BigDaddyBland87: Honestly, it's better without context
Metric_Furlong: most of lrrbot's comments usually are
TheMerricat: Its from the cursed Mozart game.
TheMerricat: "Streets Exit up to the carriage In inventory, combine softened wax and wooden flute – get softened flute tube Use softened flute tube with fountain Use empty boiler with fountain – get boiler of water Exit back into Hotel, then Mozart’s Room"
baltimore_667083: what system was that on?
TXC2: usually when I add quotes, I think about them without context, to make sure that they're funnier
ContingentCat: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 01:00 PM PST (8m from now).
TheMerricat: @baltimore_667083 PC.
ContingentCat: context free quotes are better yeah
flouncy_magooo: What a garbage day. Thank god it's Garbage Day.
baltimore_667083: @flouncy_magooo i concur
Metric_Furlong: it is indeed Garbage Day
TXC2: I like that video says high quality, then maxes out at 360p
TheMerricat: @TXC2 Enough people appearently commented on that. "(high quality means this was not sourced from VHS. Thank you for attending my TED talk.)"
TXC2: TheMerricat ha, fair enough
Critterbot: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: consciousness and it wishes it weren't a box
BigDaddyBland87: 1080p and 4K didn't exist last century? How did people live?
Critterbot: !findquote conciousness
bytecaster: One p at a time
bytecaster: Also 4K might not have existed, but 40K is eternal
Metric_Furlong: @TXC2 360p was fairly high quality by 2006 youtube standards, tbf
flouncy_magooo: @BigDaddyBland87 Everyone's vision was in grainy black and white
TXC2: Metric_Furlong yeah, you're not wrong
eric_christian_berg subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, eric_christian_berg! (Today's storm count: 21)
TXC2: title change!
sethtriggs: LOL
Critterbot: Oh I misspelled it.
Critterbot: !findquote consciousness
accountmadeforants: Enter Garbage
TXC2: Garbage Day, Now more then ever
epsilon_vee: oh good lord it really is garbage day isn't it
ProcyonFlynn: !findquote consciousness
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Anubis169: lrrSIG
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
tabbyphobos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tabbyphobos! (Today's storm count: 22)
CmdrMadMoe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months!
CmdrMadMoe: WELP.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CmdrMadMoe! (Today's storm count: 23)
TXC2: Refresh 'em if you need 'em
KBKarma subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 48 months, currently on a 47 month streak!
KBKarma: Awwww shit, the one year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KBKarma! (Today's storm count: 24)
Critterbot: Hmm weird, but okay, whatever.
Drakas subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 100 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Drakas! (Today's storm count: 25)
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrGARBO lrrSIG
mtvcdm: hi
flouncy_magooo: causeiLove to everyone for no particular reason.
iris_of_ether: sponge73Heart
TXC2: hello mtvcdm
TXC2: flouncy_magooo lrrHEART
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: If there was a ever a day I needed garbage's today
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo! (Today's storm count: 26)
lightfut: Garbage day!
Piratical_tendancies: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheDangerWaffle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 19 month streak!
TheDangerWaffle: hiiiiii
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheDangerWaffle! (Today's storm count: 27)
NovusUltimus: lrrGRAHAM lrrALEX Garbage day!
constablecrab subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, constablecrab! (Today's storm count: 28)
RynoLaw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
TheAwkes: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RynoLaw! (Today's storm count: 29)
Charlie_Victor7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Charlie_Victor7: Garbage Day
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Charlie_Victor7! (Today's storm count: 30)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTrash vicksyTrash vicksyTrash
SymphonySolstice: lrrGARBO Toilet Time lrrGARBO
RocknGrohlNerd: avngrJam avngrDance
BigDaddyBland87: Ok break's over. Time to watch in silence.
RocknGrohlNerd: hello mods, gamers and chat
DigitalSeahorse: hi ads which are now done
Anubis169: 'ello!
TXC2: hello RocknGrohlNerd welcome
dauthi_vod_watcher: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
Anubis169: oh that's a brilliant first time message
Juliamon: oh that partygengar is very good
neisan2112: Oh damn, I never get to watch these live!!!
TXC2: hello dauthi_vod_watcher welcome
neisan2112: Wut up gamers
ardn93: Thank god for garbage day. It
constablecrab: coxShake coxShake
TXC2: hello neisan2112 welcome
ardn93: s been a rough one
Simriel: Garbagio Deo
cheetoJack subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
cheetoJack: hello fellow gamers
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cheetoJack! (Today's storm count: 31)
LadyLockwood92: Garbage Day~
NimrodXIV: It is indeed a garbage day
Metric_Furlong: neisan2112 welcome
Simriel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Simriel! (Today's storm count: 32)
loufghyslaufey: Yeah. The Braillie with it.
TXC2: let the garbage flow over us, and take away the garbage within us
Anaerin: Soon™
sethtriggs: Awwwyeah
wench_tacular: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
TXC2: Here we GO!
Anubis169: chat... Start! Your! Garbage trucks!
baltimore_667083: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
jessieimproved: A garbage katamari if you will
LittleVesuvius: I'm turning the ignition key but the truck is stalling
wiganlass: zerolePoge zerolePoge
LittleVesuvius: truly is garbage day
ClodiumSoride subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months, currently on a 83 month streak!
ClodiumSoride: <clever meme>
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ClodiumSoride! (Today's storm count: 33)
Riiiiiiis: ohhhh good timing
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPrider vicksyPrider vicksyPrider
KBKarma: Patch + Wlay!
TXC2: Hello Graham and Alax
Riiiiiiis: helloooo
TXC2: *Alex
Metric_Furlong: hey Graham and Alex
iris_of_ether: Yes correct
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: somehow I've never registered that health is spelled wrong on the intro
Anubis169: LOL
sethtriggs: Hahaha
LittleVesuvius: hi
jessieimproved: let's play some bad games y'all
SymphonySolstice: hi graham and alex
raulghoulia: wat
loufghyslaufey: @TXC2 That would, take a lifetime- or not even this lifetime, but sure.
neisan2112: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
loufghyslaufey: Woah, woah, woah, woah. Woah.
Anubis169: hihi G Money, A Train
TheDangerWaffle: <3
TXC2: "does it hurt when it honks? yes! everytime!"
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Yeah that's how we feel too
TheAinMAP: Sure did.
Anaerin: Revolutionary!
sheer_falacy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
sheer_falacy: :(
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sheer_falacy! (Today's storm count: 34)
averythetiger: Despite the overwhelming odds, tomorrow came...
butt_ghost: sun came up and NOTHING ELSE HAPPENED
TXC2: gravity persists
DigitalSeahorse: Alex is more out of focus than Graham somehow, I'm on 1080
Anubis169: it spins right round baby, right round
EmpressTila: We are slowly being digested by an amoral universe!
ani_laurel: the world as it should be
korvys: Job Security
SymphonySolstice: thermal stuff idk
LordManiMani subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LordManiMani: Sbubmiversary!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordManiMani! (Today's storm count: 35)
TehAmelie: oh hi frands
RocknGrohlNerd: @Anaerin I see what you did there, good
Anaerin: Cockroaches coding in Godot.
loufghyslaufey: Last night's stream said they were likely the last stream in the week.
epsilon_vee: just by intertia the world will keep spinning and new terrible games will keep appearing
Earthenone: chatgpt will outlive us all
RocknGrohlNerd: @TehAmelie Hi :)
jessieimproved: The heat death of the universe has not happened...yet
raulghoulia: cockroach made asset grab
Wicker_Guide: head and shoulders above cockroach myst
DoodlestheGreat: Aliens invade to post Silent Hill copies.
TXC2: the "AI" garbage will out live us all Kappa
loufghyslaufey: @korvys Perhaps not for much longer localBorked
lightfut: Doom like with rpg elements and crafting
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySquish vicksyBox crafting with boxes
sethtriggs: Imagine the great asset flipping you could get from roaches though
mtvcdm: let's do... something, enjoyable
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTrash
Scarbble: it sure is garbage day
LadyLockwood92: We're definitely getting close to Melina's speech to dissuade you from messing with the Frenzied Flame.
ProcyonFlynn: Tiny Machines, yeah.
DrLigmaPhD: I remember a video of 4D
DrLigmaPhD: Minecradft
KBKarma: A reminder?
CptMurphey subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
CptMurphey: nice
Anaerin: Sounds like the Factorissimo mod for Factorio.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CptMurphey! (Today's storm count: 36)
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
iris_of_ether: I had a friend in college who lost a full week of hours to Disgaea...
Anubis169: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
Riiiiiiis: my pockets have dimensions
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
BigDaddyBland87: Crappy games to prep us all for the bus
korvys: !quote Alex
LRRbot: Quote #3399: "I don't know a non-pompous way of saying 'I'm allergic to anything popular.'" —Alex [2016-09-14]
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
Astra7525: btw. last W&P/Alex solo stream was great.
SymphonySolstice: "treat"
wiganlass: treat???
Earthenone: !quote hannah
LRRbot: Quote #1354: "I'm a horse now." —Hannah
sethtriggs: uh oh
Metric_Furlong: race me Hannah?
Anubis169: yes...
NimrodXIV: race me Hannah?
DigitalSeahorse: nope
sheer_falacy: someday hopefully you'll do the sequel to the weird robot camera game
ProcyonFlynn: Unless I'm mistaken the mod that lets you "pocket dimension machine" was called >Compact Machines< for anyone that cares.
SpacePotato01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months, currently on a 111 month streak!
SpacePotato01: oneoneone
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SpacePotato01! (Today's storm count: 37)
tidehollowcat: the Tomato Way guy!
wiganlass: tomato way!!
EmpressTila: Tomato Way!
averythetiger: Tomato Way?
LittleVesuvius: why is alex and only alex out of focus?
NimrodXIV: oooooh
insanecat6mtg subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months!
insanecat6mtg: Dropping this here this month before The Bus arrives.
Simriel: *Werner Zerzog voice* Show me the Garbage
LordManiMani: Yaaaay
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, insanecat6mtg! (Today's storm count: 38)
wench_tacular: ooooo
SymphonySolstice: oh baby
Anubis169: This is gonna rock
ardn93: o beauteous day!
DigitalSeahorse: oh boy! vicksyArrive
epsilon_vee: graphics "fantastic"
LittleVesuvius: yessssw
Raiz0k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months, currently on a 128 month streak!
sethtriggs: Nice Terraria font
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Raiz0k! (Today's storm count: 39)
BigDaddyBland87: Tomato Way guy...oh boy
protojman: i love that this channel has recurring developers you interact with
DoodlestheGreat: Oh, at least SOME things are all right with the world.
sethtriggs: Uh oh
sheer_falacy: oh my
NimrodXIV: dangit and I have to miss this for a meeting
RocknGrohlNerd: now thats a lota garbage
SpacePotato01: my body was not ready for this
Simriel: So we got this instead of a new Tomato Way?
TXC2: Right side of camera was also out of focus during OOFC
DigitalSeahorse: gasp!
littleunknownn: uhhh
sheer_falacy: I think any expectation that you know what will happen is destined for failure
sethtriggs: She looks like she's related to the Stonks meme guy
BigDaddyBland87: We getting some Grade A quality garbage
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect vicksyD
Earthenone: lrrAWESOME
Crokoking subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crokoking! (Today's storm count: 40)
wiganlass: Ukrainian
BrowneePointz: Alex is a Quasi-Dimensional being
DoodlestheGreat: Right punch.
Raiz0k: Very much not Polish or Czech.
BrowneePointz: and as such can only be partially captured
sethtriggs: The color palette on this game is...making me feel disturbed
Critterbot: I believe that was "right punch."
Foxmar320: Hello Alex and Graham
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDerp
wiganlass: Ukrainian
Astra7525: This is close to Bioware-levels of unsettling depiction of children
TXC2: hi Foxmar320
tidehollowcat: The dev is Ukrainian
sheer_falacy: fist get big
TXC2: she got HANDS !
accountmadeforants: Popeye-lookin punch
sethtriggs: Oh goodness the FOV is going to knock me sick
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBeans right punch
RocknGrohlNerd: @Raiz0k as a czech person born and/or raised, that is not czech
CaffeinatedLemur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CaffeinatedLemur! (Today's storm count: 41)
sheer_falacy: W+E is down? that's... new
accountmadeforants: Honestly that's an amazing tooltip "Despite being a question mark, he provides answers" indeed
an_archist2: [W]ATCH + [E]LAY
ani_laurel: WE is presumably forward and down
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
IanAllenBird: oh!
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
BigDaddyBland87: uhhhhh
CaffeinatedLemur: neop
Anubis169: it's got owl eyes
Piratical_tendancies: uuuuuh
sethtriggs: E is down, is this an AZERTY or other layout thing?
sheer_falacy: the boots increase your MURDER
TXC2: ok, why the BUS is a game like this making that ? observation and not some Indie Darling AA game? :p
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
sheer_falacy: your goggles ran out
accountmadeforants: @sethtriggs AZERTY has the E in the same place as QWERTY
sethtriggs: Sonic shoes?
DigitalSeahorse: it's sooooooo yellow
constablecrab: 50 is so many cake.
sethtriggs: @accountmadeforants Oh OK! Good to know!
an_archist2: insinuating that this isn't an indie darling AA game
ani_laurel: this game is great, why is it in W+P
TheAinMAP: HahaTurtledove
NightValien28: is this the new zelda game? looks cool!!
AugmentingPath: @ani_laurel Historical reasons
Metric_Furlong: @ani_laurel W+P can play good games sometimes, as a treat
sheer_falacy: the eyes are detachable
AugmentingPath: their extremely long eyes
TheAwkes: So the glasses give you Super-Vision, but they can't provide supervision...
TXC2: sometimes the games on W+P are good, but weird
DigitalSeahorse: there we go, I put my monitor back on standard to dim the yellow
sethtriggs: At least it's not a lie
Niahlah: alex doesn't have enough cake??
ValTheDrake: who said anything about slices?
constablecrab: Was that a belopa?
sheer_falacy: it's a new take on ragdolling
LadyLockwood92: I feel like 'the "turtle" is the ultimate defense' could work as something in !advice.
Artificer0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
Artificer0: Not many games ask you to put the fish back in the water
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Artificer0! (Today's storm count: 42)
artacuno53: is that the creepy fish from that dreamcast game?
Astra7525: Those aren't even cupcakes
sheer_falacy: firefox?
sethtriggs: Foxes protect you from fire, OK
Foxmar320: foxmarBURN
DaxStrife: Most disturbing flower since "Cuphead."
sheer_falacy: Flowey got jacked
IanAllenBird: I can't tell if I'm more worried that there's going to be a thematic turn or that there isn't
sethtriggs: This is like that Conker's Bad Fur Day innit
Raiz0k: @RocknGrohlNerd As a Polish person, no, definitely not Czech (people saying dev is Ukrainian). But, er, "and/or raised" xD?
DigitalSeahorse: Fox hat! vicksyHappy vicksyHeart
Anubis169: LOL
wench_tacular: me too lever
Anubis169: on it
Juliamon: that goes in !sir too
sheer_falacy: could also be good !advice
DigitalSeahorse: bnuy
sethtriggs: Gyuh
RocknGrohlNerd: @constablecrab i hope so, it is almost time for them to come back .
DigitalSeahorse: aaaaaaaaa
LadyLockwood92: !advice
LRRbot: Find the dragon's heart and pour out the ooze to discover the treasure within.
GhostValv: D:
DigitalSeahorse: nuuuuu
RealGamerCow: nope don't like that
sheer_falacy: Santa Thwomp wants to hurt you
AugmentingPath: yes, it did
constablecrab: @RocknGrohlNerd auspicious!
TXC2: like the end of Raiders of the lost ark :p
Raiz0k: That Bearrabit moved like it needed its... glads... expressed.
Niahlah: this is VERY disturbing
lightfut: Inventive uses of physics here
Critterbot: Looks like they are flower petals.
johnnylongtorso: is this the new Zelda game?
DigitalSeahorse: nononono vicksyDed vicksyBreakdance
kristian_fischer is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 122 in the channel!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to 7angerywasps!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to dreadninjart!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to siqqsadgurl!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Snipe_Mercenary!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to AirmanKJE!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to VexedVivienne!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tielok!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to JohnLockeCole!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to XandaxDK!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to WaltzMaster1!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jantaxe1337!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to CocoaMix86!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nareik59!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to endless_wurm!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to notarealartist!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZyincIsMe!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Orannis0!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to 0rionos!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to chloexx63!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to cakes_here!
RocknGrohlNerd: @constablecrab indeed, very auspicious
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, kristian_fischer! Welcome to siqqsadgurl, dreadninjart, Tielok, AirmanKJE, VexedVivienne, 7angerywasps, JohnLockeCole, XandaxDK, WaltzMaster1, Jantaxe1337, Nareik59, notarealartist, 0rionos, CocoaMix86, cakes_here, Orannis0, Snipe_Mercenary, endless_wurm, ZyincIsMe, and chloexx63! (Today's storm count: 62)
TXC2: kristian_fischer lrrHEART
DaxStrife: "This lever needs 10 cakes, and that's awful."
notarealartist: tyty
sethtriggs: Wow!
TehAmelie: noice
kristian_fischer: I figure this day needs something good.
Amentur: Wow, that's certainly a face to join in on
Invitare: at least it doesn't need 40 cakes. That would be terrible
JohnLockeCole: thank you for the gift sub kristian_fischer
DigitalSeahorse: you missed me! vicksyDerp
AugmentingPath: @DaxStrife That's as many as one ten!
constablecrab: powerful fish eyebrows
Niahlah: Bel-o-pa!
Viewers_Like_You: Oh hey, the rare day I can catch W+P live!
Anubis169: Added
raulghoulia: super villain
DigitalSeahorse: weeeee
ani_laurel: its a math/counting childrens book
sheer_falacy: I wonder if the ? said "try jumping"
AlliterateA subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AlliterateA! (Today's storm count: 63)
Raiz0k: Sequence breaking!
iris_of_ether: Fun fact you can absolutely buy that book (used of course) on Amazon
SquareDotCube: to inflict type 2 diabetes
BigDaddyBland87: That fish was mad because you didn't say Ajony
constablecrab: ladybug is pissed!
sethtriggs: I mean this is ambitious
sethtriggs: I will give total props
niccus: bigger than before
AugmentingPath: the famed largedy bug
artacuno53: im fast as fuck boi
iris_of_ether: It's a superhero learning dictionary from the 70's
EmpressTila: The Lex Luthor thing was made canon if I remember correctly. He stole from a bake sale because he was angry at someone as a kid.
Anubis169: it'll appear as a random response to !advice
sheer_falacy: so if you lose to gravity then do you die or just lose hp
raulghoulia: it is canon that Luthor stole the cakes tho
DigitalSeahorse: caek
kristian_fischer: Oh good, this will make your character way easier to control.
sheer_falacy: tomato way was functional?
Boon_33: boots do what they say they do on the tin.
Raiz0k: Maybe the ladybug's damage progression is to teach us conflict begets bigger conflict.
LadyLockwood92: @LoadingReadyRun It's originally from the Super Dictionary
Niahlah: functional.. but disturbing
sethtriggs: Took the lessons they learned from Tomato Way and improved ont he craft, which ya love to see
sheer_falacy: and you can very much tell that they're still making their own assets :P
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRaid
johnnylongtorso: they sure like eyebrows
kristian_fischer: Wait, is this made by the Tomato Way dev?
TXC2: kristian_fischer yeap
baltimore_667083: @kristian_fischer yup
Strebenherz: YES IT IS
constablecrab: The girl gives me Crayon Shin-chan vibes.
sheer_falacy: cactus is basically the star from mario
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: I'm glad that they still have the passion to make games. It'd suck if they stopped
TheMerricat: The OG Luthor stealing 40 cakes deal was from the "Super Dictionary" - there were a lot of meme worthy items from it.
baltimore_667083: this is what you get when your mom says you have super mario 64 at home
sethtriggs: It looks awful but it seems to have mechanics!
johnnylongtorso: imaginary rocks
NERVOUSHAIR: Does this game have any audio?
Strebenherz: I suggested this forever ago to the W+P email I am glad to see it has been consumed
Anaerin: There's also a cake in that tower.
sethtriggs: These even look like custom assets so I can say the dev has made effort.
constablecrab: I remember this area in Elden Ring.
TXC2: Tails no!
johnnylongtorso: time to fight the Dragonslayer Armor
Anubis169: the boot?
sethtriggs: Your glasses seem to be made of tissue paper. And oh goodness inllatable tiger(?)
sheer_falacy: I wonder who framed him
TXC2: oh Gods the dip
SquareDotCube: Large Soul
sethtriggs: boing
baltimore_667083: BOING!
Anubis169: Boyoyoyoyoyoing
RocknGrohlNerd: almost parkour
Raiz0k: Wait, is this supposed to be a World Tree?
sheer_falacy: I love that you bounced
TehAmelie: i never thought i'd say this but this one world surely needs the attentions of Judge Doom
Boon_33: that can't be good for her knees
Drasvin: No fall damage. Good to know
Strebenherz: Also, best wishes to y'all out there today.
sethtriggs: I don't know what "Dad" was worried about!
baltimore_667083: the cake looks to be reluctantly crouched
Viewers_Like_You: How much is that cake up in the window?
Witchy_Diana: this game looks surprisingly together
lightfut: How much is that cakey in the window
baltimore_667083: @Viewers_Like_You it isn't for sale Kappa
sheer_falacy: this is a frame perfect trick
Raiz0k: Parkour!
cmdrud87: Good evening, fellow garbage enjoyers!
AugmentingPath: it kinda looked like intended routing
TXC2: hello cmdrud87 welcome
constablecrab: There must have been some really incredible seismic activity here.
Gekyouryuu: Lost track of time because of work what've I missed?
sheer_falacy: this is by the Tomato Way dev
TXC2: sheer_falacy sure is
Jethrain: that explains Several things
sethtriggs: There is actually verticality and mechanics in this, it's not even like a first Little Big Planet level.
Bahumot: Important question: Is this still a terrible game? Or has this crossed the So-Bad-It-Is-Good threshold?
johnnylongtorso: DA DA DA DADA DA
Astra7525: which music? Is the game muted for us?
DigitalSeahorse: I can't hear the music
TXC2: Gekyouryuu not much, we're looking for the 50 cupcakes we've lost
korvys: Very much modeled on the previous level, it seems
Anubis169: theer's background music? can't hear it
Raiz0k: @sheer_falacy Was this the extra trippy, but functional platformer with untextured environment?
Metric_Furlong: I can hear it
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic
Anaerin: It's incredibly quiet.
korvys: It's *very* low
sethtriggs: The fox hat logo is amazing. Also were you getting chased by another fox?
wench_tacular: it's very quiet
cmdrud87: we hear you, but not th game
sheer_falacy: can't really hear it
TheAwkes: I can hear the keyboard more loudly than the game.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRoll
tsp397: Pipe
Niahlah: the sound of you letting the air out of them
Anubis169: We can't hear much
Riiiiiiis: can barely hear the game
Raiz0k: The sound of the game is almost unaudible.
Anubis169: oh that's better <3
DigitalSeahorse: there we go
wench_tacular: that's better
sheer_falacy: @Raiz0k No, you'd remember tomato way if you'd seen it (you should see it)
DigitalSeahorse: thanks
gualdhar: Bridge to Terabithia
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed
ani_laurel: i read it in middle school but dont remember
Metric_Furlong: children gotta learn about death some time I suppose
Niahlah: kinda like Watership Down?
RealGamerCow: Tradition
ani_laurel: I mean, im not opposed to kids rading about death
constablecrab: I wondered that All The Time.
LittleVesuvius: what book is this? i missed it
sethtriggs: Some folks might've gone, "I had to suffer from this, SO SHALL YOU."
Strebenherz: we got flowers for algernon that had a chunk taken out
TXC2: "how did _____ happen?" "money"
Witchy_Diana: god the deflation sound is amazing
DigitalSeahorse: asplode
sethtriggs: Flowers for Algernon made me cry
accountmadeforants: I've been able to find exactly one keyboard layout which has an E in the place of S, PT-Nativo. Which is ostensibly a Portuguese ergonomic layout. Dvorak does have E on the left home row, though.
Raiz0k: Well, Alex, at least you didn't have a mine horse that gets exploited to death.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyShrug
Bahumot: These are the exact same books I read in High School.
accountmadeforants: Animal Farm is a very good novel for people to read yeah
LadyLockwood92: I hate that their eyes have collision after they die...
Texan_Reverend: Bridge to Terabithia absolutely _messed_ me up in third grade.
accountmadeforants: Ah
ani_laurel: omg, you need context
constablecrab: I can't recall many assigned books at all where the person/animal you like in it didn't die.
artacuno53: "these animals are just being wacky"
sheer_falacy: that's an interesting way to approach it, actually
AugmentingPath: Are you not already intimately familiar with the history of the soviet union? Skill issue, tbh Kappa
DigitalSeahorse: xD
ani_laurel: like, everyone who originally read it had the context cuz they lived in it
Anubis169: SHOT
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
TheAinMAP: HyperGravity
MehallD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
MehallD: last stream I will catch pre-Bus. Have a good bus!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MehallD! (Today's storm count: 64)
Raiz0k: @sheer_falacy OK, I've looked for images of it. I remember now. Must have repressed it.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
RocknGrohlNerd: actual factual parkour
sethtriggs: Well that happened
LittleVesuvius: what was the original book about dogs called so i can avoid it
bytecaster: Weeeeeee
johnnylongtorso: what
dauthi_vod_watcher: amazing
Amentur: Sure
Lord_Hosk: FART
DigitalSeahorse: weeeeeeeeeee splat
Pteraspidomorphi: Fantastic sound effect
Witchy_Diana: @LittleVesuvius "Where the Red Fern Grows"
Metric_Furlong: 10/10, no notes
LittleVesuvius: @Witchy_Diana ty
constablecrab: I never had any k-12 teacher attempt to explain allegory. College literature class was an eye opener.
josh___something: THank goodness for your *IMPRESSIVE* air control
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang
ani_laurel: honestly, this guy did a good jb with the sky
ManyDistractions: foxief1Headbang
LordManiMani: Yeah
sethtriggs: I remember that cartoon
sethtriggs: Dig that solar panel floor!
LittleVesuvius: iirc we analyzed the princess and 3 crows story when i was like 12? it was real weird and fucked up
TheAinMAP: FBtouchdown
thavleifrim: the ground kinda looks like the overworld map for a ps1 RPG
LittleVesuvius: I got into trouble for reading ahead CONSTANTLY
LordManiMani: That's rabbit of seville
DoodlestheGreat: No, it's Wagner's Ring Cycle.
Anaerin: "Kill the wabbit!"
Dog_of_Myth: Yeah
Viewers_Like_You: Spear and magic helmet?
sethtriggs: Ugh those elongated eyeball/cylinders are awful
constablecrab: Chuck Jones was an unparalleled genius.
SquareDotCube: What's Opera, Doc is the Wagnerian spoof
red_shoes_jeff: "... Kill da wabbit!?"
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang hit buttan
sheer_falacy: the button understands only violence
RocknGrohlNerd: not much, whats operadog with you? (is this anything?)
Bearudite: heh firebreathing dragon(fly)
Gekyouryuu: No, what's opera is the ring of the niebelung
iris_of_ether: I always loved Duck Amok, the really meta one
Jethrain: I think i had both on the same VHS
constablecrab: Magic helmet! [sarcastic]
bytecaster: Maybe they are in the pocket of Big Button
TXC2: here in the UK, we just do Shaeaksphere 4 times, then the kids bad at english (like me) do of mice and men, and the "smart" kids do to kill a mocking bird
johnnylongtorso: yes, magic helmet, and I will give you a sample!
Tangsm: A light switch that takes up 1/3rd of the wall
cmdrud87: "why did you make that?"-"do you know how bored people were before TV was invented?"
DoodlestheGreat: Have a cupcake?
DigitalSeahorse: can you swim?
Scarbble: the deflating sound really makes it that much more wild
Boon_33: KO
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: @TXC2 I think the smart kids for us did an inspector calls, but other than that this is basically my experience
Drasvin: With the popping and rubber noises, I think these enemies might be balloons
DigitalSeahorse: yay we're turtle
MehallD: @TXC2 I did none shakespeare because the head of department decided each teacher should do a different text, and also picked Shakespeare every time, and I was not good at english so not in his class
bytecaster: Turt power!
sheer_falacy: I wonder if you could go into that pipe with your incredible air control
ani_laurel: so, apparently the author of Terebithia had a friend die by lightning strike when shewas 8. So is writing abou tthat loss
Witchy_Diana: the deflation sound is still quite quiet I'd love to hear it a touch louder
Anubis169: delicious fingies
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Boon_33: 🦀
sethtriggs: I guess you are some sort of wingless fairy
Scarbble: that crab is ANGY
sethtriggs: CRAB BATTLE
TheAinMAP: lrrCrab
niccus: praxis?
RocknGrohlNerd: also Belopa
johnnylongtorso: crabs? wrong game!
DoodlestheGreat: 🦀
lightfut: Crab eyebrows!
bytecaster: Is there an air meter?
northos: oh, is this that crab dark souls I've heard so much about? Kappa
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRamen sluuuuurp
SymphonySolstice: lrrCrab
tyrsredritehand: lrrCrab
Amentur: extraCrab lrrCrab extraCrab
sheer_falacy: punching a crab to death is its own reward
avged: giant enemy crab!
Foxmar320: oh no that face
LadyLockwood92: Yeah, well the crab doesn't like you either, Graham.
Angreed66: Carcinization trends only hold for aquatic organisms
sethtriggs: That flower is like Rick Sanchez
Strebenherz: I am glad and I am horrified, that this has this much tomato way energy
tyrsredritehand: Why are all the faces unsettling?
BigDaddyBland87: This game is just a giant DB reference
Robot_Bones: lots of things
Anubis169: not sure but the sign is now pointing that way
Raiz0k: I think the popping eyes are supposed to evoke some genres of Soviet Bloc animation. The rest of the style definitely does attempt that.
catcard: amazing chest ahead
Boon_33: underwater camera is simulating the eye pain from the chlorine
Strebenherz: @tyrsredritehand tomato way energy
bytecaster: it's their house style!
sheer_falacy: at least they don't have faces under their bodies (yet)
DigitalSeahorse: he's very consistent with it too
sethtriggs: This makes me think of Candace Debebe's Incredibly Trick Lifestyle, without any voices.
thegitrogsquirrel: i think lever showed red botton
accountmadeforants: The man's got an Art Style, emphasis on the Art.
Metric_Furlong: and if there's another thing they excel at: it's more unsettling faces
Anubis169: and the usual "try finger but hole"
tyrsredritehand: @Strebenherz At least Tomato way had artistry.
Dog_of_Myth: Games do need more dog.
bytecaster: Big chest ahead
TXC2: "amazing chest ahead"
catcard: lmfao
Foxmar320: Excellent
LadyLockwood92: try finger but hole
Anubis169: hahahaha
accountmadeforants: Oh yeah, I did see a lot of those
constablecrab: Human ingenuity is inspiring.
bytecaster: Shortcut unlocked
TXC2: limitations breed crativity
sheer_falacy: there was a window with an enemy to the right?
NorthstarTex: my fav I saw was in front of Blaidd saying "turn back, and then offer rump"
Simriel: Try finger, But Hole is a classic. Just like Don't give Up Skeleton
IanAllenBird: I saw a lot of "mist... or beast" recently
LadyLockwood92: Honestly, I've been having to keep myself from giggling whenever people talk about edging in Shadowrun.
AugmentingPath: He's an inflatable fox
ManyDistractions: foxief1Smile
bytecaster: What about second cannon
Anubis169: new head cannon
Anubis169: Kappa
sheer_falacy: love that the eyebrows also ragdoll separately
Strebenherz: time to reach the deflation quota
NorthstarTex: at least we didn't see Prancer *shivers from Spud flashbacks*
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyAww
RocknGrohlNerd: @Anubis169 boo
sheer_falacy: Prancer, the Inflatable
TXC2: NorthstarTex don't speak it's name!
DigitalSeahorse: feliciaDeer vicksySquish
DigitalSeahorse: lol
Simriel: Why do the eyes come out
bytecaster: Chaining cannons seems ambitious
bytecaster: Wait, is this just a Sonic game?
Raiz0k: @Simriel To see you better.
constablecrab: I'll say it. This seems better than the average Sonic game.
accountmadeforants: I still love that this game basically started off with her dad confirming whether her right hook was good, and then figuring that yeah, she'd be safe on her own.
Viewers_Like_You: "But before I tell you that cannon story, I need to tell you this cannon story"
Laserbeaks_Fury: We're definitely getting Lightning Greaves in the FF set, right?
MenomeAlice: From what I played of this a couple of years ago, the levels are BIG, just maybe *too* big.
Anubis169: yes
sheer_falacy: is the land breathing
LadyLockwood92: Cammy White in this game?
Dog_of_Myth: yes
ManyDistractions: Yes :)
accountmadeforants: She folded that bug into itself
accountmadeforants: Brutal
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
LRRbot: Stick your hand in the teleporter.
coriolis_storm: General relativity says there's no way to tell
Anubis169: where was that from originally... was Jessie Slaughter's dad?
Raiz0k: @accountmadeforants Can attest this is authentic period-accurate method of raising children in the region.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted up is down
TXC2: that General doesn't know anything, dude bought his commishion Kappa
Bruceski: What I love is when you're in a parked car in a parking lot, the one next to you starts backing up and the brain freaks out and slams the brake.
eric_christian_berg: Did his eye fall out when you hit him?!!?
Simriel: @eric_christian_berg Yes. A lot of them do that.
constablecrab: @Bruceski Yeah that's the best. I don't hate it at all.
eric_christian_berg: Ew.
Metric_Furlong: @eric_christian_berg yes
Raiz0k: @Bruceski The depressing part is when you realize not everyone has that reaction.
TXC2: here we are in scenic quarry Junction
Anubis169: I like big buttons and I cannot lie
sheer_falacy: isn't it just run into them?
TheMerricat: Say what you will about this dev, they don't skimp on their level design.
Dog_of_Myth: This is just James's Punch a Chunk
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFrumpy
Bearudite: cactus pops all the inflatables
DrLigmaPhD: Invoke Cactus
Bahumot: Does she have a health bar?
Vonbane: what is the "goal" for this game?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang boof
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 oh no, that where the new magic set will take place
BigDaddyBland87: Oh yea!!!
BusTed: You're free now
Scarbble: are we free now?
Anubis169: quick, cactus!
TheAinMAP: "Oh yeah!"
baskwalla: My review of this game: Psst
Orlantia: that's a lot of physics
cmdrud87: OH YEA!!!
DigitalSeahorse: so many foxes vicksySquish vicksyHappy vicksyDance vicksyBravo
Boon_33: beaver
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyBox vicksyRave vicksyDinkDonk vicksyCope vicksyBravo vicksyJammin
constablecrab: Wait, do yu have a slide kick?
TXC2: RocknGrohlNerd we had a Fallout commander set, so now it's Standard's turn Kappa
Anubis169: Percival! lrrSPOOP
ManyDistractions: foxief1Bounce foxief1Arfarf foxief1Headbang foxief1Knock
Bruceski: Miles's cousin Kilometer
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDK
eric_christian_berg: That reminds me, if anyone here hasn't seen 'Hundreds of Beavers', you need to remedy that.
Raiz0k: @RocknGrohlNerd Better than Paradise Falls.
lightfut: I continue to hate the deflation noise
sheer_falacy: shortcut unlocked?
LadyLockwood92: One he doesn't talk about?
Robot_Bones: Not the sonic's 30th anniversary crossover I was expecting
DigitalSeahorse: those foxes are cute too, ManyDistractions
bytecaster: Shortcut unlocked again
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyStuck
BrindleBoar: F
NorthstarTex: not like this
constablecrab: F
ManyDistractions: o7
bytecaster: F
Anaerin: F1 for dev mode?
Witchy_Diana: F
Metric_Furlong: sad_trombone.wav
couchboyj: Now you are the prize in the big face
DigitalSeahorse: stuck! vicksyStuck vicksyBreakdance
cmdrud87: F
Dog_of_Myth: F
Anubis169: xxxCOM
TXC2: trapped, like a fool I'm in a cage
sheer_falacy: it said tab for hints
LadyLockwood92: D:
Drasvin: F
bytecaster: Wait, Moba?
ani_laurel: thats actually helpful info
Cleekru subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months, currently on a 85 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cleekru! (Today's storm count: 65)
Vonbane: just F
RocknGrohlNerd: get trapped, bighead
Anubis169: damage boost?
sheer_falacy: kill be, obi-won-acorny, you're my only hope
GasCityGaming: those eyebrows though
Anubis169: YES!!!
RocknGrohlNerd: looks like bullying to me
TXC2: Freedom!
NorthstarTex: strats!
ManyDistractions: Huzzah!
Bahumot: Alex escapes again!
Metric_Furlong: I think those are petals rather than feathers
bytecaster: Actually, this is a frame perfect trick
Robot_Bones: like boots but fast
johnnylongtorso: the speedrunner surprise
thegitrogsquirrel: this is top tear garbage
SquareDotCube: but what about vroom?
sheer_falacy: are the butterflies purely decorative
LordManiMani: I'm glad this guy keeps making games and did something so different this time
constablecrab: petals are just plant feathers
Anubis169: o hai Mark
Anaerin: I believe the butterflies are a full load of health petals.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRamen bweh, cold oatmeal
red_shoes_jeff: *whispers at the screen* "ZOOM ZOOM..."
Metric_Furlong: although it is entirely believable that this game would have a feathered flower
bytecaster: So what did button do?
TheMerricat: @bytecaster I think it broke the wall
TXC2: Graham is not a Mazda, he can not Vroom vroom vroom
sheer_falacy: is the head different through gogglevision
Bionull: We've achieved green speed
constablecrab: Oh Christ. The "zoom zoom" kid is 33 now.
Crad0k: mazda was 'zoom zoom zoom'
ani_laurel: its a neat mechanic
RocknGrohlNerd: @red_shoes_jeff *mazda intesifies*
Anubis169: gearing up
Diabore: its garden of salvation on hard mode
bytecaster: Jumping on the gear seems ill advised, we should do it
Strebenherz: ROBBED
Foxmar320: oh goooood
sheer_falacy: this gear is both less and more solid than expected
TXC2: Crad0k darn, memory has failed me
ani_laurel: so there is fal damage
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySquish
Bionull: That was more hell than expected
ManyDistractions: Metal Gear Not Solid
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBounce
cmdrud87: I alway wonder if they do qC on those kind of puzzles
red_shoes_jeff: @RocknGrohlNerd GOD, that child was creepy...!
bytecaster: Metal Gear Less Solid
Vonbane: no lives left
TXC2: that is NOT Soild gear !
DigitalSeahorse: how you jump off an unsolid
thavleifrim: coming soon from Konami Metal gear noclip
Vonbane: the 0 in the middle
Anubis169: petals are HP
Vonbane: said 1 before
sheer_falacy: maybe you can pick up the butterflies
Angreed66: butterfly is 1 up petals are health
7gorobei: does getting the butterfly give you more petals?
Anaerin: I believe petals are HP, and a butterfly is a full load of HP. Like E-Tanks in Metroid.
niccus: just like spyro
accountmadeforants: @cmdrud87 The fact that we've checkpointed to a sane spot (and not, say, stuck on a gear or on that platform they fell to earlier) tells me that they did
Bionull: It looks like the lives butterfly is wearing the boots
sheer_falacy: it would be worse if you could steer it
bytecaster: The cannon ball sequence always gets me
DigitalSeahorse: doh
e_bloc: are the butterflies petals
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
ani_laurel: i assume you respawn with 1 petal
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy
TheMerricat: I'm assuming once you turn on dev mode you don't take damage.
Anubis169: Butterboots!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyE vicksyTail
sheer_falacy: would a butterfly wear boots like this or like this
Anaerin: It looks like the butterflies act like E-tanks.
Cephallope: Aw, it thinks it's people
Anubis169: nicely done
Veste: Hey I heard it was garbage day. Also there's some video games or something else unrelated
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
sheer_falacy: beaver wizard
wench_tacular: story checks out
Raiz0k: Ah yes, electrocellulosis.
constablecrab: The traditional beaver caber toss.
accountmadeforants: 🦋
accountmadeforants: 👢 👢
DrLigmaPhD: When is this fucked up child added to the Smash Bros roster?
Lord_Hosk: Thats why Canadas's electricity prices are so low. its not all the hydro plants, its the elctro bevers
epsilon_vee: beavers and their hydroelectric dams
kusinohki: meows
bytecaster: Don't yuck the sunflowers yum
RocknGrohlNerd: @Veste garbage? on this stream, absolute slander :D
eric_christian_berg: But Graham, it just feels so goooood.
Bahumot: Isn't it lightning from the sky?
BrindleBoar: cowabunga
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRave T U R T L E POWER
CaptainSpam: A real turtle tamer move, there.
accountmadeforants: @DrLigmaPhD She's always been there. She's the reason you explode and die when you fall off-screen.
bytecaster: More people should wear cacti on their head :D
teaandvalkyries: I recognize the music and cannot place the name of the piece for the life of me
Anubis169: jebus, when I was out in japan, everything has katakana English in it!
Raiz0k: xD
cadesguy: Alice: Madness
CaptainSpam: Just Alice: Madness.
ani_laurel: it might be swan lake?
sheer_falacy: their spoon is too big
avged: madness continues
Bionull: A lot of design choices in this game feel like an alternate world where Mario was kinda different.
sethtriggs: Oh goodness
Greyah: Madness wuz here
itmightbemikey: oh, sweet god of distraction, thank you for this blessing
itmightbemikey: Hello!
Anubis169: lol
Vonbane: bazinga
DigitalSeahorse: this is that Alice with the taxidermy in it
DeM0nFiRe: :LUL:
DrLigmaPhD: alice: the vibes continue to deteriorate
bytecaster: Doesn't even get a boss bar though
Bionull: What do you mean right? Was that a thing we knew?
TXC2: Alice: I'm mad and I;m gonna make it everyone else's problem
ManyDistractions: foxief1Scared
ani_laurel: this is great character desig
IbunWest: is this the new cuphead dlc
Raiz0k: Oh yeah, you can see it's the Tomato Way dev definitely *now*.
LordManiMani: Like Mario RPG meets Cuphead
sethtriggs: Invisible wall?
bytecaster: Stunlock the tea pot
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect vicksyEmpty
sheer_falacy: corner strats ftw
Anubis169: well that was underwhelming
LadyLockwood92: Why would Hal Jordan do this?
constablecrab: ded
sethtriggs: I am impressed with Tomato Way guy
ManyDistractions: That was a thing
Bionull: Right in his tin chin
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog portal
TehAmelie: i went off to cook my dinner and we're still doing this? alrighty then
sheer_falacy: there were supposed to be 8 cakes in that level, right?
TXC2: I like how the boss had a health symbol, unlike A LOT of game that should :p
Anubis169: !advice
LRRbot: Rotate the owl.
itmightbemikey: is this Balan Wonderworld
eric_christian_berg: @Raiz0k Oh, this is the Tomato Way guy?
7gorobei: i thought they said there was 10 cakes in that level
Anubis169: TO ATLANTIS!! manGRY manFIST
sethtriggs: Oh nooooo
artacuno53: mind the gap
sethtriggs: Thank goodness there's no fall damage
bytecaster: Sorry, the cake is in another catle
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRaid to the castle!
bytecaster: *castle
Foxmar320: Cake or Death
Bahumot: Cake or Death?
Anubis169: Death, or Cake
Raiz0k: @eric_christian_berg According to about 80% chat, yes xD.
TheMerricat: Black spotches are cannons.
korvys: Cake, please
sethtriggs: The black splotch was the cannon's fire effect, wow
Angreed66: black is acannon
AugmentingPath: Sorry, we're all out of cake
Astra7525: oh no, the dreaded water level
LadyLockwood92: Depends...are we Church of England in this scenario?
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp voxlunCarp voxlunCarp
sethtriggs: Let's all hum Dire Dire Docks song!
IbunWest: so what my choices are “or death”?
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp vicksyDed
sheer_falacy: you pulled the drain plug
TXC2: strong Sekrio vibes now Kappa
AugmentingPath: @IbunWest We didn't expect so much demand for the cake!
sethtriggs: That WAS Dire Dire Docks!
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp vicksyFox2 vicksyFox2 vicksyFox3
Anubis169: outside Seath's room
Anubis169: and they had real silly range
averythetiger: They prefer "cleople"
BrindleBoar: Their mouths were full of skulls.
LadyLockwood92: In Soviet Russia, Clam shucks you!
teammanfred: Not caked up enough.
TXC2: and you needed to farm them for twinkling titanite
sheer_falacy: this game world is bigger than it needs to be
DigitalSeahorse: Sanic boots
Anubis169: Missile Crab
sheer_falacy: rocket crab is pretty sweet though
BigDaddyBland87: Rocket punch crab
Anubis169: to the MOON alice!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
ManyDistractions: o7
Raiz0k: F
GhostValv: o7
sheer_falacy: nyooom
eric_christian_berg: Melted butter
TheAinMAP: lrrCrab
Cephallope: FBtouchdown
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: o7
constablecrab: o7
Foxmar320: Send it to space!
johnnylongtorso: IT'S A HOME RUN
bytecaster: o7
skuzzo: Attack its weak point for massive damage!
BusTed: FBtouchdown
northos: \o/
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown
Drasvin: o7
DigitalSeahorse: vicksy7
BigDaddyBland87: lrrBartleby
AugmentingPath: send it to space for massive damage
schordash: causeiTsTimeForCrab
Simriel: I forget Our Face until we turn towards the camera again
iris_of_ether: seabatClap
TheAinMAP: FBtouchdown
baltimore_667083: the kick is up...AND IT IS GOOD
red_shoes_jeff: benginO7
DeM0nFiRe: FBtouchdown
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
adept_nekomancer: lrrCrab
TheMerricat: K
Anubis169: we are now the prize behind the waterfall
TXC2: !findquote waterfall
LRRbot: Quote #8064: "Stop making waterfalls if they're not going to have secret rooms." —Nelson [2022-05-09]
SquareDotCube: The secret behind the waterfall was death
RocknGrohlNerd: no treasure behind waterfall? 3/10 would not cake again
constablecrab: You are an adult. You can give yourself cake whenever you want.
Foxmar320: Thats cursed
sethtriggs: I didn't know that could happen!
sethtriggs: Well that's a new kind of bug
bytecaster: Should we go max cake?
sheer_falacy: it's a power we do have
Jethrain: *maximum* cake
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint lrrCIRCLE_TK
Foxmar320: Can has cake?
GhostValv: there's always squats
wench_tacular: mmmm, cake
sheer_falacy: no one but you can stop you from having cake
Ctabbe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months!
Ctabbe: Watching with my three week old son. Baby's first garbage day
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ctabbe! (Today's storm count: 66)
BrindleBoar: Mordencaken's Summon Desert
bytecaster: It's a one way portal?
WiJohn: A dangerous incantation indeed
Bionull: You think you want unlimited cake access, but then you check the scale
sethtriggs: Whaaaaaaaaaaaa
wench_tacular: why not?
e_bloc: cake me up
TXC2: are we in a race?
ManyDistractions: Insert cake here> foxief1Rawr
Anubis169: why not?
TheMerricat: @LoadingReadyRun because it's public domain.
Gekyouryuu: Why NOT?
RocknGrohlNerd: its a bop guess
wench_tacular: jlrrCooltunes
sethtriggs: Is this memes?
ShaneLeeAtk: Gotta outrun Boss Bass
Cleekru: oh wait there*s audio?
Tangsm: It's all extremely quiet
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGa vicksyGa vicksyGa
Scarbble: it's a body pillow
DoodlestheGreat: Why the WTO? because Okarun still hasn't got his nards back from Turbo Granny.
kusinohki: "an intellectual is someon who can hear the William Tell overture and not think of the Lone Ranger" - (I forget who said it)
Wolfstrike_NL: Huh, we playing the new Zelda game?
RocknGrohlNerd: @Tangsm its just a hint of music :D
Wolfstrike_NL: O damm, nvm that face
sheer_falacy: it's got destructible terrain, it's basically Red Faction
accountmadeforants: The Long Loooong Maaaan of Sandbars
TehAmelie: did you kniow? one of King Kong's hind paws has entered public domain in 2024
bytecaster: @Wolfstrike_NL It's actually Sonic x Tomato Way Generations
Anubis169: it's like sonar
Vonbane: simulates glaucoma perfectly
constablecrab: The William Tell Underature
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic anyone else speed clean to this song as a kid?
TheMerricat: FYI the dev claims this is a 4-8 hour game.
TehAmelie: don't know if it's the right or left, but monkey paws surely are intensifying
DigitalSeahorse: speed tidy*
artacuno53: apes have 4 hands in my opinion
Juliamon: To distinguish from monkeys' paws I guess
Anubis169: TheMerricat: I believe the dev
sheer_falacy: does your detective vision help you find anything in this level?
TXC2: apes have hands and feet like humans
rentar42: woah! That face!
DigitalSeahorse: must tidy room fast! vicksyPanic
Wolfstrike_NL: @bytecaster The character sprite from the back had me confused there :P
rentar42: nothing prepared me for that face
Admiralmatt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 105 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Admiralmatt! (Today's storm count: 67)
ManyDistractions: SabaPing
Vonbane: there is a jump to last boss option LUL
TheMerricat: "While one of the most famous movie icons in history, King Kong's intellectual property status has been questioned since his creation, featuring in numerous allegations and court battles. The rights to the character have always been split up with no single exclusive rights holder. Different parties have also contested that various aspects are public domain material and therefore ineligible for copyright status."
DrLigmaPhD: At last I can profit off of my edwardian kong erotic art
TheMerricat: "During the battles, Universal discovered that the copyright of the Lovelace novelization had expired without renewal, thus making the King Kong story a public domain one. Universal argued that they should be able to make a movie based on the novel without infringing on anyone's copyright because the characters in the story were in the public domain within the context of the public domain story."
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
bytecaster: Yeah, they went full gameplay this time
wench_tacular: jlrrNo
SquareDotCube: Crab is just firing its claws at you
ButButTheJesus: i just got here and GAH
constablecrab: rocket crab is the natural evolution of the pistol shrimp
Robot_Bones: got any games on your phone?
BrindleBoar: @DrLigmaPhD OnlyBanans
accountmadeforants: Maybe we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop
Vonbane: they are lives
Vonbane: now it's 3
sethtriggs: The thing is, how do you up the ante from THIS?
sheer_falacy: and now you have 3 butterfly
bytecaster: The mid game twist is it's actually a sequel to beautycopter
Tangsm: The twist: You did eat all the cupcakes
CaptainSpam: The copyright status of King Kong. A fun situation, just ask anyone who's studied Nintendo history...
CaptainSpam: It's functionally a solitaire game.
niccus: clowns have never been more in
SquareDotCube: Video poker but it gets unhinged
sethtriggs: I'm actually playing a *Minesweeper* roguelike
Bionull: It's weirder than Alex is imagining
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySmug
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTrash
sheer_falacy: why do acorns just spawn in near beavers
adept_nekomancer: Balatro: What if poker, but your deck has sixteen jacks, and some of them are foil.
red_shoes_jeff: It's the kind of poker that's get you beaten mercilessly by the pit boss behind the casino.
northos: yeah I got it on the last Steam sale, it hooks ya real quick
rentar42: wearing a firefox gives fire protection? and those silly firemen go through all that trouble ...
NorthstarTex: balatro is very unique, its like taking playing cards and turning it into a TCG
Viewers_Like_You: So... Balatro after this? :P
niccus: you play poker and a gaggle of clowns improve your night
northos: gamer!
Jethrain: on its face it's "if poker was a roguelike", but it's secretly a game about breaking maths
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBreakdance vicksyDed
djalternative: well, you don't really have to actually play poker at all in Balatro
sethtriggs: The Myaaaa it made, whaa
AugmentingPath: scale the wall with your nose!
Tiber727: A great phone game is Slice and Dice. It's a little RPG with dice.
TehAmelie: five of a kind is the secret prostrat
sheer_falacy: and you can have a deck of 12 aces (eventually)
2Flower subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 135 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 2Flower! (Today's storm count: 68)
djalternative: new Vampire Survivors Castlevania DLC is out and it's gigantic
Anubis169: Astro Bot is so good <3
sheer_falacy: Astrobot is so much better than an ad should be
DigitalSeahorse: Astrobot any similar to Astroboy?
Foxmar320: So looking forward to playing Astro Bot when I can
Astra7525: People really want Platformers again
accountmadeforants: I watched Heather play it on her stream and it was great, yeah
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThink
Juliamon: Astro Bot is all the good parts of a 3D Mario platformer but on a non-Nintendo platform
Jillexie: Astro Bot is very good
Foxmar320: Loved Astro's Playroom
DigitalSeahorse: I want side scroll platformers
northos: a game...that's FUN?! I don't understand
TXC2: Sonic 30th Aniversay got people hankering
sheer_falacy: to show off fluid dynamics of the PS5
SquareDotCube: I'm looking forward to STALKER 2 that's supposed to release in 11 days
evilspoons983: my problem with platformers is how like 80% of indie games in the last 10 years were side scrollers
sheer_falacy: but also it's cool
DigitalSeahorse: stuff that's doable by casuals
Jethrain: question for Alex, will you be going back to finish Mouthwashing at some point?
red_shoes_jeff: We never stopped wanting platformers, we just got sick of bad platformers.
bytecaster: Games are not supposed to be fun, they are supposed to sell micro transactions
Robot_Bones: The Lake House DLC reminded me to pick up Alan Wake 2
DigitalSeahorse: woot
rentar42: for some reason "it's so much fun" reminded me "my buddy chad who's fun to be with" from that crapshoot ....
DigitalSeahorse: stalker!
Amentur: Comes out in 2 weeks
DigitalSeahorse: I hope mine can run it too
ButButTheJesus: wooo stalker
Stoffern subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 133 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stoffern! (Today's storm count: 69)
accountmadeforants: If not, PiF time OpieOP
Foxmar320: Lake House DLC for Alan Wake 2 was great but the Night Springs DLC made me laugh hard
TehAmelie: i'm inspired to boot up Super Mario World right now
Luckssmith: The system requirements they posted were pretty tame
Raiz0k: Oh no, Gamma talk.
SquareDotCube: I've seen the specs and, uh, well maybe at minium. so it's time to upgrade the GPU
rentar42: How do they dare make a successor of a game not be the exact same thing that a decade of modding has done to the first game!?!
Simriel: I should preorder S.T.A.L.K.E.R, I hope Streylok is okay :p
sheer_falacy: "telep in level" fun
bytecaster: I would love to know my cake number
TXC2: same as it ever was
DaxStrife: Always appreciate a Talking Heads ref.
BigDaddyBland87: uhhhh
Raiz0k: Yeah, but, then again, people are complaining about MechWarrior 5: Clans mechbay being simplified and the FPS controls... but, what else do you expect if you want the genre to attract more new people?
satyropodobny: another mollusk falls by the feeble hand of a child
DigitalSeahorse: tentacles! vicksyCheer
schordash: StinkyGlitch
wench_tacular: lrrCrab lrrCrab
TXC2: who made that garfetti ?
rentar42: that crab has been yeeted
Tiber727: @Raiz0k That's the funny part. They don't.
accountmadeforants: I just noticed that the new Stalker calls it "Chornobyl" and that caught me for a loop for a bit.
Cptasparagus: wait is this the zelda water temple
wench_tacular: don't call us Shirley
accountmadeforants: Oh, dang, I didn't know that
wench_tacular: F
ButButTheJesus: that's the Ukrainian spelling, Chornobyl
northos: differences of Ukrainian vs Russian, yeah
TXC2: correct Ukrainian over the Russian version ?
sheer_falacy: scylla and chorybdis
sethtriggs: Yes that makes sense
sethtriggs: Turkiye
Raiz0k: @Tiber727 Insert that dog fetch meme: "No new accessibility. Only new stuff."
rentar42: turkyie
EvilBadman: and pronounced
sethtriggs: theres an accent that I forgot to use
korvys: Or Kyiv, for that matter
eric_christian_berg: Like how the proper pronunciation of Kiev through me when everyone switched.
Anubis169: Republic of Türkiy
evilspoons983: like how everybody said "the Ukraine" for ages and we finally convinced them to stop that
Anubis169: Türkiye*
Critterbot: The u also has an uimlaut.
tsp397: Marina Hyde
SquareDotCube: Yeah they were getting tired of being associated with the bird, despite coming first
EvilBadman: "turk-e-yay"
SquareDotCube: Also New Zealand's original name is still rad and should change back
Bearudite: chicken keevnutz
Raiz0k: But the issue is different – it's closer pronunciation to the native one.
sheer_falacy: sometimes "built different" means "we cut a lot of corners"
Anaerin: The switch for that is next to the sunflower, you've not actually hit that one yet, despite having got up there a few times.
Chesul: Oh man, the Riven remake is SO GOOD!
eric_christian_berg: Is there a story behind shoeless punchy girl?
SquareDotCube: Really has former nuclear testing site vibes
iris_of_ether: Hahaha
Astra7525: There was a switch you passed by that was already flipped but never interacted with yourself. Might be that one
Anubis169: you may have done
Drasvin: I think the butterflies might work like sonic rings, because when you got hit the butterflies you had flew away.
LadyLockwood92: It's definitely not up to code.
Anubis169: LOL
BusTed: lrrCrab
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed
heronblademaster subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, heronblademaster! (Today's storm count: 70)
UnknownFriday: Giant enemy crab! Hit its weak point for massive damage!
rentar42: into the squirrels maw!
AugmentingPath: god willing and the skycrabs don't return
30 raiders from GoodDayInternet have joined!
ManyDistractions: foxief1Arfarf
110 raiders from SergeYager have joined!
Foxmar320: foxmarSTAB foxmarSTAB foxmarSTAB
joallthedogs: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
LadyLockwood92: Giant Crab outta nowhere
bytecaster: Everybody and their canine
TXC2: hello raiders
sheer_falacy: faux dogs
northos: double raid!
baltimore_667083: greetings raiders!
Raiz0k: Like the pronunciation of "Kieeev" sounds weird for anyone from the general area of Europe, not just Ukrainians.
KBKarma: Raiders! And more raiders!
Astra7525: every fox and their hound
fry_dx: apparently people say "butts" here?
SquareDotCube: every dox and their fog
Amentur: Foxes are just cat hardware with dog software
adept_nekomancer: d-d-d-double raid!
Foxmar320: Flawless
sheer_falacy: @Amentur and hyenas are the reverse
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
riking27 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
riking27: 🗑️ time!
Tangsm: Oh crab
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, riking27! (Today's storm count: 71)
Anubis169: helloooooooo everybody <3
CaptainSpam: No, that's a crab, not crap.
rentar42: oh crab
TheAinMAP: Oh crab
wench_tacular: lrrCrab
Raiz0k: @CaptainSpam Damn, beat me to it!
bytecaster: That is a great respawn point
Foxmar320: Enter the tuube
adept_nekomancer: lrrCrab
ButButTheJesus: Stalker will be on gamepass but I want to buy a physical PC version as well to support them (GSC), as they had to relocate from Ukraine to Prague
SnackPak_: exciting
bytecaster: As well as Tomato Way 2 and 3!
Drasvin: lrrCrab
DrArtemisHuntress: why do we keep teleporting?
AugmentingPath: don't be in a death spiral, be in a death tube #motivational
Raiz0k: @ButButTheJesus To be commended.
ExachixKitsune: concerning
sethtriggs: ad their eyes pop out
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang lrrCIRCLE_TK
Juliamon: And their eyes often fall out
accountmadeforants: Except their eyes
accountmadeforants: Their eyes just fall out
Anubis169: bad touch flower
DrLigmaPhD: That's how I wanna die
sheer_falacy: and their eyebrows
TXC2: if you're in a death spiral, that means the death is getting wider
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
Raiz0k: @TXC2 Er, faster?
Vonbane: claw rockets, or "Clawkets"
UnknownFriday: A claw-ket launcher?
rentar42: if this is what we all evolve into then I'm fine with that ... all will be rocket-crabs
UnknownFriday: Me and Vonbane getting there at the same time.
riking27: perfectly spherical tumbleweed.
bytecaster: We speed running now
sethtriggs: Hannah's got that great Princess Peach airtime
TXC2: I assume that tumbleweed is invasive
Raiz0k: I appreciate that I have literally never seen a tumbleweed in real life, but probably thousands of times in media.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed
ShaneLeeAtk: It is quite tasty
korvys: That's one of the reasons it was brought to the US
sheer_falacy: something can be both invasive and edible
sethtriggs: I didn't know that!
sethtriggs: What does it taste like?
TheMerricat: which plant are we talking about
sheer_falacy: kudzu
korvys: It was used as animal food, I think
TXC2: TheMerricat Kuduzu
SymphonySolstice: it's like wheat I believe, can grind it into flour
ExachixKitsune: don't like that
DrArtemisHuntress: oh and the eyes stretch
ghizmou: dandelions are edible and yet...
raulghoulia: cats are also invasive. please do not eat cats
iris_of_ether: Don't kudzu flowers taste like artificial grape?
thavleifrim: edible and invasive are not mutually exclusive, rabbits are edible
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint
accountmadeforants: I mean, American grey squirrels are also edible, but also an invasive species
Foxmar320: Fox working as intended
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
accountmadeforants: (Invasive in Europe, that is)
bytecaster: @thavleifrim What if grape just taste like artifical kudzu?
Raiz0k: @raulghoulia Cats are as invasive to many parts of the worlds as humans. So, you know, likewise.
itmightbemikey: i think you are petting the doggos too hard
adept_nekomancer: Why are the foxes inflatable?
a_tapes: i think the issue with kudzu in the south is that they tried chemically killing it making it inedible
rentar42: there was a rotating turtle ... a roturtle, if you will
bytecaster: roturt
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang again
accountmadeforants: ONE Puuuuuunch
TheMerricat: @iris_of_ether Kudzu blossoms taste like a combination of grape and apple, or strawberry and apple, depending on who you ask. They are also very fragrant and smell like ripe grapes.
Raiz0k: @a_tapes Wouldn't that involve making large parts of the ecosystem inedible?
Strebenherz: fast boots were under the bridge there
thavleifrim: @bytecaster things that are invasive are usually classified that way because they harm native species, not because of what they taste like
accountmadeforants: I like that Alex is just avoiding the boots now
accountmadeforants: Too much danger
TXC2: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 2:12 PM
ManyDistractions: PrideLaugh
josh___something: It isn't the deflating that's distressing me the most. It's also that they melt into discrete parts
ExachixKitsune: good that you don't deflate
korvys: No Graham, Checkpoint is off for 2 weeks
bytecaster: I do enjoy electric beaver
accountmadeforants: Hanna cries not because she is hurt, but because she realizes getting punched hurts, and is suddenly recognizing the weight of her crimes
Raiz0k: @bytecaster Must... not... make... obvious... joke...
eric_christian_berg: Turtle hat is best hat.
evilspoons983: this is where you were when that 'teleport to cake' button was pressed, isn't it?
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Graham and Alex
Raiz0k: @TXC2 Goodnight!
ButButTheJesus: @TXC2 katesHug
itmightbemikey: Ultros
ExachixKitsune: g'night TXC2 !
ManyDistractions: @TXC2 Take care! foxief1Foxlove
FunyDogie: oh man i needed some real slop games today
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBox
josh___something: Do we breathe?
Juliamon: The gaming news industry heard Desert Bus was coming and went "NOW IS OUR CHANCE"
Strebenherz: the cake running is upsetting
SnyperWoIf: seafood soup?
bytecaster: Fulfill my purpose
Foxmar320: More cake should run to me
Strebenherz: @Juliamon wait has there been gaming news?
Lord_Hosk: Being eatable doesn't stop something from being invasive and chokings out and out competing local species. You can eat horse, but all the feral herds are still invasive in the American west.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
satyropodobny: @josh___something That's an excellent question. Do we REALLY breathe?
johnalogue: Garbage daaaaaayyy!!!!
EvilBadman: Switch 2 Backcompat?
eric_christian_berg: I take it back. Fox hat is best hat.
Anubis169: Digital only
johnalogue: I just realized I only found this notification an hour late oh no
bytecaster: And now my Youtube is filled with Switch 2 mockups to farm clicks
sethtriggs: Wow!
Strebenherz: @johnalogue I think the'yve just played this so far
Foxmar320: Thats good because my Switch is broken and I don't want to buy a new one if Switch 2 is coming soon
SnyperWoIf: no guarantee of a card slot, though
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: tl;dr pls keep buying our games for the switch
sheer_falacy: that doesn't sound like Nintendo, are they feeling alright?
EvilBadman: @Anubis169 I hadn't seen confirmation for software only of that
Juliamon: Skimming the tips line: the NFT game had a bad time, the Netflix thing gained a new twist
Raiz0k: @Lord_Hosk Well, for horses in NA, we're approaching the consideration of "is an invasive species that's been there for a long time still invasive?".
kusinohki: RTO union busting story??
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
EvilBadman: Oh yeah Ubisoft's NFT game
Amentur: The last person logged into Nintendo Network for Wii U signing off due to the console crashing?
DigitalSeahorse: ew
Foxmar320: Surprising no one
NorthstarTex: the NFT value is cratering already
Greyah: What a surprise.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFail
SquareDotCube: Does jumping on them actually do anything?
ManyDistractions: I forgot they were still doing that
ButButTheJesus: fun!
sethtriggs: Well done!
ExachixKitsune: perfect
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBonk
bytecaster: "You are trapped in here with me"
wench_tacular: love that for them
riking27: Wait, they managed to both always-win AND exploit matchmaking? Incredible
johnalogue: Howwww?! That's awesome
Strebenherz: that sounds like a record for nfts crashing
varmintx0: hope the game lasts long enough that you can mine some comedy from it.
josh___something: Whaaaaat, the NFT game is ALSO shit? Shocking
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: ubmidsoft
Raiz0k: I still don't understand Graham's conceit about the Chronicles being a title of the first game in a potential series, but I'd like to stress I still dislike the tile in general.
Jethrain: i think it turned out to not be an exploit, just a horrendous bug in matchmaking
SnyperWoIf: I had that power once: everyone can see me, and no one can beat me
TheMerricat: so follow up on that story, the person wasn't hacking. they were also bugged. ubisoft banned them, a new person showed the bug, then ubisoft actually looked into it and realized the problem was in the matchmaking code, not that it was being hacked.
raulghoulia: pay to win working as intended
ArcadeEngineer: correction: they did not take the game offline, they don't have a support team on the weekends so nothing was done
SnyperWoIf: It was a nice dream
gnyrinn: What are the odds on this recording of William Tell in the background being copyright protected?
thavleifrim: I assume the issue was not that they won every fight but that they didn't pay enough to win every fight
Bearudite: jokes on you it was already stupid so it doesn't matter!
korvys: Also worked out well for the First Annual Desert Bus for Hope (but that was a joke, so...)
sheer_falacy: There was a second white knight chronciles
FunyDogie: i'd argue xenoblade is a full ass chronicle in itself
johnalogue: I thought it was because the game was formatted around a journal of the war
sheer_falacy: sadly for everyone involved
EvilBadman: And Chronicles of Riddick Kappa
Astra7525: But also the first game at least was told from the perspective of a war chronicler
Cptasparagus: sonic and chronuckles
bytecaster: Is every boss the teapot?
IanAllenBird: mkjnkiom
SK__Ren: Valkyria worked because it kinda had a "through time" vibe
Angreed66: The thing is we disagree that chronicles implies multiple entries
Wicker_Guide: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Dog_of_Myth: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
DigitalSeahorse: xD
sethtriggs: LOL
BusTed: I want that stricken from the record
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
NimrodXIV: sir
Foxmar320: Im not quoting that
josh___something: LUL
wench_tacular: phrasing?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: highlight reeel
Amentur: Phrasing!
evilspoons983: couldn't it just be multiple short stories? like a compilation book?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH vicksyHaha
varmintx0: Are we not doing phrasing anymore?
johnalogue: @TheMerricat The exploit was "playing the game"
LadyLockwood92: I don't think we can Graham.
Raiz0k: Graham, thanks for the explanation. And sure, but it could be meant as "Chronicles in-universe". Not for this game though xD.
DigitalSeahorse: nuuuuuuuuu
SnackPak_: so rude
Chartle: we can't know there isn't
TehAmelie: by pure association, the mention of Ubisoft made me remember Wordle is on strike and you should not play it. well done, Ubisoft
sethtriggs: Oh you got Kaizo Trapped
BigDaddyBland87: FFFFFFFFFF
eric_christian_berg: No, for space you need a samovar.
Vonbane: the real enemy of this game is the purple flowers
evilspoons983: anthology, that's the word i'm trying to remember.
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed voxlunCarp vicksyDed
Lord_Hosk: We are approaching OK, how much william tell do we need?
SnyperWoIf: 418 I am a teapot
MenomeAlice: There was a White Knight Chronicles 2, it's on the shelf in my study
Anaerin: Benchy?
korvys: Benchie
sheer_falacy: I wish the dev menu included noclip
johnalogue: The benchy!
bytecaster: Maybe the 3D printer boat is the next boss
josh___something: Benchie <3
DrLigmaPhD: Benchy
Anubis169: yeah it's Benchy
SquareDotCube: Monkey enjoying tea on their tugboat
DrLigmaPhD: I have like 80
Simriel: Does... Does anyone else think the Teapot is making a... Very specific face when you hit it?
Foxmar320: foxmarBURN
UnknownFriday: No, but one of the first things I printed on my 3d printer was a Utah teapot.
BigDaddyBland87: @MenomeAlice I replayed both last year...they're...meh
Gekyouryuu: Well, you see, Graham, they're using chronicles as a verb. They're not calling the game chronicles, plural, they're stating that someone or something is known to perform the act of chronicling
SquareDotCube: just installing Firefox
Gekyouryuu: Kappa
morgoth_bauglyr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
morgoth_bauglyr: I'm garbing. I'm garbing.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, morgoth_bauglyr! (Today's storm count: 72)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFine
sheer_falacy: look, if you name your game Chronicle and then you make sequel you just feel silly
Vonbane: final boss now?
Anubis169: TheMerricat WTF!?
johnalogue: Wait, with the animals on the head of this anime girl, is this a successor to Unity Chan Vs. the Gigant Zombie?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: is the chronicles bit about xenoblade?
Raiz0k: @Gekyouryuu ...OK, now *I'm* confused. What's verb form of "chronicling" is this xD?
IanAllenBird: also the blender monkey
Strebenherz: what is this meme from? why tugboat?
josh___something: Benchy doesn't deserve this
korvys: And Suzzane the blender monkey
riking27: it also includes the monkey face
LithelyUnshod: Missed the beginning; there was no toot
ExachixKitsune: The cookies message said to push "I am ok with that" and I wasn't
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: dang, I missed the link
baskwalla: Suspiciously juicy
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySquish
northos: wait, this is just from Elden Ring!
sheer_falacy: will this level be more slipppery than the rest of the game
sethtriggs: I expect ice physics
ExachixKitsune: just like real life
sethtriggs: Is that a polar bear?
Raiz0k: Well, yeah, Alex, how do you think they grow down?
wench_tacular: jlrrCarrotmilk
Mushbie: fun fact?: technically all modifications of the Benchy are illegal, as the license it is under does not allow for modifications. it's just not really enforced
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCult vicksyComfy
DrLigmaPhD: for a while when I worked a cafe I set the host ipad background as a 3d file of kirby with the rock's face
johnalogue: Her face is of Tomato Way design
bytecaster: Those carrots must be a tomato way cameo
morgoth_bauglyr: Maximim Cakes!
Gekyouryuu: @raiz0k i was being facetious, fwiw, but the joke was "white knight chronicles" isn't "chronicles of the white knight" it's "the white knight chronicles. He likes to chronicle. He writes chronicles."
johnalogue: @Mushbie They can't stop us!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDerp
DigitalSeahorse: xD
josh___something: I really dislike the woodland animals disassembling into their constituent parts
IanAllenBird: oh.
ExachixKitsune: a fiend
Strebenherz: Frosty the snowman meets dark souls
RetroHibiscus: this IS an elden ring level
SquareDotCube: The first flamethrower gun from Contra.
itmightbemikey: The giant Snowman Mr. Burns
DigitalSeahorse: abominabmle snow giant
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
sheer_falacy: I hope protection from snowballs works on that
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSPOOP
BigDaddyBland87: NOPE
tenthtechpriest: attack on snowman
NorthstarTex: its dark souls now
sethtriggs: nope
Jet_Almighty: dark souls intensifies
YFiddler: what is this?
Strebenherz: WE SOULSING NOW
Raiz0k: @Gekyouryuu Ah, right, third person singular. Sorry, brainfart.
an_archist2: shadows of the tomato way
josh___something: Watch+Nope
accountmadeforants: !card Chillerpillar
LRRbot: Chillerpillar [3U] | Snow Creature — Insect [3/3] | {4}{S}{S}: Monstrosity 2. / As long as Chillerpillar is monstrous, it has flying.
ValTheDrake: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Mushbie: @johnalogue practically not really, but the creator could start suing people in theory
GasCityGaming: the boots give us dream running?
adept_nekomancer: Okay, that was actually genuinely kind of impressive. Good job creepy game.
MenomeAlice: Technically you didn't do the Water level either, just the Hub around the entrance...
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInsane
eric_christian_berg: Like a remorhaz?
LadyLockwood92: We gotta get out
sheer_falacy: I do not like how it expands
sheer_falacy: dilates?
artacuno53: pootis am i right fellas?
ButButTheJesus: dispensah heah
accountmadeforants: This game rules
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyEmpty
Simriel: I am Experience Fear
SquareDotCube: pootis
DoodlestheGreat: It's dilated at least three centimeters.
johnalogue: Is all the terrain destructable?
ArcadeEngineer: dev really squeezed that 'fracture objects' blender plugin for all it's worth
SquareDotCube: Full of Vitamin Ace
itmightbemikey: He's here for GARBAGE DAY!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTrash vicksyBroke vicksyBroke vicksyTrash
adept_nekomancer: He's dressed up for garbage day!
sheer_falacy: was that snowman's torso piece attacking you
DigitalSeahorse: woops
accountmadeforants: New mascot
riking27: I do appreciate that the rabbits only get ONE 2-damage homing missile to send at you
Simriel: I don't know if Anything is thematically similar to this
ButButTheJesus: same Alex
korvys: I've seen clips of their podcast, and the people making it seem really really cool, but they play terrible people so I never wanted to see it
DaxStrife: It's "Seinfeld" but worse people (somehow).
ACookTooMany: It is a newer style Seinfeld
SquareDotCube: they "run" a bar
LadyLockwood92: Shitty people doing shitty things, hilarity ensues.
Transmuted_Elf: its seinfield if they were actually trash people.
sheer_falacy: don't worry, it's not MY blood
tidehollowcat: I did not know that
tenthtechpriest: I could go for an egg. I should make eggs.
accountmadeforants: Always Sunny is very funny, but definitely not something I can binge
eric_christian_berg: Unlike Seinfeld, they don't try to pretend they are sympathetic.
SquareDotCube: Scrubs?
radioshackraider: I enjoy Always Sunny because unlike the usual Sitcom Aful People, they're like, actually genuinely bad people and presented as such
Admiralmatt: thank you so much for that Alex
ButButTheJesus: yayyyy after-DB Alex discord
shendaras: seabatClap
Asassi_: Are both of you in the nightshift again?
jessicaengle: Hi Graham and Adam and Chat. <3
NorthstarTex: some Post DB care, I'm for that
LadyLockwood92: Also iirc there's no laugh track?
an_archist2: Sorry if this is asking too much, but is there an ETA on Alex finishing up Mouthwashing?
Wolfstrike_NL: penultimate stream
DigitalSeahorse: aaaaaa
jessicaengle: Sorry, meant to say Alex.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyW
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyW vicksyW
Drasvin: Alex's bunker will be a safe haven to recover from after Bus
DoodlestheGreat: Yeah, the stream tonight is being done from online.
ButButTheJesus: @jessicaengle <3
jessicaengle: I didn't get much sleep last night :D
kusinohki: I was trying to bribe erika to kick in the door on the dot to kick you 2 out...
itmightbemikey: Painkiller is timeless
accountmadeforants: Having a massive boss show up throughout the level is just really cool
ManyDistractions: Tea Pots Episode II: Attack of the Snows
sheer_falacy: shadow of the colossus, of course
accountmadeforants: Asura's Wrath especially
Jethrain: Bayonetta's bosses were a time
lofilorax: whats up gamers
korvys: Or Ares in the background of Athens early on
Foxmar320: God of War 2 or 3?
artacuno53: Isnt that all of Shadows of the Colossus
NorthstarTex: Painkiller is amazing and Yahtzee's line about the gun about shurikens and lightning will always be iconic.
evilspoons983: Control had some weird stuff I liked, but the boss fights themselves were not fun to me
Greyah: Gosh, Painkiller was such a good game.
Asassi_: First Bayonetta too
LadyLockwood92: Oh yeah, speaking of Painkiller, a good friend of mine recently got a job at Remedy and is moving to Finland.
Diabore: gow3 started with you on gaia climbing olympus
SquareDotCube: Man, they should bring Asura's Wrath to PC or something modern
Arkroma subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
Arkroma: <3 YOU
Alex_Frostfire: FF16 had Titan Lost.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Arkroma! (Today's storm count: 73)
Jennie_Fuchsia: cpicsDrool mmm prize mines
Caffine1138: was it right after the last bridge?
MenomeAlice: The final boss of Pandemonium 2 where you fly around a giant rendition of Shiva was something
thavleifrim: I kinda miss big spectacle games like that, I feel like they kinda died out after they peaked in the PS3 era
heywislo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, heywislo! (Today's storm count: 74)
ButButTheJesus: @LadyLockwood92 woohoo! another streamer I know, voidburger (silent hill nerd) and her husband did the same, he got job at Remedy and moved there this year
an_archist2: Is there an ETA on Alex finishing Mouthwashing on stream, or does he want to do it on his own time?
evilspoons983: @LadyLockwood92 nice!
LadyLockwood92: @ButButTheJesus Yeah, really happy for them~
BusTed: I enjoy first-person scronch
sethtriggs: Crusty snow can be fun sometimes
NorthstarTex: its a good snow sound
sethtriggs: But it does sound like Styrofoam too much for me sometimes and it hurts my ears.
Anaerin: The scronch of fresh snow is nice. It's a shame this is the squelch of PVC or Latex.
adept_nekomancer: You can even scronch in mid-air
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBravo cronch cronch
LordZarano: Soon Erika will be the spectre staring menacingly though the door, waiting to turn it into the prize office. Presumably
sethtriggs: Sometimes you look like you get a jump boost from the deflation.
sheer_falacy: healthy goes to space
Raiz0k: @Anaerin Guh, can't unhear now.
jessicaengle: GriddyGoose GriddyGoose
bytecaster: Rude, but funny
accountmadeforants: The true final boss of Dawn of Sorrow is also amazing. The final boss is the entire level. (And that's on the DS, in 2D!)
eric_christian_berg: Okay, the ice cube mans are kinda neat.
evilspoons983: I still haven't watched Us, but Nope was incredible
sheer_falacy: that tree? fucked
Bearudite: I feel that there was an oppurtunity to use vivaldi's winter here that was missed
raulghoulia: Seeing Nope in theaters I was feeling stress from it Days after
ArcadeEngineer: okay we've got them and us are there any other horror films for the pronouns watch
Juliamon: Horror tends to be extremely white
Vonbane: does that thing have a unibrow?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyS
Arkroma: @Juliamon 100%
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
catcard: alas, they are horror movies, and I am baby.
niccus: @ArcadeEngineer it
Lord_Hosk: We also watched that weird my boyfriend is a zombie movie with Richard Gilmore
underhill33: this boss is great
TehAmelie: Us i think is the besthorrore i've seen in 20 or 25 years
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope vicksyCope vicksyCope
jessicaengle: 0.0
bytecaster: Honestly, I'm into this
wench_tacular: my, what a big nose he has
Wicker_Guide: @ArcadeEngineer Her?
TehAmelie: +spelling
Drasvin: Freezerburn?
Raiz0k: IT
Bearudite: THEM
NovusUltimus: IT
IanAllenBird: there was "They/Them" a couple years ago
LittleVesuvius: ohhh good fuck what is THAT
Gekyouryuu: there's a killer movie called They/Them pronounced They Slash Them
Cptasparagus: Her is a horror film depending on your perspective
Hangedman: it follows
jessicaengle: Youse
TehAmelie: Them! or as they call it here in Sweden, "The Spiders"
brainbosh: The giant ant movie
Crad0k: her was woody allen, so... kinda a horror film?
itmightbemikey: Them! giant ants
TehAmelie: yes, they called the giant ant movie "The Spiders"
butt_ghost: @Crad0k her was spike jonze
josh___something: Which flag?
BusTed: jukes
adept_nekomancer: Prehenseyele
ExachixKitsune: not a body part I ever thought should be
Crad0k: huh, what am i thinking of then?
Raiz0k: @Cptasparagus Nah, "futuristic dystopia that comes to fruition" is not strictly horror.
butt_ghost: They Might Be Giants (1971 movie)
Drasvin: His face kinda looks like a muppet
TheMerricat: And of course someone made a list on Letterboxd of all the pronoun movies. :D
EvilBadman: @Crad0k You're thinking of Antz
Anaerin: It's not snow scronch, Graham. It's PVC squelch.
josh___something: "Prehensile eyes" is a series of words I NEVER want to hear out loud again
sheer_falacy: that's why her dad lets her do this
Gekyouryuu: it's dirty snow, clearly
Bearudite: we are all free now
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: isnt chris redfield a geriatric now
ButButTheJesus: Agatha Fisty returns
Zandivya: Princess Powerfist
electric_claire: Seconding that recommendation
sheer_falacy: there was an arrow
electric_claire: And lots of clay
Raiz0k: @Anaerin Somehow, I'm very happy I'm using bone conducting headphones, i.e. missing the "subtlety".
Boon_33: American Mcgee's Alice was a good game.
eric_christian_berg: Oh yeah! I've seen clips. It's wild.
electric_claire: Graham, you are going to love it
LordManiMani: In Soviet Russia, Land wonders YOU!
SK__Ren: Is it on Return to Oz levels of disturbing?
Raiz0k: Oh, that sounds cute!
MenomeAlice: Jan Svankmajer is great. Check out Faust as well.
jessicaengle: @SK__Ren Sounds in the same zipcode
TheMerricat: @Boon_33 too bad it was tied to Alice McGee. :P
wench_tacular: jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: real!?
DigitalSeahorse: the rabbit is a taxidermy rabbit
DigitalSeahorse: sawdust falling out
gnyrinn: What's the deal with the Communist countries doing partially animated movies out of English literature in the 80s?
Raiz0k: "A real cow's tongue" – well, that's just food waste!
Crad0k: @Boon_33 it was *some* of a good game :-p the actual gameplay got very tedious by the end, especially the combat, but the design was fantastic
jessicaengle: What is this game, chat?
sethtriggs: I do like the health counter
ExachixKitsune: tanky teapot
SquareDotCube: "Yess... Fight for me... Fight to the death!"
evilspoons983: @Raiz0k who's to say they didn't eat it after they were done with the movie
Boon_33: @TheMerricat o, This isn't going to be a good revalation.
accountmadeforants: Chillerpillar is pondering
Cptasparagus: I think i'm more disturbed that this ISNT AI
sethtriggs: Why is it always teapots
josh___something: Graham, I asked so nicely not to soil my ears with the words "prehensile eyes"
bytecaster: Can we use those cannons against him?
sheer_falacy: I'm sad you don't fight him and I do not like where his lower arms are
LittleVesuvius: oh my god i hate it
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Raiz0k: @evilspoons983 Hopefully!
jessicaengle: o\/o
LittleVesuvius: welp
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect vicksyHaha
Caffine1138: what a horrible use of jiggle physics
TheMerricat: @jessicaengle Hana Must Run. It's from the same dev as Tomato Way.
johnalogue: Oh, it IS Tomato Way!!
electric_claire: BTW, darning mushrooms are way better than darning eggs.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: whats bullettime in teapot
jessicaengle: @TheMerricat Thank you! jlrrIcream
Hangedman: I was expecting teapot taurus demon fight on that bridge
accountmadeforants: Ah, I assumed it was the "boss returns as regular enemy" thing
Jethrain: whyyyy is it ave maria
sheer_falacy: I love the eyebrows in this game
accountmadeforants: But BIGGER TEAPOT also works
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRaid vicksyRaid vicksyRaid
lightfut: Teapot back
Bearudite: its always ave maria
AugmentingPath: Oh hey, it's Ave Maria, from the batman soundtrack
Strebenherz: !masm
sheer_falacy: cornering the teapot was powerful before
thavleifrim: this teapot looks weirldy familiar have they played this game before or something
Strebenherz: !mash
Strebenherz: oh, !findquote mash
johnalogue: @thavleifrim Tomato Way dev, apparently
josh___something: This game has the same developer as tomato way
lightfut: !quote mash
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
djalternative subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
djalternative: Bus! Is! Coming!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, djalternative! (Today's storm count: 75)
TheMerricat: @TheMerricat Nothing in particular wrong that I know of with American McGee, he's just very retired and gave up making any continuations of the series.
sheer_falacy: sounds like a real haughty wrestler
Strebenherz: !quote button
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
accountmadeforants: Pinky finger out, and into the opponent's eye
LittleVesuvius: i feel like hot tea would make the performance difficult
butt_ghost: he was a Hearst
johnalogue: Has this game had any story cutscenes?
LittleVesuvius: like in terms of burn damage
FarleyF: !quote R1
Strebenherz: thinking of the quote by cam of "just get tunder them and mash a"
sheer_falacy: it had story at the very start
AugmentingPath: Your father, the cerebral assassin?
lightfut: That was his epithet,iirc
LittleVesuvius: @johnalogue the teapot ran off with Hana's cake at the beginning and she must get them back
lightfut: "the Blueblood"
korvys: And then the teacup killed him, I think?
eric_christian_berg: If its the Tomato Way guy, that's very restrained of him.
MenomeAlice: "Commander" Stephanie Sterling had a Yorkshire Tea match a couple of years ago
Lord_Hosk: HHH "Im better than you by birth" was his original story line, and now his story line is "Im better than you by bedroom"
EmpressTila: I remember William Regal getting heat by walking out to the ring and instructing dumb Americans on how to properly make tea.
korvys: Or something - the teapot was there anyway
Zandivya: One Punch Ma'am
accountmadeforants: And then he was like "Alright, this won't take long. You go on then" (paraphrased, but not *that* paraphrased)
johnalogue: That's disappointing, that man's lore is intense
jessicaengle: The Iron Steep
Gekyouryuu: we've obtained an adult. we have Super Vision
musclewizzard123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, musclewizzard123! (Today's storm count: 76)
LordManiMani: You can't hiiiiiide your secret eyes 🎵
Simriel: Their eyes popping out makes me Unpleased.
Caffine1138: Wait, you have to heat it?! :D
NorthstarTex: warm your cups!
sheer_falacy: that teapot was furiously trying to reach you
Anaerin: Not local place! I live there! Boo!
Raiz0k: Go Sports!
Bearudite: that is medium priced heat
korvys: honestly, you can boil the water in the microwave, if you want, just like... not with the tea in it already
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: but local sportsteam -is- bad
AugmentingPath: Hey, local sports team is world class!
YFiddler: at least use the macrowave
Anubis169: Getting Over It with Tea Potty
IanAllenBird: my local sports team is the mariners so
AnOddSmith: local sports team is bad but it used to be really good for a really long time, so there
accountmadeforants: "You dipshits paid money for this? Y'all know wrestling is fake, right?" -Some Heel, hopefully
GasCityGaming: every show in Toronto :O
baskwalla: "You know what, he's right. They are a poor team!"
shurtal: Cleveland is atrocious once again, so the world is healing in certain places
red_shoes_jeff: @GasCityGaming I was just about to say...
TehAmelie: here's me hoping the rumors of Ted Lasso season 4 are true
Anubis169: FUCKING LOL
DigitalSeahorse: lol
AtakChees: LUL LUL
breadisbest1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, breadisbest1! (Today's storm count: 77)
Jennie_Fuchsia: local sports team good but insufferable
evilspoons983: have you guys seen "Over the Garden Wall"? every time you say "turts" I'm reminded of Gregory saying "So... we came here to burgle your turts!"
Jethrain: Bognor Regis
Anaerin: "SCUNTHORPE!"
BigTheDave: Chester Le Street
Gekyouryuu: trafalgar square?
Metric_Furlong: oh there are so many
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyShrug
Invitare: Scunthorpe
Metric_Furlong: *so* many
adept_nekomancer: Scunthorpe
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: dagenham better be on that list
Anubis169: G: I've driven through there a bunch of times, it's one of two places that have a grid system, but each intersection is a roundabout
butt_ghost: better than pitbull doing a show in quebec and shouting "CHIBOUGAMOU"
underhill33: Grimsby I can't hear you!
KV1NN4: I have visted and stayed in Weston Super-mare
Anubis169: everywhere looks the same
jessicaengle: Local sports teams bad but profitable anyway
KV1NN4: It is a place.
Hangedman: i love to play 'zoom in on a random part of the UK on google maps'
BusTed: deuces
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: hey! I live there! Milton Keynes isn't *that* bad
LordManiMani: Hell yeah!
baskwalla: oh
SnackPak_: roll credits
DigitalSeahorse: Bognor in Ontario is pretty smol
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
NorthstarTex: baw gawd, is that dad's music?!
DigitalSeahorse: xD
johnalogue: It seems I asked about story at the right time
accountmadeforants: Thank you, video games
epsilon_vee: alol
shurtal: this has big Tomato Way vibes
Boon_33: Union rules
sethtriggs: Wowwwwww
DigitalSeahorse: they have a union! vicksyPride
Sudobyte subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sudobyte! (Today's storm count: 78)
BlueMagnusStormCrow: England is the country that produced the book crap towns and then had to produce a sequel because too many people complained that their town wasn't in it.
niccus: for a fairly thorough list
accountmadeforants: Yeah, she was there at the start, too. Also still catching butterflies
Astra7525: oh boy... Lore
Amentur: extraSandwich
Anaerin: Sequel bait!
BigTheDave: um nom num
AtakChees: nom nom lol
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRamen vicksyBravo vicksyBravo
LittleVesuvius: oh boy
Stratavarius: Nice hat change
LadyLockwood92: I'm still a big fan of 'Hello Wrong Town!' 'No no, you've got it wrong, it's 'Hello Different Wrong Town!'
Crad0k: is that an actual chocolate teapot?
LordManiMani: But what about the cupcakes??
gnyrinn: Best sequel-bate ever.
butt_ghost: teamsters nurses
Caffine1138: wow
Vonbane: perfect game
BusTed: just lingering on this scene
sethtriggs: I love that there's subtitle notes
SnackPak_: art
niccus: has this whole thing been a horse joke
sethtriggs: WOW
ManyDistractions: :)
BigTheDave: danger412Blobby
jessicaengle: Shrug emoji
BusTed: ggs
adept_nekomancer: I like the translation of the pun.
Dog_of_Myth: Art
Strebenherz: AMAZING
Karl256: omg
LittleVesuvius: loooool
Amentur: PrideShrug
catcard: high art
sheer_falacy: wow
AugmentingPath: Translator's note: keikaku means tea
Simriel: Hwat
morgoth_bauglyr: A++
accountmadeforants: PERFECT
eric_christian_berg: Perfect. No notes.
BigDaddyBland87: 10/10 no notes
LordManiMani: 👏👏👏
Scarbble: PrideShrug
SymphonySolstice: [applause]
NorthstarTex: 10/10 no notes
iris_of_ether: Amazing
Critterbot: O-okaaay!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyShrug vicksyPrider
thavleifrim: I like it with sausage
TheAinMAP: HahaShrugLeft HahaShrugMiddle HahaShrugRight
Strebenherz: Thank you guys so much for playing this one
accountmadeforants: o7
Anubis169: thank you for that
Boon_33: what language was that in?
Piratical_tendancies: lrrSHINE
ExachixKitsune: ✨art✨
wench_tacular: Perfect game
sethtriggs: How does this stack up with Beautycopter?
DrLigmaPhD: Hell yeah
DigitalSeahorse: what was the word play?
Reecer6: they ended the game on a translator's note
MTGRanger: yay?
jessicaengle: Turning this day around for me guys. Thank you <3
LittleVesuvius: oh boy that sure was a thing
Anubis169: Thank you <3
ExachixKitsune: someone had good time
Riandisa: amazing
butt_ghost: didn't it say 6 hour playtime?
sheer_falacy: translators note: keikaku is a very clever pun
raulghoulia: us
Scarbble: @sethtriggs beautycopter was much, much weirder
Hangedman: Times were had
LittleVesuvius: thank you guys
sheer_falacy: they cheated a lot
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2716 in the channel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to shafsta2004!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Charismatix_!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to AstoundingBacon!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to SammiLogan!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ugh_Sunlight!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to RTBrave!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to highbrowloubrew!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to failurewarning!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Babcom!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to psychro_hominoidea!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to shafsta2004, SammiLogan, AstoundingBacon, Charismatix_, highbrowloubrew, RTBrave, Ugh_Sunlight, Babcom, psychro_hominoidea, and failurewarning! (Today's storm count: 88)
johnalogue: That was impressive. I have been impressed upon.
sheer_falacy: which is fine
accountmadeforants: @butt_ghost We cheated and skipped through the different zones
ExachixKitsune: eyes up tumbleweed guardian
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySWA vicksySWA
Anubis169: We're not gonna top that teapot any time soon
tenthtechpriest: is this that new destiny mobile game?
Gekyouryuu: @butt_ghost tbf, that's probably without dev menu warping
sethtriggs: Is that Japanese at the bottom?
catcard: oh I've seen this
jessicaengle: It's Desert Bus except you're a tumbleweed?
an_archist2: Tumbleweed Destiny: The Final Crop
Foxmar320: Wait another new Destiny game?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout *
Asassi_: Not the next Tomato Way, but still decent
Anaerin: TumbLRR?
josh___something: When do we get engrams?
butt_ghost: GOTY
Mortimew: Squid1 PrideLion Squid4
BusTed: Awesome
SymphonySolstice: yessssssss
Strebenherz: YES
sethtriggs: Oh wowwwwww
baltimore_667083: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPrider vicksyPride vicksyPrider
TheMerricat: Wait... Steam says this isn't a bad game! We've been dupped!
Boon_33: features
iris_of_ether: 😱
sheer_falacy: Tumble Points?
jessicaengle: Here we come Las Vegas!
johnalogue: Tumble Points?
FarleyF: if your looking for a terrible game for Watch n Play i've heard of this game where you just drive a vehicle down a desert road nothing more nothing less lrrBEEJ
Anubis169: 🧻 🧻 🧻 🧻 🧻
SnackPak_: lofi beats to tumble too
accountmadeforants: TP... Tumble Power
sethtriggs: I wish my TP would increase with a tumble
ManyDistractions: Lets get rolling
Reecer6: wait, is this an incremental game?
BusTed: that explains the emoji
butt_ghost: tumbleweed MMO
josh___something: Oh, is this the new destiny:Rising I've heard so much about?
baskwalla: Tumble with my homies
GasCityGaming: lets tumble that weed!
adept_nekomancer: woo... 1 tumble point per second!
an_archist2: you're mining tumblecoin
Cephallope: To what end?!
sethtriggs: Do you play spleef?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Well I got here late and am profoundly confused
Raiz0k: I mean, given the tumbleweed population?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
lightfut: Tony hawk pro tumbleweed?
sheer_falacy: @FarleyF does it have a sub ocean?
LordZarano: 2020Unroll
Anaerin: Massively Multiplayer Online Roll Playing Game
Boon_33: Tumble Plants?
accountmadeforants: Honestly I want to see that. Just hundreds of player-controller tumbleweeds fucking around
Astra7525: How does a "match" work? Is the winner whoever destroyed the ecosystem the most?
baltimore_667083: tackle? we playin football now?
TheMerricat: "Game overview: The game system is similar to a clicker game. The difference from clickers is that you do not earn points by clicking, but by tumbling weed and breaking cacti. Operate tumbleweeds and explore the wilderness. Through their adventures, they grow, learn new truths, meet new friends, and experience a variety of things. Tumbleweeds earn TP (Tumblepoints) by moving. Use the TP you earn to gain abilities and increase your TP even more efficiently."
baskwalla: Honey, I'm gonna go tumble with the guys
Angreed66: is this just a game to make number go up
BigTheDave: It's cookie cliker
DigitalSeahorse: nice chill tunes
sethtriggs: Auto tumbling speed? Is this like also Cookie Clicker?
johnalogue: It's an idle tumble game
TheMerricat: "Feature: Online multiplayer: Up to 16 players can play together. There are quick matches and friend matches, both of which you are free to enter and exit at any time. In Quick Match, soaps from all over the world are trying to reach the soap holder at their own pace. In Friend Match, you can easily play with specific friends only by using one keyword. Of course, you can also play alone."
ExachixKitsune: yo this looks legit
jessicaengle: jlrrCooltunes
BusTed: Real 'on hold with the insurance company' vibes from this music
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe
Vonbane: kinda robust for a tumbleweed game
Thefluffiestguineapig: By "tumbling weed"
AnOddSmith: dont hate the smooth jazz
lightfut: Oh that sax
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyParty sexy sax
DoodlestheGreat: Then there's "Tumble Weeb Destiny," which is the same, only with roly-poly otaku instead of vegitation.
Drasvin: Is this an idle game...about tumbling?
Anaerin: ROLL-playing game. Clearly.
johnalogue: This has matches and goals?!
sethtriggs: @Anaerin Ahahahahaaaha
SymphonySolstice: good game no notes
Raiz0k: @TheMerricat Please tell there's not NFT tie-in.
Rae_of_Light_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
Rae_of_Light_: You all rock (err...maybe I should say roll with this new game?) and I can't wait to see what is planned for Desert Bus this year.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rae_of_Light_! (Today's storm count: 89)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBreakdance vicksyStuck vicksyRoll vicksyFastRoll
Dog_of_Myth: @Anaerin Booooo
FarleyF: @sheer_falacy no but it does have bus stops and day/night cycles
sheer_falacy: slowest racing game I ever did see
djalternative: yeah. it's an rpg
Boon_33: Those cactuses imply that one of us is an invasive specie in the area.
sethtriggs: The music is so dissonant
accountmadeforants: gdqSpin
Vonbane: cacti are so smug
Cephallope: o7
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint
sheer_falacy: oh sweet you can grind the heck out of that cactus
FunyDogie: tumbleweeds are like hella invasive everywhere aren't they?
sethtriggs: I was expecting western music
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyRaid
raulghoulia: can't wait for you to level up and get enough strength to equip Cloud's buster sword
TheMerricat: @TheMerricat no mention of NFT's. And btw this is game #8 of a series?
Scarbble: lofi beats to tumble to is great
LittleVesuvius: i walk away and we are a tumbleweed???
LittleVesuvius: i was gone for ONE MINUTE
LittleVesuvius: what happened lol
Hangedman: probably a great way to experiment with netcode
Vonbane: only if you are moving
Wicker_Guide: I am impressed that all the assets appear to be fairly high-definition and seem to be from a common asset pack
Metric_Furlong: @LittleVesuvius different game
Boon_33: or plants, or pants, or phones
accountmadeforants: I think we can be fairly certain no Unity/Unreal Engine tutorial taught someone to make a tumbleweed game
DigitalSeahorse: toilet paper! vicksyTrash 2020Unroll
Cephallope: Tumbles Per weed
johnalogue: Cacti for every player, there is no need to compete
butt_ghost: has any ennio morriocne entered the public domain for a playover
SnackPak_: hell yeah, I love G-funk
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is a fascinating game
LittleVesuvius: cacti appear for. this is a MULTIPLAYER??
Raiz0k: Tumblepoints as cited by TheMerricat, yes.
Astra7525: Oh we have enough TP for an upgrade now
baskwalla: We don't serve tumbleweeds in these parts
LittleVesuvius: upgraaaade!
Boon_33: @LittleVesuvius sure had emotes on the start
johnalogue: From each according to his tumble, to each according for their need of a cactus
Vonbane: just like Christopher Cross said
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBreakdance gotta go fast
LittleVesuvius: can you set yourself on fre
LittleVesuvius: please set yourself on fire i want to see
AugmentingPath: do not break the spittoon, you will not like the loot it drops
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Boon_33 There was a menu Alex brought up that had "no other players online"
Karl256: I played a puzzle game that used this exact asset pack lol
UltraVioletVodoo: mmmmmm soggy tumbleweed
Anubis169: the only thing at our level is a spittoon, and you defo don't wanna drink from that
accountmadeforants: Respectable Time To Crate
LittleVesuvius: oh boy
Thefluffiestguineapig: Monster??????????
LittleVesuvius: monster?
LittleVesuvius: ??????
jessicaengle: A Tumbleweed rolls into a bar and says to the bartender "I'd like a pint and a mop"
sheer_falacy: the cactus had like 50 hp so 4000 might be a problem
Raiz0k: @TheMerricat A series about moving as tumbleweed, or about gathering TP?
josh___something: Pardon?
an_archist2: is it a raid boss?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPeek
evilspoons983: you can afford an upgrade now
LittleVesuvius: are you stuck
djalternative: monster energy?
ExachixKitsune: are we the monster?
raulghoulia: skill cards?
Diabore: is this an idle game?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFastRoll
sheer_falacy: how much future do you plan to have
johnalogue: Gotta buy the upgrade that gives you more upgrades
Boon_33: lol there are 4 tumbeweed games on steam
Anubis169: Camera please!
LittleVesuvius: how do you do damage?
Simriel: Jusr noticed we are called Tumbly xD
johnalogue: @Boon_33 From this series, or in total?
Anubis169: the dust i guess?
Raiz0k: @sheer_falacy There's no amount of future that allows to disregard interest.
sheer_falacy: Tumbley was their decision
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean, at least there's not loot boxes or pay to win?
DigitalSeahorse: I appreciate that this isn't first person camera rolls with your eyes point of view
Astra7525: "Soldier, return to the conflict zone immediately"
Boon_33: @johnalogue looks like the others arn't literal tumbleweed but ajacent themed.
johnalogue: @Thefluffiestguineapig This game only exists to be witnessed.
DrLigmaPhD: Median Arizona experience
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyStuck
SymphonySolstice: good for them
sheer_falacy: @Raiz0k If interest earned in future time is less than cost of interest then you do bad
sheer_falacy: I think these floor textures were meant to be seen from about 500 feet farther away
LittleVesuvius: or "I'm a hyperfocused nerd" lol
Boon_33: haven't you ever wanted to play as an invasive plant?
LittleVesuvius: I know someone like this
kristian_fischer: Remember the Dog Opera? I remember it.
Anubis169: G, have you ever played The Holy Gosh Darn?
LordManiMani: I mean, that keeps me from making things. So.
BusTed: oh we tumblin'
jessicaengle: Wheeeee
Thefluffiestguineapig: @johnalogue Like beauty copter or other W+P past games saying "witness me" I guess
BigDaddyBland87: that's a gutter ball
AugmentingPath: and earning 6 tp/sec (for about 1 second)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kristian_fischer Oh god, I had managed to forget that till now
KBKarma: Oh shit I forgot this stream was on. I went for dinner.
TheMerricat: Also from going into the Steam Discussions page, this is a Japanese game, so expect Engrish.
Cephallope: Gutterweed
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Shiny_Elva: Yeah the faster you go the more points you get
KBKarma: (sorry, medication)
Simriel: @lordmanimani Make things, it's better than Not
Raiz0k: @sheer_falacy Still, you do not disregard the concept of interest, eh?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH vicksyHaha
Shiny_Elva: A very weird incremental huh
sheer_falacy: someone set out to make this game and they made it
AugmentingPath: monster
DigitalSeahorse: eek!
baltimore_667083: oh god
KBKarma: How did Hanna run?
BusTed: got a bit of a sneeze
Metric_Furlong: oh, there's the monster
LittleVesuvius: is THAT the monster?
Jethrain: well there's your monster right there
baskwalla: Cact-ent
BigDaddyBland87: that must be the monster
jessicaengle: Friend?
josh___something: Is that the monster?
Thefluffiestguineapig: It is a fucking monster
LittleVesuvius: how do you do damage?
korvys: Cactaur?
LittleVesuvius: do you have hit points?
kristian_fischer: A manstor?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why did it spawn when you went into the saloon?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyS vicksyPanic
johnalogue: @KBKarma You will want to watch the vod for the last game.
LordManiMani: @simriel just don't try to sell them on Steam, eh?
Critterbot: Got enough for an upgrade now I think.
Cephallope: Ah yes, a succul-ent
Boon_33: o no, what if it's... a Herbivore!?!
KBKarma: @johnalogue Was it Hanna Must Run?
johnalogue: Yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: The wind does what it does to tumbleweeds in real life
sheer_falacy: and now it's an idle game
KBKarma: Spaceship!
DigitalSeahorse: weeeeeee
gainsofcastamere: This game is a fascinating window into the dev's psyche. I don't hate it though.
IanAllenBird: oh that's what that emoji was
LittleVesuvius: is the monster an alien???
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uhhhhhhhh
DigitalSeahorse: oh we called a space ship
Thefluffiestguineapig: Spaceship??????????
LordManiMani: Is Captain Olimar here??
BigDaddyBland87: Oh ok then
DeM0nFiRe: wat
tenthtechpriest: HUH
LittleVesuvius: OH MY GOD WHAT
josh___something: Wut
LittleVesuvius: how
BusTed: Maybe we can tumble on the moon in low gravity
Too_Many_Knives: tumble can into space
LittleVesuvius: wat this
Vonbane: another planet, eh?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do the emojis spawn things??????????????
eric_christian_berg: You can return to your home planet!
LittleVesuvius: why we need tp
Cephallope: YES
ManyDistractions: um
BigTheDave: hol up
taruan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
johnalogue: Holy shit this escalated quickly
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, taruan! (Today's storm count: 90)
LittleVesuvius: what is going on
Raiz0k: Well, that's a *quick* remake of The Invincible.
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
QuietJay: story took a turn
Boon_33: Q made this game.
MostCallMe__Tim: plz destroy us
baltimore_667083: -confusion-
accountmadeforants: GAME. GOOD
Wicker_Guide: We have gone full Hatoful Boyfriend
josh___something: W U T
ButButTheJesus: yay!
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG that ESCALATED
wench_tacular: big if true
Astra7525: That's not what we meant by invasive species
evilspoons983: the rocket ship needs toilet paper!
Lord_Hosk: Thank God
NightValien28: we must save earth!!!
sheer_falacy: what was the sign behind the rocket
NightValien28: go tumbley go
Shiny_Elva: @LittleVesuvius We don't have bidets yet
sethtriggs: Huh!
Bionull: Thank you, sign
LittleVesuvius: everything about this game keeps contradicting itself
Going_Medium: Are we the extra terrestrials?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sorry, we just jumped ALL THE SHARKS
ghizmou: still a better story than twilight
Cephallope: That escalated quickly
BigDaddyBland87: Is this Cowboys Vs. Aliens?
NorthstarTex: and suddenly we didn't just jump the shark...we fucking YEETED THAT BITCH
jessicaengle: I believe in you Tumbley
Vonbane: or maybe...go home?
gnyrinn: Now, That's a plot-twist
ShaneLeeAtk: So long and thanks for all the tumbles
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: tumbleweeds versus aliens, the cowboys v aliens sequel we didnt know we wanted
JDMan94: So Long and Thanks for All the Weeds
KBKarma: Hey, Graham: the earth is going to be destroyed by extraterrestrials.
lightfut: That escalated quickly
LittleVesuvius: I am. so confused.
Yondaime233: well could you imagen mars without tumble weed?
red_shoes_jeff: I...
LittleVesuvius: this game makes zero sense
DAC169: @ghizmou LUL
ValTheDrake: that escalated
ztghostie: Tumbleweeds: So long, and thanks for all the dust!
kumatsu: tumbleweeds: Very well known for having personal agency
Derekwillis: We have to reach escape tumbleocity.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBreakdance vicksyCheer
e_bloc: well thats a sharp left turn
avged: Helltumblers?
TheMerricat: 16
Raiz0k: Where's tumbleweed's 500kg then?
MooCowofDom: We can do it chat, but would we
Thefluffiestguineapig: @LittleVesuvius I have sailed over confusion to simple acceptance
LordManiMani: So Long and Thanks for All the Thistles? Is that anything?
Metric_Furlong: coming next month on Crossing the Streams Kappa
Foxmar320: Crossing the streams when
sheer_falacy: someone has to tank the monster, I hope they know their tumble mechanics
josh___something: Tumbleweed destiny CTS? Kappa
lightfut: It's gonna be a long trip, need all that TP
TheDangerWaffle: thank you and thank you for all the dust
Bearudite: what a bizzare vibe game
ghizmou: misery forges friendship
wench_tacular: misery loves company
Boon_33: cool enemy, what's it's name? 'monster'
Despoiler98: Misery loves company
korvys: It's the W+P way, Graham
DoodlestheGreat: Pain shared is pain lessened?
Zandivya: Tumble Team roll out!
gainsofcastamere: I have to tumble now, my home ball needs me.
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: That was basically the motto of my undergrad study group
Simriel: I think this may actually have much more explanation than Cowboys Vs Aliens ever had
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Hence my username
Bionull: Are you not having a tumbling time, Graham?
KBKarma: The smooth jazz is nice.
Bahumot: Making 8+ people suffer misery for our entertainment, isn't that Desert Bus in a nutshell?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bad movies are best experienced together, as is known
radioshackraider: I feel like this is "How boring can we make Goat Simulator while still making it fun enough that people will spend 5 bucks on it?"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KBKarma It's nice but baffling as a music choice in this game
sheer_falacy: oh cacti aren't shared
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRoll vicksyRoll vicksyRoll vicksyBreakdance vicksyBreakdance vicksyFastRoll vicksyStuck vicksyStuck 8 weed rollers
sheer_falacy: I wonder if monster is
ExachixKitsune: @DigitalSeahorse what good foxes!
johnalogue: Is the stream randomly resizing for anyone else?
gainsofcastamere: This is a fascinating series of baffling decisions.
KBKarma: Go make friends!
Juliamon: johnalogue Nope, sounds like bad ad behaviour
DigitalSeahorse: vicksy does have some great foxes! vicksyHappy
sheer_falacy: they have an afro
Simriel: Go fight the Monster
Boon_33: is it a disguise?
jessicaengle: Are we the extrateresstrial that's going to destroy the world?
Simriel: Get behind it and press A
johnalogue: @juliamon got it, thanks
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think it is a cactus demon
sheer_falacy: !findquote r1
LRRbot: Quote #2317: "That guy isn't actually that scary, you just stay behind him. You stay behind him and mash R1. Just like every other thing in these lrrEFF ing games. You just stay behind it and mash R1. And then you tell other people to git gud. That's how this game works. Stand behind it, mash R1, go to other people's chats, tell them to git gud. I think I've got it now." —Cameron [2016-04-13]
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBravo
Morrigan9: looks like a warcraft treant
DoodlestheGreat: This is what happens when you land your UFO in Arizona.
Zandivya: It's a chia pet
LadyLockwood92: It looks like Mother Brain from a distance.
radioshackraider: It's Afroot
KBKarma: Looks like he's sowing.
TheMerricat: You should have enough TP now to increase your speed. :P
evilspoons983: is one of the upgrades speed
Boon_33: 'soulslike'
BigTheDave: this is an enemy from a completely different asset pack
Raiz0k: "They're made of wood"
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFrumpy
Cephallope: Trees and weeds are natural enemies
Cjcaesar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cjcaesar! (Today's storm count: 91)
johnalogue: You're not made of wood, you're made of *weed*
jessicaengle: ?
johnalogue: Tumbleweed: 50% tumble, 50% weed
Thefluffiestguineapig: I wonder if that flower is a weak point
KBKarma: I *hate* that phrase!
BusTed: Of course... can't pause in an online multiplayer game
DaxStrife: I hate that cliche.
Boon_33: more dots!
Caffine1138: nnnnnnnyyyyyyyoooooooommmmm
Mattmitchell45 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months, currently on a 131 month streak!
Mattmitchell45: Thank you for your Garbage on Today of All Days
gnyrinn: That's such a cliché
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mattmitchell45! (Today's storm count: 92)
DoodlestheGreat: Pass 'em off at the head!
Simriel: "Head then off at the pass? I hate that cliche"
eric_christian_berg: Did you know that tumbleweeds are an invasive species from Russia?
Lord_Hosk: So who is the more invasive of a species? The alien Gollum or the Russian Tumbleweed?
dm818: that math didn't math
DeM0nFiRe: Wat you did 13 damage but it only lost 12 health
DigitalSeahorse: boop
BusTed: welp, this is the rest of the stream
KBKarma: *poke* *poke* *poke*
TheMerricat: This might be a long stream. :D
Cephallope: Gameplay!
johnalogue: From Russia?!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyKnife
sheer_falacy: just 3 more hours to go!
accountmadeforants: I mean, would *you* acknowledge a tumbleweed?
BigTheDave: you just need to do that 400 times
Alex_Frostfire: Are we gonna kill this by rolling tumbleweed into it?
Greyah: What would happen if you got mashed on?
Boon_33: do you think they gave it enough HP for balance?
niccus: raid design has gotten really downhill lately
LordManiMani: Reminds me of something that might have shown up in like, Star Fox 64
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyChill
Thefluffiestguineapig: @johnalogue From Japan in this case
accountmadeforants: I really hope there's an active multiplayer community for this
Zandivya: It's like being attacked by a slightly flat basketball
sheer_falacy: so if you're in front when it slams do you lose tp or die or nothing?
Raiz0k: The Cactrix.
Vonbane: so cactus farming seems like a viable strat
accountmadeforants: Oh holy shit, this game is also on the Switch!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRoll the chillest breakdance
Boon_33: it is a thing
Simriel: This is one of the video games of all time for sure
TheMerricat: So of the players that have played this, 97.4% killed at least one cactus, 88.1% killed a monster.
Thefluffiestguineapig: This, unlike many other W+P games, succeeds at being a thing
johnnylongtorso: remember to like, comment, and tumble
Caffine1138: Its not horrible is execution
niccus: OH this is the dev of Forklift Load
ManyDistractions: Time to leaf him be
Thefluffiestguineapig: And they for sure made a thing and stuck to their vision
DigitalSeahorse: oh you can has colour
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPride
accountmadeforants: This dev's first game on Steam is called "Toilet paper wants to be a basketball"
Critterbot: Looks japanese.
DoodlestheGreat: This was a stream.
ExachixKitsune: love that for them
kumatsu: it's Japanese, yeah
djalternative: off to the secret stream
johnalogue: @accountmadeforants You can't deny their creativity
sethtriggs: That was amazing
eric_christian_berg: Friendly voices very appreciated.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @accountmadeforants Ah, so there's a distinct type that has evolved
Raiz0k: @accountmadeforants Sooo... they've got a type?
DoodlestheGreat: ten-q 4 strem?
Simriel: @accountmadeforants What
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTrash
ManyDistractions: PrideLaugh
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTrash vicksyRaid vicksyTrash
johnalogue: The game is Japanese and yet the achievement was Canadian I guess
Simriel: This sure was A Time that I Experienced
IanAllenBird: o7
jessicaengle: Thank you for Tumbleying
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeart vicksyHeart vicksyHeart
ManyDistractions: Thanks for the stream!
Ashmantle: <3
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGift
johnalogue: Japanese game, Russian protagonist, American setting, Canadian achievement.
Dog_of_Myth: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Amentur: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Nigouki: Go look up Japanese cowboy LARPers, they take it very seriously
TheMerricat: "Destiny The fate of that child rolling through Nagano" is what Google Lens thinks the logo said.
Scy_Anide: Thank YOU for making this happen.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksyBroke
accountmadeforants: @Raiz0k They do seem to love inanimate objects rolling around:
jessicaengle: o7
SmithKurosaki: Later y'all
ManyDistractions: o7
Anubis169: xxxCOM
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
Dog_of_Myth: Root!
DoodlestheGreat: Yis, tonight.
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: cheer169
SquareDotCube: Roomote
djalternative: Johnny's Fun Time is up next before AFK
raulghoulia: so not That away
ButButTheJesus: thamk for strem
Nigouki: oh no, what could possibly be happening to the studio?
wench_tacular: AFk at K
Tantusar: Away From Keyboard Pointedly At Keyboards
ProcyonFlynn: AFK - At our Friendly Keyboards
rrtycoon2: 48 hours.
Azsedcf: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Root) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (1:58 from now).
josh___something: Does remote root have the marauder expansion yet?
TheAinMAP: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (1d, 23:58 from now)
FarleyF: hey everything starts back up on my birthday \
SquareDotCube: Any DB test this year?
EvilBadman: If you want to see what is happening in that other studio, the test stream is imminent.
Gekyouryuu: oooooh, 100% OJ?
wench_tacular: what could possibly be happening in the meantime
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang vicksyClap vicksyHeadbang vicksyRave
Dog_of_Myth: !venga
LRRbot: I set my sail. Fly, the wind it will take me, back to my home, sweet home. Lie on my back, clouds are makin' way for me. The Venga Bus is comin' home, sweet home.
djalternative: Peej said test is right now
EvilBadman: NoW ish
DigitalSeahorse: wooo
korvys: It's RIGHT NOW
Metric_Furlong: D E S E R T B U S
Anaerin: DB Test JUST WENT LIVE.
fiftymcnasty: Now
Anubis169: it's like now
Beleqwaya: soon
DigitalSeahorse: neat
NimrodXIV: oo?
SmithKurosaki: It might be right now
DoodlestheGreat: $8500 raised so far.
Juliamon: Can we raid it??
DigitalSeahorse: NOW?
Sarah_Serinde: It si right now my dudes
Raiz0k: @accountmadeforants Given that 0 zero results were returned on the default search... I'll take your words.... and give my commiserations, for it.
TheAinMAP: Oh there's the Twitch notification!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @FarleyF DB starts on my birthday this year
LadyLockwood92: It begins now
Spacecarl: heh, the extremely rare LRR raid perhaps
SquareDotCube: You know, we could do a raid...
ButButTheJesus: NOW (Now.)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Raid the tech test!!!!
jessicaengle: We raiding?
FarleyF: @Thefluffiestguineapig hey Kudos fellow Scorpion - normally DB ends around my brithday
KBKarma: Oh wow, I just realised that it was 2 years today. Neato.
Anubis169: lrrAWESOME
Chantzzzzz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chantzzzzz! (Today's storm count: 93)
BigTheDave: nice
SAJewers: desertbus just went live
LordManiMani: It me
ManyDistractions: nice
djalternative: What's the raid message, Graham?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFrumpy potat
firehawkzoa subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, firehawkzoa! (Today's storm count: 94)
Drasvin: Cheer100
The raid has been canceled.
Spacecarl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Spacecarl! (Today's storm count: 95)
LordZarano: There's a timer
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, why did you cancel the raid?
Anubis169: eject! eject!
KWardJenx: Thank you so much for the Stream
FarleyF: ok folks put your supplies away - the raid has been cancelled
TheMerricat: @Thefluffiestguineapig It was on a 7 second timer. :D
Scarbble: @Thefluffiestguineapig waiting for subs
Juliamon: Launched too soon
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheMerricat Oh jeez, yeah makes sense
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
FarleyF: get your viking horned helmets ready
darkpks2: sup fellas
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
thebuzzstreams subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
thebuzzstreams: All aboard!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thebuzzstreams! (Today's storm count: 96)
SquareDotCube subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
SquareDotCube: boink
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SquareDotCube! (Today's storm count: 97)
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance
Juliamon: Raid message: lrrGARBO
CaptainSpam: Carl... In... SPAAAAAAAACE!
Saintnex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
Saintnex: happy desert bus everyone !
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Saintnex! (Today's storm count: 98)
Anubis169: Thank you <3
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming. Good luck with Desert Bus!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBonk boink!
ManyDistractions: Raid message: lrrGARBO
ManyDistractions: Take care! lrrHEART
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
annoyingcameraguy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, annoyingcameraguy! (Today's storm count: 99)
DoodlestheGreat: And it's a violin performance!
wench_tacular: byeeee