DideRobot: LRR: https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | House Party (from UFO 50 not the Kid n' Play movie although that would make a great stream) on Is This Your Card? | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113420292228634872
djalternative: ah house party. lot's of people's favorite game from the pack
djalternative: I'm hoping we cherry it
TXC2: Hello Everybody
PharaohBender27: lrrSIG !
Sibwow: lrrSIG lrrSIG
LoadingReadyRun: gamers
BorealMage: Howdy
Statist42: Hi friends! lrrSHINE
MungoDude: hello hello
Scarbble subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
Scarbble: woooooo house party
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Scarbble! (Today's storm count: 1)
TXC2: hello BorealMage and Statist42 and MungoDude welcome
AtakChees subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 13 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AtakChees! (Today's storm count: 2)
AtakChees: lrrSIG
Rodzos: Hi :)
TXC2: hello Rodzos welcome
RocknGrohlNerd: Hello TXC2 and also everyone in chat avngrJam
BorealMage: Now, when we say "House Party," are we referring to Nobuhiko Obayashi's classic horror comedy film "House"?
TXC2: hello RocknGrohlNerd welcome
baskwalla: Hello everyone. Hello @TXC2
Rebelcow: I haven't heard this song in a decade wow
TXC2: hello baskwalla welcome
TXC2: Rebelcow you'll hear it a lot hanging around here
TXC2: Here we GO!
IbunWest: I’m ready to party
FadedOasis: Yeah I repeated my joke from before stream, what of it
TXC2: Hello Wheeler
PharaohBender27: :O
PMAvers: I've got tacos, ready to party.
circusofkirkus: wheeler the ipad kid
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
MrVirite: wat
RocknGrohlNerd: Hello mr. Wheeler :)
sithenin: Ohh UFO50, some great games included, and House Party is decent
TXC2: do NOT Tease me with Cavan Wheeler
MungoDude: can I have a glass of water please?
flatluigi: ufo 50 owns
GDwarble: "It's less of a game, and more of a comment"
flouncy_magooo: I love that UFO50 fits in every LRR show
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
djalternative: oh. so we're probably not getting the cherry then
RocknGrohlNerd: jumpin up, jumping up, AND jumping around?
TXC2: RIP this youtube vod :p
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
flatluigi: ufo50, from the people that brought you spelunky
Rodzos: DinoDance
RocknGrohlNerd: avngrDance avngrDance
TXC2: mini games, if you will
IbunWest: a lot of these games are far from mini
flatluigi: mini games and also an rpg that's 30 hours
flouncy_magooo: @TXC2 A lot of them are pretty maxi
djalternative: @TXC2 some of these game are def not mini
PharaohBender27: !venga
LRRbot: Turn down for BUS!
PharaohBender27: !DBcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (5d, 4:48 from now)
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 PARTY HOUSE!
TXC2: that 90's wonka Po-mo styling
IbunWest: maximum aesthetic
djalternative: So, there's 3 levels of completion for all UFO50 games, there's the gift which represents understanding, there's the trophy for beating the game, and then there's the cherry which is for mastery of the individual game
flatluigi: it's 5 set scenarios, and a random scenario
bensmith0987 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bensmith0987! (Today's storm count: 3)
Haroldholmes25: it's your rolo-deck LUL
LurkerSpine: most ufo 50 games don't
djalternative: nope. sure doesn't
niccus: yeah dog it's 1986
Haroldholmes25: throw the best party duh
djalternative: you didn't read the manual, Ben?
niccus: you ate the manual
n3ther: imagine not reading
TXC2: it's the fuzz!
itsr67: LUL
Haroldholmes25: you rolled three trouble
sithenin: Would you like tips or are you asking rhetorically?
niccus: you're the smart one here, sorry.
itsr67: :3
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
circusofkirkus: hannSHRUG
RocknGrohlNerd: ahh Ben is on automatic drive, not manual
MrVirite: throw the best pa- *shot*
Rodzos: some of these games don't have tutorials, yeah...
Sibwow: figure it out 4head
djalternative: Read all of the tabs on the main game selection menu but that's all the info
GDwarble: There's no manual, so far as I know, the idea is you learn how to play by playing. I haven't tried this one yet, so no specific advice.
LurkerSpine: 3 trouble ends the party
flatluigi: yeah, a lot of the ufo 50 games are throwing you in the deep end
RocknGrohlNerd: Alexa, play P!nk, get the party started
flouncy_magooo: It's my party and I cry if I want to
david8573283: <message deleted>I admire your streaming skills and would love to connect as a fan and friend. I also have a helpful suggestion if you're open to it. Add me on Discord: david1_45
itsr67: bottiest bot thats ever to have botted
RocknGrohlNerd: @flouncy_magooo wouldn´t be a good party without someone crying :D
Goblinsinsuits: it reminds me of quacks, where you get random draws
flatluigi: and now we get to deckbuild
MrVirite: why wouldn't you want a monkey?
Juliamon: Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
whoppernugget: Man this music is so good, it’s always in my head
PharaohBender27: 🐒
Pazy160: Its interesting they mirrored this common lack of information. While games came with manuals not everyone playing them had access to the manual due to second hand/rentals and later digital versions.
RocknGrohlNerd: wheelerMonkey
FurthestChunk: does the monkey have a coconut gun
Paranundrox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Paranundrox! (Today's storm count: 4)
flatluigi: hippy brings the weed
itsr67: LUL
accountmadeforants: What if the rock star brought their own weed, does that make them the perfect guest
circusofkirkus: oh it's pop-ularity not pop like soda
flatluigi: i wasn't on the stream for a bit, are we in generic tip mode or no
Haroldholmes25: LUL
Juliamon: heychat is active flatluigi
TXC2: circusofkirkus I was thinking population :p
whoppernugget: that’s a lotta cash
circusofkirkus: @TXC2 I was like "what is this midwest square party"
Paranundrox: Pop buys people cash expands the house yeah
whoppernugget: Gotta get the Econ going
TXC2: Wheeler always on the Econ play
circusofkirkus: what every good party needs: an auctioneer
flouncy_magooo: I honestly love how simple and intuitive this game is while still being fairly deep.
TXC2: circusofkirkus I mean you WOULD talk about that party the next day
Paranundrox: Yeah its such a cool system
flatluigi: @circusofkirkus if i showed up at a party and there was an auctioneer in the corner i'd be hype
MrVirite: cat is having a bad time
JusticeJuice: I do dislike the trouble vs star system not being explained.
BusTed: better get that pop-o-matic bubble
Haroldholmes25: this is why this is a great stream game
BusTed: NotLikeThis
Haroldholmes25: LUL
circusofkirkus: lrrSIG
flouncy_magooo: ACAB
flatluigi: wheeler is such a troublemaker
LurkerSpine: I like that the cat puffs up
MrVirite: cha-ching
Didero: Good evening!
TXC2: hello Didero welcome
flatluigi: they're not a cop they're just your local butch
FurthestChunk: i mean he's not a cop, he's a paul blart
Haroldholmes25: LUL
flatluigi: mall blart
MrVirite: mall man?
whoppernugget: He’s a Mall WHAT
Tommadness: carp
TXC2: Mall fart
FurthestChunk: yeah he's a mall blart
PMAvers: Mall Farts?
Didero: AMCAB
itsr67: acablart
flatluigi: amcamb
nessiah_aries: 'gnevening
Didero: So what is this game?
TXC2: the bigger house jingle is super reminding me of the music from After burner 2 of all games :p
Paranundrox: Imagine going to a house party and they make you buy 3 tickets
FurthestChunk: not going for the dancer build? guess we know what your least favourite dark souls 3 boss is
flouncy_magooo: It's amazing that this game is from 1986. So revolutionary for its time.
TXC2: Didero we're building bigger and better house parties, with a mix of guests that give us popularity and money
nessiah_aries: This can't be a party organized by Wheeler, there aren't any anthromorphic Eggs present.
circusofkirkus: is the comedian going to win all the cEDH tournaments at the party?
accountmadeforants: Hell yeah econ
Didero: @TXC2 Building a (rolo)deck, got it. Thanks. And I assume each guest has different benefits and downsides?
FurthestChunk: it's getting so big that you might be able to have a kitchen
TXC2: Didero yeap
accountmadeforants: I also don't know, but I figure Cash Go Up is econ
FurthestChunk: or even a bedroom
flouncy_magooo: House so big it's Duskmourn
Haroldholmes25: hippie means you're safe
Didero: And opening the door is like drawing a new card/
Didero: ?
circusofkirkus: bless the hippy
FurthestChunk: @circusofkirkus what kind of psycho runs a cEDH tournament at a party
Woh_______: <message deleted>the cat on the roof is the danger indicator
TXC2: Woh_______ please only give advice when directly asked
Rodzos: PogChamp
Didero: So what's the goal?
FurthestChunk: the natural magic event at a party is clearly pioneer
Larkonus: Sounds like the cat's a snitch.
Sibwow: you dont have to play 5 party guests at once wheeler
nessiah_aries: Not if you're a parry god.
TXC2: "this comedian needs a full house" big Balatro flashbacks
Didero: @nessiah_aries Or in this case, party god :p
flouncy_magooo: All Cats Are Blarts
whoppernugget: I always invite my Auctioneer friends to up the energy of any party
MrVirite: But wqhat are we auctioning off?
flatluigi: the whitest rap battle
TXC2: Didero I presume to hit 65 pop and 30 cash?
FurthestChunk: can we fire friends
accountmadeforants: They start selling your toilet rolls
flouncy_magooo: Auctioneers are the true rap gods
Paranundrox: 3 auctioneers and two ticket takers
whoppernugget: Dueling Auctioneers bidding your furniture off
Didero: @TXC2 I thought those were just the maximum you could hold, but that makes sense too
flatluigi: @TXC2 when wheeler moused over everything at the start of the game, the alien appears to be the wincon
flatluigi: yes
TXC2: Didero could either honestly
nessiah_aries: So, what does the monkey do at the party? Fling poop at this other guests?
superdude097: Can you remove guests from your rolodex?
whoppernugget: This game doesn’t have a removal option
Sibwow: just a bunch of auctioneers and comedians
Paranundrox: @didero 4 stars in a single party - each scenario has different guests that add stars
flatluigi: there's different available guests in the other scenarios, which should help things
Didero: @Paranundrox So you want a lot of money so you can buy the Star guests then? Thanks
Tommadness: Yes, it is per comedian
Woh_______: yes
sithenin: Yes
MrVirite: I guess this is a funny build? ;D
flatluigi: shoutouts to desert bus for hope
Paranundrox: @didero pop buys guests but yes
TXC2: I mean that most comedy aftershows
FurthestChunk: LRR house parties confirmed dogshit
nessiah_aries: That's what the guy with the rifle is there for. Whenever somebody makes an unfunny joke, they get shot.
Didero: @Paranundrox That actually makes more sense, now that I think about it...
ghyllnox: How's a party with all comedians? Check twitch.tv/desertbus in a week to find out!
MrVirite: many
flouncy_magooo: @nessiah_aries Man, there will be nobody in chat in no time
Rodzos: let's go gambling
whoppernugget: Hippies saving the day
Paranundrox: Trouble mitigation is so good
sithenin: Reminds me of mystic vale and the spoil mechanic
Juliamon: pop'in off
Didero: Can you also get rid of guests from your 'deck'?
Paranundrox: No
Paranundrox: You can kick people from partied with some guests but there's no removal from your deck mechanic
sithenin: @Didero No, but some guests can remove them after you draw them.
TXC2: oh dear
MrVirite: oh noes
accountmadeforants: NotLikeThis
Rodzos: appala6NotLikeThis
itsr67: :)
whoppernugget: No
FadedOasis: No, can't remove from rolodex
itsr67: only stack up
itsr67: cannot remove
PMAvers: They know where you live, unfortunately.
flatluigi: pop farm....
flatluigi: bigger house means new music!
TXC2: "Soda groves as far as the eye could see!"
whoppernugget: So many comedians
MrVirite: damn
flatluigi: aliems.
Didero: Reading the guest explains the guest?
frank_the_great: Have you ever been to a party w/ an alien? Shits dope yo
BertoChromatic: LOVED Party House. Likely my fav of the collection.
RocknGrohlNerd: @Didero unless its alchemy guesta :D
RocknGrohlNerd: guest
accountmadeforants: I'm guessing it's your (only?) wincon
flatluigi: i can't remember if you can fill the rolodex or not
BertoChromatic: @accountmadeforants Yes
whoppernugget: I think it’s like the estates in Dominion where they don’t do anything but just add points towards victory
BertoChromatic: You can also expedite the counting if you like.
flatluigi: okay, scrollydex
accountmadeforants: @BertoChromatic We went through this with Balatro, he'll bring out the keys :p
flouncy_magooo: Chat Don't Backseat Challenge (Impossible)
frank_the_great: Oh, we gambling
TXC2: partying gives you a bigger house, what a dream
BusTed: easy game
flouncy_magooo: Imagine three clones of Jerry Seinfeld in your house
TXC2: flouncy_magooo I'd burn my house down :p
Didero: on that turbo alien
MrVirite: woo 2 star
sithenin: How many aliens does he have?
Paranundrox: 3 i think
accountmadeforants: I do wonder if you can go bankrupt if your expenses exceed your income.
Paranundrox: You can
accountmadeforants: That's hilarious
Didero: At least it's enough Pop for another alien
BusTed: we're tutoring
flatluigi: security to just make room?
flatluigi: yeah, it's a reroll essentially
sithenin: Yea it takes up a space, but them frees a space
BertoChromatic: Gets rid of bad stuff.
whoppernugget: It kicks out trouble/mid cards
Paranundrox: It can reroll (including itself)
flatluigi: oh i didn't know you could kick itself out
flatluigi: that's hilarious
BertoChromatic: I usually add if I go Roackstar route.
Paranundrox: It can also kick out a driver after you tutor for example
BertoChromatic: Clap
flatluigi: wooooo
BusTed: tqsClap
FadedOasis: Congrats!
lunalovesdaftpunk: good clutch
Rodzos: GG
circusofkirkus: EZ GAME
MrVirite: awww yis
MungoDude: chessw2GG
flouncy_magooo: FBtouchdown
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
Tommadness: Tutoring pretty fuckin good
sithenin: lrrHORN lrrHORN
whoppernugget: GG
Didero: Victory!
Paranundrox: lrrHORN lrrHORN
superdude097: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
MrVirite: WIN!
Didero: So now what do we do for the rest of the stream? :p
lunalovesdaftpunk: was worried you made your deck too big
flatluigi: an entirely different suite of guests!
whoppernugget: How often does THAT happen
accountmadeforants: Damn these set rotations are fast
frank_the_great: No one has ever won this game before, they said it was impossible
flatluigi: can we 2/2
Paranundrox: One is conditional one is flat
FadedOasis: wooooow
circusofkirkus: ban em
accountmadeforants: Damn, they'll never print another Driver, we'll only ever get Private Eyes.
PMAvers: Here comes security!
frank_the_great: Mods, ban their ass
Pywodwagon: para ban yourself from the discord
flatluigi: fill this house with furries
notiiy: I AM HERE
Tommadness: Mods, use the Security Guard's ability on Para.
TXC2: hello notiiy welcome
FurthestChunk: I am praying on Para's downfall
Anubis169: when you call for a mod, please say what for instead of just 'ban XYZ'
Paranundrox: The idea of inviting a mascot to a party with your high school friends is so funny
Anubis169: i nearly quickdrew on someone
RocknGrohlNerd: @Anubis169 yes?
RocknGrohlNerd: oh
Rodzos: what da dog doin'
Anubis169 hugs travHert
flouncy_magooo: What could go wrong with having a little mob at your party? As a treat?
Didero: This is a weird game
RobustLaser: oh man party house happening. i love party house i was gonna P&P a physical version but i don't have 400 sleeves available
Anubis169: how're all my happy muffins btw? lrrAWESOME
MrVirite: lrrAWW
GGsLive: She scales each time she comes into the party
PharaohBender27: lrrSIG
Didero: A proper reaction to cops showing up
Juliamon: I'm curious what 2p mode looks like
TXC2: !plan
LRRbot: Translator's note: Plan means Keikaku.
RobustLaser: 2p mode has the stacks be of 6 instead of 4 and be a shared supply, and each person takes turns holding a party. First to get a 3 star party wins.
Juliamon: dog gang dog gang
Didero: !keikaku
Scy_Anide: John Wick route.
TXC2: gangster and dogs and introverts oh my
RobustLaser: so each person has their own individual party deck. it's kinda like dominion
frank_the_great: @RobustLaser Dominion is such a goated game
TXC2: cash money, dollar bills y'all
Rodzos: private investigator looking for gangsters... to invite them to a party CoolCat
RocknGrohlNerd: @Anubis169 I´m happy muffin today, I had my afternoon run. So I´m operatin on post run endorfins
Anubis169: ohh runner's high is such a nice feeling <3
Philocalist: I love expanding my house for $2
nessiah_aries: That guy with the spatula looks like a serial killer...
Didero: I'd assume moving guests outside is just removing them from the house, so they don't count anymore?
flouncy_magooo: @Philocalist It was 1986. 2$ back then is 200,000$ today
GGsLive: essentially it shuffles everyone back into the deck
itsr67: LUL
BusTed: lrrSCOOP
circusofkirkus: me scrubbing out to a 7 year old at FNM
MrVirite: Commit!
Pywodwagon: Ben I think your parties have become mob meetings
nessiah_aries: Inb4 the fuzz raids the streaming office and takes Wheeler away.
RobustLaser: the rough thing about mascots is old friends are lame you want newer cooler friends at your party
Bearudite: gdi
RobustLaser: ditch these losers you USED to like
accountmadeforants: playfr3Ratjima
Pywodwagon: you’ll WHAT
Bearudite: I haven't thought of the Flextrek in so long
h3rsh3yb4r: anyone else still have no idea what's quite going on in this game?
flouncy_magooo: @nessiah_aries I don't think a mountie's horse can fit into the office. He's safe.
TXC2: why is the Mafia, but Canadian really funny to me? :p
Bearudite: WHIPSNAKE
Didero: nothing could possibly go wrong with drawing more
Larkonus: Can dogs fetch other dogs to just freely fill out slots?
RobustLaser: dogs can't fetch but the PI can fetch safe guys just to fill space
RobustLaser: i know. fucked up that a dog can't fetch but this is how it is in the crazy party world
Didero: @h3rsh3yb4r It's a deckbuilding game, the guests are cards, and you draw a random one from your deck. Each guest has its own bonuses and drawbacks, giving you popularity and/or money. Pop(ularity) allows you to add more guests to your deck
PMAvers: DOG
MrVirite: nooooooo
circusofkirkus: BEST PARTY
niccus: alone day
RobustLaser: a party can be just a dog
flouncy_magooo: causeiLaugh
MungoDude: oopsy
GGsLive: banger party dog
RunningMonkeys: Best party
Paranundrox: Ideal party tbh
Rodzos: just you and your dog
flouncy_magooo: Perfect party
TXC2: just one dog, best party
accountmadeforants: Excellent party, you shoulda won the game for that
FadedOasis: That's the best party
h3rsh3yb4r: @Didero and you just draw off the door until you fill the house or bust?
Pywodwagon: the perfect party
Larkonus: That party was just a chill night with the pupper.
whoppernugget: Ok maybe this time you should pave the save lmaooo
Alness49: Honestly, night in with the dog sounds pretty good
circusofkirkus: handicap active
frank_the_great: Lol, love when streamers actually get invested in the game. Genuine AF "Nooo"
Paranundrox: @h3rsh3yb4r yes, but some guests have active abilities to use as well
SquareDotCube: start from scratch!
accountmadeforants: hotashiChug
FadedOasis: @h3rsh3yb4r You could also choose to end the party
SquareDotCube: also why go PI when mermaid does the same for zero cash
RocknGrohlNerd: also Ben, aside from the game, I heard you did take up running again? are you enjoying it?
TXC2: release the hounds!
nessiah_aries: Imagine you get arrested and all they do is give you a red slip that doesn't allow you to go to any parties for the next month.
Paranundrox: @squaredotcube PI tutors mermaid forces you to open the door for a new guest. Different abilities
MrVirite: @nessiah_aries Imagine you go to a party, cops break it up and the host pins it on you
nessiah_aries: Even though you committed armed robbery at your local grocery store.
RobustLaser: mascot actually doing the work surprisingly
TXC2: cascading into cascade
RobustLaser: NOOOO
frank_the_great: Two mermaids and a dog, we're in heaven
RobustLaser: so anyways this is why mermaid sucks
MrVirite: rofl
Woh_______: LUL
FadedOasis: Fire marshall is here!
Rodzos: WHAT
PharaohBender27: :O
BusTed: oh
circusofkirkus: mermaids have guests
Paranundrox: Mermaid brought an extra guest which exceeded your house size
trebuchetboy: Mermaid brings friend
whoppernugget: Fire code
SandbaggerOne: ouch
superdude097: House was full then mermaid brought a friend
Juliamon: House limit
BusTed: NotLikeThis
Pywodwagon: oooooh the mermaid brought a guest
Woh_______: LUL thats why the mermaid is cheaper
niccus: look these gangsters keep coming back, they're obviously plants
00gogo00: Wouldn't you want to save your tutors since you might draw them later naturally?
MrVirite: :(
ProcyonFlynn: "Who Narc'ed!" -Wheeler [2024-11-03]
sithenin: @SquareDotCube Yea, extra guest is a downside, not an upside.
PMAvers: I guess that *is* the advantage of the superheroes at least, since they only take up a slot.
Rodzos: ragepa8RIP
circusofkirkus: don't blame the dog
flouncy_magooo: Shoot the dog
SandbaggerOne: mermaids got no respect for capacity limits
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Pywodwagon: blaming dogs, have you no shame
Paranundrox: Yeah that's why Mermaid is cheaper than Alien or others
nessiah_aries: So, are the people these Mermaid's are bringing sailors and does that mean that they plan to drown them later?
RocknGrohlNerd: dang it, I just got back with new galss of water... skill diff I guess :D
MungoDude: @nessiah_aries does that have something to do with the fire code and firefighters?
RocknGrohlNerd: *glass
RobustLaser: i wanna try to get a random streak of 10 on this but i died at 6 on my last attempt
IbunWest: merlekBouncy
Electrodyne: :D
Didero: This music is groovy
RocknGrohlNerd: it is :)
PharaohBender27: DinoDance
IbunWest: UFO50 has great music across the board
TXC2: and we're back
circusofkirkus: oh are we cheating already
BusTed: neat
h3rsh3yb4r: when was this made?
MrVirite: activate big-head mode
IbunWest: this was released this year
TXC2: h3rsh3yb4r 1986, or this year
BusTed: @h3rsh3yb4r released this year. In lore, in the mid 80s
SandbaggerOne: Gangster wrestler all the way
MungoDude: so Wheeler, you enjoying the game so far?
RobustLaser: dangerous
SquareDotCube: might have to commit to all dogs until you have four then go from there
PMAvers: Who doesn't love a side bedroom to go hide in and maybe pet the party's dog.
MrVirite: ha
RocknGrohlNerd: *gta font* busted
RobustLaser: gangster only got kicked out for one party. there is no permanent removal in this
SandbaggerOne: wrestler to make space
Didero: Simply only invite your best guests
SquareDotCube: could also get a wrestler to boot out troublemakers
PMAvers: Interesting how the Introverts are the inverse of the Comedians from last time, where they want a more *empty* house instead of a full one.
FurthestChunk: damn ben what did i do to you
TXC2: Jambling time!
Rodzos: let's go gambling!
TXC2: can't you only have the one introvert ?
SquareDotCube: wrestlers would also negate the extra friend of mermaids
SandbaggerOne: kick three old friends and roll
nessiah_aries: Ultimate Warrior should bring Aliens with him.
whoppernugget: Rip
Rodzos: always the first 3 NotLikeThis
Rodzos: well not always
Rodzos: appala6Excite
Rodzos: always the first 5 NotLikeThis
RobustLaser: that rolodex is like half troublemakers
circusofkirkus: no tutors?
circusofkirkus: LOL
Rodzos: always the first 3 NotLikeThis
nessiah_aries: Cops came in because tutors are banned in this format.
TXC2: we have too many troublemaker friends
SandbaggerOne: dog, gangster, writer build. call that the Hunter s Thompson
TXC2: SandbaggerOne :D
RobustLaser: it's a strong build for this one
Rodzos: ragepa8Pat
nessiah_aries: That cat on the roof is calling the cops, because all those dogs got invited and it didn't.
RobustLaser: wrestlers are so good for keeping tight margins
PharaohBender27: @nessiah_aries tqsLOL
PMAvers: Old Friends? Out. Dogs? In. Who's running this party, Wiggins?
RocknGrohlNerd: @PMAvers breyaProfChamp LUL
QuixoticScrivener: Are we jamblin'?
TXC2: uno mas ?
TXC2: what are the two folder symbols for ?
SquareDotCube: at the party and booted out
Egotistical_DSO: That previous screen looked like the DOS game Sherlock I used to play
RobustLaser: you weren't actually at trouble limit there
RobustLaser: cat wasn't freaking otu
SquareDotCube: if you kick out the PIs you don't have to pay them
accountmadeforants: Damn, I guess you're too cool for your Old Friends
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
circusofkirkus: that's irl advice too
QuixoticScrivener: Reading the guests explains the guests.
Didero: My mom was watching an old episode of Love Boat, and two people have been drinking for a while in a bar. They leave, and the bartender goes "Hey, what about the bill?!" and they just go "oh no thanks". That feels similar
QuixoticScrivener: I assume "Pop" is your amount of soda for the party.
salamisuperstar: Because you're trying to become a pop idol?
accountmadeforants: Sic your friends onto the debt collectors, form your own nation, you don't owe people shit
circusofkirkus: it's a Wicked tie-in
TXC2: accountmadeforants that's basically how communism started :p
Rodzos: oh this is it
Zeal_Wyman: My bf kept referring to it as 'Population'
Rodzos: GG
BusTed: tqsClap
circusofkirkus: first try
Zeal_Wyman: Gg
MungoDude: oneshotGG
whoppernugget: GG
SandbaggerOne: bam
accountmadeforants: seabatClap How does he do it
PharaohBender27: lrrHORN
superdude097: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
salamisuperstar: Wow, the perfect party?
IbunWest: merlekClap
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: perfect party. has a t-rex.
salamisuperstar: wheelerOok wheelerOok wheelerOok
accountmadeforants: I wonder if there's something neat in the far right corner if we expand all the way there (don't actually tell me)
PMAvers: Oh crap Tappy is here, hide the Baja Blast
Didero: Oh, the athlete takes everybody outside for a game of basketball
LurkerSpine: Yep
RobustLaser: introducing: writer but for cash
QuixoticScrivener: Dreadmaw!
SquareDotCube: I wonder if athlete or grillmastr shuffles the board back into your hand
whoppernugget: House Party Dreadmaw confirmed
TXC2: not a lot of cash options it seems
circusofkirkus: woodstock run
Woh_______: this ones got so many options
accountmadeforants: Genie seems kinda broken, wincon that also just happens to tutor.
RobustLaser: yeah grillmaster and athlete for my physical cards version i have written as 'shuffle all guests back into the rolodex'
QuixoticScrivener: what triggers cops?
circusofkirkus: 3 x's
circusofkirkus: that aren't cancelled out
TXC2: QuixoticScrivener to much trouble
Didero: @QuixoticScrivener Seems to be three 'Trouble', indicated by the red X next to a guest
Didero: @Didero Some guests, like that Hippy, reduce Trouble by one
circusofkirkus: LOL
circusofkirkus: 55 for a tutor
circusofkirkus: seems right
circusofkirkus: wrestler?
notiiy: i have
PharaohBender27: HSCheers
RobustLaser: "i wish i could have more hippies" wish granted
notiiy: no idea what is happening
SquareDotCube: that or just a permanent way to kick out wild buddies
circusofkirkus: we're throwing a party
RobustLaser: deckbuilding push your luck
circusofkirkus: simple as that
RobustLaser: sometimes if you're lucky/clever you can tell luck to take a hike and just win
QuixoticScrivener: what is the final goal?
QuixoticScrivener: ahh
GGsLive: They lose the rouble trait
itsr67: takes any trouble off of units for the night
Didero: I mean, it clears all trouble
RobustLaser: removes the trouble entirely for that party. means it doesn't proc bartender
itsr67: that are in the party
Tommadness: now the question is, is the army-building pog game in UFO 50 considered a card game
accountmadeforants: I like that this implies the bartender also serves dinosaur liquor
RobustLaser: lmao bartender rules
TXC2: "Money please!"
whoppernugget: So much room for activities
Woh_______: double bartender too
accountmadeforants: Thank you hippies and bartender, for financing our house
LurkerSpine: 10 days, plenty of time
Rodzos: woo
Woh_______: holy
TXC2: triple tender!
whoppernugget: Holy Econ
accountmadeforants: "Dinosaurs don't do anything, just add trouble" dang, if only they'd put you in charge of Jurassic Park
GGsLive: house party or dive bar?
circusofkirkus: maxed pop
Woh_______: double maxed out
MungoDude: maxed out both Pop and Cash
notiiy: duuude bartender build is crazy
SandbaggerOne: dinosaurs, as we all remember from science class, synergise with bartenders
GGsLive: the fuzz is on to ypu
notiiy: they can’t handle their liquor, their livers are underdeveloped
Paranundrox: oh this is the cheerleader/stylist map
TXC2: do we go dino?
MrVirite: @TXC2 di-no
MrVirite: hehe
SandbaggerOne: screw it all, add monkeys
TXC2: oh hey we have part of a couch
TXC2: MrVirite ah ha ha!
notiiy: @txc2 facebook marketplace ahh couch
MrVirite: I do wonder what the full house looks like
TXC2: SandbaggerOne God on the 6th day Kappa
SandbaggerOne: you got this
SquareDotCube: it's always the wild buddy
MrVirite: twitch dying or just me?
TXC2: MrVirite seems fine here
PharaohBender27: Fine on my end
MrVirite: le sigh
h3rsh3yb4r: why does every party use this stupid steampunk monkey wheelerRagavan wheelerRagavan
notiiy: wait you can tutor genie with genie?
Paranundrox: yes
notiiy: that seems like an auto win button right there, sick
Juliamon: wow, wishing for more wishes
FadedOasis: If you can afford to buy four genies, sure
Paranundrox: genie genie cheerleader etc etc
notiiy: she genie on my genie ‘till I genie
flouncy_magooo: @notiiy i wish
Woh_______: f
notiiy: @flouncy_magooo bonk
whoppernugget: aaaaaa bummer
Rodzos: aw dangit
Zael250 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months, currently on a 91 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zael250! (Today's storm count: 5)
notiiy: riiiiiip
notiiy: these cops are all over your ass lol
TXC2: remember an hour ago when Wheeler didn't think there was enough to this game? :p
QuixoticScrivener: these cops?
TXC2: !findquote cops
LRRbot: Quote #3840: "I just did a doughnut and made two cops crash into each other and I think I deserve some recognition" —Molly Lewis [2017-01-11]
Didero: Shouldn't throw such loud parties then :p
RobustLaser: love to see both your rich friends at your first party
notiiy: Wheeler really said AVCAB (all virtual cops are bastards)
accountmadeforants: The cops and the neighbours who keep calling the cops
MrVirite: :|
whoppernugget: It really breaks the immersion
SandbaggerOne: and hippies
flouncy_magooo: The ludonarrative dissonance is real
SquareDotCube: It'd be nice if you could just "lose" a rolodex card by "accident"
circusofkirkus: wheelerOok
circusofkirkus: get these monkeys drunk
Tommadness: drunk monkey tim
Tommadness: time
GGsLive: serving drinks to monkeys???? call PETA
Paranundrox: 3 monkeys show up and cause a scene and your friend bans you from his party
flatluigi: drunkeys
Zeal_Wyman: Yeah that's the Party House experience :c
superdude097: LUL
Rodzos: nice
FadedOasis: BOOOO
circusofkirkus: boooooooo
whoppernugget: LUL
avjamethyst: that was so bad
TXC2: No I like it Wheeler, that was good
accountmadeforants: Now *that's* animal abuse
Paranundrox: Party House makes me wish it was available as a standalone with another like 20 scenarios
SquareDotCube: Not Pita Pocket?
flouncy_magooo: Hey Lois, remember when we partied with those monkeys?
RobustLaser: that's what ~*random mode*~ is for!!
Didero: @Paranundrox It's probably easy to clone it into something like Tabletop Simulator, and then you can add your own new scenarios
RobustLaser: where sometimes you get the writer AND bartender at the same time
Woh_______: with the random section theres infinite scenarios
TXC2: flouncy_magooo cuts to them partying with the band
LurkerSpine: I think there's a board game that's pretty much the exact same as party house
RobustLaser: i'd die if this were on my phone
notiiy: @robustlaser that sounds like a perfect recipe for shitty romance novels
maybe_games: My wish there was more are for pingolf as is and valbrace as a roguelite
notiiy: writer + bartender
itsr67: there's also a vs mode that plays a little like dominion
flatluigi: I'd love for expansion pack dlc
circusofkirkus: can we suplex a trex
itsr67: since you fight over the same card pool
RobustLaser: @notiiy i think my writer is writing articles about this place full of literal drunken apes
whoppernugget: Oh man dueling house parties
Didero: The Crossing The Streams and Is This Your Card crossover stream: Is This Our Card
notiiy: I’d feel too sketched out at a party where the monkey to human ratio was too hogh
TXC2: is this crossing your card streams ?
notiiy: anything over, like, 1:10 is a no from me dawg
flatluigi: monkey wish...
accountmadeforants: @notiiy The music at that party is just The Bad Touch on loop.
SquareDotCube: "hey genie, ring up Abu for me please"
TXC2: I'd say it depends on the species of monkey
whoppernugget: You kicked out that rich pal 2 times and they kept coming back
TXC2: that Dinomite
Didero: I keep thinking the hippie's white flag is a mouse pointer and it keeps throwing me off
flatluigi: how many genies in the deck
Falannt: Hello everyone
RocknGrohlNerd: @Falannt Hello :)
notiiy: jesus, three monkeys for 18 people, these monkey rates are unacceptable!
TXC2: hello Falannt welcome
TXC2: risk it for the biscuit
Rodzos: oof
GGsLive: all your friends are knuckleheads
notiiy: so is the cop just a flat random chance to screw you over?
accountmadeforants: @notiiy No, 3 trouble gets the cops called on you
Paranundrox: @notiiy Cop happens when you have 3 trouble
circusofkirkus: wrestlers?
TXC2: notiiy no, it's when you hit 3 trouble
Tommadness: @notiiy if you get 3 more red Xes than you have white flags
MrVirite: you got this
SquareDotCube: buy therapist
Didero: Guests with a red X count as trouble
SquareDotCube: ?
circusofkirkus: which finds dino
itsr67: you win right?
circusofkirkus: we win
itsr67: the quint star
flouncy_magooo: FBtouchdown
flatluigi: wooooo
Rodzos: GG
lunalovesdaftpunk: NICE
MungoDude: sergeGG
notiiy: WOOOOOO
MrVirite: awww yis
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
whoppernugget: GG
Paranundrox: got there
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
superdude097: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
GGsLive: cheerleader resets all your genies, btw
Didero: Only 1 day left? You can do better Kappa
RobustLaser: cheerleader was smart there
circusofkirkus: peak party planner
accountmadeforants: Coolest party ever and all you had was half a couch
PMAvers: Okay, went in the mess around with it, and apparently the stylist's pop bonus is permanent.
h3rsh3yb4r: why does a cat live on the roof
MrVirite: I see no monkey
flatluigi: dragon
flouncy_magooo: Monkey management is what the mods here do
TXC2: h3rsh3yb4r it's a hot tin roof
notiiy: hell yeah manage those monkeys
RobustLaser: money management, featuring: my favorite combo
TXC2: flouncy_magooo you said it :p
Paranundrox: @PMAvers correct yeah, stylist goes crazy
accountmadeforants: @h3rsh3yb4r Maybe it's not our cat. It's our snitch neighbours' cop and when it comes screaming home after napping on our roof they call the cops.
Paranundrox: stylist + cheerleader expecially
RobustLaser: yep
RobustLaser: or well, stylist + photographer
Paranundrox: that too
RobustLaser: i mean the three of them together are the power throuple
QuixoticScrivener: @RobustLaser rebrand this as a game about polycule management
notiiy: oh god
notiiy: good luck, godspeed
Didero: This tune is gonna be stuck in my head for the next few days, isn't it?
Didero: Not that I'm complaining :p
PMAvers: I like the idea of giving the Dinosaur a ton of makeovers so it has like five or six pop, though.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: o/
QuixoticScrivener: @PMAvers Fantastic Dreadmaw
MrVirite: beep
TXC2: and we're back
RocknGrohlNerd: @Didero I´d believe it :)
theamc2000: monkey management is just talking to us
h3rsh3yb4r: was it an important sandwich?
whoppernugget: Nice!
FurthestChunk: was it the one with a cutscene?
TXC2: the song Monkey magic, but it's monkey management
couchboyj: Pulled an immersive?
couchboyj: Or the gold one?
whoppernugget: Could also just be a full art
RocknGrohlNerd: @theamc2000 hey :D that is like only 90% true
Paranundrox: I guess comedy is illegal now smh
Didero: Buy a comedian? You mean, subbing to this channel? :p
TXC2: the comedy police? you mean Joe Rogan Kappa
whoppernugget: Nice, the immersive
Pywodwagon: the woke police showed up because you can’t make comedy anymore
RocknGrohlNerd: yes, Didero :D
couchboyj: You can replay the cut scene by clicking and holding on the card. They all have custom music too.
SquareDotCube: If you ask me, having to start all scenarios with three wild friends is rough
GGsLive: @Pywodwagon but this is late 80s comedy
whoppernugget: I’ve picked Pocket as my F2P TCG of choice, so much better than Snap
TXC2: GGsLive so the cops are busting us for cocaine then :p
superdude097: Yes
GGsLive: obv
theamc2000: yes
MrVirite: Wait, the house upgrade says infinite....
Tommadness: that's the one yeah
whoppernugget: Oh god I forgot about those remixes
Pywodwagon: A party thats 1/3 comedians? what is this, the parties with the theater kids i went to in college?
niccus: the party's a joke
Juliamon: Adam, not Beej
Tommadness: Beej Grahameron
h3rsh3yb4r: ori an
Didero: There's far worse people to be similar to than those
Pywodwagon: beejgrahmeron
notiiy: it’s like feet pics, can’t let the internet have that shit for free
MrVirite: @Tommadness the Manbearpig of LRR?
Juliamon: Adam is a way more common offender
Tommadness: :sibwow:
accountmadeforants: Depends on the stream for Adam, I think
Gekyouryuu: oh, hey, we're having a party? is it because today is the 70th anniversary of Godzilla? he deserves a party
TXC2: !addquote (Wheeler) [now] I just burped on camera, like some Beej, Graham or Cameron.
LRRbot: New quote #9127: "I just burped on camera, like some Beej, Graham or Cameron." —Wheeler [2024-11-03]
Juliamon: also, Beej is an outlier and shouldn't be counted
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
notiiy: BASED
RobustLaser: private eye is also removal. albeit, more limited removal than your usual removal
theamc2000: keys!!
couchboyj: Adam spends a lot more time on camera than Beej
Mollylele: loved oscar isaac as beej grahamorcameron in the new star wars
RocknGrohlNerd: yes , to your credit :D
RobustLaser: no wait not private eye. spy.
Gekyouryuu: he burps after cereal?
niccus: self-care is jangling your keys at a mirror
RobustLaser: PI is the opposite of removal. don't think there's a word for that.
Juliamon: Windows burped
TXC2: Mollylele :D
MrVirite: windows.mp3
notiiy: confirmed, Graham keeps wheeler locked in the basement
MungoDude: that reminds me, I should have more cereal
Rodzos: @RobustLaser moval
couchboyj: Cereal burper? Make him eat breakfast at home, problem solved.
JoannaTastic: I once went to a house party where Beej and the Burpers were playing, it was wild
Wormsbane: Police here to stop your party
notiiy: every game nowadays is just Dark Souls, Call of Duty and the world renowned Party House!!😡
superdude097: What happens if a guest would reduce your money but you're already at $0?
SquareDotCube: What if you saved for a dog, then get photographers to dupe the dogs?
Juliamon: superdude097 you bankrupt
RobustLaser: these estates and coppers are so affordable
notiiy: @squaredotcube i’m pretty sure that’s just an scp
h3rsh3yb4r: does it feel appropriate to say the card game at the "core" of this is blackjack?
notiiy: sorta kinda, I’d say
Tommadness: @superdude097 you lose pop
niccus: if you build your deck at blackjack the casino kicks you out
Juliamon: Balatro, but Blackjack
itsr67: everything is blackjack if you think about it
RocknGrohlNerd: @itsr67 and Kicker
TXC2: Balajacko
niccus: is blackjack kicker
Didero: Is it me or does that dog have a huge tongue?
SimWOT: there's a deck builder called Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers that's a blackjack roguelite
whoppernugget: Wait could you just make your Ticket takers neutral/positive with Stylist?
RocknGrohlNerd: dog styling gangster
whoppernugget: That’s so cool
notiiy: I think I missed what stylist does
niccus: permanently grants a guest +1 pop value
flouncy_magooo: Oh, that's a stylist. For some reason I thought that was a cosplayer with a sword on their back.
RobustLaser: neutralizing the ticket taker penalty is something i always do if i have stylist but like. i don't think that's necessarily optimal it just makes me happy.
niccus: or i guess the keyword is perpetually
notiiy: so basically just stylist the dog and dig and dig and dig for it every day
TXC2: it's not over yet
TXC2: man that is one popular dog
flouncy_magooo: So our house is a dog grooming salon that is protected by the mob?
Didero: poppin' off, as the kids say
whoppernugget: This party’s Poppin’
TXC2: got that 5 pop dog in me
whoppernugget: Good first turn!
lunalovesdaftpunk: what the dog doin
RobustLaser: i don't think the spy ability description adequately explains what she actually does
TXC2: lunalovesdaftpunk lowers a point of troublemaking, also gives pop
flatluigi: these cops hate dogs
notiiy: let’s go gambling!
notiiy: aw dangit
whoppernugget: Wheeler I love how you’re just constantly doing the odds
whoppernugget: I think you’re right to be salty here
flouncy_magooo: The Guy (TM)
notiiy: money farming just feels like the midgame strat
Juliamon: the fabled triple dog dare strat
RocknGrohlNerd: tripple dogg was my highschool nickname, chat
Tommadness: 3/11? Amber is the color of your energy, gotta go for it
TXC2: stylin' and proflin'
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
lunalovesdaftpunk: yes
itsr67: permanent is permanent, even if you bust
whoppernugget: I think you should keep it iirc
Pywodwagon: @paranundrox how do you feel about this method of renting
TXC2: just imagine being a house party, and you see your hairdresser doing work on a known local gangster :p
TXC2: *at a
Rodzos: that's one stylish dog
Juliamon: I mean, gangsters gotta get haircuts too
TXC2: I was always to drunk at parties to form memories
PhuzNutz: That's just Qweenie in the corner diddling herself again.
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 I was in charge of WinAmp, so not so much of drinking
TXC2: RocknGrohlNerd dangerous to drink when you are whipping the lama's ass Kappa
SquareDotCube: going to celebrity dog party
PhuzNutz: Please tell me you were projecting the WinAmp visualizer on the wall please, I beg
Didero: A wise life lesson
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 LUL Very good, 10/10
niccus: and refuse such good offers?
whoppernugget: Everybody loves dog
MungoDude: tanukidanGG
lunalovesdaftpunk: GG
Tommadness: We win those
Rodzos: GG
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe
RunningMonkeys: GG
rabbitgta: FBtouchdown SeemsGood FBtouchdown
whoppernugget: I love that the dancer’s doing the “the party ended hours ago but they’re still dancing”
TXC2: why is wolf boy so popular?
Tommadness: @TXC2 have you *seen* Teen Wolf?
TXC2: Tommadness I have not
Tommadness: probably for the best
MungoDude: do what you do do well
CobaltShuriken: chug chug chug!
Tommadness: powerful gulps dang
SquareDotCube: Greeter?
Tommadness: +2
whoppernugget: I think peeking also lets you boot at the door? I’m not 100 tho
the_brainfist: Gosh I wish it only cost 3 dollars to improve my house.
SquareDotCube: a tiny rubik's cube
rabbitgta: Are you suggesting taking yard plants home from others houses?
TXC2: improve your house for $3 by buying matches, setting the house on fire, and claiming the insurance Kappa
flouncy_magooo: @rabbitgta If it's not under a roof, it's free. That's just basic law.
the_brainfist: @rabbitgta To quote my wife about possums, 'look at them, they live outside and want to be inside. You just have to take them!'
rabbitgta: Lol
rabbitgta: Canada has some weird laws man
Pywodwagon: this is why we know you hate mink
CobaltShuriken: who would go on the internet and lie?
notiiy: next stream: wheeler plays phoenix wright in real life!
TXC2: !addquote (Wheeler) [now] You should take everything I say on stream at face value.
LRRbot: New quote #9128: "You should take everything I say on stream at face value." —Wheeler [2024-11-03]
RandomTrivia: TXC2 sergeJustRight
Pywodwagon: I think this party is what that killers song is about
MungoDude: ah, Scotland's national animal
CobaltShuriken: i was a unicorn at parties. In that I didn’t exist at them
accountmadeforants: Hold me closer, tiny pixel art dancer
whoppernugget: He’s got Dancer Tron
TXC2: MungoDude drunk Glaswegians ?
lunalovesdaftpunk: big money
RandomTrivia: sergeOffByOne
nigelsezyarr: Aww yeah, dancing bonus <3
RocknGrohlNerd: @whoppernugget DancerTron is new autobot´s home planet
accountmadeforants: A dog that scrys, a scry dog, a scrog
RocknGrohlNerd: @accountmadeforants LUL
accountmadeforants: (Or I guess not scry, just tops)
SquareDotCube: get some opts
MungoDude: @TXC2 yeah, the pink one with the horn on its forehead
accountmadeforants: @accountmadeforants Better yet, it peeks. It's a peek dog, a pog.
superdude097: Is it weird to anyone else that a unicorn showing up to a party make it get LESS wild?
whoppernugget: Dancer/Climber could go crazy
nigelsezyarr: Werewolves know how to party :D
nigelsezyarr: Oh no :(
TXC2: superdude097 I feel like that party would stop for a bit with all the guest being "yo there's a unicorn here?"
superdude097: Fair
notiiy: we’re dogmaxxing baybeee
nigelsezyarr: It's your last day. Just go for it
nigelsezyarr: WOO!
whoppernugget: GG
RandomTrivia: OH MY GOD
superdude097: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Rodzos: PogChamp
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
Rodzos: GG
notiiy: HECK YEAH
rabbitgta: Lu ky
MungoDude: treyda9GG
CobaltShuriken: gg
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
Juliamon: EZ game
RunningMonkeys: Gg ez
RandomTrivia: 100% skill
TheMerricat: Chat, he can't keep getting away with this. Someone has to stop him!
nigelsezyarr: An ultimate party? With only one unicorn? Disagree ;)
accountmadeforants: Get that dopamine
whoppernugget: “That party ruled, there were 3 ghosts and a unicorn showed up too”
notiiy: then the ghosts are introverts and all sit in a corner together
rabbitgta: FBtouchdown DinoDance FBtouchdown
whoppernugget: If you wanna get to the Cherry, I think you gotta win 5 randoms in a row
Koi_Cutie: the dog can send people at the door away too, would have made digging for the 4th star easie
itsr67: in concept or just like in theme
nigelsezyarr: There are different dogs
JusticeJuice: Train heist
niccus: mooncat
nigelsezyarr: Ugh. Valgress?
lunalovesdaftpunk: waldorfs journey is a good 5 minuter
Juliamon: The one Adam played with the samurai tennis
RandomTrivia: sergeIntoTheSea
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
rabbitgta: Princess auto, nice
itsr67: LUL
schordash: LUL LUL
PhuzNutz: OMG. This is amazing. It's a walrus's dream
schordash: please tell me someone is clipping this?
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
flouncy_magooo: UFO 50 is probably my game of the year
Rodzos: ApplauseBreak
PhuzNutz: ||========:> it
RandomTrivia: He literally cannot keep getting away with it!
SandbaggerOne: Top walrus pilot of the format
accountmadeforants: Perfectly executed
schordash: lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: THE REBOUND
flouncy_magooo: FBtouchdown
Juliamon: The ricochet!
notiiy: YYOOOOOO
TXC2: calculated
schordash: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
RocknGrohlNerd: breyaProfChamp
Koi_Cutie: second button to use the item you bought :3
SandbaggerOne: fully intended
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown
SquareDotCube: no affiliation with Princess Auto
BrowneePointz: UFO 50 is kind of a masterpiece of Indie gaming tbh
SandbaggerOne: stunning
PhuzNutz: srsly gehming
schordash: FBtouchdown
accountmadeforants: He's a natural
TXC2: my man's too skilled
flouncy_magooo: This collection is 49 amazing games plus Combatants
xandervantilburg: This game looks like a fever dream
RandomTrivia: Welp
rabbitgta: Easy game for babies or is wheeler gamer goat?
RandomTrivia: THE PUFFIN!
schordash: @PharaohBender27 GoldPLZ
notiiy: why is this music so majestic
TXC2: man that wind
Rodzos: gg
rabbitgta: Robbed
nigelsezyarr: <3
PhuzNutz: gg
TXC2: thanks for streaming Wheeler
SandbaggerOne: ggwp folks
PharaohBender27: Whoops, wrong one
xandervantilburg: "Uh babe can you pass me the charger I need to charge my walrus"
PharaohBender27: There we go
RocknGrohlNerd: it looks so fun
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
RocknGrohlNerd: thank you for the stream Ben, thank you chat for company :D
TXC2: !desertbus
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope is a charity gaming marathon where people dance sing and be silly while playing the worst game of all time, Desert Bus. The marathon raises money for childsplaycharity.com . An explanation video can be found here: https://youtu.be/vvU3KXtOg8Q . More information can be found at https://DesertBus.org/ and twitch.tv/DesertBus
LoadingReadyRun: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: twitch.tv/seabats | Alex: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Ben Ulmer: twitch.tv/bengineering | Cameron: twitch.tv/unarmedoracle | Cori and Ian: twitch.tv/tiltyhouse | Heather: twitch.tv/LunarJade | James: twitch.tv/James_LRR | Kathleen: twitch.tv/BraveNewFaves | Matt Wiggins: twitch.tv/wiggins | Nelson: twitch.tv/coachnelly | Serge: twitch.tv/sergeyager , twitch.tv/sergeafterdark | Wheeler: twitch.tv/benjamin_wheeler
Didero: care-a-van
Didero: Thanks for the stream!
Jensling: Caravan is great
FadedOasis: Ph hey benny
RocknGrohlNerd: it him, bennywheels
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Didero: No Play It Forward tomorrow? :(
Juliamon: nope, Ben is very busy
Juliamon: he's a tech guy after all, gotta get the lights ready
Didero: @Juliamon Ah, that makes sense, I've just been enjoying the PiF. Thanks!
RandomTrivia: [interlude for BUS]
RandomTrivia: No you won't, that's Brett's job lrrBEEJ
TXC2: Novemeber is 3 week month
Juliamon: !desertbus
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope is a charity gaming marathon where people dance sing and be silly while playing the worst game of all time, Desert Bus. The marathon raises money for childsplaycharity.com . An explanation video can be found here: https://youtu.be/vvU3KXtOg8Q . More information can be found at https://DesertBus.org/ and twitch.tv/DesertBus
Didero: Nah, clean up /just/ enough garbage to be able to stream :p
SquareDotCube: just remote stream Ben, I'm sure they'll understand why
accountmadeforants: Gotta make it a multiplayer ITYC so you can get someone to help you out :p
Didero: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (5d, 2:00 from now)
RandomTrivia: Thanks for the stream, Wheeler! lrrSHINE
MungoDude: I put some money toward James feeding every shift
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TjPshine: n0o i just got here
h3rsh3yb4r: doing any cubing today?
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
LoadingReadyRun: @h3rsh3yb4r depends on whether or not there's family dinner
h3rsh3yb4r: @LoadingReadyRun ah, well if not, enjoy dinner!
1 raiders from cloudeon5 have joined!
Juliamon: oof, sorry raiders, we're just going offline
cloudeon5: oh lol
TXC2: hello raiders, welcome to the end of the stream :p
cloudeon5: fizzatCRY
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TXC2: goodnight everybody, tip your waiters
LoadingReadyRun: and your walruses
Anubis169: and your servers (snapping graphics card sound)
Metric_Furlong: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: nothing
Metric_Furlong: neat
Juliamon: sometimes an empty box is preferable