RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Pit Trap!
TehAmelie: welp. guess you can push some rocks to get out of that one
TehAmelie: !advice
LRRbot: Obey Heather.
GapFiller: !badadvice
LRRbot: Smoke Beej e'rry day.
RockPusher: good advice indeed
TehAmelie: verily
GapFiller: those two are basically the same thing
TehAmelie: since Beej is, conditionally, everyone?
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (1s ago).
GapFiller: trying to remember a post show Kathleen comment
GapFiller: started out tangentially related to one of the stories then went off in another direction
GapFiller: very helpful problem description this obv
bullcowski subscribed with Prime.
Thanks for subscribing, bullcowski! (Today's storm count: 28)
shurtal: Prepare Thyself, the Chillpoint Cometh
RockPusher: Brace! Brace! Brace!
ButButTheJesus: hi folks, is gaming happening?
narset6691 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
Thanks for subscribing, narset6691! (Today's storm count: 29)
PharaohBender27: PAUL NO
aitsu100: paul yes
You could have at least used Kevin.
ButButTheJesus: Paul? Maybe
TheDevil_Risen: Hey!!
hyalopterous: Hi Paul. Hi other people
I dunno, depending on the resolution of the point cloud you might be able to model the texture of the plank wall
Wicker_Guide: Pod-Beej
TheDevil_Risen: whoopsie!
PharaohBender27: Ooooooooffff
Don't Cream the Cream.
ButButTheJesus: cold tails the hedgeheg
Wicker_Guide: no
TheMerricat: "There are multiple game manuals and official bios that clearly state that Sonic is 15, Tails is 8, Amy is 12, Knuckles is 16, and Rouge is 18. Amy was 8 when she debuted, but Sega retconned her age to be 12 instead when Sonic Adventure released."
TheDevil_Risen: I mean they are Hedgehogs
TehAmelie: yeah i kind of assumed they were all at least 30
GapFiller: also what animal age scales are these
Juliamon: Cream is canonically underage because her mother is also part of the series
TheDevil_Risen: so... their age of majority isnt the same as Human's
TheDevil_Risen: but thanks Beej
aitsu100: i think SA2 but she is def in Sonic X the cartoon
Cream is in such a long list of Sonic games that I decided not to attempt to copy paste them in.
ButButTheJesus: my first hear
TheMerricat: "First appearance Sonic Advance 2"
GapFiller: w/ no prior knowledge of Rumble my assumption is clearly Telegram isnt right wing enough anymore
TehAmelie: i take a certain amount of comfort in that i have never heard a word about Dr Disrectect outside of Checkpoint stories
Astra7525: Count yourself lucky if you have never heard of Rumble before
Juliamon: hopefully first and last time I hear about Rumble
TheDevil_Risen: ^^^^
RockPusher: "What is rumble?" "A streaming service for sex pests" "Oh, well that is helpful to know to avoid them then."
Wicker_Guide: FEESPREECH
PharaohBender27: Ah, yes. """Free""" speech
MalFnord: Rumble is basically "what if Youtube, but overtly racist?"
raulghoulia: so not free so much as discount
TheMerricat: "In 2023, Rumble was granted exclusive rights to the online stream of the Republican presidential primary debates."
TehAmelie: the kind of space where "free speech" means "how can we be bullies unless there's people who are forced to listen to our speech?", got it
TheMerricat: "In 2024, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission confirmed that Rumble was under an active investigation, the exact nature of which is unknown."
Juliamon: I don't think we need all this info, TheMerricat
GapFiller: Juliamon idk it does feel relevant
RealGamerCow: I had to go to Rumble to watch sumo videos for a few months
PharaohBender27 rolls eyes
RealGamerCow: Fun fact, all those shitty coffes come from the same third party roaster
PharaohBender27: Nothing like spite-based capitalism
LordZarano: European hedgehogs reach maturity "at around 12 months old", so there's that. Rabbits reach maturity "between 5 and 6 months of age". Can't find information about when anthropomorphic hedgehogs and rabbits reach maturity
Wicker_Guide: yeah Beej, but it's not YOUR feelings that it doesn't care about it's "Your" feelings
Astra7525: The less said about Rumble the better
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
TheDevil_Risen: HAHAHA
RockPusher: What is in this "sadness bowl" KFC allegedly have?
someone did that
mysticsailboat: thinking about the internet in 2024 largely just brings up major depressing feelings
TheDevil_Risen: oofta
Aceviru: @RealGamerCow I share that pain of having to find a good way to watch sumo online
THat was a big giveaway on who wrote it
GapFiller: two great tastes that go great together
GapFiller: for a given definition of great
RockPusher: All the better to laser both retinas at once!
Wicker_Guide: priorities also known for being very easy to split
Lysander_salamander: oh, that's why I'm getting so much weird Kirby fan-art on my feed
Marvoleath: The ketchup is not even pink, smh
hyalopterous: I'm sure someone out there does.
Juliamon: You probably *shouldn't*
cyclopsboi: i have never heard it to be a thing
Wicker_Guide: Elementary School me would have done it, but that is not actually a recommendation
megaflycraft subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months, currently on a 89 month streak!
megaflycraft: "8" + "9" = "89"
Thanks for subscribing, megaflycraft! (Today's storm count: 30)
ghyllnox: I don't think that's a thing, but I wouldn't discount someone doing it regularly
RockPusher: Depends on the ketchup - a particularly sugary one maybe?
TheDevil_Risen: the many faces of Kirby Ketchup was a funny sotry
TheDevil_Risen: *story
RockPusher: More vinegary, probably not
Marvoleath: I once saw a guy pouring ketchup into his tea, I won't have any more questions
shurtal: What, y'all don't have a dedicated ketchup straw?
gnyrinn: Eggs?!
Izandai: Pikachu loves straight ketchup.
RockPusher: Hitting the saucy sauce
Aceviru: ^
Jillexie: Tobasco sauce on eggs is better
Lysander_salamander: cranberry ranch?
iris_of_ether: "Cranch" is cursed
raulghoulia: do not enjoy the mouth feel of Kranch
RockPusher: Wet Ones Kirby Edition
Lysander_salamander: strawberry pudding?
Aceviru: But the kids
TheDevil_Risen: Thousand Island is pink (sometimes)
Wicker_Guide: a sauce the color and consistency of uncooked chicken nugget
Lysander_salamander: like a gogurt
gnyrinn: Cocktail sauce is pink.
MTGRanger: oh god pink sauce...
Phailhammer: The sauce I usually have with prawns is kinda pepto-coloured.
LRL segment, "What Is This Pink?"
Marvoleath: BBQ sauce with eggs is great, makes them look green though if you mix it in into the scrambled eggs
TheMerricat: "Pink Sauce was a pink dipping sauce created by TikTok user Veronica Shaw, better known by her screen name, Chef Pii in summer 2022. Food safety and labeling concerns caused the Food and Drug Administration to stop the production and online sale of Pink Sauce."
Lysander_salamander: maybe the different flavors are Kirbys wearing different hats
just a little squishy
ShaneLeeAtk: Pressurized Capri Sun delivery
and now its all over me
TheDevil_Risen: those packages hate me.
TheDevil_Risen: WASABIOLI
Marvoleath: "Squeeze me, Johnny, do it. I know you want to"
Wicker_Guide: #vomitvomitvomit@
TheDevil_Risen: why is that wasabi mayo not down under
iris_of_ether: What's in *Hanch*??
Lysander_salamander: let us do the mixing for you
iris_of_ether: Oh wait: honey ranch. Uh.
Juliamon: Honey Ranch I guess
GapFiller: isnt that just aioli
shurtal: Garlioli Garlioli, what's in your pocketoli
DeM0nFiRe: Isn't Garlioli the bad guy from FFXIV
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
GapFiller: cant remember doesnt regular aioli just have garlic in it
TheDevil_Risen: T I D E'
raulghoulia: do not eat the tide
LordZarano: I think the Canadian branch of Heinz may have just gone rogue
gnyrinn: But aioli already is a garlic emulsion.
TheDevil_Risen: yep
RockPusher: Don Garlioli demands your loyalty
shurtal: @DeM0nFiRe close, they're the bad Empire
Aceviru: Aioli and tide sauce
cyclopsboi: ad blocker lol
Wicker_Guide: I have no idea what you're talking about, and as usual I am happy about this
Invitare: 90% of my commercials at the moment are for AI things
TehAmelie: Hanch? but, i just made aioli
hyalopterous: I have ublock origin I don't se commecials on youtube
TheDevil_Risen: yeah the ad blocker isnt enough on mobile all the time. and i get some STRANGE ads on YT
shurtal: he will eat OTHER SAPIENTS
Wicker_Guide: Kirby will eat the death of the universe
Aceviru: Rock taste better with ketchup
GapFiller: phunnily rnough now have two dfft ad blockers cz too many yt ads were getting thru the one
Juliamon: Kirby is canonically an eldritch being
Invitare: @Wicker_Guide I mean he's beaten Death twice now, but didn't eat them
RockPusher: Can't or chooses not to?
TheDevil_Risen: haha
kingandcommoner: But have you considered that the only thing that makes those things palatable is the wonderful taste of Heniz Brand Tomato Ketchup?
Marvoleath: Kirby is bulimic? D:
hyalopterous: The Niantic story is real cyberpunk dystopia shit
Juliamon: When I first saw the 'news' about this break I also was on the "this is a bit alarmist" train, but... just because they *say* they aren't going to sell that data doesn't mean some enterprising hacker won't
TheDevil_Risen: knowing that I uninstalled that app
GapFiller: ah right the post show Kathleen comment was trying to remember was related to this story
TheDevil_Risen: and completely missed they were going to do that with my data
RockPusher: something something no ethical consumption under capitalism something something
TheDevil_Risen: (I only enable GPS when im actively using it.. cell tower data only for me)
GapFiller: it figures this is another reason for the continuing demand for burner phones
LordZarano: "Everyone else is doing it too" is reassuring, it worrying
TheDevil_Risen: @LordZarano 100% true
LordZarano: *isn't reassuring
Izandai: Nearly anything *could* be used for military applications.
TehAmelie: i mean they were sponsored by CIA, did you say?
Juliamon: also nobody should be going to bat for Niantic anyway, stop defending ableist assholes
Marvoleath: @TehAmelie I think that was Earth
Astra7525: dual use technology
pprroogg: There is a certain logic in commercial data collection that pushes itself to uses that are usually not in the best interest of most people. So some alarmism seems warranted to me.
Astra7525: @TheDevil_Risen You probably know this: You can still be tracked via the locations of the cell tower your phone logs itself in when you travel.
hyalopterous: It' like something out of a Neal Stephenson novel
TheDevil_Risen: @Astra7525 yeah, i know. I don't go very far from home often, so if someone wants to find me they can pretty easily, also, work in the industry so am fully aware of all the things that exist behind the scenes. still doesn't mean I like it hahaha
RealGamerCow: Always remember, if you don't know what the product is, you're the product.
ghyllnox: As someone who was still using PoGO when they started doing this, I knew what they were doing when I saw that they wanted me to 3D-scan a building with my phone for a couple of rare candies
TheMerricat: People watch the Dark Knight and think Bruce Wayne was using magic Hollywood tech, they didn't expect it to be real.
@Astra7525 *at least i will be working in telco till feb, my location was axed
LordZarano: Ingress was initially a way for Google to get coordinates and photos of monuments
Cyraknoss subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Cyraknoss: 81 months of amazon's money, here's to another 81!
Thanks for subscribing, Cyraknoss! (Today's storm count: 31)
Anubis169: Done that
Juliamon: smth smth War Thunder
Anubis169: it's the most effective way to get a correct answer... or a flame war
Izandai: That's definitely tinfoil hat nonsense.
Lysander_salamander: Remember when face recognition software couldn't figure out juggalo makeup, because it was like dazzle camoflage? And then various social media had "see what you look like as a juggalo" apps. And then facial recognition software suddenly got better.
Anubis169: it's only tinfoil hat nonsense until you can get a 3D mapping of people in a room, based on the WiFi access point's interference with physical objects
which has been done
Juliamon: Why did people own globes?
RockPusher: Earth is pretty cool, why wouldn't you want a model of it?
PharaohBender27: @Izandai Some people aren't able to go walking
GapFiller: Izandai not everyone can just exercise as and when
@Anubis169 ANd then you go back to it being tinfoil nonsense when they use it to create a patent where the ad plays till you stand up and yell the advertisers name.
TheMerricat: lol... right
SpoonfullOfSugar: they want to be the very best?
Anubis169: Facebook already do the eye tracking metainfo thing with headsets. Initially it was to calibrate people's eye position for when you stare off into distance in VR, then facebook started using it to track which ads peoples eyes are drawn to -_-
Izandai: @PharaohBender27 Okay? It's still good to do that if you can. If someone can't then this just is irrelevant to them.
PharaohBender27: I remember seeing Real Genius as a kid!
GapFiller: oooh young Val Kilmer!
TehAmelie: i want to be, if you will, yeah Sugar got there
Tripleyew: Real Genius is very quotable
TheMerricat: Young Val Kilmer was both hot and self-confident.
RubikDarkwill: TNT!
cyclopsboi: I am sure that there are engineers who love their work at lockheed or raytheon but you need to be also have consciousness outside of your think tank
Marvoleath: I mean, atomic energy
There's a specific group for OpenStreetMap to map things for humanitarian relief efforts
RealGamerCow: Now THATS a controversial subject
4 years and people are STILL falling for the bit
yeah it was 1991 but people still fall for the bait
GapFiller: this is clearly a sign this one still has legs
Laurence72: Depends on which planet you're using for your years?
ThorSokar: I'm pretty sure you're not updating that graphic until Sonic's 40th aniv.
GapFiller: legs that go fast even
already past the point of anger and well into resignation at this point
Snowcookies: love ppl who still don't realize the logo is fanmade
TheDevil_Risen: I am still a 30th Anniversary bit enjoyer, though, i've been a sonic fan since the 90s
Shadow with a Gat is hilarious
TheMerricat: Shadow Wick.
cyclopsboi: 2021 and 2022 according to the sonic wiki
RockPusher: ThorSokar sonic hits 40, the line become "Sonic is old enough to drink!"
TheDevil_Risen: and yeah 100% agree with Paul.
Izandai: @ThorSokar I'm not sure they'll update it then.
Marvoleath: I think it gets funnier the less accurate it is, probably until it hits a threshold, but for now it's still funny
TheDevil_Risen: Just don't kill his dog.
Lysander_salamander: I should watch the rest of the John Wick movies
Lysander_salamander: I've only seen the first
s0lesurviv0r: I recall that Shadow once took down 20 mafia goons with a friggin' pencil!
Wicker_Guide: @Lysander_salamander They're honestly mostly just fun times
GapFiller: Calgary right?
Jillexie: What about his Johnny Utah era?
MalFnord: Keanu's only got the one note, but he plays it beautifully
GapFiller: also he turned down some big ticket movie role to tread the boards
PharaohBender27: Oh SNAP, Heather
ThorSokar: haha
Lysander_salamander: depends on the director I guess
Wicker_Guide: he also played the villain in Much Ado About Nothing, still basically played "himself but mad about it"
Izandai: Beej has been activated.
GapFiller: cant remember the exact movie but it was def a movie yr wd expect mid 90's Keanu Reeves to star in
This is Heather's fault Beej, you have nothing to applogize for.
Jillexie: In this house, we don't dis Point Break.
Izandai: Apparently he's really good in Cyberpunk.
GapFiller: and he chose Shakespeare in Winnepeg instead
raulghoulia: He was good in Toy Story 4
Lysander_salamander: my favorite picture of him is the one where he gleefully runs off with a papparazi's camera
Izandai: "Can you do one voice?"
s0lesurviv0r: what movie is that clip of him crying wearing headphones in a fine restaraunt??
cyclopsboi: *cough* chris pratt
TehAmelie: i always tell people, you know how Anthony Hopkins does so much by emoting extremely subtly? Keanu Reeves does that too, only nobody expects it in action movies
Marvoleath: tbf, the Cyberpunk role had a lot of depth to it
Wicker_Guide: e.g. the actor who played Baloo, who always did that character. Which was a great character that fit in plenty of movies
spurius: H. Jon Benjamin
TheAwkes: Gotta get Elias Touflexis. We need a J C Denton.
GapFiller: our ages Groucho does something Funny eh
TheMerricat: Good News everyone we hired John Earl Jones to do the voice of this character and he's got a new voice he wants to try out. It's high and squeaky!
Wicker_Guide: coward
shurtal: Mpreg the Hedghog
Juliamon: it was squeezed out, like ketchup
shurtal: "your honor, it just came out of my fingers, i'm as astonished as you"
Wicker_Guide: !adulty
Wicker_Guide: !adult
LRRbot: I need an abult !
Juliamon: I can almost guarantee Foxmar could find it
Where's AskWho when it isn't Desert Bus?
DoodlestheGreat: Pretty sure you don't want it, Beej...
ThorSokar: Let me check the special place
Izandai: Spines
Wicker_Guide: he hates all life
Fuzzra: He eats slugs?
raulghoulia: Hedgehogs Love chilidogs
Aceviru: ^
Invitare: they're also not domesticated
ghizmou: he doesn't have mammary glands
Izandai: oh no
TheDevil_Risen: possibility ^
RockPusher: Prickly, nocturnal, round-shaped… wait, am *I* a hedgehog???
Juliamon: I collected little hedgehog plushies when I was a kid. I still have a couple in a hanging basket on my wall. Hedgies are adorable.
GapFiller: phunny tangential phact: milk and bread are actually terrible for hedgehogs
Fuzzra: Hedgehogs have surprisingly loud, wheezy sex.
ThorSokar: Good enough TheDevil_Risen
TheDevil_Risen: 50/50
shurtal: Hedgehogs also do the "froth" thing, which you shouldn't look up
Wicker_Guide: s?
Astra7525: Isn't Tails' name Miles Prower?
Bruceski: Given it's a video game from the 80s, I assume Sonic was a normal hedgehog like the others until Robotnik's critter-grabhing spree accidentally exposed him to Chemical X.
RealGamerCow: But what about Tingle Time?
shurtal: i need to get the sonic head bucket.
Izandai: @Astra7525 Yeah, Tails is a nickname.
ThorSokar: You have a Tingle game to play!
Invitare: but the movie is SA2 and Cream wasn't in that
RealGamerCow: I cannot emphasize enough how much I dislike "Cream the Rabbit"
Wicker_Guide: counterpoint: "Cream" the Rabbit
shurtal: if cream is in it, will her mom, who's the size of an average human mother, be there too?
Invitare: it's Cream and Cheese, really
Marvoleath: Nosferatu with Skarsgard and Dafoe is this year's Xmas movie
Juliamon: Chao
Wicker_Guide: @shurtal Honestly, for sonic fandom, that's downright tame
Bruceski: Chao, whose relationship to Chaos was supposed to be a plot twist.
Invitare: they were related to the creature called Chaos somehow in SA1 I think
PharaohBender27 sees what Beej did there
Izandai: ugh
Jillexie: Zelda "timeline"
Juliamon: because that's what we needed, more timeline additions
Wicker_Guide: the zelda time web
Lysander_salamander: so many branching paths
Juliamon: the time net
cmdrud87: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (51m ago).
TheDevil_Risen: yeah, Link/Zelda timeline just breaks my brain
Izandai: I was really hoping they would realize what a mistake publishing that stupid thing was and just never say anything about it again, but apparently they're committed.
tehfewl: time travel tends to do that
Wicker_Guide: Ocarina and more specificaly Majora's mask are what started the Fanwank war about the timeline
GapFiller: let this be a reiteration of an old lesson for budding setting timeline writers: time travel always makes everything way more complicated than it needs to be
GapFiller: no exceptions
Lysander_salamander: I mean, they're legends so its stories that people tell each other about a folk-hero. Continuity isn't as improtant?
Wicker_Guide: At this point I assume the Zelda lore expert just sits on a couch, smokes a blunt and places new games via dartboard
Izandai: Apparently BOTW/TOTK are subsequent to all the timelines?
GapFiller: case in point: oh they mustve been high is a colossal copout
Invitare: Don't know why they don't branch it off of Skyward Sword. That game had Time Travel too
Izandai: Agreed, Heather.
Invitare: they did that with the Four Swords games too
Izandai: Yeah I dunno what that's about.
shurtal: the Amazon prime Energy
Astra7525: The CDI Games?
Izandai: I don't think Majora's Mask had it?
SquareDotCube: It's not the first, they
sounds like transformers should rock up with some of that "prime" energy
Invitare: the Four Swords trilogy is something else
Heather has strong opinions on the matter
Link's Awakening is a fever dream and I love it
Invitare: and actually BOTW and TOTK don't have the Triforce either
SquareDotCube: It's not the first, they've called it Light Force in Minish Cap
kingandcommoner: The triforce isn't particularly important in a good number of games, but it's present in most of them
Izandai: The triforce appears on Zelda's hand when she uses her power in BOTW, but yeah it's not a focus.
Marvoleath: LoL has an item that (used to?) refer to Triforce
Bruceski: You get a triforce off Ganon
SquareDotCube: anyways map-wise it's clear that Echoes of Wisdom happens after Link to the Past
Invitare: I think the idea of them each have once piece started in OoT
Wicker_Guide: ^
Wicker_Guide: before that it's just "the macguffin"
SquareDotCube: @Invitare Nope, it's been three separate pieces since the first game, your goal in Legend of Zelda is to assemble the eight pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom
Wicker_Guide: and then Twilight Princess outghit calls it a recurring reincarnation/endless repetition situation
Juliamon: each triforce is still a triangle
Invitare: @SquareDotCube not that they're separate, that they're associated with specific people
Izandai: @SquareDotCube And then Ganon has the Triforce of Power, but does the Triforce of Courage show up? I don't think so.
SquareDotCube: The second game, you have to find and obtain the Triforce of Courage
Izandai: Yeah
TheDevil_Risen: @ThorSokar that works
kingandcommoner: what is this fort knight?
ButButTheJesus: at thanksgiving my younger relatives had the eminem gatling rap gun
Invitare: er... isn't Godzilla *required* to always win in crossovers?
RealGamerCow: @ButButTheJesus That's REAL? I thought it was a joke!
Lysander_salamander: a godzilla mode, like a king of the hill mode
Marvoleath: I hope it's just the early Japanese version rubber suit
TheDevil_Risen: so, Fortnite : Survival Evolved ?
TheDevil_Risen: (when a giganto rocks up and wrecks your base)
ThorSokar: yes, the biggest Godzilla lego set costs $63
Manae: I can't believe they didn't pay to include the roar
GapFiller: MMA guy and all round dickhead
Izandai: Sorry who's this?
GapFiller: Connor McGregor
Izandai: ty
Wicker_Guide: IRL GOW Baldur
LordZarano: @ThorSokar That's not LEGO, that's Mega (Blocks)!
ThorSokar: I can't tell what it is LordZarano
Wicker_Guide: Gregor McConnor
Astra7525: Could open IO interactive open up for lawsuits by him
ThorSokar: Piano from the 3rd story, ACME Anvil
Wicker_Guide: with respect, that sounds petty and childish and not actually helpful, much as I understand the impulse
TheDevil_Risen: Swirly to death
Or just conveniently add more hilarious, embarassing kill opportunities for him
Astra7525: *surrepticiously
GapFiller: yeh some of us remember that entire Newgrounds section
TheMerricat: Beyond what @Astra7525 says, that would burn every bridge you had with a celebrity you wanted to do another colab with as they'd assume the moment they got on your bad side, they'd be smeared in your game.
Astra7525: "The mortifying ordeal of Being Known"
TheDevil_Risen: well the IRL way isn't much better..
Wicker_Guide: in his weight class (welterweight I think), not overall
Izandai: @TheDevil_Risen Yes it is.
Juliamon: Yes, much more reasonable than birthright...
gnyrinn: Almost better to go the women in the ponds with the swords
LilyOfTheVeil666: Yeah, the Hitman games are essentially murder puzzles
Laserbeaks_Fury: The first test should always be if you apply for the job, you are disqualified
what yr saying Beej is that strange women in ponds handing out swords is infact a good basis for a system of government
Fuzzra: @Juliamon Ah, when it's an *ancestor* who was good at fighting.
KaiTerranova: has there been talk about elon musk potentially buying hasbro?
Tangsm: And one coin
Juliamon: KaiTerranova no, because it's not videogame-related
Laserbeaks_Fury: It flips the man into the pan
KaiTerranova: @Juliamon fanx~
RealGamerCow: The great thing about the Hitman games is that the designers love it when people find interesting ways to do the missions
GapFiller: Golgo 13 is one of the all time great OG anime
Izandai: And then there's Hitman speedruns.
RealGamerCow: The only thing I know about Golgo 13 is the NES game that I owned when I was 12.
Wicker_Guide: it's a hitman version of all those "hypermasculine" manga like Baki, Ashura, etc.
GapFiller: the Golgo 13 OVA incidentally has one of the greatest bad CGI sequences ever
GapFiller: no lie that CGI helicopter lives rent free in my head to this day
LordZarano: It's a WiiU controller for Playstation
TheMerricat: SteamDeck.
Laserbeaks_Fury: All consoles become DS
Wicker_Guide: *sghs* I'll get the wiffle bat...
KaiTerranova: Yeah PS Remote was also there, but it was terrible
KeytarCat: i have a vita and I miss the vita
GapFiller: those who forgot the past are doomed to repeat it eh Heather
LordZarano: @TheMerricat Right. I was trying to remember is DIY Perks did a portable PS5. Of course they did
Wicker_Guide: Mircrosoft's cell phone manufactory does not fill me with hope
LordZarano: *if
The Microsoft version exists - a Windows laptop.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I think Microsoft would double down on being able to stream from your PC before a seperate system
@LordZarano And in typical DIY Perks fashion, it's _completely_ doable, if you spend a billion dollars on custom equipment and whatnot.
Izandai: Scalpers are getting fucked.
Izandai: You love to see it.
Still giggling over the fact that scalpers are having to sell them at a loss.
Aceviru: Nice
Wicker_Guide plays a tiny violin
Pseudonym_Ken subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months, currently on a 103 month streak!
Pseudonym_Ken: How has it been 103 months?!
Thanks for subscribing, Pseudonym_Ken! (Today's storm count: 32)
LordZarano: @Fuzzra The Windows version is an Asus ROG Ally. Or a Steam Deck you've installed Windows on
Fuzzra: @LordZarano Fair point
Laserbeaks_Fury: I would not be surprised if that whole year of not being able to easily get a PS5 was to blame
Wicker_Guide: but don't want a pc
Somewhere Matt Wiggins has a shiver running down his spine.
Wicker_Guide hisses at the cost of adobe creative cloud
ThorSokar: "we have vendor lock-in, get hosed"
Izandai: heh
Izandai: heheh
GapFiller: how many of those would you own Paul?
kingandcommoner: PS GO, since Go is 5 in japanese
TheDevil_Risen: PS-VIP haha
QuietJay: PlayStationVortable
ButButTheJesus: PSPVitaV5Hand
Laserbeaks_Fury: It would make sense. Kratos' first kid didn't fare so well, but the second one did great
GapFiller: Sony try it and people go oh poppet
GapFiller: ngl a Walkman Museum wd be cool
RockPusher: A Genuine Sorny Museum
Izandai: Oh hell yes.
ThorSokar: "Here's a list of every failed / abandoned Microsoft Hardware product that were good ideas, but everything around them marketing / design / etc was a complete failure" I'd go see that just for the laughs
Wicker_Guide: @ThorSokar The Microsoft/Google/Apple/Facebook mass graveyard of great ideas is something I would pay to see
TehAmelie: itchio is the goat. they let me sell my e-book as if it was a game
Izandai: That's definitely the way to do it. If you try to ban it entirely people will just upload it anyway. Of course some people will still just not tag their stuff properly, but hopefully that will happen ness.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I think having cheap AI generated art assets for small games would be great; if it's created and curated by the artists themselves.
ThorSokar: @Wicker_Guide Absolutely
Juliamon: The type of person willingly using AI is the type who would take pride in that label
Izandai: @Laserbeaks_Fury That doesn't get around the ethical problems with how the programs work though.
Fuzzra: Lots of single dev smut on Itch.
Wicker_Guide: I mean, if you take pride in it, good on you even if I think you're wrong. If you wanted to hide it, yeah I don't think you should
SquareDotCube: AI is fine for rapid prototyping, it's when it's in the final product that problems arise
TheMerricat: You can recast.
Izandai: I'm really not okay with small creators using generative algorithms either. I don't think the size or budget of the entity using the programs built on systemic copyright violation changes the ethical issues with that.
OldUncleDan: Moral of the story: Never become successful.
SaxPython: Loren Ipsum . Jpg
Wicker_Guide: I mean, AI remains two distinct problems with non-intersecting solutions: 1) mass consumption and processing of work without due compensation, 2) mass replacement of skilled labor with far worse, but vastly cheaper, content
TheAwkes: I'm still happily on the path of liberally blocking and disengaging from people and companies who use or are vocally enthusiastic about generative AI models.
Marvoleath: I like WoD solution - they ban "AI" assets in their store, but provide a bunch of free to use assets and a way to contact artists and do comissions
Marvoleath: (WoD = World of Darkness)
PharaohBender27: I remember Heather talking about that once, I think in her PiF - somethingrather Handsome?
Izandai: oof
Wicker_Guide: oh we're already there
ghyllnox: We already have "no you can't use your calculator on your test"
RockPusher: Hello Windows
TheMerricat: Windows Beeps!
TheDevil_Risen: Hello Windows!
asddsa28: and then the teacher checks it as says iuts AI anyway
GapFiller: Windows clearly objects to this discussion
your computer not ours
@GapFiller The AI is listening. The AI is concerned.
TheDevil_Risen: Cortana Knows
PharaohBender27: Ugh, don't get me started
Wicker_Guide: Clippy bangs on the wall of its prison
Izandai: Oh right, regular reminder that these programs are not intelligent. Calling them "artificial intelligence" is a misnomer that obscures the reality of the situation.
DigitalSeahorse: !next
Juliamon: yeah, my resolution for next year is to find someone I can trust to teach me how to Linux
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're playing Canadian Highlander. Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (1:21 from now).
TheDevil_Risen: and defo check out the VTM bonus bits on YT!
Juliamon: a tasty little morsel
PharaohBender27: @Izandai Yeah, Graham has talked about that
r10pez10: Juliamon if only we knew a community full of nerds
GapFiller: !store
Marvoleath: post credit scene
LordZarano: @Juliamon If you find it fun to read wikis the Arch wiki is real good for that
Marvoleath: now it's gonna be like Marvel, we will always expect it
TehAmelie: i was like 13 when i first was given free roam of a PC. my first idea was opening a Word document to start a conversation with the computer to convince it to give me unlimited power over all computer networks. who knows what kids come up with these days
BYE! thanks for the stream!
josh___something: Oh, Jo's one!!!
PharaohBender27: And it's a *heck* of an episode
TheAwkes: Secrets revealed!
Juliamon: Sponcon hype!!
RockPusher: The Mahjong Will Continue Until Moral Improves
shurtal: Wheeler got the bag? Sweet
Juliamon: Aerial_Knight is the OG dev yes
Izandai: Ariel_Knight's We Never Yield?
Juliamon: aerial, because parkour
Izandai: Ah
GapFiller: possible endgame stream this
TheMerricat: Ariel_Knight's We Never Serif!
GapFiller: we reached to Point of No Return and have now run out of card games
josh___something: Ben has asked chat
Juliamon: We had the Point of No Return
Video games lie‽
Juliamon: it was very clear
Wicker_Guide: "But before you can beat me, you must PLAY MORE SABACC"
TheDevil_Risen: Froggy!
Juliamon: Unsupervised Antics
Izandai: Yeah, but there can be quite a bit of game left after the PONR.
Speaking of Vampire . . .
definenull: so G + P does bird games, heather + cori does reptilians?
Izandai: I forget how much Outlaws has.
RockPusher: The froggiest of battles
TheDevil_Risen: it looks super cute
josh___something: The fivenale
GapFiller: The Fivenale just doesnt have the same ring
r10pez10: the finaliV
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
They are so good
Juliamon: Memoriam, not In Memoriam
josh___something: YET
ButButTheJesus: tpk? tpk? tpk?
mrverbal: the memoriams are so good
Died in a different way
Juliamon: Emotionally devastated beyond repair
coriolis_storm: It’s the final episode?
shurtal: True Believers know!
MTGRanger: Everybody knows the entire party got TPK'd in s1 e2!
josh___something: Socially massacred
TheDevil_Risen: honestly, Jacob and all of you are doing an AMAZING job with this campaign
Juliamon: I fuckin bet
GapFiller: !holes
LRRbot: A hole is just a vertical cave.
josh___something: Emotions?! Heck yeah
RubikDarkwill: The latest isn't on the podcast feed yet
PharaohBender27: Jo went THROUGH some shit during that 6 months
Wicker_Guide: the trio returns
josh___something: Yeah, Jessica's living her best unlife
ButButTheJesus: 1000x? I don't have the energy for that
RockPusher: Venba
RockPusher: Anyone who hasn't seen Shivam talking about Venba on the Talking Sim VOD should go check that out
RockPusher subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
RockPusher: Putting a button on ChillPoint by pushing a button on ChillPoint
Thanks for subscribing, RockPusher! (Today's storm count: 33)
Marvoleath: !schedule
GapFiller: sorry to disappoint Beej
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Snowcookies: ty for the stream
Lysander_salamander: have a good day!
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're playing Canadian Highlander. Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (1:12 from now).
ButButTheJesus: byeee
ContingentCat: !advice
LRRbot: Open ports 1 through 65535.
RockPusher: You know that intern, Derek? Yeah the port is open but the service isn't listening…
LordZarano: Why is that !advice not !badadvice?!
Juliamon: Things can be in both.
Juliamon: It's !advice not !goodadvice
RockPusher: *Quality of advice not guaranteed
Juliamon: it's also literally the advice Nintendo gave users having trouble with Splatoon 3
Juliamon: as reported on Checkpoint previously
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