TXC2: right chat I'm off
TXC2: goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Cori
Shparky2197: @txc2 by, thanks for the company
night TXC2
TehAmelie: Fahrenheit is just the US i think
SymphonySolstice: o/
Wolfstrike_NL: gn TXC2
Juliamon: I would assume 'literally just the US' for Farenheit
QuixoticScrivener, if you want to be pedantic, the US's version is technically 'American Standard' instead of 'Imperial' because their gallons, pints, quarts etc are different to the rest of the ones that use Imperial
Shparky2197: US Customary System, I think.
QuixoticScrivener: @Anubis169 further illustrating the need to switch to metric
Anubis169: yup
LordZarano: Plenty of countries still use imperial measurements. Those 3 are just the ones that use *primarily* imperial measurements. Canada & UK still use feet & inches for people heights right?
Shparky2197: Especially since all the units are defined by their relation to the SI system
TehAmelie: such a worthless system. and they say it "just makes sense for everyday use". sure Kathrine, like if you had a system of length measurement based on 0 for short people and 100 for tall people
QuixoticScrivener: UK using Stone for weight...
Shparky2197: And that Mars probe that crashes due tot
Shparky2197: To a unit mixup
Anubis169: LordZarano: Yeah UK still uses stones (14lb) for weight, but only unofficially
Anubis169: on paperwork we have kg
QuixoticScrivener: I thought the Hubble mirror alignment was a metric v imperial issue.
TehAmelie: (shorter lengths would be negative numbers in this system)
LordZarano: Stone is to pounds as feet is to inches, just a way to make the numbers nicer
Anubis169: QuixoticScrivener: no that was the mars probe. it detected the ground level wrong and smacked into the surface of the planet hard enough to make a crater
Anubis169: what really bakes my noggin is that we in UK measure fuel volume pumped, and tank capacity, in Litres
Anubis169: but still measure fuel economy in Miles per Gallon
TehAmelie: maybe it's up to you to ink in the clouds
LordZarano: Do any other metric countries still use miles for road signage or is that just the UK?
Anubis169: There are now 14 competing webcomics
QuixoticScrivener subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
QuixoticScrivener: Consume!
Thanks for subscribing, QuixoticScrivener! (Today's storm count: 12)
TheAwkes: @Anubis169 In Canada the official measures are reported in L/100km, but many people still talk and think about it in MPG, too.
Thank you for kicking that sub up
Anubis169: I would love to learn L/100km
Anubis169: it'd make calculating a good deal when i'm over on mainland EU so much easier
QuixoticScrivener: Wait, I missed a 42 joke...
LordZarano: (I say for road signage because all the road designs/layouts are done by the engineers in metric)
TehAmelie: thanks for having us!
QuixoticScrivener: I am a terrible nerd.
baltimore_667083: BEES
Anubis169: BEES
Shparky2197: Giggling like an idiot
SymphonySolstice: LIVE. BEES
Juliamon: uh
Anubis169: stream?
Anubis169: stream please...
Juliamon: blip
Juliamon: refresh
CaptainSpam: The bees got her.
QuixoticScrivener: Spent the past two minutes confirming its not me internet...
Shparky2197: Bees broke the stream
QuixoticScrivener: too many bees!
Anubis169: this might be Twitch
Earthenone: !pride
corianderd: hmm
Anubis169: [stream.hls][error] Download of segment 9 failed: ("Connection broken: InvalidChunkLength(got length b'', 0 bytes read)"
QuixoticScrivener: it seems to have smoothed out for me
QuixoticScrivener: spoke too soon
corianderd: it's looking pretty bad on my end
Juliamon: I was gonna say, it is smoothly offline here
Juliamon: nice of twitch to wait for the break though
Anubis169: not that kind of break
corianderd: I'm going to take the stream down and try reconnecting
QuixoticScrivener: *shakes fist at bees*
Juliamon: it is not, nor has it ever been, the bees' fault
LordZarano: @Anubis169 InvalidChunkLength? Oh no, someone call James!
corianderd: things are mostly buffering on my end
Anubis169: hmmz[rs...
Juliamon: still offline
Anubis169: nothing coming through on this side
Anubis169: oh
Shparky2197: Twitch need nap time
Anubis169: API.twitch.tv is lagging by 1000ms
Juliamon: lmao oops
IslandersCaper: rip twitch
ghizmou: we re on
Anubis169: we're up!
LordZarano: At least it was during a break
QuixoticScrivener: Bees happened
SymphonySolstice: it's not dover yet
BlueFingers5: so they should be something other then white
Juliamon: it is not, nor has it ever been, the bees' fault
Anubis169: what colour should they be which isn't white dover-like?
CobaltShuriken: they put the hamster back on the wheel, so the internet is working again
Shparky2197: My bad. Bees are great
I haven't seen many bees this summer
EvilBadman: I forgot you were doing a show today, heh
Shparky2197: Cursed colour
Anubis169: Don't eat yellow mountains...
TheAwkes: Cliffs the colour of porcelain in a smoker's home.
Shparky2197: Laughing too hard at that
schordash: oh man-- i thought that was saying "I'm Fucking Welcome!" >xDD
Anubis169: well you are
schordash: and so are you~ x3
Shparky2197: This stream is nice and chill after DB madness
Shparky2197: Doggo and I agree that the sun is nice right now
Shparky2197: Get me some of that vitamin D
Anubis169 dances
SnackPak_: secret music
Shparky2197: Secret tunnel! Secr- *gets yoinked off-stage*
Anubis169: Secret wall
Shparky2197: It's nearly 10 AM and I am yawning like crazy. Yay for work this afternoon.
Shparky2197: Ayup. Store manager gives you crap if you call in sick, and having autism, anxiety and depression mean that it hits hard.
Anubis169: calling in sick is your right, never let anybody give you crap for it
Anubis169: you can't control being sick any more than the manager can control how many customers appear
Juliamon: not letting the manager give you crap is a good way to lose your job though
Shparky2197: Yeah, but also out of sick leave. I have some annual leave, but that's rapidly running out too
Shparky2197: I should definitely find a new job, but mental health problems and living in a small town do not help at all
Shparky2197: And when HR won't lift a finger to stop the store manager, and we have a deeply dysfunctional mess of a store
Shparky2197: I will be fine, just not right now.
Anubis169: For what it's worth then
Anubis169 huggles Shparky2197
Shparky2197: Huggles are very much appreciated. Playing with my dog now, so he sends his love too
Shparky2197: And being here, with awesome people, is a very healing experience
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Dice Friends (Join Jacob as he guides Adam, Heather, Cori & Cameron through season 3 of Not a Drop to Drink! Tonight, Episode 3! Game: Not a Drop to Drink) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (1:53 from now).
evil_h2o_elf: Wow - the color blends are gorgeous!
Anubis169: So, here's the question
Anubis169: if those are blue cacti
Anubis169: is this part of the world where bluegrass comes from?
TheAinMAP: Right.
iris_of_ether: Wildly not near it
bi0buster: Let's just say it is.
Anubis169: ok, so in that case, what does bluecactus music sound like?
iris_of_ether: Southeast versus Southwest
Shparky2197: Calm yet spiky?
Anubis169: guessing lots of staccato
SnackPak_: is a 12-bar blues too on the nose?
I imagine in terms of tuning it'd sound a bit sharp
KeytarCat: 🎵Mushroom huntiiiiing🎵
SnackPak_: *gasp*
iris_of_ether: I second cactus shakers
Shparky2197: Ooooh
Shparky2197: I like the ground
Shparky2197: I keep failing to miss it though when I fall
Anubis169: yeah makes sense
Anubis169: These worms need to be more tartan
Anubis169: no tartan!?
KeytarCat: 11 bar blues requires more work than removing the last bar of 12 bar blues
KeytarCat: I've just discovered
TheAwkes: Move over Shai-Hulud, what we've got here is a Confident-Hulud!
bi0buster: I'll make my own water! With Blackjack!
Anubis169: Drink more water, except that kind
Shparky2197: Coffee counts as water, right?
Anubis169: yeah, it's still water, you just ran it through the coffee maker first
Shparky2197: If I had the energy I would, but I drink instant more often than I should.
Anubis169: will defo say, since I cut out sugar a couple years back... stuff like black coffee, and especially fruit, tastes AWESOME
Juliamon: water with bean taint
Shparky2197: Maybe as a project over the next couple of days I'll get the family espresso machine up and running again.
Juliamon: It's the groove
Shparky2197: I would presume the fold in the coffee bean?
arcaede_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
evil_h2o_elf: if a bean were to wear pants
Thanks for subscribing, arcaede_! (Today's storm count: 13)
BlueFingers5: the dot on a black eyed pea
TheAwkes: Bean taint? Surely the little bit in the middle of the concave side.
evil_h2o_elf: dangit too slow on the joke
ExachixKitsune: In the water
iris_of_ether: I am *so upset* you got to the "wear the pants like this or this" before I did
Anubis169: It would be the bit that joins it to the plant
Anubis169: because 'taint bean and 'taint plant
Shparky2197: I'm glad I'm laughing as much as Cori is at that one.
NullColaShip: Have you never heard of famous band the Black Taint Peas?
Anubis169: sounds too much like Paint
evil_h2o_elf: nooooo
Anubis169: and nobody likes Paint Soup
ExachixKitsune: ew
ExachixKitsune: p'wet
ThorSokar: is it lead paint soup for extra flavor?
Anubis169: 1-800-FDA-HALP
Shparky2197: Hello, hopsital?
TheAwkes: Tainted by pea wet, and/or wetted by pea taint.
bi0buster: Hell yeah.
bi0buster: "Sounds like a party homie!"
Shparky2197: I vaguely miss feed dump, especially since the escapist site broke and there's no more missing from yt episodes there.
iris_of_ether: I'm so pleased that someone besides the celiacs got to tap into the deep knowledge of xanthan gum for Thiccc Tang
Anubis169: We will judge you while you eat it
@shparky2197 I think someone on the discord has partial backups of Escapist stuff on Archive.org
iris_of_ether: At least until they get re-uploaded
Anubis169: HAHAHAHA
TheAwkes: Significantly Less Nifty, paying off again.
iris_of_ether: Doing the Lord's work there
Shparky2197: @juliamon love it
ExachixKitsune: Show me on the bean where the taint touched you
ThorSokar: Did you pull that out of an Oklahoma Text Book?
Shparky2197: @iris_of_ether thanks, I'll look it up
Shparky2197: This has been fun chat, but my brain demands nap time. Catch you all later, thanks again for kind words and company today
Anubis169: night night!
cute doggo btw
Anubis169: promise?
TheMerricat: You were so close to escaping Anubis...
Anubis169: tough
ThorSokar: wooow
ExachixKitsune: We'll miss Anubish
Anubis169: I'm basically furniture at this point
ExachixKitsune: sometimes I can even hear them talk
actually i think in 2 weeks it's my 11y sub
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Dice Friends (Join Jacob as he guides Adam, Heather, Cori & Cameron through season 3 of Not a Drop to Drink! Tonight, Episode 3! Game: Not a Drop to Drink) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (1:26 from now).
Anubis169: 🤞
ExachixKitsune: What a perfect soundtrack
Anubis169: I feel like an egg sammich
ExachixKitsune subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
ExachixKitsune: Suppose I should press this button
Thanks for subscribing, ExachixKitsune! (Today's storm count: 14)
Anubis169: eyy!
ExachixKitsune: @Anubis169 scrambled egg or fried egg?
Anubis169: you know I don't know?
Anubis169: might put them in cups in the microwave and do a poached egg
ExachixKitsune: ooh
yalc321: Club horse draw? Can't
Anubis169: Welcome back!
ThorSokar: Hi back, I'm dad!
Anubis169: Flesh plants!
Juliamon: I opened a very stinky TCG Pocket pack during the break. What am I gonna do with two Doduos
Lysander_salamander: why did my browser think this stream was down
v_nome: Make a Doquado?
Lysander_salamander: weird
Juliamon: it WAS down earlier
Lysander_salamander: aha
Juliamon: but that was, like, an hour+ ago
EJGRgunner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
EJGRgunner: 84 months and the content still hits just right. Color me impressed.
Thanks for subscribing, EJGRgunner! (Today's storm count: 15)
ExachixKitsune: \o/
Anubis169: wheeeeeeeeee
Anubis169: EJGRgunner happy 7 years!
ExachixKitsune: :3
Matazuma1: when are the desert bus streams starting? or did I miss it 😬
Anubis169: !sub
Juliamon: Matazuma1 I have bad news
Anubis169: !streams
Matazuma1: @Juliamon oh no
Anubis169: i'm not tired, honest
Anubis169: !patreon
Anubis169: !store
Anubis169: !youtube
Anubis169: !advice
LRRbot: The demon plays the piano in the winter's tide.
Anubis169: !badadvice
LRRbot: Punch the axe.
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Thanks Cori
Anubis169: !schedule
Juliamon: toilet time
thanks for the stream!
iris_of_ether: @matazuma1 Most of it has been uploaded to the Desert Bus YouTube
EJGRgunner: Now Kiss, you say....
SymphonySolstice: wooo tiny glade
Juliamon: (Adventurer)
Anubis169: Matazuma1: VST has you covered
I was at the One Piece store in Shibuya this year
EJGRgunner: I'm sorry, Lurm Tug?
iris_of_ether: LRR MTG
Matazuma1: @iris_of_ether wooooooooo Thanks
Juliamon: EJGRgunner yes. lurmtug, and then funpuff
EJGRgunner: Lurm Tug is deeply cursed
ExachixKitsune: Lurmtug is my favourite way of moving a boat
ExachixKitsune: Thanks for the stream!
Juliamon: we've been using 'lurm tug' for like, 2 years now
TheAwkes: *tips hat* Lrrm'tug.
KeytarCat: True shibboleth, LRRMTG
Anubis169: shibbolrrth
KeytarCat: hehehe
ExachixKitsune: Sibbolrrthmtg?
Anubis169: Instructions unclear, tongue stuck in ear while attempting to pronounce
KeytarCat: I don't know if it's physically possible, but the mouth is linked to the ear in such a way that tongue might be able to poke it
ExachixKitsune: That's cursed knowledge
KeytarCat: SURE IS
ExachixKitsune: I wonder if I can
please don't
ExachixKitsune: anyway before I pull my tongue muscle, sleep time
Anubis169: if it's not possible, it'll hurt
KeytarCat: sleep well!
if it is possible, which i doubt, it might give you an ear infection
KeytarCat: oh yeah, that part
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