nicochulo_2001 that was the first game; there's also giveaways later
silv3r_54: this is some boomer magic
hedonistic_mushroom: Spicy magic
BraveOthello: No we know
zeraxilim: Such great nostalgia.
cachorubione: I can follow the match without prior study of the set
GiraffeStache: “kill em dead” -wheeler in set review
AgelessAscetic: Overrun, so demure, so mindful
BrowneePointz: also the first time Overrun has been in a standard set in 12 years @loadingreadyrun
bruiserhammerfist: The nostalgia feels good. I'm excited for be players to have these same experiences
googoltudoris: i'm gonna make a larger button, with a tombstone with "math is for blockers" on it
BrowneePointz: or close to 12
Anubis169: wat
nicochulo_2001: @flatluigi still in time for the giveaways, score
Proudboar: Never before has Magic made me feel like a spry, young, 20 something again
maclenrac: Take em to school Graham
rosydumpling: The green boardwipe
GredGredmansson: like "Bustle" is 4{rg}{rg} for +2/+2 and trample and flip up a facedown guy for free
Invitare: simply combine that with overrun
Grinnin_Gin: Dying to Overrun in 2024 would be a good button
vinopinguino: print trample on more cards cowards
HailtheRNG: Overrun 2024
Plasterboard: And if he had more life, he wouldn't have been dead.
vinopinguino: she's feeling YOUNG
AverageBaggage: Kathleen having fun LUL
Pharmacistjudge: they tried to make Overcome a thing and it failed pretty hard.
APrioriOfNothing: Katleen
Anubis169: hehehehe
Kentosaurus: oooh sideboard tech?
Pharmacistjudge: !card overcome
LRRbot: Overcome [3GG] | Sorcery | Creatures you control get +2/+2 and gain trample until end of turn.
Hadouken_lol_catz: black cat energy
Mr_Bitterness: Just "Overrun 2024" as a button
Krillin_fan: kathleen: "if different cards had been played, the game would be totally different!"
kimistryclass: but what if i had that new platinum angel but flash
gluonquark: Overrun is so simple and clean, is the way that I'm feeling tonight
Plasterboard: Or a counter spell (while not playing blue)
sallomon33: I feel this Fblthp plushie in the back
GiraffeStache: Young Kathleen energy
Anubis169: it's the MTG equivalent of a mic drop
goateedave86: Kathleen being the table Kat
maclenrac: Wheel dead
TopHatPeezy: mischief Kathleen is best Kathleen
kynelwynn: Kathleen + caffiene = Kathene and that's dangerous
Tom_Bruise: We'll take it under advicement, but under these circumstances, which aren't different from current circumstances, ya burnt
raulghoulia: Kathleen out here voting Lizard
carbondragon: Kathleen giving bit cat energy, making sure everything is appropriately on the floor
TheInferno390: Man, if only I hadn't made that crucial game action that completely changed the direction of the game!
LordShadner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months, currently on a 129 month streak!
LordShadner: Overrun 2024
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordShadner! (Today's storm count: 68)
Proudboar: Cats are in the set, so cat mischief is on theme
LathosTiran: be the change you want to see in your deck
jacqui_lantern234: @TopHatPeezy thats just her default state of being :P
nicochulo_2001: thank you kind folk of chat, I am also excited to watch my first PPR, but not going to lie, would've been disappointed to miss the giveaway
vinopinguino: hahaha
Wicker_Guide: o_O
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: oh yeaah
BrowneePointz: yea Graham and Kathleen, the last time Overrun was printed in a Standard Set was MAGIC 2012!
Anubis169: welcome nicochulo_2001 lrrHEART
vinopinguino: you gotta
maefly2: We are all aware you used a lot, haha
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: you gotta
praxismakeperfect: gotta do it
carstenvondi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months!
DapperKoala2: Is the "Instant" part in "Instant Espresso" a description of how quickly it takes effect?
kynelwynn: you gotta
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, carstenvondi! (Today's storm count: 69)
TheBloodsparrow: Do you? Do you really?
PorpoisesUnknown: You gotta use a lot!
silv3r_54: oof, instant anything is .. not great
juzztshay: must
Hewdra subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
Hewdra: snirp snorp
LRRbot: Scoured Barrens | Land | Scoured Barrens enters tapped. / When Scoured Barrens enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {W} or {B}.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Hewdra! (Today's storm count: 70)
Mazrae: Doesn't coffee have more caffeine in it than espresso does?
TheInferno390: You gotta
bennybartez: a coffee cup amount of espresso?
googoltudoris: oh so THAT's the reason Kathleen is the way she is :p
InambaGuum: man this is a great PPR <3
Anubis169: I still wanna find a western equivalent of the cans of Tully's Coffee you get from a 7-11 in japan
flouncy_magooo: Btw, why are cats in Magic white? Shouldn't they be black-red? Chaotic and selfish?
nicochulo_2001: thank ye, @Anubis169
thraximore: and we shall call this land... this land
LSRubin: i like instant coffee but i cast it during my main phase like a pleb
sallomon33: these lands look so much betetr to me
undecided44: Barron? You ok? You're looking so dry.
General_Pants: that was a great attack for lots many
LRRbot: Evolving Wilds | Land | {T}, Sacrifice Evolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
0011110000110011: It enters tapped.
CrossXhunteR: 1 life
septomin: this land is your land
Mr_Bitterness: Ooo, that's a nice Evovling Wilds art
eleric937: @nicochulo_2001 did they do the first giveaway already?
Us3lessNPC: i like them
Wicker_Guide: "it" is also one of those words that has no equivalent in a lot of languages
sallomon33: like, this new change is great, btu I like it for these lands specifically
Tom_Bruise: just use this until you have to use it again in the same line of text
undecided44: Have you been hanging our with Craig?
quazardude subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
Grinnin_Gin: Ah yes, the latest eldrazi, It That Enters Tapped
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, quazardude! (Today's storm count: 71)
tobenaitsubame: Yeh, big fan of the new templating with "this"
TheWarbo: we are going to rule over THIS LAND and we shall call it...THIS LAND
Proudboar: Look, the lands preferedd pronouns are the royal we in third person
cjsmith1971: don’t assume the lands gender lmao
EvilBadman: Thats ok wheeler, you're down one life for a missed trigger
LurkerSpine: did graham draw?
Hacimicah9: light shin tap
Gregulator: missed his draw?
Jayrod1220: Nope
BrowneePointz: speaking of Barons they reprinted DEATH BARON
LRRMTG_Judge: please do not resort to violence at a PPR, please call for judge.
silv3r_54: the judge will do it for you
TheInferno390: As much as I can appreciate the language change from a rules perspective, it makes the aesthetic in me very sad
insidepigeon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months, currently on a 79 month streak!
ErrorCode404: draw graham
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, insidepigeon! (Today's storm count: 72)
LRRbot: Firebrand Archer [1R] | Creature — Human Archer [2/1] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, Firebrand Archer deals 1 damage to each opponent.
Anubis169: lrrJUDGE
ecredragon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ecredragon! (Today's storm count: 73)
Marvoleath: Funnily enough, all Shocklands now have the same rules text.
jacqui_lantern234: @LRRMTG_Judge kick people, got it Kappa
OldUncleDan: Don't kick your opponent... Kick other player's opponents.
SnowBuddy18: don't kick, just subtlely step on their toes
SirPlumpy: ayo
karmic_guide subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
karmic_guide: Prompt begone
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, karmic_guide! (Today's storm count: 74)
Geldaran: ugh... flashes back to god awful scripting languages that over use the keyword "it" to reference things in nested scopes. ::shudder::
LRRMTG_Judge: Disclaimer: judges will not actually kick anyone - BlackRose
JRandomHacker: If your _opponent_ resorts to violence, also call a judge
eleric937: wheeler missed a life form his land
0011110000110011: this.etb =
kynelwynn: Parody? Or PArity. Hum hum
AverageBaggage: @LRRMTG_Judge but what if they REALLY wanna
Tom_Bruise: contact your local judge today for an ass-whoopin'
QuestionWorm: It is always a treat to watch Wheeler play. He's quite good at the game
GredGredmansson: how we gonna kick it?
kumatsu: I've WANTED to kick players, I have never kicked a player
TheInferno390: They're kicking back
PhuzNutz: Benny's bunnies GO!
Grinnin_Gin: judges are pugilists, not kickboxers
ChaoticObserver: Can I kick it? Only if it has Kicker
NewtyNewts: Judges always pay kicker
Kentosaurus: that's a paddlin'
JRandomHacker: @kynelwynn It's parity if both of you get kicked
accountmadeforants: Judges, too, are just Kicker
nicochulo_2001: @eleric937 do not think so, if the kind folk around here are to be trusted
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: @kynelwynn makes ya think huh?
Pywodwagon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
Pywodwagon: card game
Spacecarl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pywodwagon! (Today's storm count: 75)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Spacecarl! (Today's storm count: 76)
t_peazy: Everything's kicker graham
TheWarbo: you are only allowed to kick Jace
TalpTheScot: Report all wheelers at prs
AFamiliarCalledEl: something something everything is kicker
thraximore: sup pwyo
Sage0fMadness: just straight kicking "it" ... haha ... and by "it" I mean ... opponents
Atomskin: Are my judges the Beastie Boys? They've been known to kick it.
GiraffeStache: Everything (and everyone) is kicker
Opheliaway: Only kick it when you have to fight for your right to party
TopHatPeezy: quite a good common
Armoric: That "can they kick it?" fro Graham had a definite Salesman Dave ring to it
Viewers_Like_You: Disclaimer: Don't froth your judge, fool
0011110000110011: sticker kick it
General_Pants: hope my judges dont wear their kicking boots to prelease
Anubis169: Geldaran: that frustration lives rent-free in my brain since ASM 6502
LRRMTG_Judge: @AverageBaggage Then we'll bottle it up and punch a pillow later =P - BlackRose
elgenericosfavoriteorphan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: woo
codatski: One of our local judges could never kick a soul. The other one... I could see it
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, elgenericosfavoriteorphan! (Today's storm count: 77)
AverageBaggage: oh i have been WAITING for "this card" templating. it makes so much more sense to my brain
kynelwynn: Oh yeah. Saw some preview/spoilers for elves. Oh man. Elves are back in Standard big big
BrowneePointz: they WILL kick you if you’re a butthole tho. so don’t be a butthole when you play Magic chat
wharra: So here's a question for olllllld organized play people When Fatal Push came out, there was a huge amount of Push It real good jokes. When Kicker first happened, were people quoting the beastie boys all the time?
Stormgod519: @LRRMTG_Judge I mean, I kicked my Inscription of Insight and it was fine with it...
Didero: @BrowneePointz Or at any time
flatluigi: @wharra do you mean a tribe called quest
BrowneePointz: or Vanilla Ice
flouncy_magooo: @wharra A Tribe Called Quest, my child
jacqui_lantern234: i LOVE the Van Guard Seraph :P
TheWarbo: surveilguard
matthaus_c: surveil lands are so goated
LRRbot: Goldvein Pick [2] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature gets +1/+1. / Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, create a Treasure token. / Equip {1}
BrowneePointz: or Sugar Hill Gang
raulghoulia: @BrowneePointz yo VIP
Geldaran: @Anubis169 YUP.
sallomon33: ooh yeah, pick is on
t_peazy: @tophatpeezy hey! It's you!
GiraffeStache: Ooo firebrand archer is back
Grinnin_Gin: 5/4
gluonquark: First double block with the new rule
TopHatPeezy: @t_peazy * spiderman pointing meme *
Grinnin_Gin: oh right nothing else entered
LSRubin: @wharra no but i still say "i barely know her!" every time
General_Pants: surveil lands that gain you life, what a concept
Grinnin_Gin: derp
TopHatPeezy: hope you're good peazy
t_peazy: Lol@tophatpeezy lol
TheWarbo: is this our first " no need to order blockers"
ArcOfTheConclave: mega undying
accountmadeforants: Mega Undying
0011110000110011: it's the band
TotalHell: Thanks Springsteen
ChaoticObserver: Dang, Atlantic City
Stormgod: This is so nice
Simriel: dying to overrun? in 2024? localized entirely within the moon base?
Simriel: overrun kills people dead
Arkouda Chien: it's important for people to know what real overrun feels like
Stormgod: yeah
bourgeoiscaesar: @simriel ...Can I see?
Stormgod: Kathleen being a chaos goblin and a cat at the same time
Jeffrey A. Thistle: if u draw all the answers all the time u never lose 😀
Simriel: If they had played a different game of magic, the outcome would have been different
Jake Fersona: Cat energy
first last: :elbowcough:
Zack Hennings: Damn, it turns out not losing is winng.
hollyone75 : Overrun <3
My Best: 50% of the time we win 100% of the time
Stormgod: oh, Kathleen...
Igor84: I like transformative sideboarding in PR
Jeffrey A. Thistle: nice play matt
LRRbot: Scoured Barrens | Land | Scoured Barrens enters tapped. / When Scoured Barrens enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {W} or {B}.
Stormgod: Hey, Wheeler is winning!
Stormgod: the text is so much shorter
Arkouda Chien: the gain lands rule
Guevon: lol we love you kathleen
LRRbot: Evolving Wilds | Land | {T}, Sacrifice Evolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
Stormgod: "this land enters tapped. when it does, gain 1 life"
Zach Smith: The text feels so weird
Stormgod: Wheeler modeling the bad side of things lol
Stormgod: yeah
Stormgod: Segway into a judge bit about bad opponents
LRRbot: Firebrand Archer [1R] | Creature — Human Archer [2/1] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, Firebrand Archer deals 1 damage to each opponent.
Oremasta: when island enters, is land
My Best: nah, having it enter untapped instead makes the life no longer happen
Simriel: The Sea is a valid option for players who do that
JerryJeff Haining: They can kick their opponents once as a treat
Pharmacistjudge: i'm glad they are correcting themselves faster than I can type
Simriel: but get the judge to send them to The Sea
Luke Bennett: With all the new stuff over the last 3-4 years of magic, foundations actually feels more like magic to me than most sets have for a while
Stormgod: @Simriel i mean, wouldn't it be the coast because this is from WoTC
hollyone75 : Caffeinated Cat Kathleen
Jeffrey A. Thistle: 😑
William Edge: "Kick your opponent" - LRR merch motto
Jeffrey A. Thistle: BANNED!
Rogue 7: Kick them from the venue
Simriel: The coast leads to The Sea
Dec7m2: Will that be a button?
Reach: Don't kick opponents, kick spells.
Stormgod: lol
Simriel: Every mechanic is Kicker
Jake Fersona: Every mechanic truly is kicker
Simriel: including judge sanctions
William Edge: Can I kick it?
bourgeoiscaesar: Everything is just kicker, from card text to dealing with opponents
tomcove: @William Edge No, sorry, you can't.
My Best: if everything is kicker, then killing your opponent is kicking them from the game
Stormgod: lol
LRRbot: Goldvein Pick [2] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature gets +1/+1. / Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, create a Treasure token. / Equip {1}
Stormgod: no, not everything is kicker
William Edge: @tomcove wait until Tribe hears of this
blackcoat: Wow, how did Graham win that last game? It looked like he was on the ropes
Stormgod: everything is EITHER kicker or horsemanship
Jeffrey A. Thistle: no double-sided cards in set? 🤔
Stormgod: @blackcoat overrun
Arkouda Chien: overrun
William Edge: @Jeffrey A. Thistle none
blackcoat: lol, that'll do it
Stormgod: @Jeffrey A. Thistle havent seen any. probably concerns of them being a bit too complex for newer players
Jeffrey A. Thistle: 🥳
My Best: horses kick pretty hard
Stormgod: thanks Wheeler
jacobaugust: Great song!
finestotter: Speaking of kicking your opponent, whats the etiquette around telling a player in the next game over that they have to discard after a turn two bounce land?
accountmadeforants: Haaa, same braincell ArcOfTheConclave
devilmonkey2012: (its a springsteen song the band covered)
Anubis169: it is defo a song by a band
LRRbot: Billowing Shriekmass [3B] | Creature -- Spirit [2/3] | Flying / When this creature enters, mill three cards. / Threshold — This creature gets +2/+1 as long as there are seven or more cards in your graveyard.
avi_miller: Good song
jfwong: someone calling out The Band in 2024, love it
Mediocre_Man5: No, that was a Springsteen song first
DiscordianTokkan: Is it a Band song or is it just Restricted
Kivipaperisakset: everything dies is a type o negative song, innit?
Mumpaaah: he's baaack
corycoryT: I can't wait until it just says "enters tapped, when enters you gain 1 life"
rosydumpling: The milling will continue until morale improves.
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: hell yeah i sing The Band for karaoke
birbtribul: sorry i just arrived, did the judge video explained the new combat rules?
Grinnin_Gin: this shriekmass is billowing
MNerenberg: @TopHatPeezy That is definitely going to be a card next year
kynelwynn: I'm a billowing shriekmass in themorning
LRRMTG_Judge: yes it did. pharma2Vial
Chichen: it's the Nightmare before Shriekmass
Sorator13: @birbtribul yep!
TheWarbo: i like Atlantic City as a Mercy Bell song :D
kimistryclass: do they know it's shriekmass time aaat aaaaaaaaall
jacqui_lantern234: "Billowing Shriekmass" is honestly a gender vibe
Tom_Bruise: ah heck yeah, Shriekmass! My favorite
darkora: Happy Billowing Shriekmass to all who celebrate
OldUncleDan: More like Billowing ShriekASS! AMIRITE!
birbtribul: thank you
gluonquark: @thewarbo yes!
Proudboar: And a billowing shirkmass to you
ArcOfTheConclave: the present is mill 3
notevengood_: @devilmonkey2012 LRR has fallen victim to Canadian propaganda
tobenaitsubame: Day after Halloween and there's already Billowing Shriekmass decorations everywhere
flouncy_magooo: Billowing Shriekmass was my nickname in college
beowuuf: Bill Lowingshriekmask ,of the new hampshire lowingshirekmasks
Pharmacistjudge: is shriekmass Oct 30?
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
AverageBaggage: LUL
Anubis169: manLOL
control_rig: Jeeeze Wheeler
sallomon33: @corycoryT nah, just "gain a life", no need for the "you" in the future
VrolikSyndrome: Booooooo
TheMinionGM: @LRRMTG_Judge So you would have the option to deal all the damage to the angel and not kill the ritualist, right?
TimeToFry: Taht was VERY good
accountmadeforants: Get up, come on get down with the Shriekmass!
praxismakeperfect: lol wheeler
Us3lessNPC: LUL
0011110000110011: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: LUL gdi wheeler
MNerenberg: BOOOOOO
themercenary1987: AHHHH
SagaMonstrum: lmao
BatenicYork: yeaht that's a game loss
thegitrogsquirrel: that song is Band
Grinnin_Gin: booo
funguslore: LUL
vinopinguino: that was a set up...
milkydeew: my ears
NewtyNewts: My headphones
Krillin_fan: caw were declared
raulghoulia: Wheeler is for the birds
PhuzNutz: ||=====:> nailed it!
Trymantha: that is defintly a wheeler joke
GiraffeStache: yikessss
Kivipaperisakset: That had no right to be that funny
beowuuf: *mass
EvilBadman: What about Kwanzaaaaaaa
That1GuyBen: hanukkAAAAH
bloodmoonorbust: I’ve heard worse.
MNerenberg: BOOO THIS MAN!!!
themercenary1987: my ears...
justalog96: Boooo hisssssss
APrioriOfNothing: Rip headphones
raisins77: hanuCAW
Cinntoastmin: LUL
JoeLowe2: Oh that Wheeler!
Mr_Bitterness: I'd say that was a bit of a walk to a joke, but this is Ben "Horse Joke" Wheeler
elitefourkaren: +2
LRRMTG_Judge: @TheMinionGM yes, you do. pharma2Vial
Suffix: HELLO FRIENDS! I am so glad I can have this entertainment, as I am expelling goo at home due to sickness.
Anubis169: keep it coming wheeler, this is gold dust
rosydumpling: That reminds me, I need to go get my Menor-AAAAH
sallomon33: very good Wheeler, eggscelent
Flashgen76: +2
Sarah_Serinde: !mtgfoundations
LRRbot: For more information on Foundations, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
justalog96: 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅
LRRbot: Searslicer Goblin [1R] | Creature — Goblin Warrior [2/1] | Raid — At the beginning of your end step, if you attacked this turn, create a 1/1 red Goblin creature token.
Wicker_Guide: @corycoryT Unfortunately, there is actually a (small) functional rules difference between the two-sentence version and the one-sentence version, so that would be whole new card
aerohydra: @Suffix hope you feel better by bus time
TXC2: hello Suffix get well soon lrrHEART
vinewood_og: RAID!?!?!?!
fishtail03: thank you wheeler
Mumpaaah: Raid: Shadow Legends?
Set_El: Wheeler's gonna live forever, like in Fame?
Geldaran: @Suffix Gross, Hope you feel better soon.
jacqui_lantern234: @Suffix suffix great!!!!! <3
AverageBaggage: wheeler is here forever.
DapperKoala2: I just want one card that has a Raid trigger that grants Shadow.
Suffix: @aerohydra That's mu cunning plan.
BrowneePointz: My family are DBZ Fans so we celebrated Hanukamehameha
VrolikSyndrome: Good Wayne Reynolds art.
LRRMTG_Judge: players do not die. they lose the game. you are not on the battlefield and then go to the graveyard. pharma2Vial
ErrorCode404: wayne reynolds goblins are best goblins
avi_miller: @suffix <3 <3
AverageBaggage: oh i love that 3 days grace song
control_rig: I remember that story!
BraveOthello: Kathleen, shameless self promoter
jacobaugust: We didn't start the riot
CrossXhunteR: we’re just out of gobbotober, which is sad timing
MARPJ: I just took mental damage from that joke
control_rig: kathleen legit started a highschool riot
SilasLunark: Wait Kathleen started a riot
bennybartez: that happens a lot in the UK
Didero: It'd also be rude to deny participating in an ongoing riot
rosydumpling: Mid-Air Trundle
Grinnin_Gin: kathleen started a riot? amazing
gluonquark: In EDH you should only concid in sorcery speed
scrambled_doot: but it's always burnin since the world's been turnin?
praxismakeperfect: everyone has to go goblin mode from time to time
sallomon33: @LRRMTG_Judge some commander cards would beg to differ :V
jacqui_lantern234: @SilasLunark in a high school, yes
Anubis169: bennybartez: represent!
BraveOthello: @silaslunark in high school
kimistryclass: wayne reynolds art without someone naruto running? what is this :P
shamblingkrenshar: I remember the Kathleen Riot Story from Desert Bus
TheWarbo: big Dave Van Ronk at Stonewall energy
public_key_reveal_party: Make sure you turn in to desert bus where you can hear stories like Kathleen starting riots
Grinnin_Gin: did the school deserve the riot?
Simonark: I merely predicted the riot
BrowneePointz: So Kathleen, you’re a Goblin, which Magic Plane style Goblin ARE you?
googoltudoris: if anyone from Wizards is here, this PPR is gonna be the entire reason i make it to a PR this set
Mumpaaah: Partners with Gut, True Soul Zealot
undecided44: @silaslunark she has told the story during desert bus
superdude097: Ha! He's gutless because he's just a skeleton! He has no guts!
Sorator13: @public_key_reveal_party Not that particular story, though, as Kathleen is not on the Bus this year
jacobaugust: More skeletons alright alright
Grinnin_Gin: Kathleen is Breeches cousin
therealflyingtoastr: Sick play from Big Benny Wheels
gluonquark: Did Kathleen work on the set?
BraveOthello: @grinnin_gin no, it was basically because they made the kids stop smoking in the woods across from the school. With several steps in between
BrowneePointz: she did
Grinnin_Gin: kathleen did work on the set
TheWarbo: keeping the shriekmass Spirit alive all year
Stormgod519: she did some text writing
Viewers_Like_You: On the first day of shriekmass, my aaaaaaa
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Lack of Guts isn't the Plunderer's biggest problem
Grinnin_Gin: @BraveOthello so the school deserved it
LRRbot: Krenko, Mob Boss [2RR] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Warrior [3/3] | {T}: Create X 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens, where X is the number of Goblins you control.
shamblingkrenshar: @Sorator13 Wait Kathleen isn't on the bus? Awww her presence will be missed.
GiraffeStache: Halloween was just yesterday, Shriekmass just gets earlier and earlier every year
silv3r_54: oh hello
AverageBaggage: krenko pog
gluonquark: That makes so much sense, we love Kathleen text
0011110000110011: goblin time :)
sallomon33: I'm sad this set doesn't have a commander set so that we can have the shriekmas and AAAGHnukAAAGH be featured in a EDSH
Grinnin_Gin: krenko in standard? poggies my doggies
Anubis169: This feels like Curse of Monkey Island, where every attack comes accompanied by a pun or quip
SirPlumpy: oh nice, hes back in standard
kimistryclass: krenk it up baby
TheWarbo: game 1 die to overrun game 2 die to krenko would certainly be nostalgic
HailtheRNG: krenko is kinda messed up
pwoo58: love the new artwork for krenko
Sarah_Serinde: @shamblingkrenshar Yeah she's taking time off to work on personal projects (she's writing a book!)
BrowneePointz: @shamblingkrenshar good news: she’s taking a break cuz she’s writing a Book!
rosydumpling: Move to the cheat step?
SagaMonstrum: Kathleen, do you know if there's a place where we can look up your contributions to cards that have seen print, past and present?
LRRbot: Banishing Light [2W] | Enchantment | When Banishing Light enters, exile target nonland permanent an opponent controls until Banishing Light leaves the battlefield.
praxismakeperfect: the enchantment border is really cool
0011110000110011: slightly less so, but still goblin time :)
accountmadeforants: Oh, that's an excellent chnage
Hacimicah9: foil on foil violence
Tom_Bruise: What'd Krenko do?!
shamblingkrenshar: @Sarah_Serinde Oooh thats super exciting
Veste: goodbye krenko, goodbye fadda
sallomon33: this one has TWO foundation changes, templating and frame!
AverageBaggage: noo krenko i loved him
Marvoleath: Battle frame when?
Kivipaperisakset: I bet I'll think they're creatures for some time going forwards
maclenrac: Shine on shine violence
Pinwiz11: Krenko? More like Krenk-no
irreleverent: @Tom_Bruise What didn't Krenko do?
Mumpaaah: Time to side in Broken Wings.
kimistryclass: unkrenked :(
wifi12345678910: @Tom_Bruise What hasn't he done?
Sorator13: Will the enchantment border stay in future sets, or just FDN?
SimWOT: thank god krenko don't have haste
HailtheRNG: Krenko knows what he ded
Darleysam: actively Krenking
Tom_Bruise: @irreleverent Bother nobody!
BraveOthello: @tom_bruise threats, racketeering, ... Being a dick
Grinnin_Gin: unkrens your ko
LRRMTG_Judge: @Tom_Bruise Well you see, he was a Mob Boss... - BlackRose
AverageBaggage: @irreleverent his ability because he had summoning sickness Kappa
t_peazy: Graham sad he didn't sideboard in that broken wi gs indeed.
Xhinope: Me, constantly: "I would like to cast [Spell]! It's not in my colors, or legal in this set, but I'd LIKE to cast it anyway!"
matthaus_c: mother's maiden name
Tom_Bruise: Krenko didn't bother NOBODY! Don't believe the hype!
gluonquark: Hone address
jacobaugust: How many returning and how many new cards in this set?
Quyzbuk26: Mother's maiden name lmao
Chichen: what are the three funny numbers on the back
notevengood_: Ben's discord name is Home Phone Number?
HedgehogKnight: Nobody calls anyone anymore
Stormgod519: @notevengood_ close, it's ET home phone number...
TXC2: HedgehogKnight not true, scamers call me every day :p
SagaMonstrum: Graham taps so cleanly, I don't know why but it is giving me good brain chemicals
maclenrac: 5 high
vinopinguino: WE KNOW WHEELER
FurthestChunk: I introduce myself to everyone by my National Insurance number first
Quyzbuk26: We all have dreams
rosydumpling: Attack for 45 in the air
LRRbot: Goblin Surprise [2R] | Instant | Choose one — / • Creatures you control get +2/+0 until end of turn. / • Create two 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens.
TXC2: vinopinguino easy on the all caps there please
0011110000110011: GOBLIN TIME :D
BraveOthello: Surprise!
sallomon33: SURPRISE
Sorator13: woah! what a surprise!
raulghoulia: I've always found Wheeler to be quite opaque
razorswift: Surprise! It's Goblins
AzureDragonGod subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AzureDragonGod! (Today's storm count: 78)
jagehtso: infernal vessel seems pretty strong
Rogue 7: LMAO a Bruce Springsteen ref in 2024
LRRbot: Billowing Shriekmass [3B] | Creature -- Spirit [2/3] | Flying / When this creature enters, mill three cards. / Threshold — This creature gets +2/+1 as long as there are seven or more cards in your gr…
JerryJeff Haining: More like a banned song amirite
My Best: ahh yeah etb
William Edge: Shriekmass already? it's only just just been halloween
Jeffrey A. Thistle: my elf commander is in this set 😳
Simriel: Bill Shreakmass, my dad was Billowing
Reach: The Shriekmass creep is real.
Stormgod: BUS IT Wheeler
bassface1018: I for one still believe in Father Shriekmass
JerryJeff Haining: Goddamit wheeler
Papperslappen: I myself is a little bit over the billowing but the shrieking is fun
Sarah: !foundations
iSmartMan1: I just noticed, there aren't many ramp payoffs at common in this set, are there?
Rachel Zmak: i just spit my coffee out at that one 😭😂
Arkouda Chien: hannukCAW
Stormgod: you deserve that attack wheeler...
Sarah: Let's see what the bot delay is at today
My Best: I Christmiss good jokes
Stormgod: Well, hang on Wheleer...
JerryJeff Haining: Wheeler is legally required to be here
LRRbot: Searslicer Goblin [1R] | Creature — Goblin Warrior [2/1] | Raid — At the beginning of your end step, if you attacked this turn, create a 1/1 red Goblin creature token.
William Edge: RAAAAIIIID
flamfive95: judge please come kick wheeler
jagehtso: gobl gobl
Stormgod: @My Best They'll renew year next year...
William Edge: Kathleen goblin token when?
Stormgod: Wheeler playing wheeler?
Oremasta: yo that card art is metal
Jeffrey A. Thistle: 😮
Arkouda Chien: threshold is active
Simriel: Solidarity Kathleen, I too accidentally started a high school riot
Stormgod: lol
Stormgod: how?
LRRbot: Krenko, Mob Boss [2RR] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Warrior [3/3] | {T}: Create X 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens, where X is the number of Goblins you control.
Jeffrey A. Thistle: oh no 😞
Jeffrey A. Thistle: the boss is in
My Best: oh no
Arkouda Chien: krenko is so good
LRRbot: Banishing Light [2W] | Enchantment | When Banishing Light enters, exile target nonland permanent an opponent controls until Banishing Light leaves the battlefield.
Oremasta: ooo enchant frame
My Best: the boss is out
Jeffrey A. Thistle: rip
William Edge: Krenko we hardly knew ye
Arkouda Chien: don't forget to happen your local krenko
jagehtso: graham not allowed to get double gob'd up on a friday afternoon
Simriel: @Stormgod were you asking me how?
blackcoat: Banish all bosses!
Christopher Peterson: boss successfully banished, let the worker uprising begin
My Best: alas poor krenko, we knew him well
Arkouda Chien: banish
Jeffrey A. Thistle: problem with Krenko in 60 card, he just dies 😞
bourgeoiscaesar: Krenko's pronouns changed to was/were
Igor84: LOVE the Vorthos Cast
Stormgod: last 3 digits of their ssn
Stormgod: @Simriel sure... It caught me off guard lol
JerryJeff Haining: Banished by the light, Exiled by an enchantment , another lrrunner in the nigh
Simriel: @stormgod If you say you are gonna go complain about something loudly, people who agree with you may follow
William Edge: @Stormgod someone tried to scam me into giving them my SSN once. I kept stringing them along because I didn't have one
LRRbot: Goblin Surprise [2R] | Instant | Choose one — / • Creatures you control get +2/+0 until end of turn. / • Create two 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens.
Arkouda Chien: ooh
Laurence72: Is Goblin Surprise like Merfolk Surprise?
Veste: you come across two goblin SURPRISES
stizzet subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, stizzet! (Today's storm count: 79)
TXC2: some fries!
BraveOthello: Surprise! *Stab*
vinopinguino: haha
Mr_Bitterness: Goblin Surprise! To the tune of "Chipotle Surprise!"
wiigamer1995: what lands is grahm playing unfinity?
Viewers_Like_You: Listen, I talked to my manager, and I'd love to offer you 5 damage, really, but 4 is just the best I can do
Sorator13: It has very "your refrigerator's running; better go catch it!" vibes
GredGredmansson: "Hey your door's broken!" *lock* lrrBEEJ
LRRbot: Overrun [2GGG] | Sorcery | Creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.
sallomon33: @BraveOthello that is a real sequence of plays that can happen in this format, yes
TopHatPeezy: the person writing that flavour text had "The big book of Wheeler quotes" to hand
Tom_Bruise: now I'm thinking about Lance Reddick punching a hole in Eric Andre's desk saying "You need a new desk"
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Stormgod519: WHEELER!
Mumpaaah: "Hey, Twitch chat, it's time for you to Goblin . . . Subscribe."
Catbird0nAStick: I'm a fan of goblins in draft/limited
Diabore: over ran
themercenary1987 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 13 month streak!
themercenary1987: Loving foundations already, Thanks for all the hard work on the PPR!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, themercenary1987! (Today's storm count: 80)
midnightcurryjazz: get overran
praxismakeperfect: wow the double overrun win
corpocracy: Overrun STILL good
BrowneePointz: Tarkir Goblins are Peak. Kathleen is 100% a Tarkir Ixalani or Ravnican Goblin
maclenrac: Overrun again
theMelinee: Does Graham have 5 mana to pay for overrun?
Sorator13: @Mumpaaah What do you call a werewolf on youtube? ...a LycanSubscribe
Kentosaurus: double overrun
Sage0fMadness: *sad shriekmas noises*
Mr_Bitterness: Overrun 2024!
Abavus: Over-overrun'd
Opheliaway: Should have played around getting overrun
AverageBaggage: WOW over run doin WORK
couchboyj: Overrun, my beloved
kynelwynn: Benny Wheels got Flooded out, see
APrioriOfNothing: So just draft Overrun
BillTheCat: dying to overrun twice oof
MagicLand74: GG
noSmokeFire: Overrun: it ends games
MNerenberg: Gotta love Overrun
Tom_Bruise: In conclusion; Overrun
PuritanPuree: Overrun: never not good
Carlioo: overrun winning games!
TheInferno390: Wheeler got run over
rosydumpling: Overrun is a powerful card
Leafeyawn: I'm beginning to think this Overrun card is good
InambaGuum: holy overrun batman
TXC2: the classics still work
thanzo: FBtouchdown
bennybartez: gg
jacobaugust: Overrun = GG
AngryAngryCow: Overrun doing what overrun does
pipshardfour: oh golly
GredGredmansson: @theMelinee he had a treasure token
NewtyNewts: Graham with the double overrunning past Wheeler
OneironautWrites: overrun 2k24!
JusticeJuice: Foundational magic, flooding.
jacqui_lantern234: @BrowneePointz HOW DARE YOU
DMGlol: Overrun such a classic
TXC2: same here Kathleen
Thebossman40k: get him big G
AutomatonAA: Two "dies to overrun" in one day! Fantastic
That1GuyBen: once again wheeler has put graham down to a swing or 2 from a big flyer and died immedaitely to overrun
Krillin_fan: 2012? that was like 4 years ago!
jimber_jam: @theMelinee he had a treasure
skiddybones: sane
JoeLowe2: over re-run?
MNerenberg: OW MY BONES
theMelinee: @GredGredmansson Ah! Thank you!
Carlioo: red green goblin tokens are back baybee!
darkora: If you remember overrun in standard it's time for your pain medication for your back
pipshardfour: more wheeler please!
kimistryclass: ahog-A
vinopinguino: you have an A hat
fsforwardsound: the salty runback
owangel1: Overrun for both the wins lol
Geldaran: @Sorator13 escher3PUN
RyleGrimrick: i remember that standard...i feel old now...
Gekyouryuu: Alfalf-leen
Simonark: I’m shockingly old.
kevsta47 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
kevsta47: Overrun
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kevsta47! (Today's storm count: 81)
t_peazy: 2 overrun kills in a row. Leggo!
salfredo: Salty runback
Luigiman210 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Luigiman210! (Today's storm count: 82)
noonetoday: run it back
APrioriOfNothing: Run 41
Sage0fMadness: cut a land, obv
General_Pants: wheeler trying to become the premiere lands pilot of Foundation already
razorswift: the aura of that move
GiraffeStache: Salty runback!!
Mumpaaah: Overrun it back
MagicLand74: Overrun so good in limited
OldUncleDan: I was hoping for an Overrun play for the win. Wasn't expecting two in one match!
paronomasiac042: runny saltback!
raisins77: cut a land, why shouldnt you
justalog96: Wheeler loooooooves the salty run back haha
Simonark: I’ve been overrun by the past!
Stormgod519: we love a good overrun
Viewers_Like_You: Fun fact: 2012 is closer to the dawn of time than 2024 is
Sorator13: @Geldaran (credit to the Draft Punks, but it's a good one)
rosydumpling: Graham, believe in the heart of the Overrun.
groovemancery: but was the promo on color
Kentosaurus: That's like a "I am not left handed" move
Marvoleath: is it Holy Day? to counter the overruns
dionizuz: Is Foundations the new M sets?
matthaus_c: you never Druid
LRRMTG_Judge: a good lesson to chat. you are free to play more games as time allows after you are done with your match. pharma2Vial
Catbird0nAStick: wheeler not holding back now. promo time
praxismakeperfect: i'm so ready for the overrun hat-trick
Sarah_Serinde: Very helpful thank you
Kivipaperisakset: does the unsleeved promo count as a marked card (not here, but at regular REL prereleases?
FurthestChunk: ben was going gyatt for gyatt but now he's going rizz for rizz
maclenrac: Valgavoth
TimeToFry: Oh my god
Marvoleath: @dionizuz it's like core set, but for the next 5 years (or more)
matthaus_c: 2012 was further from the heat death of the universe than 2024 is
FurthestChunk: he's about to show everyone why they call him the drink
ssg_miller: Overrun is soooo good
LathosTiran: the universe started last tuesday
wordmogul subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
wordmogul: ever forward
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wordmogul! (Today's storm count: 83)
undecided44: 2012, huh.... I was in my 30s
kevsta47: Time is an illusion, though.
Sorator13: @Kivipaperisakset If it's not sleeved and the rest of the deck is sleeved, yes, absolutely
Simonark: Yes, but 2024 is way closer to the end than 2012
BraveOthello: @dionizuz yes and no. It's legal in Standard for 5(?) years, but built like a core set
AgelessAscetic: Excited to see overrun wins
avi_miller: Remember, Entropy never ceases
kevsta47: Lunchtime doubly so.
TheWarbo: "pythagoras has been dead for over 50 years"
Orxolon: 2012 is further than 2030
raisins77: ???
notevengood_: that's so true
northos: thanks Wheeler
Volus_dude: feliciaGranny
Us3lessNPC: what
superdude097: 1990 is closer to the moon landing than it is to today
sithenin: Did you know that I can travel through the speed of time
dionizuz: @Marvoleath So no more core sets in the futuer?
l0rdrollin: 2012 is closer to 2024 than to 2024 BCE
NewtyNewts: She went to the Luxor for that.
wifi12345678910: Thanks Wheeler
ipoddodd: am... I having a stroke?
Quyzbuk26: Attack for 5?
fishtail03: good bit streamers
dionizuz: *future
lamina5432: there might be a second dawn of time in the future
Sorator13: LUL
accountmadeforants: Because Cleopatra plays Yu-Gi-Oh
TotalHell: Makes perfect sense, thank you.
flatluigi: i see the desert bus gas leak is starting a week early
ouinouin_: bruh
Wicker_Guide: I uh... brain?
SagaMonstrum: Kathleen, you better watch out, Overrun effects famously have a high winrate on you, if we go by fictional universe Kathleen
sallomon33: @TheWarbo huh?! what a spoiler, thanks not thanks! Kappa
Wiliart: we are closer to T-rex than T-rex was to the first dino.
OldUncleDan: Also... Vladamir Lennen is still deadk.
ursus_unusual: I honestly thought LRR folks did creative text considering how silly it was
Symphoneers: You love to hear it.
BraveOthello: @superdude097 you shut your mouth that's ... Heck
BrowneePointz: Foundations is supposed to be the Foundational(joke aside) Core for the next 5 years, so it’s like a Juiced up Core Set for those wondering
LoreleyWrites: Appreciate the Vorthos Cast shout-out! Also, Wil Blanks was the fourth member of the text team.
Gregulator: how do you enter the giveaway?
RocknGrohlNerd: hello chat, mods, gamers and everybody else
Marvoleath: @dionizuz pretty much, they will probably reprint this one, they said at least until 2029
maclenrac: Bring in the big booty
TXC2: hello RocknGrohlNerd welcome
3schr: @RocknGrohlNerd Hello!
thraximore: oh yeah, this is brand new!
BSengenYT: @Gregulator they'll tell you when it happens
Abavus: Good flavor text
LRRMTG_Judge: please note there is no cultural victory in MTG (unless you add some silly cards) pharma2Vial
AgelessAscetic: Those jokes were great
LRRbot: Searslicer Goblin [1R] | Creature — Goblin Warrior [2/1] | Raid — At the beginning of your end step, if you attacked this turn, create a 1/1 red Goblin creature token.
TXC2: Gregulator we will be told shortly before it happens
Argonathium subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Argonathium! (Today's storm count: 84)
RocknGrohlNerd: a rare goblin at that
karmic_guide: Is there a give away going on?
avi_miller: @loreleywrites <3 thank you for that!
Gekyouryuu: Cleopatra lived closer to the invention of the iPhone than the invention of the eye Kappa
Sarah_Serinde: @Gregulator They will tell people a word to post in chat. Wait until they tell you the word and tell you to post it
dionizuz: @Marvoleath do you know why they stopped?
undecided44: Ahh, enjoying ghoul-dinner [is this anything?]
TXC2: karmic_guide later yes
NewtyNewts: First bluud
SagaMonstrum: Oh shoot, Loreley is in chat!
Quakerdude18: Finally catching a PPR live! To bad work gets in the way!
TheWarbo: @LRRMTG_Judge a coalition is *kind of* like a culture....
Sarah_Serinde: @karmic_guide Not yet but there will be
OldUncleDan: I wish someone would help me Abrade my hair!
Sarah_Serinde: @Quakerdude18 Welcome!
IgorApp: lrrSIG
LRRbot: Evolving Wilds | Land | {T}, Sacrifice Evolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
corycoryT: the day I play a game and someone says I play overrun on my sponge bob is the day I quit playing.. erg
Marvoleath: @dionizuz would have to ask them, but probably wasnt working like they wanted and are trying a new thing
TXC2: hello Quakerdude18 welcome
LRRbot: Abrade [1R] | Instant | Choose one — / • Abrade deals 3 damage to target creature. / • Destroy target artifact.
vinopinguino: now we're podracing
karmic_guide: @TXC2 Thank you kindly
LiveFaust: It takes two to make it outta sight.
HailtheRNG: interaction!!!!
maclenrac: say please
RocknGrohlNerd: verbal interaction
Us3lessNPC: LUL
dionizuz: @Marvoleath have to say drafting m20 is pretty boring now with all the other sets
silv3r_54: negotiated numotSMH
Featherweight_: good talk
AgelessAscetic: Wilding out with evolving wilds
karmic_guide: @Sarah_Serinde Thank you kindly
Set_El: Rabbit Season!
North_Sol subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
North_Sol: Huzzah! Looking forward to Friday Nights. Thanks for all that you do!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, North_Sol! (Today's storm count: 85)
maclenrac: sky 5
LRRbot: Vampire Nighthawk [1BB] | Creature — Vampire Shaman [2/3] | Flying, deathtouch, lifelink
gluonquark: He did say please so you can't counter it
TXC2: the boy!
OneironautWrites: mt boy!!!
vinopinguino: we love to see it
maclenrac: sweet
DiscordianTokkan: Batman!
sallomon33: nighthawk!
Super_Sophomoric: batman!
AutomatonAA: It's back!!!
APrioriOfNothing: Is that Wheelers promo?
beowuuf: o7
raulghoulia: ruh ro
ralphthellama: o/
kimistryclass: straight outta zendikar
IshtarsDonut: What a bastion of nostalgia, I love that card so much
mrcooldragon30: lrrCREEPL
RocknGrohlNerd: o7
thephantomnishoba: nighthawk...oh baby
Marvoleath: @dionizuz I personally liked limited that's lower power level, but I also kinda like new players having a consistent "base" set to start with
flouncy_magooo: Can't wait to play with my gf and send hawk to her.
zelukester: the promo art for this guy is at least as dope as the base art
Sorator13: yeah, Nighthawk has a special place in my heart
darkora: oh vampire nighthawk my beloved
Farwalker: I got the Nighthawk in my Trick or Treat box last week, it won me several games.
Us3lessNPC: wise words
wifi12345678910: What about a horse?
AgelessAscetic: Nostalgic nighthawk
Chronomagistrate: It's my favourite card, almost bar nono
LRRbot: For more information on Foundations, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
James Mathieu: whoah this is nice catch!
Stormgod: @William Edge wow
Stormgod: @Simriel ah, i see
bourgeoiscaesar: Is it Overrun time againg?
Stormgod: oh wow
LRRbot: Overrun [2GGG] | Sorcery | Creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.
William Edge: @Stormgod kept them on the phone for like 30 minutes
bourgeoiscaesar: YEAH BOI
Shafer Stromwall: math is for blockers
Stormgod: Jimmy did this to you before Graham. You always count your damage
Stormgod: WHEELER!
Jeffrey A. Thistle: 😲
Arkouda Chien: math is for attackers now
jagehtso: overrun, huh?
JerryJeff Haining: Overrryn baybeee
Rachel Zmak: overrun again!!
Stormgod: wow
Jeffrey A. Thistle: wheeler dying to overrun twice
Jed: Overrun twice!
colacadstink: RIP
William Edge: Overrun for the win twice
Stormgod: That's so cleansing
WhiteWizard42: welcome back to Overrun
Alan Charles Jay: overrun!!
Arkouda Chien: btw that's a banger new button
Iam3DHomer: Magic the gathering
Jeffrey A. Thistle: 😕
bassface1018: CRONCH
blackcoat: Turns out, overrun: good card.
My Best: +3+3 trample at it again
Stormgod: OH GOD!
Stormgod: ouch
Stormgod: that hurts so much
Alan Charles Jay: maybe there was a reason why they stopped printing that card
William Edge: god, feels like the 2000s again
Two number nines: isn't graham missing a forest to cast that
Drop Everything Studios: I remember Overrun.
Stormgod: it's been 12 years....
Korren: we're so back
colacadstink: The "A" stands for Alfalfa!
Christopher Peterson: Make Aggro Gruel Again
kitsumekajime: wow overrun was crazy in this
Rebecca Lawrence: Matt Damon aging dot gif
Jeffrey A. Thistle: 🧐
Simriel: I hope Wheeler enjoys his Milkshake
jagehtso: it's called OVERrun because the game is over when you cast it
Oremasta: :o
Arkouda Chien: inb4 wheeler gets mana screwed
Stormgod: ouch
David Monaghan: 2012 is about when I first left magic
Stormgod: im gonna die now
metalman895: Woo I get to catch a PPR live!
Sarah: Welcome!
kitsumekajime: i started with 7th then left and got back in with ixalan
Stormgod: Dammit Wheeler
Igor84: I started playing aroud Dragons of Tarkir, I'm SOOO excited for the return
William Edge: I started with Odyssey
Arkouda Chien: it's s
Stormgod: Wow, Kathleen and Wheeler are on fire today
Sarah: I started with original Innistrad
Arkouda Chien: it's so early for this kind of banter
My Best: @two number nines There was a treasure token
William Edge: Took a 15 year break and then came back for Wilds of Eldraine
kitsumekajime: i remember my dad buying me a bunch of precon decks from invasion block and i loved last stand
Stormgod: lol
jagehtso: ghouls just wanna have fun
LRRbot: Searslicer Goblin [1R] | Creature — Goblin Warrior [2/1] | Raid — At the beginning of your end step, if you attacked this turn, create a 1/1 red Goblin creature token.
Jeffrey A. Thistle: Going to plan wheeler 🤓
Arkouda Chien: I started with OG portal
Pharmacistjudge: don't be suspicious
LRRbot: Evolving Wilds | Land | {T}, Sacrifice Evolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
William Edge: Will blanks? I do that all the time
Stormgod: oh sick
LRRbot: Abrade [1R] | Instant | Choose one — / • Abrade deals 3 damage to target creature. / • Destroy target artifact.
Arkouda Chien: that was a sick interaction
Jeffrey A. Thistle: arena shuffler strikes again 😌
Stormgod: now hang on a minute...
Anakin Skytoker: man I only started during zendikar, took a long hiatus, restarted at brothers war, and I keep thinking that was only like last year
Jake Fersona: Good sportsmanship on display
LRRbot: Vampire Nighthawk [1BB] | Creature — Vampire Shaman [2/3] | Flying, deathtouch, lifelink
Stormgod: Heck Yeah!
Jon Grayson: I got into Magic over a year ago, so Wilds of Eldraine was the first full set I got
Stormgod: we love it
Stormgod: love to see it
KineBuds: i love this set
iSmartMan1: SO good
JerryJeff Haining: Scree!
Arkouda Chien: this is the kind of limited I love
Andrew Oatway: basically a black doomblade
My Best: gotta hit em with that Hawk
Jeffrey A. Thistle: 🙄
bassface1018: Vhawk
Bumbleton: solid
Jeffrey A. Thistle: flying is complicated 😞
Sorator13: They may have not had room to reminder text all three on there?
Atrizk: batman
wifi12345678910: Can you puncha horse
RocknGrohlNerd: not with that atitude wheeler :D
Featherweight_: unless you’re really tall
Chronomagistrate: *none
Duskling_: Not sure there's many cards I've hated as much as nighthawk, trying to play all sorts of creature decks back in the day.
TXC2: MaRo has talked about how Flying is the number 1 keyword that people get straight away
vinopinguino: hahaha
TheWarbo: as demonstrated by our Halloween movie choice, The Birds
MWGNZ: "man that bird got hands"
lucaloveslrr: runescar demon
EpicLeg1on: now lets reprint huntmaster of the fells new version
dionizuz: @Marvoleath so you don't like they are stopping with the core sets?
Veste: wroooooooooong i shut that OFF
LRRbot: Goldvein Pick [2] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature gets +1/+1. / Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, create a Treasure token. / Equip {1}
Dane_VII: Nighthire Vamphawk! I've missed you so much!
beowuuf: flying'd reminder text is probably more confusing mentioning reach :p
Xhinope: Love Nighthawk!
gluonquark: Flying is rhe only ability word that is still around from alpha
Stormgod519: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
threekoboldinatrenchcoat: can confirm: birds can punch people
Mangledpixel: I have also been punched by a bird. It was going for my chips.
thanzo: that's why flying type damage is super effective against fighting types
vinewood_og: Wheeler is a draw!
dionizuz: night hawk is sweeeet
l0rdrollin: canlander staple vampire nighthwawk
baskwalla: Don’t tell Ian about bird punching.
Opheliaway: You can't punch a bird but a bird can punch you is the whole reason for that type matchup in Pokemon
maclenrac: jumps infront of hydras and pays you two life
raulghoulia: Michael J Fox?
TalianaMewrilah: That's how I got into magic. The 2012 vampire event deck. I love me a nighthawk
LRRMTG_Judge: flying makes's reach that seems completely arbitrary and random. pharma2Vial
LRRbot: Felidar Savior [3W] | Creature — Cat Beast [2/3] | Lifelink / When this creature enters, put a +1/+1 counter on each of up to two other target creatures you control.
NewtyNewts: That's not an automobile
One_Armed_Geo_Dude: HE'S OUR SCUMBAG *clap* *clap* *clapclapclap*
glencc91: who won last one?
fanofmosteverything9: That's not an automobile.
Set_El: I skip MJF promos. Don't get the appeal
Sorator13: automobiles?
345tom: damn daylight savings meant I missed anhour
0011110000110011: @raulghoulia I think the same thing any time people talk about MJF LUL
OldUncleDan: You can absolutely punch birds. I've punched a wild turkey that went after me.
wifi12345678910: Catomobile
AverageBaggage: planes trains AND automobiles
TheBloodsparrow: Yay "I'm think I'm just dead hear" sleeves are back in stock! (Please note I purchased two sets before posting this so I wouldn't miss out this time.)
Laurence72: @gluonquark First Strike and Trample would disagree?
planeswalkagogo: did the screen just shrink?
TopHatPeezy: D:
RocknGrohlNerd: @One_Armed_Geo_Dude LUL LUL lrrSHINE
vinopinguino: its after halloween wheeler, how could you
CrossXhunteR: I really love how open the play space is for the 1v1 setup?
TXC2: glencc91 Graham has won both games
wierdo_of_OZ: that's just like that cat cleric from m whatever it was
Kentosaurus: that was a pretty accurate arena cat noise
razorswift: ghouls?! a day after Halloween?
Stormgod519: @AverageBaggage this isn't new capenna
LRRbot: Burnished Hart [3] | Artifact Creature — Elk [2/2] | {3}, Sacrifice Burnished Hart: Search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
fishtail03: you guys are on fire todat
Chichen: until overrun #3
krfsm: shouldn't G get a goblin since he attacked with the searslicer?
OldUncleDan: Well, more like Clotheslined a turkey that attacke me.
LRRbot: Exemplar of Light [2WW] | Creature — Angel [3/3] | Flying / Whenever you gain life, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. / Whenever you put one or more +1/+1 counters on this creature, draw a card. This ability triggers only once each turn.
zelukester: aw yiss
zelukester: love this one
raulghoulia: you're usually winning until Graham draws overrun
TXC2: ghouls are for unlife, not just Haloween chat
gluonquark: @laurence72 what card had trample or first strike in alpha?
Darleysam: hell yeah I love that song from Alan Wake 2
cogito_ErgoSam: @krfsm It died before it could trigger (in the end step)
fishtail03: white and drawing cards these days amirite
t_peazy: How was everyone's Canadian Thanksgiving?
0011110000110011: @krfsm the Searslicer wasn't there at the end step for its ability to trigger
krfsm: ah, right
kynelwynn: @krfsm The dead Searslicer that was dead by the time the trigger would have happened?
maclenrac: As soon as Wheeler get cocky, Graham revs ups the overrun
Marvoleath: @dionizuz Well, they did stop them before, and they did stop them recently again, by replacing them with simpler sets that were not officially core sets and had similar limited experience. I think it make sense to do it this new way though.
vinopinguino: i love the flavor of zendikar angels having halos around their eyes. chef's kiss to whoever made that
deadassm8: finally managed to catch a stream
BrowneePointz: that’s why this set is incredible. it feels like a love letter to the past 15 years, mechanically AND flavorfully
RocknGrohlNerd: ermahgerd its brnshed hrt
OldUncleDan: @gluonquark Force of Nature had Trample.
Fistacles subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
Fistacles: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fistacles! (Today's storm count: 86)
mehfromBL: does Examplar's draw ability trigger when it enters with a counter from Giada?
WandersWithBlender: I count six wings
CrossXhunteR: I’m a big fan of the new capenna angels
Proudboar: Zendikar Accurate Angels
Laurence72: @gluonquark Elvish Archers had First Strike, Woolly Mammoth had Trample.
Mumpaaah: Zendikarally Accurate Angel
LRRMTG_Judge: searslicer does not make a delayed trigger. it just triggers on the endstep. so it does need to be in play during the endstep. pharma2Vial
justalog96: A twinge of it
vinewood_og: biblically accurate exemplar
RocknGrohlNerd: @OldUncleDan and very dope art
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL pretty sure some of those wings on Exemplar of Light are not connected to the angel
fanofmosteverything9: Biblically accurate Zendikar: Now with more tentacles somehow!
kimistryclass: geordie laforge angels
MerlinZero: Those lands though!
Marvoleath: What if just a non-Zendikar angel with bad hair day?
Opheliaway: Did Graham side in the Broken wings?
87ducksinfedoras: @mehfromBL I believe yes
Decaped: Beware Angels blinded by their own sanctity.
Stormgod519: @WandersWithBlender so they've def learned to fly again...
TXC2: are angels ever described in the bible? :p
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: yup, knocked it out of the park
matthaus_c: @BrowneePointz for sure. I'm in love with this way of executing a core set, and so glad it'll stick around for a long time
Aingealwroth: ixalan angels 🫶🏼
TheWarbo: landfall my beloved
Harvest25 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Harvest25! (Today's storm count: 87)
kamkazi: This set really is Magic Origins 2(024) nad it really is amazing
mulligansgp: Did they do a game 3 even though G won 2? I left for a bit
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: in a lot of ways
duncantm13: Is there a unique token for the Searslicer goblin? Would love to have an akki token besides just the shaman from Fable
Sarah_Serinde: @mulligansgp Yes
CrossXhunteR: I like their OTJ-themed cards this set
Veste: sleep murmurs? slurmurs
TheWarbo: @mulligansgp correct
Catbird0nAStick: wow i love that card
vinopinguino: listening to the wheeler podcast
Veste: wait no no no
mulligansgp: Sweet. thanks
mehfromBL: @TXC2 one of them is just a dude who wrestles you
gluonquark: @olduncledan @laurence72 I stand corrected
matthaus_c: I even like the Sphinges this time
DarthBuckets: i am heartbroken that the last black card was Burglar Rat and not Black Cat :(
AverageBaggage: there's a blue take an extra turn card in here. this set is SO cool
Marvoleath: They just listen to your podcast, provably so
0011110000110011: they've been listening to your podcast
Mangledpixel: gobs and cats and gobs and cats
TheWarbo: wow that one promo card did a lot of work Kappa
LiveFaust: SingsNote In the arms of the goblin.. SingsNote
TomokaMT: As someone that's been really missing that classic magic feeling, Foundations has been a breath of fresh air and I'm so glad it's sticking around for as long as it is
FickleMuse: This set has a perfect addition to my Hapatra deck and it's wild
LRRbot: Claws Out [3WW] | Instant | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each Cat you control. / Creatures you control get +2/+2 until end of turn.
Plasterboard: For MTG skewing away from any religious references, leaning into biblical accuracy might not assist with their overall goals
dionizuz: hey guys have you been to the vegas con? how was it compared to Amsterdam?
RocknGrohlNerd: @Mangledpixel avngrJam avngrJam
BrowneePointz: didn’t they reprint Sphinx of No in this set?
matthaus_c: sun's out claws out
Ashen_Prime subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
flatluigi: cat overrun!
fanofmosteverything9: Affinity for Cats!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ashen_Prime! (Today's storm count: 88)
kamkazi: claws out for Harambe
CrossXhunteR: wheeler, how many Heir Apparent’s did you open in the prerelease kit?
EvilBadman: Overclaw activated
jiantwitch: @TXC2 yes, the Throne (typ of angel) is the most disturbing i think
vinopinguino: meowverrun
silv3r_54: Clap
SilasLunark: Didn't the zendikar angels remove their halo since they weren't ignoring the eldrazi anymore
Plasterboard: Clap
APrioriOfNothing: Catrun win
wifi12345678910: Value
Sage0fMadness: yessss
TXC2: Wheeler's on the board!
LRRbot: Rune-Scarred Demon [5BB] | Creature — Demon [6/6] | Flying / When Rune-Scarred Demon enters, search your library for a card, put it into your hand, then shuffle.
matthaus_c: @BrowneePointz sure did
Sorator13: Ooh
TimeToFry: What a card!
Sage0fMadness: RSD
fsforwardsound: i like how each game ended with a board pump
InambaGuum: foundations sealed games can only be won with overrun effects
Veste: remembering how core set limited works hahaha
TXC2: jiantwitch yes, the eyes within wheels
maclenrac: Instant Anthem
Viewers_Like_You: Man, those were some solid games of Magic the Gathering
RocknGrohlNerd: avngr4000 just kill your opponent :D
dionizuz: hey guys have you been to the vegas con? how was it compared to Amsterdam??
Viewers_Like_You: Just good clean Magic
GiraffeStache: Board pumps, board pumps everywhere
nangel19: It's as if wizards listens to shivam and wheeler love magic
BrowneePointz: @plasterboard Magic is isn’t leaning away from religious imagery, just being more holistic and respectful to the cultures of whose imagery they’re using
fanofmosteverything9: (And learn to fly again.)
Y2A_Alkis: I love Broken Wings and extended family.
captain_wulf subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, captain_wulf! (Today's storm count: 89)
ssg_miller: Great first round this set is gonna be awesome
Johnstar12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Johnstar12! (Today's storm count: 90)
pipshardfour: loved it
undecided44: There's no lie
TXC2: dionizuz they're busy to answer questions, please don't repeat it
Pharmacistjudge: goblin surprise is also a mass pump
Cinnabat: Cats good :3
AgelessAscetic: This reminds me of magic when I first started playing the game. It's so nostalgic
mibukotaro: Overrun!
Opheliaway: segue!
Abracadaver23: Hooray
vinopinguino: blocking is now bad
fanofmosteverything9: Based on an entirely accurate data sample.
Khyrberos: It's happening
JaymicUnyielding: Attaacking is cool AND good
dungeonmasteralek: woo
Stormgod519: lol
thephantomnishoba: everyone loves overruns
KoboldToken: I enjoyed the Goblin Surprise
SusanTD: Woo, stuff!
maclenrac: PUmp Me
Revelo1989: Blocking is busted
Stormgod519: she sure did
lacrem_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
KhouJin: PogChamp
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lacrem_! (Today's storm count: 91)
Sarah_Serinde: !foundations
LRRbot: For more information on Foundations, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
duncantm13: Yaaayyyyyyy!
googoltudoris: "gently used"
Stormgod519: Wheeler!
Ghstsnpr159 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
sallomon33: ah yes, that one was great
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ghstsnpr159! (Today's storm count: 92)
TXC2: Wheeler!
unrivaledaesthetic: mememememememe
Us3lessNPC: PogChamp
kamkazi: PogChamp giveaway time
Sorator13: I remember that! It was hilarious
BraveOthello: That's a lot of product
BrowneePointz: there’s a Mythic Eldrazi IN THIS SET that’s steeped in Hindu imagery(Shivam had a wonderful thread on it)
maclenrac: Ya Ya Ya
AmiralTurtle: Wheeler!
IshtarsDonut: Pog
matthaus_c: @BrowneePointz did you see Shivam point out the excellent hindu influence on Sire of Seven Deaths? I thought it'd make you happy when I saw it :p
DanTheMediocre: but it was very clippable product throwing
Lyrinoir subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lyrinoir! (Today's storm count: 93)
iamthemidboss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Deadjackpit: Hype !!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iamthemidboss! (Today's storm count: 94)
Veste: can we get wheeler to sign them
Stormgod519: This is so much
Cromalisc: !
critiquequartz: I don’t want that one
Gaelan_Maestro: ooooooooo
starfury117: fat pack !!
maclenrac: Fatty
animaniacdot: eau du Wheeler
gluonquark: With the new change blocking is for everyone!
karmic_guide: Was this the stuff you were dropping o n the floor earlier today?
Laurence72: Cat flavored? How would you know what a cat tastes... wait, Kathleen likely has had cat fur enter her mouth without even trying to with her cats.
fanofmosteverything9: Full of Wheeler energy.
duncantm13: That makes it all the better. It'll help me win all my dice rolls
chaotic_good_ferret: Oooooooooooooooh
matthaus_c: @BrowneePointz LMAO
WokenClick subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
Papperslappen: I remember fatpacks
Proudboar: Called shot for giveaway word: Overrun
Thebossman40k: i miss fat packs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WokenClick! (Today's storm count: 95)
SusanTD: lrrWOW lrrWOW
Suffix: I see. Didn't shave, but DID shower.
mizic_lota: so many gifts 🐙
true_kayos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
true_kayos: It's almost 2 years!
maefly2: that's a lot of stuff
nicochulo_2001: gaming
bilboobbaggins: biiiiiiiiigg
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, true_kayos! (Today's storm count: 96)
Catbird0nAStick: only overrun
jeepless: Yes please!
Chichen: yippee
MorganteMaggiore: so much value
Scarbble: such boosties
AmiralTurtle: Any jumpstarts?
47MD: get boosted
Stormgod519: big lot
TinyAwoo: oooooooooo
Dane_VII: I want the hoodie one
Cromalisc: Such good value
PhuzNutz: I win
duncantm13: boost boost
wifi12345678910: wow
t7112: cool stuff
shurtal: beeg
extra_spicy_ramen: !!!
Abracadaver23: BIIIIIG
DiscordianTokkan: Daaaaang
radfox777: Awooo
ErrorCode404: PogChamp
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: bigh
FromBrainToKeyboard: oooooooo
Luigiman210: wow
unrivaledaesthetic: ONE
planeswalkagogo: please tell me this is like 6 giveaways
OneironautWrites: hot dang
razorswift: daang
VoodontWoW: Oooh
captain_wulf: holy...
TheWarbo: seis boosties
Sorator13: oh man, I still have a significant portion of my collection in fat pack boxes
TXC2: one(1)
thephantomnishoba: thats alot of stuffs
Carpe_YOLO: lol
Piecrust9: One boostie
funguslore: Wow
SketchyDetails: Boosties
Revelo1989: Scent of Wheelers clothing
Cinnabat: them boosties
LowUpsideCJ: can we win fblithp
critiquequartz: booties!
rabbitgta: Wow
maclenrac: The One
IshtarsDonut: THE BOOSTIES
NewtyNewts: Huzzah for giveaways!
LareDawg: Let's get ittttt
V0ba: dayum
Opheliaway: one lucky viewer
pyrelight: one of us?!
bappley: I'm so excited. I hope I win
mibukotaro: All of this can be yours!
SeaDiegoFC: So much valueee
rentar42: foundations
Camthelion: one of me
Trymantha: good luck everyone
rosydumpling: Foundations
MookGB: foundations
gluonquark: Math is for everyone
SagaMonstrum: Good lord the moonbase must be swarmed
TristalMTG: so much
bigscaryd: foundations
cachorubione: daaaamn
DanTheMediocre: dang that's some hefty gifting
fanofmosteverything9: Ein viewer
MommaGart subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
MommaGart: happy Foundations day
PywosMom: Lucky
47MD: foundations
Ginger_Zinger: The wheeler smell makes it more priceless!
RagnaButter: foundations
Stormgod519: Foundations
urist_mc_wazdakka: me?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MommaGart! (Today's storm count: 97)
ohnoes42: foundations
Seditive26114: Foundations
eleric937: foundations
EMNetwork: foundations
nicochulo_2001: foundations
flatluigi: foundations
UnintentionalFeed: Foundations
TinyAwoo: Foundations
Abracadaver23: Foundations
AverageBaggage: foundations
Kilo: It's flying! Ya just fly about it!
Stormgod: In Russia, you don't punch bird, bird punch you!
David Monaghan: Started with 3rd left after Lorwyn, came back with rivals of ixlan
Shafer Stromwall: fighting IS 1/2 effective against flying
Stormgod: WHEELER!
Tripidium: hawk tuah
LRRbot: Goldvein Pick [2] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature gets +1/+1. / Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, create a Treasure token. / Equip {1}
Fish in a bowl: Yes, i think most of us know what getting punched by a bird is like
Reed George: Maybe YOU can't punch a bird.
Rogue 7: I understood that reference
first last: wheeler is a mjf expy it's true
My Best: flying is horsemanship
Drach: I started with Ice Age
Arkouda Chien: good trade
LRRbot: Felidar Savior [3W] | Creature — Cat Beast [2/3] | Lifelink / When this creature enters, put a +1/+1 counter on each of up to two other target creatures you control.
Stormgod: oh dang
colacadstink: Ah that classic film, Planes Trains and Felidar Savior
kitsumekajime: my dad just recently showed me his complete ice age set
Jake Fersona: Eeeek
William Edge: Too spooky
LRRbot: Burnished Hart [3] | Artifact Creature — Elk [2/2] | {3}, Sacrifice Burnished Hart: Search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
Stormgod: Boo!
Arkouda Chien: it's got a lot of Hart
Stormgod: Wheeler, you were winning twice and then got overrun...
Stormgod: Oh dang
LRRbot: Exemplar of Light [2WW] | Creature — Angel [3/3] | Flying / Whenever you gain life, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. / Whenever you put one or more +1/+1 counters on this creature, draw a card. …
Stormgod: that's a good one
kitsumekajime: inb4 graham wins with another overrun
William Edge: Whoop there it is
Jake Fersona: sheesh
Arkouda Chien: this is why you side into broken wings!
Jeffrey A. Thistle: 😌angels
Jon Grayson: DAMN!
Stormgod: Value!
Stormgod: Aesthetically Accurate Angel
Jeffrey A. Thistle: angel life gain deck on the menu in standard? 🙂
Kilo: Four wings! Like a biblically accurate angel, or the sampler platter at Applebees
Rebecca Lawrence: Should run the broken wings main IMO, sealed always benefits from a disenchant
Stormgod: hell
iSmartMan1: This feels like a core set
My Best: very much so
Stormgod: elves is on the menu instandard
jagehtso: and here I thought wheeler would be a fan of malach of the dawn
Aaron Hill: this set looks so fun to draft
Stormgod: @iSmartMan1 that's the intention
LilyFin: just got back, did graham clear it in two?
My Best: blue white angel control is so on in standard
Stormgod: @LilyFin yeah. Overrun won it twice
LilyFin: awesome
Arkouda Chien: Graham played overrun twice
Arkouda Chien: that's all that needs to be said
William Edge: @My Best that sounds like a hell of a fun deck. Might even have a use for that Giada And Errant card
Jeffrey A. Thistle: no overrun no win 😞
LRRbot: Claws Out [3WW] | Instant | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each Cat you control. / Creatures you control get +2/+2 until end of turn.
Stormgod: oh wow
Stormgod: that seems sick
colacadstink: Claws Out for Harambe T_T
Stormgod: rip
My Best: oh sweet, worse overrun for the win
LRRbot: Rune-Scarred Demon [5BB] | Creature — Demon [6/6] | Flying / When Rune-Scarred Demon enters, search your library for a card, put it into your hand, then shuffle.
Stormgod: Oh wow that's good
Pixie_Kelz: :face-blue-heart-eyes:
Shafer Stromwall: holy smokes
Stormgod: that's fun
William Edge: RSD! RSD!
Arkouda Chien: claws out is very good
Jeffrey A. Thistle: always got to 7 lol
Ash Dog: I love this set it’s so good
Arkouda Chien: two overruns and a white not!overrun
Rebecca Lawrence: New rule
Jon Grayson: everything looks awesome so far
Alan Charles Jay: the only way
My Best: Plagg! claws out!
4 element studios: dinger
Christopher Peterson: Holy smokes, that's some swag
tearsunshed: so awesome
Sarah: !foundations
AllTheoryNoPractice: What if we WANT the on-the-floor versions??? HUH??
Sarah: That'll show up eventually
jagehtso: means boards won't get stalled as much as is usually the problem for core set limited
William Edge: I need the Wheeler box
Phil Wangersky: Pog
Carter Dean: I love these videos
Valdehp: thats me
Christopher Peterson: If the price is right?
jagehtso: jeez
NomaTyx: waow
PioneerNate: foundations
kimistryclass: foundations
Weastley_: Foundations
mibukotaro: foundations
control_rig: Foundations\
ktoering: foundations
asthanius: foundations
raisins4life: Foundations
cyrix240: foundations
PhlibbertyGib: foundations
PriestessofZENTU: Foundations
floor__chicken: Foundations
jacobaugust: Foundations
SusanTD: foundations
mrmelchoir: foundations
feargalm19913: foundations
TXC2: foundations
chaotic_good_ferret subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
iris_of_ether: Foundations
BSengenYT: foundations
starfury117: Foundations
hb8u: foundations
dungeonmasteralek: Foundations
krfsm: foundations
wifi12345678910: foundations
kevsta47: Foundations
e_bloc: foundations
tobenaitsubame: Foundations
Opheliaway: foundations
devilmonkey2012: foundations
patrickotreat: foundations
randomnumber39: Foundations
animaniacdot: Foundations
iamlanselot: Foundations
GREED_HS: Foundations
ElFuzzy: Foundations
Hacimicah9: Foundations
Veste: Foundations
mommyofmachines: foundations
jamwno: Foundations
Heliwr: Foundations
Farwalker: Foundations
DylPage: foundations
SirPlumpy: foundations
BlueFingers5: Foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chaotic_good_ferret! (Today's storm count: 98)
Lyrinoir: Foundations
Chichen: Foundations
TheWooglie: foundations
vetr1c: foundations
Cinnabat: Foundations
Twilight_Spark: foundations
Xhinope: Foundations
That1GuyBen: Foundations
Catbird0nAStick: foundations
General_Pants: foundations
corycoryT: foundations
putz12a: foundations
dernerntyern: foundations
bloodmoonorbust: foundations
Geldaran: foundations
mussezera: foundations
doubleo21: foundations
dawnforger: Foundations
Carlioo: foundations
One_Armed_Geo_Dude: Foundations
fhorrigan: Foundations
nightshadeqx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months, currently on a 33 month streak!
nightshadeqx: Foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nightshadeqx! (Today's storm count: 99)
natillynoo: Foundations
radfox777: Foundations
notevengood_: Foundations
wiqidbritt: foundations
87ducksinfedoras: Foundations
zebrashark3: Foundations
gluonquark: Foundations
shamblingkrenshar: foundations
Sage0fMadness: Foundations
clockworkmenagerie: Foundations
Simonark: Foundations
Drammses: Foundations
otakubox0: Foundations
PadawanTK16: Foundations
arkham1981: Foundations
Narcuru: foundations
Quyzbuk26: foundations
timfreilly: foundations
twomaso: foundations
BattlecryBob: Foundations
IgorApp: Foundations
Night_xD: Foundations
raisins77: foundations
99dcwolf: foundations
flustered_blue: foundations
electrobrains: foundations
Kezzig_: Foundations
legion2814: foundations
SilasLunark: Foundations
WhiteFalcon9_: foundations
UnknownFriday: Foundations
Unknownj007: Foundations
hamraffle: Its a circus of value
Hadouken_lol_catz: foundations
dotkarma: Foundations
nitrosarcastro: foundations
bisaflau: foundations
JonTheDino: Foundations
bluesoda12: foundations
ZiyeInverse: foundations
roastbeefsandwitch: foundations
Me_EZE: foundations
LathosTiran: foundations
Mistheart: Foundations
silentdragon0: Foundations
Veshnikard: Foundations
Diabore: foundations
Stripe_dog: foundations
hilltopper_: foundations
neutralbelgium: Foundations
ClassyDolphin46: foundations
azombiewizard: Foundations
NewtyNewts: Foundations
oatway: Foundations
gedtheflayer: foundations
fake_silenthero: foundations
LittleBigHamm: Foundations
EternalRoxas: Foundations
UltraVioletVodoo: foundations
DaimyoAmerica: Foundations
ssg_miller: Foundations
m_logan2000: Foundations
RustyVenture: Foundations
HedgehogKnight: Foundations
anxietyparadingashuman: foundations
badrat_: foundations
blasterzero3: foundations
Revelo1989: Foundations
Jwzx: foundations
Laurence72: Foundations
jpost042: foundations
BlueFingers5: Chat go brrrr
Dromos_GHG: foundations
0011110000110011: foundations
Riffz711: foundations
aesir_blade: foundations
Tsnitz: foundations
n1ckmagic: Foundations
BraveOthello: Foundations
forshamesir: foundations
lislovesscience: foundations
TalpTheScot: Foundations
JusticeJuice: Foundations
CasualKing21: foundations
Cwelso: foundations
Cromalisc: foundations
Pazy160: foundations
fidgit_z: Foundations
Neuromancer13: foundations
rhollands: foundations
starmute12: foundations
Vargen_HK: foundations
bananoraf: Foundations
Crismis333: Foundations
Durdenstein: Foundations
h3rsh3yb4r: foundations
greglewis7: foundations
RecklessHobbies: Foundations
Atrizk: Foundations
rexcalibur0: Foundations
TheUltraCutie: foundations
KamalPJ: foundations
Theredeydsamurai: Foundations
MrThan00: Foundations
Naarius: foundations
kovdal: Foundations
zfire911: foundations
critiquequartz: foundations
Darleysam: foundations
wassallm: foundations
sfaviator: Foundations
corpocracy: Foundations
Seaborg009: Foundations
Creideiki_SE: foundations
misskale: Foundations
public_key_reveal_party: Foundations
Martingro85: foundations
Agnememnon: foundations
tcat13: foundations
EpicLeg1on: foundations
Mangledpixel: Foundations
Kirby_Bitera: Foundations
Eisalie: foundations
ZealokBoi: Foundations
MartonyTho: foundations
l1amal1ama: foundations
JaymicUnyielding: Foundations
Veraphage: foundations
Sterosz: foundations
Piecrust9: Foundations
medebula: Foundations
deadassm8: Foundations
rick0chet008: Foundations.
CaptnCheesebeard: foundations
memory_sauce: foundations
sithenin: foundations
SeraphalAstraga: Foundations
Airrrick: foundations
deleoz22: foundations
thegreatwyrdling: Foundations
nasa2490: foundations
skiddybones: foundations
Proudboar: Foundations
iamthemidboss: foundations
CardiganNerd: Foundations
LordShadner: Foundations
ShadowTigris_: Foundations
BeKay088: foundations
Forgotten_Lizard: Foundations
ShadowDragon5233: foundations
fuzzy_died: foundations
ZombieHendrix: foundations
DaveUncreative: foundations
salfredo: Foundations
HadesLeprechaun: foundations
DMGlol: Lmao
Land_Manatee: Foundations
2feL_xD: foundations
k_oiva: foundations
birbtribul: foundations
iaw3som3sauc3: Foundations
silverelias: foundations
Allandrow: Foundations
3and4fifths: foundations
SirTrae: Foundations
DrStrangeAL: Foundations
Goombill: Foundations
urist_mc_wazdakka: Foundations
Manae: Foundations
ChaoticObserver: Foundations
ShifuDaxiongmao: Foundations
undecided44: Foundations
redsaint_uk: Foundations
BorealMage: foundations
Gen2Gengar: Foundations
psycrona: foundations
cheddasupreme494: foundations
synthalanar: Foundations
RomanoMomano: Foundations
Kalectotite: Foundations
alalia_872: Foundations
TXC2: and get timmed out
natillynoo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
Pastafarianx: foundations
djsterlingsilva: Foundations
MapleKind: foundations
TalianaMewrilah: Foundations
ColourFrog: Foundations
Fire_Summoner: foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, natillynoo! (Today's storm count: 100)
gildedjedi: Foundations
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: foundations
Mazrae: Foundations
pishkedhune: Foundations
SwiftWing201: Foundations
werebears_arms: Foundations
Akriann: foundations
booplesnootlovesyou: foundations
CurlyTurnips: Foundations
AwkwordTuttle: Foundations
lacrem_: Foundations
jabisbad: Foundations
Caelash: foundations
Zcipher: Foundations
saperlipopet17: foundations
HumorlessParody: Foundations
Suprec: Foundations
TheNerdWonder: foundations
thephantomnishoba: foundations
Ace_Prime: Foundations
Monkidota: foundations
keinbesserername: Foundations
bappley: Foundations
the_kaiya_papaya: Foundations
KodeMage: Foundations
Cactus_Cactus: Foundations
Rourke9: foundations
arkbrik: foundations
ToddOnATangent: foundations
KydrouKair: Foundations
llew_werdd: Foundations
koushiroux: foundations
unrivaledaesthetic: foundations
roronoamaroa: foundations
banana_wackez: Foundations
tehThane: foundations
PaulStefko: Foundations
MrBibz: foundations
brendonthebrewbarian: foundations
Marvoleath: Foundations
MWGNZ: foundations
Darkstorm257: foundations
Mastion: Foundations
Coptimus_Prime: Foundations
RoseOfZeal: foundations
azombiewizard: Foundations #2
MorganteMaggiore: foundations
wharra: foundations
johnnybergersen: Foundations
BiggPapaValk: Foundations\
Barret7Beyond: Foundations
stumpinaut: foundations
MrBevers: Foundations
MeldonTaragon: Foundations
WandersWithBlender: Foundations
Bergor_Terraf: foundations
victoriancryptid: foundations
laikagoat: Foundations
rsMcNally130: foundations
Wild_jackalope: Foundations
zeraxilim: Foundations
anje_falkenrath: Foundations
megamanred: Foundations
345tom: foundations
Krassst: Foundations
xpandathunderx: Foundations
forshamesir: Foundations
artemis_the_kitsune: Foundations
HamSneak: foundations
MantisMind: Foundations
Aritos: Foundations
Wolfstrike_NL: Foundations
AllTheNaps: Foundations
BusTed: foundations
njordmon: foundations
AlterForm: foundations
Spectre97: Foundations
Snampo_ok: Foundations
zefinderus: foundations
teaandvalkyries: foundations
GrandDesigner: Foundations
yatagarasu1177: foundations
jac68094: Foundations
NegiWraith: foundations
dimeadozent: foundations
maclenrac: Foundations
Flyingdelorion: Foundations
AmorphousCube: Foundations
atahakai: foundations
RatC4tcher: Foundations
LithelyUnshod: Foundations
yeentoberfest: Foundations
PuritanPuree: foundations
heywislo: foundations
jrat10: Foundations
SimWOT: Foundations
noonetoday: Foundations
Lord_Durin: foundations
Alspect: Foundations
Lopeyok: Foundations
bartimus_thundercask: Foundations
AgelessAscetic: Foundations
Incandescent_Zubat: Foundations
ipoddodd: Foundation
GenesisJester: Foundations
grineye: Foundations
YTFenderson: foundations
rabbitgta: Foundations
erandir_: foundations
Rhystic_Buddies: Foundations
aidonot: Foundations
YoslanL: foundations
shaeishaedo: Foundations
ephemeralhope: foundations
WerdnaRac: foundations
gralamin: Foundations
Scar_Red_Tiger: foundations
manabear12: foundations
beissman: Foundations
MullMachen: foundations
Tingeltangelibach: Foundations
Zleox: Foundations
slobberingdawgpaws: Foundations
Storm1798: foundations
Hirozan: foundations
manwiththegoldencard: Foundations
aged_mutant_ninja_turtle: foundations
alchemistsavant: Foundations
mumblepunk: Foundations
ukaboom0718: Foundations
that_jake: foundations
WampaX: foundations
Violetlazuli: Foundations
newuser0420: foundations
WavesOfBabies: Foundations
Khalstrom: Foundations
kamkazi: foundations
jiantwitch: Foundations
Zoowks: Foundations
slopoppotamus: Foundations
Random_roadkill: Foundations
dev_logic: Foundations
Gadora: Foundations
Korolan: foundations
BiggPapaValk: Foundations
strangerdanger91: foundations
quartermoose: Foundations
MNerenberg: voxyWeaselshake voxyWeaselshake voxyWeaselshake voxyWeaselshake voxyWeaselshake
MaverickArtist: Foundations
Frogasaurus90: Foundations
Mboyd: foundations
hotgreenflames: Foundations
MacabreAurora: foundations
t7112: what if we want to see where it goes?
ipoddodd: Foundations
PorpoisesUnknown: Foundations
Public_Goat: foundations
Hdalin: Foundations
Cptasparagus: foundations
TophTheHermit: Foundations
mistbornhoid: Foundations
hexagonalguinea: Foundations
marquisdemizu: Foundations
Demon_King_Piccolo: Foundations
An_Ornery_Emu: Foundations
Jet_Almighty: Foundations
Luigiman210: foundations
protocol_gamma: Foundations
omnilord: foundations
sirnobulus: foundations
DrunkenWarBee: foundations
JacNol: Foundations
carbondragon: Foundations
Dane_VII: Foundations
awful_neutral: foundations
anetfullofjello: Foundations
Unreliable_Superhero16: Foundations
Balugo: Foundations
fracturedorb: Foundations
Oktulp21 : Foundations
druidsOfTheShore: Foundations
Melfina__: Foundations
dacactu5: Foundations
heropileofgifs: Foundations
moseyon42: Foundations
ibduduo: Foundations
hilltopper_: Foundations
wednesdayb: foundations
alexetodisk: Foundations
Khyrberos: Foundation
NonjaBiru: Foundations
a_randomfofar: Foundations
distinguishednarwhal: Foundations
VirtuaRailith: foundations
thegiftedgrifter: Foundations
red_shoes_jeff: Foundations
undyoulater: Foundations
Hansk_and_Boo: Foundations
dingo94200: Foundations
RhymesWithMoose: Foundations
Ard_Rhys: foundations
t_peazy: Foundations
nickmstr20: Foundations
Kaktus021: Foundations
aynehzn: foundations
gualdhar: Holy light speed chat scroll, Batman!
gibbonplusplus: foundations
Kaiye12: Foundations
BanditoHorse: Foundations
Electrum516: foundations
electrobrains: altanak altanak altanak
Jaysoon11: Foundations
bruiserhammerfist: !foundations
LRRbot: For more information on Foundations, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
Avak4do: Foundations
public_key_reveal_party: Do not cross the Kathleen
AutumnGold subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
AutumnGold: foundations
triplehare: Foundations
martypunker: Foundations
EPGelion: Foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AutumnGold! (Today's storm count: 101)
maclenrac: Spelling is right there
Kendo_thorn: don’t anger her
hunahpu92: Foundations
unicornery: Foundations
SolarBlitz1: Foundations
kshultz_photography: Foundations
Palladis21: Foundations
chrisvonclause: Foundations
Descalon_: Foundations
Guevon_Jon: Foundations
QuixoticZ: Foundations
Mumpaaah: Does capitalization matter?
Oreo1369: Foundations
Wonderdoc: Foundations
thisiskellcore: Foundations
GwalchmaiOfHouseParadox: foundations
Dr_4_EYES: Foundations
mediumdres: foundations
RealGamerCow: twitch is strugglin to keep up
Heexi: Foundations
grimmoire_noir: Foundations
Jaolen: foundations
CompleatedPinkie: Foundations
Rakasho: foundations
Ranakel: Foundations
shoktile: foundations
elberos: foundations
ghyllnox: Foundations
viicttorr2: foundations
Elvenag: Foundations
LeonaFeelingFrosty: Foundations
OneToMax: Foundations
Leedopo: Foundations
Screenwatcher33: Foundations
Qwex1: Foundations
majesticspace9: Foundations
AmiralTurtle: foundations
TheMrBrazill: Foundations
Technic_AL: Foundations
Liberty9019: Foundations
Fr3nchFry3: Foundations
rentar42: what about the poor fellows on youtube chat?
Luna_TheOtter: Foundations
MurphEP: Foundations
unrivaledaesthetic: pls be me
DarthBuckets: Foundations
Calhoun327: Foundations
birbhappy: foundations
spiralingshape: Foundations
Xafty: foundations
Wolfwoodpgs: Foundations
EnderPlays12345: Foundations
moonboil: Foundations
unicornery subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
stephan_31_: Foundations
OhHeyItsThatOneGuy: Foundations
Rebelcow: Foundations
ReiyChanter: Foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, unicornery! (Today's storm count: 102)
GloriouslyEpicGames: foundations
starfury117: Thank you Loading Ready Run !
azurite_d: Foundations
Grinnin_Gin: There's no need for exclaimation marks anymore? neat
AstraeatheStarQueen: Foundations
codatski: Foundations
IgorApp: Foundations
Weagle: Foundations
left0versoup: Foundations
pacotaco009: Foundations
SonofThoth: foundations
storm_racer: Foundations
LeonisCo: Foundations
Mischievous_Catgeist: Foundations
phoenixfeather14: and the mods. Thanks mods! ModLove ModLove
rob_mossop: foundations
TrueNateNemesis: foundations
dusksgirl22: foundations
Hewdra: foundations
uy_romi: foundations
0_unforgivable_0: foundations
KageTheQuiet: foundations
coyoteboss06: foundations
Harvest25: Foundations
SledgeBlitz: Foundations
Brickmaster12: foundations
Jukideo: foundations
Booklegend: Foundations
Mangledpixel: a Wispa? delicious
retroboy8: Foundations
janMelantu: foundations
AladoTFT: foundations
Uniquegoose: TY LLR
GiraffeStache: foundations
kemykatze: foundations
jackulhaups: Foundations
birbarino: Thanks WOTC and LRR!
prestonhd: Foundations
Storm297: foundations
hyumon: foundations
SecretGaygent_69: foundations
chriswr5: Foundations
raulghoulia: Foundations
Frostwriter111: foundations
TheShameHole: Foundations
PVDH_magic: foundations
Don_Sahlertz: Foundations
Austellion: Foundations
alexb241293: Foundations
DeM0nFiRe: foundations
blue_lotus_designs: Foundations
ImmortalLen: foundations
SmithKurosaki: foundations
calkang: Foundations
One_Armed_Geo_Dude: Foundations
Durdenstein subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Durdenstein: PPR Day!
Aitsu111: Foundations
TheBigByrd: Foundations
TMLTurby: Foundations
cisco236: Foundations
Mallak22: Foundations
g_on_e425: foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Durdenstein! (Today's storm count: 103)
t0mb95: Foundations
meaninglessMeg: Foundations
karmic_guide: Is it case sensitive?
Evil_John_Cena: foundations
myndi84: Foundations
SeaDiegoFC: Thank you lrr and wotx
Yolysses: foundations
Jaseface1: Foundations
totole654: foundations
Iam3DHomer: foundations
PVDH_magic: Foundations
rushfoil: foundations
SlippyNomad: foundations
Randdalf: foundations
frnknstn: foundations
jimber_jam: foundations
Grifflame: foundations
Maltorius: Foundations
pwjas784: foundations
dreadfulkaylas: Foundations
dewrules235: foundations
Uppkavlat: foundations
picpomedia: Foundations
Flibspeak: Foundations
theclawmasheen: foundations
mottsklonoa: Foundations
Xavart092: Foundations
alphashados: Foundations
jalinweaver: foundations
yougotmycoat: foundations
CommissarFuklaw: foundations
Rogtilop: foundations
RealDarkAdamo: Foundations
The_Satsuma_Warrior: Foundations
slightlyavid: foundations
Agoobah: Foundations
phyrexiansteven: Foundations
Beejebeej: foundations
sinnloserknopf: Foundations
threekoboldinatrenchcoat: Foundations
OldUncleDan: Foundations
Sovac256: foundations
sundernik97: foundations
lamina5432: foundations
eeffoCeniFnmaD: Foundations
xhjon: foundations
sansrivaaaal: Foundations
hamishian: Foundations
CanvasWolfDoll: foundations
Tv_P4RTY: foundations
TehTpyoKing: Foundations
bruiserhammerfist: Foundations
WVUBird: foundations
GoofymikeD: foundations
eggjustin: Foundations
witchy_snake: Foundations
TheCardq: foundations
yarrrgh: foundations
JinaMahavira: foundations
illogicalman: foundations
fstenkvist2: Foundations
newershadow: Foundations
lumlite: Foundations
Myslizard: Foundations
Fanklok: Foundations
chstal: Foundations
Trebs42: Foundations
Fedextox: Foundations
M4dd1n_: Foundations
CironSkylark: Foundations
JJP2D: Foundations
discollama34: foundations 󠀀
JeysieC: Foundations
kurth_n: foundations
jollyoldobnixilis: Foundations
jaboc038: Foundations
KorrenTheNinth: Foundations
rentar42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
sonofrobotnik: Foundations
Keleel: Foundations
nyksummers: Foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rentar42! (Today's storm count: 104)
M0D3Uz: Thank you loading ready run ;-)
weebhamer: foundations
TheBearBee: Foundations
time0100: foundations
hurricanealpaca: Foundations
rosengeist: Foundations
ItwasmeGio_: foundations
file_maker: foundations
Mumpaaah: foundations
tommello_: Foundations
Dlicas: foundations
level5chronicles: foundations
GoudaCat: foundations
aesorian: Foundations
Idonthaveatwitchaccount: Foundations
eh_yo_flake: Foundations
PaddyHurl: foundations
TheDarmaniac: foundations
brother_of_zeus: FOUNDATIONS
rs_ls: Foundations
TheBloodsparrow: Can I spam the channel but spell it wrong every time except once?
tanshala: foundations
PostModernVorthos: Foundations
zinnyinn: foundations
gavnrox: FOUNDATIONS!!!
sgowell: Foundations
twerkz117: Foundations
lotoftoast: foundations
VictoriNYA_valentine: Foundations
Fyrepyro: foundations
stoneforge_mysticism: Foundations
wattyFathom: foundations
Ravynn: Foundations
LokiThePaladin: foundations
ElCoggins: Foundations
effin_steffin41: Foundations
Ponyshment: foundations
KiloRomeo058: foundations
CGSguy2: Foundations
thedyltrain: Foundations
jesiscrusty: Foundations
ToasterDylan: Foundations
varmintx0: Foundations
noteaforthecats: foundations
bammayhem: Foundations
Oremasta: Foundations
Astrovore: foundations
whiscash_enthusiast: foundations
mastersderz: foundations
spr1nkl3z: Foundations
fencepostmagpie: Foundations
MrMatternot: Foundations
cryptid_dog: foundations
SoapyMarmoset: foundations
Tzimisce_Joe: Foundations
TheInferno390: foundations
ClassyDolphin46: foundations
Robot_Bones: foundations
Driskus: Foundations
sblue333: Thank you loading ready run and wizards of the coast!
ronniebee2: Foundations
Vellico_: Foundations
solana75: foundations
masterschiief: foundations
nulamog: Foundations
Zenergy142: Foundations
akimura87: foundations
thesilence9: foundations
Chmecal: foundations
Pteryon: Foundations
Marethyou: Foundations
QuoteSF subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
SyvvisTV: foundations
themenace1: foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, QuoteSF! (Today's storm count: 105)
tyrbeor: Foundations
snikerony: foundations
dittowill: foundations
quicklygreen subscribed with Prime.
Ryuukihiro: Foundations
solring_: foundations
Revelo1989: Foundations
quintenqu: foudations
Draxxonator: foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, quicklygreen! (Today's storm count: 106)
Holden_McGroin96: Foundations
theevilslime: Foundations
alberthegator: foundations
platymage: foundations
glencc91: foundations
twentytwosolid: Foudnations!
colinoclock: Foundations
shiningelbow: foundations
AutumnAuroch: Foundations
chaosofdoom: foundations
namagem1: Foundations
Temperature_Droplet: Foundations
Demon_King_Piccolo: foundations
Shardlab: Foundations
Ivannorr: Foundations
AveryAlways: Foundations
ruskokozilek: Foundations
Nugglefugget: Foundations
CCredit: Foundations
sumiku_art: Foundations
Chelsea12492: foundations
thalcot: foundations
HeeroJay: foundations
Killerhamburger51: foundations
FPNY41: Foundations
Thebossman40k: Foundations
frostover32: foundations
TimeToFry gifted a Tier 1 sub to foundations! They have given 23 Gift Subs in the channel!
Ardnas_nessin: foundations
eikaeros: Foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, foundations! (Today's storm count: 107)
seiterman7: foundations
thexdoctor10: foundations
zepharia_breeze: Foundations
Pausis: Foundations
Dyscra: foundations
sonnyvm: Foundations
boddacious subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
Mal2mad: Foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, boddacious! (Today's storm count: 108)
Mercurial_Ouroboros: Foundations
KineBuds: Foundations
m0nst3r_xi: foundations
cheapludes970: Foundations
Duetic: foundations
jimpurbrick: foundations
cakes_here: Foundations
Palpitos: Foundations
TheUnfoundPath: Foundations
AyaElliott: Foundations
TXC2: !yt
abslomdaak42: Foundations
clashowenbash8: foundations
timestorm73: foundations
Bartlebad: Foundations
RocknGrohlNerd: can I piss off Wheeler as well ( just a little as a treat)?
jiantwitch: Foundations
gnomebot1: Foundations
DodoSwede: foundations
billydreamshake: Foundations
MikeProvencher: Foundations
CelticGeek: foundations
gummy_nutz: foundations
DuckTheSystem: foundations
Aingealwroth: make them follow the channel!
ph0enix__42: foundations
EldraziOutlaw: foundations
AstoundingBacon: Foundations
goodelfbob: foundations
janlws: Foundations
ocreed03: Foundations
Rebbers: Foundations
TimeKapsuleTK: Foundations
keiratessa: foundations
uy_romi: Foundations!
Ktolos: foundations
ralphthellama: Do we need a donor account?
Cyberpod32: Foundations
BirdPriest64: Foundations
Mikebucketz: Foundations
TheFragranceOfDarkCoffee: Foundations
randomguy358: Foundations
lkt3190: foundations
BioRockMonk: Foundations
TherionXFC: Foundations
brainbosh: Foundations
PVDH_magic: Foundations
AdamNWear: Foundations
ranger34ofthespine: foundations
JonTheDino subscribed with Prime.
redhotsp01cy: Foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JonTheDino! (Today's storm count: 109)
RoboKusko: Foundations
doctor_nyx: foundations
Funky_dee: foundations
wafflederg: Foundations
duedz2: Foundations
fstenkvist2: foundations
Aemso: Foundations
AHouseMaus: Foundations
MullMachen: foundations
nimidoc: foundations
SpikeKing1: foundations
silicienna: Foundations
Bartlebad subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Bartlebad: Nice.
Thewall8: Foundations
celtoid: Foundations
majesticspace9: Foundations
CyranoDelBergerac: Foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bartlebad! (Today's storm count: 110)
Cinntoastmin: foundations
jwhighsmith: foundations
tonsoffunsr: foundations
yourpalmatt124: foundations
Blastdas: Foundations
lewismd: Foundations
pipshardfour: foundations
QuickHand98: foundations
nikkoketracel: foundations
my4thaccountcalledfozzy: Foundations
Oxdans: foundations
Mythdom: Foundations
twentytwosolid: foundations
wojtekbc: Foundations
Bunny_yote: foundations
BobIsTrying: Foundations
gragger: foundations
frenchy_phil: foundations
KoopagaTV: foundations
PostModernVorthos: Foundations
thejakewallace: foundations
ranoras: foundations
QuixoticScrivener: foundations
YarrMorgan: foundations
BasilHunter: Foundations
swi3: foundations
CrispierChutoy: Foundations
3and4fifths: lostations
baskwalla: foundations
StarSurveil: foundations
azncan: Foundation
Selgren: foundations
TheBloodsparrow: So many ways to win!
roseandcross: foundations
EthirealPlayer: Foundations
gavnrox: Foundations
Austtheman: Foundations
nyilus27: Foundations
somanywaffles: foundations
fishjellyfishjelly: Foundations
soar10395: Foundations
KodeMage: wouldn't you just edit this part out of the youtube video?
Teddy_Beats: foundations
Hawkwreak: Foundations
glowingnova: foundations
parkster11: foundations
JeffKuneDo: foundations
EldritchProwler: Foundations
Sunhawk08: Foundations
GoudaCat: Lichen sub scribe
invaderdouglas: Foundations
cassierains: foundations
hulduloke: foundations
metzmagic: Foundations
undecided44: All manner of value is available.
Zeph163: Foundations
goldengraham13: Foundations
CountOfCristo82: foundations
Mythdom subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
thegreatwyrdling subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
thegreatwyrdling: Thanks for having Wheeler, it's great he's here.
nyc_mtg: Foundations
idmmagic: foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mythdom! (Today's storm count: 111)
18rabbits: foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thegreatwyrdling! (Today's storm count: 112)
fanofmosteverything9: Engagement begets rewards!
DinoGeneral: Founfations
Varrus_Varlineau: foundations
petey_vonwho: Foundations
greenmonkeysam: Foundations
CtrlAltSleep: Foundations
Arelris: foundations
Zamx: foundations
Wicker_Guide: praise algotithm
eisice_: foundations
Glyphi: Foundations
Stimmhorn: Foundations
mrcooldragon30: Foundations
LowUpsideCJ: Loading ready run sent me bundle please
PelorTBH: foundations
bkidney: Foundations
Theredeydsamurai: Foundations
karmic_guide: comment for engagement
bdaustin1024: Foundations
GoudaCat: Foundations
yuloncelestial: Foundations
AveryAlways: channeling the follows.
autschichibi: foundations
illdrawlands: Foundations
theguardianotter: Foundations
uy_romi: Foundations
pepsiman469: foundations
lawnboxer: Foundations
Matsunen: foundations
Tavahka: foundations
Andreiq_: Foundations
Hamsalamibacon: foundations
cinnamonbuns420: foundations
CovetedPeacock: Foundations
Konda020946: Foundations
drachenfells: foundations
MadOnR: Foundations
sharker037: Foundations
Cromalisc: Foundations
Blastdas subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Blastdas: lrrSHINE
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Blastdas! (Today's storm count: 113)
connorrunda: Foundations
giucolson: FOUNDATIONS
Yagmah subscribed with Prime.
danielsolisgames: Foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Yagmah! (Today's storm count: 114)
killing_thyme: Foundations
SirKerrick: Foundations
SeaDiegoFC: I am a lichen subscriber
Cinder656: foundations
frost121391: foundations
Cromalisc: foundations
Johnstar12: Foundations
DTMWA6T: Foundations
robijunior: Foundations
theneatestburrito: foundations
r3fr4ct0r: Foundations
cascabel_: foundations
Mazrae: Foundations
dvlinsd88: Foundations
MorganteMaggiore: "we got so much cards and we are passing the savings onto you"
Rockman053: Foundations
milkydeew: Foundations
Palpitos: Foundations
rzlab: Foundations
mtgmogisthegod: Foundations
TXC2: !pobox
LRRbot: LRR has a PO box! Bionic Trousers Media Inc., PO BOX 8132 Victoria Main, Victoria, BC V8W 3R8, Canada. If received, your mail may be featured in a Mail Time. Please ship responsibly.
hwxnxtzero10: foundations
ocramsrednep: Foundations
ocreed03: Foundations
ouinouin_: i would like to attack for five and take a fiver from you each month ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
anyGould: Foundations
QuasarAnts: Foundations
falgar_: Foundations
sallomon33: will do Wheeler
MommaGart: send 5 dollars along with your rabbits just for the heck of it
vinopinguino: what about $5 bucks?
dudas10m: Foundations
UnstableCanuck: Foundations
rabbitgta: I just shared the steam with my remote mtg group
nangel19: Foundations
arbenilb: foundations
Senseiwoo: Foundations
grosstoasties: foundations
jdarr5000: foundations
dawgsfan157: foundations
BesmarasBosom: Foundations
Thy_Dungeonman: Foundations
Carlioo: send a live rabbit=
avian_lovelace: Foundations
mjblink: foundations
JorgeDubya: foundations
maclenrac: Not my bunnie
Grafkiselev: foundations
phoenixjones13: foundations
Patron_of_the_Moon: Foundations
Maxblaster5000: foundations
MagicLand74: Foundations
nicochulo_2001: fondant
KingOfDoma: foundations
MantisMind: foundations
ripster0: foundations
dudas10m: foundations
hb8u: foundations
platymage: Foundations
bennybartez: foundations
chaotic_good_ferret: ianemsComfyCup
sarah5491: foundations
Proudboar: So, I'm hearing about all this foundations, but what about Fondue-tions?
kalkenmar: Foundations
bluesolitude1: Foundations
OmenofthePhoenix: foundations
boopboopbiboop: foundations
silentguy256: Foundations
Shamus52637: Foundations
nininightmare: Foundations
wegenguard: foundations
iSmartMan1: Foundations
Andreiq_: Foundations
zemekiss: foundations
Croc64: foundations
KorrenTheNinth: We have a new bump in the night you say?
ewalkedaway: Foundations
wordcandy70 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
wordcandy70: Forty Months!
Marvoleath: Do not put live rabbits through mail though
yarronos: foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wordcandy70! (Today's storm count: 115)
aiyaaaaaaaaaaa: Foundations
Papperslappen: stand up and shout mcdonalds
maefly2: Pictures of rabbits only: do not send actual rabbits via mail
MajimaGo: foundations
MagicLand74: foundations
cameron_in_the_hizous: foundations
TheWarbo: after killing time (wheeler tells his horse joke), they will draw a winner
tomcove6888: Foundations
larsihalv: Foundations
bd648: Foundations
scragnoth77: Foundations
neisan2112: Foundations
arcane_dreamboat: Foundations
schordash: foundations
theoneandmolly: foundations
Zip_Lime: foundations
EmberGeoS: foundations
Domo_VanDomington: foundations
blackstar976: Foundations
Oremasta: foundations
AilithNix: Foundations
PosingAThreat: foundations
MARPJ: FFoundation
TimeToFry: But that's the fun part
Minteria: foundations
spiralingshape: Foundations
SirGuy__: Foundations
RossIrelandPrime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
RossIrelandPrime: Let's use Jeff's money
xmrcoalax: foundations
Akaiatana: Question: Does the Isaac Asimov estate get any credit for this set?
tobi7618: Hey Wheeler... German foils are ready for shipping! See your Insta!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RossIrelandPrime! (Today's storm count: 116)
JRandomHacker: ThxJo - oh wait wrong vod channel
EMNetwork: drizzle
schordash subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
schordash: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Stormgod519: seems like it
JoseStones1: Foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, schordash! (Today's storm count: 117)
TheFragranceOfDarkCoffee: Exciting time for Chapter Fans
ahngekor: foundations
optimalbook: Foundations
glumpyblacksheep: Foundations
ge0rge0704: Foundations
LegendaryHorsman: foundations
matthaus_c: drizz nuts
seepete: foundations
Mythic76: foundations
Piecrust9: Everybody get your drizzles in!
imissorangedrink: foundations
Cocoathunder432: Foundations
aiyaaaaaaaaaaa: hehe
TechnoGeek276: Foundations
TheAGuajardo: foundations
Mangledpixel: eww
t_peazy: [[Hare Apparent]]
game_freak123: Foundations
mibukotaro: just a drizzle
Mythallian: Foundations
Alspect: Foundations
finestotter: foundations
uy_romi: foundations!
flatluigi: worse
khronicus88: foundations
theoringinalacefake: foundations
the_phantom_game_player: Foundations
Oremasta: Lostations
tavroh1499: foundations
Stormgod519: Aight, Kathleen.
SolarJudas: foundations
undecided44: Thank you Heather for your youtube efforts.
wattyFathom: Foundations
wojtekbc: Foundations
carefreewill: Foundations
KodeMage: yes
thephantomnishoba: its a wall of foundations
PlymSuperBird70: Foundations
arborealblazer: Foundations
slickslickman: foundations
Stormgod519: you need to stop..
GenericHerooo: Foundations
Proudboar: See? Fondue-tions
awilko: Foundations
captain_wulf: i'm unfomcfortable
majesticspace9: Foundations
quantum_alchemist: Foundations
simicdragon: foundations
PorpoisesUnknown: Foundations
Katsche__: foundations
AveryAlways: dripping to a finish.
HamSneak: Foundations
ExachixKitsune: sounds fake
PantherTuer952: Foundations
UnstableCanuck: foundations
Sage0fMadness: If your foundation is oozing, you have bigger concerns
KorrenTheNinth: Dribbling?
Simonark: Slurping to a stop?
Dainebob: Foundations
googoltudoris: *drizzling*
t_peazy: !card hare apparent
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Sarah_Serinde: Chat if you've already written it once, stop posting it
LegendaryHorsman subscribed with Prime.
hsacco14: foundations
planeswalkagogo: "I see the keyword scabbing over"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LegendaryHorsman! (Today's storm count: 118)
Sorator13: Oozing is a great verb
praxismakeperfect: i don't think that's better
GiraffeStache: I liked drizzling lol
Anten96: Foundations
Commodore_Perry_GG: foundations
uy_romi: foundations
duncantm13: Graham please stop
Prince__Phantom: Foundations
KiloRomeo058: Oozes are people too!
fishtail03: don't forget to use the card kingdom discount with James' credit card
weebhamer: foundations
FickleMuse: *blink blink*
3and4fifths: Drizzle the bingle
tru_boredom: Foundations
TXC2: STRONG disagree Graham but ok
OzxGG: Foundations
mibukotaro: fondue?
newwarcleric: foundations
krfsm: I like drizzle, very cozy weather
MommaGart: i preferred drizzle
TheAGuajardo: Foundations
LurkerSpine: fizzling?
30teracyte: foundations
sallomon33: @TheWarbo btw they should make a card called Kiling Time or Time Kill, sounds like ag reat card name
Sarah_Serinde: Lots of people posting it multiple times and that will not help hyou
lorobello: Foundations
Chefryto90: foundations
Random_roadkill: Foundations
O_Yarnspinner: foundations
CalliopeThorn: Gotta love a slumping drizzle.
DaseBeleren: trickling to completion
Ashimablackraven: Foundations
jollyoldobnixilis: disappointing lack of oozes in this set
Trymantha: Can confirm ive given up
sashaisnotalive: Foundations
slightlyavid: Foundations
Commodore_Perry_GG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
Commodore_Perry_GG: Woop woop
AutomatonAA: Crumbling to a halt?
shurtal: decaying to an end
monitor360: I'm with you on drizzling!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Commodore_Perry_GG! (Today's storm count: 119)
funguslore: LUL
MrDrLewis: Slouching toward dominaria to be born...
SkiaSymphonia: eroding
OboshLikesJuice: foundations
notevengood_: slouching toward bethlehem
NerdSoda: #NoFoundationsNovember
pyrelight: kathleen is preparing to inflict slime against humanity!
vegetalss4: Perhaps the foundations have been completely built
serbubblez: slithering
danielsolisgames: who IS the Drizzle? #ATHF
eggjustin: Cloozing?
Sage0fMadness: slumping not better, your building is in danger
SittingOx: i was on youtube LUL
squirmingburial: foundations
sblue333: I gave up
PelorTBH: foundations
Kavtor: Foundations
dewrules235: the foundation is settling?
roastbeefsandwitch: it's only a light rain now
file_maker: "loping" is surely the word you're looking for
3and4fifths: Slurk
RokuNalaar: Foundations
ErikaHoff9: Foundations
Kivipaperisakset: Give up, friend, or enter
TruffleFugus: Foundations
Hawkwreak: Mmm. Fondue
MagicLand74: Foundations
Hugh_Munculus: Foundations
Piecrust9: Quick everyone make a Wizard Lizard reference!
Dyscra: foundations
alexanderthefine: Seems like we've laid some great things to build something upon
M4RKNUTT: Foundations
isabellavonneissenau: Foundations
t7112: foundations
Simonark: Festering with finality?
Pinwiz11: something something towards Bethlehem
PVDH_magic: Foundations
aiyaaaaaaaaaaa: Crundle away
maefly2: I saw someone do it twice, you know who you are
Gaelan_Maestro: Quick look a distraction!
TheRevelator45: foundations!
HungryHungry_Hobo: Foundations
hedonistic_mushroom subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
hedonistic_mushroom: Edging
wendigo4481: basement
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hedonistic_mushroom! (Today's storm count: 120)
EternalRoxas: Foundations
l1amal1ama: foundations
karmic_guide: trundle?
spiralingshape: Foundations
Trafficcone99: foundations
gluonquark: Shambling
iCyze: Foundations
BlueFingers5: Resisting the urge to type keyword again
inversejerk: Foundations
letschanator: Foundation
silverelias: Foundations
AutomatonAA: Sinking into a stupor?
OboshLikesJuice: sloughing
ArmedPirate: Foundations
bruiserhammerfist: Quietly crawling to quint corners
Sage0fMadness: crundling oozily
LadyLuckGaming: foundations
sierraisbored: FOUNDATION
elistan4: FOU DAT
M0D3Uz: add words
EvilBadman: it is quietly slouching toward Bethlehem
azombiewizard: Foundations are starting to durdle
redrobin18: Foundations
nickmstr20: Trundling?
artemis_the_kitsune: foundations
ArtOfStuttering: Foundations
Farwalker: The chat rate is congealing.
3and4fifths: sluce
Kitsumekajime: Foundations
chaotic_good_ferret: lrrSPOOP_SQ
Stormgod519: vrooooooooom
Wild_jackalope: how about ebb?
MorganteMaggiore: if i just put cards into a envelope and put that into a singleton deck will that reach wheeler? does it work like santa?
yargle burps
letschanator: Foundations
awilko: My app wasn't working 🫣
robscrus: Foundations
TheWarbo: those....those were verbs she was using
LoxhamInABox: Foundations
goldfishjerky: Foundations
Opheliaway: an adverb?
charrrrcole: Foundations
SeaDiegoFC: Trambapoleeze in
avi_miller: The foundations coming to an end?
fishtail03: that sounds painful
l1ttl3m1ssk: Foundations
Mumpaaah: As time goes to infinity, the number of Foundations in chat approaches 0.
alphashados subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
RecklawGaming: foundations
sierraisbored: FOUNDATIONS
bd648: Foundations
Amirashika: test
MisterPrototype: Foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, alphashados! (Today's storm count: 121)
flouncy_magooo: Foundations
serbubblez: coagulating
justalog96: EACH????
Techen360: Foundations
luke1x: Foundations
TheWarbo: they were just evocative verbs
AilithNix: Foundations
CerealGremlin: Foundations
sblue333: Founglation
BlueFingers5: I'm never done posting
yawgmoth1974: foundations
nyxlux subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
scrapironsteve: Foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nyxlux! (Today's storm count: 122)
threekoboldinatrenchcoat: drizzle
Gaelan_Maestro: Foundations
Ashimablackraven: foundations
nickipedia45: foundations
hedonistic_mushroom: The edging
yargle: Are you gonna eat that?
JaymicUnyielding: The speed is varying drastically
ripster0: foundations
Fistacles: Foundations
Monkidota: I will never be done posting
WarRoomEDH: foundations
spiralingshape: Fooundations
Simonark: Seeping Ceasingly
kdeezk: foundations
wendigo4481: foundations
elistan4: Foundations
Killerhamburger51: Floundernation
RunicScribe: foundations
threekoboldinatrenchcoat: ooze
Rekos3: Foundations
t_peazy: !card [hare apparent]
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Oremasta: Fondue Nation
Evil_John_Cena subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months!
Evil_John_Cena: I don't want ads right now
x3ryn: Foundations
marrinerboyd: foundations
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Evil_John_Cena! (Today's storm count: 123)
empress_zelda: foundations
lucaloveslrr: Foundations
sirnobulus: need more jokes from wheeler
cdls0809: Foundations
Nullzone42: foundations
Palpitos: Foundations
SnowBuddy18: Foundations
solana75: foundations
chaotic_good_ferret: Oh boy I hope card
Ace_Prime: foundations
OldUncleDan: How where or when... Condition or reason... These questions are answered, when you use an adverb!
ajackinabox: dun dun dun!!!
Galvin_Duck: foundations
picpomedia: Decelerating
Stormgod519: *drumrolls*
TXC2 drumroll
Kuraku94: Foundations
jevinmor: foundations
brilliantScoundrel: Oozy foundation s are not good for the structural stability
sblue333: Fundonations
PorpoisesUnknown: Foundations
SpookySpaghooti: Foundations
Mythdom: Dun dun du ndun
keiratessa: fountains of wayne
PastaPerfect: foundations
AveryAlways: when chat has finished sloughing off the foundations.
threekoboldinatrenchcoat: drizzly do
beowuuf: like... art?
Opheliaway drumroll
ExachixKitsune: @chaotic_good_ferret I love your name it's great
Oreo1369: Bum bum
red_shoes_jeff: lrrDOTS
AdmiralZiggy: Foundations
Stormgod519: Ayyyyyy
Tz_BG: Congrats
3and4fifths: DinoDance DinoDance Congrats! DinoDance DinoDance
Plasterboard: grats
ajackinabox: congrats!!!
BlueFingers5: Congratulations
control_rig: Congrats!
chriswr5: CONGRATS
LurkerSpine: congrats!
starfury117: gzgzgz
Mr_Bitterness: seabatClap
OneironautWrites: congrats!
Stormgod519: Congrats!
laikagoat: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Us3lessNPC: gz
salfredo: Gg
BusTed: FBtouchdown
Transmuted_Elf: congrats!
KodeMage: again?
beowuuf: gratz
Nagelus: congrats!
Monkidota: Congrats!
yargle: #rigged Kappa
Trymantha: grats grats
SeaDiegoFC: Congrats!
Opheliaway: Clap
Mistheart: Congratulations!
nicochulo_2001: yaay
Sandeon: *clap clap*
Carlioo: congrats!
GoblinPieromancer: Gz
matthaus_c: congrats!
KorrenTheNinth: Congratulations!
paronomasiac042: gz!!
sleepyfelix: congrats!
CelticGeek: Congrats!!
PorpoisesUnknown: Congrats!!
TotalHell: Gratz
Pteryon: grats
jeepless: grats
Chronomagistrate: Congrats!
KoboldToken: Congrats!
Mythdom: Conga Rats
APrioriOfNothing: Grats
birbarino: CONGRATS!! WOO
shtevie3: Congrats!!
JaymicUnyielding: Gratz
twentytwosolid: Congrats!
Deadjackpit: Grats
YeomanAres: Congrats
Sorator13: congrats!!
avi_miller: Congrats!
luke1x: Grats
g0lg0r0th: gz
nkholland: gratz
MurphEP: FBtouchdown
ripster0: ding
jiantwitch: congratz o/
carbondragon: Congrats!
vegetalss4: Congratulations
Harthic: congrats!
maefly2: gg, congrats!
fracassio: Congrats!
goateedave86: gratz
glencoco132: very nice
Wolfstrike_NL: Congratz!
Luigiman210: congrats
badrat_: congrats
newwarcleric: grats
Shardlab: Gratz
Mallak22: gratz
ruskokozilek: Congrats!!!
Aingealwroth: gg
WetPaperSack: seabatClap
Allandrow: gz
Cinnabat: Congrats!!
Airrrick: Congrats!
duncantm13: Nice job!
ArdCollider: congrats!
shaer_twg: congrats!
tobi7618: comgrats
Nouxatar: congrats!!!!
Oreo1369: Yaya
monitor360: PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise
AutomatonAA: Congratulations!
Hershey108: congrats!
rabbitgta: Congrats
unrivaledaesthetic: not meeeeee
darkora: Congrats!
tyrbeor: Gz
spr1nkl3z: congrats!
BlueFingers5: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
rosydumpling: Congrats
hotgreenflames: congrats!
razorswift: Clap
OharaRenji: Congrats!
AwkwordTuttle: congrats
sashaisnotalive: Gratz
fake_silenthero: congrats
superdude097: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
moonboil: Not me, damn
KaitoAIDA: Congrats!
rentar42: ALL the this?!
falcn120: Congrats!
WeaselShaman: Congratulations!
pyrelight: woo!
mrmelchoir: congrats!
thegreatwyrdling: Poggers
azurite_d: congrats!
LokiThePaladin: congrats
eleric937: congrats!
Riandisa: Congrats!
TXC2: Congratulations
illogicalman: CONGRATZ!
l0rdrollin: congrats!
the_kaiya_papaya: gg!!!
RocknGrohlNerd: congrats :)
abslomdaak42: congrats
Seth_Erickson: grats
simpletoon: dance
GiraffeStache: 👏👏
BSengenYT: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
red_shoes_jeff: Wark wark!
Kivipaperisakset: ajony
Valqori: Gz
simic_dimir: gratz
SirGuy__: Wooo
Stormgod519: that's so much stuffffffffff
MagicLand74: GG
chaotic_good_ferret: Heck yeah
Oremasta: :O
medebula: <message deleted>ahem, RIGGED
Kingsgrave: conglaturations
WillPatPlays: congrats!
elitefourkaren: nurtz
awilko: Congrats!
Incandescent_Zubat: seabatClap seabatClap
kingpoutine22: gg
urist_mc_wazdakka: yay
khronicus88: Gratz
Coptimus_Prime: congrats
Alspect: congrats
colinoclock: Congrats!
trainpants: congrats!
zzroadkill: gratz
threekoboldinatrenchcoat: gz
FenrisSchafer: Congrats!!
Scherezad: Congrats. I tried :D
Keleel: Gratz
Simonark: Grats
SternJudge: Oots oots!
InambaGuum: grats
Andreiq_: Congrats!
theMelinee: Congratulations!
bilboobbaggins: gg
lamina5432: gratz
arbenilb: conga rats!
thalcot: congratulations!
atahakai: Congrats!
lilmissmousy: Congrats!
Balugo: congrats!
ssg_miller: Congratulations
witchy_snake: Congratz!
Flyingdelorion: Congratulations!
Super_Sophomoric: Grats dude!
MNerenberg: Congrats
Moansters: Congrats
synthalanar: Congrats
HailtheRNG: Congratualations
FickleMuse: DinoDance PrideParty DinoDance PrideParty
fishjellyfishjelly: gg
KydrouKair: jupCrab
BirdPriest64: Woohoo congratz!
Transmuted_Elf: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG +
BiggPapaValk: Yay
The_Real_Chicky: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Brozard: grats!
Idonthaveatwitchaccount: Congrats!
seepete: gg Lawrence72
hedonistic_mushroom: Gratz
Marvoleath: 72 of Lorrenzes?!
Shamus52637: woooooooooooooo
Hacimicah9: Let kathleen put it away
thegentlesavage: Congrats 👏 👏
flouncy_magooo: Rigged, I mean congrats!
hotgreenflames: wearetHype wearetHype wearetHype
Land_Manatee: Oh no, that's not me! 'Grats to Lawrence.
game_freak123: ayyyy!
gavnrox: Congartulations!!
chaotic_good_ferret: Congratulations
Mangledpixel: Conga Rat Yule Eight Shuns
Stormgod519: Wheeler reveals their identity as Lawrence72
deadassm8: congrats
IshtarsDonut: Congratulations
Gaelan_Maestro: congratzn =)
Kitsumekajime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
schordash: gg laurence!
MorganteMaggiore: congrats to all 72 of you
masterschiief: congrats!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kitsumekajime! (Today's storm count: 124)
thisiskellcore: Congrats!
rob_mossop: congrats!
Lupus2253: congratulations
MNerenberg: voxyWeaselshake voxyWeaselshake voxyWeaselshake voxyWeaselshake voxyWeaselshake
YarrMorgan: congrats!!!
cisco236 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
x3ryn: Congrats!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cisco236! (Today's storm count: 125)
JoeLowe2: Congrats
HailtheRNG: bawk bawk
TheWarbo: doubt
Stormgod519: Sometimes...
game_freak123: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea
chaotic_good_ferret: Go play some magic
KodeMage: they're here from youtube
DaggieWaggie: gratz!
mulligansgp: Who won?
AHouseMaus subscribed with Prime.
rabbitgta: Give these wonderful people a follow
redhotsp01cy: okay James
juuzou00: Follow you cowards
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AHouseMaus! (Today's storm count: 126)
Zcipher: Mostly the latter
Kendo_thorn: nice
QuasarAnts: I am following already James
matthaus_c: sometimes there's a horse joke
MorganteMaggiore: are you tho?
maclenrac: James!!!
TheBloodsparrow subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Alien_37_: DinoDance DinoDance
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheBloodsparrow! (Today's storm count: 127)
Mythic76 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mythic76! (Today's storm count: 128)
colinoclock: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
Sage0fMadness: Lawrence is actually 72 rabbits in a trenchcoat
ohnoes42: this is the median annoying
zenraider: I am following just a lurker
KingOfDoma: the point is, this is a good baseline for annoying to expect
illogicalman subscribed with Prime.
PhuzNutz: sometimes you jingle keys at us
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, illogicalman! (Today's storm count: 129)
azombiewizard: Love the Big Goblin Energy on the stream
AveryAlways: Your not always this hinged.
YeomanAres: Consistently inconsistent
HailtheRNG: plug desert bus?
Kendo_thorn: yes do all the free stuff for them
thephantomnishoba: ive followed for ages i just dont talk in chat alot
Laurence72: Holy Carp!!
jiantwitch: you are consistently inconsistent
Ehrin_CB subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
Ehrin_CB: magic magic magic
FickleMuse: Really Wheeler?
TXC2: consistanly inconsistant
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ehrin_CB! (Today's storm count: 130)
arbenilb: consistently inconsistent
TheInferno390: Something is going to happen
the_kaiya_papaya: Depends on how much blue is in your deck?
krfsm: consistent in your inconsitencies?
Nouxatar: consistently inconsistent!!
neisan2112: You better
Bugberry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
mehfromBL: Do you want any more bears
SirKerrick: I prefer it when you're being annoying on a desert bus. No escape that way.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bugberry! (Today's storm count: 131)
schordash: DinoDance causeiDance DinoDance
pyrelight: you Beej!
Simonark: You believe in irritating on a curve!
Opheliaway: consistently inconsistent or inconsistently consistent?
Flyingdelorion: I never find you annoying!
MaverickArtist: Consistently inconsistent
flatluigi: desert bus for hope!
Slacker619: I'm just here for the ben's
unrivaledaesthetic: no ALL queer
fanofmosteverything9: Huh, my chat froze for a bit. It's better now.
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: The only thing that is certain about LRR is that nothing is certain.
Y2A_Alkis: jingle da keys rooVV
Moansters: Constantly constipated
mizic_lota subscribed at Tier 1.
matthaus_c: you do sketches...?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mizic_lota! (Today's storm count: 132)
Mazrae: Are they single?
Stormgod519: Happy Pride!
EvilBadman: Do you still make Thursday evenings
juzztshay: consistently inconsistent
rin_the_kat: 🌈
maclenrac: Sketch it
gluonquark: Friday nights?
aiyaaaaaaaaaaa: wheeler's yerb ... so PNW
kimistryclass: the pride never ends
neisan2112: That was such a good episode !!!
brilliantScoundrel: Nothing like seeing congratulations in the chat well before i heard the name
Stormgod519: lol
Mumpaaah: Game Knights Live winner!
Laurence72: Thank you very much!!
Stormgod519: Weird Flex Kathleen
Mr_Bitterness: Kathleen, Game Knights Champion
Opheliaway: DANG!
roastbeefsandwitch: Shuffle Up for the Boxing League! Worth it!
TheWooglie: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
KodeMage: reigning world champ game knights live?
GenericHerooo: xD
karmic_guide: Premier Mahjong streamer Benjamin wheeler
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
aiyaaaaaaaaaaa: oh wait no that's a bubly
FromBrainToKeyboard: I watched that Shuffle Up & Play
Durheru: foundations
Desruprot: Foundations
ErrorCode404: LuL
kimistryclass: GayPride GayPride GayPride
Stormgod519: This si gonna be sick
pipshardfour: I love the shilling
Ryenji: D:
rabbitgta: Transition gold
MrSarkhan: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
jacqui_lantern234: WOW!!!
Plasterboard: Cam is NOT annouying
OldUncleDan: Wheeler's never been on Game Knights? That honestly surprises me!
Stormgod519: sadly, I gtg now, got a workout to do
TXC2: giveaway is over chat
Narcuru: wow lol
Xhinope: Wheeler, you've been on The Spike Feeders!
TimeToFry: Oh my god
Bugberry: Finally got here just as the round ends.
NerdSoda: I challenge whoever wins these to partake in No Crack November
CrossXhunteR: was that written there
DapperKoala2: Wow
neisan2112: Lmaoooo Kathllen
ascendingspartan: Great episode
Y2A_Alkis: Wooooooow Cam catching strays
snowymeercat subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
snowymeercat: Crack the pack
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, snowymeercat! (Today's storm count: 133)
Waterscorpion: Is this the pre-release for Star Wars Unlimited?
HailtheRNG: all pride all the time PrideGive PrideGive
maclenrac: Point counter point
mulligansgp: @TXC2 Who won?
chaotic_good_ferret: Crack this pack
TXC2: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Phantasmal Spheres!
Stormgod519: Aight, I gtg. Time to workout. Take care chat!
shtevie3: I love these people
NewtyNewts: Good chat
niccus: we have infused each foundation pack with caffeine and guarana
luke1x: Perfect Segway
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: wow the energy today is off the charts
Twilight_Spark: D: What did you just call me?
shurtal: that was an audible, off screen cam, right?
TXC2: mulligansgp not you, sorry
yargle: I might be fat, but I'm not a HORDE!
hamishian: More amazing people
lirazel64: Cameron is NOT annoying.
LittleBigHamm: I've watched these after they are done, this is the first time catching one live.
Hugh_Munculus: hrrm
matthaus_c: the hive is thrivin
LareDawg: We love Cameron here😤
maclenrac: CRACK
Opheliaway: "thriving"
TheOneAndMolly: foundations
bd648: foundations
Robin Franzén: Foundations
Gene Cole: Foundations
Beilout: Foundations
Phoenix of Melior: foundations
ChannelSixONine: oh twitch
Lucidian13: foundations
alphashados: foundations
majesticspace: Foundation
Kevin Leung: foundations
kitsumekajime: twitch not youtube
Austin Sergent: Foundations
Marco Penders: Foundations
Mikail: Foundations
hawkwreak: foundations
erlantti: Foundations
Louise Wren: Foundations
Brodie Connor: Foundations
Scott Smith: Foundations
Kilo: Wait, only on Twitch? Oh no!
Marques Jones: only twitch?
Dylan Sabin: Foundations
Clark Shearer: foundations
Andreas Paulsen: foundations
Hans Olo: Foundations
Clockwork Menagerie: Foundations
Lily the Otter: foundations
Stormgod: thiusis the twitch one
Jason werebear: foundations
Andrew McLaughlin: foundations
Davlen Mistrunner: Foundations
TheAnonymousManInBlu: Aw is the giveaway only for Twitch?
Ravhin: foundations
Hadrian Rezai: foundations
bunnyyote: Foundations
Ondrej Hrabovec: Foundations
Caleb Smith: Foundations
Teddy Beats: Foundations
GraxStrife: foundations
Trevor Ferry: Foundations
Matthew Holcomb: Foundations
Stormgod: there will be 2 yt ones later
Disheveled By Dawn: Foundations
Jaia Hendrix : FOUNDATIONS
Jan Eli Padilla: Foundations
Tom Larson: Foundations
Anakin Skytoker: DAMMIT
R3D H0T SP01CY: Guess ill cry
Daniel Esse: foundations
shurtal: foundations
twinnAJ: Foundations
Michelle Koopmans: Foundations
Jeffrey Johnson: foundations
Christopher Scoggins: Foundations
Ash Dog: Foundations
Canadian Bacon: Foundations
Andreas Höggren: Foundations
Stormgod: but this one is not for yt
Danielle Wagner: Foundations
Clark Shearer: foundations
mastermindjarlino J: foundations
agentorangecb1: Foundations
kitsumekajime: no there is a youtube
Twomaso: foundations
metalman895: Oof
Cory McGuire: RIP anyone not on Twitch
Simriel: there are separate Twitch and YouTube giveaways
Lucy Messom: foundations
james orlic: Foundations
Chi Choy: foundations
My Best: lmao
PosingAThreat: foundations
Dec7m2: Why didn't they say that it is only for youtube sooner?
Dylan Nicholas: foundations
Jacob Smith: foundations
cascabel: Foundations
K-DeeZ: Foundations
bourgeoiscaesar: Lol
Azure: Hello!
bd648: aw lol
Wynne Thom: Foundations
SmithKurosaki: This is the TWITCH ONLY Giveaway
My Best: hahaha twitch giveaway
Musherino: foundations
JumboX27: RIP
Daniel Vargas: Foundations
n0Code Gaming: hey that's us!
Jake Fersona: haha
Anakin Skytoker: LETS GO
soprettymuchthatsthewayitis: foundations
Pharmacistjudge: this is a twitch giveaway