Earthenone: yeah i remember ben saying he and jacob will have new armies too
Earthenone: (also could be wrong)
DaxStrife: Hooray, teams and the killing thereof!
TheAwkes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheAwkes! (Today's storm count: 1)
kynelwynn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
kynelwynn: Till Keam!
Thanks for subscribing, kynelwynn! (Today's storm count: 2)
ShaneLeeAtk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ShaneLeeAtk! (Today's storm count: 3)
merciary subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
Thanks for subscribing, merciary! (Today's storm count: 4)
lightfut: It's time for TillKeam!
Sudobyte: ooh, not only kill team, but two of my favourite teams. perfect
hiFunko: new edition same kisses
hiFunko: welcome to kiss team
kynelwynn: Now Kiss Team Kill Stream?
lightfut: only if they want to
RealGamerCow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
RealGamerCow: whammer
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Jillexie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Jillexie! (Today's storm count: 6)
Lord_Hosk: Kiss team 2024
foopoiuyt is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
foopoiuyt gifted a Tier 1 sub to Omentuva!
foopoiuyt gifted a Tier 1 sub to deswide!
foopoiuyt gifted a Tier 1 sub to carbondragon!
foopoiuyt gifted a Tier 1 sub to Flyingblueice!
foopoiuyt gifted a Tier 1 sub to ButButTheJesus!
Thanks for the gifts, foopoiuyt! Welcome to Omentuva, deswide, carbondragon, Flyingblueice, and ButButTheJesus! (Today's storm count: 11)
hiFunko: ooh the slowbots
josh___something: Kiss team, the crossover stream of the century
bloodstar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
Thanks for subscribing, bloodstar! (Today's storm count: 12)
Laurence72: It's that game, where you name three people, and decide which one you want to Kiss, Team, or Kill!
Dog_of_Myth: Good evening all.
kynelwynn: @Laurence72 Who are our pool of people to choose from?
Juliamon: Ben, Jacob, Paul
Juliamon: Choose carefully
kynelwynn: Kiss: Jacob, Team: Paul and.. sorry Ben.
Getter404: Yes hi hello I was told there would be praising of the Emperor and his perfectly normal amount of arms
Tithegha: Perfect timing. I needed something on while I paint my Underworlds team
Julian_Rogue subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Julian_Rogue: 58 Months. and is that a new AFK intro?
Thanks for subscribing, Julian_Rogue! (Today's storm count: 13)
MAPBoardgames: O HAi!
TheWriterAleph: oh hi. didn't see you there.
Diabore subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Diabore! (Today's storm count: 14)
hiFunko: Jacob has quite a cheer squad assembled
TheWriterAleph: sweet shirt, Jacob
Getter404: So has Jacob seen the Sun Goblins announced for Sigmar?
raulghoulia: jacob's joy is infectious
Chesul: XD seems right for Jacob.
Nigouki: moral support better do some obscene chants from the side lines
Lord_Hosk: Hi Jacob!
compactdisco: Brought his whole combat patrol!
kynelwynn: Hi Jacob! Missed the NaGtD live stream, but wanna say, y'all eff'ing killed it!
MWGNZ: o7 horde
Lord_Hosk: Does Jacob have orc going BLAAARG again?
hiFunko: Jacob is playing the Necron team, so resurrecting space robits
Getter404: Ben, trying his absolute hardest not to bring out his Frost Knight Custodes
Lord_Hosk: Awwwww
Strebenherz: Anyone happen to know what Jacob's shirt is from?
Dog_of_Myth: !store
Getter404: Hapy crimbus
Juliamon: Crimmas somehow coming *first* this year
Juliamon: very rude of it
HadesLeprechaun: that new Halo one I've heard is QUITE good
Miniatures game spinoff stream when?
Strebenherz: That's a good good setup
ShaneLeeAtk: We did this
Getter404: Leg
its our fault!
circusofkirkus: free feet!
compactdisco: Would absolutely love more miniatures games
MAPBoardgames: Sorry Jacob. I feel partially responsible
Dog_of_Myth: Oh wow. That's so good Jacob
Akaiatana: Jacob, it's important to enjoy the little things. And the big boy
Mr_Horrible: necrodermis grippers: OUT
Juliamon: There you go
TheWriterAleph: crab
josh___something: Feet for FREE?!
airylan: lovely Necrons, Jacob
Lord_Hosk: Amazing
SaxPython: Big Stev
Lord_Hosk: Goldbug!
Mc40k subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Mc40k! (Today's storm count: 15)
phoenixfeather14: Excellent work, Jacob! It looks amazing!
jpost042: damn
GasCityGaming: that`s so good!
TheWriterAleph: those are GORGEOUS, holy
Boon_33: lol
SaxPython: Gotta respect the basing
Mr_Horrible: so they'll dare to be stupid, is what you're telling me
Dog_of_Myth: Amazing paint job Jacob
Julian_Rogue: Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong
REDphd: War 🔨
Getter404: Gobbos though
raulghoulia: Bah Weep Granah Ninibong to you all
goombalax: Lets goooo
Laurence72: No, it just means you buy more storage cases!
hiFunko: deploy the asterisks
bobokiddo: someone gift jacob a bigger box
Getter404: Ah yes, Degenerate Wargamer Math
BusTed: fits in one* box
Julian_Rogue: using that from now on
SaxPython: Terms and Conditions Apply
Nigouki: Jacob remember the moonbase cubby is free real estate for hobby stuff
Just donate the minis to the LRR
REDphd: Im just starting with this game. I painted a dude and I love it
compactdisco: at least get a case big enough for 2000 pts... and then another one
BakaNerd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Julian_Rogue: @Nigouki Might even use Beej's if needed
Thanks for subscribing, BakaNerd! (Today's storm count: 16)
REDphd: I like the leagues of votann
MAPBoardgames: Did they fix the symbols/length?
hiFunko: Yes!
Julian_Rogue: Dumn luck rolls
Marvoleath: sharing is caring!
EricTheOrange: LOL
REDphd: Inches and shit
MWGNZ: pentagon no longer means 6
bobokiddo: "i'd like to move a circle distance"
hiFunko: Points wise, it's a lot less objective focussed
goombalax: Everyone starts in conceal!
hiFunko: The killing is back in kill team, baby!
Getter404: So how long until someone in the Moonbase discovers Infinity N5
kynelwynn: Hierotek Stevcle
TheAwkes: My bois. The "Get Off My Lawn You Dang Kids" squad.
Dog_of_Myth: Stev o7
SaxPython: Stev 2: Electric Bogaloo
Voidhawk42: Hate that. GW throwing away models sucks ass, and needs homebrew responses.
DaxStrife: Ah, my favorite Gorillaz song, "Nuns with Guns."
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
MAPBoardgames: New version, not backwards compatible. GW knows how to part nerds from their money.
2 hours
Getter404: The AoS cuts were almost as bad, since they were SO RECENT. All the 2e Stormcast and like half of Warcry 1e, gone
Boon_33: big momma....
drrek0: My brain doesn't let me do that. It can't handle not painting as perfectly as I can, so I hate painting.
HadesLeprechaun: it's like the 3-4 foot rule, only needs to look from that distance cuz that's how you'll see it 90% of the time!
Sudobyte: ktdash ftw
HadesLeprechaun: *look good
jae_dorian: def seen rules updates for things like the hunter clade
BlindProphet32 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
Thanks for subscribing, BlindProphet32! (Today's storm count: 17)
hiFunko: Stakes and Fites
Getter404: Warhammer, where crossbows are more accurate than handguns
control_rig: Necron pushes glasses up their non-existent nose
goombalax: there's like 4 psyker profiles in the whole game now
Lysander_salamander: nice
TheWriterAleph: oontz oontz
kynelwynn: As a fan of Thousand Sons, not a fan of that model
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
control_rig: wub wub wub
kynelwynn: But does she naeenae?
tehfewl: shout out to my guy lil whip
Does Kill Team have a CK equivalent? Is it just a single Wardog? Also
Lysander_salamander: lil
micalovits: I am sad it wasn't lil dog
Lysander_salamander: I'm sensing a theme with the names
kynelwynn: It's not called, "medic" it's called, "medic!"
GhostValv: and Lilly
Julian_Rogue: Lil Ripper with the big ripper
Lysander_salamander: that's a big sword
Strebenherz: Lil rippper yas
Dog_of_Myth: Let it rip!
control_rig: If you love it, let it rip!
Darleysam: whippin' da friendsy
goombalax: not only does it not say you can't do that, but it specifially calls out this combo and encourages it
TheWriterAleph: goest thou to hornye gaol *bonk*
micalovits: I mean, it sounds silly but as Ben said... If she gets to survive 3 combats to fight a 4th time, she sorta deserves it
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
control_rig: I'm just imagining the Sister singing right into the ear of the sniper while they're trying to concentrate
goombalax: they got they cup, but have they chipped in?
kynelwynn: Flamer is sort of the Sororitas thing, knd of surprised Ben doesn't have more
TheAwkes: When do we get a Black Library edit where all the names and ranks of characters in a book are renamed by Ben?
moist_but_crunchy: Jacob already don't with the nun's BS
moist_but_crunchy: done#
Lysander_salamander: nice
Marvoleath: head empty, just necroing
kynelwynn: It's done with nanites, honest! >.>
goombalax: technology indistinguishable from magic, etc...
hiFunko: That's super cool, the Penitent/Exactor combo is bonkers, but does require you to Fight/Fight, then move, then Fight/Fight (assuming she doesn't die)
micalovits: That is a gorgeous paint job
GasCityGaming: The Nurgle player in me loves the scheme on these Necrons (who I`ve also played lol)
Marvoleath: just a lil' gut
Marvoleath: guy*
itira: good evening friendos
jamesinor: Ooo, Necrons, my boys!
TheWanderingNomad subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 22 month streak!
TheWanderingNomad: 47 months FOR THE GREATER GOOD
Thanks for subscribing, TheWanderingNomad! (Today's storm count: 18)
Lobo_Apache: Oh neat! Hierotek and Noviates! we're also using KTdash tonight excellent
Sudobyte: I think you have the reanimator and accelerator backwards. Not that it matters much, but accelerator is the tall one
kynelwynn: Granan Weep weep Minbog!
GasCityGaming: I`ve seen it a couple times, what`s KTDashÉ
Lobo_Apache: @GasCityGaming ktdash is a 3rd party kill team app that you can build your teams and keep track of wounds and such during the game
GasCityGaming: That's awesome! Thank you!
kynelwynn: No one? The univrsal greeting?
Sudobyte: I’ve just played that team way too much
RealGamerCow: good green on that
josh___something: Is a gosblaster a gun that shoots the Word of God?
LoadingReadyRun: Immortal Discotech
alittlebittilted: Download damage
Walla_tv: are any of the necrons named stev?
MrGibberish: @loadingreadyrun meet me at the discotheque?
kynelwynn: Don't run through their energy fields
TheAwkes: I thought 4 2+ 4/4 MW1 was good, but Devastating 2 gives the Deathmark even harder hits.
Akaiatana: Good music choice, Paul
alittlebittilted: Was going to say, zoned out listening to music
Lobo_Apache: Jacob brought 500p points tonight, I wonder if ben and the God Emperor will protect
Paul with the A+ music
josh___something: JACOB
micalovits: Sadly I doubt the Mechanicus soundtrack is free to use for this stream, would also be fitting
Walla_tv: jacob has the necron cheerleader squad in reserves
MrGibberish: or the Owlcat Rogue Trader ost
lexiconjurer: That's a lot of models for a kill team
TheWanderingNomad: I've missed a few AF40Ks have - has anyone run League of Votann?
Lobo_Apache: Oh no! I hate/love extraction crit op. it's so weird
withwherewithal: Good evening, I have been building and painting theGallowdark and Volkus terrain and the Kroot and Vespid Kill Teams. I want to be able to host Kill Team nights, mostly inspired by watching here
LoadingReadyRun: @withwherewithal great to hear!
MrGibberish: @withwherewithal I appreciate the wordplay or your name
It’s simple: pick up the point to get points!
GasCityGaming: the terrain here looks so GOOD too!
withwherewithal: Thanks @MrGibberish
withwherewithal: Okay time to lurk and look forward to watching this VOD!
hiFunko: @withwherewithal Being able to offer someone "Come play Kill Team with me, I have all the stuff and you can pick which team you want to play!" is a great way to get folks involved
Lobo_Apache: I love that balancing point. It makes playing Hand of the Archon even funnier with the Cunning ability
zer0killstreams: I play bighammer and play sisters. I've played one game with novitiates. For the god emperor!
SkipIives subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
SkipIives: got here for the beginning, yeah!
withwherewithal: Exactly! @hiFunko Been trying to say "You can use my teams or only have to build and paint like 12 guys at most!"
Thanks for subscribing, SkipIives! (Today's storm count: 19)
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (50m ago).
alittlebittilted: Nice for a quick job.
hiFunko: terrain looks great
hiFunko: Drybrush terrain always looks rad and functionally complete
Lobo_Apache: That's hilarious after that commodore hustle
cyclopsboi: time to use a paint roller
micalovits: I feel like you made a hustle sorta about this
hiFunko: I did my shatterpoint terrain with drybrushing and it came out great
the dryer the brush the better!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to hiFunko! They have given 1593 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, hiFunko! (Today's storm count: 20)
is that ... my favourite LRR content
hiFunko: ty!
ThePixelSavage: *vibrating*
withwherewithal: I think I will do my Gallowdark terrain with a leadbelcher base, a wash of nuln oil, a wash of agrax, typhus corrosion and then some fine details on the screens and skulls
Steelwolf171 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Steelwolf171! (Today's storm count: 21)
hiFunko: Sounds rad
alittlebittilted: I have an entire gallowdark terrain set to paint. Airbrush and dirty dry brush just to get to play by next year
hiFunko: The little spots of colour as accents on the terrain really help it pop
withwherewithal: I am also sad I ran out of wraithbone spray halfway through priming my vespid and Vulkus terrain
ThePixelSavage: btw PSA: Tabletop World produces some of the best fantasy terrain out there ... one of their terrain ranges is going out of print. If you want some you need to order before the 13th of December.
alittlebittilted: @hifunko 👍
Sudobyte: the trick with the chrono/death mark is to have the death mark guard via the firefight ploy, then teleport him where he can shoot people
alittlebittilted: Necrons just shamble and shoot. Best army to flung at someone with abandon
withwherewithal: Really like that Jacob brought an army to cheer on the Hierotek Circle
Bold of you to assume the whip is a punishment for them
Fire_Summoner subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Fire_Summoner! (Today's storm count: 22)
ThePixelSavage: or: "why am i not their partner?" @lrrPAUL
Walla_tv: zorp
Rourke9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
Rourke9: yay kill team! can’t wait to play my first game
Thanks for subscribing, Rourke9! (Today's storm count: 23)
GasCityGaming: ol start of the game yeet across the map
control_rig: the underhand toss
tehfewl: Crack Grenade?
TheWanderingNomad: Technically spelled Krak Grenade
GasCityGaming: Krak*
MrGibberish: jimmy crack grenade and I don’t care?
Lobo_Apache: @tehfewl Krak, it's an anti-tank/armor grenade
tehfewl: ok
GasCityGaming: Krak for AP, frag for aoe
LoadingReadyRun: Craic Grenade
alittlebittilted: Fastball krak incoming
GasCityGaming: Krark Grenade
withwherewithal: yeah only 3 d6
Lobo_Apache: Always 3 dice
Walla_tv: always 3 die
withwherewithal: It took me awhile to find that while reading the new rules
corpocracy: They got rid of the DR stat, because it was always just 3 anyways
LowUpsideCJ: sup hammy hams
corpocracy: *DF
Walla_tv: blammo
alittlebittilted: Sign that girl up for the big leagues. What a arm
goombalax: Ask the necrons what they did with their gods
josh___something: Ever just see a necron turn into a fine mist?
withwherewithal: Necron put their gods in pokeballs like Arceus
GasCityGaming: !patreon
micalovits: Can't just curse him like that!
alittlebittilted: Ben just used karma effectively
josh___something: Jinxed the boi, just like that
TheAwkes: Going to be a heck of a hike to get the reanimator up there, though.
withwherewithal: Patiently waited a noviate to come out of cover
Walla_tv: faith flashbang
Strebenherz: TBUCK!
DaxStrife: Camel Up Lil' Cup?
BloodnBullets: could he not shoot the one on the other end of the builiding with the see through walls ability?
Solahwin_Tampramain: OOOH I get to catch a af40k live! Thanks Bluesky!
alittlebittilted: Sweet sweet vengeance
corpocracy: o7
micalovits: Necron shooting hurts
Dog_of_Myth: A little movement as a treat
micalovits: Should have learned something from Fantasy and brought butt ladders
LoadingReadyRun: "You! run up and throw a grenade at that guy, take this flashbang to stop them firing back" "what if two shoot at me" "What are the chances of that?"
withwherewithal: If two xenos shoot at you the Emperor does not want you to live
Sudobyte: They used to fly, but not anymore
BloodnBullets: they have run out of fairy dust
newuser0420: hey Ben, Jacob and Paul would you guys ever consider playing heroclix for a stream?
Lobo_Apache: can you search first turning point?
TheWanderingNomad: @newuser0420 I want to say James and Ben did a Heroclix stream once?
IsSecretlyPaul: i was told there would be handwarmers and theres just warhandmers
LoadingReadyRun: I don't think we've played Heroclix
TheWanderingNomad: Oh wait no it was the other Marvel Miniatures game, uhhh Crisis Protocool?
newuser0420: oh ok cool
SuitablyEpic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SuitablyEpic! (Today's storm count: 24)
Dog_of_Myth: hahahah
Strebenherz: shots fired
josh___something: Lmoa
josh___something: HAHAHAHAH
Strebenherz: wholesome dorks
LoadingReadyRun: Ya, James and Ben played the Marvel miniature game, but that wasn't heroclix
hiFunko: James, Ben, and I played Marvel Crisis Protocol earlier this year
Sudobyte: an operative can only counteract once per turning point and only if engaged
alittlebittilted: Necrons are a lot of peoples bad match ups. Tanky and shooty is a pain if you struggle with handling either
anyavamps subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months, currently on a 92 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, anyavamps! (Today's storm count: 25)
IsSecretlyPaul: catching a grenade and napping sounds like a skill issue
IsSecretlyPaul: I would simply just catch the grenade and stay awake
RealGamerCow: The one on the roof had a Wile E Coyote moment when the grenade came up, stopped at the top of the arc in front of their face, and exploded
pn55: Autofocus pls...
micalovits: They also needed to be engaged to get to take the overwatch action?
Lobo_Apache: all strong hold walls are heavy terrain, there is like 2 pieces that aren't as scatter terrain
Lobo_Apache: rockpile is light
withwherewithal: The Necron aren't psykers they break reality with SCIENCE hehe
Akaiatana: Somehow, Palpapsyker returned
TheAwkes: To the tune of Suddenly Seymour.
raulghoulia: Suddenly Psyker is a weird Little Shop of Horrors song
icedsly subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months!
Thanks for subscribing, icedsly! (Today's storm count: 26)
micalovits: I thought you couldn't pick it up on the first turning point?
withwherewithal: Are you able to pick up first turning point?
Sudobyte: I don’t think you can search on turn 1. generally can’t score on turn 1. also, only engaged dudes can counteract
Valhallan597: So, is this like Mordheim but 40k?
kodalith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
kodalith: Subs for the Sub God!
Thanks for subscribing, kodalith! (Today's storm count: 27)
kodalith: @valhallan597 Kind of
FinalShowFilms subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 111 months!
Thanks for subscribing, FinalShowFilms! (Today's storm count: 28)
kodalith: Is this Approved Ops?
pn55: I suppose it just pushes that race to search stuff to the second turning point instead then.
kodalith: Can I ask what mission?
Lobo_Apache: I played this mission last week with my killteam group. I ended up ignoring the objective until the very end and just boarded my o ppoened
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Sooo I got here late.. .how does Jacob have so much in reserve?
Lobo_Apache: @kodalith It is called Extraction. It is the Crit op
kodalith: Yup Ok. That's what I thought
TheWriterAleph: @Bobtheninjagoldfish they're spectating
Bruceski: Universes Beyond collide, Doctor Who timey-wimey stuff affecting the grimdark future.
LoadingReadyRun: @Bobtheninjagoldfish they're the cheer squad
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Ah I see the patent "Lookit these cool mini;s" Parade. Got it.
somebasil: In general, you're no longer able to score on TP1
kodalith: You can scor kill op TP1 right?
Lobo_Apache: Only murder on the first TP
Lysander_salamander: yay
Lysander_salamander: good luck with your fluids!
Lobo_Apache: @kodalith you can't score it, but you do keep the counter on it
withwherewithal: They were pregaming in the first turn
Lobo_Apache: Kill Op doesn't score until the end of the game
Strebenherz: all 40 kays!
TheAwkes: 40K AF in here.
tehfewl: I, too, would want to be away from 40 keyboards
withwherewithal: Re-animation but this is live action!
Lobo_Apache: they do stack
Walla_tv: can you reroll that?
LoadingReadyRun: unit still eepy
kodalith: Yes
lightfut: they got better
withwherewithal: I feel like I will never command reroll out of principle hehe
TheAwkes: 60% chances happen 40% of the time.
micalovits: They should just remove command reroll, obviously a trap option!
kodalith: Sorry folks. Back to the office salt mines for me. GL. Roll Well
bobokiddo: panicking, that's a free action
TheAwkes: Just need to get Command Reroll and Wheeler into a room together and bring about the end of the universe.
micalovits: Wheeler would just not fail in the first place
underhill33 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 97 months, currently on a 97 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, underhill33! (Today's storm count: 29)
LoadingReadyRun: Can Necrons ever to be considered "friendly" units? Even with each other?
DaxStrife: Ben activates his "Columbo" unit to activate, "Just one more thing..."
Strebenherz: friendly with big quotes
cyclopsboi: this music has big yoga studio energy
TheShatzMan: Do some shooty shoot
yoga studio and grim dark space battle have surprising similar music
ShaneLeeAtk: And vibes
cyclopsboi: I imagine the yoga studio has slightly less screaming though
ShaneLeeAtk: Primal yoga
micalovits: Smashing computers with big sticks is usually a good way to deal with them
jibkat: who are Ben and Jacob playing as?
withwherewithal: What app are they using on their phones?
Lobo_Apache: @withwherewithal KTdash
withwherewithal: Thanks!
Electrodyne: Hey... What happened to Fartbus
Lobo_Apache: it's not an app store app, it's a browser app
adept_nekomancer: Big punchies
Voidhawk42: Punched by the Terminator
Juliamon: robot fists.... (pow!)
alittlebittilted: Rockem sockem robots
compactdisco: These fists got hands
withwherewithal: Okay thanks @Lobo_Apache
ShaneLeeAtk: Ben has novitiates and Jacob has Necrons, jibkat
jibkat: I know who Necrons are
withwherewithal: Big Momma Bonks
jibkat: but who are the novelites?
Lobo_Apache: can't dash after a charge
ShaneLeeAtk: Been called them warrior nuns with guns
MWGNZ: @jibkat sisters of battle with less armour
jibkat: ahh
cyclopsboi: go pistol girl
Lobo_Apache: It's usually not worth scoring kill grade until the end of the game. it's only relevant then
Walla_tv: ya but dopamine happens hen you get points
micalovits: I don't think the marker counts as a dude
Lobo_Apache: you can, just can't be on base with your own dudes
Datnade012: Has been said how he painted the terrian?
Juliamon: Datnade012 Panicked drybrushing
hiFunko: yeah as long as the bases fit next to each other, engagement exclusion with friendlies isn't a thing
Smurfykins: the presentation of warhammer still lures me almost back in
Lobo_Apache: a point, you can retain two normals if shot behind cover while on conceal
WELL WELL WELL!!! if it aint a beautiful group of wonderful friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!
micalovits: Stun, and harder to block
micalovits: @jacqui_lantern234 Hello you wonderful friend!
Datnade012: @juliamon looks great o
Dandinstorm12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months, currently on a 124 month streak!
Dandinstorm12: Warhammer? more like Lorehammer amirite
Thanks for subscribing, Dandinstorm12! (Today's storm count: 30)
jacqui_lantern234: @micalovits yes! the rest of chat IS wonderful
pn55: The fives are crits remember
Smurfykins: still cant wait for Cavillhammer
Dandinstorm12: hi chat
Raincoast_Bear: Hi there Big Ben and Jolly Jacob. The classic Nuns vs. Robots matchup, I see.
micalovits: @jacqui_lantern234 ALL of chat is! You are also a very important and wonderfull part of chat!
jacqui_lantern234: @micalovits mods im being bullied (/joking)
withwherewithal: Praise the Emperor
Lobo_Apache: any crit for one APL hit
micalovits: @jacqui_lantern234 Bullied with LOVE!
Lobo_Apache: you can't modify APL more than once in any direction
Walla_tv: necon names are fun
micalovits: Chronomancy is fun
Smurfykins: start the whale talk
Smurfykins: its slow motion
ContingentCat: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Ben "Outlaw, Scoundrel, Cutie" Ulmer is jamming Star Wars Outlaws on PiF! Game: Star Wars Outlaws) at Thu 10:00 AM PST (14:54 from now).
micalovits: That is a disgusting play yea, I love it
@micalovits correct
Smurfykins: some just want to collect everything and display IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM (Trazyn, what a boi)
ThePixelSavage: its pronounced De-Whiner
Walla_tv: theres an amazing book about them
Lobo_Apache: ahhh Trazyn and Orken
thymato: I'm reading that book right now
withwherewithal: Necron acting like angry curmudgeons is the best
TheAwkes: You take one little 60 million year nap and the whole galaxy goes to hell in a handbasket.
withwherewithal: Trazyn is hilarious
Smurfykins: puts on a display of a major battle, how? freeze the battle in a chrono bomb like this
Lobo_Apache: has to be on engage to charge though
Lobo_Apache: I feel bad for being the rules lawyer
BloodnBullets: zappy zappy tesla?
ThePixelSavage: or a "we have billions where that came from" rule
corpocracy: Yeah, Blooded are aweet
hiFunko: I haven't played this edition yet, so I'm glad someone in chat has
Nigouki: you start with OBJECTION!
micalovits: No proper skaven in 40k sadly, even if the Guard can be a bit close to them at times
Lobo_Apache: @hiFunko I've played so much
UMM ACTUALLY JACOB!!! youre a delight and everyone here LOVES YOU!!!
Smurfykins: i last played early 6th ed 40k, thats how long its been for me
the last risk necrons took did NOT work out in theri favour Jacob
ghyllnox: Herberpurgurtor
Smurfykins: but 4th-5th I even wrote articles for some strategy sites back in the day
withwherewithal: I cannot wait to use the Vespid SKYFLAMER
withwherewithal: The vespid being bugs what have the ADHD makes me chuckle
Hi hiFunko!
BloodnBullets: doesnt jacob get to tesla the one that just charged his dude?
Lobo_Apache: ceaseless: reroll all dice of one result
IsSecretlyPaul: just roll 6s
LoadingReadyRun: @BloodnBullets don't think that was a charge. he just moved up without attacking
micalovits: Yikes
IsSecretlyPaul: thats what the GW employee said
Lobo_Apache: @LoadingReadyRun it was a charge, so that's actually a good catch
Lobo_Apache: Jacob has that anti charge ability though
Smurfykins: I interviewed to work at a GW store in college; it was a weird process, I eventually met the Regional Manager and was denied; dont know what exactly happened to go up the chain that far to get denied
MWGNZ: o7 big momma
Large mother down
micalovits: That removes the other mine right?
ThePixelSavage: @Smurfykins *Brooklyn Italian accent* "they, eh, wanted to sent a message"
Smurfykins: i was an active member in the area's community, in a club, helping run events, knew lots of players...i was just a bit of a power gamer at times, being the tryhard I was
ThePixelSavage: "and dont come back this side of the river. Capeesh?"
micalovits: Sometimes someone just gets a bad impression and you can't do much about it
that was like 16 years ago not thinking much of it but just reflecting on how odd the process was
5 raiders from Foxmar320 have joined!
@Smurfykins "not thinking much of it. But I still randomly bring it up 16y later"
micalovits: !card reanimate
LRRbot: Reanimate [B] | Sorcery | Put target creature card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control. You lose life equal to its mana value.
Smurfykins: lol tru but whatev
Lobo_Apache: "Target Acquired"
Who Shot Big Mama sounds like a movie
Smurfykins: someone call Martin Lawrence
Smurfykins: give him the movie idea
Greendrag13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
Greendrag13: Waaaait a minute... NEITHER of these armies use warhammers!
Thanks for subscribing, Greendrag13! (Today's storm count: 31)
Lobo_Apache: I was thinking Tyler Perry, but it really does
ThePixelSavage: sounds like a sequel to the Naked Gun series
BloodnBullets: glorious himbo
Smurfykins: Deathmarks iirc are basically Necron Sharpshooters
Lobo_Apache: can retain two saves though, or one crit save. In cover in on conceal behind cover
DaxStrife: Late Night Door Fight
Smurfykins: Doors are fatal funnels though
jacqui_lantern234: Dwarf Ite
withwherewithal: Door fight door fight door fight
josh___something: DOOR FIGHT
Smurfykins: surely they come to be like that in a small tactical game such as this
BlueMagnusStormCrow: And it's Ben with the plastel door!
Do you each hold one side of the door and try to slam it into each other?
micalovits: Probably what an Ork would do
Lobo_Apache: Angels of Death are the most straight forward
LoadingReadyRun: This hardcore underground door fighting ring isn't as exciting as I thought it would be
Smurfykins: i liked harlequin kill teams, but back in the day there was a tripping mechanic that meant on a bad move they fall over and can be injured
Smurfykins: and they were low numbers + glass cannons so one casualty = morale potentially breaks your kill team and they flee
Akaiatana: @LoadingReadyRun What are you talking about? It's unhinged
@LoadingReadyRun who told you about it though ... first rule of hardcore underground door fighting ring is, we dont talk about hardcore underground door fighting ring
Walla_tv: rough dice tonight
micalovits: Ahhh, the Ben rolls are back for kill team
Lobo_Apache: Much love ben, that's a big oof
MWGNZ: quick, someone get ben fresh dice
withwherewithal: Forgot to pull the pin
Smurfykins: yup def burning those dice
Smurfykins: getting new ones
GirlPainting: Evan in debt, i still serve!
GirlPainting: "mantra of every 40k player" ^^
GirlPainting: no, necrons are indeed NOT flamable
BloodnBullets: @LoadingReadyRun can you start a whisper real quick?
Smurfykins: "at least i die with the burning passion of minis in my heart!"
micalovits: Getting a 3d printer is both the best and worst decision in my warhammer hobby. So much cheaper models, so much easier to have a massive backlog
dumbo3k: Everything is Flammable, with Promethium
GirlPainting: micalovits i feel you.....i just bought a bunch of stl files for a new army project ^^
Dog_of_Myth: If it is not on fire yet, you aren't trying hard enough.
Lobo_Apache: Yup! windows exist on Volkus
Lobo_Apache: Whoops, Need to tlak to my group on the window thing then
DaxStrife: Immortal Despesito?
GirlPainting: hmmmm, i destinctly remember Jacob saying "i will never buy any other model after the orcs" ....and now he has necrons. ^^
GirlPainting: or fragile the human brain is
hiFunko: That's just the way mini hobbying goes
dumbo3k: @GirlPainting Necrons usually have green lights, so clearly they are greenskins, just metal ones
GirlPainting: ahhhhh
GirlPainting: i see
Walla_tv: Dj play chumbawumba
micalovits: Tyranids can also be sorta green if he wants anotehr team
Lobo_Apache: Gotta love the necrons
GirlPainting: guard are usualy also green....and dark angels....
micalovits: RIP Cube o7
roastbeefsandwitch: Kill Team!
dumbo3k: @GirlPainting so what you are saying, is that there are lot of greenskins out there
BloodnBullets: same manufacturer as bens grenade
Lobo_Apache: And accurate does stack up to 2, so vantage and this stack
GirlPainting: dumbo3k indeed
roastbeefsandwitch: Having watched the Not A Drop To Drink series today, I can't help but think there are some undead nerds (or undead who became nerds) who are really into winning at Warhammer and such.
xVoxtric subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Thanks for subscribing, xVoxtric! (Today's storm count: 32)
roastbeefsandwitch: After all, they have eternity to get better at it
Nimiphi: which one of you is on painted rocks?
Nimiphi: its my army of choice
roastbeefsandwitch: Painted rocks with a seashell sword, remember
Nimiphi: oh of course
Nimiphi: because they're marines so we gotta get something from a marine environment
Cheese_Hammer: I think the mine lasts until it’s used again or the cryptek activates, even between turns
roastbeefsandwitch: "darmok, who sought help painting figures"
GirlPainting: Do you whant to look cool? do you whant to exume leadership? do you whant your enemys tremble in fear? Get yourself a "Tactical Rock" TODAY!
Nimiphi: Tactical Rocks, now available in the same aisle that you find Pocket Sand
Nimiphi: now I want a spokesman dave about Tactical Rocks
roastbeefsandwitch: Careful, you'll give the team ideas of cross-pollinating sketches
roastbeefsandwitch: But that may well be the best, most accurate, and funniest Warhammer ad ever produced.
GirlPainting: i´d love to see that ^^
Shoot gud.
Nimiphi: "Hello. Do you play a game with little plastic men but no money have you? Well, here at Dave's Fightnail and Chair-Sit Games WE have a mineral based solution for you and it not the kind used in Pulp unless you mean the fiction kind?"
josh___something: I got that God in me
GirlPainting: Shop smart! Get your Tactical Rock™ TODAY!
for some reason I had a $20 CAD voucher to the that was expiring in a few days, so I spent it on the new Kill Team book so it'll be waiting for me when I get to Canada
Lobo_Apache: I love kill team for those interactions
hiFunko: yeah pretty sure it's 1 extra life per dude
LoadingReadyRun: @hiFunko Gotta buy a return ticket to Canada to save $20 on warhammer
hiFunko: Reanimation protocols says "The first time an operative is incapacitated"
BloodnBullets: i think it is only once each, reanimation protocols starts "the first time each..."
hiFunko: we got there, good job team
Walla_tv: Rule follower (derogatory)
roastbeefsandwitch: @Nimiphi If I had any liquid in me it would have shot out my nose, that is comedic genius. I can just picture the outfit and the voice.
i must say, you guys realy upped the game with the terrain it looks realy great! @LoadingReadyRun
Acromonk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Acromonk! (Today's storm count: 33)
Sheikun07 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months, currently on a 61 month streak!
Sheikun07: Go Jacob!
Thanks for subscribing, Sheikun07! (Today's storm count: 34)
Lobo_Apache: talk softly and carry a big stick
DaxStrife: I do love a lady with big... bonkers?
LoadingReadyRun: Severely Brutal or Brutally Severe?
roastbeefsandwitch: How many figures are we down to now on each side?
Lobo_Apache: @roastbeefsandwitch "2" for Jacob and I believe 3 for ben
Chedamann: Get 'em Ben
cyclopsboi: ben is Yugi
Lobo_Apache: Noviates really are that "nu uh" group. That being said, it keeps them alive
Lobo_Apache: thinking about it Noviates are the blue team and Hand of the Archon is the Red/Green
Lobo_Apache: That might be obscured?
roastbeefsandwitch: Now I just want a new set of Warhammer commander products. Including probably Orcs (red/green), Eldar (esper?), etc.
GirlPainting: insert portal song "still alive"
josh___something: Heard it here first, folks. No Gatchas
Whippy Longstocking
BloodnBullets: regular joe million year old terminator
GirlPainting: just a a juvenile? ^^
goombalax: I just want you guys to know that these streams give me so much joy
LoadingReadyRun: @goombalax glad to hear it!
Sudobyte: perfect stream to watch while painting my own kill teams
Lobo_Apache: @Sudobyte who ya paintin?
hiFunko: It's always great to see two friends getting beaten up by dice
Sudobyte: @lobo_apache some space marines/angels of death tonight
hiFunko: I'm painting a heavy bolter and a sniper for my space marines to update them to the Angels of Death list
Sudobyte: @hifunko exact same models/reasoning as me
GirlPainting: "Rise, rise, rise, rice!" Necron chant
Lobo_Apache: Angels of Death is so good right now. They're a lot of fun without being completely oppressive
hiFunko: I also dug out the space marine scout team I bought and never did anything with
Sudobyte: gotta have my marines ready to take out goombalax next time he makes it out to kill team night
hiFunko: so I may work on those too if I have time before Feb
dumbo3k: Oh yeah, fighting necrons is awful in warhammer
GirlPainting: as a necron player, i can confirm
BloodnBullets: what do the beacons do?
Lobo_Apache: It reminds me of the Warhammer animated with the Salamander fighting necrons
Lobo_Apache: @BloodnBullets each one gives Ben 1 victory point
GirlPainting: oh thats a great show
BloodnBullets: dang thats a lot of points
I love coming in 3.5 hours into a stream and it's still going strong.
Lobo_Apache: Whatever Hive City made the crossbow also made the krak grenade
paulthemapguy: the ref says, incinerate those dice
Lobo_Apache: you ignore the first two inches of a drop
WitchyTQ: i need someone to win so i can have funkos attention back, this has been a PSA
josh___something: "Your leader has 6 inches"
Lobo_Apache: @josh___something to whip his staff around
Lobo_Apache: They hella buffed the Noviate flamers, especially since you can get Close Quarters on Volkus it's so good right now
Lobo_Apache: First time I've seen torrent do anything! Well done
MWGNZ: very close game
Lobo_Apache: who had primary op?
hiFunko: the Gee-est of Gees
Sudobyte: no primary ops?
GirlPainting: gg
cavvdor: gg!
GirlPainting: can we see the armys again Pritty please?
SkipIives: great game. thanks for playing.
Lobo_Apache: You choose one of your three ops to focus on and get extra points
goombalax: but you make that choice at game start ya
Lobo_Apache: I might be using the wrong word
WitchyTQ: i say, i get funko back, yipeeee
SkipIives: missing an entire mechanic- classic war gaming.
josh___something: House rule, ez
Sudobyte: primary ops are in approved ops pack, not core book. At the start of the game you pick either tac op, kill op, or crit op to get a bonus on
Lobo_Apache: So you choose tac, crit, or kill and you get half again as many points
Lord_Hosk: You see... there is a 250 page rule book, and it doesn't start explaining the rules until page 235
Walla_tv: learning has happened
dont worry about it, they were playing with a house rule!
Lobo_Apache: rounded down, correct
GirlPainting: @LoadingReadyRun can we see the armys on a closeup shot again pritty please?
Walla_tv: GW is on the record saying they are a model company not a rules company.
Sudobyte: approved ops is technically a variant so not in core book, it’s just the variant everyone uses for normal games
shendaras: Is it revealed?
hiFunko: it's secret
hiFunko: until the end
hiFunko: which is fun
hiFunko: it's an approved ops thing yeah
airylan: anything in the Approved Ops pack is not core rules, it's Approved Ops only. If you're playing say PvE, it's not using the Primary Ops rules
jacqui_lantern234: @hiFunko youre fun!!! (not joking)
WitchyTQ: @jacqui_lantern234 you're a delight
Lobo_Apache: Great stream y'all! that was a lot of fun to watch and I want friday (my killteam night) to be here already
jacqui_lantern234: @WitchyTQ but my name isnt TQ
WitchyTQ: @jacqui_lantern234 and yet, still accurate
@WitchyTQ prove it, coward, u wont
Walla_tv: LOS in this edition is much more understandable
hiFunko: the new edition seems really smart and fun
thanks for the stream, nerds!!!
rxpalindrome: id love to get into something like this
show us the models pritty please
vidStrickland: Kill Team 2024 seems really solid so far, even if I wish the rules weren't spread out across so many separate things.
Chedamann: Hello!
josh___something: LMAO
jacqui_lantern234: ITS BEN~
hiFunko: @vidStrickland The approved ops thing is definitely optional, it's just what the competitive/matched play folks use by default
josh___something: You did this to yourself!
Lord_Hosk: Jacob, LadyHosk would like to know if you found your bag, she worked hard on it.
vidStrickland: @hiFunko I'm aware, but it took me WAY too long to realize the related rules were in the little pamphlet, not the Core Book or the Hivestorm book!
hiFunko: Yeah it's a relatively small DLC, like 4 hours
isiah_jenner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
Thanks for subscribing, isiah_jenner! (Today's storm count: 35)
jacqui_lantern234: LETS GO JACOB
vidStrickland: nice!
pn55: Hell yea! get 'em Jacob!
dumbo3k: Haha yeah! go Jacob!
josh___something: Sick!
jacqui_lantern234: dang! good for you, Jacob
Abracadaver23: I'm gonna 3d print me some tokens for this
gdi jacob
josh___something: It's not mutually exclusive
waifus?! so youre saying its trash
josh___something: OH
pn55: Oh!
vidStrickland: Oh!
josh___something: neat
shendaras: Oh!
pn55: Talk about bois!
Master_Gunner: oh hey, I *am* going to PAX Unplugged
Juliamon: People *have* been asking
pn55: *it bois
Gekyouryuu: I wish I could, I LIVE in PA
tehfewl: i need to start going to pax unplugged again
jibkat: bizness!
PipeSmokingOwl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Thanks for subscribing, PipeSmokingOwl! (Today's storm count: 36)
Xenguin47: Those Things, always Happening
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Thank you lads!
Xenguin47: Woo! Go Team Ben!
you did this to yourself, ben
BusTed: soon!
jacqui_lantern234: JACOB XD
NorthstarTex: good stream all, go get rest ben
josh___something: UJACOB
BusTed: cut the mic, cut the mic!
josh___something: AYO
TheAwkes: Appropriately cutting the mic.
Nigouki: Paul muting just in case lmao
josh___something: "Cut the feed"
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