TXC2: Hello everybody
Earthenone: when was the last time we saw a spaceship?
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Ben "Outlaw, Scoundrel, Cutie" Ulmer is jamming Star Wars Outlaws on PiF! Game: Star Wars Outlaws) at Mon 10:00 AM PST (0s from now).
TXC2: Earthenone 3-4 weeks?
@TXC2 correct, i was hoping to set someone up for "aboput 5 minutes ago" though
TXC2: Earthenone ah, my bad
Didero: Yay, this is happening! Good evening!
Electrodyne: Quick, when do I hold em
Stormgod519: morning all: walking my dogs now, but I’ll be back in a bit lol
Brozard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
Brozard: Glad you're feeling better!
Thanks for subscribing, Brozard! (Today's storm count: 1)
Invitare: what was Ben up to last?
Invitare: did he beat the final boss of Sabaac?
GapFiller: Invitare Sabacc
Stormgod519: @invitare gambling?
Invitare: I can't remember if he won or lost though
Stormgod519: I mean, the house always wins
Stormgod519: so is Ben the housev
Stormgod519: ?
Stormgod519: aight, brb
Invitare: no that would be Lando
GapFiller: cant remember has the Kay Nix force sensitive thing come up in this PiF so far
@Stormgod519 He does usually stream from home
sleeping bag, , PIF, lets do this!
GapFiller: !picnic
TXC2: Here we GO!
baltimore_667083: CHAIR
Earthenone: thats no astroid
Rebornflames: Famous streamer chair
Mangledpixel: it's been 84 years!
Didero: Oh yes, the famous... Star Wars... music
raulghoulia: quality bit, streamer
@Didero hey, same composer counts at least, right?
GasCityGaming: I think ben hands would find their strength if he were to grip the mouse again
under the beard Another Beard!
Blerrrghsauce: yay!
Invitare: not as good as the kazoo version
undecided44: They do move in packs!
CataclysmicReverb subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
CataclysmicReverb: Weclome back to the stage of victory
I thought it was Jurassic park music
Thanks for subscribing, CataclysmicReverb! (Today's storm count: 2)
Didero: He lives!
northos: @TXC2 (it is)
GapFiller: "Two Beards "Ben Ulmer
tillerofsoil: Ben!!! you're alive!!
Rebornflames: It's beards all the way down
@TXC2 it is.
frameshifty: hooray!
malsareus: and now for Rita Repulsa
TXC2: and we missed you Ben
TheDevil_Risen: welcome back BenBen
42MiLLyWays: incredible!
Earthenone: its been...
Invitare: but you missed Nix the most, right? Right?
TXC2: northos TheMerricat I know, I got once the horns kicked in
malsareus: out with the old man, in with the baby gamer
Welcome back Ben!
Waterscorpion: Welcome back to the living, Ben!
baltimore_667083: oh dear
schordash: D:
Uzumaki15: You look good for being dead, be careful being dead is a popular tax dodge
TXC2: oofa dofa
Invitare: so it wasn't Alpha Flight trying to kill you?
i’m glad you rallied!
pn55: Glad you're better!
Rebornflames: Yikes, that's a rough streak it luck. Glad you are doing better
Mangledpixel: clearly you are too powerful, the universe had to try to nerf you
raulghoulia: notorious assasssin's Alpha Flight
Invitare: they put out a hit, but the sniper missed. Then you got into a completely unrelated accident
GapFiller: not in a position to homestream during that time eh
Waterscorpion: I finally found the previous two VODs of Star Wars Unlimited play on YouTube. Any news on when you guys will do a draft?
Didero: The best solution for being stir-crazy is racing around on a stubborn speeder bike
Gaelan_Maestro: how much Sabacc do you plan on today?
Didero: There's also a new Lorcana set out >_>
NojhLivic: Did I hear that the game got a card game only DLC update?
there are reasons
Earthenone: not going down to funky town?
Waterscorpion: Will that be live or pre-recorded? I've never seen the AFK notifications when live, if they are.
Didero: Oh yeah, Outlaws got a big patch a few days ago, I'm interested to see what changed
GapFiller: dont thnik we have streamed since the last update so on that note Ben thoughts on the changes to Stealth?
QuixoticScrivener: gamble time?
GapFiller: Reophantazio right
TheMerricat: IIRC, AFAIK you are on the cusp of ending the story anyway.
Gaelan_Maestro: YES!
This counts as Main Story
Waterscorpion: Lol
TheDevil_Risen: WHY?
TheDevil_Risen: nooo
PiF part 2
NojhLivic: One More?
TheDevil_Risen: what a troll
bonus streams baby
raulghoulia: Play it Forward 2:Play it Backward
You didn't miss Kay?
TXC2: !patreon
Earthenone: !patreon
Didero: @raulghoulia Play It Back?
TXC2: !store
who is Kay?
Uzumaki15: Kay is fine, but Nix is the real MVP
Mazrae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Mazrae! (Today's storm count: 3)
EricTheOrange: after ten thousand years he's free
TheMerricat: It's still _just_ an Ubisoft game
GapFiller: we left off right after Kays mum joined the team right
the AAAA game company
Didero: This major patch with a lot of changes does seem like a good step from Ubisoft though
GasCityGaming: Like i'll probably get it cause it's Star Wars, but not gonna pay more than $40 for it
Invitare: I'm really enjoying Veilguard
Didero: The game... is
Invitare: best combat the franchise has ever had
TheMerricat: They gave up being a Dragon Age game for the latest Dragon Age game.
EricTheOrange: nintendo is the only AAA game company I still expect quality from.
measureofhope: I'm enjoying Veilguard. Not my GOTY but it's a fun game
NojhLivic: I've heard it was good. Then I heard it has some basic story problems. Now I've heard it's "fine". So I'm rather confused.
Enki1256: My understanding is solid gameplay, mediocre story. But I can't comment much, havn't played it yet.
Daisyg1313: it’s bland
Riiiiiiis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
Riiiiiiis: O Hai The Ben
Thanks for subscribing, Riiiiiiis! (Today's storm count: 4)
Invitare: Spellblade Mage is where it's at
Gaelan_Maestro: doing the captain america ?
Uzumaki15: I loved DA:Origins was ok with DA:2 haven't played Inquisition past the intro
measureofhope: Low level mage is challenging because enemies will lodge themselves in your butt with no warrior to draw aggro
raulghoulia: What's your favorite Dragon Age/ Who's your favorite character?
Dragon age is finding a dagger in every treasure chest
soramayura subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
soramayura: Jumping in to yell to hydrate and self care and etc before running away
Thanks for subscribing, soramayura! (Today's storm count: 5)
TXC2: Hello Raiders
GapFiller: (the raid for some reason cancelled itself so James sent us over manually)
Chat, Ben is becoming an old, he used to be with 'it', but then they changed what 'it' was. Now what he's with isn't 'it' anymore and what's 'it' seems weird and scary.
measureofhope: My love language is info-dumping, so this suits me fine
malsareus: I mean, dragons are cool
Dragons are very cool though
pn55: Kinda one-dimensional yea.
Invitare: Manfred though
Invitare: I mean that was me with Inquisition
Invitare: very glad Veilguard is not Open World
measureofhope: This is the first long-ass game I've been able to get into in ages.
NojhLivic: I thought I wasn't in a mood for a long game and then I started Metaphore, and I'm zooming again.
KidAmn: I just finished Persona 3 Reload and jumped straight into Veilguard and Outlaws so... yeah, I'm all in on Long Bois
Especially if they keep having Sabacc sidequests
pn55: It does make you wonder what could have been if they didn't have so many problems during development and lose so many people.
Uzumaki15: It depends on how long my adhd hyperfocus lasts
i did p3r into metaphor, so 100 hour game into 100 hour game, i am not having your problem
Didero: "Sir, will this be on the test?"
PorpoisesUnknown: I LOVED the Pal-daboobubooo
TheMerricat: But why have it in your game if it doesn't matter?
measureofhope: Noun Soup is a little off-putting yeah
you don't NEED to know, but YOU need to know
Mazrae: ive only played dragon age ORIGINS
measureofhope: You get the chance to get to know the areas better a little further into the game
ikanz_ygrathiszil: I sometimes likes being fully immersed in WEIRD. But it takes skill to do it well and not just be ... drowning in extruded fantasy product XD
Wolfstrike_NL: Both are games I could play, why should I not compare?
Joecool190: its not equal, but you can totally compare the two
Invitare: CRPG vs action RPG (but not ARPG, that's Diablo)
SymphonySolstice: from what I've heard it's a game that keeps going "hey remember THIS? remember THAT?" which makes it weird if you have no real previous attachment or knowledge
Wolfstrike_NL subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Wolfstrike_NL: Button!
Thanks for subscribing, Wolfstrike_NL! (Today's storm count: 6)
TXC2: the thing is BG3 is basically gonna loom over the genre for the next decade
GasCityGaming: 2014?
TXC2: 2015?
Mazrae: 2014
measureofhope: One million years
TheDevil_Risen: 10 years
SymphonySolstice: yeah given the gap between releases it makes it especially awkward
Mazrae: im installing now
OmnipotentTrevor: That's how long games take to make now
gualdhar: Ben, why did you make Adam let someone out of a jar in BG3
TXC2: Adam played on stream back in the day
raulghoulia: Sick! I got Sick!
TheMerricat: Is it really how long games take to make or is it how long AAAA studios take to make games because they don't know how to make games quicker any more?
TheTekkieman: They tried pulling a Corypheus gambit, but more obvious. It seems to have fallen flat for folks.
OmnipotentTrevor: Oh that wasn't me making excuses for it, good games don't have to take that long to make
NojhLivic: Bit of a let down? I feel that. That happened to me and the original Watch Dogs.
NightValien28: Ben Ben is back!!
TheDevil_Risen: roughly
Earthenone: i liked the first 2 dragonages, bounced off dinkuision, from the sounds of it i would not like this one
raulghoulia: They just announced that BG3 made more money in 2024 than it did in 2023
SymphonySolstice: the games developed over the pandemic are all releasing now and a lot of them a bit flat
Invitare: @Earthenone It's a bit more like 2 tbh. Actually it's most like ME2.
fiftymcnasty: 2024 has been a bit of a weak year for games though
hyalopterous: Hey, Balatro is good
a bland year, and balatro
Mazrae: i feel like making a game in a franchise that hasnt had a game in so long can have trouble trying to connect the world to the older games
fiftymcnasty: but 2023 was so big
GapFiller: sooo Ben in your view does DLC count as GOTY worthy?
measureofhope: Veilguard is pretty polished. That's its one undeniable virtue. Runs great, world looks great.
NightValien28: this was a great year for games, just goeff show is disappointing
Ogrekidd: i was surpised hell divers didnt get a chance at game of the year
Kentosaurus: play balatro. join us.
DLC for GOTY happens the year after XC3 Future Redeemed
Earthenone: and the ff7 remake too i think?
OmnipotentTrevor: @Earthenone Specifically, part 2 of the FF7 remake
fiftymcnasty: This is the world we live in now
TheDevil_Risen: games not broken.. YAY!
I mean...
goombalax: imagine releasing a game in 1.0 on day one
GapFiller: Monkey Journey to the West was the notable pick for me
goty had metaphor and balatro, so my top 2 games this year
PoE 2 Early Access Dec 6, and I'll see everyone in 2025!
GapFiller: (it aint winning and tbh dont want it to win but nonetheless)
SymphonySolstice: those are the only games
GapFiller: lotta people pulling for Astro Bot too
LordZarano: It's like calling a book a "page turner" Surely the minimum you expect is that the pages turn?
brieandbacon: "Is this all you can conjure, Saruman?"
GasCityGaming: Helldivers 2, Space MArine 2
Aceviru: Astro Bot is a banger
Garfy400 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 96 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Garfy400! (Today's storm count: 7)
Ogrekidd: Who-kong journey to where
measureofhope: I think you're right that "game doesn't crash" shouldn't be impressive, but given the state of AAA gaming releases, it is sadly noteworthy
calculated_uncertainties is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 17 in the channel!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zaruh!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to x3ryn!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to LoremasterMonty!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to arsenic09!
calculated_uncertainties gifted a Tier 1 sub to Azegoroth!
Thanks for the gifts, calculated_uncertainties! Welcome to LoremasterMonty, Azegoroth, Zaruh, arsenic09, and x3ryn! (Today's storm count: 12)
Brozard: Was Dave the Diver this year? Dredge?
Mazrae: i hate that nowadays that to have a solid gaming experience you have to wait a couple months for patches to happen so nothing breaks, i think all of the games coming out took a bad page from Bethesda
Earthenone: i think those 2 were nominated for other awards
schordash: mouthwashing was so good!
Joecool190: missed you too ben
NightValien28: its okay ben, we missed you
We missed you too Ben
Uzumaki15: Until Sony did dumb things, yeah Helldivers was a huge hit
Didero: I enjoy the pre-game chatting, so I don't mind at all
Plus, the alternative is playing Star Wars Outlaws
Aceviru: Definitely not, it is not silly
schordash: aye! o7
GasCityGaming: I'm at work so I don't mind chatting with chat at all lol
Aceviru: It is a great game to play though though
Invitare: it probably seems extra sparse since Nintendo isn't doing much at the moment
pn55: Ai, the answer is AI
google it uses "ai" now
goombalax: google have kneecapped themselves with AI
GapFiller: guessing Echoes of Wisdom aint eligible for this year
NightValien28: yeah at the start
GapFiller: Tears was this year yes
SymphonySolstice: it did indeed
NojhLivic: Yeah I loved Tear
TheMerricat: Nintendo didn't pay the fee.
baltimore_667083: no tears was 2023
EricTheOrange: I know nothing about mouthwashing except it's a horror game so I'll take your word for it.
pn55: There is a way to disable the AI part of Google search.
SymphonySolstice: because geoff hates fun
NightValien28: because nintendo ddidn`t pay
Aceviru: On the Switch
Didero: They should really hold two of these events per year, since there's so many great games and people don't remember 6 months back anyway
TXC2: did they forget it was this year?
SeismicLawns: that was 2023 right?
schordash: totk was 2023
vanpart: Released May 12 2023
Aceviru: A lot of the games suffered because they were not on Switch 2
QuixoticScrivener: Tears was just a big DLC, it can't win game awards.
Earthenone: it was 2023, legend of link was this year
Wolfstrike_NL: For 1 mechanic I believe?
Invitare: yeah Nintendo is slowing down while it gets ready for Switch 2 Electric Boogaloo
Nemosaur: I guess wow came out 20 years ago but.. TWW? :>
SymphonySolstice: next year for hades 2
OmnipotentTrevor: The first ever quadruple A game came out this year, didn't it?
Mazrae: palworld isnt technically out either
Uzumaki15: Was there a Skyrim release this year?
Rerelease the same game every year until it wins awards
schordash: time to do pirate radio-like independent gane awards~
rosiedog88: Hi!!
SymphonySolstice: @didero works for genshin
GapFiller: schordash Alternative Awards has a long and venerable tradition its true
TXC2: hello rosiedog88 welcome
Earthenone: atlus had 2 releases, its fine for everyone else to take the year off (for me)
LordZarano: Thank Goodness You're Here! was this year
JadedCynic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
Thanks for subscribing, JadedCynic! (Today's storm count: 13)
EricTheOrange: I mean for me UFO 50 is EASY GOTY. I feel sorry for astro bot but UFO 50 is so good
Didero: I'd watch the LoadingReadyRun Game Awards
GasCityGaming: huh, not arguing against it, but CoD isn't in goty, nice.
TheMerricat: That was fun.
Mazrae: palworld is on V0.3.10
GapFiller: speaking of the update Ben thoughts on the changes to stealth?
Didero: That Wild Card DLC feels like it should be part of the PiF though
BusTed: sabacc and lando!
Hi Ben
calculated_uncertainties: why not? just do it
Kentosaurus: how can we not
Waterscorpion: Big update with a lot of changes
Invitare: the whole getting caught thing is gone
TXC2: hello RocknGrohlNerd welcome
hyalopterous: Stealth is no longer mandatory
TheAinMAP: Who says PiF runs can't overlap?
SymphonySolstice: they made it so it doesn't stop when you get caught
Didero: The major patch changed quite a big about combat and stealth, apparently
Uzumaki15: Stealth is now optional
Invitare: so you don't have to perfect stealth areas now
TheMerricat: They set the missions that had required stealth so that you can go in blasting once you get caught instead of forced reset
BusTed: 😬
Uzumaki15: So bust out those machine guns XD
Wolfstrike_NL: Stealth Game! (I still wanna shout it!)
yeah apparently pplz just wanted to be 'blastin
JoannaTastic: skill diff
GapFiller: oh right Kays mum just joined the team didnt she
RocknGrohlNerd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
RocknGrohlNerd: Best sabaac pilot of the format, still indefeated
Thanks for subscribing, RocknGrohlNerd! (Today's storm count: 14)
GapFiller: also this Rebel guy
Invitare: Freiza said 5 minutes. It's been 3 weeks
goombalax: lets hit the tables to refresh our memory
Earthenone: "joined"?
Didero: I think you also don't immediately gett kicked out of Syndicate areas you're not allowed to be in, I think
Uzumaki15: We got the last members of the crew yeah
EricTheOrange: dang we got our mom a Twilek boyfriend?
Didero: This game needs a recap feature
pn55: Our Mum came back, and we now have a crew of people Kay doesn't really like
calculated_uncertainties: all games should have a recap feature
Didero: It should expect you to take breaks between playing, the game's huge!
NightValien28: EVERY game needs a recap feature
LordZarano: "Clean Nix's mess"
Uzumaki15: To be fair our mom did walk out on us, so bitterness is understandable
GapFiller: but hey at least the guy who sold our dog ISNT on the team
Invitare: and you repaired the cool droid ally
SymphonySolstice: she kinda sucks
BusTed: went out for a pack of smokes
Mazrae: Ben you talked about Dragon Age and now im downloading Dragon Age Inquisition, going to try it out for the first time
TheDevil_Risen: thanks for more game BenBen
pn55: A word of warning for Origins. It doesn't always run great on modern hardware.
EricTheOrange: murder turns to the dark side?
TXC2: murrrrder!
GapFiller: !murder
pn55: Ooo nice!
OmnipotentTrevor: Gonna play Andromeda?
brieandbacon: Murder, murder, murder! Change the record
goombalax: my fiance is also interested in a mass effect playthrough
Uzumaki15: They haven't? For real? ME1 and 2 were so good!
Kentosaurus: andromeda is skippable
Invitare: Ben you may have forgotten this, but you actually made a massive prediction related to "a wealthy family that builds ships on Corelia" back at the start of the game
EricTheOrange: Infiltrate the meat? sounds like friday night.
Uzumaki15: Head's up Ben this is point of no return
southern_woodsman: I actually enjoyed Andromeda. Yeah, it wasn't as polished as the original trilogy but that's an incredibly high bar to live up to
QuixoticScrivener: why is everything on tatooine?
GapFiller: QuixoticScrivener its the centre of the galaxy dontyrknw
Invitare: Andromeda is great as long as you pretend it's not Open World
QuixoticScrivener Writers are lazy
BusTed: @QuixoticScrivener every star wars fan's reaction to new star wars media
@QuixoticScrivener because its a nothing planet on the edge of the galaxy where nothing important happens
whatif they came up w/ Jakku cz too much stuff was happening on Tattooine
TXC2: Crash in 3...2....
NightValien28: hell yeah time to run into a wall or cliff, let's go
brieandbacon: She's indestructible!!
Wrexadecimal: What if mom's bulletproof? O:
prince_infidel: I think someone said Mom is point of no return
BusTed: T1000 here
TXC2: mom's tanned!
BusTed: hahaha
brieandbacon: Is mom wearing an imperial rank slide on her vest?
was our mom like 15 when she had us or something?
BusTed: hm
NightValien28: oh?
Nooo, we need more Sabacc
Uzumaki15: Yeah this is point of no return
NightValien28: did not expect that
GapFiller: a young looking video game mother? say it aint so
measureofhope: Point of no return
TheAinMAP: Point of no return.
Invitare: it's a long sequence mind
prince_infidel: Thanks for telling us game
GapFiller: thats one problem sorted at least eh
Invitare: might be more than one stream just from this point
TheAinMAP: Do all the gambling!
prince_infidel: Actual quality of life feature saves gambling run
OmnipotentTrevor: That did imply that content is playable in post-game though, I think
TXC2: GapFiller yes, but not often with this level of fidelity
TXC2: like would it have been that hard to make our mom like 45?
TXC2: *look 45
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
GapFiller: TXC2 idk by vidya gaem standards she prob DOES look in her 40's
southern_woodsman: Sell them any intel you have
anclag: Hey there space gambling friends!
Therberus: Hey Ben, I work at Ubisoft, and while I didn't work on the game directly I can confirm that you are playing 100% correctly by spending your time space gambling
TXC2: hello anclag welcome
GapFiller: priorities
anclag: Talking and laughing? On twitch?
Desruprot: nice a return to the Gamba we have been waiting for
Desruprot: May Sabaac be with you
TXC2: so gwent, but Sabaac
Waterscorpion: I would actually love to have a physical version of Sabaac.
Desruprot: Disney missed the gold mine not making a Sabaac only game
GapFiller: careful Ben paring this game down to the card game risks making it an Is This Your Card game which is Wheelers turf
BusTed: Nice
Gaelan_Maestro: @Waterscorpion there is one!
anclag: You could keep the multi planet bits and the reputation allowing you access to different games, your goal is to beomce the greatest sabaac player in the galaxy far far away
Wolfstrike_NL: AFK - This is your card edition
raulghoulia: Card games? Wheelers gonna be miffed youre coming from his bit
TheDevil_Risen: that PvE Lorcana was wild
TheDevil_Risen: i'd love to know how to beat it
coriolis_storm: @gapfiller Crossing the streams!
Gaelan_Maestro: ben remember SAbacc and kessel Sabacc are different games
so December will be the all is this your card month?
RayFK: Nature is healing, Ben is gambling.
Didero: The AFK Mahjong kind of was AFK ITYC
Mangledpixel: Is Phys Your Card
TXC2: hello RayFK
RayFK hai Jordan
RayFK: Heyo
OmnipotentTrevor: I'd still love for someone to finally get Magic: Battlemage running on a stream
Didero: There's like 4 different flavours of Sabacc
Invitare: regular sabaac is a lot of maths, right?
tyrsredritehand subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months, currently on a 13 month streak!
tyrsredritehand: Gambling? I'm In!
Thanks for subscribing, tyrsredritehand! (Today's storm count: 15)
RayFK: Vibing, you feeling better my guy?
Desruprot: @Didero I noticed that mentions Coruscant Sabaac
328 you gotta know when to sabacc and know when to sa-lack them
Gaelan_Maestro: there is a etsy store that sells different style sabacc decks and has a kessel one
prince_infidel: There's about 7 variants of Sabacc
Gaelan_Maestro: @Didero yes!
OmnipotentTrevor: Yeah
GapFiller: oooh rts
Gaelan_Maestro: @Didero on payday im ordering a bunch of their products
OmnipotentTrevor: I played a lot of that back in the day.
@Gaelan_Maestro I've had that tab open for months and I keep getting more and more tempted
Stormgod519: im back!!!
Stormgod519: hi Ben
TXC2: welcome back Stormgod519
Stormgod519: Hope you're doing well!
Uzumaki15: Maybe take the 4
Stormgod519: im doing just fine. Just walked the dogs in the rain
Stormgod519: @TXC2 ty!
Gaelan_Maestro: @Didero ive 3d printed the shift tokens and tax chips i need, now all i need is that kessel deck XD im colourblind and they also offer a CB friendly deck
Stormgod519: wow
Stormgod519: you're cleaning up
Desruprot: easy
Didero: @Gaelan_Maestro Yeah, seems they really thought things through
Uzumaki15: The hand swap one is also brutal
TXC2: don't call it a comeback
SymphonySolstice: gamba in the blood
EricTheOrange: excuse me?
Gaelan_Maestro: @Didero the only thing i dont like is the cost of good shipping to Canada
TheAinMAP: That's a sentence.
EricTheOrange: like as a kink thing?
GapFiller: EricTheOrange yeh carbonite
GapFiller: behold
Stormgod519: pfft
brieandbacon: Defo a kink thing
Desruprot: So that is what Jabba was planning, a special table
Didero: @Gaelan_Maestro I'm in Europe, so for me it's not cheap either. Seems worth it though! And with their Membership program you can get a discount, which quickly seems worth it
RayFK: uh ohhhhh, kiiiiiinkyyyy
Stormgod519: Jordan, NO!
brieandbacon: gdi Jordan
BusTed: Fair enough
Gaelan_Maestro: @Didero DHL suuuuuucks for that
SymphonySolstice: yeaaah
@Gaelan_Maestro And in general
LithelyUnshod: Canada has tariffs on playing cards
BusTed: "be a real shame if something were to happen to your package"
BusTed: yikes
GapFiller: discovered something a while back trying to buy an American gift for the Moonbase: shipping between two countries which share a land border shd NOT cost twice much as shipping between places on opposite sides of the planet
Stormgod519: uh oh
GapFiller: like srsly wtf
RayFK: You're STILL waiting!?
RayFK: Yikes
e_bloc: oh that's a big problem
Gaelan_Maestro: oh dear
e_bloc: I work in accounting and that happened a couple of times in my old job
SymphonySolstice: whoopsie
Stormgod519: oh no.....
TXC2: oh dear
Invitare: that's... not how cheques work?
anclag: So they used an actual physical cheque as in IOU...that seems odd
RayFK: 2 weeks? time for a quick ping!
BusTed: Should have cleaned up Nix's mess back home
LithelyUnshod: It's a credit voucher. I got the same thing selling to F2F at a local con
A_Dub888: Hi friends, how what level of Sabacc
A_Dub888: are we
Waterscorpion: How many decks do you have built at a time, and what do you do if you need a card in multiple decks?
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
Gaelan_Maestro: i have like 250 credit at my LGS, sold like ten cards for it
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: and not a couple hundred
e_bloc: I opened a bloomburrow one, it was sweet
goombalax: did you get fox jace?
e_bloc: yeah fox jace is bae
GapFiller: we all remember those early crapshots abt Jace
A_Dub888: @e_bloc you're sweet
TXC2: $20?! I wanted a peanut
Desruprot: a fruit platter treasure, uh okay
Uzumaki15: I traded in a bunch of cards to star city in vegas, used about half of it to buy some cards from foundations and cardsleeves to finish my commander cube
Desruprot: @TXC2 $20 can buy many peanuts
EricTheOrange: Every time Wizards reprints a popular card I laugh at investors
GapFiller: and prob a Jace or two
A_Dub888: @Desruprot explain
GapFiller: money can be exchanged for goods and services
Desruprot: @A_Dub888 Money can be exchanged for goods and services
Invitare: yeah... in the Pyke district
Uzumaki15: Ooooh, we're going to have to piss of the Pykes even more with this quest aren't we
loufghyslaufey: Heh, back in Sabacc Quest this morning?
Angnor33: Uh oh...
EricTheOrange: damn
Desruprot: uh
BusTed: ggs ggs
loufghyslaufey: Ha
Waterscorpion: Rejected
NightValien28: damn
Angnor33: Pyke's confiscated your save file...
Stormgod519: WHAT?
pn55: They got you for real!
Aceviru: Pack it up son
Aceviru: haha
Desruprot: So mad they crashed the game
goombalax: they pykes have control of the Regex
RayFK: Hell yeah, get his ass
prince_infidel: They kicked out of the whole game!
wow we REALLY got caught
TXC2: !clips
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Gaelan_Maestro: the pykes controll more than you know
Didero: So caught you have to start a new timeline
SymphonySolstice: Hardcore Mode
CommiePuddin: When we said we don't want you here...
Jillexie: No more Star Wars for you bub.
GapFiller: VIDEO GAMES" *jazzhands
calculated_uncertainties: dead so hard you don't even get a game over screen
Wolfstrike_NL: You know that steam warning about you not owning the game, but merely paying for the ability to play....?
GapFiller: is this another AAA game moment?
loufghyslaufey: Oh, you got busted so hard that my feed chose to highlight closing out the game in itself
goombalax: thats just the warning shot, the next time they catch you it bluescreens your pc
Stormgod519: as someone who is also starting highlander, im so behind in terms of cards to use lol
GapFiller: it certainly feels like another AAA game moment
Waterscorpion: Does that machine have Windows 11 23H2? There is a known issue with Outlaws and that where Microsoft is blocking the update to machines with Outlaws on it.
loufghyslaufey: What is this? What game do they think they are? Undertale?
goombalax: Wheeler just announced TFT month
anclag: There is no trying Balatro, there is only playing lots of Balatro
Stormgod519: lol
GapFiller: Balatro is v moreish
Stormgod519: ive been avoiding balatro because im worried once I start I wont stop
Stormgod519: yeah
Stormgod519: I already am stuck in so many games rn
Desruprot: 3PO?
Stormgod519: I literally just started an alt account for Fortnite:Save the World, and my main has been going for years. Im stuck in stw lol. and that's just one game
Stormgod519: Also, yeah, was that c3po?
I was doing lots of Civ 6 before DB, thought I would got back to it, but then Age of empires 2 made some of their DLC free, so now I'm on that
Krillin_fan: yeah but how many languages is he fluent in?
GapFiller: as ever it pays to remember not every R2D2 is Artoo Deetoo
Gaelan_Maestro: my fav storyline is the mandalorian ones
GapFiller: and not every 3PO is threepio
loufghyslaufey: Never heard of a Star Wars game being sefl-aware
loufghyslaufey: Oh, Onderon
loufghyslaufey: They have ST-Droid General Kalani in there.
Desruprot: @TXC2 AOE2 nice
Stormgod519: truuuue
raulghoulia: my favorite mechanic in stealth games in detective vision
loufghyslaufey: Meebr Gascon
Desruprot: Pykes should be respected they say
loufghyslaufey: That was some droid squad heist arc
A_Dub888: Are the Pykes syndicate whose queen we killed?
Stormgod519: Stealth wizard
GapFiller: A_Dub888 no
Stormgod519: welp, cya buddy
Stormgod519: has anyone here played Save the World?
SymphonySolstice: we killed the Ashiga's queen
Stormgod519: oh, more gambling
GapFiller: huh
welcome back ben missed you
Desruprot: oooh
it even gives rep
SymphonySolstice: Forbidden Gamba
Stormgod519: um
Stormgod519: gun?
the gun on the table
Stormgod519: Sticky gun...
BusTed: intimidation factor
Gaelan_Maestro: talk about a flex XD
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
Kay isn't messing around
brieandbacon: Let the wookie win
loufghyslaufey: Eh? Ah, Kay.
Desruprot: Gun in the trable
Stormgod519: that's not an intimitdation tactic at all
ekplayscards: what's that liars cards game people are playing? is this that now? lol
Mangledpixel: gun sabaac! new variant
TXC2: AAAA game everybody
A_Dub888: secret gun chit
Didero: gun wants to play too
Stormgod519: LOL
SymphonySolstice: I mean,
brieandbacon: *monkey paw curls*
Didero: Not this specifically, surely
TXC2: kind of an over correction, but ok
A_Dub888: uh ohhhh, sixieeeees
Isaac3567: Can you invert the invert or would that not work?
Mangledpixel: the invert chit was greyed out
Mangledpixel: so it looks like you can't use it
loufghyslaufey: Longshot the Idiot's Array?
loufghyslaufey: Who in table has a chance at an Idiot's Array?
Desruprot: that gun movement is very weird
GapFiller: Desruprot dont worry abt it
loufghyslaufey: Albeit suspiciously inaccurate
prince_infidel: Nice
loufghyslaufey: Pffft
just muzzle sweep the table
raulghoulia: If you play sabbac for AFK I look forward to modifications to the table
A_Dub888: how'd she manage to snap with the gun in her hand?
MrSVCD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months, currently on a 30 month streak!
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TXC2: SEVEN gigabyte update
Lupus2253 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Lupus2253! (Today's storm count: 17)
TXC2: poo butts
Stormgod519: o7
raulghoulia: maybe the gun in your hand is an anti cheating solution. Can't hold extra cards if your hands are full of guns
Invitare: aren't there rigged dice? I never used them, so I don't know how
OmnipotentTrevor: Blame the gun for throwing off your game
QmonsterGames: how is the sabbac mini game?
Stormgod519: turns out, the intimidation factori doesnt work
brieandbacon: Sabbac is the macro game
Desruprot: @QmonsterGames Sabaac Mini-game is better than the regular game
QmonsterGames: ah, of course. Like the dice game in AC Valhalla
Gaelan_Maestro: kessel Sabacc is awesome
TheAinMAP: Gun is bad luck.
Invitare: I think Lando gives them to you
Invitare: as the third cheat
Invitare: wait no, he taught doube draw
Uzumaki15: That's your third cheat
Uzumaki15: Not from Lando, but one of your other contacts you haven't done the quest for yet
3000% they said "shit" and not "shift"
Didero: Translator's Note: 'shit' means 'dank farrik'
Didero: Ok, I got distracted for a bit, how much Sabacc have we won?
GapFiller: Didero we lost the last game
GapFiller: at this table
prince_infidel: I think that Pike opposite us is cheating
TXC2: Didero we won one earlier, then just lost one
Didero: Doesn't sound like the Ben I've come to know
GapFiller: got distracted by our gun being on the table
loufghyslaufey: @qmonstergames mini-game was never an option with Sabacc.
Stormgod519: brutal
You'd think bringing a gun would make you win more easily
prince_infidel: Brought a gun to a card fight
GapFiller: Didero right!?
Desruprot: and then there were two
Desruprot: @prince_infidel and the cards won
Didero: @Desruprot Should've used the gun better then'
Stormgod519: Windows engage
Heh, other Ben had the exact same thing happen yesterday during ITYC
GapFiller: wonder if our gun has despawned yet or if its still lying on the floor where we left it
TXC2: and it's not even a tuesday!
Stormgod519: lol true
GapFiller: uuuurgh
loufghyslaufey: What? No! I refuse to allow 11s!
DoomBringerIL: yey we're back to the card game in the SW universe
TheDevil_Risen: yeah i hate the P.A EOD Win10 messages
Didero: Oh, I don't know if you use Windows 11, but apparently the latest update breaks a bunch of Ubisoft games, including Outlaws. They've retracted the update for now
QmonsterGames: "You must update your loyalty oath, or your fealty will be in question!"
GapFiller: cz ofc thats a great way to incentivise people into upgrading
I'd update if they would let me, but CPU isn't good enough for some reason
Didero: @TXC2 Windows 11 needs some special security chip, and I'm very glad my computer doesn't have that, so I know it won't surprise-update on me
Stormgod519: Les gooooooo!
BusTed: gaming
A_Dub888: The gun was holding us back
Stormgod519: what a badass
loufghyslaufey: Just declare war, "Win." They're not the '97s they all used to be.
just saw the gun still lying on the floor
Desruprot: the gun was consuming all your luck
TheAinMAP: Gun was bad luck.
Didero: I think the sneaking in was added in the big patch, butI could be wrong about that
TheAinMAP: Who says we don't need stealth?
TXC2: blinded by the light!
Didero: I did read the patch notes, but they're long and not always very clear
GapFiller: aaargh! natural light! get it off me!
Desruprot: Pyk: speaks in Pyk
prince_infidel: You still have the gun!!
TXC2: not been doing your wordles
explicit_blank: where is canada?
Didero: Yeah, one of the patchnote entries was about letting you keep found guns during a lot more actions
explicit_blank: north pole
Canada is on top of you
TXC2: Canada is south of the UK
explicit_blank: I heard you guys live in igloos
DoomBringerIL: up is accurate @LoadingReadyRun
Wolfstrike_NL: Stealth Game!
GapFiller: TXC2 didnt realise how true that was until lookin at latitudes on a map
GapFiller: Canada is surprisingly far South
TXC2: GapFiller I know right?
sbuiko: a pool for swimming?
Stormgod519: wait, yall just get a pool?
Stormgod519: I want a pool
Krillin_fan: is it true that Canadians are amphibians?
WiJohn: Really more of a wallow
explicit_blank: people can't live in pools. Canadians are weird
brieandbacon: The rest are geese
Juliamon: love a good bask
A_Dub888: @brieandbacon What about the moose?
QmonsterGames: Amphibian is a recessive trait here, but not uncommon
brieandbacon: @A_Dub888 Actually five geese in a moose outfit
raulghoulia: we baskin we robbin
Gaelan_Maestro: we dont talk about the moose
TXC2: the moose is just a collection of goose
GapFiller: speaking of amphibious Canadians RQ question for yr Ben: were you expecting the water in that glacial lake to be so cold when you jumped in?
then explain Liverpool
Didero: They should sell Nix plushies
baltimore_667083 ah a common, mistake, it's a pool FOR livers, no one lives there
Desruprot: Nyx is the true protagonist
Invitare: this droid erasure will not stand
Desruprot: they'll never know
QmonsterGames: The game looks nice
A_Dub888: @TXC2 then where'd the Beatles come from?
A_Dub888 Everton
mowdownjoe: Andor Season 2 is coming soon!
explicit_blank: ubisoft games means what? Repetitive or classic?
Yeah, if you don't like Ubisoft games, you probably won't like an Ubisoft game
TheDevil_Risen: but did he know if they were naughty or nice?
QmonsterGames: They're theme parks\
Invitare: this is better than Ubisoft games have traditionally been
TXC2: pick up 100 flags style missions
mowdownjoe: Ubisoft has a formula that it doesn't really deviate from. That's fine if it appeals to you, but it does feel like that if you know one you know them all.
Didero: Last time I played an AssCreed game, I started feeling so bad about killing everybody that I had to stop >_>
calculated_uncertainties: They're okay for a while, but then you can go back to listening to a good radio station.
QmonsterGames: I loved Far Cry 5 and 6 and AC Valhalla, so I'm always up for some more
Stormgod519: Word
Didero: I want uglier but deeper games
annoyingcameraguy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
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42MiLLyWays: oof
TheDevil_Risen: 130 aussie
Invitare: Open World peaked in popularity in the early 2010s, and then people realised that everything being Open World was not actually a good idea
Didero: Stop spending so much money and time on graphics, I want fun instead
GasCityGaming: a days work at minimum wage
QmonsterGames: yeah, this is videogame instead of groceries
TXC2: $100 game, crashes to desktop sometimes
A_Dub888: we're older than we've ever been and now we're even older
MWGNZ: linear generally means 'a focussed story'
TheDevil_Risen: Get Murdered!
baltimore_667083: OH DAMN
GasCityGaming: She's not gonna be in Outlaws 2!
TXC2: A_Dub888 and now we're even older still
GapFiller: well thats Surats problem sorted at least
Eh, it's Star Wars, if they want to bring somebody back from the dead, they will
BusTed: we didn't even see a body!
beowuuf: @Didero somehow...they returned...
@beowuuf And sometimes they even do it well!
WiJohn: Bichael don't do stealthy, just sexy
A_Dub888: "Those races are run from Canto Bight" and as Last Jedi taught us, that's an upstanding place
that joke hits different now
George, George, George of the Jungle, WATCH OUT FOR THE TREE
explicit_blank: the real issue is almost everyone has a huge backlog now
Didero: @Didero Though I guess with Maul they also just went "actually he did survive Episode 1"
GapFiller: !picnic
Garfy400: Wierla shot first!
BusTed: that was a lot of red blips
explicit_blank: it has to be really good to want to stay in for a long time
Wolfstrike_NL: You know what dangerous? 100 dude's with guns? Nha, this 1 rock in the road.
QmonsterGames: wait, did they say something about "fixed racists?"
Didero: Storm Troopers fall over after getting shot once, and Kay takes a dozen shots and just keeps climbing
@Didero darksiders survive mortal wounds based on raw hatred and plot
TXC2: protag powers
A_Dub888: @Didero Empire: We have spares
brieandbacon: Toasty
QmonsterGames: Superheated plasma burn
prince_infidel: It burns
Dalrint: It looks like burns?
GasCityGaming: similar to lasbeams in 40k
Kelo360: in your opinion is this game worth $40 US?
Didero: It's like getting shot with a bullet, except the bullet is also hot plasma
TheDevil_Risen: it'd convert to heat
loufghyslaufey: Oh. So with Sabacc-Quest, Ben is out to find every Sabacc table in the game?
TheDevil_Risen: and basically light saber
QmonsterGames: the pain probably makes them go into shock
Gaelan_Maestro: plot device
MWGNZ: on the upside you wont bleed out
brieandbacon: It probably really hurts, and they're not paid enough
loufghyslaufey: Oh, most would supposedly be built different
prince_infidel: Yeah plasma does a lot to the body
QmonsterGames: I also think there is an electromagnetic component to the plasma packet
TheDevil_Risen: it
TXC2: any weapon will do the amount of damage in a scene that the plot needs it to do
Presumably some people also just pretend to fall over dead to not keep getting shot
Dalrint: I mean, getting shot in the shoulder with a bullet would put most people down too. Getting shot is ridiculously traumatic to your body.
explicit_blank: is this Ubisoft's best game ever?
loufghyslaufey: Lightsabers... Have been tricky, at least for Disney projects?
beowuuf: they quickly do the maths and decide they're not paid enough for this shit
Dalrint: @explicit_blank Ubisoft made Beyond Good and Evil so no.
A_Dub888: Are there geese in Star Wars?
GapFiller: A_Dub888 there are prob geese like species
WiJohn: Star Goose
raulghoulia: they're called Mynoks
Dalrint: Omnigoose
voren_chalco: @A_Dub888 There are apparently falcons, so sure?
Krillin_fan: Captain Panaka confirmed that there are ducks in Star Wars, so that was a big deal
loufghyslaufey: A bill already has... "Teeth"
GapFiller: bigger question are there humanoid geese people?
Didero: You foud it now, didn't you? It's fine
A_Dub888: !y
SymphonySolstice: not teeth, but hard ridges to grind up food
loufghyslaufey: But bill teeth are not like other dentures
Invitare: Geese are just weaker swans anyway
GapFiller: SymphonySolstice distinction w/o difference surely
TXC2: Teeth have nerves and can thus feel pain
SymphonySolstice: I'd say to count as teeth it has to be bone
QmonsterGames: The main character gives me some sapphic feelings, so that's nice
Didero: I think I read somewhere in the patchnotes that the explody shot no longer damages you
TheMerricat: "A goose was a creature that bore a thin, multi-jointed neck and waddled when it walked. Because its design mimicked those traits, the G2-series maintenance droid was nicknamed "goose droid."
Invitare: @loufghyslaufey A swan? No I'm too busy having my arms broken to talk to it
GapFiller: !teeth
goombalax: also teeth are individual, goose ridges are just a texture
loufghyslaufey: But a goose bill is bone, eventually...
QmonsterGames: "osseous matter"
TheMerricat: Appearances Fate of the Jedi: Omen (and audiobook) (Mentioned only) Sources Dark Forces Official Player's Guide The New Essential Guide to Droids
Dalrint: So with the latest patch you can just treat the whole game like a shooter without stealth right?
0x6772: Plausibly, with a firefight going on, a sane person would stash their important datapads, rather than leaving them out on a table somewhere, but…
loufghyslaufey: And teeth are hardly bone, they kind of just, grow from bone?
QmonsterGames: I like having the option of all stealth or no stealth
brieandbacon: Ben's just duilt bifferent
TXC2: Teeth aren't bones, they have nerves
QmonsterGames: I love being the sneaky bastard with a silenced pistol, but then when things go hot I pull out a minigun.
Didero: Do you have some sort of scanner to ping important stuff?
raulghoulia: also bone grows back
EpicJackN64: oh did they patch out the required stealth sections?? it was very annoying that's forsure
Invitare: the scanner is Nix
calculated_uncertainties: There are three kinds of stealth: Nobody saw me, nobody noticed i didn't belong, nobody lived to tell the tale
loufghyslaufey: @txc2 Yeah, that is kinda what I meant. Hardly.
0x6772: Ah, left it out on a pallet rather than a table. Smooth.
EpicJackN64: required stealth in an open world game is kinda mehhh
NightValien28: a plague tale 2 did stealth really well, they are suspicious once and on the second time they start search the spot
we are playing a rogue, not a barbarian
lumlite: Quest items in your inventory?
Garfy400: Bet on Garnet
WiJohn: Got him!
Didero: !chat
TXC2: !listen
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
Didero: We will try to be less entertaining
brieandbacon: !chat
LRRbot: Chat? At this time of year?
SymphonySolstice: run back the tapes!
Krillin_fan: alright everyone, stop being entertaining
A_Dub888 puts away the flaming chainsaws
prince_infidel: There's no quest item section?
Gaelan_Maestro: what about her journal?
Uzumaki15: No I think that's a thing the fathier hints are one offs so if you forget you got nothin, surprised that wasn't something patched
nyteboi_: What's upppp! My db shirt came in today it's super nice!
Didero: I checked the VOD, "Garnet Luss is definitely winning the next race"
TXC2: hello nyteboi_ welcome
LithelyUnshod: Good job Didero
nyteboi_: Ty! o/
0x6772: It's a jockey, not the animal
prince_infidel: The rider
brieandbacon: It is, Garnet is the rider
BusTed: what could this clue mean
I mean, I can still go both ways
Didero: I'll try lying next time, that'd make it funnier
LithelyUnshod: Garnet is green, flavour fail
raulghoulia: don't forget to report that on your taxes
0x6772: Hey, a way in with they Pykes!
the way in is stealth
icefrieza: I enjoy this game very much
Didero: How is that 'unfortunately'? The Pykes seem like assholes
Uzumaki15: To be fair the Pykes deserve it
0x6772: I mean, they're all criminal cartels.
Didero: Are any also drug-smuggling slavers like the Pykes?
Stormgod519: i was gonna say, none of these groups are exactly saints
Didero: Oh, Ben, are you still watching Clone Wars?
Uzumaki15: I dumped my Pyke rep super early too so I could max our Crimson Dawn, cus Quira and their outfit was the best for stealth early on
Didero: Oh sorry, I missed that then
0x6772: Back to this backwater, nowhere planet around which all of Star Wars rotates.
Didero: Yeah, they're not all winners
prince_infidel: Clone Wars is real hit or miss for me
brieandbacon: From what I remember of CW, there are some banger arcs, and there are some...others
beowuuf: when it hits it hits though
TheDevil_Risen: JABBA!
brieandbacon: Gotta love them goth-witches
QmonsterGames: Force Witches are fantastic
savage opress as a name and pronounciation annoys me though
MWGNZ: funko is getting in to shatterpoint
TheDevil_Risen: so.. are the hutts just sentient space slugs?
Uzumaki15: Ventress has such a good arc in Clone Wars
Didero: She also seems to have some cools shoes for sale
anclag: Cool table
ContingentCat: uhhhhh
Didero: I do NOT like Savage Oppress. "What if we added an OP character that just kills everybody?"
brieandbacon: a banana
0x6772: That's how you know he loves you, Ben.
an icicle
richard_ermen: Ohhh, so nice. Its Han Rolo.
A_Dub888: Leia did tell him she loves him right before it happened
TXC2: A_Dub888 he knows
prince_infidel: That big guy is modeled off the guy that sat in for Jabba in some scenes in the OG trilogy
richard_ermen: lol
Stormgod519: @TXC2 that whole exchange was amazing
measureofhope: Oh hey, it's our boy
A_Dub888: @Stormgod519 you're amazing
Stormgod519: @A_Dub888 no YOU
goombalax: I built a shatterpoint meme list wiht the inquisitors, Grievous and Savage for 14 lightsabers
A_Dub888: @Stormgod519 oh no, I've been made!
GapFiller: and figure out what that missing one is
richard_ermen: As always, I'm happy to watch the Adventures of "Ben, Gambler Extraordinaire" xD
Gaelan_Maestro: ben, you should take a quick break
Didero: bust-in makes me feel good
beowuuf: busting in makes us feel good
Invitare: if you're on Tatooine, there's an interesting place to visit right in the south-east of the map. Very quick detour, worth seeing
beowuuf: lol, same brain cell didero
beowuuf: except yours scanned better
Ah, another person of culture, I see
brieandbacon: It's in R-Kansas
Invitare: only the Hutts have an area on Tatooine
Invitare: the Hutts have a vault
icefrieza: The Hutts owns Tatooine
icefrieza: Its in the basement at the hutts syndicate
richard_ermen: I love how no one cares that we're sneaking everywhere xD
icefrieza: go back to the door with the camera
richard_ermen: Time for some light mass murder.
Stormgod519: yeah, that doesnt make sense
TXC2: No witnesses!
richard_ermen: In the Universe o Star Wars Outlaws, everyone jedically knows you're the bad person.
Invitare: The last thing you hear when Paul finally goes rogue
electric_claire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
electric_claire: Shakespeare is dead but I'm always hearing about the stories he's telling.
Thanks for subscribing, electric_claire! (Today's storm count: 19)
raulghoulia: Kay's really bad at her job. Maybe she told em?
icefrieza: use Nix
Invitare: he's tuckered out
Invitare: yes
prince_infidel: Yep
Desruprot: nobody expects the spanish inquisition
Gaelan_Maestro: you need a break
Desruprot: xD
0x6772: Classic!
GapFiller: bravo
Stormgod519: you were saying?
NightValien28: away you went
Cptasparagus: ~you shoulda seen it comiiiiiiiiiiiin~
Invitare: classic Bikele
Desruprot: now this is an Outlaws stream
TXC2: gonna give that a 7.8
Morrigan9: to quote Anakin "now this is desert bus"
Invitare: @TXC2 but there wasn't ANY water
Invitare and yet he still caused a splash
0x6772: Rats, just beat me, @Didero
Didero: @0x6772 Hey, don't let that stop you, the more clips the better. Maybe you cut it better than me. Plus, the more clips of a moment, the more clear it is that it was a good one for the Highlights
Invitare: animal cruelty!
richard_ermen: You shot the DEWBACK??
richard_ermen: Why Benathan?!
richard_ermen: I wonder if this would have been actually possible to do stealthy or if it always triggers the enemy attacking.
GapFiller: huh we still on good terms w/ The Hutts after that eh
artacuno53: One thing I find endearing about speeder tech is its always been kinda hand waved in lore as to how it works in universe
Desruprot: we accidentally tried to pick their lock
Stormgod519: oh Ben...
Didero: Watch out Ben, there's a rock
NightValien28: HAHAHA
questionablchoices: LOL
Juliamon: Who put that cliff wall there
WiJohn: It came out of nowhere!
TheAinMAP: A word.
Instant karma
clips aren't words
Invitare: those rocks are always sneaking around
Desruprot: It wasn't at the middle of the road at the start of the journey
questionablchoices: your reputation with rocks is low
Stormgod519: i mean, you are...
Stormgod519: but also, you asked for it
Desruprot: word can't go out if there are no witnesses
josh___something: Hey there gamers! Hey Ben!
TXC2: hello josh___something welcome
Invitare: oh I think I remember this base. It was a tough one
Stormgod519: the Hutts? Protective of their space? never
josh___something: Nice to see ben's back!
Desruprot: @Stormgod519 its not like they fought a war over it or anything
Didero: Ok, so first of all, good reflexes...
prince_infidel: Hey you found a way up
Didero: Man, these people are bad shots
Desruprot: oh right they are hired for being good shots
Stormgod519: @Desruprot naw. couldnt be them...
Remember the empire is staffed with TERRIBLE shots, and they're still an empire
prince_infidel: Blastable wall?
0x6772: Wonder if the Hutts'll be upset that you *blew up their wall*?
josh___something quantity over quality I guess
Desruprot: @0x6772 they blow up all the time
Didero: @0x6772 There's no proof it was us
prince_infidel: Video games!
0x6772: Did you grab her by the tentacle??!? Rough!
Didero: @0x6772 excuse me, but, uh, those are called lekku *dusts off shelf of Star Wars reference books*
GapFiller: eyyy in unrelated news just sorted out a v long overdue haircut so this week is already lookin up
0x6772: @Didero I went for getting the joke out fast rather than trying to recall that, but thank you. ;^>
Didero: "Stealth!" *turns on bright light*
TXC2: sensitive and pendulous
@0x6772 Yeah, the joke worked better that way, I'm just being annoying
baltimore_667083: yup
Stormgod519: i just got mine a week ago
Didero: I haven't been to a hairdresser in a few years and I'm not about to start now
0x6772: @TXC2 "The Desert Bus Story"
Stormgod519: @0x6772 lol
Uzumaki15: I just don't like getting my haircut
Didero: I've been going to the same hairdresser for my entire life, and he might be retiring soon
I shaved my hair last night, still in a toque, it's cold
GapFiller: my problem is my hairdresser is my sister and its v much a cobblers kids have no shoes situation
Mazrae: It's been about 2 1/2 years since my last haircut
GapFiller: I'm def bottom of her prioirty list
Stormgod519: see I just wanna wake up. whether or not I still have hair doesnt matter to me
I'm starting to see the first signs of balding, so I'm gonna enjoy my hair while I can
Stormgod519: i like my hair super short, often buzzcut, and im also balding
josh___something: Long hair is cool... But also fuck maintaining that
TXC2: I had shoulder length hair back when I was 16, then I shaved it for charity, been shaved ever since, it "hides" the baldingness
Stormgod519: so i dont have enough care about whether i have no hair
Uzumaki15: I want that too, but I also just don't want my hair to grow. I just don't like having to sit still while the haircut happens
SymphonySolstice: my sister is also my hairdresser
gotta keep my sides long to do my combover
prince_infidel: Bald with beard Ben when?
GapFiller: prince_infidel thats Ians look tho
GapFiller: this is totally like the Highlander
@prince_infidel "The Ian", as it's known around these parts
prince_infidel: It think Ben will look good bald
GapFiller: There Can Be Only One (hairstyle per Crew member)
0x6772: Did that droid just curse? ("poodoo" is a curse, right @didero?)
Didero: @0x6772 I think it's on the same level as 'crap', so not that severe a swear
josh___something: Hehe... Pooo
0x6772: @Didero But has *any* droid in SW ever cursed before? (Maybe just one of these guys anyway.)
Desruprot: classic hutt guards
@0x6772 You can make a droid say anything with the right programming
0x6772: Handy they didn't make those stairs out of the same stuff as that wall.
Juliamon: oh we are toast
Desruprot: oh?
0x6772: Love the protocol droid just standing in the corner.
BusTed: stealf
SymphonySolstice: alive??
Didero: You also unlocked a new ability during the fight
GapFiller: *Zelda chest theme
prince_infidel: Never didn't have it
With the only downside that Kay now has more Bacta in her veins than blood
Gaelan_Maestro: how is your rep now?
Desruprot: looks good
GapFiller: still good somehow
Man, I missed these streams, glad you're back Ben
Gaelan_Maestro: you havent taken one break this stream
0x6772: Getting read with that clip button…
Gaelan_Maestro: make sure you drink lots of water
brieandbacon: We can feel the Benergy
Time flies even faster than Kay does off of Bichael every other mile
TXC2: energy! wiggle wiggle wiggle
GapFiller: heh unlike certain other streams when that happens
GapFiller: *lets take a break 10mins before stream is scheduled to end
Didero: phrasing?
brieandbacon: Title of my sex tape?
Just because they don't want you to walk in there, doesn't mean you can't
Invitare: I do not believe there is anything on the other side of this mountain, I also checked
calculated_uncertainties: post credit ad run?
Didero: If you hit that rock hard enough, maybe you'll manage to launch Kay on top of that ridge
Desruprot: until you get on a speeder
Didero: The patchnotes also mentioned a setting that allows you to jump from ledge to ledge by pressing a direction, instead of also having to press A
Rocks still fear Ben, they're trying to save the speeder from him
Juliamon: The area itself is hostile
anclag: Accurate description!
0x6772: Can't say you weren't warned.
Didero: They can't kill you, you're in the middle of a rhythm puzzle!
Invitare: more proof that Rhythm Cafe is the strongest stream
Didero: There was an arrow down by one of the turrets
Stormgod519: ride the pipe
Invitare: the hips don't lie?
Didero: Almost like it's a war between these stars
SymphonySolstice: well it's not called Star Peace
TXC2: 20 minutes
Didero: 40? More like 15
TXC2: 40 past hour, simple slip up
Didero: Man, almost like getting axed in the back hurts a li'l
Desruprot: you got it?
GapFiller: wow some people are REALLY protective abt their parking spaces
Invitare: no
TXC2: darn
this is just like bringing a gun to the sabacc table
Species5618Beta subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Species5618Beta! (Today's storm count: 20)
Invitare: Bikele is raring for a fight
TXC2: here boy!
Didero: Ben you should train your pets better
Didero: I've already forgotten what the keycards are for
GapFiller: did we already goto that place in the South East then
Didero: Ah, so for the most important treasure in the game, got it
TXC2: Didero big vault in Jabba's hut
Desruprot: Jabba's Palace
Didero: I should really order these Sabacc decks >_>
not doing it for the Wookie then?
undecided44: You can take that gamble and stick it on a handle...
GapFiller: right in the kidney
Gaelan_Maestro: @Didero if you keep them in your cart you can get a code for 10% off
Didero: Nice of them to calmly wait their turn to be pummeled
Invitare: camera
JAndersonCAD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
JAndersonCAD: Hope you all are having a wonderful day
Thanks for subscribing, JAndersonCAD! (Today's storm count: 21)
Invitare: I think ou turned it off before
Didero: @Gaelan_Maestro Ooh, sweet! They also have a membership program that gives a discount
rynsfelda: Respect the 1v1
Krillin_fan: but how do we know who the hero is?
TXC2: Mook chivalry we call that
Desruprot: Extra Refund
Invitare: if you want to see the interesting thing before you end, it's the southern most building in the south east area
brieandbacon: I don't really wanna do the work today
Didero: It's a questio nmark
StarShock2002 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months, currently on a 131 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, StarShock2002! (Today's storm count: 22)
TXC2: and then a play will have been forwarded
anclag: Then a final stream of nothing but gambling
brieandbacon: No worries friend, got your back
Gaelan_Maestro: oh the year was 1778, how i wish i was in sherbrook now
TXC2: wild that that song is from a highschool production
TXC2: well the video I've seen of it is
Invitare: there's a pyke table on Toshara
GapFiller: thats what the blurb said
the power of an SSD
SymphonySolstice: thanks ben
Gaelan_Maestro: hope you feel better, thanks for the stream!
shendaras: glad you're feeling better
TXC2: thanks for streaming Ben
thanks for streaming and welcome back Ben
Wolfstrike_NL: Hey Ben, You are alot of fun!
Stormgod519: ty so much Ben!
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !store
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PST (9m from now).
anclag: Thanks for the stream Ben, have a great day everyone!
brieandbacon: Not drawing horses?
Mazrae: Ben, I'm blaming you for me trying out dragon age inquisition
Didero: I know what they're NOT doing
noSmokeFire: legally, they aren't drawing horses
Stormgod519: probably not drawing horses
GapFiller: schedule doesnt say
SymphonySolstice: doing some manner of crimes with Az I think
TXC2: can one know what happens on CDHC ?
TXC2: !events
GapFiller: in Heathers words the Fournale
Stormgod519: the fournale
Sacrenos: !nextr
josh___something: The fournale
Sacrenos: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PST (8m from now).
Didero: LRRTT, pronounced 'Lurt'
Didero: Ooh, Amanda's back
Didero: "What if Dora The Explorer was haunted"
josh___something: AF40K!!!!
Brigsby subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Brigsby! (Today's storm count: 23)
GapFiller: Outlaw Scoundrel Cutie
TXC2: a Ben filled week
Didero: I'm always so impressed by people who have the skill and patience to paint miniatures
Stormgod519: fucking trains?
Metric_Furlong: they're going to what?
noSmokeFire: I feel so vindicated that Lurm-tug is catching on
Bring a Lorcana deck
Stormgod519: Gruul Monsters!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming. I don't know if I'll make it on Thursday, so good luck!
SnackPak_: really?
kragmabutch: i gotta rebuild aristocrats, so many new toys
SymphonySolstice: bank
Stormgod519: SPONSEL!!!
November is a 3 week month
Garfy400: Woo 8 years!
Didero: Thanks so much for the stream, I really enjoyed myself!
SymphonySolstice: dabits
TXC2: voice cooked
measureofhope: byeee
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
baltimore_667083: bye Ben!
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
LordZarano: Wet that whistle!
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: mic 5
baltimore_667083: so that's why it kept acting up during desert bus
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PST (0s from now).
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Baby chickens don't turn into flowers.
baltimore_667083: @LRRbot I don't believe you lrrbot
SymphonySolstice: !advice
LRRbot: Don't make fun of the sun.
Stormgod519: ayyy
baltimore_667083: BEES
TXC2: a double refresh day
Azralorne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
Azralorne: BOOPS
Thanks for subscribing, Azralorne! (Today's storm count: 24)
WELL WELL WELL!!! if it aint a beautiful group of wonderful friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!!
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
baltimore_667083: greetings jacqui!
@jacqui_lantern234 and Chat is here too!
TXC2: here we GO!
beowuuf: horse!
jacqui_lantern234: @Metric_Furlong FITE ME IRL >:( I LOVE CHAT!!!
Metric_Furlong: horse!
Stormgod519: ITS PIKACHU!!!
jacqui_lantern234: ITS PIKACHU
baltimore_667083: it's JOHN CENA
TXC2: Hello Cori and Az !
Metric_Furlong: it's pikachu!
baltimore_667083: i mean pikachu
TXC2: Azimon
Stormgod519: lol
TXC2: it's JAMES' Fault
Stormgod519: James did that. James and Carrie
baltimore_667083: #BlameJames
Metric_Furlong: #BlameJames
jacqui_lantern234: #BlamesTurner
EvilBadman: I dunno, all the shift announcements were "who's that pokemon..."
baltimore_667083: @EvilBadman true
TXC2: oh playing cards
TXC2: ooooooh
Stormgod519: oh wow
Metric_Furlong: I didn't even see any of that part of db, so I wasn't even making a reference
Stormgod519: aight, unfortunately my class starts soon, so i gtg. Take care everyone!
Metric_Furlong it's a safe bet for sure
TXC2: so long Stormgod519 stay asfe
CAKHost: Hello everyone
TXC2: hello CAKHost welcome
Metric_Furlong: @TXC2 I suppose everything becomes a DB reference, given enough time
CAKHost: I hope the banana is one of the clubs, if not all of them
jacqui_lantern234: will Az be sharing this as a mod for Balatro?
EvilBadman: ur husbando
noSmokeFire: Bus Stop _could_ become a DB referencce
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO AZ WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!?! what powers did you just give me?!?!
noSmokeFire: how many shreks are we going to see today, chat?
LordZarano subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
Horse Sub!
i blame both of you!
Thanks for subscribing, LordZarano! (Today's storm count: 25)
baltimore_667083: @noSmokeFire yes
a Marriage is an equal partnership, when one is evil, both are evil
noSmokeFire: "drawing shreks on cold medicine" is a hell of a stream concept
Juliamon: "soul" distributor
cori, this is why i love being your friend. its such wonderful, delightful chaos
bo_brinkman: Ben did say this was called "Cori Time"
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