LoadingReadyRun: everyone do their homework?
TheAwkes: Our *what*?!
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Potion of Defense!
RockPusher: *chugs potion* *a tasteful picket fence sprouts between the kitchen and the living room*
AriaHibiki: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (5m from now).
mtvcdm: I'm here for what could be the finale of Chillpoint. Never know.
CaptainSpam: @mtvcdm That's the same energy as the xkcd comic where it's pointed out that the phrase "so... it's come to this" could apply to literally any situation.
Juliamon: *locks the door*
TheMerricat: Chat, because I already did my homework I decided as extra credit to watch Review Brah's latest review.... If you don't know him he's a sharply dressed fella who does fast food reiveiws. And as a lark he decided today to do one on Applebees... because, _it's CHEAPER_ to go to Applebees and get quality food today than to go to McD's and get crap.
Decaped: oh no TheMerricat has been hacked
mtvcdm: I maintain that McDonald's barely qualifies as food.
Juliamon: how is that crapshot 4 years old already
Juliamon: HOW is that crapshot 4 YEARS OLD already
incslayer: im here for chilling and pointing
TheMerricat: @Juliamon As a reminder, the COVID pandemic is 5 years old as of October of this year..
GapFiller: TheMerricat first cases in the mainland yeh
Juliamon: unrelated but somehow I'm on the mailing list for a shop called "cursey word stuff" and I wish I knew why because it's kinda great
mtvcdm: Quick reminder for those who have not yet heard:
mtvcdm: !bluesky
cmdrud87: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (5m ago).
mtvcdm: (The Twitter account has been shuttered.)
Bronzefinger subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 121 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Bronzefinger! (Today's storm count: 20)
@Juliamon I like th box is the novelty item, the ring is -real-
CaptainSpam applauds
mtvcdm: No that's perfect
GapFiller: Take 1!
mtvcdm: That's a perfect post-DB intro
GapFiller: Ever Forward! Never Learning! Safety Third!
CaptainSpam: Magnificent.
mtvcdm: For a post-DB malaise that was perfect
djalternative: full week
CaptainSpam: Hi, Chillpoint crew!
Badchop subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
Badchop: eeeeeeeee
Thanks for subscribing, Badchop! (Today's storm count: 21)
DeM0nFiRe: I ate a dessert bus
red_shoes_jeff: Exactly that, actually.
GapFiller: neu hedcanon Heather is alvvays Behind The Black
RockPusher: Whenever you can't see Heather… fear
CaptainSpam: If you can't see Heather, that's because she's RIGHT BEHIND YOU OH NO AAAAAAH!
GapFiller: oooh crisps
kusinohki: meows
RockPusher: so turkey cranberry and gravy flavour?
mtvcdm: Do they turn to dust in the blender
Happy Wrong Thanksgiving
kusinohki: whenever heather isn't on screen, everyone should be asking "where's heather?"
TheMerricat: @CaptainSpam Look at your friend group... if you don't see the Heather... you may BE HEATHER.
djalternative: did yall see Jimbo knocked Steve off the top of the ios game chart?
DeM0nFiRe: Well now I want thanksgiving chips (I assume they dont exist in the US because nothing fun exists in the US when it comes to food)
DoodlestheGreat: I got here late, did Beej bring enough for everyone?
EvilBadman: @DeM0nFiRe We get weird shit here all the time, especially lay's. Not the absurd ones Asia gets
djalternative: I just recently bought Lay's Honey Butter chips. they were really good
mtvcdm: We get all-dressed like once a year or so
Daran3Red: They have these where I live but good luck finding them in stock
ProcyonFlynn: You were a test-market AND your opinions were deemed wrong by the Pepsi Corp.
GapFiller: TheMerricat OMG Heatherdrops! the sequel to Beejdrops nobody expected or realised they needed
kusinohki: I live in indiana - we are never a test market. it's more likely "it's popular in IN so better cancel it. it won't be popular anywhere else"
Pinwiz11: Ah, the double-presents gambit
DoodlestheGreat: Test markets tend to be in the flyover states.
UnknownFriday: Doing some quick Googling, it looks like the other flavors may be Jerk Chicken and Tikka Masala.
mtvcdm: Most often they just send everything to Columbus, Ohio, apparently. Midwestern college town.
AFamiliarCalledEl: @kusinohki Also in indiana, and yeah this place is... I'll choose the word "weird"
mtvcdm: Columbus is a super popular test market.
GapFiller: mmm Jamaican Indian crisps
Only Available in Canada, according to parade.com
TheMerricat: "Why do companies use Canada as a test market? The first reason is that Canada has a good representation of customers around the world. Canada's friendly immigration policies mean that 20% of Canadians were born in a foreign country, and 10% of Canadians are from Asia."
djalternative: oh yeah. Lay's has been doing a thing this year where they've been importing region exclusive flavors to different markets
djalternative: calling them "global flavors"
RockPusher: Step 1) Identify test markets 2) Slowly move accomplices into test market 3) Sickos: Yes, Ha Ha, Yes!
Juliamon: I'd love to try the tikka masala ones
GapFiller: starting w/ Competitive Sandwich Eating Simulator
RockPusher: vegemite/marmite chip sandwich
CaptainSpam: Pokemon-flavored potato chips.
gnyrinn: @Juliamon But why is that a "holiday" seasoning?
TheMerricat: Yes Beej. This is mee.
Juliamon: *shrug*
GapFiller: anyone here gonna cop to having eaten bread sarnies in the past? apparently theyre more popular than expected
RockPusher: standard fare down in these parts
AFamiliarCalledEl: I really like crunchy things, so that was always my go to back when I ate meat
RockPusher: good old lunchbox standard
mtvcdm: !addquote (Heather) [now] You could just eat a block of butter.
LRRbot: New quote #9196: "You could just eat a block of butter." —Heather [2024-11-22]
KeytarCat: mmm, butter
Lysander_salamander: I wonder if burger with a panko breadding is a thing
Invitare: no it;s not???
Remember that smoothie? You can DRINK a block of butter
djalternative: I put potato chips in my mac & cheese because those are more ready in my house than breadcrumbs
KeytarCat: Get a milk cap on my tea, eat the butter then drink the tea!
Invitare: toast sandwich was an old thing
CaptainSpam: I mean, a butter sandwich just sounds like... toast. With another slice of... toast.
Juliamon: Actual thing
GapFiller: toast sandwiches are 100% real yes
GapFiller: as are pie barms aka Wigan kebabs
gnyrinn: Apparently quite good.
TheMerricat: A toast sandwich (also known as a bread sandwich) is a sandwich in which the filling between two slices of bread is itself a thin slice of toasted bread, which may be buttered. An 1861 recipe says to add salt and pepper to taste.
raulghoulia: Smack Bam Pea Wet? the prodigy song?
djalternative: you're right Heather, the British do many food crimes
GapFiller: who doesnt wanna try a porkpie inna burger bun eh
Juliamon: Food crimes originated in Britain
djalternative: most people make sandwiches for Lv2 shiny power
GapFiller: Juliamon truly we have the greatest cuisine on Earth
ProcyonFlynn: @Juliamon Honestly, blame ancient rome.
RockPusher: there wasn't a sandwich making tutorial and thus the popularity of the PB&Hamnana sandwich
Food crimes exist in Brittan because they don't have any real food to make good food with.
an_archist2: you could make a business out of making completed sandwiches
djalternative: there IS a sandwich tutorial if you ever talk to the picnickers but you never have to talk to them
mtvcdm: @Juliamon There's a British food shop in Victoria, right across from Value Village, and I brought *several* snacky snacks home with me on the plane.
Juliamon: You are not guided *to* the picnickers
kusinohki: arthur dent - professional sandwhich maker
Juliamon: The curry mechanic was fun
djalternative: but yeah. sandwiches are very good for shiny hunting
ELD_Winterlight subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
ELD_Winterlight: woop
Thanks for subscribing, ELD_Winterlight! (Today's storm count: 22)
GapFiller: incontrovertible proof of the superiority of English Cuisine
Coming soon: Pokemon Soup and Pokemon Stew
elitefourkaren: omg blorbos from my vods
BusTed: You could make some monstrous sandwiches that were mechanically beneficial
Lysander_salamander: like Daily Drop?
Invitare: chip butty is fantastic and the entire country WILL die on this hill
mtvcdm: @mtvcdm ....actually never mind, I just checked and the British food shop closed since I got home
clairetheegg: super soakers with condiments would be fun
clairetheegg: for range application
CaptainSpam: @clairetheegg That sounds like a weird Splatoon mod.
Invitare: Summer Project
Lysander_salamander: like a class credit
Pinwiz11: Make a sandwich. You cannot use your hands. Best sandwich wins. Your time starts now.
djalternative: Paul, did you do History Class for the legendary quest?
one of these "vocational" schools
Invitare: there's a timeskip isn't there? They just handwave you being there for a bit
kusinohki: I'm going after a Master's of pokeomon with a minor in fire types
an_archist2: i thought the moms were dating each other
Lysander_salamander: Was scarlet the one that had the gigantic ocean that was messing up the optimization?
UnstableCanuck: start with add im out greedy pigs
RockPusher: Look, we all know Ms. Ketchum only has eyes for Mr. Mime
Aceviru: Saving on air conditioning. Smart
Lysander_salamander: it's such a bizzare plot
mtvcdm: I was bullied SO MUCH
Invitare: "How many spots on this Spinda?"
KeytarCat: I've been slowly realizing I was bullied in school
SquareDotCube: Game Freak, known for having games held together with tape and bailing wire, aside from the really good builds
kusinohki: beej went to school with archie
Invitare: schools appear in most games
Pinwiz11: If Snorlax heads west at 85 kph... wait, they're sleeping. Never mind
Lysander_salamander: Pokemon math, like Stiener math, but more elemental damage
UnknownFriday: Except the first question about how many pokeballs can you buy is complete baloney.
Invitare: the school in SuMo was particularly egregious
WitchyTQ: my friend is doing that!
Invitare: Eevee or EV?
djalternative: I didn't attend a single class until after I finished the main story
WitchyTQ: shes going to schools and teachign science through gaming
WitchyTQ hai TQ
LilyOfTheVeil666: Hi TW!
raulghoulia: @Invitare I had the same questioin
r10pez10: i've seen balatro used to teach probability
KeytarCat: TQ, that's sick as hell!
LilyOfTheVeil666: TQ*
Kentosaurus: Wait Beej is a cool youth pastor
CaptainSpam: I'm sort of amused by the JRPG concept of people who just stand around and explode with exposition when poked, without your character saying anything. Sometimes I try to reverse-engineer what your character COULD have said to prompt some of those responses.
WitchyTQ: yeah its really cool, and they love it
mtvcdm: That's your unfinished business, the fanfic
GapFiller: we dont havta goto school anymore and yet we persist on equating the fun things in life w/ homework
mtvcdm: Clearly, Heather, you need to write more fanfic
GapFiller: so clearly some latent trauma there
WitchyTQ: i did the same when teaching art therapy, using their interests to help learn new interests
GapFiller: Tagents in ChillPoint!? Never!
Off Track? On ChillPoint?
an_archist2: is there yellow ketchup?
gnyrinn: @Kentosaurus Yes, with the not-a-cult of LRR.
Lysander_salamander: nice
SquareDotCube: Shrekhup
Lysander_salamander: I miss purple ketchup
an_archist2: when will we get LRR flavoured ketchup
kusinohki: I love the scene in top secret where he has the "last day of finals" dream, wakes up to being whipped saying "thank goodness, it was only a dream"
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
djalternative: eggplant katchup
LilyOfTheVeil666: The 2000s were a weird time
Aceviru: Ketchup. Pikachus favorite sandwich condiments
TheMerricat: It's almost as if they are matched chat...
EvilBadman: @an_archist2 Thick Tang has what you need
DoodlestheGreat: School never gave me nightmares like that. EMPLOYMENT, on the other hand... (yay, capitalism)
CaptainSpam: Food coloring: Black magic of the culinary arts.
Angreed66: That's not anywhere near the texture of ketchup
SquareDotCube: the 2000s, when you could watch Shrek on your Game Boy Advance
GapFiller: polka dot ketchup thats what we want
DoodlestheGreat: Oh yeah? Make it PLAID!
djalternative: make clear ketchup you cowards
Pinwiz11: This is how you get Crystal Gravy.
Juliamon: What the fuck Walmart
LordZarano: If you make ketchup from golden sunrise tomatoes that'll be yellow
UnknownFriday: @mtvcdm Holy cow, I can feel myself getting diabetes after looking at that picture.
TheMerricat: @mtvcdm Is that actually sold still? I've never seen it in mine.
Invitare: Red and Green were never released internationally. Red and Blue are actually updated versions
SquareDotCube: as opposed Pokemon Red Green, which your roster is mostly possums and raccoons. And a squirrel
RockPusher: Pokemon Coke & Pokemon Pepsi
djalternative: emerald is a 3rd game
Juliamon: Blue is an updated version of Green
LilyOfTheVeil666: Sailor Uranus Neptune were definitely cousins and not girlfriends
Juliamon: They have different sprites!
Kentosaurus: also there's the culural/linguistic weirdness of the colors green and blue in japan
GapFiller: like to think the blue green confusion thing was a factor too but it figures even in the nineties they had to sorted
GapFiller: Kentosaurus yes many cultures historically didnt differentiate blue and green
djalternative: I think the Paul watched the same vid I did on the 4 colors of Japan
GapFiller: they followed Chinas example by having one word to cover both shades
LurkerSpine: God this is so bad for anime
Juliamon: attempting to
Kentosaurus: @GapFiller yeah, I was reading about that recently. A surprising number of cultures have that.
djalternative: Kadokawa has made several anime I enjoy
Juliamon: this is so bad for EVERYONE, primarily anime
GapFiller: personally the Nico Nico part of the story was the biggie
kusinohki: oof I heard that as "sony buying kata kana" (as in the writing language)
GapFiller: like it feels thats obscured to Western Eyes but onna a certain lvl this is akin to Sony buying youtube
djalternative: HiDive still exists
Angreed66: If you think about it someone had to animate elden ring environments and entity rigs so Elden ring is an anime.
OH LOOK!!! its a beautiful group of wonderful friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!
GapFiller: the BBC acquired One Piece for iPlayer here in Albion this year somehow
gnyrinn: Anime originals for D+? Is that the first Disney Anime since Kiki?
djalternative: also, iirc Kadokawa owns Bookwalkser and that'd be huge
LurkerSpine: Acquire going to Sony is gonna be weird
RockPusher: I should get around to playing Shibuya Scramble
TheMerricat: Firewalk hadn't ever made a game though. They were purchased solely on the premise that Concord would _be_ a thing.
mtvcdm: Shibuya Scramble's neat
Angreed66: Large acquisitions don't get shutdown immediately
RockPusher: Buy it all, hack off the bits you actually want/are useful/are easy profit, on-sell the rest
SocraticMethod: Firewalk and Probablymonsters were in difficulties though, Sony bough Firewalk to get the game out in the first place
djalternative: I personally didn't know Kadokawa owned any of FromSoft until this story
RockPusher: That, or just imagine this is somehow part of the plot of a Yakuza game
EvilBadman: Consumer still waiting for more than 10 activision games to show up on GamePass :x
I own it *because* of Heather playing it
cyclopsboi: TopGolf is a lot of fun
an_archist2: when are we getting bottom golf and switch golf
Cptasparagus: when I watched, I was thinking do you guys think TopGolf is indoors?
CaptainSpam: I've been to a TopGolf a couple times. Pretty fun.
mtvcdm: It's stuff you do at a driving range
Juliamon: Never heard of nor seen a TopGolf, but I totally get why it exists
RockPusher: Golf has holes, rings arguably have holes, it's a perfect match!
DoodlestheGreat: Honestly, FromSoft isn't even in the top 5 reasons Sony wants Kadokawa. Kadokawa makes more money off of Megumin, Darkness and Aqua merchandise than Fromsoft.
mtvcdm: You have screens to show you how far you actually managed to hit the ball.
Cptasparagus: but its not entirely virtual. There is a full range as well
cyclopsboi: TopGolf is also outside sometimes but like a driving range where you try and hit targets and its like a dave and busters
SocraticMethod: Sonic bowling alley animations
mtvcdm: They had one of those ranges at the place I got the scorecard for the subathon... I made some INTERESTING shapes with my drives once I became able to... hit... the ball.
djalternative: FromSoft has yet to make a waifu as lucrative as Aqua
brainbosh: I've never seen a top golf that was indoors lol. All just with a roof over the putting part but just big nets to prevent balls from going into cars
Birdie Wing style holodeck golf tech
spawnofhastur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
Thanks for subscribing, spawnofhastur! (Today's storm count: 23)
GapFiller: James wd be up for it
Lysander_salamander: that would be great
mtvcdm: Golf Pong
Cptasparagus: golf dodgeball
RockPusher: Driving Range Battle Royale
clairetheegg: What could possibly go wrong?
brainbosh: Isnt that what the golf ball retriever is for? A target?
mtvcdm: I'm sure the ranges have seen weirder things than a Sonic outfit
KeytarCat: Snolf!
Angreed66: Sonic was always the ball
cyclopsboi: top golf is honestly a lot of fun
Daran3Red: @brainbosh That's what we do at the driving range. They're in a cage
Kentosaurus: I have sonic spinball on my still working genesis
CaptainSpam: The "main" game of TopGolf is something Angry Birds-based, so something Sonic-based isn't beyond the pale.
Lysander_salamander: I'm surprised they never brought back sonic and metroid pinball
mtvcdm: I guarantee you those ranges have hosted bachelor parties and have probably had to stop someone from going up to the tee naked.
Juliamon: It also seems less environmentally detrimental than a full golf course
djalternative: Mario Golf Top Golf come on
r10pez10: ah yes golf, the game whose rules were devised so that it could be played on any terrain
drcthulu: spheda golfing
r10pez10: and then people insisted it had to look like the scottish highlands
bisaflau: just put everyone in sonic costumes and play golf and then we have a new prerecord segment for the next live :'D
CaptainSpam: (like, technically the "main" game of TopGolf is something where you're trying to hit balls into large catch areas in the range, but everyone just plays Angry Birds instead)
Diabore: Dark cloud 2 is a golfing game dosguised as an rpg
Serpens77: Adam spent a small amount of his SPehda plathrough playing Dark Cloud 2
DeM0nFiRe: "Hmm people don't hate us enough yet" -- Netflix, probably
Lysander_salamander: eugh
Juliamon: Former founder of *several* startups
CaptainSpam: "Can we just go back to us mailing out DVDs? Please? We were doing so much better then."
ProcyonFlynn: The Serial Failure, and vice president of -
GapFiller: the Serial Entrepreneur bit was a particularly neon sized Red Flag
djalternative: you have to remember, Netflix's publicly stated goal when they started was to bankrupt the entire entertainment industry so they could become a monopoly in it
LilyOfTheVeil666: The executive class just keeps failing up (or at least sideways)
has there ever been a scenario where a trail of Failed Startups wasnt a colossal red flag
RockPusher: Sounds to me like Netflix has sunk a ton of money into GenAI, realised it is a dead end, trying to recoup some cost by selling tooling to game studios that don't yet realise it is a dead end market-wise
Angreed66: Turns out Ken burns had one trick with framing
GapFiller: speaking of Apple wasnt that Apple AI advert w/ the various creative tools being crushed from this year? (honestly cant remember)
cyclopsboi: its like slapping a "wes anderson" filter on something in color grading and thinking that any movie you make is equivalent
topofmyclass1: hey guys u think th
r10pez10: GapFiller thomas ediso-
GapFiller: r10pez10 idk even he was kinda sus on that front
mtvcdm: I saw a thing where Coca Cola made a 15-second AI Christmas ad.... which took them generating 85 minutes of footage to get 15 seconds of anything usable and it still took them ten cuts of 1.5 seconds each because that's as long as the cuts were usable for.
GapFiller: and numerous others
cyclopsboi: @mtvcdm yeah didnt they have to still hire artists to fix the coca cola logo after that
TheMerricat: He is pure c-suite asshole high.
mtvcdm: @cyclopsboi Yep, because AI doesn't know writing
GapFiller: just looked it up and yes the Apple piano crush ad was indeed this year (May to be precise)
LordZarano: I... I think he means the creation of this one company, not everything
*points* look over there, it's a three-headed monkey! *flips chart upside down* look, number go up!
I just realized this... c-suite level folk speak in bullshit anyway... THEY are the prime target for replacement with GenAI.
mtvcdm: "changing"
Juliamon: AI will destroy the world, but not in the way we all thought it would
mtvcdm: Changing in the way someone kicks down a door and growls 'there's gonna be some CHANGES around here'
RockPusher: TheMerricat turning AI generated reports into AI generated pointless questions and content-less speeches
r10pez10: machine learning does have its uses, just not this crap
tajessa: Obligatory "it's got what plants crave"
r10pez10: best use case i've heard recently is training it on footage of disasters like flooding, so rescue support can be sent more efficiently
RatherLargeToad: predictive AI is very useful, for example
LilyOfTheVeil666: Content-Aware Phil o7
mtvcdm: AI is more useful *the less you ask it to do*
iris_of_ether: Predictive, yes. Generative, not so much ye
accountmadeforants: TheMerricat, that's why they're probably so easily convinced that an AI can replace *everyone's* jobs. After all, if their job looks like it can be so clearly replaced, then surely the jobs of the plebs are already solved.
r10pez10: like no one here knows i'm a machine learning algorithm, for example
The hurts me
mtvcdm: Yeah.... the one thing that type of picture needs to do is *connect the road to the city in the back* and it couldn't do it.
an_archist2: i don't like children are going to grow up with photo albums that have been "enhanced" by AI
tajessa: Isn't that the wizard of oz (but cruddy gen AI)
Juliamon: It's not going *directly* to where you want it togo
RockPusher: The road just kinda, stops
iris_of_ether: Heather speaks truth
SquareDotCube: the road actually fades away
Sarah_Serinde: AI is bad at details, like those fences, or the weird way the righthand road/path joins the main one
Cptasparagus: it goes to Jersey
TheAwkes: That road just casually fades away, like all roads do.
mtvcdm: There's *several* roads in that picture that just kinda stop
RockPusher: which, you know, is what is gonna happen to this division in 12-18months
Lysander_salamander: I think I recognize some of the art this ai stole from
RatherLargeToad: given the curve, maybe the road loops behind the camera and goes up and over the city in the back
r10pez10: this desert bus logo interpretation sucks
RatherLargeToad: would still be bad, but funny
GapFiller: Sarah_Serinde my personal rule of thumb w/ AI is to look at hands cz thats still a perennial failure point for AI
Sarah_Serinde: @GapFiller Yeah that's a common one, when there are hands
Sarah_Serinde: We actively discourage it during DB
RockPusher: The highest fidelity of sand
mtvcdm: In theory it'd be fun to ask... in practice nah actually no
Angreed66: The thing is all the things people say AI is bad at are the things new artist suck at
RatherLargeToad: no Ai, the character
mtvcdm: Basically what you're asking is, make human art that looks like bad AI art
LordZarano: Speaking of GenAI gaming news, have you seen GenAI Minecraft?
gualdhar: I think you end up with the new Jaguar logo
RatherLargeToad: it seems “fine”
RatherLargeToad: I’ve seen much worse ideas
EvilBadman: Minecraft seems like a fun movie for kids.
brainbosh: It looks way more mechanically accurate than I ever expected it to be at least
BlueMechanic: I like it more than the initial trailer from a few months ago made it look
cyclopsboi: yeah its going to be fine. nothing earth shattering, but it wont be the worst movie you've seen
Lysander_salamander: I've seen clips of it and it looks amazing
accountmadeforants: Angreed66 it's usually the mix of oddly high-quality things with those rookie mistakes (and outright nonsense, like teeth above lips, vanishing roads, etc.)
RatherLargeToad: he’s in a Santa movie soon that revolves around a spelling error
Riandisa: They're going for shot for shot as the original
TheAwkes: I mostly backed off of Jack Black stuff after he did a YT collab with Pewdiepie...
Darleysam: then they'll go around and remake the live action versions as animations
an_archist2: sugoi dragon
DoodlestheGreat: "Live action" - CGI special effects that they pay the artists even less than they do animators.
iris_of_ether: That's apparently more of a thing with terrestrial stuff
r10pez10: when will they make a game of the movie adaptation
AFamiliarCalledEl: Maybe the stories are all just propaganda and dragons are actually grazing animals
RatherLargeToad: getting a weird uncanny valley with the live HTTYD. The dragons look directly lifted from the animated version, so the humans look wrong
Lysander_salamander: Oh wait, I mean, the stage play
tajessa: @r10pez10 shhhhh they'll hear you
Darleysam: oh this has reminded me about th Lion King prequel...
EvilBadman: Gerard Butler's still the dad, though which is great
Lysander_salamander: Did you see the How to Train your Dragon stage play stuff?
iris_of_ether: I read a cool post saying that aqua predators may have them on the sides because they also have to care about both up and down, in addition to their lateral plane
iris_of_ether: So same for aerial stuff
r10pez10: is this why peppa pig has both eyes on one side
SquareDotCube: "I'm part elf"
BlueMechanic: Woo! Go Balatro
mtvcdm: I'm happy Astro Bot got in
accountmadeforants: iris_of_ether, but... we have aerial predators. Like eagles, and owls.
cyclopsboi: astrobot should win
EvilBadman: Wukong won Golden Joystick yesterday, but that's public vote awards
LordZarano: Oasis AI Minecraft: "Fully" ""playable"" Minecraft with no game engine, just AI taking the current frame and your inputs and hallucinating the next frame
tajessa: BEEJ NO
Lysander_salamander: yeah
Juliamon: ty beej
GapFiller: thanks Beej
josh___something: BEEJ NO
Lysander_salamander: yes he's correct
an_archist2: four-eyes pink dragon
RockPusher: Beej is correct
Diabore: Blood and wine cries to itself in the corner
Beej successfully splitting the room there
josh___something: Beej is technically not incorrect, just morally incorrect
LilyOfTheVeil666: The Game Awards have always been a joke
AFamiliarCalledEl: To be fair, "DLC" is a bit of a dated term. I download almost all of my video game content
Cptasparagus: are there any non-early access games anymore?
RatherLargeToad: like Hades 2. looks good so far. shouldn’t be nominated for anything yet
Shadwhawk: Fez
EvilBadman: Some of these DLCs are actually Expansion to throw back to the 2000s terms
mtvcdm: The Game Awards are not there to celebrate games, they are there to sell you expensive games.
BusTed: oh yeah...
Juliamon: I will NEVER stop being salty about It Takes Two winning
Lysander_salamander: It takes two is not indie
saiarcot895: oh yeah, didn't it win best family game as well or something?
Shadwhawk: No, the Game Awards are to sell trailer slots, and nothing more
BusTed: nobody liked the book love doctor
iris_of_ether: @accountmadeforants it's been awhile but I think the argument they were making that dragons could have more protracted aerial battles than, say, birds, and their eye position might reflect that
mtvcdm: justice for elephant
RockPusher: Don't make Heather angry. You wouldn't like Heather when she's angry…
Fancy_frenchman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months, currently on a 36 month streak!
Fancy_frenchman: Thanks for all the love you guys have put out into the world
Thanks for subscribing, Fancy_frenchman! (Today's storm count: 24)
definenull: Go wildcats!
Angreed66: I still think people overrate the importance of the director in comparison to script and other departments.
saiarcot895: High School Musical: The Show: The Musical (or something absurd like that)
djalternative: Let's go Jimbo!
r10pez10: there was a fringe show here that was speed: the movie: the play
Cptasparagus: gamestalt
djalternative: I just want someone dressed as Jimbo to go up and accept the award
cyclopsboi: i could hear the argument for balatro just because of the sheer amount of people i have heard actively afraid of playing balatro because its 100% their jam and it will suck away all their time
Hehehe, I had to check, Jurassic Park only got VFX, Best Sound and Best SFX editing noms
Sky_Kast: How be the lrr chat
RockPusher: (it won all three)
be_wasabi: Ad waiting
Laserbeaks_Fury: Onion Ring
cyclopsboi: shadows of the burgerking
Cptasparagus: it does have Burger King heads
an_archist2: shadows of the burgtree
mtvcdm: I had to look up a *lot* of the robots when Heather hit them on stream
LordZarano: A lot of Nintendo games have Nintendo references in them. I kind of view it like that
Stormgod519: I made it to a Chillpoint! \
I've had to pay for marketing for so manything things.
mtvcdm: The best marketing is marketing you're genuinely excited to be marketed to with.
Stormgod519: yeah, hang on
Juliamon: *gestures at clothing industry*
Angreed66: They will charge you if they think they can get away with it
CaptainSpam: Like, the original Smash Bros started as a Nintendo Club-only thing until someone at Nintendo convinced Sakurai to polish it and make it an international release...
josh___something: Card game roguelike (EXPLICITLY NOT GAMBLING)
Izandai: Nature is healing.
GapFiller: guess fps are going thru a fallow period rn
Angreed66: Firing a bow in elden ring is a slow FPS
cyclopsboi: did call of duty release this year?
josh___something: Does destiny count, cause isn't it in ongoing game?
EvilBadman: the last "FPS" GOTYnom was RE: Village
EvilBadman: and then doom eternal
Angreed66: The best accessibility would have too many options to list.
Getter404: Flute Guy is the main reason to watch the show these days
saiarcot895 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months, currently on a 43 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, saiarcot895! (Today's storm count: 25)
GapFiller: it figures TTSF/Long Game might need preempting if a watchalong goes ahead
mtvcdm: Geoff Keighley does not warrant my anger, just my disdain
TheMerricat: IIRC they finally tighten down the security, so no more random gatecrashers on stage. right?
GapFiller: TheMerricat we shall see
r10pez10: someone will figure out how to throw eggs
DoodlestheGreat: @mtvcdm He warrants my satire.
LordZarano: I'll either be watching LauraKBuzz's stream of it, or hers and LRRs together if LRR streams
GapFiller: kinda sneakily hoping somebody tries to jump the stage again
Izandai: Welcome to the Internet, Beej.
Mr_Dirty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Mr_Dirty! (Today's storm count: 26)
DoodlestheGreat: @TheMerricat Yes, sadly. Turns out the show needed them.
Laserbeaks_Fury: What is an argument but Rightness persisting.
EvilBadman: I mentioned earlier but Wukong won Golden Joysticks and that's a pure vote event
blind_will: Sometimes to me these awards feel like "best advertising campaign" is the real category; or "biggest social media hype".
cyclopsboi: the golden saucer in ff7 orignal was also a ton of mini games
Lysander_salamander: It was the Like a Dragon of Final Fantasies
AFamiliarCalledEl: I don't know, it worked for Wario
TheMerricat: Wukong had a LOT of press time, I don't know how much of it was grassroots or astroturf, but it definitely was part of the gamer zeitgeist this year.
Let puzzle pirates be puzzle pirates, make your own game.
blind_will: But I guess it's just hard to separate the quality of the game from people's knowledge/excitement about it.
RockPusher: Flight Simulating Server Crashes
SquareDotCube: Bing Maps
SquareDotCube: and 100-story towers in the middle of suburban sprawl
Lysander_salamander: why though
Stormgod519: ?
Laserbeaks_Fury: That's okay, Niantic wants to fill in all the holes
LilyOfTheVeil666: @themerricat Most of what I heard about it in my circles was about the devs being assholes and the culture war surrounding the game
Cptasparagus: "digital twin" is a huge buzzword in the biomedical space and its also baffling
ghyllnox: There's a good use for AI, smoothing the topographical map in MFS
SquareDotCube: "ok so here is the Earth"
SocraticMethod: @Cptasparagus It's older than that, it comes from robotics and control systems
Lysander_salamander: I saw an article saying that the devs of Pokemon go are selling the mapping they gathered to various companies and govt facilities
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: oh you dont say
s0lesurviv0r: Flight Simulator taking up less space than Doom???
RockPusher: Now I want Hyperbolic Flight Simulator
Stormgod519: @RockPusher oh yeah!
Stormgod519: the planes are just astronomically huge
LordZarano: MS Flight Sim 2024 has 68% negative reviews on Steam. So, that's going well
RockPusher: Go suck-it Euclid
Askwho: Please, "Whet Gravel" is my father
Laserbeaks_Fury: I feel like if you are getting a close up of the grass, you are playing Flight Sim very badly
cmdrud87: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're drafting Magic Foundations! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (1:37 from now).
AFamiliarCalledEl: Or exceptionally well
ghyllnox: @laserbeaks_fury It's good to have goals
SocraticMethod: @LordZarano Seems to be launch bugs and server issues
Laserbeaks_Fury: did it have a Z
ghyllnox: "Digital twin" != "Generative"
GapFiller: YES
So you can switch views to clip through trees; again, like in real life.
cyclopsboi: I assume its not dynamic it has to be stored
Cptasparagus: Digital Fraternal Twin
TheAwkes: They're looking at streaming something like 8GB/s per user to stream that generated terrain from their servers.
cyclopsboi: doing dynamic machine learning on your client machine is not feasible
TheAwkes: **8GB/hour
Laserbeaks_Fury: I feel like that's so close to a philosophical breakthrough
an_archist2: each copy of ms flight sim is personalised
Laserbeaks_Fury: Soon, the billboards you fly over will be personalized to you
Peevvi: Surely they're not doing generation on clients. That could be hacked and be open to abuse
SocraticMethod: Fly-doo is a real thing, but it's a marketing thing for a single company product
SocraticMethod: It's essentially a worse blimp
LordZarano: @Peevvi "We had no idea the Earth had this many genitalia shaped mountains and lakes!"
cyclopsboi: that would be insane
cyclopsboi: the computational load of doing a flight sim with animal AI is nuts
Laserbeaks_Fury: "Fixed a bug where squirrels were being rendered x10 too large and x100 too aggressive"
gnyrinn: @Laserbeaks_Fury "Now, if a player tries to land near some bonobo chimps, they will come and steal your windscreen wipers"
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: Thanks Heather
Laserbeaks_Fury: I would have done QR codes
Stormgod519: oh QR codes is good
an_archist2: the black obelisk
definenull: put the transparent bg checkerboard
Stormgod519: @definenull theyll have to at least pretend its not there
cyclopsboi: they dont
QuixoticScrivener: Hot Dog - Not Hot Dog
Laserbeaks_Fury: "On Earth as it is in Meta"
cyclopsboi: there was nudity in google earth for years
TheAwkes: The ERROR asset from Unity.
RubikDarkwill: A Source ERROR object
cyclopsboi: coconut gun
Stormgod519: He's the leader of the crew?
Stormgod519: wait WHAT?!?
TheAinMAP: "A piece of the world is missing."
GapFiller: ohhh nineties kids cartoon rap
Laserbeaks_Fury: DK Funk?
LordZarano: Like that 18 year old that painted a 60ft penis on his parent's roof back in 2009 and they out because of Google maps
LordZarano: *only found out
Stormgod519: Brass Donkey, that Funky Donkey!
SocraticMethod: Flying past giant "© Maxar Technologies Inc"
Bruceski: Do they still dyunk on Lanky Kong?
ZombieHendrix: canonically did Funky Kong write that song?
Juliamon: I mean, Jordynne did that with her Coke bread
Stormgod519: huh?
Lysander_salamander: pickle and pineapple, maybe
EvilBadman: hollow out a bagutte and put coke in it
TheMerricat: @EvilBadman Plastic or Tin?
TheMerricat: @EvilBadman Or raw?
EvilBadman: Raw liquid
Juliamon: she didn't like Coke, and she didn't like the crusts on rolls, so she would hollow out the roll and use it as a vessel for Coke
Peevvi: That exists. It's called Pokémon TCG Live
EvilBadman: @TheMerricat Watch let's nope with adam and jordynne, it is a trip
Laserbeaks_Fury: Think of it as Duels of the PLaneswalkers
gnyrinn: Please tell me you're talking about Coke, the carbonated syrup you cut rum with.
definenull: turns out people like cracking packs
Juliamon: (she also told the story during DB, so ask the VST)
Angreed66: Gambling + cute= profit
WitchyTQ: im obsessed with tcgp but ive only spent $4 on it to test a theory on laucnh
Laserbeaks_Fury: I don't think they can ever sunset MTGO, people have real money in that system
cyclopsboi: different thing
mtvcdm: How many uncracked packs are still sitting in the LRR MTGO account?
cyclopsboi: mtgo is tied to physical cards technically
Juliamon: It's very simplified in Pocket
gnyrinn: @Laserbeaks_Fury "ever" is a big word that can be taken out of context. Give it a half-decade.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I think a big difference is the Energy doesn't go in your deck
Juliamon: People have had "real money" in any number of video games whose servers have been closed
Laserbeaks_Fury: I suppose
blind_will: This makes me feel sad. Like, innovation in game design is now about pushing people's brain-buttons to extract money.
Angreed66: Pokemon is the one of the big 3 mainly driven by collectors rather than players
Juliamon: Windows made Klondike the "default" solitaire and it kinda sucks
WitchyTQ: tcgp is a very digestable version of pokemon, but i dont know anyone who says one is "real" and one isn't so
Juliamon: because it also had Freecell and that is ALSO a solitaire
If it's not the original Game Boy version of the CCG based on the original Game Boy Game, it's not the real thing
an_archist2: post-marital pack opening
AFamiliarCalledEl: Live crack-a-pack?
Juliamon: Oh yeah, this got interesting
RatherLargeToad: maybe don’t call your emulator “sue you”
Juliamon: ooh good pull
DeM0nFiRe: Nice
mtvcdm: Nice pull
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
saiarcot895: i think the shiny dragonite is a fixed pull?
RatherLargeToad: Missingno?!?
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh god I opened a MISINGNO
TheAinMAP: Error: Missing No.
definenull: first hit’s free
Peevvi: RyuJinx
EvilBadman: ^
Lysander_salamander: sure
BusTed: Aha
BusTed: That'll do it
SocraticMethod: Citra?
Stormgod519: LOL
Laserbeaks_Fury: well, thanks, now that I have conceptualized Ryu x Jynx fanfic, it now exists
Lysander_salamander: this is a programming tutorial not a real program?
definenull: it’s like winrar
LathosTiran: "i do not grant facebook the right to myimages......."
an_archist2: this is not a place of honour
pn55: You mean I could have got in if I just clicked "Yes" ?!
Peevvi: my friend said it's okay to download roms if you delete them before 24 hours
an_archist2: but what if you are over 18 and clicked no?
blind_will: "Please don't use any pirated games, especially the ones that can be downloaded from our website with a convenient search feature!"
EvilBadman: Building an emulator for a currently available system is profoundly stupid, imo
Angreed66: well those ones don't reach the news
SocraticMethod: Still won't help, Nintendo is philosophically against 3rd party emulators
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
definenull: just put a big "nintendo don't look" banner over the article, that should help
Juliamon: Remember three of those spinoff devs?
Laserbeaks_Fury: you might get 3!
GapFiller: fantastic
blind_will: What's better then 1 spiritual successor? Perhaps 3 competing spiritual successors fighting each other for a chance at survival?
SocraticMethod: And a human weatherwane
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is this like when Rob Grant and Doug Naylor split up and made competing Red Dwarf stories
TheMerricat: Non-competes are horrible.
radiowasabi2014 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, radiowasabi2014! (Today's storm count: 27)
gnyrinn: Aww. I wanted all of Estonia's tech sector to pivot to Disco Elysium spiritual successors.
Laserbeaks_Fury: "I wish someone would work on a sequel to Disco Elysium" *monkey's paw curls*
Angreed66: rather quite the oposite
TheMerricat: This is why art comunes are cool till you actually try to make them work.
LordZarano: Is the anarcho-communist collective still going?
SocraticMethod: "IGN can reveal that while at Dark Math, Tuulik accused Kaur Kender of showing naked photos of Kender’s ex-wife to him and other staff at the studio. Tuulik confirmed to IGN he made this allegation. However, Kender - and other Dark Math staff IGN has spoken to - denied that Kender's ex-wife appeared naked in the photos. Rather, she was wearing a bikini in some and fully clothed in others."
TheMerricat: @LordZarano No, the ones who founded it were the first ones to split off IIRC and they didn't stick together.
definenull: let's rotate the dev teams!
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's time to Rotate the Developers!
RockPusher: A whirling devervish
an_archist2: insert numberwang
blind_will: And it turns out that the only way to save the world is to unite the three warring factions
TheMerricat: It's actually a long con, they are all conspiring to make their new game an ARG and we are living it now. The game is to figure out what the hell is going on.
AFamiliarCalledEl: @TheMerricat I am so glad I'm not the only one who had this thought
Z'ha'dum Studios: What Do You Want?
Marvoleath: It would be funny if all the new studios would be soon bought by the owner of za/um IPs
definenull: roll credits
Lysander_salamander: yeah, like a wandering ronin
DoodlestheGreat: Yiou did, Beej
CaptainSpam: Anywhere is your home if you can run that fast.
mtvcdm: Ah yes
blind_will: 'lore wrangler'. nice title
cyclopsboi: he lives in a hedge
Serpens77: @cyclopsboi does he hog the hedge?
blind_will: the games typically start in green-hill zone. So that would make sense.
blind_will: but whatever.
definenull: oh so its like the ash ketchum syndrome where he's eternally 16 and homeless
CaptainSpam: Maybe his next run will be his run... home.
Stormgod519: I love Shakespeare's tragedy Soni
control_rig: Maybe tomorrow he'll get to settle down
Stormgod519: *Sonic
kusinohki: if you get sent to multiple realities as often as sonic does, you too might not have a home...
control_rig: Sonic = Littlest Hobo
cyclopsboi: the sonic canon is batshit
mtvcdm: Give me the canon Sonic timeline
brainbosh: Wish version Mark Wahlberg
RatherLargeToad: it’s Cyclops
dm818: Jim Carrey is pretty interesting in the movie
yarrrgh: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're drafting Magic Foundations! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (59m from now).
GapFiller: guess thats it for the Sanic 30th Annee thing then eh Heather
funsizecyclops: the picture in picture during ad thing has stayed up on my screen,, and I thought it had frozen.
funsizecyclops: no. it's instead dropped to maybe a frame every ten seconds.
funsizecyclops: I encourage trying this new viewing experience.
SocraticMethod: "Associate Lore Manager for @sonic_hedgehog at @SEGA || Views and Opinions are my own! Tweets are non-canon unless stated otherwise. EN||ES||日本語"
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
Stormgod519: o7 Beej
dm818: Beej is banned from AO3?
mtvcdm: !youtube
blind_will: chill it out, perhaps.
mtvcdm: !patreon
mtvcdm: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Marvoleath: At least you cannot ban Beej from buttplug.io
mtvcdm: !store
mtvcdm: !bluesky
mtvcdm: I only have to put in like six words and I can short circuit Beej this is great
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
mtvcdm: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
AFamiliarCalledEl: Yeah, and then he just runs in a circle
Joecool190 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Joecool190: cool
Thanks for subscribing, Joecool190! (Today's storm count: 28)
Cptasparagus: if you like board wipes, this is your format
dumbo3k: It indeed has card game mechanics
RatherLargeToad: what % of orange juice does it have?
GapFiller: eyyy Cards!
SocraticMethod: Stealth is Optional Update
Serpens77: if you get caught, it switches to combat instead of jsut being an instant game over
RatherLargeToad: update to remove all forces stealth
EvilBadman: It's Az!
mtvcdm: What COULD BE the finale, perhaps. One of them's gonna be the finale sooner or later, could this be it?
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Maybe they'll do Sabacc like they did Gwent from Witcher, as separate game
ashenveyll subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
an_archist2: this could be the final episode...
Thanks for subscribing, ashenveyll! (Today's storm count: 29)
CaptainSpam: The finale!
Juliamon: It's Adventurer
Cptasparagus: oh no theres a 2nd one?
Juliamon: #blamejames
Juliamon: they did
Juliamon: it's A Lot
josh___something: They played the first one, it's an actual horror game
Juliamon: it's actually deeply unsettling
GapFiller: those terms aint mutually excl
goombalax: Amongf the sleep
LostThePirate: Amanda's abusive as hell, heh
Twilight_Spark: Porque no los dosñ
Marvoleath: It's like what if Dora the explorer was a little less creepy
RatherLargeToad: basically, it turns out Dora the Explorer was a secret occult ritual
josh___something: It's mascot horror, but horror nonetheless
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to drifters! They have given 2743 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, drifters! (Today's storm count: 30)
Lord_Hosk: Beej I just dropped you a email, no biggy.
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're drafting Magic Foundations! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (49m from now).
LordZarano: Does anyone else have Here I Go Again by Whitesnake stuck in their head now?
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone!
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