TXC2: title change!
DideRobot: LRR: Join one iconic collab checking out another! Join Wheeler X Angel as they frolic among the waifus and check out the Mahjong Soul X IDOLM@STER collaboration for Is This Your Card?! | https://bit.ly/MS_LoadingReadyRun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113578861802253110
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCrab lrrSIG
FurthestChunk: thirteen orphans tonight, king?
Aceviru: waifus tonight king?
Travilogue: I mean, the special event queue does make thirteen orphans slightly easier
Aceviru: oh no
TXC2: oh yeah!
bobokiddo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bobokiddo! (Today's storm count: 1)
Travilogue subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
Travilogue: Mahjong! Mahjong! Mahjong!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Travilogue! (Today's storm count: 2)
Statist42: Hi friends! lrrSHINE
TXC2: hello Statist42 welcome
LithelyUnshod subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LithelyUnshod! (Today's storm count: 3)
Stormgod519: SPONSOLED!
cheshiregleam: Bless me chat for I have sinned. At thanksgiving I encouraged a family member to get into mahjong
TXC2: !sponsoled
LRRbot: We're playing the One Piece social bluffing game, Luffy's Bento Box! Outsmart your neighbors to get the most food before Luffy strikes and takes it all! Available on Amazon here https://lrr.cc/luffysbento
yunapaluza: How's the F2P grind to get one specific character in Mahjong Soul?
Stormgod519: Morning all
TXC2: well gotta change that command :p
Stormgod519: happy time zones
TXC2: hello Stormgod519 welcome
Stormgod519: hya friend
GedankenPalast_: Ohhh I'm right on time. Nice
GedankenPalast_: Good timezone chat *wave*
cheshiregleam: @yunapaluza Unless that character is one of the starting characters...hell. I was nowhere close after a lot of playing for about a month or so
TXC2: hello GedankenPalast_ welcome
Gekyouryuu: @cheshiregleam I mean, SOMEONE has to be the toxic relative at thanksgiving. better you than some politcal uncle
cheshiregleam: @Gekyouryuu regrettably there was also a political uncle
TXC2: Here we GO!
GedankenPalast_: @TXC2 THank you, thank you
Aceviru: Oh
Dmc3628: it begins
TXC2: Hello Wheeler and Angel
Aceviru: Well hello
TheWooglie: lrrWOW
ExachixKitsune: omg you look so cool
Gekyouryuu: it's our Angel (Angel) and our Devil (Wheeler)
Jillexie: We're back, chat.
Artificer_Evan: nice sunglasses
Wintermatrix: oh no they're matching
UltimateSilence: oh god they’re so cool I can’t handle it!!
Aceviru: Welcome back haha
Invitare: but the bit!
MichaelSnowbird: The energy the energy
Daggerpeak: @yunapaluza 1 specific character? expect rng to do it's thing and make it several years lol
warpstonewarlock: Hello Wheeler! Hello Angel!
Dmc3628: Mega Mahjong Powers
HungryTanuki: Hello everyone !
MichaelSnowbird: win?
murder_mtg: Hello everyone!
Artificer_Evan: “wild”
TXC2: hello warpstonewarlock and MichaelSnowbird welcome
TXC2: hello murder_mtg welcome
Dumori subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
Dumori: Round numbers a cool
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dumori! (Today's storm count: 4)
Stormgod519: #sponsoled!
HungryTanuki: #sponsor
Gekyouryuu: wait.... is that a special dedicated PC client for Mahjong?
protojman: whoo!
offbeatwitch: mahjong soul, now with more waifus
Gekyouryuu: I've been booting it up through steam
Invitare: are you SURE they saw you play it?
Aceviru: A thumbs up
MichaelSnowbird: or that anyone can play
cheshiregleam: @Gekyouryuu yup
cheshiregleam: It's also browser-based but there is a PC client
just_like_aerin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months!
Anubis169: eyy, it's a wheeler and an angel lrrAWESOME
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, just_like_aerin! (Today's storm count: 5)
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahaha
TXC2: hello Anubis169
thraximore: Bongjammin' Pizza
Anubis169: hihi TXC2 <3
TXC2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
TXC2: it's time for what's my Yaku?!! Thanks to @NotCainNorAbel for my sub gift!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TXC2! (Today's storm count: 6)
DiscordianTokkan: Farming the Idolmaster fans that aren't mahjong players yet?
Anubis169: eyy thanks for the subbage TXC2!
Wintermatrix: the coolest, of course
cheshiregleam: Oh no! The lead-in was so natural!
corpocracy: Wheeler was born for this
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSHINE
ignitionpoint subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 14 month streak!
ignitionpoint: Happy Sunday! I'm happy to see the Mahjong Dynamic Duo back. Kick some butt!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ignitionpoint! (Today's storm count: 7)
TXC2: relavtivly bind, hense the sunglasses
TXC2: *blind
HungryTanuki: DinoDance DinoDance
Aceviru: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
thraximore: haha it may as well be named "Jingling Keys" PrideLaugh
NotCainNorAbel: PrideWingL jlrrDance PrideWingR
Gekyouryuu: Idolmaster USED to be the reason we didn't get more Berserk, until the reason why became sad
TXC2: CV = voice actor ?
Earthenone: ShinyColors, the japanese jingiling keys
Gekyouryuu: @TXC2 CV = Character Voice, so yes
DiscordianTokkan: Are they ALL ASMR people?
TXC2: Gekyouryuu ok, thanks
keep_it_lobster subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, keep_it_lobster! (Today's storm count: 8)
MichaelSnowbird: any PTSD yet Mr Wheeler?
Stormgod519: lol
Gekyouryuu: I've gotten the microphone Riichi stick and the table mat out of the gacha so far, but none of the characters yet
Stormgod519: Wheeler being wheeler
DiscordianTokkan: KITTY
DiscordianTokkan: 3 cats!
Stormgod519: KITTY
HungryTanuki: :D
Jethrain: 3 cats!
Aceviru: Cats lets gooo
bytecaster: They truly are going full waifu
Stormgod519: Ummmmmmm
Stormgod519: Phrasing?
hd_dabnado: we love toast in this house
tehfewl: oh no, OL, my one weakness
Stormgod519: @hd_dabnado i misread this as "we love toast on house"
cheshiregleam: custom riichi themes are so fun in my opinion
Earthenone: hi benjamin!
Earthenone: :P
Coogrr: good to see mahjong back, I got really into mahjong last time and made adept, still feel pretty bad lol
Gekyouryuu: there's ONE limited tile back you can get, and then the usual ones in the gacha
Stormgod519: jambling
RitualGlitchZ: Gambling? I'm in!
Stormgod519: pfft
Faulpyr: Mahjong time!
bytecaster: Are we doing a Gachapon?
Earthenone: do we want a "prediction" in chat?
Stormgod519: Sabacc?
schordash: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Travilogue: You can get a lot of free stuff from the events
TXC2: hello schordash welcome
Gekyouryuu: Ranked matches AND the special event format BOTH give popularity when the game ends, so both work, yes
RixtonSnek: oh we are so back
schordash subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 5 month streak!
schordash: mahjong with angel & wheeler!! let’s go! lrrSHINE lrrBartleby
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, schordash! (Today's storm count: 9)
bytecaster: But is it also high quality copper though
MichaelSnowbird: hahahaha he meant No
Derekwillis: Wait, I can trade those tickets in for happiness? You promise?
Gekyouryuu: that button in the bottom left of the home screen is also new
Earthenone: current popularity, 0
cheshiregleam: oh my god those mahjong couch pillows are incredible
ArcOfTheConclave: pity system
warpstonewarlock: Believe in me who believes in you, Simon
bytecaster: The emotes are cute
hd_dabnado: "I love mahjong"
hd_dabnado: ohio
Earthenone: Ohio? so she is calling you mid?
TXC2: where's Beej? we need him to translate Kappa
SomebodyNowhere: transparent appearance? lrrSPOOP
Hangedman subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
Hangedman: jongers this event gamemode is some absolute nonsense
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Hangedman! (Today's storm count: 10)
NotCainNorAbel: Is Mahjong such a contact support that blood transfusions happen?
Artificer_Evan: remember that one episode of beejlander where been styled on serge by reading the card upside down in Japanese
Artificer_Evan: oops why is autocorrect like this.
hd_dabnado: get this girl on some anxiety meds
Marvoleath: she's also Goro in one of the emotes
cisco236 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cisco236! (Today's storm count: 11)
TXC2: NotCainNorAbel well it sure raises your blood pressure enough that you might bleed out Kappa
bytecaster: They got all the Waifu archetypes I see
Earthenone: no toast emote?! i feel lied to
artemixia22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, artemixia22! (Today's storm count: 12)
Marvoleath: @Earthenone 2nd looks kinda like she just ate the toast
Marvoleath: also highest grade in "blood type" wheelerKappa
corpocracy: Why is happiness in quotes?
tehfewl: 1 time dealer!
Earthenone: is jade measured in eggs?
cheshiregleam: let's go
TXC2: 4 hours later....
Earthenone: thats a teddy bear L
Dmc3628: spongebob narrator
bytecaster: L
artemixia22: the most important part of playiing mahjong
cisco236: this is a gambling stream now
tehfewl: jambling
Chronomagistrate subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chronomagistrate! (Today's storm count: 13)
SomebodyNowhere: so trendy
cheshiregleam: The bonus you get for doing 10 pulls is so bad lol
Mushbie: also 10 is with a discount if you look at the prices
LurkerSpine: and it's cheaper
ArcOfTheConclave: it costs 10% less
Aceviru: a ps5 pro pog
bytecaster: It does say New
bobokiddo: again again again more jamble
kaboomjr26 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months, currently on a 32 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kaboomjr26! (Today's storm count: 14)
marmaladeAskance: girl
Aceviru: cat
Earthenone: large cat!
NotCainNorAbel: kitty
SomebodyNowhere: who dat
Jethrain: CAT
cheshiregleam: I know you, PapajongsPizza
bobokiddo: kitty!
bytecaster: Beeeeg cat
Gekyouryuu: she's voiced by Saber from Fate/Stay Night
DiscordianTokkan: Gwenhyvar
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahaha
Earthenone: Saber, voice of the toothed tiger?
cheshiregleam: An Encounte r
Mushbie: @Gekyouryuu which one???
Scarbble: we did get a waifu at least
bytecaster: So many cookies
cheshiregleam: Classic teddy bear L
Gekyouryuu: @Mushbie Fate/Stay Night, so original Saber. that's why I specified the title
hd_dabnado: gives us money for Mahjong so james can spend it on Wizard101
bobokiddo: now i want a cookie
tehfewl: i want the complex fanzine
MichaelSnowbird: here we go
TXC2: how L is this teddy bear? 'cause I can go pretty L when it comes to bears
Mushbie: @Gekyouryuu ahh doh on my part
cisco236: what even is Idolmaster ?
Gekyouryuu: @cisco236 Idol raising simulator, iirc
LurkerSpine: there ya go
Mushbie: "Isn't it fucked up how a goblet is a cup, and not a small goblin?"
marmaladeAskance: girl
Arboille: rip
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Gekyouryuu: you play their producer and try to make them the best idol they can be
BlueMechanic: 2 girls at the same time
Marvoleath: half-way to unlocking a new girl
cisco236: gril
Umandsf: best girl!
Travilogue: Fu Ji has *great* emotes
schordash: lrrBartleby
TXC2: Ben "two girls" Wheeler
bytecaster: She is very focused on doors
Jethrain: "the doors are way more valuable than you" OUCH
Mangledpixel: Fugi looks... different
bytecaster: We have already gotten so many Ls
Scarbble: how come wheeler gets TWO girls
Gekyouryuu: @Mangledpixel that's his Vtuber avatar
Mangledpixel: heh
LathosTiran: gameplay Kappa
TXC2: Scarbble well look at him Kappa
kaboomjr26: Is this a sponsored stream?
Gekyouryuu: that's a woman
Arboille: another gurl
TXC2: kaboomjr26 sure is
marmaladeAskance: girl
Stormgod519: gorl
BlueMechanic: that's our girl
DiscordianTokkan: yoshaaa
tehfewl: LETS GO
cisco236: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Peter_Chordash subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
Peter_Chordash: Let's Go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Peter_Chordash! (Today's storm count: 15)
Derekwillis: WE SHY TODAY BOIS
Mangledpixel: nervous girl get!
Scarbble: lrrHORN
TXC2: we're so back!
Marvoleath: the best there is, the goat, always gets it
ArcOfTheConclave: lrrSIG lrrSIG
UltimateSilence: wow that was so easy
Dmc3628: Wheeker 3 Girls
Krillin_fan: krilli151sttry
schordash: LUL lrrBartleby lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
MichaelSnowbird: All down hill from here
cheshiregleam: first try
MichaelSnowbird: its fun
Gekyouryuu: no girl
tehfewl: tfw no girl
TXC2: tehfewl every day of my life :p
Gekyouryuu: that's a full woman
marmaladeAskance: bun girl
Wintermatrix: it's time for ben '4 girl' wheeler, right?
Earthenone: usagi GET
Scarbble: wooooo bunny girl
BlueMechanic: you love bunnies
Stormgod519: Wheeler has broken my headphones...
bytecaster: Moonbunny
schordash: causeiPog causeiPog causeiPog
DiscordianTokkan: bnuy
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 wheelin' and dealin'
cheshiregleam: I think you have enough Faith to just obtain the desired girl now?
SomebodyNowhere: 🐰
Marvoleath: Bunny Wheels
marmaladeAskance: the rabbit ears aren't in your cubby?
Scarbble: bunjamin wheeler
LariatWest subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LariatWest! (Today's storm count: 16)
cisco236: Wheeler going of the deep end
Gekyouryuu: that's a full woman
bobokiddo: rat-thew is no more. it's bun-thew?
cheshiregleam: Five isn't even
Arboille: more girl
gaiametris_: "Even five"
DiscordianTokkan: Toast!
Dmc3628: gimme 5
Earthenone: angel dosent get it, you dont stop gambling when you still have money
LiamK712: there's no one like him
LathosTiran: free button
Derekwillis: Wheeler is so good at jambling.
hd_dabnado: "this button, its designed for me!"
RixtonSnek: [not wrong]
thraximore: the lucksack ALWAYS drops
BlueMechanic: Is it possible to have too many idols?
UltimateSilence: oh my god he simply is the best at mahjong
goateedave86: Wheeler gambles for the gambless
bytecaster: Is this how you play Mahjong?
SomebodyNowhere: who now
Arboille: he did it
RixtonSnek: just say you are impressed?
SomebodyNowhere: hey there she is
LiamK712: he's the best
marmaladeAskance: girl
artemixia22: how does he do it
thraximore: unbelievable
Derekwillis: He's just built different.
RitualGlitchZ: Damn, this game is easy
Scarbble: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
UltimateSilence: WHAT
Marvoleath: #rigged
Gekyouryuu: and we can just buy the last one, yes?
bobokiddo: wheeler is jambling master
Dmc3628: dilt bifferenet
tehfewl: whitelisted
TXC2: he's the GOAT chat
keep_it_lobster: I'm impressed.
GedankenPalast_: Easy
Earthenone: gotta catch em all
schordash: causeiPoint
bytecaster: Gotta complete the set!
thraximore: 95% of streamers quit before they pull their girl
Umandsf: I hate this. now I feel compelled to whale for girls.
LariatWest: das a big bear
Peter_Chordash: Sus
DiscordianTokkan: Hah!
HoboB0B_: LUL
Gekyouryuu: no girl
GedankenPalast_: I'm making popcorn chat
MoxCubitZirconium: I'm properly compelled by this content to obtain my own girl
TheAwkes: Must've pressed it wrong.
bobokiddo: quick angel, while you're in control buy the girl
Gekyouryuu: girl
DiscordianTokkan: lol
Arboille: how does he do it
artemixia22: lmao
Aceviru: Long hair!!!
SomebodyNowhere: who she
goateedave86: oh my
TXC2: that's a full Lady there !
Mushbie: 😳
Aceviru: That's a good outfit
Earthenone: its anime, she could be a middle school girl for all we know
bytecaster: @Earthenone Or a million years old, you never know
Arboille: omg
tehfewl: uh.... one more
LiamK712: uhhhhhhhh.... one more
Gekyouryuu: wheeler, that "over 30" girl is 19
thraximore: @Gekyouryuu umbraHmm
Marvoleath: Typical, the gay guy gets all girls
TXC2: why would they give us the jade if not of us to use it?
avi_miller: "I'm getting so many girls" - Wherler
avi_miller: *Wheeler
TXC2: *for us
Umandsf: at least get Joseph. his lines are hilarious
thraximore: hahahaha
HoboB0B_: double double
LathosTiran: fungible girl?
marmaladeAskance: so much girl
kristian_fischer: Two Girls, One Wheeler?
Gekyouryuu: girl!
Aceviru: Niceeee
marmaladeAskance: hair girl
bobokiddo: jambling god
HoboB0B_: Bingo!
TXC2: there it is!
RixtonSnek: how does he do it
Umandsf: the sweep!
cisco236: how does he do it
Scarbble: that's why he's the goat!
RitualGlitchZ: Ez girls Ez life
murder_mtg: I'm new to this. Do you just collect women and snacks?
thraximore: how DOES he do it
warpstonewarlock: Collection: complete
LiamK712: the GOAT
artemixia22: howw
Mushbie: "He can't keep getting away with this!"
Travilogue: First Time Every TIme
Marvoleath: Never didn't have it
Gekyouryuu: "He can't keep getting away with it!" - Angel, probably
UltimateSilence: this was simply inevitable
24GMagic: Angel is so mad that he keeps getting away with it XD
IntegralHamster: On next 'Is This Your Card' Wheeler is spending his mortgage in Zenless Zone Zero
TXC2: murder_mtg for this gatcha part yes
marmaladeAskance: you could buy a smooth boy
murder_mtg: Dope
RitualGlitchZ: You could get the furry
bytecaster: Wanjiro!
tehfewl: dog
Earthenone: can you use female faith to buy boys?
Jethrain: "getting"
Marvoleath: gotta get the dog
Statist42: was this stream ever on track?
schordash: DOG! causeiPoint
MurphEP subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MurphEP! (Today's storm count: 17)
Travilogue: You can now set it up to select a different character for each match.
Gekyouryuu: the bond outfits are their idol outfits
bytecaster: From those outfits, you can really tell what the target audience is here.
Aceviru: Haha
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahahahaha
DiscordianTokkan: Filing cabinet kitty!
thraximore: LUL
marmaladeAskance: wherever ; )
HoboB0B_: that's asking a lot
Earthenone: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
h3rsh3yb4r: what is poking out of the dresser drawer
h3rsh3yb4r: is that a cat
kaboomjr26: she’s a high schooler man
bytecaster: We could zoom in on the cat!
cisco236: zoom in on the little guy in the drawer
asthanius: She's in high school, Angel
HoboB0B_: cobaltPeep
TXC2: h3rsh3yb4r sure looks it
Umandsf: yeah the alternative costumes is…a choice
bytecaster: The empty image is very good
rabbitgta: Giant office mommy, oh darn
Earthenone: can i buy winning- ben wheeler
bytecaster: Dango dog!
Travilogue: You can use the summon currency to get the decorations as well
bytecaster: Can I interest you in a dango dog stick?
GedankenPalast_: *comes back with a big bowl full of popcorn*
GedankenPalast_: Nom
Derekwillis: Wait, you can play a game in this?
Earthenone: nah, we gotta cut to comercial after jambling
bytecaster: Do you just get desert for everything?
LariatWest: okay I love the dragon tile pillows in the bg
MurphEP: We pay them in cupcakes
Earthenone: this is where you use your cupcakes, this is a family stream
murder_mtg: There are so many things in this game.
LathosTiran: dead or alive: beach volleyball extreme: mahjong
Earthenone: it is your 13th orphan?!
Dmc3628: someone did get orphans in the event match
Dmc3628: that i played days back
thraximore: Wheeler wants to get his hands on some unaccompanied children
LathosTiran: toast
marmaladeAskance: so jover
Dmc3628: with an open green dragon
BusTed: gg, gg
Gekyouryuu: keep going
Aceviru: You said it was over
Alex_Frostfire: It sure is over.
Derekwillis: No the tile on your far left is wild.
Dmc3628: sometimes when you exchange you get god hands
Gekyouryuu: and that substitute tile can cover you for green
Earthenone: pac man?
TXC2: danger mode music
Aceviru: DinoDance
Alex_Frostfire: Chiptune, for sure.
Jillexie: lol
RedNightmare7: Feels like it belongs in Mega Man
Aceviru: exfauxMan
MurphEP: Don't blame the orphans
poipal: Orphans are ALWAYS a correct choice
CrossXhunteR: who loses more off their life from these mahjong streams, wheeler or angel?
poipal: @crossxhunter absolutely Wheeler
LariatWest: Mangan, yikes
marmaladeAskance: i believe in wheelers grossly misplaced confidence
poipal: "Ron is when you destroy someone's life!!"
MurphEP: 1st game of the day
LathosTiran: so many hips
MichaelSnowbird: Good thing this was practice.
Eggmojii: might have to try this event
CrossXhunteR: i didnt even know your points could go negative
Gekyouryuu: out of curiosity, any chance of games with watchers?
poipal: This is already setting the tone for the rest of the stream
bytecaster: Still getting more popular! Everybody likes an underdog
TXC2: pity points!
MichaelSnowbird: hahahaha
CrossXhunteR: i believe in wheeler
Earthenone: ok, wheeler plays, angel entertains us
Earthenone: got it
poipal: The way her legs have hyper realistic shading compared to the anime everything else is very distracting
Sibwow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months, currently on a 41 month streak!
Sibwow: mah jong? what about our jong
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sibwow! (Today's storm count: 18)
Aceviru: First rule of mahjong: don't 13 orphans
poipal: Oh that's a NICE starting hand
CrossXhunteR: didn't call Ron on 2nd tile. shame
LariatWest: what's hiding behind Angel? 8sou?
Travilogue: I'm pretty sure I've played against Freed Jyanshi multiple times
Creature_Comforts: Freed Jyanshi means the person's username was removed for violating TOS
UWDJohn: @Travilogue same
poipal: it probably says a lot about my play style that i would've tried to ron for all triplets there LUL
Sevinon: Just got here, how much has Angel been abusing Wheeler?
Travilogue: @Creature_Comforts Ah, I wondered if it might be something like that.
poipal: @sevinon honestly the same has been abusing him more LUL
CrossXhunteR: i thought it was the mahjong doing the abuse
TXC2: Sevinon none, unless you count bad gatcha pulls
poipal: @sevinon i believe he got triple ronned on
LariatWest: tanyao looking solid
Sevinon: ok, so long as something is taking care of that important duty
Travilogue: Time to break out those emotes!
TheWooglie: LUL
Aceviru: ouphe
CrossXhunteR: did you just die?
MurphEP: Brutal
poipal: 🀄🀄🀄
TXC2: 5th time I a row Wheeler has been Ron'd :p
LariatWest: what's the strategy on holding a single dora with no other tiles around it
YeetTheRich_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
YeetTheRich_: straight up jongin it
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YeetTheRich_! (Today's storm count: 19)
poipal: I want to see Wheeler's stat web, I feel like defense is going to be at the bottom LUL
Aceviru: Like a cat.
Travilogue: Okay, now some of those new emotes
MurphEP: Game plays itself
CrossXhunteR: i just noticed the little rock garden thing
CrossXhunteR: does Richi make you auto discard any new draws or something?
Dmc3628: yes you can't change hands
poipal: @lariatwest sometimes you really need the points and just hope you can get it as your final double. Personally i always find it a little painful to discard a dora NotLikeThis
Dmc3628: once ricchi stick is in
poipal: @crossxhunter yeah once you call riichi you're locked in
Derekwillis: Yeah, you bet extra, call uno, and lock in your hand.
Eggmojii: Surely we can get some games going in discord chat
Aceviru: If we get the 2 of man
poipal: @eggmojii I'm down, if extremely rusty
Creature_Comforts: East is making something horrid oh no
Dmc3628: luckily the idol across from us can't get tsuisou
MichaelSnowbird: part of me is praying it loops again
TheWooglie: LUL
Derekwillis: That could have been very bad.
LariatWest: @poipal fair point. I always feel bad iffy holding onto it with nothing around, and then discarding it late feels super risky
ChadHex: Dang I thought they were going for all honors
BeardBroken: east had a baby hand, thankfully
sounderfan84: denied
Dmc3628: we had all the greens that hand so it couldn't have been that tsuisou
LariatWest: 2 dora as well! we get in, we get out
poipal: @lariatwest discarding dora late usually hasn't treated me too badly, as long as i can keep an eye on the kind of hands the others are trying to build
TXC2: all these Ron are the price for pulling the idols they wanted
TXC2: Kappa
Umandsf: technically 14 tiles
LariatWest: @poipal cheers. still working to improve my defense and awareness
Dmc3628: as one does
CrossXhunteR: truly, the wheeler of anime
poipal: @lariatwest lol ditto, once i hit gold rooms that really starting showing in my games
poipal: Furiten, my nemesis
Earthenone: Furry 10? i thought we got women instead of furries today
poipal: @earthenone that's only because Wheeler decided not to use the cat girl today
TXC2: or the rabbit girl
poipal: Or the dog
LariatWest: push towards a single suit? how much do we push for points vs not finish last?
poipal: @lariatwest the eternal question!
CrossXhunteR: you're floundering, it seems
marmaladeAskance: pairs? but what about... triples
MurphEP: I love pivoting to trips
poipal: Ron those trips
Fanklok: Is Angel's mic off or is it a me problem?
poipal: That said pairs is so satisfying when you pull it off imo
CrossXhunteR: i assumed angel was just relatively quiet
LariatWest: @Fanklok Angel is just not Wheeler and thus not as loud
poipal: Yeah i think she's just talking quiet
poipal: Though she's also tilting her head away from the mic a bit more
Sevinon: I can hear her fine. She just isn't Wheeler
Aceviru: hi
CrossXhunteR: will this round end with wheeler getting ron'd again
BusTed: HypeWave
Jethrain: somehow she got quieter when she got closer to the mic
ghyllnox: You're both about the same volume as the game to me
MichaelSnowbird: Its why we are here
PharaohBender27: :D
MichaelSnowbird: hahahaha
Fanklok: Haha no don't get angry at Ben, I hamate that
schordash: StinkyGlitch
poipal: Still remembering that painful game where I was set up for a fantastic hand and accidentally called the fourth kan without thinking
MurphEP: Is this your age
hd_dabnado: beej has an ancient spirit
Eggmojii: you cant roast old people for playing solitare while youre playing mahjong :p
poipal: Instant draw, lost the whole thing
CrossXhunteR: i believe in wheeler
Earthenone: now you know how chat fealt when you slowed down balatro for us
TXC2: poipal oooof :p
Aceviru: HAHA
MurphEP: bruh :(
TXC2: how does this keep happening?!
BusTed: rwnd
MurphEP: That's so rough
LariatWest: into the ground!
poipal: Continuing the trend i see
marmaladeAskance: rroonn
Jillexie: Sure, Wheeler
CrossXhunteR: woo, not negative points
Aceviru: "to the right, you can see the crushed soul of Bunny Wheels"
Earthenone: was it on camera?
TheWooglie: so teeny points
DiscordianTokkan: orz
Y2A_Alkis: unluckiest Mahjong player on the planet
poipal: This is so much ron
Earthenone: if not, then no you dident :P
gaiametris_: Didn't know you could get double ron lol
BeardBroken: it seems the mahjong gods want all of your blood today
Travilogue: Hey, we didn't finish in negative so that's an improvement.
Juliamon: It's probably time to take a break
CrossXhunteR: kitty, no
poipal: I mean sometimes you just get a streak of terrible losses that crush your spirit and lose you your rank
marmaladeAskance: blue screen and the kitty going after the mouse? yowza
Aceviru: If only we had the paw hand
Earthenone: is it ethical to have a top tier player like angel slumming it in silver rank?
A_Dub888: Hi friends, what's our yaku?
benjamin_wheeler: @juliamon not for this stream
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
Juliamon: aww ok
Juliamon: time for bathroom streaming I guess
poipal: If Angel also gets ronned on I think we can concede that the streak is cursed
Earthenone: i imagine no ad breaks is a pretty common sponsoled stipulation
A_Dub888: lrrGARBO
hd_dabnado: oh bother
poipal: Ooh that's an early riichi
A_Dub888: is that a silverfish??
MichaelSnowbird: wait till she says "fiddlesticks"
TXC2: "getting Ron's is a normal, healthy part of Mahjong" Kappa
Gekyouryuu: she's from Blue Archive
marmaladeAskance: oh stephen mangan
CrossXhunteR: oh no, she's emoting on them
MichaelSnowbird: Chaotic?
poipal: Oooh seat wind out the gate
Tommadness: What are you looking for when determining what's a "safe" discard?
poipal: I haven't gotten orphans yet but i have gotten all greens
Dragoknighte: I haven't gotten it and I've played for years
poipal: That was satisfying
Fanklok: It'd be really funny if Ben did a full 180 and started saying "this is a terrible orphans hand" and trying to force it every game
Sevinon: People queueing up for orphans is a worrying phrase
Earthenone: do you think there is an AU where instead of the rodeo, bens community is caleld the orphanage?
hd_dabnado: 7 ate 9
lovepencils: @poipal I think I've gotten orphans twice, but greens is my dream
poipal: @lovepencils it's so visually satisfying along with crushing your opponents
Dmc3628: i think i've gotten every yaku except the ultra hard ones (heaven/earth, honors and single waits)
CrossXhunteR: is this like TFT, where placing in the top half (1 and 2) is still considered good?
A_Dub888: sweet, we got second by doing nothing (?)
poipal: @lovepencils also TWICE??
Scarbble: weast is my favorite direction
Y2A_Alkis: snouth weast? rooVV
lovepencils: @poipal Got dealt the perfect hand. Once was against ai, I think though.
poipal: @lovepencils oh dang that almost feels like a waste of an orphan hand LUL
CrossXhunteR: is that a cat paw placing tiles?
TXC2: CrossXhunteR sure is
poipal: @crossxhunter yep it's one of the cosmetics
poipal: Ain't no shame in taking the seat wind
lovepencils: @poipal Now I wanna go check
Earthenone: the seat wind sounds like a
Earthenone: !fart
LRRbot: Fart sounds!
Dmc3628: so across is looking like bamboo flush
Jundinator: !badadvice
Aceviru: GivePLZ
Jundinator: !advice
TXC2: !badadvice
LRRbot: Punch the screebs.
Jundinator: Hi wheeler
Travilogue: That pause on the discard.....
A_Dub888: @LRRbot Who gave you that bean burrito LRRbot?
Jundinator: !fart
Didero: Good evening! How goes the Mahjong?
Aceviru: GoldPLZ
MurphEP: Hawt
Liewser: Does anyone know the preferred gift for yukka?
TXC2: hello Didero welcome
lovepencils: @poipal Also, you can't not do an orphan hand, even against ai
MurphEP: FBtouchdown
poipal: @travilogue i once played against someone who did manual ron *just* so they could pause and make you sweat every time
Dragoknighte: DOUBLE RON
Dmc3628: OOF
BlueMechanic: Loading Ready Ron
TXC2: first win baby!
CrossXhunteR: -23700
Dmc3628: first to last
poipal: Nice!
murder_mtg: I have no idea what's happening, but that seemed good.
TXC2: murder_mtg that last game we tied for the win
Eggmojii: ive still never seen nagashi
poipal: Some strong starting sequences there
LariatWest: @murder_mtg when you win off of someone's discard, you get your points from their score. We just took the player in 1st all the way down to last
Xavorin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xavorin! (Today's storm count: 20)
CrossXhunteR: is there a way to see how many tiles are left in the wall? is that obscured in the bottom right?
poipal: Dragons are also safer late discards most of the time
Alyssa_Swift: There's also a lot of mahjong hands that are like "Hey, this one guy got this hand one time and convinced his buddies that it was *so cool* that he should win anyway"
poipal: I've kept them just as dump tiles when I'm against aggressive players
LariatWest: @CrossXhunteR middle of the screen under "East 4" has the remaining tiles as "x #"
TXC2: CrossXhunteR number right in the middle of the screen, under east 4
Aceviru: She's a good sport
Travilogue: The true challenge of this game is figuring out the appropriate emotes to use from each character.
BeardBroken: taking your second and running
DiscordianTokkan: lol
marmaladeAskance: wow angel
Dmc3628: hard to tell that they were waitinig on a middle between weight
CrossXhunteR: why do some many of these anime girls have guns
SnackPak_: lrrGibb
Aceviru: She ended in the positives Kappa
Eggmojii: Kanchan wait, best as always
poipal: @travilogue me abusing the tea sipping emote every time someone takes their time only to time out
Dragoknighte: @CrossXhunteR Crossovers with games where girls have guns
Aceviru: Truu
Earthenone: isent that chats job?
CrossXhunteR: how does one chain smoke while playing mahjong soul?
Didero: Conversely, the more I watch y'all play, the less I want to play the game myself :p
SnackPak_: thank you Angel
MurphEP: lrrSPOOP
Aceviru: Wow she's disappointed
Derekwillis: Discarding a dora? Baka.
MurphEP: Legit spooked
poipal: Lolololol
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahahaha
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
OharaRenji: RaccoonPop
cthulhudude23: That hurt me and I'm not even playing right now
Travilogue: @poipal I'm always disappointed when I get absolutely ruined but don't have time to use a *dead* emote.
poipal: The content we're all here for
marmaladeAskance: hahaha
MichaelSnowbird: flashbaCK
Aceviru: Someone, quick, get a pic of pigeon
Earthenone: is this safe to broadcast?
A_Dub888: Wheeler, there is NO CRYING IN MAHJONG
poipal: @travilogue me the time i got double yakuman'd on
Didero: Somebody should update that Stream Deck
Travilogue: @poipal Oof
Dmc3628: rock gif of the forearm
TXC2: Didero that or windows should mind it's fucking business Kappa
Travilogue: Simply draw more threes
A_Dub888: @TXC2 porque no los dos?
poipal: @travilogue it was like the first or second round and just immediately nuked from orbit with -5000 finish score or something ridiculous like that
poipal: @travilogue "ooh this is a fancy animation—oh wait, oh no"
A_Dub888: #BlameAdam
goatprince: blame the Pro-D day we did that you missed, wheeler
AdamYMHMI: #AdamInnocent
Derekwillis: Hey, exhaustive draw monies.
Eggmojii: youll get it
Umandsf: why are there so many?!
TXC2: holy shit a guyfu
dpj2009: goofym9GoofyLOL
poipal: Lol the lack of red dragon was making me think someone was hoarding them anyway
lovepencils: @poipal Yes, the second was vs. ai
Earthenone: Manwaifu, as checkpoint would say
dpj2009: Outdoor sunny stream?
poipal: Ooh red 5 dora
RitualGlitchZ: Are the boys in this game also all like 15?
poipal: @ritualglitchz there's a few grizzled old men in their 40s but for the most part yeah
A_Dub888: Why's the guy using a cat's paw? Is he afraid the tiles will mess with his perfect hands?
poipal: Get those sou
AdamYMHMI: @A_Dub888 If you have a cat that can play Mah-Jongg, I think you're obliged to show it off.
Jethrain: @A_Dub888 the cat paws instead of hands are why he can't button his shirt up
Travilogue: @poipal Just checked, I got hit with a Single-wait Four Concealed Triplets during East 2. -31300 finish
dpj2009: Go for yahtzee
poipal: Forget orphans Wheeler should go for all greens LUL DinoDance
lovepencils: @dpj2009 That's 13 Orphans
Earthenone: Simple And Green
poipal: @travilogue holy shit
poipal: @travilogue my condolences
A_Dub888: @lovepencils That's Numberwang
Travilogue: @poipal (I won East 1 with 4 Han as well)
PharaohBender27: :D
Sevinon: Wow
Aceviru: rip haha
Eggmojii: total yakitori
Earthenone: wheeler seems very pon-chii today
dpj2009: Take an L and buy luncheons
marmaladeAskance: did u jamble for lunch??
MurphEP: Would've been a great orphans hand lrrBEEJ
poipal: @travilogue found mine, it was four concealed triplets, end score of -39,000
Eggmojii: east 1, 10 tiles left. no need to push
dpj2009: Tiles The Gathering
MurphEP: lrrWOW
Earthenone: the wind tiles blow, confimed
poipal: @dpj2009 Winds The Gathering
Travilogue: @poipal lrrAWW
lovepencils: @poipal got you both beat. I believe I got double Yakuman'd. end score of -77000
A_Dub888: @Earthenone isn't that what wind does?
poipal: @travilogue https://clips.twitch.tv/ExquisiteNicePancakeHassaanChop-UnUxGJbYTbc1WhLu i decided to immortalize it, i haven't seen four concealed before or since
LariatWest: all pairs, never goes wrong
poipal: @lovepencils mine was a double yakuman as well but not that deep a hole, yikes
ssg3410: You should hit him for that discard of 5
Eggmojii: true
lovepencils: Anyway, g2g. <3<3<3
Aceviru: So naturally we're going to get another 9 of bamboo
RitualGlitchZ: ez trips tbh
Creature_Comforts: All in on the all trips half flush
poipal: Pairs can be decently easy since you can pivot your hand super easily
TXC2: so long lovepencils stay safe
dpj2009: Bilt diffy
poipal: @lovepencils seeya!
Travilogue: @poipal You reaction was very reasonable
dpj2009: Tension is rising questtvLaugh
poipal: @travilogue lololol thank you
MurphEP: Relax
Dmc3628: hey lest your 5 is doubled
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
frameshifty: "well that's not how I remember it"
ssg3410: Hit him again for cut that 5 on first turn
AdamYMHMI: I nodded and smiled at the joke.
Dmc3628: sounded like rhea
poipal: Everyone in chat now awake LUL
keltaklo: I had just turned up my sound . . . lo
dpj2009: gorema2POG
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahahaha
ghyllnox: They're gonna make a voice pack
hd_dabnado: new home stream sub alert
Jogela: I personally prefer ASMR angel
poipal: Anybody here got a favorite yaku?
dpj2009: Come on Benny!
Dmc3628: big dragons is easy if the gods give it to you
dimirious: Wheeler, have you figured out your Saki ability yet?
Eggmojii: @poipal riichi nomi, ura san
LariatWest: we're still East 1, we've got time
PharaohBender27: @iris_of_ether Same braincell :D
azureHaights: sometimes you just gotta nort(h) a boi
poipal: All green is my aspirational fave but I'm a big fan of landing both the seat and round wind in one go
iris_of_ether: @PharaohBender27 Same braincell benginFingers
dpj2009: Always conceal your south wind Wheeler
poipal: I mean dead voice acting seems appropriate for a corporate office worker
ssg3410: 6s was tenpai
A_Dub888: I mean the LRR community has a bunch of artists sooooo
cthulhudude23: "thats why you lose" so cold blooded
hd_dabnado: ah yes, the real reason why you were sponsored
poipal: Tsk tsk, only poor players blame their bits
A_Dub888: Benjamin "My bits cause me to lose" Wheeler
TXC2: !addquote (Wheeler) [now] My bits cause me to lose.
LRRbot: New quote #9200: "My bits cause me to lose." —Wheeler [2024-12-01]
hd_dabnado: oh thats a dangerous quote
Faulpyr: I just noticed we’re still in East 1
TXC2: hd_dabnado sure is lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Dmc3628: yeah guywaifu has won the last 3
A_Dub888: @hd_dabnado much like Wheeler's bits
Dmc3628: so we not changing dealers
poipal: Angel can barely bear to look LUL
Eggmojii: omg
ssg3410: Dama chitoi
dimirious: No
dpj2009: questtvSad
Avak4do: wheelerHub
Nychthemeron: suji trapped
Eggmojii: have to look at it closer
Faulpyr: I would have done the same
Fanklok: It's good we finally got Ben a chaperone
LariatWest: yeah, there's no safe discard if you're just looking off their 8
dpj2009: !card red dragon
LRRbot: Red Dragon [4RR] | Creature — Dragon [4/4] | Flying / Fire Breath — When Red Dragon enters, it deals 4 damage to each opponent.
Faulpyr: but then again I keep losing
MurphEP: Damn he's good
Eggmojii: there is always something safe
Aceviru: There's the dragon we needed 5 games ago
azureHaights: It's not "touching grass" it's "going outsides"
dimirious: Has Wheeler abandoned his streamer career for a career as a Mahjong Soul idol now?
ssg3410: Hit him anybody
TXC2: "there are no bad tiles in my grandfather's wall kaiba!"
Eggmojii: OOF
dpj2009: You should see him roll his doobies
MurphEP: Angel's pon sound: "You discard that?"
A_Dub888: @TXC2 (except maybe for kuriboh)
MurphEP: Believe in the soul of the mahjong
poipal: That sigh of exasperation and disbelief
CrossXhunteR: are you having fun angel?
Eggmojii: gotta pair that 9s
poipal: That's the sigh my mom gave me daily in high school
Aceviru: Is chat having fun? Hell yeah
TXC2: chat's having fun :D
dimirious: Don't we all have an internal angel after taking game actions?
Nychthemeron: rrrrrrrip
CrossXhunteR: pack 3 pivot
Dmc3628: look at that weould've won with that 4
dpj2009: A lot of people lose, it's ok
Didero: Three times as many people lose than win, in fact
TXC2: we got a least an hour to go
Gekyouryuu: almost over? we have an hour and change, no?
Nychthemeron: just pivot to 13 orphans
Jillexie: oof
Aceviru: panicBasket He's warming up
rabbitgta: He is warming up so much he might have mahjong fever
TXC2: I think everyone screwed up that game
Jillexie: Mahjong will break your soul.
poipal: So what's the lose/win ratio now? 8:1 with the win being Angel's?
dpj2009: Wheeler has a greedy tendancy Kappa
Jethrain: PowerUpL SabaPing PowerUpR warmin' up
Fanklok: I think the mistake is assuming Ben is.playing to win
MichaelSnowbird: sometimes losing is winiing. That wassnt one of those times. But sometimes.
poipal: PowerUpL origin229Omizard PowerUpR
Nychthemeron: half flush?
goatprince: every twitch.tv,.....
dpj2009: Every noise
Nychthemeron: rip dora...
lovepencils: Half flush, all triples? Shoulda taken that west wind
Nychthemeron: love making the hand less valuable
Fanklok: Happiness tickets are for winners
MurphEP: This game is hateful
lovepencils: Oh, that's a 2,3 not two 3s
PharaohBender27: lrrFINE
goatprince: are we lying again today, wheeler?
A_Dub888: Benjamin "Self Control" Wheeler
poipal: lrrGREED
dpj2009: metale5Pain
Nychthemeron: LMAO
poipal: HAHAHAHA
Jillexie: Amazing
dimirious: It doesn't matter if you lose at mahjong as long as you have the appropiate emote counter.
Wrexadecimal: KAY! OH!
Dmc3628: least you denied an ippatsu
cthulhudude23: So much discipline
Nychthemeron: kill ippatsu to die
BlueMechanic: never chi anything
TXC2: oh the hubris, it's so filling
LariatWest: we can still get third!
dpj2009: Cut the stream
dpj2009: Kappa
poipal: And the rons keep ronning and the rons keep ronning
JKBalch: Give him that disaponted stare
Jillexie: Are you not entertained!
Dmc3628: bi dragon energy come on
Eggmojii: i knew that
Gekyouryuu: EVERYTHING causes death eventually
AdamYMHMI: Chi-ers never prosper
Nychthemeron: 100% of players who have ever chii'd have died, this is correct
Y2A_Alkis: You not only chii'd the game but yourself...
poipal: lrrGREED lrrGREED lrrGREED
dpj2009: !card green dragon
LRRbot: Green Dragon [4GG] | Creature — Dragon [4/4] | Flying / Poison Breath — When Green Dragon enters, until end of turn, whenever a creature an opponent controls is dealt damage, destroy it.
TXC2: "If you Chi, you will get pregnant, and you will die"
lovepencils: All the yakus
poipal: Hinging on a single dragon is dangerous LUL
AdamYMHMI: @TXC2 I think I read that Chi tract.
poipal: After this game can we see Wheeler's stat web? GoldPLZ
dpj2009: questtvEZ ai
Eggmojii: oh no
Fanklok: I once found a chick tract in a D&D themed storage box in a book store
MichaelSnowbird: We are using Golf Scoring charts. So anything below par.
poipal: It continues
MurphEP: NotLikeThis
marmaladeAskance: ben is cursed
Aceviru: exfauxSips
cthulhudude23: Oh dear
Jillexie: Welp
poipal: Well that was painful
dimirious: RONYA
Didero: Maybe Angel should explain how the game works again?
cthulhudude23: Salty runback
MichaelSnowbird: hahahaha
Dmc3628: we sacrificed our luck for the gacha pulls
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp
rabbitgta: Oh no, well that's sadness
poipal: Stat web stat web
Fanklok: @marmaladeaskance no he does this to himself
dpj2009: Have you tried mine craft Wheeler?
TXC2: Ron will continue until morale improves
OharaRenji: o7
dimirious: Roncat got your ass
Dmc3628: 1000 bond points
Dmc3628: max bond at the fifth heart is 50K, takes a long damn time
dpj2009: She said sung questtvLaugh
poipal: I thought there was a limit on how many gifts you can give them in a day?
poipal: also I need to see how low Wheeler's defense stat is
goatprince: don't forget to live laugh love
MichaelSnowbird: At least level her to "Stalker"
lovepencils: Some gifts don't count toward the liwit
lovepencils: Limit*
poipal: Ahhh
dpj2009: She needs more money
cthulhudude23: Ben needs this
lovepencils: Yeah, get all those chii clicks out of your system
poipal: Are you really, Ben
Dmc3628: 50K just on normal F2p is 1000+ games
SpicyNapalm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
SpicyNapalm: Perfect timing for the return of Mahjongg Soul. I just recently went back and watched the vods and fell down the Mahjong rabbit hole... I blame/thank you?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SpicyNapalm! (Today's storm count: 21)
Gekyouryuu: I'm in!
thraximore subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months, currently on a 25 month streak!
thraximore: Mahjong Lovebombing
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thraximore! (Today's storm count: 22)
goateedave86: one girl for each bad hand
Eggmojii: damn i missed the queue up
marmaladeAskance: chat!
Sevinon: Angel, how dare you suggest a member of chat would ghost
poipal: @marmaladeaskance marmalade!
A_Dub888: My dudes, the mahjong is coming from INSIDE the chat
dimirious: Resentful emote
lovepencils: Outside hand
Aceviru: Haha
Dmc3628: get yao'd
goateedave86: baited
dimirious: That's fast
lovepencils: Welp
Mr_Horrible: Wheeler's just excited to have witnessed it
TXC2: not us this time
poipal: Amazing
vibratingsheep: Please tell me that is a clip already
LariatWest: emote! complete the circle
Sevinon: I feel like I'm going to have to go back and clip a bunch of things from the VoD if I have time
TXC2: hello vibratingsheep welcome
poipal: Wheeler struggling to resist opening those hands
A_Dub888: Benjamin "Discipline" Wheeler
LurkerSpine: Wheeler's a body that turns tiles into Ron
poipal: @lurkerspine the wheel of ron
Aceviru: Bad for the blood pressure, good for the soul
cthulhudude23: I genuinely almost bought a table when my friends and I were playing it a ton
TXC2: Wheeler takes a serene, almost Buddhist approach to this game
TXC2: Kappa
thraximore: PrideLaugh
lovepencils: Mahjong is a contact sport
Nychthemeron: you look at your doc again and it's just washizu
MurphEP: Steals your blood "Ron"
dimirious: Will this be your Saki superpower? Always winning, when you're not opening your hand.
poipal: He says, with a North already on the table
dimirious: Is washizu your doctor? That's concerning.
Nychthemeron: the east 1 will continue until morale improves
poipal: Angel's giggle of despair
LurkerSpine: Oh lord I'd be hosed without the numbers
poipal: Forget number kanji, you think i have time to count all those bamboo??
dimirious: I think I couldn't play without the numbers...
cthulhudude23: It was brutal learning this game without the numbers irl and with a pamphlet that was sorta vague about the hands
poipal: @cthulhudude23 ooof
TXC2: no numbers might be ok, but letters on the winds would cook me
TXC2: *no letter
poipal: All trips all trips
Eggmojii: numbers on my tiles burn my eyes
cthulhudude23: We had to make silly memory things for the winds. "Cowboy of the south wind" cuz it sorta looks like a cowboy
CrossXhunteR: removing numbers from tiles is like playing with german foils
MurphEP: Trips!
poipal: Wheeler's strategy is truly something to behold
EightBitArcher subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months, currently on a 93 month streak!
EightBitArcher: well aren't these some swave be-sunglassed gentlefolks!
Evil_John_Cena subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
Evil_John_Cena: Guess who forgot to turn off recurring payments lol, enjoy the extra month!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EightBitArcher! (Today's storm count: 23)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Evil_John_Cena! (Today's storm count: 24)
Eggmojii: folding
poipal: The rictus of a smile
cthulhudude23: Angel looks so pained.
Sevinon: The increasing disgust in Angel's voice is quite something
poipal: That's some riichi music
Nychthemeron: thinkin about chombo
Eggmojii: or just stay closed and riichi
Lord_Hosk: LOL
Nychthemeron: CHOMBOOOOOO
Aceviru: Oh no
Stormgod519: lol
poipal: Congrats Wheeler
Dmc3628: timer
MurphEP: NotLikeThis
ssg3410: Hehehe
cthulhudude23: The very image of discipline
EightBitArcher: oh no...
poipal: You didn't misclick you timed out LUL
cthulhudude23: She doesn't wanna miss this
CrossXhunteR: what's the worst that could happen if you left wheeler alone with the mahjong
TXC2: "the pain, it hurts so good!"
dimirious: Tanyao gaming
poipal: Just a lil
LariatWest: tanyao pinfu still live too
LariatWest: well nvm
dimirious: I still keep missing pinfu in my games.
poipal: I still find pinfu tricky
poipal: That didn't take long
Aceviru: dis. ci. pline
poipal: Get em
Aceviru: GoldPLZ
Scarbble: discipline!
Sevinon: This is the only way he _can_ be disciplined
dimirious: Like, why would i destroy my triplet.
Stormgod519: we clapping?
Eggmojii: riich on chiitoi bad ass
Eggmojii: i back it
poipal: I feel like our left hand player might be hoarding man
Mr_Horrible: how dare you impugn chat's honor, Wheeler
Eggmojii: riichi to tilt the oya kamicha
Mr_Horrible: meiyaRiot
poipal: Oh might actually be top player
Eggmojii: beat em down wheeler
Aceviru: Our opponent across has em
poipal: AUYY
Eggmojii: HAITEI
Aceviru: OH SNAP
Dmc3628: river'd
Nychthemeron: under the riverrrrr
poipal: Under the river
Aceviru: LETS GOO
lovepencils: Yeah, if he'd dropped the 4, he probably woulda got ronned
dimirious: Whoa lets go
TXC2: big winner!
poipal: I felt like that was going to be higher than mangan
Aceviru: Time to throw
CrossXhunteR: now how do we get back to last place
Eggmojii: No dealer rotation though
shurtal: that's bit of a richi there
Nychthemeron: pure double........
Mr_Horrible: "I think I'm going into richi." "Okay, I'll call the hospital."
SquareDotCube: uh oh! Riichis!
poipal: 🏥🏥🏥
Aceviru: Ooh, trips tonight?
dimirious: Ipeiko 2 dora?
poipal: @aceviru bold of you to imply Wheeler would have a reasonable strategy
dimirious: Could even become twice pure double sequence
Nychthemeron: rip pure double
Eggmojii: this is chiitoi again
Nychthemeron: RIP those dora
poipal: Hmm sou looks popular, that's dangerous
shurtal: gotta chuck 'em all, Lotta Mon
Nychthemeron: "this whole thing smells of tenpai" i holler as i discard these dora and turn the pure double into pure nothing
Alyssa_Swift: To chii is to die, we've been over this
poipal: NEVER chi
marmaladeAskance: never cheat, always pwn?
goatprince: better chi, better pon. papa jong's
lovepencils: To chii is human
Nychthemeron: tiny ron
TXC2: to Ron is Devine
Nychthemeron: YO
poipal: Sometimes getting it out the door is all you need to do
Sevinon: @goatprince Very nice
Nychthemeron: POHHHH
Eggmojii: YEWSSS
Aceviru: HAHAAHA
Eggmojii: 1!!!!!!
CrossXhunteR: what
marmaladeAskance: CHRISTMAS
Dmc3628: GOT EM
Nychthemeron: GET IPPATSU
Aceviru: Clip em!!
Wrexadecimal: ayyyy
dimirious: Yo
Faulpyr: dang!
OharaRenji: GriddyGoose
Alyssa_Swift: Fastest ron in the west, baybee
cthulhudude23: That was badass!
Eggmojii: bangerrrrr
Aceviru: Wheeler needed that
Dmc3628: clap for your world famous double ricchi
Krillin_fan: he's the goat!
Nychthemeron: YEAH BWOIIIIII
TXC2: game of skill baby!
dimirious: Double riici ippatsu
Travilogue: I looked away for just a minute!
poipal: That ALMOST makes up for everything else LUL
Fanklok: Ben only knows how to pwn
dimirious: So harsh
Statist42: that was @Gekyouryuu in the south seat, yeah?
poipal: I love watching Wheeler decide what to discard because it feels like observing an alien mind
TXC2: Statist42 yeap
Nychthemeron: just move the dealership to try to leave in second i guess
poipal: Dang that's some dora
Faulpyr: o0o. shiny
Eggmojii: just fold
Lord_Hosk: I can't believe that you are being so cruel to a fan and taking all their points
Eggmojii: ez win
TXC2: 10 mins mahjong burns the same number of calories as 30 mins of boxing Kappa
Aceviru: I like the shift in energy here
poipal: That wind becoming a spicy potato
Eggmojii: pon for no yaku?
Aceviru: Everyone in chat is cheering
poipal: @eggmojii sometimes the dora are just too tempting
Eggmojii: @poipal its all last and he is winning
Eggmojii: @poipal no reason to push
Eggmojii: that coulda been a win though
poipal: @eggmojii true, also means nobody else can claim the dora
Aceviru: easy
daftmania: yeah rinshan draw would hve been great
cisco236 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
poipal: Plus tenpai
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cisco236! (Today's storm count: 25)
Eggmojii: @poipal yeah but if you dont call it then you have two safe tiles to throw. calling cuts your flexibility
poipal: All pairs all pairs
lovepencils: Orphans!
Faulpyr: All pinfu all the time
Eggmojii: its only 3-shanten, its perfectly possible
lovepencils: Aww
poipal: I have no idea if it's a good strategy but when I'm trying to build pairs i just start discarding anything i have that's already been played lol
poipal: Fast pivot, more chance to call a ron (usually)
CrossXhunteR: are those 1s with the bird bamboo?
daftmania: yes
Eggmojii: iishanten just like that
Eggmojii: 8m is safe against them here
Aceviru: Just don't lose
Grimnus: Spooky
poipal: Yapapapa yapapa iishanten
CrossXhunteR: it all comes down to this
TXC2: Music is intense
poipal: "Just don't lose!"
Grimnus: 8m are safe
Nychthemeron: the 8s were safe!!!!!!
poipal: And there it is LUL
CrossXhunteR: just don't lose
rhummys: 8m was safe
Aceviru: Barely
LariatWest: but we go again
Faulpyr: Again!
Nychthemeron: defeat from the jaws of victory
EOstby: Just go for quick tiny Ron.
poipal: Not a great hand here either
TXC2: end this match! end this match! :p
Aceviru: orphans?
lovepencils: Always orphans all the time
lovepencils: Outside!
Grimnus: Half outside coming right up
TXC2: !plan
LRRbot: Translator's note: Plan means Keikaku.
marmaladeAskance: this gamer is planning? on stream?
poipal: Me squinting to try and see the yaku
Aceviru: Here we go
dimirious: Ishanten
Aceviru: GoldPLZ
schordash: GoldPLZ
ssg3410: Chanta nomi
CrossXhunteR: bye bye
Grimnus: Classic
poipal: Wheeler's face LUL
schordash: HolidaySanta
Aceviru: Still in first haha
Grimnus: And now you have to actually win a hand since youre under 30k
BlueMechanic: the mahjong shall continue until morale improves
LariatWest: this is what you get for the round 1 ron off them
TXC2: how long can one match go? find out on is this your card!
Alyssa_Swift: "I'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with me"
MoxCubitZirconium: Bonus Content?! GivePLZ
poipal: If you're doing outsides why would you keep the 4...
CrossXhunteR: was East the dealer here? going off of the red label
dimirious: What's your Yaku, Wheeler?
poipal: @crossxhunter correct
poipal: HAHAHAHA
MurphEP: NotLikeThis
poipal: The ron ratio of this stream is wild
Nychthemeron: completely destroyed
MurphEP: At least the game's over
Juliamon: GGs Gek
Aceviru: Nice
TXC2: you Ron'd Gekyouryuu it;s fair game Kappa
M4RKNUTT: S'up gamers
Dmc3628: placement plug
Gekyouryuu: I can't wait to actually watch that from your end
marmaladeAskance: ggs gek
LurkerSpine: Number one Mahjong Soul stream
Travilogue: I think you can get a gift bag with that popularity
poipal: Okay we've gotta see Wheeler's stat web
Gekyouryuu: GG, WP
Eggmojii: So who wants to play?
LariatWest: @TXC2 incredible fightback. gg wp
Creature_Comforts: @poipal His luck is somehow negative
Creature_Comforts: (Yes, I know that's not what luck means in this game)
Gekyouryuu: I thought for SURE I was hooped when I dealt STRAIGHT into that double riichi
CrossXhunteR: #ad #sponsored #getthatbag
poipal: @creature_comforts sounds accurate, no notes
thraximore: Jingling Keys, the event
Aceviru: Completely free to play. It's so good
schordash: lrrSHINE 🀄️ lrrSHINE
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
poipal: @gekyouryuu never underestimate Wheeler's ability to dig himself deeper
ArcOfTheConclave: where is this link?
dimirious: They're on bluesky?
Gekyouryuu: I'm concerned that deal in for the double riichi will immortalize me on the highlight reel as a fool forever
MoxCubitZirconium: !sponsor
accountmadeforants: I swear that Idol game had crossovers with everything.
MoxCubitZirconium: !sponser
TXC2: !bluesky
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Bluesky! You can follow the LRR account here: https://bsky.app/profile/loadingreadyrun.com Or find all the crew accounts here: https://bsky.app/starter-pack-short/V5GPWQg
TXC2: MoxCubitZirconium the command is mod only
MoxCubitZirconium: IWantToSupportThisNAO
Jethrain: https://bit.ly/MS_LoadingReadyRun is the affiliate link
poipal: This stream was everything i hoped it would be
Travilogue: The events are also set up so you can max them without too much effort
CrossXhunteR: i have a vague understanding of mahjong from watching this stream
TXC2: thanks for streaming Wheeler and Angel
Aceviru: It's always fun!
Eggmojii: @poipal you in?
CrossXhunteR: thanks for being here, it's great to have you
marmaladeAskance: buh bye
poipal: @crossxhunter I'm sure everyone in the discord would be happy to overexplain it LUL
MichaelSnowbird: Thanks streamers
YeetTheRich_: stop punching us
schordash: LUL SeemsGood
poipal: @eggmojii in on the discord?
Stormgod519: TY Angel and Wheeler!
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Aerial_Knight's Never Yield) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (3:24 from now).
Eggmojii: @poipal i posted in the mahjong thread
CrossXhunteR: ooh
poipal: @eggmojii oh i missed your previous message lol yeah sure give me a sec
CrossXhunteR: TFT on the new set
KWardJenx: Love our crime fighting duo of Angel and the Wheeler!
Eggmojii: Posted a lobby link for anyone else who wants to play!
poipal: @eggmojii which channel is it in lol i have so many unreads
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Stormgod519: FROGS!!!
Eggmojii: @poipal its a thread in tabletop
iris_of_ether: Froggy Battle!!
TXC2: Froggy!
poipal: @eggmojii tyvm
CrossXhunteR: ooh, 1000xResist
hd_dabnado: excited for Pioneer Masters this thursday
CrossXhunteR: i believe in Ian
TXC2: Pioneer masters better have the boros god
CrossXhunteR: get the Black anime girl legend wheeler. i believe in you
Eggmojii: @Gekyouryuu you wanna play one?
Sevinon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
Sevinon: And another
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sevinon! (Today's storm count: 26)
schordash: lrrSHINE causeiPoint
Stormgod519: sergeModLove TXC2 sergeModLove
TXC2: Stormgod519 thanks
schordash: lrrDOTS lrrAWESOME lrrARROW
KWardJenx: LOVE the Mahjong streams. Enjoyed this very, very much.
Stormgod519: DA BITS!
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBits
Didero: thank for stream!
Gekyouryuu: @Eggmojii not atm, sorry. that game was draining
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
cisco236: I subbed twice lol
MichaelSnowbird: bye bye
CrossXhunteR: you had that sick richi into ron play
Gekyouryuu: I had fun!
HungryTanuki: Thanks for th stream everyone <3
Gekyouryuu: thank you again for the game
Aceviru: haha
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
HungryTanuki: :D
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
Eggmojii: Everyone come play in the discord!
Stormgod519: TI-
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Aceviru: Hell yeah
shurtal: perfect send off
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
Sevinon: @Jethrain Thank you, because my clip went into the ether
Sevinon: The new interface is annoying
HungryTanuki: :D
rabbitgta: Mike dis track
Sevinon: Wow
Stormgod519: classic wheeler
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
GedankenPalast_: Goodnight
HungryTanuki: VoHiYo