ContingentCat: !advice
LRRbot: Don't fall for the spider trap.
Earthenone: but the spider trap is so dreamy
LordZarano: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Wandering Monster!
ProcyonFlynn: !findquote monster
LRRbot: Quote #377: "I'm stupid and I deserve to be eaten by a smoke monster." —Alex [2015-06-26]
quasi79fu: do we get amanda tonight?
quasi79fu: hai chat?
TheWriterAleph: o hai
lochnessseammonster: HeyGuys
James_the_Dabbler: Yo
jessieimproved: I do believe we can join Amanda in her adventures tonight
quasi79fu: the last amanda game was amazing
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: highly experienced furniture yeeters
baltimore_667083: so that's where they live
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Trust James with your credit card.
quasi79fu: Woollly
Diabore: damn that is bad advice
jessieimproved: lrrSIG lrrSIG
KeytarCat: Pie Man!
LordZarano: !findquote adventure
LRRbot: Quote #1530: ""Did they died? Did they died?" "You didn't! You fell from the lrrEFF ing sky and landed on the..." "Wow, what a wacky adventure! We got hit by a lrrEFF ing cruise missile."" —Alex and Graham [2015-03-27]
TheWriterAleph: baaaa
quasi79fu: remember chat Hameln corp is your friend?
baltimore_667083: !quote cori
LRRbot: Quote #7209: "I WILL fight that bus!" —Cori [2020-09-19]
MaxTurkeyFlaps subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months, currently on a 55 month streak!
MaxTurkeyFlaps: My favorite American Thanksgiving food is stuffing.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaxTurkeyFlaps! (Today's storm count: 66)
Inquisitor_Xian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 113 months!
Inquisitor_Xian: Jump Scare!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Inquisitor_Xian! (Today's storm count: 67)
quasi79fu: amanda has never done anything wrong?
raulghoulia subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, raulghoulia! (Today's storm count: 68)
electra310: Yay, nopin' time!
itira: seabatDance
BrowneePointz: This new Ariana single is fire
lochnessseammonster: lrrSPOOPY
Boon_33: someone tell adam his phone is ringing in the streaming booth
quasi79fu: lol
hug_master: kinglo29Leon
Mathwyn: Let us nope
baltimore_667083: !advice
LRRbot: Try mining the fire away.
TheMerricat: wait.... there is a 2 to this series? HOW?!
quasi79fu: music gettin creepy
ButButTheJesus: hi folks, I missed last week, how'd it go
Seth_Erickson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Seth_Erickson: 70 months of the good let's nope boys
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Seth_Erickson! (Today's storm count: 69)
Darleysam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
Darleysam: Let's
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Darleysam! (Today's storm count: 70)
DideRobot: LRR: Ben & Adam return to the nightmare children tapes in the brand new Amanda the Adventurer 2! | Can you spell T-R-A-U-M-A-T-I-Z-E-D? | https://www.TWITCH.TV/LOADINGREADYRUN |
kimmiekoneko subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 27 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kimmiekoneko! (Today's storm count: 71)
couchboyj: DinoDance lrrSPOOPY DinoDance
ohjanji: rnjrSOUR
sneakiesttuna subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sneakiesttuna! (Today's storm count: 72)
ThorSokar: composA1 composA2 composA1 composA2
quasi79fu: isnt the spelling of traumatized just Amanda?
hug_master: dogSmile dogSmile
gawag_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gawag_! (Today's storm count: 73)
Earthenone: J U S T A M A N D A
ButButTheJesus: katesSmile katesSmile
RealGamerCow: was the first one of these the kids tv show with the sheep and the vhs tapes?
quasi79fu: ye
lamina5432: good sound track
couchboyj: DinoDance lrrSPOOPY DinoDance
quasi79fu: Woooly
TheMerricat: Yes
lamina5432 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lamina5432! (Today's storm count: 74)
quasi79fu: Woooly is our favorite
hug_master: 🔪
KeytarCat: "Mutton pie is my favorite!"
quasi79fu: woooly is also Mutton
Makrosian_Tay subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 49 month streak!
Makrosian_Tay: Cos the spoops start comin and they don't stop comin
wiganlass subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!
wiganlass: the one year of the spoopy bois!!! lrrSPOOP
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Makrosian_Tay! (Today's storm count: 75)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wiganlass! (Today's storm count: 76)
JoeLowe2: Spoops incoming
baltimore_667083: perfection
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
hug_master: kinglo29Leon kinglo29Leon
quasi79fu: the giggles
couchboyj: DinoDance DinoDance lrrSPOOPY DinoDance DinoDance
gamercat88: perfect
MilkInBags: omg hot mic
IanAllenBird: 👀
quasi79fu: hai
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
N30dude subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
N30dude: Spooky Bois!
baltimore_667083: hi adam! hi ben!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, N30dude! (Today's storm count: 77)
Heefnoff: Spoopifer my beloved
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSPOOPY
raulghoulia: Jordynne looks different this week
JoeLowe2: good evening boys
Lord_Hosk: THier heeeeere
lochnessseammonster: the spoopy boys are back!
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap
uncleardata subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
uncleardata: 3 years! Already? Wow I'm old
baltimore_667083: i thought we were the stinkies
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, uncleardata! (Today's storm count: 78)
hug_master: the bois are back in town
James_the_Dabbler: I missed it can you say it again
quasi79fu: time to find more vhs tapes and enjoy wooly
MilkInBags: doppeljordinne
lochnessseammonster: new bestie
DudelidouX: Was loud cause Cameron doesn't need to scream to be entertaining
Makrosian_Tay: Welcome back Ben! I hope you're feeling better!
dweebert91 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
frank_the_great: Hi Ben and Adam. Hope you're feeling healthy, Ben!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dweebert91! (Today's storm count: 79)
MilkInBags: she has very cursed knowledge
quasi79fu: uh oh mom and dad are fighting
Heefnoff: Say yesn't
spethycakes: Ah, the double-edged sword
kimmiekoneko: i learned so much about parts of the internet i never wanna go to from her
YeomanAres: She didn't name him sad
Isaac3567: She did give you a baby though
Cleekru subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months, currently on a 86 month streak!
Cleekru: 2am and i am watching Let's Nope instead of doing my homework i need to submit by 7am.... sweet
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cleekru! (Today's storm count: 80)
Darleysam: it was just... different
couchboyj: Not enough gambling in Spoopy games for Benjamin
SquareDotCube: replacement, Jordynne, not replacement Jordynne
NimrodXIV: Adam learned things
BrowneePointz: same fam
HadesLeprechaun: completely whelmed
empyreon: what makes a man turn neutral?
math_nerdette: You all make us happy
frank_the_great: What makes a man turn neutral?
WudenHed subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WudenHed! (Today's storm count: 81)
spethycakes: Jordynne did get a Patented Adam Scare in
Heefnoff: Don't fuck sick smh
quasi79fu: ben got the plague?
BusTed: aww
hug_master: they working at a starbux they should feel nothing
MilkInBags: oh it's that nicole!
MilkInBags: Hot Dog Nicole
TheMerricat: Alex was quite confused when he found the baby btw Adam.
Heefnoff: "That fuckin hit me" is a classic
BusTed: seabatHITBOX seabatHITBOX seabatHITBOX
emboar2235: arcane was fucking cinema
BusTed: charlie brown ass
quasi79fu: hahahahaa
Earthenone: the sad hulk walk
Blakemcm: loool
SnackPak_: daaang
ButButTheJesus: uwu its owovuh?
Tangsm: Like an adult penguin
RealGamerCow: toddled
Heefnoff: It's waddling adjacent
quasi79fu: we got a wadddler here
MWGNZ: uh oh waddlies
ohjanji: walk-lled
MilkInBags: it's waddler season at ben's
LowUpsideCJ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LowUpsideCJ: What's up one year nopelets
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LowUpsideCJ! (Today's storm count: 82)
saucemaster5000: I WALKED like a REAL duck!
Usoki7: Here we go a waffling. shouNODDERS
lochnessseammonster: any waddlers?
patrick_stonecrusher: Got any grapes?
ThorSokar: oh we definitely got a waddler
quasi79fu: get new arms lol
Mathwyn: Wozzling Matilda, Wozzling Matilda
thatguysteve2709: Yes
Makrosian_Tay: WaWa? KFP referenced??
letsbelgo: yes
LowUpsideCJ: hell yeah gobbler season at wawa
lamina5432: yes
gamercat88: yes get you some WaWa
Musicsquid: Gobbler Season mentioned? 👀
cyclopsboi: yeah
TherapyforNarwhals: Go to Benna's cafe!
letsbelgo: wawa vs Sheetz
electra310: Reading Terminal Market is amazing. Wawa is trash
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Just got done with the Oliver Memorium. Amazing.
tehfewl: WAWA is good
saucemaster5000: it has good sammiches!
Juliamon: It's like how Japanese 7-11 is goated
RealGamerCow: Reading Terminal is hands down the BEST convention food ever.
lamina5432: its very medium
gamercat88: it is good
Atlas_Lion88: WAWA is like Buck-ees
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
Gekyouryuu: not all WaWas are tied to gas stations. some of them are just bodegas
bethy_kins24: an upscale quick trip
electra310: Wawa is less trash than Sheetz, it is an okay gas station, but it is still a gas station
NoxStryx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
NoxStryx: Nice!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NoxStryx! (Today's storm count: 83)
lochnessseammonster: are they single?
tehfewl: @Atlas_Lion88 whoa whoa whoa
ThorSokar: sometimes there really isn't
quasi79fu: oh no
BusTed: hm
ohjanji: LUL
quasi79fu: derailed
MWGNZ: jamieOhjeez
frank_the_great: Go on
IanAllenBird: hm,
IronwoodWizard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IronwoodWizard! (Today's storm count: 84)
ButButTheJesus: I ARDLY KNO ER
SquareDotCube: are they baptized? in au jus?
RealGamerCow: Reading Terminal is the polar opposite of the food options at Pax East
Darleysam: breadable
BusTed: speak on that
Musicsquid: Swiping Right on the gobbler erryday
MilkInBags: provide cursed content 10 minutes in
ohjanji subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ohjanji! (Today's storm count: 85)
quasi79fu: what about Rye?
MilkInBags: adam
cyclopsboi: hulk hogan voice: listen here breadr
lochnessseammonster: grilled cheese
itira: *gasp*
Orxolon: heeelloooo good night everyone!
Atlas_Lion88: @tehfewl for explanation purposes only, buck-ees is way better
MilkInBags: that's so heterosexual LUL
Makrosian_Tay: Bacon?
better_seasons: sounds like a live bit, breader or not?
kimmiekoneko: i'd love to put my spread on some roast beef
couchboyj: Breadr is 100% canon in the Subwayverse
Gekyouryuu: I live in Northeastern PA. I have TWO WaWas in my immediate area, and neither are gas stations, they're just mini-marts
JoeLowe2: veal sandwiches mmmmm
electra310: I had an amazing hot turkey with brie and apple slices sandwich today
SquareDotCube: Monte Cristo? Croque Moniseur or Madame?
lochnessseammonster: cucumbers are great
SnackPak_: some banh mi
Earthenone: are they a Kappa?
Musicsquid: Bredr I hardly know h- *gunshot*
Kramburger: Adam is ride or die
MilkInBags: that was a loud OOK
itira: cucumbers are the best vegetable aside from celery seabatDance
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
30teracyte: cubano <3
bethy_kins24: noo
Kramburger: Picks and Banh Mis, is that anything?
BrowneePointz: yea Wawas are convenience stores, not Gas Stations. Like Casey's
saucemaster5000: do you get jalapenos on the banh mih?
ToddOnATangent: Only in Pennsylvania is the answer to “what’s your favorite restaurant?” a gas station.
MilkInBags: @itira incredibly loud incorrect buzzer
SquareDotCube: Cordon Bleu (as a sandwich)
NoxStryx: Torta?
bethy_kins24: no Jalapenos on mine
itira: @MilkInBags seabatUseless
kimmiekoneko: ben bans ban me cuces
Bobtheninjagoldfish: As someone who has attened so many events at Philly convention center, While Reading Terminal is the goat.. it can be spendy. I have had to opt for a sandwich from the wawa cause they are cheaper.
cyclopsboi: italian chief or a philly for me
SquareDotCube: Calzones, however...
TheWriterAleph: !findquote panini
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
DaxStrife: Uhoh, thrifties?
Mr_Horrible: "The sandwich that I really come-" HUH
Gekyouryuu: @ToddOnATangent being fair, WaWas all along the east coast
saucemaster5000: fuck ham and cheese
Musicsquid: You could do the gobbler as a panini
Mr_Horrible: turkey swiss, the ol' reliable
gibbousm: true or false: all sandwiches are better served pressed
ContingentCat: it's just a lot yeah
hiFunko: Surprisingly lacking wood
NovahTalAura: Are all pannines sandwiches?
lochnessseammonster: boo tomatoes
BrowneePointz: GET that tomato OFF my sandwich
JoeLowe2: veal sandwich
NoxStryx: Every time i hear panini i hear it in Bens voice because of "I'm Gonna Get A PAniiiinnnniiii!"
quasi79fu: grillled cheeese
cyclopsboi: if a sandwich isnt hot its a pass for me
BrowneePointz: I'm a Havarti man
SquareDotCube: swiss or provolone
Lobo_Apache: Always the cold cuts, never the hot cuts
Seth_Erickson: @gibbousm you looking to eat a pressed peanut butter and jelly sandwich
MilkInBags: blue cheese is F tier
EvilBadman: All sandwiches are better pressed. - Brian David Gilbert
Darleysam: All Cheese Are Best
BusTed: that's most lactose intolerant people
HadesLeprechaun: I could never give it up
Musicsquid: getting fancy Italian sandwiches for lunch tomorrow with the gf and I’m hype af
hiFunko: Lactose defiant
bethy_kins24: yes
NoxStryx: @cyclopsboi do you also want them to go?
Seth_Erickson: I've never once heard of a lactose intolerant person who avoids cheese
saucemaster5000: ben is so intolerant they don't let him visit the cheese states
Mr_Horrible: if I've got red meat on there I usually want something richer, so like a jack or provolone
NovahTalAura: Cheese is worth the pain
phoenixletmeuseadashd: lactase is a mircacle
Gekyouryuu: Ben eats cheese because he's a progressive. he won't STAND for intolerance
lochnessseammonster: like every other lactose intolerant person i've ever known PrideLaugh
MilkInBags: lactose intolerance can be fixed by a constant diet of milk for 3 weeks
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 it's shoot on sight in WI
MilkInBags: or not
DudelidouX: most hard cheese don't have lactose
The_Color_Twelve: If you acknowledge the lactose it wins
Blakemcm: i read a news story of a woman that cured her lactose intolerance by just over ingesting it and her gut biome changed! dont give up BEN!!!!
Cleekru: lactose no but blue cheese could actually kill me if i am not carefulll which i haven't always been...
itira: I love the safeway deli subs. all the veggies load it up, and maybe turkey
lochnessseammonster: grilled cheese is the goat
ContingentCat: lrrWOW
lochnessseammonster: period
lochnessseammonster: always
EvilBadman: That's a fucking melt ben
quasi79fu: grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich?
MilkInBags: you pour the tomato soup in the pan?
Earthenone: grilled cheese and tomato, thats just a pizza
Seth_Erickson: tomato soup also good
BrowneePointz: I did until i grew up and graduated to tomato soup
itira: wow get blasted
BusTed: gottemmm
lamina5432: add some lunch meat to the grilled cheese
frank_the_great: You ever see that grilled cheese reddit post getting mad about melts?
ohjanji: LMAO
MilkInBags: shoot that evil bad man
Gekyouryuu: have you ever had a grilled cheese with ketchup IN the sandwich?
empyreon: get DUNKED on
gamercat88: blasted
MWGNZ: PowerUpL hifunkSickest PowerUpR
Kramburger: Tomato sauce is slightly different from ketchup, it's less sweet
gibbousm: grilled cheese, fries and ketchup to dip both in
JusticeJuice: Ketchup in the grilled cheese.
Makrosian_Tay: Gone. Erased from existence
ohjanji: didn't miss a beat
SquareDotCube: replace tomato soup with tomato bisque, you're already having dairy
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Actual Grilled cheese.. Goated. What people call a grilled cheese (that is a melted chese that is slightly fried).. Mid.
patrick_stonecrusher: Pasta sauce for me
raulghoulia: dillweeds has been replaced by melts
saucemaster5000: an absolute cantaloupe
ButButTheJesus: so he's delicious and goated?
ContingentCat: Lol there's worse things to be melts are pretty good
Mr_Horrible: Melt can't be an insult tho, everyone loves them
EvilBadman: Lol
Darleysam: Ben momentarily becoming a Brit SeemsGood
MilkInBags: this is not a show, it's a fun time with a friend and no one else
NoxStryx: Place near me makes a "Cheesy Caprese" grilled motzarella, tomato and basil
lochnessseammonster: this is exactly how you do this show
Mathwyn: In Australia its 38°C so yes, I am melting here
itira: best show on the internet
EvilBadman: I'm just memeing
MilkInBags: also adam is here
saucemaster5000: jordynne's game got adam's ass
Dread_Pirate_Westley: This is how you do this show.
MilkInBags: watch terrifier 3
ThorSokar: start with a 30min podcast
James_the_Dabbler: Best grilled cheese has apricot jam and chicken, imo
lochnessseammonster: i don't even like horror games PrideLaugh
PhlibbertyGib: It's too soon into the stream to get started
MilkInBags: I think about Alien and get scared in bed
EvilBadman: @milkinbags Yeah let's watch kids get blown up at a mall Santa wait fuck let's not
Tripleyew: ‘evening, Ben and Adam, and howdy all
quasi79fu: wish i could say that but original poltergeist movie still traumatizes me
MilkInBags: pog
Dog_of_Myth: Oh nooo
cyclopsboi: is that the remake?
Mr_Horrible: "The 2nd Evil Dead" is not "Evil Dead Rise", Benjamin
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
MilkInBags: i mean, that kid should just close their eyes :)
ContingentCat: Lol they gotta get traumatized eventually might as well
Mr_Horrible: Oh yeah I accidentally showed a 10-year-old kid Ready Or Not on a plane once
quasi79fu: the cheeese grater?
MilkInBags: is it the tree assault
saucemaster5000: they had to get away from the nasty man asap
ohjanji: that kid's probably seen that exact movie LUL
Lord_Hosk: Adam, did you get your super special all American gift that I had to fight 6 boarder guards to get into the country for you?
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags wrong movie
MitchTheQuaker: its not the kids fault at all
MilkInBags: I'd be a 7 years old dropout
saucemaster5000: it's called runescape ben
boredman42 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 45 in the channel!
lochnessseammonster: 100%
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to IncandescentObliv!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BigTheDave!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cloneguin0!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_letter_jay!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to verdantash!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, boredman42! Welcome to IncandescentObliv, BigTheDave, The_letter_jay, verdantash, and Cloneguin0! (Today's storm count: 90)
quasi79fu: fortnite
Diabore: runescape baybee
CastleOtranto: Oh no, I'm late! For the pre-show banter anyway.
JinaMahavira: @Diabore seabatDance
LostThePirate: My kid is literally sitting next to me playing Sonic on his iPad lol
Mr_Horrible: oh yeah, it's specifically designed to be Kid-Nip
couchboyj: Gravity squeeze!
Mr_Horrible: like that's the whole idea
MilkInBags: I'd request to work at the mines to afford my fortnite skins
NoxStryx: Runescape but with properties
hiFunko: I think it's a good thing that kids learn the value of things in Robux before actual dollars
itira: LUL
Juliamon: Weebs back in the day had to import Dragonball GT Final Bout to play a game with Goku
MilkInBags: 'fun' fact, gen alpha is powerless with a keyboard
NoxStryx: Imagine if the put the x-men in Runescape
letsbelgo: touch controls are super natural to do
hug_master: m64HACKED
Mr_Horrible: @hiFunko well, maybe a currency other than robux...
Tangsm: I'd trip over my feet every day if I was growing at that rate, too.
kolintoney subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kolintoney! (Today's storm count: 91)
lochnessseammonster: my friend's kid is 8 and this year was the first time he requested a store bought halloween costume so he could be something from fortnite
itira: >.> <.< >.> wdym
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon oh god that brings back memories
tajessa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tajessa! (Today's storm count: 92)
BrowneePointz: unfortunately that has also led to way more bullying
hiFunko: Strangers in chat rooms are a lot less scary when you can 360 noscope them
Mathwyn: @mr_horrible welcome to the grand tour
violetblight: im not quite ipad kid age, but yeah being able to connect with ppl online saved my life
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Diabore: of course i have a mic, i just dont want to talk to you
saucemaster5000: I don't have a mic
DaxStrife: Sure, I got a mic. I ain't using it or listening to others with mics.
NightValien28: everyone had a ventrillo back then, it ain't different now
EvilBadman: I ain't got a mic to talk to pubs
quasi79fu: i play games with out a mic
violetblight: bc living in the suburbs its impossible to just go places
Seth_Erickson: it's just another way to ask are they using the mic
ghyllnox: Yes, the mic on the webcam I definitely have
NovahTalAura: Your phone has a built in mic
Mr_Horrible: get the crunchiest mic audio possible
DudelidouX: Yea but no one wants to use them to listen to people yelling the N word
Pteraspidomorphi: No webcam here either
itira: please for the love of god adam NUUUU not the webcam!
PMAvers: Man, I can't think of the last time I've actually had voice chat turned on for a game.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: did you hear the story that Pirate software told about showing their game at a show and they realised that most kinds under 14 just tried touching the screen.. they didn't know what controllers were.
CastleOtranto: There's a mic in the PS5 controller? Whoa
kolintoney: My mic has a mic
letsbelgo: My friend Mike has a mic
Mr_Horrible: Still remember me and my TF2 friends just having conversations in team voice in on pug servers
cyclopsboi: my work laptop has a webcam i dont have one for my fun computer
TherapyforNarwhals: I'm Mike!
ghyllnox: I don't have a mic. I can do Discord on my phone
electra310: I have like three microphones but I can't use them most of the time because my family wanders through in the background
HadesLeprechaun: MP games with strangers? First thing I turn off in any game. Haven't talked to a stranger online since like Halo 2
violetblight: oh damn
Mr_Horrible: NGL that sounds more anecdotal than anything
lochnessseammonster: you have to use your hands? must be a game for babies...
Darleysam: you have to play with your hands? like a baby's toy?!
Mr_Horrible: I'd need actual survey data
Gaelan_Maestro: my nephew is three and knows how to use a xbox better than his mom
electra310: Back in 2012, I took the iPad away from my kiddo for awhile when he tried to pinch-zoom on a Highlights magazine in a waiting room. :D
BrowneePointz: dear lord save the kids. make them do more analog things
violetblight: i dont have speedy touch controls tho i can thumb text fast
DMGlol: yea I can't deal with on screen controllers\
hug_master: crankin 90s
Mathwyn: Also my hands are huge and phones are small and thin
LostThePirate: Swabbie likes his tablet better than a genesis controller, but kid can still play Sonic better than me, lol
violetblight: but like i am a controller kid
tehfewl: just dont
Mr_Horrible: Ben if you admit that live on air we *have* to call someone
Darleysam: Deadlock's been fulfilling my Dota itch
BrowneePointz: They're adding Mel next year. And ruining VIktor like today
ContingentCat: just say no Ben
Mr_Horrible: it's legally required
violetblight: 2xko needs another alpha people are getting desperate
PMAvers: Man, next season sounds great. Especially with Nexus Turrets respawning and the new elite boss.
ThorSokar: No, don't go in there, don't let them trick you
DudelidouX: So feeling the urge to go back to the most toxic game not surprised
lochnessseammonster: ben did you tell adam about your desert bus rooftop experience?
squ3e: Dude same arcane was so good and it made me want to play league tooo
The_Color_Twelve: It's fun
BrowneePointz: typical Dota 2 experience
cyclopsboi: just play the pokemon one
letsbelgo: deadlock is super dense
catcard: @LostThePirate oh my god. you, pirate, call your kid swabbie. that's amazing. please never stop doing that. (genuine)
tehfewl: ive been clean from league for like 7 years now
NoxStryx: Would love to see a team tournament of touchscreen vs. controller vs. keyboard and mouse
Amentur: There are other games in that universe, that are not LoL
Cleekru: deadlock is my first MOBA i have played more then like twice... i still don't know if i like the genre
BrowneePointz: Blade of the Ruined Kign first
BusTed: That's where I'm at too. I would never have been able to get into a moba these days
Earthenone: the card game is coming next month to is this your card
Makhiel: TFT has basically an Arcane set right now
Ristow: TFT has actual Arcane characters this set
saucemaster5000: pour one out for runeterra
BrowneePointz: or the Nunu adventure platformer
Mr_Horrible: Play Legends of Runeterra to run up Riot's server costs
BrowneePointz: Song of the Freljord?
HadesLeprechaun: Mechs vs Minions on AFK when?
HadesLeprechaun: incredible LoL board game
quasi79fu: lol play concord..wait you cant its gone lol
BrowneePointz: Hit Tryndamere in the shins for sending the MMO back to the drawing board
Inquisitor_Xian: runeterras PvE mode is BANGIN
Mr_Horrible: they have one intern with one of those handcrank generators
Juliamon: HadesLeprechaun Several years ago
saucemaster5000: poor gerald the riot hamster had TWO MONTHS before retirement
saucemaster5000: you monsters
BrowneePointz: "people don't just want what's already on the market but in Runeterra' YES TRYNDAMERE. WE DO
BrowneePointz: theya re
couchboyj: They put a second hamster on the wheel
BrowneePointz: it just got put back in the drawing board
DMGlol: "in development"
EvilBadman: @hadesleprechaun 2016 yeah
Cleekru: on the topic of autobattelers: The Bazaar is SOOOOOOO good
gibbousm: is Adam excited for 2KXO?
LostThePirate: What does TFT actually stand for, because my brain autocompletes to Team Fortress 2 and I'm pretty sure that's not right :P
saucemaster5000: 2XKWoah
letsbelgo: @LostThePirate team fight tactics
Ristow: I just want a full release of the vampire survivors mode they did earlier this year
Mr_Horrible: "I gotta get while the getting's good"
BrowneePointz: Tryndamere said it got put back in early dev cuz it "was too similar too what was on the market and people don't want an MMO like the ones out there in Runeterra" @LoadingReadyRun which is the DUMBEST statement i've ever heard
Mathwyn: @lostthepirate The Frozen Throne Kappa
MilkInBags: 2XKO will release on the day of Elon musk’s coronation day
BrowneePointz: cuz that's what literally EVERYONE who wnats a League mmo wants
patrick_stonecrusher: Triple Fuggin Tcheeseburger
letsbelgo: 2 xko is not really built for new players. Its pretty dense inn all the options
letsbelgo: esp the defensive optionns
RurouniGeo: Fighting Games rule
letsbelgo: But its free
Earthenone: i just play spectacle fighters. im a casual
MoxCubitZirconium: I'd rather counter a punch than throw one... that's why I play DOA
PinkFlashu: XD
itira: LUL
quasi79fu: to infinity and beyonnnd
violetblight: nah buzz is aight
saucemaster5000: of course ben prefers the cop over the spaceman
MilkInBags: seabatYIKES
BrowneePointz: so's Garen
violetblight: ben’s whiffing with this one
PMAvers: Jayce's fine, some people are just salty from getting one-shot from that missile blast from across the lane.
lochnessseammonster: buzz is a doofus
NoxStryx: The main reason i like fighting games is for character designs: see guilty gear
Makrosian_Tay: LUL
PinkFlashu: LUL
quasi79fu: theres a snake in my booot
Makrosian_Tay: Dig up, Ben
ThorSokar: Buzz Lightyear was always lame
itira: i mean, coming from Rex, i can see why youd like Buzz Lightyear.
lochnessseammonster: woody is sassy
Mr_Horrible: Buzz is fine, just divorce him from his voice Kappa
LostThePirate: Since the Buzz Lightyear movie tanked at the box office, lol
Mr_Horrible: No they did not
lochnessseammonster: no it's bad
DMGlol: I don't love it
varmintx0: It's easy to get mad at Tim Allen.
Mr_Horrible: they absolutely did not, Ben
swaggytaco: hot hot hot hot chocolate
saucemaster5000: tom hanks shoulda died in that volcano
JoeLowe2: It's creepy
quasi79fu: polar express was creeepy
Juliamon: Polar Express was extremely divisive
RonaldMcDownload: Polar Express was low-key creepy
violetblight: nah fuck polar express
DMGlol: I hate that its become a holiday movie LUL
mama_turtle13: 5 YEARS lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
BrowneePointz: If I could put Kai'sa, Cait Ahri and Lux in a blender I would.
loufghyslaufey: It's probably just Ben's mood about Pixar's Lightyear
Mr_Horrible: the movie was creepy uncanny valley supreme
Orestes290: Uncanny Vslley
MoxCubitZirconium: Bachelor Party?
BusTed: @saucemaster5000 damn
SquareDotCube: Polar Express has some serious uncanny valley
Earthenone: i did a stageplay of polar express
ButButTheJesus: it didn't make sense
MechaKuuga: Buzz is okay, but he had no rizz until Toy Story 3
Amentur: No, Polar Express is some hard uncanny valley stuff
frank_the_great: I think the only bad thing Tom Hanks has done was spoil his kids
BrowneePointz: that was ALSO Zemeckis
Earthenone: beowulf had the sexy person in it
NovahTalAura: Buzz Lightyear movie is good, the toy is okay
ContingentCat: beowulf was really creepy yeah
Darleysam: the Austin Powers scene
quasi79fu: beowullf slapped
patrick_stonecrusher: Lock Adam in a room and make him watch Polar Express
mama_turtle13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
mama_turtle13: 5 YEARS lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mama_turtle13! (Today's storm count: 93)
Diabore: "you killed the monster right?"
KWardJenx: Ripper, crusher, tearer!
JohnLockeCole: wait hang on, I thought I recognised the title -- is this the game with the videotapes?
DaxStrife: The Grendel. The taint. The fleshy fun-bridge.
Mr_Horrible: I should re-read Grendel, it's been so long
HadesLeprechaun: Tintin is like, not quite realistic, skews more exaggerated, but still very impressive realistic animation
saucemaster5000: maybe grendel shouldn't have gotten mixed
Earthenone: yes it is jlc
catcard: @JohnLockeCole yes
BrowneePointz: TinTin slaps
spethycakes: Grendel Daddy?
JohnLockeCole: sweet
quasi79fu: yay
MAPBoardgames: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 26:40.
kolintoney: Yay for Amamda
Earthenone: do you think wooly made it to amanda the adventurur 2?
quasi79fu: woooly time
lochnessseammonster: sweet
NovahTalAura: Yay for DredEx!
DMGlol: Can you explain what happened in the first one
frank_the_great: Overwhelmingly positive you say?
Tangsm: It's pretty good
loufghyslaufey: ScaredyCat ScaredyCat
CastleOtranto: Amanda 2: Judgement Day
loufghyslaufey: Meh. Better not to know
Mr_Horrible: "This time it's personal'
Mathwyn: Electric boogaloo
quasi79fu: you went to a attic watched vhs tapes and got attacked by demon thing?
loufghyslaufey: Or nose-in
EvilBadman: "Oi, free advertising"
ContingentCat: lrrWOW
Earthenone: there were a few endings i think? always wonder how sequels handle that thing
varmintx0: "vhs reader"
kolintoney: VCR?
quasi79fu: solve puzzles
Mr_Horrible: oh *WOW*
Mr_Horrible: you almost tripped HARD, dude
BusTed: 😬
itira: looool
frank_the_great: Pop quiz: What's the dad's name? (I also don't remember it)
NimrodXIV: VHS reader. dude.
PhuzNutz: Oh shiiiizzzzzz. This game is awesome! Stoked!
kolintoney: Ben are you becoming a gen Z?
ohjanji: pre-DVD player
Gekyouryuu: the "true" ending of the first game had a mysterious person show up, so they're probably why this game happens?
saucemaster5000: first steam review I see -- "I HATE THIS GAME"
JohnLockeCole: It does literally mean "Video Cassette Reader"
The_Real_Chicky subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, The_Real_Chicky! (Today's storm count: 94)
MAPBoardgames: Starting the game already? Talking Sim beat you by like 20min of talking before game time.
Juliamon: I miss my TV that had a VCR built-in.
Mr_Horrible: caught in 4K and everything eros4k
quasi79fu: wasnt the dad Stephen?
loufghyslaufey: Literal soulsborne stage 2 hath awakened
Strebenherz: That's chief dillholes to you
itira: LUL
TherapyforNarwhals: We haven't been called Monkeys in a while I miss it
frank_the_great: Adam, can you please make fun of Ben for VHS reader?
BrowneePointz: Excuse me, I prefer the term "Waste of Space"
Gekyouryuu: @Juliamon I miss my tv that had that AND a DVD player built in
DudelidouX: Soon they'll naturally degrade that none will be readable. The natural magnetic field of our planet will that care of them tapes
letsbelgo: captain dillhole to you
quasi79fu: belial
loufghyslaufey: Cassette Tapes?
loufghyslaufey: Vinyls?
patrick_stonecrusher: I once called an oven an "anti-fridge"
quasi79fu: Hameln
Mr_Horrible: statistically yes
Tripleyew: Dora the Eldritch Hora?
saucemaster5000: rubucha
Earthenone: Rebby for short?
Mathwyn: Rebbeca
cyclopsboi: like the coffee?
thegitrogsquirrel: not me
RonaldMcDownload: RE:becca
ContingentCat: Re:becca
RealGamerCow: There'
ThorSokar: just by the numbers probably?
CastleOtranto: Adam demands Rebeccas doxx themselves
Mr_Horrible: IDK how you feel about being called Adum? OpieOP
HadesLeprechaun: R3:Becca
Gekyouryuu: Resident Evil: Becca
dumbo3k: Resident Evil: Becca
saucemaster5000: kingdom farts
RealGamerCow: There HAS to be a Re: Becca movie
I_Am_Clockwork: chew-Becca
TheBob58: 358/2
violetblight: 358/2 days
dumbo3k: @Gekyouryuu same braincell!
Mathwyn: Chewbbeca?
BusTed: 358
frozenphoenix7: 358/2 Days
BrowneePointz: 358 days over 2
Mr_Horrible: Clayfighter 358/2 Days
LostThePirate: 358/2
loufghyslaufey: Jukeboxes & Hole-Punch Music Boxes?
BusTed: rayfkKing
TheWriterAleph: someone call jordan
Gekyouryuu: @dumbo3k *spider-man pointing meme*
frozenphoenix7: (Pronounced 358 Days Over 2)
Juliamon: all the KH nerds jump to correct him
saucemaster5000: fuck how did he know my voice?
Gekyouryuu: 420/69 days
fuzzy_died: Desertbus taugh us
MilkInBags: Adam stop stealing my voice
Mr_Horrible: well you won't replay 358/2, ironically
quasi79fu: Hameln
quasi79fu: Belial
BrowneePointz: It's okay, no one remembers 358/2 or one of the characters
Mr_Horrible: unless you have a physical copy and DS
frozenphoenix7: To be fair Ben, you might wanna start that replay now with all you've got to get through
ThorSokar: aren't there like 30 Kingdom Hears games?
loufghyslaufey: @busted Kingdom Hearts is just "Deadpool & Wolverine" for kids StinkyCheese LUL TPFufun MindManners StinkyCheese
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: good tuesday to all and to all a good tuesday
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa! (Today's storm count: 95)
Gekyouryuu: Bael, Paiman and Balam
Mr_Horrible: it was a Diablo IV tie-in Kappa
quasi79fu: company was Hameln
quasi79fu: Pie Man
loufghyslaufey: Or, moreso... The other way around
quasi79fu: Belial
EvilBadman: Gilligan Kappa
Getter404: You know, Paimon. From the gacha game
Mathwyn: Paimon? HungryPaimon
Gekyouryuu: @quasi79fu not belial. it was bye yell, pie man, and baa lamb, so Bael, Paiman, and Balam
Kaus_Jason: Bunch of Goetic demons yeah
saucemaster5000: amanda hugnkiss!
Mr_Horrible: I mean, aren't we all?
frozenphoenix7: @ThorSokar Closer to 14 or 15 I think
Earthenone: i always think of "Amanda please"
ohjanji: listen here you little punk
quasi79fu: oh right
Kramburger: Maybe your standards are too high
ContingentCat: @Earthenone same
BusTed: Won't someone please get me Amanda Hugginkiss?
RealGamerCow: I think tthat Simpsons episode was 30 years ago
lochnessseammonster: lrrWOW
Mr_Horrible: mr letourneau (IDK how to actually spell his last name)
quasi79fu: time for Wooly
quasi79fu: and i suppose Amanda
lochnessseammonster: well now that i'm gay i actually got a SO PrideLaugh
spethycakes: WhoTube?
loufghyslaufey: Nigh based, somewhat...
Lumb3rj4ck subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lumb3rj4ck! (Today's storm count: 96)
BrowneePointz: torturing a kind sheep
MAPBoardgames: A bit of sheep violence
Asolya: More like a sheep might die this time
NoxStryx: Will their be any blankets?
LostThePirate: Some more sheep abuse?
IanAllenBird: Or a sheep might die
Astramentha: Wooly might die
YeomanAres: Messed up stuff will happen to a lamb
quasi79fu: time for Mutton
Chipton subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chipton! (Today's storm count: 97)
Mathwyn: Turbing imagery
Gekyouryuu: here's that Northern lion breakdown:
Pteraspidomorphi: Yup
hug_master: 🔪
Lobo_Apache: Is that a promise adam?
NoxStryx: A sheep will 100% be abused
BusTed: like a baby snake
Kramburger: And not in the comments, Adam will come to your house and roll you
BrowneePointz: You've never been in a fight and I'd still put my bet on you
BusTed: doesn't know how much venom to inject
quasi79fu: worm
Mr_Horrible: he doesn't know his own limitations, he's unpredictable
RurouniGeo: Adam has a Dhalsim dog inside him
ThorSokar: There are no rules, because no one ever told Adam any!
quasi79fu: let me out?
Kaus_Jason: Got my copy of Ars Goetia on hand just in case
Juliamon: disturbing imagery, physical & psychological abuse, dehumanization, loud noises
quasi79fu: did you see that?
Juliamon: possibly dolls
shurtal: adam will show up to your house, challenge you to best of 10 in SF6, but hand you a controller with only 2 working buttons
LordZarano: Content warnings for Amanda the Adventurer 2:
cyclopsboi: i thought adam played hockey
cyclopsboi: no fights?
quasi79fu: i think tv is haunted
saucemaster5000: there is nothing decent in jake paul
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon I was fine until dolls
quasi79fu: hello?
kolintoney: That's a normal person
jessieimproved: I mean he actually boxes so he's better than me at least
Makrosian_Tay: Uhh
Tangsm: It's Carmen Sandiego
shurtal: Just, right into it
korvys: It's wild that one of the Paul brothers got into fake fighting, and the other went to WWE lrrBEEJ
Diabore: hes a better boxer than the average person, but pro boxers are way better at boxing than the average person, also he picks on people like 2 weight classes below him
Mr_Horrible: this I assume is right after the end of the 1st game
quasi79fu: we found carmen san diego
shurtal: Rolling start
shurtal: I meant First to 10
MAPBoardgames: Stay awhile, and listen!
TheMerricat: This is the literal end of the first game
quasi79fu: omg it is carmen san diego
Pteraspidomorphi: For a moment I thought they were going to reuse the attic
cyclopsboi: @korvys bravo
Gekyouryuu: the Question?
frank_the_great: Hear me out
quasi79fu: oooh library?
DMGlol: just make balatro
shamblingkrenshar: I hope the game ends with them taking off that mask and revealing they were Wooly the entire time.
shurtal: I mean, the RGG team has it solved.
BrowneePointz: eww gross
loufghyslaufey: Some kind of... "Mister Question"...
MWGNZ: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
drcthulu: Adam has a thing for bad girls
BrowneePointz: *shoves minthara in a blender*
hug_master: frankh1Walmart
Gekyouryuu: @shamblingkrenshar but not Wooly the sheep, it's Woolie from Woolie VS, and it's never explained
xVoxtric: Minthara bangs YOU not the other way around, she owns your ass
BloodnBullets: they've already made the balders gate, most of the work is done right Kappa
lochnessseammonster: HahaSweat
shamblingkrenshar: @Gekyouryuu Game of the Year if they do that
Strebenherz: @xVoxtric Sounds like Lae'zel
shurtal: @Gekyouryuu he's got the "When's Mahvel" sign and everything
quasi79fu: bye carmen
itira: oh dear
saucemaster5000: that's 3 minutes too short
quasi79fu: so we in library?
lochnessseammonster: nice
ghyllnox: How long could sex possibly take???
kolintoney: That's an actual printer
Kramburger: I go all the time, support local libaries
A_Dub888: So if the masked lady wants us to trust each other, could she at least take her mask off?
Mai_Andra: books that were held for you
shurtal: you can put books on hold, so when they're checked back in you get priority
Nigouki: a whole ass library? who would you put on the featured shelf of the ass library?
IanAllenBird: hm
quasi79fu: the thirsty trials lol
drcthulu: LuL
LostThePirate: I have to go to the library tomorrow, since I don't have a working printer and I need to print some stuff :P
loufghyslaufey: Huh. All this chat over 2 or 10 minutes of Baldur's Gate, I hear?
ohjanji: LP copier
Mr_Horrible: Rainier Wolfcastle voice "That's tha joooke"
A_Dub888: @Nigouki chat?
drcthulu: fresh toner
TK_Squared is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 4 in the channel!
TK_Squared gifted a Tier 1 sub to loufghyslaufey!
TK_Squared gifted a Tier 1 sub to shaeishaedo!
TK_Squared gifted a Tier 1 sub to Xhinope!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, TK_Squared! Welcome to loufghyslaufey, shaeishaedo, and Xhinope! (Today's storm count: 100)
Tangsm: Nice warm sheet of paper
quasi79fu: dwagon
ButButTheJesus: mmm paper
shurtal: i love the smell of carcinogens in the evening
ThorSokar: that good burned in smell from a laser printer!
Kaus_Jason: Omg I love them
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I love Wendy Wyrm already
SquareDotCube: it is comic sans
flatluigi: hey all, how far into the game are we
Mr_Horrible: I love how Ben asked that in a conspiratorial tone
JohnLockeCole: yeah that's definitely a font
Mathwyn: Comic sans handwriting is a serious condition ben
ohjanji: this tracks for a librarian
Tangsm: They printed it with the lines
loufghyslaufey: 1UP @TK_Squared
Jennie_Fuchsia: Ben you can’t just say “Millie’s Math House” I just time traveled wth
quasi79fu: ma
ohjanji: MA
wiganlass: I miss working in a library zeroleSadpls
SquareDotCube: If they needed generic print handwriting Andy's a choice
Mr_Horrible: Ma PizzaTime
Jennie_Fuchsia: I’m 2 years old again
Makrosian_Tay: Ma
shurtal: uh oh, pineapple
ohjanji: @wiganlass me too lol
A_Dub888: "MA" Masquerain?
Makrosian_Tay: Steaks?
Gekyouryuu: Ben, if you need to look up any books on ducks, they use the Huey, Dewey, and Louis Decimal System
quasi79fu: woooly
Mr_Horrible: yeah because the stakes in Greg The Grape were otherwise sky high
spethycakes: aww poor Wooly
Mr_Horrible: Adam he's not real
KeytarCat: return to light
shendaras: for real for real
kolintoney: Justice for Wooly!
drcthulu: bold of you to assume he has a soul
lochnessseammonster: lrrWOW
quasi79fu: mm ddd
Mr_Horrible: Adam gonna pull a Sirus on that sheep
dumbo3k: Hahahahaha the Capitalist Tree xD
spethycakes: ah, purgatory
Boon_33: adam doesn't need to know the dewey decimal system. he can just ask a librarian for help.
LostThePirate: XD
A_Dub888: Woolietory
Makrosian_Tay: Ah, Lost season 5
BloodnBullets: he shall evade the final death as long as you remember him
loufghyslaufey: @mr_horrible But her can still hurt u GlitchNRG NotLikeThis TableHere FlipThis FBtouchdown
ButButTheJesus: "Longer than you think, Dad!"
Darleysam: creepin' on the outside
Juliamon: bet that guy slouches on the inside
Mathwyn: Adam Wooly is already in hell did you learn nothing from the first game
RurouniGeo: I want to read these books
quasi79fu: dam
saucemaster5000: alright read the entire book streamer
A_Dub888: @Juliamon is that better or worse for your posture?
RurouniGeo: Blu D Sukka?
VrolikSyndrome: more like turnt up
itira: the authors name
Gekyouryuu: Blu D Sukkr. Blood Sucker
Mr_Horrible: I mean, that's standard fare for a romance novel
hug_master: booba
BrowneePointz: BLU D SUKKA!
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
Mr_Horrible: the leech is pogging
ghyllnox: Not turned, turnt
circusofkirkus: I know what that leech wants to suck on
Makrosian_Tay: Anime lookin bitties LUL
SquareDotCube: "imma suck t hose"
Tweygoh: Looks like there's some sort of code with the MM, DD like month and day with that calendar in the printer
quasi79fu: blud sucker
Mr_Horrible: doin the BOOBA emote
Boon_33: she has a great attitude :)
Mr_Horrible: Adam doesn't need that book
ohjanji: by Patthew Matrick it said lol
Mr_Horrible: he's the lore master
tehfewl: oh Lore
quasi79fu: read
saucemaster5000: it's okay ben you'll eventually be at that reading level
kolintoney: The horror!
Mathwyn: I mean "I was an adult teenager" is an entire anime genre noe
PMAvers: Like, you *did* see another book that got defaced.
LadyEarlGreyWarden subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months, currently on a 57 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LadyEarlGreyWarden! (Today's storm count: 101)
quasi79fu: ma
Boon_33: Adam trapped in a library? no problem, the heaviest books are in the reference section bud.
LPS_97: Ma Pineapple
violetblight: oh god
A_Dub888: "I need to preface this..." uh huh
saucemaster5000: go on
RurouniGeo: go onnnnn
Makrosian_Tay: Ben?
kolintoney: yeeeesssss
ContingentCat: that's not where I expected that sentence to go
RurouniGeo: Sauce get out of my head
Makrosian_Tay: Ben
Boon_33: darkest hole in the universe
shilhaursa: Drop the link
NightValien28: BEN NO
BusTed: haha
IanAllenBird: oh!
Kramburger: Jesus
VrolikSyndrome: hell yeah
violetblight: ben there needs to be better stuff in your reccs
NightValien28: BENJAMIN
squ3e: good preface, saved it
PinkFlashu: LUL
Mr_Horrible: C-
Makrosian_Tay: HA!!
VrolikSyndrome: EXCELLENT first time chatter holy shit
Dreamlettuce: It's so they don't roll away.
circusofkirkus: where were you watching these video essays
ButButTheJesus: katesSmile
ThorSokar: hahaha
LPS_97: Praise the algorithm
A_Dub888: "earliest forms of spongebob porn parodies" is one hell of a phrase
ContingentCat: rabbit holes can get wild
Boon_33: what the hell. why do we even have mods if ben is gonna dump like that.
MAPBoardgames: YT knows what Ben is into
saucemaster5000: "youtube algorithm" aka searched "square nuts"
Nigouki: the algorithm works in mysterious ways, when it actually works the damn thing
RurouniGeo: tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down the youtube hole
shilhaursa: Whats the name of the video
ContingentCat: lrrWOW
frank_the_great: Ah, a classic. Not required viewing, but if you care about porn parody history, you can't skip it
shurtal: these live action remakes have GONE TOO FAR
LPS_97: I saw that clip. He does the laugh and everything
Tangsm: Did he have a spatula?
circusofkirkus: did they cover the 90 min Wizard of Oz porn parody with original songs?
TheWriterAleph: big?
kolintoney: Were the nuts square?
EvilBadman: Oh I thought Ben meant shit like fritz the cat
violetblight: that cant even be fun
ContingentCat: suuuuure
Astramentha: I was SO much more interested when I thought this was old animation
BloodnBullets: I'm Ready!
A_Dub888: Does he sound like Tom Kenny?
LPS_97: For educational purpose of course
gamercat88: is handsome Squidward make an apperance
Makrosian_Tay: LUL
ButButTheJesus: gotta bang em all
Makrosian_Tay: I hate this as much as I love it
shurtal: everyone j ust smells toast all the time
saucemaster5000: better strokemon than chokemon
Riandisa: oh no, metal carts on carpeting...gonna get static shocked every time you push it
ohjanji: ben charge him 50 bucks
Nigouki: or are we doing porn parody titles? Let's Knob!
RurouniGeo: 10 billion dollars
quasi79fu: treee
frank_the_great: Strokemon is the Citizen kane of porn
Boon_33: ok strok-e-mon, is just solid entertainment, I assume, for a friend.
A_Dub888: don't mind me, I'm just going to clip something...
circusofkirkus: calling HR
Mr_Horrible: "So what was your name again?" as they're reaching for the phone
spethycakes: Gotta Pet 'Em All
NotCainNorAbel: what are teh chances that G's parents watch the highlights?
frank_the_great: It's you and meee!
Boon_33: not even minecraft was safe
gualdhar: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtledicks
saucemaster5000: I wanna be the best there ev er was
quasi79fu: ma mm dd
7gorobei: who's that strokeymon?
SnackPak_: art
quasi79fu: tree
letsbelgo: adamvsBUTT
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
Diabore: careful, nintendo bout to come for your ass
shurtal: it comes with a toast scented scratch and sniff
Makrosian_Tay: The next level of MMD
IanAllenBird: ketchcum?
catcard: Ash Smashem sounds better imooooo
VrolikSyndrome: LUL
DaxStrife: @7gorobei It's RON JEREMY!
ohjanji: LMAO
Boon_33: 'first they came for the world of warcraft, and I said nothing, as I was not an elf.'
shilhaursa: Busty?
NeuterCommuter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NeuterCommuter! (Today's storm count: 102)
quasi79fu: see Ma Mm dd
saucemaster5000: I wanna hear the strokemon rap
violetblight: brock hard
TheWriterAleph: it was a brock lobster?
gualdhar: A Tale of Two Titties
Makrosian_Tay: All ages stream by the way 😎
Mr_Horrible: you could just keep her named Misty!
electra310: Her mom is Agatha
quasi79fu: caulk
VrolikSyndrome: I appreciate the accent in the title.
Mr_Horrible: right-click, open in incognito window
nira_sol: oh my god
frank_the_great: Starts with a G?
itira: LOL
Boon_33: crush?
circusofkirkus: did he just say "dika dika"
shurtal: HOLY FUCK NO
SquareDotCube: is it like dickbutt but like pikachu?
consolecowboy88: i was a teenage teenager was also the name of a song by punk novelty singer jilted John in like 1978
Cleekru: JIZZY and JAMS i am dying
Boon_33: ben if they haven't cut the stream yet.......
N30dude: Oh sweet christ ben what the hell
NightValien28: this is the real horror
ThorSokar: I'm no coward I'll go look
RurouniGeo: That costume is a jump scare in a horror game holy crap
Boon_33: they're here for it
violetblight: what do you mean this was in 2015
Boon_33: O no
wildpeaks: the costume isn't as bad as I feared
Mr_Horrible: @TheMerricat yo why they got the Shining carpet on the wall tho?
Boon_33: no no no
catcard: I think I will exercise restraint and.... not click!
Morrigan9: why
consolecowboy88: that’s a pretty stupid pikachu costume
Makrosian_Tay: Jams and Jizzy LUL
IanAllenBird: oh jesus
violetblight: i cannot have been alive when this was made
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
wiganlass: Christ on a bike!!
Mr_Horrible: actually I think the answer to my question is in the question itself
spethycakes: that's a cute dragon
quasi79fu: ma mm dd
ThorSokar: that is NOT what I was picturing
Makrosian_Tay: you brave brave man
consolecowboy88: i thought it was a literal penis costume mocked up to be pikachu
BrowneePointz: I've been watching Dandadan
Boon_33: why black paint?
frank_the_great: I binged The Amazing Digital Circus yesterday
shurtal: @BrowneePointz man that ep 7 whiplash
consolecowboy88: like it’d be yellow and black with red cheeks on each side
Makrosian_Tay: Cute dragon librarian
consolecowboy88: I’ve been reading a ton
Boon_33: please don't answer my question
groulux: I use to work nights in a video store in colledge. reading out porn parodies titles at 4am was always worth a giggle
MechaKuuga: @LoadingReadyRun Just an FYI, this puzzle sucks and for some streamers its the worse one in the whole game
MAPBoardgames: Are you just doing the librarian's job now?
LPS_97: Here's the spongebob one in case they didn't see it
dumbo3k: Oh, didn't the note say something about a password?, probably goes to that bike locked cabinet?
mjuukis: unrelated: ive been reading post modern analysis of contemporary art from the 2000s
mjuukis: but this is also good
Boon_33: @LPS_97 great casting?
consolecowboy88: so Amanda is in a library this time?
quasi79fu: ma mm dd
LPS_97: Looks the part
Boon_33: it scans
consolecowboy88: @mjuukis only one artist I can think of from then is maybe Matthew Barney ?
notpsion subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
notpsion: 2 spooky
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, notpsion! (Today's storm count: 103)
mama_turtle13: Weren't you supposed to start in someone's office?
mjuukis: @consolecowboy88 they did show up!
consolecowboy88: @mjuukis ah!
MechaKuuga: They did it, clap
Mr_Horrible: the world is our office
quasi79fu: tape
mama_turtle13: Fair enough
quasi79fu: yay
VrolikSyndrome: I am! I am!
protojman: it's true i am
therepoman__: Howdy
saucemaster5000: my office is better than all your offices
Mathwyn: I'm in your office, right behind you Ben
squ3e: Every library is small, grt them more funding
A_Dub888: maybe its a branch
IanAllenBird: oh noo
RurouniGeo: UHH
consolecowboy88: I’m like more into early modern and 70s pop art? i like David wajonwicz though
SnackPak_: o7 Wolly
ohjanji: i hope someone is watching this stream at a library as we speak
shilhaursa: Im in my (ta communal) office
Boon_33: o
EvilBadman: Put it in the....reader..?
Boon_33: not her
Mr_Horrible: In Memoriam, Wooly the Sheep, I guess
saucemaster5000: my soul still burns
ALittleLonely: Oh neat that first puzzle was different. That's good.
spethycakes: Wooly
Kaus_Jason: It's like the size of a small branch
saucemaster5000: please write dickachu
consolecowboy88: man this was the longest prologue since wuthering heights
IanAllenBird: I'd visit woolly
Mai_Andra: Angela Lansbury
frank_the_great: LUL LUL LUL
quasi79fu: wooly
RurouniGeo: @saucemaster5000 put down the soul edge bro
saucemaster5000: no
FyreyFenyx: First time in almost YEARS i've been able to watch live. How much have i missed?
raulghoulia: what is the interface that that allows you to text into a VHS?
SquareDotCube: highly replayed
IanAllenBird: oh $2 trip to paris
consolecowboy88: so Amanda lives in harmony korine’s gummo?
BusTed: uh oh
Boon_33: we love lamp?
saucemaster5000: psychos pick curtain
ALittleLonely: Egypt is pointy pyramids
MalFnord: Rio! Amanda wants to tear it up at Carnival!
spethycakes: the eyes
ContingentCat: the sun is a deadly lazer
Boon_33: china
LPS_97: Vegas
NotCainNorAbel: vegas
BrowneePointz: No one wants to visit Paris Amanda
kolintoney: $2 Paris
Mr_Horrible: wait she's actually got Christ The Redeemer on there
FyreyFenyx: also i thought i still had been subbed oops
ContingentCat: everything was so much cheaper then
JoeLowe2: vegas. Put it all on black
lochnessseammonster: big ass coins...
Nigouki: lemme smash
ohjanji: smashie smashie
patrick_stonecrusher: VIOLENCE!
SquareDotCube: use face to smash
Mr_Horrible: smash it then use the money to pay for a new piggy bank
spethycakes: we're PRACTICAL!
Boon_33: Paris is so disappointing to some people they have psychological events.
Mr_Horrible: perpetuate the cycle of violence
ohjanji: YEET
IanAllenBird: rip to pig
loufghyslaufey: @contingentcat It's not a lazer! Pffft! It's a little light bulb that "blinks!"
ALittleLonely: Ah ah ah
RealGamerCow: what is that hand
saucemaster5000: five coins, four fingers....
squ3e: pentagram
gamercat88: 4 fingers
flatluigi: and four finger
Mr_Horrible: wow, 1 more than the number of fingers you have, you weird kid
raulghoulia: is she a fish. look at that in
VrolikSyndrome: Good job, streamer.
Boon_33: hand....
A_Dub888: There are FOUR COINS
itira: that hand D:
ohjanji: there are four lights
Boon_33: @A_Dub888 ahhh
HadesLeprechaun: oh no, it's gonna be like The Wolf Among Us again, don't spend it all!
loufghyslaufey: Heh, illusion of choice
Mr_Horrible: because of the Dark Forces at work, Adam
Mr_Horrible: DUH
Boon_33: heck?
notpsion: @A_Dub888 very nice
couchboyj: Animation budget cuts
SnackPak_: what
frank_the_great: Oh look, Evangelion
ALittleLonely: They hang dolls from trees
Mr_Horrible: "The Big Jesus"
Pteraspidomorphi: Yes, that's Rio
RurouniGeo: big haysus
NightValien28: that's brazil
consolecowboy88: sheesh make it more in the nose why don’t you
Diabore: shut up amanda
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Mr_Horrible: only referring to Christ the Redeemer as "The Big Jesus" from now one
Mr_Horrible: *on, curses
consolecowboy88: she’s gonna smack ya with her webbed palm
Boon_33: is this like a ski resort underwear tree but for doll head enthusiasts?
underhill33: ¡México!
DaxStrife: "Big Jesus wants a huuug!"
saucemaster5000: biggie j
RealGamerCow: not to be confused with Big Baby Jesus, aka Old Dirty Bastard
ContingentCat: it's not inaccurate, it is a big Jesus
Mr_Horrible: "Crime"
mjuukis: why.... is her hand like that?
Diabore: god yeah that hand is terrifying
spethycakes: I pray to The Big Jesus every day
A_Dub888: @Mr_Horrible The Big Jesus wants a HUG!
Boon_33: big jesus was the plan, and the result.
SquareDotCube: Ohio had big butter Jesus, then it got struck by lightning and burned down
notpsion: that chicken isn't evil or anything
the_walking: Disney meant not like the amanda's shadow looks like mickey
Mr_Horrible: @A_Dub888 or he's t-posing on the haters
MAPBoardgames: Which possessed doll do we sell?
Boon_33: best public work, did what it said it would do, nothing.
Fanklok: Stop letting me be late
ohjanji: yeet?
LPS_97: efficient
IanAllenBird: just that easy
ContingentCat: @Mr_Horrible why not both?
Mr_Horrible: "Behold, commerce"
Mathwyn: Amazon drone just snatches it out of the air for delivery
RurouniGeo: RIPAA
ContingentCat: ah capitalism
EvilBadman: Capitalism hooooo
consolecowboy88: Amanda, we didn’t even go to Mexico
devilcultivator: mr rooster got ruptured by the big jesus!
mysticsailboat: note to self: sell things by throwing them at the cailing
Mr_Horrible: Amanda you can just read From Hell
Boon_33: your local library!
Kaus_Jason: Everyone knows what you mean when you say Big Jesus, If they don't know It's called Christ the Redeemer and you call it that you'll sound insane
frank_the_great: The Big Bengenering
IanAllenBird: : (
saucemaster5000: maybe get a job kid
ContingentCat: welp time to sell a kidney!
IanAllenBird: oh.
spethycakes: rhymes2Hype
Boon_33: get Kathleen to plan your trips :)
ContingentCat: that's a really big opossum too
consolecowboy88: wow this is harmony korine’s gummo
Mr_Horrible: as is his right, Amanda
Boon_33: see only the most bizzare things
saucemaster5000: da possum tax
tehfewl: time for murder
ohjanji: possum tax
Astramentha: -1
gualdhar: wow what a little baby, can't even fight a possum
A_Dub888: couch cushions
LPS_97: time to invest
Mr_Horrible: "Amanda gets roped into crypto"
Dromos_GHG: cut open possum
consolecowboy88: Amanda, shoot the possum full of tranquilizers and sell the possum as a doll
SquareDotCube: like a dead wooly
A_Dub888: @Dromos_GHG Might miss our flight...
Kendo_thorn: didn’t you say she had 3 fingers before?
ALittleLonely: Choo choo
Mr_Horrible: enough for 1 stargazey pie
Boon_33: @Mr_Horrible she's already evil, that seems excessive.
gualdhar: we're going to see Ben's underpants!
IanAllenBird: it's a /magic/ train, adam
ohjanji: well that was disturbing
spethycakes: @ohjanji just you wait
MAPBoardgames: Possoms are assholes?
Boon_33: check those couch cushions!
ohjanji: @spethycakes LUL
saucemaster5000: that's a warhammer mini set
A_Dub888: also that possums live under the couch
Mr_Horrible: we learned that magic train tickets, while inexplicably not free, are still fairly cheap
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: cool Kill Team board
ButButTheJesus: fack yaou
ThorSokar: I'm not your bud, pal!
frank_the_great: Yeah
shilhaursa: Id be so effing good to u
KWardJenx: Shoresy = The best
korvys: Every minigame is pipe dream
ContingentCat: I should actually watch Shorsey
ALittleLonely: Coming out of your cage and you're doin' just fine?
DaxStrife: WarHam is WarBanned.
Nigouki: lrrHAM the warmth
Kramburger: More like SNOREhammer ahaha gottem
Mr_Horrible: for these 3 hours on Tuesday
saucemaster5000: what about scuffleanvil?
consolecowboy88: the game is nicer to Amanda than it ever was to wooly
Fanklok: So which Chaos god does Amanda worship?
GasCityGaming: It really is
Inquisitor_Xian: but Adam! i'm literally painting warhammer while i watch this very stream!
SquareDotCube: no Warhammer left Subway
RealGamerCow: Lets have a walking contest
GasCityGaming: @Fanklok Tzeentch 100%
frank_the_great: What was the banned word from last week? Something maxing I think
NotCainNorAbel: What about Skirmish Hammer 39K? can we talk about that?
consolecowboy88: @fanklok pinhead from hellraiser
ALittleLonely: lol
loufghyslaufey: Why? What ever did WAH-Rammer ever do to you?
JohnLockeCole: I am playing a warhammer videogame (Chaosgate: Deamonhunters) while I watch
Fanklok: You should let Adam paint your little plastic men
Kendo_thorn: Ben will watch that when you watch Castlevania Adam 🙄
therepoman__: I heard drive rush, the brain rot is too powerful
saucemaster5000: do I look like vincent van gogh? I play grey
quasi79fu: di d he go backwards?
flatluigi: wasn't paris first? i was only paying half attention
A_Dub888: didn't she want to go to paris first?
consolecowboy88: that was a ghost horse whiny
SquareDotCube: swap starting points
Mathwyn: Choo choo train
GasCityGaming: It's me, I'm people
Kramburger: Drive Rush you minis
Mathwyn: Its no fruit train
Gekyouryuu: Drybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island Kappa
Spooky_Noises: Im so glad that's not just me hearing drybrush
mysticsailboat: where are these tapes even COMING from
ohjanji: yeet
consolecowboy88: @mysticsailboat the hellraiser void
mysticsailboat: the what
saucemaster5000: time for some dewey decimal
therepoman__: fuckin uhhhh
consolecowboy88: @mysticsailboat the land from the movie hellraiser
BrowneePointz: They're satanic tapes
BrowneePointz: why do we need logic
frank_the_great: Does anything?
consolecowboy88: never mind I’m bullshitting
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: what if there's a quiz?!
saucemaster5000: going to bubway
consolecowboy88: i had some subway today . my favorite sandwich place is potbelly
Fanklok: But you have to climb the wall of dicks to get to the subway
BusTed: LUL
nira_sol: oh noooo
consolecowboy88: i do miss Quiznos
VrolikSyndrome: Now that's the real brainrot.
BrowneePointz: beware of paper cuts!
flatluigi: i think you have the pieces, you're just working from the exit not the entrance
saucemaster5000: quiznos was good!
VrolikSyndrome: Yeahhhhh
consolecowboy88: used to eat there when I worked at our local used bookstore
Blakemcm: quizznos should have survived not subway
GasCityGaming: Eat it while watching Castlevania?
Jennie_Fuchsia: the Quiznos thing walked so Belopa could run
VrolikSyndrome: Get bent, Sauce.
saucemaster5000: no
VrolikSyndrome: <3
NovahTalAura: Quiznos still around
BrowneePointz: well that's a character flaw
consolecowboy88: @blakemcm wrong sandwich shop died
A_Dub888: @Jennie_Fuchsia an auspicious walk
Camail: its ok
MechaKuuga: LUL Chipotle is not mexican food
frank_the_great: So this is how Let's Nope ends
MoxCubitZirconium: How can you deny the food baby?!?!
Fanklok: Mexican food or "mexican" food
RealGamerCow: I question if Canada gets good Mexican food
Blakemcm: @consolecowboy88 based
Mazrae: Bowl with tortillas on the side
Lobo_Apache: After Chipotle I also shit in a bowl
Blerrrghsauce: Tacofino is where it’s at.
Mathwyn: I want the food tube that fits in my food hole
Blakemcm: from the south, all mexican food best food.
EvilBadman: Yeah boomtown was good
Blerrrghsauce: jlrrDance
NovahTalAura: Yeah there’s good mexican good in Vancouver
BrowneePointz: Adam..plz
saucemaster5000: unsubscribe
VrolikSyndrome: Word
ShaneLeeAtk: Culver's
KeytarCat: mmm, hard tacos. I should go get my local chicken hard tacos
BrowneePointz: it's dece
ThorSokar: commercial bacon has fallen off the wagon if you ask me, but I might be biased because I make my own now
MoxCubitZirconium: Culver's
Orestes290: (Bong)
electra310: Chipotle used to be good here, now it's pretty bad.
gawag_: Fast casual I feel like is different than fast food
consolecowboy88: round here the best is la taquiza Guadalajara
Mr_Horrible: not online he's not meiyaGun
electra310: Beef A Roo is the best, followed by Culvers
cyclopsboi: culvers is great but pricey
LostThePirate: Chipotle is fast casual
shilhaursa: Oculvers fries are amazing
Fanklok: Let Adam have his incorrect opinion
ohjanji: five guys fries are where it's at
Makrosian_Tay: Ben I'm right there with you. I grew up on hard shell tacos. authenticity be damned!
BrowneePointz: chipotle DOES get a lot of incorrect hate
EvilBadman: Chipotle had a series of food illness issues so folks keep away
Tangsm: Culvers has the best chicken tenders
ArdCollider: when chipotle stopped food poisoning people it also started tasting weird and that was unnerving
shilhaursa: Kinda pricy but best burgers
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: all my favorite local fast food places closed down over the last 5 years
saucemaster5000: sleep is for squares
Juliamon: Very cute jammies
A_Dub888: !birb
LRRbot: Stretch out your neck!
ohjanji: steelers colors, sweet
consolecowboy88: i saw a cinnamon toast bacon flavor in the grocery store the day before yesterday
BrowneePointz: also I can't judge cuz i'm from the place that invented Walking Tacos
Lobo_Apache: I don't make my own bed jeez Amanda
shilhaursa: Plus culvers has the kids meal collect five get on3 free deal
jessieimproved: #freewoolie
consolecowboy88: that’s a comfy bed
RealGamerCow: It has been over a month since I've woke up after dawn
tehfewl: >making your bed
Astramentha: Making the bed is a fake chore
KeytarCat: Culver's is pretty good food that's also fast food
Mathwyn: Making my bed sounds like far too much effort
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz look those fritos aren't getting eaten any other way, we gotta get rid of them somehow
GasCityGaming: I make my bed only so the sheets aren't as cold when i get in
saucemaster5000: piwwow fiwght
mysticsailboat: the animation seems the same
shilhaursa: The curser mames me so nostalgic
Dreamlettuce: Knock her block off!
ohjanji: THIS kid
consolecowboy88: we just had a pillow fight Amanda
saucemaster5000: one hit ko
rosesmcgee: right out the window
Mr_Horrible: "Behold, Oki" *WHAM*
Mazrae: Ben I was up till about midnight playing Dragon Age Inquisition because you brought it up on PiF yesterday
Fanklok: Very cool Adam, beating up the 8 year old
saucemaster5000: round start dragonlash
Mr_Horrible: DO ENJOY THIS!
BrowneePointz: @Mr_Horrible ...that's frito pie
quasi79fu: uhhh
therepoman__: The JP drive reversal golf swing with the pillow
A_Dub888: the face on her shirt is looking into my SOUL
bytecaster: Gotta bring the mix
Mr_Horrible: sending a low ghost pillow
BrowneePointz: Walking Tacos are doritos @Mr_Horrible
Bionull: Making beds, yay or nay? I don't see the point.
Nigouki: children need to learn about consequences eventually
consolecowboy88: Amanda , I wanna go to wicker park - I miss myopic books
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz I just know what the cafeteria told me at school
Faulpyr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
Faulpyr: Finish the fight
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Faulpyr! (Today's storm count: 104)
ALittleLonely: Gottem
BusTed: drawfeGoodjoke
GasCityGaming: time to go back to sleep "Manda" *whap*
itsr67: hehehe
spethycakes: Hi Starving, I'm Dad
LPS_97: @Bionull yay if I have people over
Fanklok: Adam brings his pillow full of gravel
Makrosian_Tay: I think Amanda misses wooly too
Tangsm: The muffin man?!
quasi79fu: Muttton
BrowneePointz: Did they serve cinnamon rolls with chili for you too? @Mr_Horrible
MoxCubitZirconium: everything bagel or die hungry
kolintoney: Apple Pie!
Mathwyn: I don't know you ben!
A_Dub888: Benjamin "Muffin Man" Ulmer
VrolikSyndrome: Waffle better!
BrowneePointz: both are valid
jessieimproved: ngl I'm worried about Woolie
saucemaster5000: hash browns??????
Juliamon: Depends on my mood
korvys: I want to know what would have happened if you said you wanted to see "Wooly" in the first VHS
Mr_Horrible: Ben a "Cake at 9am but lie to myself" kinda guy
saucemaster5000: fuuuuuck yeah
tehfewl: french toast
quasi79fu: Pie man
Lobo_Apache: Anything but frenchtoast.
LPS_97: Hashbron
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz not that I recall
ThorSokar: blueberry waffles best waffles
Bionull: I'm learning that Ben has only contempt for soft things
Makrosian_Tay: Pancakes
Mai_Andra: "hashbrow"
quasi79fu: human flesh for breakfast?
JoeLowe2: Frankenberry
consolecowboy88: my favorite thing to eat is brown sugar oatmeal
Mr_Horrible: French Toast isn't breakfast, tho, imo
thegitrogsquirrel: do you know a muffin Stan? a muffin Stan, a muffin Stan
Mr_Horrible: too rich
ContingentCat: use the knife
Heefnoff: It definitionally can't be good because it's french
itira: i prefer savory breakfast myself
BrowneePointz: french toast not worth the effort compared to the other two
James_the_Dabbler: It's actually kind of sad how alone Amanda is
MAPBoardgames: The bacon is staring at me.
mysticsailboat: why do they have eyes
consolecowboy88: ah! the poor bacon is gonna die
ohjanji: hahaha just chucks it
Lobo_Apache: I know I'm the outlier on the french toast, but it's the worst
James_the_Dabbler: She's also a demon but
LPS_97: In half?
Mathwyn: Solo bacon for breakfast is eh
devilcultivator: which banjo kazooie character are we having for breakfast?
kolintoney: spider?
spethycakes: rhymes2Hype
couchboyj: Place near me does an egg and chorizo quesadilla, its real good
consolecowboy88: Amanda is part Freddy kruger
Fanklok: French toast is integral to God's perfect sandwich, the Monte Cristo
RealGamerCow: jam the knife in the toaster
ContingentCat: Damn that possum is huge
ALittleLonely: @Lobo_Apache What don't you like about it? Just curious.
ohjanji: that is a gigantic possum
BusTed: I love this possom
korvys: No swipping!
quasi79fu: nom nom
consolecowboy88: hah hah
LPS_97: Ok bye
spethycakes: aww
VrolikSyndrome: Uh
saucemaster5000: throw him and the toaster in the bathtub
IanAllenBird: biter no biting
jessieimproved: That possum is massive
neekstock: he’s a lil cutie
Kaus_Jason: Large buddy
Mr_Horrible: I mean you *can*
Mr_Horrible: it's just a bad idea, usually
bytecaster: But would you bring your pet racoon to a wedding, Ben?
Lobo_Apache: @ALittleLonely it wet bread with too much cinnamon
thatguysteve2709: Woolly bacon
consolecowboy88: that poor bacon
Mr_Horrible: wait why is only the Bacon dead?
A_Dub888: bacon had a time
Darleysam: stack it up
itira: egg on bread, bacon in the other hand LUL
saucemaster5000: I eat just the toast and give the rest to the possum
JoeLowe2: I'd go clockwise
Darleysam: bacon and egg sandwich
Heefnoff: What
Tangsm: The toast is for soaking up the egg
Heefnoff: Ben
Mr_Horrible: eggs and bacon concurrently, toast to sop
Fanklok: Balanced? It's mostly fat and carbs
Heefnoff: In what world do you start with the apple
consolecowboy88: i bet wooly is the possum
raulghoulia: at work last week, to celebrate 100 days safe, we had breakfast brought in. And an coworker put cream cheese on his bagel AND THEN into the toaster. creating a small fire
RealGamerCow: am I not normal for not eating all of anything
quasi79fu: question were those outfits in the closet important?
BrowneePointz: love me apples
Mr_Horrible: that's loser talk, Adam
Nigouki: apple at the end to pretend the rest was healthy
Mathwyn: Soak up the egg with apple
dumbo3k: Apples have Cyanide!
Ristow: throw all of it in a blender
VrolikSyndrome: Gets your hands all sticky...
SomebodyNowhere: hot take
tehfewl: apple for later snack
RealGamerCow: like, I'll eat some of everything
James_the_Dabbler: Is Adam a doctor
Robot_Bones: might get some nutrition from that apple
Heefnoff: You eat in order of what cools the fastest, duh
kolintoney: Apple, Bacon, Possum, Toast, egg
consolecowboy88: or like wooly paid the possum to try and avenge him
JoeLowe2: Adam has a lot of food rules
UltraVioletVodoo: apple pie
Usoki7: I'm not listening to food, it's not even alive.
MoxCubitZirconium: Apple is ammo for the mortar outside
saucemaster5000: at least buy the apple dinner first
MilkInBags: eve will get it for you
itira: Ben
korvys: True
VrolikSyndrome: harhar
lamina5432: gala
BusTed: Kappa
Cleekru: agreeeeeeeeeeddddd
korvys: facts
Mathwyn: Good opinion Ben
GasCityGaming: Ambroisa real good
Zanzabar_: you put the apple and bacon away for lunch and cook a chicken apple sausage to go with the eggs.
wiganlass: Granny Smith apples rule
loufghyslaufey: Is it though? Balanced? As all breakfasts should be? StinkyCheese NomNom MindManners
YeomanAres: Red delicious are the worst
KeytarCat: I can't eat granny smith anymore :(
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: honeycrisp gang rise up
Tangsm: Honey crisp.
Makrosian_Tay: I mean Granny Smiths are good, but there are, in fact, others that are good
quasi79fu: also another this like the first where pausing tape at times affects the outside world?
BusTed: hell yeah
A_Dub888: that's a lie Ben, you're not little
circusofkirkus: SweeTango's are decent
Mathwyn: Is that Vegeta's legs on the left?
jessieimproved: Arkansas Black is an amazing apple but you can't really get it in stores that I know of
keltaklo: The guy is committed
circusofkirkus: this is one dude's ranking
thegitrogsquirrel: what were the outfits in her room?
NotCainNorAbel: once you have had good apples everything changes
keltaklo: Granny Smith gets bonus points for baking on it
Darleysam: *paid for by the SweeTango Committee
BrowneePointz: as a Red Delicious defender, Granny Smith haters are WRONG
electra310: Granny Smiths are great for baking, don't eat them raw
VrolikSyndrome: LIES
circusofkirkus: Fuji is trash
math_nerdette: Fugi is legit worst apple
kolintoney: Granny Smith can get it
keltaklo: He rates purely for munching
PinballGeek: Cosmic Crisp are S tier.
TheWriterAleph: omg apple drama
Heefnoff: Bodied
korvys: Granny Smith is S-tier
wiganlass: smith’s are the best golden delicious are so bland
CasualKing21: Pink Lady best apple
Lobo_Apache: @BrowneePointz truth!
Darleysam: Granny Smith rips
Mr_Horrible: they're fighting over 27th place
ohjanji: LMAO
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: where does Bad Apple rank on this list
spethycakes: WOW
ContingentCat: I used to work restocking the produce and yeah there's a lot of apples, Pink Lady are the best
Heefnoff: That might be the maddest I've ever seen Adam
Darleysam: give me crisp and sour
saucemaster5000: cosmic crisp is top tier yeah
Azralorne: Fuck that Fuji apples are delicious
quasi79fu: we saw outfits in closet
Heefnoff: Red delicious my fuckin ass
A_Dub888: "Fugi is garbage" got it
RurouniGeo: Eventhubs level bad Apple tier List tpanimeYGOcreepy
BrowneePointz: i'm not taking this bait
itira: LOL
UltraVioletVodoo: red delicious is groos
LPS_97: The subtitle for the newtown pippin is wild
The_Color_Twelve: Oh no are we debating apples again?
BusTed: LUL
LostThePirate: XD
Zalthia: Oh God are we looking at that apple rating website?
Heefnoff: HELLO?????
Mr_Horrible: that apple is a cop
DaFhaye: I walked into something
Azralorne: I do agree cosmic crisps are really good though
LPS_97: It is considered vomitous filth
N30dude: Big fan of Ambrosia apples
saucemaster5000: @Heefnoff yes?
VrolikSyndrome: That tracks.
RealGamerCow: I actually like golden russet
Mr_Horrible: cosmic crisp rocks
ghyllnox: Sounds like instead of trying the apple you could just get a condom and some sand
BrowneePointz: I'm...not taking...this bait
Zanzabar_: some apple varieties have kinda gone to terrible over the years, its kinda like making a copy of a copy. I remember when red delicious were actually delicious, there garbage now though.
LostThePirate: They're not wrong there lol
DaFhaye: Hello Adam! Hello Ben!
Mr_Horrible: through the power of science and bored Washington students
Dalrint: I love macintosh apples. But I moved too far south to buy them. :(
itira: grocery store apples suck poopy
loufghyslaufey: Weh?
Elevation_4000_FT: I went to apple country a while back and had an Arkansas Black. It was the best apple ever. Tasted like plywood, in a good way.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I think that's being unkind to the leather glove
ohjanji: apple discourse is wild LUL
Heefnoff: Lock in
therepoman__: LUL
keltaklo: You're welcome
ContingentCat: unsubscribe apple rankings
Mr_Horrible: "Close apple rankings dot com right now we are LIVE on air"
quasi79fu: i think this is like first game where pausing tape affects the world
Zanzabar_: courtlands and honeycrisps are pretty good still.
NotCainNorAbel: oh sure, as soon as Canada comes up he starts defending apples
theambivalentagender: I hopped on Twitch chat just to express my rage with Adam that Fuji is below Granny Smith wtf
LPS_97: Apparently Newtown Pippin Apples are Benjamin Franklin's favourite apple
rosesmcgee: Envy Apple the goat
Heefnoff: She mad as hell
therepoman__: "You got games on your phone?"
Mr_Horrible: never
NotCainNorAbel: who said I was America?
Mr_Horrible: it's not in our blood
Makrosian_Tay: Wait, the stuffy wasn't on her bed that time
spethycakes: Relaxing is against the US Constitution
Mazrae: I feel like I'm the weirdo, but I eat all of the apple even the core and seeds, just not the stem
theambivalentagender: Red delicious are the worst though I hope we can agree
saucemaster5000: Canadian says one thing "GET OUTTA HERE!"
LPS_97: Yeah America. Sort your shit first
Heefnoff: Hold that
Heefnoff: Bigoted ass
A_Dub888: SKRT
Heefnoff: LMAO
Pharmacistjudge subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months, currently on a 117 month streak!
Pharmacistjudge: what do you mean what do you mean?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pharmacistjudge! (Today's storm count: 105)
Mr_Horrible: more like Heefnot
Heefnoff: lytJIVE lytJIVE lytJIVE lytJIVE lytJIVE
Mr_Horrible: or Heefnawff
Heefnoff: Hi starving
Abracadaver23: heef's stiring up trouble again
Mr_Horrible: damn, the unblockable credentials mix
quasi79fu: menu
theambivalentagender: Hey chat we're unbannable quick throw out your hottest breakfast food takes
Mr_Horrible: possunm
quasi79fu: opossum
Mr_Horrible: bro with the eeby sleeby talk
Mai_Andra: Even your highest ranked applies cannot compare to my oranges. xivCactuar
Heefnoff: She is a person of multitudes
RealGamerCow: she's gonna die in a kitchen fire
SomebodyNowhere: 🥓
Heefnoff: Amanda is simply too complex
Mr_Horrible: she's just ingratiating
theambivalentagender: @mai_andra applies
Mr_Horrible: it's called being a good host
VrolikSyndrome: Going on an adventure!
saucemaster5000: bacon is for whig party supporters
ohjanji: standard library torch
ContingentCat: Amanda is a people pleaser
Mr_Horrible: that's not a torch, that's a torch
gualdhar: cook the bacon with the torch?
Fanklok: She's a child, whatever the most recent thing in her vision is her favorite
squ3e: To light the beacons for Gondor, duh
Heefnoff: Dumbass
itira: hahahahaa
SomebodyNowhere: oh
therepoman__: LMAOOOO
BusTed: CaitThinking
quasi79fu: lol
NimrodXIV: LOL
Juliamon: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
keltaklo: Obviously by the steps Ben
electra310: LMAO
votojak: and there's the highlight reel
quasi79fu: blind ben
Bionull: Oh, I solved the puzzle. Burn it to the ground.
Makrosian_Tay: CLEEP IT
keltaklo: Like, come on
Heefnoff: Where else would you keep the frying pan
Heefnoff: Dummy
quasi79fu: possum
Mr_Horrible: gotta admit, she got your ass
quasi79fu: ftidge
quasi79fu: uhhh
quasi79fu: what was that?
korvys: No swipping!
Mr_Horrible: he's gonna dare
Heefnoff: Mmmmm no
saucemaster5000: Flip the bacon! You're curling it! YOU"RE CURLING IT!!!!
raulghoulia: the bacon has eyes
Heefnoff: Possum is friend
LPS_97: The lighter?
Mr_Horrible: now he's gonna eat *me*
SomebodyNowhere: is there an antipossum item
Mr_Horrible: oh my gooooooooooooood
VrolikSyndrome: You are never more than 6 feet from a possum.
squ3e: We're gonna turn around one time and huge fuckin possum is gonna be mean mugging us
loufghyslaufey: SingsNote Bacon Pancakes SingsNote
Mr_Horrible: you just gotta say that every time, huh
Mr_Horrible: true tho
saucemaster5000: Wooly can eat my stinky winky
JoeLowe2: Wooly!! lrrHEART
LPS_97: Vampire is a jedi
Blip2004: I thought it was Garlic Jr
Heefnoff: She mad as hell damn
Mr_Horrible: lil Nosferatu
therepoman__: >:(
ohjanji: damn she looks pissed hahaha
quasi79fu: vampire with lightsaber star wars character
LPS_97: Belo Lugosi
BrowneePointz: Gary Oldman
Mr_Horrible: HUH
Getter404: Jemaine Clemet
saucemaster5000: tom hanks
janky_as_heck: what's the book on the table behind you?
raulghoulia: Abraham Van Helsing
KeytarCat: Nick Cage
quasi79fu: no he was Van Helsing
Nigouki: he was Prof Helsing
Mazrae: Christopher Lee??
NimrodXIV: Hopkins was Van Helsing
loufghyslaufey: Wait. An IRL fridge out there?(in-game)
consolecowboy88: nah Hopkins played Van Helsingborg
spethycakes: Everything comes back to Tom Hanks
TheWriterAleph: Tom Hanks as Dracula would be WILD
Heefnoff: Ben
Heefnoff: Apple first?
Boon_33: nick cage, christopher walkin
Heefnoff: Crazy
LPS_97: looks like a tomato
SomebodyNowhere: there has to be something that stops the possum
LPS_97: that's a muffin
Mr_Horrible: it's very weird to me to think "Who played Dracula" and not immediately hit Christopher Lee or Bela Lugosi
Heefnoff: Actually insane behavior
itira: muffin last
SomebodyNowhere: eggs first
Mathwyn: But the the bacon will be cold
NimrodXIV: eat the hot food first
quasi79fu: muffin last
NotCainNorAbel: muffin on the go
KeytarCat: Eggs and bacon are better hot
saucemaster5000: I drink the water and leave
Heefnoff: If you eat the apple first you shouldn't be allowed to drive a car
LPS_97: prob bluberry
Isaac3567: Gotta be Egg first since they are so much worse when cold
korvys: Apple last - dessert
Orestes290: Egg first or it goes cold
Tangsm: lrrAWESOME
EvilBadman: Apple last. Most refreshing and cleansing
RealGamerCow: little bit of egg, little bit of bacon, little bit of egg, little bit of toast
MoxCubitZirconium: Eat your food before it's cold. So warm stuff first.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: egg first because I don't want to eat a room temperature egg
kolintoney: Hot food first
Mazrae: Hot food first
ContingentCat: eggs first so they don't get cold
NovahTalAura: @Mr_Horrible Yup Christopher Lee I always think of as Dracula
JoeLowe2: start on plate, while the food is hot. then apple and muffin
Heefnoff: BRO
BloodnBullets: thats a box side right?
LPS_97: Mothers against Appled Driving
ohjanji: cursed
NotCainNorAbel: eat the warm egg first
Heefnoff: AYOOOO
Tangsm: Eggs get cold fast
quasi79fu: wait does this have to with the box?
Heefnoff: Granny Smith kinda bad tho
Nigouki: microwave the apple
Mathwyn: Pour the milk into the orange juice
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: pull a Neverending Story and crack a raw egg into your orange juice
Mr_Horrible: how cheeked up is that apple?
quasi79fu: this shape loooks oddd
MAPBoardgames: Isn't there a round puzzle on the box that looks like this?
UltraVioletVodoo: apple isnt a vegetable adam
korvys: Apple last - sweet things are basically dessert
thegitrogsquirrel: i turn the plate stuff into a sandwich and eat first
Heefnoff: Still eat the warm stuff first yes
keltaklo: egg + toast, bacon + toast, muffin, apple
NotCainNorAbel: then DO NOT eat the egg
MoxCubitZirconium: This is Amanda's food. not yours
VrolikSyndrome: OJ
quasi79fu: box?
Heefnoff: It'll only get colder with time
electra310: You've never made eggs and bacon at home?
kolintoney: Eat the plate, then the eggs, then the apple, then a milk
NovahTalAura: @Heefnoff When do you eat the wet ones?
SomebodyNowhere: oj
saucemaster5000: I make myseldf eggs bennies and tell this motel 6 plate to kick rocks
VrolikSyndrome: Facts
LPS_97: V8 juice
gualdhar: what if the toast is hot
SnackPak_: hell yeah
Heefnoff: Order of operations is, you eat whichever food loses heat the fastest
RealGamerCow: honey on the toast
EvilBadman: This was the breakfast every cereal commercial promised me, the liars
Mr_Horrible: if you go toast into muffin that's a lot of back-to-back carbs
MoxCubitZirconium: Put some cheese in that bacon egg sandwich
BrowneePointz: I got addicted to putting syrup on my hashbrowns for a while
itsr67: Egg I don't agree
GasCityGaming: muffin after plate, take the apple with me for a snack later
keltaklo: Syrup eggs??
itira: Ben?!
itsr67: WTF
Pteraspidomorphi: :O
Getter404: WHAT
Tangsm: Why do you have syrup at all?
ThirdGames: What
Mr_Horrible: headass
saucemaster5000: Ben
TheBob58: True Ben
saucemaster5000: ben no
RurouniGeo: get out
electra310: Salsa on the eggs
squ3e: 100%
kolintoney: Ben
quasi79fu: what is on all sides of box?
neekstock: trueeeee
itsr67: actual cap
NorthstarTex: HERESEY!
JoeLowe2: What?!?!
Heefnoff: Honestly
Morrigan9: ben apologise
spethycakes: these are some very hot takes tonight
Tangsm: There's no pancakes! Why is there syrup?
NotCainNorAbel: waking up is the worst part
NovahTalAura: WHAT?!
Usoki7: Eggs ARE the worst part. THANK YOU.
Heefnoff: He's kinda spittin
theambivalentagender: I dunk my eggs in ketchup
VrolikSyndrome: The worst part of breakfast is cleaning up after.
ThorSokar: holy shit, what
raulghoulia: Bring Jordynne back
Mazrae: Eggs are meh
Cleekru: eggs are the Wwoooorrst
BrowneePointz: As someone who fucking loves eggs and has developed an egg allergy as I got older. HOW DARE YOU
spethycakes: Ben = anti-egg
Marvoleath: wheelerFry D:
NovahTalAura: SO WRONG
Lobo_Apache: This is ben's VILLIAN ARC!@
SnackPak_: eggs are medium
Mr_Horrible: Break him over your knee, Adam
SomebodyNowhere: don't argue with a high protein item with adam
gualdhar: nice knowing you Ben, you're dead to me now
KeytarCat: Eggs are a medium!
Mathwyn: I love a good egg, but a bad egg is awful
Pteraspidomorphi: :(
Mr_Horrible: end him
spethycakes: RICE is WONDERFUL
electra310: Rice is also good!
Fanklok: Ok we can get rid of Ben, trade him for Jordynne
Heefnoff: Ben kinda spittin
ThirdGames: Rice is also good!
wiganlass: eggs are vile
ThorSokar: WOOOOOW
NotCainNorAbel: rice is good!
kolintoney: Okay, eggs are medium, but not the worst
Blakemcm: Ben never had good eggs or good rice
ohjanji: but rice is awesome lol
MAPBoardgames: Can we get Jordynne back?
spethycakes: wow
NovahTalAura: Wrong, someone is just wrong
blooperman12: Not Ben trashing rice of all things
Kaaannaaa: we only eat eggs cause they were cheap
tehfewl: talkin shit on rice?
JoeLowe2: That's it Ben. I'm moving home to mother.
NorthstarTex: Eggs are better than the bacon and toast!
spethycakes: So Ben is cancelled now, huh?
saucemaster5000: revoke this man's license
BloodnBullets: im saying they are bad
VrolikSyndrome: Find me bad toast.
kolintoney: Eggs are over easy
Usoki7: Pride100 The man speaks truth. Eggs are so very overrated.
Heefnoff: Bad things are bad hot take
frank_the_great: Say syke
itsr67: so Adam when's the new co star try outs
Mr_Horrible: IDK Bad Apple is kind of a bop
wiganlass: all eggs are vile
Heefnoff: Rice is neutral let's not kid ourselves
electra310: Ben cancelled, Jordynne's gamer fuel is best friend now
EvilBadman: Come to LRR! We have Egg Ben and Wrong Ben
ThorSokar: na, I'm on team rice sucks
Mathwyn: Ben saying things we like are bad! Boo him!
satyropodobny: hate the egg love the egger
RurouniGeo: mcdonalds eggs are fake tholol
ohjanji: i like eggs to be the main event yeah lol
airddragon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, airddragon! (Today's storm count: 106)
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: nah I'm with Ben, just egg is boring, it needs to be an omelette
Lobo_Apache: @electra310 Now hold on... maybe not that far :P
quasi79fu: sausage mcgridddle
consolecowboy88: our the toast in the egg
ThirdGames: Sausage Egg McGriddle
Heefnoff: Ben actually spitting wait
NorthstarTex: Home breakfast is not McDonalds!
Heefnoff: He's cookin
consolecowboy88: put the toast
flustered_blue: well there’s your issue, that’s fast food
saucemaster5000: ben hates vegetarians
HadesLeprechaun: A plain, completely unadorned egg is pretty meh, but with even some salt and pepper, way better
spethycakes: Some of us don't eat meat
DaFhaye: Mcdonalds steak bagel is the best
ContingentCat: Eggs are ok they're just still figuring things out TransgenderPride
itira: @saucemaster5000 true
Heefnoff: Eggs are the drywall of breakfast
Mr_Horrible: the dish isn't there without the egg!
VrolikSyndrome: They're literally filler.
Mr_Horrible: it's the whole fucking point!
theambivalentagender: I'd get just egg. Probably not at McDonald's though.
Mathwyn: Ben things they eggcessorys
quasi79fu: box on table?
NorthstarTex: McDonalds eggs is F tier over my eggs I make at home
BrowneePointz: *gestures at Shakshouka*
Heefnoff: REAL
violetblight: any eggers in chat
Heefnoff: BASED
SomebodyNowhere: !unsubscribe breakfasttalk
math_nerdette: Ben thinks they are an egg-companiment.
Nigouki: pro egg, proeggnant
skysonglark: just egg sandwiches are my usual breakfast
LPS_97: Spittin facts
Mazrae: Maybe as an omelette, for eggs to be centerpiece
circusofkirkus: yeah if you're going to do it, don't half ass it, go vegan
Mathwyn: Shut up longinus
Mai_Andra: I just want to get a spicy chicken sandwich and put an egg on it.
LostThePirate: Ben firing shots at Nelly and Cam
saucemaster5000: Nah I'm not dying for the herbavores
Mr_Horrible: Ben like "Dodge this Longinus dumbass"
ghyllnox: The formed reheated-from-frozen eggs are not great, but regular eggs are great
Tangsm: You order Eggs Benedict so the meat, eggs and bread are all stacked
Heefnoff: Ben is so right
EvilBadman: Wheeler just spun in his grave
quasi79fu: yay eggs
DaFhaye: The eggs are the best part to me
bv310 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months, currently on a 118 month streak!
bv310: Fuck yeah, Eggs!
KeytarCat: The spear gets longerinus
tergonis: fuck yea eggs
Heefnoff: Adam shut your contrarian ass up
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bv310! (Today's storm count: 107)
electra310: You are not having the right scrambled eggs
ghyllnox: FUCK YEAH EGGS
Spooky_Noises: Eggs best part :/
itira: im a fuck yeah egg person
saucemaster5000: eggs are above bacon, but not sausage
Pteraspidomorphi: Eggs are one of the best foods
Heefnoff: Bull fuckin shit
Fanklok: "No wrong opinions" is a bunch of bullshit.
korvys: Eggs are top tier, yes
NorthstarTex: I like eggs more than bacon, that and the protein intake is insane
Mr_Horrible: Ben just doesn't realize omelets exist I guess
spethycakes: This is a very white/Eurocentric set of opinions
itsr67: LUL
cutaos: im fuck ya eggs
KeytarCat: (The spear that pierce Jesus is the Spear of Longinus)
Faulpyr: Eggs are the best. Especially soft boiled. Bacon is eh. I'll have like half of one before getting bored with it
ohjanji: omg i want a burger with an egg on it
quasi79fu: box?
consolecowboy88: or feed the eggs to the possum and get him outta yer face
Heefnoff: BEN COOK
onetrueseth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months, currently on a 130 month streak!
JohnLockeCole: Burger with an egg on is so good
Mai_Andra: eggs are the best part. hash and sausage is good. bacon is mid.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, onetrueseth! (Today's storm count: 108)
theambivalentagender: Theres a couple restaurants near me that specialize in bomb ass eggs
wiganlass: nope I’ll never eat eggs
SomebodyNowhere: wow
LPS_97: There is a reason why, a few years ago, there was a ad campaign about eating eggs outside breakfast being not weird
Mischievous_Catgeist: Egg is a sauce
BloodnBullets: eggs more than bacon? you are objectively wrong adam!
DaFhaye: If eggs aren't the main feature you aren't making your eggs right
NorthstarTex: I am Fuck yeah eggs too! Especially with runny yolk
ThorSokar: Here I'll become the new enemy: Hasbrowns suck
Heefnoff: It's an enhancer
Heefnoff: IT'S SO NOT
kolintoney: Eggburger
rosesmcgee: Greater the the sum of it's parts
wiganlass: it is not!!
Bearudite: bredegg
NotCainNorAbel: I was here for the last Let's Nope
v_nome: Sold. One egg on bread please.
frank_the_great: Rattle that cage
itira: LOL
BrowneePointz: rare Heef L
Spooky_Noises: Egg on bread is lit
tehfewl: egg on bread is how i start my day
Heefnoff: FINALLY someone I can talk about food with intelligently
Bearudite: DAMN
Scy_Anide: (Homemade) Egg McMuffins are bomb.
cutaos: we do for breakfast
Nigouki: egg on bread is french toast and FUCKING DELICIOUS
Pteraspidomorphi: A scrambled egg patty with a fried egg on top! Genius!
ThorSokar: an egg sandwich is FANTASTIC
Heefnoff: HUH
Dreamlettuce: Breakfast needs more lettuce.
Heefnoff: HELLO
itsr67: heef is not an official opinion
drcthulu: eggs are kinda meat
feet2big: Fried egg sandwich is goat
korvys: I eat eggs on toast without other stuff all the time
Riandisa: Egg sandwich sounds great right now
Bearudite: Heef gonna clap you
itsr67: LMFAO
Faulpyr: Nah, I'll just eat the yolk on its own
Heefnoff: If Ben went to bat for eggs Adam would say eggs are ass I'm sorry
itira: baited tbh
Fanklok: I mean if Heef is backing you up it's probably wrong
DaFhaye: No Adam is right
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
circusofkirkus: eggs are icky
James_the_Dabbler: Y'all it's just an egg
DaxStrife: Good thing this game was free, dev is not getting their money's worth.
Bearudite: Meet heef at Nuketown
KeytarCat: Eggs are a base! Or an emulsifier! Or a leavening agent!
korvys: Eggs are the main thing
Mathwyn: Boo this man, he hates eggs and freedom
SomebodyNowhere: did you hear ben hates eggs
LPS_97: check the tape
saucemaster5000: I'm also not gonna eat cooked ground beef ben that's not ALL the burger!
HorusFive: I just got here- Why does Ben hate Eggs?
Abracadaver23: I can't believe Ben hates all eggs
cutaos: egg is top though
Lobo_Apache: someone clip him saying "eggs are bad"
kolintoney: Ben is right, eggs are fine.
Heefnoff: Eggs are the support beams of breakfast
Nigouki: Ben the egg hater
gualdhar: Ben I can't believe you don't like eggs
Pteraspidomorphi: I do like dill
Mr_Horrible: "Eggs are the worst part of breakfast" - literal Ben Ulmer not 10 minutes ago
circusofkirkus: "HER SISTER WAS A WITCH"
drcthulu: eggcelent
BrowneePointz: eggs make breakfast
quasi79fu: chat does this screeen of the tape look like box on table?
Mai_Andra: <gollum voice> "eggs! EGGS it is!"
frank_the_great: Counterpoint: Eggs Benny
BrowneePointz: no eggs, it's not breakfast
DaFhaye: So what you are saying is that the egg is the mvp
EvilBadman: Ben, Ben, the song is Tossed Salad AND scrambled EGGS. grow up bro
ThirdGames: After the Shrek incident, I can't believe EGGS is what ends Ben's career.
BloodnBullets: eggs are bad.
thegitrogsquirrel: this is true Horror
JoeLowe2: Ben Ulmer - Egg hater
Cleekru: no no Ben speak the truth: eggs are bad lrrBEEJ
nnaimad: WTF is wrong with him
itsr67: Lmfao
wiganlass: where’s her baked beans??
MWGNZ: heck yeah egg and pineapple in a burger
ContingentCat: If eggs are done well they can be the best part, but so often they're done mid
electra310: How can Ben hate eggs?
BusTed: 🎣 🎣 🎣 🎣
itira: its an egg sandwhich with a beef patty
Tweygoh: Eggs are a component of a dish rather than the dish
squ3e: See I think these 10 minute tangents are proof that the Devs did NOT watch the stream before gifting the game
devilcultivator: eggs are only on the assist menu not the fighter select *nods*
Mischievous_Catgeist: Egg sandwich with beef
MoxCubitZirconium: Is this an argument or a claim?
saucemaster5000: The burger NEEDS the other things, the burger is just what holds it together t5oo!
Riandisa: An egg sandwich with beef
James_the_Dabbler: Oh now Adam is winding him
math_nerdette: Where is Jordynne?
saucemaster5000: This point is pointless
korvys: If you took eggs away from that plate, you'd have a shitty BLT
gualdhar: Oh, so an egg and sausage mcmuffin isn't a sandwich because of the egg?
tehfewl: Ben's argument sounds like a "I dont' like water" arguement
RurouniGeo: Which way Western Man? Eggs and Bacon or Bacon and Eggs?
varmintx0: Adam has Ben so titled right now.
Veshnikard: Eggs are the Connor McDavid on the team
itira: fuckin LUL
Mr_Horrible: No Ben that's a melt Kappa
nnaimad: Ben, what have the eggs done to you?
itsr67: Looooooool
KeytarCat: !point
NotCainNorAbel: this speedrun went off the rails
Heefnoff: @saucemaster5000 Sauce
HorusFive: Does Ben not believe in the transitive property?
NorthstarTex: I hope you're happy Ben, now my entire household is arguing over breakfast.
ThorSokar: I'll eat scrambled eggs by themselves
Abracadaver23: I can't believe Ben came out swinging wearing a t-shirt that says #1 egg hater
Laserbeaks_Fury: I don't need the burger, f me the egg is en ouef
loufghyslaufey: I mean, if a "hamburger" took literal context seriously, hamburgers would have cold cuts instead of beef patties...
Nigouki: Ben were you sick with the Anti-Egg virus?
Fanklok: Look if I could only have one breakfast food it would be egg. I'm not eating an tire plate of toast.
Mr_Horrible: we found his sleeper agent activation
Heefnoff: TRUE
HadesLeprechaun: Burgers are also bad if you do nothing to adorn the burger, plain, unsalted burger with no condiments: also bad
itsr67: Looooool
itira: hahahahaaa
VrolikSyndrome: TRUE
Bearudite: truuuuu
quasi79fu: screen looked like box on table
Heefnoff: Starts with the muffin is crazy
SomebodyNowhere: lrrBEN +🥚=😡
Heefnoff: YES
KeytarCat: @Laserbeaks_Fury eyyy
gualdhar: dude I start with the bread
Pteraspidomorphi: Yup
saucemaster5000: yeah we all agree here
PinballGeek: burger is just an egg-less egg sandwich
Heefnoff: Amanda's a FREAK
JoeLowe2: hahahha
spethycakes: I never thought I would think "oh, thank god" to go back to Amanda, but here we are
gualdhar: wow Ben so rude
Abracadaver23: starting with the muffin is suboptimal
nnaimad: Desert first
Heefnoff: THIS is why she's the villain
Mr_Horrible: I could see like, *a bite* of muffin to start
Zanzabar_: @korvys idk one of my favorite blt's is an egg salad blt
electra310: The muffin is the one thing the possum hasn't gotten to
ThorSokar: Bacon first every damn time
consolecowboy88: Amanda is Patrick Bateman
xantos69: Whenever I go to a breakfast place and order a big meal. They always ask me "How do you want your eggs?" I always reply "I want my eggs to be an extra order of hash browns." I am simply correct.
LPS_97: try the train again?
Heefnoff: Eating the muffin before the breakfast is like wiping before you shit
Bearudite: we need this stream to have VC where you can listen to Vrolik and me shout TRUUU all the time
quasi79fu: seee that one side
dumbo3k: Oh, the back round one looks like the breakfast plate
quasi79fu: with the circle
LPS_97: I think you had it
Bionull: It's your training arc
quasi79fu: it loooked like her breakfast
electra310: The real puzzle is the breakfast we made along the way?
Mr_Horrible: only puzzles bro is in for is "how do I optimize this build?"
gualdhar: oh, did we discuss Ben making Adam help a person in a jar?
NimrodXIV: froot froot
Mr_Horrible: denied
saucemaster5000: that train is so fucking slow
korvys: I think you must still have to hit all 3?
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's a good trip, you see London, and you see France
Fanklok: Adam will do no more than a 4 piece jigsaw puzzle
BusTed: We remember how Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise went
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 this is America we don't have high-speed rail
Abracadaver23: can you pick them up while it's in travel?
LostThePirate: You solved everything besides the stupidly obtuse final puzzle in that UGO 50 stream
korvys: Ok, well the X one would *have* to go on the normal exit, for one thing
BloodnBullets: oh come from the corner by london to the exit
Mr_Horrible: @theambivalentagender good accurate title on that clip, let the world know
Elevation_4000_FT: You visited all the countries last time. What if you visited NONE of the countries?
quasi79fu: finally lol
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible I've been looking at zephyre tickets for next summer and it's four days to chicago wtf
SomebodyNowhere: how is it arranged in front of her
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 look, any amount of train is better than nothing in this country but yeah that's an mizzOOF
Heefnoff: Her violent tendencies have subsided
xVeinFirex: frankie is a better name than cuddy flam
SomebodyNowhere: is the food arrangement based on her perspective or the cameras
Abracadaver23: that bear has seen the abyss
MAPBoardgames: Clink Clink? What did she have in that second pillow?
Heefnoff: Pancakes
JoeLowe2: pancakes
Makrosian_Tay: Pancakes
Laserbeaks_Fury: Spamcakes
saucemaster5000: Maybe if you didn't eat the muffin first people would join you amanda
ThorSokar: Red Lavender Blue on the cups
quasi79fu: rip possum
Bearudite: gonna regret ordering the big breakfast
violetblight: aw fuck now i got tom cardy in my head
saucemaster5000: tom cardy mentioned????
xVeinFirex: wait how did a possum getting electrocuted change what cup we used?
violetblight: patricia? daddy want the big breakfast
SomebodyNowhere: ooh new tape
spethycakes: yay, new tape!
LPS_97: activated the vhs toaster
Mathwyn: I don't have time to practice patience!
frank_the_great: P2 can always force a tie
ThorSokar: P2 can always force a tie
Laserbeaks_Fury: YOU FOOL
saucemaster5000: I'd just win
SomebodyNowhere: a game so easy a chicken can play
frank_the_great: @ThorSokar great minds
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is there a setting to make Ben play against himself?
TomatoKigu: …strange game, the only winning move is not to play?
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
ThorSokar: @frank_the_great composFive
varmintx0: Are you trying to teach Joshua to not nuke the world?
Mr_Horrible: Ben goofed, take far left
itsr67: LUL
Mr_Horrible: Adam you threw
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
SomebodyNowhere: dang
spethycakes: Wooly!
spethycakes: oh no
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby woolly back
Astramentha: D:
JoeLowe2: Wooly!
quasi79fu: yay wooly
Makrosian_Tay: Ok why was that so funny LUL
Mr_Horrible: Amanda... Adam... are they the same soul?
kolintoney: Wooly!
consolecowboy88: justice for wooly
paulthemapguy: what the actual piss there's a second one??
saucemaster5000: Fuck the antichrist has returned
quasi79fu: hahahahahah
raulghoulia: remember Elmo and Rocco?
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh Wooly stepping on her lines
Abracadaver23: Amanda is going to kill this man
NimrodXIV: subtle
spethycakes: I hope Wooly is getting paid a lot to appear in these
kolintoney: I'm losing my patience with this table
paulthemapguy: "stay calm" is this gonna be another horror game where Adam and Ben have to stay quiet
SomebodyNowhere: oooh this is the puzzle on the other side?
Fanklok: Maybe we need to be patient with Ben and his breakfast lunacy
ohjanji: this poor sheep lol
quasi79fu: so how do we know when to pause?
ContingentCat: lrrWOW
NotCainNorAbel: us too
KeytarCat: Self esteem
frank_the_great: good save streamer
Makrosian_Tay: LUL LUL LUL
Morrigan9: a twitch channel
ThorSokar: NICE dodge there ben
Mathwyn: James birder
Mr_Horrible: known bird, James Turner
Seth_Erickson: hoping you'd say your twitch career
ohjanji: favorite bird: james
Fanklok: Adam have you watched the Crapshot "James' Mom"
spethycakes: James (wood)Turner
Mr_Horrible: get his ass, Amanda
ContingentCat: You're just not trying hard enough
SomebodyNowhere: monke
saucemaster5000: it ME!
LPS_97: speak no evil
TheWriterAleph: ook ook
A_Dub888: MONKE
ohjanji: speak no evil, but the rest? evil af
itira: seabatOAK
Gaelan_Maestro: oh HELL naw
saucemaster5000: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
ContingentCat: Monkey got his nails did
Abracadaver23: speak no, see no, hear no
ohjanji: oh sure the national anthem station
NotCainNorAbel: Oh Canada
Makrosian_Tay: Why does the first monkey so emaciated??
Seth_Erickson: o7
spethycakes: "sock it to 'em again"
TheWriterAleph: o7
frank_the_great: o7
Veshnikard: o7
GhostValv: o7
squ3e: o7
SomebodyNowhere: what is book
itsr67: doodSalute
spethycakes: o7
VrolikSyndrome: o7
Makrosian_Tay: o7
ContingentCat: o7
paulthemapguy: hahaha American anthem is evil
Mr_Horrible: kanagoSalute
electra310: o7
NorthstarTex: o7
empyreon: o7
xVeinFirex: o7
Lobo_Apache: o7
Fanklok: Oh canada
Astramentha: o7
violetblight: o7
dumbo3k: o7
onetrueseth: Crank it
quasi79fu: this music reminds me too much of poltergeist
VrolikSyndrome: yeah...
BusTed: benginO7
A_Dub888: o7
PandaByName: we know
NightValien28: nightv22Salute
OliverWight: @Makrosian_Tay covering its mouth
NorthstarTex: it sucks...
Bearudite: yeah
violetblight: yeah we know
spethycakes: You're absolutely correct
Mr_Horrible: shut up O Canada boy
Lobo_Apache: Is Oh Canada any better?
Bearudite: it honks
patrick_stonecrusher: 🇺🇸
saucemaster5000: you gonna rep oh blehnada???
itsr67: I personally replace it with video game bgm
A_Dub888: look you're not wrong but...
ohjanji: it's annoying lol
RurouniGeo: The composer for o canada ain't great either lol
RealGamerCow: our national anthem's tune was based on a drinking song.
bv310: O Canada is absolutely better
ThorSokar: composSalute Remember when Radio and TV Stations used to go off-line for the day? I REMEMBER :-(
EvilBadman: Any anthem fucking blows
ThirdGames: Most national anthems are dated and boring
Seth_Erickson: I like it as a song, but not as an anthem
Abracadaver23: O Canada stinks on ice
Mai_Andra: ♫ America ♪ Fuck Yeah! ♫
spethycakes: Nobody can sing it well, but many believe they can
paulthemapguy: I think most Americans know that their national anthem is a dumb drunk song by dumb drunks
saucemaster5000: KKONA
frank_the_great: o7
wiganlass: all I hear is fish in the sky and a big monkey pie, gotta live eddie izzard
violetblight: oh yeah fuck that song
ohjanji: LMAO
KeytarCat: Oh god, that song...
UltraVioletVodoo: did you know theres a god bless canada by the same guy
NorthstarTex: Oh Canada is a good anthem
Abracadaver23: FAIR
saucemaster5000: Oh Brfnada
Mr_Horrible: keep fooling yourself, Gord
paulthemapguy: Canada can do whatever they WANT on ice, okay
couchboyj: The only way to make the Star Spangled Banner look good is to compare to Oh Canada
Fanklok: Wow Ben is such a jingoist
TomatoKigu: O Canada is the only national anthem I know how to sing by heart.
RealGamerCow: O Canada was the first French I learned watching hockey.
Abracadaver23: longer than what we sing
underhill33: La Marseillaise is a banger tho
ShaneLeeAtk: 4 verses
ohjanji: america's theme song lol
Favre_the_Undead: the best was the ussr's
saucemaster5000: Guess these two can't see by the dawn's early light
mysticsailboat: yo wooly is back!
Dr_fragenstien: depends on if you're talking about the first verse everyone knows or the full thing
Mathwyn: I bet you have a second verse that you forget about
FirbolgForest: I mean, technically O Canada has several verses.
quasi79fu: i see no evil..speak no evil and hear no evil
Frankenstain: we have a chain of grocery stores in New Jersey that blasts patriotic music as soon as you walk inside
raulghoulia: theme song? never thought to call it that
LPS_97: La Marseillaise is a banger
Abracadaver23: The star spangled banner is actually very long
EvilBadman: And that's the FIRST verse. Of for!
Seth_Erickson: most people stylize it in a way that goes on too long, but there are lots of renditions that are much quicker
JoeLowe2: Italy's national anthem is a banger
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: hey, you try listening to it every morning for 12 years and see if you still think it's dumb (yes)
bv310: The perfect theme song is one sustained Middle C for 17 seconds at full volume
RealGamerCow: possum!
GasCityGaming: What's america's wrestling entrance music? (Can't be Hogan's)
Diabeto3241 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months, currently on a 22 month streak!
Diabeto3241: Wow thats like 6 years
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the_walking: isn't Canada's anthem god save the king?
LPS_97: @GasCityGaming cody rhodes
paulthemapguy: Team America: World Police theme song
Abracadaver23: @GasCityGaming just people chanting "usa usa"
SomebodyNowhere: uhoh
letsbelgo: naaailll gun
itira: its ok Adam
Laserbeaks_Fury: TIMING@
quasi79fu: jazzz hands
saucemaster5000: bro puts together the treehouse with a staple gun
Mr_Horrible: Wooly you're breaking cue
UltraVioletVodoo: she doesnt like you woolie
mysticsailboat: oh my god the contempt is still there
Mr_Horrible: c'mon, I thought you were a professional
KeytarCat: Staple guns and nail guns are both things. Turns out screw guns sorta also exist
dumbo3k: Red Birdhouses go faster!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Makes the house go faster
A_Dub888: Shut up Sanguine- I mean Woolie!
Abracadaver23: Rawr xd
Astramentha: lrrAWW prior wooly
Lobo_Apache: Red? An excellent color for hospital floors
Mr_Horrible: "I'm an iconoclast" - Ben Ulmer
Astramentha: poor*
bv310: Paw paw!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Swiper no swiping
quasi79fu: speak no ebil
BusTed: benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos
SomebodyNowhere: she gonna smack him
Fanklok: @mr_horrible Ben doesn't know what that word means
Seth_Erickson: read the room Wooly smh
quasi79fu: speak no evil
RealGamerCow: amanda's kind of a jerk in this one
NimrodXIV: Wooly's gonna get punched
DaFhaye: That bird house sucks
Mr_Horrible: @Fanklok fair point
saucemaster5000: WE GOT SQUATTERS!
ShaneLeeAtk: Condors!
kumatsu: birds not even flapping
Abracadaver23: what a fuckin coinkydink
Abracadaver23: they're red too
quasi79fu: sleeeepy
EvilBadman: Landlord not a job
ohjanji: welp
frank_the_great: uhh
Asolya: yikes
Laserbeaks_Fury: Hey ma! That weird cat is back!
Mr_Horrible: "This is nature, Wooly"
paulthemapguy: fuckin commie birds (jk)
Asolya: that's why cats should stay indoors
SomebodyNowhere: cats gotta eat
Abracadaver23: circle of life, circle of death
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Woolie disregards the Prime Directive
Fanklok: Birds don't pay rent, there's this fucking blue Jay in my yard that's behind like 2 years
itira: o.O
VrolikSyndrome: MA
Bionull: Circle kittens too
quasi79fu: you were saying
rosesmcgee: cats are an ecological disaster, keep them inside plz
empyreon: MAAAA
ohjanji: oh dear
BusTed: Exploding Kittens cat
spethycakes: jordij3SadCat
Asolya: @rosesmcgee agreed
MAPBoardgames: Killing red birds is a cardinal sin
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh HahaCat
Abracadaver23: wooly you can go inside any time
Astramentha: lrrAWW lrrAWW lrrAWW
SomebodyNowhere: we got monkeys now
paulthemapguy: @MAPBoardgames ayyyyyyyy
Mr_Horrible: on our next episode, we deglove a squirrel in front of Wooly
ohjanji: 'follow us to fun' and hamlin in the same picture eh
SomebodyNowhere: what is the book next to monkey
spethycakes: Those monkeys don't look like they're having a barrel full of fun
quasi79fu: hear..speak...seee
Fanklok: Now we got 5 monkeys
paulthemapguy: where is nut no evil
ThorSokar: are the shorts the colors of the paint choices?
VrolikSyndrome: For sure.
Mr_Horrible: Gamefaqs still kickin'
Fanklok: Yes
LPS_97: yeah on steam guides or somethin
saucemaster5000: the gamefaqs holy knights
kumatsu: people do it a lot on steam now
Mathwyn: ASCII art kicks arse
Darleysam: so much more valuable than videos
ghyllnox: Acai text lmao
SomebodyNowhere: oh the box thing is now on the floor
frank_the_great: Yes, and they have pictures too sometimes!
Abracadaver23: go on gamefaqs, pick the one with the most ampersands and hashtags
empyreon: acai berry art
ThorSokar: gamefaqs still going strong, text files for the win
KeytarCat: I mostly get walkthroughs for PSx games, and those are still hosted if not new
quasi79fu: im awake
Robot_Bones: oh those are the sekiro monkeys
Astramentha: o7
SomebodyNowhere: playball
UltraVioletVodoo: fuck america, i live here
quasi79fu: im not sleeepy
squ3e: o7
MWGNZ: serving static text over the internet is cheap to do
violetblight: WOOOO
ohjanji: boooo
Mr_Horrible: I want my walkthroughs plaintext like god intended, get this 10-video YT series shit outta here
violetblight: AMERICA
kolintoney: Nationalism!
quasi79fu: hey wake upppp
EvilBadman: That's the end of one verse Ben
Fanklok: Sounds like terrorism talk to me
Kramburger: The rockewt's red glare
EvilBadman: There's four
Abracadaver23: We don't sing the whole song
paulthemapguy: the song is notorious for having a huge range in pitches, making it hard to sing
DaxStrife: Anyone whose walkthrough is just a "here's my YouTube links" deserves to have their knees broken.
ShaneLeeAtk: It sounds like some drunk Brits came up with the tune
violetblight: its a pain in the ass to sing
KeytarCat: It's written for performance, not for participation
saucemaster5000: man's shitting on "twilight's last gleaming??????"
Mr_Horrible: "The cockatoo was there to wake up the audience!"
wiganlass: watch Eddie Izzard doing it, so funny
GasCityGaming: sure did, good old saskie public school
LPS_97: We don't do that in Quebec
JohnLockeCole: well that's not how it's supposed to be Performed, it's a Freaking March, the whole thing is meant to be played Heavily Accento
Manae: Reminds me of my old band teacher's complaint about the anthem--it's always played so slow it's more of a dirge than an anthem
Darleysam: latin
GasCityGaming: German
JoeLowe2: we did that in my public school too
adept_nekomancer: Klingon
DudelidouX: german
NotCainNorAbel: Klingon
quasi79fu: latin
MWGNZ: haskel
Getter404: Korean
Mathwyn: English Kappa
Fanklok: Ukranian
thatguysteve2709: Ukranian
korvys: Oil
Scy_Anide: Texan
v_nome: Ukranian?
dumbo3k: Albertan
quasi79fu: russian
Ladyrhea subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
EvilBadman: Esperanto
underhill33: Entish
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ladyrhea! (Today's storm count: 110)
RealGamerCow: Texan
Astramentha: ukranian
Bionull: English
bv310: Ukrainian
Darth_Litigious: Esperanto
patrick_stonecrusher: Tagalog
kumatsu: I can't read Latin
kolintoney: Antarctican
Abracadaver23: man can't appreciate the beauty of a song about a flag that was still there
saucemaster5000: lashootsie
ArdCollider: APL
Gekyouryuu: I took 4 years of Latin in High School
Kramburger: I went to Catholic school for 12 years and we only had morning prayer because my [homeroom] teacher as AP-RE
Mr_Horrible: they were training the kids to play Stalker SoC
quasi79fu: does it?
thatguysteve2709: Bird
korvys: Type of bird
Fanklok: Hmm eastern Europeans flocking to the desolate tundra
SomebodyNowhere: a bird name? 5 letters? robin?
quasi79fu: robin
Astramentha: Canada explicitly imported Eastern Europeans to be farmers and push out the indigenous ppl
Nigouki: monke is 5 letters
YeomanAres: Eagle
JohnLockeCole: But yes, the United States National Anthem is meant to be performed as a battle march, it's the fault of people who perform it like a ballad that it makes it feel wrong
Darleysam: I was given US Christian Fundamentalist education for a bunch of my childhood! It was super weird!
SomebodyNowhere: how do we stop the possum
quasi79fu: oh he skipped where it was darK?
ThorSokar: blue red lavender
Seth_Erickson: @JohnLockeCole ^
VrolikSyndrome: Sure. "Cute"
korvys: Stealer no stealing
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
quasi79fu: faceplant
ohjanji: always land on their feet, eh
Mai_Andra: We had to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, first to the American flag and then to the Christian flag.
Mai_Andra: face plant
thatguysteve2709: I have a weird idea but no clue if it's right
quasi79fu: why the shorts?
UltraVioletVodoo: the third color is wrong, on the monkeys i mean
VrolikSyndrome: monky
Mr_Horrible: what about "throw no evil back"?
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK
thatguysteve2709: Speak no evil is last cause she doesn't like you warning the birds
quasi79fu: do they cover their mouths at a point?
Azralorne: Earlier when you didn't stop the possum from messing with the red paint they covered their mouths at one point
quasi79fu: i cant remember
Azralorne: I remember seeing it happening
twistedsylvan: wait aren't there usually four monkeys with that theme? Where is "Do no evil?"
Frankenstain: it looks like there was a poster on the wall that said patients could that have a clue?
Abracadaver23: does the time of day in this vhs have to do with the weather block puzzle?
SomebodyNowhere: did anything else in the place change
kolintoney: The radio played something different when you were picking tools?
Astramentha: I think Wooly makes the monkey poses sometimes?
Anch0r_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Anch0r_! (Today's storm count: 111)
YeomanAres: Hamelin like the pied piper? Is there a book?
LittleVesuvius: I might have it.
TheAwkes: Birds and X's are both red? That could be something?
quasi79fu: do they cover their ears
LittleVesuvius: i think it's 'what doesn't Amanda want' in order
saucemaster5000: monke? would
korvys: Maybe there's a book about the national anthem?
quasi79fu: its so dark
ThorSokar: does her shirt change color?
dumbo3k: if its about thbe original saying, then it is "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, & Speak No Evil" In that order
quasi79fu: how do we make it bright?
MoxCubitZirconium: does the lamp next to tv do anything?
LittleVesuvius: the screen is dimmer each time
squ3e: Do we have a way to turn off lights for see no evil?
Juliamon: Wooly did complain about it being dark...
Smurfykins: i remember seeing the first amanda game and this has gotten a lot better visually wow
NimrodXIV: aha
squ3e: if we can turn down volume for hear no evil
LittleVesuvius: oh wow
squ3e: Ohhh turn up the volume then
quasi79fu: oh missed it?
electra310: They covered their eyes
Abracadaver23: they definitely paused so you could pause
Seth_Erickson: and don't talk to the birds perhaps
Abracadaver23: this one is obtuse
EvilBadman: The last game had a lot of "pause on a frame, do the thing"
LittleVesuvius: i think the solution is lavender
LittleVesuvius: to the bird thing
quasi79fu: wait they didnt cover their mouths?
sarsum33: so if you don't know there are actually 4 monkey's originally. the last one is called do no evil can you guess what that one is covering Kappa
thatguysteve2709: If you turn radio up for cat maybe
UltraVioletVodoo: there is a radio in the vid
quasi79fu: wasnt wooly gettin sleepy?
SomebodyNowhere: so what one would be speak no evil
EvilBadman: They covered their mouths when they didn't stop the possum
LittleVesuvius: the stream is tiny for me what happened
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Mr_Horrible: clever
Seth_Erickson: now we need the speak no evil hear no evil
squ3e: Yeah let little man open the paint
BusTed: is there volume control?
korvys: Something about warning the birds?
Abracadaver23: maybe don't stop the possum? does that do anything?
saucemaster5000: Make wooly sick when he sees the cats eating the bird?
DaxStrife: She does tell Wooly "don't say it!" at the end of the video?
dumbo3k: ohhh! Hear No Evil is next, so maybe jack up the radio?
Abracadaver23: we've stopped the possum a lot in a row
LittleVesuvius: why is stream zoomed out
RealGamerCow: doesn't he cover his mouth when the birds are killed?
LittleVesuvius: he does
saucemaster5000: yeah he covers his mouth at the bird deaths
devilcultivator: blueJ
quasi79fu: dont we need both to cover their mouths or ears?
electra310: Oh yeah, he says he's going to throw up and covers his mouth, right?
SomebodyNowhere: will your radio get rid of him
Seth_Erickson: it's switched several times
korvys: Nah, it's just a different part of the loop
TheDevil_Risen: how is this game so spoopy and wholesome at the same time?
Astramentha: D:
kolintoney: DJ 2 Shades
Darleysam: DJ 2Shadez? PogChamp
Abracadaver23: OH MOUTH
SomebodyNowhere: there they're covering their mouths
quasi79fu: missed it
Seth_Erickson: they both covered there mouths there
saucemaster5000: They covered their moths!!!
electra310: Tjhere it was
NimrodXIV: they covered their mouths
ThorSokar: ^
Abracadaver23: they covered their mouths
Seth_Erickson: when the possum threw the paint around
ThorSokar: that was it
SomebodyNowhere: when the paint was splashed they covered their mouths
Favre_the_Undead: they were covering their mouths, yeah
EvilBadman: Stares at them covering mouths, does nothing
RealGamerCow: sure was
electra310: They covered their mouths when he threw rthe paint
dumbo3k: I think the radio has to be on screen for them to hear it
quasi79fu: wasnt wooly gettin sleepy at some point...
RealGamerCow: so it has to be both
LittleVesuvius: wooly WAS getting sleepy, maybe that's it?
korvys: That zoom in on the bird seems... important
Abracadaver23: i hope they don't reset
quasi79fu: how would you get someone to cover their ears or wake up?
SomebodyNowhere: I'm not sure why they would cover their ears other than the radio
KeytarCat: @korvys But is it mechanically interactive? 😗
OmegaPlatinum: so, is Amanda kind of a jerk?
quasi79fu: yes?
Abracadaver23: the radio HAS to have something to do with it right? why woudl they give it to us otherwise
quasi79fu: or a demon
KeytarCat: @OmegaPlatinum Amanda is a cursed child, she's not having a good time
ThorSokar: Eagle?
SomebodyNowhere: can the music wake up the bird maybe?
NimrodXIV: I'm also thinking eagle
Asolya: what about the radio on the table itself?
Abracadaver23: what if past the painting we let it ride for a bit and don't skip? we know the cat and bird choice didn't change
devilcultivator: have you tried "pufin"
itira: uughn national anthem
lochnessseammonster: hooraah
dumbo3k: maybe pause when she has the nail gun, and then jack up the radio?
quasi79fu: he stole a plank
RealGamerCow: he covered his ears when he hit the deck, but it was only Wooly
korvys: If the volume goes back down, then I guess that tells you when - like the light turning off
Kramburger: Have we had a break yet?
protojman: song i'm listening to just said "hear no speak no see no evil" so i guess i live in a simulation
UltraVioletVodoo: lavender was the color that had a different thing that happened
quasi79fu: love the possum
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
SchalaKitty: possum has amazing gremlin energy
N30dude: that monkey had no teeth
spethycakes: rhymes2Hype
Kramburger: Can we play them the national anthem
Juliamon: Chat thinks it's while the dying bird is close up
thatguysteve2709: Everytime the possum opens it mouth I want to hear Adams sound affects coming out of its mouth
Abracadaver23: WAIT
quasi79fu: sleeepy
Asolya: NOW
Abracadaver23: YEAHHHH
SomebodyNowhere: there it is
spethycakes: lrrBartleby
NimrodXIV: FBtouchdown
vinopinguino subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
vinopinguino: Let's nope boys are back!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vinopinguino! (Today's storm count: 112)
TheDevil_Risen: sergeGG sergeGG
SomebodyNowhere: lrrBartleby
Nigouki: hell yeah creature
quasi79fu: creature?
TheBob58: Is there a horrifying possum monster running around?
Mai_Andra: creature? possum in the library? xivTonberry
NightValien28: la creatura?◘
itira: LUL ben!
Boon_33: This is a library!
saucemaster5000: it's nice to work with good friends
Abracadaver23: this cat makes me smile, they're so frumpy
quasi79fu: who is hunting who?
squ3e: So do we have to run through it all to get a new tape?
empyreon: o7 catte
MadWolf1290 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MadWolf1290! (Today's storm count: 113)
Boon_33 wispers: 'this is a library.'
Smurfykins whispers 'shaharazad'
Xenguin47 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
Xenguin47: Is 63 a spooky number?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xenguin47! (Today's storm count: 114)
quasi79fu: tah dahhh
TheDevil_Risen: HAHAHA
Smurfykins: LOL
SomebodyNowhere: wow clip that
quasi79fu: ahahahahahah
KeytarCat: AGAIN
Nigouki: HONK HONK
Mr_Horrible: I'm telling Gus you said that, Adam
Mathwyn: LUL
TheWriterAleph: LUL
therepoman__: LMAOOO
Kentosaurus: HAHAHA
NorthstarTex: got got!
LostThePirate: LOL
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahahahaha
itira: LUL goddamn
DaxStrife: MONKE
UltraVioletVodoo: that was a good one
Abracadaver23: actually got me
Makrosian_Tay: PHEW!!
LittleVesuvius: OH wow that got me too
TheDevil_Risen: Get Wrecked BenBen
Blip2004: that was great
spethycakes: hahaha
Boon_33 wispers: 'no, for the last time, we don't stock pornorgraphy at this library.'
DaFhaye: Oh that was good
quasi79fu: clip that
kolintoney: Solid NOPE
LittleVesuvius: and i'm just watching
circusofkirkus: wheelerMonkey
TheDevil_Risen: haha <3
patrick_stonecrusher: Gotteem
LittleVesuvius: noooooo lol
Juliamon: seabatClap
Asolya: that's in the highlights
RatherLargeToad: Monkey man will make you believe
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK
Mathwyn: Pig?
Forlorgen: highlight reel
SomebodyNowhere: 🙈🙉🙊
SomebodyNowhere: yeah that needs to be on the highlight
feet2big subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, feet2big! (Today's storm count: 115)
Mr_Horrible: gotta admit, those monkeys got style
Marvoleath: wheelerMonkey
Gekyouryuu: this is why The Beatles are more famous
LittleVesuvius: that poster of Amanda on the wall has gotten less unhinged.
Boon_33: hey-hey for the monekeys
Seth_Erickson: you did also point out the sleepy wooly
LittleVesuvius: uh.
Bearudite: adam went to the comode
Boon_33: Hi wolly
thatguysteve2709: Hey that's worth a lot of money now
Darleysam: one of these needs to be an Atmosfear VHS
Laserbeaks_Fury: See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Drop No Evil
SomebodyNowhere: wow
RealGamerCow: heavy breathing tree disturbs me
saucemaster5000: man has relieved the rushing rivers of niagra
Abracadaver23: y'all see that tree freak out?
VrolikSyndrome: Like a body, Amanda?
Kentosaurus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak!
Kentosaurus: sub for monke
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kentosaurus! (Today's storm count: 116)
LittleVesuvius: oh no
Boon_33: stay out of the woods
Nigouki: please no...nothing good is hidden in the woods
Seth_Erickson: so true Amanda
OmegaPlatinum: but what if they find a man in a jar in the woods?
LittleVesuvius: I feel like Amanda is going to jumpscare us
Boon_33: stay out of caves too!
Fanklok: Lie about where you're going and get really aggressive to anyone who questions it
thegitrogsquirrel: one time on a road trip we came across a station that was playing kermit the frog's rainbow connection all day. listen 4 times before we out of range
SomebodyNowhere: north
dumbo3k: Weast
Boon_33: the woods contain: nature, humans don't live in nature,
Laserbeaks_Fury: Weast
devilcultivator: weast
saucemaster5000: weast
Nigouki: Fill that lrrHAM with coins!
PaperDoopliss: No triangle, suspicious
hackingducks: @Boon_33 we live outside of the environment.
SomebodyNowhere: in the square hole
Makrosian_Tay: Snake!
patrick_stonecrusher: Circle takes the square!
Makrosian_Tay: Snake in the tree!
thatguysteve2709: I believe woolly fits in the circle hole
Xenguin47: The treasure goes in the square hole
saucemaster5000: try the circle again maybe?
Nigouki: it's a Playstation puzzle because X and O are backwards between Japan and the rest
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: it's the red circle if you're playing the japanese version
Boon_33: @hackingducks humans are best kept safely outsde of nature.
Mr_Horrible: you know that famous saying: "Square marks the plot"
Boon_33: it's good for our pollutin
Marvoleath: "that's right, it goes to the square hole"
quasi79fu: love him
Kentosaurus: he's just a little guy
spethycakes: Possum, please introduce yourself!
SomebodyNowhere: gremlin
saucemaster5000: time to make north dakota possum stew!
Laserbeaks_Fury: got the zoomies
Nigouki: ok possum is legit winning this
Blip2004: I like the possum, its got a good face
Juliamon: possum new fav character
Boon_33: possum strats
vinopinguino: im rooting for the possum
ContingentCat: possum is the best
quasi79fu: uh oh burry posssum alive
Nigouki: Amanda you coward dirty your own hands
NorthstarTex: Poss says "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
Smurfykins: possums awesome until you encounter them in the middle fo the night
Astramentha: lrrAWW
quasi79fu: treees were glitching
SomebodyNowhere: dang
Mr_Horrible: "Now climb in the hole, Wooly"
RurouniGeo: Digging his own grave
twistedsylvan: is wooly digging his own grave?
Nigouki: Wooly no! You don't have a confined space permit!
thatguysteve2709: Bury wooly
quasi79fu: wooly?
Juliamon: We tried to warn you Amanda, we told you to dig in the circle
Boon_33: has anyone ever successfully played possum in a horror movie?
saucemaster5000: damn millenials always looking for a leg up
Astramentha: D:
thatguysteve2709: Replace him with the possum
Mr_Horrible: it appears to be a stuffed cow
mysticsailboat: Stinger!
vinopinguino: help us possum!
Boon_33: she's mad...
quasi79fu: demon
shamblingkrenshar: Bring back the possum! I liked when they were on screen.
SomebodyNowhere: ohno
zer0killstreams: Hey adam, you crushed it as oliver in not a drop to drink. His character growth been the absolute highlight of this season
Boon_33: she wants your soul
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
spethycakes: well this is fully nightmare territory
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
letsbelgo: adamvsBUTT
Mr_Horrible: "probably not"
Boon_33: legally distinct mickey mouse?
quasi79fu: i wanna go home now
dumbo3k: Oh god, it has Amanda's hair
gibbousm: lrrFINE
spethycakes: lrrFINE
SomebodyNowhere: I guess that was wrong
BusTed: Maybe not that
adept_nekomancer: om nom nom
TheDevil_Risen: lrrFINE lrrSHINE
NimrodXIV: incorrect
Astramentha: D:
RurouniGeo: lrrFINE lrrFINE
100viewbots: Got it
RealGamerCow: what animal was in the pit?
Mathwyn: You chose... poorly
Seth_Erickson: picked wrong also she said she didn't care for the bear they dug up
saucemaster5000: go bears
shamblingkrenshar: Okay but imagine that scene if it was the giant possum looming over the TV holding his paws out. Now its less scary.
Juliamon: Gotta be the one she said earlier made her laugh
MAPBoardgames: Riley are you okay? Are you okay, Riley?
vinopinguino: errrmmm
quasi79fu: you were saying
Blip2004: the first one was a time loop game
spethycakes: @shamblingkrenshar I would give him ANYTHING
Mai_Andra: She already has one of those, Ben. xivTonberry
RatherLargeToad: 🎵Reilly are you OK? Are you OK Reilly?🎵
thatguysteve2709: That was real edutainment
Seth_Erickson: that's no different from the previous game
Asolya: I imagine you need to find coins to put in the piggy
Gekyouryuu: could we have given her the wooly plushy to eat?
Asolya: and when she appears, give it to her
korvys: You know the code
Mr_Horrible: I'd imagine you can shortcut stuff
Boon_33: progress!
squ3e: this whole library set up thing seems like there has to be more to it
RealGamerCow: she said "This was important to someone"
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: omg wendy wyrm hiiiii
RealGamerCow: to the animal in the hole
quasi79fu: anyways im thanks for stream n goodnight chat
Mr_Horrible: what they found in the hole looked like a weathered stuffed cow, so that might be it?
iamn0tg00d: This would be much scarier if one of you were actually named Riley. Have you considered changing names?
Tweygoh: Maybe the Wooly doll in the cabinet?
EvilBadman: A castleBrainia
Asolya: she said "important to someone but not important ANYMORE"
thatguysteve2709: What was first tape
Abracadaver23: I'm gonna steal that woolie and get outta here
Boon_33: I wonder how hard it is to keep VCR's running long term, or if we even stopped producing them?
Blip2004: more demon names
korvys: I want to know what would have happened if you said you wanted to visit "Wooly" in the first VHS (before he came back)
kdefinition: I had a cat named Malum once!
saucemaster5000: remember seanbaby?
Kentosaurus: Gentle Gromblin
fuzzy_died: Wooly has a tape, i wonder how we get that
devilcultivator: is i twice an month or is it every other month?
cutaos: something ontop of bookshelves in radio room?
vinopinguino: @devilcultivator yes
Seth_Erickson: the shoes 👀
Mai_Andra: just get it for the demo disc
Darleysam: @saucemaster5000 hell yeah, 1-800 HOT DOG is great
Boon_33: TIL the last VCR's were built in 2016
MAPBoardgames: I never read any of the articles, I just looked at the picturer\s.
Kentosaurus: @devilcultivator bimonthly is every 2 months. semimonthly is twice a month.
Mathwyn: I remember when retronauts would complain about being ignored in favour of EGM print media
saucemaster5000: The nintendo power subscription got me a yellow VHS with a 40 minute commercial for donkey kong 64
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 hell yeah
ThorSokar: 1/2 the time might be GENEROUS
RealGamerCow: you don't even have to write it, you just shove it into AI
Boon_33: Amazon will publish AI written books if you lie (supposedly)
Lobo_Apache: My reviewer of choice was Total Biscuit, but he was youtube era
korvys: Try "Wooly"?
Seth_Erickson: yes
Darleysam: yep, correct use
ohjanji: yeah you got it
TheDevil_Risen: yep
Mr_Horrible: the VHS that had the dual promo for Banjo Kazooie and Jet Force Gemini?
Mr_Horrible: PogChamp
squ3e: Oh the symbols on the chairs match up with the ones on the puzzlebox!
shamblingkrenshar: @Lobo_Apache Man, I miss TB.
HadesLeprechaun: then you give it a bad score, I'd imagine
thatguysteve2709: I mean I love games as an art form and would find it hard write about bad games objectively
Mr_Horrible: @thatguysteve2709 that's the trick - there is no "objectively", it's a review
Lobo_Apache: @shamblingkrenshar Same sibling
Mr_Horrible: anyone that whines about that shit has a screw loose
vinopinguino: pig is made of titanium
UltraVioletVodoo: can you get coins for it?
RatherLargeToad: lrrHAM
SomebodyNowhere: can you click the pig in the video
Mr_Horrible: Pig's dad went for milk and cigarettes
JohnLockeCole: I mean that's part of why EGM had three seperate reviewers write reviews of the games, to make sure one person's personal like/dislike could be talked about in other context
Mr_Horrible: kanagoClassic
RealGamerCow: wow, I just had a flashback to the game that you threw two pig dice and scored how they landed
xVeinFirex: was that something behind the tv?
korvys: Maybe if you find some coins, you won't have to sell anything?
Boon_33: silly
Darleysam: @RealGamerCow Pass the Pigs
squ3e: take em out of her hand I bet
Sarah_Serinde: Can I give you two a tip?
Boon_33: uhhh
Boon_33: no smashy?
Seth_Erickson: she smashes it anyways right
UltraVioletVodoo: can yo put coins in it?
Boon_33: bye piggy
Boon_33: bacon anyone?
Astramentha: D:
Heefnoff: Oh that's gore of my comfort character
Heefnoff: RIP piggy
Mr_Horrible: Pig shouldn't have queued up against Goldlewis
DaxStrife: The Pig Lives!
saucemaster5000: there goes canadianbacon
thatguysteve2709: This game is so cool just in the design space I love way it approaches puzzles
RatherLargeToad: Stop! …Hammer Time!
shamblingkrenshar: Wait but what if -is hastily pulled off stage so as not to backseat game-
dumbo3k: Can you click on the coins while it is paused?
Blip2004: do a videodrome
Mai_Andra: she got those penguin flippers for hands
Astramentha: -2
vinopinguino: get er ass possum
EvilBadman: Put the pig on the square next to the TV?
shamblingkrenshar: That possum really needs to lab the matchup against small children
Boon_33: you can do it, possum protagonist!
circusofkirkus: we're in debt
Astramentha: whoops
SomebodyNowhere: isnt that chichen itza that explains the chicken
jamesinor: Oh no, my student loans
adept_nekomancer: Now we have anti-coins!
Blip2004: the pig hungers for coins
Mathwyn: Wooly?
saucemaster5000: What are your assets?
RatherLargeToad: Nega-Dollars!
saucemaster5000: Asking for a friend
KeytarCat: wooly was there that time!
Lobo_Apache: wait that was wooly before
TheBob58: Wait Wooly wasn't there the first time was he?
SomebodyNowhere: seems like youre on the right track
Abracadaver23: why did wooly show up at the end?
shamblingkrenshar: Wait hold on, have we discovered a way to generate infinite money? Forget this haunted library, the world is now our oyster!
vinopinguino: that pig is going to break our knee caps
Tweygoh: Wait Wooly showed up
seanmrwick: alright this is super weird
Uzumaki15: Wait wooly was there that time
Mr_Horrible: Adam just writing off losses, pretending they don't exist. He'll go far in corporate America.
PhuzNutz: 30% APR too.
The_Timo: I'm here to collect your coin debt
DaxStrife: Amanda: A Machine for Pigs.
Fanklok: Bought Amanda's pig nft then the block chain collapsed
seanmrwick: we're here to talk about your car's extended warranty
seanmrwick: so....what's the creepy part of this game?
RealGamerCow: she has the 1 in her pocket
Mathwyn: Do we need exactly 10 coins?
thatguysteve2709: Amanda is creppy
slamaham: unplug the tv.
Boon_33: ok, game has convinced me, interactive tapes are demonic.
squ3e: @seanmrwick girl on tape is in some demon stuff
SomebodyNowhere: if the possum can steal coins might make a difference
seanmrwick: @squ3e gotcha, that makes more sense
SomebodyNowhere: if you just play the video twice would that just get you 10
TheBob58: The possum steals one, and then you find 6 in the couch
SomebodyNowhere: or does it reset
electra310: @SomebodyNowhere It clears between watches
squ3e: @seanmrwick last ending we just saw was her / a demonic form of her crawl out of the tv
cyclopsboi: she finds on in her pocket
vinopinguino: math is hard
HadesLeprechaun: then she finds like 3 in the couch?
seanmrwick: @squ3e like from "the ring" or something?
LostThePirate: What's wrong with her hand
squ3e: @seanmrwick came out of the back rather than the front, but a similar gist. We didnt play 'Bandit' well enough with her
thatguysteve2709: 5 + 3 - 1 + 3
vinopinguino: just noticed the 4 fingers
seanmrwick: @squ3e yeah that's freaky stuff
devilcultivator: like the animators of this show zoom in on her freakish blob of clay hand without shame
seanmrwick: the CGI looks very questionable
thatguysteve2709: Math right idk just writing down what you were saying?
RealGamerCow: ok, so we give demon Amanda the chicken
Boon_33: single digit maths, this is the aeronautical engineering of gaming.
Juliamon: seanmrwick it's meant to be a low-budget local TV show
seanmrwick: is she supposed to be a CG character or a Clay character?
Laserbeaks_Fury: If if that were correct, it would be 1+1+2+1. not 1+2+1+1
Pteraspidomorphi: Pocket
Seth_Erickson: maybe the rooster is what Amanda wants in the bandit tape later right
Tz_BG: @thatguysteve2709 She finds 4 in the couch at the end
seanmrwick: @Juliamon ok that makes a lot of sense
SomebodyNowhere: @Laserbeaks_Fury #clue
thatguysteve2709: Ahhh okay idk then haha
Boon_33: go battle possum!
ohjanji: the possum noises lol
vinopinguino: eat her face possum
Kentosaurus: possum deserves a coin
therepoman__: The possum rules
spethycakes: I aspire to be like that possum
SomebodyNowhere: make sure teh pig is there
Blip2004: got no bones
ohjanji: [wails]
Juliamon: so we needed the pig there
squ3e: yup
Boon_33: coin is still good, it's still there....
adept_nekomancer: 11 out of 10 -- we'll have extra coins!
devilcultivator: possum is good, little freak is doing god's work of letting us solve puzzles
seanmrwick: is she going for the Caillou approach?
shamblingkrenshar: Moody Blues: Rewind!
Boon_33: feed the possum fiber = free coin
MWGNZ: seabatUseless
korvys: You skiped +5 and -2
A_Dub888: Put food in me, what kind of adventures have we gotten into?
thatguysteve2709: I believe your math still works
Boon_33: I assume possums subscribe to the school of logic that, if it can fit down your throat it can fit our your bum.
thatguysteve2709: Remove pit
Mr_Horrible: "We actually have to stop the possum this time" - sentences video games make you say
dumbo3k: I think you need ot not stop the possum, but rmeove the bank first?
saucemaster5000: you know what's fun?
Marvoleath: dont stop the possum, just take the pig away when it steals
itira: ding dang eh
shamblingkrenshar: I am delighted that giving the possum a W results in the true timeline.
Laserbeaks_Fury: poodoo
Fanklok: You can just dangle a mic
saucemaster5000: maybe someone should learn to stop fidgeting
Nigouki: Adam just doesn't want to show his hands adjusting the mic all the time
Boon_33: The spooky boys have broken the game econmomy wide open in less than an episode.
SomebodyNowhere: ho chi mihn city!
Juliamon: It's a math puzzle
hypergirlie_hyperpop: look, it's no towers of hanoi, but what is
Nigouki: the idea of the puzzle is good, the execution a bit tedious
Juliamon: so now we have 8, then we lose 1 to possum = 7, then we find 3 in the couch
Boon_33: puzzles can be exchanged for goods and services (crypto basics)
squ3e: I think finding one in pocket doesnt add right?
Seth_Erickson: I still think the rooster is who you need to bring to Amanda in the Bandit tape
GasCityGaming: Me with a history degree.....
Kentosaurus: possum can have a coin as a treat
Makrosian_Tay: What is this kid doing learning about Jack the Ripper?? lrrSPOOP
Mr_Horrible: "Drowning myself in gin across the globe"
saucemaster5000: only history I want is the history of hops hitting my stomach
Juliamon: can we smash it now?
30teracyte: i guess fast forwarding to the end of the tape takes it back to 0
thatguysteve2709: Something made noise
GasCityGaming: Just cause it's objectively true :P
Asolya: oh if you take the piggy off it goes back to 0?
dumbo3k: did you fast forward thru the Pigy + part?
Fanklok: Wuh happun
dzee_szed: did you need to smash it while it was 10/10
satyropodobny: look at them math pots calling out poor nerd kettle fluttershy
DaxStrife: Did you skip to the end before it finished adding the coins?
Tweygoh: Did you check before skipping?
Mr_Horrible: where is the promised paradise?
itira: oh my god LUL
NimrodXIV: o m g
SomebodyNowhere: it needs to get to 10 I guess
VrolikSyndrome: Hold your horses, buckaroo.
The_Timo: Nothing wastes more time than trying to save time lol
Laserbeaks_Fury: WE'LL DO IT LIVE
Mr_Horrible: bro reset the instance when the loot was right there
HadesLeprechaun: today, Ben's gonna learn about PATIENCE
lochnessseammonster: lrrFINE
Seth_Erickson: Your haste costs you Benjamin
vinopinguino: 5th time's the charm?
Kentosaurus: did you learn nothing in the patience segment
thatguysteve2709: Adam showing a lot of possum energy right now
Mathwyn: Don't count your pigs before they hatch
Asolya: omg Adam
Mr_Horrible: Batience
Seth_Erickson: Put in a little elbow grease Ben
saucemaster5000: yeah you're obviously a wombat
shendaras: wombat is pretty good
Mr_Horrible: true, Adam is always losing his tail
itira: @saucemaster5000 this
Fanklok: Adam is more of a Breaded Lizard
MechaKuuga: Did Adam just call himself an A$$
Tweygoh: Maybe it did work?
saucemaster5000: breaded lizard with marinara
The_Timo: Donkey for sure
Seth_Erickson: 6th times the charm
shendaras: does adam poop cubes, though?
thatguysteve2709: Did it open something like an office or somethinh
spethycakes: bearded?
EvilBadman: Bold to assume it opened something in that first room
Asolya: no it's misspelled bearded lizard I think
SomebodyNowhere: breaded
itira: parnets
Fanklok: I wrote breaded
lochnessseammonster: parnets
Fanklok: On purpose
MWGNZ: parnets
Laserbeaks_Fury: Then, take back one kadam to honor the Hebrew God, whose Ark this is.
The_Timo: My mom makes a mean breaded lizard
EvilBadman: You heard something open maybe check the whole library?
DaxStrife: Breabd
VrolikSyndrome: dedaerd drazil
iamn0tg00d: Was I going insane or did the piggybank say it had -2 coins?
ohjanji: and how long do their beards get
ohjanji: LUL
saucemaster5000: gandalf ass lizard
MAPBoardgames: @iamn0tg00d pig debt
Laserbeaks_Fury: No one guesses they're really gay
Seth_Erickson: @iamn0tg00d it can go into the negative
Juliamon: iamn0tg00d it did because they messed up
saucemaster5000: would
The_Timo: WHAT?
Nigouki: I would if I could
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
ohjanji: someone probably did
itira: Adam youre the worst
Seth_Erickson: Do you think we can get the Pig to -10?
Asolya: I mean yes if I could
Kramburger: Adam's jealous
circusofkirkus: yeah I'd fuck gandalf and his big naturals
vinopinguino: what a hot take
The_Timo: What?
lochnessseammonster: nah fuck aragorn
saucemaster5000: any shmendrick enjoyers????
Mr_Horrible: Adam "I need to stir controversy" Savidan
Seth_Erickson: Sauramon is way worse than Gandalf
Seth_Erickson: He's just a bland loser
Fanklok: Nah Adam is right, I'd bone down with Gandalf too
spethycakes: He sacrifices himself for his friends, though
Kramburger: Gandalf gets high and sets off fireworks, what's not to like?
Asolya: I'd definitely fuck him yeah
Mr_Horrible: "Fuck Aragorn" - Arwen Evenstar
saucemaster5000: pippin is the goat and merry is fucking cottage cheese
Tangsm: He fought a Balrog. What do you want from him?
adept_nekomancer: Hey, Gandalf got all the way to the Yukon.
TheWriterAleph: @Kramburger he just like me fr fr
hayhaiya: Chat how do we feel about Radagast on the wizard tier list
circusofkirkus: gandalf has big naturals
LPS_97: remove
SomebodyNowhere: now what
letsbelgo: gimmie that wizards staff
Juliamon: can we smash it?
Asolya: yay you did it!
dumbo3k: Now I think you watch the end of the tape
VrolikSyndrome: Finish the video?
MechaKuuga: What about Radagast the Brown?
ohjanji: good pig, ten outta ten
Laserbeaks_Fury: You know, videos about investments are always good for engagement; they generate a lot of interest.
thatguysteve2709: What I meant by the possum energy is the way that possum stirring up shit and sliding under the couch.
dumbo3k: you had to watch the end of the monkey tape
MAPBoardgames: Take the pig off. since london costs 4
shamblingkrenshar: Can we give it to the possum to appease him?
Mr_Horrible: what smashed it in your first playthrough?
LPS_97: finish the tape?
vinopinguino: wont they break it when she goes demon mode?
Mr_Horrible: probably do that again
Nigouki: that wizard got STAMINA so you better be prepared. look how long he was at it with the Balrog
dumbo3k: oh wait
itira: uh oh fake fan
LPS_97: don't put it back tho
dumbo3k: yeah, take the piggy off
Tweygoh: Maybe it shows up later for the other video
vinopinguino: BEN
spethycakes: Adam is a fake fan
SomebodyNowhere: ohno
circusofkirkus: RIP
Heefnoff: Ben
Xenguin47: XD
Mr_Horrible: incredible
dumbo3k: nooooooo
saucemaster5000: genuinely serious fuck radagast the brown
MWGNZ: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Kramburger: He's the hobo wizard in the hobbit
30teracyte: lmaoooooooo\
VrolikSyndrome: sha shah
TheBob58: Lmao
TheDevil_Risen: hahahahaha
NotCainNorAbel: lol
LittleVesuvius: nooooooooooo
electra310: nooooo
The_Timo: Why would you put it back Lol
DudelidouX: lmao
LostThePirate: welp
empyreon: XD
squ3e: strongggg
NorthstarTex: lmao
Tangsm: ApplauseBreak ApplauseBreak ApplauseBreak
kireawolf: There is a lot of lonely people out there that would fuck Aragorn
itira: Benjamin i swear
thegitrogsquirrel: the best Wiz
Asolya: the other wizard with bird nests on his head
feet2big: Math!
iamn0tg00d: Not almost.
Pteraspidomorphi: I blame Radagast the Brown for this
adept_nekomancer: welp
ohjanji: LUL
Heefnoff: Grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory
Cunobelenos: sergeHubris sergeHubris sergeHubris
Mr_Horrible: Tell you what, Radaghast wouldn't have biffed that
SomebodyNowhere: lrrWOW
shamblingkrenshar: I blame Radagast the Brown
Seth_Erickson: Ben pls you knew she was expensing NotLikeThis
circusofkirkus: good stream
30teracyte: well you didnt almost fuck it
vinopinguino: lmao
Sarah_Serinde: benginRip
MAPBoardgames: sonoYay
NimrodXIV: aaaaaaaaaaaa
DudelidouX: classic Ben
Laserbeaks_Fury: No Ben, you didn't *almost* fuck it
ohjanji: just like that lol
wiganlass: Ben!!
The_Timo: Oh it's on the perfect amount ... let me just put this back lol
Juliamon: karma's a bitch ain't it
TheDevil_Risen: well, there's the patience <3
ylegm: monarchBrain
Heefnoff: Like two ships passing in the night
HadesLeprechaun: Ben, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory
ThorSokar: composKEKD BEN composKEKD
Marvoleath: Brown is the hippy Gandalf
Asolya: oh no
TruPhantomAngel: Radaghast the Brown is The Seventh Doctor.
Mr_Horrible: bro got hit with the Piggy Bank Mix
Seth_Erickson: The pig comes back in the Bandit tape partially broken and I think that's when we can break it Ben
Mr_Horrible: that's some Injustice shit
wiganlass: we’re learning patience zeroleClapp
Mr_Horrible: WHODAGAST
theneatestburrito: love to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
BusTed: get his ass ben
vinopinguino: get his ass Ben
theneatestburrito: FBtouchdown
itira: LUL
Makrosian_Tay: GOTTEM
VrolikSyndrome: who-da-asked
saucemaster5000: This man doesn't know who Binglebrow the Orange is
LostThePirate: If you go by the movies, he's the stoner wizard lol
NimrodXIV: Cedric Diggleweed
Nigouki: Radagast is one of the Doctor Whos
TheDevil_Risen: LMAO
mjuukis: what about the two blue wizards?
Marvoleath: there was also two blue dudes
lochnessseammonster: classic PrideLaugh
Kramburger: If Gandalf is your dad, Radagast is your hobo uncle who lives in a van
ShaneLeeAtk: Sir Digby Chicken Caesar
Asolya: uuuuh
TheDevil_Risen: have to compliment on Adam's work in the latest NADTD and the 1 on 1 - was on point
Mr_Horrible: "Ben deals with the modern banking system"
itira: seabatApp
saucemaster5000: aaaaaAAAAAA
Pteraspidomorphi: Wooly says patience!
dzee_szed: can't you eject the tape and just start it over
LeokadiaBosko: Game keeps getting more scary
MAPBoardgames: Should someone tell Ben it makes a noise when the coins change?
iamn0tg00d: Did Ben almost break?
squ3e: Unplug the tv lmao
Mr_Horrible: oh no, I ate too much katsu and it hurts to laugh
rxpalindrome: maybe you already solved it and now it isent working"
LeokadiaBosko: sailsAAAA sailsAAAA sailsAAAA sailsAAAA sailsAAAA
TruPhantomAngel: Looks like we found the true terror.
SomebodyNowhere: clip that and send it to the devs
Tangsm: Lechonk
raulghoulia: this game needs the Chase money glitch
thatguysteve2709: Clip it send them to them
saucemaster5000: katsu is goated
spethycakes: well, I think chat is enjoying it
kolintoney: am I having a nightmare?
MAPBoardgames: @iamn0tg00d No, but I think he's broke?
thatguysteve2709: It
30teracyte: a fried cutlet
Mr_Horrible: it's just breaded cutlet
The_Timo: Japanese Schnitzel lol
Kramburger: japanese fried chicken
vinopinguino: bearded chicken
Laserbeaks_Fury: At this point I welcome Amanda Demon to eat us
SnackPak_: gettem Adam
Bearudite: ok vince
Mr_Horrible: because that's not the dish you fucking pleb
Blip2004: its chicken cutlet
ohjanji: it's like breaded lizard
Xenguin47: Ouch
TheDevil_Risen: bearded chicken Kappa
VrolikSyndrome: Katsu can be pork!
EvilBadman: Breaded dragon
saucemaster5000: because there are other cultures you canadian tuxedo
flustered_blue: breaded pork cutlet
TruPhantomAngel: Katsu is also Sylvester McCoy
Fanklok: What if they gave you a key for a copy of the game that doesn't work right on purpose
Bearudite: its a meat wrap
Kramburger: Send Adam to the anughty corner
DaFhaye: Katsu is actually a sauce
JohnLockeCole: Because there's also Karaage, which is also Breaded Chicken but Different from Katsu
LeokadiaBosko: sailsAAAA sailsAAAA sailsAAAA sailsAAAA sailsAAAA sailsAAAA sailsAAAA sailsAAAA sailsAAAA sailsAAAA
Darleysam: @Kramburger parnets
raulghoulia: Ben's gone full Muppet
Mr_Horrible: We finally broke him
kolintoney: I always get distracted around Ben
Xenguin47: Too much avocado toast, Ben. :P
Heefnoff: Ben lock in
Heefnoff: Queen never cry
BusTed: Ben turning into a frazzled muppet
Makrosian_Tay: Here lies Ben. last of his line
Mr_Horrible: "Let's Doesn't"
electra310: Ben is Not Doing Well :D
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
bv310: You know what else is fiscally irresponsible? Not subscribing to the LRR Patreon
ohjanji: so that's what this game does to people LUL
Fe1ix66: We finally broke Ben
TheDevil_Risen: R u OK Ben?
adept_nekomancer: You got this, Ben.
wiganlass: good Rik Mayall impersonation
thatguysteve2709: Pick pig up put it down now
gibbousm: Cash money yall
Fanklok: Next week Jordynne is back?
VrolikSyndrome: "We did EVERYTHING right"
Mr_Horrible: You're doing everything right and still getting fucked, financially. It really is 2024
Laserbeaks_Fury: Next up on Let's Cope
Tripleyew: “Off, damned swine!”
The_Timo: once it's at 10... maybe just leave it off lol
SomebodyNowhere: worst thing is we still dont know what to do with the 10 coin pig
Kentosaurus: based possum
itira: hahahahaaaa
iamn0tg00d: Stage 3: Bargaining. "Please game, I've done everything right"
schordash: StinkyGlitch
LeokadiaBosko: avaciiWelp lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Darleysam: so how are the speedrun splits looking for this run?
ohjanji: let it all out ben
Kramburger: This is therapy
Mr_Horrible: Ben's angry stream of consciousness is pretty good ngl
A_Dub888: Deus Ex Macoina
Gekyouryuu: Coinus ex Machina
Vonbane: coindora's box?
BusTed: LUL
VrolikSyndrome: shitting, pissing, etc.
ContingentCat: Capitalism ruins everything yuuup
Asolya: you're doing great
LPS_97: now
SomebodyNowhere: wow
korvys: BEN
VrolikSyndrome: BEN
Kentosaurus: hahahaha
HadesLeprechaun: ben, you have to take it off
Heefnoff: Ben
DudelidouX: BEN
dzee_szed: BEN
Heefnoff: Lock in
TheDevil_Risen: WAIT WHAT?
Vonbane: BEN
Nigouki: ahahahahahaaha
Heefnoff: Dude
SomebodyNowhere: really ben
rxpalindrome: oh wow
Kramburger: ADAM
DaxStrife: It's Groundhogs Day, Ben!
squ3e: Bruh
Makrosian_Tay: BEN LUL
saucemaster5000: dude
ohjanji: lord a'mighty
ylegm: I love you Ben
empyreon: FOCUS LUL
Mathwyn: BEN
circusofkirkus: good bit
Asolya: oh ho
LittleVesuvius: f
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
The_Timo: dude.
squ3e: Adams turn to try
adept_nekomancer: Oh hai, highlight reel
gibbousm: lrrFINE lrrFRUMP
thatguysteve2709: What happened
VeryBadLifeChoices: bummer
Larkonus: katesDesk
KeytarCat: Holy shit
BusTed: tqsFine
N30dude: Absolute Cinema
SnackPak_: good bit streamer
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
itira: maybe we will get it next stream LUL
NimrodXIV: welp good stream see you next week
DudelidouX: You can't write this shit...
MAPBoardgames: ROFL
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap
ThorSokar: NO, WHY, are you trolling us?!
ohjanji: you really did find hell LUL
Mr_Horrible: this man's gonna swear off pork for life
kolintoney: lord have mercy
RurouniGeo: Coin game too strong! tppowerFree
Darleysam: and credits
Blip2004: damn, i missed it
Makrosian_Tay: That's my streamer
squ3e: Bout 30 minutes on this now
circusofkirkus: can't say ben doesn't commit to a bit
The_Timo: Has to be a joke
dzee_szed: As someone with ADHD I find this DISGUSTINGLY RELATABLE
patrick_stonecrusher: AaªaAaªaA
Marvoleath: you did it again xD
gibbousm: lrrBEN
Pteraspidomorphi: thatguysteve2709: She immediately takes the cost of the ticket away, which is probably why the skip didn't work last time
RatherLargeToad: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
ThirdGames: Ben, how you doing buddy, you okay? Is this a cry for help?
theneatestburrito: Is this art?
SomebodyNowhere: again
fuzzy_died: Darn quick time events
DaxStrife: One! More! TIME!
NorthstarTex: Ben...why...
Mr_Horrible: "It's one puzzle, Benjamin. What could it cost, 10 coins?"
lochnessseammonster: and these boys say games can't scare them anymore PrideLaugh
Darleysam: I hope, I HOPE this just unlocks an achievement
LeokadiaBosko: avaciiWelp avaciiWelp avaciiWelp lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE sailsAAAA
bv310: Encore! Encore! Encore!
Makrosian_Tay: !Findquote Coin
LRRbot: Quote #7993: "Suck those coins!" —Ian [2022-03-07]
BusTed: we can't let it win
Zanzabar_: someone find ben a piggy bank to go smash
Heefnoff: Ben I want you to know I still love you
HadesLeprechaun: it really has been a while since you've done this show, huh
ylegm: Well, Amanda broke Ben
TruPhantomAngel: Okay, so here me out…what if Amanda is real and terrorizing Ben.
Gaelan_Maestro: ive never seen a grown man break like that
xantos69: Ben you appear to be short a few coins. Perhaps these will help Cheer50
ohjanji: LMAO
NotCainNorAbel: uhhhhh .... One More
Mr_Horrible: @lochnessseammonster that's a 10%
wiganlass: zeroleSUS
SomebodyNowhere: !quote ben
LRRbot: Quote #3885: "I want a Roomba for companionship." —Ben [2017-01-21]
Marvoleath: !findquote again
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
electra310: Did he put the pig up?
Heefnoff: It's not the size of your brain but the size of your heart <3
theGhostPuncher: i tuned in while we were doing this puzzle so all i know is this
Juliamon: PER A GUIDE: Once you get to 10, take the pig off the tray and THEN finish the tape
ContingentCat: there
Laserbeaks_Fury: Time to SPeedrun
Heefnoff: Me when I get shimmied once
Makrosian_Tay: @theghostpuncher that's funny cos neither does Ben LUL
Darleysam: just gives you a bit of bonus lore
Mr_Horrible: yeah but we don't watch those
saucemaster5000: I want ben's apology video for what he said about piggy banks
ContingentCat: there's the whole subreddit public freakouts\
Mr_Horrible: we're not voyeurs
The_Timo: but rarely self inflicted to this level lol
saucemaster5000: wait for?
Kramburger: Adam's NEXT public breakdown
Mai_Andra: i stepped away and everyone audibly died while i was away...
circusofkirkus: ItsBoshyTime
MAPBoardgames: Grey shirt and boring doorway
Himyul: does LRR have a bail money fund?
vinopinguino: gotta shave your head for that
VrolikSyndrome: What about the many private breakdowns?
Mr_Horrible: I'd say you got close when doing that Cube Draft with Wheeler and Nelly
Mr_Horrible: during the Mulligan Discussion
Mai_Andra: ball pit money
saucemaster5000: do you have Bali money?
ylegm: it's bail or the tarp budget @Himyul
NoxStryx: Does doki doki count?
ContingentCat: @VrolikSyndrome those don't count
SomebodyNowhere: and again
squ3e: no leave it on right>
vinopinguino: one
vinopinguino: more
TheDevil_Risen: Ben, stop skipping
vinopinguino: time
itira: seabatDance
TheDevil_Risen: take it one scene at a time <3
Asolya: pls stop
thatguysteve2709: Ben I believe one more
MAPBoardgames: Wow Ben! You're smart!
Tripleyew: math is hard
DaFhaye: Math is hard
shamblingkrenshar: This is turning into Video Game Hell
dzee_szed: did you just miss the -1
ylegm: UNO MAS
trainpants: this time for sure
ohjanji: you got this LUL
The_Timo: Nothing wastes more time than trying to save time
DaxStrife: Ben, pause. Center yourself. Focus.
Bearudite: locktober
VeryBadLifeChoices subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months, currently on a 55 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, VeryBadLifeChoices! (Today's storm count: 117)
circusofkirkus: Ben was going for the comedy rule of 3s
Vonbane: talk it out
Himyul: he's working on his speed run splits
SomebodyNowhere: mog1more
itira: i believe in you Ben
TheDevil_Risen: I love this.
Mathwyn: Benjamin please
Laserbeaks_Fury: Speedrun Strats
Mr_Horrible: Gun's in the safe, buddy
saucemaster5000: quick come up with a topic to distract them
Kramburger: How convinent
Darleysam: I think we deserve emote only
DaFhaye: You could always login
bv310: So I can just like, take the dog out and still not miss the end of this puzzle, right?
Tangsm: Parent locked the mod tools for the streamers
saucemaster5000: would you rather fuck gandalf or the balrog?
Zanzabar_: four hours later... lrrGREED
Juliamon: but you like emote only, it's too good for you
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 someone think up a beloved-but-ultimately-fine food for Adam to call dogshit OpieOP
Darleysam: @Juliamon fair
theGhostPuncher: @saucemaster5000 does the balrog have wings or not
VrolikSyndrome: @saucemaster5000 Balrog. Gimme that demon schmeat.
VrolikSyndrome: I mean uh
saucemaster5000: does it matter if it's gandalf grey or white?
saucemaster5000: I mean I don't see color
ohjanji: based, adam
electra310: Okay, we're dialed in now, we're going all the way!
bv310: Does the Balrog have wings and can I deep-fry them with Frank's Red Hot
Juliamon: PER A GUIDE: Once you get to 10, take the pig off the tray and THEN finish the tape
Kramburger: I sleep in a racecar bed
NimrodXIV: waiiiit
Mathwyn: Is the balrog baptised?
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 it's gandalf the white, grey if ya nasty
SomebodyNowhere: finish watching
patrick_stonecrusher: Pig off
circusofkirkus: T pose
ManicPixieDreamLurker subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
patrick_stonecrusher: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ManicPixieDreamLurker! (Today's storm count: 118)
ylegm: Huzzah?
adept_nekomancer: T-pose to assert math
dzee_szed: jumpscare coming from the pig?
vinopinguino: let the piggy hit the floor, let the piggy hit the floor, let the piggy hit the....
thatguysteve2709: Woolly your not dead
spethycakes: Wooly!
Nigouki: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Fanklok: My wife said she wouldn't be mad if I replaced the bed with s racecar bed while she was at work one day
BusTed: 🙂
Veshnikard: Go away Wooly
TheDevil_Risen: hahah EVERYONE during the pandini
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible white makes you breakfast, grey gets the job done
math_nerdette: So proud of your counting skills, Ben
TheDevil_Risen: <3
Nigouki: Benmanda about to murder someone
Gekyouryuu: I expected her to put him on the tracks
circusofkirkus: poor wooly
devilcultivator: train never came around the turn
itira: you did it!
Mr_Horrible: FBtouchdown
shamblingkrenshar: I hope Wooly and the Possum team up to stop her.
DaxStrife: Pig, no!
circusofkirkus: first try
spethycakes: Where's the adult supervision?!
Darleysam: please be bonus art
thatguysteve2709: Wait that tracks a circle where did wooly go
ohjanji: yayyyy!
Veshnikard: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
hivefleetdarknell subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
hivefleetdarknell: A button has appeared!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hivefleetdarknell! (Today's storm count: 119)
ohjanji: ben can speedrun that part now
ThorSokar: is the train track different even here?
TheDevil_Risen: woosaaaaahh <3
BusTed: Oh neat, the 2 is a worm
Mr_Horrible: this one's def more involved
Ristow: this one also has the possum
shamblingkrenshar: @thatguysteve2709 Sheep Hell. Poor Wooly o7
LPS_97: you need to pay more attention
Veshnikard: We just need an eject tape button
Mr_Horrible: Amanda about to ask you to solve for X
lamina5432: gnight
TheDevil_Risen: Thank You!!! <3
ohjanji: rnjrDANCE
shendaras: seabatDance
vinopinguino: damn he spittin right now
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
LPS_97: lets go to the pool?
SomebodyNowhere: lrrADAM lrrBEN
lamina5432: fools
DaFhaye: Yeah! Come on Ben!
Darleysam: this is the bit, it's still gong
dumbo3k: the Royal We
Darleysam: *going
SnackPak_: Adam is nailing his part
VrolikSyndrome: I didn't see your ass at rehearsals.
Marvoleath: Third base!
SomebodyNowhere: when will the adam emote be given the grey as an update
Mr_Horrible: Adam's doing "Yes, And, but also here's some studio notes"
CataclysmicReverb: YAAAAYE
Marvoleath: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TheDevil_Risen: I support you Adam and Ben! you rock!
DaFhaye: Breaded lizard brings you to much different sites
Mr_Horrible: Ben "Fuck Eggs" Ulmer
SnackPak_: ice guy
vinopinguino: can i speak to your manager?
CataclysmicReverb: Kickle Cubicle?
Mr_Horrible: it's a guy in the early editions of the game, iirc
LPS_97: sliding on ice
TheDevil_Risen: BROTHER!
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Mr_Horrible: but nowadays it's a penguin
itira: LUL
saucemaster5000: LIKE A DUCK
lochnessseammonster: gottem PrideLaugh
BusTed: LUL
SnackPak_: then you waddled out
Tweygoh: Is breaded lizard like katsu lizard?
HadesLeprechaun: "Don't Break the Ice" I believe is the game
Darleysam: my cartoon made me sad!
therepoman__: damasJAM FROGS ARE GONE damasJAM
BusTed: :V
dumbo3k: Ribbit
itira: SUBtember bye frogs
RatherLargeToad: OSFrog
LPS_97: The duck noise
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (21:05 from now).
kolintoney: it me, am frog
Jadaris: a very Duck Game noise
Mr_Horrible: Ben with the "Yeah my deck's at a 7, I think"
saucemaster5000: rashid players saying they are upper mid
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
kragmabutch: nuns with guns yippeeee
letsbelgo: married to the emperor
NoxStryx: I bet they are baptised
VrolikSyndrome: @saucemaster5000 *loud correct buzzer*
MAPBoardgames: But they ARE baptized!
ContingentCat: LesbianPride
adept_nekomancer: They're also baptized (by fire)
LPS_97: the endgame
TheBob58: This was the first stream I've caught live in a while, thanks for the great show!
Getter404: And Kathleen said she's next up with Metaphor?
Marvoleath: Did you gamba all gambas?
empyreon: gamba time
Mai_Andra: oh is there more to it than just gambling?
DoomBringerIL: yo chat, anything after this show tonight?
devilcultivator: saboch and the camreonilla right?
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (21:03 from now).
Mai_Andra: OOF Club
Juliamon: Sponsored Mahjong stream with bonus Angel
Juliamon: It was still listed as something earlier
Mr_Horrible: James playing Tarkov for Rhythm Cafe
Juliamon: James must have removed it
Makrosian_Tay: I feel like Wheeler would, and should, be the first to have a collab stream with a Vtuber
SnackPak_: wouldn't be a mahjong stream without Angel
ContingentCat: He's busy falling into holes
vinopinguino: shots fired
Nigouki: OOF
VrolikSyndrome: drag his ass
LostThePirate: All that Minecraft
itira: LUL daaaamn
ContingentCat: !holes
LRRbot: Holes are ontological parasites because they can only exist as aspects of another object
SnackPak_: gottem
TheDevil_Risen: and it was Good <3
TheDevil_Risen: lost of kitty shenans
Juliamon: Clarification: Memoriams are side stories, not "in memoriam"
Astramentha: I was great!!!
TheDevil_Risen: HAHAHA
TheDevil_Risen: omg Adam 10/10
TheDevil_Risen: no notes
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon oh, thank you. I haven't kept up and became concerned
Astramentha: it was*
Kramburger: Ben you need to hit the T in Kitty harder, it sounds like a D
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Juliamon: Mr_Horrible You're not the only one, which is why I mentioned it
Mai_Andra: you were supposed to check before the stream ended, because the number resets
Inquisitor_Xian: Still on it! thanks though lol
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible fall behinder! Truant they call you!
thatguysteve2709: Thank you for stream greatly appreciate what you two do. Thank you and mods
ohjanji: jesscapDance
ContingentCat: thanks ben and adam
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 I'm too busy wasting my time in bad games
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible if you are playing league....
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: fees
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to amandatheadventurer!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, amandatheadventurer! (Today's storm count: 120)
dumbo3k: @Mr_Horrible living that Watch + Play Lyfe?
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 god no, mostly XIV and StS and getting back into Dead Estate this last week
sgowell subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months, currently on a 118 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sgowell! (Today's storm count: 121)
Orxolon: Thanks for the stream!love y'all!!
Mr_Horrible: @Mr_Horrible (the joke is these are all fine but they have no end)
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
TheDevil_Risen: Laters!
shendaras: seabatClap
ohjanji: have a good night!
kolintoney: good stream yall. good night!
vinopinguino: lol
dumbo3k: Can I do something nice for myself too?
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, lads seabatDance seabatDance
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible .... acceptable (I've been streaming StS in the discord along with FF6, nojudgement)
SnackPak_: see ya tomorrow Adam
Marvoleath: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: | Alex: | Ben Ulmer: | Cameron: | Cori and Ian: | Heather: | James: | Kathleen: | Matt Wiggins: | Nelson: | Serge: , | Wheeler:
empyreon: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
itira: it did at that
Mai_Andra: Adam hype, evermore
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 I should poke my head in on those channels and be sociable
SomebodyNowhere: ohno
NimrodXIV: it did say that
CeruledgeBlade: lrrFINE
ohjanji: LOL
TheDevil_Risen: lrrFINE PrideHeartL PrideHeartR lunarj1Fangs
Juliamon: bonus ragebait
VrolikSyndrome: Lookin' forward to it.
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible we spent four hours last month playing geoguessr nbe warned
VeryBadLifeChoices: looking forward to next week
Nigouki: wow Present Ben hates Future Ben
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 peam
shamblingkrenshar: Excellent, it was clippable