LoadingReadyRun: i should have bought OJ before the stream smh
DideRobot: LRR: https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | Is This Your Card? is back and Wheeler promises 100% Orange Juice is (somewhat) different from "thicc tang" | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113499583342697989
TXC2: Hello everybody
mtvcdm: @LoadingReadyRun there's always tang
TXC2: the tang was so thicc there's probably some still in the moonbase
Didero: Anyway, good evening!
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
baltimore_667083 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
baltimore_667083: my card? THIS. IS. SPARTA!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, baltimore_667083! (Today's storm count: 1)
lightfut: We back!
AFamiliarCalledEl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
AFamiliarCalledEl: Forgot that this game exists, but I should really play it more
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AFamiliarCalledEl! (Today's storm count: 2)
shurtal: quick survey: Who here has actually had something from an Orange Julius?
baltimore_667083: @shurtal it's been a long time, but yes
Gekyouryuu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months, currently on a 130 month streak!
Gekyouryuu: I haven't played 100% OJ in *forever*, and I don't think I was playing it correctly when I did, so this'll be fun to watch.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gekyouryuu! (Today's storm count: 3)
AFamiliarCalledEl: I don't think I ever really saw an Orange Julius here in the midwest... Maybe once a long time ago
splott2k: yeah, long time ago. Back when we hung out in malls.
baltimore_667083: my local mall had one when i was a kid-it might still be there
shurtal: @AFamiliarCalledEl only ever saw them in malls here, and even then i lived a long way from said malls
bisaflau subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bisaflau! (Today's storm count: 4)
LoadingReadyRun: love an Orange Julius
baltimore_667083: aren't they typically paired with DQ nowadays?
LoadingReadyRun: had one last year for the first time in maybe 12 years
AFamiliarCalledEl: @shurtal Yeah, I didn't even see them in the malls I went to
TXC2: baltimore_667083 yes, same company owns both
baltimore_667083: oh that's right
PMAvers: I think the last time I had a Orange Julius was when I was a kid at the Mall of America, got on a ride afterwards and just barfed everywhere. ...what.
LoadingReadyRun: but I learned how to make a smoothie that tastes better than Orange Julius
ShaneLeeAtk: Totally forgot I was in the EST...
LoadingReadyRun: that is also not completely terrible for you
computercolinx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months, currently on a 23 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, computercolinx! (Today's storm count: 5)
Duckels: @loadingreadyrun drop that recipe my dude
LoadingReadyRun: will kick off the stream with it
Gekyouryuu: who is the enemy of Orange Julius? is it Han-apple Crossing the Alps?
TXC2: Gekyouryuu boooooo Kappa
jonnykefka: commit it to the VOD for future generations
Duckels: @gekyouryuu probably a blue brute
hatboozeparty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
hatboozeparty: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hatboozeparty! (Today's storm count: 6)
Gekyouryuu: @Duckels Brute Raspberyy
Gekyouryuu: Raspberry*
LoadingReadyRun: but Hannibal wasnt vs a Julius right?
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun no, he was much earier
TXC2: *earlier
LoadingReadyRun: yeah he was like 220-200 bc
Gekyouryuu: I didn't think so, but I couldn't remember any notable anti-Julius enemies that immediately sprang to mind as a fruit juice pun, so I just went Anti-Rome in general
Duckels: "E tu brute" = "a blue brute"
JustcallmeNez: Howdy folks!!
TXC2: Here we GO!
couchboyj: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
niccus: is that premier minecraft streamer ben wheeler
letfireraindown: woooo
baltimore_667083: no this is patrick
Gekyouryuu: we hear you
TXC2: historical accuracy in puns are bonus
DeM0nFiRe: Hello (it is working)
Didero: Hi Wheeler!
Metric_Furlong: no it's not working, sorry Kappa
TXC2: not nessacrey
TheMerricat: You should be fine, James went through a lot of effort to test the setup yesterday. :D
Gekyouryuu: test the mic with the horse joke
shurtal: hannible vs. scipio, right?
ProcyonFlynn: James did try to fix everything the other day. You hear the notifier and everything?
Didero: James and Paul did a little bonus stream yesterday to test things
ProcyonFlynn: Paul Helped - for what it's worth yeah.
TXC2: shurtal yes, but only right at the end
Gen2Gengar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
Gen2Gengar: If this isn’t famous Minecraft streamer Benjamin Wheeler
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gen2Gengar! (Today's storm count: 7)
TXC2: Hello Wheeler
Gekyouryuu: Scipio Toilet
Duckels: Mornin wheels
Didero: It's 7 pm here and I agree that it's too early
TXC2: Scipo F'd Cathage after Hanbile had peaced out
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Statist42: Hi friends! lrrSHINE
Fanklok: Is this one of them anime kissing games?
Laogeodritt: Hi, Wheeler! Hi, chat! Don't usually tune in to Is This Your Card?, thought I'd poke my head in and see what y'all are up to =3
TXC2: Hello Statist42 welcome
dumbo3k: Every thing you do here is brought to you by Sneeze?
TXC2: hello Laogeodritt welcome
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Laogeodritt: Ah yes, that good nose-blowing content we all crave =V
jonnykefka: I like where this is going
shurtal: frango
shurtal: 100% Orange Zest
thaigeprime: magno? in this economy?
raulghoulia: today is not Juice Tuesday
Gen2Gengar: Git confused, added orange zest to my cpu
AngelicKnighthood subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AngelicKnighthood! (Today's storm count: 8)
TXC2: just ALL the citrus
Duckels: Is this your juice stream?
EhDecentCanadian: The pre crush is key if you have a shitty blender
Didero: mawp
thaigeprime: LUL
jonnykefka: acid on acid? big corrosive
Didero: Clicking 'Exit' exits the game, apparently
raulghoulia: any%?
EhDecentCanadian: The visuals are enough lmao
MrNoName001: Chat I don't think this is a card game.
TXC2: oh we anime this week :p
thraximore: LUL
fragilepaper: PrideLaugh
niccus: go on?
jonnykefka: Yu-Gi-Oh got a new look
LordEisenfaust_: Anime Mario Party?
EhDecentCanadian: Certainly a game (and a fun one too)
thaigeprime: say it isnt so
thraximore: oh god
thaigeprime: time must be stopped
7_hearth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 7_hearth! (Today's storm count: 9)
coachNelly: I believe it
Didero: I feel like you should be able to pop the background bubbles by clicking on 'em
thraximore: this is the oldest new show on LRR
TXC2: hello coachNelly
accountmadeforants: I think I've had this game in my Steam library for over a decade and only played it once, I think it was free or like several cents for a bit
jonnykefka: it's like 7 bucks
RonaldMcDownload: Baten Kaitos longplay when?
baltimore_667083: if it involves cards as at least a part of the plot, it counts as far as i'm concerned
TXC2: "mario party......with anime" oh we fucked :p
Didero: @accountmadeforants I own it too, so it must've been free or in some sort of bundle at some point
cuttlefishman: C
BeNiceImShy: Cards are to 100% Orange Juice as items are to Mario Party
Mai_Andra: ♪ ara ara~
EhDecentCanadian: 💀
tryllebanjo: Orange juice!
Wolfstrike_NL: I'll also vote C
50keyz: @RonaldMcDownload LUL
cuttlefishman: C is objectively correct
Didero: why is voice C so... sultry
ArtOfStuttering: Yes, that is the voice that pours you a whiskey seductively.
jonnykefka: Type C for hedgehog woman from Mahjong Soul
cuttlefishman: They should get Watanabe to do his voice
ProcyonFlynn: "That is the voice of a woman who pays Taxes" - Wheeler
Duckels: C is correct, c can tell us what we be needing to do
Laogeodritt: Why can't you pay taxes and rent *and* be cute and bubbly? =V
Gekyouryuu: that's the voice of a woman who DOESN'T pay taxes or rent because she has someone wrapped around her finger to do it for her
thraximore: but
DeM0nFiRe: butt
TXC2: husky, is how we describe that voice
Metric_Furlong: "Paying taxes and rent, that's my goal." ~ Ben Wheeler
Tommadness: hexali3Dance
RitualGlitchZ: But $20 is $20
LordEisenfaust_: This will be a fever dream
schordash: StinkyGlitch
cuttlefishman: @Gekyouryuu it's not a Fujiko Mine accent
cuttlefishman: *voice
baltimore_667083: LUL
tryllebanjo: ofc
Laogeodritt: Pffft
tryllebanjo: LUL
Duckels: Lmfao
schordash: SeemsGood
cuttlefishman: Isn't James married
TXC2: Wheeler' isn't playing this game to cum, but her sure got that pause pregnant Kappa
Metric_Furlong: @thraximore yes
schordash: which absolute unit would you like to be? Kappa
ThatBenKidd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
IslandersCaper: feliciaWave
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThatBenKidd! (Today's storm count: 10)
RitualGlitchZ: why do 2 of them only have 1 leg
thraximore: select vnit
TheMerricat: So for those who aren't 'up' on their anime games... this is essentially a mashup of all the dev's characters from their other games.
thraximore: umbraHmm
schordash: LUL LUL LUL
Tommadness: QP stands for Quality Pudding
fragilepaper: PrideLaugh PrideLaugh
cuttlefishman: haha, we gottem
cuttlefishman: wrap it up
thraximore: NO
thraximore: cmon
Scy_Anide: You mean second puppy girl game? I'm sure there were puppy girls in Mahjong.
thraximore: cmonnnnnnn
TXC2: "10 thousand years old" NOOOOOOPE
schordash: causeiChad
50keyz: LUL LUL LUL LUL lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa
thraximore: :I
Gekyouryuu: only thing I know about this game is that it's a crossover party game featuring characters from a bunch of Orange Juice's different games.
baltimore_667083: suguri probably enters wrestling rings to "My Name Is Human" Kappa
schordash: causeiWritethatdown
PMAvers: HyperCard? Oh god here comes Ian bursting through the wall
Didero: we saved it
TXC2: C A R Deez nuts
schordash: rip wallet
baltimore_667083: Marc with a C-aka Cark
Tommadness: Game's still real loud
Metric_Furlong: [moonbase alpha voice]"Marc!"
cuttlefishman: 1/57
cuttlefishman: hahaha
thaigeprime: 1/57 btw
thraximore: 1/57 O_O
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
schordash: SeemsGood
TXC2: Strap in chat :p
Dearnen: a FEW...
codycantfocus: just a few
tehfewl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tehfewl! (Today's storm count: 11)
cuttlefishman: "usual"
Tommadness: Board is just big card, truly
samiyenas: i would uninstall at this point out of anxiety
jonnykefka: I was just rewatching that Gwent stream. let's see if the tutorial is better or worse
PMAvers: Oh no, is this just Atmosfear?
cuttlefishman: Can Wheeler say he has truly completed 100% Orange Juice if he doesn't own every plushie?
thraximore: @PMAvers to the BLAGGOLE
LordEisenfaust_: I am already lost
steffex2: CARD sharks20POGGERS
Dearnen: I got lost when I saw 1/57
Metric_Furlong: ah, we've moved onto tab 2
tehfewl: love draw card
thaigeprime: dave spokesman has posessed him
LordEisenfaust_: Fever dream
Metric_Furlong: yes, we receive wins by winning
nevyn666: so dokapon kingdom? with extra steps?
samiyenas: we're a third through chat!
cuttlefishman: I'm slightly dissapointed that 1/57 that the /57 was for all tabs and not just the first tab, ngl
50keyz: O_O O_O O_O
Dearnen: wait...who's Norma, and is she the one making the orange juice?
JKBalch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JKBalch! (Today's storm count: 12)
TXC2: cuttlefishman same
Earthenone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Earthenone! (Today's storm count: 13)
Metric_Furlong: two wins per win
ArcOfTheConclave subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
ArcOfTheConclave: Is this a cardgame?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArcOfTheConclave! (Today's storm count: 14)
thraximore: I tabbed out can we go back to 1/57
Electrodyne: Hey, what happened to Fartbus
letsbelgo: Oh we juicing now
MrNoName001: I like the advice of "pick cards that are good for you"
PharaohBender27 enters chat, still suffering a bit of "Desert Bus hangover"
TXC2: hello PharaohBender27 welcome
50keyz: O_O
LordEisenfaust_: Oo
TXC2: right did you get all that chat, there WILL be a test Kappa
Paranundrox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months, currently on a 111 month streak!
cuttlefishman: 12/10 game
LordEisenfaust_: uwu
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Paranundrox! (Today's storm count: 15)
FurthestChunk: oh this is so weeaboo
schordash: NotLikeThis
ArtOfStuttering: Chat, does anybody else hear the keys dangling?
Paranundrox: I remember playing this in like, high school
PharaohBender27: Oh this is *extremely* anime
Metric_Furlong: brb, adding 'beware of Marie Poppo" to advice Kappa
itsr67: huh
Didero: @TXC2 The game's whole vibe is already testing us :p
50keyz: this game right here officer
TXC2: Didero right?
schordash: lrrHERE
TXC2: pre-emptive
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
TheMerricat: I suspect this would be more impactful for people who have actually played any of the other Orange Juice games. :D
jonnykefka: I think you click on Marc to do Marc's campaign but this seems like a good practice
LordEisenfaust_: This is how learning league of legends in 2024 must feel like
cuttlefishman: cow kigu
Malkmaven1176 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
Malkmaven1176: Cards?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Malkmaven1176! (Today's storm count: 16)
Gekyouryuu: the only unsolicited advice I can offer is: don't listen to me, because I have no idea how to play this either. Kappa
Metric_Furlong: @TXC2 I was gonna to say "but no one in chat's played this game" before I remembered that wouldn't be relevant to Chat
TheMerricat: I think you just have to unlock them via playing.
TXC2: Metric_Furlong indeed :p
samiyenas: The art to the cards feels very "i made my own anime version" Lots of character though =)
Salvulant subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Salvulant! (Today's storm count: 17)
Paranundrox: @Metric_Furlong I last played it like 6 years ago
LordZarano: !advice
LRRbot: Teeth are stored in the mouth.
Gekyouryuu: @Metric_Furlong I mean, I *have* but that doesn't mean I know anything, and I know better than to try and backseat anyway
Didero: Seems there's more than 10 cards to choose from
Metric_Furlong: Paranundrox that's too many years to count Kappa
50keyz: @samiyenas this 100%
LordEisenfaust_: just pick the anime girls looking the most chibi, who cares about effects
ArtOfStuttering: Trap.. with a cute anime girl. Oh no.
WhirlwindAbyss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months, currently on a 25 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WhirlwindAbyss! (Today's storm count: 18)
Didero: Not every game with cards is a card game though :p
cuttlefishman: @Didero lies
raulghoulia: this music rocks
Gameface252: That's why it highlights the landing panels. :P
Gameface252: Hello HypeDerp1
TXC2: yeap we Mario partying up in here
Didero: oh no, there's speed settings, now Chat is gonna keep complaining that it should be faster and slower
TXC2: hello Gameface252 welcome
thraximore: we need this at Balatro speed
Gameface252: I've played too much of this, I definitely feel anything below Speed 4 as slow :P
Didero: Is the stream messing up for other people too, or just me?
Dearnen: I think she lost to the seagull. 🤔
AFamiliarCalledEl: Stream is all good for me
Jethrain: "the norma hasn't been achieved"?
Oghara: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Gameface252: Right now your level is 1.
TXC2: Didero seems ok here
Didero: Ok, thanks, I'll try refreshing
IbunWest subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
IbunWest: We’ll surely avoid scurvy if we all eat an orange.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IbunWest! (Today's storm count: 19)
FurthestChunk: <message deleted>reduce the clock speed of the cpu to reduce the speed of the game further
Gekyouryuu: Norma McDonald
Twilight_Spark: Wowee
Gameface252: I think they were joking
Paranundrox: that was a chunkpost
cuttlefishman: It's 10 yrs old... I don't think it is a zoomer game
Gekyouryuu: it's at least 10 years old, would Zoomers even care?
EhDecentCanadian: Isn't this game like 10+ years old
AFamiliarCalledEl: Is it? It came out like 10 years ago
accountmadeforants: I think this game is older than zoomers are
MrNoName001: Is achieving norma like achieving tenpai
jonnykefka: Zoomers would have been young teenagers then, so...
PharaohBender27: :D
Tommadness: deserved
avjamethyst subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, avjamethyst! (Today's storm count: 20)
TXC2: o7 FurthestChunk
Gameface252: If you're online, there is a turn timer setting.
thraximore: LUL
RitualGlitchZ: The cpu is flaming you for taking too long lmao
Didero: Plenty of people in Chat want to fight :p
schordash: o7
TXC2: Gameface252 we're not and we wont be
RitualGlitchZ: You should battle her to the death
Gameface252: That's fine, just wanted to mention
n3ther: lol
ArtOfStuttering: !heychat
Didero: Seagulls are assholes though
TXC2: !jeychat
Gameface252: Well hey, those birds don't fuck around
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
Paranundrox: high risk high reward
AFamiliarCalledEl: tbh I'm only medium confident that I could beat a seagull
Gameface252: OK, I'll chill. Sorry HypePeek
TXC2: Chickens are raptors
schordash: @Gameface252 TwitchUnity
jonnykefka: I have some friends who grew up inland and we were at a thing in a harbor town. Half his lunch got grabbed right out of his hand. He was so affronted. It was hilarious.
Tommadness: he's Luffyposting
Gameface252: Oh yeah, Seagulls can get aggressive
schordash: wheeler, that’s murder! D:
Didero: Aren't you on a Home tile right now?
schordash: murder is a n-owo
TXC2: what a great UI :p
RitualGlitchZ: Wait the pirate's name is Tequila?
50keyz: PogChamp
TXC2: the Value!
Paranundrox: actively gaming
Gameface252: You did, yes
Tommadness: you sure did
Didero: You also need to go to a Home tile, no?
h3rsh3yb4r: wow the new mario party looks crazy
cuttlefishman: maybe you need to get to a norma?
jonnykefka: 6 or higher to revive, that pirate is toast
TheMerricat: now you got to get home to redeem your two victories.
adept_nekomancer: You have to get back to a home square to claim it
Didero: Does it have to be your own Home tile? Or just any?
ChrisAndCall: any home space works.
Gameface252: Am I allowed to answer that?
FurthestChunk: hi i'm back did ben reduce his clock speed yet
Paranundrox: I think you have to land on any other or you can stop on your own mid-roll
Didero: I thought the tutorial said any Home tile would be fine, but it was 57 pages
TXC2: FurthestChunk sure why not
Didero: @FurthestChunk Pretty sure it's still at 1 second per second
faithlynn96: This game is strange
TXC2: I think this game plays you :p
Didero: Do you need to get 5 stars and you're now at 3?
cuttlefishman: you did that norma, you need to do more
FurthestChunk: it's mario party rules ben
adept_nekomancer: You have to get to level 5
Coinman1863: need to hit 5 normas IIRC
cuttlefishman: the norma requirement was 2, now it's 5
Didero: How can you write 57 pages of tutorial and still leave players so confused
niccus: that's just respect for you as an expert gamer
accountmadeforants: This game for a month
n3ther: would've been solid entertainment LUL
RAICx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RAICx! (Today's storm count: 21)
MrNoName001: Was this the same person who told you to play One step from Eden?
FurthestChunk: ooh we getting the one step from eden runback
Gameface252: How many times did the cops get dropped on you in House Party?
TXC2: house party was good once we figured it out
Tommadness: Exactly yes
Paranundrox: correct
Fanklok: I missed the first 20 minutes, what the fuck is happening
n3ther: ya seems like that
Didero: Usually playing a game makes it more clear how it worked, but I just keep getting more confused
ChrisAndCall: correct.
TXC2: Fanklok Mario party, with Anime and "cards"
ChrisAndCall: or you could fight a person on a home.
Earthenone: this game is a good time from what i remember its weeb mario party for sure
Paranundrox: mario party without minigames
Earthenone: weird to see it solo streamed yeah
Fanklok: Sooooo next CTS?
Didero: Mario Party without the minigames doesn't sound great
adept_nekomancer: What if Mario Party, but extremely anime?
FurthestChunk: how long until the jamboree month Kappa
Carlioo: so when are you playing that sonic party game
Carlioo: that has cards I think
Falannt: Hi @LoadingReadyRun , hi chat! Where are the cards?
MrNoName001: Is there an online Battle pencils client?
Gameface252: Sonic Shuffle uses the cards for movement, but it's... pretty bad
Falannt: @LoadingReadyRun thanks! i didn't see it ;)
accountmadeforants: Regular board game, but anime and digital
TXC2: I mean Mario party with a card game in place of minigames is a sound concept IMO
Didero: "The cards are HERE" *proceeds not to play any of them*.
DarkNacht subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DarkNacht! (Today's storm count: 22)
TXC2: hello Falannt welcome
nebbishhacker subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nebbishhacker! (Today's storm count: 23)
Gekyouryuu: he set a trap card and then he dimensioned the dice. next he's gonna launch a beyblade
ChrisAndCall: how long until someone gets clapped by the boss?
Gameface252: No
Earthenone: on ao3 im sure they are all ships
Paranundrox: they're all from different games by the publisher iirc
Carlioo: ah, pokya po, my favorite quote from my favorite character
Earthenone: this is like smash brothers of indies
Gekyouryuu: yeah, this is the big crossover of games by the publisher Orange Juice. that's why the game is 100% Orange Juice
Carlioo: wow what a coward
schordash: LUL
TXC2: wow we've really escalated from seagulls and chickens :p
ChrisAndCall: until someone wins, usually around 40.
schordash: you’re trolling is too funny in this game xD
schordash: your* dang
samiyenas: the BLUE square is the bad one?
FurthestChunk: we have reached the mario party zone: where everybody involved hates mario party, but is still playing
Carlioo: just fight the boss
Carlioo: ez
Didero: I still don't know how combat works...
Earthenone: combat is dice rolls modified by cards
Paranundrox: @Didero you roll dice, defend subtracts from damage, evade prevents damage if you roll above, each character has a modifier to each of the three stats
nevyn666: heart of the cards babee
TXC2: the combat might be like RISK :p
fragilepaper: PrideLaugh PrideLaugh
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
Didero: @Paranundrox Oh, plus their own ATK/DEF/Evade stats, now the numbers make a bit more sense, thanks
ChrisAndCall: that gives a buff as long as you're holding it.
Carlioo: good bit nanako
Gameface252: It does cost stars every time you get in a fight, but you're Wins seeking right now anyway
Earthenone: killed by robot
TXC2: oof
Paranundrox: fortunately we're hunting wins not stars
Carlioo: mario party!
adept_nekomancer: The murderbot shows no mercy
Gameface252: Of course, the CPUs roll fine but LRR gets the bad numbers
ChrisAndCall: that happens, especially when the boss gets involved.
GDwarble subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GDwarble! (Today's storm count: 24)
samiyenas: Gotta love it, the boss had a better strat than you
Paranundrox: have to roll the number or above, and it decreases each turn
Earthenone: its usualy need a 6, then a 5, then a 4, then a 3 etc.
Earthenone: its anime mario party!
TXC2: Hello Jordan
schordash: hasSlam how dare!
Gekyouryuu: hey, Jordan
Didero: Wait, you don't even get to take your turn when you revive?
avjamethyst: hi jordan
Didero: '''card game'''
Gekyouryuu: Jordan, I have to admit that I am not immune to propaganda. I bought a Beyblade on Friday
bisaflau: more like dice game
silenceaux: 'card game' is when you and opponent both roll two dice, right
Fanklok: Chances of a Beyblades AFK?
Didero: @silenceaux That's what the D20s in MtG are for, yes :p
Grimlai: @Fanklok I would freaking LOVE a BeyFK
MungoDude: oh hi Jordan
silenceaux: absolutely murderized
Fanklok: It's so strange hearing Jordan talk at a normal human volume and not shout talking
IsaTheEngie: Unfortunete!
Carlioo: this is mario party for real masochists
Duckels: 5/7 perfect game
TXC2: Bye Jordan
MrNoName001: This is an video game
cutaos: no notes
n3ther: 4th
niccus: parties work in mysterious ways
Didero: are ya winnin', son
h3rsh3yb4r: how many lands are you running
Fanklok: Good stream see you next week
bisaflau: well at least it's James who lost and not you :'D
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
schordash: DinoDance
TheMerricat: I'm startting to get the impression that maybe Wheeler shouldn't take advice from chat on games to play.... :D
HungryTanuki: DinoDance
Didero: This stream counts as educational because I learned that I never should try playing this game
Earthenone: so with nightwatch being both wet ones and let it rip, my head went to let it drip, then i started playing blitzball in ffx :P
nevyn666: mtg commercials so cringe
Fanklok: Wait am I subbed?
Fanklok: When did that happen
gualdhar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
gualdhar: What, no grapefruit juice? What kind of brunch place are you running here?!?!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gualdhar! (Today's storm count: 25)
Duckels: One that serves only OJ
Didero: Ooh, we can be a chicken
HungryTanuki: D:
ChrisAndCall: roster's big.
Fanklok: Play Waluigi
Invitare: bawk bawk
ChrisAndCall: it gives +1 to all stats.
jonnykefka: It looks like the onse with "Story" can be unlocked in the campaign, and the rest are DLC
Invitare: purple
Didero: Why can you only use 3 characters in singleplayer? :/
Didero: @jonnykefka There's a campaign?!
jonnykefka: Apparently
Didero: Does this game have a story?
Weagle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Weagle! (Today's storm count: 26)
Paranundrox: playing games gets you stars and you can buy boosters for more cards
Didero: This game is vaguely grating in at least 3 different ways :p
niccus: it's the whole grater box
Duckels: Why do you still take damage when your defend dice is higher
TXC2: Duckels there are modifiers
Paranundrox: yes, defend can only reduce to 1
Didero: @Duckels Their attack is their ATK stat plus the diceroll, your defense is your DEF plus the diceroll, the difference is the damage you get, as far as I understand
Paranundrox: so you're incentivized to evade
adept_nekomancer: It's a risk-reward. If you don't evade entirely, you take all the damage.
Didero: I do appreciate that you get to choose between defending and evading after they rolled
Duckels: So evasion is the actual defence stat then since you can dodge?
Didero: seagull stop it now
hd_dabnado subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
hd_dabnado: who else up juicing they oranges
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hd_dabnado! (Today's storm count: 27)
Paranundrox: depends on your character
Paranundrox: and your deck
IsaTheEngie: Some characters are more combat-oriented than others
TXC2: music got funky
HungryTanuki: DinoDance
Didero: why's the music suddenly so loud?
TheMerricat: The game _did_ strongly suggest that you aim for stars instead of wins in the tips we skimmed
Didero: Opening packs? I miss TCG Card Store Simulator...
TXC2: S.T.A.R.S.
PharaohBender27: What is with the sudden music change?
Didero: Why does the music keeps changing so wildly?
adept_nekomancer: Every time someone levels, the music changes to their theme.
PharaohBender27: @adept_nekomancer So if a bunch of people level up at once, it would just be cacaphony? :p
Jethrain: @PharaohBender27 "would be"?
PharaohBender27: @Jethrain OK, fair
Didero: I'm enjoying myself despite the game :p
TXC2: I'm trying not too Wheeler :p
Paranundrox: it's better when you misfortune is directly due to a friend
Paranundrox: and not a CPU
samiyenas: get Jordan in here as another player
Gameface252: @Paranundrox Especially if that CPU cheats slio9Mimic (I don't think they cheat in Custom / Online games though, despite confirmation biases.)
TXC2: Jordan strikes me as someone smart enough not to play a mario-party-a-like
raulghoulia: the country
alexanderthefine: man I love card games
Paranundrox: what are dice but six-sided cards
HungryTanuki: :D
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
PMAvers: I mean, this is still more interactive than Commander.
Didero: which people?
TXC2: I said what I said
samiyenas: you have too much grace in your heart for the person who suggested it
Falannt: ignore the people
FadedOasis: Not people, One person.
trebuchetboy: I just got 112% in Hollow Knight. Im literally shaking
Fanklok: Yeah let's go back to one step from eden
adept_nekomancer: The people know what they did.
Fanklok: The normal way
Duckels: Chat requesting streamer suffering? A tale as old as thyme
gualdhar: I think you have to ban the mod first
TXC2: you get Dix to do it :p
Gameface252: The normal way, and they also lose their sword in the process
Fanklok: How about wizard 101
nevyn666: have you tried turning it off, then forgetting to turn it back on?
Didero: Was it this Ben or other Ben that once timed out a mod and then /immediately/ regretted it?
MrNoName001: Wizard 101 might be more of a card game thhan this
hd_dabnado: I maintain that if you just abused james' credit card more then you would enjoy the actual gameplay
Fanklok: It was Ulmer, timed out Juliamon
Invitare: Eternal Mahjong
Duckels: This is a cardgame in yhe same way that monopoly is a card game
PharaohBender27: @TXC2 Thank you for prompting a situation that led me to make my first post-DB clip :D https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clip/AwkwardAliveGoshawkOpieOP-ub7Yn3SZp72bBifw
TXC2: Didero Ben timed out Juilamon, felt bad about it, Adam laughed
ChrisAndCall: @MrNoName001 it is, but it starts pretty slow.
Paranundrox: when has that ever been true Ben
raulghoulia: Ben did
Didero: @TXC2 Oh right, that was on Let's Nope! Thanks!
Invitare: you need to get on Adam's level
TXC2: PharaohBender27 you;re welcome :D
Spooky_Noises: Loaded up my first mahjong game in a while and second hand got orphans
FurthestChunk: ben, quick question: how many mods are on your side on your home stream
samiyenas: oh shit we're rich from our pokemon killing the demon girl with green hair
Gameface252: @ChrisAndCall Doesn't Wiz101 have some paywalls in it too? I guess it is a freemium game that needs to make money somewhere though.
ChrisAndCall: @Gameface252 yep.
ChrisAndCall: paywall's pretty early too at that, though they did move it recently
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
h3rsh3yb4r: quick silly little question: whats a norma
Paranundrox: nothing much whats - dangit
Didero: @h3rsh3yb4r I think it's like a character level?
Gameface252: Yeah, 100% OJ got kinda inflated over time with characters. The 'demon girl' @samiyenas mentioned is allegedly from an OJ game that doesn't even exist.
adept_nekomancer: @h3rsh3yb4r I think it's checking to see whether you've met your current level goal (collected enough stars or won enough fights)
Gameface252: Well, doesn't yet exist. Development hell and such
TXC2: norma is like the little triangle pieces in Trivial pursuit :p
LordZarano: This game has a 93% positive rating on Steam
Didero: @LordZarano Even more evidence that Steam ratings can't be trusted
Paranundrox: its the kind of game you're only going to get if you like it
samiyenas: @Gameface252 She has a tail and horns. Are you saying she's not a demon?
niccus: it is a game that is aligned with what people want from it
Gameface252: ooh, nice evade Teo
alexanderthefine: oh it's so much better
Didero: LoL at least requires thought and effort
ChrisAndCall: even with randos, chat's usually chill.
h3rsh3yb4r: league has cards in it
Fanklok: Lol has cards
Gameface252: @samiyenas Maybe she is, I don't know her lore. Game calls her a Beast Witch.
samiyenas: Yeah it's fun to shit on but like this isnt that bad.
h3rsh3yb4r: you can play twisted fate
Didero: Fighting the urge to quit? :p
samiyenas: about as card related as this tbh
TXC2: I mean this sure ain't no W+P game
Fanklok: April fools stream
Derekwillis: She fucking died.
Paranundrox: +3 attack is no joke
MrNoName001: Backseating which card you pick
MrNoName001: shouldve gone yellow for stun
Didero: What's the grey flying thing, anyway?
Jethrain: @Didero it's a friendly drone that one of his cards spawned
Gameface252: A Robo Ball. It's allied to LRR since he summoned it with a card.
Didero: @Jethrain Ah, must've missed that, thanks
Paranundrox: this summon is messed up
PMAvers: I mean, it looks like it was a mod that originally suggested this, so....
Jethrain: 200
adept_nekomancer: 192 is not 200, sadly
Jethrain: this pikachu is cracked
TXC2: o7 pikachu
SK__Ren: omg wheeler
hd_dabnado: you might be able to steal the boss
ChrisAndCall: you get all the stars that everyone else lost to it.
Gameface252: HypeGG
TXC2: lets GO1
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
alexanderthefine: wheelerY wheelerH
Didero: Why did you character have '0/13' below it?
Gameface252: This game has... a lot of DLC
Paranundrox: there's like a billion dlc at a couple bucks apiece
Jethrain: o_O
hd_dabnado: 700?????
Gameface252: The base game is very cheap and generally goes on sale often
TheMerricat: Orange Juice made a lot of games it seems.
TXC2: Meanwhile Half life 2 is free :p
ChrisAndCall: you need to some play some games online to be able to play as the chicken.
FadedOasis: @hd_dabnado The entire publisher's library
TheMerricat: @TXC2 And got a huge update!
Paranundrox: I last played in 2018 and they've been consistently producing DLC since
Invitare: that's not what "pack" means
Didero: A server called "Skill Based Gameplay", nothing could go wrong
ChrisAndCall: that lightning bolt lets you quick join an open game.
Gameface252: Oh yeah, some of these room names can get weird
schordash: born ready! gl!
TheMerricat: @LoadingReadyRun Read @Didero's comment
ChrisAndCall: yes, there is an ingame chat.
VermilionHeron: This is the bizarrest UB set I've ever seen
ChrisAndCall: you already turned it off.
Didero: pure skill
TheMerricat: They'll report you for smurfing.
Earthenone: looks like they have sleeves
AFamiliarCalledEl: Maybe you're a prodigy
Gameface252: Level is but a measure of playtime, really
SK__Ren: lol, this game has enough RNG for you to lose solo against the weakest AI because the game looked at you funny. Anyone with their levels is immune to rage quitting imo
Gameface252: @Earthenone Yeah, sleeves were a new thing added for the 10th anniversary, and some were added in events after that.
TXC2: SK__Ren as we found out in our first game :p
Paranundrox: smh didn't get the weighted dice DLC
ChrisAndCall: oh right, people can drop in or out whenever.
ChrisAndCall: they'll be replaced by a cpu.
niccus: does this game have hell queue if you keep leaving
Gameface252: Someone filled in the CPU slot player 4 had
MrNoName001: right before you win everyone drops out
Earthenone: is pokemon pocket the december ityc?
TXC2: seems kinda shity imo
ChrisAndCall: you get absolutely nothing if you leave midgame.
TXC2: Sounds good
Didero: But TFT uses units, not cards Kappa
TXC2: now if only I could watch season 2 of Arcane :p
bisaflau: where do we put game suggestions for Is this your Card?
Didero: Is it Team Fortress 2?
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
raulghoulia: skill diff
Didero: the hell
ChrisAndCall: you have a natural -1 to evade.
Paranundrox: 1+1 vs 3-1 both 2
Earthenone: modidfiers you had a -1 they had a +1
TXC2: or you can go up to wheeler in person and give a suggestion along with $20
jonnykefka: Canadian or US?
PharaohBender27: @jonnykefka Depends on how much you want him to actually follow your suggestion Kappa
TXC2: jonnykefka both, at the same time Kappa
raulghoulia: that game rules
niccus: yeah i've heard that's a good'un
Didero: 20 yen
jonnykefka: 20 euros? Flying first class I see
Didero: 20 Turkish dinar
TXC2: 20 Zimbabwean dollars Kapp a
PharaohBender27: @TXC2 Pre- or post-revaluation? :p
TXC2: PharaohBender27 I think either way it's bad :p
Earthenone: gotta oppen up in game chat and hit em with the ... to motivate them
PharaohBender27: @TXC2 Yeah, but one is MUCH worse, IIRC.
ChrisAndCall: there's different dice you can unlock. (it's purely cosmetic)
ChrisAndCall: there's probably nothing in the chat box, if I had to guess.
Didero: Never read Chat, anywhere
TXC2: PharaohBender27 oh indeed, they printed a 100 trillion dollar bill at one point :p
PharaohBender27 suddenly remembers when there was some guy in a couple of streams who actually *did* try to post a manifesto . . .
LordZarano: !chat
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
jonnykefka: they give them to Ig Nobel winners
TXC2: Didero I'm a chat mod, and I endorse this message
TXC2: they were probably trying to post a copypasta
PharaohBender27: Yeah. The Unabomber manifesto, to be specific. It always got cut off because of character limits, but Googling the words led me to figure out what it was.
Earthenone: i think that was the charicter i used when i did this? i played for 90 minutes a few months back because everyone in the discord call was drunk/high and wanted to mario party
FurthestChunk: we stan for manifestos here
Earthenone: the +2 evade hands in pockets girl
FurthestChunk: and especially big ted Kappa
PharaohBender27: I believe that user has been banned, of course.
TXC2: PharaohBender27 oh almost certainly
raulghoulia: Take my bird, please
Didero: That seagull got sea-culled
Earthenone: it makes me remeber adams gamehaus
Earthenone: all the random people coming in to tell him to shut up
PharaohBender27: Oh, Wheeler doesn't know about the horse joke supercut?
TXC2: oh have you seen the Video TQ made for you Wheeler ?
Didero: That card art sure was something
Earthenone: the horse joke dident have the same apperance fee
TXC2: yes I noticed that too Wheeler
Earthenone: no one had the 20$
PharaohBender27: OK good, so Wheeler will have *some* context for this GIF I made: https://i.gyazo.com/ba2721e41c865d04f2798d617764c1b8.gif
FurthestChunk: playing minecraft mainly
RealGamerCow: When Wheeler is not on the screen, everyone should be saying "Where's Wheeler?"
Fanklok: Wheeler is banned from horse joke
niccus: where's wheeler?
Earthenone: filming in america, playing minecraft at home? were you LARPing james?
jonnykefka: they played a vid of the horse joke. well, a remix video.
Didero: Turns out picking a fight with a seagull is not a great idea
FurthestChunk: who would win, one ben wheeler or a thousand seagulls
Didero: @jonnykefka Desert Bus isn't long enough for the whole thing
ChrisAndCall: the Seagulls always want blood.
jonnykefka: when was the horse joke ooriginally
TXC2: jonnykefka 2019 I think
Didero: ew
VermilionHeron: motor oil
TXC2: clearly you meant you put tang in your OJ Kappa
Didero: There's an old Dutch TV commercial where a waiter gets back at an annoying customer by peeing in a glass of orange juice, that's the first thing that came to mind
tehfewl: the game is called 100% orange juice, there can't be anything else in the cup or the percentages wouldn't add up
Didero: Wait, shit, that's apple juice, not orange juice
TXC2: he's doing it chat!
TXC2: fuck
Gekyouryuu: your stars, but what about your garters?
ChrisAndCall: of course. Store Manager (the boss's name) does that.
VermilionHeron: is this game played against other people online?
Gekyouryuu: @VermilionHeron it can be
Gekyouryuu: iirc
TXC2: VermilionHeron this round is yes
niccus: it's a long list
Didero: This stream isn't long enough to explain what's wrong with the Dutch
ChrisAndCall: minigame/
Didero: ok, one question: what the fuck?
TXC2: a minigame, finally
MrNoName001: Its like a bad version of that game & watch game
ChrisAndCall: no, the dice is cosmetic only.
Didero: Why are there suddenly minigames happening?
Fanklok: I would argue the inclusion of piss would make it no longer 100% oj
Didero: this is genuinely awful
Didero: Why not?
TXC2: if you drank nothing but OJ, then peed into some OJ, the OJ might remain 100% OJ
SaxPython: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 27 (new subscribers: 1, returning subscribers: 26, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 0, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 0, new followers: 3, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
PharaohBender27: @TXC2 ... I don't think that's how the digestive system works
Didero: This game needs a history log of what the fuck just occurred
Swickwick subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months, currently on a 5 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Swickwick! (Today's storm count: 28)
ChrisAndCall: there's a card that causes you to roll a 0-7 die instead of a 1-6 one.
TXC2: PharaohBender27 I guess you just turn orange instead :p
ipoddodd: This minecraft stream looks suspiciously like an anime board game
TXC2: ipoddodd we've used A LOT of mods Kappa
Didero: When will you join Mine O'Clock?
Defrost: @TXC2 I'm innocent
SunsetOcelot: When Mojang fiinally adds cards to Minecraft all streams will converge
FurthestChunk: benjamin found diamonds on day one
ipoddodd: Look, all I'm saying is that one of the thaumcraft research packages looks suspiciously like a card playing roguelike
FurthestChunk: who else can claim that
FurthestChunk: please don't ask what happened to the diamonds
TXC2: Defrost well then I'm guilty enough for the rest of us Kappa
Tommadness: ben going for violence
PMAvers: Baron Nashor has been slain
TXC2: a kill stolen from us right there
Didero: The other players can, at least :p
PharaohBender27: Seagulls are LETHA:
GhostValv: go birds
schordash: LUL
ChrisAndCall: gotta love the deathgulls.
schordash: go birds! lmaooooo
Invitare: shouldn't have been waving around a sandwich
Carlioo: three 1's in a row huh
TXC2: and they say birds aren't dinosaurs Kappa
schordash: DinoDance
MrNoName001: They just roll better lmao
Fanklok: The average human would lose a 1v1 with a chicken
schordash: 🫠
Carlioo: I would simply roll good
Carlioo: oh is she the protagonist?
PharaohBender27: @TXC2 Someone (can't remember who) said something once that lives rent-free in my head: chickens are so angry because they remember that they were dinosaurs and are mad they're not anymore
TXC2: they ascended into their final form: eepy fae
Paranundrox: that card had her roll two dice for everything that round, including combat
TXC2: PharaohBender27 damn right
Didero: where'd wheeler go
Invitare: to fight off a seagull
TXC2: Wheeler went away
Peter_Chordash subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
Peter_Chordash: Where's Wheeler?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Peter_Chordash! (Today's storm count: 29)
Invitare: they're attacking the moonbase
PMAvers: Wheeler has ascended to his final form: chair
TXC2: PMAvers :D
TXC2: so chair, how was DB for you?
schordash: hasChair
GhostValv: chair gaming :O
Carlioo: aw, no orange juice?
schordash: TeaTime
PMAvers: You rolled a 6 to revive.
Didero: CPU rolled your revive die
Paranundrox: you revived and thats about it
Didero: This game has a constant undercurrent of sensory overload
Didero: If somebody shouted "Fight me!" directly into my face, I'd also take a different route
MrNoName001: why'd they fight you? they had 9 wins?
GhostValv: let's go birds
v_nome: seagulls got hands
Carlioo: do you have to evade if you're at 1 hp?
PharaohBender27: 🐦
PharaohBender27: :seagull:
TXC2: we got Falcons, Eagles, Ravens, why no gulls in the NFL ?
Didero: A hawk is pretty different from a gull
VermilionHeron: Shit hawks, Randy
gualdhar: Seahawks are Ospreys, tyvm
TXC2: like, wouldn't Seattle seaguls stike a lot more fear into your heart then seahawk ?
Didero: I try not to talk to seagulls
gualdhar: jesus fuck Wheeler just murder an entire city why don't you
gualdhar: they're 53 people and they're doing their best
TXC2: 53 people in the whole city? and the houses still cost that much? Kappa
v_nome subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, v_nome! (Today's storm count: 30)
ChrisAndCall: they win.
Didero: Four dice? That's just overkill
v_nome: So are these real people or bots?
TXC2: real people
Didero: Woo, not last!
Didero: Level up!
TXC2: not last, the truest win of all
MrNoName001: How many of the people stayed through the entire game?
schordash: SeemsGood
schordash: LUL
Didero: Oh good, I need a break for a bit :p
TXC2: no worries Wheeler
schordash: lrrSHINE
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
PharaohBender27 is real glad he did his grocery run earlier - it's now raining pretty dang hard outside where he is
v_nome: If you were to use an animal to convey the level of rain on a scale from sea monkey to elephants where would it fall?
gualdhar: uh
gualdhar: what's happening
v_nome: animu intensifies
niccus: the anime equivalent of jingling keys
schordash: CoolStoryBob
DeM0nFiRe: @gualdhar orange juice, clearly
TXC2: Wheeler has open 4 of instaces of the game :p
TXC2: *instances
TXC2: and we're back
ChrisAndCall: oh hi.
SK__Ren: Because you jumped into a game in progress
ChrisAndCall: because you joined mid-game, after characters got picked.
Didero: I guess you're filling in for somebody who quit earlier?
gualdhar: it sounded like you got thrown into a game?
ChrisAndCall: you have to join at the start of turn 1 in this case.
Didero: So literally everything about this game is weird, even the game joining process?
TXC2: Didero you gotta give it, game has a theme and it plays it out :p
Didero: @TXC2 This game is very much itself, yeah
TXC2: !addquote (Wheeler) [now] I am currently winning, and my theme rules!
LRRbot: New quote #9191: "I am currently winning, and my theme rules!" —Wheeler [2024-11-17]
ChrisAndCall: needs level 3.
accountmadeforants: On in this your card, you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful card." And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful wife."
corefluxx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
corefluxx: 55! A palindrome!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, corefluxx! (Today's storm count: 31)
accountmadeforants subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
accountmadeforants: 77, also a palindrome!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, accountmadeforants! (Today's storm count: 32)
ChrisAndCall: Jamboree?
Tommadness: Jamboree
Gekyouryuu: Jamboree?
Didero: Didn't a new one come out this month?
Didero: Or $700 if you want the full experience Kappa
ChrisAndCall: this game is also on sale fairly regularly.
accountmadeforants: Yeah, Mario Party is way better about creating the illusion of skill mattering, which makes you that much more invested, and makes the sudden and random loss that much more devastating.
ChrisAndCall: everyone keeps the same number of cards they had prior to Gift Exchange.
Didero: Mario Party also has the major benefit of it not having anime girls constantly shouting
accountmadeforants: I think the chicken is just afraid of all these anime girls having giant guns
Didero: You'd almost think chickens aren't very smart
accountmadeforants: Seagulls are born killers
Earthenone: is mill a lose condition here?
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (Join Nelson, Jordynne, and Matt for a little Sunday afternoon Vampire Survivors! Game: Vampire Survivors) at Sun 01:00 PM PST (34m from now).
accountmadeforants: @Earthenone It's a shared deck, so I'd assume not
Earthenone: is it shared with the chicken too?
MrNoName001: Sweet breaker, sister of wheelie breaker?
accountmadeforants: @Earthenone Yes
accountmadeforants: (I don't actually know)
ChrisAndCall: @Earthenone no, the deck just resets once its empty.
accountmadeforants: Presumably chicken simply chooses to move every time, or doesn't have the opposable thumbs to draw cards
gualdhar: I think this is more boba-shit than kinki-shit
Earthenone: you know why
Didero: Because nothing in this game makes sense
PharaohBender27: Jealous much? sparkl171Smug
TXC2: is cuteness a DLC? Kappa
schordash: lmaooo PharaohBender
MrNoName001: ngl some maps feel like they suck to go for kills on
accountmadeforants: I went back and it said that Cuteness is 10 - Max HP - ATK + EVD. They had -1 ATK and +2 EVD, so they got an extra 3 points.
accountmadeforants: Basically weakness and cowardice is cuteness, per this game
TXC2: accountmadeforants that sounds so wrong to me for some reason :p
TXC2: why don't we have egg?!
MrNoName001: This game is such an assault on the ears
tehfewl: in minecraft
Didero: @MrNoName001 It does feel like it'd be a lot more bearable with all sounds except maybe music off
Earthenone: the cop has a gun!
aggrodr1ft: it's an immersive soundscape experience
accountmadeforants: Turns out beating up cops is a massive net positive
TXC2: "I am coming to kill you! at your house! in Los Angeles!" "...or in the ring" "NO! in real life..."
Earthenone: true!
n3ther: bold of you
TXC2: (Adam voice) this game SUCKS!
accountmadeforants: Lmao
schordash: savage!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Wheeler
schordash: LUL
Shragon: Thanks for streaming wheeler!
Didero: oh thank god
PharaohBender27: Gee, I wonder why? :D
niccus: despite popular demand
HungryTanuki: Thank you for the stream Ben!
schordash: thanks for the stream! you’re totemo kawaii, desu yo✨
TXC2: Caravan HYPE
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Earthenone: if GWENT got played anything can be
Didero: Listening to Chat, despite experience
Falannt: why you even consider the people?
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Didero: Thanks for the stream! I had fun!
schordash: lrrSHINE lrrWHEELER lrrBartleby
TXC2: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: twitch.tv/seabats | Alex: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Ben Ulmer: twitch.tv/bengineering | Cameron: twitch.tv/unarmedoracle | Cori and Ian: twitch.tv/tiltyhouse | Heather: twitch.tv/LunarJade | James: twitch.tv/James_LRR | Kathleen: twitch.tv/BraveNewFaves | Matt Wiggins: twitch.tv/wiggins | Nelson: twitch.tv/coachnelly | Serge: twitch.tv/sergeyager , twitch.tv/sergeafterdark | Wheeler: twitch.tv/benjamin_wheeler
Earthenone: !homestreams
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: twitch.tv/seabats | Alex: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Ben Ulmer: twitch.tv/bengineering | Cameron: twitch.tv/unarmedoracle | Cori and Ian: twitch.tv/tiltyhouse | Heather: twitch.tv/LunarJade | James: twitch.tv/James_LRR | Kathleen: twitch.tv/BraveNewFaves | Matt Wiggins: twitch.tv/wiggins | Nelson: twitch.tv/coachnelly | Serge: twitch.tv/sergeyager , twitch.tv/sergeafterdark | Wheeler: twitch.tv/benjamin_wheeler
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (Join Nelson, Jordynne, and Matt for a little Sunday afternoon Vampire Survivors! Game: Vampire Survivors) at Sun 01:00 PM PST (20m from now).
Earthenone: also sub read? or is that next streams problem?
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Fangs
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
h3rsh3yb4r: minecraft later?
Didero: Why? Is Ian tired from something? Kappa
TXC2: Minecraft as Hatsune miku intended
Earthenone: now kiss?
Didero: Oh, no Play It Forwards?
Invitare: wha-what
Stormgod519: I made it...
Stormgod519: just for the end. hi all
TXC2: hello Stormgod519 welcome
Stormgod519: hi TXC2
Stormgod519: oh well, the vod will come soon
HoneyJack07 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HoneyJack07! (Today's storm count: 33)
Didero: @Stormgod519 Next stream is in 18 minutes or less though, so you're nicely in time for that
Earthenone: the bits we made along the way
Didero: bye wheeler thanks wheeler
Stormgod519: @Didero oh sick
TXC2: bye wheeler
Stormgod519: ill just hang around
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
Didero: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (Join Nelson, Jordynne, and Matt for a little Sunday afternoon Vampire Survivors! Game: Vampire Survivors) at Sun 01:00 PM PST (16m from now).
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Earthenone: konichiwa
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
HungryTanuki: DinoDance
Stormgod519: oh right, rhythm cafe is gonna be today right?
schordash: jaa na!〜☆
Earthenone: no its bonus vampire stream with those who do that thing
Gekyouryuu: @Stormgod519 after the bonus stream, if nothing's changed
schordash: 💫✨
Stormgod519: sweet
Earthenone: then heather enters the mikuverse alone again
Stormgod519: bonus strem and rhythm cafe? best day ever
schordash: @Stormgod519 i think heather said it’d just be her for RC :3
Stormgod519: yeah
Stormgod519: but still, its Heather
schordash: ayeeee~ :3
schordash: lrrHEATHER lrrBartleby
Stormgod519: this sea shanty style music is pretty sweet
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
Stormgod519: LOL
HungryTanuki: :D
PharaohBender27: It sounds like a jaunty military march to me
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Stormgod519: hi highlight reel
Stormgod519: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
schordash: LUL LUL LUL
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
Didero: Good night!
cuttlefishman: that... was a stream
HungryTanuki: VoHiYo
Stormgod519: @TXC2 cya friend
PharaohBender27: Goodnight, TXC2!
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Potion of Healing!
RockPusher sips from the potion of healing and finds it tastes like tea, earl grey, hot
Invitare: I would have expected strawberry
Invitare: fluorescent red liquid probably shouldn't taste of tea
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
PharaohBender27: lrrSIG !
Whisle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Whisle! (Today's storm count: 34)
PharaohBender27: MIC 5
Nigouki: Mic 5
RockPusher: hot mics in your area
PharaohBender27: :D
LoadingReadyRun: tyty
PharaohBender27: I remember the horse bit
RockPusher: the horse bit was a good bit :D
PharaohBender27: And that lrrBEN initially seemed to think it was . . . something else
Sorator13: who's ready to LIVE
Sorator13: and THRIVE
Nigouki: Jordynne gets one more stream before being deported back to Ontario...
RockPusher: 2Powerful4BC
PharaohBender27: @Nigouki Two more, actually - Dial Town is Tuesday morning! (Sadly I'll miss it on account of work, but will absolutely watch the VOD)
spethycakes: We love a bonus stream!
Nigouki: @PharaohBender27 D:
Nigouki: neat!
shamblingkrenshar: lrrSIG