airylan: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: ennui
airylan: yeah seems right
Manae: LRRbot once again making us question its sentience
Bengineering: benginO7
unarmedoracle: what is up gamers (derogatory)
AngelicKnighthood: Yo!
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Yorri
AngelicKnighthood: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Root) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (3m from now).
ihlendrax: Yorri! yay
AngelicKnighthood: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a mysterious pizza
AngelicKnighthood: again?
Juliamon: it just keeps reappearing
Juliamon: very mysterious
AngelicKnighthood: It's a pizza, so I can't complain.
red_shoes_jeff: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Pit Trap!
red_shoes_jeff: FallDamage
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Root) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (0s from now).
red_shoes_jeff: !next
Manae: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
red_shoes_jeff: benginFingers
Juliamon: lrrSIG
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
AngelicKnighthood: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
underhill33: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Fruan: Fursuit Verhicle is SUCH a bop. Every time a stream opens with this it improves my mood.
kaziel0: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG
red_shoes_jeff: @Fruan Helps that it's perfectly synced to the signal lights.
kusinohki: meows
PynnThePenguin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PynnThePenguin! (Today's storm count: 100)
kusinohki: hard to stay mad with any BGC song playing tbh...
LurkerSpine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LurkerSpine! (Today's storm count: 101)
red_shoes_jeff: It's that time again... Mine O'Clock!
Singenmeister: So they just did the DB tech test, wonder if we’ll notice any set differences tonight?
Juliamon: Singenmeister This stream is remote
PharaohBender27: Almost forgot that this was even happening
Juliamon: notice it's CtS
Singenmeister: ahhh
ggodopaste subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
ggodopaste: It's 60% of a year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ggodopaste! (Today's storm count: 102)
StageMgrRob subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months, currently on a 83 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StageMgrRob! (Today's storm count: 103)
StageMgrRob: It's a sad subaversary here in the USA.
DideRobot: LRR: Time for Crossing the Streams! Tonight we're playing Root! (has image) |
PharaohBender27: Cheer300 Thanks for building such a great community. It means a lot on days like today
Jobot180 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
Jobot180: Need some distraction tonight. It'll be good to see folks play as fuzzy little critters after this crappy day.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jobot180! (Today's storm count: 104)
episvont: Just in time
Amberzenn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Amberzenn! (Today's storm count: 105)
Heckhoundbolt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months, currently on a 26 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Heckhoundbolt! (Today's storm count: 106)
ContingentCat: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (1d, 21:52 from now)
episvont: Aww they cut off road quest theme
kusinohki: 6 men, 3 vehicles, 10 days... er nvm...
Nigouki: Crossing the AFK
Feriority: !boardgames
LRRbot: See LRR's full board game collection here:
DotDashington subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DotDashington! (Today's storm count: 107)
GhostValv: ashlizRaccoon
hieroglyphica: Oh great! Another pre DB stream
Juliamon: hieroglyphica Last one!
baltimore_667083: my huh?
SnackPak_: Hi Paul
manfred909: tqsGiggle tqsGiggle tqsGiggle
jamcnerny subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
jamcnerny: hello there
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jamcnerny! (Today's storm count: 108)
Nigouki: gag successful
Juliamon: missed a great TYFHMIGTBH chance Paul
stlthofnight: I'm ROOTing for a good time!
RockPusher: fugiBus
murder_mtg: Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well.
ELD_Winterlight: The bus is coming...
episvont: lrrCrab
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART I completely forgot this was happening in all the excitement of testing things!
manfred909: we just saw the tech test. it's almost here
epsilon_vee: cozy woodland murder
CaptainSpam: But it's a cozy murder.
Nigouki: cozy woodland imperialism
Juliamon: The tech test was so fun!
Juliamon: Things broke!
RandomTrivia: Erika broke at least two things
Juliamon: Wheeler's Horse Joke happened!
RandomTrivia: Oh yeah we got trolled by Wheeler :D
RandomTrivia: Graham dinged the big bell what goes "ding"
SquareDotCube: Digital Root is great because it just does nearly all the mathematics and management for you
thrythlind: I ran a one-shot of the Fellowship RPG as if the Armello digital board game once... had a swashbuckler cat
thrythlind: and a squire mouse
kusinohki: so no forest shuffle - just animals, no anthropormorphic..
Ravynn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months, currently on a 128 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ravynn! (Today's storm count: 109)
RitualGlitchZ: Wait, did Nhim make kids furries?
episvont: lrrCAMERON lrrWHEELER lrrIAN lrrBEN yay!
thrythlind: have y'all tried Armello yet?
stlthofnight: Ca-caw!
thraximore: @RitualGlitchZ ohhhhhh yeah.
libraryrulesrule: Currently filling out my application for a canadian passport. Have citizenship from my parents but haven't needed a passport before now
RitualGlitchZ: I must have watched it too young for that lol
prankprogenitus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 18 month streak!
prankprogenitus: long time viewer and now long time supporter! wishing everyone the best now
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, prankprogenitus! (Today's storm count: 110)
PowrOfFriendship_: This... is not the game I thought it was. What's the worker placement with the giant tree and the same sort of theme as this?
Juliamon: PowrOfFriendship_ Everdell?
WriterRaven flops into chat, existing
kusinohki: everdell?
libraryrulesrule: everdell
LoadingReadyRun: how's the game volume?
Juliamon: Volume's good
stlthofnight: Mor ca-caw!
thraximore: good
dungeonmasteralek: good volume
PowrOfFriendship_: Yes! That's the one, thanks
DaxStrife: Relatable.
PowrOfFriendship_: The volume is a little loud compared to Cameron at least
KWardJenx: Great volume of games.
Juliamon: It's OK to collapse sometimes. Like today.
PowrOfFriendship_: You never need an excuse to collapse
saucemaster5000: I haven't stopped collapsing
stlthofnight: Vagabond = Han Solo
Juliamon: My cat has opinions. She said "MROW"
Singenmeister: Oh no his character is gone
RandomTrivia: Cameron pls
Kramburger: Vegebond
saucemaster5000: @Juliamon I will subscribe to this doctrine
DaxStrife: The Vengabond is coming.
thraximore: Vajabön
Dog_of_Myth: Vengabon
WriterRaven: @Juliamon She makes a compelling argument.
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
thrythlind: Cameron = Roboralley, Ben = Illuminati, Ian = 4X, Wheeler = Skyrim Protag
stlthofnight: Vegetarian Bond?
BigDaddyBland87: @Juliamon True words of wisdom
Bruceski: Note for Corvids, you can also attack plots like other building-type stuff, but always lose one attacker to do so. The guessing is an alternate method.
definenull: the bouncing animals are back PridePog
stlthofnight: I love destroying the plot
Singenmeister: I really enjoy the VU meter making the little dudes hop lol.
Orxolon: good evening everyone
Orxolon: wow Root,this is the ONLY game i never understood from AFK
Juliamon: Orxolon That's totally fair, you're basically trying to watch four games in one
kusinohki: root is hard to learn
thrythlind: It's been noticed the cat capitalists are French, so we're imagining that there's a Bastille day waiting for him back home
thraximore: it's... asymmetrical turn based strategy? that's really neat
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL ya the faction icons moving with the VU meters was originally a mistake, but we decided we liked it that way :p
Orxolon: @Juliamon because each "faction" has a distint form of play¿?
Juliamon: Exactly
GasCityGaming: congrats!
RandomTrivia: Oof, congrats!
Juliamon: The players can focus mainly on just their faction, but if we're trying to follow everyone, we have to pay closer attention
Orxolon: this is the one i'm here for the "company" and not the game itself XD
Nigouki: Oh right, is Gus Beeg Kitty yet?
DaxStrife: I never considered being a patient was a competitive field.
Bruceski: "We've found that taking care of sick people is soooooo much work."
Juliamon: Gus is still a little guy
thrythlind is gifting 8 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 248 in the channel!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rhilenova!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to intmachtofficer!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheHandOfDOS!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to shtevie3!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to AniLunchbox!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to TotallyNotaBeholder!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to c0rgie!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to citizen_pain!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, thrythlind! Welcome to Rhilenova, intmachtofficer, TheHandOfDOS, TotallyNotaBeholder, shtevie3, AniLunchbox, c0rgie, and citizen_pain! (Today's storm count: 118)
alexanderthefine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, alexanderthefine! (Today's storm count: 119)
offbeatwitch: long long caaaaaaaat
RandomTrivia: Gus is just the latest addition to the Ben-agerie
hieroglyphica: Cause I have a whole team, I just email them sometimes. Otoh, things aren't like, good here
Garfman314: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 19:44.
SFSMaus: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:21:00. lrrSPOT
stlthofnight: Ah yes, contemplating updog
Twilight_Spark: And soon, thirsty.
shtevie3: Not sure if links are allowed, but there is a helpful PSA on youtube about the vagabond. Basically "attack it every chance you can or lose"
kusinohki: i've played this once. played the cats. I don't remember how they work...
Juliamon: Links are allowed with context
Nigouki: I went to look for a recent Gus picture and OMG BEANS
shtevie3: Not sure if links are allowed, but there is a helpful PSA on youtube about the vagabond. Basically "attack it every chance you can or lose" here it is!
Juliamon: (except discords, those get purged bc of spam)
shtevie3: right on. thank you
Juliamon: aww the beans!!
RandomTrivia: @Nigouki Good gracious, he is just the best
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Juliamon: "ah yes, it is time for my Evening Actions"
thraximore: me me me!
Garfman314: what is the corvid playstyle?
Incandescent_Zubat: What a lovely line to join stream for.
niccus: mi mi mi time
stlthofnight: Das boot?
NotaVideoEssayist: Hiya.
superdude097: I'm doing good. Forgot this is CTS and I was gonna ask why they were playing the *digital* version of Root on AFK
definenull: i love themb
stlthofnight: Let the crazy mouse cook
RandomTrivia: At K, as a treat
Juliamon: for bus reasons
PharaohBender27: :D
definenull: the studio has turned into a bus
PharaohBender27: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (1d, 21:33 from now)
as_ever_ellesandra: well, at least wheeler
stlthofnight: NERDS!!!
CaptainSpam: And they just won't leave! Who let them in there? The nerve!
thraximore: @LRRbot umbraSweat
Kramburger: Ben don't laugh like you're not an AV nerd yourself
chaostreader: AFK Desert bus stole our set edition
as_ever_ellesandra: wheeler's presence was still felt in studio C
Mollylele: shots fired
Kramburger: WHEELER
underhill33: lmao
Juliamon: And they're in the RDP probably
Darleysam: yeah that's when a word sounds like the sound it makes
RandomTrivia: Already one person has been bamboozled by the BUS
stlthofnight: Busboozled?
definenull: (uh oh steam popup)
Nefarious_Ned subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months, currently on a 106 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nefarious_Ned! (Today's storm count: 120)
Juliamon: Busboozled, much preferable to Beanboozled
stlthofnight: Agreed
kusinohki: is the lake bigger than usual or am I losing my mind?
murder_mtg: I gotta be real with y'all. I have no clue what's happening in this game. I'm just happy to be here.
satyropodobny: @kusinohki gotta be global warming
Juliamon: murder_mtg Worry not, you're not alone
stlthofnight: I don't think think this is the standard board
PMAvers: Yeah, this is the Lake map
definenull: i would hazard that most of us are here for the vibes
Singenmeister: be the cooper you want to see in the world.
Shadowsoflife: Did anyone else read Busboozled (sorry for this) hear caramelldansen ?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: will yugioh and mtg players join forces?
murder_mtg: Either way, it's very cute
couchboyj: In soviet Donkey Kong County, barrel shoots you!
mtvcdm: @murder_mtg yeah, it's all kinda background noise to me right now, but you're among friends
superdude097: Why does the game board make me think of baseball diamonds?
thraximore: I've always wanted to see what this game is about, curious to see how the asymmetrical aspect plays out
stlthofnight: You want him to put down the hammer?
RealGamerCow: crowluminati
Shadowsoflife: @superdude097 plot
Juliamon: honestly I only get baseball vibes when the music loop gets to the part that sounds like the opening of I'm Shipping Up to Boston
Juliamon: but that's because I'm That Nerd
maywecomein subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months, currently on a 90 month streak!
maywecomein: “happy” “anniversary”
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, maywecomein! (Today's storm count: 121)
CaptainSpam: "Aw, geez, another shoehorned romance sub-plot?"
incredulouspasserby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
incredulouspasserby: only 600 more months to go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, incredulouspasserby! (Today's storm count: 122)
Shadowsoflife: @Juliamon What happened to your wooden leg?
stlthofnight: So Ben is plotting murder?
satyropodobny: I love the crow-goldberg machine.
thraximore: @stlthofnight boooo
neisan2112: Was it Rattma?
stlthofnight: @thraximore bwahaha!
BrindleBoar: Old: reading the card explains the card. Bold: interpolating the art of the cards explains the lore of the cards.
Molladia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
Molladia: Happy Anniversary LRR, Root all the places.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Molladia! (Today's storm count: 123)
stlthofnight: @thraximore methinks so
stlthofnight: Actually that's the eerie
thraximore: oh right
thraximore: so the Eyrie are vultures?
stlthofnight: They have a diversity of fowl beings
chaostreader: eyrie have like 5 different leaders. all different birds
thraximore: I see
Garfman314: alright, i'm testing out the "twitch on tv/chat on laptop" setup before desert bus starts
RandomTrivia: When the corvids are making trouble, you really have to get to the Root Caw-se of the issue lrrBEEJ
thraximore: Conspiracies are so cool, I wish they were real
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: we've entered edgy happy hour
BrindleBoar: Mothmussy.
Garfman314: now the cat is much more capable of getting in the way of the screen
Getter404: Call and raise: If King of the Hill were made today, what would DALE be like
niccus: he'd probably be dejected since all the circles he's in are uncool now
thraximore: @BrindleBoar umbraBlush
RandomTrivia: Everyone's dead, Dave.
couchboyj: He'd be obsessed with proving the entire universe is a simulation
stlthofnight: Murder girl showed up
thrythlind: Yeah, Cameron, this came up when we were talking advice on the Flake for the Hunter's Journal for MotW... Marek commented that real life conspiracies had sucked all the fun out of fictional ones
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: xfiles today would play in reverse. Pursuing fake conspiracies orchestrated by the smoking man that are explicitly but unprovably false.
niccus: mulder would argue with ai girlfriend models
thraximore: @thrythlind Q kinda ruined them, eh
KeytarCat: I really hate the simulation theory because it doesn't *change* anything
ArdCollider: the Lone Gunmen probably have a Discord where they try to deprogram people who believe too hard in all the bus they *promoted* with their zine.
shurtal: "Scully, did you know birds aren't real?"
Getter404: @niccus So... he'd be Vedal?
thrythlind: @thraximore Yep, that was his complaint.
kusinohki: how does ben's faction score points again?
thraximore: uh oh, the crows gotta conspire harder
CaptainSpam: The crows gotta commit to that murder.
Getter404: By keeping revealed conspiracies on the board IIRC? Been a while since I played them, Otters & Rats for life
Bruceski: @kusinohki face-up conspiracies score points at end of turn, I believe.
niccus: how many discords would mulder be in
thrythlind: @kusinohki Reputation and completing quests... he's a Bethesda Protagonist
Bengineering: i score points by turning conspiracies face up!
KeytarCat: @niccus how many are there? :P
HedgehogKnight: The Andrew W K conspiracy is fun. He's not a real person but a made up persona.
thraximore: @niccus wheeler's cat? wheelerMuldr
Bengineering: unfortuantely theyve been getting destroyed quickly
Molladia: This music is very reminiscent of Hearthstone
thrythlind: description I saw of X-Files in the last year "Aliens and werewolves vs the world's most Autistic man"
Getter404: It's kind of sad that the "best" way to play the two most peaceful factions (Vagabond & Riverfolk) are to turn them into murder blenders
tehfewl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
tehfewl: Bus is Coming
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tehfewl! (Today's storm count: 124)
shurtal: no, wheeler, its HOW you make a whole family
ArdCollider: lies. the Milky Way Midnight is the perfect drugstore-register candy get.
HedgehogKnight: Is it true that all Canadians must know all Barenaked Ladies lyrics?
neisan2112: Oh I thought Ian meant Sting's Tantric was the top rated candy lolol
Juliamon: Mars/Milky Way supremacy
Garfman314: actually, if someone wants to put an image/gif in chat, it'd help me know that the chat monitor does its thing
Juliamon: quick, someone post a gif
chucklesaurus: Reese’s is king
Getter404: Are Japanese Kit-Kats allowed in this ranking or are they disqualified on the grounds of availability
Molladia: Oh no, I'll go Cherry Ripe EVERY purchase
Garfman314: delightful, thank you
Garfman314: i see the saxophone intensifying
neisan2112: Damn, image loading still not working for me
PharaohBender27: ^
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: american cheese tastes like cheese this ranking is flawed
Shadowsoflife: Welcome
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: american chocolate*
shurtal: yeah, i'd like to know how you fixed it mine's borked as well
Shadowsoflife: Tho I think this would have been better
Garfman314: teeth?
Shadowsoflife: TEEH
Juliamon: BATS
Nigouki: 🐸
tehfewl: Frogs?!
PMAvers: And Three Vagabonds in a Trenchcoat
BloodnBullets: your in luck ian, goose is one of the new vagabonds
RatherLargeToad: frogs? OSFrog
PharaohBender27: My attempt
Incandescent_Zubat: BATS?!
PharaohBender27: Is the not-so-nifty plugin not working?
Juliamon: bats gonna be SO CUTE
goombalax: Frogs and bats? unrelated archetypes in Bloomburrow?
Garfman314: i'm on glodenox, and it's doing my thing
Garfman314: (i'm also thinking bloomburrow for frogs and bats)
Juliamon: yeah, make sure you're all using the same fork
RandomTrivia: lrrSIG
PMAvers: (for those who havn't seen them yet, )
Juliamon: That's not getting noisegated at all
Shadowsoflife: lrrSIG
neisan2112: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
adept_nekomancer: Crimes are occurring!
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
kumatsu: board game police on their way
loufghyslaufey: is that the game sfx?
neisan2112: The fun police are here
tehfewl: comedy police, that joke was too funny
Molladia: Gay crimes?
dumbo3k: oooh, bats and frogs, neato
Molladia: Be Gay, Do Crimes
definenull: lrrSIG the fun police is here
loufghyslaufey: nahnahnahnah, not here. Its um, its surrealng, a bit.
Juliamon: That's fair, yeah
RandomTrivia: Reasonable - preserving life takes precedence. I like that.
thraximore: the vagabond has a concept of a plan
dumbo3k: Yeah, I'd feel bad if someone crashed into an ambulance. probably already contains someone having their worst day, rather not add to it
dumbo3k: Oh neato, realized this was a different map shape too. I like the lake
Shadowsoflife: Then you need an ambulance for an ambulance
kusinohki: oof, I remember some old study where a high % of ambulances crashed on their way to the emergency room. driving procedures were changed because of it
MacbethSeemsSus: Zug zug
Shadowsoflife: love that gif
ThirdGames subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThirdGames! (Today's storm count: 125)
Junction27: @Garfman314 The otters can treat any clearings on the lake (or rivers on other maps) as adjacent.
Getter404: I mean that's living the dream for Cats
shurtal: DANGIT still not working....
goombalax: one goes to war with the army they have
Garfman314: the gifs are working for *me*
dumbo3k: Yeah, I saw the Teeth one, and then Graham being blown away
dumbo3k: then again, I am clicking the links
Shadowsoflife: Same
Mr_Bitterness subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mr_Bitterness! (Today's storm count: 126)
KeytarCat: Less Nifty Chat isn't showing me those gifs
RandomTrivia: As long as it isn't Pink Elephants On Parade, I don't need that in my nightmares any more
shurtal: still nothing
Garfman314: huh, those two didn't appear for me
notiiy: i have absolutely no idea what is going on in this game, but having it on in the background makes it sound like you’re all disney princesses in the wilderness hangin’ with some animals, so
notiiy: there’s that
kusinohki: I could try to explain, but I'm struggling to follow along too...
Shadowsoflife: I mean Ian does have crow friends
KeytarCat: @notiiy It's like they're each playing a different game of solitaire with the same deck
notiiy: @shadowsoflife he’s the first goth princess, got it
goombalax: !card reparations
LRRbot: Reparations [1WU] | Enchantment | Whenever an opponent casts a spell that targets you or a creature you control, you may draw a card.
Garfman314: "sorry we burnt down your village"
azureHaights: "here's some gold"
thraximore: !card reparations
LRRbot: Reparations [1WU] | Enchantment | Whenever an opponent casts a spell that targets you or a creature you control, you may draw a card.
thraximore: oops
thraximore: I missed that it was already right above
Juliamon: lmao
niccus: oh he's dauphincore
Nigouki: I've only learned it recently and it messed me up that there's multiple lines of royal pretenders to the french throne
MilkInBags: By Azura by Azura by Azura, it's the great champions!
Garfman314: "stately pleasuredome" must be a new addition to the cat game
LithelyUnshod: Dauphincore is amazing
Mr_Bitterness: @Garfman314 Exept its just a box with a blanket over it
Monogoliensis subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Monogoliensis! (Today's storm count: 127)
vinopinguino: where is Cat?
MilkInBags: D:
Nigouki: only chat can shat
circusofkirkus: Marqueis de Claws
xblue007: marquise de khat
vinopinguino: Sade
thraximore: gotta shat
KeytarCat: Marquis declawed
kumatsu: why not just Marquis de Dog
thrythlind: No! No battle! Only recruit!
azureHaights: It feels like there's some sort of Count da Money / Comte d'Monet joke here
Shadowsoflife: @Getter404 any snakes or mushrooms?
vinopinguino: bird vs bird violence! NotLikeThis
Garfman314: isn't there a pug in a suit of armor in the rpg?
Getter404: @Shadowsoflife There's Lizards with an interest in gardening, does that count?
vinopinguino: you're new empire!?!
vinopinguino: *your
Shadowsoflife: @Getter404 only if they start counting badger visitors
Cptasparagus: my grandpappy was a boot-haver
Getter404: And the next three factions in the new expansions are Bats, Frogs, and "Three Vagabonds in a Trench Coat"
thrythlind: RAAAAIIIIIIDDDD?!????
vinopinguino: corvid conspiracy warriors is a cool band name
thraximore: is there a rat faction?
thraximore: 🐀
kusinohki: there's a mouse faction - the resistance??
thraximore: let's gooooooo
Getter404: There's Mice AND Rats. The Woodland Alliance are technically all the oppressed underclass (Rabbits, Mice & Foxes), and the Rats are a roving barbarian warband
thraximore: YOOOOO
thraximore: umbraHYPERS
BrindleBoar: mood
as_ever_ellesandra: I really should play more root
thraximore: this mischief is out for blood
kusinohki: did not know abot the rats...
Getter404: You literally have to roll a dice to determine which clearings you want to just completely obliterate that turn
as_ever_ellesandra: I have it on steam but I don't really have folks to jam with
Getter404: @kusinohki Same expansion as the Badgers (The Keepers in Iron)
LordChrusher subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
LordChrusher: Hey LRR gang
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordChrusher! (Today's storm count: 128)
thraximore: mischief IS malice umbraBonk
kusinohki: I am not up to date on all the expansions...
Getter404: The new one's on Kickstarter RIGHT NOW (The Homeland Expansion)
vinopinguino: shoes!
BloodnBullets: its the rats that do ruins, badgers do forests
vinopinguino: oh that's cool
Getter404: The weird/funny part is one of the add-ons in the campaign is "flimsier but thinner faction boards" because Leder's had to admit that storage and portability is rapidly becoming a problem
CaptainSpam: Well, technically, with the physical version, only one person needs to own all the expansions, too... Kappa
BloodnBullets: and one interpretation is the badgers are the english crusaders, securing relics from the savages. they are not good people
MilkInBags: frosthaven laughing
thrythlind: Sentinels of the Multiverse did the Big Black Box
goombalax: Wingspan has a nice one
as_ever_ellesandra: The Big Box means that it travels less
jubale1: board game?
Getter404: @MilkInBags Got the Laserox organizer and STILL had to buy an accordion folder for the map tiles
as_ever_ellesandra: In Theory
Pywodwagon: wingspan has a big box that is future proofed for another like 4 expansions
as_ever_ellesandra: in practive
as_ever_ellesandra: Love Big Box
kusinohki: greater than games greatly regrets the big black box for sentinels of the multiverse (and I have the box)
Cptasparagus: you don't have an armored personnel carrier for your board games?
LordZarano: Are there games that aren't compatible with trackballs? Thought they were just a mouse as far as the computer knows?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @MilkInBags is that related to gloomhaven or just a quirck of naming?
vinopinguino: just 10 cats sneak up behind you in an alley...
as_ever_ellesandra: albeit, as someone who just recently sleeved a boardgame and as such had to re-fit the box. I would love to make my own ROOT big box
Getter404: Yeah, Jamie Stegmaier was out there saying that big boxes are all but guaranteed never to turn a profit and the Wingspan one was a labor of love
MilkInBags: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn it's the followup to gloomhaven, a whole new game
dumbo3k: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn I believe it is
TheMalteseFalchion: "Hi new friend!"
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: ohh time for some googling >.>
Getter404: And then they put out Gloomhaven 2nd edition with most of the system improvements from Frosthaven, which... yeah, it's starting to add up
Tz_BG: Snare stop him from bringing more birds into the fight
Getter404: Root & Arkham are pretty much the only "lifestyle" games I've gone all in on and even than I'm trying to pace myself
vinopinguino: Doug Atreides
saucemaster5000: Ngl my group played loads of gloomhaven.... about 10-12 games in we decided it was too much
thraximore: there IS a Duncan, kinda
saucemaster5000: Sorry, 10-12 into frosthaven
ArdCollider: doug atreides/ doug atreides doug atreides/ rock rock rock me doug atreides
Nigouki: Paul is Biblical, Duncan Idaho is....fuck i donno man
as_ever_ellesandra: not even douglas
Garfman314: there are about three pauls, right?
as_ever_ellesandra: doug
Bruceski: I mean, there's a Duncan
couchboyj: Honk honk
Driosenth: Douglas Idaho, Dear Journal, Paul murdered me again today
Heckhoundbolt: Duncan Idaho
vinopinguino: omg what
MilkInBags: Steve Harkonnen
CaptainSpam: Boom.
CaptainSpam: What you say indeed.
saucemaster5000: @Getter404 I miss Arkham LCG, I haven't played the last couple campaigns even though I bought em, just life/business made it less viable
Driosenth: Skeeter Ix
kusinohki: dang ben.... coming out of nowhere. figured cam was going to win until the dominance card got played
hidingbox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months, currently on a 71 month streak!
hidingbox: Its named Root because of the trees?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hidingbox! (Today's storm count: 129)
thraximore: @kusinohki Ian is playing the cats
Getter404: @saucemaster5000 I'm way behind (wanted to wait until Innsmouth was out in the new format) but want to make a beeline for Hemlock because the Kohaku Blurse Roller Coaster sounds fun as heck
kusinohki: ??? yeah. the eerie was ramping up and looked like (to me) they were going to get to 30 first. Ian/cats playing dominance and being close to having the 3 areas controlled (hard for me to tell) changed that
thraximore: ah, no worries I just misinterpreted your comment
Getter404: Birds you have to play a lot more conservatively than you'd think, but their ceiling is through the roof if you're able to thread that needle
saucemaster5000: @Getter404 Oh wow I just checked -- yeah hemlock was the last one I bought, but haven't done scarlet keys OR Edge of the Earth. Didn't even know there was drowned city
vinopinguino: transitive dice roll property
kusinohki: I figure it was going to be close cause I kind of expect a 2nd decline and I don't know how hard that will hurt/set cam back
ArkohTheFuzzybutt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArkohTheFuzzybutt! (Today's storm count: 130)
PMAvers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months, currently on a 131 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PMAvers! (Today's storm count: 131)
notiiy: this whole exchange has been HELLA sus
notiiy: again, no context, so your two dudemakers on the bottom blowing up sounds like you need to see a doctor
vinopinguino: wheeler...
CaptainSpam: Wheeler.
SnackPak_: I liked the joke
twistedsylvan: wooooooooooow
CaptainSpam: lrrWOW
meowzhuxi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, meowzhuxi! (Today's storm count: 132)
LithelyUnshod: Every month has ides, Wheeler
jacqui_lantern234: hey nerds whomst i love you all in whatever ways yall need <3
thraximore: hi jacqui!!! umbraLuv
GasCityGaming: JAcqui!
jacqui_lantern234: @GasCityGaming yes?
GasCityGaming: high five?
jacqui_lantern234: high five! :D
Getter404: Saxamaphone?
GasCityGaming: high five! :D
Fbomb101ers: Yo! This is a banger pod!
thraximore: indeed!
Fbomb101ers: Who's the problem chat?
thraximore: everyone lol
Fbomb101ers: Lol
Fbomb101ers: Typical
thraximore: well everyone except wheeler right now PrideLaugh
thraximore: he is also here
Fbomb101ers: Good for him ChewyYAY
Heckhoundbolt: they are dead
Earthenone: so ben was one day late with the gunpowder plot?
thraximore: hahaha
LoadingReadyRun: note the start date of this schedule
saucemaster5000: will there be a test?
saucemaster5000: Is the start date on the final?
Diabore: for DB? there was one earlier today
mtvcdm: There was a test prior tu this
Earthenone: the test was earlier today, yeah
Earthenone: at 3?
matthaus_c: unfortunately sauce you missed the test and will not get a passing grade
matthaus_c: apply yourself
Juliamon: watching the joke fly over everyone's heads
mtvcdm: Between W+P and this stream
saucemaster5000: sometimes you whiff a joke, and just gotta roll with it -YAY MATTHAUS AND JULIAMON THKUUU
Juliamon: like a majestic eagle
matthaus_c: we gotchu buddy
Getter404: Otters let's goooooooooo
LoadingReadyRun: there's a river going through the middle
Getter404: Oh, that is a very... asphalt-like river
thraximore: interesting!
SymphonySolstice: crow friends <3
Getter404: I like half-remember a couple big strategy things from the Woodland War Machine episode but I'll not spoil Ben's plans
jacqui_lantern234: crow friends are delightful :D
Nigouki: the corvids have successfully trained Ian
SymphonySolstice: my crow friends left on vacation
saucemaster5000: @jacqui_lantern234 you are delightful
SymphonySolstice: the blue jays have taken over
jacqui_lantern234: @saucemaster5000 man, its hard to feel it somedays
hidingbox: What if the crows are allergic?
saucemaster5000: @jacqui_lantern234 <3
adept_nekomancer: At least they ask, unlike the seagulls, which just take.
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jacqui_lantern234! They have given 52 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jacqui_lantern234! (Today's storm count: 133)
saucemaster5000: I hope you are doing well jacqui
jacqui_lantern234: WTF SAUCE?!?!? how DARE U be nice to me?!?! >:(
saucemaster5000: get rekked
jacqui_lantern234: but seriously, thank you <3
saucemaster5000: <3
BloodnBullets: free crossbow!
thrythlind: Build more woodcutters, increase the forest's hostility
LoadingReadyRun: the equation is Saws=Wood=Men=Wood
Alex_Frostfire: @thrythlind I see neither beavers nor lizards here, though?
adept_nekomancer: "Who gave these birds pickaxes?"
jacqui_lantern234: i dont think i ever wanna see "7 fucking birds" in my life Kappa
saucemaster5000: missing out
neisan2112: oh ben gone too
MacbethSeemsSus: So has Ben
as_ever_ellesandra: Ben Ulmer seems to have entered the unsure realm
vinopinguino: he's phasing dimensions!
thrythlind: Come back! Come back! Come back to where you once belonged!
as_ever_ellesandra: to much Diving in that Dave
saucemaster5000: a hash with mint jelly sounds really good
Dunnston: "someone pushed a big bitcoin" sounds like a euphemism for excrement.
adept_nekomancer: @Dunnston Also known as "minting an NFT".
as_ever_ellesandra: hash? on main? in this economy?
jessicaengle: This is Wheeler's long hash joke I keep hearing about?
underhill33: hahaha
niccus: those gamers
neisan2112: About that
Mr_Bitterness: I'm a computer! Stop with all the downloadin'!
Heckhoundbolt: lrrFINE
as_ever_ellesandra: why do they call it an up date when they down load in the files and date up out the game
adept_nekomancer: And here I was going to blame Gus for internet-related mischief...
DaxStrife: Was not expecting a Rocky Horror ref from Ian there.
Mazrae: Shuffle up the Camel Cup?
niccus: imagine bobbing for uncles
iris_of_ether: Still have an Uncle Bob
hidingbox: maybe you can adopt one
Despoiler98: foodvi2Love foodvi2Love foodvi2Love Ian I had an uncle Bob too and he was great UNCLE BOBS ARE GREAT
neisan2112: Oh no
Mazrae: Is it better to go into turmoil sooner than later?
Getter404: Aaaand dug out my hard copy of the the Otters. Did I miss anything besides the collapse?
BorealMage: Man, the vagabond is such a fun faction
vinopinguino: traitor!
Getter404: Okay, first thing I remembered: IIRC 3's the "default" for services, 2 for a fire sale, 1 is a trap since if your payment's empty you get 2 of your own dudes to spend anyway
as_ever_ellesandra: finally, the benjamin wheeler apology horse joke
saucemaster5000: I'm not even entirely clear here -- never seen this map, and maybe I'm getting the otters mixed up with another faction, where's the river?
Orxolon: more like Conan world?
saucemaster5000: omg I'm an idiot nevermind
vinopinguino: hey that's my name!
Getter404: Second thing/handy lifehack: If you Committed all your dudes and someone blows up a Trading Post, you lose... nothing. Not a thing. You're not crafting anyway, you've got stuff to sell!
BorealMage: A human hydra kinda reminds me of enoki mushrooms
jessicaengle: Skelenheimer
vinopinguino: hello, is this mic on? lol
brainbosh: Red Skelton
as_ever_ellesandra: ah Skeleton, my favorite form of music
Juliamon: it was probably a Polish name and they just made a wild guess
lirazel64: That happened to my uncle... not being Skeletor, but the name change
jessicaengle: Skibidi Torlet
jessicaengle: jlrrFacepalm I've only had like 3 hours of sleep. I'll see myself out.
BorealMage: sorry what
Twilight_Spark: Hot.
lirazel64: Name was changed to "Smith" on the grounds of too many consonants.
vinopinguino: haha
as_ever_ellesandra: my economics teacher tried to tell us that credit cards were free money back in high school
notiiy: Toyotas are going for ~$23k in america.
Twilight_Spark: Hey that's great, automates my *checks notes* porn business?
hidingbox: Who else is going to watch you?
vinopinguino: hahaha
Heckhoundbolt: to be fair, they are talking Canadian dollars
vinopinguino: bork bork ya dead
notiiy: yeah, idk what it is is CAD, I just know whatbit is herr
Twilight_Spark: He wants to beat off the wolf shaking my smh.
notiiy: what it is here*
Twilight_Spark: mattlrBonk me
hidingbox: gaslighting in a forest doesn't seem like a good idea
BorealMage: @notiiy 23k USD? That's at least 100k CAD lrrBEEJ
BorealMage: Back to the beautiful land of Turmoil
couchboyj: Monowolf Ruin Your Evening
zed_alpha subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
zed_alpha: today sucks. LoadingReadyRun, by and large, doesn't. Thanks for doing what you do.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zed_alpha! (Today's storm count: 134)
Getter404: Again, there *is* a giant deer as one of the NPC mini-factions, and their entire thing is "If I even THINK I see you in my clearing and I will END you"
PharaohBender27: @zed_alpha VirtualHug
Dualos13: yall backing the homeland expansion?
Getter404: Waiting for retail, Leder never really does campaign exclusive stuff so I don't have any real FOMO
Moonstruckragamuffin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Moonstruckragamuffin! (Today's storm count: 135)
thrythlind: Ben: "We need to fight this wolf."
thrythlind: Also Ben: "Hey wolf, come buy a thing."
Dualos13: @getter404 good point
vinopinguino: help!
Getter404: It's always fine until someone punches you in the bag
as_ever_ellesandra: don't worry ben we aren't downloading any critters just updating them
thraximore: @as_ever_ellesandra umbraSmug
vinopinguino: ermm
hidingbox: LUL
MacbethSeemsSus: *cough*
as_ever_ellesandra: ABORT ABORT
Heckhoundbolt: lrrWOW
e_bloc: seabatYIKES
hidingbox: Aggressive expansion is just a number
Heckhoundbolt: WHEELER
abaddon2501 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
abaddon2501: Keep up the great content
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, abaddon2501! (Today's storm count: 136)
nciphr: I've never clicked on a stream so fast
RampG4mes: hi ben
Bengineering: @RampG4mes hiiii
Heckhoundbolt: exert at night
vinopinguino: yeah you are lol
matthaus_c: comedy is optional!
vinopinguino: you're saying alot of words and that's making me mad!
Getter404: Now doesn't mercs ALSO let him build over there as well?
vinopinguino: lol
vinopinguino: benlogna chub
as_ever_ellesandra: that might be the best "what" that cam has ever delivered
BorealMage: @vinopinguino I hate that this scans with Pink Pony Club
RockPusher: Would be an otter shame if you didn't pay up…
RampG4mes: hey Ben how are you liking the blue shirt my mom got you
ancientspark: I'm fairly sure Vagabond cannot obtain other units, so that's why they cannot buy mercenaries
spethycakes: Wheeler's sweater is VERY snazzy
Getter404: " Assume nothing, read the rules: The Vagabond pays for services by exhausting items—for each item he exhausts to do so, the Riverfolk place one of their own warriors in the Payments box."
SymphonySolstice: obligatory "is she single"
Getter404: Accordung to Dr Google
BloodnBullets: mercenaries work for only rule and battle i believe
Getter404: And yes, no Mercs, only hand cards & boat rides
vinopinguino: LOL
Getter404: Ben: You lose NOTHING from that. It
ancientspark: Ah yes, angry Vagabond for no reason play
RampG4mes: I hope Kathleen and Graham are liking the shirts my mom got them
vinopinguino: @Getter404 its about RESPECT
Getter404: It's "half your payments" and you used everything so you keep winning AND they have less cardboard to blow up
Getter404: Funds. Not Payments, not Commitments
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL That would be a cool Vagabond variant: He just sits in one spot and hires mercs to do all the actual adventuring
vinopinguino: loool
thraximore: umbral4KEKW
Juliamon: LUL
vinopinguino: time to play the vagabond! aw dang it, aw dang it
Getter404: @LoadingReadyRun I don't know if the Print & Play is out for the new expansion but one of the new factions is "3 Vagabonds at once" and apparently they have something about taking hostages?
Getter404: So... maybe?
LoadingReadyRun: You "otter" pay for our protection
Mr_Bitterness: Imagine you're a wolf and 4 otters with boat oars beat you senseless, then they burn down a wood mill
thrythlind: any chance we'll see the Root RPG from y'all on Dice Friends?
MacbethSeemsSus: Yes he does
Getter404: We are here to ask about your sawmill's extended warranty
HorusFive: But he could soon
vinopinguino: they break two days after
hidingbox: you will buy our vacuum cleaner!
SymphonySolstice: I mean that's just called planned obsolesence
LoadingReadyRun: @thrythlind no current plans, but it does look neat
thrythlind: cool
Getter404: Apparently the Root RPG is where all The Lore is, but haven't gotten around to picking it up
HiCallMeRusty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HiCallMeRusty! (Today's storm count: 137)
thrythlind: it's a Magpie game, they're usually enjoyable, but not the best version of PbtA
goombalax: Vampire 5e in the root universe tho
MTGRanger: yeah nota 5e game
thegitrogsquirrel: its a two d6 system
thrythlind: Hey! I malign Magpie's PbtA a lot, but I would never accuse them of being 5e
as_ever_ellesandra: yeah its notably not 5e
vinopinguino: hahah
SymphonySolstice: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: LUL gdi wheeler
SymphonySolstice: coward
thraximore: no way
thraximore: umbral4KEKW
neisan2112: LMAO
100viewbots: unsubbed
thrythlind: honestly, Magpie Games are usually decent
Getter404: Quick google says yeah, PbtA
vinopinguino: you're breaking the illusion!
MTGRanger: unfollowed, unsubbed, blocked,
hidingbox: big talk for a man within wolf distance
Mr_Bitterness: Wolfin' distance, also called Innistrad
SymphonySolstice: ratio'd, blocked, reported to IRS
Heckhoundbolt: what’s the IRS gonna do to a Canadian?
SymphonySolstice: no idea but worth finding out
MTGRanger: @heckhoundbolt give them North Dakota (no takesies backsies)
thrythlind: Magpie Games does a lot of games, and they're all PbtA based... they also did Avatar Legends (Airbender), Masks (Young Justice-ish supers), Urban Shadows (WoD but PbtA, very intrigue and politics), and a couple of others
MostCallMe__Tim subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
MostCallMe__Tim: yo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MostCallMe__Tim! (Today's storm count: 138)
dm818: That is an incredibly cute artwork for a protection racket
LoadingReadyRun: It was Fighting Tea!
as_ever_ellesandra: Honk Feet mimimi
adept_nekomancer: Honking feet? On stream? Oh my...
spethycakes: the samsquatch themself?
vinopinguino: lol
neisan2112: BFL Wheely
Heckhoundbolt: you can censor how much they pay you
thrythlind: anyway, not I've ranted about mid-range pbta games, I'm going to refresh myself on Root
notiiy: ben is effectively playing group hug, huh
Mr_Bitterness: @notiiy Hug and Taxes
Getter404: Punch! That! Boid!
MTGRanger: @thrythlind realizing it’s a PBTA system is probably going to explain a lot for me, thanks!
Eltanin73 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Eltanin73! (Today's storm count: 139)
Heckhoundbolt: that is an EXTREMELY low bar
lirazel64: Feeling groovy there, Ian?
Mr_Bitterness: A much better November 5th
SymphonySolstice: feelin garfunky
AtrusOfMyst: do Garf's uncles count
thrythlind: @MTGRanger no worries... Magpie usually at least knows what they want out of each game, so they're usually enjoyable and stable (I just really prefer MotW and CoM and Fellowship in that system)
SymphonySolstice: it's true
goombalax: man's trying to necro the last jedi discourse
tehfewl: pfft thats nothing, i got 3 by myself
SymphonySolstice: you can call me.....anytime
Mr_Bitterness: @tehfewl Stop hording all the names
vinopinguino: kill the wolf!
tehfewl: @Mr_Bitterness they're mine and i'll do what i want with them
Getter404: Dudes become money, money becomes actions
vinopinguino: get this ad outta here lol
LoadingReadyRun: Garfunkle really sold out when he made Garf Cart
BloodnBullets: tbh hes not wrong with how to deal with otters
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun JFC PAUL XD
jacqui_lantern234: im CACKLING
PharaohBender27: Oh for all the times for me to be AFK . . . let me see if I can clip whatever happened
LoadingReadyRun: Clearly the Otters need to expand their marketing beyond popup ads
PharaohBender27: Oh wait, @jacqui_lantern234 was that in response to the chat post?
adept_nekomancer: They could try selling ottery tickets.
niccus: i think they already mostly use streaming ads
vinopinguino: hahaha
LoadingReadyRun: @niccus lrrAWESOME
hidingbox: You get points, but probably not the ones you are thinking of
13 raiders from CnCPOWERHOUR have joined!
staffofsage: <3 <3 <3 <3
therisingtithes: VirtualHug
hidingbox: no kill like overkill
epos87: fam! cncpowHeart
Mr_Bitterness: Capitalism, HO!
Getter404: And now that it's over: Apparently the go-to strategy for Otters is to get like 6-8 dudes out, never SPEND enemy pieces (only commit), and then become a roving death ball that gets like 6+ actions per turn
vinopinguino: the rich keep getting richer
PharaohBender27: 🦫 🦫 🦫
dm818: I think that is a reason to click through the popup ad
PharaohBender27: :D
hidingbox: Turns out the true winner is the one who sells the weapons. Who knew?
lamina5432: gnight
Bladinus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
Bladinus: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bladinus! (Today's storm count: 140)
Getter404: bus is coming
definenull: !venga
LRRbot: But the Raven still beguiling all my fancy into smiling, Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door; Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore Meant in croaking “The Bus is Coming.”
MTGRanger: The Motto of House LRR, “Bus is Coming”
PharaohBender27: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (1d, 18:58 from now)
LithelyUnshod: We hit Horse Joke on the RDP
vinopinguino: the bus the bus! (fantasy island)
RockPusher: fugiBus
hidingbox: full horse joke rdp seems quite evil
PharaohBender27: BUS BUS BUS (this will be the last time I can allcaps)
Nigouki: regularly scheduled dick jokes will return
LithelyUnshod: @hidingbox it was on the test stream, so not sure if they cut it off prematurely
Nigouki: lrrPistachio
SymphonySolstice: no more dirty jokes. only bus jokes
MTGRanger: Horse Joke Bus, the long anticipated sequel to Desert Bus, has been cancelled
hidingbox: @LithelyUnshod Should keep wheeler on hand for whenever it actually gets triggered so he can deliver it personally
SymphonySolstice: dabits
vinopinguino: badassatron!
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
jacqui_lantern234: ians not the first person to use that pronounciation of J for my name XD thanks, sweden <3 :P
MTGRanger: lrrBartleby
spethycakes: thanks for stream!
HorusFive: Night Chat, and remember there's good to be done out there and people who care about you.
insanecat6mtg: See you on The Bus! lrrSHINE
vinopinguino: see yall on the bus!
Orxolon: g night y'all
PharaohBender27: For any chatters/mods sticking around after stream, please do not be alarmed by any posts I make. I'm going to test a thing, based on some issues I saw explored during the stream in terms of linking to GIFs.
Juliamon: escher3THUMBSUP
PharaohBender27: Does the link work for folks?
RockPusher: post again please, just got the monitor loaded
RockPusher: no preview in monitor
RockPusher: link takes me to the site and displays gif in site UI
PharaohBender27: @RockPusher OK, that's an improvement on all the imgur links from earlier, at least.
RockPusher: monitor code I think is still scanning for known media file extensions
RockPusher: imgur in general I think has been having trouble
RockPusher: I have had connectivity issues for weeks now
PharaohBender27: Well, earlier, there was no in-chat image OR a working link.
PharaohBender27: And I saw in Discord that nifty chat no longer works, which makes me suspect that Significantly Less Nifty Chat *also* no longer works. So that's another thing I'm going to want to look into in the next day or so.
RockPusher: imgur have definitely done a change to direct-linking prevention in the last month or two since I have noted them breaking when I use my stash of go-to funny images
LoadingReadyRun: The show images option in the settings for the chat monitor says "Links must end with a known image extension or must point to Giphy or Imgur." so the images probably aren't being detected
PharaohBender27: Hm. Can you make albums in Giphy?
PharaohBender27: Though meantime, another test . . .
PharaohBender27: Argh, gotta make an account
LoadingReadyRun: my nifty-chat monitor script hasn't worked for a couple of years now. It broke from a twitch chat redesign and it wasn't worth fixing. Glodenox's script what you should use it's better in every way
RockPusher: I'm using the Glodenox monitor - did a pull to make sure I am using current before loading it for your tests PharaohBender27
PharaohBender27: Yeah, but the Glodenox script just *shows* chat. I want to be able to also TYPE in the chat
RockPusher: settings->enable send message support
PharaohBender27: Also Giphy is being difficult "Sign up!" and then the sign up button is non-functional . .
PharaohBender27: OK, trying to download glodenox as an extension, and dear lord trying to figure out how to just install the thing on GitHub is a pain
PharaohBender27: (Can you tell that I am not particularly tech adept? :P )
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: poor pharaohbender, have a cookie
PharaohBender27: I genuinely can't tell if you're being sympathetic or condescending
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: sympathetic
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: i understand tech struggles