Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Tuesday, Miners & Crafters!!! sergeScopeCreep jlrrPunch
TXC2: Hello Everybody
TXC2: so according to twitch recap, I sent 28,000 total messages in chat this year, but I also somehow sent 37,000 messages as a mod this year :p
kainboa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kainboa! (Today's storm count: 1)
baskwalla: Hello all. Hey there TXC2
TXC2: hello baskwalla welcome
Xed_Regulus: According to my recap, Minecraft is my most watched category.
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a live cat
baltimore_667083: @LRRbot kitty!
TXC2: Xed_Regulus somehow it's only number 4 for me, Street Fighter 6 was number 1
NerdWithoutName subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
Serifina subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NerdWithoutName! (Today's storm count: 2)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Serifina! (Today's storm count: 3)
Serifina: serifi1Fire serifi1Fire
TXC2: hi Serifina
Serifina: heya
Tandtroll_OG: Weeee
Tandtroll_OG: !advice
AngelicKnighthood subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AngelicKnighthood! (Today's storm count: 4)
perki06: Woooo
Jillexie: Recap: This is my top channel and my most watched things are Magic the Gathering and Penn and Teller's SMoke and MIrrors, so that tracks.
Statist42: Hi Friends! lrrSHINE
hermonthis: hi friends! hermon6Bulma
TXC2: Here we GO!
jessicaengle: Hooray!
brieandbacon: Wooooow
TXC2: Hello Statist42 and hermonthis and jessicaengle and brieandbacon welcome
GhostValv: heh
SymphonySolstice: good morning james
mattyraft44: good morning guys!!
jessicaengle: ModLove
TXC2: Hello James
baltimore_667083: morning james!
EJGRgunner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
EJGRgunner: Why is Uno x'd out?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EJGRgunner! (Today's storm count: 5)
jessicaengle: Hi James!
brieandbacon: Look what they did to our boy...
Jogela: Wow, Uno just crossed out
Genie_M: Hi everyone
baskwalla: OMG the X over Uno
Jaeger_404: hi james!
TXC2: hello Genie_M welcome
brieandbacon: ?uno
lamina5432: morning sick day
TXC2: I missed it, but lets say yes
jessicaengle: A James among men, to be sure.
SymphonySolstice: twitch tells me my most used emote is jlrrPunch
DideRobot: LRR: Today on Mine O'Clock James and Serge continue their adventures in Minecraft Bedrock editions with episode 2 of our Winter Village Bedrock Extravaganza! | https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113629846130847661
Serifina: Hello James. I am astonished at your abilities. :p
MrForceOfWill subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
MrForceOfWill: Good Morning LLR Crew and Chat. Thanks for having me it’s great to be here. Now without further ado is MINE O’CLOCK
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrForceOfWill! (Today's storm count: 6)
brieandbacon: Y'all remember Uno? rip
jessicaengle: Naps are nice.
TXC2: Hello Serge
SymphonySolstice: who's serge?
Serifina: nope. never. who’s Serge?
Jogela: Time for Wheeler and Adam to join then?
TXC2: Serge has been dead since 2000 ?
SymphonySolstice: @txc2 haven't we all
MrForceOfWill: Serge my KING!!
jessicaengle: @TXC2 Y2K got him, I guess.
TXC2: SymphonySolstice touché
Dalrint subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
Dalrint: 56 whole months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dalrint! (Today's storm count: 7)
TXC2: jessicaengle the only victim, sounds like Serge Kappa
jessicaengle: Chili?
pleonasticTautology: oh good morning everyone
TXC2: hello pleonasticTautology welcome
MrForceOfWill: James doesn’t like Ramen. Holy Moley
Serifina: chili is a stew
jessicaengle: Soup is a vehicle for many things.
Jogela: Tomato soup with pasta?
jessicaengle: Serge has opinions!
rogerivany: Soup has rice.
Jillexie: Serge is wrong
jessicaengle: hahaha
frnknstn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, frnknstn! (Today's storm count: 8)
ProcyonFlynn: Soy Vanilla Latte is a three-bean-soup, send toot penaddCoffee
xerjen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
xerjen: Welcome to Soup Talk 2024!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, xerjen! (Today's storm count: 9)
BrookJustBones: Also, that includes coffee
SymphonySolstice: thicc soop
pleonasticTautology: thicc soup
jessicaengle: Thicc soup is best soup
Natimus_Prime: If you aren't eating your ramen with broth, you're doing it wrong.
MrForceOfWill: Coffee is a soup
pleonasticTautology: lmao same brain cell
mattyraft44: is melted icecream soup?
SpleenLord: Fruit soup riot
jessicaengle: What about like a baked potato soup? That's a hearty meal
brainbosh: tomato soup is fruit sup
Stormgod519: I made it!!! Morning chat!
jessicaengle: Froot froot
TXC2: hello Stormgod519 welcome
baskwalla: Isn’t that juice?
jessicaengle: @Stormgod519 o/
SymphonySolstice: guac soup
brieandbacon: That's a smoothie, or a punch
Travilogue: My family makes Rhubarb Soup!
TXC2: Avocado soup = Gauc?
Nathade: Coffee is fruit soup?
brainbosh: I mean avocado ice cream is good
jessicaengle: James is a nacho and poutine man
Stormgod519: @TXC2 hi frien!
Natimus_Prime: Don't forget: Ice is a rock, which means water is lava.
ShaneLeeAtk: Extra noodles for me
SymphonySolstice: the finest cuisine
Monocerotis2010: Do your Vietnamese places have great names like the Pho King
pleonasticTautology: i could go for soup rn...
jessicaengle: Cup'o Mine'o Clock
SymphonySolstice: return of Jace Turner
TXC2: the extra vegan pizza
Serifina: …bedrock? James, have you committed TREASON???
Stormgod519: ah, Jace Turner...
Stormgod519: oh no, Uno!
LordZarano: omfg Wiktionary has cereal as a hyponym of soup PrideLaugh
TXC2: Serifina more Blasphemy then treason
jessicaengle: MoC is work, isn't it? Don't you pay Uno something?
brieandbacon: A little heresy, as a treat
TheShokara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheShokara! (Today's storm count: 10)
Serifina: it is blasphemy! heresy even!
MrForceOfWill: James is shilling Sriracha someone get JLK on the phone
SymphonySolstice: I think that's illegal
SpleenLord: Bear murderer
Stormgod519: pretty sure they're a protected species...
TXC2: yeap, 150 people just watched Serge do a murder
Monocerotis2010: Irene's cousin
TXC2: making babies? I thought this was a game for children! Kappa
TheDevil_Risen: lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME sergePrideLove
thebeaz2: it’s winter, it’s cold… make babies
TXC2: hello TheDevil_Risen welcome
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: !uptime
TheDevil_Risen: howdy
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 16:57.
Dalrint: Ah poor Serge. I can almost hear his voice...
TheDevil_Risen: twitch recap is in and predictably, LRR is #1 and DB is #2 for the year for me :P
TheDevil_Risen: and i mised out on giving 100 gifted subs by 3 :(
TXC2: and what's the lesson? Never be confident
Dalrint: LRR is number 2 for me. Apparently I watched way more Serge than I realized cause he's #1 by a decent distance.
TheDevil_Risen: yeah Serge is #3
TheDevil_Risen: for me :)
drsattler subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drsattler! (Today's storm count: 11)
TheDevil_Risen: oh hang on i got that backwards, LRR, Serge, DB
MehallD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months!
MehallD: Hey look, diamonds
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MehallD! (Today's storm count: 12)
ph0enix__42: Yeah LRR was my #1 and Serge my #4
TheDevil_Risen: apparently i caught 92hrs of desert bus :D
baltimore_667083: lrr had more hours for me than the rest of my top 5 combined
MehallD: My top5 in order- LRR, James, Serge, DB, GDQ
TXC2: the stats for DB for me must be wrong cause it said I sent 92 messages in DB chat :p
Nathade: LRR - Serge - DB - James - Adam for me. I thought 80h of DB was low but it seems right.
Stormgod519: my second most watched game is Penn and Teller's Smoke and Mirrors
baltimore_667083: @Stormgod519 yep same here
MrForceOfWill: my number 1 is actually the gladiator channel followed by wheeler then lrr then serge after dark then Dana Fisher
baltimore_667083: minecraft 1st smoke & mirrors 2nd
Dalrint: If you have chat open in OBS it still counts you as a viewer too
Stormgod519: DB is my #2 and LRR is #3
MehallD: Funko? After everything he did to itch yesterday? :P
NimrodXIV: 1. LRR, 2. James, 3. DB
Sorator13: DB was my most-watched game and second channel
TheDevil_Risen: yeah i thought they made it so you had to have audio and video playing to be counted
DiscordianTokkan: #1: LRR, #2: James, 3: DB 4: TQ, 5: Serge (with 69 hours, nice)
Stormgod519: Lol, lrrSHINE was my most used emote at almost 500
ArtOfStuttering: Huh, wasn't expecting you two be a HAIL STAN enjoyers.
TheDevil_Risen: yeah Dana Fischer and James were my 4 and 5
MrForceOfWill: serge is currently experiencing a skill issue
TXC2: Drink!
rogerivany: Orange you glad Serge didn't say Bananas either?
Stormgod519: lol
LordZarano: jlrrBreak
baltimore_667083: i honestly thought that was a tornado siren LUL
TXC2: DB is my number 2 stream, number 3 game
Travilogue: I hit 126 hours on DB this year
Jillexie: Desert BUs is in my top 5 :D
ProcyonFlynn: DesertBus has been consistently in my top-5 every year :D
Stormgod519: DB is consistently my #2 both in channel and in the game it streams
MrSarkhan: Desert Bus was number 4 for me at 139 hours.
Sorator13: I mean, I basically just watch DB, LRR, and occasionally a few other folks
ShaneLeeAtk: It says I watched more hours of Desert Bus than Desert Bus was on
MaybeTara: desert bus is my number 1
Jillexie: 100 hours for DB
Stormgod519: ever since I first watched, DB has been in my top 3
LurkerSpine: The only reason Tarkov is my 2nd most watched game because of the dumb rewards
baltimore_667083: last year i watched 88 hours of db this year it was 107
baltimore_667083: but i'd need 4 of those to match LRR
LurkerSpine: Like I mostly stopped watching that game in January
mymy0724 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
mymy0724: 32 months woohoo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mymy0724! (Today's storm count: 13)
Cyberegg: I watched DB for 12 hours more than James this year
constablecrab: My recap says I'm "Grass-Toucher of the Year.' What does that even mean?
MadmanOreo: HyperReveal . HyperReveal
rogerivany: Ugh, 334 days, 2396 hours....I may have a problem.
MaybeTara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
MaybeTara: what a cool non chaotic number! Thanks for being my favourite little corner of the Internet for a literal decade
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaybeTara! (Today's storm count: 14)
northos: lol by far my most used emote is just different versions of :P
baltimore_667083: 357 days, 725 hours
TheDevil_Risen: 191 days watched, 585 hrs
lamina5432: I got 360 days
rogerivany: Whew, it's the kids that are wrong.
Narcuru: 229 days, 692 hours
TheMerricat: Hours Watched 2,028 Distinct Days Visited 354
ProcyonFlynn: 363 - 3936 ... I do have a problem. But it's almost always second monitor / background
Sorator13: 205 days, 586 hours for me
MrSarkhan: 1.86k hours watched 333 days
mjyfs: @Stormgod519 that's my nr 1 game watched of the year. Just like last year... and the year before that
frnknstn: 604h / 328 days <== rookie numbers
DudelidouX: 362, 4443
LordZarano: 360 days, 4061 hours
MrForceOfWill: damn.
PsychoI3oy: 3309 hrs, 361 days; but i have a music stream in the background while working most of the time, and it sometimes stays on even while I'm sleeping
ph0enix__42: 362 days, 9996 hours.... I fall asleep to alot of streams, especially charity marathons
Jillexie: 330 days, 1.28k hours
ShaneLeeAtk: 3405 hours and 363 days
50keyz: 4069 hours - i need to stop watching now
lamina5432: 360, 2432
protojman: 360 days and 4155 hours eesh
Cyberegg: hours 1,361 days 353 but I only basicly watch LRR and am in the UK
TheAwkes: 2773, 295.
Dalrint: My top 2 emotes of the year are jlrrDance sergeBongo and I like that.
Stormgod519: @mjyfs lol i feel ya there...
TheDevil_Risen: 7.15k chats sent :P fav emote lrrSHINE
protojman: same. always have 1-3 streams on :D
TheMerricat: https://i.imgur.com/AxsElPD.png huh, wonder how this happened. :D
Narcuru: Minecraft>Smoke and mirrors>Magic>Core Keeper hit number 4. thakns Serge!
PsychoI3oy: I think at least 2 of the days I wasn't watching twitch were during the power outage last month
undecided44: 1140/322=3.5 hrs per viewing day for me... not sure how I feel about that.
Natimus_Prime: I had 2,255 hours watched over 350 days. But I also have a stream on my third monitor basically all the time while I'm home
TheAwkes: But what epithet did it give you? They think I'm a Super Strategist, and I don't have the faintest idea what that's supposed to mean.
pleonasticTautology: oops i'm back
pleonasticTautology: had to get a chest xray rq
DudelidouX: Well seeing everyone's number I might have a problem...
BrookJustBones: I think my number two game was penn and teller's smoke and mirrors
TheElrad: strange, my watching was Magic, Tarkove and then Minecraft, I wonder why
pleonasticTautology: (turns out hospital wifi is decent for twitch lmao. i'm mostly fine, don't worry about me)
baltimore_667083: in descending order, minecraft, DB, MtG, special events, Games/demos
TXC2: number 1 game was SF6 for me, Minecraft was 4th, swear it was number 1 last year :p
TheMerricat: "Based on all this recap data, this year you were the Chatty Just Chatting Champion of the Year"
Sorator13: DB, Magic, special events (LRL I assume), board games, and Tarkov, from first to fifth
ProcyonFlynn: "Chatty Adventurer" - how dare!
rogerivany: Minecraft - Among Us - Pokemon Firered/leafgreen - Smoke and Mirrors - magic
LordZarano: From 5 to 1 my top emotes were jlrrFall escher3SAFETY escher3FOX jlrrPunch escher3DOOT
MrTheWalrus: It says I watched 263h of Desert Bus, which makes me wonder about how this is calculated.
Narcuru: James>Serge>DB>LRR>Adam
TheDevil_Risen: Magic, Penn and Teller, Mincraft, Core Keeper (#BlameSerge), and Just chatting
pleonasticTautology: my number 1 is mtg (from yall) and my number 2 is smoke and mirrors
TXC2: MrTheWalrus did you have two instances of the stream open ?
protojman: LRR, James, and Serge all made my top 5 :)
Narcuru: i mod James' stream not your serge
SymphonySolstice: LRR>wiggins>james>serge>GDQ
theghostwiththemost subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
theghostwiththemost: It's that time again
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theghostwiththemost! (Today's storm count: 15)
Barb4rian: LRR>James>Serge>Secret Serge
pleonasticTautology: as for who i watch, it's: lrr, db, drawfee, one of my girlfriends, and deconreconstruction
Narcuru: this is a great plan
MrTheWalrus: @TXC2 Yeah, sometimes. Just wasn't sure if that would count twice.
baskwalla: LRR>James>Numot>Serge>Wheeler
WizardOfDocs: Smoke and Mirrors is also my second game, after Minecraft
protojman: yup. 2 full weeks of streams.
TXC2: MrTheWalrus only thing I can think of
SymphonySolstice: they have stuff all year now
MrSarkhan: For me it's LRR > Serge > James > DB > Adam. Adam and James swapped places this year from last year.
TheElrad: do I get banned if James isn't in my top 5? :P
TheMerricat: Based on all this recap data, this year you were the Chatty Just Chatting Champion of the Year
ShaneLeeAtk: I watch GDQ vods.
protojman: horror month gives me 31 days of 24/7 dansgaming streams too
Cyberegg: I've got LRR, DB, James, Play Frame Plus, Surge
Master_Gunner: GDQ is my #5, mostly because of their year-round streams that I'll sometimes throw on if nobody else is streaming.
TheMerricat: LRR, Wiggins, DB, BNF, Tiltyhouse. :D
Tandtroll_OG: Smoke and Mirrors is fourth, Peglin is 3 after Minecraft and Stardew. Very surprised to see Manor Lors as fifth o.O
baskwalla: I watch Numot in the morning before anyone else starts streaming
TXC2: TheElrad no, James isn't in my Top 5, mainly 'cause I only have a top 2 :p
northos: hey now, he's a top pokemon streamer too :P
LurkerSpine: He was doing numbers with the Pokemon randomizer
pleonasticTautology: also i think the drawfee on my list is my nesting partner watching it on the downstairs tv
DegHag: The best Kenji streams are Pokemon after he gets sick of the current draft set.
Barb4rian: jlrrBreak
rogerivany: I watch Kenji when he plays pokemon these days, not much when he plays magic.
TheDevil_Risen: jlrrBreak
Dog_of_Myth: I've got LRR, Ironmouse, JesseCox, Zentreya, and gabrielbrahe(friend of mine)
WizardOfDocs: "Minecraft Maniac of the Year"
TheElrad: Serge -> Amy -> ashlizzlle -> LRR -> Voxy, I wonder why magic is my most watched game :P
flouncy_magooo: Kenji is 35-ish
baltimore_667083: @WizardOfDocs mine was the same but adding "charity" to the front
TXC2: Streamers need a union :p
rogerivany: LRR - KaraCorvus - ZeRoyalViking - JamesLRR - Iateyourpie
Jondare subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 116 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jondare! (Today's storm count: 16)
PsychoI3oy: Coestar is over 10 years streaming consecutively, last night was day 4024, but he's second to someone else by a few months (who is also still going)
Stormgod519: that's a lot
Tandtroll_OG: 10k is considerable
nightsreach: they also appeal to different demographics
lamina5432: I saw the person at the twitch awards thats streamed 3 years straight
DegHag: RIP Kermit arms
TXC2: back in the days when we got single digit subs per stream
ph0enix__42: numotHELLO numotHELLO
TXC2: hello ph0enix__42 welcome
lamina5432: he was at ppr 2 years ago
ProcyonFlynn: !findquote Twitch
LRRbot: Quote #3880: "Twitch chat's the best, man." —Adam [2017-01-21]
MrForceOfWill: I would imagine yes simply because of different programming
TheMerricat: "All Java and Bedrock Edition seeds in the range from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, generate the same terrain and biomes in both Java and Bedrock editions, although with differing structures, decorator placements, carver caves, and mob spawns."
ProcyonFlynn: Isn't the bedrock in Bedrock a very different pattern as well?
TheMerricat: "They were made to be mostly same from the 1.18 update. Some structures such as caves will be different from each other though."
SymphonySolstice: the issue is git gud
TXC2: I'm willing to believe that there are different bugs between the versions that can effect things differently
CraziestOwl: is badrock c++?
constablecrab: I used the same seed in Java single player and Realms and got biomes and villages in in the same locations but different terrain elevation.
WitchyTQ: good morning miners
pleonasticTautology: g'morning tq
MehallD: Hey TQ
Stormgod519: hi TQ
Xed_Regulus: Morning, TQ
TXC2: hello WitchyTQ welcome
TXC2: CraziestOwl mostly C++, some of it is Python however
pleonasticTautology: in my single player world i recently found a gold vein, that was interesting
SymphonySolstice: what a gamer
Abavus: I would personally pass on smelly diamonds
LurkerSpine: What do they smell like
constablecrab: Google says diamonds are odorless.
TXC2: it's a diamond never the less
sushiboo22: Hi
TXC2: constablecrab they add the smell in later Kappa
Bassios: 1 diamond: objectively better than none diamond
MrForceOfWill: it’s a none diamond with left netherite
TXC2: hello sushiboo22 welcome
dayntee: I'm sure there's zero logic in it, but I've always mined 2-3 blocks around every lava pool I find at this level to find them.
sushiboo22: @txc2 hi
Jogela: James "Diamond Hound" Turner
constablecrab: Love that new diamond smell.
sushiboo22: How are you doing?
SymphonySolstice: jlrrWalldiamond
Dog_of_Myth: lrrXmasbart
PsychoI3oy: settings
WitchyTQ: chat help this man
TheRandomMorgan: have you mined any Kappa
SymphonySolstice: playerSleepPercent
Bassios: I think it was in settings, there was a realms settings section
TXC2: TheRandomMorgan congrats on the gold kappa
SymphonySolstice: woo
sushiboo22: theswe44PIKALOVE theswe44PIKALOVE theswe44PIKALOVE
TheRandomMorgan: TXC2 got lucky on a gold Kappa hype train
Natimus_Prime: Take the pumpkin seeds to make snow golems?
mwlsn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
mwlsn: That's metric Q1 in the books, great job everybody
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mwlsn! (Today's storm count: 17)
TXC2: remembering last week is a real challenge in this day and age
Natimus_Prime: You don't game with a pad of paper and a pen next to you at all times? Someone didn't play many point and click adventure games...
Abavus: Smartest man alive
Bassios: Smash cut to drowning in lava
TheAinMAP: bbirbBrain
Stormgod519: actively gaming!
Sorator13: yknow, I would have some concerns about airflow
Sorator13: LUL
Bassios: Simply craft some water
noSmokeFire: simply smelt some ice
constablecrab: Just dig up until you find some?
Abavus: Language D:
Bassios: Just get some hydrogen and oxygen, smash 'em together and fill up the bucket
TXC2: what kind of bucket doesn't come with free water in it? is this not a thing in Canada ?
WitchyTQ: @Abavus butts
noSmokeFire: @TXC2 they buy bags of water, usually
constablecrab: coxShake coxShake coxShake
TXC2: noSmokeFire :D
MrForceOfWill: Speaking of water everyone remember to hydrate
creasehearst: keep walking and stop getting distracted by diamonds
Simriel: I heard this game has mining, but also crafting, can anyone confirm?
Jogela: Dr. Zoom
noSmokeFire: imagine running down this corridor, hitting your head hundreds of times
TXC2: hmm, water
brieandbacon: I shall continue my doubtage
Mazrae: !doubt/hubris
Natimus_Prime: press (x) to doubt James
MehallD: I never doubt you james/ I just blame you.
TheDevil_Risen: jlrrPunch jlrrXmaxpick
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: throw more dots!
mwlsn: more dots
TheDevil_Risen: he's a WoW Fire Mage :D
UltraVioletVodoo: in poe you can do any damage type, dont restrict yourself
MrForceOfWill: poison I’m drowning in poison I’m filling up my glass but it’s always hollow I’m sick of the poison wish I had something to live for tomorrow
constablecrab: I am totally fine with waiting until POE2 comes out of early access to play.
MrForceOfWill: should you get the lapis if you are planing on making an enchanting table?
Sorator13: knowing them, I doubt they'll put more newbie friendly stuff in, lol
northos: it's condensed, but it's still a big wall for a brand new player
TreeVor84 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months, currently on a 96 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TreeVor84! (Today's storm count: 18)
UltraVioletVodoo: oh believe me james, this is new player friendly
Sorator13: some tutorials, probably, similar to poe1
Sorator13: but yeah, they've simplified a LOT of systems in a way that is new player friendly, whether that was the reason for doing so or not
TXC2: the poe skill tree is like 12 trees combined
UltraVioletVodoo: specifically james, they payed people to play it at cons who have never played video games to get their view on the new player experience
TheMerricat: Yeah POE has a huge skill tree that 80% of which matters not at all once you make three chocies in it.
TheDevil_Risen: the strange thing for me has always been smushing different abilities into other abilities orbs
TheMerricat: So IIRC Tarkov's devs kinda got into shit with their community earlier this year(?) did they recover their reputation or are they still in shit?
SymphonySolstice: minecraft does not want you to know 60% of the mechanics of the game
Abavus: The first night in Minecraft is BRUTAL
Simriel: I am only Mid at minecraft because I have been playing since BETA.
hermonthis: yup. digging that hole and survive the night in terror
matthaus_c: the first time you're caught between two Skeletons
TheMerricat: @hermonthis If it's your first time, you don't even know to dig the hole, you just know all the sudden it's nightmare time. :D
TheDevil_Risen: Bed Kill the dagon <3
Simriel: Blind minecraft these days would be Wild
TheShokara: the number of times i;ve started a world and basically tunnelled in to the side of hill hobbit style for safety...
Sorator13: The dragon was killed during Cori's shift
SymphonySolstice: the first world I made in minecraft, I found and tamed a parrot, then found a ruined portal, and the parrot sat on a magma block and died. I was so upset I deleted the world
matthaus_c: killing the Dragon has very little point unless you're immediately going for Elytra and Shulkers after
DiscordianTokkan: Counterpoint: Ender Dragon Santa
Simriel: @TheShokara I was gonna say, step one, build a door, step 2 find a cave
hermonthis: @TheMerricat oh, oh so true! my first time playing was with friends so that definitely gave me an adv over playing alone!
Stormgod519: ayyy
Stormgod519: Pink SHEEP!!!
Stormgod519: ummmmm
DiscordianTokkan: Water froze
TXC2: pink sheep, pheep
Stormgod519: oh, does water freezing break it?
Sorator13: You looked at it wrong
Statist42: killing the dragon and "unlocking" elytras might make resource finding/gathering easier, if you want some building blocks not found around where you are
TheMerricat: @Stormgod519 Freezing does in fact break cane.
constablecrab: Has anyone ever found the killer bunny? Is that even real?
Stormgod519: @TheMerricat ah...
WitchyTQ: @constablecrab thats me, im the killer bunny
Stormgod519: i need to reload mc, havent touched it in a minute since starting a world post DB
LordZarano: Favourite way to spend the first night for me is build a boat and go to sea. Skeletons can't reach me and if there's drowned I can speed away from them on my speedy little boat
constablecrab: :O
matthaus_c: the killer bunny is real, but I'm not sure it can spawn naturally
TheMerricat: @constablecrab "The Killer Bunny It can be spawned only by using the /summon rabbit ~ ~ ~ {RabbitType:99} command. It appears with a nameplate over its head reading "The Killer Bunny". damage on Normal difficulty. If the player strikes at the killer bunny, it runs away for a brief moment, then returns to lunging at the player."
Jogela: Cows just hiding behind James' back like a cartoon
matthaus_c: put the Killer Bunny as the end boss of a Holy Grail Adventure map
ProcyonFlynn: 46?
noSmokeFire: 1 for the table, 3*15=45 for the bookshelves
MrForceOfWill: 45 leather for the book cases and 1 for the table 46
mwlsn: lrrWOW
NorthstarTex: what a statement to join in on
Wicker_Guide: true but hurtful nun the less
TXC2: so ProcyonFlynn with the no scope
ProcyonFlynn: It's just after 11 PST, so math is allowed.
TheMerricat: @TheMerricat It _used_ to spawn Naturally with a 1/1000 chance in-between a number of snapshots but Mojang quickly realized it wasn't funny, it was just annoying so now you can only get it if you specifically summon it.
constablecrab: I feel like the last couple major patches crossed a line and there are now officially too many things in Minecraft for me to really want to play.
constablecrab: Shoulda stopped a bees. That was a sweet spot.
Mazrae: Last minute panic weapon
pleonasticTautology: poutine?
TheMerricat: @constablecrab here's the thing. Unless you are a streamer looking for content... you don't have to engage in most of what they add. You just pick and choose what you care about and play the way you want. :D
Bassios: A pony!
matthaus_c: I don't want a lot for christmas
mwlsn: every millenial's least favorite question
TXC2: mwlsn big mood there
Wicker_Guide: Santa Claus is a US PsyOp they can figure something out lrrBEEJ
Jayrod1220: Collecter bags of coffee
MrForceOfWill: that’s a good answer right there. also serge wanting coffee is the most cliche thing in lrr history
matthaus_c: has anyone made a company selling lootbox style makeup product
TheMerricat: Chat real talk, how many people other than me skip mining coal and go straight to a small tree farm and smelting charcoal?
MehallD: @matthaus_c yes, lots
MrForceOfWill: SERGE
matthaus_c: @MehallD evil
TheDevil_Risen: 600 aussie a box :D so much for MSRP lmao. id take a box of them
xerjen: Socks, definitely socks
MrForceOfWill: ^^^^^^
Simriel: I ask for Socks and Warhammer
pleonasticTautology: i need new socks for christmas but the socks i need are $150/pair
TXC2: i'd like this vague sense of dread to go away for Christmas :p
WitchyTQ: funko asked for warhammer and star wards stuff
WitchyTQ: star wards lol
Juliamon: box o' sox
Simriel: @pleonasticTautology How are socks 150 a pair?
xerjen: But just one
Sorator13: one sock?
Jayrod1220: The Star Wards
mwlsn: @TXC2 big mood there :D
LordZarano: Box of socks for fox?
brieandbacon: But only kinda
TXC2: looked like a stack of comic books to me, but then I am on 480p
hermonthis: toeless socks
TheDevil_Risen: I'm a Dog and I like Socks :D
Simriel: I was about to say send Jo
TheDevil_Risen: Kappa
WitchyTQ: Jo isn't your personal lacky jesus fu
WitchyTQ: Jo get behind me
MrForceOfWill: Oh grilled cheese sounds good
TheDevil_Risen: I want some toe socks
Sorator13: @WitchyTQ I was just thinking that!
Sorator13: Jo is not a courier!
WitchyTQ: chat, everyone #teamjo
pleonasticTautology: @Simriel compression socks need to be replaced every 6 months and one pair of prescription compression socks are $150/pair, and my insurance doesn't cover them
Stormgod519: #teamjo
Jayrod1220: Glove socks or mitten socks
hermonthis: Witchy!!
Arazien: #teamjo
WitchyTQ: @hermonthis hiiii
NorthstarTex: Imma Unionize with Jo!
Wicker_Guide: @WitchyTQ I've seen the Jo Takeovers. Jo doesn't need us to protect her
WitchyTQ: @Wicker_Guide imma do it anyway
Simriel: I like high socks, I feel weird in ankle socks even with trainers in the summer
Stormgod519: oh i love those
EvilDrReef: Ankle socks make my legs feel weirdly cold, even in summer
NorthstarTex: snerge socks?
Sorator13: "serge on the socks"
Arazien: Collectively we can protect one another
Sorator13: I used to wear higher socks, but I would roll them down, and my doctor said that was bad for my legs. so I wear... not ankle socks, but close to that.
MrForceOfWill: need 16 more
TheDevil_Risen: im only a size 12 but my feets are like a ZZ width so its impossible to find shoes that fit well
WitchyTQ: they said 46
MrForceOfWill: yes 46 total
TXC2: chat said 46
LordZarano: Stitch Serge's name into the hem so he doesn't lose them when he goes to class/the office
Sorator13: chat did say 46
matthaus_c: 1 leather 3 paper
Wicker_Guide: 1 leather 3 paper per book yes
SymphonySolstice: 1 leather 3 paper yea
MrForceOfWill: yea 1 leather per book and you need 46 books
constablecrab: Imagine a real book consisting of the hide of one entire cow and three sheets of paper.
matthaus_c: you could go find an ancient city and loot a ton of books :3c
Snouut: hey, ho goes the mining of blocks thus far?
TheAwkes: When "killing the end boss" is a quick and easy to grab experience, I begin to suspect that the story isn't the point of the game. lrrBEEJ
Snouut: Is there anything on the to-do list for today?
NorthstarTex: o7
constablecrab: rip
TXC2: hello Snouut welcome
matthaus_c: yo powder snow is terrifying
Snouut: @TXC2 HeyGuys
WitchyTQ: absolutely no thank you.
WitchyTQ: yeah i have the nuerodivergence that includes i can only wear one type of sock
matthaus_c: what if James used the socks beforehand
WitchyTQ: or else i wish to die
LordZarano: That's how the All Advancements speedrun does it too. Kill the dragon, loot the end, then go enchant with all that xp
MrForceOfWill: you need 1 more
constablecrab: Serge has the meats.
TXC2: WitchyTQ does that extend to tights and such?
SymphonySolstice: kinda messed up they have powder snow but not quicksand, which is what we were more prepared for by life mythos growing up
WitchyTQ: @TXC2 kinda? not really the same tho. i can put up with tights if i have to but i wear fishnets mostly and they go over the socks
Jayrod1220: 138?
TXC2: WitchyTQ huh, interesting
constablecrab: @SymphonySolstice I was led to believe that there was constant danger of getting stuck inside a discarded refrigerator.
WitchyTQ: its like, i cant have shirt collars touching the front of my neck
TXC2: WitchyTQ right, I'm with you there
Narcuru: the shakes
NorthstarTex: yes they have it
Jayrod1220: Now we're cooking with apples
NorthstarTex: oh so thats how it works
NimrodXIV: jlrrCoolgame
Wolfstrike_NL: Only when you hold something?
TheMerricat: bugs.
Wolfstrike_NL: That was the difference
dougma: you need to have something in your hand
WitchyTQ: it was in your hand
Snouut: Is it not hold shift and double click?
TXC2: C++ Bad, Java good Kappa
WitchyTQ: he doesnt care lol
Genie_M: You walked I think
Wicker_Guide: Really James, does everything in Java make sense to you lrrSLOTH
TXC2: all we know is it's not the same as the way James has been doing it for 10 years
NorthstarTex: [dot]net minecraft is different
khenks: why did you switch from java to bedock?
Snouut: It there a particular reason why youre playing on bedrock and not java?
Jayrod1220: Time for fishing for bows!
PsychoI3oy: but you did punch-a-switch
Snouut: Is it free to host on bedrock too?
EvilDrReef: I used to run Minecraft summer camps way back when. That was like 10 years ago, so the game has, let's say, evolved a bit
TheAwkes: Seems parallel to the way most consumer software is going. They're paving over easy access to more powerful deeper features to make the basic UI functions more accessible to inexperienced users and touch interfaces. (Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but can be frustrating when you want to do those more powerful deeper things.)
NorthstarTex: momma bear is upset now
LordZarano: Realms had a 1 month free trial though
Genie_M: Snowfall is great
Snouut: cut back to 10 minutes ago with james falling to through the snow all the time aha
TXC2: raw buoof
Mazrae: Time flies when you are out of java, might have to make some more
TheDevil_Risen: B R O T A T O
TheDevil_Risen: picked it up on sale too for myself as a treat :)
EvilDrReef: Finders keepers
Wicker_Guide: that's a mantle of leadership
TXC2: roundabout begins playing
TheDevil_Risen: jlrrIronball jlrrXmastree
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
MrForceOfWill: oh when did the break command get updated
Wondermoo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 136 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Wondermoo! (Today's storm count: 19)
TXC2: MrForceOfWill been like that for awhile
TXC2: and we're back
EvilDrReef: Time to Mince some more Rafts
TXC2: who's the commander ?
noSmokeFire: it's a Ravenous Rats deck
TXC2: fletchers hate him
constablecrab: hwa
LordZarano: Boat?
SymphonySolstice: the nether portal near my base on DCU was right in the middle of a fortress, got very lucky
Ktolos: at least it's not just a gate over a lava lake :)
Ravynn: 129 We're HERE
Ravynn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months, currently on a 129 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ravynn! (Today's storm count: 20)
SymphonySolstice: zoopin around
EvilDrReef: Was that Enderman on fire and teleporting?
SymphonySolstice: they have less bloodlust in bedrock I guess
constablecrab: The enderman with the block has something to live for.
noSmokeFire: endermen were one of the last mobs that came out of early minecrafts "sure, trolling the player and referencing Doctor Who is game design" era
Juliamon: once again, boat tech reigns supreme
NorthstarTex: lrrHERE
DudelidouX: Could they be stacking weird in the boat cause the second seat would be in the netherack?
Jayrod1220: You made it different
TXC2: ^
EvilDrReef: Just kinda starting to feel bad for the Endermen lol
protojman: i should get (rid of) a boat GlitchCat
constablecrab: What if they place the boat back down and the enderman is still in it?
PsychoI3oy: oh yeah james has weakness
NorthstarTex: dear microsoft: add distortion effect toggle, kthxbai
Juliamon: what a strange tree
LordZarano: Is it "camera shake"?
SymphonySolstice: loooong loooong treeeee
Arazien: Treenormous
Narcuru: home
TjPshine: bedrock is the nerfed console version of the game, its always been lacking
TXC2: who knew that the giant redwoods of California would find a home in the neither :p
Molator subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Molator: woo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Molator! (Today's storm count: 21)
SymphonySolstice: it did show
Genie_M: It did on top left
Jayrod1220: Top left instead of bottom
SymphonySolstice: you were just ignoring it Kappa
Genie_M: Cool ambient sounds for basalt biome
constablecrab: Google says go ot video and set graphics to "Fast"
TheMerricat: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/12278092535565--Java-Parity-distortion-effect-accesibility-controls-for-bedrock - it's been a feature request to add parity for bedrock to Java concerning it but no actual response from what I can tell.
Juliamon: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-159182 It is an unresolved issue
LordZarano: "This effect is seen when the player goes through a nether portal, or if the player has the nausea status effect. Different levels do not affect the distortion. However the effect can be affected by changing the distortion effect setting.[Java Edition only]" -wiki
LordZarano: That is WILD that that is Java only. That is an accessibility feature
Juliamon: It's a confirmed bug since 2022
constablecrab: Wish I could just sit in a hole and eat steak.
TheMerricat: 'bug'
Arazien: @Juliamon 2.5 years ago. Sheesh...
Chronomagistrate: Hey folks, what is currently being sought? (Just tuned in)
TheMerricat: So from I've seen since James and Serge started playing Bedrock is it seems like the team has sorta... said eff-it, it's done. with respect to java/bedrock parity and are now mostly focused on adding stuff to the game
lyllithblackstar: morning
TXC2: Chronomagistrate I think we're looking for a bastion, but I'm probably wrong
Arazien: @Chronomagistrate I think just kinda exploring Bdrock Nether
MikeSmith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
TXC2: hello lyllithblackstar welcome
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MikeSmith! (Today's storm count: 22)
LordZarano: @Chronomagistrate Nether fortress
Genie_M: I love the basalt biome - so bleak
Juliamon: Basalt is so cool, but SUCH a pain to navigate
TXC2: what is "chilly bean" from, some tiktok or something?
TheMerricat: We are looking for a Nether Fortress for blaze rods so we can go kill the ender dragon, so we can get some 'easy' XP. :D Never mind we've already died once and lost 26 levels. :P
LordZarano: @Chronomagistrate They've decided that the best way to get xp for enchanting is to beat the game
Chronomagistrate: Ah, cool. Cheers folks!
Sarah_Serinde: I like how earlier chat was saying they should beat the game, and now that they're working on beating the game chat is making fun of them for it
TheMerricat: It's almost as if chat were made of many different people with many different opinions. or something. :D
Juliamon: !listen
LRRbot: Chat seems active.
Sarah_Serinde: and the streamers can never win :P
TheMerricat: Something something Lincoln
TXC2: if people are in chat and watching, the stream has already won
TXC2: *streamer
Arazien: Are we not a singular entity?
Wicker_Guide: something something in the choice between thoughtfulness and arrogance, violence was chosen
constablecrab: We are Legion.
TXC2: we're a hive mind, many bodies, one voice Kappa
Wicker_Guide: wearehavingtroubleholdingasinglepen
Arazien: Hey Hive Chat, let's test individuality. Do we think that a hot dog is a sandwich?
Juliamon: jlrrNo
Wicker_Guide: I reject the premise of the question
constablecrab: longsandwich
LordZarano: Could try strider riding
GoRiLLa87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months, currently on a 120 month streak!
GoRiLLa87: wooo 10 years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GoRiLLa87! (Today's storm count: 23)
TXC2: the 10 years!
Krat_Arona: The Metric Decade!
GoRiLLa87: oh yeah!
Krat_Arona: Wait...
TheMerricat: A hot dog isn't a sandwich, a hot dog in a bun, is a sandwich.
TXC2: Murder is a kind of adventure....
TXC2: the screams are cat noises played backwards
Stormgod519: okay im back
phoenixletmeuseadashd: glad panic bunker is still the go to :D
Genie_M: Adventure Tuesday
TXC2: I guess realms uses cheap servers or something
LordZarano: Specifically they are noises of C418's can being woken up from a nap https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nbe2h/comment/c37sjyb/
NorthstarTex: o7
LordZarano: *C418's cat
mwlsn: Gnome sayings are so insightful
Genie_M: Ouchie
constablecrab: Brutal!
Stormgod519: brutes doing brute things
Genie_M: o7
TXC2: feels, bad man
Mazrae: That's one reason I hate the nether
Juliamon: It shouldn't be *this* hard to find a fortress
TXC2: the thing that I've seen you speed run in under 2 hours is "too hard" ?
Genie_M: Hi!
constablecrab: clever girl
TheDevil_Risen: Confirmed Hacker
TheMerricat: lag
ThirdFloorDraft: ja baited
EvilDrReef: The ghasts are learning how to pack hunt stealthily
TheMerricat: You've got enough nether build a privacy wall around the portal.
Dog_of_Myth: Cheer500
northos: "players only, mobs keep out"
SymphonySolstice: hibuddy
Wicker_Guide: "We all float here James. Come and play with us James"
phoenixletmeuseadashd: today on minecraft: what breaks first Jame's pickax or the nether
DiscordianTokkan: lol
Stormgod519: wow
Stormgod519: that ghast is ominous
TXC2: freedom!
Stormgod519: Ayyyyyyy
Stormgod519: we out!!!
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
TheDevil_Risen: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Stormgod519: oh no
TheMerricat: And then he spawns underground in an anceint city.
Genie_M: Ugh
SymphonySolstice: LOL
Stormgod519: -51?!?
northos: lol I knew that would happen
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I saw sky?
TXC2: oofa doofa
Stormgod519: LOL
SnackPak_: that's a long walk
DiscordianTokkan: That's the Nether, baybeee
TheDevil_Risen: Jame's Long Day off
Genie_M: And -54
TheDevil_Risen: Just keep Walking
constablecrab: good plan
GasCityGaming: go through the nether, it's shorter :P
TXC2: James went WAY further forward there without going into lava then I thought possible
Genie_M: Pick health low
TheMerricat: Well chat, welcome to the new series. James trying to get home ala Quantum Leap... by January 1st will he reach the village?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: going straight up does have the potential for comedy stuck in a hole with no pick though
TheMerricat: Didn't you get some iron?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: because of course :D
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Stormgod519: fpfft
northos: of course we're under an ocean too lmao
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
TXC2: TheMerricat no, he'll find God on December 24 and MoC will end Kappa
Stormgod519: the trident giveth and the trident taketh
Stormgod519: oh god that monument
TheMerricat: @Stormgod519 :D
ThirdFloorDraft: James' very bad no good day?
TheMerricat: @TXC2 :D even
Wicker_Guide: At some point we need to start contemplating the machinations of a hostile power...
Statist42: ocean explains why the portal spawned way underground
Wicker_Guide: this hostile power may be our own sergeHubris, but we cannot count on it lrrSLOTH
northos: it would be cool if opening a portal into an ocean biome could generate a little island for the portal to sit on, the same way they can appear in midair going into the nether
Genie_M: James and shipwrecks
phoenixletmeuseadashd: what's that thing on the right?
SymphonySolstice: safety!
SnackPak_: oof
northos: LUL
SymphonySolstice: F
Genie_M: Argh
ThirdFloorDraft: F
TheDevil_Risen: F
wordnerdify: Welcome back to the village
TXC2: cool game
Wolfstrike_NL: Hey, you got back home!
Barb4rian: RIP
Wicker_Guide: So, Satisfactory?
TheMerricat: Good thing you left the ender pearls behind before you went adventuring. :D
Juliamon: We've learned something this month, which is: Bedrock kinda sucks, actually
TXC2: how about that bedrock eh?
SymphonySolstice: time for peaceful mode
yoJiho: Good ol bugrock 😬
Juliamon: Cheater!!
Genie_M: A bit of chainmail there
GhostValv: D:
SymphonySolstice: I did no such thing
Narcuru: i remember it as Serge's idea
Wicker_Guide: we are chat. we are legion
Genie_M: Thank you
Juliamon: Don't wanna
CraziestOwl: i blame the jace skin
Mazrae: What I have to say is.... Hello
constablecrab: I never beat the game. The End makes me dizzy.
TXC2: and yet you listened too chat, so whose the bigger fool ?
creasehearst: too bad your roadmap got filled with tech debt along the way
xerjen: Meh, when did I ever listen to a roadmap. Way less fun
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Sarah_Serinde: Sorry Serge I have a day job to do
Sarah_Serinde: Get me a list :P
TXC2: I'm a mod, not a cop
Nathade: Did you follow your road map? if no, why not?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I've never been banned from a twitch chat before, I volunteer as sacrifice? :P
Juliamon: Pay us and then we'll do it
TXC2: ^
GhostValv: D:
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah, turns out I need this thing called "money" in order to "pay bills," it sucks
Juliamon: I would ban *so many* people for some nice socks
Jayrod1220: "Serge has given us clothes? We're free!"
Barb4rian: I volunteer as tribute for Juliamon to get some sweet foot covers
Juliamon: socks first, then ban-ana
constablecrab: New plan: Stay indoors, eat potat, be happy.
Wicker_Guide: I wouldn't even be mad if I was told I had been banned so that mods could be properly clothed for winter
Genie_M: James is helpful
lamina5432: james is bullying farmers
JoeKim: crops are overrated
Anubis169: I could go for some thick socks
JoeKim: i've been awayyyyyyyyyyy
JoeKim: two weeks of trave
TXC2: hello JoeKim and Anubis169
JoeKim: lmaooo
Anubis169: o hai
JoeKim: ahhh classic tarkov roller coaster of emotions
JoeKim: hows bedrock going?
Sarah_Serinde: !addquote (Serge) [now] The only thing that will make me feel good about myself is diamonds.
LRRbot: New quote #9208: "The only thing that will make me feel good about myself is diamonds." —Serge [2024-12-10]
TXC2: JoeKim we found out the neither and swimming suck :p
TheDevil_Risen: the DM decided to wipe the team @JoeKim
TheMerricat: @TXC2 individually, of course together they suck too...
JoeKim: why does swimming suck?
JoeKim: oh you mean lava swimming
TheMerricat: @JoeKim You seem to drown so much faster.
Juliamon: No, actual water swimming
JoeKim: oh god
JoeKim: that's awful
JoeKim: hahahahaha
TXC2: drowned going for a shipwreck
Wicker_Guide: F3 maybe?
TheMerricat: "Minecraft Bedrock does not provide a built-in feature to display your current connection speed"
TXC2: Wicker_Guide f3 doesn't work on bedrock
TheMerricat: If they did, they'd have people complaining about how much lag they had in Realms. :P
Jayrod1220: Why is Bedrock...
SymphonySolstice: that's because Bedrock is for children, java is for adults Kappa
TXC2: Jayrod1220 Microsoft
TheMerricat: As a reminder, for the longest time Bedrock really only existed because Microsoft was _certain_ that recoding Minecraft using their language instead of Java would make it better. :D
Genie_M: 26 levels
TheDevil_Risen: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Krat_Arona: Do It for the Vine
TheDevil_Risen: Content Alert
TXC2: the sweet, succulent content
SymphonySolstice: you've learned that bedrock sucks, that's not nothing
EvilDrReef: It's always nice to learn new things
TheDevil_Risen: and a lot worse because, realms
matthaus_c: magic arena and paper?
Jayrod1220: If you look at Bedrock as basic Minecraft, Java is a lightly Modded version.
TXC2: commander vs standard maybe ?
TheDevil_Risen: Sealed vs Draft
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the MTG equiv would be more like regular and Alchemy
Wicker_Guide: early on arena and mtgo qualified. nowadays not so much
phoenixletmeuseadashd: because at least in commander the cards work the same
Genie_M: The rules are the same though - not here
Sarah_Serinde: Cards still work the same way no matter what format you play
TheDevil_Risen: you can open some seriously bad sealed sometimes
theHazeSystem: @TheMerricat i mean they were right, bedrock has better performance because of being c++ rather than java
bethjch: alchemy?
frnknstn: Lots of creators play Commander
TheDevil_Risen: but in draft you have a higher chance of building something functional
BrookJustBones: And all the content creators play Shandalar :P
GreyThey: Yeah, but how is the lag in Commander?
artacuno53: TRUE
Jayrod1220: Commander vs Planechase Commander
SnackPak_: let James cook
TheDevil_Risen: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
LordZarano: osu! has osu! and osu!(lazer)
wordnerdify: With a deck of cards, you can play solitaire or rummy
TXC2: Commander does suck, Brawl however... Kappa
Tplayne: are you playing chess if you are doing competitive juggling with chess pieces
TheDevil_Risen: ticket to ride europe vs america?
PhuzNutz: What ARE we doing here?
Wicker_Guide: !point
LRRbot: If you came here hoping for there to be a point to this, I have bad news for you.
TXC2: it's the old dopamine hit
PixelArtDragon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PixelArtDragon! (Today's storm count: 24)
bethjch: diamonds are prettier
BrookJustBones: What about Runescape and Old School Runescape?
northos: orange is rarer but not necessarily stronger
Narcuru: is this like stones of jordan or whatever it was in DII?
Krat_Arona: They're what Destiny Exotics used to be
Wicker_Guide: yep, an emergent currency
TheDevil_Risen: blue> yellow purple >=< orange as far as i know
Tplayne: is now a good time to get into path?
Wicker_Guide: sure...
Narcuru: surely
SnackPak_: so true
EvilDrReef: Yes, I agree with everything you say
PixelArtDragon: Absolutely.
TXC2: sure James
SymphonySolstice: only if you let her play
Morrigan9: they'll understand when they're older
Genie_M: Can you giftwrap that?
Barb4rian: James got his character to level 7 for you for xmas. Get hype!
PhuzNutz: Just give 'em a VOD shoutout
constablecrab: That's legit what my nephew wants.
PixelArtDragon: Nah, this is the sort of thing that a kid remembers
Laurence72: This gives me LRR Boxing Day explainer video vibes
Jayrod1220: Having a niece that at points was all of those ages, no.
BrookJustBones: Old School Runescape seems way more popular with the core fanebase and content creators, while Runescape 3 makes the money and on boards new players.
FarleyF: mAybe bonus one more of Poe
GreyThey: You're giving the greatest gift of all: Your time. ...You're just not using your time on them.
jessieimproved: please, no more stuff! (says the parent)
Juliamon: Get them candy, it'll be gone in a week and they'll love it
Wicker_Guide: 25?
frnknstn: 5-6
mwlsn: I've heard that at that 2-4 age kids are really into boxes
EvilDrReef: I remember a lot of stuff from when I was 3-5, but I think I'm an exception based on my friends
bethjch: I remember Xmas presents from 6 yrs old
artacuno53: I have smidgesn from around 4-6 but its blurs and singular events
Narcuru: i remember stuff from when i was like 4, but its pretty rare
TheMerricat: "Adults and children can often remember memories from around three or four years of age which is during a time of rapid language development. Before language develops, children often only hold preverbal memories and may use symbols to represent them."
lyllithblackstar: i remember from age 2
Genie_M: I have earliest memory from2-3yo, consistent ones from4+
Krat_Arona: Same thing
enbyKriss: 5 years old is typically when you start remembering long term
Wicker_Guide: tomato tomahto
bethjch: 2-4 they are cars!
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I'm pretty sure I was into boxes longer than that :P
bethjch: *cats
TXC2: kids grow out of boxes, cats don't
SymphonySolstice: my earliest memories are from 3 years old
frnknstn: I've heard that at that 2-4 age kids are really into cats
EvilDrReef: I have a 3 year old right now, and he is very into boxes, yes
PhuzNutz: "An avacado.... Thanks!"
Juliamon: We do have home video of me telling my baby sister not to wreck the box her toy came in because "it could be useful"
TheDevil_Risen: I remember christmases from when I was 4/5 vaguely, 6 onwards are a lot clearer, but that's because it was the twice a year i got to see my same aged couz, and i was ant a popular kid and we got along.
EvilDrReef: To be fair, a house/apartment is just a very large box for adults
TheDevil_Risen: so yeah :D
starlitdiscord: idk i'm still into boxes
Sarah_Serinde: Giant boxes are so exciting, just think of what you can build out of them
enbyKriss: But I agree, books is great before that, or utility things parents legit need, like food
Jayrod1220: If you give Serge a box, he'll be entertained for hours, as long as it has Collector Boosters inside
jessieimproved: I have a memory of jumping off my tiny rocking chair and landing on my head. I was watching the 1984 Olympics
mwlsn: @Sarah_Serinde Transmogrifier, time machine...
TXC2: so no giant lego sets this year? :p
Sarah_Serinde: @mwlsn Exactly! :D
Laurence72: Just ask what their favorite cartoon/ kid show is, and by them a plushie based on the main character (or the one character they love)
TheDevil_Risen: no gifts ?
SymphonySolstice: I'm glad more people are realizing that christmas is not actually mandatory
jessieimproved: My husband and I buy our own Christmas presents, we just tell each other what we're going to buy
Juliamon: https://www.amazon.com/ONCE-THERE-HOUSE-Make-Picturebacks/dp/0394887727 literally this was my favourite book as a kid
constablecrab: I would always rather receive food instead of stuff.
Wicker_Guide: gift giving is one of several "traditions" of the mid-20th century that deserves a solid review
bethjch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bethjch! (Today's storm count: 25)
Ms_LadyMix: My husband and I make each other things, we're crafty so we enjoy that.
Laurence72: Look, my birthday is at the end of June, halfway through the year from Christmas, so I haven't had to buy any socks or underwear for DECADES and I LOVE it!
Genie_M: I'm making food as gift for more than a decade now
GhostValv: roasted :O
TheShokara: My husband and i stopped exchanging gifts a few years ago. We tend to just buy the things we want throughout the year so it made gift giving super hard. Going out to a nice dinner is way more fun
constablecrab: @Genie_M This is the way.
UnknownFriday: I know I've stopped getting my parents fanciful stuff and started getting them practical things. This year I got my mom a bread knife because she offhandedly mentioned hers was dull.
enbyKriss: My family's love language is gift giving, so we give each other things, I especially, whenever I see something we think "this will make person x happy"
Natimus_Prime: I've been making the presents I give my nieces for birthdays and christmas. They have a large collection of stuffed animals that I've made them, along with some bead banners and some hand-carved wooden wands. And they love every single one of those gifts way more than the toys they got last year
TheDevil_Risen: so what about informal gift giving Serge, or is it more of a democratic "this thing would be nice, lets get it together" ?
bethjch: I am a fan of doing something for birthdays (eg going to a show) rather than acquiring “stuff”
bethjch: @natimus_prime that sounds awesome
Sarah_Serinde: I like watching Tango stream when he's got a game going on. Hungry Hermits is great
badpandabear: They’re really playing different SMPs nowadays
TheDevil_Risen: and yeah, handmade stuff is the best, some of my favourite things i got as a kid were made by my nan
frnknstn: Yes! Lizzy edits like a boss!
bethjch: @sarah_serinde loving HH too
JAndersonCAD: Thank you all for the positive vibes
enbyKriss: I look for christmas gifts all year, it takes all the pressure off. And we don't give each other "things" as much as foods (honey, homemade marmelade or candy, fancy cheese, etc), favorite soaps or styling gels, coffee, that kinda of stuff. Me being a book and puzzle nerd is the person who most often get more trad things
noSmokeFire: the permit idea was interesting, but there's just not enough of an economy for them to really matter
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah me neither, though Doc's first court case was pretty hilarious
Sarah_Serinde: But I'm not at all into the cop thing
BrookJustBones: I think the new season reset will be about a year away
constablecrab: iron vein!
noSmokeFire: @Sarah_Serinde yeah, police roleplay is pretty uncomfortable tbh
Stormgod519: ine o clock...
Sarah_Serinde: yep
starlitdiscord: ceiling lava!
BrookJustBones: Zeds gameshow was amazing, his past four episodes
bethjch: it sounds like it’s definitely a number of months from bdub’s last video
Stormgod519: james...
EvilDrReef: You should quite being on fire
Juliamon: ever just... dive straight into a lavafall
EvilDrReef: Quit, even
ExachixKitsune: Is That Sheep Looking At Me was such a good miniseries
LordZarano: escher3THUMBSUP
Stormgod519: a geode!
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah I've only caught a couple of episodes of Zed's gameshow but that's been fun
Stormgod519: oh hey Serge
Stormgod519: James!
SymphonySolstice: geode means spyglass
SymphonySolstice: For zooms
Stormgod519: he's gonna hit lava
TXC2: have we tried not going into the pillar of liquid rock ?
DiscordianTokkan: HAH
Stormgod519: lol
SnackPak_: sergeJustRight
GhostValv: D:
Stormgod519: we do love a slinky
EvilDrReef: Well, I gotta head out. Good luck!
TXC2: people love slinkys for the 5 minutes they work for :p
TXC2: so long EvilDrReef stay safe
enbyKriss: @TXC2 hawkaNODDERS
TheDevil_Risen: Serge has left the building
Natimus_Prime: Definitely need to harvest that geode for decorative materieals.
Stormgod519: aight, i gtg
Stormgod519: take care everyone
Stormgod519: thanks for the strem James
TXC2: so long Stormgod519 stay safe
50keyz: it was a stream. thank you!
wordnerdify: thank you for sticking out the tough stream
lamina5432: gnight entertaining stream
Stormgod519: 47 days of Christmas!!!
Stormgod519: aight, ggs
TXC2: thanks for streaming James and Serge
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks for the stream all <3
enbyKriss: Thanks for stream guys sergeHeart
enbyKriss: and all mods hyzModLove
bethjch: thanks for the stream.
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Krat_Arona: It's fun enough!
Krat_Arona: Neat to see the other version of the game
jessieimproved: Bedrock is a fine distraction for a bit
Juliamon: Nailed it
enbyKriss: Nailed it
TXC2: it sure is
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: 1000xRESIST) at Tue 01:30 PM PST (25m from now).
PsychoI3oy: "one thousand chi resist"
TXC2: 1000 christsist Kappa
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Mazrae: No finding Frankie?
Juliamon: A whole week of getting jumpscared by that title graphic for nothing Kappa
Mazrae: So that means starting tomorrow or so, another week of that graphic
Narcuru: and other ads
GhostValv: sounds gruuling
DiscordianTokkan: Is there a duct tape artifact yet
TheAwkes: Featuring the likes of hockey talk, and duct tape.
50keyz: @TheAwkes if the women dont find you handsome, they should at least find you handy
LordZarano: Wiggins did an edit last year of JUST the awards. It was like 40 minutes
Mazrae: Ooo secret Saturday secret meeting
TXC2: oooooh
Laurence72: Today's Crapshot was amazingly great
frnknstn: I can't believe the year is basically over
Xed_Regulus: Ooo, I wonder if the garland will fall again this year
TXC2: the far flung future of 2025
TXC2: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadyrun . For Stream VODs check out https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadylive . MtG vods and other MtG content are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRMtG . Tabletop related videos are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRTT . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRVG
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
TXC2: Goodnight everybody