baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a lasagna tray full of bran
ProcyonFlynn: !quote beej
LRRbot: Quote #7879: "I have done this." βBeej [2021-11-19]
IbunWest: I wonder how many times that quote is in the database
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: spoilers!
ihlendrax: π±
Juliamon: We try to only add a quote once.
Juliamon: we do occasionally go through them to see if anything needs to be deleted
baltimore_667083: !quote graham
LRRbot: Quote #4112: "Why? Anus Shoot" βGraham [2017-03-16]
GasCityGaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
GasCityGaming: 63 6 months off.....
AtomicAlchemical subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
Thanks for subscribing, GasCityGaming! (Today's storm count: 31)
Thanks for subscribing, AtomicAlchemical! (Today's storm count: 32)
NotCainNorAbel: !findquote 2024-11
TheAwkes: Nice, exactly as the credits rolled on Very Important People for me.
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're drafting Magic Foundations! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (0s ago).
djalternative: you know what might be a neat lrrbot feature? a way to do like !quote recent or something for the newest quote
margieargie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
Thanks for subscribing, margieargie! (Today's storm count: 33)
Tweygoh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Tweygoh! (Today's storm count: 34)
NSGReaper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
NSGReaper: 130 months? That's... potentially very unlucky.
Thanks for subscribing, NSGReaper! (Today's storm count: 35)
RecursiveAcronym subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Thanks for subscribing, RecursiveAcronym! (Today's storm count: 36)
jayinthewater subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Thanks for subscribing, jayinthewater! (Today's storm count: 37)
TheWriterAleph subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
TheWriterAleph: helloooo
Thanks for subscribing, TheWriterAleph! (Today's storm count: 38)
Skye_Stryke subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Skye_Stryke! (Today's storm count: 39)
flatluigi: bus bus bus
Fruan: Foundations is very nearly a perfect set. All it's missing is Thic Tang
AutumnRayne92 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Thanks for subscribing, AutumnRayne92! (Today's storm count: 40)
Sorator13: @Fruan idk, I think it could use some shrimp paste, too
MegaDosX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
Thanks for subscribing, MegaDosX! (Today's storm count: 41)
azndragon257 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
Thanks for subscribing, azndragon257! (Today's storm count: 42)
Fruan: @Sorator13 An entirely reasonable point
Rebelcow: Let's go gamers, it's Friday!
Coloneljesus: let's fight some paper!
GredGredmansson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
GredGredmansson: magic? magic.
Thanks for subscribing, GredGredmansson! (Today's storm count: 43)
MegaDosX: Watch out for paper cuts
GredGredmansson: can't stay for long but have fun
GredGredmansson: my playgroup had a Mystery Booster 2 draft this week
Sorator13: ooh,t hat sounds fun
djalternative: they were once lost but now they're found-ations
AnAnonymousGifter is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to JewelryJelly!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cheezpiza!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to PenguinIsATaterTot!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to stofflderechte!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to tehThane!
Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to tehThane, JewelryJelly, PenguinIsATaterTot, Cheezpiza, and stofflderechte! (Today's storm count: 48)
GredGredmansson: i did ok; had a very mid Izzet card draw deck
northos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
Thanks for subscribing, northos! (Today's storm count: 49)
GredGredmansson: had some fun playtest cards, like Subgoyf
BrianLive: Wow, I got here on time
theamc2000: a Matt!
HI All!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: They said their things!
MegaDosX: They let Matt out of his cage
Sorator13: I have missed that "Hello!"
Land_Manatee subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Land_Manatee: What a crew tonight!
Thanks for subscribing, Land_Manatee! (Today's storm count: 50)
r10pez10: foundations rules
micalovits: One Bus ago
Dog_of_Myth: Made it just in time.
LesVox: Omg, first time I catch an fnpf on time! Hype!
BrianLive: A kingdom of cards?
Texan_Reverend: !cardkingdom
Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
Sorator13: @LesVox welcome!
theamc2000: the right side of the table in progressively redder beards
LesVox: Ty β€οΈ
r10pez10: wise
Sorator13: smart man
samu_btdp1985 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Thanks for subscribing, samu_btdp1985! (Today's storm count: 51)
snowb0und subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months, currently on a 98 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, snowb0und! (Today's storm count: 52)
chanterelleton subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months, currently on a 42 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, chanterelleton! (Today's storm count: 53)
RatherLargeToad: They generate 4/5 of a mana
cmdrud87: you should reead it out aloud.
letsbelgo: oh wow, matt on magic?
OH LOOK!!! its a beautiful group of wonderful friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorator13: Hey Cori, nice shirt!
Dog_of_Myth: Hiya @jacqui_lantern234
Juliamon: I'm fairly confident that "trust James with your credit card" is in !badadvice
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
Sorator13: @Juliamon of course you should only trust Alex & Beej with your credit cards
@Juliamon if not it needs to be now
JKBalch: Why is James the only one without glasses? I demand a bespectacled James!
Marvoleath: !store
colonelkreiner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
Thanks for subscribing, colonelkreiner! (Today's storm count: 54)
Sorator13: Oh no
MegaDosX: Divergent evolution
korvys: Beard oil or Beard shaver
gualdhar: Look, everyone is looking handsome today
adept_nekomancer: Evolves when leveled up with a coffee
you ARE the correct option, Serge, the correct option to decline!!!
cmdrud87: Matt evolves to Wheeler evolves to Graham ca. 2015, when he had the long beard.
Juliamon: just went and confirmed it is indeed in there
ThorSokar: I believe they're called "fertility statues"
NotCainNorAbel: are you ready to (gay) rock!
flatluigi: can we have gay coffee
sporkraptor: kittyspider!
r10pez10: !addquote (Matt) [Now] Where's my gay rock?
LRRbot: New quote #9197: "Where's my gay rock?" βMatt [2024-11-22]
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to gay_rocks! They have given 2744 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, gay_rocks! (Today's storm count: 55)
CaptainSpam: KITTY?
Camthelion: Oooh spider-kjitty
Bobtheninjagoldfish: the trigger is being the premier lands pilot of a format, the other turns you into surge.
cmdrud87: uuh
sporkraptor: spiderkitty, spiderkitty, does whatever a spiderkitty does
NotCainNorAbel: very nice @DeM0nFiRe
MegaDosX: Also Lathril and Elvish Archdruid
Lord_Hosk: Take the Rare!
Orestes290 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Orestes290! (Today's storm count: 56)
sporkraptor: climbs the walls, chases mice, sits on your chest and stares into your soul like a sleep paralysis demon
accountmadeforants: I love that Savannah Lion is in this. Good times.
r10pez10: they're pretty funny, but they're not good
SkiaSymphonia: take the fun one wheeler
MegaDosX: I had that in my prerelease cards
SkiaSymphonia: you know you want to
Cptasparagus: theres so many freaking board wipes
johnnylongtorso: 1 life = 1 card
flatluigi: the 'ping when your opponent draws' archetype is surprisingly real
CeruledgeBlade subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 18 month streak!
CeruledgeBlade: Here for the Beejdations
Thanks for subscribing, CeruledgeBlade! (Today's storm count: 57)
nymistrya: Wheeler living my dreams, fantastic
paulthemapguy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
paulthemapguy: shiny card adventures, come and join the fun!
Thanks for subscribing, paulthemapguy! (Today's storm count: 58)
Gadora: Serge is an expert at pivoting!
DeM0nFiRe: F
Dog_of_Myth: o7
cmdrud87: F
Juliamon: I hope you find them
Reading signals requires reading, so no
micalovits: o7
GredGredmansson: they are provably not dead
paulthemapguy: theyre lost in the lifestream nbd
Marvoleath: pi...what?
Sorator13: "they're not dead, they're just in <location>"
ChurchXC: taking a break from my arena draft to catch this! Excited to see what people draft
RatherLargeToad: misplaced
Kazman20a subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Kazman20a! (Today's storm count: 59)
cmdrud87: The good news: You can do many more drafts within the next FIVE YEARS!!!
sithenin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 95 months!
Thanks for subscribing, sithenin! (Today's storm count: 60)
r10pez10: i still have half a box of MB2 and i think i might get a box of foundations and chaos it up
Sorator13: @cmdrud87 as we know, the universe will end after that, so we gotta get the drafts in before the deadline
paulthemapguy: wino...we call those "sommeliers"
ChurchXC: Five years is so wild
I'm still waiting for that Star Wars Unlimited draft
RatherLargeToad: gator wino
couchboyj: A ginny from the block, perhaps?
Ohpea subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Ohpea! (Today's storm count: 61)
MegaDosX: Ghalta is in this set
sporkraptor: dinosaurkitty! (I have that tshirt)
MegaDosX: As is a six mana 12/8 vanilla dino
Grinnin_Gin: If you liked Magic Foundations, get ready for Magic Modern Foundations Horizons in 2026
r10pez10: ruin your evening
paulthemapguy: I was not strictly a dinosaur kid, but I had a huge dinosaur phase from ages 8 to 10
Sorator13: wheeler, you always take that card. always.
@Waterscorpion it will come.
irikaj: Brb
Sorator13: 360 no-scope pivot?
irikaj: Ben "Foucault" Wheeler, this table is indeed a prison
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I'm so glad matt and Cori are getting in on more MTG
Waterscorpion: @thedevil_risen I don't believe it!
TheDevil_Risen: @Waterscorpion i'd check out BenBen's Twitter as well as Funko's stream
file_maker: how many overruns so far
korvys: Hey, remember that time James fell basically forever in BotW?
MegaDosX: So did Serge get Arahbo or no?
couchboyj: Can you do Kingpin climbing a fire escape ladder?
TheDevil_Risen: @Waterscorpion not sure if the VoD is saved though
Redartifice subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Redartifice: 3 years!
Thanks for subscribing, Redartifice! (Today's storm count: 62)
cmdrud87: I wish that uncommon said "each turn"
paulthemapguy: what the frigma
r10pez10: what's frigma
Juliamon: ooh what that
MegaDosX: Oh I want that foil
paulthemapguy: frig + sigma /2
MegaDosX: It's my boy!
Juliamon: the rx tylenols
r10pez10: heard harmless offering + pact is back
theamc2000: gummi
Hadouken_lol_catz: what did serge do to earn the painkillers?
Juliamon: Serge had some minor arm surgery
warkr0: its a pack of Foundations
warkr0: hope that helps
Juliamon: he's fine
Hadouken_lol_catz: ah
biosimicist subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
biosimicist: Awesome to get to watch some Magic tonight and so fun to get to meet people in Vegas.
Thanks for subscribing, biosimicist! (Today's storm count: 63)
r10pez10: he got another arm installed?
Nickiatori: oh no the tylonal caused serge to be off by oe
Nickiatori: one*
djalternative: @Juliamon he got a third, smaller arm?
Juliamon: the main takeaway is that he has itchy stitches now
Sorator13: @r10pez10 the camera angle prevents us from seeing it
paulthemapguy: Well I'm glad to hear that he's fine! Glad you're doing well Serge
r10pez10: third-arm yager
Sorator13: that's why he's not on draft cam today; he's a bit shy about the third arm
MegaDosX: Wow Serge
biosimicist: Thanks Paul!
djalternative: now, is Serge's new third arm a flesh arm or a robot arm?
Juliamon: they say not to shoot the messenger, they never say not to thank the messenger
Grinnin_Gin: can't wait to so overrun win games
Grinnin_Gin: *see
Sorator13: Really, messengers are like bus drivers, but for words. So we should always thank the messenger.
MegaDosX: It's the fancy art, why not
cmdrud87: honestly, not a fan
r10pez10: when will LRR stock the rolling card dolly so i can use them as rollerskates
cmdrud87: (art is great, though)
paulthemapguy: always thank the bus driver and by extension one who drives the message
paulthemapguy: does anyone remember those monster truck toys that were reversible, so they kept going even after they flipped upside down
AllTheWeasels subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months, currently on a 55 month streak!
AllTheWeasels: How is that still in the pack?!
Thanks for subscribing, AllTheWeasels! (Today's storm count: 64)
djalternative: instructions unclear. always shank the bus driver
ALittleLonely: lol
Sorator13: WHEELER
definenull: hello gamers
paulthemapguy: pictured: Wheeler, wheeling
LoganAura: Wait what
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: @Sorator13 don't boo him, he's right
Sorator13: @NarwhalsInATrenchcoat I'm not booing him, I'm just saying
RatherLargeToad: Pond Prophet is back! In cat form!
AtrusOfMyst: Terror came back bby
MegaDosX: So that's two people in their own colour, what's everyone else fighting over?
r10pez10: one of those chairs or something is making a noise very close to the minecraft open chest noise
party is in this set?
kirdape28 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 19 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, kirdape28! (Today's storm count: 65)
foopoiuyt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
Thanks for subscribing, foopoiuyt! (Today's storm count: 66)
stippledotter: All the wizards are stuck on the coast
ALittleLonely: No one wants wants big PP energy?
Featherweight_: @paulthemapguy Air hogs
RatherLargeToad: βYou are a Planeswalker, a powerful wizardβ¦β
SkiaSymphonia: no the bus was last week
djalternative: we're going onto pack 8
paulthemapguy: omg thank you @Featherweight_ anyways those would be perfect for carting the cards across the table
r10pez10: mwah
TheDevil_Risen: loll
Sorator13: lUL
sporkraptor: aaa!!
SkiaSymphonia: where'd he go?!
Camthelion: jumpscare!
sporkraptor: I was startled by the Sudden Wheeler
r10pez10: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
nymistrya subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
nymistrya: Ive seen what life can do for Wheeler and I want it for myself
Thanks for subscribing, nymistrya! (Today's storm count: 67)
KWardJenx: Wheeler mini-game: peek-a-boo
MegaDosX: There's cat king himself
couchboyj: Who said that?!?
ALittleLonely: Cat Daddy commeth
Sorator13: @ALittleLonely don't say it like that
DrLigmaPhD: Cats 2019?
ALittleLonely: I mean, he does
singinnonsense: still not a wizard
ALittleLonely: It's on the card
gualdhar: wait, if there's cat deck, why no dog deck?
Cptasparagus: Leyline Axe is gross
Cptasparagus: yeeee wheeler
MegaDosX: I played against Arahbo in a match at my prerelease, and he's kinda nuts
r10pez10: centered text being back is nice
kirbytronic: *sings* Twitch on my phone is a p ain in the ass
Grinnin_Gin: creatures in wheeler's deck: "am I a joke to you?"
Lord_Hosk: Going into Pack 3 Im in U B W and G... but Im thinking of pivoting into my R splash
CaptainEnder7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months, currently on a 132 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, CaptainEnder7! (Today's storm count: 68)
hb8u: yess keep him hooked
DrLigmaPhD: There even may be land in minecraft
paulthemapguy: Mines: The Crafting
Juliamon: oh, I think this is a good stream to mention that Wheeler has made a claim to being the premiere canal builder in Minecraft
r10pez10: it's been good watching
djalternative: brickjamin woodler in the flesh?
GredGredmansson: i did one foundations draft, had fun with a Rakdos Raid deck
ztghostie: is that the number 1 canal builder of the format, brickjamin woodler?!
HadesLeprechaun: seeing a game you absolutely adore being played anew by someone experiencing it for the first time and enjoying it a total joy
Nickiatori: @GredGredmansson did you get the signpost uncommon?
ALittleLonely: 1193 wizards not enough for you?
djalternative: but do they print enough coasts, wheeler?
GredGredmansson: isn't Wizard like the 2nd most common creature type besides Human
Aceviru: Tell me about it
ThorSokar: There is a distinct LACK of Wizards, you do have a point
TheDevil_Risen: @Juliamon LMFAO
GredGredmansson: @Nickiatori Perforating Artist yes
johnnylongtorso: wizards don't market test as well as Spider-Man
MegaDosX: It's OK
djalternative: it's fine imo
Nickiatori: @GredGredmansson Nice I love that card
DrLigmaPhD: Signal: Puts loaded gun on table
Sorator13: @GredGredmansson I didn't believe this, but yes, it is
definenull: stick that pick on a healer's hawk and go vroom vroom
r10pez10: it's not bad
ztghostie: pick is good on the flier's but not nearly as good as in kaldheim
r10pez10: judy dench's human hand
sleepyfelix: apologies if this was said elsewhere, but has there been announcement of if LRR will be at PAX Unplugged?
GredGredmansson: @Nickiatori i also had the new blood artist and searslicer goblin
kirbytronic: Meeeeeelk?
GredGredmansson: and two copies of Gobling Surprise
sporkraptor: Jehiabel
r10pez10: these are not real names
Serpens77: so Cori is to blame??
cmdrud87: that sounds like a literal sobering experience
dredshift: All musicals are bad but Cats manages to be the worst of them all
kirbytronic: I have never seen cats. But I watch enough Drawfee that I *feel* like I've seen caats
r10pez10: i don't think that movie had to happen
Grinnin_Gin: you couldn't give me enough edibles to make Cats the Musical entertaining
paulthemapguy: Cats seems to aspire to be the The Room of musicals
Nickiatori: release the butthole cut!
Sorator13: I genuinely haven't watched any version of Cats so it's very fun to listen to folks talk about it
DrLigmaPhD: It was a series of decisions in defiance of God
johnnylongtorso: release the butthole cut!
flatluigi: matt pls
gualdhar: they also didn't fix the part where they released a movie
Welbog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months, currently on a 82 month streak!
Welbog: Happy temporal time
Thanks for subscribing, Welbog! (Today's storm count: 69)
Bugberry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
definenull: Those movie sickos will do anything for feet
Thanks for subscribing, Bugberry! (Today's storm count: 70)
Sorator13: Serge?
cmdrud87: they DID release the butthole-cut of JL, into cinemas (and yes, ths is shade)
Juliamon: It was, in fact, a weird raid
Cptasparagus: Jason Derulo won an award for how bad they covered up his bulge with CGI
DrLigmaPhD: Serge is fine
Grinnin_Gin: damn that tylenol that serge is on is powerful
GredGredmansson: see i hear that and think that adds scenes of a particular actor who was a real butthole to work with
paulthemapguy: a raid so weird, it managed to be a draft
MegaDosX: Wheeler, mocking us
CaptainSpam: Seven KITTIES
johnnylongtorso: Serge the crazy cat lady
couchboyj: Serge is in tuxedo cats
paulthemapguy: lmao Cori
ztghostie: its a two for one, ben
paulthemapguy: Cori knows she has won the draft by outcatting all others
MegaDosX: Best card in the set? Is it the Eldrazi?
Sleep_Tight: dont do that
HedgehogKnight subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
Thanks for subscribing, HedgehogKnight! (Today's storm count: 71)
ALittleLonely: lol
sporkraptor: stick to things
Welbog: Rotate those streamers
TheAwkes: Stick tight, hold around.
sporkraptor: I am adhesive
flatluigi: get better ben ulmer
Sorator13: words, they're difficult
raulghoulia: Serge is spicy tonight
WiJohn: I'm so tightly stuck
paulthemapguy: stick tight and hang around
r10pez10: did you know that mythic eldrazi's rule text is a haiku
Nickiatori: Serge is spicy tonight!
coriolis_storm: Donβt be sticky, chat!
LesVox: 1-0 Serge
singinnonsense: that's the snerge talking
Tweygoh: great button to leave on
paulthemapguy: Serge is socially tylenoled the way I get socially drunk
sporkraptor: I am flying loops around netherstorm on my hunter looking for That One Purple Hydra because ????
r10pez10: first strike vi-gi-lance // men-ace tram-ple reach life-link // ward pay se-ven life
raulghoulia: @Nickiatori jinx you owe me a coke
sporkraptor: I could use some of the Special Tylenol tbh
MegaDosX: Ok gotta leave for lunch now, might have to catch the rest of this on the VOD. Good rest of stream guys!
LiamNeesonsKneesSon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LiamNeesonsKneesSon! (Today's storm count: 72)
Sorator13: @MegaDosX have a good lunch!
ALittleLonely: Cya @MegaDosX Hope you have a good day
brutalpunishment: First time watching the stream. How long does the reset usually take?
Sorator13: @brutalpunishment Not too long, a couple minutes usually
Dog_of_Myth: Ohh Kill Team is back
paulthemapguy: Oh right, Canadians don't care about American Thanksgiving. Understandable
brutalpunishment: Sweet, Thanks @Sorator13
Sorator13: Long enough to grab a snack; not long enough to make dinner
cheshire_creeper: LRR's main theme is so good I can't believe it's from a random baseball game
paulthemapguy: Just long enough to take a dump probable
sporkraptor: Half Empty
jessieimproved subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Thanks for subscribing, jessieimproved! (Today's storm count: 73)
MTGRanger subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
MTGRanger: bwuh
Thanks for subscribing, MTGRanger! (Today's storm count: 74)
sporkraptor: Serenity, I think
LRRbot: Ninja | Creature β Ninja [+1/+0] | You may activate Ninja's augment ability any time you could cast an instant. / Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, / Augment {2}{B} ({2}{B}, Reveal this card from your hand: Combine it with target host. Augment only asβoh, never mind.)
r10pez10: weird card to camera test lol
Mazrae: Hello everyone, what have I missed so far
djalternative: didn't you know host/augment came back in foundations?
sporkraptor: either Serenity or Reflections, but I think Serenity
Feriority subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Feriority! (Today's storm count: 75)
Juliamon: yeah, my brain always mixes up those two and Mountain Seclusion
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: is "oh, never mind." part of augment's reminder text? would be on brand for an un- set
MyrddintheWizard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
MyrddintheWizard: Cheers everyone!
Thanks for subscribing, MyrddintheWizard! (Today's storm count: 76)
r10pez10: it's specifically for the ninja one
sporkraptor: and then this is... Asphalt, I think! XD much more perky!
r10pez10: augment was sorc speed
accountmadeforants: @NarwhalsInATrenchcoat it is, because normally it's sorcery speed but Ninja specifically ignores that
that's very funny
r10pez10: half-kitten half-kitten didn't win me any games, but it did extend them by a lot
accountmadeforants: Now I'm trying to think if there are any other creatures with "sorcery-speed" abilities that have text which lets them activate those abilities at instant-speed.
r10pez10: "whenever you're dealt damage roll a d6 and gain that much life"
accountmadeforants: I used to buy whole boxes of Unstable to draft with friends (which was quite cheap on account of being able to subsequently sell/keep the lands), probably one of my favourite draft formats.
definenull: what'cha drinking there
TheDevil_Risen: WB!
accountmadeforants: Welcome back
sporkraptor: oh hi Ben XD
MTGRanger: Sooo back
Sorator13: Wheeler, why are you drinking soy sauce?
Coloneljesus: im lit
Juliamon: tell us about the 'buch
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Somethign funny
cyclopsboi: something funny
sporkraptor: no
superdude097: Something funny
shurtal: Bazornga
theamc2000: Cameron
ALittleLonely: Gottem
GredGredmansson: @accountmadeforants what does that even mean? activating at instant speed is the default it has to explicitly say that its sorcery instead
hahha 10/10 no notes wheeler
LaconicLad: i am drinking Yogurt Soju for the first time. It's pretty good.
Fr0Dough: WHAT happened to serge
LRRbot: Scoured Barrens | Land | Scoured Barrens enters tapped. / When Scoured Barrens enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {W} or {B}.
letsbelgo: @Fr0Dough has many stiches in his arm
accountmadeforants: @GredGredmansson Yeah, but there's things like Outlast which are keyworded sorcery-speed abilities. So I was wondering if, like Ninja with Augment, there are any cards with sorcery-speed-by-default abilities which then ignore the sorcery-speed limitation.
Land_Manatee: WHat happened to Serge's arm?
LRRbot: Wind-Scarred Crag | Land | Wind-Scarred Crag enters tapped. / When Wind-Scarred Crag enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {R} or {W}.
Juliamon: Serge had minor surgery
Juliamon: He's fine
cyclopsboi: i think he was having surgery
Juliamon: It was voluntary
LRRbot: Hungry Ghoul [1B] | Creature β Zombie [2/2] | {1}, Sacrifice another creature: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.
shurtal: @Fr0Dough he payed perfectly good money for a doctor to stuff to his arm, for medical reasons
theamc2000: I like the back hand
avjamethyst: this is like playing cribbage with my great grandma in the hospital
theamc2000: box
Fr0Dough: you mean "sergery" come on it was RIGHT THERE
GredGredmansson: @accountmadeforants there's that one teferi and that one Wanderer i guess
MTGRanger: the Fromsoft games have conditioned him
LRRbot: Burnished Hart [3] | Artifact Creature β Elk [2/2] | {3}, Sacrifice Burnished Hart: Search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
TheAwkes: !findquote behind
LRRbot: Quote #5098: "Just reach in behind me! Mind the goo." βBeej, as Carfaxβ’ Seagull [2018-06-25]
LRRbot: Stab [B] | Instant | Target creature gets β2/β2 until end of turn.
definenull: knife time!
Swamplor: Stabbed him right in the hart!
johnnylongtorso: stabbed in the hart
LRRbot: Helpful Hunter [1W] | Creature β Cat [1/1] | When this creature enters, draw a card.
definenull: uhh are the frames a little skippy today?
accountmadeforants: @GredGredmansson Right, I suppose there are Planeswalkers, yeah.
LRRbot: Axgard Cavalry [1R] | Creature β Dwarf Berserker [2/2] | {T}: Target creature gains haste until end of turn.
Juliamon: Seems smooth here
RatherLargeToad: Stabed in the Heart and Camβs to blame
Battleguy01: Calgury
ThePixelSavage: why does Serge only have one hand today?
DoodlestheGreat: it not perfect system
johnnylongtorso: at least Serge can't be forced to discard cards from hand
Fr0Dough: @ThePixelSavage he had sergery
LRRbot: Wardens of the Cycle [1BGG] | Creature β Elf Warlock [3/4] | Morbid β At the beginning of your end step, if a creature died this turn, choose one β / β’ You gain 2 life. / β’ You draw a card and you lose 1 life.
Juliamon: Serge had minor surgery, he's fine, it was voluntary.
GredGredmansson: Not enought Green?
theamc2000: you canβr cast that cam
Natedogg2: Cats can't be told what to do. If it blocks, then the cat wanted to block.
cyclopsboi: golgari glenn ross is a great joke
r10pez10: oh hey morbid
MajorFrostbyte: I wondered how Serge would work it with only one arm. Cat deck and a box for them. On theme.
cmdrud87: @cyclopsboi Put that mana down.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Why is it so big? Well, it probably only costs 2 mana or so. You need to pay at least 3 to get the 10/11's these days.
seanmrwick: so Cameron what's your first pick in this set?
HaloCub5: Chat does anyone know how quickly wizards emails you after winning direct?
johnnylongtorso: @cyclopsboi that mana's for closers
LRRbot: Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate [1BR] | Legendary Creature β Human Warrior [2/2] | First strike / Whenever Alesha attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on it. / Raid β At the beginning of your end step, if you attacked this turn, return target creature card with mana value less than or equal to Alesha's power from your graveyard to the battlefield.
definenull: here they are!
ALittleLonely: Alesha is fun
Sorator13: bahahahaha
Grinnin_Gin: what is it with serge drafting this card
Sorator13: or is fate not here yet?
Battleguy01: He's popping off.
CaptainSpam: She just finds fate, y'know, funny. She can't help it.
sporkraptor: Alesha, Who LoL
r10pez10: HaloCub5 everything feels longer when you're excited
seanmrwick: I've heard that Mana Drain got reprinted in this set
Fr0Dough: V-v-v-v-v-value
Fruan: Mardu Grandma is a beating.
LRRbot: Reassembling Skeleton [1B] | Creature β Skeleton Warrior [1/1] | {1}{B}: Return Reassembling Skeleton from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
gualdhar: you know, I'm not good at magic, but Alesha seems good
ALittleLonely: Good ol' boy
definenull: oh no the combo has been assembled
LRRbot: Eaten Alive [B] | Sorcery | As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature or pay {3}{B}. / Exile target creature or planeswalker.
AtrusOfMyst: The bonessssss
@r10pez10 guily also first time winning so don't know lol
Cptasparagus: @seanmrwick someone was very much lying to you
Sorator13: I like Serge's "hand" workaround
GredGredmansson: @seanmrwick you heard wrong
Who's laughing NOW, Alesha?
LRRbot: Heroic Reinforcements [2RW] | Sorcery | Create two 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens. Until end of turn, creatures you control get +1/+1 and gain haste.
theamc2000: Serge is going easy on Cam, playing with one arm
LathosTiran: Enchantment: mana burn exists again
r10pez10: box is very elegant solution
johnnylongtorso: Serge is playing Magic and Guess Who? at the same time
seanmrwick: @GredGredmansson I thought as much. I'm glad that the rumor has been squashed
DoodlestheGreat: @johnnylongtorso Think of the time savings!
MarkovDescendant: Anyone else dropping frames or do I need to restart the stream?
Sorator13: I'm definitely also dropping some frames here and there
r10pez10: a restart won't hurt
r10pez10: frames are fine here
LRRbot: Helpful Hunter [1W] | Creature β Cat [1/1] | When this creature enters, draw a card.
Sorator13: the cats, they thirst
LRRbot: Wardens of the Cycle [1BGG] | Creature β Elf Warlock [3/4] | Morbid β At the beginning of your end step, if a creature died this turn, choose one β / β’ You gain 2 life. / β’ You draw a card and you lose 1 life.
Tweygoh: I wasnβt watching, did cam get his morbid trigger from killing Alesha?
paulthemapguy: Stream looks good and smooth
singinnonsense: it does look like it murdered a bird
LRRbot: Hero's Downfall [1BB] | Instant | Destroy target creature or planeswalker.
nymistrya: Yeah I have so many frames I could sell them for a markup. But I wont because that'd be rude
Juliamon: oh, there was some jank there
r10pez10: it's holding a quill so it can write a letter
Juliamon: I think it was just the top-down?
CaptainSpam: The wide shot looks smooth, I think it's just the overhead?
TheDevil_Risen: @Juliamon oh i thought it was my aussie net
sleepyfelix: @Tweygoh his creature with morbid wasn't on the table at that moment I don't think
brutalpunishment: Ouch
northos: oh, yeah it's looking a little framey here too
KWardJenx: Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it flows.
r10pez10: new set be like that
CaptainSpam: Oh, wait, no, the wide's doing it a bit, too.
shurtal: remember when hero's downfall was a preemo rare?
RatherLargeToad: having some stream issues, but I figure it has more to do with streaming it while flying above Wyoming
Sorator13: nah, I'm getting a lot of stuttery frames. Audio is fine, though
shurtal: if you do, you might need bone hurty pills
definenull: the cameras still working overtime from DB
coriolis_storm: βReading the card, explains the cardβ
djalternative: the cats crave danger
Juliamon: yeah, now it's definitely an issue
paulthemapguy: No Cats Were Harmed
vashertheblessed subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
Thanks for subscribing, vashertheblessed! (Today's storm count: 77)
sporkraptor: dangerkitty
GasCityGaming: i refreshed and it's fine
gualdhar: so really, Serge is the villain for summoning cats at all
QuixoticScrivener: Libraries are pokeballs now?
Bruceski: We are not the baddies only because Urza exists
e_bloc: yeah but look what happened to the trans woman
johnnylongtorso: @RatherLargeToad the best way to see Wyoming, from 37,000 feet away
Sorator13: I thought we ditched the "you are a planeswalker" lore?
definitely something a little wonky in OBS
brutalpunishment: Should have build Aristocats.
ALittleLonely: lol
sporkraptor: Mulligans is a good cat name
cmdrud87: is it just me or are they dropping frames?
cyclopsboi: sweet i needed a mulligan
Bruceski: do not attempt to adjust your monitor.
sporkraptor: if I have to name another cat any time soon I think I'll name it "Mulligans"
Flyingdelorion: Frames are dropping for me too
definenull: everyone hold....
CorruptDropbear: Mullalullagains
sporkraptor: I will probably forget this long before I get the chance to name another cat
paulthemapguy: Tylenol turns Serge into Party Serge
Flyingdelorion: also hello!
cmdrud87: we literally can't go away
johnnylongtorso: jiggle the antenna
MTGRanger: oh no LRR is dying
thegiftedgrifter: promise?
ALittleLonely: lol σ
paulthemapguy: Anytime you play a cat card, you have to say "I cats" instead of "I cast"
Cptasparagus: ooh free Ben visit
vetr1c: We're free now!
sporkraptor: ok time to go get dinner
sporkraptor: aaaand freeze!
Strebenherz: sounds like a date
snowyowlly: really good frame to freeze on
MarkovDescendant: What happened to Serge's arm?
djalternative: yeah wait. wheeler will personally come visit us?
Sorator13: wow, they're doing a good job of staying still
time to leave just to get wheeler to visit me
Juliamon: Serge had minor surgery, he's fine, it was voluntary.
seanmrwick: well Wheeler if you're able to find me, I'd probably learn how to play Highlander
coriolis_storm: Thatβs just a great freeze frame
DrLigmaPhD: Time to grab more wine
Coloneljesus: what if that's the rest of stream?
johnnylongtorso: LRR was filmed before a live studio audience
Sorator13: @MarkovDescendant just some surgery; no biggy
ghizmou: they had time to prepare for the frame freeze
MarkovDescendant: Oh good. Hope he heals quickly ^.^
definenull: red fish, standing by?
Sorator13: someone tell them they're still allowed to breathe!
virgil82: The best part is that I cannot tell if they're doing a bit, or this is the stream being down.
djalternative: Serge has three arms now if chat is to believed
paulthemapguy: and break it down and freeze! and break it down and freeze!
Coloneljesus: should we call paul?
CeruledgeBlade: They're down
northos: the stream is intentionally down, yes
Juliamon: Paul intentionally is restarting the stream
Harvest25: Better call Paul
sporkraptor: down and around
shendaras: or very good at being absolutely still
paulthemapguy: LRR casts "BRB"
superdude097: Doing a little turn it off then on again
Julian_Rogue: So how's chat?
Sorator13: for a moment I thought "I should take a screenshot!" and then I realized, that doesnt' work to show that they aren't moving
irikaj: It's just the bit from the end of police squad episodes
sporkraptor: yeah, tuna melt sammiches for dinner
Strebenherz: they cast time stop and ended the stream
Lord_Hosk: This stream go down is the worst thing that has ever happened to me!
irikaj: Cameron is very disciplined
Julian_Rogue: @Sorator13 Like when I told my landlord my heater wasn't heating and he asked for pictures so I sent him pictures of the vent being like "This but not hot"
Lord_Hosk: Oh its back never mind
definenull: refresh!
Sorator13: @Julian_Rogue or when the shipping company wants a picture of the deliveryy ou didn't get
@Lord_Hosk the stream coming back up is the best thing that has ever happened to me!
definenull: welcome booch
Harvest25: We're here!
DeM0nFiRe: Hi!
Sorator13: oh good, more soy sauce
Cosmonautilis24 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Cosmonautilis24! (Today's storm count: 78)
cyclopsboi: more booch
cyclopsboi: belly full of booch
frank_the_great: we're so back
cmdrud87: Serge deciided to play Rummy
LRRbot: Infestation Sage [B] | Creature β Elf Warlock [1/1] | When this creature dies, create a 1/1 black and green Insect creature token with flying.
Sorator13: nice
CorruptDropbear: You've had too much wine...
LRRbot: Evolving Wilds | Land | {T}, Sacrifice Evolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
Xerodin: do we know what happened to serge's arm?
NotCainNorAbel gifted 6 months of Tier 1 to cryptidmom3. They've gifted 72 months in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, cryptidmom3! (Today's storm count: 79)
Sorator13: @Xerodin Planned surgery
Booch supplied by our good friends at Jagasilk
RatherLargeToad: Elfsect
northos: @Xerodin minor elective surgery and stitches
Fr0Dough: @Xerodin he got SERGERY
Fr0Dough: everyone you are spelling sergery wrong
northos: @Fr0Dough my sincerest apologies
LRRbot: Helpful Hunter [1W] | Creature β Cat [1/1] | When this creature enters, draw a card.
CeruledgeBlade: I came in late, why does serge have a card holder?
Juliamon: Serge had minor surgery, he's fine, it was voluntary.
northos: sorry, my sinSERGEst apologies
hb8u subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
Thanks for subscribing, hb8u! (Today's storm count: 80)
Sorator13: @CeruledgeBlade He had minor sergery
CeruledgeBlade: Ah ok
LRRbot: Gutless Plunderer [2B] | Creature β Skeleton Pirate [2/2] | Deathtouch / Raid β When this creature enters, if you attacked this turn, look at the top three cards of your library. You may put one of those cards back on top of your library. Put the rest into your graveyard.
Juliamon: I'm not fixing my hotkeys for you chat
CeruledgeBlade: And wheeler is not a monster, he's a demon
cmdrud87: remember when you would just draw the card?
LRRbot: Stab [B] | Instant | Target creature gets β2/β2 until end of turn.
A_Dub888: How Gathering are the Foundational Magics my dudes?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: If you stab anything enough, it eventually stops.
paulthemapguy: awwwww kitty wants blood.
LRRbot: Wardens of the Cycle [1BGG] | Creature β Elf Warlock [3/4] | Morbid β At the beginning of your end step, if a creature died this turn, choose one β / β’ You gain 2 life. / β’ You draw a card and you lose 1 life.
Sorator13: I'm confused, and that's okay
Fruan: thicc elves
LRRbot: Scoured Barrens | Land | Scoured Barrens enters tapped. / When Scoured Barrens enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {W} or {B}.
Bugberry: Also blunts and cats/dogs. Quieres?
LRRbot: Dazzling Angel [2W] | Creature β Angel [2/3] | Flying / Whenever another creature you control enters, you gain 1 life.
r10pez10: cool art
eleric937 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months!
Thanks for subscribing, eleric937! (Today's storm count: 81)
seanmrwick: I forgot we're back
A_Dub888: Eternalize is in this set??
LRRbot: Bite Down [1G] | Instant | Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature or planeswalker you don't control.
Serpens77 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Serpens77! (Today's storm count: 82)
r10pez10: everyone point at the card, chat
LRRbot: Luminous Rebuke [4W] | Instant | This spell costs {3} less to cast if it targets a tapped creature. / Destroy target creature.
LRRbot: Wind-Scarred Crag | Land | Wind-Scarred Crag enters tapped. / When Wind-Scarred Crag enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {R} or {W}.
A_Dub888: @r10pez10 Which card?
Sorator13: oh, hey Craig!
Serpens77: @r10pez10 Indicate
paulthemapguy: he will kill your angle and yuor devil
Sorator13: @Serpens77 that's a crime!
LRRbot: Grow from the Ashes [2G] | Sorcery | Kicker {2} / Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle. If this spell was kicked, instead search your library for two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield, then shuffle.
r10pez10: ooh kicked grow
MTGRanger: I would watch
theamc2000: explain
avjamethyst: I miss block constructed
ghizmou: so many serra angels
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Doesn't say tapped.
r10pez10: yeah untapped
Hadouken_lol_catz: its like 600 cards with all the foundations prodcuts
That sounds like a fun idea to me
cmdrud87: 2018
bondeulv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
Thanks for subscribing, bondeulv! (Today's storm count: 83)
r10pez10: was that hogaak year
Dread_Pirate_Westley: That was before the Eldraine era of design mistakes.
Bugberry: Dominaria PPR was my second PPR.
LRRbot: Burnished Hart [3] | Artifact Creature β Elk [2/2] | {3}, Sacrifice Burnished Hart: Search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
cmdrud87: core set- where you get excited about a burnished hart.
LRRbot: Needletooth Pack [3GG] | Creature β Dinosaur [4/5] | Morbid β At the beginning of your end step, if a creature died this turn, put two +1/+1 counters on target creature you control.
Sorator13: @cmdrud87 speak for yourself; I'm always excited about Burnished Hart
LRRbot: Sanguine Syphoner [1B] | Creature β Vampire Warlock [1/3] | Whenever this creature attacks, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
johnnylongtorso: suffering syphoner
northos: it's an intervening if clause, so if you go to end step and it doesn't trigger, you can sac Hart then
djalternative: in fested or out fested?
irikaj: You can sac on end step
irikaj: Efb
r10pez10: stop trying to make fest happen
definenull: this might be the longest that 1/1 elf has survived in this format
LRRbot: Youthful Valkyrie [1W] | Creature β Angel [1/3] | Flying / Whenever another Angel you control enters, put a +1/+1 counter on Youthful Valkyrie.
Desruprot: get festive
A_Dub888: well maybe if you didn't call them idiots Serge...
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @northos You could sacrifice in end step after the trigger resolves even if it weren't worded that way.
cyclopsboi: serge playing orange cats i guess
northos: @Dread_Pirate_Westley also true
circusofkirkus: I see Serge is playing Rumikub in this draft
Sorator13: admittedly it seems confusing to have your hand not be in your hand
RatherLargeToad: Garfield typal?
LRRbot: Skyknight Squire [1W] | Creature β Cat Scout [1/1] | Whenever another creature you control enters, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. / As long as this creature has three or more +1/+1 counters on it, it has flying and is a Knight in addition to its other types.
A_Dub888: Skire
cyclopsboi: garfield universes beyond when
DrLigmaPhD: Squiknight Skier?
A_Dub888: (Note: the squire is NOT the bird)
RatherLargeToad: the food tokens would be great
Sorator13: yknow, that squire doesn't look like a cat at all to me
LRRbot: Helpful Hunter [1W] | Creature β Cat [1/1] | When this creature enters, draw a card.
Sorator13: like, it doesn't look leonin, either
ghizmou: he only gets the bird when he's big and old enough to drive
r10pez10: they're the same picture
Bugberry: Then most knights should be Horse Human Knight
A_Dub888: !findquote monke
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
DrLigmaPhD: This is pet cat, this is sentient cat husband. They are only marginally different
LRRbot: Vampire Soulcaller [4B] | Creature β Vampire Warlock [3/2] | Flying / This creature can't block. / When this creature enters, return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.
Nickiatori: they are from different plans i think, the hunter is a housecat from amonket and the squire is from somewhere else
LRRbot: Wardens of the Cycle [1BGG] | Creature β Elf Warlock [3/4] | Morbid β At the beginning of your end step, if a creature died this turn, choose one β / β’ You gain 2 life. / β’ You draw a card and you lose 1 life.
r10pez10: doesn't mickey walk pluto with goofy
A_Dub888: "Hello, we're calling you about your soul's extended warrenty..."
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