RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: Jewels!
RockPusher shares a cup of tea with the Jewels and chats about their careers
TehAmelie: what do the gems do? protect the Earth from the soldiers of the diamond authority i suppose
One's a singer, one's an actress
TehAmelie: singer, actor, radio DJ
GapFiller: not had a chance to rewatch this week so in the absence of more knowledge gonna just assume the whole episode was abt that snazzy brand neu desk
GapFiller: whoops jumping the gun too
GapFiller: thats doubly embarrassing
TehAmelie: such a meaty desk, it probably deserves more coverage
Juliamon: here's a quick rundown for you: Ubisoft sucks
GapFiller: no actual proper new news this week then
TheAinMAP: Signal
djalternative: new desk! new desk! new desk!
TehAmelie: i liked the posts about "games as service is our strategy now and you're gonna like it". just cause there's no pretension they want to make games that they want to make or that people want to play, just what they think will be most profitable
134 raiders from benjamin_wheeler have joined!
mtvcdm: Hey Rodeo
TehAmelie: oh hi
djalternative: yall got here just in time for new desk
LordZarano: Nude-esque! Nude-esque!
djalternative: anyway, this about to be my nap content
LordZarano wish I'd thought of that
Juliamon: indeed, I'm surprised you didn't
Simriel: @LordZarano Time for sexpoint?
Laurence72: That now works for an in run total
mtvcdm: bloop!
CaptainSpam: DESK!
Lysander_salamander: oh, fancy
Joecool190: how many desk do you have Paul?
LurkerSpine: thicc desk
RockPusher: Genuine new old desks
nyxlux: nice desk
WellFedGames: Aw, my desk is old.
TheAinMAP: Hello
RubikDarkwill subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Thanks for subscribing, RubikDarkwill! (Today's storm count: 9)
TehAmelie: i hope that doesn't really weigh six tons :x
CaptainSpam: Hard-hitting news from a hard-hitting news desk! Seriously, that thing looks heavy.
jacqui_lantern234: new desk who dis? UwU
mtvcdm: According to sources
lirazel64: My desk don't need no stinkin' coasters... because it's already a mess.
GapFiller: really countering those Not The Onion accusations
mtvcdm: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
mtvcdm: Oh wow, free desk left out on the curb
astrosmasher: did they pay eddie money for it?
Earthenone: but its clear, just walk out with it and they will think you were mimes
RockPusher: So was this an oops we had a conversation at Desert Bus sort of purchase?
TehAmelie: but it's transparent, so how will they know?
mtvcdm: I was wondering how much that desk cost. Free's always a good number.
GapFiller: cool mug smash Beej
Juliamon: "free to anyone who can lift it"
GapFiller: oooh table noise feel
Going_Medium: Do you have leds to light it from below?
Lysander_salamander: heck
djalternative: also surprisingly not reflecting any of the camera or lighting equipment
mtvcdm: Friend zone conversation piece
GapFiller: Going_Medium it IS semi translucent
TehAmelie: you can put it on end and roll it, right?
GapFiller: what was Grahams exact quote? "many people helped move this desk and most of them were Adam"
SquareDotCube: RIP Paul Clone #37
mtvcdm: 400 Canadian pounds [6000 kilograms]
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
GapFiller: its Sonic^H^H^H^H^H^H Sonys 30th Anniversary
CaptainSpam: Just think, in an alternate universe, the Playstation's 30th anniversary would just be lumped into Nintendo's video game history...
Juliamon: I was gifted my PS3. It's still our bluray player.
@Juliamon ok but do you have THREE PS3's?
djalternative: it'd be real funny if they put the gamecube boot animation on the ps5
L0rdX33n: Japanese honor code revenge for Nintendo’s public embarrassment of a business partnership’s 30th anniversary
GapFiller: Juliamon hilarious irony James was complaining on his homestream earlier abt having no means of playing DVD's lead to several of us in his chat goading him abt borrowing Pauls surplus
SocraticMethod: And in another alternate timeline Atari would have taken down Nintendo of America with them
@GapFiller but Paul's CLEARLY using his 3 ps3s
GapFiller: jacqui_lantern234 okay but what abt his PS4's or PS5's
Earthenone: if console war 2 went diferently...
@GapFiller if only there were videos about this
djalternative: Jumpstart Campaign for North Africa? I haven't heard of that format
Earthenone: a futher advanceed gameboy
L0rdX33n: … Tell me more about this gameboy?
GapFiller: Behold Zoomers!
mtvcdm: I have Game Genie flashbacks now
CaptainSpam: "My First Unity Project"
Simriel: Oh God
ZombieHendrix: Or the memory card manager ui
Simriel: I had forgotten this
jacqui_lantern234: "Behold a man!"
lightfut: Big ESPN2 energy
GapFiller: the masterpiece of 90's design needs to be enshrined as a warning to future generations asap
SocraticMethod: I think that's a GIF because it doesn't have alpha channel but transparency color in palette
Pazy160: There was a similar screen to pick Memory Card or CD player as well as a no PS disk screen. I'd love if they had used that for the anniversary.
CaptainSpam: Did the PS1 have memory card access in the console, or was it per-game?
Laserbeaks_Fury: This is what Psycho Mantis would see
Laserbeaks_Fury but he only said anything if there were Konami games on the memory card
Simriel: Are the 90s in the room with you right now Beej?
RockPusher: Heather just casually came up with a particularly harrowing horror concept
SocraticMethod: Scarcity provides value
djalternative: Chocolates are limited time Christmas gifts
RockPusher: You look at a photo, the pictured become sentient again, but only as long as you are looking at them
SocraticMethod: The foodstuff gifts would be particularity harrowing
RockPusher: imagine being in that picture…
mtvcdm: Wooooooow
TehAmelie: now i remember my third party PS1 memory card. with thousands of pages of those 15 memory blocks that you had to flip through one at a time with two buttons on the card
TehAmelie: ah, such convenience
Gadora: That's a wild thing.
Laserbeaks_Fury: That just makes it "early access"
L0rdX33n: Very very limited time access
Laserbeaks_Fury: "oh dear, none of these games work..."
Pazy160: I couldn't find the collection either, I had assume they just didn't add it to the UK store.
djalternative: "show sauce" - Paul to Beej
TheDevil_Risen: Happy Timezone!
Electrodyne: I would like to bring up that the "Chill" to "Point" ratio of this show is very very heavily leaning away from Pointing.
Electrodyne: If you guys could point a little more that would be great
SocraticMethod: I keep autocompleting it as My Little Gran Turismo
Juliamon: It's what "Free to Start" SHOULD mean
Laserbeaks_Fury: Honestly, an Onboarding Product for older franchises isn't a bad idea
L0rdX33n: @electrodyne What do you mean? look at all those pointy pointy triangles!
Electrodyne: @l0rdx33n there's really only one arrow, and it's pointing at Paul
Electrodyne: Ooooo good pointing beej
Juliamon: Electrodyne You didn't ask for arrows, you asked for points
Electrodyne: Yes but it's pointing at him
Laserbeaks_Fury: I love the scotch tape
TheDevil_Risen: 100% agree with Beej's Hipsters going mad about it
Electrodyne: Yellow and gray Sport Discman would be a good color scheme too
ContingentCat: I love that my switch lite is bright yellow
GapFiller: Beej is one of those people for whom it is eternally 1993
TheDevil_Risen: Orange Spice was that translucent plastic one right?
TheDevil_Risen: those were cool
shurtal: bring back hypercolor
ghyllnox: Never heard "Off his angry stick" before
LurkerSpine: Carbon Fiber GunMetal
Tiber727: I still like the meme that the PS5 looks like Seto Kaiba's shirt.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I miss when Nintendo make things in translucent plastic
loved the transparent gameboys
ContingentCat: Translucent plastic gameboys were the best
Doc_Layzah subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Doc_Layzah! (Today's storm count: 10)
TehAmelie: so many electronics would be cooler in translucent plastic
We need more trans plastics
mtvcdm: I resent Drew Carey being a show for the olds but I get it
Juliamon: I will always be bitter that that didn't go farther or stick around long. We weren't an Apple household so I never got to have the cool colourful computer
Tiber727: Mimi was kinda like if a woman was dressed like a drag queen.
ContingentCat: @Juliamon Same
Juliamon: I never don't hear that as Bandai Blue
SocraticMethod: @TehAmelie IIRC translucent plastic had a problem that it became brittle faster with age than opaque plastic
TehAmelie: rats
Laserbeaks_Fury: That joke must behilarious because I don't understand it
SocraticMethod: Some notable sufferers were some transformers models and lego pieces
GapFiller: problem ofc being make a fan community and inbreeding becomes a concern
GapFiller: case in point having previously been in more than one fan community in which the denizens came to have the Innsmouth Look abt them
mtvcdm: Again
RockPusher: … again…
KaleidoscopeMind: Again
ContingentCat: probably just the usual reason
Astramentha: It’s Beej, we’re not surprised
Juliamon: !addquote (Beej) [now] Why did Beej send me titties, why did he do that to me again? | as Paul
LRRbot: New quote #9205: "Why did Beej send me titties, why did he do that to me again?" —Beej, as Paul [2024-12-06]
GapFiller: a Beej counter for this sounds like a good all year round use of the DB Reading ISO counter
L0rdX33n: I had a roommate in college who accidentally sent me furry porn before I met him
RockPusher: Look, some days you just Experience Beej
ProcyonFlynn: The "Kirby without Shoes" joke still haunts my subconscious sometimes. Beej is full of "ideas"
GapFiller: L0rdX33n strong friendship play
RockPusher: !gant
GapFiller: !gant
LRRbot: Time for a new transmission!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Putting the Motorboating into Sport Racing
L0rdX33n: @gapfiller I guess it worked, I’m gonna be a groomsman at his wedding
korvys: "Fucking walk, then" - Beej
TheDevil_Risen: agree the new style headlights are BS
KaleidoscopeMind: literally caught in the headlights
MalFnord: Welcome, brother! Have a complimentary cane to shake!
ContingentCat: YES LED headlights shouldn't be allowed
TheDevil_Risen: especially in aussie with everyone using HID Zenons and LED bars in rural areas. literally dangerous
random_shoes: oh, I legit thought I was getting old, they are actually brighter?
SocraticMethod: They are brighter, but also misaligned
random_shoes: AH
Lysander_salamander: mmm dragon
TheAinMAP: I like trains.
RockPusher: Guard the veal else Beej will eat it!
GapFiller: those of us living in countries w/ busted public transit wish our trains moved that fast
shurtal: Da-grun A-gay
GapFiller: or at all
mtvcdm: Dual-wielding durganages
Just come to Germany to drive fast! #no speedlimit on German Highways
SK__Ren: I like my Dragonaage extra crispy
EvilBadman: Dec 4 is "Dragon Age day" ...because D4...looks ike DA?
SocraticMethod: Bioware is innovating again, releasing CC teaser after the game itself
SocraticMethod: "bioware magic"
pyronils80 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
Thanks for subscribing, pyronils80! (Today's storm count: 11)
Laserbeaks_Fury: I remember BioWare has a set up where you could save and share your Ryders for Andromeda
Juliamon: I assumed they didn't want another Spore incident, where the character creator was better than the actual game
TheDevil_Risen: NOT a demo
TheDevil_Risen: its a Character creator.
they lied
and why the HELL is Jack Straight
Alex_Frostfire: Jack somehow being straight is weird.
MalFnord: The enduring mystery of Mass Effect
Laserbeaks_Fury: Honestly I liked Jack being straight, because I could be nice to her with my Shepard and it not accidentally be a sex thing
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha Beej!
Lysander_salamander: or like, for wheelchair users?
TheDevil_Risen: i've been tracking down gameplay of Miku Boxing .. didnt even know it was a thing
Laserbeaks_Fury: You benched 100 lbs. Sten Disapproves.
L0rdX33n: “I was thinking of running for political office, here is my platform.”
TheDevil_Risen: yeah it does feel a little eeepy
hahha 10/10 no notes Heather
Laserbeaks_Fury: so a dating sim, but instead of gifts, each trainer likes specific exercises.
Tiber727: "You are already fit." *gut transforms into muscles*
your gift to them is the 20 they ask you to give them
mtvcdm: Just subtract all the feet tall you're now
KaleidoscopeMind: it's the collective LRR account, so the collective height and weight
an_archist2: the LRR homunculus
breadisbest1: !next
ghyllnox: You could try to add your building as "LRR Office-chan"
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (49m ago).
L0rdX33n: ok, chat. Name the LRRmonculous
Cptasparagus: a model trainer?
Juliamon: I had a dental hygienist last year who was super into anime, but like, she specifically liked the dark fucked-up stuff that Adam tends to watch, it was really neat being able to nerd out about Parasyte with her
TheDevil_Risen: ooof
TheDevil_Risen: Paul
TheDevil_Risen: haha
L0rdX33n: “I’ve been super depressed since my wife left me…”
Cptasparagus: @Juliamon but was she wingle
TheDevil_Risen: what isn't shutting down these days?
GapFiller: they at least get a better send off than Concord
TheDevil_Risen: ^^^ true
mtvcdm: Is like the whole game industry shutting down until we all clear our backlogs
TheMerricat: Was this Ubisoft's attempt at 'beating' Concord?
SocraticMethod: @TheMerricat No
Juliamon: XDefiant sounded like a W+P game
Tiber727: @TheMerricat No, it was their attempt at Call of Duty.
an_archist2: it's pronounced key-defiant
TheDevil_Risen: 100% perfect Esports team name
GapFiller: thats got game toothpaste written all over it
ContingentCat: or an edgy dating game about going back to your ex's
Juliamon: Christ-Defiant, a modern MMO Prayer Warriors
KaleidoscopeMind: whose nobody is xdefiant?
shurtal: strident and Strive
kusinohki: "following these trend lines, we expect Marvel Rivals to get canceled before it releases...."
mtvcdm: Now, as you've previously told me, you don'r pronounce the X, so it's just said as Defiant
Tiber727: Gotta capture the Elon Musk market.
TheDevil_Risen: nah they call dental devices furniture
TheDevil_Risen: for some reason
L0rdX33n: Stride sounds like footwear
TheDevil_Risen: Stride sounds like dish soap
shurtal: XDefiant sounds like a temp stat boost item from a newer gen Pokemon
Lysander_salamander: or like, a gaming mouse
or laundary deturgant
SocraticMethod: The original title was "Tom Clancy's XDefiant"
Tiber727: I was thinking energy drink.
Alex_Frostfire: I was thinking chewing gum.
mtvcdm: The heavy stuff you use when you have to clean a crime scene
beckstromsavestheday: Paul is my favorite cryptid
Laserbeaks_Fury: technically correct
TehAmelie: i'm going to pronounce it "ksdefiant", in the vein of xkcd
Juliamon: They definitely kept him in the dark
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun typical corpo stuff
MalFnord: Somebody was lying to somebody, that's clear enough
CaptainSpam: XDefiant sounds like an open-source knockoff of Rebellious, made in the early 90s with a GUI.
TheDevil_Risen: (not knowing)
mtvcdm: Did you know the second most recent post on the LRR blog page is the one announcing the upcoming series Road Quest?
mtvcdm: !bluesky
Earthenone: you get the same coke on every streetcorner? clearly you need more dealer copetition
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
SocraticMethod: Oddly enough Twitter was one the smaller side when comparing social networks
GapFiller: mtvcdm it figures the issue here is if that were the case but LRR didnt communicate via any other avenue
Anubis169: FF14 focused on keeping the user experience constant
Cptasparagus: Wildstar was a great MMO that iddnt hit that threshold
TheDevil_Risen: hey!
Anubis169: Hi James
jacqui_lantern234: hi james
hai wet hands James
RockPusher: Cold Storage
TheDevil_Risen: What up James
Cptasparagus: Studio P
EvilBadman: we saw reflected james
mtvcdm: BREAKING NEWS: Paper Towel Shortage In Moonbase
GapFiller: show us those wet hands James!
RockPusher: Hey James' back
Juliamon: Nice backside
We adam
mtvcdm: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
KaleidoscopeMind: hi james' lower back!
Jame's Butt
Bruceski: Hello highlights reel!
an_archist2: we need james's opinion on the new desk
nice arse James
SocraticMethod: Imagine, some have to pay for this view
This was a joke btw
Simonark: Let's Celebrate The Elbows Of LRR!
Anubis169: Good to see James 'back in action
RockPusher: How does James like the new desk?
BlueChloroplast: We're talking to James behind his back
Cptasparagus: which Jame is this?
SquareDotCube: James is really setting a lumbar here
GapFiller: Cptasparagus James Turner
GapFiller: not that one or the other one but the other other one
Challis2070: it looks like a very heavy desk
TehAmelie: should we just name it New Desk? lose the "the"
SocraticMethod: It's not even big and heavy, it's the fact it's a single part and that dampens sound really well
mtvcdm: I mean, you know that desk was made with broadcasting in mind... or so I've heard
mtvcdm: !addquote (Beej) [now] You have to keep pumping money down the toilet.
LRRbot: New quote #9206: "You have to keep pumping money down the toilet." —Beej [2024-12-06]
SocraticMethod: Welcome to the Sony GaaS strategy, I heard it has been working really well
MalFnord: Turfax, 90% of all of SNL is pure garbage
EvilBadman: look at (rolls dice) the love doctors
Bruceski: Nobody's telling Beej that they'e doing that, anyway
NGL chat, I was confident they'd figure out where the desk came from quickly but I'm also a bit scared how fast folk showed up with receipts on where it came from.
@TheMerricat Probably woulda taken longer had Ben's hearing been better
Snouut: I'd be curious on your thoughts on micro transactions in game? Especially Larger vs Smaller Studios.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Games are also a lot less comfortable with you putting them down for awhile because they are also serving as storefronts to buy things
SocraticMethod: Best Brazil FPS game already exists. The problem is that its a best FPS game in lot of places: Counter-strike GO.
LurkerSpine: moar bots
TehAmelie: how many games that want you to log in every day can you handle at once? for me the number is 0
brought out another one that's like that... like Genshin
GapFiller: otoh it figures that proves Heathers point further
Simriel: Acclaimed video game final fantasy 14?
EvilBadman: Perception is also a big factor. People are quick announce "dead game" and it becomes self-fulfilling
Simriel: Something Something free expansions?
GapFiller: they had the goodwill w/ that fanbase to do that
GapFiller: their userbase were willing to let them just rebuild the game infront of them after they had already bought it
mtvcdm: Tetris is the same game over and over and people keep doing that
Anubis169: I mean Dauntless died today :'(
TehAmelie: was it NHL 2005 that was actually the same game as last year due to NHL going on strike?
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
Anubis169: it's not the same game anymore
G1 Paul
mtvcdm: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Anubis169: Oh that can't go well
Discord but Roblox
TheDevil_Risen: Roblox chat makes me sick.
Simonark: Oh good, Roblox! I'm 100% sure THIS will be ethically implimented
ghyllnox: If Roblox weren't a shitstorm I'd still be sticking with Discord
TheMerricat: How long chat, do you think this becomes a huge legal liability for the company?
GapFiller: exactly Beej
TheDevil_Risen: Roblox : Microsoft Teams edition
jacqui_lantern234: @TheMerricat upon release
Anubis169: So like the inside of a McDonald's now
MalFnord: reject Discord, return to IRC
Hey! I have really funky Slack themes
GapFiller: TheMerricat not long enough to be worth making bets
DoodlestheGreat: Did ANYBODY want MS Bob?
mtvcdm: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
Anubis169: They want a slice of the pie and the voice print data
Laserbeaks_Fury: But if they have their own chat program, they can integrate money changing hands
Anubis169: Teamspeak
TheAwkes: Team Speak, baybee
Juliamon: Teamspeak overtook Ventrilo
Don't forget mumble
TheDevil_Risen: Ventrillo, Team Speak, Skype, MSN Messenger
LordZarano: Remember Mumble?
Criiisiis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months, currently on a 15 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Criiisiis! (Today's storm count: 12)
TheDevil_Risen: oh and Mumble
SocraticMethod: Beej, Ventrilo has been dead since 2012. Hate to break it to you
cmdrud87: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're playing Foundations Jumpstart King of the Hill! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (1:48 from now).
LordZarano: @Melfina__ High five!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Party like it's programmed in 1999
mtvcdm: I want someone to name their social media thing Boink. Just for the comedy value of it. I think it would be funny.
Simriel: @SocraticMethod Wait Vent is dead? But what will I jump on to play DOTA
GapFiller: we have Zoom parties
Laserbeaks_Fury: "party" becomes a skeuomorph
avjamethyst: I've got so many cats
Earthenone: i remember the joke social media in the office was called something like "woof"
mtvcdm: I introduce Gremlin. Everyone is invited but nobody gets to say anything. You're just... there, hanging out.
SocraticMethod: *catwoman whips the MLK memorial*
TheMerricat starts singing "I saw the sign, I saw the sign..."
ghyllnox: They could just disable being able to emote there
EvilBadman: would wipe the team too probablu
Laserbeaks_Fury: Speedrun strats
Lysander_salamander: all the way off the map
DoodlestheGreat: @mtvcdm So it's an AMC Gremlin.
LurkerSpine: Graboid
Laserbeaks_Fury: Seeing pigs blasting off again never stopped being funny
TheDevil_Risen: K bye!!! YEEEEET
SocraticMethod: Deadlock
Laserbeaks_Fury: The Ministry Of Funny Emotes
GapFiller: yes Silly Hats Only or yr beaten w/ baseball bats
LurkerSpine: Yeah, Deadlock
Amentur: Deadlock turning cheaters into frogs
TheDevil_Risen: I do like cheaters getting frogged, so good
SocraticMethod: Have you seen the status of cheaters in Overwatch? It's pretty dire even for accounting for ban waves
Earthenone: pokemon go to the battlepass?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is it like buying a season pass, or is it buying keys for lootboxes?
SocraticMethod: A Loyalty battlecard?
Anubis169: oh to Hades with thta
coriolis_storm: “Getting a reward for spending money”, aka, “buying stuff”
TheDevil_Risen: holy. what a ripoff
Slownerrr: <message deleted>my fart in ur head
Juliamon: everyone last week: "you're being too hard on Niantic"
Anubis169: Slownerrr: please be nice
Earthenone: how many pokepoints for a jet?
KaleidoscopeMind: it feels very "spend $1000 and get a free phone screen cleaner!"
mtvcdm: Never underestimate what people will spend money to try and obtain
Laserbeaks_Fury: it's not that copy of Super Mario 3 on the prize wall of the Arcade that needs 10,000 tickets
Earthenone: dosent nintendo delete points?
mtvcdm: I have so many channel points
TS_Terrapin: I know some airlines have points expire.
Anubis169: ^
Gadora: My grocery store points reset monthly, unless you pay for the premium membership.
GapFiller: some hotels too
TheDevil_Risen: very predatory
mtvcdm: It's a loyalty reward
Anubis169: gotta lock in that FOMO
Simriel: I for one, look forward to the Niantic guided missile system
TheDevil_Risen: just what the world needs, more FOMO :*
TheMerricat: Most companies these days delete rewards after a year or so since the law I can't remember the name of in the US became a thing.
GapFiller: any idea why folx
Anubis169: it needs more time in the oven
mtvcdm: Stalker has.... excuses, it can deploy
mtvcdm: Stalker gets to be buggy if it wants
RockPusher: Shipping a game at all from a war zone seems like a wildly successful achievement
Simriel: @anubis169 The two patches fixed most of the quest issues tbh
GapFiller: mtvcdm see what yr did there w/ good word choice
TheDevil_Risen: Stalker being buggy is expected behaviour though
TehAmelie: my town's bus system has recently decided bus tickets expire, sort of like expiring bonus points but much worse
SocraticMethod: Stalker does have issues where it needs a beast of a PC, which is much less fun than slavjank
Simriel: Finished STALKER 2 today, game is a bit janky, but its super cool
Anubis169: Simriel: I mean more in that you crouch and you can't crawl through a hole blown in a building due to invisible wall
GapFiller: cant remember which fan communty is was but somebody said on one of em the game was clunky slow bug ridden ect and the collective response was AND!?
they have been putting in hard graft
GapFiller: which jsut abt says it all re Stalker and its fanbase
MalFnord: @GapFiller IIRC G said that about the Stalker subreddit
TheDevil_Risen: which is an amazing test to prod cycle! very Agile
GapFiller: MalFnord yeh this was related by Graham on LRRMTG yesterday
Anubis169: yupyup
Simriel: It is so funny how Utterly Incompetent the Russian military is presented as in the stalker games
Anubis169: also you never hear Ukranian VA anywhere, ever
so this is refreshing
GapFiller: and sometimes being charming is more important than being good in any kind of objective technical sense
Simriel: @anubis169 I was confused for the first few hours as to why I wasn't fully immersed, then realised I had set language to English on autopilot
TheDevil_Risen: GoG - actually good!
Simriel: Now if the A.Life system actually worked stalker 2 could be Amazing
Anubis169: or Windows 11 updates, and Windows 11 games don't work on it -_-
TheMerricat: And then Blizzard yanked the early Warcrafts.... and GOG put their money where their mouth was.
GapFiller: istr this has led to some kinda tiff w/ Blizzard right
TheMerricat: Tides of Darkness.
Joecool190: Tide of Darkness and Beyond the Dark Portla
Laserbeaks_Fury: Tides of Darkenss?
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah 2 intruduced the sea units
Anubis169: the remaster was a bit of a bait 'n switch
Anubis169: the cutscenes got chopped
Simriel: Wasn't the warcraft 3 remaster Really Bad?
SocraticMethod: The remastered quality was found lacking
Joecool190: the wc3 remaster was quite underwhelming
SocraticMethod: @Simriel It's perfectly good WC3, just much less than what was promised and deleted old communities
Laserbeaks_Fury: Blizzard is fond of scorhcing the earth of old games
LurkerSpine: Like those SEGA delisted games
GapFiller: FOMO was always more of a Blizzard thing yes
TehAmelie: i saw some screenshots of comparing graphics where the reviewer thought the remaster was dogbus but i couldn't see any real difference >_>
TheDevil_Risen: the Blizzards WC remakes were very disappointing, screamed of nostalgia cash grab
SquareDotCube: They also did this a particular packs of Fallout 1+2+Tactics and Duke Nukem 3D
GapFiller: or perhaps Blizzard play nice on this one (tho that is admittedly on the wishing for world peace and a unicorn end of the scale here)
CaptainSpam: 'Twas my second RTS, after... Dune 2.
TheMerricat: Commandos, or CnC depending on how you define them
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah I wanna say I cut my teeth on Dune
TehAmelie: i did think of playing WC2 earlier this year. the install CD still worked. so simple
EmmaPartlow: Total Annihilation was mine.
Anubis169: wheeeeeeee
GapFiller: recall reading something abt FPGA's in the week
mtvcdm: Ah yes, this
SocraticMethod: FPGA is a sort of like a circuit that can be programmed. it can imitate the source hardware, unlike emulators, which translate the software
mtvcdm: We were talking FOMO, here's some FAFO
Anubis169: FPGAs have become really popular lately
Anubis169: well he did call it something with 'sega' in it, so there's a problem already
VoidSpinner subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Thanks for subscribing, VoidSpinner! (Today's storm count: 13)
LurkerSpine: I could see them suing over the name, but I don't see the have the ability to stop the FPGA?
mtvcdm: That's not how any of this works
LurkerSpine: how they have the ability to stop the FPGA*
Anubis169: which legal system, is the dev in USA?
GapFiller: Anubis169 it figures this is lotta ex crypto rigs getting scrappered for parts
josh___something: That's gonna be fun for them to F around and find out
Anubis169: ooooooo
SocraticMethod: @LurkerSpine Yeah, the branding is the problem. If they just say it's a [Sega X console] emulator it might have skated
mtvcdm: Oh, that makes things weirder it being Brazil. Pirating has always been a bigger thing in South America.
SquareDotCube: The Mega Drive is still made in Brazil, I think it has to do with import laws.
SocraticMethod: @GapFiller It would have to be really _really_ old crypto rigs because they moved to ASICs long ago
SquareDotCube: Same laws as to a percentage of iPhones are made in Brazil.
MungoDude: yeah sega is big in Brazil cos they had big tariffs back in the day, so sega consoles were manufactured locally
TehAmelie: tis but a hair and a toot
Texan_Reverend: I remember seeing this post.
LurkerSpine: @SquareDotCube I believe they finally stopped production recently
Anubis169: ooo!!
LordZarano: Sounds a lot like "pulp" for the Playdate too
SquareDotCube: Certainly not a new thing, I remember Stencyl being released 12-13 years ago
LordZarano: It's like why 4D Golf has a level editor
SocraticMethod: @SquareDotCube Ooh, there's a blast from the past
mtvcdm: Oh yes, this was MY thing in the mod slack
GapFiller: Nintendo Fan Prjects: AAARGH! Natural Light! Get It Off Me!
Mazrae: Ahhh natural light, it hurts it hurts
KaleidoscopeMind: wait
TheDevil_Risen: ummmm
Simriel: Hwat
Lysander_salamander: what
KaleidoscopeMind: what
ContingentCat: uhhhhh
ghyllnox: ???
Amentur: Ah yeah the Secret Level episode
MalFnord: what the absolute FUCK is this?
SocraticMethod: This is like Battleship movie levels of concept expansion
josh___something: Whuh?!
Amentur: I was thinking of Abe's Odyssey at first
Simriel: I am looking forward to Secret Level, mainly for the 40k ones
Tiber727: Like seriously? Ghostbusters was *right there*!
SocraticMethod: Heather, initial reviews are that it's boring, unfortunately
Doc_Layzah: I thought it was an Oddworld gritty reboot
TheMerricat: Reminder if you have Amazon Prime they are currently giving away a lot of the games on Secret Level (though it's crashing GoG since a lot of the games are redeemable on GoG).
an_archist2: Discover ROAD QUEST
josh___something: So... It's just video game fanfic?
TehAmelie: i sense they arrived at the same secret i discovered when i wrote some Super Turrican fanfiction on a bet; inventing some side characters for the audience to relate to besides the player character
MungoDude: @Doc_Layzah Oddworld was already gritty
SquareDotCube: "Discover Funky Mode"
mtvcdm: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Juliamon: If you already have it, there are lots of free games available because of this Secret Level thing
g0blinslide subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
Thanks for subscribing, g0blinslide! (Today's storm count: 14)
Laserbeaks_Fury: Does this mean at a certain point, Pac-Man is just gonna swallow key after key?
TheDevil_Risen: outer worlds, space marine 1, dawn of war, BG 1 and 2
TheDevil_Risen: Dredge, Spelunky
mexfire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 5 month streak!
mexfire: hi hi
Thanks for subscribing, mexfire! (Today's storm count: 15)
Simriel: Space Marine is such a fun game, so glad it got a worthwhile sequel
TheMerricat: for people who want to check them out later, otherwise they should be in your twitch 'crown' notification.
TheDevil_Risen: Space Hulk Deathwing
MungoDude: ooh Quake 2
Lysander_salamander: That scifi game about a corporate hellscape
Juliamon: One was big budget, one was indie, both ended up with equal attention because of it
Simriel: Outer Wilds is the quirky indie one, and outer worlds is... wait...
Geldaran: sort of w/ Audible. limited selection, premiums for other stuff, even more so than Prime Video.
Tiber727: Can't wait to release my new game, Outer Weld.
they both got DLC
They both got DLC
Simriel: Inner wild worlds
MolaMolaphant: neither of those games is remotely straight. One is even ace!
LordZarano: When I unsubscribed from prime I discovered they immediately give you a free month, so try unsubscribing and see if you get a free month
Juliamon: Tiber727 ah, a Hardspace Shipbreaker competitor
Texan_Reverend: !ytmember
LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR:
Thanks Paul, Beej, Heather
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
mtvcdm: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're playing Foundations Jumpstart King of the Hill! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (1:13 from now).
GapFiller: seems legit
Laserbeaks_Fury: Every week, we have to pay her residuals
MungoDude: listened to a bunch of Rebecca Black on James' home stream this morning
TheDevil_Risen: yeah smush 2 20 card packs
TheDevil_Risen: instant 40 card deck
EvilBadman: Like smash up if you played that card game
GapFiller: MungoDude kinda afk for the latter parts of the stream guessing that snuck in amongst the Elton John Bee Gees ect eh
TehAmelie: maybe you can just change your last name to Hill and be king of the hill
Earthenone: king of the hill game? is it annother anime crossover set?
Lysander_salamander: Yeah there's like, a talent show I think they're preparing for?
MolaMolaphant: they form a band, so there's music in that flavor at least
MolaMolaphant: Hope you're ready to meteor maker
sam_newey: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're playing Foundations Jumpstart King of the Hill! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (1:09 from now).
TehAmelie: i just hope they base the impact on current scientific understanding which suggests it was such a big explosion there's probably bits of dinosaur on the moon
Jobot180: Then you get to be an adult, which is not all it's cracked up to be.
Flyingdelorion: School was easy, life sucks
Earthenone: not a drop to 3nk
CaptainSpam: Wait, she's not calling it the finale? It must be the finale!
TheDevil_Risen: *bite Club*
mtvcdm: Not the last episode YET
KaleidoscopeMind: well with what cori just did, it could reasonably be the finale
josh___something: Hunt them down (Respectfully)
Simriel: Hunt Jacob for sport in Philidelphia. Check
RockPusher: Hunt them down, give them compliments, watch them turn inside-out!
Jobot180: We've been warned, they have not.
SocraticMethod: Are you telling us to stalk Jacob? Will he like it?
CaptainSpam: *fast-forward to after PAX* "WE HAVE SO MANY CHEESESTEAKS PLS STOP"
Marvoleath: That' dengerous, Beej, now they will get like 100 cheesesteaks per day
Earthenone: so jacob is the pax unplugged cryptid, got it
josh___something: And ben is there too
Laserbeaks_Fury: And you know Jacob would try to eat *every* cheesesteak offered to him
GapFiller: mmm hundreds of cheesesteaks
RockPusher: 100s of cheesteaks sitting in the danger zone
KaleidoscopeMind: by the time it gets to victoria, it won't be a cheesesteak
LurkerSpine: Just get them to get Chickie's and Pete's to open a branch in Victoria
Jobot180: Those are just they decoy cheesesteaks
Simriel: "It's not illegal, it's just fuckin weird"
TehAmelie: the steak centurion
TehAmelie: or cheesesteakurion
GapFiller: oooh theyre continuing this eh
TheDevil_Risen: 1000 ki resist
Earthenone: its probobly against the law to move that much chease into canada
josh___something: 1000x Resist. It's very cool
KaleidoscopeMind: teeth
definenull: so much teeth
Jobot180: Let's leave Frankie alone
josh___something: Oh, the fallguys horror game
Earthenone: beej needs to go find frankie
TheDevil_Risen: Beej is OUT!
did somebody say TEETH!?
TheWooglie: VIB
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
mtvcdm: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
mtvcdm: !patreon
mtvcdm: !store
mtvcdm: !bluesky
100 BIT SNIPE! hard to resist since apparently Beej has started keeping an eye out for me specifically doing these (if last week was any indicator doubly hilarious that Beej JUST left the room too)
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Your bits paid for the tech to display the bits
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
thanks for streaming PH Balance (and Beej )
Texan_Reverend: !bsky
TehAmelie: teeth but no eyes
Juliamon: What if Bartleby already has teeth
josh___something: Oh god
Laserbeaks_Fury: Bitelby
GapFiller: and thanks for that TERRIFYING image Heather
pyronils80: thx and good night
KaleidoscopeMind: bartlebite
SocraticMethod: Hey, that's what happened in Sadako vs. Kayako. I hope it ended well
Juliamon: what if he has Donkey Kong teeth
Earthenone: i dont know whats weirder, the fact that youtube is recomending me a vod of a stream recorded in 2021 with under 40 views with a streamer i have never seen before or the fact that im interested enough to click it
josh___something: What if bartleby gets *more* teeth
GapFiller: TehAmelie that just sounds like Corinthian Bartleby
TehAmelie: exactly
GapFiller: which tbf is nightmarish in its own right
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Marvoleath: Would those be his teeth, or borrowed?
TehAmelie: a dark mirror, made to reflect everything about Bartlekind he does not wish to see in himself
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