ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a softened flute tube
SaxPython: @digitalseahorse big same!
Juliamon: not now Mozart, this is a sponsored stream
Laurence72: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! #Sponsored Stream! Game: Luffy's Bento Panic) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (1m ago).
Laurence72: I am all set to help LRR get more sponseled things to show
kusinohki: Meows
jvetting83 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
Thanks for subscribing, jvetting83! (Today's storm count: 61)
DaSunao subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Thanks for subscribing, DaSunao! (Today's storm count: 62)
RIAXIS subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
Thanks for subscribing, RIAXIS! (Today's storm count: 63)
kusinohki: always roll ads... never biscuit ads
MostExcellentHat subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
MostExcellentHat: fancy
Thanks for subscribing, MostExcellentHat! (Today's storm count: 64)
zimmercj subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
Thanks for subscribing, zimmercj! (Today's storm count: 65)
LoadingReadyRun: everyone hear the music?
Juliamon: yep
DeM0nFiRe: Yes
kusinohki: still in an ad, but was hearing music before that
DigitalSeahorse: wait, is contigo the tumbler drink container that's toxic? I have a poor memory for these things if they're still advertised
DeM0nFiRe: (the BGC music specifically)
Juliamon: right, this is the first studio C stream since DB
Earthenone: when i unmuted i half expected ian to be doing the one piece rap
SaxPython: @earthenone Shhhh Spoilers!
kusinohki: I know some "we are" and some "crazy rainbow star", but that's about it
jvetting83: Gum Gum Boardgame?
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: I enjoy the English covers of We Are from AmaLee and NathanSharp.
TheWanderingNomad: Oh hadn't seen the new AFK Intro!
DigitalSeahorse: wait
letfireraindown subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months, currently on a 59 month streak!
letfireraindown: EXCELLENT!
Thanks for subscribing, letfireraindown! (Today's storm count: 66)
definenull: yay!
DigitalSeahorse: oh
definenull: new intro!
Diabore: jacob!
Strebenherz: Graham with the VHS in hand xD
TheWanderingNomad: Oh that's a NEW NEW intro!
red_shoes_jeff: J A C O B
Strebenherz: Wait which game has been discontinued?
SquareDotCube: X-Wing
Shadowsoflife: Hey Jacob
NorthstarTex: good evening everyone, who is going to become the king of the pirats?
xVeinFirex: So this is how Jacob starts watching one piece
NorthstarTex: pirates*
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: do we still need a reshoot of crossing the streams?
Juliamon: TheWanderingNomad Technically since October, but October got the special spoopy version
Strebenherz: Good evenin lovely peeps!
Earthenone: !patreon
DeM0nFiRe: Hello!
SnackPak_: we did this
Shadowsoflife: We did this
itira subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
red_shoes_jeff: !sponsoled
Thanks for subscribing, itira! (Today's storm count: 67)
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I'm sorry
kynelwynn: Matt. Matt, honey. The memo
DeM0nFiRe: You'll never be able to prove it in court!
Laurence72: Mwuhahahahaha!!!
couchboyj: I will be king of pirate!
chrisvonclause subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 79 months!
xVeinFirex: Oh so this is how Jacob starts watching One Piece
Thanks for subscribing, chrisvonclause! (Today's storm count: 68)
I'm part of the problem!
Strebenherz: Pft
Laurence72: Oooh!... Awww =(
nyoomgoom: wheeze
Shadowsoflife: @xVeinFirex maybe
ThorSokar: Dang I was about to check WikiFeet
baltimore_667083: oh hello Jacob!
Juliamon: !sponsor
We're playing the One Piece social bluffing game, Luffy's Bento Box! Outsmart your neighbors to get the most food before Luffy strikes and takes it all! Available on Amazon here https://lrr.cc/luffysbento
nyoomgoom: professional!
definenull: just the one?
kusinohki: an unrelated jacob_burgess_69 only fans account suddenly gets 500 new subs...
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: “oh-nee-pee-chay”
SnackPak_: I'm with Matt and Nelson
Xenguin47: I'm surprised!
Jacob is gonna get a nosebleed before this stream ends
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: “as vice president of the anime club, y’all have been pronouncing the names wrong!”
couchboyj: And Sanji was Sunkist
im shocked!
niccus: luffy is that one joke from sonic 06 right
definenull: isn't that the sponge you use in the shower?
jessieimproved: @Joy_Stix_DragQueen Dot *haurgh* *haurgh* sign
Gekyouryuu: it's canon
Laurence72: And a thousand episodes to spend a few weeks watching
TheWanderingNomad: @jessieimproved Inuyaya
Shadowsoflife: it's over 1000 chapters
djalternative: stopping soon™
Juliamon: Oda contractually cannot let it stop
lamina5432: 1100 episodes
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: hasn’t the manga concluded yet?
kusinohki: reminded of a story of VA auditioning for tony tony chopper with a motorcycle gang voice...
Strebenherz: @Joy_Stix_DragQueen nope, though big story beats are happening
RatherLargeToad: predates HD
djalternative: good choice of words, Ian
SnackPak_: oh yeah, the game
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: I must be thinking of some other large-ish series that ended recently.
djalternative: right, the game
spo8n: who gets to be the boat?
RatherLargeToad: Panic! At the Luffy!
kusinohki: one piece merch is like a full % point of Japan's GDP
Gotta eat it before Luffy takes everything
Laurence72: So, mutants have an advantage then?
kusinohki: robin not appearing in the game. too many hands
chaostreader: Jacob is Brook. that tracks.
jessieimproved: So this is a rowdy party game got it
SaxPython: I just hope someone gets to tell Jacob to "Eat the Bread". Prepare for Kindness!
kusinohki: is this a more family friendly version of cash and guns??
Earthenone: so how many turns until we get into the prisioners dilema
Xenguin47: Heather
red_shoes_jeff: @kusinohki Robin learned quick to get her own table away from this, so as not to get kicked out with the rest of them.
SnackPak_: radians of pizza
Getter404: Oh damn, the Kirkland run-in
Xenguin47: I feel like Heather would win out of spite?
ProcyonFlynn: With the bun and toppings? Or just the hotdog?
nyoomgoom: i feel like jacob and ian are about to schedule a sushi dinner to gauge this objectively
LoadingReadyRun: Robin is in the game. Not playing right now, though
kusinohki: stop ruining my bad jokes paul!
jvetting83: Jinbei?
Strebenherz: @kusinohki I mean I can totes see her getting a table of her own
SaxPython: Arby's!
kynelwynn: No Carrot?
Laurence72: Shiny meat? That IS Arby's!
red_shoes_jeff: He can smell it!
kusinohki: meat with a bone through it!
Getter404: Sweet, sweet Wall Chicken
DaxStrife: Does Luffy get the meat-sweats?
kusinohki: somehow the bone makes it taste better??
KakuEpsilon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
Thanks for subscribing, KakuEpsilon! (Today's storm count: 69)
Getter404: Oh so it's a Don't Wake Daddy
Earthenone: 3,2,1,go,shoot got it
Easilycrazyhat: Bey-brain
kynelwynn: Yeah, when AFBeyblade?
SaxPython: Let it Rip!
drrek0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months, currently on a 38 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, drrek0! (Today's storm count: 70)
Earthenone: not tangerines?
Getter404: 45 degrees!
djalternative: Chopper's a doc, not a dentist
kusinohki: he ate the human human fruit
djalternative: Matt's playing Himbo
djalternative: I mean Zoro
TheSeg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheSeg! (Today's storm count: 71)
Simbionis: surprised Zoro's favourite food isn't sake
Strebenherz: Jacob: Neurons activated
Getter404: Sanji, with easily the most problematic time skip upgrade
Dog_of_Myth: Nice Paul
SnackPak_: is this The Rock style cooking?
red_shoes_jeff: He uses his hands for cooking, and his feet for kicking.
OldUncleDan: So Sanji is the "I've discovered a new recipe" character of this show.
sogeking is a show worth watching
Lysander_salamander: Hello everyone
djalternative: if you have 4 months of free time
Nigouki: oh man, imagine enough free time for One Piece
kusinohki: is usopp lying about his favorite food??
Oscelot: o/ chat
Shadowsoflife: o/
gualdhar: I can't believe we're getting Bite Club two days this week!
cosmosrules: @Earthenone His theme is the best music in the show bar none
SaxPython: Too Juicy
Getter404: Dry Ones
Dog_of_Myth: Jerky
Oscelot: Powder Ones
Shadowsoflife: Of course Nami fave is oranges
TheAwkes: Meat too dry? Try Thicc Tang™!
Nigouki: make a pinchy emote 🦀
tehfewl: is the audio low for anyone else?
Shadowsoflife: It's fine here @tehfewl
Oscelot: not for me at least
KeytarCat: LRR mixes their content lower than a lot of folks, but it's normal LRR volume for me
BlueFingers5: Matt, don't you mean jelly donuts?
do we have a silly hat to put on the captain or the overlay of the captain?
Jacob, how can you eat, you don't even have a stomach?
Oscelot: “I need to start eating” all us ADD people about 4pm
OldUncleDan: So, why don't we want Luffy to wake up? Seems kinda cruel to eat all the food and exclude him.
DrLigmaPhD: Did everyone pick their characters or was it random?
josh___something: IT a JACOB!
Easilycrazyhat: Don't meat the people
Oscelot: meat n’ greet
Heckhoundbolt: @OldUncleDan I think he eats all the food in the show when he shows up
Gekyouryuu: @OldUncleDan I think it's less eating all the food and more trying to eat ANY food before Luffy eats it all
OldUncleDan: Ah... So like Natsu, Naruto, Goku, etc.
Easilycrazyhat: Jacob how could you
cosmosrules: This is post timeskip, so hasn't Luffy by now learned to eat and sleep at the same time?
Heckhoundbolt: *Chopper meme with Cori face*
Oscelot: RIP cotton candy, we barely tasted ye
Earthenone: i assume that ability is why we need 3 wake ups to end the game
Earthenone: welcome to the feed bag
SaxPython: Stefan has been to Bag
Shadowsoflife: @cosmosrules given Jimbe a character maybe
Gekyouryuu: actually, speaking of Boruto's dad: fun fact! unless I was lied to, I recently learned that the reason Sanji's eyebrows have swirls is because he was originally going to be named Naruto, but then the Naruto manga started before Sanji was introduced.
Oscelot: oh NO @strebenherz
cosmosrules: @Shadowsoflife He's in the game!
Strebenherz: Well jacob's deded
Oscelot: *snerk*
Shadowsoflife: @cosmosrules Yeah, so it could be post timeshkip
KeytarCat: 1, meat, 2, 4
BrowneePointz: Mugiwara no L-oadingreadyrun
Strebenherz: seeing the not a drop to drink players, i'm now imagining vampires at an all you can eat buffet. /chaos/
DrLigmaPhD: Who wants crabs?
SaxPython: Uh oh. Juicy!
Dog_of_Myth: Yeah, saw this demoed at GenCon. It looked fun.
cosmosrules: @Shadowsoflife It is based on the designs on the character cards. Chopper has his new hat, Zoro missing an eye, Sanji's hair covering his other eye, Usopp being buff are all post timeskip
Jacob's trying to play a completely different game. he's out here trying to speed grow a bunch of trees in Minecraft. after all, everything on his plate is a... Bone Meal.
Nigouki: You laughing now Jacob but just wait until everyone figures out the game and gets competitive. Blood will be spilled tonight.
SaxPython: Channeling my inner Rayfk
orrie104 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
orrie104: 54 months! That's a full deck of cards plus jokers!
Oscelot: @strebenherz just a whole pack of Olivers
Thanks for subscribing, orrie104! (Today's storm count: 72)
Strebenherz: @Gekyouryuu A+
OldUncleDan: Doesn't Cori and Ian cancel.
Oscelot: @gekyouryuu ow lol
Shadowsoflife: @cosmosrules Oh yeah.
BrowneePointz: Chat who is your favorite Straw Hat? There’s no wrong answer(besides Sanji)*
Oscelot: Desert Bus night watch brainrot is real. I was like “wait why didn’t she say go shoot?”
BrowneePointz: *for legal reasons this is sarcasm
Strebenherz: Usopp possibly
Shadowsoflife: Franky cool
BrowneePointz: I’m a pretty big Usopp fan
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz SUPER!
Blip2004: elbows? full on fights happen
Lysander_salamander: I should watch the rest of Slayers. And read the books.
BrowneePointz: Franky is goated with the sauce
OldUncleDan: My favorite Straw Hat was the one Dad gave me when I was a kid when we went fishing.
Orxolon: good evening everyone
Shadowsoflife: o/
Oscelot: o/ @orxolon
Orxolon: o/
BrowneePointz: I’m also a big Brooks fan
Shadowsoflife: @Oscelot They talk about that durining the rules
Oscelot: @shadowsoflife Hah x3 I came in late so I missed that.
cosmosrules: Lotta Franky and Usopp fans here. You people have excellent taste.
BusTed: Feast!
Earthenone: many foods
Easilycrazyhat: XDXD
BrowneePointz: YKnow Jacob would be Brooks, slightly macabre, contagious laugh, likely owns a sword Katana
KeytarCat: Cheevo GET
Shadowsoflife: @Oscelot They said that cause Ian mostly
BrowneePointz: a cane katana*
ElektroTal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
ElektroTal: 95 is such a big number
Thanks for subscribing, ElektroTal! (Today's storm count: 73)
Cptasparagus: some of them rip off and leave the holder behind
BrowneePointz: also chat if you haven’t watch the Netflix live action One Piece, it’s INCREDIBLY good
Getter404: Eat your hamburgers, Apollo
Cptasparagus: you have to pull it weirdly though
Shadowsoflife: I need to find that @BrowneePointz
couchboyj: @browneepointz I could see that, but I can't, because I dont have any eyes! Yo ho ho ho!
cosmosrules subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
cosmosrules: One Piece is a very good reason to resub
Thanks for subscribing, cosmosrules! (Today's storm count: 74)
BrowneePointz: Jacob would have no bones about that, except for, he’s all bones. YO HO HO!
Earthenone: welcome to good bagger, home of the good bagger
couchboyj: Jinbe is in too, also not being played
couchboyj: They showed the thre they aren't using earlier
Cptasparagus: phrasing
BrowneePointz: I’d say Graham is Jinbe
josh___something: Ooh, nelly with the nail polish
Earthenone: a meat train
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to baag! They have given 1593 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, baag! (Today's storm count: 75)
Pharmacistjudge: Jinbe was interesting. because Jinbe had no iconography unlike the rest of the straw hats. Kessco had to invent it.
Strebenherz: Amazing
Blip2004: the snowballing meat pile
Getter404: It's musical chairs but for Slim Jims
Strebenherz: this feels very one piece in it's mechanics
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz Would that make Paul Franky?
Shadowsoflife: @Pharmacistjudge There like no fishman icons?
BrowneePointz: nah, Franky is a gestalt fusion of Ian and Beej @cosmosrules
DrLigmaPhD: My Shiny Meat and Me?
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz I was thinking more of the tech part of it but yeah, that also works
Strebenherz: Jacob getting bullied xD
BrowneePointz: just like Nami is kinda heather + Kathleen @cosmosrules
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz Serge is Chopper and I will hear no arguments
Pharmacistjudge: correct the block prevents the scuffle
BrowneePointz: Matt is Robin
couchboyj: I think Adam has Zoro energy
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz Matt/Kathleen?
BrowneePointz: Adam is DEFINITELY Zoro or Sanji
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz YUP
Shadowsoflife: Now I got figure out where I am in one piece
chaostreader: I feel like Zoro is James/Adam.
kusinohki: adam would definately love the eye scar
BrowneePointz: nah Robin is Matt + Cori @cosmosrules
BrowneePointz: Sanji is like Cameron + Wheeler
BrowneePointz: the former’s Calm Stylish appearance and the latter’s being supremely unhinged
Oscelot: "Icarus almost flew too close to the meat sun" was a hell of a sentence to come back in on lol
ShaneLeeAtk: Sweet as gold, let me see that Tootsie Roll?
Add "My meat tower will take me to space!" To the quote database, please.
SquareDotCube: A doner kebab so tall it touches the face of God
BrowneePointz: The One Piece was all the Meat we ate along the way
Xenguin47: @SquareDotCube Donner kebabs are usually around 5'9" O:-)
kusinohki: the one piece of bacan??
BrowneePointz: Franky wears a bikini
Getter404: Brook is Franky. This changes everything
BusTed: get bento
BrowneePointz: my fave comment on sub vs dub One Piece - “Dub Franky sounds American enough but definitely not the kind of guy who walks around in a speedo and turned his nips into headlights”
KeytarCat: Scuffle and blocks make the participants drink? would counter steals do something?
chaostreader: as long as everyone knows the rules, no one needs to speak which means the game is language agnostic.
BrowneePointz: that’s called Gomu Gomu Rocket
GreatSacrificer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months, currently on a 82 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, GreatSacrificer! (Today's storm count: 76)
on_and_awful: Hey Chat, anyone know why I can't find the let's nope in recent vods? Did something happen?
Lysander_salamander: Elite Meat Agents
KeytarCat: @Lysander_salamander I'd play that eroge
Cptasparagus: now I can't stop singing "Shiny Teeth and Me" in my head but with shiny meat
Strebenherz: @on_and_awful I'm seeing it under talking sim
Blip2004: Meet me at Meat
BrowneePointz: but yea chat if you’ve ever wanted to get into OP but the length is daunting- check out the Live Action to see if the vibe is for you
on_and_awful: @Strebenherz ooooh, that must be why. thanks for that.
Juliamon: on_and_awful Jordynne did a whoopsie and didn't update the title/game before going live
DaxStrife: Jacob briefly became Wario.
MAPBoardgames: Jacob letting loose his inner Nibbles
BrowneePointz: and Studio Wit is doing an Abridged version next year
Oscelot: And back from a reboot to Jacob having gone full gremlin rofl
Oscelot: WOW
Cptasparagus: @on_and_awful the way twitch catalogs things now, if you see a stream with two "chapters" they probably switched the game in the middle
josh___something: MEATS
Strebenherz: Wake up luffy, IT'S MEATS TIME
SaxPython: Arby's!
red_shoes_jeff: @DaxStrife WAH! Nintendo is REAL!
Lysander_salamander: should I watch the anime?
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz Could also read the manga, get that finished in a couple of months. But definitely the live action, it's so good
Shadowsoflife: He was being stolen from @Oscelot
Oscelot: @Shadowsoflife Nuuu!
cosmosrules: @Lysander_salamander Yes. But also yes. Definitely. 100%
MAPBoardgames: If I could, I would totally download a car.
BrowneePointz: Big Juicy Meat Roll was my nickname in college
I haven't seen the One Piece anime, but I quite enjoyed the netflix live action series
Shadowsoflife: @Oscelot Right? that was he was going goblin
BrowneePointz: that was supposed to be a self fat joke and came off lewd
Oscelot: @BrowneePointz extremely rofl
josh___something: 1800-GRABBIN
Dog_of_Myth: Burlap
BrowneePointz: @lysander_salamander start with the Live Action, if ya like that try the anime, or if you’re patient wait for the Abridged next year
Blip2004: I would suggest watching the abridged versions of the show, or the movies that are condensed story arcs to get into it
BrowneePointz: 1,100 episodes in and I haven’t regretted it
cosmosrules: ^
Blip2004: cause Water 7 is a hell of stretch to get through
cosmosrules: My watchthrough took about 2 years and not a single second was a waste of time. Except Foxy's Return, that sucked
cosmosrules: @Blip2004 Water 7/Enies Lobby is peak
Shadowsoflife: I did an bad idea of trying to restart the anime
Blip2004: but the episode recaps eat up so much time so it takes forever
Shadowsoflife: Right
cosmosrules: @Blip2004 You're not wrong. Still peak!
BrowneePointz: yea the only things I didn’t like was Long Ring Long Land, and the pacing for Fishman Island(which is gonna get fixed next Jan) and Dressrosa
MAPBoardgames: I just ate, but now I'm hungry again. Thanks LRR!
definenull: phrasing?
Lysander_salamander: hahahah
Lysander_salamander: now there's a heist I'd like to see
Shadowsoflife: Dressrosa draged
BrowneePointz: Also, it’s nice watching a Fantasy adventure series that doesn’t shy away from real topics or having a message
Gekyouryuu: I'm reminded of a character in Kamen Rider Kabuto who was a rich boy and thought noodles were extra fancy and called it La Men
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz LRLL wasn't the besssssst but it is still important. I could see them cutting it from the live action though
DigitalSeahorse: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Strebenherz: this poor poor restaurant
BrowneePointz: @cosmosrules or it’ll be rolled into one episode and be done
niccus: @Gekyouryuu i guess that's how you reverse engineer lamian
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz Yes that could also work
NotCainNorAbel: being a dishwasher at bag sounds pretty nice
ButterBall000: I just got here and I only want to know who's idea this was.
Xenguin47: All the food you don't eat goes back in Bag? No wonder the place is so cheap to eat at
BusTed: wow
kusinohki: I believe this is a sponsored stream
Juliamon: !sponsor
We're playing the One Piece social bluffing game, Luffy's Bento Box! Outsmart your neighbors to get the most food before Luffy strikes and takes it all! Available on Amazon here https://lrr.cc/luffysbento
josh___something: The meatiest man is captain
ButterBall000: That's amazing
BrowneePointz: also like cmon the villains for the next Live Action season are the OG Broadway School of Rock Dewey, David Dastmalchian, and Joe Manganiello
Oscelot: Meds reminder, chat
couchboyj: Yes we've got super powers~
Xenguin47: Please don't exchange your fluids with another human.
BrowneePointz: and yes Wapol is being played by a Broadway Professional which is a VERY smart choice
DigitalSeahorse: "until everybody exchanges their fluids"
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz Manganiello will be SO GOOD as Crocodile
SaxPython: Only with consent
kusinohki: we ARE the super powers
Shadowsoflife: @BrowneePointz Joe playing crocodile going to be wild
BrowneePointz: @cosmosrules did you see him change his profile and bio the day of the announcement?
cosmosrules: @kusinohki Why you put this in my head
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz Ayup and that's when I knew he was gonna be a treat
kusinohki: *points at earlier post that started it*
BrowneePointz: well he’s tried to option a Dragonlance movie for about a decade
BrowneePointz: so Joe is already a Capital N Nerd
BrowneePointz: meaning you KNOW he devoured the manga in preparation
BrowneePointz: in other animanga news I’ve really been enjoying Dandadan, and how dare it perform the most masterfully choreographed emotional supplex last week
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz Emotional suplex is almost underselling it. Almost
BrowneePointz: in terms of impact, in terms of artistry it’d be more like…a perfectly performed ballet
Shadowsoflife: I need to read more, in general
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: @BrowneePointz I see what you did there. But yeah, the latest dandadan was stellar
cosmosrules: Please read Dandadan, it's so so so so so good
BrowneePointz: @narwhalsinatrenchcoat *finger guns while crying profusely*
Oscelot: Sweet, I didn't know the DTRPG promo was channel wide
Oscelot: Pfffft
Oscelot: Dice From Keyboard
BrowneePointz: For the Players, you get a Devil Fruit. What is it?
SymphonySolstice: Away...Friends...Keyboard
cosmosrules: Still no Franky!
SaxPython: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Oscelot: Ian XD
Astramentha: T E C H T
DeM0nFiRe: It is your deez
NotCainNorAbel: game bought
Gekyouryuu: "Anata no BOI desu"
Sarah_Serinde: !sponsor
We're playing the One Piece social bluffing game, Luffy's Bento Box! Outsmart your neighbors to get the most food before Luffy strikes and takes it all! Available on Amazon here https://lrr.cc/luffysbento
Getter404: Oh, a Yuri On Ice crossover?
cosmosrules: Luffy's Bento Panic: The Lunchbox
Oscelot: Luffy's Bento Panic now on WWE
SnackPak_: Luffy's Bento Panic: The 4D Experience
Gekyouryuu: Luffy's Bento Panic the Flamethrower!
DigitalSeahorse: Loofy's Bento Panic: The Motion Picture
Gekyouryuu: AH DANGIT! beat me to it
red_shoes_jeff: Luffy's Bento Panic: The Movie: The Game
BrowneePointz: THERE IS!
DrLigmaPhD: Luffy's Bento Panic: A Comprehensive Psychoanalysis of Pirate Diets
BrowneePointz: I think it’s written from Sanji’s Perspective Jacob
DigitalSeahorse: Luffy is spelled wrong to be pronounced Loofy
Gekyouryuu: Luffy's Been to Panic (at the Disco)
Getter404: SKULL JOKE!
Shadowsoflife: @DrLigmaPhD It's just Nami saying eat oranges
BrowneePointz: @digitalseahorse in English maybe
SaxPython: Goofy on ski jump?
Oscelot: "I forget everything the minute I do it" gods that's a mood
DrLigmaPhD: @Shadowsoflife Saying or violently demanding?
BrowneePointz: Kazebushi!
DigitalSeahorse: Luffy's Bento Panic: Hooked on Phonics Playset
Shadowsoflife: @DrLigmaPhD Yes
Oscelot: Luffy's Loofah Panic: 12 pack sea sponges
DrLigmaPhD: @Oscelot I feel like that's the type of gimmick product that is way better than it should be
Oscelot: @DrLigmaPhD Probably XD
BrowneePointz: ooo her devil fruit!
BrowneePointz: she ate the Hana Hana no Mi
Gekyouryuu: oh! they could put a One Piece parody in Spongebob and call him Monkey D. Loofah!
TheAwkes: Clutch is short for: breaking the spines of a few dozen mooks at the same time.
BrowneePointz: so she can make body parts “flower” from anything within a radius
tehfewl: Kess loves him some one piece
DigitalSeahorse: Ken "Luffy's Bento Panic: Oops Wrong Name Joke" Steacy
BrowneePointz: Seamonkey d Loofah @gekyouryuu
Oscelot: @DigitalSeahorse *snrrrrrrrk*
Gekyouryuu: @BrowneePointz excellent
BrowneePointz: I’m still keeping a big bet on a One Piece Universe Beyond set at some point
DrLigmaPhD: I didn't get far enough in to see Brook, but as I understand his thing is being dead and a musical theatre gay. I'm unclear on how that relates to food.
josh___something: I wasn't here for the rules explainer, what's the mechanical benefit for the favorite food?
BrowneePointz: he are the Yomi Yomi no Mi, so after he died his soul came back to his skeleton, and yea he was the captain of a bunch of Musician Pirates @drligmaphd very much not gay though (he is one of the ones with a pervert gag like Sanji)
BrowneePointz: ate*
Mathonwy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months, currently on a 78 month streak!
Mathonwy: How long is this???
Thanks for subscribing, Mathonwy! (Today's storm count: 77)
Gekyouryuu: @BrowneePointz was he the captain? I thought he was just a crew member
BrowneePointz: honestly now that you say that I can’t remember
BrowneePointz: it’s been a looooooong time since Thriller Bark
TheAwkes: Not the captain.
DrLigmaPhD: @BrowneePointz I will cry with joy when that trope goes the way of the dodo for the most ppart
Gekyouryuu: all I know is now I'm singing Bink's Brew to myself and trying not to cry
BrowneePointz: was he first Mate? I thought he was one of the important crew on his ship
Gekyouryuu: @BrowneePointz he was at least important in the sense that he was the one on piano, I think?
BrowneePointz: @drligmaphd his isn’t as bad as Sanji’s but from time to time he asks to see women’s underwear and gets smacked for it
Gekyouryuu: all I remember is the song scene and Laboon
cosmosrules: @Gekyouryuu He was a captain after the first captain died from a disease, then his whole crew died and he wandered for 50 years before the Straw Hats found him
BrowneePointz: but not super frequent or as annoying (looking at you sanji)
SaxPython: Judge, I have demonstrated a loop
BrowneePointz: @gekyouryuu don’t remember the running on water?
SaxPython: Oooh
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz He does, because he's so light being just a skleton
LoadingReadyRun: @josh___something favorite food acts as a wildcard
Gekyouryuu: @BrowneePointz I meant for like stuff related to position on the boat and all
BrowneePointz: @cosmosrules I was trying to jog gek’s memory I know he can
cosmosrules: @BrowneePointz Ah sorry I missed that part. Continue on!
dinahlance: "Not technically meat" is something I wouldn't want to see on a food label lol
@dinahlance Plant based meat would like to have a word with you
@toaster_strooder know what. I completely forgot about that. I take it back
Gekyouryuu: noodle flavored soda: Ramen Coke
DigitalSeahorse: this game makes me hungry
josh___something: For legal purposes, that wasn't a steal
Dog_of_Myth: I got it Jacob
DrLigmaPhD: 2AM text: U sopp?
Getter404: Galaxy brain moment: What if Usopp's special is "come up with the biggest lie possible and hope they believe it"
SaxPython: I thought Believe It was Naruto
Gekyouryuu: @Getter404 Usopp's Special is "hey, what's that behind you?!" *eats while they look away* "oh, sorry, must've been seeing things. ....ANYWAY BYE."
cosmosrules: NGL I kind of hoped Zoro's special was exchange places with another person at random and take their food or something. Ie: he got lost
fun fact: if the Naruto series took place in the real world, Konohagakure would be in Louisiana. ....because they live in the Datte-bayou.
dzee_szed: so this looks Cash 'n Guns -ish
Shadowsoflife: @Gekyouryuu punjail
josh___something: *insert arby's jumpscare here*
dinahlance: I was wondering when Arby's would be brought up
dinahlance: After all they have the meats
OldUncleDan: I really like the colour of Nelson's nails.
SaxPython: Kindness War!
tdawg1994: what’s up loading ready run crew
Shadowsoflife: meeat
Getter404: M E A T
LoadingReadyRun: When some one does eat and steal, they look like they are bashfully shooting someone
DaxStrife: And Yet it Meats
dinahlance: *ominously chanting M E A T
Shadowsoflife: MEAT
Getter404: cursed
DeM0nFiRe: MEAT with specular highlights
red_shoes_jeff: *Smashes guitar*
DigitalSeahorse: what is fists?
OldUncleDan: If this game was about Violet Beauragarde, then she would woken up with Juicy Fruits.
SaxPython: @digitalseahorse the characters specific super power
DigitalSeahorse: ah
josh___something: Yohoho indeed
NotCainNorAbel: Thanks Nelson
Oscelot: Nelson is helping! XD
LoadingReadyRun: !sponsor
We're playing the One Piece social bluffing game, Luffy's Bento Box! Outsmart your neighbors to get the most food before Luffy strikes and takes it all! Available on Amazon here https://lrr.cc/luffysbento
BaronVonPoppinOff subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
Thanks for subscribing, BaronVonPoppinOff! (Today's storm count: 78)
DigitalSeahorse: I wonder if it's possible to order from the game company directly to give amazon less money
SaxPython: #HouseOfLies
Getter404: How is the command not sponsle. This is an outrage.
Juliamon: Getter404 Paul made this one
Xenguin47: Every time we do the wide top down shot like this, I'm reminded how trapezoidal this table is.
josh___something: The Jelly donuts
Getter404: @DigitalSeahorse Unless you're actual retailer, no. It looks like Kess redirects everything else to their Amazon store.
Getter404: So, as intended, the best way to support the sponsorship is by using the sponsorship
LoadingReadyRun: !sponsoled
DrLigmaPhD: Foul on the play: Mind meld
Ah but is there any rule specifically *against* vulcan mind melds?
DigitalSeahorse: no playing footsies to communicate
Wait, Is this a Sponsored stream?
HaphazardHaberdashery subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
Thanks for subscribing, HaphazardHaberdashery! (Today's storm count: 79)
Shadowsoflife: @Oscelot there are house rules
LoadingReadyRun: !sponsle
We're playing the One Piece social bluffing game, Luffy's Bento Box! Outsmart your neighbors to get the most food before Luffy strikes and takes it all! Available on Amazon here https://lrr.cc/luffysbento
Getter404: Justice!
OmegaPlatinum: Sponsole is a good command
LoadingReadyRun: also !sponsoled
OmegaPlatinum: Except that one doesn't seem to work
LoadingReadyRun: !sponsoled
We're playing the One Piece social bluffing game, Luffy's Bento Box! Outsmart your neighbors to get the most food before Luffy strikes and takes it all! Available on Amazon here https://lrr.cc/luffysbento
OmegaPlatinum: NOW IT DOES
OmegaPlatinum: sure make a liar out of me
Xenguin47: It's very important to let folks know when you're running a sponsled stream. It'd be very underhanded to have a sponsled stream and not tell your audience about said sponsle.
Oscelot: Oh, the reverse Tyndall
SaxPython: Scuffle++
Getter404: @Xenguin47 This message brought to you by Humber Bunder
LoadingReadyRun: I'm more worried that, at the end of the game, everyone's food goes back into the bag, which is then served on the next day
Oscelot: That is a very fair thing to be concerned about, Paul
cosmosrules: Which is worse, food being stored in a bag or being served the next day. Neither seems great
hidingbox: But what is more worrying: All those hands passing the food about or the fact that it would be days old?
djalternative: sbubby
DrLigmaPhD: america ru no dundun
Getter404: free what now?
Shadowsoflife: shavacado
SaxPython: Clap clap clap
Oscelot: Dang, that really was close
TheDailyMapleSyrup: Chopper 4 the win
tehfewl: the grill controller is an important position
hidingbox: Jacob wanting to escape the rhythm cafe sandwich
Rotate the Players
Territan: So I haven't missed it all of it yet?
Juliamon: You haven't!
Getter404: Oh right: At least if you're in the US. the game is marked down from 25 to 20 for about 5 more hours. No idea if that's tied to the referral link or not, so get on that!
Xavorin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Xavorin! (Today's storm count: 80)
Territan: Not like I ccan sleep right now anyway, not with the storm rolling through.
LoadingReadyRun: !sponsoled
We're playing the One Piece social bluffing game, Luffy's Bento Box! Outsmart your neighbors to get the most food before Luffy strikes and takes it all! Available on Amazon here https://lrr.cc/luffysbento
cosmosrules: Franky!
Diabore: jacob no longer flanked by rhythm cafe
BusTed: ⭐
Oscelot: inb4 there's another character named suteteko
djalternative: oh hey they even have jinbe in here
RatherLargeToad: Good Sneakers reference
DrLigmaPhD: Eye = Hand, understood
SaxPython: oh yeah! New Hat!
Oscelot: I don't know how we TPK a game like this, but I am intrigued to find out
Territan: For some dumb reason I watch this and flash back to "Lord of the Fries"...
StalksByNight goes out on the town: "Juicy meat! Juicy meat!"
SaxPython: Juicy Meat feels like it lives adjacent to Extra Crispy, but I'm not sure what is the meat equivalent of Regular Crispy.
DrLigmaPhD: Mouth: Covered, Fists: Eating, Look: Serving
Territan: Adequately Crispy.
Gekyouryuu: Juicy Meat and Shiny Meat keeps making me think of the "thinking meat, loving meat, dreaming meat" bit of They're Made of Meat
Oscelot: Tasting History actually did a meat tea episode recently
josh___something: @gekyouryuu the Graham whimsy version, or the regular one?
DrLigmaPhD: @Gekyouryuu I keep hearing "Shiny teeth and me" but with meat
ContingentCat: every day I'm scruffling
Juliamon: soggy meat
DrLigmaPhD: Drenched meat
Territan: And would there be a Moist Meat stage bettween them?
DaxStrife: [Meat intensifies]
LoadingReadyRun: W E T Steak
DrLigmaPhD: I'll have a lamb chop, dewey please.
Territan: Two eats their own...
Blip2004: Butter glazed steak
Territan: Waite! More butter on my ham!
Xenguin47: Eh, lamb is overrated
Getter404: Despite all the jokes about it, alligator really isn't that good. It's naturally got this rubbery texture that makes it really hard to work with
SymphonySolstice: Ian committing war crimes
LoadingReadyRun: Onig Iri
Territan: Now I can't help wonderinbg how alligator would sous vide.
Xenguin47: @Territan If you get a big enough sous vide, it just becomes an aquarium...
Territan: No can do. My biggest Lipavi is 20 quarts or so.
HadesLeprechaun: Oni Gyro?
Blip2004: I feel like trying to sous vide a whole animal would be a bad idea if it hasn't been cleaned
Juliamon: hm, gyro meat in onigiri though...
cyclopsboi: pwngiri
Territan: @Blip2004 And disastrous if it's still alive.
LoadingReadyRun: @Blip2004 Is that just putting a cow in a hot spring?
SaxPython: Juicy Meatpocalypse
DaxStrife: Freet.
Blip2004: I was thinking more practical like fish that hasn't had its organs removed
Getter404: Someone has to have deep fried an entire cow at some point, right? Someone call Guiness.
LoadingReadyRun: @Getter404 so they can have beer with their cow?
Blip2004: There is a middle eastern dish which is a pressure cooked whole camel
Territan: You think shrimp that haven't been deveined are bad? The cow is proportionately worse.
cosmosrules: @Getter404 Pretty sure there's a Simpsons quote about that?
LoadingReadyRun: @Territan cows have many veins
DrLigmaPhD: @LoadingReadyRun Chupacabra type sentence
SaxPython: Oh no! Moldy Meat
BusTed: "pranked"
Oscelot: *snerk* Dune for Kids
ContingentCat: lol gottem
Territan: I'm thinking of that one vein in the cow that's similar to the vein in the shrimp that isn't a vein either.
Nigouki: Not unless you have a Confined Spaces Permit
Xenguin47: @Nigouki Is that the problem with claustrophobics? They just lack a permit?
Territan: BALD meat??
DrLigmaPhD: Unshaven meat
hidingbox: Sir, your meat should not have any hair in it!
josh___something: *Putt-Putt Bleh*
Oscelot: @hidingbox But it's so crunchy!
SaxPython: !sponsoled
Territan: "Waiter, your thumb is on my steak." "I'm sorry sir, I just didn't want it to fall on the floor again."
Getter404: For another 4.5 hours!
cyclopsboi: ah yes the non-shiny, dull meat
Territan: Matte meat.
josh___something: Holy MEATS
DrLigmaPhD: Sacred Sausage
NotCainNorAbel: non-foil meat
Getter404: Remember kids: Eat all your foils! No exceptions!
Territan: Holographic meat. Polychrome meat.
Nigouki: the shiny is a consistent layer of slime mold
cyclopsboi: 3 2 1 go meat
make sure to get your meat waxed and buffed
Juliamon: glossy meat
josh___something: Honed meat
cyclopsboi: loneligiri
Territan: Waxed meat. That's why it lacks hair.
nyoomgoom: screams
DrLigmaPhD: If you meat it, they ill come
Blip2004: I forgot about the hot and cold Beef Taps, that was a food Feed Dump
Blip2004: good*
LoadingReadyRun: I feel like this could be a sub-game in Red Dragon Inn. Food Bag? I'm in!
josh___something: "I'm getting the meat in!"
Getter404: The various Egghead aspects
Gekyouryuu: Naval version where it's Garp instead of Luffy
Oscelot: JACOB. XD
Oscelot: *wheeze*
Territan: Meattmageddon.
Xenguin47: So, I've been staring at this description of LRR on the Twitch page... "Join LoadingReadyRun's crew of comedian gamers as we hang out and play games!" Are they comedian gamers or gamer comedians?
LoadingReadyRun: This is a real Meat Cute
Oscelot: *groan* @LoadingReadyRun
Oscelot: @Xenguin47 Yes.
Oscelot: Control has been lost
SaxPython: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Xenguin47: Legally Mandated Fun.
SaxPython: So many grabbies
josh___something: Jacob being antagonized is so entertaining
LoadingReadyRun: don't worry, any food that Luffy eats ends up back in the bag for other people to eat later!
Oscelot: That isn't any better @LoadingReadyRun XD
NotCainNorAbel: @LoadingReadyRun I don't think you understand my worry
LoadingReadyRun: Stop her before she meats again!
josh___something: MEATS
SaxPython: Heather is cutting a second sponsorship with Arby's
62MGcobra: where is that arbys button again
DaxStrife: "Meet the Meats." [Team Fortress 2 stinger plays]
ReverseCreations: Luffy has a ship's doctor would have the same outcome as if he were relied up to navigate, Dead at the bottom of the ocean before Syrup Village.
josh___something: HAHHAAHAHAH
Oscelot: Pffft
DrLigmaPhD: Prick training is intensive
Nigouki: I honed my prick
SaxPython: Does Nelly have a Snerge equivalent character. Maybe we should workshop one
OldUncleDan: I wasn't born this way... I was SUMMONED!!!!!
josh___something: @saxpython bold of you to assume nelly isn't the snerge equivalent
Getter404: "Now, count up your meats!"
KeytarCat: Nelly (Gamer Mode)
Getter404: Spoiler: It was Earth all along
cyclopsboi: yet
Styxseus: Space was inside you all along
MacbethSeemsSus: I mean......there are people from the moon.......
ReverseCreations: One Piece Spoilers: One of the villains goes to the Moon
62MGcobra: if the Fast series can go to space so can luffy
Oscelot: Nelly XD So smooth
SnackPak_: smooooth
LoadingReadyRun: !sponsoled
We're playing the One Piece social bluffing game, Luffy's Bento Box! Outsmart your neighbors to get the most food before Luffy strikes and takes it all! Available on Amazon here https://lrr.cc/luffysbento
ContingentCat: but I'm the weeb cousin
DrLigmaPhD: As if the person buying this isn't the weeb cousin, Jacob?
josh___something: @contingentcat my condolences
Oscelot: Thanks for the stream folks
Getter404: "...and then he married a cosplayer of his own character. I know, right?! Anyway, they're in this building with a hidden Drag Race compound..."
SaxPython: Clap clap clap
Shadowsoflife: Thanks for the stream
definenull: foundations, more like fun-dations!
Oscelot: Every individual grain of rice is stamped XP
500 - Jacob's laugh was so comforting tonight
Xenguin47: Weren't the Zeons the giant people?
Xenguin47: Wouldn't Zeon rice just be enormous?
Getter404: That's the Zentradi
SaxPython: Lol
Oscelot: Heather XD
SaxPython: It's fun to believe
SnackPak_: any episode could be the last!
Juliamon: People on Discord HAVE believed you
Getter404: Four! Four! Four! Four!
Oscelot: Oh no @Juliamon lol
62MGcobra: Wooo!!! new season of bite club with ep 5!
Twilight_Spark: Not a Quart to Drink
LoadingReadyRun: @Juliamon soon they will learn
Oscelot: @Twilight_Spark Hah XD
Xenguin47: I can't resub for 3 more days. It'll be my 6th year!
DeM0nFiRe: Was cori welcoming a sub or was that just a general request
OldUncleDan: Spoilers: Oliver has actually been a Gurahl all along.
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Xenguin47: Oh hey, that was a short commute.
NotCainNorAbel: ian
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PST (18:02 from now).
mariomario42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
Thanks for subscribing, mariomario42! (Today's storm count: 81)
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