ContingentCat: !badadvice
LRRbot: Eat the shiny wasabi.
PharaohBender27: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Aerial_Knight's Never Yield) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (50s ago).
LoadingReadyRun: just setting up. Be online soon
Earthenone: who would have thought Idolmaster would be played on a sunday and it not be on rythem cafe
TheMerricat: Windows has gotten so sassy lately, so many streams from so many streamers with the unsanctioned beeps and boops.
SaxPython: Do we occasionally yield?
gualdhar: you're great
TheMerricat: You are just on the edge of being too quiet for the music.
nyxlux: is good
gualdhar: also the sound is good
Ignatiuspants: It's a good volume for me
SAJewers: 👍️
feet2big: It's just nice to hear your voice.
*that's how I found out I was muted
Ahoy-hoy, !
gualdhar: you turned the mic on before stream?
Invitare: actually it's Monday
Invitare: going by UTC
Invitare: oh sorry
PharaohBender27: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:14 PM
Invitare: actually it's Tuesday
Invitare: Rhythm Tuesday never dies
what about a protagonist relationship?
Invitare: I have a good face: The flamingo can only eat when its head is upside down
Invitare: *fact
TheMerricat: You also have a good face @Invitare
SaxPython: Ian gets the MadKatz mouse
Invitare: Nintendo when developing the Wii: Are you sure about that?
PharaohBender27: It'll just think that one of the players REALLY stinks at the game
boyesie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Thanks for subscribing, boyesie! (Today's storm count: 27)
More importantly why are the _early_ levels locked when it has the last levels in the group unlocked?
ghost_user_1984 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months, currently on a 69 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, ghost_user_1984! (Today's storm count: 28)
Juliamon: Is it not a slide but smash?
SaxPython: ooh its so picky
Juliamon: I don't remember it being so picky last week, weird
Juliamon: we do know it's kind of a glitchy game
PharaohBender27: Well then
Xed_Regulus: Very buggy game
Juliamon erases the "kind of"
bjergmann101: Ehm... We found a rhythm
PharaohBender27: Maybe that game from the pandemic era of the woman in the yellow raincoat?
TheMerricat: So checking the reviews on Steam the dev responded to one of the folk who gave it a thumbs down due to the bugginess with a polite sorry that happened to you and I fully understand why you refuned the game, we've pushed out some patches that should fix some of the things you've comlained about....
PharaohBender27: I can't remember its name offhand
TheMerricat: @PharaohBender27 That one wasn't buggy it just didn't explain very well some of the expectations and had a few unintended shortcuts.
PharaohBender27: @TheMerricat Ah.
TheMerricat: "Release Date: Jul 16, 2024 Last Update: Aug 27, 2024 (3 months ago)" So they made at least one patch.
SaxPython: #OcassionallyWeYield
Juliamon: We might be switching to a new game sooner than expected
SaxPython: #FileABugReport
nevermore913: Why wouldn't you be dogs if it's an option?
PharaohBender27: It was some sort of relative
Invitare: nah Runescape is a different game
LordZarano: I have an idea what randomly kills you. When second player disappears they get the falling, until they hit the death barrier
SaxPython: oooh Sub-Ocean
nevermore913: I feel like if you can be a dog you should take that option
PharaohBender27: @Invitare Man, Runescape. Played that for a year or so during college about 2 decades ago, and it's the only MMO experience I've had
SquareDotCube: I think what we have here is a pile of risen yeast and not bread.
BusTed: Ooo
DylPage: "I'll" as a roman numeral 3 is cute.
nevermore913: The sont there doesn't match the emotion
nevermore913: *song
Juliamon: I feel like you should make sure your game is polished enough to make people *want* the next one you're teasing
nevermore913: @juliamon while I agree sometimes you have to release before you are ready
Juliamon: nevermore913 Yeah, but in that case you probably want to cut the sequel hook
nevermore913: Fair
SquareDotCube: I can already tell this is better built, which has me thinking the studio ran out of money for the second game.
TheMerricat: @SquareDotCube Studio = 1 person. It's a one man dev team.
Juliamon: He got more people for the second one... maybe it was a too many cooks situation
yo they cookin'
SquareDotCube: yep, it has me thinking we're gonna see a return to single player with 3, if it ever releases. And it'll be back to a one-man team.
Juliamon: I really don't think the VAs in 2 added... anything
Juliamon: kinda vibing the music-only here
So the sad thing here is leading up to the release of the game they were hyping the shit out of it everywhere. I'm finding spotify podcasts with interviews with Ariel_Knight, go live announcements and etc. then after the launch it's just radio silence all over. Feels bad.
Juliamon: I don't have faith a third will come out, though
nevermore913: A third would be a surprise
Snouut: Hello people of the internet. I cant believe im 48mins late damn
Juliamon: Snouut It's not too bad, we had a bunch of weird technical difficulties and retreated to the first game
Juliamon: WNY definitely feels like it tried to add too many new things
Snouut: @Juliamon Oh damn weird technical difficulties are the bane of my existence
Juliamon: yeah, we found the subocean, unfortunately
TheMerricat: So it's obvious that Ariel Knight is a dev that actually cares, they are Detroit based and the game they released prior to the Yields is Dot's Home, which looks to be a mostly VN story about the protagonist coming back home to Detroit.
SquareDotCube: ping pong time?
Juliamon: again: Aerial, as in parkour
Snouut: @PharaohBender27 thank you! lemme watch rw
Snouut: *rq
Juliamon: Switch noises
gualdhar: ding?
gualdhar: are unsanctioned dings permitted on this channel? how dare
PharaohBender27 tries to guess what game's soundtrack this is
KeytarCat: Ooh, theatrhythm
Juliamon: well, the info is updated, so
PharaohBender27: Oh wait as soon as I posted I figured it out
BusTed: Yay
gualdhar: still great
gualdhar: and the sound is good too
PharaohBender27: Volume seems OK at the moment
SaxPython: I'd never heard of Last Order. Apparently it's an OVA from 2005
SaxPython: Continuing to explore Last Order wiki - It was produced by Madhouse, which looks like they're well known for a lot of popular anime
Juliamon: They are indeed, one of the major studios of the late 90's-00's
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: I’ve seen this so many times on the highlight reel and still have no idea how this game works
SaxPython: "The studio was also responsible for the first Beyblade anime series..." Live, Love, Let it Rip
PharaohBender27: @Joy_Stix_DragQueen From what I can tell, those button prompts are when you press and/or hold a button, and if you're holding, for how long
PharaohBender27: Oooooh. And here I thought each color meant "You need to to press *this* button specifically"
BusTed: I still have the stylus reflexes in my head
BusTed: So my brain breaks a little at the double inputs
BusTed: that is a rude ending
SaxPython: Woah!
KeytarCat: this is such an emotional track for me because I recognize all the themes and have no idea what the arrangement is from
SaxPython: @KeytarCat Its from a previous Theatrhythm
BusTed: The count in from pause is nice.
Alex_Frostfire: Rude with the rolls on a held note.
SaxPython: I'm always blown away by rhythm games. Like how can the hardware detect that many distinct inputs
Earthenone: you using numerical references to finala fantasys but not refering to the game they are from keeps confusing me
like lets do a 7 or a 10, or a 12 or 13 and i keep assuming you mean a song from that game
SaxPython: I think the number they're saying before the song starts is the difficulty. In the upper left you can see what game the song is from
KeytarCat: For only having 4 tracks, FF2 music sure has a lot going on
SaxPython: Set your gunblades to stun
Alex_Frostfire: Squall goes to the water aisle.
Wrexadecimal: @Alex_Frostfire water and water and water
KeytarCat: 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14
8 was a sappy romance anime and I just didn't care about it
KeytarCat: not nearly gay enough
i agree with your list, though would add 12 myself
It was really big for a group that was not me
PharaohBender27: It's not the one with the infamous laugh scene, is it?
SaxPython: @PharaohBender27 that 10
PharaohBender27: @SaxPython Ah
jessieimproved: I played 9 in my college Freshman dorm and everyone would come watch me play, it was great
KeytarCat: The infamous laugh scene is better directed in the Japanese VA
gualdhar: Answers is great!
@KeytarCat I mean, that doesn't surprise me
gualdhar: it does make everyone sad
gualdhar: but it's still worth it
SaxPython: Don't do it Cecil!
SaxPython: oh no
KeytarCat: oooh, Cecil did a baaad
KeytarCat: White knight transformation!
SaxPython: Telluh :'-(
SaxPython: There's that Lunar Whale!
KeytarCat: FuSoYa! the one banned in many rando formats!
gualdhar: oh yeah baby
PMAvers: Here comes Dat Boi
gualdhar: did they add any FF14 songs from the later expansions?
Wrexadecimal: People dump on FF Mystic Quest a lot, but the battle themes slap.
SaxPython: I know forward and back is in the gane
gualdhar: I'm seeing early expacs but not that last two, still they've got so much in there
Wrexadecimal: The same cadence as "this is halloween"
Wrexadecimal: lol.
Earthenone: sounds like halloweentown yeahj
gualdhar: that's basically all this fight is in the game
gualdhar: a bunch of moogles ready to rip you a new one
Those FF6 moogles are dangerous
gualdhar: basically, a bunch of moogles wished hard enough for a giant moogle, it formed from their will, and the King Moogle Mog went on a murderous rampage of cuteness
SaxPython: Song is about Moogles // Fight Toneberies
SaxPython: I guess they don't have an enemy moogle modle
Stormgod519: Im just in time to stop by at least
Stormgod519: Hi Heather!
Stormgod519: holy moly!
Stormgod519: she's a wizard!
Singenmeister subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Singenmeister! (Today's storm count: 29)
Bruceski: A to the L to the E X ANDER
Earthenone: me too
PMAvers: Surprised he hasn't been summoned by the music
Bruceski: Jacob is a great hype man
SaxPython: I don't MMO, but I had a friend explain the Alexander Raid to me. I was like woah. It was the first thing that made me want to play an mmo
Wrexadecimal: ffmq yeee
Stormgod519: brb chat
SaxPython: What console was mystic quest for? Gameboy?
Earthenone: all i know about 16 is aparently everyone on the writing team loved game of thrones
Wrexadecimal: @SaxPython SNES.
@Earthenone ... before or after Season 8?
gualdhar: @PharaohBender27 yes
SaxPython: I loved the PlayFrame Let's Play. It's an easy thing to do with PlayFrame, but I really enjoyed Dan's depth.
SaxPython: The LP of Ff XVI
wholsometiger: How many songs are there? It seems like there are over 300.
raulghoulia: how many rpgs can there be? 10?
SaxPython: @wholsometiger Google says 385 base game 523 with dlc
wholsometiger: @SaxPython Thanks!
I think that was the year you showed up in my top 5 streamers watched
Thanks Bot
James_LRR: Mostly cause I just remembered right this second, and if I didn't do it now we'd forget entirely. Holiday emotes are back!
Earthenone: happy hoLRRdays
gualdhar: lrrBartleby
SaxPython: !blamejames?
James_LRR: So, you should sub to the channel!
Please ignore the fact I am not
James_LRR: You might need to refresh your browser
James_LRR: There are 7 total.
Earthenone: egg!
raulghoulia: no one can stop me is a powerful thing to say
KeytarCat: I've been wondering, what happened with the Follower Emotes? Did Twitch rescind it or was it not worth the work to keep them?
James_LRR: Have we ever had follower emotes? I just think we never set any to follower. Something we could look into.
Truthfully we are mostly set it and forget with the emotes. It took us like 10 years to make holiday ones
KeytarCat: Oh, I thought there were a couple. I might have been subbed when the feature came out and didn't notice
KeytarCat: Thanks!
Juliamon: yeah I don't think we ever did them here, other channels did
Juliamon: also: Jordynne and Jacob emotes when
iris_of_ether: @Juliamon Seconding
KeytarCat: "I wish I could stop caring about Twitch updates" 😭
LostThePirate: @KeytarCat As of a month ago when I last checked my emotes page, Follower Emotes are still a thing in Twitch, but I guess not here at LRR
raulghoulia: Yea, I'm not resubbing until Jordynne and Jacob emotes. I'm on strike
James_LRR: Meanwhile. TIL we have 49 more available slots for animated emotes
I propose a new LRL segment using this title: or ?
KeytarCat: oooh, does Theatrhythm have the Rowdy Chocobo Song from FF13?
iris_of_ether: I *think* so?
Xafty: im pretty sure it does
iris_of_ether: "Crazy Chocobo" from FFXIII-2?
KeytarCat: @SquareDotCube Mystery milkshakes, guess whether it has nog or ham as the secret ingredient? Or just a ham-nogshake
KeytarCat: @iris_of_ether yeah that one!
Xafty: god 13-2 was a great game
Xafty: shame it was the end of the 13 line
SquareDotCube: @KeytarCat That, or take the coward's way by making it a This or That in guessing if it's an eggnog or ham/pork product brand
KeytarCat: I watched the Wiggins Interminable March and I remember the line about 13-2 being "It was what the combat in 13 should have been, but still too much of it"
KeytarCat: oh boy! I can't ride this chocobo!
Xafty: @KeytarCat yeah, matts opinions of the 13 line are not the exact same as mine
SaxPython: This feels like limp bizkit lol
Xafty: of course, im one of the people that thinks 13 was a pretty great game, and 13-2 was even better
KeytarCat: The FF wiki entries about this song are funny
KeytarCat: I guess you can say I was influenced ™️
SquareDotCube: gotta follow it up with Another World from FFX
It feels so Jacob-core
MadWolf1290: @SquareDotCube is that the BFA song?
KeytarCat: Oh yeah, type-0! the one where the HD remake added underwear...
gualdhar: FF10 was the one with underwater rugby
Xafty: 10 is my favorite FF game, and 10-2 has the best job system in the franchise
KeytarCat: You don't have to finish them 👀
AdamYMHMI: Blitz? Blitz?
SquareDotCube: blood type?
Squigel: psp game i think?
Xafty: type-0 was gonna be part of final fantasy 13
Xafty: yeah, 13 was gonna be a huge multi game project ala ff7
MadWolf1290: the FF13 dev hell drama is ...deep
Xafty: it didnt end up that way
KeytarCat: Type-0 was an arena-mission action rpg with a small party you can switch among, from the couple hours I played
LurkerSpine: 15 was also going to be 13
Xafty: 15 was originally 13 Versus
TheMerricat: Was 13 the road trip game? The one that pissed Kathleen and Graham off?
Squigel: the characers where themed around a deck of cards
Xafty: @TheMerricat thats 15
Squigel: so you had duece king jack etc
KeytarCat: The Main Kid throws cards like Gambit
SquareDotCube: Otherworld
SquareDotCube: yeah
SaxPython: but that's my dad!
MadWolf1290: aka the Final Boss song - it's *great*
Juliamon: 15 is the road trip game, 13-3 pissed Kathleen off
Xafty: 13-3 doesnt exist
Xafty: and you cant convince me otherwise
KeytarCat: I liked that the final boss of ffX and Chrono Trigger are the same format
Wrexadecimal: having flashbacks to mobius FF online multiplayer battles against Yojimbo since they used this as the BGM, lol.
Xafty: (wiggins played 13-3 and theres a quote about vfx on his channel from it
KeytarCat: I thought that was from 12??
KeytarCat: Wait, no we made that joke about Graham's PiF later
Xafty: yeah it was for sure 13-3 that matt said "It's a flurry of VFX and numbers, and I either win or lose"
AdamYMHMI: I'm starting to realize in my old age that I want to replay games like I re-read books, but I wish there was a "skim" option for some parts I remember.
Otherworld to Real Emotion
KeytarCat: the Magical Girl FF!
SaxPython: we dancin!
Xafty: yep 10-2 has Yuna singing
KeytarCat: I hated the game on release, and now I know it was self-hate!
Xafty: though its more complicated than that
HorusFive: All character classes should be called Dress Spheres
SaxPython: @KeytarCat I was doing ok until Act 5, and then I never went back
Wrexadecimal: Getting 100% completion /best ending in X-2 is a pain unless you follow a guide to the letter, and I hate it.
Alex_Frostfire: Is it better or worse than getting the best weapons for all characters in X?
KeytarCat: I liked the dress spheres because of the costume thing, then the mechanic of changing costume to unlock bonuses on top of that just made the whole thing so much bette
Earthenone: you could always get 100% after ng+ easily, only needed a guide to do it in one
KeytarCat: @Alex_Frostfire I in fact could not ride that chocobo
Wrexadecimal: @Alex_Frostfire Depends. Where do you place visiting one location out of order locking you out of 3% of completion?
raulghoulia: absolutely
AdamYMHMI: Who was the composer?
SaxPython: Disco/club into Sitar?
Wrexadecimal: Also you can get 100% on multiple runs through, but you won't get the best ending unless you do *everything* in one go.
SaxPython: i have the P4:DAN song on a number of my playlists
PharaohBender27 returns from dinner and is surprised to see stream still going
TristalMTG: Huh, I didn't know they added FF7 remake to this.
TristalMTG: Triple and quad notes are mean.
PharaohBender27: Is the character at front's weapon a diamond-tipped whip?
Alex_Frostfire: Aw yeah Triple Triad theme
KeytarCat: More like shuffle around the house because I forgot what I got up for, eyoo
PharaohBender27: Well, I would imagine that's dependent on your mood
FortunaeRota subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months, currently on a 120 month streak!
FortunaeRota: wow 10 years
Thanks for subscribing, FortunaeRota! (Today's storm count: 30)
PharaohBender27: @FortunaeRota The full decade!
SaxPython: Re Rydia's Weapon: yup she uses fancy whips
LurkerSpine: so many triple triad memories
TristalMTG: That chart's kinda gross
AdamYMHMI: @LurkerSpine Was having flashbacks to... not that long ago since I play 14.
Stormgod519: drop down an octave
SaxPython: Yo! Clap along at home!
LurkerSpine: @AdamYMHMI man I might need to try 14 lol
KeytarCat: @PharaohBender27 Looks like it's probably the Blitz Whip, if they're using FF4+ kit. yellow whip with a blue tip, deals lightning damage
AdamYMHMI: @LurkerSpine It's a whole gigantic mini-game that follows you through every expansion to collect cards and play opponents.
SaxPython: Sometimes you gotta fight fire (bird) with fire (bird)
LurkerSpine: yeah
KeytarCat: It's in direct dialog with the original work
SaxPython: Ff7++
LurkerSpine: it's not really a remake of the original at all
PharaohBender27: @KeytarCat Ah. Thanks for the knowledge!
KeytarCat: They shoulda called it FF7 NG+
OmnipotentTrevor: Kinda. It's also in multiple parts, and the final part isn't out yet, but we're lead to believe it will likely end the same way when all is done
OmnipotentTrevor: No title has been revealed yet, as far as I know
Geldaran: Did they ever say when the PC port of the second part is c oming out?
chorinas: unless part 3 was named at the end of part 2 and is a spoiler part 3 is only assumed to still be on track
SaxPython: Ooh wutai as dlc is a neat idea
OmnipotentTrevor: Squareenix have said they don't want to do that this time, because they want to put full focus onto getting the whole thing finished sooner
It's be wild if this game had a level for the actual rhythm minigame the Remake Part 1 had
PharaohBender27: *It'd
OmnipotentTrevor: Now, if there are Remake (part 1) tracks on here, are there Rebirth (part 2) tracks yet?
KeytarCat: yeah, finish your main game before adding the DLC
SquareDotCube: Rebirth might be here then, so the other chocobo track from Rebirth might be here
PharaohBender27: SE-PHI-ROTH!
SaxPython: Clap clap clap
Stormgod519: fun as always Heather
Stormgod519: thanks so much for your time
SaxPython: We got a full stream of theatrhythm with an appetizer of Never Yielding
Weagle: Almost caught up on NADTD!
Stormgod519: FROG!
Stormgod519: you could say its the FinalV
Weagle: Hopefully I can catch it live in sequence tomorrow, it's been busy for me IRL
Juliamon: I have one more of those to watch
PharaohBender27: Turns out Jo has been THROUGH SOME STUFF
SAJewers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SAJewers! (Today's storm count: 31)
Stormgod519: All the things!
SaxPython: The podcasts have been getting up super snappy. I've had them before 9pm (Pac)
Stormgod519: oh
Stormgod519: there's a pioneer masters?
SaxPython: #LRRMTG
Stormgod519: oooooo
Stormgod519: Foundations has been sweet
PharaohBender27: Ooof
Stormgod519: oh
Stormgod519: wow
Stormgod519: Niiiiiiiiice
SaxPython: #AllIndieGamesAreAboutDepression
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