v_nome: Title change! CLub time approaches!
Didero: I have already forgotten OOF Club got moved to today twice, even though I'm looking forward to it... Good evening
lightfut: Wednesday night flight!
a_tapes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
Thanks for subscribing, a_tapes! (Today's storm count: 1)
Didero: OOF Club on Wednesday, maybe LRR slightly overdid their DST adjustment...
YareNiDaze: o/ chat. Not having a good day today, but ya'll are awesome. How's it going?
lightfut: Even Oki Oki needs to make way for the bus
morning fighty friends
Scarbble: ready for a big OOF club
therepoman__: Oh shit Wednesday morning oki
TXC2 comes rushing in
TXC2: Hello everybody!
dankmemeter: This is the bonus SF6 round, where the fighter punches the dessert bus
Didero: Hi TXC2 welcome
HungryTanuki: Hi everyone !
TXC2: hello Didero
TXC2: Hello HungryTanuki welcome
duke_dice: howdy gamers.
TXC2: hello duke_dice welcome
Woogachaka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Woogachaka: oh hey, 38 months is neat
Thanks for subscribing, Woogachaka! (Today's storm count: 2)
Naesiir subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Naesiir! (Today's storm count: 3)
flikerz1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
Thanks for subscribing, flikerz1! (Today's storm count: 4)
itsr67: herecomesanewchallenger
GasCityGaming: hercomesspeedracer
HungryTanuki: anewchallengerhasenteredthering
ItsThugDimmadome: TheweakloseandthestrongwinWhichofthesefighterswillprovetheoldaxiomtoday
Didero: sandblast
MsMollieMac: Hey gamers
TXC2: hello MsMollieMac welcome
MsMollieMac: Condolences and commiserations to my fellow USians
Spooky_Noises: Yoga time?
TXC2: here we GO!
LMAOkai_: good morning
TXC2: Hello Adam and Nelson
GasCityGaming: good morning!
TheWooglie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 103 months!
TheWooglie: Better get this in before DB
Thanks for subscribing, TheWooglie! (Today's storm count: 5)
TXC2: it's Odin's day?
MsMollieMac: đź‘‹
HungryTanuki: Hi !
freshmaker__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Scarbble: another day another doubloon gamers
Thanks for subscribing, freshmaker__! (Today's storm count: 6)
GasCityGaming: Oki Oki Wednesdays
flikerz1: Wednesday fight time
MilkInBags: hello
SnowBuddy18: G'morning gamers
GasCityGaming: every Wednesday
flouncy_magooo: Regular Wednesday
It is Wednesday my dudes
MilkInBags: time to become the best MerFight channel on twitch
TXC2: I feel Nelson did well with 2xKO
saucemaster5000: it sure is a wednesdat
flikerz1: Modern controls make it the best
saucemaster5000: wednesdat
flikerz1: Tekken EU was fucking Wild
saucemaster5000: damn
JedofYork: tekken8 is genuinely amazing
JedofYork: so rewarding to learn
if 2XKO was so good, why did they remove the game from internet
JedofYork: though… bad for people who only want to play 2-4 hours a week
freshmaker__: it was too good
Daktoa: Nelson is a bit blurry
TXC2: we had at least one okioki with 2XKO
MilkInBags: ban TXC2 to make it easier
Symphoneers: Mood.
lochnessseammonster: mood
flouncy_magooo: @Daktoa He just woke up in low resolution, like a lot of us
itira: totally get it
GasCityGaming: Nelson phasing out at sorcery speed
TXC2: !patreon
SnowBuddy18: And there's a new Dragonball fighting game
Daktoa: Displacement Nelson
TXC2: !store
hyperialguard: Hard being ephemerated
MilkInBags is this bait?
razorswift subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
Thanks for subscribing, razorswift! (Today's storm count: 7)
MilkInBags: maybe, maybe not
saucemaster5000: uuuuuuuuuu
itira: *slightly higher note*
SymphonySolstice: sandoblasto
MilkInBags: play the meep map
Didero: Quick, Nelson, go get your instrument
itsr67: you can blame me
josh___something: Jimmy Piss
therepoman__: Just Pissing all-- goddammit
saucemaster5000: bro I'm just pissing here
TXC2: J Pizzle the Shadaloo Acountizzle
MilkInBags: dropping your pants all the way down at the urinal
holidayMD subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 128 months!
Thanks for subscribing, holidayMD! (Today's storm count: 8)
Brozard: Jeriatric Piss
YareNiDaze: Ayy, I'm pissin' here!
Didero: What does 'real' mean in this context again?
MilkInBags: combos into each other without being negative so the other cannot really react (I think)
Didero: @MilkInBags Thanks
baltimore_667083: morning adam! morning nelson!
ItsThugDimmadome: Yeah, an actual string of attacks with no gap to attac or block in between.
TXC2: Didero I assume "real" means it'll work against a human opponent
Frizzlenill: hi folks!
TXC2: hello baltimore_667083 and Frizzlenill welcome
Frizzlenill: reminder that the charged heavy is only safe to attempt if you have 3 super gauge
Daktoa: Adam has a wonderful instructor voice. Very calm and reassuring
LordZarano: !infil
Didero: @LordZarano I knew the command existed but couldn't remember what it was called, thanks!
gualdhar: ohshi it's early Oki Oki
Frizzlenill: half circle forward makes sure you never get DP
Luna_TheOtter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Luna_TheOtter! (Today's storm count: 9)
Frizzlenill: the motion is like crLP+quarter circle, FOLLOWED BY pressing the attack button to lock in the sandblast
BrowneePointz: @gualdhar bus starts Friday
Didero: @Daktoa Yeah, I don't even want to play SF6 and I'm still here because Adam's a good teacher
Frizzlenill: there's actually a training setting to show a bar above your head that tells you when it will accept inputs! @loadingreadyrun
red2wedge subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
Thanks for subscribing, red2wedge! (Today's storm count: 10)
'A situation (usually a mixup or a block string) that does not have an easy way out that always works no matter what. Usually you'll hear this word used to describe what is not "real"' https://glossary.infil.net/?t=Real
BrowneePointz: I know some do a pen grip between index and middle
BrowneePointz: some do wine glass
oki on a wenday again
TXC2: hello wiigamer1995 welcome
itira: oh dear
lochnessseammonster: bouncy eyebrows
BusTed: the "dirty kitchen"
MilkInBags: teehee
itira: hehehehe
BrowneePointz: yea cigarette grip wine glass
VexedVivienne: almost wish there was a hand cam
BrowneePointz: pinch grip
BrowneePointz: full claw
MilkInBags: the pincher
Didero: A handcam would be fun for Rhythm Cafe too
MilkInBags: was that a doorbell
saucemaster5000: any ing dongs in chat
BrowneePointz: I hope those grip descriptions make sense Nelson
MilkInBags: delivering plus frames for your jab?
saucemaster5000: ding dongs
all those different hands you see in Kung Fu aren't for punching, they're for fight stick holding
gualdhar: oh no the doorbell is coming from inside the moonbase!
BrowneePointz: Adam, would it help to put the frame input bar on for training?
MilkInBags: did James scream something in the moonbase as you opened the door?
Didero: "simply dedicate your life to this"
GasCityGaming: Like Learning PoE lol
SnowBuddy18: Moonbase airlock bell
MilkInBags: just a part of your life
itira: how much does your pinky fingie come into play while using a fight stick? (genuine)
MilkInBags: can't start at 1 years old
fishboi_samurai: It's a skill like riding a bike. It just takes time and practice.
VexedVivienne: it's a cool skill to pick up
BrowneePointz: watching tournament coverage also gives you good ideas for grips.
I never would have played and enjoyed SF6 at all if not for you folks Always thought I didn't like them, but I was approaching them wrong.
BrowneePointz: Because those players generally speaking came up with those grips because it causes less hand fatigue
VexedVivienne: I remember I would like, practice motions on a desk during downtime at work
freshmaker__: trombomaphone
saucemaster5000: don't worry I'm only a couple thousand hrs away from consistently getting a cancel into DP
mjuukis: @saucemaster5000 same
Mollylele: so glad i got here in time for Trombone Talk
BrowneePointz: I’ve been singing for 23 years and I couldn’t pinpoint the moment
TXC2: hello Mollylele welcome
baltimore_667083: trombone đź‘€
GasCityGaming: (Norm-esque) Mollylele!
TXC2: "so when did you get good at this?" "oh my Gods you think I'm good?!"
MilkInBags: clocking ing
MilkInBags: in*
lochnessseammonster: nelly you'd kick your ass
TXC2: Nelson would against 6 months ago Nelson
TXC2: *would win
CaptainDaks: Seabat's advice about focusing on your game, not your oppo's speaks to this. at your lvl in ranked, your oppo's choices are largely unmotivated. they are pressing to press.
saucemaster5000: year ago nelson hadn't bought a gun yet
lightfut: That's a 7-3 matchup of I've ever heard of one
saucemaster5000: no one knows cause we all play online
IncredibleFrown: does it not have a "cpu behavior: human" in the training pause menu?
VexedVivienne: Huh, can you set up a controller *in* training mode?
yukiMakingArt: probably inside training yeah
saucemaster5000: my training room hrs are obsene
Pizza and Oki Doki Doki Fight Club Time
mjuukis: damn I could go for some pizza right now
HungryTanuki: Pizza sounds great
mjuukis: im on the meat and salad train
BrowneePointz: it’s about when head is crotch level
ScurvyMitch: It's leftover pizza. i got too much leftovers lol
MilkInBags: simply play perfectly
saucemaster5000: strive sure is a game right now
Thandres: strive has an input buffer though
RitualGlitchZ: Part of me wants to fireup SF4 and see if I can do anything still
freshmaker__: wait theres no buffer in strive?
Thandres: you just gotta hit the button in a 3f window
yukiMakingArt: strive does have a buffer
VexedVivienne: it's like 3 frames in strive?
Rourke9: backdash?
baskwalla: Hello friends
TXC2: hello baskwalla welcome
baskwalla: Oh hi @TXC2
No one puts Nelson in the corner (unless you ask nicely )
Mr_Horrible: so kinda like old parry motion?
Rourke9: yeah I nailed it
Frizzlenill: you can display the input buffer with a training setting, not sure what it's called, but it's the bar above your character
freshmaker__: every day i thank god strive has a dash macro. id never survive
KeytarCat: "Keep our shit based"
Frizzlenill: yeah anime games love to make dashing totally free and always worth doing, which is NOT nice for the tendons lol
Mr_Horrible: Ryu's
HungryTanuki: Ryu's
Mr_Horrible: I... don't actually even remember Luke's music
Frizzlenill: try wine glass grip perhaps?
Mr_Horrible: I feel like it's just a chainsmokers cover
mjuukis: lmao
mjuukis: thinking about limp hands
lochnessseammonster: takes a lot to retrain your muscles but you'll get there nelly
Frizzlenill: fwiw THIS muscle memory will help you in every game
lochnessseammonster: might slow some stuff down in the meantime but then it makes you faster long term
fishboi_samurai: A "smooth rock" lmao
Frizzlenill: it's a lot like good embouchure for woodwinds. It's NOT natural or easy, and yields worse results in the short term, but once practiced becomes automatic and reliable
I can't believe Adam would call Nelson's brain "smooth"
nessiah_aries: Aam-Sensei: Imagine your brain as a smooth rock...
lochnessseammonster: "should" is often unhelpful
Frizzlenill: it's the psychological version of the bruce lee 'be like water' style
Didero: Just because the result didn't work out doesn't mean the decision was bad
Frizzlenill: don't push against the flow of the battle, lean in
Mr_Horrible: You can evaluate later on replay rewatch or whatever what choice had the most marginal possibility of success, but in the moment it's in the wind
Spooky_Noises: smooth rock style
GasCityGaming: picking up on tendencies
saucemaster5000: The ding dongs are back
nessiah_aries: So THAT'S why Oki Oki exists.
saucemaster5000: so real for that
he farms us for engagement, he farms nelly for drive tickets
NoRatReign: ah if only I wasn't workin
fishboi_samurai: I would but I'm at work atm lol
fishboi_samurai: I wish I could, ngl
fishboi_samurai: Make mistakes
fishboi_samurai: Mistakes = Clarity
MilkInBags: post mistake clarity?
HungryTanuki: Making mistakes mean that we can learn from them ^^
fishboi_samurai: Attitude to take "Screw whatever anybody else things, I made a mistake so be it" (easier said than done)
NoRatReign: its so easy to think you need to choose correctly every time. I've gotten blown up so many times because I refused to just take the fucking throw
fishboi_samurai: *thinks
Peter_Chordash: Like the Friz says, "Take chances! Make mistakes! Get clarity."
MilkInBags: if i play sf6, i need to always have a perfect ko or else why bother
NoRatReign: Sometimes its worth being wrong because its less damage than the risk you take by trying to be right
Frizzlenill: again the musical instrument analogy is appropriate
Mr_Horrible: I forgot about the burrito backpack
baskwalla: Read the room Capcom
nessiah_aries: Fatal Fury 2? They're gonna add Wolfgang Krauser?
TXC2: the Burrito daddy
MilkInBags: capcom is japanese
Frizzlenill: if you play one wrong note it doesn't sabotage the piece - the less attention you give to it, the better you can focus on the remaining parts
TXC2: Japan also had an election recetly
MilkInBags: it is wednesday my dudes
MilkInBags: aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA
TXC2: it was due, the government in power lost
NoRatReign: That lobby looked empty? Is there not a more full lobby?
josh___something: I am currnetly typing stuff. I'M LOGGING ON
RitualGlitchZ: I'm logging in too
josh___something: god damn it XD
Frizzlenill: you can pick which lobby to go to
josh___something: I was about to hop on to the custom room, then you switched to battle hub, so I was stuck with SIMSIM
josh___something: I blame li-fen
Mr_Horrible: Luke and Deuxke
RitualGlitchZ: \
Mr_Horrible: Twoke?
TXC2: SimSim likes to boogie
Mr_Horrible: no, that doesn't phonetically scan
MilkInBags: beast mode baby
josh___something: God, WHY ISN'T THIS SKIPPABLE
saucemaster5000: SURVIVALIST
SnowBuddy18: more like LUKE at all my haters
TXC2: "getting to wake up without getting pressured" like a Sunday
Frizzlenill: crMK is 8 and mostly saf
NoRatReign: What drew both of you to playing luke? I see him as one of the less cool characters they've added so I'm curious about what ya'll liked about him
freshmaker__: hitem with the fatality
artacuno53: theres a little BM inside us all
artacuno53: you just have to find it
TXC2: and kill it?
MilkInBags: @NoRatReign adam's main is Dhalsim, used to play Marika and R.Mika before
matthaus_c: simp for sim
gualdhar: you did play Luke for a bit Adam
Didero: Who's P1 and who's P2?
SnowBuddy18: vibes player
NoRatReign: oh that's sick, but that's only one of you
ItsThugDimmadome: You see yourself going back Marisa if she sees a buff, Adam?
classic "MY character is the hardest and therefore deserves to win"
saucemaster5000: repo I thought that was a screenshot and was very confused
NoRatReign: I love marisa, but I tend to gravitate to characters that are more complex than my brain can handle xD Always have more to work on
ItsThugDimmadome: @therepoman__ That entire suite of emotes is top tier.
CaptainDaks: I need to fight your sim on marisa again
Didero: Ah so Bluke is Nelson
ItsThugDimmadome: Nelson's Luke: "I brought pudding"
saucemaster5000: ryuke
matthaus_c: Rouke
Spooky_Noises: Sim is real fun to watch.
MilkInBags: m bison is easy
NoRatReign: I settled on Jamie, not amazing at him yet, but there's so much to get better at.
RitualGlitchZ: as a bipson main I agree
Omthebox: Bibson it is then
RitualGlitchZ: (pls give me e. ryu tho)
time to play Vega
life's too short not to play top tier
saucemaster5000: the rashi arc is coming
Adam Gief arc incoming?
Omthebox: Adam does Gief in his off time
NevermorePainting: I'm a smoothbrain modern luke player
Is it time to do the offline tech and fake mash a wake up option
ItsThugDimmadome: Hell yeah. Gief lifts like a madman and reads 300 books a year. He's perfect for you.
MilkInBags: missionary gamer
ItsThugDimmadome: Cheeky little jump cancel SPD
TXC2: hello FireSpectreZero welcome
matthaus_c: missionary fighting
NoRatReign: lol missionary gamer, never heard that, love it
freshmaker__: id fight a missionary
ItsThugDimmadome: @milkinbags Lights off, under a blanket?
HungryTanuki: Spreading the good Zoner gospel
MilkInBags: @ItsThugDimmadome socks on
Frizzlenill: some people just have a wild dog chained up in them that they only let out specifically to land SPD's
ItsThugDimmadome: @milkinbags Aw, EW
NevermorePainting: SEND HIM TO MEMPHIS
itsr67: my saaaand blaaast
werth_it subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 14 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, werth_it! (Today's storm count: 11)
FireSpectreZero: Man I would not be walking bareffet in that street
Frizzlenill subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
Frizzlenill: thanks for the stream yall, it's always a great reminder to keep perspective and not be hard on myself
Thanks for subscribing, Frizzlenill! (Today's storm count: 12)
TXC2: FireSpectreZero right? that's a lot of broken asphalt
HungryTanuki: Nice !
itsr67: da sheemy
werth_it: Canonically Luke has got to wear like a size 23?
matthaus_c: Luke is wearing feet-shaped shoes rn
saucemaster5000: "op" -the fighting game noise
he's reversing the drive...
HungryTanuki: Timbs-less behavior
themercenary1987: OKI Oki on a wednesday?!
themercenary1987: Ahhhh!
Camail: it was a good run
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 "ope" "augh" and "whhhhat" (but still somehow 1 syllable) are probably the top 3
TXC2: bus needs a WIDE berth
BlueFingers5: So you snuck one in to show them who's boss
Didero: So now you're fighting to see who gets to stay employed?
MilkInBags: wow, charity stealing your jobs
We need people to donate subs/bits to keep them Oki Oki'ing
themercenary1987: Bus did footsies with the schedule
therepoman__: "HIYA" is a pretty good fighting game noise
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible ace has become faamed for his "oop"
HungryTanuki: Sandblast-
NevermorePainting: mutha fuckin SANDBLAST
Mr_Horrible: @therepoman__ honestly shouting this aloud during matches is probably like a 5% damage boost
saucemaster5000: @therepoman__ that's me every time I do something unsafe
MilkInBags: you're ok until adam gets the YEAOW out
itira: Luke has a very punchable face. no? just me? ok
it's certainly not just you
VrolikSyndrome: Tom the cat sounding YEAOW
NevermorePainting: that's my statement for any sort of projectile in any game now
BrowneePointz: I mean Martial Arts Kiai is there to off balance your opponent
what is it itira, you can't handle an alpha male?
Mr_Horrible: @VrolikSyndrome the yell you make when a mouse that's shaped like a wedge of cheese still manages to drop a hammer on your foot
swordfishspyke subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months, currently on a 46 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, swordfishspyke! (Today's storm count: 13)
TXC2: it's when Adam starts making Blanka noises, that's when you're cooked
BrowneePointz: @Mr_Horrible Wait the ah ah-HOO HOO HO HOO! or AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
HungryTanuki: He's getting there !
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz specifically referring to Adam's YEAAAOW
Mr_Horrible: @Mr_Horrible so probably closer to the AAAAAAAA
Didero: Why does the red healthbar correspond to the Blue Luke?
Mr_Horrible: Didero the mixup is in all things
Didero: @Mr_Horrible Including in my brain now
therepoman__: Red health bar is P1, blue health bar is P2
Mr_Horrible: petition to start calling "not real oki" "fauxki"
therepoman__: LMFAO
josh___something: DAMN IT, Sajam's Tom yell is an animated emote. I can't get it with channel points
matthaus_c: ADAM
itira: -_-
josh___something: ADAM SAVIDAN
josh___something: OH MY GOD
MilkInBags: it's a disability!
LightningFelix subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LightningFelix! (Today's storm count: 14)
BrowneePointz: my favorite Voice Actor Thing is Mel Blanc's(bugs bunny) voice was so powerful he physically shook the sound stage when he yelled
TXC2: well that must be convenient for you
Sogheim: this is how I find out Adam's colorblind?
matthaus_c: @Sogheim he IS too
itira: @Sogheim you didnt know? wow fake fan
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz an anecdote I never knew but can instantly visualize
Didero: Damn, good point, let me rephrase: Why does the grey healthbar correspond to the grey Luke?
josh___something: Isn't adam actually colorblind to some degree?
Sogheim: I've subbed to his channel for over four years and never kneww
BrowneePointz: Yep. Mel Blanc's screams PHYSICALLY vibrated the Sound Stage @Mr_Horrible
camouflaging all my opinions yellow-green now
BrowneePointz: and no one until Eric Bauza could get that
MilkInBags: @Didero the real answer is, the health bar isnt tied to the colour picked, it's always blue and red, and like luke could be yellow and still have the red healthbar
VrolikSyndrome: Can you tell that the Drive Guage is a blend of colors?
cobthegreat: Oh I've the same thing
@VrolikSyndrome yeah, black and white
BrowneePointz: like his AHM DYIIIIIIIIN! or NORTH POLE!? screams are just iconic
MilkInBags: it's green
MilkInBags: as long as it's not a dress
josh___something: It's lime at the farther edges
BrowneePointz: yea it goes from chartreuse to Viridian
Mr_Horrible: last brick is def a yellower green,yeah
saucemaster5000: no five dollar words allowed this early
fishboi_samurai: @BrowneePointz I'm so confused by this description
VrolikSyndrome: My favorite Pokémon town: Chartreuse
Mr_Horrible: Mountain Dew to Giovanni's Gym
NevermorePainting: I play modern luke, all I know is mash
matthaus_c: these could all be mtn dew colours really
BrowneePointz: that slightly poopy yellow-green is 100% chartreuse(but yea the inner is just green, but viridian is more fun to say!)
Chartreuse sounds like it should be a deep purplish red, and not the colour of vomit
BusTed: how's that conversion rate
BrowneePointz: actually yea the outside is mt dew colored, and the inside is Surge
saucemaster5000: sandblend
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c that actually makes me wonder, how long until we reach a generation that doesn't associate that color with mtn dew because there's just so much dilution of different flavor colors?
Sogheim: Serge isn't here tho
BrowneePointz: correct I said Surge
BrowneePointz: 2/10 obvious joke was obvious
Sogheim: I heard Serge
MilkInBags: @Mr_Horrible can just switch to Monster? or do they also have a lot of different colours?
BrowneePointz: but yea Mt Dew is actually Yellow and Surge was/is Nuclear Horse Piss Green
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags also a lot, but fewer
Spooky_Noises: it has big splice energy
@Mr_Horrible colour of television tuned to a dead channel
Sogheim: I wonder if Holiday Mtn Dew is coming back? I think it was cherry flavored
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c don't get poetic on me this morning I'll cry
BrowneePointz "nuclear horse piss green" dude what the bus
saucemaster5000: anyone else always think sprite is green but it's clear and it always has been?
Mr_Horrible: @Sogheim I thought cherry was just Code Red?
BrowneePointz: @TXC2 have you seen what Surge looks like poured into a glass?
BrowneePointz: Cherry is Code Red
itsr67: sauce what have you been drinking
TXC2: saucemaster5000 it's 'cause the can is green
BrowneePointz: Gamer Fuel is Citrus + Cherry
Didero: @saucemaster5000 Probably because the Sprite logo is green?
Mr_Horrible: I've seen the holiday cranberry sprite back on the shelves tho
BrowneePointz: people think Mt Dew is Green but that's just the can/bottle. Mt Dew is Pale Yellow
NoRatReign: I think you coulda just lvl 1'd for the same kill right?
TXC2: BrowneePointz I'm not doubting you, it's just one heck of a description
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 I miss DnL
NevermorePainting: @NoRatReign style points
BrowneePointz: they did just release a Blackberry Citrus mt dew for a WoW tie in
VrolikSyndrome: That sounds... good?
Sogheim: I'm reading through the Mtn Dew wiki
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible Do not Lesuscitate?
Mr_Horrible: call me when they get a black currant mtn dew
NoRatReign: @NevermorePainting my b you right
matthaus_c: sprite just tastes green
therepoman__: Off to the doctor later gamers
saucemaster5000: it DOES taste green
saucemaster5000: cheers gamer
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 brief 7up spinoff that was actually green and (iirc, to me) tasted better. "dnL" was the name because it was "7up" upside down
Sogheim: my favorite Mtn Dew has gotta be Live Wire. offensively orange
VrolikSyndrome: Later, repo. Keep all the blood inside now.
TXC2: so long therepoman__ stay safe
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible ah kk
Mr_Horrible: I'm a Baja Blast Basic B when it comes to mtn dew
BrowneePointz: Baja Blast is okay but it's better with food
Mr_Horrible: @therepoman__ have a good one
BrowneePointz: they really did engineer it to pair with fatty/savory stuff
Mr_Horrible: I just find that I generally like lime in any context. GnT for life, etc
saucemaster5000: I don't drink a ton of mountain dew (it's too sickly sweet for me) but I will occasionally get baja blast with taco bell and its.... fine.
Sogheim: @Mr_Horrible gotta get that Lime Jarritos
Mr_Horrible: oh believe me I do Sogheim
baltimore_667083: baja blast definitely tastes better from taco bell than in the bottle
saucemaster5000: jarritos are goated
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 I've the palette of a 10-year-old and a massive sweet tooth, so I'll always baseline enjoy stuff like that
baltimore_667083: @saucemaster5000 this is correct
MilkInBags: ssaanndd bbllaasstt
themercenary1987: Hey, anyone here play Riot games and tell me should I be worried about the whole anti-cheat kernal access thing? Wanna play some Tactics but am a little tech illiterate.
BrowneePointz that is pond scum water that is
saucemaster5000: oh, speaking of lime, steward's key lime soda? Incredible
BrowneePointz: @TXC2 I wasn't lying. It was GREEEEEEEN
Mr_Horrible: "Sand Blast but it's slowed to .25x speed [10 hours]"
matthaus_c: that's the mossy fish tank water from Finding Nemo
BrowneePointz: it wasn't just "we're citrus with green branding" nah that shit was rocking the verdigris
TXC2: themercenary1987 if you're worried, change your passwords
baltimore_667083: @saucemaster5000 there's a fruit stand in the everglades near US highway 1 called "Robert Is Here" that makes amazing key lime milkshakes
saucemaster5000: yeah I'd tear that shit up
themercenary1987: @TXC2 Would that be after each game? Not trying to be obtuse, just confused
BusTed: I heard 'tank left' once instead of 'sandblast', and now that's all I ever hear
saucemaster5000: tank left!
NevermorePainting: TO MEMPHIS
HungryTanuki: Membis !
Mr_Horrible: the corruption spreads
v_nome: Many whelps, left side!
itsr67: it's not a sunda's best
BrowneePointz: He was a MC, and then a PMC
lightfut: It's laurel/yanny all over again
itsr67: sunday's best*
Cephallope: But he uses his right on p1 side!
matthaus_c: tank left is a fucking curse brother
Mr_Horrible: band class
TXC2: themercenary1987 sorry I assumed the thing you're on about got hacked, if it does it all the time, it should be fine
saucemaster5000: I've never heard "you're finished!" only "you're FINNISH!"
Mr_Horrible: nah, can't swing that, no early plosive
VrolikSyndrome: Where're you going? Tank! Left!
Didero: tankflap
BrowneePointz: also sounds a bit like CHANCLA!
yeap can only hear tank left now
HungryTanuki: La chancla !
Spooky_Noises: @themercenary1987 Yes and No, to the og question, You should probably be worried but everyone does it and its “fine”
BrowneePointz: and the thought of Luke throwing a sandal is funnier
NevermorePainting: throwing one of his size 23s or whatever
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 honestly I can only hear the word cut off if I try really really hard. The lack of abruptness just makes my brain register "okay there's more letters even if they're quiet"
Mr_Horrible: Luke throwing one of his shoes comes with that Nuclear Launch Detected noise from CoD
BrowneePointz: yep I did it to myself
TXC2: I don't think M bison or even Akuma would or could wield the awesome power of a Chancla
BrowneePointz: now all I can hear is CHANCLA!
BrowneePointz: Chancla no Hado
themercenary1987: @TXC2 its no worries, just heard horror stories about the access it gives out. @Spooky_Noises and you are right though, seeing how nothing big has happened yet should be fine
Didero: "Change lane!"
Cephallope: Tang clef!
Didero: "Chancellor!"
Didero: It's surprisingly easy to trick your brain into hearing the wrong word...
themercenary1987: Just always worrying to a normie like me when you hear very techy words!
BrowneePointz: part of it is cuz the deliver is sANDBLAst so the ANDBLA part of the word is the part sticking out
Anubis169 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months, currently on a 131 month streak!
Anubis169: 131 months of sub on the wall, 131 months of sub! Key presses then, a victory when... i'm winning a match with a HA DOU KEN!!
Thanks for subscribing, Anubis169! (Today's storm count: 15)
Didero: when in doubt, sandblast
TXC2: Anubis169 clap clap clap
Cephallope: Shows how much your brain uses context for processing sound
TXC2: Cephallope especially for english
thefirstjeebus: tan cleft
Mr_Horrible: Adam removes the cigarette from his mouth: "That... was another lifetime"
GasCityGaming: I remember when you played in an online tourney and half the chat was sea-chats and lrr folks
NevermorePainting: NO FEAR! Always walk forward
IanAllenBird: tangella
BrowneePointz: Sorry I can only muster a Cromulent Papa
baskwalla: Get your hands in the air if you’re a true player!
VrolikSyndrome: Should come to Combo Breaker next year. Hang with the gang.
NevermorePainting: @GasCityGaming that was so good
BrowneePointz: I mean it's more about how important diction is
we still have to remember Adam’s Mika days
themercenary1987: Embiggened Papa sounds... sketchy tbh
BrowneePointz: Plosives stick out more at beginnings of words, and when in a booth it's hard to over enunciate an S
the biggest number on the screen and we all forget about it
Cephallope: Put Nadeshiko in sf6 you cowards
BrowneePointz: I unironically want Nadeshiko in. Everything thinks it's Mika
BrowneePointz: nope just Nadeshiko
Cephallope: We need the sky lady
themercenary1987: Put the New Day in SF6!
BrowneePointz: on a serious note, I wonder when we're getting our Mai teaser
TXC2: BrowneePointz in the new year ?
themercenary1987: @BrowneePointz 1st of Decemebr for Internet reasons
saucemaster5000: early dec probably yeah
saucemaster5000: if the goal is mai by the end of winter
Anubis169: booped
saucemaster5000: why does luke throw sandblast when he could be throwing handsmooches....
themercenary1987: Thats the Valentines Day Skin update coming soon surely
saucemaster5000 'cause he's not a degenerate?
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 the MeandYall emote but it's Jamie and Luke snogging
NorthstarTex: Wednesday Oki oki? Yes plz.
NevermorePainting: "You're going to Memphis!"
themercenary1987: @Mr_Horrible It'll confuse everyone at that particular UFC event, but I'd be here for it
TXC2: "is that...real?" "I will MAKE it real!"
BaronVonPoppinOff subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
Thanks for subscribing, BaronVonPoppinOff! (Today's storm count: 16)
themercenary1987: I don't want a "Reaction!" but I'd love to see you guys watch some clips of what you were looking like as you started and how you look now!
couchboyj: Pocket sand! Shuh shuh sha
Wicker_Guide: blue is nell red is adam?
TXC2: Wicker_Guide yeah, i thick so
couchboyj: That is my impression
TXC2: *think
Didero: Nelson is Blue Luke / Red healthbar; Adam is Red Luke / Blue healthbar
Didero: And Mark Hamill is Skywalker Luke / No healthbar
Zatengo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Zatengo! (Today's storm count: 17)
josh___something: The MTG foundations?!
saucemaster5000: I got some great clips of my first couple months saved for a rainy day
CaptainDaks: i heard Sajam once say "celebrate your wins shamelessly cuz nobody else will". recording sweet clips is great
saucemaster5000: I command grabbed drizzt twice in 40 ish gamesw last night and that was my W
Mr_Horrible: "wait I'm the GOAT" is a non-negotiable tenet of enjoying the genre
BrowneePointz: Not everyone can be Max and have 3 of your Best Friends in the room with you pogging off when you do something sick
drizztnailo: @Mr_Horrible fr
CowboyOverflow subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
Thanks for subscribing, CowboyOverflow! (Today's storm count: 18)
saucemaster5000: my credentials!
drizztnailo: @saucemaster5000 this is true
drizztnailo: i got scooped by bridget
mjuukis: Having clips of you learning to execute a DP 90% (or eqivilant) is like having photos of yourself when you were 140lbs and trying to lift the bench press barbell
lost in the WHO?
saucemaster5000: @drizztnailo It was so fun to yell "who's the grappler now!" Then get absolutely bodied. Fucking awesome, love playing ya
Anubis169: Next month is the biggun'
drizztnailo: @saucemaster5000 hell yeah you were gaming
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 honestly the sick play -> shit-talking -> Yamcha Death Pose is a time-honored combo for a reason. Contains all the highs and lows
Mr_Horrible: Scamnesia
CaptainDaks: the ghost was low
CaptainDaks: the ghost hit low and the spikes combo'd
CaptainDaks: ya
Wicker_Guide: what even happened? - the JP strategy in a nutshell
Heefnoff: On a WEDNESDAY?
Heefnoff: Whose up blasting they sand rn
TXC2: hello Heefnoff we had to make room for a bus
Heefnoff: Oh wait Desert Bus is this week?
Mr_Horrible: we are all of us each blasting our sand in our own ways
Didero: Tan cleft!
Krektogar: Friday, 15:00 Monnbase time iirc
matthaus_c: bussing friday
TXC2: Heefnoff mostly next week, starts on Friday
Didero: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (2d, 3:33 from now)
Heefnoff: Ahhh ok cool
Heefnoff: No Neuch November
josh___something: look
Mr_Horrible: No Spam November, gotta pretend you have WW Monk passive
Heefnoff: So Bison mains keep doing what you’re doing
Mollylele: no sandblasts but tank lefts are OK
saucemaster5000: strive sure is a game
Mr_Horrible: Strive has nooch but you need a microscope to find it
BrowneePointz: strive is a FAST game
Heefnoff: Saying Strive has Neuch is like saying a Unicycle has wheels
Mr_Horrible: the Wehemoth Typhoon
Heefnoff: You’re right, BUT
saucemaster5000: slayer sure is a char. Guess wrong and die
freshmaker__: just be like me and play poor honest bridget
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 I mean this is just crossing the street. Slayer trains you for real life.
@saucemaster5000 That can be true in real life too
saucemaster5000: @freshmaker__ I do
TXC2: I assume JP is saying "here", but it also sounds like a deep, guttural "yeah!"
freshmaker__: @saucemaster5000 thats why you're (and by extension im) the goat.
Mr_Horrible: Evil JP be like "Yes."
Didero: @TXC2 "dear"
BrowneePointz: @Heefnoff today we discovered it sounds like Luke is yelling CHANCLA
Heefnoff: CHANCLA
TXC2: Didero "gear"
Heefnoff: I could see it
Heefnoff: He throwing them shits
saucemaster5000: Can't wait for no driverush december
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 He's saying Pierce. He names all his spikes after actors he likes.
Didero: @accountmadeforants Maybe the 'P' in his name stands for 'Pierce'?
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 Destroy Drive December and they hotfix buff Gief again
accountmadeforants: @Didero JP: "Just Pierce"
Didero: @accountmadeforants That makes perfect sense, yes
Mr_Horrible: "Hey JP, who's your favorite character in RE6?" "Pierce." "Really, you don't like the wackiness of the Wesker Jr campaign over that?" "No."
saucemaster5000: these chars are pokemon, can only speak in their catchphrases
TXC2: where are the doors on that helicopter ?
CaptainDaks: very patient
accountmadeforants: @Mr_Horrible JP wants to show you why, "If you'll allow it." -"Sure." "Now, observe."
lochnessseammonster: just piercing
SymphonySolstice: Jab Piercin'
TXC2: nice Nelson
BrowneePointz: To the tune of the Wii Sports Meme. "Nice Block!"
saucemaster5000: I'm so used to the brain smooth music hearing actual SF6 is starting to feel weird
itira: :))
CaptainDaks: woot
matthaus_c: don't bully me I'll pierce
Creature_Comforts: Where does the pickle come in?
matthaus_c: hi lo piccolo
WiJohn: High low pickle low
josh___something: first is a mid
CaptainDaks: you tend to see parry vs the first two hits, then jump back out of the rest
Glad we all got there at the same time
CaptainDaks: (assuming JP is not doing additional shenanigans))
itsr67: mid high low high
saucemaster5000: oh me oh my
freshmaker__: this map?
HungryTanuki: Mooo
matthaus_c: Moooo
accountmadeforants: This dungeon
saucemaster5000: I've been a pao pao enjoyer recently
schordash: is it safe to say josh is nelly’s rival in the oki oki universe?
josh___something: GGs nelly
itsr67: its contagious it seems
drizztnailo: i've become french
josh___something: I... may or may not have panicked on the latter half of that set
josh___something: XD
Mr_Horrible: putting "Guile's Aircraft Carrier" into my map device for the atlas completion point
matthaus_c: nelly's rival is past nelly
josh___something: For reference, Drizzt over here is a master Zangief. So they know their way around a grappler
saucemaster5000: I've been spreading my virus
josh___something: @drizztnailo My condolences
saucemaster5000: "Fantastique"
VrolikSyndrome: Nah
saucemaster5000: depends on the knockdown
VrolikSyndrome: Oh yeah
saucemaster5000: Not after a command grab
VrolikSyndrome: Woefully oki-less.
Didero: Oki Oki Might Club
KeytarCat: oki oki might stub your toe
freshmaker__: what does that look like? they just have to reset to neutral every time they get a knockdown?
Mr_Horrible: waiting for next halloween and Oki Oki Wight Club
saucemaster5000: at best she gets mildly safe pressure with drive rush crouching heavy like drizzt is doing
Mr_Horrible: are you a honkshoo or a mimimi guy?
It's already an Oki Oki White Club
Mr_Horrible: I don't judge books by their covers, mr savidan
matthaus_c: resting honkshoo face
saucemaster5000: I'm a full pig snorter brother
saucemaster5000: Chainsaw fighting
itira: definitely look like a mememe
Last1031: What is the plan for the gym legs back and biceps or other
drizztnailo: ggs nelly!
lochnessseammonster: lies
BrowneePointz: D'awesome
drizztnailo: the return of manwiththemask lets gooo
Didero: Adalmsim
matthaus_c: akuma looks fucking grizzly
Lord_Hosk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 110 months!
Lord_Hosk: My controller is broken! The buttons are stuck!
Thanks for subscribing, Lord_Hosk! (Today's storm count: 19)
BrowneePointz: Help me Step Gamer my Buttons are Stuck!
TXC2: this Akuma looks like he only drinks purple drank
matthaus_c: grimace shake akuma
Didero: Lord Hosk has been wanting to leave for ages but their Subscribe button has been stuck for 110 months
BigDaddyBland87 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
Thanks for subscribing, BigDaddyBland87! (Today's storm count: 20)
You: sliding into her DMs Dhalsim: sliding into her DIs
matthaus_c: yoga cannon diff
Mr_Horrible: you cannot escape The Scramble, it will find you in every lifetime
TXC2: the panic comes to everyone
CaptainDaks: sold
CaptainDaks: the the only bidder
matthaus_c: Sim does the Peter Griffin when he's knocked down?
VrolikSyndrome: AKI does, too.
Mr_Horrible: I need someone on the cast to do Yamcha death pose
Mr_Horrible: although that's harder to see from a side profile
alright, gotta lurk while running errands. IDK how much longer y'all are going for, but if you're done before I'm back, thanks for the stream
KeytarCat: wimdoes?
TXC2: so long Mr_Horrible stay safe
TXC2: KeytarCat it was on stream
KeytarCat: thaank
Krektogar: that noise makes me panic every time
matthaus_c: nonzero amount of the reason i'm on Linux rn
I would like to be, but I use this PC for gaming, and just don't have the energy to get stuff to run on Linux
matthaus_c: that's real. Steam Proton has been a godsend in that way. lotta games just work
matthaus_c: but it's still nowhere near as smooth
Krektogar: I jsut hope that it gets smoother, or I get in a headspace where I can get it to run, before windows becomes completely unusable
Krektogar: (althoug some might argue it already is)
steam won't work on 7 anymore, and 10 stops being supported next year, windows sucks right now
matthaus_c: they're gonna stop supporting 10 already??
Krektogar: sounds fake, 10 is the last windows they're ever gonna make
TXC2: matthaus_c it will be 10 years old when they do
KeytarCat: I'm hoping for Linux to get enough friendly community support that I can just ask someone what to install and not worry about it beyond the occasional security update
KeytarCat: Better to burn out bright
matthaus_c: @TXC2 welp, here's hoping 12 is Fine
CaptainDaks: ggs dude! thanks for the matches
matthaus_c 11 would probably be fine if it just didn't have the "AI" crap and didn't need a PC from 2050 for no go reason
TXC2: *no good
HungryTanuki: Lube ! Those ! Buttons !
Sounds like a no go reason to me!
BrowneePointz: chun is not an easy char
TXC2: kinda odd that Chun is so hard given how regularly she shows up
BrowneePointz: so like, her entire thing Nelly is outplaying your opponent
BrowneePointz: she's the QUEEN of Footsies in this
BrowneePointz: and her combos are very demanding on your hands
KeytarCat: Using my hands? couldn't be me
BrowneePointz: but the upside is her potential is really, really high. It's wild seeing some of the world's best use her in tourneys
TXC2: what are we doing?
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Make a rhythm game that uses a theremin.
Scarbble: get pokin'
KeytarCat: Oh god, not a theremin game
saucemaster5000: chun has unfortunately dropped off a bit at higher play, another case of "what makes this char good is just easier on x" in this case cammy or Ed. Even Leshar has swapped off chun.
TXC2: saucemaster5000 is that a case of chun being too much of an all-rounder, and not specialising in one area ?
too many, clearly
BrowneePointz: Yea Ed primarily gets to do what Chun does with less investment
BrowneePointz: err risk*
KeytarCat: We almost got an old man stuck in an abdomen during LN last night
saucemaster5000: yeah, it's that her setups are pretty complicated and they nerfed her walk speed a bit, so the midrange game is easier/better on ed, and cammy has stronger pressure and better matchups against a wider spread
v_nome: GGs
v_nome: That parry at the end though
v_nome: well done
BusTed: Excelsior!
josh___something: JP has a whole beard
josh___something: That old man just has a mustache
freshmaker__: GGs!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam and Nelson
TXC2: !patreon
Bearudite: isn't that a dude from FF?
TXC2: !store
thanks for the stream
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 01:00 PM PST (26m from now).
ZethRuss: bus is coming
HungryTanuki: Thanks for the stream !
TXC2: coming in HOT and READY
TXC2: !events
lochnessseammonster: tee hee
TXC2: remoot
Juliamon: hot & steamy garbo
Krektogar: a R(em)oot
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
GasCityGaming: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 01:00 PM PST (24m from now).
TXC2: while waiting for W+P, you can watch today's unskippable, or you might have time to watch the latest GVlog
Earthenone: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (2d, 2:22 from now)
Earthenone: !quote 50
LRRbot: Quote #50: "Don't be vulgar, Chat!" —Cameron [2015-02-12]
Metric_Furlong: The Bus is coming
BigDaddyBland87: I've been so slammed at work, I haven't caught a stream in a while. And I will probably just have DB on in the background this year.
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a softened flute tube
Metric_Furlong: that has to be a euphemism for something
Juliamon: it feels like something I would have added but I don't remember the context
BigDaddyBland87: Honestly, it's better without context
Metric_Furlong: most of lrrbot's comments usually are
TheMerricat: Its from the cursed Mozart game.
TheMerricat: "Streets Exit up to the carriage In inventory, combine softened wax and wooden flute – get softened flute tube Use softened flute tube with fountain Use empty boiler with fountain – get boiler of water Exit back into Hotel, then Mozart’s Room"
baltimore_667083: what system was that on?
TXC2: usually when I add quotes, I think about them without context, to make sure that they're funnier
ContingentCat: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 01:00 PM PST (8m from now).
TheMerricat: @baltimore_667083 PC.
ContingentCat: context free quotes are better yeah
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