xantos69: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Ben "Outlaw, Scoundrel, Cutie" Ulmer is jamming Star Wars Outlaws on PiF! Game: Star Wars Outlaws) at Thu 10:00 AM PST (3m from now).
Earthenone: !findquote gambling
LRRbot: Quote #6234: "If I have to die, at least let me gamble one more time." —Serge [2019-07-24]
Earthenone: lrrSIG
Didero: Main screen turn on!
Blerrrghsauce: jlrrDance3
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Heather's Secret Podcast
Stormgod519: damn, starting when I’m on a walk
Stormgod519: I’ll be back soon chat, my dogs are too hyper rn
Stormgod519: also good morning all
TXC2: hello Stormgod519 welcome
MWGNZ: hifunkSup hifunkPopcorn
TheMerricat: Chat, is it bad or good that my Youtube 'gaming' recap indicates that the top gaming channel I watch is LRR? :D
TXC2: there are channels other then LRR? Kappa
baltimore_667083: @TXC2 I wouldn't know
seanmrwick: hey everyone
TXC2: hello seanmrwick welcome
swordfishspyke: Hello and happy (u.s.) thanksgiving!
swordfishspyke subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 47 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, swordfishspyke! (Today's storm count: 1)
Didero: I've had a bit of a draining work day, so I'm really looking forward to some Star Wars Shenanigans
NotSoShorter1234: Happy U.S. Thanksgiving afternoon chat
xantos69: I know what I am thankful for today! Its getting to catch this LRR stream live.
TXC2: ^
TXC2: hello swordfishspyke and NotSoShorter1234 welcome
NotSoShorter1234: I’m thankful for Big Giant Circles music and Star Wars shenanigans
DideRobot: LRR: Ben picked up a breakfast bagel on his way in and they gave him two tops so today is basically a W no matter what happens! | oh also star wars | https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113561896915161046
TXC2: Here we GO!
TXC2: Hello Ben
baltimore_667083: hi Ben!
Didero: Hi Ben!
Didero: Did you at least go home inbetween?
mona42068: less go ben CLOPEN
MWGNZ: PogChamp gamba time
TXC2: it not perfect system
NotSoShorter1234: Ben Ulmer ultimate warrior mode
Didero: 'clopen' sounds like a horse thing
TXC2: wind downs are important for sleep hygiene
TheMerricat: Watching a TV show is the opposite of getting the brain to slow down. :P
iris_of_ether: Good morning! Hopefully caffeine helps this morning benginHeart
TXC2: hello iris_of_ether welcome
TheWriterAleph: oh you got me excited ben, i thought pantheon was back
iris_of_ether: Hi TXC2!
xantos69: Sounds like Ben is agreeing with you Merricat
TheWriterAleph: AMC+, 2 seasons (2022-2023)
TheWriterAleph: i loved it
Pteraspidomorphi: Oh I'm watching that too
TXC2: LRRning with Ben
NotSoShorter1234: and knowledge is power @txc2
iris_of_ether: Netflax, soon to be Netlinen
TXC2: NotSoShorter1234 sure is
Didero: More Ben is more better
iris_of_ether: That's so much Ben
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
NotSoShorter1234: oooh loading ready live don’t get me excited
calculated_uncertainties: There must always be a Ben in the moon base?
Didero: Having to put up with us does sound difficult, yeah :p
loufghyslaufey: Wow. Where can you go get that?
iris_of_ether: !!!
Didero: As LRR Representatives, or as yourselves?
loufghyslaufey: But wait. Doesn't finding every table that plays Sabacc complete the game for you?
TXC2: none advertising, left ben
MWGNZ: srs bidness
iris_of_ether: lrrBEN lunarj1Fangs
MWGNZ: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TXC2: Jacob, with them New York dealing powers
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Didero: But Jacob's also pretty...
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
KinzyKenzie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months!
KinzyKenzie: omg more of THIS !!! :D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KinzyKenzie! (Today's storm count: 2)
Lysander_salamander: congrats on your business
pn55: lrrWOW
TXC2: Ubisoft!
KinzyKenzie: Main Menu says: Go play something else!
loufghyslaufey: Gross, just what Ready Player One predicted...
baltimore_667083: avatar is now canon to star wars i guess
TXC2: mawp
Didero: HONK
xantos69: Ben this stream has inspired me to write a new Star Wars RPG campaign. It is resplendent with gambling and cantinas. I picked up the fancy Sabacc deck and tokens. Thanks for all the great content.
PMAvers: Did you see how apparently Ubi's been using a security hole in Windows for their DRM? And how when Microsoft patched it, it broke games?
iris_of_ether: benginOh benginNo
TheWriterAleph: lies, ubi would never make a SECOND game. what's next
loufghyslaufey: Go bankrupt already, Ubisoft
Invitare: basically ewoks
loufghyslaufey: Idk...
PMAvers: I cast Summon Bigger Jacob
Veste: Just heard about the legendary 2 top bagel, had to come bask in the awe
iris_of_ether: Huuuuh
seanmrwick: oh hey Bengineering, good to see you again.
loufghyslaufey: A game book?
seanmrwick: if I ended up with two top bagels, I'd be king for a day
TheWriterAleph: *cue jacob vamp-sneaking into the studio...*
bobokiddo: someone summon jacob
xantos69: I don't really care for D&D 5E. You might try the Star Wars Edge of the Empire system. I really REALLY like that system.
mowdownjoe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
mowdownjoe: Just came for bagel. Looks sweet! See you on the VOD, as I'm at my GF's for Thanksgiving.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mowdownjoe! (Today's storm count: 3)
seanmrwick: I kind of want the rpg book like when Adam reads them on Dice Friends
TXC2: Jacob, Kathleen and Michel Rapp 3 stooges themselves in the door trying to get to Ben
TheWriterAleph: turkey day!
loufghyslaufey: "Eh"
iris_of_ether: I've had great experiences with Mage, Deadlands, and others
TheWriterAleph: all you turkings and turqueens
TXC2: *Michael
iris_of_ether: So yeah, maybe just keep trying lrrSHINE
seanmrwick: I have no idea what I'll be doing, but I know we aren't doing Turkey at my house anymore
Didero: Did you get permission from Kathleen to play the gambling DLC too?
NotSoShorter1234: I live close to the Canadian border and my family heritage is French Canadian am I allowed to celebrate both?
loufghyslaufey: I'll thanks-giving the moment I see a Giant Plush Frieren Balloon wandering in NY in her :3 face StinkyCheese
Didero: am ben ok
iris_of_ether: oh no
pn55: lrrFINE
taeasakura: the bagel is fighting back
Didero: That sounds bad
iris_of_ether: M-migraine?
Gaelan_Maestro: sounds like the start of a cluster headache
seanmrwick: what's your go-to bagel, Ben?
JoannaTastic: That's a 200% bagel right there
tehfewl: nothing good comes from 2 tops
seanmrwick: mine is usually an Asaigo bagel with chives and onion cream cheese
NotSoShorter1234: how do you feel about cinnamon raisin?
TXC2: I get the kind of migraines where there's no headache, I go blind in one eye, THEN have a headache :p
xantos69: My wife works at a coffee shop on the weekends. She usually brings me a bagel sandwich that is just 8 strips of bacon. It rules.
NotSoShorter1234: @xantos69 mmmm bacon
seanmrwick: yikes
KinzyKenzie: I gotta say, sabbac is a lot harder than you make it look HypeLUL
Gaelan_Maestro: i like roast beef on a cheese bagel
MWGNZ: i used to get migraines that'd instantly destroy my sense of balance
seanmrwick: you are correct
loufghyslaufey: "...Who!?"
seanmrwick: you said it right
xantos69: I say it the same way. Nobody has called me on it either.
NotSoShorter1234: as e a go??
seanmrwick: I say it like that all the time
vanpart: Oz-ee-ah-go
TheWriterAleph: Asiago
loufghyslaufey: Kay. Who is that?
Gaelan_Maestro: @MWGNZ i get both cluster and normal migraains, they do weird things to preceptions
Cannonfodder79: ah-see-ah-go
KinzyKenzie: SPOT-ON
seanmrwick: did I type it wrong
seanmrwick: oh damn I did
seanmrwick: Asiago
seanmrwick: yeah that was on me
A_Dub888: uh ohhhhh, asiagyyyyyy (Hi)
calculated_uncertainties: Gotta stop doubting yourself on this one!
MWGNZ: @Gaelan_Maestro yeah my ones laser targeted my inner ears
TXC2: and not asia go! Kappa
MrBevers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
MrBevers: Take them for all they are worth?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrBevers! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: Big mood there Ben
Carlioo: where's the space asiago when you need it
calculated_uncertainties: Well, maybe a bit for fun, if you want
loufghyslaufey: Wow. You won just as you sat on the table.
raulghoulia: They made you a captain?!
Didero: "If there's ONE thing I know about myself, it's that I don't know anything about myself"?
seanmrwick: my backup one when I went to a breakfast place in my downtown train station was a Chocolate chip bagel with strawberry cream cheese
seanmrwick: it literally tastes like chocolate covered strawberry
Gaelan_Maestro: i wonder if the droid dealer notices your cheating and doesnt care
loufghyslaufey: @raulghoulia Heh, only a captain of Sabacc lrrGOAT lrrWOW lrrGREED lrrSACK
TXC2: threw a 1? for what?
MWGNZ: op's giving us the mixx
TheMerricat: @Gaelan_Maestro In the Star Wars universe, calling out a cheater gets you shot, and that droid can't dodge. :D
SoldieroFortune: You discarded the 2?
Didero: There's a token to flip values, right? Do they maybe have that?
seanmrwick: once in a while I'll do an everything with jalapeno cream cheese and I pair it with a makeshift mocha
Gaelan_Maestro: @TheMerricat truth
loufghyslaufey: The guy looks sulked off the distance
LuizAroca is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
LuizAroca gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jomby90!
LuizAroca gifted a Tier 1 sub to zaxter2!
LuizAroca gifted a Tier 1 sub to Grafikpapst !
LuizAroca gifted a Tier 1 sub to RootedGinger!
LuizAroca gifted a Tier 1 sub to atsathaerillianavaraSELLA!
LuizAroca gifted a Tier 1 sub to ItsLauraGPO!
LuizAroca gifted a Tier 1 sub to Littlebrew1991!
LuizAroca gifted a Tier 1 sub to Programmerman1!
LuizAroca gifted a Tier 1 sub to Biocow!
LuizAroca gifted a Tier 1 sub to erxor!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, LuizAroca! Welcome to RootedGinger, Jomby90, zaxter2, Grafikpapst , ItsLauraGPO, atsathaerillianavaraSELLA, Littlebrew1991, Programmerman1, Biocow, and erxor! (Today's storm count: 14)
TXC2: LuizAroca lrrHEART
LuizAroca: <3 <3 <3
seanmrwick: since we're on the subject of Sabacc, there is a group I follow on Social Media that makes actual credits including Tax chips and the actual casino-style chips for this new format
Mazrae: hello Ben, how are you doing today
LuizAroca: Ty Ben, been watching a lot of old VODs and you guys been keeping me company
kumatsu: it's ok, you're in the tank
Gaelan_Maestro: @seanmrwick i just 3d printed the shift tokens and tax chips for my own use
seanmrwick: @Gaelan_Maestro heck yeah! the Tax Chips look like actual poker chips and I'd happily get a kit like that for Texas Hold Em
kumatsu: I'm actually in the middle of a Roadquest rewatch
Unas84 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Unas84! (Today's storm count: 15)
Didero: Working from home is a lot more fun with a LRR VOD on my second screen (though it's not always good for being productive :p )
xantos69: I'm watching through all the old LRLs (FUT) from start to finish.
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
pn55: Turns out, you're very entertaining :p
seanmrwick: @Didero preaching to the choir on that
xantos69: Run that table back?
pn55: seabatClap
seanmrwick: well played
taeasakura: I mean, if I want a laugh, my go-to is your planeswalker skit on desert bus. Zippo-Tricks McEdgelord never fails to get me
Gaelan_Maestro: @seanmrwick i made my own style tax chips, but you can find the shift tokens and such on cults3d or thingiverse
MWGNZ: LRR is main pc content, work is for second pc
kumatsu: blow that air out your nose
josh___something: Let's gooooooo
Didero: sweet!
seanmrwick: @Gaelan_Maestro I believe it. I normally refer to my friends at Hyperspace Props who make metal credits
LuizAroca: @Didero hahahah the casting of frank stone vods were the ones that got me hooked on them
Wolfstrike_NL: Might as well collect the other 3 :P ?
seanmrwick: That there my friend.....is Value
tehfewl: i had Not a drop to drink on the living room TV
calculated_uncertainties: Which screen is supposed to be main screen? Depends on the brain juice!
Didero: @LuizAroca I'm about a month behind, so I just started on the Frank Stone ones
Volus_dude: just binge watched the old lrr betrayal legacy. dang Punchgoods and Riennes were legit cursed. LUL
Gaelan_Maestro: @seanmrwick thats where i ordered my kessel deck from
MWGNZ: shoutout to turn based roguelikes
seanmrwick: @Gaelan_Maestro they're great people to order from
Gaelan_Maestro: @seanmrwick i just hope they dont hand over from usps to canada post, the strike suuuuucks right now
seanmrwick: I'll have the TTC nickname episodes going while marking up a document for work
loufghyslaufey: There must be a lore canon where most people gone for a game of Sabacc never come back, maybe
Didero: Jet Kordo's Legacy, I think it said
Mazrae: lately ive been playing Dragon Age Inquisition, while LRR has been on my phone(dont have 2nd monitor and no room for another one)
Invitare: there's one or two on each planet
seanmrwick: @Gaelan_Maestro not sure if that's the case
kumatsu: hell yeah, I picked up a new idle game while scorekeeping this weekend
xantos69: @Gaelan_Maestro I can vouch for them also. Great materials. I picked up all kinds of stuff from them.
josh___something: "as part" implies you get it mid mission?
Kentosaurus: Jet Kordo is a very star wars name
MasonzeroGaming: Same. People love to ask if I play that much Raid Shadow Legends but it's just that it's always up in the background!
Invitare: yeah it's 6 on Keyboard and Mouse, no idea on controller
TheMerricat: There are six vaults you need to find.
Invitare: press buttons until it comes up
dumbo3k: oh yeah, you got that little holotracker tool thing
Gaelan_Maestro: @xantos69 they seem like the best place for decks
seanmrwick: one thing I'd love to make is a version of Sabacc in the style of "texas Hold Em"
Invitare: these are just the journals, they aren't hints
xantos69: @Gaelan_Maestro And they have a Black Friday sale going on tomorrow. :-)
seanmrwick: so.....Galactic Hold em?
Invitare: there's a button you press out in the world
Invitare: and the tracker comes up
TXC2: PMAvers same
Invitare: yeah that's the one
Gaelan_Maestro: @xantos69 awesome XD
Invitare: you can rotate it too
josh___something: Holo tracker, could you not jitter so much, thx
TheMerricat: According to the guide, there are two tokens you can get in this series of quests, in two different vaults. Do you want to beeline to those or do the full suite?
seanmrwick: looks like a turret
NotCainNorAbel: Are you ready to Rock(ship)!
Invitare: yeah it only shows the current planet's one
Mazrae: I love seeing the [speaks in binary] and just thinking they are just saying 0's and 1's back and forth
dumbo3k: It is on Toshara
seanmrwick: maybe
adept_nekomancer: The holotracker made it look like it was close to the city
Invitare: it doesn't mix planets
dumbo3k: it is visible on the map, you do have to take into account the different angles of view though
TheMerricat: It does show up sorta on the map.
Invitare: got it
TheMerricat: You called it
dumbo3k: Woooo! nice!
Invitare: I thought it was Mirogana itself and looked around there for ages
adept_nekomancer: Huh... that is not what I would have expected
TXC2: the ship rock, baby ship rock!
A_Dub888: uh ohhhh, treasy huntyyyyy
TheMerricat: Good news Ben, one of the other vaults requires playing a hand. :D
seanmrwick: I don't know about you but I'd love to drive a speeder bike or something
dumbo3k: The traveling merchant is unrelated to this treasure hunt
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown
TheMerricat: @seanmrwick So I've known too many people who managed to kill themselves on a motorcycle, don't even want to think about how many people die on Speeders daily, especially watching Ben and Wiggins drive theirs. :D
Didero: Watch out, there's a rock
seanmrwick: @TheMerricat hm.....you make a very valid argument
seanmrwick: oh god imagine the Insurance on those things
kainboa: driving a speeder bike would be awesome for all of the 10 seconds it would last before ending in a firey explosion
Gaz_L: Kay needs to be louder angrier and have access to a jet pack.... mostly just the jet pack part, so you don't have to drive around half the map to climb stuff
seanmrwick: well you could somehow control your speeds and make it street legal?
dumbo3k: @seanmrwick I think there was a note in the game, that talked about how insurance wasn't going to pay for the recovery of a speeder that crashed into a well
Kentosaurus: where's a skyrim horse when you need one
Volus_dude: chat would ya rather drive lukes speeder, anakins pod racer or Han Solos RV
TheMerricat: Han's Solo's RV.
seanmrwick: @dumbo3k yeah maybe it would seem like a good idea at the time
MWGNZ: is the rv cleaned first?
Didero: Wait, RV?
seanmrwick: Luke's Speeder
TetraRay: RV, i got things to move
Mazrae: i would love to drive a speeder in a hologram
Gaz_L: nope, just re-released to old ones
xantos69: give me the landspeeder no question.
MWGNZ: pod racer got a switch re-release
TXC2: pod racing is N64 era right?
MWGNZ: TXC2 correct
seanmrwick: @TXC2 yup
Didero: I read that as 'Walkman' at first and got excited...
Invitare: is it strange that Quarrians call Mon Cala... that?
TXC2: MWGNZ seanmrwick thanks
TheMerricat: https://store.steampowered.com/app/808910/STAR_WARS_Episode_I_Racer/ it's on Steam, last updated in 2018....
Invitare: it's there homeworld too
xantos69: That is the name, but 2 species are from there.
Gaz_L: i mean, to be fair, we don't call our planet 'Human'
seanmrwick: I kind of want a landspeeder like Luke's in Episode 4
TheMerricat: Every Alien calls their planet dirt in their own language. :P
dumbo3k: I mean, do Quarrians as a race oiriginate from Mon Cala? Or did was this one in particular just born there?
Invitare: it seems odd to me they wouldn't call it Mon Quara or something
gramplot: that clone wars arc was so weird
A_Dub888: I thought the planet was Mon Calamari (Star Wars!)
Didero: Cori-ans
seanmrwick: yeah and there was a civil war
Invitare: more evidence of the CIS being right
Mazrae: check the holomap to see which side of the building its on?
raulghoulia: Keelah selai
Gaelan_Maestro: very USA in the 50s
seanmrwick: very imperalist perspective
TheMerricat: Was it aware that it was doing that? Or was it just blind imperialism/colonialism?
seanmrwick: *imperialist
Gaz_L: i liked the arc with the Separatist parliament, showing that Dooku was doing the same thing as Palpatine, and most Separatist people were normal
PMAvers: Or just the USA... all the time.
TXC2: good old realpolitik
seanmrwick: @PMAvers yeah that sounds about tright
Invitare: reminder that the Clone Wars started with an unprompted attack on Geonosis by a secret Republic army
raulghoulia: playing the hits of the 80s 90s and today
Invitare: the CIS were the defenders
TheMerricat: Now play hot and cold
Gaz_L: marco
TXC2: Invitare Palpatine IS playing both sides there however
dumbo3k: I hated this part >.<
Didero: @Invitare The CIS were building up an army to attack the Republic though, so you could argue it was self-defense
seanmrwick: what about owning a blaster?
xantos69: Just like Katy Perry.
Volus_dude: Admiral Trench the well dressed spider tactician was one of the best things about CIS
TheMerricat: "The Holotracker beeping speeds up or slows down depending on where you’re looking with the camera – it doesn’t matter which way Kay is facing with her body. "
dumbo3k: its hot and cold, based on where the camera is pointed
kumatsu: someone sucking on a straw into a mic
iris_of_ether: oh no
TXC2: sounds like slurping :p
MWGNZ: someone with a wet mouth and a mic
pn55: HypeLUL
Kentosaurus: sounds like suction at the dentist
Gaz_L: a capella foley
adept_nekomancer: Can't unhear it now
gramplot: @Volus_dude I really hated those spider noises he made every other sentence
TheMerricat: "You are breaking up Ben, I must be going through a tunnel!"
Didero: kkkccchhh, but with slightly too much spit
seanmrwick: it sounds like someone slurping the last of their soda/pop
JoannaTastic: someone's brewing a wicked loogie
Gaz_L: only cares where the camera
dumbo3k: I will tell you, its not up on that plateau
Gaz_L: is pointing
Invitare: the range of this thing is quite large
TheMerricat: "The Holotracker beeping speeds up or slows down depending on where you’re looking with the camera – it doesn’t matter which way Kay is facing with her body. "
kumatsu: wow, I hate that
Didero: That doesn't make sense, why wouldn't it be where Kay is looking...
TheMerricat: Ubisoft being ubisoft.
Didero: What is that orange stuff, anyway?
Garfy400: Played the whole thing and never realised that. Doh!
TheMerricat: So just a clue here, you aren't looking for a big location, this will essentially be a keyhole slot.
dumbo3k: It really didn't help that this first one is such a pain to find/navigate
Invitare: @Didero wind-blasted rock
dumbo3k: Oh wow. you found that like, 30x faster than I did
Garfy400: I ran around here so mjch
TheMerricat: Geo caching for the Jedi world.
MWGNZ: that puzzle design sucks
Gaz_L: Kordo's VA sounds so bored
Didero: Jet Kordo sounds like he should be saying ", see" at the end of every sentence
TXC2: "i took care of...some things" had a shit, he means he had a shit :p
seanmrwick: ok here's a question for you Ben and for chat: Which Star Wars technology would you want in our world?
adept_nekomancer: The desert seems like a good place to hide a vault.
Invitare: south east
dumbo3k: I think all the planets have some? I didn't go hunting for all of them, but I remember at least one on Kajimi
dumbo3k: Hell yeah Bacta Tanks! Gimme that shit!
PMAvers: Well, as long as you're not allergic.
Gaz_L: some people are allergic, tho
Invitare: if you're still interested, there's that point of interest in the south part of the south east area that's worth seeing
seanmrwick: Bacta tanks could be very helpful, especially for hospitals
Gaelan_Maestro: artificial gravity
ShaneLeeAtk: Lose a hand? Bacta tank AND a fancy new hand.
Gaz_L: poor Ton Phanan
xantos69: I'm kind of down with "easy space travel" as the technology we take.
Invitare: tyhat
Invitare: the southern most building
Invitare: that you're circling
TXC2: any FTL system is always top of the list really :p
seanmrwick: I think Holograms would be the new way people can conduct meetings
Gaz_L: artificial gravity would be p sick
Gaz_L: oh, no, the sub ocean!
brieandbacon: Has James been punching Tatooine?
josh___something: Oh god, the simulation is breaking down
adept_nekomancer: Uh-oh... Bichael is unraveling reality
Invitare: NotLikeThis
Kentosaurus: dune pixel worm. you must walk without rhythm
JoannaTastic: it's like the Neverending Story all over again
raulghoulia: if I lived on Tatooine I'd hate that biker punkers would do jumps over my crater house
seanmrwick: could the Bacta cure things like Diabetes or cancer?
Invitare: :)
Gaz_L: Uncle Owen
Didero: Speaking of Star Wars tech, repulsors would be useful too, basically gravity generators
gramplot: Owen Lars
ShaneLeeAtk: Ooo... Taking all the nieces and nephew to see Wicked tomorrow.
Volus_dude: star wars tsa. smoother, faster and there is better customer service compared irl. they even make sure your luggage arrive safe and sound like mandalorians dark sabre
Didero: Lars is the name of Luke's foster dad
TXC2: Owen and Beru
seanmrwick: @Volus_dude yeah but....what about stormtroopers and whatnot?
dumbo3k: I wonder if there is any Blue Milk left
Gaz_L: "Ran into his nephew, kind of whiny about power converters"
JacNol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
JacNol: Aaaaah! Five years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JacNol! (Today's storm count: 16)
Invitare: there IS one little treasure, in the pit
Didero: Let's rob the dead!
Invitare: Nyx can grab something off the top of a side thing
Gaz_L: Nix gonna cosplay Graha Tia
TXC2: so cute!
Didero: Absolutely worth it
pn55: seabatClap
Didero: Also I forgot Kay had a tattoo
seanmrwick: I don't know about you but I'd love to dress like the outlaws and scoundrels in the Star Wars universe. Looks comfortable and handy
Invitare: blue-milk
dumbo3k: Blue- Milk!
Didero: blue-milk cheese...
TXC2: bilk cheese
kumatsu: I've drunk the blue milk at disney
iris_of_ether: Time to get Baja Blasted
Gaelan_Maestro: @kumatsu how is it?
Kentosaurus: any milk can be blue milk with food coloring
seanmrwick: I've had the Blue Milk before at disney also @kumatsu and.....I prefer the Geren milk
Invitare: yep
kumatsu: tho the blue milk is just... a citrus oatmilk smoothie
Invitare: there's a miniquest for each of them?
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
wildpeaks: space gambling looks different today
seanmrwick: @kumatsu yeah it wasn't bad but.....the best thing I tasted from there was the "in universe" cold brew coffee and the overnight oats
kumatsu: you know I'd come guide you around Disney if you went Ben :P
raulghoulia: jodpurs
seanmrwick: closest thing is Disneybounding
Didero: Who knew jumping around near a hole was dangerous
Gaz_L: To the holonet!
TheMerricat: The two planets that the tokens are on are Kijimi and Akiva. The Kijimi one requires playing Sabacc
Invitare: Kijimi
dumbo3k: Oh! That's why we are doing the Jet Kordo side stuff, to get a Sabacc chip. That makes soooo much more sense now
seanmrwick: I know there is a website for star wars clothing called Heroes and Villains
LithelyUnshod: Oh, we found the hidden one?
Invitare: sure would be a shame if something... happened to it. In Episode 9
Gaz_L: oh wow, nearly finished the game?! :o
TheMerricat: @LithelyUnshod We got it as a side bonus for the last mission we did.
LithelyUnshod: Nice
Didero: For some chips it did say '1/2', but I assume we're not going for 100% there?
TXC2: Kajimi, bikini, ooh lets eat shashimi
Gaz_L: highlander rules, singleton
TXC2: right, got that off my brain
seanmrwick: @TXC2 pfffft.....nice one!
drcthulu: just get one of everything
TXC2: seanmrwick thank you
Invitare: thermal district apparently. North east
seanmrwick: @TXC2 I was singing that like the Beach Boys, thinking that's what the style was
Gaz_L: Metaphor, yeah
otakubox0: Metaphor!
PMAvers: I assume KAthleen's going Metaphor.
Gaz_L: Graham mentioned it
drcthulu: the most powerful card is the credit card
kumatsu: I've heard YOU'RE really good
Volus_dude: @seanmrwick well storm troopers are issue, biggest problem would be remote regions where the space port staff is totally corrupt. atleast droids treat everyone equally bad. still the sw universe travel is faster and easier experinece compared to our worlds air travel.
drcthulu: best gambler in the universe
TheMerricat: Oh yeah, they are 'your' weapons. :D
spinebustertee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
spinebustertee: Happy just a normal Canadian Thursday!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, spinebustertee! (Today's storm count: 17)
Invitare: North East I think
Gaz_L: Metaphor is great, but i have some issues with the decisions made about MP in it
seanmrwick: @Volus_dude yeah that sounds about right
dumbo3k: According to Invitare, they are somewhere in the North East?
dumbo3k: nvm
seanmrwick: brb, about to start laundry
Invitare: oh it's in two places apparently
Invitare: (I'm looking at the IGN guide)
TXC2: wild hearing the voice of a50's northern housewife coming from that character :p
Didero: Seems they're meant to be bonus quest, that you're supposed to randomly stumble upon
dumbo3k: you have the intel highlighted, so its on the map
wildpeaks: by calling the tips hotline, 80s style
Gaz_L: i just saw that Larian are adding a dozen more sub-classes to BG3... AFTER they said they were done with major updates
wildpeaks: oh yeah that patch 8 looks awesome
Didero: I'd trust the game over a walkthrough :p
dumbo3k: oh, apparently you can skip the talking to the friends of the person who lost it
Lysander_salamander: why are their faces the same?
Gaz_L: Kufu? The mummy? :P
kumatsu: Bantha Barf is such a good pejorative
Invitare: if you were to do IRL Sabaac I feel like it would need to be random or draft
A_Dub888: How well known are Bantha throughout the galaxy? I thought the were only native to Tatooinee
Invitare: @A_Dub888 the things on this world are related to Bantha, but a distinct species
kumatsu: convergent evolution is a real thing
Didero: They could be imported
TXC2: convergent evolution is a thing
TheMerricat: carcinization except it's bantha.
dumbo3k: I think Banthas are exported as beasts of burden, because not everyone wants to have cargo speeders
calculated_uncertainties: invasive species become the norm galaxy wide?
Didero: "They inhabited the desert planet Tatooine, though they were bred on many worlds throughout the galaxy.", according to Wookieepedia
Volus_dude: mini banthas roaming on ski resosrt like st Bernards would be neat
raulghoulia: degenerate meta
TXC2: the rich get richer :p
TheMerricat: I wonder if the Star Wars universe has a problem with counterfeit shift tokens. :D
Kentosaurus: discard pile empty totally not sus
Gaz_L: i feel like this would get you caught really obviously
brieandbacon: Totally believable
raulghoulia: time walked yourself
adept_nekomancer: "Nah, I reconsidered. I don't actually want that 6."
Gaz_L: also how does Nix communicate their hands to Kay?
LithelyUnshod: Also the pile was empty after you drew,
Didero: @Gaz_L Chirps and/or blinking, presumably
Invitare: 2/1 beats 3/2
TXC2: Gaz_L people joke that Nix has forces powers
A_Dub888: @adept_nekomancer Lure them into a false sense of security
Invitare: 2/1 wins
Gaz_L: game recognise game
kumatsu: I want to be able to come back and tell them it was real
Invitare: it's rude to holotrack indoors
Invitare: this planet only has in-town
kumatsu: power relay
A_Dub888: @TXC2 I keep reading that in the Catherine voice
Invitare: lmao
adept_nekomancer: That's convenient
kumatsu: it's literally in front of you
TXC2: A_Dub888 just a thing I made up, means Easiest Damn Game Ever :p
Kentosaurus: dentist time
RiverGloom subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
RiverGloom: 35 months, almost like something keeps pulling me back here
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RiverGloom! (Today's storm count: 18)
Gaz_L: insert disc into bantha
Didero: I guess it relying on camera direction instead of Kay's does make it easier to aim and figure out
Invitare: try petting the bantha, maybe it will tell you
TXC2: "and I thought they smelled bad.....on the outside"
Didero: Seems like there are more welds, Kay is just smart enough to cut at the existing welds
adept_nekomancer: That's where they've welded it back together from all the times other people have cut through it.
A_Dub888: But its yellow.... you can't climb it?
TXC2: the irony is that a good wield is the strongest part :p
Didero: Maybe it's not a different thing?
Gaelan_Maestro: is it up?
Invitare: I remember this one being a bit of a pain
Didero: Doesn't help that this place is a maze
A_Dub888: @Invitare ya know what's not a pain? You
Invitare: @A_Dub888 that can be changed
Invitare: yes... I think this is it
A_Dub888: Benjamin "Treasure Boy" Ulmer
TXC2: Ben "treasure boi" Ulmer
A_Dub888: @TXC2 Same braincell
Gaz_L: game complete!
Juliamon: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
seanmrwick: so Ben is a treasure hunter now, like Nathan Drake
LuizAroca: so the rumors Ben is gonna be in wicked pt2 are true
MWGNZ: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
shendaras: seabatClap
xantos69: This man is a gambling genius!
Didero: Now to get the rest of the collectibles Kappa
ZombieHendrix: Gamblor the magnificant
brieandbacon: sergeGG sergeGG
Gaelan_Maestro: now go beat lando
MrGibberish: GambLRR
MrGibberish: ?
xantos69: So... time to go do serious gambling?
Invitare: vs Lando?
ZombieHendrix: highest stakes?
Invitare: he should still be there
drcthulu: all in Lando
Invitare: on the forest planet
mimmaYO: with the pykes
Invitare: yeah he's the High Roller for that planet
wildpeaks: do you have the DLC ?
anclag: Hello gambling friends
Invitare: you did at least once, which I believe you lost
Invitare: don't know if there was a round 2
TXC2: hello anclag welcome
seanmrwick: well this is going to be like the last part of Solo: A Star Wars Story
TXC2: Lando CalLRRisan
BlueChloroplast: Lando!
seanmrwick: All in!
xantos69: I mean... Lando is canonically not the best gambler. He lost his ship to Han after all.
TheMerricat: If we beat him, do we get the Falcon?
Gaz_L: just makes me think of Demi Adejuyigbe's fake Gambino song from Solo
A_Dub888: Don't you have Rebel things to do Lando?
Gaz_L: get his sweet cape
goombalax: gonna take the shirt right off his back
BlueChloroplast: Oooh pretty cape for us too?
Kentosaurus: would be sweet to win the cape off his back
Gaz_L: more ladies should wear capes
xantos69: @Gaz_L Everybody should wear more capes
seanmrwick: so while im watching this game take place Ben, I'm building another commander deck
TXC2: Gaz_L more people in general should wear capes
xantos69: Yea.. spend a few turns drawing a truly garbage hand... then give it to Lando.
MrGibberish: taxing Lando seems appropriate
Kentosaurus: good stuff pil
Didero: Take someone's hand? Sounds romantic
BlueChloroplast: @didero ooooh
Thefluffiestguineapig subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months, currently on a 20 month streak!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I get to celebrate my 94th subversary with gambling against Lando? Be still my beating heart
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Thefluffiestguineapig! (Today's storm count: 19)
TXC2: and now the game truly begins
Gaz_L: backfire
xantos69: Easy game
seanmrwick: off to a good start
TXC2: my boi can't lose :p
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I know I missed the stream either Monday or Tuesday but boy we have sure accelerated our sabbac game
Thefluffiestguineapig: Easy game easy life
brieandbacon: E-zed, p-zed, lemon squee-zed
Thefluffiestguineapig: So invert ranks, refund
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm curious what powerhouse Lando has as his third chip
vinopinguino: happy turkey day to all!
TXC2: hello vinopinguino welcome
Boon_33: no bak cha
Boon_33: sergeCrimes
vinopinguino: are we gonna take lando's whip??
Boon_33: how do they not suspect this.....
Gaz_L: i believe double sylop still wins
Thefluffiestguineapig: This seems like a crowd where the goal is to eliminate as many players as rapidly as possible
Boon_33: oofa
Kentosaurus: trade with lando for fun
Didero: It's almost like Lando cheats at cardgames...
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Didero NO say it ain't so LUL
vinopinguino: nah he's just that "good"
seanmrwick: welcome to the world series of sabaacc
Boon_33: Lando seems pretty decent, you should trust them :)
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean, Lando is good enough at cheating and/or the game to win an entire settlement, right? He won Bespin
Boon_33: Lando movie when?
drcthulu: oppo's are sus
Didero: @Thefluffiestguineapig And the Falcon
DrLigmaPhD: Just got here. Have we learned when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em?
vinopinguino: that robot's a damn cheater!
anclag: Where is *your* suspicious option??
TheMerricat: You have watched the movies, right? That guy is Lando's Chewy. :D
TXC2: hello DrLigmaPhD well we've learned to trade hands....so yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: It maybe that Lando bribed another player and that this is a game to learn the cheat of "have friends at table"
drcthulu: He's not feeding Lando, he's just trying to get you to lose so he can beat Lando
josh___something: I think save the trade for the next round?
brieandbacon: Yeah, nah
xantos69: I say trust the dice
Kentosaurus: can you sabotage your hand before trading with him?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I trust the dice WAY more than I trust Lando TBH
josh___something: Make a TERRIBLE hand for him, then trade?
drcthulu: live by the dice
Boon_33: delay of game, 15 yards, repeat the down.
vinopinguino: haha
kumatsu: you can see it, it's just not the face you rolled :P
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was very "I'm a genius FUCK" moment
raulghoulia: Ben's sabacc facce is...poor
drcthulu: He's on Lando's payroll
xantos69: Ok, this time make a BAD hand then give it to Lando
Thefluffiestguineapig: That may be the strat, create the worst hand and at the last possible moment trade it to Lando
Boon_33: I want a RPG where the MC flips out at bad logic whenever an NPC makes a dumb comment.
Thefluffiestguineapig: So he can't come back from it
drcthulu: uh oh stinky
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would argue don't cheat
vinopinguino: we got this
Thefluffiestguineapig: You get banned from the table if they catch you
Invitare: your current hand wins
Invitare: unless imposter
vinopinguino: what could possibly go wrong
Boon_33: use luck
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Invitare But Ben having any Sabbac would guarantee his win
josh___something: Stand, they can't draw into a hand that beats you?
xantos69: I mean... they have a 30.5% chance of winning with the dice.
vinopinguino: damn
TXC2: oofa
vinopinguino: dice arent with us
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm calling loaded dice at this table
spurius: you dont have the cheat dice? and ithought you were gamba
Didero: Dice Friends was on Monday, today is Dice Enemies
vinopinguino: he's the goat
Gaelan_Maestro: i think lando be cheating
Thefluffiestguineapig: It maybe that this table is teaching you not to trust the dice
wildpeaks: I suspect he's a legendary player
MWGNZ: seabatNogood
lastspartan607: where is the flip table button?
TheMerricat: Ben, he cheats. Of course he's going to draw what he needs.
xantos69: Run it back
anclag: I am suspicious
adept_nekomancer: Declare the salty runback!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would argue don't trust the dice at this table EVER
vinopinguino: you haven't lost until you walk away. run it back!
xantos69: Gotta be Exhaustion... We have to hit Lando hard.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would bet you that there are multiple sets of dice in the robot, one for outsiders and one for Lando
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, "Ruin Your Evening"? Did this get decreed sometime as a particularly unfun chip set?
josh___something: Exhaustion is ass on round 3, ???, profit?
goombalax: might be able to get him by manipulating his hand and peeking with nix
GayGhostPrince: whooaaa hi ben
Garfy400: He's literally the guy who taught you to double draw
GayGhostPrince: it's been a while since i caught a stream
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig "ruin your evening" is the name of a deck in Canadian highlander
GayGhostPrince: it's good!
TXC2: hello GayGhostPrince welcome
Laserbeaks_Fury: More like Lando Calrizzian amiright
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Oh, I don't have a local scene for that so the TTC ones I sometimes have on while scrubbing kennels are my CanLander experience
GayGhostPrince: i got my associates degree and now im about to get my bachelors dnmL
Thefluffiestguineapig: My guess would be Sabaac of 5s?
Boon_33: hey chat, is this sabacc game like the ones from the KOTOR games?
Mysticman89: It do be my birthday and many of the murican streams are thanksgiving, so I am thankfully to have canadian streamers today <3
GayGhostPrince: i have no idea how this game works
Thefluffiestguineapig: Huh
GayGhostPrince: @Mysticman89 happy birthday!
TXC2: Boon_33 no, this is Kessel Sabaac, made for this game
adept_nekomancer: It's Lando's table; he probably knows a lot of things we don't
TXC2: hello Mysticman89 Happy birthday
Thefluffiestguineapig: @GayGhostPrince Happy birthday! I also hate Thanksgiving, don't worry
Boon_33: @GayGhostPrince kinda like 21, but you aim for +/- 23, and there are silly cards and you make your own custom deck
GayGhostPrince: @Didero oh thank you!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Damn
Mysticman89: ty everyone
vinopinguino: but ben, if you ain't cheatin, you ain't tryin
GayGhostPrince: everyone is always so cool in LRR chat
anclag: The table have now seen you literally pick up the best hand
DudelidouX: Technically the whole table knows your hand but it's fine
GayGhostPrince: is that siren in game or is there a tornado warning here lmao
josh___something: If they're "paying attention" they know you have cheap sabacc
TXC2: this sabbac is kinda like poker and Baccarat
GayGhostPrince: maybe it's another tab peedenScare
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ah, hope you don't live in the Midwest US
Boon_33: ok, TIL there are many many Sebacc variants, nvm
matthaus_c subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
matthaus_c: sah dude
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, matthaus_c! (Today's storm count: 20)
Invitare: there's 4 of them
Didero: At least 4 Sabaccs, and Star Wars also has other cardgames
MrGibberish: @boon_33 well well well. long time no see sergeBongo
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I blame you Ben, I tried the Pokemon TCG app and got frustrated by how simplified the combat was so now I've gotten back into Arena after being repelled by people trying to tell me I was doing it wrong by not optimizing my deck
Boon_33: @MrGibberish :)
matthaus_c: pot of greed
josh___something: oh no, you activated ben's "board game explainer" mode
GayGhostPrince: i wish i had time to play video games
GayGhostPrince: but once finals are done... im gonna play so many video games
Invitare: I wonder if you could incorporate the cheats into the actual game. Some sort of spendable resource that lets you double draw or spy...?
tehfewl: if by neat, you mean MONO RED BABY LETS GO, then yeah, neat
Thefluffiestguineapig: @GayGhostPrince I wish I had money for a console LUL
NotCainNorAbel: My SO and I may play some jumpstart foundations when it arrives to learn.
LordZarano: If everyone can cheat it's even right?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Invitare The cheats you learn activate other skills that you use outside Sabaac
TheMerricat: "Go on a long quest to obtain all the shift tokens" "Celebrate finding them all by going head to head with Lando Calrissian and never use any of the shift tokens" Kappa
TXC2: fuck mono red Kappa
matthaus_c: @GayGhostPrince hell yeah. you're gonna crush those stupid exams
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also the black blue fairies are sick
GayGhostPrince: @Thefluffiestguineapig i was lucky. my sister bought a bunch of pc parts for her bf but then he cheated on her so she built me a pc
Invitare: @Thefluffiestguineapig No, I mean incorporate in the IRL version
GayGhostPrince: i havent gotten to test it out yet
Gaelan_Maestro: you my not win, but make lando lose
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Invitare Oh, unsure, it would probably need to be one of those things that an individual playgroup decides
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
Thefluffiestguineapig: Make Lando go out
matthaus_c: there's also two aggro decks in the top 4 most popular of this format
vinopinguino: sucks to suck lando
GayGhostPrince: so is this a star wars rpg? is it any good?
PMAvers: We got a real match now
DrLigmaPhD: Love how everybody sees your fucked up cat doing this and yet suspicion has to build as opposed to the immediate reaction of "Hey, is your fuckin cat trained to cheat?"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sucks to suck now my dude!!
seanmrwick: I gotta thank you guys for getting me back into games like Commander and perhaps getting into Star Wars Outlaws. Definitely helps me get back into the game and help me meet new people
GayGhostPrince: ive never really watched star wars but im always curious about rpgs
TXC2: GayGhostPrince it's VERY ubisoft game
GayGhostPrince: @TXC2 checks out
Juliamon: it's not really an RPG
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DrLigmaPhD Dude, I've known some absolutely mind bending animals who have skills like that
Thefluffiestguineapig: If you have a parrot then you're set in terms of teaching to cheat
mimmaYO: the only word i know in huttese is nino lia which means draw
adept_nekomancer: Secret twist: She was the true, actual final boss all along.
Thefluffiestguineapig: LETS GOOOOOOO
GayGhostPrince: peedenFlag
GapFiller: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
vinopinguino: boom baby!
RealGamerCow: The soul read
GayGhostPrince: Pog
TheMerricat: Of course if you had traded hands with her, you'd have a pair of ones. :P
seanmrwick: ooooh we got this in the bag
vinopinguino: wooooow
PorpoisesUnknown: SHE DID
TXC2: :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: HOWWWW
josh___something: LMAO
vinopinguino: real gamer moment
GapFiller: lrrWOW
pn55: HypeLUL
xantos69: LOL! This is amazing
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Thefluffiestguineapig: What the fuck is going on here?????????
josh___something: Get fucked, nerd
seanmrwick: hahahaha!
adept_nekomancer: She actually is the final boss. Crazy
Gaelan_Maestro: XD
Invitare: Look, Lando's not friends with just any old Sabaac players
adept_nekomancer: @PorpoisesUnknown My pathetic grandpa's deck has no cards, Kaiba!
Gaelan_Maestro: im way more invested in this game than i should be
seanmrwick: im crying because i'm laughing so hard right now
Thefluffiestguineapig: That player is Lando's copilot in the Falcon, yeah? So she must be amazing
TXC2: heart of the cards Ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good start
anclag: She doesn’t have to feed lando cards anymore, so she just wins herself
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hmmmmmmmmmm
PorpoisesUnknown: that man in yellow looks like he'd wager his ship if the price was right
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm still absolutely on team "loaded dice" at this table
Thefluffiestguineapig: YYEEEEEESSSSS
xantos69: Finally this man is gaming
Thefluffiestguineapig: LEt's goooooooooo
GayGhostPrince: oh no ben is addicted to winning
anclag: and he didn’t even cheat!
Invitare: I'd laugh so much if she traded hands
vinopinguino: hahaha
wildpeaks: are you winning son
Kentosaurus: my emotions
TXC2: you got this Ben !
seanmrwick: shashasha!
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is so incredibly tense
Tripleyew: “gimme your ship’s pink slip and walk home!”
raulghoulia: really rude of the droid to go all the way around the table when the other players are knocked out
seanmrwick: this is more intense than the last hand in Casino Royale
Thefluffiestguineapig: Don't trust the dice
Didero: Take the blind card
Didero: :p
josh___something: Surely, this is when our luck turns around
PorpoisesUnknown: We have to believe in the heart of the DICE
Thefluffiestguineapig: Kay
MrGibberish: peek?
adept_nekomancer: Just hope she doesn't trade hands with you I guess
josh___something: too fuckin ez
goombalax: Joever
Thefluffiestguineapig: She cannot draw, and LET"S GOOOOOOO
TXC2: it's oooooooover !
xantos69: Cheer50 Lets go gamer
spethycakes: lrrBartleby
pn55: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100
NotCainNorAbel: seabatClap jlrrDance seabatClap
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
vinopinguino: bravo
brieandbacon: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
seanmrwick: yesssss!
shendaras: seabatClap
wildpeaks: we found it, the new hope
vinopinguino: give me the Falcon!
shendaras: benginDab
josh___something: Read em and weep, lando
MDK_Marshal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
MDK_Marshal: The CHAMP
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MDK_Marshal! (Today's storm count: 21)
PorpoisesUnknown: that's not BIlly Dee :/
wildpeaks: retire champion
GapFiller: jlrrDance seabatClap jlrrDance3 seabatDance jlrrDance seabatClap jlrrDance3 seabatDance
Thefluffiestguineapig: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap FBtouchdown
seanmrwick: GG!
Kentosaurus: Lando live tweeted the game
xantos69: Hey G
josh___something: HAH
TXC2: thanks G
pn55: HypeLUL
spethycakes: quantu105Lol
goombalax: You winnin son?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey G
seanmrwick: thanks Graham!
vinopinguino: he literally "are ya winnin son" you
josh___something: Thanks G
PMAvers: I'm waiting for *that* podcast where it comes through in the background.
Tripleyew: “You’re finally proud of me, Dad?”
GapFiller: Graham Stark Confirmed Best Boss
PorpoisesUnknown: Father is SABBACK with the blue milk :)
seanmrwick: this is literally like the end of Rounders when Matt Damon won the last hand
josh___something: Lesbi-gun
matthaus_c: lesbian gun
Thefluffiestguineapig: Lesbigun
Mathonwy: Demi?
pn55: It's les-er
Invitare: Sabaac induced brain rot
kumatsu: it's not bi gun, it's Trigun
DrLigmaPhD: Les-er gun
vinopinguino: BisexualPride
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something Drift compatible!
MrGibberish: what did you get? and something about a quest
GapFiller: Ben in what other job wd yr boss personally congratulate you on winning a card game
Juliamon: coat, coating, same thing
GapFiller: Juliamon a coat is basically a coating yes
Didero: Who's Danka again?
adept_nekomancer: It's a coat for your gun!
vinopinguino: ben looked upon the galaxy and wept, for there were no more sabbac tables to conquer
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would bet that you might be betrayed
seanmrwick: It's also a gun!
Thefluffiestguineapig: She's in real tight with the Imperials, yeah?
Invitare: she works with everyone
seanmrwick: im telling you Ben, Sabacc needs to be an actual Competition game
josh___something: ND said it, so is it just in your ship?
Thefluffiestguineapig: She sold them the clam, right?
seanmrwick: like the World Series of Poker
Gaelan_Maestro: @seanmrwick you can play it via tabetop simulator i think
xantos69: @seanmrwick I would tune in for this AFK so hard.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @seanmrwick but better because we have an adorable animal friend
PorpoisesUnknown: shes gonna be waiting in Ambush. (i have not played the game)
seanmrwick: @Gaelan_Maestro you can. I just have a copy of it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Message on ship?
MrGibberish: something about a message
seanmrwick: @xantos69 @xantos69 oh so would I. I'd pay good money to actually be at the table
seanmrwick: @Thefluffiestguineapig yesss
Gaelan_Maestro: @seanmrwick awesome
anclag: Quick, ask Dad if you can buy the dlc!
xantos69: @seanmrwick Oh now there is an idea... LRR hosts a Sabacc open amongst their viewers.
seanmrwick: @Gaelan_Maestro I'm part of the Outer Rim Sabacc community and we play on Tabletop Sim with the VA of General Hera Syndulla
seanmrwick: @xantos69 @xantos69 precisely
Thefluffiestguineapig: @seanmrwick Ben mentioned a few streams ago that apparently in Vancouver there is someone who may make custom real life tables who makes a Sabaac tables
Didero: I had to go back to the VOD for this, but it was too important to skip: https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clip/EnchantingPlacidCodFUNgineer-0F3FjFQE4L2SuAZ5
seanmrwick: @Thefluffiestguineapig I'd need to contact them at some point
Thefluffiestguineapig: Aw, Robot boyfriend is sad as well
TXC2: damn the trauma there is palpable
vinopinguino: eff your garbage can
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I'm giggling so hard
vinopinguino: we beat the game! yay!
QuixoticScrivener: now beat the game?
josh___something: GG, no re Lando >:D
TXC2: all we have left is the main plot :p
Thefluffiestguineapig: Now game complete?
Mathonwy: So, is this a good game?
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
adept_nekomancer: Already beat the game, might as well do this so-called "main story quest".
seanmrwick: I definitely need to stretch my legs
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 The least important part
Thefluffiestguineapig: Have we gotten all the Nix snacks?
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig exactly
xantos69: @Mathonwy I would say it is an "interesting" game. It has some serious execution problems.
Didero: I always feel vaguely bad when they say "Don't go away" and I have to leave for the bathroom :p
TXC2: and we're back
drcthulu: it's just a garbage fire
Didero: We missed one of the Nix snacks, didn't we?
TXC2: fuck Twitter
drcthulu: bluesky is great
Thefluffiestguineapig: @xantos69 This is one of many games I would argue that corporate reluctance to delay launch to allow for improvements hurt a great deal
gsyhiap: I'm still sticking with Mastodon for the time being
pn55: jlrrFacepalm
Didero: I've got Twitter, Mastodon, and BlueSky tabs open, I hope people choose a single one soon >_>
pn55: Okay byeee!
josh___something: Damn, that was the right choice
TXC2: cool app :p
gsyhiap: lrrWOW
drcthulu: The Elon bots are working overtime
josh___something: ok byyeeeeee
otakubox0: Yeah like almost every "I'm going to Bluesky" tweet has had replies like that its wild
TXC2: "people" = Russia :p
anclag: I am finding bluesky surprisingly decent…I was dubious of it when the twitter founder was involved, but turns out he’s long gone
Didero: @vinopinguino Deleting your account means people can take over your username, I think it's better to delete all the tweets and let it linger
vinopinguino: @Didero ah i didnt know that!
vinopinguino: good lookin out
TXC2: gotta scrub your account so the "ai" can't scrap it
DudelidouX: Not surprised at all
TXC2: *scrape
wildpeaks: well, just be aware you can be scraped on Bluesky too
xantos69: "Trawling through looking for things to be angry about" that is literally social media.
seanmrwick: I also noticed the ND was an assassin droid
Juliamon: It's *just* Twitter 2.0
wildpeaks: also all your blocks are public
gsyhiap: Yup
MWGNZ: bluesky needs a better ios app
josh___something: Bluesky is... NOT twitter. That's the only thing better :p
Didero: It does seem to have some better settings and options, like the starter packs. But yeah, that doesn't sound great
TXC2: all social media is bad :p
wildpeaks: imho mute is safer, so they can't find each other using your block lists
PMAvers: It's still a corpo social media service.
seanmrwick: that's why I mainly use Instagram
vinopinguino: followed!
MWGNZ: here's the thing, i've moved social media platforms before and i can do it again
Didero: I don't want to use Instagram, it seems so shitty, especially since it's by Meta. But people seem to like it
CeruledgeBlade: I mean, Instagram is owned by zuck and he's almost as bad as then these days
vinopinguino: dont tell me what to do mom.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Have Gus and Remy had any more adorable cuddle/playtimes?
CeruledgeBlade: As elon*
wildpeaks: time to be the greatest thief of all time
xantos69: And that is why I don't
seanmrwick: I was about to ask what's the best platform to contact you for any questions or just to chat
Didero: No, I follow an account that posts fun Muppet facts and photos, there's no downside
TXC2: and that's why I don't use any of them :p
DudelidouX: Something I realized decades ago which is why I never joined any
Marvoleath: The only win on social media is not using it :D
QuixoticScrivener: Also, Discord is social media.
gsyhiap: I thought social media was all about the butt wiggling though...
LaconicLad: It was all over for me when I joined Quantum Link.
wildpeaks: it's the final countdown, tudududu
Marvoleath: Did we sabacc all the sabaccs already?
seanmrwick: I think I was on your discord a while back but I think I had to be a sub, if i'm not mistaken
Marvoleath: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
wildpeaks: our name is Max Sabbac
Didero: Sabacc-ximum
seanmrwick: also, for context, my old discord got phished hard so this is my new one I use
seanmrwick: I'll send you a message from the LRR discord for AFK suggestions if that helps
MWGNZ: theres also the lrr contact page that lists how to get in touch with everyone
Didero: They could at least steal and wear some Stormtrooper armor
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
fiftymcnasty: @Didero I think they are a bit short
seanmrwick: that actually helps a lot. Thanks for making it easier, @TXC2
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I have a horrible feeling that Mom may betray us
TXC2: seanmrwick no worries
Didero: @Thefluffiestguineapig See, I feel they're going for the saccharine ending where they end up bonding again
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig oh yeah, 10000% she either betrays us, or sacrifices herself for us
wildpeaks: either betray, either sacrifice herself heroically
josh___something: Sussy
vinopinguino: not suspicious at all mom
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Didero I would think that except the first memory that we were shown was her teaching Kay the lesson "Rely on no one"
josh___something: That, or it's jaylen that's gonna betray us somehow
vinopinguino: didnt she literally abandon her? lol
Didero: Oh yeah, I didn't think that she could sacrifice herself for us. That doesn't sound like a fun ending though
Tripleyew: or betray *then* sacrifice herself after she regrets what she did
Didero: @Thefluffiestguineapig That makes sense
wildpeaks: @Tripleyew ohh, the double
gsyhiap: lrrFINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: @wildpeaks Yeah, trying for all the emotional points without considering if it suits the story
brieandbacon: Everything's fine down here. How are you?
QuixoticScrivener: Is our mom Oko?
Marvoleath: @QuixoticScrivener worse, she new she had her, Oko didnt
TXC2: QuixoticScrivener nah, she not that sexy Kappa
wildpeaks: must have been the wind
Thefluffiestguineapig: My guess is partially that mom actually called the Zarek Besh agents to claim the reward on the death mark
Didero: Thank you for not killing the maintenance workers, they're only trying their best, the Empire's not their fault
seanmrwick: Sent
adept_nekomancer: "wreak havoc" is a great menu option
Thefluffiestguineapig: @adept_nekomancer Especially with an animal companion
seanmrwick: just sent you a message on Discord, Ben. You should be good to go
Thefluffiestguineapig: I say this as someone who works in vet med
Tripleyew: “Release the catzolotls of war!”
Kentosaurus: I hate it when my fan blades are missing
josh___something: H-O-T does not spell good
vinopinguino: dang hardcore parkour
seanmrwick: yeah for an AFK suggestion
Didero: Circe De So-Kay :D
anclag: Wreak havoc, or as I like to call it, "Monday"
Didero: Once again, Nix is the star of the team
Marvoleath: whichever company is responsible for those fans, they are going to have so much trouble with complaints in this sector
Didero: Not even 7/10?
Thefluffiestguineapig: If you roll a nat one on dex it becomes Cirque de Welp
FourCatsInASuit: What is it out of 5?
wildpeaks: for Ubisoft, it was a positive surprise
MWGNZ: "not horribly broken"
adept_nekomancer: Not quite a 5 out of 7, but a 6/10
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's really aggressively fine
josh___something: 6/5 clearly :p
otakubox0: But what about the Sabbac minigame by itself
xantos69: That would have dropped it to a 5/10 right there
TXC2: just as we were singing the games praises :p
vinopinguino: haha about to change that rating to 5 outta 10
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think this would benefit from being a couple different games
JoannaTastic: a real C+ game
wildpeaks: the gambling and moments with the little critter are fun
Thefluffiestguineapig: And/or it being allowed to have two more years of development
Didero: You can play Sabacc in Tabletop Sim, but yeah, that's not the same
wildpeaks: oh yeah they should make a standalone sabacc
Marvoleath: They need to make a Sabacc like Witcher did Gwent
Wolfstrike_NL: Ben how would you rate this game's difficulty from 1 to dark souls?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also our mom is helping us profoundly less than Nix ever does
seanmrwick: I think you can play it on Tabletop Simulator for Crossing the streams, but that's close enough
Marvoleath: @Thefluffiestguineapig she also loves are less!
xantos69: Oh, look he's just a dirty little guy
QuixoticScrivener: he left his e-brake on
Didero: Aw, it's got dust in its wheels :(
kumatsu: One Filthy Boi
Invitare: it's set to "carpet" instead of "floor"
seanmrwick: Also, I could be a pretty good dealer for Correlian spike
TXC2: is that driod running on coal :p
Marvoleath: this is the dust distribution droid
Thefluffiestguineapig: No we really don't
Thefluffiestguineapig: We don't need to tell you shit
Didero: @TXC2 Gotta keep the cleaning droids busy, to prevent them gaining sentience
TXC2: Didero indeed
josh___something: "you'll have to tell me about that one later" +1 Sacrifice angle
FourCatsInASuit: I would play a Spaceballs Outlaws.
adept_nekomancer: Like the long grass, but less risk of wild pokemon
Kentosaurus: someone set them to disco ball mode
Didero: Can you somehow sabotage those Vipers?
josh___something: Nix pls
Marvoleath: Nyx trying to Solid Snake this one out
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nix just on Maximum Cat mode
Didero: Sabotage 'em with a rocket launcher Kappa
Invitare: Hey kiddo
Thefluffiestguineapig: She absolutely has turned us in
pn55: :(
spethycakes: imagine....
josh___something: oef
iris_of_ether: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Didero: Didn't Kay call her mom by her name earlier? That means she doesn't get to use 'Kiddo', yeah
Marvoleath: 'Children of Divorce' sounds like a good band name
TXC2: Children of Dievorce
xantos69: Yea, my lived experiences is if they do abandon you... then you really didn't want them around cause they would not do a good job.
Didero: Dude can't be arsed to clean his visor
A_Dub888: Stormtrooper helmets are noise cancelling
Invitare: I wonder who that could be
Marvoleath: It's his last day before retirement, he knows better than to mess with you
Tripleyew: “Hey, mom, you know who has ‘kiddo’ privileges? Not you!”
Didero: "M-Riko?" says a lot
TXC2: xantos69 true, but the problem is it can take years for the child to realise that
anclag: Yeah, she’s gone
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup
anclag: We won’t see her again until Outlaws 2
vinopinguino: whats up with his winterfell ah coat?
wildpeaks: I suspect he might be the bad guy
Invitare: he's wearing an Imperial Intelligence uniform
Didero: Evil? But he's got a fur cape! How many people with fur capes are evil?
TXC2: sure does
Invitare: oh here he is
adept_nekomancer: Someone wearing a cape that floofy can only be evil
Thefluffiestguineapig: @xantos69 Also I would argue sometimes life is hard because they thought they would do a good job
MWGNZ: its da boi
Marvoleath: He's wearing a fur coat inside, he's either evil or a pimp
Juliamon: It feels like this is where all the budget went
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT
pn55: Darth Vader is here to play sabacc!
Didero: oh for fucks sake
anclag: Challenge him to sabaac!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I will say I was not expecting that
vinopinguino: drag his ass Vader
Kentosaurus: not james earl jones
raulghoulia: with the red lens too
Kaaannaaa: close, but no cigar
Thefluffiestguineapig: So Zarek Besh is a front for the ISB
adept_nekomancer: Hey Vader, know how to play sabacc?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, this person does not do a fabulous vader impression
Juliamon: That's WAY better
vinopinguino: bro
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is SICK
pn55: Okay, that was sick
vinopinguino: get dunked on nerd
xantos69: Ok, 7/10
adept_nekomancer: His threat game is on point.
josh___something: Damn... that was hot
Wolfstrike_NL: 6.1/10
TXC2: have you tried therapy Vader? even once?
Marvoleath: That's explains the render, and not doing it in engine
Thefluffiestguineapig: So everyone being baffled by the sudden rise of Zarek Besh was correct
A_Dub888: Does the cape drag? If so he just picked up a crapton of glass
Invitare: honestly this whole final sequence is pretty good ngl
vetr1c: Fly across the galaxy, make the threat, wander off. The Vader way.
Invitare: why would she?
Didero: How would she know?
JadedCynic: petty, easily provoked, obvious buttons to be pushed...yeah, Sid, I don't think V is the 'competent right hand man' you wanted...
Thefluffiestguineapig: She's from a backwater planet
JoannaTastic: She never watched Star Wars I guess
anclag: To be fair, it would have been a shame if James Earl Jones final turn as Vader was in this game
xantos69: He is not common knowledge. The typical person doesn't know about Vader.
Didero: Vader keeps to the shadows
TXC2: aren't there STATUES of Vader ?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Luke didn't know who Vader was
JadedCynic: @xantos69 duuuude
Invitare: he's not a public figure
JadedCynic: he's in Fortnite
vinopinguino: hes the phantom menace
JadedCynic: oh, in-universe
Marvoleath: But it's more like a general, than a politician?
Didero: Kay doesn't, but Nix does
MWGNZ: Nix plays fortnite
Kentosaurus: he's not really in the official command chain. he's the emperor's personal enforcer.
NotCainNorAbel: maybe they are not on solical media
Invitare: Kay's also not interested in politics
chocolate_wine: wasn't wearing a name tag, to be fair
Didero: You see Vader a lot in shows, because he fights Rebels. But the average Empire citizen probably wouldn't encounter him at all, nor the Emperor
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes but the Emperor retreated from public life after the takeover and Vader followed his lead
A_Dub888: Maybe its more like "If the average person has heard of them, they're already dead"
xantos69: @JadedCynic Yes, in universe. :-) Vader is The Emperors dirty little secret enforcer. High ranking Imperials know about him, but the rank and file doesn't know
JadedCynic: @Marvoleath eeeeeh, technically not even that - he can COMMAND military forces, but from outside the standard military chain-of-command...
Invitare: 5 and 6
Thefluffiestguineapig: 5 and 6
Didero: Slightly into 5
Invitare: You've seen Carbonite Han
Thefluffiestguineapig: Carbonite Han was in Jabba's palace
Gaelan_Maestro: 4th and sixth
vinopinguino: luke blows up the first
TXC2: death star is blow up in 4 and 6
anclag: After Han was frozen in 5, before the start of 6
vetr1c: They just mentioned Hoth. That's the start of Empire Strikes Back.
Didero: How many army generals do you run into in your daily life?
A_Dub888: Maybe he's a nameless boogey man
JadedCynic: @xantos69 well...over time rumors spread among the ranks...but yeah (initially I'd confused your comment with those talking about the voice actor's performance :D )
Thefluffiestguineapig: Not even army general, Black ops commander
ContingentCat: !advice
LRRbot: Sing to cover a yawn.
Invitare: teamwork
Didero: Ok, rephrase: How many CIA directors do you run into in your daily life? :p
A_Dub888: @Thefluffiestguineapig True, Vader's outfit has a lot of black
vinopinguino: vader could go be undercover boss
Thefluffiestguineapig: @vinopinguino I would bet that any Imperial base would smell him a mile away
JadedCynic: @Thefluffiestguineapig exactly - kinda like 'that agency that no one officially admits exists, but we have all heard rumors about'
A_Dub888: I mean, his grandkid did (on an SNL sketch but still)
Marvoleath: When the waiter force chokes you 'cause you didn't tip
anclag: I hope we get to set Nix on Vader, see him spinning around with Nix bouncing on his head
Kentosaurus: @vinopinguino that was an snl bit with kylo ren
JadedCynic: @Thefluffiestguineapig he's got 'a rumor-based reputation' as others have said, like a boogeyman
kumatsu: the chancellor of my college did an ep of undercover boss but everyone knew it was happening so nobody showed up to the big reveal, so that part of the episode got cut
TXC2: vader gets made a stormtrooper, and somehow his aim goes to shit
vinopinguino: @Kentosaurus haha really?!
Didero: @TXC2 To be fair, I don't think Anakin/Vader has shot a gun ever
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uhhhhhhhhhh
TXC2: Didero huh, you might be right
Kentosaurus: @vinopinguino yep
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro
Juliamon: wow boo
JadedCynic: @TXC2 a pilot's accuracy with a starfighter's guns doesn't directly translate to marksmanship with sidearms while wearing a vision-restrictive helmet
BrowneePointz: Anakin 100% has shot a blaster pistol
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do they have just a rolodex of divorce lawyers??
TXC2: JadedCynic indeed
A_Dub888: "reality" TV
JadedCynic: @BrowneePointz and probably missed
anclag: Reality TV - even worse than social media!
Didero: I don't think they're expecting infiltrators so deep into the base, so they're not paying much attention
TXC2: they'd get an annulment, not a divorce
JadedCynic: then again, he's probably force-pushed a blaster, and picked off someone with it
BrowneePointz: nah Anakin was a Marty Stu, he’d hit
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz In which era? child Anakin for sure, but as soon as he's at the academy no dice
NotCainNorAbel: you could say yes and just not sign the marriage cert
vinopinguino: itd be funny if they just spin them around 5 times before they walk down the aisle
seanmrwick: I love how you just bonked the officer in the head before accessing the terminal
Didero: @BrowneePointz In one of the movies? Or in a book? Seems like it'd take a lot to have a Force-user resort to guns
Didero: "Keep yer dissertation for the afterparty"
Tripleyew: pin it on Vader - I mean, if someone discovered it, what would hey do?
Marvoleath: @Didero I imagine in clone wars, most jedi did use blasters then
Wolfstrike_NL: Outside of a little "rampage", we actually stealth gaming this.
vinopinguino: beep boop
Invitare: the droids are all on your side anyway
Thefluffiestguineapig: That seems really shitty because it's just a huge to do in order to get paid I'm sure not enough to survive for a year on in modern crisis of cost of living
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dude, I would cackle so hard
Wolfstrike_NL: Pin it on Jabba
adept_nekomancer: Blame the Pykes. They've been assholes this whole game.
Thefluffiestguineapig: You have the option to pin it on whatever syndicate you hate most
TheWriterAleph: Sith Lord Jar-Jar Binks?
A_Dub888: "Ur Mami" who the hell is that?
TXC2: "jar jar...that's a name i've not hear in a long time"
Didero: @Marvoleath Pretty sure even there they used lightsabers, the Force, and Clone Troopers, but not guns. Except for Kenobi that one time against Grievous, of course, which is the real death of the Jedi Order
seanmrwick: thanks Pyke Syndicate
BrowneePointz: blame it on Hondo Ohnaka
Invitare: it doesn't have eyes
JadedCynic: :D
A_Dub888: what do those little droids do?
Tripleyew: it would be interesting if you had the option to pin it on your mom
vinopinguino: it says on this note they left behind that it was the work of a Seymour Butts?
Didero: Or little batteries
Marvoleath: @Didero a quick google search confirms that canonically Anakin was very good with blaster
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz Dude, the only one who would believe that is literally Vader
Juliamon: Physical data transfer
tehfewl: don't threaten the mousebots
seanmrwick: roach....go to plan B
omdorastrix: Mail droids -
A_Dub888: Okay, so why the bristles on to?
Didero: @Marvoleath Sure, little Wonder Boy was good at everything :p
omdorastrix: Toasters on wheels
BrowneePointz: @didero there are multiple instances of Jedi resorting to a blaster when needed
Tripleyew: “It says here… Amanda Huginkiss?”
seanmrwick: Ben, have you seen the robot chicken star wars specials?
A_Dub888: point
pn55: lrrWOW
MWGNZ: multipurpose
kusinohki: mouse droids sabotaged a super star destroyer in one of the books
Kentosaurus: roomba/delivery droid
JadedCynic: @Invitare still has proximity sensors; one met vader, stopped, squealed, and raced away...so again, I argue that Vader is a known entity (maybe rumored 'boogeyman' but still identifiable)
Stormgod519: I made it back in time
vinopinguino: thats just efficient
Stormgod519: holy shoot i forgot, hi Ben!
BrowneePointz: “Nicknamed the mouse droid, the MSE is a nimble courier that delivers secure point-to-point communiqués. MSEs are also used for simple maintenance tasks including floor polishing and spot welding. If you see these droids zip by, give them a wide berth. It is best not to interfere with its high-priority delivery.”
Didero: @BrowneePointz My memory's not great, and it's been a while since I watched Star WArs things, so I'll take your word for it
seanmrwick: remember when Chewie scare the hell out of the mouse droid? I can imagine that for this kind of situation
anclag: The empire signed a contract for really cheap WiFi routers, so the quickest way to send files around is by usb droid
TXC2: "you didn't need me" YES, YES WE FUCKING DID!
vinopinguino: you changed kay... yeah mom, im no a 3 year old anymore.
Didero: Wait, the Gonk droids are batteries, not the mouse droids, my mistake
Tripleyew: “Now, mom. now is when you want to do this?!?”
A_Dub888: Dang, Star Wars predicted multipurpose roombas
Thefluffiestguineapig: No, I would argue that she's justifying post hoc
Xed_Regulus: And adults don't know anything either
Didero: What, uh, is this area?
TXC2: parents are people, and people are dumb as fuck :p
ekplayscards: TIL this game has more than just gambling
Invitare: I think they're Viper Droids
xantos69: Probe droid launch bay looks like
Thefluffiestguineapig: People: dumb as or dumber than any other being
Invitare: being sent spying
Kentosaurus: i think these pods contain viper probe droids
BrowneePointz: I think they are shooting the probe droids
Thefluffiestguineapig: Viper droid capsules
JadedCynic: yep; every child eventually has a personal 'gotterdammerung' or death of their gods (parents) when they realize they're just people
vinopinguino: they're just little guys
Wolfstrike_NL: Superman's resque pods
JadedCynic: oooh
Didero: Oh, that makes sense, thanks
JadedCynic: cool
TXC2: this is the Hyperloop Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hold up, if these are droid capsules then if she wants us to get off the station this way, are they insulated
BrowneePointz: But yeah, the initiative that Sliro talked about is the same one that found Hoth
JoannaTastic: @TXC2 the Viperloop
vinopinguino: im bringing knuckle sandwiches to this family meal mom
Gaelan_Maestro: plot twist, mom gets Vadered
PoopForBrains119: always shoot first baby
TXC2: JoannaTastic yes
Invitare: what if you could leave Hoss behind again?
TXC2: gonna take Vader's ship
Tripleyew: That’s the vacuum tube delivery system for the Imperial Savings and Loan Bank
Kentosaurus: no one notices us crouch walking when it's across the open hangar
Thefluffiestguineapig: Just leave Hoss's corpse
JadedCynic: stormtroopers have infamously poor peripheral vision
vinopinguino: @TXC2 vader's actually in the back seat asleep
TXC2: vinopinguino :D
raulghoulia: all he did was steal our pet and sell them to a crime boss, what the big deal?
JadedCynic: @vinopinguino locked in the 'meditative iron lung' :)
Didero: 'Dank Farrik' is multilingual!
Invitare: maybe Dank Farrik is a name
Stormgod519: well, he said the line
vinopinguino: this guy's character design reminds me of kyle katarn
Thefluffiestguineapig: Don't put this shit on me
TXC2: Dank farrik is the Star wars Jesus Christ Kappa
PMAvers: "So if it fails, it's all your fault Kay. You should've stopped me from pushing this mission on you."
seanmrwick: so.....Jaylen is part of the rebel alliance?
brieandbacon: He looks to me like the Unluckiest Planeswalker
Stormgod519: Turn into spaghetti
Invitare: Jaylen is not a rebel
josh___something: Mom's are what?
DoomBringerIL: mom's pastrami @LoadingReadyRun
calculated_uncertainties: no, not another earworm. I still have the gotta have faith from afk in my head
A_Dub888: "No more looking behind your back" Except for Pyke territory
BrowneePointz: well the Star Wars Jesus Christ WAS STANG but they jettisoned that
seanmrwick: ok that makes more sense
BrowneePointz: and yea the ISB are fucking s c a r y
vinopinguino: aw look at that lil stinker. rocket racoon vibes
PoopForBrains119: I'm sure this will go exactly as planned
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ank is fantastic
raulghoulia: save it
Invitare: I would save it
A_Dub888: @BrowneePointz You're s c a r y (-ly wonderful)
BrowneePointz: like, a reminder the ISB orchestrated the almost complete genocide of Lasan
Invitare: probably
raulghoulia: fr fr
PMAvers: Kathleen sitting behind Ben with a knife. "it better be."
A_Dub888: @PMAvers just a knife?
Didero: Looking forward to buying this game on discount in a few years
PMAvers: Anything bigger might damage the hardware
xantos69: Looking forward to catching that VOD. (Can't watch live) Thanks very much for the wonderful PIF Ben
TXC2: thanks for streaming Ben
seanmrwick: yus!
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Thefluffiestguineapig: @A_Dub888 With the "knife time" face
seanmrwick: thanks for the holiday stream, Ben
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Didero: Cool shirt, Ben
vinopinguino: bye ben
JadedCynic: o/
brieandbacon: Ben for the thanks, stream
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PST (1:08 from now).
A_Dub888: *notices background* Must be Wednesday at Mos Eisley
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Didero: What's this background from?
Wolfstrike_NL: Solo G, but James might pop in
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wideo shames with Jajic Mames?
Stormgod519: singular Graham
A_Dub888: Graham Solo
Coloneljesus: sicko mode
A_Dub888: uh ohhhhh, sickyyyy
Boon_33: @A_Dub888 it's an older joke sir, but it checks out.
goombalax: Bonus Killteam lessgoooo
JadedCynic: @A_Dub888 judging by the progress of the fight; paychecks must've come out like....two hours ago? time enough to get 'reckless drunk'
gsyhiap: sickos: "Yeeesss"
Didero: James "Dig A Hole In Minecraft" Turner, having bad ideas?
vinopinguino: ben's top 10 best sabbac plays?
pn55: bajoCant
Coloneljesus: speedrun a board game??
xantos69: Ok, that sounds run
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro
PMAvers: oh hey James must've just updated the calendar since next week stuff is up
Stormgod519: ayyyy
A_Dub888: But you're always spicy and fun
TXC2: Sponsered stream!
tehfewl: what are you planning to play?
Didero: Thanks for the stream!
Stormgod519: Take Care Ben!!! lrrSHINE
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
ShaneLeeAtk: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 21 (new subscribers: 10, returning subscribers: 11, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 0, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 150, new followers: 3, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
Stormgod519: cya TXC
Thefluffiestguineapig: Have a good sleep TXC2!
PMAvers: oh hey, the SWU Twin Suns stream got finally re-scheduled for next week.
Juliamon: Bets on what delays it this time? :P
Juliamon: also Beeeeen you left the stream on
r10pez10: !smash