accountmadeforants: @KeytarCat Seems fine on my end (beyond a few small layout issues):
accountmadeforants: Also, there's just an image at the bottom
Juliamon: They also definitely can see third-party-client messages and just don't want to admit it, as evidenced by them saying that 12,431 of my 27 chat messages were sent as a mod
NotCainNorAbel: those are some amazing mod powers
MWGNZ: im just impressed they got the number of channels that i mod for correct this year
KeytarCat: @accountmadeforants I was referencing those! It doesn't break the page, per se, but it isn't really supported
letsbelgo: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Dark Hours) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (5m from now).
KeytarCat: wow, shots fired with the TITLE
letsbelgo: more like sly pooper
KeytarCat: @letsbelgo me when I have to take a shit at my friend's place
NotCainNorAbel: was finding frankie too scary?
Juliamon: it's just postponed one week
Juliamon: so you get a bonus week of jumpscare title graphic
niccus: ran out of time to hide frankie
underhill33 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 97 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, underhill33! (Today's storm count: 40)
NotCainNorAbel: I still like to think that frankie is the one without teeth in the graphic
Thefluffiestguineapig: What's up gamers? Not sure I'll be able to stay long since I am studying for my last practical tomorrow and if I can't focus enough to do an entire practice test then I'll have to celebrate next week
KeytarCat: Hi Fluff!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey KeytarCat!
Juliamon: demo lady at Costco gave me *two* Lindt truffles
NotCainNorAbel: you never know what you might learn on Let's NOPE (good luck)
Earthenone: !upgamers
spethycakes: !advice
LRRbot: Keep yourself in the Molotov Range.
Thefluffiestguineapig: it has been very funny my cats are all trying very hard to relieve stress and sometimes it means they're all over
Stormgod519: "victimless"
KCMcG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, KCMcG! (Today's storm count: 41)
zshunter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, zshunter! (Today's storm count: 42)
tidehollowcat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
tidehollowcat: Finally, a number with no significance whatsoever.
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, tidehollowcat! (Today's storm count: 43)
squirrel_stowaway subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, squirrel_stowaway! (Today's storm count: 44)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Stormgod519 Victimless crimes are in vet med when an animal thinks we have committed a terrible wrong and not even touched them yet
Stormgod519: @tidehollowcat niiiiiiiiiiiice
draonic_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, draonic_! (Today's storm count: 45)
PawssumFable: I'm real curious why twitch thinks I want to see the world's most obnoxious commercials
Makrosian_Tay: Goooood evening friends, frogs, and trogs!
PawssumFable: Also hi!
Stormgod519: @Makrosian_Tay tis me, ribbit
GasCityGaming: O7
Stormgod519: Hi Ben!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Demo lady at Costco can sense all the good work you do modding here
Mr_Horrible: I see Adam wrote the stream title this week
bethy_kins24: streaming timeeee
PawssumFable: Can someone explain to me what shredding a zillion christmas cards has to do with Converse shoes
GasCityGaming: Uh oh streamieeees
PawssumFable: Am I just out of touch?
spo8n: @PawssumFable yes?
Bengineering: damn 3 ads in a row smh
KeytarCat: I know I completely missed Brat
PawssumFable: @spo8n
spethycakes gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bengineering! They have given 5 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, Bengineering! (Today's storm count: 46)
Makrosian_Tay: @bengineering Get ad’d, n00b
bethy_kins24: @pawssumfable unless they using the cards to make the shoes
spethycakes: get un-ad'd, n00b
bethy_kins24: which why
Makrosian_Tay: @spethycakes Solid counterplay
dragonwarrior000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, dragonwarrior000! (Today's storm count: 47)
NotCainNorAbel: it is the time of go
spethycakes: @Makrosian_Tay the real trick is getting 3/4 through the ads and then the sub
couchboyj: Oh good, I didn't miss the top of the podcast
spo8n: @PawssumFable it could be worse, you might work at costco
PawssumFable: I googled it. I'm apparently not out of touch, it's just people making commercials thinking their artsy nonsense is way better and more meaningful than it is.
Mathwyn: Houses aren't people so no crime if you rob one true
baltimore_667083: hi Adam!
NotCainNorAbel: Hello Adam
Makrosian_Tay: Goo EVEN
Nigouki: hallo
GasCityGaming: So, Sly Cooper 2?
PawssumFable: Heyo
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: hello all the above
DeM0nFiRe: F
NorthstarTex: F
Clench_Eastwood subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months!
Clench_Eastwood: MERRY SPOOPMAS
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, Clench_Eastwood! (Today's storm count: 48)
NotCainNorAbel: it was for the best
public_key_reveal_party: o7
NimrodXIV: RIP
tehfewl: solo adam
thatguysteve2709: Ouch
Blakemcm: itch cha boy, killin co workers
MrSarkhan: RIP Ben
tidehollowcat: RIV
JusticeJuice: Hey cutie.
MercedesBinnsKB subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
ThorSokar: oh hi there
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, MercedesBinnsKB! (Today's storm count: 49)
PawssumFable: HOW DARE
bethy_kins24: the old yeller treamenr
Nigouki: oh right, Ben did elope with Jacob
spethycakes: Ben is the ghost
Mr_Horrible: hey Adam did you hear about this great new horror game that released on Friday?
bethy_kins24: treatment
Clench_Eastwood: O/\
trebuchetboy: @Bengineering you got shot huh
korvys: Yeah, that'll happen in Philly
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Mathwyn: Ben Ol' Ulmer
raulghoulia: The Adam!?
Earthenone: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Jennie_Fuchsia: wait is that why I never ran into him at PAX unplugged?
Makrosian_Tay: Patreon money can buy MANY peanuts
Mr_Horrible: symbolizing our trust, through dollars
PawssumFable: Yes I do
Seth_Erickson: How goes it lads
NorthstarTex: I have trust in the product
Nigouki: yeah we do
NotCainNorAbel: good intro
itira: i was wondering where this train was headed
spethycakes: a long and winding road to ... somewhere
ohjanji: and we're going with you
public_key_reveal_party: adam: you can support us on patreon, here's a bunch of reasons not to
PhuzNutz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months!
PhuzNutz: It's SPOOPY time!!!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, PhuzNutz! (Today's storm count: 50)
Mr_Horrible: @Jennie_Fuchsia they flew his body to philly to be buried, it was very odd
itira: good shit Adam
NotCainNorAbel: fucking playmat? isn't that just sheets
Mr_Horrible: but his ghost is haunting the chat, so there's that at least
betweenmyself: Adam Savidan: noted for eventually reaching a destination of some sort
PawssumFable: LRR has produced good content for literal years and has only gotten better over time. It's like practice makes you better at things.
solarsheeptoken: going potentially smwhere
NorthstarTex: thought you shot ben?
Mathwyn: Ben's dead Adam
Nigouki: predicting whether a piece of media is gonna be good or not IS hard, but knowing the staff involved is in my experience the only reliable way to do it well
itira: hes poopin
Mr_Horrible: ah yes, I remember when Jesus unmuted Lazarus
prince_infidel: Ben the ghost?
patrick_stonecrusher: Beeeee eeeeeeeeen...
Jennie_Fuchsia: @mr_horrible did you have to sign up for that in advance?
ratprints: bens dead
Blakemcm: lol
RatherLargeToad: phantom Ben. Spooooooooky!
7gorobei: paging dr ulmer
Aceviru: haha
MrSarkhan: Ghost Ben
spethycakes: Ben is a Heartless now
bethy_kins24: ghost ben
Mathwyn: You killed him Adam
Blakemcm: Ben please, this is all i have
ohjanji: Xen
Seth_Erickson: and he's playing PoE2
Stormgod519: lol Ben
Mr_Horrible: @Jennie_Fuchsia no I think they just drew names from a hat
couchboyj: Fuckin' playmats? Does that mean if we buy 2 we get a little coaster suzed playmat 9 months later?
bethy_kins24: yasss
PawssumFable: I loved that new Wheeler crapshot about holiday pastries
Stormgod519: pfft
Mr_Horrible: that's damning with faint praise
gualdhar: Adam how dare you insult my homeland
Seth_Erickson: get nicole on the horn to tell us if it's good
RatherLargeToad: it’s better than the deserve
Mr_Horrible: you're not even matching the phonemes, Adam
the_walking: gritty
ohjanji: it's always sunny there
Xed_Regulus: Gritty
Mr_Horrible: Ben when he flies back
PawssumFable: cheesesteak
SquareDotCube: Democracy
tehfewl: the cheese steak
RatherLargeToad: “Santa knows what he did”
7gorobei: cheesesteak
ghizmou: iasip
spo8n: a body from the schukyll river
James_the_Dabbler: Cheesteak
Earthenone: its funny because the farts are generated by the local delicacy
hyperialguard: Philly doesn't deserve wit
baltimore_667083: gritty and literally nothing else
spethycakes: All Hail Gritty
Blakemcm: thats how ya make a pittsburg
gualdhar: Rocky
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: liberty bell?
spo8n: on city cleanup day
lamina5432: me born around there
Seth_Erickson: philly cheese steak's are quite good
Juliamon: SquareDotCube did it, though
mulligan2six: The eagles look good this year?
Makrosian_Tay: You goddam boobs!!
Mr_Horrible: talking to Adam like a grandma to a teenager
spethycakes: sacrilege!
niccus: pennsylvania is vying hard for ohio status
patrick_stonecrusher: From West Philadelphia born and raised
Mr_Horrible: "you *loved* Gritty, remembah?"
rick0chet008: Cream cheese you heathen 😉
ratprints: like getting gritty covered in sweat
gualdhar: Philly is way better than Puketoria
PawssumFable: omg can't even live without cream cheese
hyperialguard: Philly threw batteries at Santa
Stormgod519: hmmmmm
JusticeJuice: Philly is better than Fort McMurry
ghizmou: this guy
Stormgod519: fuck, ive also been called out
RealGamerCow: @hyperialguard He did a bad job.
Seth_Erickson: he even wears his hair gray
mulligan2six: Just a walking grey flag
Mr_Horrible: I think that's only a red flag if you're colorblind
Clench_Eastwood: I bet Adam couldnt find the state that philly is in on an unlabaled map
NorthstarTex: The hell is wrong with grey?
ghizmou: how can it be red if you re all in grey
tehfewl: literally everyone wears grey to the gym
Jennie_Fuchsia: they only make mens clothes in 3 colors anyway
ohjanji: maybe it was that if they wear red, it's a grey flag
SquareDotCube: solution: add a red flag to your gym attire
PawssumFable: breathing gives me the ick
Nigouki: do they just think all greys are just for showing sweat spots?
Mr_Horrible: why are you, an adult man, buying a sandwich?
hyperialguard: @RealGamerCow How dare you disrespect THE Santa
solarsheeptoken: gandalf is red flag?
Aceviru: Eww, hobbies.
YawnLance: Guys can only run or stay still, no in between
firehawkzoa: Calling things a red flag is a red flag
niccus: you ever think about guy standing
Mathwyn: Fine I'll just slide everywhere with no animation
whoppernugget: I saw someone get the ick from seeing their partner eat, like in general
QuixoticScrivener: a cheesesteak?
Ms_LadyMix: Being nice to your friends is so cringe
JustBrian___: He stole the liberty bell!
Clench_Eastwood: cheeze wiz will make the trip
Earthenone: aged cheesesteak
teeyeezey: i missed the first minutes where is ben?
gualdhar: Eew, week old cheesesteak is gross
QuixoticScrivener: a Philly Roll?
RatherLargeToad: I miss double downs
ohjanji: that's the proper way to eat one
NimrodXIV: goblin time happens
Clench_Eastwood: thats probably not the saddest way anyones eaten a double down
pkj3st3r subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months, currently on a 85 month streak!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, pkj3st3r! (Today's storm count: 51)
Jillexie: One Double Down was sufficient for me.
irdeaded subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, irdeaded! (Today's storm count: 52)
RatherLargeToad: it’s one of the herbs and spices
GasCityGaming: salt and fat tastes good
Seth_Erickson: major ick liking chicken
hyperialguard: Greeeeease
Makrosian_Tay: Chimnkin
niccus: double down is cordon bleu in american
itira: crispy chicken? hell yea
PawssumFable: I've seen videos of 500 lbs people eating shame double downs in their car in the parking lot so... no it isn't
RealGamerCow: The one time I had the Double Down, it was RIGHT out of the fryer so it was 1000 degrees
betweenmyself: I prefer KFC’s old potato wedges to their new fries
Aceviru: I think the only think I miss about KFC are the wedges.
SquareDotCube: just go to a grocery store hot bar if you want fried chicken
Blakemcm: tactical Island chicken
Ms_LadyMix: There's no less than two KFCs in Victoria
PipeSmokingOwl: popeyes >>>> kfc all day
Mr_Horrible: the fried chicken smell is very enticing, regardless of the quality of said chicken
Seth_Erickson: The Colonel is not bound by your measly borders
seeweda: KFC pot pies seem slightly healthy 😂
Nigouki: is it a combination KFC and Dairy Queen?
Mr_Horrible: so KFC *smells* good, to draw you in
mrjujubeans: he puts an addictive chemical in it!
NorthstarTex: jacob is probably screaming rn
Clench_Eastwood: chicken meat is just a medium to hold the salt while we deep fry it
PawssumFable: They do make rotisserie, but who gets that?
korvys: "Chicken grease salt"
Juliamon: please clip that for Jacob
bethy_kins24: Chuchs Chicken owns all
SquareDotCube: Better yet, if you're in the American South, just go to the gas station, chances are it's some of the best chicken you'll have
DarthRagnar815: He when you are eating...
PawssumFable: God yes gas station chicken
RatherLargeToad: that’s a Pokemon
betweenmyself: butt-a-poopia
Mathwyn: Segue!
Mr_Horrible: @korvys can't not read this in John DiMaggio's voice
tehfewl: at the board game convention?
lamina5432: city of brotherly shits.
PawssumFable: I love church's honey biscuits
Symphoneers: Oh hell yeah, Altered's great.
ratprints: is the board game baptised
PawssumFable: Fuck they're so good
Aidankatz7: Adam and Ben I need you two to know you are the highlight of my content watching week.
RatherLargeToad: were Beasts involved?
RealGamerCow: @SquareDotCube I had a sausage and cheese biscuit from a gas station that was the best biscuit I have ever had. I knew to get it when I saw 10 fat guys in trucker hats waiting for one.
Mr_Horrible: oh what a coincidence, Adam also played a board game all weekend
ChrisTheLemming subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
GasCityGaming: @PawssumFable ever do them cold? very honey bun
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, ChrisTheLemming! (Today's storm count: 53)
Mr_Horrible: it means you're pog, streamer
Seth_Erickson: people out here lying to Adam
itira: wdym wdym
PawssumFable: @GasCityGaming Oh yeah, I still prefer hot because the grease leaves a little film but
e_bloc: this is my favorite podcast
Makrosian_Tay: I live for this stream. Adam, Ben you guys mean so much to me
ratprints: means what it means!
PawssumFable: Good af either way
Clench_Eastwood: I want a board game called 'Just Two Dudes" and its just two dudes, thats the game...its basically just this show
lamina5432: sad didn’t go to unplugged this year.
Aidankatz7: I don’t care about special treatment. Funniest content
psychicLink: holy shit I'm here. I started watching back logs of let's nope yeeeeaaaarrrsss ago, because I saw you guys did a full play through of Visage and I wanted the looooorrrreee of the stream so I started from the beginning and booked it through.
arkilyd: Oliver is the best kindred muffin
Earthenone: Savidaddy issues
Aceviru: Haha just like me fr fr
ThorSokar: Adam takes bribes though
gibbousm: One day Adam will go out for Milk and never return to LRR
itira: Apple fell far from the tree
yakmage42: adam is the tsundere
RealGamerCow: hell yeah
GasCityGaming: TQ just activated somewhere
ohjanji: that sounds rad
teeyeezey: Same, lets nope is the highlight of my streaming week even if half of it is an ape u brother
Seth_Erickson: @psychicLink a great place to start I rewatch those streams on occasion
w1gum: whats the na,e of this curling game, i need to send that to my buddy
Mr_Horrible: that sounds like a game I'd want
Clench_Eastwood: Adam needs to throw a bucket of ice water onto chat
PawssumFable: There's totally lore
circusofkirkus: no lore, just podcasts
MrSarkhan: The subwayverse has lore
NorthstarTex: this stream so has deep lore
MacbethSeemsSus: Subway verse is lore
RatherLargeToad: the subwayverse
ashesandmochi: I haven't been in chat in over a year (went back to school lol) I missed spooky Tuesdays
patrick_stonecrusher: Subwayverse is typing
ratprints: there's Ben and Adam lore though
jessicaengle: No lore??
lamina5432: Alex is the lore
Mr_Horrible: the real horror is Adam's posture
bethy_kins24: Adam and Ben lore is best
Seth_Erickson: Take us to the Subwayverse
PawssumFable: I've watched almost all the Let's Nopes now and I don't even completely understand the Subwayverse
patrick_stonecrusher: Tuna Tuseday
Jennie_Fuchsia: highlight of my week- I’m never confident it’s Wednesday unless I remember Adam yelling at chat
Blakemcm: He got spooked with the "Lethal Company" streams
Mr_Horrible: you got jumpscared by a "Bonjour!" you fuckin' liar
Mr_Horrible: you jump
LostThePirate: I definitely try to watch you two live every week, really enjoy the show
bethy_kins24: From the Darkness
patrick_stonecrusher: They got a pepper bar
Seth_Erickson: Dark Occult Kap;pa
Morrigan9: how many more minues before adam goes below screen
itira: i dont even remember visage
ratprints: real scare also is the vastness of space
Clench_Eastwood: what about a jump scare with a yell of 40Db or more
public_key_reveal_party: there is lets nope lore when jordynne is on, every time she speaks we learn a new thing
spo8n: bloodborne?
TheWooglie: do you mean QED instead of quid pro co?
ThorSokar: something and then I'll be there
xantos69: To be fair... Lets Nope has TONS of lore. See: The Subwayverse.
bethy_kins24: Hong Kong Paranormal
psychicLink: @Seth_Erickson Heck yeah!
Cptasparagus: Squid Pro Squo
mrjujubeans: Ben looks different today
Earthenone: about 5 minutes
itira: 84 years
seeweda: I’ve heard you both scream like little kid’s multiple times
psychicLink: LAyers of Fear one and 2 was pretty good!
lochnessseammonster: you played all the scary games with alex
Clench_Eastwood: a 50 decibel scream should count as a scare
accountmadeforants: Right, 83
MacbethSeemsSus: 85 years
spo8n: 16 minutes
lamina5432: it’s after that Japanese game
ratprints: Ive got is as Stifled
raulghoulia: Adam's just a head
e_bloc: this is Gamehaus erasure
teeyeezey: seen most of them.. that game with the fast food place mad me a fan for life
Blakemcm: Sidewalk slam still the greatest podcast of all time
itira: Ben has the power?!
josh___something: Hey there gamers
jessicaengle: You can't think with good posture.
TheWooglie: Adam is using all of the bottom third
teeyeezey: what was that place
JoeLowe2: What's up with the disembodied voice of Ben and the floating head of Adam?
Makrosian_Tay: “Adam will be graduating in December 31st”
NorthstarTex: that was epic
Mr_Horrible: that's so fuckin funny
Clench_Eastwood: James was on a few episodes too. In one of them he wore a Bo Peep outfit
gualdhar: That was so great
RealGamerCow: Pure gremlin mode
itira: LOL
ThorSokar: I've heard POE2 is pretty dang good
NimrodXIV: lol
ratprints: Stifled was 17/10/2018
accountmadeforants: Lmao
PawssumFable: Ben came home from doing shit and had to go GET MILK
EvilBadman: That's what you get for leaving Ben
MrSarkhan: full gremlin mode
itira: Adam youve created a monster
GasCityGaming: Got Her!
bethy_kins24: True gamer diet
Mr_Horrible: absolute gamer
lochnessseammonster: goblin mode
YawnLance: Nicole's gamer arc begins
Dog_of_Myth: Do it Ben
patrick_stonecrusher: Skeleton dog
Seth_Erickson: the one with Jeff the Shark
thatguysteve2709: Jeff the shark
Morrigan9: aparently people are doing GOATS in marvel already
Makrosian_Tay: I heard he’s mega OP
TheGhostOfZero subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, TheGhostOfZero! (Today's storm count: 54)
Dog_of_Myth: Jeff is just a lil guy
itira: you know what, i agree
Aceviru: Yeah fuck jeff
NotCainNorAbel: all sharks should be Kevin
tehfewl: squirrel girl main
Blakemcm: jeff will eventually be reviled
TheWooglie: Jeff swallows
NorthstarTex: Jeff is Gwenpool's pet
Seth_Erickson: Here we see two haters who enjoy being on the map smh
DudelidouX: And now we know Ben got eaten many times
EvilBadman: Jeff ulting and walking off a ledge is WAR CRIMES
PMAvers: Jeff > Wolverine.
Clench_Eastwood: Jeff is such a right shark
v_nome: No way, I choose Squirrel Girl
couchboyj: Jeff the Baby Land Shark
Aceviru: Hell yeah lets go Ben
lochnessseammonster: i'm sure plenty of people would fuck jeff the shark
simic_yeti subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
simic_yeti: nice
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, simic_yeti! (Today's storm count: 55)
raulghoulia: Im terrible with Majik
Cptasparagus: Colossus's sister
Blakemcm: Magik is based as fuck
Rhynerd: what is Jeff doing in that game that’s earning him such hate?
saucemaster5000: Hey gamers. I am having a terrible fucking day.
iconicshadow89: magik is colossus's sister
itira: yeah Adam
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Spooner Briggs, the King of Limbo?!
Seth_Erickson: @saucemaster5000
PawssumFable: Give saucemaster hugs
Earthenone: so ben is a fan of So-Low que?
raulghoulia: her power is teleporting disks. and magic
lochnessseammonster: @saucemaster5000 who do we need to go after?
gibbousm: Jeff can do that to an entire team
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 tell your day to turn on its location
30teracyte: he can also do it to his teammates to grief
lamina5432: bowser
Seth_Erickson: so he can grab like 4 enemies and then take off the stage
bethy_kins24: damn
itira: @saucemaster5000 who are we fighting
LPS_97: But it`s the ultimate tho
EvilBadman: It is an Ult
tehfewl: oh hell yeah
Mr_Horrible: bro Kirbycides the entire enemy team
Seth_Erickson: you can stay further away from the edge as well
MWGNZ: skill diff
Nigouki: rude
Seth_Erickson: so true
Aceviru: HAHA
gibbousm: Strange can set up a portal with one end over a bottomless pit and the other in front of a team's spawn point
Seth_Erickson: I'd dodge
ohjanji: adam's just like "get good"
Tangsm: Yeah, but if the point is about to get swallowed... move.
Aceviru: Ben, go off king
LPS_97: Got 5 people with that ult one time, was great
Mr_Horrible: yes Ben, but the secret 2nd layer of strategy is to sometimes, get *off* the point
Mr_Horrible: briefly
Blakemcm: effin sucks to suck idk
spethycakes: simply don't get got
Makrosian_Tay: Oooooh burn
PawssumFable: @Aceviru FR
Mathwyn: Bright Minutes
Mr_Horrible: @Blakemcm apparently it's *great* to suck, if Jeff is doing gangbusters
raulghoulia: I'm from the future. Adam got real scared at Dark Hours
KeytarCat: Oh is this the burglary game?
Seth_Erickson: we're stealing shit from haunted houses
KeytarCat: It is!
Mr_Horrible: ooh, that actually sounds cool
patrick_stonecrusher: Dark house. In the middle of dark street.
Blip2004: I've been watching the Lethal Company streams again and they were a ton of fun to watch
NimrodXIV: sounds fun
Mr_Horrible: it's the V/H/S 1 framing narrative
Mathwyn: Stealing from ghosts is legal and good
e_bloc: oh I think I've actually seen this
e_bloc: I'm so down
hieroglyphica: You're just saying themes and mechanics I want to watch you play, so I'm sold
EvilBadman: It's ok, it's an insurance ceo's house
mrjujubeans: but what about the poor glass merchants
Earthenone: happy human rights day
spethycakes: Ah, a pro se litigant
Seth_Erickson: ghosts don't have permanent residency
PawssumFable: ghosts don't have bodies
dumbo3k: Wait,, aren't Ghosts a soul?
ohjanji: @spethycakes *shudder*
prince_infidel: GHOSTS ARE SOULS
Mr_Horrible: @EvilBadman naw that boy'd be in Hell, no ghost to speak of
PawssumFable: You don't need stuff unless you havea body
Scy_Anide: If you kill them they WILL be a ghost, and then you can't be guilty of theft.
Rhynerd: ghosts legally aren’t allowed to ride in taxi cabs.
Tangsm: Ghost disenfranchisement
hieroglyphica: Look, I only have material things for THIS life thank you
spethycakes: Your Honor, I stole from No Body
RatherLargeToad: that’s how Nixon got a third term
Half_Duplex: ghosts are shadows of a soul
RealGamerCow: ironclad argument
Earthenone: ghosts dont have soles, have you ever seen ghost feet?
Nigouki: literally can't habeas corpus
public_key_reveal_party: your honor, nah
psychicLink: HE'S RISEN
saucemaster5000: Damn. Wait till a ghost rides the back of a bus, you racists
Mr_Horrible: good call, tbh
public_key_reveal_party: @Earthenone I don't wanna google it
Seth_Erickson: KKona
DrLigmaPhD: Adam famously hates engaing his core and back muscles
RealGamerCow: KKonavirus
w1gum: if @Benjineering happens to see this - what was the name of the curling dice game?
raulghoulia: Dad?
PawssumFable: y'all america is having a hard enough time right now
PawssumFable: can ya not
mrjujubeans: Ben does look pretty thin tonight
Dog_of_Myth: It's true. we are highly contagious.
public_key_reveal_party: mawp
jessieimproved: I can bathe every day and not get the American off..oh wait
bethy_kins24: If you like this game @bengineering then check out the game Boo Men
Seth_Erickson: still a bit loud in game I think
Mr_Horrible: so wait, is Gun Nut Spiderman's nemesis Socialist Green Goblin?
EvilBadman: It takes a couple days for the U you add to words to un-reteact
Seth_Erickson: Hell yeah
Seth_Erickson: free content
Seth_Erickson: you idiot
NotCainNorAbel: what did I do?
Mr_Horrible: Ben would be a fun ghost, probably
ThorSokar: wooooo, Ben's not gonna haunt me at least!
dumbo3k: You can only haunt me if you are willing to pay rent
Seth_Erickson: sounds good now
Mathwyn: Free haunting, thats a bargain
Clench_Eastwood: how do I suscribe to Ghost Ben?
lochnessseammonster: threaten me with a good time
Mr_Horrible: he'd swap the place of the salt and pepper shakers and then giggle for like an hour
bethy_kins24: Check out the game Boo Men too!
Kramburger: Haunted by by someone who loves chicken nuggies and hates vegetables? No thanks, I already have a three year old
seeweda: mystery
Clench_Eastwood: What Patreon tier gets you haunted by a LRR member when they pass?
ohjanji: that snail is SOVEREIGN
Seth_Erickson: he's the boss
DrLigmaPhD: Stail the Sneal
Seth_Erickson: you're the goons
SquareDotCube: nyeh, see
seeweda: mysterious guy smoking in the shadows spooky
tehfewl: no lore?
MacbethSeemsSus: The snail hegemone
dumbo3k: Is a Sovereign Snail like a Sovereign Citizen? but a Snail?
SnackPak_: I thought that was Paul's job?
Blakemcm: we goonin in here?
PawssumFable: Because goon means a different hing now
EvilBadman: That guy? Actually played by Jamie Lee Curtis
tehfewl: Hired Goons
RatherLargeToad: hired goons?
jessicaengle: Oh you just reminded me, my performace review is tomorrow.
PawssumFable: yeah
Mathwyn: Nice to see the XCOM councilman getting work
YawnLance: You can if you're not a coward
PawssumFable: They kinda did tho
Clench_Eastwood: I want an Ian haunting. I imagine a ghost just trying to explain Evangelion to me
Seth_Erickson: they stole it and I'm stealing it back
Kramburger: We can't talk about our goon bags?
whoppernugget: Gen Z is trying to cancel hired goons
SnackPak_: goons for hire
ThorSokar: what? what happened to goon?
saucemaster5000: Sounds like a gooner perspectuve
NotCainNorAbel: bright red and blue?
Kipstar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
Kipstar: 49 nice
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, Kipstar! (Today's storm count: 56)
Meyari: Giovanni wants you to steel Pikachu
JoeLowe2: Is ratfink still available
Dog_of_Myth: Ben does like early spiderman costume.
7gorobei: goonies 4evar
SnackPak_: rude
PawssumFable: It's slang for a masturbation thing now
seeweda: Ben looks like Spider-Man the prototype
LPS_97: Ben is Spiderman in that wrestling match against Bonesaw
PawssumFable: I won't be more specific, you can google it
DrLigmaPhD: Professionally gooning. Have been punched by 6 vigilantes since Tuesday. Why are you saying this doesn't clarify thins?
DrLigmaPhD: things?
Clench_Eastwood: the ghost are going to be able to hear their mics arent they?
bethy_kins24: yeah
Dog_of_Myth: 10-4 good buddy
vinopinguino subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, vinopinguino! (Today's storm count: 57)
jessicaengle: Is this an Abbot and Costello ?
Clench_Eastwood: dancing all around...dancing all around...dancing all around...
Makrosian_Tay: So this is horror payday?
NorthstarTex: o7
underhill33: that was fast
DrLigmaPhD: It's the "This place is haunted and will fuck you up" music
bethy_kins24: all alone
Vonbane: he was a LOUD burglar
RatherLargeToad: g g g g g g alarm!
Blip2004: oh god, started choking from laughing
electra310: LMAO, Ben being very cool and groovy about it all
Dog_of_Myth: Ben is in baby jail
jessicaengle: @Dog_of_Myth hah
Clench_Eastwood: oohh its an escape room
SnackPak_: byeee
Scy_Anide: You know...what is a jail if not a jar?
Fungidoctor subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Fungidoctor: *ahem* nice.
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, Fungidoctor! (Today's storm count: 58)
Seth_Erickson: there are some more chalices by the windows Adam
SquareDotCube: I think it's trying to get you to pass the key
PawssumFable: Those lights 100% look like one is gonna be a lever
Seth_Erickson: depends on it's purity
Seth_Erickson: I think
electra310: Maybe it's industrial
PawssumFable: Low purity
GasCityGaming: a 500gram diamond
NotCainNorAbel: 4k US
Tangsm: It might be very low quality
MWGNZ: $4k for half a kg of diamond
Nigouki: diamond prices are a scam
PawssumFable: Also diamond prices are completely artificial anyway
prince_infidel: Crowbar?
SnackPak_: thanks ben
ohjanji: welp
RatherLargeToad: the booooooodiour?
bethy_kins24: he's freee
PawssumFable: They have maybe like, 2 uses or some shit and we can make artificial ones for that which are better than the rock ones
Seth_Erickson: the worst thieves gotham has ever seen
Vonbane: 2 rooms entered, 2 alarms tripped
jessicaengle: Spoops!
electra310: Farewell, Benjamin
DrLigmaPhD: F
jessicaengle: You are the worst cat burglars.
Blip2004: no one expects the eye height lasers
Vonbane: FedEx package for you
The_Voices: ben looks like spidy...
Mathwyn: The Dry Bandits
whitebadgerwolf88: Love the Sly Cooper call out!! Kinda wish you were playing that instead it's times??
SnackPak_: so smart
TheWooglie: team work
PMAvers: The "Totally Not a Trap"
CoderBugsworth: @whitebadgerwolf88 They just released on PS4 and I grabbed all 3 this morning Love those games
PhorrestGaze: dead by daylight players always lookin' for generators
vinopinguino: be an adult OVER
Vonbane: you now need a degree in HVAC/Electrical to rob a place
PawssumFable: Don't sell them to HPB
PawssumFable: They'll be like
JoeLowe2: No ghosts... yet...
PawssumFable: This rare book that we'll sell for $500...we give you... 10c
Singenmeister: I’d steal the books. they look more valuable than the diamonds.
Vonbane: secret passage through bookshelf? that's a thing right?
vinopinguino: hahaha
QuixoticScrivener: smack the booty
vinopinguino: adam!
itira: oohhh my
DrLigmaPhD: With the spider-cheeks
Makrosian_Tay: Wink wink nudge nudge
Mr_Horrible: what the fuck I tab back in and you're just staring at cake
YeomanAres: It looks like Macho man is going to fight you
Mr_Horrible: he's ogling you, Ben
Darleysam: calculator-lookin'-ass walkie talkie
Mr_Horrible: gotta have a long talk with him about respect
dumbo3k: Adam is just here, playing Cake Simulator xD
itira: >.>
vinopinguino: lmao
Makrosian_Tay: What happened?
Seth_Erickson: that's a very convex ass damn
Mr_Horrible: "Do it again, I didn't see"
DrLigmaPhD: "Distractred"
Aidankatz7: damn you should slam the bars more often
10of9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, 10of9! (Today's storm count: 59)
Aidankatz7: Adam is mesmerized by
QuixoticScrivener: Spoilers: The house isn't haunted, its Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.
bootsmalone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, bootsmalone! (Today's storm count: 60)
lamina5432: Adam’s having a nice time looking around the cool house and Ben’s making so much noise.
vinopinguino: oh theres some motion alright
Singenmeister: to be fair it’s a very noisy house
Vonbane: she single?
FinestOtter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 18 month streak!
FinestOtter: Why is Ben playing as Spiderman from when he fights Bonesaw?
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, FinestOtter! (Today's storm count: 61)
NorthstarTex: o7
Seth_Erickson: well then
itira: ahhhh
vinopinguino: hahaha why did you just stand there adam
Makrosian_Tay: o7
Mr_Horrible: oh those are some *stock* sound effects
Jillexie: o7
DrLigmaPhD: She, however, is single
SymphonySolstice: you ever get screamed at so hard that you die
ghizmou: at least we got a kiss
Mr_Horrible: I mean it looks like you can get him?
Mathwyn: Adam is dying not dead
YeomanAres: Are you dead?
GhostValv: it was a ghost
jessieimproved: I think you can rez
QuixoticScrivener: you guys have hammer space or something?
Seth_Erickson: not gonna pick up that book
QuixoticScrivener: @Seth_Erickson Literacy is a crutch.
itira: in the garden?
PawssumFable: In the g-
DrLigmaPhD: In a Pineapple under the sea
jessicaengle: On a pretty flower.
Lobo_Apache: would you still love me if I was a snail?
frank_the_great: If I was a snail, I'd be following some immortal guy around
niccus: causing the world to end
Vonbane: probably the vault you didn't power up
PawssumFable: @Lobo_Apache Of course bb
spo8n: snails traditionally fight medieval knights
drcthulu: it's a globe holder
Tangsm: It's just a globe frame without the globe.
QuixoticScrivener: looks like a globe stand, sans globe
PawssumFable: That's a corrosive snail
DrLigmaPhD: Sounds like an insult. "Ya fuckin Globe-Holder"
spethycakes: it was a globe holder THE WHOLE TIME
frank_the_great: Who puts a globe in an astrolabe?
paulthemapguy: Welcome back to Cly Sooper
JoeLowe2: bless you
PawssumFable: godzilla
QuixoticScrivener: @frank_the_great geocentrists?
DrLigmaPhD: Ruby?
PawssumFable: A ruby, Adam. A ruby.
patrick_stonecrusher: Turd. Burglars.
PawssumFable: The giant red thing that was int he sink
JoeLowe2: ruby
vinopinguino: ey yo, you shittin over
frank_the_great: Ruby, don't take your love to town
jessicaengle: Please commit less crappy crimes.
couchboyj: Bathroom ruby, the most valuable
Sogheim: has anything spooky happened yet?
PawssumFable: Who just leaves a ruby in the sink
Makrosian_Tay: This is kinda cool so far
vinopinguino: adam is a pretty princess
PawssumFable: I have a tiara
SnackPak_: free crowbar!
Vonbane: that's the IT crowbar
frank_the_great: They're big fans of Half Life
Vonbane: maybe ditch the pipes
LathosTiran: the crowbar bless you. the crowbar bless you
DMGlol: why are you robbing this place with spider man
PawssumFable: It's been well established that spiderman is always broke
frank_the_great: Stream sniping
PawssumFable: Some petty thievery was inevitable
vinopinguino: haha nerd
Cptasparagus: haha knowledge
HorusFive: Adam putting together his library
Seth_Erickson: you can drop the books from the bags I think
frank_the_great: Book it!
ohjanji: yeetyeetyeetyeet
raulghoulia: that is a Huge dufffel
jessicaengle: Swedish Chef style
betweenmyself: but where is the Sovereign Snail?
itira: hahahaha
jessicaengle: Slap fight!
HorusFive: Slap fights. Very spoopy
PawssumFable: This definitely happens during robberies
drcthulu: Help I'm being bullied
RatherLargeToad: the mix!
LordZarano: Shove of war!
niccus: this is what marvel rivals is like
Blip2004: could you imagine the chaos with more players
Vonbane: good thing ghosts can go through walls
itira: hahahaa
TheWooglie: did they ever open the vault?
SymphonySolstice: 🐌
NotCainNorAbel: ADMA!
couchboyj: Ben found the key in the Bathroom
DrAegirinePyrope subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, DrAegirinePyrope! (Today's storm count: 62)
dumbo3k: Those are sturdy card board boxes
Seth_Erickson: yerp
SK__Ren: yuuup
Aceviru: mmm
Vonbane: you delivered auto parts?
EvilBadman: Why here and not the ocean where it is safe and legal
niccus: isn't it an acidic smell
SK__Ren: Smells like acid and ionized air
goombalax: Based? surely alkaline>
frank_the_great: Bring them to the ocean
paulthemapguy: that's so strange, I just brought two car batteries upstairs from my basement
HorusFive: Workin hard or Hardly workin
spethycakes: @paulthemapguy definitely "your" basement, right?
Mathwyn: @paulthemapguy Is your house haunted and being broken into by noisy thieves?
Seth_Erickson: lmao
itira: oops
paulthemapguy: Jokes on them, each of those batteries is like 70 lbs
SnackPak_: I miss Ben
raulghoulia: the hurbis
Transmuted_Elf: there wasa vent in one of the rooms can you go threw them?
betweenmyself: just gotta leave a pheromone trail for him to trace back to ya
QuixoticScrivener: this game doesn't really feel threatening...
itira: im scared
trainpants: I'm scared of this building layout. It makes absolutely no sense
niccus: wealth is scary
Nigouki: @trainpants It's built for ghosts
iconicshadow89: if you didnt have unlimited revies it might be harder and have consequences
HorusFive: Ben's dead. Isn't that scary?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: there's always good old existential mortality to be afraid of
BorealMage: The ghost built it, clearly
Mathwyn: Ghost architects, always forget people can't phase through walls
electra310: LOL
Aceviru: When you're breaking in, you would probably be more scared of a living person than a dead one
itira: flashlight
DrLigmaPhD: Can I ask why the antique books go but the pipe gets in the bag?
frank_the_great: Give your character a backstory where ghosts are scary
ranoras: Don't know own about a ghost. Seems like an insurance fraudster to me
vinopinguino: lol
SymphonySolstice: falling_pipe dot wav
itira: D:
vinopinguino: hahahaha
paulthemapguy: uhhhhhhhhhhh
public_key_reveal_party: I think ben is having a bad time
ElFuzzy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, ElFuzzy! (Today's storm count: 63)
MrSarkhan: O7
PipeSmokingOwl: tell him to use his walkie talkie next time
Juliamon: I'm sure it's fine
PhuzNutz: O7
RatherLargeToad: probably the wind
HorusFive: Remember when he was alive?
SnackPak_: wooooow
Aceviru: Did you slip and fall Ben?
Mr_Horrible: sounded like a damn Simpson's bit
RealGamerCow: if he had come to help, they BOTH would have died
electra310: LMAO
JKBalch: Poor Ben, passed too soon
korvys: The crouches of respect
Cptasparagus: $10 off 69420
DrLigmaPhD: Pipes
Morrigan9: copper wire
Seth_Erickson: accounting you also haven't been in yet
spo8n: 10 hours of pipes falling interrupted by silence
Drazoth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, Drazoth! (Today's storm count: 64)
DrLigmaPhD: Boyfriend tucks you in then drops a dozen pipes on the floor ASMR
dumbo3k: Just tell the ghost Shitters full
HorusFive: Ghost famously scared of toilet
itira: you chose to die in the shitter?
paulthemapguy: can't ghosts go through doors
Mr_Horrible: well, for a certain definition of "open"
SquareDotCube: fire can make you warm for the rest of your life
DrLigmaPhD: You aren't using fire creatively enough
Mr_Horrible: sir
itira: LOL
vinopinguino: lol
HorusFive: Love to watch him levae
PhorrestGaze: 👀
BrindleBoar: why hello there
Vonbane: he's FIRE
vinopinguino: hahah that got adam
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: no need to open doors then
ButButTheJesus: hi folks, how we dyin?
itira: fuuu--
Mr_Horrible: wow, who'd have expected a ghost to phase through a door
electra310: Good to know
BusTed: We don't want any!
HorusFive: Ghosts- famously stopped by doors
RealGamerCow: I'm guessing that big red volume bar is bad
Aceviru: Wait that was the scare?
7gorobei: ghost stronger than fire
DrLigmaPhD: Scooby Doo ass response to seeing a ghost merely slamming the door in their face
FinestOtter: Of course ghosts can go through doors, they're not fire
iconicshadow89: Adam is now 0 for 2 on enemies not being able to open doors on Let's Nope
Seth_Erickson: 41,000 wasn't it?
EvilBadman: These dudes are worse than Harry and Marv lol
betweenmyself: ALL the pounds
Symphoneers: 8?
LPS_97: you can be a space marine now
DrLigmaPhD: Dumphammer 40K
circusofkirkus: in the grimdark gym
vinopinguino: hot take
ButButTheJesus: that's more than a bed-full of a dump truck
Morrigan9: ghost lan party
HorusFive: Files are in the computer?
Mr_Horrible: not to be confused with Vampire Saviors of rooms, which would be peak
SquareDotCube: time to play some UT99
BusTed: Gateway 2000-ass
LPS_97: What year is this, 1999?
NotCainNorAbel: runs DOOM like a champ
Makrosian_Tay: @morrigan9 I don't know what Ian has to do with anything
itira: all the right type
DrLigmaPhD: That keyboard makes the best click-clacks though
QuixoticScrivener: Is this where we lock the accountants?
SymphonySolstice: that's the type of computer we had at my elementary school until like 2007
HorusFive: You keep Mavie Beacon's name out of your mouth!
SquareDotCube: We found the LAN room
Morrigan9: lower case L
JusticeJuice: Scorched Earth?
Lysander_salamander: Hello everyone
e_bloc: acting like you haven't been to 1994 before
GasCityGaming: ghost did it
dumbo3k: You are the Sitcky Bandits!
Makrosian_Tay: Leave the taps running
Mr_Horrible: leave them open but in a whimsical configuration, to instill a sense of wonder
RatherLargeToad: The Drawer Bandits
dumbo3k: Normally you don't have infinite lives
EvilBadman: You set it to Infinite revives too
MWGNZ: are revives using up the adrenaline shots?
snowyowlly: i think ben said he turned infinite revives on
DrLigmaPhD: K bye
Mr_Horrible: she scream on my otter til I pop [extremely loud incorrect buzzer]
Aceviru: Man, they really upped security in this place huh
Transmuted_Elf: lick me like a what now?
ButButTheJesus: glad we cleared that up
spethycakes: hm
Driosenth: otter pop
DrLigmaPhD: There is a very particular energy to the stream tonight
Mr_Horrible: I like that there's both a high tech security system AND a ghost in this place
Sogheim: we are an Otter Pop household here, sir
Mr_Horrible: like, did the owners import the ghost?
couchboyj: Me, looking for easter eggs in Adventure Time
vinopinguino: lol
Makrosian_Tay: I don't care for the ghost having super generic sound effects applied to it
Vonbane: didn't say "over"
Makrosian_Tay: like that scream is super stock
HorusFive: Should have done leg day like Adam
Aceviru: Haha, gdi adam
Mr_Horrible: me when I simply remain ungrabbed
raulghoulia: I think she likes Ben
Mr_Horrible: all she's gonna catch is this 10 minute timeout
itira: hahahahaaaaa
MacbethSeemsSus: Sees ghost: well that's annoying
Mr_Horrible: the friends we made along the way really was the treasure
paulthemapguy: god damnit ben
Lysander_salamander: oh poison gass
saucemaster5000 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 57 in the channel!
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to saacxp7!
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pirobird!
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to orucsoraihc!
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LeshiVR!
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_DungeonMaster!
LRRbot: Thanks for the gifts, saucemaster5000! Welcome to pirobird, saacxp7, orucsoraihc, The_DungeonMaster, and LeshiVR! (Today's storm count: 69)
paulthemapguy: lmao that whole ordeal ended with Ben saying "dumbass" in slow motion
saucemaster5000: I am having a very bad day
Mr_Horrible: memoriam subs
Makrosian_Tay: Crouching Adam hidden Bengineering
DudelidouX: So Ben failed at communication
MacbethSeemsSus: The Don's cigar is disappointed in you.
Mr_Horrible: the models are very asset store, but they've added some very good touches
DrLigmaPhD: You need to find a film released in 1994?
Lysander_salamander: I missed the beginning of this. Is the premise that people are hiring spirit mediums to summon ghosts to guard the house?
Vonbane: what's the syringe for?
MacbethSeemsSus: @Lysander_salamander They're robbing a house, but there's a ghost chasing them
Tangsm: I wish the ghost was something other than a Miss Havisham. Are there multiple ghosts?
Mr_Horrible: @Lysander_salamander afaik it's just "there's a haunted house with a bunch of valuables and we're stealing that shit"
Vonbane: CabbageHead
thatguysteve2709: Peacock
snowyowlly: instant karma
voren_chalco: @DrLigmaPhD They need to replace Jim Carrey with Jamie Kennedy
fjordsword subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, fjordsword! (Today's storm count: 70)
Lysander_salamander: that's just weird
Sogheim: excellent question. next question.
Makrosian_Tay: Blue knees is here and he will fiiiiiiiiind you
Mr_Horrible: saphfivers
BrindleBoar: Yeah, because I'm a normal sapphire enjoyer. You stick 'em to random furniture. Obviously.
niccus: if you have a mechanical watch you might have five sapphires
HorusFive: Who can afford more than 3 sapphires in this economy
Mr_Horrible: a specter, a spook
Lysander_salamander: good startle
paulthemapguy: lmao THAT is the point of the knocking
DrLigmaPhD: Sapphires, tragically not lesbian colored
vinopinguino: ben has a good scream
dumbo3k: Well, that made me clench
vinopinguino: pause
Mr_Horrible: the shove is very good
Stripe_dog: Screen is tearing like crazy
saucemaster5000: HR???
PhuzNutz: Spoopy Bro.s at it again
paulthemapguy: "What's the point of the knocking?" *JUMP SCARE*
goombalax: strongbad reference
Sogheim: The System is Down
paulthemapguy: The system is down. The system is down.
NotCainNorAbel: computers love adam
itira: not so much of a rave
drcthulu: Da cheat we did not install the lightswitch so you could do lightswitch raves
Eille_k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, Eille_k! (Today's storm count: 71)
Lysander_salamander: the system is down
Makrosian_Tay: I missed it what did he do?
Mr_Horrible: something tells me they shoulda hired professionals
goombalax: da Adam is GROUNDED
ButButTheJesus: I missed it too
ActualFactual: 20 bpm techno beats from dj Adam
RealGamerCow: I walk away for 3 minutes and they find the snail
RealGamerCow: I was pooping
dumbo3k: @RealGamerCow nope, they found an alarm in the vault, and died
betweenmyself: @realgamercow well, not quite
ButButTheJesus: same monitor but i got Idle Champions in a window
Lysander_salamander: congrats
circusofkirkus: Runescape takes priority, Adam
ProcyonFlynn: Cooking Dinner like a responsible adult
SK__Ren: You guys are great. I have you on my 4th monitor
DrAegirinePyrope: When ghostbusters call you
saucemaster5000: Bro my computer died tonight. Rude.
circusofkirkus: hell yeah I am
Getter404: Hey, we'll start paying attention to the game when you do, this is two-way street buddy
Mr_Horrible: yeah but there's only 1 runescape
PipeSmokingOwl: workin on an Acerack deck in archidekt playtester
MWGNZ: lot of these puzzles could be solved with a broom handle
HorusFive: Best I can offer- I'll put you on monitors 2 AND 3
vanman229 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, vanman229! (Today's storm count: 72)
Vonbane: call Domino's
ActualFactual: Sorry Adam did you say something important? I had the stream on my second monitor, and muted.
itira: @saucemaster5000 noooo that sucks!
NorthstarTex: got solitaire up on my main monitor
DrLigmaPhD: Is he single?
saucemaster5000: It SUCKS
SK__Ren: The Bracken
Vonbane: wow that tower PC tho
GasCityGaming: I am!
Pinwiz11: POE2 is on my main monitor
ButButTheJesus: my brain is not normal...
rosesmcgee: Got this shit on my living room tv... I'm looking at my phone.
Sogheim: my laptop won't run POE2
circusofkirkus: Runescape numbers go up better
MWGNZ: but poe2 costs $50
Symphoneers: Numbers do be going up.
paulthemapguy: man up and play treasure mathstorm like an adult
MacbethSeemsSus: Tell me more about these numbers.
mulligan2six: Gotta beat the last epoch first
RatherLargeToad: so it’s a Disgaea?
Kentosaurus: balatro numbers go up
letsbelgo: Im in act 3 right now
thegiftedgrifter: Wait, number go up? That's my favorite game!
BrindleBoar: bucket privileges suspended
saucemaster5000: Poe2 is for people who don’t want to admit diablos has always sucked
paulthemapguy: LMAO
itira: holy shit!
drcthulu: karmic justice
ohjanji: wow
Makrosian_Tay: Ok that's a good monster
BrindleBoar: nice
Kentosaurus: summoned by bucket bickering
Oreo1369: Karma
paulthemapguy: If it isn't the consequences of your actions!!
ButButTheJesus: that's what you get for boolie ben
HorusFive: Perfect game
RealGamerCow: "don't bully my friend!"
Tangsm: That ghost doesn't like bullies
Laurence72: someone just KICKED the bucket!
ThirdGames: What a fucking fantastic thing to load the stream up to
Lysander_salamander: ok, so this one doesn't like violence I guess?
xantos69: Now I hope Adam dies. He earned that.
thatguysteve2709: 10%
Jillexie: Welp
itira: thats soooo good!
Vonbane: fuckin Bill and Ted go Burglarin'
saucemaster5000: Anyway so PoE2 is a game
saucemaster5000: Adam no
LPS_97: Looked more like Venom
couchboyj: Symbiote infected Groot
RealGamerCow: is that the Macho Man breathing supercut?
paulthemapguy: That was incredible...monkey fighting and getting got by the ghost in the middle of it
dumbo3k: Adam, notedly Quiet
SymphonySolstice: groot got your ass
Makrosian_Tay: Looking definitely makes it worse
itira: definitely groot
Lysander_salamander: tricky
Vonbane: you eyeballed him good
paulthemapguy: you got grot
Oreo1369: Spooky
Aceviru: At least he's not Jeff
Vonbane: Ironic?
Oreo1369: Requires less difficulty
itira: i didnt know there was?
GasCityGaming: Ironic?
loufghyslaufey: The hours be darkken'duh!
electra310: I thought it was about oughting to know
Laurence72: Oh yeah, about "The cross eyed bear that you gave to me"
paulthemapguy: ^that one
loufghyslaufey: woot
LostThePirate: Wasn't that song "You Outta Know"?
xantos69: In 1893 when Sir Bill Gates invented the computer. He gave us a keyboard and a mouse. And such it should have stayed. (Don't fact check any of this)
loufghyslaufey: Oh, ah. "Escape Roomies."
paulthemapguy: It's not fair to deny me the controller that you gave to me
Oreo1369: Truth
LPS_97: He is Groot
Mazrae: That's a strong package holding the door open a little
loufghyslaufey: So Adam is cooked?
Vonbane: isn't what wild?
Makrosian_Tay: This ghost's hallmark seems to be breaking lights
paulthemapguy: pretty wild I gotta say
Oreo1369: Booty
loufghyslaufey: So what supposedly g- ah, do that's what gets you in this game
BusTed: Isn't Scrubs also inspired by Dave Coulier??
RealGamerCow: cut. it. out.
ohjanji: uncle joey??
ButButTheJesus: huh, TIL
NimrodXIV: Uncle Joey
Vonbane: Dave has had a couple albums wrote about him
dumbo3k: @Makrosian_Tay The other ghost broke quiet a few lights
itira: so wild
Getter404: jackalope
couchboyj: Cut. It. Out.
Lysander_salamander: nice
itira: yikes ben
LPS_97: Camera flashbang
Makrosian_Tay: That just be how to counter evil groot
PhuzNutz: That was so great
RayFK: Look at this super mario looking mother fucker
Laurence72: Fatal Frame 2024 looking good
saucemaster5000: Okay
Oreo1369: Fashbang
loufghyslaufey: So, d'ya NOPE Bros. 💯 Amanda?
RealGamerCow: He does pop all the light bulbs
Vonbane: he a Mogwai or something
SnackPak_: blat blat groot
itira: LOL
HorusFive: Nap time
vinopinguino: hahah
HorusFive: Please tell me it was a single shot gun
Laurence72: Adam has th emask
spethycakes: a GUN with one BUL-LET
HadesLeprechaun: probably what Luigi said "I just wanted to see what would happen"
paulthemapguy: lol you just trank'd your last trank
Vonbane: lil bit
itira: today?
electra310: Can't just shoot a guy and expect him to carry your mask
loufghyslaufey: Chat? Chat! Why does look like that one "Human-Spider" guy from that Sam Raimi film?
VrolikSyndrome: But it's not what you need.
Vonbane: chat don't blow sunshine
ButButTheJesus: adam ur never a shithead
itira: groot got your ass
NotCainNorAbel: Grrot's got a crush on you
Laurence72: Adam has more lives than a cat
KWardJenx: Is it your aftershave that attracts him?
HorusFive: Adams got the extra tasty for this one
DrAegirinePyrope: He just appreciates the look-alike tall guy
saucemaster5000: Adam you are never a congratulations
Juliamon: lady ghost liked Ben, I guess they pick favourites
Vonbane: good ZZ Top song
LostThePirate: XD
paulthemapguy: skeet
loufghyslaufey: @saucemaster5000 I think u meme uh.... "consolation prize," or I guess... A participant "achievos?"
loufghyslaufey: But mostly am unsure
BrindleBoar: just sayin' hi
Vonbane: hey bestie
vinopinguino: umm lol
ButButTheJesus: "hi, bye"
Oreo1369: That was terrifying
PhuzNutz: Hide in the cabinet!
SymphonySolstice: too bright maybe
SK__Ren: Is this room too bright?
RatherLargeToad: “yo”
Lysander_salamander: that's a very loud door slam
itira: that actualyl scared the shit out of me
HorusFive: Its vision is based on movement
Natimus_Prime: We don't want your cookies, please leave
loufghyslaufey: Stupid door; it has one job, & can't even do it right
Vonbane: so camera flash scares him, but flashlight doesn't?
vinopinguino: your no no square
Laurence72: I love the belief that he can open one door, but not a second one
Blip2004: I'm invisible
Makrosian_Tay: Time until eating his own words...
loufghyslaufey: Imagine if it were "The Spot" from that Spider-Verse film?
Kentosaurus: groot can't go through doors, it's not a ghost
loufghyslaufey: Oh. "Human-Spider!!"
Vonbane: fuse in ther?
vinopinguino: got em
loufghyslaufey: Heh, o7
vinopinguino: damn he was on your ass
xantos69: HA! Easy kill
loufghyslaufey: What?
HorusFive: "I'll avenge you. Oh no!"
Vonbane: attracted to shitheads
loufghyslaufey: Did sell out?
Kramburger: He can't see Ben because he doesn't have a soul
DrAegirinePyrope: He really does like you
TriChronos: I wonder if it's after the fake mask
xantos69: I love how casual you are about dying now
HorusFive: That's like 8?
Lysander_salamander: you startled the ghost, for a change
paulthemapguy: it never ends!
Sogheim: I look forward to the highlight reel of Adam deaths
Vonbane: he's like "dude leave me alone"
vinopinguino: LOL
Makrosian_Tay: Gottem
KWardJenx: Now you're just basically jumping into his mouth.
loufghyslaufey: Are & Groot in league with each other?
lamina5432: anyone have the groot count
KeytarCat: Ben "DBD" Gineering
SymphonySolstice: I suspect groot is movement based
Makrosian_Tay: "NO"
Lysander_salamander: it's nice that it has to use doors
niccus: what's groot's ult in rivals
xantos69: Sorry, we don't want any {Closes door}
Vonbane: he's horny for Adam
KWardJenx: Okay this is just comic now.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: thorny, surely?
paulthemapguy: lol Ben
vinopinguino: he's got wood for adam
DrAegirinePyrope: It's too good
BrindleBoar: @Vonbane *thorny
Laurence72: Is this the new "James falls down a hole"?
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Forlorgen: it feels like its bugged lol
snowyowlly: oof they gave you such a shitty fake
Laurence72: Maybe the thing was after Adam because he had the mask?
paulthemapguy: stay ducked
loufghyslaufey: Pffft
loufghyslaufey: Dang, I thought Groot would get for a chnage
KWardJenx: First time
paulthemapguy: You guys are the best at sports
Lysander_salamander: can it follow you into the van?
couchboyj: Maybe he hates fake masks
loufghyslaufey: Is it just Groot or are there more?
Vonbane: 8 deaths
xantos69: Was there any question?
dumbo3k: hahah, Adam died 8 times xD
Blip2004: -$800 for death
voren_chalco: Spent too much time dead
Tangsm: You got negative medals
Laurence72: That $380 dollars per death!
paulthemapguy: cuz you got grooted 11 times or something lol
loufghyslaufey: Oh. Like a... Nightmare cursed Tarkov?
Makrosian_Tay: Most expensive teammate
YeomanAres: You
DrAegirinePyrope: Ben: best teammate. Adam: also best teammate
dumbo3k: @DrAegirinePyrope Groot: Best Teammate
DrAegirinePyrope: @dumbo3k Hands down
ProcyonFlynn: !highlight
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
paulthemapguy: Ba. Ha baba. Ha babada ga da.
Kentosaurus: "there was a little spanish flea..."
andy_ink subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, andy_ink! (Today's storm count: 73)
SymphonySolstice: ba.
Tangsm: Sounds like a streamer
Vonbane: Spanish Flea by Herb Alpert lol
hieroglyphica: I do that without realizing when I accidentally think of something embarrassing or regrettable
hieroglyphica: Or meow
DrAegirinePyrope: They yell in your face, they can take it
itira: oh
circusofkirkus: oh
LostThePirate: XD
SmoreThanAFeelin: that checks out
Tangsm: This game supports theft, not distracted driving.
niccus: thank you for the stimulation
itira: D:
Mr_Horrible: they don't tho
Mr_Horrible: that's why so many views are topdown
thraximore: oh no
Kentosaurus: rubber chicken is the canary in the coal mine
itsr67: hook line and sinker
Mr_Horrible: "Help step-accomplice, I'm stuck"
Kentosaurus: hahaha
itsr67: LMFAO
dumbo3k: turns out gate decapitation breaks microphones
itira: LOL
KWardJenx: Well if that ain't a high-light I don't know what is.
dumbo3k: If she was home, she'd be playing PoE2
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
Tangsm: "This is my partner/mic stand"
SymphonySolstice: thank u
itira: damn
saucemaster5000: Jesus
itsr67: vampire spotted
GasCityGaming: we a vampire confirmed
KWardJenx: Adam = NPC
lochnessseammonster: adam confirmed vampire
itsr67: I was thinking mario
Kentosaurus: "Bonesaw is ready!"
skuzzo: May he rest in peace.
raulghoulia: sick 20 year refernce
lochnessseammonster: i was thinking luigi
circusofkirkus: ow
spethycakes: well, that happened
SymphonySolstice: cool
snowyowlly: y'know i don't think he's getting up from that
bv310: Man, this thing super hates Ben
skuzzo: That's a bad door.
Aidankatz7: slams every door
Pharmacistjudge: good day all. how’s the spoops?
josh___something: I assume it can hear you
MacbethSeemsSus: Oh hey, Jared Leto
dumbo3k: welp, at least we know the locker can protect you
lamina5432: i think its blind
Aidankatz7: I think it can hear you
Pharmacistjudge: Ben cannot be silenced
josh___something: YOU were the one yapping in hte locker
KWardJenx: That one totally zeroed in on Adam's voice
BrindleBoar: maybe it could smell your pants
lochnessseammonster: it's all just halls with doors
itira: daaamn
Seth_Erickson: it's mouthwashing surely
BrindleBoar: It's path of exile 3
bv310: Is it Putt=putt?
Pharmacistjudge: how dare those photos. they should stick to their beliefs
itira: yes Ben
Aidankatz7: yes
Aidankatz7: goteeemmmmm
Blip2004: you knocking on stuff is more unnerving than the monsters
itsr67: damn
Aidankatz7: and the butt flaps
ohjanji: hack the planet
pimiento: oguro?!
Spacepup: Hack da world
itira: tough game
MacbethSeemsSus: I hope the ghosts are getting minimum wage to guard these homes.
circusofkirkus: the ghosts are just doing it for the love of the job
Tangsm: Did it lay an egg?
electra310: Pet crab
Kentosaurus: facehugger from alien
itsr67: o
ThirdGames: Spider monster!
Mr_Horrible: if they had rites, they'd be exorcised and stop being ghosts
The_Color_Twelve: oh dear
itira: oh dear
Aidankatz7: it just moved
thraximore: something just came out of it
TheTinyTwinky: So according to bens logic, the human rights are stored in the meat
dm818: most vents are much too narrow
ThirdGames: Real life air vents are too smol
The_Color_Twelve: I don't think most vents are that big
Kentosaurus: no, it's a conceit only in fiction
Blip2004: its super loud, dusty and most can't support a person's weight
dumbo3k: Most vents, no. Usually very narrow, also probably wouldn't hold your weight
HadesLeprechaun: vents are....almost never large enough for a person to fit through
ashesandmochi: I think they're too flimsy irl
ghyllnox: Narrow and held up by thin wire and weak screws
MWGNZ: real vents also not weighted for human weight
ghyllnox: Also they'd be super loud
RealGamerCow: and usually have super sharp corners
Spacepup: No.
CataclysmicReverb: No
ThirdGames: No, it hasn't aged well
e_bloc: it needed some work
mulligan2six: It could use some work
Mr_Horrible: a classic of the genre, but it can be hard to watch now
mulligan2six: @e_bloc same brain cell
MyhticRain: cult banger
BrindleBoar: simply do not get stickbugged
Blip2004: ah yes, that is exactly what a rotary phone sounds like
squ3e: Call James's mom
itira: Hi its Adam, is Ben there?
itsr67: loooool
dumbo3k: Oh, Head Crabs!
adept_nekomancer: Oh hai face crab
Mr_Horrible: what the hecky
itira: eeew
LostThePirate: welp
ashesandmochi: No wonder they looked so goopy
NotCainNorAbel: just left you to die
BrindleBoar: just got your eyes ate
The_Color_Twelve: d e d dead
Tangsm: Get some spikes to wear on your face. That'll stop the crabs.
itira: call of doodie
Mr_Horrible: be careful, Adam, there's a lot of yaoi involving that mask
ThorSokar: reminds me of Army of Two
Mr_Horrible: just making sure you're informed
MilkInBags: hello i am back from outside where freezing rain is pouring
MilkInBags: also ben is peaking
MilkInBags: spooderman
SnackPak_: that album bangs
MilkInBags: do you know what's ironic? that the ceo killer played among us and was the killer once
Makrosian_Tay: That's not real
MilkInBags: (that's an actual news article)
itira: @MilkInBags
MilkInBags: D: live on twitch?
Makrosian_Tay: ON STREAM?
bv310: TOS!
MacbethSeemsSus: Banger alert
RealGamerCow: I wish there were 4 people squeezing those
RealGamerCow: or however many people this game takes
RedcoatsRevolt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
RedcoatsRevolt: Got em
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, RedcoatsRevolt! (Today's storm count: 74)
thraximore: worst robbers ever
Makrosian_Tay: That alarm system noise needs to really get turned down by launch
BluTGI: Spiders? you mean face huggers?
itira: nooo hes caught on
voren_chalco: "Stick together" immediately throws Ben in a vent
DrLigmaPhD: I was away are we still getting clapped by groot and checking out ben's ass?
DeM0nFiRe: I saw Ben vent, sus
Kramburger: He gave Ben a boostie
thraximore: ok
adept_nekomancer: Criminals never expect the guard crabs.
MilkInBags: screen tearing going wild
Laserbeaks_Fury: Sounds like Him
Laserbeaks_Fury: about to menace the Powerpuff Girls
MilkInBags: who's ulmer
NotCainNorAbel: actually Frankenstein was the name of the book
Red_Dead_Monkey: Keys needed when you have crowbars?
FarleyF: Spiders - ALA Australias Army Corp
MilkInBags: adam you're not a game dev, you can't criticize
MacbethSeemsSus: I think it's as simple as "the developers played Half-Life:
The_Color_Twelve: i think the swing might have gone off
Kramburger: Maybe you can swing with the things on your head?
CataclysmicReverb: One crab, two heads
FarleyF: two crabs, one cup
josh___something: Lovushka?!
DrLigmaPhD: Wake up Spuder-face
Makrosian_Tay: Phew! I thought I lost the stream for a second
FarleyF: yeah i accept taht
DrLigmaPhD: spider*
FarleyF: *that
MilkInBags: who puts a jug in a safe
GasCityGaming: prom?
DrLigmaPhD: Proms and shit
raulghoulia: wonder woman does
NotCainNorAbel: yeah, when you are 5 and it is your birthday
goombalax: when they want to look pretty?
lochnessseammonster: weddings
Tangsm: Weddings
itira: yeah i wear one every day
pimiento: for fun
DrLigmaPhD: Norway
ShaneLeeAtk: On the daily because I love tiaras.
ThirdGames: Renaissance Festivals
PipeSmokingOwl: most of europe....
MilkInBags: men at their bachelor party
Tangsm: The brides do sometimes
Kramburger: The bride
dm818: Canada also has a king
lochnessseammonster: brides...
DrLigmaPhD: Lizzie's in a ox
lochnessseammonster: sometimes both
Tangsm: The tiara can attach to a veil
Nigouki: speaking of which, anyone else finally got a loonie defaced with Chuck the 3rd?
SymphonySolstice: the tiara holds the veil in place bro,,
MacbethSeemsSus: The "haunting music" sounds like a ghost chicken
Juliamon: what is a veil but a tiara with a skirt
lamina5432: does the current king of britain have a queen
itira: tiaras for weddings are very real
ashesandmochi: Camilla is queen
ProcyonFlynn: Mechanically they fit the "don't split up" monster.
FarleyF: Spiders are the spies that we send out to other countries to find out information for us
Tangsm: @Juliamon Tiara is just a shiny head belt
Symphoneers: Oh, they're Albany spiders.
lochnessseammonster: yes
Tangsm: You *should* wear a tiara
The_Color_Twelve: I don't see why not
adept_nekomancer: A headcrab? On this stream, at this latitude, localized entirely within this museum?
dumbo3k: Pockets aren't for Sunshine, they are for Sand!
ashesandmochi: I've seen a lot of circlet types (usually more nature-y than a classic tiara too)
MilkInBags: would you prefer chest bursters
DrLigmaPhD: Hate when the spiders crank my handle
ashesandmochi: They do seem more annoying than fun to run away from
MilkInBags: gg no re
Tangsm: Maybe this will kill the crab
Aidankatz7: funny moment
MilkInBags: this game is huuuuuuuh
RealGamerCow: the last words of "you're such a dick"
KWardJenx: He stood up for you Ben!
MilkInBags: can you handle harder?
NotCainNorAbel: 500 - Experience!
SquareDotCube: yeah this genre is kinda funny but the games for it is very rough
itira: Damn Ben
BusTed: little stevie
Mr_Horrible: frankful findings
GasCityGaming: lil skibidi
MilkInBags: bye ben
itira: bye ben
lamina5432: gnight
MilkInBags: ok let's play a real game, poe2
electra310: Thanks for the stream!
MilkInBags: next week after is little stevie?
hieroglyphica: Thanks y'all!
Mr_Horrible: I don't type anything on YT tho D:
MilkInBags: i loved the part when graham paid another mic to ben
MilkInBags: it looked bad
GasCityGaming: same here
Mr_Horrible: it was a playground to mess around in
FarleyF: Dear Graham and Paul - Adam and Ben are the best employees that you have and should be kept in your employment. Dearest Regards - Chat
MacbethSeemsSus: It seemed bad
MilkInBags: like imagine this game in singleplayer, unredeemable
Kramburger: They're for the viewers, not the players, TBH
Mr_Horrible: they're very dependent on the company you go in with, usually
Juliamon: They mostly feel like once you've played one, you've played them all
itira: it was fine but it didnt seem like anything new really
Mr_Horrible: typically not a ton of "game" in them
Driosenth: What about the more narrative multiplayer horror games?
itira: groot did scare me a few times
Juliamon: Constructed
RatherLargeToad: constructed I think
MilkInBags: lorcana commander??
voren_chalco: You like games when you can hear people screaming? Maybe you are the monster, yeah
MilkInBags: the elden ring awards
Mr_Horrible: can't wait for Balatro to win game of the year
MilkInBags: poe2 can fit in oki oki time slot
MilkInBags: good game
MilkInBags: awards are made up, just like words
Seth_Erickson: couldn't care less if either win tbh
Mr_Horrible: a dark part of my soul says they're gonna give it to Wukong to expand their audience to the Chinese market
Seth_Erickson: both are incredibly good
josh___something: Happy punchmas
MilkInBags: wait, there are no cards in TFT???
NotCainNorAbel: oh, so not a bunch of card held together with duct tape?
Mr_Horrible: @NotCainNorAbel I mean, sometimes that describes these themed decks
MilkInBags: loop back to putt putt
Mr_Horrible: you've got Wraeclast to go to, Exile
Mr_Horrible: the maps are calling
GasCityGaming: what's your POE build?
MilkInBags: can james come and get you with his van
NotCainNorAbel: tomorrow will be fun
lochnessseammonster: mood
Mr_Horrible: but also I enjoy your company
ShaneLeeAtk: Adam AMA
Mr_Horrible: so this is good too
ProcyonFlynn: Elevator pitch for PoE that isn't just number go up?
FarleyF: So Adam anything coming up that your looking forward to
Nigouki: lifting those gates with the leggies as intended
Aidankatz7: how well do you sleep on days you work out?
MilkInBags: banning me
MilkInBags: 40 days in
Aidankatz7: good to hear
MilkInBags: 8? no
Mr_Horrible: we all know the bad sleep well, so this means he's becoming more evil
FarleyF: so your walking through the woods and you see Milk in a jar - do you ban them
itira: o/
MilkInBags: I'd just drink at that point
Mr_Horrible: extremely rarely these days
BorealMage: rarely, yeah
lochnessseammonster: that's rough
Mr_Horrible: I mostly just wake up when I *should* get up, and then go back to sleep even tho I shouldn't
Aidankatz7: I’ve been dreaming a lot more lately
MilkInBags: I learned that when that happens, you're supposed to get up and not stay in bed
FinestOtter: Only when I fall asleep too early
lochnessseammonster: i just don't go to bed til 3
itira: gotta get up to pee 95 times
NotCainNorAbel: I've had work dreams lately, so it doesn't really feel like I slept
MilkInBags: yeah
Mr_Horrible: @Aidankatz7 yeah this has been what's getting me sleeping through my alarms these days
MilkInBags: gotta reserve the bed for actual sleeping time
Aidankatz7: I can just imagine Adam in his pjs and his little nightcap
Makrosian_Tay: God that's so real
Mr_Horrible: adam with a candle on a plate, investigating a downstairs noise
MilkInBags: "I need to go back to sleep, there's still 6 customers in line"
lochnessseammonster: living the dream
Juliamon: no work dreams?? living a blessed life
ShaneLeeAtk: Just finished traveling 5 states over for a1 day job. Woo!
Mr_Horrible: no idea the formal name
ohjanji: i have work dreams most nights of the week and it's always the job i had 10 years ago lmao
BrindleBoar: candleholder?
ghyllnox: Never had a dream where you're reading Twitch chat?
Mr_Horrible: he wants to invoke the plate's gobermint
itira: show toilet dream was the best one
ShaneLeeAtk: It is. Arkansas to Florida
Nigouki: it's like an hour in the northeast US
Mr_Horrible: it's infamous at this point
josh___something: Show toilet streamer
itira: LOL
SnackPak_: that sounds like us
Makrosian_Tay: Seems legit
MilkInBags: too bad i dont have the emote anymore
VrolikSyndrome: streamer show toilet
spethycakes: skibidi toilet
Mr_Horrible: Show Toilet, Streamer
Melfina__: Show ?
Mr_Horrible: was it names you recognized?
Mr_Horrible: or did your brain make up names?
ThirdGames: I kid you not, that style of candlestick holder is now called a "Scrooge Candleholder"
MilkInBags: give me $5 so i can go and fetch the emote again
ghyllnox: "I was conceptually fine with this until you asked
ghyllnox: "
Mr_Horrible: damn, I wanted to say truthfully that I've haunted Adam's dreams
couchboyj: Now we can make your dreams come true!
LostThePirate: Yeah, I mean, Chat can be pretty weird sometimes...
Mr_Horrible: that just means I need to get worse
NotCainNorAbel: but we are funny nothing
MilkInBags: a coworker told me she dreamt of us, going to get a snowman tattoo, but my chest was already full of tattoos
itira: D:
ghyllnox: Damn
onetrueseth: About a thousand years ago you were playing bayonetta in a room with some ceramic tile wall and I thought you were playing on the toilet. Was it that?
Mr_Horrible: Jane Lynch meme: "I will become a chatter so annoying.."
ShaneLeeAtk: I have plenty of dead folks that like to pop into my dreams.
FarleyF: Your a funny guy Adam and we love ya for it
MilkInBags: hey subs, suck it
NotCainNorAbel: yeah dom, thank us subs
itira: @MilkInBags
BrowneePointz: I come in right at the end just to see Subs and Experience Sly Slander
Aidankatz7: 👁️🫦👁️
NotCainNorAbel gifted 3 months of Tier 1 to MilkInBags. They've gifted 75 months in the channel!
LRRbot: Thanks for subscribing, MilkInBags! (Today's storm count: 75)
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz it's okay, he recanted later
MilkInBags: nooooooo
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags wow, look at this owned nerd
MilkInBags: (thank you)
KWardJenx: Thank you for the stream!
NotCainNorAbel: @MilkInBags sucker
KeytarCat: Back from work! ah... Thanks for the stream!
Mr_Horrible: it's good work, if you can get it
spethycakes: we could all learn from Milk
itira: milk has it figured out
MilkInBags: it has worked for 4 years apparently
FarleyF: Milk confirmed
KeytarCat: I clearly don't talk enough shit
lochnessseammonster: thanks for the stream
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, boss
ghyllnox: I did, thank you
MilkInBags: never
Aidankatz7: I had fun
Mr_Horrible: I could never
lochnessseammonster: i could not
MilkInBags: see you, exile
thatguysteve2709: Thanks for stream
Aidankatz7: see ya Adam
spethycakes: thank you, streamer!
MilkInBags: It's an Art
MilkInBags: byyyyye
itira: i wouldnt go that far milk
FarleyF: you dont go crying over spilt milk
Oreo1369: Night
Makrosian_Tay: Thanks for the stream!
itira: goodnight gamers
LostThePirate: Thanks for the stream, was fun like every Tuesday night
MilkInBags: This is the best LRR stream in town (please bosses let Ben and Adam keep their job)
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