TehAmelie: are we enhypened yet?
TehAmelie: *pokes chat*
v_nome: lrrHORN Oops sorry, I was startled into hype
TehAmelie: just as Enhypen (the band) intended
v_nome: Is there really a band called that?
TehAmelie: a K-pop band
TehAmelie: designed by Hype corporation, apparently
TehAmelie: okay it's Hybe
TehAmelie: but i feel that's a deliberate misspelling
v_nome: Looking at the member list I feel like I must have heard of them previously or these members have been in other bands
TehAmelie: maybe k-pop has discovered superbands
v_nome: Mostly I'm just sure I've heard of this Sunghoon guy
TehAmelie: well, you know more than i do at this point
v_nome: lrrSIG
TehAmelie: lrrSIG is upon us
lightfut: Fighty mans time!
TXC2 is startled by the early start
TehAmelie: grilled cheese time! i think i can do it in 4 minutes
Simbionis: Punchykicky times!
Electrodyne: Hello Internet Friends
TXC2: hello lightfut and Simbionis and Electrodyne welcome
BusTed: πŸ‘Š
NewtyNewts: Huh, we starting early today
Simbionis: Adam wants to be home quicker for the PoE2 EA I guess lol
TXC2: Here we GO!
TXC2: Hello Adam
BusTed: bam pow
Didero: Hello!
BusTed: Isn't jacob in Philly
couchboyj: Its a punchy intro
TXC2: Hello Nelson
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
shendaras: seabatClap
3 raiders from birbiegorl have joined!
TXC2: hello Raiders
hoshidoritos: PopNemo
TehAmelie: i can blame winter depression
birbiegorl: hiya
NewtyNewts: It do be wintery out there
TXC2: I blame "living" in a capitalist hellscape :p
coachNelly: the name's nelly
coachNelly: coachNelly
TXC2: hello hoshidoritos and birbiegorl welcome
coachNelly: ff
HungryTanuki: Hello everyone !
TXC2: oh Adam's back on Marisa ?
TXC2: hello HungryTanuki welcome
CaptainDaks: ayyy, having a taste of them Muscle Mommy changes
Simbionis: How's the new patch treating Marisa?
HungryTanuki: @TXC2 VoHiYo
therepoman__: Howdy
freshmaker__: the one and done?! smh my head
fishboi_samurai: gus801Slow gus801Slow gus801Slow gus801Slow gus801Slow gus801Slow gus801Slow gus801Slow gus801Slow gus801Slow gus801Slow gus801Slow
TehAmelie: haven't seen this Marisa outfit before. it looks like laundry day. the ensamble can't cost more than like 20,000 dollars
bbj_afk: morning all!
lightfut: Not my gumdrop buttons!?
MilkInBags: they want to make sure you dont skip poe2 because of marisa
fishboi_samurai: It's not a joke -_-. Unfortunately, Marisa is very likely still bottom 5
fishboi_samurai: Gosh darn it lol
CaptainDaks: Indeed, Marisa is always... punching up
MilkInBags: servers will explode adam
MilkInBags: dont worry
NewtyNewts: Already getting oki, doesn't matter
Jturbobanana: Yo!
Jturbobanana subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jturbobanana! (Today's storm count: 1)
QuixoticScrivener: now's the time to to play POE1
Oghara: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
AceGun_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
AceGun_: Sam Blast
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AceGun_! (Today's storm count: 2)
therepoman__: Someone help me budget my drive gauge my family is starving
NewtyNewts: Sad Last
TXC2: away, drive gauge gone away
RurouniGeo: I need a Dale Gribble "pocket sand!" Skin for Luke
TehAmelie: maybe you've got to cut back on those 16000 calories a day gains to feed your family
AceGun_: Specifically the follow-up to OD sandblast does the wallsplat.
MilkInBags: well done adam you won!
TXC2: "I lied" (hat wiggles)
fishboi_samurai: Adam, are you providing you're friend with fake information so you can win? Kappa Kappa Kappa
fishboi_samurai: I've never done that before
fishboi_samurai: DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode
MilkInBags: is his wife single
Mr_Horrible: he's just mapping more buttons to DI macro
Mr_Horrible: soon it'll be the entire controller
BrowneePointz: I'm glad for them but not for me.
MilkInBags: at $200 a ticket, must be
BrowneePointz: $200 for Tay tay seems low
fishboi_samurai: Adam 2024 - "I would enjoy going to that concernt . . . I think." LUL LUL danmGIGGLE
fishboi_samurai: *concert....
TXC2: for $200 I expect some cocaine to watch the show on :p
fishboi_samurai: I tried to figure out where to put pares in but couldn't find figure it ou tlol
HungryTanuki: D:
MilkInBags: no show is worth that
fishboi_samurai: Lordy I'm done typing, bye chat
MilkInBags: ever
josh___something: Just EVERY other button is mapped yo DI
josh___something: The FUCK?!
BrowneePointz: i wouldn't pay 80 for her tbh
TehAmelie: why do people get into the music business, scalping is clearly where the money is
bi0buster: Hey folks, how's the lobby?
brutalpunishment: My kid went with her mom. Floor tickets. INSANE
TXC2: I wouldn't buy a car for that much money, let alone a concert ticket :p
Obsc: turn on the controller rawrNotes
TXC2: Hello bi0buster welcome
BrowneePointz: also can I just say, Mai's teaser had her looking so much like her OG model but a Real Person that I got whiplash
bi0buster: Room for one more in the fight pit?
Izandai: mattlrLul
therepoman__: Nelly is 100% a fighting game player
MilkInBags: no one is
GasCityGaming: in 45 minutes we are :P
MilkInBags: they're just in the queue
josh___something: Who is this "everybody"
fishboi_samurai: I'm not, I'm working lmao, I'm in office lol
153 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
MungoDude: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
probablyvampires: Shoes
LilyOfTheVeil666: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
RAICx: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
TXC2: Hello Raiders
MilkInBags: reverse christmas day, gotta pay to have fun
GapFiller: JAMES RAID!!!
TehAmelie: so what inventions are we expecting for this sequel?
NewtyNewts: Ooh, it's a Minecraft raid
TheAinMAP: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
therepoman__: Adam staring out the window like Squidward staring at Spongebob and Patrick
LordZarano: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
josh___something: @fishboi_samurai my condolences :p
a_serious_moose: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
freshmaker__: between marvel rivals and poe 2 its a big day.
momma_tatts: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
MungoDude: shoes, shoes, gotta be the shoes, etc
LordChrusher subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
LordChrusher: Hey Adam and Nelson
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordChrusher! (Today's storm count: 3)
fishboi_samurai: @josh___something Why? I got responsibilities lol
freshmaker__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, freshmaker__! (Today's storm count: 4)
measureofhope: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
bi0buster: I assume there's a room code?
NewtyNewts: This looks like some true-to-life footsies
TXC2: bi0buster room is under Seabats, password is 6969
TehAmelie: literally unhackable
bi0buster: tyvm @TXC2
violetblight: its crouch heavy punch iirc
NewtyNewts: Room's actually under coachNelly now, Adam had to adjust settings
TXC2: NewtyNewts le sigh :p
HungryTanuki: Sandblast~
Izandai: mattlrLul
Izandai: He's got a point.
fishboi_samurai: NELSON JUST DP ALWAYS!!!!
fishboi_samurai: Kappa Kappa Kappa
AceGun_: "you should really mix in more of this thing that will get you killed... no reason."
CaptainDaks: "check out this option. see how it loses?"
violetblight: itd help if adam was playing a character where he knew oki
josh___something: Love accidentally pressing the DI button and getting rewarded
measureofhope: Simply win the fight
AceGun_: my stick has felt weird in SF6 recently too. I wonder if there was something in the patch?
violetblight: sajam’s also been having weird input issues, i havent noticed anything but i havent played a DP character so the input overlap hasnt caused problems
josh___something: Is the PP bug more wide sweeping than expected?
TXC2: clear punch to the groin on that jump in, like a one punch man frame :p
AceGun_: I don't think it is the same issue. I would assume it has to do with some processing issue or something causing input delays/overlaps?
violetblight: yeah thiswoildnt be related to perfect parry changes
itira: seabatDance good day gamers
Stripe_dog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months, currently on a 94 month streak!
TXC2: hello itira welcome
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stripe_dog! (Today's storm count: 5)
HungryTanuki: @itira Hey Itira seabatDance
therepoman__: seabatDance
josh___something: Is it time to ask Ian for a stick deep-clean?
itira: LUL nice try Nelly
TXC2: I wonder if anyone has translated what the flags say on this stage
HungryTanuki: Can you play Poe on a stick :D ?
Mr_Horrible: Poki Oki Exile Club
TehAmelie: PoE is basically a fighting game, right?
Mr_Horrible: 2
MDK_Marshal: Oki Oki Exile Club
josh___something: Take the OUT, adam :p
TXC2: Adam has integrity chat
Zaneysed subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
Zaneysed: Morning gamers
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zaneysed! (Today's storm count: 6)
shendaras: Maybe the stick requires more seabatYoga
TXC2: remember: work first, then banana
itira: waiting is the best part
Mr_Horrible: oh yeah, Adam, apparently new wave of steam client keys are out
gualdhar: login queue should be over by the time you get home, hopefully
Izandai: I just realized these two outfits mean that Luke sometimes wears a shirt with the same pattern he has tattooed on his chest.
TehAmelie: it's true, a MMO at launch day is unlikely to be good streaming material
Mr_Horrible: so you can check your account when you've got a chance
MDK_Marshal: Queue Simulator 2024 is the most British game, so it's weird that GGG is a New Zealand studio
Mr_Horrible: @Izandai to be fair this is also really unsurprising, given what we know of Luke
Mr_Horrible: oh yeah, just if you wanted to check
Mr_Horrible: I mean, in a practical sense, you can't, no
Zaneysed: They only make so many codes
MilkInBags: maybe it's capped for server issues
TXC2: steam somehow ran out of numbers :p
Mr_Horrible: but in reality they cap or distribute in waves for network infrastructure purposes
QuixoticScrivener: have to add new non-alpha numeric symbols
fishboi_samurai: Off perfect medium knuckle, you can dash forward level 2, but it's tight AF
v_nome: @TXC2 They had to figure out what came after 2 and they've been on that one for decades/
Mr_Horrible: @QuixoticScrivener when I go to get my steam key and it's just CURSE OF RA π“€€ 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 π“€… 𓀆 𓀇 π“€ˆ 𓀉 π“€Š 𓀋 π“€Œ 𓀍 π“€Ž 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 π“€’ 𓀓 π“€” 𓀕 π“€– π“€— π“€˜ π“€™ π“€š π“€› π“€œ 𓀝 π“€ž π“€Ÿ π“€  𓀑 π“€’ π“€£ π“€€ π“€₯ 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 π“€ͺ 𓀫 𓀬 π“€­ π“€² π“€³ 𓀴 𓀡 π“€Ά π“€· π“€Έ π“€Ή π“€Ί π“€» π“€Ό π“€½ π“€Ύ π“€Ώ 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓁆 𓁇 π“ˆ 𓁉 π“Š 𓁋 𓁍 π“Ž 𓁏 𓁐 𓁑
MilkInBags: LUL
TXC2: v_nome woah slow down, what is this 2 you speak of? Kappa
TehAmelie: you don't have to tell Krog one time and then another time
HungryTanuki: Yes
Mr_Horrible: DP stands for "Damn, poopy"
TehAmelie: is Luke too good? only Luke v Lukes can decide
Mr_Horrible: Luke players would still manage to downplay in the mirror somehow
Mr_Horrible: "yeah it's like 55-45"
CaptainDaks: foooosies
TXC2: here at OOFC labs we attempt to answer the age old question: why am Luke bad DP ?
siqqsadgurl: hello OOF club lrrHEART I hope y'all are doing well
HungryTanuki: @siqqsadgurl o/
TXC2: hello siqqsadgurl welcome
v_nome: @siqqsadgurl Hi! Was just thinking the other day I hadn't seen you around in a while. Hope you're well.
QuixoticScrivener: @Mr_Horrible I was imagining emojis, this is somehow... better?
TehAmelie: that's between your chair and the computer
HungryTanuki: PogChamp
AceGun_: He's GAMING!!
TXC2: he's the GOAT!
itira: seabatDance
Mr_Horrible: kanagoFast
HungryTanuki: Membis !
Izandai: mattlrLul
itira: LUL
HungryTanuki: :D
itsr67: LUL
TXC2: got Drive meter on layaway
Izandai: Adam just loves orange and hates green. He's just trying to maximize his enjoyment of the game.
Mr_Horrible: lmao
Mr_Horrible: that's incredibly funny
Izandai: I was tabbed out but it sounds like Adam just lost a round, nice job Nelly.
Izandai: Kappa
TehAmelie: hey, he's on a 3 win streak
Mr_Horrible: the game says it wasn't, Streamer
Izandai: Oh no sorry I was making a joke about how Adam was complaining about a trade that resulted in him winning the round.
Frizzlenill: hi just wanted to wish yall well for the stream, although I will now be addicted to marvel rivals for the next month
itsr67: +7
TXC2: o7 Frizzlenill
TehAmelie: this is the day for everyone being distracted by new games eh
itira: @itsr67 tqsSmug
Frizzlenill: @TehAmelie yep and elestrals digital client alpha launches later today too
Frizzlenill: even tcg players arent safe
itsr67: @frizzlenill yo???
TXC2: everybody enjoying new games and me still playing a game from 1998 :p
Frizzlenill: it's only for like HIGH tier kickstarter backers but it'll be streams galore
Mr_Horrible: rarvel mivals
Mr_Horrible: why always Fuck My Life and never Pleasure My Life? OpieOP
v_nome: something something After Care My Life
RurouniGeo: 200,000 lbs
bi0buster: Make Sweet Love To My Life
Izandai: mattlrWoof
Mr_Horrible: 3 Toronto Towers
TehAmelie: Marry my Life
itira: Adam o.o
Mr_Horrible: or whatever that was
RurouniGeo: that's crazy good
Mr_Horrible: 17.5 imperial tons, seems p good
Greyah: 35k pounds is about four times as heavy as a hippo. So you moved four hippos. Or two and a half elephant.
TehAmelie: my cousin once worked at the cheese factory, he lifted so many tons of cheese every day
MilkInBags: huh oih
MilkInBags: a bar to fill
TXC2: what if number go up?
josh___something: Adam pls, you have PoE for that
AceGun_: Luke gaming.
bi0buster: Monkey see, monkey do
TXC2: then again turning weightliefting into numbers is what got me hooked into it
Mr_Horrible: "What if we both missed our DP inputs while holding hands, and we were both girls..." klinkBlush
HungryTanuki: @Mr_Horrible :D
Mr_Horrible: @TXC2 gamification works, turns out (for both better and worse, but in this case better)
TXC2: Mr_Horrible indeed
itsr67: the siren call of the shoto
Issurru: play Ken, he's better OpieOP
AceGun_: Ryu looks scary right now.
bi0buster: I hear they buffed Ryu's donkey kick.
itira: LUL
Issurru: I know everything
Izandai: mattlrLul
Mr_Horrible: was about to say
Issurru: so you know I know everything
MilkInBags: he's the sask man
Issurru: we're built DIFFERENT Adam
Xed_Regulus: Did you just quite the theme song to Corner Gas?
Xed_Regulus: **quote
Frizzlenill: half circle forward prevents DP
bi0buster: I haven't thought about Corner Gas in a long time
TXC2: When the Sask man is testifying, he'll bring you to your knees
Mr_Horrible: Adam sitting on 0 Sajam channel points
Mr_Horrible: shambles
TehAmelie: sergeOffByOne as it were
itira: LOL
HungryTanuki: Nelson is on fire :D
Izandai: mattlrLul
Mr_Horrible: "It's fine! I'm not mad about it." - the most Canadian comment of all time while playing a fighting game
v_nome: Sure is a fighting game player. lol
josh___something: XD
fishboi_samurai: β€œYou lowed me.” sounds wildly close to something else lmao DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode
Izandai: mattlrLul mattlrLul mattlrLul
TehAmelie: i wonder if there's data on how many games are won with 1 health remaining. they should be in a hall of fame or something
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
josh___something: This mfer LUL
Mr_Horrible: yeah fighting games can certainly turn your reflexes into those of an unrepentant shithead Kappa
Izandai: mattlrLul
TXC2: (slams nuts in a car door) "masterful gambit sir"
TehAmelie: hmm i once saw my stepbrother slam his hand in a car door but i'm not sure how to get your nuts in there
Oliin: I'll admit, I'm still a little sad this Street Fighter doesn't have Ibuki.
drizztnailo: its a classic
GasCityGaming: @TehAmelie ironcially, carefully
drizztnailo: the brain destroyer
josh___something: The verbal mixup
DaVeganPolice: CoolCat hello
TXC2: hello DaVeganPolice welcome
ra1npuppy: Hi
DaVeganPolice: i'm ready, in my lane, flourishing, moisturized, ready to play queue simulator
TXC2: hello ra1npuppy welcome
saucemaster5000: Morning goblins
TXC2: hello saucemaster5000 welcome
HungryTanuki: @saucemaster5000 seabatDance
duallain: Morning to you Luke and also you Luke
therepoman__: duDudu
TehAmelie: EsanDM
Mr_Horrible: wakeup
Mr_Horrible: whydontyousandblastalilmakeup
drizztnailo: i LOVE coin flips baby
fishboi_samurai: Chat, Luke is actually the sandman (real sf6 lore, this is for sure a real fact)
fishboi_samurai: He flicks a finger at you to place the sand in your eyes in the morning
TehAmelie: that would explain why his sand powers somehow stand up to Rashid's
TXC2: if Luke is the Sandman, whose the dream he brings?
therepoman__: Me? For my money? I'd simply win the coin flip
drizztnailo: @therepoman__ real
lightfut: Coin flips are wheelers thing anyway
Jikonius: Luke trained under the master Dale Gribble to perfect pocket sand style
NewtyNewts: @lightfut I thought Wheeler was more of a dice roll guy?
therepoman__: @Jikonius I read "pocket" as "podcast" I'm cooked
TXC2: dice are just fancy, full of themselves coin flips Kappa
VrolikSyndrome: Dale WOULD have a podcast.
Jikonius: @therepoman__ sponsored by Better Getup
VrolikSyndrome: It'd be about aliens or somethin', but still.
NewtyNewts: Drive rush -> mp -> mp -> mp -> ?
Mr_Horrible: "It's called neutral, sweetie. Look it up sometime."
TehAmelie: i just figured out this stage is a hangar ship. the tower in the background that looks like half a city had me confused
NewtyNewts: Noooo, my guesses!
Jikonius: @TehAmelie Carriers are so neat. Gotta love floating cities
TXC2: TehAmelie an aircraft carrier yeah, weirdly massive though :p
saucemaster5000: if only this carrier would carry me like a top tier lrrAWW
TXC2: I also like how this Guile's stage, in spite of the fact he's an Air force officer :p
Jikonius: @TXC2 I KNOW RIGHT?!
Jikonius: @TXC2 he's got to be famous enough he gets to land wherever he wants but like... weird
TehAmelie: Capcom's like "you're in the navy's air force now son"
Darleysam: o7
LurkerSpine: FamilyMan FamilyMan FamilyMan FamilyMan
MilkInBags: KKona brother
bi0buster: I REALLY like Ed's theme. Haven't decided on a preferred stage tho.
Naesiir subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
Naesiir: Finally I can catch Oki Oki live!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Naesiir! (Today's storm count: 7)
CataclysmicReverb: Which half
NewtyNewts: the North half
TXC2: CataclysmicReverb his legs Kappa
Izandai: You're never dead until you're dead, Nelson.
itira: half american and half saskatchwaneian tqsSmug
NewtyNewts: Half north, half american
Izandai: mattlrLul Jesus fuck Nelson
josh___something: HALF
TehAmelie: alternatively, this sci-fi carrier's airfield belongs to the airforce
fishboi_samurai: Dang, I want in on this Ego shattering DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode
fishboi_samurai: too bad I’m at work
AceGun_: Ryu time?
fishboi_samurai: LUL LUL LUL
therepoman__: ROOOOOOOO
MilkInBags: oh that's why
MilkInBags: :)
saucemaster5000: that explains it
Izandai: mattlrLul
itira: oh my
josh___something: LUL
Izandai: Is Adam on your list, Nelson?
bi0buster: We got any button pressers in chat?
josh___something: Love pressin buttons
HungryTanuki: Vibin'
HungryTanuki: The loop !
bi0buster: I was anxious joining in okioki for the first time, I'm doing better than I anticipated.
HungryTanuki: @bi0buster Let's go seabatClap
TXC2: bi0buster glad to have you here
TehAmelie: Luke's delighted smile when he pins someone on the ground and smashes their face in gets me worried
itira: >.> "the" list
Izandai: Don't worry about it.
saucemaster5000: wait is nelson NOT santa?
saucemaster5000: Why have I been good this whole time?
AceGun_: This is you being GOOD?
v_nome: This was good Sauce?
bi0buster: Note to self: Fighting games need bigger private lobbies.
saucemaster5000: good point
saucemaster5000: @bi0buster weirdly this is one of the bigger ones
saucemaster5000: and it's still to small
Revelia: If there was a private battle hub room that would be it
TXC2: do we need to take over a battle hub again or something?
bi0buster: Why does skullgirls STILL have the best lobby system in fighting games? It's been a decade.
Revelia: But I'm sure that was brought up already
therepoman__: ON THE GREEN
josh___something: On da GWEEN
saucemaster5000: BOUBLE BUGGY
TXC2: to Adam it's all green
josh___something: The fuckin neoturf masters brainrot
saucemaster5000: it's a good game!
TXC2: golf was a mistake
josh___something: I didn't say it wasn't!
TXC2: but minigolf? now there's a sport with legs
TehAmelie: it's like a chat room with very limited functionality, you'd think they could easily make them fit 4 billion users
saucemaster5000: caused droughts in california
therepoman__: Golf is tight
shurtal: that reminds me, i need to check out the Bass Pro Pyramid
therepoman__: Cheap public golf courses are based, private country clubs are cringe
josh___something: Who needs combos when you have 2MP
saucemaster5000: I did not read "public" golf courses NotLikeThis . I need to stop falling asleep in discord at night, rolling off the couch and going to the kitchen to work
therepoman__: I've never played golf but I've been to a Top Golf and that was surprisingly fun as hell
therepoman__: @saucemaster5000 real
ELD_Winterlight: Silly Cammy, Luke is not Finnish. He's American
therepoman__: Cammy hits you so hard you switch nationalities
MilkInBags: who is nelson
TXC2: therepoman__ did she do it to herself to become Aussie that one time? Kappa
saucemaster5000: every time nelson is not on stream I am wondering "where's nelson?"
TehAmelie: it's like a specific region in the Scottish highlands that naturally gets golf courses with the weather and the vegetation that happens there, IIRC. but they had to try and copy that landscape everywhere
MilkInBags: adam if that can appease you, poe2 doesn't seem to work
saucemaster5000: yeh private golf courses relly fucked my state, can't say I'm a fan. (but I like golf)
MilkInBags: i wasnt being critical
TXC2: like I say, Minigolf; sport of kings, normal golf: environmental disaster
saucemaster5000: oh they just announced poe2 will discontinue after 2PM
gualdhar: GGG is deploying an update, they haven't brought the servers up again yet
MilkInBags: there's a guy at work that took the rest of the day off for poe2 😬
gualdhar: so it's not people getting kicked
bytecaster: @MilkInBags Very optimistic
TXC2: it's like when arena drops a new set I just wait until the next day, 'cause by then it's usually working :p
gualdhar: @MilkInBags your coworker is not a real fan, should have taken Monday off
saucemaster5000: When I took a week off for Dark Souls 3, My computer died the second day and I had to get a new one
TXC2: saucemaster5000 oooooooof
LurkerSpine: Cheer100
TehAmelie: i had an almost opposite problem. i bought a physical game which didn't have a disc but just a Steam code, and i ripped it and had to replace it
TXC2: I once walked into town (an hour round trip) to buy a video game, got home, no disk, had to walk back into town to get the actual disk :p
saucemaster5000: oofa
bytecaster: Imagine buying Concord and it being discontinued before you get home.
TehAmelie: which they did no questions asked. apparently no one tries to steal games by putting in the code and then returning the box
bytecaster: Aww, we are just hugging Blanka until he doesn't wanna fight anymore
Jikonius: @bytecaster because of his upbringing he takes damage from a hug. sad really
bytecaster: Just blasting that sand
Jikonius: Setting the vacuum cleaner to blow
Zaneysed: So I need to wake up dp more?
saucemaster5000: can see the wheels in nome's head turning looking for river run distance. I feel that
v_nome: Ggs
NewtyNewts: Hang on... he's in burnout!
Zaneysed: did you show nelly the od fireball into level 3?
josh___something: Only in corner, right?
saucemaster5000: maybe dp?
NewtyNewts: Punish counter
30teracyte: you need to do it fast
fghammer_: you have to cancel the fireball into it
NewtyNewts: The example I saw needed it to be less than full screen
saucemaster5000: can you cancel OD firebel? I thought not
saucemaster5000: oh nvminbg
DaVeganPolice: πŸ₯± Ryu better πŸ₯±
MilkInBags: maybe because you lifted 4 hippopotamus!?
NewtyNewts: So you do need to cancel, but from the first hit of the second fireball?
TXC2: time moves ever forward
HungryTanuki: You've been playing non stop for almost two though :D
DaVeganPolice: Memphis bound
saucemaster5000: fighty games cool
saucemaster5000: cool
MilkInBags: what cream do you use
type_variable: baptized in my lane
saucemaster5000: I can do this today
type_variable: newts no fly zone p good
saucemaster5000: any tigger lovers?
AceGun_: The room is under Newt
TehAmelie: how many generations have been confused by Street Fighters mumbling their lines
TXC2: presumably she says something in mandarin
Mr_Horrible: I *think* it's supposed to be "shishi", like stereotypical Japanese "evil laugh" but also the English VA has stated she doesn't remember what the line is anymore LUL
duallain: you are trying to punch them, makes sense to try and walk away
TXC2: Mr_Horrible that's funny. 'cause there's a Sumo wrestler from Ukraine with the name Shishi :D
Mr_Horrible: we love a lil wordplay, intentional or otherwise
TehAmelie: imagine if someone comes from abroad to play your national sport and their name is Mwahahaha. . .
HungryTanuki: This is what it likes to chew five fireballs
GasCityGaming: @TXC2 I am always so pleasantly surprised at the sheer variety of knowledge this chat possesses :)
saucemaster5000: my mag amogus
TXC2: GasCityGaming the power of diversity and acceptance :)
DaVeganPolice: hitting Newt with the patented Newt Crossup Jump
hyperialguard: Snakes are long. Ergo, combo long
saucemaster5000: afternoon hyperial
hyperialguard: VoHiYo
DaVeganPolice: asuh
TXC2: hello hyperialguard welcome
30teracyte: its not a huge combo change but H SBK is just not sticking in my muscle memory yet
hyperialguard: I hope the stream has been fun so far
hyperialguard: @30teracyte ahh. Making the switch? I'm lucky in that I don't have that old Chun memory yet
MilkInBags: if a massage therapist was 20 minutes late to your appointment, then takes 10 minutes to debate your previous medical conditions and how 'surely it wasn't that', and then when you say it must be 45 minutes instead of an hour or else you'll be late at work and she does an hour anyway, would you give tip?
hyperialguard: What Chun button do you use as a meaty after H SBK, dash?
DaVeganPolice: oddly specific question you've got there
GasCityGaming: @MilkInBags hard no
saucemaster5000: @MilkInBags why do I feel this isn't a hypothetical situation. Also yeah, but I'm a pushover
hyperialguard: I'm learning Chun and Teracyte's played them a while
TXC2: MilkInBags unless they made my spine turn into a liquid, no
MilkInBags: it happened this morning LUL i felt bad not to leave tip because i was referred by my gf and didn't want her to be in trouble if she goes back
type_variable: tipping is for good service right? ignoring you is not good service
Naesiir: @MilkInBags I would probably have just requested a refund for the session
TehAmelie: probably not, but this country has no tipping culture
DaVeganPolice: Tipping in NA a lot of times is that persons wages, its a fucking conundrum
MilkInBags: yeah here it's sort of expected for many professions
saucemaster5000: I tipped the masseuse who found out I was a chef and spent the entire session asking me question about cooking
Izandai: Tipping should be banned.
DaVeganPolice: like I just want these places to just pay their employees and tips can be an extra thing
MilkInBags: i wish we could get away from tipping wages
saucemaster5000: there are some places where tips are included in the bill. America is just weird
MilkInBags: adam no
MilkInBags: nice
Oliin: Tipping is horrible in that it's become a way for companies to justify paying their employees poorly.
DaVeganPolice: yeah, exactly
Oliin: However, not tipping in protest of that doesn't actually hurt anyone but the employees who might rely on tips to make their ends meet.
type_variable: hate aki so much you just want an honest gief player
Mr_Horrible: @Oliin ayup
TehAmelie: and tipping seems to come from a place of people miss having servants and think part of the job of service workers is to make you feel like a big boss
NewtyNewts: GGs adam!
hyperialguard: gaming
bytecaster: same
ELD_Winterlight: Got disconnected from match, sorry opponent :(
NewtyNewts: Checked and saw, nice moves
DaVeganPolice: LUL
HungryTanuki: :D
AceGun_: @ELD_Winterlight stupid CFN. ggs!
type_variable: second luke gets the bird
bi0buster: I think today may have tripled my match count against Aki.
fishboi_samurai: Jeez Adam, kind of rude, eh? Kappa Kappa Kappa
nymistrya: @TehAmelie That is certainly why consumers like it, but the owners of places that accept tips love it because it means they get to underpay and exploit their labor force. It just sucks all around
ELD_Winterlight: @AceGun_ Yeahh GGs. I was haveing a lot of fun
goombalax: Sandblast--> <--Sandblast
NewtyNewts: drive 10 Here you go streamer
TehAmelie: what's the best way to crowdfund your drive gauge? KICKstarter
bi0buster: I have learned I am maybe better than my rank indicates.
NewtyNewts: Controller assist?
AceGun_: Luke is just ready to scrap
HungryTanuki: The burn out for the original cast is their SF2 pose iirmc
saucemaster5000: noah the prodigy getting stanced up
bi0buster: Marisa looks like she's fighting someone somehow taller than her.
TehAmelie: Mrs Luke's mom didn't raise no quitter
NewtyNewts: Back to honest footsies
bi0buster: I heavily avoid burnout as Marisa as well it feels like such a death sentence.
MilkInBags: i feel like luke is the kind of guy to not vote because he didn't know it was the election day
TehAmelie: and then he's going to google "what is election"
bi0buster: Okay, takin' the pooch for a walk. GGs OOFC!
TXC2: so long bi0buster stay safe
BrowneePointz: He has a LITTLE bit of F Boi energy
saucemaster5000: luke votes by writing on a piece of paper what he wants for christmas, putting it in an envelope with six stamps addressed to "the govermint"
Mr_Horrible: "We're all going... to the polls!"
DuckDuckGlitch subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DuckDuckGlitch! (Today's storm count: 8)
NewtyNewts: @saucemaster5000 I believe it's spelled 'gobermint'
TXC2: the gummy mint
bi0buster: @BrowneePointz It was a gift from Jamie, who is an f boy elemental
bi0buster: I need to learn to mod SF6 so I can replace Jamies gourd with a can of fourloco
BrowneePointz: nah. Jamie isn't an F Boy. Jamie's just into Queer Fashion
MilkInBags: your body is a canvas, etc etc
NewtyNewts: Might be a controller thing. Shoulders inward so your hands are on stick and buttons?
BrowneePointz: call him Warren Bufferit
HungryTanuki: :D
saucemaster5000: don't stop believing?
NewtyNewts: I'm not sure which song it was
Mr_Horrible: Don't! Stop believing!
saucemaster5000: my bad I'll get with the program
Oliin: Damnit! Now I'm going to have Set on You stuck in my head for the next week.
TXC2: I got the Neil C version of it in my head now :p
type_variable: this stream is 40 year old music and talking about how the passage of time comes for us all real downer
TXC2: type_variable we'll end the stream with "whose gonna drive you home" and all weep Kappa
type_variable: lol
DaVeganPolice: LUL that explains a lot
AceGun_: he's fighting with weights on. hardcore training.
DaVeganPolice: you don't want to see Nelly's full power
saucemaster5000: rock lee gif
saucemaster5000: aki takeover today???
saucemaster5000: someone squash these snakes
hyperialguard: The Hydra is here
DaVeganPolice: LUL
MilkInBags: Hello [username], we LOVE your content!
saucemaster5000: Yeah I've been put on some lists recently too
duallain: there are probably worse lists to end up on
DaVeganPolice: adam, it's relatively imminent and i'm ready
MilkInBags: adam, it was me
Mr_Horrible: "Hey man, you're pretty cracked. Thanks."
bytecaster: Hello <INSERTNAMEHERE>
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: that sure is a collection of tags
saucemaster5000: you mean I should stop saying hello blank?
lightfut: I heard u liek stret fiters
AceGun_: That does sound like a pretty good fit for you, to be fair.
DaVeganPolice: LUL no queue, servers still down
bytecaster: The servers have not yet started
shendaras: They don't even have a queue yet
AceGun_: broski4Akicool
Oliin: Servers haven't even gone up yet.
couchboyj: Deck building bullet hell crypto pump and dump
bytecaster: They are doing a great job communicating though
gualdhar: Expert plan, don't take off work the day of release and not punished
MilkInBags: hands too strong
saucemaster5000: nobody tipped the servers NotLikeThis
Mysticman89: hello seabats, we love your content. We find your unique take on vtubing aligns wiht our vision....
Oliin: They did find a crash that would have hit most people and fixed it so ... I'll call it a win.
shendaras: too stronk
DaVeganPolice: i'm a fleshtuber enjoyer
fishboi_samurai: Adam clearly sabotaged Nelson’s controller Kappa Kappa Kappa
Mr_Horrible: honestly "not using a vtuber" is kind of a unique take on vtubing
Izandai: Oh fuck that.
Mr_Horrible: although less, these days
saucemaster5000: @DaVeganPolice those aren't called flesh"tubes"
MilkInBags: casino pog
bytecaster: Would you enjoy shilling some NFTs, Seabats?
HungryTanuki: Hell naw !
MilkInBags: i mean those emails are sent by bots
MilkInBags: they dont know what you do
Mr_Horrible: the guy who historically had no gamba in chat for years so people had to Boshy him honestly
bytecaster: @MilkInBags yet
DaVeganPolice: bweeOOOOOOOOOouhppp groan tube
saucemaster5000: eeeeOOOipppp
gualdhar: is cinnamon roll a nickname for a fighting move I'm not familiar with?
MilkInBags: LUL
Mr_Horrible: OOOOOOwep... EOOOOOwoo
MilkInBags: i had an hercules themed tube for the movie releasing
couchboyj: Only NFTs Adam deals with are non-fungible troglodytes. He couldn't trade us away if he tried. seabatTROG
QuixoticScrivener: but "Groan Tube" is a very cursed name
saucemaster5000: yeh gigglestick
Mr_Horrible: don't think you can show something called a "giggle stick" on twitch
Mr_Horrible: at least not while it's being used
TXC2: groan tube sounds like a euphemism for a dildo :p
bytecaster: What about Umaibo, the delicious stick?
fishboi_samurai: holy shiz captain daks almost at 1600MR, let’s go
MilkInBags: haha
fishboi_samurai: COOK DAKS, COOK!
MaidOfCake: Groan tubes are peak
TXC2: I assumed "groan tube" = some cursed part of youtube
Alness49: I always thought a groan tube was one of those toys that made the noise everytime you turned it upside down
fishboi_samurai: okay Daks is cooking a bit too much, he burnt his food Kappa Kappa Kappa
DaVeganPolice: it is @Alness49
MilkInBags: skibidi nft trading
fishboi_samurai: Daks saved the dish though
saucemaster5000: the playgrounds are smarter?
DaVeganPolice: ohio HAWK coin investing
Mr_Horrible: they're just stupid in new and different ways
Mr_Horrible: that's how kids always gonna be
Izandai: They've got less lead.
MilkInBags: case in point
bytecaster: I don't think the internet makes you necessarily smarter
MilkInBags: i dont think internet makes us smarter
Mr_Horrible: just because they know more doesn't mean they're smarter, Adam
ZawaAmaz: in every age and every place, the deeds of men remain the same
BrowneePointz: they do NOT know more
QuixoticScrivener: they know how to ask ai for stuff
bytecaster: And when you know enough you can do your super?
saucemaster5000: still love the story of a parent watching the girls on the playground play elaborate make believe games while the boys take turns running into a wall
gualdhar: their bars are full of brainrot
MilkInBags: no because you might know new stuff but have no idea how to start a fire
BrowneePointz: ask a zoomer to set up a printer
TXC2: knowledge is not the same as intelligence
Mr_Horrible: now they just use therapy words to talk about how you're watching their show wrong
MilkInBags: txc2 is right
Laurence72: They have the internet, which means it is a crapshoot whether or not they're getting accurate info.
MilkInBags: ADAM
MilkInBags: be honest
MilkInBags: we'll review the vods
TehAmelie: perception and processing speed isn't the same as intelligence either. heck, i don't know if intelligence is anything
Mr_Horrible: we need that crouching guile emote, bro
Zaneysed: Yes nelly youre right
HungryTanuki: :)
MilkInBags: yes adam u right KKona
Laurence72: Yes Adam, you're right
Izandai: What, you want us to lie to you?
Mr_Horrible: I cannot in good conscience do that, Streamer
bytecaster: That would be very out of character for chat
hyperialguard: seabatCHOICE
saucemaster5000: yes nelly you're right.... oh hye adam
Alness49: Yes Right, you're Adam
BrowneePointz: i will never be a Yes Man
BlueFingers5: Yes adam your right
30teracyte: @hyperialguard I popped into training mode to get exact numbers on this: you're +33 after H SBK, +14 after the dash. This is only one frame less than M SBK, so the meaties don't change that much. I usually use either 5MP for plus frames, or 2HP for stance follow up options, although neither option is autotimed - you have to walk forward for at least 1 frame or the first hit of 2HP will whiff and you can get hit in the 5f gap between the hits. 5HP is autotimed, but the situation on block is not t
fishboi_samurai: No Adam, you’re wrong DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode
HungryTanuki: Yes Adam, Beej is right
MilkInBags: adam, terrified of words
MilkInBags: nepotism
fishboi_samurai: Lmao
Mr_Horrible: you already knew you can't trust me, dude
v_nome: Yes Adam, you're right
bytecaster: We are not trustworthy anyway
Laurence72: I hat eit when th eteacher does a dishonest assignment
saucemaster5000: I don't need to pass your tests lawman
Mr_Horrible: get new material
shendaras: brilliant gambit, my liege.
Izandai: You're all a bunch of yes men!
TXC2: good, I'm not trust worthy
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
hyperialguard: @30teracyte thanks! That tracks with what I thought
TXC2: I'm like Garuk from DS9 Kappa
Mr_Horrible: when you're in neutral
bytecaster: @TXC2 A tailor?
Laurence72: I thought Rhythm Cafe was the House of Lies?
hyperialguard: I might still try 4HP after delaying dinner frames. Open question
TXC2: bytecaster exactly Kappa
type_variable: @Laurence72 this is more of the attached garage of lies
hyperialguard: Autocorrect, lol
couchboyj: I thought this was a stream for honest mid tiers
saucemaster5000: dinner frames <3
Mr_Horrible: "I try not to play annoying" *picks Sim anyway*
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
Frustico: Yeah you'd probably be better if you were more annoying
v_nome: I pretty much always have fun playing against you.
MilkInBags: :)
HungryTanuki: seabatYoga
Mr_Horrible: I mean he is cool, yes
bytecaster: Really, if I have learned anything about me, I gravitate to the annoying chars in competitive games
CaptainDaks: sadge
Mr_Horrible: what a freeze frame
CaptainDaks: @AceGun_ that was a rad hit confirm off that punish counter
Mr_Horrible: Daks that command grab hit the damn servers
MilkInBags: ragequit to go play poe2
saucemaster5000: ace pulled the plug
NorthstarTex: great frame to for the match to die on
AceGun_: I'm still here, lol.
saucemaster5000: no you're not you pulled the plug
fishboi_samurai: It’s just CFN
CaptainDaks: CFN things
Mr_Horrible: mods, ban Ace
fishboi_samurai: @captaindaks you’re cooking chef
Anubis169: why?
TehAmelie: chat loves to go left
CaptainDaks: o7
TXC2: nah, I'mma let cook
saucemaster5000: left side best side
BrowneePointz: Excuse you Nelly. Perfect Gentlethems
saucemaster5000: (I prefer right)
Mr_Horrible: @Anubis169 it's for the bit, but your hesitancy is the correct response
Anubis169: (it was part of the bit :P )
Mr_Horrible: damn, I got mixed
Anubis169: it's text, bits are hard in text
MilkInBags: if servers live
DaVeganPolice: queues up baby
DaVeganPolice: we're SO BACK
shendaras: I guess some people are queuing now
DaVeganPolice: i'm britishmaxxing
DaVeganPolice: LUL fair
NewtyNewts: Your wish is my command
TehAmelie: you're a teaboo?
Izandai: mattlrLul
HungryTanuki: o7 for Vegan
MilkInBags: @TehAmelie LUL
MilkInBags: stuff vegan with meat
DaVeganPolice: o7 its been an honor
saucemaster5000: it's trtue we gave too many electoral votes to this man
TXC2: acceptance has it's limits
Mr_Horrible: would you rather she say "Up and over!"?
HungryTanuki: She's so tall though
CaptainDaks: nice!
Izandai: mattlrLul
jessicatheblack: schiyoGiggles
gualdhar: watch people stare at a login queue
MilkInBags: charged dash ranger!?
type_variable: charge dash?
HungryTanuki: Bonus Stream : POE 2 :D
shendaras: charged dash?
DaVeganPolice: i'm going to play an honest character.
shendaras: </3
TehAmelie: so what's the sequel hook? do you get exiled from the land of exiles?
shendaras: big hammer seabatClap
MilkInBags: i loved when adam was like 'time to chronodie' and he chronokilled everyone
duallain: can you time travel back before you picked chronomancer and pick something else?
Mr_Horrible: he's literally playing "How about a 10-minute timeout" class
gualdhar: well at least you'll be doing what you love
TehAmelie: Path of Exile 2: Maxiled
saucemaster5000: remember to take frost ballast if you want to minmax your styancedancer with protoforce
bytecaster: Everything is possible!
HungryTanuki: Your POE prime :D
Izandai: Yeah? demipyroSmug
gualdhar: just be aware you can't respec your ascendancy choice right now
Mr_Horrible: logging into PoE2 and kissing the first NPC I see on the mouth
TXC2: always time for some science
duallain: links to "why it's rude to suck at world of warcraft" for no particular reason
Mr_Horrible: KissAHomie
bytecaster: @Mr_Horrible There is a kiss skill gem now, pog!
MilkInBags: gottem
Zaneysed: banger video
NewtyNewts: That's a hell of a video. I need to rewatch it sometime
bytecaster: Being bad at things is fine
DaVeganPolice: ok good bye Adam, queue moving, locking in
DaVeganPolice: I will be better i promise
Izandai: It's not fun to be bad, but it's fun to not care about being good.
TXC2: being bad is not fun, accepting and living within your limits can be
DaVeganPolice: (when I disconnect I'll be back)
saucemaster5000: okay he's gone now we can plan
NewtyNewts: The fun is the feeling of self-improvement. The part that sucks is the bits where you start off bad
30teracyte: playing the throwback thursday games when both of us have only a rudimentary knowledge of the game is so much fun
Izandai: That's the thing, it's also fun to care about being good.
Izandai: Or can be, at least.
TXC2: so long DaVeganPolice good luck
Frustico: 1% is way lower than you think, it's like 1600MR or something. Perspective is important!
TehAmelie: i remember trying to like, look around this dungeon i only got to see by picking up with a random group. we were doing fine, no one was ever in danger, but they kicked me after deciding i did too little dps. that was the last time i played WoW
jessicatheblack: like the stakes for failing at a vast majority of things is so low
bytecaster: I don't like going full serious min-maxing in games, makes it feel too much like work.
GiganX13: How are we liking Terrence the Boggart’s buffs?
MilkInBags: very good philosophy
duallain: My joke was mostly just referencing desert bus guest dan olson's video
TXC2: TehAmelie well fuck those people then
NewtyNewts: They did... quite a bit
Zaneysed: Heavy punch is now +! on blovk
NewtyNewts: I don't know exactly what
gualdhar: people are just now able to get past the PoE2 queue
Zaneysed: +1
GiganX13: His Heavy Punch is much better
duallain: but I love being bad at games too, new game launch when everyone is bad together is so fun
HungryTanuki: He looks like a fun character !
fishboi_samurai: I’m trying to -_-
fishboi_samurai: Tell me how to beat DrDannyPham
fishboi_samurai: he’s my big bro at my local
saucemaster5000: I'm trying to win the tournament of general acceptance
NewtyNewts: I would love to, but I need more training and confidence, and history, and tickets to the event, and...
fishboi_samurai: LMAO
GiganX13: hop on Twitter and get complaining
fishboi_samurai: When I win my local I’ll donate $100.00 lol
bytecaster: My aim is to not play at EVO, and I am winning!
RockPusher: $100β€½ Adam's consultancy rates are a steal!
NewtyNewts: $100 of ice cream is too much. Just get the dilly bar and donate the remainder
Frustico: Yo fishboi you in Seattle? I've been thinking about going to the Salon in Feb.
fishboi_samurai: we have a quarterly tourney that has a $4,000 in prize pool for top 8
GiganX13: oh have any of you guy’s experienced that perfect parry bug?
fishboi_samurai: @frustico yes, it’s amazing I’m going to the local tonight likely
DaVeganPolice: nvm servers down, back to haunt the chat
bytecaster: Queue is down again, everybody come back in
Izandai: I wonder how much money of ice cream the average freezer could hold.
fishboi_samurai: @frustico you should come through
saucemaster5000: yeh the parry bug is kinda wild, looks like they are racing to reverse it
DaVeganPolice: yeah, my local got moved to Fridays and it was just so much easier for me to do Tuesdays
duallain: you don't want to just beat up all the college kids?
NewtyNewts: Just because it's at the university doesn't mean older crew don't go there
saucemaster5000: kids at universities might bite you
Frustico: @fishboi_samurai Weekdays are tough for me so I'm gonna scope out the quarterly and if I'm really feeling it I'll come through for the weeklies!
Mr_Horrible: well, firstly, he's like twice their height
TehAmelie: you only have to worry about this bug if you can do a perfect parry right? lrrBEEJ
BusTed: adam what do you think the average age is of the seachats voice chat
saucemaster5000: busted stop making me feel old
duallain: 75 years old
hyperialguard: Average maybe. But all 20 or 40
DandyGeek: where's the arthritis locals, that's what i want to know
hyperialguard: Comes out at 30
RockPusher: tqsBaby jlrrBaby
bytecaster: They youth? in discord? It's more likely than you think!
TXC2: youths!
saucemaster5000: I think there's only like 5 folks in the voice discord under 30, but maybe I'm naive
MilkInBags: i mean if it's not loud it's fine
gualdhar: fuckin wrists of steel
duallain: fight stick tommy john
BusTed: Just built up some sort of callouses
bytecaster: Same, I have typed so much in my life, I'm still surprised there have been very little consequences
MilkInBags: LUL
BusTed: fuckin outlaw apm
Mr_Horrible: TRUE
DaVeganPolice: LUL bro same with enhance
duallain: i switched to hunter for the same reason
Zaneysed: Dude fuck all rouges for that reason
Zaneysed: they all hurt
BusTed: assassin is better
saucemaster5000: sounds like your wrists won the fight
BusTed: on the hands, that is
duallain: let the dino kill the mobs
DaVeganPolice: ass rogue is a vibe
TXC2: I've had problems in my wrists and elbows, but it goes away after a while
Mr_Horrible: some of those classes are like "I don't want more haste because I can't type that fast"
BusTed: @Mr_Horrible LUL
saucemaster5000: I cannot play stick for more than an hr
BrowneePointz: snooze hunter
BrowneePointz: erase it from the game hunter
MilkInBags: hell yeah hunters
GiganX13: round start of shoulder bash was wild lol
BusTed: just hit big button make number go up
Mr_Horrible: Big Mchillin Hunter
saucemaster5000: you just want to turn people into dinosaurs
lamina5432: learn WOW with fighting stick
Mr_Horrible: "Thank you, I'm quite based"
korvys: MMOs were definitely my "I want to watch all of <some tv show>" games
MilkInBags: it is a big game
BrowneePointz: yeet her through a meat grinder
BusTed: That's good
GiganX13: lmao yeah
AceGun_: I can't tell if labbing 3S Urien all day broke my stick or broke my hands, but my inputs are a mess.
NewtyNewts: Think the spoiler is more 'here's this specific thing I missed'
jessicatheblack: yeah... its almost as if being trapped in a murder cult fucks you up
GiganX13: she’s kinda mean but not evil evil
TXC2: a paladin, but not a stupid paladin
HungryTanuki: Take care everyone, thank you for the stream o7
BusTed: bzap
MilkInBags: yeah i think she only occasionally mentions genocide later
jessicatheblack: schiyoGiggles
TXC2: so long HungryTanuki stay safe
AceGun_: Urien is basically Honda, but with Aegis Reflector.
saucemaster5000: ace switches to modern
hyperialguard: Yeah Ace. Just like Hikaru
bytecaster: Also Queue is not yet up again
RurouniGeo: RIP CFN GG Nelly
GiganX13: Honda with a gun and a nutty super
BlueFingers5: qeueu kicked a bunch of people out
MilkInBags: it is a good game and act 3 is good
DaVeganPolice: oh yeah that guy
MilkInBags: oh yeah that dude is huh, intense
Mr_Horrible: "I ain't done yet"
bytecaster: Revenge necromancy, nice!
saucemaster5000: me to ryu players
duallain: cut in line at the grocery store
MilkInBags: she said macoto was not op
Alness49: That is a Hater on an elemental level
TXC2: the world of baldur's gate REALLY needs therapy :p
MilkInBags: makoto*
DaVeganPolice: that's the energy I bring to the "I hate Rashid" convo
ELD_Winterlight: Did you hear that the POE2 announcement stream went down becouse a billion people prime subbed, it broke their overlat
AceGun_: Roooo
TehAmelie: bah, that's weak sauce. the hardcore move is to join them in their afterlife to get them
saucemaster5000: oh shit vegan came back everyone stop talking about the thing
DaVeganPolice: RyuChamp My King
NewtyNewts: Something something denjin charge
hyperialguard: Heavy Donkey Kick
AceGun_: low forward > fireball. just like old times.
bytecaster: You play Ryu, by saying "Hadouken" a lot, I hear
DaVeganPolice: True, heavy donkey kick
saucemaster5000: -3 on block now btw
duallain: whoop whoop it's the sound of da(vegan)police
hyperialguard: Eat that bar
saucemaster5000: yeh it's nuts
hyperialguard: Takes a whole drive bar on block
saucemaster5000: they gave him a goddamn gun
Frustico: That move is so fucked now dude
AceGun_: Ryu is so scary right now, lol.
DaVeganPolice: Ryu Good 😈
saucemaster5000: big bird was saying he might switch
TXC2: "wait a minute, something ain't right"
Izandai: That is not okay. Put that back.
type_variable: what a gun
hyperialguard: I watched EndingWalker play Ryu today
DaVeganPolice: the promised Timeline, truly blessed this day
AceGun_: He needs it?!
AceGun_: The changes to drive gauge increase/decrease in this patch seems nuts.
AceGun_: What's Ryu's new combo with tatsu? H Kick into H Tatsu?
TXC2: so Ryu's cracked now eh?
saucemaster5000: they buffed the shit out of him last week, it was kinda surprising
DaVeganPolice: Ryu πŸ“ˆ
AceGun_: It wasn't a surprise if you trusted Broski. He knew.
saucemaster5000: broski predicted the keys to the kingdom for manon (and I ain't really complaining she got some good stuff)
Izandai: Insider trading.
AceGun_: Broski predicted 'big buffs' for Ryu and most people were like "nah, no way".
duallain: is Mai going to be super fun? I saw the preview vid and there was some hitting people with a fan, which seems great
BrowneePointz: depends on the game
AceGun_: that's one of her main things, so if you are interested in hitting people with fans, she will be fun.
BrowneePointz: she's had a LOT of different versions
BrowneePointz: KoF she's a zoner
bytecaster: So what you are saying is you should play AS her, right?
BrowneePointz: other SNK games, not as much
TXC2: so Mai is like Chun-li ?
AceGun_: Yeah, she will probably be a mobile keepaway type character in SF6, I would guess?
AceGun_: She's a bit like Chun, yeah. Fills a similar role in Fatal Fury, I would say?
duallain: that seems fun
TXC2: also that screen at the end of the reveal trailer with all the season 2 characters is messed up with the order
DaVeganPolice: he. needs. it.
saucemaster5000: yeah it's nuts
Mr_Horrible: stop praying for my grandpa you made him too strong, etc, etc
saucemaster5000: stfu vegan
DaVeganPolice: back to the shadows manon player
saucemaster5000: hissssss
Mr_Horrible: Ryu out here making me world wearier
MilkInBags: time to go wait for 7 hours in queue
AceGun_: lol
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam and Nelson
shendaras: seabatDance
bi0buster: Dang I just got back!
duallain: gg, thanks for the stream oki friends
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Mr_Horrible: Capcom said "this one's for the geriatrics"
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
lamina5432: gday
RockPusher: coachn3Thankscoachnelly coachn3Thankscoachnelly coachn3Thankscoachnelly
MaidOfCake: Aw
therepoman__: uvvuAcriDance FROGS ARE GONE uvvuAcriDance
MilkInBags: bye bye
MilkInBags: have fun
MaidOfCake: Adam is such a sweet dude
AceGun_: sajamAaaa FROGS ARE GONE!! sajamAaaa
MilkInBags: alt f4 and run
bytecaster: What if I'm simply a frog in disguise
MilkInBags: don't thank ace
Mr_Horrible: @therepoman__ I've never seen this Acrid shimmy before and it's kinda glorious
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (53m from now).
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, Boss
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Mr_Horrible: and thanks to Nelly, too
bytecaster: King of the hill!
RockPusher: Thank you Adam lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Mr_Horrible: LOGIN
MilkInBags: bye
DaVeganPolice: good luck
AceGun_: enjoy youre queue!
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
saucemaster5000: and we never saw him again
TXC2: good luck queuing Adam (and chat)
bytecaster: If only they let us queue
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (51m from now).
LordZarano: ChillPoint homework: https://youtu.be/lVAYC5ko34c
Metric_Furlong: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a mystery
Metric_Furlong: it's an older reference sir, but it checks out