Metric_Furlong: title change
Metric_Furlong: it is time for garbage day
MalFnord: ooh, feeling poetic apparently today
Creideiki_SE: "Internet midden" is a neat phrase.
Creideiki_SE: But I do feel obliged to point out that the Swedish word for "midden" is "kökkenmödding".
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Huevos Grande
TehAmelie: Jihn Midden, AEIOU
baltimore_667083: uuuuuuuuu
TXC2: Hello everybody
TehAmelie: aloha
TXC2: hi TehAmelie
SnackPak_: lrrXmasgibb
red_shoes_jeff: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 01:00 PM PST (0s from now).
baltimore_667083: lrrHORN
SnackPak_: sergeJustRight
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHORN
Juliamon: lrrSIG
wench_tacular: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Metric_Furlong: hello refresh my old friend
tidehollowcat: lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
bytecaster: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
red_shoes_jeff subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months, currently on a 82 month streak!
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, red_shoes_jeff! (Today's storm count: 1)
TXC2: "this is video is unavailable" well that's new :p
Gizmoloid: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LordManiMani subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
LordManiMani: Sbubs!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordManiMani! (Today's storm count: 2)
orangeceltic71 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, orangeceltic71! (Today's storm count: 3)
avjamethyst subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
ValTheDrake: DinoDance lrrSIG DinoDance (notacult)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, avjamethyst! (Today's storm count: 4)
lightfut: Trash day! Trash day!
TehAmelie: i got a warning that the stream may have certain content
TheNerdWonder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheNerdWonder! (Today's storm count: 5)
Violet__Violence: GARBAGE DAAAAY
jondgAZ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jondgAZ! (Today's storm count: 6)
richard_ermen: Yay, fellow garbage-eers, the time for trash has come =)
sporkraptor: yay I'm here for trash day! I know what I'm doing for the next couple of hours... :D
richard_ermen: @TehAmelie certain?
bi0buster: It's the day, the day for garbage!
Crokoking subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crokoking! (Today's storm count: 7)
TehAmelie: as opposed to no content, i guess
Astra7525: uh.. no music playing is intended?
TXC2: remember that Watch and play streams are NOT for cardiac people Kappa
TehAmelie: but if you think about it, it's the content free streams that do real psychic damage
TXC2: Astra7525 no music for me either
MalFnord: Ask your doctor if Watch + Play is recommended for you
MikeSmith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MikeSmith! (Today's storm count: 8)
richard_ermen: Hmmm weird, no music here either.
AtakChees subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 14 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AtakChees! (Today's storm count: 9)
richard_ermen: I wonder, was Twitch the actual overmind dealing psychic damage all along?
Juliamon: Not that weird, sometimes they don't turn it on
sporkraptor: @MalFnord your doctor: "no. hell, no. ABSOLUTELY NOT."
TehAmelie: nice, the email alert used the word "yon". i did that myself for the first time like two days ago
Critterbot: This eerie silence...! NotLikeThis
KBKarma subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 48 month streak!
KBKarma: Nearly a full year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KBKarma! (Today's storm count: 10)
Jethrain: i was starting to think i had audio issues
HangingBunny: YEAH Garbage Day!!! I'll have to catch it on YouTube, silly deadlines :(
epsilon_vee: @TXC2 cardiologists? cardassians? KappaRoss
Niahlah: and Lo... the wrathful Graham brough down the many rejects from early access upon the the lamenting Alex, whom could only make attempts to escape from every level presented before him..
Earthenone: dia de los garbos
Astra7525: The Toot image was a... choice
DideRobot: LRR: 'tis WATCH+PLAY - Feculent games from the internet midden | Graham sups upon the saltye tears of yon poor Alexander, force'd to play the benighted games | (has image) |
TehAmelie: el garbos gigante
KyranTheWalker: GARBAGE DAY! WEE!
TXC2: side effects of Watch and play include vomiting, diarrhoea, standing against the devil, rectal bleeding and a condition know as "sponge fingers".
richard_ermen: Muscia!
TheOtherTrevor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheOtherTrevor! (Today's storm count: 11)
TXC2: there's the music!
sporkraptor: aaa! the music startled me XD
northos: @TXC2 what if I'm a cardiac person?
LoadingReadyRun: oops
IbunWest: abatSKIBIDI
MalFnord: Now that I read that, maybe we're getting Oops, All Elden Ring Clones today?
Nigouki: and here I thought we were getting the silent treatment
varmintx0: I did not get my 'GARBAGE DAY!" out fast enough.
TXC2: northos well then procede at risk I guess :p
richard_ermen: Clearly, the Internet is all Darke Soulse tonight
TXC2: here we GO!
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCirclewreath lrrTrianglewreath lrrGARBO
KBKarma: I'm gonna be a bit distracted - doing my weekly M4.
wench_tacular: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
TheBorzoi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
TheBorzoi: Garbage games but not a garbage resub.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheBorzoi! (Today's storm count: 12)
baltimore_667083: lrrGARBO
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 Garbage Day!
TheWriterAleph: watch AND play? better clear my schedule.
Bassios: Holy crap I made it in time!
TXC2: Hello Graham and Alex
TheAinMAP: Hello.
TehAmelie: greetings
ButterBall000: Oh shoot I caught it on time
Keab42: The Finest Feculence
KBKarma: I think you'll find I'm Alex.
TXC2: hydrate or diedrate
Crad0k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
Crad0k: Hello Garbage People!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crad0k! (Today's storm count: 13)
notthepenguins: Garbage day!!!
TXC2: !bluesky
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Bluesky! You can follow the LRR account here: Or find all the crew accounts here:
coolbond: @Loadingreadyrun volume is low
wiganlass: zeroleClapp zeroleClapp
Barb4rian: lrrGRAHAM lrrALEX lrrXmaspistachio lrrGARBO
Juliamon: volume is normal
Drasvin: Aw. Alex doesn't have an inviso-can today.
TXC2: there we go!
TXC2: thanks Graham
KBKarma: @TheWriterAleph Watch AND Play? In THIS economy?!
NimrodXIV: wowza
ClodiumSoride subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months, currently on a 84 month streak!
ClodiumSoride: Hooray for garbage day! Da-da-da da-da-da-da garbage day!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ClodiumSoride! (Today's storm count: 14)
notthepenguins: Is that permitted????
Zael250 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months, currently on a 92 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zael250! (Today's storm count: 15)
MalFnord: wwwwwaaaaahhhh?
Patorik: It's like having a noisy truck idling outside your house all day, and then it leaves and you feel the weight lift away
niccus: that means the commenters dodged and are about to backstab you
SpacePotato01: Maybe we just died.
KBKarma: I enjoy watching Graham and Other Alex every fortnight.
LordManiMani: My Lord, is that *legal?*
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I was surprised they didn't fix any of the runback in the remaster
SymphonySolstice: gyarbage dyay
highlyeducated0wl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 14 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, highlyeducated0wl! (Today's storm count: 16)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Wow, @LoadingReadyRun ! Stream title today is 15/10!
Alness49: It's maybe when they didn't hit their stride with pacing
Astra7525: It's always an astounding feeling when you go back to a game you remember having played in the past and then realize with how much of terrible shit you have put up with.
jacqui_lantern234: OH LOOK!!!!! its a beautiful group of wonderful friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY <3
TXC2: demon's souls is the wight brother plane of souls games
30teracyte: the top replies on twitter have been so bad
TXC2: Hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
ClodiumSoride: catch you all in the VOD!
ButterBall000: Having similar thoughts with my Call of Duty binge
IbunWest: i still love demon’s souls merlekPwease
TheDangerWaffle: hawwwwwooooooo everyonnnnne
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
sporkraptor: pat er ion
Marvoleath: @30teracyte you can now filter replies based on ppl's sexual preference? D:
TheDangerWaffle: WHAT
SymphonySolstice: hm
SnackPak_: huh
wench_tacular: ewww
LordManiMani: QWOP
TheWriterAleph: that's worse?
ANeMzero: @30teracyte letting the most tedious and awful people pay to be on the top of every thread was... not great.
jacqui_lantern234: UH OH!!! FLESHIES
phoenixletmeuseadashd: if this is bloody qwop, yeah,...
Ehrin_CB subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
Ehrin_CB: beep beep
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ehrin_CB! (Today's storm count: 17)
TXC2: what scandal is fleshgate ?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: where is that beep from
Marvoleath subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
Marvoleath: 3x6
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Marvoleath! (Today's storm count: 18)
Shparky2197 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
Shparky2197: Good morning from Aus! I think 91 is a prime number, it's too early for my brain to work
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Shparky2197! (Today's storm count: 19)
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I have heard it before
Denny40k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
CaptainSpam: We've seen this asset house before, haven't we?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Denny40k! (Today's storm count: 20)
Mazrae: Garbage Day!!!
richard_ermen: "Monster Nuditiy"
Commander_Taz: I was just about to say, we've been in this house
MehallD: Delicious Cinema Bars
notthepenguins: Uhhhhh
SnackPak_: cinema bars makes it art
noSmokeFire: most of us have fleshgaits, if you think about it
varmintx0: noooooo
Powerhelm: I’m double dusting LRR atm
TheDangerWaffle: I am ... what
wench_tacular: coward!
sporkraptor: monster boobz
Tangsm: Cinnamon bars sound delicious
Patorik: I love there's even bloom on the menu
SymphonySolstice: good start good start
eric_christian_berg: Awwwwww
fiftymcnasty: Monster Dong
LurkerSpine: wait, fleshgait is another name for a skinwalker?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: fleshgate sounds like the ultimate political scandal.
Keab42: Nice of them to default it to off
margieargie: "Monster nudity" I didn't know I was in this game <_<
arcaneIllumination: Thank god that's an option.
Shparky2197: Hi friends, how are we today?
TehAmelie: candy you eat in the cinema?
NimrodXIV: putting the flesh in Fleshgait
jacqui_lantern234: no no no, hear the game out on the monster tiddies Kappa
30teracyte: but with the bars it becomes cinematic nudity
TXC2: hello Shparky2197 welcome
Drasvin: Are cinema bars the candy you get at the movie theatre?
johnalogue: Is the stream offline or is something wro-oh dear something is wrong
UnknownFriday: Fleshgait sounds like a horror retheme of the Ministry of Silly Walks.
ANeMzero: "Leaving that one off" Strangely off-brand for Alex but gotta put the channel first
noSmokeFire: show the monster hog on the hog monster
SaxPython: Does Ben still have a top 5 speed run in this game?
Anaerin: Oh, also note this is MonsterGAIT, as in the way of walking.
Rhynerd: let the monsters have their pants.
CaptainSpam: "No, no, the monsters aren't nude, the nudity is just monstrous."
MatzerKat: Those wall panels are... too textured
LordZarano: What's the difference between "Display" and "Graphic Settings"?
4 raiders from AdzyandJaneComics have joined!
TXC2: Hello Raiders
AdzyandJaneComics: What fresh spoor of madness is this?
fiftymcnasty: Gotta make the money back on this game
baltimore_667083: @AdzyandJaneComics yes
Marvoleath: Early access or "sponsor this game actually happening"
Powerhelm: “Performing fleshgait”
TheDangerWaffle: Hi Adzy! \
bi0buster: Glad we're not doing jam games, I need to fix my DBGJ project still!
TXC2: you're just in time for Fleshgaite
thetoastmonster: just in case EIGHT people share the computer and all want to play this game themselves
phoenixletmeuseadashd: wow they gave up quick
AdzyandJaneComics: FleshGait?
ButterBall000: Pay money for them to be incorporated?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I have questions about these headlights
AdzyandJaneComics: Skinwalker was too on the nose was it?
noSmokeFire: @thetoastmonster maybe we'll have to stagger save our fleshgaits for the best ending
Jethrain: they're also... metallic?
RealGamerCow: drop shadowwww
sporkraptor: very shiny highway
Jethrain: Very very shiny
Anaerin: Inch-thick paint.
YeetTheRich_: rails?
NimrodXIV: they have a thickness
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I guess everyone here definitely stays in lane
notthepenguins: And gold?
ANeMzero: your traffic lines should not cast shadows.
Powerhelm: the fleshiest of gaits
TheDangerWaffle: @AdzyandJaneComics you missed the part about monster nudity
MatzerKat: Are the road lines actual geometry? Oh goody
Boon_33: new highway standards are getting out of control :)
epsilon_vee: but below where the bottom of the car tires are floating
RealGamerCow: Did you know that highway dotted line stripes are 10 feet long?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: that's how paint works, alex. If they were painted below the ground, you would be able to see them. Kappa
AdzyandJaneComics: Yeah. I knew nothing about the premise, but I was like "FleshGait?" Oh, it's about Skinwalkers
Boon_33: car can fly confirmed
YeetTheRich_: dark souls has a lot of that
Powerhelm: wow flying cars.
Jethrain: ooh, hovercar
tidehollowcat: Always appreciate the attempt at doing a cinematic thing instead of just throwing you into gameplay. Though that's a low bar
ButterBall000: Is this Horror Birdemic?
bi0buster: That's not an amateur thing, you can use it to preload higher quality assets for cutscenes.
MatzerKat: I'm almost certain that's not how headlights work
northos: and they're clipping with foliage I think :D
Anaerin: They've also been disappearing behind the trees.
Shparky2197: It's funny how much of a cargo cult these developers feel like. Putting things in their name without realising that all those abbreviations and terms actually mean something.
NimrodXIV: headlights are lighting under the car
RealGamerCow: another W&P game where Bloom is set to "MORE"
northos: yeah like that :D
kilnfiendpotter: Hello friends!!! How are y'all doing? I'm getting over a cold that - like a femme fatale's legs - just won't quit.
betweenmyself: was browsing the PS5 online store and saw what appeared to be a game in which Donald Trump kills zombies, and it was unclear whether it was meant as satire or a loving tribute… pennyWhat
Powerhelm: weird rock garden
rentar42: oh yeah, I'm catching the making of the sauce live!
Ehrin_CB: I don't 100% hate this cutscene. just feels like a draft copy
DahudLefthanded: Have all these credits been the same 2 names?
Boon_33: naw, this hovercar is on-road only
RealGamerCow: good hand tho
Jethrain: love text going off the edge of the paper
sporkraptor: oh *that's* immersive
Anaerin: Why does that cellphone have a GODDAMNED SEARCHLIGHT on it's back?
GrassVortex: given the intro, it feels like they are aiming high with the mood and feel
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
notthepenguins: Oh hell yeah
YeetTheRich_: wow i hate that flashlight
TXC2: hello kilnfiendpotter hope you feel better soon lrrHEART
Amentur: Fixed camera and tank controls HypeCheer
sgowell: oh good. we had parking henge on our GPS
GrassVortex: oh no
TehAmelie: have you seen a real road that goes into the woods and just stops? there is one next to where i live, so surreal
sporkraptor: why is she wearing a glowing shirt
DahudLefthanded: @anaerin and where can I get one?
rentar42: I know no context, but now I want to run around handing such a "tutorial sheet" to people around and make them question if they are in a game.
Juliamon: honestly that's what it feels like when I turn on my phone's flashlight at night
margieargie: REAL tank controls
Anubis169: 'ello all <3
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I don't hate map as control tutor.
tidehollowcat: Oh I hate that
iris_of_ether: Silent Evil is definitely a nickname for my intestines
ANeMzero: We found a way to make tank controls worse
Anaerin: @DahudLefthanded Right?
TXC2: hello Anubis169
Powerhelm: it’s like I’m watching gameplay for PlayStation 2 days.
avged: that's some wattage on that phone light
Luna_TheOtter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Luna_TheOtter: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Luna_TheOtter! (Today's storm count: 21)
azureHaights: Bigg Ferne
TehAmelie: we've entered the urwald
Shparky2197: @anubis169 hi there!
SnackPak_: who's pouring a bowl of shredded wheat?
Anubis169: there's no intent
DigitalSeahorse: ack ads
Powerhelm: nah that’s a Yert.
TheNerdWonder: that light feels too bright to be coming from a cellphone
rentar42: that would be an in-tent experience
johnalogue: Tank control, but we only get clutch braking and not dual transmissions.
AdzyandJaneComics: This protagonist is built like a bistro but handles like a restaurant
Drasvin: I prefer tank controls when the control of the camera is minimal or bad.
YeetTheRich_: help. me.
baltimore_667083: @SnackPak_ my bad
RealGamerCow: Microsoft Sam?
Tangsm: Your garden doesn't grow bouquet style?
CataclysmicReverb: TTS?
Juliamon: oh no
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
Anubis169: Who has a phone light that bright?
northos: yeah sounds TTS
YeetTheRich_: no way dude
noSmokeFire: oh, yeah, totally TTS
Juliamon: gotta be TTS
baltimore_667083: YES
TXC2: i've broke apart my insides
Bassios: The step sound effect is not synched with the model stepping and it hurts my brain
DahudLefthanded: Is that Microsoft Sam?
Ehrin_CB: we are so back
DoodlestheGreat: OH BOY
kilnfiendpotter: Oh god AI has taken over VA
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah thats gotta be TTS
azureHaights: Ah yes, Help Me, the Kelis/Timo Maas song
sporkraptor: Alexa, help me
Cheese_Hammer: Resident Hill: Silent Evil will be the name of my next asset flip horror game
gsyhiap: Voice actor is falling asleep I think
kilnfiendpotter: Ah yes help me Alexa
bi0buster: Maybe undercutting the mood a bit with that TTS
Metric_Furlong: yes. voice acting. definitely not test-to-speech
TheAinMAP: This is not an in-tents game.
SnackPak_: o7
phoenixletmeuseadashd: also that appears to be a cellphone flashlight and damn if so
Powerhelm: How did they put my Alexa into a person?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Help me, Spock, help me
kilnfiendpotter: OK google help me
infinite_bagel: Amogus...
Marvoleath: It sure is a voice, not sure on the acting
noSmokeFire: think happy thoughts
lightfut: That wasn't TTS?
Anubis169: You are... WASD
sporkraptor: Alexa is confused
phoenixletmeuseadashd: "remember to struggle"
azureHaights: Where? Am I?
sporkraptor: her name is definitely Alexa
MatzerKat: "Where? Am I?"
UnknownFriday: Her watch is outside her coat.
TehAmelie: actual tanks can crank their treads in opposite directions and literally turn on a dime. what we have is worse than tank controls
undecided44: i?
Ehrin_CB: I will remember to struggle
AdzyandJaneComics: Hey Alexa, I think I just died, play Wonderwall
Powerhelm: this game is a struggle.
Anaerin: Your searchlight.
Anubis169: it's ON
Earthenone: !smash
TheMerricat: So the reviews indicate this is text to speech and all the dialogue is in TTS.
noSmokeFire: my smash :(
DahudLefthanded: TTS wouldn't have such weird intonation
Jethrain: this is 100% TTS
nostra83 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
Laserbeaks_Fury: My phone is soooo drunk.
baltimore_667083: "my phone is smash"
bi0buster: Remember to struggle to be added to the advice?
accountmadeforants: Phone got smashed into a thin film
TXC2: "that's right, I'm ho mer et e er"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nostra83! (Today's storm count: 22)
Crad0k: "it's a phablet!"
YeetTheRich_: how old is this game, we had better TTS 15 years a go
Shparky2197: Becky, lemme smash
notthepenguins: Why is it still lit up then?
CaptainSpam: Remarkable screen that's smashed and still perfectly on.
cobthegreat: Phone smash?
nevermore913: What will you do without a phone
sporkraptor: okay house?
sporkraptor: where house come from?
Earthenone: yeah i love the res-evil fixed shots early on
sporkraptor: Alexa please find house
AdzyandJaneComics: the house reveal was pretty sweet
Powerhelm: “Hello, my name is Ash Williams”
sporkraptor: oh no he has a face
noSmokeFire: he's happy to see you
DigitalSeahorse: no it's another AI voiced robot
Juliamon: a fleshgait
AdzyandJaneComics: Called it
sporkraptor: alexa please identify monster
TXC2: a fleshgaiter Kappa
Patorik: Was that supposed to be the RE1 zombie reveal?
baltimore_667083: that's a 1920s wendigo
northos: oh, that's the NON nude version? :O
Invitare: why is it making the Reaper noise?
Julian_Rogue: I love the inception bwhas
johnalogue: @TehAmelie Like I said, some tanks can only cut power to one side and therefore *do* have a turn radius. Most Cold War MBTs abandoned that entirely, but it was common in WW2
TehAmelie: "i shouldn't have taken three valium before going here"
tidehollowcat: Look at that fleshy gait of his
DigitalSeahorse: an ent
Powerhelm: where’s her flesh light?
DahudLefthanded: At least the creature design is original
Juliamon: bwaaaaam
ArcadeEngineer: they turned up qaaludes knob too high on this ai voice
Anubis169: it has inception rubberbanding
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT
Astra7525: The Spencer Mansion we have at home
ANeMzero: Saving money on lighting by using nothing but sodium vapor lights indoors.
DigitalSeahorse: very smol ent
rentar42: there's no attack, he just wants to hug!
sporkraptor: Alexa has entered The House
Cheese_Hammer: at least he’s not nude
Saintnex: got to love that casual jog when you are being chased lol
kilnfiendpotter: BWAHHH
itira: D:
tidehollowcat: Enter the survival horror
wench_tacular: phrasing?
Metric_Furlong: Alex
ANeMzero: clip it
Julian_Rogue: Hi stream highlights
baltimore_667083: ALEX
DigitalSeahorse: xD
CaptainSpam: Hey, is the cinema bar open?
Makrosian_Tay: Alex
azureHaights: SingsNote We will all go together wendigo
kilnfiendpotter: ALEX
johnalogue: Some sort of invisibleish man strolling toward us
Anubis169: that title looks like they started out ok... then gradually ran out of space on the title screen
ButterBall000: That's called a sphincter
Natimus_Prime: Oh, it's a play on Skinwalker.
SnackPak_: have you checked your fleshgait?
Astra7525: If it's one-way it's a Fleshdiode
sporkraptor: alexa please call an emergency
kilnfiendpotter: A gate tends to go both ways
kumatsu: if/and fleshgait
Powerhelm: double flesh gait.
Bruceski: "Look, we took another run at the script and we're gonna need twice the voice lines but can't pay any more." "Okay but you're gonna get half the acting."
AdzyandJaneComics: "Open the pod bay fleshgates"
Anubis169: LOL
YakkShakk221B: Sphinx statue
iris_of_ether: Who up gaiting their flesh
Anaerin: Please note, it's GAIT as in walking style, not GATE as in doorway.
tidehollowcat: Toe to tip that's a Resident Evil
noSmokeFire: @Natimus_Prime oh, it totally is. how tasteless
TehAmelie: that's a new kind of printer error
DigitalSeahorse: aaaaaaaaaaa
Laserbeaks_Fury: Quiet Knoll
Julian_Rogue: ah it became a decompressor
elkae: oh my god we know this house
johnalogue: That was not the right sound to follow that statement with, game
TStodden: Paging Dr. Beej?
mwlsn: Compressors scare me to death
Powerhelm: clearly you’re playing a woman that is tripping.
rentar42: "WinZIP exploded on me!"
RealGamerCow: remember kids, air compressors are bombs
sporkraptor: random pallets, excellent decor choices
elkae: there was another game in this house for sure
DigitalSeahorse: yikes!
SymphonySolstice: that's like my worst fear, exploding air compressor
KBKarma: The VA is text-to-speech, I think?
YakkShakk221B: I would too, that's spooky
sporkraptor: everybody decorates their giant mansion with rotting pallets
Nigouki: a pressure vessel "letting go" is never quiet
Anubis169: it's oxygen, of course you can walk through it
YakkShakk221B: these don't real
sporkraptor: and tanks of flammable gas
TXC2: this is.....decour for a lobby
mwlsn: I swear another of those indicators of amateur vs pro is how far you take your bump mapping
Astra7525: It's not reacting with anything, not even matter
johnalogue: @Anaerin So the strange slow walk is intentional, then?
Julian_Rogue: a fire exciter
Powerhelm: ahh the 3 flesh gaits
azureHaights: aw heck, a tea
rentar42: "we don't do collissions in this ouse"
YakkShakk221B: someone forgot to add collision
KBKarma: Ea-nasir?!
sporkraptor: they took the boobs off the lamia
YakkShakk221B: hi friend
ph0enix__42: Inflamable vs Intangible
DigitalSeahorse: twitch, pls fix clips
Powerhelm: flesh Sphinx
wench_tacular: bop it
Boon_33: blocking doors
Powerhelm: lotta stone for a game with flesh in the title
KBKarma: What is the PC wearing on her wrist?
johnalogue: Some guy in the country is trying to help this poor hallucinating woman, trying to approach nonthreateningly and everything
TehAmelie: speaking of Resident Evil puzzles, i learned today tigerseye is made of asbestos
sporkraptor: love how the music just *stops* when you bring up the map
azureHaights: "we're in deep" nah, we got the subocean for that
MatzerKat: A knee-height gurney?
TXC2: some Babylonian or Summerian thing there
Anubis169: i love the map screen cuts off the music
Anaerin: @KBKarma A "Smartwatch"?
Astra7525: "Jill Sandwich! Jill Sandwich!" "We have Jill Sandwich at home"
LathosTiran: door blocker with plenty of room to just crawl under
HolyHadouken subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
HolyHadouken: 53 months? just over a year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HolyHadouken! (Today's storm count: 23)
Powerhelm: ahh the No Music Map
YakkShakk221B: that chair looks crunchy
noSmokeFire: the camera cuts sure are disorientingg
Anubis169: F for Four
Keab42: The Foulest Feculence to Fluster this Fine Fellow and Fester in his Fortitude
bytecaster: Space I think
Gekyouryuu: Heck, I'm always late on garbage day
DigitalSeahorse: what strange placement of rugs
KBKarma: @Anaerin It is huge and very glowing...
noSmokeFire: f for four
roticet subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
roticet: 6 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, roticet! (Today's storm count: 24)
YakkShakk221B: oh cool
johnalogue: @Astra7525 Gordon Ramsay may have a review for this game, with that in mind
LordZarano: F is Fird-person view
bytecaster: Interact was space I think
innerbeard: I heard 3d taint controls
MatzerKat: It's not exactly a fresh gait
Powerhelm: a Fleshy walking gait is the secret ending.
TXC2: I mean, it's kinda impresive they have both kinds of view
notthepenguins: Female walk cycles are too hard Graham its not their fault
HolyHadouken: oh my god that door opening sound
Mazrae: Is this a low version map of the game Ben tried to speed run?
GasCityGaming: I see what you did there G, and I appreciate it
johnalogue: F, for paying respect to different game cameras
YakkShakk221B: the saddest dining room
TXC2: but then again CnC renagede did 15 years ago :p
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is that lamenated?
Anubis169: is that paper laminated?
innerbeard: ITS LAMINATED
niccus: oh good it's laminated
YakkShakk221B: i can usethistocarryitemsifind
johnalogue: That door did not close normal and not in a scary way
rentar42: " she says calmly.
KBKarma: It was "Belt of the Faithful", yes?
Anubis169: it's several sheets laminated
Scarbble: the early weening!
Amentur: Because her pants don't have actual pockets?
Jethrain: @KBKarma i'm so glad i'm not the only one that heard the prayer warriors voice there
Earthenone: hehe, the weening hours
sporkraptor: real weening hours
Gekyouryuu: @kbkarma was that a venture brothers reference?
Powerhelm: “A toilet. I can use this to poo”
YakkShakk221B: weening the mollusking
DoodlestheGreat: Weenies!
johnalogue: The arm came up like some kind of SFM animation!1
MatzerKat: Weening? Ocean man, take me by the hand...
DigitalSeahorse: we always put our Persian rugs right where they'll get the most dirt on them, flush with all the doors
Marvoleath: intererupting
LathosTiran: one line has the bottom of the font cut off
Laserbeaks_Fury: it is VIGGO!
KBKarma: @Gekyouryuu Prayer Warriors. The source of the name of this programme.
Crad0k: HE IS VIGGO!!
Barb4rian: Yes. Viiiiggggooo
Bruceski: did the pages go from 1/3 to 2/5?
HavenDragon: everything about this feels off to me
Powerhelm: The entire game feels like a Craigslist ad.
Anubis169: the 'i' in Something is a Turkish I
MehallD: not up to, Graham. Just Up the three
northos: *it would be up the three of us
TheWriterAleph: wtaf
azureHaights: There's no tittle on the i in Something
mwlsn: Excel pains
Julian_Rogue: I get the feeling the gait mistake is a "English isn't first language" problem
Jethrain: not "up to" - just "up the three of us"
Aceviru: I hate it when my exl pains
Mazrae: This is why proof readers are needed
DigitalSeahorse: doesn't leave much room for a door to open at the bottom
Laserbeaks_Fury: I mean at least we know it not...yeah Alex got there
TehAmelie: completantry room and board? sagn me up
Gekyouryuu: @kbkarma right, got it confused with shore leave putting on the religious armor that one time
KBKarma: Also, Graham: Sulivian. Not sullivan.
gsyhiap: It's like English, but every other word is punctuated with a faceplant onto the keyboard
johnalogue: @HavenDragon I mean yeah, the margins on this printed paper are totally wrong!
YakkShakk221B: Foayer
couchboyj: "Add typos so it looks like it wasn't written by AI"
Bruceski: nope, I misread it
Anubis169: LOL
betweenmyself: perhaps these are just super advanced portmanteaus rather than misspellings and grammatical errors?
Earthenone: if your morning lasts 10 hours, consult a doctor
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
GasCityGaming: Once again on a Watch and Play I would like to offer my services do Devs as a proofreader. 5$ per page
Jethrain: agaition??
KBKarma: Sullivian...
YakkShakk221B: Flesh Agaition
Cheese_Hammer: what year is it? 20
TehAmelie: are they related to the Antidiluvians?
BusTed: she's good
YakkShakk221B: tremendous
KBKarma: Quick, do it while humming Thriller.
notthepenguins: That's an alarming way to describe her...
mwlsn: That's the fleshgait
SaxPython: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
rentar42: now THAT's a gait right there!
Anaerin: "Her Beauty exceeds her age" - so she's underage, then...
Anubis169: i'm BAD, i'm bad... oh yeah baby i'm BAD
HavenDragon: moongait
TheDangerWaffle: that is actually pretty excellent
YakkShakk221B: she's good
TheMerricat: So I have no idea if this is how the game actually got its name but apparently the term Fleshgait was the internet's attempt to come up with a skinwalker concept but in a 'non-culturally appropriation" manner.
Ehrin_CB: gettin smooth with it
KeytarCat: "her beauty exceeds her age" is creepy af
Powerhelm: the true sequel to Thriller.
maxlethebeast: I can't wait for you to moonwalk away from the zombies.
Julian_Rogue: Only have one gait scycle
johnalogue: @GasCityGaming Does each x/5 count as one page, or is the fact it's displayed as one sheet of paper count?
tabbyphobos: So that's the fleshgait huh
TXC2: Anaerin yeah, that's what I thought too
raulghoulia: Annie is a Smooth Criminal
LathosTiran: so i did a backwards extened super slide Kappa
Gaelan_Maestro: is she wearing a smart watch r a wrist flashlight?
kumatsu: called shot: can't pick it up until the game tells you you need one
innerbeard: rubbing your torso on all the objects in a room
richard_ermen: Well, remember, she has no pockets to put the hammer in.
Ehrin_CB: Wait, is the moon walking faster than just walking forwards?
TehAmelie: funny how the singer on the soundtrack emotes more than the main character
Simriel: You know what they say. No such thing as a free Hammer
Powerhelm: Why haven’t you struggled yet?
KBKarma: @richard_ermen She does now. That's what the belt is for.
TheDangerWaffle: lmaooooo
Foxmar320 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 126 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Foxmar320! (Today's storm count: 25)
DigitalSeahorse: hehe
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @BusTed I'm pretty sure she's BAD.
northos: @Ehrin_CB I think it's slower, but 10x funnier
johnalogue: @TheMerricat Oh no you're right it's literally just [human surface] [human casual locomotion]
7_hearth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
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Shparky2197: Goodbye music
BusTed: @thedepthandbreadthofseth benginFingers
Ehrin_CB: @northos hard agree
raulghoulia: Better than FF7 Rebirth. Cloud can't moonwalk
Simriel: Wait not Hammer, Lunch. I always get those things mixed up
Mazrae: She's such a "smooth criminal" while walking like that
DigitalSeahorse: this ad is so bright
sporkraptor: by the way this statue is important
baltimore_667083: yep that's an item
sporkraptor: alexa please explain gun
Anubis169: a clipozine
azureHaights: hanGUN
TheWriterAleph: hawd gawn
YakkShakk221B: handguun
Critterbot: "clip" FailFish
baltimore_667083: clipozine!
Nigouki: a, so for a Mauser C96
Barb4rian: clipozine for bullat
Makrosian_Tay: Handguun
Saintnex: good ol handgon
ArcadeEngineer: this game is more than ten pounds?!
johnalogue: "We need to remember to move these statues back since we moved them for some reason earlier"
TehAmelie: that sounds nearly as weird as the old "I'm a horse now"
UnknownFriday: John Madden. John Madden.
richard_ermen: The fac they're trying to use semi-realistic lighting makes this look terrible,
mwlsn: This tts is we have Dave's Spokesman at home
DoodlestheGreat: Wang chung?
YakkShakk221B: love how she holds it three inches from her face to inspect
ScrapyardGhostTrain: That sounds like AI voicing.
sporkraptor: a clip for a nine milimeter han gun
TheWriterAleph: it's not just ai voice, it's bad ai voice
johnalogue: A clipozine of sorts
TXC2: also clearly a magazine
baltimore_667083: bullat may or may not be included
TehAmelie: i think that's Doom 4
azureHaights: I can't stop, Elmo, I have to find a handgon
Julian_Rogue: Isn't that just doom?
GasCityGaming: That's Doom
KBKarma: They have. It's called Unreal Tournament 2004.
Laserbeaks_Fury: keyas and locks are magazines and guns
TheDangerWaffle: WITH A GUN!
ButterBall000: Passwords are "gun"
ProcyonFlynn: A puzzle game with all the standard trappings and puzzles - or you can use a crowbar.
noSmokeFire: the lock on this gun takes a 9mm bullet
phoenixletmeuseadashd: Actually that might be System Shock
YakkShakk221B: Huh
Simriel: The only answer is A Shotgun
CataclysmicReverb: Spoilers for an 2016 game, but Remnant did that
YakkShakk221B: Oh cool
bytecaster: Gun is the universal key
Trixalicious: No, clearly you need the club gun to shoot the club lock.
CaptainSpam: I mean, that sounds like if Enter the Gungeon were a horror puzzle game.
sporkraptor: pfffhaaaaaaaahahahaah yeah
johnalogue: That sounds like a solid little project, just start blasting through elaborate nonsense with a shotgun
Ehrin_CB: Highly polished floor!
MatzerKat: The floors are SO shiny.
YakkShakk221B: corpse
KBKarma: Yer man's not having a good day, methinks.
Simriel: It's John Deadsman
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
BusTed: immaculate floor
YakkShakk221B: he looks like he's made of bark
TXC2: he twitching, they subbing
baltimore_667083: why does megamind have wings?
prince_infidel: A lot of Sumerian architecture in this house
Anubis169: The hammer was too small for the nails
Tangsm: These hotdog winged angels are interesting
DoodlestheGreat: Damn, look at those statues. I wonder if they are not monstras.
BusTed: someone's been waxing this place clean
Inquisitor_Xian: isn't that the pazuzu statue from the exorcist?! lol
tidehollowcat: Time to get some oil and burn that body! I've played these games before, I know how this works
Redbassist: Is the map with us in the room? lrrSPOOP
gsyhiap: NotLikeThis
Gekyouryuu: Am deadsm'n ok?
LathosTiran: taking our 9mm clip for a walk
Astra7525: the expression of pain on Alex's face
YakkShakk221B: time to moonwalk again
TehAmelie: hmm Control did have you use a gun/key and aside from some platform puzzles it was almost all fighting
richard_ermen: Isn't getting a hammer to open a door basically just another sort of key.
LordZarano: Dear body Twitching on the floor: "can I join?"
Drasvin: Unless they want you to find a crowbar to open it.
johnalogue: Once again, we have some easy options for "easier than the boarded door"
Earthenone: a book on string theory?
Shparky2197: Love that you need to know you need something before picking it up
KBKarma: Get ready to tilt!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH needed to know how to use the string
YakkShakk221B: oh the hammer doesn't real
rentar42: I vote crowbar
Ehrin_CB: something something Knowledge is Power
Jethrain: i'm betting it's a different, identical hammer
bytecaster: I bet we need to find a crowbar
ScrapyardGhostTrain: To pick up a piece of string, you must first discover the fuse.
noSmokeFire: "i need an ANGLE GREINDER to remove BOARDS"
Wolfstrike_NL: #teamcrowbar
Anaerin: It's not the hammer, you have to go find Gordon Freeman to borrow his crowbar.
KBKarma: Time to tilt.
Bruceski: oh, THAT kind of fuse
richard_ermen: I hate when games do this
iris_of_ether: I think that made a highlight reel
Anubis169: that's somebody thinking about what the character might know
KBKarma: Bless you.
Anubis169: Bless you! lrrHORN
JKBalch: The game has to explain the concept of a nail before you canpick it up
richard_ermen: When they basically insult player intelligence
sporkraptor: Environmental Storytelling
Laserbeaks_Fury: how does gunpowder and string help conduct electricity
Julian_Rogue: Godzilla
TXC2: bless you
TheDangerWaffle: Gasundheit!
rentar42: it's called checkov's red gun.
DrTeaSpoon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
DrTeaSpoon: Best show in LRR! Fight me!"
thedepthandbreadthofseth: chekov's hammer.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrTeaSpoon! (Today's storm count: 27)
Anubis169: Can't see shit, Cap'n
BloodForTheCorelab subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BloodForTheCorelab! (Today's storm count: 28)
kristian_fischer: Silent Hill 2 Remake looks weird.
sporkraptor: god damn those doors are *loud*
Inquisitor_Xian: that door is stretched SO WIDE
TXC2: these doors REALLY need some WD40 on them
KBKarma: Their disturbingly smooth middle Eastern statues.
TheNerdWonder: it wasn’t flashing, so def not interactive yet
DigitalSeahorse: hammer is more useful than crowbar for this too I think, better leverage
sporkraptor: no paint, all nekkid
KBKarma: Oh, another deader.
kumatsu: Mister Sullivan actually owns a very successful decorative statue warehouse
Nigouki: now that you mention door slamming I have to know: Do Ian or Beej adjust the door closers at the moonbase?
Wolfstrike_NL: What if you would need to read a paper that explains the useage of the hammer first Alex?
Critterbot: Was that wd 40? :D
iris_of_ether: We found the secret Hobby Lobby smuggling warehouse
Anaerin: So the "Nudity" slider clearly doesn't add clothes, does it just remove the visible genitalia?
sporkraptor: what the hell happened, here
DigitalSeahorse: unless you use the crowbar the correct way*
KBKarma: I note them duders have nails all over them.
Anubis169: wait a minute
Nigouki: why is Robert De Niro from Heat on the wall
Anubis169: is the reason you can't pick up the hammer, that you are holding the clips?
TXC2: "what the hell"
baltimore_667083: we've found the new "you must gather your party before venturing forth"
bytecaster: Not gonna lie, I really enjoy the TTS
Wolfstrike_NL: "What the hell. Happened. Here."
sporkraptor: just removed nips and dongs
DrTeaSpoon: maybe the monsters never wake up until you pickup a weapon?
KBKarma: Pockets!
YeetTheRich_: huh
baltimore_667083: 15
SymphonySolstice: hm
kumatsu: POP
LathosTiran: belt managment
dumbo3k: Oh, we playing Scorn now
Nigouki: amazing
richard_ermen: That is...a system.
TXC2: heck of sound there
KBKarma: Millometer.
YakkShakk221B: Oh cool
KBKarma: R'coil.
ghyllnox: g r a n u l a r
YakkShakk221B: Millomenter
johnalogue: The camera is frequently startling
Drasvin:'s the bad Alone in the Dark inventory.
Laserbeaks_Fury: thanks Wiki
Anaerin: Thanks, Wikipedia...
Amentur: LUL
ghyllnox: Comes with instructions!
LordManiMani: Alex is typing...
DrTeaSpoon: chatgpt wrote this dialog
Simriel: 9mm is NOT a 'small calibre'
Jethrain: ah, so the top half of the F key is to cycle targets, and the lower half of it is precision?
Ehrin_CB: Stahping Power
TXC2: that's not...untrue
phoenixletmeuseadashd: remember gramhm you asked for this
richard_ermen: This is gonna be amusingly stupid xD
DigitalSeahorse: xD
NimrodXIV: lmao
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
Shparky2197: She said to no-one in particular
korvys: Oh, it's RE1
YakkShakk221B: bitterLOL
LordManiMani: Beautiful cue
Wolfstrike_NL: Several people are very confused
ghyllnox: So nude = animate
Ryenji: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang
TehAmelie: the Alex timing strikes again
Akaiatana: It makes them sprung, obviously
sporkraptor: *heavy sigh*
kumatsu: it might be the lady statues
johnalogue: she just pauses between walking waypoints
tenthtechpriest: all monsters are sexy monsters if you're not a coward
Juliamon: that is TOO MUCH BLOOD
BusTed: awkward
dumbo3k: That was a lot of blood
bytecaster: This is just RE4
Ehrin_CB: excellent recoil management
richard_ermen: lol, monster dont care
BlueFingers5: that's a lot of blood
YakkShakk221B: That's so much
wench_tacular: neat arterial spray
SymphonySolstice: that guy's so full of blood
Simriel: That zombie was FULL of blood
redpandrake: exsanguinated
DigitalSeahorse: ehehhehehehehhhheh
Drasvin: Where did the laser sight come from?
TheDangerWaffle: OH OKAY WHAT
DrTeaSpoon: or the monsters loaded with non-nude models?
YakkShakk221B: Oh it's that Fallout glitch
CataclysmicReverb: @ghyllnox OH! It's a power button for the already nude monsters, got it!
Koios7: succinHead
Jethrain: oh we assassins creed now boys
Marvoleath: it gave you a smooch
Keab42: That's hilarious
innerbeard: the blood is stored behind the eyes
Shparky2197: Bloody fountain
TXC2: that zombie was 400% blood by volume
rentar42: you need to hit the eyes
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha eyes
rentar42: one more headshot should do it
Amentur: How did it bite you WITHOUT a head?!
bytecaster: We can't moonwalk with gun
johnalogue: Oh, eye nudity, its head isn't covering its eyes
YakkShakk221B: tremendous technique, takes Years to learn it
SaxPython: Cha Cha real smooth
Marvoleath: !clips reminder
KBKarma: Oh wow. Did you guys see yer wan's recoil. It's like she's on a pivot around her belly.
Marvoleath: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
rentar42: maybe you couldn't pick up the hammer because you still had an active hammer in the main head?!
littleunknownn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, littleunknownn! (Today's storm count: 29)
Tangsm: Those thumbtacks embedded in their torsos are massive
YakkShakk221B: tremendous
rentar42: s/head/hand/
MalFnord: Wow, that's juicy
VanAvant: Just like RE4
Gaelan_Maestro: always double tap
BusTed: stonkin bazonkers
bytecaster: Just ragdolling a little still
kristian_fischer: Ahhhh, Text to Speech, how I've missed you, old friend.
KBKarma: Drugs for the dear youth.
sporkraptor: time for a bath!
richard_ermen: Why is the lighting in these games always sooooo bad?
johnalogue: "My eyes are up here, and also completely unsupported by my skull"
TehAmelie: who knew a game of this caliber would challenge Tokyo Gore Police for ridiculous amounts of blood
TheNerdWonder: where is the light source in this room?
Critterbot: Grabbin' peels!
YakkShakk221B: oh I love capsules
KBKarma: I thought that the sound effect for the pockets was one of you two...
Anubis169: Can you pick up the hammer now you have a free hand?
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's lie a VR inventory setup
TheDangerWaffle: for the asmr, duh
sporkraptor: the music went away
bytecaster: Is this a person making that sound with their mouth
YakkShakk221B: slime bath
Ehrin_CB: @Laserbeaks_Fury my thoughts exactly
Gaelan_Maestro: ie used it, its weird
UnknownFriday: You know those hats that you can put a six pack of beer in? That looks like the belt version.
KBKarma: Ah, a late 90s Nickelodeon bath bomb.
Akaiatana: It's green ketchup of today
TXC2: like in Ghostbusters 2 Kappa
kilnfiendpotter: I would NEVER do that. JFC that seems a nightmare to clean.
TheNerdWonder: I think there’s a point light source just stuck in the center of the room
sporkraptor: and then it exploded again
BlueFingers5: need some wd40
kumatsu: bathe the children in Thicc Wet
JDMan94: A delayed squirt there
ArcadeEngineer: there's a second thing you mix in that supposedly dissolves the slime (it does not work)
Anaerin: Want to bathe your kids in slime? Nickelodeon would like to know your location?
PotatoWraiths: this cycle sure is walking
Shparky2197: Just try not to slip on the copious red
KeytarCat: The real wet ones were the kids we bathed along the way
kumatsu: the wall textures also don't load at certain angles
TXC2: I mean...I've seen walls like that IRL :p
sporkraptor: everything about this is... amazing
TheNerdWonder: thanks graham, I hate it
YakkShakk221B: Why is this place tiled like a YMCA locker room anyways
Laserbeaks_Fury: does she say anything about the pills?
DigitalSeahorse: gotta tile your textures!
TStodden: Those "Bathtub Gel" stuff should have a second "solution" to revert it back to a water-like consistency.
CaffeinatedLemur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
CaffeinatedLemur: 129 months of garbage. To soothe the soul
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CaffeinatedLemur! (Today's storm count: 30)
YakkShakk221B: green pill
sporkraptor: algae capsules. that's
Drasvin: Algae?
JDMan94: Dick Vitale-ity
DahudLefthanded: Wait is Alex not making those clicking sounds?
KBKarma: All-gee.
GasCityGaming: everything is allll Gee
wench_tacular: all g
PotatoWraiths: all gee
korvys: Ah, green herb and red herb
TehAmelie: wow, they put so much effort into making this distinct from Resident Evil
Julian_Rogue: Oh good crafting mechanics
Akaiatana: Mortal Kombat voice: VITALITY
phoenixletmeuseadashd: why is this game algea
kilnfiendpotter: It's just spirulina
avged: why not just say herbs?
CataclysmicReverb: Blue and green algae? Ooh Cyan--- WAIT NO!
sporkraptor: waaaaaa
Laserbeaks_Fury: One pill makes you larger And one pill makes you small
KBKarma: You accidentally made a Max Pot.
PotatoWraiths: mmm teal algae
thatguysteve2709: You are not suppose to mix drugs leads to bad trips
TXC2: stay away from his brother v-Igor though Kappa
rentar42: uh ... can I have some of those?
DahudLefthanded: All-gee
kilnfiendpotter: It's just SPIRULINA
BigDaddyBland87: She sounds like the lady from Werewolf
DigitalSeahorse: I could use some of those
Anaerin: Algae-Bee tea?
johnalogue: A sincere love letter with questionable handwriting and grammar.
YakkShakk221B: unfortunately it sucks
PotatoWraiths: SQUEAK
KBKarma: Closer.
NullColaShip: Al G. Capsules, at your service
PotatoWraiths: moonwalk directly into the zomble
iris_of_ether: God, I think I'm due to rewatch the Werewolf MST3K...
DigitalSeahorse: huge blooming wallpaper
nevermore913: It's a flawed game but it has ideas
YakkShakk221B: "hey watch where you're goin pal"
DigitalSeahorse: xD the eyes
KBKarma: Safe bet.
thetoastmonster: the footstep sounds bear no relation to the movement of her feet
TXC2: they also have 9 abs, much lower then abs should be :p
PotatoWraiths: this is the worst inventory UI ever
richard_ermen: Now imagine its 2024 and this is your first game. Also you're playing this at 12 years old because Mama said "We have REsident Evil at home".
6 raiders from RebelliousUno have joined!
Swamplor: I mean, if someone shot my head until it exploded, I would leave them alone too
DahudLefthanded: Those inventory mouth sounds are low-key kinda upsetting.
RebelliousUno: rebell1Uno rebell1Uno rebell1Uno
TXC2: hello raiders
rentar42: and those calves!
PotatoWraiths: @richard_ermen House Bad
TehAmelie: it's getting funny how many ways they made your gait weird given the name of the game
TheDangerWaffle: I ...
KeytarCat: Hemalurgy gone wrong
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFox1 vicksyFox2 vicksyFox3
baltimore_667083: hi raiders!
YakkShakk221B: knees slider
bytecaster: thicc knee
JDMan94: Dude your knees so thicc
KBKarma: Balloon statues.
CowboyOverflow subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CowboyOverflow! (Today's storm count: 31)
Drasvin: Filled with nails? Maybe they're bargin bin cenobites?
KBKarma: Ooo, a note!
noSmokeFire: what if the gamedev is sssexually attracted to fat knees?
JDMan94: Voluptuous lookin knees
Keab42: There's definitely some effort put into this game.
richard_ermen: @PotatoWraiths Oh definitely xD
TehAmelie: is that a bed or a really deep couch?
baltimore_667083: @TehAmelie yes
TXC2: that click is getting me EVERY time :D
bytecaster: Maybe it's infinite
korvys: That inventory noise really is a mouth noise, huh?
Keab42: It's one of those that's playable but unintentionally funny
DigitalSeahorse: so much floor space and they put the rug under the bed
notthepenguins: Is a theosis a theological thesis
YakkShakk221B: text on thumb
rentar42: I don't think they used "bionengineering" in 1952?
Simriel: I love when people Invent Zombie Virus
avged: they can spell "revolutionizes" but not "thesis"?
johnalogue: Nice to label this 1/1 at the top
KBKarma: Hive minds, huh. I wonder what the maybe voodoo dudes have to do with that.
Jethrain: "oh cool my thumb tattoo lines up exactly with this article
ghyllnox: If it's this granular with the reloading and inventory, might they have jamming implemented?
thatguysteve2709: You know for as bad as this is. Clearly someone put in a lot of effort to make it. I am honestly impressed
memnus: 1/1 [Continues on page 7.]
Anaerin: Her thumb is also through the paper.
DigitalSeahorse: I mean I like having warm feet when I get up but yeah
Earthenone: so G, you did layout before, would that pass muster?
QuixoticScrivener: 1/1, page 7
Swamplor: *I* sure didn't
LathosTiran: biological husbandry?
Astra7525: Why is our wristwatch attached to our jacket?
TXC2: avged dyslexia is a hell of drug :p
TehAmelie: did the Timecube guy write this? the spelling and the research put into it both ring familiar
fiftymcnasty: Clill
richard_ermen: that like Apotheosis? So is he trying to ascend to heaven on the back of single-cell-microbes??
Laserbeaks_Fury: thats definitly Claire's jacket
PotatoWraiths: CREAK
sporkraptor: toilet seat?
sporkraptor: it's a toilet seat
sporkraptor: ghost toilet
KBKarma: Puzzle piece, I think.
bytecaster: I enjoy the sound effects a lot
lamina5432: garbage day almost missed
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
kilnfiendpotter: It's what's left of Mr. Tumnus
PotatoWraiths: m'tal
Shparky2197: That's one for the quotes, if we still do that these days
TheDangerWaffle: "horn"
Metric_Furlong: "bioengineering" was apparently first coined in 1954
LurkerSpine: according to wikipedia, the term bioengineering was coined in 1954
Drasvin: Puzzle piece
bytecaster: It's a key
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGun
kilnfiendpotter: It's a shofar?
KBKarma: @LurkerSpine Oh neat!
rentar42: the weeds, please do get into them!
Notimagain subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
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YakkShakk221B: ick
PotatoWraiths: it's a spline monster
YakkShakk221B: Oh no
sporkraptor: did it just mu tate?
TXC2: we don't want any!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyConcern vicksyD
TheDangerWaffle: Oh. I don't know if I like it
undecided44: @kilnfiendpotter that's what I thought of too.
Simriel: I love it when my CNS goes for a walk
KeytarCat: "Bloodborne can't possibly be about disease!"
korvys: "Just Walk Out. You Can Leave!!!"
ArcadeEngineer: these corridors are small highway wide
arcticdnd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arcticdnd! (Today's storm count: 33)
Swamplor: Narnia!
avged: time for narnia
Laserbeaks_Fury: Love it's occluding your light source
Astra7525: Man, the Tardis has seen better days
kilnfiendpotter: I'm surprised it wasn't part of the big Eugenics movement in the 1920's
theGuidingLark: it is a brain and has tentacles but can't open a door?
DrLigmaPhD: Enter the Void, Child
KBKarma: The lighting in this game is appalling.
JDMan94: Honestly it being within just 2 years is actually impressive
bytecaster: Is the light source pinned to our character model?
MenomeAlice subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
MenomeAlice: So engrossed with this...thing, I forgot to sub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MenomeAlice! (Today's storm count: 34)
JDMan94: I was expecting like 5+ years tbh
PotatoWraiths: SLAM
Simriel: Hey, uhhh, I just realised somehting. This game might be Really Bad
Marvoleath: one of them "hide in the locker" games, I see
PotatoWraiths: I love how loud all the sound effects are
TehAmelie: haha imagine if that slime noise monster chased you like Nemesis
Ehrin_CB: Thinking about things is hard :(
KBKarma: @Simriel Are you sure?
richard_ermen: What if we're secretly SuperGirl on a secret mission and thats why the error-seeming things happen? Because we're bad at playing "victim"?
NapalmSideburns: @Simriel really? what gave it away?
RAICx: This game has supreme sound design
theGuidingLark: oh, on top of bioengeneering, there's also necro-robotics that's sweet as heck
satyropodobny: I know writers who use subtext and they're all cowards
rocketjohn: we call that 'willfully ignorant'
YakkShakk221B: unobservant seems like a kinder way to say it
Astra7525: yea, or people are being wilfully obtuse for clicks
richard_ermen: @theGuidingLark that coined by Stanislav Lem?
korvys: And the umbilical cords
varmintx0: When Helldivers 2 came out and every rightwing youtuber wanted to say Starship Troopers isn't anti-fascist.
Simriel: Hey, did the W&P bingo card go away?
YeetTheRich_: FBtouchdown
noSmokeFire: consider: how many people played the game not knowing what a wetnurse was?
YeetTheRich_: we did it
BlueMechanic: the word born is in the title even
kilnfiendpotter: "The Nightmare of Menses" sounds like what I had to deal with as a teenager
ProcyonFlynn: Just one of those "great job playing the game blindfolded - you should stream that" moments.
sporkraptor: soooo how much was this game? XD
YakkShakk221B: oh that's nifty
TXC2: I wager a LARGE number of male bloodbourne players do not know what a menses is
BlueFingers5: put the controller in port 2
asthanius: and you grab umbilical cords
TehAmelie: try ctrl-alt no wait
redpandrake: "Thanks for making me into a horror beyond my own conception, it's great to be here"
HavenDragon: @kilnfiendpotter same
richard_ermen: @varmintx0 "Would you like to know more?"
KBKarma: @kilnfiendpotter 'twas the Nightmare before Menses, and all through the house..."
LiveFaust subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LiveFaust: Garçon, your finest garbáge, please.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LiveFaust! (Today's storm count: 35)
Simriel: Bloodborne being about Birth and Disease IS the surface level tho!
PotatoWraiths: lol how
DigitalSeahorse: lol
TheDangerWaffle: LMAO
JDMan94: Lord
bytecaster: It denies art meaning
YakkShakk221B: bitterLOL
VrolikSyndrome: "War is GOOD, actually"
JDMan94: THOSE people
richard_ermen: That's clip-worthy
ThorSokar: wooooooooooow
Ehrin_CB: MGS mentioned. Time for a play through
Makrosian_Tay: The gobermint
Foxmar320: The Division is not political at all
ThorSokar: Did that person breath MANUALLY?
richard_ermen: "My Source? I MADE IT UP"
raulghoulia: "War never changes" isn't a theme!
Simriel: Star Wars isn't about George Lucas being mad at U.S Imperialism
aesir_blade: good old apolitical games like Wolfenstein
ghyllnox: Sometimes the theme is "big tiddy anime girl"
Laserbeaks_Fury: To be fair, I didn't know what a menarche was till I played Bioshock Infinite
kusinohki: meows
rocketjohn: "'detroit: become human' is not poltical"
rentar42: if moonwalking doesn't save you here, then nothing does
TehAmelie: but don't you realize media that i consumed before i gained any political consciousness is apolitical, and then when i grew up everyone started being political
BlueFingers5: that was a fun error
richard_ermen: @rocketjohn In its defense, it is very bad too ;)
TheMerricat: So the reviews mentioned you probably don't want to get close to the computers because they'll lock up your game soft lock.
bytecaster: What if we pull our gun?
korvys: @Foxmar320 My understand is that The Divisinon was mostly about queuing.
YakkShakk221B: bitterBless
YakkShakk221B: game gets brownie points
YakkShakk221B: that's so nice of them
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRaid lucky saves
Violet__Violence: actual save system startles everyone
Earthenone: 0/10 needs more ink ribbons
Foxmar320: @korvys I did wait a while to use a laptop
bytecaster: Competence?!?!
theGuidingLark: @richard_ermen wiki says Necrobotics was coined by a paper in texas, the preston innovation lab pumped hydrolics into dead spiders to puppet them around
sporkraptor: they remembered there's supposed to be music lol
richard_ermen: @TheMerricat Wow
mwlsn: @TehAmelie I never thought of it this way, but that explains a lot of this sort of reaction
SymphonySolstice: this game was at least partially thought through well
Shparky2197: As someone with autism, that's definitely sounds like an autistic take, tbh. "No, it can't have a theme, otherwise I wouldn't like it." This is just my personal experience though.
Foxmar320: Facts
DigitalSeahorse: xD
JDMan94: Mood
TXC2: big mood there Alex :p
YakkShakk221B: oh that's interesting
lirazel64: Social commentary!
bytecaster: Maybe there is something on the screen we can't see from that perspective?
Simriel: Computers were a mistake for sure
Critterbot: Yupp, can confirm.
YakkShakk221B: just don't touch computers
Patorik: kinda like the music, tbh
richard_ermen: @theGuidingLark That is infinitely creepier. I thought I just remembered that phrase from a Lem-story but wow. That'
Marvoleath: maybe there was supposed to be a PC ui, that is not displayed
YakkShakk221B: it's ok it just does that sometimes(?)
itmightbemikey: The Internet, summed up 6 words: "Interacting with the computer fucks you"
richard_ermen: @TheMerricat I like how we immediately ran into it xD
PotatoWraiths: ker SLAM
TehAmelie: aww but we're all on the internet right now
ipoddodd: what a LOUD door
Trixalicious: Maybe you need to trigger something else first.
littleunknownn: The door is giving me AIM flashbacks
kusinohki: what is going on with this hoppy jog cycle??
Akaiatana: The computer crashing is not very PC
Shparky2197: It's funny how I hated English class, and yet enjoyed stories so much
Vilun: maybe the computer is a warning, like how they put dragons on sea charts
Laserbeaks_Fury: Honestly, there being a computer UI that the camera is not properly snapping to is a *very* likely situation
DigitalSeahorse: plunk
Marvoleath: it's just a top-down view of the area
TheMerricat: " But the game also has no less number of bugs, from passing through walls to freezing the character due to interaction with some objects (DO NOT GO TO THE COMPUTER :) ). The character does not move, no matter what buttons you press, but the whole game does not freeze, the flashlight can be turned on / off."
DrLigmaPhD: Whenever a game is claimed to be nonpolitical by the typical insufferable gamer type I immediately assume it is problematically horny (straight [derogatory])
KeytarCat: "Gullible is written on the ceiling!" "No, that's the map"
LurkerSpine: that scale seems off?
DigitalSeahorse: lol
Simriel: I thought rhe Map was stored in the Balls
SymphonySolstice: ohboy
PotatoWraiths: ragdoll chair noises
rentar42: all chairs are physics enabled, but some are more physics enabled than others
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDK
Drasvin: I wonder if interacting with the PC forces your controls to interact with the PC. I wonder if switching to over the shoulder would let you interact with it.
Texan_Reverend: I can't describe just how fitting it feels to watch this Not Resident Evil game on a 13" CRT TV.
Desruprot: limesBlink
RAICx: *Mostly* incorporeal chairs
ipoddodd: so the chairs HAVE physics, they're just real wierd
Desruprot: Mirror RE
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDance
TXC2: Texan_Reverend nice
Foxmar320: Yes!
LiveFaust: The State: smashing underway
Astra7525: It might be that the game is supposed to present you with an overlay or interface for the computer, but it doesn't
Foxmar320: It's RE2
ThorSokar: yea, it was them hiding loading screens
TehAmelie: i only remember the dog jumping through the window behind you
Foxmar320: Door leading to the backside of the Police Station will always have a jump scare.
Ehrin_CB: This probably explains Hammer
Gizmoloid: -So, should we be able to interact with chairs or not? -Both!
TehAmelie: ah, a layered foyer
TXC2: 2nd layer = mezanine ? :p
Shparky2197: Is an Ibex a goat?
Jethrain: "explore or implore"?
Laserbeaks_Fury: JC Denton
KBKarma: - Jesus Christ.
TXC2: Shparky2197 kinda, like an antalope
kilnfiendpotter: Gotta run and pick up Rappscallion! Have fun and stay alive?
Earthenone: that handyman was J.C! it was jeasus all along!
KeytarCat: Can't be a mezzanine if there are only two!
TXC2: so long kilnfiendpotter stay safe
Shparky2197: Yeah, I thought it was more like an antelope
Desruprot: the glory that is Watch+Play
TheMerricat: :D
JKBalch: Is the clip loaded?
TXC2: what makes it tacitcal ?
TehAmelie: is it Alan Wake's flashlight?
KeytarCat: uh, controller glyphs
Bruceski: why does a flashlight have a clip?
VanAvant: Out of battery discharge
Desruprot: voice very Text to Speech
SymphonySolstice: that's one of my faves
bytecaster: @Bruceski to clip it to your belt
Bruceski: oh, this time they DON'T mean magazine
v_nome: It's matte black?
EmberNov: its tactical because they painted it black
avged: picatinny rail on the flashlight
LordManiMani: CQC Compatibility?
v_nome: And has paracord?
roticet: The size
betweenmyself: the ability to be attached to other things?
SymphonySolstice: no name brand
EmberNov: very neutral font
Juliamon: chili beans
Akaiatana: No Name household
KBKarma: Why is the hob on?
EmberNov: those are the government beans
BigDaddyBland87: Rich cheapskates
sporkraptor: it'd be more charming if it was less than $10
LathosTiran: paint by numbers resident evil
bytecaster: Is the stove on?
undecided44: So we buy groceries from the building in Control?
Anaerin: A lot of blood and no pupils to the eyes.
rentar42: as charming as it is, I still consider those assets an argument for using asset packs.
Akaiatana: That island is a hard counter for you, huh?
Shparky2197: Owning a mansion and eating generic is definitely what inheritors with no sense of fiscal responsibility did
EmberNov: a lot of flame coming off that oven
DigitalSeahorse: must be WARM in here
KBKarma: Hades technically has a tactical roll.
accountmadeforants: Tactical roll, but the camera rolls along with it
kusinohki: how come no one ever uses a strategic roll??
bytecaster: I can never get over the belt sounds
YakkShakk221B: cheeky stovefire
v_nome: @accountmadeforants Tactical roll but ONLY the camera rolls
EmberNov: those are tactical bowls
TehAmelie: it's generally good strategy to not roll to conserve your stamina
TheWriterAleph: technically yes
DigitalSeahorse: LOL
CataclysmicReverb: DS2 torch mechanics?
bytecaster: Thanks Prometheus
Laserbeaks_Fury: Fire Escort Quest
sporkraptor: so you're supposed to *burn* through that door
memnus: "Be sure to use fire wisely" is shockingly good advice
rocketjohn: 'over here, with the rest of the fire'
theGuidingLark: i hate fire escort missions
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
DrLigmaPhD: Olympic Torch type brief
Wolfstrike_NL: Graham, please tell me you have a note like that at home.
accountmadeforants: @kusinohki They do, but a strategic roll takes several months or years to really unfold, so you never really have an opportunity to yell "strategic roll!"
SnackPak_: anything will burn with enough oxidizer
Crad0k: you can burn just about anything with tri-flourides
bjergmann101: The fire triangle. Heat, Ozygen and Alex
DigitalSeahorse: pick it up like in Howl's Moving Castle!
Foxmar320: foxmarBURN
johnalogue: A modern Prometheus?
CommanderPulsar: I'll just put this fire over with the other fire...
korvys: Where that horn go
Desruprot: to quote the Joker, Everything Burns
Shparky2197: @memnus we definitely need to add that to the lrrbot advice
MalFnord: Fire: the cause of and solution to all of life's problems
Keab42: Burning the house down is probably the smart solution to these zombies
EmberNov: nothing flammable here, just a lot of cardboard boxes
Gizmoloid: I bet we'll be able to put that object on fire and then put it on our belt
avged: bee stew
kusinohki: ironically, the note telling you about fire can't be set on fire...
Trixalicious: New method to solve puzzles, transport fire to them.
Foxmar320: These cans remind me of the products from Control
sporkraptor: dinty moore
Simriel: It is true that Door cannot be locked if Door does not exist
korvys: And I've been doing just fine
morgoth_bauglyr: Oh MEGA
Anaerin: Puritan Beef Stew: It's a Canadian MRE.
Crad0k: that's an upsetting noise
accountmadeforants: I mean, I've definitely seen canned beef stew, and I've used some for filling pastry.
Patorik: They sound like Velcro monsters
sporkraptor: there's flying snippy things XD
DigitalSeahorse: splej
Mishapp53 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mishapp53! (Today's storm count: 36)
noSmokeFire: were the heads nude?
asthanius: this is the opposite of ASMR
korvys: Yeah, that was a... RE7 thing?
teammanfred: I love Control
Jethrain: i'm obsessed with the tongue clicking inventory noise
TehAmelie: idea for a game puzzle: you have to put something on fire and there's free fire nearby, but the only thing you have to transfer the flame is your body
accountmadeforants: The belt noises are definitely someone making sounds with their mouth, and I love it
Cheese_Hammer: khorne flakes
sporkraptor: her name is Alexa, obviously
teammanfred: They look like an Angela
TXC2: I wonder if we can do the click song with the inventory :p
wench_tacular: reading by osmosis
YeetTheRich_: flashbang
Jethrain: the text has shadows??
TehAmelie: maybe she reads with sensors in her hands like T-1000
anclag: It’s thick text
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed snow blinded
Desruprot: IM BLIND
DigitalSeahorse: so sticky
korvys: It sounds like your feet are really sticky
TheWriterAleph: squish squish
MalFnord: ew ew ew ew
Critterbot: That was a very upsetting noise.
accountmadeforants: I think it's a weird representation of "this isn't literally what it says, just what she interprets", since I assume it doesn't literally say (the rest of the article is missing)
KBKarma: Candles?
bytecaster: I hope it's a lantern
TXC2: it's like walking on mud filed with corn flakes :p
L0rdX33n: a hay bale
DigitalSeahorse: the torch for the torch lady
Akaiatana: Your hand; a succinct proof.
DigitalSeahorse: WD-40
Earthenone: its modern art
bytecaster: It's the display WD-40
notthepenguins: Quaint peasant items
Simriel: I display all my Chemicals in prime artistic position
Crad0k: ALEX
DigitalSeahorse: oh deer
KBKarma: Dear oh dear
rentar42: well, you wouldn't put it on the GROUND FLOOR, now would you?!
TXC2: a female deer
TehAmelie: rich person voice: isn't this how a cleaning closet works?
sporkraptor: that's the antique WD-40
DigitalSeahorse: xD
DigitalSeahorse: hehehheheheh
sporkraptor: heirloom
accountmadeforants: That's the rare misprint WD-41
YakkShakk221B: I do love the backup WD40 gag
CommanderPulsar: Deer God.
jacqui_lantern234: that joke STILL gets me XD
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
Akaiatana: The house owners are deep into Egyptian stuff because they're Pyramid Heads
LordZarano: Machines are important to them so WD40 is a holy object?
TehAmelie: who WD-40s the WD-40 container?
Cheese_Hammer: we’re having company, get out the good wd40
DigitalSeahorse: it's an unicorn now
KBKarma: It looks like this¬!
accountmadeforants: *smooches ram* I'll get you your horns back buddy
bytecaster: HINT!
DigitalSeahorse: tentacle door
Shparky2197: Is that a ram? I don't think that the dev knows animals
YakkShakk221B: HEY put the horns on the ram dumbass
Earthenone: UwUboros?
TXC2: what's funny is that WD-40 is not a lubercant, yet people keep using it for that :p
TStodden: Oroboros?
bytecaster: There are soooo many useful items in this house that we cannot use
gsyhiap: Ornamental wrench
morgoth_bauglyr: no wrench shaming
Wicker_Guide: Oh, a Boris
Marvoleath: So, we saw door with Omega, Oroboros and pentagram
Jethrain: there was another door in the room with the walking heads
Laserbeaks_Fury: We have a Wrench in the Hallway, all we now is Col. Mustard
LordZarano: @TXC2 It's an oil! That's close enough!
noSmokeFire: these doors work on ABO logic
Simriel: Hydra Dominatus?
DigitalSeahorse: I haven't been to BC but I know you mean in game
TehAmelie: on one hand, you have to give them credit for filling the house with props. on the other hand they're all just confusing and distracting props
Foxmar320: Outside is death. Outside is always death
bytecaster: I wonder if we could use all that flammable gas to do something with fire
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 WD-40 literally describes it as lubricating things, though. (But yeah, it's mostly a penetrating oil)
Crad0k: they probably spawn in the air and drop
ThorSokar: For some reason I enjoy the fact that she slams every door
accountmadeforants: nom nom nom nom
YakkShakk221B: hi worm guy
Wicker_Guide: I am not a fan of the snakebies
TehAmelie: we're gonna need a lot of algae pills here
northos: as horrifying as those things are, it amuses me that the worm faces just look like...some normal dude
YakkShakk221B: this is an awful hallway
matthaus_c: getting attacked by the music Kathleen likes
Akaiatana: Pretty heavy sperm metaphor, huh?
YakkShakk221B: they kinda look like the goobers in Killer7
morgoth_bauglyr: holy bujeeebus that blood
Duffadash: wait, was that a Plants vs Zombies zombo sound effefct?
bytecaster: Remote struggle
Simriel: is being a Little Hurt at all like being a Little Gnome?
Wicker_Guide: that's Ronnie the blood zombie
Cheese_Hammer: force choke!
UnknownFriday: That is a tremendous amount of blood.
Boon_33: LUL
LordManiMani: It's like an Eternal Darkness monster
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFox1 Squid2 Squid4
Jethrain: oh NO, your reflection in the window has no hair
YakkShakk221B: hey hey what if Everything was a regenerator
anclag: oh she’s bald in the reflection
TXC2: this is the T-800 of zombies ;p
ogundiety: Maybe you have to burn the bodies?
TheNerdWonder: her reflection has no hair!
Asimech: @Simriel It's the reverse: Being a Little Gnome hurts *others*.
ogundiety: and that's why?
Critterbot: Those... sure are some blood stains!
Shparky2197: Why is the red so ropey?
hackingducks: just a bag of blood
Boon_33: lead it through a smeltery
Gizmoloid: was that a stump headshot?
LordManiMani: Incoming comedy beat
TehAmelie: it's mirrored
Jethrain: "evil has to be invited in"
phoenixletmeuseadashd: gibberish and upside down
Marvoleath: Evil has to be invited in
DigitalSeahorse: xD
azureHaights: "upside down, but actually, tho"
Aceviru: So her hair is evil?
Boon_33: hairpire
TXC2: hair is a wig made from Vampire hair ?
prince_infidel: My hair is a vampire
TehAmelie: wow, Vampire Hair is the name of my Vampire Weekend cover band
LordManiMani: Wait *is* that Alexandra from Eternal Darkness on the wall 😄
Laserbeaks_Fury: load pills into gun
bytecaster: She must be from the US
Asimech: They couldn't afford fake blood so they used red party ribbons and a fan. @Shparky2197
DigitalSeahorse: dang this throat, I need a fishermans friend
morgoth_bauglyr: wheeee clippping
Dog_of_Myth: There we go
wench_tacular: jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo
redpandrake: Oh ok were back to bloodborne
Crad0k: nope nope nope
margieargie: now THIS is horror
Astra7525: ah, the good stuff
BigDaddyBland87: Nope
DigitalSeahorse: linSpoop
Shparky2197: Oooh noooo
MalFnord: D:
Marvoleath: head empty, no thoughts
johnalogue: Oh, that's the fleshgate and we have stared into it
red_shoes_jeff: jlrrNo lrrSPOOP
Keab42: The real monster was us
TXC2: yeap that's gonna haunt me tonight :p
Alness49: The Ubisoft look
KBKarma: Take me to the Otherside.
TehAmelie: a pretty good song
roticet: That was cursed. Would make for a good thumbnail for this WP episode on YouTube.
Shparky2197: Doggo
kdefinition: It doesn't open from this side
Akaiatana: Hello from the otherside.
DigitalSeahorse: he inner head is like Barbie's inner scalp
bytecaster: Like a wrench or a hammer?
raulghoulia: is that woman on the couch ok?
Ehrin_CB: She's just napping
Marvoleath: @raulghoulia yes, shes dead
Gizmoloid: didn't she have auto aim in fixed camera mode?
Akaiatana: She's hogging the chase lounge.
KeytarCat: Time to make this ibex horny
TXC2: can't bring it to a climax?
wench_tacular: lrrGOAT
Anaerin: S.T.A.R. doors?
DigitalSeahorse: deer puns make me horny
CataclysmicReverb: Star doors was my favorite Jojo's arc
TehAmelie: if only this game was as well put together as Breach & Clean where you can interact with objects and NPCs
johnalogue: Does that mean it has big guts?
Ehrin_CB: interesting choice for a monster closset
DigitalSeahorse: giant house centipede
Akaiatana: A headcrab
FarleyF: oh please thats just a regular spider for us Mad MAxers
Patorik: Centibaby!
7gorobei: skullapede
KBKarma: Shotgun!
korvys: I don't even like the phrase "baby head centipede"
TehAmelie: pretty freaky, but it was sort of undercut by hiding behind the couch like a baby
Ehrin_CB: gotta say, the non-zombie monsters are definitely inspired
notthepenguins: Add one to "sentences I had never considered yet firmly agree with"
Crad0k: i mean, whatever else this games has, it's got good monster design
Simriel: it's like 4-5 grand right?
Critterbot: Technically the Spas 12 is also semi automatic.
undecided44: Don't 'other' the undercouch... it's a person too
Shparky2197: Expensive gun, basic ass food
TXC2: semi-auto shotguns are always expensive
7gorobei: they didnt make that many, a better version came out later
dumbo3k: averages around 3.5k$ according to google
Marvoleath: " average price of $3,403.36 used"
kristian_fischer: At least it's not a Pancor Jackhammer.
Nigouki: In Half-Life it also had a 2nd barrel :3
TXC2: Shparky2197 sounds about right :p
Crad0k: oh yeah, it weighs a ton
Simriel: It's a semi auto shotgun, that is also able to be pumped, not the other way round really
Ehrin_CB: like 1,500 when released, in 1979
Simriel: You have to dismantle it to reload it XD
prince_infidel: Spas-12 Between $2250-4200
Shparky2197: I mean, that definitely sounds like rich inheritor logic
Crad0k: three, i think, none of which actually worked right
DigitalSeahorse: neat!
50keyz: when you blow your budget on models and cant afford animation/rigging
kdefinition: You have to unbolt it in order to reload it
Astra7525: Also: Didn't you to disassemble the Jackhammer to change its magazine?
L0rdX33n: Wait what?
Simriel: The PANCOR doesn't HAVE a magazine, it wasn't ever fully built XD
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope
PotatoWraiths: how's it hangin bay-bees
Simriel: These were in Elden Ring
DigitalSeahorse: the heads are flying now
KBKarma: Q
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed voxlunBabhed voxlunBabhed
Camthelion subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Camthelion: boop!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Camthelion! (Today's storm count: 37)
phoenixletmeuseadashd: wait 3d movemment *and* tank controls?
Marvoleath: wait, "tank controls"?
fastlane250: schmoovin
Laserbeaks_Fury: They fly now?
roticet: And have more blood than a 15 gallon blood bag
Critterbot: If it's sufficiently powerful 00-buck you would not have to pump it.
KBKarma: Thingy!
korvys: "gait" my ass
Ehrin_CB: love a good slide strat
prince_infidel: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
DAC169: "Fuck you, Baltimore!"?
kristian_fischer: Go-go Gadget Rollerblades!
bytecaster: The enemy design is strong
Akaiatana: You've got red on you
omdorastrix: wow! the enemey was reflected in the window
AgentRaz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 93 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AgentRaz! (Today's storm count: 38)
Shparky2197: So many enemies that have no idea how doors work, and respectfully let you use it rather than attack.
korvys: imFb
azureHaights: sacrifiss
sporkraptor: uh... sure
HavenDragon: eye sick?
morgoth_bauglyr: I sick
bytecaster: The isaac of binding of isaac fame?
korvys: imFdb, rather
anclag: @omdorastrix Well at least we know it’s not made of hair
KBKarma: I note that the female statue is topless... I wonder if "nudity" is "female nudity".
kristian_fischer: I didn't know Abraham was gonna use a wooden stake on his son?
Ehrin_CB: are Oxygen tanks flammable?
TXC2: KBKarma almost certinaly
Master_Gunner: huh, yeah. IMFDB has a long list of video games for the jackhammer, but no movies.
sporkraptor: @KBKarma of course, gotta have boobz, anything else is [homophobic slur]
Vilun: does a shotgun not count as a tool for opening boarded up doors?
TehAmelie: wow, is this a Hästens bed?
darkhalcyon: I'm still not over how loud those doors are
undecided44: Shepherd
morgoth_bauglyr: you gotta book it
omdorastrix: @anclag I mean -better games don't even bother - I'm surprised to see dynamic reflections in the windows
Akaiatana: Don't hate them for being bedder than you
phoenixletmeuseadashd: uh
Gizmoloid: it kinda looked like the body gave you thumb up LUL
Astra7525: "Is that a snake for downstairs"
AugmentingPath: when it gives you the thumbs up, that's how you know it's over
bytecaster: Is it Sullivian or Sullivan, you gotta pick!
DigitalSeahorse: Sullivian
KBKarma: This just seems... needlessly complex.
TXC2: Solstice is in winter or summer, not autumn or Spring :p
Critterbot: The main trash, nevermind the secondary trash.
Shparky2197: Such good planning, having seasonal statue stations
TehAmelie: the game DOES run on Timecube logic. and spelling
KeytarCat: @bytecaster Depends which generation you ask
Marvoleath: the accident™
Bergor_Terraf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
Bergor_Terraf: Hi!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bergor_Terraf! (Today's storm count: 39)
wench_tacular: snek
Marvoleath: she went to the uni, such a shame""
ANeMzero: shlurp
KBKarma: Jump on the bed?
Keab42: That slurp noise
DigitalSeahorse: snek
KBKarma: Hecate offering?
AugmentingPath: snaaek
TehAmelie: well, we all lose nouns sometimes
Astra7525: Marblesnake
BrindleBoar: snek
MalFnord: Snaaaaake, it's a snaaake
DigitalSeahorse: heckit
undecided44: Ritual purposes...
bytecaster: That is one solid snake
BrindleBoar: good thing you had a snake holster
omdorastrix: You could call it snarble or a make...
TehAmelie: Eve and her two snakes
AugmentingPath: *marble shapes
KBKarma: I suspect the person making this game wanted to reference the Bible. I feel they weren't doing a good job.
Gizmoloid: give Moses a snake?
DigitalSeahorse: the twin whatever from Neverending Story
Gizmoloid: he's got a free hand
PotatoWraiths: that body is disorganized
TehAmelie: it's got Greek and Egyptian gods too so who knows
Invitare: Are we sure that's Moses? I don't see a single beyblade
bytecaster: Like a wrench or hammer?
Shparky2197: So, placing biblical figures different ways during solstices. What?
Marvoleath: can you maybe put the tanks on fire? :D
Mnemonicman: Someone keeps spilling the chili in this game. It's shameful. SHAME
TXC2: right chat I'm off
Marvoleath: @Shparky2197 just rich ppl things, dont worry about it
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 later, nerd <3
SkylerRingtail: I've just had a horrible glimpse of the near future, where these written/spoken descriptions of objects are just the prompts used to have an AI generate them.
TXC2: goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Graham and Alex
tryllebanjo: The FEELING in the voice acting.
Laserbeaks_Fury: speedrun strats
Shparky2197: Bye txc2
Jethrain: dang, the speedrun tech
Inquisitor_Xian: put your back to a locked door and hammer the map?
Anaerin: Is it sending you to 0,0?
kristian_fischer: @tryllebanjo It's text to speech
TehAmelie: hmm how evil would it be to make a game tied to real time where some secrets only unlock during a solar eclipse?
kristian_fischer: @TehAmelie That would not be evil, that would be stupid.
Wolfstrike_NL: Secret lever anywhere?
TehAmelie: it could be both
kristian_fischer: Stupidly evil
bisaflau: @TehAmelie Lunacid has some effects based on the real life lunar cycle. That's close I guess?
roticet: Make it not important to main gameplay, and more of a side thing, could be interesting if implemented well.
TStodden: Found Speedrun strat
Shparky2197: Yeah, evil and clever definitely don't always go together
DigitalSeahorse: xD
haberley: evening everyone - great to catch this live for once!
raulghoulia: that show destroys me
TStodden: Is there more than 2 seasons (so far)?
BusTed: What is it?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
niccus: is this not stanley parable
korvys: Frog Fractions
TheWriterAleph: a binged every Goes Wrong one day when i was sick
LordManiMani: That'd be really hard to get right without being a PitA
raulghoulia: The Goes Wrong Show
GMStarson: Eat Lead i believe is a game that did that.
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: goes wrong show are superb. I've been so glad I've got to see them live
PotatoWraiths: "what are these hitboxes???"
bytecaster: Hey Kate!
Juliamon: hey Kate
jessieimproved: heck ate
TStodden: The Goes Wrong Show... 2 seasons + specials available on YouTube (at least in the US)
GMStarson: Whole thing is about a actual character who knows he is a game and he's been hired to come back.
omdorastrix: Heh-Ka-Tay - no?
sporkraptor: giv snek to hekit
KBKarma: @omdorastrix Yes
DoodlestheGreat: Heck-katie?
DigitalSeahorse: heck Kate
AugmentingPath: He Kate? I mostly know she/her Kates, but nice to meet you all the same
bytecaster: Maybe Snek not for Kate?
DahudLefthanded: HEH-kuh-tee I think
sporkraptor: hek ate no want snek?
KBKarma: Left?
bytecaster: Be careful of the PC
KBKarma: Oh no, left was the dude.
jessieimproved: @DahudLefthanded Yes this ^
Gizmoloid: Are we sure we don't need to try her empty hands specifically?
KBKarma: Watch out for snakes.
Shparky2197: @dahudlefthanded that's definitely the pronunciation I'm familiar with
phoenixletmeuseadashd: if this goes weeping angel..
wench_tacular: disco time
bytecaster: Oh, it's that one Bioshock level
omdorastrix: No wonder the protag is having all this trouble with magical type things - Calling Hecate - "Kate"
LordZarano: IPA: /ˈhɛkəti/
sporkraptor: naked bald chick statues room
TehAmelie: which gods are these? the Hatsune Miku pantheon?
GameWithShame: Do we know why the walls are so wet...?
roticet: Cause it's spooky
Shparky2197: These doors definitely need some wd40
GameWithShame: I'm certainly spooped
DigitalSeahorse: know ledge
Simriel: She brings 0 ledges
SkylerRingtail: Ah yes, He-Kate. Sister to He-Man.
niccus: secretly heqet
mwlsn: ah, the no-ledge
Firewhiskers: As a producer of audio dramas I hate this AI voice.
roticet: Ah darn, I was hoping for a "is it though?" So I could say no. Lol
KBKarma: Right, I'm gonna bounce. Need medication, and tired. Have a good one, y'all.
Simriel: StarDoor is my favourite marvel character
Diabore: i really hate the squelching
littleunknownn: me too
GedankenPalast_: @KBKarma Take care <3
LiveFaust: Eldrazi!
Shparky2197: Ummmm, no?
KeytarCat: @Simriel My favorite David Bowie character
Barb4rian: Yes, take the gold capsule
TehAmelie: the pill DO numb the pain for a while!
TehAmelie: pills
PotatoWraiths: oh I remember that
bytecaster: That's the pill room
MalFnord: Man, talk about dream jobs
Wicker_Guide: @KeytarCat My favorite The Weeknd tribute persona
sporkraptor: this person has also never been in a house
Shparky2197: Pretty sure gold algae pills would lower your defense. Not sure how the human body does with algae
TehAmelie: [insistent squelching]
Wicker_Guide: You know, I kind of want a key-door mystery game like this set in the actual Winchester Mystery House (or an equivalent home-made-by-a-disturbed-person
PotatoWraiths: LOL
bytecaster: We are doing some good QA testing
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
bytecaster: Got computered
TehAmelie: the computer had line of sight to you
sporkraptor: do not touch, approach, or look at the computer
sporkraptor: computer is the real boss enemy
wench_tacular: signal for help
Jethrain: there was another door in the upper floor room, i think
sporkraptor: the computer is a more threatening monster than any of the other squishy things
Akaiatana: You can signal an SOS and that's it
mwlsn: Is that FF music?
Simriel: You cannot beat the game, but maybe you can Kill It
bytecaster: Behind the star door, I think, yes
Jethrain: inside the star room there were two doors, and i think you only went through one?
CataclysmicReverb: How frustrating, this was actually an interesting play
bytecaster: You gotta go there and then you'll be there
korvys: That's what she said
BITs19_: good ideas, I hope this person keeps making games, maybe don't sell the next couple
Firewhiskers: She's doin' th' Mario!
bytecaster: Guns ruin dancing
Akaiatana: The statue to hee-heecate
GasCityGaming: no-litch
PotatoWraiths: heck eight brings no ledge
Tangsm: Hey Kate, bring knowledge
bytecaster: no-lich here, no no
josh___something: He-Kate
BlueMechanic: so mote it be
Keab42: I bet Alex is right about the apple
Desruprot: know-ledge
Keab42: I'm curious about what the random gameplay aspects are for this game.
PotatoWraiths: a throor
TehAmelie: #just rich people stuff
Diabore: sta choo
PotatoWraiths: bless you
mwlsn: "Stat-choo" "bless you"
bytecaster: But snek in eye
Astra7525: Why do you think they call it snake-eyes :P
NullColaShip: 'stat chu, bro?
ArcadeEngineer: i was thinking that popcorn celing stuff
bytecaster: Go uppies?
A_Dub888: What up friends, what level of garage are we on?
Jethrain: like 5 or six right now, my dude
MallyxZero: did we ever finish the weird cowboy time traveller game?
Keab42: @a_dub888 baby-headed centipedes
Jethrain: This was the one i was mentioning
sporkraptor: this game is so incredibly broken
bytecaster: flammable
sethtriggs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 35 month streak!
sethtriggs: So glad I made it - this game looks ripe!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sethtriggs! (Today's storm count: 40)
Critterbot: 12-guage. :D
A_Dub888: @Keab42 The hell is Ko the Face Stealer doing here?
Gizmoloid: ooh, flammable?
rentar42: is this how you transport fire?
PotatoWraiths: welp, I'm board of this
sporkraptor: shoe? wtf this game has collectibles
sethtriggs: I love that line read
TheWriterAleph: funkopop
TehAmelie: she sounded excited about that for the first time in the game
sethtriggs: Seems like the wrong kind of place for a barrel like that
Wolfstrike_NL: What if... The flamable also takes cares of the boarded doors
sporkraptor: ooorrrr maybe you need to assemble some furniture
TehAmelie: there's a joke about Planck length here
sporkraptor: it's an IKEA simulator
sethtriggs: *pop pop pop*
bytecaster: What if you break all of them?
Foxmar320: foxmarBURN foxmarBURN foxmarBURN
Simriel: Everything is flammable Once
Simriel: And everything is a dildo Once. These can be at the same time.... Once
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFine vicksyFine vicksyFine
Drasvin: @bytecaster I guess intension soft lock
A_Dub888: as yes, breakable weapons, everyone's favorite mechanic lrrBEEJ
PotatoWraiths: @TehAmelie sorry, it was too short, I missed it
Jethrain: @bytecaster one of the hints mentioned about flammable objects being limited, so you might just be hosed in that case?
TehAmelie: hoho
Firewhiskers: The developer can't be concerned with real life equivalent of the pre-made assets they purchased. I wouldn't be surprised if they had a demon core and a lava pit in this house.
phoenixletmeuseadashd: snake would make sense there, but this game doesn't
A_Dub888: @Firewhiskers I thought that was a furnace...
Firewhiskers: Hey I played this minigame in Breath of the Wild
Gizmoloid: or light that barrel?
bytecaster: Can we light the flammable gas?
sethtriggs: The ceilings in some of these rooms are so high they make me think of NES interior shots.
TehAmelie: ooh, the gas tubes in the entrance
bytecaster: Careful, PC
Gizmoloid: everything was treated wit special non-flammable varnish
Simriel: So glad we Got Wood
Asolya: those doors are so loud omg
Foxmar320: The computer saw you sneak by
sporkraptor: @TehAmelie oh yeah, I think you just solved the game XD
bytecaster: It's where brain boy is
TehAmelie: that would be exciting if the game had that kind of physics foundation
sporkraptor: maybe if they set the oxygen tanks on fire they can get to the subocean
Makrosian_Tay: Board-to-door salesman
sethtriggs: Is that door foley recorded by the dev?
Asolya: The creaking is making my skin crawl kjbhjk
sethtriggs: Get off of me
Simriel: The star key goes in the Square Hole
Firewhiskers: @Asolya A box of the collection of sound effect assets the devs bought
sethtriggs: Ahhh I see!
Asolya: @Firewhiskers oh jeez :<
Firewhiskers: I mean, a pox on
sethtriggs: I will say this is a novel, if not dizziness-inducing, way to do a weapon/tool wheel.
A_Dub888: did we finish "Man gets isekai'd by a book and teams up with a cowboy" from last time?
Firewhiskers: Seperated (sic)
EvilBadman: the most iconic door close sound sign AOL Instant Messenger
Gizmoloid: you gotta keep them seperated
sethtriggs: "Seperated" prayers
DigitalSeahorse: xD
sethtriggs: OH NO
DoodlestheGreat: WELP
bytecaster: Safe and efficient!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFine vicksyHaha
Doc_Layzah: Just got here. Has anyone else pointed out that her jogging animation looks like she's about to explain to you how underappreciated Huey Lewis and the News are?
BusTed: tqsFine
Keab42: Of course
PotatoWraiths: LOL
sethtriggs: This feels like a very bad idea to set a wooden dor alight in a building like this
korvys: I'm sorry, so the solution to the "break board" wasn't a hammer or a crowbar or whatever, but FIRE!?
A_Dub888: biff
Firewhiskers: Giant toilet
DigitalSeahorse: ^
EvilBadman: *thump* _ignites_
Wolfstrike_NL: spank em
SkylerRingtail: More DoTs!
wench_tacular: queue Benny Hill music
A_Dub888: is that a mini propane tank I spy?
northos: @korvys everyone knows doors and doorframes are fireproof :P
Jethrain: zombie catches fire, becomes tim allen
TehAmelie: @Doc_Layzah wow, i was wondering why it was so familiar. it's 100% the American Psycho walk
Drasvin: It did mention that some enemies can only be killed with fire
DigitalSeahorse: and giant pill bottle
Marvoleath: Tbh this game has a lot of cool things in it, just very unpolished
Firewhiskers: Wait is there water in the tub?
Simriel: I heard Gold Orgy Capsules
bytecaster: Why does it turn red sometimes?
eric_christian_berg: Is this game just an ad for nutritional supplements?
TheAwkes: Oops, I just vit a litty.
Marvoleath: @bytecaster red shift, moves further from the camera wheelerKappa
dumbo3k: @bytecaster I think to tell us if there is already an object in that belt loop
DigitalSeahorse: towels all very far from the tub
sethtriggs: Burning to death in a bathroom is really quite a way to go.
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
YakkShakk221B: oh it's a deku stick
ThorSokar: umm
TheMerricat: @bytecaster Your hand was over an 'inventory slot' on the belt that was full.
Firewhiskers: You won!
YakkShakk221B: that's cool
Firewhiskers: Conglaturations!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
sporkraptor: the computer came to get you
PotatoWraiths: ????
GrassVortex: :O
gsyhiap: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
itmightbemikey: I like the dancing megapixels up top
TehAmelie: the game detected you were too close to having fun
Foxmar320: uhhhhh
morgoth_bauglyr: uh oh
raulghoulia: cool game. opened a door to the shadow realm
Bassios: Uh
sethtriggs: Whaaaaa
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
Keab42: There's clearly some parts of this game that have a lot of attention put into them
MajorFrostbyte: Should have saaaaved!
accountmadeforants: Well then
Alness49: That was a load bearing fire
sporkraptor: yep, computer gotcha XD
gsyhiap: ruh roh
SnackPak_: o7
Firewhiskers: All is well.
Desruprot: regenerate fatality huh
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp
Gizmoloid: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
eric_christian_berg: I mean, it's kind of a subocean.
morgoth_bauglyr: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
ThorSokar: uh-oh spaghettios!
DigitalSeahorse: WELP
Keab42: And then some areas that clearly need polish...
Firewhiskers: Intended by devs
Saintnex: ohhh noooo
sethtriggs: Did you sequence break or something?
SkylerRingtail: Twitch commands us to clip this moment because chat is active.
Simriel: Shitter(Memory)'s Full
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
Astramentha: nanukkSqueakGiggleLaugh
ArcadeEngineer: looks like missingno at the top there
A_Dub888: The fire burned the game!
EvilBadman: Curiosity, you are in the cube!
sethtriggs: What's task manager say about the specs it was using?
MalFnord: holy cow I tabbed out for a second
undecided44: Better or worse than the pc freeze?
Desruprot: uh
Astra7525: Why does it keep popping up an error message about active directory?
TehAmelie: the eldritch horrors of the computers in the game finally broke free
sporkraptor: Game Borken
Wolfstrike_NL: "Chat seems active. Consider clipping this moment for LoadingReadyRun" huh, thanks twitch?
sethtriggs: Ewwwwwwwww
Astra7525: You're not running a windows domaincontroller in your office are you?
Crad0k: @Astra7525 possibly trying to write data to a folder that's got restrictions?
GedankenPalast_: they nibbling your aura?
wench_tacular: o7
DigitalSeahorse: F
sethtriggs: That immediate planking was great. It's good that you don't catch fire at least
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
sporkraptor: nope, Alexa
Mnemonicman: lrrFINE
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
accountmadeforants: It's eating you like a chicken wing
raulghoulia: related to Kate and Rooney?
Firewhiskers: Orion Mara doo dooo doo doo doo. Orion Mara doo doo doo dooooo.
sethtriggs: Are you animation-locked?
sporkraptor: is it... snorting?
sporkraptor: "omnomnom*snort*nomnom"
GedankenPalast_: Social distancing zombi
Denny40k: Can't say I'm a fan of that eating sound
Astra7525: @Crad0k huh... Maybe... Maybe accessing the computer the game tries to enumerate all available directories, but never considered AD permissions
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed
GedankenPalast_: Orion!
sethtriggs: Oh this is broken
DigitalSeahorse: dangit
sethtriggs: Was it a fluke how you won the first time I am guessing? That you escaped the hitbox?
Foxmar320: Flawless game
Firewhiskers: Orion is forever in the Sunken Place
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunFoam
sporkraptor: yeah no it borked wahdehfuh
wench_tacular: lrrSPOOPY
bytecaster: Is that brain boy?
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp
GedankenPalast_: Are we inside?
Patorik: Under the map?
Marvoleath: try map?
sethtriggs: Is the monster there a bad flag in the game?
jessieimproved: is this...the subocean?
bytecaster: There are older saves available
niccus: i'm impressed at how fuckered this is
ButterBall000: Is the GPU ok?
YakkShakk221B: game mega broke
Gizmoloid: you belong to subocean now
ArcadeEngineer: i think the game is running but there's a bad bad bad shader on screen
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy
TehAmelie: Mara Orion sounds much more like a real person name. gonna assume they confused the first name-last name order of English
accountmadeforants: So, inside that room wasn't just items and a guy, but door to the nega-realm (one-way)
bytecaster: It would need polish
Gizmoloid: lrrHERE
sethtriggs: A QA pass would do wonders.
sethtriggs: Don't forget to invoice the dev for your QA
Juliamon: It was jank as fuck, but not completely terrible
DigitalSeahorse: fran
Foxmar320: Found her
raulghoulia: sequel to Mario is Missing
Shparky2197: I need to nap before work. Catch you all later!
Firewhiskers: Games with AI speech should be banished to a corner of Steam to think about what they did
johnalogue: Did we already find her??
TehAmelie: she does look like a Fran
TheDangerWaffle: XD
Simriel: We found Fran maybe?
sethtriggs: "Talk to Me!" It's that easy
bytecaster: As a sigma, I simply stack with the woman
PhoenixShaman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
PhoenixShaman: Fran this is not how hide and seek works
DigitalSeahorse: the fun was the fran we found along the way
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PhoenixShaman! (Today's storm count: 41)
halftrip: Game over!
LordManiMani: "Dinke"
MajorFrostbyte: Found friend, Quest Completed
itmightbemikey: oh man, this game
sethtriggs: Does this count as a game?
3cbb: omg i remember this one from wayneradiotv, they played this dev's entire body of work
betweenmyself: pogo ball
DigitalSeahorse: more dots!
Wolfstrike_NL: ORB
3cbb: some real masterpieces in there
Firewhiskers: Away we go
johnalogue: Are we trying to find 50 Frans?
jessieimproved: Is this just a game engine demo?
baltimore_667083: sub-lake!
TehAmelie: clearly we're a superhero with the power to create blitzballs
sethtriggs: Well of course that would happen, why wouldn't it happen?
NightValien28: this was a demo project they stapled a price in
Mnemonicman: Quest for the Sub-Pond
halftrip: How do you get the one on top of the globe?
DigitalSeahorse: jamp
Foxmar320: Normal Man, Normal Walk
FarleyF: OMG there is merchandise for this game
baltimore_667083: S
DigitalSeahorse: yessssss
TheWooglie: BopBop
northos: S
raulghoulia: I'm crying
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
PotatoWraiths: omg
TehAmelie: actually it plays a lot like City of Heroes
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBravo vicksyBravo vicksyBravo
PotatoWraiths: this is amazing
KeytarCat: doot dooooot
Astramentha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
johnalogue: This reminds me of that Spiderman game but without a point
GedankenPalast_: You two starting to head bob :D
halftrip: I've seen this movie
niccus: this is what a video game is
Firewhiskers: I like this Superman game
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBounce vicksyBounce vicksySquish
MalFnord: bouncybouncy
wench_tacular: never skipped leg day
sethtriggs: Those moon boots will get you to the moon!
gsyhiap: Now this is why I watch W+P!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksySquish vicksyTap
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
fastlane250: Boing!
Firewhiskers: To the skies
lirazel64: Alex's playing is impeccable.
Tangsm: Top tier hide and seek tech
RAICx: Hahahaha, what?!
PhoenixShaman: I wish a voice randomly tolld me Quest Completed throught the day it might help my feeling of accomplishment
phoenixletmeuseadashd: uh...what?
betweenmyself: you been training to take part in the Virtua Fighter tournament? riffThink
TheNextPaige: I’ve had dreams like this
halftrip: WTF?
Firewhiskers: And now it's Starfield
jessieimproved: are we going in a Beautycopter direction?
Simriel: In terms of 0 to Fun this game gets 10/10
GedankenPalast_: No sound - no notes
BigDaddyBland87: Game great
SnackPak_: perfect landing
TheWriterAleph: what the hell. i looked away for one second. what was that
NightValien28: plane stuck
TheMerricat: Chat, I missed it, is this The Search for Fran, or The Search for Fran 2?!
GrassVortex: I look away for a second and we are a plane??
Alness49: Air to Fran missiles locked
DigitalSeahorse: nice
Firewhiskers: Tim Curry: SPACE
johnalogue: Just warp into it like it's a Roblox vehicle I guess (disclaimer, last time I played that game they still had a free currency)
bytecaster: we have bonded with the plane
Camthelion: rofl
gsyhiap: Mmmm, geometry
PhoenixShaman: @TheMerricat Fran 1
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe seabatDance gdqDVD gdqCrab wheelerRat
Earthenone: thats a new twitch thing "Chat seems active. Consider clipping this moment for LoadingReadyRun"
Foxmar320: This is why we can't pilot our ships in Destiny
Mnemonicman: Lego man "SPACESHIP!"
sethtriggs: Frankly I think all it's missing is Nyan Cat music
halftrip: Wait...wher's Fran?
jessieimproved: you and the jet are drift compatible
baltimore_667083: BASEBALL
DigitalSeahorse: weeeeeeeeee
lightfut: Who needs collision detection?
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Marvoleath: third base!
FarleyF: they are nothing if not prolific - there are 85 games from this developer
PhoenixShaman: get in the ship Shinji
tidehollowcat: And the umpires called infield fly
varmintx0: that's an interesting baseball fields
baltimore_667083: STEEEEEEERIKE
TheWriterAleph: oh it's an mmo
Kentosaurus: to be fair that's most games
sporkraptor: yeah this is a demo
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFrumpy vicksyRave
EvilBadman: Crackdown 4 looking rough
NightValien28: basically ffxiv
lightfut: Hooray no fall damage
Patorik: Sounds like jobs I've had before
sethtriggs: They picked nice assets
AugmentingPath: HANO
Drasvin: Why does this field have four baseball diamonds?
Mnemonicman: Ponder the ORB to get Frand
Juliamon: I have seen similar baseball fields actually
Marvoleath: can you red orb while in airship?
Firewhiskers: I bet when you get 50 orbs you get the ability to get 100 orbs.
TheMerricat: So one of the 'challenges' in this game: ""Steamy Streamer" Challenge - Get ALL of the Archor Games products available on Steam and Stream ALL of them."
halftrip: What the Fran?
dumbo3k: Why are there 4 baseball fields facing each other? That seems like it would be a nightmare, but also epic, to have 4 games going on
ThorSokar: She's the Nanny
Texan_Reverend: She's the nanny.
sethtriggs: I've seen four-diamond fields like that sometimes. It is a pretty place at least
lirazel64: Oh, that playground is cursed.
fastlane250: The flashy girl from Flushing
TehAmelie: the spaceship is everything i wanted the hoverbike in Star Wars Outlaws to be
Texan_Reverend: Well timed @ThorSokar
CataclysmicReverb: We are searching at Fran's request, not looking for her
sethtriggs: Wow what a waste of those pavers
eric_christian_berg: This seems like the effort of someone who just had video games explained to them and was like, "I think I got it."
vinewood_og: To be fair this seems like a pretty apt depiction of life in 2024.
ThorSokar: composSalute Texan_Reverend
gsyhiap: Plot is overrated, instead we have random spacecraft.
betweenmyself: This map would be the most epic level for Powerwash Simulator riffYeti
Foxmar320: Oh ive seen that sort of thing in Fallout 76
sethtriggs: Almost made it to the Sub-Gutter
azureHaights: We have entered... the sub-fountain
bytecaster: Great stairs
halftrip: Balls!
vinewood_og: Uhhhhh
Wolfstrike_NL: Alex "can break any game" Steacy
Wicker_Guide: Alpha dating techniques
sethtriggs: It's Wacky!
raulghoulia: is your plane hovering above you?
Firewhiskers: One day John Freeman decided to shoot red balls and fly in his starship to date everyone in town.
Patorik: Frames are stored in the balls
HorusFive: The framerate is stored in the balls?
gsyhiap: I don't think that the question "Why?" is helpful in this game...
azureHaights: FootBall FootBall FootBall
DigitalSeahorse: tripping balls
ButterBall000: Should have made them spipers
niccus: just like dk64
halftrip: Goal!
baltimore_667083: GOOOOOOOAL
TehAmelie: too many balls on the field
sethtriggs: They wave like the Sonic 06' NPCs
Kumakaori: g-g-g-g-g--g-g GOAL~
raulghoulia: There's an important X-Man named Goldballs who has this exact power
sethtriggs: Well sure! Why not!
DigitalSeahorse: xD
bytecaster: Why
gsyhiap: Perfect!
GedankenPalast_: ankleWtf
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDK vicksyDK vicksyDK
vinewood_og: Perfectly normal Russian commute.
Invitare: that's a train
SkylerRingtail: It's like Disney - on rails!
azureHaights: Given how you exited it last time, it's probably still following you, but a half mile above you
sethtriggs: Ping!
Firewhiskers: Grand Theft Ball-o
TehAmelie: the cars are fine, it's the road that's crooked
dumbo3k: You Mario'd the car!
A_Dub888: methinks some people need to retake they're drivers test
halftrip: Call the auto club
Scarbble: is volvos related to blorbos?
empyreon: DELETED
Mnemonicman: yeetus deletus
Simriel: That car went Away
NorthstarTex: car is just [gone]
ogundiety: what was that previous one called? Hellgait?
ogundiety: or bloodgait?
Akaiatana: Dodgeball
HorusFive: Time for JUSTICE
wench_tacular: you monster!
sethtriggs: I am actually surprised they don't T-pose
BusTed: *foomp*
TheWriterAleph: the dodgeball thunk
Simonark: The local news will call you The Bonk Bonk Killers
maxlethebeast: Ultimate Dodgeball; everyone's a player.
TehAmelie: it's like Goat Simulator but with dramatic music
gsyhiap: It's a deboning ball, obvs
fastlane250: That's what happens when you taunt Happy Fun Ball, you lose your bones
Firewhiskers: I like how Graham and Alex are deliberately avoiding the sub-ocean because this game is such a trainwreck
lirazel64: Nice park.
sethtriggs: Why are those Nerf cars not even on the pavement!
Kentosaurus: look up
halftrip: boing
Marvoleath: Make sure to try red orb while in the airship!
FarleyF subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months, currently on a 117 month streak!
FarleyF: Shout out to all my fellow Crabbies
margieargie: @Firewhiskers Probably too easy, honestly
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FarleyF! (Today's storm count: 42)
Gizmoloid: you did leave it up there
sethtriggs: The anatomy of this building is amazing
protojman: I assumed it was a “poink” sound like the the x-man Egg
margieargie: lrrHERE
azureHaights: Yes, this is how architecture.
NorthstarTex: lrrHERE
maxlethebeast: I like that the sad piano started once you got trapped.
Diabore: feels like game over
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang uhoh
Marvoleath: the music change for this xD
gsyhiap: Turns out Graham was right.
wench_tacular: lrrHERE
HorusFive: HyperParkour HyperParkour HyperParkour
LordZarano: Do you jump higher when running?
korvys: I think your jump height is based on speed
littleunknownn: lrrHERE
vinewood_og: Man this hogwarts DLC is rough.
sethtriggs: Why has your moon gravity betrayed you?!!
EikoandMog: catJAM
halftrip: balls balls balls
northos: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Firewhiskers: He was trapped in the ball pit forever
QuantumTwitch: love the UE5 5min learning and using the standard posed assets its good to see that 15 min of level design is worth somthing
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksySpin
bytecaster: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Simonark: Why does this brutalist municipal building have... classical pillars hidden in it?
empyreon: riffIce riffIce riffIce
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySquish vicksyBounce vicksyFrumpy vicksyHeadbang
baltimore_667083: DinoDance
Bassios: Oof, that's vomit inducing
QuantumTwitch: Good on them for beeing creative though
bytecaster: We mirrors edge now
betweenmyself: these buildings are sapping you of your amazing jump abilities
sethtriggs: W+P needs its own random dance button it seems
Simonark: Are you about to find the subhallway?
EvilBadman: Epilepsy warning
red_shoes_jeff: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
aClonedPickle: "ghost" in the console?
sethtriggs: Graham called the "getting trapped"
Akaiatana: 15 more minutes in the ball pit
aClonedPickle: is there a console
TehAmelie: well, we correctly predicted we'd get stuck in here
Zyrin36: teddyr2Groovin teddyr2Ramblin excellentDavedance
Simriel: Graham CAUSED the Getting Trapped
Simriel: Graham made this happen
vinewood_og: PARKOUR!
GedankenPalast_: What song do I hear underneath that....
Wicker_Guide: Graham did this #BlameJames
GedankenPalast_: My brain tells me that I know the song
bytecaster: "Steam Awards Nomination" :D
sethtriggs: How is it possible to 'design' a game without a menu?
Simonark: So, we've ruled out a place Fran definitely isnt'?
Firewhiskers: Well that was a great episode of Stream Highlights
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyJammin good music
sethtriggs: I mean nowadays
lirazel64: You're starting to get sweaty pits, there.
EikoandMog: HAHAHA
phoenixletmeuseadashd: hahahah
sethtriggs: Nice unsteerable brick
Kentosaurus: orbs have collision
FarleyF: #Blame Grames
empyreon: LUL
Sorator13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months, currently on a 42 month streak!
Sorator13: quest completed
A_Dub888: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! That tree is TOO WIDE. Why is it so wide??
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sorator13! (Today's storm count: 43)
Kumakaori: XD
Firewhiskers: Orb
GedankenPalast_: ankleHmph
betweenmyself: orbs have car collision
TheWriterAleph: *chef's kiss*
northos: *solid orbjects
vinewood_og: Wooooops
Gizmoloid: ORB is too powerful!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFail
MehallD: that is phenomenal
public_key_reveal_party: gaem dezign
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDerp
Invitare: should have pondered them for longer
littleunknownn: Amazing
libraryrulesrule subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 42 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
libraryrulesrule: Just wondering, which members of LRR are going to be a PAX unplugged?
Simonark: GTA VI is still in Alpha, don't judge this like a finished product!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, libraryrulesrule! (Today's storm count: 44)
Texan_Reverend: Time to drive like a VOlvo!
memnus: Now this is my kind of anti-car propaganda
Kentosaurus: orb ponders you
MalFnord: oh that's beautiful
FarleyF: lrrDOTS lrrDOTS
kumatsu: I just got back, is our quest to defeat the Grimace?
HorusFive: You also seem to run at LEAST as fast as this car
sethtriggs: They should make squeaky noises
epsilon_vee: "officer i was trying to collect the powerup"
roticet: This feels like a tech demo for a tech demo.
TehAmelie: now i think they thought they were going to make Crazy Taxi
johnalogue: So that they can detect when the player hits them, maybe? But bad?
Firewhiskers: Can you... can you fly the spaceship with a car on it?
Simriel: DOn't you hate when you accidentally flip your car over your jet
halftrip: Flying!!!
sethtriggs: FlappyPlane.midi
Bassios: So many trees
SaxPython: Do a Barrel roll (Car Edition)
baltimore_667083: @Simriel yup-happens WAY too often round here
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyJammin vicksyBreakdance vicksyJammin
sethtriggs: Physics? Never met her!
bisaflau: can you shoot as the ship?
Makrosian_Tay: DinoDance
TehAmelie: strictly better than No Man's Sky
vinewood_og: Man, Cryptic really should rehire those devs.
Angnor33: Can the ship shoot balls?
QuixoticScrivener: why does this ship remind me of a laptop cooling board?
Ashmantle: can you throw balls while in the vehicle?
GedankenPalast_: DinoDance
FarleyF: PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR
Akaiatana: Graham, it's pickleball
public_key_reveal_party: what happens if you jump out mid air is my question
Invitare: they're VERY wealthy
fiftymcnasty: Tennis is their primary export
Simriel: Every person has their own tennis court
EikoandMog: BLURF
Sorator13: Oh dear
TheMerricat: So Graham, when you were installing this did you happen to notice that it's a 25 gig install? Folk were asking why it was so big in the Steam discussions....
GedankenPalast_: Oh boy
itmightbemikey: designed by Dahir Insaat
sethtriggs: So, Wikipedia?
Firewhiskers: No, your cousin can't afford Chat-GPT but they can probably get the discount version Chet-GPT
Invitare: yeah I get that one
aitsu100: so google
bytecaster: @TheMerricat It comes with a copy of Modern Warfare 2
fiftymcnasty: @itmightbemikey But where are the hidden missles
betweenmyself: Turns out the collectable orbs are the scattered essence of Fran riffThink
Texan_Reverend: YES!
ButterBall000: I just wanted Avina
TehAmelie: on here we only get ChedGPT
CataclysmicReverb: I get those
Kentosaurus: i keep getting that
Wicker_Guide: *raises hand
kumatsu: the front door of that restroom looks like the tardis
Simriel: The Hwat
Crad0k: ugh, all the time
GasCityGaming: ugh, yes!
libraryrulesrule: can't even trust them with factoids
Kentosaurus: what makes it tactical?
public_key_reveal_party: can't say i do
dal9000: Yes, it's so dumb
electric_claire: YES, I hate it.
Anaerin: I'm getting that all the damned time.
Texan_Reverend: Tired of putting on a million jackets?
BITs19_: YES
GasCityGaming: and it's like 3 minnutes long
Invitare: oh I think I#ve seen that one a few times
LordManiMani: what about TheCheat GPT
Saintnex: oh yea
aitsu100: i do not
sethtriggs: What makes it tactical?
brutalpunishment: Yeah. Sucks
MalFnord: what
Overman27: Yep, the worst
LurkerSpine: I miss when machine learning was like a cool academic thing that generated stuff like Mountainsplak
L0rdX33n: I’m soooo sick of that ass
tidehollowcat: Oh yeah I got that recently
SkylerRingtail: Praise be uBlock Origin and PiHole
kdefinition: I got the Youtube Vore Add
fastlane250: Ads?
Firewhiskers: @LordManiMani Excellent
Fuzzra: What if you had the worst bullshitter in the pub and they held your calendar?
ANeMzero: It appears we're not Men enough
Mazrae: Oh my a bit of whip last, left during the resident evil knock off and now something very bright
lirazel64: Yes, it's miserable.
electric_claire: Layering is for pussies, Alex
halftrip: Bearskin or Bareskin?
Despoiler98: what makes it tactical precious?
vinewood_og: I get a lot of "you should buy more guns"
arcaneIllumination: You're not a kangaroo -> reminds me of neptunia
Bassios: Oh I had that one once, it was fukken dumb
brutalpunishment: Is green
bytecaster: The bear
public_key_reveal_party: green = tactics
EvilBadman: Beared arms, one assumes
TheNextPaige: yes
Saintnex: that is so dumb, “you’re a man, so only wear one layer!” bs
L0rdX33n: pockets?
Crad0k: i get a lot of 'manly' soaps too
Wicker_Guide: @Despoiler98 Baerskin
Anaerin: Baerskin
phoenixletmeuseadashd: tactical is the extra $100 and bad camo
ProcyonFlynn: The AI ads are a lot more offensive than that. They've started running "you're not a coward are you, you're not an idiot, of course you embrace the future" - like it's so profoundly awful.
accountmadeforants: I'm glad I don't get advertisements anymore.
korvys: It is, sadly, not made of a bearskin
arkilyd: pockets make it tactical
DigitalSeahorse: from the music or just the guy jumping?
annoyingcameraguy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, annoyingcameraguy! (Today's storm count: 45)
johnalogue: The first time I was advertised to in a video in some time was opening this stream
ShifuDaxiongmao: summons an actual bear... tactically :P
Sorator13: I don't know what I expected, but honestly it wasn't that
PotatoWraiths: ohhh
TheNextPaige: I hate those ads
KeytarCat: (Twitch, please stop telling me to clip things, I already do)
PotatoWraiths: BAERskin
jessieimproved: I remember a TV ad for some blue blocker sunglasses that were useful IN A TACTICAL SITUATION
SkylerRingtail: Okay, does anyone know how to disable this "chat is active; make a clip" popup? I'm already sick of it
cobthegreat: I look forward to getting it every 5 minutes man
Gizmoloid: oh, it's Baer not BEAR
vinopinguino: freeze to death, be a man
aitsu100: i always get the Dr Sqautch soap ads
wench_tacular: wow
brutalpunishment: lmfao
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
LordManiMani: Tactical
Firewhiskers: I keep getting the ad that argues against reparations because all lives et cetera
A_Dub888: @KeytarCat I just had to close that
sethtriggs: It just continues bothering me that these cars don't drive on the obvious road.
vinewood_og: Is that Andrew tate?
DigitalSeahorse: AE
ShifuDaxiongmao: bær is danish for berry
Duffadash: that's "Bær" meaning "berry"
sethtriggs: Wow that's so tactical!
GasCityGaming: it's also not a hoodie, it's a jacket
halftrip: Oh, Baerskin. So...not Bear or Bare.
Critterbot: bær. :D
CataclysmicReverb: It's just a heavier coat...
MalFnord: wow
kumatsu: a parody of a human being if I've ever seen one
Wicker_Guide: it is very stupid hiking wear
Simonark: I think it's tactical because they used a lot of planning to grift money from idiots and are proud of the rube-milking machine they created?
EvilBadman: Watchdogs 4 protag spotted
Denny40k: So broody
electric_claire: I get it every 3rd ad on Youtube and it starts out yelling "You're not a child, why are you wearing so many layers" which ???
johnalogue: Oh, so it's both tacky and not actually bearskin of course, that'd be silly
TehAmelie: or it means "bare" skin
Astra7525: That a legal symbol of the danish alphabet
Simriel: That's not a Hoody, that's a fucking Jacket
public_key_reveal_party: I have a very similar jacket that I can just about guarantee cost a quarter of that
3cbb: beerskin
silvertabbycat: "you're not a child, stop wearing so many layers to go outside!" as I sit here in 2 shirts + sweater, and leggings under 2 skirts
TheDangerWaffle: OH MY GOD
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Wolfstrike_NL: @A_Dub888 Had it 3 times now in the past 10 minutes :/
johnalogue: Tactical babies indeed.
lirazel64: I do like these trees.
epsilon_vee: for your tactical baby
Simriel: Okay, tactical baby stuff is funny tho
Critterbot: An Æ is pronounced like the a in ass, btw.
MalFnord: And honestly? I have anime con-branded hoodies that look SO much better than that.
Zyrin36: God I hate "Manly scents"
Simriel: As long as its done with the right attitude
DigitalSeahorse: cause you don't want to be able to find your own damn baby
bytecaster: "I can't find my baby, it's too well hidden with camo"
betweenmyself: there was a period of about eight months where 80% of my ads were for lock picking training kits and telescopic lenses and I have no idea what I clicked on to make the algorithm think I was a stalker pennyWhat
Tangsm: If it doesn't come with a bottle bandolier, what is even the point?
roticet: Beerskin tactical jacket would sell like hotcakes in the states.
Fuzzra: No manly man is afraid to carry a pink bag with unicorns.
sethtriggs: LOL
TheAinMAP: Like that one Crapshot, but not in jest.
Wicker_Guide: I know I've seen that ad on SNL, not sure if real life
ANeMzero: tactical baby bottle with picatinny rail so you can attach a foregrip
Doc_Layzah: I wanted to be a lumberjack! Leaping from tree to tree with my best buddy by my side and we'd sing! Sing! Sing!
public_key_reveal_party: I have seen significantly worse cities irl, so
Kentosaurus: typical construction workers standing around
EvilBadman: was there a site on the blueprint
kumatsu: why are the blueprints printed on vinyl?]
PotatoWraiths: Baerskin with New and Improved Wind-Sulation
sethtriggs: All my stand-up meetings are done completely immobile
vinewood_og: I mean none of them are working, so accurate?
Firewhiskers: I keep getting Harry Potter crochet ads and I'm trans
PotatoWraiths: it's like powerthirst but clothes
A_Dub888: "I just wanted to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you"
johnalogue: Prepper's Paradise, with lots of military surplus...stuff
ShifuDaxiongmao: Tactial Babies sounds like something Dave's spokesman would sell.
Wicker_Guide: US Chemical Safety Board?
halftrip subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, halftrip! (Today's storm count: 46)
sethtriggs: Oh!! I love them! They do the US Chemical Safety Board
TheMerricat: For those who want to know how insufferable the hoodie ad is -
sethtriggs: those are the best videos, and well worth a subscription
Texan_Reverend: Oofa. First person is rough to watch compared to third person on this game.
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed
wench_tacular: "babysitting" your own child
vinopinguino: good job for doing the bare minimum
halftrip: I hear you Graham
sethtriggs: Very depressing
Akaiatana: @LoadingReadyRun This is living your life with a disability.
Denny40k: The audacity of being a parent
fastlane250: Wow
DigitalSeahorse: yup
ANeMzero: thank you but also this is a damning indictment of our system
Diabore: "giving mom a break by babysitting" like fuck off
KeytarCat: "Yes I am doing a good job, but that shouldn't be notable!"
public_key_reveal_party: every man i know became a father and immediately got thanos snapped out of existanc e
betweenmyself: how dare these ads try to shame me for doing baby stuff like shitting my diaper and being breast-fed in public
Angnor33: Shoot a goal!
Laserbeaks_Fury: I can ride my bike with No Handlebars
GedankenPalast_: Yea...dads are given probs and women are given "tips and advice" That's my experience
DigitalSeahorse: moms also deserve cookies
LordManiMani: At the same time, sharing the 'hey, good job' look with other dads is very satisfying
fiftymcnasty: Congrats, you did the bare minimum
FarleyF: you mean you never taught Penelope to throw finger guns lrrBEEJ
Jethrain: the final fran?
EikoandMog: I'd rather that than the "Excuse me sir, why are you hanging around this children's playground"?
Patorik: Mega Man boss music begins
LurkerSpine: fran turns out to be a turtle
itmightbemikey: Men, is it gay to take care of your children?
Krektogar: I don't even have a child, and I've had that happen when I was out with a friend who had his kid in a stroller
A_Dub888: @TheMerricat could only make it 45s good grief
Simonark: The latest pervasive "Obviously, You Are Man Buy Thing" ads I'm seeing that feel insane are fire safety blankets or gizmos to inflate tires and they sure lean hard on "Manly Sensibleness Should Mean You Don't Question Why This Product Is Worth It"
johnalogue: "I have produced an offspring and not abandoned it, I am better than some animals but worse than a lot of others"
bytecaster: suddenly boss bar
public_key_reveal_party: fran of the unity engine
ButterBall000: The Full Life Consequences Evil Boss
Sorator13: my sister-in-law is the primary breadwinner for their family; my brother works part-time and does more of the home chores and childcare and such (though they absolutely both do both!), and I can only imagine the commentary he sometimes gets about it
Angreed66: Fran is Emrakul's nickname
Foxmar320: Get all the collectables and Fran rolls up
Laserbeaks_Fury: Fran, Daughter of the Cosmos
Anubis169: itmightbemikey: It's everything to take care of your children, it's a basic human instinct <3
Tangsm: Is Fran assembled from the collectible light orbs?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRave vicksyRave vicksyRave
sethtriggs: Oh yeah some of these guys look like point cloud models
accountmadeforants: Watch our for her second phase, where her true name is revealed: FRÆN
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySquish vicksyCheer vicksyHappy
kumatsu: I entered a contest for one of those of my cosplay at SDCC once
ANeMzero: I remember very early on Blizzard offered those sorts of 3D prints for WoW character
Sorator13: @accountmadeforants and she's wearing a tactical hoodie!
TehAmelie: maybe we need all 50 dragonballs to wish Fran back to Earth
betweenmyself: there was a kiosk to get a model of yourself made at a mall near me some ten years ago
Mnemonicman: The Fran was the orbs we collect along the way.
FarleyF: you want to see the number of games they have created
sethtriggs: Glorbo is Real!
A_Dub888: G L O R B
BusTed: y'know, glow orbs. glorbs
Simonark: This is going to end with him hugging a pile of orbs where the top one has a face drawn on it and a wig, right?
GasCityGaming: glowing orbs
PhoenixShaman: good news there is a sequal
Sorator13: okay, I'm here for Glorb
Kentosaurus: glorb = glowing orb
DigitalSeahorse: glow orbs, glorbs
GedankenPalast_: Buss glorbos!
sethtriggs: Is your quest duplicated by accident?
public_key_reveal_party: it's glorbing time
Doc_Layzah: Portmanteau
LordManiMani: Been collecting glorbs in Banjo Tooie lately
Firewhiskers: This movie made by Golan Glorbus
TehAmelie: i want a floating sign that tells people to talk to me tbh
halftrip: I can't wait for Search for Fran 2!
Simonark: That's a portmanteau, Spoonerism is swapping first letters. Staham Grark, etc.
ANeMzero: glorbs provide joy, if the crapshot is to be believed
Foxmar320: So far this reminds me of Crackdown, so many orbs
itmightbemikey: spoonerism is something else, it's when you swap sounds in two words
GedankenPalast_: Poormantowl
Anubis169: Over the hills and faaaaaar awaaaaaay
ThatChesterGuy: Hey guys, I've been having a really terrible day. What are the chances my favorite Canadian content creators can help?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Grob Gob Glob Grod
A_Dub888: A glorb is easier to ponder since you always know where it is
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDance vicksyTail smooth jazz
Sorator13: @ThatChesterGuy I hope your day improves, friend!
Winter_Entity: glositive
ThatChesterGuy: @sorator13 thx
Anubis169: can we try for the mountain top?
itmightbemikey: yeah, this was on wayneradiotv so it hit the ironic crowd for sure
KeytarCat: Glonder a porb
johnalogue: the orbajar?
Anubis169: travML travMR
bytecaster: @Anubis169 There was an invisible wall
korvys: So is this... the only level?
LurkerSpine: a collectathon where you have mad hops and move at a fast pace could be a good game, but uh... oh wait that's mario isn't it
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySquish vicksyTap vicksyBounce
EmberNov: this awkward, floaty, too-high jump is how i get around in some of my anxiety dreams
azureHaights: If you make a cologne or perfume by mashing two other fragrances together, is that a portmanteau de toilette
aesir_blade: This Machine Collects Glorbn
Laserbeaks_Fury: what if Glorb is procounced with a soft G
Akaiatana: You'd only be able to get to the foot hills
Simonark: Did the people who stole Fran also take this guys need for... oxygen?
TehAmelie: a mnenomic for the word portmanteu is, think of a celebrity couple's name for Jaques Costeau and Natalie Portman
GedankenPalast_: @ThatChesterGuy *Random person on the internet sends you good vibes and happy energy*
ThatChesterGuy: Jlorb
Anubis169: LOL
bytecaster: jlorb
sethtriggs: Zorbs
Tangsm: That's a denim orb, right?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySpin
KeytarCat: Talk to the cat on the bridge?
Makrosian_Tay: Zhlorbussy
PhoenixShaman: Glorb Luke Pickorb
Akaiatana: Jlorban Hopkins
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBounce vicksyBounce vicksyBounce
raulghoulia: there's always room for Glorbo
ThatChesterGuy: @gedankenpalast_ thx
Simonark: @TehAmelie Costman?
sethtriggs: It's just as well, the surroundings are grass mat
Firewhiskers: It's The Tick!
bytecaster: The creator prefers the jlorbs
LordManiMani: Lmaooo
accountmadeforants: As for the 25 GB install size, I assume it's a bunch of OGG music, and wildly high-res textures (or baked-in decals)
Mnemonicman: THe freshest, organic , free range GLORBS
sethtriggs: Traffic jam more like pileup!
public_key_reveal_party: you "helped"
halftrip: They look dumb
Wolfstrike_NL: Are they allowed in Canada?!?!
fastlane250: Every one I've seen is one too many
Crad0k: they're bigger than you think
mwlsn: anyone ever break up a traffic jam in SimCopter?
ANeMzero: "Solve traffic jams" = "We couldn't get our car pathing to work, so uhh.... we'll gamify it"
A_Dub888: sure are
Kentosaurus: that's insulting to games like this
Despoiler98: Ive seen like three of them here in Chicago
CataclysmicReverb: But they don't LOOK spacious
Firewhiskers: I saw a cybertruck parked in Capitol Hill, Seattle and somehow nobody had tagged it yet
public_key_reveal_party: they do look like the texture pack failed to load
Patorik: Me too! And today, we got a snow dump, so it's probably not working anymore
aitsu100: there are like 3 here in my town
Laserbeaks_Fury: They'r lo poly count while the assets load in
Mnemonicman: Cybertruck is a truck as rendered as PS1 graphics.
sethtriggs: The one Cybertruck/Wankpanzer I've seen, the person did the smart thing and put a green coating on it
Wicker_Guide: In fairness, I'd rather you own a cybertruck than a hummer, but I will still judge your poor taste
HorusFive: They look like a placeholder asset in real life
bytecaster: It's like the high detail model hasn't loaded yet
Critterbot: They look ridiculous.
Sorator13: Oh yeah, I saw that yesterday or today
Foxmar320: Yeah they don't like the cold, or the heat, or wet weather
Anubis169: they don't use stainless weld Alex
PotatoWraiths: they look like a dumpster in a public park
DigitalSeahorse: LOL
kumatsu: not only did I hear about that, that was a PREDICTED PROBLEM
Zyrin36: Its horrible stainless steel
vinewood_og: They look like the polygons rendered without textures.
ThorSokar: I like how the deplorians are even UGLIER in person, I don't even know how that's possible, but there it is
KeytarCat: The Not-Rust is horrible
DoodlestheGreat: So big and so useless.
baltimore_667083: graham i think you bought the wrong copy of the dodgeball dvd Kappa
TheMerricat: @accountmadeforants I'm assuming that it's also from the fact that the dev just downloaded _all_ the assets and shoved them into the game without any concern about optimization. :D
UnknownFriday: Did you hear about raccoons trying to break into them because they're being mistaken for dumpsters?
ButterBall000: I was so waiting for winter to start killing them by being exposed to winter.
TheBorzoi: It can't get cold, it can't get wet, it's not suitable for roads and it's not suitable for off-road.
halftrip: They look like dumpsters
sethtriggs: The fit and finish is purely Malaise-era too.
DigitalSeahorse: cause it's made out of cheap cutlery
johnalogue: It turns out that's actually complicated or something
jessieimproved: Only one? There are at least 4 distinct cybertrucks in my area, including a few that are wrapped with advertisements
Anubis169: all the welds rusted :D
MalFnord: Dingy-ass fuckin' things, that finish doesn't wear well
EikoandMog: Deplorians is an amazing word for them.
HorusFive: Because it isn't stainless steel. It's just painted like it
Chesul: I think my favorite thing is that you can literally peel them like an orange.
Asimech: Rusting stainless steel is quite easy, if you're using the wrong alloy for the job.
Amentur: Last information I heard about them is their headlights have a shelf *that collects snow*
TehAmelie: it's like they designed in laboratory conditions for use in laboratory conditions
ThatChesterGuy: Paint on stainless steel
Foxmar320: Ive seen two Cybertrucks here and both were rusted
sethtriggs: Dance Battle?
aitsu100: dance battle?
bytecaster: Can Twitch please stop telling me to clip things
Critterbot: Almost like they're made by some pretentions rich guy.
johnalogue: Still, Elon notably sure didn't say what the alloy was, he just gave it a goofy meme name
TStodden: Some CyberTrucks have been bricked in 0.00 miles (a new world record for "reliability")
public_key_reveal_party: we fortnite now
halftrip: Haven't you found Fran yet?
DigitalSeahorse: salt pitted the stainless plating
Sorator13: I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be breakdancing
azureHaights: Did anyone else just get a "chat is active, you should clip this" message from twitch
Laserbeaks_Fury: This really feels like someone took a city proposal for a park and made it into a game level
accountmadeforants: I still love how they tried to convince people they could make an exoskeleton for a car, and then quietly stopped within like a year of actually trying to manufacture it that way (without admitting it)
ScrapyardGhostTrain: All cybertrucks are both rusting & covered in dust before they leave the factory.
jessieimproved: Oh and jeebus help you if you're are trapped in a cybertruck with no power, good luck opening the door
Firewhiskers: @azureHaights Yes, many of them
sethtriggs: I love that bricking a car is a thing that can happen nowadays
Simonark: You know the deep character sidequests are what keep the player base coming back
halftrip: Is that a zoo?
Fuzzra: I've dissolved stainless steel, though that was to get the chrome out and involved nasty chemicals.
Diabore: and then it FUCKING DIED
johnalogue: @TStodden You can rely on it to fail, that's a sort of reliability
codatski subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
codatski: Garbage day!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, codatski! (Today's storm count: 47)
7gorobei: the rust was just regular steel dust that got deposited from other processing steps, you can buff it out
Zyrin36: Of course....
SnackPak_: no it doesn't
wench_tacular: jlrrFacepalm
Diabore: #still love the truck though
Astramentha: omggggggg
KeytarCat: @azureHaights "Yeah, I'll clip the thing *not happening on stream*"
NorthstarTex: doubling down I see
bytecaster: This is what the youth calls copium right?
ThorSokar: there are better looking DUMPSTERS
ScrapyardGhostTrain subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ScrapyardGhostTrain! (Today's storm count: 48)
HorusFive: I hesitate to say anyone who would buy one deserves it. But........
Despoiler98: Tesla is a CUUUUUUULLLLLTTT mruuCult mruuCult mruuCult mruuCult
vinewood_og: #CryptoCar
Foxmar320: Oh yeah gotta rip the back out to fix it
GasCityGaming: I read the article too, it's legit like a cult
Denny40k: He was also wrong, cause it was ugly as hell
Going_Medium subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
Going_Medium: Made it to 100! sergeOffByOne
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Going_Medium! (Today's storm count: 49)
sethtriggs: That's amazing to have to do that
Anubis169: WHAT!?
bytecaster: "At least the racoons like it"
TheBorzoi: The manual release is apparently one time use too
A_Dub888: pardon?
Zyrin36: Same with the door releases
PhoenixShaman: it looks like an unrendered asset
sethtriggs: Just be careful, those trucks will take your fingers!
Patorik: Single-use pull string!
red_shoes_jeff: I... GENUINELY hope he bankrupts himself buying replacement trucks.
johnalogue: @jessieimproved I mean, same for the backseat of a Model 3. Frankly the trend to eliminate handles because future is a terrible design choice
Diabore: theyre death traps
ThatChesterGuy: What if the string snaps?
TehAmelie: the latest funniest thing i heard is they wanted to build it with lasers and hydrophobic coatings instead of windshield wipers, and when that didn't work they didn't change anything but just grudgingly put on a bad wiper
Kentosaurus: I'd be worried about losing fingers trying that
Anubis169: LOL
wench_tacular: phrasing?
public_key_reveal_party: remember that time homer simpson designed a car?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksySquish vicksyTap
vinewood_og: Calling it a Hull is GENEROUS.
FarleyF: ok can we get that as a quote
Mnemonicman: NPCs be trippin balls
lightfut: Praise 🐝sus
Makrosian_Tay: seabatClap DinoDance seabatClap DinoDance
halftrip: Impervious to balls
vinopinguino: brucegSkank brucegSkank brucegSkank
mwlsn: It's the rare bad-looking car that actually looks worse in person
ANeMzero: time for The Search for Fran 2
Texan_Reverend: Just like the buried manual releases for the doors on Teslas...which have caused people to burn inside.
A_Dub888: Graham "That guy's impervious to balls" Stark
Anubis169: Thank you both <3
Wicker_Guide: You can very much tell that Musk BOUGHT Tesla, and designed the Cybertruck
halftrip: But...Fran!
KeytarCat: Man was standing closer than your minimum range
sethtriggs: Errybody dance!
accountmadeforants: Like, non-destructively peel it away from the frame? Or like a stainless steel orange?
halftrip: Fran still lost!
sethtriggs: Fran was the friends we made along the way
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyRaid vicksyPride vicksyHeart
Crad0k: @TheBorzoi i suspect it's not *intended* to be, but ends up being because... cybertruck
ThatChesterGuy: Well, a couple minutes raised my mood slightly
northos: Fran declared missing on october third Kappa
johnalogue: Apparently "real" automakers are using capacitive controls on their steering wheels and it has indeed been a safety problem!
KeytarCat: I think Fran was the dog on the bridge
Astra7525: The real treasure were the Frans we met on the way
margieargie: Maybe Fran was the spaceship
DoodlestheGreat: I like how the cybertrucks keep getting attacked by raccoons that mistake them for dumpsters.
halftrip: What the Fran?
GedankenPalast_: Thank you so much. and now I'm off to the vod, because I missed the first hour
ThatChesterGuy: Thank you to this community for being amazing
TehAmelie: some say Fran is moon jumping out there to this day
A_Dub888: perFrantage
Critterbot: Those were some goat simulator-ass beats.
betweenmyself: Cyber Truck is just the Transformer that the other Decepticons ignore
Firewhiskers: Thank you for badness
GedankenPalast_: LOVE YOU ALL! <3
elkae: we mad Fran along the way
Simonark: Fran's fine and just wants to be left alone.
DigitalSeahorse: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Website: | Home stream: | Patreon:
vinewood_og: Thanks all! You're the absolute best.
ANeMzero: As it turns out fran drescher couldn't be found she was too busy running SAG
Bassios: Thanks for the stream!
Marvoleath: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
morgoth_bauglyr: fran was in final fantasy last ichecked
johnalogue: I was just upset about auto design earlier today so I'm ov-
Anubis169: !social
A_Dub888: @vinewood_og you're the absolute best
Anubis169: !socials
Sorator13: to the vod I go!
lirazel64: Brilliantly bad.
vinewood_og: It is less bad.
Texan_Reverend: !bsky
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Bluesky! You can follow the LRR account here: Or find all the crew accounts here:
Anubis169: !sm
itmightbemikey: Bluesky has the vibes of 2010 Twitter
LurkerSpine: bluesky and mastadon woot
Anubis169: who's updated the bot :D
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
LordZarano: Oh no there's a The Search For Fran 2
Anubis169: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Texan_Reverend: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
EvilBadman: Bluesky letting folks /be/ thier domain names is brilliant
SkylerRingtail: What will happen to your existing Mastodon accounts, if anything?
sethtriggs: Starter Pack link didn't work for me
GedankenPalast_: "Starter pack could not be found"
johnalogue: I feel like we lost a battle there by letting not-Twitter by Jack Twitter beat Mastodon
Anubis169: !streams
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGift vicksyGift vicksyGift
LordZarano: But yes there are speedruns
r10pez10: !crossover
LRRbot: Everyone in this game has a Ryu Number of 3 or less.
halftrip: Yes there is!
A_Dub888: @LordZarano We need to put a tracker on Fran
SkylerRingtail: @johnalogue Right there with ua
SkylerRingtail: ya*
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Firnsarwen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Firnsarwen: GARBAGE DAY!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Firnsarwen! (Today's storm count: 50)
Simonark: Is there a Christmas skin, Search For Fran-Kincense?
KeytarCat: I'm still only on Masto because I reaally don't want the lock-in. Lock in that I've signed up for by trusting Tex with
Anubis169: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
bytecaster: I wonder in which one we will actually find Fran
sethtriggs: Did the Starter pack link wor for anyone else?
Anubis169: oooOOOooo
accountmadeforants: We've finally managed to achieve Twin Suns without someone getting sick?
PigmyWurm subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PigmyWurm! (Today's storm count: 51)
TehAmelie: same game, but the player character has been working out (one pushup every two weeks)
Juliamon: Starter Pack link may need updating
Texan_Reverend: I appreciate the trust @KeytarCat
vinewood_og: BWAAHHHH'
bytecaster: king of the hill!
SkylerRingtail: @accountmadeforants Pretty sure Ben said last night someone is sick?
Juliamon: we're working on it
ANeMzero: Foundations and Foundation Accessories
Charlie_Victor7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Charlie_Victor7! (Today's storm count: 52)
accountmadeforants: @SkylerRingtail Omfg, it truly is cursed
EvilBadman: @Juliamon try
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
HorusFive subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
HorusFive: Subs for the Sub-god
johnalogue: @SkylerRingtail If there's any time to reject corporations wherever even slightly convenient, this is the moment. I'd rather have the open platform designed by neurodivergent outcasts than a copycat from corporate tech that promises to not be evil for now
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HorusFive! (Today's storm count: 53)
vinewood_og: @A_Dub888 aww thank you!
sethtriggs: @EvilBadman Thank you so much!
Gulleko subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Gulleko: oh right, I have button
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gulleko! (Today's storm count: 54)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
Drasvin: Cheer100
Anubis169: Gulleko! lrrAWESOME
Simriel: Clodium Soride still kets me
Gulleko: anubis eogHug
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyParty vicksyLUL
Anubis169: teenHUG
DigitalSeahorse: Lemuuuuuuur
Juliamon: OK, command should be updated (barring bsky changing how links work again)
SkylerRingtail: @DigitalSeahorse Lemur? Where?!
sethtriggs: Hahahah it's Seth Triggs
FarleyF: im that leaf that you see just off in the distance
DigitalSeahorse: SkylerRingtail by the caffeine
NoOne_OfConsequence subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 24 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NoOne_OfConsequence! (Today's storm count: 55)
Crad0k: wait, was i there?
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
sethtriggs: Thank you so much!
Anubis169: buhbye!
empyreon: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Gizmoloid: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Mnemonicman: ok bye
TheBorzoi: thebor2Wave
Simonark: Hello!
sethtriggs: LOOOL
FarleyF: welcome to the highlight reel
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Simriel: Get a clip of that XD
Anubis169: got it!
JadedCynic: just in case you thought you slipped past them :D
ThankYouUro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
ThankYouUro: 50 Months! That's half a year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThankYouUro! (Today's storm count: 56)
LordZarano: The Search For Fran 100% Glitchless category must be SO HARD avoiding all the glitches
TehAmelie: and remember, the bar for being a game dev is THIS low
DigitalSeahorse: I can't cause I already got a clip tab open and twitch adding mobile clips broke it
Anubis169: Thank You ThankYouUro
Simriel: @TehAmelie Nah it's lower
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang ads vicksyParty
NorthstarTex: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Star Wars Unlimited Twin Suns) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (1:43 from now).
KeytarCat: @LordZarano Like the SMRPG level 1 run! Reset every battle that you don't gamble away your winnings!