KadmosTech: Is there anybunny out there?
adept_nekomancer: bun!
drcthulu: suns out, buns out
maefly2: there bunny
EOstby: Bunny
NornsFelidar: bananas? surely carrots
lordveus: Wabbit season, fire.
Zenergy142: 3 min, 4 is starting to l0ok real
Juliamon: I would listen to Three Bun Minimum
TheMadPunter: it's good on its own; minimum 3/3 first strike for 3
YakkShakk221B: That's a late bushwhacker
YakkShakk221B: wild
drcthulu: this is a much better synergy deck
rand0mtask_: We didn't get a full doubling season deck but a solid W/G beatdown deck
MTGDiversity: do we run season in this deck?
banqruptfrommtg: Playing piles actually works in foundations
dumbo3k: Treetop puts counters
Marvoleath: we can probably cut one Sage
Marvoleath: with two other removals
MTGDiversity: don't need commando with 2 rec sages
drcthulu: I think the doubling season might honestly be a cut with only 5 payoff cards
rand0mtask_: Commando rumbles well and flash will trade pretty often
MTGDiversity: oh yeah ashes not really amazing here
BrowneePointz: It's gonna make our Hares stand on end
drcthulu: fair
dumbo3k: Everybody was Bun-Fu Fighting!
TehAmelie: deck name: splitting hares
Marvoleath: season works with both counters and tokens
Marvoleath: so we have a few things for it
TheMadPunter: O we've got big buns! O we've got big buns! Yes we've got big buns! Dirty big buns!
mona42068: its carrots
lordveus: Perfect topdeck to begin the bunny march.
banqruptfrommtg: That spider puts in work
satyropodobny: opponent please we got bunnies to breed
banqruptfrommtg: Plus late game mana sink
Voidhawk42: Wait, how could you not know the setting when writing flavor for it?
adept_nekomancer: please, opponent, our bunnies are starving
drcthulu: rabbits need to be fruitful
electra310: Rabbits gotta bus
Featherweight_: and thats three
Mazrae: tell who what?
TheMadPunter: why no swears on Magic channel"
BrowneePointz: there's a little thing called "corporate confidentiality"
TheMadPunter: ?
PhoebeTheCoffeeWitch: opponent conceding on mulligan
Marvoleath: @Voidhawk42 they are usually given the card and its art or description from the art direction
BrowneePointz: she probably got a decently vague design doc and had to write about it
Marvoleath: card text*
electra310: I'm not sure our opponent is here
GapFiller: TheMadPunter guessing wider viewership than the standard LRR audience
Wiliart: Ah, the Americans.
GapFiller: inc lower ages
lordveus: Given how long that took ,I'm wondering if he mulliganed or kept bad.
drcthulu: I for one respect our robot overlords
rand0mtask_: Opponent heard about our bunny plans and noped out
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: we know they had to click at least ONE button, so they have to be close by
PhoebeTheCoffeeWitch: time victory still victory, deck undefeted
banqruptfrommtg: I think they disconnected for sure
drcthulu: he said sarcastically
MegaDosX: Kathleen no
Alex_Frostfire: A win's a win.
grometty: Afk? silly opponent thats a different show
drcthulu: a win is a win
drcthulu: run it back, run it back
Diabore: we take those
lordveus: Went for a snack, I reckon.
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: The Long Game (Choo Choo! We train barons y'all! Game: Ticket to Ride Legacy) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (2m from now).
aitsu100: love opp failed to show up for round wins
TheWorstGamerNA: perfect start to a perfect run
TehAmelie: how terrible to win without even getting our hare action on
banqruptfrommtg: Well this deck goes down as best deck ever
TheMadPunter: run it back lesgoooo
electra310: Aw
dumbo3k: Long Game
otakubox0: Long Game!
v_nome: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: The Long Game (Choo Choo! We train barons y'all! Game: Ticket to Ride Legacy) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (2m from now).
GapFiller: lONG gAME
HbombAndFriends: Long Game
electra310: The Long Game now
GapFiller: tRAIN fUCKING
Voidhawk42: TRAINS
satyropodobny: gods perfect deck
Wiliart: Choo, choo time
EvilBadman: Train day
drcthulu: same time nest week
dumbo3k: Perfect Bun Deck!
TehAmelie: thanks for having us!
PhoebeTheCoffeeWitch: bundefeated
satyropodobny: choo chooo
drcthulu: you got the buy
JusticeJuice: Would bots waiting for impatient quits work out coin wise?
drcthulu: bye
Kranxxe: is me not being able edit my decks normal on arena?
Marvoleath: !patreon
TheMadPunter: 💜🖤💜🖤
banqruptfrommtg: See you later Kathleen
lordveus: Cheers on protecting your bunnies without taking a hint of damage.
MegaDosX: Thanks for stream!
MTGDiversity: thanks Kathleen!
Marvoleath: @Kranxxe no, unless it's an event with pre-made decks
Marvoleath: !cardkingdom
Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at http://www.cardkingdom.com/lrr and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
GapFiller: !store
TheMadPunter: YES read us the checklist!! 👌
Voidhawk42: Is James going to have to add "don't show them the card" on the card?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I enjoy watching Magic: The Gathering (TM) a Deckmaster (TM) game, by Richard Garfield (PhD) here on the LoadingReadyRun (TM?) Video Entertainment Network on Twitch dot TV
Marvoleath: !dragonshield
CrossXhunteR: just in time to see LRRMTG was going
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: The Long Game (Choo Choo! We train barons y'all! Game: Ticket to Ride Legacy) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (11s from now).
Marvoleath: !schedule
TheWriterAleph: nailed it!
dumbo3k: Hehe, the mic is still live xD
dumbo3k: Hi!
GapFiller: Mic 5!
GapFiller: Secret Podcast Time!
gualdhar: oh yeah
dumbo3k: yeah, faintly
gualdhar: they're so loud
GapFiller: yep thats how we knew mic was live
Orxolon: xD
raulghoulia: life Is hard
Nigouki: train violence has already begun?
Marvoleath: hot mic
Voidhawk42: Nope, just pure Kathleen
KaleidoscopeMind: life is so hard, indeed
JusticeJuice: Studio C we appreciate you.
Wiliart: A goblin?
hai Heather
Orxolon: yes we are
v_nome: Vote Lizard, Vote Kathleen
gualdhar: being chaotic? so being Kathleen
dumbo3k: Supportive Chat Best Chat
GapFiller: Vote Heather For Kathleen Lizard VP!
lordveus: Chaos is an art, and some of us are painters.
Wiliart: AAAHHHHH!
KaleidoscopeMind: screm!
JusticeJuice: AAAAAaaaaa
foopoiuyt: AAAAAAAAAA
dumbo3k: AHHHHHHHH
TheWriterAleph: AAAAAAAA
electra310: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
drcthulu: thanks for the heads up
Orxolon: hhhaha
Wiliart: Bye highlight real.
dumbo3k: That was fun xD
Marvoleath: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a dead cat
Marvoleath: !advice
LRRbot: A horse is about 14.9 horsepower.
GapFiller: !badadvice
LRRbot: Accept limitations from hot rich people.
dumbo3k: *slaps horse* You can fit so many horsepower in this horse!
VorlonScout: More horse per horse
TehAmelie: like, 15 or 17
KaleidoscopeMind: there are 14.9 horses powering this horse
KaleidoscopeMind: they all fit on this saddle
TheAinMAP: Signal
dumbo3k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
Choo Choo!
Thanks for subscribing, dumbo3k! (Today's storm count: 68)
Juliamon: Europe??
korvys: Short game?
kusinohki: meows
Juliamon: ah, I see, it is a bonus AFK
kusinohki: ben said something about cori and ian being sick so long game delayed
MrGibberish: gotcha
KaleidoscopeMind: alternatively: the legacy took a turn. manifest destiny went back east
dumbo3k: ahhh
pn55 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
Thanks for subscribing, pn55! (Today's storm count: 69)
pn55: Nice!
TehAmelie: alternate universe legacy
KaleidoscopeMind: ticket to ride: legacy of robust train infrastructure
Lord_Hosk: Who's it gonna be today!?
Marvoleath: James, I think?
Marvoleath: not sure who else
Lord_Hosk: Will Beej be here? WHO KNOWS
Marvoleath: if anyone
Juliamon: it's in the social media post you ding dongs
kusinohki: james, heather, and nelson,... maybe a surprise guest
Marvoleath: @Juliamon who would use social media in 2024
kusinohki: social media? never touch the stuff
Lord_Hosk: Social what now?
Marvoleath: !social
KaleidoscopeMind: wait intro isn't spooky anymore
Marvoleath: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
I miss when the intro had a 4th wall and double Paul
KaleidoscopeMind: i suppose it's post-halloween
kusinohki: how hard would it be to inter cut the new intro with the old intro??
loufghyslaufey: I thought the one with the Ouija controller was old
TheMadPunter: Paul's "hellooo!" greeting is the best! 🤣😊💜
Nigouki: we wanna get hyped for a trail and then disappointed when studio is revealed
xantos69: Oh, dang. Well I hope you all still have a nice holiday.
Gadora: Aw. Makes sense, but it's a bit of a bummer.
KadmosTech: who am I supposed to put in a box then?
Marvoleath: But we are your family D:
Nigouki: Is there still a Tinkle stream?
Gadora: Ooh.
KaleidoscopeMind: loading ready box
loufghyslaufey: Or, OR... A low-key LRV? Y'know, the vibe?
What!! People spending time with family, how dare they!!
loufghyslaufey: No idea
@Nigouki I don't know what channel you are watching, but it isn't this one
kusinohki: the other half is red and blue lasers
Nigouki: oh it's Miyazaki's Nausicaa map
Mazrae: Is the map upside down??
TheAinMAP: North is down Europe.
loufghyslaufey: So a lazer tag? @kusinohki
KadmosTech: uh-oh. It's the Australian Europe edition
momalyd: What is the this, The Short Game?
KaleidoscopeMind: it's australia edition
"Straight up," upside-down.
Nigouki: North is actually arbitrary
Nigouki: and kinda Euro-centric
teddywhosabear: thanksgiving TTR yay
GrassVortex: oooooh
SquareDotCube: That's Numberwang!
Mazrae: Oh my
Nigouki: D:
nyoomgoom: oooh
KaleidoscopeMind: oh ok
dzee_szed: we need a scene from the hat!
thrythlind: this is a writing exercise I used to do as an English teacher
Nigouki: we're here for speedruns
GrassVortex: dumb, sure. But sounds like lots of fun :F
LordZarano: Most early maps had East at the top. Cause that's where the sun comes from
BusTed: Ticket to Rush
loufghyslaufey: I should've said glow-in-the-dark NERF but the first that could've come up would be something about star wars
Lord_Hosk: Ticket to ride. High Speed Rail
TheWriterAleph: train%
Voidhawk42: "Ride in 60 Seconds"
loufghyslaufey: *the first
momalyd: Is there going to be a Gate Keeper interrupting every few minuets?
Marvoleath: Wild West... of Europe
KaleidoscopeMind: i was hoping spontaneously adding ghost train. just for fun. ghostie dont even have to do anything. they can just hang out on the board
loufghyslaufey: Thing?
DaxStrife: Ticket to GDQ?
@lordzarano and it is easy to orient yourself in the morning when you stand facing East and the sunrise
Alas_Babylon: Dang, this game has fairies?
KadmosTech: ferries, not faeries.
tehfewl: i don't think you can call them that anymore
Alas_Babylon: Dream crushed ;-;
Blip2004: I thought they were tunnels
kusinohki: tunnels have the outline
dzee_szed: thought he was saying a "fairy route" for a moment there
KadmosTech: @Blip2004 tunnels are the other ones with "bumps" on the edge
loufghyslaufey: Or they call it Sordor...?
Blip2004: this one has some new routes from the last time i played
kusinohki: need 1 wild card per loco symbol, may play more wilds
letsbelgo: oh this isn't murica
Marvoleath: so, this is before the tunnel between France and Britain
Marvoleath: ah, and no Poland either, so 19th century?
ah yes, ferries are easily identified by the locomotives that you always see on boats
Nigouki: Winging the rules in the face of chat judges is part of Ticket To Rush
kusinohki: I want to say 1910, but that was the american board
letsbelgo: Did I miss the whole like, murica long game or just this is for this week?
loufghyslaufey: @letsbelgo it's supposed to be? There's too much track in between to be that entire Republic continent...
Sarah_Serinde: Ian and Cori couldn't make it this week so they're doing something else
Alex_Frostfire: *looks at local light rail plans*
Sarah_Serinde: Long Game resumes in January because other stuff comes up this month
thrythlind: Have they played Pandemic Rising Tide yet? The one about controlling floods in the Netherlands?
letsbelgo: Got it
kusinohki: the good news about the 8 tunnel is, if you have 8 cards of the same color, it's rather unlikely you'll reveal another of that color
kusinohki: I'm amused by nelson understaning stations by "the pigger back" rule from legacy while I'm understanding the piggy back rule by "it's kind of like a station"
TheMadPunter: you just choose whichever route gives you the most points
Mazrae: I'm going to call it now, the first game is going to be 1 1/2 hours
sporkraptor: train build
whee i found somebody streamin' this, i got the steam game with Europe and France so now i can learn about it
DaxStrife: Beej no, this is the round you *want* to go slow!
Mazrae: But Milhouse is retiring
sporkraptor: they definitely can't with that attitude
couchboyj: Unfortunately, what happens is they clip off the map a bit and respawn in a residential neighborhood
inetro subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
inetro: 2 years!
Thanks for subscribing, inetro! (Today's storm count: 70)
MidnighterKnight: James can't tell me what to do, he's not my dad! *staying awake in obstinate european*
sporkraptor: @couchboyj surprise! train
KaiTerranova: i'm a strong independent European
kusinohki: it's so easy to forget to score the points. the rules even suggest double checking the score at the end before doing tickets
TheMadPunter: Well if we're being pedantic about it, train cars are also not 50 miles long and made of plastic, JAMES
kusinohki: 2 more red cards
kusinohki: if you're paying for a tunnel with only wild cards, only revealed wild cards require extra payment, but the extra cards also have to be wild
LoadingReadyRun: I don't really get why you have to score the trains during the game, is that just to save time at the end?
kusinohki: *shrug* players like seeing progress of a scoring marker??
Marvoleath: Is the pointing proportional to the number of trains? Or, like more trains at the same time give you bonus points?
gualdhar: yeah, that's weird Beej, what could possibly be happening there
Nigouki: Sea of Azov
Nigouki: Rostov is on the Don river
korvys: I think knowing how far ahead or behind you are can be part of the strategy (if you're getting serious)
kusinohki: 1 train-1pt, 2 train-2pt, 3 train - 4pt, 4 train- ...7pts? anyway, bonus points for longer routes
LoadingReadyRun: longer trains are worth bonus points
hey ya heccin nerds whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY
RealGamerCow: @LoadingReadyRun I've had discussions about this, and it provides players with information that might influence if they take more tickets and which ones they take
zolohawk: 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, 18, 21 points respectively.
Alas_Babylon: Why the jump from 10 to 15 and then back to 18?
Alas_Babylon: +1, +2, +3, +3, +5, +3?
korvys: @LoadingReadyRun If you wanted to compare how far ahead/behind you are, you *could* calculate everyone's points adhoc, but that would be slow. You might want to know if you're ahead if you can trigger the end of the game
adept_nekomancer: Diminishing returns?
zolohawk: not sure. but the 18 and 21 don’t show up that often in these games
Alex_Frostfire: The legend on this board doesn't list points for 5 or 7. I assume that's because there aren't trains that long on this board.
kusinohki: there are no 7 train routes, so the 18 pt route doesn't really mean anything
zolohawk: there is in Pa
zolohawk: (which is a different map but still)
TheMadPunter: bit of a flavour fail that the routes across the Channel aren't tunnels
kusinohki: also no 5 train routes? don't think I've ever noticed that...
paulthemapguy: Happy Yanksgiving to all the Yanks
zolohawk: This is supposed be 1912
tdapenguin: Go go gadget arms!
zolohawk: there was no Chunnel in 1912
LordZarano: @TheMadPunter Channel Tunnel wasn't built until 1994
TheMadPunter: @LordZarano Wait when is this supposed to be set?
zolohawk: 1912n
zolohawk: or so
paulthemapguy: Fridge tea?
zolohawk: The original is 1900
gualdhar: iced tea that steeps in the fridge
TheMadPunter: ahhhhhhh; k makes sense then
Marvoleath: yea, "break of the century" according to descriptions
Marvoleath: before WW I, definitely
TheMadPunter: @Marvoleath oo I like that; "break of the century"
h3rsh3yb4r: 3 green and a loko was a crazy weekend when i was in high school
zolohawk: I think most of the maps take place between 1880-1950
paulthemapguy: this game has map and therefore it is good
Voidhawk42: Tealess Tea
zolohawk: @paulthemapguy There are so many maps
RealGamerCow: Polar Seltzer.
zolohawk: There’s like 25.
thrythlind: Dr. Pepper and/or HEB Sweetened water
TheMadPunter: filtered fridge water plus lemon juice 👌
paulthemapguy: I have the North American base game for this and have played it many a time
ArdCollider: every Nalgene in my house is in the fridge to make fridge water.
RealGamerCow: Beej, are you aware of tea resin?
MaelstronSolenor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
MaelstronSolenor: tchuuu tchuuu
Thanks for subscribing, MaelstronSolenor! (Today's storm count: 71)
duncanfth: home is where the good water is
tehfewl: brita water in a nalgeen gang
zolohawk: The Pennsylvania map is the best map.
zolohawk: imo
kusinohki: random thought - I've seen catan and TTR at walmart so I guess they can be considered "mainstream" now. but I've never seen Carcassonne at walmart. I find that weird.
Punspector subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
adept_nekomancer: But don't Florida your water.
Thanks for subscribing, Punspector! (Today's storm count: 72)
RealGamerCow: My water has ALL the radon in it.
paulthemapguy: I might have to check out the PA version.
TheMadPunter: @adept_nekomancer That's generally good advice; just don't Florida your ANYTHING
paulthemapguy: Florida water has crocodile pee and bath salts in it
paulthemapguy: sorry, ALLIGATOR pee
KaleidoscopeMind: don't even florida your florida. it has enough florida
h3rsh3yb4r: @paulthemapguy not true! most florida water comes from a huge limestone aquifer so it's super filtered
zolohawk: in Philly we drink Schuylkill Punch
h3rsh3yb4r: it's one of the good things about florida
thefakeinyellow: 1 parts per million of floridian water will kill all bacteria, among other things
RealGamerCow: Louisiana water is the worst water I've ever had
zolohawk: 50% Florida water isn’t enough to pass as Florida water under Florida law.
h3rsh3yb4r: @zolohawk ouch
zolohawk: I said what I said.
h3rsh3yb4r: no it's an incredible zinger
HadesLeprechaun: Howdy all! Is there a reason we're timing the game?
kusinohki: game 2 in half the time OR ELSE!
16AngryBears subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
Thanks for subscribing, 16AngryBears! (Today's storm count: 73)
paulthemapguy: omg @zolohawk I get it
zolohawk: They’re playing two halves of 45 minutes plus stoppage. if it’s still tied after 90 minutes they’ll have 30 minutes of extra time then a shootout.
I assume "Bath salts" exist as something outside drug use, but I don't think I've ever heard people talk about using them in an actual bath.
RealGamerCow: Cricket is fun to watch
teddywhosabear: a good t20 match is a lot of fun
zolohawk: I’m an America. commentator who does games in Philly and New Jersey. it’s a great sport.
zolohawk: cricket games*
RealGamerCow: Highly recommended: Go into your local Indian/Pakistani restaurant that has a TV and watch a game with the regulars. You will be hooked.
paulthemapguy: I have had the same experience as Paul and that is not because I am also a Pail
paulthemapguy: Paul* LOL
RealGamerCow: Cadiz Nuts
GhostValv: got there
zolohawk: @realgamercow I watched the India/Pakistan WC match last summer with 500 Indian fans. it was super fun.
RealGamerCow: @zolohawk There's a local place to me that does a buffet, and people just SIT there for hours, eating buffet and watching cricket
Mazrae: Istanbul not Constantinople....enter They Might Be Giants song here
7gorobei: @LoadingReadyRun bath salts used to be just epsom salt for baths as home remedy for muscle pain. the drug stuff came later
OldUncleDan: Constantinople? Shouldn't it be Istanbul? Why didn't get the works?
azureHaights: you know what happens when you sochi to sevastopol - you sev an ass out of to and paul
zolohawk: @realgamercow That sounds amazing.
zolohawk: You know what’s also great? Aussie Rules Football.
zolohawk: I commentate matches in the US for that too.
paulthemapguy: O sweet glorious Qwerpline
kusinohki: reminded of wil wheaten's table top when his wife slapped the table and messed up all the trains...
Tz_BG: Stations do not count
azureHaights: @kusinohki AND THE WINNER GETS A ROLEX
Marvoleath: @OldUncleDan game happens at the break of the century, it was still known as Constantinople at the time
zolohawk: @olduncledan It’s 1912!
zolohawk: No the stations don’t count
GhostValv: that was a great video
kusinohki: I missed the question... stations don't count for longest route if that was it...
azureHaights: Also I am now sad at the loss of tabletop
zolohawk: That was the question
zolohawk: The stations count towards route completions but not for longest route
Tz_BG: The bonus card is for longest continuous lone of trains.
Tz_BG: *line
zolohawk: that’s “natural” trains only
LordZarano: "Stations, and the opponents' routes they may provide access to, do not count for the purpose of computing paths and claiming the longest one."
paulthemapguy: Welcome back!! To Choo-Choo Concede!
RealGamerCow: Wein to Brest
OldUncleDan: Wein? Are we Pushing Lil' Dasies?
OldUncleDan: And making them come up?
zolohawk: As opposed to Ween
zolohawk: *cranks Ocean Man*
thrythlind: @zolohawk looks for Helloween4545
zolohawk: or Decemberween
kusinohki: aliexpress and temu... I low key hate how any google search I do for a product has half the result be from them...
paulthemapguy: Zagreb is Croatia yes
OldUncleDan: I strongly believe this is pre-Yugosslavia.
zolohawk: I want one of those card holder deals. Where do you get them?
kusinohki: I think ian 3d printed the card holder for the legacy game
Ian 3d printed the card holder
zolohawk: Nice. I’ll have to fly out there and ask him to print another. I’ll give him a stack of loonies or syrup.
BusTed: asterisk
zolohawk: Speaking of board games, Pax Unplugged is next weekend and I remember meeting Beej there a couple of years ago. LRR should come visit again one year.
Juliamon: zolohawk Good news, Ben and Jacob will be there at least
Juliamon: (no booth/panels but they will be around)
kusinohki: the 3 routes are 4 pts.... they got there
zolohawk: @juliamon Neat. Perhaps I’ll bump into them or something.
Juliamon: They announced it last night
HbombAndFriends subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
Thanks for subscribing, HbombAndFriends! (Today's storm count: 74)
novrdd: Just say hello?
Nigouki: pocket cheesesteak
KaleidoscopeMind: just 10% of a cheesesteak?
kumatsu: Progressive Cheesesteaks
zolohawk: Oh no I’ll definitely buy them a cheesesteak
And sneak in some cheesesteak
thrythlind: are there any conventions down in Texas y'all are going to be at coming up?
tdapenguin: Ooh, cheese stakes, not cheese stick!
TheAwkes: Brendan "Beej "10%"" Derry
Bruceski: Been getting week-old bits of cheese steak later
tdapenguin: *steak
zolohawk: Yes. it’s in Philly.
Bruceski: *Beej
kusinohki: beej padding the time to make next game easier
zolohawk: We don’t need d to know how many kidneys you currently have
tdapenguin: Totally legit (because they'll still end up chatting I'm the next two games, ha!)
tdapenguin: *in
RealGamerCow: The cheesesteak place in Reading Market is pretty deece.
zolohawk: Yes but Beej hasn’t been there since they opened up the Georgian cheese pocket place.
RealGamerCow: Better than Pats or Genos. Don't go to those places.
paulthemapguy: L's for everyone!!
zolohawk: @realgamercow Facts
paulthemapguy: Am Chicago boi
xantos69: Where/When is the Chicago thing?
zolohawk: Hey Beej did you know that the convention center in Philly is an old Train Station?
gualdhar: yeah, Pat's and Geno's are tourist traps
Nigouki: try to find a cheese steak in chicago and deep dish pizza in philly
GhostValv: D:
zolohawk: Uno! 😗
OldUncleDan: Chicago Deep Dish is excellent, if you are up for that. But yeah, Tavern Style is pretty excellent as well. Both are absolutely valid options.
ShaneLeeAtk: But what about pizza pot pie?
zolohawk: Philly also has a place that has Matzo Ball Ramen Soup
OldUncleDan: Pizza pot pie is basically Deep Dish.
OldUncleDan: Without the upper crust.
OldUncleDan: Or with.
OldUncleDan: Shut up. I'm tired.
zolohawk: Seven minutes plus stoppage time
foopoiuyt: Vienna
KaiTerranova: Wien is Vienna
zolohawk: Wein is Vienna
zolohawk: And it’s “VE-en”
paulthemapguy: The Ws are pronounced like Vs in Germanic languages
KaiTerranova: It's the austrian/german way to say it
novrdd: VV W
paulthemapguy: the Bad News Bears have to report on the outcomes of the bad ideas
novrdd: VVitch
@paulthemapguy I'd say it's the other way around, W is not pronounced in English as it is in most other languages
LoadingReadyRun: Its the Bad Action Bears that you really have to worry about
So, a VW is actually a V VV?
zolohawk: That’s Brussels
kusinohki: V VV? that's the button you hold down to make the remote bus go
Marvoleath: @OldUncleDan yup, a Volks Wagen, sounds similar for both
Marvoleath: *both words
Are we talking about beloved indie platformer VVVVVV in here?
zolohawk: Or the Dutch Football club VVV
zolohawk: I’m drawn to Brest
zolohawk: Even though I’m more of a leg guy
zolohawk: It’s an Interpol
epsilon_vee: @TheAwkes not to be confused with the popular berners-lee joint
gualdhar: in bruges?
LoadingReadyRun: In Bruges 2: Bruges Harder
sporkraptor: zul'gurub
zolohawk: The fourth official on the sideline has indicated that there will be a minimum of 3️⃣ minutes of stoppage time in our first half.
TheAwkes: @LoadingReadyRun Double the defenestration!
LoadingReadyRun: @TheAwkes is that just a double pane window?
kusinohki: electric-bruge-aloo
HbombAndFriends: why do we have a timer?
Marvoleath: @HbombAndFriends they are doing a "speed run", after this game, they have half the time to play the next, then half of that time to play the next
paulthemapguy: You're a peach too!
TheAwkes: EuroBEEJian
Marvoleath: B€€J?
Tz_BG: I'm sure someone pointed it out earlier but Beej and James can't have trains side by side in a 3 player game.
kusinohki: I wonder if anyone will attempt the 8 route tunnel this game...
MadWolf1290: 31
paulthemapguy: 1 pair of dupes and that is all
Tz_BG: 2 duplicate colors
Tz_BG: Play the UK map Nelson
kusinohki: all the red cards were in beej's hand...
paulthemapguy: From the bones of trees and the skins of beasts!!!...wait wrong promo
Tz_BG: Gamble Beej gamble
kusinohki: gambling? I'm in!
Tz_BG: I have Beej at 69 points, James at 54, and Nelly at 57
paulthemapguy: beej is here to make content!
kusinohki: trains remaining is a legacy thing...
kusinohki: I hate my slow typing and stream delay...
sarsum33: stop the timer?
kusinohki: 1+2+2+1
kusinohki: I think 1 of beej's "plus 4" was actual 2 routes for 3 pts
Tz_BG: @kusinohki Agreed but I don't think the 1 point difference will matter
kusinohki: I'm not terribly fussed over 1 pt. just something I noticed
Tz_BG: Actually, Beej did that same miscount twice which is why I have 69 and they got 71
TheMadPunter: Who's teal, Beej? If so Beej gets longest route by like 2
xantos69: where can I go to see what conventions LRR will be at over the next year?
kusinohki: round up to 32 min... why not??
Juliamon: xantos69 I don't think they actually know themselves
xantos69: @Juliamon That is a fair and good answer. Where do they typically announce that first? I'd like to go, but my work demands I know significantly in advance.
Juliamon: They get announced on their social media accounts
Juliamon: !bsky
Juliamon: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
Marvoleath: They are very likely to be at MagicCons
xantos69: Ah, the one thing I don't do.
Juliamon: MagicCons are a safe bet, yes
Juliamon: We have generally moved past the era of conventions, thanks to... *gestures at world*
Juliamon: Travel becomes increasingly risky and unaffordable
Juliamon: it sucks, it really does
Juliamon: but here we are
Juliamon: as usual, if you want them to go to a local con, contact the con.
Lord_Hosk: LOL... So our old High School in Michigan Just stopped calling about LittleHosk not being in school on Tuesday. We withdrew them November 6th. I just got a Email that they missed school today on the Island (they got enrolled this afternoon)
Juliamon: LOL
69 I figure this should be nice.
LoadingReadyRun: @Lord_Hosk Just worry if they call and say LittleHosk has now arrived at school
Lord_Hosk: I would be concerned as they are sitting behind me on the couch texting friends in Michigan laughing about the situation
SoldieroFortune: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:36:00.
LoadingReadyRun: Invasion of the HoskSnatchers
kusinohki: halving the number of trains was suggested... I wonder if giving players more starting cards would speed things up significantly. how many starting cards? no idea...
LoadingReadyRun: Maybe this should be chess clock style with each player having a 10 minute clock that they have to stop at the end of their turn
paulthemapguy: I imagine much more ruthless cockblocking of other players in a a faster-paced game
kusinohki: someone actually brought in a "4 player chess clock" to our board game group. 2 of the sides didn't work though
tdapenguin: *clockblocking
paulthemapguy: Get Ian to 3D print you a locomotive-shaped chess clock
LoadingReadyRun: There are 4 player chess clock apps for MtG commander games
kusinohki: I suspect that even if there was an independent time keeper keeping track of everyone's turn and they were able to prove that I don't actually take any more time than the others, it wouldn't stop anyone complaining about my slow turns...
TherapyforNarwhals: Do you know the name? I have friends I may need this for...
paulthemapguy: but then those complainers would be held accountable for their grasp on reality
HadesLeprechaun: I remember they ran out of time in one game, basically yelled to the crowd "should we give them more time??" and of course the crowd said yes
HadesLeprechaun: so they kinda ignored it anyways, lol
tdfox12: hi everyone
tdfox12: get beej
HadesLeprechaun: we are at 60 minutes of our -40 minute timer
kusinohki: I can only assume this style of play is how we get the printed game time on the boxes...
Bratmon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
Bratmon: I'm just gonna drive.
Thanks for subscribing, Bratmon! (Today's storm count: 75)
TheMadPunter: O damn, Beej got Stockholm to Petrograd?? Did it cost him any extra?
Tz_BG: Either one is fine
Nigouki: so next time do you do half of original time or half of new time?
HadesLeprechaun: isn't the listed time on the box 30-60 minutes? so 32 is within the time on the box
HadesLeprechaun: if you half it again next game, they'd probably have to properly rush
LoadingReadyRun: @Nigouki we're already doing half the original time
kusinohki: clearly, half the game time is updating the score...
Nigouki: I mean is next time half of 33min or half of whatever it actually takes to finish this game which is looking like under 20min
LoadingReadyRun: it's true, updating the score was a non-zero amount of time
LoadingReadyRun: @Nigouki ah! good point. we didn't consider that posibility
kusinohki: random thought - do you think tech will ever get to a point where one could just take a picture of the final board state and a program could figure out player scores??
Tz_BG: Only need one to make that work
Tz_BG: Yes he could in that hypothetical
Juliamon: kusinohki I think it already is at that point, there's just not any financial incentive to do it yet
LoadingReadyRun: @kusinohki that tech could totally exist now if someone was willing to put the effort into computer vision training on it
Tz_BG: I only see 38 of Nelly's trains on the map. How does he only have 1 train?
Juliamon: current OCR tools are quite strong
tehfewl: New PB
Scorpio_SW: Hello
Tz_BG: I've got Beej at 70, James at 52, and Nelly at 50 but I also don't have Nelly at 1 train.
CrossXhunteR: are you winning, son
tdapenguin: Half of this time!!!!
sarsum33: 15
korvys: 10 is funnier...
thrythlind: 15 min
Voidhawk42: 15
paulthemapguy: 16 minute game
tdapenguin: Make it terrible. I mean, funny.
dzee_szed: 15 is a better game, 10 is way funnier
TStodden subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TStodden! (Today's storm count: 76)
Nigouki: I guess we're doing the full 33 min after all :V
korvys: Well done, Chat
CrossXhunteR: we have now moved past cheat step
tdapenguin: Ahahhaaa, whups. I guess the "what shall we do for the third clock" question might well be irrelevant
kusinohki: I amazed you can do everyone's score and number of trains...
Tz_BG: @kusinohki I'm using a spreadsheet so I only need to know how many trains are played
Marvoleath: Beej is edging the game? D:
Tz_BG: Ok. Now I've got Beej at 71, James at 56, and Nelly at 50
kusinohki: "find out if you're right" - no offense, but I'm more trusting of tz_bg at this point...
Voidhawk42: 15, then 7.5, then 3
kusinohki: did ashley say "james, if you don't win, don't bother coming home"
CrossXhunteR: we only support winners in this house
Quick, someone donate money for so there'll be something else to talk about
korvys: No ghosts
CrossXhunteR: what are the numbers around the perimeter of the board for?
kusinohki: to be fair, scoring is completely different in legacy
korvys: @CrossXhunteR Score counting
Tz_BG: @CrossXhunteR Scoring during game play. They are skipping because of speed
TheMadPunter: Note the music change 🤣👌 Shit just got real.
kusinohki: someone was once told "if it has a score track around the outside, it's a eurogame"
paulthemapguy: Is Jordynne getting an emote?
CrossXhunteR: is it normally this frantic? i have forgotten how ticket to ride is played, having last played it 12 years ago
NotCainNorAbel: It's this frantic when you let James figure out how to play
Tz_BG: Grab all the blues and go for the 8
kusinohki: there trying to play a full game in 15 min, so this isn't typical
TheMadPunter: ha ha, rekt
kusinohki: game 1 took aprox 64min, so they set a 32 min timer for game 2 and a 16 min timer for this game
kusinohki: (and I'm rounding up)
Tz_BG: I want to see them play UK map with the 10 long route
kusinohki: almost need those spot markers bingo players use at these speeds...
kusinohki: 1/3 of the game is over
paulthemapguy: Isn't there a rule that if all the visible cards are the same color, you shuffle them in and redraw?
kusinohki: I think the only reshuffle is 3 train cards
LoadingReadyRun: I thought it was just 3 locomotives
TStodden: THe rule is 3 wild cards trigger a redraw
paulthemapguy: I could have been remembering that wrong
kusinohki: I've got a ticket to wait...
saiarcot895 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
saiarcot895 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NovaSpecter!
saiarcot895 gifted a Tier 1 sub to zer0_zeal!
saiarcot895 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Avery61!
saiarcot895 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tresaugust!
saiarcot895 gifted a Tier 1 sub to WackyFolf!
saiarcot895 gifted a Tier 1 sub to GameWithShame!
saiarcot895 gifted a Tier 1 sub to nitrosmob!
saiarcot895 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bunoc1!
saiarcot895 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LucasTheDrgn!
saiarcot895 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SlyFrostPaw!
Thanks for the gifts, saiarcot895! Welcome to zer0_zeal, NovaSpecter, tresaugust, WackyFolf, GameWithShame, Bunoc1, nitrosmob, LucasTheDrgn, SlyFrostPaw, and Avery61! (Today's storm count: 86)
LoadingReadyRun: Thanks for the gift subs saiarcot895!
CrossXhunteR: 2 minutes. Dos.
TStodden: Tick tock goes the clock, with a minute remaining... tick tock goes the clock, unless you should be shaming.
kusinohki: uh....... 1more (minute)
Tz_BG: Got James at 5 trains
500 - speed trains!
dzee_szed: WOOOOOOOO
korvys: Now 7.5
Tz_BG: I think I missed one of Nelly's plays as I have him at 11
kusinohki: I'm a little tired just from watching....
Tz_BG: I've got Beej 62, James 58, Nelly 56
Tz_BG: He put it down.
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tz_BG!
Thanks for subscribing, Tz_BG! (Today's storm count: 87)
paulthemapguy: Munchen is Munich btw
Tz_BG: Thanks anonymous gifter
Tz_BG: Give Nelly 2 more points for those 2 trains
kusinohki: yeah, a station route may be used for multiple tickets
kusinohki: you just can't have a station use 2 different routes
josh___something: Everyone gets to eat dinners!
Voidhawk42: 7.5 mins next!
Tz_BG: GG James
josh___something: Now to speedrun the OUTRO
HadesLeprechaun: outro and subs in 7 min 56 secs
kusinohki: run the timer for clean up. I don't think they'll make it
TheAinMAP: "I like trains."
paulthemapguy: thank you for providing entertrainment
Tz_BG: Fun plays of Ticket to Ride. Got to walk the dog in case you all wrap up before I get back.
thrythlind: There's a writing exercise I used to use in teaching english called "writing sprints" and I used to use a version for reading speed as well... Board game sprints is an interesting concept
Vilun: I'd like to see it with 2 players, a chess clock, and the 3rd person putting the trains down
Ticket to ride, with a dealer
kusinohki: TTR croupier...
josh___something: ROOT speedrun YESSSS
e_bloc: 2
Lynks_9: 3
16AngryBears: 2
seepete: 3
shendaras: 2
foopoiuyt: 2
Morment: 2
josh___something: 2
ph0enix__42: 2
NotCainNorAbel: 3
Marvoleath: 2
orangeceltic71: 2
Vilun: 3 was funny, 2 was more satisfying
paulthemapguy: 2 was true to the original game, 3 got into some new territory
e_bloc: accurate statement Beej
josh___something: Sabacc
Juliamon: He finished his sabacc quest and past the Point of No Return
josh___something: a what
The fivenale of NaDtD
Juliamon: Between-season side stories
didn't they do "in memoriam" videos already?
josh___something: I mean, they are ALL already dead
OrionPax21 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months, currently on a 101 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, OrionPax21! (Today's storm count: 88)
50 Bits
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
paulthemapguy: 108 months is 9 years...jeezus
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
e_bloc: but what if I watch all the streams
Marvoleath: surprise swap the streams around
paulthemapguy: Move the streams to different time slots for just one week
paulthemapguy: that might appear at the end of the highlight reel?
Marvoleath: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
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