benjamin_wheeler: Please hold
Didero: your stream viewing is important to us
Earthenone: !findquote hold
LRRbot: Quote #7457: "I'm going to try and just hold onto your butt as you rampage." —Kathleen [2021-01-18]
benjamin_wheeler: in classic fashion I arrived to find the PC was logged out of everything
Didero: a streamer will be with you momentarily
TXC2: Hello everybody
Didero: Hello TXC2 welcome :)
TXC2: hi Didero
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrSIG
Didero: main screen turn on!
benjamin_wheeler: @TXC2 just a heads up I'll need your help in timing out people for bits today
TXC2: benjamin_wheeler ok
paronomasiac042: is this my card?
Didero: I think I only heard an ad but didn't see one? That was disorienting
TXC2: Didero right?!
Didero: How many bits do I get for being timed out? Kappa
Didero: @TXC2 Oh so it wasn't just me? I don't know if that's weirder or less weird
jonnykefka: This looks like...SuperHot meets midnight suns. And that's not at all a criticism.
DideRobot: LRR: | Wheeler is playing a fighting game which is a card game which is a form of fighting game. Fights in Tight Spaces on Is This Your Card? |
trebuchetboy: @paronomasiac042 unfortunately no
TXC2: it's our card comrade
TXC2: Here we GO!
Didero: I keep forgetting how funky this intro is
0011110000110011: hey wheeler hey chat
TXC2: Hello Wheeler
trebuchetboy: yup
Didero: Welcome to Oki Oki Fight Clu-oh
Earthenone: welcome to oki oki card club
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: fighting, thinking or fucking, one of the three solves everything
Didero: sure blame us
corpocracy: Is it really a NEW steam anymore?
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Earthenone: !humble
TXC2: corpocracy in geological terms, yes Kappa
raulghoulia: Wheeler of Harvey Fierstein?
Earthenone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Earthenone! (Today's storm count: 1)
CustardIsMassive: tinyasArrive Tights in Fight Spaces PridePog
Didero: mute pls
TXC2: no mute
PMAvers: If you love it, let it rip
0011110000110011 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 0011110000110011! (Today's storm count: 2)
JKBalch: mute please
Earthenone: mute it for live stream, sell the unmuted on patreon
CustardIsMassive: Play us the song of your people
MrVirite: Mute if not enough subs
Didero: reported
Desruprot: would the blood of our enemies also work?
TXC2: live your truth Wheeler
jonnykefka: not my fetish but go off
ghizmou: it s tight
0011110000110011: I played the demo of this, it was fun
Didero: Yeah but 100% Orange Juice 'used' cards too...
Desruprot: limesPop limesPop limesPop
Earthenone: this is avalible on humble, i dont know if lrr still has a partner link up and running
Jogela: Let us punch right into it
MrVirite: They can't all be #11, right?
TXC2: !humble
0011110000110011: agents 11a, 11b, and 11c
Genie_M: Just dropped in you know
TXC2: Earthenone I think we redacted that
zebes232 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zebes232! (Today's storm count: 3)
Didero: Oh hey, there's cards already, that's better than quite a few games we've played here :p
Greyah: Oh heck what up, this game rules.
Didero: Thank you, intern Thug
TXC2: hello Greyah welcome
Earthenone: im not a mod, so i dident know if it was just a problem with the bot command or some higher level marketing problems
BlasterKyubey210: Into the Fisting Breach so hey
BlasterKyubey210: Kiryu-chan!
jonnykefka: Good design. Those hits felt good
0011110000110011: Into the Breach style
circusofkirkus: LUL
Greyah: My favorite kinds of builds are all about making enemies kill eachother. It's funny.
Didero: That bullet did less damage than your punches and kicks...
TXC2: damn we got hands
Desruprot: I somehow get Slay the Spire vibes from this
Jogela: @Desruprot Oki Oki the Spire
jonnykefka: Tactical Breach Wizards now
TXC2: Desruprot eh, they're common enough mechanics that they're going to feel similar
coriolis_storm: yeeted in the void
Greyah: It's like a mix between Slay the Spire and Into the Breach, so that makes sense. @Desruprot
circusofkirkus: Sekiro time
BlasterKyubey210: and yea, Falcon Knee them
lightfut: Ah yes, ragdoll
TXC2: turn that mans into a pretzel
Didero: There is a wall, no?
BlasterKyubey210: So how's being Captain Falcon feel like
TXC2: gaming!
BlasterKyubey210: Will ask again later
BlasterKyubey210: I'm early on this game but yea, that's my feel
Desruprot: wooooo
coriolis_storm: Aggressive stance when talking to your boss
circusofkirkus: toilet tussel
BlackIsis: Works great when you ask for a raise.
TXC2: no, I do karate, I keep my hands at mid level to catch tackles Kappa
Gaz_L: is this basically John Wick The Card Game?
Didero: That's one of the things that makes Tactical Breach Wizards so great: Infinite rollbacks
BlasterKyubey210: Depends on the deck
BlasterKyubey210: @Gaz_L Martial Arts is the primary core set thing
BlasterKyubey210: There is a DLC pack that features Wick-style shenangians
coriolis_storm: @gaz_l More like Donnie Yen, since you don’t wield a firearm (at least, not yet)
0011110000110011: front kick also moves you
Gaz_L: I mean, Donnie Yen was in a John Wick :P
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
BlasterKyubey210: @Gaz_L Idea's there card-wise
0011110000110011: I meant to have a question mark on that, I'm trying to understand the game lol
GwalchmaiOfHouseParadox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GwalchmaiOfHouseParadox! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: 0011110000110011 ok, making sure everyone in chat knew
Genie_M: Really like the art style - feels like Superhot a bit?
circusofkirkus: cinematics :O
0011110000110011: this part is definitely like superhot!
Earthenone: super. hot
Gaz_L: ooh, speaking of John Wick, this is a feature that game had too
raulghoulia: and in high heels no less
Gaz_L: capoeira expansion
Greyah: Yeah, you can preview both what the area looks like, as well as the fight rewards and stuff.
Fanklok: Smashing some goons i see
Gaz_L: did we get to pick the avatar for the PC? dig the high femme style while kicking ass
Gekyouryuu: so, is this just Slay the Spire crossed with like Super Hot or something?
TXC2: Gaz_L we did
Greyah: @Gekyouryuu More like StS and Into the Breach. But visually there's some Super Hot going on, yeah.
TXC2: who needs combo when you can aggro burn ?
Earthenone: 3 avatars, bald man, haired man and woman
DrTeaSpoon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months!
DrTeaSpoon: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrTeaSpoon! (Today's storm count: 5)
Gaz_L: just punch man in throat until man stop hitting back
Gaz_L: @Earthenone ah of course, the 3 genders :P
RitualGlitchZ: Profound
Greyah: God created windows for the sole purpose of us chucking fools out of them.
Didero: Wait, did we only get one of the two rewards?
Gekyouryuu: MC turns on the sink as she's walking out: "clean yourselves up.'re dead."
Greyah: @Didero The other reward could only be obtained if he got up to 5 combo at some point in the fight, which he did not.
SquareDotCube: I dunno, the replay feels like it could be faster to hide the turn-by-turn play
Gaz_L: never level VIT just parry
Didero: @SquareDotCube Yeah, and add in some other camera angles
Greyah: VIT is for suckers, just play better footsies.
accountmadeforants: Mega. Warm. Mega. Warm.
lightfut: Need more command grab cards
Gaz_L: @accountmadeforants this just makes me think of the indie wrestler who wore a blue Kane mask as... Blue Kane (he has ice powers)
Didero: Does pushing somebody into a wall also do damage?
Gaz_L: smol punch
Greyah: The only point of health that matters is the last one anyway, eh.
CrossXhunteR: i wonder when the sequel to this is meant to release
Gaz_L: life is a resource, etc
Greyah: @Didero It does! 4 damage per collision. Same with pushing people into eachother (which hurts both).
Didero: @Greyah Thanks!
TXC2: ah, we can upgrade cards
Didero: I feel like the info panels above enemies being rotated makes them harder to read than necessary
PMAvers: You spent a lot on the health upgrade?
Gaz_L: ohhhh the gyme!
NisforNox: you spent your money on upgrading your max health
Greyah: Do you want the full answer to why you're broke?
Didero: You spent 65 pounds on getting a bit more health
Earthenone: careful chat, he dident say the phrase that pays
TXC2: ^
Earthenone: you could get shot for this
h3rsh3yb4r: this game looks super cool
Gaz_L: (now i wanna see if someone did a meme with the Homer gym bit and Kamen Rider Gaim)
Greyah: Yes. Money rewards are not guaranteed, and you missed two of them, which hurts a lot.
TXC2: Gaz_L make the memes you wish to see in the world
Gaz_L: @TXC2 no need, i found it on TikTok :D
TXC2: Gaz_L :D
0011110000110011: oof
SacrificialToast: these spaces just aren't tight enough
TXC2: building up for a big lemme smash
Gaz_L: Gaim is still a bizarre show to explain "OK, so they're in a video game and their weapons and armour are both sengoku themed but also fruit... and everyone's in a dance crew..."
Didero: The game IS called 'Fights in tight spaces', not 'dodge in tight spaces' :p
Earthenone: i expected fights in tights
Didero: dead enemies can't fight back Kappa
Gekyouryuu: they should give the female model leggings. Tights in Fight Spaces
SacrificialToast: @Earthenone fights in tights paces
TXC2: I guess we need to think of health as a resource to be spent?
Gaz_L: @Earthenone Oh they screwed this all up: "Fights in TightS? Paces!"
Fanklok: Would it help if you imagined the enemies are Serge?
PharaohBender27: OOOF
Genie_M: 2 HP
circusofkirkus: auto attack rip
minksterella_: and don't you ever mess with him or his son ever again
Earthenone: its overwatch
Earthenone: i guess
Didero: Do they both auto-attack?
Greyah: Auto-attacking enemies honk. Not a fan.
Gaz_L: yeet
Earthenone: we can study the GUN?!
Gaz_L: Gun-kata?!
Greyah: Gun deck is very strong.
Gaz_L: Equillibirum is a very stupid but very fun movie
h3rsh3yb4r: if you think about it... X-Com is a card game too
TXC2: so gun is the stance deck?
Gaz_L: @h3rsh3yb4r and if iit's not enough of one, there's Midnight Sons
Earthenone: thats cool that the stances draw cards by default
Earthenone: !card gut shot
LRRbot: Gut Shot [{R/P}] | Instant | Gut Shot deals 1 damage to any target.
Fanklok: Remember the basics of CQC
Gaz_L: now we are Ballerina: From The World of John Wick (the movie's actual official title)
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
Didero: And we pickpocketed them too!
TXC2: the bahhhh
Gaz_L: escort quest?!
minksterella_: british ambassador to what
minksterella_: like how important is he
Didero: Pain-free bullets
h3rsh3yb4r: br*t*sh??
Gaz_L: mercy bullets
minksterella_: is he ambassador to like India or to like, Togo
TXC2: minksterella_ well we're somewhere in Scandinavia, so lets say Denmark
Mezriss: are you still dealing with biker gang? how did this ambassador get mixed here
h3rsh3yb4r: why does that guy have so much HP you shot him like 4 times
Earthenone: mr president!
Gaz_L: can we use the ambassador as a weapon?
Didero: @Mezriss He was probably trying to buy some drugs
Mezriss: understandable
minksterella_: @TXC2 Denmark? ah thats fine we don't need him that much
Earthenone: do you think he is a political ambasador or an ambasador for annother biker gang?
xHeroRuSH: Keep wanting to try and backseat but then I remember who I'm watching
TXC2: Earthenone por que no los dos ?
Didero: I keep thinking the red value in the info panel is their health...
Earthenone: multi-counter!
Gaz_L: counter deck might be stronk then
Didero: Ooh, and the ambassador bribed you to keep quiet too, score :p
TXC2: what do enhancements do?
h3rsh3yb4r: i don't think you upgraded quick draw, you bought another copy
h3rsh3yb4r: idk though i've never seen this game
lightfut: There it is, the command grab
TXC2: ok that song is now playing in my head, thanks Wheeler
minksterella_: smh she didn't close the door on her way out
Didero: What's the difference between 'shove' and 'push'?
SacrificialToast: vibes
TXC2: Didero shove is sideways?
h3rsh3yb4r: @Didero shove pushes sideways, push pushes back
Didero: Ah, thanks
Fanklok: 50/50 is basically clicking Focus Blast
minksterella_: Wheeler always loses his mana crypt flips
minksterella_: very bad at 50/50s
h3rsh3yb4r: he makes up for it in die rolls
Didero: This game keeps bringing up new stuff very frequently...
Fanklok: Holy shit is that guy ok?
Didero: @Fanklok Yeah, sure, it was just his scheduled break
SacrificialToast: there was a guy on the other side of that wall, don't worry about it
SacrificialToast: does that say he attacks for 5x12 damage??
TXC2: yeah seems like
Jensling: @SacrificialToast it's 12 on 5 tiles
SacrificialToast: aah
Gaz_L: feels thematic
Gaz_L: his sweet chopper, obvs
h3rsh3yb4r: is it still the br*tish ambassador?
TXC2: is an ambassador not untitled to get their hot rod bike fixed?
wolgo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wolgo! (Today's storm count: 6)
Gaz_L: @TXC2 no, says the streamer in the moonbase
caetzer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, caetzer! (Today's storm count: 7)
wolgo: Just started watching, does this game have any deckbuilding or are you just at the mercy of a default deck?
Gaz_L: it's very Slay The Spire style
Gaz_L: so win fight, add card
TXC2: wolgo you get a choice of decks, then you add cards as you go along
Greyah: And there's a draft mode where you draft your starter deck.
corpocracy: I wonder if using voids are important for quick battles?
wolgo: Looks hard to balance defense, movement and two different ways of attacking
TXC2: man's a tank
industry__: he is chonky
Greyah: @wolgo basically pick two.
industry__: lol you're kiting him
wolgo: Is this a situation of card choices or does the gmae start you with a mix of all four and you gotta refine?
Sorator13: windows noise!
Didero: I know this isometric view looks better, but it'd be far easier to play if it was topdown, I feel
Genie_M: View rotation helps a bit
TXC2: real timber fall there :p
Greyah: @wolgo different decks have a different focus, but a lot comes down to deck sculpting, yes.
Didero: being dead is just being stunned for /very/ long
industry__: how do you get money?
Didero: simply don't get hit
Earthenone: is that santa?
TXC2: industry__ gotta win fights fast to get money
Sorator13: Oh, they're like those fancy paintings!
Earthenone: i imagine they havent been "summoned" yet
industry__: oh no youre stuck
Sorator13: don't you hate it when your minion accidentally shoots you in the back of the head?
0011110000110011: now THIS is a fight in a tight space
ghizmou: finally a game that can challenge the wheeler
wolgo: Perfect moment for dual shot though
industry__: yeah this is a dual shot moment
Greyah: Game is hard, and higher difficulties are real tough. They take away stuff like rollbacks and restarts.
Didero: I guess they only mean orthagonal directions
wolgo: @Greyah How important are timed side objectives on higher difficulties? A must to succeed or just a bonus when you can get them?
TXC2: lets go!
Earthenone: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
industry__: hate when my minion keeps friendly firing on me
TheWooglie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 103 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheWooglie! (Today's storm count: 8)
raulghoulia: I also found this game difficult
Greyah: It’s a steep learning curve, but we’ll learn.
Earthenone: speaking of money hungry, here is a message from our sponsors
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
jonnykefka: promising
Earthenone: and if you want to give 5 euro to wheeler consider
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Earthenone: or handing it to him in person, hes cool with that too
Fistacles subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Fistacles: lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fistacles! (Today's storm count: 9)
TXC2: and we're back
h3rsh3yb4r: do the different agents have different decks?
MichaelSnowbird: Just a Monday
nevyn666: why you squaring up with your boss?
TXC2: h3rsh3yb4r I think the different agents are just looks, decks aren't locked to them
Earthenone: or is it cell not 2b?
thraximore: no the robot is normal, it's the fans that are perverts
Genasi_Gaming: so your an agent sent in to beat up prisoners
Earthenone: toe to tip thats a lawyer
TXC2: 2B is a sweet innocent lady, 9S is the perv Kappa
Sorator13: yknow, I don't think they usually let lawyers bring guns into prisons...
Earthenone: i hope there is a secret clown level
TXC2: also they don't tend to meet in the cells :p
josh___something: You telling me that isn't a clown? :p
Genasi_Gaming: but if you want to stop the prison gang you dont need to send in an undercover agent
Sorator13: did you just dart that man in the eye? OW
nevyn666: how did a lawyer get a gun in to prison? oh it must be canada
frank_the_great: This is a neat idea for a game
industry__: world's greatest lawyer
frank_the_great: There's only one clown here (it's twitch chat)
Sibwow: gosh wheeler its not about passage
frank_the_great: LUL
wolgo: Lol they just are there on the floor
Sorator13: hey wait, this isn't Tactical Breach Wizards...
Genasi_Gaming: why fight the guards
industry__: LUL
TXC2: satisfying
thraximore: just over and over again
LukeIsStrange: Its a beautiful animation
jonnykefka: You would really like Tactical Breach Wizards. It's not a card game, but there's a lot of shoving people out of windows and the like, with hilarious animation
MichaelSnowbird: You must have seen Falling Down. Now you have a sandwich
TXC2: my boi gaming
leondebowa: no area you're in would ever be common
ghizmou: I don't think we're a very good agent, we keep getting surrounded
Sorator13: aaaaand into the ravine
steelwind47: Is this the first time this game has been played on "Is This Your Card"?
TXC2: steelwind47 yes
frank_the_great: Damn
steelwind47: About time. Love this game
raulghoulia: Ottawa Tacker?
Carlioo: hello everyone how's the tight spaces
TXC2: hello Carlioo spaces have been hard
Carlioo: Tight and hard? Oh my
Earthenone: running and gunning?
Earthenone: idk
kristian_fischer: You're here to punch tight people, Wheeler
industry__: you're here to provide legal counsel
Carlioo: You're here for some tightness I think
TXC2: "what are we here for? just to suffer?!"
Genasi_Gaming: 50 euro?
Genasi_Gaming: thats not alot
kristian_fischer: Now to push more bad guys into ravines.
Carlioo: imagine being cool
kristian_fischer: I have 184 hours on this game and have completed 4 runs. Now I'm in no way a GAMER, but yeah, this is not an easy game.
SquareDotCube: now this is just becoming Tactical Breach Wizards
thraximore: @Carlioo I'm imagining it, I'm rotating it in my mind
TXC2: chat stop comparing to other game
TXC2: *games
Blip2004: is this the john wick game?
kristian_fischer: Nope
jonnykefka: @Blip2004 No but that would be a killer licensing deal
kristian_fischer: I can't remember if there's two John Wick games or only one.
TXC2: there is a John wick game, and apparently it's bad except for one part
Blip2004: oh nvm Hex turned out looking way different
0011110000110011: John Wick Hex was really cool conceptually, with the timeline-based combat thing
Seagulyus: I heard the tomb raider and uncharted ones were better
Carlioo: Time to eat
jonnykefka: Time moves when you move. Super. Hot.
Blip2004: Has anyone asked if he will play Midnight Suns since it uses cards?
jonnykefka: actually didn't they make a SuperHot tabeltop game at some point
kristian_fischer: The Doctor is in. And he is NOT your friend.
0011110000110011: why is the doctor in the kitchen?
Carlioo: I do not trust this doctor's food
kristian_fischer: Because he wants to stab Wheeler.
LukeIsStrange: I dont think there is an apple in this kitchen
TXC2: doctor's gonna make fishfingers in custard Kappa
steelwind47: @TXC2 I understood that reference
0011110000110011: this prison has so many kitchens
kristian_fischer: Wanna go see the REAL doctor.
Earthenone: ahh yes, ambasador to the prision kitchen
SquareDotCube: held hostage?
BlueMechanic: surely he would have diplomatic immunity
RatherLargeToad: with Diplomatic punch immunity?
TXC2: maybe this is one of those monopoly prisons were rich people can visit? :p
kristian_fischer: He should have known better than to think there was a cocktail party in this prison kitchen.
thraximore: LUL
0011110000110011: LUL
circusofkirkus: yikes
thraximore: wait a minute our agent SUCKS
kristian_fischer: It's Tight Space Fighting
TXC2: hey Judo's cool
Carlioo: The hell is a gun?
LukeIsStrange: Luckily they only asked if you *please* could save the ambassador
Carlioo: You don't need them anyway you're a judo master
Jensling: Ah,so it's an american jail then
LukeIsStrange: How did you get into the prison? Havent the guards look if the lawyer entering got a gun with them? DansGame
thraximore: donk
kristian_fischer: Little tap upside the head.
thraximore: umbraBonk
DoctorHutch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
DoctorHutch: She's a national champion at Gun Judo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DoctorHutch! (Today's storm count: 10)
SquareDotCube: okay, enemies spawning in from the ceiling feels like a bad solution
LukeIsStrange: So this is Horny Jail
raulghoulia: Shotty doesn't know
JKBalch: 1 HP and a dream
SquareDotCube: ooh, getting up happens before they shoot?
PharaohBender27: (returning from an errand) So, how's the card combat game going?
TXC2: auto attacks, in a corner, 1hp, lrrFINE
TXC2: hello PharaohBender27 welcome
kristian_fischer: The Shield Bois are here!
steelwind47: Don't worry. It gets easier.
BusTed: world's tiniest riot shield
K_t_Imp000: If you're looking for a better vantage point, I believe you can rotate the camera
kristian_fischer: @steelwind47 Don't lie to the man.
steelwind47: @kristian_fischer lol
kristian_fischer: He has a very hard head.
steelwind47: May I ask why you chose the gunslinger deck?
steelwind47: Was it chat's choice?
TXC2: steelwind47 wheeler picked it, liked the look of it
steelwind47: @TXC2 It is one of the tougher ones I feel
thraximore: 90 HP??
TXC2: SquareDotCube the guys in riot gear are also prisoners
Carlioo: Is anyone in this prison not a prisoner?
thraximore: oh it's the boss
Carlioo: Looks like you almost got them
TXC2: I think this is some sort of self regulating prison, were the prisoners are also the guards :p
BusTed: ggs
K_t_Imp000: woo!
Carlioo: Easy game
0011110000110011: got it within the 12 turns too!
Earthenone: Nin-Nin
Carlioo: "I know how stupid this sounds but..."
TXC2: Japan famous for it's Jade Kappa
Earthenone: ahh the ninjas are green because jade
Carlioo: Do rollbacks get refilled between rooms?
kristian_fischer: And we're in Berlin to help with the ninja problem now, I see.
thraximore: they naruto run PrideLaugh
kristian_fischer: Wheeler leaving so many bullet holes in walls...
SquareDotCube: well, at least they're not mutant turtles
LukeIsStrange: Last time I've been to Berlin there werent that many ninjas
TXC2: no idea if they're teenagers though
LukeIsStrange: I bet they like Pizza
kristian_fischer: Just so you don't forget your roots
SquareDotCube: @LukeIsStrange They're not doing a very good job if you can see them though
ChrisMackGames: The gentle shoves against the walls.
BusTed: seabatHITBOX
patbaer: clap
Earthenone: your score was 300
TXC2: clap clap clap
Carlioo: Clap
Earthenone: they got the refrence
DoctorHutch: i clapped.
kristian_fischer: Good joke, Streamer
ChrisMackGames: gamecr1Clap gamecr1Clap
Carlioo: Straight outta 2006
jonnykefka: cost 2 combo, to give you 1 combo
raulghoulia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
josh___something: seabatClap
Carlioo: So is the double jump kick two jump kicks or two jumps and then a kick
LukeIsStrange: So excited for Knights in Tight Spaces
TXC2: so this design is CLEARLY Chinese gung fu monks, and yet they're "ninja" :p
steelwind47: @LukeIsStrange Me too! Can't wait.
LukeIsStrange: You're in luck Ben, there is a Demo already available, even when the full game isnt out yet
0011110000110011: wait that's real??
LukeIsStrange: Its totally real!
0011110000110011: sweet!
steelwind47: There is a demo! Well, you made my day.
LukeIsStrange: I'll post the Steampage on Discord
thraximore: oh?
TXC2: news?!
Riiiiiiis: Good News People
jonnykefka: where's the farnsworth gif
Gekyouryuu: @LukeIsStrange why did I read that and my first thought was "Fights in white satin"?
TXC2: thanks for streaming Wheeler
0011110000110011: @Gekyouryuu LUL
Didero: Magic The Gathering?
e_bloc: party house
Didero: oh, close
Gekyouryuu: oh?
goombalax: Noted Card Game
Earthenone: do we need to watch the series as homework then?
LukeIsStrange: In which channel should I put the link?
thavleifrim: they got the rights for arcane? thats crazy
TXC2: oooooh!
pn55: :o
TheWooglie: lrrWOW
jonnykefka: go on
Gekyouryuu: Yu-Gi-Oh! ?
Gekyouryuu: oh, wait
wildpeaks: k
wolgo: Oh nice
Gekyouryuu: Mahjong Soul?
circusofkirkus: what
TheWooglie: LUL
Didero: :D
thraximore: yooo
Gekyouryuu: called it
pn55: HypeLUL
e_bloc: lrrWOW
0011110000110011: LUL hell yeah
BusTed: awesome
jonnykefka: HOLY EFF
Riiiiiiis: never heard about it
LukeIsStrange: YES!!!!!
Gekyouryuu: is it for the Idolmaster Collab?
Juliamon: ANGEL
patbaer: oh nice
Didero: aw poop, I can't be here next week :(
lightfut: Yesssssss
TheWooglie: yay Angel
pn55: Oh boy!
Earthenone: the sponsorship let you fly in angel?
trainpants: that's extremely exciting
Juliamon: that's legit hype
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
TheWooglie: you did a lot of people playing it
TheWooglie: ^get a
TXC2: that some mad shit Wheeler, lets go!
thraximore: they must've been on SO much kombucha
jonnykefka: I like that they have a sense of humro
Gekyouryuu: you planning to gacha for the collab characters, Wheeler?
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Arial Knight's We Never Yield) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (3:11 from now).
Juliamon: do some yaku studying
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Didero: Yay Ben's back
ghizmou: huge if true
TXC2: ooooh!
jonnykefka: just caught up with not a drop to thrink, and I am so absolutely hype for the next episode
Carlioo: ben "the minecraft streamer" wheeler
SquareDotCube: yeah, time to train the rookie!
BusTed: seabatClap
Carlioo: woo!
Gekyouryuu: time for Ben to become Yaku Warner
TXC2: 13 orphans WILL happen Kappa
jonnykefka: that's going to be hilarious
TheWooglie: Always two, there are. No more. No less. A Master and an apprentice.
Wormsbane: wheelerHub
Didero: thank for stream
0011110000110011: thanks for the stream
0011110000110011: later wheeler later chat
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
Didero: !bluesky
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Bluesky! You can follow the LRR account here: Or find all the crew accounts here:
Didero: Hey that command already exists, nice
Juliamon: it has to, because LRR dropped Twitter
Didero: Yeah, but I know mods are busy people, and I can imagine it not being added immediately. So in short: <3
Anubis169: manLOVE
Juliamon: We get insider info so that it's ready in time
Juliamon: (Paul told us to get it ready)
Anubis169: (He's cool like that)
Didero: That is indisputable, yeah :D
TXC2: that is why he's Paul
Anubis169: manBRO KAPOW
Juliamon: we also discovered last night that bsky has some fun potential with how it embeds links
TXC2: goodnight everybody
Anubis169: night night TXC2, sleep well <3
Didero: G'night!
Didero: @Juliamon Actually fun or '''fun'''?
Juliamon: Actually fun
shaveline subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shaveline! (Today's storm count: 11)
Anubis169: a stealth sub, thank you shaveline <3
Juliamon: You can literally watch a stream from the bsky post
Didero: Oh, that's... interesting? Because it embeds the Twitch or Youtube player?
Juliamon: Yeah
Didero: That is indeed actually fun
Juliamon: We don't know to what end yet, but it's always nice to have a cool tool in your pocket
Didero: I should also go. Thanks for answering my questions, and good night!