corianderd: originally it was a meme from a tweet. It's well enough known to get google results. The thing we made was... like if the Grinch ate a lot of guac
SaxPython: <3
Diabore: !advice
LRRbot: Don't challenge the chat.
ContingentCat: !badadvice
LRRbot: Use your body to cushion your own fall.
ContingentCat: !findquote fall
LRRbot: Quote #2475: "Did you fall into a cutscene?" —Heather [2016-05-09]
SaxPython: We're jumping right back in on Vancouver Court Social Combat?
Metric_Furlong: Social Kombat! [synth riff]
Diabore: @SaxPython yup, going into round 2 of (presumedly) 3
Simbionis: Monday night social combat
SaxPython: I feel like Ollie could have an incredible Phoenix Wright moment in him. +3 politics feels so strong
DaxStrife: :-D
SaxPython: Take That!
Metric_Furlong: Objection! Peru the Mesopotamians weren't aware of South America so how could any of them have possibly been anti-peruvians?! Kappa
AriaHibiki: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Dice Friends (Join Jacob as he guides Adam, Heather, Cori & Cameron through series 3 of Not a Drop to Drink! Tonight, Episode 6! Game: Not a Drop to Drink) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (11m from now).
Juliamon: lrrSIG
Metric_Furlong: ah yes, the Bat Signal
AriaHibiki: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
jdr_42: podbynHeart podbynHeart podbynHeart
Ignatiuspants: we get signal!
Simbionis: Oh that's earlier than expected
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG lunarj1Fangs lrrSIG lunarj1Fangs lrrSIG lunarj1Fangs
type_variable subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 5 month streak!
type_variable: Thrink Thrink Thrink
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, type_variable! (Today's storm count: 12)
SaxPython: KomodoHype SingsNote KomodoHype
Juliamon: hey, hands off the radio!
SaxPython: (Combat theme)
MrVirite: xD
DrFromage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 27 month streak!
DrFromage: I met a retired electrician today who looked suspiciously like Oliver...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrFromage! (Today's storm count: 13)
PharaohBender27: WHAT UP FANGSTERS lunarj1Fangs
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs <3 lunarj1Fangs
DideRobot: LRR: Tonight on DICE FRIENDS! | The coterie finishes up their time in Vancouver on Not a Drop to Drink S3E6 ~A Tale of Vancouver Island by Night! | Tune in at: or |
Metric_Furlong: but will we get to meet Ravnos Ted?
Sarah_Serinde: Hanging on, more or less :P
Laurence72: I paid for the whole seat, but I'LL ONLY NEED THE EDGE!!!
spo8n: pope fight in the final episode?
circusofkirkus: the final episode where Heather is allowed to make this joke
PharaohBender27: Jordan shouldn't have made such a Brujah-ha
SaxPython: @Laurence72 Monday! Monday! Monday!
ghyllnox: *Can* you die from social combat?
Metric_Furlong: @ghyllnox you can end-up getting executed if you do really badly
ghyllnox: 2 human beings? Dead
spo8n: @Metric_Furlong like if you admit to treason too many times
Sarah_Serinde: I had to talk to managers, plural
letsbelgo: khaosp4Lick FBtouchdown
Metric_Furlong: @spo8n It's basically Paranoia, really
Sarah_Serinde: Definitely
PharaohBender27: WHAT UP FANGSTERS
ani laurel: So hyped I get to watch this live
Sarah_Serinde: Especially where I work jlrrFacepalm
Rasaella: maayaPopcorn
DaxStrife: Yayyy face-talk
Laurence72: Gimme that opening chord.....
amative1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
amative1: 130 months!? That's Fang-tastic!
Rasaella: It's Heather!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, amative1! (Today's storm count: 14)
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Heather!
SaxPython: FBtouchdown PogChamp FBtouchdown
DeM0nFiRe: Hello!
unarmedoracle: What's up nerds
Kuhfeek: hello
ghyllnox: Hello!
noSmokeFire: not a drop to grink!
BlueFingers5: Hello, thanks for having us it's great to be here
Rasaella: noth a throp to thrink
Sarah_Serinde: Hey Cameron
Lobo_Apache subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lobo_Apache! (Today's storm count: 15)
Sarah_Serinde: All kinds of cool people
ghyllnox: Not a Drop to Thrink: Not a Drop to Sink
korvys: @unarmedoracle Nerds? In this Vampire The Masquerade stream? It's more likely than you think.
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
unarmedoracle: If Jacob's not here after 15 minutes we're allowed to go home
spo8n: great@
s1ck1y: but this one is the last one fr
circusofkirkus: I think it's a great tradition
spo8n: lies are better!
DaxStrife: Angrelieved?
spethycakes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
spethycakes: 49 is a numbe!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, spethycakes! (Today's storm count: 16)
Laurence72: You are part of the House of Lies (Rhythm Cafe), so I'm used to it
unarmedoracle: Hey -- every episode is somebody's last episode
korvys: I prefer the former
orrie104: thanks, I hate it… :-P
type_variable: why are lies the only option
Metric_Furlong: can't go wrong
noSmokeFire: :) :) :)
spethycakes: whatever a numbe! is
Metric_Furlong: @type_variable this is Heather's House of Lies
Sarah_Serinde: They're very good and explain some stuff from the main series
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Sarah_Serinde: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
SaxPython: Dice Friends: House of Lies is self bit infringement. Not sure how that scores
Rasaella: no egrets
orrie104: Sadly, Bite Club is not available in the sizes I’m looking for
Simbionis: some thinblood or other
Metric_Furlong: RIP Ravnos Ted, gone before we knew him
Ignatiuspants: tonight: somebody, somewhere, dies
niccus: no content has 100% retention rate
ghost_user_1984 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months, currently on a 70 month streak!
SnackPak_: lrrXmasgibb
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ghost_user_1984! (Today's storm count: 17)
Sarah_Serinde: orrie104 Select the size you want and put in your email to tell Beej there's demand, they could get restocked
Laurence72: I mean, I have a medical procedure later this week, this (very very unlikely) could be MY last episode!
s1ck1y: i die constantly
ghyllnox: Reverend Brother Sweetwater dies each episode
Lysander_salamander: hello fellow creatures of the night
PharaohBender27: I mean, episode 3 was the last episode for that guy using the woods toilet
orrie104: @sarah_serinde Already did. :-)
unarmedoracle: you have four minutes to reach minimum safe bladder volume
fracassio subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
Sarah_Serinde: :)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fracassio! (Today's storm count: 18)
roastbeefsandwitch: silent Heather commentary over the actual video would be amusing
SaxPython: clap clap clap
jacqui_lantern234: hey nerds! hope yall are doing well <3
Oscelot: *comes running in with toast in her mouth* I'm here! I made it! Really!
BlueFingers5: No spoilers please
SaxPython: @jacqui_lantern234 <3
KaleidoscopeMind: then someone does a dice roll
Lobo_Apache: But but... you never go to a second location
s1ck1y: oh man and when [redacted] happens? houf
jacqui_lantern234: ooh, i like screaming :P
jacqui_lantern234: AT LEAST
unarmedoracle: rough episode for the nothing ever happens caucus
Laurence72: I want to see what Mary does
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Messy
ghyllnox: There's a party, some travelling, and some screaming, gotcha
type_variable: bestial failure whennnnn
Oscelot: Hey Heather o/
Lobo_Apache: Now that seems also true
Oscelot: *snerk*
Laurence72: A Bite Club Christmas?
saucemaster5000: spoilers jacqui won
s1ck1y: what about the dance number?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Is a staring contest social combat?
ghizmou: MORE LIES?
jacqui_lantern234: ngl, id be here for a LRR staring contest
KaleidoscopeMind: jacob does a fun voice at some point
cavvdor: Yeeee highlight of my week coming up <3
ghyllnox: Whoever wins the staring contest wins at VtM
Mischievous_Catgeist subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Mischievous_Catgeist: GlitchCat lunarj1Fangs lrrGARBO
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mischievous_Catgeist! (Today's storm count: 19)
s1ck1y: that's in the directors cut
Alahmnat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 21 month streak!
Alahmnat: Time to vamp!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alahmnat! (Today's storm count: 20)
spethycakes: it became an Adam dance solo
Lysander_salamander: :D
unarmedoracle: we cut the erotic dance number
type_variable: initaite LOGGINS
Ignatiuspants: spoilers for the next Cam and Ian Christmas stream
e_bloc: the bride
SaxPython: Ollie has a rockin' Carmelldansen
Hawkwreak: This nonsense is horrifyingly scary and devious.
Oscelot: Drat.
jacqui_lantern234: if Chansey is there, itll be the best voice in this series
Jaded Cynic: champing at the bit for this...
Hayley Teale: yipee!
darrin: got off work just in vamptime
SmithKurosaki: Hey @ani laurel How goes?
Xela4Eva: Recently rewatched the entire NaDtD backlog to catch up with the newest series. These videos have made me extremely tempted to delve deeper into the lore of VtM
SmithKurosaki: Hows everyone in chat tonight?
ani laurel: Pretty good, just wrapped up the term so am aggressively doing nothing
SmithKurosaki: @congrats
Simriel: Remember chat, your job is to make sure we don't have to do ours
ani laurel: lol, true
SmithKurosaki: Accurate, Sim
Dread_Pirate_Westley: YouTube memberships?
Hawkwreak: The power of Heathers evil laugh
ThingsOnMyStream: someone needs to bring messy crits over to D&D
Laurence72: @SaxPython Now I can picture the cast in the video doing the dance. I love it
SaxPython: @Laurence72 <3
gualdhar: Is this the Sixon Finale?
jacqui_lantern234: but which are they? soup or members Kappa
MostCallMe__Tim subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
MostCallMe__Tim: Yay!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MostCallMe__Tim! (Today's storm count: 21)
ButButTheJesus: tis a silly place
Oscelot: @ThingsOnMyStream Oh no
Ignatiuspants: YouTube viewers won't be seeing this, but they should still become members
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
KaleidoscopeMind: syoutuper thanks
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs
Oscelot: *snerk*
unarmedoracle: I love seeing members on youtube
jacqui_lantern234: cam!!! XD
Ignatiuspants: the subscribers/members versus followers/subscribers thing is weird...
corpocracy: Fangs Heather
Oscelot: o7 Heather
s1ck1y: truly raised the stakes
cavvdor: lrrFINE
ButButTheJesus: pusha da button
Diabore: bye heather, see you soon!
SnackPak_: big mad
mercano82: Fang you for being a friend
Sarah_Serinde: Gee I wonder how that happened
Laurence72: Opening chord time!!!!!
KaleidoscopeMind: became upset
PharaohBender27: :D
DaxStrife: The Bridezilla became upsetgetti.
Sarah_Serinde: They became aware of some information
neisan2112: Oh good I thought I was late for a second
SaxPython: Hi Jacob!
Sarah_Serinde: !dragonshield
LRRbot: Want a deal on some sweet Dragon Shield products? Use code LRRMTG5 for 5% off your order at
PharaohBender27: To use a joke Discord Mod TheGreenMonster450 did: Jordan caused a Brujah-ha
A_Dub888: uh ohhh, upsettyyyyy
Xela4Eva subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Xela4Eva: xela4eSqueer xela4eSqueer xela4eSqueer
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xela4Eva! (Today's storm count: 22)
iarethel0ser: An upsetness happened.
Sarah_Serinde: !dtrpg
LRRbot: Looking for TTRPG books and related products? Support LRR by using this affiliate link with DriveThruRPG:
JacobBurgessVO: Hello Party People
Sarah_Serinde: Oh hey Jacob
Ignatiuspants: hello!
Artificer_Evan: Hello peeps
Oscelot: o/ @JacobBurgessVO
Sarah_Serinde: You made it
type_variable: hey jacob!
amative1: Hello Jacob!
DirectorStephanie: Hello to our party and my fellow fangsters!
spo8n: Hi Jacob!
Hawkwreak: Hello Lord of fear!
LunarJade: sup nerds
RurouniGeo: hello Jacobbbbb
cavvdor: Heya Jacob!
LunarJade: oh hey Jacob
gualdhar: So, have we figured out "The Bride" of what exactly?
amative1: CUE THE MUSIC!
Garuuk_Predator_of_Scrubs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months, currently on a 75 month streak!
Garuuk_Predator_of_Scrubs: Fangtasstic!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Garuuk_Predator_of_Scrubs! (Today's storm count: 23)
phoenixfeather14: @JacobBurgessVO Hello wonderful storyteller!
DirectorStephanie: Damn it feels good to be a fangster.
Metric_Furlong: fanger alert
ghyllnox: See, Jacob's got the intro covered, no need to worry about it
Rasaella: I love the theme song <3
Strebenherz: Hello fangsters!
BlueFingers5: The fangs all here
PharaohBender27: @Metric_Furlong :D
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to JacobBurgessVO!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JacobBurgessVO! (Today's storm count: 24)
Oscelot: @Metric_Furlong I can't believe I haven't thought of that one before...
sheqesi: Howdy fangsters!
SaxPython: The book from CDHC earlier today is also on driverhrurpg
JacobBurgessVO: Thank you for the sub!
Ignatiuspants: we've been spending most our afterlives in a fangster's paradise
lochnessseammonster: woo party time seabatOAK seabatClap
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Welcome to Vancouver by Night!
DirectorStephanie: katesWave
Farwanderer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Farwanderer! (Today's storm count: 25)
cavvdor: Ooo light effect
ghyllnox: Do I spy a Magikarp this time?
TheAwkes: Not a Drop to Grink
Twilight_Spark: yw
cavvdor: Magikarp ftw!
PharaohBender27 tries to determine which Pokemon bandaid Jacob is wearing now
gibbousm subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 5 month streak!
gibbousm: Welcome to Bite Club. Don't talk about Bite Club
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gibbousm! (Today's storm count: 26)
Oscelot: Oh no, Jacob has the zoomies
jacqui_lantern234: no such thing as too much coffee, past jacob! :P
Laurence72: One too many drops were drunk?
DirectorStephanie: Jacob Zoomies sound dangerous
Strebenherz: this is what happens when you drink from a barista
SnackPak_: lol
cavvdor: Just a lil' Brujah, smol lil' Brujah
Sarah_Serinde: Poor innocent Jordan
PharaohBender27: lrrFINE
DirectorStephanie: lrrFINE
cavvdor: lrrFINE
Oscelot: *snerk*
jacqui_lantern234: escher3PUN
PharaohBender27: escher3PUN
ghyllnox: LUL
A_Dub888: Little Match Stick Girl (who can..... how much can Jordan lift?)
DirectorStephanie: Awwww Adam!!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Why must it always be a House of Lies?
KaleidoscopeMind: does the magikarp foreshadow boring tame things this episode, unlike last time's gengar chaos
LunarJade: yeah we had some energy going on in this recording
lochnessseammonster: oliver is him!
cavvdor: Well done Adam xD
Lobo_Apache: Oliver is HIM though, let's be real
DirectorStephanie: Just Doing His Best TM
Athelgar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
denu55: i love you guys 😂
JadedCynic: Not even finished the introductions! LUL
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Athelgar! (Today's storm count: 27)
jacqui_lantern234: @LunarJade excellent
ThingsOnMyStream: Oliver would definitely approve of the Nile joke
DirectorStephanie: After that convo with Masque? Absolutely Ollie is HIM
s1ck1y: they all had such a bad case of the sillygoofies today
nekobun: pouring one out for the best backpck, never forgt
Twilight_Spark: LUL
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
SaxPython: I am the he who hims
DirectorStephanie: widdle baby
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Oscelot: Just a lil' guy
cavvdor: You kind of are him, Cam
azureHaights: @lobo_apache oh God, Oliver with HIM's voice
Alley-Errant: Honestly at this point I'm gonna have to recruit strangers for a Vampire game I am so into the idea.
SmithKurosaki: Yea I'd really like to try a VtM game. Ive not had a ton of success w/ games in the past though :(
Simriel: See Vampire is a game I would NEVER play with strangers personally
PharaohBender27: The Twitch version is starting
ani laurel: There is a looking for group channel in the LRR discord server
Alley-Errant: Yeah see that makes sense, but I'm getting desperate and my discord tabletop groups have kind of dissolved due to lack of time.
SmithKurosaki: Alright, pizza's almost done, bbiaf
ani laurel: but i agree, you need one amazing session 0 to find everyone's boundaries
Random Factor: I have to wonder if a tiny dinosaur from another campaign will make a cameo. Even if in art that a character sees.
Alley-Errant: That's a good point about the lfg. My local area subreddit recently had a tabletop thread pop off too, so the hunger is def there.
JadedCynic: see a pattern forming here...
gualdhar: I do not know who HIM is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask
KaleidoscopeMind: full of monopoly money...
Lysander_salamander: yay
WowoT: is this live or nah?
DirectorStephanie: @s1ck1y thank you for your wondferful work on this HypeLove1
itira: evening gamers
ghyllnox: Someone else's cash, who is definitely dead...
LunarJade: ep6 (not the last one)
Oscelot: @gualdhar This is WoD, that is likely a smart instinct
jacqui_lantern234: woo! party!
ghyllnox: @WowoT Nah
Dread_Pirate_Westley: A VIP?
DirectorStephanie: katesParty party time! betwee2Party
PharaohBender27: A party where lrrFINE
Juliamon: WowoT the stream is live, the content is prerecorded
SaxPython: We're at the 5, 6, 7, 8 before Ballroom Blitz starts
ghyllnox: @ghyllnox It's the premier and also the players are in chat
DirectorStephanie: more Dad adjacent
A_Dub888: The coterie learned many things
ThingsOnMyStream: the coteri is actually just 4 little guys in a trench coat
DirectorStephanie: Nothing else happened!
PharaohBender27: :D
gualdhar: This is where Coei entered a fugue state
jacqui_lantern234: @ThingsOnMyStream lmao
DirectorStephanie: Widdle thing.
Oscelot: ROFL "vibe checked with a claymore mine" is amazing
Astramentha: Jordan Did Nothing Wrong
LunarJade: Knives: can you look into this? Jordan: wrecks the place
Oscelot: He knew what he was doing sending her lol
DirectorStephanie: Look, based on Jordan's role, she did NOTHING wrong. CoolCat
Lobo_Apache: Swinging both ways with knives in hands
DaxStrife: "How they swingin?" "They swang."
DirectorStephanie: The Bride had some unfinished business
gualdhar: Swingin from a gallows
Astramentha: Was Upsetted
type_variable: meet our players; Adam, Heather, Cori, Cam and The Passive Voice
nekobun: go go Bridezilla
ghyllnox: He did do that huh
DirectorStephanie: Good lord, Ollie is just "I LOVE BEING A RAT"
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
SaxPython: Ollie "Gets Stitches" Tyndall
cavvdor: Nosferatu do love snitchy friends
Oscelot: Cone of Silence is a very useful spell
nekobun: look, turning into a rat is like turning into a bat, you just slice the bottom off the B
korvys: @DirectorStephanie ... has he heard about Protean? lrrBEEJ
azureHaights: The Passive Voice, pronouns had/become
Lysander_salamander: :D
itira: LUL
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Lysander_salamander: nice
Strebenherz: Ollie, "I don't want to be killed, time to be everyone's problem" Tyndall
denu55: lmao
Astramentha: omg
Oscelot: hehehe
gualdhar: Applied Arts teachers know how to stitch a wound right?
DirectorStephanie: lrrWOW
SnackPak_: willing to snitch
Strebenherz: Snitchimus prime XD
jacqui_lantern234: "i wasnt snitching! i was OFFERING to snitch!" :P
Kramburger: Oliver is becoming a information broker
DirectorStephanie: there is no way Ollie hasn't stitched up a few dozen kids in his life with dental floss and a dream
A_Dub888: Oliver "Snitch to be" Tyndall
korvys: Oliver: "People hate Caitiff" Everyone else: "Not really, it's complicated" Oliver: "WELL THEY WILL"
Juliamon: "I'm not snitching, but if you need me to, I'm more than happy to squeal"
DaxStrife: Less "patch notes," more "War Thunder classified docs dump."
MilkInBags: adam doesn't roleplay snitchers, it's just natural Kappa
DirectorStephanie: katesSweat
Strebenherz: Whoopsies the bride learned a bit
Sarah_Serinde: speaking of snitching
saucemaster5000: @MilkInBags now who's the snitch?
ghyllnox: Oliver tells people he's going to snitch, Jordan just does it
MilkInBags: adam, i just said it
Oscelot: *vibrates in place*
Metric_Furlong: The Dread Pirate Sweetwater
DirectorStephanie: lrrFINE katesFine
Vandal20: 🩸🩸
Alley-Errant: 🦹🦹
SmithKurosaki: hey overkill
Random Factor: Dat pun tho
OVERKiLL!: Yo' @SmithKurosaki how You be!?
Random Factor: Oliver "little guy" Tindal.
SmithKurosaki: @OVERKiLL! Not bad, Got NaDtD and some piza
Simriel: We tried nothing and it didn't work. Time for Blood Magic
SmithKurosaki: For sure @ani laurel
Random Factor: I would have called it a social hand grenade, but vibe check claymore is the right energy.
Simriel: The Bride became Unhappied
OVERKiLL!: xp get
saucemaster5000: snitching on snitching is next level evil
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO Why do I have a feeling this involves a spreadsheet?
LunarJade: I don’t need willpower. it’s fine
Oscelot: Uh-huh.
type_variable: willpower is for lesser immortals
saucemaster5000: willpower is power for cowards
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @LunarJade who needs willpower when you have HP.
LunarJade: willpower is for those who can’t do it the first time.
DirectorStephanie: katesSweat
grander_pastures: Oh God. How bad has it gotten?
Oscelot: Wow, just 30% is oof
grander_pastures: I just got it
type_variable: yeah but 30% of the population is enough for an american president
grander_pastures: *just got in
DirectorStephanie: yes. he's "away"
SaxPython: Round 2: Fight!
LunarJade: we do nothing wrong
gualdhar: So the real question, is where are the Camarilla shipping their supporters in from?
SaxPython: @grander_pastures your timing is perfect. This is the kickoff
LunarJade: we are really good at talking
Sarah_Serinde: :D
tenthtechpriest: audible fear
Oscelot: roflmao
ghyllnox: @type_variable The vampire court seems a lot more involved than the human voting population
grander_pastures: @saxpython
KaleidoscopeMind: Cori just taking aim
grander_pastures: Thank youu
SaxPython: <3
DirectorStephanie: Blood of Cain, she's just rippin' through all of it
cavvdor: Jo came to play
jacqui_lantern234: Jordan Hinkleman, professional shit disturber
type_variable: @ghyllnox yeah but some of the vampire population includes anarchs
grander_pastures: Also, shit, cori, how's the gun gonna go off?
Lysander_salamander: boy she's really stirring the pot
Lysander_salamander: :D
josh___something: HEEHEHEHEE
grander_pastures: Here we GOOO
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
ghyllnox: "I definitely have no vampire kids"
Astramentha: Jordan Did Nothing Wrong
korvys: Jordon is the *most* Burjah
Laurence72: Cori is SO GOOD at doing Brujah 'stir up the pot' stuff
korvys: *Brujah
JadedCynic: George Takei: OH MY.
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
corianderd: I thought if I was up front about what I was doing then it would be better than last time
Metalhat: finally I catch one live!
SmithKurosaki: Welcome in Metal
OVERKiLL!: way to go @Metalhat 🪖
ani laurel: watching RPG social combat is fascinating
ani laurel: no way i could DM this
SmithKurosaki: Right?
SmithKurosaki: Jacob does am amazing job with this whole series
OVERKiLL!: best part of VtM
OVERKiLL!: miss L.A. BN and Jason Carl .
SmithKurosaki: Cori over here just SWINGING
cavvdor: It's a great idea and I want to see it
SaxPython: Time to start a new painting
JadedCynic: "Fortune favours the bold" <3
Oscelot: "Equally incredible!"
KaleidoscopeMind: all of jessica's 2 willpower
Julian_Rogue: enouragible
LunarJade: lol
A_Dub888: Jessica Chadwick The Incredible
grander_pastures: It'll be Terrific. As in Inspiring Terror
Metric_Furlong: why not indeed
josh___something: Oh, this party is gonna BURN DOWN
cavvdor: Yes!
nekobun: youo (you only unlive once)
denu55: :v
ghyllnox: Reminder that Knives wanted them to rep him and scope the vibe
cavvdor: A Little Party Did, In Fact, On Occasion Hurt Somebody
sheqesi: The codery woke up and chose violence 😂
DirectorStephanie: I just imagine Jacob's inner monologue is "LITERALLY HOW do they keep hitting on stuff I didn't think of." I am very likely wrong!
Julian_Rogue: @cavvdor Thanks now that songs stuck in my head
Metric_Furlong: @ghyllnox well, Knives is about to learn you can't always get what you want Kappa
grander_pastures: Ask the Ravnos what happened to their Antideluvian in India that one time
denu55: knives is about to regret his choices
Oscelot: @grander_pastures OOF
JacobBurgessVO: Reminder that Knives said that he and the monsters already locked the declaration down. He wants a vibe check on the primogen mostly.
corianderd: @grander_pastures antiperuvian
Metric_Furlong: @grander_pastures don't be mean to Ted, he's trying his best
JacobBurgessVO: Because, as he told Jordan, "Some of 'em might gotta die."
Oscelot: Yeeeeah
Sarah_Serinde: Jo's being outdone this round :P
Oscelot: That's a lot of primogens to knock out
grander_pastures: @metric_furlong Screw Ted, he had to be Spirit Nuked FROM UMBRA
SaxPython: Ollie to other Caitiff "Hey which reverend Brother did you kill"
cavvdor: That was hard to judge xD
grander_pastures: Roll high buddytytt
Julian_Rogue: May the schwartz be with oliver!
Oscelot: Lime... green... suit....
Metric_Furlong: @grander_pastures mentioning Umbra in public, are we? I'm afraid we'll need to take you in for re-education
Julian_Rogue: @Oscelot Lime scented suit
Oscelot: @Metric_Furlong *sighs and adds the Wraith corebook to her "to buy" list*
grander_pastures: @metric_furlong I can't be re educated, I can't read!
Oscelot: Oh. Oh hell.
cavvdor: I wonder if Raven made that suit after asking his favourite colour as well
ghyllnox: Which ones are the Putanesca again?
Metric_Furlong: @grander_pastures fair enough, carry on
Oscelot: @ghyllnox bloodline of the Hecata
grander_pastures: @metric_furlong thabk you. Don't mind the Gaunlet plummeting in your near vicinity
ghyllnox: @Oscelot Ty
SaxPython: Local Teamsters Rep
Oscelot: @ghyllnox o7 They're kinda like the mob
BrowneePointz: former Giovanni Minor Clan I believe
BrowneePointz: and now one of the Hecata
fracassio: oh no
grander_pastures: CHIMICHANGA
Metric_Furlong: Tzimice mentioned
cavvdor: Yes yes finally
Oscelot: @BrowneePointz I believe so yes
Metric_Furlong: oh good, now I'm experiencing Agender Envy from an NPC
Julian_Rogue: OH NO THEY"RE HOT
Ignatiuspants: ooh... gender goals
PharaohBender27: O_o
Oscelot: WOW
Oscelot: Rude.
SnackPak_: oof
Sarah_Serinde: oof
SaxPython: Oh we shippin'
grander_pastures: If yall haven't seen Norfolk Wizard Game, (A Mage Game), there's one around d there too
type_variable: Caitiff bane in play
ghyllnox: Hm
Julian_Rogue: OH good. vampire mormon
Random Factor: Cori arming the social RPG.
SmithKurosaki: 100%
SmithKurosaki: Heather, the evergreeen chaos gremlin
Simriel: Buck it we fall
gnyrinn: Oh wait. I'm realizing that I haven´t seen all of last episode. I'll catch up.
gnyrinn: Later
SmithKurosaki: I'm planning on rewatching /the whole thing/ once this series wraps up
OVERKiLL!: if this is anything like Mysterium, Heather will only become more dangerous as time goes on. shoutout @LunarJade 🌒🟢
4 element studios: is that bandaid just for trepaning stress in jacob while chaperoning this waugh of a coterie?
Oscelot: This is one of the many reasons we hate Noddists
nekobun: ah yes, the three genders: this person
grander_pastures: Also, damn buddy, we know you're a Fleshomancer, but you could still be curtious
SaxPython: SabaPing lunarj1Messy SabaPing
PMAvers: Let's go messy crit
A_Dub888: Messy Crit?
sheqesi: We've got a Nodder! #CarsReference
grander_pastures: This guy is all three of the Heather's from Heathers
Oscelot: Come on Oliver, grow a spine and beat them with it!
ghyllnox: On the one hand, hostility, on the other hand, Quinn seemed real iffy on the Book of Caine
grander_pastures: Damn, this guy is just A Dink
SaxPython: I was rooting for the Ollie Objection!
jacqui_lantern234: man, poor Schwartz
grander_pastures: Noooo, Schwartz!
grander_pastures: I liked his very fleeting presence
Oscelot: The fact that this asshole hasn't been reigned in by the Pri---Regent-- is embarrasing.
Oscelot: And *telling*
Astramentha: lrrAWW schwartz
Rasaella: woooow
josh___something: So, a lot
PharaohBender27: :O
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
denu55: lol
WardsarTheWriter: Oh snap.
Julian_Rogue: YET?!
grander_pastures: DOUBLE FLYIERS
A_Dub888: foreshadowing?
cyclopsboi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cyclopsboi! (Today's storm count: 28)
grander_pastures: *Subtle Forshadowing is Subtle*
CaptainSpam: Well, they're already all dead.
sheqesi: "Not yet" LOL
corianderd: the clapping of my primogens keeps alerting the anarchs
grander_pastures: @captainspam I think we all know there's worse things than death
Sheikun07: I like to imagine the bandaid is because of Jacob hurting himself while holding his head from the players' antics. Because holy cow do they surprise us all constantly.
Oscelot: @corianderd *snrrrrk*
Strebenherz: @corianderd pffffffft
Sheikun07: In a good way!
grander_pastures: @corianderd a Tzimice needs to make a dumper big enough to rival that
josh___something: TED
grander_pastures: TEDDY
Julian_Rogue: I'll call 79,999 rats then!
grander_pastures: Shadow Manipulation: Peter Pan Lookin Ass
Oscelot: I mean nobody except our coterie knows Oliver can do that c.c
ghyllnox: Presumably you *could* but there'd be major consequences
corianderd: @grander_pastures just American Mary myself into a pixar mom
Julian_Rogue: @grander_pastures Never ages, shadow manipulation. HMMM
SmithKurosaki: It should be, but he just had a booboo while they were filming this
ani laurel: goals
SmithKurosaki: right?
PharaohBender27: Hmmmmm
ContingentCat: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 42:59.
Julian_Rogue: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 5:01:35. lrrSPOT
chanterelleton subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months, currently on a 42 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chanterelleton! (Today's storm count: 29)
Julian_Rogue: HMMM thats a bug
saucemaster5000: rowsdower?
JadedCynic: Knives is strangling Camarilla efforts in the idea of himself claiming praxis...
Rasaella: rosdower!
Astramentha: rowsdower D:
ghyllnox: They did survive an attack by three werewolves and smash a Sabaat's head open...
letsbelgo: Rowsdowermobile, away!
Oscelot: @ghyllnox Seat comes out!
Oscelot: Eight!?
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
josh___something: OEF
Alahmnat: oh no
Oscelot: ow ow ow
cavvdor: lrrFINE
Metric_Furlong: RIP Silas Reed
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP
SaxPython: Pfffff
Lysander_salamander: oh no
gibbousm: oh no
type_variable: ha
Metric_Furlong: Oh Good
Julian_Rogue: OH NO
Alahmnat: oh NO
Oscelot: oh no
Strebenherz: PPFFFFFT PFFF
MrSarkhan: LUL
LunarJade: lunarj1Messy
Sarah_Serinde: oh dear :D
denu55: uhm
JadedCynic: lrrWOW
circusofkirkus: oh
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO
gibbousm: lrrFINE
gualdhar: JACOB!
ghyllnox: Cool
DaxStrife: Mess/Off
Astramentha: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
grander_pastures: OH NOOOOOES
Julian_Rogue: Yes and?
kynelwynn: Have a taste of your own medicine, Jacob!
Oscelot: "...uh-huh."
denu55: jacob!?
grander_pastures: Silas is gonna Die
Forgotten_Sanity: yay!
DirectorStephanie: the look on Adam's face
Laurence72: Is Jacob allowed to messy crit??
KeytarCat: Excellent time to walk in!\
Sheikun07: finally!
cavvdor: Oh no
SaxPython: We Debatin' Boys!
Juliamon: it's contagious
grander_pastures: Ooooo, Walter is Insecureeeee
Strebenherz: Walter is a chihuahua and cameron just walked into his yard
grander_pastures: OOOOOO
JacobBurgessVO: @laurence72 Jacob says yes
grander_pastures: Gossip!
cavvdor: Blood surge blood surge blood surge
PMAvers: Let's go for a double messy crit?
Nasya31 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nasya31! (Today's storm count: 30)
ghyllnox: The ST Gerbers his own babies
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO Well I guess if Jacob says it's okay for Jacob to
grander_pastures: AGG Social Damage???
Oscelot: Whew
type_variable: ooo
Sarah_Serinde: phew
jacqui_lantern234: @Laurence72 his crits are as messy as he wants them to me Kappa
Julian_Rogue: Emotional DAMAGE
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Oscelot: Let's heckin' go Silas!
grander_pastures: Hell yeah CAAAM
josh___something: yike
letsbelgo: come at me nerd
denu55: uh
SaxPython: Show them fangs lunarj1Fangs
Oscelot: "yeah alright" XD
grander_pastures: At a cost????
Astramentha: OMG
Laurence72: do it!!!
grander_pastures: YEAH
Alahmnat: so many costs tonight
DirectorStephanie: oh nooooooooooo
josh___something: HEHEHEHEEH
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Laurence72: YES!!
Sarah_Serinde: :D
Juliamon: at-a-cost has been called
grander_pastures: GET HIS ASS
Sheikun07: Heck yeah
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
cavvdor: YES
Rasaella: woooooo
denu55: oh god
jacqui_lantern234: so many costs tonight
A_Dub888: Silas is a very good boy
adept_nekomancer: Epic debate!
Julian_Rogue: They both get scannersed
ghyllnox: When have they ever said no to "succeed at a cost" LUL
Oscelot: I can not wait for how terrifying this is going to be
Strebenherz: vamp fight vamp fight vamp fight
dm818: Out occult some Tremere bigwig
Laurence72: Nerd fight!! NERD FIGHT!!
jacqui_lantern234: CAM
korvys: "Succeeding at a cost" is basically always the most fun option
Sheikun07: @ghyllnox I think they've done it ONCE
Rasaella: rowsdowerrrr
LiveFaust: Ze Germans?!
grander_pastures: Silas saw the Insecurity and is Stoic AF
SaxPython: Back to Sumerian!
grander_pastures: WE LOVE IT
DirectorStephanie: I wonder if there's beer on the sun katesHm
denu55: oh no
Oscelot: Gerber! That! Baby!
LunarJade: 😂
DirectorStephanie: Heather no!
CaptainSpam: @DirectorStephanie mst3kRows
Metric_Furlong: Jacob never learns
Oscelot: Fucked up and weird! \o/
nekobun: "ooh!"
jacqui_lantern234: HEATHER YES
grander_pastures: What do we mean by Fucked Up???
Twilight_Spark: Jacob just offering a good time.
Astramentha: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
DirectorStephanie: @CaptainSpam direct31Sip cheers friend
sheqesi: LOL
grander_pastures: Jacob! Give Us That GOOOD TIME
Juliamon: Heather came out here to have a good time and she is *thriving*
Oscelot: We're going to the cursed corner in Akihibara but in WoD
Sarah_Serinde: :D
gualdhar: LRR playing their characters like they stole them, as usual
PMAvers: I mean, there's always the Mary Option
nekobun: tbf i've had one or two weird egg salad sandwiches
Julian_Rogue: summon bloody marry right here right now
A_Dub888: dang it, now me hungee
grander_pastures: Rancid Egg Salas Sandwich
Oscelot: "You only die once"
DaxStrife: That was the last "Roll for Sandwich," right?
Laurence72: LOL Cori!
grander_pastures: Well, no, Jacob, they really REALLY want to lean into it all
nekobun: the egg salad sandwich does NOT like you
CanPlayGames: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 5:40:55. lrrSPOT
Oscelot: "...until you die again"
Metalhat: oh boy, that's interesting
Random Factor: Aggravated willpower, oof.
SmithKurosaki: Glad it didnt happen
SaxPython: Wet Ones: Vampire Edition
Astramentha: OH NOOOOOO
cavvdor: OHHHHHHH
grander_pastures: OH NO NO NO A STALKER
Oscelot: Theo would be pissed
ContingentCat: Ooooooo
Rasaella: intense wings
korvys: "Never alone"
RurouniGeo: lollllllll
PMAvers: Oh hey a new friend to duo-queue in League with
Alahmnat: Cameron.
josh___something: CAMERON
A_Dub888: Silas is a good boy
grander_pastures: That would start an Inter Tremere War
oberon939: Clip that
oberon939: Clip it
cavvdor: CAM
Astramentha: CAMRRON
KaleidoscopeMind: i feel like theo would protect him
noSmokeFire: Silas big naturals
jacqui_lantern234: cam!!!
grander_pastures: Oh yeah, a Wizard Rival that is several gens HIGHER
A_Dub888: !card go for the throat
LRRbot: Go for the Throat [1B] | Instant | Destroy target nonartifact creature.
ghyllnox: Ooop
Nigouki: did Silas get another curse?
serramarkov: It's a pre-record, there's no point in suggesting a new playmate for Mary.
grander_pastures: Is it black??
grander_pastures: EW
Strebenherz: ??
letsbelgo: he puked
ContingentCat: Oooo?!
Julian_Rogue: OH HAIL NO
Metric_Furlong: it's fine
korvys: Is he one of Mary's!?
Oscelot: Oh fuck
letsbelgo: fucking mary
Metric_Furlong: It's Fine™
goombalax: Thats a Palpatine line
Oscelot: @korvys oh frickin' hell
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
ghyllnox: Welp
Strebenherz: oh no
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
cavvdor: lrrFINE
grander_pastures: MARYY
fracassio: holy moly
DeM0nFiRe: That's probably fine right?
adept_nekomancer: Time for more telescope science.
Kramburger: OH GOOD
neisan2112: OH NOO
josh___something: OH no
JadedCynic: Oh Shi-
Lysander_salamander: uh oh
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrSPOOP
neisan2112: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
nekobun: well that's just great
Metric_Furlong: nothing to worry about here
SaxPython: A+ at a cost
NimrodXIV: I'm sure that's all good
ContingentCat: lrrFINE
Ignatiuspants: yay! fucked up and weird!
A_Dub888: I'm sure that's fine
grander_pastures: Wow, Silas did a BAD THING
Oscelot: Wh-- h---WHA-- GAH
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP lrrFINE lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrFINE lrrSPOOP
Sheikun07: lrrFINE
grander_pastures: That is FUCKED
cavvdor: Whoopsiedoodle
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrFINE
Laurence72: And Cori and Heather are supposed to be bigger risks than THAT was!
Nigouki: killing the party by making one guest leave at a time
DirectorStephanie: HOW
A_Dub888: Silas is still a good boy right? RIGHT??
Astramentha: @nigouki no kidding
grander_pastures: That was all to Break EVEN
Oscelot: *is still flailing from the last scene*
Sheikun07: Silas is a good boy in a very bad situation
josh___something: Jo is looking for HEADS
LunarJade: do I need to be riskier? I can get more risky!
jacqui_lantern234: cori!
circusofkirkus: lol
Sogheim: is Cori gonna drop a local nuke again like last time?
JacobBurgessVO: @lunarjade ...please no
A_Dub888: @JacobBurgessVO I mean...
grander_pastures: So, affiliation with Mary Magdalene gets you Neon Green Blood Magic?
LunarJade: @jacobburgessvo so that’s a yes
cavvdor: Ooooh
Oscelot: @LunarJade I can't wait.
SaxPython: FBtouchdown lunarj1Fangs FBtouchdown
WardsarTheWriter: Jo's out for blood (figurative) tonight.
Strebenherz: everyone just taking turns to see who can drive the vampire car off the cliff huh
grander_pastures: Cori is so good at poking at shit, but then immediately getting out of the way of the consequences of those actions
SaxPython: ngl, I didn't have Jo crushing social combat on my vision board
grander_pastures: Brill
grander_pastures: Jo crushing Social Combat is brilliant
josh___something: I think Jo is just really ADEPT at combat of any kind
circusofkirkus: Progeny is for closers
A_Dub888: @Strebenherz that implies it was on a cliff to begin with.
circusofkirkus: got it
grander_pastures: No Coffee for Progeny
Oscelot: Uh-huh. I'm sure it would be.
KeytarCat: I'm just now getting the Vampire-Eugenics commentary...
josh___something: Jo's here to fuck shit up, whether physically or socially
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
Metric_Furlong: Quin catching so many strays
Strebenherz: Also that appears to be a magikarp bandaid
SaxPython: Ewe
Julian_Rogue: @JacobBurgessVO could they spend a boon with mask to have a childer?
LunarJade: yeah we get things done!
Twilight_Spark: Yeah but no promotions eh.
LunarJade: all kinds of things
nekobun: Always Be Childering. Wait, no.
grander_pastures: Vampire Eugenics are a Bastard
KaleidoscopeMind: they sound like werewolf bait to me
OVERKiLL!: 🔮 Occult Manipulation is a great combination of words
SmithKurosaki: CAM!
Simriel: Ours?
OVERKiLL!: 2 year olds are... difficult... constantly cleaning over here.. 🤕
ani laurel: oh dear
SmithKurosaki: @Simriel Everything is fine, FINE
Random Factor: Whelp.
SmithKurosaki: @OVERKiLL! oofa
Hayley Teale: this episode is a corker (great) so far
grander_pastures: @nekobun literally the opposite
JacobBurgessVO: @julian_rogue If they pledged to Vancouver and became a member of Masques court, yes, provided Masque became Prince
PharaohBender27: NGL I'm barely keeping up with all the clippable moments that are happening tqsSweat
BrowneePointz: Jordan WIN-kleman
JadedCynic: Brujah are anti-authoritarian...but they aren't ALL just punks. :) Carthage challenged Rome
Julian_Rogue: @JacobBurgessVO Neat thanks! <3
SaxPython: @pharaohbender27 <3
grander_pastures: The next Highlight Reel is just This Episode
Oscelot: @PharaohBender27 *gets the forehead dabbers and forceps*
ShaneLeeAtk: Just a Bruhaj doing Bruhaj things
Sheikun07: @PharaohBender27 NADTD is pretty much nothing BUT clippable moments
josh___something: OH RIGHT
cavvdor: Heeeere we go
grander_pastures: So Jo wants Knives off the island?? *why*
josh___something: Jessica is causing PROBLEMS
Sogheim: wait I missed the beginning, she's headed for The Regent?
JacobBurgessVO: Or if Masque just said "fuck it" and no one challenges him. Think Sherrod of Nottingham in Robin Hood
grander_pastures: Because of the childe issuem
type_variable: he said the p word again
PharaohBender27: So did Cori have a clippable moment during her scene just there? Because if so, I missed it
Julian_Rogue: @Sheikun07 no joke. I sent the latest highlights to all my dnd friends with the moment where Cam explains his plan and Jacobs reaction is breathtaking.
Metric_Furlong: @grander_pastures so you remember the thing that happened in her last memorium?
Julian_Rogue: @grander_pastures she likes knives out?
Sarah_Serinde: oh dear
grander_pastures: @metric_furlong grand, I thought it'd be something else, just wanted to make sure
josh___something: Yeeeeeeees
SaxPython: Not that I noted @pb27
adept_nekomancer: This would be the best time for a messy crit!
Strebenherz: messy crit! messy crit!
Oscelot: Uhoh
grander_pastures: @julian_rogue imma eat some Glass Onions
Oscelot: "Please give me a way to get you out of this"
grander_pastures: Jacob would do terrible on Shark Tanks if the sharks wanted to keep the money
Kramburger: Why don't you paint him a picture about it?
cavvdor: Nosferatu do like being the power behind the power
A_Dub888: I can do a fastball, curveball, slider, and can attempt a knuckleball. What kind of pitch we looking for?
ghyllnox: Break out into a musical number!
type_variable: can i use celerity if my pitch is through interpretive dance?
Kramburger: Get them high and outside
grander_pastures: So, we are Frenzy-ing in front of Masque??
josh___something: This is HEATING UP
Astramentha: lrrXmasbart
neisan2112: Yooooo
Rasaella: lol
RurouniGeo: ohhhhhh
Kramburger: Um
grander_pastures: HE LEFT
type_variable: hahahaha
DirectorStephanie: SEVEN CRITS?
Oscelot: Let's go Jessicaaaaaa
SnackPak_: is that good?
grander_pastures: HES GONE
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Heart lunarj1Fangs
NimrodXIV: bye Jacob
neisan2112: lrrXmasbart
cavvdor: OMG
fracassio: this kills the jacob
nekobun: welp great campaign everyone
A_Dub888: messy crit?
KaleidoscopeMind: did jacob messy crit again
Sarah_Serinde: :D
gualdhar: Oh
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
gualdhar: What
LunarJade: lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy
Oscelot: *falls over laughing*
gibbousm: oh no
Strebenherz: WHAT
Astramentha: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
neisan2112: OH NOOOOO
josh___something: OH YES
korvys: HELL YEAH
DiscordianTokkan: Messy Criiiit!
Laurence72: YES!!!
mercano82: did mask just messy crib?
josh___something: Again!!!
Juliamon: it *is* contagious
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
spethycakes: lrrXmasbart
ghyllnox: Yaayyyy
Forgotten_Sanity: Yes!!!
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah Heather definitely won
Strebenherz: WHAT IN BUS
gibbousm: lrrFINE
DirectorStephanie: katesShake katesShake katesShake katesShake
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Messy lunarj1Fangs
sheqesi: Messy crit!
cavvdor: Oh no
grander_pastures: WHATS THE TOTAL JACOB
BrowneePointz: Jacob! Stop Critting all over the floor!
DirectorStephanie: Let's gooooo
circusofkirkus: lol
MrSarkhan: LUL
Metric_Furlong: could have just taken half Kappa
Julian_Rogue: so much gaslighting
denu55: lmao
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
josh___something: Adam YES
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
Kramburger: It's critmas!
nekobun: be the dice you want to roll in the world
WiJohn: Best party
Oscelot: @Kramburger XD
denu55: yay
SaxPython: Jacob is taking aggravated Willpower
korvys: "The person who asks the question bears the burden of the answer"
circusofkirkus: ahahaha
josh___something: YEEEEEEEESS
RurouniGeo: no wayyy lmaoo
DirectorStephanie: NO
JadedCynic: Did y'all switch dice tongiht? :D
Diabore: oh boy
Astramentha: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
DirectorStephanie: AHHH
jacqui_lantern234: yeeesss
neisan2112: Has Jacob messy crit more than the players this season?! LOLOL
Alahmnat: everybody going shopping tonight, lol
ghyllnox: LUL
adept_nekomancer: Well, this sure is going places
grander_pastures: Wow, getting IN FRONT OF THE QUESTION
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
gibbousm: poor Jacob expecting there to not be nonsense
roastbeefsandwitch: CAM!
denu55: poor @JacobBurgessVO
spethycakes: the joy of the messy crit
cavvdor: Critkarma
KaleidoscopeMind: guessing the cost: tripothy happens again?
Kramburger: The void has looked back at Jacob
josh___something: HE came at the KING
LunarJade: lmao
roastbeefsandwitch: @Kramburger Yes, very eys
Laurence72: Heather said there were going to be three messy crits before the show started, so only one left to go!
grander_pastures: Jacob is being actively being TAUGHT about the real World of Darkness
unarmedoracle: we turned this encounter into the "nobody speak" video
RurouniGeo: oh noo
JadedCynic: oh NO
DirectorStephanie: Gerber! That! BABY!
Kramburger: CORI
Brozard: oh no
A_Dub888: @josh___something can vampires orgasm?
Oscelot: Oh no
neisan2112: Uhhhh
JadedCynic: um
amative1: CORI NO
Diabore: cori asked a QUESTIOn
Oscelot: Cori no
Astramentha: Jordan Did Nothing Wrong
grander_pastures: OH NOO
cavvdor: Oh NO
Kramburger: CORI NO
Julian_Rogue: The mask falls of
grander_pastures: Do we see under the Masque???
roastbeefsandwitch: Obsessive, I think
Brozard: his face falls off like a scab
SaxPython: They need to consume Guac
Kramburger: uhhhhhh
gualdhar: Uh
gualdhar: Uuuuhhhhhhhh
grander_pastures: Oh nooooo
Kramburger: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! We have mailed you multiple notices about your face.
gualdhar: Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Kramburger: LRRbot how
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO
grander_pastures: We unleash the Vampire Can Opener?????
JadedCynic: ♫ Secret, secret! I've got a secret! ♫
Alahmnat: cryptophillia is not a love of crypts, chat
DirectorStephanie: HypeScream
RurouniGeo: pass the buck!
Ignatiuspants: ooh...
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
cavvdor: Also not a love of cryptocurrcency
jacqui_lantern234: @Alahmnat it should be
Kramburger: @Alahmnat ... we knew that
KaleidoscopeMind: masque'd
nekobun: leapt right on it like a fun grenade
grander_pastures: MASQUE.... OFF!
LunarJade: I forgot I was a complete goblin during this session
Julian_Rogue: "we're gunna gerber rule this" "No more suggestions"
Oscelot: Masque'd oh god
Strebenherz: OH NO
Kramburger: ADAM
Diabore: YES
JadedCynic: DIS GON B GUD dot GIF....
spethycakes: OH ADAM
Oscelot: @LunarJade You're a complete goblin during every session ;)
SnackPak_: oh buddy
SaxPython: Please be Ollie
Diabore: i was HOPING it was oliver
Astramentha: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
gualdhar: Poor Oliver
DirectorStephanie: Oh gosh
Oscelot: Oh Oliver honey
Twilight_Spark: Get absolutely PokMaskedpika
cavvdor: Awww
grander_pastures: NO MORE BOON BUDDY
SaxPython: PogChamp
Sarah_Serinde: oh buddy
KaleidoscopeMind: oliver already agreed to snitch
Julian_Rogue: ah so oliver is getting Mask-er-raided
Brozard: He's gonna open that Canned Heat
ghyllnox: Well, Oliver is full Willpower
JadedCynic: pump for info
denu55: @LunarJade lol
Kramburger: Adam's gonna snitch
Metric_Furlong: Masque wants to now about that snitchin' offer
JadedCynic: "TELL ME!!!!"
Lysander_salamander: :D
Julian_Rogue: Oliver shares about bloody marry
Sarah_Serinde: Oliver *did* offer :D
DirectorStephanie: The principal bullying the clanless in front of the WHOLE school?!
WiJohn: I need your secrets!
SnackPak_: time for Oliver to shine
A_Dub888: tell him about Mary having a little lamb?
JadedCynic: Masque NEEDS TEA! :D
lochnessseammonster: the snitch in potentia!
grander_pastures: Oh God, just try to give Masque the info of Mary
Laurence72: Stalks by Nigh gonna get known all over B.C.
ghyllnox: It's true, he did offer
Oscelot: @A_Dub888 He literally can't
jacqui_lantern234: "YO OLIVER, NARC ON SOMEONE FOR ME!!!" -masque, from across the room
SaxPython: Bailed Out
korvys: Also, Oliver already spilled his guts to Masque last episode
Vilun: oh shit, Oliver knows a lot of stuff, though whether he knows he knows the stuff is another question
Metric_Furlong: slop it up!
RurouniGeo: make a sloppy joe
type_variable: suddenly, the moon
Oscelot: "We could make this sloppier..." XD
DirectorStephanie: Sloppier??? HOW
josh___something: "Make it sloppier"
ghyllnox: Cam, fan of sloppy
WiJohn: Tripothy gets jelly
KaleidoscopeMind: Tripothy happens. Again.
grander_pastures: Tripothe looks at this as a "Childe, you have no TACT, no CLASS, get OUT"
Julian_Rogue: are you gunna slap him too?
JadedCynic: @Vilun I have to admit, Oliver DID already set himself as an information source - Masque just wants his first hit EARLY
JadedCynic: @grander_pastures MAGNIFIQUE <3
Vilun: has Cori's compulsion been active all game?
Oscelot: Oooh boy
ghyllnox: @Vilun You'd think so, wouldn't you
JadedCynic: oh wow lrrWOW
Sarah_Serinde: oooh
josh___something: Ooohoohoo
Oscelot: That's terrifying
cavvdor: Oooooh
grander_pastures: @jadedcynic *Masque winds a belt around Oliver, trying to find an info vein*
JadedCynic: @Vilun the whole 'meeting'
type_variable: big gremlin energy
corianderd: @Vilun not even a little
denu55: LMAO Heather
Astramentha: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Sheikun07: yesssssss
Oscelot: *snerk*
Kramburger: Really? In front of my painting?
Metric_Furlong: Jessica's the problem childe
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Julian_Rogue: C'mon jacob you named a character schwartz
amative1: No, no, not that! Anything but that!
nekobun: going up to The Bride like "When will then be now?"
Sheikun07: "soon"
JadedCynic: @grander_pastures "C'mon man - I need something - tell me anything! What's your PIN code; what's the Neiman-Marcus cookie receipe! ANYTHING!!!!"
SmithKurosaki: Jacob keeps trying to do some shit
Metalhat: oh wow, that will be fun
SmithKurosaki: Gotta get that gripper content
HamTechs McCarthy: obsessively curious
SmithKurosaki: Oh. OH NO
HamTechs McCarthy: the dice are telling a story
Simriel: "we could make this sloppier"
LunarJade: Jessica is getting stuff done. Tripothy should just get on my level
Oscelot: Awwwwww
ghyllnox: Gonna need a new boat
korvys: Tripathy was medium on the Camerilla stuff, right?
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs SabaPing lunarj1Fangs
JadedCynic: @LunarJade it's both glorious and bittersweet when the kids surpass their parents <3
Sheikun07: I can't wait for more messy crits from Jacob
type_variable: driving like we stole it
grander_pastures: @jadedcynic "Come ooooon man - I need that Krabby Patty Secret Formula!!! YOU EAT ENOUGH BURGERS TO KNOW"
josh___something: You were in this coterie
cavvdor: Final phase, right?
KaleidoscopeMind: oh right. how are they getting back to the island without tripothy's boat
korvys: Oh, she's back
SaxPython: Round 3. Fight!
grander_pastures: The Bride is getting AROUND
Metric_Furlong: @KaleidoscopeMind Silas took the ferry in season 1
Oscelot: The power of a Malk is nothing to sneeze at
type_variable: could get a ride back with monica
Terr0rc0tta: dementation baby
grander_pastures: Oh no, the Malkavians are swaying the court now....
Oscelot: @Terr0rc0tta Thank you, I couldn't figure out where that went in my brain
Nigouki: so I predicted Ballroom Blitz for last episode but I guess it's this one
grander_pastures: Jessica is really, really burning up bridges just to make sure she's gon
grander_pastures: Gonna be Monica's Babygurl
korvys: Where are all the Bruhaj?
Metric_Furlong: @korvys with the anarchs, mostly
Terr0rc0tta: @oscelot I’m so pumped to see it
grander_pastures: HELL YEAH CORI
A_Dub888: !card storm crow
LRRbot: Storm Crow [1U] | Creature — Bird [1/2] | Flying
JacobBurgessVO: @korvys With the anarchs
ghyllnox: Cori's got an Agenda
JacobBurgessVO: Knives was one of the last Brujah loyalists and seen as a traitor by most of the rest of the clan.
SaxPython: Jo gaming out of her mind
cavvdor: Jo should say hi to the Bride again and pretend nothing happened :p
JadedCynic: @grander_pastures "C'mon - spill some tea; who's boning who? How's the stuff with the Ghenna cultists on the island? Any other weird shit? Have you even seen anything weird - any ghosts? Magic? Demons?"
Oscelot: *gasp*
KaleidoscopeMind: *gasp*
jacqui_lantern234: HIS PEOPLE
grander_pastures: @cavvdor Truly the Malk move to do all Malk Moves*
JadedCynic: lrrWOW Brother of the stomach!
Kramburger: "Hey, why you so mad though?"
Metric_Furlong: Camarilla Brujah are ~5 dudes in Chicago and a few extras
grander_pastures: His people! The taste of Beefy Jeefy and Cherry Cola!
dm818: This is an interesting place for masque to pop up
ghyllnox: His people, who were super against having him at the worksite and blamed him for all their delays
SaxPython: Jess's at-a-cost could have been "Jess and Monica become known"
PharaohBender27: OK, given how much I've clipped, I'm not even going to do the "roll a virtual D20 for 'sneak off to dinner'" - I'm off for like a half hour, so any clippable moments are your responsibility, rest of chat
LiveFaust: @jadedcynic Brotherhood of the Traveling Snacks
Oscelot: @PharaohBender27 o7 enjoy dinner
grander_pastures: Have a good food my dood
grander_pastures: Oh no, please be Subtle Jess Jess
Oscelot: *snerk*
jacqui_lantern234: heh
Oscelot: Xena was so good
Lobo_Apache: What a gay show
cyclopsboi: quality TV
DirectorStephanie: ehehehehe
DaxStrife: Dang, haven't tought about Xena in a minute.
Oscelot: "just" gossiping
TheAwkes: You need Joxer in the episode to run interference.
josh___something: Everyone here
DirectorStephanie: You did, Jacob. YOU DID.
grander_pastures: Xena is so preeety
Oscelot: @TheAwkes Joxer is Oliver
ghyllnox: Just a little lady! No nothing, no threat, little matchstick girl!
JadedCynic: @TheAwkes 10000%
KaleidoscopeMind: "who knew a party could be so dangerous?" -person who described the party as social combat
josh___something: Everyone here knew this was gonna BURN some bridges
denu55: Cori making shit hit the fan
type_variable: feels like Jacob told them about social combat, providided some rapiers, and the squad showed up with automatic weapons and claymore mines
Diabore: @KaleidoscopeMind also who person who messy critted... twice
emanym: Woooo!
OVERKiLL!: these crayons suck. they keep breaking LOL
Oscelot: @type_variable Accurate
JadedCynic: @ghyllnox to the kindred, a seller of small wooden sticks that BURN is a threat :)
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
grander_pastures: Ahhhh, make that lady Hornt
Oscelot: """"safe""""
SnackPak_: "safe"
neisan2112: SHE SAID SAFER!
kynelwynn: So much for "play it safe"
SaxPython: SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing
cavvdor: What a Toreador move. I approve.
adept_nekomancer: highly encrypted flirting
JadedCynic: ♫ I'm comin' out, I want the world to know! ♫
grander_pastures: Jess Jess needs to blow off some STEAM
JadedCynic: ohhhh...
Sarah_Serinde: oops
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Oscelot: Amazing
Strebenherz: away with you
JadedCynic: d'aww
Oscelot: Awwwww
JadedCynic: <3
type_variable: aww
neisan2112: Damn thats a great line
Sheikun07: That's such a Toreador move
SaxPython: <3 <3 <3
ghyllnox: Was the hook for Monica just Jessica's Toreadorness? Or was I missing something
KaleidoscopeMind: too bad that caitiff in charge of shipping isn't here
Strebenherz: messy crit! messy crit!
JadedCynic: Monica & Jess recover some spoons :)
Strebenherz: 3/3!
HorusFive: It's like Jacob should write this s**t down
grander_pastures: We have now opened up Vancouver Island for the rule of Oliver, good one Jess Jess
ghyllnox: @KaleidoscopeMind LUL
Seabats: bro my mic awareness is dog shit
Ignatiuspants: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride
Oscelot: @Seabats Don't worry, we can still hear you fine
LunarJade: after you have to hang out at a party with people you don’t know you just wanna hang out with someone you like
denu55: tru
JadedCynic: YES
SaxPython: Gotta recharge that social battery
JadedCynic: you gotta recharge
Julian_Rogue: @Seabats at least you didn't get up and walk away XD
Alahmnat: boy the NPCs are swinging for the fences tonight
SaxPython: @jadedcynic FBtouchdown <3
Oscelot: @LunarJade 10000% I hide behind my person after like 10 minutes
JadedCynic: @SaxPython hivemind high-five! o/\o
roastbeefsandwitch: Come on, "we don't have money for education" is such an excuse. You can find them!
cyclopsboi: telling a teacher that we a need a teacher...
type_variable: apocryphal
ghyllnox: @roastbeefsandwitch Oh they have money
Twilight_Spark: Auspicious.
Julian_Rogue: OHHHHHHHHH Omanic <3
grander_pastures: @jadedcynic "Look man, do you have anything absolutely freaky? You got a secret horde of Ghouls? You see a Mage around? You eat a Werewolf?? TELL MEEEE"
Oscelot: Which character was speaking? I missed it
Julian_Rogue: @JacobBurgessVO thank you for always increasing my vocabulary
Sarah_Serinde: "resources" isn't just money, it's the people to do the work too
type_variable: the sheriff
grander_pastures: Damn, poor guy named Oman
Alahmnat: *nods*
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde exactly
Sarah_Serinde: (doesn't mean it's not just an excuse, but still)
HorusFive: If only there was some kind of alternate Church to take them in. Some kind of.... Ministry... if you would
SaxPython: OooOOOoooh
Twilight_Spark: coxNod
Julian_Rogue: Las vegas!
Metric_Furlong: @HorusFive instructions unclear, they're joining the Sabbat Kappa
cyclopsboi: lepper colony
Julian_Rogue: Now I want a vtm campaign in vegas
ghyllnox: Seattle, from what I've heard
grander_pastures: Take all the Licks and shove them into the Artoc
grander_pastures: *Arctic
SaxPython: Objection!
grander_pastures: Oooo, fighting words Oliver
SaxPython: Get em Ollie
Julian_Rogue: vampower
ghyllnox: @grander_pastures Aww come on, polar bears are already endangered!
ContingentCat: Ooooooo
Sarah_Serinde: ooooh
NotCainNorAbel: lrrWOW
Oscelot: Let's go Oliver *claps*
SnackPak_: dang Oliver
Terr0rc0tta: Oliver said we
itira: oop
jacqui_lantern234: lets go oliver
Metalhat: Heather going the safe route for this one is interesting to me
Metalhat: or rather Jessica
Metalhat: ok I take that back
SmithKurosaki: and theres the other shoe lo
ghyllnox: "They make a lot of people very upset" LUL
Fruan: I didn't think I could love Oliver more, and yet here we are.
Ignatiuspants: next time on NaD3D -- Oliver starts some kind of X-Men school for thin-bloods and caitiffs and ends up with a private army
grander_pastures: @ghyllnox A bunch of Thinbloods get Vitamin A poisoning
JadedCynic: @grander_pastures "What do your kine neighbors get up to? does John Q Heifer embezzle from work? Does Jane Heifer hate her town council member? Do their kids shoplift? SOMETHING!"
Oscelot: Eyyyy.
Kramburger: Yo, Oliver is WORKING
Julian_Rogue: tell a fish or a squirrel
nekobun: Chancy!
roastbeefsandwitch: holy crap Oliver!
Metric_Furlong: Chauncey the Rock God!
JadedCynic: The Rock GOD
ghyllnox: Good job Ollie
roastbeefsandwitch: way to crit the conversation check without rolling the dice!
grander_pastures: Hellll yeah, like a True Giovanniii move Oli
Oscelot: Let's go Oliver <3 <3 <3
jacqui_lantern234: damn, oliver! lets go!!! <3
SaxPython: #TheOldWays
MacbethSeemsSus: Oliver's going to have a spy network within the next 6 months at this rate.
KaleidoscopeMind: is oliver thinking to send them up island?
JadedCynic: time for oliver pracitce keeping all the plates spinning :)
grander_pastures: Beautiful Rollless crit Oliver
Seabats: oliver aint thinking about shit
nekobun: Oliver's Army (of thinbloods) is on its way
Seabats: just vibes
Julian_Rogue: @MacbethSeemsSus I'd bet it would all be woodland critters too
grander_pastures: We love the vibes Adam
Oscelot: @Seabats Can get a lot done on Vibes
itira: @Seabats i dont believe you
type_variable: dude oliver lost 3-7 and came away winning
TheAwkes: Charisma gas 'em up.
cyclopsboi: Oliver gets to teach a university of thinbloods how to be kindred
Sheikun07: Every group needs at least ONE person who operates on vibes.
jacqui_lantern234: @Seabats and oliver's vibes are on the pulse there
LiveFaust: @ignatiuspants now I can't NOT see Monica's mansion as Xavier School...
ghyllnox: Good thing Oliver's signed up with a thinker then
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 Oliver has a pulse?
JadedCynic: @cyclopsboi "The Oliver Tyndall School for Gifted Individuals"
jacqui_lantern234: @A_Dub888 no, but the vibe does
Lysander_salamander: wow
type_variable: clan compulsion please
Vilun: Oliver deals with Masque twice
Kramburger: Oliver gets turned into a flesh pillow by the tzichme
nekobun: island sucks, got poop monsters
Oscelot: @Kramburger Wauuuugh x.X
grander_pastures: @jadedcynic "What's your favorite Anything? What was the name of your first love? When did you last have Sex? DAMMIT MAN, TELL ME"
nekobun: poop monsters and lupe monsters
grander_pastures: @nekobun Jo "Islands Poopes"
LunarJade: lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy
JadedCynic: @nekobun poop monsters and lupe IT techs :)
Oscelot: *dies*
Strebenherz: CHOO CHOO
grander_pastures: CHOOOO CHOOOOO
A_Dub888: OOOH baby a TRIPLE
LunarJade: ummm yeah it means I win
SaxPython: Lol
Alahmnat: Jacob brought the good dice tonight lol
roastbeefsandwitch: OMG Jacob
Oscelot: I can hear @Alahmnat laughing from the opposite side of the house XD
Sheikun07: I knew it would happen
grander_pastures: They're a pair of beauties
JadedCynic: Storyteller Hat Trick!
JacobBurgessVO: This was a weird night for me
Kramburger: If you ask them if the like icecream, they both say yes
Ignatiuspants: storyteller messy crits are even more fun than regular messy crits!
Sheikun07: The universe has decided this event is going to be Very Interesting.
phoenixfeather14: And Jacob hits a messy crit hat trick!
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO Sounds like
grander_pastures: Wow, you profie Big Tony? Rood, Silas
jacqui_lantern234: @JacobBurgessVO really? seems fairly normal to me :P
corianderd: @JacobBurgessVO we won and you won
LunarJade: @jacobburgessvo but what a banger of a night it was
MacbethSeemsSus: @phoenixfeather14 The Critpeat
grander_pastures: This was a collective Win
ghyllnox: @corianderd And we won!
Oscelot: "UHHH."
Sarah_Serinde: :D
JadedCynic: "You wnna put that in the Cube?"
grander_pastures: Nobody lost here
amative1: Two NPC frenzies at this party would be interesting
ani laurel: man is calling for economic distribution of the kindred, lmao
Simriel: Noddists maaaan, noddists
SaxPython: 7,8 ballroom Blitz
Oscelot: @amative1 no kidding
Sarah_Serinde: whoops :D
grander_pastures: NOOO JESS JESS
Metric_Furlong: Thanks Jess!
JadedCynic: :D
CaptainSpam: Well, the man in the back is ready to crack as he raises his hands to the sky...
LiveFaust: "You come here on the day"
Strebenherz: LOL
Sarah_Serinde: :D
Oscelot: @CaptainSpam song?
itira: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
grander_pastures: THEYRE IN LESBIAN, SCOTT
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Kramburger: Fucking lol
Sarah_Serinde: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Laurence72: NO!! LUL
Oscelot: rofl that NO!
Sheikun07: The SYNC on that
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
josh___something: HAHHAH
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap
JadedCynic: *in unison* "NO!" :D
LiveFaust: In. Stereo. tqsLOL
jacqui_lantern234: CORI
grander_pastures: PUTIN, THE VAMPIRE
CaptainSpam: @Oscelot Yep.
ghyllnox: Lmao Cori
nekobun: you went and broke spaghetti in front of them
grander_pastures: Aka PUTIN, THE PUTIN
type_variable: jazz hands and moonwalks away
grander_pastures: Jazz hands away Cam, jazz hands away
Strebenherz: PFFFFFT
KaleidoscopeMind: Fang goodness
Oscelot: Thanks @NotCainNorAbel , was trying and oh man the audio processing issues aren't working with me nice
A_Dub888: "I thought this was America" Isn't Vancouver in Canada?
Strebenherz: "STOP HE'S ALREADY DEAD!"
NotCainNorAbel: @Oscelot lrrSHINE
Fruan: @A_Dub888 Yes.
denu55: lmaooooooooooo
grander_pastures: Silas get Red MaN Grouped by two Italian Pasta Vamps
JadedCynic: "look, I was just saying, pineapple imparts a citrus hit to the ham and cheese and marinara sauce..."
Sogheim: I forgot Silas was in the wizard robes
Ignatiuspants: "I'm sorry, I thought this was America" is a hilarious thing for a Canadian person to say in Canada
HorusFive: "What do you mean, "You People""
Kramburger: Silas retreats, luch money in tow
cyclopsboi: how am i so funny
neisan2112: Oh this room sure is something
cyclopsboi: just full on goodfellas
Oscelot: Note... to... self... check... chantry...
grander_pastures: Oh nooooo
Julian_Rogue: CLOSING TIME. do do do doo do
JadedCynic: @Oscelot Call Mike Holmes
Oscelot: @JadedCynic hah X3
roastbeefsandwitch: dammit, now I need to find another Start Playing session with a great Vampire game. I have such a returning character I want to play, mostly to bring to a social gathering like this.
grander_pastures: We're fucking with the Order of Business for the night
Lysander_salamander: :D
ghyllnox: "I didn't know I had to throw up my food and I made a huge owl pellet outside a Walmart"
Oscelot: @Kramburger I was JUST thinking that
type_variable: send him to the tzemice
Kramburger: Squabble up, gang
grander_pastures: @kramburger said with the same energy a "Send him to the Dungeon!"
SaxPython: Take That!
Ignatiuspants: oh man, if Oliver just kept giving embarassing secrets about himself until Masque gives up...
grander_pastures: Yeeeeeeeeeeah!
type_variable: tricksy hoobbbitses
grander_pastures: OH NO
JadedCynic: oh NO lrrWOW
Oscelot: Uhoh
grander_pastures: CHILDE IS GETTING.O
dm818: Not like Jo has any secrets
Kramburger: Oh NO
grander_pastures: OUT
one_last_time_: UH OH
josh___something: The dice WANT something
neisan2112: Immediate 180 to Jordan
A_Dub888: the dice are telling a story
type_variable: the episode where the team plays hot potato
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
Metric_Furlong: what secrets could Jo possibly have?
LunarJade: the dice know best
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrFINE
JadedCynic: @dm818 yeah, this is gonna be horrible; Masque pumping her for secrets and she doesn't HAVE any...
Oscelot: Masque is like an irritated Intellect Devourer
ghyllnox: "I have a daughter who is absolutely alive and at college and not in my house with a creepy urn"
JadedCynic: just badger her all night
grander_pastures: OH NO
josh___something: OH RIGHT
A_Dub888: Masque is going to pinball around the coterie until he goes back to Oliver isn't he?
grander_pastures: HERE WE GOO
Simriel: Poor Jacob
Simriel: ADAM
Simriel: "In Lesbians" is a favourite
OVERKiLL!: maybe i wanted a cornah! 🍕 as a matta fact it was smallah.
SmithKurosaki: Jacob let the NY out
type_variable: HERE WE GOOOO
A_Dub888: nvm
circusofkirkus: :O
JadedCynic: oh!
grander_pastures: Damn, FUCKEN HER DAD
ContingentCat: OOoooooo!
JadedCynic: I forgot about that....
Kramburger: "Step-sire, nooooo"
Lysander_salamander: ew
josh___something: Uhoh
HorusFive: You sire THE ARCHON
Sarah_Serinde: welp :D
SaxPython: SabaPing lunarj1Fangs SabaPing
one_last_time_: Could be worse
Oscelot: Welp.
cavvdor: Thank god
KaleidoscopeMind: Jo with all the secrets
Astramentha: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
A_Dub888: Does Masque have yaoi hands?
JadedCynic: *exhales deeply*
Oscelot: What an exhausting night for everyone
LiveFaust: GTFO
grander_pastures: Well, now Masque has another piece of leverage over Knives
LunarJade: good party is over… now nothing of consequence can happen..
LunarJade: we’re so safe now
Oscelot: @LunarJade so safe. totally safe.
JadedCynic: @Oscelot hell, *I'm* tired!
denu55: yupyup
corianderd: @A_Dub888 it's like yaoi legs with hands on the end
Oscelot: @JadedCynic same lol
grander_pastures: Damn, Vamp Vengers
josh___something: I'm so sad we didn't talk to the ravnos named "Ted"
Kramburger: @corianderd CORI NO
circusofkirkus: just like the ending of Avengers
HorusFive: One person eating and 3 more pretending to eat
Metric_Furlong: @corianderd he's like a CLAMP character but in real life
Mister_Dee: I mean, VtM turning into Vampions is traditional
type_variable: i take off my robe and wizard hat
Kramburger: Take off the chior robes
grander_pastures: @corianderd Another Tzimice Wonder, as well as the rocking dumper
A_Dub888: !secret
LRRbot: That's my secret, I'm always hoping for a TPK.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
LiveFaust: Have a little night cap...of a rat that Oliver summons...
ContingentCat: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: OLIVER :P
Oscelot: I see Heather got into LRRBot
Astramentha: ………….no
JadedCynic: I mean, he hasn't....'made water' since his Embrace
ghyllnox: @LRRbot Seems like you're not alone LRRBot
grander_pastures: I ha e a
Ignatiuspants: (Oliver can't poop, but does he pee? I want to think about that?)
JadedCynic: oh, the tea is getting served with EVERYONE?
grander_pastures: *carnally*
JadedCynic: THAT kind of a relationship
grander_pastures: Oh noes
HorusFive: Why kill you when they can leverage the Archon about it
grander_pastures: TED
type_variable: TED
josh___something: YESSSS
Lysander_salamander: Ted!
grander_pastures: HES BACK
josh___something: TED
josh___something: Let's GO
JadedCynic: @Ignatiuspants I think if you use Flush of could 'pass blood'...
Lysander_salamander: Ravnos are gre
nekobun: VIVA LA TED
Metric_Furlong: @Ignatiuspants well, you know how vampires cry blood because that's the only body fluid they have...
Oscelot: Ravnos <3
grander_pastures: TED ON THE TABLE
A_Dub888: @Ignatiuspants iirc yes but it's not pee that comes out
kynelwynn: Tie for a ted talk?
JadedCynic: ah, TED <3
JacobBurgessVO: I see we all have a new pet NPC
nekobun: ted's back on the menu, boys!
corianderd: *we*
josh___something: You gave him the name Ted
BusTed: HypeWave
A_Dub888: @JacobBurgessVO who's going to feed them? (not it)
Ignatiuspants: (thank you to the three people who just talked to me about peeing blood)
nekobun: Whenever Ted is not at Elysium, everyone in the coterie should be asking, "Where's Ted?"
grander_pastures: This was a Huge Nothingburger of a Party, which is a huge message
Oscelot: Yesssssssss
grander_pastures: @nekobun Tedsco Elysium
nekobun: Desperately Seeking Siegfried
ghyllnox: Oh are we going to go find Gehenna?
grander_pastures: WE HUNTING SIEGFRIED?
Oscelot: Heck yeah, I've been waiting for this
type_variable: bloodwalk oliver when
ani laurel: wait, she's sleeping with knives?
SmithKurosaki: apparently
SmithKurosaki: Had a feeling it was gonna be shawarma
Simriel: Oh yeah they always have been
Simriel: So Jordan wants to fuck Knives, but she doesn't want him around all the time
Simriel: Wait why would they kill her for sleeping with Knives?
grander_pastures: Ohhhh, they're gonna feast on the THINBLOODS?
Sarah_Serinde: ooooh
JadedCynic: Mary is in all of this...
type_variable: iirc sacrficing lots of thinbloods all at once to wake the antiperuvians?
Oscelot: *vibrates*
neisan2112: What clan is this?
type_variable: ravnos
Metric_Furlong: @neisan2112 Ravnos
nekobun: ILLUSIONS, michael
Lysander_salamander: Some of the elders eat a bunch of younger bloods to resist the call.
terribleplan: Does Mary have the prince?
grander_pastures: Are we gonna force-feed thinbloods to Siegfreid to make a body good enough for Mary?
Julian_Rogue: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:39:50.
PadawanTK16: chat does mary have any relation to thin bloods in lore?
Astramentha: lrrAWW
grander_pastures: I really like Ted
JadedCynic: @PadawanTK16 no clue
grander_pastures: That's why they're a good Assassin
PadawanTK16: @jadedcynic great, thanks
Oscelot: Ah, so the relation to hashassin have been retained into v5
A_Dub888: lrrSPOOP
ghyllnox: Judges and also executioners
HorusFive: Soooo much worse thing hunt Nosferatu....
JadedCynic: why does this have to END? With so much deep, rich details showing up with every episode... :D
neisan2112: STALKS!!
Vilun: "my cougar ate one"
Oscelot: Stalks <3
LiveFaust: Ted is my second favorite after Chancey The Rock God ™.
WiJohn: I wonder if Ted knows about Trudeau
JadedCynic: "a contact noted lots of them in Sydney"
type_variable: @LiveFaust stalks is no1
josh___something: Are the ravnos the ones who combust if they stay in one place?
MacbethSeemsSus: *wooden stake whistles in from the darkness*
Oscelot: *vibrates*
nekobun: if this turns into heart of darkness/apocalypse now
LiveFaust: Ok, correct, @type_variable . Adjust the others down by a notch.
grander_pastures: The fuck is Siegfried holding back??
jacqui_lantern234: this has.....implications
Metric_Furlong: @nekobun Heart of World of Darkness/ Werewolf: The Apocalypse Now?
grander_pastures: MON MOM
Sarah_Serinde: :D
Oscelot: *snerk*
nekobun: the creepy lady!
JadedCynic: :D
nekobun: uhoh
korvys: Uh
JadedCynic: OH SHI-
Metric_Furlong: uh-oh
Oscelot: oh shit he can see her
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
Lysander_salamander: oho
nekobun: welp
cavvdor: UH
grander_pastures: HE SEES MARY
Alahmnat: oh
nekobun: :|
Strebenherz: !!
Alahmnat: oh no
MacbethSeemsSus: Oh no
ghyllnox: ;)
WiJohn: He does know about Trudeau!
JadedCynic: Ravnos see what is there
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
jacqui_lantern234: WHY YOU
fracassio: hell yeah
gibbousm: lrrFINE
KaleidoscopeMind: oh right he sees illusions
Sarah_Serinde: pfft
Vilun: he sees dead people
JadedCynic: @KaleidoscopeMind he sees THROUGH illusions
denu55: 👀 👀 👀
JadedCynic: no Trudeau
HorusFive: @Vilun They all see dead people- you're not special
Alahmnat: "well, you see, I tried to kill bloody mary with a telescope mirror..."
ghyllnox: Mary lifted Silas' communication issue at the telescope
Oscelot: Does Ted hear him? Hmmmm
JadedCynic: but does Ted hear through "The Leafs"?
PharaohBender27 returns from dinner, assuming that there's at least one active fire
ani laurel: i guess its incest?
ani laurel: or they realize that the power dynamic is really, really messed up
Simriel: But they wouldn't kill HER for that no?
ani laurel: they might just kill both but she obvs cares more about herself
Simriel: So, Nos were hunted, but the regent is a nos...
Alice Quintanilla: i think the nos were like not allowed under sigfried (so before mask) but now theyre just like straight up scourging thinbloods
noSmokeFire: he saw a smurf?
RurouniGeo: Blue man group?!
Kramburger: Only emotional fires
roastbeefsandwitch: no Dr. Mahhattan references!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
JadedCynic: @noSmokeFire a genie?
type_variable: the Genie from aladdin
Metric_Furlong: that's a changeling reference, chat
KaleidoscopeMind: genie from aladdin?
Alahmnat: @PharaohBender27 *insert Community meme gif here*
Kramburger: Geena Davis?
Juliamon: PharaohBender27 Well...
JadedCynic: oh lrrWOW
Oscelot: @Metric_Furlong ty, I was trying to place it
cavvdor: lrrFINE
Laurence72: @PharaohBender27 How many of Jacob's messy crits did you see before leaving?
PharaohBender27: @Laurence72 2
Laurence72: There's a third
PharaohBender27: Last one I saw was Walther's
JadedCynic: @PharaohBender27 Jacob got a hat trick...
Oscelot: "We adopted a new NPC!"
Kramburger: Ted's housebroken
grander_pastures: Here we gooooo
JadedCynic: "He follow us - can we take him home?"
gibbousm: AMERICAN
KaleidoscopeMind: american??
Dog_of_Myth: Dang
circusofkirkus: lol
JadedCynic: heh
Oscelot: *snerk*
Sarah_Serinde: :D
ghyllnox: Low lmao
Alahmnat: hah
Twilight_Spark: KKona
roastbeefsandwitch: wait, $50k to RIDE A FERRY?
PharaohBender27: @Laurence72 I see. I might try to find that in the VOD later . . . unless someone heeded my warning and clipped it themselves
Nigouki: ferry tickets aren't actually that bad are they?
grander_pastures: Monica you classist
A_Dub888: oof that's, what, 1000000 CAD?
terribleplan: pfft
Oscelot: @roastbeefsandwitch 50k to become established in a new realm
SaxPython: #AndWithTheExchangeRates
jacqui_lantern234: @roastbeefsandwitch ride a ferry in secrecy
Metric_Furlong: it's a shame no one here has a huge duffle bag of money
JadedCynic: @jacqui_lantern234 and security - night time tickets aren't an infinite supply
Oscelot: *snerk*
grander_pastures: Oh noooo
Lysander_salamander: uh oh
grander_pastures: That was SOMETHING
terribleplan: Uhh
Oscelot: bouts of madness XD
type_variable: if only we had a drug dealer on the side
josh___something: Oh this turned sus REAL quick
A_Dub888: can Silas play League on it?
LiveFaust: In this case "pay the fee" is a different form of currency between Jess and Monica.
Alahmnat: shipping container. sure.
JadedCynic: "we make friends easily"
Oscelot: @Alahmnat I mean they don't have to breathe so
grander_pastures: The hell can Ted do?
JadedCynic: accruing BOONS!
TheGreenMonster450: I already love Ted
ghyllnox: @LiveFaust Jessica did absolutely mention "getting the money"
josh___something: TED!!!!
Twilight_Spark: I somehow knew he would say that.
grander_pastures: SCHMENPLE
josh___something: oops
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Vilun: is there like a vamp trope the Ravnos are based on?
type_variable: hahaha
Oscelot: Hah X3
Strebenherz: Wait who was Schmenple again?
korvys: He's got one
Kramburger: TheTeddster
PadawanTK16: @Strebenherz car dealer
korvys: @Strebenherz Car Dealer
type_variable: @Strebenherz cori kicked him in the nads
Oscelot: @Strebenherz the car salesman
Strebenherz: OH NO
ghyllnox: @Strebenherz Jo kicked him in the nuts
Juliamon: Strebenherz Got his nuts kicked
phoenixfeather14: Jo is acquainted. She kicked him in the balls!
terribleplan: @Strebenherz Car salesman, kick him in the balls
A_Dub888: @grander_pastures has he recovered from Jordan's involuntary cameltoe?
grander_pastures: @a_dub888 You mean the free bottom surgery?
kynelwynn: @Vilun Not a vampire trope so much. But they're loosely the Romani in theming in earlier editions
Strebenherz: RIGHT. Ty 'yall. Quinn: KICK HIM IN THE BALLS
Nigouki: take daddy with you too!
ghyllnox: Burnt chickens in a case LUL
nekobun: Schmemple learned the definition of the one that's not Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
JadedCynic: zip-loc bags
Metric_Furlong: @Vilun err, less vampire trope more "well, Dracola in the novel hung out with romany people who traveled a lot"
JacobBurgessVO: @kynelwynn They get a LOT better after 2nd
kynelwynn: Thank fuck
ani laurel: ooooh
ani laurel: oh USD? bus that
BusTed: pennyGreenflame
noSmokeFire: he came?
grander_pastures: HERE WE GO SILAS
kynelwynn: 1, 2,3 - Green Flame?!
type_variable: standard scholarly shakedown
JadedCynic: Shhtuff's going DOWN
Oscelot: Theo better not die. I will riot.
Simbionis: hoo boy
amative1: GREEN FLAME
A_Dub888: !card balefire dragon
LRRbot: Balefire Dragon [5RR] | Creature — Dragon [6/6] | Flying / Whenever Balefire Dragon deals combat damage to a player, it deals that much damage to each creature that player controls.
korvys: House what?
Laurence72: That's Wheel of Time Bad Juju!!
nekobun: spicier fire
Vilun: and by conversation... I mean Holy war
unarmedoracle: did they ever give wow warlocks green flame?
grander_pastures: It's the Mary Signature Special
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP
type_variable: The Scarlet i mean The Emerald Rot
JadedCynic: going beyond VTM...
grander_pastures: WYRM
kynelwynn: @unarmedoracle Yup
HorusFive: But why would vampires give themselves over to demonic powers..............
Metric_Furlong: house Goratrix *definitely* not associated with The Sabbat, no sir
Oscelot: Oh heck we're getting into THAT
nekobun: well here we go
kynelwynn: @HorusFive Because power
cavvdor: Here's where Silas' werewolf.... "acquaintance" can find some common ground ;)
PharaohBender27: O_o
JadedCynic: um
Oscelot: Oh holy heck Theo
Nigouki: fuk
Oscelot: @cavvdor no kidding
Transmuted_Elf: How many pieces of his soul did he sell for that? As a magos of House Hermes wtf.....
PharaohBender27: tqsRIP Theo, I guess
JadedCynic: @cavvdor yeah, "Chance" the IT professional...
Laurence72: LUL
terribleplan: Oh no
NimrodXIV: danger!
josh___something: Oh RIGHT
JadedCynic: :D
jacqui_lantern234: CAM XD
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahahaha
KaleidoscopeMind: lol
Nigouki: hahaha
josh___something: NOW it'd be recklless
grander_pastures: @cavvdor LETS GO AND GET SOME WYRM CHOW
one_last_time_: THAT would be reckless
Astramentha: XD
HorusFive: THAT ?!?! would be reckless
Metric_Furlong: @HorusFive several potential reasons, depending which of the 3~5 different types of supernatural entities in the setting that can be justifiably called 'demons'
JadedCynic: fuuuuuuuu-
Lysander_salamander: oh balls
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
Oscelot: Edge of my damn seat
cavvdor: I just want to see a Chance and Silas team-up so badly. I know it may not happen. But it would be so poetic.
jacqui_lantern234: fuuuuuu
grander_pastures: MOBILISE FORCES
Laurence72: Cam killing off several Tremere indirectly
JadedCynic: @cavvdor it MIGHT...
HorusFive: @Metric_Furlong Well I did once hear about a kind that had 3 eyes. mattlrLul
cavvdor: @JadedCynic Oh godddd yes
Lysander_salamander: tqsFine
ContingentCat: Lol trust
cavvdor: Hah, Tremere and trust
circusofkirkus: we ride at dawn
grander_pastures: We RIDE
Oscelot: We ride!
Laurence72: WE RIDE!!
NimrodXIV: we ride at (almost) dawn
KaleidoscopeMind: one punch Jo
MacbethSeemsSus: Fury Road music starts playing.
type_variable: im bringing the claymore ofc
SaxPython: FBtouchdown KomodoHype FBtouchdown
WardsarTheWriter: This got real intense real fast, I love it.
cavvdor: This is amazing
LiveFaust: "Fuck it, we ball."
denu55: they don't have their van
Lysander_salamander: attempted coup at the chantry, let's go
LunarJade: ride or die!
HorusFive: Oliver is the BEST friend
grander_pastures: RACE THE SUN
Metric_Furlong: burning moonlight
Astramentha: lrrXmasbart
jacqui_lantern234: Jo and Oli are the car people
grander_pastures: Oliver can make a car out of wood in an hour
DirectorStephanie: Ollie, the best best friend. lrrXmasbart
MacbethSeemsSus: Here Comes the Sun (threatening)
Jakelope13: C'moooooon, messy crit on the driving!
Oscelot: @MacbethSeemsSus *cackle*
ghyllnox: Ride or burn
denu55: they dont have an hour
Laurence72: Something something Blues Brothers meme
Oscelot: @MacbethSeemsSus Here Comes the Sun (Minor Key)
korvys: Damn, this social combat episode just got a lot less social
Astramentha: lrrXmasbart go Oliver
JadedCynic: Spray paint on the windows
HorusFive: Oliver could rebuild the car- it's just never occured to him that he could use that skill to break into one
grander_pastures: YEAH
JadedCynic: different set of tools
Lysander_salamander: heck yeah
DaxStrife: Good choice.
Simriel: I love that not every Vampire is suave
SmithKurosaki: yea
OVERKiLL!: 🔥 Green Flame 🔥
Aonar Faileas: Ted had better end up part of the Gilmore Girls watch party
DirectorStephanie: Let's go!
JadedCynic: you tend to 'hack' modern cars
TheAwkes: With it's spacious 2 seats.
nekobun: just don't pull the typical Viper driver swerve out the gate
grander_pastures: WE LOVE THIS RAPID MKV
Oscelot: @JadedCynic Uh-huh
korvys: Just for reference (no shade) a 2004 viper has... 2 seats.
grander_pastures: @jadedcynic *Takes notes*
terribleplan: How do they all fit into the viper?
Oscelot: @korvys They don't need to breathe ;)
WiJohn: Everyone's in snuggys
HorusFive: @korvys Who's sitting on whose lap?
LunarJade: we hang off the sides of the vehicle. it’s fine
Astramentha: So BETTER than Batman
DaxStrife: Bear is driving
jacqui_lantern234: JO JO JO
nekobun: Silas hanging onto the spioler
JadedCynic: didn't you watch those videos about the Hyundai's getting jacked because of a security glitch like last year?
ghyllnox: @terribleplan Seat comes out?
nekobun: *spoiler
Oscelot: @LunarJade totally not a masq breach. nope
terribleplan: @ghyllnox Seat comes out.
A_Dub888: @HorusFive Jessica's sitting on Silas
denu55: theyll just grab onto the car :v
Metric_Furlong: in the world of darkness, there was a limited run of 2004 dodge vipers that had 4 seats
grander_pastures: VERY GOOD
Oscelot: Heck yeah
Laurence72: I'm getting Theme to 'Back to the Future' vibes,music wise
cavvdor: Hell yeees
Dog_of_Myth: Drove it like they stole it....wait
Oscelot: Thank fuck
Oscelot: 40 minutes to dawn
Metric_Furlong: this is canon now, you can't prove it isn't Kappa
circusofkirkus: neat
Nigouki: once they get there and deal with situation they can just sleep there safely, right?
LiveFaust: @dog_of_myth tqsLOL tqsLOL
cyclopsboi: this is awesome
grander_pastures: Oliver just admires the Craft of it l
JadedCynic: oh lrrWOW
JadedCynic: TWO
grander_pastures: LETS FUCKING GOOOO
Alahmnat: oh boy
LunarJade: heck of an after party
ghyllnox: Yooooooo let's rumble
korvys: "Where you see Theo... in the throws of passion"
Nigouki: time for car ramming
SaxPython: SabaPing
Oscelot: AaaaaAAAAaaaaa
JadedCynic: lemme guess, was this a saturday night? *cues up Elton John*
cavvdor: lrrFINE
roastbeefsandwitch: thank God for Silas's instincts here, being a coward would *not* have worked out well.
grander_pastures: FOUUUUUR
nekobun: LET'S GO
Oscelot: @roastbeefsandwitch agreed
nekobun: HWF
unarmedoracle: doing all this while crammed into the optimistically named backseat of a viper
grander_pastures: HELL YEAH
corianderd: the car was a convertable
gualdhar: Cori?
circusofkirkus: so potent
JadedCynic: lrrWOW
TheGreenMonster450: holy fuck
josh___something: "Rest of the night"
Metric_Furlong: @roastbeefsandwitch he's a good boy
itira: tqsSweat
Oscelot: @unarmedoracle *snerk*
DirectorStephanie: lrrWOW
ghyllnox: Damn
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
PadawanTK16: GOD DAMN
grander_pastures: POTENCY OF FOURRRR
Oscelot: Daaaaaaaaaang
grander_pastures: WE ARE HAULING ASS
Laurence72: Silas just wanted everyone else to be there to see how awesome he is, it seems
ghyllnox: Silas just eating bullets for breakfast
grander_pastures: GEY FUCKED FIREMAN
Alahmnat: sleepover at the observatory, lads!
roastbeefsandwitch: @unarmedoracle I wonder where Oliver is sitting there? Politely crammed into non-existent backset?
Oscelot: Oh gods the books
mercano82: Green flame!
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
Dog_of_Myth: Green Flame!
terribleplan: GREEN FLAME!
itira: green game!
amative1: GREEN FLAME
jacqui_lantern234: not the books!!!!!
DirectorStephanie: not the books!!!
itira: flame* ... D:
HorusFive: mattlrFine
Oscelot: wooof
roastbeefsandwitch: Do NOT HARM Theo, he's too scholarly and charming and great to go down!
denu55: damn
ghyllnox: Wizard battle!
grander_pastures: The fact that Theo is holding them off is SUCH A FEAT
Sarah_Serinde: badass
jacqui_lantern234: wizard duel!!!
Oscelot: oh my gods
korvys: Oh, can Theo do that thing that Cam was joking about in season 1? The fire powers
DirectorStephanie: Damien nooo
type_variable: so cori if we could just crit on the first attack again
JadedCynic: Welp, Cam DID express some interest in MtA - we got ONE scene...
HorusFive: Shame about Damien
nekobun: Damien got pulled over, ACAB
ghyllnox: Oliver does have that leg spike
phoenixfeather14: Oliver, get the stake!
Oscelot: we have so many stakes
type_variable: baby knife!
grander_pastures: Vancouver Wizard Game, ya basterds
JadedCynic: stakes can be thrown?
grander_pastures: LEG STAKE
JadedCynic: *cowers*
PharaohBender27: :D
MacbethSeemsSus: A light dappling of fire
Diabore: sounds like a lot of fire
ghyllnox: Lightly on fire
Alahmnat: a small dusting of fire
HorusFive: LIghtly on fire mattlrFine
fracassio: GARLIC GUN
A_Dub888: a little on fire, as a "treat"
mercano82: that’s a lot of green flame.
Alahmnat: for the Vibes
Vilun: aw, I wanted to see Jordan smash Walter like a linebacker
nekobun: cozily toasty
DaxStrife: "What's the state of the room?" "Lightly toasted."
ghyllnox: Everything is Fine
itira: it was funny
Metalhat: Silas magical power up!
SmithKurosaki: siiiick
Alice Quintanilla: i hope he casts fireball.
Simriel: He cast Fireball
DirectorStephanie: YES
HorusFive: It was ALSO funny
Juliamon: YES ADAM
circusofkirkus: LOL
Oscelot: Let's GO Adam!
grander_pastures: HELL YEAH
Astramentha: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
gualdhar: Oh baby this gonna be good
BusTed: PogChamp
A_Dub888: @fracassio *in Vegeta's voice* FIIRRRRRREEEEE
HorusFive: Hell YES Oliver!
cavvdor: Go Oliver!
Diabore: "i assumed you had it the- hold the fuck on"
denu55: oh boy
JadedCynic: Oliver learned from League - control the adds first
jacqui_lantern234: go oliver go!
LunarJade: so much fire… be a shame if anyone got burnt
SaxPython: PowerUpR CurseLit PowerUpR
denu55: oh no
TheAwkes: Stake Invader, the hot new Kindred punk band.
Oscelot: Blood benders!
cavvdor: Yesss Silas
Alahmnat: ooh, bloodbending
LiveFaust: Steak Invada
grander_pastures: Steak Invada is what Vaders Favorite Meal
korvys: Anyone else picturing Big Van Vader?
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
JadedCynic: Silas: "This is so COOOOOL!"
NimrodXIV: get slappin
ghyllnox: Bonk
nekobun: throw a rock at him
nekobun: it was a big rock
DirectorStephanie: oooh. Power slap from Jessica
PadawanTK16: My favorite steakhouse arcade game: Steak Invedas
spethycakes: alcohol + flame = good idea
HorusFive: Toreador gambit- make yourself the target
DirectorStephanie: Both? Both? Both. Both is good.
Dog_of_Myth: Always double tap
grander_pastures: If you wanna.make sure something happens is for BOTH
WiJohn: Social combat was nice, but now it's time for guns!
Metric_Furlong: we've had social combat, now it's Combat Combat
korvys: Fire abounds
Alahmnat: when the DM says "there's no such thing as overkill" things might be about to go down
Laurence72: Please no cliffhanger, please no cliffhanger please please please!
JadedCynic: fire bad, blood pity
LiveFaust: FIRE BAAAD!
dm818: I feel like jessica is about to leave
gualdhar: Is this a long one? I'm half expecting thr TBD before combat starts
LunarJade: lightly on fire? I mean yeah all fire is light
Oscelot: @Metric_Furlong We've had first combat, yes... but what about second combatses?
DaxStrife: "Raw shark?"
grander_pastures: Damn, that glasses adjustment was so slick Jacob
DirectorStephanie: katesGun chat, we need supporting fire
Astramentha: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
ghyllnox: Running screaming out the door, into the sun, running screaming back in, seeing the fire, running screaming out the door...
Oscelot: @Alahmnat Yeeeeeah
Sheikun07: This will either go amazingly or horribly and there's no middle ground
A_Dub888: what happens when a vampire gets shot in the head (I'm assuming the brain's doing something despite them being dead)?
cyclopsboi: standard Tremere after party
josh___something: @Laurence72 Dang it, I just looked at the time
JadedCynic: rott-shrek German for "red fear"
nekobun: would you rather fight one fire sized child or 20 child sized fires
amative1: 🔥
Pheonix888: Ruh roh
jdr_42: grünschreck
Astramentha: duncWhatcangowrong duncWhatcangowrong duncWhatcangowrong
LiveFaust: SingsNote Rotshrek, baby!
ghyllnox: @A_Dub888 No head, no vamp
JadedCynic: @A_Dub888 a momentary distraction, really
Oscelot: @ghyllnox Sun is still about 40 minutes away thankfully, unless I missed something
ghyllnox: @Oscelot Nah I just think it'd be funny
Oscelot: @ghyllnox ahhh
Diabore: no messy crit? thats no fun
Oscelot: "can I use--" "PLEASE."
Alahmnat: everything. roll everything.
A_Dub888: @Diabore Jacob used them up at the party
JadedCynic: I'm assuming they're not carrying a large-caliber weapon that can decapitate with one shot; a 9mm to the head would just be superficial damage
MacbethSeemsSus: Now is the time to blow your cooldowns.
Oscelot: @JadedCynic It'd force him to drop at least some concentration at least
TheAwkes: Stacking super ain't nothing.
JadedCynic: @Oscelot exactly
Diabore: THERE IT IS
LunarJade: lunarj1Messy lunarj1Messy
BusTed: yesssss
NimrodXIV: naturally
KaleidoscopeMind: YES
JadedCynic: YES!!!!!
Metric_Furlong: yay!
NotCainNorAbel: yeSS!!!!
Sheikun07: hell yeah brother
gualdhar: WOOOOOOO
RurouniGeo: jesus christ
itira: ooooo
Laurence72: LUL
type_variable: YESS
josh___something: YESSSS
grander_pastures: HERE WE GOOOOOO
spethycakes: lrrXmasbart
circusofkirkus: storyteller
DirectorStephanie: AH
jacqui_lantern234: OLIVER YES
noSmokeFire: FBtouchdown
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
cyclopsboi: YES
MrSarkhan: YES!
ghyllnox: Good boy Ollie
JadedCynic: <3
cyclopsboi: oliver!
HorusFive: lrrXmasbart FBtouchdown
Alahmnat: hoowee
Juliamon: Oliver is SO GOOD at this
Oscelot: There we go XD
Ignatiuspants: yeah! messy crit!
korvys: Said with the tone of "Teach, I made a mess"
cavvdor: Fffffhhhh
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
one_last_time_: Skull crusher the sequel?
josh___something: Keeping the messy crit average up
unarmedoracle: me, waiting to tell the gm i rolled a messy crit
Astramentha: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
Jakelope13: Yes Messy Crit! At an Important Moment too!
korvys: *teacher
JadedCynic: Storyteller: 3 Players: 1
Laurence72: Quad Messy crits for the night!!
type_variable: seabatDance seabatDance
PadawanTK16: stake goes through their dome?
DaxStrife: Bang Bang Fire!
Oscelot: @korvys Yeah XD
cavvdor: They shot the ground bang bang
Simbionis: Veda is FUCKED
LiveFaust: "Storyteller..." Adam like "Mommy... I made poopy..."
kynelwynn: Classic!
nekobun: samthe69Gun
NimrodXIV: Oliver's stake is going the way of that scene in Dracula Dead and Loving it
josh___something: Veda is...
terribleplan: Two World Wars!
JadedCynic: oh wow
DaxStrife: Stoppin' powah
JadedCynic: yeah
Oscelot: Dang
Juliamon: josh___something Veda *was*
grander_pastures: POINT BLANK RANGE
Lysander_salamander: ah a .45 caliber
Alahmnat: I'm kind of amused that increased blood potency makes bullets sharper
DirectorStephanie: Veda got invaded.
Jakelope13: That's going Right through the skull, isn't it?
PhorrestGaze: big gun good
HorusFive: Took off most of their face
nekobun: well the other half of their face
TheAwkes: Instant molotov.
ghyllnox: The fanciest Molotov
Oscelot: *gets out calculator*
grander_pastures: Hell yeah AGG DAMN
JacobBurgessVO: @Alahmnat Better shot, not sharper bullets
cavvdor: Only the most extra Molotov from a Toreador
korvys: Gotta love Silas like, DBZ powering up... and then just pulls out a gun and blows someone away
JadedCynic: I'd assumed 'pocket guns' like .22 or .38s but a .45 acp is a big annoying hole
LunarJade: whenever you have a problem throw a Molotov. then you can have a different problem
nekobun: classic wizard move, cast gun
grander_pastures: We are wielding the books like hammers here guys and gals
unarmedoracle: waste of good scotch
SeleniumSulfide: 1 + 2 + 1 + 1
Alice Quintanilla: Silas casts Gun
Simriel: Oliver fully Van Helsings her
itira: tqsNoted
type_variable: @LunarJade a good place enjoyer
ghyllnox: @LunarJade The different problem is usually fire
Oscelot: @LunarJade I need to crosstitch this...
LiveFaust: We're really at "SO THEN I START BLASTIN'."
Ignatiuspants: @LunarJade I hope to live by this wisdom every day from now on
DirectorStephanie: katesNoted
LunarJade: @type_variable absolutely love that show
circusofkirkus: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Oscelot: *cackle*
WiJohn: Skullcrucher's in town boys
xantos69: Oliver might get hungry.
Strebenherz: oliver messy crit tyndall
grander_pastures: Oliver Stakes Himself
BusTed: lrrHAM
itira: ham hammer
JadedCynic: every boss Jacob throws up...folds in ONE ROUND
fracassio: veda gonna get deebobblerized
HorusFive: "Why must all my antagonists get dumpstered?!" cries Jacob AGAIN
spethycakes: lrrHAM HypeHands2
DirectorStephanie: lrrHAM
A_Dub888: Oliver "Ham Hand" Tyndall
kynelwynn: @JadedCynic The DM curse.
Alahmnat: their head may or may not pop off
BusTed: Little overzealous
JacobBurgessVO: I just want one good villain monologue
Oscelot: Vampire mitten!
BusTed: haha
denu55: lol
grander_pastures: We are WIELDING VADA
type_variable: @JacobBurgessVO that sounds like something a villain would say
JadedCynic: "Ew, I got a Tremere on me!" :D
Oscelot: @JacobBurgessVO *pat pat*
Nigouki: @JacobBurgessVO maybe next season :V
Jakelope13: Hit the boss with the minion!
JacobBurgessVO: Well,. antagonist
kynelwynn: @JacobBurgessVO My PCs would shoot the villain when they began to monologue.
A_Dub888: Silas was shooting at Veda right? Oliver gets shot?
xantos69: @JacobBurgessVO My D&D group has never once let me finish the box text on the main bad guy.
LunarJade: @jacobburgessvo they might need to write their monologues down for us to find later
xantos69: @xantos69 Once they killed him in his sleep!
Ignatiuspants: (if I were at the table I'd be like) ...Oliver accidentally absorbs that vampire's soul
BusTed: Yeah, journaling
Laurence72: A bad time for a teacher is being forced to watch over detention stidents
ghyllnox: Oliver becomes less willing to stake people?
Oscelot: @xantos69 Amazing
JacobBurgessVO: @LunarJade Good ol' audio logs
korvys: @JacobBurgessVO [Skip dialogue]
JadedCynic: @LunarJade boss dusts, and a handful of cue cards fall to the ground...
ghyllnox: @xantos69 Good! They've learned not to let them monologue
type_variable: crusher of skulls
korvys: The coterie are the "mashes B to skip the cutscene" type, apparently
LunarJade: @jadedcynic 😂
PadawanTK16: stake becomes a club
Laurence72: Went into the heart from the top, instead of the back
SeleniumSulfide: GREEN FLAME
Metric_Furlong: with one of the Reverends Brothers Sweetwaters
HorusFive: Wonder what Oliver's Convictions are
WiJohn: Skullcrusher!
Oscelot: @SeleniumSulfide *snerk*
Sheikun07: Oliver is 2/2
BusTed: benginO7
grander_pastures: NOOO, but also YAAAAAAY
DirectorStephanie: kates7
JadedCynic: "This doesn't make any sense - I think they got shuffled around. Why didn't they NUMBER their cards?!?" :D
JacobBurgessVO: I'd settle for a good antagonist line
LiveFaust: Booray!
KaleidoscopeMind: teehee swallowing beasts
ghyllnox: Skullcrusher is now a very good title for Oliver
WiJohn: Coterie gonna keep that don't mess with rep
Astramentha: Poor Jacob XD
josh___something: Y E E T
nekobun: aw man that's gonna be rough to replace
JadedCynic: wait, the WHOLE globe? dayum
Vilun: how many kills does Oliver have in terms of generations lower than him?
amative1: green flame
Oscelot: And now he's wreathed in a spiral of flame AND alcohol \o/
Metric_Furlong: @Vilun 2 now
SeleniumSulfide: @Oscelot I've seen Big Trouble in Little China too many times to not show that every single time
terribleplan: Green Flame!
SeleniumSulfide: GREEN FLAME
ghyllnox: Can't kindred drink wine?
BusTed: tqsFine
grander_pastures: Mary is probably really Pissed about Oliver continually killing her Really Important Puppets
JadedCynic: @ghyllnox not normally, 'it tastes like ash'
HorusFive: @ghyllnox up to a certain point (based on humanity in V5)
ghyllnox: @grander_pastures She likes him though :>
BusTed: dang
RurouniGeo: Unreal Tournament voice: "HEAD SHOT!" SwiftRage
type_variable: Mary trying to recruit Oliver because hes running a infinite KDA
iarethel0ser: Oliver has a brand.
josh___something: Veda was
JadedCynic: Mary keeps enjoying this, I'd say...
LiveFaust: Pink mist.
Astramentha: lrrXmasbart
grander_pastures: @ghyllnox ever heard of Toxic Love?
ghyllnox: Need someone dead? Call the substitute shop teacher Catiff
neisan2112: Time is a Flat Circle
Jakelope13: Oliver "Skull Crusher" Tindall
Oscelot: Ooo good word
TheAwkes: If you're going to call them "really important puppets" you've got to be prepared for them to RIP.
nekobun: shinkuu hadouken
gibbousm: lrrSPOOP lrrFINE
ghyllnox: Spiral!
OVERKiLL!: 🔥Green Flame🔥
neisan2112: Oh spirals? It is True Detective
LunarJade: …….
Metric_Furlong: incoming messy crit Kappa
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
Oscelot: Nuuuuuuu
Strebenherz: oh no
type_variable: NO
Twilight_Spark: Scripted! Kappa
Nigouki: nooooooo
type_variable: nooo
JadedCynic: @TheAwkes Mary knows EXACTLY when she's doing when get gives them their titles :)
Oscelot: *eats the dice*
grander_pastures: Mary and the Really Important Puppets, other than Chancys and the Monster
kynelwynn: welp
HorusFive: A burnt spiral- like one might dance upon......
cavvdor: Ghuhh
LiveFaust: Ah, the Wyrm.
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
Oscelot: Whew
type_variable: WOOOHOOO
Laurence72: WHEW
grander_pastures: THREEEEEE
Alahmnat: WHEW
Oscelot: Thank the gods
Sarah_Serinde: oof
DiscordianTokkan: Oof
ghyllnox: Oh thank goodness
grander_pastures: THEO IS FUCKED
grander_pastures: BUT ALIVE
jacqui_lantern234: *loud sigh*
cavvdor: Oh no
Astramentha: lrrXmasbart
roastbeefsandwitch: Not my beautiful Greek man!
nekobun: pop him like a zit let's go
JadedCynic: heavy curtain - wrap up theo
Oscelot: Fuck Walter, Theo is best.
ghyllnox: Veda would have been the one to keep alive
Metric_Furlong: and there is something about Mary
JadedCynic: maybe
BusTed: LUL
HorusFive: All Tremere are expendable
LunarJade: yeah we know a neck romancer
definenull: Looking at the chat history, I'm guessing it isn't a great idea to jump into this in media res?
RurouniGeo: LOLLL
neisan2112: Ohhhhhh
Strebenherz: That is A LINE
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
josh___something: Oh right
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
korvys: Neck-romantic
neisan2112: Hmmmm
PharaohBender27: :D
gualdhar: A neck romancer?
Nigouki: lmao
cavvdor: Ha!
Jakelope13: Just because he's dead, doesn't mean he can't squeal!
gibbousm: Its not a bad idea per se
LiveFaust: Necromantic.
BusTed: @LunarJade benginFingers
nekobun: ghost basement, fave party member
Metric_Furlong: @definenull correct!
DirectorStephanie: katesSmug a wee reminder
HorusFive: Is it Oliver?
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Oscelot: @definenull We're in the middle of a climactic battle
DeM0nFiRe: Like right now while the fight is happening? Come one Jessica, focus!
Astramentha: yesssssssssss
Revenant77x: a Necromance
cavvdor: Ah, Giovanni
JadedCynic: but maybe Veda didn't know anything about Mary DIRECTLY, but second hand through her boss
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Sarah_Serinde: :D
grander_pastures: Smooching that Necks Romance
DirectorStephanie: katesShy
KaleidoscopeMind: CAM
JadedCynic: :D
JadedCynic: <3
jacqui_lantern234: CAMERON
spethycakes: HypeLol
Oscelot: lol Cam
grander_pastures: CAM IS IN TOXIC YAOI
fracassio: they were being tsundere
HorusFive: [They did not]
definenull: Alright I'll see yall in the discord thread then, off to the VOD I go!
Astramentha: lrrAWW
LiveFaust: The baddest Bad Romance.
Oscelot: o/ @definenull
ghyllnox: They haven't bloodwalked Oliver, they haven't followed up on the agents in the Princess Auto, and they haven't summoned Sweetwater's spirit, so we can put this on the list
josh___something: Charred remains of a walter
DaxStrife: Oh I just noticed Jacob's shirt. Very nice.
Sheikun07: Farewell, Walter
jacqui_lantern234: @Sheikun07 FareWalter, surely
grander_pastures: Bye.bye Walt
Oscelot: oh woah
Lysander_salamander: ouch
korvys: O.O
grander_pastures: WHAAAAT
nekobun: crispy fries
ghyllnox: Oooooof
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO
grander_pastures: Boiled from the INSIDE
Sheikun07: Blood magic is absolutely terrifying
HorusFive: Path of Flames a biach
josh___something: That's a FUCKED up called shot
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
letsbelgo: he ate a sunn
Oscelot: Holy heck
Lysander_salamander: like a pickle
kynelwynn: Path of Flame!
terribleplan: Uhh
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
spethycakes: don't mess with Theo
JadedCynic: Theo: "Burning me outside-in? AMATEUR!"
MacbethSeemsSus: Yeah it's bad whenever you see the magic smoke.
Alahmnat: what a great time to have the pizza guy call, lol
JadedCynic: @MacbethSeemsSus "Don't breath that"
Oscelot: @MacbethSeemsSus When you see the magic smoke, it doesn't work any more
jacqui_lantern234: note to sell: DO NOT, and i repeat, DO! NOT! fuck with Theo
Ignatiuspants: Walter Rammstein dies the most metal of deaths
Oscelot: oh no @Alahmnat
circusofkirkus: wow that was hot, theo
LiveFaust: Green Flame, Blue Smoke
nekobun: spicy dot wav
HorusFive: @jacqui_lantern234 I mean- now is probably the perfect time. He's weak and without friends
DirectorStephanie: Now to help the hot Greek Zaddy!
Oscelot: @DirectorStephanie We have to make him less hot!
Laurence72: Silas could take over right here! Kappa
JadedCynic: I would think a chantry has lots of fire extinguishers and fire blankets etc
Oscelot: Thank goodness
DirectorStephanie: oh gosh.
JadedCynic: @Laurence72 Silas already HAS a chantry in Victoria (foundation pending)
HorusFive: @Laurence72 Yes- it was all him. I'm the only witness. And I'm taking over
noSmokeFire: hosing down the primogen with a fire extinguisher :D :D :D
DirectorStephanie: OH NO
Metric_Furlong: Silas saved his dad!
nekobun: sup
Oscelot: Damien omg
JadedCynic: Theo's gonna be convalescing
grander_pastures: DAMMIT DAMIEN
ghyllnox: I'd imagine kindred couteries have more than the required amount of fire extinguishers
JadedCynic: YEAH
jacqui_lantern234: omg damien!
Oscelot: Oooo
Oscelot: LOL
BusTed: hah
Lysander_salamander: dang
PharaohBender27: :D
Strebenherz: pffffffffffffffft
type_variable: backups here
JadedCynic: @ghyllnox Especially the Tremere who muck with magic
grander_pastures: NOOOOO
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
Sheikun07: That is such a good place to end it
Oscelot: amazing
ghyllnox: He's late, but he brought heat, so partial credit I suppose
DirectorStephanie: Long Live Theo Adonis!
jacqui_lantern234: JACOB
Lysander_salamander: sleepover at the chantry
cavvdor: AMAZING
fracassio: what a session
PadawanTK16: "What do I need to do?" "Show up earlier"
JadedCynic: CHEF KISS dot GIF
terribleplan: Show up 5 minutes earlier, is what you needed to do
Metric_Furlong: were there?!
Vilun: "what do we need to do?" "learn to drive faster!"
jdr_42: althavFire podbynHeart althavFire
Oscelot: *passes out*
Strebenherz: this is just that fire meme from community but with vampires isn't it
Terr0rc0tta: we all give blood to Theo
jacqui_lantern234: "4 and Theo DIES"
lochnessseammonster: CheersToThat
darrin: yeet
Simriel: Oliver has staked the vampire
Simriel: The vampire Became Staked
Skyarrow: staked lenght wise
Simriel: Wait a SPIRAL?
OVERKiLL!: :face-orange-biting-nails:
SmithKurosaki: thats what he said
Ignatius Husky: Aren't all vampires Neck-Romancers?
Simriel: Silas is 1000% a bottom
SmithKurosaki: @Ignatius Husky You get an xp point
OVERKiLL!: 🏆🎖 @Ignatius Husky
KeytarCat: [close up on Silas] ""[keyboard smash]"
ContingentCat: we didn't start the fire!
itira: LUL
PharaohBender27: Cheer369
Laurence72: I think they MIGHT be allowed to spend the night at the chantry tonight
Kramburger: Fetch the chancela
JadedCynic: dangit; I forgot to suggest "Holding Out For a Hero" on the car radio during the drive to Theo! :D
HorusFive: Normally they would be in trouble for breaking into the Tremere Chantry (except Silas)
roastbeefsandwitch: ooh, Silas gets to nominate a new candidate for a Childe of Theo to populate the chandry!
nekobun: it's a skull off
paulthemapguy: Pachycephalosaurus has entered the chat
Strebenherz: cheer100
JadedCynic: The Whole Coterie gets the name "The Skull Crushers"
Metric_Furlong: Oliver 'The Skullcrusher" Tyndale
Frankenstain subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
Frankenstain: This has been a great episode!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Frankenstain! (Today's storm count: 31)
nekobun: oliver "skullomania" tyndall
HorusFive: Jo and Oliver going the Goku/Vegeta route
grander_pastures: Skullcrushhhaaaaaa
jacqui_lantern234: @HorusFive im here for it
serramarkov: Well played, players!
Oscelot: Cheer100 Holy. Shit.
type_variable: +reputation
DirectorStephanie: kates7 kates7 kates7
BusTed: seabatClap
Revenant77x: Oliver "Blunt Force Trauma" Tyndall
grander_pastures: WE ARE GETTING SOME.BOONS
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
JadedCynic: out-talk the politicians, and out fight the magi
nekobun: Team FSU
corianderd: @HorusFive which is which?
terribleplan: I'm not sure. This city might be theirs now.
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2784 in the channel!
DiscordianTokkan: Hell yeah
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to BrynnStarr!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to vatio82!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to ocreed03!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to crono3453!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to slickslickman!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to obiwanjabroni___!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to partywurmp1e!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to HeranicWoW!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to deinonychus24!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to DanyRambell!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to BrynnStarr, crono3453, slickslickman, ocreed03, obiwanjabroni___, deinonychus24, DanyRambell, partywurmp1e, vatio82, and HeranicWoW! (Today's storm count: 41)
jacqui_lantern234: @grander_pastures AT LEAST a major boon from Theo
grander_pastures: GLORIOUS WORK YALL
dm818: Life boons for everyone!
grander_pastures: @jacqui_lantern234 At least
JadedCynic: well, you're spending the day in the chantry?
nekobun: You managed to FIT 4 PEOPLE IN A 94 VIPER
Oscelot: *claps*
Strebenherz: *mario kart music intensifies*
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Astramentha: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
Simriel: I reckon Walter was on his way to gank theo, and Silas' warning gave him the moment
Metric_Furlong: we would always save Ted!
DirectorStephanie: lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
type_variable: and were going to snitch to masque
Vilun: corrupted vampire murdered in under 30 minutes or it's free
grander_pastures: I think this was an unvarnished SUCCESS
jacqui_lantern234: @grander_pastures theo voice: "literally anything you desire forever, within most reason"
Oscelot: @nekobun rofl
itira: ooooOOOoooo
PharaohBender27: Calling it: This is the halfway point of this season
nekobun: @Strebenherz shoulda warned Walter it's the road you go when you die
Simriel: Oh THeo is gonna be ride or die for this coterie now right?
gibbousm: I nominate Oliver for Sheriff
Lobo_Apache: Remember in session zero how Jacob talked about "superheroes with fangs"? I know that wasn't the intent, but wow this group really shines that way
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrXmasbart lrrXmasbart
WardsarTheWriter: Tonight was damn wild... holy hell.
Laurence72: This was an AWESOME session
Strebenherz: It was NOT boring
jacqui_lantern234: @gibbousm 2nded!!!
cavvdor: I'm tearing up here
Metric_Furlong: @Simriel well chat's already ride or die for him, tbf
nekobun: Oliver for Harpy
JadedCynic: they started the night getting congratulated for their heroism...and ended it DOING MORE HEROISM
paulthemapguy: You love to see a DM who wants his players to feel accomplished <3
Strebenherz: Also your games ain't boring jacob, they're a hell of a ride
nekobun: Trendsetter Tyndall, let's see some Flannylisium
josh___something: "Us"
grander_pastures: Silas was just A Really Good Boy and people were jelly about it
Terr0rc0tta: This went so well, I can’t wait to see what happens that makes this the last chronicle with these characters
HorusFive: 'What do you mean US?" -Jessica
jacqui_lantern234: LUL this banter is peak
corianderd: could
NovahTalAura: @jacobburgessvo You did such a good job with building the social combat, never bored <3
WardsarTheWriter: Sorry for offending you sirs, please take the business cards of me and all my associates.
grander_pastures: "If you're gonna kill me, at least know my allies!!!"
Oscelot: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
DeM0nFiRe: Tune in next week when the coterie decide to go to disney!
jacqui_lantern234: @corianderd would* ....... will*
DirectorStephanie: katesCheer katesCheer katesCheer katesCheer
WiJohn: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
corpocracy: Man, this finale is great
NimrodXIV: <3
gsyhiap: lrrSHINE
BusTed: High praise from any game runner
Vilun: so, season 4 then?
itira: seabatDance seabatDance seabatDance
josh___something: I'm gonna be so fuckin sad when this season ends
type_variable: probably 2 episodes left
lirazel64: Last??
Astramentha: 💙💙💙💙💙💙
spethycakes: marshm3Clap marshm3Clap marshm3Clap
sheqesi: Best. Headache. Ever!!!
ghyllnox: I'm genuinely surprised to hear Jacob *built* that social combat structure
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
cavvdor: <3 <3 <3
grander_pastures: VUNDABAR
xantos69: I only want to see more of this. Content We Crave
Ignatiuspants: this sounds like it's coming to an end...
TheAwkes: Not a Drop to Grink
jacqui_lantern234: @Vilun no, sadly, i dont think
RurouniGeo: @Vilun I don't think the threats are gonna last another season at this rate lol
DirectorStephanie: Thank you our fang gang!
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500 - lunarj1Messy
JadedCynic: <3
Laurence72: I mean, how could a season 4 top THIS level of awesome?
amative1: v-v
LiveFaust: "I hope you keep it up (threatening)."
JadedCynic: thank you all SO MUCH
NimrodXIV: I will be so sad when this campaign is over
ghyllnox: Thank you all!
Riandisa: Thanks for another amazing episode, all
corpocracy: v-v
DeM0nFiRe: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
BusTed: blah
Oscelot: Amazinf.
ContingentCat: v---v
Nigouki: Thank you for the excellent show!
cyclopsboi: now i am said i missed heathers beginning because the finale joke would have hit SO hard tonight
serramarkov: @DeM0nFiRe Lol! O, wait for mayhem or 'cause they won?
josh___something: This is so fitting as a final season, tbh
JadedCynic: HOLY MOLY
DirectorStephanie: Holy moly what a damn night!
Astramentha: V-V
Strebenherz: amazing goblin'ing
corianderd: ahem kindred
PadawanTK16: @Laurence72 that sounds like a challenge
ghost_user_1984: But to think, we can convince Jacob to run Mage!
AriaHibiki: ty for another wonderful session lrrSHINE
Vilun: @RurouniGeo by threats, you mean the party, right?
Twilight_Spark: 3-bluh-3
itira: Excellent seabatClap
gualdhar: We need more messy crits
Ignatiuspants: that was quite the series finale!
noSmokeFire: I can't believe you lied about there ONLY being three messy crits LUL
jacqui_lantern234: hai heather!!! <3
lirazel64: RIPCheer100 RIPCheer100 RIPCheer100
LiveFaust: No, KINDRED.
spethycakes: That was fantastic!
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap
ghyllnox: Not goblins, *kindred*
Seabats: ggs ggs
WardsarTheWriter: Oh thank god.
DirectorStephanie: Thank you Jacob! Thank you to our players! Thank you chat!
terribleplan: Great finale
WiJohn: Lovely
Metric_Furlong: no Heather, it's vampires. Goblins would be a changeling thing Kappa
cavvdor: Daaaaang
gsyhiap: That was great!
Frankenstain: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Sheikun07: The messy crits returned!
Oscelot: mazing.
TheMinionGM: Amazing
DaxStrife: That last half was NUTS.
nekobun: better a goblin than a gobblin', diablerie is frowned upon
cavvdor: That was so good
grander_pastures: Holy Moly, Holy Moly, Holy Moly
jacqui_lantern234: ALWAYS i enjoy these episodes
WardsarTheWriter: This stream succeeded at a cost.
josh___something: and yet no Best failure yet
gualdhar: ALL the messy crits
spethycakes: Jacob got caught up on the messy crit quota in one session
JacobBurgessVO: GAVE?!
Sarah_Serinde: (chat if you want a spoiler on whether a given episode is the last episode or not, you can go check the schedule)
NovahTalAura: playfr3Clap :clap
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
itira: i was locked in
Sarah_Serinde: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
grander_pastures: God, that was a wonderful WONDERFUL sessh
jacqui_lantern234: @JacobBurgessVO yes Kappa
unarmedoracle: it's just weird there was so much incidental fire i wonder how that got there
JadedCynic: so, season 4 (unchronicled) has Theo recovered and hosting the "Skull Crusher" coterie for saving his (un)life
ContingentCat: Lol need more kissing Monica
HorusFive: I really want somebody to show Adam the Were-shark material after this is all done
Simriel: This was a spectacular session. RPG sessions like this always feel so good to play
Oscelot: hehehe
denu55: lol
JadedCynic: LRR engages in dice magic: CONFIRMED
BusTed: LUL
corianderd: note to self: shouldn't read chat
jacqui_lantern234: @JacobBurgessVO BUT THEY WERE A GIFT
DiscordianTokkan: Hahahah
Sheikun07: They can't, Jacob. They're yours now.
cavvdor: Diceomancy
Jasper: That went so well!
Jasper: So far
Metalhat: that was great!
Simriel: He realised he had been made and went to kill Theo didn't he
SmithKurosaki: probably
Jasper: Oliver pulling. Gulliver on her skull
Jasper: *Gallagher not Gulliver
SmithKurosaki: This is the van euivalent
Metalhat: Definitely the scanners bit
Metalhat: hopefully the tarp budget allowed for it
Tresson: I literally choked on water when they said give us another address
Jasper: Getting the after game glows
emanym: Great job, Players .
Alice Quintanilla: VvV VvV
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
JadedCynic: :D
Brozard: They're a part of you
ContingentCat: !homestreams
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: | Alex: | Ben Ulmer: | Cameron: | Cori and Ian: | Heather: | James: | Kathleen: | Matt Wiggins: | Nelson: | Serge: , | Wheeler:
WardsarTheWriter: Those dice have been microwaved.
Mazrae: sorry Jacob no take backies
Sarah_Serinde subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
gualdhar: Can't believe Jacob would give a gift back
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sarah_Serinde! (Today's storm count: 42)
Simriel: @JacobBurgessVO Walter was on his way to kill Theo right? That Sigil seemed preprepped
Dog_of_Myth: No take backs. All dice rolls are final
NovahTalAura: @jacobburgessvo they’re a gift! you cannot turn it away~
type_variable: theres an episode 9 of this on the schedule interesting
DirectorStephanie: Thank you mods ModLove
korvys: @unarmedoracle For no reason, what was that old vampire tremere thing you joked about in season 1 - the fire powers?
Oscelot: So inconsiderate
Vilun: yea Jacob, if you don't want them, just regift them
HorusFive: RIPCheer130
xantos69 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 53 in the channel!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CodeHerder!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mollygwen!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ShadyLantern!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Boxanne!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mostly_asleep!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Balaur1135!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sweetbry!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LegionofLashes!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SheeshFalco!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to esherone!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, xantos69! Welcome to ShadyLantern, mostly_asleep, Balaur1135, LegionofLashes, esherone, SheeshFalco, Boxanne, CodeHerder, mollygwen, and Sweetbry! (Today's storm count: 52)
Metric_Furlong: some minecraft nonsense
DirectorStephanie: They'll have a gay ol' time?
unarmedoracle: Game's good
korvys: Oh, Lure of Flames
Simriel: I do not Like Find Frankie
BusTed: unsettling
Simriel: No one does
DirectorStephanie: judging from that picture: NOPE
type_variable: needs a leash
Dog_of_Myth: Cheer500 For more Jacob messy crits
Strebenherz: like the hornerhole, another cursed decoration
LiveFaust: Return him to nature.
Oscelot: I hope they do so we can stop seeing it
NotCainNorAbel: what if Frankie is the one without teeth
terribleplan: @type_variable It's on the schedule the week after as well, but it has no description
HorusFive: Yeah- that- that's the were-shark thing I was talking about for Adam
Simriel: I would like to travel to a different nation to where Frankie is located
ContingentCat: what if the real frankie was the friends we made along the way
gualdhar: Oh Jacob, how was PAX?
NovahTalAura: Snark time for the game awards
RurouniGeo: yay fists and knees!
Alahmnat: Wake Up and Punch Someone
WardsarTheWriter: Glad we'll be able to watch our mandated gaming ad compilation.
Simriel: You can't talk about knocking knees, Cameron is right there
DirectorStephanie: @Alahmnat and wake up SUPER and punch someone
HorusFive: Are awards news?
Dog_of_Myth: Trailers for new games are news
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
JacobBurgessVO: Night everyone! Glad you enjoyed it!
Oscelot: @DirectorStephanie I wake up grudgingly. Does that count?
DirectorStephanie: There will be ~world~ premieres~~~~
xantos69: News isn't always news
spethycakes: a generous and broad catchall
Oscelot: *snerk*
DirectorStephanie: @Oscelot I suppose!
LiveFaust: SingsNote "Wake up and punch faith..."
Nigouki: couch stream Game Awards!
DaxStrife: I didn't know there were Red Green MtG decks. What powers does duct tape give?
type_variable: ITS ME
NovahTalAura: Yeah kinda. stuff will happen at it
ContingentCat: for various definitions of "news"
FenrisSchafer subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FenrisSchafer! (Today's storm count: 53)
spethycakes: HypeScream THAT'S MY NAME
corianderd: someone gifted me a sub earlier so it's not my name :(
ghyllnox: @JacobBurgessVO o/
HorusFive screams into void
Lobo_Apache: Omg, my name mentioned <4
ProcyonFlynn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
ProcyonFlynn: Number go Up!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ProcyonFlynn! (Today's storm count: 54)
LiveFaust: @oscelot : Begrudgingly Super
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
DirectorStephanie: the bits the bits the bits!
ProcyonFlynn: Close Enough RaccAttack :D
Oscelot: @LiveFaust Begrudgingly conscious ;)
HorusFive: Good year
DirectorStephanie: precisely!
WardsarTheWriter: Messy bits!
WiJohn: 1 bit per messy crit bout
NotCainNorAbel: mine were
josh___something: It's true
Oscelot: Sure, you can have it for the crits
DirectorStephanie: Thank you Heather for hosting!
cyclopsboi: messy bits
lochnessseammonster: bits for crits!
Oscelot: Thanks for hosting Heather <3
Riandisa: Thanks for hosting, Heather
kynelwynn: Hey!
fracassio: Thanks for hosting, Heather!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART lurkers
DirectorStephanie: katesWave katesWave katesWave
spethycakes: lrrSHINE
Strebenherz: Goodnight!
Oscelot: Hehehe
BusTed: onstaWAVE
Metric_Furlong: bye Heather
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Fangs
WardsarTheWriter: Good night, thanks for the great stream!
Oscelot: Nice, Heather
HorusFive: bye
Nigouki: Thank you! lrrSHINE
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART lunarj1Fangs
AriaHibiki: good night fangsters! cyall next week!
kynelwynn: G'night and Fangk you!
phoenixfeather14: Thanks for hosting, Heather!
Pheonix888: Thank you crew
Sheikun07: Thank you all for the wonderful stream.
lirazel64: Thanks, you all.
Metric_Furlong: nope
LiveFaust: The lurkers, the workers, the twerkers.
josh___something: I'm glad we got to talk to TED
JadedCynic: how's T-buck doin?
Simriel: Is Ted gonna join Gilmore Girls?
Sheikun07: I got my hair colored on Saturday! For the first time in my 42 years of existence!
spethycakes: Favorite GG episode: GO
kynelwynn: Wouldn't vampires watch "Killmore Girls"?
phoenixfeather14: Thanks to our players and storyteller for another awesome episode!!
corianderd: youtube has recc'd me videos about how people let rory down
jacqui_lantern234: im excited for next monday >:3
nekobun: see y'all week next
serramarkov: Wow, awesome, I'm in awe.
ghyllnox: How's TBuck's small business?
lamina5432: gnight
cyclopsboi: cant wait for the tbuck gilmore girls rewatch podcast
SquareDotCube: What should they announce a sequel to during TGAs?
ContingentCat: I was thinking about starting gilmore girls again lol
Hawkwreak: Man that was amazing. I'm going to be sad when this is over
HorusFive: @ghyllnox with troubling implications
LiveFaust: SURELY in VTM, Gilmore Girls grants bonuses to fast banter.
ContingentCat: yeah Dean sucks
spethycakes: Everyone Rory dates is bad for one another with her
mercano82: what does Jessica think of the Netflix revival of Gilmore Girls?
Strebenherz: Rory makes interesting choices is like a main plot point, can't pull too hard on that thread or the show unravels
SaxPython: @SquareDotCube Tunic!
Vilun: I'm looking forward to the coterie getting home and Knives being like, "So, how was Vancouver?"
spethycakes: we are blessedly pre-revival in at least one world
jacqui_lantern234: next week i get to go Poetry With Cori into the next episode of NaDtD, its gonna be great
ghyllnox: Did Oliver ever join them?
JadedCynic: Speculatively - what WOULD Jess think of it...when it happens?
corianderd: that's something you would work out with the storyteller
Strebenherz: vampire power force someone to see visions of a show spoilers
ContingentCat: Alturnatly immune to being spoiled because she already knows
phoenixfeather14: @jacqui_lantern234 Sounds like an awesome time!
DeM0nFiRe: It would be very fuinny for jessica to keep having premonitions about how episodes of shows end but not the current episode, episodes like 3 years in the future
corianderd: @Vilun how looking forward to?
fracassio: pretty sure the gilmore girls revival is pre 2020
LiveFaust: He hasn't had a chance, but he's promised.
ghyllnox: Oh, sorry, I thought this was a house of lies
korvys: Does Jacob ever get a villain character that lasts more than 1 round?
BusTed: G'night!
ghyllnox: Thanks Heather o/
ContingentCat: Thanks Heather <3
spethycakes: Thank you, Heather!
Oscelot: Ah you blessed goobers. Goodnight, folks. See you next week
NotCainNorAbel: Then Season 4 confirmed!
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LiveFaust: Not A Drop To Drink Season 3: Not The Last Episode season finale. Kappa
Vilun: @corianderd considering everything they have to tell him, quite a lot
ghyllnox: @Vilun Seems like they might be staying in Vancouver for a little bit longer than they're expecting, Theo will probably at least want to have a word with Silas and crew and there's not a lot of time until sunrise with the chantry on fire
ghyllnox: Turns out what Heather said was going to happen was true, there was a party, some travelling, and then a considerable amount of screaming