lirazel64: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
lirazel64: The beacons are lit! (and so are the cards)
DideRobot: LRR: Today on an extended LRRMTG, James, Cori, and Graham (Not all at once, but together in varying degrees throughout the day) are playing in the Pioneer Masters Streamer Event! | https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113601570467375614
beowuuf: that reminds me
Didero: Can you still call yourself a Pioneer if you've been streaming Magic for over a decade?
Didero: Good evening!
beowuuf gifted a Tier 1 sub to Didero!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Didero! (Today's storm count: 2)
Didero: :O Thanks beowuuf !!
beowuuf: lol, went searching for your name and you appeared :p
beowuuf: np, the owner of diderobot should always have a sub:)
Didero: Aww <3
TXC2: Here we GO!
TXC2: weeee!
Didero: Hi James!
SymphonySolstice: hi james
TheWriterAleph: "wheeeee" indeed.
TXC2: Hello James
petey_vonwho: Weeeee!
beowuuf: weeeee nderful
Krillin_fan: yay james!
TXC2: mah gic ?
lirazel64: Hello James!
Sibwow: who up gathering they magic
Didero: that lady appears to be on fire
Flyingdelorion: Hello James! I am at the diner before Sinterklaas!
TXC2: Didero it's her thing
Didero: Pioneer Parody?
jaimeblacken: pioneer masters babyyyyy, what are the archetypes?
galaxy178: @Didero Parity
Flyingdelorion: Have fun with the new cards!
Slacker1977: eepy. my sleep schedules messed up
Didero: @TXC2 I don't know much about Magic lore, but I do kind of know who Chandra Nalaar is. Thanks though :)
GLHFMagic: hai Jamez
beowuuf: deserved!
TXC2: hello GLHFMagic welcome
TheWriterAleph: sleep? what's that
Didero: Wait, 3 months? I missed that part. Thanks, and thanks, respectively then, beowuuf !
beowuuf: happy st nicolas's eve to all the dutch. again.
googoltudoris: tter thanhate fuck"
galaxy178: Hello! Been really looking forward to this set
beowuuf: @Didero escher3THUMBSUP lrrHEART
beowuuf: music chill and there
Didero: Is that Chandra on a flying bike?
googoltudoris: wow what the heck happened to my keyboard?
TheWriterAleph: i heard there's cards in there
Didero: Maybe dumb question: What IS Pioneer?
Sibwow: its the newer modern
googoltudoris: i was trying to say "better than 'good luck hate fuck'", which wasn't really funny enough to make, much less correct
galaxy178: @Didero All standard legal sets worth of cards, starting with Return to Ravnica
GLHFMagic: 2012 onward (RTR)
TXC2: Moderner
Sibwow: from like rtr forward?
Slacker1977: it's like Extended :p
Didero: Shoulda called it 'Modern-er'
Mangledpixel: so, you take a pie, and you put it on your ear
beowuuf: @googoltudoris it pioneered a new way to master getting in the way of communicaton?
Didero: Thanks!
TXC2: it's basically from when I started playing :p
Sibwow: no, new new border was like m15
TXC2: no, new new boarder was m15 I think
Wiliart: @TXC2 Me too.
Wicker_Guide: So, how long until we adjust Modern to start at Ravnica and we start dating all Magic Sets based on their Ravnican starting set?
Didero: Last time I played Magic was around Tarkir :p
Sibwow: like aftermath
bolt_wave: Hello hello
TheWriterAleph: what even is a "set" in 2024
beowuuf: @TXC2 lol, and i came back :D jumping in to a sealed game with dragon's maze as my first game back was a heck of a thing
AFamiliarCalledEl: iirc, rtr was chosen as the start for shock lands
googoltudoris: i'd rather be seen as making a joke that didn't land than just spamming chat with typos and swears
bolt_wave: 3 to the face everytime ;)
bennybartez: Hi. Hows is everyone? well i hope
Wicker_Guide: Post-Modern
Didero: Wait, that news message says my favourite streamers are playing Magic today, gotta go Kappa
TXC2: hello bennybartez welcome
tri_nitro_: no fetchlands
Tyabann: all the fetches are banned.
jaimeblacken: shorter modern
Didero: !magic wooded foothills
jaimeblacken: longer standard
fiftymcnasty: post modern if you will
tri_nitro_: all fetchlands were prebanned
galaxy178: All KTK fetches are banned on principle
Didero: !mtg wooded foothills
LRRbot: Wooded Foothills | Land | {T}, Pay 1 life, Sacrifice Wooded Foothills: Search your library for a Mountain or Forest card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.
OldUncleDan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OldUncleDan! (Today's storm count: 3)
Slacker1977: Karn was a pretty recent ban
Wicker_Guide: No Fetches. FETCH CAN"T HAPPEN lrrXmaspistachio (yay so much less shuffling)
galaxy178: There's plenty of downshifts in this set, too. Good for wildcard crafting
ShepDM subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months, currently on a 118 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ShepDM! (Today's storm count: 4)
googoltudoris: !mtg expressive iteration
LRRbot: Expressive Iteration [UR] | Sorcery | Look at the top three cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand, put one of them on the bottom of your library, and exile one of them. You may play the exiled card this turn.
bennybartez: Will the Universes Beyond be legal in pioneer?
beowuuf: fetchlands were thrown an island to fetch while the car engine was still running :(
Slacker1977: @bennybartez the next ones? yes
TXC2: bennybartez if they're legal in standard, they'll be legal in pioneer
bennybartez: thanks
TheHaCoFo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheHaCoFo! (Today's storm count: 5)
Didero: They should make better cards instead Kappa
googoltudoris: the next one should absolutely be "post-modern"
Wicker_Guide: Modern becomes Extended?
Didero: "Broad Standard", just the last 12 years are allowed
Slacker1977: that happened once kinda with Extended turning into modern
bennybartez: i think they tried to leave modern behind a few years ago? didnt they remov eit from pro tour?
TXC2: we did that with 7 year extended
bytecaster: thicc standard
TXC2: it died
hd_dabnado: who else up pioneering they masters
OldUncleDan: I sincerely miss the old Three Block format from back in the day.
googoltudoris: staaaandard
bennybartez: @OldUncleDan same
TXC2: OldUncleDan same
TheWriterAleph: 6 piece McNuggy Standard
Pazy160: Give up and just name every format after the year it begins.
xVoxtric: bring back block constructed
OldUncleDan: I mean three set block.
Wicker_Guide: Sparky: I'm halping
galaxy178: It'll stop if you enter the draft
Laurence72: First foe -- Sparky!!
googoltudoris: would you like to know more?
TheWriterAleph: The Single Jame
baltimore_667083: Jame!
Didero: Singular of James
bytecaster: Hello Jame
SymphonySolstice: LUL
sporkraptor: XD
Mangledpixel: one singular Jame
Wicker_Guide: Jammin'
beowuuf: this is the name of the jame
bennybartez: was that a geunine typo? :)
TXC2: and chat loves the Matt that loves Jame
TheWriterAleph: opposite of Royal We
OldUncleDan: Game by Jame.
Robot_Bones: Contractually obligated love of Jame
hd_dabnado: im eating Chorizo for lunch, not a mistake
Didero: You're Matt's boss, send him out for food :p
beowuuf: !quote mistake
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Jogela: Order while queuing
googoltudoris: matt at a distance and alex at a distance sound remarkably similar
galaxy178: Could maybe get food now. The pod will probably take a while to fire
TXC2: bennybartez it's a character limit thing
Wicker_Guide: #HungryJame
beowuuf: see, true Kappa
goatprince: i love jame so much i got into chat to reiterate: i love jame
beowuuf: !findquote mistake
LRRbot: Quote #4630: "Clearly our heroes think the mistake was not theirs." —Dale [2018-01-29]
Didero: Does he know that?
Krillin_fan: i've never seen, or heard of, james making a mistake
Pywodwagon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Pywodwagon: anytime jame isn’t on screen we should be asking where’s jame
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pywodwagon! (Today's storm count: 6)
goatprince: and no, jame is not my boss
bennybartez: i hope someone invents a none Universes Beyond format
The_cake_of_lies: You are your own boss
googoltudoris: i thought you were everyone's boss?
petey_vonwho: Don't you make the schedule? Schedule Matt to go get food
TXC2: Where's Jame?
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Don't try to noclip your food.
jaimeblacken: jame is my boss then?
bytecaster: but also, how is jame?
beowuuf: jame is called jame because there can be only one
creasehearst: James is everyone's nanny
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Add "lust" to "hangry."
googoltudoris: post LRR org chart, coward :p
bennybartez: true
SymphonySolstice: so how many james are you in a trenchcoat?
Didero: If James and Jade ever get into a transporter accident, the resulting entity would be called Jame
ShaneLeeAtk: But what about the pre LRR org chart?
TheWriterAleph: @Didero bork bork, fall in a hole
beowuuf: james can boss people around through judicious use of scheduling
bennybartez: shame our playgroup is either commander or nothing atm in our lgs.
TXC2: I wish to play magic without board wipes, Arena says no :p
SymphonySolstice: [writes this down]
ToddOnATangent subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months, currently on a 88 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ToddOnATangent! (Today's storm count: 7)
TheWriterAleph: YES
beowuuf: yes!
Mindfire13: Always
bytecaster: Love BackupAccount04
Wicker_Guide: Famous Streamer BackupAccount04
Pywodwagon: oh I know Kuroh
Slacker1977: Pog Fog
patbaer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
patbaer: This is over 4 years?!?!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, patbaer! (Today's storm count: 8)
googoltudoris: secluded courtyard windmill slam
TXC2: Pioneer masters: 200 great cards and fog
Didero: Can you ask for a refund? :p
googoltudoris: we foggin
bytecaster: We could simply pick the rare
beowuuf: take worst common to send a message
TheWriterAleph: silkwrap, go boros
beowuuf: nm, james was there ahead of me Kappa
Krillin_fan: Xathrid and take all hoomins?
Slacker1977: 1/3 prowess flier could be good
bennybartez: Roar is fine yes?
SimWOT: stormchaser is not bad but as a pick one its too commiting
BlindPathfinder: why does james hate the unliving?
jaimeblacken: devotion then?
Didero: I wish 'Merfolk Wizard' was my job title
Krillin_fan: Pivot! mono blue devotion!
TXC2: this set is basically nostalgia for the first 3 years of magic I played :p
OldUncleDan: Set? I am sorry. I thought this was going to be some Foundations event. Didn't realize that they just made some random new set.
Slacker1977: it's no Dismemeber :/
Wicker_Guide: @OldUncleDan It's another remasters set
TXC2: OldUncleDan this is an Arena only set
TheGr8Mango: Oh, it's Alchemy?
beowuuf: @Didero job title is 95% business card, 4% email footer, and about 0.05% actual contracted job tiitle :p
Wicker_Guide: aka a Cube with an official mask
galaxy178: Good old intimidate
halftrip: two for unflinching
TXC2: TheGr8Mango no, they're normal cards from paper, just on arena for the first time
OldUncleDan: Ah... Haven't been on Arena for a hot minute or 5.
Slacker1977: @TheGr8Mango it's for filling out the card pool
TheGr8Mango: OH there's a new new? I *play this* and can't keep up lol
googoltudoris: disregard universes beyond, draft proxy cubes
bennybartez: district guide 5 colours!
Didero: @beowuuf I haven't set an email footer at my job in the last 7 years and I'm not about to start now, regardless of how often our Marketing people make a new footer design
beowuuf: @Didero :D
Slacker1977: it was in yeah
googoltudoris: yep
TXC2: the crack a pack extra vegan pizza
Didero: Can't go wrong with picking the cards with the prettiest art
bytecaster: There seem to be a lot of Auras
googoltudoris: aka "knighty knight"? eh? eh?
OldUncleDan: Have they put in Dubious Challenge in Arena yet? That might get me back in.
jaimeblacken: you don't have enters triggers yet so, it's fine
bytecaster: Flyer carries Auras well!
Wicker_Guide: Gryff is a better hate-card, not sure if it's generally better
bennybartez: knightly valor seems mroe value?
Didero: Man, the timer at the bottom keeps stressing me out
Slacker1977: i bet the thing GW Auras :p
Didero: It's ok for YOU because you know what you're doing, I'm very bad at being rushed
googoltudoris: @Didero just like my check engine light, put some tape over it
baltimore_667083: half an oligarch
Wicker_Guide: Twoligarchs
TacitusVigil: Beej, as always, is banned from the Moonbase for the duration.
bennybartez: oli those garchs
Vargen_HK: @Didero I find it helps to remind myself that he's a professional entertainer, has probably already made his decision, and is just filling time.
Krillin_fan: Duoligarch
baltimore_667083: olive, the other garch
Stormgod519 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
Stormgod519: I figured i'd stop by for the big 39 months, but i gtg to class. Hi James!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stormgod519! (Today's storm count: 9)
OldUncleDan: What is better than one Oligarch? Zero Oligarchs! (Real life and all.)
TXC2: i'd say zero oligarchs is the best number Kappa
Stormgod519: take care chat!
OldUncleDan: @TXC2 Yeppers!
hd_dabnado: the husk lets gooo
Stormgod519: my last week of classes, so im almost done
TXC2: so long Stormgod519 stay safe
Slacker1977: Husk is probably good
hd_dabnado: love me a Nantuko Husk
Slacker1977: especially with Afterlife
hd_dabnado: im a sucker for it
googoltudoris: @TXC2 DDD
jaimeblacken: with the oligarchs husk is amazing
jaimeblacken: land
Invitare: on colour gate
baskwalla: Hey everyone. Yo, what up James?
devilmonkey2012: land seems good
Wicker_Guide: Soveriegn is very good in aggressive decks
TXC2: hello baskwalla welcome
Wicker_Guide: not so much in slow decks
Slacker1977: tough choice
3schr: @baskwalla It's James now
3schr: It's Jame now
Slacker1977: our husk wheeled PogChamp
bytecaster: More auras! More auras!
bennybartez: charm?
Wicker_Guide: Gryff I think
bennybartez: passage for husk yoooo
baltimore_667083: none passage left husk
bytecaster: So many knights1
TXC2: Thightly valour
bennybartez: not even
Wicker_Guide: the Can't Even Eldrazi
cobthegreat: cant even
bennybartez: heliods pilgrim!!!!!!!!!
Slacker1977: Pilgrim for our Valors
Invitare: oh yeah that's good
Invitare: you have auras
Wicker_Guide: Pilgrim seems made for this deck
Slacker1977: or the Pacifism
bennybartez: To the Boss Ross card
bennybartez: To*
Wicker_Guide: THUNA
control_rig: Still good
baskwalla: Angel busto
googoltudoris: wheeligarch
devilmonkey2012: it does fuel itself
Slacker1977: it has lifelink :p
bytecaster: yet!
TheGr8Mango: Hey - it's lifelink!
Invitare: Knightly Valour you say
ShaneLeeAtk: Oligarch will wheel
Grimnus: It enabling itself is plenty enough
googoltudoris: knighty knight?
OldUncleDan: Cause BW is notorious for not having any lifegain in it ever!
ladyjessica: angel has lifelink
Invitare: but the memes
ph0enix__42: Thune is the card that brought me back to magic, love it
Wicker_Guide: mystics seems deece
googoltudoris: oops all knights
Wicker_Guide: Tarkir
hd_dabnado: Dragons of Tarkir
Slacker1977: some Tarkir thing
bennybartez: tarkir
hd_dabnado: would love to see Renown come back in some way
Wicker_Guide: Ultimate Price premium removal
devilmonkey2012: whats the oracle?
bennybartez: the ultimate pick
Wicker_Guide: !card War Oracle
LRRbot: War Oracle [2WW] | Creature — Human Cleric [3/3] | Lifelink / Renown 1
TXC2: they give us War Oracle, but not Consul's lieutenant :p
OldUncleDan: The Selesnya dweeb that I am would have snap picked Oracle.
control_rig: ooooo
Didero: !mtg triplicate spirits
LRRbot: Triplicate Spirits [4WW] | Sorcery | Convoke / Create three 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying.
GLHFMagic: trip trip trip
control_rig: Trip!
Wicker_Guide: Sin Collector is an excellent card for a different black-white deck
patbaer: you gotta play YOUR deck
public_key_reveal_party: No, not caring about chat is correct usually
Wicker_Guide: triplicate spirits + husk is going to end some games
MTGColorPie: battle screech
Slacker1977: Battle Cry?
ladyjessica: battle screech
TheWriterAleph: Triplicate Birds
bytecaster: Flyers do also carry our auras well
Invitare: makes two birds? Sounds like it'd be weak to one stone
Vargen_HK: In its original home, you just always took any Triplicate Spirits you saw
bennybartez: ooh pay off
googoltudoris: daffy duck- "to trip to trip to trip to trip, to trip it up and down"
Wicker_Guide: DuoNoodle
TXC2: does this go into aristocrats ? Kappa
bennybartez: i was about to suggest we might want some protcetion spells for the target we try and enchant and there we go
Wicker_Guide: Triune
bytecaster: Trolligarch
gualdhar: hey James, any news on when the next Play it Forward is starting?
Invitare: Knightly Valour though
bytecaster: Want some more valour?
TheGr8Mango: Are all these cards standard? Cuz I'm really liking what I see for my boros tokens lol
MarkovDescendant subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
MarkovDescendant: Let's go Pioneering!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MarkovDescendant! (Today's storm count: 10)
control_rig: Knightly ValFour
Slacker1977: 4 might be a little much :p
hamraffle: We need 4 oligarchs and put the 4 valors on them
bennybartez: butcher
Slacker1977: i meant 4 Valor btw
bytecaster: Oligarch! Oligarch!
bennybartez: weve lots of tokens to sac now
cobthegreat: poor dreadbore being relegated to a common
control_rig: Hey Waracle
galaxy178: Downshifted from rare
TXC2: this used to be RARE?!
bennybartez: yep
Wicker_Guide: Hero of Iroas used to be Rare, yes. It's been a long time since Theros
bytecaster: I mean, it is pretty good
public_key_reveal_party: It was rare in theros because heroic enabler
control_rig: Each!
galaxy178: Indeed, Pauper does not care about Arena-only releases
chimenea1: or the land
bytecaster: Pacificm though
bennybartez: phalanx leader was OP in theros
TXC2: and yet they put Assemble the legion up to mythic, just to spite me personally :p
Slacker1977: i'd take removal
bytecaster: We are a little light on removal
Didero: Pacifism is the only card I know what it does by heart :p
TXC2: removal doesn't attack
Wicker_Guide: Pegasus is good aura target, yeah
bytecaster: Synergizes with angel too
bennybartez: yoked Ox power creep?
super731: healer's hawk eat your heart out
TacitusVigil: What type of food you thinking bout today?
Wicker_Guide: what's the white flyer?
Wicker_Guide: yeah fair
bytecaster: 7 mana bestow seems ambitious
TXC2: a not blaneslayer angel
chimenea1: another valor :D
Invitare: gonna need to build a round table for all these knights
Decaped: green seemed open
Wolfstrike_NL: Silence could be fun :)
control_rig: Another one
Bruceski: pack 3 pivot
Slacker1977: i dunno, anthems are pretty great in limited
control_rig: Yo!
hd_dabnado: yep
Slacker1977: yes
passwordlost_hereiam: No consideration for Pelakka Predation?
Wicker_Guide: yes it was, in Innistrad
TXC2: we could almost go mono white at this point
Wicker_Guide: we're basically splashing black
bytecaster: We would loose all the Oligarchs, and that is against current zeitgeist
Wicker_Guide: we're going to have impressive mana actually
TheWriterAleph: t:cr
TheWriterAleph: 16 laaaands Kappa
bytecaster: ^
bennybartez: onie husk?
bennybartez: war oracle?
Wicker_Guide: cut eye, a husk, maybe gryff?
bennybartez: lampad?
Slacker1977: Tactician should be good enough i feel
Wicker_Guide: butcher?
rossmification subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rossmification! (Today's storm count: 11)
googoltudoris: do we have any other lifelink?
control_rig: Cut a plains?
bennybartez: i suppose you could push more into the aristcrats, or lifelink, or auras synergy, then cut others?
Wicker_Guide: maybe get rid of the lask husk?
Slacker1977: i feel the 2/3 might be a bettr flier than the gryff
OldUncleDan: I'd play this... So, it's obviously a very bad idea.
googoltudoris: you did not
TheWriterAleph: 3 oligarchs might bite, but that depends on average p/t in this set
bytecaster: Who knows yet, could be the perfect meta deck
EvilBadman: Smash the oligarchy
public_key_reveal_party: This seems more like a slope than a curve but it looks fun
ShaneLeeAtk: Meta? Please, Trilogarchs!
Slacker1977: I#d still want Tactician
Wicker_Guide: I'd say Valor or Waracle
MarkovDescendant: Run 41
EvilBadman: Not running the rogue's passage?
Wicker_Guide: didn't grab it unfortunately
googoltudoris: didn't pick it
EvilBadman: thought we did
EvilBadman: welp
bennybartez: goood luck
Alivewithcake subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alivewithcake! (Today's storm count: 12)
googoltudoris: if we die, that means streamers got to kill oligarchs, so that's nice
Wicker_Guide: it's Molhouse
Wicker_Guide: I am not hearing it
bytecaster: We could make that 0/4 unable to attack, to send a message!
public_key_reveal_party: Yeah, game is a bit loud, sub notifier seems silent or close to?
SolarBlitz1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SolarBlitz1! (Today's storm count: 13)
googoltudoris: heard it very soft earlier, don't hear it at all now
googoltudoris: there we go
SymphonySolstice: heard it fine
public_key_reveal_party: Sub notifier seems fine now though
SolarBlitz1: We heard it
InTheHouseOfHavok subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, InTheHouseOfHavok! (Today's storm count: 14)
Slacker1977: i'm in the business of Oligarch this turn and Valor in the aristocrat next
DrewPD86 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrewPD86! (Today's storm count: 15)
lirazel64: Cheer100
Nommii77 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nommii77! (Today's storm count: 16)
Wicker_Guide: not attack?
SymphonySolstice: oh man, sub notifier but every time someone subs the sound volume matches the storm count
Wicker_Guide: oh, duh
Slacker1977: although it's a little tricksy that they might have white removal :p
googoltudoris: yep
Slacker1977: no, Valor the 2/2 now i feel
TXC2: !card knightly valor
LRRbot: Knightly Valor [4W] | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant creature / When Knightly Valor enters, create a 2/2 white Knight creature token with vigilance. / Enchanted creature gets +2/+2 and has vigilance.
bytecaster: The aristocract is a very safe target
hd_dabnado: both options are fine
googoltudoris: leader gives you more options imo
bennybartez: yeah valor the 2/2 whilst theyre tappe dout
TXC2: first blood!
googoltudoris: note: i am bad at magic, don't listen to me
bytecaster: An remember, when one of us is right, we are all right!
ShaneLeeAtk: Found where the centaurs went
Wicker_Guide: we appear to be facing a pillow fort of doom
Slacker1977: we can attack with the 4/4
googoltudoris: is this tappy's boros walls deck from suap?
public_key_reveal_party: @wicker_guide I'm not seeing the doom part so far, but you're not wrong
passwordlost_hereiam: They are trying to live the strive dream
Wicker_Guide: @public_key_reveal_party I'm assuming Dictate of Heliod
drachenfells subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drachenfells! (Today's storm count: 17)
biosimicist: You don't need to put anything under a rest yet
bennybartez: sac in response?
TXC2: shock with up side
Slacker1977: don't name white
Slacker1977: white makes the Valor fall off
MegaTrain: white loses your own enchantment
TXC2: this is not a house of lies James
biosimicist: Well now you have a good target for rest
public_key_reveal_party: Wait a second, that card looks familiar
bytecaster: That mentor is doing some work
googoltudoris: ahhh biiiiig booty big booty big booty ah yeah, big booty
bytecaster: Seems reasonable
loufghyslaufey: & then, goin' sideways lrrDOTS ImTyping towards lrrJAMES NotLikeThis FBtouchdown GlitchNRG
Wicker_Guide: sure why not
bennybartez: no blocks
TXC2: Opp always has more cards in hand then you
biosimicist: You are still winning the race
biosimicist: NVM
bytecaster: We might be in trouble
Wicker_Guide: there's a reason Mentor is a Hatebears allstar
Mordeka1: would it have been better to put the double strike on the 4/4 and then sac creatures to give prot red & W to hit them?
bytecaster: That is very good for us, maybe
Alterus1990: Missed lethal last turn. Sac one oligarch before the turn starts, double strike aura on the 4/4, sac two creatures to have pro white, pro red, attack for 10 + 1 with flier
bennybartez: yep
passwordlost_hereiam: @Alterus1990 Pro white would drop enchantments
Bruceski: @Alterus1990 They block
bytecaster: @Alterus1990 pro white makes the aura fall off though
TXC2: ^
Wicker_Guide: Chat lethal
Bruceski: Or does protection prevent blocking? Been a while
Slacker1977: it's also an illegal line
Pywodwagon: protection makes all the auras fall off
Slacker1977: @Bruceski it does
TXC2: protection prevents blocking, it also prevents auras :p
bennybartez: gg
control_rig: Nice!
bytecaster: Exact lethal
galaxy178: gg
baskwalla: Nice work James
TXC2: got there anyway!
control_rig: We take those
Krillin_fan: ggwp!
Slacker1977: anyone else have a weird sounds on game end?
Alterus1990: True about protection and auras, sorry guys
galaxy178: Wouldn't have worked, pro-white makes white auras fall off
baskwalla: Protection from white would have made the white auras fall off
UnsaltedHam subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
UnsaltedHam: Nice win!
Slacker1977: turning it into a single strike 2/2
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UnsaltedHam! (Today's storm count: 18)
control_rig: Chat-Lethal
Bruceski: Pro white would bounce the enchantments
bennybartez: no the double strike aura woudl fall off
Pywodwagon: you didn’t see it because it didn’t exist
petey_vonwho: Didn't see it, because it wouldn't work
galaxy178: Not bounce, send to graveyard
TXC2: so Jame was right all along
bennybartez: no the doublestirker it would have gone to battlefield btw
bytecaster: @TXC2 Always trust in Jame
Slacker1977: but aren't the judage at all the pre-pre-releases?
public_key_reveal_party: You people know things? I couldn't relate
Slacker1977: *you
galaxy178: Oh right, bestow
TXC2: !addquote (James) [now] I never know what I'm talking about.
LRRbot: New quote #9203: "I never know what I'm talking about." —James [2024-12-05]
bytecaster: @TXC2 Should have attributed it to Jame
galaxy178: I would love to be able to default to the Kaladesh board, which easily has my favorite music
petey_vonwho: I agree, but only if I can make the 93 throwback board my default
control_rig: How much is the Eidolon's bestow?
bytecaster: 6 normally, 5 with discount
control_rig: Blergh
public_key_reveal_party: I think that's reasonable
control_rig: Ooooooh dear
public_key_reveal_party: Oh wow
multeyemeteor: You were right, until you weren't
SymphonySolstice: excuse you that's the mayor
control_rig: But he's just a little guy
MarkovDescendant: No way. He looks too polite
galaxy178: Amonkhet has seen worse than a single giant mole
bytecaster: That mole is friend shaped
bennybartez: nice blue deck
drizztnailo: we've been had
bennybartez: price the mystic?
drizztnailo: he's just chillin
control_rig: I'm pretty sure I saw this deck when it was in Constructed
SonofThoth: He's just signed up for the trials, it's ok.
djalternative subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 67 months!
djalternative: James, how do you and Ashley find the quality of life living in a giant peach?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, djalternative! (Today's storm count: 19)
bennybartez: i think we have removal for the big cuthroat but all teh 1/1 flyers will be a pain
djalternative: also hi
multeyemeteor: The mole is extremely underwhelmed with the size of the earth worms around these parts
TacitusVigil: So, typical Victoria?
bennybartez: or snare the mystic?
bennybartez: i dont know tbh lol
bennybartez: true
Krillin_fan: eventually you get to make a house in a peach pit, so that's a big win
Krillin_fan: you're investing in your future!
TXC2: hello djalternative welcome
Abavus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
Abavus: My calculations give you an 87% chance to win after that move
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Abavus! (Today's storm count: 20)
kumatsu: obviously it should be 86.6%. Repeating, of course
bennybartez: oracle or oligarch to get a coutnerspell?
Technic_AL: what are the chances they have a counterspell?
bennybartez: or a gbig flash crtr
Abavus: Odds of a counter spell? Funnily enough also 87%
HamSneak subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HamSneak! (Today's storm count: 21)
psychopez subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, psychopez! (Today's storm count: 22)
dinorider82 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dinorider82! (Today's storm count: 23)
bennybartez: valor ftw?
bennybartez: one turn
Wiliart: a turn
cobthegreat: until there turn
galaxy178: until their next turn
Abavus: Seems good
SymphonySolstice: rip
Didero: Sometimes I think about going to a prerelease event again, but watching this and not quite knowing what's going on has convinced me not to :p
Bugberry: @Didero It's the best place to learn.
TXC2: this set is much more complex then a standard set
CyberJoeK subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months, currently on a 65 month streak!
CyberJoeK: 84 months!?!?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CyberJoeK! (Today's storm count: 24)
Wiliart: Yeah, my first match was helping a new player. It was great.
trainpants: best events full stop
galaxy178: Also, this set has way more mechanics than normal because it's a masters set
public_key_reveal_party: Yeah, jerks are everywhere, but prereleases are among the most chill events
Didero: Last time I went, which was over a decade ago, I opened a Planeswalker and made the dumb choice not to use it though, so I'm not great at valuing cards :p
CyberJoeK: This is also Pioneer Masters which is a more complicated set
Bugberry: @Didero they also release set spoilers before PRs, so you can look stuff up if you really want to, but people enjoy going in semi or fully blind.
Revelia: It was detained
psychopez: it was detained
cobthegreat: it was detained
Didero: Also every new Magic set seems to add something convoluted, judging from the explainer videos at the start of LRR's PPRs
chimenea1: killing doesnt undetain
walkeroftales: detain is like a stun counter
Didero: I didn't hear that as 'the taint', nosirree
bytecaster: @Didero Magic players of all skill levels are generally notoriously bad at card evaluation
thaigeprime subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thaigeprime! (Today's storm count: 25)
TXC2: rest and oilgarch
Technic_AL: rest and oligarch
WesLynx: skuruSleep rest
Bugberry: @Didero most new sets have a combination of old mechanics or slight tweaks on old mechanics, with maybe 1 fully new novel mechanic. Duskmourne for example just had tweaks on existing mechanics and Rooms as a new subtype.
thaigeprime: this just in LRR member James Turner LOVES oligarchs!
public_key_reveal_party: Is ultimate price a sorcery?
bytecaster: @Bugberry It's why (standard) limited is great, because the amount of mechanics is also limitted.
WesLynx: Eidolon bestowed make a 4/4 double strike?
Didero: It seems kind of fun to make a Magic deck that incorporates ALL the 'special' stuff though: Day/night, dungeons, LotR's ring, I think there's one with a crown...
bytecaster: @Didero Monarch
Didero: @bytecaster Yeah, and a prerelease is by definition just the cards of one set, making it a bit easier to grasp
bytecaster: Gotta add the initiative too
thaigeprime: @Didero LUL its a long story from years ago
thaigeprime: woops didnt mean to reply
WesLynx: @Didero What is this, pauper?
TXC2: !card hero of Iroas
LRRbot: Hero of Iroas [1W] | Creature — Human Soldier [2/2] | Aura spells you cast cost {1} less to cast. / Heroic — Whenever you cast a spell that targets Hero of Iroas, put a +1/+1 counter on Hero of Iroas.
bytecaster: Double strike on the angel gives us two triggers, but that seems very magical christmas land
TXC2: bytecaster well, tis the season
baskwalla: Judge, OP is being an Oh no-mie
Technic_AL: snare to draw counter bait?
bytecaster: Which one do we want countered?
biosimicist: Double-striking lifelinker?
thaigeprime: Fun fact your the second person to ask about it in my years watching LRR the first being Kathleen
Commander_Taz: snare after the artful dodge rebound?
TXC2: bestow the angel and live the dream
thaigeprime: is ghostblade the double striker?
Commander_Taz: either that or just bestow
cobthegreat: Play outthe eidolon as a creature attack then snare
bytecaster: Bestowing the angel is high risk, high reward
Didero: Somebody made a Mastodon bot that posts an MtG land card every day, there's a lot of pretty cards: https://mastodon.social/@__lands__
thaigeprime: eh they got 2 cards what are the odds
Commander_Taz: nooooo
biosimicist: If they counter that then you can stasis the other thing
Commander_Taz: no bestow?
Commander_Taz: well fair enough
TXC2: poo butts
Bugberry: @Didero Could also include Attractions, and Contraptions if you really want to get crazy.
Didero: @Bugberry The whole point of the deck would be to go crazy :D I'm sure there's lots of mechanics I'm forgetting or don't know about
holesinone178 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, holesinone178! (Today's storm count: 26)
thaigeprime: snare? in the main phase? how scandalous
Didero: Aren't Attractions from an Un-set though? That'd make it harder to play the deck
thaigeprime: F
cheezweazl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months, currently on a 119 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cheezweazl! (Today's storm count: 27)
bytecaster: Gotta respect the art
Technic_AL: boo
cheezweazl: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Bugberry: @Didero Attractions are blackborder. Unfinity had a mix, like Saw in Half.
gualdhar: 120?Hold on I thought we were still on the 100 month mark
thaigeprime: gimme 24 months
azidbern95 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, azidbern95! (Today's storm count: 28)
TXC2: the resubaroonies
cheezweazl: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
gualdhar: aww
thaigeprime: nah we broke the chain we have to start going down to 75 now
LithelyUnshod: I was just about to do it for the gag, JAmes
bytecaster: This was your official "Call To Action"
TXC2: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadyrun . For Stream VODs check out https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadylive . MtG vods and other MtG content are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRMtG . Tabletop related videos are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRTT . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRVG
thaigeprime: I believe!
thaigeprime: just draw a swemp
Cyberegg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cyberegg! (Today's storm count: 29)
bytecaster: Easy, we simply draw a swamp now
TXC2: Serge wants that plaque (sp?), make Serge happy
Derthon: they milled a lili?
petey_vonwho: Nummy promised a 25 hour stream when he hits 100,000. Will you also do 24 hours James?
Didero: "Yes, but not in a row"
bytecaster: We just had Desert Bus
Lord_Hosk: James will you commit to 24 ice creams when you hit 1 million subs?
biosimicist: @bytecaster True!
thaigeprime: you never too old to destroy your body and sleep schedule for no reason Kappa
TXC2: LRR learned long ago not to do 24 hours streams
Pywodwagon: jame would give us a 24 hour stream
gryfyn1: i mean not 24 hours in a row
Didero: @TXC2 I was gonna counter with Desert Bus, but that's really 6-hour streams chained together, with some overlap
Trahas: do you realize how much liquid you would have to drink to have a 24 hour stream
bytecaster: @gryfyn1 Then LRR does 24 hour streams all the time
boredkid07: I always thought 2 twelves was fine. Or even 3 eights. 24 is too silly.
TXC2: Didero exactly
kumatsu: a 24 hour stream? Obviously more likely to get a 24 MINUTE stream
Lord_Hosk: Desert bus did 24 hour shifts one year... and realized by day two that it was a huge mistake
QuantumTwitch: LRR does a week stream once a year I have yet to see someone beet that
public_key_reveal_party: I mean, jokes aside, I am glad y'all do take care and like, plan time to sleep and stuff when you do marathon streams
Didero: You too can make James do a 24-minute stream by redeeming 'Shut down the Stream' on his homestream at exactly the right moment, only takes a million channel points
thaigeprime: In celebration of reaching 100k James will stream for at least 24 Total hours by the end of 2025 Kappa
Lord_Hosk: We just have to pool our channel points via strategic betting on diamonds
bytecaster: We are still surprisingly in this
thaigeprime: LUL
Didero: I haven't been having the best week, thanks for making this a fun evening, James and Chat :)
hd_dabnado: maybe a chaos draft?
shamblingkrenshar: James draws 100000 lands in a row
BlueFingers5: 100,000 card beejlander decks
hd_dabnado: everybody picks a set to bring
thaigeprime: man I cant believe swamps have never existed
cheezweazl: numotB1 numotB2
bytecaster: Rude
cheezweazl: amazonRUDE1 amazonRUDE2
Didero: are ya winnin', so-*explosion* I'll take that as a yes
Technic_AL: rude
shamblingkrenshar: I'm torn. I want to try drafting Pioneer Masters. I am also -appallingly- bad at draft. My record in Foundations is uh... lets just say not good.
northos: very silly of Richard Garfield to create a game with 5 colors but only 4 basic land types
QuantumTwitch: well if they have all the removal and cheat by having swamps
Lord_Hosk: OK... I've got it! 100,000 second stream to celebrate 100,000 subs. Its not 24 hours!
Trahas: 5th
thaigeprime: 12th
northos: it's almost 28 hours
Lord_Hosk: 27 hours give or take
QuantumTwitch: 27.7
RayFK: Hell yeah brother
bytecaster: It would be rude not to!
hd_dabnado: try 5 color lol
RayFK: You're required to draft Chromanticore
TXC2: hello RayFK
shamblingkrenshar: I think we can draft Chromanticore
thaigeprime: take sarkahn wheel the chromanticore 5 color goodstuff here we come
kumatsu: @RayFK contractually obligated
public_key_reveal_party: Average of 4 colors among those two picks
QuantumTwitch: Walker
Invitare: 5 colour good stuff lets go
XavusGaming: It is law
bytecaster: Pick Walker, wheel Chromanticore
thaigeprime: another chromanticore
Lord_Hosk: second cromanticor
Alex_Frostfire: Keeping options open, I see.
Zenican82: fixing tribal Pog
RayFK: Yeah
RayFK: Gate
RayFK: Just gates
thaigeprime: probably honestly LUL
QuantumTwitch: Gate
Carlioo: Ooh gangler is in
uchihab7: chromanticore should be legendary
Trahas: Bill Gates?
galaxy178: Maze's End is in the set, technically
bytecaster: 1 Chromanticore 39 Gates.dek
Pywodwagon: that’s Sam black yea
northos: oh heck
northos: what a pod
RayFK: Oh you're screwed
thaigeprime: LUL
baskwalla: Paul Cheon and LSV? Welp
RayFK: You can't live
QuantumTwitch: Yupp
NorthstarTex: welp
QuantumTwitch: fair
RayFK: You are gonna RUIN signals
public_key_reveal_party: Are we forcing maze's end? lrrBEEJ
MTGColorPie: All you'll get are gates
TXC2: and we're on chromanticore Kappa
kumatsu: so the draft priority is 3 or more colors > gates > 2 color cards > fixing
XavusGaming: Good news they won't draft your jank
QuantumTwitch: This would be a fun to play
thaigeprime: second gate PogChamp
Seth_Erickson: gateway plaza surely
RayFK: Courier's briefcase
bytecaster: Gate!
Alex_Frostfire: Gateway Plaza's here too though.
northos: plaza is also a gate
control_rig: Harpooner is so good though
RayFK: Its 5color baybee
SymphonySolstice: gate! gate! gate!
azidbern95: briefcase
Barb4rian: mono-gate
Pywodwagon: Sam Black once asked us if he could use a hypergeometric calculator to figure out his land count
thaigeprime: pack 3 is for taking cards you can actually cast
ExitPursuedByABear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
thaigeprime: pack 1 and 2 are just fixing all the way down
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ExitPursuedByABear! (Today's storm count: 30)
RayFK: Gatbereaker ram
public_key_reveal_party: The secret tech is to draft this, then leave and force someone else to actually play it
RayFK: Gatebreaker ram and gates
bytecaster: Gatebreaker!
control_rig: Ram!
passwordlost_hereiam: Lumbering Falls honorary gate
Didero: Lumbering jlrrFall s?
SymphonySolstice: gate deck lets go
azidbern95: hopefully wheel Urban
RayFK: You are largely forcing Mono green + gates
baskwalla: He's gating
RayFK: Your win con is CASTING Chromanticore
RayFK: You don't have to win the game
bytecaster: We are drafting Ravinca Allegiance (?) again!
RayFK: Your bonus win is Bestowing it
Pywodwagon: girlboss and gatekeeping
RayFK: Yeah the gate
passwordlost_hereiam: Gotta go faster, he's gating on us.
Alex_Frostfire: Is that a second Lumbering Falls?
thaigeprime: what does chromanticore even do again? its just keyword soup with bestow right?
Didero: That looks fun but not very practical
bytecaster: Does this have circuitous route?
thaigeprime: gotcha
public_key_reveal_party: "That's it"
Didero: !mtg chromanticore
LRRbot: Chromanticore [WUBRG] | Enchantment Creature — Manticore [4/4] | Bestow {2}{W}{U}{B}{R}{G} / Flying, first strike, vigilance, trample, lifelink / Enchanted creature gets +4/+4 and has flying, first strike, vigilance, trample, and lifelink.
QuantumTwitch: Good is a matter of perspektive
baskwalla: I just got that it was a spyglass. Thanks James
RayFK: Satyr or Gateway plaza
QuantumTwitch: Gate
JosVanTongeren: gate
thaigeprime: to thiink we had to pay 5 mana and all 5 colors back in the day and now we just have questing beast Kappa
Bugberry: Chromanticore is just a more colorful Akroma
passwordlost_hereiam: Voyaging Hatyr
bytecaster: Satyr does let us double up on gate mana
passwordlost_hereiam: Gatyr
QuantumTwitch: Satyr ramps
thaigeprime: yep
Didero: Hi Cori!
JosVanTongeren: Hello cori!
biosimicist: Hi COri!
TXC2: Hello Cori
RayFK: Gate
MarkovDescendant: Oh no. Now there's two of them.
Invitare: Cori welcome to 5 colour fun times
JosVanTongeren: Gate
SymphonySolstice: gate
bytecaster: Gate?!
thaigeprime: g a t e
Flyingdelorion: Hello Cori!
baskwalla: Cori? In this economy?
Seth_Erickson: Scout is good to Chromanticore on Kappa
baltimore_667083: hi cori!
public_key_reveal_party: Hi Cori! We're doing a silly thing
RayFK: Gate
JosVanTongeren: Gate ram!
biosimicist: Gating out of your minds
neisan2112: Oh fog
public_key_reveal_party: Satyr is basically fixing with these gates
QuantumTwitch: shamblis
petey_vonwho: A wild Cori has appeared!
Barb4rian: Seems like no one is in Gate, so you're good right?
kumatsu: being silly? On THIS channel? I dunnoooooo
bytecaster: Gates seems to be open, yes
azidbern95: gatekeepers also an options
Didero: Ah, the ol' draft-n-run
Geldaran: Draft jank, hand deck to someone else, profit?
RayFK: Dreadbore
azidbern95: dreadbore
kumatsu: Paul's definitely trying to force gates and you're cutting him off KappaHD
RayFK: Sure
galaxy178: Dreadbore, also downshifted from rare
RayFK: I mean, I leave soon but good luck kids
thaigeprime: more like dread jor......dan
a_serious_moose: Mooses!
RayFK: I don't work on Arena
Bruceski: The card says Elk.
Commander_Taz: falls?
thaigeprime: some people
TXC2: people work on arena ?
Bugberry: moose are creature type elk, so that checks out
petey_vonwho: Mooses? Moosen? Meese?
creasehearst: @TXC2 usually they're called gladiators
thaigeprime: pay up james
BlueFingers5: Do you take the second chromanticore?
uchihab7: james really said here is a stick and and instead of a carrot its jordan’s paycheck
QuantumTwitch: Gate
Didero: I'll take that bet
Lord_Hosk: passes a chromaticore
RayFK: Sure gate
RayFK: Eventually you'll get good cards
RayFK: maybe
ThirdFloorDraft: that's the pack 3 pick 2
RayFK: Sure
Technic_AL: gateway plaza
thaigeprime: mazes end isnt in this set is it>
hd_dabnado: it is
gramplot: it is
Lord_Hosk: You know if there is a chroanticor in the pod... it will be passed to you
hd_dabnado: ooo trespass is good
thaigeprime: @hd_dabnado the dream?
control_rig: Ablaze!
RayFK: Gates Ablaze
azidbern95: Ablaze!
RayFK: For comedy
CocoBojangles: Gates Ablaze
control_rig: Gates ablaze
gramplot: ablaze is so good
Bugberry: gates ablaze
QuantumTwitch: Gate
MTGColorPie: Gates Ablaze
bytecaster: Gates ablaze
JosVanTongeren: gates ablaze
Bugberry: comments ablaze
bytecaster: Chat got your back!
thaigeprime: so busy looking at the gate your forgot about the gate
Alex_Frostfire: Maze's End does appear to actually be in this set, but it's a mythic.
Didero: !mtg gates ablaze
LRRbot: Gates Ablaze [2R] | Sorcery | Gates Ablaze deals X damage to each creature, where X is the number of Gates you control.
Lord_Hosk: Ingot
bytecaster: It says gate on that card
RayFK: Yeah
passwordlost_hereiam: Tasigate
RayFK: Guide
Barb4rian: Gate fixing
Pywodwagon: tasigur is legally 3 colors
QuantumTwitch: guide is good
bytecaster: But district guide could be any gate
QuantumTwitch: guide is gate of choice
TXC2: oh Gods notion thief is in this set
Lord_Hosk: Ingot is like a gate... But slower
petey_vonwho: Guide
RayFK: Take the Hydra
bytecaster: With all our acceleration, hydra is good
RayFK: Hell yeah elf
thaigeprime: skrider Pog
RayFK: Bala Ged Recovery
QuantumTwitch: mooos
TXC2: banned in commander primordial
QuantumTwitch: is funny
thaigeprime: lizard bolt?
kumatsu: gotta be able to still wind with Maze's End through land destruction
RayFK: Gate
RayFK: Dreadybore
Bugberry: Audacity is basically rancor
passwordlost_hereiam: Doorsteel Ingate
RayFK: Cartel aristocrat
Alex_Frostfire: I have concerns about this deck's chances.
RayFK: You need A 2 drop or 2
RayFK: To not die
thaigeprime: I really hope at least one of the other streamers is very confused why they cant get any fixing
Lord_Hosk: scout
RayFK: Scout
Bugberry: some bodies to help not die at least
RayFK: Scout is a bestow target
bytecaster: Scout does carry Chromanticore well
gramplot: briefcase?
RayFK: Briefcase
Lord_Hosk: Is it a guild gate?
boredkid07: Guild Summit
RayFK: Number two
CocoBojangles: Guild Summit
RayFK: You're required
Vequinox: summit
thaigeprime: soul flayer with chromanticore?>
azidbern95: briefcase
MTGColorPie: Guild Summit
Bugberry: you make a good case
cobthegreat: Guild summit
Alex_Frostfire: Guild Summit's a good pick here, tbh.
boredkid07: Hope Guild Summit wheels then?
RayFK: Nah that card looks dumb
thaigeprime: but soul flayer is basically a second chromanticore right? Kappa
Barb4rian: LUL
Alex_Frostfire: Maybe it wheels.
RayFK: Polukranos
Didero: If you pull off some sick plays, it's all on you, but if you fail in any way, it's Jordan's fault, so it's a win-win
GredGredmansson: card draw in a gates deck is dumb?
TXC2: it'll wheel
SeismicLawns: we'll wheel summit
baskwalla: I feel that Jordan doesn't have your best interests at heart
RayFK: Sorry bud, poly K
boredkid07: You have hated so many gates; Guild Summit should wheel
tsp397: This looks like a sweet 5c Chromanticore Briefcase deck
OldUncleDan: So Cori. Does or did Jordan Hinkleman play Magic? (Loved the latest episode BTW.)
Robot_Bones: Tis a fine creature but tis no barn
RayFK: Sure, you can take the guildgate
gramplot: gatekeepers
passwordlost_hereiam: Commune with the Gates
RayFK: as a treat
SymphonySolstice: gate gate gate
QuantumTwitch: you took poly k
JosVanTongeren: gatekeeper
Bugberry: I could imagine a Pokemon UB set with Gyms being like Gates.
petey_vonwho: We can enchant Poly-K
Lord_Hosk: Golgari
bytecaster: Also, how many playables do we have?
rynsfelda: golgari
azidbern95: rakdos, golgari
Didero: @bytecaster None, just gates Kappa
Alex_Frostfire: Rakdos.
Lord_Hosk: Black red
thaigeprime: I feel like there was an extremely sick green black deck in this draft but who cares cus this is funnier
baskwalla: Gangrel, Edge, and Christian
biosimicist: Cori, I love the idea of a Vampire MtG crossover
kumatsu: I can't believe nobody passed the Maze's End
plaidanddrpepper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 16 month streak!
plaidanddrpepper: out of court, so I can watch live!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, plaidanddrpepper! (Today's storm count: 31)
RayFK: Probably not
bytecaster: For only 7 mana
RayFK: Hey
thaigeprime: almost certainly not
RayFK: a briefcase
biosimicist: Gangrel guildgate, Ventrue guildgate, etc.
boredkid07: Need about 4 playables
bytecaster: Briefcase!
TXC2: more gates!
XavusGaming: Only gates and loot effects to find Chromanticore
Bruceski: Stop taking gates? Blasphemy!
bytecaster: Case Case Case
Technic_AL: A briefcase could be anything!
Bugberry: 3case
thaigeprime: This is the kind of deck adam jokes about getting fired over LUL
OldUncleDan: Any card is playable, if you believe in yourself.
Lord_Hosk: Im putting $1 on no wins
RayFK: Goreclaw
QuantumTwitch: you alomst have the set
boredkid07: Gate
TXC2: Lord_Hosk nah, this deck is going 7-0 Kappa
GredGredmansson: goreclaw can discount chroman
bytecaster: All our gates, gone
Lord_Hosk: Satyr
azidbern95: BOON!
JosVanTongeren: satyr
RayFK: Satyr
thaigeprime: chain to the rocks with one basic mountain
QuantumTwitch: boon
baskwalla: Boon Gatyr
bytecaster: Satyr goes well on our hexproof guy
XavusGaming: Boon satyr has bestow, it is allowed in the theme
RayFK: Ashen Rider
petey_vonwho: Plaza is playable
hd_dabnado: yoooo rider
Alex_Frostfire: Mostly green, apart from the part of the deck that's two random colors each.
hd_dabnado: lets go
Lord_Hosk: this is a 15 land deck for sure
azidbern95: ashen
TXC2: Baloon satyr
RayFK: You have literally all the gates
RayFK: be greedy
control_rig: Soon Batyr
QuantumTwitch: ashen rider'
Bugberry: Whats the point of gates if you aren't doing ridiculous splashes?
bytecaster: We have enough gates
Barb4rian: What @Bugberry said
RayFK: Naiad
boredkid07: Guild Summit wheeling surely
bytecaster: Flying Poly K!
MTGColorPie: Guild Summit didn't wheel
QuantumTwitch: gate
thaigeprime: call the gatewatch Kappa
GredGredmansson: one more pick? before summit?
thaigeprime: its a gate
azidbern95: nyx weaver
GredGredmansson: oh wow it didn't wheel
azidbern95: asp
RayFK: Asp
JosVanTongeren: boros asp
boredkid07: D: someone hated the Summit. RUDE
control_rig: Dat Asp
RayFK: Sure
baskwalla: He's Asping
undecided44: Obligatory asp joke
biosimicist: 5 color asp
Bugberry: Commune can help find Manticore
bytecaster: Perfect deck, ship it
RayFK: Yeah so take out all the lands, add your guildgates
baskwalla: Call in LRR
BlueFingers5: this is basically social media management
JosVanTongeren: martial glory
Pywodwagon: have wotc bill lrr
Pywodwagon: for your hours
Technic_AL: 1 moose
RayFK: A elk herd
QuantumTwitch: almost the full ravnika
azidbern95: two Elk
thaigeprime: cut chromanticore I dont think this is the deck for it Kappa
LithelyUnshod: Glory?
boredkid07: Martial Glory seems bad
JosVanTongeren: glory
bytecaster: Martial Glory?
Technic_AL: nimbus naiad?
RayFK: There you go, it's perfect
boredkid07: 5 basics? Gross.
bytecaster: Perfect deck
thaigeprime: man I cant believe we have to play basics this sucks
JosVanTongeren: looks like a deck
SymphonySolstice: not enough gates
LonelyTex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LonelyTex: oh look, a button
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LonelyTex! (Today's storm count: 32)
GredGredmansson: whiy is it suggesting that many swamps
control_rig: It certainly is A Deck
Bruceski: Five-color stuff
Bugberry: hungry for magic
baskwalla: Man, it's gonna hurt when OP plays Price of Progress
bytecaster: Hungry for gates!
Technic_AL: maybe 4 forests?
Pywodwagon: I think I’d cut a swamp for another forest
Lord_Hosk: opening hand chromanticor
TXC2: 7-0 time Kappa
thaigeprime: Itll probably go fast for not good reasons
Lord_Hosk: damn
QuantumTwitch: Its because you lack the rakdos land
Pywodwagon: oh look it’s Paul Chen
LonelyTex: (also, I am drafting the DB mystery booster box tonight with friends)
Juliamon: "we're not gonna play against this pod"
Pywodwagon: cheon*
thaigeprime: gods perfect hand
TXC2: Juliamon :D
Juliamon: immediately plays against the pod
baskwalla: :)
thaigeprime: LUL
TXC2: next game will be LSV
bytecaster: All of our lands coming in tapped might be a little bit of a tempo disadvantage
QuantumTwitch: the taped forrest rounf one
Invitare: I bet they won't have any gates though
Alex_Frostfire: "We're not going to play against this pod past round 1," more accurate.
RayFK: Attack
SeismicLawns: attack, coward
RayFK: Next turn play polyk
Dragoknight101: !card Dreg Mangler
LRRbot: Dreg Mangler [1BG] | Creature — Plant Zombie [3/3] | Haste / Scavenge {3}{B}{G}
QuantumTwitch: attack is the only way to win
XavusGaming: Should have gone for that sandwich
passwordlost_hereiam: Is that wasn't a completely off color gate our deck would almost look real right now
RayFK: Tap the green, and then untap it
Technic_AL: they have rest in hand
JosVanTongeren: satyr is green
GredGredmansson: tap the green then untap it
Dragoknight101: Ooooo Scavenge in Arena now? SirPrise
thaigeprime: they have the aura tho
QuantumTwitch: gruul
Bugberry: they'll aura it probably
bensmith0987 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bensmith0987! (Today's storm count: 33)
thaigeprime: true true
bytecaster: Elk Elk Elk
thaigeprime: If this deck wins this game Im buying a lottery ticket
GredGredmansson: or we can just draw chroman next turn and play it on curve
thaigeprime: Deal LUL
QuantumTwitch: Nextturn its meese
gramplot: goreclaw lets you play rider
GredGredmansson: but its still 7 mana
Seth_Erickson: !card Pulokranos, World Eater
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
LonelyTex: You can exile their enchantment from Polukranos
GredGredmansson: which we don't have yet
GredGredmansson: oh TWO less
SeismicLawns: reduces to 6
bytecaster: 6
thaigeprime: 6 mana
GredGredmansson: my mistake
Seth_Erickson: !card Polukranos, World Eater
LRRbot: Polukranos, World Eater [2GG] | Legendary Creature — Hydra [5/5] | {X}{X}{G}: Monstrosity X. / When Polukranos, World Eater becomes monstrous, it deals X damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures your opponents control. Each of those creatures deals damage equal to its power to Polukranos.
narset6691: you can activate polu
gramplot: yep
thaigeprime: I think its probably good yeah
Seth_Erickson: we could have just Poly K'd
RayFK: I mean next turn you can also exile the enchant on it
RayFK: and their island if you want to be mean
bytecaster: Also 3 Mana Herd!
RayFK: Oh wait, needs to die
RayFK: lol nvm
RayFK: Yeah
QuantumTwitch: and you can also kill the enchantment on pk
Alex_Frostfire: Get tempo'd!
LonelyTex: @RayFK Enters or dies
Technic_AL: booo
DrLigmaPhD: Rude
thaigeprime: no its enters or dies
RayFK: Sorry y'all I know what the card does I just missed a word
LonelyTex: how dare you miss a word, Jordan
Seth_Erickson: well we'll just be monstrousing poly k to kill two creatures right
narset6691: you could activate polu and kill 2 creatures
SeismicLawns: if we draw an untapped land we can goreclaw and herd, though that is very unlikely
QuantumTwitch: meese claw ashen?
Seth_Erickson: or hope to draw 7th untapped land for ashen rider
gramplot: @SeismicLawns needs to be green too
gramplot: oh nvm
Technic_AL: Gates Ablaze would be sick about now
QuantumTwitch: 5/5 flyer
RayFK: Yes
QuantumTwitch: yea
GredGredmansson: monstrous is only 3
SeismicLawns: or mentor and a flier
breadisbest1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, breadisbest1! (Today's storm count: 34)
GredGredmansson: 3
GredGredmansson: oh right
Lord_Hosk: SKyrider elf
GredGredmansson: Skyrider then maybe
JosVanTongeren: 5 5 f;uer
Technic_AL: NOOO
Lord_Hosk: rude
Juliamon: Paul why
TXC2: how wude
QuantumTwitch: cheeting
GredGredmansson: it comes back as a 0/0
QuantumTwitch: Paul is not playing nice
JosVanTongeren: no it will be a 0/0
bytecaster: Comes back as a crisp 0/0
RayFK: So like, this deck actually worked
RayFK: Which it shouldn't have
Technic_AL: NotLikeThis
thaigeprime: f
bytecaster: Imagine if we had found Gates Ablaze
Bugberry: Could be a lot worse.
JosVanTongeren: almost mono white on the other site is also great
Lord_Hosk: maybe 1 more satyr and 1 less briefcase would be a bit better?
JosVanTongeren: Cori! Cori!
Technic_AL: maybe 3 forest 2 swamp is better?
DoomBringerIL: wait - is the entire LRR VIP mtg account (the one for streamer events) under James's name? @LoadingReadyRun
theymerLoviatar: you can do it Cori, chat believes in you
bytecaster: Most of our cards just say "Gate" anyway
Bugberry: Play Gates, play big things, profit.
Alex_Frostfire: No, they could only afford one Jame, you'll see it reads "LRR_JameMTG".
SeismicLawns: is loyalist actually something here?
Bugberry: best-stow
SeismicLawns: it does not
bytecaster: No lets battle LSV
TXC2: SeismicLawns deck ain't fast enough for loyalist
theymerLoviatar: hi Voxy!
Juliamon: Voxy works too :LUL
Juliamon: LUL
bytecaster: Perfect hand, ship it
JosVanTongeren: Keep
Invitare: how many gates you got Voxy?
macintose: perfect hand no notes
Seth_Erickson: hand looks great
SeismicLawns: this is a hand with spells we can cast
TXC2: it's lsVOXY Kappa
DrLigmaPhD: Ram Time
Alex_Frostfire: It's actually legitimately a playable-ish hand.
Bugberry: satyr ramps into other big things
Seth_Erickson: we have turn four Chromanticore PogChamp
bytecaster: Ram is already a 5/5
Commander_Taz: turn 5 chromanticore inc
theymerLoviatar: @Seth_Erickson Chromantifour!
DoomBringerIL: i'm banned from voxy's chat.... WTF lollll
Commander_Taz: T4 Chromanticore!
RayFK: Yes
Seth_Erickson: Chromanticore time Cori
Bugberry: you can cast Manticore
narset6691: you can play chromanticore
Alex_Frostfire: You'll have to untap Gruul Guildgate.
GredGredmansson: tap gruul for one color, untap, tap for other color
Trahas: gotta untap the red/green
SymphonySolstice: Chromanitcori even
theymerLoviatar: @SymphonySolstice seabatClap seabatClap
Commander_Taz: @SymphonySolstice This.
RayFK: Deck win conditionunlocked
Bugberry: nice
underhill33: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
JosVanTongeren: YEAH!!!
boredkid07: We win! We're the best!
Trahas: turn 4 chromanitcore in draft
bytecaster: We did it!
TXC2: cheevo unlocked
Barb4rian: It did the thing!
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Bugberry: hope no removal
macintose: great success
Bruceski: dies to doomblade
Voidhawk42: Just came from Voxy's stream - "What the HELL is that??"
boredkid07: Sus
theymerLoviatar: @Voidhawk42 LUL
narset6691: its a trap!
Barb4rian: @Voidhawk42 LUL
Invitare: Boooo
Juliamon: nooo our wincon!
baskwalla: so mean
underhill33: oof
undecided44: It's a trap Akbar could see coming
RayFK: Well dread bore and ram
Bugberry: ram time
Invitare: I can't believe Voxy would do this to you
DrLigmaPhD: Goat Dredbore?
bytecaster: It makes such a cute noise!
Seth_Erickson: now seems good to avoid more fight spells potentially
biosimicist: What a dreadful bore
Technic_AL: NOOO
underhill33: rood
Invitare: Voxy is being so mean to your poor little 5 colour deck
TXC2: no one respects the meme deck
Technic_AL: come on Chromaticore
Alex_Frostfire: Courier's Briefcase can draw cards next turn.
TXC2: Technic_AL already been killed :p
Technic_AL: D'OH
bytecaster: We do have Bala Ged Recovery for second Chromanticore!
GredGredmansson: 1 mana short
Alex_Frostfire: Autotapper nooo!
Commander_Taz: NOOOOOOOO
GredGredmansson: you didn't have a green
JosVanTongeren: NOOO
Seth_Erickson: unfortunate
narset6691: ohno
GredGredmansson: you have 3 more
Technic_AL: NotLikeThis
TXC2: heavy sigh
Invitare: I saw nothing
bytecaster: How dare the autotapper betray us so
Bugberry: 2 more cases at least
YeomanAres: You still have the recovery land somewhere in the deck
GredGredmansson: you asked them to give you a green mana, and it did
bytecaster: Eh, we have more briefcases
Snowblindkitty: Welcome to arena autotapper
RayFK: How dare Voxy bring a real deck
JosVanTongeren: NOOOOOO
Invitare: betrayed by the gates
theymerLoviatar: The enemy at the gates was the autotapper all along
bytecaster: We can still draw ablaze!
Commander_Taz: gates ablaze kills us
bytecaster: Which would kill us due to Reckoner
bytecaster: Great
GredGredmansson: gates ablaze will kill us at this point
narset6691: and die to reckoner
Commander_Taz: because of the reckoner
RayFK: But what a way to go out
Invitare: and now Settle the Wreckage
BusTed: onstaWBEANS
theymerLoviatar: The premier gates pile-ot
DrLigmaPhD: Audio cut on my end and all I heard was "premier gay pilot"
RayFK: Briefcase
BusTed: 😬
bytecaster: Briefcase has betrayed us before!
Technic_AL: oof
Xooszi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 61 months!
Xooszi: 61 months! Have a great stream!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xooszi! (Today's storm count: 35)
GredGredmansson: play pretty glowy card
bytecaster: But card so glooooowy
Aloe_Marowak: t101NOPE
GredGredmansson: No.
GredGredmansson: you have one green source
TXC2: skyrider for 4 mana seems good
bytecaster: The flyer would be a 4/4, right?
GredGredmansson: DO NOT DO SATYR
bytecaster: Never satyr with briefcase
GredGredmansson: how many sources of green mana do you have right now Cori?
Commander_Taz: you didnt have 2 green mana so the briefcase would sac
azidbern95: you only have 1 green source
TXC2: 2 for 1 I guess
GredGredmansson: aristocrat and bestow maybe?
GredGredmansson: wait why did I think that said 1U to bestow
bytecaster: Look at all those pretty glowy cards
GredGredmansson: stupid screen
GredGredmansson: worst soulflayer ever
GredGredmansson: you have all the colors you need
Technic_AL: rude
TheWriterAleph: rude op
TXC2: unnecessary :p
GredGredmansson: hindsight is 20/20 but saving the bala ged didn't seem worth
QuantumTwitch: They keep being rude to the deck
bytecaster: 5 color gates?
TXC2: anyway, on to the next draft
Lord_Hosk: The way I figure, Jordan owes you 1 draft
neisan2112: We at least got to cast Chomanticor!
bad1arry: what's up with the arrow just floating in that rabbit avatar?
bytecaster: We should have called that Deck Chromanticori, missed opportunity
OldUncleDan: So Cori, did Jordan Hinkleman ever play Magic?
OldUncleDan: I have adored this season BTW. Especially last episode.
bad1arry: yeah, I guess teeth is the only logical explanation
TheWriterAleph: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
bytecaster: Those wastes, they are insecure!
QuantumTwitch: Oponent does not deserv cards
DrLigmaPhD: The famed selesnya sleppslinger deck in this format will hate you
TXC2: OldUncleDan until you said "this season" I was so lost as to who Jordan Hinkleman was :p
DrLigmaPhD: spellslinger*
DrLigmaPhD: jesus my typing is awful today
ExitPursuedByABear: What are the chances we run gates back again?
QuantumTwitch: Menache land is nice
QuantumTwitch: double gate
vetr1c subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 12 month streak!
vetr1c: How about all the Gates?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vetr1c! (Today's storm count: 36)
Aloe_Marowak: Supernatural Stamina's a good combat trick
QuantumTwitch: LRR Gate, new evidence
QuantumTwitch: puppy
bytecaster: It's Syr Konrad, but a doggo!
Seth_Erickson: Impose Sovereignly
Diabore: hello hello, are we mastering pioneer?
bytecaster: That's why you play the doggo, nobody could hate a good boy!
TXC2: hello Diabore welcome
DrLigmaPhD: eye
Bugberry: it's always removal, just sometimes instant
bytecaster: Oath wheeled!
vetr1c: Pilgrim's Eye is the fun choice.
DrLigmaPhD: The Gangler
bytecaster: The basic effect is already fine, it's just an edict
neisan2112: Don't nned to have a walker, its still an okay edict
DrLigmaPhD: Tactician is a lowkeey fa card to me
neisan2112: Lili!!
vetr1c: There's the planeswalker :)
bytecaster: Matches our oath!
QuantumTwitch: lilly
Bugberry: another planeswalker
Diabore: splashiok!
vetr1c: And a buddy!
bytecaster: Ashiok is also here!
Bugberry: fun choice
neisan2112: Yeeee
Aloe_Marowak: Heck yeh
bytecaster: We have the eye!
Laurence72: For a PW? Heck yeah
ExitPursuedByABear: Definitely splashable and worth it
bondeulv: I'm not your lawyer, but yes you splashiok
QuantumTwitch: Splaishiok is exactly what dis deck want
Diabore: theyre genuinely called splashiok, itll be fine
TXC2: a little splash, as a treat
Aloe_Marowak: A teeny treat for later
drrek0: Splashiok just wins games on its own
OldUncleDan: "Sin Collector" sounds like a job in the backrooms of Hollywood or Las Vegas.
QuantumTwitch: plaza
Bugberry: sin collector?
neisan2112: Time to look for some U gates
bytecaster: Great for splashies!
neisan2112: Oh or plaza
ExitPursuedByABear: Call only hits splashiok
Bugberry: Can't tutor for Lilly though
vetr1c: Call the Gatewatch doesn't count as a Gate card, technically.
DrLigmaPhD: Oligarch is ok
bytecaster: @vetr1c It would in Yu-GI-Oh
ExitPursuedByABear: Messenger?
DrLigmaPhD: You are potentially splashing blue
vetr1c: @bytecaster Oof. Take your technically correct is best correct badge.
Verrain2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
Verrain2: Nothing like a new draft format!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Verrain2! (Today's storm count: 37)
Aloe_Marowak: This is coming together ctvaNodders
DrLigmaPhD: That's bait
QuantumTwitch: gate blu white
DrLigmaPhD: Oligarch or worms in your brain?
ExitPursuedByABear: Do we have any zombies?
OldUncleDan: I love the art for Liliana, Defiant Newcomer. She looks like she's walking on a catwalk like an absolute boss.
QuantumTwitch: its on colour gate
QuantumTwitch: oops
Bugberry: bones!
DrLigmaPhD: Enter the ORb
QuantumTwitch: but bones
bytecaster: But those bones have stories to tell!
ExitPursuedByABear: too bad we can't ponder the orb
OldUncleDan: ooops. I meant Liliana, Defiant Necromancer.
ExitPursuedByABear: 4 color superfriends let's go
bondeulv: ez screecher
QuantumTwitch: I just like bones and puppy
DrLigmaPhD: I can't read the word "Bone" and not hear the B99 bit
bytecaster: Chain Veil! We are collecting the full Lilliana Set
e_bloc: maybe they meant 'butt bones'
Laurence72: double green though. I'd pass
Diabore: that one we cant splash
bondeulv: extort is really good
QuantumTwitch: bat
bondeulv: yeah
Laurence72: THAT one though TAKE TAKE
QuantumTwitch: elspet
Diabore: 3 planeswalkers!
OldUncleDan: Elspeth brings Da Boys!
e_bloc: oh baby
ExitPursuedByABear: feels good
Aloe_Marowak: Doge
bondeulv: we got a lot of humans?
bondeulv: take necromancer
QuantumTwitch: puppy!
bytecaster: Syr Barksalot!
ExitPursuedByABear: another screechy boi
DrLigmaPhD: Bat (sky dog)
Juliamon: Remember back when that Elspeth was first spoiled and everyone was like "she's too expensive, totally unplayable"
bondeulv: dog seems more black green aligned
Juliamon: I remember
GloriousLumi: Oath of Gideon would be nice to find
DrLigmaPhD: WWe bone?
bondeulv: ooh, spirits
vetr1c: Dem bones?
DrLigmaPhD: Are ya bonin' son?
ExitPursuedByABear: triplicate spirits might be good?
bondeulv: it's really good
ExitPursuedByABear: we've got lots of dudes
e_bloc: three spirits is good
bondeulv: it has convoke
Laurence72: Someone in this draft is grabbing every gate
bondeulv: not going to cost you 6 mana. more like 3 or 4, and that's fine
trainpants: big fish <3 <3
DrLigmaPhD: The Gangler
GloriousLumi: Whelp, no more Oaths. Owells
Juliamon: anglies
QuantumTwitch: gurmalngler
bondeulv: aristocrat
QuantumTwitch: bones or skellie bones
GloriousLumi: Are we splashing for Ashiok?
bondeulv: damn, we didn't take a darksteel ingot to splash for splashiok
azidbern95: ooooo! Spl-Ashiok
bondeulv: we've got the plaza tho
GloriousLumi: And the Pilgrim's Eye
QuantumTwitch: splashiok
bondeulv: oh, we have pilgrim's eye? nice
ExitPursuedByABear: Do we need 2 supernatural Staminas?
ExitPursuedByABear: nvm - I can't read
bondeulv: it's a land
TXC2: Supernatural stamina is reminding me that the show lasted 15 years :p
QuantumTwitch: teamdraftmtg
neisan2112: I think Sphere seems not great, how many enchantments do you have?
bondeulv: I'd cut returned centaur, sphere of safety, sungrace pegasus, dreadhound, artful maneuver, supernatural stamina
ExitPursuedByABear: Chain Veil is too much fun to not play, no?
ExitPursuedByABear: its' probably wrong but
uchihab7: voxy was happy ot was cori and not james she was playing against
uchihab7: it
vetr1c: She went along with it!
GloriousLumi: Oath, Lili, and Chain Veil is very flavorful
ExitPursuedByABear: traps are fun!
BlueFingers5: a lot of things
Syntheticuh: who cares if its not optimal, its FUN
QuantumTwitch: big trap
bytecaster: Feels like a trap
micalovits: I mean, it is probably a trap but... Cool trap
blackroseimmortal7: errr...wat is this deck?
TXC2: Voxy's never on CDHC then Kappa
BusTed: one single Jame
Laurence72: I mean, the stakes have never been lower, do the silly/cool thing
QuantumTwitch: so 4 creatures
chucklesaurus: cut 9 lands
TXC2: just run 50 cards, what could go wrong?
uchihab7: it was at the start of tye match when she said oh crap not james then we let her know it was cori only. then she said thank goodness
vetr1c: Gur-mangle it, thank you.
bondeulv: you can cut 1 land at least
GloriousLumi: Fun>all
bondeulv: you have 3 mdfcs
GloriousLumi: ^
QuantumTwitch: being mean to opponent
blackroseimmortal7: feels like chain veil is an easy cut? you only have two walkers
blackroseimmortal7: oh but lili makes three hmmm
blackroseimmortal7: the meme
GloriousLumi: I would cut Predation at least
bondeulv: @GloriousLumi nah, we're not cutting mdfcs
Ler3ysss: I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I kinda have president of HOA vibes off the guy on the left @LoadingReadyRun
GloriousLumi: That's fair
Didero: Focus on the 'president' part, they mean you have leadership ability :p
Ler3ysss: I meant the other guy
QuantumTwitch: They are lands that sometimes do stuf
lamina5432: and has fancy watches
bondeulv: what does compulsory rest do?
Ler3ysss: How are HOAs so common in America when they’re diametrically opposite to the idea of freedom and liberty?
Scarletdemon_1: James is the kind of guy to dismantle an HOA from in the inside because they demanded bins be put away at dawn
TXC2: Ler3ysss oh honey America is country founded on slavery
boredkid07: @Ler3ysss It grants freedom and liberty from the undesirables. Do you even America, bro?
Bruceski: @Ler3ysss Racism. Seriously, it was a way for legalized racism.
lamina5432: America is a country that wants you to think you have freedom.
Scarbble: y'all
BusTed: Don't engage with bad actors
e_bloc: just glossing over the veil
TXC2: but ORB is life
micalovits: Veil is Life
Scarletdemon_1: What will you ponder if you don't have an orb
ExitPursuedByABear: woohoo!
TXC2: lrrCirclewreath
BusTed: Oh yeah, the holiday emotes
OldUncleDan: If the stakes were any lower, they'd be cooking on my grill.
micalovits: Come on, chainveil for picture!
e_bloc: lrrNog
GloriousLumi: Flavor win
TXC2: BusTed yes, somehow the month of December has snuck up on us once again :p
BlueFingers5: lrrCirclewreath lrrCirclewreath lrrTrianglewreath
TXC2: Snuck is a word spellchecker, snuck is a word
vetr1c: lrrXmasgibb
Laurence72: The true Gigachad play will be playing the Chain Veil when you have zero PWs in play or in hand.
vetr1c: @Laurence72 Sends a message.
QuixoticScrivener: lrrXmaspistachio lrrNog lrrXmasbart
TXC2: twoclaw ?!
GloriousLumi: Better than Fourclaw
TXC2: also Goreclaw at uncommon hurts for some reason :p
Scarbble: this situation has become goblimatic
TXC2: like it has "look how they massacred my boy" energy
biosimicist: Extort?
OldUncleDan: Always lucky!
micalovits: All skill
biosimicist: They have the hilarious flavor of bear-punch with bear
Mr_Horrible: @TXC2 at uncommon, in this case, the boy is probably gonna massacre them, rather than the other way around
Mr_Horrible: (yes I know Goreclaw is a lady bear, roll with it for the purposes of the joke)
TXC2: Mr_Horrible true, but it still feels like the card isn't special somehow :p
Mr_Horrible: it *is* still a little weird to see legendary uncommons
Mr_Horrible: it hasn't happened all that often
TXC2: Mr_Horrible (I also knew Goreclaw is a lady, also went with the joke)
Bugberry: @TXC2 How do you define specialness? Are commons inherently the least special?
TXC2: Bugberry it's vibes, a rare is special because it's rare, you only get the one in the pack, so it should mean more
biosimicist: Careful
micalovits: Carefull on that block
biosimicist: Gurmag
Diabore: i think trade angler with goreclaw, steward and rogue on rabblemaster
biosimicist: Watch it
Pywodwagon: your blocks are clicked wrong
Lord_Hosk: thats still dead
vetr1c: triple block?
Bugberry: @TXC2 so it's not about the actual qualities of the card, power wise or flavor.
OldUncleDan: I would take out Rabblemaster.
AtomicAlchemical: Hi, how's the draf--- oh BUS, is that the Gurangler?!
Lord_Hosk: take yourself out
micalovits: Hey, we can extort for life!
TXC2: Bugberry it's a mix of things, but like I said, it's all vibes and nostalgia and such :p
Laurence72: Play it, send a message! Kappa
vetr1c: The bones say greatness at any cost.
TXC2: hello AtomicAlchemical this is 3rd draft of the day
micalovits: I gues double blocking the 4/4 is better?
Lord_Hosk: if you read the bones, they don't win, you do because YOU reduced your oponent to 0... the rules don't say you can't be your own opponent
Bugberry: @TXC2 I guess then you could say this particular printing is less special, while the original is less effected.
passwordlost_hereiam: Switch em right?
Bugberry: delay delay delay
biosimicist: Convoke out some spirits
Laurence72: Delay until Elspeth can save the day
biosimicist: Maybe double convoke to get the extort trigger?
Bugberry: heart: pierced
bytecaster: Pierced in the heart
bytecaster: Flingies
themercenary1987: And your too late
QuantumTwitch: sling on a stuck is cool
biosimicist: Hey the walkers showed up!
QuantumTwitch: soo spashiok on round 3
GloriousLumi: Ashiok will live a turn or two
vetr1c: Eye think you're right
Mr_Horrible: Ashiok is still strong here, either diverts for you or threatens to build
QuantumTwitch: need some protection infron first
TXC2: pligrems into lily ?
Laurence72: I like Eye, so turns 4 and 5 PWs
bytecaster: Milling the opponent is never wrong!
Mr_Horrible: they swing for 3 at most
OldUncleDan: Pilgrim's Eye into Lily.
biosimicist: @vetr1c LUL
biosimicist: I forgot about those voice lines
vetr1c: Ashiok has opinions
bondeulv: why attack=
QuantumTwitch: splahiok dies here
Scarletdemon_1: Someone get Ashiok a cough drop
TXC2: Ashiok needs to hurry up and lose the rest of their face Kappa
nyoomgoom: voiceturizer
azidbern95: Lily and Tap the manticore on their turn?
biosimicist: Ashiok has that voice because they are always "smoking"
Bugberry: you can adventure on their turn
TXC2: nyoomgoom sounds like something Jacob would have
azidbern95: and the flyer, cause I forgot how that spell worked
nyoomgoom: @TXC2 💯
Mr_Horrible: doesn't baleful give deathtouch, or am I thinking of another bestow?
bondeulv: it does
Mr_Horrible: like that on either flier stops the raptor
bondeulv: we definitely could've played this game better
azidbern95: get in for 2, if they block, you get flying blockers
BusTed: benginO7
bondeulv: next turn draw elspeth, ez
bondeulv: bestow oligarch, attack
bondeulv: yes you do, elspeth
OldUncleDan: The one that isn't an angle.
OldUncleDan: angel.
TXC2: thanks for streaming James
ShaneLeeAtk: Bye, Jame!
EvilBadman: Dad's gone, adjust thermo
QuantumTwitch: ooo the super imposed image was trippy
djalternative: how dare Jame abandon us
ShaneLeeAtk: #BlamesJame
djalternative: we don't get the singular Jame that often
ShaneLeeAtk: You want removal? We have removal for the removal that hasn't even removaled yet
drcthulu: 🦴 📖
TXC2: my bones up reading me :p
Carlioo: you wouldn't kill a skeleton guy!
Scarletdemon_1: Cori's "little guy voice" starts to go into "Salad Fingers" realm after a bit
Marvoleath: Oh, we got Lili and Chain Veil? Flavor win
QuantumTwitch: is it veil time?
BrowneePointz: ah thunderpoops I forgot this was today
Carlioo: huh!
Aloe_Marowak: Huh.
TXC2: hello BrowneePointz welcome
djalternative: !card dinrova horror
LRRbot: Dinrova Horror [4UB] | Creature — Horror [4/4] | When Dinrova Horror enters, return target permanent to its owner's hand, then that player discards a card.
djalternative: ah. missed that end bit
Mr_Horrible: why not just play both and then +?
Carlioo: I'm pretty sure you can activate that without needing a card to discard
Bugberry: you don't have to discard cards if you have no hand to discard
Mr_Horrible: don't have to discard anything that way
azidbern95: play out your hand, then activate Lily lol
Mr_Horrible: it *is* mostly just stemming the bleeding at best, though, yeah
Mr_Horrible: we'll need some actual gas to get out of this
Mr_Horrible: stormtide, sheeeeeesh
Aloe_Marowak: Good news, we have blockers. Bad news, we're hellbent.
accountmadeforants: Read 'em and weep, weep because they're outside of your body
TXC2: read dem bones !
QuantumTwitch: bat lilly
azidbern95: you don't have to activate each turn lol
OldUncleDan: -1 lily.
Scarletdemon_1: reading the cards does in fact explain the cards
QuantumTwitch: rest the 4/4
OldUncleDan: Elspeth come to save the day?
QuantumTwitch: block
Mr_Horrible: I like racing with the oligarch here, yeah
QuantumTwitch: menache
Aloe_Marowak: Rogue's going to be big, for sure
Mr_Horrible: gets them to trade the necro
Mr_Horrible: and between extort and chip damage we're on a decent pace
Carlioo: no one expects the second necromancer
TXC2: time to get blue, da ba de ba da du
QuantumTwitch: plaza is int the yard
Carlioo: how many blue sources are in the deck?
Mr_Horrible: recasting the skeleton also gives us extorts, so good chump value
Mr_Horrible: mizzOOF
Carlioo: welp
neisan2112: Save you some life at least
QuantumTwitch: you should have - ashiok
micalovits: Nothing to put in, so pretty much a waste
QuantumTwitch: never mind me tierd
micalovits: !listen
LRRbot: Chat? At this time of year?
TXC2: dingers
Carlioo: !badadvice
LRRbot: You should always trust things that feel good.
dragon1472: gotta love w/b only extort cost
QuantumTwitch: good game
Orastes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 133 months!
Orastes: Hey ya'll
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Orastes! (Today's storm count: 38)
EvilBadman: You're really Jame-ing those games through
Marvoleath: Jame is the singular of James
TXC2: LRR-Jam for the whole LRR-Fam
QuixoticScrivener: James TurnLRR
TXC2: James needs to use Nightbook more often Kappa
Aloe_Marowak: Is James what you call a group of Jame? Or Jim? A Jim of James? Bad joke, sorry
Marvoleath: I just discovered there is Call of Cthulhu for kids :D apologies, "for beginning readers"
EvilBadman: It's mikey's card!
Mr_Horrible: we love big skulks
Earthenone: uhh ohh skulkies
EvilBadman: Mikey designed it for...one of the core sets
Mr_Horrible: M13, I wanna say?
Mr_Horrible: not in draft it ain't
tsp397: No
Bugberry: M15
Earthenone: i like the merfolk :)
Mr_Horrible: the fliers and the Kiora's Follower are all solid imo
QuantumTwitch: kioras folower is nice
ExitPursuedByABear: maybe hedge black for sac outlets? Skulker + Nantuko Husk is fun
Mr_Horrible: clutch is good, from what I remember
Earthenone: consider the squid
Mr_Horrible: 1 mana bounce, or 5 mana bounce with a 3/3
ghizmou: clutch is clutch
tehfewl: have you considered before?
coachNelly: thats a good card
TXC2: hello coachNelly
ghizmou: is this bo3 or bo1?
tehfewl: also clutch is good
Earthenone: Cloud, Fin Raptor
TXC2: bo1
coachNelly: ehn you know its a day
coachNelly: you?
coachNelly: niiiiiiiiiiice
coachNelly: wait
coachNelly: sorry to hear
djalternative: scatter's just fine
coachNelly: three mana counter anything has a pretty high floor
tehfewl: scatter used to be a rare
Earthenone: i was always told not to pick scabs
tehfewl: how the mighty have fallen
djalternative: wait. we got scabs crossing the line here?
Earthenone: it also returns creatures
SkiaSymphonia: theres lots of time to get more
Earthenone: we have a lot of them
QuantumTwitch: niad
ghizmou: blue is wide open
ShaneLeeAtk: Blue feels very open
Earthenone: skynight goes with wyvern i supose
djalternative: I'd take the flier out of everything here
djalternative: oh hello G
QuantumTwitch: sky skip the skab
Aloe_Marowak: A wild Graham approaches!
coachNelly: hi graham
TXC2: Hello Graham
tehfewl: Magic: The Gathering
Marvoleath: lrrGRAHAM
bytecaster: Hi Graham!
KaleidoscopeMind: G had been gathered, magically
Flyingdelorion: Hello Graham, hope you are feeling fine!
Invitare: all downhill since Voxy killed the Chromanticore dream tbh
coachNelly: i got that joke
Earthenone: its a grave diiiiiiger
djalternative: this is the singular Jame account
coachNelly: wait 23 unread messages is a lot? 0.o
Orlantia: what's the fancy account versus the normal account?
coachNelly: checking
QuantumTwitch: LRR Gate alower again :)
coachNelly: 4,621
QuixoticScrivener: chromatic blue
KaleidoscopeMind: lol
tehfewl: so many tidebinders
Orlantia: o.O
djalternative: @coachNelly on arena, nelly
neisan2112: Thats where all the free cards from each set are now
tehfewl: you must Whip it
coachNelly: oh my arnea inbox is empty
QuantumTwitch: Whip
Marvoleath: hwop
Earthenone: i loved whiping rhinos in my day
northos: whip, it good
Robot_Bones: If you lose a creature,l you must whip it
ghizmou: that s in our colors
neisan2112: Stupid sexy tasigur
Orlantia: tasigur and his whip
Aloe_Marowak: Yooooooooooooooo
neisan2112: Yooooo
djalternative: holy hell we're getting hooked up
tehfewl: rewarded for staying open
ghizmou: exqueeeeze me
Aloe_Marowak: KIORA??
neisan2112: Kiora?!?!
micalovits: I think you should consider U/B
Marvoleath: sidisi nutz, ha, gottem
EvilBadman: We are running the black drafter to our right's day and it rules
QuantumTwitch: Kiora
bytecaster: Splash for green?
TXC2: OG kiora
northos: we're just building a theros/khans era standard deck here lol
ghizmou: that s meh kiora
djalternative: be un sultai?
Earthenone: 3 fogs and a kraken
bytecaster: It explores but is very fragile
Lord_Hosk: Kiora! thats worth like 12 tickets! Are we still doing tickets jokes in 2024?
Invitare: A Sidisi is my favourite ACDC cover band
tehfewl: guildgates are always defensible choices
Earthenone: this is magic the gathering, but without digital objects
Orlantia: tickets is a joke i understand from the before times
ExitPursuedByABear: I like butcher
djalternative: okay. I think I need to run off to the local year end filmmaker charity gala. night all
maybe_games: i like the idea that sparkling water is translated as "petulant water"
coachNelly: rescue is an instant
ghizmou: gatekeepers is 1 gate away from being removal
Earthenone: Grumangler?
micalovits: Big Fish
ghizmou: a reel big fish
TXC2: big gangels
Orlantia: Gurmangler the Gangler
GasCityGaming: yeah, it's real good
OldUncleDan: I could go for some Beer Battered Big Fish right now!
Diabore: rescue is instant but only gets back zombos
Diabore: oh, i was thinking of a different card i guess
Bugberry: @Diabore you're thinking of the other 5 mana spell that kills a creature and returns a zombie.
TXC2: right chat I'm off
ShaneLeeAtk: Now I want to know, is there a good fish and chip shop in Victoria?
MrUglama: gate looks cool
Diabore: yeah that one
TXC2: goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Cori and Graham
bytecaster: Nobody can take it away from us once we have it!
Diabore: @Bugberry does it also have rescue in the name?
ExitPursuedByABear: I mean UB has lots of zombies...
Earthenone: turns out, islands are a good place for fish
Orlantia: i would expect good fish on an isand
EvilBadman: oh dang will have to hit up one next time we're in town
EvilBadman: well not me, but az
tehfewl: Flizzard
Bugberry: @Diabore it's cruel revival
Bugberry: !card cruel revival
LRRbot: Cruel Revival [4B] | Instant | Destroy target non-Zombie creature. It can't be regenerated. Return up to one target Zombie card from your graveyard to your hand.
Orlantia: i guess the real question is are there good spuds on the island
Earthenone: eidolon woukld be out first 2 drop
neisan2112: Oh yeah that was the first 2 drop
tehfewl: that pack 1 was a banger if rapid wheeled
Diabore: chassy skulky!
neisan2112: Oh riiiight! I forgot about that one
EvilBadman: m15
neisan2112: M15
BusTed: good ol' cinema mike
neisan2112: That was my first set I ever played
ExitPursuedByABear: Is there a good heroic deck in this draft? B/c I have very good memories of Aqueous form in my old UW heroic standard days
Lord_Hosk: Mikey snuck in 2 cards with that card
micalovits: So I guess U/B is open
BusTed: There is of course the 3 squid summoning version that he modified
djalternative: I can't wait to see "Films with Michael" in Mikey's next vid
coachNelly: thats wild
tehfewl: phenax by the look of it
micalovits: The butcher wheeled?!?
EvilBadman: Cool 2 pack deck
Aloe_Marowak: PM is looking wild for draft
31 raiders from GoodDayInternet have joined!
Orlantia: salami boucher is a good card
ExitPursuedByABear: A second one, as a treat
micalovits: Hello Friends!
TehAmelie: greetings wizards
maybe_games: cash boat
EvilBadman: cruisin'
Earthenone: caw caw
northos: James had a pod earlier with LSV, Paul Cheon, and Sam Black
tergonis: cruise baby
Diabore: cruise?
coachNelly: boat?
tehfewl: cruise is good combo with skulker
ExitPursuedByABear: husk! (or fish)
Aloe_Marowak: Angler friend?
micalovits: Man, doubt we can have a fourth delve card
TehAmelie: guess they didn't want to call it 1Tomb Raiding for legal reasons
maybe_games: feesh?
SkiaSymphonia: Yeah you've got the Colossus, Ram and Ablaze
tsp397: We were on 5c gate briefcase earlier
SkiaSymphonia: Gates could be real
Diabore: when is this out for plebs? tuesday right?
Invitare: why, you could probably make a 5 colour deck full of gates *weeps*
BusTed: thriefcase
SkiaSymphonia: @Diabore yup
bytecaster: The autotapper might have opened the briefcase prematurely
Orlantia: make a navy
Lord_Hosk: That deck had a perfect record, I don't know why anyone is complaining
QuantumTwitch: First pod was a bit more reconised In LRR Gate, there where also some suspicious breifscases handled
Aloe_Marowak: Doot doot
Earthenone: that would be our 4th delve
SeismicLawns: the boats get much worse
neisan2112: That is 4 delves spells
ExitPursuedByABear: we need some self mill and then I think we're golden
QuantumTwitch: all the boats
tehfewl: archeologist would be good for self mill
QuantumTwitch: boat is best card
ExitPursuedByABear: there's the black centaur
Diabore: ah hell yeah kozi's return is finally gonna be back on arena
Orlantia: but what if you DID run all of them?
MrUglama: theres the two drop blue common, from BRO
ExitPursuedByABear: evolving wilds fills gy (a little)
Aloe_Marowak: Are we in Mono blue though?
Earthenone: if you consider the tentacles
ExitPursuedByABear: howler does look good
Earthenone: it did
coachNelly: nighthowler was rare yes
GasCityGaming: catsup?
Earthenone: apple news ketchup?
Lord_Hosk: gate
tehfewl: guild gate
SeismicLawns: you gotta do it rght
TheOtherTrevor: it has delve
micalovits: Gate?
ghizmou: why
Orlantia: sight beyond sight is just from Thunder Cats
ExitPursuedByABear: husky bug
Diabore: angle?
azidbern95: but what is Tempo?
NorthstarTex: Toronto is getting a WNBA team?
Mongoose987 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
Mongoose987: woo?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mongoose987! (Today's storm count: 39)
tehfewl: centaur
Lord_Hosk: Seems like a crapshot
Kurintoi: we sure they going to keep that at a 7 and not change it for insurance Kappa
murathan221: hello this is my fifth day on magic whats the pioneer masters
kumatsu: I've already passed one Maze's End and the temptation to force the deck is ENORMOUS
Earthenone: to be fair, they dident have a name before, hard to know them
TehAmelie: centaurs are fabled for their vitality, what does a zombie centaur even do?
Rylical: Jeff Bezos making it hard to remember when I need to resub
bytecaster: @TehAmelie So vital, it lives even after death
Earthenone: were they nameless or did they have an offensive name and need to change it
Harvest25: New team to start playing in 2026
Earthenone: or were they annother in a long series of rough riders
GasCityGaming: It's also cards from 2012 onward
QuantumTwitch: Welcome to magic murathan221
CasualKing21: It'll be close enough to pioneer
micalovits: We got wo boats
bytecaster: Fuels Whip
ExitPursuedByABear: they also have big butts
MommaGart subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
MommaGart: hi there!! so excited about this set!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MommaGart! (Today's storm count: 40)
coachNelly: hi welcome to walmart return centaur
EvilBadman: an second boat
ExitPursuedByABear: 2 boats *is* fun
micalovits: I like two boat, two centaur
QuantumTwitch: boat and centaur
Diabore: we could have had temporal mastery but noooo
Diabore: a 5 drop probably
TehAmelie: temporal as opposed to divine?
tehfewl: the awake blake
ExitPursuedByABear: go down dingot and one baleful eidolon?
micalovits: We have so much delve that rescue is probably bad?
ExitPursuedByABear: oh, cutting raptor instead of B eidolong was better
Diabore: im concerned with how top heavy we seem
QTL7: do we not like devour flesh?
QuantumTwitch: That seems good
ExitPursuedByABear: this deck looks sweet
QuantumTwitch: It has Elspeth
IanWAdams: There are a lot of cards in it. That's the main thing about it
Sage0fMadness subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Sage0fMadness: Happy Thursday Graham, Cori and all you fine folks in chat
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sage0fMadness! (Today's storm count: 41)
Bugberry: Hero of Iroas also former Rare.
calhoujd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, calhoujd! (Today's storm count: 42)
Carlioo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Carlioo! (Today's storm count: 43)
EvilBadman: Aren-ian
IanWAdams: I'm in charge of the part where you play Magic
QuantumTwitch: centaur
Robot_Bones: Director of Moon based Operations
IanWAdams: (Product Owner of Cardset)
A_Dub888: Hi friends, have we mastered the pioneer?
Carlioo: is it literally all pioneer-legible cards?
TehAmelie: oh no, i didn't ask permission before i played
kumatsu: @Carlioo there are still some cards that aren't on arena yet
A_Dub888: yes anax an cymede have butts
GredGredmansson: @Carlioo the idea is that this set is adding pioneer legal cards to arena (though some already are)
micalovits: I think we hold the rapid?
GredGredmansson: that's why there's a bunch of Theros and Tarkir stuff
Bugberry: Tromple and now Wumble?
QuantumTwitch: tis is not the day
QuixoticScrivener: losing games is usually less fun for the opponent
azidbern95: Maze's is in the set
Zedruu_the_Goathearted: some day, somewhere, someone will attack...
QuantumTwitch: I am playing mono black combo in standard, i rarely attack
Zedruu_the_Goathearted: but it won't be today, it won't be here, and it won't be e
MommaGart: only a little sad that we don't have Gatecreeper Vine for my silly Gates deck in Pioneer
micalovits: It was more the set than the card though right?
ChikyMcNuggs: Jim Davis assembled a maze's end win earlier today
Bugberry: Cruise plz
bytecaster: We doing stuff in here?
azidbern95: Dragon's Maze had 10 useless artifacts at common that made the packs feel bloated with filler
Syntheticuh: idk why but that delivery of good for jim davis reminded me "good for happy gilmore...oh my god"
Marvoleath: we are ub with untapped mana and 3 cards
Marvoleath: they might think we got things
QuantumTwitch: land
A_Dub888: !card silumgar but
LRRbot: Silumgar Butcher [4B] | Creature — Zombie Djinn [3/3] | Exploit / When Silumgar Butcher exploits a creature, target creature gets −3/−3 until end of turn.
bytecaster: I don't think you can conceptually butcher a Swamp
micalovits: Sac it self rather than the swamp?
TehAmelie: maybe if you build castles on top of it until the swamp goes away
bytecaster: Finally a new wet: Butchered Swamp
Marvoleath: wait, how can a djinn be a zombie?
micalovits: Not a massive difference yea
GredGredmansson: blue is not black
EvilBadman: yep
Aloe_Marowak: Can you Hybrid before their trigger goes off?
GredGredmansson: yeah but that won't matter it destroys it all the same
micalovits: Can't stop the trigger from happening
GredGredmansson: also yeah it doesn't do anything to the trigger
GredGredmansson: "before it goes off" it already HAS gone off
EvilBadman: they're very on heroic stuff, removing a team buffer was the move
Aloe_Marowak: Well then
Bugberry: Crush of tentacles would also be nice
Lord_Hosk: in red white? what are the odds they have a pump spell... 0%... maybe 1%
bytecaster: Show us!
QuantumTwitch: make em have it
bytecaster: I'm sure our petard is safe
micalovits: Consequences? Naaaah
QuantumTwitch: skaab
Cptasparagus: Get in the Skaab, Shinji
Cptasparagus: actually a zombie mech vehicle would be sick
Bugberry: Died by the frogs we made along the way.
micalovits: I mean, we probably die if they have anything anyway
Bugberry: @Cptasparagus technically Evas are "zombies"
A_Dub888: @Cptasparagus if it's a possessed skaab, would that make it Shinji's mom?
EvilBadman: the nuts r/w heroic
Cptasparagus: @A_Dub888 yes, and she's got it goin on
Diabore: whale plaid op, whale plaid
QuantumTwitch: so cloose
GredGredmansson: land might have died elsewhere though
GredGredmansson: yeah
A_Dub888: @Cptasparagus she's all Shinji wants and he waited for so long
Marvoleath: hinsight is so 2020 though
Syntheticuh: a double underhook suplex, with theatrics!
SkiaSymphonia: ooh nice
TheWooglie: are there not great episodes?
A_Dub888: were they about videogames?
Pazy160: I love the indie reversal on "with theatrics" where their finisher is just a body slam called a body slam.
Cptasparagus: did you guys cover the NZXT thing
omdorastrix: YAH - that blew my mind
bytecaster: GPU makers, getting math wrong, surely not
TehAmelie: i worry if we win here we'll face vengeance from 2204 human tokens
Aloe_Marowak: Alright I'm going to turn into dust now
kumatsu: who owes Gordon Freeman a beer
A_Dub888: Barney Rubble? lrrBEEJ
omdorastrix: They're so.. diff--er-ent, it's crazy
TehAmelie: if not more
nyoomgoom: that is the reason nobody gets named barney anymore
TehAmelie: i thought the reason was Barney Stinson
nyoomgoom: probably also that yeah
ghizmou: but now we can block
A_Dub888: snek
DMGlol: WIth snarms wide open...
bytecaster: They are all good snakes, Brent
ExitPursuedByABear: a mummified snake is such a killer concept though
tehfewl: graham love draw card
micalovits: I liek double block? Might stop them from getting a card
bytecaster: Sure, red/green doesn't have a trick
bytecaster: *Surely
QuantumTwitch: double block
A_Dub888: that, they could do that
Cptasparagus: omg theres a sequel to moonlighter next year!?!?!
QuantumTwitch: worst case its two less cruise
lesbiandracula subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lesbiandracula! (Today's storm count: 44)
TehAmelie: at least i now figured out why barney means fight in English English, Barney Rubble rhymes with trouble
QuantumTwitch: whip
TehAmelie: how audacious
ghizmou: you did
Orlantia: Hans Moleman seems worried about your plays
Cptasparagus: not very clutch
A_Dub888: @Orlantia Oh Moleman, everything worries you
ghizmou: are we planning on miling them?
TehAmelie: so to speak?
Orlantia: Do you think that Moleman gets to see our hand, or is he just as surprised as OP?
Cptasparagus: @ghizmou counting cards in library is a sign of desperation lol
ghizmou: whatever lets you win
bytecaster: We are playing to our OUTS!
QuantumTwitch: But we all do it :)
Orlantia: only one more land before we can whip it!
Aloe_Marowak: Smashy smashy
Earthenone: one swamp, specificly
bytecaster: Maybe they got the memo to no longer style on us?
tehfewl: pump spell inc
Aloe_Marowak: DANG ALRIGHT
MommaGart: well good news we didn't go to 1
tehfewl: the rampager
baskwalla: Beeg
micalovits: Technically not dead with whip
bytecaster: Maybe we should count the cards in their deck again?
TehAmelie: they could have just played their spells before attack and we'd be demoralized to death by now
Aloe_Marowak: Human Token got hands
GasCityGaming: Man this drawing cards thing seems good, I should try that! :P
Marvoleath: !card whip of erebos
LRRbot: Whip of Erebos [2BB] | Legendary Enchantment Artifact | Creatures you control have lifelink. / {2}{B}{B}, {T}: Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. It gains haste. Exile it at the beginning of the next end step. If it would leave the battlefield, exile it instead of putting it anywhere else. Activate only as a sorcery.
micalovits: I like emballing
GredGredmansson: do we bring back the skirmisher
Marvoleath: @micalovits like, as a hobby?
A_Dub888: Drawing cards on next Can't Draw Horses Club?
micalovits: @Marvoleath Sure. Totally not to cover up my actuall hobby
tehfewl: man, remember how good embalm was?
ghizmou: they sure did
GredGredmansson: yes.
Orlantia: -6 =/= 0 wait
Cptasparagus: @Marvoleath some of us do it for work
A_Dub888: to bits you say
EvilBadman: madcap skills and alpha authority for a new (old) generation
Bugberry: and hexproof, so basically untouchable
GasCityGaming: has to be blocked by more than one, and it can't be too!
TehAmelie: i'm starting to think tipping our arrows with pinecones makes them worse
Zath_: If it were me I would simply not be blocke
Orlantia: i bet the human tokens get better draft pools
BusTed: What they lose in effectiveness, they more than gain in whimsy
bytecaster: All of our no creatures have lifelink though!
micalovits: 3 taplands into whip, surely sends a message
MommaGart: at least our opponent is also doing jack
Orlantia: sassy gurl on turn 5?
GredGredmansson: wait where did the 6th mana come from
bytecaster: He is back
bytecaster: back again
Marvoleath: wheelerBanana
Bugberry: hard cast Cruise, yes
TheWooglie: cute mole
micalovits: He just wanted to eat his bananas!
TokenMickus: Whip with hands? Like one of those sticky stretchy rubber hands?
ghizmou: at least we got enough lands to cast those overcosted spells
Orlantia: time for a boat fide?
Jturbobanana: Wait, when did I become intact?
Orlantia: *ride?
jessicaengle: o/
TehAmelie: the guy is like "i hope i'm getting paid per mile for this"
bytecaster: Sure didn't ask for confirmation when we had our briefcase
Kyle_McQ: My apologies for the large unblockable monster earlier
A_Dub888: Nessian Hydra!
tehfewl: whats the angle of the gangle?
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
hiFunko: beeg angle
Aloe_Marowak: Oh good god
Bugberry: Bant Beats
Mangledpixel: deesgoostin'
QuantumTwitch: Opponent why!
bytecaster: More cards in grave for delve!
A_Dub888: can OP please stop having it all? please?
Orlantia: lrrWOW
EvilBadman: New draft time, I guess
CodeGreen101: So about that wrath we totally drafted
Cptasparagus: aren't you glad you learned magic, Cori?
Bugberry: Crush of Tentacles though
Harvest25: I've never drafted Treasure Cruise successfully. Too greedy
A_Dub888: @Bugberry I've seen that hentai
tehfewl: play butcher sacing centaur, targeting butcher
CodeGreen101: Lotta sauce in this set, huh
Anubis169: Consider yourself... tapped out!
hiFunko: Consider the co-co-nut
Marvoleath: we can search for the boardwipe though
Bugberry: Have we ever drawn the Crush?
GasCityGaming: Didn't know this format was coming, now I know what I'll be doing unitl Path of Exile 2 drops
Anubis169: that was interestingly brutal :D
QuantumTwitch: I belive that your plaque is lying
Anubis169: uhhhhh
QuantumTwitch: Yes
Mangledpixel: inbox too big
Anubis169: you're still live, the game might not be :D
TehAmelie: the magic was too strong for the PC?
Orlantia: the void calls to us all
bytecaster: Gangler too powerful
Marvoleath: dont touch the inbox, noted
theguardianotter: helllloooo
theguardianotter: what i mis
TehAmelie: much like the eldritch horrors in the computers in that game on W+P
ultramonkeydude subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ultramonkeydude! (Today's storm count: 45)
hiFunko: Maybe I should make MY facial hair point to my sniffer, so people know where it is at all times
TehAmelie: Fleshgait. how could i forget that title
eye_h_bar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, eye_h_bar! (Today's storm count: 46)
theguardianotter: pioneer masters?
Bugberry: no claim?
Bugberry: oh
MommaGart: gosh that Chandra key art is so uncanny
bondeulv: I don't believe you read that phyrexian announcement properly
A_Dub888: @hiFunko what if they mistake it for an unusually long bogey?
theguardianotter: what is this?
neisan2112: 10th
theguardianotter: are yall gonna do a foundations famjam?
bondeulv: JameMTG?
Jet_Almighty: Impersonating as James?
Cptasparagus: @Jet_Almighty just one of them
fredhi15: not james Jame
GredGredmansson: lrrJAMES
fredhi15: one singular jame
hiFunko: They could only afford a single Jame
SkiaSymphonia: as long as theres a Jame in here, we're good and I've got that covered
theguardianotter: damn
theguardianotter: another question, are you guys done doing set nicknames?
TehAmelie: ah, that explains why there's so many famous James Turners
RokuNalaar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
RokuNalaar: Hi everyone, how are the drafts going today?
MommaGart: Luckily the ROI on James is very good right now so even one Jame is a good investment
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RokuNalaar! (Today's storm count: 47)
A_Dub888 ups patreon money for more Jame
Harvest25: Agreed
EvilBadman: i hate using work words, but the ROI seems...not there
theguardianotter: thats unfortunate, hope to see it back someday
GredGredmansson: i enjoyed working on those but if they aren't working for you I can accept that
Cptasparagus: @EvilBadman in my work thats region of interest
RatherLargeToad: The crowd sourced nicknames turned into more memes and references than good jokes
Marvoleath: Kathleen just seeds the nicknames directly into the creative text now
Syntheticuh: a bit of a random question but i was trying to find some old lrr content, do you remember what the show was called where kathleen was finding silly news stories and usually had 1-2 other people with her talking about them
GredGredmansson: i can see you wanting to reclaim some agency there
MommaGart: @Syntheticuh Feed Dump
Syntheticuh: thats it! thank you!
neisan2112: @syntheticuh Feed Dump?
GredGredmansson: @Syntheticuh was that Feed Dump?
Syntheticuh: i did too!
Sethalidos: also Phailhaus
Pazy160: Would the nicknames work as just a riff session? Discuss the various cards you've seen played and offer nicknames you've heard or just made up.
GredGredmansson: Other channels may have similar shows, but they don't have... THIS hat.
theguardianotter: ooh, the chain veil
Diabore: the chain trap
MommaGart: There are plenty of other good shows now on LRR. But none of them have this hat.
Syntheticuh: THIS hat <3
Jet_Almighty: Any updates on Friday Nights?
Stevie_T: how many planeswalker are in this set?
QuantumTwitch: Gate
RatherLargeToad: could do nicknames kind of like scryfall roulette. just take some at random and roars them in the fly
RatherLargeToad: roast
theguardianotter: are these all real cards? ie; no alchemy
QuantumTwitch: Woodland Gate?
Syntheticuh: nantuko husk my beloved <3
A_Dub888: there may be better sources for news but they don't have... This Veil
Anubis169: the successor to Phailhaüs
tehfewl: woodland is probably the best
QuantumTwitch: Are we doing gates again
Texan_Reverend: I also love the idea of that being a definiteively Kathleen show, as Feed Dump had a bit of a gag regarding who was the "True Host."
Robot_Bones: oh the 2 beg monsterous bois from thereos
RatherLargeToad: @theguardianotter yes. all reprints
bondeulv: update on release schedule
Diabore: twitch, stop, this isnt a clippable moment
chrisrd19: Woodland Wanderer is always at least a 3/3 vig trample for 4.
theguardianotter: bloodrush, my blove
bondeulv: bloodrush
A_Dub888: @Diabore but chat's so active right now lrrBEEJ
EvilBadman: go gruul monsters why not :D
tehfewl: Gate
theguardianotter: this seems like a very interesting set
bondeulv: so did the other uncommons
tehfewl: (im just going to say that in every pack)
TehAmelie: making up nicknames for random cards on the fly sounds to melike live stream material
MommaGart: SO many of the Theros Block rares got downshifted and... yeah...
bondeulv: artisan of forms, quicken
chrisrd19: Pilgrims Eye for 5c
QuantumTwitch: Gate
theguardianotter: URBORG HAS ENTERED PLAY
tehfewl: urmahgod is urburg
bondeulv: that's not a sign
QuantumTwitch: Gate
micalovits: Its pick 3, not a sign yet
theguardianotter: bearpunch good
DAC169: I mean the pack might just not have green
Marvoleath: Is Maze's End only Gate payoff?
Bugberry: Many are either conditional or don't have the impact that cards need to have these days to be "rare". Like a 3 mana with conditionally big stats isn't really Rare anymore.
MadameAdversary: but what if double bear?
bondeulv: and the angel
theguardianotter: any of the gate stuff from Baldurs gate?
Bugberry: RNA was the Gates deck set. Guilds didn't have those good payoffs.
tehfewl: and the gatekeepers
A_Dub888: to be fair, they're both 4 letter words with p*ck and a vowel
MommaGart: Maze's End is probably the worst reason to have gates TBH
bondeulv: hey another rare downshifted to uncommon
bondeulv: steam augury
azidbern95: Nissa's Pilgrimage, the most busted Green card in Puzzlequest!
bondeulv: I think you take gateway plaza
theguardianotter: hammer?
tehfewl: pulse
Bugberry: Ravnica Allegiance I remember being when Gates shined the most.
DAC169: wut?
Diabore: these zoomers, back in my day we took gates because it was the best fixing we could get!
theguardianotter: oh, its a regrowth
eye_h_bar: Is Puzzle Quest even still a thing?
chrisrd19: Pulse was sideboard playable in Standard
Fruan: Were LRR the number one content creators for Magic Puzzle quest? Weird to think about.
tehfewl: we took our Karoos at common and we liked it!
Voidhawk42: Nobody likes cluestones Graham, you know that
theguardianotter: seems good, but clear shot
Bugberry: Back in my day we fixed with Storage lands and Bounce lands and we liked it.
QuantumTwitch: shot
theguardianotter: what
drcthulu: the dreggler
MommaGart: why is that The Juice
Diabore: canlander playable juice
theguardianotter: is he loose?
Bugberry: Finding MTG Puzzle Quest is what got me back into Magic after a long break.
QuantumTwitch: gate?
TehAmelie: Dreg Mangler sounds like the name of a bit character in a Frank Miller comic
scrambled_doot: that's a wheeler question
Fruan: @MommaGart Nicknames don't have to make sense. Infact, it's better when they don't
RedtheLily: "The juice is loose"
MommaGart: Is it just worth the squeeze?
RokuNalaar: Playing fight Typal over here?
Bugberry: Probably not related to tomb juice
Voidhawk42: Wheeler is currently playing minecraft, someone go over there and ask
tehfewl: Gates tonight, king?
theguardianotter: this is my mono-punch deck
bondeulv: oh, new art for scout?
A_Dub888: you wouldn't drink a car
Jundinator: Ooh a Bogle
theguardianotter: scoin of scuges
SkiaSymphonia: @bondeulv yeah the old one was very exposed. Other reprints were cause the artists turned out to be bad ppl, but this one was for horniness
TehAmelie: Scoin, son of Scone
Bugberry: I can see Bolas calling Ugin Scoogin.
bondeulv: @SkiaSymphonia how do we know?
Chronomos901: none respect, left beef
Bugberry: what else is he going to do imprisoned by him?
Marvoleath: Gladecover Scout, now with so much more cover
Diabore: i guess? its not that exposed
Jundinator: @skiasymphonia was it originally Noah Bradley?
QuantumTwitch: Gate
SkiaSymphonia: @Jundinator not scout, but other NB ones were redone
tehfewl: for an boggles card, she sure isn't wearing many pants
bytecaster: The distraction is important to grant hexproof!
EvilBadman: Ah, we can see what covers the glade
Voidhawk42: "Humanoids have gluteus maximus" and we CANNOT let the children know
Fruan: I always thought the original Gladecover art made sense - gotta slap some pants on her.
QuantumTwitch: Earthbind was a card
theguardianotter: scoin
bondeulv: yeah, that's a card I probably won't put in my Quniton Hoover only art commander deck
theguardianotter: please, my scout, shes so cold
Chronomos901: the cat!?
tehfewl: cut off jorts?
MDK_Marshal: Jorts is to Jorbs what Snerge is to Serge
scrambled_doot: On the Dreg Mangler question: o quote Wheeler: "because you gotta give him the juice! he's got haste. it's a nickname that made more sense when a 3/3 haste outside of red was impressive'
Diabore: if youre cold, shes cold, give her pants
Jundinator: Who's at our table anyway
TehAmelie: humans do have a lot of trouble with publicly acknowledging the existence of butts
theguardianotter: saucy
bytecaster: That card needs to stop flirting with me
theguardianotter: we sultai
QuantumTwitch: Horror
Diabore: oh king gex beat us last draft
theguardianotter: love it in commander
OldUncleDan: It's been awhile since I last played Arena. Has WotC brought Dubious Challenge in yet? Still need it for my Trostani Discordant deck!
GredGredmansson: lrrHERE
neisan2112: Horror, a powerhouse of Pauper
theguardianotter: human check
chrisrd19: King Gex and the Gecko Geeks
QuantumTwitch: stab
Jundinator: Isn't Human Token a WOTC person?
tehfewl: Stampeding Elk Herd
tehfewl: what a great name
GredGredmansson: they changed a LOT of old Sultai Brood art
bondeulv: new stab wound art?
TehAmelie: we dueled a HumanToken earlier
neisan2112: We still have that art on Arena with the big Croc
theguardianotter: seems deece
AFamiliarCalledEl: Wait, does that thing have teeth?
theguardianotter: something will wheel, surely
chrisrd19: Crush is a creature.
GredGredmansson: wet golgari?
thegitrogsquirrel: will this set bring poineer queue?
QuantumTwitch: tentaclees
bytecaster: I prefer moist golgari
Marvoleath: @thegitrogsquirrel still explorer
theguardianotter: i prefer damp witherbloom
GredGredmansson: skoyn
Robot_Bones: mmm golgari wets
QTL7: i feel like this is moist golgari
bytecaster: the moisture helps the fungi grow
tehfewl: jund is just Hot Golgari
bondeulv: yes
QTL7: okay crush def makes it more wet
lamina5432: isn't it dead simic
OldUncleDan: "Wet Golgari" is the codeword for whenever Vraska is with Jace.
drcthulu: stinger butts
Mangledpixel: Fell Stinger, or Finger
ChikyMcNuggs: BUG master race
TehAmelie: worse than a horse, of course
QuantumTwitch: lich is neet too
GredGredmansson: @OldUncleDan aelita2Lewd
tehfewl: @OldUncleDan its actually "Stone Brain"
Alness49: One horse sized scorpion or 100 scorpion sized horses?
neisan2112: @olduncledan ahahahaha true
bondeulv: new art for spawning bed, damn
chrisrd19: Cloudfin tho
theguardianotter: gate
QuantumTwitch: gate
theguardianotter: thanks, hate that
Cptasparagus: golgari glen ross
TehAmelie: scorpions are mostly tiny, the 100 hordes won't sand a chance
chrisrd19: Cloudfin is importantly 1 mana for Surge and also a creature you can exploit if it's later in the game.
theguardianotter: joljari juildjate
theguardianotter: even looks bad
EvilBadman: Gillian Jacobs
GredGredmansson: Fell Stinjer
AFamiliarCalledEl: Joel Jerry Jilled Jate
GredGredmansson: @EvilBadman Jillian Gaycobs
QuantumTwitch: eye
patrick_stonecrusher: Sorry, apostate Magic player here, dahecks a Pioneer Masters?
theguardianotter: pilgrim seye
theguardianotter: savaje punch
shurtal: how do you do, fell stingers
bondeulv: @patrick_stonecrusher arena only set to make Explorer become Pioneer
GredGredmansson: @theguardianotter Savegg Punch
Bugberry: @theguardianotter related to Savaje Opress
TehAmelie: next step, pronounce all Gs and Js like in Mexico
EvilBadman: When the helix is not in use, it retracts
wedge_x: what are you, a duck?
GredGredmansson: @TehAmelie holhhari hhhuildhhhhate
patrick_stonecrusher: Ahhh, Arena only, no wonder l didn't know
Alness49: She retracting my helix until I return to hand
shurtal: the helix was in the pool
bondeulv: so many downshifted rares
ArdCollider: they need a detachable helix next set.
definenull: GRAHAM
Chronomos901: I actually only listen to my bones via audiobook these days
QuantumTwitch: kraken is fun
bondeulv: used to be a rare
MommaGart: Breaky Krakey
Clockwork_Penguin: Straight up retracting it and by it, haha let me just say, my helis
lamina5432: that was a fun rare
TehAmelie: @definenull it's Jraham now. or Xraham
GredGredmansson: whynotwhytheHECKNOT
ArdCollider: thank you, Graham. :D
GredGredmansson: the WHAT suit
GredGredmansson: is this how beejdrops happen
bondeulv: leafcrown dryad here?
QuantumTwitch: is that a helix in your pocket
QuantumTwitch: Land
LiveFaust: Yes, thank you, Graham. I thought I was the only one on King Missile.
A_Dub888: *thinks about cell biology* is DNA a detachable helix
patrick_stonecrusher: Nessian asp! That -kills- people!
MommaGart: not to say bestow is the correct choice i just love it
hiFunko: wet asp dryad
MommaGart: hey @hiFunko why
wedge_x: wet my dryads
shurtal: ah my least favorite Mario 64 world: Wet Dry Ad
Bugberry: punch then stab
Marvoleath: wetad?
OldUncleDan: Ahh... Green removal.
bondeulv: stinger is good with fight
GredGredmansson: @patrick_stonecrusher that is, that is my LEAST favorite thing
bondeulv: satyr
TehAmelie: stab them and then fight them?
bondeulv: woah, was dreadbore at common?
QuantumTwitch: satyr is great in gate deck
bondeulv: lower left corner of the pack
lamina5432: the helix needs a creature to
Marvoleath: @bondeulv yup
GredGredmansson: yes dreadbore skipped uncommon and went straight to common
GredGredmansson: (does not affect pauper legality)
TehAmelie: we can invent the creatureless beatdown deck
bondeulv: I suspect none of these affect pauper legality
Marvoleath: tbf there are 'walkers in this set, so it's useful to have answers to them
Mindfire13: Yes
DarthRagnar815: Correct.
EvilBadman: Fire a warning shot into its bulbous eye
Marvoleath: Pauper is paper or MTGO, not MTGA
Syntheticuh: oh is that where hit him with your crossbow steve came from
twistedsylvan: Right der! Shoot it right der!
gsyhiap: "Aim vaguely into that hemisphere!"
paxaqua: just got off work. how’s the format?
Jundinator: It should. Prior online only sets have affected pauper legality
Marvoleath: "Go for the eyes, Boo..owmen!"
MommaGart: only MTGO releases matter for Pauper
GredGredmansson: @Jundinator Magic Online, not Arena, I've heard
QuantumTwitch: cuts are for welkins
TehAmelie: remember, it's never too late to pivot
Jundinator: That seems like an awful arbitrary distinction
jacqui_lantern234: OH LOOK!!! its a beautiful group of wonderful friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!! <3
TehAmelie: lrrSHINE
Jundinator: Maybe just cut the black?
ArdCollider: hiya jacqui
jacqui_lantern234: but, G, im NEVER calm!!!
QuantumTwitch: You can allways play gates
patrick_stonecrusher: Asp them a question
TehAmelie: they'll never expect second asp
ElektroTal: i tried like three drafts of this and just got completely skunked
Jundinator: SHIVAM HAI
TehAmelie: wait, did we have two of them?
DAC169: Wile E. Coyote! Super-genius!
Jundinator: Also how do Shivam not have a Mod sword?
Marvoleath: stop picking your scabs, Graham
neisan2112: Oh hey Shivam I was just listening to you and Wheeler this morning
bondeulv: I don't think they're exciting
twistedsylvan: is this set new cards? Or reprints and also new to Arena?
ElektroTal: i have a lot of things, lol
jacqui_lantern234: VIPEEZ NUTZ
ArdCollider: Shivam is above your petty morality, etc.
Marvoleath: @twistedsylvan reprints only, some new to Arena
bytecaster: No power, no responsibility!
ElektroTal: you don't want me to mod anyway =)9
KaleidoscopeMind: important without the work requirements
bondeulv: not very good
paxaqua: Shivam? cool! hi!
MommaGart: Plus it means Lord Hosk can stick around without a sword lol
drcthulu: all the shiny, none of the responsiblity
chrisrd19: Skaab is good with all the removal
jacqui_lantern234: @ElektroTal bet
twistedsylvan: @Marvoleath neat! Anything really spicy so far?
Jundinator: Gatekeepers should be decent. They even can draw a card
OldUncleDan: Skaabs are the worst. Always crossing picket lines!
fredhi15: unretracting my retracted helix
chrisrd19: Retraction Helix is so sweet with the Zephyr Winder tho
jacqui_lantern234: ambush?! no, am instant!!! :P
bondeulv: cut a land?
wedge_x: wooooow
QuantumTwitch: is ambush not land
ArdCollider: lrrWOW
MommaGart: our curve is high though
Mangledpixel: of course you go mad with power, have you ever tried going mad WITHOUT power? It's boring, noone listens to you
bondeulv: yeah, it's too good as a spell
QuantumTwitch: ok thanks for the clarification
Marvoleath: "so anyway, I started blasting" BOP
tehfewl: cut raptor?
neisan2112: It doesnt come in untapped, I usually count those a bit less
bondeulv: I'd cut the gatekeepers
tehfewl: most games you would want to start with a gate anyways
jacqui_lantern234: sincerely, playing 41 over 40 RARELY as awful as people think in limited imo
Marvoleath: How would just moist greens (UG) look?
gsyhiap: 🤞
jacqui_lantern234: theyre good lands, bront
ElektroTal: honestly i play anywhere from 40 to 45
OldUncleDan: Ooooh! I see Bloodywood has done a song/video with Baby Metal. That should be excellent!
ElektroTal: cause i just don't care enough to cut the last few
twistedsylvan: @ElektroTal you are a braver man than I
jacqui_lantern234: @ElektroTal a man of culture, i see
Professor_Colin: xD
Chronomos901: why go mad with power when you're already mad
ElektroTal: look, as long as i keep winning, imma keep sinnin'
TehAmelie: for the power?
noSmokeFire: to a commander player 45 must look like rounding error
karmic_guide: Hallo! How fairs the streamer event?
tehfewl: can't argue with that logic
ElektroTal: also, you had better believe i drafted every goddamned ghirapur gearcrafter i ran into, lol
jacqui_lantern234: @ElektroTal shivam, i know i say this all the fucking time, but i love you so much right now XD
JoannaTastic: I got a brimful of draft chaff in that 45
TehAmelie: a little buffer against those stalled games that go to decking, good to have more options, what's the downside
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 l love YOU (aggressive)
OldUncleDan: @JoannaTastic I got that reference... Thanks for the reminder to take my back pills!
chrisrd19: You pulse back the creature and gain back all that life, too :D
ElektroTal: @JoannaTastic brimful of asha is so good
GredGredmansson: baby lili
bondeulv: cornerstone?
Mangledpixel: from Magic Oranges
OldUncleDan: Lily walking on the catwalk like a boss.
ElektroTal: everyone needs a brushwagg for a pillow, everyone needs a brushwagg
Jundinator: The whole Origins 5 is here
QuantumTwitch: throat
neisan2112: I'm so excited we got the Origins flip Walkers!
jacqui_lantern234: it has deathtouch, thats LIKE removal Kappa
Marvoleath: @Jundinator Chandra too? She wasnt on the list on the website
ElektroTal: yeah, chandra 6 is here
neisan2112: Jace is gonna make me finally build Esper reanimator in Gladiator
ElektroTal: from bfz
SkiaSymphonia: Not flip chandra, but there's another one yeah
Jundinator: Oh my bad I thought it was the whole cycle
Marvoleath: ah, but not small Chandra
Marvoleath: shame
TheWriterAleph: cool.
jacqui_lantern234: @TheWriterAleph youre cool!
paxaqua: when is the set out for us mortals?
TheWriterAleph: @jacqui_lantern234 no u
A_Dub888: you wouldn't stab wound a car
GredGredmansson: that clip of you graham talking about Tonberries is still one of my favorites
OldUncleDan: Can't stab a planeswalker... Never stopped Nahiri from trying.
TehAmelie: the Stabbists League has been quiet for a while now. . .
bondeulv: oof
Marvoleath: @paxaqua December 10th
patrick_stonecrusher: Scourge of Valkas dragon family all star
fredhi15: thats a weird looking dragon
QuantumTwitch: dargon
chrisrd19: Opponent's deck is so sick
lamina5432: heck of a deck
paxaqua: ah. nice.
patrick_stonecrusher: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
jacqui_lantern234: so many dagrons
neisan2112: Thats fucking sick tho
bondeulv: gomlet has a sick deck
lilmeaches: no way thats good
QuantumTwitch: Its o it only this turn :)
neisan2112: This was basically what my Riku deck did
Chronomos901: get Scourge of Valkussy'd
GredGredmansson: GAME WHY
chrisrd19: I think they just kill you next turn with Mimic
bondeulv: nice
chrisrd19: I love it
GredGredmansson: WHY GAME
Marvoleath: oh oh, scourgies
ArcOfTheConclave: you can give your opponent cards with pulse?
MommaGart: Hey Devs? Wanna report a quality of life change...
bondeulv: you sure can
karmic_guide: the client didn't believe you could get there
GredGredmansson: @ArcOfTheConclave it says "target creature or land in a graveyard"
Marvoleath: that was... a legal play
QuantumTwitch: beacuse the other is better and arena dont like that
Diabore: are we the jobber?
YeomanAres: Joblrrs
noSmokeFire: oh, not like eating clothespins
GredGredmansson: 3MB?
A_Dub888: the storlylines will continue until morale impoves
bondeulv: you need a target
Bruceski: Tonight on LRRMTG: 6 hours of putting people over.
Fruan: The graveyard browser always defaults to the opponents graveyard when both are an option. NOT helpful here.
GredGredmansson: !card Pulse of Murasa
LRRbot: Pulse of Murasa [2G] | Instant | Return target creature or land card from a graveyard to its owner's hand. You gain 6 life.
BrowneePointz: Arena ate a lil glue there
wedge_x: bun v. tigger
karmic_guide: them Duskmourn basics are pretty
QuantumTwitch: It allways start in oponents yard for all yard stuff i think
Bugberry: That might be one of the only Regrowth spells that can target the opponent's graveyard.
Marvoleath: It was a 2hg design iirc
Marvoleath: like Surge
jacqui_lantern234: oh, chat, i have exciting news!!! i got a new pair of glasses today, and i love them a lot :D
TehAmelie: why does it even allow any graveyard? was multiplayer games big at the time?
TehAmelie: hooray, normal vision!
Marvoleath: @jacqui_lantern234 now you can read the chat and change your feelings about loving us all wheelerKappa
bondeulv: yeah, it's from bfz/oath where 2hg was a thing
QuantumTwitch: 5/5 turn 3 seems good
chrisrd19: @TehAmelie It also means you can have a target even when your own graveyard is empty if you want to gain the 6 life.
Bugberry: @TehAmelie They've used templating for Multiplayer in Standard sets off and on since the beginning of Magic.
brainiac4 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 105 months!
brainiac4: 105 months! That's (n) years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, brainiac4! (Today's storm count: 48)
GredGredmansson: [BIG] tomSpam
jacqui_lantern234: @Marvoleath wait, shit, youre on to something Kappa
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 are the glasses single?
jacqui_lantern234: @A_Dub888 no, but they ARE baptized Kappa
QuantumTwitch: oo sac and pulse
Marvoleath: we can untap that gate O:
JoannaTastic: @A_Dub888 I think they call those monocles
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, my vision is DISTINCTLY not normal
BrowneePointz: oh yea we get Aetherdrift first look next week
TehAmelie: only optimetrically
jacqui_lantern234: same with my perception of colours
Jundinator: THE FLOOD
GredGredmansson: ok NOW it defaulted to our graveyard WHAT
drcthulu: this is the James LRR account, it's on brand
GredGredmansson: oh right they don't have a creature or a land
jacqui_lantern234: though the whole me seeing sounds is a brain connection thing, not an eye thing
GredGredmansson: lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES
DAC169: James' account. James curse. aipBooli
BrowneePointz: uhhhhhhh arena you good?
A_Dub888: #BlameJame
Chronomos901: Recommendation: Shuffle Better
Marvoleath: This is Jame's account after all
tehfewl: yes but what about 2nd rest?
MommaGart: Zephyr Winder is a better attacker
GredGredmansson: I like it on the satyr
SkiaSymphonia: plus now it has double flying to fly higher
Chronomos901: one match, as a treat
QuantumTwitch: its not over yet
TehAmelie: i just wonder if it's Winder like in wind
jacqui_lantern234: but yeah, supposedly my new glasses are easier on digital eye strain
A_Dub888: uh ohhhhh, Stingyyyy
chrisrd19: I bet their hand is full of green cards.
GredGredmansson: here opponent, have more cards
neisan2112: YEEE
TehAmelie: at last!
jacqui_lantern234: achievment get!!!
drcthulu: feel the sting
micalovits: Lets go!
TheWriterAleph: lrrHORN
neisan2112: Love the Sign in Blood kills!
Jturbobanana: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
ArdCollider: unarmeGameplay
vetr1c: Did I ever love that card with Sheoldred.
murathan221: can we do life gain deck for pioneer
KaleidoscopeMind: erinusParty erinusParty erinusParty
tehfewl: Rank UP!
QuantumTwitch: In the best way by giving them card
TehAmelie: now retire champions
neisan2112: No we're AT 1
neisan2112: Win
SoylentDoener: magic was gathered PogChamp
Mr_Bitterness: Retire champion!
ArdCollider: bye bob
MommaGart: Bye Cori!
neisan2112: Foundations Jumpstart is very fun!!
jacqui_lantern234: @neisan2112 ive killed an EDH pod with Sign In Blood and Thousand Year Storm once
A_Dub888: @neisan2112 you're very fun
neisan2112: Just got off work, so pretty good
Marvoleath: @jacqui_lantern234 oh, that sounds fun!
murathan221: can we try to play pioneer life gain pls
Unas84: having a relaxing evening after an annoying and busy workday
QuantumTwitch: Thats a loaded question, I am watching fun magic so that is good
TehAmelie: i had an ordeal going to the grocery store in the snow, but at least i can avoid the worse snow that's coming tomorrow
BrowneePointz: had an insomnia attack a few days ago and slowly piecing my sleep schedule back to normal
AFamiliarCalledEl: When I first heard something about magic and King of the Hill, I thought it was a UB thing, and I honestly think I'd want to see that one
jacqui_lantern234: @Marvoleath that stupid do nothing enchantment fucking fuels me
OldUncleDan: I had to skip work today. Really bad cold as a food service worker is a bad idea.
twistedsylvan: prepping for a committee meeting tomorrow, trying not to freak out lmao
MommaGart: working late so I can pick up my brother from LAX tonight :')
Mr_Bitterness: Got off work, now I have nachos while watching some LRR
neisan2112: Might draft some Foundations cus I've only done one draft so far.
murathan221: no i mean for in limited if we can i am just wanna see it
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 I thought you were feuled by aggressive love
jacqui_lantern234: honestly, i have nothing to complain about, but its just been one of THOSE days ya know?
bondeulv: I think wb is more aristocrats
neisan2112: @jacqui_lantern234 Mood
TehAmelie: i can recommend A Man on the Inside. staggeringly feel good TV
jacqui_lantern234: @A_Dub888 oh, far from it. im fueled by hubris, chaos, and feral ADHD energy
DAC169: apparently
GredGredmansson: that's ALSO at common now
BrowneePointz: Fred Durst Voice: It’s just been one of those days!
chrisrd19: Nalaar family has it out for you.
neisan2112: Damn and that Chandra's not even here to join her parents.
TehAmelie: judge, my opponent is cooking off AND it's lore appropriate
Phrawger: the flavor wins i could stomach, but the actual wins?? unreasonable
MommaGart: Oh yeah I heard one of the new mechanics for Pioneer Masters is that everybody else has a better deck than you
jacqui_lantern234: @TehAmelie vorthos would be proud :P
MommaGart: kinda controversial but I'm willing to test it out
Unas84: huh?
bondeulv: I think they would've done something in response to the clear shot
patrick_stonecrusher: Suprise reach
RedArrogantKnight: they woulda activated nalaar in response to clear shot + the counter so it woulda been real bad for you if you did that
QuantumTwitch: oo pulse that asp
bytecaster: Pulsing that Asp on main?!?
tehfewl: what is every op's deck?
LathosTiran: ♫shake that brass♪
SkiaSymphonia: i think its using the same programming as Scooze, maybe
jacqui_lantern234: hey fellow glasses wearers, do new glasses with the same perscription ever just "feel weird" or is this just a case of me being nerospicy?
OldUncleDan: Shake that Asp, but watch yoself!
SkiaSymphonia: @jacqui_lantern234 no, they're def always weird to get used to
jacqui_lantern234: weird in this context isnt a bad thing, just weird
Unas84: another land? can tell that James was piloting earlier today..
TehAmelie: hmm i've never gotten a new pair with the same prescription
tehfewl: @jacqui_lantern234 if the prescription is even slightly different it can take some time for you to adjust
MommaGart: @jacqui_lantern234 Could be the way they sit on your face compared to a well-worn pair. Sometimes it takes me time to adjust even with same prescription.
TheWriterAleph: @jacqui_lantern234 different frame? my sinuses get really sensitive to like micrograms of weight
QuantumTwitch: shoot it
jacqui_lantern234: @tehfewl no its the same perscription, my eyes are the same
DAC169: "kill it like the rest"?
Marvoleath: @jacqui_lantern234 are they different shape? I had to get used to lenses in different shape or less / more frame visible
airddragon: @jacqui_lantern234 They 'should' be the same, but as with anything made the lenses can have variation from one set to another.
GredGredmansson: lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES
MommaGart: pls don't kill it pls don't kill it pls don't
jacqui_lantern234: its not the lenses, the frames moreso
SkiaSymphonia: how the frames sit can also change how they feel
Mr_Horrible: Celestial Akron, Ohio
Diabore: we cant even read bones now
tehfewl: @jacqui_lantern234 likely these new glasses aren't covered is scratches
SkiaSymphonia: esp if different brand
chrisrd19: no
TheWriterAleph: @Mr_Horrible that got me somehow
Diabore: if we go to 1 we NEED removal or flyer
bondeulv: but if you draw stinger
micalovits: I think drawing is better
GredGredmansson: do we have anything else with Reach?
QTL7: i think you go to 1 and draw scorpion
chrisrd19: Any removal except for Helix works.
GredGredmansson: or lifegain?
Fruan: Any removal, or stinger
Marvoleath: zombie djinn or scorpion
neisan2112: Could just pass and block?
GredGredmansson: a reach creature
bondeulv: take dryad
QuantumTwitch: crown blocs
Diabore: dont have removal!
neisan2112: Pretty good draw
pn55: How's the draft experience been for this so far Graham?
chrisrd19: Really on a knife's edge here.
TehAmelie: we just won one for the first time so moods are high
tehfewl: i think i would have attacked there
drewm1022: Maybe if they mouse over stuff some more your creatures will lose reach.
bondeulv: nice ambush
QuantumTwitch: ambush win
bondeulv: two wins!
MommaGart: they're really thinking about it
neisan2112: Sick
jacqui_lantern234: WOOT
pn55: seabatClap
DAC169: yocciClap
Juliamon: TWO wins
neisan2112: That was tense
patrick_stonecrusher: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Mr_Bitterness: seabatClap
Marvoleath: sergeGG
shurtal: 1 =/= 0
SuperWriterAndy: as a distressed American how easy is it to become Canadian
OldUncleDan: Read the Bones? More like Read the Wins!
Marvoleath: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
QuantumTwitch: sweet
Juliamon: SuperWriterAndy actually incredibly difficult if you don't have an in
oakmilkcharlotte: wait who won??? I looked away for 2 seconds
murathan221: whats the enemy do
GredGredmansson: graham
oakmilkcharlotte: @GredGredmansson let's gooo!
GredGredmansson: drew a fight spell so we attacked with our trampler and used another creature to fight the blocker
TehAmelie: it was stuck on 1 v 2 life for so long. such melodrama
TehAmelie: hi again!
bytecaster: PB
jacqui_lantern234: @SuperWriterAndy i suggest talking to an immigration lawyer
MarkovDescendant: What about Vet Techs?
ArdCollider: try not being disabled, too, sometimes.
bytecaster: What about professional gamer?!?!
ArdCollider: (source: I am disabled and am unclear on any options I might have)
Mollylele: why do people in MTG Online put MTG in their username?
MommaGart: what about gaming content video editors? :P
TehAmelie: i figure they're streamers
TehAmelie: aah
bytecaster: It's why we are singular Jame!
tehfewl: Branding
noSmokeFire: what do you mean, what's wrong with arseMTG?
ArcOfTheConclave: LRR_Jame
wedge_x: arseNMTG is a catch, tho
Mollylele: i am a fan of LRR's Jamem
Mollylele: video jame
noSmokeFire: one (1) Jame
BrowneePointz: I mean, youtuber Smooth McGroove named his cat Charl because it's the singular of Charles @LoadingReadyRun
QuantumTwitch: that is 5 ouches
raulghoulia: does that make Jame's possesive?
Diabore: !card scytheclaw raptor
LRRbot: Scytheclaw Raptor [2R] | Creature — Dinosaur [4/3] | Whenever a player casts a spell, if it's not their turn, Scytheclaw Raptor deals 4 damage to them.
MarkovDescendant: Maybe to differ between your James Turner and the other one
BrowneePointz: A. Graham momentarily became a Surskit
TehAmelie: everyone who thought they misspelled James' as Jame's was right?
Wibblesqueak: the hero of magic the man they call Jame
ErrorCode404: oof rampager
Diabore: welp
QuantumTwitch: and now for more lands
QuantumTwitch: easy 7-2
ErrorCode404: in your defense not blocking realistically would have been worse LUL
TehAmelie: of course, it'll turn out the real wins was the friendships we won along the way
SuperWriterAndy: lrrIAN
QuantumTwitch: Its a strat to face worse performing decks :)
Dragoonspirits86: me
MommaGart: whoever won the auction is still wearing them
MarkovDescendant: What kind of hat?
ArdCollider: unless they decided to do the world a favor
MommaGart: not me no lol
Unas84: the actor wasn't actually acting all that much
Fruan: Between Whedon and Baldwin being... uh... not good, I think I agree with you.
TheAwkes: Adam Baldwin has tarnish a fair few shows in hindsight.
thegitrogsquirrel: what character are we talk about?
Cavemanhar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cavemanhar! (Today's storm count: 49)
raulghoulia: A lot of people don't know. One of my bosses got an Elder Wand tattoo THIS YEAR
Mr_Bitterness: @thegitrogsquirrel Jayne from Firefly
Fruan: @thegitrogsquirrel Jayne from Firefly
McArgh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months, currently on a 96 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, McArgh! (Today's storm count: 50)
Xed_Regulus: Yeah, I really enjoyed Firefly, but it has been 22 years. Time to move on.
BrowneePointz: a lot of people also make their fandom their identity and refuse to be kinder when information arises
ztghostie: good thing we didn't attack
MalFnord: 22 years? That can't be right, that would mean... would mean... OH GOD I'M OLD! D:
MommaGart: Was browsing Arcane fandom posts and someone was VERY indignantly going, "How do people not know X actor is a creeep???" And like... idk man I go outside sometimes.
Mr_Bitterness: @MalFnord Welcome to the club, we all have back issues
TehAmelie: a character who's a completely remorseless mercenary who'll do or say anything to improve his status and fortune, yeah it seems to have been Adam Baldwin's easiest role
MalFnord: @Mr_Bitterness At least I have a cane to shake at these youngsters.
public_key_reveal_party: lrrWOW
ztghostie: oops all cyclops
Mr_Bitterness: THREE Nivis Cyclops?
Mr_Horrible: cyclopses, morale, ete etc
Mr_Bitterness: Oh it is common
drcthulu: oops all cyclops
QuantumTwitch: asp int clear shot
TehAmelie: cyclopes, in latin
MommaGart: how come mom lets you have 3 cyclops?
Phrawger: judge, my opponent is playing constructed
ztghostie: they're deck is busted lmao
wedge_x: tryclops
micalovits: Lets go HumanToken!
public_key_reveal_party: lrrWOW
ztghostie: *their
Fruan: You could easily be dead here.
MalFnord: (meanwhile, on the stream amurder is occurrin)
Mr_Horrible: @TehAmelie yeah, I wasn't sure in the moment, but that makes more sense
Unas84: whelp
raulghoulia: the wicked role leaving the battlefield and you getting pinged for one feels, I dont know, insulting somehow
Bugberry: @raulghoulia you mean it feels, wicked?
Fruan: @raulghoulia Wicked, even?
QuantumTwitch: So draft?
bytecaster: Retribution at last
Mr_Horrible: maybe your ass is just in the way, Graham OpieOP
bytecaster: From our name, they would have to assume it's Jame's ass
Diabore: slam chandra
Phrawger: well!
jacqui_lantern234: G NO!!! :P
jacqui_lantern234: @Diabore but im asexual KappaPride
tehfewl: yes
Fruan: Boardwipe Chandra
patrick_stonecrusher: I love Kiora, go Chandra
QuantumTwitch: chandra is win game
bytecaster: That Chandra slices, it dices, it wipes the board
micalovits: @jacqui_lantern234 But she is VERY hot
IanWAdams: Are they at least being good sports about kicking ass?
BrowneePointz: Laura Bailey
azidbern95: Billy Boyd?
BrowneePointz: who is also a voice actor AND randomly famous
bytecaster: @azidbern95 He voices Chandra, what a range!
TehAmelie: the Chandra who makes a Ball Lightning but better every turn, as a PLUS ability. . .
jacqui_lantern234: @micalovits and im VERY sex adverse
micalovits: That is very fair
SuperWriterAndy: rw?
MommaGart: Oath of Gideon? You mean Chad Swears?
Diabore: im looking at incarnate or berserker tbh
Anubis169 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months, currently on a 132 month streak!
Anubis169: 11 years of sub on the wall, 11 years of sub! Tap a card, attack real hard, that card's illegal and my account's barred!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Anubis169! (Today's storm count: 51)
QTL7: Id oath
azidbern95: @bytecaster Ach Nissa, help!
MarkovDescendant: Chandra got the shaft in this set
BrowneePointz: IMDB is saying Laura Bailey for Chandra
QuantumTwitch: grul is good with big mana chandra
MarkovDescendant: All of the other Magic Origins flip walkers are in it but not Chandra.
Anubis169: Wouldn't be anywhere else :)
public_key_reveal_party: wow, 11 years. that's like, almost a year or something
TehAmelie: we were defeated once by two Zendikars, clearly if we win with one we'll prove better
Phrawger: i like boros go-wide based on what we've seen. but i'm not a doctor
MommaGart: LOL
Mr_Bitterness: 11 years, how long is that since 2020?
Anubis169: heheehehehe
Mr_Horrible: I'm upset
DoctorHutch: you've made me flash back to stress watching GPLP while working on my thesis 11 years ago
Anubis169: btw, you any idea how hard it is making up a fresh bottle of beer rhyme every month? i haven't reused a single one so far
jacqui_lantern234: dare we take ANOTHER Shivam?! :p
bytecaster: It does come with a free thopter!
Mr_Bitterness: @Anubis169 That's dedication
patrick_stonecrusher: Too bad Shivam isnt here to see this
QuantumTwitch: gate
public_key_reveal_party: @Anubis169 do you keep like, a spreadsheet or something?
Diabore: rhino has heroic, neat
JoannaTastic: Going to Cousin James' limerick panel at Worldcon was honestly a year highlight, lots of fun
OldUncleDan: You're not Red Green! You're Graham Stark! Different Canadian!
thmanwithnoname: you're canadian, if anyone's a bit Red Green, I hope it'd be you
Anubis169: a 5-syllable word in a limerick?
nyoomgoom: @OldUncleDan are we sure about that?
Mr_Bitterness: Punch a bear!
jacqui_lantern234: @OldUncleDan but what if i find G both handsome and handy?
Marvoleath: !card sire of seven deaths
LRRbot: Sire of Seven Deaths [7] | Creature — Eldrazi [7/7] | First strike, vigilance / Menace, trample / Reach, lifelink / Ward—Pay 7 life.
Marvoleath: is a haiku
bytecaster: That Rhino over there? That Rhino is a hero to me!
thmanwithnoname: @OldUncleDan same hat!
Simriel: Canadians are different people? I thought they were a Syrup Hivemind
Juliamon: how many Canadians could there *possibly* be
raulghoulia: Graham Stark, Different Canadian would be a powerful magic card
jacqui_lantern234: @Simriel we can be both Kappa
Simriel: There is no Canadian, only Maple.
SymphonySolstice: love that
Phrawger: @Juliamon 5? maybe 4?
Mr_Horrible: that sounds awesome
Sarah_Serinde: Oh right Red Green's son raided DB once or twice I think?
OldUncleDan: Honestly, the Red Green show was always a highlight of watching Twin Cities PBS on the weekends.
Sarah_Serinde: Not this year that I'm aware of but a past year or two
Simriel: @juliamon at least 3. There are at least 3 Canadians.
SnowBuddy18: powerful ass-p?
Toasty_1_2: Grab that Asp
Simriel: I can name at least 3 so it's true
jacqui_lantern234: uh oh! hissy!
Mr_Bitterness: It's the children who are wrong to underestimate Dat Asp
Mr_Horrible: @OldUncleDan same for the Quad Cities, my family would always settle in at 10 to watch Possum Lodge antics
SquareDotCube: imagine if there were more than five Canadians
Anubis169: wat
bytecaster: But I am mortal?!?
kusinohki: there are 4! canadians!!
jacqui_lantern234: nemesis of mortals?! Babe wake up! new gender just dropped!!!
Anubis169: world serpent in the late game
SnowBuddy18: it's a 10/10 for 4 over 2 turns
public_key_reveal_party: I'm going to submit my grant proposal for an attempt to find evidence of that 4th canadian soon
TehAmelie: Cheer100 Cheer100 some poetry bits
Simriel: @kusinohki Oh yeah? Name 4
Bugberry: you toot the horn when you find what you are scouting for.
kusinohki: I don't know them personally.... (just trying to make a star trek joke)
nyoomgoom: wait, point like that again, the foreshortening perspective looked awesome
Anubis169: ya not wrong
OldUncleDan: Iirc Wasn't the gentlemen who played Harold on the Red Green Show do a guest spot on "Eureka" alongside Andy?
SnowBuddy18: there's 3 grocery store chains?
Mazrae: 3 Canadians in a trench coat.... Dang you beat me to it
Unas84: I mean, we know of Wayne Gretzky and he's number 99, so that's at least the amount of Canadians there are ... or ever were, depending on how they're counting
Bruceski: All the Canadians are busy being entertainers in America
jacqui_lantern234: oof i hate how right you are, G
SymphonySolstice: you can pry sasktel from my cold dead hands
SnowBuddy18: I think it's mostly 2 and 2, plus small ones
hidingbox: Don't forget the oil companies Graham. And the logging companies. And the...
BrowneePointz: I just wanna take you to a Fareway to see how quaint and high quality they are
putz12a: It's basically Sobeys, Loblaws, and Walmart now
BrowneePointz: and also so I can give you a bottle of Templeton Rye
putz12a: Safeway is owned by Sobeys
jacqui_lantern234: nobody takes alberta seriously
Xed_Regulus: Alberta thinks they are more powerful than they are
TheAwkes: The natural gas companies are still doing a number on BC.
Simriel: OOOH This is like how Aberdeen think they are important
Decaped: I love all the Alberta Tech companies
SnowBuddy18: they're more like a less important Texas
TehAmelie: Victoria has 3 times the population of my city which is huge by Swedish standards so it seems like a major metropolis to me
ztghostie: So they're actually the Texas of canada?
kusinohki: alberta alberta.... where you've been so long
Xed_Regulus: No, we have to grovel to Quebec
OldUncleDan: Except Manitoba. Manitoba is for all intents and purposes a third Dakota.
SuperWriterAndy: truth bomb alert
Diabore: GRAHAM, new desk looks so professional
JoannaTastic: they let having zero rats go to their heads
putz12a: We kind of are... Including the ridiculous amount of conservatism.
jacqui_lantern234: no, theyre the alabama of canada
TehAmelie: Wicked is so in right now
Mr_Horrible: @JoannaTastic the rats actually help regulate population sanity levels
josh___something: Wait, new chenkponk?
ztghostie: oh the audacity of that pick
SnowBuddy18: if Alberta were as important as they think they are, they wouldn't be getting more out of the provincial wealth redistribution than they put in
Anubis169: If Alberta is aspiring to be Texas, what would Victoria be? Hawaii? (island looking over at the mainland going 'wtf?')
putz12a: I like living in Alberta because my family is here... but other than that, I'd look for somewhere more Liberal/NDP in a heartbeat
BrowneePointz: nah Texas is apt. Oil fields, built on indigenous land, cattle, sparse population concentrated in several areas, overinflated egos @jacqui_lantern234
Phrawger: yeah i think this deck really wants ramp and card advantage now that we've got our beefy bois
BrowneePointz: no one should aspire to be Hawaii
SquareDotCube: if anything we can make our deck audibly pleasing with Audacity
Wiliart: If you are the <something> of <somewhere else> you're not doing a good thing.
jacqui_lantern234: oh, speaking of Audacity, i still have a package to send yall, G. it includes a meme of a commander deck
patrick_stonecrusher: I like fall
BrowneePointz: Cuz Hawaii is native islands completely choked by consumer tourism
jacqui_lantern234: what was THAT noise
Swamplor: It's an *ominous* bushwhacker
Athelgar: "You chose, wisely"
Marvoleath: "let me play the song of my ppl"
MommaGart: A poem that is hopefully not about this deck: There once was a Gruul deck I drafted. That I thought was quite carefully crafted. I queued up on stream, But my deck it would seem, Was destined to punt and get shafted.
Anubis169: Victoria is Victoria :D
GapFiller: eyyy CP+ is live so thats however much time between LRRMTG and TTSF covered
TehAmelie: the Victoria of Canada, basically
Anubis169: LOL
GapFiller: Victoria is def NOT Vancouver Island
TheWooglie: GG MommaGart
jacqui_lantern234: @MommaGart mood tbh
Phrawger: snap snap snap
MommaGart: thank you! :D
Anubis169: MommaGart I'm putting that in the quotebot
josh___something: *snaps*
Mr_Horrible: I believe
Going_Medium: I've heard Vancouver and San Francisco called sister cities.
Mr_Horrible: boon satyr would never let us down
MommaGart: @Anubis169 <3
GapFiller: *Victoria is Vancouver Island NOT Vancouver
BrowneePointz: oh yea...Marvel Overwatch drops tomorrow
SnowBuddy18: 15 is too many
Mr_Bitterness: @BrowneePointz And PoE 2 Early Access
SquareDotCube: when you can fit no more in a Kar.
Anubis169: !addquote (MommaGart) [now] There once was a Gruul deck I drafted. That I thought was quite carefully crafted. I queued up on stream, But my deck it would seem, Was destined to punt and get shafted.
LRRbot: New quote #9204: "There once was a Gruul deck I drafted. That I thought was quite carefully crafted. I queued up on stream, But my deck it would seem, Was destined to punt and get shafted." —MommaGart [2024-12-05]
Xed_Regulus: There is a Victoria Island in Canada, but that is up in the Arctic.
Texan_Reverend: Kinda like the two Washingtons: state and D.C.
TheAwkes: And that's if you don't have to wait for a boat.
Anubis169: as the crow flies, yes
TehAmelie: how far is it with a helicopter?
GapFiller: doesnt that catch out a lotta overseas Uni students in particular G?
korvys: How long in time is the ferry part of that?
Anubis169: travel-wise, nope
BrowneePointz: In a North American Sense I live near Chicago. In that its' a 5hr drive
Mr_Horrible: "Geographically, yes. Practically, no."
putz12a: Yeah, in the same sense that if you live in Red Deer, you live "Near Edmonton" and "Near Calgary"
Wiliart: For a European side, you almost live in 2 countries over.
kusinohki: "in america, 100 years is a long time and 100 miles is a short distance..."
OldUncleDan: In a North American sense Minneapolis is near Chicago.
TheWriterAleph: "SPAAAACE"
hoveringhalibut: Let's not forget Vancouver, Washington, which I assume is the same namesake.
SuperWriterAndy: train travel to Vancouver faster?
Mr_Horrible: "We don't like each other over here, so we built our cities far apart"
Anubis169: in UK you're never more than 74 miles from the seaside... however those 74 miles may involve a path with a 700 metre drop
DoomBringerIL: who u drafting with? @LoadingReadyRun
Swamplor: "It's one country, how big can it be?" -Europeans
patrick_stonecrusher: Yes
NorthstarTex: yeah, time is a solid measure of travel here as well
coriolis_storm: @superwriterandy No bridge to Vancouver Island
IanWAdams: People from europe will say Americans don't travel because they don't leave the country. They don't realize on this continent you can fly for six hours and land in the same country
Anubis169: Canada is amaze-huge
Sarah_Serinde: See on the surface I enjoy that comparison, but then people pointed out that that just...completely erases all the aboriginal people who were here long before this place got colonized
Xed_Regulus: I had someone from NYC ask me if I'd be able to stop by the Toronto office for a visit, while I live 4 hours away in Ottawa
Voidhawk42: @kusinohki China is interesting, because it's deep in both Time and Distance. AS well as Population.
GapFiller: kusinohki in China ofc yr get the best of both worlds w/ colossal distances in time AND space
wedge_x: yeah, growing up in South Florida, you lived 3 or 4 hours from Disney World
Sarah_Serinde: North America has history too, people just worked hard to wipe it out
Mr_Horrible: @hoveringhalibut Vancouver, Washington, where people live so they can do their shopping in Portland
MommaGart: There are some places in the US that measure distance in distance but most people I know also use time.
DoomBringerIL: i know 0% of those streamers
GapFiller: Voidhawk42 nalvCool
Bruceski: @hoveringhalibut I once heard a jab about my Portland college's local radio station of "when the weather is just right we can be heard as far away as Vancouver" and figured that was a pretty good range. Three years later I suddenly remembered the town right across the river from us and got the joke.
patrick_stonecrusher: Kreygasm reckoner
azidbern95: are we Reckon-ing some folks?
thmanwithnoname: between 19 and 21
Anubis169: 20km is 1 hour, travelling at 20kph
Anubis169: Kappa
Ktolos: We have the same sort of visitors to Scotland, who arrive in Edinburgh and expect to do a tour of the Country including Skye in a couple of days.
Mazrae: Sometimes now far enough?
DoomBringerIL: yeah but according to ur graham VLOG u (& penny) have a very good sense of direction @LoadingReadyRun
enbyKriss: Going 70 km/h you can calculate roughly 1 km per minute
TheAwkes: How long 20km is changes based on where you are and which direction you're going.
ArdCollider: @Ktolos lol good luck with *that* ferry schedule
QuantumTwitch: get rect
kusinohki: 60 mph is a mile per minute
Mr_Horrible: to be fair, measuring distance in distance rather than time is also more pertinent to knowing how much fuel is required, which is usually closer to the surface of Americans' minds
raulghoulia: G, "low poly head" really got me
korvys: About 60,000 GVlog intros
BrowneePointz: Question: You get to pick one racing movie/show moment to reference in Aetherdrift Graham, what is it?
KaleidoscopeMind: granted, time is more useful in that 1 km in the city with traffic lights is very different than 1 km on the highway
putz12a: Great sense of direction, terrible sense of distance
korvys: (made up number)
Going_Medium: I think there should be a term for places getting "further away" in time as more lights are added between locations.
MarkovDescendant: @Ktolos Tain is where I wanna visit.
definenull: Its like the uncertainty principle of navigation
GapFiller: the inverse of this conv is it constantly boggles my mind that Americans in particular consider a 2 hr drive either way for coffee or wings or whatever as just normal
korvys: Road Quest, clearly
GapFiller: real you people live like this vibes there to imo
A_Dub888: Tokyo Drift
azidbern95: Chandra saying "It's about Family"
TehAmelie: Talladega Nights has some excellent movies
kusinohki: what's the observation theorum for quantum mechanics? I feel like graham can know the direction or the distance, but not both
Mr_Horrible: I want the Benoit joke from that Archer episode to have a card Kappa
Mr_Bitterness: @BrowneePointz I feel like you gotta have a bald guy referencing his Family
TheAwkes: The Transporter 2 bomb removal barrel roll, for sure.
BrowneePointz: Look Chandra's walker art has her doing the Akira Slide, so who knows
Sarah_Serinde: @GapFiller I can't speak for Americans but that's still a long way for just food. For some kind of day trip sure, not that long
Diabore: hey big man
putz12a: @GapFiller I've never considered 2 hours to be "normal" just for that. A half-hour, maybe, though.
EvilBadman: @BrowneePointz The boat flying in Live and Let Die
Datnade012: @gapfiller i hear people say they drive 2 hours to get to work and my brain melts
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah some people have commutes that long and it sounds miserable
enbyKriss: City traffic is wild imo, any time to distance measurements instantly go out the window.
hoveringhalibut: @mr_horrible True enough. Just don't try to cross the river during rush hour.
patrick_stonecrusher: Experimet one seems dope
Diabore: gate?
maywecomein subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months, currently on a 91 month streak!
maywecomein: yes! the perfect audio accompaniment to my 90 minute drive home from work
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, maywecomein! (Today's storm count: 52)
TehAmelie: i guess travel time is a more useful metric if you have a common amount of time per week you spend traveling
Sarah_Serinde: I can spend 2 hours getting most of the way across Toronto (by transit), depending on start and end points
kusinohki: I read some article about ppl choosing 6 hour commutes over moving closer to their jobs. I couldn't wrap my brain around it
Mr_Horrible: I was lucky enough when working that my commute on public transit was <1 hour each way, and that was still annoying as all hell
Mr_Bitterness: wow, OG Fog
Mr_Horrible: at uncommon, no less
thegitrogsquirrel: that limerick you did awhile ago was very solid and hand me trying to not slip up on the last line
northos: Actual Fogtual
Bruceski: @GapFiller Really depends on location. I grew up in the middle of nowhere (though not compared to the truly remote places) so anything outside of the immediate town meant planning your entire afternoon and you just got used to it. A normal shopping trip was to the local store, but if you wanted the fancy stuff it was a trip to Santa Fe and you made a list of places to stop while there.
Sarah_Serinde: Hell I make a list of places to stop just for going downtown
GapFiller: Sarah_Serinde the terrible irony is that we have 2 hr work commutes over here in Europe too and theyre just as awful (if my time living in London ten years ago was any indicator)
jacqui_lantern234: TEETH
Sarah_Serinde: @GapFiller I believe it
TehAmelie: "in the tone of "auspicious!") audacious!
QuantumTwitch: "Speedy car" -Bandit
korvys: Nemesis is maybe too pricey if you're not doing graveyard things?
Anubis169: Explicit Magic
TheWooglie: nude
Sarah_Serinde: racy
Juliamon: Even in America it can be jarring to go from "ugh, I don't want to drive 20 minutes to get groceries" on the east coast to "it's only 2 hours into LA" on the other
Chenderle: superg31Moon
ThePixelSavage: no no Graham you commited to swearing now
ThePixelSavage: duggerMmhmm
TehAmelie: but don't be too intriguing, it might be distracting!
Voidhawk42: LRRMTG - Too Hot For TV!
enbyKriss: @ThePixelSavage duggerWave
Mr_Horrible: we're gonna have so many discounted craw wurms
Juliamon: it's SO WILD
BrowneePointz: graham my state is 300 miles east wide of nothingness
BrowneePointz: we HAVE TO BE CHILL
BrowneePointz: what are we GONNA DO!
TheWooglie: I assume all the chill people in LA are high?
OldUncleDan: Random question about Canada. Do Provinces have governmental Subdivisions like States do with Counties?
Juliamon: "We're gonna go out to eat at this restaurant an hour away." HOW
Juliamon: ALL THE TIME
Anubis169: How do they have a social life with that amount of travel time?
azidbern95: I like Experiment One over Swifty in this list
MommaGart: When people asked how far away my college was (in LA) I would tell them, "Ah, like 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, traffic depending."
Sethalidos: It's an hour and a half trip and he's 5 blocks away
Sarah_Serinde: It can take me 2+ hours by transit to visit friends a city or two over in the greater toronto area
mtgfightclub: Recknor is so good
Bugberry: Not that different in Texas. Most of my friends are 1+ hour drive away.
Sarah_Serinde: Worth it but I don't do it that often without getting a ride
mtgfightclub: Never cut
QuantumTwitch: I'm goin', I'm goin! I got the metal to the pedal and the thing to the floor! is another great qute
MommaGart: ok ship it
Bruceski: Big cities make me claustrophobic. Prople laugh when I call Portland big but after living with 30 miles of desert around me it feels like I'm always getting in somebody's way.
EvilBadman: i was so put off going into seattle to play with Jordan because it was an hour trip and I couldn't just /do that/.
firehawkzoa: People who aren't chill with it move away from LA and go to a better place
SnowBuddy18: 9 if the warrior is a land
NeedlaPudge: Cut 8 Forests
korvys: Nemesis is maybe too pricey if you're not doing graveyard things?
Unas84: I find it funny that people from NA then at the same time can be shocked to hear that high school students in the Netherlands sometimes cycle 1h by themselves to get to school
MommaGart: I think we cut like HALF of our 4 drops
XavusGaming: @olduncledan yes we have provincial governments in addition to federal and municipal
TehAmelie: i propose keeping 45, Shivam style
jacqui_lantern234: @TehAmelie i 2nd this
Bugberry: @Bruceski I remember going to Manhattan between Christmas and New Years. It felt so relaxing to be back in Texas.
maywecomein: lol with my sub message I did not even notice there was already a commute drive time convo happening
QuantumTwitch: 5 zendicar should be run for the funzies :)
MommaGart: cut the heelcutters, cut one Zendikar Incarnate?
TehAmelie: though then i guess we need 1 or 2 more lands
korvys: Is RRR on the reckoner too much?
OldUncleDan: @XavusGaming I am aware the Provinces have governments like States do in the US. I was asking if there were further subdivisions. In the US we have counties that are in between the state and municpalities.
MommaGart: Reckoner is awkward with Gnarlback Rhino actually
Mr_Bitterness: Lands Ranger isn't an amazing 2 drop
wandering_t: reckoner does seem tough on an even split of mana
Robot_Bones: I'd cut swifty
Mr_Horrible: whacker I usually think fits a more low-to-the-ground build than this
Voidhawk42: Boon Satyr is pretty mid. 5 mana is alot to bestow withot bestow synergies
Bruceski: @Bugberry Sprawl of hose big cities feels so weird. First time I realized that I'd driven between two cities and it had never stopped being houses along the way I felt dizzy for a moment.
SnowBuddy18: cut an asp?
QTL7: ahahahahaha
josh___something: Alright grahampa
Juliamon: Yeah, but Gary was common
jacqui_lantern234: bUwUn Satyr .......im sorry
Mazrae: Theros was the set that I got into MTG
Mr_Bitterness: it does have flash
definenull: Oh the swifties are gonna come after you for cutting them
korvys: It's good, but is RRR on the reckoner too hard to cast?
QTL7: that was my first set release
Juliamon: Power level was just... everywhere
Mr_Horrible: the flash is the whole point of it, even
QTL7: and you made me cry and laugh
QTL7: so thank you
MommaGart: Maybe cut a Rhino so that we can Reckoner on 3
Bugberry: @Bruceski South of Austin there's some open spaces, but the main highway where Buda/Kyle are does blend together.
Mr_Horrible: after the JtMS splash I believe in anything
Voidhawk42: 5 mana combat trick that gives only +2 toughness is... not fantastic
korvys: I cannot prevent you from worrying about the Boros Reckoner
MommaGart: We can't go RRR into 2GG
Mr_Horrible: and leaves behind a 4/2
Mr_Bitterness: You don't worry about Boros Reckoner, I'll worry about blank!
MommaGart: it's a thought
Bugberry: Boon satyr also triggers Rhino
Diabore: waitdid we cut big sexy?
SnowBuddy18: @MommaGart it's okay, we can reckoner, then incarnate 4 turns in a row
Anubis169: Who needs land
Diabore: garruk
korvys: Paul White?
Bruceski: Clearly Graham is still on camera
EvilBadman: @korvys Kevin Nash
korvys: Right
jacqui_lantern234: nemesis of mortals is the big sexy Kappa
northos: suddenly Lorge Graham
Mr_Horrible: a 6-mana walker has to affect the board when it hits in limited
hideki101: a lot of double pip cards in this deck
azidbern95: looking forward to the Royal Rumble!
MommaGart: we could probably go down to 7 forests now
SnowBuddy18: ship the 41?
EvilBadman: wwe's 5 match cards are amusing shift
infinity_225: hey Graham, I just saw the new checkpoint ep, I love the new table!
Unas84: speaking of watching things, have you watched ST Strange New Worlds? I finished the two seasons last month and am quite enamoured with it :D
DoctorHutch: ham without the bread. lrrHAM
josh___something: Cut a land, I'm sure it'll be fine :)
korvys: lrrHAM
QuantumTwitch: dont for get your land creature
GapFiller: any other current wrestling thoughts yr wanna share Graham while we are here as a captive audience?
Unas84: only gets better in S2 :D
northos: is humble defector actually good here? it doesn't seem like we can really do much to abuse the ability timing
MommaGart: Not like this is our account lol
Diabore: 41 special lets gooooo
grometty: 41 cards, the scandal
MommaGart: Somewhere Marshal Sutcliff's spidey senses just went off
TehAmelie: theory is half the game, right
Unas84: well then...
Diabore: what about 4 drop
TheWooglie: seems bad
QuantumTwitch: that is not a land
Unas84: opponent did that just to rub it in
Diabore: op also missing land
Diabore: hold the fuck on
MommaGart: HAH
BusTed: hm
Mr_Horrible: lrrGREED
Diabore: are they reanimator?
Unas84: uuuuh
EvilBadman: Maybe they got a rez?
grometty: what the
TheWriterAleph: match of he century
northos: I like the cut of their jib
SpoonfullOfSugar: reanimation\
DoctorHutch: reanimation target?
josh___something: Are we....in danger
QTL7: sorry to hear about your loss to reanimated ojutai
QuantumTwitch: the greed
GapFiller: lrrGREED !?
Unas84: yeah reanimator or Sneak Attack-effect?
IanWAdams: I'm excited to see what the hell is happening
grometty: its a bold move cotton, lets see if it pays off
Swamplor: Of course they discarded it; it's not like they can cast it with their swamps and mountains
Unas84: wait, dreadbore is common!?
Unas84: that used to be rare!
grometty: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
QuantumTwitch: hope they bin all their reanimat
Diabore: what the hell
Frostwriter111: how the mighty have fallen
northos: yeah, the only reason it was rare originally was because it referenced planeswalkers, and they don't really care about that anymore
Diabore: at least i dont have to spend rare wildcards on it
Mr_Horrible: to be fair Dreadbore was rare before Hero's Downfall was rare
TheWriterAleph: pauper players go queee
Bugberry: hard to cast, sorcery speed removal has come a long way.
kaboomjr26: a COMMON?
Mr_Horrible: and we all know what happened to Hero's Downfall
Swamplor: Go big, then go home, I guess
TheWooglie: F
Diabore: @TheWriterAleph pauper panel has already said arena only sets dont affect the format
TheWriterAleph: makes sense
ztghostie: Also Dreadbore at common wouldn't mean anything for pauper since there are no planeswalkers in pauper
Diabore: iirc mtgo affects pauper, but arena does not
MommaGart: The reason that cards on MTGO affect Pauper is because you can actually play Pauper on MTGO
Marvoleath: Pauper was on MTGO first, iirc
Stormgod519: well hello again everyone!
MommaGart: Briefcase's Back, alright
TehAmelie: sounds good
TimeToFry: If they draw cards you draw more cards
josh___something: I say no?
DoctorHutch: You can humble detector wrong?
TehAmelie: i guess the best case is if you can steal it back, but
GapFiller: lrrWOW
ArdCollider: Austin, TX.
josh___something: HAH
Unas84: bahahaha, that would've been hilarious
jacqui_lantern234: new desk who dis?
Anubis169: hehehehe
GapFiller: thought The Onion already had all that stuff on lock
ArdCollider: but yeah, maybe Global Tetrahedron will cut you in on the assets?
Mr_Horrible: strictly speaking you'd have gotten it from the Onion at this point
OldUncleDan: Don't have an in with The Onion?
Mr_Bitterness: Nah, all the Info Wars stuff are owned by the Onion now
thegitrogsquirrel: i think the onion would give it to you if you asked for it
kynelwynn: Dearest Dr. Graham. What is tomorrow's FNPF?
Mr_Horrible: jlrrCoolgame
ArdCollider: The guys at Knowledge Fight want the desk, actually, IIRC.
GapFiller: glad to see we (chat) are allon the same wavelength here re LRRxThe Onion
ArdCollider: since they spend all their time listening to InfoWars so no one else has to.
MommaGart: Rhino is cool with Bestow
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Stormgod519: how is everyone? I had no idea that pioneer masters was even a thing..
kynelwynn: Sick! Just saw Prof's review of the set and he gave it an A
korvys: Or that one episode of Friday Nights with Pack Wars
LaskoReadsComics: mmm Jumpstart Whamjangle!
TheWooglie: we might be able to cast reckoner
ThePixelSavage: I have been out of the loop how close to new Friday Nights are we at this point? duggerNotes
GapFiller: !fridaynights
Unas84: do we have instant fights?
Marvoleath: !fn
Juliamon: !fnquestion
OldUncleDan: Thanks to a certain Crap Shot, I have now been in the habit of addressing cats as "Your Knifeship."
TheWooglie: I'm assuming soon™️for Friday nights
Unas84: the Audacity to show up now..
ThePixelSavage: I know they are making them ... question is how close to release are we ...
coopdawg_22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, coopdawg_22! (Today's storm count: 53)
Juliamon: The intent was to have it out the door by the end of this year, per the KS
ThePixelSavage: alright, thank you
Cptasparagus: are they all LOTR jokes?
Juliamon: but like, life, y'know?
OldUncleDan: And now we are closer still. And now even closer still...
ItsThugDimmadome: Y'all bringin' back applewood smoked pork too?
TehAmelie: what's coop dawg?
MommaGart: Hey Graham if I make a meme-y edit using old Friday Nights episodes, would there be complaints from LRR or Wizards for using that footage?
DoomBringerIL: <message deleted>any Trump jokes?? @LoadingReadyRun
Juliamon: Please don't bring that name in here
Marvoleath: not in Canadian Magic sketch
BrowneePointz: Infowars getting bought out by Onion was perhaps the FUNNIEST thing all year
DoomBringerIL: loll
BrowneePointz: was it the onion?
BrowneePointz: i think it was the onion.
Juliamon: yes it was the Onion
ItsThugDimmadome: yeah the onion
northos: @BrowneePointz yeah
Mr_Horrible: yes, it was
Juliamon: the actual most correct group to buy it tbh
Mr_Horrible: Ben Collins(sp?) and co know how to do a good bit
Sarah_Serinde: Okay yeah it's hilarious but also it benefits the families a lot too
Unas84: and not just funny but equitable for all the families too
ThePixelSavage: spin. that. wheel.
DoomBringerIL: wa i ggot deleted? why mods?
Unas84: @Sarah_Serinde great minds and all that :D
Mr_Horrible: yeah, that's a very good aspect of the buyout
Juliamon: it's like the ending of a feelgood teen movie
Sarah_Serinde: Or a Leverage episode
Anubis169: DoomBringerIL: This is about MTG :)
Sarah_Serinde: speaking of, I really need to find and watch the new(ish) episodes of that
Juliamon: DoomBringerIL Please do not bring that name into this chat
DoomBringerIL: wow
Marvoleath: Is Goreclaw a trigger or static for the tramples?
DoomBringerIL: ok
Anubis169: we're trying to keep this place as kickass as possible, that topic kinda drags everyone down eventually
Marvoleath: !card goreclaw
LRRbot: Did you mean: Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma; Surrak and Goreclaw
Marvoleath: !card goreclaw, terror
LRRbot: Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma [3G] | Legendary Creature — Bear [4/3] | Creature spells you cast with power 4 or greater cost {2} less to cast. / Whenever Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma attacks, each creature you control with power 4 or greater gets +1/+1 and gains trample until end of turn.
ThePixelSavage: LOL
MarkovDescendant: LUL LUL LUL
Technic_AL: WOW
GapFiller: nalvLUL
Marvoleath: lrrJAMES
kynelwynn: James!
grometty: sick, a forest
MommaGart: glad we got all those lands out
BrowneePointz: wtf is this Superhero ass music?
Chenderle: you dawg, we heard you like land
BrowneePointz: I was like "are we watching Superman?"
BrowneePointz: "except not John Williams Superman?"
Strebenherz: jund 'em out
definenull: I prefer this over the tooting
EvilBadman: I wanted the damn bloomborrow flute to be an rdp troll but alas
TehAmelie: that defector has changed sides so many times. doing a great job
OldUncleDan: "Superhero Ass." You mean like Steve Rogers?
Anubis169: That's America's ass
BrowneePointz: No. I'm talking about heroes with REAL booties....Matthew Murdock
Bugberry: @BrowneePointz I think this is the original music used since original Eldraine came out.
ThePixelSavage: OP is playing with his food
MommaGart: bumping my question, @LoadingReadyRun if I make a meme-y edit using old Friday Nights episodes, would there be complaints from LRR or Wizards for using that footage?
Juliamon: !they
LRRbot: Reminder! Your opponent may not be a "he" so try to use "they" or "opp" instead!
GapFiller: Ian is taken this long w/ sushi he can stand to wait a lil longer Kappa
Mr_Horrible: Ah, Elk Herd, my DTK beloved
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (This week Ian commits to the Sushi Model, No Exceptions!) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (13m from now).
Marvoleath: @ThePixelSavage I doubt someone with "girl" in the nick is actually a 'he'
EvilBadman: @Marvoleath best not to assume in either case
Marvoleath: fair usage / parody?
Marvoleath: @EvilBadman agreed
MommaGart: It’s not like i’m planning to monetize anyways
SnowBuddy18: mtgMTG
kynelwynn: As long as it's transformative and you're not claiming to be LRR?
Anubis169: ooo the floor is lava!
Mr_Horrible: turn 1 teeth, but not in the duskmourn way
ThePixelSavage: @Marvoleath duggerHug
Juliamon: So many decks done dirty today
MarkovDescendant: Love playing with the lava dragon in this level
nifleon: 0-3’s keep us humble
Anubis169: they catch 'em draftin' dirtyyyyy
Marvoleath: @MarkovDescendant It's a Hellion :)
ThePixelSavage: Shai-Hulud! duggerMmhmm
Mr_Horrible: why can't we love with fire instead?
TheWooglie: was the helion having a nap?
Marvoleath: but they broke the jingling on the crystals inside pillars and refuse to fix it :(
LemonOnRye: !card boulder salvo
LRRbot: Boulder Salvo [4R] | Sorcery | Surge {1}{R} / Boulder Salvo deals 4 damage to target creature.
Marvoleath: you can break the pillar next to the hellion, it used to have a nice tone when you tapped it afterwards
Bugberry: double removal?
Mr_Horrible: gotta kill it before attacks
Mr_Horrible: hoping 1 ain't 0
Marvoleath: sergeOffByOne
definenull: Well eff
Marvoleath: should attack with the thopter, I suppose :D
Stormgod519: aight, gtg
LemonOnRye: FBtouchdown
GapFiller: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
DoomBringerIL: yeyyyy a win!
definenull: Goat there
ArtOfStuttering: We got a win!
grometty: lets go we got one FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
azidbern95 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, azidbern95! (Today's storm count: 54)
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (This week Ian commits to the Sushi Model, No Exceptions!) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (6m from now).
GapFiller: how much of a hurry is Ian in to finish sushi tho really?
MommaGart: Does the Streamer Event end at 5 or just our stream?
DoomBringerIL: ez keep
Mr_Horrible: I'd ship, I think
TehAmelie: a maybe keep, or meep
accountmadeforants: Out of individual plastic grains of rice
WudenHed subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WudenHed! (Today's storm count: 55)
nifleon: on the draw, tough call
MommaGart: teeth teeth teeth
Marvoleath: one grain of rice at a time
GapFiller: did somebody say TEETH!? lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
azidbern95: it was nice meeting you in Vegas G! Thanks for signing my Mantis
DoomBringerIL: this set seems stronger than Foundations
Juliamon: it's for a different format
TehAmelie: big Zendy
MommaGart: @DoomBringerIL it's got more of a Pioneer power level for sure :P
Marvoleath: @DoomBringerIL It should be, those are cards meant for Pioneer, which is broader format than standard afterall
holesinone178 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, holesinone178! (Today's storm count: 56)
MarkovDescendant: Is it too far in the future or is there the prospect of meeting y'all at MC Atlanta?
Mr_Horrible: well, it *can*
Mr_Horrible: they'll still trade
definenull: How about second zendikarnate?
Juliamon: MarkovDescendant Too early, yeah
DoomBringerIL: @Marvoleath 10x... was just kidding but very kind of u
azidbern95: wait... Maze's end? Uh oh!
TehAmelie: kind of a Zendikar. . .REincarnate
Mr_Horrible: @azidbern95 thankfully we're probably faster than a 6 turn clock
whoppernugget: uh oh
Marvoleath: they could have gate ramp though
Caffine1138: hydrate or die :D
Anubis169: gotta go return a coffee?
GapFiller: tbf G the human body IS mostly water
TehAmelie: your cells can only absorb i think about 50 cc of water per 15 minutes, and then you gotta pee eventually
accountmadeforants: Brekkie, my beloved
Mr_Horrible: I mean, that still leaves a Stupid Big with reach
MarkovDescendant: Correct
Krasis404: ye
GredGredmansson: till THEIR next turn yeah
accountmadeforants: The regular reminder text starts with "Until your next turn", yeah. Not sure why Arena is wording it this way.
Mr_Horrible: !card boundary lands
LRRbot: Boundary Lands Ranger [1R] | Creature — Human Ranger [2/2] | At the beginning of combat on your turn, if you control a creature with power 4 or greater, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.
Krasis404: That's a face I haven't seen in awhile
Mr_Horrible: well, we don't need to attack with the ranger, so it's fine to play on the next turn
Mr_Horrible: and still get to rummage
BrowneePointz: it's cuz it's bando in commando
BrowneePointz: and has beendo for a while...do
Toasty_1_2: Which that thing wasn`t banned in commander :-(
Mr_Horrible: it's been banned for... at least a decade, p sure?
Toasty_1_2: *Wish
Mr_Horrible: which is weird to think about
Caffine1138: the audacity of Audacity
BrowneePointz: nope just that one
BrowneePointz: cuz it's stupid
PhuzNutz: So plebs can't play in this event?
Krasis404: Nah, it's just Sylvan for some reason
whoppernugget: Just the green one actually
GredGredmansson: better
BrowneePointz: Yall, if you never had to play commander when Sylvan was legal you do not understand
Marvoleath: @PhuzNutz This is early access, release is on Dec 10th
MarkovDescendant: Asp while they can't monstrosity?
Mr_Horrible: the logic is, if you want to ruin someone's mana with blinks, you have to at least give them 3/3 elephants OpieOP
CrossXhunteR: oh, it's fireshoes
Marvoleath: detained, still can punch
SnowBuddy18: punch angler with reckoner and use the trigger to hit asp?
GredGredmansson: its a fight, so we do want to do it on the asp
accountmadeforants: It's just Sylvan that's banned, I'm pretty sure
Mr_Horrible: 2-for-2, not bad
GredGredmansson: its not a bite
gualdhar: Graham, how did you get the Lexan table into the building?
MarkovDescendant: Big burly boy
Mr_Horrible: funny way of putting it LUL
josh___something: Several adams?!
gualdhar: ah yes, Adam, official strong buy of LoadingReadyRun
ghyllnox: "Most of them Adam" LUL
grometty: how many Adams do you have in storage
CrossXhunteR: i always knew that adam fellow was good at picking things up and putting them back down
GredGredmansson: oh THAT'S what that is
Frostwriter111: do you have more Adams or James on hand?
GapFiller: grometty turns out Paul isnt just cloning himself these days
accountmadeforants: That's real impressive, even for a burly lad like Adam.
KeytarCat: replaying FF7 and thinking of you, G!
Mr_Horrible: Selayoffit Charm
GredGredmansson: speaking of dang
josh___something: Hey wait
Technic_AL: RUDE
Krasis404: Yikes
Caffine1138: damnit Jace!
GapFiller: jlrrDang
azidbern95: Whelp....
Dog_of_Myth: Ooof
Mr_Horrible: this is what is classically defined as "a problem"
GredGredmansson: THERE'S the Audacity
northos: I forgot how silly this Jace was in limited lol
josh___something: We can't even throw a boulder at him NotLikeThis
Toasty_1_2: Mill ten with 40 card decks just hits different
accountmadeforants: Ah, anime boy-lookin Jace, how I haven't missed you
Marvoleath: Jace shows up, throws your deck through the window, refuses to elaborate
GredGredmansson: jump up jump up and get down
Decaped: Jeeze, 3 turn unblockable clock?
josh___something: Man, fuck Jace
GapFiller: welp
northos: hey, we get to see the mill death animation at least :P
DoomBringerIL: that "0" ability is BROKENNN @LoadingReadyRun
pn55: Cool game
Caffine1138: early planeswalkers had ISSUES
CrossXhunteR: bye G
azidbern95: looking forward to playing this set on Tuesday!
TheWriterAleph: thank for strem
Mr_Horrible: hopefully he continues to be Graham
GapFiller: thanks for streaming G lrrGRAHAM lrrJAMES lrrCORI lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Strebenherz: thank you for mtgs
definenull: Man that deck should have done way better than it did imo
josh___something: Thanks for streaming G!
azidbern95: thanks for the Strim!
Krasis404: @Caffine1138 And new ones don't lmao
TehAmelie: thanks for having us
Marvoleath: !yt
Texan_Reverend: !ytmember
LRRbot: LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR: https://youtu.be/bmdI0W2l9Zg
Marvoleath: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadyrun . For Stream VODs check out https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadylive . MtG vods and other MtG content are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRMtG . Tabletop related videos are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRTT . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRVG
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Anubis169: ^all o' that
Texan_Reverend: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
lamina5432: gnight
KWardJenx: Thank you, Graham. Always enjoy the contents
Anubis169: Later!! <3
Anubis169: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
CrossXhunteR: ooh, TTSF
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
CrossXhunteR: finally, that sushi model. surely
Juliamon: it should still show it though
Anubis169: byeeeeeeeee thanks for the strim stram!
GapFiller: nalvHi5 bai G
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (This week Ian commits to the Sushi Model, No Exceptions!) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (9m ago).
CrossXhunteR: chat, have they made mention of the FNPF theme is tomorrow? i feel like i heard them say it when i watched mahjong last weekend but have since forgotten
Juliamon: Yes, it's on the schedule
Juliamon: you can click on the stream to see details
CrossXhunteR: ty
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Nigouki: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: liquid of unknown origin
Nigouki: *snake voice* LIQUID!!!
TheAinMAP: Signal
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
Caffine1138 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
Caffine1138: yeah. no weird insurance ads for me please. Have some of Jeffy B's money!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Caffine1138! (Today's storm count: 57)
d782 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months, currently on a 11 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, d782! (Today's storm count: 58)
Juliamon: (please do not consume plastic sushi)
Professor_Colin: o.O
CrossXhunteR: i should get real, non-plastic sushi sometimes soon. haven't had any in a few years now
TheDevil_Risen: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
SymphonySolstice: I never had sushi before actually
Caffine1138: what about edible plastic sushi? (yes you made me curious about it. and yes i'm both surprised and not that it exists)
DideRobot: LRR: Tonight on Tinker Tailor Solder Fry: Ian is making some very special Sushi! https://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun (has image) | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113603223187253204
iris_of_ether: I had (grocery store) sushi for lunch, actually :D
Caffine1138: grocery store sushi gets a bad wrap. If its fresh its (probably) just as fine as any other food made right there in the store
LadyAiluros: Kittym plz, no bite mom when she is working on CAD models
iris_of_ether: I figure it's hard to mess up salmon nigiri, anyway
Mai_Andra: Kittym no bite? jail for mom 1000 years xivBehe
SymphonySolstice: @LadyAiluros Cat-Aided Design, clearly
LadyAiluros: Yes
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCirclewreath lrrTrianglewreath
azureHaights: @caffine1138 if the grocery store sushi had a bad wrap, that's it's own problem
Juliamon: I've had both decent grocery store sushi and REALLY BAD grocery store sushi
SymphonySolstice: good evening Ian
Strebenherz: Festive greetings!
Aneximarius: gas station sushi is the real gamble
Juliamon: some stores are not good at date-checking
TehAmelie: greetings
Aneximarius: it is live after all
Mai_Andra: Ashes (Reborn) sighted
wedge_x: deck the halls, one grain of rice at a time
Mai_Andra: Rise of them Phoenixborn
TehAmelie: the tale of the ancient sushi (model)
TheWriterAleph: shushis!
Aneximarius: I just looked up Heaven's Dragon and that's for sure a "need to visit"
DoodlestheGreat: Yay, Sushi!
ANeMzero: keep talking and no one fishsplodes
Balatare: So many punchie-outies
bytecaster: Depends on what the fish likes
SymphonySolstice: fish in between two patties of rice, got it
Aneximarius: now how much wasabi are we using?
Jorsh029 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Jorsh029: 36 months?! That's almost a whole year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jorsh029! (Today's storm count: 59)
Balatare: Or just a small green bingo marker to dab the 'wasabi' on
TheDevil_Risen: Sushi Poison!
Jorsh029: Some green-dyed milliput would be perfect for that, lol
SymphonySolstice: the band?
Caffine1138: Not wrong
ANeMzero: this cement has job security
Balatare: More things should be marked so clearly and unambiguously
TehAmelie: i'm always jealous of these huge sushi pieces other countries seem to have
Caffine1138: I kinda want brush applicable fire now
Aneximarius: Once I learned rubber cement is a professional stunt team's best friend those warnings all made much more sense
TehAmelie: bigger sushi is better, right? https://i.imgur.com/FdMCVSl.jpg