Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: 1000xRESIST) at Tue 01:30 PM PST (0s from now).
TheMerricat: Chat, last stream of this I was rather fuzzy headed for external reasons, but... do we have any effing clue what's going on in this game yet?
Juliamon: Kinda?
Juliamon: It seems very much the sort of game where you slowly learn what's going on, but you do need to be paying attention
Juliamon: so far we seem to know: the Allmother is not what she seems
Juliamon: or possibly, she IS what she seems, and has convinced everyone that's good
Decaped subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months, currently on a 62 month streak!
Decaped: Hekki ALMO Sisters!
Thanks for subscribing, Decaped! (Today's storm count: 26)
iris_of_ether: 👀👀👀
Slow response time, but thanks @Juliamon!
AnderKryst subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
Thanks for subscribing, AnderKryst! (Today's storm count: 27)
Juliamon: either way, we were probably justified in killing her in the future, but there's still things needing clarity
Decaped: Currently in the appetizer portion of the game. Barely into chapter 2, heh.
iris_of_ether: You got there, Cam
GasCityGaming: The whole every guy thinks about the roman empire but someone with too much money
GhostValv: wow
GasCityGaming: platinum
niccus: it is a great* movie
GasCityGaming: when you fist make a lot of money in D&D "Wow Platinum"
Brozard: Found guilty - sentence: eat ONE (1) penis
GhostValv: so anyways Talking Simulator
noSmokeFire: some days you eat the penis, some days the penis eats you
TheAwkes: Movies that hit different when you watch them young and again after 30: Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
noSmokeFire: maybe it's like HunterXHunter and it's a silent X
Decaped: Walls keep the wild things out.
iris_of_ether: Help! My Resist Stat Is Maxed And Now I'm The Only One Alive with my Thirty Thousand Clones
Brozard: They got crushed?
TheAwkes: The button you press when a "problem" needs to be "removed."
LordZarano: Oh and Fixer tried to get us to rebel and we narced on them
Laserbeaks_Fury: So despite all these being clones of the same person, everyone has a separate voice actor. I get why, the logistics of one person trying to act this whole game would be insnae.
Decaped: I think it's both a practical and thematic choice.
Decaped: It would also be impossible for the player to distinguish between characters
Decaped: (what with the masks and all that)
GasCityGaming: i do love this map style, something we had to make ourselves and it's represented in that way too. we didn't just 'find a map'
leebenningfield: I just bought this during the Steam sale after hearing some incredible praise for it. I just hope it plays OK on Steamdeck.
iris_of_ether: Totally sick worship
niccus: @leebenningfield from what i've heard, there will be some bits where it chugs (especially in these town sections) but it should work
Laserbeaks_Fury: I read somewhere "Hekki" is a typo that happened during writing and they just kept it
Laserbeaks_Fury: because k is next to l and i is next to o
iris_of_ether: Weren't the aliens red?
Decaped: that converstaion associates blue with the sky
TheDevil_Risen: howdy Cam and Cori, how art thoust doing?
GhostValv: I mean... we've pondered the orb... can we ponder cube?
leebenningfield: cool
emmaInProgress: cool cool cool
Luminaire_p: *endless screaming*
niccus: who wants a function reveal party
noSmokeFire: yoda: "hrm. a healer type, it is"
xantos69: You ever get the feeling that most people are just making stuff up as they go?
Symphoneers: Moisturized, in my lane, operating my shell.
TheMerricat: Phrenologist
Decaped: The screaming removes the color
Gekyouryuu: Hi, all. Off topic, missed dice friends last night, so just got done watching the vod earlier. Wild session, y'all rule
Symphoneers: It's an interesting space.
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh this game is long, I would expect like 10+ hours
e_bloc: I'm gonna take my clone to the old town platform
Decaped: I love just dicking around with a book
niccus: designated grass-touching room
4 raiders from AdzyandJaneComics have joined!
Decaped: Actors, amirite?
AdzyandJaneComics subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
AdzyandJaneComics: Ninety Nine! An auspicious number.
Thanks for subscribing, AdzyandJaneComics! (Today's storm count: 28)
Myrr_NC99: Yay! Raid!
AdzyandJaneComics: what in the Ender's Game Fanfiction is this?
Juliamon: What if Ender was the only survivor and repopulated the universe by cloning himself
accountmadeforants: I love the option to just leave right when she asks a question
AdzyandJaneComics: it's some sort of mammal, big nose says bear, but without being able to see the teeth it could easily be a boar or cow.
accountmadeforants: The trees are antennae, clearly
korvys: We found Lorna
noSmokeFire: yeah, this is a Lorna for sure
AdzyandJaneComics: Yeah this is just Lorna
accountmadeforants: That bone was put there to test your faith in the Allmother
AdzyandJaneComics: reminder, if you find a bone that does not belong to you and its original owner is nowhere to be found, just put it back. you don't want that smoke
accountmadeforants: It's about family
Darkpatriot: is this supposed to feel so robotic?
accountmadeforants: @Darkpatriot Absolutely
Juliamon: Darkpatriot yes, they're all clones
Juliamon: and not terribly good ones
Decaped: not robotic, guarded
AdzyandJaneComics: line direction for this game: OK, now say it again but blander
Decaped: intentioned
OK, I gotta go, see y'all later
Juliamon: that's kinda creepy, dad
noSmokeFire: stick it to your mortarboard
TheMerricat: @juliamon He's not wrong though if you're kidding you want privacy you probably should learn how to close your doors.
accountmadeforants: It's a clock if you're really good at counting and never stop counting
TheMerricat: If you are a kid even
Decaped: I love Secretary. They did such a good job making them
Juliamon: I'd eat that
accountmadeforants: Imprison the creatures, feed them, observe them, but do nothing else. This seems like a hobby for nobility, and is therefor sophisticated.
BusTed: damn
GhostValv: rude
NorthstarTex: D: don't talk about whales like that
TheExactSame subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheExactSame! (Today's storm count: 29)
accountmadeforants: Honestly, I'd put those drawings on my wall, including the wall that's my background during meetings. Though they might assume I suddenly gestated a kid.
goatprince: oafs
iris_of_ether: Absent minded
BusTed: Whatever we do, we are that
Darkpatriot: goldfish
BusTed: can't argue with that
virgil82: Ooh new castle!
Decaped: "some other things"
chillmill1: You can see year in the bottom left
Tevildo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Tevildo! (Today's storm count: 30)
niccus: the parents' memory was 2019
OminouslyOminous subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months!
Thanks for subscribing, OminouslyOminous! (Today's storm count: 31)
NorthstarTex: praise the orange spheres
accountmadeforants: Damn, another important plot thread that will never be resolved
Decaped: Urgh, this section is so sad on a second play through.
Pumadog95: hello
dee_dubs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months, currently on a 99 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, dee_dubs! (Today's storm count: 32)
Decaped: voice direction is amazing here
Decaped: I really want to know how many takes that Surprise took
BusTed: 🤔
Juliamon: speaking of break, the paid promo flag seems to still be on
Decaped: I love how overwhelmed they are
TheMerricat: Random quote from a 'serious' article chat: " Joe Serio, a former CIA agent and Russian mafia investigator, gives John Wick a 7 out of 10 rating for realism."
Metalupis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Metalupis! (Today's storm count: 33)
BusTed: hm.
accountmadeforants: The 3 points deducted are probably because a CIA agent/cop couldn't imagine caring about a dog.
Juliamon: we Manifold Gardening again
Juliamon: 2020, huh
Raincoast_Bear: Toddler simulator?
gualdhar: Why is dad posing like Jesus?
Bassios: I found a decent keyboard in a charity shop for an absolute steal, it's got a mod wheel on it and it functions as a MIDI controller too
empyreon: ooooof
iris_of_ether: Ooof
emmaInProgress: Jiao in the closet? who could've guessed
xantos69: I hid once when I was a kid. Poor bastards are still looking for me.
UtilityPunk: The sad music makes this
Symphoneers: Red to blue Jiao.
SnackPak_: good response
iris_of_ether: NO
accountmadeforants: Obstacle course with stakes
BusTed: oh nooo
Amentur: OH NO!
Nigouki: jfc
Geldaran: Oof.
NorthstarTex: rip bobo...
accountmadeforants: Ah, I get why she may have acted out
NovahTalAura: over her moms bs
Nigouki: that airport looks familiar
niccus: 2021
Nigouki: is that the HK one? the landfill one?
Nigouki: yeah, sure is
iris_of_ether: Same with downtown Seattle
accountmadeforants: Sure thing grandma, risking my life is a game, YOLO and all
xantos69: Hm... almost like the mother got her approach to parenting from somewhere.
GhostValv: electric noodleloo
SnackPak_: woof
Decaped: And then the allmother had a sister
accountmadeforants: Moodle 2: Mood Harder
accountmadeforants: Cool game
NovahTalAura: lol
xantos69: Is that you Commander Shep?
iris_of_ether: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Nigouki: oh no, are our dance moves genetic?
accountmadeforants: I'm starting to think... Why did she clothe all her clones in skin-tight body suits?
Invitare: I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favourite bar on the citadel
accountmadeforants: This is the Top 8 winners bracket!
Decaped: Airborne virus
Decaped: Don't want any baggy clothes for things to grow in
accountmadeforants: @Decaped Somewhat believable
Decaped: Also, have you seen their modeling budget?
accountmadeforants: But only occasionally jumping
Nigouki: is this us discovering the idea that loyalty isn't absolute?
accountmadeforants: Trying to come up for air
accountmadeforants: Yeah, these aren't poorly animated dances, they're amazingly animated poor dances
iris_of_ether: OMG
TheMerricat: When I looked this up on Wikipedia, it was nominated for _so many_ awards. I should have checked to see if one of them was for dancing.
e_bloc: Taylor Swift Jr. Jr.
niccus: well the school dance usually has some oldies, so it'll be dua lipa
goombalax: the sounds of vents from the bunker
niccus: will vinyl be back again, again
GasCityGaming: and Fishing in the Dark
Invitare: is it Lemon Drizzle?
xantos69: Cam, I've seen you dance. If they passed you it would have been a disservice to the education system to give you an A.
Xed_Regulus: Wow...
Geldaran: Umm.
letsbelgo: next vampire character?
HatsWearCats subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
HatsWearCats: Almost 11 years, weew
Thanks for subscribing, HatsWearCats! (Today's storm count: 34)
MolaMolaphant subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months, currently on a 72 month streak!
MolaMolaphant: that's more months than I am tall!
Thanks for subscribing, MolaMolaphant! (Today's storm count: 35)
The elevator especially
Invitare: you say as you go down a ong elevator
JuniorRoll subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 95 months, currently on a 95 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, JuniorRoll! (Today's storm count: 36)
accountmadeforants: Oh, and these concrete tunnels with occasional glowing sci-fi objects. Also very ME1.
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
accountmadeforants: And the bad dancing
Decaped: Engineers would make something with escalators, yes
BusTed: what the hekki
Lysander_salamander: bottoms in?
accountmadeforants: On this, the day of our Allmother's birthday?
Nigouki: wait no
Nigouki: it's all clones
Decaped: Liquid cartridges rather than glasses
Nigouki: it's all selfcest
Lysander_salamander: what?
Decaped: They don't like using their mouths for eating
accountmadeforants: "Tell me the weirdest thing, that's an order"
goombalax: hardest burn ever
Nigouki: you SPHERE, you absolute ORB
Invitare: imagine having no corners
Lysander_salamander: I mean, it's a pretty good insult. That movie was terrible.
goombalax: Cake Sniffer
NorthstarTex: Yes!
Lysander_salamander: I need to get get this game
accountmadeforants: Impossible
Invitare: the disc goes in the square hole
empyreon: mmmmmm smaller discs
Lysander_salamander: melted binding
Lysander_salamander: mmm
Tangsm: Circles? Gross. Get an angle.
accountmadeforants: Oh dang, we need some of those noodles
Lysander_salamander: dang, now I want to put triangular pepperoni
TheDevil_Risen: Kung Fu Panda's adoptive dad was on to something
TheDevil_Risen: Noodles for long life!
Lysander_salamander: nice
Juliamon: Red to blue, sister
Lysander_salamander: mmm juicy
Nigouki: who was mentioning earlier in the game about a circle being cut into a square?
Lysander_salamander: wow
accountmadeforants: @Lysander_salamander Grab some nduja, make pepperoni-ish art, whichever shape is most delicious
Nigouki: why is square good but circle bad?
accountmadeforants: @Nigouki Because the square accepts the circle, but the circle does not accept the square. They all watched the video of important instructions
accountmadeforants: "Hekki G." is so funny to me
Sethalidos: uh WTF is this game
Lysander_salamander: these future slang words are fun
niccus: the right way or the wrong way
accountmadeforants: Sethalidos Good, it's good is what it is
Lysander_salamander: it's thrilling
TheDevil_Risen: ouch Cam!
TheDevil_Risen: hope you were ok
GasCityGaming: time it right and you can fall down an up escalator forever
Nigouki: every run down an up escalator skipping steps? it's possible!
accountmadeforants: One of these days I'll learn flower meaning so I can pick up on these things
Lysander_salamander: depending on country
MaladyDark subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
MaladyDark: Hello
Thanks for subscribing, MaladyDark! (Today's storm count: 37)
Lysander_salamander: oh, she's claiming she is the source of all the info? Well, I instantly dislike allmother due to plagiarism.
Lysander_salamander: eh heh heh heh heh
accountmadeforants: I love this whole cargo cult of clones
Juliamon: Metal Gear!!
Nigouki: I thought the squatter was the camerasister?
Nigouki: oh, they aren't holding anything
Nigouki: aww
accountmadeforants: Hair to hair
Lysander_salamander: oh, like at the crossroads
Lysander_salamander: mmm
GasCityGaming: Planetside fanfics?
niccus: isn't... that... loadingreadyrun...
letsbelgo: Gundam fanfiction!
Lysander_salamander: hekki shucks
Hulyen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Hulyen! (Today's storm count: 38)
accountmadeforants: Maybe Allmother can't draw horses
accountmadeforants: Never mind
niccus: *point* horse
Nigouki: where is our room?
Lysander_salamander: not quite as terrifying a horse statue as the murderous blue horse statue, but it still has a sort of presence to it
accountmadeforants: I will paint her with a boot stamping on our face, forever
Nigouki: stone? glowing? do we have a radioactive statue?
accountmadeforants: Good thing they built a containment prism for the statue of their patient mother.
xantos69: Well I am finally happy. I know that if a multi-generational legion of me clones existed. There is still no way they would ever mess up this bad and form a religion about me. No version of me would ever make a religion.
Luminaire_p: hoses
TheDevil_Risen: ummmmm
accountmadeforants: Oh, OH
accountmadeforants: Hello... nurse? Nurse?
Juliamon: I need a different nurse
Lysander_salamander: yay a dead body that looks like you
Juliamon: I do find it fascinating that the clones of the only immune human are not themselves immune.
xantos69: My money is that they are. And offering Immunity is another method of control.
Tangsm: @Juliamon It makes some sense though. Immune systems are grown in part from what you encounter.
Tangsm: Clones would have the same immune cells, but different immunities.
goombalax: I'm starting to think that the allmother is just the most recent clone to get on the train and the stabbing is something that plays out every single time
accountmadeforants: The start of the game did imply that the Allmother "took" their immunity somehow. So there may be an intentional change (or just something they need to be exposed to).
accountmadeforants: @xantos69 Thinking on it, clones of me might, but ironically at first. We'd eventually lose our boundaries and start dabbing in real life, too.
accountmadeforants: But I think it'd be the religion thing first
Tangsm: Maybe Allmother just has them all on a steroids.
Juliamon: No worries!
Juliamon: It happens.
iris_of_ether: Feel better!!
aww poor cori
Nigouki: aww hekki
Kimbotics: Hope you feel better soon!
niccus: *thumbs up* hekki allmo
TheDevil_Risen: or Cam
Lysander_salamander: sorry you feel bad. Hope you recover quickly.
TheDevil_Risen: or both
Riandisa: Totally understandable
xantos69: Hope you feel better!
hope you both feel better
Riandisa: Thank you for the stream!
Tangsm: Bye!
Jillexie: Thank you
Lysander_salamander: have a good afternoon!
iris_of_ether: Get some gingies
Decaped: Herkimer grace
Nigouki: thanks for the stream!
Lysander_salamander: I should get some ginger
50 Bits!
accountmadeforants subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
accountmadeforants: Hekki not feeling motion sickness
Thanks for subscribing, accountmadeforants! (Today's storm count: 39)
Decaped: I need to say hekki enough so it doesn't autocorrect
JuniorRoll: Thank you!
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Dark Hours) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (1:09 from now).
xantos69: It is the nicest thing you have ever said to me Cam.
accountmadeforants: @Decaped Simply turn off autocorrect, accept your mistakes (but don't actually, and immediately notice them right after you hit "Send"/"Reply")
Lysander_salamander: yay?
TheAwkes: If they don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.
accountmadeforants: Volcano High ruled
Jillexie: It;s really good
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Nigouki: byeeee
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Dark Hours) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (1:00 from now).
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