TXC2: title change!
Mr_Horrible: ooh, got in with 15 seconds on the live counter
theghostwiththemost subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Thanks for subscribing, theghostwiththemost! (Today's storm count: 2)
theghostwiththemost: I forgot to do that
honestly now wondering how good the Road Quest OST would do for background music while in the ranked mines
thesimbiote subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
Thanks for subscribing, thesimbiote! (Today's storm count: 3)
AceGun_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
AceGun_: Shoryuken!
Thanks for subscribing, AceGun_! (Today's storm count: 4)
Hypo_Holy: if they open a room, is joining from europe an option?
TXC2: Hypo_Holy sure, a number of people do
lightfut: Weeeee're heeeeeeeeeeeeere
AceGun_: @Hypo_Holy Yup! We have had EU people before.
Hypo_Holy: perfect, i was always wondering about the the ping
error 2000 crash for anyone else, or just my bad luck?
RurouniGeo: Uh oh havent played any fighting games since last oki oki i am rusty as heck
saucemaster5000: I put brie on a waffle and broiled it with blueberries.
saucemaster5000: anyways
TXC2: Here we GO!
TXC2: Hello Adam and Nelson
MilkInBags: hi I,m here, you're allowed to start
lightfut: 3 2 1 go shoot
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 you broiled the waffle?
CaptainDaks: o7 Cananida
ManWithTheMask13: Another day, another pitted prune
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible toasted first, broiled to melt the brie yes.
AceGun_: I think we've only missed desert bus and subathon weeks.
MilkInBags: time to cancel magic
170 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
TXC2: Hello Raiders
PsychoI3oy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
PsychoI3oy: Oh hi
Thanks for subscribing, PsychoI3oy! (Today's storm count: 5)
bojuka_pog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
bojuka_pog: !
Thanks for subscribing, bojuka_pog! (Today's storm count: 6)
AceGun_: gotta hire a necromancer so you can keep going.
MilkInBags: same for streaming, but chat keeps coming back
TXC2: !patreon
Mr_Horrible: First-to-Hey-Man-I-Gotta-Bounce
TXC2: !store
100 bits to save the bit
Phrawger: Adam watching the bit die like Scar hovering over Mufasa
Narcuru: is it falling down a hole?
beowuuf: commit to the bit, no matter the cost
ninjapufft subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ninjapufft! (Today's storm count: 7)
Ritaspirithntr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Ritaspirithntr! (Today's storm count: 8)
baskwalla: Nelly on point today
MilkInBags: i fast forwarded to here
saucemaster5000: you know, the classic neck spike
MilkInBags: doing a gief cosplay?
Amboss2: mor coffee fixes everything. Should also get rid of your nervousness
ItsThugDimmadome: GOLD GET?
no more excuses
CaptainDaks: keyboard warrior?
Mr_Horrible: oh he's KBM gaming?
Izandai: oh god
AceGun_: we are "leverless" gaming?!
baskwalla: Hitbox changed my life
StickInMud: I bought a nice flat leverless off etsy. it uses keyboard switches
leverless? yes?
Izandai: Game is slightly loud.
CaptainDaks: yaaaa nice
ItsThugDimmadome: Hit box is fun. I've found a couple on FB for $50-80CAD
Frizzlenill: i've got an extra snackbox micro if you want it nelly. a lil too small for my mondo hands
Izandai: ty
LurkerSpine: 6236
TXC2: thank you Nelson
Frizzlenill: micro xl*
CaptainDaks: if you dig this, we have GOT to upgrade you to a leverless. It's just more-finger-room Keyboard
SirPlumpy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SirPlumpy! (Today's storm count: 9)
ItsThugDimmadome: They even come in WASD set ups.
ItsThugDimmadome: I've seen one with a foot pedal.
Frizzlenill: make sure anti ghosting is set properly for KB!
StickInMud: street fighter can get a dp off of 323 or 636 if it's more comfortable to hold one down
CaptainDaks: you can do zany shortcuts now. you can get DP by holding A and S, double tap D and press punch with the second D
LurkerSpine: let's go Nelly! woot
TXC2: I used 789+ on the numpad for punches, 456enter for kicks, wasd for movement
Frizzlenill: yeah hold one of S or D and tap the other
DiscordianTokkan: Niiiice
Frizzlenill: OR, roll from D to A then release A
AceGun_: uh... he's GAMING?!
AceGun_: Okay, now lets see a Gief level 3.
CaptainDaks: can also hold D (walking forward), briefly tap S while still holding D, release S and press punch for DP. leverless chicanery
Frizzlenill: plus spacebar to jump means you dont have to move hands at all
PorpoisesUnknown: its gonna get even worse when Nelly switches to the WII sterling wheel
"i'm using tilt controls!"
Frizzlenill: btw if you want to build muscle memory, platformers like meat boy can help
josh___something: I use spacebar as jump
josh___something: Yeah, there's a leverless with wasd
Heefnoff: OKI OKI BOYZ
Heefnoff: We're so back
Frizzlenill: wasd hitboxes are usually called mixboxes. it's your call but IMO space to jump is more comfortable long term
LurkerSpine: A lot of leverless have buttons in both spots
Frizzlenill: it takes a lot of acclimation though, again platformers are great for it
AceGun_: Yeah, I've seen a lot of leverless setups with two "up" buttons.
Frizzlenill: once again plugging Meat Boy as hitbox physiotherapy
saucemaster5000: spacebar puts a space between me and the ground
Mr_Horrible: if spacebar isn't jump, you're an early 2010's flash game
StickInMud: i will say though, navigating menus with space as up is always strange
TXC2: !findquote waterfall
LRRbot: Quote #8064: "Stop making waterfalls if they're not going to have secret rooms." —Nelson [2022-05-09]
saucemaster5000: well fuck every souls game then
josh___something: Space as dodge roll usually supercedes Space as jump
ManWithTheMask13: If there's no waterfall there's no point
hello OOF club I hope y'all are doing well;
TXC2: Nelson is a consistent man
Iluvatardis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 8 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Iluvatardis! (Today's storm count: 10)
bbj_afk: Hello! Long time LRR watcher, new street fighter player, have been enjoying the stream
TXC2: Hello siqqsadgurl welcome
TXC2: hello bbj_afk welcome
MilkInBags: are you single? baptized?
saucemaster5000: sf7 let
saucemaster5000: 's go
PandaByName: vitrual fighter 5 coming to pc!
RurouniGeo: 6 more years of sf6
PorpoisesUnknown: this is the MTG Foundations of Street Fighter if you will
Heefnoff: Regular Karate Man ass game
RurouniGeo: BIG JEFFRY
PandaByName: guys who what just do marital arts
Frizzlenill: it takes practice but space bar feels natural after a while, and means you NEVER have to move your fingers which is huge for long term comfort
Heefnoff: Shoutouts to that time Sega released Jeffrey ASMR back in the PS1 era
Geoffrey from Fresh prince Geoffrey ?
Heefnoff: More like a fancam actually but still
rosesmcgee: Just like I fight IRL
RurouniGeo: Soul Calibur
Mr_Horrible: the Napping Game Community
josh___something: Lie down and accept defeat
Frizzlenill: Sleep Fighter 6
AceGun_: I like when you can roll around on the ground.
cyclopsboi: yoshimitsu player found
the jujitsu urge to just lie down
saucemaster5000: soul calibur 7 plz
MilkInBags: toddlers don't have change to boot up the arcade
LordZarano: Polygon has a great video about lying down in Tekken
RurouniGeo: Nelly needs to play Xianghua in soul calibur and do the temper tantrum attack she has while lying down
ManWithTheMask13: Paul Tekken
MilkInBags: as michael jordan said, beat them kids at the arcade
saucemaster5000: that kid can kick rocks
ManWithTheMask13: You're smoking that kid and popping off like Noah after
RurouniGeo: @saucemaster5000 Harada said its gonna happen eventually but its going to be a while because some new director needs to come up then make a pitch in a few years
AceGun_: Nelly seems like a Panda player
cyclopsboi: i liked julia i think, whoever the girl was with the german suplex
lightfut: Not in this dojo kid!
siqqsadgurl: :c
silent_sol: so, whats different tonight?
Heefnoff: Soul Calibur is dead as fuck
Heefnoff: Respectfully
Heefnoff: SC6 did alright
ManWithTheMask13: More like Snore Calibur @heefnoff
saucemaster5000: soul calibur is tekken but fun
TXC2: was SC6 the one with the REALLY sexist marketing ?
AceGun_: It did well enough for them to make a sequel, but there isn't anyone that wants to do it.
Heefnoff: Soul Calibur peaked at SC2
StickInMud: confirm?
LurkerSpine: sold about 2 million copies
Heefnoff: I think you mean DOA? @TXC2
LurkerSpine: @TXC2 you're thinking of Dead Or Alive
Mr_Horrible: @Heefnoff truuuuuu
saucemaster5000: @Heefnoff this isn't wrong, but it is still tekken but fun
MilkInBags: axl bomba
TXC2: Heefnoff LurkerSpine yes, but also no
AceGun_: But... Tekken is fun?
Heefnoff: @saucemaster5000 Agreed honestly, way more approachable
ElektroTal: soul calibur 2 was so much fun
Heefnoff: I do wish Soul Calibur did better
ElektroTal: i miss soul edge though
cyclopsboi: sc2 was awesome
millennials killed arcades
Heefnoff: It was never my main game but I loved it being around
Heefnoff: Tbf technological innovation killed arcades @MilkInBags
saucemaster5000: video killed the radio star etc
RurouniGeo: @TXC2 I want to say soul calibur 4 had some questionable marketing with Ivy but don't quote me on that I'd have to get out some ancient EGM magazines
Frizzlenill: after the drive rush crMP, you can do crHP into fully held light knuckle. Still works even without perfect. After the knuckle you can do a fireball or medium uncharged knuckle
Mr_Horrible: SC2 introduced me to my usual "find the weirdo on the roster" jam
MilkInBags: voldo gamers rise up
saucemaster5000: you play voldo don't you?
Mr_Horrible: yuuuup
Heefnoff: We gotta run Soul Calibur again
TXC2: RurouniGeo ivy was what I was thinking about, so will take that as the answer then
CaptainDaks: certified weirdo haha
Heefnoff: I feel like that's the best fighting game to just play without practice
Heefnoff: Yo STEEB
MilkInBags: axl bomba
Heefnoff: Steve is so cool
AceGun_: Soul Calibur is the only game where I don't have any desire to play the weirdo.
83674227 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
Thanks for subscribing, 83674227! (Today's storm count: 11)
Frizzlenill: crMP > crHP > charged light
TXC2: also remember kids, what killed arcades was, as always, capitalism
RurouniGeo: @Heefnoff tbt soul calibur was great a few months back
Frizzlenill: cancelling normals into supers is REALLY tight and annoying tbh
MilkInBags: Steves are a rare breed, there are less and less babies getting named Steve
nymistrya: @TXC2 That guy ruins everything it seems like
Frizzlenill: crHP into charged light knuckle is the most failsafe option
TXC2: your Kudoentials are strong
blooperman12: ooooo new controller?
Frizzlenill: or into fireball
TXC2: nymistrya I know right?
MilkInBags: now what, adam
Heefnoff: Adam is a mainstay trust
AceGun_: The moonbase has their own CFN account now?
josh___something: Adam is biblical, it will NEVER go away
CaptainDaks: Timberborn?
gualdhar: what the hell is beavers
Heefnoff: I thought you said there's an Adam in your Beaver Colony
TXC2: like an ant farm
Heefnoff: They colonizing now??? Hello????
TXC2: Mr_Horrible yes, it's scouts for 5-7 year olds
Mr_Horrible: huh, TIL
MilkInBags: scouting what? there is no more fog of war
saucemaster5000: any beaver enjoyers?
ZawaAmaz: Beavers is elementary age, Cubs is middle school, Scouts is high school
Heefnoff: The beavers are gone? Damn.
TXC2: I did it when I was a kids, then did the REAL cub scouts, with the garters and everything
Frizzlenill: if it's not too cramped, that's totally fine, although consider putting something on + with your pinkie
saucemaster5000: old fashioned is hip
StickInMud: is your right pinky comfortable pressing buttons? might bind something to numpad + or -?
MilkInBags counterpoint, Alberta
CaptainDaks: Rate that? I'd move DI from / to - on numpad so you can be less precise when you are frantically slapping DI
StickInMud: most leveless are 8 right buttons
Izandai: I would pick you.
LurkerSpine: You are way better than Adam fucking Levine
JinaMahavira: Absolutely
MilkInBags: actors are terrible to hang out with
Izandai: I don't give a fuck about Adam Driver.
ItsThugDimmadome: Adam Cole, Adam Copeland
Heefnoff: Punches like a grown adult
CaptainDaks: yaaa buddy
MilkInBags: if punch doesn't work, use punch
Mr_Horrible: Adam: "I miss doing 70% with a single combo"
Heefnoff: If you ever play Marvel 3/infinite you should play Nova
you got it Nelly
Frizzlenill: doesn't matter it was a great awareness call
TXC2: Adam seems to be muted Nelly
MilkInBags: conservative voices yet again being silenced
Heefnoff: I mean you COUUUUUULD
Izandai: ????????????????????????
Heefnoff: Real as fuck for that tbh
RurouniGeo: true but lol
MilkInBags: what
Heefnoff: Chat if you know you know
Izandai: Adam I'm gonna need you to walk me through that one.
Heefnoff: As the CEO of Marvel 3 he's spitting
ManWithTheMask13: It's tru
MilkInBags: explain
MilkInBags: we have 3 hours ahead
Heefnoff: Hold up I'll get the tweet
Frizzlenill: who's the 'honorary black magneto' again
Izandai: Please do.
Mr_Horrible: "Somebody" you know who, Adam
TXC2: all the tweets are gone
Mr_Horrible: Heef's *in* chat
MilkInBags: ok but
Heefnoff: Best Magneto player in the world made the claim and he was spitting
MilkInBags: oooooh
MilkInBags: i assume he's not white?
Mr_Horrible: this is what A Proclamation looks like in the modern day
AceGun_: He's the authority. Who are you to ask for further explanation?
TXC2: it's like how white men can't jump
TXC2: or "can't"
Izandai: I think it would be infinitely funnier if he was white.
Heefnoff: Posting this one too cause it was a banger reply
Mr_Horrible: @TXC2 it's true, no spacebar
Mr_Horrible: Heef you almost made me spit my coffee
LordZarano: Names go in cycles. Baby names become adult names, adult names become old person names, old person names become great-grandparent names, great-grandparent names become baby names. If you want to give a child a name that people *their* generation will think is cool you have to name them something that you think is an old person name. i.e. a name from your grandparent's generation. Because to them it will be a great-grandparent name and those are always mysterious and cool
Frizzlenill: omg heef
Mr_Horrible: like you, literally, since that was your reply
Izandai: @Heefnoff Okay that's kinda funny.
josh___something: HEEF XD
TXC2: Heefnoff that's really good
Heefnoff: The followup got lost to time bro I gotta bring it back lmao
Mr_Horrible: "POWER OF THE NOVA FORCE" and he's asking for the buffalo sauce on the side
MilkInBags: fine
Izandai: Looks smooth to me.
TXC2: seems ok here
Mr_Horrible: seems smooth to me?
NorthstarTex: game looks fine
AceGun_: Looks normal
RurouniGeo: it's back but its "GRRRRtrude"
bbj_afk: looks fine
RitualGlitchZ: looks fine
Frizzlenill: game looks fine here
PrinceLariel: seems deece
gualdhar: Twitch has had some serious problems the past couple weeks but it's not on the streamer side
MilkInBags: OBS = obviously bullshit stats
RitualGlitchZ: Maybe a tiny bit bit-rate-y
AceGun_: it's called "buffering"
Frizzlenill: having enough physical space between buttons is quite important for hand comfort
saucemaster5000: he's used to churning
BusTed: No meter... that you know of.
Mr_Horrible: that's why his fireballs go so fast
saucemaster5000: akuma thows pikachu at you
Mr_Horrible: they're motivated
Mr_Horrible: *Devil Trigger noise*
PatronSaintOfUncertainty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Thanks for subscribing, PatronSaintOfUncertainty! (Today's storm count: 12)
PrinceLariel: damn
TXC2: I forget what go means in Japanese, but hado means wave, so it's go wave!
bbj_afk subscribed with Prime.
Thanks for subscribing, bbj_afk! (Today's storm count: 13)
you got a new one
TXC2: that young prime baby!
bbj_afk: been playing for a couple weeks
Izandai: Wave Fist
Dragoonspirits86: wave fist
Mr_Horrible: "wave goodbye"
TXC2: wave motion fist
BusTed: it's ryu waving at ken
saucemaster5000: hadouken means wave of 10 minute timeout
MilkInBags: hadoken means fill your taxes
7gorobei: ken is fist
Dragoonspirits86: it means wave in the sense of a 'moving wave' or pulse
MilkInBags: do you have an affiliate code for LRR and SF6?
BusTed: "How does that affect the bottom line"
Mr_Horrible: "You see, Graham, it makes me feel cool"
Frizzlenill: I mean 'power wave' versus the japanese version of 'punch wave' isn't all that different
saucemaster5000: graham gives you one more week for each new sub
MilkInBags: graham is such a capitalist
Amboss2: Do you truly think Graham will ever forgive you?
Mr_Horrible: Graham, known for always wearing one of those bookie visors
7gorobei: what's your PnL?
MilkInBags: adam has an eternal debt to graham
Mr_Horrible: what are you, a demon bound in service?
saucemaster5000: what did graham do? get your soul for a donut?
Mr_Horrible: Capcom in shambles
i mean, next year in magic is (in my opinion)
Mr_Horrible: screaming crying throwing up
RitualGlitchZ: Part of me does want to abandon magic for SF again
RitualGlitchZ: with the ub stuff
Frizzlenill: I mean both games have TMNT cashgrab crossovers right
MilkInBags: is tomorrow the day all Arcane season 2 episodes are released?
RitualGlitchZ: I think I'm getting a leverless for Christmas which is dank
JinaMahavira: yes Milk
Frizzlenill: @MilkInBags the last 3 yeah IIRC
nymistrya: @MilkInBags Its gotta be from 0-2 drafts on stream, since they have to go positive or else
CaptainDaks: definitely look more in control
ItsThugDimmadome: @RitualGlitchZ Hell yeah join us
Mr_Horrible: "If I can get away with it, yes"
MilkInBags: they might get me back on netflix with arcane
JinaMahavira: 1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
JinaMahavira: 2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
MilkInBags: I see myself with my own eyes in 5 years
JinaMahavira: 4* damn it
Mr_Horrible: I thought you were gonna ask if he paced back and forth and said "...hakkunnah matahtah... what the fuck does that mean?"
Frizzlenill: How's your portfolio looking this quarter and also did you block that standing
I remember when I got asked that question when I was trying to join the army, and I had to stop myself from saying "I see myself being 5 years older"
saucemaster5000: "what if we had another kid?" "what if we brough back luke season 1?" "what?" "what?"
Izandai: @fishboi_samurai Is she single?
Mr_Horrible: what if you do and she smokes you 5-0?
fishboi_samurai: @Izandai No, she's my wife lmao
Mr_Horrible: what if you do and she's a Juri player?
ManWithTheMask13: ggs ggs ggs Nelly
MilkInBags: you buy a ring
MilkInBags: oh wait, wife
saucemaster5000: smoke and divorce both have "o"s in the word
Mr_Horrible: "Damn, she's gaming"
@saucemaster5000 so doe smoke and hot
MilkInBags: give her a storm deck, say that's the whole game
Mr_Horrible: *sigh*
saucemaster5000: doe
Heefnoff: Smelling mistake
MilkInBags: adam cancelled
LurkerSpine: parnets
TXC2: !clips
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
MilkInBags: sorry graham, we have to delete this channel forever
Mr_Horrible: I can't get a hit in on Adam in fighting games, so this is where I have to take my shots
Heefnoff: Don't mess with a witch or she'll cast a smell on you
BusTed: It was jammed in the queue
BusTed: And just came out
Mr_Horrible: when your brain does input buffering
MilkInBags: what an actor
there's a reason we've got
saucemaster5000: I did that the other day in discord playing slay the spire and caught myself....
Mr_Horrible: most folks would take that secret to the grave
MilkInBags: clippable behavour
CatTreeDreamCar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Thanks for subscribing, CatTreeDreamCar! (Today's storm count: 14)
Izandai: What are you actually thinking about in that time? Are you thinking about how long you should sit there or are you thinking about Dhalsim throw loops or what?
TXC2: and that fact that Adam thinks to do that means he IS a thinker
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 Oh I just do that in StS because I'm a dumbass
saucemaster5000: holy shit a genius
BusTed: >talks to ghost
Kaaannaaa: whoa, whoa, whoa, you're saying you play _differently_ in front of an audience?
gualdhar: the worst part is we eat it up
But then you auto pilot reading chat and the Hellion dies
Kaaannaaa: I, am shocked and appalled at this revelation
we're a debuff
MilkInBags: the batteries were dead, i had sunlight in my eyes, twitch chat was on my screen
JinaMahavira: Josh was twerking
JinaMahavira: Pee outside like the rest of my friends
saucemaster5000: friends get the kraft singles, guests get the brie
josh___something: i'D BE mad if adam wasn't wrong
Hey everyone ! How are the street today ?
Frizzlenill: JP's the kid who has you come over so you can watch him play video games and doesn't let you play
TXC2: hello HungryTanuki welcome
Heefnoff: "Get to work" is crazy
LordZarano: The word is "performer"
Heefnoff: Gonna start sayin that
Heefnoff: Oh no not this again
Izandai: Nice callback.
TXC2: what a callback
HungryTanuki: @TXC2 o/
saucemaster5000: going to the bathroom like summoning old scratch
uneactrice: ze devil
Heefnoff: I wear layers like a Victorian era nobleman so I have more stuff to take off when I use the bathroom
TXC2: the Devil
Mr_Horrible: I've had poops like that, tbf
cyclopsboi: the devil
MilkInBags: happy birthday sauce
saucemaster5000: I've been called out
JinaMahavira: Happy birthday!!
lightfut: Get busy p*ssin or get busy dyin'
HungryTanuki: Happy birthday !
It's also Adam's birthday
Izandai: The real top-tier host behavior is to hire a sexy lady to stand in the bathroom and say "Pissing all by yourself, handsome?" to anyone who walks in.
MilkInBags: happy day adam
Heefnoff: Chimney sweep punish might be my new favorite descriptor tbh
gualdhar: Happy Birthday Adam!
saucemaster5000: congrats on passing the bar adam
Mr_Horrible: "You think I can afford to drive rush? In this recession?"
Mr_Horrible: you pass a bar exam every day, brother
Mr_Horrible: now lift
RitualGlitchZ: Do they have that in canada?
Heefnoff: Congrats on passing your MCAT Adam
cyclopsboi: dear dr adam
Doctor Adam Savidan, DMT
Mr_Horrible: Adam saying "watch this mix" as he's about to slice your chest open on the table
PorpoisesUnknown: Paging Dr. Savidan
RitualGlitchZ: You could be like a foot doctor
Heefnoff: Congrats on your ticket to Noah's Arc, Adam
fishboi_samurai: Adam, congrats on your PHD
Izandai: Wow fuck that guy.
TXC2: ^
HungryTanuki: What D:
Mr_Horrible: "Because I like the feel of it"
LordZarano: WTF
saucemaster5000: holy shit they're based
vinopinguino: They do you even lift bro you
BusTed: they saw what you were working with
PorpoisesUnknown: I see you're not even lifting a neutron star Adam. Something wrong?
Mr_Horrible: "You are big but bar is small. What is secret?"
Heefnoff: To be fair Adam's massive
TheColourFive: Hey Chat, it's my first time making it to an Oki Oki. How do I join the room?
RitualGlitchZ: Tell em the jerk store called
Heefnoff: Working on getting that definition I hear you
Mr_Horrible: yeah, I can see how it could be posed as a legit curiosity
MilkInBags: wait, i thought low reps high weight was hypertrophy
ManWithTheMask13: More like smell reps amirite
TXC2: hello TheColourFive we're a lobby under the name LRR_Moonbase, password is 6969
Mr_Horrible: rather than a "wow, baby bar" dig
good day gamers
TheColourFive: Thanks!
GirlPainting: Hey LoadingReadyRun , How would you like the following MTG Format: Mana Burn Cube. Your Deck has NO lands. Instead you start with WUBRG, and you get one land of your choice every turn. Then in your main phase you HAVE to tap all of your mana. Your Mana pool dos NOT empty and you get Mana Burn every turn.
TXC2: MilkInBags that's for max strength
Mr_Horrible: heyya itira
@itira Hey Itira
MilkInBags: @TXC2 i do a single push up a day so i should be incredibly strong?
TXC2: MilkInBags stronger then if you didn't
itira: damn Adam
Mr_Horrible: Nelson a true Upwelling stan
TheColourFive: I'm in! Looking forward to playing with everyone!
MilkInBags: hi stinky
Izandai: You want to play the exact same game with no changes whatsoever?
itira: hello melk
josh___something: GGs
GirlPainting: well, it is basicly sudden death with the rule to tap all your mana
Mr_Horrible: "Back in my day we had to play a 4-mana enchantment to get that effect"
itira: whats woooork
baskwalla: We love the punchies, what can we say?
the day people are used to having you here?
fishboi_samurai: people procrastinating on work lmao
vinopinguino: No one works on Fridaya lol
CaptainDaks: >.>
Mr_Horrible: nope, legitimately
PorpoisesUnknown: the sounds of heavy clackin lmao
TXC2: some of Us are in the UK/EU
MilkInBags: I'm at the office, watching this stream with no headphones, everyone listens the stream!
RitualGlitchZ: Unemployed represent!
Mr_Horrible: "inconspicuously gaming"
saucemaster5000: for once I'm not, but I also don't wanna get out of bed to get my controller
BusTed: alt+tab, enter the L3, alt+tab back to the spreadsheet
LurkerSpine: I am working atm, but I usually get my 40 in by the time OKI OKI starts
Heefnoff: Gotta get silencers for your buttons
MilkInBags: joke I'm off today, at home
Heefnoff: That's awful, someone ban ace
Mr_Horrible: Milk, known for never joking
itsr67: aki combo, tab out, check spreadsheet
baskwalla: That’s what it took to ban Milk???
saucemaster5000: @MilkInBags then pull up and play mlik
MilkInBags: gunFLAME
vinopinguino: Lol hold this L real quick
itira: Dont ban milk! all the coworkers cant hear the stream if you do that!
ManWithTheMask13: Me clocking in at my job at the Old Factory
PorpoisesUnknown: this is actually undercover Boss Milk and YOURE FIRED!
silent_sol: Washid
MilkInBags: my boss is at the hospital
Heefnoff: The long con
tried to stop me watching this
saucemaster5000: heheh
Heefnoff: HUH
HungryTanuki: D:
ManWithTheMask13: Their neut is too sick
Heefnoff: Me complimenting the local witch
MilkInBags: neut in the cauldron
HungryTanuki: The noutch ?
BusTed: they mostly come out at night...
JinaMahavira: My newt is too clean
GirlPainting: @LoadingReadyRun the idea is basicly like judges tower, but instead of rules violations, the goal is to empty your mana pool as effitient as possible
Heefnoff: Sick neut bro
geez learn to write
TXC2: BusTed mostly
MilkInBags: brewing a tincture to quench our desires
gualdhar: don't you just make a deck with all 5 drops?
couchboyj: Eye of the nuet? That a thing? Gotta beat the eye of the tiger.
MilkInBags: you also said no one says quench
LMAOkai_: tincture deez....
saucemaster5000: there are tinctures in ff6
Mr_Horrible: I say "slake"
LMAOkai_: i say quench on a daily basis.
Heefnoff: Who up quenching they thirst rn
BusTed: slake my thirst for vengeance
HungryTanuki: Milk just did though
AceGun_: I say quench, but never slake
GirlPainting: @gualdhar thats why you use a cube as the deck that evryone uses
saucemaster5000: lmaokai when did you add an "a" to your name?
the only time I've heard Slake thirst is from Age of empires 2
LordZarano: @LMAOkai_ Are you a blacksmith?
itira: i say quench
Wrexadecimal: Any quenchers in chat?
HungryTanuki: Yaass quench !
itira: Quenchers rise up!
AceGun_: I feel very seen.
vinopinguino: We out here quenchin
saucemaster5000: finishes talking about venom, quenches their thirst
Heefnoff: Nelly keeping them alive to play more neuch
chrisvonclause: Gatorade executives crying their eyes out at the lack of quench in modern vernacular
Heefnoff: Based
Izandai: They're both valid in the sense that there exist games called Final Fantasy 6 and Final Fantasy 3. But if you call the former by the name of the latter you're just a goddamn fool.
TXC2: "it's the Quenchiest"
SymphonySolstice: quench, when youre a queen and a wench
PrinceLariel: as a blacksmith I do quench things
Rantling: If you're a blacksmith you quench.
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 Gotta quench my thirst for mentioning Venom at every opportunity.
couchboyj: There's a wench on that bench holding a wrench with a thirst she needs quenched
MilkInBags: if people say hagmaxing, we can say quench
I said quench once and google fired me
LMAOkai_: i took an afternoon course on blacksmithing. therefore i entitled to say quench
cyclopsboi: shoulders and arms
itira: yeah hit the hammers together
PrinceLariel: im getting there haha, its most noticeable in my forearms, its a lot of grip strength
TXC2: still got hit leg day
Izandai: Blacksmiths aren't necessarily ripped as hell. A lot of hitting things hard is efficiency in motion.
saucemaster5000: I have a friend who is a working blacksmith. They make more than me. fuck blacksmiths
MilkInBags: you can be strong without being ripped
Izandai: You let the weight of the tool do most of the work.
Heefnoff: Not compared to like a steam roller maybe
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 is this, like, advice? Get in a relationship with a blacksmith because they'll be a hot, strong breadwinner?
Izandai: Adam you crushed a watermelon with your thighs. You're strong.
Heefnoff: Bro is still strong
vinopinguino: You're in great shape Adam ya stud shut up
cyclopsboi: @saucemaster5000 are they like a farrier?
LordZarano: You crushed a melon between your legs!
MilkInBags: I'm pretty sure you can lift me up and crack my back in half
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible I mean he is married, has a kid and owns a house in the east bay
ManWithTheMask13: Did you know that historically medieval shield smiths made more than blacksmiths
BusTed: wa?
Rantling: Depending on the type of smith you are you use a lot of different tools and grips and can get huge forearms.
itira: waaaa
the most i;ve deadlifted is 90KG, i've been working out for 15 years
MilkInBags: please doom tell me more
HungryTanuki: Waaa
saucemaster5000: did you know that historically you got a 10 minute timeout?
Mr_Horrible: @ManWithTheMask13 I assume because shields get fucked up more often?
Heefnoff: Then they quench the sword
BusTed: That's the quenching!
itira: ting tong ting tong quench and its done
ItsThugDimmadome: Smiths are generally chatty craft mommies
gualdhar: Tired: blacksmithing. Wired: brownsmithing
saucemaster5000: ting tong tee hee money please
MilkInBags: there's a blacksmith in taiwan that makes high end knives with bomb shells china used on them, that's metal
Mr_Horrible: pretty sure blacksmiths are all the offspring of Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, and say they don't want you to go hollow
Heefnoff: Adam becoming a blacksmith so he can regularly say the word quench
Rantling: Probably use a mold or caste for a hammer.
Heefnoff: Ysaar save me
Heefnoff: Go Ysaar hold down the neuch
josh___something: Ysaar, the super that does everything
TXC2: yes Nelson yes !
MilkInBags: Wuke
MilkInBags: waaah
itira: waah?
PrinceLariel: I love how expressive Rashid is
Mr_Horrible: "Ope!"
silent_sol: voice actor get the script: "Waah?"
saucemaster5000: "OOP"
MilkInBags: you whisper "lmao"
Mr_Horrible: as a midwestern lad
AceGun_: ooohp
BusTed: concur
Heefnoff: HUH
YareNiDaze: ope
ItsThugDimmadome: "welp"
Mr_Horrible: DUMMY
MilkInBags: when someone on the road is close to make an accident i go 'yiiiip'
AceGun_: "game sucks"
Heefnoff: No that's when I shimmy them
HungryTanuki: "Come on..."
ItsThugDimmadome: Or like a "AAAA-"
Heefnoff: I land a fatass counterhit st.HP and go DUMMY
in my experience, when you whiff a throw, you smack your face into the floor
mjuukis: @MilkInBags are you a kobold?
Mr_Horrible: that would be Heef's PP line, yes
Heefnoff: @Mr_Horrible Oh wait yeah you nailed it
MilkInBags: 900 damage
Mr_Horrible: "Charley Horse, brother"
YareNiDaze: Hey Adam, hey Nelly, hey chat!
HungryTanuki: @YareNiDaze o/
TXC2: hello YareNiDaze welcome
TheColourFive: Thanks for the games!
YareNiDaze: Btw Adam, Oliver in last ep of Thrink? GOD DAMN.
ManWithTheMask13: Okay so the reason was that shields were easier to make, required less valuable resources, were destroyed on a more regular basis than weapons, were essential for sieges—which happened a lot during postclassical Europe—and just altogether was a more profitable profession since anyone can use a shield vs. a soldier/warrior needing to train with a specific weapon
TheColourFive: I was stressed the whole time, nice fight.
saucemaster5000: @ManWithTheMask13 this makes a lot of sense honestly
Izandai: ^
HungryTanuki: Terry !
ItsThugDimmadome: all g
Mr_Horrible: @ManWithTheMask13 thank you for the history lesson, Doom, legitimately
vinopinguino: Unc check lol
HungryTanuki: *flasback of SF4 ruthless inputs*
Mr_Horrible: that usually works better if you don't say you're gonna do it out loud
TXC2: the olde double bluff
LordZarano: I had no idea there were different types of smiths. Thought they were all just blacksmiths
saucemaster5000: I just say "going for it"
HungryTanuki: Hell no
Wrexadecimal: lol nope
Mr_Horrible: well the other option is "dungeon" so probably yes
TheColourFive: Not a chance
saucemaster5000: I trained for 2 year in german broadsword fighting. No
Mr_Horrible: just based on that
AceGun_: I think you just get caught up in the flow of traffic.
vinopinguino: Lol therapy
Izandai: They beat all the disobedience out of you before they send you to the front lines.
SymphonySolstice: I could hide in a giant horse for 12 hours and then do it when they wheel me in past the city gates
Mr_Horrible: "They're regular humans and there's no therapy" - Adam, on Medieval living conditions
vinopinguino: You're just resigned to death I guess
saucemaster5000: I'd fight alongside repo, the other dude I know who can fight with swords
TXC2: yes, people left armies ALL the time
AceGun_: You are surrounded by other people that will kill you if you try to run away (because they are the ones that want to run away).
Ukon_Cairns: even the right* choice has consequences
they talked about God mostly
BusTed: the latest crop
Mr_Horrible: "I have doubts, brother" "That's demons, I have to kill you now"
saucemaster5000: "so how bout that sun?"
Izandai: Also laying siege was mostly about surrounding the fortification and waiting for them to run out of food.
Mr_Horrible: "Pope said you're cooked"
SymphonySolstice: gossip mostly
gualdhar: they talked about the last public execution
itira: they talked about god and burning witches
Izandai: Not that much about fighting.
mjuukis: wait what diet is that lion in the background on? its yoked
saucemaster5000: ran out of weed to burn
Heefnoff: Based
fishboi_samurai: A kiss or a smooch on the forehead?
AceGun_: we were burning them and drowning them. pick a lane!
fishboi_samurai: Why was that the default? lmao
uneactrice: We weren't burning witches. We were burning people. lol
Heefnoff: Put them in charge if they're so strong
Izandai: Because one specific priest was super super SUPER sexist.
Mr_Horrible: If a witch wanted to use my organs for a flying ointment I would simply support women
gamercat88: Should have just slammed into the back of a Dragula
vinopinguino: They unfortunately already tried to get a smooch and then they claimed they were witches
saucemaster5000: I'd go back in time and give elizabeth II a monster energy drink
Mr_Horrible: explaining the concept of Big Titty Goth GF to a peasant
Mr_Horrible: and they're like "yeah, duh"
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 @mr_horrible My pleasure! Also I will be weighing in on sieges since they are fascinating
Mr_Horrible: erudite
vinopinguino: Such flavor would kill a peasant
saucemaster5000: he's a writing major, what do you expect?
Mr_Horrible: I imagine Doom pushing the glasses up the nose to readjust them
Izandai: That's literally it. There was one priest who was super fucking weird about women, and took some women to court about it, and lost, so he wrote a pamphlet about how witches were super real and super dangerous that was basically pure fearmongering and was so extreme that even the Spanish Inquisition thought it was a bad idea.
using whole sentences does not make you an old person
AceGun_: I fully expect to see "Sincerely, ManWithTheMask13" at the end of every chat.
Mr_Horrible: @Izandai this honestly tracks
SymphonySolstice: my pleasure my liege
RitualGlitchZ: I hope this message doesn't find you tbh
Mr_Horrible: "I hope this message finds you in a well. Fuck you."
saucemaster5000: "ope"
TheAwkes: Ending text messages with a signature.
couchboyj: Afam arrives in the past, ready to show a serf some hot goth mommies on his phone. He is burnt at the stake before he manages to unlock the phone.
Izandai: Afam
TXC2: "if this message has found you, I'm sorry, you're the chosen one"
saucemaster5000: @TheAwkes my dad does this
vinopinguino: I hope this message finds you and kills you
fishboi_samurai: Are we note learning stick anymore?
Sacrenos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Sacrenos! (Today's storm count: 15)
fishboi_samurai: We learning pad or leverless?
Izandai: Nelly is on keyboard.
CaptainDaks: @fishboi_samurai KB today
fishboi_samurai: @CaptainDaks Keyboard got it
saucemaster5000: they'd make you siege a castle
RitualGlitchZ: kb is basically leverless
Mr_Horrible: "I don't have to hope this message finds you. I trained it well, its quarry will not escape it."
LordZarano: "I hope this message has a very particular set of skills"
Izandai: You're not American, Adam.
vinopinguino: They'd burn you
TheAwkes: Just show them Balatro real quick.
AceGun_: Is Nelly using any shortcuts yet? I think holding 6 and tapping 4 works well for dash/driverush.
TXC2: Izandai Canadians still have guns
Izandai: I'm sorry.
Mr_Horrible: because they killed people for imagining things back then
saucemaster5000: because they were dumb back then and I'm smart
itira: oh nooooo
RitualGlitchZ: Plus aliens have been abducting people forever
Izandai: I did not know that. That explains a lot.
vinopinguino: Hell yeah brother
TXC2: mark twain wrote a story about a man from the 19th century being in the middle ages
cyclopsboi: because peasants were VERY uneducated
Mr_Horrible: you've always resonated with the Kkona
TXC2: so people have thought about this for a LONG time
SymphonySolstice: Izandai just saying he's 50% more unhinged
AceGun_: I thought you could just hold forward and tap back once to get the 656 input? But maybe that isn't how SF6 works.
Wrexadecimal: yooo
ItsThugDimmadome: GGs Nelson
ItsThugDimmadome: Yeah, basicall
ItsThugDimmadome: y
RitualGlitchZ: That does work Ace
ManWithTheMask13: (Also the Spanish Inquisition only was able to try Catholics. Different conversation from the widespread persecution of pagan witches that really began with King Charlemagne)
AceGun_: Because of SOCD stuff
AceGun_: You hold forward and tap back, but that give you neutral.
ItsThugDimmadome: Obligatory SOCDeeznuts.
josh___something: I think that works?
CaptainDaks: @AceGun_ you can
LordZarano: "Written in the 2nd century CE by the satirist Lucian, A True Story contains many themes and tropes characteristic of modern science fiction, including travel to other worlds, extraterrestrial lifeforms, interplanetary warfare, and artificial life. Some consider it the first science fiction novel."
RitualGlitchZ: The DP one is way more important for leverless
PorpoisesUnknown: clap clap clap clap clap
HungryTanuki: *clap clap, clap clap clap*
30teracyte: simultaneous opposite cardinal directions (i think)
no you have a
ItsThugDimmadome: SOCD shortcuts are rad. I switched to leverless for standing 720s, whjich I still can't hit lol
PorpoisesUnknown: Adam is on the GILLYWEED
vinopinguino: Hahaha
couchboyj: I'm trying to play this fighting game, but my opponents keep unc checking me because my ignorance is dummy thicc
saucemaster5000: it was the super nintembo games
CaptainDaks: They're saying hold D, tap A (while still holding D), then release A and press a punch. you get DP.
TXC2: wow, so I've smoked more weed then Adam has eh?
vinopinguino: Please clap
RitualGlitchZ: @CaptainDaks Not DP, dash
PorpoisesUnknown: Adams italian is showing
TXC2: !clips
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
lightfut: I wouldn't want to take a crouching medium from Adam
Mr_Horrible: he's so tired he became briefly Italian
josh___something: The SOCD one I like using on keyboard is holding down, then tapping up and forward multiple times to buffer supers
Mr_Horrible: until now
saucemaster5000: mamma mia
RitualGlitchZ: The DP shortcut is hold S double tap D, punch on the second tap
Heefnoff: ggs @ManWithTheMask13
ItsThugDimmadome: The only Italian that matters is the one in your heart
PorpoisesUnknown: Adam "Friend of the family' Savidan
ItsThugDimmadome: Adam "When you're here, you're family" Savidan
RitualGlitchZ: The super one hurts my brain
vinopinguino: Ayoo chill chun li
Heefnoff: Real
HungryTanuki: Chun is hard
Heefnoff: I do
ItsThugDimmadome: Chun's stance combos are so sick.
CaptainDaks: @RitualGlitchZ many shortcuts yep
CaptainDaks: good for differnt contexts
AceGun_: Just wanted to make sure Nelly was aware that there are a bunch of leverless/KB specific shortcuts for inputs. So he can look into those if he runs into trouble.
TXC2: I feel like Adam tried Chunners for one stream or something
HungryTanuki: The queen of neutral
CaptainDaks: based
ItsThugDimmadome: EVEN shorter
ManWithTheMask13: Microscopic shortcuts
need a one button game
vinopinguino: We must go shorter
saucemaster5000: it was on international news
itira: its snowing like hell rn
SlimeBeherit: i mean some very incorrect people think the same of this Chuns face
GGsLive: chun li's face offended me
ItsThugDimmadome: Would DiveKick also count?
RitualGlitchZ: Gooners gonna goon
Izandai: No
saucemaster5000: yeah people are annoyed at how chun looks in this game
GGsLive: Balatro is very good
saucemaster5000: "people"
TXC2: yeap it's DLC
Mr_Horrible: I'll be mad if Wukong beats anything, but otherwise IDC
ItsThugDimmadome: Balatro I hear is very good.
BusTed: depends how much of the voting got hit by the balatro bug
Izandai: @saucemaster5000 Why? Too old or too Chinese?
saucemaster5000: @Izandai too small
TXC2: Checkpoint covers it well IMO
Izandai: what
HungryTanuki: SoTE is almost a whole game
ItsThugDimmadome: I'm surprised Best DLC/Remaster isn't already a thing.
Mr_Horrible: I feel like it's a kind of DLC that slides into "Sequel in all but name" territory
RurouniGeo: it's happened before didnt witcher 3 dlc win like a decade ago?
vinopinguino: Yeah should b it's own category
Mr_Horrible: like it would be released as a separate disc back in the Old Days
SlimeBeherit: @ItsThugDimmadome cause any other year no DLC would win it
PorpoisesUnknown: DLC should be its own category
TotK is so fkn overwhelming tho
RurouniGeo: blood and wine
Mr_Horrible: more than anything it just illustrates that TGAs are still very stupid and kludgey
saucemaster5000: wait, elden ring won over tears
saucemaster5000: wdym
Mr_Horrible: "I didn't like BotW, but for cool unique reasons"
LordZarano: "Best Ongoing Game" is a category right?
Mr_Horrible it's basically an excuse to have a bunch of ads
RitualGlitchZ: the only thing wrong with those games was the weapon durability
HungryTanuki: o7
Heefnoff: LMAO
JinaMahavira: o7
vinopinguino: Rip
gamercat88: o7
Mr_Horrible: freedom
PorpoisesUnknown: o7
SlimeBeherit: yeah even though i liked BotW i did find Tears overwhelming. Just sooooo many npcs asking for stuff
itira: i enjoyed BotW a lot but I just couldnt get into TotK because it was sooooo much content
ManWithTheMask13: o7
e_bloc: that section did suck
e_bloc: worst part of game imo
Mr_Horrible: no that's fair, that's, like, The Common Complaint, is the weapon degradation
Heefnoff: Was it really that bad?
GGsLive: I think Party House should win game of the year while being a game inside another game
Izandai: @Heefnoff Nah
RitualGlitchZ: I've been having such a Zelda bug, but like 64 zelda
Heefnoff: Fair
PorpoisesUnknown: My ex still has my copy of Breath of the Wild ;/ I never got to beat it
SirPlumpy: BotW made me rage quit because of the rain lol
itira: LOL
RitualGlitchZ: and I don't have a way to play them atm
itira: fuck Hyrule. yall are on your own
Izandai: @SirPlumpy Baffling to me.
Mr_Horrible: "Fuck Link" yeah the internet agrees with you, Adam
saucemaster5000: I think Party house should win so adam is even cooler for refusing to play it
SirPlumpy: i couldn't climb if it was raining! lol
Mr_Horrible: can't believe Adam bought UFO49 instead of UFO50
Mr_Horrible: rookie error
e_bloc: party house is fun but it's a little too simple
itira: @SirPlumpy the rain was something else wasnt it?! it just made things take longer than they needed to take
Mr_Horrible: it's an "anthology" game for an imaginary game studio
Izandai: @SirPlumpy Okay? Go somewhere else. Baffling to me that that minor annoyance was enough to get you to ragequit.
saucemaster5000: it's coming to switch
AceGun_: Not yet
GGsLive: I honestly want you to never play it. There's too much value in trying to convince you
lightfut: Wheeler played party house on ityc a week or so ago
GGsLive: only stream atm
GGsLive: steam
gamercat88: Adam did you see POE II things yet :3
Mr_Horrible: wild to me that it didn't launch on switch tbh
Mr_Horrible: it's massively switch-coded
couchboyj: Good games, too. And Party House.
shendaras: How about that Castlevania anime?
BusTed: The lore is that it's a collection of games for an old console that never came out.
Mr_Horrible: but targeting consoles is hard, so there's that
gamercat88: yeah its long but much excite
Izandai: I dunno, I never understand the reasons people give for not liking BOTW or TOTK. I have my annoyances with them, but they pale in comparison to how much I love the rest of them.
SirPlumpy: @Izandai I tried that lol literally my experience was rain stoppingme from climbing, go to new place, it would start raining again lol over and over
saucemaster5000: castlevania animeh
JinaMahavira: And then Ben's head explodes
Mr_Horrible: no you have to watch it *on* your deathbed and then tell Ben he should check it out
TXC2: Izandai people are allowed to dislike things for no good reason
couchboyj: Push goal to have Adam play Party House while watching Holes and Castlevania
vinopinguino: Lol
TheBattleOfHastings subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
TheBattleOfHastings: 49 months... So close to a year!
Thanks for subscribing, TheBattleOfHastings! (Today's storm count: 16)
wow jesus
saucemaster5000: this is how ben dies
Lord_Hosk: Im new
Izandai: @SirPlumpy Did you try to climb over literally everything? Like that was the only way you explored was by clambering over stuff?
LMAOkai_: i'm new too
itira: iv never seen Hosk before in my life
GGsLive: Adam can play Party House at my funeral. I give you permission
RitualGlitchZ: New to life
itira: LOL
HungryTanuki: Memphis !
Mr_Horrible: "Yeah, that was alright"
gamercat88: they would have wanted it this way
vinopinguino: Can finally rest in peace
GGsLive: lol
saucemaster5000: "game is shit" -- "dust to dust"
They weekend at Bernies my body to clap whenever you win
Mr_Horrible: it looks sick
gamercat88: yeah beeg cookin!
Mr_Horrible: I wanna bonk Doryani on his big smart stupid head
Mr_Horrible: they're making it more digestible
30teracyte subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 111 months!
Thanks for subscribing, 30teracyte! (Today's storm count: 17)
BusTed: are they adding a damage log
I took like a 3 year break from POE, and then there was too much new content
Mr_Horrible: it looked like they're stealing the constellation board from Grim Dawn? In some fashiion?
cyclopsboi: tbf its a hell of a lot to come into brand new
Mr_Horrible: PoE is the quintessential "1 season on, 1 season off" game for me
GGsLive: thats like 23897981234 CAD
RitualGlitchZ: Isn't that like 1000 in NZ bucks tho
gamercat88: yeah $30 usd for early access, starts Dec 6th
gamercat88: yes mapping is different
Mr_Horrible: LE's mapping system is good
saucemaster5000: last peepoch
Mr_Horrible: so it makes sense to yoink it
it's okay, nobody could play it after they fully released it
at least for the first few days
ManWithTheMask13: Last epoch to the corner store for some chips
GGsLive: Fun fact: I think this maybe the 1 year anniversarry of Nelson not accepting my CFN friend request
Mr_Horrible: lmao
GGsLive: lolol
Mr_Horrible: TRUE
ManWithTheMask13: I've been sucked back into playing DD1, help
TXC2: yeah, once you get to late game on vampire survivors, it kinda sucks
josh___something: LYL
couchboyj: A delicious greasy nothing burger
josh___something: HAAHAH
cyclopsboi: did you hit Death Must Die yet Adam?
GGsLive: yay!!
josh___something: Not beating the old man allegations, nelly
Mr_Horrible: sure is still EA
Mr_Horrible: I hope they either fix or ditch the equipment
cyclopsboi: i am with you its great but still early access
TXC2: is Hades 2 done yet ?
Can't wait for the full release of Hades 2
Mr_Horrible: Ha Deez Have A Nice Day
LurkerSpine: Dead Cells forever
TXC2: Hades is an abosulte banger
TreeGamer35: Hades is amazing. one of the few games i have platinumed
TK_Squared is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
TK_Squared gifted a Tier 1 sub to kirbytronic!
Thanks for the gift, TK_Squared! Welcome to kirbytronic! (Today's storm count: 18)
baskwalla: Did you like Scourgebringer?
Genasi_Gaming: IS that nelson on Cammy!?
TXC2: TreeGamer35 yeah, I 100% it on steam, made me go back and do the same to other Supergiant games
cyclopsboi: werent they doing a sequel to wizard of legend?
saucemaster5000: you know what roguelike gets samey real quick? balatro
TXC2: Genasi_Gaming no, Nelson is still playing Luke
Mr_Horrible: I wonder if Adam would like Dead Estate's gameplay, though he might blegh at the shopkeep
LurkerSpine: You ever finish BG3?
BG3 is basically a roguelike
CaptainDaks: Dungeons of Dredmore pretty nice roguelike
30teracyte: have you played the non-roguelike prince of persia
TXC2: BG3 is...a lot
30teracyte: the recent one
RitualGlitchZ: It is
Izandai: It is.
cyclopsboi: it is
TreeGamer35: it is
e_bloc: its a roguelike. it's okay imo
cyclopsboi: its also quite fun
Mr_Horrible: Dead Estate's a fun iso twinstick shooter, got a fuckton of content
TXC2: yes Peglin is a rouge like, like slay the spire
Mr_Horrible: they just released their final update last month
BusTed: Astral Ascent
HungryTanuki: Astral Ascent ?
BusTed: Adam's beloved
HungryTanuki: It's great !
TXC2: ever played Noita?
saucemaster5000: spelunky is my fav roguelike of all time, but it's hard as balls
cyclopsboi: Spelunky is fairly deep from what i recall
MDHWrites: Mostly in the shops
Mr_Horrible: little cheesecakey in places, but it's got a good cartoony style
Mr_Horrible: Cordelia's fun tho
TjPshine: noita is darksouls 1 disguised as a roguelike
GasCityGaming: Hi chatm Hi streamers!
TXC2: hello GasCityGaming welcome
HungryTanuki: Yep
Thandres: yeah
NorthstarTex: kinda, if you magic wrong
Mr_Horrible: Noita's the Fluid Simulation roguelike
couchboyj: You and a mile radius around you blow up
GasCityGaming: yeah I tried noita, I bounced off a little but i can see how folks like it
RitualGlitchZ: @GasCityGaming Same, the discussion is making me want to try it again tho
RitualGlitchZ: Both of them are great
GasCityGaming: I tried a very good demo called To Kill a God, the leveling/map system was cool
RitualGlitchZ: it's very much more of the same from the first one
saucemaster5000: I just couldn't vibe with rogue legacy's aesthetic
GGsLive: Training mode is system 1 of your brain while in-game uses system 2 of your brain. It takes a while to get your system one learning into system 2
LurkerSpine: Heather recently played Rogue Legacy 2 on her home stream
chrisvonclause: rogue legacy 2 is excellent
TXC2: I think Heather played rogue legacy on her homestream
GGsLive: now ask me what system 1 vs system 2 is
GGsLive: im copy/pasting 1 sec
ItsThugDimmadome: FOre more info check out Core-A Gaming's "Playing Fast and Slow"
GGsLive: lol
GGsLive: What is the difference between system 1 and system 2? The automatic operations of System 1 generate surprisingly complex patterns of ideas, but only the slower System 2 can construct thoughts in an orderly series of steps.
MilkInBags: What is the difference between system 1 and system 2? The automatic operations of System 1 generate surprisingly complex patterns of ideas, but only the slower System 2 can construct thoughts in an orderly series of steps.
mjuukis: Someone read the book "thinking fast and slow"
TK_Squared: Dang, @MilkInBags , that's insightful.
BrowneePointz: rogue legacy 2 is pretty fun but shorter than I liked
MilkInBags: no problem!
GGsLive: i Know
TXC2: "Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?"
GGsLive: thats what I was waiting to copy/paste
RitualGlitchZ: @BrowneePointz The NG+ system added a lot imo
MilkInBags: I'm at 5'11'3/4 and will never be a big person
MilkInBags: truth
BrowneePointz: wait has Nelly switched to Keyboard?
TXC2: BrowneePointz yeap
LurkerSpine: or say your 5'8" to mess with people
MilkInBags: I've never lied once in my life
BrowneePointz: woooooah
RitualGlitchZ: My wife calls me a liar whenever I say I'm 6 foot
FireSpectreZero: I never lied in my life. Except right now
MilkInBags: I'm 8 feet tall
"sometimes you have to lie" said the father
FireSpectreZero: Hi guys I hope everyone is well and looking forward to the weekend
LurkerSpine: lies, damn lies, statistics, etc. etc.
Lord_Hosk: Just because you don't tell people something doesn't mean you are lying, unless you are intentionally obfuscating the truth by not saying something.
FireSpectreZero: Is this character a huge Van Halen fan based off his T-Shirt
MilkInBags: then boot up guilty gear
BrowneePointz: The only people who say never lie are Cops and Churches, aka Soul Cops
MilkInBags: gunFLAME
TXC2: !addquote (Nelson) [now] You were just equivocating, which is like lying, but different.
LRRbot: New quote #9195: "You were just equivocating, which is like lying, but different." —Nelson [2024-11-22]
TXC2: hello FireSpectreZero welcome
GGsLive: whataburger fan
SlimeBeherit: Vhataburger
saucemaster5000: I dunno some crap
ItsThugDimmadome: He's more of a Led Zepplin guy
AceGun_: It's called 'art'
FireSpectreZero: @TXC2 hey
TXC2: it's the Super Fighter 2 V logo
BrowneePointz: Nono cops say YOU should never lie
BrowneePointz: Vemphis
FireSpectreZero: Cops can just lie to you whenever in the US I guess
GGsLive: now ask me whats the difference between art and a Vhataburger logo
BrowneePointz: art makes good food
saucemaster5000: cops don't lie, they make it true by shooting people
GGsLive: its mid
BrowneePointz: chat you’re dissecting the frog
FireSpectreZero: The whataburger logoo is a ripoff of van halen
TXC2: Cops don not, in fact, have to tell you they're cops, urgo cops lie all the time
SlimeBeherit: Chicken Shack burger so good
ManWithTheMask13: I don't lie, but my Tommy Gun sure does
Mr_Horrible: I indulge in Shake Shack from time to time, it's a solid burger
LurkerSpine: Gotta get Nelson some White Castle veggie burgers
BrowneePointz: it’s mid but Texans get pissed if you tell them that
GGsLive: do Nelson's kids suffer from meatlessness too?
saucemaster5000: the mask?
Mr_Horrible: that's a song iirc
Mr_Horrible: at least that's where I know it from
FireSpectreZero: The only fast food I get is McDonalds, BK and KFC and they are all so expensive and terrible right now
30teracyte: 5 guys loads up on toppings to hide their unseasoned patties
saucemaster5000: white castler is pretty low on the scale
Mr_Horrible: White Castle is only good when you want specifically White Castle
GGsLive: it tastes good...but you should be very drunk when you eat it
FireSpectreZero: Harald and Kumar
Mr_Horrible: or for the chicken rings, those are fine
AceGun_: It's one of those places that is bad, but in a specific way that some people like.
BrowneePointz: it’s perfect drunk food
GGsLive: the meat is steamed on top of onion
GasCityGaming: and get like 4-6 of them
PorpoisesUnknown: Drunk and HIgh = Dry?
Mr_Horrible: it's Donair Kebab for the States
SlimeBeherit: and as someone on the west coast, yes In n out is not great, but a decent burger for the price. Shit fries for sure tho
LurkerSpine: if you don't like onion, you're not gonna like white castle
saucemaster5000: but harold and kumar would never lie to me
Mr_Horrible: cooking beef with onion is a classic wdym
Mr_Horrible: tenderizes it
FireSpectreZero: Lol Good onions make or break a burger imho
GasCityGaming: five guys fries are legit, will say that
hyperialguard: I put onion in everything. Love a food that sweats
Mr_Horrible: @GasCityGaming could beat a man to death with a "small" order of Five Guys fries
AceGun_: he's SPITTING
TXC2: you thinking cook them seperate, then add together ?
FireSpectreZero: Never put raw onions in a noodle casserole. I learned that the hard way
GasCityGaming: anyway, off to the first of my 3 back to back one hour online meetings, pray for me chat. have fun punching the keyboard!
Five Guys cajun fries
RitualGlitchZ: Rallys/Checkers has the best fries
GGsLive: I would tell you not to eat them whilst ordering 6...and it would be the realest thing ever
Mr_Horrible: Culver's is the fast food I miss most from moving to the PNW
BrowneePointz: Culver’s have the best crinkles in the game
TXC2: so long GasCityGaming stay safe
BrowneePointz: hands down
FireSpectreZero: ChipotleAway?
saucemaster5000: my war against chipotle continues.....
ItsThugDimmadome: Ah dude crinkle cut fries are so good
bbj_afk: ggs thank you!
BrowneePointz: speaking of Adam for a limited time Culver’s had hot honey cheese curds
ItsThugDimmadome: I want waffle fries now
BrowneePointz: and they SLAPPED
GGsLive: wait...why are you just drinking from the bottle?
GGsLive: arent
TXC2: crinkle cut is the realest shit
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 I was gonna make a "I'm joining the war on the side of the chipotle" joke but I honestly have no strong feelings on it. I get Qdoba on occasion because there's one in walking distance but that's it
saucemaster5000: places that fry their fries in peanut oil and serve with malt vinegar are underrated
TXC2: mug hits different
AceGun_: They are decent for fast food, but you can get much better cheese curds a million places in WI.
GGsLive: lmao
Mr_Horrible: he's spitting
BrowneePointz: yes Frozen Custard
GGsLive: fair
Mr_Horrible: Nelson has the right of it
RitualGlitchZ: I have a card for a free Chik Fil A sandwich, but having to go to a chik fil a sounds like a pain
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible I hate chipotle. It's painfully underseasoned for low level fast food and get to pretend it's "fresh and healthy" when it's just white people mexican
fishboi_samurai: Nelson's classy, I love it
TXC2: for real, different containers make drinks taste different
BrowneePointz: speaking of Chicago Nelly, if yall go back for next year’s Con yall should go to Ed Debevic’s. it’s a Retro Diner where the waitstaff is all actors hired to be EXTREMELY sassy/rude and it’s a lot of fun
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 these are all fair reasons to hate (I suspect they apply to basically all franchised fast AmeriMex, as well, so I claim no moral high ground here)
GGsLive: its fun once
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz do they cut off your necktie?
RitualGlitchZ: Those kinds of resturants sound like such a bad time
RitualGlitchZ: Like if I wanted that I'd just get another retail job
BrowneePointz: @ritualglitchz they come at it from a comedic angle and know to lay off the sauce if someone is having a bad time
TXC2: RitualGlitchZ different strokes for different folks I guess
LurkerSpine: Let's go Geo!
If I go to a restaurant, I want my dish to be roasted, not me
uneactrice: I know I heard uppercut but I swear I heard apricot
uneactrice: sorry...
fishboi_samurai: @uneactrice Fuck I want an apricot now, ngl lmao
hyperialguard: Damn. Partner to Peach
GGsLive: Adam is a tease confirmeds
BlueFingers5: haha nice one Nelson
Mr_Horrible: I'd just imagine it like a haunted house - you know you're in for a performance, it's not something you take seriously if you can help it, and they're also not, like, actual unrepentant assholes
hyperialguard: Give Nadeshiko a Rising Apricot
uneactrice: @fishboi_samurai Yeah. Maybe that's why my brain heard it that way. I secretly want one LOL
saucemaster5000: dried apricots are underappreciated
saucemaster5000: great snack
NorthstarTex: okay, meetings for the day are over, nelly seems to bee doing good today
BrowneePointz: if they put Nadeshiko in as her own character I WILL POG out my gourd
Mr_Horrible: a super where Nadeshiko calls in a splash from herself would be very funny
GGsLive: its Lukafur
hyperialguard: I want a heel Nadeshiko. That would be fun
Izandai: R. Mika with a skin where she and Nadeshiko just trade places.
Izandai: Like Ice Climbers.
TXC2: lukium, atomic number BEAT MODE
BrowneePointz: Lukeifer
BlueFingers5: are you saying dry brush or drive rush?
BrowneePointz: drive rush
Mr_Horrible: thought Nelly was gonna say "Just a maple leaf hat" and I'm pretty sure those mods already exist
BlueFingers5: Thanks the ink effect was making me question myself
v_nome: Is the something new Nelly trying keyboard?
BrowneePointz: make him Canadian instead of American?
v_nome: Neat
v_nome: How do you like keyboard?
Mr_Horrible: sounds like James playing Minecraft
hyperialguard: Boy's got stems
Mr_Horrible: Terry's got legs for days
Mr_Horrible: he's a goddamn Roger Rabbit character
BrowneePointz: he looks like 80% of all gym bros
BrowneePointz: massive dorito body
BrowneePointz: no leg mass
we got a guy in Sumo right now and we asking the same thing, massive upper body, chicken ankles
Izandai: I watched some sumo the other night. It's wild.
HungryTanuki: Speaking of Terry, is there a chance the Oki Oki crew try City of the Wolves once it comes out ?
BrowneePointz: I believe it’s on the list
Mr_Horrible: I could pretty easily see a release week go of it
TXC2: Izandai it sure is, I got into it this year, being loving it
Genasi_Gaming: what would it be like to be a real streetfighter?
BrowneePointz: Adam Nelly and Jacob have expressed interest in it
Genasi_Gaming prison-y
GGsLive: City of the Wolves looks great
Mr_Horrible: it's the Gateway Drug
ManWithTheMask13: Fightcade 👀
GGsLive: when's Mahvel?
Mr_Horrible: recognition is the first stage
ManWithTheMask13: Some fuckin CvSNK2
Mr_Horrible: honestly when the Infinite overhaul mod comes out I could see Adam doing an Oki Oki of it
BrowneePointz: checking out Max’s free MVCI mod would be neat Adam(when it comes out)
saucemaster5000: can we play vr troopers instead
Mr_Horrible: I *think* that's slated for this year?
Mr_Horrible: but, community project and all, so timeline's malleable
couchboyj: Still waiting for the Arm Joe stream
BrowneePointz: yea Max said he wants to launch infinite and beyond this year
BrowneePointz: but he’s also being realistic about the dev on it
GGsLive: if you want a game where you press buttons...boot up someParty House. That game has BUTTONS
HungryTanuki: Wooow
saucemaster5000: joe shoulda lost to the volcano
BlueFingers5: Ya'll should try the Les Miserables fighting game
HungryTanuki: *RoH Samoa Joe would like to know your location*
Mr_Horrible: that's a deep cut right there Sauce
Mr_Horrible: what a bizarre film
hyperialguard: Lol happy birthday sauce
saucemaster5000: yet they knew what I was talking bout. who's old now????
saucemaster5000: There is indeed a les mis fighting game
Mr_Horrible: I feel like Les Mis fighting game would just be Valjean S-tier and everyone else is a jobber
GGsLive: I just looked up the roster for Arm Joe and guess what....THERE'S NO JOE. 0 stars
BrowneePointz: TWO FOUR SIX OH
saucemaster5000: I saw les mis on broadway in its first run and it blew me away
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 all of us too, what's your point?
BrowneePointz: Okay now you’re fucking old @saucemaster5000
GGsLive: the Jesus one
BrowneePointz: no Mr Horrible, I wasn’t alive during Les Mis’ first run
GGsLive: theres NO JOE
Mr_Horrible: bro if you're 30 or over you're old according to Online, I don't make the rules, just embrace or ignore the label
BlueFingers5: All i remember is there's a robo valjon
TK_Squared: ArmJoe sounds like the Japanese name for Les Mis.
Frizzlenill: it's based off the book not the musical
the musical is also based on the book
saucemaster5000: @BrowneePointz brownee, the first run ran till 2003
BrowneePointz: @mr_horrible I’m a Queer Furry over 30, that makes me basically a Dinosaur(but not actually a scaly)
v_nome: From the trivia on that article: It's named Arm Joe because it sounds like the Japanese title translation of Les Misérables.
Izandai: Did you like reading about French sewer systems, Adam?
v_nome: "Aa Mujou" is an expression of exasperation at all the suffering in the world.
Izandai: In Les Mis the book.
Mr_Horrible: @Izandai I mean, that makes sense. Hugo basically writing stories as an excuse to talk about architecture.
GGsLive: I'm going to make a fighting game based off Hairspray (not the musical, the movie starring Ricki Lake) and call it Molly Fingers
well excuse me for thinking of the 80s as the original run before the touring company @saucemaster5000
isn't that sonic 1?
GGsLive: lol
RurouniGeo: GG Nelson
GGsLive: thats an boomer joke
saucemaster5000: @BrowneePointz I mean if you're getting that pedantic it was a concept album first
drizztnailo: experiencing what?
Mr_Horrible: that one may not have escaped Tumblr gravity
Brozard: "Hold on, I've got to go look something up. *time passes* OK yeah, that was funny."
Mr_Horrible: cuz I don't see it other places much
BlueFingers5: Probably that there are shrimp that can see colors we can't, they're emotions that only shrimp can have.
uneactrice: @GGsLive Could one of the moves be called The Roach?
Izandai: I think that comes from shrimp colors, because some shrimp can see wavelengths of light humans can't.
SymphonySolstice: bullet shrimp have more cones in their eyes and see more depth for colors, translating that to emotions
Mr_Horrible: @BlueFingers5 this was the explanation, yes
GGsLive: but so can a bunch of animals
saucemaster5000: shrimp are just that racist
SlimeBeherit: they see sooo many shades of blue
BrowneePointz: mantis shrimp see like 253 colors or some shit
BrowneePointz: STREET fighter
drizztnailo: they're on the street
AceGun_: he would be cold!
RitualGlitchZ: He's died like 4 times, give him a break
Mr_Horrible: he woke up in a dumpster, Nelly
BrowneePointz: not “Penthouse Fighter” Nelly
NorthstarTex: Its his aesthetic, don't dis it
GGsLive: Bison is going through some hard times, man
rosesmcgee: want them to have some self respect
PorpoisesUnknown: those are his athletic commissioned sanctioned RAGS thank you
fishboi_samurai: Ohhhhh a bison
Mr_Horrible: he's here for POWER, not to patronize Men's Warehouse
saucemaster5000: luke doesn't wear shoes!
BrowneePointz: and he deserves all of it
Mr_Horrible: muscle memory
Peevvi: Psycho Power transcends memory
e_bloc: I mean he must remember some stuff, he still knows how to punch
fishboi_samurai: Adam, don't ask those questions, you'll generate massive plot holes in the SF6 story
AceGun_: He has regained some knowledge by absorbing psycho power from the Shadaloo base.
TXC2: the mantis shrimp has 9 cones in their eyes, humans have 3, the shrimp sees a greater range of colours, humans see colours with greater clarity
Mr_Horrible: Bison in the AF1's
e_bloc: bison in a tuxedo
BrowneePointz: I can ride a horse with crossed arms. skill issue
NorthstarTex: bison in business casual
saucemaster5000: Bison hits you with pyscho crusher "I guarantee it"
GGsLive: yeah...psycho power is system 1 brain
Mr_Horrible: Luke is big denim energy
HungryTanuki: Luke would rock the tux
saucemaster5000: luke is a pmc
AceGun_: Strive is based for giving every character a Canadian tuxedo costume.
BrowneePointz: Luke is totes a bit cringe
@saucemaster5000 Pretty Meh Character
GGsLive: basically its active thinking vs muscle memory
v_nome: That was auto heavy yes
Ukon_Cairns: would luke still be barefoot in the canadian tuxedo?
Mr_Horrible: my therapist to me when the session is ending:
BrowneePointz: Luke hits on women for 3 No’s before he leaves. which is why Jamie is trying to date him to save all womandom
e_bloc: give luke some denim crocs
BrowneePointz: and yes I’m a big Jamie x Luke shipper
HungryTanuki: "Go on..."
couchboyj: Bison wakes up in a dumpster remembering naught but phycho power and Tuesdays
AceGun_: He basically plays like an unlockable boss character that is banned from tournaments.
Mr_Horrible: get his ass, Nelly
saucemaster5000: me, trying to devil's reverse over and over again.... "yeah this char's broken"
Mr_Horrible: I'm still mad they made him cool in this one
Mr_Horrible: I wanted to be grumpy forever about them bringing him back so fast but then he was peak aesthetic
fishboi_samurai: He stands on the horse with those shoes
GGsLive: those boots are made for handless horseriding
Mr_Horrible: go off, queens
SymphonySolstice: me
Mr_Horrible: so real for that
fishboi_samurai: @GGsLive Agreed
BrowneePointz: M Bison stands for My Blankie
Scar_Red_Tiger: My buddy is like that
Brozard: Look, maybe women are often a little cold, okay?
TXC2: yes.....mostly women.....
SymphonySolstice: tho tbh mine is a pillowcase so it still has function
drizztnailo: bison literally woke up naked in a dumpster and took these from some guys
BrowneePointz: men don’t admit shit
cdgentry1: bruh, stop calling me specifically out
Mr_Horrible: @drizztnailo impressed that he found pants and a belt that fit that well
Mr_Horrible: 10%
I'm posting from inside a sleeping bag, so maybe I like comfort or something
AceGun_: He mugged Metro City gang members, so kinda?
Brozard: Your clothes, give them to me
Scar_Red_Tiger: Yeah the baby blanket he stole of the Rough Riders.
TXC2: "I need your cloths, your boots, and horse!"
my cats now use my baby blanket
BrowneePointz: he stole the boots from a Jonathan Joestar cosplayer
Brozard: and that sheet
To be fair, he could fit right inot this manga with his actual look
Mr_Horrible: "Only have a horse, sorry." "Okay, that works."
e_bloc: I would only wear it to a street fight
Scar_Red_Tiger: If I need the Mojo, I would
saucemaster5000: I never had a baby blanket cause I ain't no baby
HungryTanuki: His theme in SF6 is pretty dope
Mr_Horrible: what day is today?
ManWithTheMask13: I don't have a baby blanket but I do have a sleeping bag
couchboyj: Bison with the skibidi Ohio drip
Mr_Horrible: ah, I getcha
mjuukis: If Bison woke up in a dumpster how come his pants still has a press line? Despite them being skin tight?
Mr_Horrible: rolled 'im up like a worm
saucemaster5000: m bison in a sleeping bag psycho crushing
mjuukis: I need to know
Scar_Red_Tiger: Dont get tucked in. Get put in the Sleep Hold.
I could come show how the bomb is scary
AceGun_: You can "block" the bomb explosion
Mr_Horrible: yeah, if you're blocking when the bomb blows up you will block the hit
Mr_Horrible: video games
Brozard: Superior tailoring
Mr_Horrible: shut up
AceGun_: Because he stole them AFTER he got out of the dumpster.
Brozard: Good clothes retain their form
saucemaster5000: he pressed his pants before blimbing in the dumpster
saucemaster5000: I don't see the problem
Mr_Horrible: yes, actually
AceGun_: Yes.
SymphonySolstice: it's not a press line he just drew it on
fishboi_samurai: Who's got the Uncle at Capcom?
Scar_Red_Tiger: They are on tighter than they look
GGsLive: some pants are pressed so hard that the lines never go away
v_nome: GGs Nelly
MechaNoelle: The Shirtless Horseman
Mr_Horrible: there's literally an in-game image of his naked ass facing away from the camera in the alley where he woke up
TXC2: Bison has piroties
BrowneePointz: Adam please, if anyone in Street Fighter hangs dong it’s Bison
TXC2: *priorities
v_nome: If my upper body looked like that I wouldn't have a shirt either
my uncle is a landlord
itira: americans AND cops?! Damn
Mr_Horrible: half-american, half-cop, all problem
BlueFingers5: in america the popular vote doesn't matter
Adam the white sheep of the Savidan clan
couchboyj: The dumpster was out back behind a dry cleaners
PorpoisesUnknown: Half American Half Cop 100% GUN
Mr_Horrible: "Rashid."
half American half cop, and you rose above it to become an incredibly kind person who makes the world better
Brozard: Why are they throwing out pressed pants?
Mr_Horrible: @couchboyj "It pains me to throw out this perfectly pressed pair of chinos, but perhaps somehow, someone will find use for them..."
saucemaster5000: there's a dry cleaner I drive by called "top hat cleaners." In my heart they just clean top hats
SymphonySolstice: big mood
Scar_Red_Tiger: Shockingly Bison smells like fresh laundry.
itira: so accomplished
Mr_Horrible: pants were cursed
saucemaster5000: that's how bison lived!
GGsLive: because no one wears pressed pants anymore
Mr_Horrible: Bison is actually inhabiting the pants, the body is ancillary
fishboi_samurai: That pants were haunted by ghosts, and those ghosts gave Bison his psyco power (true lore)
AceGun_: They were filled with psycho power. it all makes sense now.
BrowneePointz: evil Spirits? is this Dandadan?
GGsLive: show me!
saucemaster5000: found the bum in twitch chat
therepoman__: Howdy gamers
saucemaster5000: meowdyt
SymphonySolstice: it's like mario with the hat, the pants are actually sentient and controlling the body
TXC2: hello therepoman__ welcome
fishboi_samurai: The parens 100% made it lmao
RitualGlitchZ: That's not even the weirdest bison lore tbh
Mr_Horrible: youtube tags always make jokes funnier
Mr_Horrible: I don't make the rules
GGsLive: no...we can stay mad
couchboyj: Curse forces you to wear a ratty ass cloak with the pants
saucemaster5000: I can stay mad
HungryTanuki: Waa
BrowneePointz: how do you stay mad at the protagonist for SF5?
Genasi_Gaming: whats the Mix
GGsLive: there's an NPC in WoW names Rashaad...off by one letter again
BrowneePointz: if you do end up enjoying keyboard I wonder if you’d like a leverless Nelly
GGsLive: also I havent found the keychain with my name on it yet
TXC2: you have been going 2 and half hours Nelson, so you've done well
GGsLive: oh...maybe
GGsLive: hmmm
Mr_Horrible: that's the idea, if I'm remembering his explanation at the front of stream, Browneepoints
Mr_Horrible: whoops
Mr_Horrible: autopiloted that one
BrowneePointz: how dare you forget the Z!
TXC2: "we're out of Bort!"
e_bloc: union obligated
itira: LOL
saucemaster5000: wait he's not a mind reader?
fishboi_samurai: Adam are you forcing Nelson to play SF6 and not take breaks?
fishboi_samurai: Kind harsh
fishboi_samurai: *kinda
therepoman__: lmfaoooooo
saucemaster5000: fuck I've been so worried about the mind reading
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 more a mind skimmer
fishboi_samurai: Nelson pop off
fishboi_samurai: Get those breaks
SymphonySolstice: nelly spittin
itira: Nelly over here making Adams life difficult
Scar_Red_Tiger: Did you need a Break an hour ago I gues is the question
Mr_Horrible: *flips through mind* "Okay I've got the gist"
therepoman__: Drizzt on Ken oh lord
Mr_Horrible: hold that shit forever
BrowneePointz: oh yea Adam speaking of roguelikes, did you try the TMNT one yet?
Mr_Horrible: that fuckin Holiday Brian_F edit killed me
1 raiders from Luminaire_p have joined!
TXC2: hello raiders
Mr_Horrible: heyya Lumi
RitualGlitchZ: No
GGsLive: Oh I watched some of it...It looked good
BrowneePointz: I’ve heard decent rhings
BrowneePointz: things
"No, it's dogshit. Play it."
therepoman__: I put parry on a thumb button, it's nice
RitualGlitchZ: I wish you could double bind without having to do extra steps
BrowneePointz: watch Nelly migrate to leverless and become a god
BrowneePointz: a miserable little pile of mixups
TXC2: I have forgotten how to both throw and catch these hands
Mr_Horrible: the rare Undripped Sim
BrowneePointz: ey if I ever stop throwing genuine optimistic support between the goofs then you know I’ve been body snatched
Mr_Horrible: Sim's backthrow animation still incredibly goofy to me
Mr_Horrible: also fair
GGsLive: this is yoga accurate
HungryTanuki: He's playing yoga on hard difficulty
Mr_Horrible: Blessing of Agni diff
RitualGlitchZ: My wife does Yoga, this is 100% accurate Nelly
saucemaster5000: sounds like nelly's been going to the FAKE yoga classes
darkcyril: (true yoga lore)
Mr_Horrible: Akuma creeping forward like a Tom & Jerry extra
saucemaster5000: well it's stormy outside -- do I grilled cheese tomato soup or hot cocoa?
Brozard: @saucemaster5000 yes
Mr_Horrible: you in the mood for savory or sweet, Sauce?
couchboyj: @saucemaster5000 First one, then the other
Mr_Horrible: although apparently Adam will shoot me if I say grilled cheese with whimsy again, so I guess I have to vote for cocoa
gwilled chweese
Mr_Horrible: bro Yoga Perished
drizztnailo: @AceGun_ ive been doing ryus level 3 input this whoile time
saucemaster5000: whoile
therepoman__: @drizztnailo REAL
Mr_Horrible: Burnout games are great
saucemaster5000: burnout: paradise?
v_nome: So what did you think of keyboard, Nelly?
Mr_Horrible: I think 3 and paradise were the ones I played more than in passing
Mr_Horrible: fun stuff
v_nome: I was wondering if that was the plan yeah
REDphd: Street fighting seems painful. Concrete is hard.
v_nome: You can get hitbox style controllers with wasd layout for directions if that's appealing
AceGun_: @drizztnailo lol. that explains it.
saucemaster5000: LMAOkeb
Mr_Horrible: akumin together
what is this white gi Ken shit?
Mr_Horrible: it's the headfake
Mr_Horrible: they expect peepaw gaming and then eat a jinrai
Mr_Horrible: "Damn, Ryu lookin' kinda blonde today... AUGH-"
therepoman__: Me, flashing back to guessing wrong against Adam's Marisa 5 times in a row
Mr_Horrible psychological warfare, got it
ManWithTheMask13: Yeah, Akuma's been a real struggle for me especially since the 9k health means I have less interactions to learn through. Wasn't playing super well today either tbh
saucemaster5000: @therepoman__ ya shoulda seen my bison against his sim. Got two games in then guessed wrong a whole set
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 something something even a broken Psycho Crusher is right twice a match
I 'ppreciate, Nelly
TheColourFive: Thanks again for helping to get me into the lobby (I'm Nuwonga btw)
TheColourFive: I've been trying to catch Oki Oki since it started but I never have Fridays off.
AceGun_: @TheColourFive heck yeah! Welcome!
RurouniGeo: gg got kicked
TheColourFive: Thanks Nelly! GGs
TheColourFive: And yeah, I definitely favour that one mixup. I haven't played in a few months and it's what I remember how to do.
therepoman__: "Fuck my big chungus life bro..."
ManWithTheMask13: @therepoman__ "... fortnite battle pass"
(one bad thing happens) "Everything sucks and it will do forever!"
TheColourFive: @TXC2 I feel this everytime I accidentally jump or DP.
TheColourFive I feel it when I wake up IRL
TheColourFive: lol, fair
Mr_Horrible: that's the curse of Playing Other Games, sadly
Mogg01 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Mogg01! (Today's storm count: 19)
TXC2: isn't Ken vs Dahlsim the 7-3 matchup in SF6 ?
TheColourFive: Who's it in favour of?
TXC2: TheColourFive Ken
saucemaster5000: Yeah the roughest match is gief/sim and even that's not much more than 4/6
TXC2: then again I'm probably thinking of season 1
TheColourFive: Playing ManWithTheMask's Gief was my first exposure to season 2 Gief. That character is way scarier than he used to be.
TheColourFive: Though they're also in master, so they're definitely just better than me, haha.
yeah gief went from hee hee hoo hoo to "holy shit" in season 2, yet he still has three of the worst matchups in the game
TheColourFive: Which 3? Lily, Dhalsim, and who else?
saucemaster5000: sim, Jp, ed in the top 10, lily not far above
TheColourFive: Oh wait, it's JP isn't it?
TheColourFive: Oh really, Ed over Lily? I remember that being a rough one in S1.
Zaneysed: Morning gamers
TheColourFive: Morning!
therepoman__: Given that Zangief is such a sharp archetype it makes sense that he would have such stark matchup differentials, I don't think it speaks to whether or not it makes him a bad character imo
HungryTanuki: Wa !
saucemaster5000: yeah repo
saucemaster5000: he's really good, just has a swingy matchup
TXC2: hello Zaneysed welcome
saucemaster5000: he also is a nightmare for bison
Zaneysed: There are no mids in this game nelly
Zaneysed: only highs and lows
LMAOkai_: ggs ggs
AceGun_: ggs ggs, everyone
Zaneysed: ggs ggs
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam and Nelson
TheColourFive: ggs everyone, thanks for having me for the first time.
saucemaster5000: nap in laptime?
30teracyte: @Zaneysed if there are no mids then what am I dispensing?
fishboi_samurai: Just get over the tension over with, Adam please sit in Nelson's lap
TXC2: !patreon
Thanks for the stream
TXC2: !store
HungryTanuki: Thank you for streaming !
bbj_afk: Thanks for the stream!
LMAOkai_: thank you for the stream. happy to have y'all back
ggs y'all. Thanks for the stream. Have a good day, everyone
thanks for the stream, boss
Mr_Horrible: I mean I need to go walking after this so...
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (46m from now).
itira: Thank you for the stream! Have a good afternoon everyone!
TXC2: !events
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LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
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LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Mr_Horrible: later gamers
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
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