SmithKurosaki: HYPE
Brozard: Looking for some fun as I work late
korvys: lrrSIG
SnackPak_: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Brozard: Let's goooo
lirazel64: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Mnemonicman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months, currently on a 76 month streak!
Mnemonicman: yay lrrHAM tlovetDOOT
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mnemonicman! (Today's storm count: 26)
DideRobot: LRR: Tonight on DICE FRIENDS! | Let's slap on down to the table and see what consequences befall our coterie tonight on Not a Drop to Drink S3E5 ~A Tale of Vancouver Island by Night! | Tune in at: or |
lirazel64: hmtgHYPE hmtgHYPE hmtgHYPE
tenthtechpriest subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tenthtechpriest! (Today's storm count: 27)
Ignatiuspants: ooh, it's that time again!!
TheGreenMonster450 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheGreenMonster450! (Today's storm count: 28)
LionelVT subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
LionelVT: The half year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LionelVT! (Today's storm count: 29)
geckoinasuit: i pause too much to be able to watch live but i am here to say it is time to thrink
MyrddintheWizard: This is my excited face!
TheGreenMonster450: show me your kindred face !
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Heather
korvys: Between all the Memoria, and trying to and failing to relisten to the 4 last episodes, I can't actually remember what happened in ep4
dabudder: I finally caught up, I'm so excited to catch an episode live!!!!
SnackPak_: mostly that slap from last episode
Ignatiuspants: I'm always here to 3rink
geckoinasuit: that slap
Brozard: How Quinn's gonna react to Oliver's decisions
Juliamon: thrinking about my abundance of hunger dice
ShaneLeeAtk: A long, deep thrink
Sarah_Serinde: I just finished rewatching last week's episode
ritchards: Time for the adventures of Slapothy!
MyrddintheWizard: No Thinking, just vibes
lirazel64: Those Memoria were terrific! That's what I thrink.
dabudder: im so excited for oliver to actually do something
MyrddintheWizard: *thrinking
Sarah_Serinde: but also my friend brought up Pocket Camp earlier today so now I'm thinking about that even though I wasn't planning to pick it back up
dabudder: *obviously hes already done stuff but like. yall get what im saying
LionelVT: Thrink *is* a vibe
iris_of_ether: Just in time to listen during my commute lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
DaxStrife: Don't Thrink and Vibe.
geckoinasuit subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
geckoinasuit: thrink thrink thrink thrink (i am gonna be so sad when this chronicle is done)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, geckoinasuit! (Today's storm count: 30)
McTwin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, McTwin! (Today's storm count: 31)
Ignatiuspants: no thrinks, head (and arteries) empty
ShaneLeeAtk: lrrJUDGE
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
tyrsredritehand: lrrSIG lrrARROWS lrrSHINE
PharaohBender27: WHAT UP FANGSTERS! lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
korvys: Time for the TPK (Toreador Primogen KO)
geckoinasuit: thrinking about how to bully my friends into playing vtm with me
Brozard: oh nuts, now I want to make a drink
Diabore: TPK!
LionelVT: Something tells me you already know what's happened as a result of thrinking and vibing
KaleidoscopeMind: fivenale time!
TheInferno390: Howdy Fangsters!
Diabore: secret heather!
SnackPak_: plenty of time
Brozard: Probably 5 minutes
e_bloc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months, currently on a 82 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, e_bloc! (Today's storm count: 32)
dabudder: omg ive heard about it in whispers, but this is the first time ive heard the secret podcast
SmithKurosaki: sup over
fran0258 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fran0258! (Today's storm count: 33)
Omthebox: I already ran today. No more run
AriaHibiki: o/
A_Dub888: Chat, over/under on Oliver turning into a bat today?
Ignatiuspants: in the spirit of this show, I have not a drop to drink
f_zoe_blackheart: Oh heck
Nigouki: My expectations for this episode: Quick recap. Roll for initiative. Ballroom Blitz starts playing. TPK before the song is over.
Brozard: gotta make them more special
Sarah_Serinde: I think everyone else cares more about Oliver turning into a bat than Oliver cares about turning into a bat
dabudder: toreador doing toreador things
LionelVT: Didn't Tripothy already leave the dance floor?
cyclopsboi: secret podcast through the commercials secret secret podcast
singinnonsense: Time for more lrrGARBO monsters ?
geckoinasuit: jessica slapped the mustache wax off
JacobBurgessVO: What a goblin
Brozard: Oh, I meant in regards to doing them less often
Nigouki: hallo
LionelVT: She sure did
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
Rasaella: Fangs Up
dabudder: fang gang fang gang
geckoinasuit: a wild jacob appeared
Rasaella: Fangsgiving?
korvys: Fangatics
Ignatiuspants: fangs for the memories
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Messy lunarj1Fangs
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Fangk you for being here.
JacobBurgessVO: Fangnatics?
SnackPak_: nah, you nailed it
A_Dub888: @Sarah_Serinde True, Oliver's past few months haven't exactly been smooth sailing
Ignatiuspants: fangirls
mercano82: it’s not our fault we have a longer growing season.
JacobBurgessVO: *nomnomnom*
korvys: lrrAWESOME
A_Dub888: smirking??
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART lurkers
shendaras: seabatClap
Oscelot: o/ I join from my phone on the drive home (I’m not driving) but I’m here
werewolftuxedo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
werewolftuxedo: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheInferno390: We're in absolute awe at Silas Reed, that's where we're at
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, werewolftuxedo! (Today's storm count: 34)
Rasaella: Thrinkers
geckoinasuit: wait this is the finale???
TotallyNotaBeholder: Fang-nale?
geckoinasuit: noooooo
dabudder: the stakes are getting deeper (into peoples hearts)
Ignatiuspants: it's the grand fivenale
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Soon to be a Tale of Vancouver at night, possibly.
Julian_Rogue: The Penta-Ultimate?
type_variable: everyone works for monica (as ghosts) (congratulatory)
Sarah_Serinde: (it's a running joke, every episode *could* be the finale)
LionelVT: Thrink, Thrink, Thrink, Thrink, Teeth, Teeth, Teeth, Teeth
JacobBurgessVO: I don't know if I can run a less than billion episode gane
korvys: You keep saying it's the, and people trust you, Heather (for some reason)
Rasaella: Don't picnic
Twilight_Spark: mattlrFine
cavvdor: Bite Hype
iamzensballs: @TotallyNotaBeholder Sounds like a vampire guest starring on The Sopranos.
Sarah_Serinde: Also you can see a number of episodes on the schedule if you go look
SetraLynn: itsjusVibes itsjusVibes
DentedPockets: Heather would never lie to us!
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
iris_of_ether: Sixclusion
MyrddintheWizard: lrrFINE
spethycakes: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
NimrodXIV: this is not the house of lies
gualdhar: you
dabudder: you have a trustworthy face
JacobBurgessVO: Because you're on the TV
LionelVT: Y'know what, if ever there were a time for the teeth chant
PharaohBender27: Because you are powerful!
geckoinasuit: to be fair this is my first live dice friends
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
LionelVT: This would be it
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Who said we trust you?
gualdhar: you're the only trustworthy member of LRR
SnackPak_: 6th episode is back on
mercano82: not in a row, there was a week off spent wandering the desert.
SetraLynn: Bite club!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Oh, no! It's the finale!
Twilight_Spark: Haven't let the beast take my humanity yet, but y'know the lies are slowly chipping away at it ;)
A_Dub888: @JacobBurgessVO but I'm watching on a computer
Cinominn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cinominn! (Today's storm count: 35)
f_zoe_blackheart: Hi Heather!
spethycakes: We can still have our TPK this week and the finale next week
LionelVT: @gualdhar Just imagining the world where that's true is...really something lol
singinnonsense: the calendar says there's at least 8 episode
PharaohBender27: !chat
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
Julian_Rogue: Hi we're personofied ADHD
RealGamerCow: *jingles keys*
JacobBurgessVO: @gualdhar Oi!
lirazel64: We listen because you're the only one here...
cyclopsboi: distracting *waves*
sheqesi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
sheqesi: Yay fangatics!
Oscelot: @julian_rogue and actual ADHD!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sheqesi! (Today's storm count: 36)
dougma subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
dougma: o/ boop
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dougma! (Today's storm count: 37)
Lobo_Apache: 10/10 makes twitch better
JacobBurgessVO: Nah, good point
Lysander_salamander: hooray for having a face!
tenthtechpriest: you think we trust you?
Sarah_Serinde: Also go check out the bonus Memoriams that went up on the LRRTT channel last week if you haven't yet
Oscelot: ^^^
Dread_Pirate_Westley: One Heather always lies. There is second Heather.
neisan2112 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
neisan2112: VAMPTIME
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, neisan2112! (Today's storm count: 38)
Dread_Pirate_Westley: *no second Heather
Ignatiuspants: the bonus host segments make watching on Twitch worth it
JacobBurgessVO: We recap every episode
cavvdor: Also a wild and wonderful place to jump in
PharaohBender27: A lunarj1Messy happened
korvys: 4 Memoria have made my memory of ep4... fuzzy
Cinominn: those memoriams were cool as heck
Sarah_Serinde: They are all very good
Julian_Rogue: I've never watched any of your content before Kappa whomst is a vamprie?
gibbousm: Oliver does something cringe?
Oscelot: pffft
AriaHibiki: the memoriums are wonderful! ty for them <3
A_Dub888: @Cinominn you're cool as heck
korvys: There were 5 episodes this week
corianderd: true
Oscelot: a complete mystery, Heather.
PharaohBender27: Also, if you haven't seen the memoriams, be forewarned: Jordan went *through some stuff*
Twilight_Spark: RIP in pepperonis.
Cinominn: @A_Dub888 aww thanks, you are too
TheGreenMonster450: Tripothy Party Kill
DeM0nFiRe: Jessica died off stream in a parkour accident :'(
Julian_Rogue: @gibbousm that statement is redundant
LionelVT: I feel like if you did have Obfuscate, we wouldn't be able to tell
cyclopsboi: heather has been replaced by john cena
Ignatiuspants: no more Jessica?? BigSad the AnarchyChess people win...
airylan: the Memoria were great episodes.
Oscelot: we gotta teach you the hand signal for vampire larp for hidden, Heather
A_Dub888: @Cinominn that's a lie but I admire your optimism
ritchards: all fangastic people
Seabats: I am here
loufghyslaufey: You were in the NADTD campaign & were off'd by the DM? Eventually?
MyrddintheWizard: lrrFINE
Lobo_Apache: We still have like 30 more minutes
goombalax: lets chill for another hour
andreagustafson: Bite Club time!
Nigouki: fair
SaxPython: I love Jordynne's live edits
geckoinasuit: an adam!
Brozard: Fangs up!
JacobBurgessVO: Bye!
RealGamerCow: I'
JacobBurgessVO: Let's go!
dabudder: @Seabats no. we're here.
KaleidoscopeMind: a yacht?
OVERKiLL!: 🔧💙 Yo @SmithKurosaki how You BE!
PharaohBender27: WHAT UP FANGSTERS
Lex: time to flap on down to behind the blood bank for bite club
SmithKurosaki: Still kicking, having fingies and fries for dinner
OVERKiLL!: word up, just got off work eating a full spread of random
Lex: c'mooon technology, work, let me just watch on my switch whilst chatting on my phone
Aidan Cox: I've got a reheated stuffed pepper and corn chips for my dinner, here
Naroketh: This is the place where we talk about bite club, right?
Aidan Cox: and apparently what we have for dinner
Aidan Cox: yes
Eepy Alice: I had nuggies and fries
amative1: standby loud noise
Dandelion V: Greetings, Programs.
James Norman: Pastie after some beers ready for ndtd
SmithKurosaki: @Eepy Alice Sup fellow chicken consumer
Sarah: oh I'm gonna get in on the food talk, I made yaki-udon for dinner :3
James Norman: Ads never been this hype
Lex: loud noise? copy that, dropping IEM volume
SmithKurosaki: RIP headphone users (also me)
Dandelion V: Chicken tikka masala with brown rice
ladylinzington subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
Sarah_Serinde: sounds fancy and also dangerous
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ladylinzington! (Today's storm count: 39)
tenthtechpriest: ESPORTS!
korvys: LOL
RealGamerCow: I'm trying to remember if I finished ep4
SaxPython: SabaPing
Nigouki: FUK
corianderd: i love yacht
Twilight_Spark: Same.
type_variable: BOAT
Sarah_Serinde: @RealGamerCow did you see Tripothy?
A_Dub888: @dabudder comrade
KaleidoscopeMind: but a yacht is a boat. on water. in the ocean. the big scary ocean
Sarah_Serinde: !dragonshield
LRRbot: Want a deal on some sweet Dragon Shield products? Use code LRRMTG5 for 5% off your order at
Julian_Rogue: 2 hour episode friends
josh___something: Jessica's time with T-Buck has changed her
Oscelot: @jacobburgessvo *vibrates*
JacobBurgessVO: It's me!
Nigouki: camping episode done time for BEACH EPISODE
spethycakes: It's a yacht to think about
Brozard: eSports? Oh no, is it a gamer cruise?
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Seabats!
geckoinasuit: between this and arcane i am being emotionally destroyed on a daily basis
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Seabats! (Today's storm count: 40)
Melfina__: yacht? isn't the water full of spoopy things in this world?
RealGamerCow: @Sarah_Serinde yes! "We went camping!"
Julian_Rogue: @JacobBurgessVO Am you!
Sarah_Serinde: !dtrpg
LRRbot: Looking for TTRPG books and related products? Support LRR by using this affiliate link with DriveThruRPG:
xantos69: If anybody ever offers that you join them on their yacht, you say yes. No matter how dubious they may seem.
Nigouki: also time for poop monster in the boat's compost toilet
type_variable: vamps playing lol from international waters to compete
LiveFaust: Hey, yes backwards-chair-in-spirit @jacobburgessvo !
LionelVT: @Brozard No, Cameron was entirely too right about what his letter would turn into
A_Dub888: @Brozard sponsored by Red Bull
Sarah_Serinde: @RealGamerCow Then as long as you remember what Jessica did after he freaked out, you finished it :D
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
spethycakes: a group of kindred isolated in open water doesn't seem risky in the slightest
YFiddler subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YFiddler! (Today's storm count: 41)
corianderd: @LoadingReadyRun pls move mouse cursor off the video player
Metric_Furlong: well, I have tomorrow off, so time to stay up way too late watching some people pretend to be vampires
Cinominn: heather out here trolling with the mouse i see
tezzatipoca: Yay first time catching live!
geckoinasuit: i abandoned starting rogue trader for this lmao
Twilight_Spark: mattlrHype2
dabudder: @spethycakes if they roll a messy crit at least theres a splash zone
Strebenherz: Bite club
KaleidoscopeMind: the mouse just wants to been seen
keysaunt: The intro music goes harder every single time, it is such a banger
corianderd: thx
korvys: @Metric_Furlong I've stayed up for worse reasons
Orxolon: yeah!,more vamps
JadedCynic: ahhhh, Ryan Ike's glorious theme....
tezzatipoca: NADTD has been keeping me going 🧛🏻‍♀️❤️🩸
josh___something: The theme is such a banger
Metric_Furlong: @korvys as have I, to be fair
andreagustafson: Caught up on the show last night. Excited to catch the last one live!
A_Dub888: @JadedCynic you're glorious
JadedCynic: makes the hair stand on end :D
josh___something: I don't think I have the willpower to skip it on rewatches
type_variable: bandaid?!
Julian_Rogue: Oh no Jacob has a booboo :(
Seabats: @AnAnonymousGifter who the fuck
DaxStrife: Who hurt Jacob?!
UltraVioletVodoo: why does jacob have bandaid
AriaHibiki: oh no! are you okie jacob?!
Omthebox: I hope past Jacob won his fight
Oscelot: Ryan is both a good bean and. good composer
keysaunt: What happened?! Who hurt you? :'(
tenthtechpriest: humble?
JacobBurgessVO: I had a boo boo
DeM0nFiRe: Jacob got so in character for Quinn he wore a bandaid for Quinn's wounds
PharaohBender27: :D
ritchards: each more humble and amazing than the last!
Strebenherz: Werewolf encounter
Nigouki: *human noises*
josh___something: Who hurt da boi, I'll STAB EM? D:<
JacobBurgessVO: It's a pokemon Band-Aid
Sarah_Serinde: nice
Julian_Rogue: *Mouth sounds*
korvys: Splood Sorcerer
KaleidoscopeMind: perfectly human noises
DeM0nFiRe: Good choice
SnackPak_: @JacobBurgessVO sergeJustRight
Oscelot: @jacobburgessvo excellent choice
Omthebox: Whows that pokemo
gualdhar: oh right, Silas and Oliver can talk to each other about Mary Magdeline now
LionelVT: @DeM0nFiRe Clearly this isn't any sort of omen towards Quinn's fate
sheqesi: Piccachu
A_Dub888: !card beast within
LRRbot: Beast Within [2G] | Instant | Destroy target permanent. Its controller creates a 3/3 green Beast creature token.
SetraLynn: Silas is an extremely good boy who has done no wrong.
tezzatipoca: rockin the pokemon
Strebenherz: A+ pokemon bandaid
LiveFaust: Gotta mend 'em all.
Julian_Rogue: The beast within the beast without. We all crave what we can not court
Master_Gunner: Silas "Tried to kill Bloody Mary with a telescope" Reed
grander_pastures: Here we goooooo
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
dabudder: i like the idea of the beast being a seperate gender from the kindred
dabudder: thats kinda based
JadedCynic: Jess-Jess is standing up for herself <3
Sarah_Serinde: tiltyhYAS
ritchards: feel not the beast least the beast feels back
Julian_Rogue: @dabudder Transpire!
ghyllnox: @Master_Gunner It wasn't an awful plan, just, y'know
grander_pastures: I can only watch for a bit rn, but you better believe I'm watching this after the gym
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrFINE
Oscelot: I love your shirt this session @corianderd
LionelVT: @Master_Gunner Galaxy brain strat tbh /pun
Nigouki: with a kitty!
Lysander_salamander: extremely messy rockstar relationship
corianderd: @Oscelot TY
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs CoolCat lunarj1Fangs
nekobun: oliver "cat daddy" tyndall
tezzatipoca: Last ep was so epic
tenthtechpriest: many such cases
dabudder: @Julian_Rogue portmanteu so hard you accidentally just made a real word
tezzatipoca: Oliver makin big moves
DeM0nFiRe: @Julian_Rogue I dont think anywhere in VtM lore does it specifically say that the beast isn't a Trill symbiont
Oscelot: does Oliver EVER know the dhitstorm he’s walked into? XD
PharaohBender27: That, OR he's playing 5D chess Kappa
sheqesi: He has so many dots in Politics, he knows...
ghyllnox: Jess: Don't accept any deals, think it over Oliver: So I'm working for necromancers now
ForOhForError: @LionelVT only solar system brain sadly. A galaxy brain plan might have worked :V
DeM0nFiRe: @DeM0nFiRe RIP I replied to the wrong comment
Julian_Rogue: @dabudder OH. crap. yea I did. didn't I. whoops
Sarah_Serinde: the "you're going to be digging up bodies" didn't tip Oliver off about how this might be received? :D
dabudder: the memoriams have gone so hard, definitely chack em out
Gekyouryuu: I feel like a bad person for always hearing people's pronouns and immediately thinking of humorous examples, like Jesus' being He/Hymn, or a mermaid's being Sea/Her
sblue333: Oh yeahh didn't have a chance to watch those yet
tenthtechpriest: those go SO HARD
singinnonsense: who could have thought Oliver would be at the center of a power struggle
tezzatipoca: Memoriams so good 👌🤌❤️🩸🧛🏻‍♀️
geckoinasuit: in before oliver is secretly the prince of vancouver
JadedCynic: 'memoriams' - not memoriALs
Omthebox: One context please
LionelVT: @ForOhForError y'know what, you're so right
Sarah_Serinde: But then I guess that's just more "well I guess this is how things are, nobody tells me these things"
ContingentCat: they're so good
SnackPak_: so many things
RealGamerCow: Oliver saying Yes to Monica may be the spark that blows up the powder keg
TheInferno390: So many things
Julian_Rogue: OMG its a pokemans bandaid
cavvdor: Oliver doesn't know what declaring praxis means and just thought he'd try
type_variable: one day silas finally bloodwalks oliver and its Siegfried
DirectorStephanie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DirectorStephanie! (Today's storm count: 42)
DeM0nFiRe: mcgSus
Rasaella: rip
JadedCynic: @geckoinasuit ...not Siegfried, but the NEXT prince of Vancouver...soon...
SaxPython: Too Sus
cyclopsboi: there was a curb your enthusiasm stare from jacob there
adept_nekomancer: Seems very sus
Mr_Whyt: somebody got SLAPPED
Nigouki: allegedly
SaxPython: @adept_nekomancer <3
nekobun: less than dead
LionelVT: Wasn't his name Ziegfried? Or am I misremembering? Lol
JadedCynic: horcrux?
cavvdor: I'm late to this but the Gengar plaster is wonderful
Oscelot: Eh heh heh heh heh.. *rubs hands together*
geckoinasuit: do you think that there's laptops to play among us at elysium
ritchards: I keep thinking Sydney Australia
PharaohBender27: Twitch version has started
DuctTapeBanditJ: never been on time for a YouTube premier. Neat
SmithKurosaki: welcome in :))
DuctTapeBanditJ: thank you. I have to dip out shortly though.
SmithKurosaki: @DuctTapeBanditJ Maybe you can stick around next week :)
OVERKiLL!: Hit the DROP 🩸
Lex: love that music.
DuctTapeBanditJ: @SmithKurosaki I hope to
Simriel: I didn't forget this was on <.< >.>
Tim Sargent: who hurt you Jacob?
Sarah: It's a little booboo, Jacob is fine
Sarah: also he says it's a pokemon bandaid if you're wondering
Lex: Cool choice of bandaid!
SmithKurosaki: Indeed
Simriel: Silas am ver smort
SmithKurosaki: @Simriel You're just saying that :p
Random Factor: What up bite club?
Simriel: I mean he has a Job now :p
Simriel: yeeeah
Lex: Oliver is the goodest. He's even got the best cat.
SmithKurosaki: @Random Factor Hype for [redacted] club
Lysander_salamander: Part of me wants a link-up with the scifi horror movie Life Force, where vampires are like, drones of an organic space ship. And Gahenna is the ship returning and harvesting fuel from the planet.
JadedCynic: @LionelVT oh, I've never seen it written
LunarJade: nothing bad happened last time..: everything is fine..
tezzatipoca: Not me reading white wolf wiki all day at work
Julian_Rogue: @geckoinasuit Yes but its the shitty fortnight kind
nekobun: so long as everyone's bussing around, SOMEONE is gonna find out
PharaohBender27: :D
geckoinasuit: getting absolutely dominated by a toreador building perfect structures in fortnite
LionelVT: @JadedCynic That was always how I'd interpreted the pronunciation as I'd heard it, but me neither lionel35Sweat
tezzatipoca: @lysander_salamander i love it
Oscelot: Never... never the ocean...
tezzatipoca: i want to see what's in the ocean
loufghyslaufey: Cool
cavvdor: Some have a running water thing but it's rare
Oscelot: Not kindred, just Jacob l)
korvys: And moose
Oscelot: ;)
loufghyslaufey: Whales, killer
Diabore: its fine, killer whales only attack yachts
Nigouki: just oozy sediment
LionelVT: One does not simply walk into Vancouver
dabudder: yeah you would get actively torn up by the waters right
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
A_Dub888: eyyyy
tenthtechpriest: TRUE
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
Twilight_Spark: haHAA
Oscelot: Pfffft
Metric_Furlong: Jacob.
josh___something: SIR
Julian_Rogue: JACOB
Strebenherz: Pfffffffffft
Oscelot: JACOB
gualdhar: wow
PharaohBender27: Jacob!
Astramentha: WOW
neisan2112: LMAO
KaleidoscopeMind: JACAB
geckoinasuit: jacob i spit my tea out
ContingentCat: orcas are too busy attacking yaghts
LunarJade: lol
Gekyouryuu: finoNobuLUL
LiveFaust: lrrWOW tqsLOL
Rasaella: Wow that one took me a second, well played Jacob
sheqesi: Lol
Oscelot: @geckoinasuit *passes over a napkin*
Mr_Whyt: dirty
Julian_Rogue: @ContingentCat OH NO THE FORSHADOWING
Lysander_salamander: Isn't there an entire sub-group of Gangrel that are sea-borne?
loufghyslaufey: From Wales I reckon, chat? StinkyCheese MindManners TPFufun lrrGOAT
JadedCynic: the Strait does have a bottom, but it's much deeper than places where causeways have been built, and it's very unstable and sandy and thus not good to build on/in
LiveFaust: With a straight (heh) face even.
cavvdor: Yep, ocean Gangrel are a thing
geckoinasuit: one vampire didn't wanna get their shoes wet
Omthebox: Splash Art, you could say
LunarJade: it’s just some water nbd
RealGamerCow: so much fish poop.
DaxStrife: Some vamp saw "Pirates of the Carribbean" and wanted to try walking under the sea, and everyone had to stop them.
sblue333: didn't Silas jump off the ferry in series 1 or am I misremembering
ContingentCat: "things"
SaxPython: Wait. We know normal human blood pressure. What is "normal" vitae pressure? Does Vitae spurt out on a big cut
adept_nekomancer: Just a very large planet-sized fish tank.
Strebenherz: Slap
JadedCynic: bury the lede, Jess-Jess :D
Metric_Furlong: @sblue333 I think you're misremembering
Oscelot: Slapping her *sire* at that
Nigouki: ok now I'm curious about in-universe durability of vampires vs maximum depth tolerated
LionelVT: @sblue333 He looked into the water and considered it, as sort of a call of the void
Sarah_Serinde: @sblue333 He definitely did not
Julian_Rogue: The slap heard round the world
LionelVT: iirc
singinnonsense: if vampires, werewolves and wizards are real ... who knows what lies under the sea
JadedCynic: @Oscelot whom is on the Pimogen Council
Oscelot: @Metric_Furlong He was already waiting by the ferry next to some motorcycles
SaxPython: Retin-who?
Oscelot: @JadedCynic Yeeeeah
LunarJade: “good news”
Julian_Rogue: @singinnonsense Aliens
Sarah_Serinde: @Oscelot We saw Silas on the ferry in the first episode
kynelwynn: @Nigouki Probably some kind of stamina roll orj just taking bashing damage every turn
JadedCynic: @singinnonsense White Wolf Games knew, and look what happened to them
sheqesi: The memorials this week have been absolutely fantastic and I love them all!
SnackPak_: dang
RealGamerCow: And Oliver!
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde Hmm, that's odd. Guess I already mucked it up from my rewatch a few weeks ago
geckoinasuit: wait theo is a primogen?
ghyllnox: And Oliver helped!
j0biwan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months, currently on a 38 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, j0biwan! (Today's storm count: 43)
Mai_Andra: twitch playing a "Nosferatu" ad in front of this...
Oscelot: @Mai_Andra Beautiful
PharaohBender27: @Mai_Andra tqsLOL
tenthtechpriest: MOST of them are
JadedCynic: so many power players going on here...
Oscelot: "Here's how you don't die in other courts. Have fun kids! *yeet*"
KaleidoscopeMind: boss's boss
LilyOfTheVeil666: @geckoinasuit Yup
JadedCynic: YUP; *exactly* that
ContingentCat: lol yup
Metric_Furlong: powers plays? in Vampire the Masquerade?! Kappa
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
cavvdor: Stakes made of majestic Douglas Firs
dabudder: that was the most metal thing thats happened in this entire series
LionelVT: Not so much missed as had his gun jam
A_Dub888: Silas "I came at the queen and missed!" Reed
Sarah_Serinde: Silas did science
geckoinasuit: silas really committed
adept_nekomancer: Science happened.
dabudder: it was doomed from the beginning but like. it was such a sick idea
LionelVT: Science did happen, and I respect that
JadedCynic: tried to trap a ghost/demon inside a a reflector didn't work
SaxPython: "I came at the queen and missed" is Beautiful
cavvdor: It was suuuch a good idea and scene
Sarah_Serinde: I loved that concept
ghyllnox: Turns out the lady who's messing with your head appears psychically, not physically
Oscelot: I've never tried it, but some kids at one of my classes did. I also had the same strat as Heather lol
Sarah_Serinde: one way or the other, not too long gabyLul
geckoinasuit: i was genuinely like "if jacob lets her burn i cannot wait to see why"
tenthtechpriest: "freedom"
OVERKiLL!: VvV Thrinkers VvV
Sarah: v—v
Simriel: They haven't put a single thing in The Box this season have they
SmithKurosaki: SURE HAVENT :p
OVERKiLL!: not that i have seen no:shelterin:
Haights: Remember, that's Sydney with an i, not Sidney with a y
SmithKurosaki: lol
Simriel: Thin Bloods + Garou seems....
Simriel: Go explore the ocean Silas
Random Factor: Oliver talks an orca into giving them a lift.
SmithKurosaki: Jacob!
Ancient Chaos: I took a drink at the wrong time
OVERKiLL!: Oops this dolphin licked me for 3 days:body-blue-raised-arms:
Simriel: what's in the Water in the World of Darkness
ms malackey: Mariner Gangrel
SmithKurosaki: ~spoopy things~
Lex: Terror, basically.
Random Factor: Bad Things are in the water
Haights: @Simriel Oh hey, that actually scans with Carmen Sandiego
Metric_Furlong: there were definitely feet involved, yes Kappa
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
A_Dub888: I have news for you Silas
ritchards: I was thinking "hampire"
dabudder: silas just wanted to see the heat death of the universe
Oscelot: "I thought you said Hamfather!"
LionelVT: I got that reference
Oscelot: "Brain NO" is a mood
Twilight_Spark: The ethical vampire is a fascinating creature.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @ritchards All Whampires have already lost Whammagedon.
Oscelot: @Twilight_Spark agreed
cavvdor: I like the sad idea that he tried it as a Bagger but can't quite keep the blood down.
LionelVT: @Twilight_Spark No ethical consumption under Cain-pitalism
JadedCynic: scientific analysis
tenthtechpriest: how could that POSSIBLY go wrong
Mr_Whyt: he's going to scince that shit
dabudder: jaksob liked that
Oscelot: @LionelVT Okay I'm giving you one of MY XP
tezzatipoca: More things for Jacob to think about :)
LionelVT: :3
adept_nekomancer: Only ethical, free-range humans.
tenthtechpriest: #JustTremereThings
Julian_Rogue: 0-100 REAL QUICK
geckoinasuit: silas is a spectrum of gremlin energy
Sarah_Serinde: okay but also he did taste that werewolf blood back in season one (even if he didn't realize just what they were at first)
DaxStrife: Motorboat that blood magic, baby!
Lysander_salamander: delightful
SaxPython: That's the best baby on a mug
ContingentCat: just a lot as a treat
cyclopsboi: blood magic, naah this is blood science
Julian_Rogue: @JadedCynic Safety Thirst
SaxPython: Lol
dabudder: 'it might be important for this session' WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT
Lysander_salamander: oh no
A_Dub888: @Julian_Rogue Safety eventually
JadedCynic: @Julian_Rogue Beast First, Thirst Second, Safety Third
ritchards: can you spend temporary willpower to reroll that dice?
Sarah_Serinde: ah it's a suitably spoopy pokemon bandage, I am not surprised
cavvdor: He did get very curious about that lupine blood. I just really hope we'll see that werewolf again.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Can you take Temporary Willpower Damage to reroll the TWD healing roll?
ghyllnox: @ritchards I'm sure if she had any left she might :>
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Julian_Rogue: @cyclopsboi Sufficiently advanced enough blood science is indistinguishable from Blood magic
PharaohBender27: Welp, Jessica's going to have a bad time during this trip to Vancouver
ContingentCat: lrrFINE
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
JadedCynic: @dabudder we both know why he said that
LunarJade: surely I don’t need willpower…. my rolls will just be good
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrFINE
josh___something: HAHA
tezzatipoca: I love the concept of social combat
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
Sarah_Serinde: simply roll well
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Messy lunarj1Fangs
adept_nekomancer: 2 =/= 0
Oscelot: Holy heck Jessica lol
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp
Rasaella: More like won'tpower
cyclopsboi: @Julian_Rogue and as always the difference between blood screwing around and blood science is writing it down
LionelVT: @LionelVT Wait why did I reach so far when "Vampitalism" was right there lol
cavvdor: Honestly weirdly Jessica will have the best time which is saying a lot about everyone else's chances
JadedCynic: A Toreador in a frenzy....
Oscelot: @cyclopsboi Absolutely XD
type_variable: so i know this isnt really relevant, but that phone number that silas got in season 2 - did you guys just choose to drop that plotline?
ritchards: ah!
josh___something: LUL
cavvdor: Let's have a little rouse as a treat
tenthtechpriest: OH BOY
JadedCynic: O_o
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
SaxPython: lunarj1Heart lunarj1Messy lunarj1Heart
A_Dub888: can they messy crit on a rouse?
Lysander_salamander: oh no
josh___something: Jessica is FALLING APART today
LionelVT: If any day would be bad for Jessica, this would be it
cavvdor: Off to a great start!
type_variable: @A_Dub888 no its a single die
adept_nekomancer: Oh no, hangry
corianderd: @A_Dub888 no it's a single d10
Metric_Furlong: @A_Dub888 no, it's only one die
ContingentCat: lol Jacob's smile with that ph no
Julian_Rogue: Jacob doing his best "no i'm bummed" routine
josh___something: Thankfully a rouse check is only a single die
Lysander_salamander: when did she get a stain?
memnus: Toreador Time Bomb Jessica
Brozard: You can't best fail either
Brozard: It's just a binary no-yes
tenthtechpriest: so about those memorandums...
JadedCynic: Jessica used up the last of her spoons on her "Act of Independence"
josh___something: So... your memoriams
ritchards: against? or TO?
LionelVT: Oh my.
cavvdor: Speaking as one myself, almost ALL Toreador are Disaster Toreador. A feature, not a bug.
geckoinasuit: oh i need to watch jordan's memoriam
Oscelot: Wuhoh
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
LionelVT: OH
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahaha
LunarJade: hahahahahaha
josh___something: SUCK IT JACOB
tenthtechpriest: FBtouchdown
cyclopsboi: yES!
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
PharaohBender27: :D
nekobun: gottem
neisan2112: Ohhh
Metric_Furlong: never punished!
Julian_Rogue: Does that mean she gets humanity?
JadedCynic: <--- starts breathing again
josh___something: Kappa
sblue333: LUL
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
ritchards: never punished!
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
Ignatiuspants: humanity restored!
Oscelot: Amazing
neisan2112: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
Brozard: Life is easy!
TheGreenMonster450: perfection, never did not happen
tezzatipoca: Humanity is for suckers
LionelVT: Never. Didn't. Have it.
circusofkirkus: great demo
Omthebox: Huray! No mechanics!
Mr_Whyt: yeah jsut for the audience
JacobBurgessVO: I just wanted to do it for YOU
adept_nekomancer: "No, it is the beast who is wrong!"
A_Dub888: Jordan "No Remorse" Hinkleman
Haights: We'd like to talk to you about your Beast's extended warranty
OVERKiLL!: whuh oh poor Jade
Haights: The only point of willpower that matters is the last one
OVERKiLL!: sheeeesh
JadedCynic: the Dice have hated Jacob for 3 seasons now
Brozard: The best to ever do it
Rhynerd: "Good news! I'm feeling awful about the things I've done!"
Oscelot: Extremely Toreador of this
SaxPython: We staining
Lysander_salamander: oh dear
ghyllnox: I remember Oliver taking a stain from feeding off of TBuck, but I don't remember Jordan's stains
Omthebox: Sorry Jacob, they're mashing A to skip tutorial
cavvdor: Oh boy
Nigouki: Jacob playing this like it is actually the last season :V
josh___something: NO other way
nekobun: Brujah righteousness again
sheqesi: That sounded like a threat lrrAWESOME
sblue333: LUL cori
SnackPak_: dang
SaxPython: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
neisan2112: Yeaaaah No one at all died..... Nope
JadedCynic: @ghyllnox you are gonna want to check out her memoriam video...
DeM0nFiRe: Jordan did nothing wrong
Julian_Rogue: Every time I try to clip stuff the clip tab crashes my chrome :(
Sarah_Serinde: It does say so! It must be correct
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrFINE
JadedCynic: lrrFINE
Oscelot: @corianderd I love your gremlin energy XD
iarethel0ser: Jordan did nothing wrong.
ForOhForError: nothing wrong here
Gekyouryuu: Jordan did nothing? Wrong.
Astramentha: Jordan did nothing wrong
Sarah_Serinde: tiltyhYAS
fracassio: "you're just jealous of her"
cavvdor: Her memoriam video was heartwrenching
josh___something: AHAHAHA
Oscelot: Waaaaow
ghyllnox: @JadedCynic Well shoot I've watched most of it, sounds like the last bit will be quite eventful
Lysander_salamander: what did she do?
Brozard: hot ROCKS
josh___something: 0 justice
JadedCynic: @ghyllnox oh YEAH
tezzatipoca: Jordan did only correct things
niccus: it's the little crits that get you
corianderd: @Lysander_salamander i made it so there were zero consequences for some things
Lysander_salamander: I guess I'm going to have to watch Jordan's Memoriam
Oscelot: @ghyllnox I'm really excited to see it. I've been running ragged the last few days so I've missed that and Heather's
ForOhForError: gengar bandaid is the energy we need here
Omthebox: That's the power hunch
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
Astramentha: XD
Oscelot: Gotta stretch that sternum
Julian_Rogue: @Lysander_salamander Jacob was ready to dole out some consequences based on characters going against their convictions but Cori crit succeeded and said nope. no repercussions
JadedCynic: to be fair, Jordan is Brujah - they WANT to rebel against Authority
Twilight_Spark: I wish the baby sun would smile at me.
Omthebox: All the grimdark is stored in the curve of the spine
LionelVT: Where we're living, we don't need justice, apparently
dabudder: jordan has successfully resolved the dissonance
tezzatipoca: baby sun/molly from 2020 Zeta
Julian_Rogue: @Omthebox It's the nosfuratu in jacob (endeering)
JacobBurgessVO: @Omthebox Hahahahaha
Lysander_salamander: The retinue were wearing horse masks?
cavvdor: Brilliant
JadedCynic: Graham: "AWKward...."
Oscelot: I've started to get the mental image of Tripothy as Chaos from Hades but in rococo makeup. I have no idea where this image came from.
Nigouki: uhahahahaha
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Astramentha: oh no
Sarah_Serinde: gabyFacepalm
LunarJade: nah nothing bad happened… if Cori can get away with it so can I!
Oscelot: Oh my gods rofl
SaxPython: SabaPing
ContingentCat: lrrWOW CAM
Gekyouryuu: finoNobuLUL
PharaohBender27: CAMERON
LionelVT: omg
corianderd: @Lysander_salamander oh you meant to earn the stains. Do watch the memoriam
TheInferno390: Cameron
Astramentha: JACOB
sheqesi: I thought we stored things in the cube?
ForOhForError: ;-;
type_variable: are the stain checks rerolled later or do they just go nah, and ignore those 3 stains from now on?
adept_nekomancer: Can't [redacted] horses club
Ignatiuspants: I'm imagining the chess knight costume as being exactly like the ones sells
A_Dub888: What if they don't get there in 3 days?
Julian_Rogue: You can spend willpower! wait
Rhynerd: I only caught Oliver's and Jordan's memoriams before tonight but I'm glad I caught those two.
ritchards: Giving the PCs downtime is a ~~terrible~~ brilliant idea.
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Rasaella: pun for a point
Oscelot: Let's get the pun counter on screen ;) (jk)
DaxStrife: Gibb points pls
Julian_Rogue: Oh jacob and I would be ***TERRIBLE*** at the same table. I built my whole first dnd character on puns.
dabudder: finally. boat quest
JacobBurgessVO: @type_variable They essentially wrestle with their monstrous nature and absolve themselves and process and accept what they have done.
Oscelot: Oh that's beautiful @Julian_Rogue
josh___something: "It's odd, Jessica really falls back on terrible comedy when she's stressed" :p
Omthebox: I know when I tell a good pun it gives me willpower
cavvdor: Self care is important!
type_variable: @JacobBurgessVO so her 3 stains are removed because she passed the check?
ritchards: also Never punished!
josh___something: @Omthebox Usually a good pun inflicted on me takes away willpower
ghyllnox: A silly little thing, what a goofy little guy
Oscelot: @Nigouki If it's calm enough
Omthebox: josh___something that's where I get it from. The accursed.
PharaohBender27: @Rhynerd Other two are good, too, and Silas' memoriam gives some backstory about how he might have come up with his idea last session
Julian_Rogue: @Omthebox I measure the quality of puns with a sighs-ma-graph. it graphs the number and intensity of sighs
A_Dub888: Squiggly?
tezzatipoca: @julian_rogue the last dnd character I had was named Elvish Presley :)
ghyllnox: @Nigouki I think the problem is she's in his head
Julian_Rogue: @tezzatipoca Thats up there with weird al Gith Yanki
ritchards: Just pop over to Australia
korvys: Dealing with humanity is kinda funnny, cause "passing" a check for it basically means feeling bad, cause if you *don't* feel bad, well that's not a good sign for your humanity
SmithKurosaki: Everything is FINE
Lex: Jessica is having A Time.
KingTaltia: Hey look; the last one.
OVERKiLL!: :face-orange-biting-nails:
SmithKurosaki: nice
Lex: hahahahahaha
Eepy Alice: lmao
Grinnin_Gin: No jacob this is SO much better
Lex: Was that Jaxob? I think that was Jaxob.
SmithKurosaki: i thnk so yup
OVERKiLL!: i agree @Lex
amative1: Jordan did nothing wrong. Nothing wrong. NOTHING WRONG.
Sarah: Jaxob isn't out to get the PCs, Jaxob just makes the world run and doesn't care what that world does to the PCs
Grinnin_Gin: "Nah I'd just be fine"
Haights: If it were me I'd just not be remorseful
Simriel: a phrase in LARPs I play is "We tried nothing and it didn't work, time for Blood Magic"
PharaohBender27: We're like 25 minutes into the session and I've already made 4 Twitch clips 😛
SmithKurosaki: And the hilight mines thank you
Haights: gib willpower plx
Omthebox: @Julian_Rogue seabatClap
LionelVT: @Julian_Rogue What's the scale on that? 'cause we can't use the Richter Scale
Rhynerd: @PharaohBender27 I'll definitely make sure to be caught up by next week. Maybe I'll watch them both tomorrow.
Oscelot: "okay but don't hunt hunt" XP
Lysander_salamander: :D
Oscelot: I love Stalks so very very much
Nigouki: bring back a piece but don't kill
super_ashura: The first time I played an Alchemist in Pathfinder, I named him Tonod Torjek. "TOtally NOt DocTOR JEKyll"
Rasaella: cougar philosophy class
Julian_Rogue: @LionelVT Oh its the same for life time from a baby pun to a Fully Groaned pun
tezzatipoca: @julian_rogue 😂😂😂
James_the_Dabbler: "He lied through his teeth"
dabudder: THIS IS SO CUTE
Lysander_salamander: yay trust
Sarah_Serinde: aw
Astramentha: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
sblue333: ""equal partnership""
DeM0nFiRe: Kitty!
Sarah_Serinde: I'm sure they will :D
ghyllnox: Daww kitty
SaxPython: CoolCat
josh___something: yaay
Oscelot: "What is trust?" "No." My heart
LionelVT: @Julian_Rogue looool
josh___something: Kitteh
tezzatipoca: murder cat
JadedCynic: <3
LionelVT: also aw
ShaneLeeAtk: Stalks-By-Night low key my favorite
Julian_Rogue: Meowtual arrrrrangment
ContingentCat: Stalks understands trust <3
JadedCynic: <3 moosea2XD
A_Dub888: Stalks will find trouble = Stalks will make trouble if necessary?
PMAvers: Oliver comes back to the island to the new Prince of the Island, Stalks.
gualdhar: oh baby
SaxPython: PogChamp
LionelVT: Friend-shaped has become friend
gualdhar: this is gonna be great
JadedCynic: oh lrrWOW
SnackPak_: ooo fancy
Oscelot: Oh boy
Nigouki: @ghyllnox iirc there's an old Hitchcock TV show episode about a mirror monster and it ends on the victim getting rid of all mirrors but still seeing the monster in the reflection in their partner's eyes.
Lysander_salamander: uh oh
tenthtechpriest: oh BOY
Astramentha: oh nooooo
Julian_Rogue: *sound of camerons fountain pin uncorking*
kynelwynn: Stalks is under a blood bond, so they favor Oliver much more thsn id normal
LilyOfTheVeil666: Oh fun!
Omthebox: Oh. A walk sounds nice
type_variable: if somebody tries to kill you, well, you're allowed to kill them right back! i anint having none of that weak willed damselsness
Oscelot: I would drive these people bonkers with my note taking
SaxPython: Heather's got this. I believe FBtouchdown
cyclopsboi: adam said sidney and all i can think of now is Australian Vampires
Master_Gunner: time to wreck *everything* the Cam has going on
ContingentCat: @cyclopsboi vampos
ghyllnox: Are there notes for the viewers, or are we also encouraged to take our own?
Metric_Furlong: reminder: social combat uses willpower as a health bar, so obviously things can only go well for everyone Kappa
JadedCynic: "I'm gonna rouse, Flush of Life, and hit up the buffet and stuff my face with food so I don't have to talk" ;)
Oscelot: That "accidental" prince drop XD
korvys: All these Cityfolk going to be treating them simultaneously like heros, and hicks from a backwater, I'm guessing
tezzatipoca: @type_variable 💯💯💯
Julian_Rogue: @Oscelot brooklin99 conspiracy board meme
LunarJade: hear that chat gotta take notes for that quiz
sblue333: Ahh time to jump into the deep end of vampire politics
AriaHibiki: in my mind stalks by night is a displacer beast xD
JadedCynic: @cyclopsboi there's a LOT of Sydneys
circusofkirkus: @LunarJade awwww
SaxPython: <3 <3 <3
Oscelot: @LunarJade Oh trust me, I will be....
JadedCynic: it's like "Springfield"
JadedCynic: <3
sblue333: @LunarJade I'm just answering C for all of them
Omthebox: I've never taken notes and I'm not going to start.
Fruan: I'm sure I can just look it up on a wiki later. It'll be fine.
Julian_Rogue: Hey isn't Note taking about the masqurade like a nono? /half joke ( I know players aren't characters)
korvys: @LunarJade If only we could replay it...
Metric_Furlong: oh good, news has travelled
A_Dub888: @LunarJade yes..... notes.... unrelated anyone have a pencil... and a notepad to use?
Oscelot: Awwww
tenthtechpriest: awww
Omthebox: Eew
tezzatipoca: Defo going to watch the vod, pause every 5 seconds and google everything
sblue333: That's cute and gross!
Astramentha: 🥺🥺🥺
SaxPython: PowerUpL lunarj1Fangs PowerUpR
ContingentCat: awwww <3
Oscelot: Monica is such a good partner
geckoinasuit: awwwwwwww
cyclopsboi: instead of saying g'day they say g'night
JadedCynic: that's 1 Willpower right there
tezzatipoca: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
PharaohBender27: katesCri
Omthebox: Double ew
Julian_Rogue: @A_Dub888 I got a pencil with no lead and a notebook with no pages
cavvdor: Of course she's taller <3
LilyOfTheVeil666: I love a height difference ship
Metric_Furlong: @Omthebox I mean, everyone here is doing that right now as well Kappa
Jakelope13: Does crying blood trigger a Rouse Check?
Omthebox: @Metric_Furlong I know its awful. We should make it stop!
ritchards: Monica doing an owl impression!
Julian_Rogue: @LilyOfTheVeil666 queue GIANT WOMAN song
type_variable: @Jakelope13 no thats just how vamps cry now
tenthtechpriest: understandable panic
Omthebox: Somebody get Jessica a Snickers
Omthebox: or sombody who ate a snickers
Julian_Rogue: lowkey the mental image of someone ugly crying with blood for tears is terrifying
Metric_Furlong: @Jakelope13 no, but it might provoke a hunger frenzy in a very hungry vampire who sees it
Oscelot: @Omthebox *snerk*
Oscelot: @Julian_Rogue Not wrong
Julian_Rogue: @Omthebox A snicker-er someone who snickers
ritchards: Harpy?
SaxPython: Tripothy Bottle Episode PogChamp lunarj1Fangs PogChamp
Nigouki: "hey you wanna come over and talk about stuff and meet my girlfriend?"
Oscelot: Oh geez, I forgot he was the Harpy too
Julian_Rogue: @ritchards one who harps
Omthebox: A snick-er-er to un snick her errors.
Julian_Rogue: @Omthebox Touche good sir
type_variable: he likes jessica oooo wooo
Rhynerd: Is the Harpy a specific role in Camarilla society like the Sheriff and Scourge or...?
cavvdor: They could be ghouls? Maybe? The knights? Hopefully
Lex: Oliver is such a dad.
Simriel: Oliver, Literally Stalks' Master
OVERKiLL!: lol well done @PharaohBender27
Grinnin_Gin: Stalks is going to rule that island one day
KingTaltia: "What is trust?" "No, Stalks knows trust" is just how I read that moment and that was SO cute.
SmithKurosaki: I love that Jacob keeps 'messing up' the Prince/Regent thing
Sarah: yeah I'm pretty sure even for the characters he's playing those "mistakes" are 100% calculated XD
SmithKurosaki: exactly
sblue333: I know it's not that kind of court but are there vampire lawyers?
JadedCynic: I missed Trip being that...
Sarah_Serinde: smooth :D
Oscelot: @Rhynerd Yep, specific role. lemme see if I can find the page
JadedCynic: @cavvdor yeah, that's what I assumed...
ContingentCat: lol significant is a good word for it
definenull: 'quite significant' seems like an underestimation somehow
geckoinasuit: someone cuddle jessica pls
Julian_Rogue: He has a horny aura a Whoaura if you will
ArdCollider: Harpies are like if your TikTok influencers were also, like, holding the burn book and chatting amongst themselves about you.
Sarah_Serinde: I mean Monica is already on that :P
JadedCynic: @cavvdor I figured "ah, his retinue of sycophants"
SaxPython: Thanks Monica. I'm over here shaking
type_variable: Harpy is the trendsetter in that hes the cool kid in class everyone copies. Not a role you get given but kinda ... assume
Omthebox: Weesa a fulcrumsa
Strebenherz: It you
Julian_Rogue: Wait He's literally the thought police?!
dabudder: yeah monica? i wonder what u know about that
cavvdor: Harpies are there to quietly observe the court, too, besides the trendsetting. Making sure everything is managed.
ArdCollider: it's a political communications role dressed up with coolhunting.
ContingentCat: loving can be dangerous for all of us in ways
Oscelot: Doing a great job with his scene, both of you <3
SaxPython: lunarj1Heart
cyclopsboi: Monica surprisingly is a pretty good sort
Metric_Furlong: loose analogy is that Harpies are to social combat what Sheriffs are to combat combat
Rasaella: That was really good
Sarah_Serinde: Monica is a lot of things
ritchards: okay, in song!
type_variable: Monica is lawful Evil
Julian_Rogue: Jacob i'll also need the spelling
JadedCynic: Monica best *eminence grise* <3
Julian_Rogue: Oh good he heard me thorugh time and space
JacobBurgessVO: He did
ghyllnox: Okay that's way too fast for me lmao
DaxStrife: "...And all the rest."
sblue333: @cyclopsboi some times I worry that's mostly what she wants ppl to think. I could easily see Monica plotting a takeover
ContingentCat: Jacob knows us <3
Oscelot: @cyclopsboi The death cults are really interesting. For instance, there's a cult that worships Gorgo, the elder sister of Medusa, and seeks to redress the injustices in the world, in addition to a lot of other things.
PharaohBender27: Which part of Germany, though? sparkl171Smug
unarmedoracle: All of these people are good. This is going to work out great.
numerrik: is there a link to player character sheets or general character summaries?
Julian_Rogue: And John Jacob Jingle Heighmer Schmitt
Omthebox: @unarmedoracle So true bestie
josh___something: "The rest are missing"
korvys: Uma Thurman?
JadedCynic: The Bride?!?
arkilyd: As long as he doesn't say Theo Bell from Atlanta
tenthtechpriest: this is FINE
tenthtechpriest: lrrFINE
ContingentCat: lrrFINE
LionelVT: The Bride, huh
Julian_Rogue: Why do I get the vibe the bride is Mary
Sarah_Serinde: @unarmedoracle What a good list of new friends
PharaohBender27: Jurgen Streif (sp?) seems to be coming up a lot . . .
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrFINE
SaxPython: Tpy tpy
JacobBurgessVO: @numerrik Gods no
JadedCynic: @Julian_Rogue no.
Omthebox: Needs a third so it can be Tripplethee
Julian_Rogue: Not Tripathe Tripathe Tripathe? for the Tripple
definenull: First name, last name, and occupation
nekobun: socialfang dot com
dabudder: so a yenta
tenthtechpriest: chetly?
ritchards: Oh, grandmothers...
Julian_Rogue: @definenull Uhhhh Tripathe, Tripathe, Tripathe
type_variable: chet chetley? for eternity? nty
dabudder: a vampire yenta
ArdCollider: Jessica Jessly.
Lysander_salamander: :D
JadedCynic: Chet Chetley :|
goombalax: Carla seems OP
ContingentCat: um
RealGamerCow: Big TON
JadedCynic: THE Stormcrow...
josh___something: Love that for them
Rhynerd: Coming Soon: One Harp for Chet.
Julian_Rogue: Vampy McVampFace
ForOhForError: Big Tony!
Lysander_salamander: delightfu
DaxStrife: This list is a "Crapshot" in the making.
nekobun: ayyy
SaxPython: OooOOOoooh
Oscelot: Puttanesca you say... @JacobBurgessVO
Lysander_salamander: Ted
trainpants: sleve mcdichael, bobson dugnutt
josh___something: "Ted"
JadedCynic: just.....Ted
Metric_Furlong: Ravnos Ted hype!
type_variable: i miss Zasz
definenull: "Ted"
Julian_Rogue: His name's Ted. got me way too hard
spethycakes: and they call him....Ted.
geckoinasuit: banu haquim my faves!!
JacobBurgessVO: @Oscelot Hm? *coquettish grin*
Oscelot: Benu Haqim are fascinating
cavvdor: Oh the Tzimiscie is going to be fun times
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO Uh-huh.
goombalax: Love the Haquim
kynelwynn: Vampire assassins essentially
ritchards: there are now ten werewolves... and no court!
LilyOfTheVeil666: Tzimisce my beloved
Omthebox: Self proclaimed judges can never be a good thing
tenthtechpriest: sheriff AND scourge
Metric_Furlong: Banu Haqqim are kind of "what if the OG order of Assassins were all vampires"
josh___something: Please talk to Ted
geckoinasuit: honestly would play them if i could get a game together
Julian_Rogue: Will there be a test?
korvys: I wasn't writing it down, but did he say Brujah?
tenthtechpriest: the test is social combat so yes
airylan: I heard a tzimisce ... are they still as ... terrible as they used to be?
spethycakes: 1 sheriff, 2 deputies has that mid-00s shock video vibe to it
ritchards: yes, every single name...
KingTaltia: I feel "Jessica has 1 willpower" and "Jessica is having an emotional breakdown" fit nicely together.
SmithKurosaki: 100
KingTaltia: I love how Jacob's just like "Cool, time for the cast listings"
Simriel: Malks man... just Malks
Haights: Not Tripothy Tripothy Tripothy?
Tresson: Malks makes things interesting.
KingTaltia: I feel like I should take offence to that as a Malk player, but yeah man, we're F'd.
SmithKurosaki: lol
Haights: (aka Triplethy)
Simriel: just straight up The Bride
Sarah_Serinde: ah the empress
Oscelot: @airylan if you mean Fleshcrafting, they do still do that yes
JacobBurgessVO: @airylan Oh yeah
Metric_Furlong: @airylan some of them are
JadedCynic: @airylan .....yeahhhh, but they're alll
definenull: Of course they go to the empress
nekobun: stand outside the penthouse with a boombox
Oscelot: I can not hear about the Empress without thinking of high tea and the Seagull Incident
PharaohBender27: tqsSweat
SaxPython: @nekobun <3
ArdCollider: Troye Sivan rolls up, of few words
ArdCollider: etc.
definenull: that is ominous
Julian_Rogue: A chizzled due bro named Chet
type_variable: jacob hunched before he started this night oh noo
JadedCynic: oh. STILL in a tizzy
cavvdor: Oh no
ContingentCat: lol oh no
Omthebox: Caterwalling, well you better go catch it
definenull: Oh the sighs have begun
Sarah_Serinde: oh dear gabyLul
RealGamerCow: Does Tripothy have a travelling fainting couch?
JadedCynic: yeah, we're talking PRIMO DON
cavvdor: Poor Chet
dabudder: the yowling caterwail will vociferate nigh on three days hence?
Nigouki: lmao
Oscelot: Ouch
Astramentha: 😬
nekobun: okay so this guy had it coming
definenull: Scene change
cavvdor: Good use of Celerity
JadedCynic: @RealGamerCow nah, HAD one for a century, but Trip leads workshops on it now.
type_variable: @RealGamerCow tea on hand to spit
Metric_Furlong: Toreodors being Toreodors
Julian_Rogue: @nekobun tbh it's vampire. they kinda all have it coming
Fruan: Tripothy might forgive Jessica here, but will Chet?
Sarah_Serinde: ooh
Oscelot: Oh man the ability to just clean the house that fast...
Lysander_salamander: :D
definenull: Oh no he got the breakup robe on
Omthebox: Sombody stole them face hairs
nekobun: @Julian_Rogue troo
Astramentha: XD
JadedCynic: Social Combat
Oscelot: "A wookie without face hair" *dies*
Sarah_Serinde: @Oscelot The ability to get others to clean the house that fast...
ritchards: go extra, go extra extra
sheqesi: That's an image 😀
Julian_Rogue: First blood crying and now a wookie without facial hair. Thanks Jacob. <3
PharaohBender27: :O
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde Hah X3
Lysander_salamander: ohno
ckupf: I forgot Toreador are all brats
Julian_Rogue: Oh no it was most certainly deserved
Oscelot: @ckupf And often Drama Queens lol
JadedCynic: @ckupf at their worst, brats come CLOSE to a Toreador
Lysander_salamander: mmmm, moon my beloved
Omthebox: Bloody crit, cmon OpieOP
Rasaella: messy crit??
ritchards: messy crit! messy crit!
definenull: Messy!
cavvdor: NNnfhhh oh god
Sarah_Serinde: oof
type_variable: messy crittttt
tenthtechpriest: MESS IT UP
JadedCynic: *crossing fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes...*
PharaohBender27: :notlo
Julian_Rogue: @ckupf Brats, Drama queens, and all bottoms
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
niccus: which clans are brat
dabudder: uh oh
Lysander_salamander: oh boy oh boy
Metric_Furlong: 1 left bay-bee!
Omthebox: Heather, you need to roll better
PharaohBender27: * NotLikeThis
goombalax: she ends up slapping them again lololol
Gekyouryuu: ConcernDoge
Lysander_salamander: yay
JadedCynic: @niccus Toreador (Brujah are punk)
Sarah_Serinde: phew
LunarJade: I have so little willpower…
Julian_Rogue: and then she slapped em with the painting!
PMAvers: Part of me wants to see what a art messy crit would look like?
definenull: That pause before no was like 10 years
Brozard: Is punk not brat?
Fruan: Jessica is having A Time.
Julian_Rogue: @LunarJade both in and out of game (endeering)
Omthebox: Surely low willpower wont play a pivotal role in this episode
ckupf: @PMAvers She forgets she included a dead Tripothy in the painting
Oscelot: the side eye *snerk*
JadedCynic: @Julian_Rogue smashed it over Trip's head, leaving him wearing it like an Elizabethean collar
type_variable: But it features moon moon
korvys: I wonder if Jessica got her love of the moon from Tripothy
Oscelot: Our friend the mooooon
Lysander_salamander: the moon it calls to us
SaxPython: Phew
Astramentha: 🥺
DeM0nFiRe: Haha nice
tenthtechpriest: NICE
Oscelot: Now for the hard work
Julian_Rogue: *snaps*
SnackPak_: daaang
josh___something: OOH
Astramentha: DAAAAAAAAMN
RealGamerCow: Boom
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
ContingentCat: Dammmn good save
NimrodXIV: lol
nekobun: sniped
Omthebox: Saucey
Oscelot: DANG
definenull: Daaaaamn
type_variable: dang
andreagustafson: DAMN
Oscelot: Hot DAMN @LunarJade
James_the_Dabbler: That was hot
neisan2112: Incredible line
mysteenova157: Get it Jessica!
adept_nekomancer: excellent answer
cavvdor: Yessss
ladylinzington: oh good show
JadedCynic: GREAT RP
josh___something: That was a great line
Julian_Rogue: That was crisp @LunarJade
Hyper Cube: Tzimisce rep
Simriel: I love when members of the Hicata are just Mafia
Hyper Cube: I've played non Sabbat Tzimisce before, it's interesting
Hyper Cube: (fun fact: nothing in Vicissitude says you *have* to use it to turn people into eternally-suffering furniture, instead of, say, healing people.)
Simriel: Like, Hicata can be amazingly classy and beautiful, or... just greesy mobsters
Simriel: @Hyper Cube But where is the fun in that
KingTaltia: Man, I need to tell my Tzimisce friend that currently has my character as a book in his library that fact.
Simriel: Wait... Oliver could learn flesh shaping couldn't he... horrifying
Haights: @KingTaltia "hm, a couple new pages in this volume, what could that be"
Hyper Cube: The fun is the resulting friction with your sire and trying to convince them that this whole "I'm going to retain my Humanity" thing isn't a phase
Hyper Cube: "Yes of course my childe, we'll see about that in a century or two when all those mortals you care about have died of old age."
Hyper Cube: "For now you can get it out of your system."
Hyper Cube: (The rest of the fun comes from dealing with the Masquerade problems that arise from using your Disciplines to do miracle surgery)
type_variable: OMG
Omthebox: Didn't miss that slap tho heyo
Oscelot: Man twisting the knife
Sarah_Serinde: very good gabyLul
Oscelot: I am afraid of this twisting around on Jessica getting called back to Vancouver
Sarah_Serinde: Also "bereft of art except for you" sergeJustRight
Julian_Rogue: First physical slap, then a verbal slap with that "only saw you"
cavvdor: Ohhhhh
SaxPython: lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart
JadedCynic: THIS is Toreador - they are SO into art
Rasaella: yay
tenthtechpriest: so you're saying there's a chance
josh___something: SPICY
SnackPak_: run it back!
Astramentha: ooooooooooof. Relief.
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
ckupf: Night Ferry!
korvys: Different van, though
Jakelope13: What do you MEAN "There's a chance they'll back you up, instead of icing you out"?!
Julian_Rogue: That look on cori's face got me sooooo hard
SaxPython: We Larping lunarj1Fangs
itira: LUL
Nigouki: :3
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
JadedCynic: going to the Court with a LARPing van
Metric_Furlong: chased by a werewolf called Chase, even
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Flawless reasoning.
DeM0nFiRe: Unassailable logic
ghyllnox: To be fair, they won the werewolf fight
korvys: What happened to the RV, btw?
Julian_Rogue: @DeM0nFiRe no the ferry isn't sail based anymore
Oscelot: That is a smart decision Heather
Julian_Rogue: @korvys Returned to the car shop
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart yatch
definenull: Don't screw it up Oliver
Lysander_salamander: yay
josh___something: Oh no
DeM0nFiRe: :D
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahaha
tenthtechpriest: oh YES
Sarah_Serinde: of course he did
definenull: OH NO
Twilight_Spark: LUL
type_variable: of course Chet
RurouniGeo: oh noooooooooo
PharaohBender27: :D
josh___something: OH NO
itira: oh.
Oscelot: Oh no
JadedCynic: Yachts don't always have sails anymore
geckoinasuit: trippothy is a t1 fan
spethycakes: OHHHHH
Brozard: oh no
Melfina__: LUL
Juliamon: oh nooo
niccus: once had chet, now he's got chat
type_variable: omg
JadedCynic: SILAS! :D
Oscelot: Oh gods
adept_nekomancer: Uh-oh... is he cursed to only talk about league too?
AriaHibiki: LOL
Astramentha: yessssssss
definenull: lrrSIG lrrSIG
ghyllnox: LUL
Julian_Rogue: G FUEL
LionelVT: @JadedCynic It *is* an esports boat!
Fruan: Jacob, you are THE DEVIL
LionelVT: oop
neisan2112: Silas's ears just start BURNING
korvys: Dew of the Mountain
DeM0nFiRe: Silas can get SO MUCH social credit by trying to talk about Mary now
Oscelot: *wheeze*
Julian_Rogue: Dew of the mountain! *pinky out*
cavvdor: Oh my gossssh
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
fracassio: Blood doritos!
A_Dub888: uh ohhhhh, Leagueieeeee
Lysander_salamander: Tripothy getting fascinated with League.
cyclopsboi: jacob <3
ghyllnox: Mountainous Dew
baltimore_667083: Dew of the mountain!
memnus: I was *about* to take a drink...
SaxPython: #BajaBlastin'
Brozard: Poutine
JacobBurgessVO: Ahahahahahahahaha! Yessssssss
type_variable: devil mode heather cmon
Oscelot: @fracassio Bloodritos!
ladylinzington: I'm so happy
lochnessseammonster: league is spreading PrideLaugh seabatOAK
cavvdor: ANY Toreador would be into Arcane, I'm sure.
definenull: This is so cursed
A_Dub888: @fracassio So extra hot doritos?
gualdhar: oh no
LionelVT: @Lysander_salamander And to think, this was before Arcane
Julian_Rogue: Oh no mic 5
gualdhar: mic issues :(
definenull: Uh oh mic 5
type_variable: mic 5
DiscordianTokkan: Oh no
geckoinasuit: mic 5 nooo
JadedCynic: man, those luxury yachts, and the Strait is FULL of Orcas
terribleplan: Jacob, no
tenthtechpriest: mic 5
Oscelot: Oh no, the toreador was too powerful
TheInferno390: Mic 5?
ghyllnox: It's prerecorded, they know about the mic
ghyllnox: This is the best they could do with it
DeM0nFiRe: This isn't live I dont think they can fix his mic right now guys lol
type_variable: @ghyllnox prove it
Julian_Rogue: @ghyllnox I know they know but I have to be hysterical
LoadingReadyRun: i can't do anything about this right now, sorry chat
DirectorStephanie: Friends. lrrFINE
JadedCynic: @LoadingReadyRun it's okkay <3
Omthebox: No time travel? boooo
Oscelot: It's fine @LoadingReadyRun
gualdhar: yeah, it's a recording, nothing to it now :(
Arclight_Dynamo: Jordan loves Zootopia.
JadedCynic: *sigh*
geckoinasuit: french fries, tarot cards, rock music and league of legends. a perfect yacht
James_the_Dabbler: Does it fix?
type_variable: ok this would have been a good time for subtitles
Brozard: Hopefully it's an editing issue and not a source issue
Julian_Rogue: NOw it s a fun minigame of reading Jacob's body language AND reading his lips
A_Dub888: Jordan likes VILARP
definenull: Omg the disdain
Juliamon: Probably just forgot to switch audio in the edit
NovahTalAura: @LoadingReadyRun We blame Mic 5. Mic 5 knows what it did
JadedCynic: thank you for your body and facial acting Jacob - it helps
ghyllnox: How weird would it be to dub yourself
Weagle: I guess I'll just have to watch the whole thing again when it's fixed, in addition to watching all of it now :)
goombalax: Has Jacob's mic gone low here?
omdorastrix: Never noticed just how EXPRESSIVE jacob's face is when he's in character.
Juliamon: Should be fixable
Julian_Rogue: @goombalax It looks like the mic died
ghyllnox: Bright purple hell yeah
A_Dub888: @NovahTalAura *kicks Mic 5 to the Shetlands*
Morrigan9: i'll just crank vilume to 11, surely nothing bad will happen
Astramentha: Incredible XD
Simriel: Vicisditude is the single most terrifying discipline right?
Hyper Cube: Depends on how it's applied!
SmithKurosaki: play to the ego
KingTaltia: I dunno, the shadow-shaping one is pretty terrifying
Hyper Cube: You can also use it to reconstruct burn victims, do gender confirmation surgeries, etc, if your Humanity is high enough to care about those things (and I've played characters who have)
Hyper Cube: (Most Tzimisce don't, because at least back in the older editions "Exhibiting compassion for others" was a pretty severe sin against the Path of Metamorphosis)
Hyper Cube: Which means that all the "eternally-suffering flesh chairs" uses of Vicissitude is a *cultural* norm based on the Path most of them are on
Hyper Cube: Which has vastly more interesting implications to me
amative1: Oh I ❤ Dew of the Mountain!
SmithKurosaki: @Grinnin_Gin Right? Got a giant Teemo logo on the side
Simriel: Silas will have horrible flashbacks
Grinnin_Gin: The S.S. Teemo
PharaohBender27: Heads up, seems Jacob's mic broke
SmithKurosaki: yea
SmithKurosaki: We got there already
KingTaltia: I can't wait for Oliver and Silas to have a conversation about Mary on that yacht, and give Chet EXACTLY the wrong idea.
Haights: Mic 5, [strike] 15 minutes [/strike] several days ago
Simriel: Paul will be on it.
JadedCynic: RGB Yacht :p
Gekyouryuu: I feel fortunate to be watching this with headphones on
tenthtechpriest: that is so cursed
geckoinasuit: i would like to go on this yacht
Julian_Rogue: Black 3.0 boat with RGB lighting
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Astramentha: omgggg
JadedCynic: at least it's not 'unicorn vomit'
DirectorStephanie: f the Shetlands! never apologize!
itira: ahhh LUL
JadedCynic: LUL
ladylinzington: rgb yacht 😂
PharaohBender27: I can see the YT upload being redone to include subtitles. Then again, don't know how pervasive this is through the episode
A_Dub888: S A I L
goombalax: Sail while on a sailboat is so good
SaxPython: PogChamp
SnackPak_: gottem
JadedCynic: #BlameTwitch :D
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Astramentha: :V
Sarah_Serinde: accurate
Brozard: just nothing but Imagine Dragons and AWOLNATION
Omthebox: That's a lot of fri
DirectorStephanie: CAM
PharaohBender27: "TwitchCon on a boat" is a *worrying* phrase
tenthtechpriest: of COURSE he does
niccus: oh it's the kernkraft experiment on a boat
Brozard: @PharaohBender27 Where does the foam pit go?
Astramentha: Oliver is CORRECT
RealGamerCow: "Now this is style!"
JadedCynic: this is set in what...2017?
Julian_Rogue: Oliver suddenly wants to learn how to jungle
Juliamon: he's out of the loop enough to not be jaded by this display
Oscelot: Ohman I want Oliver to get into LoL rofl
Lysander_salamander: at least it's not Dashcon on a Boat
cyclopsboi: 2018 i think
ghyllnox: This *is* probably the coolest thing Oliver has ever done
PharaohBender27: @JadedCynic We're now in spring 2018
kynelwynn: Mic 5
JadedCynic: @Oscelot Silas can teach him....if we'e that cursed
Julian_Rogue: @Lysander_salamander You think VTM has weird things at the bottom of the ocean imagine the bottom of ball pits
tenthtechpriest: that's a good name
geckoinasuit: silas probably plays jungle
Oscelot: @JadedCynic But silas isn't cursed to talk about LoL any more XD
adept_nekomancer: Does he get hunger sated if he feeds in the game?
cavvdor: Silas feels like jungle or mid
JacobBurgessVO: Vancouver Blights is the team name
DeM0nFiRe: Does twitch have the aduio compressor feature built int? If so it is useful right now (Idk if it is a twitch thing or if I have it because of FFZ extension)
JadedCynic: PWNED
Omthebox: CS 12
Sarah_Serinde: @Oscelot Silas can talk to *Oliver* about it, pretty sure he still can't talk to anyone else about it
Julian_Rogue: @JacobBurgessVO Props to you for having that and team colors ready
Oscelot: @DeM0nFiRe Nope, not built in
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
tenthtechpriest: OOF
ghyllnox: Damn
definenull: Oh dear
Juliamon: Compressor is FFZ
unarmedoracle: Silas realizes he's old
Omthebox: I can see why Silas may have struggled
JadedCynic: Oliver is LEARNING
goombalax: Oliver buys Rabadan's on Warwick
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde Yep. My joke was more that given his cringing he won't talk about LoL willingly ;)
Julian_Rogue: @Juliamon FFZ?
Juliamon: Julian_Rogue FrankerFaceZ, an addon
JadedCynic: Oliver is the cool grampa, Silas is the sad dad
mysteenova157: Oliver in his zone!
AriaHibiki: buy 2 boots! 1 for each foot xD
geckoinasuit: ok but who did silas main i must know
Julian_Rogue: @geckoinasuit Azir
RurouniGeo: @geckoinasuit Taric LUL
JadedCynic: :D
Sarah_Serinde: @Oscelot oh my bad I missed the first comment :D
Lysander_salamander: :D
DaxStrife: I always wondered if there was one Toreador that got really into old early 2000's flash animations.
DeM0nFiRe: Ah dang too bad it's not built in
Oscelot: Np @Sarah_Serinde
Oscelot: Amazing
LionelVT: @geckoinasuit I would say Aphelios but I don't think he was out then
korvys: Are the team all blooddolls?
JadedCynic: Steve Buscemi from the Wedding Singer playing Rock covers
Omthebox: The food also plays LoL
goombalax: get Baha Blasted
geckoinasuit: @LionelVT i too main aphelios so i will handwave lmao
ckupf: Jessica just drank so much g fuel
LionelVT: lol
Oscelot: *groan* the caffiene buzz off a yacht full of gamers
cavvdor: I think unironically Taric because Taric is one of the few constructive and idealistic characters.
Julian_Rogue: Careful don't want to get food poisoning from toxic gamers
adept_nekomancer: The food might be caffeinated.
Lysander_salamander: so many electrolytes
LionelVT: @cavvdor Valid
cyclopsboi: food full of bawls
Astramentha: niceeee
Sarah_Serinde: I love that
RurouniGeo: got that thang on him
Omthebox: You think Silas mained Vladamir
JadedCynic: @adept_nekomancer Awake chocolate bars :p
Brozard: Oliver has one of those zombie hatchets, but the stake version of that
type_variable: hes got baby knife!
neisan2112: He's got that Stick
SnackPak_: tacticool Oliver
Oscelot: I love the idea of Oliver dropping trou in the middle of a fight because he has to get out his stake
korvys: I wonder if the team is like... using Chets blood as like, performance enhancing drugs
LionelVT: @Omthebox If he did, he probably stopped after he was told about the Masquerade
Gekyouryuu: "is that a stake in your pants or are you happy to see me?"
tenthtechpriest: pocket stake
Julian_Rogue: Oliver got the concealed carry
keysaunt: I want the stake to fall out of his pants leg at the most hilariously inopportune time lol
Omthebox: @LionelVT Nobody would expect it! Probably!
Oscelot: @keysaunt Oh bless XD
Brozard: You got a permit for that sliver of wood?
type_variable: is that a 2b pencil? in my eleysium!?
Julian_Rogue: @keysaunt I'd rather someone be flirty and make the joke "is that a stake in your pants or are you just happy to see me" and Oliver gets to go "Oh well since you asked"
cavvdor: Tzimiscie certainly open carry any night they feel like it
Omthebox: Get this man some thermite rounds
Metric_Furlong: @cavvdor they do tend to be well armed Kappa
goombalax: I love "Dungey"
corianderd: dungy
A_Dub888: uh ohhhh, dungeyyyy
Lex: I believe in Paul.
KingTaltia: In Paul we trust.
SmithKurosaki: Indeed. Maybe they'll be able to ADR at some point
Nate Zabinski: Hooray for IT, I believe in you!
KingTaltia: Or James or whomever is on tech. LRR has a pretty high bar on average.
Jasper: Oh no Jacob Mic no work?
Haights: 🎵Say his name and he appears / I believe in Paul Saunders [clap clap]
Simriel: Silas Knows This
Jasper: We do believe
amative1: SAIL
Zenon: SAIL ⛵
Jasper: Miami Vice theme plays in his head
PharaohBender27: Depending on how pervasive the issue is, I can see the YT version being reuploaded with subtitles.
Lex: Oliver's just happy to be there.
Simriel: This is what Oliver has been waiting for with Being a Vampire
Jasper: Paul Blart Vampire cop
Lex: Silas, no. (Silas YES.)
Jasper: ^^
Simriel: He should have roused the blood to play League of Legends :p
SmithKurosaki: lol
Haights: "why are you clicking so much"
LunarJade: Just as a heads up we are aware of the mic problem: we will do what we can to fix later but for now we can’t do much this minute.
Jasper: Thanks for the update!
Lex: Appreciated!
SmithKurosaki: thx heatehr
KingTaltia: Hey! I'll have you know I love Code Red...
Haights: To be fair I assumed this was a pre-rendered video, the fact that it can be fixed is a welcome surprise
PharaohBender27: ❤ Heather
KingTaltia: Admittedly not as much as Livewire, but. XP
amative1: This is indeed a pre-rendered video
Jasper: @haights legitimately same
Grinnin_Gin: watch him messy crit this
SmithKurosaki: @Haights I suspect either Jacob will very nicely ADR, or they'll do subtitles
RurouniGeo: genger band-aid! I want lol
corianderd: @A_Dub888 No!
kynelwynn: @Metric_Furlong They have the right to bear arms
definenull: !dungo
LRRbot: It's a big dungeon! Instances of venture and taking the initiative move the players through it.
Julian_Rogue: @Omthebox Dragon's breathe. Incindiary
JadedCynic: @Omthebox Willy Pete - Thermite usually needs a blowtorch to ignite it
JadedCynic: WP just needs air
Omthebox: Oh yeeeeah. Forgot about dragons breath rounds. They're fuckin terrifying
PharaohBender27: I will say, I can still hear what Jacob is saying - I just have to listen a bit more closely
keysaunt: @Julian_Rogue that would be so great, he just whips it out in front of everybody like its nothing lol
geckoinasuit: i think i am gonna go play league and wait for upload bc my headphones are dying
JacobBurgessVO: The audio should come back in a few minutes
Oscelot: @PharaohBender27 Yeah, just getting picked up on room mic
Omthebox: Better to hear your voice with my Narrator
shendaras: lrrHEART
geckoinasuit: to the wired headset i go!
JacobBurgessVO: Well, my audio. And we'll get this fixed for the YouTube uploda
Oscelot: Oh good @JacobBurgessVO
corianderd: just me simping in an empty room
goombalax: I keep moving forward while Jacob talks like my headphones will somehow get louder
definenull: Thank you!
Oscelot: Thanks
Julian_Rogue: @JadedCynic I'd much rather like silver bullets or traditional incendiary. Or maybe the fever dream I had about a paintball gun that shot napalm paintballs
Omthebox: dolphinS
PharaohBender27 rolls a 4 on sneaking out for dinner. He trips on a chair and everyone sees.
Oscelot: @PharaohBender27 *bandages*
tenthtechpriest: OLIVER NO
BraveOthello: @Julian_Rogue What if your welts were also 2nd degree bruns!
Brozard: YOOOO
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
Oscelot: OLIVER XD
Sarah_Serinde: bahaha
KaleidoscopeMind: oliver NO
Juliamon: oh Oliver
Astramentha: YESSSSS
geckoinasuit: oh my god
josh___something: OLIVER NO
ghyllnox: Oh Oliver...
Omthebox: How many fish can
definenull: YES
AriaHibiki: omg lol
tenthtechpriest: NO NO NO
adept_nekomancer: Roll for fish!
geckoinasuit: he is gonna make orca friens
cavvdor: OLIVER YES
itira: kekekeke
MyrddintheWizard: Nice
A_Dub888: Oliver "Aquaman" Tyndall
goombalax: Whalep
ckupf: I love this man
Master_Gunner: remember how all those yachts were being attacked by whales?
Mai_Andra: RDM backflip right off the boat xivCactuar
Brozard: just clog up the props
hyralt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
hyralt: Why Jacob so quiet? :(
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hyralt! (Today's storm count: 44)
BraveOthello: @josh___something OLIVER YES
one_last_time_: He summons a sea monster
Oscelot: I want this to be a messy crit
Alahmnat: so are we wrecking the propellers or not?
cyclopsboi: just like the river in michigan oliver gonna get slapped with a carp
phoenixfeather14: Oliver accidentally summons a kraken
JadedCynic: @Julian_Rogue white phosphorus IS a traditional incendiary, aka outlawed (dragon's breath is also not very legal)
josh___something: aay!
gualdhar: it's back!
Sarah_Serinde: ayy there we go
Julian_Rogue: Jacobs back!
Omthebox: Spekath
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
type_variable: wb
ForOhForError: nice
RealGamerCow: eyyy! woo
neisan2112: Hazzah!
korvys: Yay!
JadedCynic: oh NOOOOO O_O
NimrodXIV: FBtouchdown
nekobun: he's baaaaaack
Ignatiuspants: Jacob is back!!
JacobBurgessVO: There we go
ghyllnox: Oh yay, welcome back
ProcyonFlynn: Technically this was set before the "Orca Inccident" right?
hyralt: Hooray!
JadedCynic: whew
Williams4jesus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Williams4jesus! (Today's storm count: 45)
cavvdor: The largest fish is voiced by Julie Andrews
tenthtechpriest: oh thank cain
e_bloc: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Diabore: some seabats?
Steemdroid: I thought this was live , i didnt kmow it was momorex.
Oscelot: Woohoo
JacobBurgessVO: Thanks the gods I'm such a ham
Gekyouryuu: "ability to command the loyalty of sea creatures?" "hey, Zoidberg! get in here!" "screw you!" "ain't got that." "nope."
keysaunt: Its harder for them to hear your thoughts in the water
ContingentCat: seabass, I'd say it's at least a C+
Astramentha: Oliver’s fish cured Jacob!
Julian_Rogue: @JadedCynic Yea but this is VTM I imagine they could find/make some
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO *snerk*
JadedCynic: I had images of the yacht getting attacked by orcas
AriaHibiki: do fish have blood for him to drink???
Omthebox: The hamming is very hamdy
cavvdor: Oh Silas
Brozard: lol I just noticed the cruise ship background
Mai_Andra: Seabats' sea bass
geckoinasuit: silas has to get to challenger now
Julian_Rogue: oh hey cruise ship background
kynelwynn: @ContingentCat Go back to your island. Your friends miss you
Sogheim: vampire reflexes aren't good enough for League, huh?
JadedCynic: silas knows courtly behaviour
LionelVT: Half an hour? At least 3 hours, given season 9 game timers
ghyllnox: @JacobBurgessVO It's very helpful actually, when trying to listen without hearing
Julian_Rogue: @Sogheim They're too good actually. you need the stupid high framerate monitor or you move before you need to
Gekyouryuu: @JadedCynic that's if Oliver got a messy crit
JacobBurgessVO: *waggles finger in the air* Aaaaacting!
kynelwynn: @AriaHibiki Fish have blood, but it's typically seen as "low quality" and not enough to sustain a vampire unlessyou drink like,tons
Oscelot: "Did I need to bring my birth certificate and proof of ID?"
tenthtechpriest: a tux in a duffle bag
cavvdor: It's Elysium times a hundred
Omthebox: You're not acting, you're just a real vampire
Oscelot: "It feels very stuffy" oh yeah
Julian_Rogue: @tenthtechpriest no the duffle bag IS the suit.
JadedCynic: @Gekyouryuu wait, this is early 2018; i wonder if the 'orcas attacking luxury yachts' is the result of Oliver's influence?!? O_O
AriaHibiki: ohhh i see i see, ty!
keysaunt: Ewww is right Oliver lol
ContingentCat: Lol oh no
Gekyouryuu: @JadedCynic oh, that'd be AMAZING
Omthebox: Just imagine them naked
circusofkirkus: no pressure
ForOhForError: oh no it's PROM
Oscelot: @JadedCynic Yesssssssss XD Clearly Oliver is why Orcas in the sound have started wearing fish on their heads again too
Julian_Rogue: Metaphorically and maybe literally
JadedCynic: @Oscelot windmill slam headcanon
ContingentCat: lrrFINE_HF
LionelVT: We're still not entirely sure billionaires aren't vampires lol
Oscelot: @JadedCynic XD
RealGamerCow: Oliver may have made a miscalculation
ladylinzington: Oliver has a sport coat and a bolo tie
Omthebox: Please tell me Oliver brought a Hawaiian shirt
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
JadedCynic: @ForOhForError yes; imagine every time you report to your boss it's prom
geckoinasuit: oh god this is prom
Gekyouryuu: @Oscelot no, that's just because fashion is cyclical
Julian_Rogue: Elysium is casual this is competitive
Master_Gunner: Masque will bring out the *special* mask
Oscelot: @JadedCynic not wrong
LionelVT: @JadedCynic I see why the Anarchs are as popular as they are
PharaohBender27: I can still hear what Jacob's saying, it's just way quieter
SmithKurosaki: Or very possibly just bringing Jacob's audio track up
Jasper: Subtitles currently are working and help
SmithKurosaki: Good to know
Lex: oh yeah, subtitles are great, good tip!
KingTaltia: Oliver? a live wire? Baffling
ms malackey: Oliver, calls one of those Orcas that's been sinking yachts
Jasper: Oliver; Shoal Master
Haights: Ey, we back
Matthew B: Give it a month and he'll be running a sushi restaurant
Jasper: Whitingbane
KingTaltia: Oliver (Puts on cap that reads "Fish want me, Vampires fear me")
Matthew B: Thanks paul/team on audio!
Jasper: @kingtaltia genius
SmithKurosaki: @Nate Zabinski You mean the tv behind Jacob?
TheGreenMonster450: worse, vampire prom !
ghyllnox: "Oh I was going to do what I do all the time" "Oliver, what you do all the time is wrong too"
Oscelot: @Gekyouryuu Let me have this XD
JadedCynic: @LionelVT yep
Julian_Rogue: @TheGreenMonster450 VamPROM
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Do what she did.
ContingentCat: LUL
ritchards: Discuss Bloody Mary at every possibility!
Oscelot: So much worse for him
Lysander_salamander: uh oh
Omthebox: 7!?
ContingentCat: he's right behind them isn't he
ghyllnox: 7????
cavvdor: Oh no
JadedCynic: @TheGreenMonster450 I used to think "adults are just older versions of the petty children they used to be" - imagine that for CENTURIES with NO improvement
RealGamerCow: why does it seem like Oliver has huge dice pools
LionelVT: @Julian_Rogue Y'know REL:Axed? This is REL:Staked
Oscelot: Well hopefully he at least got the context
Julian_Rogue: @LionelVT Oh thats good. <3
definenull: "and I will slap you myself"
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP
LionelVT: :3
JadedCynic: <3
circusofkirkus: :O
cavvdor: Heightened Senses comes standard
geckoinasuit: REL:staked is iconic
JadedCynic: oohhhhhhhhh
keysaunt: Ohno a tailoring montage
Diabore: oh no
Sarah_Serinde: ooh gabyLul
circusofkirkus: Tripothy makeover
ladylinzington: makeover!
Sarah_Serinde: Tripothy gets to dress someone up
tenthtechpriest: MAKEOVER!
Oscelot: Time for a glow up!
definenull: Makeover!
Nigouki: D:
DeM0nFiRe: ooooo boy how is this gonna go
Arclight_Dynamo: Crap/
Jakelope13: oh nO
Sarah_Serinde: pfft
NimrodXIV: oh my
keysaunt: YES its like The Princess Diaries
RurouniGeo: OHN NOOO
Nigouki: OH BOY
geckoinasuit: Toreador Eye for the Caitiff Guy
ghyllnox: Oliver is going to look FETCH
Julian_Rogue: @JacobBurgessVO Puns are the highest art right?
Sogheim: oh no
Omthebox: I'm concerned
James_the_Dabbler: Oh no
adept_nekomancer: uh-oh
DaxStrife: ALL his suits are night suits.
terribleplan: MAKEOVER!
andreagustafson: fashion montage!?!
LionelVT: Oh boy.
ladylinzington: Queer eye for the Oliver guy
ProcyonFlynn: It's time for ART
TheGreenMonster450: Tripothy, more like Tripobestie !
Oscelot: @geckoinasuit Yessss
Lysander_salamander: woot
cavvdor: Oh I cannot WAIT for this
TheInferno390: omg
Julian_Rogue: @andreagustafson I had the same thought!
neisan2112: Oh I gotta see how this is gonna go
JacobBurgessVO: @JadedCynic Well, yeah
ladylinzington: montaaaaaage
MyrddintheWizard: OH yes, Tripothy make over
LionelVT: A lot to work with, huh
nekobun: oliver gonna get the tux that flatters you instantly
JadedCynic: @ladylinzington Vamp Eye for the Oliver Guy
Sogheim: please let there be a boob window to set off the look
Oscelot: Oh I wish we had a painting for this
Omthebox: Wood
Jakelope13: He is going to have ruffles. Please make him wear something straight out of the Victorian High Society
itira: LOL omg
goombalax: I love the panic
DeM0nFiRe: :D
cavvdor: I adore Raven
Sarah_Serinde: Oliver pls
Oscelot: @Jakelope13 inb4 Cloud's corseted dress from FF7R
geckoinasuit: hi raven i also need a new outfit pls
Omthebox: Oliver is me Fr Fr
definenull: Of course it's on davey street
JadedCynic: @Jakelope13 ironic 70's ruffled baby blue wedding tux
cavvdor: Oh no
Its_VeeBot: *Homestar voice* I'm a bell!
ladylinzington: I love this so much
LionelVT: See on the one hand this is like every faux pas all at once, but I feel like they like just how clearly vulnerable Oliver is
gualdhar: oh this is gonna be fantastic
Oscelot: Oh boy
Julian_Rogue: OH i really hope they got an artist for like dress portraits
TheInferno390: uh
geckoinasuit: you. will. be. popular
gualdhar: is there art? please let there be art
Lobo_Apache: Oh no... oh nonono Oliver what did you just walk into
Oscelot: @Its_VeeBot *cackle*
Twilight_Spark: mattlrBlush
andreagustafson: This. Is. Amazing.
UltraVioletVodoo: please tell me we have art of oliver dressed up
A_Dub888: @Lobo_Apache a yacht
Sarah_Serinde: Oliver's learning
definenull: *exeunt stage right*
ghyllnox: Lil serial killer vibes, nothing to worry about
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde They grow up so fast *sniff*
JadedCynic: Oliver's reputation precedes him
RealGamerCow: Quinn is going to be SO pissed when he finds out about Monica
RealGamerCow: and Oliver
Julian_Rogue: @RealGamerCow And oliver
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Oscelot: @RealGamerCow maybe it'll happen while they're off island and he'll have a chance to cool off first..
Sarah_Serinde: How selfless of Tripothy
Omthebox: Brownie points
LionelVT: @RealGamerCow That's assuming he lasts that long
type_variable: poor kaitiff not having a sire
geckoinasuit: oliver is getting friends omg
cavvdor: Jacob, your characters, story, STing and your voices are utter perfection and I hope you know that
Julian_Rogue: So awkward you can cut it with a knife
RurouniGeo: there we have itttt
JadedCynic: @RealGamerCow Quinn is going to be apoplectic when he finds out about everyone...
Oscelot: I love Oliver
BusTed: 😬
cavvdor: Jessica laying it on thick
sblue333: LUL
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP
LionelVT: oof.
Sarah_Serinde: Jessica has a lot to make up for :D
keysaunt: OHNO
Sarah_Serinde: oh my
Oscelot: "New adjacent" lol
LionelVT: OH
Astramentha: oh no
circusofkirkus: :O
Twilight_Spark: :o
keysaunt: Is it Exposition Time?!!
tenthtechpriest: OH NO
fracassio: ooooooh
Gekyouryuu: whuh-oh
Oscelot: Wuhoh
Jakelope13: OH BOY
Omthebox: Ruh-roh raggy
definenull: UH OH
James_the_Dabbler: Uh oh
SetraLynn: Oop
mysteenova157: Oh you got called to the principles office!
NimrodXIV: uh oh
neisan2112: Everyone just peaces out IMMEDIATLY
itira: ScaredyCat
DeM0nFiRe: zeldaEyes
MyrddintheWizard: Uh oh
cavvdor: Ohhhhhh
gibbousm: Oh no Oliver!
KaleidoscopeMind: uhh
ladylinzington: ooooh
neisan2112: Oh no....
Jasper: Oliver’s biggest nightmare
Jasper: Public presentations
KingTaltia: Oliver; "I realize I have screwed up" HE'S MAKING PROGRESS!!
KingTaltia: Oliver about to be the best dressed teacher at prom!
Lex: this is going to be Amazing.
Jasper: Love this episode of queer eye
OVERKiLL!: 🫴🏻😐
keysaunt: You ARE Princess of Genovia
RealGamerCow: we don't know who Oliver's sire is do we
JadedCynic: and it begins - Trip wants to know what the mystery man is
Sarah_Serinde: oooooh
korvys: lrrSPOOP
cavvdor: lrrFINE
Julian_Rogue: Banana ducttapped to a wall
Omthebox: Soul. huh dolphinMath
ContingentCat: @keysaunt LUL
Twilight_Spark: Wowee
type_variable: @RealGamerCow we dont
Oscelot: Ooooh
ladylinzington: 👀
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
James_the_Dabbler: Oh lord
josh___something: 👀
gibbousm: run Oliver while you still can
josh___something: CONCERNING
arkilyd: Is Oliver lower than 13th gen?
JadedCynic: P R E S E N T A T I O N !
geckoinasuit: i love oliver so much
Oscelot: I am FASCINATED
Sarah_Serinde: :D
BusTed: zoom
sblue333: I wanna see Oliver completely unleashed
type_variable: still holding onto oliver was sired by siegfried
Lysander_salamander: I know that folks don't have to be Malkavian to be a bit off. But I'm starting to think Tripothy is a malk that is using his powers to convince everyone that he's a Toreodor
definenull: Is this secret backstory or Mary shenans?
ghyllnox: Can a lion be a lion tamer?
James_the_Dabbler: As someone who hasn't watched any of the memoria, oh no
LionelVT: @arkilyd Nah he's 13th gen
Julian_Rogue: Oh god I got jumpsacred by the background
JadedCynic: the glass towers twinkling with lights
Sogheim: I enjoy the background shifts. very good.
goombalax: The Coov
OmnipotentTrevor: Huh, so a bit of an admission that Oliver is kind of cultivating the impression of someone to be underestimated?
nekobun: dang Vancouver looks nothing like it did in Mario Kart Tour
type_variable: hey look its that city that got blown up by general zod
JacobBurgessVO: @definenull Just a Toreador with high auspex
tenthtechpriest: is it not?
itira: truuue
DeM0nFiRe: There are several times each episode that's like "oh shit is getting real now" and then shit keeps getting even realer lol
adept_nekomancer: Canada lore!
geckoinasuit: wait. what is the capital
Julian_Rogue: @OmnipotentTrevor Weaponized incompetents
Sarah_Serinde: Victoria is the capital of BC
NovahTalAura: @geckoinasuit Victoria
Oscelot: @DeM0nFiRe Yeeeeeep
Oscelot: Oooooh
JadedCynic: It's like New York City is the biggest city in New York state, but Albany is the state capital
geckoinasuit: honestly as someone possibly moving there in like a year i should learn that
Gekyouryuu: ah, the kind of wrapping you take care when opening
goombalax: yesss
geckoinasuit: @JadedCynic ah yes i am used to dealing with that lmaooooo (from albany)
JadedCynic: @geckoinasuit perfect! (that was random :) )
Oscelot: *snerk* Amazing
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
Lysander_salamander: worrying
cavvdor: Wonderful
nekobun: Rider Waite or die
andreagustafson: @nekobun Very nice
geckoinasuit: hi is the sheriff single
goombalax: oh shiiit hes Banu
ritchards: *tips hat*
Oscelot: @nekobun So played out. Mine has cats on it :3
ghyllnox: Oh they're meeting the Banu Hakim *now*
ghyllnox: Fun
spethycakes: @geckoinasuit probably not baptized....
Julian_Rogue: *whispers* I don't know lore what does banu hakim mean?
Oscelot: The Benu Haqim are if nothing else at least quite... well they're lawful
Julian_Rogue: Oh good they heard me through time and space again
Rhynerd: @Julian_Rogue Strong sense of justice and a strong taste for vampire blood, if memory serves
JacobBurgessVO: @Julian_Rogue Child of Haqim
Oscelot: @Julian_Rogue Hehehe. Oliver is the audience stand in some days
LionelVT: @Oscelot He's very good at that
geckoinasuit: i have been playing vtm night road again just for the banu haqim
Rhynerd: Also semi-related to the Hassassins of the crusades?
Oscelot: @LionelVT extremely
Julian_Rogue: @JacobBurgessVO Touche
numerrik: Sullivan is a turned hunter, correct?
JacobBurgessVO: @geckoinasuit Night Road is SO GOOD!
geckoinasuit: @JacobBurgessVO it was what made me wanna play VTM- that and your storytelling
numerrik: by Sullivan I mean Oliver, whoops
SmithKurosaki: Im loving the sheer amount of purpose and respect Olivers getting
Jasper: It’s a nice change
Haights: I am gratituding. This is my gratitude face.
Oscelot: @numerrik If Oliver was a Hunter, it hasn't been revealed yet
korvys: @JacobBurgessVO Oh, Night Road - I think you put me onto it, and I love it
Metric_Furlong: oh good
ritchards: 6? oh you have 6 here? .. .yeah.. sure... 6
numerrik: sticks, called him hunter, so I was unsure
geckoinasuit: i just confused dmz and dmv and got REAL confused
Rhynerd: Gotta admit that my knowledge of the Banu largely comes from a lore primer in a video of somebody covering the VR game where you play a Banu Haqim
ghyllnox: They've got lupines in the *park* damn
JacobBurgessVO: Everyone should play Night Road. Closest to a storyteller-less VtM game you can get
cavvdor: Send Silas, he's good at accidentally "befriending" lupines.
Juliamon: Stalks-By-Night uses the traditional definition of hunter, as in "someone who hunts"
Oscelot: I'm fascinated that they had a treaty with teh lupes
numerrik: thanks
Sarah_Serinde: Stalks is a hunter (a predator animal) and sees vampires like Oliver as also being hunters (of humans)
cavvdor: Night Road is amazing!
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO Huh. I managed to miss that one completely
xythrogar: Oh we have a Jacob in chat? @jacobburgessvo thank you for shouting out the other wod games in the season one post mortem, it ended up with me put onto Exalted and now I can never play anything else!
tenthtechpriest: OOF
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
JacobBurgessVO: @xythrogar Thank you, my pleasure!
ghyllnox: lmao
JacobBurgessVO: Exalted is also great
Fruan: @xythrogar One of us, one of us
LunarJade: yeah… no trouble
geckoinasuit: i play night road to cry and blood hunt to pretend i am competent at games
corianderd: none trouble
Oscelot: He's incredibly polite
type_variable: silas: but what if i summoned bloody mary at court....
Omthebox: 1 trouble please
Oscelot: I'm fascinated already
JacobBurgessVO: @corianderd absolutely none
LunarJade: we certainly don’t cause trouble it just kind of happens to be there
geckoinasuit: jacob needs to stop making me wanna hit on his npcs
JacobBurgessVO: @geckoinasuit No
Metric_Furlong: @Oscelot a few cities do, Chicago does too, for example, although in that case it's more "formal ceasefire"
xythrogar: @Fruan it hooks into you!
andreagustafson: @JacobBurgessVO lol
Gekyouryuu: @LunarJade like an Absol
TheInferno390: "Cause no trouble," they say to the Kindred actively engineering solar lazer death traps
Fruan: @xythrogar Exalted is SO GOOD.
Oscelot: @Metric_Furlong Oh interesting. Given their moral imperitave to hunt agents of the worm, I'm surprised.
sblue333: @Metric_Furlong Do you know the lore? I'm curious if there's anything on Boston
geckoinasuit: theo! ever since silas' memoriam i wanted to see more theo
nekobun: "Show me your finest lumberyard."
korvys: @JacobBurgessVO btw, I really enjoyed your VtM:Bloodlines playthrough with Tiltyhouse. I would *love* to see you play Bloodlines 2 when it comes out (maybe if things align it could be a LRR Play It Forward)
xythrogar: @Fruan So darn good! I read it and sought to run a game as fast as possible, and now I am almost eight months deep into my game and I couldn't be happier with it!
Oscelot: @TheInferno390 Cause no trouble *for us* ;)
Metric_Furlong: @Oscelot they do, but iirc werewolves of some locations have more pressing threats to deal with than vampires and kind of need to not open a two-front battle
Oscelot: @Metric_Furlong Makes sense
super_ashura: @korvys There's a what?! I need a link.
cavvdor: Tiltyhouse Bloodlines is my happy place and I won't lie, I turn the vods on when I have anxiety issues sometimes to make me smile :)
Mazrae: I'm loving this episode, I'm going to have to try and start this series over again, (bounced off a little season 1)
geckoinasuit: i need to go find the playthrough of bloodlines now
sheqesi: Me too
Metric_Furlong: @sblue333 I know a little, but unfortunately I don't know anything about World of Darkness Boston sorry
Oscelot: Yay more Theo time!
cyclopsboi: i also love secret basements
LionelVT: @TheInferno390 engineering is a strong word for what is essentially emergent gameplay of an observatory lol
JacobBurgessVO: @Mazrae You can start with Season 2 and be fine
geckoinasuit: idk why but i keep picturing theo as like a greek and much nicer silco from arcane ok. i think i need a nap
cavvdor: For Werewolf, I can only recommend Heart of the Forest, amazing visual novel and won't break your bank.
JacobBurgessVO: @geckoinasuit He is Greek
JacobBurgessVO: Well done
Oscelot: Theooooo <3
super_ashura: @korvys Thanks! *opens a tab for later*
geckoinasuit: theoooooo
korvys: @korvys I think the playlist is... incomplete, but the videos do exist... somewhere
andreagustafson: Just found the Tiltyhouse Bloodlines...
Sarah_Serinde: @korvys Jacob never finished the playthrough iirc
geckoinasuit: "what he has been up to" trying to glass bloody mary
type_variable: well i summoned bloodymary in a telescope buuuuuttttt
sheqesi: Thank you!
korvys: @Sarah_Serinde Also that, but there's also a video missing (Part 12)
cavvdor: Theo's voice is like a warm hug
Sarah_Serinde: Ah fair enough
Oscelot: @cavvdor Agreed
ghyllnox: "So did you know you can't trap Malkavians in telescope mirrors?"
DirectorStephanie: as someone who was primarily exposed to just her Greek family, Theo strikes me as the man you want to be your cool uncle and is 10 times cooler than you’d ever realize
RealGamerCow: Oh wow, one of my friends was on the writing team of Bloodlines
RealGamerCow: glad Jacob enjoyed it
DirectorStephanie: I know this type of man and they are delightful
JadedCynic: yeahhh, here it comes - the Camarilla is waning...
type_variable: i think only jordan is pro camarilla iirc
Lysander_salamander: nice
cavvdor: Oh Theo
Oscelot: "I can never pronounce" hehehehe
TheInferno390: Technomancy? That's a deep cut
James_the_Dabbler: That's extremely concerning
RealGamerCow: Isn't technomancy kind of looked down on by most of the houses?
JadedCynic: @type_variable and a Brujah, who's endebtted to The Giovanni...
Oscelot: *snerk* that press
DirectorStephanie: I’m waiting for the triple kiss.
Metric_Furlong: @TheInferno390 Jacob does like his deep cuts (see also mentioning Black Dog as one of the boat sponsors)
Lysander_salamander: nice that the camarilla and anarch tremere are talking. Or worrying. Whichever, it's interesting and exciting
cavvdor: Every NPC is a hit in this, god
Oscelot: Flawless slip from Greek to Russian there @JacobBurgessVO
JadedCynic: @RealGamerCow so is a LOT of what Tremere does
James_the_Dabbler: @RealGamerCow Yeah because they're the bad guys in Ascension if my lore serves me
DirectorStephanie: something blue! betwee2Pride
Sogheim: clean lines are always good
JacobBurgessVO: @Oscelot He's German, so maybe not that flawless
Dread_Pirate_Westley: "Run of the mill" from a Toreador tailor? I think not.
Oscelot: Oh whoops @JacobBurgessVO XD
JacobBurgessVO: :p
JacobBurgessVO: Hehehehe
type_variable: oliver is a teacher he knows ties command respect
KaleidoscopeMind: does the suit hide the stake well?
DirectorStephanie: Definitely Tie.
JacobBurgessVO: It's a lighter accent
JadedCynic: (called it)
sblue333: LUL
LionelVT: It's super tough to turn on a dime like that
tenthtechpriest: probably tailored so well it looks like it was sewn directly around his body
DirectorStephanie: awwwww
Nigouki: kinda want Oliver to go full Bela Lugosi
DirectorStephanie: Ollie looking like a boss
omdorastrix: *beegees playing quietly in the background*
Rhynerd: I'm picture Oliver like Colonel Mustard from Clue but wearing blue.
geckoinasuit: awwwwwwww oliver
TheInferno390: @James_the_Dabbler bad guys is a strong term but the Technomancy is one of the main factions of Mages, yeah. But that may not be what was meant there, since any "normal" magic can't be practiced by Tremere
RealGamerCow: It's one of those powder blue suits that NBA players wear but make work
JadedCynic: there's the PRICE for this makeover
JacobBurgessVO: That's Technocracy @TheInferno390
OVERKiLL!: 🔮📚📚📜
JadedCynic: 'conversation is combat' :)
geckoinasuit: Oliver "Boat Rocking" Tyndall
JacobBurgessVO: Technomancy is a veeeeery rare type of Blood Sorcery
Oscelot: I love the interesting conflux between reciprocity and greed in vampire.
DirectorStephanie: look, Oliver does not walk softly
TheInferno390: Oh whoops, mixing my terms around :p
DirectorStephanie: he makes an entrance
JacobBurgessVO: (it's a real damn deep cut)
cyclopsboi: are you able to actually lose weight after being turned?
type_variable: i had a drama teacher who would always wear tee shirts, and he came with a tie on once for photos and was very upset with us for taking him MORE seriously than normal
JadedCynic: @cyclopsboi not without a lot of effort of will
ritchards: @cyclopsboi *whisper* Protean
Oscelot: @ritchards Or fleshcrafting
RurouniGeo: wowww
SnackPak_: lol
Julian_Rogue: I CHOKED
goombalax: SHOT TO DEATH
josh___something: AYO
cavvdor: *more whisper* Boon from a Tzimiscie
tenthtechpriest: lrrWOW
neisan2112: aopua
Oscelot: What a thing to ASK someone WOW
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP
TheInferno390: That was direct
LionelVT: What a question
andreagustafson: omg
ladylinzington: come again?
ckupf: 1999
geckoinasuit: JACOB. stop making me spit out me tea
type_variable: bang*
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp
DirectorStephanie: PARDON ME.
Melfina__: LUL
gibbousm: don't do it oliver
ghyllnox: Lmao
JadedCynic: aw. :)
Oscelot: @geckoinasuit rofl
cavvdor: OK
omdorastrix: OH!
neisan2112: Just spit water all over my keyboard
sblue333: WTF
ladylinzington: 😂
Lysander_salamander: nice
Ignatiuspants: AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride
itira: daaamn
DirectorStephanie: Wow
tenthtechpriest: daaaamn
geckoinasuit: @neisan2112 me with tea
fracassio: Oliver: accidental stoic
Lysander_salamander: gracious
Astramentha: WOW
Julian_Rogue: "work always gets me going" also killed me
neisan2112: AsexualPride AsexualPride
Jakelope13: Trimere do NOT do subtle
JadedCynic: the Little Black Dress
TheInferno390: omg
Astramentha: AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride
DirectorStephanie: subtle? what’s subtle???
Oscelot: *passes out napkins for everyone's keyboards*
tehfewl: "how about tomorrow, you say yesterday" is P O W E R F U L
one_last_time_: AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride
Oscelot: @LionelVT *snrrrrk*
SetraLynn: I knew in my heart I was still and always will be a toreador at heart. Glad to know that hasn't changed.
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
geckoinasuit: i am now imagining every tremere in a bathrobe
omdorastrix: *puts on his robe and wizard hat*
Twilight_Spark: Forget dark academia, now we're just academia.
UltraVioletVodoo: robes and wizard hat!
DirectorStephanie: YAY!
ritchards: says "Wizzzard" on the hat
ghyllnox: Even if he's not ace, it's a little much to be in the middle of a political tangle and have one of the people who's part of that want to take you to bed
DirectorStephanie: there better be a hat
Nigouki: hell yeah wizard robes
Oscelot: Oh he went the Vulcan high council route
Sogheim: I would love to play the worst toreador. class as a dumpstat.
Oscelot: @ghyllnox Yeeeeah
Astramentha: @ghyllnox Absolutely
corianderd: the black rectangle is like if you intersected a person with a rectangle
Julian_Rogue: Rizzard robes
Metric_Furlong: also vampire sex can get a bit... awkward
Oscelot: inb4 Silas becomes the Tremere Harpy
DirectorStephanie: full eagle scout honours
JacobBurgessVO: @corianderd Ha!
A_Dub888: Magical Boy Silas
Lysander_salamander: hell yeah
ContingentCat: with no TERF association
Julian_Rogue: @Metric_Furlong not its fine its a stake in his pants
ladylinzington: @metric_furlong so?
JadedCynic: LUL
DirectorStephanie: what @contingentcat said
cavvdor: Silas is both observant enough but too nice to be a Harpy
ghyllnox: Sword canes, exempt from the Elysium rules?
A_Dub888: @ContingentCat good point
DeM0nFiRe: This one is the camp fire badge (for putting one out, not for lighting one)
geckoinasuit: i want the tremere fit
ArcOfTheConclave: this one is for ensanguination
Oscelot: @ghyllnox No weapons means no weapons. There's probably a weapon check though
JacobBurgessVO: @ghyllnox If they don't know about it
ArcOfTheConclave: @ghyllnox peace bonded?
Metric_Furlong: @ladylinzington well, you know how vampires cry blood because that's kind of the only bodily fluid they have...
DirectorStephanie: because she’s SMART
Oscelot: @ArcOfTheConclave How... could you meaningfully peacebond something for a vampire?
ladylinzington: @metric_furlong OH
type_variable: oh its a gay club fffffffff
DirectorStephanie: always have back up flats!
LionelVT: Oh hey, we've seen this place before
DirectorStephanie: katesPride
Oscelot: @LionelVT I was just thinking that
geckoinasuit: oh yeah silas has been here!
LunarJade: yeah seriously always bring back up flats. it’s useful for rain and such too.
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
cavvdor: GayPride
geckoinasuit: @LunarJade also in case you need to stake a vampire with a heel
Oscelot: @LunarJade I don't even change into my heels until we get to the place at this point
JadedCynic: vestibule
Julian_Rogue: Man trap! or vampire Trap
ladylinzington: I neatly avoid the flats problem by never wearing heels
JadedCynic: vestibule/lobby
DirectorStephanie: @lunarjade or if you end up becoming accidental dd and need to drive unexpectedly
ritchards: Name, Rank, Cereal
Simriel: Oliver, why did you say no to that?
Simriel: also 32 years is... oof a long time
KingTaltia: I think Oliver's learning to enjoy his unlife.
SmithKurosaki: @Simriel Not everyone wants it tho
Simriel: See this is why I would 1000% fall for a Honeypot, because I would sleep with the Clearly Bad Idea Vampire
SmithKurosaki: lol
Sarah: lots of reasons why you might not want to sleep with someone
Simriel: I am aware of my own weakness there :p
SmithKurosaki: heh
circusofkirkus: LOL
Oscelot: When information is a weapon, giving people information is giving them a weapon.
kynelwynn: haha
itira: hahaha
LionelVT: HAH
Oscelot: rofl @corianderd XD
BusTed: LUL
DirectorStephanie: you’re not JUST anyone, Oliver
nekobun: to be fair she has crushed skulls iirc
korvys: Diablerized valor
Julian_Rogue: I laughed so loud when Cori said that I probably jump scared my neighbor
JadedCynic: titles- a litany of their accomplishments
ghyllnox: "Oliver Tindall, Substitute for Victoria Public Schools"
Nigouki: Vancouver I can't hear yoooooooooou
Oscelot: @ghyllnox *cackle*
LunarJade: information you decide to give out can also be your weapon
josh___something: Well, Jordan DOES occasionally crush various bones
Oscelot: @LunarJade Exactly
LionelVT: @LunarJade Or theirs, yeah.
DirectorStephanie: lrrSPOOP
type_variable: i mean if crusher of bones was on the table id take it too
Lysander_salamander: Jo is playing some games
andreagustafson: And we're starting early
tenthtechpriest: first foot in the door and we're already rolling
TheInferno390: Wow the social combat starts immediately
Ignatiuspants: 'Jo Hinkleman, Crusher of Skulls"
DirectorStephanie: phewww
nekobun: smol skull-crushing bean
Oscelot: Jus' a lil' bean
DirectorStephanie: smol bb
andreagustafson: Jo Hinkleman, van driver
SnackPak_: oh baby, social combat
Julian_Rogue: to the tune of mortal kombat theme. "SOCIAL COMBAT!"
corianderd: just a widdle brujah
DirectorStephanie: alright everybody, get your wits sharpened
Sogheim: is this the "make Jacob come up with names and accents" time?
lirazel64: Jo, evader of lupines.
Oscelot: @Sogheim Knowing him, he already did
Julian_Rogue: @Sogheim Knowing Jacob he's rehursed. (endeering)
cavvdor: Jo, mistress of vans
LunarJade: we don’t make Jacob do anything
Astramentha: I am SO excited for this 💙💙💙
DirectorStephanie: reminds me of Bylaw & Order 2’s big party in Ep1
LunarJade: he brought this on himself
corianderd: @LunarJade he offers to do stuff all the time too!
Metric_Furlong: Ravnos Ted!
JadedCynic: Jo, Van-Jouster of Victoria
Oscelot: @JadedCynic Yessssssss
LionelVT: Yeah Jacob makes Jacob do things
JacobBurgessVO: @corianderd You'd think I'd learn
type_variable: @JacobBurgessVO learning is a suckers game
LiveFaust: JAXOB makes Jacob do things.
LunarJade: @jacobburgessvo I hope you never learn
Metric_Furlong: ever forward, never learning
corianderd: @JacobBurgessVO wanna cube that?
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO I mean you'd only think that if you didn't know you ;)
LionelVT: @LiveFaust Sometimes
Julian_Rogue: @JacobBurgessVO If you learned anything from kathleen it's her life mantra "live and don't learn"
JacobBurgessVO: @corianderd ...yes
DirectorStephanie: @corianderd ohhhhhhh
Oscelot: I'm cackling X3
JadedCynic: Oliver has the excuse of "he doesn't know any better"
Sarah_Serinde: luckily for Jessica :D
TheInferno390: Oliver is the Kindred version of a social wrecking ball
Oscelot: Yessssss 3 temp will
DirectorStephanie: no kings, no rulers, Just Jo!
ladylinzington: this is going to be fabulous, I feel like I should have popcorn
LunarJade: I don’t need any willpower. I roll perfectly
Sarah_Serinde: You're right, silly me
Oscelot: @LunarJade The scary thing is I kind of believe you
LunarJade: all my rolls are exactly as they should be
Oscelot: Exactly as the Fates designed
LunarJade: 😈
LionelVT: That was exactly what I was thinking lol
JadedCynic: technoMANCY
KingTaltia: I love how much Jacob's reading everything Cori's going for.
SmithKurosaki: yup
Haights: cwusher of skuwws, uwu
KingTaltia: I feel like "Oliver Tyndall; Craftsman" would be be nice and fitting for Oliver.
SmithKurosaki: yea4
KingTaltia: Oh, come to think of it, Kindred would go freaking wild for "Oliver Tyndel; Son of a Carpenter" for the blasphemous pun.
TheInferno390: Oh good, Cameron and I made the same mistake lol
Julian_Rogue: Oliver plays hard to get
cavvdor: Best move, Oliver
Astramentha: Ooooooooooo, good play
JadedCynic: Oliver "Cool Mystery Guy" Tyndall
geckoinasuit: i love oliver scheming
nekobun: oliver "no one knows corner guy" tyndall
Oscelot: It's so good
Astramentha: niiiiiiiiiiiiice
geckoinasuit: i am so happy to see oliver at court
kynelwynn: Which way they're going? That leads to Wonderland rules
LionelVT: That realization from last session really hit him, huh
Oscelot: Oh yeah @LionelVT
cavvdor: So jealous of the LRR game shelves each time I see them
LionelVT: @cavvdor same
ritchards: Heather rolls perfectly.
LionelVT: Well, yes and no. 'cause they represent a lot of interesting stuff, but also a lot of weight on their shoulders in a way
geckoinasuit: we love this for him
LionelVT: but that's not what we're here for lol
LunarJade: the dice are my friend. they have moons on them and so they can only be my friend
Metric_Furlong: ah yes, bringing up The Sabbat at Elysium, that can only go well Kappa
DaxStrife: He just thinks they're neat.
Oscelot: @LunarJade Oooooo. Now I want to see them
ckupf: @LunarJade if not friend then why friendshaped?
Twilight_Spark: Sociality, I love that move in Mortal Kombat.
Astramentha: lol
cavvdor: Flawless response
super_ashura: Again. Love when the GM gets a reasonable hard "No."
geckoinasuit: this is so well set up as a social evening
LionelVT: ohhhhhh boy
Sarah_Serinde: oh boy gabyLul
Astramentha: yesssss gettim boi
Oscelot: "Yo what's THAT guy's deal?"
nekobun: hello i'd like to subscribe to Quinn Facts
Oscelot: Bless you Oliver
Jasper: You’re so right King
BusTed: 🙂
Fruan: 1 is not 0
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
cyclopsboi: oliver is a bull in a china shop and its amazing
andreagustafson: Subscribe: Quinn Facts
cavvdor: Hahhhh
type_variable: seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN
Oscelot: Hah, the Nothin' To See Here on the neon in the background. XD
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHERE
neisan2112: Oof
Oscelot: Ouch
JacobBurgessVO: @Oscelot CarlSmile
ghyllnox: Sounds like he wouldn't be missed
PharaohBender27 rolls a 6 on sneaking back in - he trips, but not *as* badly.
JadedCynic: Quinn was their 'canary in a coal mine' to test how the Victoria Kindred-Eater is working
neisan2112: Gets sent to die, just gets stuck with a shit job.
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO Awwww Sagan! <3
Nigouki: Quinn is slowly cooking
Metric_Furlong: oo, good word
JadedCynic: @ghyllnox well he would, but only a a check mark on a clipboard
PharaohBender27: Now that I'm back from dinner, I'm going to assume that things have gone several varities of sideways during my 45-minute absence? :p
phoenixfeather14: @PharaohBender27 checks on PharaohBender to see if they need a cure light wounds
Oscelot: @PharaohBender27 Oh yes
Lysander_salamander: nice
PharaohBender27: @phoenixfeather14 Nah, only my pride was wounded :D
ritchards: powerful
JadedCynic: Cone of Silence! :D
Oscelot: Cone of Silence is sweet
andreagustafson: @PharaohBender27 Not yet...but the night is young!
ckupf: Never ask the cost
PharaohBender27: Oooooh
phoenixfeather14: @PharaohBender27 okay, I can't heal that ;)
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSPOOP
JadedCynic: oooooh :)
Astramentha: yesssss GO OLIVER
LionelVT: Y'know what, that's a pretty good use of a boon, all things considered
DeM0nFiRe: So were the memoriams filmed in between E4 and E5?
JadedCynic: Masque just hands Oliver a dossier "The Giovanni"
Oscelot: They're fair, at least
DeM0nFiRe: No wait they knew stuff in the memoriams in e1
JadedCynic: @DeM0nFiRe before s3 started - I *think* it was soon after s2 ended
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah they've been referencing stuff from the memoriums all season
BusTed: seabatBRAIN
Oscelot: I'm entertained that nobody is trying to figure out anything about Zigfried lol
ContingentCat: Mask wants that tea
PharaohBender27: tqsSweat
f_zoe_blackheart cough sputters
f_zoe_blackheart: OLIVER
Sarah_Serinde: go Oliver
Oscelot: Masque demands teeeeea
A_Dub888: Is it Mask or Masque?
SnackPak_: Oliver is making moves
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
Oscelot: Let's heckin' go Oliver
one_last_time_: @A_Dub888 Masque
LilyOfTheVeil666: LET'S GO OLIVER
JacobBurgessVO: Masque
Nigouki: Unleashes the full Oliver
ContingentCat: ah sorry *Masque wants the tea
JadedCynic: play both ends as an information source
PharaohBender27: :D
Jasper: The Tevinter court sequence from Dragon Age Inquisition
Oscelot: Oh I don't like that open ended information
super_ashura: Oliver was told this was High School Forever, so he went to the Principal.
cavvdor: Animism buddies!
ProcyonFlynn: Well he seems nice.
Oscelot: "Send me info and I'll give you SOMETHING"
JadedCynic: ooooh, that is a relationship forming up
Astramentha: FUCK I love this so so much
DeM0nFiRe: Oliver's like "Ok, I finished reading the rules manual. Let's play the game now" LUL
Oscelot: @DeM0nFiRe rofl
A_Dub888: When he says "rats and seagulls", does he mean that literally? Because Oliver can do that.
DiscordianTokkan: General Milling. o7
Twilight_Spark: General Mills remembers.
type_variable: he did spend a boon from the pri- regent to be candid
JadedCynic: Oliver & Masque with an established communication channel of animals
tehfewl: o7 General Milling
PharaohBender27: @A_Dub888 I bet he does
MyrddintheWizard: o7 General Milling
LionelVT: @super_ashura Feels more like the head of Student Council
Metric_Furlong: General Milling has a pretty distinguished service record
JadedCynic: Silas 'I'm just a Himbo, honest' Reed
Rhynerd: @A_Dub888 Nosferatu have some communication with animal powers too.
TheInferno390: Oh he for sure means that. Masque likely also has Animalism
PharaohBender27: Welp
Metric_Furlong: @Rhynerd Animalism is one their three main disciplines, yes
cyclopsboi: "bonuses for being pretty"
JadedCynic: Headcanon - Vancouver is basically pushing the half-blood 'epidemic' (unintentionally ) onto the Island...
cavvdor: Silas is too good a boy
cavvdor: So far
Arclight_Dynamo: @JadedCynic Unintentionally?
LionelVT: @JadedCynic Who's to say that's not part of why people weren't coming back?
LilyOfTheVeil666: @jadedcynic Oh, absolutely
JadedCynic: @Arclight_Dynamo well, they don't *care* one way or the other
Oscelot: @JadedCynic Pretty much. It's the next closest big city, and nobody wants to move to friggin' Kelowna
JadedCynic: but there's the question of - are the thinbloods just teh 'normal' vancouver population, or has it been a uptick to them too
Metric_Furlong: Oh Good
cavvdor: Ohhh
JadedCynic: ohhhhhh
ghyllnox: Lovely
ritchards: chat did wonder
LionelVT: Yeah that doesn't surprise me
JadedCynic: like "James Bond"
TheInferno390: That's just lovely and doesn't have any Protean implications at all!
PharaohBender27: So, average LRR crew height Kappa
ghyllnox: But, at least there's not necessarily resurrection shenanigans
LunarJade: getting you that info you wanted chat
LionelVT: now *why* they did that, that's what we don't know
Astramentha: Reverend(s) Brother Sweetwater
JadedCynic: @ghyllnox never say never
ghyllnox: Thanks Heather <3
TheInferno390: Reverend Brother(s) Sweetwater
DirectorStephanie: ah, so it is Ms Thurman
JadedCynic: @LunarJade thank you! <3
DirectorStephanie: back as the Bride one more time!
Jakelope13: Please let the Reverends Brother Sweetwater all be literal actual brothers
LionelVT: That would be amazing
JadedCynic: Reverend Brother Sweetwater(s)
Metric_Furlong: Reverends Brothers Sweetwaters Kappa
Astramentha: @jadedcynic thank you for completing the set
A_Dub888: Ah the Creepy Watson
JadedCynic: @Astramentha it's my clan compulsion ;)
DirectorStephanie: ah, a Sam Wilson fan
Simriel: Oh Oliver...
Simriel: I am curious how Double Agent Oliver will work out
SmithKurosaki: Right?
liz-Istrata: oh no Jacob's microphone
Sarah: the mic gets better again, it just takes a bit
OVERKiLL!: good 'ol Otaku Jeff BACK at iT . . i am also intrigued with Adams progression of Oliver.
Simriel: I wonder if Oliver is going to become terribly power hungry
Astramentha: @jadedcynic pffffft
Oscelot: "Closely" heh that's.. yep
DirectorStephanie: ohhhhh no
Master_Gunner: heh
Oscelot: Oh boy. that's not public knowledge...
Lysander_salamander: uh oh
LionelVT: oh. my god.
TheInferno390: Jo
Astramentha: uh oh
cavvdor: Oh BOY
JadedCynic: remember - Brujah really don't like Authority structures...
Metric_Furlong: things have never been more fine than they are now
DirectorStephanie: JO
LilyOfTheVeil666: OH BOY
Mai_Andra: "We've been sending them to a farm up state..."
JadedCynic: lrrFINE
Diabore: this is the bad feeling, why is there bad feeling
Metric_Furlong: Everything is approaching a level of Fine previously thought to be mythical
LionelVT: "If anyone asks, my name is Reverend Brother Sweetwater, and I was never here. Everything is fine."
Sarah_Serinde: oooh :D
fracassio: SLAP
PharaohBender27: tqsSweat
ritchards: another slapping!
JadedCynic: @LionelVT CHEF KISS
cavvdor: Slap 2.0!
DirectorStephanie: one shot!
Diabore: im fully expecting "can i join in the yelling"
Sogheim: Jo being super Bruja today
PharaohBender27: tqsSweat
josh___something: Jo wants to topple some power structures today
JadedCynic: gentlefolk of chat? Welcome to POLITICS
Metric_Furlong: jessica is now at 2 willpower
Oscelot: Hooooboy Jessica
Omthebox: Its something
memnus: escher3THUMBSUP
Diabore: "this some BULLSHIT"
cyclopsboi: YES CORI YES
kynelwynn: Cam good pantomime
ritchards: So... Social combat you say...
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrFINE
Oscelot: "A scene occours at you"
A_Dub888: UM
JadedCynic: Jo sees a barrel of gasoline, and starts tapping two pieces of flint together
Lysander_salamander: oh boy!
cyclopsboi: cori is now oliver lol
tenthtechpriest: she stepped in the AoE
Lysander_salamander: yay
Fruan: The fastest way to end social combat is to turn it into combat combat
Lysander_salamander: heck yeah
SnackPak_: Brides and Berserkers was the last campaign lrrBEEJ
Oscelot: Hooboy
Nigouki: oh boy
JadedCynic: undermines the Camarilla's standing and reputation
Metric_Furlong: whole new realms of Fine being established for everything to be
type_variable: wrong camera with names there
korvys: Remind me - The Bride is the... Malk primogen?
Oscelot: Oh boy, if she'd frenzied...
Metric_Furlong: @korvys yep!
Oscelot: @korvys Yep
ritchards: and that's how you Bruhaj!
Diabore: ah, so this is what jacob meant by "it wont be quick"
Lysander_salamander: heck
fracassio: hachi machi
PharaohBender27: @type_variable Ooooh, you're right
Oscelot: Uhoh
TheInferno390: Holy moly
Nigouki: rude
Oscelot: RIP The Bride
josh___something: holyshit
LionelVT: bwuh
Diabore: good first shot
Julian_Rogue: Now she's the Ex bride
Lysander_salamander: great stuff happening
cavvdor: Goddamn Jo
korvys: Cori, the start of the scene "The Bride should be quick, right?"
cavvdor: So good
korvys: :D
RealGamerCow: That was a "I love this game so much" moment from Jacob
Master_Gunner: Jo treating social combat the same way she treats actual combat, I see.
corianderd: @korvys it was
Sarah_Serinde: what indeed
ContingentCat: uh "kindred"
TheInferno390: We live in a society
LionelVT: @Master_Gunner I mean hey, if you can, you might as well, right? What could possibly go wrong?
Gekyouryuu: @Master_Gunner it has the word combat in it, what else was she supposed to do?
Lysander_salamander: is Masque still wearing the plague doctor look?
cavvdor: I love Masque so much
Oscelot: I feel like Masque is a walking smooth face man meme on the inside
JadedCynic: Vancouver Kindred Culture is a tower of popsicle sticks held together with bits of red yarn tying them together, and our Coterie are a quartet of crows...
MyrddintheWizard: Kindred, this is a Wendy's
SmithKurosaki: so far seems like
OVERKiLL!: pretty organic and well played over the last couple sessions to be honest.
Simriel: Some folk are still bitter about Carthage
Simriel: Adam really does suit that hairstyle doesn't he
Haights: HONK HONK
amative1: oh no
Simriel: Also his shoulders are Extremely Angular these days
Jasper: Jo dropping a boulder down the well
geckoinasuit: i forgot how dramatic masque is and i love it
RealGamerCow: sword of Kain?
Oscelot: @Gekyouryuu Fair point Gek XD
geckoinasuit: @MyrddintheWizard it was about to be a waffle house brawl
f_zoe_blackheart: @MyrddintheWizard take a perversity point or a fugue token, your call.
Julian_Rogue: He keeps the Masqu-rave going
sblue333: Prom King moment
ladylinzington: playing Masque looks like a lot of fun
super_ashura: Cori pulling a lynchpin with surgical efficiency to wrecking ball efficacy? You don't say!
Arclight_Dynamo: "They don't even go here."
Diabore: not our monkey not our circus
LionelVT: Kindre-denny's
geckoinasuit: not our circus not our monkeys
BusTed: oho
kynelwynn: aww
Oscelot: Nuuuu!
JadedCynic: WOW
geckoinasuit: nooooooooooooooo
shendaras: aww
JadedCynic: lrrWOW
Twilight_Spark: Wowee
TheInferno390: Sadge
Lysander_salamander: nice
josh___something: NOOOOO
LionelVT: waaaaow
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
Simriel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
Simriel: Jo pulling sone real Brujha shit tonight:
PharaohBender27: Another cliffhanger!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Simriel! (Today's storm count: 46)
DeM0nFiRe: lunarj1Fangs
ckupf: That was awsome
Jakelope13: Uhhhhh, which 'party'?
Lysander_salamander: Great episode tonight!
f_zoe_blackheart: Cori you monster
geckoinasuit: jacob you evil gremlin
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
memnus: Oof.
iris_of_ether: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
JadedCynic: thank you all so much for this <3
cavvdor: Amaziiiiing!
lirazel64: Lovely!
Oscelot: Oh good, the Bride wasn't taken to The Room In The Back
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Fruan: What a great session. Breathtaking.
jdr_42: podbynHeart podbynHeart podbynHeart
keysaunt: Uuuuughhhhh Why so sooon :'( Its so long until next week but it is worth the wait
f_zoe_blackheart: CORI YOU MONSTER
cavvdor: Thank you for the session!
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2774 in the channel!
shendaras: seabatClap
Astramentha: 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to WanderingOmen!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to icethepartyplanner!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to PaulaDeming!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_cake_of_lies!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to fullwalt!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gladuir!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rerout343!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to duncanfth!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Thagnok!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to vortexlightspeed!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to WanderingOmen, PaulaDeming, The_cake_of_lies, fullwalt, Gladuir, Rerout343, duncanfth, Thagnok, icethepartyplanner, and vortexlightspeed! (Today's storm count: 56)
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
goombalax: woooow
RealGamerCow: Good stuff, as always
sheqesi: What a cliffhanger!
JacobBurgessVO: Thank you everyone!
andreagustafson: dang....but I need more story!
mercano82: “finish the party” doesn’t sound ominous at all.
iris_of_ether: lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy
lirazel64: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
Gekyouryuu: man, next session is gonna start of SWINGING
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs PogChamp lunarj1Fangs
DirectorStephanie: thank you players! thank you tech folks! thank you storyteller!
PharaohBender27: Corgo690
ProcyonFlynn: A cliff-hanger? But that city is at sea-level :p
cavvdor: That smirk on Cori
Oscelot: Thanks everyone, this was amazing
cyclopsboi: this was fangtastic
LionelVT: I hope beyond all hope that the reason this is the last series of NADTD is because it'll become Vancouver By Night
AriaHibiki: ty for the wonderful session! <3
Metric_Furlong: I like how every episode of this is the best episode of the series
BusTed: Pulled at the right thread
mysteenova157: You all are amazing it was a great session thank you!
JadedCynic: picked away RIGHT at the weak ponts
kynelwynn: @ProcyonFlynn Then I hopethey fall off a sea-cliff
DeM0nFiRe: lunarj1Fangs
DiscordianTokkan: fank you
Nigouki: Thank you for the great show!
MyrddintheWizard: sharkf11CLAP sharkf11CLAP sharkf11CLAP sharkf11CALP sharkf11CALP sharkf11CALP
Diabore: cori rolled a 20 on dumb luck
TheGreenMonster450: fang you too peeps
Sarah_Serinde: v—v
korvys: Fangk you
BusTed: fangk you
Simriel: @jacobburgessvo You are a monster in the best way
cavvdor: Niiiiight!
Lysander_salamander: fang queue
Omthebox: Fangk you jacob
spethycakes: marshm3Clap marshm3Clap marshm3Clap
JadedCynic: fangk you
DeM0nFiRe: F
Brozard: Fangk you!
ghyllnox: Fangk you!
goombalax: Fangs for the memories
SnackPak_: o7
Twilight_Spark: That makes sense.
Oscelot: @LionelVT Ooooh now that's a fun theory
SetraLynn: I love Malkavians so much.
Weagle: Rocks fell, everyone died
s1ck1y: ripperoni
JacobBurgessVO: Fangk you!
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: katesL katesL katesL
josh___something: Cori going right for the throat
Ryban89 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
DirectorStephanie: Fang you team!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ryban89! (Today's storm count: 57)
sheqesi: Fangku
unarmedoracle: I think that went really well
spethycakes: The (Un)End
Gekyouryuu: dying of embarrassment counts as dying, right?
LiveFaust: lrrFINE
Ignatiuspants: that was fangtastic!
JacobBurgessVO: @unarmedoracle Ahahahahahahaha
abhorrentascendance: Oh well...TIME TO REROLL
JadedCynic: yeah, when The Bride leaves, obviously there's no one of importance to follow back there
andreagustafson: Knives would be so proud of Jo
SetraLynn: Amazing scenes tonight, folks. BisexualPride
JadedCynic: c'est la vie
Rhynerd: Can't believe the Bride blew up all of Vancouver.
Weagle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 95 months, currently on a 95 month streak!
Weagle: lrrFINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Weagle! (Today's storm count: 58)
ladylinzington: The important thing is no one overreacted
RealGamerCow: a couple of no-scope moments from Jessica and Jo
Ignatiuspants: it's a shame the entire coterie is dead now
SaxPython: lunarj1Heart
JadedCynic: good luck with it <3
TheInferno390: No worries
Oscelot: Thanks for the work on it
s1ck1y: slapped the mic out of jacob
Brozard: Hopefully a simple fix
ContingentCat: not perfect system, but a very good system
DirectorStephanie: katesL katesL katesL
Oscelot: Patreon, bits, subs
ckupf: 10/10 episode
lirazel64: You know, if I ever visit Vancouver, it's going to feel really weird.
Brozard: Patreon dot com!
spethycakes: You're doing great lrrSHINE
cyclopsboi: thank subs, schedule
JadedCynic: what's up next in the schedule?
Oscelot: Coming up
DirectorStephanie: fang you Heather
Simriel: Beautiful
KaleidoscopeMind: something about demons
Lobo_Apache: You give us words of affection for being good?
Julian_Rogue: Sponsor read? patreon read? sub and bits?
sheqesi: @s1ck1y HA!
ContingentCat: now we do what we do every night, try to take over the world
Twilight_Spark: Push buttons or whatever
matthaus_c: card kingdom!
Sarah_Serinde: Jacob just told us about Patreon, it's fine :D
Laurence72: Just have Jacob redub his limes Kappa
PharaohBender27: Patreon, store, coming up, subs, bits
ghyllnox: I've heard there's a cheat sheet you can reference?
SaxPython: By the way, DriveThruRpg has pretty good cyber Monday sales. Not super good VTM sales, but pretty good across the website
super_ashura: Tell us if it was luck.
Metric_Furlong: have you tried going left?
ritchards: clearly the next step is to play episode 6
korvys: Now you have to come up with a "Finale"/"Ep6" pun
TheInferno390: Chat is choosing kindness war
andreagustafson: You just hang out and chat with everyone :)
Astramentha: Give banan?
omdorastrix: Sponsor/Pateron/Goodbye/Sub-Read/Bits/Secret Podcast
Sarah_Serinde: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Oscelot: I'm way too used to having to keep my ADHD streamers on task ;)
JadedCynic: we're Pavlovian conditioned and you rang a bell :D
LionelVT: @s1ck1y Slapped the XLR right out of the microphone
JadedCynic: @Oscelot same o/\o
josh___something: Chat is ever helpful (derogatory)
Brozard: Oh yeah, I need to reach out. My DB order status is "partial refund"?
Oscelot: @JadedCynic o7
Sarah_Serinde: They were very good and answer some...yeah.
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: Shoot bank, rob cops!
Williams4jesus: !findquote luck
LRRbot: Quote #6001: "How does luck in Canada work?" —TappyToeClaws [2019-04-19]
ritchards: Jo did no wrong!
Oscelot: @Brozard iirc
terribleplan: There may be more questions, who knows
Sarah_Serinde: I was definitely confused multiple times before I saw them :P
josh___something: Jo did zero wrongs
Simriel: How many episodes were recorded?
Brozard: @Oscelot Thanks! I'll confirm before I send
JacobBurgessVO: You don't gotta watch the Memoriums, but they're cool bonus content.
phoenixfeather14: Oh, boy were there some bangers in those memoria!
andreagustafson: House of Lies
gibbousm: I watch live, my friend watches the VOD. How long do you think it will take to work out the mic issues
Sarah_Serinde: The crew kept referencing stuff that they'd already done as if we knew about it but we did not know
JacobBurgessVO: You SHOULD watch em though
Gekyouryuu: the truth is, Heather knows everything about all of them EXCEPT her own
ContingentCat: !homestreams
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: | Alex: | Ben Ulmer: | Cameron: | Cori and Ian: | Heather: | James: | Kathleen: | Matt Wiggins: | Nelson: | Serge: , | Wheeler:
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO The tasty tasty spice
LionelVT: You should watch them, yes.
Omthebox: Gasp, a thing to do
RealGamerCow: please watch the memoriams, they are superb
korvys: I am extremely curious about Oliver's... deep soul?
ProcyonFlynn: Entertainment > Content
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE
JacobBurgessVO: Hewwo!
lamina5432: gnight
andreagustafson: Thanks crew and chat, it was fun!
DirectorStephanie: the memoriams are super good
shendaras: lrrHEART
Brozard: ooo secret notes
cavvdor: Thank you all!
Oscelot: Thanks for Hosting Heather
LionelVT: One entire Jacob, right there in chat!
Julian_Rogue: we can tell cuz they're see through
LordZarano: Ghost notes!
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
BusTed: heheh
LionelVT: Yeah, I jumped too!
JadedCynic: yeah....I can see that.
JacobBurgessVO: Ahahahahahahahaha!
cavvdor: Hehe
Oscelot: *cackle*
Simriel: Oliver is realising that he has Power and it's great
Astramentha: oh dear
DirectorStephanie: …..
sheqesi: LOL
WardsarTheWriter: The future is terrifying.
amative1: so they are
ms malackey: NGL, I kind of want to see Cori's version of Oliver
Alice Quintanilla: wowowow
amative1: fang you
Alice Quintanilla: fang you!!
SmithKurosaki: o7
Alice Quintanilla: VvV VvV
Haights: Fang Q
OVERKiLL!: Peace Yall catch you on the next one
KingTaltia: Silas; "I'd like everyone to know about the thinbloods... but I won't"
KingTaltia: Sorry, I'm a bit behind
Gekyouryuu: "this is getting out of hand! now there are two of them!"
JadedCynic: 'morning'
Simriel: I can't wait for Oliver to become a Monster :p
LionelVT: I've never played this game, and my understanding is you take Premonition hoping to never use it
Williams4jesus: !premonition
DirectorStephanie: this can’t be the last season (I understand if it is, but I just am feeling whiny)
DaxStrife: Yesss, that's so good!
RurouniGeo: oh no ben has to redo that puzzle lol
JadedCynic: obviously they're not dead yet
BusTed: A library of some sort
type_variable: its a library
Williams4jesus: !findquote premonition
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Gekyouryuu: Library
LionelVT: and yet at the same time, knowing for a fact that you will
DirectorStephanie: “surviving”
Vilun: there was no messy crit this episode, was something wrong?
Gekyouryuu: PUBLIC library
PharaohBender27: Well, this game did!
spethycakes: @Vilun banking our messy crits for the finale, I hope
Oscelot: Cheer100 HSWP
abhorrentascendance: Eldritch library?
DirectorStephanie: @spethycakes clearly
LilyOfTheVeil666: GARBAGE DAY
DirectorStephanie: GARBAGE DAAAY
Acromonk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Acromonk! (Today's storm count: 59)
LionelVT: Is that allowed? A good game on Watch + Play?
PharaohBender27: @LionelVT It's happened before!
Rhynerd: ^
sheqesi: They had to clean up the messy crits from the last session this session so no time to messy crit again
LionelVT: Yeah but is it *allowed*? lol
DirectorStephanie: There will be friends!
KaleidoscopeMind: maybe jaham and grames
andreagustafson: @LionelVT Probably against the stream's TOS
LionelVT: That'd do it
BusTed: Sounds accurate
fracassio: Wow, a true expert!
sheqesi: Legit
DirectorStephanie: correct
Brozard: Wake Up Luker
Oscelot: Got there
LordZarano: !infil
LRRbot: The glossary of fighting game terms can be found here:
nekobun: get a willpower back for that
LionelVT: @Brozard Wake Up Sandblast
WardsarTheWriter: Actual fake news?!
Mai_Andra: Wake Up Cross-up
DirectorStephanie: katesWot
LionelVT: (Sandblast is all I know about SF6)
Laurence72: A member of the House of Lies getting better at lying? Oh no....
DirectorStephanie: betwee2Crown
Mnemonicman: \o/
Oscelot: Become an antediluvian by surviving the flood of info.
DirectorStephanie: thank you again for hosting Heather!
LionelVT: (But it should be said that I count Akuma Mattata as offsetting like half of what I thought I knew)
SaxPython: PogChamp FBtouchdown
DirectorStephanie: LuvSign LuvSign LuvSign
TheAwkes: lrrGOAT there
DirectorStephanie: let’s goooo
Metric_Furlong: sad_trombone.wav
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
shendaras: seabatClap
Oscelot: I always want to put the Z first on lirazel too for some reason
spethycakes: lrrXmasbart
WardsarTheWriter: Great success!
DirectorStephanie: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
s1ck1y: heather's the GOAT
LionelVT: Got there
lirazel64: YOU DID IT!
Metric_Furlong: we should, but what if we didn't?
Riandisa: Thanks for the great stream all and thank you for hosting tonight, Heather
PharaohBender27: TBH I also keep making that mistake with lirazel's username
Twilight_Spark: Or play the next episode nobody will tell? Kappa
Simriel: Fangtastic
Oscelot: I've got food coming \o/
SaxPython: lunarj1Heart lunarj1Fangs
omdorastrix: BAAA!
SnackPak_: game of all time
serramarkov: Again, again@
Lysander_salamander: doing ok
corianderd: Heather's the GOTY
Julian_Rogue: greatest of all time
Oscelot: lol
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART lunarj1Fangs
DirectorStephanie: thank you again for this wonderful series
Lysander_salamander: have a good evening!
Oscelot: Night Heather
sheqesi: Thank you, Heather!
Lysander_salamander: Thanks for being here
Oscelot: Night Chat
Rhynerd: have agood one!
LionelVT: Greatest of The Year
ContingentCat: thanks Heather g'night
spethycakes: Good night! Thank you, Heather!
Mai_Andra: We could go another hour. You got any games on your phone?
Metric_Furlong: @corianderd Heather sang Somebody I Used To Know?! Kappa
Rhynerd: thanks for the stream!
PharaohBender27: Today was my mother's birthday! :) Reason I was away for part of the stream was for a nice dinner with her and my father
SaxPython: @metric_furlong PogChamp
LionelVT: Isn't the fruit fruit train somewhere on that stream deck?
Brozard: You're in Vancouver now
Ignatiuspants: some days we all go on a train
RurouniGeo: can confirm trains exist at a time and place
Julian_Rogue: Not that kind of autism
DeM0nFiRe: There's probably trains in that miniature museum I've heard talked about!
spethycakes: Amusement parks, probably
Mazrae: Ask Ian?
ContingentCat: Yes
kynelwynn: Only Trains
type_variable: isnt the train song on the deck
lirazel64: On the backs of dresses?
Seabats: ggs ggs
LiveFaust: Become the train you want to see in the world.
corianderd: at minature world
serramarkov: Ideally trains are on tracks, not beside them...
BusTed: ggs
Oscelot: @ghyllnox Huh.
PharaohBender27: I have to imagine there's a train station in Vancouver!
spethycakes: if you can't find one, build one
Seabats: yep
Seabats: idk tho
ContingentCat: secret trains
Oscelot: I just got the nosferatu trailer XD
sheqesi: There's a box of plastic trains in the other room
Seabats: peter weatherall has em
corianderd: there used to be a trai to courtney
lirazel64: Fruit! Fruit!
Oscelot: On Douglas street apparently
LionelVT: Gotta figure out Weatherall they're here or not
Oscelot: *actually* right next to Miniature World XD
LionelVT: Outstanding
Rhynerd: Does miniature world focus on miniature trains or are any minis welcome?
LionelVT: I always got the impression it was all very unusual minis
LionelVT: So not really trains
LionelVT: But I've never been, so idk
Oscelot: @Rhynerd
PharaohBender27: Google-searching for a train station in Victoria immediately sends me to a station in Vancouver :p
LionelVT: I click the link and am immediately greeted with a model train
Oscelot: @PharaohBender27
LionelVT: I realize I have never been more wrong in my entire life
Rhynerd: and little knights!
Rhynerd: and apparently if you scroll down there's a mini space station?
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Heart
korvys: lrrSPOOP
ritchards: night!
LionelVT: Sure is
Oscelot: See you then Heather o/
SaxPython: lunarj1Heart
DeM0nFiRe: lunarj1Heart
JadedCynic: champing at the bit for it! :D
MyrddintheWizard: sharkf11VIBES
PharaohBender27: @Oscelot Yeah, note that it literally says that that's a BUS station
Oscelot: Aight, I'm off. See you chat o/
Oscelot: @PharaohBender27 Oh whoops, missed that
Rhynerd: I should head off too. Have a good one (once again)!
LordZarano: Every railway on Vancouver Island known to OpenStreetMap: That sure is a lot of railway=disused and railway=abandoned, some of which are cycleways now, but there is a railway=miniature in Victoria too