Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Tiny Glade) at Tue 01:30 PM PST (0s from now).
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Jacob's Unbeatable Tackle
baltimore_667083: @LRRbot oh so that's why he's won ten super bowls
SymphonySolstice: Tiny Glade!!!
iris_of_ether: I am hype for little castles
SymphonySolstice: this game is so cute and I have seen so many youtubers building entire LotR setpieces in it somehow
Juliamon: belch
Earthenone: now .wav
Earthenone: bomb cyclone sounds like a beyblade
SymphonySolstice: we're getting blizzarded at atm
97 raiders from Seabats have joined!
baltimore_667083: hi raiders!
Nigouki: let the pressure hit the floor...let the pressure hit the floor...let the pressure hit the.....FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR
iris_of_ether: I think I need to batten down my garden plants tonight
MalFnord: ngl, that kinda sounds like fun
TheAwkes: Even here in Vancouver we're looking at gusts as high as 70, with that whole ass island you're on between us and the storm.
ghizmou: that s a big C
Jturbobanana: 20 ft?
Laurence72: I'm in Spokane, so I'll be getting hit by that system tomorrow
QuixoticScrivener: what about 30 footsies?
LiminalGoose: I also get to experience the bomb cyclone, but thankfully I'm pretty far inland.
SymphonySolstice: Tofino's not real and can't hurt you
Jturbobanana: Seas at least 20% larger than island
Nigouki: do they not live there BECAUSE of the sea?
BrowneePointz: Uh Oh, Wet Steppies
Mr_Horrible: its nootch, impeccable
Earthenone: 30 footsies is a centipede feeling lazy
baltimore_667083: does whatever a barnacleman does
QuixoticScrivener: I have rediscovered TMBG at least 4 times throughout my life
Mr_Horrible: turns out the Johns are pretty clever
QuixoticScrivener: From Tiny Tune Adventures to Home Star Runner.
BrowneePointz: They wrote one of the best Songs in the Spongebob Musical Cori
Mr_Horrible: Hey now
Mr_Horrible: I'm being attacked
EvilBadman: gottem
iris_of_ether: Listen Istanbul is a bop
Mr_Horrible: sick burn, streamer
SymphonySolstice: killed him dead live on camera
Boiler_bot: Touche
ghizmou: Ruthless
BrowneePointz: Wait yea, TMBG wrote Squidward's big Tap Number in the Spongebob Musical
EvilBadman: @Mr_Horrible there's only room for one ironically named nice person here
Mr_Horrible: a more noble death than I could ask for tbh
iris_of_ether: Nobody's business but the Turks, Cori
BrowneePointz: Yep. He also dances and does Art
bytecaster: I just came in and todays mood seems very antagonistic and punchy toward chat.
BrowneePointz: I'm talking the Stage Musical btw
BrowneePointz: which is very good
Genasi_Gaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Genasi_Gaming! (Today's storm count: 40)
Mr_Horrible: @EvilBadman blasts and curses
EvilBadman: You've soaked it up
emonotony: The ocean isn't going to be washed out by thirty foot waves.
Mr_Horrible: god he does
Nigouki: ahahahaha
Marvoleath: we are mostly water, Cori
iris_of_ether: OMG
Mr_Horrible: the actual answer is "enough ketamine to kill 7 elephants"
iris_of_ether: Holy shit
thegreatwyrdling: V-V
Earthenone: hes got good rng, maybe he will roll a 20 on healthcare
Mr_Horrible: that man has done so many drugs
bytecaster: So two negatives DO make a postitive!
Jturbobanana: Brainworm man in charge of our health...
SymphonySolstice: if my youtube feed is anything to believe, you have to recreate The Battle of Helm's Deep in the cute castle game
Nigouki: precious cadmium from the occasional paint brush lick
EvilBadman: A bop it that cures anxiety instead of causing it
Mr_Horrible: "I'm literally not qualified for this"
emonotony: Who gave the lizard brain a "TAKES!" button, and more importantly, why?
Earthenone: that hole was made for us
Genasi_Gaming: make the arch bigger
SymphonySolstice: peak gaming time
Nigouki: THICC tower
Earthenone: thicc cylender
iris_of_ether: Thiccc
SymphonySolstice: Thiccrenolation
baltimore_667083: thicc
BusTed: perky
bytecaster: Pointy
Earthenone: is that a ToS violation?
GhostValv: ayo?
emonotony: Oh good we're playing Tomb Raider
Juliamon: Go full Madonna
Genasi_Gaming: draw a dick
museCap subscribed with Prime.
Thanks for subscribing, museCap! (Today's storm count: 41)
BusTed: literally hung a lantern from it
iris_of_ether: God I needed this today
Mr_Horrible: tassels can be fun
TheAwkes: An ample estate.
Juliamon: The devs *have* to know that that last icon looks like a butt
BusTed: good stream good stream
Mr_Horrible: literal huge tracts of land
bytecaster: Why are we building a medieval TOS violation?
Mr_Horrible: ah we're pivoting, I see
SymphonySolstice: cori pls
Jturbobanana: SHIP IT!!!!
Nigouki: the rock tumbling sound is what really makes it
bytecaster: If your house is breathing, please contact an architect
Heckhoundbolt: Well... TtP was very quick
SquareDotCube: Now Kiss 2: Straight to the Point
iris_of_ether: Something something bury it in your wife
Earthenone: "It is a beautiful and important monument and an international, inter-cultural treasure … Unless and until it can be shared by both religions in harmony – which would be a grand idea – it should remain a secular building honoring both religions who have made it beautiful." – Ljubo Vujovic
Manae: And they double as oubliettes for annoying drunks
Nigouki: lateral strength in walls is hard to do
BusTed: 🦎
Jturbobanana: It got wet and shrunk... that's not accurate...
bytecaster: This has strong horse club energy
Genasi_Gaming: now that ive seen this game played on LRR i think im going to buy it
SquareDotCube: "The defenses aren't actually defensive, they're more to make the attacker ask "what why" and walk away in complete confusion, questioning the life choices that led them here"
SymphonySolstice: that's where they cremate your dead wife
I managed to buy it the moment I saw it go on the schedule, so
bytecaster: I really just want a giant smoke cloud to form over that one tower now.
SymphonySolstice: in camera mode you can walk around
MilkInBags: were you aware it's gobbler sandwich season at Wawa?
QuixoticScrivener: Phillly
Juliamon: Philly
Juliamon: ROUND
MilkInBags: I don't know I am simply a messager of memery
DoodlestheGreat: BIRB
Earthenone: birb hat
gualdhar: who dares disrespect the gobbler sandwich
gualdhar: the portal is fine, the screen was broken during installation
MilkInBags: it was disactivated because of porn
gualdhar: it cycles between the other European cities
SymphonySolstice: if you make the pond big enough duckies show up
PipeSmokingOwl: is that the one that went to dublin?
gualdhar: Dublin, Lublin, and a city in Poland somewhere?
MilkInBags: a lot of people used it to promote onlyfans
SquareDotCube: I heard the USS United States is no longer berthing at Philly and will be moved to be scuttled and sunk off the coast to act as a reef
Genasi_Gaming: do you believe in the mirror dimension
MilkInBags: is this a duck souls game
bytecaster: Game good
SymphonySolstice: duckies Located
Nigouki: we've achieved lunacy!
Nigouki: *loonacy
bytecaster: Export to Blender
EvilBadman: God I wish Forge was this easy to use
Juliamon: bytecaster Blender immediately crashes
Earthenone: just have cori 3d print it out and use it for heoquest
SquareDotCube: that moment when you accidentally make Elder Scrolls 6 in Tiny Glade
gualdhar: Ironically, because NYC ruined The Portal, Philly is being much more well-behaved to prove we're better
ArdCollider subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months, currently on a 40 month streak!
ArdCollider: (clearly I'm on weird 30-minutes-later Newfoundland time despite being in LA)
Thanks for subscribing, ArdCollider! (Today's storm count: 42)
bytecaster: The perfect tiny mans castle builder
MilkInBags: like an owl, it's empty under
SymphonySolstice: water tower time
Jturbobanana: Tower with LEGS!
wedge_x: molasses tower
Genasi_Gaming: Yes
Juliamon: oh we baba yaga'd it
BrowneePointz: Cameron gonna bring some Hunters of Huanchi and sneak around all these cool buildings
Genasi_Gaming: oh my good its soo good
Jturbobanana: Looks like a water tower
iris_of_ether: Leggies
BrowneePointz: Russian KFC-Baba Yaga's
WELL WELL WELL!!! if it aint a beautiful group of wonderful friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY
SymphonySolstice: L E G
MilkInBags: this surely will survive the test of time
Genasi_Gaming: make bidges between the legs
wedge_x: ah SpaceX
MilkInBags: the medieval tower suppository
jacqui_lantern234: i hope yall are doing well
iris_of_ether: Enjoying Maximum Id Talking Simulator today
Jturbobanana: "THUNK"
Juliamon: that sound
BrowneePointz: Cori I too have seen the 2nd Austin Powers movie. Wait or was the Preparation H joke the 3rd one
bytecaster: It needs a flared base
Nigouki: Look we all know Desert Bus is a period of suppressing some forms of expression and it needed to get out eventually
MilkInBags: i fell on this well lubricated toy
MilkInBags: with my pants down
Juliamon: BrowneePointz 3rd and I hate that I know that
BrowneePointz: was 2 the Alan Parsons Project joke?
MilkInBags: theme FOMO
silenceaux: The diligence of doing your dailies
bytecaster: Rotate the hosts!
Earthenone: gotta do your dailies
BrowneePointz: and look, 95% of the First Austin Powers ages INCREDIBLY gracefully as a JB satire/parody combo @Juliamon
MilkInBags: Cameron Fauster
Juliamon: yeah... but does that outweigh the 5% ultracringe
@MilkInBags you know what they say: live faust, die junc
MilkInBags: is this what they mean when they talk about 'living off the grid'?
SymphonySolstice: love a good circular structure
Juliamon: how would you onomoatopoeia the wall sound
MilkInBags: prrtbrrt
SymphonySolstice: cronklecronkle
MalFnord: gribblegribblegribble
BrowneePointz: krbrbrbrbrbr
Earthenone: thwert
wedge_x: double fence with mines inbetween, it's the only way to be sure
silenceaux: ducks
@Juliamon i wouldnt
MilkInBags: so how do you min max to win this game
TheAwkes: A little Phyrexian reflecting pool?
Genasi_Gaming: make something beautiful
MalFnord: So the question I have is, is the wall meant to keep people out of the shrine, or to keep something in it?
please dont delete your lanterns, chat
SymphonySolstice: you're walking through the woods and you see a man trapped in a shrine,
i wont go back to the void
bytecaster: Just optimize the shrine for defense by a kill team of space marines.
BrowneePointz: @Juliamon honestly the last 5% is mostly a kinda blue jerry Springer segment and a couple of VERY mild 90s transphobia jokes. The more cringe parts are things taken directly from Bond that it's going "God this is stupid isn't it?" to. The SECOND two films are...not as great on that
Earthenone: remember to practice lanturn control
BrowneePointz: speaking of no imagination I have a couple friends with actual Aphantasia and it is so hard for me to conceptualize a mindspace like that
DrLigmaPhD: Just got here. Has anyone said they're glade to be here yet?
SquareDotCube: You know, an industrial version of this would be also neat, jut make these large factories or chemical processing complexes.
bytecaster: @SquareDotCube Can I interest you in Factorio
BrowneePointz: I prefer the one that's housing and art and not capitalism @SquareDotCube tbh
Nigouki: @SquareDotCube A digital version of having access to everything in the Plastruct catalog
Garfy400: @BrowneePointz I felt so acknowledged when I learned that word
Genasi_Gaming: to make a door drag a window to ground level
SquareDotCube: You can cut at specific points of line if you want variable heights.
bytecaster: User Interface design for this must have been quite the challenge
Wolfstrike_NL: @Genasi_Gaming That....sure is how doors are born eh?
Marvoleath: does ctrl+z work for undo last action?
a field of hexes. so a 4x game?
TheAwkes: I wonder how many people have been using this to make castles modeled after molecules...
Nigouki: is that deformation against the wall or againt the ground?
epsilon_vee: does that mean bees create Voronoi diagrams
BrowneePointz: Ye, squishy cylinders that deform to hexagons due to physics
SquareDotCube: "Behold, Castle FOOF!"
Earthenone: everytime i see a game thats open ended like this i think "someone is going to use this for cold fusion"
Critterbot: I don't see a category for the stream, is there a special reason for that?
DrLigmaPhD: Intensive micromanaging of details? Hell yeah
Ah yeah, there is it.
bytecaster: Has anyone shown this to the Blender devs (I kid)
Genasi_Gaming: aww remember elden ring
silenceaux: probably a weird crossbow that will never do good damage
Mangledpixel: maidenless stairs
BrowneePointz: @epsilon_vee not really. Specifically they make Cylinders and do slight shaping(due to gravity and pressure) form into Rhombic Dodecahedrons
bytecaster: Or maybe a spell you will never use
Wolfstrike_NL: elden ring, a game that can win GotY again..
bytecaster: We could also put a corner case consumable up there, so many options
Shparky2197: Good morning friends, how are we all today?
Nigouki: deep down you knew you wanted to reach for god's kingdom
QuixoticScrivener: Embrace the Wabi Sabi
BrowneePointz: @epsilon_vee ope I misspoke, by creating Rhombic Dodecahedrons it does seem that they could be seen as making Voronoi Diagrams
BrowneePointz: if the Kepler Conjecture is correct
Shparky2197: Oh, I see, we have entered Cam's nightmare dreamscape
Nigouki: ctrl+z ctrl+z ctrl+z ctrl+z ctrl+z ctrl+z ctrl+z ctrl+z
josh___something: this IS beautiful, cameron
josh___something: The beauty of your agony
BrowneePointz: Welcome to most folks going through Architecture Courses Cameron XD
Genasi_Gaming: what happened why why are you doin this to us
SymphonySolstice: ruins are past being perfect cam
Jturbobanana: oh, it's snapped
Nadriachi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Nadriachi! (Today's storm count: 43)
Shparky2197: Can't wait to see this in the stream highlights
VoyRising: When you undo things in rapid succession, it looks like the Nome King from Return to Oz
Chronomagistrate: The existential nightmare of the armchair architect
Nigouki: this is like trying to fix a route on google maps
Nigouki: you pick up the wrong point and start making some fucked up loop instead
SymphonySolstice: this the sound my spine makes after I get up from sitting all day at work
Shparky2197: I'm sorry that I'm cackling at your pain, Cam, but also a little not sorry
wedge_x: you've got a bright future ahead of you doing roto for vfx
Jturbobanana: looks GREAT!
Omthebox: The bricklayer had a few extra drinks at the end of the wall, its fine
iris_of_ether: Oh no
Nigouki: @SymphonySolstice Reminder to all to unshrimp
ArdCollider: someone left a coffee cup in the tiny glade scene
Shparky2197: Oh, the seventh circle of hell for VFX artists
Mangledpixel: oh, I saw that ad, it made me sad
Heckhoundbolt: The episode aired with that error
ArdCollider: I had to do something unorthodox for an HBO show the week after that got caught and I lived in *fear* of people being like "why does this not-GoT show look FUNNY this week"
BusTed: I also heard they went back and fixed it
bytecaster: Just leave it in and let the nerds figure out how it is canonical
SquareDotCube: the elven footsoldier wearing glasses in Return of the King
wedge_x: I've never delivered something as a fix for something already streaming, no sir, never happened >.>
TheMerricat: "After hawk-eyed viewers spotted an out-of-place coffee cup in Sunday night's episode of “Game of Thrones,” the show's creators quietly digitally removed the anachronism. The characters in the show drink wine and giant's milk, but apparently not coffee. The scene is now caffeine-less on HBO Go, which streams the show."
thedepthandbreadthofseth: hey @LoadingReadyRun . What kinda castle are we making?
bytecaster: A precise one
Trahas: No one will ever know if they fixed it after the episode aired as no one wants to rewatch the final season
Genasi_Gaming: this looks like a shrine to simple gods
TheMerricat: " Less than 48 hours after Episode 4 of Season 8 dropped, the cup was edited out of the scene on HBO's streaming platform, a spokeswoman confirmed."
Shparky2197: @thedepthandbreadthofseth apparently a cursed one
Nigouki: militarily indefensible or aesthetically indefensible?
SquareDotCube: Castle Bophades
iris_of_ether: I wonder if you could make a great secret tunnel with the castle leggies
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I mean, most things made online are indefensible these days.
Darleysam: vegetales
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Nigouki what about morally?
Mangledpixel: Unmentionables
Earthenone: Vegtablezz sounds like a vegietales origin myth
DrLigmaPhD: Secretes (seek-ret-eeze)
goatprince: yo we out here building manors or castles
iris_of_ether: CAM
Genasi_Gaming: there are no mistakes just happy accidents
thedepthandbreadthofseth: what about just Testikles?
Pulling the tower through itself really makes it seem to go flacid
SquareDotCube: If you make two very small, very stout towers and stack one on top of the other you would get a column in the gothic style
goatprince: can't relate
Nigouki: lmao
Omthebox: Edit Deez *blasted*
Shparky2197: Hi Matt
Marvoleath: !patreon
are you planing on making timelapse edits of your prodjects on here like some art people do?
gualdhar: I didn't know LRR was this kind of toxic workplace
Nigouki: inb4 LRR editors form a union
goatprince: i'm felling reproachful now
wedge_x: oh yeah, you're real vfx now
gualdhar: The editors should rise up and seize the means of producing content
goatprince: i'm feeling shamed and belittled
Genasi_Gaming: i geniuinely love this
Wolfstrike_NL: Time to fill a HR complaint
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Oh, G-d, is Beej HR?
Nigouki: @Wolfstrike_NL HR complaints can only be filed as a video, so need cooperation of all department :V
Shparky2197: The editor stick sent me
gualdhar: @thedepthandbreadthofseth for legal reasons, that is a joke. also true.
silenceaux: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Someone else used to be HR, but then the drop hit
SquareDotCube: Welcome to the former site of Wattle and Daub William's Surplus Lantern Warehouse
iris_of_ether: This game makes me want to run Dark Ages Mage again *which I deeply should not do*
Nigouki: God to earth: "Faster and more intense"
e_bloc: my sentiments exactly Cameron
Shparky2197: Imagine if you're working in the building as it's being constructed and deconstructed around you
Mangledpixel: this hut needs to be faster and with more intensity
bytecaster: One day, everybody just looses their appendix because regretted his decision to add it in just for funsies
bytecaster: *god regretted
SquareDotCube: I mean, they did that for real, they used an enamel pant and steel frame tiles
Nigouki: @bytecaster Noooooo! My gut biome backup!
SquareDotCube: and they did become the premise for the modern homes in Fallout 4
Shparky2197: It is very nice
me too
wedge_x: it's like my grandfather used to say, "It'll wear off what it doesn't need"
Genasi_Gaming: i do that every wednesday
ArdCollider: @Mangledpixel best note a project I was on ever got: "debris needs to be more chicken." took 72 hours for production to wrestle an explanation out of the director
goatprince: stones tumbling in the waves feels like it's grinding away at whatever migrain i have following me
Mangledpixel: today's fish is fish a la fish
erloas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
Thanks for subscribing, erloas! (Today's storm count: 44)
this ceramic crinkling is pretty good asmr
DrLigmaPhD: Nymphless behavior
ArdCollider: three days into it, production was like "he means more splintery"
e_bloc: bae window
Laserbeaks_Fury: More like a bae window
Shparky2197: A bay window is so bae
thedepthandbreadthofseth: you remind me of the bay.
Juliamon: to shreds, you say
Laserbeaks_Fury: jesus, stop using my braincell
DrLigmaPhD: @ArdCollider Were you midway through figuring out how to simulate atomized poultry?
e_bloc: @Laserbeaks_Fury it was my turn
BusTed: Slices of cheese
bytecaster: You guys have access to the brain cell?
epsilon_vee: good stewardship of the chat single collective braincell everyone
ArdCollider: I respect my limited sanity too much to be a Houdini simulations artist, Dr. L.
Wolfstrike_NL: It was mentioned earlier in chat, that if you drag a window to the ground, you get a proper door, for if you wanted to try that?
SquareDotCube: cheddar chaff
DrLigmaPhD: This is the cube bucket.
e_bloc: once in a while, multiple chatters get access to the collective braincell at once
edorian__ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
Thanks for subscribing, edorian__! (Today's storm count: 45)
Mangledpixel: the 'wheeb wheeb' control is being added to the next version of Blender
Nigouki: it's been a minute and I'm still struggling to imagine how "more splintery" can in any way be appropriate for chicken
im a fan of weeb weebs!
Genasi_Gaming: weep wqeep patch hype!
bytecaster: Blender is getting an anime control
Shparky2197: Oh, such a mood Cam
SymphonySolstice: chicken = running around chaotically = splintery??
bytecaster: Maybe you should download more ram then
Genasi_Gaming: i need more avant garde
SquareDotCube: There's three ways to subdivide in Blender and none of them are that great
DrLigmaPhD: This feels increasingly like a place you commune with the Fair Folk and/or engage in some intense political intrigue
Genasi_Gaming: take a window and drag it to the ground to make a door
Nigouki: noooo don't clear away the tall glass and flowers! now all the cigarette butts will be visible!
Dandyfloss: drag a window to the ground on a wall to make a door
Dandyfloss: or run a path at a wall
bytecaster: Doors are the windows of the floor after all
TheMerricat: @bytecaster Step 1. Set up your PC to use a large swap file. Step 2. Assign this swap file to a cloud drive. Step 3. PROFIT! You've just downloaded more RAM!
SquareDotCube: no that's trapdoors?
Utopos: Anything can be a door if you try hard enough to get through it
Genasi_Gaming: I helped!
iris_of_ether: I knew about the path through wall but not the window door drag, thank you
DrLigmaPhD: Windows are the doors of the unexpected.
Shparky2197: @themerricat and it runs so, so slowly
you can link windows too to make them have little washing lines
Mangledpixel: I do enjoy this game's scrungle
DrLigmaPhD: "I like the cut of your scrungle"
TheMerricat: So chat, this is a marvelous program, without a doubt. But... would you call it a game?
Laserbeaks_Fury: This makes me want to have a game that just adding greeble to spaceships
Dandyfloss: it's now a ruin
SquareDotCube: A shrine to embarrassment
Dandyfloss: environmental storytelling
Shparky2197: I think the game might be not defenestrating your computer after several hours of this
Riiiiiiis: how much area do you have access to?
Riiiiiiis: could you do an entire village?
bytecaster: @Riiiiiiis About a tiny glades worth
Riiiiiiis: thanks!
DrLigmaPhD: I'd secret away with my lover or plot an assassination here
wordnerdify: things are looking cute
PandaManVR: finding useless, abandoned, but well-established structures in the woods is just terrifying.
Dandyfloss: try linking some windows in that courtyard across it to make a washing line
Utopos: @TheMerricat No, but also I feel like trying to draw a hard line around "what is a game" is generally not a terribly useful endeavor (I say as though that wasn't half a chapter of my dissertation)
Dalrint subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Dalrint! (Today's storm count: 46)
TheMerricat: @PandaManVR Welcome to the Missouri countryside. So many abandoned farms just sitting out there left to rot.
jacqui_lantern234: im excited for more Cori Chaos >:3
PandaManVR: @TheMerricat well a abandoned farm in the woods is understandable, but just a lone archway or staircase to nothing is so offputting
Juliamon: PandaManVR I am reminded that I still have never visited Madame Sherri's castle ruins despite living nearish to it.
New meta game chat. Cori Chaoses a scene, then hands the controls to Cam to fix without just doing a Cntl-A, DEL.
bytecaster: Why would you try to fix perfection?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I want the part of the game where you unleash the ravening hordes and their massive siege weapons raze it to ash.
Juliamon: (also known as "the Stairway to Heaven")
bytecaster: Maybe this game can have a cross over with Besieged
jacqui_lantern234: i would never dream of stopping Cori from achieving maximum chaos
jacqui_lantern234: its one of my goals in life to encourage it
I_Am_Clockwork subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 123 months!
I_Am_Clockwork: “123 months, that sounds like the kind of password an idiot would put on their luggage!” -Something Something Spaceballs
Thanks for subscribing, I_Am_Clockwork! (Today's storm count: 47)
Shparky2197: @juliamon just looked that up, that seems really cool. I should try and get a photo of the Catapult to Heaven that's about 10 minutes north of Cooma
an_archist2: baa
Shparky2197: Baaaa
jacqui_lantern234: baaaaa
Juliamon: enjoy these happy sheep sounds while you can
Shparky2197: It's a crawl door
GasCityGaming: are you turtle-y enough for the turtle door?
spethycakes: to the the wall?
GasCityGaming: So Windows ME?
iris_of_ether: Floor windows!
an_archist2: The windows of the floor are the soles of the feet
Drammses subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months, currently on a 108 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Drammses! (Today's storm count: 48)
DrLigmaPhD: Time for wizard's tower?
iris_of_ether: Oh god, Windows ME actually destroyed my partner's monitor back in the day
Juliamon: *the* bath stuff
SquareDotCube: Getting into Hadrian's Tomb there
Utopos: Heck yeah, bath stuff!
iris_of_ether: Oooh, fancy
accountmadeforants: Oooooh, look at you (genuinely, good for you)
goatprince: baa
Laserbeaks_Fury: So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the *fourth* one stayed up!
SquareDotCube: (AKA Castel Sant'Angelo)
wedge_x: Yurt Simulator 2024
DrLigmaPhD: Its a butt?
Chronomagistrate: @DrLigmaPhD Well, it has buttresses (probably)
DrLigmaPhD: @Chronomagistrate They call me The Flying Buttress
iris_of_ether: Grim
GasCityGaming: new nightmare *unlocked*
Laserbeaks_Fury: Pile enough peopl eon, I'm sure you'll extrude through the other side
Dandyfloss: how very Saw of you
Laserbeaks_Fury: ohh I suddenly flashed to a Witness pusszle when I saw that
GasCityGaming: gonna stack them archers
Shparky2197: Cosy windows
Karl256: dammit Cameron
DrLigmaPhD: I thought you were making Loss
VoyRising: legit disturbed by those windows
Karl256: I wasn't thinking about it till you said it
Dandyfloss: make the LRR logo
loufghyslaufey: Weh?
Unas84 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
Unas84: oooh, lithomancy!
Thanks for subscribing, Unas84! (Today's storm count: 49)
Shparky2197: Definitely what faces look like
accountmadeforants: This is some Ico-lookin architecture
Laserbeaks_Fury: Tetris board
KeytarCat: I know this game from the creator who made (is making?) a scale model of Monstadt, the starting town in Genshin impact
Shparky2197: I want a building with 2 foot high ceilings. I might be a burrowing animal in disguise.
GasCityGaming: This brand new only basement suite!
GasCityGaming: no house, just suite
an_archist2: and shingles
loufghyslaufey: Where's the flora floor?
Dandyfloss: floor roof = floof!
iris_of_ether: That's apartment living
@an_archist2 hot shingles in your area
DrLigmaPhD: Try floor, but roof?
accountmadeforants: Holy wow that's rad
goatprince: i'm entering sickos mode
PipeSmokingOwl: the old gods demand a ziggurat!
Shparky2197: We making a sort of ziggurat now
Dandyfloss: @PipeSmokingOwl five hundred ziggurats
TheAwkes: Challenge level: hobbit hole.
@accountmadeforants YOURE rad
Shparky2197: I would 100%live in a hobbit hole
accountmadeforants: Now use it to make one of those stepwells with the stairs that form neat little diamond shapes
Dandyfloss: i would easily leave kids alone
DrLigmaPhD: This game or on this property?
accountmadeforants: @jacqui_lantern234 A likely story
SquareDotCube: "demon core"
NorthstarTex: yes
Dandyfloss: OOOHH
@accountmadeforants yes, it IS highly likely that youre rad
DrLigmaPhD: Myself as a kid would have the best time and then a mild to severe concussion.
Dandyfloss: ducks!
novrdd: Ducks
NorthstarTex: quack!
Shparky2197: Yet another game played here added to my wishlist.
KeytarCat: Hi Jacqui, ILoveYouNoTagBacks!
DrLigmaPhD: Trans castle?
Dandyfloss: birthday cake!
SquareDotCube: yeah you can make entire towns out of this if you want
goatprince: 'is it a castle or a mansion?' 'it's a good estate, sir'
KeytarCat: In this world it's a weeding cake!
@KeytarCat good thing this is combat, not tag. i love you MOST times the largest infinity
SquareDotCube: medieval era mcMansion
Shparky2197: I would like to receive cake for weeding
Shparky2197: I should buy a cake as reward for house chores
Dandyfloss: i like making the tiniest house possible, it's just a tiny shed with a door for a wall
KeytarCat: I've built those before! 🤣
Shparky2197: I like all the wood clonks. They are all nice sounds
GasCityGaming: what mods though?
iris_of_ether: Mezzanine is a great album
SquareDotCube: You have to do some fuckery with how it does rooms
itira: Sims 4 is doodoo for building compared with sims 3 imo. but i just really miss the customization of 3
Utopos: You can have a mezzanine as a floor or a roof as a floor, but not both.
iris_of_ether: Crying a single Teardrop
wedge_x: super bon bon, super bon bon
iris_of_ether: !?!
Omthebox: Cure Album at home, Down With the Sickness
SquareDotCube: Anyhow Tiny Glade is probably going to be the bar for the next Sims, if there's ever a Sims 5
SquareDotCube: gridless building
DrLigmaPhD: The trapdoors on that rof are primes for some Scooby Doo chase bullshit
TheAwkes: I wish that room was south facing... *spins continent*
ArdCollider: the deluxe digital release of the new Cure album in their store is $5 and has five bonus live tracks on it.
am i one of these lanterns getting thrown out, cori?!
Utopos: I wish I could change the orientation of my land plot in real life instead of just waiting for polar drift.
ArdCollider: in case anyone was going to grab that
LathosTiran: google drive swap file, infinate RAM
Laserbeaks_Fury: Don't want Creepers spawning
DrLigmaPhD: Imagine you approach a castle and find the owner just went sicko mode with lamps. Whad do you even do?
Utopos: Do you want ents? Because that's how you get ents.
NorthstarTex: so where do the hobbits go?
Laserbeaks_Fury: let me guess, 2 forsts
jacqui_lantern234: that made me snort laugh
SquareDotCube: 0/10 not enough sniper closets
an_archist2: twee-dsm
Laserbeaks_Fury: Just need some Warhammer figs
Omthebox: That would be so sick
wedge_x: tilt shift is one of those optical effects that make me look at my brain funny
Cameron, stop giving me ideas that will make me poor!
you could totally use this as a map builder for DnD aswell!
iris_of_ether: Yeah I need to get my venting solution going for the 3D printer....
SquareDotCube: It's why I feel like an industrial-punk version of this would be great for 40K map planners
Nigouki: oh no, please ungoo the lens
GasCityGaming: who sneezed on the lens?
Laserbeaks_Fury: AI proofing
Shparky2197: This seems like a delightful experience
Omthebox: Shooting armies eat your hearts out
goatprince: how big can you make a hill tho
KaleidoscopeMind: the hill can be however big. only the glade needs to be tiny
TheAwkes: Just quickly throwing together the farm that the gnolls are attacking.
Laserbeaks_Fury: how high will it let you deform the terrain?
Mangledpixel: the vaseline look
GasCityGaming: For my dad's birthday my parents bought a carrot cake from Costco... it weighed 4 lbs
GasCityGaming: I now have 2 lbs of carrot cake in ym freezer
iris_of_ether: My celiac has unfortunately saved me from Costco desserts, which is a mixed thing for me....
Dandyfloss: you can overlap buildings for that
goatprince: i loved it when they started dorming
iris_of_ether: Costco just deadass has a 5lb chocolate cake
isnt it great!?
iris_of_ether: That's so good!
Utopos: That's pretty darn slick
NorthstarTex: this feature is amazing.
Nigouki: D:
IanAllenBird: whoa
PipeSmokingOwl: and now the dawn of time
Dandyfloss: woah that's neat
Nigouki: the maps are actually made wtih the game isntead of any dev tools
Dandyfloss: now put it back how they did it
Nigouki: NEAT!
Shparky2197: These Devs deserve my money when I have money to throw at them
ImposterArchitect subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ImposterArchitect! (Today's storm count: 50)
Dandyfloss: i love how un-serious this game is, it knows it's here for a good time and shows it
goatprince: do you have enough hubris to build a tower of babel?
TheAwkes: No buttes about it.
DrLigmaPhD: It's dawning on me that this is also possibly named Cairn Craft
goatprince: it's a type of outhouse
Nigouki: ever just spill your bricks off a cliff and they form perfect walls?
can't have an avalanche if you build one yourself
Laserbeaks_Fury: you gotta leave a gap for stealth characters
Dandyfloss: i'd play this elden ring level
ArdCollider: if enclosure of the commons worked in stunning real-time 3D in 12th-century England maybe nothing would've gotten actually done by all those dudes doing the enclosing.
DrLigmaPhD: The hills have eyes, the walls have fingers, but the buffs are on a waiting list for a new kidney.
DrLigmaPhD: bbluffs*
Lord_Hosk: When you are finished building your house... could you build me a house. If you have time?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Fort McDonald
GasCityGaming: I cut up an old credit card and license over the last few days, very satisfying with good scissors
satyropodobny: If we do good enough job with the tiny glade do we get upgraded to medium glade
Shparky2197: I'm not sure if anything the build would pass the building codes, Hosk
GasCityGaming: I did an essay on the influence of the crusades on medieval European castle design in Uni, realizing I could do things with this game....
wildpeaks: question is, can we draw a horse with it
DrLigmaPhD: @Shparky2197 Neither do most affordable appartments, so what?
GasCityGaming: I'm not sure if it's still up but I believe this game had a demon on Steam last I checked for those who want to try!
Dandyfloss: @GasCityGaming demon D:
DrLigmaPhD: Is the demon single?
@Dandyfloss daemon?
Laserbeaks_Fury: do the walls have a thickness slider?
Shparky2197: I was very confused for a bit about what demon this game has. I'm very vague, thanks antibiotics
xantos69: Hey kids. What's the deal with this game?
Lol, I'm sure people know, but it had a demo*
Laserbeaks_Fury: Just gotta teach oxen to jus spiral stairs
GasCityGaming: I blame my work keyboard
Thandres subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Thandres! (Today's storm count: 51)
Dandyfloss: super imposing castle, pink paint
KeytarCat: One of those archers gets to take a nap
wildpeaks: even evil lairs can be cozy
DrLigmaPhD: In fairness the idea that the marble turns black in times of war is cool as fuck
Shparky2197: I wonder how far you can overhang
GasCityGaming: Ugh, it even has snap fitting, and it can be easily toggled, qol things in this are amazing!
PipeSmokingOwl: bay window attic reading nook??
CaptainSpam: I was picturing that "Yes... yes!" in the style of The Onion's "Sickos" character.
Dandyfloss: new challenge, make something look bad on purpose
CaptainSpam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
Thanks for subscribing, CaptainSpam! (Today's storm count: 52)
GasCityGaming: One thing I do wish snap to fit games had was a 'snap to center' option
TheAwkes: No architects in this world, just earnest builders with a lack of measuring equipment.
KaleidoscopeMind: more spontaneous
LiveFaust: Industry standard terminology. Nod
vanman229: No gods, No Kings, No Grids
Nigouki: I hope they make some DLC where you can play as a hipster who buys these century old houses and renovated them with vinyl windows
GasCityGaming: Love the aesthetic of things not being exact, but sometimes just my brain goes "that's not centered"
DrLigmaPhD: IDK why this is remindng me I want the Giza Lego set
KaleidoscopeMind: also *insert something about how grids and measurement were assertions of power*
GasCityGaming: This is fantastic
Dandyfloss: can add some round buildings on corners for towers
invickthus: oh damn, that audio though.
DrLigmaPhD: Ah, the shitter
PipeSmokingOwl: a mans romance venue
PipeSmokingOwl: beholding yon forrest
TheAwkes: A Lord's Romance
Shparky2197: Definitely give it so many window
ZombieHendrix: the shitter overlooking town so everyone can hear you
KeytarCat: I saw something about an outhouse yesdterday, now what was it? /j
Dandyfloss: how tall can you make a door? is there a limit?
DrLigmaPhD: Prime pond space right there
Shparky2197: @keytarcat my brain just went, "an in-house outhouse", and I'm not sure why I find that phrase so funny
TheAwkes: Can you nudge with arrow keys or wasd when moving points?
TheAwkes: Stealing from us our most powerful tools.
Dandyfloss: @TheAwkes someone's played satisfactory
TheAwkes: @Dandyfloss Not even once.
Dandyfloss: ah fair, that's a feature there
Dandyfloss: can you add a lil chimney
Shparky2197: Do the buildings have any interior features?
Dandyfloss: @Shparky2197 sadly not
DrLigmaPhD: The Noobliette
KaleidoscopeMind: they do have inferior features though
Dandyfloss: wait really? i thought they were just hollow
TheAwkes: A fire in every room, just to feel alive.
Shparky2197: Interior features left as an exercise to the imagination of the viewer
Dandyfloss: this tower is for peeking into the top of the outhouse
KaleidoscopeMind: inFerior, not inTerior
Dandyfloss: skibidi toy-lets
Shparky2197: Consumerism!
iris_of_ether: I have seen Skibidis in Targets
Morrigan9: sell out for xmas '24
GasCityGaming: I mean, do i get my nephew the toilet people for christmas?
KeytarCat: Bring this Skib to yon sigma
@Cptasparagus OOF
Cptasparagus: NO
neisan2112: Guess we have Gary's Mod merch now
Dandyfloss: skibidi beej when
pin when???
Lysander_salamander: Hello everyone
Shparky2197: We're all adults, being adults, yes
gualdhar: Shrektaur Toilet when?
iris_of_ether: I probably could. Maybe.
GasCityGaming: Do kind of want a man's romance shirt in the style of the road quest shirt though
TheAwkes: Totally normal, not at all cursed, toilets.
KaleidoscopeMind: but it's different when beej makes it
Shparky2197: @gascitygaming seconded, that'd be sweet
iris_of_ether: I'll not point out that Ian definitely found a 3D Man's Romance model
GasCityGaming: The thrimney
PipeSmokingOwl: the great hearth
Dandyfloss: i can smell the smog from here yum
Shparky2197: Chimney on the outhouse
GasCityGaming: pour que no los dos?
iris_of_ether: Please investigate fiber!!!
Lysander_salamander: this seems like a fun game
KaleidoscopeMind: the throne toilet is where the fuel comes from
Genasi_Gaming: i wish i cold live in such a place
Shparky2197: Bricks ignore physics
DrLigmaPhD: The outhouse actually provides biofuel
Dandyfloss: folding bricks
SurfDownstage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months, currently on a 56 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, SurfDownstage! (Today's storm count: 53)
Dandyfloss: try doing water at the top of the cliff then run a path down the cliff through it?
Lysander_salamander: our house-bog
Heckhoundbolt: how do we get in?
DrLigmaPhD: So you can have a stereotypically dramatic death?
Shparky2197: Dappled farm light looks awesome
Shparky2197: Dawn*
Lysander_salamander: maybe it's a moor or saltmarsh
Genasi_Gaming: game keepers hut
iris_of_ether: My sister used to work in the Limnology department of a college. They named the field vehicle the Limnozine
Dandyfloss: even further outhouse
Utopos: Covered bridge?
Shparky2197: I go nap now. Bye chat
Dandyfloss: needs a path through the water under it to lift the bridge
Heckhoundbolt: i think if you put path under the bridge, it could open up so the water gies through, but idk if tht would work
Dandyfloss: oh it's too low for that hm
silenceaux: Last time you had a path as well.
PipeSmokingOwl: it was path not window wasnt it
PipeSmokingOwl: jaja
Genasi_Gaming: make a gamekeepers hut
PipeSmokingOwl: fighting arena for the ninjas
Nigouki: and this is where the constituents are forced to knife fight before being allowed to address us
I_Am_Clockwork: some sort of ritual dias
wildpeaks: just happy accidents
accountmadeforants: @PipeSmokingOwl As you can see, they're already hard at work practicing!
Dandyfloss: oooh needs a veranda
xantos69: "I'm experimenting with roundness"
Genasi_Gaming: a battleground of the damned
Nigouki: just a casual Council of Elrond hangout
Lysander_salamander: is there a gibbet option?
silenceaux: Constructing the most dangerous foe?
Lysander_salamander: This is a cool diorama simulator
accountmadeforants: It'll be the site of the world's most precise sundial
Heckhoundbolt: looked up how to do bridge, You were on the right track. other than making the sides of the river higher or tediously placing multiple buildings, there is no way to get an arched bridge
wildpeaks: brain empty, just vibes
Lysander_salamander: can you do a sunken floor in the middle?
Nigouki: the ceremonial smoker
Dandyfloss: there's an alolan wheezing under there
gralamin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
gralamin: Woot 127 months!
Thanks for subscribing, gralamin! (Today's storm count: 54)
accountmadeforants: Anyone from outside this nice square border
Heckhoundbolt: can you walk the grounds?
Dandyfloss: CUTE!!
Dandyfloss: i did not know about this camera mode
PipeSmokingOwl: it is going to be lovely when we put a grill out there in the summer
Dandyfloss: that feel when the impenetrable wall is impenetrable
Nigouki: I've been to Ao3, nothing is impregnable
Mangledpixel: truely impreggers
wildpeaks: also more animals, even if the shee are lovely already
wildpeaks: *sheeps
gualdhar: nope
Utopos: No thanks
gualdhar: nope nope nope
BlackIsis: oh no.
Laurence72: That's a type of computer file, riht?
TheAwkes: Fortress-chan looking kinda... I'm not going to finish that.
JusticeJuice: We should explain it to Adam right?
PipeSmokingOwl: @TheAwkes like a brickhouse?
Dandyfloss: what's the name of the boss in this castle?
Laurence72: Depends on the internet access, tgh
Dandyfloss: i love the MASSIVE house, TINY door
MAPBoardgames: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Amanda the Explorer 2) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (1:02 from now).
GasCityGaming: Craigdarroch does have a nice yard/garden
Laurence72: "Man, I was fooled! I was told I would have a corner office, and then they put me in a round tower!"
Heckhoundbolt: And Cameron claimed he had no imagination earlier
Lord_Hosk: That disconnect isn't giving me the weeeblys at all
nyoomgoom: gesundheit
PipeSmokingOwl: to the chamber!
GasCityGaming: gezundheit
BlackIsis: Only the classiest streams here on LRR
BITs19_: just got here. Is this like a more advanced Townscaper? Diorama creation with procedural details?
BITs19_: sweet!
Wellbot1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Wellbot1! (Today's storm count: 55)
Juliamon: immersion ruined
CaptainSpam: Did they blow a hole through the moon?
DrLigmaPhD: It's unrealistic until my moon-laser is operational
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I have no problem with someone having taken a big ol chomp outta the moon in the Tiny Glades universe.
Lysander_salamander: sorry about your cake
jadielady: take it easy y'all!
KaleidoscopeMind: heads and tails
xantos69: I am rooting for both of you.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Take care @loadingreadyrun
Nigouki: good thing we build that shitter
Lysander_salamander: have a good evening!
Lord_Hosk: 10 more hours 10 more hours!
wildpeaks: well taht's a review
silenceaux: The most ringing endorsement
accountmadeforants: Tiny stream for a tiny glade, it's appropriate
Hope that gets better
accountmadeforants: I want goats to show up in just the weirdest places
DrLigmaPhD: Develop that into an idle screen for your computer
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @amentur I'm gonna assume that, eventually, it will. It may however, get worse first
Nigouki: at least it's not .jfif
PipeSmokingOwl: only jiffifys
Amentur: @thedepthandbreadthofseth That too shall pass
wildpeaks: shuffling
accountmadeforants: That's every character creator, though I am glad some of them include multiple lighting options nowadays
MAPBoardgames: The old Shepard Shuffle
Invitare: Veilguard unlocks re-customising almost immediately
Invitare: they learned
wildpeaks: there are people who made gaussian splats of their tiny glades
Juliamon: I like the sound of it, whatever it is
Juliamon: you didn't
DrLigmaPhD: She gauss on my splat until I
Invitare: that's what happens when you shoot someone with a railgun
Lord_Hosk: Welcome to talking sim... we are going offline
TheMerricat: Gaussian splatting is a volume rendering technique that deals with the direct rendering of volume data without converting the data into surface or line primitives.[1] The technique was originally introduced as splatting by Lee Westover in the early 1990s
Someone Ded?
accountmadeforants: Townscaper does let you export things for 3D printing. And the dev wanted to do it for this game but apparently it's difficult because a lot of the models aren't really models in a traditional sense, they're weird deforms/shader the GPU is doing.
DrLigmaPhD: Actually great for DnD terrain
Utopos: That makes a lot of sense, actually
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Riandisa: Thanks for the stream!
wildpeaks: welcome to The Future
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Amanda the Explorer 2) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (49m from now).
GasCityGaming: Adam's gonna do something!
Juliamon: Stay tuned
Nigouki: D:
GasCityGaming: what, we don't know
wildpeaks: byye, thanks for the stream
Nigouki: Gremlin O'Clock?
Invitare: sorry is that Jordynne or Jordon?
DrLigmaPhD: SMH, literal filler game
nyoomgoom: sushi mentioned. instantly craves sushi
Juliamon: they are done with it
Knights in Tight Places? I thiiink?
Lysander_salamander: like tactical breach wizards?
Juliamon: Heather said they need to update that
BlackIsis: knights in kite faces
iconicshadow89 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Thanks for subscribing, iconicshadow89! (Today's storm count: 56)
Lysander_salamander: yay
nyoomgoom: muffin ate the fork too
wildpeaks: delicious subs
50 Bits!
loufghyslaufey: "Now Kiss" from the earlin' day returning segment for four-see-somble future? Guessing?
Juliamon: loufghyslaufey It was a one-off bonus episode
muffin demands more offerings
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
I_Am_Clockwork: bye!
wedge_x: o/
Metric_Furlong: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: consciousness and it wishes it weren't a box
Reset scrolling