Juliamon: Beej and Nelson, in the same room!!
Juliamon: #sponsored
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
0011110000110011: later james later chat
jessicaengle: Happy Thanksgiving!
TXC2: bye
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
TXC2: goodnight everybody
TXC2: to the crapshot!
Juliamon: ooh right
Juliamon: I saw a Jordynne in the thumbnail and I've been very excited to watch
TehAmelie: she plays a bold role
Nigouki: Victoria BC: Come for the Desert Bus, stay for the Crapshoot!
TheMerricat: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Shadows of Doubt) at Tue 01:30 PM PST (3m ago).
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: A MIMIC, RUN!
baltimore_667083: -runs-
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Juliamon: lrrSIG
DideRobot: LRR: Cameron is solving mysteries on this week's Talking Sim with Shadows of Doubt! | https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113551397504431863
TehAmelie: well played, twitch. it did launch the stream all by itself just when i was in the middle of hitting F5
richard_ermen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months, currently on a 8 month streak!
richard_ermen: 75 Months. It's all uphill from here folks!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, richard_ermen! (Today's storm count: 38)
baltimore_667083: hi cam!
TehAmelie: hello
thrythlind: heya Cameron... been enjoying Not a Drop
richard_ermen: Hot Coffee Mod?
Luminaire_p: unarmeHmm
TheMerricat: @richard_ermen If a mod got Cam hot coffee..... :P
richard_ermen: We'd all be using it? ;)
Juliamon: the danger of the bit becoming not-a-bit
ShaneLeeAtk: Commit SO hard to the bit
Nigouki: hallo
richard_ermen: When the Bit becomes Raison D etre.
IanAllenBird: howdy
richard_ermen: Can you also cast this game for B/U B/U ?
ShaneLeeAtk: But what if the bit is in media res?
thrythlind: I've seen both Kikoskia and Insym play it... I tried it early on... and ended up following to the sub ocean and haven't had time to try again since it launched fully
TehAmelie: open are the doors to the elemental plane of sesame?
pn55: Now you have emergency sesame seeds for the rest of the day :D
Nigouki: that greens screen has seen some things
richard_ermen: I'm fine. I'm writing some chtonic tragedy while watching =)
raulghoulia: not in 20 years
GhostValv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GhostValv! (Today's storm count: 39)
Nigouki: not since the 90s, no
Luminaire_p: I have literally only seen Alien and Aliens because of you, so no
Nigouki: i keep wanting to rewatch it
virgil82: I'm upright and not crying. Also painting Imperial Fists.
thrythlind: I love Alien Resurrection, non-ironically... and yes I know it's a horrible movie objectively
IslandersCaper: feliciaWave
richard_ermen: I recently rewatched ALIENS. I still like it. I did not really like Romulus after the first 30 mins.
raulghoulia: oh he was lust in se7en
Luminaire_p: Ah, he's your Richard Kind
Nigouki: or that chucky guy
Nigouki: yeah
Nigouki: that guy
Morrigan9: brad duruf
Lord_Hosk: Michael Ironside is my favorite actor of all time.
Nigouki: piter too
SoldieroFortune: Dourif
richard_ermen: Brad Durif?
thrythlind: As for what I've been doing, I've been watching Not a Drop and a friend and I have discussed a 1-on-1 campaign where I get to play a very luckless Lasombra anarch who knows nothing about what's going on
richard_ermen: Wasn't Resurrection the one with Wynona Ryder, somehow?
TehAmelie: ah, in Se7en his line was more like "what's this thing strapped to me?"
thrythlind: Brad Duriff was a lot in Babylon 5 too
IanAllenBird: Beyond the Sea
thrythlind: or maybe he was there just once
richard_ermen: @thrythlind Wasn't he the reformed mindwiped criminal guy?
TehAmelie: Gethsemane?
SoldieroFortune: Gethsemane
thrythlind: (Obscure Christian Reference)
ArdCollider: Brad Dourif someone else in X-Files spinoff Millennium, too.
IbunWest: keliffWave
thrythlind: not really
thrythlind: it is central
thrythlind: but how many Christians really know that
Master_Gunner: it being central does not preclude it from being obscure in christianity.
Lord_Hosk: I can say that word, but I can't in any way type how to pronounce it
SoldieroFortune: Central to Christ's final night before Crucifixion
JosephDeath: There's a whole song in some musical in the garden
richard_ermen: If it wasn't in Jesus Christ Superstar, I don't heard of it1
raulghoulia: Brad Dourif was also in Voyager
Nigouki: people who read the bible for the literary influences tend to know it better than those that do it for the beliefs
Foxmar320: Hello Cam
JosephDeath: He played a serial killer in voyager as well
virgil82: He was Mister Suder the serial killer right?
JosephDeath: Got therapy from Tuvok
keltaklo: @richard_ermen It's in Jesus Christ Superstar; there's a song called Gethsemane
richard_ermen: Ahhhh
thrythlind: he was on a list of actors whose careers were saved by horror movies
raulghoulia: seems like a super chill dude too but is type cast as killers
richard_ermen: At least his first credited role according to imdb
ArdCollider: (Suder was a Betazoid, not a Cardassian, and, man, Betazoid serial killers.)
IanAllenBird: hell yeah
Lord_Hosk: LETS GO!
richard_ermen: Yesplease!
Foxmar320: Is this going to be on the test?
raulghoulia: length?
AlexTremayne: Jeffrey Combs is another actor who I have that reaction to.
IanAllenBird: yes he did have the lenses
ArdCollider: B5 is the blackout telepath lenses.
ghyllnox: How do you feel about grading 134 papers?
NotCainNorAbel: I was with you until the paper Prof
ArdCollider: well, OK, also Voyager? I paid less attention there. :D
InconsiderateHat: That was legit the episode where I was like OH MY GOD IT'S WORMTONGUE AND HE'S RAD
ProcyonFlynn: inb4 someone actually submits that paper :D
thrythlind: Jack the Ripper in B5
TheMerricat: First credited role was in the Cuckoo's Nest he had one uncredited role the same year in W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings....
AlexTremayne: Also Herbert West: Reanimator.
TehAmelie: jeez i thought Christopher Lee had been in the most movies of anyone in Lord of the Rings
richard_ermen: I love the Ripper episode in Season 2 ofB5. Such a nice semination of "who are you."
AlexTremayne: Shran in Enterprise.
raulghoulia: Ron Perlman
Kentosaurus: Man in high castle?
richard_ermen: Burn Gorman?
Nigouki: oh, he was in Batman, the last Nolan one
Nigouki: yes
IanAllenBird: oh he was in torchwood too
Kentosaurus: Season 3 of the Expanse
TehAmelie: did his parents name him Burn?
richard_ermen: Beetlejuice
Robot_Bones: Icheal Mronside
thrythlind: Zoey Deschanel?
Lord_Hosk: He was that guy in the expanse
Kentosaurus: ^
richard_ermen: I think Idris Elba also remains a strong lister.
thrythlind: fair
richard_ermen: Gods, Burn Gorman was in HALO. I feel so sorry for him.
Juliamon: "I didn't know they were in this!"
thrythlind: it's what my mom would call a "Face" rather than a "Name"
InconsiderateHat: Yeah the key is recognizing the face and loving the acting but not knowing the name
IanAllenBird: robert picardo and also robert carlyle always stick out to me
AlexTremayne: A 'guy I love to see'.
richard_ermen: I mean there are a number of actors who have a face and acting style so strong that you remember their form more than their name
Lord_Hosk: He/she/they have to have a fairly memorable part that is listed as "uncredited" on their wiki or IMDB I feel
richard_ermen: The one who played the slavic hammer god in American Gods is a strong contender
richard_ermen: Peter Stormare!
ArdCollider: Stephen Tobolowsky.
Nigouki: does John Hannah count as one of those guys?
richard_ermen: Crispin Glover is also someone you can see in a lot of stuff
thrythlind: I'm constantly dismayed that I'm older than a lot of LRR cast
thrythlind: jokingly
AlexTremayne: Crispin Glover definitely qualifies.
TheMerricat: John Hannah - https://resizing.flixster.com/-XZAfHZM39UwaGJIFWKAE8fS0ak=/v3/t/assets/71764_v9_bc.jpg when you see him you know him.
Kentosaurus: Have you heard of the Character Actor Dining Society?
ArdCollider: Tobolowsky: Groundhog Day, Memento, Wild Hogs, Adaptation, etc.
42MiLLyWays: John Hannah was in 4 weddings and a funeral and The Mummy
richard_ermen: @TheMerricat Lol, seeing that picture and going "Wait a minute, I've seen him!"
IanAllenBird: ohhh
ArdCollider: yes
thrythlind: yeah
Nigouki: why I bring up John Hannah is cuz I saw him show up in a History Channel doc once and it RUINED me trying to remember when I've seen him
Lord_Hosk: He is a different catagory of "that guy" but Steve Zahn is a favorite of mine in the comedy genre
thrythlind: you need contrasting skill types
richard_ermen: Funny Story, X-Files had soe many people in it. Mark Sheppard, Brad Dourif, Danny Trejo, Bryan Cranston...
richard_ermen: Heck, Cary Elwes was in X-Files
Nigouki: @thrythlind I kinda hope that was meant to be contrasting skull types
TheMerricat: You'd get "wait, I know all these guys but where" the entire movie and no matter how good it was you'd think of it as a knockoff because of it
thrythlind: side note: Danny Trejo would have been my fan casting of Aragorn of Arathorn
InconsiderateHat: Okay whoever mentioned "the hammer god from American Gods", thank you for making me find out that OMG PETER STORMAIRE plays czernabog in the show?? (Yes he is one of those guys, agreed)
MAPBoardgames subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
MAPBoardgames: 86, That's a big round number!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MAPBoardgames! (Today's storm count: 40)
richard_ermen: I often wonder, if the people who cast Duchovny in X-Files did so despite knowing he'd be in Twin peaks.
TehAmelie: Jillian Andersson i think was grossly underused in the show
thrythlind: The Bakshi LotR sort of laser-etched the idea of Aragorn as Indigenous
MAPBoardgames: Not as much talking as Let's Nope
richard_ermen: @TehAmelie Definitely!
TheMerricat: Rookie numbers, Ben and Adam would scoff at you Cam.
Luminaire_p: Oh, I thought we were going for the record for longest pre-game intro ;)
Robot_Bones: Yeah let's nope is the only just chatting stream allowed
42MiLLyWays: agreed!
TehAmelie: and always have to stand behind him so he looks bigger!
SquareDotCube: she overthinks
thrythlind: Mulder is instinct, Skully is the brain
richard_ermen: Is David Duchovny that small?
TheMerricat: Mulder is just a believer who happens to have the shit luck to be in a world where everything he believes in is real.
Nigouki: there's a scene where she'd doing an autopsy, plumps some organs on a scale and they just kinda slough off the plate and that scene lives rent free in my head
ArdCollider: there's two axes in the X-Files: "hot/ weird" and "competent/ lol what"
keltaklo: Have you seen The Fall? I think its an amazing performance by her
42MiLLyWays: she played Margret Thatcher in The Crown and b/c of Anderson, I was rooting for her
DionTheBlackDragon: gotta be honest i come here for the feel of hanging out and chatting with friends not watching video games :P
Juliamon: yeah, 90s was very "women are sooo emotional amirite guys"
duckace11: She looks he leaps. To paraphrase warehouse 13
pn55: That's a very good point, yea
TehAmelie: gotta put X-Files higher on my watch list. . .
richard_ermen: Beautiful.
Musicsquid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Musicsquid! (Today's storm count: 41)
keltaklo: I did enjoy the film; the The Fall I'm talking about is the tv show about a serial killer in northern Ireland
Juliamon: Put *certain episodes* on your watchlist
wedge_x: no one's brave enough to say it: Mitch Pileggi is the real hero of the show
ArdCollider: (Toronto people! Dumpster Raccoon Cinema is *having Tarsem Singh* there to present The Fall on November 30th and December 4th. https://www.instagram.com/meakoopa/p/DCzpm1nSggT/ )
IbunWest: I have seen one episode it was the one where “if you die in the game you die for real”
Lord_Hosk: To be fair to Skully, there SHOULDN'T have been aliens or mutants or radioactive invisible creatures... Those things don't really make sense to exist so Mulder shouldn't have been right.
thrythlind: but B5 has far less bleh episodes than X-Files
TehAmelie: i was always annoyed at missing episodes and then never following the plot again back in the day when TV shows were weekly
AlexTremayne: Yeah, B5 is way more consistent.
ArdCollider: (Singh on 11/30. rush line for last-minute tickets. good luck, odds ever in your favor, etc.)
5 raiders from AdzyandJaneComics have joined!
richard_ermen: Weelllll.....some episodes of the first season are easily skippable
wedge_x: "Her name is Bambi?"
W_Livi: a rational person investigating an irrational world
ProcyonFlynn: The Cursed-Doll/Poltergeist-Child episode of X-Files absolutely destroyed me as a kid. There are some amazing episodes. Even in the goofy ones.
baltimore_667083: welcome raiders!
thrythlind: I enjoyed Brisco County Jr better and it came just before X-Files... unfortunately Brisco County did not plan for or expect to get a second season so they had no plan for it
ArdCollider: "The Erlenmeyer Flask" is an incredibly tight episode of TV.
richard_ermen: I mean, a super-cut of all Londo & G'Kar exists.
TheMerricat: B5 is a show that was ahead of its time and it shows. Unfortunately.
Juliamon: During the lockdown
Nigouki: The Lockdowns
Luminaire_p: Season one is a mess
thrythlind: Season 1 and 5 are something of a chores
richard_ermen: Yeah, I recently got the BluRay of the entire show and ....wow, it can be so rough.
SquareDotCube: Needs a Babylon 5 Abridged
richard_ermen: Which is weird considering how great Season 2 and 3 and 4 are.
AlexTremayne: Season one has some real disasters.
AdzyandJaneComics: My only knowledge of Babylon 5 is that the Zeta Squadron Patch says: "Ugly but Well Hung"
ArdCollider: JMS's run on Ghostbusters had more happen. :D
Master_Gunner: My experience with babylon 5 was my brother being obsessed with it while I happened to be in the room. Was good enough for me.
jpost042: yeah, I was warned to just endure/skip most of S1
richard_ermen: The sad part is, Season 1 sets up ....sooooooo much.
TheMerricat: IIRC wasn't he really really sick during the initial script writing and he basically wrote most of it in a fever dream?
teammanfred: It's just like real life.
richard_ermen: Like, they reference EVERYTHING from that first season later on
richard_ermen: "Commander Sinclair has been reassigned. And the new commander is a jarhead."
Luminaire_p: I can't believe we switch leaders from JMS to JMS :P
VinylMinty: Oooh shadows of doubt
VinylMinty: this is gonna be fun
AdzyandJaneComics: OK, I have to go get ready for an appointment, good to see you Cam! Enjoy SoD
Invitare: have you told Adam and Ben this? Kappa
Nigouki: Let's Nope gets paid for games too but look at them talk :V
ghyllnox: You get paid to be entertaining
thrythlind: it's neat
VinylMinty: And its procedurely generated right
TehAmelie: gotta meet those steam playtime quotas eh
Exxaxl: Are you not entertained?
IbunWest: it’s been a while since I have seen this i am curious to see what its like now
richard_ermen: And what an amusingly dystopian world it is, that the game takes place in
josh___something: Let's nope also ostensibly is a videogame shows
W_Livi: I've played this a bit. Is neat
teammanfred: Paid to be insightful on this show I would say.
IanAllenBird: I played this when it was a demo in next fest whenever that was, and I was pretty excited to see how it would turn out but haven't bought it yet
IbunWest: What I saw before looked promising
wedge_x: Talking is in the show title bud :D
ghyllnox: This is what I've come here for
VinylMinty: @LoadingReadyRun Will you be doing twitch integration?
VinylMinty: It puts us in as the citizens of the city
Juliamon: We've had issues with Twitch integration before
thrythlind: twitch integration gets weird
Invitare: that's ok, I can't do integrals anyway
VinylMinty: @LoadingReadyRun It's just grabbing viewer names of those in chat
VinylMinty: and names the citizens like that
TheMerricat: Stealth streaming!
Juliamon: Serge could not get Cult of the Lamb to see chat
TehAmelie: i didn't know that could happen. Monika thought of everything
Earthenone: thats cute, reminds me of the old X-cam days
VinylMinty: theres no extension required for the twitch integration
VinylMinty: and theres no us chatting in the game
Astra7525: oh it's THAT game
thrythlind: also, my basic work for the week is done, because I'm assigned off tomorrow and Thursday, Fri/Sat is my normal weekend, and Sun I took off extra
Juliamon: The streamer said we're not bothering with it, so we aren't.
Exxaxl: Noir and Black and White aren't the same KEKHeim
AgentWynter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AgentWynter! (Today's storm count: 42)
SquareDotCube: duncan to the maximilian
Juliamon: "Noir" is not "Noir et Blanc"
TehAmelie: Not Coca-Cola Company runs the world, got it
Robot_Bones: Why is the 20th century never early?
pn55: I'm liking the music alreaady.
Kentosaurus: this is rad
thrythlind: same
wedge_x: Vangelis
rentar42: damn, right!
ShaneLeeAtk: I have that Nintendo Power issue around here somewhere
thrythlind: played that game
richard_ermen: SNES Shadowrun was rad for its time.
ArdCollider: 2050.
109 raiders from Seabats have joined!
TehAmelie: it holds up pretty well
Sacrenos: Distant past? I was born in 198x xD
ArdCollider: it's an *extremely* loose adaptation of Never Deal With a Dragon, which is a pretty decent SR novel as they go
richard_ermen: How far we've come, to think of the past as something retro-futuristic.
Mr_Horrible subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months, currently on a 125 month streak!
Mr_Horrible: hmm, a button
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mr_Horrible! (Today's storm count: 43)
BusTed: seabatDance seabatDance seabatDance
Omthebox: Damn. I got Suffixed. Sat down right as Adam Raided.
TehAmelie: except some ridiculous control issues and lag
TheMerricat: Welcome raiders, you actually just got here as the game started. :D
Mr_Horrible: seabatDance seabatDance seabatDance I see we're detectiving
W_Livi: huzzah for folks with their origins enshrouded in the distant past
uneactrice: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
richard_ermen: @Sacrenos Same. It must have been more than 3x years ago...
TehAmelie: as someone born in the late mid-1900s. . .
SamsSkunkworks subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months, currently on a 126 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SamsSkunkworks! (Today's storm count: 44)
Luminaire_p: Oh no
Nigouki: motion?
TheMerricat: This is a beautiful world so far. I like the voxel detailing.
IanAllenBird: kmjnikmjn
BusTed: so to speak
TehAmelie: the graphics are worryingly reminiscent of Mouthwashing
Nigouki: I like how we haven't bothered to rehang the fridge door to the other side to be more convenient
richard_ermen: Threat of cranking it stopped the caller, clearly.
Luminaire_p: Free duct tape!
NorthstarTex: afternoon all, did I arrive to one of those creepy robodialers?
SquareDotCube: very small roll of duct tape
TheMerricat: @Nigouki Do you know how many people never realize their fridges have reversible doors? :D
thrythlind: important to remember for address books when investigating crime scenes
TehAmelie: i've never heard of it
Robot_Bones: Mmm curry
thrythlind: the tutorial is kind... if you start a normal game you're homeless
TheMerricat: Wait.. are we keeping poison on the counter? that seems like a food safety violation.
TheMerricat: They are.
Nigouki: @TheMerricat It's a great prank on those that don't know about it :3
Kentosaurus: @TheMerricat This made me go check my fridge. I am astounded. It's true.
thrythlind: usually you can... huh
noSmokeFire: they're only voxels if they come from the voxel region of france
TehAmelie: so, owning a home is tutorial mode, sounds realistic
SquareDotCube: aw man, we're a bastard
TehAmelie: hey, it's huge like a TV apartment
TehAmelie: we could put in a ball pit or something
Invitare: the Dire Kitchen is not a beast I wish to meet on a dark night in the forest
Chrysoprase: I am getting vampire bloodlines: minecraft edition vibes.
SquareDotCube: lock your door?
MAPBoardgames: That's the same code my luggage has!
NorthstarTex: that's the same code my luggag...wow that is a common code for luggage
TehAmelie: "Camden Curry", eh? i'm thinking they're as alien as Ford Prefect
SquareDotCube: you tried and didn't have enough
dumbo3k: Kha'jit has wares, if you have coin
Fuzzra: Ah, "final" notices. Ignore them and I guarantee you'll get more, increasingly strident, notices.
ZombieHendrix: how's the case going?
Gaelan_Maestro: whats in the box? WHATS IN THE BOX MAN???
TehAmelie: hmm if we don't work the case maybe we can just keep living here
Critterbot: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: blue whale cottage cheese
TehAmelie: bold choice to put all our books on one shelf
Critterbot: !findquote cheese
Gaelan_Maestro: oh, thank you LRRbot
ZombieHendrix: time to stalk the night for justice
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hi @LoadingReadyRun Cam. When you finish rgia game, does it summon Gwen Stfani?\
thedepthandbreadthofseth: this*
Genasi_Gaming: is this game very good?
Juliamon: We've only been playing for 30-ish minutes
Juliamon: I wish it had less aggressive screen tear
LordZarano: If the murder victim's apartment is nicer than yours you can legitimately keep an eye out for when it gets put up for sale and put in an offer
IanAllenBird: uh oh
thrythlind: the cops in this game.... are cops
offbeatwitch: bah gawd...
thrythlind: I've seen them shoot the roommate of the victim
thrythlind: pin the address book
thrythlind: you keep access to it if you pin it
thrythlind: have you examined the body for cause of death yet?
LordZarano: !advice
LRRbot: Never read YouTube comments.
TheMerricat: Wow break the NDA and they can go after your family.
kusinohki: meows
johkmil: NDA enforced by waterboarding?
thrythlind: was there only one file there?
thrythlind: there's usually a birth certificate
dumbo3k: Oh, was that the missing boot?
Kentosaurus: the missing boot! we've cracked this wide open
ReiyChanter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ReiyChanter! (Today's storm count: 45)
johkmil: Another missing boot? This case goes deeper than we thought
thrythlind: oh, right, citizens have hobbies or medical issues that affect what stuff you find in their house
kusinohki: forgive me, but it kind of looked like cam was doing the hookey pokey into and out of the blood puddle...
TheMerricat: So chat is this one of those games where you need to pin EVERYTHING in case it matters or is the game more forgiving than that?
thrythlind: @kusinohki we were talking about Babylon 5 earlier
SquareDotCube: I think security rearmed itself
TheMerricat: Yeah the camera was moving again.
kusinohki: a shower? the luxury!
Luminaire_p: I love schemes
thrythlind: as a note, the only thing in your inventory you'll need is the handcuffs
thrythlind: the rest is decorative
thrythlind: fingerprints work funny, whenever a character is in area, their fingerprints are randomly applied to a nearby surface... because everybody fidgets and nobody wears gloves
Fuzzra: Expendable lockpicks in games are weird. What are they made of, spaghetti?
LordZarano: @TheMerricat After a number of cases you'll get a feel for how the procedural generation works but until then I'd be pinning everything and sorting out what's relevant later
SquareDotCube: 1979, so likely never used
TehAmelie: these are paperclips. probably makes sense they break all the time
WalrusOntheCourt: My favorite meal: Cheeseburger, donut, and coffee...
Fuzzra: @TehAmelie Ah, that would do it.
wildpeaks: must have been the wind
TehAmelie: POV: you're a detective in a videogame eating breakfast https://i.imgur.com/6MKA4zt.jpg
wildpeaks: @TehAmelie I have so many questions :D
TehAmelie: i know
Boon_33: those cigarettes are now illegal in my town.... TehAmelie
WalrusOntheCourt: I was in a warehouse once staring at large air ducts and had an epiphany - air ducts hang and they structures are not made to support the weight of a person. They are designed to support the weight of air.
Earthenone: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TehAmelie: huh, i figured the cigarettes were fake. and probably the grenade
Boon_33: @TehAmelie i suppose the grenade would also be illegal in my town, the pistol is fine though, walk past 2 places to by them on my way to lunch.
TehAmelie: yikes
Boon_33: @TehAmelie they've very busy stores
WalrusOntheCourt: It is important to not get the cigarettes, grenades, and pistols confused for each other. Grenades should not be lit and held to the face. It's not flavor country.
Boon_33: weird they have the same warning labels.
kusinohki: pistols should also not be lit and held near the face...
gsyhiap: I'm more concerned by the teeth on the keyboard tbh
Boon_33: @kusinohki unless you need to be rid of tyler durden
wildpeaks: in a similar way, throwing a pack of cigarettes, while hazardous to the health as well, won't have the expected blast radius
TehAmelie: i like how the jelly donut on a bed of spinach leaves without a plate is the most normal thing in sight
wildpeaks: I do love the stack of Babe dvds
Boon_33: @wildpeaks the cigarretes cook off slow, they take years to work.
Boon_33: @wildpeaks what babe dvd's :)
gsyhiap: The monitor showing firefox, steam, and Discord seems pretty normal...
TheMerricat: When we talk, people listen.... :D
TheMerricat: Even during the break screen. :P
Boon_33: LRRFolk are bestfolk
wildpeaks: that keyboard is way too clean though, definitely a mimic
wildpeaks: aww :/
TheMerricat: VirtualHug
WalrusOntheCourt: Must be the cigarettes...
TehAmelie: hi again
Luminaire_p: I'm sorry to hear that!
thrythlind: I'm with a bunch of MotW Keepers trying to advise a new Keeper regarding one of his players feeling unsatisfied with their build (they don't want to be the combat guy, but are hyperfocusing on combat being necessary)
Anubis169: Hello hello :)
Luminaire_p: I'm with that random citizen, scarves are great
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Lord_Hosk: The Pixel art aesthetic of this is amazing
its_safety_third: head bob can be turned off if that might help
Anubis169: agreed Lord_Hosk
thrythlind: I have never completed the tutorial mission... I fell through the earth and haven't had time to go back past all the updates
thrythlind: Camden is the victim
TehAmelie: oopsie
Heckhoundbolt: you can fix it later
dumbo3k: I think you can erase, and then confirm
TehAmelie: that'll make the next of kin talk awkward
TheMerricat: We can probably close it and pick a new person once we know. :D
gsyhiap: You can come back later presumably and change it when you know the correct answer
Weagle: You can just overwrite the name later once you have the actual perp, yeah
Invitare: Camden Town?
TehAmelie: maybe his middle name is Town
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TheMerricat: Wait... was the apartment we started out in actually _our_ apartment? Since it told us to go look for CC?
Invitare: that depends on the effect Climate Change has
TehAmelie: an unstable polar vortex has its nice moments for sure
Invitare: for example, it's quite possible that Climate Change would make the UK very cold indeed
Invitare: if it wrecked the Gulf Stream
TheMerricat: God chat, I love me detailed voxel environments....
thrythlind: This is a game with a steep learning curve at the start
TehAmelie: all the voxels in different scales, that has to take much more effort (i'm guessing)
ZombieHendrix: witness dialogue needs work still
disor_attare: shadows! of doubt???
thrythlind: have you tried asking the neighbors if they saw anything suspicious:
thrythlind: ?
TehAmelie: wait Binder Heights is my stripper name
HadesLeprechaun: ooooh Shadows of Doubt! I picked this one up a while ago, been waiting for maybe just another patch or two before I was gonna give it a shot
disor_attare: i love everything about this game except its framerate on my pc :(
Luminaire_p: Time to go see the breakwater!
Invitare: does it have an aiming reticule?
thrythlind: I think there's a slight waver to the camera?
ZombieHendrix: the voxels kind of get to you, its just a little off
rentar42: I've found if a game triggers my motion sickness it's sometimes an unusual FOV setting and setting it wider helps ...
disor_attare subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months!
disor_attare: uh twitch it doesn't make sense to have a 12 and 13th month
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TehAmelie: i'm debating with the financial irresponsibility fairy if i should get this or just start playing Citizen Sleeper
its_safety_third: fov may be low, head bob can be turned off, enabling DLSS may improve framerate
Invitare: is there an option for an aim dot?
disor_attare: oof :( me with boneworks
TehAmelie: Talking Sim's "other" extremely good aesthetic game
its_safety_third: isn't there a reticule by default?
Squalm: I'm very excited for citizen sleeper 2
iris_of_ether: "Citizen's arrest!"
disor_attare: anyone can convict people! but, uh, to commit state violence you need a permit
ZombieHendrix: Rorschach simulator
Mattmitchell45: Stealth is neat, but also goofy in a neat way
Squalm: it feels like everything is geared to just leave you constantly tense and suspicious of everyone
Kentosaurus: That's the blade runner effect
ZombieHendrix: it honestly needs a little more depth once you know how the cases go and what you really need to check for
Coloneljesus: is that what retrofuturism means?
LordZarano: "Aim smoothing" disconnecting mouse movement from view movement could also be a problem
disor_attare: @ZombieHendrix i agree, but... that's exponentially more difficult
disor_attare: like you're talking getting away with actual murder
ZombieHendrix: @disor_attare very true
Mattmitchell45: I think the shallow dialogue is somewhat helped by the suspicious setting
Squalm: it's a funny 'past' though because it's one of those pasts that feels not so far in our future
ZombieHendrix: the other weird thing is people int he upper floors can't get down the stairs fast enough to get to work on time
Mattmitchell45: Beautiful
thrythlind: If you're having trouble playing, and to others, I would recommend the playthroughs of either Kikoskia and Insym.
ZombieHendrix: elevator is always free though
iris_of_ether: I don't tend to get motion sick with 3D games, but ones with a certain type of darkness to them (Gone Home, the Christmas Viscera Cleanup) have absolutely done it
disor_attare: elevator is alwawys taken
thrythlind: they both took it in slightly different approaches
disor_attare: i've been to furry cons
Squalm: comparing this to The Occupation could be fun - that was another real-time detective game with some retro elements
HadesLeprechaun: bad
disor_attare: there is a 40 minute wait to use an elevator at cons
thrythlind: oddly, the citizens in this game NEVER use the elevators
thrythlind: they all go for stairs
iris_of_ether: Wouldn't you need handlers??
HadesLeprechaun: many have handlers to help guide them or to communicate
disor_attare: you have aa handler! but it's still rough
KeytarCat: What is a tug boat if not a handler?
iris_of_ether: There was a woman with gigantic beautiful wings at aGenCon I went to that absolutely had a friend helping
Squalm: this and the occupation take like opposite approaches but reach I feel like a fairly similar vibe (the occupation is a series of handcrafted levels and a bunch of dialogue etc.)
iris_of_ether: Replayability??
Squalm: ^
KeytarCat: Sheer amount of content
ZombieHendrix: you can build your own meta to fill in the blanks pretty easy
disor_attare: it's tough because i react poorly to the ai versions of existing mysteries but shadows of doubt also isn't quite enough
CataclysmicReverb: Can't look up the answer?
LordZarano: You can't just look up the solution online
SquareDotCube: that checkout lane novella feel, maybe
HadesLeprechaun: I think the random nature could create some curious spontaneity, like how manipulating NPCs in elder scrolls games can give interesting or funny narrative
thrythlind: there's a fairly small number of formula, but yeah, the combination of variables makes very interesting
iris_of_ether: You lose the ability to have the same level of "OMG" plot twist, but you gain the ability to play it multiple times
couchboyj: Why? Because we can? That's often the answer.
rentar42: the secret of generating something like that is generating the answer first and then generating the clues from that
wildpeaks: same reasons roguelikes exist
ZombieHendrix: everyone has a motive, which drives it's own narrative
disor_attare: maybe it's good to know you won't get the right answer every time
iris_of_ether: Hmm, yeah, emergent narrative could be a thing
ZombieHendrix: it
ZombieHendrix: it's a lot of fun once you get into it I will say
Squalm: how much can you do in one continuous place? one of the nice things about something like caves of qud is the amount of different things you can do, but it feels like this wants you to do exactly one kind of thing.
SquareDotCube: 1000 credits, we can afford next months rent if we have an apartment
TehAmelie: i think of Obra Dinn, even though that's the total opposite with one entirely predetermined puzzle
disor_attare: it's so tough to talk about obra dinn when it's a perfect game tbh
disor_attare: like yeah this isn't well madde
ZombieHendrix: ya, Obra Dinn is the goat
mjiig: Even the dithering process for obra dinn's graphics is a stunning idea
disor_attare: yeah! like i can go out of the tutorial, play a murder, and feel like yeah, that was pretty much as ood
Earthenone: Mutiny! Mutiny!
thrythlind: the voxel block is modern, but has a distinctly 80s CGI feel
disor_attare: voxels feel kinda harsh imo! esp with this shading, the signs feel unnatural and the people rejecting me feel sane
thrythlind: tron?
Squalm: I think my brain associates voxel stuff with procedural generation? like it's almost normal for this kind of thing?
e_bloc: where in the world is Cameron San Diego
Kentosaurus: I rewatched UHF recently. I had forgotten the dire straights / beverly hillbillies crossover
wildpeaks: I forgot if you tried Threshold ? it's short and certainly has that unnatural feel too
disor_attare: very specific question: do you have any feelings about the vents in this game?
ZombieHendrix: even simple polygons would work better than voxels for first person
ContingentCat: yeah they're designed to hold air not man
LordZarano: Iirc the entire world is destructible. Like, you can smash a hole in any wall. I think that's this game?
TehAmelie: you probably don't even want to allow children to hide in them
thrythlind: I once managed to find my way into what I thought was a bathroom with no exit out of vent... turns out there was just an open door concealing the exit
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Luminaire_p: That's always one of my favorite jokes in something, when someone crawls through the vents and just makes so much noise
ambarion85: Ventilations ducts also have all the sharp self tapping screws sticking up everywhere
SquareDotCube: Has Talking Sim ever looked into Consortium, either the original or remaster?
KeytarCat: The affordance of "We need this to work, don't worry about it"
dimirious: The combination of murder mystery and stealth/time pressure seems unique?
Gekyouryuu: @luminaire_p there's a great robot chicken sketch of Ironman doing that
thrythlind: it was the enforcers
thrythlind: they would have shot you
Squalm: @dimirious This combination is why I made the comparison to the Occupation because it also does this
thrythlind: I've seen them shoot the partner of the victim who lives there
LordZarano: One of my favourite moments from Mythbusters "Thor God of Thunder is trying to enter my building!"
Luminaire_p: @Gekyouryuu One of my favorite recent examples was from Dimension 20's Never Stop Blowing Up
ContingentCat: once again, acab
SquareDotCube: Consortium is a murder mystery aboard a airliner and it relies on social relationships on how you solve or who you accuse
Jamming_with_Jandalf: Duringba guided tour at the local control center they told us that their air vents are large enough to walk through
Luminaire_p: All haters
Darleysam: aiat
TehAmelie: also, can't wait to see what the three or four teams all certain they're the ones making the true sequel to Disco Elysium come up with
thrythlind: though citizens only die or leave if you arrest them for murder or they are murdered
Gekyouryuu: I still need to read it once
goombalax: the moby dick bot moved to Bsky, i am pleased
thrythlind: if they get shot by cops they wake up eventually
offbeatwitch: all over, really
ContingentCat: lol I should read Moby Dick properly, I only skimmed it for class
Juliamon: We'll find out after the lawsuit
TehAmelie: i think it's hard to say who wrote what in that 20 year worldbuilding effort they've mentioned
thrythlind: I could not get past the whale chapter
WalrusOntheCourt: I met someone who feared/hated being forced to read Moby Dick. They were basically, ironically, Ahab.
SquareDotCube: self-destructive obession
ContingentCat: oh then I should read it now
thrythlind: I've tended to react poorly to Melville stories in general
Squalm: got to go see Sea Power live recently actually - was very cool! they saved all the disco elysium stuff to the second half of the set, which is fair
Squalm: I think there were several people in cosplay
HiimDant: Beautiful
ContingentCat: relatable
dumbo3k: Curse you Whayle!!!!
dimirious: @squalm Oh ok. I think I missed that. I guess the Telltale game about fairy tale characters and the werewolf detective also kind of puts you under time pressure and you might miss clues.
TehAmelie: we'll have to check the tapes to be sure
thrythlind: B5
DeM0nFiRe: We got a Simpsons reference in there, so all the bases are covered
Gekyouryuu: I was going to make a joke about a SciFi version of Moby Dick about whaling in space that comments on the unending nature of the cycle of violence, and call it Mobius Dick, but then I remembered Futurama did that
Squalm: @dimirious yeah, haven't played it but sounds sensible. didn't mean my message as a criticism, just made the connection in my head and interesting that you sort of did too
Sparklyopteryx: I went to Iceland to study whales last year and learned that sperm whales are currently believed to have language as complex as humans
KeytarCat: Moby Dick has the same vibe as Cthulhu
thrythlind: yup
Gekyouryuu: "swearing vengeance on something that has no context that you exist" sounds like a good number of sports rivalries, honestly
KeytarCat: Sudenly?
Luminaire_p: All too often
RuiFaleiro: Yeah, that's just Tuesday
TehAmelie: Moby Dick but it's about Stallone's "feud" with Schwarzenegger
Gekyouryuu: I was thinking more how I went to Penn State and they played up one school as our biggest football rival, and then people from there don't actually think of us at all
JAGxTERRA: dang thats so true
wildpeaks: never heard that one, more the french/english rivalry
SquareDotCube: french and english, one of the oldest rivalries
Luminaire_p: They're a shoe-in to win this year's World Hooligan Cup
HiimDant: why let that stop you?
ContingentCat: but you're on the internet
KeytarCat: Oh we had that rivalry between Alpha Flight and Night Watch this year!
Darleysam: England, sadly, pretty much sees whoever's in front of them as their biggest rival
wildpeaks: saying wrong things on the internet is the best way to create engagement
Gekyouryuu: "I should probably talk less about things I have no understanding of." just makes me think of you trying to roleplay Silas when he has to ramble about League of Legends
TehAmelie: Ted Lasso had maybe its most satirical take about hooligans. These three guys beating up one to "show him what football is really about"
KeytarCat: They're your most hated enemy *so far*
SquareDotCube: Silas has to do something with those nighttime hours
Invitare: yeah Orks is a good start
ContingentCat: oh yeah Black Books was a good show
Gekyouryuu: if you played/saw someone play Pokemon Sword and/or Shield, Team Yell is another good example
Squalm: did you ever play bloodbowl the physical?
Squalm: *physical game
Darleysam: probably Millwall, yeah
DarthRagnar815: That sounds reasonable to me.
ContingentCat: yeah basically
Juliamon: No worries!
virgil82: Its all good Cam :)
Juliamon: We got a couple hours of talking out of it
gsyhiap: These things happen
W_Livi: Motion sickness is unfortunate, but understandable. Definitely not worth forcing yourself to play something that makes you ill
thrythlind: there are so many ways to get clues too
JadedCynic: Hey, what's on i- OH! I LOVE THIS GAEM! (will be checking the vod) have fun everyone! <3
SquareDotCube: Yeah, I'm curious if it has anything to do with hertz rates of monitors
thrythlind: you can track their phone calls, go to the main call box and track incoming calls, get into the security office and watch cameras, go to their workplace, read their email, interview their neighbors
thrythlind: so many ways
thrythlind: I've seen people set persons of interest in one area, locations in another, clues in another
ZombieHendrix: break it out by crime scene then suspects is how I like it
thrythlind: put the victim in the center
TehAmelie: maybe when you make a red string board you have to be prepared to rearrange things a lot
ZombieHendrix: freeform means however you like
Squalm: doubtless there's an NP-hard problem in laying out these sensibly
Gekyouryuu: oh, jeez. I just re-saw a tweet that makes me feel called out: "You like dominant woman, not because you're submissive, but because you're autistic and they're direct with what they want."
Alex_Frostfire: I'm just picturing that one meme.
Alex_Frostfire: With like the conspiracy board.
Gekyouryuu: @Alex_Frostfire Pepe Silvia
SquareDotCube: If there's two things we can deduce from the evidence the murder wasn't from a robbery gone wrong, and Canden might have known the killer
Gekyouryuu: that makes me think of how Tarmogoyf's first printing was Future Sight, as a "reprint" from a future set, but then its first printing after that was a Modern Masters, which is only reprints.
KeytarCat: Indicates a future that didn't happen
LordZarano: It's interesting that it also apparently has licenced music too
Luminaire_p: Time to buy copies of Tarmogoyf to use as tokens
Squalm: (um actually that depends on how you think of time travel: if you decide that a new branch is created every time something travels back in time, it was created exactly once in infinite universes which is also equally interesting to me)
thrythlind: maybe the title track
TehAmelie: fits with the aforementioned tactile vibes
KeytarCat: "I wish it did this, but if it did I'd wish it didn't" is basically my experience with gender
TehAmelie: i just wish it had a cork board or something instead of this abstract space
Coloneljesus: whatever the bit requires
OminouslyOminous: oh man, that is a whole vibe
DylPage: That's a really good gender, honestly.
Juliamon: relatable
Sparklyopteryx: My gender is whatever is gayest at any given time
Utopos: That is actually a remarkably clear explanation
ArdCollider: Gender is a thing people do *to* me.
Gekyouryuu: one of my favorite takes is "what's your gender identity?" "noncommittal shrug."
ContingentCat: Gender is weird
Squalm: ^
ButterBall000: @ArdCollider God I felt that.
Squalm: I actually think this is a fun insight into the world: what has this dystopia figured out how to do really well? not mobile phones but yes scan fingerprints
thrythlind: it has nano-tech biomods
ButterBall000: I think I heard Adam say it in a Let's Nope
BusTed: "You're good"
ButterBall000: I think he was quoting tho
ContingentCat: don't worry about it *worries more*
Luminaire_p: God, that scene is still so good. Especially if it's just hand sanitizer
TehAmelie: speaking of pronnies, what would an enby Superman call themself?
xantos69: I kinda liked that scene. It implies that in the Glass Onion world there is a vast and powerful elite that has access to perfect healthcare. It is fun world building.
KeytarCat: Superfella
RealGamerCow: Superbeing
ContingentCat: Superone
gsyhiap: Super.
CataclysmicReverb: "What was that spray?" "Extremely carcinogenic but we won't know for another 30 years"
SnowBuddy18: Superb
thrythlind: one of the mods lets you change your height up or down by up to I think 25%?
Luminaire_p: He made a bunch of other shit up
Gekyouryuu: now I'm just remembering a post I saw once talking about how Spanish or Italian or some similar language now has both "non-binario and non-binaria" which feels like comically missing the point.
OminouslyOminous: I read it as a compromise between acknowledging covid and actually addressing covid in the writing
Fuzzra: Ugh. Peter Thiel.
Master_Gunner: right after they get home, everyone in Glass Onion tests positive for covid
Juliamon: Gekyouryuu Not necessarily, but still does need an actually-neutral
SnowBuddy18: @xantos69 that's what I got on the first watch, but later I saw how non-commital it is and got a "no, this may just be water vapour because the rich people don't want to wear masks but want to feel okay about it"
Luminaire_p: They're in their "bubble"
thrythlind: sort of like Silas's comment on vampires in that "they're immortal, but they're all so practically stupid and self-important"
SnowBuddy18: yeah...
xantos69: @SnowBuddy18 That is a fair read. But honestly either of those interpretations are both staggeringly funny for what they say about the characters involved.
Luminaire_p: Even more so than Knives Out was
thrythlind: I've heard it is a take-down of the great man theory in that, no... this person isn't blindingly intelligent, he's hugely stupid
Master_Gunner: every character's approach to masking is very tied to their character, and is a great detail even where attention isn't brought to it.
SquareDotCube: they really don't like the thought of mortality and death means losing everything
OminouslyOminous: the mesh mask is like the rich lady version of dude bros wearing the mask below the nose
ContingentCat: never forget the stupid part
mysticsailboat: i did a english essay on glass onion
KeytarCat: Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity
TehAmelie: my thought was it's some experimental cure that works as well as all of MIles' inventions so they probably all got covid AND cancer
Luminaire_p: What's the third factor that we'll get in the next movie unarmeHmm
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Utopos: What about malicious stupidity?
GapFiller: stupidty and malice are not mutually excl states its true
ContingentCat: as always, not a binary
Juliamon: Antimaskers are absolutely malicious stupidity
ButterBall000: There is always a more cursed third option
KeytarCat: There's a certain level of "stupidity" that surely must be intentional
thrythlind: intelligence, stupidity, and malice are none of them mutually exclusive
shurtal: It's a nice melange of "i understand, but still, why tho'
TehAmelie: intentional ignorance is very real
QuixoticZ: Oh, that was a good one! i very much enjoyed that read a few years back
OminouslyOminous: that sounds really neat
QuixoticZ: definitely one i recommend to a lot of people who enjoy thoughtful sci-fi
KeytarCat: Which book?
LordZarano: "misunderstandings and neglect occasion more mischief in the world than even malice and wickedness. At all events, the two latter are of less frequent occurrence." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1774
QuixoticZ: @KeytarCat Blindsight by Peter Watts
Gekyouryuu: Cam, off topic, may I share a link to a funny picture celebrating Edgar Alan Poe and Dolly Parton sharing a birthday by putting the plot of Telltale Heart to the tune of "Workin' 9 to 5"? because it's amazing.
QuixoticZ: I will have to check out that one, hadn't realized there was a sequel
Utopos: From some Seasonally Appropriate Dickens: "This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom"
QuixoticZ: The same author also wrote a very good short story that interprets "The Thing" from it's point of view
QuixoticZ: yes!
ButterBall000: I've heard of that version, didn't remember the author
TehAmelie: same kind of flex as the guy who recorded the Inside soundtrack with a mic inserted in a skull
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Gekyouryuu: "I wouldn't have guessed it, but I'm not TOO surprised by it."
ContingentCat: ooo
thrythlind: a modern day Grendel?
QuixoticZ: It's well worth the read.
GapFiller: tangentially to this topic Cam did you and Alex ever consider The Thing (or its sequels) for Corrector Commentaries back when those were a thing years ago?
TehAmelie: thanks for trying it out!
thrythlind: motion sickness happens
GapFiller: heh fair
Luminaire_p: I really enjoyed the chat around this stream and game
Fe1ix66: rifftrax
thrythlind: Rifftrax?
Luminaire_p: Cinematic Titanic?
KeytarCat: rftrx
GapFiller: just listening to two guys gushing has limited appeal from a strict criticism perspective eh
TehAmelie: see that's why you have subtitles
thrythlind: back in the 90s I used to go to Anime at the Alamo weekly and sometimes we had heckle nights
Gekyouryuu: have a good one, Cam
Xhirup: ty for the stream!
GapFiller: thanks for streaming Cam lrrCAMERON lrrALEX lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
thrythlind: laterz
Luminaire_p: Thanks for the stream :)
KeytarCat: We're already seeing you in the past!
Xhirup: how are you getting to the future that sounds cool?
Fuzzra: o/
GapFiller: 40K HYPE
shurtal: i had no idea a sequel was out HELL YEAH
goombalax: Woo Killteam
GapFiller: Morty
Gekyouryuu: gesundheit
shurtal: are the problems at least different than before?
GapFiller: moar cards
Diabore: fundations
shurtal: i mean hopefully, apparently there's a bunch of games that have been broken by the latest Windows 11 update
Luminaire_p: God, I had a weird thought while cooking yesterday: why didn't anyone ever invent a Star Wars in-universe sport?
shurtal: Outlaws being one of them
Invitare: oh no
shurtal: oh god, the great villain returns
Gekyouryuu: @Luminaire_p pod racing?
Invitare: Not a Drop to 3nk
Juliamon: Pod racing, fathier racing
PMAvers: Did somebody say HUTTBALL
Master_Gunner: Where Silas once again tries to be a Good Boy, I'm sure.
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits! Cam I just want to say your work on Not a Drop to Drink is inspired. Nice work.
shurtal: i'd say: P good
thrythlind: a friend of mine and I are inspired to play some VtM because of it
KeytarCat: Are you enjoying watching it?
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RealGamerCow: !next
QuixoticZ: It's been very fun. Absolutely makes me want to try VtM
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Amanda the Adventurer 2) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (1:04 from now).
thrythlind is gifting 8 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 256 in the channel!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to kaijuknight428!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to demondrinkingtea!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to KarenDoesThings!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to Myrr_NC99!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to CopperAstronaut!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to yomidian!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to catsplosions!
thrythlind gifted a Tier 1 sub to marrinerboyd!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, thrythlind! Welcome to Myrr_NC99, kaijuknight428, KarenDoesThings, demondrinkingtea, CopperAstronaut, yomidian, marrinerboyd, and catsplosions! (Today's storm count: 65)
GapFiller: Cheer100 BIT SNIPE!
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBits
xantos69: It is just meat squirting air.
Gekyouryuu: oh, Cam, a silly idea I had: vampire bard. vicious mockery = incense the unseen
PMAvers: Audio-only mode to turn it into a podcast?
Omthebox: It chose you
Invitare: I don't like seeing, OR hearing myself. Fortunately I don't need to do either
PhorrestGaze: it is podcast friendly
shurtal: some things just....happen
KeytarCat: Cam, I'm trans, I feel that in my soul
Luminaire_p: MOOD
PhorrestGaze: It's a good face
Omthebox: You're welcome
thrythlind: oddly, I've been catching some of your mannerisms work into my scripts
thrythlind: sooo
Nigouki: Dear Cam Brain, stop being mean to Cam
GapFiller: xantos69 its bad enough having to think abt being made of meat now we havta keep in mind communicating by squeezing air thru a hole too
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
Luminaire_p: Have a good day
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
empyreon: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LordZarano: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Amanda the Adventurer 2) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (1:02 from now).
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Gekyouryuu: can do
xantos69: @GapFiller "But what do you think is ON the radio? Meat Sounds"
thrythlind: laterz
GapFiller: OH offchance anyone HASNT seen the latest Crapshot yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1qK-wBUWBw
GapFiller: yr welcome
jessieimproved: that crapshot is blursed as bus
Juliamon: it did feel very bus-inspired