RaynMurfy: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: The Casting of Frank Stone) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (8m from now).
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Boss Juice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is anyone else going to be amused when Ben returns to Outlaws after DB having forgotten literally everything?
KeytarCat: I'm not terribly familiar with the game, will that make adifference?
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's more that he will vaguely remember the controls and Sabaac strats and get into a high stakes game
KeytarCat: gambler's comeuppance!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Precisely
Juliamon: I'm more curious if they remember what's happening in *this* game
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I am very excited for how big Gus will be
Thefluffiestguineapig: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: The Casting of Frank Stone) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (6s from now).
Manae: !next
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Oh absolutely not except Adam is on no romo
loufghyslaufey: !badadvice
baltimore_667083: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is a Twitch (or Discord) channel, not the woods.
baltimore_667083: @LRRbot same difference
KeytarCat: I imagine Adam asking why the lesbians aren't together at the end, but i don't know if that's because he's a troll
fjordsword subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
Thanks for subscribing, fjordsword! (Today's storm count: 40)
Mnemonicman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months, currently on a 75 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Mnemonicman! (Today's storm count: 41)
Mr_Horrible: who up frankin they stone
hieroglyphica: I dunno but I'm sure stoning my frank rn
squ3e: watching this instead of the fate of my country cause I cant take it
Mr_Horrible: @hieroglyphica probably deserved tbh
Mathwyn: Stone casting Frank here living in his glass house
Jennie_Fuchsia is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 18 in the channel!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to UserWithNoName!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to the_semicolon!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to defendingserrano!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to succulex!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to HunterLionheart!
Thanks for the gifts, Jennie_Fuchsia! Welcome to the_semicolon, UserWithNoName, HunterLionheart, succulex, and defendingserrano! (Today's storm count: 46)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cat, how did you open the firefox coding comman d window????
Juliamon: !uspol
LRRbot: Please DO NOT discuss the US election here, other than sharing that you have voted. This is a safe zone for people to get away from that stress, and will be strictly enforced.
ShaneLeeAtk: I am just franked out of my stone
Mr_Horrible: [Frank casts Stone VI. Critical hit!]
Thefluffiestguineapig: Thank you Juliamon
squ3e: whoopsie my bad but that makes sense
saucemaster5000: thank you juliamon
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig look, cat wants to inspect the css
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible Honestly wouldn't surprise me if she was stealth taking coding classes
ChrisTheLemming subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ChrisTheLemming! (Today's storm count: 47)
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Try parrying the fire.
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig just learning how to make a bouncing red dot appear on web pages
squ3e: !advice
loufghyslaufey: But wait. How do you NOT parry fire?
Mathwyn: @mr_horrible Learning to automate ordering kitty snacks
Going_Medium subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
Going_Medium: I voted!
Thanks for subscribing, Going_Medium! (Today's storm count: 48)
matthaus_c: frankmaxxing
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible That's her second goal, she has renamed every single thing I had on my desktop to a string of characters
Juliamon: cats would singlehandedly make <blink> the only permissible html
Orxolon: good evening y'all
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Oh god, you're totally right
loufghyslaufey: People cast fireballs as tangible objects, why not just parry them?
Mathwyn: @loufghyslaufey the old saying: Parry with fire and you're gonna get burned
ButButTheJesus: huddo
patrick_stonecrusher: Ooo
baltimore_667083: Hi Ben! Hi Adam!
BusTed: Hello.
squ3e: Ben! Adam!
Mathwyn: Just in time halloween. Wait
SnyperWoIf: Big Spooks!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Kay, stone cast then I guess
baltimore_667083: i saw the trap, figured out how it worked, and walked straight into it
Makrosian_Tay: Cast the first Frank!
azureHaights: I suddenly want to see Frank Stoney's show up on the PUBG nicknames wiki page
itira: WELL well well!
BusTed: can't burn through all the material at once
saucemaster5000: BEN
baltimore_667083: BEN
gibbousm: This IS intended for Mature Audiences
SnackPak_: it's not?
squ3e: I mean yeah
ButButTheJesus: its not?
matthaus_c: uh huh
squ3e: He sure is making a moovie
tehfewl: Casting Spells
matthaus_c: you know as well as we do bud
KeytarCat: DBD porno seems like something I'd have seen
tehfewl: on his couch
groulux: good choice Ben
paronomasiac042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
itira: choosedee
Thanks for subscribing, paronomasiac042! (Today's storm count: 49)
Kramburger: Frank Stone Likes To Bone
Robot_Bones: I saw this ad on Krog's list
matthaus_c: it was a sierra horror game
Juliamon: YOOOO
SnackPak_: rad!
squ3e: HUH
Mr_Horrible: lmao
BusTed: sick
NimrodXIV: oooo!
Kramburger: OH BABY
Mathwyn: Hell yeah
Makrosian_Tay: THATS AWESOME
Sarah_Serinde: nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAAAAAAAATTT'
gibbousm: I guess you know what you're playing next?
matthaus_c: yo hell yea
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's sick
kumatsu: yo I was just watching the highlights from the first game
jessieimproved: nice
ButButTheJesus: noice!
loufghyslaufey: Adam says game is cool
Kramburger: INFLUENCED
squ3e: Whats it like to be famous
Fanklok: We can forgive Adam for not playing Party House since Wheeler played it on Sunday
Blakemcm: raid deeze shadow legends
loufghyslaufey: "Copypastas!?"
kumatsu: "Hello Mr. ReadyRun"
Mr_Horrible: "Hello [Adam Salarydan] we know you love to gamble"
QuixoticScrivener: And we miss you...
Mr_Horrible: Aha, he's caught you in a clear falsehood
matthaus_c: the posse still hangs out in your chat tho
SnyperWoIf: I would play "Fuck Party House"
Kramburger: Did they ask you to hop on a call?
Mr_Horrible: damn, can't believe Adam bought UFO 49 instead of UFO 50
Never again
HadesLeprechaun: Benny Wheels got us covered already!
Mathwyn: Adam doesn't get invited to house parties anymore
saucemaster5000: oh ok --- when's the next baby game
Patorik: The fun of the baby games is being surprised by it
itira: chat! be cool! dont bring up the thing!
Mr_Horrible: you can still make that joke!
matthaus_c: I'm gonna ask every week just to delay it
Makrosian_Tay: Yeah, Adam, who knew Castlevania was good!
loufghyslaufey: What "thing?"
“When is the next janky remake of a mid 2000s horror title?”
Mr_Horrible: can't wait for Adam's truth nuke of "Actual I'd call it Okayslevania"
tajessa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
Thanks for subscribing, tajessa! (Today's storm count: 50)
Fanklok: I've been waiting years for you to watch Berserk no nit the 2016 one i know you've seen that
matthaus_c: castlevania is just so okay
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible C-sylvania
the Statler and Waldorf of LRR
grow old with us Adam
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Vonbane No that's Beej and Ian already
varmintx0: If you're not doing this at 60, what are you doing?
Orxolon: we already did this joke,but;The game gramps
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c u r breaking my hear
SnyperWoIf: 60 is really not that old. My dad is better at Destiny than the average 20yo
Mathwyn: You'll be 60 in what, 3, 4 years guys?
BusTed: holy shit
I ran out of campari so the ratios in my drink are all off
ButButTheJesus: Adam
NotCainNorAbel: math
shendaras: math is difficult.
SnackPak_: oh yeah
itira: Adam
Juliamon: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Kramburger: Oh HONEY
ButButTheJesus: the staring
NimrodXIV: oh honey
squ3e: Ooooooooo boy
Robot_Bones: yeah you get an operation
mrjujubeans: oh no..
loufghyslaufey: But in the mean time, if there's some point of view I'd like to share with the group...
Driosenth: Hello highlights
tajessa: Oh Adam honey
Robot_Bones: basically dead
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm crying
itira: gran pappy
ButButTheJesus: CLIP IT
Mr_Horrible: it's too late and you know it
niccus: i'm sorry you had to find out this way
hieroglyphica: I love how everyone here just waited...
Fanklok: Hello high light reel
math… what am and how do?
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 I wanted to love it so bad buddy
Stripe_dog: Oh yeah math
Robot_Bones: this is how you know his mind is going
goombalax: Adam-ant
saucemaster5000: Adam thinks linguistics is a pasta
SnyperWoIf: I had my linguisticales removed, thank you
Mr_Horrible: Adam's Hill Defense For Hire business
Kramburger: Terrence Howard?
FoxBehindTheTree: 1 + 1 = window
raulghoulia: not Terrance Howard
uneactrice subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 8 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, uneactrice! (Today's storm count: 51)
loufghyslaufey: It's that, "Deadpool & Wolverine" is basically Kingdom Hearts, or of some resemblance to it...
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I thought Adam was gaslighting ben...
Mr_Horrible: Woki Woki Fight Club
LostThePirate: And W+P tomorrow
Juliamon: Oki Oki Sudden Death
Blip2004: is W&P still happening?
BusTed: got our next stream title ready
Pazy160: Are both of you active at Desert Bus or taking some time off?
itira: LOL
CataclysmicReverb: C-Viper
CataclysmicReverb: ?!?
Mr_Horrible: the concern on his face
itira: wait wut
matthaus_c: Nelson is the only sane person
ButButTheJesus: ?
neisan2112 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Thanks for subscribing, neisan2112! (Today's storm count: 52)
hieroglyphica: I mean it depends how bad it is
tehfewl: no, but not weird
Mr_Horrible: it's at least not uncommon
SnackPak_: seems normal to me
mrjujubeans: the deep concern XD
Patorik: Maybe if the shirt is long
Kramburger: I don't even take my pants off to poop!
raulghoulia: Did it today
hieroglyphica: If it's a really bad poop it's like an instinct
Fanklok: OHHHH Oki Oki, i thought Adam was finishing Doki Doki
gibbousm: for real difficult poops, yes
NotCainNorAbel: twitch chat is not normal
CataclysmicReverb: When it gets really intense yeah
matthaus_c: Nelson is based
korvys: Only if it's real bad
Zaraka00: when you really gotta hunker down
Thefluffiestguineapig: Absolutely not
squ3e: If its real bad
FoxBehindTheTree: If you get so hot you have to take your shirt off you have a vagal nerve problem
Robot_Bones: like on 5% of poops
ButButTheJesus: i am confuse
Orxolon: if in my house i'd rather
patrick_stonecrusher: George Castansa hours
After two years of game night with the gang being on Tuesdays, it has finally reverted back to Mondays allowing me to regularly watch Let’s Nope live
Mr_Horrible: unrestricted movement
saucemaster5000: how else can you rub your nipples
jessieimproved: I mean pants gotta go but shirt?
squ3e: Gotta lock in and dress down
Blakemcm: how do you keep your tuxedo tails from getting doodie on them if you dont?!?!?
arkham1981: it can be refreshing
chaotic_good_ferret: Hellloooooooooooooo
tehfewl: in my own home, everything off
hieroglyphica: Oh yeah I get really hot and sweaty, but that's cause of my brain condition and dysautonomia
itira: trying to hype yourself up?
SnyperWoIf: I just like being naked, okay
SnackPak_: shirtless poop in the summer is the best
Robot_Bones: need room to flex those muscles
raulghoulia: pooping makes my temperature increase
Mathwyn: I am also confused
UnkeptFlea: gotta be more aerodynamic
FoxBehindTheTree: yalls vagal nerves are angry with so many of yall xD
tehfewl: door open every now and then
Orxolon: more exposed than in the bathroom?
Mr_Horrible: conquer that part of your brain, Benjamin
hieroglyphica: And I don't want any like, resistance. No distractions you know? Like, it's an over stimulation thing
Mr_Horrible: you can use simple tools, you don't need to fear
Kramburger: Apparetly Tan from Queer eye showers after every poop
Makrosian_Tay: I don't ever like sleeping naked
groulux: Cus the socks woul keep the predators at bay?
itira: welp Adams normal
tajessa: The mention of socks has made me consider the concept of pooping naked EXCEPT socks which I think is the most unhinged option
protojman: that 4 am going downstairs to the kitchen while nakey feeling
Kramburger: Adam I don't do that and I have children
Orxolon: only boxer all year in my house
Mr_Horrible: I don't want to cast aspersions but *that* is weird
the ol' shittin shirt
aerohydra: i live alone, ive stopped closing the door
Fanklok: Just hang dong in your own home. If you don't the fascists win
nicolebarbaraann: Oh hey it's da boys - and I think I chimed in at a weird time lmao
Thefluffiestguineapig: I live alone and my cats have figured out how to open the bathroom door
MercedesBinnsKB subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
Thanks for subscribing, MercedesBinnsKB! (Today's storm count: 53)
matthaus_c: I close the door when I'm alone
Mathwyn: I'd feel more naked wearing only socks
itira: gotta close the door
ShaneLeeAtk: I always close and lock
niccus: that guy last night didn't have time to close the door
Mr_Horrible: @tajessa this is, like, the true lazy option, I feel like. Too much effort to bend down
Juliamon: hi Nicole, you're about to learn something new about Ben
matthaus_c: I want to hide from God
hieroglyphica: Yeah, I don't close the door unless there's guests. My dog would get mad at me
betweenmyself: socks only *heightens* the degree of nakedness; it has been scientifically proven by smart people
Orxolon: just closing
Robot_Bones: I think socks would only highlight the rest of my nudity
Finalsora811: The only reason I close the door is to not let the smell out.
nicolebarbaraann: Um hi ben what am I learning about you???
squ3e: Door open, I do not hide in my domain
NotCainNorAbel: I didn't close the door a few times when I was wfh, it was strange
nicolebarbaraann: Hey no
nicolebarbaraann: Wait
saucemaster5000: wat
ThatChesterGuy: Just chatting? How spooky!
so icky
KeytarCat: I struggle with transitions, so I have to close the door
Mr_Horrible: dark secrets unearthed live on stream
Mathwyn: Lock the door you perverts, its the easiest way to tell its occupied
mrjujubeans: stop scratching at the door!
tehfewl: i miss the cat claw under the door " you poopin in there?"
Mr_Horrible: you can watch a stream in bed, Benjamin
hieroglyphica: I close the door if it's a real bad one. No one should witness that, not god nor man
nicolebarbaraann: Am I laying on your feet while your pooping????
Mr_Horrible: it's called a "phone"
itira: LOL
Kramburger: BUSTED
Pazy160: Minimal clothing is more naked than naked. A Wrestler wearing a small vest & trunks look more naked than a Wrestler in Trunks.
Fanklok: Does Gus sit in your pants when you're poopin?
SnackPak_: blat blat
ButButTheJesus: if was doing that while Ben was pooping I'd get sick too
CataclysmicReverb: At least there's no cat. You close the door to poop when you own a cat and they'll force their way under the door to watch you
matthaus_c: if the door is unlocked God can come in at any time
BrindleBoar: it takes a lot less energy to watch a screen
Juliamon: Is Gus a sink sleeper?
itira: woOOoooo
is this... gaslighting?
patrick_stonecrusher: Anyone sees me walkin around naked, that's -their- problem. Why you lookin in my windows, huh?!?
Orxolon: @Mr_Horrible kinda XD
nicolebarbaraann: Gus can't jump in the sink yet lol he too little
SnyperWoIf: Graphic mental health
rin_the_kat: Hey Ben! My friend got you to sign my Kardur card with “deez nuts”. Thank you! Also yes it’s true, we do watch you and adam on the big TV ❤️
the only thing that upsets me in these streams is Adam's opinions
Robot_Bones: lets chatting stream over after only 18 minutes
ButButTheJesus: @nicolebarbaraann aww he jus a lil guy
hieroglyphica: In my state (WA) you're legally allowed to be naked in public! They shouldn't just not look in my windows if they don't want nakedness, they shouldn't look in my backyard either!
tajessa: I got the "mature content" warning for this stream and then 5 minute poop discussion 👌
itira: boo doo do boop boop the stuff!
nicolebarbaraann: But I thi k he's gonna love the sink fo sho he seems like that kinda guy
matthaus_c: I think my finger was cut and now I have honey mustard powder in my bloodstream
Robot_Bones: bongled
protojman: nails are looking great, Ben!
saucemaster5000: @Juliamon I had a manx that was a cat sleeper. Ever get surprised by a tailless gremlin in the middle of the night by turning on a fuacet by accident?
Mr_Horrible: @hieroglyphica I'm learning so much about where I live
hieroglyphica: Oh yeah, def
BusTed: damn
YawnLance subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
Thanks for subscribing, YawnLance! (Today's storm count: 54)
saucemaster5000: er, sink sleeper
rin_the_kat: ya’ll on our tv now
FoxBehindTheTree: you are on a 55in tv right now!
nicolebarbaraann: Girl no
hackingducks: overhead projector
bethy_kins24: yep
Mr_Horrible: that's not what that is?
protojman: y’all on our tv right now
tidehollowcat: You are on my TV *right now*
Patorik: You're often on my tv. Not right now though
protojman: 65. inches.
itira: and a landline
slamaham: big tv material boys.
your on my 65" TV rn
ShaneLeeAtk: I miss my laminator
Mr_Horrible: ohhhh
SnyperWoIf: laminate paper towels
ButButTheJesus: yep you're on my TV. cause everything's on my TV.
Mr_Horrible: that's a long walk
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: you’re on our TV right now
got you guys up on my tv now. You’re so… lifesize
nicolebarbaraann: That didn't land girlie
Jennie_Fuchsia: you’re on an unreasonably large tv over here
Kramburger: No, my SIL is a libarian and she has a laminator
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup, on my tv
squ3e: getting my steps in on that reference
hieroglyphica: @mr_horrible Yeah that law is why the naked bike ride during the solstice parade in Seattle is legal and also something my family took me to as a child until I was like 13
itira: my grandmother did
Pazy160: We need some big TV people to balance out the phone watchers.
OuchOuchYoureOnMyHair subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Thanks for subscribing, OuchOuchYoureOnMyHair! (Today's storm count: 55)
Fanklok: Ia Adam going senile?
SnackPak_: grimlin family
PhlibbertyGib subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
Thanks for subscribing, PhlibbertyGib! (Today's storm count: 56)
matthaus_c: murder couch
mrjujubeans: laminate yo kids
Jennie_Fuchsia: I have you on the big tv with the chat on my phone and as a result I never get channel points
neisan2112: Dining table is for company
Mr_Horrible: @hieroglyphica huh, I never thought about it but I guess my brain just figured "it probably falls under the 'It's a bit' defense"
matthaus_c: Beej raw dogs everythin
NotCainNorAbel: OH, my friend had that and you were not allowed to sit on the plastic couch
Astramentha: beej
far2muchsarcasm: Ian
Kramburger: Serge automates his couch cleaning
itira: hahahaaaa Adam
niccus: wait i never thought about this
Robot_Bones: beej does it naked in the woods
niccus: is man's romance clothed or not
Thefluffiestguineapig: The immediate emphatic agreement got me
Blip2004: beej goes into the woods for A Man's Romance
Fanklok: Name one thing Beej wouldn't raw dog
it ties the room together
saucemaster5000: beej has a special shittin hat
itira: its for special visitors
Thefluffiestguineapig: @niccus Absolutely naked
hieroglyphica: Other states step about being 'top free', Washington days "get off my lawn and stop looking at my bits"
NotCainNorAbel: It was a whole room they were not allowed to use; his Mom was...a thing
nicolebarbaraann: Plastic couch is always wrong
Mr_Horrible: that's the fuckin' couch
duallain: hi gamers
SnyperWoIf: Plastic couch is only for lovin'
matthaus_c: gotta wonder how a plastic couch feels naked
Patorik: I knew a family who had the fancy couch for guests only
Jennie_Fuchsia: we’re talking about my mother in law now?
Mazrae: Maybe just for grandparents to sit on?
betweenmyself: just cover your couch with those metal spikes people put on their eaves to prevent birds from perching
hieroglyphica: Aw naw my fam was hoarders, we were the opposite end of weird
Nigouki: for murder cleanup
nicolebarbaraann: Spilling spaghetti
UnkeptFlea: so card sleeves are normal but couch sleeves are weird?
DeM0nFiRe: Gotta keep the flavor sealed in
Mr_Horrible: luggage is common
duallain: one couch to play with. one to stay in box for resale
mrjujubeans: my grandparents had an ENTIRE room of plastic wrapped no-touch furniture
hieroglyphica: Maybe a bed bug block?
slamaham: rent-a-center used to be a thing
itira: waste of plastic
Mr_Horrible: I mean, TSA also leaves a note
Thefluffiestguineapig: @betweenmyself Those were developed to preserve historic buildings and statues and stupid people have overused them. So now a lot of birds are figuring it out
Larkonus: "But TSA, the resale value of my luggage will plummet!"
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: plastic wrapped couches are like the domestic version of those anti homeless benches in some cities
matthaus_c: same reason you sleeve your Magic cards
Mr_Horrible: my luggage gets inspected literally every time I fly, always has the little card in there
raulghoulia: simple and clean
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c ironically this also gets my luggage searched regularaly
Going_Medium: Easy cleanup after messy sex?
Vonbane: down the rabbit hole...
Thefluffiestguineapig: No, medieval times they didn't use slip covers
Robot_Bones: gotta cover the bed before beheading your ex wife
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible the TSA just wants to judge your deck choices
Mr_Horrible: @Going_Medium I feel like towels or blankets are the better way to go with this
saucemaster5000: BEHOLD I AM THE STAIN
Going_Medium: Changes the way you think of grandma
twistedsylvan: The StainTM
Astramentha: AI, gotta be
tajessa: Non shiny plastic, huh
Thefluffiestguineapig: The STAIN
korvys: Sounds like an AI written site
BrindleBoar: The Bearenstain bears
CataclysmicReverb: The Stain. New horror game coming out 2025
betweenmyself: @thefluffiestguineapig I hang up strings of clear xmas bulbs (not plugged in) under the eaves; keeps the birds away just fine in my experience
itira: this sounds like AI
Robot_Bones: The Stain is the next Alan Wake evil
nicolebarbaraann: The stain TM
SnyperWoIf: Is The Stain Marvel or DC?
matthaus_c: The Stain is my wrestling name
Jennie_Fuchsia: I’d get it if you were gonna temporarily have kids/pets in your home, but all the time???
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c "Azusa player? You've been selected for extra screening." "But I'm white." "CURSES! Foiled again."
niccus: oh it's actually Staind
BusTed: furniture's shine
Makrosian_Tay: Behold, I am stain, devourer of couches
twistedsylvan: The Stain feels like a Beej character for Presentation Karaoke
Juliamon: Gemini accidentally creates a new horror franchise
Orxolon: yeah,but at what cost?
Mathwyn: The My Hero Academia villain?
Larkonus: Not The Stain! Save us, Detergent Man!
tajessa: Guillemo del Toro's The Stain
SquareDotCube: Is the stain single?
goombalax: I think its like when fuzzy material gets all matted it gets shiny spots
salamisuperstar: I love my couch to be super shiny
HadesLeprechaun: it's like The Clog from Remedy's game Control
Thefluffiestguineapig: @betweenmyself Precisely, it's that easy, why deface your damn house
sgowell: it was good seeing you in Vegas Ben. I just sent you a picture of you on our projector wall on Twitter.
Jennie_Fuchsia: is the couch baptized?
Fanklok: The Stain is something an Astartes had to worry about
itira: Adam i stg
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is the stain baptized?
KeytarCat: Like 27 results down
shendaras: don't let him get you
nicolebarbaraann: Adam shshshshh
BusTed: homsar
Robot_Bones: Because its listening
tajessa: Adam
matthaus_c: glasses up and down whoooooooa
Mr_Horrible: mods put him in the oubliette
SnyperWoIf: where you raised by a cup of coffee!?!
duallain: Adam, are you a robot?
raulghoulia: is Pete Holmes on the stream?
DEATHlikescats: Homsar?
fatherllymic: Hey folks! Arrived late, then remembered that I still had time before the game would start. Perfect timing!
spethycakes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
spethycakes: 4 more years! 4 more years!
Thanks for subscribing, spethycakes! (Today's storm count: 57)
Mr_Horrible: well we know the disemboweled guy is dead
Robot_Bones: man was Bisected
Mr_Horrible: but Portal Girl might be back
Juliamon: fatherllymic You missed a really good preshow though
raulghoulia: Skibidi Ohio Rizz
salamisuperstar: You're starting the game? Oh no, I missed all the banter
HadesLeprechaun: Trisected, actually
Kentosaurus: one dismembered and one sucked into a portal
itira: yippie!
Fanklok: Two pieces is a million now?
Robot_Bones: best part is Adam didn't even have to do anything
tajessa: It's been a while
trying to salvage this negroni after I had only like 25% of the campari I needed
what is going on
Kentosaurus: is he trying to get punched again
Orxolon: hahahahaha
squ3e: Did he totally change VA/
Mr_Horrible: he got hit on the head so hard he developed an accent
n3ther: he just sounds like that
Mr_Horrible: it's Scott Adsit's character's bit from 30 Rock
Orxolon: pops
twistedsylvan: two lines and he has reignited my incandescent hate for this character, jeez
duallain: hey I’m walking heereee
Mr_Horrible: "The people at this bar don't know me, so my name is Dallas"
that's new york, not Italian
raulghoulia: Is that THE Sam Groans?
Mr_Horrible: say it again, streamer
salamisuperstar: Daaamn
itira: oooooo
BusTed: damn
BusTed: gottem
Mr_Horrible: okay that was 10%
matthaus_c: BURN
tajessa: Oooooo
Makrosian_Tay: DANG
Mr_Horrible: gotta hand it to him
Thefluffiestguineapig: saaavage
Makrosian_Tay: A ban would be MERCIFUL at this point
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
RayFK: Negronis suck send tweet
Mr_Horrible: I've subbed to your ass for like 5 years Adam and you never thought of that?
duallain: Ben at 1000% today, lol
salamisuperstar: Oh no, they've opened Pandora's Box of insults
saucemaster5000: does adam think guns run on friction generated electricity
matthaus_c: last week was great but I missed this
NotCainNorAbel: I like negronis but my SO makes them less sweet
raulghoulia: "Dad why did you take me to a gay steelmill?"
Jennie_Fuchsia: woah woah I’m the horrible beverage person- I’m drinking Moxie ffs
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 that's what the hand crank is for
salamisuperstar: Sam is doing some real old man voice
Lysander_salamander: oh, he's become unstuck in time
BrindleBoar: dollarydoos!
Mr_Horrible: "Look that rec room isn't gonna renovate itself, Sam"
itira: go on!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Adam going to develop no relationships with anyone?
salamisuperstar: Definitely believe the guy who comes running in and spouting nonsense
matthaus_c: Michel Foucault over here
itira: LOL
Thefluffiestguineapig: I forgot how much I hate Stan
Mr_Horrible: bro sounding like Adam Driver in Megalopolis
spethycakes: @matthaus_c we love a little discipline & punish
Fanklok: Wait why the fuck did they release the movie if some one literally died filming it
Mr_Horrible: back to the cluuuuUUUUuuuUUUb
Mr_Horrible: can we kill him?
squ3e: Ok he definitely changed actors
BrindleBoar: fawk
Lysander_salamander: split the party again!
raulghoulia: is that accredited?
Jadaris: @mr_horrible makes sense, Adam and Ben are a coppola goofballs
Mr_Horrible: @Jadaris ooh, very good
Fanklok: And he's off to die off screen
matthaus_c: @Jadaris BARS
tajessa: @jadaris NICE
matthaus_c: the Brinson Scream
loufghyslaufey: It takes two player turns?
Mr_Horrible: a u g h
Lysander_salamander: oh myyy
BusTed: "oshi-"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @loufghyslaufey No, it's based on which character was claimed by which player
Vonbane: "what the?"
couchboyj: Move aside Wilhelm, Savidan's in town
saucemaster5000: "Finally"
PhlibbertyGib: "buh"
WiJohn: "patreon...dot...com..."
betweenmyself: pull a River City Ransom and let out a loud “BARF!”
tajessa: "hold my beer"
Lysander_salamander: eugh?
Rhynerd: dudedudedu-
Mr_Horrible: the Savidan Shout
Mr_Horrible: known for generations
Robot_Bones: Stan in the place where you live
matthaus_c: is it Stanley or Stanford
Makrosian_Tay: Fanstord
Mr_Horrible: okay, so I've dodged ONE bullet tonight
saucemaster5000: dodged that bullet
Nigouki: Stanislav
Vonbane: Stan's the man
gibbousm: The author of the journals
couchboyj: We do NOT stan a Stan
HadesLeprechaun: Eminem did irreperable damage
tajessa: Oh I do not like Staniel, well done
betweenmyself: naStaniel
hermonthis: Grunkle Stan
niccus: and you're down a few peoples
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible yeah buty I bet your name is fucking clint or some shit
Mr_Horrible: fully painted primaris marine in 5... 4... 3... 2...
Thefluffiestguineapig: Stantthew
loufghyslaufey: Thanks, Adam. I don't like Stan Pines either.
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 no, that'd imply a strong jaw. I keep this beard for a reason
Vonbane: pig bong
Mr_Horrible: you're both wrong
matthaus_c: goombas are fun shaped
Mr_Horrible: Chargin' Chuck sucks dick and not in the fun way
Mr_Horrible: bottom tier
salamisuperstar: Why does this person lock their doors and not just let me rummage through their stuff?
Mazrae: Sometimes they spit fire
sephsays: the sun is the worst enemy
Juliamon: Nippers totally walk around
goombalax: got shit to say about goomas?
saucemaster5000: what about goonba
tajessa: How is "able to deliver mail" the standard which you're measuring against?
Mazrae: What about para goombas
matthaus_c: parnets
mrjujubeans: what about the stationary bullet cannons?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also how can it deliver mail with no hands?
matthaus_c: goonba cave
RatherLargeToad: Gotta give goombas a hand…because they don’t have any
loufghyslaufey: Ben? Ben! Ya lost me.
matthaus_c: have you also seen the lips on those plants
Mathwyn: It's all about mail privilege
Vonbane: aren't goombas mushrooms, which are plants?
salamisuperstar: What if you could just wait here until Stan dies?
Fanklok: The plants teleport
Mr_Horrible: this is a misinterpretation tho. A "goonba" is just a goomba with an old-timey mobster hat that says "You wants I should get rid of em, boss?"
loufghyslaufey: Goombas didn't choose to not have legs, Ben.
tajessa: @mathwyn OH SNAP
matthaus_c: mushrooms are like embarrassed meat
WiJohn: Aren't mushroom fungus not plants?
ladyjessica: mushrooms are not plants.
saucemaster5000: Mario is a mushroom that ate an anchovy
Vonbane: they are fungi
dm818: If you think about it a piranha plant in a warp pipe is a lot like being in a jar.
Mr_Horrible: they lack a torso
mrjujubeans: they look like different types of
Thefluffiestguineapig: No
Mr_Horrible: it's a different... phylum?
HadesLeprechaun: we have a whole movie about it, human Bowser devolved humans into goombas
Juliamon: Fungus is its own phyla
tajessa: Fungus are their own thing
Astramentha: no
LithelyUnshod: fungi are closer to animals
twistedsylvan: musrooms = fungi, and you should be afraid of them
LostThePirate: Fungus is a different kingdom than plants
tidehollowcat: Fungus are, uh, weird
Thefluffiestguineapig: They're in their own Kingdom
goombalax: Goombas are chestnuts
Mazrae: Fungi are closer to animals than to plants I think
SquareDotCube: The "mushroom" part is the fungus' sex organs.
tidehollowcat: coral reefs are animals
Orxolon: a colony of gerns,right?
fatherllymic: Fungus are like aliens compared to everything else
ladyjessica: fungi are their own tree of life, but are closer to animals than plants.
NotCainNorAbel: come for the spooks, stay for the lore
lamina5432: a mushroom is closer to s than other plants
twistedsylvan: fungi are their own thing, and they are WEIRD
Mr_Horrible: piranha plants are never in warp pipes tho? iirc?
ohjanji: goombas are mafia bodyguards
lamina5432: us*
tajessa: Fungi are somewhat terrifying
TomatoKigu: Fauna, Flora, Fungi. The three kingdoms.
Vonbane: a Goomba Roomba?
Robot_Bones: can you teach a goomba to ride a ball?
salamisuperstar: Trains only go back and forth?
dm818: synergy
EMNetwork: like hell he can't
korvys: Anyway, Hammer Bros worst enemy
matthaus_c: Adam is an academic
Mr_Horrible: this is why we all tune in
Mazrae: Go find a Wario piece
Fanklok: Goofball is playable in the new Mario Party
Fanklok: Goomba
kdefinition: I'd vote for you
Thefluffiestguineapig: Goombas can't jump either
Fanklok: Fuckin auto correct
matthaus_c: the box, you opened the box
Mr_Horrible: "Old imperial serials. I think all of these are banned."
RealGamerCow: What's in the box?!?!?!
Soon the armies of Fungi shall rise and they will attack us when we least expect
MacbethSeemsSus: Goomba 2.1 will update with "turning" tech.
sephsays: What does Princess Peach do with all of our tax coins, other than put them in floating bricks?
Makrosian_Tay: I got that reference!!
dm818: no
niccus: it's complicated
kumatsu: it def LOOKS like dogshit
ghizmou: dont watch the reboot reboot though
Thefluffiestguineapig: @sephsays Bake cakes?
goombalax: if you can ignore the cg
ladyjessica: you can watch remastered episodes
ChrisTheLemming: Reboot absolutely holds up!
couchboyj: Man, the Canadian Post spunds awesome. My rax dollars are going to stinky humsns to deliver my mail!
saucemaster5000: short circuit does not hold up
Mr_Horrible: "da fuuuuuture"
Kentosaurus: at the time it was cutting edge
Lysander_salamander: oh no, did stan go in the the tv and we just trapped him in?
ladyjessica: they found the old masters and made 4k versions
LostThePirate: I loved Reboot as a kid, heh
Manae: They are remastering it at least
Manae: sorta
ladyjessica: and the first episode is on YouTube.
Nigouki: we were so forgiving of old CGI
silenceaux: Some things really do not age well
magical_writer: Bob? you mean Reboot?
duallain: any zoids enjoyers in chat?
ChrisTheLemming: They just had a documentary come out, they pioneered that shit, so it looks a little rough lol
Mr_Horrible: you can't say wars? Do you just call it the eighteen-twelvesies?
BrindleBoar: they were doing the best they can
Mathwyn: Bobtimus Prime
BrindleBoar: *could
BrindleBoar: words, tenses, whatever
RealGamerCow: some things didn't age well, like everything related to the N64.
Vonbane: if so, did you take your shirt off?
Mr_Horrible: a DEATH loop?
raulghoulia: Stan's taking off his shirt
matthaus_c: Canada takes the Wars out of Beast Wars but when it comes to the actual thing they use the Geneva Convention like a checklist
shendaras: Is Stan's shirt somewhere?
Veste: i was promised a mystical zamboni?
TheExactSame subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheExactSame! (Today's storm count: 58)
MacbethSeemsSus: Got to find the minifig to escape.
BorealMage: Stan loves pooping on company time
WiJohn: AI
itira: looks like an AI hand
fatherllymic: Show hand
Lysander_salamander: dang
Mr_Horrible: she's only got 4 fingers, confirmed Video Game Character
Vonbane: wow Adam's got WEIRD hand
Nigouki: booth cam, full res
baltimore_667083: "boss makes a dollar; stan makes a dime. that's why he shits on company time."
matthaus_c: yaoi hands
betweenmyself: ring on middle finger or just four fingers
itira: oh myyy
Mathwyn: Now Adam has AI hands
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
EMNetwork: grippies
WiJohn: Mask-lookin' hands
Mr_Horrible: dude nosferatu's hands are sexy
salamisuperstar: Adam gonna be on Wikihands
gibbousm: does Adam have the yaoi hands?
Vonbane: big fingies
long digits?
Makrosian_Tay: THE RETURN
Lysander_salamander: meat shovels
itira: Ben is on some shit
fatherllymic: Can Adam palm a basketball?
kumatsu: Ben bout to hit with the Yaranaika mixup
Mr_Horrible: palm a young man's entire face with those hands
matthaus_c: fleshy snowplows
Fanklok: Is ok Adam i do too
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam this is why you don't kill Ben's characters
itira: its ok, its very entertaining
YawnLance: Don't worry Ben we support you being unhinged
saucemaster5000: cocaine is not cold medication
WiJohn: Oh god, the occult
Makrosian_Tay: Yo that art is AMAZING
silenceaux: You're right, we DO need some occult
Lysander_salamander: this is some weird dialogue
MacbethSeemsSus: Third time this week.
BorealMage: Gosh nabbit
ohjanji: aw shucks, it's satan
itira: wait look at the hands
Tweygoh: Ben is a real Gunky Runner
salamisuperstar: The big alter is also a bit of a giveaway
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also she has lit candles on top of books
Aceviru: those are clearly scented candles
sephsays: the art plus the weird rug
Lysander_salamander: pants?
thatguysteve2709: 13 ghosts
Vonbane: game room
Mathwyn: Adam wakes up in January 2020
twistedsylvan: what the fuck?
MacbethSeemsSus: Everytime a character dies they lose a writer degrading it over time.
kumatsu: Adam wakes up in the hospital, the yaoi hands transplant was successful
Lysander_salamander: she really likes pants
gibbousm: welp, time to get crushed by the machine
ButButTheJesus: 385 of chat are surrounding you in hospital
BorealMage: Imagine Twitch only existing while comatose
hackingducks: ah, yes, they have the event horizon drive in their basement.
gibbousm: I love 13th Ghost
Mathwyn: Oh hey a Soul Engine
Marvoleath: It's clearly a stranger, not stan
and tony shaloub
Orxolon: Shannon Elizabeth
Lysander_salamander: Maybe I should watch thirteen ghosts
kumatsu: I should watch 13 ghosts again
mrjujubeans: oops, she’s fried
Makrosian_Tay: In Adam's house you have to solve one of these every time you want to go to the bathroom
BrindleBoar: the only thing I remember about that movie is that Tony Shaloub was there.
Darleysam: Puzzle!
itsr67: howdy
fatherllymic: Madison just called Adam out!
matthaus_c: the Sam Green
Blip2004: ah yes, the completely reasonable instinct to open a spinning prison
Fanklok: These casting videos are getting way too artsy, when's this frank guy going to take off his pants.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also Ben don't tell Adam that
Thefluffiestguineapig: He may just fuck it up
RatherLargeToad: Big levers are cool!
Juliamon: just leave a big death gap in the floor
fatherllymic: She said, 'this is what rich a*holes have in their houses'
duallain: call osha on this cult
thatguysteve2709: Adam it's called fung shui
Lysander_salamander: I'd love a big mad scientist lever
WiJohn: I ain't spending a billion dollars on a big weird machine not to put a big lever on
Astramentha: because it’s FUN ADAM
Mathwyn: Gonna make it next lever
salamisuperstar: When else are you going to have the chance to have a big lever?
kumatsu: Big Lever Mouthfeel
sephsays: it’s an aesthetic
BorealMage: If you're building a machine, *absolutely* put a big lever
ButButTheJesus: depends on what you're pulling, you might need the leverage
Tangsm: It's like giant lever or knife switch. Those are your mad science options.
mrjujubeans: it gives you all the leverage though
evening spoopy friends
groulux: The Lever just comes with the villain secret lair kit
mrjujubeans: is this Dj hero?
Mr_Horrible: got back from making another drink but no, the big bathroom lever vacuums your shirt off
itira: gaming
thatguysteve2709: She didn't see it
Now watch as this is timed and Adam kills her
also, still had the correct stuff for an aviation
fatherllymic: Oh no, someone has to tell her Jaime died like 40 years ago
Mr_Horrible: "I could kill Ben through laziness"
BusTed: Mouthwashing
Juliamon: Mouthwashing
Mr_Horrible: Mouthwashing is great
Aceviru: Oh that one is really good
itsr67: mouthwashing is goated
tidehollowcat: Mouthwashing is so good
SnackPak_: I'm listening
Mr_Horrible: I *don't* know if it's good LN fare
kumatsu: it's very much Nope content
Juliamon: Alex streamed some of it
Makrosian_Tay: This puzzle is dumb
Mathwyn: Oh yeah Alex gave that a go its cool
Rhynerd: oh, Alex played a bit of Mouthwashing!
BusTed: So you can ask why nobody told you about it later
satyropodobny: Moutwashing is soooo good albeit short
Mr_Horrible: it's peak tho
Kentosaurus: Is that a game, or just people suggesting you improve your oral health?
HadesLeprechaun: Alex streamed like 2/3rds of it, super great
LostThePirate: Alex played it here on LRR
squ3e: If its so good, why isnt there mouthwashing two?
tehfewl: seen a bunch of crazy fanart
Mr_Horrible: it's probably a 1 stream game, yeah
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also it is IMMENSELY trigger warning
BrindleBoar: it's the "some dumbfuck let all the ghosts out" alarm, Madi
KeytarCat: Why does it also have a keypad?
matthaus_c: there have been so many good games the last couple months
Mr_Horrible: give Space Shelley Duval a nuke
Juliamon: Yeah, while you guys were in Vegas
satyropodobny: All my homies hate Jimmy
BusTed: It would take more than one, pretty sure
Juliamon: he did "Good W+P"
BrindleBoar: The Horologium!
Mr_Horrible: @BusTed actually you're right, it's probably a 2 LN game
Rhynerd: yeah, Alex played it on a bonus stream with Buckshot Roulette and Funeralopolis
Mr_Horrible: runs 3-ish hours
ohjanji: welllll hi there
BusTed: she's about to karate chop
Lysander_salamander: that face
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
BrindleBoar: Back to the Future!
mrjujubeans: Guess they’re here to reshoot the film
MacbethSeemsSus: "Okay first thing you should know, Reagan's dead"
Mr_Horrible: @MacbethSeemsSus FUCK YEAH
Lysander_salamander: meanwhile in the past
Lysander_salamander: pants
jessieimproved: back when people threw their shoes on power lines
Mathwyn: Concurrently in the past
Mr_Horrible: Robert: Pants
Marvoleath: a lot of Pants in this game
Lysander_salamander: why does everyone say pants?
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
duallain: shoes over the power lines always a good sign
Mr_Horrible: but I'm already subscribed to you with my real american dollars
betweenmyself: I’m fine, my Pants are just so constricting
Lysander_salamander: mmm riddles
BusTed: thanks lady
itira: how frustrating
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gee thanks
lochnessseammonster: helpful
BusTed: Oh, is she the one who sold the camera
mrjujubeans: worst Cheshire Cat ever
Lysander_salamander: she looks like what's-her-name
Mr_Horrible: I don't know how it took me so long to realize, but there's *SO* much gesture acting in these games holy moly
lilbeezie259: Ben, how many characters did you have before they died?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lysander_salamander Augustine Lieber?
lochnessseammonster: has it been more than a minute?
NotCainNorAbel: Ben getting two weeks off
Lysander_salamander: I mean, linda
Darleysam: kinda wanted her haircut since the last stream
Mr_Horrible: she and the Entity are playing a game of Risk across the ages
PoopForBrains119 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
PoopForBrains119: hello, all, and hello, spoops
Thanks for subscribing, PoopForBrains119! (Today's storm count: 59)
ohjanji: D:
Mr_Horrible: "We released In The Mouth of Madness 6 months ago"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Really??? You think he's NOT OK???
Thefluffiestguineapig: How'd you figure that genius
BrindleBoar: uh oh, alternate dimension sherriff
matthaus_c: genderbent David Lynch
kumatsu: the kicks are pumped-up
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes
KeytarCat: yeh
Thefluffiestguineapig: She is profoundly middle aged Lesbian
ladyjessica: definitely
Fanklok: What if the future is actually the past
spethycakes: Lesbians aren't a monolith, Adam
MWGNZ: the ur-lesbian
Lysander_salamander: Lesbian Prime
critiquequartz: yes
gibbousm: Consult the Council of Elder Lesbos
hieroglyphica: There's just certain fits that are really gay, Adam
critiquequartz: exactly
kumatsu: writing down Lesbian Endgame
Robot_Bones: Picturing the Elder Lesbian like an Elder dragon
BusTed: Minority Report style
TomatoKigu: Lesbian here, you rang?
BrindleBoar: Summon the Lesbrain
ohjanji: the Council of Lesbians votes on the ideal fit each year
Darleysam: is this🫴 a lesbian?
DEATHlikescats: for a certain contingency, yes
Lysander_salamander: Like, KD Lang Classic?
critiquequartz: it’s the Peter Pan collar
spethycakes: or the I Work on Wall Street bro look
matthaus_c: the Charizard of Lesbian
kokogagliardo08: !pc
groulux: First they become Vaporeon then it is that!
speaking of lesbians, just officially got my first queer datefriend
kokogagliardo08: !setup
SquareDotCube: A Lesbos of Lesbians
YawnLance: This is some good lesbian lore
kragmabutch: and that jock straight white guy look is also a lesbian look
TomatoKigu: ha ha yes, headcanon. *pokerface*
Larkonus: Doesn't the Arch Lesbian have veto power over the council?
kokogagliardo08: ahahahahaah
do all lesbians dress like Bond villains that own multimedia empires?
SnackPak_: not the secret computer specs
matthaus_c: we've got bags of FROZEN PEAS
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NotCainNorAbel Congrats!!!!
Kentosaurus: *imagination*
NotCainNorAbel: Paul is a genius
LathosTiran: its got Linux on it
Riandisa: Running on Alarmo
Darleysam: playing on th OUYA
spethycakes: We stream using the concept of the Internet of Things! Take that!
fatherllymic: Man, you guys have dreams?
DEATHlikescats: The true lesbian way
kumatsu: oh shit, can we read the Goofus and Gallant?
Fanklok: The lesbian outfit sounds like a gang
hieroglyphica: I objectively dress like a lesbian, and that fits my ideal look tbh. Tho if you put a Carhartt something on it pretty much becomes gay
ButButTheJesus: is it the GLADOS potato?
They're streaming on Stadia
matthaus_c: on the Intellivision Amico
@Thefluffiestguineapig thanks friends
Lysander_salamander: Super 8 sucked
Vonbane: monster movie kinda
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hieroglyphica Eh, I'm queer but I work in vet med and carhartt is only gay outside of a necessary farm setting
Lysander_salamander: It was all "hey, remember that thing that happened in the better movie?"
Fanklok: The Iron Giant is the one with the big robot
SnackPak_: tonight, we're the jangly keys
Mr_Horrible: he says this but he hates what I say
matthaus_c: I like it when handsome men ignore me
KeytarCat: Super 8 was evidently a lesbian awakening for me?? There were no lesbians in that film
BartholemewTheKitten: He wants us to feel bullied, not ignored
ButButTheJesus: senpai likes us!
kumatsu: Absentee Benjamin
MacbethSeemsSus: Where's uncle adam?!?!
YawnLance: Papa
saucemaster5000: uncky ben, when do I get candy
Kramburger: Daaaad, I'm HUNGRY
HadesLeprechaun: Monster movie, I liked it, but it's much more low budget, it's not a Godzilla or anything
simplyegghuman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
Thanks for subscribing, simplyegghuman! (Today's storm count: 60)
TomatoKigu: Think Xena was mine, ngl
itira: D:
couchboyj: The last unc check
passwordlost_hereiam: Does this guy got the Shining?
duallain: lost the unc check
lilbeezie259: Just saying, you two are becoming my favorite streamers, love your personalities, and how you interact with each other
itira: we're goin for the pouch
Mr_Horrible: bro's never fixing that genny
Mathwyn: Adam losing focus
after all that UFO50 practice last week too
mrjujubeans: gotta let that boiler breathe a bit
betweenmyself: Where’s PeePa Adam with his sooting grandpa yaoi hands?
Mr_Horrible: "IDK getting in your way is pretty fun"
BartholemewTheKitten: Not locked in? I thought you were the boshy
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam why are you being a jerk?
betweenmyself: *soothing
loufghyslaufey: Eh
itira: Abigale is going to take you out Adam
NotCainNorAbel: now that is capitalism
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben only has one character left
matthaus_c: the sawblade in Until Dawn
Kentosaurus: let's go
Mr_Horrible: I wasn't planning to
Vonbane: Merch
matthaus_c: it says Murder Mine
Robot_Bones: the magic murder mine
mirshebs: multiverses
Makrosian_Tay: Parallel worlds?
BrindleBoar: the wiki only lists one voice actor for Sam, so I guess he is just putting on an accent to seem old?
Vonbane: it's a multiverse
Orxolon: people died at the mine
Thefluffiestguineapig: Parallel dimensions?
Astramentha: alternate timelines?
BartholemewTheKitten: Who turns a paper like that?
niccus: it's a grindable multiplayer game
Mr_Horrible: you have to keep replaying until you get the storyline titanforged
Lysander_salamander: squeee
matthaus_c: hellooooo nurse
Mr_Horrible: Huntress also has big muscle tho
Mr_Horrible: so it's good
Seth_Erickson: Huntress is huge
Makrosian_Tay: I'm sorry, a dating GAME??
gibbousm: BIG Lady
Kentosaurus: adam: is she single?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Huntress is big muscle lady
Mr_Horrible: tall, stacked, cut
lady_loxham: Hey! I have officially upgraded from YouTube to twitch! I’m excited to watch in real time lol. Currently stuck in a 8 hour overlay in Calgary airport so you boys are helping! 💕
itira: oh
YawnLance: Hooked on You
gibbousm: Hooked on You
lochnessseammonster: nice
matthaus_c: ooga chaka
Mr_Horrible: it's called Fucked By Daylight
NotCainNorAbel: oh, because of the hooks
Lysander_salamander: They're at a beach resort
DeM0nFiRe: "Fuck" is a little too on the nose for a dating game
tidehollowcat: @lady_loxham Welcome!
Orxolon: does any DBD character has a gun?
Astramentha: Welcome!
itira: LOL
lady_loxham: yes lol
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to lady_loxham! They have given 514 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, lady_loxham! (Today's storm count: 61)
CataclysmicReverb: See if they can put lets nope on the big screen
Seth_Erickson: Have you seen any of the new killer The Dog Ben? I feel like it just completely snuck up on me.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Orxolon Does Wesker have guns? I have no idea
Mr_Horrible: frog makes the jump, gotta respect
VrolikSyndrome subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 19 month streak!
VrolikSyndrome: wowowow 20 months wowowow
Thanks for subscribing, VrolikSyndrome! (Today's storm count: 62)
KeytarCat: @Orxolon There's one with a speargun and huntress has a ranged attack
i literally just flew to calgary and i could not answer that
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CataclysmicReverb Swap out the arrivals board for Let's nope
Fanklok: Adam is too much of a coward to pull the trigger
Seth_Erickson: @orxolon yes but the gun shoots chains that you use to drag the survivors in
Orxolon: @KeytarCat thanks
Fanklok: If I'm wring then may I Ferisar be struck down
CataclysmicReverb: Lamprey
EMNetwork: just got lamp-ooned
itira: its wrapped around
MacbethSeemsSus: It ruins the aesthetic.
Astramentha: 1 XP point for Adam
couchboyj: Lampire: The Shadesquarade
matthaus_c: grower not a shower
spethycakes: keep adding to it, and it will be a lampersand
Vonbane: there's no ground wire. it's evil
Mr_Horrible: it's 6 foot on tinderr
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben really is on some sleep deprivation
lilbeezie259: @spethycakes I see what you did there XD
Orxolon: i guess a semi automatic would defeat the premise of the game XD
itira: the island is so fkn expensive
hieroglyphica: The works sticks and we can call it good
Muddy_Thunder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Muddy_Thunder! (Today's storm count: 63)
Mr_Horrible: hmmmmmmm
hieroglyphica: *sucks heh
WiJohn: Sea zombies
Mr_Horrible: bro
matthaus_c: what about the zombies operating the ferry
itira: do you remember covid Adam?
Mr_Horrible: brooooooo
NotCainNorAbel: everyone
Thefluffiestguineapig: Really?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Everyone?
ghizmou: did you like when Pamela Anderson described it as a secluded island
Mr_Horrible: brooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
saucemaster5000: poor guy
Seth_Erickson: What if the infection doesn't come only through biting
itira: uh oh
Thefluffiestguineapig: He also runs
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uhhhhhhh
fatherllymic: Zombies can't afford the island
thatguysteve2709: Have you seen serge in any horror situation
itira: ohhhh
BusTed: hahahah
LostThePirate: XD
BusTed: awesome
SnackPak_: hell yeah
Mr_Horrible: HELL yeah
Makrosian_Tay: God damn!
Gooseblast: My man
Mr_Horrible: move over Neil
Kramburger: What's up, Mrs Turner?
BusTed: That is some validation man
azurite_d: she’s right
NotCainNorAbel: Be James' Dad
CommanderPulsar: James' Mom has got it goin' on?
YawnLance: And then you become James's dad
Vonbane: Adam #4
spethycakes: PATIENT XERO
Orxolon: single you say?
Kramburger: ADAM
Mr_Horrible: that is... SUCH a way describe someone's day
Fanklok: Bring her a pineapple
itira: LOL
Mr_Horrible: *dad, even
Thefluffiestguineapig: @YawnLance Do we get into a "I'm my own grandpa" situation somehow?
protojman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
Thanks for subscribing, protojman! (Today's storm count: 64)
Tangsm: "You wanna go outside and have a catch, son?"
WiJohn: "Call me papa son"
gibbousm: is your mother single?
we need a third beat to the “Is she…” joke like: “Is she into Yaoi hands?”
Mr_Horrible: "The bit is too powerful, I can't turn this down"
SnackPak_: damn
Lysander_salamander: wow
matthaus_c: holy SHIT
korvys: James, you look just like your "dad"
itira: jesus
saucemaster5000: holy shit
Lysander_salamander: slayed
itsr67: loool
squ3e: damn
Vonbane: damn
Mr_Horrible: YEAAAOW
Kramburger: No you'd be his step-Daddy
Thefluffiestguineapig: Need some ice for that burn?
oh my god
matthaus_c: Benjamin you've changed
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: taking bets on whether this makes the highlight reel
DEATHlikescats: god tier
Lysander_salamander: remember to title your clips
thatguysteve2709: Bens on the 10% run holy shit
Mr_Horrible: you boys are on some special sauce tonight I tell ya what
lilbeezie259: $20 she's watching stream
Mr_Horrible: hot
Makrosian_Tay: I love this show
saucemaster5000: not me I'm an angel
Fanklok: Fuck Ben is laughed so hard my abs are cramping
BartholemewTheKitten: "What are you doing, step-James?"
matthaus_c: ayo Bonnie joined Kiss?
lilbeezie259: @BartholemewTheKitten No... just... no XD
Seth_Erickson: It's on purpose I believe
Mr_Horrible: are *all* of these reels murder mill versions?
Vonbane: you got Weekend at Bernie's in there?
matthaus_c: oh shit are those all Murder Mill versions
MacbethSeemsSus: I think the violinist is bored.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @matthaus_c Yup
Makrosian_Tay: Bwaooooom!
matthaus_c: that's sick
Mr_Horrible: this is the problem with fandom
Kentosaurus: there are other timelines?!
Yolysses subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Yolysses! (Today's storm count: 65)
MacbethSeemsSus: boo
HadesLeprechaun: different "Terras"
TomatoKigu: oh snap
salamisuperstar: Universes Beyond, if you will
Mr_Horrible: that's just trying to sound smarter
Seth_Erickson: What do you mean what do you mean what do you mean
Orxolon: @Mr_Horrible yeah,why not WAta?
Mr_Horrible: her stance
bv310 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months, currently on a 117 month streak!
bv310: What do YOU mean what do you mean what do I mean?
Thanks for subscribing, bv310! (Today's storm count: 66)
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible Marvel
betweenmyself: that means there’s a Snyder Cut somewhere… *shudder*
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c just number them! The character knows the context, and the player will infer it by this point!
Thefluffiestguineapig: You and Ben should have Gus's full name by Gustavus Adolphus after the Scandinavian king who got his exercise wrestling bears during the Protestant Reformation/30 years war era @nicolebarbaraann
Makrosian_Tay: What, actually, is the role this character plays??
Lysander_salamander: "I don't want to tell you the truth, because the author doesn't understand pacing."
Orxolon: @betweenmyself and a musical one XD
fatherllymic: Gees Sam, explain literally ANYTHING
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Makrosian_Tay The sheriff?
Mr_Horrible: no one will be straight with anyone, it's 2024
matthaus_c: #NotMySamGreen
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible More and more of us and beyond straight to other orientations
gualdhar: and that's where we end it for this week!
Makrosian_Tay: "Thanks for playing. Download the Multiverse DLC to complete the experience!"
Aceviru: He's the stepdad
Lysander_salamander: thppppbt
Shadow Self
lady_loxham: great, time travel, this can’t go wrong
Pharmacistjudge: another multiverse story?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Makrosian_Tay Thankfully no DLC for story completion
Lysander_salamander: awkward_fart.wav
HadesLeprechaun: Everything Everywhere All At Once gets a pass because it did so flawlessly, but otherwise? I'm pretty over alternate universe stuff
goombalax: In a perfect world, men like me would not exist. but it is not a perfect world
Orxolon: i never got that "narrative resource" of "no time to explain" or "i cannot tell you,but i know"
Mr_Horrible: this feels so odd as a way to tie into DBD
salamisuperstar: The Entity was edging?
Makrosian_Tay: Looper was kinda meh
fatherllymic: Back to the Future?
tehfewl: harry potter
ladyjessica: and don’t say…
Lysander_salamander: Terminator Genysis
BrindleBoar: literally any time travel movie
Vonbane: hot tub time machine
Mr_Horrible: esp when DBD already has interesting inroads
bv310: @Vonbane HOW DARE YOU
cobthegreat: Time splitters
NotCainNorAbel: Bill and Ted
Seth_Erickson: Groundhog's Day checkmate atheist
matthaus_c: @BrindleBoar besmirching La Jetée
saucemaster5000: time travel isn't real
tajessa: Preach
Pharmacistjudge: eh...daniel radcliffe is not that hot
tehfewl: exactly, but yes, it does time travel poorly
Mr_Horrible: cob actually spitting
@matthaus_c you're right, 12 monkeys is okay
CataclysmicReverb: Butterfly Effect was horrible
Mr_Horrible: Looper is fun
“Black Knight” starring Martin Lawrence? (#sarcasm)
@BrindleBoar you fucking got me
Thefluffiestguineapig: CW bodily harm and emotional distress
fatherllymic: I miss Ben
Lysander_salamander: So if it's alternate universes, past you can die and it'll be ok for future you
saucemaster5000: he's gone let's eat the candy!
ladyjessica: Star Trek 4, the one with the whales?
gualdhar: fuck Ben's characters up
lilbeezie259: Wait, I thought Ben had the characters from 1980
Seth_Erickson: Finally
matthaus_c: boot up House Party
Mr_Horrible: now we can speak our truth unfettered
saucemaster5000: everyone fart!
Seth_Erickson: I thought he'd never oeave
MacbethSeemsSus: You can finally talk about how much you love Harry Potter
Mr_Horrible: coward
Tangsm: Now you just have to find 3 collectibles before he gets back
Crashzxs: timesplitters: future perfect was a banger of a game I likely spent hundreds of hours in that game's multiplayer
itira: so whats the plan, you gonna be Bens stepdad too? or
matthaus_c: unfettered cheese
ohjanji: "finally we can be ourselves!" *immediately does something considerate*
Kramburger: Adam quick, who would be a better stepdad, Beej or James?
ohjanji: good times
Mr_Horrible: @itira Adam collecting stepson coworkers arc
Seth_Erickson: What was the word Wayne hit us with earlier today Adam?
BartholemewTheKitten: No kiss goodbye from Ben: this show has changed
spethycakes: @ohjanji shhh, you're not supposed to notice
saucemaster5000: you're keeping up great ben sweetie
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ohjanji It's almost like the asshole is the act :0
Mr_Horrible: UFO 49 theory confirmed
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do you want to *:)
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
lochnessseammonster: you don't get that for free
matthaus_c: patreon?
Mathwyn: Time for our Castlevania House Party
Kramburger: Ben, are you blushing?
fatherllymic: Patreon tier incoming
awildshen: that's for the OnlyLRR
Fanklok: House Party is a different game about trying to get laid at a college party
NotCainNorAbel: I tried the bit the lip things once, yeah....that was strange
Mr_Horrible: gaytreon theory confirmed
lady_loxham: yessss
MacbethSeemsSus: All 12 months are Paul in the booth.
kumatsu: only if it's paired with the Serge body pillow
shendaras: It would.
Lysander_salamander: unfortunately
awildshen: would definitely sell
Astramentha: Beej WOULD
Seth_Erickson: 50 dollars; Ben kisses Adam good night
lochnessseammonster: yep
saucemaster5000: sexy calendar but only gibb
NotCainNorAbel: My SO would but a years worth
at least 1 copy
EMNetwork: what month would you two be?
KeytarCat: Just a PDA tier
bv310: I can't think of a piece of merch that would sell quicker
Aceviru: hell yeah
thatguysteve2709: Go watch signalis intro closest you get on camera
itira: helloo
Mr_Horrible: damn, chat is also funny tonight
tajessa: Calendar + body pillow value pack
Mr_Horrible: good Tuesday
Kramburger: Serge recreating the flashdance scene with coffee beans
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sexy calendar with Gibb, Bartelby, Harriet and Harry etc
hieroglyphica: Yeah I straight up started biting my lip for my boyfriend and now it's habit. I can't be saved
bv310: 11 Months of Paul in the Booth, one of Beej in a Man's Romance
salamisuperstar: And it's the same picture 12 times
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
tidehollowcat: Adam that GOT me
matthaus_c: and it's a massive speech bubble but the text is really small
Mathwyn: Paul plushie with voicebox
BartholemewTheKitten: Are you saying Paul in the booth isn't sexy?
salamisuperstar: Got me a loan for a car
tidehollowcat: Paul as Dionysus made me laugh so hard
Mr_Horrible: Marty Scorcese doing the Cinema Pose
matthaus_c: glittering gold... trinkets and baubles...
Robot_Bones: explain
Mr_Horrible: you need the key to unlock the safe at the end of the game that lets you dance with your lesbian girlfriend
squ3e: packs laden with loot are often low on supplies
hieroglyphica: I wish finding what lock a random key goes to was actually as easy as video games show
salamisuperstar: It's running on hate
Mr_Horrible: so wait is this the mill she got pulled from by the portal?
itira: another key!
Mr_Horrible: or an alternate mill at the same time?
tidehollowcat: @Mr_Horrible And collect all three keys that you can only find if you use a walkthrough?
ButterBall000: another locker!
bv310: It's so the ghosts can do their crosswords still
Mr_Horrible: @tidehollowcat well, either a walkthrough or SSTV decoding
Vonbane: join the club
matthaus_c: a hole's a hole
ButterBall000: Mister Frankly Stoned
Mr_Horrible: I suddenly relate to the ghosts
Mathwyn: Stands for Too Lazy Didn't Read
Seth_Erickson: And book lest you forget
lochnessseammonster: do you ever just think about holes?
Mr_Horrible: actual good book-to-movie adaptation Holes
EMNetwork: "Granpa I don't want to dig hole sanymore"
Seth_Erickson: It's a good movie
MacbethSeemsSus: Holes
Forlorgen: read the book
lady_loxham: they dig holes
Mr_Horrible: not incorrect
Mr_Horrible: read the book with cover art by Jon Scezka
saucemaster5000: read the novelization of castlevania and say it sucks
itira: wait what?
Seth_Erickson: What a racket they've got you in Adam
Mr_Horrible: Spotify is an extortion racket
Forlorgen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Forlorgen! (Today's storm count: 67)
itira: thats fucked
the book is great, the movie is a banger, and the best is the movie with commentary from 4 of the teen actors
Seth_Erickson: That's basically nothing
saucemaster5000: spotify audiobooks is dollar store audible
CataclysmicReverb: Sounds like it's time for a library card
NotCainNorAbel: What's another 10 hours cost?
Astramentha: WOW fuck that
Mr_Horrible: 15 hours is barely enough for YA schlock
rosesmcgee: Could... buy the audio book?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Capitalism: ruining yet more shit
ButterBall000: In terms of titles representing content, Holes is solid. Lots of holes in that movie.
Just give up
simply have a twitch channel that reads (old) books for free!
Kentosaurus: never skip leg day
Fanklok: 15 hours is fast?
ohjanji: neat!
lochnessseammonster: nice
spethycakes: almost? 3 times?
Mathwyn: Neat.
Vonbane: down the hole?
itira: yes!
matthaus_c: yes!
spethycakes: absolutely
BrindleBoar: let's go
Fanklok: I play Balatro during cardio
Aceviru: That's a lot of energy
itira: get good, duh adam duh
saucemaster5000: can't walk to heaven with that attitude
ohjanji: we'll wait
Nigouki: does looking at the top of your thighs when you sit down not enough of a reward for thousands of steps?
Mr_Horrible: if that last CN tower doesn't finish you're being an inconsiderate partner
Larkonus: That's about 5080 more than I'd do.
lady_loxham: I listen to true crime and ghost podcasts
lonestarbl: I'm here because this is less scary than the US Election
Kentosaurus: I'm playing balatro right now!
Seth_Erickson: Weirdo behavior
Kramburger: I hit 60K steps last week, was very proud
Mathwyn: Thats stupid pride though
Juliamon: !uspol
LRRbot: Please DO NOT discuss the US election here, other than sharing that you have voted. This is a safe zone for people to get away from that stress, and will be strictly enforced.
Azralorne: Ok hipsters
lamina5432: it's good bought balatro saturday
salamisuperstar: Balatro seems like a game you could lose a lot of hours in
itira: LOL
Mr_Horrible: "I don't like a fun thing" 2000's high school called, you two, and they called you a series of slurs
matthaus_c: I haven't bought Balatro because I know I'll fail my degree if I do
silenceaux: classic hipster behaviour?
HadesLeprechaun: I just can't play digital card games, something about it being purely digital but still using a physical thing to represent it just makes me wish I had real cards in hand
Texan_Reverend: @Mr_Horrible Too real.
lilbeezie259: @HadesLeprechaun I used to be the same, but some games are not playable without tech. I'll always prefer paper though
Mathwyn: House Party/Balatro/Castlevania stream when Adam?
Mr_Horrible: @Texan_Reverend look I calls em like I sees em
matthaus_c: WHOA
SnackPak_: yikes
thatguysteve2709: Ben always the most helpful lrr member. Just remember go down
lochnessseammonster: gottem
matthaus_c: I mean you're RIGHT but you don't have to SAY it
ohjanji: official academic terminology there
Mr_Horrible: "I know I just wanted to be rude" - Adam Savidan
Darleysam: or really hardly working
Mr_Horrible: history's greatest monster
spethycakes: working hardly
BusTed: remember when he played for the white sox
@HadesLeprechaun just play solitaire on your opponent's turn
patrick_stonecrusher: I hear one of the parts is hidden in UFO 50 game House Party
HadesLeprechaun: @lilbeezie259 I get that the game wouldn't work in paper, but in that case I just wish they didn't use cards, they could be taskbar actions or anything, it's not a 'card game' it doesn't have to be cards
RealGamerCow: Because he was shadow-suspended for gambling
NotCainNorAbel: NOT because he bet on games
lochnessseammonster: i loved space jam
spethycakes: if he were a REAL hero, he'd have played for the cubbies
Larkonus: How is the paper in this game so stiff?
Mr_Horrible: UFO 49 theory confirmed
matthaus_c: @Larkonus real happy to see us
Mr_Horrible: because Adam is funnier than Wheeler
niccus: you're right, i should close the stream
gualdhar: Wheeler isn't The Boshy
lilbeezie259: @HadesLeprechaun Maybe, but it draws people in by being presented as a card game. That's why I love it myself, it uses a system that I already enjoy
ghizmou: I want to see Wheeler backseating Adam playing Balatro
spethycakes: @ghizmou I second this
Mr_Horrible: holy bloodborne framerate, batman
matthaus_c: did they even QA this
RatherLargeToad: Extra chunky style
HadesLeprechaun: @lilbeezie259 yeah totally, I get it, just saying it doesn't work for me!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @matthaus_c Same animations for objects and paper
Mr_Horrible: it's perfect, and also garbage
Mr_Horrible: it's my toxic ex
Mr_Horrible: and I'll love them forever
Larkonus: [Several Bloodborne players are typing]
bv310: Yeah, Daddy Gascan is a great fight
kumatsu: I should play Bloodborne
lilbeezie259: @HadesLeprechaun You're fine! Sorry, wasn't trying to come off as argumentative. I get it, different opinions
Mr_Horrible: they're all honking their clown horns
kumatsu: Ferisar going absolutely rabid
Mr_Horrible: they're gonna remaster bloodborne but give it to Bloober Team
Vonbane: those giant pristine hands
Larkonus: It'll come out alongside the next Hollow Knight.
spethycakes: I don't play games now to save my hands for my octogenarian years
RatherLargeToad: it will come out alongside Silksong
Kramburger: I heard someone say that the real appeal of Bloodbourne is actually the levels inbetween the bosses
Robot_Bones: Nooo One Fights Like Gascoigne, Smells blood like Gascoigne, chops up hunters like Gascoigne
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Larkonus No it'll come out with Bloodborne 2
salamisuperstar: I heard they announced Bloodborne at 60 fps as a bundle with Half-Life 3
couchboyj: Aint no carpelling THESE tunnels, brother!
Fanklok: I plan on living till I die
@RatherLargeToad Same braincell.
hieroglyphica: My hands are already dead to me, I hope to save the rest
Mr_Horrible: Ferisar is the only respectable chatter. Principled until the end
Vonbane: can you go down the hole?
spethycakes: Respectable is overrated
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible that's not how you spell MilkInBags
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c Milk's french, can't stan
Mr_Horrible: contractual obligations and all
Robot_Bones: Back tracking, finding Keys, Crafting
ohjanji: ain't that just the way
@spethycakes I would rather respect myself and I'm too anxious to do that
salamisuperstar: Gotta keep your wheel clean
lilbeezie259: They didn't highlight when you passed them, so probably couldn't till you saw the problem
Larkonus: Fun fact: The game is voice activated, and Ben saying that line is what made it spawn. (/j)
thatguysteve2709: Cause you didn't know you needed it
HadesLeprechaun: collecting batteries for flashlights
Kipstar: wheel came off when the boiler was in the shower of course
@Thefluffiestguineapig I second that emotion
Kramburger: There are no respectable chatters
matthaus_c: the signalis brainrot is so fucking good tho
take it from me, streamer
saucemaster5000: ferisar is a goblin, please
YawnLance: None of us deserve any respect
Thefluffiestguineapig: This bothers me less than in other names because this place has clearly been vandalized and robbed
See, right by House Party, with the other toilets
Kramburger: None.
ButterBall000: I'm certainly not
itira: >.> whos he gonna say
Juliamon: Sarah.
Mr_Horrible: the mods, basically
Vonbane: time's up
hieroglyphica: I don't respect anyone until they've defeated me in battle
Mr_Horrible: that's about it
saucemaster5000: WDYM I'm not respectable???
CataclysmicReverb: None of us are without sin
kumatsu: I respect Hosk's commitment to the bit
salamisuperstar: When LRR members are in chat?
Juliamon: oh do NOT respect me
thatguysteve2709: I have no selfrespect
Marvoleath: !chat
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
Kramburger: The bmods are absolutely degens
tajessa: Fair call
Riandisa: Tons of respectable lurkers though, right?
Fanklok: Not even me?
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon too late
"I appreciate the work you do but I don't want to hear from you ever again"
Larkonus: @Juliamon Too late, I'm gonna respect the heck out of you. Nerd.
saucemaster5000: That's it, I'm forming the rebellion
spethycakes: !adult
LRRbot: I need a different adult!
Anubis169 BAMFs in
lochnessseammonster: hey hey hey
Kramburger: Look chat, you know what you did
fatherllymic: Why couldn't you use the same wheel twice?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I'm not respectable
Mr_Horrible: oh I *know* Adam doesn't respect me
matthaus_c: I've never done anything unhinged
saucemaster5000: All who wish to rebel type "gorm"
Juliamon: I guess you can respect Anubis
YawnLance: If you have to ask it's definitely not you
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am a degenerate
Mr_Horrible: we're like shonen rivals
kumatsu: I think the actual answer is Pharmacistjudge
lochnessseammonster: i'm a lil gremlin and proud
Anubis169: I'm just a guy
DEATHlikescats: foment foment
couchboyj: If you respect me, I have failed at my job as an untrained Internet ape.
hieroglyphica: We do tend towards chaos
ohjanji: just redefine 'respectable'
fatherllymic: Like, turn the first one off, then take the wheel with you to the second machine?
YawnLance: Me?????
Mr_Horrible: in the pocket of Big Ywan
Mr_Horrible: jesus
I don't have to ask
Fanklok: But when I say unhinged things you blame Ferisar so I'm innocent actually
saucemaster5000: I'd be mad at either answer
Kramburger: Bens morality up for sale
NotCainNorAbel: There, now you have audobook money
Mr_Horrible: same color and same character size
YawnLance: Both purple, both start with F, basically the same person
Mr_Horrible: typical Aussie response
kumatsu: of course it is, he's a streamer
Texan_Reverend: I usually keep my unhinged shit between me and my spouse.
spethycakes: @Fanklok you aren't taking ENOUGH advantage of this, IMO
itira: hahahaaa
Thefluffiestguineapig: Depends on which viewpoint
BrindleBoar: here's the thing about paid shills: they're getting paid.
Mr_Horrible: Adam I'll give you 100 USD tomorrow to say Signalis is the best game you've ever played
Thefluffiestguineapig: You have to at least pay off my car and student loans
saucemaster5000: I'd name my favorite streamer for a sandwich
Mr_Horrible: yes or no
HadesLeprechaun: today is a BIG day to be talking about paying for morality changes...
Larkonus: So how much to change your stance on milk first vs cereal first?
tajessa: Do you though?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Merline
Kramburger: It's like when you hear about a politician getting busted for taking bribes and you're kind of disappointed by how little money they took
salamisuperstar: Uh oh dogo
matthaus_c: isn't the sequel DBD
LostThePirate: You heard it here, folks, $100 and Adam will change his stance about pineapple on pizza
Fanklok: So if I send you a hundred bucks you'll publicly endorse libertarianism?
Vonbane: Merlin takes his collar off to poop
saucemaster5000: but if we PAY you to take a side
ohjanji: both at the same time
lochnessseammonster: you're allowed to be wrong
ohjanji: double pour
matthaus_c: Milk is also a based twitch chatter
Larkonus: That's just one of those things people get weirdly upset about. It's weird.
sephsays: double hand it. milk and cereal, at the same time.
BartholemewTheKitten: How much for changing your stance on rescuing the man in the jar?
Mr_Horrible: milk first you're an iconoclast for the sake of it
Mr_Horrible: 100%
kumatsu: @matthaus_c based and respectable are very different things tho
salamisuperstar: You just like splashing milk
Anubis169: was that 'Ergo' from the matrix flash cartoon?
Mr_Horrible: then you're an alchemist
Mr_Horrible: but displaced by time
LostThePirate: The only time I put the milk in first is when I've left the cereal box in my room and I've already gone to the kitchen for cereal haha
spethycakes: Fruity Pebbles & Cocoa Pebbles
RealGamerCow: froot loops and kix.
Obos_TAB: does ben have siblings?
Mr_Horrible: I've done Froot Loops and Apple Jacks
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RealGamerCow Kix and Honey nut cheerios
lilbeezie259: @spethycakes This is what prevents you from being a respectable chatter
SnackPak_: wow
JinaMahavira: how much to change your opinion on MilkInBags
tehfewl: 1 box open at a time, thats the rule
hieroglyphica: Yeah honey nut Cheerios and honey bunches of oats
SnackPak_: canceled
itira: most cereals are dog shit
spethycakes: @lilbeezie259 YES FINALLY
tajessa: Adam speaks the truth
lamina5432: i mix cereal if the one box is at the end like chereos and frosted flakes
Mr_Horrible: Adam I'm taking out a hit on you
Fanklok: Just eat the cereal out of the box and drink a glass of milk
matthaus_c: I had a shit ton of Froot Loops once as a child and it turned my poop green
BrindleBoar: the sound of four hundred torches being lit
Kentosaurus: froot loops used to be great when I was a kid. now it's not the same
korvys: Toucan Sam is coming for you
Thefluffiestguineapig: No frosted flakes because it shreds your mouth
Kramburger: For my last birthday my wife gave me a six pack of assorted travel cereals as a joke, I mixed them all in one bowl and at the lot. It tasted like sugar
Fanklok: All cereal is garbage
Obos_TAB: reeses puffs are so GROSS
Anubis169: Porridge or Crunchy Nut Cornflakes
bv310: Oreo-os for life \
Finalsora811: Based, Ben.
Mr_Horrible: oh fuck they're right
Anubis169: i like my shit not overly sweet
Makrosian_Tay: I can't start my day without cereal. It's the only morning food group to me
Scy_Anide: Froot loops got that (nasty) artificial taste.
Obos_TAB: Peanut butter should not be in milk
OuchOuchYoureOnMyHair: Unfrosted Mini Wheats
spethycakes: RIP to Cookie Crisp
Tweet_Tweet_Its_Wren: I would never let Froot Loops soak long enough and they would destroy my mouth
ButterBall000: Raisin Bran anyone?
Larkonus: There's some candy-based cereals that are fucking awful, though.
matthaus_c: Raisin Bran is goated
Riandisa: reeses puffs are one of my top favs, also a great topping for ice cream
Thefluffiestguineapig: No, wheatabix is NOT candy
lochnessseammonster: is it though?
ohjanji: i will eat cocoa puffs straight out the box like it's popcorn
patrick_stonecrusher: King Vitamin is the worst cereal. What if plain Capitan Crunch was sharper?
BrindleBoar: Raisin Bran Crunch is where it's at
Mr_Horrible: wow, you're *both* wrong. Wild
Grape Nuts
azurite_d: raisin bran is great
kumatsu: they threw raisins at him
Robot_Bones: Eat em up eat em up eat em up
matthaus_c: two scoops baby
fatherllymic: Raisin bran CRUNCH?
Obos_TAB: I just had a bowl of Quaker Oat Squares and I feel GODLIKE
mrjujubeans: it’s practically dessert lol
Fanklok: Reeses Puffs are a bad tasting lie and I would willing eat resses cups until it kills me
lilbeezie259: Adam will die on that hill XD
Anubis169: raisin bran is powerful stuff, that stuff will get you through a winter
tehfewl: Frosted Mini Wheats are Goated
RealGamerCow: raisin bran is a cereal you can eat a lot of
lochnessseammonster: too much raisin bran
HadesLeprechaun: Raisin Bran is good for about 5 minutes and then you have a bowl of mush
Mr_Horrible: we're a bit of a distraction
spethycakes: Okay hear me out: mixing Cocoa Puffs and Captain Crunch Peanut Butter Crunch is superior to the Reese's cereal
salamisuperstar: Reese's in the morning, Reese's in the evening, Reese's at supper time
Seth_Erickson: The Case of Adam Savidan: The Yapper
fatherllymic: @tehfewl truth
Daisyg1313: weetabix is the best cereal
Thefluffiestguineapig: Raisin bran was my favorite cereal in second grade because I've always been a nonsense weirdo
lochnessseammonster: all that bran leads to farting
CataclysmicReverb: Malt o meal, "Yes I want unflavored textureless warm sludge"
Anubis169: It's not bad it's different
bv310: Farting around? Is that the raisin bran kicking in?
ohjanji: @spethycakes this sounds amazing
matthaus_c: the show is different, but it was big chillin
saucemaster5000: you two sure are
Seth_Erickson: those lads are a unit
Larkonus: You two do play off of each other very well.
kumatsu: Absolute Unit (Of Bois)
tajessa: Good in a different way
ohjanji: You Knit
Vonbane: God's perfect idiots
lochnessseammonster: i'm knitting right now!
spethycakes: @ohjanji I do knit, actually
SquareDotCube: Remember, mini wheats started off not mini, and not frosted.
Mr_Horrible: I missed last week because I was watching Longlegs while a fuckass ate whoppers in the seat behind me
matthaus_c: yeah, and?
itira: yeah, totally :))
Mr_Horrible: but I have 100% confidence it was a banger stream
saucemaster5000: then what 72/36
Mr_Horrible: Good!
Mr_Horrible: I liked it a lot
There are many people stupider than you, children exist after all
Daisyg1313 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
Daisyg1313: the pro to not being able to sleep is you two nutters ❤️ 2:30am and happy
Thanks for subscribing, Daisyg1313! (Today's storm count: 68)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ohjanji Knitters unite!!!!
hieroglyphica: Yeah there's still prank channels and stuff
korvys: "How did you find it" "I went to the cinema, and there is was"
Kentosaurus: isn't that the marketing for every horror movie?
Mr_Horrible: the advertising did a good job of getting butts in seats, which is its aim
Vonbane: don't buy the hype
Obos_TAB: The Pee Pee Poo Poo Man
matthaus_c: that's part of why I haven't seen Skinamarink yet
HadesLeprechaun: It's an excellent police procedural, with a spooky bent to it
hieroglyphica: Ooooh, I didn't see any ads and it was good
saucemaster5000: I've heard it was no "Scary Movie 2"
Mr_Horrible: but it's a slow burn that's all sitting on the performances, which are great
spethycakes: I demand a Knit Club channel in the discord (half-joking)
Anubis169: Ben that's what I got with Blair Witch... and I was used to Alien 3, I watched the whole thing like "what the fuck is this??"
SquareDotCube: It's "Nic Cage being scary" scary
itsr67: oi
thatguysteve2709: That's how you get pink eye Ben
hieroglyphica: It's just an entertaining spooky film with nic Cage so I'm happy
Robot_Bones: Remember me Eddie!
ButterBall000: Ok Brooklyn Mickey
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kentosaurus No, there's also the stupidity of marketing based on a known IP or creator
tidehollowcat: I feel like those kind of movies might be terrifying to someone like me who doesn't watch horror. But their target audience will inevitably be disappointed.
evershiner subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 105 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, evershiner! (Today's storm count: 69)
Mr_Horrible: "Hey gamer, did you know you fucked up?"
patrick_stonecrusher: @matthaus_c Skinnamarink is truly hard to watch. As in it's very hard to see anything
Seth_Erickson: yep still locked
MilkInBags: suuuuuuh dudes
HadesLeprechaun: it's not horrible!
spethycakes: oh no, speak of the MilkinBags
Fanklok: Big talk for someone who decided to kill one of their characters
Lysander_salamander: There's a new one?
ohjanji: the one with Sheriff Strangerthings?
MilkInBags: no
Lysander_salamander: I didn't know they made another one
mrjujubeans: the comics are fantastic!
hieroglyphica: Lol me too
Mr_Horrible: @tidehollowcat not even. Horror aficionados I know like it a lot, but folks that are just in for a standard schlocky time are like "this is too slow"
HadesLeprechaun: it's not a big fantasy epic, it's a low budget horror film and it hits that mark very well
MilkInBags: i was watching GoT with my gf
Thefluffiestguineapig: The worst part is the makeup is so bad it looks like he can barely speak
matthaus_c: we were talking about Milk a lot
hieroglyphica: I'd watch anything
Mr_Horrible: just read the volume
Darleysam: she single?
MilkInBags: John Dragon
itira: nerrrrd
spethycakes: is she single?
Lysander_salamander: why would you do that?
Mr_Horrible: can't believe you hate your gf, Milk
Robot_Bones: Is she single?
Seth_Erickson: The Crooked Man from Wolf Among Us fame
matthaus_c: this guy sleeps in a big bed! with his girlfriend!
gibbousm: is your girlfriend single?
BusTed: I thought for sure you were going to say 'this guy's watching Game of Thrones'
saucemaster5000: believe me she's single
sephsays: is she baptised?
Lysander_salamander: I'm sorry for your loss
MilkInBags: the monkeys' cage was rattled
Thefluffiestguineapig: She baptized?
Mr_Horrible: you're at least a little responsible, yes
Larkonus: Excuse you, I was a monster before LRR entered my life.
ButterBall000: "Say the line, Bart"
SnackPak_: hell no
matthaus_c: yup
Makrosian_Tay: Fuck, I do
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup
spethycakes: I have done it and it did NOT go over well
Seth_Erickson: I have never asked someone if they're single or baptized.
Mr_Horrible: I've said "are they baptized" irl, yes
kumatsu: I do it to another friend who watches Nope
itira: not as of yet
MilkInBags: terminally online suuuuuh
thatguysteve2709: Yes I have
Lysander_salamander: I was sorely tempted once, but the moment passed
Obos_TAB: we'll know when Milk's alt shows up "MilkinJugs"
thatguysteve2709: At work
Fanklok: Pfft i did that long before Adam did
spethycakes: Don't say it to lawyers, I guess
Darleysam: yeah are they single?
MilkInBags: @Obos_TAB that's my warrior GW2 name
saucemaster5000: I hit my own mom with that, about her sister in law. She fucking lost it
Daisyg1313: my wife and I do it too each other about friends all the time 😂
matthaus_c: command grab
Spooky_Noises: a few times…
tidehollowcat: I haven't yet, but it's in my back pocket
MilkInBags: in bed?
sephsays: are the lawyers single/baptised?
Lysander_salamander: dang it, actually did a spit-take for that lawyer joke
Larkonus: How many charcoal pieces did they use to draw this?
CataclysmicReverb: Avenged Sevenfold
bv310: Reform tort me, your honour daddy
Makrosian_Tay: As a Linkin Park fan, I often like to say at work, just before I go for lunch: "Much like Linkin Park, imma bout to break!"
Seth_Erickson: no shot it's only one
ButterBall000: A log
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
far2muchsarcasm: a tree
MilkInBags: it's like when you ask, how many coffees do you drink a day, but we never ask the size
sephsays: a person-sized bit of charcoal?
MilkInBags: because size DOES matter
Sparklyopteryx: I saw Linkin park live this weekend because they played at the league of legends world final
Lysander_salamander: Isn't Frank the trapper?
Sparklyopteryx: They were: fine
MilkInBags: f u c k e d
BrindleBoar: shortcut back to the bonfire opened
Robot_Bones: Its not a loop, its a spiral
Quentoxic: I think that fucked could use a few more u's
ButterBall000: loop-diddly-oop
ghizmou: we have demonstrated a loop do you concede?
Mr_Horrible: "This place is so fucked" - me talking about twitch dot television slash sea bats
Fanklok: If you show up to Let's Nope with a big gulp full of liquor you can't get fired because it's a call back
Seth_Erickson: Dwight well known elf lad
Heefnoff: What role was Frank Stone cast in
Lysander_salamander: People actually say Mother of Pearl? I thought it was just animated fish joke
Faulpyr: The streamer has demonstrated a loop, the game must concede.
mrjujubeans: cute
gibbousm: sparky
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fanklok Unless the bottom is melted by the alcohol
Is this dead by daylight?
matthaus_c: that dick is literate
Lysander_salamander: maybe the devs were sick of the laugh when they had to play for research
Seth_Erickson: dicks are undisclosed
NotCainNorAbel: out to AO3
Seth_Erickson: as far as I'm aware
saucemaster5000: That dick is graphite enabled and ready to be sharpened
Larkonus: I'm afraid to know how much DBD fanfic there is.
Heefnoff: Well?
@saucemaster5000 Holy shit!
matthaus_c: dbd gotta have a dedicated booru
50 Bits
salamisuperstar: Ben just doesn't want to show his homepage
ohjanji: rip ben's search history
using the company wifi
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben's algorithm o&
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
spethycakes: excuse me, we call it Rule Thirtyf Sex Worker now
fatherllymic: Safe search: off
Heefnoff: Amazing time to join the stream
Lysander_salamander: It's for research
Fanklok: Not like it would be the first time we saw a weiner on this stream
MilkInBags: are you just watching dick and balls on stream
lochnessseammonster: please respond
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Heefnoff! They have given 49 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, Heefnoff! (Today's storm count: 70)
Spooky_Noises subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Spooky_Noises! (Today's storm count: 71)
ghizmou: gaze upon your darkest desires!
Heefnoff: Thank you my friend
Seth_Erickson: it's a grower for sure
niccus: imagining serving someone smut on a cellphone on a silver tray
Lysander_salamander: zoom and enhance
saucemaster5000: It's a giving to friend's kinda day heef
Heefnoff: Hell of a time to join the stream
MilkInBags: second time it's kidnapping
matthaus_c: this is entrapment
Heefnoff: Sauce you're a real one
Heefnoff: Thank you
TomatoKigu: Surprised no email has offered me a zoom and enhance yet.
YawnLance: "Step-doctor I'm stuck"
Quentoxic: I don't think they are allowed to share the sauce with you Heef
Seth_Erickson: Did you see the new Killer Ben?
Heefnoff: My liege
Seth_Erickson: It's The Dog, you play as a Dog
MilkInBags: my liege
itira: LOL
kumatsu: Ryze
ohjanji: the sacred handover
MilkInBags: rise, NOT THAT MUCH
spethycakes: TOO MUCH
was waiting for the forehead kiss
MilkInBags: well done
spethycakes: Adam fully overproved his dough there
bv310: Rise 30%, then pause
SnackPak_: 7/10
Thefluffiestguineapig: As a short person that's my entire life
Lysander_salamander: slightly foamy
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lochnessseammonster! They have given 50 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, lochnessseammonster! (Today's storm count: 72)
RealGamerCow: The timing with her coming out of that hole was perfect
Heefnoff: AHHHH
Heefnoff: THE WORMS
Heefnoff: AHHHHH
I thought that burp was from Linda for a second
thatguysteve2709: I thought it was character in game
Lysander_salamander: pants
@saucemaster5000 Thank you!
Omthebox: pants
nearly an hour and a half into gameplay- it is now Ben’s turn
saucemaster5000: I dunno
Lysander_salamander: the faces in this
Fanklok: But Uncle Jaime is gay
ButterBall000: Time Paradox
spethycakes: I love how bendable Chris's neck is
Lysander_salamander: oh right, alternate universes. That means no consequences
Heefnoff: No one with that haircut is living through this whole game
Lysander_salamander: Anyone can die and it won't matte
Mr_Horrible: "hachi machi!"
Tangsm: Stan, there's a perfectly safe hole in the middle of the room
Mr_Horrible: "why?" "fuck you that's why"
ohjanji: the bun is done
Heefnoff: He's gonna run under a low-hanging beam and get the bun stuck on a nail, that's ggs.
MilkInBags: get in the blender, shinji
bv310: Yeah, Adam died like four years ago when he had his
saucemaster5000: Let's "the fly" her!
itira: Stan please
spethycakes: Send ManBun first
Lysander_salamander: Stan, what the hell
VrolikSyndrome: That fucking stance.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Stan you're just escaping
Larkonus: God let this please be the session where we kill Stan.
BrindleBoar: Stan you loser
matthaus_c: CRIPES
Heefnoff: Thanks for the help Stan
Lysander_salamander: This is so dumb
Mr_Horrible: "nice" manbun you fuckin idiot haha! *he turns around, revealing he is a samurai from the tokugawa shogunate* oh fu-
Blip2004: slowly becoming a 3 stooges skit
MilkInBags: wrong mocap session was loaded
ohjanji: what is a cripe
MacbethSeemsSus: Why is he standing in the buzz lightyear pose.
VrolikSyndrome: A thin pancake
NotCainNorAbel: just use the lever you broke
Fanklok: Halloween is over so it's allure is lost
Heefnoff: GET IN????
Mr_Horrible: that's generally true
Heefnoff: HELLO????
Thefluffiestguineapig: dude help her
spethycakes: @ohjanji the level between "crispy" and "ripe"
NotCainNorAbel: Then this game is amazing
itira: too late
Lysander_salamander: yes, get in the torment nexus
MilkInBags: magic
Makrosian_Tay: Their worst
Heefnoff: Oh they just fuckin around
bv310: Send Stan first to make sure it's safe
MilkInBags: planeswalking
matthaus_c: pierce the ghost sphincter
ohjanji: @spethycakes ahh yes of course
BrindleBoar: yeah I would not get back in the clawed sarcophagus, personally
Mr_Horrible: @Heefnoff you're telling me you wouldn't get in the evil hole-ussy
goombalax: Stan's such a poser
BrindleBoar: fuck it even calls it a sarcophagus
Heefnoff: NOT LIKE THAT NO @Mr_Horrible
Lysander_salamander: Send more teenagers...
matthaus_c: Abi-GAIL
MilkInBags: abigail VROOM VROOM
spethycakes: a-bi-GAIL
BusTed: 🛞
ohjanji: epic
MilkInBags: all the sf5 unknowers
Heefnoff: They should put R-Mika in this game
tehfewl: some people are into eggplant mommies
Heefnoff: Nadeshko would solve this in 2 seconds
Lysander_salamander: Is Abigail going to be a killer in dbd? Is this a long advertizement for that?
Tangsm: He went to pieces without you
Mr_Horrible: Wilds on PC was a crapshoot horrorshow
Now question is…did we get sent back to the same universe?
MacbethSeemsSus: He's fine
Omthebox: pants
Heefnoff: pants
BrowneePointz: I played it on ps5
spethycakes: Chris: Pants
Larkonus: 'Tis just a flesh wound!
Thefluffiestguineapig: He's dismembered
Darleysam: Pants.
Mr_Horrible: but the origami frog was funny as fuck
thatguysteve2709: Body confirmed
Heefnoff: Shoutouts to the GOAT Chris Pants
BrowneePointz: oh the texture bug
Mr_Horrible: I know it's "on-brand" for me but the cutscenes giving NPCs Signalis legs made me laugh out loud
Seth_Erickson: I've learned that Dracula from DBD has a dog form
Mr_Horrible: Babies leave
Heefnoff: I miss my Insect Glaive jumps
Mr_Horrible: go back to your arcade game
Fanklok: What's this about getting raised by a big monster?
Heefnoff: ADAM GETS IT
Fanklok: Railed
Heefnoff: I wanna play MAGNETO
Mr_Horrible: no, IG got killed
VrolikSyndrome: We have schmovement.
goombalax: dual blades is for you
spethycakes: I think we should just play Junimo Kart
ohjanji: insect glaive is OP
Kramburger: Insect glaive here, never needed the wirebugs
VrolikSyndrome: Dodge left, dodge right.
can't wait to fight the same monster from 2 games ago
BrowneePointz: no ig got shot
ohjanji: @Kramburger just fly across the whole map hahaha
saucemaster5000: I regret giving a sub to the marvel 3 sicko
Heefnoff: The Rathalos crashes down and I hit em with the "Learn now why they call me the Master of Magnetism"
MilkInBags: that bait has 100% hit chance
MilkInBags: reel it in
Heefnoff: Me unironically
BrowneePointz: all your damage from ig comes from being grounded and it feels suuuuuuper clunky
itsr67: LMFAO
Kramburger: @ohjanji Insect goes brrrrrrrr
ohjanji: DARGON
saucemaster5000: we gottem milk
Lysander_salamander: heck yeah
MilkInBags: NFL 2018? now it's NFL 2019!
Seth_Erickson: Milk looking forward to building the same building in Factorio for the billionth time.
Mr_Horrible: Ben against the idea of "classics"
Kramburger: We like things we remember!
Mr_Horrible: Milk like "can't wait to play Holland again in CK3"
Heefnoff: They're gonna add Khezu (circumsized) to this game trust
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kramburger I like the thing!!!! I know the thing!!!!!!!
Kramburger: Heef wtf
matthaus_c: don't cut Khezu
spethycakes: @Heefnoff is he baptized?
Mr_Horrible: he's low-key spitting
VrolikSyndrome: Correct
Mr_Horrible: except when Rathalos won't come down
saucemaster5000: when is pikachu coming to monster hunter
Mr_Horrible: YES
Mr_Horrible: Khezu cutiepie
BrowneePointz: we might be getting Monoblos back
Lysander_salamander: are there wigglers?
JosephDeath: Khezu is bad and you should feel bad lol
Fanklok: Writhing? The black dragon?
Mr_Horrible: I wanted to be a hater but Rey Dau is cool as fuck
BrindleBoar: the lightning dragon was p. cool
MilkInBags: is Wild the one with the hot cook
Heefnoff: Yeah that electric wyvern thing was sick
I wish the beta didn't crash on me so much. I was starting to try a new weapon.
BrowneePointz: Chatacabra, Doshaguma, Rey Dau
VrolikSyndrome: Rey Dau is siiiiick.
Seth_Erickson: the blood rose spider is cool, that's about all I remember from the Wilds marketing
Fanklok: Why is auto correct so on my dick tonight
Mr_Horrible: the worm guys are *kinda* wigglers
MilkInBags: @Fanklok didn't you mean duck
itira: LOL
Heefnoff: (But also thank you good to know the names)
ohjanji: would have been hilarious if it had said "duck"
VrolikSyndrome: Oh so that stuttering isn't on my end?
MilkInBags: oooo auto correct please stop :3
Heefnoff: Well well well if it isn't autocorrect
Thefluffiestguineapig: Apparently there's some kind of audio fiction podcast tie in to Dragon Age lore stuff which is supposed to be good
Kramburger: I played the last MH while trying to settle an infant so I don't remember anything from it
Mr_Horrible: @VrolikSyndrome no
BusTed: jiminy crickets!
MilkInBags: great game
Heefnoff: Nice
VrolikSyndrome: ???????
Mr_Horrible: "optimized"
MilkInBags: making games is hard
Heefnoff: You should do that during a chase scene
ohjanji: slideshow!
Mr_Horrible: it's the spirit of the Until Dawn remaster invading the game
Larkonus: I'm super curious why that's happening.
I'll end you both
itira: bing bang boom
MilkInBags: alright I'll wait for your homework next friday
Vonbane: OK Ubisoft
saucemaster5000: please I could design chess 2 drunk and picking my nose
NotCainNorAbel: raise money, AI code, ship
Robot_Bones: and that's how you get watch+play
BrowneePointz: making games is the new phrase for dropping a deuce
Thefluffiestguineapig: Just an FYI this stuttering can make it hard to do the minigames past thing point
spethycakes: I personally have published over 5000 games
Mr_Horrible: "new"
MilkInBags: i have opinions
JosephDeath: Ragnarok is good
dumbo3k: bOY!
Mr_Horrible: Adam talking about a game from 3 years ago
Heefnoff: @JosephDeath Asgardians be like
BrowneePointz: dads of boy are real good
betweenmyself: I imagine being able to drop the game down to 5fps at will must factor into whatever speedrun strats will eventually be developed for this game
Seth_Erickson: who would have guessed the inferior milk product has opinions
saucemaster5000: @MilkInBags I think we might be in the same camp on this one.... I miss old god of war
itsr67: I would play GoW 1 if there was an easy way to get a hold of a copy
HadesLeprechaun: I wish new GoW didn't have like, resource collecting and crafting, besides that it's incredible
Mr_Horrible: the hair in Veilguard looks incredible
bv310: Good news, there's at least one sword in there
MilkInBags: the new PS4 god of war has nothing in common but the name, the gameplay and story has nothing to do and I'm sad we lost the old god of wars, but heh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @itsr67 Also getting a hold of a PS2, right? Or was that GoW 2?
BartholemewTheKitten: Brave of Ben to assume that anyone truly gets through Desert Bus
MacbethSeemsSus: It has been a decade
MilkInBags: nah
Makrosian_Tay: @MilkInBags That's not entirely true
Vonbane: do we get to smelt?
itsr67: @Thefluffiestguineapig I at least have part 1 of that equation
VrolikSyndrome: "Nothing", Milk? Kratos is RIGHT there.
EvilBadman: @milkinbags lol if you think the new God of war games don't deal with old plot
saucemaster5000: did dragon age solve the problem of not being worth my time?
itsr67: jesus?
Mr_Horrible: @BartholemewTheKitten he'll leave a piece of himself behind, but the gestalt will emerge on the other side
Seth_Erickson: Here's my question Milk where were they supposed to go with the story of the God of War from before
MilkInBags: it's mainly the gameplay that makes me sad, I loved the previous ones
niccus: when is kratos going to kill the one god that matters
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 probably not tbh
Mr_Horrible: it's fine
matthaus_c: GoW by way of Blasphemous
BartholemewTheKitten: @Mr_Horrible I assume the part just stays driving the bus
MilkInBags: hell yeah
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c God of Spain?
spethycakes: make sure you keep enough pieces of silver on hand
MilkInBags: walk on water now, jesus *drowns him*
ButButTheJesus: but but
saucemaster5000: Have you heard of the original Gladiator 2 script called "jesus killer?"
ohjanji: double-crossed!
Mr_Horrible: @BartholemewTheKitten if you look very hard you can see the trapped souls in the rear-view on buscam
VrolikSyndrome: whack
Darleysam: you know, I always felt sorry for Judas. Dude was an integral part for the whole story to work.
BrowneePointz: I’m glad it’s nothing like the old games. the old gow games were very dudebro edgy and had so much violence aimed directly at women
itsr67: I do like the idea of kratos trying to drown jesus but his head slams down on the water like concrete
lady_loxham: there is an open world game coming out where you play through the Old Testament
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 that's just Prometheus
MilkInBags: but i mean if people like the new stuff, all good! they can't keep doing the exact same thing forever i guess
dumbo3k: Ah, you found the Lag button! It's a new feature we are trying out!
BrindleBoar: "one of you will betray me" and it pans to Judas (who is actually Kratos in a wig)
Seth_Erickson: that's the prequel sequel
EvilBadman: @browneepointz Precisely
Kramburger: The new testament doesn't have any of the fun combat
matthaus_c: new testament is for cowards who thought the Flood was uncalled for
adam you're playing the old testament TTRPG, did you hear about Cain?
saucemaster5000: There was a real script -- Gladiator 2 originally was pitched as jesus dying the wrong way and leading to Maximus traveling through time to fight in many wars
lochnessseammonster: that was your first mistake
Kramburger: CHECK THE TAPE
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz I still think 1 leaned well into the traditional Greek tragedy archetype, but the subsequent ones definitely were like "well this is our niche now"
jamesinor: Thank god, I needed my weekly dose of spooky lads tonight
Bonnie Sobs? Is that her full name?
Mr_Horrible: her brother got bifurcated dude
Fanklok: It's arguably not okay
jessieimproved: Bonnie is going hard on The Pretenders
Lysander_salamander: How did she know?
BrowneePointz: she saw the body
BusTed: "nah I'd win"
jamesinor: I think escaping at this point might be a half measure for her brother
Mr_Horrible: Frank "Door Locker" Stone begs to differ, Adam
Juliamon: They've all seen the body now
dumbo3k: @jamesinor I dunno, that one kinda felt like you are going out on a limb
MilkInBags: mid movie
MilkInBags: (bait)
jamesinor: @dumbo3k Didn't have the guts for a better pun?
itira: Adam D:
Lysander_salamander: nice
Seth_Erickson: did that say goosing the snoose?
saucemaster5000: SNIFFA????
ButButTheJesus: EW
saucemaster5000: uh oh sniffies
lilbeezie259: @jamesinor Spill the beans, you've got a better one than that
Mr_Horrible: neither of you are allowed on 7tv anymore
VrolikSyndrome: 👃
BrowneePointz: Sock Tuah, put your feet on that thang
Seth_Erickson: how would you even know what that's like lad
bv310: Stan buddy, how are you still kicking
BrowneePointz: I’m ashamed at myself
itsr67: CAUGHT
matthaus_c: is this a british thing
Lysander_salamander: what's with the way their head waggles?
Seth_Erickson: is it like Vimeo
saucemaster5000: the seventh tv in their house
with good reason brownee
Mr_Horrible: it's incredibly funny that *I'm* saying this
matthaus_c: @BrowneePointz I am so proud of you
sephsays: one more than six tv
RatherLargeToad: it’s one more than six TV
spethycakes: in this economy?
Lysander_salamander: Did the director tell the mocap actors to jiggle more?
EvilBadman: The Siete
thatguysteve2709: Ben how could you let one of your characters die before Stan
jamesinor: @lilbeezie259 Well, it could be worse. She could have been ev-sister-ated
MilkInBags: the ghost is in the controller when you press A
Seth_Erickson: I want more Frank yeah
Mr_Horrible: it seems like it's trying too hard to Establish Stuff
Vonbane: less thinky, more scary
matthaus_c: Frank killed one Survivor then AFK'd
MilkInBags: spam this 🍆 for more frank
saucemaster5000: thinky stinky twinkies winky
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c oh god it IS dbd
couchboyj: Last time the ghosts showed up your character count got cut in half in more ways than one
Seth_Erickson: Frank "Door Locker" Stone strikes again
MacbethSeemsSus: No camera in this timeline so you're safe until it shows up.
EvilBadman: This is the Casting of Frank. You're looking for the Being of Frank
MilkInBags: inputs are hard to do
itsr67: the comeback
saucemaster5000: because if you cum you lose your soul
Seth_Erickson: something something purity
spethycakes: grouse, like the bird
Makrosian_Tay: Actually disgusting, Stan
itira: groose
Mr_Horrible: because fucking used to be considered immoral, Ben
ohjanji: from skyward sword?
BrindleBoar: she said GROOT
dumbo3k: Kill Stan
KeytarCat: Fuck right off stan
MilkInBags: she's albertan, get her ass
Darleysam: PARNETS
Kramburger: Stan, now is neither the time nor the place
lilbeezie259: @jamesinor *admits de-feet*
BrowneePointz: Adam from Skyward Sword?
matthaus_c: BAITED
bv310: Stan, how have you not seen enough slashers to know this won't work
Mr_Horrible: she's a Skyward Sword enjoyer
lamina5432: i heard gruss
HadesLeprechaun: according to What We Do in the Shadows: I just think you'd enjoy your sandwich more if you knew nobody had f***ed it
BartholemewTheKitten: That may not be the time to hit on someone, my dude
Mr_Horrible: wow, cucked
BrindleBoar: oofa
YawnLance: You thought it was Warhammer but instead it's Kpop
Seth_Erickson: I can't remember this killer's name
Darleysam: ah this is Musicbox from DbD
jamesinor: @lilbeezie259 You gotta hand it to me?
fatherllymic: Hey Trickster
EvilBadman: What a save! What a save! What a save!
matthaus_c: Adam continues with the 33%
VrolikSyndrome: *psst* what the fuck are the on about
KeytarCat: Oh right, the Trickster with the knives
spethycakes: @YawnLance light it up like dynamite
Kramburger: He's a K-pop star, right?
BrowneePointz: it looks like Zoro
CataclysmicReverb: Nah that's a Jojo
Seth_Erickson: It reminds me of the characters from Gall-e Law
Juliamon: it does kinda look like Zoro yeah
thatguysteve2709: It's trickster
saucemaster5000: Is is! that's Farnblow, the straw hats fuckboi
BrowneePointz: watch the One Piece Live Action dorks
Mr_Horrible: Toronto Won't-ple Leafs
ohjanji: Talis Mans
spethycakes: but what about the taliswomans?
lilbeezie259: @jamesinor Keep your head on, I'm not gonna hand you victory that easily
azurite_d: jojo posing
Mr_Horrible: the k-pop guy
Seth_Erickson: But yeah it's the trickster I couldn't remember their name
Kramburger: Jesus Ben, I don't even play DBD and I knew that
silenceaux: Come mr talisman, tally my bananas
ButterBall000: Jaaaaaackieeeeee They have the talismans!
Kramburger: Erryone
MilkInBags: even John Dark Souls?
Larkonus: Yeah, I'm hoping we change that almost for next time, Stan.
Mr_Horrible: K-pop dude who said "we live in a society"
matthaus_c: and yet you participate in society
KeytarCat: Just gave the potential safety talisman to the fuckboi
Seth_Erickson: LMAo
Fanklok: By killing the rest he becomes the king of k pop
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c you say that but I haven't talked to anyone today
Lysander_salamander: oof
thatguysteve2709: Record keep safe by the trickster
MilkInBags: bOrInG aMiRiTe
jamesinor: @lilbeezie259 Ah, then you need a proper ribbing
Mr_Horrible: history of lowe's?
Mr_Horrible: like the department store?
Omthebox: 2/3s way in
saucemaster5000: I read the bookends
Mr_Horrible: for cinema, Adam
@Mr_Horrible I talked to a pharmacist but that's it
itira: to find the key duh
ohjanji: yeah that's weird
hyperialguard: Loooooove keys
bv310: Because that's how you get the key
Lysander_salamander: ok sure
VrolikSyndrome: Horror game
Seth_Erickson: that's because you're unaccustomed to reading the correct way Adam
dumbo3k: Well, in this universe, the first 100 pages are all glued together
Mr_Horrible: Martin Scorcese putting Adam on his list
matthaus_c: cinemasins ding
lilbeezie259: @jamesinor Racking up all the points here, aren't we?
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to hyperialguard! They have given 51 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, hyperialguard! (Today's storm count: 73)
Lysander_salamander: neat
KeytarCat: What a tool tip
hyperialguard: @saucemaster5000 Thanks for the gift sub!
RealGamerCow: That's a lot of info to get from that key
I appreciate it
matthaus_c: this is not kpop!
jamesinor: @lilbeezie259 Well I can't go around being a rigor bore-tis
thatguysteve2709: Now play kpop
Mr_Horrible: blood sacrifices made to an elder god will open up a pathway to waltzing with your wife in the wreckage of your spaceship
Vonbane: he had to poop
itira: maybe he has to poop
CataclysmicReverb: It's called speed reading, Books Done Quick used to be really popular ten years ago
MilkInBags: why not
kumatsu: oh yeah I completely forgot this game was a DBD spinoff
MilkInBags: wifi
saucemaster5000: @hyperialguard I'm feeling grumpy for NO REASON tonight, just throwing stuff at folks I know
Jadaris: cause he was poopin
matthaus_c: wi-fi
Seth_Erickson: got cables running through the dresser
lilbeezie259: @jamesinor This entire conversation just tickles my funny bone XD
shendaras: bluetooth
Lysander_salamander: what's with all the ai art?
bv310: Bluetooth, like an escape room
MilkInBags: the access to the bathroom
spethycakes: music box didn't play BTS? I demand a refund on this game
hyperialguard: @saucemaster5000 o7
MacbethSeemsSus: How long would you have that installed before just leaving the secret passage open.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or the mechanism is embeded in the dresser?
dougma: there are no music pips on that spool, and it bothers me
Mr_Horrible: @kumatsu it's been very strange how much LORE they're establishing that isn't seemingly attached to DBD mechanics
Seth_Erickson: I was just confused by Dracula having a Dog Form Ben
Darleysam: John Wick
Mr_Horrible: the new killer is me
ohjanji: does someone develop photos in this hallway or
hyperialguard: The Cleaner? Damn
Darleysam: I lied, sorry
Tangsm: You can't be surprised by a secret passage after discovering a giant time machine
MacbethSeemsSus: Baba Yaga?
matthaus_c: tfw you tell a lie you think is a good joke but it's actually just a sick idea
hyperialguard: *points gun hand*
couchboyj: TF2 Sniper. Sniper's a good job, mate.
Mr_Horrible: never apologize for lying to streamers
Kramburger: Okata is a minigame boss in Yakuza six
Mr_Horrible: they deserve it
bv310: Kenny Omega dropping One-Winged Angels on all the survivors
MilkInBags: is this a reference to popular song 'One of Us is the Killer' by famous band The Dillinger Escape Plan?
Omthebox: Who would lie on the internet
nicolebarbaraann: Checking back in - did you win?
Kramburger: It's not impossible is all I'm saying
iconicshadow89: It’s gotta be Kane
Larkonus: Feedin' people to The Entity's a good job, mate.
BrindleBoar: TF2 characters would be hilarious
spethycakes: don't throw stones
spethycakes: (Frank Stones)
BartholemewTheKitten: What's in the box? You
Mr_Horrible: don't throw stones
MilkInBags: ⚠️ Don't throw stones ⚠️
silenceaux: A solarium with zero plants
MilkInBags: hell yeah mr horrible
saucemaster5000: No nicole's spitting, why haven't you won?
Mr_Horrible: @nicolebarbaraann no, because they're bad gamers
bv310: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a little bit of squid love
nicolebarbaraann: Hey shuddup
Kramburger: A game with NO story
VrolikSyndrome: At least those games FUNCTION.
kumatsu: Time to go play Final Fantasy with Nicole
NotCainNorAbel: Ben sleeping at the moonbase
Greendrag13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
Greendrag13: Can't believe y'all are casting Stones at Frank!
Thanks for subscribing, Greendrag13! (Today's storm count: 74)
Lysander_salamander: what
Seth_Erickson: AMOGUS
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags great minds think alike, provisionally
itira: impasta!
Lysander_salamander: "imposter?"
matthaus_c: I saw Sam vent to medbay
ButButTheJesus: @nicolebarbaraann only Adam is winning. Also FF rules
BartholemewTheKitten: Quick, eject him
bv310: Emergency Meeting!
nicolebarbaraann: Yeah ben I hope they have extra blankets at the moonbase
I_Am_Clockwork: wait, is this actually sam's kid?
ohjanji: sam was pretending to do the tasks
Larkonus: How has Augustine not stepped out and asked what the fuck they're doing?
itsr67: ඞ
Thefluffiestguineapig: @I_Am_Clockwork Nope
itsr67: amogus
kumatsu: I miss Mungus
Fanklok: There's also a big modding scene
spethycakes: Even if Sam is the impostor, can we vent Stan already?
Mr_Horrible: damn, Adam made Madison stupid
saucemaster5000: @itsr67 soon
Lysander_salamander: you summon a little girl from the torment nexus, and now you're skeptical?
i cannot with this man
Seth_Erickson: Stan is an idiot
MilkInBags: stan is 100% an alien in a human suit
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MilkInBags An investment banker then?
ohjanji: his hair constricts blood flow to his brain
Omthebox: Ovens are just bigger space heaters
I_Am_Clockwork: I use both my oven AND my air frier
couchboyj: Out of the Bieber into the Man Bun
Fanklok: An air fryer is a tiny oven
nicolebarbaraann: Lets nope the musical
thatguysteve2709: In every room has been a fire place just burn it
MilkInBags: James, what did you do
Mr_Horrible: how the fuck you get it out of a sealed tin
Thefluffiestguineapig: She palmed them all
Mr_Horrible: kill him
Seth_Erickson: augustine "quick hands" they call her
MilkInBags: you fucking meloN!
Thefluffiestguineapig: ADAM
matthaus_c: lmao
matthaus_c: good save
Lysander_salamander: this is so silly
Thefluffiestguineapig: The one time you could choose the jerk option
tajessa: Stanthony
FitalShell subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months, currently on a 64 month streak!
FitalShell: bingus
Thanks for subscribing, FitalShell! (Today's storm count: 75)
matthaus_c: always be kind to Stan
MacbethSeemsSus: Pacing
MilkInBags: to make a DLC and sequel
KeytarCat: Time for a SWF!
bv310: Stanimal the Manimal, that was a stupid play even by your standards
BrindleBoar: get some popcorn
Mr_Horrible: Augustine's farming them for points
NotCainNorAbel: Adma's turn!
ohjanji: nice try
ohjanji: LMAO
Lysander_salamander: dang my internet's choppy today
Seth_Erickson: actually spooky time
matthaus_c: apparently Chris isn't part of that tree either lmao
Mr_Horrible: that's not what a decision tree is [malding]
BrindleBoar: for the good of the forest
nicolebarbaraann: Ben did you let your people die
Seth_Erickson: Frank Stone 👀
Mr_Horrible: @nicolebarbaraann "let" is a strong word
spethycakes: As usual, "blame twitch chat"
Thefluffiestguineapig: !chat
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
MilkInBags: yes and?
ohjanji: don't look at us we're shy
thatguysteve2709: Ohhh kill him
niccus: really speaks about the role of the audience
BrindleBoar: I'm shocked he did it at all
Seth_Erickson: I love Frank Stone's design
Omthebox: Ben's just missing all the quick time events.
Kentosaurus: hook time
Mr_Horrible: Linda stop filming
nicolebarbaraann: Ok so Adam killed bens characters got it
Seth_Erickson: she's not even struggling man
Kentosaurus: and she has a kid
rosesmcgee: So unrealistic
Seth_Erickson: she just gave up toxic survivior
Lysander_salamander: huh
MacbethSeemsSus: She's fine
ButterBall000: Is this another gays must die run?
7gorobei: does madison start fading away now?
silenceaux: Madison just fades into dust
sephsays: I mean normal people die if they have a rusty hook shoved through their lung
KeytarCat: She tried to get off on second hook 😭
Mr_Horrible: Stan is a fucking MCU character
bv310: FINALLY
Omthebox: Somebody got teh door bar upgrade
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bonnie was the only good one
Lysander_salamander: yay
Mr_Horrible: incredible
NotCainNorAbel: is Ben in this game?
Seth_Erickson: The decision tree!
MilkInBags: huuuuuuh
BrindleBoar: back in it
MilkInBags: HANDS UP
Lysander_salamander: no
Mr_Horrible: that's for Orange Twitch, Ben
saucemaster5000: shoulda given him the wrong controller
itira: oh dear
MilkInBags: remove sys32
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Makrosian_Tay: CLIP IT
MilkInBags: ok
Seth_Erickson: Alright man
VrolikSyndrome: Like in peggle
rosesmcgee: You will afterward
hieroglyphica: WHAT
BrindleBoar: local ass data
NotCainNorAbel: now that is a statemnet
VrolikSyndrome: love that game
matthaus_c: gotta stimulate that prostate
30teracyte: huh
Thefluffiestguineapig: lul
Mr_Horrible: damn, he's based
salamisuperstar: WELP
nicolebarbaraann: Omg
itsr67: whipped my neck so fast
varmintx0: jesus christ
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHERE DID THAT COME FROM
hyperialguard: Good to have an open..........mind
itsr67: gonna charge you for whiplash
Juliamon: I think we found the reel opener
tajessa: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
matthaus_c: press the meow button
Astramentha: Adam this is a Wendys
MilkInBags: reel it in
Vonbane: what's the one the Mormons do?
Larkonus: My click has been baited!
ButButTheJesus: I learn so much here
lochnessseammonster: behind
thatguysteve2709: Strong statements just being thrown around
Seth_Erickson: a curious mind @Thefluffiestguineapig
bv310: Alright highlight reel, time for the best non-sequitur of the week
MilkInBags: BASED
itira: *stunned*
saucemaster5000: THe real pegged were the ones who engaged
NotCainNorAbel: going to clip that for personal use
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig the prostate, typically
Larkonus: @Vonbane Soaking?
salamisuperstar: Usually comes from behind
BrindleBoar: yeah, we know where it's going, just clean it first
VrolikSyndrome: I think you'd be coming from somewhere.
Tweet_Tweet_Its_Wren: ummm
Vonbane: @Larkonus yep that's it
itsr67: LMFAOOOO
holy shit
ohjanji: 🤔
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible No that's where it goes, if it is coming from the prostate see your doctor. Dildo from prostate is not good
saucemaster5000: hahaha that would be funy but what if....
matthaus_c: almost like you're a professional funny guy
Lysander_salamander: wow he drives a stick-shift
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig well I mean the coming is coming from the prostate
Kentosaurus: Daddy's gotta go to work
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would pay money to watch Jordynne sorting clips and finding that
Omthebox: Those dang kids unleashed an eldrich horror again
VrolikSyndrome: Blast after getting pegged?
spethycakes: and a prostate
he's unstoppable
MilkInBags: everyone's unhinged today
MilkInBags: i like it
thatguysteve2709: @thefluffiestguineapig I would as well
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ugh, apparently I waited too long to clip and it won't let me scroll back that far NOOOOOOOO
bv310: "I never liked my son anyway"
Mr_Horrible: Robert: horror streaming service's
MilkInBags: what about B
lady_loxham: Adam would be a better dad than Sam
MilkInBags: or X
ohjanji: no more slideshow
it's definitely just moved to a different key
Mr_Horrible: damn, you two coulda beat Martyr Logarius if you hadn't reset the game
VrolikSyndrome: Low bar.
spethycakes: @lady_loxham step-dad
NotCainNorAbel: A Button now broken
matthaus_c: good fathers are open to pegging
Tangsm: But what if your son were James?
spethycakes: Adam, would you take James into the Murder Mill?
nicolebarbaraann: Gus just jumped in the popcorn bowl
Thefluffiestguineapig: The limits on scrolling back for clips are so harsh now
itira: oh
VrolikSyndrome: What if he was your stepson?
saucemaster5000: @nicolebarbaraann too tempting, can't blame them
NotCainNorAbel: please explain
MilkInBags: murder, yeah
Mr_Horrible: don't cum while in the murder mill, it's bad form
lochnessseammonster: the little death mill
Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig you can clip from the vod though!
Lysander_salamander: it has heat vision?
Mr_Horrible: Linda: Screams
MilkInBags: is this the Magic the Gathering camera
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Oh thank goodness, I have the timestamp so I can get that
Mr_Horrible: normally I wonder how the time passes so fast, but tonight I'm wondering how it's only 7:20
Thefluffiestguineapig: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:19:27.
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible nice
dumbo3k: !updog
The stream has been live for 16:19:08.
@Mr_Horrible \
Mr_Horrible: been a jam-packed LN tonight
matthaus_c: Lazy Town character ass run
Mr_Horrible: more like Frank Groan
saucemaster5000: that is the "ooh, free pretzel day?" run
Mr_Horrible: get off the fucking stage
MilkInBags: is this harvey weinstein's movie ghost
CataclysmicReverb: Miniatures? Time for some MechWarrior: Dark Age?!?!
bv310: Wowzers!
Mr_Horrible: Spirit got that cake
Seth_Erickson: Love the Oni
VrolikSyndrome: She has glass sticking out of her skin. No cuddles.
Seth_Erickson: best killer
Mr_Horrible: wait are they canonically related?
VrolikSyndrome: Well... careful cuddles.
Vonbane: james's mom does
matthaus_c: James' mother sure does
salamisuperstar: Just ask James
MilkInBags: adam is 5 days in
Thefluffiestguineapig: She looks like that because it's made of a Barbie
Astramentha: adam
saucemaster5000: my mom asked recently "is that alan guy still making videos?"
Lysander_salamander: I think twitch-chat is getting too strict
parents liking me is half the reason i got my new SO
NotCainNorAbel: James is in bed by now
Mr_Horrible: [James_LRR]: HUH?
Lysander_salamander: it just went 'nope' when I complimented Oni
Mr_Horrible: @lochnessseammonster parents got good taste ngl
korvys: Alan Wake?
bv310: Alan and that other fellow Grant Starm
Fanklok: James has to be up.for his 8:34 teeth time
Fanklok: Tee
Juliamon: teeth time
teeth time
nicolebarbaraann: Teeth times!
Mr_Horrible: "Are you okay?" *Buster Wolfs her*
itira: LOL
matthaus_c: good joke
MilkInBags: my joke!
Jennie_Fuchsia: “how is project desert hope?”
MilkInBags: 10% royalties
Omthebox: Said it louder
saucemaster5000: I'm voting for milk
itira: show em how fast you can type milk
Mr_Horrible: stealing from the French is a moral good
matthaus_c: he WAS the baby
MilkInBags: thanks sauce
Lysander_salamander: what do you mean finally?
Mr_Horrible: axiomatically correct
Mr_Horrible: girl that sounds like my ideal Friday night
Mr_Horrible: quit your complainin
Lysander_salamander: what's with these rapid changes of expression with these characters
BluTGI: Chris is the WORST
VrolikSyndrome: And she was never heard from again.
MacbethSeemsSus: Have you tried an interdimensional gateway to escape through?
questionablchoices: SMILES
matthaus_c: this game is somehow incredibly slow but the scenes feel like they burn past
saucemaster5000: I could design this game in an hr
NotCainNorAbel: going to tape her on the couch?
MilkInBags: it's a coal camera
Mr_Horrible: the mocap is sometimes kinda spotty, and there's a LOT of physical motion to make up for the lack of authentic acting
Thefluffiestguineapig: sometimes they swap mocap tracks partway through a conversation it seems
Mr_Horrible: Pills here
Vonbane: come get some
Diabore: our camera has subsistence
Omthebox: Got a full bar because you leveled up
NotCainNorAbel: RODGER
Seth_Erickson: Sam really taking Frank Stone camera nonsense in stride
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NotCainNorAbel CHRIS
lochnessseammonster: i'm coming i'm coming i'm com
MilkInBags: #Pyrokinesis
bv310: @Thefluffiestguineapig ROGER
BluTGI: How did the super 8s handle audio?
MilkInBags: #AegisReflector
BrindleBoar: jebox'd
Mr_Horrible: opened music box, didn't even get the space lesbian ending. Can't believe it
Seth_Erickson: bing bong
Lysander_salamander: Jonathan!
Seth_Erickson: bing bong bing bong
tehfewl: Charlotte
MilkInBags: you're hot
MilkInBags: wait
lochnessseammonster: true
matthaus_c: which of us are cool
ohjanji: these are the rules
Lysander_salamander: yay
Thefluffiestguineapig: @matthaus_c None probably
matthaus_c: wtf you can't do this to us
MilkInBags: oh no we stopped being cool, thanks adam.............
itira: thanks pal
Makrosian_Tay: Yaaaayy
saucemaster5000: nobody's cool who daoesn't wear aviators
aww shucks
spethycakes: I'm going to choose to interpret that as genuine & earnest
korvys: the fuck you say about me?
Scy_Anide: You think I be a cute but really I', obtuse.
patrick_stonecrusher: China still cool
Omthebox: Gameplay
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 sauce unexpectedly on the "rightwingers in their trucks airing grievances" train
nicolebarbaraann: Rip
silenceaux: Luigi's mansion-looking fishing line
ohjanji: this seems fine
Mr_Horrible: honestly true
spethycakes: sometimes not funny in the way we THINK we are, but it still counts
MilkInBags: is this a DBZ episode
bv310: This is a super long kill animation
Mr_Horrible: wind that tape, streamer
varmintx0: Funny how? Like a clown? Do I amuse you?
tajessa: I know I'm funny, people are always laughing at me
itira: clearly dodging
matthaus_c: why is this scene happening 3 times
Omthebox: any pants
Vonbane: don't cross the streams
BluTGI: Weird that he has a MM T shiert
Mr_Horrible: okay I like Linda now
ohjanji: he needs a proton pack
itira: this is taking 900 years
BluTGI: Where did that Tshirt come from?
Seth_Erickson: why does everyone keep showing up
Mr_Horrible: "What's happening?" "Shut up, nerd"
tajessa: When does the guy from the EPA show up
trainpants: nobody can follow directions
ohjanji: greensplosion!
spethycakes: @BluTGI he was given the shirt earlier in game
Mr_Horrible: oh yeah, 100%
itira: Benjamin
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
RealGamerCow: common doesn't mean good
wildpeaks: Objection
Mr_Horrible: Adam I have bad news
bv310: Well, some of this game is in 2024
it's a clever inversion, the camera sucked the ghost in
WiJohn: A lot of paperwork
30teracyte: the length of time you have to hold the monster in frame without much changing doesnt help the scare factor imo
Mr_Horrible: Horror is dumb like 90% of the time
MilkInBags: object this 10 minute timeout
Larkonus: One thing left, get these kids to several years of therapy.
Pharmacistjudge: Yes?
Lysander_salamander: why is everyone like a bobblehead in this game
NotCainNorAbel: one things left; develop, edit, print, screen, view, repeat
Pharmacistjudge: I heard a judge call.
wildpeaks: ohh that was a cool font
Mr_Horrible: "I got a bad feeling about this"
ohjanji: nah "massacre" is a metaphor probably
bv310: Eh, you're probably fine
bv310: Stan on the other hand
Lysander_salamander: oh it's pulling a sadako
matthaus_c: everyone calls Minh your honor at prerelease
Mr_Horrible: confront his ass
Kentosaurus: stan squeals
nicolebarbaraann: Squeals panting
bv310: Stanathan?
thatguysteve2709: Stan is not a survivor
Nigouki: Stan you FUCK
BluTGI: the PUNCH line!
ohjanji: you get to punch stan hahahaha
BrindleBoar: babaBOOM
thatguysteve2709: Bee movie mentioned
nicolebarbaraann: Boink
MilkInBags: what about antz
Nigouki: next will be your hair bun
Mr_Horrible: every time they say B movie someone gets Gief L3'd
Makrosian_Tay: Why does this woman sound like discount Tilda Swinton?
spethycakes: Augustine? more like Augaslight
Lysander_salamander: God she's so annoying
itira: profound even
Omthebox: Yoink
Mr_Horrible: [utter nonsense] Adam: "TRUUUUUE"
nicolebarbaraann: Adam is a boat is what it means
Pharmacistjudge: here's frankie
BrindleBoar: hell yeah, bye Stan
ohjanji: stan is having a bad time
BluTGI: 07 Stan
thatguysteve2709: Yes
ohjanji: UH OH
bv310: That's a QTE I almost want to fail
thatguysteve2709: Adam no
Lysander_salamander: wow
MilkInBags: wow
Makrosian_Tay: WOOOO
Kentosaurus: savage
Fanklok: No don't stop
BluTGI: 07 Linda(should have been stan)
itira: eeeew
Nigouki: Linda ain't dying, she's just going to the other dimension
Lysander_salamander: neat
wildpeaks: crunchy
ohjanji: WOW
MilkInBags: vore D:
spethycakes: wow, homophobic choice
BrindleBoar: nom'd
Omthebox: Kinky
Amentur: Gobble gobble D:
Diabore: no body
Thefluffiestguineapig: You can punch without condemning to death
saucemaster5000: hot
OuchOuchYoureOnMyHair: Gaping Dragoned
Nigouki: No body! No death!
Mr_Horrible: how is Frank Stone more boring than any other DBD killer?
nicolebarbaraann: Hey u think she's ok?
itira: these hands
matthaus_c: it's not June
Lysander_salamander: oh well
ButButTheJesus: Linda! Are you okay?!
ohjanji: Ben: "why did ben do this"
patrick_stonecrusher: Vore for chestbursters
Subaru Outback now for sale
wildpeaks: top 10 anime betrayal right there
saucemaster5000: NO JUNE NOVEMBER!
maybe_games: Benjamin hatecrime ulmer
Thefluffiestguineapig: No Jaime died first
Fanklok: Ben's only half gay
Lysander_salamander: who is frank stone? He isn't in the game?
sephsays: who’s going to let the council of elder lesbians know?
Pharmacistjudge: gotta find those gens
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lysander_salamander The guy with the chest mouth is Frank Stone
spethycakes: @sephsays they already know
Mr_Horrible: this is *impressively* dogshit
EvilBadman: So glad we saved this fucko
Lysander_salamander: I mean, he's not in Dbd
Jennie_Fuchsia: hey chat what just happened? my connection went wiggly right when we pulled Stan
Diabore: i mean the other option was sacrifice yourself so
lochnessseammonster: she dressed so nice
Vonbane: she wasnt the comic relief
squ3e: the face clipping through the shoulderblades is kinda funny
ohjanji: this game is WILD
Nigouki: the pacing of some of these scene is trash even by horror movie standards
Juliamon: Jennie_Fuchsia Stan almost got taken, but Linda got Gaping Dragon'd instead
ohjanji: THE BUN IS DONE
Mr_Horrible: DOGSHIT
bv310: Stan buddy, lift with your legs
nicolebarbaraann: Idk man I like Stan
ohjanji: ope
lochnessseammonster: stanley yelnats
Tangsm: Try a magic trick
nicolebarbaraann: Hes just doing his best
EvilBadman: He just wanted his machete guys!
Makrosian_Tay: This is not JURRASIC PARK you idiot!!
itira: gross
Thefluffiestguineapig: Stantthew?
matthaus_c: lmao
ohjanji: in the faaaaaace
VrolikSyndrome: It's a protection charm you dumbass.
lochnessseammonster: daaaamn
MilkInBags: dumb kills
Nigouki: BONK
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
bv310: FINALLY
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dude
Jennie_Fuchsia: ty @juliamon !
RonaldMcDownload subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
lilbeezie259: @VrolikSyndrome Yeah, he's an idiot
Thanks for subscribing, RonaldMcDownload! (Today's storm count: 76)
Lysander_salamander: that was an odd choice
KeytarCat: M1'd his ass
Mr_Horrible: I'm starting to think Supermassive is a government op
spethycakes: but he still kept his manbun to the end
Omthebox: Why the long face
rosesmcgee: A man just died
varmintx0: Linda's sacrifice was for nothing?
Lysander_salamander: don't worry they aren't real
BusTed: uhhh, check please
ohjanji: it's true, the bun was still intact lol
matthaus_c: "did you say you want me to... peg you?"
spethycakes: Stan is survived by his poor judgment and questionable hair choices
plundypops: ooh no
Lysander_salamander: I forgot that you can control their eyes in the menu
KeytarCat: The talisman note said it was a protective ward, and this mfr just threw it away
Pharmacistjudge: to be fair, his nose being broken is now not on a list of real problems anymore
bv310: Live through the ditches, Laugh through the witches, Love in the back of my Dragula
RealGamerCow: Kevin James?
ohjanji: generator!
Lysander_salamander: but why?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KeytarCat Showing his immense intelligence -.-
ohjanji: classic
Lysander_salamander: why does the generator need to be on?
Pharmacistjudge: is this....fixing a gen?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lysander_salamander elevator?
RealGamerCow: distro cap?
korvys: distributor cap
Diabore: youre gearly there
Larkonus: A gear? Made of metal? Metal Gear?!
ohjanji: @Larkonus it seemed pretty solid too
spethycakes: @Larkonus solid
VrolikSyndrome: GAMER
korvys: gamer
VrolikSyndrome: nevermind
NotCainNorAbel: gamer
kumatsu: next he's gonna start hitting the monster with crates
Lysander_salamander: wow
hyperialguard: gaming
dumbo3k: I don't think a generator should make noise while your hands are in it. Sounds like a quick way to lose a finger
DEATHlikescats: didn’t know dead by daylight had a single player mode
Omthebox: Did you want to go up first?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DEATHlikescats This is a new supplemental story mode
BusTed: Whoops
Lysander_salamander: oh well
Diabore: kool aid manned that door
MacbethSeemsSus: You never expect the kool aid man!
BusTed: gaming
PhanTom_lt: did Stan die yet
bv310: THE JUKE
dumbo3k: @PhanTom_lt Yes
itira: i hate this so much D:
BusTed: see ya
ohjanji: fleeeeeee
ohjanji: aaaaand ben's turn
Lysander_salamander: yay?
dumbo3k: I mean, Sam did tell you to run
Lysander_salamander: grunting
ButButTheJesus: ew
awildshen: wait I missed a bunch are Ben and Sam the same person?
ohjanji: nailed the checks
matthaus_c: my man's fucking spry
Diabore: thanks frank
CataclysmicReverb: Ben doing the looping
Mr_Horrible: Frank Groan
itsr67: on da gween
NotCainNorAbel: adam's turn
BrindleBoar: sounds fake
kumatsu: VoDs aren't real, Adam
ohjanji: yeah it gets saved in a big vault
itira: Adam you monster
bv310: Big if true, Adam
PhanTom_lt: time is a linear concept?
CataclysmicReverb: CHAMPION?
spethycakes: we have binders full of VODs
Fanklok: So that means I can see you fail ma
BusTed: ggs ggs
PhanTom_lt: no one wins
Fanklok: Math again?
RealGamerCow: it did say "escaped the manse"
Lysander_salamander: ?
Mr_Horrible: I'd believe it
itbedefii: not quite
Lysander_salamander: are we having to wait for the dlc ending?
patrick_stonecrusher: YouTubexs been dead since 2014, Adam
bv310: It just ends on the DBD start screen
PhanTom_lt: thanks Ben
awildshen: I guess I'll stop watching and go watch the VoD instead
Makrosian_Tay: FIN
ohjanji: well thanks for doing that
Lysander_salamander: do we have to buy another chapter?
MacbethSeemsSus: Cool
Stormgod519: *credits roll*
CaleCareful: It's the beginning of the end !
Larkonus: Kind of a dick move, Augustine.
DEATHlikescats: big Magnus Archives vibes
matthaus_c: leopards eating faces
PhanTom_lt: so she could be the faithful servant
dm818: @DEATHlikescats was thinking the same thing
Lysander_salamander: She's got a boner for the entity
kumatsu: in before Augustine gets hooked
rosesmcgee: Run it back, I want to see the worthwhile ending
itbedefii: the entity has swallowed many a worlds
Lysander_salamander: She's a monster-lover
spethycakes: Galactus? Is that you?
DEATHlikescats: but with Stranger things aesthetic
BrindleBoar: a big chungus
MacbethSeemsSus: *waves*
Pharmacistjudge: if this a DBD game...I am unsure there is such a thing as "winning"
salamisuperstar: Is that the monster from Stranger Things?
Thefluffiestguineapig: She thought she was special
Fanklok: Surely the entity won't betray me
Mr_Horrible: the Entity isn't even a good monster!
MilkInBags: magic
Omthebox: Whith aaaaaarms wide oppawwwn
BusTed: "Oh hey"
RealGamerCow: "hey boss."
matthaus_c: cause it's cool af
ohjanji: oh hi frank
Mr_Horrible: Frank liek "yeah it's hot, right?"
EvilBadman: Cool sky huh
BluTGI: 07 Augustine! Dumbo.
Lysander_salamander: well ok
Lysander_salamander: oh well
Diabore: suck it
ohjanji: k bye
BluTGI: RIP dumbo
lochnessseammonster: congrats
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7 Augustine
salamisuperstar: Who could have seen that coming?
silenceaux: Yeah that's pretty much it Augustine.
matthaus_c: she seems into it
CaleCareful: He should have axed her something before...
Stormgod519: oof
Lysander_salamander: dang those necks
itsr67: "I didnt think *I* would be offered" says woman, head of the offering club
BrindleBoar: good job idiot
Seth_Erickson: this is pretty much how the entity works
Seth_Erickson: Augustine
ohjanji: the thing happened!
Lysander_salamander: so, she's a survivor now?
Nigouki: oh noes, who would have predicted that a being of pure evil would bother with a pure mortal?
itbedefii: oooooh endgame collapse!
jamesinor: The real evil was asbestos all along
Makrosian_Tay: "I never thought I'D be killed by the murderer!" -- Woman who advocated murder
kumatsu: the enitty slurped her juice
BluTGI: lmao
Blakemcm: hot take, i love fanservice stuff like that
Blakemcm: non ironically
MilkInBags: is this the prequel to stranger things
PhanTom_lt: well thanks Augustine, now we live in DBD world
Lysander_salamander: oh, it's still going
Stormgod519: still going?
Fanklok: The Apocalypse wasn't supposed to apocalype me
silenceaux: Euro car?
Stormgod519: "car wont start in a horror movie" cliche
bv310: Oooh, right-hand drive car?
Omthebox: Do we gota find a gear for the car
Juliamon: They're in the UK
PhanTom_lt: they are in UK
dumbo3k: They are in the UK
the brits
MilkInBags: oh no it's br*t*sh
awildshen: the keyhole in the texture is on the other side
KeytarCat: If Lieber manages to sacrifice all of the guests, does she get to live?
Juliamon: She took a plane to London ep1
that run
itsr67: br*t*n
rosesmcgee: This is just what the UK is like, it's not even weird
Seth_Erickson: yo this game listens to your audio 👀
matthaus_c: @Juliamon holy shit you remember that
PhanTom_lt: did Linda survive
silenceaux: Madison why are you not following a road
jubale1: is this game about hiring an actor for a movie?
Stormgod519: ^
Lysander_salamander: nice
ohjanji: force ghost!
Stormgod519: @jubale1 the precursor to Saw
MacbethSeemsSus: Madi mom: Why don't you have a boyfriend yet?
BrindleBoar: use the force, Madi
CaleCareful: Use the f-f-f-fork !
Vonbane: ah, drugs are the answer
jubale1: newer saw Saw
Seth_Erickson: Yoo Kkona brother
Seth_Erickson: KKona
Lysander_salamander: huh?
ButterBall000: USA Usa Usa!
Pharmacistjudge: developers developers developers developers
itbedefii: @PhanTom_lt nope, frank ate her
Vonbane: thwarted by a small swinging gate
wildpeaks: he had a late lunch
ohjanji: @itbedefii did he ever
Stormgod519: "... its in there, alright" - Linda
Larkonus: Or just like, burn it
Lysander_salamander: could have just buried them
Seth_Erickson: Sam's kind of cooking with his plan at least
PhanTom_lt: take it to Mount Doom
BrindleBoar: I was there, Gandalf
QuixoticScrivener: only destroy it a little
Lysander_salamander: what the heck madison
Fanklok: I would cast it into the Mariana Trench
Seth_Erickson: Sam's the only one thinking with a level head I think
PhanTom_lt: the sky. there is a giant tentacle in the sky
ohjanji: "that light is out"
Seth_Erickson: because if you dump it in the ocean it runs the chance of disintegrating and letting him out
matthaus_c: this is not a place of honor
Larkonus: Dead by Daylight Presents: The Casting of Nemo
salamisuperstar: Launch it into the sun
Seth_Erickson: also it's a horror script that defeats the purpose
CataclysmicReverb: Frank would just trick Jason into watching the film
spethycakes: I think an Army/Navy surplus store is the perfect place to discuss the potentially world-altering choices we all make
Pharmacistjudge: why didn't you, i don't know throw it into the ocean?
PhanTom_lt: by the way there is an after credit scene
Mr_Horrible: "Augustine, Alan Wake 2 was months ago"
niccus: is the final line going to be "dead by daylight"
matthaus_c: well there is the DLC
Lysander_salamander: ah
QuixoticScrivener: loading screened
Lysander_salamander: the camp fire
Stormgod519: woah
Lysander_salamander: neat
Stormgod519: she vanished for a frame
itbedefii: oh no, not the campfire
Mr_Horrible: survivor Madi
Seth_Erickson: Claudia is here yes
itbedefii: claudette
Seth_Erickson: claudette shoot
ohjanji: claudia-ette
accarrotate: why have i never encountered these passages that i can only fit through sideways, that are all too commonplace?
Lysander_salamander: why are they not looking at each other?
PhanTom_lt: they are waiting for every player to click 'READY'
Diabore: someone didnt ready up
Mr_Horrible: "Because we only care about griefing killers"
Makrosian_Tay: "They've been here a long time. The queue was too long"
Stormgod519: ah
Seth_Erickson: the lithe girl is also there
Stormgod519: the shambler
Thefluffiestguineapig: "My connection kept dropping"
Mr_Horrible: it is honestly astonishing to me how fucking boring Frank Stone is
Mr_Horrible: for a character they hung this game on
Blakemcm: inject the fanservice into my veins!!!
Seth_Erickson: you haven't readied up Madison, hit the button
Mr_Horrible: literally the Trapper is more interesting than this dweeb
accarrotate: @Mr_Horrible yes, i was thinking the same
Mr_Horrible: booooo
Mr_Horrible: get off the fucking stage
Mr_Horrible: boooooooooo
Seth_Erickson: I think Frank Stone is cool personally, but also the Trapper is really cool
ohjanji: and we will call it "dead by daylight" and release it on a season pass
Lysander_salamander: I guess?
Mr_Horrible: I'm refunding
Diabore: did anyone tell ben why jaime died?
VrolikSyndrome: Is that the end of the game?
PhanTom_lt: don't quit
BusTed: neat
VrolikSyndrome: lMAO
matthaus_c: fun
Stormgod519: dang
MacbethSeemsSus: What
Mr_Horrible: actual garbage
PhanTom_lt: there is a n extra credit scene
accarrotate: WOW
itbedefii: yeaaaaaa! lesgo!
accarrotate: gollleee
Makrosian_Tay: That was, uh...an ending
rosesmcgee: Adam has the "I'm fucked" face
korvys: So the endless cycle is DbD, I guess
Juliamon: Good timing though
ohjanji: o7
Mr_Horrible: sell da company
wildpeaks: not having played DBD, can confirm
Diabore: that was a 9 hour ad
MacbethSeemsSus: That's the ending
fatherllymic: 8pm, I guess
30teracyte: the pacing of this game is so wack. nothing happens for so long and then once it starts going its over
Kentosaurus: I've never played dbd. I'm just here for the jokes/vibes
Blakemcm: so brave
QuixoticScrivener: They just gave up on the plot.
Seth_Erickson: it is kind of like a 9 hour ad unfortunately
Never even seen dead by daylight; so I just got to enjoy this for its B movie qualities.
korvys: It's a prequel?
Blakemcm: i barely know dbd and i think all that shit was great
matthaus_c: cause the actual fun game starts in DBD
plundypops: now you queue up in dbd!
wildpeaks: yeh for a prequel it works
DEATHlikescats: they probably high fives when they wrote that ending
PhanTom_lt: wait
accarrotate: "ok, we could keep making the game or....."
Lysander_salamander: the thing with the dbd characters not interacting with the new characters was an odd choice
InconsiderateHat: Because now you gotta play DBD
so rude
itbedefii: @korvys Kinda, because this is kind of how every world gets absorbed into the entity's realm.
KeytarCat: @TomatoKigu That's the best of DBD!
PhanTom_lt: it should just queue you into the game
protojman: does it have to do with choices/characters who died?
fatherllymic: This game could have been like, two really cool hours more? Take out an hour of f'ing around in sewers?
Pharmacistjudge: adam is just teasing ben now
Seth_Erickson: You can be a dog as Dracula though Adam
protojman: are there multiple endings?
Mr_Horrible: game bad
saucemaster5000: let's play amogus to fuck em
jessicaengle: Hi chat.
Seth_Erickson: there are multiple endings but they don't change anything
lady_loxham: well, still got another 3 hours to kill, suppose I will go to the
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sort of
jessicaengle: How was the game?
lady_loxham: YouTube
PhanTom_lt: there's some different dialogue
accarrotate: multiple borings
Kramburger: There's no golden ending
Seth_Erickson: it's just about whos alive and who's not at the ending
Diabore: she could have stayed in 2024
itbedefii: it was fun
BrindleBoar: you sent Chris back, maybe she could have stayed?
Mr_Horrible: legit probably the worst Supermassive
Vonbane: barely whelmed
Larkonus: Stan eventually died, so it wasn't awful.
Pharmacistjudge: if it ends with going to DBD setup...there can't be any "good" ending
30teracyte: the camera mechanic was not good. executed a million times worse than fatal frame
Seth_Erickson: it's not a good game, but it's a fun game to watch
Mr_Horrible: like actual dogwater nonsense
Blakemcm: rank them all, go!!!
PhanTom_lt: there were plenty of decisions
PhanTom_lt: you just failed most of them
saucemaster5000: my fav was house of ashes
plundypops: Adam lost the collectathon and valued it low huh? curious.
Seth_Erickson: the second one in the desert is my favorite
Seth_Erickson: I think
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible They had very little control to make interesting choices, I think the DBD people had most of the plot control
matthaus_c: peanut butter butter pops
NimrodXIV: Quarry is the best one I think
TomatoKigu: The Quarry was fantastic
fatherllymic: The Quarry had real and fun characters
korvys: The quarry was the summer camp one?
frozenphoenix7: Sempri Fi & Pumpkin Pi
Lysander_salamander: I feel like they could have had the dbd characters interacting with the new characters. It didn't make sense
frozenphoenix7: @korvys Yeah
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig I mean that wouldn't surprise me, the DBD folks aren't known for making an interesting good game
Seth_Erickson: Space one sometime
shendaras: space one, right?
KeytarCat: The inevitability of the Entity makes the choices...fine
ButterBall000: Semper Fi Pumpkin Pie is always a fun watch
korvys: Yeah, that was good
Seth_Erickson: the mansion
30teracyte: until dawn and the quarry both longer than the dark pictures ones which I think helps
korvys: Party like pornstars, lol
itbedefii: the devil in me
spethycakes: Death By Spacelight
Seth_Erickson: is the one you're forgetting
PhanTom_lt: wait
Pharmacistjudge: so...can you play as these characters in DBD yet?
Mr_Horrible: there was Little Hope but you didn't play that iirc
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, now they are back to making the next one in that stories series
itbedefii: is another one
fatherllymic: What was the witch hunt one?
frozenphoenix7: Men of Medan, House of Ashes, Devil In Me, and whatever one that was weird Salem Witch Trials
saucemaster5000: quarry was very good, second season of the anthology will be coming next year
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible No I think they did
30teracyte: @Mr_Horrible they did, adam was a real menace in that one iirc
Seth_Erickson: that's the one with the murder hotel
Juliamon: They did play Little Hope
silenceaux: Trap Motel?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hotel
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig oh wait you're right
saucemaster5000: (I hated the devil in me)
Fanklok: James getting his character killed made us miss Qasim shouting hoorah
Diabore: james fell in a hole
frozenphoenix7: Devil In Me was the Hotel one
fatherllymic: Little Hope, thats right
30teracyte: devil in me also had serious pacing problems
itbedefii: 8020 looks so cool!
korvys: Just like Jason X
VrolikSyndrome: Love a lil body horror.
VrolikSyndrome: Just a lil though.
Seth_Erickson: hope there's an Obelisk
KeytarCat: Ambiguously fungal!
Will there be another Games for Babies sometime?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Devil in Me, Man of Medan, House of Ashes
rosesmcgee: With these gas prices?
Seth_Erickson: praying for an Obelisk
Mr_Horrible: if you want a good version of Directive 8020 just go watch V/H/S Beyond
accarrotate: not even a different galaxy
Mr_Horrible: Supermassive doesn't make good games
Mr_Horrible: anymore
30teracyte: house of ashes had the advantage of getting into the action early with the war stuff even before the monsters start showing up
itbedefii: @Mr_Horrible that's your opinion
Fanklok: Can we go further beyond?
Lysander_salamander: it's the hatch!
spethycakes: @Mr_Horrible they got TOO big
Seth_Erickson: clicky clicky
CataclysmicReverb: lmao
fatherllymic: They teased time travel ... for what?
Seth_Erickson: I think Adam would like the Oni
Finalsora811: Or Huntress for Adam.
Mr_Horrible: I'm being hyperbolic but their recent stuff has been incredibly lackluster
Seth_Erickson: we should show him a picture
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible I would say the games where they are making other people's IP and just putting their mechanics on it which has been all of their recent titles are the boring ones
ohjanji: oh hi
lochnessseammonster: booooo
Lysander_salamander: wait what?
Stormgod519: sup
sees 4 fingers, "oh that's just augustine"
ohjanji: Oldgustine
Lysander_salamander: huh?
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig honestly that's probably a more fair assessment
Seth_Erickson: hello, what is going on
PhanTom_lt: there's now two augustines
Mr_Horrible: it's not a formula that can be strapped to much
Lysander_salamander: ?
wildpeaks: is she another of the DBD villains ?
varmintx0: wha?
Lysander_salamander: ok?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sure?
spethycakes: Deuxgustine
Mr_Horrible: Augustine and Bugustine
itbedefii: She's come from many many timelines
wildpeaks: oh cool
Thefluffiestguineapig: Helps to get all the choices?
matthaus_c: Augustine was not the part of that I was invested in
itbedefii: if you looked through the film room
Thefluffiestguineapig: So it's easier to get all the warhammer figures?
vinopinguino: <message deleted>yall got an opening in canada??
vinopinguino: <message deleted>asking for a friend
PhanTom_lt: did you find the Twins?
Diabore: missed 3
OuchOuchYoureOnMyHair: ¯\_()_/¯
Seth_Erickson: Oni and hag?
Mr_Horrible: Doc?
Seth_Erickson: I don't see the hag
PhanTom_lt: the twins was very easy to find
Seth_Erickson: she's an og one
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was perfectly timed
Lysander_salamander: good luck with it
KeytarCat: Thanks for stream!
jessicaengle: Dingle the bingle
Thefluffiestguineapig: We're just waiting for more Outlaws (no pressure, DB is a lot)
ButButTheJesus: wooo thankee for stream!
Mr_Horrible: that would've been peak LN, tbh
Seth_Erickson: young subscribe
protojman: have a fantastic desert bus!
spethycakes: Thank you for stream!
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good stream as always!
Texan_Reverend: !store
itira: bus bus bus!
Texan_Reverend: !ytmember
LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR: https://youtu.be/bmdI0W2l9Zg
ButButTheJesus: Bus is coming
Mr_Horrible: I have to see how much I have to make James eat his words by
wildpeaks: the bus is coming
itsr67: frogsrgone
VrolikSyndrome: Frogs are gone!
sephsays: bye frogs
Texan_Reverend: !db
Fanklok: Ewwww Ben's a normie now?
Mr_Horrible: Doki Boki Fight Club
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fanklok Is anyone a normie during DB?
Juliamon: "a remote root with the game"
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
Juliamon: *gang
It does indeed
VrolikSyndrome: Cybering, if you will.
accarrotate: sexing AND sexting
Mr_Horrible: they're cybering and that's lovely, honestly
lamina5432: new root expansion on kickstarter right now
Fanklok: That's made up
spethycakes: 100% orange juice
Mr_Horrible: 100% orange juice let's go
itsr67: 100% orange juice is goofy
Stormgod519: heyo
jessicaengle: 100% Crab juice
Mr_Horrible: you've ruined it, Adam
Grevas13 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Grevas13! (Today's storm count: 77)
ImmortalLen: I thought it was a board game?
Mr_Horrible: just imagine the music in your head
lamina5432: gnight
Stormgod519: thanks for the strem. gnight yall
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
tajessa: Thanks for the stream!
Mr_Horrible: Giftmaster5000
thanks again friend
NotCainNorAbel: and some audio books
thanks for the stream, and happy DB to those who observe! 5000
good stream, lads. Thanks for the show
Makrosian_Tay: Thanks for the stream
saucemaster5000: time to beat it
drrek0: But I already am home!
jessicaengle: The snipe
Stormgod519: pfft
itira: Thanks for stream! Have a good night everyone! LOL LOOOLLL
bad math to start and end
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Stormgod519: well done
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
Mr_Horrible: Ich bin ein klockwerk
plundypops: LOL
Stormgod519: oh no
ButButTheJesus: oh yeah
Mr_Horrible: I'm putting Ben in the oubliette
I_Am_Clockwork: this is cursed, thank you
Stormgod519: someone's clipping this?
itira: oohhhh
VrolikSyndrome: ayo
Stormgod519: NO!
Stormgod519: ADAM!
SnackPak_: wow
Juliamon: ADAM NO
Makrosian_Tay: Woooooo
NimrodXIV: uhhhh
ButButTheJesus: NO
YawnLance: ADAM YES
LostThePirate: XD
Stormgod519: cya
I_Am_Clockwork: buh bye
hyperialguard: Happy November, everybody
Stormgod519: good lord...
rosesmcgee: Night all
Makrosian_Tay: My sides hurt omg
Makrosian_Tay: This is the best show ever
Mr_Horrible: they've gotta get it outta the system before Desert Bus starts and they can't be that explicit
TomatoKigu: I love let's nope
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