Earthenone: the bits we made along the way
Didero: bye wheeler thanks wheeler
Stormgod519: @Didero oh sick
TXC2: bye wheeler
Stormgod519: ill just hang around
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Didero: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (Join Nelson, Jordynne, and Matt for a little Sunday afternoon Vampire Survivors! Game: Vampire Survivors) at Sun 01:00 PM PST (16m from now).
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Earthenone: konichiwa
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
HungryTanuki: DinoDance
Stormgod519: oh right, rhythm cafe is gonna be today right?
schordash: jaa na!〜☆
Earthenone: no its bonus vampire stream with those who do that thing
Gekyouryuu: @Stormgod519 after the bonus stream, if nothing's changed
schordash: 💫✨
Stormgod519: sweet
Earthenone: then heather enters the mikuverse alone again
Stormgod519: bonus strem and rhythm cafe? best day ever
schordash: @Stormgod519 i think heather said it’d just be her for RC :3
Stormgod519: yeah
Stormgod519: but still, its Heather
schordash: ayeeee~ :3
schordash: lrrHEATHER lrrBartleby
Stormgod519: this sea shanty style music is pretty sweet
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
Stormgod519: LOL
HungryTanuki: :D
PharaohBender27: It sounds like a jaunty military march to me
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Stormgod519: hi highlight reel
Stormgod519: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
schordash: LUL LUL LUL
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
Didero: Good night!
cuttlefishman: that... was a stream
HungryTanuki: VoHiYo
Stormgod519: @TXC2 cya friend
PharaohBender27: Goodnight, TXC2!
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Potion of Healing!
RockPusher sips from the potion of healing and finds it tastes like tea, earl grey, hot
Invitare: I would have expected strawberry
Invitare: fluorescent red liquid probably shouldn't taste of tea
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
PharaohBender27: lrrSIG !
Whisle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Whisle! (Today's storm count: 34)
PharaohBender27: MIC 5
Nigouki: Mic 5
RockPusher: hot mics in your area
PharaohBender27: :D
LoadingReadyRun: tyty
PharaohBender27: I remember the horse bit
RockPusher: the horse bit was a good bit :D
PharaohBender27: And that lrrBEN initially seemed to think it was . . . something else
Sorator13: who's ready to LIVE
Sorator13: and THRIVE
Nigouki: Jordynne gets one more stream before being deported back to Ontario...
RockPusher: 2Powerful4BC
PharaohBender27: @Nigouki Two more, actually - Dial Town is Tuesday morning! (Sadly I'll miss it on account of work, but will absolutely watch the VOD)
spethycakes: We love a bonus stream!
Nigouki: @PharaohBender27 D:
Nigouki: neat!
shamblingkrenshar: lrrSIG
DideRobot: LRR: nelly and matt and jordynne play vampire survivors. get your cup of tea and root for the survivors! |
RockPusher: Instructions unclear, got Big Mug™ of tea
PharaohBender27: lrrDOTS
PharaohBender27: lrrCIRCLE
RockPusher: boo de da baaa
PharaohBender27: lrrARROW
Nigouki: mooted
PharaohBender27: Mic 5!
Invitare: cold mics
RockPusher: cold mics in your area
Sorator13: oh dear
PharaohBender27: There we go!
baltimore_667083: mic 5 strikes again
spethycakes: there we go!
Sorator13: \o/
baltimore_667083: the sky
RockPusher: there we go
SaxPython: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Sorator13: hello friends!
RockPusher: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ArrestedHouse: FBtouchdown
satyropodobny: OH GOD THEY GOT MIMED
Nigouki: greenscreen wuuuurm
PharaohBender27 notices a transparent worm
HungryTanuki: PogChamp
h3rsh3yb4r: do we have to survive vampires or do the vampires have to survive us?
GasCityGaming: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
HadesLeprechaun subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HadesLeprechaun! (Today's storm count: 35)
RockPusher: coachn3Thankscoachnelly
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: good morning ayy
Nigouki: plz no choices on weekends
Wiliart subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
Wiliart: Answering life, the universe and everything.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Wiliart! (Today's storm count: 36)
PharaohBender27: :D
Nigouki: oh yeah transparent fingertips
ArrestedHouse: vampire survivors, now with an actual vampire (i think)
Invitare: tree only run lets go
Nigouki: Dom Mario? That one wouldn't let Peach get kidnapped
7 raiders from brazencoalitiongames have joined!
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
HungryTanuki: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
baltimore_667083: DinoDance
Sorator13: Music could come down some, IMO
Geisterkarle: that is even the castlevania music!
ArrestedHouse: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
PharaohBender27: DinoDance
RockPusher: game audio a bit hot vs the mics
ScrapyardGhostTrain: This map is enormous, by the way.
PharaohBender27: escher3THUMBSUP
RockPusher: much better
Sorator13: Much better <3
PharaohBender27: NELSON
Sorator13: lrrWOW
SaxPython: LRRzrs
gamercat88 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months, currently on a 73 month streak!
gamercat88: lrrSHINE seabatClap
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gamercat88! (Today's storm count: 37)
IbunWest: large map is large
Invitare: Pentagram has maximum range
josh___something: Hey there gamers? How's BUS recovery going?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: In HoloCure, you can also aim independently of movement, which changes thigns a lot.
josh___something: That first question mark was supposed to be an exclamation point
IbunWest: gamers??? in my lrr?
ANeMzero: In SteamInput you can enable "Nintendo layout" to swap a/b and x/y so confirm is in the "right" spot.
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
spethycakes: I don't think there were enough Wonderwall versions jesscapSmugin
shamblingkrenshar: It lets you upgrade the Bayo gun though
SaxPython: Wet Ones Delivery Vehicle
theawesomeonev2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
theawesomeonev2: Fun fact. 60 is about how old my back feels these days. You guys rock here's to many more months
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theawesomeonev2! (Today's storm count: 38)
PharaohBender27: @josh___something It's going. Still in the stage where I'm doing the "hair of the dog" treatment and rewatching bits/catching up on bits I missed
Sorator13: from Kingdom Hearts??
ANeMzero: Leon, from Kingdom Hearts!
Nigouki: Leon Kennedy married into the Belmonts?
theawesomeonev2: Oh no he's going to shoot a small homeless boy with a fireball
Alex_Frostfire: Not great horizontal damage in this team!
IbunWest: Do you not get rerolls in multiplayer
h3rsh3yb4r: kind of a drag...ula!
ANeMzero: You can do it online via Remote Play Together or Moonlight
shamblingkrenshar: The answer is clearly Vampire Survivors For Hope
SaxPython: @shamblingkrenshar lunarj1Fangs PogChamp lunarj1Fangs
josh___something: It's probably untenable latency if it's under average connections
josh___something: @shamblingkrenshar so THATS what's happening in may
josh___something: :p
fantomphenris subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fantomphenris! (Today's storm count: 39)
pyronils80: Hello and good evening! :) :) :)
ANeMzero: Poe has lower base health than the rest
flatluigi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months, currently on a 65 month streak!
flatluigi: time to get overstimulated
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, flatluigi! (Today's storm count: 40)
flatluigi: oh is this an entirely fresh save
fonkoncle: it's so weird seeing the menu without all the unlocks
GapFiller subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GapFiller! (Today's storm count: 41)
flatluigi: are y'all playing co-op
flatluigi: okay cool
ANeMzero: Castlevania character costs also scale up on a separate track from normal characters which is nice.
GapFiller: timing sub snipes is harder w/o the subscroll
IviaRelle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IviaRelle! (Today's storm count: 42)
flatluigi: is this thinking out loud or do you want chatter from chat
GapFiller: !backseat
LRRbot: Please refrain from backseat gaming unless the streamer asks for help or !heychat is active. The streamer wants to play the game the way they want. Feel free to discuss tactics in chat or with the mods.
flatluigi: gotcha gotcha
ANeMzero: The Contra DLC?
ANeMzero: Final boss for this one is also cool (will not elaborate further)
IbunWest: and the amogus dlc was also there
PharaohBender27: Oh that's a large lad
fonkoncle: they added a feature in this version where you can just seal away the dlc content
flatluigi: yeah, i've got most things sealed back off while i keep working on the castlevania dlc
gualdhar: we hear normal audio
PharaohBender27: Sounds fine to me
flatluigi: is equipment limited in co-op mode or is that something you need to buy? i see that the hud has y'all limited to 3 actives and passives and it's been a long time since i played on a fresh file
ANeMzero: Yeah, the balancing factor for co-op is less weapons/passives
IbunWest: no i get that too
IviaRelle: You can limit weapon number in solo play though I don't think you can limit passives.
IbunWest: you can just walk through walls
ScrapyardGhostTrain: That's map-specific, based on the clock.
fonkoncle: the higher the speed you have it removes clipping
flatluigi: weirdly enough, being able to clip is somewhat intentional
IbunWest: I like that they added the ability to Seal entire expansions of weapons at no cost
ANeMzero: ah, the jack-o-lantern tree
ANeMzero: where they grow jack-o-lanterns.
flatluigi: boy, it's wild to see such low creature density
PharaohBender27: :D
PharaohBender27: D:
Chronomagistrate: Oh no...
IbunWest: keliffNotLikeThis
ANeMzero: the last time I went to a potluck I brought a vegan/gf dish because I wanted to make sure a friend had something more than just what they brought... everyone else just brought chips, including my friend.
RockPusher: Yay Friendship!
Sorator13: Jordan!
baltimore_667083: Jordan!
spethycakes: Big Jordynne/Jordan combo!
Fugi: They're cool. I guess.
gualdhar: Hi Jord**n*!
WriterRaven flops into chat, breakfasting
RockPusher: Fugi it's not like you like them or anything, baka
josh___something: Holocure doesn't require any VTuber knowledge
RockPusher: rayfkTsun
ANeMzero: It requires about as much vtuber knowledge as VS requires Castlevania knowledge
ANeMzero: pronouncing stallion like scallion
PhorrestGaze subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months, currently on a 98 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PhorrestGaze! (Today's storm count: 43)
josh___something: The knowledge exists, video evidence may not
Laserbeaks_Fury: I this Path To Exile? Kappa
ilovebrownies3: Have you tried Slime 3000?
Sorator13: I read a story where a downstairs neighbor complained about someone being too loud, and they said "oh my gosh, call the police; someone must have broken in!" because they literally weren't home, and that might be the most genius response I've ever read
Sorator13: LUL
HydraWiggins: Going back to vampire survivors after switching to holocure is aesthetically a shock, a lot of the gameplay loop is the same, but the art style especially is so different
josh___something: Is this what they mean when people talk about 'old man yaoi'
kimmiekoneko: is this the next 168 hour stream
h3rsh3yb4r: what is chaos for the fly is normal for the spider
PharaohBender27: @kimmiekoneko :D
shamblingkrenshar: How have they not simply gone extinct? -is what I would be asking if it weren't for the fact that I forget where I put something I was holding two minutes ago.
josh___something: Does the game feel slightly too loud(or the room too soft) to anyone else?
ErisOfSpace subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 15 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ErisOfSpace! (Today's storm count: 44)
Whisle: agreed, game is a bit loud @josh___something
PharaohBender27: @josh___something Yeah, they adjusted it earlier and it was fine, but maybe the increased number of enemies has shifted it back
accountmadeforants: Oh yeah, the game is drowning out the room when things are happening.
KazCanes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KazCanes! (Today's storm count: 45)
Sorator13: "This is just a chicken and an angel"
Twilight_Spark: A chicken and an angel problem.
KaleidoscopeMind: just a run of the mill, ordinary angel
shamblingkrenshar: Vampire Survivors claims there are no vampires in Vampire Survivors. Except now we have Alucard. Half a vampire is still higher than 0 vampire.
Myrniss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months, currently on a 131 month streak!
Myrniss: How many sub babies is this now?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Myrniss! (Today's storm count: 46)
josh___something: NELLY
rentar42: lagoform?
gualdhar: a wererabbit?
SaxPython: Lagomorph?
GhassanPL: Barghest?
KilrenKrae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 101 months!
KilrenKrae: hi
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KilrenKrae! (Today's storm count: 47)
KaleidoscopeMind: a friend?
Critterbot: Lagomorphs are just rabbits, hares etc.
Myrniss: i think i know the word. Does it have Lapin in it?
RockPusher: tqsLong1 tqsLong2 tqsLong3
rentar42: apparently in forgotten realms they are called "Wererabbit" ... well ...
aitsu100 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aitsu100! (Today's storm count: 48)
Critterbot: So yeah it's scientific term, like canine, feline, bovine, equine etc.
SquareDotCube: Leon, for those who can read
TheAwkes: I was inside *what*?!
Myrniss: I'm still googling. I've found kounanthrope
cyclopsboi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cyclopsboi! (Today's storm count: 49)
AnimeKitty: Afternoon chat!
fromcanada subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fromcanada! (Today's storm count: 50)
EdmundJuniper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months, currently on a 93 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EdmundJuniper! (Today's storm count: 51)
EVILmono: has nelly become a cyberman?
EVILmono: with the headphones on
Nashlake subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nashlake! (Today's storm count: 52)
EVILmono: cleaning ladies and vacuum cleaners
SquareDotCube: Oh that's Persephone, and its soul form when you play one of the games with Soma Cruz as the protaganist
calculated_uncertainties subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months, currently on a 65 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, calculated_uncertainties! (Today's storm count: 53)
chrono2x subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 122 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chrono2x! (Today's storm count: 54)
NorthstarTex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months, currently on a 118 month streak!
NorthstarTex: Bonus Matt, Jordynne, and Nelson? Hells yea!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NorthstarTex! (Today's storm count: 55)
Simonark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Simonark! (Today's storm count: 56)
satyropodobny: seen any vampires so far?
Simonark: So many resubs. It's like we all forgot to watch this channel for a week and a half for some reason.
ShaneLeeAtk: Ah, the doppelgangers
cmdrud87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cmdrud87! (Today's storm count: 57)
cosarprime: It's AAA in my heart
Marvoleath: not a AAA (non-derogatory)
Simonark: This is a 9V game at least
KaleidoscopeMind: not a AAA (complimentary)
Voidhawk42: Where's the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA from desert bus
episvont subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
episvont: Wooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, episvont! (Today's storm count: 58)
RockPusher: coachn3Nissathedog
PharaohBender27: @Voidhawk42 Courtesy of azninsect:
RockPusher: coachn3Rollinghead
RockPusher: Game audio could come down a bit more, I think we've leaned back a bit from the mics since the start
RockPusher: arms made for lumbering
RockPusher: wheelerOok
jadielady subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
jadielady: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jadielady! (Today's storm count: 59)
RockPusher: "a sample"
patrick_stonecrusher: Was that after he drank Jesus's blood?
satyropodobny: sweet free son can drink beer right out of the box
Sorator13: Is the coffin in the room with us now?
Twilight_Spark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
Twilight_Spark: 9 x 5 that's like 5 babies that's how it works.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Twilight_Spark! (Today's storm count: 60)
Simonark: So the Vampire Chronicles are like the Talented Mr. Ripley, the rest of the books are sort of a lifetime away from the first, most famous one?
calculated_uncertainties: I like defeat or I like the feet?
Caffine1138: what an odd conversation to come in on
SquareDotCube: puppet master!
ShaneLeeAtk: Duplicator, my one true love
Sorator13: oh, I don't like that skull with four legs thing
Sorator13: that's No Good
Simonark: The goal is to kill the horrible thing, at least. Noone wants it to stick around for the rest of the stream
KaleidoscopeMind: floor time is grounding
AnimeKitty: Big mood
Caffine1138: I feel those getting up sounds in my soul (and back)
KaleidoscopeMind: (and knees)
Caffine1138: yupyup
ShaneLeeAtk: Grandpa has a pew-pew laser
Nigouki: The cheeks don't lie
Simonark: Didn't.. someone actually put this in the comics at one point?
AnimeKitty: That's a good meme PrideLaugh
Caffine1138: meanwhile Nightwing has a canonical in-universe fan site about his butt
Critterbot: Mmm, floor chicken...
SquareDotCube: there's also the giant centaur that's probably carrying a chest...
Simonark: Having this on as a stream is weird, whenever the level up menu appears I keep reflexively trying to click a choice
AnimeKitty: I just started playing this game last week and ho boy is watching this wild
SquareDotCube: could do with an axe, or one of the guns
Sorator13: NEOLLY
Twilight_Spark: Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dracula. He's a permanent student.
SquareDotCube: I mean, you know Dracula's library is forbidden material, but you know 90% of it is just smut
AnimeKitty: Wasn't there another author who did that but was pretending she was black?
lesbianpunkpyromancer22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 9 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lesbianpunkpyromancer22! (Today's storm count: 61)
Fruan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fruan! (Today's storm count: 62)
Simonark: There is also one of Marvel comics editorial staff who had a whole second career writing as a Japanese pseudonym on gigs he hired himself for.
Scar_Red_Tiger: Is this co-op or do you need 3 people to handle the sensory overload?
Simonark: And he still works there.
Sorator13: man, Night Watch didn't get goo; they only got thicc tang
AnimeKitty: Ugh the thicc tang
Caffine1138: *shudders*
Sorator13: MATT
Scar_Red_Tiger: Get that good good The throat goop?
bisaflau: this map has many secrets
Simonark: This is by a mile the most complex map they've ever done, SO many secrets and new mechanics
ShaneLeeAtk: Just a little Cthulhu, as a treat
SquareDotCube: tiramisu saved you
AnimeKitty: sergeGG
KaleidoscopeMind: so close
definenull: F
SquareDotCube: I'd love a proper Metroidvania with Sonia, unlike the classic-style Gameboy Castlevania that introduced her
adamshandy: I miss DB
KeytarCat: I could do with a new exploventure. I picked up Knight Witch, but it's not quite what I generally want from an ExVen.
KeytarCat: good fun game, fell off of it at like the last scene so I don't know if I'll be able to get back to it 😬
TheAinMAP: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will return next year, start saving your donation money now!
KeytarCat: Oh yeah, Amanda 2!
KeytarCat: Pie Man!
GapFiller: nalvThink hmm shd there be a cmd for Rustproof Bee Shed South now
Juliamon: not until we have more info
Juliamon: there's like, literally nothing to share yet that a command could help with
accountmadeforants: @SquareDotCube There's also the cancelled Dreamcast game :p
Strebenherz: welcome back
GapFiller: its them post DB Blues eh coach
GapFiller: that post DB time dilation doodah
spethycakes: Cheer100 sneaking in bits
2_manyhobbies subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 2_manyhobbies! (Today's storm count: 63)
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
TriChronos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TriChronos! (Today's storm count: 64)
LithelyUnshod subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LithelyUnshod! (Today's storm count: 65)
PharaohBender27: Cheer90
Fruan: lrrSHINE
GapFiller: Cheer100 got a couple spare bucks left over from the past week so here
niccus: how much tang is left in the moonbase?
josh___something: THICC TANG
shurtal: Thicc Tang, Pea Wet
NorthstarTex: Egg Nog
ScrapyardGhostTrain: There are multiple sets of 8 weapons in the Castlevania DLC.
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
Ahtari subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ahtari! (Today's storm count: 66)
Lysander_salamander: oh, there's multiplayer now?
SquareDotCube: Chronologically, Sonia is the OG Belmont vampire killer but got reconned by Leon with Lords of Darkness.
Asoxa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Asoxa! (Today's storm count: 67)
Lysander_salamander: wow, so many characters to unlock
ArchRequiemD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
ArchRequiemD: With my Whip and my crysrals I'll take back the night
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArchRequiemD! (Today's storm count: 68)
SquareDotCube: sorry, Lament of Innocence
Simonark: This level is almost impossible to get through in half an hour without the portals...
ANeMzero: Ode to Castlevania has "20+ new characters" which is Technically Accurate.
Archonic Energy: ping.
ArchRequiemD: So does htise mean I need to buy a new DLC
ANeMzero: The counter also counts 2 seconds per second on Hyper
ANeMzero: So it will hit "30 minutes" but only take 15.
KeytarCat: Alucard has spells?? heeeellll yeah
Lysander_salamander: dang, that's a cool medusa head
ANeMzero: Oh right
Marvoleath: Live Laugh Leech
S0NICW0LF subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
S0NICW0LF: 127 holy crap
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, S0NICW0LF! (Today's storm count: 69)
Lysander_salamander: a cowboy vampire
PhorrestGaze: for vampires, by vampires
Lysander_salamander: what game was it?
Lysander_salamander: neat
jacqui_lantern234: hey all you beautiful friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!! <3
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, @jacqui_lantern234 !
Lysander_salamander: I haven't bought any of the dlc yet
jacqui_lantern234: @Lysander_salamander i legit recommend it if you can afford it
KeytarCat: Jacqui! Love you too 🥰
ButButTheJesus: Cheer100 ha ba. ha da.
jacqui_lantern234: @KeytarCat oh yeah?! well i love you MORE!!! :P
SquareDotCube: What I'm learning from this is Nelly should play Symphony of the Night, if again
ANeMzero: Alucard is a vampire but I think the Belmonts are generally.. not.
KeytarCat: @jacqui_lantern234 I defy this premise at its foundation! Love is not a competition and I don't know how to measure it anyway!
RatherLargeToad: OSFrog
KeytarCat: Daaaaamn, I love frogs
jacqui_lantern234: @KeytarCat jokes on you, i make everything a competition!!! (/joking)
SquareDotCube: need to search out a magnet to get a lot of the XP laying around
KeytarCat: Ah, how foolish of me; of course the eldritch being of love can measure it!
jacqui_lantern234: PREGANANANT
SquareDotCube: mid-preganante
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100
Sorator13: LUL
ButButTheJesus: gregnant?
patrick_stonecrusher: Are those glowing gems the Karma Coins you unlocked?
ghizmou: why is the scary four-legged being back? I thought we burned it with fire
jubale1: ryhmht tmei
jubale1: or whatever
ScrapyardGhostTrain: I have a music playlist specifically to do that, Jordynne. I sleep so much better now.
Simonark: Is a lucid dream with Vince Vaughn in it better or worse than a normal dream? I'm honestly not an expert here
Juliamon: !delquote 9142
calculated_uncertainties: nature documentaries for me,
KeytarCat: I watch Let's Game It Out on random to help me sleep. My dreams can get...weird
Simonark: Vince Vaughn is the gateway to the nether realm, cursed to never know the escape of the other side, got it.
Acromonk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Acromonk! (Today's storm count: 70)
ButButTheJesus: ♪ doc doc doc doc doc doctor beat♪
PharaohBender27: For me, spinach should either be raw or creamed. Steamed or boiled is way too slimy for my taste.
Sorator13: I love spinach, but then I got kidney stones, so now I have to limit my spinach intake :(
Lysander_salamander: what kind of toast is Alucard?
bistod subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bistod! (Today's storm count: 71)
calculated_uncertainties: Why are we trying to cancel Nelly?
calculated_uncertainties: Ah, I see.
niccus: he said oh*o
NorthstarTex: Luckily this doesn't have to be "bus" friendly so we don't have to yell "NELLY!"
Simonark: Paul will inevitably be cancelled for an incredibly salty sea shanty, so it's a ticking clock for everyone else if they want to come in first?
goateedave86: Currently wanting to cancel my mum for saying that using "they" for a singular person was grammatically incorrect and that's what they took issue with my wife coming out as Non Binary
jacqui_lantern234: @Simonark paul: "hellooo" chat: "LITERALLY CANCELLED!!!" :P
calculated_uncertainties: @goateedave86 You just have to wait until they use it about the door dash driver or whatever, record it, and then turn it into a ringtone on their phone
jacqui_lantern234: tbf, adam is completely shredded
josh___something: I appreciate how much you've committed to calling out how large adam's arms are
lightfut: i would be afraid of a crouching medium from Adam
goateedave86: @calculated_uncertainties wow if my mum was tech-savvy enough to understand what door dash was, she probably wouldn't be as problematic as she is
jacqui_lantern234: @lightfut crouching medium on the outside Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: sorry not sorry
calculated_uncertainties: @goateedave86 Somehow 'door dash driver' was the most gender neutral term I could come up with on the fly.
Thoth7: Live, laugh, love, place 1 doom on the agenda (this can cause the agenda to advance)
NorthstarTex: I'd cancel that science teacher
Stormgod519: i made it back
goateedave86: @calculated_uncertainties whattup guys, girls, and all you door dash drivers out there
ScrapyardGhostTrain: goateedave86 It's not even grammatically incorrect even before you consider NBs, that's the thing. It is & always has been perfectly acceptable..
calculated_uncertainties: @goateedave86 LOL, yes
goateedave86: @ScrapyardGhostTrain We knew it was going to be less of an uphill climb and more of a vertical cliff trying to get her to understand
Lysander_salamander: I do not remember that monster
Sorator13: All dogs go to heaven, but this one spend a LONG time in purgatory first
goateedave86: @ScrapyardGhostTrain he positive take home is how much I've been able to grow and learn despite her backwards ass views
SquareDotCube: Another one from Dawn of Sorrow, in the tower
goateedave86: The*
Lysander_salamander: it's been a while since I played Dawn of Sorrow
calculated_uncertainties: @goateedave86 Good for you!
goateedave86: @calculated_uncertainties thank you
SquareDotCube: Christopher is from the Adventure games for the Game Boy
ButButTheJesus: SORD
iris_of_ether: "Alucart Sworb" is amazing
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
Juliamon: Thank you for streaming!
spethycakes: Thanks for stream! lrrSHINE
RockPusher: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
KeytarCat: Thanks for stream!
goateedave86: Wooo! thank you for streaming!
Gaelan_Maestro: have a good day!
SaxPython: <3 <3 <3
NorthstarTex: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
KWardJenx: Thank you! Love the bonus
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Good stream, LRRsfolk, thank you.
KaleidoscopeMind: eating the unreality
nyoomgoom: woah... the ultraworm
PharaohBender27: :D
RockPusher: gabyLul
Sorator13: lrrWOW
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
calculated_uncertainties: Gorg Jordynne
iris_of_ether: lrrHERE
ButButTheJesus: oooh
calculated_uncertainties: *goth
ButButTheJesus: negaworm
KaleidoscopeMind: reality eater
goateedave86: Lisan al gaib!
RockPusher: benginFingers RPGFireball RPGFireball rayfkSanic foxmarFIRE
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE
Lysander_salamander: yay
RockPusher: lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Hatsune Miku) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (17m from now).
iris_of_ether: lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy
RockPusher: sharkf11ART sharkf11LONGLIVE
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs KomodoHype lunarj1Fangs
cyclopsboi: not a drop to thrink
iris_of_ether: Oh *no*
ButButTheJesus: bite club!
RockPusher: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Messy lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Messy
SaxPython: yisssss
calculated_uncertainties: Now Kiss, yay!
SaxPython: <3 <3 <3
RockPusher: LuvBrownL LuvBlondeR
Lysander_salamander: Oh right Dialtown
iris_of_ether: Little dioramas, you say...
Juliamon: James put the title in wrong
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
josh___something: yeah, amanda is good
ButButTheJesus: dindt even know there was a 2\
cyclopsboi: mmmm devil fruit bento
tehfewl: Kess Gaming
PharaohBender27: NotLikeThis
KaleidoscopeMind: perfection
ghizmou: lrrBartleby
KWardJenx: Thankyou!!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
ButButTheJesus: hadundus
videogameprotagonist: sad I missed it, looking forward to the vod
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
GapFiller: nalvLUL
GhostValv: :O
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
nyoomgoom: :0
ButButTheJesus: @PharaohBender27 :D
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
GapFiller: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG nalvJam nalvJam nalvJam
Stormgod519: ah yes
DideRobot: LRR: It's Rhythm Cafe time! | Hatsune Miku time, let's go! | |
Stormgod519: i made it back in time again
shaneandkk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shaneandkk! (Today's storm count: 72)
Capt_clown subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Capt_clown: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Capt_clown! (Today's storm count: 73)
TheMerricat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheMerricat! (Today's storm count: 74)